GO5 Doc1
GO5 Doc1
GO5 Doc1
Want to help elementary-age students lessen the Throughout this method, students
number of errors while reading out loud. need to identify their own mistakes.
Improve students’ reading fluency and By using the webcam, students could
comprehension. both see and hear what they read.
The research was tested on 27
second-, third-, and fourth-graders
who were tested on grade level.
'I CAN During reading time in class, students
SEE were ordered to read a sample
RESULT ME' reading text in front of the webcam.
WEBC After that, they could watch the
-All three student groups improved reading fluency
AM video and pick out any mistakes from
-After three to five weeks using “I can see me” HELPS their reading.
procedure: KIDS This procedure is also interesting
The second-graders improved from IMPR because students enjoyed watching
averaging seven errors per minute to four OVE and hearing themselves read through
errors per minute. READI the video.
Third-graders went from averaging six NG The researcher, Frey said, "Having
errors to four errors per minute.
FLUEN the students build skills and learn to
The group of fourth-graders improved from
an average of four errors to two and a half CY detect their own errors rather than
errors per minute. teachers trying to fix them over and
over again is really important for
-By using this procedure, students were able to students."
analyze their own reading