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a, ~ gi ~e TO11e. Mokkh~ S(j~ I II

give,),;) b~
fc-t) =- Co~ Wh')-:t-.

Th e S~ ')"UIvY\.
oJ +~~ m 0~.tJ.,Ji 7 ).?j ~n.J )..! 0.. f ~

of i)'npt.J~ cd: ~ -= I lAJ~. Lei ;tvU& ~iJnd

'm od;JJj~ a.. c.-G-.;-yi
e1. ~ S fAJ
c -t' a Y7d Jlz.

L}1 0.. DS B- Sc 5;i3nai. In oydert ~ 3-d" ss B-SC

w\th toWeIY" S ,k ba'Y\~ '

co..s.(wc -wW))-t =. Co~ Wc.t.~ Wm:1: + ~jhWm~ [;in"'i-t-

Siml~} ~ ex~~icM tv- -~ St~hol C SSI3-Sc Up~

c:;ide 'oc\'Y'J
) h'"'O~ ~ 3 ,"Iet\ ~.

~ (Wc +wm).:::. CosWm-t CcJ:cWc."t

-<;;:inWc:-t slnwM-f):-

Abo'\'e.. -~,\}..jO ~"" $. ~-Aj be.. c...om blY\e.o\ ~.

~ ~ ) =- c.-oS W'W\
-t ~ Wc-t;: ~ ~ \ n W't'1\
-;t- S i""IAtr

Th.e. -:i"Ot'W\ g \)"1~ -t- Q ')")d ~ ; Y\ \I"-.J

c.-:t m ~ be.- --uJ ~ '# ~

~ S\\"'\ Wm-t =- cas C Wm-t .Ir:

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~\n wc-'- -
-T"\'wb J {Y"e S\'r"}e ~~s CUJY'\ be ob-tt:J\.\~ ~-fue.

C.o~~ 1:.sY.Ji,- ~,~ -.i~/"""""'I o'(j- ~\\Ji""j Q ~'n~&e ~it;-

of C-~) ) - f c-t.) COoSWc-t.:t jh (-t) si\l"\ wc-t .

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f&) -: -~ Soa ~ ctT.

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pe CJ-'( ~ h '~ s ij n~
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The Co'n~~ of p-r-e.e'y)w.1Jpe..I C{~ know)') OJ ~ OY1¥~

rc;b'OY\ ~ ~~ j)") denv;Y'f #7e gehe~ e:xp~/'a>-t

Of -the 5'5'{3-<;c g f9hd. /he.. pre e-:h~/:>e. of ~~ea1 Vll1.u.e.4

~j~nJ fc-/;) 1J deft'rJeIJtM.

I" ('ii) :. f (t) + j th G) .

~h~ f hC-t) j..g 0.. HU~-{t -tr~-rY\A. of fa).

J-the.. poe.-envewp fpCi) ~ Q w'mpl-eJ<.
-\l~1te~ SJ8M.

me. ~£.1Jl fo~ at j, G) ).g 1 c-t)} an~ {he ;"'~h~

~ M j.:h +tAJ.~ -t"'¥'"dm~ i"C-b). The C.()"'n')
(.(.)Y)j~Aoe-o-J ~ F- eV\\le
to\?e- de,\t)o-te..-lbO fpC-t-) ;U

g\\Jen M ¥- ~ .1
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F [f~ (-t.)] :::- t ~ 1(-l)1 t j F1 fn(-t)1

=. F {f) -j ~ f(1)"* j Sgh(1) 1

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2 FC-5-) f;:>o
fpCf) ..::.
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-t"1 f --0 ~. f-.

I (b) 1 (C)

~ M e'J{de..~ f"rtl'Y"f\ fi ~ ( (b) -t"ne Fp (of) V~ ne& ~

::lX ~ ~rq.ue~~.
wi J~ 1~ 1'~ \(C) ~~~ r*p (1) Varv:~~-tv'

?o~i~~ 1,e 9,ue.\I\ooe..g

Now ~ke.- OY) sse,-sc. WCiye. Ce>~-J:i~ of 0)')1 '1

~ -e. 1.0\I\J-eJY"S \de ba'Y1

d..! (j f a. 9 ehel'6~ m 0 dM1A."t1

-tighJ f6:-).~ ~nowV) below

9>ssBt'r). .

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...9 The rri'j h:t -h and Pon\' an 01 tYe f r'j LI\O"'e- r-e-preg'e...'
~ rl ) j 2 Trfc r .
a ~r-e.dYu~ of y+ ~ p Li e .T1-UA A..&

ej to s~1-ti~ '~-e Sp-ec.~m °t F; CiJ

~ warM ~~\-\t" b~ fe..

2.. ) S\m~'()~ ~e1-t hQ'nd PGi-b"d\A.
6'f *v~ o..~. J'3.A.JJ'l'e..-
-(f ) -J2.lr fci
oe..~~ ~e.- .!.peclou"\'Y"'I
1- !~ fp (-t;) e

1\,e~~ ~e Qbd\..e. Jiprrc.. "t~>r~.&-e~~:s

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tf a. Comb'~~ 5li~"n~ -Sf Ct) e -+ tr (=l-) e

t-\e~c.e- -iV\e- -tf"me.. d oYV'\O-l

\1\ ~~.sw.4-cd;1r Mot <;,.S"e:s-~

~.Q.h\1.1V\1\. J-b .9I\Ie 'II) b 'j .

j.1'irfc-t _J ~'irfc"t
(t) =~ C f~ (--t:.)
e + f pC-t)e J

Sllbs~'M'~ -t\-')~ y-~e. at f~ pC-t} ~ f pEt-) Jl\"\ a~d\I'e...e5{~.

'Ne- 3 .d:-. jJ-lIfc. -J: -j 21T

fc 1:. -
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N~h ).6 ~e ~'Wle otoMM'1I\J olegC"n'P't7"l1\Il
<'I &'~B-!;C 6.

S{B~ Co~'q of on~ -the..-Lu~ s,'de'boyv.l!.

S'""h')1'a~) we ~ de~\te...~k e...()(

~~jl/\.1 ~ a~.

S-f3-~ c ~ ~ 'hJ Co"Y\&i&
~ 0f -1he. tA..
r fe1Y' s;;fd e"ba')1

4~.$~ c+J =- + [fCi) Co~Wc.--t

-{haJ Slhw(.-tJ

\'ne~~} -\;-V\~ ~\'Y1e dv~'\t\ de&cr)pt1G'\1\cf ~e.

~ s;:(6 -S C w~ ~ O'e...,p-reg~~ 100 -:;tf-e..

e.x~ ~

4SSt; Et) =:. f(-t) ~ wc-t =t. .f~Ci-)Sihwc-t

Wn -eI(e.. -t QIY) tJ\ -~ ;8 n ~ YY"e.& po)') ~ +0 -th e..

~h(J~ 'DOCY1 1 m W j'n~rUY)

e!"('" ~ ,ctcro e 60 Pn~i
n J.J) n~ Q Y1 Me#\O4
c..t <J..., P ~ &., t c:\ e.. '0 Q'Y) d ~p~.:J.1'AeJ~


I"" ~ m~od J -fue. -:!1'\'Y)e. doy)1a...('v\ d.eSc'or1P-\;,'c1\I'\ 0] ~e &Sg-$C

W aV'e.. ~ "J~ b'ct- .

4 ~S ~~) =- f(-t;) Co.s Wc.-t :i: !h(-t:) ~fV'\Wc-t

4 u~ed.. A \owex s,de~Y\~ <;,s.\'6-~C $i~ntJ )...& 5'\V8\f\..

'o\j -t'v'\e- e<'p-a-e ~S \ ~ .

4 s S:~C -\:. ) ~ -5 (-t ) c..-o So Wc -\:- -r j ~ C1.) ~ i \1'\ Wc. -t: .

-~ ~dJ,.t'-t ~""(V\I\ 1C~) ~ Wc. -t- j.,& 0'Y\ DS~Sc.

S , 3 Y\ ~ ~ w G-\/\ CoJ\I\ ~ -e..- ~ -e, ",~~.:t-e- ~ ~ 0.. ~,' 'r'Y) \> 1 e.

~ e+ '(Y\ cJ..M1~-d",("" ~ 0.. b oJ. a V\ (' oe-eJ\ W"\ b d~~'Q"¥'""-

1ne. ~odJAcl- -j-e/¥Y\I\ ~et) S{~c..t) )..b gehe.Y~ b'(j-- FS.si~ ~ .

fh(-t.} d"'r)d Sin wc-t ih.o~V) QY10~eY'" FodMd- mo~AA1~r:

f Ct) f Ci) prodM,tf- fL-t)(oSWc.-t



S"B- sc.
.p~e. .

-Jf fnCi) ~odi'-<ct- 1htl.) .si~ ,-to

S'r'\\1~ y Mot.;(.AA1~

sh-tfi M -e:J.~~ frc 3en-eJ'1~'(/V1
If)e'mm+s °1 +~.J;:. p})o~i~ meJ:h~ 07"e..j~1it- ji ~~

~~e ana tt'a'1J ctd&jf f1ie£) and j.£ )..8po..S'~;b)e

b geV1.er~ -the d£9,1r'e..~d.e.bard in a.. ,g}'hale..
~ uen~ ~'Y~f.I:It
;tJ't:M.,J1kf I ~ /£J.,!81 h6W
~ ~e.. c:am e.;y h ().eJf1Cf

I h spiie- of fh£.!.e 'h'1eri-ts- J cfhe- Phtt..8i~ YY1.e:ftt~

A j~ pop LJo'Y ~ Y1 -th -e f~ lI\A.e1t:l.ud.

Th-e "re..o...&6Y\
]A -:t~~::t. *,e -fo "()wj~ Co)'~¥11.i~.
~~~ be... ~G\S e~ yy)ei ).,h OyJfK jo !:;.~~

-the cam -ef'(" o"() d u y..Je s )~ ~ J e bo Y\tP\'

(t) ea(!.,n bIJJo"'nced modAJ~l7f( Y)eed ~ be. ~rr'-ef{AJJo""

boJaY'C~ il~ a-rd8'r"")l-o ~~ po'"'e~ ~e.. CG'lrY5e1r.

(l't) It') p,o.~ICe. I il ~ ~r-ftic~i: ~ de8fBn c.<-.

W "J -e..
~rJ Ph ~ e. ~~lfb ~ "h-e...Jw"c1)'
~ f' .pa y-HC.rA!Ari1"'"

w h~ -t~ 'oi?\...&-e
,g ~ ex -teIV\.e.M0"V'e}'('"
yY1C\'Y'Q- 0 G+a'~ -1~ he.1\l\.r~v1< ~ Y"I'"e:~~~ ::£-0

g e\I")~~ M b e1I't- -t~'"z:r)'\'&~ of JEt).

, t'

(LLl) Ea(!,~ MociAJA~~ s\-)O\Jd hC-\ve.-~ IAtJ &e't1s;1ivj~

-ko fne6~e~ ~iBY\~.

(.\V) Th e.. L.cr6'i1'c=IY r hM ~ -.s:. "" ,tV ~ 'hdw ~~
'YY\\.).$-t;~vld~ o~ -e.-x~-t- 9 uQ ~Y\~-e.. SW-~

u1 ~ ~ C..am ery "'f~"Q..~U-e..

~ C>J--.

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