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MATH 136 1015 Final - Exam

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SPRANG Zeor — Page | of 13 Sumame:(Print) —______—-—> __ Initials: Signature: Ae w ¢ —————— UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO WATERLOO ONTARIO Mathematies 136 Linear Algebra 1 Final Examination Time: 3 hours NO CALCULATORS August 7, 2001 Examiners Sections Lecture Times Rooms 2 C.Godsit o1 OMWF = MC 4020 OC. Godsit 02 MWF = MC 4020 O A.Nica 03 = -130MWF = MC.4061 OR. Andre 04 = 830MWF = MC.4061 Instructions to Candidates 1, Write your name, signature, ID number, and identify your section by placing a check mark son exaunns eonty next to the name of your instructor on this page. Question | Maximum | _ Mark 2. Questions are to be answered in the space pro- vided. Show all your work required to ob- 1 8 tain your answers. If the space is insufficient, use the back and indicate where your work 2 8 continues. 3 7 3, There are 13 pages in this examination. Check that you have all the pages. Page 13 can be 4 8 detached, and used for scratch work (this page will not be marked). Before you submit your 5 6 exam, make sure that you wrote your name at the top of each of the pages 1-13. 6 8 1 12 8 8 9 1 10 13 Total 85 M136 Final Exam, Spring 2001 Page 2 of 13. Name: 8] 1. Consider the matrices: 1124 110 A -1-102], R={001 3]. 0 013 000 0 Itis given that F is the reduced row echelon form of A. By using this fact: (a) Write a basis for the row-space of A. (Briefly explain how you found this basis.) (b) Write a basis for the column-space of A. (Briefly explain how you found this basis.) (©) Determine a basis for the null-space of A. (Show the calculations leading to your answer.) (d) Determine the rank of A. M136 Final Exam, Spring 2001 Page 3 of 13 Name: (8) 2. (a) Define the notion of orthonormal system in an inner product space. (b) Consider the following vectors in R®: = (1,-1,0,2,1), F = (2,0,3,2,1), Fs = (1,1,3,2,3). Determine the orthonormal system obtained from the vectors Zi, 2,5 by using the Gram-Schmidt algorithm. M136 Final Exam, Spring 2001 Page 4 of 13 Name: (7] 3. Let ¥ be an inner product space, and let 1,12, Zs be an orthonormal system in V. Consider the vectors 0, € V defined as follows: B= 3h +4 +5%, T= — Th. Calculate: (a) The inner product (3, 7). (b) The norms ||5|| and ||?) (©) The cosine of the angle between and 7. (@) The distance between 7 and @. ‘M136 Final Exam, Spring 2001 Page 5 of 13 Name: — 8] 4. Inthis question we use the following Definition, Ann x n matrix A is said to be orthogonal when it satisfies the equation AT A= In. (a) Let A and B be orthogonal n x n matrices. Prove that their product AB is also orthog- onal. (b) Let A be an orthogonal n x n matrix, and let 2),... ,, € R" be the column vectors of A. Prove that Z;,... ,2, is an orthonormal system. (©) Let Abe an orthogonal n x n matrix, and let7;,... ,7, € R” be the row vectors of A. Does it have to be true that 71, ... ,7n is an orthonormal system? Justify your answer. M136 Final Exam, Spring 2001 Page 6 of 13 Name: {6] 5. Consider the inner product space C = {f | f : [0,1] ~ R, f continuous }, where the inner product is defined by the formula: tam [ fea@a, foec. We denote by £ the subspace of C which consists of linear functions (that is, functions of the form f(t) = at +, with a,b € R). Let h bea function in C which has the following two properties: [oamr, and fem at Determine the orthogonal projection of h onto the subspace £. M136 Final Exam, Spring 2001 Page 7 of 13 Name: 6. Theoretical subject. (8) (a) Let V be a vector space, and let Ti, ... ,7 be veetors in V. Define what is the linear span of B1,... 3 (b) Let V be a vector space, and let Ti,... ,T, be vectors in V. Define what it means for Ti, +. , Te to be linearly independent. (©) Let V be a vector space. Let 71,... , 4,7 be vectors in V, such that Tj,... ,T, are linearly independent, and such that @ ¢ span(Z,.... , Tx). Prove that the k + 1 vectors Ti, ..- ,Te,T are linearly independent. M136 Final Exam, Spring 2001 Page 8 of 13 Name: [12] 7. (a) Let W; and W» be two subspaces of a vector space V. i) Define what is W, 1 Wa. ii) Define what is W; + W2, iii) State the formula relating the dimensions of the four subspaces W;, W2, WW, and W, + W2. (b) Let P be ann x n matrix which has the property that P? = P. Consider the following two subspaces Wi, Wp of R": Wy := Null(P), the null-space of P; W» := Null(J, ~ P), the null-space of I, ~ P. (bl) Prove that WNW = {0} (the trivial subspace which consists only of the zero vector). M136 Final Exam, Spring 2001 Page 9 of 13, Name: (b2) Prove that Wy + W; = RB”. (b3)_ By using the results of the parts (b1),(b2) and the dimension formula, prove that: nullity(P) + nullity(I, — P) =n. (bi By using the result of part (b3) and the rank-nullity formula for ann x n matrix, determine the value of the following sum: rank(P) + rank(Jn ~ P), in terms of the number n. M136 Final Exam, Spring 2001 Page 10 of 13 Name: [8] 8. LetQbeann x n matrix. (a) Prove that the set W := {A| Aisann x n matrix and AQ = QA} is a subspace of the vector space M,, of n x n matrices. (b) Suppose we are given that the set := {4 € M, | AQ? = Q?4} also is a subspace of M,,. Prove that W is contained in L/, where W is defined as in the part (a) of this, question. (©) Suppose that Q satisfies a quadratic equation of the form a@* + 6Q + cl, = On, where 4, b, care non-zero real numbers (and where O,, denotes the n x n matrix having all the entries equal to zero). Prove that W = UU, where W is defined as in the part (a) of the question, and His defined as in the part (b) of the question. ‘M136 Final Exam, Spring 2001 Page 11 of 13 Name: (7] 9 (@) Let V be a vector space of dimension d, let y,... ,Ty be a basis for V, and let F be a vector in V. Define what are the coordinates (or if you prefer define what is the coordinate-vector) of F with respect to the basis 3), ... , Ba. (>) Consider the following two bases for R*: Basis 1: 0, = (1,0,0,0), G2 = (1,1,0,0), 03 = (1,1,1,0), Bs = (1,1, 1,1); 0,0,0, 1) Basis 2: Wi: = (4,3,2,1), Wz = (0,3,2,1), Ts = (0,0,-1, 1), T= Is there a vector Z # 0 in R*, whose coordinates with respect to Basis 1 are equal to its coordinates with respect to Basis 2? If yes, how many such vectors F are there? (Justify your answer.) 2) 2) ‘M136 Final Exam, Spring 2001 Page 12 of 13 Name: —___ 10. For each of the following statements, indicate if the statement is true or false. Briefly justify your answers. (a) Ifan invertible nxn matrix P satisfies the relation P? = P, then we must have P = In. TRUE | FALSE (b) If Aisa 15 x 27 matrix, then the difference between the nullity of A and the nullity of AT is equal to 12. TRUE FALSE (©) One can find a vector U € R° such that |\0|| = 1 and such that (B, (1,2,3)) = 4. TRUE FALSE (d) The space S of symmetric 3 x 3 matrices has dimension dim(S) = 6. TRUE FALSE (e) Let V be an inner product space of dimension 4, and let 7, T2,73,74 be an orthogonal system of vectors in V. Then span(t, @, 73, a) = V. TRUE FALSE ‘M136 Final Exam, Spring 2001 Page 13 of 13 Name: ——___ Blank page You may remove this page and use it for scratch work. This page will not be marked.

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