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Dag Chase Imelda

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base Bank"

340 . ele cland Ave Bldg 370
Wl:sterville OH 43081

]/3012010 ASE
13 E4JRD S
NEW YORK NY W017- 019

Re: Account 80:2000000841366495

Payoff 7.66

Dear Customer:

Your unpaid account has been fOfvvarded to our recovery depanmctll for col] etion. In addition,
yom unpaid balance ha.s b en reported to bex 'stem an e t mal reporting agcn used by
banks when nev,,' checkin o and savings account aTe op ned, Thi may impact yonr ability to open
ac ounts ofthi.s type in lhe future vvith otlwr finatlCial instjwll0ns.

Vole know thal you want to pa. ' your hal nee in good faith. ,and it's fiot too late to do that, ou an
achic e sarisfacory se I~ment n your ac ollnt by paying the payoff balance Ii ted above.

Please mail lOur payment today using the coupon ttt the b !.tom of this letter becau c payment
canoO( be madc at branches, Or, caU u.s immediately at ]-R77-287-7 03. .onday through Friday.
S a.m. to 8 p.rn., ast~n time, so tha \Ve can el.p you bu.ild payment arrangements.

Thank you for your prompt attemjon to tllis matter.

incel'eJ. ,

Deposit Accounl Recovery

]PM organ Chase Bank N,

This lette r is a attempt 0 collect a debt.

Any information obtadned will be used for that purpose.

Detach and Return nt

National Pa.yment Services
P,O. Box 182223
Dept. OHl-1272 AS O,I1ELDA
Columbus,OB 43218 Account ·802000000841. 66495

PI ase make ch,ecks payable 0 Chase.

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