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1 Solutions and Knowledge-Based Services

2 Transformers

3 Industrial Products

4 Medium-Voltage Products

5 High-Voltage Products

6 Metering, Protection, and Control

7 Transmission and Substation Systems

8 Power Quality

9 Information Management Software and Systems

10 Maintenance and Lifetime Extension

11 Appendix

Systems ABB
1 Solutions and Knowledge-Based Services
 Solutions  Services

2 Transformers
 Oil Instrument Transformers  Dry Instrument Transformers  Optical Sensors and Systems
 Distribution Transformers  Distribution Transformer Components  Small Power Transformers
 Medium and Large Power Transformers  Components & Insulation Material

3 Industrial Products
 Motors, Machines, and Generators  Drives  Industrial Controls  Circuit Protective Devices
 Low-Voltage Network Quality  Low-Voltage Distribution Equipment and Control Systems
 Switchgear OEM Components

4 Medium-Voltage Products
 Medium-Voltage Distribution Switchgear  IEC Switchgear and Motor Controls
 Switchgear Aftermarket Products and Services  Switchgear OEM Components
 AC Drives  Vacuum Circuit Breakers  Distribution Reclosers
 Distribution Cutouts  Disconnect Switches

5 High-Voltage Products
 Power Circuit Breakers  Disconnectors
 Earthing Switches  Operating Mechanisms
 Surge Arresters

6 Metering, Protection, and Control

 Electricity Meters  Water Meters
 Protective Relays  Power Monitoring and Control
 Distributed Control Systems  Gas Analyzers

7 Transmission and Substation Systems

 Conventional Substations  Modular Substations
 Power Systems  Switchgear Integration Systems
 Power Cables and Accessories

8 Power Quality
 Power Quality Apparatus
 Capacitors  Specialty Capacitors
 Capacitor Fuses

9 Information Management Software and Systems

 Distribution Information Systems
 Business Management Systems

10 Maintenance and Lifetime Extension


11 Appendix
 Electric Utility Sales and Support  Water Utility Sales and Support
 Industrial Representatives  Public Power Distributors
 OEM, VAR, and Service Customer Sales and Support  Service Locations
 Conditions of Sale  International Sales Office  Export Sales 50-051X  Index

Solutions and
Knowledge-Based Services



Solutions and Knowledge-Based Services
Utilities Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Utilities Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Consulting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
ABB University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12


Utilities Solutions
Greater complexity in business, increasing operational
challenges, industry-wide talent erosion and the integra-  Solutions can be a product, system,
tion of information technology and automation represent service, or a combination of all
several of the issues and challenges facing electric, gas,  Solutions are aimed at solving
and water utilities today. The mission of ABB is to help customer problems
utility executives address these challenges and improve  Solutions provide benefits to the customer
the competitiveness of our customers through enabling through more productivity, efficiency and
asset management capabilities and real-time productivity. cost effectiveness
 Solutions give our customers competitive
We provide value for Utilities by helping customers
advantage through technology application
 Squeeze more out of their existing investments, and knowledge
 Achieve the highest return on new investments and,  Solutions are co-created with a customer
 Develop talent to improve their competitiveness and and cover all aspects of the relationship
long-term success. (i.e., commercial, operational, technical,
financial, and social)
Our domain expertise, understanding of utility systems  Solutions are mass customized in one or
industry knowledge and breadth of products, provides more aspects
the tools needed to deliver solutions designed to enable
 Solutions involve taking managed risks and
our customer to effectively manage their assets to meet
therefore include performance and/or risk
today’s challenges while preparing for the future.
based contracts

ABB’s Role for Utilities

Utility Customers

Electric Gas Water

As a Solution Provider

Products Services
Services Systems
Speed and Quality Localized Expertise Assured Performance
• Technology Leader • Responsive • Modular
• Streamlined availability: • Reduced Total Cost • Project Management
eCommerce, channel partners • Performance Based • Optimized Design /
• Financing, Vendor- • Diagnostic and Performance Ratio
managed inventory Consulting Services • Financing
• Standardized packages • Complementary to both • Increased Risk-Sharing
• Industrial IT Certified products and systems • Industrial IT Architecture

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.


                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
Utilities Solutions +1-800-HELP-365


ABB provides a host of solutions to meet a broad range of business challenges.

 Emergency Response Solutions

• Strategically placed service centers
• Equipment condition assessment and diagnostics
• Access to ABB’s global and local resources

 Field Service Solutions

• Testing and Diagnostics
• Repair and Replacement
• Maintenance
• Emergency Response
• Installation and Commissioning
• Long-term Maintenance Agreements

 Transmission Solutions
• Congestion Alleviation
• Consulting
• Commissioning
Solutions and Knowledge-Based Services

• Facilities Management Engineering

• Reliability Centered Maintenance
• Project Management

 Automated Utility/IT Solutions

• Integration of IT for Distribution Operations and Assets
• Integration of IT for Transmission Operations and Assets
• Integration of IT for Generation Operations and Assets
• Integration of IT for Power and Transmission Operations and Assets
• Integration of IT for Water and Gas Operations and Assets

 Product Solutions
• Improving customer procurement logistics
• Total product lifecycle costs
• Matching equipment delivery with needs

 Reliability and Load Solutions

• Concept Development, Design and Engineering
• Installation,Test and Commissioning
• Performance Contracting


Utilities Services

ABB is dedicated to serving the electrical transmission

and distribution infrastructure. Through a nationwide
network of Regional Service Centers, ABB offers innova-
tive strategies, both short-term and long-term, that are
needed in today’s marketplace to make the most of
available resources, reduce overall operating costs, and
enhance service to utility and industrial customers. In
addition to the regional service network, ABB brings
focused product and system expertise from its manufac-
turing centers of excellence to solve any service-related
issue with the highest degree of quality, reliability, and
economic benefit to our customers.

Asset Management
At ABB, we believe that an integrated approach
to asset management requires a series of building System Retrofits
blocks. A comprehensive approach to managing Customer confidence in substation upgrade
the ABB asset is required. In an environment that solutions is achieved by the analysis of the
requires a very firm connection between invest- customer’s existing substation systems and
ment and performance, strategic tools are required components, resulting in specific modifications
to predict cost and manage risk. The foundation and upgrades to provide a desired level of capacity
of this approach is a complete reassessment and reliability. ABB’s System Retrofit capabilities
of the network and component assumptions specifically include:
accomplished through:
 Turnkey Design
 System Diagnostic and Assessment Programs
 Life Extension Programs
 Material Supply
 RCM Methodology Consultation and
Program Development  Construction
 Inventory Management  Commissioning
 Asset Recovery  Ongoing Service and Long-Term Maintenance
 O&M Contracts (Short or Long Term) These capabilities combine to provide customers
with the following:
Diagnostic Tools  Improved Reliability
 Extended Life of Equipment
ABB has established two tools that are aimed at
providing the ABB asset manager the information  Ease of Operation
needed to intelligently plan their maintenance pro-  More Reliable Operation with Elimination
gram. These are ePAT and CALPOS®-MAIN. ePAT is of Unplanned “Crisis” Events
a data acquisition tool that allows utility personnel  Lower Long-Term Costs
to easily be trained on capturing key equipment  Fast and Professional Implementation
parameters using a Palm Pilot device. This diagnos-
tic information is then integrated with system study  Optimized Asset Utilization Strategy and Plan
data via our CALPOS®-MAIN software to produce  Improved Performance and Reliability at
an overall prioritization plan. Lower Costs

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.


                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
Utilities Services +1-800-HELP-365

Testing and Diagnostics Regional Service Centers for Utilities

Services are strategically placed at the
 Transformer Testing following locations:
 Circuit Breaker Testing Baton Rouge, LA Houston,TX
 Current and Instrument Charlotte, NC Minneapolis, MN
Transformer Testing Chicago, IL San Francisco, CA
 Protective Relaying Testing Phoenix, AZ Philadelphia, PA
and Calibration Cleveland, OH St. Louis, MO
Los Angeles, CA
 Electric Meter Testing and Calibration
 Cable Testing
Other Products and Services
 Battery Testing
 Protection and Control Testing In addition to the services relating to Asset
and Checkout Management, System Retrofits, and Mainte-
nance, ABB offers expertise and experience
 Insulating Fluid and Materials Testing
in the following areas:
 Advanced Diagnostic Testing
Engineering Services
 Thermographic Imaging
 Power System Studies
ABB Electric Equipment Service  Equipment Analysis
 Substation Design and Consultation
 Distribution Transformer
 Transmission and Distribution
 Power Transformers Line Design
 HV Circuit Breakers  System Optimization Studies
 Generator Circuit Breakers
Solutions and Knowledge-Based Services

Project Activities
 Protective Relaying
 Project Management
 Substation Construction and Retrofit
 Site Construction Management
 Site Commissioning Services
 Turnkey Equipment Installation
and Retrofit
Utilities Service Network
ABB brings experience with installations  Equipment Installation and
from 4.16 kV to 1100 kV and completes Commissioning Training
over 500 projects every year for customers
 Operation and Maintenance Training
from utility, industrial, and independent
power producer backgrounds via a network  Protective Relaying Courses
of Regional Service and Call Centers.  Electrical Safety Training
We have service 7 days a week, 24 hours a Parts
day through our Call Center. The Call Center
 Complete Line of Replacement Parts
is able to handle parts and service orders,
for All Electrical Equipment
dispatch of personnel, quotations for services
or parts, or technical information requests.  Retrofit and Redesigned Components
The Call Center phone number is for Obsolete Parts



With office locations around the globe, ABB is well positioned to partner with various energy
business sectors to help analyze a company’s systems and problems. ABB helps utilities, energy
project developers, and large industrial and commercial customers through its expertise in
Technical Consulting, Diagnostics and Asset Evaluation, IT Consulting, and Business Consulting
areas. Our consultants benchmark, refine, and/or develop strategic business processes and plans
that optimize the technical and financial impacts of new installations, conversions, modifications,
and upgrades of energy systems. ABB consultants are acknowledged experts in a variety of areas,
including transmission systems, distribution systems, asset evaluations, reliability/risk assessment,
industrial systems, power generation, software, and training.

We offer our industry professionals, system knowledge, product expertise,

and service competence in the areas of:

Consulting IT Consulting
 Planning, operation, and maintenance of  Tie-in between real time data and CMMS
transmission, distribution, and industrial and ERP systems
power systems
 Consulting on increasing “workflow” between
 Analysis and modeling of new technologies Operations and Maintenance Departments
and systems (HVDC, SVC and Facts Devices) of Utilities
 Industry experts and software analysis  Business process consulting for IT solutions
tools for reliability, risk assessment, and
 Data-management and data-integration
asset management
IT consulting
 Education and training on advanced
power systems concepts

and Business
Asset Evaluation Consulting
 Development of RCM schemes  Re-engineer and outsource the utility
 Field audits planning function
 Data-management of maintenance data  Optimize the capital and operating budgets
 Development of analytic techniques for  Tie-in between strategic consulting and
diagnostics and field measurements physical asset evaluation
 Optimization of utility operating budgets  Market design for the bulk transmission market
 Performance bases rate (PBR) analysis and design

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.




Consulting utilizes many different software programs for system design and analysis. Some of
the programs listed below are available for license or lease from ABB. Other internally developed
(see following list) or commercially available programs (i.e. PSS/E or PSLF) are utilized on projects
as required by our team of experts. Software development consulting services are always available
for specialized applications in the analysis or operation of electrical systems.
In-Network Analysis, Steady-State and Transient Stability, System Reliability, Budget Constrained
Planning, Asset Data Management, Risk Management, and Load Forecasting.
 Vision  CADOPS®

Consulting conducts studies to solve diverse Feasibility/System Impact/
business process, energy market, electric Facility Upgrading
system design, planning, and operations
 Load flow, contingency, short circuit, and
related problems, and provides system
stability analysis for the interconnection
engineering and equipment application
of merchant projects
expertise.We help customers optimize the
value of their energy assets and transactions,  Interconnection configuration and
and to better design, plan, and operate those conceptual designs
Solutions and Knowledge-Based Services

energy systems.These capabilities include,  System reinforcement options and

but are not limited to, the activity areas cost assessment
which are listed below along with samples
of each.
Transmission Capability Analysis
 Transmission constraint identification
Merchant Project Siting and mitigation
 Energy locational marginal price analysis  Simultaneous transfer limit calculations
 Capacity value assessment  ATC calculation with consideration of
 Value of ancillary services TRM/CBM
 Forward price discovery
 Transmission constraint evaluations System Dynamics and Control
 Value of transmission congestion relief  Transient and dynamic stability analysis
 Control tuning, design, and interactions
Market and Individual  SSR, SSTI, transient torque, and torsional
Asset Evaluation interaction
 Valuation of generating and  Voltage instability
transmission assets
 Market risk assessment, profit and
loss potentials
 Project due diligence activities
 Physical transmission access capability

Manufactured at
                                         ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC

CAPABILITIES (continued)
Transient Analysis and HVDC
Insulation Coordination  AC/DC interactions and planning
 Arrester rating, energy requirements, and location  Conversion of AC lines to DC
 Switching transients, equipment BIL, and BSL  Dynamic performance and control requirements
 Phase-to-ground and phase-to-phase clearances  AC/DC filter design
 Contamination performance  Reactive power requirements
 Circuit breaker recovery voltage  Equipment specification

Harmonic Analysis Flexible AC Transmission (FACTS)

 Harmonic filter design, filter performance,  Planning: location, type, and size
and rating
 Dynamic performance and control requirements
 AC/DC harmonic filters, including active filters
 Control design and interactions
 Network harmonic flow
 Static VAR systems: SVC and GTO-based SVC

Distribution System Planning

 Budget-constrained planning
We offer short 3-5 day courses regionally or at
 Two-Q (Quality & Quantity) Engineering the customer site. Course subjects include:
 Distribution network evaluation  Power Distribution Engineering
 Distributed resource interconnection  Engineering and Planning for Aging
T&D Infrastructures
Reliability  Spatial Load Forecasting
 Probabilistic system planning  Transmission Capacity Planning
 T&D system reliability evaluation  Reliability-Based Planning
 Substation RAM studies
 Integrated generation and transmission planning
 Failure mode, effect, and fault tree analysis

Protective Relaying and Controls

 Protective system design and relay coordination
 Adaptive relaying and fault location
 Phasor estimation, power quality, and high
impedance fault detection
 Integration of protection, control, and monitoring
 Wide-area disturbance protection and control

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.


                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
ABB University +800-508-4397

ABB annually invests eight percent of its revenues

into research and development activities. Over time,
this commitment has resulted in the accumulation of
experience in core ABB competencies, such as analysis
of electric systems, optimization of electric power
systems, manufacturing excellence and project
management, and information technology.
ABB has long been a proponent of continuing
education for its technical staff. ABB has developed
and provided courses and seminars for its employees
for the past 20 years.Today, ABB is making these years
of experience available to electric utilities and
other customers.
The ABB University is a continuing education organi-
zation within ABB Inc. worldwide, which coordinates,
organizes, and delivers advanced technical training
relating to the electric power systems business sector.
Courses can be taken individually or as a group. For detailed information on any ABB University course,
They are offered to the public or privately to a single to order a publication, or to be placed on the mailing
utility or industrial firm. The course material can be list, contact:
tailored and grouped to meet the specific needs of a
company, including the use of company data in case ABB University
studies. ABB University courses at Raleigh, NC are ABB Electric Systems Technology Institute
approved for Continuing Education Units (CEU) 1021 Main Campus Drive
through North Carolina State University (NCSU). Raleigh, NC 27606
Solutions and Knowledge-Based Services

(T) 800-508-4397 (US only) / (919) 743-5492

ABB University offers courses and seminars in the
(F) 919-856-3910
following disciplines:
 Transmission ABB University Publications
 Power quality
 Distribution ABB University Courses
 Power systems analysis
919 856-3891
 Industrial IT
email: eti.info@us.abb.com
 Information technology
 World-class manufacturing
 Manufacturing systems
 Lean organizations and production
 Project management

ABB University at ETI also provides reference publica-

tions, including the popular “Electrical Transmission
and Distribution Reference Book” with CD Rom.



 Oil Instrument Transformers

 Dry Instrument Transformers

 Optical Sensors and Systems

 Distribution Transformers

 Distribution Transformer Components

 Small Power Transformers

 Medium and Large Power Transformers

 Components & Insulation Material

 Oil Instrument Transformers  Distribution Transformer Components
Current HV Bushing Wells and LV Bushings. . . . . . . . 88
IMB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Protective Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
AOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 LBOR-II™ Load-Break Switch . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Capacitor Voltage DO-III™ Drawout Load-Break
CPA and CPB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Expulsion Fuse Holder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Drywell Current-Limiting Fuse Cannister . . . . 92
 Dry Instrument Transformers
De-energized Switches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Low-Voltage Current Transformers DO-III Expulsion Fuse Links™ . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
CMF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
CMV and CMV-H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28  Small Power Transformers
CLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Dry and Cast Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
PPW and PPM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
VPI—Vacuum Pressure Impregnated . . . . . . . 98
Medium-Voltage Current Transformers VPE—Vacuum Pressure Encapsulated . . . . 100
KIR-60/75 (5, 8.7 kV Indoor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 RESIBLOC® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
KOR-11 (15 kV Outdoor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Duracast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
VIY-60 (5 kV Indoor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Liquid-Filled Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
VOZ-75/11 (8.7, 15 kV Outdoor) . . . . . . . . . . 34
Substation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
VOZ-15 (25 kV Outdoor). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Unit Substation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
 Optical Sensors and Systems
Padmounted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Magneto-Optic Current Transducer (MOCT). . 38
Optical Metering Unit (OMU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
 Medium and Large Power Transformers
Power Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
 Distribution Transformers
Phase-Shifting Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Single-Phase, Padmounted . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Industrial Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Composite Hood/Sill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Micro-Pak®, Mini-Pak®, Maxi-Pak® . . . . . . . . 47  Components & Insulation Material
RTP—Residential Transformer Padmounted . 50
Underground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Type O Plus C™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Three-Phase, Padmounted . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Type T™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
MTP™—Mini Three-Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
MTR® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Type A™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
UCT®—Underground Commercial Type LCRJ™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Platform-Mounted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Tap Changers—Load
Amorphous Metal Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Type UZ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Poletype Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Tap Changers—De-energized
Single-Phase, Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Type DTU and Type DTW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
JUMBO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Special Feature
POW-R-Pole® Transformer and Substation . . 74 Refurbished/Replacement Bushings . . . . . . 132
Micro-Pole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Three-Phase, T-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Three-Phase, Triplex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Special Feature
CSP Coordinated Protection Package . . . . . . 83
Center-Bolt Cover Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Solid Distribution Transformer

InvisiTran™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

Oil Instrument Transformers

Instrument transformers are widely used to

reduce a power system’s current or voltage levels
to a lower, more usable level for system instru-
mentation or power metering applications.

More than 100,000 ABB oil instrument trans-

formers are operational with an impressive
“on-line” availability.

ABB’s ISO 9001 facility has the latest production

and test equipment to ensure the highest quality
standards in the industry. The extensive product
line of current and voltage transformers and
metering units include designs up to 500 kV.

Transformer System BIL Maximum
Product Accuracy
Type Voltage (kV) (kV) Thermal
IMB 34.5 — 230 200 — 900 Class 0.2, 0.5, 1.0 I Th =Pk /Un x √3 kA
Current 1 sec
AOK 230 — 500 900 — 1800 Metering Accuracy
100 times rated

0.6R through Z burden

CPA 69 — 500 150 — 1800 600 VA
1.2R through ZZ burden
Capacitor Voltage
0.3 through Z burden
CPB 69 — 500 150 — 1800 100 VA
0.6 through ZZ burden

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Oil Instrument Transformers



ABB’s oil minimum instrument transformers type IMB are based on

a hairpin design (form of the primary conductor, also known as tank-
type). The basic design has been used by ABB for 60 years, with
more than 120,000 units delivered.
The design corresponds with the demands set out in the standards
SS, IEC, IEEE, and BS. Special design solutions to meet other standards
and/or specifications are also available.
The unique filling consists of quartz-grains saturated in oil, which
gives a resistant insulation in a compact design where the quantity
of oil is kept to a minimum.
The IMB transformer has a very versatile design which, for example,
allows one large and/or many cores.

 Primary winding—The primary winding consists  Impregnation—The windings are dried through
of one or more parallel conductors of aluminum heating in a vacuum. After assembly, all free
or copper-designed as a U-shaped bushing with space in the transformer (approx. 60%) is filled
voltage controlling condenser layers. with clean quartz grain. The assembled trans-
The winding is insulated with a special paper former is vacuum pumped and filled under
with high mechanical strength, high dielectric vacuum with well-degassed mineral oil, which
strength, low dielectric losses, and good resist- results in the oil immediately penetrating the
ance to aging. insulation and mixing with the grains. The trans-
former is always supplied hermetically sealed.
 Cores and secondary windings—The current
transformers can normally accommodate up to  Tank and insulators—The lower section of the
4 cores. However, by increasing the tank volume transformer consists of an aluminum tank in
more, and/or larger, cores can be quoted on which the secondary windings and cores are
request. Cores for measurement purposes are mounted. The insulator, mounted above the
made of nickel alloy, which gives low losses transformer tank, consists as standard of high-
(= high accuracy) and low saturation levels. grade, brown-glazed porcelain. Designs using
polymer insulators can be quoted on request.
The protection cores are wound of high-grade
The sealing system consists of O-rings, where
oriented steel strip. Protection cores with air
all seals with the exception of the oil filling unit
gaps can be supplied for special applications.
are under the oil level. This prevents drying and
The secondary winding consists of double- leakage. The oil filling unit is fitted instead with
enameled copper wire, evenly distributed double O-rings, where the outer O-ring acts as

around the whole periphery of the core. protection for the inner O-ring.
The leakage reactance in the winding and also
 Expansion system—IMB has an expansion vessel
between extra tappings is therefore negligible.
located above the top section of the insulator.
The protection cores are designed without
A closed expansion system, completely without
turn correction, while the measuring cores are
moving parts and with a nitrogen cushion com-
generally corrected to meet defined burden
pressed by the expansion of the oil, can be used
and accuracy classes.
in IMB as the quartz grain reduces the quantity
of oil, and pressure variations are minimized
through a relatively large gas volume.


FEATURES (continued)
 Climate—These transformers are designed  Flexibility—Covers a large primary current
for, and have been installed in, widely shifting range up to approx. 4000 A. IMB can be easily
conditions from polar to desert environments adapted for larger and/or many cores by
throughout the world. increasing the volume of the tank.
 Service life—The low and equal loads in the  Resistance to corrosion—The selected alumi-
primary winding’s insulator gives a reliable num alloys give a high degree of resistance to
product with a long service life. IMB and its corrosion, even in rugged environments, with-
predecessor, since the 1940s, have been out the need of an extra protection finish.
supplied in more than 115,000 examples. In extremely trying environments, the IMB is
 Expansion system—The expansion system, delivered painted.
with nitrogen cushion, increases operating  Seismic strength—IMB has a mechanically
reliability and minimizes the need of mainte- robust construction designed to withstand high
nance and inspection. demands of mechanical seismic acceleration,
 Quartz filling—Minimizes the quantity of oil, without the need of a dashpot (0.5 g).
which results in a simple expansion system as
described above. It also provides a mechanical
support to the cores and primary conductor.

 System Voltage: 36 — 550 kV
 Installation: Outdoors
 Hairpin/Tank type
 Oil - paper - quartz insulation

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Oil Instrument Transformers

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA
IMB +724-838-5205

Design Data
Nominal Flashover and Creepage Distances

Porcelain with Long Creepage Distance

Normal Porcelain 25 mm/kV (min value)
31 mm/kV (min value)

Type Total Protected Total Protected

Flashover Flashover
Creepage Creepage Creepage Creepage
Distance Distance
Distance Distance Distance Distance
Inches (mm) Inches (mm)
Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm)

IMB 36 13.78 (350) 39.37 (1000) 15.35 (390) — — —

IMB 72 24.80 (630) 77.17 (1960) 30.91 (785) 24.80 (630) 89.17 (2265) 37.40 (950)

IMB 123 38.58 (980) 124.41 (3160) 50.39 (1280) 38.58 (980) 152.56 (3875) 64.17 (1630)

IMB 145 44.09 (1120) 143.31 (3640) 58.27 (1480) 44.09 (1120) 179.72 (4565) 73.23 (1860)

IMB 170 52.36 (1330) 171.65 (4360) 70.08 (1780) 52.36 (1330) 210.83 (5355) 87.01 (2210)

IMB 245 75.39 (1915) 265.35 (6740) 108.27 (2750) 75.39 (1915) 329.94 (8355) 135.83 (3450)

IMB 362 114.96 (2920) 391.93 (9955) 162.79 (4135) 138.58 (3520) 486.02 (12,345) 201.97 (5130)

IMB 550 154.33 (3920) 620.08 (15,750) 257.68 (6545) — — —

Design Data
Test Voltage: IEEE C57.13: Table 2

AC Voltage Test,
Short RIV Maximum
System 1 Minute Chopped
Impulse Test RIV
Type Voltage Dry/Wet Impulse
1.2/50 µs Voltage Level
(kV) 1 min/10 s (kV)
(kV) (kV) µV

IMB 36 34.5 70 200 230 21 125

IMB 72 69 140 350 400 42 125

IMB 123 115 230 550 630 78 250

IMB 145 138 275 650 750 92 250

IMB 170 169 325 750 865 108 250

IMB 245 230 460 1050 1210 156 250


IMB 362 345 575 1300 1500 230 250

IMB 550 500 800 1800 2070 334 250

Test voltage above applies at ≤100 m above sea level.





ABB’s oil minimum instrument transformers type AOK has a primary w

inding consisting of a straight bar that is surrounded by the toroid-formed
secondary windings. The basic design has been used by ABB for 50 years.
The design corresponds with the demands set out in the standards IEC,
ANSI,VDE, and SEV. Special design solutions to meet other standards
and/or specifications are also available.
The well-proven combination of paper and oil is used for main insulation,
where paper has excellent absorbing qualities for mineral oil.
The AOK transformer has the possibility to increase the ampere-turn
figure when the primary current is small, and several primary turns can
be used with or without reconnection.

Standard The secondary winding is uniformly distributed
on the total circumference of the ring cores.
 Primary winding—The primary winding con- This reduces the secondary reactance and
sists of a straight bar that is surrounded by the improves the transformation characteristics.
toroid-formed secondary windings. These are
Protection cores are suitable for conventional
enclosed in an aluminum casing supported by a
overcurrent requirements and for true transfor-
hollow, oil-filled tube.
mation of the fully asymmetrical fault current
In order to increase the ampere-turn figure or its dc component.
when the primary current is small, there is a
Metering cores with a high accuracy.
possibility to use several primary turns with
or without reconnection. Facilities for changing the ratio by means of
tappings in the secondary windings.
 Short Circuit—For primary currents from Design with up to six cores; in some applications
1000 A to 6000 A, with one straight primary even more.
conductor without changeover, an unrestricted
dynamic, and thermal short circuit current  Insulation—The main insulation is arranged on
strength is attained in practical cases. the toroid-shaped casing, which surrounds the
For primary current from 40 A to 800 A secondary parts and is also on the tubular
without changeover, from 150 A to 5000 A extension of this casing. This tube is hollow in
with changeover 1:2, and from 300 A to 4400 A order to permit the oil to circulate and obtain
with changeover 1:2:4, the following short- an even temperature distribution.
circuit values apply: In order to achieve an even potential distribution,
• Dynamic current peak 250 times rated current, the potential is reduced in steps along the sup-
maximum 150 kA porting tube by means of semiconducting layers.
• Thermal one-second, short-time current The well-proven combination of paper and oil is
100 times rated current, maximum 60 kA used for the main insulation, where the paper
has excellent absorbing qualities for mineral oil.
 Cores and Secondary Windings—The secondary A mineral oil called Nytro 10 X from Nynas is
windings are enclosed in the above mentioned used. This oil, which fulfills IEC 296, does not
toroid-formed aluminum casing. The secondary contain PCB or any other dangerous substances.
leads are then brought down through the A hard porcelain insulator forms the
tubular extension to the secondary terminal outer insulation.
box. This box can accommodate up to
30 terminals. A capacitive terminal may also
be provided on request.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Oil Instrument Transformers



FEATURES (continued)
Standard Other Properties
 Non-pressurized bellows system, made of  Small dimensions, minimum oil content, and
rubber, is used to accommodate temperature low cost as a result of economic design
dependent changes of the oil volume.  High quality and reliability, resulting from over
 AOK is free from partial discharges in 50 years of experience of manufacturing of
accordance with IEC and VDE. instrument transformers, as well as the use of
 The capacitance of the insulation is the most modern methods of design, production,
approximately as follows: and testing
300 kV 1300 pF  All external parts are either made of stainless
362 kV 1200 pF steel, hot dip galvanized steel, or aluminum.
420 kV 1100 pF  Horizontal transport. During transportation the
550 kV 1000 pF bellows system is arranged in a safe position.
 Available variants  No maintenance
• Primary terminals, flat or cylindrical  The transformers fulfill IEC, ANSI,VDE, SEV, and
• Primary without changeover 40 A to 6000 A other important standards
• Primary with changeover 1:2 from 150 A  Loss angle (tan δ) of insulation less than 0.3%
to 5000 A
 A Phoenix terminal is used for the secondary
• Primary with changeover 1:2:4 from 300 A terminals. Maximum cross-section of the wire
to 4400 A is 10 mm2.
• Porcelain insulators with extended
 The base of the transformer is provided with
creepage distance
holes for earth connection.
• Grey porcelain insulator
 Maximum pull force on primary terminals in
• Spark gaps in the secondary terminal box any direction is 2000 N.
• One or more secondary tappings
or multiratio
• Capacitive terminals for synchronization
and tan δ measurement
• Mounting of special earthing terminals
• Non-ceramic insulator, consisting of a glass
reinforced plastic tube created with synthetic
rubber sheds instead of porcelain

Sourced through
 ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA

Design Data

Test Voltages

Highest Power Frequency Lightning Impulse Switching Impulse

Permissible Withstand Voltage Withstand Voltage Withstand Voltage
System Voltage Dry/Wet 1.2/50 µs 250/2500 µs
(kV) (kV) (kV) (kV)

AOK 245 245 460 1050 —

AOK 300 300 510 1175 850

AOK 362 362 570 1300 950

AOK 420 420 680 1550 1050

AOK 550 550 860 1800 1175

Current Ranges and Partial Discharges

Rated Maximum RIV Test Maximum PD* Test Maximum
Type Primary Number Voltage RIV Level Voltage PD Level
Current of Cores (kV) (µV) (kV) (pC)

AOK 245 6000 5/2/1 6 154 250 156 5

AOK 300 6000 5/2/1 6 190 250 191 5

AOK 362 6000 5/2/1 6 230 250 230 5

AOK 420 6000 5/2/1 6 270 250 267 5

AOK 550 6000 5/2/1 6 350 250 334 5
*At a test voltage 1.2 times the system voltage, the partial discharge will be less than 10 pC.

Flashover and Creepage Distances on Insulators

Normal Porcelain Long Creepage Type
Total Protected Total Protected Diameter of
Type Flashover
Creepage Creepage Creepage Creepage the Porcelain Dy
Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm)

AOK 245 82.68 (2100) 187.99 (4775) 61.42 (1560) 256.30 (6510) 100.79 (2560) 17.01 (432)

AOK 300 98.82 (2510) 228.15 (5795) 75.59 (1920) 312.99 (7950) 123.62 (3140) 17.01 (432)

AOK 362 114.17 (2900) 280.71 (7130) 97.83 (2485) 369.49 (9385) 147.64 (3750) 18.58 (472)

AOK 420 136.22 (3460) 337.60 (8575) 117.32 (2980) 444.69 (11,295) 177.17 (4500) 18.58 (472)*

AOK 550 171.46 (4355) 358.07 (9095) 109.06 (2770) 551.97 (14,020) 221.06 (5615) 21.10 (536)*
*For long creepage the outer diameter, Dy, of the porcelain is 18.19 (462) and 20.71 (526) respectively.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Capacitor Voltage
Oil Instrument Transformers



Capacitor voltage transformers (CVTs) are intended for connection

between phase and ground. The design corresponds to the require-
ments of ANSI standards. The capacitor voltage transformer consists
of the voltage divider combined with an electromagnetic unit (EMU).
Nitrile O-Rings are used throughout. The capacitor voltage transformer
meets ANSI/IEEE Standard C93.1. It is designed for all climatic and
atmospheric conditions, metering and protection, synchronizing, and
power line carrier transmission.

Advantage System Voltages from 69 — 500 kV
Transient Properties—The high intermediate CPA 0.6 R 200 VA
voltage and capacitance result in transient 1.2 R 400 VA
properties far better than required by current CPB 0.3 200 VA
international standards, making the CPA/B suitable 0.6 400 VA
for use with solid-state relays. This transient
response curve is given below.
 Meets ANSI/IEEE standard C93.1
 For all climatic and
atmospheric conditions
 For metering and protection
 For synchronizing
 For power line carrier transmission


Design Data

AC Test
Nominal Max. RIV Max. Striking
Nominal Leakage
System Rated Dry Wet BIL Test RIV Distance
Type Capacitance Distance
Voltage Voltage 1 min. 10 sec. (kV) Voltage Micro- (Minimum)
(+10; -5%) pF Inches (mm)
(kV L-L) (kV L-G) (kV) (kV) (kV) (V) Inches (mm)

CPA/B069 69 42 20,000 165 140 350 42 50 28 (711) 86 (2184)

CPA/B115 115 70 14,300 265 230 550 70 50 39 (991) 124 (3150)

CPA/B138 138 84 12,700 320 275 650 84 50 47 (1194) 153 (3886)

CPA/B161 161 98 10,400 370 325 750 98 50 55 (1397) 181 (4597)

CPA/B230 230 140 7400 525 460 1050 140 50 77 (1956) 256 (6502)

CPA/B420 345 209 4500 785 680 1550 209 50 126 (3200) 420 (10,668)

CPA/B500 500 317 3500 900 780 1800 318 50 166 (4216) 545 (13,843)
Test voltages above are valid for altitudes ≤3300 feet above sea level.

The CPA is offered for 0.6 or 1.2R relay accuracy class and the CPB for 0.3 or 0.6 (400 VA) accuracy class.
It can be supplied with two-tapped windings X and Y or three-tapped windings X,Y, and Z.
OR Auxiliary Winding (Opt.)
Burden X1-X2 Burden X1-X2
Metering Relaying Burden
Type X2-X3 X2-X3 Thermal
Ratio Ratio Z1-Z2
Y1-Y2 Y1-Y2 Burden
Class Y2-Y3 Class Y2-Y3 Class Z2-Z3

CPA069 350/600:1:1 346/600:1:1 1.2 R 0 — 400 VA 0.6 R 0 — 200 VA 1.2 R 0 — 75 VA 600 VA

CPA115 600/1000:1:1 577/1000:1:1 1.2 R 0 — 400 VA 0.6 R 0 — 200 VA 1.2 R 0 — 75 VA 600 VA

CPA138 700/1200:1:1 693/1200:1:1 1.2 R 0 — 400 VA 0.6 R 0 — 200 VA 1.2 R 0 — 75 VA 600 VA

CPA161 800/1400:1:1 808/1400:1:1 1.2 R 0 — 400 VA 0.6 R 0 — 200 VA 1.2 R 0 — 75 VA 600 VA

CPA230 1200/2000:1:1 1155/2000:1:1 1.2 R 0 — 400 VA 0.6 R 0 — 200 VA 1.2 R 0 — 75 VA 600 VA

CPA420 1800/3000:1:1 1732/3000:1:1 1.2 R 0 — 400 VA 0.6 R 0 — 200 VA 1.2 R 0 — 75 VA 600 VA

CPA500 2500/4500:1:1 2511/4350:1:1 1.2 R 0 — 400 VA 0.6 R 0 — 200 VA 1.2 R 0 — 75 VA 600 VA

CPB069 350/600:1:1 — 0.3 0 — 200 VA 0.6 0 — 400 VA 1.2 R 0 — 75 VA 1000 VA

CPB115 600/1000:1:1 — 0.3 0 — 200 VA 0.6 0 — 400 VA 1.2 R 0 — 75 VA 1000 VA

CPB138 700/1200:1:1 — 0.3 0 — 200 VA 0.6 0 — 400 VA 1.2 R 0 — 75 VA 1000 VA

CPB161 800/1400:1:1 — 0.3 0 — 200 VA 0.6 0 — 400 VA 1.2 R 0 — 75 VA 1000 VA

CPB230 1200/2000:1:1 — 0.3 0 — 200 VA 0.6 0 — 400 VA 1.2 R 0 — 75 VA 1000 VA

CPB420 1800/3000:1:1 — 0.3 0 — 200 VA 0.6 0 — 400 VA 1.2 R 0 — 75 VA 1000 VA

CPB500 2500/4500:1:1 — 0.3 0 — 200 VA 0.6 0 — 400 VA 1.2 R 0 — 75 VA 1000 VA

Total simultaneous burden (X+Y+Z) is not to exceed values given for each main winding. All burdens are factory set.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Capacitor Voltage
Oil Instrument Transformers

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA
CPA and CPB +724-838-5205

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
Net Weight Shipping
Oil Only LxWxH
Type Incl. Oil Weight/Crate
Lbs. (kg) Inches (cm)
Lbs. (kg) Lbs. (kg)

CPA069 650 (295) 155 (70) 910 (410) 75 x 28 x 36* (191 x 71 x 91)
CPA115 730 (330) 170 (78) 1010 (455) 86 x 28 x 36* (218 x 71 x 91)
CPA138 770 (350) 175 (80) 1070 (480) 94 x 28 x 36* (239 x 71 x 91)
CPA161 815 (370) 175 (80) 1120 (505) 96 x 28 x 36* (244 x 71 x 91)
CPA230 970 (440) 185 (85) 1330 (600) 123 x 28 x 36 (312 x 71 x 91)
CPA345 1835 (630) 240 (110) 1210 (545) 109 x 28 x 361 (277 x 71 x 91)
765 (345) 89 x 26 x 322 (226 x 66 x 81)
CPA500 1628 (740) 265 (120) 1430 (645) 128 x 28 x 361 (325 x 71 x 91)
940 (425) 108 x 26 x 322 (274 x 66 x 81)

CPB069 875 (395) 222 (100) 1160 (525) 77 x 32 x 40* (196 x 81 x 102)
CPB115 950 (430) 240 (108) 1250 (565) 88 x 32 x 40* (224 x 81 x 102)
CPB138 996 (450) 245 (110) 1320 (595) 96 x 32 x 40* (244 x 81 x 102)
CPB161 1040 (470) 245 (110) 1370 (620) 105 x 32 x 40* (267 x 81 x 102)
CPB230 1195 (540) 255 (115) 1600 (720) 128 x 32 x 40 (325 x 81 x 102)
CPB345 1620 (730) 310 (140) 1475 (665) 113 x 32 x 401 (287 x 81 x 102)
765 (345) 89 x 26 x 322 (226 x 66 x 81)
CPB500 1860 (840) 330 (150) 1680 (760) 132 x 32 x 401 (335 x 81 x 102)
940 (425) 108 x 26 x 322 (274 x 66 x 81)
*Weights and shipping dimensions shown are for single-pack horizontal shipping
Option: Vertical transport, 3 units per crate
Part 1: EMU and bottom capacitor
Part 2: Top capacitor

Height A Distance B Distance D Height E
Type Box C
Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm)
Inches (mm)

CPA069 72.5 (1842) 28 (700) 13 (340) 13 (335) 29 (740)

CPA115 83.5 (2121) 39 (980) 13 (340) 13 (335) 29 (740)
CPA138 91.5 (2324) 47 (1190) 13 (340) 13 (335) 29 (740)
CPA161 100.5 (2553) 55 (1400) 13 (340) 13 (335) 29 (740)
CPA230 122.5 (3112) 77 (1960) 13 (340) 13 (335) 29 (740)

CPA345 186.5 (4737) 2 x 63 (1610) 13 (340) 13 (335) 29 (740)

CPA500 224.5 (5702) 2 x 83 (2100) 13 (340) 13 (335) 29 (740)
CPB069 74.5 (1892) 28 (700) 15 (390) 17 (410) 31 (790)
CPB115 85.5 (2172) 39 (980) 15 (390) 17 (410) 31 (790)
CPB138 93.5 (2375) 47 (1190) 15 (390) 17 (410) 31 (790)
CPB161 102.5 (2604) 55 (1400) 15 (390) 17 (410) 31 (790)
CPB230 124.5 (3162) 77 (1960) 15 (390) 17 (410) 31 (790)
CPB345 188.5 (4788) 2 x 63 (1610) 15 (390) 17 (410) 31 (790)
CPB500 226.5 (5753) 2 x 83 (2100) 15 (390) 17 (410) 31 (790)

Dry Instrument Transformers

ABB offers a complete line of instrument transformers

from 600 V to 34.5 kV. In the 600 V class, ABB manufac-
tures current (CTs) and voltage transformers (VTs) using
both thermoplastic rubber and plastic casings. In the
5- 34.5 kV category, ABB provides a wide range of indoor
and outdoor CTs and VTs that are cast in polyurethane
using a new state-of-the-art casting process. Also offered
are specialty items such as linear couplers and bushing
and ring type CTs. ABB builds transformers to IEEE,
CSA, IEC, Australian, and other specifications. ISO-9001
certification was received from UL on 11/29/95.
The selection guide below provides a listing of the product bulletins for many of the instrument transformers
ABB has to offer. The following pages show detailed information on a few of the most popular designs.

Type Primary Current Product Bulletin Type Primary Current Product Bulletin
600 V Current Transformers 600 V Voltage Transformers
IMC 50 — 1000 42-810 PPW 240 — 600 42-871
CBT 200 — 800 42-811 PPM 240 — 600 42-873
CSF 200 — 600 42-813 PPD 60 — 600 42-872
CSH 200 — 800 42-814 5 kV—34.5 kV Voltage Transformers
CMS 200 and 300 42-815 VIY-60 5 kV Indoor 42-951
CMF 100 — 1200 42-818 VIZ-75/11 8.7/15 kV Indoor 42-955
CMV 200 — 4000 42-820 VOY-60 5 kV Outdoor 42-961
CLC 600 — 4000 42-824 VOZ-75/11 8.7/15 kV Outdoor 42-963
CLE 1000 — 6000 42-826 VOY-11 15 kV Outdoor 42-964
Auxiliary Multi-Ratio 42-850 VOG-11 15 kV Outdoor 42-965
Ext. BCT 600 — 3000 42-858 VOG-12 15 kV Outdoor 42-967
5 kV—34.5 kV Current Transformers VOZ-15 25 kV Outdoor 42-971
KIR-60/75 5/8.7 kV Indoor 42-914 VOY-15/15G 25 kV Outdoor 42-970
KIR-11 15 kV Indoor 42-914 VOZ-20 34.5 kV Outdoor 42-975
KOR-60/75 5/8.7 kV Outdoor 42-920 VOY-20/20G 34.5 kV Outdoor 42-974
KOR-11 15 kV Outdoor 42-922 VOHD-200/20G 34.5 kV Outdoor 42-977
KON-11 15 kV Outdoor 42-924 VOZZ-20/20G 34.5 kV Outdoor 42-979
KOR-15C 25 kV Outdoor 42-927
KOR-20 34.5 kV Outdoor 42-928A
KOT 5 — 25 kV Outdoor 42-930
KOTD 25 — 34.5 kV Outdoor 42-940

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Low-Voltage Current Transformers
Dry Instrument Transformers



The CMF 600 V current transformer is designed for

indoor/outdoor use. This unit is rated 10 kV BIL and
60 Hz. The window diameter is 2.5 inches (63.5 mm)
for 100, 200, and 200/400 A and is 3.06 inches
(77.72 mm) for all other ratings.

Primary Style ANSI Metering Accuracy Relay Rating
A Number B0.1 B0.2 B0.5 Accuracy Factor

With Window and Flat Base

50 4460A30G25 1.2 — — — 4.0
100 4460A30G23 0.3 — — C20 4.0
200 4460A30G01 0.3 0.3 0.3 C30 4.0
400 4460A30G03 0.3 0.3 0.3 C30 4.0
500 4460A30G05 0.3 0.3 0.3 C30 3.0
600 4460A30G07 0.3 0.3 0.3 C30 2.0
800 4460A30G09 0.3 0.3 0.3 C20 2.0
1000 4460A30G21 0.3 0.3 0.3 C30 2.0
1200 4460A30G19 0.3 0.3 0.3/0.3, B1.8 C30 1.5
200/400 4460A30G11 0.3/0.3 0.3/0.3 0.3/0.3 C30/C50 4/2
300/600 4460A30G13 0.3/0.3 0.3/0.3 0.3/0.3 C20/C30 2/2
400/800 4460A30G15 0.3/0.3 0.3/0.3 0.3/0.3 C20/C50 2/2
With Window and High Base
50 4460A30G26 1.2 — — — 4.0
100 4460A30G24 0.3 — — C20 4.0
200 4460A30G02 0.3 0.3 0.3 C30 4.0
400 4460A30G04 0.3 0.3 0.3 C30 4.0
500 4460A30G06 0.3 0.3 0.3 C30 3.0
600 4460A30G08 0.3 0.3 0.3 C30 2.0

800 4460A30G10 0.3 0.3 0.3 C20 2.0

1000 4460A30G22 0.3 0.3 0.3 C30 2.0
1200 4460A30G20 0.3 0.33 0.3/0.3, B1.8 C30 1.5
200/400 4460A30G12 0.3/0.3 0.3/0.3 0.3/0.3 C30/C50 4/2
300/600 4460A30G14 0.3/0.3 0.3/0.3 0.3/0.3 C20/C30 2/2
400/800 4460A30G16 0.3/0.3 0.3/0.3 0.3/0.3 C20/C50 2/2

(continued on next page)


Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Pinetops, NC

SELECTOR GUIDE (continued)

Primary Style ANSI Metering Accuracy Relay Rating
A Number B0.1 B0.2 B0.5 Accuracy Factor

With Primary Bar and Flat Base

100 7525A01G25 0.3 — — C20 4.0
200 7525A01G01 0.3 0.3 0.3 C30 4.0
400 7525A01G03 0.3 0.3 0.3 C30 4.0
500 7525A01G05 0.3 0.3 0.3 C30 3.0
600 7525A01G07 0.3 0.3 0.3 C30 2.0
800 7525A01G09 0.3 0.3 0.3 C20 2.0
1000 7525A01G23 0.3 0.3 0.3 C30 2.0
1200 7525A01G19 0.3 0.3 0.3 C30 1.5
200/400 7525A01G11 0.3/0.3 0.3/0.3 0.3/0.3 C30/C50 4/2
300/600 7525A01G13 0.3/0.3 0.3/0.3 0.3/0.3 C20/C30 2/2
400/800 7525A01G15 0.3/0.3 0.3/0.3 0.3/0.3 C20/C50 2/2
With Primary Bar and High Base
100 7525A01G25 0.3 — — C20 4.0
200 7525A01G02 0.3 0.3 0.3 C30 4.0
400 7525A01G04 0.3 0.3 0.3 C30 4.0
500 7525A01G06 0.3 0.3 0.3 C30 3.0
600 7525A01G08 0.3 0.3 0.3 C30 2.0
800 7525A01G10 0.3 0.3 0.3 C20 2.0
1000 7525A01G24 0.3 0.3 0.3 C30 2.0
1200 7525A01G20 0.3 0.3 0.3 C30 1.5
200/400 7525A01G12 0.3/0.3 0.3/0.3 0.3/0.3 C30/C50 4/2
300/600 7525A01G14 0.3/0.3 0.3/0.3 0.3/0.3 C20/C30 2/2
400/800 7525A01G16 0.3/0.3 0.3/0.3 0.3/0.3 C20/C50 2/2


Conduit box available with all transformers listed for this
product. See PB 42-818 for style numbers and dimensions.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Low-Voltage Current Transformers
Dry Instrument Transformers

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Pinetops, NC
CMV and CMV-H +407-732-2000

The CMV and CMV-H 600 V

current transformers are designed
for indoor/outdoor use. These
units are rated 10 kV BIL and
25 through 60 Hz. The window
opening is 3.5 inches (88.9 mm)
x 4.5 inches (114.3 mm).

Primary Style ANSI Metering Accuracy Relay Rating
A Number B0.1 B0.2 B0.5 B0.9 B1.8 Accuracy Factor
Type CMV and Bus Adapters—Tapered Bottom
200 7524A75G01 0.3 — — — — C20 4.0
300 7524A75G02 0.3 0.3 — — — C20 4.0
400 7524A75G03 0.3 0.3 — — — C20 4.0
500 7524A75G12 0.3 0.3 — — — C20 3.0
600 7524A75G04 0.3 0.3 0.3 — — C20 3.0
800 7524A75G05 0.3 0.3 0.3 — — C20 3.0
1000 7524A75G06 0.3 0.3 0.3 — — C30 2.0
1200 7524A75G07 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 — C20 1.5
1500 7524A75G08 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 — C50 2.0
2000 7524A75G09 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 C50 1.5
3000 7524A75G10 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 C30 1.33
4000 7524A75G11 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 C20 1.0
Type CMV-H with Bus Adapters
200 9628A53G01 0.3 0.3 — — — C10 4.0
300 9628A53G02 0.3 0.3 0.3 — — C20 3.0
400 9628A53G03 0.3 0.3 0.3 — — C20 4.0
Type CMV*—Wide Bottom
200 7524A73G01 0.3 — — — — C20 4.0
300 7524A73G02 0.3 0.3 — — — C20 4.0
400 7524A73G03 0.3 0.3 — — — C20 4.0
500 7524A73G12 0.3 0.3 — — — C20 3.0
600 7524A73G04 0.3 0.3 0.3 — — C20 3.0
800 7524A73G05 0.3 0.3 0.3 — — C20 3.0
1000 7524A73G06 0.3 0.3 0.3 — — C30 2.0
1200 7524A73G07 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 — C20 1.5

1500 7524A73G08 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 — C50 2.0

2000 7524A73G09 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 C50 1.5
3000 7524A73G10 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 C30 1.33
4000 7524A73G11 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 C20 1.0
* Optional Accessories
Mounting Feet—4 pcs. with hardware, Style #9628A05G15; One-piece base with hardware, Style #9628A05G16


Bus bar adapter, Style #9628A05G17 (2 pcs.), supplied with Style #7524A75 and 9628A53

Low-Voltage Current Transformers

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Pinetops, NC
CLC +407-732-2000

The CLC 600 V current transformer is designed for indoor/outdoor use. This unit
is rated 10 kV BIL and 60 Hz. The window opening is 5.5 inches (139.7 mm).


 Mounting feet—set of 2 with  Primary bar assemblies:
hardware, Style #9628A05G20 800 -1500 A—1 Bar,
 One-piece base, Style #9628A05G23
Style #9628A05G21 2000 A—2 Bars,
Style #9628A05G24
 Window plate—one required,
Style #9628A05G22 3000 A—3 Bars,
Style #9628A05G25
4000 A—4 Bars,
Style #9628A05G26
Primary Style ANSI Metering Accuracy Relay Rating
A Number B0.1 B0.2 B0.5 B0.9 B1.8 Accuracy Factor
Without Mounting Feet
600 7524A58G16 0.3 0.3 0.3 — — C30 3.00
800 7524A58G01 0.3 0.3 0.3 — — C30 2.00
1000 7524A58G02 0.3 0.3 0.3 — — C50 2.00
1200 7524A58G03 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 — C30 2.00
1500 7524A58G04 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 — C30 3.00
2000 7524A58G05 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 C50 2.00
3000 7524A58G06 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 C10 1.33
4000 7524A58G07 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 — 1.33
600/1200 7524A58G08 0.3 / 0.3 0.3*/ 0.3 — / 0.3 — / 0.3 — C10 / C30 3.0 / 2.0
800/1600 7524A58G09 0.3 / 0.3 0.3*/ 0.3 — / 0.3 — / 0.3 — / 0.3 C20 / C30 3.0 / 2.0
1000/2000 7524A58G10 0.3 / 0.3 0.3 / 0.3 0.3*/ 0.3 — / 0.3 — / 0.3 C30 / C50 3.0 / 2.0
1500/3000 7524A58G11 0.3 / 0.3 0.3 / 0.3 0.3 / 0.3 0.3*/ 0.3 — / 0.3 — / C10 2.0 /1.33
2000/4000 7524A58G12 0.3 / 0.3 0.3 / 0.3 0.3 / 0.3 0.3 / 0.3 0.3*/ 0.3 — 2.0 /1.33
With Mounting Feet, 2-Piece
600 7524A59G16 0.3 0.3 0.3 — — C30 3.00
800 7524A59G01 0.3 0.3 0.3 — — C30 2.00
1000 7524A59G02 0.3 0.3 0.3 — — C50 2.00
1200 7524A59G03 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 — C30 2.00
1500 7524A59G04 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 — C30 3.00
2000 7524A59G05 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 C50 2.00
3000 7524A59G06 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 C10 1.33
4000 7524A59G07 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 — 1.33
600/1200 7524A59G08 0.3 / 0.3 0.3*/ 0.3 — / 0.3 — / 0.3 — C10 / C30 3.0 / 2.0
800/1600 7524A59G09 0.3 / 0.3 0.3*/ 0.3 — / 0.3 — / 0.3 — / 0.3 C20 / C30 3.0 / 2.0
1000/2000 7524A59G10 0.3 / 0.3 0.3 / 0.3 0.3*/ 0.3 — / 0.3 — / 0.3 C30 / C50 3.0 / 2.0
1500/3000 7524A59G11 0.3 / 0.3 0.3 / 0.3 0.3 / 0.3 0.3*/ 0.3 — / 0.3 — / C10 2.0 /1.33
2000/4000 7524A59G12 0.3 / 0.3 0.3 / 0.3 0.3 / 0.3 0.3 / 0.3 0.3*/ 0.3 — 2.0 /1.33

* Tap Connection X2-X3

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Low-Voltage Current Transformers
Dry Instrument Transformers

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Pinetops, NC
PPW and PPM +407-732-2000

The PPW and PPM 600 V voltage transformers are designed for
indoor/outdoor use. These units are rated 10 kV BIL and 60 Hz.
The thermal rating values are:
150 VA at 30°C ambient
100 VA at 55°C ambient
500 VA at 30°C ambient
350 VA at 55°C ambient

Primary Style ANSI Metering
Voltage Number Accuracy

Type PPW
240/416Y 2:1 7526A04G01
0.3 Class
288/500Y 2.4:1 7526A04G02 for W
300/520Y 2.5:1 7526A04G03 0.6 Class
480/480Y 4:1 7526A04G04 for X
600/600Y 5:1 7526A04G05

Type PPM
240/416Y 2:1 7526A10G01

288/500Y 2.4:1 7526A10G02 0.3 Class

300/520Y 2.5:1 7526A10G03
W, X, M, & Y
480/480Y 4:1 7526A10G04 Burdens
600/600Y 5:1 7526A10G05

Medium-Voltage Current Transformers

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Pinetops, NC
KIR-60/75 (5, 8.7 kV Indoor) +407-732-2000
The KIR - 60/75 current transformer is designed for indoor use.
This unit is rated 60 and 75 kV BIL and 60 Hz. The mechanical
and thermal rating values are:
Mechanical Rating
5 through 600 A, 150 x normal
800 A, 110 x normal
Thermal Rating
5 through 600 A, 100 x normal for 1 second
800 A, 75 x normal for 1 second

Primary A Style Number ANSI Metering Accuracy ANSI Relay Accuracy Rating Factor
Type KIR-60—NSV 4.8 kV 60 kV BIL
5 7524A01G01 T100 1.5
10 7524A01G02 T100 1.5
15 7524A01G03 T100 1.5
20 7524A01G04 T100 1.5
25 7524A01G05 T100 1.5
30 7524A01G06 T100 1.5
40 7524A01G07 0.3 B0.1 T100 1.5
50 7524A01G08 through T100 1.5
75 7524A01G09 B1.8 T100 1.5
100 7524A01G10 All Ratings T100 1.5
150 7524A01G11 T100 1.5
200 7524A01G12 T100 1.5
300 7524A01G13 T100 1.5
400 7524A01G14 T100 1.5
600 7524A01G15 T100 1.5
800 7524A01G16 T100 1.33
Type KIR-75—NSV 8.32 kV 75 kV BIL
5 7524A02G01 T100 1.5
10 7524A02G02 T100 1.5
15 7524A02G03 T100 1.5
20 7524A02G04 T100 1.5
25 7524A02G05 T100 1.5
30 7524A02G06 T100 1.5
40 7524A02G07 0.3 B0.1 T100 1.5
50 7524A02G08 through T100 1.5
75 7524A02G09 B1.8 T100 1.5
100 7524A02G10 All Ratings T100 1.5
150 7524A02G11 T100 1.5
200 7524A02G12 T100 1.5
300 7524A02G13 T100 1.5
400 7524A02G14 T100 1.5
600 7524A02G15 T100 1.5
800 7524A02G16 T100 1.33

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Medium-Voltage Current Transformers
Dry Instrument Transformers

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Pinetops, NC
KOR-11 (15 kV Outdoor) +407-732-2000

The KOR-11 current transformer is designed for

outdoor use. This unit is rated 110 kV BIL and 60 Hz.
The mechanical and thermal rating values
are as follows:
Mechanical Rating
5 through 600 A, 150 x normal
800 A, 110 x normal
Thermal Rating
5 through 600 A, 100 x normal for 1 second
800 A, 75 x normal for 1 second

Primary Style ANSI Metering ANSI Relay Rating
A Number Accuracy Accuracy Factor
NSV 13.8 kV 100 kV BIL Single Ratio
5 7524A12G01 T200 1.5
10 7524A12G02 T200 1.5
15 7524A12G03 T200 1.5
20 7524A12G04 T200 1.5
25 7524A12G05 T200 1.5
30 7524A12G06 T200 1.5
40 7524A12G07 0.3 B0.1 T200 1.5
50 7524A12G08 through T200 1.5
75 7524A12G09 B1.8 T200 1.5
100 7524A12G10 All Ratings T200 1.5
150 7524A12G11 T200 1.5
200 7524A12G12 T200 1.5
300 7524A12G13 T200 1.5
400 7524A12G14 T200 1.5
600 7524A12G15 T200 1.5
800 7524A12G16 T200 1.5
NSV 13.8 kV 100 kV BIL Double Ratio
5/10 7524A13G01 T90/T200 2.0/1.5
10/20 7524A13G02 T90/T200 2.0/1.5
20/40 7524A13G03 T90/T200 2.0/1.5

25/50 7524A13G04 0.3 B0.1 T90/T200 2.0/1.5

50/100 7524A13G05 through T90/T200 2.0/1.5
75/150 7524A13G06 B1.8 Full T90/T200 2.0/1.5
100/200 7524A13G07 B0.9 Tap T90/T200 2.0/1.5
150/300 7524A13G08 All Ratings T90/T200 2.0/1.5
200/400 7524A13G09 T90/T200 2.0/1.5
300/600 7524A13G10 T90/T200 2.0/1.5
400/800 7524A13G11 T100/T200 2.0/1.5

Medium-Voltage Current Transformers

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Pinetops, NC
VIY-60 (5 kV Indoor) +407-732-2000

The V I Y- 60 V voltage transformer is designed for

indoor use. This unit is rated 60 kV BIL and 60 Hz.
The thermal rating values are as follows:
Thermal Ratings1
1000 VA at 30°C ambient
700 VA at 55°C ambient
Fuses are Type CLE-PT SN 677C452G01

Primary Style ANSI Metering
Voltage Number Accuracy1

2400/4160Y 20:1 7525A50G01 0.3W, X, M, Y

4200/4200Y 35:1 7525A50G02 0.3W, X, M, Y

4800/4800Y 40:1 7525A50G03 0.3W, X, M, Y

2 Fuses
2400/4160Y 20:1 7525A51G01 0.3W, X, M, Y

4200/4200Y 35:1 7525A51G02 0.3W, X, M, Y

4800/4800Y 40:1 7525A51G03 0.3W, X, M, Y

1 Fuse
2400/4160GY 20:1 7525A52G01 0.3W, X, M, Y

4200/4200GY2 35:1 7525A52G02 0.3W, X, M, Y

4800/4800GY2 40:1 7525A52G03 0.3W, X, M, Y

Thermal and accuracy ratings are at 120 V secondary voltage.
Fluxed for line-to-line voltage; when connected line-to-ground, normal secondary voltage is 69.3 V.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Medium-Voltage Current Transformers
Dry Instrument Transformers

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Pinetops, NC
VOZ-75/11 (8.7, 15 kV Outdoor) +407-732-2000

The VOZ-75 and VOZ-11 voltage transformers are

designed for outdoor use. These units are rated
75 and 110 kV BIL and 60 Hz. The thermal rating
value is 1500 VA at 30°C ambient.

Primary Style ANSI Metering
Voltage Number Accuracy

VOZ-75 75 kV BIL
2400/4160Y 20:1 7525A89G01 0.3W, X, M, Y, Z

4200/7280Y 35:1 7525A89G02 0.3W, X, M, Y, Z

4800/8320Y 40:1 7525A89G03 0.3W, X, M, Y, Z

7200/7200Y 60:1 7525A89G04 0.3W, X, M, Y, Z

VOZ-11 110 kV BIL

7200/12,470Y 60:1 7525A89G05 0.3W, X, M, Y, Z

7620/13,200Y 63.5:1 7525A89G06 0.3W, X, M, Y, Z

8400/14,560Y 70:1 7525A89G07 0.3W, X, M, Y, Z

12,000/12,000Y 100:1 7525A89G08 0.3W, X, M, Y, Z

13,200/13,200Y 110:1 7525A89G09 0.3W, X, M, Y, Z

14,400/14,400Y 120:1 7525A89G10 0.3W, X, M, Y, Z


Medium-Voltage Current Transformers

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Pinetops, NC
VOZ-15 (25 kV Outdoor) +407-732-2000

The VOZ -15 voltage transformer is designed for

outdoor use. This unit is rated 150 kV BIL and 60 Hz.
The thermal rating value is 2000 VA at 30°C ambient.

Primary Style ANSI Metering
Voltage Number Accuracy

VOZ-15 150 kV BIL

12,000/20,780Y 100:1 7525A90G01 0.3W, X, M, Y, Z

14,400/24,940Y 120:1 7525A90G02 0.3W, X, M, Y, Z

18,000/18,000Y 150:1 7525A90G03 0.3W, X, M, Y, Z

24,000/24,000Y 200:1 7525A90G04 0.3W, X, M, Y, Z

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.




Optical Sensors and Systems

ABB develops, manufactures, and

installs optical sensors and systems
for measuring current and voltage
on high-voltage power systems
using optical sensor technologies
and the properties of light.

ABB optical current and voltage

sensing systems provide many
advantages relative to conventional
transformer technology, including: configurations; optical isolation
greater accuracy; reduced mainte- between high-voltage sensors and
nance and improved safety secondary outputs in the control
through elimination of oil/paper house; no magnetic core ferroresonance
dielectric system; lightweight and or saturation issues; and lower
smaller size for unique mounting installation cost.


Maximum System
Product Voltage Features

Magneto-Optic Current Passive optical current transducer suitable

72.5 — 765
Transducer (MOCT) for outdoor applications

Combines MOCT and electro-optic voltage

Optical Metering Unit (OMU) 121 — 550 transducer (EOVT) into a single-phase unit
that is lightweight and compact in size

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Optical Sensors and Systems


Magneto-Optic Current Transducer (MOCT)

The Magneto-Optic Current Transducer (MOCT) is a passive, optical

current transducer, which uses light to accurately measure current
on high-voltage systems. The MOCT system is suitable for outdoor
applications and has an accurate metering current range from less
than 5 A to 2000 A using the same sensor. Higher current rated
designs are available upon request. Metering accuracy exceeds
class 0.2 per IEC 185 standards.
The MOCT optical metering and relaying system provides a 1.0 A
current output for metering. This output allows direct connection
to a standard electronic meter. A low-voltage analog output can
also be supplied to interface the MOCT system to certain protective
relays. Contact the factory for application assistance.

 Three phases of MOCT sensors mounted on
polymer insulator columns with preterminated
fiber optic cable
 Electronic MOCT module with signal process-
ing electronics for installation in the substation
control house
 Fiber optic cable for transmission of the light
signal between the optical sensor and MOCT
electronic module

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
Dimensions are specified in inches (mm)

Maximum Minimum Creep

BIL Dimension A Weight
System Distance
(kV) Inches (mm) Lbs. (kg)
Voltage (kV) Inches (mm)

72.5 350 48.9 (1242) 70 (1778) 110 (50)

121 550 62.6 (1590) 113 (2870) 117 (53)

145 650 70.2 (1783) 137 (3479) 120 (54)

169 750 79.3 (2014) 165 (4191) 123 (56)

242 900 97.5 (2477) 222 (5638) 133 (60)

245 1050 109.6 (2784) 260 (6604) 139 (63)

362 1300 132 (3355) 272 (6900) 348 (158)

550 1800 191.2 (4856) 433 (11,000) 410 (186)

765 2050 Contact Factory

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Optical Sensors and Systems


Optical Metering Unit (OMU)

The ABB Optical Metering Unit (OMU) system was developed

to provide combined optical current and voltage measure-
ment, which can be interfaced to electronic meters and/or
relays in high-voltage substations. The OMU combines the
Magneto-Optic Current Transducer (MOCT) and Electro-
Optic Voltage Transducer (EOVT) technologies for current
and voltage sensing into a single-phase unit that is light-
weight and compact in size. The reduced size and increased
accuracy of the OMU, relative to conventional oil-filled cur-
rent and voltage transformers, make the design particularly
well suited for the addition of revenue metering to existing
substations where space may be a premium.

The EOVT optical voltage sensing element oper-
ates in an SF6 atmosphere contained in a hollow
tube composite bushing consisting of a fiberglass
tube support and silicone rubber sheds. No capaci-
tive dividers are used and full line-to-ground volt-
age is applied across the EOVT sensor. This design
permits true optical voltage measurement for the
highest possible accuracy and stability. The elimi-
nation of oil/paper insulation provides enhanced
safety and reduced maintenance costs.
The MOCT optical current sensing element is
mounted at the top of the bushing, outside of the
SF6 environment, in a protective housing assembly.
Connections between the MOCT and EOVT sensors
in the OMU and the electronic modules in the
control house are via optical fiber breakout cable.
The OMU system consists of four major
 Three phases of OMU units installed in the
substation, which contain the optical current
(MOCT) and voltage (EOVT) sensors
 2100-I MOCT electronic module, which provides
the signal processing for the optical current

sensor (MOCT).This module provides a 1.0 A

nominal current output for direct connection
to a standard electronic meter.
 3000 EOVT electronic module, which provides
the signal processing for the optical voltage
sensor (EOVT). This module provides a 120 V
nominal voltage output.
 Fiber optic breakout cable, which provides the
optical link between the OMU units and the
electronic modules

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
Dimensions are specified in inches (mm)

Maximum Minimum Creep

BIL Dimension A Weight
System Distance
(kV) Inches (mm) Lbs. (kg)
Voltage (kV) Inches (mm)

121 — 169 750 87.2 (2214) 135.6 (3445) 299 (135.8)

242 1050 127.9 (3249) 237.8 (6040) 331 (150.0)

362 1300 145.4 (3694) 277.9 (7060) 459 (208.4)

550 1800 213.1 (5144) 440.2 (11,180) 748 (339.4)

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.




Single-Phase, Padmounted Transformers

ABB single-phase, padmounted distribution

transformers are specifically designed to serve
residential distribution loads. They are also suit-
able for light commercial loads and industrial
lighting and diversified power applications.

ABB offers single-phase, padmounted

transformers at 34.5 kV and below, in ratings
from 10 — 250 kVA. The product features carbon
steel enclosures and/or stainless steel materials
for corrosion resistance. ABB padmounted
transformers meet or exceed ANSI standards
for durability, tamper resistance, and safety.

All padmounted transformers are

manufactured to the international
standards of ISO 9001.


Product kVA Voltage Range Features

4160GY/2400 — One-piece design, composite material, higher latch point,

Composite Hood/Sill 10 — 100
34,500GY/19,920 lightweight, corrosion-resistant

4160GY/2400 — Low-profile, tamper-resistant; designed for single loads

Micro-Pak® 10 — 50
24,940GY/14,400 or loop or radial feed

4160GY/2400 — Low-profile, tamper-resistant, multi-service; designed for

Mini-Pak® 10 — 167
34,500GY/19,920 crossfeed (Type 2) loop or radial feed

4160GY/2400 — Tamper-resistant; wide range of configurations; designed

Maxi-Pak® 10 — 250
34,500GY/19,920 for straight-up feed (Type 1), loop, or radial feed

4160GY/2400 —
34,500GY/ Accommodates air switching, metering accessories, live
RTP® 25 — 333
19,920+22,940 ∆ front connections for multi-dwelling installations

4160GY/2400 —
Underground 25 — 167 Designed for residential underground systems

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Single-Phase, Padmounted
Distribution Transformers


Composite Hood/Sill

ABB’s innovative “composite hood” is a one-piece, compression-

molded replacement for the steel hood and sill on the single-phase,
padmounted transformer. The composite is made of fiberglass-
reinforced, non-conductive, thermosetting resin. It latches at a single
point to the tank. The system provides significant operational
advantages including more cost-effective corrosion protection
than stainless steel.
The composite hood/sill transformer has passed all ANSI C57.12.28
tamper-resistance tests, impact tests at –20°F, and tests simulating a
high-voltage elbow failure.The design meets C57.12.25. Additional
tests were performed to ensure that the enclosure would withstand
the abuse of string weed trimmers and impact from lawn equipment.
It is accepted by the RUS.
ISO 9001 Certified

 The elimination of the traditional metal sill improves access to the cable
area and simplifies installation.
 Due to its light weight (25 lbs. vs 50 lbs. for a steel hood), a single operator
may open and close the composite enclosure with little effort.
 Strategically located stiffening ribs improve strength, stiffness, and flexibility
to meet the required design and function criteria.
 A recessed lock pocket and handle are conveniently located at the front-top
center of the enclosure, and a stainless steel latch plate with attached lock
bolt is fastened to the lock pocket.
 A tongue and groove arrangement ensures tamper-resistance when closed
and locked.
 A non-conductive enclosure provides excellent insulation protection from
exposed energized cables and bushings.
 The composite enclosure is less prone to damage on impact.
 Tanks are constructed of heavy gauge steel with welded seams. They are
pressure-tested and inspected for leaks prior to shipment. All transformers
are supplied with:
• 58⁄ " — 11 stainless steel lifting bosses
• Oil level/fill plug
• Oil drain plug

• Self-actuating, pressure-relief device

• Two (2) ground bosses, 12⁄ " — 13 NC tapped hole, 71⁄ 6" deep
 Externally clamped, removable, high-voltage bushing wells and a
parking stand between the bushing wells are provided for attachment of
bushing accessories.
 Externally clamped, low-voltage bushings
 NEMA safety labels
 Durable, corrosion-resistant paint finish



 Overcurrent protection:
• An internal, primary protective link removes the transformer
from the system in the event of an internal fault.
• An oil-immersed, bayonet-type fuse link removes the transformer
from the system in case of an internal fault (fault sensing) or a
secondary short or overload (overload sensing).This fuse is a
drawout design and is supplied in series with an isolation link.
An optional drip plate is provided to prevent oil from dripping
onto the bushing or elbow.
 Primary connections:
• Universal bushing wells (standard) and load-break inserts
• Integral (one-piece) load-break bushings
 Secondary connections:
• Copper studs with contact nuts (standard)
• Copper studs with rotatable spades
– Four-hole, NEMA-type, tin-plated copper alloy spade
– Four-hole, inline, tin-plated copper alloy spade
• Cable lead secondary
• Stainless steel transformer (304 or 400 CB) tank
• Stainless steel (Mini-Skirt™) at base of carbon steel tank
 A conduit hole and a fault indicator cannot be provided
on the composite hood. Internal stencils and decals also
cannot be provided.
 Anchoring cleats are not provided.The unit may be anchored from
the front edges of the tank.

 Ratings @ 65°C Rise
 60 Hz standard, 50 Hz optional


10, 15, 25, 37.5, 4160GY/2400 —

60, 75, 95, 125 kV 240/120, 480/240, 277 V
50, 75, 100 34,500GY/19,920 V

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Single-Phase, Padmounted
Distribution Transformers

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Jefferson City, MO
Composite Hood/Sill +573-634-2111
Athens, GA
Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
Actual dimensions will vary according to voltage, loss evaluation, and accessories.

Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm)

Min 24 (611) 32 (814) 33 (840) 17 (432)

Max 24 (611) 34 (865) 42 (1067) 17 (432)

A B C D Weight
Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Lbs. (kg)

10 — 15 24 (611) 32 (814) 33 (840) 17 (432) 685 (311)

25 24 (611) 32 (814) 33 (840) 17 (432) 725 (329) Front View

37.5 24 (611) 32 (814) 39 (992) 17 (432) 775 (352)

50 24 (611) 34 (865) 36 (916) 17 (432) 865 (393)

75 24 (611) 34 (865) 40 (1018) 17 (432) 985 (447)

100 24 (611) 34 (865) 42 (1067) 17 (432) 1100 (500)

Side View

Recommended Pad

Latching Arm
(To minimize arm
interference during
installation and main-
tenance, the slotted
bracket on the tank
permits the arm to
rotate and be held in
a vertical position.)

Single-Phase, Padmounted


Micro-Pak®, Mini-Pak®, Maxi-Pak®

The Micro-Pak, Mini-Pak, and Maxi-Pak are single-phase,

distribution padmounted transformers. All transformers
provide safe and reliable underground service and are
available in loop or radial feed. The Micro-Pak’s aesthetic
design makes it attractive for rural residences, farms,
and ranches. The Maxi-Pak is designed specifically for
customers requiring straight-up feed (Type 1) rather
than crossfeed (Type 2). The Mini-Pak offers flexibility
in a complete line of ratings and a wide range
of configurations.
ISO 9001 Certified

 Equipped with two universal high-voltage bushing wells for
loop feed (only one bushing well is provided for radial feed)
 A flip-top hood and heavy duty 38⁄ ", removable stainless steel
hinge pins provide safe and durable service.
 A recessed locking assembly with padlock provisions and
penta-head locking bolt is standard for tamper-resistant
operation. A hex-head locking bolt is available.
 Tanks are constructed of heavy gauge steel with welded
seams.They are pressure-tested and inspected for leaks prior
to shipment. All single-phase transformers are supplied with:
• 58⁄ " — 11 stainless-steel lifting bosses
• Oil level/fill plug
• Oil drain plug
• Self-actuating, pressure relief device
• Two ground bosses, 12⁄ " — 13 NC tapped hole, 71⁄ 6" deep
 The front sill latches with the flip-top hood, is attached on the
side of the tank, and is removable.
 Externally clamped, removable, high-voltage bushing wells
and a parking stand between the bushing wells are provided
for attachment of bushing accessories.
 Externally clamped, low-voltage bushings
 Tamper-resistant design that exceeds ANSI C57.12.28
 NEMA safety labels
 Durable, corrosion-resistant paint finish

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Single-Phase, Padmounted
Distribution Transformers

Micro-Pak®, Mini-Pak®, Maxi-Pak®


 Overcurrent protection:  Secondary connections:
• An internal, primary protective link removes • Copper studs with contact nuts (standard)
the transformer from the system in the event • Copper studs with rotatable spades
of an internal fault. – Four-hole, NEMA-type, tin-plated
• An oil-immersed, bayonet-type fuse link removes copper alloy spade
the transformer from the system in case of an – Four-hole, inline, tin-plated copper alloy spade
internal fault, secondary short, or overload.
• Cable lead secondary
• A secondary breaker provides protection
against secondary overloads and short circuits  Switching (Mini-Pak, Maxi-Pak only):
(Mini-Pak, Maxi-Pak only). • Externally operated tap changer
• A current-limiting fuse mounted in a dry well, • Externally operated dual-voltage switch
load-break canister (Mini-Pak, Maxi-Pak only) • Externally operated load-break oil rotary
• A partial range, current-limiting fuse mounted (LBOR) switch
under oil with the transformer tank (Mini-Pak,  Miscellaneous:
Maxi-Pak only) • Cleats for anchoring sill to pad
 Primary connections: • Polypad mounting base (Micro-Pak only)
• Universal bushing wells (standard) and • Stainless steel transformer (304 or 400 CB)
load-break inserts
• Stainless steel (Mini-Skirt) at base of
• Integral (one piece) load-break bushings carbon steel tank
• Composite hood/sill, one-piece enclosure
(available in limited sizes; Mini-Pak only)
• Conduit hole (Mini-Pak, Maxi-Pak only)

 Ratings @ 65°C Rise
 60 Hz standard, 50 Hz optional


4160GY/2400 — 240/120, 480/240, 277 V,

10, 15, 25, 37.5, 50 60, 75, 95, 125 kV
24,940GY/14,400 V 120/240*, 240/480*


10, 15, 25, 37.5, 50, 75, 4160GY/2400 — 60, 75, 95, 125 kV 240/120, 480/240, 277 V
100, 167 34,500GY/19,920 V


10, 15, 25, 37.5, 50, 75, 4160GY/2400 — 240/120, 120/240, 480/240,
60, 75, 95, 125, 150 kV
100, 167, 250 34,500GY/19,920 V 240/480, 277 V
*Available only with cable lead secondary

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Jefferson City, MO
Athens, GA
Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
Actual dimensions will vary according to voltage, loss evaluation, and accessories.

Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm)

Min 24 (611) 24 (611) 30.5 (776) 14.25 (363)

Max 26 (661) 24 (611) 35.5 (902) 16.25 (413)

Min 24 (611) 32 (814) 30.5 (776) 14.25 (363)

Max 42 (1068) 44 (1119) 46.5 (1183) 19.25 (490)

Min 32 (814) 32 (814) 30.5 (776) 14.25 (363) Recommended Pad
Max 42 (1068) 44 (1119) 46.5 (1183) 19.25 (490)

Micro-Pak Front View Mini-Pak Front View Maxi-Pak Front View

Micro-Pak Side View Mini-Pak Side View Maxi-Pak Side View

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Single-Phase, Padmounted
Distribution Transformers


RTP®—Residential Transformer Padmounted

The RTP is a residential or commercial single-phase,

padmounted transformer suitable for diverse applications.
The single-phase RTP is designed to accommodate air
switching, metering accessories, live front connections, and
other important accessories for multi-dwelling installations.
It is available in live and dead front construction, for radial
or loop feed applications, and with or without taps.
ISO 9001 Certified

 Weather cover over cabinet provided with hold-down
hardware to secure it firmly to cabinet
 Four (4) lifting lugs
 Bolted-on terminal compartment (18" deep) with removable
front sill
 Hinged, lift-off cabinet doors with stop in open position
 Interlocked penta-head bolt/padlock handle operates a cam
assembly that is part of the 3-point door latching mechanism
(hex-head bolt available).
 For live front construction, externally clamped, high-voltage
porcelain bushings with a single eyebolt, clamp-type
connector (accommodates #6 AWG solid to 250 MCM
stranded conductors)
 For dead front construction, externally clamped, high-voltage
epoxy bushing wells and parking stands
 Lightning arrester mounting pads (live front only)
 Tank ground pads (1 in HV; 1 in LV)
 Steel high/low-voltage compartment barrier
 Two 12⁄ " penta-head bolts must be removed from the flange
formed on the steel high/low barrier before the HV door can
be opened (12⁄ " hex-head bolts available as an option).
 Externally clamped, low-voltage epoxy bushings with
threaded copper studs

 Fill plug and self-actuating, pressure-relief device

 Drain plug
 Removable neutral ground strap
 Handhole bolted onto tank top and protected by
weather cover
 Panel coolers, 167 kVA through 250 kVA
 NEMA safety labels
 Durable, corrosion-resistant paint finish



 Primary termination:  Overvoltage protection:
• Externally clamped, epoxy bushing wells (stan- • Distribution class, valve-type lightning arresters,
dard) and load-break or nonload-break inserts 3 — 27 kV
• Integral load-break bushings • Distribution class, metal oxide arresters,
 Secondary termination: 3 — 36 kV
• Externally clamped bushings with rotatable  Construction options:
NEMA 4-hole “H” or 4-hole inline spades • 24" (588 mm) and 30" (735 mm) deep
 Primary switching: terminal cabinet
• LBOR oil switch—one for radial, • Drain valve and sampling device
two for loop feed • Mounting plate for CTs or PTs
• EFD air switch with current-limiting fuse, • Interphase barriers
available in radial feed (live front only) • Molded case external secondary breaker
• Externally operated tap changer • Oil level plug
• Externally operated, series-multiple • Substation accessories—oil gauge, thermometer,
(dual-voltage) switch drain valve and sampler, and pressure-vacuum
 Overcurrent protection: gauge provision
• Internal primary protective links
• Bayonet-type expulsion fuses
• Drawout, load-break, current-limiting fuses with
or without interlocking transformer switch
• Secondary oil circuit breaker
• Internal, partial range, current-limiting fuses

 Ratings @ 65°C Rise
 60 Hz standard, 50 Hz optional


4160GY/2400 —
25, 37.5, 50, 75, 100, 34,500GY/19,920 V, 240/120, 120/240, 480/240,
60, 75, 95, 125, 150 kV
167, 250, 333* 240/480, 277 V
2400 ∆ — 22,940 ∆

*The 333 requires special engineering.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Single-Phase, Padmounted
Distribution Transformers

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Jefferson City, MO
RTP®—Residential Transformer Padmounted +573-634-2111

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
The information shown is for standard RTP designs. Due to the multiplicity of sizes and weights associated
with loss levels and component selection, contact the division for specific product weights and dimensions.

A B C D E Weight Oil
Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Lbs. (kg) Gallons (L)

25 46.5 (1183) 46 (1170) 44.8 (1140) 44.8 (1140) 46 (1170) 3200 (1453) 120 (454)

50 46.5 (1183) 46 (1170) 44.8 (1140) 44.8 (1140) 46 (1170) 3250 (1476) 125 (473)

75 46.5 (1183) 46 (1170) 44.8 (1140) 44.8 (1140) 46 (1170) 3325 (1510) 128 (484)

100 46.5 (1183) 46 (1170) 53.1 (1351) 44.8 (1140) 46 (1170) 3350 (1521) 130 (492)

167 50.5 (1285) 46 (1170) 53.1 (1351) 44.8 (1140) 46 (1170) 3400 (1544) 133 (503)

250 50.5 (1285) 46 (1170) 53.1 (1351) 44.8 (1140) 46 (1170) 3750 (1703) 161 (609)

333 50.5 (1285) 46 (1170) 53.1 (1351) 44.8 (1140) 46 (1170) 3980 (1807) 175 (662)

Physical data is approximate and is based on single-
voltage units with or without taps, with standard
18" (457.2 mm) cable compartment depth, and with
no secondary breaker. Dimensions may change to
meet specific customer requirements.

Single-Phase, Padmounted



The single-phase underground transformer is designed for use on

residential underground systems. It is built to withstand environmental
conditions common to below-grade and vault-type installations.
The transformer utilizes a stainless steel tank and cover.
ISO 9001 Certified

 A 400 CB stainless steel tank with all seams welded.
Each unit is pressure-tested and inspected for leaks prior
to shipment.
 Equipped with two (2) universal, high-voltage bushing
wells for loop feed
 Parking stand between the two (2) primary bushings for
attachment of bushing accessories
 Welded-in stud, low-voltage bushings with threaded
studs for use with copper or aluminum connectors
 Stainless steel ground pads near each bushing  An oil-immersed, bayonet-type fuse
link removes the transformer from
 All single-phase transformers are supplied with:
the system in case of an internal fault,
• Two (2) lifting lugs secondary short, or overload.
• Oil level/fill plug  Secondary connections:
• Oil drain plug • Copper studs with contact
• Oil level sight gauge nuts (standard)
• Self-actuating, pressure-relief device • Copper studs with rotatable spades
 Sealed tank construction  Copper windings
 Welded-on cover  Miscellaneous:
 Nameplate • External tap changer
 Durable, corrosion-resistant paint finish • 304 stainless steel tank


For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Single-Phase, Padmounted
Distribution Transformers

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Jefferson City, MO
Underground +573-634-2111

 Ratings @ 55°C Rise
Although the insulation is 65°C temperature rise, an actual full-load temperature
rise of 55°C maximum allows additional capacity for temperature differentials
between vault-type and above-ground installations per ANSI standards.
 60 Hz standard, 50 Hz optional


4160GY/2400 —
25, 37.5, 50, 75, 100, 167 60, 75, 95, 125 kV 240/120, 480/240, 277 V
24,940GY/14,400 V

Standard Design Dimensions

Actual dimensions will vary according to voltage, loss evaluation, and accessories.

A B C* D
Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm)

25 29 (745) 26 (661) 33 (845) 28 (720)

37.5 29 (745) 26 (661) 33 (845) 28 (720)

50 29 (745) 26 (661) 33 (845) 30 (771)

75 31 (791) 28 (705) 36 (907) 33 (847)

100 31 (791) 28 (705) 36 (907) 38 (974)

167 32 (824) 29 (738) 37 (935) 42 (1076)

*C Dimension = Diameter

NOTE: Front View

Dimensions are in inches (millimeters) and are
approximate, based on single-voltage units with
or without taps. Dimensions may change to meet
specific customer requirements.

Side View

Three-Phase, Padmounted Transformers

ABB three-phase, padmounted distribution trans-

formers are specifically designed to serve under-
ground distribution loads in applications such as
shopping centers, schools, institutional facilities, and
industrial plants.

ABB offers three-phase, padmounted transformers at

34.5 kV and below at ratings from 45 — 2500 kVA.
The product features a cabinet design for maximum
tamper resistance which exceeds ANSI standards.
All ABB transformers meet or exceed ANSI standards
for durability and safety.

ABB transformers are manufactured to the

international standards of ISO 9001.

Product kVA Voltage Range Features

MTP™— Up to 24.9 kV, Low profile, compact design, smaller footprint,

45 — 150
Mini Three-Phase 125 BIL hood design

MTR®—Three-Phase 45 — 1500 Up to 34.5 kV, Maximum tamper-resistant design, non-corrosive

Padmounted 2000 — 2500 150 BIL hardware, patented fin-fold design

UCT®—Underground Up to 24.9 kV, Flexible applications, many switching and fusing

75 — 1000
Commercial Transformer 125 BIL options, patented fin-fold design

Up to 34.5 kV, For above-ground installation on platforms,

Platform-Mounted 30 — 2500
150 BIL sealed-tank construction

45 — 1000
Up to 34.5 kV, Available in a variety of styles, is energy efficient,
Amorphous Metal Core (also single-phase
150 BIL and minimizes core losses
10 — 250)

Secondary Up to 34.5 kV, See Small Power Transformers—Unit Substation

500 — 2500
Unit Substation 150 BIL in this section for product information

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Three-Phase, Padmounted
Distribution Transformers


MTP™—Mini Three-Phase

The Mini Three-Phase, Padmounted Transformer (MTP)

is designed for the needs of utility customers to
reduce costs and improve aesthetics. The MTP design
is easier to handle, install and maintain. Its discreet
profile is ideal for commercial applications such as
banks, stores, and restaurants.
The MTP features a hood and removable sill instead of
doors. The design allows easy access for installation
and maintenance of the transformer.
ISO 9001 Certified


 Flip-top hood and heavy duty 3⁄8", removable stainless ACCESSORIES
steel hinge pins provide safe and durable service.  Standard fusing is bayonet with
 Recessed locking assembly with padlock provisions and or without under-oil, partial range,
penta-head locking bolt is standard for tamper-resistant or current-limiting fusing.
operation.A hex-head locking bolt is available.
 Taps or delta/wye or dual voltage are
 Tanks are constructed of heavy-gauge steel with welded available, but not combined with
seams.They are pressure-tested and inspected for leaks each other.
prior to shipment.
 The front sill latches with the flip-top hood, is attached  One (1) load-break oil switch
on the side of the tank, and is removable.  One (1) live HO bushing in the
 Externally clamped, removable high-voltage bushing wells high-voltage compartment
and a parking stand between the bushing wells are provided  A high-low barrier will be either
for attaching accessories. metal or glasspoly.
 Externally clamped, low-voltage bushings
 Stainless steel designs, including the
 Loop or radial feed, dead front only for high-voltage Mini-Skirt, are available.
configurations. Loop pattern will be loop “V” with minimum
dimensions per ANSI C57 12.26, Fig. 2 at 8.3/14.4 kV. Radial  Full-range, general purpose, current-
pattern will be either horizontal with minimum dimensions limiting fuses in dry-well canisters
per ANSI C57 12.26, Fig. 1 or a non-ANSI slant pattern. are only available in radial units with
 Standard low-voltage pattern is the staggered arrangement single-fuse application.
per ANSI C57 12.26, Fig. 4a with minimum dimensions.  Special slant low-voltage pattern
 Five-legged core/coil assembly available upon request. This feature

 Cabinet depth is standardized at 19". allows more space to mount

metering current transformers.
 Tamper-resistant design that exceeds ANSI C57.12.28
 NEMA safety labels  Substation accessories available
(normally in the low-voltage
 Durable, corrosion-resistant paint finish

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Jefferson City, MO

 Ratings @ 65°C Rise
 60 Hz standard, 50 Hz optional


4160GY/2400 — 24,940GY/ 208Y/120, 216Y/125, 460Y/265,

45 — 150 14,400 V at 95 BIL spacing only 60, 75, 95 kV 480Y/277, 480 ∆, 240 ∆, and 240 ∆
14,400 ∆ at 95 BIL spacing only with 120 V mid-tap in one phase

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights

Actual dimensions will vary according to voltage, loss evaluation, and accessories.

A B C D Weight Oil
Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Lbs. (kg) Gallons (L)

Min 36 (916) 44 (1119) 51.5 (1308) 19 (490) 1750 (795) 90 (341)

Max 42 (1068) 44 (1119) 57.5 (1461) 19 (490) 2500 (1135) 150 (568)

Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm)

45 42 (1068) 44 (1119) 42.5 (1081) 19.25 (490)

75 42 (1068) 44 (1119) 44.5 (1132) 19.25 (490)

112.5 42 (1068) 44 (1119) 44.5 (1132) 19.25 (490)

150 42 (1068) 44 (1119) 46.5 (1183) 19.25 (490)

Recommended Pad

Physical data is approximate and is based on
single-voltage units with or without taps, with
standard 19.25" (489 mm) cable compartment
depth. Dimensions may change to meet specific
customer requirements.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Three-Phase, Padmounted
Distribution Transformers



ABB MTR transformers are oil-filled,

three-phase, commercial, padmounted
distribution transformers specifically
designed for servicing such under-
ground distribution loads as shopping
centers, schools, institutions, and
industrial plants. It is available in both
live front and dead front construction,
for radial or loop feed applications, and
with or without taps. Units may feature
our unique fliptop cabinet called the
FMS design.
ISO 9001 Certified

 Four (4) lifting lugs  Externally clamped, low-voltage bushings
 Bolted-on terminal compartment (18" deep with threaded copper stud for full load current
for 45 — 1500 kVA and 24" deep for 2000 and below 2100 A. Externally clamped, integral
2500 kVA) with removable front sill low-voltage bushings for current above 2100 A.
NEMA spades provided per ANSI hole require-
 Hinged, lift-off cabinet doors
ments. For 2000 and 2500 kVA, externally
 Interlocked penta-head bolt/padlock handle clamped, low-voltage bushings with NEMA
operates a cam assembly which is part of the 10-hole spades.
3-point door latching mechanism.A hex-head
bolt is available.
 Fill plug and self-actuating, pressure-
 For live front construction, externally clamped,
relief device
high-voltage porcelain bushings with a single
eyebolt, clamp-type connector (accommodates  Drain plug
#6 AWG solid to 250 MCM stranded conductors)  Removable neutral ground strap
 For dead front construction, externally clamped  Five-legged core/coil assembly
high-voltage bushing wells for load-break or  Handhole cover bolted onto tank top
nonload-break inserts (protected by weathercover)
 Lightning arrester mounting pads  Panel-type coolers
(live front only)
 NEMA safety labels
 Tank ground pads (1 in HV, 1 in LV)
 Durable, corrosion-resistant paint finish
 Steel high/low-voltage compartment barrier
 For standard units, two (2) 1⁄2" penta-head bolts
must be removed from the flange formed on

the steel high/low barrier before the HV door

can be opened (1⁄2" hex-head bolts available
as an option).
 For FMS style units, one (1) 1⁄2" penta-head bolt
must be removed from the flange formed on the
steel high/low barrier before the HV door can
be opened.



 Primary termination:  Overvoltage protection:
• Externally clamped bushing wells with load-break • Distribution class, metal-oxide arresters,
or nonload-break inserts 3 — 36 kV
• Integral load-break bushings • Distribution class, valve-type lightning
 Secondary termination: arresters, 3 — 27 kV
• Externally clamped bushings with NEMA 6-hole,  Construction options:
8-hole, 10-hole, or 12-hole spades • 18", 24", or 30" deep terminal cabinet
• Spade supports available; provided for 8-hole spades • Drain valve and sampling device
and larger when the current is 1400 A or greater. • Mounting plate for CTs or PTs
 Primary switching: • Interphase barriers
• LBOR oil switch—one for radial, two for loop feed • Molded case, external secondary breaker
• Externally operated tap changer • Substation accessories—oil gauge,
• Externally operated, series-multiple thermometer, drain valve and sampler,
(dual-voltage) switch and pressure-vacuum gauge provision
• Externally operated delta-wye switch • Low-profile FMS design with hinged weather
 Overcurrent protection: cover over the cabinet that can be raised for
• Internal primary protective links removal of bayonet-type fuses
• Bayonet-type expulsion fuses • FMS Weathercover:
• Drawout, load-break, current-limiting fuses, – Transformers may feature an optional
with or without interlocking transformer switch weathercover over the cabinet, which is
(45 — 1500 kVA) hinged to allow clearance for replacement
of the bayonet-type fuses. The weather
• Secondary oil circuit breaker (45 — 300 kVA)
cover can be completely removed for better
• Internal, partial-range, current-limiting fuses access (i.e., pulling of cables).
– Can be lifted and automatically secured into
place with a single supporting arm.
– Requires no additional hold-down hardware.
– Sloped design easily sheds water.

45 through 1500 kVA 2000 through 2500 kVA
 65°C average winding rise  65°C average winding rise
 60 Hz standard, 50 Hz optional  60 Hz standard, 50 Hz optional
 High voltages: 4160 Grd Y/2400 through  High voltages: 7200 Grd Y/4160 through
34,500 Grd Y/19,920 for grounded wye systems; 34,500 Grd Y/19,920 for grounded wye systems;
2400 through 34,500 for delta systems; various 4160 through 34,500 for delta systems; various
dual high voltages dual high voltages
 Taps: All voltages are available with or without taps.  Taps: All voltages are available with or
 Insulation classes: 35 kV, 150 kV BIL and below without taps.
 Low voltages: 208Y/120, 216Y/125, 460Y/265,  Insulation classes: 35 kV, 150 kV BIL and below
480Y/277, 480 ∆, 240 ∆, and 240 ∆ with 120 V  Low voltages:
mid-tap in one phase (4160Y/2400, 4160 ∆, 2400 ∆, 460Y/265 480 ∆ 2400 ∆
and 2400/4160Y/2400 for 500 kVA and larger) 480Y/277 4160Y/2400 2400/4160Y/2400

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Three-Phase, Padmounted
Distribution Transformers


Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
All dimensions and weights are approximate. Dimensions may change to meet the customer’s specifications.

A B C D E Weight Oil
Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Lbs. (kg) Gallons (L)
Live Front, Radial Feed, ANSI Fig. 1, 2, and 3 (C57.12.22)
75 54.5 (1386) 56 (1425) 44.8 (1140) 44.8 (1140) 56 (1425) 2280 (1035) 115 (435)
112 54.5 (1386) 56 (1425) 44.8 (1140) 44.8 (1140) 56 (1425) 2400 (1090) 115 (435)
150 54.5 (1386) 56 (1425) 44.8 (1140) 44.8 (1140) 56 (1425) 2700 (1226) 125 (473)
225 54.5 (1386) 56 (1425) 49.8 (1267) 46.8 (1191) 56 (1425) 3350 (1521) 150 (568)
300 54.5 (1386) 60 (1526) 50.8 (1292) 46.8 (1191) 56 (1425) 3650 (1657) 165 (625)
500 58.5 (1488) 66 (1679) 58.8 (1496) 48.8 (1241) 56 (1425) 5200 (2361) 200 (757)
750 66.5 (1692) 81 (2061) 60.8 (1547) 50.8 (1292) 66 (1679) 7100 (3223) 270 (1022)
1000 66.5 (1692) 84 (2137) 62.8 (1598) 52.8 (1343) 66 (1679) 7900 (3587) 320 (1211)
1500 66.5 (1692) 86 (2188) 66.8 (1699) 54.8 (1394) 66 (1679) 9700 (4404) 390 (1476)
2000 70.5 (1794) 92 (2340) 68.8 (1750) 58.8 (1496) 70 (1781) 12,800 (5811) 430 (1628)
2500 70.5 (1794) 98 (2493) 70.8 (1801) 58.8 (1496) 70 (1781) 14,100 (6401) 500 (1893)
Dead Front, Radial Feed, ANSI Fig. 1, 3, and 4 (C57.12.26)
75 46.5 (1183) 62 (1577) 44.8 (1140) 44.8 (1140) 62 (1577) 2350 (1067) 115 (435)
112 46.5 (1183) 62 (1577) 44.8 (1140) 44.8 (1140) 62 (1577) 2450 (1112) 115 (435)
150 46.5 (1183) 62 (1577) 44.8 (1140) 44.8 (1140) 62 (1577) 2700 (1226) 125 (473)
225 46.5 (1183) 62 (1577) 49.8 (1267) 46.8 (1191) 62 (1577) 3400 (1544) 150 (568)
300 46.5 (1183) 62 (1577) 50.8 (1292) 46.8 (1191) 62 (1577) 3700 (1680) 165 (625)
500 54.5 (1386) 66 (1679) 58.8 (1496) 48.8 (1241) 62 (1577) 5400 (2452) 200 (757)
750 58.5 (1488) 81 (2061) 60.8 (1547) 50.8 (1292) 66 (1679) 7100 (3223) 270 (1022)
1000 66.5 (1692) 84 (2137) 62.8 (1598) 52.8 (1343) 66 (1679) 7900 (3587) 320 (1211)
1500 66.5 (1692) 86 (2188) 66.8 (1699) 54.8 (1394) 66 (1679) 9700 (4404) 390 (1476)
2000 70.5 (1794) 92 (2340) 68.8 (1750) 58.8 (1496) 70 (1781) 12,800 (5811) 430 (1628)
2500 70.5 (1794) 98 (2493) 70.8 (1801) 58.8 (1496) 70 (1781) 14,100 (6401) 500 (1893)
Dead Front, Loop Feed, ANSI Fig. 2, 3, and 4 (C57.12.26)
75 54.5 (1386) 66 (1679) 44.8 (1140) 44.8 (1140) 66 (1679) 2400 (1090) 120 (454)
112 54.5 (1386) 66 (1679) 44.8 (1140) 44.8 (1140) 66 (1679) 2500 (1135) 120 (454)
150 54.5 (1386) 66 (1679) 44.8 (1140) 44.8 (1140) 66 (1679) 2800 (1271) 130 (492)

225 54.5 (1386) 66 (1679) 49.8 (1267) 46.8 (1191) 66 (1679) 3500 (1589) 160 (606)
300 54.5 (1386) 66 (1679) 50.8 (1292) 46.8 (1191) 66 (1679) 3800 (1725) 170 (643)
500 54.5 (1386) 68 (1730) 58.8 (1496) 48.8 (1241) 66 (1679) 5600 (2542) 200 (757)
750 66.5 (1692) 82 (2086) 60.8 (1547) 50.8 (1292) 70 (1781) 7400 (3360) 270 (1022)
1000 66.5 (1692) 86 (2188) 62.8 (1598) 52.8 (1343) 70 (1781) 8200 (3723) 320 (1211)
1500 66.5 (1692) 88 (2239) 66.8 (1699) 54.8 (1394) 70 (1781) 10,300 (4676) 390 (1476)
2000 70.5 (1794) 92 (2340) 68.8 (1750) 58.8 (1496) 70 (1781) 12,800 (5811) 430 (1628)
2500 70.5 (1794) 98 (2493) 70.8 (1801) 58.8 (1496) 70 (1781) 14,100 (6401) 500 (1893)

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Jefferson City, MO

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Three-Phase, Padmounted
Distribution Transformers


UCT®—Underground Commercial Transformer

ABB’s UCT is a commercial or residential three-phase

transformer suited for diverse applications. The UCT
is designed for use in underground vaults and offers
application flexibility, safety, and easy accessibility for
operating personnel.
The UCT is designed for loop feed, dead front
applications and is offered with bayonet fusing or
drywell current-limiting fuse protection interlocked
with an LBOR oil load-break rotary switch for
maximum safety.
ISO 9001 Certified


 Six (6) welded-in, 200 A  Three (3), drywell, current fuse canisters and current-limiting fuses
high-voltage universal bushing  Radial feed configuration
wells for loop feed. Parking
 Externally operable HV tap changer
stands are located near each
bushing for attachment of  Externally operable HV dual-voltage switch
bushing accessories.  Rotatable spade-type secondary bushings, 750 kVA and below
 Bolted-on handhole cover(s)
 Stainless steel ground pads Recommended Options
 Durable, corrosion-resistant  Bayonet fusing
paint finish
 Three-phase (LBOR), externally operated load-break oil rotary
 Pressure-relief device switch with interlock to prevent removal of current-limiting fuses
 Oil fill plug and oil drain plug when switch is in closed position
 Four (4) lifting lugs
 Secondary bushings:
• 750 kVA and below—welded-in SPECIFICATIONS
bushings with threaded studs
 75 — 1000 kVA, three-phase, 55°C average winding rise
• 1000 kVA—externally clamped,
 60 Hz standard, 50 Hz optional
6-hole spade bushings >2100 A
 High voltages (125 kV BIL and below):
• Grounded wye system 4160 Grd Y/2400 through
24,940 Grd Y/14,400
• Delta system 2400 ∆ through 16,340 ∆

 Low voltages (30 kV BIL):

208Y/120 480Y/277
216Y/125 240 ∆
416Y/240 480 ∆

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Jefferson City, MO

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
All dimensions and weights are approximate. Dimensions may change to meet the customer’s specifications.

A B C D W X Weight
Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Lbs. (kg)

75 52 (1323) 60 (1526) 31 (789) 31 (789) 62 (1577) 62 (1577) 3500 (1589)

112.5 52 (1323) 60 (1526) 31 (789) 31 (789) 62 (1577) 62 (1577) 3700 (1680)

150 52 (1323) 60 (1526) 31 (789) 31 (789) 62 (1577) 62 (1577) 4000 (1816)

225 52 (1323) 60 (1526) 31 (789) 38 (967) 62 (1577) 62 (1577) 4800 (2179)

300 56 (1425) 67 (1704) 31 (789) 42 (1068) 62 (1577) 76 (1933) 5000 (2270)

500 56 (1425) 67 (1704) 31 (789) 44 (1119) 62 (1577) 76 (1933) 6200 (2815)

750 64 (1628) 75 (1908) 33 (840) 46 (1170) 70 (1781) 90 (2290) 9500 (4313)

1000 64 (1628) 75 (1908) 35 (890) 52 (1323) 70 (1781) 90 (2290) 10,500 (4767)

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Three-Phase, Padmounted
Distribution Transformers



The ABB Platform-Mounted Transformer

is an oil-filled, three-phase unit designed
for above-ground installation on
platforms including:
• Congested commercial areas
• Industrial development sites
Low impedance (for good voltage
regulation), superior short circuit
strength, overload capability, and full
nameplate kVA at design ambient are
all standard features per requirements
of ANSI.
ISO 9001 Certified


 30 — 2500 kVA, 65°C rise over 30°C ambient  55°C rise over 40°C ambient
 HV-34 kV and below; LV-600 V and below  HV lightning arresters
 60 Hz  50 Hz
 Handhole cover, bolted onto tank cover  Internal expulsion fuses
 Sealed tank construction  Externally operated, no-load tap changer
 Drain valve and sampler  Designed, built, and tested to meet IEC-76 standards
 Two (2) tank ground pads
 Four (4) lifting lugs
 Oil fill plug and self-actuating pressure
relief valve
 Substation gauges—thermometer, liquid level,
and pressure vacuum (provision only)
 Durable, corrosion-resistant paint finish

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Jefferson City, MO

Standard Design Dimension and Weights
Dimensions and weights are approximate and subject to change based on the final design
at the time order is processed. All cooling fin banks shown may not be required.

A B C Weight
Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Lbs. (kg)

75 50.1 (1275) 38.5 (979) 51.5 (1310) 1380 (627)

112.5 50.1 (1275) 38.5 (979) 51.5 (1310) 1728 (785)

150 55.5 (1412) 45.5 (1158) 51.5 (1310) 2000 (908)

225 72.5 (1844) 45.5 (1158) 59.5 (1514) 2445 (1110)

300 41.5 (1056) 48.5 (1234) 59.5 (1514) 2750 (1249)

500 80.5 (2048) 49.5 (1259) 63.5 (1615) 3760 (1707)

750 82.0 (2086) 52.5 (1336) 79.5 (2022) 5637 (2559)

1000 85.5 (2175) 60.5 (1539) 79.5 (2022) 9100 (4131)

1500 88.8 (2259) 62.5 (1590) 79.5 (2022) 10,060 (4567)

2000 91.8 (2335) 66.5 (1692) 80.4 (2045) 12,100 (5493)

2500 95.1 (2419) 66.5 (1692) 80.4 (2045) 12,860 (5838)

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Three-Phase, Padmounted
Distribution Transformers

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Jefferson City, MO
Amorphous Metal Core +573-634-2111

Transformers with amorphous metal cores

are available in both single-phase and
three-phase designs. The cores provide
higher efficiency and lower loss perform-
ance. Inherent in the operation of distribu-
tion transformers are two types of energy
loss: load losses that vary depending on
transformer loading, and no-load losses
that occur in the magnetic cores and take
place over the life of the transformer
regardless of the load. No-load losses
represent a significant portion of the
energy lost during power distribution.
The use of amorphous core transformers
helps a utility save electric power con-
sumption. For those utilities with a high
cost of electricity and other concerns of
generating power, the amorphous metal-
core transformer can address the need to
achieve system efficiency objectives.
ISO 9001 Certified


 Amorphous metal core has a random atomic  Ratings @ 65°C rise
structure which is easily magnetized, resulting  kVA: Single-phase 10 — 250 kVA, three-phase
in lower core losses—up to 80% lower 45 — 1000 kVA
compared with silicon metal-core transformers.
 High voltages: 4160 Grd Y/2400 through 34,500 Grd
 Largest reduction in no-load losses compared Y/19,920 for grounded wye systems; 2400 through
with cores of silicon steel 34,500 for Delta systems; various dual high voltages
 Five-legged core/coil assembly  Taps: All voltages are available with or without taps
 Cores can be matched with larger capacity
windings to lower the total losses.
 Amorphous metal-core transformers offer
choices of switching, fusing, overvoltage
protection, and other transformer accessories.
 Cores can be installed in a variety of
transformer styles and sizes.

Poletype Transformers

ABB poletype distribution transformers are

specifically designed to serve residential over-
head distribution loads. They are also suitable
for light commercial loads, industrial lighting,
and diversified power applications.

ABB offers single-phase and three-phase pole-

type transformers at 34.5 kV and below, in
ratings from 5 — 833 kVA single-phase and
30 — 500 kVA three-phase. The ABB core design
provides optimum efficiency and better mech-
anical, thermal, and electrical performance.

ABB poletype transformers are manufactured

to the international standards of ISO 9001.

Product kVA Voltage Range Features

Self-venting and resealing cover assembly, optional

Single-Phase 5 — 833 2400 — 34,400
self-protecting package, state-of-the-art paint finish

Single-phase, two-winding transformers specifically

Jumbo 50 — 500 2400 — 19,920
for “step-down” applications

Designed for those applications where substation

POW-R-Pole® 100 — 500 2400 — 34,400 accessories are required and the transformer will be
platform or padmounted
Single-phase; designed for light load applications,
Micro-Pole 1—3 2400 — 19,920
easy handling and installation, lower losses

13,800 and below

Serves three-phase applications; easier, cleaner
Three-Phase “T-T” 30 — 500 208T/120 —
installation compared to three single-phase units

13,800 and below

Serves three-phase applications; easier, cleaner
Three-Phase Triplex 30 — 225 208Y/120 —
installation compared to three single-phase units

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Distribution Transformers


Single-Phase, Overhead

ABB’s single-phase, oil-filled, pole-mounted

distribution transformers are specifically designed
for servicing residential overhead distribution loads.
They are also suitable for light commercial loads,
industrial lighting, and diversified power applications.
ABB’s core design provides optimum efficiency and
better mechanical, thermal, and electrical perform-
ance. These transformers are designed for the
Type CSP
application conditions normally encountered on
electric utility power distribution systems.
ISO 9001 Certified

 Lifting lugs
 Arrester mounting pads
 Cover-mounted, high-voltage porcelain bushing(s) with
eyebolt terminal (10 — 100 kVA) or spade terminal
 Fiberglass reinforced polyester or porcelain low- Type S
voltage insulators
 Low-voltage neutral grounding strap (furnished on
10 — 50 kVA single HV bushing units)
 ANSI support lugs (hanger brackets)
 Cover has 13 mils minimum of polyester coating providing
15 kV dielectric insulation.
 Self-venting and resealing cover assembly
 The core/coil bolt in pads are 180° apart
 Embossed low-voltage leads
 Oil fill plug with cover ground strap
 Tank ground pad
 Laser-etched, anodized, aluminum nameplate with bar-coded
serial number
 Durable, corrosive-resistant paint finish

The following additional features are all standard on


self-protected type CSP units

 Primary protective link
 Surge arrester
 Secondary circuit breaker
 Secondary breaker operating handle with emergency overload
reset and overload signal light



 High-voltage bushings are of two (2) types and Options
are made of wet process porcelain:
 Primary termination:
• Speed-wrench, operable eyebolt bushing for
• Cover-mounted, high-voltage, porcelain bushing(s)
cover mounting
with spin-top terminal
• Spin-top bushing for either cover or
• Side-wall mounted, high-voltage, porcelain
side-wall mount
bushing(s) with spin-top terminal (standard on
 Tap changers compensate for small voltage all 4800 V and below)
variations along the distribution system.
• Primary current-limiting backup fuse
 A dual-voltage switch permits use of the same
 Secondary termination: Low-voltage porcelain
transformer on distribution systems with
bushings with NEMA spade terminals (standard on
different system voltages.
all units 167 kVA and above)
 CSP protection package consists of four (4)
 Primary switching:
related components that work together to pro-
vide complete self-contained protection against • Externally operated tap changer
surge currents, short circuits, and overloads: • Externally operated, dual-voltage switch or
• Protective link internal terminal board
• MOV polymer arrester  Overcurrent protection: Internally mounted, current-
limited fuse in series with protective link
• Secondary circuit breaker
• Optional current-limiting fuse
 Stainless-steel tanks and covers available

 5 — 833 kVA
 65°C temperature rise
 60 Hz standard, 50 Hz optional
 Low voltages: 120/240, 240/480, and 277
 High voltages: 2400 through 34,500 V
 Insulation levels:

Insulation Basic Impulse

Rated Voltage Ranges
Class Level (kV)
480 — 600 1.2 30
2160 — 2400 5.0 60
4160 — 4800 8.7 75
7200 — 12,470
15.0 95
Optional 125 kV BIL 12,000 V available.
13,200 — 14,400 18.0 125
19,920 — 22,900
25.0 150
Optional 125 kV BIL 19,920 V available.
34,500 34.5 200

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Distribution Transformers

Single-Phase, Overhead

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
All dimensions and weights are approximate. Dimensions may change to meet the customer’s specifications.
Single-phase, 60 Hz, oil-immersed, self-cooled (OISC), 65°C rise high-voltage
(Refer to division for available tap positions and dimensions for other primary voltages.)
 Low-voltages: 120/240, 240/480, and 277
 Standard loss performance level

A B C D E Weight Weight Oil

Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Lbs. (kg) Lbs. (kg) Gallons (L)

7200/12,470Y Primary Voltage with Taps

10 34 (864) 17 (432) 20 (508) 13.25 (337) 11.25 (286) 205 (93) 217 (99) 11 (42)

15 36 (914) 17 (432) 20 (508) 13.25 (337) 11.25 (286) 236 (107) 247 (112) 12 (46)

25 41 (1040) 19 (483) 22 (559) 15.25 (388) 11.25 (286) 349 (158) 363 (165) 18 (68)

37.5 44 (1118) 22 (559) 24 (610) 17.50 (445) 11.25 (286) 489 (222) 510 (232) 29 (110)

50 49 (1245) 22 (559) 24 (610) 17.50 (445) 11.25 (286) 585 (265) 605 (275) 31 (118)

75 49 (1245) 25 (635) 27 (686) 20 (508) 23.25 (591) 850 (386) 875 (398) 40 (152)

100 50 (1270) 27 (686) 28 (711) 20 (508) 23.25 (591) 923 (419) 968 (440) 42 (160)

167 58 (1473) 38 (965) 33 (838) 24 (611) 23.25 (591) 1475 (670) 1542 (701) 78 (296)

250 66 (1676) 38 (965) 33 (838) 24 (611) 24 (611) 1820 (826) 1885 (856) 90 (342)

333 62 (1575) 42 (1067) 37 (940) 24 (611) 24 (611) 2040 (926) 2110 (959) 82 (312)

500 66 (1677) 45 (1143) 41 (1041) 27 (687) 36 (916) 2850 (1294) 2950 (1341) 109 (414)

14,400/24,940Y Primary Voltage with Taps

10 38 (965) 17 (432) 20 (508) 13.25 (337) 11.25 (286) 205 (93) 217 (98) 11 (42)

15 38 (965) 17 (432) 20 (508) 13.25 (337) 11.25 (286) 245 (111) 256 (116) 11 (42)

25 46 (1168) 22 (559) 24 (610) 17.50 (445) 11.25 (286) 455 (206) 470 (214) 29 (110)

37.5 46 (1168) 22 (559) 24 (610) 17.50 (445) 11.25 (286) 505 (229) 526 (239) 28 (106)

50 51 (1295) 25 (635) 27 (686) 20 (509) 11.25 (286) 730 (331) 755 (343) 41 (156)

75 52 (1320) 25 (635) 28 (711) 20 (509) 23.25 (591) 910 (413) 936 (425) 38 (144)

100 56 (1422) 27 (686) 28 (711) 20 (509) 23.25 (591) 985 (447) 1025 (465) 46 (175)

167 56 (1422) 38 (965) 33 (838) 24 (611) 23.25 (591) 1430 (649) 1495 (680) 70 (266)

250 68 (1727) 38 (965) 33 (840) 24 (611) 24 (611) 1865 (847) 1930 (877) 91 (346)

333 61 (1549) 42 (1067) 35 (889) 24 (611) 24 (611) 1970 (894) 2041 (928) 75 (285)

500 72 (1829) 45 (1143) 39 (991) 27 (687) 36 (916) 2960 (1344) 3055 (1389) 121 (458)

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Athens, GA

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights

167 — 500 kVA

75 — 100 kVA

1.5 — 50 kVA

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Distribution Transformers



ABB JUMBO distribution transformers are designed as

single-phase, two-winding transformers—specifically
for “Step-Down” applications.
ISO 9001 Certified

 Lo-Hi-Lo coil design divides the short-circuit force between
two low-high spaces, increasing the short circuit strength of
the coil.
 Two-winding construction yields a much higher impedance
than is characteristic of an auto transformer, which helps limit
the mechanical forces the unit must sustain during fault duty.
 Progressively wound coils with adhesive resins on thermally
upgraded insulating paper provide increased short circuit and
thermal strength. SPECIFICATIONS
 Sheet conductor in LV windings enables the electrical centers  50 — 500 kVA
in the high and low to align themselves, minimizing the
 65°C rise
vertical component of short-circuit forces.
 60 Hz standard, 50 Hz optional
 Reinforced core-coil assembly provides greater short circuit
withstand capability.  High voltages: 7200, 14,400,
and 19,920
 Prototype testing ensures the Jumbo design can meet industry
short circuit standards and provide reliable service.  Low voltages: 2400, 4800, 7200,
7620, and 7970
 Self-venting and resealing cover eliminates the need for an
auxiliary pressure-relief device and offers increased safety
through higher tank withstand.
 ANSI support lugs (hanger brackets) are rod-welded to the
tank wall for added strength.
 Anodized, aluminum-laser inscribed nameplate offers longer
term readability.
 Lifting lugs are positioned directly opposite the cover beam
support lugs, reducing the chance of the tank going out of
round when lifted.

 Cover-mounted, high-voltage, porcelain bushings with eyebolt

terminals are mounted on flat embossments on the cover and
have undercut gasket seats for improved sealing. The eyebolt
connectors are cast bronze-plated with tin.
 Low-voltage porcelain bushings with clamp-type terminals
provide ease in making secondary terminations.
 Arrester mounting pads are resistance-welded to the tank
wall, completely and uniformly filling the surfaces where pad
and tank wall join to provide greater strength.
 Durable, corrosion-resistant paint finish

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Athens, GA

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
All dimensions and weights are approximate.

A — Inches (mm) B C — Inches (mm) D Shipping Oil

kVA Inches Inches Weight Gallons
Lbs. (kg)
7200 HV 14,400 HV (mm) 2400 LV 7200 LV (mm) Lbs. (kg) (L)

50 45 (1143) 47 (1194) 24 (610) 28 (711) 25 (635) 20 (508) 750 (341) 785 (357) 36 (137)

75 Not Available

100 45 (1143) 52 (1321) 31 (787) 31 (787) 31 (787) 22 (559) 1095 (497) 1150 (523) 50 (190)

167 58 (1473) 52 (1321) 33 (787) 37 (940) 33 (838) 27 (686) 2010 (914) 2090 (950) 88 (334)

250 54 (1372) 56 (1422) 41 (1041) 37 (940) 33 (838) 27 (686) 2340 (1064) 2440 (1109) 85 (323)

333 54 (1372) 64 (1625) 45 (1143) 37 (940) 33 (838) 27 (686) 2400 (1091) 2500 (1136) 88 (334)

500 69 (1753) 68 (1727) 45 (1143) 39 (991) 36 (914) 27 (686) 3065 (1393) 3165 (1439) 120 (456)
All approximate dimensions shown reference designs with ± 2.5% taps.

ANSI Type ‘B’ Lug

ANSI Type ‘B’ Lug
for 167 kVA
for 167 kVA

LV > 600 Volts LV > 5000 Volts

< 5000 Volts

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Distribution Transformers

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Athens, GA
POW-R-Pole® Transformer and Substation +706-548-3121

POW-R-Pole Transformer
The single-phase POW-R-Pole distribution transformer
is designed for those applications where substation
accessories are required, and the transformer will be
platform-mounted or padmounted. Typical examples
include banking for small distribution-type substations.
The POW-R-Pole is a round tank unit with base bars
and no pole support lugs (hanger brackets), plus
substation accessories. The single-phase POW-R-Pole is
suitable for use in three-phase banks, 300 to 1500 kVA.
ISO 9001 Certified

POW-R-Pole Substation
Up to 1500 kVA substation using three single-
phase transformers
 Lower transformer costs (three single-phase vs. one
three-phase substation transformer)
 Better performance, lower losses
POW-R-Pole Substation
 Minimum changeout costs, significant size and
weight reduction  Base bars
 Substation transformer accessories:  Pressure-relief valve
• Liquid level gauge  Liquid level gauge
• Dial-type oil temperature gauge  Dial-type oil temperature indicator
• Base bars (without alarm contacts)
• Upper filter press connection  External tap changer
• Drain valve with sampling device  Upper filter press connection
 Primary voltages: 2400 — 34,500  Oil drain valve and sampling device
 Distribution voltages:  Durable, corrosion-resistant paint finish
2400 7200 12,000 14,400
4160 7620 13,200 19,920 Other POW-R-Pole Transformer Accessories
4800 8000 13,800 34,400
 Lifting lugs
 Utilization voltages: 120/240, 240/480, 277, 600
 Tank ground pad
 Substation sizes: 300, 500, 750, 1000, 1500 kVA
 kVA stencil on tank
 Flame-retardant mineral oil substitutes available
 Nameplate (diagrammatic)
 Four (4) low-voltage bushings with NEMA

SPECIFICATIONS spade terminals (two (2) bushings only on

 kVA: 100, 167, 250, 333, 500 277 V and 600 V units)
 60 Hz standard, 50 Hz optional  ASA #70 gray paint
 Low voltages: 120/240, 240/480, 277, 600  Radiators
 High voltages:  Two (2) cover-mounted, high-voltage bushings
2400/4160Y 7620/13,200Y 14,400/24,940Y with mechanical connectors:
4160/7200Y 12,000 ∆ 19,920/34,500Y • #6 to #4/0 cable—250 through 500 kVA
4800/8320Y 12,470/21,600Y 34,400 ∆ • #8 to #2 cable—100 and 167 kVA
7200/12,470Y  Self-venting cover assembly




The all new ABB Micro-Pole overhead transformers are ideal

for small load applications such as capacitor bank control power,
switchgear control power, billboard signs, street lighting, highway
intersection stoplights, and pumping stations. Some of the advantages
to this overhead transformer are listed below:
 Small, lightweight designs starting around 80 lbs. provide for easy
handling and installation with less pole space.
 Reduction of system losses achieved by substituting for
underutilized 10 kVA units in light load applications
 The same quality and reliability you have come to expect
from all ABB distribution transformers


 The micro-pole transformer design is based on If transformer is to be used with Joslyn type VSV
IEEE Std. C57.12.00 and IEEE Std. C57.12.90. switches, please specify before ordering.
 One or two high-voltage bushing(s)
 Two low-voltage bushings with one eyebolt OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES
connector for #6 solid to 250 MCM str. AL or
CU conductor  High-voltage, wildlife protective cap(s)
 Includes one ANSI Type A hanger bracket. Type  Low-voltage, 5-pin connector
A hanger bracket is described in ANSI Std.  Primary protective fuse link
 One tank grounding connector suitable for
#10 solid to #1 str. AL or CU conductor SPECIFICATIONS
 Pressure-relief valve  Power: 1 kVA and 3 kVA
 Paint system as per the ANSI Std. C57.12.28  High Voltage: 2400 V to 19,920 V
 Two lifting lugs as per the ANSI Std. C57.12.20  Low Voltage: 120 V
 Multiple cover clamps to ensure proper sealing  Frequency: 60 Hz
 Temperature Rise: 65°C
 Weight: 80 to 90 lbs.
 Basic Lightning Impulse Insulation Levels (BIL)

Rated HV Winding Bushing

(V) (kV BIL) (kV BIL)

2400 — 4800 75 95

7200 — 12,470 95 95

13,200 — 19,920 125 125

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Distribution Transformers


Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
All dimensions are approximate. Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).

Bushing Dimension A
(kV BIL) Inches (mm)

95 23.50 (597)
125 25.75 (654)

16.75 (425)








16.3125 15
(415) 12.4375 (380)

10.0 (255) SUITABLE FOR #10 SOLID


High BIL (kV) 1 HV Bushing 2 HV Bushing 1 HV Bushing with 2 HV Bushing with
Voltage (V) Winding Bushing Catalog Number Catalog Number Fuse Catalog Number Fuse Catalog Number
Power: 1 kVA, Low-Voltage: 120 V, 2 Low-Voltage Bushings
2400 M1002400AAB-A01 M1002400DAB-A01 M1002400GAB-A01 M1002400KAB-A01
2770 M1002770AAB-A01 M1002770DAB-A01 M1002770GAB-A01 M1002770KAB-A01
75 95
4160 M1004160AAB-A01 M1004160DAB-A01 M1004160GAB-A01 M1004160KAB-A01
4800 M1004800AAB-A01 M1004800DAB-A01 M1004800GAB-A01 M1004800KAB-A01
6900 M1006900AAB-A01 M1006900DAB-A01 M1006900GAB-A01 M1006900KAB-A01
7200 M1007200AAB-A01 M1007200DAB-A01 M1007200GAB-A01 M1007200KAB-A01
7620 M1007620AAB-A01 M1007620DAB-A01 M1007620GAB-A01 M1007620KAB-A01
95 95
7960 M1007960AAB-A01 M1007960DAB-A01 M1007960GAB-A01 M1007960KAB-A01
8000 M1008000AAB-A01 M1008000DAB-A01 M1008000GAB-A01 M1008000KAB-A01
8320 M1008320AAB-A01 M1008320DAB-A01 M1008320GAB-A01 M1008320KAB-A01
9960 M1009960BAB-A01 M1009960EAB-A01 M1009960HAB-A01 M1009960LAB-A01
11,400 M1011400BAB-A01 M1011400EAB-A01 M1011400HAB-A01 M1011400LAB-A01
12,000 M1012000BAB-A01 M1012000EAB-A01 M1012000HAB-A01 M1012000LAB-A01
12,470 M1012470BAB-A01 M1012470EAB-A01 M1012470HAB-A01 M1012470LAB-A01
13,200 M1013200BAB-A01 M1013200EAB-A01 M1013200HAB-A01 M1013200LAB-A01
13,280 M1013280BAB-A01 M1013280EAB-A01 M1013280HAB-A01 M1013280LAB-A01
125 125
13,800 M1013800BAB-A01 M1013800EAB-A01 M1013800HAB-A01 M1013800LAB-A01
14,400 M1014400BAB-A01 M1014400EAB-A01 M1014400HAB-A01 M1014400LAB-A01
16,000 M1016000BAB-A01 M1016000EAB-A01 M1016000HAB-A01 M1016000LAB-A01
16,340 M1016340BAB-A01 M1016340EAB-A01 M1016340HAB-A01 M1016340LAB-A01
17,200 M1017200BAB-A01 M1017200EAB-A01 M1017200HAB-A01 M1017200LAB-A01
19,920 M1019920BAB-A01 M1019920EAB-A01 M1019920HAB-A01 M1019920LAB-A01
Power: 1 kVA, Low-Voltage: 120 V, 5-Pin Connector
2400 M1002400AAG-A01 M1002400DAG-A01 M1002400GAG-A01 M1002400KAG-A01
2770 M1002770AAG-A01 M1002770DAG-A01 M1002770GAG-A01 M1002770KAG-A01
75 95
4160 M1004160AAG-A01 M1004160DAG-A01 M1004160GAG-A01 M1004160KAG-A01
4800 M1004800AAG-A01 M1004800DAG-A01 M1004800GAG-A01 M1004800KAG-A01
6900 M1006900AAG-A01 M1006900DAG-A01 M1006900GAG-A01 M1006900KAG-A01
7200 M1007200AAG-A01 M1007200DAG-A01 M1007200GAG-A01 M1007200KAG-A01
7620 M1007620AAG-A01 M1007620DAG-A01 M1007620GAG-A01 M1007620KAG-A01
95 95
7960 M1007960AAG-A01 M1007960DAG-A01 M1007960GAG-A01 M1007960KAG-A01
8000 M1008000AAG-A01 M1008000DAG-A01 M1008000GAG-A01 M1008000KAG-A01
8320 M1008320AAG-A01 M1008320DAG-A01 M1008320GAG-A01 M1008320KAG-A01
9960 M1009960BAG-A01 M1009960EAG-A01 M1009960HAG-A01 M1009960LAG-A01
11,400 M1011400BAG-A01 M1011400EAG-A01 M1011400HAG-A01 M1011400LAG-A01
12,000 M1012000BAG-A01 M1012000EAG-A01 M1012000HAG-A01 M1012000LAG-A01
12,470 M1012470BAG-A01 M1012470EAG-A01 M1012470HAG-A01 M1012470LAG-A01
13,200 M1013200BAG-A01 M1013200EAG-A01 M1013200HAG-A01 M1013200LAG-A01
13,280 M1013280BAG-A01 M1013280EAG-A01 M1013280HAG-A01 M1013280LAG-A01
125 125
13,800 M1013800BAG-A01 M1013800EAG-A01 M1013800HAG-A01 M1013800LAG-A01
14,400 M1014400BAG-A01 M1014400EAG-A01 M1014400HAG-A01 M1014400LAG-A01
16,000 M1016000BAG-A01 M1016000EAG-A01 M1016000HAG-A01 M1016000LAG-A01
16,340 M1016340BAG-A01 M1016340EAG-A01 M1016340HAG-A01 M1016340LAG-A01
17,200 M1017200BAG-A01 M1017200EAG-A01 M1017200HAG-A01 M1017200LAG-A01
19,920 M1019920BAG-A01 M1019920EAG-A01 M1019920HAG-A01 M1019920LAG-A01

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Distribution Transformers

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Quebec City,
Micro-Pole Canada
High BIL (kV) 1 HV Bushing 2 HV Bushing 1 HV Bushing with 2 HV Bushing with
Voltage (V)Winding Bushing Catalog Number Catalog Number Fuse Catalog Number Fuse Catalog Number
Power: 3 kVA, Low-Voltage: 120 V, 2 Low-Voltage Bushings
2400 M3002400AAB-A01 M3002400DAB-A01 M3002400GAB-A01 M3002400KAB-A01
2770 M3002770AAB-A01 M3002770DAB-A01 M3002770GAB-A01 M3002770KAB-A01
75 95
4160 M3004160AAB-A01 M3004160DAB-A01 M3004160GAB-A01 M3004160KAB-A01
4800 M3004800AAB-A01 M3004800DAB-A01 M3004800GAB-A01 M3004800KAB-A01
6900 M3006900AAB-A01 M3006900DAB-A01 M3006900GAB-A01 M3006900KAB-A01
7200 M3007200AAB-A01 M3007200DAB-A01 M3007200GAB-A01 M3007200KAB-A01
7620 M3007620AAB-A01 M3007620DAB-A01 M3007620GAB-A01 M3007620KAB-A01
95 95
7960 M3007960AAB-A01 M3007960DAB-A01 M3007960GAB-A01 M3007960KAB-A01
8000 M3008000AAB-A01 M3008000DAB-A01 M3008000GAB-A01 M3008000KAB-A01
8320 M3008320AAB-A01 M3008320DAB-A01 M3008320GAB-A01 M3008320KAB-A01
9960 M3009960BAB-A01 M3009960EAB-A01 M3009960HAB-A01 M3009960LAB-A01
11,400 M3011400BAB-A01 M3011400EAB-A01 M3011400HAB-A01 M3011400LAB-A01
12,000 M3012000BAB-A01 M3012000EAB-A01 M3012000HAB-A01 M3012000LAB-A01
12,470 M3012470BAB-A01 M3012470EAB-A01 M3012470HAB-A01 M3012470LAB-A01
13,200 M3013200BAB-A01 M3013200EAB-A01 M3013200HAB-A01 M3013200LAB-A01
13,280 M3013280BAB-A01 M3013280EAB-A01 M3013280HAB-A01 M3013280LAB-A01
125 125
13,800 M3013800BAB-A01 M3013800EAB-A01 M3013800HAB-A01 M3013800LAB-A01
14,400 M3014400BAB-A01 M3014400EAB-A01 M3014400HAB-A01 M3014400LAB-A01
16,000 M3016000BAB-A01 M3016000EAB-A01 M3016000HAB-A01 M3016000LAB-A01
16,340 M3016340BAB-A01 M3016340EAB-A01 M3016340HAB-A01 M3016340LAB-A01
17,200 M3017200BAB-A01 M3017200EAB-A01 M3017200HAB-A01 M3017200LAB-A01
19,920 M3019920BAB-A01 M3019920EAB-A01 M3019920HAB-A01 M3019920LAB-A01
Power: 3 kVA, Low-Voltage: 120 V, 5-Pin Connector
2400 M3002400AAG-A01 M3002400DAG-A01 M3002400GAG-A01 M3002400KAG-A01
2770 M3002770AAG-A01 M3002770DAG-A01 M3002770GAG-A01 M3002770KAG-A01
75 95
4160 M3004160AAG-A01 M3004160DAG-A01 M3004160GAG-A01 M3004160KAG-A01
4800 M3004800AAG-A01 M3004800DAG-A01 M3004800GAG-A01 M3004800KAG-A01
6900 M3006900AAG-A01 M3006900DAG-A01 M3006900GAG-A01 M3006900KAG-A01
7200 M3007200AAG-A01 M3007200DAG-A01 M3007200GAG-A01 M3007200KAG-A01
7620 M3007620AAG-A01 M3007620DAG-A01 M3007620GAG-A01 M3007620KAG-A01
95 95
7960 M3007960AAG-A01 M3007960DAG-A01 M3007960GAG-A01 M3007960KAG-A01
8000 M3008000AAG-A01 M3008000DAG-A01 M3008000GAG-A01 M3008000KAG-A01
8320 M3008320AAG-A01 M3008320DAG-A01 M3008320GAG-A01 M3008320KAG-A01
9960 M3009960BAG-A01 M3009960EAG-A01 M3009960HAG-A01 M3009960LAG-A01
11,400 M3011400BAG-A01 M3011400EAG-A01 M3011400HAG-A01 M3011400LAG-A01
12,000 M3012000BAG-A01 M3012000EAG-A01 M3012000HAG-A01 M3012000LAG-A01
12,470 M3012470BAG-A01 M3012470EAG-A01 M3012470HAG-A01 M3012470LAG-A01

13,200 M3013200BAG-A01 M3013200EAG-A01 M3013200HAG-A01 M3013200LAG-A01

13,280 M3013280BAG-A01 M3013280EAG-A01 M3013280HAG-A01 M3013280LAG-A01
125 125
13,800 M3013800BAG-A01 M3013800EAG-A01 M3013800HAG-A01 M3013800LAG-A01
14,400 M3014400BAG-A01 M3014400EAG-A01 M3014400HAG-A01 M3014400LAG-A01
16,000 M3016000BAG-A01 M3016000EAG-A01 M3016000HAG-A01 M3016000LAG-A01
16,340 M3016340BAG-A01 M3016340EAG-A01 M3016340HAG-A01 M3016340LAG-A01
17,200 M3017200BAG-A01 M3017200EAG-A01 M3017200HAG-A01 M3017200LAG-A01
19,920 M3019920BAG-A01 M3019920EAG-A01 M3019920HAG-A01 M3019920LAG-A01



Three-Phase, T-T

ABB T-T or T-connected overhead distribution transformers

can be used to serve most three-phase applications up to 500 kVA.
T-connected transformers consist of two single-phase core/coil
assemblies. This type of connection is also referred to as a
Scott-T connection.
T-connected overhead distribution transformers can be used to
serve most three-phase applications. However, Triplex designed
three-phase transformers are needed for some applications where
large motors are the load, and these motors are frequently started.
Oil field pumping loads and some irrigation pumping loads should
use only the Triplex designs.
ISO 9001 Certified

 Wound core with step-lap joints for increased efficiency and
lower noise levels
 Progressively wound coils with adhesive resins on insulating
paper or conductors for increased short circuit strength and
thermal strength
 Three-point, core-coil bracing for increased mechanical strength SPECIFICATIONS
 CSP protection package available as an option for increased  30 — 500 kVA
protection against surge currents, short circuits, and overloads:  65°C rise
• Primary protective links  60 Hz standard, 50 Hz optional
• Surge arresters  High voltages: 13,800 and below
• Secondary circuit breakers  Low voltages: 208T/120, 240T x 480T,
• Secondary breaker operating handle with emergency and 480T/277
overload reset and overload signal light  Transformer BIL ratings:
 Self-venting and resealing cover that eliminates the need for
an auxiliary pressure-relief device and offers increased safety Primary BIL
through higher tank withstand 2400 T 60 kV
 Durable, corrosion-resistant paint finish
4160 T 60 kV
 Cover has 13 mils minimum of polyester coating providing
15 kV dielectric insulation of tank ground parts from live 4800 T 60 kV
parts and increasing resistance to corrosion. The cover is 7200 T 75 kV
sloped 15°, preventing water from collecting; thereby
reducing the chances of corrosion and leaking. 8320 T 75 kV

 Tank bottom rim is three layers thick for increased durability 12,000 T 95 kV
and resistance to shipping and handling damage.
12,470 T 95 kV
 Lighter weight, lower cost, and cleaner installations than
conventional three-phase design 13,200 T 95 kV

13,800 T 95 kV

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Distribution Transformers

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Athens, GA
Three-Phase, T-T +706-548-3121

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
All dimensions are approximate.

A B C D Shipping
Between Weight Oil
kVA Inches Inches Inches Inches Weight
Hanger Lbs. (kg) Gallons (L)
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Lbs. (kg)

High Voltages 2400T, 4160T, 4800T

30 49 (1245) 26 (660) 25 (635) 17.5 (445) 11.25 (286) 685 (311) 720 (327) 35 (133)

45 49 (1245) 29 (737) 28 (711) 20 (508) 23.25 (591) 990 (450) 1035 (470) 44 (167)

75 49 (1245) 33 (838) 28 (711) 20 (508) 23.25 (591) 1100 (500) 1175 (534) 52 (198)

112.5 57 (1448) 31 (787) 30 (762) 22 (559) 36 (914) 1530 (695) 1625 (739) 62 (236)

150 57 (1448) 40 (1016) 30 (762) 22 (559) 36 (914) 1770 (805) 1840 (836) 70 (266)

225 61 (1550) 37 (940) 34 (864) 24 (610) 36 (914) 2215 (1007) 2303 (1047) 81 (308)

300 64 (1626) 41 (1041) 36 (914) 27 (686) 36 (914) 2750 (1250) 2860 (1300) 98 (372)

500 78 (1981) 45 (1143) 42 (1067) 27 (686) — 3560 (1616) 3650 (1659) 118 (448)

High Voltages 12,000T, 12,470T, 13,200T, 13,800T

30 54 (1372) 23 (584) 25 (635) 17.5 (445) 11.25 (286) 700 (318) 735 (334) 38 (144)

45 54 (1372) 29 (737) 28 (711) 20 (508) 23.25 (591) 905 (411) 965 (438) 43 (163)

75 54 (1372) 33 (838) 28 (711) 20 (508) 23.25 (591) 1175 (534) 1225 (557) 50 (190)

112.5 62 (1575) 33 (838) 30 (762) 22 (559) 36 (914) 1505 (684) 1565 (711) 59 (224)

150 62 (1575) 40 (1016) 30 (762) 22 (559) 36 (914) 1725 (784) 1780 (809) 65 (247)

225 61 (1549) 37 (940) 34 (864) 24 (610) 36 (914) 2285 (1040) 2275 (1034) 84 (319)

300 69 (1753) 41 (1041) 36 (914) 27 (686) 36 (914) 2915 (1325) 3015 (1370) 100 (380)

500 80 (2032) 45 (1143) 42 (1067) 27 (686) — 3815 (1734) 3900 (1772) 123 (467)
All approximate dimensions shown reference designs with ± 2.5% taps.



Three-Phase, Triplex

The ABB Triplex overhead distribution transformer

can be used to serve three-phase applications through
225 kVA. Triplex designs consist of three separate,
single-phase, core-coil assemblies in one tank.
Triplex overhead distribution transformers are often
used to serve large motor loads where the motors are
frequently started. Oil field pumping loads and some
irrigation pumping loads should use only Triplex
designs. Also, the Triplex transformer has international
application where Dy5 and Dy11 phase displacement
are required.
ISO 9001 Certified

 Wound core with step-lap joints for increased efficiency and
lower noise levels
 Progressively wound coils with adhesive resins on insulating
paper or conductors for increased short circuit strength,
efficiency, and thermal strength
 CSP protection package available as an option for increased SPECIFICATIONS
protection against surge currents, short circuits, and overloads:  30 — 225 kVA
• Primary protective links  65°C rise
• Surge arresters  60 Hz standard, 50 Hz optional
• Secondary circuit breaker  High voltages: 13,800 and below
• Secondary breaker operating handle with emergency  Low voltages: 208Y/120, 240 x 480,
overload reset and overload signal light and 480Y/277
 Three-point, core-coil bracing for increased mechanical strength  Transformer BIL ratings:
 Self-venting and resealing cover that eliminates the need for
an auxiliary pressure-relief device and offers increased safety Primary BIL
through higher tank withstand 2400 60 kV
 Durable, corrosion-resistant paint finish 4160 60 kV
 Cover has 13 mils minimum of polyester coating, providing
15 kV dielectric insulation of tank ground parts from live 7200 75 kV
parts and increasing resistance to corrosion. The cover is 8320 75 kV
sloped 15°, preventing water from collecting; thereby
reducing the chances of corrosion and leaking. 12,000 95 kV

 Tank bottom rim is three layers thick for increased durability 12,470 95 kV
and resistance to shipping and handling damage. 13,200 95 kV

13,800 95 kV

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Distribution Transformers

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Athens, GA
Three-Phase, Triplex +706-548-3121

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
All dimensions are approximate.

A B C D Shipping
Between Weight Oil
kVA Inches Inches Inches Inches Weight
Hanger Lbs. (kg) Gallons (L)
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Lbs. (kg)

High Voltages 4160GY/2400, 7200GY/4160, 8320GY/4800

30 53 (1346) 26 (660) 25 (635) 17.5 (445) 11.25 (286) 760 (345) 805 (366) 40 (152)

45 57 (1448) 26 (660) 25 (635) 17.5 (445) 23.25 (590) 915 (416) 960 (436) 45 (171)

75 61 (1550) 33 (838) 28 (711) 20 (508) 23.25 (590) 1120 (509) 1165 (530) 60 (228)

112.5 61 (1550) 34 (864) 28 (711) 20 (508) 36 (914) 1540 (700) 1585 (720) 58 (220)

150 73 (1854) 35 (889) 30 (762) 22 (559) 36 (914) 2455 (1116) 2525 (1148) 90 (342)

225 76 (1930) 35 (889) 30 (762) 22 (559) 36 (914) 2650 (1205) 2745 (1248) 90 (342)

High Voltages 12,470GY/7200, 14,400GY/8320

30 58 (1473) 23 (584) 25 (635) 17.5 (445) 11.25 (286) 760 (345) 805 (306) 40 (152)

45 62 (1575) 23 (584) 25 (635) 17.5 (445) 23.25 (590) 920 (418) 965 (436) 45 (171)

75 66 (1676) 29 (737) 28 (711) 20 (508) 23.25 (590) 1310 (595) 1355 (616) 60 (228)

112.5 66 (1676) 34 (864) 28 (711) 20 (508) 36 (914) 1540 (700) 1585 (720) 58 (220)

150 78 (1981) 31 (787) 30 (762) 22 (559) 36 (914) 2470 (1123) 2540 (1155) 90 (342)

225 81 (2057) 31 (787) 30 (762) 22 (559) 36 (914) 2650 (1205) 2745 (1248) 90 (342)

High Voltages 20,780GY/12,000, 21,590GY/12,470, 22,860GY/13,200, 23,900GY/13,800

30 65 (1651) 23 (584) 25 (635) 17.5 (445) 11.25 (286) 940 (427) 985 (448) 45 (171)

45 68 (1727) 26 (660) 28 (711) 20 (508) 23.25 (590) 1290 (586) 1340 (609) 60 (228)

75 68 (1727) 26 (660) 28 (711) 20 (508) 23.25 (590) 1340 (609) 1365 (620) 58 (220)

112.5 68 (1727) 34 (864) 28 (711) 20 (508) 36 (914) 1540 (700) 1585 (720) 58 (220)

150 80 (2032) 31 (787) 30 (762) 22 (559) 36 (914) 2470 (1123) 2540 (1155) 90 (342)

225 83 (2108) 31 (787) 30 (762) 22 (559) 36 (914) 2650 (1205) 2745 (1248) 90 (342)

Special Feature

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Athens, GA
CSP® Coordinated Protection Package +706-548-3121

The CSP coordinated protection package is available as

an option on ABB overhead distribution transformers
for increased protection against surge currents, short
circuits, and overloads.
The CSP protection package is also available on
single-phase and three-phase overhead distribution
transformers in the following ratings:
 Single-phase, LV 120/240, 10 — 100 kVA
 Single-phase, LV 240/480, 10 — 167 kVA
 Three-phase, 30 — 150 kVA

 Protective link:  Optional partial-range, current-limiting fuse
• Removes an internally faulted transformer (in series with protective link):
from the primary line • Limits the maximum current in the circuit
• Operates at 8 to 14 times normal • Reduces current to zero in less than
full-load current one-half cycle
 Secondary circuit breaker: • Minimizes the possibility of event failure
• Protects against overloads and external
short circuits Advantages
• Coordinated with protective link, trips on
 Lower installation cost due to labor cost
an external short or overload before the link
savings compared with Type S transformers
blows and only if the overload is large
with polemounted protective devices
or continuous
 Easier and simpler installation due to the protec-
• If overload is small or temporary, a load
tion package being integral to the transformer
management light signals the need for
with only one primary connection required
change-out to a larger unit for more optimized
transformer loading.  Safer operation due to the additional protection
provided by the secondary breaker
 MOV polymer arrester:
 More reliable service through features that
• Provides protection from lightning and
provide early warning of overload conditions
switching surges
and optimized transformer loading
• The large block surge arrester handles
 Lower cost of operation due to optimized
surges of 100,000 A.
loading characteristics
• Initial sparkover is below BIL withstand
 Neater appearance provided by the simplicity
of transformer.
of the CSP protection package mounted integral
• Ratings are coordinated with the impulse to the transformer
strength of the coil windings.
 Automatic load management provided by the
overload signal light

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Special Feature
Distribution Transformers

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Athens, GA
Center-Bolt Cover Design +706-548-3121

The exclusive ABB center-bolt cover

design is standard on all ABB overhead
transformers 5 through 500 kVA single-
phase and 30 through 500 kVA three-
phase. Static and most dynamic pressures
are relieved automatically by the cover’s
unique design and operation. The unit
offers an extraordinarily high withstand
capability and an extra margin of safety.

Standard Advantages
 Center-bolt cover, cover beam, and beam  Static and dynamic pressure relief provided by
support lug system provide: unique venting and resealing capability
• Self-venting and resealing which meets ANSI  Increased safety provided through higher
specifications, eliminating the need for an tank-withstand capability and automatic pressure
auxiliary pressure-relief device venting during cover removal
• Tank-withstand capability in excess of the  No auxiliary pressure-relief device is required.
requirements of NEMA TRI-1980  Extra insulation provided by thick, epoxy-
 Increased tank withstand capability and powder coating
automatic pressure relief during cover removal  Increased resistance to corrosion provided by
result in increased safety. sloped cover and thick coating
 Electrostatically applied, epoxy-powder coating  Increased resistance to leaks and breathing
is a minimum of 13 mils, supplying an average provided by unique gasketing system
of 15 kV dielectric strength to provide extra
 Simplified maintenance provided by single
insulation and protection from corrosion.
cover bolt
 The 15° slope of cover prevents moisture from
collecting and increases resistance to corrosion
and leaking. Standards Compliance
 Continuous hollow nitrile gasket, raised and  Pressure venting and resealing: The ABB self-
flat-bushing embossments, undercut gasket seats venting cover design meets the pressure venting
on bushings, and copper-encased cover bolt and resealing requirements of ANSI C57-12.20-

gasket provide increased resistance to leaks 1988, paragraph

and breathing.  Tank withstand: The ABB overhead tank and
 Center cover bolt provides easy cover removal cover design provide tank-withstand capability far
compared with chime-ring design, resulting in in excess of the requirements of NEMA TR1-1980,
lower maintenance costs. Part 2, Page 6, Section D.

Solid Distribution Transformer



The ABB InvisiTran Solid Distribution Transformer

represents a major breakthrough in distribution
transformer technology, offering improved perform-
ance and increased safety for distribution systems.
The public and utility’s desire to improve the street-
scape by reliably placing equipment below grade is
also fulfilled by InvisiTran.
The electrical insulation system is made entirely of
solid materials without fluids or gases. Basically, the
design consists of windings that are totally impregnated
and encapsulated with a thermally conductive, electri-
cally insulating epoxy resin.
The InvisiTran will function in all types of underground
or severe environments, especially where reliability
problems exist with conventional equipment.The
product system affords engineers the unparalleled
flexibility in locating distribution transformers.
InvisiTran is the greener way to distribute electric power.

Advanced design characteristics yield a distribution
The InvisiTran offers power producers and users transformer well suited for use in a variety of condi-
alternative solutions for today’s applications: tions, including:
 Environment—Solid insulation, no oil or gas  Residential and urban underground distribution
 Corrosion—Fully submersible, non-metallic  Indoor commercial structures
outer shell
 Corrosive environments
 Safety—No fire or explosion hazard
 Direct burial in the earth
 Aesthetics—Installs below grade, out of sight
 Damp or humid areas
 Solves Location Conflicts—Install anywhere
 Waterfront locations
 Industrial facilities

Notes and Comments:

 High-voltage and low-voltage terminations are
integrally molded into the transformer body.
 Switching, if necessary, must be located externally
from the unit.
 All primary/secondary fusing, if necessary, is
applied separately.
 Internal access is not possible.
 120/240 secondary (4-wire)
(Secondary not available for 50 KVA and below.)
 Contact the factory for delta connected
primary ratings.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Solid Distribution Transformer
Distribution Transformers

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Quebec City,
InvisiTran™ Canada
 Single-Phase: 25, 37.5, 50, 75, 100, 167 kVA
 Three-Phase: 75, 112.5, 150, 225, 300, 500 kVA
 100°C average winding rise
 Low-Voltage ratings of: 240/120, 120/240*, 480/240, 277, 347, 480, 575 V
 High-Voltage single ratings up to: 27,700GRDY/16,000 V
 Basic Impulse Level ratings are between 95 kV and 150 kV
 Impedance range 3% — 5%
 Sound Level less than 49dB
 Meets applicable ANSI/IEEE/CSA tests

* See Notes and Comments on previous page.

Voltage Range
Product kVA Features

25, 37.5, 50, 2400 — 27,700 Solid dielectric, sub-surface mounted, non-corrosive, copper
75, 100, 167 GRDY/16,000 windings, low sound

75, 112.5, 150, 2400 — 27,700

Three-Phase Ideal for commercial and industrial applications, high-rise buildings
225, 300, 500 GRDY/16,000

Distribution Transformer Components

ABB manufactures a wide range of

components for distribution transformers.
These components include HV and LV
bushings and other components for
switching and protection. All components
are manufactured to international
standards ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

Product Range (kV) BIL (kV) Features
Current (A)


HV Bushing Wells Designed for padmounted or surface-

0.6 — 21.1 150 200, 800 — 2500
and LV Bushings mounted transformers

Oil-immersed, expulsion-type fuse

Protective Links 2.4 — 34.5 — — assembly for use in the high-voltage
circuit of distribution transformers

LBOR-II™ 8.9 — 38 — 300 — 400 Load-break, two-position switch

Drawout load-break expulsion

DO-III™ 10 — 34.5 — 50 — 160
fuse holder

Drywell Current-Limiting Removable fuse assembly for use

8.3 — 23 — 200
Fuse Cannister in padmounted transformers

Modular, rotary tap changers and

De-energized Switches — 125 — 200 100 — 150 dual-voltage switches with external
operating mechanism

Oil-immersed, expulsion-type fuse

DO-III Expulsion
10 — 34.5 — 3 — 140 assembly for use in the ABB DO-III
Fuse Links™
drawout load-break expulsion fuse holder

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Distribution Transformer Components

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Alamo, TN
HV Bushing Wells and LV Bushings +731-696-5561
The ABB high-voltage bushing well and low-voltage
bushing are designed for use in padmounted or
surface-mounted transformers.


 ABB thermoset bushings have The high-voltage bushing well is designed to terminate
unsurpassed cantilever strength. the leads from the primary winding at the tank wall and
 The ABB low-voltage bushings and to mate with all bushing inserts meeting the applicable
high-voltage bushing wells have ANSI/IEEE 386-1995 Standards. The low-voltage bushing
been designed to be dimensionally serves to terminate the transformer’s internal low-voltage
interchangeable with the majority leads at the tank wall and to provide a standard threaded
of bushings presently on the mar- connection for the external low-voltage circuit. The
ket. Included in these interchange- bushings consist of a thermoset body, which is molded
able dimensions are: The bolt circle around a copper conductor stud.
for the mounting flange, the tank
wall hole size, the conductor stud
diameter, and the external/internal
thread size.
 The bushings are built to the
highest standards of quality.
Product Range (kV) Rated Current (A)

HV Bushings 21.1 200

LV Bushings .6 800 — 2500


Distribution Transformer Components

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Alamo, TN
Protective Links +731-696-5561
The protective link is an oil-immersed,
expulsion-type fuse assembly for use in
the high-voltage circuit of a distribution
transformer with voltage ratings of
2.4 kV through 34.5 kV.

Used in coordination with the CSP circuit breaker,
the protective link’s functions are to disconnect a
defective transformer from the feeder circuit and to
limit the severity of damage to the transformer in
case of an internal fault. The link consists of a fuse
wire element contained within a hard fiber tube.
The wire is welded to a copper terminal at one end
and crimped to a copper terminal and cable lead
at the other end. Protective links are available in a
wide variety of fuse sizes and kV classes for proper
coordination with CSP circuit breakers.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Distribution Transformer Components

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Alamo, TN
LBOR-II™ Load-Break Switch +731-696-5561
The ABB Type LBOR-II is a manually
operated, two-position (load make
or break) rotary switch. The LBOR-II
is oil-immersed and is designed to
provide high reliability, strength,
and operating current performance.


 The LBOR-II is capable of The LBOR-II is designed for use with distribution
momentarily withstanding transformers (padmounted or submersible) and
or closing-in on symmetrical self-contained distribution switchgear.
currents as strong as 16 kA.
The contacts are designed to
utilize the magnetic effects of
these high currents to minimize
the required operating force
and the amount of contact wear
per operation. The contacts are
made from an arc weld-resistant, SELECTOR GUIDE
copper tungsten alloy and are
Product Range (kV) Rated Current (A)
silver-plated for lower resistance.
LBOR-II 8.9 — 38 300 — 400

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Alamo, TN
DO-III™ Drawout Load-Break +731-696-5561
Expulsion Fuse Holder +800-955-8399

The ABB DO-III fuse holder is a draw-

out load-break expulsion fuse holder
designed for use with padmounted
transformers filled with transformer
oil or other approved fluid.


 The outer tube is constructed The DO-III is designed to protect the distribution
of a high-temperature, high- system in the event of an internal transformer fault,
dielectric strength, arc-resistant, secondary fault, or severe overload when used with
glass-reinforced, polyester material. properly coordinated series fuses. Following industry
This material has proven itself safety practices, the DO-III fuse holder can be used
over many years of use in these to break load.
types of distribution transformer
 The DO-III has a large contact
surface area to minimize heating SELECTOR GUIDE
of the contacts and provide
positive contact alignment. Product Range (kV) Rated Current (A)
 The DO-III fuse holder is generally
DO-III 10 — 34.5 50 — 160
interchangeable with competitive
designs. The housing, fuse cartridge,
and puller are individually inter-
changeable with competitive
 The DO-III fuse holder is built
to the highest quality standards.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Distribution Transformer Components

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Alamo, TN
Drywell Current-Limiting Fuse Cannister +731-696-5561
The Drywell Current-Limiting Fuse
Cannister is a removable fuse assembly
for use in single- and three-phase
padmounted transformers.


 The cannister is made up of two The fuse well assembly accepts general purpose,
basic parts: The fuse cannister current-limiting fuses and is available in both load-
body assembly and the drawout break and dead-break designs. The combination of
assembly. All of the insulating parts the drywell current-limiting fuse cannister and the
are glass-reinforced thermoset general purpose current-limiting fuse provides a
materials, which are both arc- reliable, versatile, and easily serviced current-limiting
and track-resistant. protection system for transformers.
 The cannister will accept general
purpose current-limiting fuses of
the CX/NX, ELX, and GP variety.

Product Range (kV) Rated Current (A)

Dead-break 8.3 — 23 200

Load-break 8.3 — 15 200


Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Alamo, TN
De-energized Switches +731-696-5561
The ABB tap changers and dual-voltage
switches are de-energized, rotary-type
switches, suitable for use in distribution
transformers, both pole-mounted and


 The contact system consists of The switches are mounted through the tank wall
a spring-loaded, copper-moving and are operable from the outside of the transformer.
contact. The rotor snaps into They are available in single- and multi-deck configura-
position between the adjacent tions with various types of coil lead connector styles
stationary contacts as the external so that they can be used in a wide variety of trans-
handle is turned. This snap action former applications. Ratings and performance features
is very accurate and tease-resistant, meet and often exceed the requirements of most
providing a very positive feel to transformer users.
the operator when the switch
is in position.
 While there may be some
competitive designs that are not
dimensionally interchangeable,
the ABB tap changer and dual-
voltage switch product line has
been designed to fit into the SELECTOR GUIDE
same tank hole as many of the
competitive products. Product BIL (kV) Rated Current (A)
Tap Changers 150 — 200 100 — 150

Dual-Voltage 125 100 — 150

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Distribution Transformer Components

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Alamo, TN
DO-III Expulsion Fuse Links™ +731-696-5561
The DO-III Expulsion Fuse Link is
an oil-immersed, expulsion-type fuse
assembly for use in the ABB DO-III
drawout load-break expulsion fuse
holder or equivalent. It is designed
for use with single- and three-phase
padmounted transformers filled with
transformer oil or other approved fluid.


 Three types of fuses are produced: It is designed to protect the distribution system in
Current Sensing, Dual Sensing, and the event of an internal transformer fault, secondary
Dual Element. fault, or severe overload, depending on the type of
 The DO-III Expulsion Fuse Link fuse selected.
curves were designed to industry
standard curves.
 The DO-III Expulsion Fuse Link
is available in a wide variety of
curves for proper coordination
with other protective devices.
 Each DO-III Expulsion Fuse Link
is manufactured to the highest
quality standards.

Dry and Cast Transformers

ABB’s dry and cast transformers range from extreme operating climates. Applications
112.5 kVA through 25 MVA, with primary include high-density office buildings,
operating voltages through 46 kV and nuclear power plants, offshore drilling
secondary operating voltages through 15 kV. platforms, nuclear-powered navy vessels,
and high-volume industrial process plants.
To minimize environmental contamination
and fire hazard, customers are specifying ABB dry and cast transformers are
dry-type transformers more frequently. manufactured to the international quality
These transformers meet stringent parameters standards of ISO 9001.
regarding electrical system demands and

Range Primary
Product Features
(kVA) Voltage (kV)

VPI (vacuum pressure An economical choice for moderate to

112.5 — 10,000 .48 — 34.5
impregnated) harsh environments

VPE (vacuum pressure Available for severe climates where moisture and
112.5 — 10,000 .48 — 34.5
encapsulated) industrial contaminants are a concern

Provides the ultimate resistance to mechanical stress

RESIBLOC® 112.5 — 25,000 2.3 — 34.5 associated with thermal and short circuit conditions
in the most severe applications

Provides the ultimate in winding protection at higher

Duracast 112.5 — 12,000 2.3 — 46 operating voltages for the most demanding applications
when efficiency and dependability are critical

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Small Power Transformers

Core Production
ABB’s dry-type transformers utilize a step-lap An experienced and dedicated work force ensures
mitered core construction to ensure optimum the quality of its work and the customer’s satisfac-
performance and minimum sound levels. The tion with the product.
mitered core joint allows efficient flux transfer
along natural grain lines between the core legs
and yoke. The step-lap construction further
enhances the efficiency of the joint by reducing ABB’s VPI and VPE transformers are manufactured
joint fringing, which reduces core losses and by winding the primary coil directly over the
exciting current. secondary winding. The coils are vacuum pressure
The core is designed and built to provide the impregnated in high temperature resin;VPI units
lowest possible losses from the effects of magnetic use Polyester, and VPE units use silicone, to protect
hysteresis and eddy currents. All possible steps are the windings against moisture, dirt, and most
taken to prevent local circulating currents and to industrial contaminants. A 220°C Class UL Listed
avoid built-in bending stresses. insulation system is used on ABB’s VPI and
VPE transformers regardless of temperature
As part of the quality process, ABB starts with rise specified.
non-aging, high-permeability, cold-rolled, grain-
oriented silicon steel and constructs the core with
step-lap mitered joints. Magnetic flux densities are RESIBLOC
kept well below the saturation point. The steel is RESIBLOC windings are hermetically cast in epoxy
precision cut to assure that it will be smooth and without the use of a mold. The epoxy insulation
burr-free. For rigidity and support, the upper and system is reinforced by a licensed glass fiber
lower yokes are solidly clamped with steel support roving technique, which binds the coil together
members. The finished core is coated with a for unsurpassed mechanical strength.
corrosion-resistant sealant which provides lamina-
tion cohesion and environmental protection.
Coil Production ABB’s cast coil transformers fulfill the need for
higher operating voltages and dielectric demands
ABB’s winding construction depends on operating where downtime is critical, such as high-volume
voltage, basic impulse level, and current capacity industrial production lines or the harsh environ-
of the individual winding. mental conditions in the paper industry.
ABB’s low-voltage In cast coil construction, the windings, which
windings, insulation are the most sensitive and vulnerable part of any
class 1.2 kV (600 V) transformer, are molded under vacuum and locked
and below, are typi- in place by a heavy epoxy casting. This concrete-
cally wound using like casting protects the windings from distortion
sheet conductors. during power surges and the crushing forces
This construction of short circuits and also provides unequaled

allows free current integrity required for operating voltages to 46 kV

distribution within and 250 kV BIL.
the axial width
An ABB cast coil transformer is the most reliable
of the coil, which
choice for applications with severe operating
eliminates the axial
conditions where the environment is contaminated
forces developed in other types of windings under
by dirt, chemicals, or moisture. Quick installation,
short circuit conditions.
low losses, and minimal maintenance, combined
ABB’s winding construction may be either round with superior dielectric capability, make ABB
or rectangular through 2500 kVA. Windings on Duracast the transformer of choice.
transformers with ratings greater than 2500 kVA
are typically round.



Indoor/Outdoor Applications
Evolving technology and environmental concerns a conductive path from live parts inside the enclo-
have revolutionized the application of dry trans- sure to unprotected areas outside the enclosure,
formers. Today’s dry-type transformers are utilized which can create electrical safety hazards.
in clean, dry environments ABB’s proven enclosure design can be used along
to some of the harshest coastal areas and into the frigid northern slopes
environments imaginable. where high winds and driving rain are common.
These applications include, Designs have been tested for mechanical stresses
but are not limited to, associated with seismic criteria as well as extreme
areas where severe weather requirements.
weather conditions exist. When used with a specially designed, outdoor,
Dry-type transformers are weather-resistant enclosure, ABB dry-type trans-
now commonly used in formers meet the needs for an outdoor non-
outdoor applications where high wind and driving flammable transformer. Whether for indoor or
rain are major considerations. While core and coil outdoor use, each unit has the capability of a
technologies have been enhanced to combat full-forced, air-cooled rating.
caustic and humid environments, they still require ABB’s dry powder, state-of-the-art paint system
protection from a properly designed enclosure. gives added protection against harsh outdoor or
An enclosure that flexes or bends under high wind indoor environments. Electrostatically deposited
loading can compromise electrical clearances from paint baked onto a phosphated surface will keep
the transformer to the enclosure, which can lead your enclosure looking new for years.
to transformer failures Industry Standards
as well as electrical  Certified ISO 9001
safety hazards. An  Certified UL 1562, CUL
enclosure that allows
superfluous water entry  Complies with NRC Regulation 10CFR50
into the enclosure risks  Complies with MIL - I - 45208
the possibility of elec-  Complies with CSA Z 299.3
trical tracking problems  Applicable ANSI, NEMA, IEEE, and IEC Standards
and also risks providing Outdoor

Audible Sound Levels Standard Dielectric Ratings

Equivalent Voltage Standard VPI/VPE Cast RESIBLOC Standard
Two Winding AA AA/FA Class BIL Optional Optional Impedance
kVA Self-Cooled (kV) (kV) BIL BIL %

101 — 300 56 db — 1.20 10 20, 30 20, 30 5.75

301 — 500 60 db — 2.50 20 30, 45 30, 45 5.75
501 — 700 62 db — 5.00 30 45, 60 45, 60, 75, 95 5.75
701 — 1000 64 db 67 db 8.66 45 60, 75, 95 75, 95 5.75
1001 — 1500 65 db 67 db 15.00 60 75, 95, 110 95, 110, 125 5.75
1501 — 2000 66 db 69 db 18.00 95 110, 125 125 5.75
2001 — 3000 68 db 71 db 23.00 110 125, 150 125, 150 5.75
3001 — 4000 70 db 73 db 27.60 125 150 150, 175 5.75
4001 — 5000 71 db 73 db 34.50 150 — 175, 200 5.75
5001 — 6000 72 db 74 db
6001 — 7500 73 db 74 db

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Small Power Transformers
Dry and Cast Transformers


VPI—Vacuum Pressure Impregnated

ABB’s VPI ventilated, dry-type transformers are ideal

for most industrial and commercial applications.
These transformers provide excellent mechanical and
short circuit strength; no danger of fire or explosion,
no liquids to leak, less weight than comparable cast
coil units, step-lap mitered cores, low total ownership
costs, and low initial costs. They use a UL listed 220°C
insulation system, regardless of temperature rating.
Installation, maintenance, and operation costs are
making ABB’s VPI transformers a solid investment.


 Aluminum windings—copper optional  UL listing
 Step-lap mitered core  CSA certification
 220°C insulation system—150°C average  Nuclear 1E certification
temperature rise IEEE 323—qualified life
 Vacuum pressure impregnation in IEEE 344—seismic certification
high-temperature varnish  NEMA 3R enclosure
 Four (4) full-capacity taps on HV winding rated  80°C or 115°C average temperature rise
2.5 % 2-FCAN—2-FCBN on units with voltages  Copper windings
above 601 V
 Three-phase electronic temperature monitor
 NEMA 1 heavy-gauge ventilated enclosure
 Forced-cooling package with three-phase
with removable panels front and rear
electronic temperature monitor
 ANSI 61 gray paint—electrostatically applied
 Increased basic impulse levels
using dry powder
 Loss-optimized designs
 Vibration isolation pads between core,
coil, and enclosure  Air-filled terminal chambers
 Base-equipped with jacking pads and  Special paint colors
designed for rolling or skidding enclosure  Retrofit designs
in any direction
 Provisions for lifting core and coil assembly

 Diagrammatic aluminum nameplate


Sourced through
 ABB Inc.
Bland, VA
South Boston, VA
Self-Cooled Primary Primary Secondary Secondary Temperature
Power Rating Voltage BIL Voltage BIL Rise
(kVA) (kV) (kV) (kV) (kV) (C)

112.5 — 10,000 Up through 35 Up to 150 Up through 15 Up to 75 80/115/150°

Standard Tests
 Insulation resistance  Phase rotation  Load loss
 Ratio  No-load loss  Applied potential
 Resistance on all windings  Excitation current  Induced potential
 Polarity  Impedance

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights

15 kV 95 kV BIL Aluminum 150° 15 kV 95 kV BIL Copper 80°

Height Width Depth Weight Height Width Depth Weight

Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Lbs. (kg) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Lbs. (kg)

113 90 (2286) 78 (1981) 60 (1524) 2250 (1022) 113 90 (2286) 78 (1981) 60 (1524) 2950 (1339)

225 90 (2286) 78 (1981) 60 (1524) 2850 (1294) 225 90 (2286) 90 (2286) 60 (1524) 4250 (1930)

300 90 (2286) 78 (1981) 60 (1524) 3200 (1453) 300 90 (2286) 90 (2286) 60 (1524) 4650 (2111)

500 90 (2286) 78 (1981) 60 (1524) 4350 (1975) 500 90 (2286) 96 (2438) 66 (1676) 6350 (2883)

750 90 (2286) 84 (2134) 60 (1524) 5450 (2474) 750 90 (2286) 102 (2591) 66 (1676) 8150 (3700)

1000 90 (2286) 84 (2134) 66 (1676) 6250 (2838) 1000 90 (2286) 102 (2591) 66 (1676) 9200 (4177)

1500 90 (2286) 84 (2134) 66 (1676) 8150 (3700) 1500 102 (2591) 108 (2743) 66 (1676) 12,050 (5471)

2000 90 (2286) 96 (2438) 66 (1676) 9350 (4245) 2000 102 (2591) 114 (2896) 66 (1676) 14,850 (6742)

2500 90 (2286) 102 (2591) 66 (1676) 11,050 (5017) 2500 112 (2845) 126 (3200) 66 (1676) 18,550 (8422)

3000 102 (2591) 108 (2743) 66 (1676) 14,750 (6697) 3000 112 (2845) 144 (3658) 66 (1676) 20,850 (9466)

For larger kVA sizes, please contact your ABB Sales Representative.
Dimensions and weights are approximate and should not be used for construction purposes.
Dimensions listed are for indoor NEMA 1 enclosures. Add 17.5" (444.5) to height for outdoor NEMA 3R enclosures.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Small Power Transformers
Dry and Cast Transformers


VPE—Vacuum Pressure Encapsulated

A multiple-sealant process is used on ABB’s Vacuum

Pressure Encapsulated (VPE) transformers and was
developed for U.S. Navy shipboard applications.
The sealant process uses a silicone resin that ensures
excellent dielectric strength and remains pliable
even after thermal aging.VPE transformers provide
enhanced protection against moisture, salt air, dust,
and industrial contaminants. These transformers pro-
vide excellent mechanical and short circuit strength,
no danger of fire or explosion, no liquids to leak,
less weight than comparable cast coil units, step-lap
mitered cores, low total ownership costs, low initial
costs, and a UL-listed 220°C insulation system,
regardless of temperature rating.


 Aluminum windings—copper optional  UL listing
 Step-lap mitered core  CSA certification
 220°C insulation system—150°C average  Nuclear 1E certification
temperature rise IEEE 323—qualified life
 Vacuum pressure encapsulation in mil-spec IEEE 344—seismic certification
silicone varnish  NEMA 3R enclosure
 Four (4) full capacity taps on HV winding rated  80°C or 115°C average temperature rise
2 .5 % 2-FCAN—2-FCBN on units with voltages  Copper windings
above 601 V  Three-phase electronic temperature monitor
 NEMA 1 heavy-gauge ventilated enclosure with  Forced-cooling package with three-phase
removable panels front and rear electronic temperature monitor
 ANSI 61 gray paint—electrostatically applied  Increased basic impulse levels
using dry powder
 Loss-optimized designs
 Vibration isolation pads between core, coil,
and enclosure  Air-filled terminal chambers
 Base-equipped with jacking pads and  Special paint colors
designed for rolling or skidding enclosure  Retrofit designs
in any direction
 Provisions for lifting core and coil assembly

 Diagrammatic aluminum nameplate

 QC impulse test

Sourced through
 ABB Inc.
Bland, VA
South Boston, VA

Self-Cooled Primary Primary Secondary Secondary Temperature
Power Rating Voltage BIL Voltage BIL Rise
(kVA) (kV) (kV) (kV) (kV) (C)

112.5 — 10,000 Up through 35 Up to 150 Up through 15 Up to 75 80/115/150°

Standard Tests
 Insulation resistance  Phase rotation  Load loss
 Ratio  No-load loss  Applied potential
 Resistance on all windings  Excitation current  Induced potential
 Polarity  Impedance

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights

15 kV 95 kV BIL Aluminum 150° 15 kV 95 kV BIL Copper 80°

Height Width Depth Weight Height Width Depth Weight

Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Lbs. (kg) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Lbs. (kg)

113 90 (2286) 78 (1981) 60 (1524) 2250 (1022) 113 90 (2286) 78 (1981) 60 (1524) 2950 (1339)

225 90 (2286) 78 (1981) 60 (1524) 2850 (1294) 225 90 (2286) 90 (2286) 60 (1524) 4250 (1930)

300 90 (2286) 78 (1981) 60 (1524) 3200 (1453) 300 90 (2286) 90 (2286) 60 (1524) 4650 (2111)

500 90 (2286) 78 (1981) 60 (1524) 4350 (1975) 500 90 (2286) 96 (2438) 66 (1676) 6350 (2883)

750 90 (2286) 84 (2134) 60 (1524) 5450 (2474) 750 90 (2286) 102 (2591) 66 (1676) 8150 (3700)

1000 90 (2286) 84 (2134) 66 (1676) 6250 (2838) 1000 90 (2286) 102 (2591) 66 (1676) 9200 (4177)

1500 90 (2286) 84 (2134) 66 (1676) 8150 (3700) 1500 102 (2591) 108 (2743) 66 (1676) 12,050 (5471)

2000 90 (2286) 96 (2438) 66 (1676) 9350 (4245) 2000 102 (2591) 114 (2896) 66 (1676) 14,850 (6742)

2500 90 (2286) 102 (2591) 66 (1676) 11,050 (5017) 2500 112 (2845) 126 (3200) 66 (1676) 18,550 (8422)

3000 102 (2591) 108 (2743) 66 (1676) 14,750 (6697) 3000 112 (2845) 144 (3658) 66 (1676) 20,850 (9466)

For larger kVA sizes, please contact your ABB Sales Representative.
Dimensions and weights are approximate and should not be used for construction purposes.
Dimensions listed are for indoor NEMA 1 enclosures. Add 17.5" (444.5) to height for outdoor NEMA 3R enclosures.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Small Power Transformers
Dry and Cast Transformers


RESIBLOC transformers feature windings that are
hermetically cast in epoxy without the use of a
mold. The epoxy insulation system is reinforced by
a licensed, glass fiber roving technique that binds
the coil together for unsurpassed mechanical strength.
This allows for design optimization through 25 MVA.
RESIBLOC transformers provide ultimate strength to
withstand thermal and mechanical stresses associated
with severe climates, cycling loads, and short circuit
forces as well as environmental protection for
severe operating conditions found in the most
demanding applications.


 High-voltage windings cast in epoxy, reinforced  NEMA 3R enclosure
by fiberglass rovings  Copper, low-voltage windings
 Copper high-voltage aluminum,  Three-phase electronic temperature monitor
low-voltage windings
 Forced-cooling package with three-phase
 Step-lap mitered core electronic temperature monitor
 155°C insulation system—80°C average  Increased basic impulse levels
temperature rise
 Loss-optimized designs
 Four (4) full capacity taps on HV winding rated
 Air-filled terminal chambers
2 .5 % 2-FCAN—2-FCBN on units with voltages
above 601 V  Special paint colors
 NEMA 1 heavy-gauge ventilated enclosure with  Retrofit designs
removable panels front and rear
 ANSI 61 gray paint—electrostatically applied
using dry powder
 Vibration isolation pads between core,
coil, and enclosure
 Base-equipped with jacking pads and
designed for rolling or skidding enclosure
in any direction
 Provisions for lifting core and coil assembly

 Diagrammatic aluminum nameplate

 Partial discharge-free (less than
20 pc @ 120% rated voltage)

Sourced through
 ABB Inc.
Bland, VA
South Boston, VA

Self-Cooled Primary Primary Secondary Secondary Temperature
Power Rating Voltage BIL Voltage BIL Rise
(kVA) (kV) (kV) (kV) (kV) (C)

112.5 — 25,000 Up through 35 Up to 150 Up through 15 Up to 75 80°

Standard Tests
 Insulation resistance  No-load loss  Induced potential
 Ratio  Excitation current  Induced potential
 Resistance on all windings  Impedance partial discharge test
 Polarity  Load loss
 Phase rotation  Applied potential

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights

15 kV 95 kV BIL Copper 80°

Height Width Depth Weight

Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Lbs. (kg)

300 90 (2286) 90 (2286) 60 (1524) 6000 (2724)

500 90 (2286) 96 (2438) 60 (1524) 7500 (3405)

750 90 (2286) 102 (2591) 60 (1524) 9000 (4086)

1000 90 (2286) 102 (2591) 60 (1524) 10,500 (4767)

1500 102 (2591) 114 (2896) 60 (1524) 14,500 (6583)

2000 102 (2591) 120 (3048) 66 (1676) 15,500 (7037)

2500 102 (2591) 126 (3200) 66 (1676) 20,000 (9080)

3000 102 (2591) 138 (3505) 66 (1676) 23,500 (10,669)

For larger kVA sizes, please contact your ABB Sales Representative.
Dimensions and weights are approximate and should not be used for construction purposes.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Small Power Transformers
Dry and Cast Transformers



ABB’s vacuum-cast coil transformer is the most

technologically advanced design for the extreme
conditions present in chemical processing, extra-heavy
traction, and heavy industrial applications. These units
are designed to meet the extreme demands of higher-
operating voltage systems and harsh environments
where dependability and reliability are crucial. These
transformers are non-flammable and moisture-proof.
They feature a solid insulation system that is partial
discharge-free and has minimal exposed surface
area, which is predominantly vertical and virtually
eliminates maintenance.


 Windings cast under vacuum in a mold,  UL listing
HV coils vacuum-cast in epoxy in a metal mold,  NEMA 3R enclosure
LV coils sealed in epoxy
 80°C average temperature rise
 LV coils cast under vacuum in a mold (optional)
 Copper windings
 Casting process utilizes high-performance
 LV windings vacuum-cast in a mold for 600 V
filled epoxy
and below through 2500 kVA
 Aluminum windings—copper optional
 Three-phase electronic temperature monitor
 Step-lap mitered core
 Forced-cooling package with three-phase
 185°C insulation system—115°C average electronic temperature monitor
temperature rise
 Increased basic impulse levels
 Four (4) full-capacity taps on HV winding rated
 Loss-optimized designs
2 .5% 2-FCAN—2-FCBN on units with voltages
above 601 V  Air-filled terminal chambers
 NEMA 1 heavy-gauge ventilated enclosure with  Special paint colors
removable panels front and rear  Retrofit designs
 ANSI 61 gray paint—electrostatically applied
using dry powder
 Vibration isolation pads between core,
coil, and enclosure
 Base-equipped with jacking pads and

designed for rolling or skidding enclosure

in any direction
 Provisions for lifting core and coil assembly
 Diagrammatic aluminum nameplate
 Partial discharge-free (less than
20 pc @ 120% rated voltage)

Sourced through
 ABB Inc.
Bland, VA
South Boston, VA

Self-Cooled Primary Primary Secondary Secondary Temperature
Power Rating Voltage BIL Voltage BIL Rise
(kVA) (kV) (kV) (kV) (kV) (C)

112.5 — 12,000 Up through 46 Up to 250 Up through 15 Up to 95 80/115°

Standard Tests
 Insulation resistance  No-load loss  Induced potential
 Ratio  Excitation current  Induced potential
 Resistance on all windings  Impedance partial discharge test
 Polarity  Load loss
 Phase rotation  Applied potential

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights

15 kV 95 kV BIL Copper 80°

Height Width Depth Weight

Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Lbs. (kg)

300 90 (2286) 90 (2286) 60 (1524) 6000 (2724)

500 90 (2286) 96 (2438) 60 (1524) 7500 (3405)

750 90 (2286) 102 (2591) 60 (1524) 9000 (4086)

1000 90 (2286) 102 (2591) 60 (1524) 10,500 (4767)

1500 102 (2591) 114 (2896) 60 (1524) 14,500 (6583)

2000 102 (2591) 120 (3048) 66 (1676) 15,500 (7037)

2500 102 (2591) 126 (3200) 66 (1676) 20,000 (9080)

3000 102 (2591) 138 (3505) 66 (1676) 23,500 (10,669)

For larger kVA sizes, please contact your ABB Sales Representative.
Dimensions and weights are approximate and should not be used for construction purposes.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.




Liquid-Filled Transformers

ABB’s liquid-filled transformers range from The rectangular core and coil design is
112.5 kVA through 20 MVA, with primary a distinguishing characteristic of ABB
voltages through 69 kV. liquid-filled transformers and yields the
dependability, ruggedness, and space-saving
ABB supplies the widest variety of small
economy needed in utility, industrial, and
power transformers available from a single
commercial applications.
manufacturer, including specific designs for
power centers, substations, networks, and ABB liquid-filled transformers are
padmounts. The transformers are integral manufactured to the international quality
parts of power systems found in industrial standards of ISO 9001.
facilities, commercial buildings, and utility
transmission and distribution networks.

Range Primary
Product Features
(kVA) Voltage (kV)

Used for outdoor applications; features cover-mounted

Substation 750 — 20,000 2.4 — 69 bushings and can be provided with load tap changers or
no-load tap changers

Used for indoor or outdoor applications and generally

Unit Substation 112.5 — 10,000 2.4 — 69
close-coupled to incoming and outgoing equipment

Suitable for use in network switching distribution systems

Network 300 — 2500 2.4 — 34.5
for either subway or vault applications

Mounted on concrete pads outdoors where the high-voltage

Padmounted 2500 — 20,000 2.4 — 46 and low-voltage cables are underground, and the transformer
does not need to be fenced in

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Small Power Transformers

Standard features include aluminum or copper wound directly over the low-voltage to form a
windings, epoxy or porcelain bushings, gauges, high-strength coil assembly. Generous oil ducts
alarm packages, fans, and special signs and tags. extend the height of the coil to provide cooling in
For environments that are corrosive to the the winding. The staggered, diamond epoxy bonds
normal finish on electrical equipment, ABB offers help assure free oil flow through the winding.
a premium paint finish. This special paint finish is Accurately located taps and a large winding
an epoxy coating. cross-section keep unbalanced ampere turns to a
minimum. Unbalanced ampere turns create forces
during short circuit that drive the high-voltage and
Construction low-voltage coils apart vertically. By minimizing
this imbalance, vertical forces are correspondingly
reduced and the design is stronger under short
The rectangular core is a series of laminations circuit stresses.
made from high-quality, grain-oriented, silicon steel.
The large areas presented by the layer-type winding
The stacked core provides a superior flux path by
result in a low-ground capacitance, which gives a
utilizing a step-lap joining of core legs to the top
nearly straight line surge distribution throughout
and bottom yokes. The effective way in which the
the winding. A compact, high-impulse strength coil
core is supported and the efficient step-lap joint
is the result.
have resulted in decreases in exciting current up
to 40%, reductions in sound levels up to 3 db, and Turn Insulation
reductions in iron loss up to 10%. ABB small power transform-
The rectangular-shaped core efficiently fills the ers are designed to meet
corresponding shaped opening in the coil with a specific performance
minimum of unused space. The short yoke between criteria defined by the
the core legs cuts down the external path of the customer. Some design
flux between active core leg material with a resulting considerations may require
increase in efficiency. The rectangular shape of the the use of traditional crepe
core can be more uniformly and rigidly supported paper or Nomex® tape as
to prevent shifting of laminations and improve turn insulation. Most
sound level characteristics. designs, however, utilize
DuraBIL®, which is a tough,
flexible, and inert turn
The rectangular-wound coil features low-voltage insulation. It reduces the
sheet conductor extending the full height of the most prevalent cause
coil. Insuldur® treated layer-to-layer insulation is a of transformer failure:
thermally upgraded kraft paper. The layer insulation deterioration of turn insulation. DuraBIL is a single
is coated with a diamond pattern of B-stage epoxy layer of epoxy powder deposited electrostatically
adhesive, which cures and baked on the strap conductor. The process
during processing to is closely controlled and monitored to ensure a

form a high-strength continuous, uniform coating. The result is a com-

bond. This bond pact turn insulation with superior characteristics,
restrains the windings including adhesion, flexibility, abrasion resistance,
from shifting during and thermal and chemical stability.
operation or under
Since DuraBIL is chemically stable, it won’t degrade
short circuit stresses.
and contaminate the transformer fluid with mois-
The high-to-low
ture. As a result, DuraBIL maintains its dimensional
insulation is placed
stability and the coil’s structural integrity.
over the low-voltage
winding, and the strap-
wound, high-voltage is


FEATURES (continued)
Layer Insulation Transformer Fluids
The Insuldur system of chemical stabilizers A choice of transformer fluids including oil,
thermal upgrades and cellulose-insulating materials R-Temp® fluid, silicone, and BIOTEMP™ is
permit 12% higher load capability. Insuldur can be offered with most ratings. Mineral oil is typically
used with all fluids offered with ABB small power specified for outdoor applications. Silicone and
transformers. Chemical stabilizers retard insulation R-Temp fluids are classified as “less-flammable”
breakdown under elevated temperature conditions. fluids and are used when flammability is a
Dimensional changes in the insulating materials concern. Silicone and R-Temp fluids are Factory
are minimized to ensure a tighter structure. Mutual and Underwriter’s Laboratories approved.
The result is greater strength and coil integrity Transformers designed with less-flammable
throughout the life of the transformer. fluids can be used to meet National Electric
The Insuldur system allows a unit rated at 55°C Code 450-23. BIOTEMP is a new, fully biodegrad-
rise to be operated at a 10°C higher temperature able, environmentally friendly, dielectric fluid that
with a 12% increase in kVA capacity. is also classified as “less-flammable.” BIOTEMP has
been tested to be 97% biodegradable in a 21-day
period. Underwriter’s Laboratories has certified
BIOTEMP as a less-flammable fluid. BIOTEMP is
suitable for application indoors and in areas of
heightened environmental sensitivity where any
insulating fluid spill could require expensive
clean-up procedures.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Small Power Transformers
Liquid-Filled Transformers



ABB substation transformers have cover-mounted,

primary and secondary bushings and can be provided
with load (LTC) or no-load (NLTC) tap changers.
Substation transformers are “stand-alone” electrical
equipment and are generally connected directly to
overhead utility power lines. Substation transformers
are used primarily for outdoor applications in three-
phase ratings of 750 — 20,000 kVA (self-cooled) and
single-phase ratings of 667 — 6667 kVA (self-cooled),
with primary voltages up to 69 kV.
ABB substation transformers utilize a rectangular
core and coil design that is a distinguishing charac-
teristic of ABB liquid-filled transformers. This proven
design features dependability, ruggedness, and space-
saving economy needed in utility, industrial, and
commercial applications. OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES
 Copper windings
 55°C average winding temperature rise
STANDARD FEATURES  Forced-air cooling packages
 Aluminum windings  Factory mutual labeling
 Cover-mounted bushings  Basic impulse level adjustments
 Rectangular core and coil design  Five-legged core/coil assembly
 Special ambient
 65°C average temperature rise
 Special altitudes
 Tap changer for de-energized operation
 Nonstandard HV taps
 Four (4) full capacity taps on HV winding rated
 Special impedance
2.5% 2-FCAN—2-FCBN on units with voltages
above 601 V  Special sound levels
 Liquid preservation system with sealed tank  Skid mounting
 Electrostatic shields
 Tank rated 8 psig for units rated 5 MVA and
below or below 34.5 kV  Removable radiators
 Tank rated 15 psig for units rated above  Internally mounted bushing
5 MVA and 34.5 kV current transformers
 Lifting hooks for moving complete unit
 Magnetic liquid level gauge (no contacts) SPECIFICATIONS
 Dial-type thermometer (no contacts)  Available fluids:
 Pressure vacuum gauge (no contacts) units • Oil
rated 2500 kVA and above or 200 kV BIL • Silicone

 Pressure relief device (no contacts) • R-Temp fluid

 Two (2) ground pads on tank • BIOTEMP
 Drain valve and bottom filter press connection  Load tap changers available
 ANSI 70 gray paint
 Base-equipped with jacking pads and Self-Cooled Primary Secondary
designed for rolling the unit parallel to Power Rating Voltage Voltage
ANSI segment centerlines (kVA) (kV) (kV)

 Diagrammatic stainless steel nameplate 750 — 20,000 Up through 69 Up to 34.5


Sourced through
 ABB Inc.
Bland, VA
South Boston, VA
Standard Tests
 Resistance measurements  No-load loss  Applied potential
on all windings  Excitation current  Induced potential
 Ratio  Impedance  Mechanical leak test
 Polarity and phase relation  Load loss

Standard Voltage Ratings

Three-Phase kVA High High-Voltage Taps2 at Rated kVA3
Low Voltage
Self-Cooled, OA Voltage1 (V)
750, 1000, 24004 2520/2460/2340/2280 208Y/120, 2400∆5
1500, 2000, 4160 4360/4260/4055/3950 480Y/277, 480∆
2500, 3000, 4800 5040/4920/4680/4560 2400∆, 2520Y/1385
3750, 5000, 6900 7245/7070/6730/6555 2520∆, 4160∆,
75006, 10,0006 7200 7560/7380/7020/6840 4160Y/2400,
12,000 12,600/12,300/11,700/11,400 4360Y/2520, 4800∆,
12,470 13,090/12,780/12,160/11,850 5040∆, 6900∆,
13,200 13,860/13,530/12,870/12,540 7200∆, 7560∆,
13,800 14,400/14,100/13,500/13,200 8320Y/4800,
22,900 24,100/23,500/22,300/21,700 8720Y/5040, 12,000∆
34,400 36,200/35,300/33,500/32,600 12,470Y/7200, 12,600∆
43,800 46,200/45,000/42,600/41,400 13,090Y/7560, 13,200∆
67,000 70,600/68,000/65,200/63,400 13,800Y/7920, 14,400∆

Single-Phase kVA High High-Voltage Taps2 at Rated kVA3

Low Voltage
Self-Cooled, OA Voltage1 (V)
667, 833, 2400/4160Y 2520/2460/2340/2280-4360Y/4260/4055Y/3950Y 480, 2400/4160Y
1250, 1667, 4800/8320Y 5040/4920/4680/4560-8720Y/8520Y/8110Y/7900Y 2520/4360Y
2500, 3333, 6900/11,950Y 7245/7070/6730/6555-12,550Y/12,250Y/11,650Y/11,350Y 4800/8320Y
50006, 66676 7200/12,470Y 7560/7380/7020/6840-13,090Y/12,780Y/12,160Y/11,850Y 5040/8720Y
7620/13,200Y 8000/7810/7430/7240-13,860Y/13,530Y/12,870Y/12,540Y 6900/11,950Y
12,000 12,600/12,300/11,700/11,400 7200/12,470Y
13,200 13,860/13,530/12,870/12,540 7560/13,090Y
13,800 14,400/14,100/13,500/13,200 7620/13,200Y
22,900 24,100/23,500/22,300/21,700 7970/13,800Y
34,400 36,200/35,300/33,500/32,600 12,000, 12,600
43,800 46,200/45,000/42,600/41,400 13,200, 14,400
67,000 70,600/68,800/65,200/63,400 14,400/24,940Y
Primary voltage can be ∆ or wye for three-phase connections.
Tap changer is for de-energized operation only.
Low-voltage taps are not available.
Units with 2400 V primary available through 1000 kVA for three-phase and 833 kVA for single-phase only.
Units with 240∆ or 280Y secondary available through 1500 kVA for three-phase and 1250 kVA for single-phase only.
Units rated above 5000 kVA for three-phase or above 3333 kVA for single-phase available with HV of 12 kV or higher only.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Small Power Transformers
Liquid-Filled Transformers


Unit Substation

ABB unit substation transformers are generally close-

coupled to switchgear, motor control, bus duct, air
terminal chambers, or other types of incoming and
outgoing equipment. These units feature a rectangular
core and coil design that is a distinguishing character-
istic of ABB liquid-filled transformers. A unit substation
transformer must have either or both the HV and LV
bushings mounted on the transformer wall. Since each
order is tailored to meet specific customer requirements,
ABB unit substation transformers can be designed to
replace existing equipment for ease of installation
with minimum site modifications.


 Aluminum windings  Copper windings
 Wall-mounted bushings  55°C average winding temperature rise
 “Z” bar flange on secondary for close-coupling  Forced-air cooling packages
to LV gear  Factory mutual labeling
 Rectangular core and coil design  Basic impulse level adjustments
 65°C average temperature rise  Five-legged core/coil assembly
 Tap changer for de-energized operation  Special ambient
 Four (4) full capacity taps on winding rated  Special altitudes
2 .5% 2-FCAN—2-FCBN on units with voltages
 Nonstandard HV taps
above 601 V
 Special impedance
 Liquid preservation system with sealed tank
 Special sound levels
 Tank rated 5 psig for oil-filled units
 Skid mounting
 Tank rated 8 psig for silicone-filled units
 Electrostatic shields
 Lifting hooks for moving complete unit
 Removable radiators
 Magnetic liquid level gauge (no contacts)
 Internally mounted bushing
 Dial-type thermometer (no contacts)
current transformers
 Pressure vacuum gauge (no contacts) units
rated 2500 kVA and above or 200 kV BIL
 Pressure relief device (no contacts)

 Two (2) ground pads on tank

 Drain valve and bottom filter press connection
 ANSI 61 gray paint
 Base-equipped with jacking pads and
designed for rolling the unit parallel to
ANSI segment centerlines
 Diagrammatic stainless steel nameplate

Sourced through
 ABB Inc.
Bland, VA
South Boston, VA
Primary Unit Substations Secondary Unit Substations

Self-Cooled Primary Secondary Self-Cooled Primary Secondary

Power Rating Voltage Voltage Power Rating Voltage Voltage
(kVA) (kV) (kV) (kVA) (kV) (V)

750 — 20,000 Up through 69 Up through 34.5 112.5 — 2500 Up through 15 Up through 1000

 Available fluids:
• Oil
• Silicone
• R-Temp fluid

Standard Tests
 Resistance measurements  No-load loss  Applied potential
on all windings  Excitation current  Induced potential
 Ratio  Impedance  Mechanical leak test
 Polarity and phase relation  Load loss

Standard Voltage Ratings

Three-Phase kVA High High Voltage Taps3 Low Voltage

Self-Cooled, OA1 Voltage2 (V) at Rated kVA4
112.5, 150, 225, 24005 2520/2460/2340/2280 208Y/120, 240∆
300, 500, 750, 1000, 4160 4360/4260/4055/3950 480Y/277, 480∆
1500, 2000, 2500, 4800 5040/4920/4680/4560 2400∆, 2520Y/1385
3000, 3750, 5000, 6900 7245/7070/6730/6555 2520∆, 4160∆
7500; 10,000; 12,000; 7200 7560/7380/7020/6840 4160Y/2400,
15,000; 20,000 12,000 12,600/12,300/11,700/11,400 4360Y/2520, 4800∆,
12,470 13,090/12,780/12,160/11,850 5040∆, 6900∆,
13,200 13,860/13,530/12,870/12,540 7200∆, 7560∆,
13,800 14,400/14,100/13,500/13,200 8320Y/4800,
22,900 24,100/23,500/22,300/21,700 8720Y/5040, 12,000∆
34,400 36,200/35,300/33,500/32,600 12,470Y/7200, 12,600∆
43,800 46,200/45,000/42,600/41,400 13,090Y/7560, 13,200∆
67,000 70,600/68,000/65,200/63,400 13,800Y/7920, 14,400∆
Primary voltage can be ∆ or wye.
Tap changer is for de-energized operation only.
Low-voltage taps are not available.
Units with 2400 V primary available through 1000 kVA only.
Units with 240∆ or 280Y secondary available through 1500 kVA only.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Small Power Transformers
Liquid-Filled Transformers



ABB network transformers are liquid-filled and are

designed for use in a secondary network distribution
system in either subway- or vault-type applications.
They can be designed to replace existing equipment
for ease of installation with minimum site modification.
These units feature a rectangular core and coil design
that is a distinguishing characteristic of ABB liquid-
filled transformers. This proven design offers depend-
ability, ruggedness, and space-saving economy. Over
36 years of service and thorough testing confirm the
reliability of the rectangular design.

 Aluminum windings  High-voltage terminal chamber for oil or
 Rectangular core and coil design compound filling
 65°C average temperature rise • Bolt-on cover with gasket and guide pins
• Three single-conductor wiping sleeves for
 Tap changer for de-energized operation
cable entrance
 Four (4) full capacity taps on winding rated • Air vent and liquid level plug
2.5% 2-FCAN—2-FCBN on units with voltages
 High-voltage immersed chamber
above 601 V
• Disconnect and grounding switch
 Liquid preservation system with sealed tank
• Liquid level gauge
 Tank rated 5 psig for oil-filled units • Liquid filling plug
 Tank rated 8 psig for silicone-filled units • Air test fitting
 Lifting hooks for moving complete unit  Low-voltage terminal facilities
 Magnetic liquid level gauge (no contacts) • Flanged throat with drillings, pins, jack screws,
and gasket for mounting network protector
 Dial-type thermometer (no contacts)
• Flexible connectors for connecting
 Two (2) copper-faced steel ground pads on tank transformer to network protector
 Drain valve and bottom filter press connection  Black paint color
 Base-designed for rolling the unit parallel to
ANSI segment centerlines
 Diagrammatic stainless steel nameplate


 Copper windings  Nonstandard HV taps
 55°C average winding temperature rise  Special impedance
 Basic impulse level adjustments  Special sound levels
 Special ambient  Electrostatic shields
 Special altitudes  Special paint

Sourced through
 ABB Inc.
Bland, VA
South Boston, VA
Self-Cooled Primary
Power Rating Voltage
(kVA) (kV)

216 Y — 1000 kVA

300 — 2500 Up through 34.5
480 Y — 2500 kVA

 Available fluids:
• Oil
• Silicone
• R-Temp fluid

Standard Tests
 Resistance measurements  No-load loss  Applied potential
on all windings  Excitation current  Induced potential
 Ratio  Impedance  Mechanical leak test
 Polarity and phase relation  Load loss

Standard Voltage Ratings

Three-Phase High-Voltage Taps at Rated kVA1,2

High Low4
Voltage Voltage
Self-Cooled, OA Taps with 216Y V.L.V. Taps with 480Y V.L.V.
300, 500, 750, 3 2340/2280/2220/2160 2520/2460/2340/2520
1000, 1500, 2000, 4160 4056/3952/3848/3744 4368/4264/4056/3952 standard
2500 7200 7020/6840/6660/6480 7560/7380/7020/6840 is
11,500 11,213/10,926/10,639/10,352 12,075/11,787/11,213/11,026 216 Y or
12,000 11,700/11,400/11,100/10,800 12,600/12,300/11,700/11,400 480 Y for
13,200 12,870/12,540/12,210/11,880 12,860/13,530/12,870/12,540 all
14,400 14,040/13,680/13,320/12,960 15,120/14,760/14,040/13,680 ratings
22,900 24,100/23,500/22,300/21,700 24,100/23,500/22,300/21,700
34,400 36,200/35,300/33,500/32,600 36,200/35,300/33,500/32,600
Tap changer is for de-energized operation only.
Low-voltage taps are not available.
Units with 2400∆ or 4160 HV available through 1000 kVA.
Units with 216 Y LV available through 1000 kVA.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Small Power Transformers
Liquid-Filled Transformers



ABB padmounted transformers feature tamper-resistant

construction with no externally accessible bolts, hinges,
screws, or fasteners, providing a safe self-contained
unit that prevents entry by unauthorized personnel.
Unsightly fences or other protection devices are not
necessary. Completely factory-assembled, the units are
shipped as one piece. These units feature a rectangular
core and coil design that is a distinguishing character-
istic of ABB liquid-filled transformers. This proven design
offers dependability, ruggedness, and space-saving
economy. Over 36 years of service and thorough testing
confirm the reliability of the rectangular design.

 Tamper-resistant  HV compartment located on left of unit
 Aluminum windings • Live front-cast resin bushings or universal
bushing wells for dead-front
 Rectangular core and coil design
• Provisions for distribution class LAs
 65°C average temperature rise
• Space for stress cones
 Tap changer for de-energized operation • Interlocked door that can be opened only
 Four (4) full capacity taps on winding rated after LV compartment door is opened
2.5% 2-FCAN—2-FCBN on units with voltages  Low-voltage compartment located on right
above 601 V • Compartment door with provisions
 Liquid preservation system with sealed tank for padlocking
 Tank rated 5 psig for oil-filled units • Ground pad
 Tank rated 8 psig for silicone filled units • Provision for dial-type thermometer
 Lifting hooks for moving complete unit • Provision for vacuum pressure gauge
• Pressure relief device
 Pressure relief valve
• Liquid level gauge
 Two (2) copper-faced steel ground pads on tank • Diagrammatic stainless steel nameplate
 Weather-resistant cabinet bolted to front  Bell telephone green paint finish,
of the transformer Munsell no. 7GY/3.29/1.5
 HV/LV compartment barrier bolted in place  Base-designed for rolling the unit parallel to
 Three-point terminal compartment latching ANSI segment centerlines



 Copper windings  Rapid pressure rise relay

 55°C average winding temperature rise  CTs and PTs
 Dead-front primary entrance  Special ambient
 Factory mutual labeling  Special altitudes
 Basic impulse level adjustments  Nonstandard HV taps
 Dial-type thermometer  Special impedance
 Liquid level gauge  Special sound levels
 Pressure vacuum gauge  Electrostatic shields

 Radiator guards  Special paint

Sourced through
 ABB Inc.
Bland, VA
South Boston, VA
Self-Cooled Primary Secondary
Power Rating Voltage Voltage
(kVA) (kV) (kV)

2500 — 20,000 Up through 46 Up through 25

 Available fluids:
• Oil
• Silicone
• R-Temp fluid

Standard Tests
 Resistance measurements  No-load loss  Applied potential
on all windings  Excitation current  Induced potential
 Ratio  Impedance  Mechanical leak test
 Polarity and phase relation  Load loss

Standard Voltage Ratings

Three-Phase kVA High High-Voltage Taps2 Low Voltage

Self-Cooled, OA Voltage1 (V) at Rated kVA3
500, 750, 1000 2400 2520/2460/2340/2280 208Y/120, 2400∆4
31500, 2000, 2500, 4160 4360/4260/4055/3950
3000, 3750, 5000 4800 5040/4920/4680/4560 408Y/277, 480∆
7200 7560/7380/7020/6840
12,000 12,600/12,300/11,700/11,400
12,470 13,090/12,780/12,160/11,850 2400∆, 2520∆,
13,200 13,860/13,530/12,870/12,540 4160∆, 4160Y/2400,
13,800 14,400/14,100/13,500/13,200 4360Y, 4800∆
16,340 17,200/16,770/15,910/15,480 7200∆, 12,470∆,
22,900 24,045/23,470/22,330/21,755 12,470Y/7200
23,900 25,095/24,497/23,302/22,705
24,940 26,190/25,565/24,315/23,695
34,500 36,225/35,363/33,638/32,775
Primary voltage can be ∆ or wye.
Tap changer is for de-energized operation only.
Low-voltage taps are not available.
Units with 240∆ or 280Y secondary available through 1500 kVA only.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Medium and Large Power Transformers




Power Transformers

ABB has accumulated over a century

of experience in power transformer
production. Each unit is designed to
individual service conditions and
purchaser specifications.
ABB produces power transformers rated
above 10,001 kVA.
ABB operates three facilities within
North America with additional global
capacity to serve the U.S. medium and
large power transformer requirements.
These facilities are ISO 9001 registered.

 Core—Cold-rolled, grain-oriented, and  Insulation System—Advanced design programs
silicon alloyed steel are used. A boltless design are used to optimize the amount, type, and
with step-lap construction minimizes eddy location of insulation. High-strength crepe is
current losses and gives thermal and standard for coil turns. High-density pressboard
mechanical stability. is used in major insulation.
 Windings—Windings are paper-taped  Assembly—Coils are concentrically loaded
conductors, designed to meet or exceed on the core and braced laterally against the
relevant standards for thermal and mechanical core or on self-supporting insulating cylinders.
withstand. Either disc-type, helical, or layer Structural support for the core is provided by
windings are selected based on the rating flat clamps, fabricated from high-strength steel.
of the transformer. The clamping system provides uniform pressure
on the coils and assures a tight and reliable
support throughout the life of the transformer.

10 — 100 MVA 100 — 1000 MVA 50 — 1000 MVA
Medium Power Large Power Repairs

ANSI, IEC, CSA Standards

 Substation  Substation  Diagnostics  Transportation

 Auxiliary  Autotransformer  Upgrading  Installation
 Load tap changing  Generator step-up  Field tests  Relocation
 Specialty  Phase Shifter  Life assessment

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Medium and Large Power Transformers

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
St. Louis, MO
Power Transformers


 De-energized tap changer
 On-load tap changer (either resistance
or reactance bridging)
 Bushings (ABB maintains a complete
range to suit each application.)
 Oil preservation (sealed tank,
inert gas, conservator)
 Control cabinet
 Instrumentation and monitoring

Power transformers are a special design apparatus. Testing
Important information required to prepare a
All transformers are tested to verify
quotation include:
design and construction. Routine tests
 User’s specification are performed in accordance with either
 kVA (include multiple ratings if applicable) ANSI or IEC recommendations.
 Cooling class
 Winding voltages
• kV ratings • BIL • Connection • Taps
 Type of unit
 Phase, temperature rise, frequency
 Loss evaluation
• Lightning arresters • Bushing current transformers
• Monitoring • Termination
 Test requirements
 Service conditions
 Special requirements
• Seismic • Sound level
 Requested delivery date

Sourced through ABB Inc.

• St. Louis, MO, USA • Guelph, Ontario, Canada • Varennes, Quebec, Canada • Cordoba, Spain • Pretoria, South Africa • Guarulhos,
Brazil • Vassa, Finland • Ludvika, Sweden • Bad Honnef, Germany • Lodz, Poland • Istanbul, Turkey • Bogota, Columbia • Lima, Peru
For more information, please contact either your local ABB Sales Representative
or the ABB North American Marketing Group in St. Louis, MO at 314-679-4712.


Phase-Shifting Transformers

Phase-shifting transformers (PST) are

used to control the flow of real power
in transmission lines by manipulating
the phase angle difference. The phase
angle shift is obtained by combining
the voltages from different phases in
the PST.

Different designs are available:
 Single- and three-phase
 Single-tank design or two tanks
with flexible throat connection
 Two-core design
• Symmetric design, grounded wye
• Asymmetric design  New interconnections between networks
(Quad-Booster)  Suppresses circulating power flow
 Single-core design  Forces power flow to contract path in case
• Polygon of parallel power lines
• Extended delta
 Distributes power flow to different customers
• Full wye-wye
in a defined way
 Loads existing lines closer to their
thermal limits

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Medium and Large Power Transformers

Sourced through
                                   ABB Inc.
St. Louis, MO
Phase-Shifting Transformers +314-679-4753
Produced at
ABB Transformatoren
GmbH in Bad Honnef,
 Multiple sets of load tap changers to increase Germany
precision of phase-angle regulation
 Monitoring system to perform life time assessment
 Voltage regulation
 Adjustment of impedance values to customer

In order to prepare a quote the following important
information is needed in addition to the information
required for power transformers:
 Desired phase shift
 Phase shift angle defined at no-load or load?
 If under load, cos ϕ of load?
 Does the phase angle shift have to be symmetrical
in advance and retard directions?
 Does the transformer ratio have to be independent
of phase angle?
 Tolerances for phase angle under load?
 Number of steps? Or in which increments does the
phase angle have to be controlled?
 Minimum and maximum short circuit impedance
at zero phase shift and maximum phase shift?
 Tolerance for impedance?
 Voltage regulation in addition to phase angle
 Network impedance?

All transformers are tested to verify design and con-
struction. Routine tests are performed in accordance

with either ANSI or IEC recommendations.


Power Transformers


Industrial Transformers

ABB is the primary supplier worldwide

for Industrial Transformers. These trans-
formers are unique in their design to
meet demanding applications. They
must operate in dirty, hot, and caustic
environments and be able to withstand
short circuits, frequent overvoltages, and
overloads to 200% for short cycles.

8 to 190 MVA arc furnace transformers 20 to 80 MVA rectifier transformers
 ac Arc Melting Furnaces  Chlorine electrolysis
 dc Arc Melting Furnaces  Sodium electrolysis
 Ladle Metallurgy Furnaces  Cadmium electrolysis
 Induction Melting Furnaces  Graphitizing furnaces
 Tapped Series Reactors
SMELTERS and ALLOY PRODUCTION 20 to 150 MVA rectifier transformers
1 to 100 MVA furnace transformers  Wind tunnels
 Lead refining  Pumping stations
 Silicon metal production
 Precious metal refining
 Ferro-alloys production
 Single-phase or three-phase design

20 to 170 MVA rectifier transformers
 Aluminum pot lines
 Magnesium production
 Copper processors
 Zinc production
 Nickel production
 Bridge or IPT/SCR design

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Medium and Large Power Transformers
Power Transformers

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
St. Louis, MO
Industrial Transformers +314-679-4829

 Voltage regulation as required
 ON-LOAD tap changers, vacuum- or
 Internal DELTA closure design to
100,000 A
 Direct regulation up to 220 kV for
rectifier systems
 Service and support for installation
and start-up
 Retrofit designs to upgrade
existing installations


 Extra core bracing to meet Industrial Transformers require special attention to the
short circuit requirements of application and the installation. If replacing an existing
process operation unit, a copy of the nameplate and outline drawing is
 Water cooling for indoor required to bid a replacement transformer. New instal-
installations lations require the following minimum information:
 Designed to meet industry  One-line diagram with short circuit capacities
standards of the high-voltage system
 All copper construction  Process or application that the transformer will
be used for
 Design considers harmonic content
of process loading  Production target for the NEW transformer rating
(steelmaking only)
 ISO 9001 quality assurance
 Ambient temperature of the transformer location
 Secondary voltage range of operation for the trans-
former with specific attention to the number of
FULL capacity taps requested

 For rectifier transformers: The secondary connec-

tion, number of pulses, and if IPT or SCR is required

All transformers are tested according to ANSI and IEC
routine recommendations.

Components & Insulation Material

ABB manufactures a wide range of components

for power transformers. These components
include HV and LV bushings, load tap changers
and other components for switching, protection,
and control. ABB also offers replacement
components for existing power transformers
manufactured by Westinghouse, GE, ABB, ASEA,
BBC, and Moloney. ABB has the capability to
refurbish or repair condenser or bulk bushings
used on power transformers. All components
are manufactured to international standards
ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.


Product Range (kV) BIL (kV) Features
Current (A)


Designed for use in transformers and oil-filled

Type O Plus C™ 15 — 800 110 — 2050 400 — 5000
circuit breakers

High-current condenser designed for use in

Type T™ 25 — 34.5 150 — 200 4500 — 21,500
transformers and other oil-filled apparatus


Stud-type design utilizing a single piece of porce-

Type A™ 1.2 — 34.5 95 — 350 600 — 23,000 lain as the major insulation between the grounded
bushing clamp and central conductor

Stud-type design with a guaranteed corona level

Type LCRJ™ 1.2 — 25 — 600 — 23,000 of less than 50 mV when tested at two times the
rated line-to-ground voltage

Tap Changers—Load

Two basic configurations that are mounted on

Type UZ — 200 — 650 600
the outside of the transformer

Tap Changers—De-energized

Mounted on the high-voltage side of the trans-

Type DT 15 — 138 650 — 900 370 — 1000
former to adjust the transformer’s voltage ratio

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Components & Insulation Material

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Alamo, TN
Type O Plus C™ +731-696-5561
ABB Type O Plus C condenser bushings are designed for use
in transformers and oil-filled circuit breakers. Designs exist for
oil-to-air applications for either vertical or horizontal mounting.
ABB offers Type O Plus C condenser bushings in 400 A to 5000 A
ratings and are available from 15 kV through 800 kV. ABB condenser
bushings meet or exceed the applicable IEEE and CSA standards.
All bushing products are manufactured to the international standards
of ISO 9001.

 All bushing products are manufac-  Bushings rated through 138 kV
tured using a proprietary process have a sight bowl for 360° oil
that fuses semiconducting ink into level indication.
the fibers of a special, low-density  Bushings rated from 161 kV
kraft paper. This process eliminates through 362 kV have a metal
the gaps at the ends of the con- expansion dome with a prismatic
denser, between the conductive glass for oil level indication.
and insulating layers that are pres-
 550 kV and 800 kV bushings have
ent in the surface-printed ink or
an oil level gauge.
foil capacitor designs.
 Oil level is easily readable from
 Stringent manufacturing proce-
ground level when the bushing is
dures minimize moisture content,
installed on the transformer.
resulting in power factors of less
than 0.4 percent for ratings up to  The outer insulating housing of OPTIONS AND
230 kV and less than 0.35 percent these bushings is made of wet ACCESSORIES
for ratings above 230 kV. The process porcelain. The housings
The Type O Plus C
ANSI/IEEE standards allow a are assembled against the flange
Transformer Breaker
power factor of 0.55 percent for of the metal support. The porcelain
Interchangeable (TBI)
condenser-type bushings. housings, along with the oil expan-
bushings can be con-
sion chamber and the lower sup-
 ABB guarantees less than 5 pc or verted from a simple
port, are held in place by center
5 µV of partial discharge for the draw lead-type bushing
clamping to provide an oil-tight
Type O Plus C condenser bushings to a lower-end connected
enclosure for the condenser.
at test levels of 1.5 times the rated bushing by a simple
maximum line-to-ground voltage.  The bushing is kept leak-tight and exchange of hardware.
This is 50 percent of the value free of moisture by resilient gas-
allowed by current ANSI/IEEE kets. For bushings 15 kV through
bushing standards. 138 kV, a multiple spring cap
assembly maintains pressure on the
 The winding of the condenser SPECIFICATIONS
gaskets. For bushings 161 kV and
is computer controlled to ensure

higher, pressure is maintained by Industry Standards

conducting layers are precisely
an assembly of springs inside the
placed at the specified locations, IEEE Standard C57.19.00
metal expansion dome.
resulting in uniform voltage distri- IEEE Standard C57.19.01-1991
bution throughout the bushing.  The ground sleeve located below
IEEE Standard C57.19.100
the support flange provides a
 Bushings above 69 kV have a IEEE Standard 693
surface at ground potential for use
voltage tap that can be used with
in transformers that have an air
another device or used for measur-
or gas space above the insulating
ing power factor and capacitance.
liquid, or as an area for installing
Bushings at or below 69 kV include
bushing-type current transformers.
a test tap for measuring power

factor and capacitance.


Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Alamo, TN
Type T™ +731-696-5561
ABB Type T bushings, with the designation ‘V’ in the style number, are
high-current, high-temperature condenser bushings designed for use
in transformers and other oil-filled apparatus. ABB offers these Type T
condenser bushings in current ratings from 4500 A to 21,500 A and
in voltage ratings of 25 kV and 34.5 kV.
These Type T bushings are available for both cover and sidewall
mounting applications. ABB condenser bushings meet or exceed
the applicable IEEE test standard.
All bushing products are manufactured to the international standards
of ISO 9001.

 This standard series has been  The winding of the condenser is
specifically designed for applica- computer controlled to ensure
tion in the high temperature conducting layers are precisely
environment of bus ducts. In these placed at specified locations, result-
bushings, Nomex™ insulation is ing in uniform voltage distribution
used instead of cellulose paper throughout the bushing.
for the condenser insulation, and  A test tap incorporated into the SPECIFICATIONS
Viton™ rubber gaskets are used design permits convenient power
for all sealing. These materials are factor and capacitance testing of Industry Standards
suitable for the extreme tempera- the bushing while it is in place IEEE Standard C57.19.00
ture conditions associated with on the apparatus.
bus duct applications.
 The bushing outer assembly is
 Stringent manufacturing proce- fabricated from two wet process
dures minimize moisture content, porcelain shells and an aluminum
resulting in power factors of less center mounting flange.
than 0.4 percent. The ANSI/IEEE
 The assembly is sealed with
standards allow a power factor
resilient gaskets between the
of 0.55 percent for condenser-
porcelains, the top terminal, and
type bushings.
the lower support. Similar gaskets
 ABB guarantees less than 5 pc are used between the center
or 5 µV of partial discharge for mounting flange and the top and
the Type T condenser bushings at bottom porcelains.
test levels of 1.5 times the rated
 A multiple coil spring assembly
maximum line-to-ground voltage.
at the lower end of the bushing
This is 50 percent of the value
clamps the outer shell onto the
allowed by current ANSI/IEEE
central conductor.
bushing standards.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Components & Insulation Material

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Alamo, TN
Type A™ +731-696-5561
ABB Type A bushings are stud-type designs used
for applications with oil-filled transformers and
generators. The Type A bushing, with current ratings
from 600 A to 23,000 A and voltage ratings from
1.2 kV to 34.5 kV, are available for either vertical
or horizontal mounting.
This product requires little maintenance other
than periodic cleaning because of its simple design
and rugged construction.
All bushing products are manufactured to the
international standards of ISO 9001.


 Type A bushings rated from 1200 A to 4000 A
use a central metal tube as the conductor. The ABB offers Type A bushings rated 600 A
tube, threaded at both ends for connection to and below for use with a detachable
the apparatus, leads inside and to the incoming cable-type conductor. The detachable
lines outside. cable conductor is an integral part of
 The porcelain is clamped to the conductor tube the apparatus to which the bushing
with a threaded cap, gasket, spring washer, and is installed. This arrangement allows
a bottom-clamping nut. the bushing to be removed from the
apparatus without disturbing the
 For most ratings up to 3000 A, the bushing
internal connections.
is clamped to the apparatus flange with a
fabricated metal retaining clamp.
 Some 3000 A and 4000 A bushings use a clamp-
ing assembly which is cemented to the porce-
lain. These bushings are designed with an open
inboard end to permit oil from the apparatus
to enter the bushing for insulation and cooling.
This unique feature makes them suitable for
either sidewall or cover mounting.
 Type A bushings rated 4500 A and higher are
designed for 15 kV and 34.5 kV applications.

These bushings use only a central conductor

that has a greater cross-sectional area to accom-
modate the higher currents. The porcelain is
held in compression with a spring assembly at
the lower end. The bushing is filled with oil
and sealed from the atmosphere with resilient
gaskets. The metal flange is secured around the
outside of the porcelain with weather-resistant,
high-strength epoxy.


Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Alamo, TN
Type LCRJ™ +731-696-5561
ABB Type LCRJ bushings are stud-type designs that
are suitable for cover and/or sidewall mounting on
power transformers. These bulk bushings are available
for applications between 1.2 kV and 25 kV. Bushings
rated 15 kV are available in current ratings from 600 A
to 5000 A. Bushings rated at 25 kV are available in
current ratings from 2900 A to 23,000 A.
This product requires little maintenance other
than periodic cleaning because of its simple design
and rugged construction. Type LCRJ bushings are
particularly suitable for applications requiring low
partial discharge.
All bushing products are manufactured to the
international standards of ISO 9001.

 Type LCRJ bushings utilize a single porcelain
as the major insulation between the grounded
bushing clamp and the central conductor.
 The space between the central conductor and OPTIONS AND
porcelain is generally filled with insulating oil. ACCESSORIES
 Type LCRJ bushings feature a conductive
ABB offers Type LCRJ bushings
coating fired onto the external surface of the
rated 600 A and below for use with
porcelain. The coating acts as an electrostatic
a detachable cable-type conductor.
shield and prevents the concentration of elec-
The detachable cable conductor is an
tric stress on the edge of the bushing flange,
integral part of the apparatus to which
thereby limiting corona at operating and test
the bushing is installed. This arrange-
voltages. ABB guarantees less than 50 µV
ment allows the bushing to be removed
at twice the normal line-to-ground operating
from the apparatus without disturbing
voltage for Type LCRJ bushings.
the inside connections.
 In some cases these bushings are designed
for both horizontal and vertical applications
by permitting the oil from the transformer
to fill the gap between the porcelain and the
conductor via an opening in the inboard end.
Vertical-only designs have their own oil supply
and are sealed from the apparatus environment.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Components & Insulation Material
Tap Changers—Load

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Alamo, TN
Type UZ +731-696-5561
The UZ tap changer is available in two basic configura-
tions: the UZE and UZF. In each case the tap changer
uses three identical single-phase selector switches,
mounted in the openings on the rear of the compart-
ment. Each single-phase unit consists of an epoxy-resin
molding, a selector switch, transition resistors, and in
most cases, a change-over selector.
The basic difference between the UZE model and
the UZF model is the incline of the active part within
the UZF tank to allow easier access to the terminals.
Access to the terminals is via a connection cover on
the top of the tank.
The UZ family of load tap changers has been developed
over many years for maximum reliability. The simple
and rugged design gives a service life that equals the
service life of the transformer. Tests show the tap
changer was still mechanically sound after one million
operations. Minimal maintenance is required for
absolutely trouble-free operation.


 The UZ types of load tap changers operate ACCESSORIES
according to the main selector switch principle  The motor-drive cabinet
that combines the tap selector and diverter can be supplied with an
switch in one. anti-condensation coverage.
 The UZ types of load tap changers are mounted  The 250-W heater can be specified
on the outside of the transformer tank. All of with a thermostat and switch for
the equipment necessary to operate the tap use in arctic climates.
changer is contained in a single compartment
 For tropical climates the heater
with the motor-drive mechanism attached to
can be controlled by a hygrostat.
the outside.
 The motor-drive mechanism
 Because the UZ family of tap changers is
can be equipped to meet the
designed for mounting on the outside of the
requirements of humid climates
transformer tank, installation procedures are
or desert conditions.
simplified, and the overall size of the trans-
former tank can be reduced.
 The UZ types of load tap changers are available

with 600 A rated current, up to 650 kV BIL and SPECIFICATIONS

up to 33 positions. Industry Standards
IEC 214
IEC 354

Tap Changers—De-energized

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Alamo, TN
Type DTU +731-696-5561
The DTU is a modular, linear-action, bridging-type tap
changer design available with a current rating of up to
500 A per deck and up to 650 kV BIL.
The DTU system includes a choice of standard oper-
ating mechanisms, drive shafts, shields, and barriers
needed for the basic configurations required for either
single- or double-deck per phase applications. The
DTU uses silver-plated moving contacts to bridge the
two copper stationary contacts for a tap connection.
Up to seven positions are available. The moving
contacts are driven by a linear Geneva gear that is
connected via steel shafts to the external operating
mechanism. The operating mechanism features a
packing gland and O-ring to ensure a leak-tight seal
through the transformer tank wall. The operating
mechanism includes a position indicator and
provisions for padlocking.

Type DTW
The DTW design is available with a current rating of
850 A per deck and up to 900 kV BIL.
The DTW system includes a choice of standard oper-
ating mechanisms, drive shafts and shields needed for
the basic configurations required for either single- or
double-deck per phase applications. The DTW uses
silver-tipped moving contacts to bridge two of the
six tin-plated stationary contacts for a tap connection.
Five positions are available. The moving contacts are
driven by a worm gear set that is connected via insu-
lated shafts to the external operating mechanism.
The operating mechanism features a packing gland and
O-ring to ensure a leak-tight seal through the trans-
former tank wall. The operating mechanism includes
a position indicator and provisions for padlocking.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Components & Insulation Material
Special Feature

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Alamo, TN
Refurbished/Replacement Bushings +731-696-5561
Replacing or repairing bushings on older power
equipment takes advantage of the latest technologies
for improved performance. ABB can replace, repair,
or rebuild virtually all domestic and foreign manufac-
tured bushings.

 ABB’s O Plus C™ replacement bushing design
incorporates the leading condenser design with
the optimum shell design to offer the most
technologically advanced bushing available.
 Detailed electrical and mechanical concerns are
brought to the attention of the customer within
the Bushing Cross Reference Guide, thus negat- APPLICATIONS
ing any surprises at the time of installation. Replacement bushings are available
for those manufactured by ABB,
Repaired/Rebuilt Information Westinghouse, General Electric, and
Lapp, as well as other domestic and
 All repaired bushings carry the same warranty foreign manufacturers for all kV classes
as new bushings. up to 800 kV and 2100 kV BIL. ABB
 Utilizing the original as manufactured drawings, offers customers the Bushing Cross
ABB can either replace items with those that Reference Guide to facilitate the
conform to the original specification or upgrade selection of replacement bushings for
to incorporate the latest technology available, obsolete designs or bushings produced
where applicable. by other manufacturers. Within this
 All rewound bushings incorporate ABB’s state- computer-based guide resides detailed
of-the-art, fused-link, capacitive-graded condenser information for replacing over 5000
core with guaranteed lowest power factor and bushings manufactured by various
partial discharge in the industry. companies. Repairing or rebuilding
bushings is an economical alternative
for bushings 115 kV and above or

condenser bushings below 115 kV

when the current exceeds 2500 A.



 Motors, Machines, and Generators


 Industrial Controls

 Circuit Protective Devices

 Low-Voltage Network Quality

 Low-Voltage Distribution Equipment and Control Systems

 Switchgear OEM Components

Industrial Products
 Motors, Machines, and Generators Relays
Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Low Voltage Motors Electronic Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
IEC Standard Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Electronic Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
IEC Hazardous Area Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Electronic Thermistor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
NEMA Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Electronic Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Specialty Motors Pilot Devices
Wind Turbine Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 CBK 22mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
High-Voltage Induction Motors CBG 30mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Standard Induction Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Signal Beacons and Stacklights . . . . . . . . . 177
Flameproof Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Limit Switches
Wound Rotor Induction Motors . . . . . . . . . . 143 Plastic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
High-Voltage Synchronous Machines Metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Synchronous Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Sensors
Synchronous Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Proximity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Motorformer™/Powerformer Light™ . . . . . . 146 Photoelectric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Cam Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
 Drives Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Low-Voltage AC Drives Cable Managment Systems
ACS 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Wire Duct, DIN Rail and Spiral Wrap . . . . . . 184
ACS 140 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
ACS 400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149  Circuit Protective Devices
ACS 600 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
System Pro M
Low-Voltage DC Drives Miniature Circuit Breakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
DCS 400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Modular DIN Rail Components . . . . . . . . . . 188
DCS 500B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Residual Current Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors . . . . . 190
 Industrial Controls
Circuit Breakers
Contactors Isomax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Across the Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Emax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Welding Isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Disconnect Switches
Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 Non-Fusible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Fusible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Overload Relays Enclosed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Thermal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Electronic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159  Low-Voltage Network Quality
Starters CLMD, Power Factor Capacitors. . . . . . . . . . . 198
Across the Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 ABB 300/1200, Automatic
Combination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Power Factor Capacitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Reduced Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 Active Filter
DLA and WLA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Power Quality Filter (PQFA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Miniature Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Manual Motor Protectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165  Low-Voltage Distribution Equipment
and Control Systems
Type PSS, Low-Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Metal-Enclosed
Type SSD, Low-Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 K-Line Plus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Type SSM, Medium-Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 MNS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207

Power Electronic Brakes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Switchgear OEM Components
Low-Voltage Circuit Breakers . . . . . . . . . . . 208

Motors, Machines, and Generators

ABB has over 100 years of experience in

designing and manufacturing low- and high-
voltage AC motors and generators for every
application. Our quality, reliability, and
environmentally sound solutions make ABB
the first choice as a supplier of electrical
machines. ABB is the largest power engineer-
ing group in the world with experienced
sales, project management, and service
organizations both globally and within the
United States. Our in-depth knowledge of
virtually every type of industrial processing
ensures we always specify the best solution
for your needs.

ABB is the world’s leading and most advanced manufacturer of electrical

machines, supplying motors and generators for virtually all industries;
making you more competitive.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Motors, Machines, and Generators

Type Product Power Poles Voltage Enclosure

Low-Voltage Motors
IEC Standard Aluminum
63 - 250 0.18 to 75 kW 2 to 8 220 to 1000 V TEFC
Motors Motors

IEC Standard Cast Iron

71 - 400 0.25 to 710 kW 2 to 16 220 to 690 V TEFC
Motors Motors

IEC Hazardous
Flameproof 63 - 400 0.18 to 630 kW 2 to 16 220 to 690 V Eexd/e
Area Motors

IEC Hazardous Increased

63 - 400 0.18 to 330 kW 2 to 16 220 to 690 V Eexe
Area Motors Safety

IEC Hazardous Non-

71 - 400 0.18 to 630 kW 2 to 16 220 to 690 V ExnA
Area Motors sparking

IEC Hazardous Dust Ignition

71 - 400 0.55 to 630 kW 2 to 16 220 to 690 V TEFC
Area Motors Proof

NEMA Motors 404 - 587 100 to 700 HP 2 to 16 220 to 1000 V TEFC

High-Voltage Induction Motors

Standard ODP, WP-I, WP-II,
AMA 315 - 500 200 to 4500 HP 2 to 12 380 to 11,500 V
Induction Motors TEWAC, TEAAC

Standard ODP, WP-I, WP-II,

AMB 560 - 710 600 to 15,000 HP 2 to 24 690 to 13,800 V
Induction Motors TEWAC, TEAAC

Standard ODP, WP-I, WP-II,

AMC 800 - 1120 2000 to 26,000 HP 2 to 24 690 to 13,800 V
Induction Motors TEWAC, TEAAC

HXR 355 - 560 150 to 3000 HP 2 to 12 380 to 11,500 V TEFC
Induction Motors

AMD 355 - 710 160 to 4500 kW 2 to 12 380 to 11,000 V TEFC

Wound Rotor ODP, WP-I, WP-II,

AMK 400 - 500 160 to 2800 kW 4 to 12 400 to 11,000 V
Induction Motors TEWAC, TEAAC

Wound Rotor ODP, WP-I, WP-II,

AML 560 - 900 500 to 9600 kW 4 to 20 3000 to 13,800 V
Induction Motors TEWAC, TEAAC

High-Voltage Synchronous Machines

Industrial Products

Synchronous ODP, WP-I, WP-II,

AMS 710 - 1250 4000 to 70,000 HP 4 to 6 3000 to 15,000 V

Synchronous ODP, WP-I, WP-II,

AMZ 710 - 2500 1000 to 70,000 HP 8 to 40 1000 to 15,000 V

Synchronous ODP, WP-I, WP-II,

AMS 710 - 1250 3000 to 70,000 kVA 4 to 6 3000 to 15,000 V
Generators TEWAC, TEAAC

Synchronous ODP, WP-I, WP-II,

AMG 400 - 630 500 to 5000 kVA 4 to 10 400 to 13,800 V
Generators TEWAC, TEAAC

Synchronous ODP, WP-I, WP-II,

Motorformer Custom 5000 to 45,000 kW 4 to 6 20 to 150 kV

Synchronous Powerformer ODP, WP-I, WP-II,

Custom 5000 to 55,000 kVA 4 to 6 20 to 150 kV
Generators Light TEWAC, TEAAC

Low-Voltage Motors

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
New Berlin, WI
IEC Standard Motors +262-785-3200

ABB low-voltage IEC motors have the highest motor

efficiency available in the market. High-efficiency
motors prolong the service life of bearings, grease, and
insulation systems by keeping a low temperature rise,
reducing life cycle costs by several times the motor
value. These motors have a highly engineered lubrica-
tion system maximizing the benefits of high quality
bearings and a superior insulation system preventing
deterioration from age and aggressive inverter duty.

 Totally enclosed, fan-cooled
 Aluminum, steel, and cast-iron constructions
 Power Range: 0.18 to 710 kW
 Voltage Range: 380 to 690 V
 Frame Sizes: 63 to 400
 Speed: 2 to 12 poles
 Fulfills EU eff1, EPCA, and EEV
 Rigid mounting and minimal vibration
 Noise levels far below IEC requirements
 Class-F insulation  Balancing options
 Exceptional corrosion resistance  Encoders/Blowers
 High overload capacity through generous  Hazardous environments
dimensioning  Metal fan and cover
 Global ABB Service Network  Modified drain holes
 ISO 9001 quality certification  Non-standard insulation system
 ISO 14001 environmental certification  Non-standard mounting arrangements
 Manufactured using the full power of ABB’s  Non-standard voltage or frequency
Industrial IT® technology  Roller bearings
 Separate cooling fan
 Space heaters
 Special shaft extensions
 Stator winding temperature sensors
 Terminal box for temperature
Pumps, compressors, heating and ventilation, machine detectors
tools, construction machinery, food machinery, and
traction in varied industries such as power plants, pulp
and paper, mining, metallurgy, marine, petrochemical,  Plus numerous other variable speed
wastewater, automotive, and building services. drive options

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Motors, Machines, and Generators
Low-Voltage Motors

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
New Berlin, WI
IEC Hazardous Area Motors +262-785-3200

ABB low-voltage hazardous area motors are a complete

range of explosion-proof motors including flameproof,
non-sparking, increased safety, and dust ignition-proof
motors. These motors are ATEX-certified and efficiency
levels equivalent to the highest international standards.

 Totally enclosed, fan-cooled
 Aluminum, steel, and cast-iron constructions
 Power Range: 0.18 to 710 kW
 Voltage Range: 220 to 690 V
 Frame Sizes: 63 to 400
 Speed: 2 to 12 poles
 Fulfills EU eff1, EPCA, and EEV
 Noise levels far below IEC requirements OPTIONS AND
 Exceptional corrosion resistance ACCESSORIES
 Global ABB Service Network
 Balancing options
 ISO 9001 quality certification
 Cold or heat resistance grease
 ISO 14001 environmental certification
 Manufactured using the full power of ABB’s
 Hazardous environment variants
Industrial IT® technology
 Metal fan and cover
 Modified drain holes
 Non-standard insulation system
 Non-standard mounting arrangements
APPLICATIONS  Non-standard voltage or frequency
Motors for hazardous areas must be officially approved  Separate cooling fan
by a recognized test organization that is authorized to  Space heaters
issue test certificates, to ensure compliance with stan-  Special shaft extensions
dards for this type of equipment. Motors are defined
 Stator winding temperature sensors
Industrial Products

and classified according to the potentially explosive

atmospheres present at the installation site.  Terminal box for temperature
The motors are designed to meet the high demands
for efficiency, performance, and availability required  Testing
by the oil, gas, chemical, and petrochemical sectors.  Plus numerous other variable speed
The motors also perform extremely well in applica- drive options
tions in tanker shipping, petrol stations, and hazardous
areas in general industry. All standard Ex-motors are
suitable for use with variable speed drives.

Low-Voltage Motors

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
New Berlin, WI
NEMA Motors +262-785-3200

All NEMA motors are designed and manufactured to

EEMAC and NEMA Standard MG - 1. All constant speed
motors will comply with NEMA, EPAct, and NRCan
efficiency standards for constant speed motors. ABB
NEMA motors feature higher efficiencies for energy
and capital cost savings, lowest noise levels helping
to protect people and the environment, and unrivaled
corrosion protection for a long, durable life.

 Totally enclosed, fan-cooled
 Cast-iron construction
 Power Range: 100 to 700 HP
 Voltage Range: 208 - 230/460 V
 Frame Sizes: 404 to 587
 Speed: 2 to 8 poles
 1.15 Service Factor OPTIONS AND
 Class-F insulation ACCESSORIES
 Class-B temperature rise  Auxiliary terminal boxes
 Single-row, deep-groove ball bearings  Balancing options
 Rigid mounting and minimal vibration  Constant Torque/Inverter Duty
 High efficiency  Encoders/Blowers
 Low noise levels  Non-standard bearings, lubrication,
 Exceptional corrosion resistance and seals
 Global ABB Service Network  Non-standard insulation system
 ISO 9001 quality certification  Non-standard mounting arrangements
 ISO 14001 environmental certification  Non-standard voltage or frequency
 UL and CSA certified  Separate motor cooling
 Manufactured using the full power of ABB’s  Space heaters
Industrial IT® technology  Special shaft extensions
 SPM nipples
 Stator winding temperature sensors
Pumps, compressors, heating and ventilation, machine  Plus numerous other variable speed
tools, construction machinery, food machinery, and drive options
traction in varied industries such as power plants, pulp
and paper, mining, metallurgy, marine, petrochemical,
wastewater, automotive, and building services.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Motors, Machines, and Generators
Specialty Motor

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
New Berlin, WI
Wind Turbine Generators +262-785-3200

This is a generator product specifically designed for

wind turbine applications. Electrical performance of
the individual generator is optimized in cooperation
with the wind turbine manufacturer, taking into
account any special needs for slip or other criteria.
The result is a superior generator design, with high
electrical performance at both full and partial load.
Although each generator is custom designed, standard
components are used wherever feasible, guaranteeing
efficient production and fast deliveries.
ABB has been manufacturing generators for wind
turbines for more than 20 years. Today, our customers
can benefit from the experience gained from over
8000 ABB generators installed worldwide.

 Induction and synchronous
 Power: 55 to 3000 kW and higher
 Voltage: Low to 15,000 V
 Variable speed options
 Cast-iron, steel, and modular constructions APPLICATIONS
 Air and water cooling Both stall and pitch regulated wind
 Designed for severe environmental conditions turbines, doubly-fed slip ring generators
for semi-variable speed operation, full
 High performance values variable speed drives, and permanent
 Global ABB Service Network magnet synchronous generators for
 ISO 9001 quality certification offshore applications.
 ISO 14001 environmental certification
 Manufactured using the full power of ABB’s
Industrial IT® technology
Industrial Products

High-Voltage Induction Motors

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
New Berlin, WI
Standard Induction Motors +262-785-3200

ABB induction motors are custom-designed, high

efficiency motors. They are built for heavy-duty opera-
tion, have a complete range of enclosures and cooling
arrangements, maintain an optimal weight to power
ratio, and provide years of uninterrupted operation.


 Power: 100 to 22,000 kW at 50 Hz; ABB induction motors are widely used within
150 to 26,000 HP at 60 Hz chemical and petrochemical industries, air
 Voltage: 380 to 13,800 V separation, power generation, water treatment,
marine, and mining, as well as cement and
 Frame sizes: 315 to 1120
metals. Typical applications include compres-
 Speed: 2 to 24 poles sors, pumps, fans, blowers, conveyors, mills,
 Standards: NEMA, IEC, BS, ANSI, IEEE, crushers, refiners, pulverizers, ship thrusters,
VDE, and EN variable speed drives, generators, and motors
 Design: Horizontal or vertical; open-drip proof, for classified areas.
weather protected, or totally enclosed;
equipped with water-to-air or air-to-air heat
exchanger, and totally enclosed, fan-cooled
 Low noise, low vibration
 Rigid frame
 Quality stator package and rotor construction
 Rugged bearing assemblies
 Global ABB Service Network
 ISO 9001 quality certification
 ISO 14001 environmental certification
 Manufactured using the full power of ABB’s
Industrial IT® technology

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Motors, Machines, and Generators
High-Voltage Induction Motors

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
New Berlin, WI
Flameproof Motors +262-785-3200

ABB flameproof motors are the simplest and safest

solution for hazardous environments and are compliant
with standards to meet worldwide demand (zone 1
and zone 2). These flameproof motors are designed
to withstand the pressure caused by an internal
explosion and to prevent flame propagation outside
without any damage.
AMD motors have been certified by CSA. As CSA
has a mutual agreement with the UL organization,
these motors can be installed in the classified
areas corresponding to Class I, Zone 0 and 2 in
compliance with:
 UL 1004
 UL 2279
 NFPA 70
 CAN/CSA-C22-2 No 0-M91
 CAN/CSA C22-2 No 100-95
ABB flameproof motors are also certified according
to EN Standards, including ATEX Directive 94/9/EC.

 Totally enclosed, fan-cooled  Rugged bearing assemblies
 Power: 160 to 4500 kW at 50 and 60 Hz  No purging before starting
 Voltage: 380 to 11,000 V  No pressurization system required
 Frame sizes: 355 to 710  No inert gas needed
 Speed: 2 to 12 poles  No thermal limitation for “te” time
 Design: Horizontal and vertical  No need for system test in VSD applications
 Enclosures: IP55, IC411, IC511  Individual certification not required
 Standards: NEMA, IEC, BS, ANSI, IEEE,  Global ABB Service Network
Industrial Products

VDE, and EN  ISO 9001 quality certification

 High efficiency, low noise, and long lifetime  ISO 14001 environmental certification
 Quality stator package and rotor construction  Manufactured using the full power of ABB’s
 VPI insulation system Industrial IT® technology
 Rigid frame

Protects electrical equipment against hazardous environments
including combustible gas or vapor explosion. Machines for
constant speed applications and variable speed drives.

High-Voltage Induction Motors

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
New Berlin, WI
Wound Rotor Induction Motors +262-785-3200

ABB’s Wound Rotor Induction Motors offer high

torque through the entire speed range and are
designed to optimize performance, maximize
reliability, and minimize the maintenance with a
separate, easy to maintain unit for the slip rings.


 Power: 160 to 9600 kW at 50 and 60 Hz
 Permanent contact brushes suitable
 Voltage: 400 to 13,800 V
for adjustable speed drives
 Frame sizes: 400 to 900
 Brush-lifting gear for
 Speed: 4 to 20 poles continuous running
 Standards: NEMA, IEC, BS,ANSI, IEEE, and VDE
 Design: Horizontal or vertical; totally enclosed
or open construction.
 Rigid frame
 Quality stator package and rotor construction APPLICATIONS
 Rugged bearing assemblies Wound rotor motors are used in
 Global ABB Service Network applications requiring high starting
torque or low starting current and are
 ISO 9001 quality certification suitable for starting at weak network.
 ISO 14001 environmental certification Adaptable for adjustable speed drives.
 Manufactured using the full power of ABB’s
Industrial IT® technology

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Motors, Machines, and Generators
High-Voltage Synchronous Machines

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
New Berlin, WI
Synchronous Motors +262-785-3200

Synchronous motors manufactured by ABB are used

all over the world in industrial and utility applications.
High efficiency and robust construction ensure ABB’s
synchronous motors are the rugged and reliable
choice for petrochemical, power plants, marine
applications, and other core industries.


 Power: 2 to 52 MW at 50 Hz; 1000 to Compressors, pumps, and refiners
70,000 HP at 60 Hz for chemical oil and gas processing,
 Voltage: 1 to 15 kV production and transportation; propul-
sion systems for marine applications;
 Frame sizes: 710 to 2500 blowers, coolers, fans, and mills for the
 Speed: 4 to 40 poles metals industry; grinders for the mineral
 Standards: NEMA and IEC industry; chippers and refiners for the
 Design: Brushless or slip ring-type excitation pulp and paper industry; and variable-
are available as open-ventilated or totally speed drive systems for wire blocks,
enclosed; as water-cooled or duct-ventilated coilers, edgers, mill stand motors, and
design for horizontal mounting mine hoists.
 High efficiency
 Quality stator package and rotor construction
Industrial Products

 Rugged bearing assemblies

 Global ABB Service Network
 ISO 9001 quality certification
 ISO 14001 environmental certification
 Manufactured using the full power of ABB’s
Industrial IT® technology

High-Voltage Synchronous Machines

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
New Berlin, WI
Synchronous Generators +262-785-3200

The ABB range of synchronous generators is an example

of how proven technology can continue to be devel-
oped, and how ABB, through combining its modern
machine technology with its considerable applications
expertise, can contribute to the safe conversion of
energy with the highest possible efficiency.
ABB’s extensive experience of machines for difficult
environments has contributed to the exceptional
reliability of generators used in this application. The
generators are operational both on offshore platforms
and in land-based power plants.

Generators driven by diesel and
 Power: 500 to 70,000 kVA
gas engines, gas and steam turbines,
 Voltage: 400 to 15,000 V hydropower turbines, shaft-driven
 Frame sizes: 400 to 1250 generators, land-based, marine,
 Speed: 4 to 10 poles offshore, and totally custom projects.
 Standards: NEMA, IEC, CSA, etc.
 Design: High efficiency with brushless or
slip ring-type excitation are available as open-
ventilated or totally enclosed; as water-cooled or
duct-ventilated design for horizontal mounting
 Global ABB Service Network
 ISO 9001 quality certification
 ISO 14001 environmental certification
 Manufactured using the full power of ABB’s
Industrial IT® technology

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Motors, Machines, and Generators
High-Voltage Synchronous Machines

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
New Berlin, WI
Motorformer™/Powerformer Light™ +262-785-3200

Motorformer and Powerformer Light are the world’s

first high-voltage, cable-wound AC machines. These
solutions combine conventional AC technology
with the new high-voltage cable technology. High-
voltage cable is used as the stator winding instead
of the rigid copper winding coils to be found in
large conventional machines.
The benefit of the new concept is that the motor can
then be connected directly to a considerably higher
voltage without the need for a step-down transformer
between the distribution network and the motor.
The product is still built with components that have
been carefully developed and proven over many years
for ABB’s conventional synchronous machines. These
systems can supply reactive power, which benefits
both the customer and the power supplier.


 Power: 5 to 45 MW; 5 - 55 MVA Motorformer can be selected for most
 Voltage: 20 to 150 kV of the motor drives that today use large
 Frame sizes: Custom built conventional motors. It is also well
suited for the combination of motor
 Speed: 4 and 6 poles drive and reactive power compensation
 No need for a transformer lowering investment on the distribution network.
and energy costs Powerformer Light can be used to
 Global ABB Service Network generate electricity directly on the
 ISO 9001 quality certification distribution network. This gives the
 ISO 14001 environmental certification system a high overall efficiency. It has
a good capability to provide reactive
 Manufactured using the full power of ABB’s power compensation. Powerformer
Industrial IT® technology Light is most efficient at high outputs
and high voltages.
Industrial Products

Power utilities and industrial companies

which install generators to supply
electricity to the network as well as
consultants building plants which
package turbines and generators will
all benefit from this solution.


When looking for a standard drive, you

need a solution that fits your application
and can be installed with minimum disrup-
tion to your process. You need a wide choice
of drives from a single source. You need a
company with the resources to support your
drive application throughout its lifetime.

ABB is the world’s leading supplier of

ac and DC drive products and systems
for use in industrial, commercial, and
residential applications, improving the
manageability, efficiency, and energy
economy of processes.

ABB manufactures both low-voltage and considerable energy savings they bring
medium-voltage AC drives. ABB focuses about in pump and fan applications.
strongly on the continuous future develop- The manufacturing of the products also
ment of low-voltage and medium-voltage AC has a very low impact on the environment:
drives. Variable speed drives are especially The life cycle of the products is long, the
environmentally friendly because of the material is recyclable or reusable.

Product VAC VDC kW
ACS 100 200 — 240 — .12 — 2.2
200 — 240
ACS 140 — .12 — 2.2
380 — 480
ACS 400 200 — 480 — 2.2 — 37
ACS 600 230 — 690 — 3 — 4700
DCS 400 — 220 — 500 3.7 — 448
DCS 500B — 220 — 1000 3.7 — 4476

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Low-Voltage AC Drives Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
New Berlin, WI
ACS 100 and ACS 140 +800-752-0696

The ACS 100 and ACS 140 family of drives

combines a sophisticated microprocessor
with an advanced IGBT power switching
technology to deliver the highest performance
of AC motors. Its extensive library of pre-
programmed application macros maximizes
convenience and minimizes start-up time.
These drives can handle the most demanding
applications in an efficient, dependable, and
economic manner.

 Reduced heatsink and
heatsinkless versions  Air Handling and Conditioning Fans, Pumps,
 Over- and under-voltage controls Compressors, Chillers
(ACS 140)  Cement Industry Fans, Kilns, Conveyors, Mixers
 Built-in PID (ACS 140)  Chemical Industry Pumps, Fans, Mixers,
 Fault history records Processing lines
 Flexible multi-programmable I/O  Overhead Cranes (strikethrough and harbors)
 Slip compensation (ACS 140)  Food and Beverage Mixers, Conveyors, Centrifuges,
Ovens, Bottling tables
 Virtually silent operation with 16 kHz
carrier frequency  Marine Applications
 Maximum frequency is now 300 Hz  Material Handling Conveyors, Hoists,
Traverse, Cranes
 Operator panel capable of upload and
download as well as remote mounting  Metal Industry Roller Tables, Processing Lines, Cranes
 Mining and Mineral Processing Conveyors,
Dredgers, Crushers
 Oil and Gas Industry Fans, Pumps,
Centrifuges, Compressors
 Plastic and Rubber Industry Mixers, Extruders,
Industrial Products

 RFI filters Conveyors, Processing Lines

 DriveWindow Light software (ACS 140)  Power Plant Pumps, Fans, Conveyors
 RS232 - 485 module  Printing Machinery, Winders, Unwinders, Slitting,
 Dynamic braking module Embossing, Dryers, Calenders
 Pulp and Paper Industry Sectional Drives, Pumps,
Fans, Kilns, Debarking, Screws,Washers
 Textile Industry Mixers, Extruders,Textile Machines
SPECIFICATIONS  Water Treatment Pumps, Compressors, Conveyors
 Wood Handling Sawmills, Debarking Lines, Lathes,
 1⁄ 6 to 3 HP, 240 or 480 VAC Class
Plywood Lines

Low-Voltage AC Drives

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
New Berlin, WI
ACS 400 +800-752-0696

The ACS 400 drive combines a sophisticated

microprocessor with an advanced IGBT power
switching technology to deliver the highest
performance control of AC motors. Its exten-
sive library of pre-programmed application
macros maximizes convenience and minimizes
start-up time. This drive can handle the most
demanding industrial applications in an
efficient, dependable, and economic manner.


 Standard, versatile software  Air Handling and Conditioning Fans, Pumps,
 Numerous fieldbus modules for Compressors, Chillers
serial communications  Cement Industry Fans, Kilns, Conveyors, Mixers
 Universal alphanumeric interface  Chemical Industry Pumps, Fans, Mixers,
that “speaks” in plain English phrases, Processing Lines
greatly simplifying set-up, operation,  Overhead Cranes (strikethrough and harbors)
and fault diagnosis.
 Food and Beverage Mixers, Conveyors, Centrifuges,
 An extensive library of pre-programmed Ovens, Bottling Tables
application macros
 Marine Applications
 UL, CUL, and CE approved
 Material Handling Conveyors, Hoists, Traverse,
Trolleys, Positioning and other Overhead Cranes
 Metal Industry Roller Tables, Processing Lines, Cranes
 Mining and Mineral Processing Conveyors,
 Dynamic braking  Oil and Gas Industry Fans, Pumps,
 RFI filters Centrifuges, Compressors
 DriveWindow Software  Plastic and Rubber Industry Mixers, Extruders,
Conveyors, Processing Lines
 DDCS fiber optic link
 Power Plant Pumps, Fans, Conveyors
 Fieldbus Adaptor Modules: DeviceNet,
MODBUS, MODBUS Plus, Interbus-S, Profibus  Printing Machinery, Winders, Unwinders, Slitting,
Embossing, Dryers, Calenders
 Pulp and Paper Industry Sectional Drives, Pumps,
Fans, Kilns, Debarking, Screws,Washers
 Textile Industry Mixers, Extruders,Textile Machines
 3 to 50 HP, three-phase, 200 to 480 VAC  Water Treatment Pumps, Compressors, Conveyors
 Wood Handling Sawmills, Debarking Lines, Lathes,
Plywood Lines

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Low-Voltage AC Drives

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
New Berlin, WI
ACS 600 +800-752-0696

ACS 600 drives achieve the ultimate in AC motor

control performance through the many bene-
fits of applying Direct Torque Control (DTC)
technology. A wide range of power options
for stepless speed control from 3 to 4000 HP
means that there is always a version to exactly
match your needs.
Starting torque up to 200% of nominal torque
guarantees reliable starting even under the
heaviest loads. The automatic start feature
outperforms flying start and ramp start features
typically found in other AC drives and, thanks
to DTC, there is no restart delay.
In many cases, DTC’s precise speed and torque
control of standard squirrel cage motors
eliminates the cost and labor associated with
installing a pulse encoder.

 Air Handling and Conditioning Fans, Pumps,
Compressors, Chillers
 Cement Industry Fans, Kilns, Conveyors, Mixers
 Chemical Industry Pumps, Fans, Mixers,
 Motor starting torque up to 200% with  Overhead Cranes (strikethrough and harbors)
heavy duty rating  Food and Beverage Mixers, Conveyors, Centrifuges,
 Accurate open-loop torque control Ovens, Bottling Tables
 Torque step rise time typically less  Marine Applications
than 5 ms  Material Handling Conveyors, Hoists, Traverse,
 Speed regulation typically 0.1% Trolleys, Positioning and other Overhead Cranes
to 0.5% of nominal speed without  Metal Industry Roller Tables, Processing Lines, Cranes
encoder feedback
 Mining and Mineral Processing Conveyors,
Dredgers, Crushers
 Oil and Gas Industry Fans, Pumps,
Centrifuges, Compressors
Industrial Products

 Plastic and Rubber Industry Mixers, Extruders,

Conveyors, Processing Lines
 Power Plant Pumps, Fans, Conveyors
 3 to 4000 HP, three-phase, 200 to 690 VAC
 Printing Machinery, Winders, Unwinders, Slitting,
Embossing, Dryers, Calenders
 Pulp and Paper Industry Sectional Drives, Pumps,
Fans, Kilns, Debarking, Screws,Washers
 Textile Industry Mixers, Extruders, Textile Machines
 Water Treatment Pumps, Compressors, Conveyors
 Wood Handling Sawmills, Debarking Lines, Lathes,
Plywood Lines

Low-Voltage DC Drives

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
New Berlin, WI
DCS 400 +800-752-0696

ABB’s DCS 400 combines the important features

for modern DC drive applications.
Simple Operation
A commissioning wizard, accessed using either
the control panel or a PC with DriveWindow
Light software, simplifies handling of the
drive and reduces your commissioning time.
Pre-programmed application macros guarantee
correct engineering and fast commissioning.
Modern Technology
Modern production techniques, combined
with high quality components, ensure
consistent reliability.
Smallest Drive in its Class
The DCS 400’s compact design brings sub- APPLICATIONS
stantial savings to machine builders, allowing  Cement Industry Fans, Kilns, Conveyors, Mixers
them to integrate more accessories within the
 Chemical Industry Pumps, Fans, Mixers,
same space.
Processing Lines
 Overhead Cranes (strikethrough and harbors)
STANDARD FEATURES  Food and Beverage Mixers, Conveyors, Centrifuges,
Ovens, Bottling Tables
 Autotuning for Armature, Field, and
Speed controller  Machine Tool, CNC, Lathes
 Patented integrated field supply  Marine Applications
includes fuses and choke  Material Handling Conveyors, Hoists,
 Two adjustable ramp generators Positioning, Cranes
 Speed feedback via tach, encoder, and  Metal Industry Roller tables, Processing Lines, Cranes
EMF regulator  Mining and Mineral Processing Conveyors,
 External torque limitation Dredgers, Crushers
 Automatic field weakening  Oil and Gas Industry Mud Pumps, Centrifuges,
 Remote/Local control logic Platform Leveling, Drilling Rigs
 Automatic phase sequence detection  Plastic and Rubber Industry Mixers, Extruders,
Conveyors, Processing Lines
 Motor overload protection
 Power Plant Pumps, Fans, Conveyors
 Configuration macros
 Jog function  Printing Machinery, Winders, Unwinders, Slitting,
Embossing, Dryers, Calenders
 Pulp and Paper Industry Sectional Drives, Pumps,
Fans, Kilns, Debarking, Screws,Washers
 Ski Industry: Fixed Grip Lifts, Rope Tows
 Interface to Programmable Controllers and  Textile Industry Mixers, Extruders, Textile Machines
Automation Systems
 Wood Handling Sawmills, Debarking Lines, Lathes,
Plywood Lines
 20 to 1000 A, 230 to 500 V

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Low-Voltage DC Drives

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
New Berlin, WI
DCS 500B +800-752-0696

ABB’s DCS 500B Digital Drive is designed to be

used in both simple and complex applications.
Advanced Control Panel operation and easy
Application Block Programming make the
drive flexible and user friendly.
Advanced Technology
The DCS 500B takes advantage of ABB’s
extensive experience in DC drives. High
quality components together with the latest
production technology guarantee reliable
operation and customer satisfaction.The
DCS500B offers performance with flexibility
for industrial applications.
Flexible Operation
The DCS 500B can be controlled and moni-
tored from either a PC-based Commissioning
and Maintenance Tool or from a Control Panel APPLICATIONS
that can be moved from one drive to another.
 Cement Industry Fans, Kilns, Conveyors, Mixers
Drive applications can easily be changed with
programmable function blocks. Application  Chemical Industry Pumps, Fans, Mixers,
programs allow the drive to be configured Processing Lines
without additional hardware. Changes can  Overhead Cranes (strikethrough and harbors)
easily be made via the Control Panel.  Food and Beverage Mixers, Conveyors, Centrifuges,
Ovens, Bottling Tables
 Machine Tool, CNC, Lathes
 Marine Applications
 Autotuning for Armature and
 Material Handling Conveyors, Hoists,
Field Current
Positioning, Cranes
 Two Adjustable Ramp Generators
 Metal Industry Roller Tables, Processing Lines,
 EMF, Tachometer, or Encoder Feedback Cranes, Mill Stands
 Application Function Block  Mining and Mineral Processing Conveyors,
Programming Dredgers, Crushers
 Adjustable Torque Limitation  Oil and Gas Industry Mud Pumps, Centrifuges,
 Torque Window Control Platform Leveling, Drilling Rigs
 Brake Control  Plastic and Rubber Industry Mixers, Extruders,
Industrial Products

 Removable Control Panel Conveyors, Processing Lines

 External Digital Field Supply  Power Plant Pumps, Fans, Conveyors
 Printing Machinery, Winders, Unwinders, Slitting,
Embossing, Dryers, Calenders
 Pulp and Paper Industry Sectional Drives, Pumps,
OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES Fans, Kilns, Debarking, Screws,Washers
 Interface to Programmable Controllers  Ski Industry: Detachable Chair Lifts, Gondolas, Trams
and Automation Systems  Textile Industry Mixers, Extruders,Textile Machines
 Wood Handling Sawmills, Debarking Lines, Lathes,

 25 to 10,300 A, 230 to 1000 V


Industrial Controls

With the new A-series contactors and overload relays,

together with extended programs of pilot devices, starters,
manual motor starters, and sensors, we offer a whole
new low-voltage control products program with a com-
plete new image. Reliability and performance are built
into every piece of equipment to ensure complete satisfac-
tion, even in the most demanding applications, year after
year. Although the range of ABB products ranks among
the most extensive on the market, new products are
constantly being added to fulfill developing needs.

ABB’s comprehensive family of industrial controls

includes contactors, overload relays, starters, miniature
control, manual motor protectors, softstarters, relays,
pilot devices, limit switches, sensors, cam switches,
transformers, and cable management systems.
Products meet or exceed UL, CSA, IEC, and most
other international approval standards.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Industrial Controls

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Across the Line +940-397-7000

 A9 - A110 • CSA Approved, File No. LR56745 (A9 - A75),
• Maximum UL/CSA horsepower ratings (AE9 - AE75), (B9 - B30), (AF50 - AF75)
according to UL 508 and CSA 22.2 No. 14 • CSA Approved, File No. LR19700 (A95 - A110),
• Includes NEMA sizes 00 — 3 (AE95 - AE110), (AF145 - AF750)
• CE mark • CSA approved for elevator service
• Compact, space-saving design
• Standard auxiliary contact blocks are available.  A145 - AF750
• dc ratings and dc control operation available • Maximum UL/CSA horsepower ratings
• Fast, snap-on DIN rail mountings according to UL 508 and CSA 22.2 No. 14
• Double-break contact design • Includes NEMA sizes 4 — 7
• Snap-on, front-mounted accessories include • CE mark
a mechanical latch, pneumatic timer, and • 1 N.O. and 1 N.C. auxiliary contacts are
1- and 4-pole auxiliary contact blocks. standard, and up to 6 additional auxiliary
• Easy coil change contacts may be added to provide a total
• Captive terminal screws of 8 (4 N.O. and 4 N.C.).
• NEMA, UL, IEC, CSA,VDE, and most other • dc ratings and dc control operation available
international standards • Easy maintenance of main contacts and
• Touch-safe design: All connection terminals coil inspection
are protected against accidental touch. • Can be mounted in any position
• Terminals supplied open for ease of wiring • Operates over an extended voltage range
• Operated over an extended voltage range of of 85% to 110% of rated control voltage
85% to 110% of rated control voltage • NEMA, UL, IEC, CSA,VDE, and most other
• UL Listed, File No. E39231 (A9 - A75), international standards
(AE9 - AE75), (BC9 - BC30), (AF50 - AF75) • UL Listed, File No. E79416
• UL Listed, File No. E79416 (A95 - A110), • CSA Approved, File No. LR19700
Industrial Products

(AE95 - AE110), (AF145 - AF750)

A-Line contactors are mainly used for controlling  Voltage range: 200 — 1000 V
three-phase motors and also for controlling power  Current range: 9 — 900 A
circuits corresponding to their operating characteristics
up to 690 and even 1000 VAC and 600 VDC.


Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Drive +940-397-7000

 Type BHD
• 15, 30, and 60 A in three sizes
• 500 V dc ratings
• 160 and 300 V dc normal closed ratings
for dynamic braking
• Low energy auxiliary contacts
available (17 V, 5 mA)
• Mechanically interlocked version
available for reversing applications
• Small, compact design
• 2-pole (2 N.O.) and 3-pole
(2 N.O. and 1 N.C.) available • 1 N.O. and 1 N.C. auxiliary contacts are
• Additional auxiliary contact blocks available standard, and up to six additional auxiliary
• Fast, snap-on DIN rail mounting contacts may be added to provide a total
of 8 (4 N.O. and 4 N.C.).
• Double-break contact design
• Early make and late break auxiliary
• Captive terminal screws
contacts available
• Touch-safe design: All connection terminals
• Auxiliary contacts available to meet
are protected against accidental touch.
EN 81 standards
• Terminals supplied open for ease of wiring
• EHDB 220, 280, and 360 contactors have
• Operates over an extended voltage range withdrawable coils
of 85% to 110% of rated control voltage
• Mechanically interlocked contactors available
• N.C. dynamic braking pole is easily added for reversing applications
to toe pole contactors.
• Double-break contact design with magnetic
• Screwdriver guide holes arc chamber extinguishes arc in the shortest
• Snap-on, front-mounted accessories possible time.
• UL and CSA approved • High temperature encapsulated coil
• Easy removal of arc chute for quick inspection
 Type EHDB and change of contacts
• 130 A to 960 A • Operates over an extended voltage range
• 2-pole (2 N.O.) and 3-pole (2 N.O. and 1 N.C.) of 85% to 110% of rated control voltage
power poles available • DC control operation available
• 600 VDC making capacity, 300 VDC • UL Listed, File No. E79416
breaking capacity • CSA Approved, File No. LR19700

EHDB drive contactors are specifically designed for  600 V normal open rating with 300 V normal
use with solid-state, DC, adjustable-speed drive systems. closed dynamic breaking rating
In drive applications, the contactor is not required to  Current range: 15 — 960 A
make or break the load during normal operation. The
N.C. contact is used for dynamic braking applications.
EHDB contacts are provided, less terminal lugs.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Industrial Controls

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Welding Isolation +940-397-7000

 Includes sizes:
W3 thru W6 in 3-pole configurations
W4 thru W5 in 2-pole configurations
 Unique contact design assures reliable and safe
operation during high-current welding cycles.
 1 N.O. and 1 N.C. auxiliary contacts are standard,
and up to 6 additional auxiliary contacts may be
added to provide a total of 8 (4 N.O. and 4 N.C.).
 Easy front removal of arc chute for quick
inspection and change of contacts
 Operates over an extended voltage range
of 85% to 110% of rated control voltage
 UL Listed, File No. E79416 APPLICATIONS
 CSA Approved, File No. LR19700 ABB welding isolation contactors are
 AW welding isolation contactors can save suited for the rugged demands set forth
substantial space compared with other by the automotive industry and are
conventional contactors. specifically designed for use in high-
current welding applications. ABB is
the leading contactor supplier for
automotive welding applications.

 Current range: 140 — 600 A
Industrial Products


Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Bar +940-397-7000

 Variable number and type of main poles
(N.O. and N.C.)
 Large number and type of auxiliary contacts
 Extremely versatile and easily accessible
for maintenance
 Main poles maximum operating voltage:
• ac switching up to 500 V, Type IOR
• ac switching up to 1200 V, Type IOR - MT
• dc switching up to 440 V, Type IOR
• dc switching up to 750 V, Type IOR - CC
 Specific construction available as standard:
• Contactors with N.O./N.C. main poles,
with or without overlapping APPLICATIONS
• Contactors with magnetic latch or Bar-mounted contactors are largely used in
mechanical latch the iron and steel industry for traction (rolling
stock), electrolysis, and hoisting equipment for
applications from 63 A to 5000 A.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Industrial Controls
Overload Relays

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Thermal +940-397-7000

 Available for starter construction with A-Line
contactors and separate panel mounting
 Designed for close couple mounting
 Separate base mounting available for all
overload relays
 Class 10 adjustable overload relays are standard
with all ABB Line Starters.
 Reset can also be adjusted to function as a
stop button.
 Screwdriver guide holes
 All terminal screws are available from the front
 UL Listed, File No. E48139
 CSA Approved, File No. LR98336
TA thermal overload relays are used with A-Line
 Trip indication
contactors for the protection of motors having a
 Remote trip and reset option available nominal voltage of up to 600 VAC max per UL/CSA
 Single-phase and phase unbalance protection (690 VAC and 800 VDC per IEC).
 Isolated alarm circuit (N.O.) contact
 Ambient compensation: -25ºC to +55ºC
(-13ºF to +131ºF) SPECIFICATIONS
 Manual test  Current range: 0.16 — 310 A
 Manual or automatic reset
 Factory calibrated and tested
 Wide adjustment range
Industrial Products

Overload Relays

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Electronic +940-397-7000

 Available for starter construction with A-Line
contactors and separate panel mounting
 Designed for close couple mounting
 Separate base mounting available for all
overload relays
 E16DU Class 10, 20, and 30 factory selectable
 E200DU - E800DU Class 10, 20, and
30 field selectable
 All terminal screws are available from the front.
 Single-phase and phase unbalance protection
 Isolated alarm circuit (N.O.) contact
 Ambient compensation: -25ºC to +70ºC
(-13ºF to +158ºF)
 Manual test
 Manual or automatic reset
 Factory calibrated and tested
 Wide adjustment range
 UL Listed, File No. E48139
Electronic overload relays are used with A-Line
 CSA Approved, File No. LR98336
contactors for the protection of motors having a
nominal voltage of up to 600 VAC max per
UL/CSA (690 VAC per IEC).

 Current range: 0.16 — 18.9 A and 65 — 800 A
 Tripping classes: 10, 20, 30

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Industrial Controls

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Across the Line +940-397-7000

 A9 - A750
• Maximum UL/CSA horsepower ratings
• NEMA sizes 00 — 7 available
• Compact, space-saving design
• Standard auxiliary contact configurations:
A9 - A40 1 N.O
A50 - A750 1 N.O. and 1 N.C.
• Additional auxiliary contact blocks are available
• dc ratings and dc control operation available
• Fast, snap-on DIN rail mountings (A9 - A110)
• Double-break contact design
• Snap-on, front- and side-mounted accessories
include mechanical latch, pneumatic timer, • NEMA 4 (water-tight)
and 1- and 4-pole auxiliary contact blocks
(A9 - A110). • NEMA 1, 3R, 4, 4X, and 12 (plastic)
• Easy coil change • IP 65 plastic A9 - A16 starters
• Captive terminal screws • NEMA 7 and 9
Class I, Group D, Div 1 and 2
• NEMA, UL, CSA, and most other Class II, Groups E, F, and G, Div 1 and 2
international standards Class III, 4X
• Operates over an extended voltage range  Overload Relay Protection
of 85% to 110% of rated control voltage
• All starters A9 - A185 have Class 10
• Screwdriver guide holes adjustable thermal bimetallic overload
 Enclosure Types relay protection as standard.
• NEMA 1 (indoor metal) • All starters A210 - A750 have selectable
• NEMA 3R (outdoor metal) Class 10, 20, and 30 adjustable electronic
• NEMA 12 (metal dust-tight) overload relay protection as standard.
• NEMA 4X (stainless steel) • Electronic overload relay protection is
available for other starter sizes.

Industrial Products

 Voltage range: 200 — 600 V

 Current range: 9 — 720 A


Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Combination +940-397-7000

 Maximum UL/CSA horsepower ratings
 Available with ABB non-fusible or fusible
disconnect switches and MCP or thermal
magnetic or electronic trip-type circuit breakers
 Compact, space-saving design
 Standard auxiliary contact configurations:
A9 - A40 1 N.O.
A50 - A750 1 N.O. and 1 N.C.
 Double-break contact design
 Lowest possible contact bounce
 Early make and late-break auxiliary
contacts available
 Operates over an extended voltage range
of 85% to 110% of rated control voltage
 UL listed

Overload Relay Protection

 All starters A9 - A185 have Class 10 adjustable
thermal overload relay protection as standard. SPECIFICATIONS
 All starters A210 - A750 have selectable Class  Voltage range: 200 — 600 V
10, 20, or 30 adjustable electronic overloads  Current range: 9 — 720 A
as standard.
These overload relays include three self-contained
heater elements, alarm circuit, auxiliary contact,
ambient compensation, and single-phase protection.
Available in NEMA sizes 00 — 7

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Industrial Controls

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Reduced Voltage +940-397-7000

 Compact, space-saving design
 8 starter frames sizes A16 - A750
 Maximum UL horsepower ratings
 Mechanically interlocking as standard for wye-delta
and autotransformer starters
 Incomplete sequence timer as standard for wye-delta
and autotransformer starters
 Remote customer connection point at separate terminal blocks
 Double-break contact design with magnetic arc chamber
extinguishes arc in the shortest possible time.
 NEMA sizes 00 — 7
 Class 10 adjustable bimetallic overload relays as standard
or electronic Class 10, 20, or 30
 Single-phase and phase unbalance protection
 Isolated alarm circuit (N.O.) contact
 Ambient compensation from –20ºC to +65ºC
 Manual test
 Manual or automatic reset
 Factory calibrated and tested
 Self-contained heater coils—no field installation is necessary
(included in price)
 Wide adjustment range

 Voltage range: 200 — 600 V
 Current range: 9 — 720 A
Industrial Products


Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
DLA and WLA +940-397-7000

DLA Starters
The construction of DLA starters is based on ABB
A-Line contactors. The mounting plate, including a
built-in A-Line contactor, is designed to integrate an
ABB manual motor starter, type MS325. Starters can
be easily made with protection against overloads
and short circuits (Type I or Type II coordination).
The technical characteristics of these devices are
identical to A-Line contactors. The advantages are
as follows:
 Simple installation
• DLA starters mount onto 35 x 15 mm exclusively.
DIN rail (EN 50022)
• Direct mounting of manual motor starter MS325
• Contactor coil terminals accessible on lower side
High performance is a result of the combination of
the MS325 manual motor starter with high breaking
capacity and the new A-Line contactor ensuring high
electrical durability.

WLA Starters
Same as for DLA starters except for
reversing applications.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Industrial Controls

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Miniature Controls +940-397-7000

 Wiring terminations available include plug-on
connectors, wire pins for PC board mounting,
and solder connections.
 Low-power consumption coils
 Touch-safe design: All screw connection terminals
are protected against accidental touch.
 Slotted Pozidrive terminal screws
 Screwdriver guided holes
 Self-lifting cable clamps
 Panel or DIN rail mounting
 Terminals supplied in the open position
 Electrically noiseless operation
 Snap-on accessories
 UL Listed, File No. E39231
 CSA Approved, File No. LR15332
 IEC,VDE, and most international standards  B6 and BC6 miniature contactors can be
used for small motors up to 1 HP, 460 V.
 B7 and BC7 miniature contactors can be
Interface Contactors
used for small motors up to 5 HP, 460 V.
 Interface mini-contactors are normally used to
 Machines, electrical appliances, building
establish an isolation between the electronic part
automation systems, heating systems,
and the process in large automation systems.
overhead door applications, etc.
 B6 and B7 miniature contactors are
Mechanically Interlocked Contactors designed to be directly connected to
 Compact, mechanically interlocked contactors a PLC transistor output.
are available.
 Can be used for reversing applications
Control Relays
 Voltage range: 200 — 600 VAC
 ac and dc operated
 Current range: 6.8 — 9.6 A

Overload Relays
Industrial Products

 14 setting ranges from 0.10 to 12 A

 Manual or automatic reset
 Phase failure compensation
 Ambient temperature compensation
 Stop and test button functions
 1 N.O. auxiliary contact block accessory available
 UL Listed, File No. E149922
 CSA Approved, File No. LR98336

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Manual Motor Protectors +940-397-7000

Manual motor starters provide a disconnecting means,

short circuit protection, and adjustable overload pro-
tection to meet the NEC requirements for motor loads.

 Suitable for use with three-phase motors
up to100 FLA
 UL listed and CSA approved for group APPLICATIONS
motor installation with fuses and breakers
 27 setting ranges from 0.1 to 100 A  Motor control and protection
 Up to 30 kA or 85 kA with no back-up • Compressors
fuse required • Fans
 35 mm, DIN rail, snap-on mounting • Blowers
 Terminals supplied in the open position • Conveyors
 High vibration resistance • Machines
 Compact size • Refrigerators
 Wide range of accessories
 Easy field wiring for single-phase applications OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES
 Internal magnetic trips  Auxiliary contact block
 Screwdriver guide holes  Undervoltage trip
 Finger-safe design: All connection terminals are  Three-phase connecting bus bars
protected against accidental touch.  Through-the-door operator
 Adjustable ambient compensated Class 10  Shunt trip
overload relay (-20°C to +55°C open,
-20°C to +45°C enclosed)  Contactor mounting adapters
 Enclosures with the following accessories:
• Padlock attachment SPECIFICATIONS
• Pilot light  27 setting ranges from 0.1 to 100 A
 Meets UL, CSA,VDE, and IEC  600 V ac
international standards  Up to 30 kA or 85 kA with no back-up
 Modular design fuse required

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Industrial Controls

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Type PSS, Low-Voltage +940-397-7000

ABB low-voltage softstarters now cover the whole

range from 3 A to 1250 A. The new PSS line brings a
wide array of benefits for smaller motors in a flexible,
compact form.

Compact line
 PSS03 to PSS25 softstarters are a very compact
solution for starting small motors with rated
current from 3 to 25 A. They are suitable for
230, 400, 500, and 600 V and designed for DIN
rail mounting.
 The built-in bypass contacts allow you to
build space-saving, compact designs. Adjustable
parameters include acceleration time and initial APPLICATIONS
voltage for starting and deceleration time for
stopping. In addition, these units cover a  Pumps, fans, compressors, and conveyors
control voltage range of 24 — 110 VAC/dc
and 100 V — 480 VAC.
 UL Listed, File No. E161428

Flexible line
 PSS18/30 to PSS300/515 softstarters provide
a flexible solution for motor starting. Rated
motor currents are covered from 18 A to 300 A
when connected in line like a traditional full
voltage starter. These units can also be wired
inside the motor-delta, like a wye-delta starter,
covering motors up to 515 A. This flexibility
makes it easier than ever before to replace
wye-delta starters.
Industrial Products

 The total solid-state solution—with no moving

contacts in the power circuit—is an attractive
solution for applications with many starts per
hour. Adjustable parameters include accelera-
tion time, initial voltage, and optional current
limit for starting and deceleration time for
stopping. Class 10 overload protection is
standard for Type PSS enclosed softstarters.
 UL Listed, File No. E161428


Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Type SSD, Low-Voltage +940-397-7000

Type SA and SSD softstarters are designed for starting

pumps, conveyor belts, compressors, etc. The SA and SSD
softstarters are sized to withstand starting currents of
500% for a full 60 seconds (compared with 350 — 500%
for 30 seconds from most other manufacturers). Type SSD
softstarters are rated up to 1125 HP at 600 V.

 Type SA Softstarters • Two electronic overload settings: One for
The SA softstarter is an analog, solid-state, acceleration and one for full speed. Each set-
reduced-voltage starter with a compact design ting is programmable from Class 5 to Class 30.
that features a voltage/current ramp with an anti- • Dynamic thermal register
oscillation circuit for smooth load acceleration. • True thermal modeling with retentive
• Class 10 overload protection is standard for thermal memory
Type SA enclosed softstarters. • Two programmable acceleration ramps
• Soft start • Kick start
• Selectable soft stop • Jog
• LED indicators • Electronic shear pin, load loss trip, backspin
• Run relay timer, and starts-per-hour lockout
• Enclosed units include a control power • Trip fault codes
transformer as standard. • Fault history
• UL and cUL approved • Real-time clock
• UL Listed, File No. E161428 • LED indicators (in addition to those listed
for Type SA softstarters)
 Type SSD Softstarters • Relay contacts
The SSD softstarter is a digitally programmable • Metering
starter with a simple, intuitive keypad operator. • MODBUS RTU via RS485 signal (requires
The SSD model offers a wide range of features optional RS485 adapter)
that only a microprocessor-based design can • Enclosed units include a control power
provide. In addition to the features of the SA, transformer as standard.
the SSD offers the following:
• Four selectable ramps: voltage ramp, voltage
ramp with current limit, current-limit ramp,
current ramp

 Type SA and SSD softstarters are designed for
starting pumps, conveyor belts, compressors, etc.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Industrial Controls

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Type SSM, Medium-Voltage +940-397-7000
Ratings up to 15,000 HP at 14 kV

 Key construction features
 Heavy duty SCR power assemblies
• Fused disconnect switch with
• Rated for 500 percent overload for
blown fuse indicators and
60 seconds, 125 percent continuous
door safety interlocks rated
• Field-proven design in use since 1975 for load-break/fault make with
• Fiber optics, gate-firing circuit using “ring automatic grounding arm
transformer” isolation design for superior • In-line isolation vacuum con-
noise immunity tactor sized for across-the-line
 Industrial “real world” packaging motor starting (optional on
• Class E-2 controller “soft start only” models)
• Load-break/fault make disconnect switch • Two electronic overload set-
with door safety interlocking mechanism tings: One for acceleration and
• Isolated, noise-immune, low-voltage one for full speed. Each setting
control compartment is programmable from Class 5
• NEMA 12 enclosure with bypass vacuum to Class 30.
contactor included as standard • 120 V fused control power transformer
• Extra wiring space for MV cables for standard in-line start section (optional on
easy installation “soft start only” models)
 Digital microprocessor control • Digital controller provides solid-state overload
• Full featured for flexibility, including dual and numerous protective features for both the
ramp and S-curve software motor and the softstarter.
• LCD status/alarm display and built-in • Programmable keypad with LCD and status
programming keypad LEDs for easy setup and operation
• Serial communications port standard: RS485 • Bypass vacuum contactor standard on
with Modbus RTU protocol or RS232 with all models to guarantee cool operation
Windows interface in all environments and extend unit life
• In-depth motor and system protection monitors • Heavy duty SCR stack assemblies with ring
transformer isolated circuit for reliable,
• True thermal modeling with retentive
hard-firing gate pulse
thermal memory
• Isolated, low-voltage compartment provides
• Power measurements (kW, kvar, kWh, pF)
maximum protection for operating personnel.
• Monitors 18 separate parameters and
• Mechanically interlocked medium-voltage
maintains a nonvolatile fault memory
(up to 60 events)
• Real-time clock
Industrial Products

 Pumps, conveyor belts, compressors, etc.
 Custom engineered systems
• Available in special enclosures and lineups
• Numerous control component options including:
– Reversing contactors
– Motor protection relays
– Customer specified devices
• Horizontal and custom bus interconnects
• Various motor configurations, including
synchronous, wound rotor, and two speed


Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Power Electronic Brakes +940-397-7000

Electronic braking stops the load by injecting

a controlled amount of DC current into a three-
phase AC motor. The Power Electronic Brake
(PEB) Series features full-wave DC braking,
which can be adjusted to stop your load
quickly, repeatedly, and reliably; even if load
conditions change.
Unlike other brakes that only provide voltage
control, the PEB Series is a current-regulated
brake. It automatically adjusts for resistance
changes in the motor windings due to any
input voltage fluctuations.What does this
mean? Repeatable, reliable operation every
time you stop your motor.

An exceptionally accurate method of  Wood products industries
microprocessor-controlled sensing deter-  Aggregate/mining
mines when the motor shaft has come to a
stop. Braking current is removed when the
motor stops, eliminating excess braking  Food processing
current, which means longer motor life.  Machine tools
Built-in jogging circuitry allows you to
select the time you need for machine
setup and positioning without applying
DC current to the motor windings.
DC current is only applied when system
setup is complete; no excess current,
no excess heating, and no premature
motor failure.
The PEB Series has a built-in feature to
control a mechanical holding brake. Any
fault indication automatically enables the
mechanical brake for fail-safe operation.
The PEB Series has been designed and
tested to meet the most stringent industry
standards: UL and cUL.
UL Listed, File No. E169883

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Industrial Controls

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Control +940-397-7000

There are many applications where safety is very

critical, and it is important to use electrical equipment
that ensures dangerous machine movement cannot
occur when a fault is detected with the moving contacts
during the cycle in which the fault is indicated.
Regulations and standards have been written to ensure
that safety is maintained:
 United States ANSI B11.19 - 1990
ANSI B11.20 - 1991
 Germany SüVA
 France INRS
 United Kingdom BIA
 Switzerland SA
The ABB Type N and KC 4- and 8-pole relays are
designed to meet requirements where “Positive
Guided” contacts are required. The relays can
provide “mechanically linked” N.O. and N.C. contacts,
which assure that the N.O. contacts will not close
before any N.C. contact opens. Therefore, if one of
the contacts weld due to abnormal conditions in the
control circuit, the other contacts will also remain in
the same position as when the welding occurred.
 Type N Relays
• 4 -pole or 8 -pole
• ac operated over an extended voltage range of
85% to 110% of rated control voltage
• Snap-on, front-mounted accessories include
mechanical latch, pneumatic timer, and
1- and 4 -pole auxiliary contact blocks
• Captive terminal screws
• Terminals supplied open for ease of wiring
 Type KC Relays
• 4 -pole or 8 -pole
• DC operated over an extended voltage range of
Industrial Products

85% to 110% of rated control voltage

• Snap-on, front-mounted accessories include
mechanical latch, pneumatic timer, and
1- and 4 -pole auxiliary contact blocks
• Captive terminal screws
• Terminals supplied open for ease of wiring
UL Listed, File No. E39231 (N and KC)


Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Electronic Timing +940-397-7000

C58 timing relays are snapped directly onto a 35 mm

DIN rail safely and easily in accordance with DIN VDE
50 022. Assembly and disassembly can be performed
without complications or tools. Screw fastening
accessories are available. The connection terminals
and maximum permissible connection cross-sections
are optimally tailored to each other to allow trouble-
free connection of the timing relay to the control lines
and automation components.

 C58 timing relays have a high 230 VAC/VDC switching
capacity within the permissible operating range of
-25°C to +60°C (-13°F to +140°F). Even when switching
contactors, relays from ABB distinguish themselves by
their long electrical service life.
 The precise running time setting is made on the
ergonomically designed front control and display
element of the C58 timing relay. Fifteen switchable
time ranges can each be set in seconds, minutes, or
hours with the end values 1, 3, 10, 30, and 100.
 “Continuous switching” with defined ON/OFF switch-
ing is also possible for test purposes. Two LEDs indicate
the supply voltage and relay connections. All functions
are clearly and unmistakably identified in English on
the circuit diagram and corresponding labeling, so that
it is extremely difficult to accidentally adjust the timing
relay. The electronics, which are safe in every respect,
cannot be influenced by interference and ensure
reliable operation of the C58 timing relay—even on
coils without surge suppression.
 All units of the C58 Series are rugged and designed
for use in rough industrial atmospheres. The UL and
CSA approvals permit worldwide use, and all relays
bear the CE mark.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Industrial Controls

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Electronic Monitoring +940-397-7000

Series C550 electronic monitoring relays from ABB

are versatile. This extensive range offers various relays
for detection and monitoring of electrical parameters
such as current, voltage, phase imbalance, phase failure,
and phase sequence in single-phase or three-phase
power systems and filling levels of conductive fluids.
Thus relays C551 and C552 make it just as easy to
protect installations and machines against overvoltage
and undervoltage as they do to monitor currents in
AC or DC power systems. Relays C556 monitor over-
voltage and undervoltage in three-phase power systems
with and without neutral conductor, while units C554
and C557 monitor phase failure, phase sequence, and
imbalance. Relay C559 for power monitoring (cos ϕ) is
used for control tasks on machines and to protect the
machines against underload or overload. Level monitor
C555 detects fluid levels of conductive fluids and can
be converted to detection of falling or rising levels.
Status LEDs indicate the circuit states of the units.
Signaling is performed by one or two changeover
contacts as an output protective circuit.

All C550 monitoring relays can be mounted  The relays are mounted either on 35 mm
quickly and in a space-saving manner. With their DIN rail by snapping them on or with
overall width of 17.5, 22.5, or 45 mm, they offer screws on a mounting plate.
performance and reliability while requiring  All units of the C550 Series are rugged
minimum space. The ergonomic design of the and designed for use in rough industrial
operating controls allows easy and precise atmospheres. The UL and CSA approvals
setting, and the design and coloration of the permit worldwide use, and all relays bear
monitoring units of Series C550 match those the CE mark.
of the entire range of ABB switchgear devices.
Industrial Products


Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Electronic Thermistor +940-397-7000

Equipment series C505/C506 replaces and

expands former series C105/C106. New to the
range are a tripping unit with bistable output
relay (C506.15), a unit with two measuring
circuits (C506.22), which emits a warning signal
when the first switching threshold is exceeded
(if the second threshold is exceeded, the motor is
switched off), and a tripping unit for multi-motor
protection (506.62) with six measuring circuits
and centralized fault indication. The wide-span
voltage power supply unit is also new.

Thermistors from ABB are thermal protection units  The modules of series C505/C506 are
that protect equipment against thermal overload. manufactured with the latest production
They protect the following from overheating in technology, and function and design are
conjunction with PTC thermistors: also of the very latest standards.
 Electrical drives  All internationally significant approvals
 Oils and certifications (CE, UL, CSA, PTB, GL,
LRS) have been obtained for the
C505/C506 equipment series.
 Bearing of machinery
 In order to simplify the changeover
 Heating systems, etc. from series C105/C106 to the new series
The most frequent applications relates to motors of C505/C506, all terminal designations have
conventional design. On such motors, the winding been retained wherever possible.
temperature is monitored directly. This is carried
out with full utilization of the motor output and
independently of operating conditions.
 Heavy starting
 Braking operation
 Mains failure
 Excessively high ambient temperature
 Undervoltage or overvoltage
 High switching frequencies
 Inadequate cooling
 Intermittent operation

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Industrial Controls

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Electronic Safety +940-397-7000

The C57x series covers 10 safety relays that perform

safety functions on machines. Their fields of application
extend from emergency stop circuits through guard
door monitoring functions and tread mats to presses and
punches. All C57x products are UL listed, CSA approved,
and bear the CE mark.
Redundancy is achieved by a series connection to two
N.O. contacts. These N.O. contacts are located in two
mutually independent, positive-action, all-or-nothing
relays, which monitor each other by means of a
special-purpose circuit.
Diversity is provided thanks to the combination of N.C.
contact and N.O. contact. Cyclic monitoring of the safety
circuit in each ON/OFF cycle ensures maximum reliability.
Thanks to the two-channel control and/or control, which
is immune to shorts across contacts, it is also possible
to monitor signaling devices such as emergency stop APPLICATIONS
buttons or limit switches of the guard doors. This ensures
All safety relays can be used on the basis
the required level of safety even on systems subject to
of their classification into the risk categories
a high level of pollution. In the event of a fault or error,
to EN 954-1. They are approved by the
the safe state of the system is achieved directly after
employers’ liability insurance associations
opening the safety contacts. These enable circuits are
and/or the German Technical Inspection
N.O. contacts that open reliably in the event of fault
Authority (TUV) and comply with the
or error and thus reliably switch off the potentially
requirements of EN 60204, Part 1.
hazardous drives or machines.


 Easy, reliable, and fast wiring is achieved by a clear Additional signaling contacts, N.C. contacts
and manageable terminal designation system. that close in the event of a fault or error,
This allows wiring errors to be minimized. or semiconductor outputs are available,
 In addition to all the safety features, the C57x depending on the type of equipment.
safety relays correspond to the product design
of ABB’s range of switchgear and control systems.
They fit perfectly with the overall design of the
switch cabinet.
Industrial Products

Pilot Devices

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
CBK 22 mm +940-397-7000

• Worldwide availability
• UL Listed for Types 1, 3R, 4, 4X,
12, and 13 applications
• UL, CSA NEMA, IEC, and most
international standards
• CE marking
• UL Listed, File No. E57057
• CSA Approved, File No. LR19700

 General Construction  Pilot Lights
• Quick mounting feature reduces • Compact, full-voltage pilot light
installation time • Full-voltage resistor and transformer type
• Front ring options are chrome metal, chrome • LED and neon bulbs available for illuminated
plastic, and black plastic. push-button and pilot lights
• Contact block holder features rear mounting
with quick-release locking mechanism for  Contact Blocks
high security. • CBK 22 mm and CBG 30 mm devices use
• Knurled sleeve tightens against panel, assuring the same contact blocks, lamp modules,
secure mounting. transformers, lenses, and buttons.
• Buttons available in seven colors • Quick-mount, quick-release contact block
• Engraved caps available holder for fast, easy assembly
• Mounts in 7 ⁄ 8 "/22 mm hole • N.O. and N.C. contact blocks are color coded
for easy identification: Green, N.O./Red, N.C.
 Operators • Silver tipped contacts have wiping action for
• Emergency stop operators in illuminated high reliability.
and non-illuminated, maintained, push-pull, • Low energy, gold-plated contact
or twist-release blocks available
• Mushroom operators in maintained, push-pull, • Base-mounted contact blocks are available
illuminated, twist-release, momentary, or key- and snap onto a 35 mm DIN rail or into a
operated designs Type CBK enclosure.
• Illuminated and non-illuminated push-push • 5 contact block holder
operators with push-on and push-off designs
(maintained)  Enclosures
• Tow-position toggle operators, maintained • Available for 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 operators
• Three-position toggle operators, maintained • Base-mounted contacts allow the enclosure
or momentary cover to be removed; wiring stays with
• Key-operated push-button enclosure base
• Selector switches, 2- or 3-position, illuminated, • New base design allows up to 5 contact
maintained, momentary, or key-operated blocks to be mounted per operator in
• Available with or without contact blocks some combinations.
• Two button momentary operators with  Additional Products
pilot light
• 4x buzzer, continuous and pulsating
• 5k and 10k potentiometers

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Industrial Controls
Pilot Devices

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
CBG 30 mm +940-397-7000

• Worldwide availability
• UL listed for Types 1, 3R, 4, 4X,
12, and 13 applications
• UL, CSA, NEMA, IEC, and most
international standards
• CE marking
• UL Listed, File No. E57057
• CSA Approved, File No. LR19700

 General Construction • Selector switches, 2 or 3 positions, illuminated,
• Quick mounting feature reduces maintained, momentary, or key-operated
installation time • Available with or without contact blocks
• Front ring options are chrome metal and
 Pilot Devices
black plastic.
• Full voltage, resistor, and transformer type
• Contact block holder features rear mounting
with quick-release locking mechanism for • LED bulbs available for illuminated push-
high security. buttons and pilot lights
• Knurled sleeve tightens against panel,  Contact Blocks
assuring secure mounting.
• CBK 22 mm and CBG 30 mm devices use
• Buttons available in seven colors the same contact blocks, lamp modules and
• Engraved caps available transformers, lenses, and buttons.
• Mounts in 30 mm hole • Quick-mount, quick-release contact block
• Anti-rotation holder for fast, easy assembly
• N.O. and N.C. contact blocks are color coded
 Operators for easy identification: Green, N.O./Red, N.C.
• Mushroom operators in maintained, push-pull, • Silver tipped contacts have wiping action
illuminated, twist release, momentary, or key- for high reliability.
operated designs
Industrial Products

• Low energy, gold-plated contact

• Illuminated and non-illuminated push-push blocks available
operators with push-on and push-off
• Base-mounted contact blocks are available
designs (maintained)
and snap onto a 35 mm DIN rail.
• Two-position toggle operators, maintained
• 5 Contact block holder
• Three-position toggle operators, maintained
or momentary  Enclosures
• Key-operated push-buttons • Available in 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 operators
• Potentiometers

Pilot Devices

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Signal Beacons and Stacklights +940-397-7000

 Fast mounting of signal elements using
bayonet fixing
 Easy changing of bulbs for each module
without tools
 Up to 10 light elements possible with 2-sided
mounting bracket
 Flexibility of signal element combination
 Flashing light elements can be mounted
in each module.
 Up to 5 flashing light elements possible
 High-protection rating optical and audible
signal elements with IP 54, UL Type 2, 5
 LED elements for long life

Signal Beacons
 Rugged construction
 High protection rating IP65, UL Type 2, 5,
 Cap consists of high impact polycarbonate
(up to 15 sq. ft.).
 Bulb change via inside of control box
 Available with LED bulbs

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Industrial Controls
Limit Switches

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Plastic +940-397-7000

Limit switches are made of reinforced UL-V0 thermo-

plastic fiberglass and offer double insulation and a
degree of protection of IP 65.
Casings come in 2 dimensions:
 30 mm width
• LS35P
 40 mm width
• LS45P

UL Listed, File No. E191693

 Easy to use, electromechanical limit
switches offer specific qualities:
• Visible operation
• Electrically separated contacts
• Precise operating points (consistency)
• Immune to electromagnetic disturbances
 Limit switches are used for these
mechanical applications:
• Presence/absence
• Positioning and travel limit
• Objects passing/counting

UL Listed, File No. E191693

Industrial Products

Limit Switches

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Metal +940-397-7000

Limit switches are made of aluminum alloy

and have a degree of protection of IP 66.
 The casings come in 2 dimensions:
• LS45M, 40 mm width
• LS65M, 60 mm width

UL Listed, File No. E191693

 Easy to use, electromechanical limit
switches offer specific qualities:
• Visible operation
• Ability to switch strong currents
(10 A conventional thermal current)
• Electrically separated contacts
• Precise operating points (consistency)
• Immune to electromagnetic disturbances

 Limit switches are used for these

mechanical applications:
• Presence/absence
• Positioning and travel limit

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Industrial Controls

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Proximity +940-397-7000

 Inductive and Capacitive

• Non-contact sensing
• Extremely long life
• High-speed switching frequency
• Short circuit protection
• AC and DC models

• Metallic objects only
• Sensing distances from 0.8 to 50 mm
• Large selection of 2-wire, 3-wire, and
4-wire models
• Choice of quick disconnect, cable, or
terminal connection
• Stainless steel, Nickel-plated brass, or
Crastin housings

• Nonmetallic objects (paper, cardboard,
plastic, etc.)
• Fluids and metallic objects
• 10 mm sensing range
• Objects may be sensed through glass
or plastic.
• Choice of quick disconnect or cable
• Stainless steel housing
Industrial Products


Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Photoelectric +940-397-7000

 Diffused mode
• Sensing distances up to 800 mm
• Subcompact, compact, and cylindrical models
• Choice of quick disconnect, cable, or
terminal connection
• Light on or dark on operation

 Retro-reflective mode
• Sensing distances up to 5 m
• Subcompact, compact, and cylindrical models
• Choice of quick disconnect, cable, or
terminal connection
• Light on or dark on operation

 Fiberoptic cable for use with small objects

 Retro-reflective and thru-beam


 Switch or analog outputs

 Sensing distances up to 6 m
 Stainless steel housing
 Quick disconnect

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Industrial Controls

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Cam Switches +940-397-7000

 A complete range of standard and special cam

switches for door and modular base mounting
• ON-OFF switches
• HOA switches
• Stop switches
• Start switches
• Pumpstart switches
• Changeover switches
• Ventilation switches
• Multistep switches
• Reversing switches
• Voltmeter switches
• Ammeter switches

 Complete delivery for easy purchasing  Protection degrees
and assembly  Snap-on door mounting DIN-Rail
 Standard delivery with black handle, optional Mounting
extra black handle IEC: IP 65 IP 44
 Small panel size: Front space in side-to-side UL: Class 4
mounting 30 or 50 mm  Door drilling
 Finger-protected terminals and interconnections OM: ∅ 16.5 mm/ ∅ 22.5 mm
(IP20,VBG4) ON: ∅ 22.5 mm/ ∅ 30.5 mm
Maximum panel thickness 5.5 mm
 Combi screws, terminal screws (size 2) for
fast cabling  The black handle with square escutcheon
plate marked for switch type is supplied
 Cabling from top and bottom gives the
Industrial Products

with the switch body.

possibility to mount side-by-side.
 Double-break silver contacts with 0.35 µm gold
plating ensure a high breaking capacity and reli-
able connection. Also available with
4 µm gold plating for extremely difficult
circumstances. Have to be ordered separately;
please add AU to the type, e.g. OMA 1 PGAU
 Special cam switches available (contact ABB
Sales Representative for more information)
 Special engraving available

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Transformers +940-397-7000

 Epoxy encapsulated coils up through 750 VA

 Epoxy resin impregnated coils 1 kVA to 5 kVA
 Provides stepped down voltages for
machine tool control devices and industrial
control panels
 Laminations of high quality silicon steel
 Minimum core loss
 Optimized performance
 Copper magnet wire providing the
highest quality and efficient operation
 Molded-in terminals
 55°C rise, Class 10 insulation system
 50/60 Hz
 UL listed
 CSA certified
 IP 20 Touch-safe covers available as
an option
 Transformers with CE Mark available

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Industrial Controls
Cable Management Systems

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Wire Duct, DIN Rail and Spiral Wrap +940-397-7000

 ABB wiring ducts are now also available in the

100 mm height and in a choice of six different base
sizes (25, 40, 60, 80, 100, and 150 mm). These new
wiring ducts join the established designs (with
heights between 17 and 100 mm), bringing to
28 total size combinations offered, all available
with 8 — 12 mm and 4 — 6 mm slots.
 Flexible thermoplastic wiring ducts (available in
seven sizes) are ideal for every situation in which
wiring is subject to flexion or torsion.
 A new design of wiring ducts with circular knock-
outs in the sides to facilitate branch connections,
using rigid and corrugated conduits has also been
introduced for environments in which cables
require greater protection against external agents
(elevator rooms are a typical example).
 The updated range is completed by installation
accessories and tools: Plastic rivets, wire stops,
label tags, new wiring ducts bases, a new rivet
gun, and shears.
 The 80 and 100 mm high versions feature cable
holder moldings in the middle of the straight
sections of the ribs.
 DIN rail available in 35 mm x 7.5 mm,
35 mm x 15 mm, and 32 mm x 15 mm
in standard or punched
 Cable ties available in white or black and in many
different lengths and sizes
 Spiral wrap available in translucent polyethelene
and self-extinguishing polyethelene material

UL Listed, File No. E125800

Industrial Products

Circuit Protective Devices

ABB offers two major low-voltage product groups within

the Circuit Protective Devices family: Circuit Breakers and
Disconnect Switches. Circuit breakers offer the best solution
for restoring the service condition rapidly in case of fault,
providing at the same time optimum protection of the
electrical installation. From miniature circuit-breakers of
the Pro M range to molded-case Isomax and Emax power
breaker families, ABB has a reliable breaker for every
application need.

ABB’s disconnect switch family includes the non-fusible

SwitchLine, fusible PowerLine and enclosed SafeLine
product families. The basic construction provides flexibility,
safety, and high performance in an extremely compact size.
ABB SwitchLine non-fusible switches are a perfect choice
for all switching applications from industrial motor control
to construction safety switches. ABB PowerLine fusible
switches are designed to meet customer requirements in
terms of high interrupting capacity and long electrical
life while occupying little more panel space than the appro-
priate fuses. SafeLine enclosed disconnect switches are
designed to meet customer requirements in terms of safety,
ease of installation, space savings, and operational conven-
ience. All ABB disconnect switches are available in a wide
range of amperage ratings, are UL approved, and NEMA
rated to satisfy rugged industrial environments.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Circuit Protective Devices
System Pro M


Miniature Circuit Breakers

The S2 Series of miniature circuit breakers offer a

compact solution to short circuit and overload protec-
tion requirements. The breakers are recognized under
standard UL 1077 as supplemental protective devices.
The devices are current-limiting, DIN rail-mounted.
They are available with application-specific trip
characteristics to provide maximum circuit protection.
The breakers offer thermal-magnetic trip protection
according to B, C, D, K, and Z characteristics. For the
worldwide market, the breakers carry UL, CSA, IEC, CE,
and many other agency approvals and certifications.

 MCBs can be used for protection against
 Current-limiting short circuits and overloads in commercial
 B, C, D, K, and Z characteristics equipment, appliances, computer equipment,
and other computer peripheral devices.
 Fast breaking time (2.5 — 3.5 msec)
 UL 1077
 Unique bus connection system
MCBs are recognized as supplementary
 Wide range of accessories protectors and are intended for use as over-
 Available with variable depth handle mechanism current protection within an appliance or
 Optional Z curve for SCR protection other electrical equipment where branch
circuit overcurrent protection is already
 CE certified and marked
provided or not required. MCBs and acces-
 DIN rail or front panel mounting sories are recognized under UL Listed,
 Finger-safe terminals File No. E76126.
 Multi-function terminals  CSA C22.2
 Suitable for reverse feed MCBs and accessories are certified under
CSA C22.2 No. 235 per File No. LR98793.
 UL 1077 and CSA 22.2
 Tripping characteristics
 277/480 VAC and 500 VDC versions
Time-current curves
• ABB miniature circuit breakers are avail-
able with different trip characteristics,
allowing for maximum system protection.
Industrial Products

Characteristics Available:
Auxiliary devices can be added to the MCBs: • B Characteristic
• C Characteristic
 Shunt trips
• D Characteristic
 Auxiliary contacts • K Characteristic
 Trip contacts • Z Characteristic
 Undervoltage release
 Power distribution bus bars For more details on the above characteristics,
 Through-the-door operators contact your ABB sales representative.
 Padlocking devices
 Ring tongue terminations

Sourced through
 ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX

For complete specifications, contact your nearest ABB Sales
Representative and request a Technical Data Selection Guide.

Interruption Ratings Trip Characteristics Overview
Rated Rated Magnetic Thermal
MCB Curve Service
Voltage Interrupting Current Comment Characteristic* Characteristic
Capacity (kA) (A)
0.5 — 63 S260-B,C,D Single-Pole B 3 - 5X 1.25X S260, S500
10 0.5 — 63 S270-K Single-Pole C 5 - 10X 1.25X S260, S290, S500
0.2 — 40 S280-K,Z Single-Pole D 10 - 20X 1.25X S260, S500
120 VAC 32 — 63 S500-B,C,D — K 6 - 12X 1.05X S270, S280, S500
26 — 45 S500-K — Z 2 - 3X 1.05X S280
6 — 25 S500-B,C,D — *All values are relative to MCB’s ampere rating.
0.15 — 25 S500-K —
0.5 — 63 S260-B,C,D Single-Pole
6 0.5 — 63 S270-K Single-Pole
50 — 63 S280-K,Z Single-Pole
0.5 — 63 S260-B,C,D Multi-Pole
0.5 — 63 S270-K Multi-Pole
240 VAC 0.2 — 40 S280-K,Z Single-Pole
0.2 — 63 S280-K,Z Multi-Pole
32 — 63 S500-B,C,D —
26 — 45 S500-K —
6 — 25 S500-B,C,D —
0.15 — 25 S500-K —
0.5 — 63 S260-B,C,D, Single-Pole
6 0.5 — 63 S270-K Single-Pole
277 VAC
50 — 63 S280-K,Z Single-Pole
10 0.2 — 40 S280-K,Z Single-Pole
0.5 — 63 S260-B,C,D Multi-Pole

277/480 6 0.5 — 63 S270-K Multi-Pole

VAC 40 — 63 S280-K,Z Multi-Pole
10 0.2 — 32 S280-K,Z Multi-Pole
0.5 — 63 S260-B,C,D Single-Pole
60 VDC 10
0.5 — 63 S270-K Single-Pole
0.5 — 63 S260-B,C,D Multi-Pole
125 VDC 10 0.5 — 63 S270-K Multi-Pole
0.2 — 63 S280UC-K,Z Single-Pole
250 VDC 4.5 0.2 — 63 S280UC-K,Z Single-Pole
500 VDC 4.5 0.2 — 63 S280UC-K,Z Multi-Pole

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Circuit Protective Devices
System Pro M

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Modular DIN Rail Components +940-397-7000

Push-buttons, pilot lights, control circuit

switches, power circuit switches, relays,
timers (all in the System Pro M modular);
DIN rail-mounted, 45 mm front opening.

 Safe connection by box terminals
 Captive screws with Pozidrive slotted head, SPECIFICATIONS
Pozidrive system, gr. 1
For complete specifications, contact your
 Snap-on labels available nearest ABB Sales Representative and request
 Quick mounting with snap-on clip, easily a General Ratings and Specifications Guide.
accessible and detachable at the bottom
 Protection against unintentional direct touch
 System approach for control and
circuit protection
 Compact size that dimensionally matches
the S2 MCB series
 Control and pilot functions can be alongside
protective devices
 DIN rail-mounted with 45 mm front opening
 For use in auxiliary and logic devices
 Provide additional user functions for system
control and operation
Industrial Products

 ABB System Pro M compatibility

 Most devices are both UL 508 recognized
and are IEC compliant.
 Labeled with the CE Mark

System Pro M

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Residual Current Devices +940-397-7000

RCDs provide ground fault equipment protection by The F370 and F670 series are UL 1053 recognized
monitoring the leakage of current to ground.The F370 for use in 277/480 VAC applications. The F372 is for
and F670 series will trip when ground faults are use in single-phase/two-wire or two-wire systems.
detected in excess of the GF trip rating of the device. The F374 is for use in three-phase/four-wire systems.
These devices provide GF protection only and are The F370 and F670 series RCDs replace the F360 and
used in series with standard MCBs, which provide F660 series with no change in form, fit, or function.
overload and short circuit protection. The F370 and The F370 and F670 have a profile similar to the
F670 series can be used as a main device providing S2 MCBs and can be used with the MCB busbars.
GF protection for several MCB branch devices.

 16 — 125 A continuous current carrying capacity
 10, 30, 100, 300, and 500 mA ground fault
trip threshold
 Two-pole and four-pole available
 Test button

Residual Current Devices

GF Trip Rated Catalog GF Trip Rated Catalog

Breaker Breaker
Level (mA) Current (A) No. Level (mA) Current (A) No.
10 16 F372-16/0.01 25 F374-25/0.03
25 F372-25/0.03 40 F374-40/0.03
40 F372-40/0.03 63 F374-63/0.03
30 63 F372-63/0.03 80 F674-80/0.03
80 F672-80/0.03 100 F674-100/0.03
100 F672-100/0.03 125 F674-125/0.03
25 F372-25/0.1
F372, F672 25 F374-25/0.1
40 F372-40/0.1
Two-pole 40 F374-40/0.1
100 63 F372-63/0.1
480 VAC 63 F374-63/0.1
80 F672-80/0.1 100
F374, F674 80 F674-80/0.1
100 F672-100/0.1
Four-pole 100 F674-100/0.1
25 F372-25/0.3
480 VAC 125 F674-125/0.1
40 F372-40/0.3
300 25 F374-25/0.3
63 F372-63/0.3
80 F672-80/0.3 40 F374-40/0.3
100 F672-100/0.3 63 F374-63/0.3
80 F674-80/0.3
APPLICATIONS 100 F674-100/0.3
125 F674-125/0.3
Protect against electrocution and fire on industrial 25 F374-25/0.5
machinery and equipment caused by ground faults. 500 40 F374-40/0.5
63 F364-63/0.5
UL 1053 approved for equipment protection.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Circuit Protective Devices
System Pro M

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors +940-397-7000

Transient voltage surge suppressors protect

electrical appliances and machinery from
harmful effects caused by overvoltages.

 Class B and C  Equipment and appliance lightning protection
 15 — 100 kA impulse current
 Defect indication
 High discharge capacity OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES
 Fast response  Withdrawable/hot swappable
 Compact  Remote indication
 IP20 touch protection

For complete specifications, contact your
nearest ABB Sales Representative and request
a General Ratings and Specifications Guide.
Industrial Products

Circuit Breakers



ABB Isomax molded case circuit breakers are modern,

innovative units designed after extensive analysis of the
demands of today’s market. These new units embody
all the experience and advances derived from ABB’s
previous highly successful and acclaimed range of circuit
breakers. ABB Isomax circuit breakers are designed
for the total safety of both operators and systems. This
complete and versatile series of circuit breakers can
satisfy the most demanding system specifications.
ABB Isomax circuit breakers are ideal for all electrical
power generation and distribution applications. The
Isomax series maximizes safety and dependability for
all power users. The new line is particularly suitable for
applications involving special protection coordination
needs and automated control systems.
ABB Isomax units also satisfy the most demanding
requirements for rated current and fault current levels.
With the wide range of optional trip functions, total
system selectivity can be maximized.
 Continuous currents from 15 A to 2500 A
 Rated interrupting capacities from 14 kA to 85 kA
(600 VAC UL/CSA)
 Extended working life of all mechanical and
electrical parts for continuity of operation
 Suitable for isolation applications
 UL/CSA 100% equipment rated versions

 Double Insulation  Installation Positions
• All Isomax switchgear, from sizes S3 to S7 • Circuit breakers can be installed in any
position with no variations to their
• Electrical accessory is completely segregated rated characteristics.
from the power circuit.
• Comply with UL and IEC 947-2 standards
• Improved operator safety
• Powered from either top or bottom terminals
• Above IEC standards
• They can be installed in switchboards, or
• Complies with American usage mounted directly on the base plate or on
DIN channels up to size S5.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Circuit Protective Devices
Circuit Breakers Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Isomax +940-397-7000


 Derived versions
• Circuit breakers with selective and non-selective SPECIFICATIONS
residual current protection For complete specifications, contact
• Switch disconnectors your nearest ABB Sales Representative
• Circuit breakers for motor control with adjustable and request a General Ratings and
magnetic release Specifications Guide.
• Circuit breakers for machine tools
• Circuit breakers for direct current

 ABB Isomax versions

• Fixed: All models
• Plug-in: Up to S5 400 A (IEC)
• Withdrawable: From S3 to S7 1200 A (IEC)

 Frame sizes—seven basic sizes

The ABB Isomax series includes seven basic frame
sizes with continuous rated currents from 15 A to
2500 A and with 600 VAC interrupting capacities up
to 85 kA. The various versions have the following
breaking capacity ratings:
• B (basic breaking capacity)
• N (normal breaking capacity)
• H (high breaking capacity)
• L, V (very high breaking capacity)

 Complete Line of Accessories

• Accessories satisfy the widely differing
operational and automation requirements
• Standardized for groups of circuit breakers
to streamline storage logistics and
simplify installation
• Can be customized as required under conditions
of absolute safety
Industrial Products

• All accessories for S3 to S7 can be mounted with

simple operations without having to remove the
circuit breaker power cover and without any
accessory adjustments.

Circuit Breakers

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Emax Power +940-397-7000

The Emax is ABB’s latest introduction in low-voltage

power circuit breakers.
The Emax power circuit breakers are available with a
UL listing that meets the ANSI Standard for low-voltage
power circuit breakers. ABB Emax power circuit
breakers are available in five different models
(four sizes) with rated continuous current from
800 A to 5000 A and rated short circuit current
range from 42 kA to 125 kA (480 V).
The Emax is also available in an IEC version
with a current rating of 800 — 6300 A.

 Small overall dimensions  ANSI approved low-voltage switchgear
 Common accessories  Switchboards
 Accessories and trip unit can be installed  Generator protection
in the field.  Motor protection
 Power isolated from accessories
 High withstand and fault current ratings
 Very high mechanical and electric life OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES
 Double insulation ensures total separation
between accessories and power circuits.
 Common accessories for full line of
Emax breakers
 Electrical accessories are ac and dc rated.
 Electrical accessories can be installed
in the field.
 Three trip units are available, providing
a solution for every need.

For complete specifications, contact your
nearest ABB Sales Representative and request
a General Ratings and Specifications Guide.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Circuit Protective Devices
Disconnect Switches

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Non-Fusible +940-397-7000

SwitchLine non-fusible disconnect switches 16 A — 3150 A, 600 V

ABB SwitchLine includes 16 different amperage sizes from 16 A to 3150 A. The basic
construction provides flexibility, safety, and high performance in an extremely compact
size. ABB SwitchLine is a perfect choice for all switching applications from industrial
motor control to construction safety switches.

 Broad range
 Compact size
• Door-mounting on an enclosure door
or sidewall  Industrial machinery
• DIN rail-mounting  Solar
• Base-mounting with screws  Motor controls
 SwitchLine disconnect switches may be  Safety switches
mounted in any position.  Electrical distribution
 SwitchLine disconnect switches can be
used equally well with either top or bottom OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES
incoming power feeds.
 Handles—UL/NEMA type 1, 3R, 4, 4X, 12
 Terminal connections IP 54, 65, 66
• Ring tongue crimp on lugs
 Auxiliary contacts available for every
• Direct bus switch size
• Terminal lugs
 Additional power poles
 Modular construction  Additional terminal poles
 Dead-front construction plus terminal shrouds (neutrals and grounds)
reduce the risk of touching live parts.  Terminal shrouds
Industrial Products

 Door interlock  6- and 8-pole mechanisms

 Padlockable  Transfer mechanisms
 Bypass mechanisms
 Positive opening operation
 Mechanical interlock mechanisms
 Welded contact protection
 Electromechanical interlock mechanisms
 Clear position indication  Motor operations
 Visible blades offer additional safety
from 125 A — 1200 A.
 Track-resistant material SPECIFICATIONS
 Constant control For complete specifications, contact your
 IEC rated, CE marked nearest ABB Sales Representative and request
a General Ratings and Specifications Guide.
 UL Listed, File No. E101914,
 CSA Approved, File No. LR58077

Disconnect Switches

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Fusible +940-397-7000

PowerLine—Compact, heavy duty, fusible disconnect

switches 30 A — 800 A, 600 V
ABB PowerLine includes seven different amperage
sizes from 30 A to 800 A. All PowerLine fusible switches
are designed to meet customer requirements in terms
of high interrupting capacity and long electrical life,
while occupying little more panel space than the
appropriate fuses. The basic construction provides
flexibility and high performance in an extremely com-
pact size. ABB PowerLine switches are a perfect choice
to withstand the heat and humidity of the tropics, the
extreme cold of the arctic, and any rugged industrial
environment you may have.

 Compact size  HVAC
• DIN rail-mounting—OS30, OS60, and OS100  Drives
• Base-mounting with screws  UPS
 All PowerLine disconnect switches can be  Industrial machinery
used equally well with either top or bottom  Solar
incoming power feeds.  Motor controls
 Terminal connections
• Ring tongue crimp on lugs  Safety switches
• Direct bus  Electrical distribution
• Terminal lugs
 High performance
 Modular construction OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES
 Unique terminal locations: Side, Rear, and
Bus stabs connections  Handles—UL/NEMA type 1, 3R, 4, 4X, 12
 Superior short circuit protection IP 54, 65, 66
 Fuse isolation  Auxiliary contacts available for every
 Dead-front construction plus terminal shrouds switch size
reduce the risk of touching live parts, improv-  Additional terminal poles
ing the safety and reliability of the installation. (neutrals and grounds)
 Positive opening operation  Terminal shrouds
 Welded contact protection  6- and 8-pole mechanisms
 Clear position indication  Transfer mechanisms
 Door interlock
 Bypass mechanisms
 Visible blades offer an additional safety feature  Mechanical interlock mechanisms
from 200 A — 800 A.  Electromechanical interlock mechanisms
 Track-resistant material  Motor operations
 Variety of fuses can be used: Class CC, J,T, L,  Fuse monitors
High-Speed patterns, European standards;
 Standard interrupting capacity 200 kA
 IEC rated, CE marked For complete specifications, contact your
 UL Listed, File No. E101914 nearest ABB Sales Representative and request
 CSA Approved, File No. LR58077 a General Ratings and Specifications Guide.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Circuit Protective Devices
Disconnect Switches

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Enclosed +940-397-7000

Compact, heavy duty, enclosed

disconnect switches:
16 A — 3150 A Non-fusible
30 A — 3000 A Fusible
Designed to meet customer requirements
in terms of safety, ease of installation, space
savings, and operational convenience. They are
available in a wide range of amperage ratings,
are UL approved, and NEMA rated to satisfy
rugged industrial environments.

 Plastic, metal, or stainless steel enclosures Suitable for use as:
 NEMA 1, 3R&12, 4X, 7&9  OSHA Lockout/Tagout disconnects
 Compact size  Safety switches
 Broad range  Load-break switches
 Wide range of accessories
• Pilot devices
• Fuse monitors  Transfer switches
• Auxiliary contacts  Bypass switches
• Amp/Voltmeters
• Additional neutral and power poles  Service entrance

For complete specifications, contact your
nearest ABB Sales Representative and request
Industrial Products

a General Ratings and Specifications Guide.


Low-Voltage Network Quality

ABB’s solution-based family of low-voltage network

quality products can reduce your electrical costs,
remove damaging harmonics for your network,
and eliminate voltage flicker. ABB has a full line
of power factor correction capacitors that increase
the capacity of your electrical system, solve voltage
drop problems, while lowering your electrical costs.
Available products include individual capacitors
designed for installation at motors and automatic
capacitor banks that react to changing load
conditions throughout the system. ABB can solve
harmonic issues with passive and active filter
technologies. Equipped with the latest technology,
ABB can help design a solution to meet or exceed
the recommended harmonic levels of IEEE. ABB
can solve voltage flicker with passive and active
technologies. Available solutions include SCR
switch passive components or a system that is
totally solid state based. Power factor, harmonics,
or voltage flicker;ABB has an economical solution
within the low-voltage network quality family
of production to serve your systems rated
1000 V and below.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Low-Voltage Network Quality

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
CLMD, Power Factor Capacitors +940-397-7000

 Full family of low-voltage power factor capacitors

• Individual capacitors for motor compensation
• Fixed banks for group or feeder compensation
• Automatic banks for network compensation
• Filters for harmonic removal

 High reliability  Long life
 Very low losses  Safety
 Discharge mechanism • Vermiculite, a nonflammable and nontoxic
material, safely absorbs any energy produced
 Tolerance on capacitance: 0%, +15% within the capacitor enclosure.
 Overcurrent tolerance: 135% of rated  Approvals
current, continuously
• UL, CE, and CSA approved
 Overvoltage tolerance: 110% of rated
voltage, continuously • UL Listed, File No. E135667
 Standard ambient temperature range: • CSA Approved, File No. LR88616
- 40°C to +40°C (- 40°F to +104°F) • Complies with applicable requirements
 Internal cables and insulation: All internal of IEC, NEC®, NEMA CP-1, ANSI, and
conductors utilize stranded, tin-plated IEEE Standard 18
Industrial Products

copper wire. Insulation is fire-retardant,

rated 105°C (220°F).
 Complete environmental acceptability
 Unique sequential protection system
 Fuse protection
ABB capacitors are provided with patented
IPE (Internally Protected Elements), which is an
integral and important part of the sequential
protection system. Additional fuses are NOT
required for protection of ABB capacitor
elements, but external overcurrent protection
may be needed for the installation in order to
meet the National Electric Code requirements
concerning protection of the conductors

feeding the capacitors.


ABB 300/1200, Automatic Power Factor Capacitors

Capacitor banks are more economical than individual capacitor

units when the main reason for power factor correction is to
reduce utility power bills and/or reduce the current in primary
feeders from a main generator or transformer. Large banks or
racks of capacitors are installed at the main switchboard or at
the substation; thereby increasing power factor and obtaining
the advantages of lower power consumption.
 Lower Installation Costs—The cost of installing one fixed
or automatic capacitor bank unit will be less than installing
a number of individual capacitors at inductive loads.
 Switching—Automatic capacitor banks can switch all or part of
the capacitance automatically, depending on load requirements.
This way, only as much power factor correction as needed
for the given load is provided. (This switching capability is a
primary advantage over fixed capacitor banks where over-
capacitance, leading power factor, and resulting overvoltages
can occur should the load decrease.)
 Full family of low-voltage power factor capacitors
• Individual capacitors for motor compensation
• Fixed banks for group or feeder compensation
• Automatic banks for network compensation
• Filters for harmonic removal

Standard ABB AutoBank products include:  ABB contactors
 1 to 12 capacitor steps, three-phase  Discharge resistors
 Incoming line termination (unless another  Power fuses
disconnecting means is specified)  Control fuses
 Capacitor stage indicator lights  Multi-tap CT range 500/5 — 4000//5 in 500/5
 Power on light increments. Window size is 4" x 7".
 One ABB power factor controller  Modularity
equipped with:  High reliability
• Automatic no-voltage release  Very low losses
• Manual/automatic control switch  Complete environmental acceptability
with LED indication  Unique sequential protection system
• LED indicating the capacitive or inductive  Long life
load and the number of steps energized
• Automatic/manual setting of C/k
 ABB power factor controller
• Digital built-in PF, Vrms, Irms, kVA, kvar,
THDV, THDA meters, and fault indicator  Compact design for quick installation
• Circular/linear switching selection
• Automatic adaptation to network phase
rotation and CT terminals


Anti-resonance reactors, filters, fans, blown fuse indication, push to test, non-fused
and fused disconnect switches, and circuit breakers are optional equipment items
that can be factory installed in the automatic capacitor bank.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Low-Voltage Network Quality


ABB 300/1200, Automatic Power Factor Capacitors

Technical Data
 Rated voltage: 240 — 600 V, 50/60 Hz, three-phase  Automatic bank total losses (without reactors)
 Standard kvar steps: 25, 50, and 100 kvar including accessories such as contactors and
(other kvar step sizes available) PF controller: Less than 1.5 watt/kvar
 Control voltage: 120 V, 60 Hz  ABB dry-type, self-healing capacitors
 Power factor setting: Between 0.70 capacitive  Capacitor dielectric test: Between terminals
and 0.7 inductive and container—3.0 kV, 60 seconds
 C/k setting: Between 0.05 and 1 A  Capacitor automatic bank test: Functional test,
Dielectric test
 Operation: Automatic or manual with step indica-
tion. LED indication of the number of capacitors  Enclosures: NEMA 1, 3R, and Dustproof
energized and the capacitive or inductive demand. (RAL 7035, Light gray)
 Discharge resistors included  Top or bottom cable entry
 Dielectric losses: Less than 0.2 watt/kvar  Dimensions: Per application
 Capacitor total losses: Less than 0.5 watt/kvar  Ambient temperature: - 40°C to +40°C
 Installation: Lifting eyes are provided. Installation
instructions are supplied with each unit.
AutoBank 300

Approximate Indoor Outdoor Dustproof

Weight Lbs. (kg) Catalog No. Catalog No. Catalog No.
240 Volt
25 600 (273) AA2G25B5A AA2R25B5A AA2D25B5A
50 600 (273) AA2G50B5A AA2R50B5A AA2D50B5A
75 600 (273) AA2G75B6A AA2R75B6A AA2D75B6A
100 600 (273) AA2G100B8A AA2R100B8A AA2D100B8A
125 600 (273) AA2G125B10A AA2R125B10A AA2D125B10A
150 600 (273) AA2G150B12A AA2R150B12A AA2D150B12A
480 Volt
50 600 (273) AA4G50B3B AA4R50B3B AA4D50B3B
75 600 (273) AA4G75B5A AA4R75B5A AA4D75B5A
100 600 (273) AA4G100B5A AA4R100B5A AA4D100B5A
125 600 (273) AA4G125B5A AA4R125B5A AA4D125B5A
150 600 (273) AA4G150B6A AA4R150B6A AA4D150B6A
Industrial Products

175 600 (273) AA4G175B7A AA4R175B7A AA4D175B7A

200 600 (273) AA4G200B8A AA4R200B8A AA4D200B8A
225 600 (273) AA4G225B9A AA4R225B9A AA4D225B9A
250 600 (273) AA4G250B10A AA4R250B10A AA4D250B10A
300 600 (273) AA4G300B12A AA4R300B12A AA4D300B12A
600 Volt
100 600 (273) AA6G100B5A AA6R100B5A AA6D100B5A
125 600 (273) AA6G125B5A AA6R125B5A AA6D125B5A
150 600 (273) AA6G150B6A AA6R150B6A AA6D150B6A
175 600 (273) AA6G175B7A AA6R175B7A AA6D175B70
200 600 (273) AA6G200B8A AA6R200B8A AA6D200B8A
225 600 (273) AA6G225B9A AA6R225B9A AA6D225B9A
250 600 (273) AA6G250B10A AA6R250B10A AA6D250B10A
300 600 (273) AA6G300B12A AA6R300B12A AA6D300B12A

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX

AutoBank 1200
Approximate Indoor Outdoor Dustproof
Weight Lbs. (kg) Catalog No. Catalog No. Catalog No.
480 Volt
100 1000 (454) A4G100B2A A4R100B2A A4D100B2A
125 1000 (454) A4G125B3B A4R125B3B A4D125B3B
150 1000 (454) A4G150B3A A4R150B3A A4D150B3A
175 1000 (454) A4G175B4B A4R145B4B A4D175B4B
200 1000 (454) A4G200B4A A4R200B4A A4D200B4A
225 1000 (454) A4G225B5B A4R225B5B A4D225B5B
250 1000 (454) A4G250B5A A4R250B5A A4D250B5A
300 1000 (454) A4G300B6A A4R300B6A A4D300B6A
350 1000 (454) A4G350B7A A4R350B7A A4D350B7A
400 1000 (454) A4G400B8A A4R400B8A A4D400B8A
450 1000 (454) A4G450B9A A4R450B9A A4D450B9A
500 1000 (454) A4G500B10A A4R500B10A A4D500B10A
550 1000 (454) A4G550B11A A4R550B11A A4D550B11A
600 1000 (454) A4G600B12A A4R600B12A A4D600B12A
650 1000 (454) A4G650B7B A4R650B7B A4D650B7B
700 1000 (454) A4G700B7A A4R700B7A A4D700B7A
800 1000 (454) A4G800B8A A4R800B8A A4D800B8A
900 1000 (454) A4G900B9A A4R900B9A A4D900B9A
1000 1000 (454) A4G1000B10A A4R1000B10A A4D1000B10A
1100 1000 (454) A4G1100B11A A4R1100B11A A4D1100B11A
1200 1000 (454) A4G1200B12A A4R1200B12A A4D1200B12A
600 Volt
100 1000 (454) A6G100B2A A6R100B2A A6D100B2A
125 1000 (454) A6G125B3B A6R125B3B A6D125B3B
150 1000 (454) A6G150B3A A6R150B3A A6D150B3A
175 1000 (454) A6G175B4B A6R175B4B A6D175B4B
200 1000 (454) A6G200B4A A6R200B4A A6D200B4A
225 1000 (454) A6G225B5B A6R225B5B A6D225B5B
250 1000 (454) A6G250B5A A6R250B5A A6D250B5A
300 1000 (454) A6G300B6A A6R300B6A A6D300B6A
350 1000 (454) A6G350B7A A6R350B7A A6D350B7A
400 1200 (545) A6G400B8A A6R400B8A A6D400B8A
450 1200 (545) A6G450B9A A6R450B9A A6D450B9A
500 1200 (545) A6G500B10A A6R500B10A A6D500B10A
550 1200 (545) A6G550B11A A6R550B11A A6D550B11A
600 1200 (545) A6G600B12A A6R600B12A A6D600B12A
650 1800 (818) A6G650B7B A6R650B7B A6D650B7B
700 1800 (818) A6G700B7A A6R700B7A A6D700B7A
800 1800 (818) A6G800B8A A6R800B8A A6D800B8A
900 1800 (818) A6G900B9A A6R900B9A A6D900B9A
1000 2100 (954) A6G1000B10A A6R1000B10A A6D1000B10A
1100 2100 (954) A6G1100B11A A6R1100B11A A6D1100B11A
1200 2100 (954) A6G1200B12A A6R1200B12A A6D1200B12A

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Low-Voltage Network Quality
Active Filter

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
Power Quality Filter (PQFA) +940-397-7000

The power quality filters developed by ABB are active filters offering
unprecedented ability to clean the network from harmonics. The
PQFA eliminates harmonics in a controlled way. It is easy to expand
and adapt to changes in the network. The PQFA monitors the line
current in real-time and processes the measured harmonics as digital
signals in a high-power DSP (Digital Signal Processor). The output
of the DSP controls PWM (Pulse Width Modulated) power modules
that, through line reactors, inject harmonic currents with exactly the
opposite phase to those that are to be filtered. The net effect is an
elimination of the harmonics and a clean sine-wave as seen by the
feeding transformer.

 Filters several harmonics simultaneously
 Filters up to the 41st harmonic on a 60 Hz system
 Cannot be overloaded
 Programmable filtering strategy enables user to select which
harmonics are filtered.
 May filter without generation of reactive power
 May generate and control power factor
 Has programmable task priorities ACCESSORIES
 Does not require detailed network analysis
 Current transformers
 Does not require special CTs (ratings and dimension to specify)
 Is easy to expand on site  Loss of voltage alarm contact
 Comes factory tested with incoming circuit breaker  Graphic user interface

Technical Data
 Main ratings: 400 V (415 V)/50 Hz, 525 V/50 Hz,  Communication: RS232 port
Industrial Products

480 V/60 Hz, 600 V/60 Hz  Response time: 40 ms

 Voltage tolerance: +/-10%  Active power: Less than 7 kW per module
 Frequency: 50/60 Hz programmable at full load
 Harmonics to filter  Dimensions per cubicle: 800 x 2150 x 600 mm
• 50 Hz: up to 15, programmable up to (W x H x D)
the 50th harmonic  Weight per cubicle: Approx. 700 kg (with two
• 60 Hz: up to 12, programmable up to power modules)
the 41st harmonic  Ambient temperature: -10°C/+40°C
 Typical filtering efficiency: Better than 97%  Humidity: Maximum 95% RH, non-condensing
 Reactive power: Power factor programmable
between 0.7 inductive to 0.7 capacitive

Low-Voltage Distribution Equipment and Control Systems

ABB offers a full line of ANSI low- and medium-voltage

switchgear for both indoor and outdoor installations, and
most lines are available with UL listing. ANSI switchgear
lines are designed and tested to meet or exceed the latest
applicable standards, and ABB is the only supplier of a
completely arc-resistant, integrated lineup of medium-
voltage switchgear and motor controls.

ABB also offers a full line of IEC distribution systems,

including low-voltage switchgear and motor control
centers integrated into a single, easy-to-install assembly as well as medium-voltage,
air-insulated, and compact gas-insulated switchgear in ratings to 52 kV.

Product Features

LV Metal-Enclosed Power Switchgear

Reliable, low-maintenance construction for indoor and outdoor secondary unit

K-LINE Plus™ .24 — .6
substations, (see pages 433-435) with MPSC-2000™ trip units for circuit breaker

Fully integrated, IEC switchgear and MCC with choice of air-insulated and molded
MSN .69
case circuit breakers, fused and unfused disconnect switches and contactors
For IEC switchgear, see page 227; for switchgear OEM components, see pages 208 and 232; for aftermarket products and services, see page 230.
*Contact your ABB Sales Representative for availability.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Low-Voltage Distribution Equipment and Control Systems


K-LINE Plus™
K-LINE Plus switchgear is a rugged, reliable product for
demanding industrial and utility secondary distribution and
protection applications. Based on the original K-LINE design
used for decades in nuclear power plants, K-LINE Plus adds
enhanced ratings, optional safety shutters, and the advanced
protection and monitoring capabilities of MPSC-2000™
trip units. K-LINE Plus uses modular construction with
a Galvalume™ steel frame and interior, flexible system
arrangements, and automated order engineering to result
in fast delivery of quality custom switchgear.
UL Listing Available
ISO 9001 Certified

Standard Special
 Electrically or manually operated circuit breakers MPSC-2000 circuit breaker trip units feature
 Dense loading for flexible and compact programmable, full-function current protection
arrangements—up to four feeder circuit and metering.Voltage protection and metering is
breakers per frame in any combination of optional. All MPSC-2000 protection settings, trip
ratings through 2000 A data, and metering information are accessible
through a convenient LCD display and keypad
 Closed-door racking for improved operator safety
or from a remote power control system. Other
 Self-aligning, fully automatic primary and important features include:
secondary contacts
 rms sensing
 On-board auxiliary contacts rather than MOCs
 Four (4) digit password protection
and related mechanical linkages
 Metering accuracy: 1% current
 Internal ventilation chimneys improve operator
and voltage; 2% power
safety by eliminating the need for door louvers.
 Historical information access
 Simplified, symmetric, solid copper main bus
from a remote location
with 100% plated surface
 Individually addressable and
 Primary bus system passes all dielectric ratings
without requiring bus insulation.
 Riser bus-sized for full rating of breaker
Industrial Products

light for
 One-piece cradles enable easy field upgrade trip system
of circuit breaker compartments. condition
 Spring-loaded front panels on circuit breakers  Trip target,
seal against compartment doors to prevent dust with cause
entry and restrict access to live parts. of trip on
 Safety interlocks prevent racking a closed LCD display
breaker, closing a breaker in an intermediate
position, or insertion of an improperly
rated breaker.
 Up to three, front-accessible, stab-mounted
CTs per phase



The optional ABB Arc Guard® system
 Choice of indoor, outdoor, or drip-proof construction further improves safety by detecting an
 Floor-rolling lift truck or overhead lift truck mounted arc fault in any primary compartment.
on switchgear If an arc is detected, a tripping signal is
 Main bus barriers to segregate the main bus from sent within 2 ms to trip the appropriate
the cable compartment upstream breaker, thereby minimizing arc
duration and the potential for injury to
 Main bus insulation (not required to meet ANSI nearby personnel.
dielectric ratings)
 Automatic shutters to cover primary contacts
when circuit breaker is withdrawn The Power Rich System enables industrial
and utility substation automation through
 Seismic certification through UBC Zone 4 remote switchgear monitoring, communica-
 Silver- or tin-plating of main bus system tions, and control. The system is Windows®
 Key interlock system for safety interlocking compatible and provides real-time graphs,
 Space heaters to reduce condensation report generation, security, and alarm
(standard on outdoor equipment) features, and communications compatibility
with most industrial and utility control
 Unfused (KP) or fused (KDP) circuit breakers systems and protocols.

Interruption @ 60 Hz (Sym. Amps)
Breaker Rating Instantaneous Trip Short Time or Delayed Trip
600 V 480 V 240 V 600 V 480 V 240 V
KP-8 800 ANSI 22,000 30,000 42,000 22,000 22,000 22,000

KPE-8 800 Extended 30,000 42,000 42,000 30,000 30,000 30,000

KP-16 1600 ANSI 42,000 50,000 65,000 42,000 42,000 42,000

KPE-16 1600 Extended 50,000 65,000 65,000 50,000 65,000 65,000

KP-20 2000 ANSI 42,000 50,000 65,000 42,000 50,000 50,000

KPE-20 2000 Extended 50,000 65,000 65,000 50,000 65,000 65,000

KP-32 3200 ANSI 65,000 65,000 85,000 65,000 65,000 65,000

KPE-32 3200 Extended 85,000 85,000 130,000 85,000 85,000 85,000

KP-40 4000 ANSI 85,000 85,000 130,000 85,000 85,000 85,000

KPE-40 4000 Extended 85,000 100,000 130,000 85,000 85,000 85,000

See literature or contact your ABB Sales Representative for other ratings or information.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Low-Voltage Distribution Equipment and Control Systems

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Lake Mary, FL
K-LINE Plus™ +407-732-2000

Typical Arrangements
Indoor Front Elevations


A-2 A-4 A-5 INSTR. PM B-4 B-5 B-2
N19 N21 N22 N26 N27 N30
A-3 A-6 A-7 B-6 B-7 B-3
N2D N23 N24 N2B N29 N31


4000 A 4000 A


1600 A 4000 A 1600 A





Standard Design Dimensions

Floor Plans (Indoor) Section View (Outdoor)
Dimensions are specified in inches (mm) and are approximate.

126.75 (3219.45)

70 (1778)

Industrial Products

72 102.5
(1828.8) 112 98 (2603.5)
(2844.8) 92 (2489.2)

33 (838.2)

30 24
(762) (609.6)

6 (152.4)

Shaded area represents indoor switchgear section view.


Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Wichita Falls, TX
MNS +940-397-7000

As a highly flexible power distribution system

for industrial facilities, MNS integrates a variety
of protection and control apparatus into a common
switchgear assembly:
 Low-voltage air circuit breakers
 Fused and unfused disconnect switches
 Molded case circuit breakers
 Motor controls with soft start features
 Automatically controlled capacitor banks
and reactors
 Withdrawable, removable, or fixed-mounted devices
MNS is assembled from a vast array of standard com-
ponents at ABB assembly facilities in over 30 countries
to assure fast response and outstanding worldwide
service. CenterPro™ software combines product and
feature selection with CAD capabilities to simplify
all stages of MNS acquisition, from inquiry through
ordering and documentation, further reducing total
response time.
ISO 9001 Certified


 Primary compartments for horizontal bus, Ratings
vertical bus, and protective apparatus units are
With operating voltages to 690 V, main bus
individually shielded to protect personnel from
continuous current ratings up to 5500 A,
energized circuits.
and one-second short circuit ratings to
 Interlocked doors and lockable control switch 100 kA, MNS can handle the most demand-
handles provide additional safety for mainte- ing industrial loads.
nance and operations personnel.
 The compact size of MNS adds to installation
flexibility and economy.
 MNS is available with intelligent switchgear
control and automation, as well as the Arc
Guard arc detection system.
 Compatible bus duct is also available.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Switchgear OEM Components


Low-Voltage Circuit Breakers

K-Line Plus Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breakers

K-LINE Plus low-voltage power circuit breakers feature
an operating mechanism with proven reliability. These
electrically or manually operated drawout breakers are
available in a full range of ANSI standard and extended
ratings through 4000 A and 600 VAC. Ratings through
1600 A are also available with current-limiting UL Class L
fuses. K-LINE Plus breakers are supplied with MPSC-2000
trip devices that feature long-time, short-time, instanta-
neous, and ground protection as standard features on all
units. K-LINE Plus breakers can be supplied with one-
piece cradles for easy installation in switchgear compart-
ments. Please refer to K-LINE Plus™ under Switchgear
for ratings and other important features.
UL Listing Available
ISO 9001 Certified
Industrial Products



 Medium-Voltage Distribution Switchgear

 IEC Switchgear and Motor Controls

 Switchgear Aftermarket Products and Services

 Switchgear OEM Components

 AC Drives

 Vacuum Circuit Breakers

 Distribution Reclosers

 Distribution Cutouts

 Disconnect Switches

Medium-Voltage Products
 Medium-Voltage Distribution Switchgear  Vacuum Circuit Breakers
Metal-Clad Type R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Safegear and Advance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 Type V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Metal-Enclosed  Distribution Reclosers
AX1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
ESVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Load Interrupter VR-3S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
PK Primary Entrance Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Special Feature
PKC Power Switching Center . . . . . . . . . . . 218 PCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Motor Control Center Loop Control Module (LCM) . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Safegear and Advance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Single-Phase Tripping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Gas-Insulated  Distribution Cutouts
ZV-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Fault Current Limiter NCX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Is-Limiter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Arc Guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 Loadbreak
LBU II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
 IEC Switchgear and Motor Controls Interchangeable
Medium-Voltage ICX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
ZS-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 Special Feature
ZX-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Moisture-Proof Tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
 Switchgear Aftermarket  Disconnect Switches
Products and Services
Single Insulator Disconnect
Replacement Circuit Breakers, Parts, LSID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Training, and Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 SID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
 Switchgear OEM Components
Circuit Breakers
ADVAC™, R-ADVAC™, and Type VHK . . . . 231
Load Interrupter Switches
VersaRupter Load Interrupter Switches . . . . 232
Medium-Voltage AC Drives
ACS 1000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233

Medium-Voltage Distribution Switchgear

ABB offers a full line of ANSI low- and medium-voltage

switchgear for both indoor and outdoor installations, and
most lines are available with UL listing. ANSI switchgear
lines are designed and tested to meet or exceed the latest
applicable standards, and ABB is the only supplier of a
completely arc-resistant, integrated lineup of medium-
voltage switchgear and motor controls.

ABB also offers a full line of IEC distribution systems, including low-voltage switchgear
and motor control centers integrated into a single, easy-to-install assembly as well as
medium-voltage, air-insulated, and compact gas-insulated switchgear in ratings to 52 kV.

Product Voltage (kV) Features
MV Metal-Clad Switchgear
SafeGear® 5 — 15 Arc-resistant switchgear with ADVAC™ drawout vacuum circuit breakers
Advance™ 27* Conventional switchgear with ADVAC breakers
MV Metal-Enclosed Switchgear
AX1 12 — 27 Arc-resistant, main circuit-encapsulated switchgear system
MV Load Interrupter Switchgear

PK™ — UL-listed load interrupter switchgear for primary service connections and unit
5 — 15
Primary Entrance Unit substation protection

PKC™ — UL-listed load interrupter switchgear for economical power distribution, control,
5 — 15
Power Switching Center and protection

MV Motor Control Center

SafeGear® MCC Arc-resistant motor control center with stackable controllers
Up to 7.2
Advance™ MCC Conventional, non–arc-resistant motor control center
MV Gas-Insulated Switchgear
ZV-2™ Up to 52 Compact, gas-insulated switchgear with vacuum circuit breakers in ANSI ratings
Fault Current Limiter
IS-Limiter™ Up to 36 High-speed, high-capacity fault current limiter
® N/A Internal arc detection system for switchgear and electrical enclosures
Arc Guard
For IEC switchgear, see page 227; for switchgear OEM components, see pages 208 and 232; for aftermarket products and services, see page 230.
*Contact your ABB Sales Representative for availability.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Medium-Voltage Distribution Switchgear

SafeGear® and Advance™

SafeGear is the most advanced metal-clad switchgear available from any

source, combining the traditional safety requirements of ANSI standards
with many other features preferred by North American customers, plus
the added value of arc-resistant construction. Advance metal-clad
switchgear is similar to SafeGear; however, Advance is not arc-resistant.
The arc-resistant design significantly reduces the risk of personnel
exposure to a blast from an internal arc fault. Equipment damage and
downtime are also minimized. Arc resistance is accomplished by using
reinforced doors and panels, closed-door racking, double sidewall
construction, and a system of fast operating vents and flaps. This system
relieves pressure and exhausts hot, expanding gases through the top of
the switchgear, away from the front, back, and sides.
SafeGear and Advance are manufactured from a wide array of rigid,
self-supporting Galvalume steel modules for fast delivery of the highest
quality switchgear without compromising flexibility or economy.
UL Listing Available ISO 9001 Certified

Standard  Up to four front-accessible, bushing-mounted
CTs per phase
 Arc-resistant construction (SafeGear only, per
EEMAC G14-1, types B or C) with dedicated,  Front-accessible drawout voltage and control
isolated, low-voltage compartments for relays power transformers (large CPTs are fixed-
and control wiring mounted in rear compartments)
 Window on primary compartment doors to view Special
breaker position and status without opening door
ADVAC™ breakers are standard in SafeGear and
 Closed-door racking and racking padlock Advance. ADVAC features a simple, front-accessible
provision for improved operator safety
operating mechanism designed specifically for use
 Racking system integral to breaker so that with vacuum interrupters. Other features include:
moving parts can be inspected and maintained
outside the breaker compartment and away  Dependable vacuum interrupters with advanced
from energized circuits contact design and
proven reliability
 Distinct breaker stops for disconnected test
Medium-Voltage Products

and connected positions  On-board auxiliary

 Self-aligning, fully automatic, primary and contacts rather
secondary contacts than switches and
MOC linkages
 Dual guide rails for smooth, consistent racking
 Integral wheels for
 Automatic primary safety shutters with dual
actuators for balanced operation easy floor maneuvering
 100% copper bus with epoxy insulation, plated  Standard controls:
joints, and no tapering non-resetting operations counter, open/closed
indicator, spring-charged indicator, manual open/
 Removable and reusable boots on main bus joints
close and spring-charging provisions, charging
 Safety interlocks prevent racking a closed breaker, motor disconnect switch, and padlock provision
closing a breaker in an intermediate position, or
inserting an improperly rated breaker.  Each breaker automatically tested to 300 open-
 Standard 1⁄ 4 x 2-inch (6.35 x 50.8 mm) copper close cycles prior to shipment
ground bus in every section



 Extremely flexible system arrangements
• One-high or two-high breaker configurations The optional ABB Arc Guard system
• Top or bottom cable entry further improves safety by detecting an
• Outdoor non–walk-in, single-row walk-in arc fault in any primary compartment.
If an arc is detected, a tripping signal is
• Power Distribution Center (PDC) installation
sent within 2 ms to trip the appropriate
available with plenum for controlled exhaust
upstream breaker, thereby minimizing arc
of arc-fault gases when SafeGear is supplied
duration and the potential for injury to
 Choice of protection and control devices nearby personnel.
 Seismic certification through UBC Zone 4
 Silver or tin plating of main bus system The Power Rich System enables industrial
 Key interlock system for safety interlocking and utility substation automation through
 Space heaters to reduce condensation remote switchgear monitoring, communica-
(standard in outdoor equipment) tions, and control. The system is Windows
compatible and provides real-time graphs,
 Optional accessories
report generation, security and alarm fea-
• Racking crank tures, and communications compatibility
• Manual charging handle with most industrial and utility control
• Test jumper systems and protocols.
• Test cabinet
• Breaker lift and transport truck
• Ground and test device

Rated Low Rated Short
Nominal Voltage Freq. Circuit Current Rated
Nominal Level Short Close
Breaker Voltage (kV) With- kA Sym Voltage
MVA (BIL) Time and
Type Class stand Range
Class kV kA rms Latch
(kV) Voltage Factor
Min. Max. Crest @ Min. @ Max. 2 Sec. kAPeak
kV rms
rms rms kV kV
5ADV36 4.16 250 3.8 4.76 19 60 36 29 36 97 1.24

5ADV49 4.16 350 4.0 4.76 19 60 50 50 50 132 1.00

7.5ADV41 7.20 500 6.6 8.25 36 95 41 33 41 111 1.25

15ADV23 13.80 500 11.5 15.00 36 95 23 18 23 62 1.30

15ADV36 13.80 750 11.5 15.00 36 95 36 28 36 97 1.30

15ADV48 13.80 1000 11.5 15.00 36 95 50 50 50 130 1.00

Each circuit breaker is available in continuous current ratings of 1200, 2000, or 3000 A rms.
Interrupting time is rated at 5 cycles (0 —100%).
The asymmetric capability ratio rating is 1.2.
Ratings are 50/60 Hz bases.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Medium-Voltage Distribution Switchgear

SafeGear® and Advance™


C37.04 Standard rating structure for ac HV circuit breakers CC1 Electric power connections
C37.06 Preferred ratings for ac HV circuit breakers SG-5 Power switchgear assemblies
C37.09 Standard test procedure for ac HV circuit breakers NEC
Standard for metal-clad and station-type National Electric Code
C37.20.2 NFPA 70
cubicle switchgear (Applicable Portions)
C57.13 Requirements for instrument transformers EEMAC
ANSI/IEEE Arc-resistant test procedure
(SafeGear Only)
47 Guide for surge withstand capability tests

Module Dimensions
All SafeGear and Advance switchgear sections are is 85 inches (2159 mm) with an optional extended
36 inches (914.4 mm) wide. A one-inch (25.4 mm) depth enclosure of 92 inches (2336.8 mm) for
dress panel is added to each end of a lineup. unusual cable requirements.
Height is 95 inches (2413 mm). Standard depth



1200 A Breaker 2000/3000 A Breaker PT* CPT

Medium-Voltage Products

NOTE: All modules are 36 (914.4) wide.

*PT compartment 38 (965.2) for 50 kA rating.




19 (482.6) instrument 38 (965.2) instrument 57 (1447.8) instrument


Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Lake Mary, FL

Standard Design Dimensions
 1200 A breaker 19" (482.6 mm) instrument compartment 1200 A breaker
 PT compartment 38" (965.2 mm) instrument 1200, 2000, or 3000 A breaker
 57" (1447.8 mm) instrument compartment 1200, 2000, or 3000 A breaker
 CPT compartment 19" (482.6 mm) instrument compartment 1200, 2000,
or 3000 A breaker
 Two (2) PT compartments 19" (482.6 mm) instrument compartment
1200, 2000, or 3000 A breaker
 95" (2413 mm) instrument or power company metering section

85 (2159)

95 Low
typical Voltage

1200 A Breakers 1200 or 2000 A Breaker w/PT



3000 A one-high 1200 or 2000 A with fused CPT

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Medium-Voltage Distribution Switchgear



The newly launched medium-voltage switchgear AX1 represents

a new and functional approach to the switchgear architecture,
consistently utilizing new technology without the limitations
given by the old type components. Besides the incorporation of
software intelligence, it also results in many general advantages,
such as compactness, easy installation, and high personnel safety
and service reliability. The protection relays and operating push-
buttons are replaced by bay computers handling all protection,
operation, and interlocking between the apparatus in the switch-
gear. The modern control system needs less wiring. The basic
philosophy for the switchgear architecture is to keep all high-
voltage parts in one separate compartment and all mechanical
and auxiliary parts fully accessible outside the high-voltage com-
partment. Parts needing access, like auxiliaries and circuit breaker
actuators, are in this concept fully and safely accessible, even
when the high-voltage parts are alive and the circuit breaker is
closed. The switchgear is supplied with a specially developed
and extremely fast “Arc Eliminator.” The concept is designed for
fast and simple installation on site. The cubicles have sliding
doors, safely keeping the operating area free for the operating
personnel and limiting the needed space.

Standard Special
 Main circuit-encapsulated design  DNV marine application design
 Tubular busbars  1.0g vibration test (Zone 4)
 Coil spring contacts  Standardized outdoor buildings
 Active arc eliminator; internal arc  Integrated battery system
eliminated within 5 ms
Medium-Voltage Products

 Open arc tested

 Integrated remote motor-operated
disconnector/grounding switch
 Continuous monitoring
 SCADA system communication
 Designed for modern environmental demands

Sourced through
 ABB Inc.
Lake Mary, FL

Rated Voltage BIL Level Rated Current Short Time Open Arc
(kV) (kV) (A) Current 3 Sec (kA) Test 1 Sec (kA)

12 75 630 — 3150 16 — 40 16 — 40

15 95 630 — 3150 16 — 40 16 — 40

24 125 630 — 2500 16 — 31.5 16 — 31.5

27 125 630 — 2000 16 — 31.5 16 — 31.5

Standards Standard Panel Design Dimensions

UL Metal-enclosed circuit breaker Height: 88.2 inches
switchgear Width: 25.5 inches
IEC 60 056 Circuit breakers Depth: 41.3 inches
IEC 60 129 Disconnector and earthing switch Weight: 400 — 550kg
IEC 60 137 Cable glands for more than 1000 V (depending on rating)
IEC 60 185 Current transformer
IEC 60 044-8 Electrical current transducers
IEC 60 186 Voltage transformer
IEC 60 044-7 Electrical voltage transformers
IEC 60 529 Degree of protection (IP-code)
IEC 60 298 A.C. metal-enclosed switchgear
IEC 60 660 Isolators of organic material
IEC 60 694 Common clauses for switchgear
IEC 60 932 Enclosed switchgear to be used in
severe climatic conditions
DNV Marine approval

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Medium-Voltage Distribution Switchgear
Load Interrupter


PK™ Primary Entrance Unit

PKC™ Power Switching Center
ABB load interrupter switchgear is available in 5 — 15 kV
ratings and configured as type PK primary entrance units
serving as power disconnects for primary and secondary
unit substations and service entrances. It can also be
configured as type PKC power switching centers for
economical power distribution and circuit protection.
Both configurations are available with fused or unfused
UL listed load interrupter switches and a full range of
metering, control, and communications options. Switches
are available in single or duplex arrangements and with
main switches, feeders, bus ties, transitions, and power
company metering sections. Both product lines feature
rugged, superior quality construction and can be
provided for indoor or outdoor installation.
UL Listing Available
ISO 9001 Certified

 Reliable quick-make, quick-break, load interrupter  Reliable exterior operating handle and internal
switches with proven, dependable operating mechanism actuation system provide smooth,
mechanisms; copper current-carrying blades; consistent manual operation over a long life.
and high-pressure, jaw-type stationary contacts  Main bus system is 100% copper and
 With main blades open, interrupting blades does not require insulation to meet ANSI
are fully visible for inspection. dielectric ratings.
 The front door of each compartment is  Solid copper ground bus extends
mechanically interlocked, requiring the switch throughout assembly.
to be in the open position for access to the
switch or fuses and also requiring the door to
Medium-Voltage Products

be closed before the switch can be closed.

 A solidly grounded metal barrier protects
operating personnel from energized bus and
switch parts.
 Meters and instruments are isolated from high-
voltage equipment by grounded steel barriers.
 Padlock provisions
 Polycarbonate material windows allow observa-
tion of switch position and general condition.

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Lake Mary, FL

OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES  Station service (control power) transformers

 Lightning arresters
 Choice of indoor or outdoor construction
 Auxiliary frames
 Choice of main bus ratings at 600 or 1200 A
 Power company metering frames
continuous current and 40 or 61 kA
momentary current  Insulated bus
 600 or 1200 A switch ratings, fused or unfused  Cable lugs (clamp- or crimp-type), cable supports,
or pothead connections
 Control selector switches
 Key interlock system for safety interlocking
 Current and potential transformers
 Space heaters to reduce condensation (standard
 Metering: amps, volts, watts, vars, kW-hours,
on outdoor equipment)
kvar-hours, frequency, power, etc.
 Thermostats and circuit breakers for heaters
(pull-out fuses standard)
 Auxiliary switches
 Expulsion-type fuses (when specified)
 Remote communications equipment


Voltage Current
System Rated Rated Load-
Rated Low Freq. Momentary Fault Closing 2-sec Short
Rating Maximum Continuous Interrupting
Impulse Withstand Current rms Current rms Time Current
(kV) Voltage Current Current
BIL (kV) (kV) Asym (kA) Asym (kA) Asym (kA)
(kV) (A) (A)

2.4 — 4.16 4.76 60 19 600 600 40 40 25

6.9 — 13.8 15.00 95 36 600 600 40 40 25

2.4 — 4.16 4.76 60 19 1200 1200 61 61 38

6.9 — 13.8 15.00 95 36 1200 1200 61 61 38

Standard Design Dimensions

Industry Standards
ABB primary entrance units and power switching centers are manu-
factured in a variety of free-standing, single-frame, and multi-frame PK and PKC construction
arrangements from standard, modular building blocks. The following complies with the industry
dimensions apply to both fused and unfused switch modules. standards, including:
Switches and fuses are front-accessible, and fuses (when required)  ANSI C37.20.3-1987
are installed in lower compartments. Primary cable terminals may  IEEE PC37.20.4
be routed for top or bottom entry. Connections to transformers are  UL Listing File E146347(M)
also available using bus duct or close-coupled throat connections.
The main bus is extendable on both ends, so an installation is only
as final as the user’s plans for expansion.

Construction Width Depth Height

Type Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm)

Indoor 36 (914.4) 64 (1625.6) 102 (2590.8)

Outdoor 36 (914.4) 78 (1981.2)* 111 (2819.4)

*Includes 7" front and rear roof overhang.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Medium-Voltage Distribution Switchgear
Motor Control Center

SafeGear® and Advance™

SafeGear Motor Control Center (MCC) is a complete line

of arc-resistant motor control centers with ratings to 7.2 kV,
designed for use in heavy material handling, chemical
processing, air movement, or other demanding industrial
applications. SafeGear MCC is designed for superior
reliability and durability over a long life. Plus it contains
the latest safety features that include arc-resistant type B
construction, tested to the requirements of EEMAC G14-1.
This level of arc resistance protects workers around the
front, back, and sides of the equipment from the catastrophic
effects of an internal arc fault, and it also protects nearby
equipment from collateral damage.
Match-and-line capabilities with SafeGear metal-clad
switchgear, plus a transition section that allows back-to-back
arrangements with flush front panels, provide the only inte-
grated lineup of arc-resistant switchgear and motor control
centers in the industry. The integrated SafeGear product line
uses common accessories and operating procedures for
both switchgear and motor controls.
UL Listing Available
Advance MCC is similar to SafeGear, except that it does not
offer the advantages of arc-resistant construction. ISO 9001 Certified

 Reliable, proven vacuum contactors (fused-type)  Load contacts automatically grounded by
are suitable for full voltage, reduced voltage, truck withdrawal
reversing and non-reversing, synchronous, and  Truck can be padlocked in disconnect position,
other motor loads. Ratings are also available for even with door closed.
switching non-inductive loads.
 Dedicated, isolated, low-voltage compartment
• Long-life vacuum interrupters with clean, for protection and control devices
quiet operation
 Withdrawable contactor truck with two
Medium-Voltage Products

• Advanced contact design for minimum distinct positions provides for properly
current chop sequenced contactor removal and visible
• Contactor operation powered by on-board disconnect of primary
2 kVA Control Power Transformer (CPT) circuit without
• Fuses and CPT mounted on contactor truck requiring a separate
for easy maintenance disconnect switch.
• Up to six (6) auxiliary contacts installed on • Connected (primary
contactor and secondary
contacts engaged)
 Heavy duty construction using rigid, self-
supporting modules fabricated from pre-coated • Disconnected
Galvalume steel for superior corrosion resist- (automatic primary
ance in industrial installations shutters closed and
secondary contacts
 Rugged, non-vented doors with
closed-door racking



 Self-aligning, automatic, primary and  Up to two (2) front-accessible CTs per

secondary contacts phase mounted on durable glass-polyester
 Automatic primary shutters made of bushings and contact supports
transparent polycarbonate material to  Main bus is 100% copper with full round
allow inspection of contacts without edges, no tapering, and hard bus connec-
exposure to high-voltage circuits tions with full-load capacity to every
 Arc-resistant viewing window on contactor compartment.
contactor compartment doors for  Front access to primary contacts and
closed-door visual inspections main bus
 Safety interlocks prevent:  Standard 1 ⁄ 4 x 2-inch (6.35 x 50.8 mm)
• Opening compartment door when copper ground bus
contactor is connected  Ample room for both load cables
• Racking contactor when door is open and control wiring
• Racking a closed contactor  Microprocessor-based protection
• Closing a contactor in intermediate and control
• Inserting an improperly rated contactor


 Extremely flexible system arrangements
• One-high or two-high configurations The optional ABB Arc Guard system further
• Top or bottom cable entry improves safety by detecting an arc fault in any
primary compartment. If an arc is detected, a
• Indoor back-to-wall or back-to-back arrangements tripping signal is sent within 2 ms to trip the
• Indoor NEMA 1, Outdoor NEMA 3R, and appropriate upstream breaker, thereby minimiz-
non–walk-in ing arc duration and the potential for injury to
• PDC installation available nearby personnel.
 Choice of withdrawable voltage transformers,
ground current sensors, and other control features
 Space heaters (standard on outdoor equipment)
 Floor-rolling or overhead contactor lift device
Industry Standards
 Seismic certification through UBC Zone 4
 Silver- or tin-plating of main bus system  ANSI: C37.20.3-1987; C57.13-1978
 Key interlock system for safety interlocking  NEMA: ICS 1; 2; 2.3; 3 Part 2; 6; 250
 NEC: 1996 Edition (applicable portions)
 UL: 347

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Medium-Voltage Distribution Switchgear
Motor Control Center Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Lake Mary, FL
SafeGear® and Advance™ +407-732-2000

Ratings and Application Guide
SafeGear MCC and Advance MCC are available in voltage ratings from 2300 V
to 7200 V with main bus ratings of 1200, 2000, or 3000 A continuous cur-
rent. Main bus bracing is for 50,000 A symmetrical momentary current.
The following table provides typical application data and approximate
maximum horsepower at various common application voltages.

Maximum Horsepower at Utilization Voltages

2300 V, Three-Phase 4000 V, Three-Phase 6600 V, Three-Phase
Arrange- Contactor
Continuous Synchronous Synchronous Synchronous
ment Location
Current Motors Induction Motors Induction Motors Induction
(A) Motors Motors Motors
.8 PF 1 PF .8 PF 1 PF .8 PF 1 PF
NEMA 1 Ventilated
1-high Lower 360 1500 1750 1500 2500 3000 2500 4000 5000 4000
1-high Lower 720 3000 3500 3000 5500 6000 5500 — — —
2-high Lower 360 1500 1750 1500 2500 3000 2500 4000 5000 4000
2-high Upper 320 1250 1500 1250 2250 2500 2250 3500 4500 3500
NEMA 1 Non-Ventilated
1-high Lower 360 1500 1750 1500 2500 3000 2500 4000 5000 4000
1-high Lower 650 2750 3000 2750 5000 5500 5000 — — —
2-high Lower 360 1500 1750 1500 2500 3000 2500 4000 5000 4000
2-high Upper 280 1000 1250 1000 1750 2250 1750 3000 3500 3000
1-high Lower 310 1250 1500 1250 2000 2500 2000 3500 4000 3500
1-high Lower 600 2500 2750 2500 4500 5000 4500 — — —
2-high Lower 310 1250 1500 1250 2000 2500 2000 3500 4000 3500
2-high Upper 280 1000 1250 1000 1750 2250 1750 3000 3500 3000
Medium-Voltage Products

Standard Design Dimensions

SafeGear MCC and Advance MCC contac-
tor sections are only 30 inches (762 mm)
wide in all voltage and current ratings,
even for stacked compartments. Each
lineup requires a 20-inch (508 mm) wide
incoming compartment for primary cable
connections or a 20-inch (508 mm) wide
transition section to metal-clad or primary
disconnect switchgear.



ABB type ZV-2 gas-insulated switchgear combines

the advanced operational and interruption charac-
teristics of vacuum circuit breakers with arc-resistant
switchgear. Primary compartments are sealed and
filled with SF6 gas at very low overpressure, greatly
reducing internal clearance requirements. This
results in very compact switchgear in operating
voltages through 52 kV. ANSI interrupting ratings
are available through 38 kV.
The sealed SF6 system prevents entry of contami-
nants, virtually eliminating routine maintenance of
the primary components and bus system. Sealed
partments. The operating mechanism and control
compartments also further reduce the chance of
components are mounted in front-accessible,
an internal arc fault.
air-insulated, low-voltage compartments for easy
ZV-2 is available in single- and double-bus arrange- inspection and maintenance. Protection and
ments with bus compartments isolated and metering components and control circuits are
separately sealed from circuit breaker compartments. also mounted in low-voltage compartments.
The circuit breakers are fixed-mounted, with primary
ISO 9001 Certified
circuits and interrupters located in sealed SF6 com-

 Ratings up to 52 kV operating voltage and  Extremely compact switchgear offering
250 kV BIL 40% floor space savings over conventional
 ANSI certification of interrupting ratings air-insulated switchgear in similar ratings
available to 38 kV  Rugged, completely sealed, high-voltage
 Full range of IEC ratings and capabilities enclosure-filled with SF6 at low-level overpressure
available in all voltages  SF6 pressure sensors and monitoring system
 Continuous current ratings up to 2500 A  Available with custom protection, instrumenta-
 Interrupting ratings up to 40 kA tion, and controls
 100% copper primary bus  ZV-2 is indoor switchgear; outdoor installation
 Dedicated low-voltage compartment for is available in power distribution centers.
instruments, control connections, and circuit  Up to two (2) front-accessible CTs per phase
breaker operating system mounted on durable glass-polyester bushings
 Low-voltage compartments completely isolated and contact supports
from high-voltage compartments  Main bus is 100% copper with full round
 Circuit breaker uses dependable vacuum edges, no tapering, and hard bus connections
interrupters with proven type VD-4 front- with full-load capacity to every contactor
accessible, stored-energy operating mechanism compartment.
(similar to ADVAC) and includes on-board  Front access to primary contacts and main bus
auxiliary switches.  Standard 1 ⁄ 4 x 2-inch (6.35 x 50.8 mm) copper
 Available with integral disconnect and ground bus
grounding switches  Ample room for both load cables and
 Seismic certification available for UBC Zone 4 control wiring
 Microprocessor-based protection and control

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Medium-Voltage Distribution Switchgear
Gas-Insulated Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Lake Mary, FL
ZV-2™ +407-732-2000


Rated Power Frequency Impulse Level Rated Short Time Current

Voltage Withstand Voltage (BIL) (3 Seconds)
(kV) (kV) (kV) (kA)

12 28 75 31.5

24 50 125 31.5

36 70 170 31.5

38 80 200 31.5/40

52 95 250 31.5

Rated main bus currents: 1250, 1600, 2000, or 2500 A continuous current at all available voltages.

Standard Design Dimensions

Height Depth Width
Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm)
88 (2250) min 71 (1800) min
30 (750)
99 (2510) max 95 (2400) max

Typical Section View

A. Main bus compartment

B. Ground switch compartment
Medium-Voltage Products

C. Vacuum interrupters
D. Instrument transformers
E. Low-voltage instrument compartment

Fault Current Limiter

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Lake Mary, FL
IS-Limiter™ +407-732-2000

ABB IS-Limiter is a high-speed fault current limiter that

reduces the cost of the power distribution infrastructure as
system available fault currents grow beyond the capabilities
of existing switchgear; for example, through the addition of
utility ties and new generation capacity.
IS-Limiter functions as a system interconnect or bus tie that
limits fault currents, reducing the ratings and costs of new
switchgear and eliminating the need to replace existing
switchgear. In reactor bypass applications, IS-Limiter reduces
costs by avoiding unnecessary energy loss. The IS-Limiter has
solved such problems in over 2500 installations worldwide.
IS-Limiter is capable of handling high, continuous, and fault
currents in voltage ratings to 36 kV. By monitoring both the
momentary value of current and the rate of rise the IS-Limiter
control system activates an interrupting cartridge to limit
short circuit currents on the first current rise in less than
3 ms. The peak current is never reached, and the system
trips only when it is at risk. Nuisance trips are avoided.
Cartridges are easily replaced and returned for refurbishment.
IS-Limiter devices are fixed-mounted in ANSI switchgear
enclosures 36 to 48 inches (914.4 to 1219.2 mm) wide,
depending on ratings. Sensors and controls are mounted in
the same enclosure. A separate cabinet contains measuring
and tripping devices.

IS-Limiter is capable of handling short circuit currents up to 230 kA
at the following continuous operating ratings.

Rated Available Continuous

Voltage Current Ratings
(V) (A)

750 — 1250/2000/3000/4500

12,000 75 1250/2000/2500/3000/4500

17,500 95 1250/2000/2500/3000/4500

24,000 125 1250/1600/2000/2500

36,000 170 1250/2000/2500

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Medium-Voltage Distribution Switchgear
Fault Current Limiter

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Lake Mary, FL
Arc Guard® +407-732-2000

The ABB Arc Guard System monitors the interior

of switchgear and electrical distribution cabinets to
detect the light emitted by an internal arc fault. Arc
Guard immediately sends a signal (within 2 ms) to trip
the upstream circuit breaker to limit arc duration, well
before protective relays would normally operate. This
early action minimizes the release of energy, thereby
greatly improving personnel safety and reducing
equipment damage.
The Arc Guard system uses light sensors mounted
in primary compartments (circuit breakers, main bus,
PTs, etc.) and connected to a control unit by fiber
optic cables. Each control unit can monitor up to nine
sensors. Current flow is also monitored to eliminate
nuisance trips. The control unit transmits the trip
signal and records the compartment in which the
fault occurred.
Arc Guard is available with all new switchgear
from ABB as well as for retrofitting all types of
installed switchgear.
Medium-Voltage Products

IEC Switchgear and Motor Controls

ABB offers a complete line of switchgear

and motor controls that have been designed,
rated, manufactured, and type-tested to IEC
standards. These products are often used by
large industrial and consulting firms manag-
ing projects in Europe, Africa, and Asia.
While many of these products are manufac-
tured in ABB locations around the world,
extensive technical support and commercial
services are available locally to support
This section provides a brief summary
project development by companies based
of some of the available products.
in North America. IEC switchgear products
can be purchased individually or integrated For more detailed information, or to
with transformers and other components inquire about the availability of other
into unit substations, power distribution products for IEC applications, please
centers, or other complete systems. contact your ABB Sales Representative.

Product Voltage (kV) Features
IEC MV Switchgear

Air-insulated IEC switchgear with arc-resistant construction, individual primary

ZS-1 7.2 — 24
compartments, and drawout vacuum circuit breakers

Compact gas-insulated IEC switchgear with single-bus system and fixed-mount

Z X-1 12 — 24
vacuum circuit breakers

Gas-insulated, compartmented switchgear with fixed-mount vacuum circuit breakers

Z V-2 12 — 52
and double-bus option (ZV-2 carries dual ratings, see product pages 223-224)

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

IEC Switchgear and Motor Controls

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Lake Mary, FL
ZS-1 +407-732-2000

ZS-1 switchgear is designed, manufactured, and tested

in accordance with IEC standards 694, 298, and 56 and
includes the added value of arc-resistant construction.
ZS-1 also incorporates many features of ANSI metal-clad
construction, such as drawout circuit breakers with
steel barrier isolation of primary circuits and isolated
low-voltage compartments for controls and wiring.
The circuit breakers use dependable vacuum inter-
rupters with proven type VD-4 front-accessible, stored-
energy operating mechanisms (similar to ADVAC) and
include on-board auxiliary switches. ZS-1 features
closed-door operation and racking, with arc-resistant
observation windows on breaker compartment doors.
The circuit breakers have been tested to 30,000
mechanical operations. Integral grounding switches are
standard. Optional configurations include disconnect
switches and integral vacuum contactor sections
for motor controls. ZS-1 is available with advanced
microprocessor-based protection and metering, plus
remote control and automation capabilities.
ISO 9001 Certified


Rated Power Rated Short

Rated Rated Impulse Rated Short Rated Peak Main Bus
Frequency Time Current
Voltage Withstand Circuit Current Withstand Rating
Withstand (3 Seconds)
(kV) BIL (kV) (kA) (kA) (A)
(kV) (kA)

7.2 20 60 50 50 125 4000

12 28 75 50 50 125 4000
Medium-Voltage Products

17.5 38 95 40 40 100 4000

24 50 125 25 25 63 2000

Standard Design Dimensions

Height Depth Width

Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm)

52 (1300) and 26 (650), 32 (800),

87 (2200)
59 (1500) and 40 (1000)


Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Lake Mary, FL
ZX-1 +407-732-2000

ZX-1 switchgear is a single-bus system that complies with IEC

standards 694, 298, and 56. Arc-resistant construction is standard.
ZX-1 is also gas-insulated using a single primary chamber sealed
and filled with N2, SF6, or a combination of the gases at a slight
overpressure. This results in high dielectric capabilities in com-
pact switchgear (only 24" [610 mm] wide at 12 kV) with a greatly
reduced chance of an internal arc fault. Gas pressure sensors and
constant self-monitoring equipment are included. ZX-1 switchgear
uses fixed-mounted vacuum circuit breakers with proven type
VD-4 front-accessible, stored-energy operating mechanisms that
have been tested to 30,000 mechanical operations. ZX-1 is avail-
able with integral grounding switches as well as advanced micro-
processor-based controls with local or remote operator interface.
ISO 9001 Certified


Rated Short Time Current Rated Peak

Rated Voltage
(3 Seconds) Withstand
(kA) (kA)

12 31.5 80

17.5 25 63
24 25 63

Standard Design Dimensions

Height Depth Width

Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm)

48 (1200) min 24 (600) min

77 (1950)
50 (1250) max 32 (800) max

Main bus rated at 2000 A for all voltages.

All ratings shown at 50/60 Hz.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Switchgear Aftermarket/Switchgear OEM Components
Switchgear Aftermarket Products and Services


Replacement Circuit Breakers, Parts, Training, and Service

Authentic Renewal Parts

For switchgear manufactured by ITE, Gould,
Brown Boveri, BBC, and ABB
The name has changed over the years, but ABB is the original manu-
facturer and only source for new, authentic, direct-replacement circuit
breakers and parts for switchgear types HK, HKV, HK-II, K-LINE, FBK,
and now, SafeGear and Advance. ABB specializes in long-term support
for an extensive base of installed equipment, which includes nuclear
safety related applications. Components service personnel are on-call
24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Many parts are stocked in a dedicated
warehouse and available for 24-hour shipment. For fast and accurate
service, a detailed database provides information on replacement
parts for switchgear and breakers dating back over 40 years.
ISO 9001 Certified
Class 1E Nuclear Certification Available as Applicable

VHK-X Direct-Replacement Vacuum Breakers

for Types HK and HKV Switchgear
ABB VHK-X breakers are direct replacements for air-magnetic
and vacuum breakers in older HK and HKV switchgear. Direct-
replacement breakers enable rating upgrades and life extension
without modifications to the switchgear and also provide a low-
cost alternative to continually rebuilding breakers or replacing
complete lineups.VHK-X breakers also provide the security of
factory-made, tested, and warranted direct replacements from
the original manufacturer.
ISO 9001 Certified

MPSC-2000™ Trip Unit Retrofit KITS

for Low-Voltage Breakers
The MPSC-2000 trip device (please see page 204 for details) is avail-
able as a retrofit kit for upgrading breakers with electromechanical,
solid-state, or earlier generation microprocessor trip devices. The
compact size and separate CT module allow MPSC-2000 to be used
Medium-Voltage Products

to retrofit virtually any low-voltage power circuit breaker. Long-time,

short-time, instantaneous, and ground-current standard protection
functions with user-selectable settings provide additional flexibility.
Voltage monitoring and remote communications are also available.
Each retrofit kit also includes the MPSC-2000 instructions for opera-
tion, installation, and the following components: current sensors,
magnetic latch, barriers and supports, wiring harness, and hardware.
ISO 9001 Certified

Customer Service, Training, and Extended Warranties

A full complement of aftermarket services, including product train-
ing and extended warranties, are available from ABB. For information
on switchgear or circuit breaker replacement parts or aftermarket
services, contact ABB at 1-800-929-SWGR.

Circuit Breakers

ADVAC™, R-ADVAC™, and Type VHK

ADVAC 5 — 27 kV Drawout Vacuum Circuit Breakers

ADVAC advanced design vacuum circuit breakers feature a simple
operating mechanism designed specifically for use with vacuum
interrupters. The full range of ANSI ratings is available through 15 kV,
1000 MVA, and 3000 A. ADVAC breakers have self-aligning primary and
secondary contacts, with fully automatic operation of both primary
shutters and secondary contacts. Maintenance features include front
access to the operating mechanism, a charging system, and integral
wheels for easy floor maneuvering.The racking system is self-contained
so maintenance can be performed outside the breaker compartment
and away from energized primary and secondary circuits. Optional
on-board auxiliary contacts eliminate the need for cell-mounted MOC
switches and related mechanical linkages. Please refer to page 212 for
ratings and other important features.
UL Listing Available
ISO 9001 Certified

R-ADVAC 5 — 15 kV Fixed-Mounted and Retrofit

Vacuum Circuit Breakers
ADVAC 5 — 15 kV circuit breakers are available in fixed-mounted
R-ADVAC arrangements for converting aging air-magnetic circuit
breakers, upgrading interrupting ratings, or extending the life of existing
switchgear. The R-ADVAC breakers can also be used in metal-enclosed,
load interrupter switchgear applications, where some feeders may
require the durability, fast operation, and control characteristics of
vacuum circuit breakers. R-ADVAC breakers have the same operating
mechanism, interrupters, and control components as the drawout
versions but are supplied without the racking system, primary, or
secondary disconnects. R-ADVAC breakers are available in smaller
widths at 5 kV ratings for efficient conversions of conventional
26" (660 mm) wide air-magnetic breakers.
UL Listing Available
ISO 9001 Certified

Type VHK Drawout Vacuum Circuit Breakers

VHK vacuum circuit breakers feature an extremely compact frame size
in ratings of 5 kV through 350 MVA. These breakers are compatible with
OEM frames that are only 26" (660 mm) wide. The OEM frames are
available as stackable modules for two-high switchgear or as full-height,
full-depth frames with a spacious instrument compartment above the
breaker compartment. Like all VHK breakers, these units use an oper-
ating mechanism with proven dependability. They are also capable of
rolling directly from the floor into lower compartments without the
use of a lift truck, docking dolly, or ramp.
ISO 9001 Certified

For detailed information on these switchgear OEM components,

please contact your ABB OEM Sales Representative (see pages 208 and 232).

Switchgear OEM Components
Load Interrupter Switches


VersaRupter™ Load Interrupter Switches

VersaRupter load interrupter switches are available

in ratings from 5 — 27 kV at 600 and 1200 A. A 38 kV
rating at 600 A is also available. These switches use an
innovative puffer and nozzle system to quickly and
efficiently extinguish the arc of full-load interruptions.
This results in a compact switch for use in metal-enclosed
switchgear, padmounted cabinets, mining, and capacitor
switching applications. VersaRupter is named for its
unusual versatility, which allows mounting upright
or inverted, with front, left, or right side operation.
VersaRupter is available with a choice of direct or
chain-drive manual open/close operation, motorized
closing, shunt trip, and two-step grounding options.
Current-limiting fuse mountings are also available.
UL Listing Available in Ratings of 5 — 15 kV,
through 600 A
ISO 9001 Certified
Medium-Voltage Products

Medium-Voltage ac Drives

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
New Berlin, WI
ACS 1000 +800-752-0696

The ACS 1000 medium-voltage drive incorpo-

rates new power switching technology specially
developed by ABB to achieve a drive that is
extremely compact. Called Integrated Gate
Commutated Thyristor (IGCT), the technology
reduces the number of components required,
cutting drive size and increasing reliability.
As a standard, off-the-shelf drive, the ACS 1000
is suitable for most applications, with faster
delivery and quicker installation than
engineered solutions.


 Pre-engineered drive for fast delivery Industries can benefit from the ACS 1000 where stan-
 Can be fitted onto existing squirrel dard applications such as fans, pumps, compressors,
cage motors and conveyors can mostly be found include:
 80% fewer power semiconductors  Cement
for high reliability compared to most  Chemical
IGBT solutions  Mining
 Extremely compact for easy retrofitting  Oil and gas
 IGCT brings fast switching and low  Power generation
losses, reducing the need for costly
 Pulp and paper
cooling equipment.
 Water and waste water
 DTC technology for outstanding torque
and speed control performance
 Input isolation transformer can be SPECIFICATIONS
mounted outside control room for
The ACS 1000 medium-voltage drive for speed and
space saving.
torque control of 315 — 5000 kW motors for voltages
 Simplified input cabling cuts installation 2.3, 3.3, and 4.16 kV.
time and costs.
 Standard ACS drive operator interface IGCT—High Reliability in a Compact Size
cuts training and operation costs.
 Sinusoidal output voltage reduces motor The IGCT brings together a versatile new power
stress for long motor life. handling device, GCT (Gate Commutated Thyristor),
and the device control circuitry in an integrated
 12-pulse rectifier as standard to
package.Therefore, IGCTs need fewer components
reduce harmonics
than conventional medium-voltage drives. A 4.16 kV
 High power factor IGCT drive, for example, requires only 12 power
semiconductor devices in the inverter, whereas the
same drive using high-voltage IGBTs may require
24 devices. If low-voltage IGBTs are used, as many as
60 devices may be needed. Using fewer components
in the ACS 1000 leads to a more compact design and
greater drive reliability.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.



Medium-Voltage Products

Vacuum Circuit Breakers

ABB vacuum circuit breakers are three-phase

devices designed for distribution systems rated
15—38 kV and provide overcurrent protection
with the reliability of vacuum interruption.
All Type R and V breakers are air-insulated, dead
tank designs, which provide additional safety to
operating personnel. All designs have been tested
to special application capacitor switching
standards to assure reliable operation of capaci-
tors or reactors. ABB manufactures all breakers to the
latest ANSI standards and a variety of relay control
packages to be wired in the low-voltage compartment,
eliminating the need for separate control houses.

Voltage Load Interrupting
BIL Insulation
Type Class Current Capacity Features
(kV) Medium
(kV) (A) (kA rms)

600 12 — 25 Air

800 16 — 20 Air

15 110 1200 16 — 25 Air

Two sets of current transformers can
R 2000 20 — 25 Air be added internally for internal and
external control schemes.
3000 25 Air

1200 12.5 — 20 Air

27 125 — 150
2000 12.5 — 20 Air

1200 25 — 40 Air
15 110
2000 25 — 40 Air

1200 25 — 40 Air Two vacuum interrupters per phase

V 27 125 — 200
2000 25 — 40 Air for redundancy and insulation.

1200 25 — 40 Air
38 125 — 200
2000 25 — 40 Air

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Vacuum Circuit Breakers


Type R

The Type R breaker is a vacuum circuit breaker

with ratings from 15 through 27 kV, 600 through
3000 A, 12 through 25 kA, and 110/125/150 kV BIL.
Two sets of current transformers can be added
internally around each bushing for internal and
external control schemes.

 Factory assembled, wired, and routine tested
per ANSI C37.09
 Bushings: Six (6) ASA-70 gray porcelain bushings
 Standard ASA-70 (Munsell #5 BG 7.0/0.4) gray
paint with average thickness of 2-2.5 mils
 Certified test reports included in drawing
packet with each unit
 One vacuum interrupter per phase
 Stored energy type, spring-close/spring-open
operating mechanism
 One heater for the control cabinet and one
for the mechanism compartment  GFI convenience receptacle
 Contact position status “Open-Closed”  NEMA 4-hole pad or clamp-type
semaphore terminals for bushings
 Spring status “Charged-Discharged” semaphore  Ground clamp terminals
 Mechanical push to close button  Convenience light
 Manual spring-charging ratchet and  Test switches
removable handle  Control switches
 Latch-checking switch  Indicating lights
 Externally mounted “69” device to trip and
block closing
Medium-Voltage Products

 Mechanical 5-digit nonresettable trip

operations counter
 Gasketed, padlockable, hinged access door
 Stainless steel main nameplate
 Door window for viewing status indicators
and counter

Voltage Range Continuous Current Interrupt Capacity Impulse BIL
(kV) (A) (kA) (kV)

15 — 27 600 — 3000 12 — 25 110 — 150


Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Lake Mary, FL

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).

This drawing represents 15 kV,

600 A-1200 A, and 16-25 kA.
For other rating dimensions,
please contact your nearest
ABB Sales Representative.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Vacuum Circuit Breakers


Type V

The Type V breaker is a vacuum circuit breaker with

ratings of 15, 27, and 38 kV, 1200-2000 A, 25-40 kA, and
110-200 kV BIL. Two sets of current transformers can
be added internally around each bushing for internal
and external control schemes. This breaker has
two vacuum interrupters per phase for redundancy
and insulation.

 Factory assembled, wired, and routine tested
per ANSI C37.09
 Bushings: Six (6) ASA-70 gray porcelain bushings
 Standard ASA-70 (Munsell #5 BG 7.0/0.4) gray
paint with average thickness of 2-2.5 mils
 Certified test reports included in drawing
packet with each unit
 Two vacuum interrupters per phase OPTIONS AND
 Stored energy type, spring-close/spring-open ACCESSORIES
operating mechanism
 GFI convenience receptacle
 One heater for the control cabinet and one for
the mechanism compartment  NEMA 4-hole pad or clamp-type
terminals for bushings
 Contact position status “Open-Closed”
semaphore  Ground clamp terminals
 Spring status “Charged-Discharged” semaphore  Convenience light
 Mechanical push to close button  Test switches
 Manual spring-charging ratchet and  Control switches
removable handle  Indicating lights
 Latch-checking switch
 Externally mounted “69” device to trip and
block closing
Medium-Voltage Products

 Mechanical 5-digit nonresettable trip

operations counter
 Gasketed, padlockable, hinged access door
 Stainless steel main nameplate
 Door window for viewing status indicators
and counter

Voltage Range Continuous Current Interrupt Capacity Impulse BIL
(kV) (A) (kA) (kV)

15, 27, and 38 1200 — 2000 25 — 40 110 — 200


Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Lake Mary, FL

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).

This drawing represents

38 kV, 1200 A, and 200 kV BIL.
For other rating dimensions,
please contact your nearest
ABB Sales Representative.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.



Medium-Voltage Products

Distribution Reclosers

ABB offers a complete line of three-phase

automatic circuit reclosers designed for
use on distribution systems rated 15-38 kV.
They are used to minimize outages due to
temporary faults. ABB offers two types of
reclosers: ESVA vacuum in air and the solid
dielectric VR-3S. Both are available for
substation mounting. The VR-3S is also
available for pole-mounting applications.
ABB offers a choice of reclosing controls for
greater flexibility in coordination with other
system protective devices. The sophisticated
family of DPU relays and PCD controls gives
the user a wide selection of microprocessor
functions and communication systems.

These reclosers are manufactured to the latest

ANSI standards.


Voltage Load Interrupting

BIL Insulation
Type Class Current Capacity Features
(kV) Medium
(kV) (A) (kA rms)

560 12 — 20 Air

ESVA 15 110 800 12 — 20 Air Ideal for substation feeder installations

1120 12 — 20 Air

15 110 560—800 12 — 16
Solid Solid dielectric insulation for pole-
VR-3S 27 125 560—800 12 — 16
Dielectric mounted or substation applications
38 170 560—800 12 — 16

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Distribution Reclosers



The Type ESVA recloser is a vacuum circuit recloser

insulated in air to reduce maintenance and avoid
environmental problems. It has ratings of 15 kV,
560—1120 A, 12—20 kA, and 110 kV BIL. Two sets
of current transformers can be added internally
around each bushing for internal and external control
schemes. This recloser is ideal for feeder installations
in a substation.

 Factory assembled, wired, and routine-tested  Spring status “Charged-Discharged” semaphore
per ANSI C37.60  Mechanical push to close button
 Bushings: Six (6) ASA-70 gray porcelain bushings  Manual spring-charging ratchet and
 Standard ASA-70 (Munsell #5 BG 7.0/0.4) gray removable handle
paint with average thickness of 2—2.5 mils  Latch-checking switch
 Certified test reports included in drawing  Externally mounted “69” device to trip
packet with each unit and block closing
 One vacuum interrupter per phase  Mechanical 5-digit nonresettable trip
 Stored energy type, spring-close/spring-open operations counter
operating mechanism  Gasketed, padlockable, and hinged access door
 One heater for the control cabinet and one  Stainless steel main nameplate
for the mechanism compartment
 Door window for viewing status indicators
 Contact position status “Open-Closed” semaphore and counter


Medium-Voltage Products

 GFI convenience receptacle  Convenience light

 NEMA 4-hole pad or clamp-type terminals  Test switches
for bushings  Control switches
 Ground clamp terminals  Indicating lights

Voltage Range Continuous Current Interrupt Capacity Impulse BIL
(kV) (A) (kA) (kV)

15 560 — 1120 12 — 20 110


Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Lake Mary, FL

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Distribution Reclosers



The VR-3S is a three-phase, vacuum circuit recloser with

a solid dielectric insulator designed for pole-mounted
or substation applications. This unit is compact and
lightweight and is rated 15, 27, and 38 kV maximum
voltage. This recloser incorporates state-of-the-art
technology such as integrated sensors and magnetic
actuators, providing thousands of operations without
maintenance. ABB’s new power control device, the
PCD, is standard on the VR-3S. The PCD has a power
supply capable of +24-hour carryover. The VR-3S
recloser is very economical considering the ease of
installation, the great reduction of maintenance, no SF6,
no oil, and the elimination of an RTU.

 Assembled galvanized steel substation  1—PCD (Power Control Device*)
mounting frame or pole-mounting frame  Mechanical trip handle
 Recloser control cable pre-wired for  Pole assembly
voltage transformers
 Embedded vacuum interrupters
 Painted ANSI 70 gray control cabinet with a
 Open/Close indicators
gasketed, padlockable, and hinged access door
with drawing holder and three-point latching.  Magnetic actuators
The cabinet includes a removable access  Integrated sensors
plate with provisions for the communications
antenna and equipment mounting panel.

* See PCD on page 246.


 Substation mounting frame to match other  Potential transformers (PTs)
Medium-Voltage Products

manufacturers’ footprints  PT mounting brackets

 Animal guards for recloser  Surge arresters
 Clamp terminals (#6 - 350MCM, 1/0 -500MCM)  Provisions for radio or modem in the
or NEMA spades (2 or 4 hole) control cabinet
 Manual trip lever lockout feature  Retrofit controls for ABB reclosers and select
 Provisions for second set of arresters other manufacturers’ reclosers

Voltage Range Continuous Current Interrupt Capacity Impulse BIL
(kV) (A) (kA) (kV)

15, 27, and 38 560 — 800 12 — 16 110 — 170


Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Lake Mary, FL

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).

18 18 11.653 30
(457) (457) (296) (762)



(485.78) 29.875



.75 DIA. (20) POLE MTG. HDW.


For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Distribution Reclosers
Special Feature



The Power Control Device (PCD) is a state-of-the-art

electronic device designed for today’s distribution
automation systems. The PCD’s unique protective
monitoring and programmable control features make
it the ideal choice for recloser and breaker applications.
The PCD combines monitoring, control, protection,
reclosing functions, and communication in one eco-
nomical package. Power quality, accurate metering,
load profiling and condition monitoring provide crucial
system information for managing today’s competitive
distribution systems.

 Protection  Fault Location (3-phase only)
 Reclosing  DNP 3.0 and MODBUS or ASCII MODBUS RTM
 Metering protocol communication capabilities
 Programmable control  Recloser failure detection and alarm
 Communications  Weather-proof, front-mounted optical port
for optical isolation
 Power quality
 Digital Metering: voltage, current, kWh,
 Three-phase operation
kVarh, power factor, demand watts,
 Single-phase operation VARs, and frequency
 Local and remote fault status indication  Oscillography
 Protection settings stored in non-volatile RAM  Two user programmable buttons on
 Records and reports operation and fault data front panel
 Hardware expansion slots  ANSI and IEC recloser and user
 Integral temperature compensated programmable curves
Medium-Voltage Products

battery charger  Three setting groups

 Remote battery test capability  Ground fault indicator
 Continuous self-checking with
status indication
 Back-lit LCD display for easy reading
 Remote and local communications  Loop feed application control logic
 Programmable I/O contacts  Three rear port communications options
(RS-232, RS-485, or ST fiber optic)
 Simple menu-driven programming through
HMI front panel  Optional integral radio package
 Battery life algorithm and status indication  Sensitive earth fault
 WinPCD™ is a MS Windows-based program that
provides communication with the PCD



Protective Functions  Vandal guards
 Phase time over-current protection (51P)  Hot line tagging
 Phase instantaneous over-current protection  Loop Control Module (LCM)
(50P-1, 50P-2, 50P-3)  Independent phase tripping
 Ground over-current protection (51N)  Input voltage (120 V or 240 VAC; 125 V or
 Ground instantaneous over-current 48 VDC)
protection (50N-1, 50N-2, 50N-3)  Various Input/Output voltages with
 Negative sequence over-current the I/O card
protection (46)  2-pin AC power connector
 Phase and ground directional over-current  Sensitive earth fault
protection (67P, 67N)
 Three frequency functions: load
shedding, restoration, and over frequency
(81S, 81R, 81O)
 ANSI, Copper, and programmable curves
 Multishot reclosing: each reclose step allows
independent programming of protective
functions (79-1, 79-2, 79-3, 79-4, 79-5)
 Reverse power (32P, 32N)

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Distribution Reclosers
Special Feature Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Lake Mary, FL
PCD +407-732-2000

PCD Ratings and Tolerances
Parameter Value
Current Input Circuits Current Rating based on the CT connection
Input Rating 5 A (16 A continuous, and 450 A for 1 s)
1 A (3 A continuous, and 100 A for 1 s)
Input Burden Less than 0.1 VA @ 5 A
Frequency 50 or 60 Hz
Voltage Input Circuit Voltage Rating based on the VT connection setting
Burden 0.04 VA for VPH-N at 120 VAC
69/120 V Wye 160 V continuous and 480 V for 10 s
120/208 V Delta 260 V continuous and 480 V for 10 s
Frequency 50 or 60 Hz
Control Power Burden 120 VAC at 0.17 A, Range = 102 to 132 VAC
24 VDC at 0.70 A, Range = 19 to 28 VDC
48 VDC at 0.07 A, Range = 38 to 56 VDC
125 VDC at 0.70 A, Range = 70 to 150 VDC
250 VDC at 0.70 A, Range = 200 to 280 VDC
Binary (Contact) Input Circuits Burden 0.075 VA at 24 VDC
0.140 VA at 48 VDC
0.360 VA at 125 VDC
0.730 VA at 250 VDC
Binary Contacts Output Rating 120 VAC 125 VDC 250 VDC
Each Contact at Tripping 30 A 30 A 30 A
Continuous Break (Inductive) 5A 5A 5A
2A 0.3 A 0.1 A
Operating Temperature Range -40°C to + 70°C
(operating temperatures below -20°C may reduce LCD display visibility)
Transient Immunity Surge withstand capability
SWC and fast transient tests per ANSI C37.90.1 and IEC80255-22-1
Class III for all connections except communication or AUX ports
Isolated communication ports and AUX ports per ANSI C37.90
using Oscillary SWC
Test wave only and per IEC80255-22-1 Class III and 80255-22-4 Class III
Impulse voltage withstand test per IEC80255-5
Medium-Voltage Products

EMI test per trial use standard ANSI C37.90.2

Humidity Per ANSI C37.90 up to 95% without condensation
Dielectric 3150 VDC for 1 s all circuits to ground except communication
ports per IEC80255-05
2333 VDC for 1 s for isolated communication ports
Tolerances Over Temperature Range of -30°C to +70°C
Element Pickup Dropout Timing (whichever is greater)
51P/51N +3% of setting 98% of setting +7% or + 16 ms
50P/50N +7% of setting 98% of setting +7% or + 16 ms
46/67P +3% of 51P setting 98% of setting +7% or + 16 ms
67N +3% of 51N setting 98% of setting +7% or + 16 ms
27/59/81V/79V +3% of setting 99.5% of setting +7% or + 16 ms
81 +0.01% Hz +0.01% Hz +1 Cycle
Ammeter +1% of 51P and 51N time overcurrent pickup setting
Voltmeter +1% of the VT connection setting
Power Meter +2% of 1 x V, 51P pickup setting x VT connection setting
Frequency 0.01 Hz from 30-90 Hz, at 120 VAC input on VA

Special Feature

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Lake Mary, FL
Loop Control Module (LCM) +407-732-2000

ABB’s Loop Control Module (LCM) is designed to be completely

compatible with PCD control. The LCM is a sophisticated option
that consists of the Loop Control Panel and a COM5 communica-
tion module inserted into the PCD, interfaced together via a sim-
ple control cable. The LCM is designed to detect either normal
voltage or loss of voltage from one or two sources, and it will
initiate preprogrammed logical steps to isolate the faulted section
depending upon the voltage configuration and feeder location.
The LCM is designed to implement a loop control function to
sectionalize or remove the faulted section from the distribution
system. This new control module employs a design to provide
sectionalizing control of either a recloser or a switch and the
restoration of a distribution system by closing the tie-point
recloser from another electrical source.

Loop control schemes extend the reliability and
 Loop Control Module increases implementation of distribution automation to establish
restoration on distribution a more effective operating power system in expecta-
power systems tion of a competitive environment. Automating any
distribution system outside an electric utility substation
environment could be realized through the use of
recloser loop control schemes, using the ABB VR-3S
reclosers and PCD controllers equipped with the
Loop Control Module.
A recloser loop control scheme typically utilizes a
predetermined number of PCD and LCM controlled
VR-3S reclosers installed in series between two substa-
tion feeder circuits. The LCM feature provides isolation
of any faulted section within a given distribution cir-
cuit, while simultaneously reestablishing service to all
customers unaffected by the faulted section within a
relatively short period of time. Loop control schemes
are typically located at or near key customers at
various locations throughout the distribution system.
Ideally, loop control schemes are implemented to
reduce the number of outages and to maintain reliable
electrical power to a utility’s customer base.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Distribution Reclosers
Special Feature

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Lake Mary, FL
Single-Phase Tripping +407-732-2000

ABB’s single-phase tripping feature implemented in the PCD

and VR-3S recloser is the first of its kind in the electric power
industry. It provides better system reliability, continuity of service,
and minimizes lost revenue billings. The single-phase tripping
option is designed to be extremely flexible in order to meet the
most demanding customer requirements. Single-phase tripping in
the PCD is a firmware upgrade that allows single-phase monitoring
and tripping. This is done through the standard protection elements
on a per-phase basis. Fault current is independently monitored
on each phase to initiate the respective pole’s tripping action.
There are two modes of operation for single-phase tripping:
OPUP (Only Picked-Up Phases) and OOAP (One Or All Phases).
If three-phase tripping is required, then the PCD can be
configured to return to a three-phase tripping mode allowing
the PCD to operate in its normal configuration with single-phase
tripping disabled.
Medium-Voltage Products

Distribution Cutouts

ABB cutouts are single-phase devices designed for

use on overhead distribution systems rated 7.8 - 38 kV.
They provide overcurrent protection, visible indication of
a fuse operation, sectionalizing points, and visible breaks
for maintenance personnel. ABB manufactures various
types of cutouts to meet the specific requirements of most
distribution systems. These cutouts are manufactured to
meet ANSI C37.41-1981 and C37.42-1981, EEI, and NEMA
SG -2-1986 standards.

Several special application cutouts have been designed

to solve specific problems. For superior corrosion
performance, ABB manufactures a “seacoast” cutout
designed with all non-ferrous materials. In addition,
ABB has a special galvanized unit with a powder paint
coating resulting in better-than-normal corrosion
resistance without the cost of non-ferrous components.
Polymer concrete units are also available to protect
cutouts from breakage and/or vandalism. Additionally,
ABB has a single-phase electronic sectionalizer, the
Autolink™, designed to ride through short-term faults
without a fuse operation.This eliminates nuisance
fuse-tripping and saves considerable time and
money in re-fusing operations.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Distribution Cutouts


Voltage Load Interrupting
Type Class Current Capacity Features
(kV) (A) (kA rms)

Provides overcurrent protection for equipment that may

NCX 7.8 — 38 110 — 200 100 — 300 2 — 20
be damaged by system overloads or fault conditions

Performs as an outdoor loadbreak switch as well

LBU-II 7.8 — 34.5 110 — 200 100 — 300 6 — 20
as a fused cutout for distribution systems

Interchangeable design for use on the overhead

ICX 7.8 — 38 110 — 170 100 — 300 8 — 16
distribution system

 Silver-to-silver contacts (top and bottom)  ICX fusetubes are interchangeable with other
—all contacts are silver-plated manufacturers. The ABB ICX fusetube design is
 Solid porcelain insulators with cemented mechanically and electrically interchangeable
(potted) steel rods on top, bottom, and back with the S&C Type XS cutout, along with
the Chance Type C cutout (within the same
Five sizes are offered:
voltage class).
BIL Creepage Distance
 Choice of terminal connectors—tin-plated
110 9.1 inches (231 mm) for use with aluminum or copper cable
125 12.8 inches (323 mm) • Parallel groove—cable size from
150 18.0 inches (457 mm) No. 8 to 4/0 ACSR or 250 MCM
170 26.2 inches (666 mm) • Large eyebolt—cable size from
170 30.0 inches (762 mm) No. 6 to 4/0 ACSR or 250 MCM
 Two different types of fusetubes are available: • Small eyebolt—cable size from
a high-strength glass fusetube or a moisture- No. 8 to 2/0 Stranded
proof fusetube.  Common fuse support used at each voltage
Medium-Voltage Products

 Copper alloy castings are used on fusetubes rating allowing complete interchangeability
and bottom supports. of 100 A and 200 A fuseholders and 300 A
disconnect blade



ABB’s NCX cutout has a long history of providing safe, reliable
overcurrent protection. The NCX design provides overcurrent
protection for equipment that may be damaged by a system overload
or fault conditions. The NCX is a non-loadbreak, non-interchangeable
cutout that offers extended interrupting ratings up to 20 kA.
In addition, the NCX offers the user a long list of features, which results in
application flexibility, outstanding performance, easy installation, trouble-free
operation, and long life.

Ratings Style Numbers
Type Cap
Voltage Current Parallel Groove Terminal Fuseholder
On Fuse- Eyebolt
Nominal BIL Cont. Interrupting Holder With NEMA Without NEMA Terminal With Number
(kV) (kV) (A) (rms Asym.) Bracket Bracket NEMA Bracket
7.8/15 110 100 12,000 Solid 279C601A03MP 279C601A28 279C602A03 279C606A03
7.8/15 110 100 20,000 Exp 279C601A04 279C601A29 279C602A04 279C606A04
7.8/15 110 200 12,000 Solid 279C601A05 279C601A30 279C602A05 279C606A05
7.8/15 110 200 20,000 Barrel Exp 279C601A06 279C601A31 279C602A06 279C606A06
15 110 100 10,000 Solid 279C601A10MP 279C601A35 279C602A10 279C606A10
15 110 100 16,000 Exp 279C601A11 279C601A36 279C602A11 279C606A11
15 110 200 8000 Solid 279C601A12 279C601A37 279C602A12 279C606A12
15 110 200 10,000 1 1 4991C51A24 4991C51A30 279C606A30
Link Ext 4991C51A23
15 110 200 12,000 Barrel Exp 279C601A13 279C601A38 279C602A13 279C606A13
15 110 300 Disconnect — 279C601A14 279C601A39 279C602A14 279C606A14
15/27 125 100 10,000 Solid 279C601A17MP 279C601A42 279C602A17 279C606A17
15/27 125 100 16,000 Exp 279C601A18 279C601A43 279C602A18 279C606A18
15/27 125 200 10,000 Solid 279C601A19 279C601A44 279C602A19 279C606A19
15/27 125 200 16,000 1 1 1C08026A02 1C08026A03 279C606A48
Link Ext 1C08026A01
15/27 2003 100 10,000 Link Ext1 1C08026A05MP1 1C08026A06 1C08026A07 279C606A49
15/27 3 100 10,000 Exp 1C08026A09 1C08026A10 1C08026A11 279C606A50
20/34.5 150 100 6000 Solid 279C601A22MP 4986C51A35 4986C51A37 279C606A22
20/34.5 150 100 12,000 Exp 279C601A23 279C601A48 279C602A23 279C606A23
20/34.5 150 100 12,000 Link Ext1 4991C51A25MP1 4991C51A32 4991C51A34 279C606A31
20/34.5 3 100 12,000 1 1 4991C51A33 4991C51A35 279C606A32
200 Link Ext 4991C51A26MP
27 125 100 12,000 Exp 5482C66A20 5482C66A21 5482C66A22 279C606A53
27 125 100 12,000 1 1 4991C51A04 4991C51A05 279C606A25
Link Ext 4991C51A02MP
27 2003 100 12,000 Link Ext1 4991C51A20MP1 4991C51A37 4991C51A38 279C606A35
27 125 300 Disconnect — 279C601A58 4986C51A58 4986C51A34 279C606A21
38 150 100 2000 Solid 279C601A56 4986C51A33 4986C51A31 279C606A40
38 150 100 2 1 1 7191C90A56 7191C90A51 279C606A54
10,000 Link Ext 7191C90A55
38 2003 100 10,000 Link Ext1 1C08026A141 1C08026A15 1C08026A16 279C606A56
38 150 300 Disconnect — 279C601A59 4986C51A59 4986C51A32 279C606A21
1 2 3
Requires removable button-head type fuse links. 12 kA Single Shot Extra creep design also available.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Distribution Cutouts
Non-Loadbreak Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Greensboro, NC
NCX +407-732-2000

Cutout/Arrester Combinations

Cont. Int. Cap Arrester

Style Number kV BIL Type Cap
Curr. (kA) Rating

N71EU*1011 7.8/15 110 100 20 Exp 10

N71BU*1011 7.8/15 110 200 20 Barrel 10

N71DU*1011 7.8/15 110 300 — Disc 10

N82EU*1011 15/27 125 100 16 Exp 10

N82EU*1811 15/27 125 100 16 Exp 18

N82TU*1011 15/27 125 200 10 Solid 10

N82TU*1811 15/27 125 200 10 Solid 18

N82MU*1011 15/27 125 200 16 LE 10

N82MU*1811 15/27 125 200 16 LE 18

N82DU*1011 15/27 125 300 — Disc 10

N82DU*1811 15/27 125 300 — Disc 18

Standard Styles are Over/Under Designs—For Crossarm Mounting.

For Specific Combinations—Contact your ABB Sales Representative.
* = C (Normal Duty)
H (Heavy Duty)
R (Riser Pole)


Medium-Voltage Products

Polymer concrete, moisture-proof tube, and combination

arrester options available on certain ratings.



The ABB LBU II performs as an outdoor loadbreak switch, as well as a fused
cutout for distribution systems. Loadbreak interruption is accomplished
by means of a self-contained loadbreak arc chute, which confines
the arc and provides a de-ionizing action. The LBU II offers
extended interrupting ratings up to 20 kA.
Conventional operation loadbreak is accomplished by normal
opening of the cutout by hookstick. There are no parts to replace.
The loadbreak feature lasts the life of the cutout. The self-contained
loadbreak concept enables the linemen to interrupt load current with
a simple hook-stick operation.

Ratings Style Numbers
Voltage Current Type Cap Parallel Groove Terminal Eyebolt Fuseholder
On Fuse-
Nom BIL Cont. Ld-brk Interrupting With NEMA Without NEMA Terminal With Style
(kV) (kV) (A) (A) (rms Asym.) Bracket Bracket NEMA Bracket Number

7.8/15 110 100 100 12,000 Solid 279C790A03MP 279C790A38 279C789A03 278C310A03
7.8/15 110 100 100 20,000 Barrel Exp 279C790A04 279C790A32 279C789A04 278C310A04
7.8/15 110 200 200 12,000 Solid 279C790A05 279C790A07 279C789A05 278C310A05
7.8/15 110 200 200 20,000 Barrel Exp 279C790A06 279C790A39 279C789A06 278C310A06
15 110 100 100 10,000 Solid 279C790A10MP 279C789A48 279C789A10 278C310A10
15 110 100 100 16,000 Barrel Exp 279C790A11 279C790A34 279C789A11 278C310A11
15 110 200 200 8000 Solid 279C790A12 279C789A49 279C789A12 278C310A12
15 110 200 200 10,000 1 4992C85A23 4992C85A24 4992C85A25 278C310A30
Link Ext
15 110 200 200 12,000 Barrel Exp 279C790A13 279C790A43 279C789A13 278C310A13
15 110 300 300 Disconnect — 279C790A14 279C790A53 279C789A14 278C310A14
15/27 125 100 100 10,000 Solid 279C790A17MP 279C790A35 279C789A17 278C310A17
15/27 125 100 100 16,000 Barrel Exp 279C790A18 279C790A36 279C789A18 278C310A18
15/27 125 200 200 10,000 Solid 279C790A19 279C789A46 279C789A19 278C310A19
15/27 125 200 200 16,000 1 4992C85A36 4992C85A37 4992C85A43 278C310A48
Link Ext
15/27 125 300 300 Disconnect — 279C790A21 279C789A47 279C789A21 278C310A21
15/27 2 100 100 10,000 1 1C08030A01MP 1C08030A02 1C08030A03 278C310A49
200 Link Exp
15/27 2002 100 100 10,000 Barrel Exp 1C08030A05 1C08030A06 1C08030A07 278C310A50
20/34.5 150 100 100 6000 Solid 279C790A21MP 279C789A44 279C789A22 278C310A22
20/34.5 150 100 100 12,000 Barrel Exp 279C790A23 279C790A49 279C789A23 278C310A23
20/34.5 150 100 100 12,000 1 4992C85A27MP 4992C85A29 4992C85A31 278C310A31
Link Ext
20/34.5 2002 100 100 12,000 Link Ext1 4992C85A28MP 4992C85A30 4992C85A32 278C310A32
20/34.5 150 300 100 Disconnect — 279C790A27 279C789A45 279C789A27 278C310A33
27 125 100 50 6000 Solid 279C790A24MP 279C790A63 279C789A24 278C310A24
27 125 100 50 12,000 Barrel Exp 4986C49A07 4986C49A08 4986C49A09 278C310A53
27 125 100 50 12,000 Link Ext1 4992C85A02MP 4992C85A04 4992C85A05 278C310A26
27 2 100 50 12,000 1 4992C85A33MP 4992C85A34 4992C85A35 278C310A27
200 Link Ext
27 125 300 50 Disconnect — 279C790A26 279C790A64 279C789A26 278C310A34
1 2
Requires removable button-head type fuse links. Extra creep design also available.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Distribution Cutouts
Loadbreak Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Greensboro, NC
LBU II +407-732-2000

Cutout/Arrester Combinations

Cont. Int. Cap Arrester

Style Number kV BIL Type Cap
Curr. (kA) Rating

L71BU*1011 7.8/15 110 100 20 Barrel 10

L71CU*1011 7.8/15 110 200 20 Barrel 10

L71DU*1011 7.8/15 110 300 — Disc 10

L82BU*1011 15/27 125 100 16 Barrel 10

L82BU*1811 15/27 125 100 16 Barrel 18

L82TU*1011 15/27 125 200 10 Solid 10

L82TU*1811 15/27 125 200 10 Solid 18

L82MU*1011 15/27 125 200 16 LE 10

L82MU*1811 15/27 125 200 16 LE 18

L82DU*1011 15/27 125 300 — Disc 10

L82DU*1811 15/27 125 300 — Disc 18

Standard Styles are Over/Under Designs—For Crossarm Mounting.

For Specific Combinations—Contact your ABB Sales Representative.
* = C (Normal Duty)
H (Heavy Duty)
R (Riser Pole)


Medium-Voltage Products

Polymer concrete, combination arrester, and moisture-

proof tube options available on certain ratings.



The ABB ICX interchangeable cutout is designed for use on the
overhead distribution system. It may be used to provide overcur-
rent protection and to provide visible indication of fuse operation.
The ICX can also provide a visible break sectionalizing point for
maintenance personnel and can function as a loadbreak switch
when used in conjunction with a portable loadbreak tool. In
addition, the ICX cutout incorporates the quality approach to
design prevalent in the ABB line of cutouts.

Ratings Style Numbers
Voltage Current Type Cap Cap or Link
On Fuse- Replacement
With NEMA Extender
Nominal BIL Cont. Interrupting Holder Fuseholder
Bracket Sold
(kV) (kV) (A) (rms Asym.) w/Cap

15.0 110 100 10,0007 Solid X1NCANAM11 7194C60G01 3A31186H01

15.0 110 100 16,000 Link Ext1 X1NCBNLM11 7194C60G02 9861A62G05

7.83 110 200 12,0005 Link Ext1 X1NCBNPA21 7194C60G03 9861A62G08

15.0 110 300 Disconnect8 — X1NCANCA31 7194C60G04 —

27.04 125 100 8000 Solid X2NCBNAM12 7194C60G05 3A31186H01

27.04 125 100 12,0006 Link Ext1 X2NCBNMM12 7194C60G06 9861A62G06

15.03 125 200 10,000 Solid X2NCBNBA22 7194C60G07 3A31187H01

27.0 125 300 Disconnect8 — X2NCBNDA32 7194C60G08 —

27.04 150 100 8000 Solid X5NCBNAM12 7194C60G05 3A31186H01

27.04 150 100 12,0006 Link Ext1 X5NCBNMM12 7194C60G06 9861A62G06

15.03 150 200 10,000 Solid X5NCBNBA22 7194C60G07 3A31187H01

38.0 150 300 Disconnect8 — X5NCBNDA32 7194C60G08 —

27.04 1702 100 12,000 Link Ext1 X7NCBNMM14 7194C60G09 9861A62G07

38.0 1702 300 Disconnect8 — X7NCBNEA33 7194C60G10 —

Requires removable button-head type fuse links.
Extra creep design also available.
For application on systems where phase-to-phase voltage does not exceed design voltage or on grounded systems where
phase-to-neutral voltage does not exceed design voltage.
May also be applied on 38 kV grounded systems at the same ratings.
Passed 7.8 kV single-shot rating of 16,000 A rms asymmetrical.
Passed 27 kV single-shot rating of 16,000 A rms asymmetrical and 7.8 kV 5-shot rating of 20,000 A rms asymmetrical.
Passed 15 kV single-shot rating of 12,000 A rms asymmetrical.
Momentary rating of 12.5 kA passed with 9 kA for 15 cycles and 3780 A for 3 seconds.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Distribution Cutouts
Interchangeable Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Greensboro, NC
ICX +407-732-2000

Cutout/Arrester Combinations
Cont. Int. Type Arrester
Style Number kV BIL
Curr. Cap (kA) Cap Rating
C11SU*1011 15 110 100 10 Solid 10
C11LU*1011 15 110 100 16 LE 10

C22SU*1811 27 125 100 8 Solid 18

C22LU*1811 27 125 100 12 LE 18

C22SU*2711 27 125 100 8 Solid 27

C22LU*2711 27 125 100 12 LE 27

C25SU*1811 27 150 100 8 Solid 18

C25LU*1811 27 150 100 12 LE 18

C25SU*2711 27 150 100 8 Solid 27

Standard Styles are Over/Under Designs—For Crossarm Mounting.

For Specific Combinations—Contact your ABB Sales Representative.
* = C (Normal Duty)
H (Heavy Duty)
R (Riser Pole)


Polymer concrete, emission control device (ECD), Seacoast design,
combination arrester, and moisture-proof tube options available on
certain ratings.
Medium-Voltage Products

Special Feature Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Greensboro, NC
Moisture-Proof Tube +407-732-2000
ABB has formulated and patented a new, state-of-the-art fuseholder made of synthetic
fibers to alleviate moisture absorption problems and extend the life of the fuseholder.
The moisture-proof (MP) tube prevents swelling, reducing problems with interruption.
The submersion test produced no swelling in the inner diameter, allowing the cutout to
fully expel the link and clear the fault.
ABB’s consistent manufacturing process minimizes variability and imperfections, signifi-
cantly extending the life of the tube. They are interchangeable with horn fiber designs.

 Moisture absorption  Source of supply
Horn fiber has a tendency to absorb moisture Currently, only one manufacturer of horn
and swell. When this swelling occurs, it can fiber exists in the United States, thus all cutout
create problems with interruption. Reduced manufacturers are dependent on this manufac-
clearance on the inner diameter of the tube may turer. The ABB MP Tube is completely vertically
prevent the cutout from fully expelling the link integrated and does not require any material
and subsequently not clearing the fault. from this source.
The ABB MP fuseholder is not affected by  Interchangeability
moisture. In a 24-hour submersion test, per Our state-of-the-art fuse tube is interchangeable
ASTMD570-81, the MP tube had 98% less with our old designs such as the loadbreak
moisture absorption than the horn fiber tube. LBU-II and the non-loadbreak ICX and NCX
Laboratory tests have shown after a 13-day designs. In addition, the ICX design is inter-
submersion test, the inner diameter of the horn changeable with the Chance Type C and the
fiber liner contracted 15.9%. This submersion S&C Type XS designs.
test produced no swelling in the inner diameter  Quality and commitment
of the MP tube. ABB will be manufacturing this new moisture-
 Life of the tube proof fuseholder in their Greensboro, North
All interruption tests have been successfully Carolina facility, the only plant in the world
completed on the ICX 100 A tubes and on all completely dedicated to the manufacture
100 A NCX and LBU-II tubes with solid or link of cutouts.
extender caps. In addition, the process involved  To order, specify as follows
in manufacturing the MP Tube minimizes vari- Moisture absorption in the fuse tube liner shall
ability and imperfections that can occur in be less than 1% per ASTMD619. Test data must
the manufacture of horn fiber. This consistent be submitted with quotation.
manufacturing process and the materials used
significantly extend the life of the tube.

Samples were subject to:
Interruption testing was conducted at Powertech
Labs per ANSI C37.42. Thermal cycling from -40°C to +80°C at 5 cycles per
test based on ANSI C 37.41 section 13.2.
ABB Electric systems Technology Institute (ETI)
performed thermal cycle and dust/fog tests on the Electrical thermal cycling from 20°C at 60% RH to
MP Tube assembly. The MP Tube successfully passed 45°C at 90% RH based on ANSI C 37.41 section 11.2.
all tests. Dust/fog test based on ASTMD2132-89.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.



Medium-Voltage Products

Disconnect Switches

The LSID and SID Single Insulator

Disconnects are designed for use as single-
phase disconnects on overhead distribution
feeders and in outdoor distribution substa-
tions. They may be used to provide a visible
break point for maintenance personnel.

The LSID and SID Disconnects can be mounted

like a standard cutout, underhung, mounted
directly on a pole for use as a disconnect
between overhead and underground lines,
or used as a visible disconnect for maintenance
of line equipment. These standard cutout-type
designs allow for easy installation with a good
visual indication of their position.


Voltage BIL Current

Type Features
Class (kV) (kV) (A)

A Single Insulator Disconnect with self-contained loadbreak

LSID 15 — 27 110 — 170 600 capabilities, a double-blade door, and two 2-hole extended
NEMA pad terminals

A Single Insulator Disconnect with a double-blade door, and

SID 15.5 — 38 110 — 170 600 — 900
two 2-hole extended NEMA pad terminals

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Disconnect Switches
Single Insulator Disconnect

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Greensboro, NC
LSID +407-732-2000

The ABB LSID is a Single Insulator

Disconnect with self-contained load-
break capabilities, a double-blade door,
and two 2-hole extended NEMA pad
terminals. The LSID is a lightweight,
flexible alternative to the commonly
used double insulator design. In addi-
tion, the LSID disconnect incorporates
the quality approach to design prevalent
in the ABB line of cutouts.

Ratings BIL Continuous Loadbreak Style # with
(kV) (kV) Current Amperes Standard Bracket

15.5 110 600 600 B1RTAN600A

15/27 125 600 600 B2RTAN600A

15/27 150 600 600 B4RTAN600A

15/27 170 600 600 B7RTAN600A


 Overhead distribution feeders  Mounting options
Medium-Voltage Products

 Underground riser pole • Angled crossarm

 Equipment bypass • Vertical crossarm
 Sectionalizing • Vertical direct pole
 Capacitor banks • Underhung
• Underhung with dead ending
• U-pole bracket

Single Insulator Disconnect

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Greensboro, NC
SID +407-732-2000

The ABB SID is a Single Insulator

Disconnect with a double-blade door
and two 2-hole extended NEMA pad
terminals. The SID is a lightweight,
flexible alternative to the commonly
used double insulator design. The SID
disconnect also incorporates the quality
approach to design prevalent in the
ABB line of cutouts. The SID is ideal
as a visual disconnect for reclosers,
such as ABB’s VR-3S.

Ratings BIL Continuous Style # with
(kV) (kV) Current Standard Bracket

15.5 110 600 D1RTAL600A

15.5 110 900 D1RTAL900A

27.0 125 600 D2RTAL600A

27.0 125 900 D2RTAL900A

27.0 150 600 D4RTAL600A

27.0 150 900 D4RTAL900A

38.0 150 600 D5RTAL600A

38.0 150 900 D5RTAL900A

38.0 170 600 D7RTAL600A

38.0 170 900 D7RTAL900A


 Overhead distribution feeders  Mounting options
 Underground riser pole • Angled crossarm
 Equipment bypass • Vertical crossarm
 Sectionalizing • Vertical direct pole
 Capacitor banks • Underhung
• Underhung with dead ending
• U-pole bracket

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.



Medium-Voltage Products



 Power Circuit Breakers


 Surge Arresters

High-Voltage Products
 Power Circuit Breakers  Earthing Switches
Dead-Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 Type TEC 72.5 — 300 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Type PM/PMI 38 kV — 72 kV . . . . . . . . . . . 270 Type TEB 170 — 550 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
Type PM/PMI 121 kV — 169 kV . . . . . . . . . 272
Motor Operating Mechanisms
Type PMR/PMRI 242 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Type MT 50 and MT 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
Type PMG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Type PMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 Hand-Operating Mechanisms
Type PM 550 kV — 800 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 Type HA 31 — 80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
Special Feature  Surge Arresters
Synchronous Control Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
Distribution Class
Live-Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 POLIM-D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
LTB D1/B SF6 (72.5 kV — 170 kV) . . . . . . . 287
LTB E SF6 (245 kV — 420 kV). . . . . . . . . . . 288 Intermediate Class
HPL SF6 (72.5 kV — 800 kV) . . . . . . . . . . . 289 PEXLIM-A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
Station Class
 Disconnectors EXLIM-R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
Center-Break Disconnectors XPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Type SGF 72.5 — 550 kV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 EXLIM-Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
EXLIM-P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Double-Break Disconnectors EXLIM-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
Type SDB 123 — 420 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
Transmission Line
Vertical-Break Disconnectors PEXLINK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
Type ONS 245 and ONS 420 . . . . . . . . . . . 298
Single-Column Pantograph Disconnectors
Type TFB 123 — 550 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301

Dead-Tank Power Circuit Breakers

ABB is a world leader in circuit breaker

technology because of its emphasis
on providing reliable, effective power
control and performance. ABB’s SF6
insulated circuit breakers are based
on state-of-the-art designs that meet,
and often exceed, ANSI, IEC, and NEMA
standards. These advanced designs
lower mechanical stresses, reduce main-
tenance, and extend the operational life
of electrical components and systems.

ABB provides a wide range of options

and ratings.

Current Transformers Bushings

All ABB dead-tank circuit breakers are equipped The bushings are equipped with porcelain or
with up to three current transformers per bushing silicone rubber composite weathersheds and
to give the optimum accuracy and ratio. The are designed to meet or exceed all applicable
systems are designed for easy access and allow ANSI/IEEE and NEMA design specifications.
the transformers to be replaced or changed in Voltage stress at the lower end of the weather-
the field without removing the bushings. shed is effectively graded by internal shielding.

Control Cabinet Interrupter

The control cabinet houses the operating ABB circuit breakers use advanced interrupter
mechanism (through 242 kV, 40 kA), current designs based on the puffer principle or a
transformer terminal blocks, and the electrical combination of puffer and self-blast principles.
control components.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Circuit Breakers

Inter- Chopped
Maxi- Contin- BIL Features
rupting 60 Hz Wave
Product mum uous kV, (breaker ratings available for
kA, kV, rms kV, Crest
kV, rms A, rms Crest -55°C to +50°C ambient)
rms 2µ

38PM31/40 38 1200 31.5 80 200 258 Uses FSA spring-drive operating mechanism.
38PMI31/40 1600 40 Ships fully assembled. HMB and spring drive
2000 are available.*

48PM31/40 48.3 1200 31.5 105 250 322 Uses FSA spring-drive operating mechanism.
48PMI31/40 1600 40 Ships fully assembled.*

72PM31/40 72.5 1200 31.5 160 350 452 Uses FSA spring-drive operating mechanism.
72PMI31/40 1600 40 Ships fully assembled.*

121PM20/40/50/63 123 1200 20 260 550 710 FSA spring-drive mechanism used at 40 kA;
121PMI 2000 40 HMB hydraulic spring mechanism used at
3000 50 50/63 kA. 40 kA interrupting capacity and
4000 63 40 kA short-line fault switching without
5000 capacitors. Ships fully assembled.*
145PM20/40/50/63 145 1200 20 310 650 838 FSA spring-drive mechanism used at 40 kA;
145PMI 2000 40 HMB hydraulic spring mechanism used at
3000 50 50/63 kA. 40 kA interrupting capacity and
4000 63 40 kA short-line fault switching without
5000 80 capacitors. Ships fully assembled.*
169PM40/50 170 2000 40 365 750 968 FSA spring-drive mechanism used at 40 kA;
169PMI 3000 50 HMB hydraulic spring mechanism used at
4000 50 kA. 40 kA interrupting capacity and
5000 40 kA short-line fault switching without
capacitors. Ships fully assembled.*
242PMR 245 1200 20 425 900 1160 HMB-1.8 hydraulic spring-operating mechanism
2000 40 1050 used. Ships fully assembled.

242PMRI 245 1200 20 425 900 1160 HMB-2S hydraulic spring-operating mechanism
2000 40 1050 used. Ships fully assembled.
High-Voltage Products


242PMG/PMI 245 1200 40 425 900 1160 HMB-11 hydraulic spring mechanism used.
2000 50 1050 Ships fully assembled, except the operating
3000 63 mechanism is detached.
4000 80
362PMI 362 2000 40 555 1300 1680 HMB-8 hydraulic spring mechanisms used.
3000 50 Single-frame design construction with all electrical
4000 63 and mechanical connections made at the factory.
Breaker shipped with bushings installed.

550PM 550 2000 40 860 1800 2320 HMB hydraulic spring mechanisms used.
3000 50 Closing resistors optional. Ships fully assembled,
4000 63 except for bushings.

800PM 800 3000 40 960 2050 2640 HMB-11 hydraulic spring mechanisms used.
50 Ships fully assembled except for bushings.

* HMB-S mechanism used for PMI version.



Operating Mechanisms • Hydraulic fluid as an energy carrier
• Very long-life cylinder piston unit for
ABB circuit breakers are equipped with one of two
energy transition
mechanism types that perform the opening and closing
operation. The type of mechanism used depends on • Integral hydraulic damping
the model and rating of the circuit breaker. • No external pipe connections in the hydraulic
systems, reducing potential oil leakage
 FSA2 Spring-Drive Operating Mechanism • Hermetically sealed system, minimizing the
This mechanism uses two pairs of springs for possibility of corrosion
both opening and closing. An internal hydraulic HMB-1 Series
shock absorber dampens the closing and opening In this mechanism series, a stack of disk springs
operations, protecting the mechanism and breaker serves as an energy storage system and affords
from undue mechanical stress. Operations as fast O-CO-CO energy storage capability and three-cycle
as three cycles are performed by this mechanism. operation. During both the opening and closing
The principle behind the operation is as follows: operations, hydraulic oil drives the piston/pullrod
Initial Charging (actuator) of the mechanism, consuming energy
A universal charging motor “charges” a pair of from the storage springs, which are charged using
closing springs via a reduction and worm gear. a hydraulic pump. This stored energy provides
These closing springs are connected to a switch the driving force for hydraulic oil as the breaker
that disconnects power to the charging motor is opened and closed. After complete depletion
after the springs are charged. of the energy in the springs, total recharge time
is about 45 seconds.
Closing Operation
When the closing coil is energized, the closing HMB-2S
solenoid releases the closing springs, which rotate This mechanism is used for independent pole
the main shaft. The main shaft, in turn, moves the operation and for synchronous switching. In this
drive shaft through a cam. The drive shaft, which design, three independent hydraulic actuators are
is connected to the moving contacts of the breaker, driven by a single-disk spring assembly. The storage
turns and closes the breaker. The opening springs springs, pump, and oil reservoir are shared, result-
are charged during this closing operation. The motor ing in a unit that is much smaller and more cost-
re-charges the closing springs within 10 seconds of effective than three separate mechanisms. This unit
the closing operation. provides three-cycle operation with an O-CO-CO
stored energy capability.
Opening Operation
When the trip coil is energized, the trip solenoid HMB-4, -8, -11 Series
releases the drive shaft and latch. This allows the This mechanism series offers higher energy and
opening spring to rotate the drive shaft and open higher speeds than the smaller versions of HMB
the breaker. mechanisms. Interruption times as fast as two
In the event of a power loss, a breaker in the normal cycles can be attained through a pilot valve that
closed position can complete an open-close-open moves the changeover valve via hydraulic pressure.
cycle with the energy stored in the mechanism. Energy storage is accomplished with the aid of
The mechanism can also be manually charged with a disk spring assembly. Mechanisms in this series
a hand crank. are equipped with either O-C-O or C-O-CO stored
energy capability. Long-term stability, reliability, and
 Hydraulic Spring-Operating Mechanisms temperature independence are the primary advan-
tages of HMB systems, along with high efficiency
This mechanism type combines the advantages
and modular components for easy maintenance.
of hydraulic operation with the advantages of
These mechanisms are also used for synchronous
mechanically stored energy. It offers:
switching applications. The cover of the mecha-
• Mechanically stored energy
nism is easily removed and provides quick access
• Long-term stability and temperature to the electrical monitoring and control elements.
independence of the energy storage system

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Circuit Breakers


Type PM/PMI 38 kV — 72 kV

The 38 kV through 72 kV PM type breakers possess

a compact layout consisting of three cast-aluminum
tanks containing interrupter units that are mounted
on a common support frame. The three-pole units
have an independent SF6 gas system measured by a
temperature-compensated, gas density monitor located
on each phase. The rated SF6 gas pressure is 65 PSIG
at 68°F (20°C). This unit has an installed base of more
than 5000 breakers and has been in production since
1987. Although ANSI does not require short-line fault
tests for 72.5 kV breakers, the PM type breaker has
been tested for 90% —40 kA short-line faults without
the assistance of line-to-ground capacitors.


Interrupter Design  High-creep and high-altitude bushings
The advanced interrupter design uses a combina-  Porcelain bushings
tion of puffer and “self-blast” principles, which  Synchronous closing for point-on-
lower mechanical stresses and result in reduced wave switching
foundation requirements, lower maintenance, and  40 kA interrupting capability
longer life. The interrupter operates as a puffer
 Seismic bracing
breaker on low currents. For high-current inter-
ruptions, the arc generates pressure when the
arcing contacts open. The resulting gas pressure
surge enables the current to be interrupted.

 Dead-tank design
High-Voltage Products

 Three-tank construction
 Spring or spring-hydraulic operating mechanism
 Single interrupter per phase
 Three-cycle interruption (up to 31.5 kA)
 31.5 kA interrupting capability
 Composite bushings
 Six (6) bushing current transformers
 Adjustable “a” to “b” auxiliary switches
 Out-of-phase switching
 Shipped fully assembled and tested
 Reduced foundation requirements
 Reduced installation time

 Minimal maintenance
1 3/4"(44.5)-12 UN THREAD
9/16"(14.3) DIA. 3/4"(19)
2 - HOLES 1"(24) DIA.
1 1/2"(38)
1 3/4"(44.5) ANCHOR BOLTS
1 3/4"(44.5) AND HARDWARE



2 1/2"

1/2"(12.7) - 13 UNC. - 2B




72 3/4"(1847)
(1442) FROM

3"(76) MIN.


Standard Design Dimensions


1 1/4"(32) DIA. HOLES

Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).

89 7/8"(2284) 10 1/4" FOR ANCHOR BOLTS

33 5/8"(855) 33 5/8"(855) 36 5/32"(918.4)
66 7/8" 29 31/32"(761)
27 7/16"(697) 27 7/16"(697) ADDITIONAL HEIGHT SEE DETAIL X


20 1/2"(521)

MIN. METAL TO CRD. 36 5/32"(918.4)




1 3/4"
(330) 4 1/2"


9" 13"
(229) (330)

C. T. 30"(762)

102 5/16"(2599) SHIPPING HEIGHT

145 1/2"(3696)


1/4" TUBE 37

130 21/32"(3319) LIVE PARTS


134 7/32"(3409) INSTALLED HEIGHT



93 3/32"(2365) HEIGHT TO BREAKER



71 1/8"(1807) HEIGHT OF COUNTER

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.
35 5/8"(905)
40 1/8"(1019)

31 7/8"(810)




ABB Inc.
Manufactured at

Greensburg, PA

Power Circuit Breakers


Type PM/PMI 121 kV — 169 kV

The 121 kV through 169 kV PM type breakers are an

extension of the high-quality, reliable 72PM breaker
design. These breakers are among the lightest and
most compact in their class. They consist of three cast-
aluminum tanks containing interrupter units that are
mounted on a common support frame. The three-pole
units have an independent SF6 gas system monitored
by a temperature compensated, gas density switch.
The rated SF6 gas pressure is 87.5 PSIG at 20°C. This
unit has an installed base of more than 5000 breakers
and has been in production for over 12 years.


Interrupter Design  High-creep and high-altitude bushings
The advanced interrupter design uses a combina-  Porcelain bushings
tion of puffer and “self-blast” principles, which  Synchronous closing for point-on-
lower mechanical stresses and result in reduced wave switching
foundation requirements, lower maintenance,
 50 kA and 63 kA interrupting capability
and longer life. The interrupter operates as a
puffer breaker on low currents. For high-current  Seismic bracing
interruptions, the arc generates pressure when the
arcing contacts open. The resulting gas pressure
surge enables the fault current to be interrupted.

 Dead-tank design
 Three-tank construction
High-Voltage Products

 Spring or spring-hydraulic operating mechanism

 Single interrupter per phase
 High-speed interruption
 40 kA interrupting capability
 Composite bushings
 Six (6) bushing current transformers
 Adjustable auxiliary switches that can be
converted from “a” to “b” contacts
 Out-of-phase switching
 Shipped fully assembled and tested
 Reduced foundation requirements
 Reduced installation time
 Minimal maintenance

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA

Standard Design Dimensions
Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).


2-HOLES 1" (24) DIA.
1 1/2" (38) 1 3/4" 9/16" DIA. HOLES AND HARDWARE
1 3/4" (44) (44) 1" (25.4) THICK SUPPLIED BY CUSTOM

4" (101)
1 3/4"
5 1/2"


3" (76) MIN.

(1461) FROM

1/2" (12.7) - 13 UNC - 2B CLAMPING

57 1/2"


150 1/2" (3823)

85" (2159) 99 1/4" (2522)


73 1/2" (1867) 73 1/2" (1867) 38 3/4" (985)

85 1/2" (2174)

61" (1549 70 1/2" (1793)

BUS 48 3/4
1 1/8"



3 FRONT (28)
166 3/4" (4235) TOP OF TERM. PAD

177 1/2" (4509) INSTALLED HEIGHT

155" (3937) LIVE PARTS

97 3/4" (2483) HEIGHT TO C OF BREAKER



72 3/4" (1848)
5'- 10" (1778)

"A" "A"
33 1/4" (845)

31" (787)


"B" 72 13/16" (1849) "K"

60 1/4" (1530)
1 3/4" 1 3/4"
(44) (44)

4 1/2" SQ. X 1/2" THK.

1 3/4"

GRD. PAD 1 1/4" (32) DIA. HOLES
46 1/8" (1172)


1 3/4"

13" 7 1/4"
(330) (184)
51 11/16" (1313)

2 1/8" (330)

106 1/2" (2706)


For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Circuit Breakers


Type PMR/PMRI 242 kV

The PMR and PMRI breakers consist of three cast-

aluminum interrupter tanks mounted on a common
structural steel frame. The three-pole units have a
common SF6 gas system monitored by a temperature-
compensated, gas pressure switch. The rated SF6 gas
pressure is 87.5 PSIG at 20°C. The PMR breaker uses
a single HMB operating mechanism for simultaneous
interruption of all three poles. The PMRI unit is based
on the HMB-2S operating mechanism which has three
separate hydraulic actuators to drive each pole inde-
pendently. In addition to the independent-pole opera-
tion capability, the 242PMRI can also be provided with
microprocessor-based controls for synchronous closing.

Interrupter Design
The PMR and PMRI breakers utilize ABB’s SD
interrupter. The SD interrupter is a single-pressure,
single-break, SF6 gas puffer and self-blast unit
capable of interrupting 40 kA faults within three  High-creep and high-altitude bushings
cycles. The speed-doubling gear and rack drives  Continuous current ratings up to 4000 A
the arcing contact plug with an equal and
 Condition monitoring
opposite velocity to the arcing contact fingers.
The design results in a small interrupter with  Synchronous closing (PMRI only) for
high-speed capacitor switching capability. capacitor switching energization

 Dead-tank design
 Three-tank construction
 Hydraulic spring-operating mechanism
High-Voltage Products

 Single interrupter per phase

 Speed-doubling interrupter design
 40 kA interrupting capability
without capacitors
 Porcelain or composite bushings
 Integrated bushing current transformers
 Adjustable auxiliary switches that can be
converted from “a” to “b” contacts
 Out-of-phase switching
 Capacitor bank switching
 Shipped fully assembled and tested
 Reduced foundation requirements
 Reduced installation time

 Minimal maintenance
Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA

Standard Design Dimensions
Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Circuit Breakers


Type PMG

The PMG breaker consists of three cast-aluminum

interrupter tanks mounted on a common structural
steel support frame. An isolated gas system is provided
per pole, monitored by a temperature-compensated,
gas pressure switch. The rated SF6 gas pressure is
87.5 PSIG at 20°C. The interrupters are coupled to
a single-type, HMB-11, hydraulic, spring-operating
mechanism through an interphase linkage assembly.

Interrupter Design
The PMG breaker utilizes ABB’s SP interrupter.
The SP interrupter is a second-generation puffer
design enclosed in a reinforced epoxy tube.
This design uses a high-performance nozzle,
which provides an additional pressure surge
for successful interruption of the arc.
Standard  High-creep and high-altitude bushings
 Dead-tank design  Composite bushings
 Three-tank construction  Condition monitoring
 Hydraulic, spring-operating mechanism  Synchronous closing (242PMI only)
 Single interrupter per phase
 Porcelain bushings
 Integrated bushing current transformers
 Out-of-phase switching
High-Voltage Products

 Capacitor bank switching

 Shipped fully assembled and tested
 Reduced foundation requirements
 Reduced installation time
 Minimal maintenance

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA

Standard Design Dimensions
Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Circuit Breakers


Type PMI

The PMI breaker consists of three cast-aluminum

interrupter tanks mounted on a common structural
steel support frame. Each pole unit has a separate SF6
gas system monitored by a temperature-compensated,
gas pressure switch. The rated SF6 gas pressure is
87.5 PSIG at 20°C. Each interrupter is operated by
a type HMB hydraulic, spring-operating mechanism.
The PMI breaker is designed for applications where
switching surge suppression is not required or is
accomplished by methods other than closing resistors.


Interrupter Design ACCESSORIES
The PMI breaker utilizes ABB’s SP interrupter.  High-creep and high-altitude bushings
The SP interrupter is a second-generation puffer  Continuous current rating up to 4000 A
design enclosed in a reinforced epoxy tube.  Synchronous closing for capacitor
This design uses a high-performance nozzle bank energization
which provides an additional pressure surge  Installation in as little as three days
for successful interruption of the arc.

 Dead-tank design
 Three-tank construction
 Hydraulic, spring-operating mechanism
 Single interrupter per phase
 Porcelain or composite bushings
 Integrated bushing current transformers
 Out-of-phase switching
High-Voltage Products

 Capacitor bank switching

 Shipped fully assembled and tested
 Reduced foundation requirements
 Reduced installation time
 Minimal maintenance

Manufactured at

 ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA

Standard Design Dimensions
Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).

289 (7340.6) 155 (3937)


217 (5511.8)

.5625 (14.3) DIA. 149 (3784.6) LOCATION OF MOUNTING BOLTS

.75 (19)
2-HOLES 18.0625
1.5 (38) 458.3
1.75 (44) (44) 8
3 (76.2)

75 (1905)
3 (203.2)
(1496) FROM

.5 (12.7) UNC-2B (76.2)



(948.9) DOOR






70 (1778)



(948.9) DOOR




.5625 (14.29) DIA. HOLES



6 (152.4) x .75 (19.05) THK.






1.5 (38.1) DIA. HOLES

STD.NEMA 4-HOLE PAD 1.25 (31.75) DIA.
3 (76.2) MIN.


For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Circuit Breakers


Type PM 550 kV — 800 kV

The 550 through 800 kV type PM breakers utilize

components that have been field-tested throughout
the world. They have passed environmental and life
tests far more severe than those required by ANSI.
The PM breaker body is made of welded plate
aluminum with cast ends and contains the interrupter
units. Each phase is mounted on a separate support
frame and has a self-contained SF6 gas system, monitored
by a temperature-compensated, gas density monitor.
The rated SF6 gas pressure is 87.5 PSIG at 20°C. Moving
contacts are operated by an HMB-8 or HMB-11 hydraulic
spring mechanism. Mounted on each pole unit is
a cabinet with current transformer terminal blocks,
a density monitor, and auxiliary switches. The main
control cabinet is mounted separately.


Interrupter Design ACCESSORIES
The PM breaker utilizes ABB’s SP interrupter.  Closing resistor unit—The closing
The SP interrupter is a second generation puffer resistor unit is directly connected to
design enclosed in a reinforced epoxy tube. the interrupter assembly. The resistance
This design uses a high-performance nozzle that range is 200 — 600 ohms per pole and
provides an additional pressure surge for successful is inserted 8 ms before the breaker
interruption of the arc. On the multiple-break closes. The resistor switch is arranged
designs, each interrupter has grading capacitors to close after the main breaker contacts
across its contact gap. close; thereby disconnecting the resistor.
The ceramic resistor discs are a proven
concept used in many breaker designs.1
 High-creep and high-altitude bushings
 Dead-tank design  Porcelain bushings
 Three-tank construction  Condition monitoring
 Hydraulic, spring-operating mechanism  Synchronous closing
High-Voltage Products

 Two PM interrupters for 550PM, two per

phase, and three for 800PM 1
Available only on 550 kV breakers.
 Composite bushings
 Integrated bushing current transformers
 Plug-and-play (pre-wired) interphase
 Out-of-phase switching
 Capacitor bank switching
 Reduced foundation requirements
 Reduced installation time
 Minimal maintenance

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA

Standard Design Dimensions
Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).
550 kV (800 kV available upon request. Please contact the factory at 724-838-5204.)


25'-0" (7620) 25'-0" (7620)
22'-3 1/2" (6795)

24'-1 3/4" (7360) 24'-1 3/4" (7360) 18'-8 3/16" (5694)



1/8" (4

23'-7 7/8" (7212) INSTALLED HEIGHT


22'-8 3/4" (6928) LIVE PARTS

16'-0" (4877) RECOMMENDED
6 REAR 4 REAR 66" (1676) 2 REAR


9'- 1 5/8" (2786)

5'- 10" (1778)

5'- 7" (1704)



27 1/2"




1 1/4" - 37 FLARED
6'- 8" (2032) "X"
CONDUIT BY CUSTOMER. 21'- 4" (6502)

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Circuit Breakers
Special Feature


Synchronous Control Unit

The Synchronous Control Unit (SCU) is a microprocessor-

based control device that enables synchronized closing
and opening of independent pole-operated circuit breakers.
The unit is housed in a NEMA 1 enclosure. Controlled
switching can provide equal or superior results when
compared with conventional methods for switching surge
control, such as pre-insertion resistors, pre-insertion
inductors, or fixed, current-limiting inductors.

 Low temperature cold-start and operation
tested at -40°C
 High temperature tested at 66°C
 Seismic qualified
 Surge withstand capability in compliance
with ANSI/IEEE C62.41, IEC 801-4, and 801-5
 Radio frequency interference tested
(SAM PMC 33.1-1978)
High-Voltage Products

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA

 Power supply voltage:  Current input burden: 1.25 mVA
48 V dc (28 to 56 V dc range)  Minimum load current:
125 V dc (70 to 140 V dc range) 1 A on primary of SCU CTs
250 V dc (140 to 280 V dc range)  Synchronizing accuracy: 3σ ≤ 1 ms
 Power supply burden: 15 VA
 Phase voltage inputs: 40 to 140 V ac Requirements
 Phase voltage burden:
4.5 mA @ 110 V ac ABB dead-tank circuit breakers with HMB-S
3 mA @ 70 V ac hydraulic spring mechanism.

Applications and Benefits

Synchronous Applications SCU

System Benefits
Switching Type and Features Functions

Synchronous Transmission Close at Greatly reduced voltage and current switching transient
Closing Lines/Cables voltage zero levels (comparable or better than pre-insertion resistors)
Shunt Capacitor across breaker
Banks (single and Improved power quality
switching) Reduced stress on equipment insulation

Transformers Close at Greatly reduces the magnitude and distortion of

Shunt Reactors voltage peak in-rush current
across breaker Simplified differential protection

Reduces impacts of system harmonic resonances

Synchronous Shunt Reactors Open with Further reduces already low probabilities of re-strike
Opening Load Switching maximum and re-ignitions
Capacitor Switching arcing time
Line Dropping Added protection for system equipment from severe
re-strikes and re-ignition transients

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.



High-Voltage Products

Live-Tank Power Circuit Breakers

ABB is a world leader in circuit

breaker technology, emphasizing
reliable, effective control of power
and performance. ABB’s live-tank
SF6 insulated circuit breakers are
based on state-of-the-art designs
that meet and often exceed ANSI
and IEC standards. These advanced
designs lower mechanical stresses,
reduce maintenance, and extend
operational life.

 Designed for application at 69 through 800 kV  Live-tank breakers up to 242 kV, 50 kA can be
and rated interrupting currents up to 63 kA supplied as gang-operated and breaker-mounted
 Operated by a simple and dependable motor- on a common frame or as independent pole-
charged, spring-operating mechanism operated breakers mounted on three frames.
 Normally delivered with three free-standing  Low cost installation and testing can normally
current transformers equipped with two to be accomplished in a single day with a crew
four relay cores and/or one metering core. of three.
The transformers for voltages up to 170 kV  Live-tank breakers require the least amount of
can be mounted in brackets attached to the SF6 gas of any breaker design.
circuit breaker stands.  Live-tank breakers are of a modular concept with
 Ratings up through 242 kV, 50 kA require common interchangeable parts and modules.
a single breaking element that is part of  Low weight and foundation area results in easy
a sealed unit containing an interrupting installation with low foundation costs.
chamber, porcelain support column, and
the mechanism housing.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Circuit Breakers


Con- Con- Inter- Power BIL

Product tinuous tinuous rupting Freq. Dry kV, Features
kV, rms A, rms kA, rms kV, rms Crest

LTB D1/B – 72.5 72.5 3150 40 140 350 Uses BLK spring-drive operating mechanism.
160* Ships as fully-assembled pole units.
LTB D1/B – 145 145 3150 40 275 650 Uses BLK spring-drive operating mechanism.
310* Ships as fully-assembled pole units.
LTB D1/B – 170 170 3150 40 325 750 Uses BLK spring-drive operating mechanism.
365* Ships as fully-assembled pole units.
LTB 245E1 245 4000 40 460 1050 Uses BLK spring-drive operating mechanism for
single-pole operation and BLG spring-drive operating
mechanism for three-pole operation. Ships as
fully-assembled pole units.
LTB 420E2 362 4000 50 520 1175 Uses three BLG spring-drive operating mechanisms.
Ships as two units: breaker-head and support column.
LTB 420E2 420 4000 50 520 1425 Uses three BLG spring-drive operating mechanisms.
Ships as two units: breaker-head and support column.
HPL 72.5A1 72.5 3150 50 140 325 Uses BLG spring-drive operating mechanism;
4000 63 one for three-pole operation, three for single-pole
operation. Ships as fully-assembled pole units.
HPL 145A1 145 3150 50 275 650 Uses BLG spring-drive operating mechanism;
4000 63 one for three-pole operation, three for single-pole
operation. Ships as fully-assembled pole units.
HPL 170A1 170 3150 50 325 750 Uses BLG spring-drive operating mechanism;
4000 63 one for three-pole operation, three for single-pole
operation. Ships as fully-assembled pole units.
HPL 245A2 245 3150 50 460 1050 Uses three BLG spring-drive operating mechanisms.
4000 63 Ships as two units: breaker-head and support column.
HPL 300A2 300 3150 50 380 1050 Uses three BLG spring-drive operating mechanisms.
4000 63 Ships as two units: breaker-head and support column.
HPL 362A2 362 3150 63 450 1175 Uses three BLG spring-drive operating mechanisms.
4000 Ships as two units: breaker-head and support column.
HPL 245B1 245 4000 50 460 1050 Uses BLG spring-drive operating mechanism;
one for three-pole operation, three for single-pole
High-Voltage Products

operation. Ships as fully-assembled pole units.

HPL 300B1 300 4000 50 380 1050 Uses BLG spring-drive operating mechanism;
one for three-pole operation, three for single-pole
operation. Ships as fully-assembled pole units.
HPL 362B2 362 4000 50 450 1175 Uses three BLG spring-drive operating mechanisms.
63 Ships as two units: breaker-head and support column.
HPL 420B2 420 4000 50 520 1425 Uses three BLG spring-drive operating mechanisms.
63 Ships as two units: breaker-head and support column.
HPL 550B2 550 4000 50 620 1550 Uses three BLG spring-drive operating mechanisms.
63 Ships as two units: breaker-head and support column.
HPL 800B4 800 4000 50 830 2100 Uses three BLG spring-drive operating
63 mechanisms. Ships as four units: 2 breaker-heads
and 2 support columns.
*Per ANSI standards, other values are per IEC standards.


Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA
LTB D1/B SF6 (72.5 kV — 170 kV) +724-838-5204

The LTB D is a puffer-type SF6 breaker designed for

system voltages in the range of 72.5 to 170 kV, with
a rated interrupting capability of 40 kA. The inter-
rupting energy is partially taken from the arc itself,
thereby reducing the energy required from the
mechanical system. This results in reduced stresses
and increased reliability.

 Restrike-free interruption of capacitive currents
 High dielectric strength even at
atmospheric pressure OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES
 Low operating noise level
 High seismic withstand capability  Long creepage distance across
 Low operating forces insulators (both brown and grey)
 Separate arcing contacts  Device to install type IMB current transformer
 High security against gas leakage  Brackets for the IMB
 Reliable components  Primary connections between the breaker
 Designed for extreme environmental conditions and the IMB
 Easy installation and commissioning  Special connectors (standard is flat terminal)
 Operated by a motor-charged,  Special phase distance for
spring-operating mechanism three-phase units
 Meets IEC 56 (50 Hz and 60 Hz) and ANSI C37  Rupture discs
(60 Hz) specifications
 Synchronous circuit switching

 Rated voltages: 72.5, 145, and 170 kV The three poles can be mounted on separate structures
 Continuous current: 3150 A or on a common supporting frame. The breaker uses
 Interrupting current: 40 kA a single operating mechanism for three-pole operation
 Crest closing current: 100 kA per IEC or three individual mechanisms for single-pole opera-
or 108 kA per ANSI tion. For three-pole operation, the breaker poles are
 Closing time: 40 ms linked by pull rods.
 Opening time: 20 ms
Each breaker pole is a sealed unit, which includes
 Clearing time: 40 ms
the interrupting chamber, the porcelain post insulator,
 Minimum dead time: 300 ms
and the mechanism housing. The breaker poles are
 Rated reclosing time (60 Hz): 20 cycles
shipped as complete units filled with SF6 gas to a pres-
sure slightly above normal atmospheric pressure. The
Environmental Conditions
breaker can be filled to the required working pressures
For 50 Hz operation: without the necessity of gas treatment in the field and
 The LTB for 72.5 and 145 kV will operate down to without releasing SF6 into the atmosphere.
- 40°C with pure SF6 and to -50°C with mixed gas.
 The LTB for 170 kV will operate to -30°C with pure
SF6 and to - 40°C with mixed gas.
For 60 Hz operation:
 All voltage classes will operate to -30°C with pure SF6.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Circuit Breakers

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA
LTB E SF6 (245 kV — 420 kV) +724-838-5204

The LTB E is a puffer-type SF6 breaker designed for

50 Hz system voltages in the range of 245 to 420 kV,
with a rated interrupting capability of up to 50 kA.
The interrupting energy is partially taken from the arc
itself, thereby reducing the energy required from the
mechanical system. This results in reduced stresses
and increased reliability.

 Restrike-free interruption of capacitive currents
 Low overvoltages when interrupting
inductive currents
 High dielectric strength even at
atmospheric pressure
 Low operating noise level SPECIFICATIONS
 High seismic withstand capability  Number of breaks per pole: 1 at 245 kV and
2 at 362 and 420 kV
 Low operating forces
 Rated voltages: 245, 362, and 420 kV
 Separate arcing contacts  Continuous current: 4000 A
 High security against gas leakage  Interrupting current: 40 kA at 245 kV and
 Reliable components 50 kA at 362 and 420 kV
 Designed for extreme environmental conditions  Crest closing current: 100 kA at 245 kV and
125 kA at 362 and 420 kV
 Easy installation and commissioning  Closing time: 40 ms at 245 kV and 50 ms
 Operated by a motor-charged, at 362 and 420 kV
spring-operating mechanism  Opening time: 17±2 ms 245 kV and 18±2 ms
 Each breaker is tested to meet IEC 56 (50 Hz) at 362 and 420 kV
specifications before shipping.  Clearing time: 40 ms
 Minimum dead time: 300 ms

OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES The 245 kV breaker uses a single-operating
mechanism for three-pole operation or three
 Synchronous circuit switching
High-Voltage Products

individual mechanisms for single-pole operation.

 Supervisory control The 362 kV and 420 kV breakers use single-pole
operating mechanisms.
Each 245 kV breaker pole is a sealed unit, which
includes the interrupting chamber, the porcelain
post insulator, and the mechanism housing. The
362 kV and 420 kV interrupter units are supplied
as two separate units. The breaker poles are
shipped filled with SF6 gas to a pressure slightly
above normal atmospheric pressure. The breaker
can be filled to the required working pressures
without the necessity of gas treatment in the field
and without releasing SF6 into the atmosphere.
Erection at the work site can be completed in
less than one day.



HPL SF6 (72.5 kV — 800 kV)

The HPL is a puffer-type SF6 breaker designed for

system voltages in the range of 72.5 to 800 kV,
with a rated interrupting capability up to 63 kA.
The breaker has two models—A and B. Model A
covers the voltage range from 72.5 to 362 kV while
Model B covers the range from 245 to 800 kV.


 Restrike-free interruption of capacitive currents  Gray porcelain
 Low overvoltages when interrupting  Polymeric insulators
inductive currents  Increased creepage to 31 mm/kV
 High dielectric strength even at  Operational to -40°C and -50°C with mixed gas
atmospheric pressure
 Terminal pads for different standards
 Low operating noise level
 Rupture discs
 High seismic withstand capability
 CT brackets and connections for voltages less
 Separate arcing contacts than or greater than 170 kV
 High security against gas leakage  Special phase distances (3-pole operated circuit
 Reliable components breaker only)
 Easy installation and commissioning  Pre-insertion resistors
 Operated by a motor-charged, (2-chamber interrupters only)
spring-operating mechanism  Synchronized switching
 Each breaker is tested to meet  40 kg bottles of SF6 gas for pressurizing
IEC 56 (50 Hz) or ANSI C37 (60 Hz)
specifications before shipping.
 Brown porcelain insulators
 Creepage: 20 to 25 mm/kV
 Operational down to -30°C
 Aluminum terminals drilled per IEC/ANSI
 One support structure per pole
 One gas density monitor per pole

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Circuit Breakers
Live-Tank Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA
HPL SF6 (72.5 kV — 800 kV) +724-838-5204

HPL circuit breakers with one breaking unit per The breaker can be filled to the required working
phase are shipped as complete units filled with SF6 pressures without the necessity of gas treatment in
gas to a pressure slightly above normal atmospheric the field and without releasing SF6 into the atmos-
pressure. Breakers with two breaking units per phase phere. Erection at the work site can be completed
are shipped as the breaker head and the support in less than one day.
insulator. Each breaker is routinely tested in the
factory before shipping.

Number Continuous Interrupting Crest Closing Opening Clearing Minimum

of Breaks Current Current Closing Time Time Time Dead
per Pole (A) (kA) Current (kA) (ms) (ms) (ms) Time (ms)

Model A
72.5 1 3150/4000 50/63 158 <75 20±2 40 300

145 1 3150/4000 50/63 158 <80 20±2 40 300

170 1 3150/4000 50/63 158 <80 20±2 40 300

245 2 3150/4000 50/63 158 <70 20±2 40 300

300 2 3150/4000 50/63 158 <70 20±2 40 300

362 2 3150/4000 63 158 <70 20±2 40 300

Model B
245 1 4000 50 125 <65 18 or 20±2 40 300

300 1 4000 50 125 <65 18 or 20±2 40 300

362 1 4000 50/63 125/157.5 <65 18 or 20±2 40 300

420 2 4000 50/63 125/157.5 <65 18 or 20±2 40 300

550 2 4000 50/63 125/157.5 <65 18 or 20±2 40 300

800 2 4000 50/63 125/157.5 <90 18 or 20±2 40 300

High-Voltage Products

Center-Break Disconnectors Available

Type SGF 72.5 — 550 kV

Design Mode of Operation

The load-carrying constructional element of Disconnector and earthing switches are
the disconnector is a sectional-steel base frame. operated separately.
On it are assembled, enclosed rotary pedestals, The design of the operating mechanism of the
protected against atmospheric influences, running disconnector and earthing switch is such that a
on maintenance-free assembled ball bearings. dead center position is passed through shortly
The support insulators are mounted on the mount- before the end positions are reached. Incidental
ing plate or the stud bolts of the rotary pedestal opening or closing of the units due to external
and support both current path halves (finger and influences (e.g. short circuits, storm, or earthquake)
contact side) with the rotary heads and high-tension is impossible.
terminals, acc to DIN or NEMA standard. The energy is transmitted from the operating
This version offers freedom of arrangement, since mechanism of the disconnector to a rotary pedestal.
the high-tension terminal can be turned within The diagonal rods connect both rotary pedestals of
360 degrees. each pole, which ensures simultaneous operation.
Thus, the installation of a pipe connection or the During switching operation both current path halves
straining of a connection cable is possible from rotate by 90 degrees; when the disconnector is
any direction. open, they are located parallel to each other and
The current path consists of a welded aluminum at right angles to the base frame.
structure with a minimum of terminal points; there-
fore, no appreciable change of the contact resistance
occurs over many years.
Disconnectors for a rated voltage of 170 kV and above
are equipped with an interlocking device, consisting
of a catch hook and an interlocking bolt, which pre-
vents the two halves from separating in longitudinal
direction in case of high short circuit currents.
The optionally available earthing unit consists of a
hinged-type earthing switch fixed at the base frame.
When in the open position, the tubular arm is located
along the base frame.
In the closed position the earthing switch contact
attached to the current path comes to rest between
the contact fingers of the earthing switch, which can
be mounted either on the contact side, the finger
side, or on both sides of the disconnector (with the
exception of SGF 72.5 and 90 kV, which can be
furnished with one earthing switch only).
The universal design permits the earthing switch to
be attached at the site, and it can be retrofitted with-
out any difficulty.
All components are protected against atmospheric
influences; the steel parts, which are liable to rust,
are hot dip galvanized.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Center-Break Disconnectors

Type SGF 72.5 — 550 kV

 Welded Aluminum Structure—The current  Ice Breaking Capability—Disconnectors for
path halves are welded aluminum structures operations under severe ice conditions up to
with a minimum number of terminal points 20 mm ice thickness are available.
that are subject to corrosion; therefore, no  Dead Center Interlocking—For all operating
appreciable change of the contact resistance mechanisms. It ensures no change of the switch-
occurs over many years. ing position in case of extreme external influ-
 No External Springs—Contact fingers without ences, such as storm, vibration, and earthquake.
external springs.  Little Maintenance—Owing to the selection of
 Strong Rotary Pedestals—They guarantee the material used and the encapsulation of the
that the deflection remains unchanged at high pedestals and rotary heads in connection with a
static mechanical terminal loads. permanent lubrication, the units are practically

For earthing and short circuiting disconnected plant
Disconnectors are used for metallic isolation
sections, each disconnector pole can be equipped
of systems by creating in the open position a visible
with one or two earthing switches. They are avail-
isolating distance.
able for rated voltages from 72.5 to 550 kV and for
They are appropriate for switching small currents rated currents up to 4000 A.
or currents when no significant change in voltage
occurs across the terminals. Two-column rotary
disconnectors can be operated in many types of
high-voltage switchgear that are in use.

72.5/90 123 145 170 245 300 420 550
1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 pol 1 pol

Without Ice
High-Voltage Products

MT MT 50 MT 50 MT 50 MT 50 MT 50 MT 50 MT 100 MT 100

HA HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 — —

10 mm Ice
MT MT 50 MT 50 MT 50 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100

HA HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 — — — — —

20 mm Ice
MT — MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100

HA — — — — — — — —


72.5 90 123 145 170
Rated voltage kV 72.5 90 123 145 170
Rated normal current
Type n A 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600
Type p A 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500
Type pc A — — 3150 3150 3150
Type q A — — 4000 4000 4000
Rated peak withstand current of
disconnector and earthing switch
Type n kA 100 100 100 100 100
Type p/pc/q kA 100 100 100/125 100/125 100/125
Rated short-time withstand current (rms) kA 40 40 40/50 40/50 40/50
Rated power-frequency withstand
voltage 50 Hz, 1 min
To earth kV 140 150 230 275 325
Across open switching device kV 160 175 265 315 375
Rated lighting impulse withstand
voltage 1.2/50 µs
To earth kV 325 380 550 650 750
Across open switching device kV 375 440 650 750 860
Rated switching impulse withstand
voltage 250/2500 µs
To earth kV — — — — —
Across open switching device, class A kV — — — — —
Across open switching device, class B kV — — — — —
Discharge inception voltage kV >46 >57 >80 >95 >110
Radio interference voltage µV — — <500 <500 <1000
Three-phase breaking capacity
A 2 2 2 2 2
Bus-transfer switching ability
A/V — — 1600/100 1600/100 1600/100
according to IEC 1128**
Inducted current switching ability
according to IEC 1129 class A**
For electromagnetic coupling A/kV — — 50/0.5 50/1 50/1
For electrostatic coupling A/kV — — 0.4/3 0.4/3 0.4/3
Inducted current switching ability
according to IEC 1129 class B**
For electromagnetic coupling A/kV — — 100/6 125/10 125/10
For electrostatic coupling A/kV — — 5/6 5/6 5/6
Insulator design
Minimum failing load kN 4.0-6.0 4.0-6.0 4.0-6.0-8.0 4.0-6.0-8.0 4.0-6.0-8.0
Overall height mm 770 870 1220 1500 1700
Minimum creepage distance mm 1450 1800 2460 2900 3400
Admissible mechanical terminal load
Static and dynamic kN 2.5-2.5 2.5-2.5 3.0-4.5-6.0 3.1-4.7-6.0 3.1-5.1-6.0
Static portion kN 0.5-0.5 0.5-0.5 1.5-2.5-2.5 1.5-2.5-2.5 1.5-2.5-2.5
** Values in brackets are peak values of power frequency voltage applied to the opposite terminal.
**As an option

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Center-Break Disconnectors Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Type SGF 72.5 — 550 kV +48 42 613 22 00



245 300 420 550
Rated voltage kV 245 300 420 550
Rated normal current
Type n A 1600 1600 — —
Type p A 2500 2500 2500 2500
Type pc A 3150 3150 3150 3150
Type q A 4000 4000 4000 4000
Rated peak withstand current of
disconnector and earthing switch
Type n kA 100 100 — —
Type p/pc/q kA 100/125 100/125 125/160 125/160
Rated short-time withstand current (rms) kA 40/50 40/50 50/63 50/63
Rated power-frequency withstand voltage 50 Hz, 1 min
To earth kV 460 380 520 620
Across open switching device kV 530 435 610 800
Rated lighting impulse withstand voltage 1.2/50 µs
To earth kV 1050 1050 1425 1550
Across open switching device kV 1200 1050 (+170)* 1425 (+240)* 1550 (+315)*
Rated switching impulse withstand voltage 250/2500 µs
To earth kV — 850 1050 1175
Across open switching device, class A kV — 850 1050 1175
Across open switching device, class B kV — 700 (+245)* 900 (+345)* 900 (+450)*
Discharge inception voltage kV >160 >230 >270 >350
Radio interference voltage µV <500 <1000 <1000 <2500
Three-phase breaking capacity
A 1.5 1 1 1
Bus-transfer switching ability according to IEC 1128** A/V 1600/200 1600/200 — —
Inducted current switching ability
according to IEC 1129 class A**
For electromagnetic coupling A/kV 80/1.4 80/1.4 80/2 80/2
For electrostatic coupling A/kV 1.25/5 1.25/5 1.25/5 1.25/5
High-Voltage Products

Inducted current switching ability

according to IEC 1129 class B**
For electromagnetic coupling A/kV 160/15 160/15 — —
For electrostatic coupling A/kV 10/15 10/15 — —
Insulator design
Minimum failing load kN 4.0-6.0-8.0 6.0-8.0 8.0-10.0 8.0-10.0
Overall height mm 2300 2650 3350 4200
Minimum creepage distance mm 4900 4900 10,500 10,500
Admissible mechanical terminal load
Static and dynamic kN 3.2-5.1-6.0 5.1-6.0 5.1-6.0 4.0-4.0
Static portion kN 1.5-2.5-2.5 2.5-2.5 1.5-1.5 1.0-1.0
** Values in brackets are peak values of power frequency voltage applied to the opposite terminal.
**As an option

Double-Break Disconnectors Available


ber 2002
Type SDB 123 — 420 kV

Design Mode of Operation

The load-carrying constructional element of the Disconnector and earthing switches are
disconnector is a sectional-steel base frame.The operated separately.
middle one of the three insulators is fixed on a The design of the operating mechanism of the
common base frame and mounted on the rotary disconnector and earthing switch is such that a
pedestal, protected against atmospheric influences, dead center position is passed through shortly
running on maintenance-free assembled ball bear- before the end positions are reached. Incidental
ings. The middle insulator bears aluminum current opening or closing of the units due to external
path, which consist of aluminum profile parts.The influences (e.g. short circuits, storm, or earthquake)
contact elements are made of silver-plated copper. is impossible.
When the disconnector is closing, the middle insula-
The energy is transmitted from the operating
tor rotates 70° until the main contacts touch each
mechanism of the disconnector to a rotary pedestal.
other. During the final phase of closing the current
path makes a rotation around the longitudinal axis.
This movement gives the best connection of main
contacts and makes it possible to break an ice coat-
ing. The main contacts of the disconnector in the
closed and opened positions are locked via a dead
center system. The HV terminals can be made
according to DIN or NEMA standard.
This version offers freedom of arrangement. Thus,
the installation of a pipe connection or the straining
of a connection cable is possible from any direction.
The current path consists of a welded aluminum
structure with a minimum of terminal points; there-
fore, no appreciable change of the contact resistance
occurs over many years.
The optionally available earthing unit consists of a
hinged-type earthing switch fixed at the base frame.
When in the open position, the tubular arm is located
along the base frame.
In the closed position the earthing switch contact
attached to the head of current path comes to
rest between the contact fingers of the earthing
switch, which can be mounted on both sides of
the disconnector.
The universal design permits the earthing switch to
be attached at site, and it can be retrofitted without
any difficulty.
All components are protected against atmospheric
influences; the steel parts,which are liable to rust,
are hot dip galvanized.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative.

Double-Break Disconnectors

Type SDB 123 — 420 kV

 Welded Aluminum Structure—The current  Easy and Simple Erection—The design of
path halves are welded aluminum structures the current path makes it easy to adjust contact
with a minimum number of terminal points systems after cabling (self-adjusting).
that are subject to corrosion; therefore, no  Dead Center Interlocking—For all operating
appreciable change of the contact resistance mechanisms. It ensures no change of the switch-
occurs over many years. ing position in case of extreme external influ-
 No External Contact Springs—Contact ences, such as storm, vibration, and earthquake.
fingers without external springs.  Little Maintenance—Owing to the selection of
 Strong Pedestals—They guarantee that the the material used and the encapsulation of the
deflection remains unchanged at high static pedestals and rotary heads in connection with a
mechanical terminal loads. permanent lubrication, the units are practically

For earthing and short circuiting disconnected plant
Disconnectors are used for metallic isolation
sections, each disconnector pole can be equipped
of systems by creating in open position a visible
with one or two earthing switches. They are available
isolating distance.
for rated voltages from 123 to 420 kV and for rated
They are appropriate for switching small currents currents up to 4000 A.
or currents when no significant change in voltage
occurs across the terminals. Double-break disconnec-
tors can be operated in many types of high-voltage
switchgear that are in use.


123 145 170 245 300 362 420

1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 pol

Without Ice
High-Voltage Products

MT MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100

HA HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80

10 mm Ice
MT MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100

HA HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80

20 mm Ice
MT MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100

HA HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
+48 42 613 22 00

123 145 170 245 300 362 420

Rated voltage kV 123 145 170 245 300 362 420

Rated normal current
Type n A 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600
Type p A 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500
Type pc A 3150 3150 3150 3150 3150 3150 3150
Type q A 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000

Rated peak withstand current of

disconnector and earthing switch

Type n kA 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Type p/pc/q kA 100/125 100/125 100/125 100/125 100/125 100/125 125/160
Rated short-time withstand current (rms) kA 40/50 40/50 40/50 40/50 40/50 40/50 50/63

Rated power-frequency withstand

voltage 50 Hz, 1 min

To earth kV 230 275 325 460 450 450 520

Across open switching device kV 265 315 375 530 520 520 610

Rated lighting impulse withstand

voltage 1.2/50 µs

To earth kV 550 650 750 1050 1050 1175 1425

Across open switching device kV 650 750 860 1200 1050 (+170)* 1175 (+205)* 1425 (+240)*

Rated switching impulse withstand

voltage 250/2500 µs

To earth kV — — — — 380 950 1050

Across open switching device, class A kV — — — — 435 950 1050
Across open switching device, class B kV — — — — 800 (+295) 800 (+295) 900 (+345)
Discharge inception voltage kV >80 >95 >110 >160 >190 >230 >270
Radio interference voltage µV <2500 <2500 <2500 <2500 <2500 <2500 <2500
Three-phase breaking capacity
A 2 2 2 1.5 1 1 1
Insulator design
Minimum failing load kN 4.0-6.0-8.0 4.0-6.0-8.0 4.0-6.0-8.0 4.0-6.0-8.0 6.0-8.0 6.0-8.0 8.0-10.0
Overall height mm 1220 1500 1700 2300 2650 2900 3350
Minimum creepage distance mm 2460 2900 3400 4900 6000 7240 8400
Admissible mechanical terminal load
Static and dynamic kN 3.5-5.5-7.5 3.5-5.5-7.5 3.5-5.5-7.5 3.5-5.5-7.5 5.5-7.5 5.5-7.5 5.5-7.5
Static portion kN 1.5-2.5-2.5 1.5-2.5-2.5 1.5-2.5-2.5 1.5-2.5-2.5 2.0-2.0 2.0-2.0 2.0-2.0

* Values in brackets are peak values of power frequency voltage applied to the opposite terminal.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Vertical-Break Disconnectors

October 2002
Type ONS 245 and ONS 420

Design and Mode of Operation

Disconnectors type ONS are outdoor vertical-break The bottom flange
switches. They are manufactured only in an indivi- of the post is
dually motor driven single-pole version. Two tubular designed to be
steel posts coupled together by means of a tubular mounted directly
rod work as its supporting structure. They enable on the foundation
fixing of the supporting insulator, the rotary insulator bolts. The upper
of the disconnector, and the operating mechanism flange enables
as well as one or two earthing switches with their fixing of the sup-
operating mechanisms. The main circuit of a discon- porting insulator
nector incorporates two contact heads with flat with its contact
terminals and a moving knife made of aluminum head as well as the
tube. Both ends of the knife are fitted with silver- earthing gear. The post is fitted with a set of brackets
plated contact plates, which form contact with springy for fixing the operating mechanism and a connection
silvered contact bars of the head. During the final box at a level comfortable for the operating personnel.
phase of closing the knife makes a rotation around The earthing switches type OZP are also manufac-
the longitudinal axis. Both the contact head and tured in a version for erection on the user’s support-
the free end of the contact knife are provided with ing structure (with short supporting post), and in a
suitable corona-shields to reduce radio interference. version for mounting on disconnector type ONS.
The main circuit of the earthing switch incorporates The latter version is not equipped with a supporting
a tubular aluminum knife from one side, connected post, head, nor insulators and is adapted to be
by means of a flexible copper-tinned lead to the mounted on either post of the disconnector.
supporting structure, to the other side ended The disconnector and the earthing switch are driven
with a spherical, silver-plated contact. During closing by motor operating mechanisms type MT 100. Gears
operation the knife first swings out to the vertical of both the disconnector and the earthing switch
position and then inserts axially into a tulip-like pass beyond the dead points in extreme positions.
contact. The latter is made of springy, silvered copper The interlocking between the disconnector and
bars and fixed to the contact head. The contact head the earthing switch is made in the operating mecha-
is provided with suitable corona-shields. A tubular nisms by appropriate connections of contacts in
steel post works as a base and supporting structure. the auxiliary circuit.

High-Voltage Products

 High technical performance  High quality protective coatings, corrosion-proof

 Vertical action of the contact arms enables components, and maintenance-free bearings
the phase-to-phase clearance to be reduced reduce the maintenance requirements to a
to a minimum. minimum, after the long period operation
without any maintenance works.
 Kinematic’s designing of the disconnector’s
operating mechanism prevents inadvertent  Disconnectors can be mounted on foundation
opening or closing of the disconnector by bolts or on the supporting structure.
external forces.  Minimum work at erection and adjustment
 Number of control cables connected with
the single-pole of the disconnector can be
minimalized by using connection box.
 High endurance and reliability


Disconnectors type ONS are vertical-break Free-standing earthing switches type OZP are
isolating switches designed for operation in designed for operation in outdoor substations
outdoor substations 420 kV. They are capable of for 420 kV voltage and are intended for single-
opening and closing electric circuits when either or double-side earthing parts of a circuit in a
negligible current is broken or made or when de-energized state. As single-pole switches, they
no signification change in the voltage across are operated with individual electric operating
the terminals of the disconnector occurs. The mechanisms type MT 50 for each pole.They are
disconnectors are intended to operate as single- designed to be combined with disconnectors
pole switches with individual electrical operat- type ONS or as a free-standing apparatus.
ing mechanism type MT 50 for each pole. They
may also be fitted with one or two earthing
switches type OZP.


245 420
1 — 3 pol 1 pol

Without Ice
MT MT 100 MT 100

HA HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80

10 mm Ice
MT MT 100 MT 100

HA HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80

20 mm Ice
MT MT 100 MT 100

HA HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Vertical-Break Disconnectors Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Type ONS 245 and ONS 420 +48 42 613 22 00

Disconnector ONS 245 ONS 420
Rated voltage kV 245 420

Rated normal current

Type p A 2500 2500

Type pc A 3150 3150

Type q A 4000 4000

Rated peak withstand current of disconnector
kA 100/125/160 100/125/160
and earthing switch
Rated short-time withstand current (rms) kA 40/50/63 50/63/63

Rated power-frequency withstand voltage 50 Hz, 1 min

To earth and between poles kV 460 520

Across open switching device kV 530 610

Rated lighting impulse withstand voltage 1.2/50 µs

To earth and between poles kV 1050 1425

Across open switching device kV 1200 1425 (+240)*

Rated switching impulse withstand voltage 250/2500 µs

To earth and between poles kV — 1050

Across open switching device kV — 900 (+345)

Discharge inception voltage kV >160 >270

Radio interference voltage µV <2500 <2500

Three-phase breaking capacity inductive/capacitive A 1.5 1

Bus-transfer switching ability according to IEC 1128** A/V 1600/200 1600/300

Inducted current switching ability according
to IEC 1129 class A**
High-Voltage Products

For electromagnetic coupling A/kV 80/1.4 80/2

For electrostatic coupling A/kV 1.25/5 1.25/5

Insulator design

Minimum failing load kN 4.0-6.0-8.0 8.0-10.0

Overall height mm 2100/2300 3150/3350

Minimum creepage distance mm 4900 10,500

Admissible mechanical terminal load

Static and dynamic kN 3.2-5.1-6.0 5.1-6.0

Static portion kN 1.5-2.5-2.5 1.5-1.5

** Values in brackets are peak values of power frequency voltage applied to the opposite terminal.
**As an option

Single-Column Pantograph Disconnectors

Type TFB 123 — 550 kV

The stable frame carries the constructional element under extreme conditions in wet and cold climate,
of the disconnector. It is mounted to the foundation and their operating durability is considerably higher
by means of four studs and supports the support than that of the still widely used multi-strand con-
insulator with an intermediate piece, gear box, and ductors, which are more susceptible to corrosion
the pantograph, as well as a pivot bearing with the because of their large surface area.
rotary insulator and, if available, the built-in earthing
switch with its pivot bearing. Mode of
The top intermediate piece is arranged between the Operation
support insulator and gear box with the pantograph. Each pole of the
It also serves as a mounting point for the bottom disconnectors and
conductor; the cables or tubes can run laterally past earthing switches
the switch in piece. Adaptation of the top intermedi- is actuated by a
ate piece to the respective installation needs helps separate operating
to reduce the number of structural elements, and mechanism.
thus the work involved in mounting. In the case
The torque from
of disconnectors with built-in earthing switches,
the motor of the
the earthing switch contact is attached to the top
operating mecha-
intermediate piece.
nism is transmitted
The pantograph has the welded aluminum construc- through the operat-
tion and together with the cast aluminum gearbox, ing shaft and rotary
forms a mechanical unit. The construction guarantees insulator, to the top bearing in the gearbox, and then
the highest possible degree of mechanical stability to both pantograph arms by means of operating rods.
and reliable current transfer, especially in case of the
During making or breaking, before reaching its
short circuit. Bolt connections are generally avoided
final position, the operating lever in the gearbox
so that operating reliability is not impaired with time
travels through a dead center position, thus prevent-
from bolts working loose or by corrosion in the joint.
ing the pantograph arms of the disconnector from
For balancing the weight of the pantograph in the opening and closing incidentally (e.g. due to breakage
gearbox, a counterbalance spring is mounted. of the rotary insulator or to vibrations caused by
Because the gearbox is closed on all sides the installed an earthquake).
components are protected against atmospheric influ- The contact strips on the pantograph arms during
ences, contamination, and animals (e.g. birds, snakes) making operation travel through a wide-reach angle,
as well as their nests. On all four sides flat terminals which guarantees reliable grasping of the suspended
are provided, offering universal connection possibili- contact, even if its position changes considerably
ties. The entire transmission system has a simple due to the influence of adverse weather conditions
mechanical design. (e.g. strong wind). The high-contact pressure in the
All gearbox and pantograph bearings are permanently closed position does not only assure reliable current
lubricated and maintenance-free. transfer but also reduces contact wear. Due to the
Disconnectors for high short circuit currents are scissors’ action when making and breaking the
equipped with a damper. This damper is mounted forces, acting on the contacts of the disconnector is
between the pantographs joints to dampen the concentrated on a single point, so that even thick
vibrations caused by the short circuit current. layers of ice can be easily broken and removed.
The suspended contact is situated above the The design of the disconnector prevents formation
disconnector on the overhead line and is grasped of ice block between the pantograph and gearbox.
with a high-pressure when the pantograph is in The corona protection fittings attached to the panto-
the closed position. Current is transferred through graph arms also serve as a catching device in case
the pantograph joints by tapered roller contacts of vertical movement of the suspended contact; thus
and then through the gearbox. These connections preventing the suspended contact from slipping out
have been proven correct for many years of operation of the pantograph arms.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Single-Column Pantograph Disconnectors

Type TFB 123 — 550 kV

 Especially suitable for a plant with minimal  Easy adjustment from the stud-bolt arrangement
installation area  Available connections for all busbar designs
 Switching position clearly recognizable from  Highest possible degree of operating safety and
a far distance maintenance-free operation due to the welded
 High dynamic force from suitable dimensioning pantograph construction
of the pantograph and attached damper  Especially suitable for outdoor installation due to
 Reliable opening and closing even when the use of aluminum or galvanized steel parts
disconnector is covered with ice  Positive switching positions due to dead
 Wide catching range center interlock
 Short assembly time

Disconnectors are used for metallic isolation of Single-column pantograph disconnector type TFB is
systems by creating in the open position a visible appropriate for outdoor installations with conductors
isolating distance. arranged at two different levels. They permit modern
They are appropriate for switching small currents installation design and require minimal space.
or currents when no significant change in voltage Optionally, each disconnector pole can be equipped
occurs across the terminals. with an earthing switch for earthing and short circuit-
ing disconnected sections of the substation or plant.

123 145 170 245 300 362 420 550
1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 pol 1 pol

Without Ice
MT — — MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100
High-Voltage Products

HA — — HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80

10 mm Ice
MT — — MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100

HA — — HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 — —

20 mm Ice
MT — — MT 100 MT100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100

HA — — — — — — — —


Disconnector TFB 123 TFB 145 TFB 170 TFB 245 TFB 300
Rated voltage kV 123 145 170 245 300
Rated normal current
Type pc A 3150 3150 3150 3150 3150
Type q A 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000
Rated peak withstand current of
disconnector and earthing switch
Type pc/q kA 100/125 100/125 100/125/160 100/125/160 100/125/160
Rated short-time withstand
kA 40/50 40/50 40/50/63 40/50/63 40/50/63
current (rms)
Rated power-frequency withstand
voltage 50 Hz, 1 min
To earth kV 230 275 325 460 380
Across open switching device kV 265 315 375 530 435
Rated lighting impulse withstand
voltage 1.2/50 µs
To earth kV 550 650 750 1050 1050
Across open switching device kV 650 750 860 1200 1050 (+170)*
Rated switching impulse withstand
voltage 250/2500 µs
To earth kV — — — — 850
Across open switching device,
kV — — — — 850
class A
Across open switching device,
kV — — — — 700 (+245)
class B
Discharge inception voltage kV >80 >95 >110 >160 >190
Radio interference voltage µV <1000 <1000 <1000 <1000 <1000
Three-phase breaking capacity
A 2 2 2 1.5 1
Bus-transfer switching ability
A/V 1600/100 1600/100 1600/100 1600/200 1600/200
according to IEC 1128**
Inducted current switching ability
according to IEC 1129 class A**
For electromagnetic coupling A/kV 50/0.5 50/1 50/1 80/1.4 80/1.4
For electrostatic coupling A/kV 0.4/3 0.4/3 0.4/3 1.25/5 1.25/5
Insulator design
Minimum failing load kN 6.0-8.0-10.0 6.0-8.0-10.0 6.0-8.0-10.0 6.0-8.0-10.0 6.0-8.0-10.0
Overall height mm 1220 1500 1700 2300 2650
Minimum creepage distance mm 2460 2900 3400 4900 4900
Admissible mechanical terminal load
Static and dynamic kN 4.2-5.6-7.0 4.2-5.6-7.0 4.2-5.6-7.0 4.2-5.6-7.0 4.2-5.6-7.0
Static portion kN 1.5-2.0-2.5 1.5-2.0-2.5 1.5-2.0-2.5 1.5-2.0-2.5 1.5-2.0-2.5
** Values in brackets are peak values of power frequency voltage applied to the opposite terminal.
**As an option

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Disconnectors/Earthing Switches
Single-Column Pantograph Disconnectors Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Type TFB 123 — 550 kV +48 42 613 22 00


Disconnector TFB 362 TFB 420 TFB 420-1 TFB 550

Rated voltage kV 362 420 420 550
Rated normal current
Type pc A 3150 3150 3150 3150
Type q A 4000 4000 4000 4000
Rated peak withstand current of
disconnector and earthing switch
Type pc/q kA 100/125/160 100/125/160 100/125 100/125
Rated short-time withstand current (rms) kA 40/50/63 40/50/63 40/50 40/50
Rated power-frequency withstand
voltage 50 Hz, 1 min
To earth kV 450 520 520 620
Across open switching device kV 520 610 760 760
Rated lighting impulse withstand
voltage 1.2/50 µs
To earth kV 1175 1425 1425 1550
Across open switching device kV 1175 (+205)* 1425 (+240)* 1550 (+300)* 1550 (+315)*
Rated switching impulse withstand
voltage 250/2500 µs
To earth kV 950 1050 1175 1175
Across open switching device, class A kV 950 1050 1175 1175
Across open switching device, class B kV 800 (+295) 900 (+345) 900 (+430) 900 (+450)
Discharge inception voltage kV >230 >270 >270 >335
Radio interference voltage µV <1000 <1000 <1000 <1000
Three-phase breaking capacity
A 1 1 1 1
Bus-transfer switching ability
A/V 1600/200 1600/300 1600/300 1600/300
according to IEC 1128**
Inducted current switching ability
according to IEC 1129 class A**
High-Voltage Products

For electromagnetic coupling A/kV 80/2 80/2 80/2 80/2

For electrostatic coupling A/kV 1.25/5 1.25/5 1.25/5 1.6/8
Insulator design
Minimum failing load kN 6.0-8.0-10.0 6.0-8.0-10.0-12.5 6.0-8.0-10.0-12.5 6.0-8.0-10.0-12.5
Overall height mm 2650 3350 3350 4200
Minimum creepage distance mm 7240 8400 8400 10,500
Admissible mechanical terminal load
Static and dynamic kN 4.2-5.6-7.0 4.2-5.6-7.0-8.75 4.2-5.6-7.0-8.75 4.2-5.6-7.0-8.75
Static portion kN 1.5-2.0-2.5 1.5-2.0-2.5-3.15 1.5-2.0-2.5-3.15 1.5-2.0-2.5-3.15
** Values in brackets are peak values of power frequency voltage applied to the opposite terminal.
**As an option


Type TEC 72.5 — 300 kV

Design Mode of Operation
The carrying constructional element of the single- The earthing switch is operated
column, free-standing earthing switch is the sectional separately. The design of the
base frame. The post insulator is assembled on the operating linkage is such that a
mounting plate and supports the contact with high- dead center position is passed
voltage terminal acc to DIN or NEMA standard. through shortly before the end
The tubular arm is permanently connected with positions are reached. Therefore,
the earthed frame by means of a flexible connection. automatic opening or closing of
In the open position the tubular contact arm is locat- the units caused by some external
ed along the base frame. influences (e.g. due to vibrations
caused by an earthquake, short
All components are protected against atmospheric
circuits, etc.) is avoided.
influences; the steel parts, which are liable to rust,
are hot dip galvanized. The energy is transmitted to the
earthing switch shaft via the operating shaft, and the
tubular contact arm swings upwards when the unit
is closed. In the closed position the contact fingers
come to rest against the stop with initial tension.
 Dead center interlocking—It ensures no APPLICATIONS
change of the switching position in case of
extreme external influences such as storm, Earthing switches are used for earthing and short cir-
vibration, or earthquake. cuiting disconnected sections of substation or plant.
 Little maintenance—Owing to the selection They are designed for no-load switching and are
of the material used and the encapsulation of able to disconnect low charging currents. Earthing
the pedestals and rotary heads in connection switches type TEC are suitable for outdoor installa-
with a permanent lubrication, the units are tions and can be supplied as the single-column,
practically maintenance-free. free-standing earthing switch or as an earthing
switch built on the same base frame together
with disconnector type SGF and TFB.
Thanks to the universal design, the built-in earthing
switch type TEC can be attached to the disconnector
type SGF at the site, and it can also be retrofitted
later without any difficulty.
72.5/90 123 145 170 245 300
1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol
Without Ice
MT MT 50 MT 50 MT 50 MT50 MT 100 MT 100
HA HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80
10 mm Ice
MT MT 50 MT 50 MT 50 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100
HA HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 — — —
20 mm Ice
MT — — — — — —
HA — — — — — —

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Earthing Switches

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Type TEC 72.5 — 300 kV +48 42 613 22 00

Earthing Switch
72.5*** 90*** 123*** 145*** 170*** 245*** 300***
Rated voltage kV 72.5 90 123 145 170 245 300

Rated peak withstand current kA 100 100 100/125 100/125 100/125 100/125 100/125

Rated short-time withstand

kA 40 40 40/50 40/50 40/50 40/50 40/50
current (rms)

Rated power-frequency
withstand voltage kV 140 150 230 275 325 460 380
to earth 50 Hz, 1 min

Rated lighting impulse

withstand voltage to earth kV 325 380 550 650 750 1050 1050
1.2 / 50 µs

Rated switching impulse

withstand voltage to earth kV — — — — — — 850
250/2500 µs

Discharge inception voltage kV >46 >57 >80 >95 >110 >160 >230

Radio interference voltage µV — — <500 <500 <1000 <500 <1000

Three-phase breaking capacity

A 2 2 2 2 2 1.5 1

Inducted current switching

ability according to IEC 1129*

For electromagnetic coupling A/kV — — 50/0.5 50/1 50/1 80/1.4 80/1.4

For electrostatic coupling A/kV — — 0.4/3 0.4/5 0.4/3 1.25/5 1.25/5

Insulator design

Minimum failing load kN 4.0-6.0 4.0-6.0 4.0-6.0-8.0 4.0-6.0-8.0 4.0-6.0-8.0 4.0-6.0-8.0 6.0-8.0

Overall height mm 770 870 1220 1500 1700 2300 2650

Minimum creepage distance mm 1450 1800 2460 2900 3400 4900 4900
High-Voltage Products

Admissible mechanical
terminal load**

Static and dynamic kN 2.5-2.5 2.5-2.5 3.0-4.5-6.0 3.1-4.7-6.0 3.1-5.1-6.0 3.2-5.1-6.0 5.1-6.0

Static portion kN 0.5-0.5 0.5-0.5 1.5-2.5-2.5 1.5-2.5-2.5 1.5-2.5-2.5 1.5-2.5-2.5 2.5-2.5

***As an option
*** Values apply to support insulators of standard design given in the table.
*** Values-type designation is complemented by the data for rated peak withstand current.


Type TEB 170 — 550 kV

Design Mode of Operation
The carrying constructional element of the earthing The earthing switch is
switch is the stable base frame, and it is mounted to operated separately. The
the foundation by means of four stud bolts. On that design of the operating
base frame is assembled the insulator column, which linkage is such that a dead
is equipped with corona protection fitting and center position is passed
contact carrier. The tubular arm is permanently through shortly before the
connected with the earthed frame by means of a respective end position is
flexible connection (silver-faced copper strips). reached. Therefore, auto-
Earthing contact is attached to the contact carrier. matic opening or closing
When in the closed position, the earthing blade at of the units caused by
the top of the tubular contact arm lies between the some external influences
contact fingers of the earthing contact. (e.g. due to vibrations caused by an earthquake, short
circuits, etc.) is avoided. The energy is transmitted to
Re-adjustment of the stud bolt nuts enables easy
the earthing switch shaft, via the operating shaft, and
and precise adjustment of the earthing switch
the tubular contact arm swings upwards when the
and/or compensation of inaccuracies from the
unit is closed. In the end position, the earthing blade
foundation or from tensile forces. All components
is inserted upwards into earthing contact where it
are protected against atmospheric influences; the
is held in place.
steel parts liable to rusting are hot dip galvanized.

 Reliable opening and closing even when Earthing switches are used for earthing and short
disconnector is covered with ice circuiting disconnected sections of substations
 Short assembly time and plants.
 Highest possible degree of operating safety and They are designed for no-load switching and are able
maintenance-free operation due to the welded to disconnect low charging currents.
TEB construction Earthing switches type TEB are suitable for outdoor
 Especially suitable for outdoor installation due to installations and can be supplied as an earthing
the use of aluminum or galvanized steel parts switch built on the same base frame together with
disconnector TFB or SGF or as the single-column,
 Dead center interlocking ensures no change
free-standing earthing switch.
of the switching position in case of extreme
external influences such as storm, vibration,
or earthquake.

170 245 300 362 420 550
1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 pol 1 pol
Without Ice
MT MT 50 MT 50 MT 50 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100
HA HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80
10 mm Ice
MT MT 50 MT 50 MT 50 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100
HA — — — — — —
20 mm Ice
MT MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100
HA — — — — — —

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Earthing Switches/Operating Mechanisms

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Type TEB 170 — 550 kV +48 42 613 22 00


Earthing Switch TEB 170* TEB 245* TEB 300* TEB 362* TEB 420* TEB 550*

Rated voltage kV 170 245 300 362 420 550

Rated peak withstand current 100/ 100/ 100/ 100/ 100/ 100/
of earthing switch (peak) 125/160 125/160 125/160 125/160 125/160 125/160

Rated short-time withstand

kA 40/50/63 40/50/63 40/50/63 40/50/63 40/50/63 40/50/63
current (rms)

Rated power-frequency
withstand voltage 50 Hz, 1 min

To earth and between poles kV 325 460 380 450 520 620

Rated lighting impulse

withstand voltage 1.2/50 µs

To earth and between poles kV 750 1050 1050 1175 1425 1550

Rated switching impulse

withstand voltage 250/2500 µs

To earth and between poles kV — — 850 950 1050 1175

Discharge inception voltage kV >110 >160 >190 >230 >270 >350

Radio interference voltage µV <500 <500 <500 <500 <500 <1000

Three-phase breaking capacity

A 1 1 1 1 1 1

Insulator design

Minimum failing load kN 6.0-8.0-10 6.0-8.0-10 6.0-8.0-10 6.0-8.0-10 6.0-8.0-10 6.0-8.0-10

Overall height mm 1700 2300 2650 2900 3350 4200

Admissible mechanical
terminal load**

Static and dynamic kN 4.2-5.6-7.0 4.2-5.6-7.0 4.2-5.6-7.0 4.2-5.6-7.0 4.2-5.6-7.0 4.2-5.6-7.0

High-Voltage Products

Static portion kN 1.5-2.0-2.5 1.5-2.0-2.5 1.5-2.0-2.5 1.5-2.0-2.5 1.5-2.0-2.5 1.5-2.0-2.5

*Values-type designation is complemented by the data for rated peak withstand current.
Example: The complete destination for a 420 kV single-column earthing switch with peak withstand current of 125 kA is: TEB 420/125.
**Values apply to support insulators of standard design given in the table.

Motor-Operating Mechanism


Type MT 50 and MT 100

Design Mode of
All components of the operating mechanism are
assembled in an aluminum sheet housing with a door Transmission of power
at the front. The control components are attached to from the motor to the
a mounting plate and wired to the terminal strip. operating spindle is via
A clearance of approximately 10 cm is provided to a gear train.
connect the control cables to the terminal strip. The motor-operated
The connections to the motor, limit switches, block- mechanism is normally
ing magnet (if included), and the lighting system are activated from a control
routed via an adapter plug. room or a local control
The basic version of MT 50 or MT 100 includes cubicle, using an ON
the following: or OFF command.The
control contactor picks
 Contactor control with lock-in feature
up and locks in.
 8-pole pilot switch with 4 N.C. and 4 N.O. contacts.
By removing the bridges and cancelling the series The switching angle of the output shaft is 190 degrees.
connection, the number of pilot switch contacts When either of the end positions is reached, a limit
can be increased up to 8 N.C. and 8 N.O. switch cancels the operation.
 TQ 1.5 mm2, flexible, black; except the motor Limit switches are tripped by the operating cross,
lead, which is Dipotherm 0.56 mm2, colored. which is located on the output shaft.
 In case of ac operation, a rectifier is installed Auxiliary switches are actuated by a control disc
upstream of the DC motor. fitted to the operating shaft.
 The incoming and outgoing cables are passed Unauthorized opening of the door and removing of
from below through a 4-mm thick, removable the cover hood for manual emergency operation can
cable entry plate made of aluminum. be prevented by an optionally built-in padlock.
 The cable glands are not included in the standard
The safety contacts interrupt the control circuit
scope of delivery and must be provided by the for the motor when the manual emergency crank is
customer. All bored holes (standard versions: 2 x inserted; at this point the unit can be operated only
conduit thread P36, 4 x conduit thread P29, and with the manual emergency crank.
2 x conduit thread P16) are closed with blanking
plugs.Ventilation is provided by a cable gland The optional blocking magnet prevents use of the
with a filter insert, located in the cable entry emergency manual operation of motor-operated
plate. Also located in the plate is the connection mechanism if there is no actuating signal from the con-
angle with a 13-mm bored hole for outside earth trol room. In this case it is not possible to insert the
coming in. crank into the auxiliary pin for emergency operation.
 The earthing connection in the box between
the door and the housing has a cross-sectional
area of 6 mm2. FEATURES
 An anti-condensation heater connected to the  Welded aluminum structure
voltage supply is permanently mounted onto the  Compact design
terminal unit.
Other options can be supplied on request.
All devices are protected against accidental touching APPLICATIONS
of electrical connections by means of appropriate The motor-operated mechanisms type MT 50
constructional features or covers. and MT 100 are designed for outdoor installation
and used for the electrical remote operation of
disconnectors and earthing switches.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Operating Mechanisms
Motor-Operating Mechanism

Type MT 50 and MT 100


 Pilot switches (maximum of 2 pilot switches can  Wiring of the pilot switches to the terminal strip
be installed) • Wires with marks
• 8-pole pilot switch 4 N.C. and 4 N.O. contacts  Local control system, consisting of:
(same design as included in basic version). • One changeover switch (local-off-remote) and
Switching capacity: rest control switch (ON-OFF) or
2 A at 220 VDC,T = 20 ms • One changeover switch (local-off-remote) and
By removing the bridges and cancelling the series two push buttons (ON, OFF)
installation, the number of pilot switch contacts  Blocking magnet
can be increased up to 8 N.C. and 8 N.O.  Miniature circuit breaker for:
In this case, the switching capacity is: • Heater
1 A at 220 VDC,T = 20 ms or • Control system
4 A at 110 VDC,T = 40 ms • Motor
• 8-pole pilot switch with 3 N.C., 3 N.O.,
 Motor protection device
1 lagging N.C., and 1 leading N.O.
• Overload relay with automatic resetting
Switching capacity:
• Overload relay with manual resetting
3 N.C., 3 N.O., and 1 lagging N.C. contact
• Overload circuit-breaker—automatic and
2 A at 220 VDC,T = 20 ms or
manual reset
4 A at 110 VDC,T = 40 ms
By removing the bridges and cancelling the  Control device for heating
series installation, the number of pilot switch • Thermostat adjusted
contacts can be increased up to 6 N.C., 6 N.O., • Hydrostat adjusted
2 lagging N.C., 1 lagging N.C., and 1 leading N.O.  Interior lighting (switches on when door is opened)
In this case, the switching capacity is:  Device for locking the door
1 A at 220 VDC,T = 20 ms or • Handle type “T”
4 A at 110 VDC,T = 40 ms • Handle type “T” with cylinder lock
• 8-pole pilot switch with 3 N.C., 2 N.O., • Double-beard lock
1 lagging N.C., 1 leading N.O., and 1 leading N.O. • Padlock, which prevents removal of the cover for
Switching capacity: emergency operation
3 N.C., 3 N.O., 1 lagging N.C.,  Cable plate
1 leading N.O., and contact • Without holes
2 A at 220 VDC,T = 20 ms • With holes 2 x Pg36, 4 x Pg29, and 2 x Pg21,
By removing the bridges and cancelling the series closed with blanking plugs
installation, the number of pilot switch contacts • Without holes but with cable glands
can be increased up to 6 N.C., 4 N.O., 2 lagging  Position indicator
High-Voltage Products

N.C., and 2 leading N.O. • Electrical (lamp)

In this case, the switching capacity is: • Mechanical
1 A at 220 VDC,T = 20 ms or
4 A at 110 VDC,T = 40 ms


72.5/90 123 145 170 245 420 550
1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 pol 1 pol

Without Ice

SDB MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100

SGF MT 50 MT 50 MT 50 MT 50 MT 50 MT 100 MT 100

TEC MT 50 MT 50 MT 50 MT 50 MT 100 — —

TFB — — — MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100

TEB — — — MT 50 MT 50 MT 100 MT 100

10 mm Ice

SDB MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100

SGF MT 50 MT 50 MT 50 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100

TEC MT 50 MT 50 MT 50 MT 100 MT 100 — —

TFB — — — MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100

TEB — — — MT 50 MT 50 MT 100 MT 100

20 mm Ice

SDB MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100

SGF — MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100

TEC — — — — — — —

TFB — — — MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100

TEB — — — MT 100 MT 100 MT 100 MT 100

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Operating Mechanisms
Motor-Operating Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Type MT 50 and MT 100 +48 42 613 22 00

Technical Data of Motor-Operated Mechanisms MT 50 and MT 100
60, 110, 125, or 220 VDC
Rated motor voltage
110 or 220 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Admissible deviation from the rated motor voltage +10/-20%
Rated motor output, short-time duty 470 W
Switching time (depending on load)
MT 50 between 3.5 and 6 sec.
MT 100 between 8 and 12 sec.
Max. torque required at the operating shaft for emergency operation
MT 50 5 Nm
MT 100 7.5 Nm
Rated torque on the operating shaft at rated voltage
MT 50 500 Nm
MT 100 1000 Nm
Rotations of emergence crank for a 190° switching
at least 70
angle of the operating shaft
Heating capacity approx. 25 W
Heating voltage 60, 110, 125, or 220 V
Degree of protection against contact with live or
IP 54
moving parts ingress of foreign bodies and water
Cross-section of internal wiring (except motor and heater) 1.5 mm2
Maximal cross-section of supply leads
Solid 4 mm2
Stranded (with end sleeve) 2.5 mm2
Weight 40 kg
Dimensions (cubicle) L x W x H 500 x 210 x 500 mm
Technical Data of the Built-in Control Contactors
60, 110, 125, or 220 VDC
High-Voltage Products

Operating voltage
110 or 220 VAC
Admissible deviation from the operating voltage +10/-15%
Rated power consumption of the magnet coils
When operated with dc pick-up/holding 7 W/7 W
When operated with ac pick-up/holding 60 VA/9 VA (50 W/2.2 W)
Min. signal duration for self-holding 75 ms
Technical Data of the Blocking Magnet
60, 110, 125, or 220 VDC
Operating voltage
110 or 220 VAC
Admissible deviation from the operating voltage +10/-15%
Rated power consumption of the magnet coil when operated with dc approx. 6 W
Duty cycle 100%



Type HA 31 — 80

Design Mode of Operation

All components of the operating mechanism are The manual-operated mechanism is actuated by an
assembled in an aluminum sheet housing with a door operating lever, which can be locked in both end
at the front. The control components are attached to positions by a padlock. The switching angle of an
a mounting plate and wired to the terminal strip. operating mechanism is 190 degrees. Auxiliary switch-
A clearance of approximately 10 cm is provided to es are actuated by a control disc fitted to the operat-
connect the control cables to the terminal strip. ing shaft. The optional blocking magnet prevents any
operation of the manual-operating mechanism if
The basic version of HA 31 — 80 includes
there is no actuating signal from the control room.
the following:
In this case the movement of the manual operating
 8-pole pilot switch with 4 N.C. and 4 N.O. contacts. lever is blocked.
By removing the bridges and cancelling the series
Unauthorized opening of the door can be prevented
connection, the number of pilot switch contacts
by an optionally built-in padlock (special design).
can be increased up to 8 N.C. and 8 N.O.
 Cross sectional area for all internal connections:
TQ 1.5 mm2, flexible, black
 The incoming and outgoing cables are passed
from below through a 2-mm thick, removable
cable entry plate made of aluminum. Cable glands
are not included in the standard scope of delivery
and must be provided by the customer. All bored
holes (standard versions: 1 x conduit thread
29 and 2 x conduit thread 21) are closed with
blanking plugs.
 Ventilation is provided by a cable gland with a
filter insert. It is located in the cable entry plate.
Also located in that plate is the connection angle
with a 13-mm bored hole for outside earth
coming in.
 The earthing connection in the box between
the door and the housing has a cross-sectional
area of 6 mm2.
 An anti-condensation heater connected to the APPLICATIONS
voltage supply is permanently mounted onto the The manual-operated mechanism type HA 31 — 80
terminal unit. is designed for outdoor installations and used for
All devices are protected against accidental touching the operation of high-voltage disconnectors and
of electrical connections by means of appropriate earthing switches.
constructional features or covers.

 Welded aluminum structure
 Compact design

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Operating Mechanisms
Hand-Operating Mechanism

Type HA 31 — 80


 Pilot switches (maximum of 2 pilot switches can • 8-pole pilot switch with 3 N.C., 2 N.O.,
be installed) 1 lagging N.C., 1 leading N.O., and 1 leading N.O.
• 8-pole pilot switch 4 N.C. and 4 N.O. contacts Switching capacity:
(same design as included in basic version). 3 N.C., 3 N.O., 1 lagging N.C.,
Switching capacity: 1 leading N.O., and contact
2 A at 220 VDC,T = 20 ms 2 A at 220 VDC,T = 20 ms
By removing the bridges and cancelling By removing the bridges and cancelling the series
the series installation, the number of pilot installation, the number of pilot switch contacts
switch contacts can be increased up to can be increased up to 6 N.C., 4 N.O., 2 lagging
8 N.C. and 8 N.O. N.C., and 2 leading N.O.
In this case, the switching capacity is: In this case, the switching capacity is:
1 A at 220 VDC,T = 20 ms or 1 A at 220 VDC,T = 20 ms or
4 A at 110 VDC,T = 40 ms 4 A at 110 VDC,T = 40 ms
• 8-pole pilot switch with 3 N.C., 3 N.O., 1 lagging  Wiring of the pilot switches to the terminal strip
N.C., and 1 leading N.O. • Wires with marks
Switching capacity:  Blocking magnet for preventing maloperation
3 N.C., 3 N.O., and 1 lagging N.C. contact
 Control device for heating
2 A at 220 VDC,T = 20 ms or
4 A at 110 VDC,T = 40 ms • Thermostat adjusted
By removing the bridges and cancelling the  Device for locking the door
series installation, the number of pilot switch • Handle type “T”
contacts can be increased up to 6 N.C., 6 N.O.,
2 lagging N.C., 1 lagging N.C., and 1 leading N.O. • Handle type “T” with cylinder lock
In this case, the switching capacity is: • Padlock which prevents removal of the cover
1 A at 220 VDC,T = 20 ms or for emergency operation
4 A at 110 VDC,T = 40 ms

72.5/90 123 145 170 245 420 550
1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 — 3 pol 1 pol 1 pol

Without Ice
SGF HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 — —
TEC HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 — —
High-Voltage Products

TFB — — — HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80
TEB — — — HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80
10 mm Ice
SGF HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 — — — —
TEC HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 — — — —
TFB — — — HA 31 — 80 HA 31 — 80 — —
TEB — — — — — — —
20 mm Ice
SGF — — — — — — —
TEC — — — — — — —
TFB — — — — — — —
TEB — — — — — — —

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
+48 42 613 22 00

Technical Data of Manual-Operating Mechanism
Rated torque required on the operating lever 500 Nm

Length of operating lever 1000 mm

Switching angle of the hand lever 190°

Heating capacity approx. 25 W

Heating voltage 60, 110, 125, or 220 V

Degree of protection against contact with live or moving

IP 54
parts ingress of foreign bodies and water

Cross-section of internal wiring 1.5 mm2

Cross-section of supply leads

Solid 4.0 mm2

Stranded (with end sleeve) 2.5 mm2
Weight 25 kg

Dimensions (cubicle) L x W x H 300 x 155 x 400 mm

Technical Data of Blocking Magnet

60, 110, 125, or 220 VDC

Operating voltage
110, 125, or 220 VAC

Admissible deviation from the operating voltage +10/-15%

Rated power consumption of magnet coil approx. 6 W

Duty cycle 100%

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.



High-Voltage Products

Surge Arresters

ABB surge arresters are the primary protection against various

kinds of overvoltages (atmospheric or switching). They are generally
connected in parallel with the equipment to be protected, diverting
the surge current. The active elements (blocks) of ABB surge arresters
are manufactured using a highly non-linear ceramic resistor
material composed largely of zinc oxide mixed with other metal
oxides and sintered together.

ABB manufactures arresters suitable for a range of selection criteria

including: Maximum continuous operating voltage; maximum
temporary overvoltage capability; protective characteristics; energy
absorption capability; and pressure-relief capability.

Voltage Energy Capability
(kJ/kV of rating)3 Protective Pressure-Relief Housing Product
Type Rating
Level4 Class (kA) Type Bulletin
1-Shot IEC
Distribution Class
POLIM-D 3 — 30 1.2 2.8 3.2 20 All Ratings Silicone 38 — 155
Intermediate Class
PEXLIM-A 3 — 120 2.6 2.4 2.97 20 All Ratings Silicone 38 — 325
Station Class
65 (3 — 39 kV)
EXLIM-R1 3 — 1925 2.5 5.0 2.67 Porcelain 38 — 320
80 (45 — 120 kV)
XPS 3 — 2405 4.5 7.4 2.35 65 All Ratings Silicone 35 — 337
65 (3 — 39 kV)
EXLIM-Q 3 — 360 4.5 7.4 2.35 Porcelain 38 — 330
80 (45 — 360 kV)
EXLIM-P 54 — 4445 7.0 12 2.275 80 All Ratings Porcelain 38 — 340
EXLIM-T 5 10.0 15.4 2.20 65 All Ratings Porcelain 38 — 350
110 — 612
PEXLINK 12 — 216 2.6 2.4 2.97 20 All Ratings Silicone 38 — 250
Ratings 45 kV and above are supplied with a 10-inch mounting bolt circle.
See table on page 318 for standard voltage ratings and the corresponding MCOV ratings.
1-Shot—design performance rating (4 msec. duration), 2-Shot, per IEC 99-4 Clause 7.5.5
Typical protective level, varies by rating
Contact factory for ratings not described

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Surge Arresters

Minimum Recommended ABB Arrester MCOV for Various System Voltages

System Voltage kV (L-L) Minimum Arrester MCOV (kV)

Grounded Temporarily Ungrounded, Impedance

Nominal Maximum Neutral Ground, or Ungrounded Circuits
1 2 3
2.40 2.52 2.30 2.3 2.3 2.55

4.16 4.37 2.55 3.8 3.8 5.10

4.80 5.04 3.80 3.8 3.8 5.10

6.90 7.25 4.30 5.1 5.1 7.70

8.32 8.74 5.10 6.4 6.4 10.20

12.00 12.60 7.65 8.4 10.2 12.70

12.47 13.10 7.65 10.2 10.2 15.30

13.20 13.90 8.40 10.2 10.2 15.30

13.80 14.50 8.40 10.2 10.2 15.30

20.78 21.80 12.70 15.3 15.3 22.00

22.86 24.00 15.30 17.0 17.0 24.40

23.00 24.20 15.30 17.0 17.0 24.40

24.94 26.10 15.30 19.5 24.4 29.00

34.50 36.20 22.00 24.4 — 36.50

46.00 48.30 29.00 31.5 — 57.00

69.00 72.00 42.00 48.0 — —

Line-to-line overvoltage for 4 seconds (maximum recloser duty): Maximum system voltage (L-L) divided by 1.43 (assuming no recent prior energy surge)
For resistance grounded systems: Line-to-line voltage divided by 1.41 permit arrester to withstand system line-to-line voltage for 10 seconds
(again assuming no recent prior surge)
High-Voltage Products

Maximum system line-to-line voltage continuously


FEATURES (continued)
Surge Arrester Characteristics
and Capabilities
 Maximum continuous operating voltage  Energy absorption capabilities may
[MCOV] is the key application criteria to make be required to absorb energy generated by
sure the arrester can survive under normal switching overvoltages and/or energy stored
system conditions. Proper selection of MCOV, in the power system. The effects of capacitor
along with the other following protective criteria, banks, multiple or long transmission lines, and
will result in proper arrester application. The circuit breaker switching operation must be
MCOV is the maximum designated root-mean analyzed to assure proper application.
square [rms] value of power frequency voltage No standard explicitly defines what is meant
that may be applied continuously between the by energy capability of an arrester. The only
terminals of the arrester. Selection of the system measure of energy capability that is specified
voltage and its grounding provisions from in standards is the line discharge class per IEC.
the previous table will list the lowest MCOV ABB presents energy capability in kJ/kV of duty
recommended for the selected application. cycle rating. This is done in two different ways:
 Maximum temporary overvoltage capability Two line discharge impulses—This is the energy
[TOV] is the maximum designated root-mean the arrester has been subjected to during the
square [rms] value of power frequency voltage switching surge operation duty test as per
that may be applied for a designated period IEC or ANSI, whichever is highest, followed
of time between the terminals of the arrester. by thermal stability.
TOV curves are available on all types of arresters
Single impulse energy—This is the maximum
published in the technical product bulletins.
permissible amount of energy that the arrester
TOV duration ranges from a few milliseconds may be subjected to in one single impulse with
to many hours (for example, depending on 4 ms duration. This is published as the 1-shot
fault-clearance time). energy capability in the selection guide.
The most common form of TOV occurs on the  Pressure-relief capability is the ability of
unfaulted phases of a system during a ground the arrester, in the event of its overloading due
fault involving one or two phases. Other sources to any reason, to conduct the resulting system
of TOV are ferro-resonance and load-rejection. short circuit current through it without a
 Protective characteristics are published for violent explosion, which may damage nearby
each arrester type. Protective levels are published equipment or injure personnel. After the
in table form in (kA). These protective levels operation of the pressure-relief, the arrester
must be compared to the voltage withstand level must be replaced.
of the equipment or system to be protected in The short circuit current may be high or low,
order to achieve insulation coordination. depending on the system impedance and/or
grounding conditions. Hence, the pressure-
relief capability is verified by both high and
low current tests.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Surge Arresters
Distribution Class



The POLIM-D surge arrester offers protection for medium-voltage

networks against both atmospheric and switching overvoltages.
The POLIM-D surge arrester is suitable for the protection of distribu-
tion transformers, medium-voltage switchgear, and cables. It can be
utilized for both indoor and outdoor applications. POLIM arresters
meet IEC 60099-4 standards and fulfill heavy duty distribution class
as per ANSI/IEEE C62.11 standards.
 Temporary overvoltage capability (TOV)—Power frequency
versus time characteristic:
• 1 second (a: 1.390 x Uc or b: 1.316 x MCOV)
• 10 seconds (a: 1.337 x Uc or b: 1.262 x MCOV)
• 1 second (b: 1.350 x MCOV)
• 10 seconds (b: 1.310 x MCOV)
a = value tested with a sample that has not been prestressed
by any energy input
b = value tested with a sample that has been prestressed with
a prior energy input according to the operating duty test
The values have been determined with a test sample preheated
at 60°C according to IEC 60099-4 and refer to an ambient
temperature up to 45°C.


 The POLIM-D features a silicone polymer housing Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).
that, when compared to other polymeric
materials, has the highest resistance to pollution, 1.65
particularly in severe environmental conditions. (42)
.47 x .91
(12 x 23) 1.65
4.57 (116) .47 x .91
3.43 (87) (12 x 23)

High-Voltage Products

.47 x .79 .47 x .79

(12 x 20) (12 x 20)
1.65 (42)


Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA

Electrical Characteristics

Residual Voltage (Ures) in kV pk at a Specified Impulse Current

Rating MCOV Wave 1/..µs Wave 8/20 µs Wave 30/60 µs

(kV) (kV-rms)
5 kA 10 kA 1 kA 2.5 kA 5 kA 10 kA 20 kA 125 A 250 A 500 A
pk pk pk pk pk pk pk pk pk pk

3 2.55 14.50 16.00 11.70 12.40 13.10 14.00 15.90 10.40 10.80 11.10

6 5.10 21.70 24.00 17.50 18.50 19.60 21.00 23.90 15.60 16.10 16.60

9 7.65 28.90 32.00 23.30 24.70 26.10 28.00 31.80 20.80 21.50 22.20

10 8.40 32.20 35.60 25.90 27.50 29.00 31.20 35.40 23.20 23.90 24.70

12 10.20 36.10 39.90 29.10 30.80 32.60 35.00 39.80 25.90 26.80 27.70

15 12.70 50.50 55.90 40.70 43.20 45.60 49.00 55.70 36.30 37.50 38.80

18 15.30 57.70 63.90 46.50 49.30 52.10 56.00 63.60 41.50 42.90 44.30

21 17.00 64.90 71.90 52.30 55.50 58.60 63.00 71.60 46.70 48.20 49.80

27 22.00 79.40 87.80 64.00 67.80 71.70 77.00 87.40 57.00 59.00 60.90

30 24.40 86.60 95.80 69.80 74.00 78.20 84.00 95.40 62.20 64.30 66.40

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights

Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).
Creepage Recommended Clearances*
Rating Distance Height H Weight
(kV) Inches S min T min Inches (mm) Lbs. (kg)
(mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm)

3 6.0 (153) 2.9 (73) 3.9 (100) 5.7 (144) <.37 (0.8)

9 6.0 (153) 3.8 (96) 4.8 (121) 5.7 (144) <.37 (0.8)

9/10 12.0 (306) 4.6 (118) 5.6 (143) 7.5 (191) <.55 (1.2)

12 12.0 (306) 5.5 (140) 6.5 (165) 7.5 (191) <.55 (1.2)

15 18.1 (460) 7.2 (184) 8.2 (208) 9.4 (239) <.74 (1.6)

18 18.1 (460) 8.1 (207) 9.1 (230) 9.4 (239) <.74 (1.6)

21 18.1 (460) 9.0 (229) 9.9 (251) 9.4 (239) <.74 (1.6)

27 24.0 (610) 10.8 (274) 11.6 (295) 11.3 (286) <1.02 (2.2)

30 24.0 (610) 11.7 (296) 12.4 (316) 11.3 (286) <1.02 (2.2)
*National and local requirements have priority and may be used.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Surge Arresters
Intermediate Class



The PEXLIM-A polymer arrester has been verified to meet or exceed interme-
diate class requirements of ANSI C62.11 (IEEE Standard for Metal Oxide Surge
Arresters for ac Power Circuits) and Line Discharge Class 1 per IEC standards.
The PEXLIM-A arrester is designed to meet the following performance criteria:
 Energy capability (kJ/kV of duty cycle rating):
• Single impulse: Design performance rating (4 msec. duration)—2.6 kJ/kV
• Line discharge impulse: Per IEC 60099-4 within 1 min.—2.4 kJ/kV
 Protective level @ 10 kA:
• Per unit of voltage rating—2.97
 Pressure-relief capability:
• 20 kA
 Service conditions:
• Altitude—0 -10,000 ft. (3048 m)
• Ambient temperature— - 40ºC to +45ºC

 Construction—ABB’s type PEXLIM-A arrester
consists of high-performance, metal oxide disks
in a shatterproof, polymer housing. SPECIFICATIONS
 Reduced electrical clearance—Polymer Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).
construction results in much smaller housing
dimensions in comparison with porcelain units
of the same voltage rating.
 Lightweight—The type PEXLIM-A arrester is
less than 25% of the weight of its porcelain
counterpart, which results in easier handling
and installation.
High-Voltage Products

 Damage-resistant—Polymer construction
reduces possible shipping and handling
damage as well as damage due to vandalism.
 Safety—Shatterproof construction provides
greater safety for personnel as well as
nearby equipment.

Polymer Arrester
3 — 120 kV

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA
Electrical Characteristics

Duty MCOV TOV1 (kV-rms) Switching Maximum Discharge Voltage

Impulse 8 x 20 Microsecond Wave FOW2
Cycle Rating for for Surge
(kV-rms) (kV-rms) 1 sec 10 sec @ 500 A 1.5 kA 3 kA 5 kA 10 kA 15 kA 20 kA 40 kA
3 2.55 4.9 4.7 10.3 11.3 11.8 12.4 13.4 14.5 15.0 17.3 15.2
4 3.40 5.2 5.0 10.9 11.9 12.5 13.1 14.2 15.3 15.9 18.3 16.1
6 5.10 7.0 6.7 13.7 15.0 15.7 16.4 17.8 19.2 19.9 22.9 20.2
9 7.65 10.4 10.0 21.8 23.9 25.0 26.2 28.4 30.7 31.8 36.6 32.3
10 8.4 12.2 11.7 24.6 26.9 28.2 29.5 32.0 34.6 35.8 41.2 36.4
12 10.2 13.9 13.4 27.3 29.9 31.3 32.8 35.6 38.4 39.9 45.9 40.5
15 12.7 17.4 16.7 35.5 38.8 40.7 42.6 46.2 49.9 51.7 59.5 52.5
18 15.3 20.9 20.1 40.9 44.8 46.9 49.2 53.3 57.6 59.7 68.7 60.6
21 17.0 24.3 23.4 49.2 53.8 56.3 59.0 64.0 69.1 71.7 82.4 72.8
24 19.5 27.9 26.8 54.6 59.7 62.6 65.6 71.1 76.8 79.6 91.6 80.8
27 22.0 31.3 30.1 62.7 68.6 71.9 75.4 81.7 88.2 91.5 106.0 92.9
30 24.4 34.9 33.5 68.2 74.6 78.1 81.9 88.8 95.9 99.5 115.0 101.0
36 29.0 41.8 40.2 82.2 89.9 94.2 98.7 107.0 116.0 120.0 138.0 122.0
39 31.5 48.8 46.9 96.0 105.0 110.0 116.0 125.0 135.0 140.0 161.0 143.0
48 39.0 55.8 53.6 110.0 121.0 126.0 132.0 143.0 155.0 161.0 185.0 163.0
54 42.0 62.7 60.3 123.0 135.0 141.0 148.0 160.0 173.0 180.0 207.0 182.0
60 48.0 69.7 67.0 137.0 150.0 157.0 165.0 178.0 193.0 299.0 230.0 203.0
72 57.0 83.6 80.3 165.0 180.0 189.0 198.0 214.0 232.0 240.0 276.0 244.0
90 70.0 104.0 100.0 206.0 225.0 235.0 247.0 267.0 289.0 299.0 344.0 304.0
96 76.0 111.0 107.0 219.0 240.0 251.0 263.0 285.0 308.0 320.0 368.0 324.0
108 84.0 125.0 120.0 246.0 269.0 282.0 296.0 320.0 346.0 359.0 413.0 364.0
110 88.0 152.0 146.0 255.0 278.0 292.0 306.0 331.0 358.0 371.0 427.0 377.0
120 98.0 167.0 161.0 274.0 299.0 314.0 329.0 356.0 385.0 399.0 459.0 405.0
Temporary overvoltage with no prior energy surge
Equivalent front-of-wave producing a voltage crest in 0.50 microseconds. Protective level is maximum discharge voltage for 10 kA impulse current wave.

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights

Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).
Minimum Clearance
Height A Creepage Weight from Centerline
Style Inches Distance Lbs.
(kV-ms) Phase-to-Ground Phase-to-Phase
(mm) Inches (mm) (kg)
Inches (mm) Inches (mm)
A003SA002AIxxx 3 8.5 (216) 15.0 (382) 5 (2) 6.5 (165) 8.5 (216)
A004SA003AIxxx 4 8.5 (216) 15.0 (382) 5 (2) 6.5 (165) 8.5 (216)
A006SA005AIxxx 6 8.5 (216) 15.0 (382) 5 (2) 6.5 (165) 8.5 (216)
A009SA007AIxxx 9 8.5 (216) 15.0 (382) 5 (2) 6.5 (165) 8.5 (216)
A010SA008AIxxx 10 8.5 (216) 15.0 (382) 5 (2) 6.5 (165) 8.5 (216)
A012SA010AIxxx 12 8.5 (216) 15.0 (382) 5 (2) 6.5 (165) 8.5 (216)
A015SA012AIxxx 15 16.1 (408) 38.0 (965) 11 (5) 8 (204) 10 (254)
A018SA015AIxxx 18 16.1 (408) 38.0 (965) 11 (5) 8 (204) 10 (254)
A021SA017AIxxx 21 16.1 (408) 38.0 (965) 11 (5) 8 (204) 10 (254)
A024SA019AIxxx 24 16.1 (408) 38.0 (965) 11 (5) 8 (204) 10 (254)
A027SA022AIxxx 27 16.1 (408) 38.0 (965) 11 (5) 8 (204) 10 (254)
A030SA024AIxxx 30 16.1 (408) 38.0 (965) 11 (5) 8 (204) 10 (254)
A036SA029AIxxx 36 16.1 (408) 38.0 (965) 11 (5) 8 (204) 10 (254)
A039SA031AIxxx 39 23.6 (600) 61.0 (1548) 20 (9) 12 (305) 14 (356)
A048SA039AIxxx 48 23.6 (600) 61.0 (1548) 20 (9) 12 (305) 14 (356)
A054SA042AIxxx 54 23.6 (600) 61.0 (1548) 20 (9) 12 (305) 14 (356)
A060SA048AIxxx 60 23.6 (600) 61.0 (1548) 20 (9) 12 (305) 14 (356)
A072SA057AIxxx 72 32.1 (816) 76.0 (1930) 22 (10) 18 (457) 20 (508)
A090SA070AIxxx 90 39.7 (1008) 99.0 (2513) 34 (15) 29 (734) 37 (940)
A096SA076AIxxx 96 39.7 (1008) 99.0 (2513) 34 (15) 31 (787) 31 (991)
A108SA084AIxxx 108 47.2 (1200) 121.9 (3097) 44 (20) 35 (889) 43 (1092)
A110SA088AIxxx 110 47.2 (1200) 121.9 (3097) 44 (20) 36 (914) 44 (1118)
A120SA098AIxxx 120 47.2 (1200) 121.9 (3097) 44 (20) 39 (991) 47 (1194)

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Surge Arresters
Station Class



The type EXLIM-R porcelain, gapless, metal oxide arrester meets or exceeds all
station class requirements of ANSI C62.11 (IEEE Standard for Metal Oxide Surge
Arresters for ac Power Circuits) and Line Discharge Class 2 per IEC standards.
The EXLIM-R arrester is designed to meet the following performance criteria:
 Energy capability (kJ/kV of duty cycle rating):
• Single impulse: Design performance rating (4 msec. duration)—2.5 kJ/kV
• Line discharge impulses: Per IEC 60099 within 1 min.—5.0 kJ/kV
 Protective level @ 10 kA:
Per unit of duty cycle rating—2.67
 Pressure-relief capability:
Metal top—3 to 39 kV—65 kA; 45 to 120 kV—80 kA

Electrical Characteristics
Duty MCOV TOV1 (kV-rms) Maximum Discharge Voltage
Switching Impulse 8 x 20 Microsecond Wave FOW3
Cycle Rating for for Surge2 kV-Crest
(kV-rms) (kV-rms) 1 sec 10 sec 1.5 kA 3 kA 5 kA 10 kA 15 kA 20 kA 40 kA
3.0 2.55 3.6 3.4 6.7 7.4 7.7 8.0 8.8 9.2 9.5 10.9 9.5
4.5 3.80 5.4 5.1 9.7 10.7 11.2 11.7 12.5 13.4 13.9 15.9 13.8
6.0 5.10 7.2 6.8 13.3 14.7 15.4 16.1 17.2 18.4 19.1 21.8 19.0
7.5 6.40 9.0 8.5 16.4 18.1 19.0 19.8 21.2 22.7 23.5 26.9 23.4
9.0 7.65 10.8 10.2 18.6 20.5 21.5 22.4 24.8 25.7 26.6 30.5 26.5
10.0 8.40 12.0 11.4 21.7 23.9 25.1 26.2 28.0 30.0 31.1 35.6 30.9
12.0 10.20 14.3 13.6 26.1 28.8 30.2 31.5 33.7 36.1 37.4 42.8 37.2
15.0 12.70 17.9 17.0 32.9 36.3 37.9 39.6 42.4 45.4 47.1 53.8 46.9
18.0 15.30 21.5 20.4 37.2 41.0 43.0 44.9 48.0 51.4 53.3 61.0 53.0
21.0 17.00 25.1 23.8 43.4 47.9 50.1 52.4 56.0 59.9 62.2 71.1 61.9
24.0 19.50 28.7 27.2 49.6 54.7 57.3 59.8 64.0 68.5 71.0 81.3 70.7
27.0 22.00 32.3 30.6 55.8 61.6 64.4 67.3 72.0 77.0 79.9 91.4 79.6
30.0 24.40 35.9 34.1 64.3 71.0 74.3 77.6 83.0 88.8 92.1 105.0 91.7
36.0 29.00 43.0 40.9 74.4 82.1 85.9 89.8 96.0 103.0 107.0 122.0 105.0
High-Voltage Products

39.0 31.50 46.6 44.3 82.2 90.6 94.9 99.1 106.0 113.0 118.0 135.0 117.0
45.0 36.50 53.8 51.1 92.9 103.0 107.0 112.0 120.0 128.0 133.0 152.0 132.0
48.0 39.00 57.4 54.5 100.0 110.0 115.0 121.0 129.0 138.0 143.0 154.0 143.0
54.0 42.00 64.5 61.3 112.0 123.0 129.0 135.0 144.0 154.0 160.0 183.0 159.0
60.0 48.00 71.7 68.1 124.0 137.0 143.0 150.0 160.0 171.0 177.0 203.0 177.0
72.0 57.00 86.0 81.7 149.0 164.0 172.0 179.0 192.0 205.0 218.0 244.0 212.0
90.0 70.00 107.6 102.2 186.0 205.0 215.0 224.0 240.0 257.0 266.0 305.0 265.0
96.0 76.00 114.7 109.0 198.0 219.0 229.0 239.0 256.0 274.0 284.0 325.0 283.0
108.0 84.00 129.1 122.6 223.0 246.0 268.0 269.0 288.0 308.0 320.0 366.0 318.0
120.0 98.00 143.4 136.2 248.0 274.0 286.0 299.0 320.0 342.0 355.0 406.0 353.0
Temporary overvoltage with no prior energy surge
Switching surge with a time to actual crest of 45 to 60 microseconds. 500 A switching surge current wave for ratings 3 — 120 kV.
Equivalent front-of-wave producing a voltage crest in 0.50 microseconds. Protective level is maximum discharge voltage for 10 kA impulse current wave.

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA

Standard Design Dimensions and Weight
Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).

Figure 1
Rating Dimension A Weight
Style Distance
(kV-rms) Inches (mm) Lbs. (kg)
Inches (mm)

R004MA003A 4.5 15.8 (401) 7.5 (191) 38 (17)

R006MA005A 6.0 15.8 (401) 7.5 (191) 39 (18)

R007MA006A 7.5 15.8 (401) 7.5 (191) 40 (18)

R009MA008A 9.0 18.5 (470) 15.6 (396) 45 (20)

R010MA008A 10.0 18.5 (470) 15.6 (396) 45 (20)

R012MA010A 12.0 18.5 (470) 15.6 (396) 46 (21)

R015MA012A 15.0 21.8 (554) 24.0 (610) 55 (25)

R018MA015A 18.0 21.8 (554) 24.0 (610) 56 (25)

Metal Top
R021MA017A 21.0 21.8 (554) 24.0 (610) 57 (26) 3 — 39 kV
R024MA019A 24.0 21.8 (554) 24.0 (610) 58 (26)

R027MA022A 27.0 26.3 (668) 39.0 (991) 72 (33) Figure 2

R030MA024A 30.0 26.3 (668) 39.0 (991) 74 (34)

R036MA029A 36.0 26.3 (668) 39.0 (991) 75 (34)

R039MA031A 39.0 26.3 (668) 39.0 (991) 76 (34)

R045XA037A 45.0 29.3 (744) 54.0 (1372) 106 (48)

R048XA039A 48.0 29.3 (744) 54.0 (1372) 107 (49)

R054XA042A 54.0 29.3 (744) 54.0 (1372) 108 (49)

R060XA048A 60.0 40.7 (1034) 90.0 (2286) 128 (58)

R072XA057A 72.0 40.7 (1034) 90.0 (2286) 136 (62)

R090XA070A 90.0 40.7 (1034) 90.0 (2286) 143 (65)

R096XA076A 96.0 45.5 (1156) 105.9 (2690) 163 (74)

R108XA084A 108.0 53.0 (1346) 132.4 (3363) 206 (93) Metal Top
45 — 120 kV
R120XA098A 120.0 53.0 (1346) 132.4 (3363) 212 (96)

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Surge Arresters
Station Class



The type XPS polymer surge arrester is designed for the protection of
transformers, switchgear, and other equipment from damaging overvoltages.
The arrester is a gapless, metal oxide design that meets or exceeds station class
per ANSI C62.11; Class 10 kA, per IEC; and Line Discharge Class 3, per IEC.
The silicone rubber housing features high-tracking and arc-resistance, excellent
hydrophobic properties, and resistance to weathering, UV radiation, and pollution.
 Energy capability (kJ/kV of duty cycle rating):
• Single impulse: Design performance rating (4 msec. duration)—4.5 kJ/kV
• Line discharge impulses: Per IEC 60099 within 1 min.—7.4 kJ/kV

Electrical Characteristics
Duty MCOV TOV1 (kV-rms) Maximum Discharge Voltage
Switching Impulse 8 x 20 Microsecond Wave FOW3
Cycle Rating for for Surge2 kV-Crest
(kV-rms) (kV-rms) 1 sec 10 sec 1.5 kA 3 kA 5 kA 10 kA 15 kA 20 kA 40 kA
3 2.55 3.5 2.9 8.8 9.5 9.9 10.3 10.8 11.5 11.9 13.3 11.7
4 3.40 4.7 4.5 9.0 9.7 10.1 10.5 11.0 11.7 12.1 13.5 11.9
5 4.25 5.9 5.6 11.8 12.7 13.2 13.7 14.4 15.3 15.8 17.7 15.6
6 5.10 7.0 6.7 12.3 13.2 13.8 14.3 15.0 16.0 16.5 18.5 16.2
7 5.95 8.2 7.8 17.7 19.1 19.9 20.5 21.6 23.0 23.8 26.6 23.3
8 6.80 9.4 9.0 18.0 19.4 20.2 20.9 22.0 23.4 24.2 27.1 23.8
9 7.65 10.6 10.1 18.5 19.9 20.8 21.5 22.6 24.1 24.9 27.8 24.4
10 8.40 11.7 11.2 20.4 22.1 23.0 23.8 25.0 26.6 27.5 30.8 27.0
12 10.20 14.1 13.4 24.5 26.5 27.6 28.5 30.0 32.0 33.0 36.9 32.4
15 12.70 17.6 16.8 30.7 33.1 34.5 35.6 37.5 39.9 41.3 46.1 40.5
18 15.30 21.1 20.2 36.8 39.7 41.4 42.8 45.0 47.9 49.5 55.4 48.6
21 17.00 24.7 23.5 41.7 45.0 46.9 48.5 51.0 54.3 56.1 62.7 55.1
24 19.50 28.2 26.9 47.1 50.8 52.9 54.7 57.6 61.3 63.4 70.8 62.2
27 22.00 31.7 30.2 53.3 57.5 59.9 61.9 65.2 69.4 71.7 80.2 70.4
30 24.40 35.2 33.6 58.9 63.5 66.2 68.4 72.0 76.7 79.2 88.6 77.8
36 29.00 42.3 40.3 70.6 76.2 79.4 82.1 86.4 92.0 95.0 106.0 93.3
39 31.50 45.8 43.7 76.5 82.6 86.0 88.9 93.6 99.7 103.0 115.0 101.0
45 36.50 52.8 50.4 88.3 95.3 99.0 103.0 108.0 115.0 119.0 133.0 117.0
48 39.00 56.4 53.8 93.4 101.0 105.0 109.0 114.0 122.0 126.0 141.0 123.0
54 42.00 63.4 60.5 105.0 113.0 118.0 122.0 129.0 137.0 141.0 158.0 139.0
60 48.00 70.4 67.2 116.0 125.0 131.0 135.0 142.0 151.0 156.0 175.0 154.0
72 57.00 84.5 80.6 139.0 151.0 157.0 162.0 171.0 182.0 188.0 210.0 184.0
90 70.00 106.0 101.0 174.0 188.0 196.0 203.0 213.0 227.0 235.0 262.0 230.0
High-Voltage Products

96 76.00 113.0 108.0 186.0 201.0 209.0 216.0 228.0 242.0 250.0 280.0 246.0
108 84.00 127.0 121.0 209.0 226.0 235.0 243.0 256.0 273.0 282.0 315.0 276.0
110 88.00 129.0 123.0 214.0 231.0 241.0 249.0 262.0 279.0 288.0 322.0 283.0
114 91.00 134.0 128.0 221.0 238.0 248.0 257.0 270.0 288.0 297.0 332.0 292.0
120 98.00 141.0 134.0 232.0 251.0 261.0 270.0 284.0 303.0 313.0 350.0 307.0
132 106.00 155.0 148.0 256.0 276.0 287.0 297.0 313.0 333.0 344.0 385.0 338.0
144 115.00 169.0 161.0 288.0 301.0 314.0 324.0 341.0 363.0 375.0 420.0 369.0
168 131.00 197.0 188.0 333.0 348.0 363.0 375.0 395.0 421.0 435.0 486.0 427.0
172 140.00 202.0 193.0 344.0 359.0 374.0 387.0 407.0 433.0 448.0 501.0 440.0
180 144.00 211.0 202.0 357.0 373.0 389.0 402.0 423.0 450.0 465.0 520.0 457.0
192 152.00 225.0 215.0 381.0 399.0 415.0 429.0 452.0 481.0 497.0 556.0 488.0
216 173.00 254.0 242.0 429.0 448.0 467.0 483.0 508.0 541.0 559.0 625.0 549.0
228 180.00 268.0 255.0 452.0 473.0 493.0 509.0 536.0 571.0 590.0 659.0 579.0
234 187.00 275.0 262.0 464.0 485.0 505.0 523.0 550.0 586.0 605.0 677.0 594.0
240 190.00 282.0 269.0 476.0 497.0 518.0 536.0 564.0 601.0 620.0 694.0 609.0
Temporary overvoltage with no prior energy surge
Switching surge with a time to actual crest of 45 to 60 microseconds. 500 A switching surge current amplitude for ratings 3 — 132 kV. 1000 A switching surge
current amplitude for ratings above 132 kV.
Equivalent front-of-wave producing a voltage wave cresting in 0.5 microseconds. Protective level is maximum discharge voltage for a 100 kA impulse current wave.

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).

Rating Dimension A Weight
Style Distance
(kV-rms) Inches (mm) Lbs. (kg)
Inches (mm)

Q003SA002A 3 9.77 (248) 11.2 (284) 18 (9)

Q004SA003A 4 9.77 (248) 11.2 (284) 18 (9)
Q005SA004A 5 9.77 (248) 11.2 (284) 18 (9)
Q006SA005A 6 9.77 (248) 11.2 (284) 18 (9)
Q007SA006A 7 9.77 (248) 11.2 (284) 18 (9)
Q008SA007A 8 9.77 (248) 11.2 (284) 18 (9)
Q009SA008A 9 13.7 (348) 23.6 (599) 22 (10)
Q010SA008A 10 13.7 (348) 23.6 (599) 22 (10)
Q012SA010A 12 13.7 (348) 23.6 (599) 22 (10)
Q015SA012A 15 13.7 (348) 23.6 (599) 22 (10)
Polymer Arrester
Q018SA015A 18 13.7 (348) 23.6 (599) 22 (10)
3 — 96 kV
Q021SA017A 21 19.6 (498) 42.0 (1066) 30 (14)
Q024SA019A 24 19.6 (498) 42.0 (1066) 30 (14)

16.0 (406)
Q027SA022A 27 19.6 (498) 42.0 (1066) 30 (14)
23.6 (600)
Q030SA024A 30 19.6 (498) 42.0 (1066) 30 (14)
Q036SA029A 36 19.6 (498) 42.0 (1066) 30 (14)
Q039SA031A 39 27.5 (698) 66.7 (1694) 45 (21)
Q045SA037A 45 27.5 (698) 66.7 (1694) 45 (21) 31.5 (800)

Q048SA039A 48 27.5 (698) 66.7 (1694) 45 (21)

Q054SA042A 54 27.5 (698) 66.7 (1694) 45 (21) A
Q060SA048A 60 27.5 (698) 66.7 (1694) 45 (21)
Q072SA057A 72 38.2 (1072) 84.0 (2133) 60 (28)
Q090SA070A 90 46.1 (1170) 108.7 (2760) 74 (34)
Q096SA076B 96 46.1 (1170) 108.7 (2760) 74 (34)
Q108SA084B 108 54.0 (1371) 133.4 (3389) 93 (42)
Q110SA088B 110 54.0 (1371) 133.4 (3389) 93 (42)
Q120SA098B 120 54.0 (1371) 133.4 (3389) 93 (42)
Q132SA106B 132 64.2 (1630) 150.9 (3832) 110 (50) Polymer Arrester
Q144SA115B 144 72.1 (1831) 175.5 (4458) 123 (56) 172 — 240 kV
Q168SA131B 168 80.0 (2031) 200.1 (5084) 137 (62)
Q172SA140B 172 80.0 (2031) 200.1 (5084) 139 (63)
Q180SA144B 180 80.0 (2031) 200.1 (5084) 139 (63) Base Mounting Details
Q192SA152B 192 90.2 (2290) 217.6 (5527) 154 (70) Mounting slots for .5 dia.
Q216SA173B 216 98.1 (2490) 242.2 (6153) 169 (77) hardware (3) equally
Q228SA180B 228 106.5 (2690) 266.8 (6779) 183 (83) spaced on 8.75" (222.25) or
10" (254) in bolt circle.
Q234SA187B 234 106.5 (2690) 266.8 (6779) 183 (83)
Q240SA190B 240 106.5 (2690) 266.8 (6779) 183 (83)

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Surge Arresters
Station Class



The type EXLIM-Q porcelain, gapless, metal oxide arrester meets or exceeds all
station class requirements of ANSI C62.11 (IEEE Standard for Metal Oxide Surge
Arresters for ac Power Circuits) and Line Discharge Class 3 per IEC standards.
The EXLIM-Q arrester is designed to meet the following performance criteria:
 Energy capability (kJ/kV of duty cycle rating):
• Single impulse: Design performance rating (4 msec. duration)—4.5 kJ/kV
• Line discharge impulses: Per IEC 60099 within 1 min.—7.4 kJ/kV
 Protective level @ 10 kA:
Per unit of duty cycle rating—2.35
 Pressure-relief capability:
Metal top—3 to 39 kV—65 kA; 45 to 360 kV—80 kA

Electrical Characteristics
Voltage MCOV TOV1 (kV-rms) Maximum Discharge Voltage
Switching Impulse 8 x 20 Microsecond Wave FOW3
Rating Rating
for for Surge2 kV-Crest
(kV-rms) (kV-rms)
1 sec 10 sec 1.5 kA 3 kA 5 kA 10 kA 15 kA 20 kA 40 kA
3 2.55 3.6 3.4 8.8 9.5 9.9 10.3 10.8 11.5 11.9 13.3 11.7
4 3.40 4.8 4.6 9.0 9.7 10.1 10.5 11.0 11.7 12.1 13.5 11.9
5 4.25 6.0 5.7 11.8 12.7 13.2 13.7 14.4 15.3 15.8 17.7 15.6
6 5.10 7.2 6.8 12.3 13.2 13.8 14.3 15.0 16.0 16.5 18.5 16.2
7 5.95 8.4 8.0 17.7 19.1 19.9 20.5 21.6 23.0 23.8 26.6 23.3
8 6.80 9.6 9.1 18.0 19.4 20.2 20.9 22.0 23.4 24.2 27.1 23.8
9 7.65 10.7 10.2 18.5 19.9 20.8 21.5 22.6 24.1 24.9 27.8 24.4
10 8.4 11.9 11.4 20.4 22.1 23.0 23.8 25.0 26.6 27.5 30.8 27.0
12 10.2 14.3 13.7 24.5 26.5 27.6 28.5 30.0 32.0 33.0 36.9 32.4
15 12.7 17.9 17.1 30.7 33.1 34.5 35.6 37.5 39.9 41.3 46.1 40.5
18 15.3 21.5 20.5 36.8 39.7 41.4 42.8 45.0 47.9 49.5 55.4 48.6
21 17.0 25.1 23.9 41.7 45.0 46.9 48.5 51.0 54.3 56.1 62.7 55.1
24 19.5 28.7 27.3 47.1 50.8 52.9 54.7 57.6 61.3 63.4 70.8 62.2
27 22.0 32.2 30.7 53.3 57.5 59.9 61.9 65.2 69.4 71.7 80.2 70.4
30 24.4 35.8 34.1 58.9 63.5 66.2 68.4 72.0 76.7 79.2 88.6 77.8
36 29.0 43.0 41.0 70.6 76.2 79.4 82.1 86.4 92.0 95.0 106.0 93.3
39 31.5 46.6 44.4 76.5 82.6 86.0 88.9 93.6 99.7 103.0 115.0 101.1
45 36.5 53.7 51.2 88.3 95.3 99.0 103.0 108.0 115.0 119.0 133.0 117.0
48 39.0 57.3 54.6 93.4 101.0 105.0 109.0 114.0 122.0 126.0 141.0 123.0
54 42.0 64.5 61.5 105.0 113.0 118.0 122.0 129.0 137.0 141.0 158.0 139.0
60 48.0 71.6 68.3 116.0 125.0 131.0 135.0 142.0 151.0 156.0 175.0 154.0
72 57.0 86.0 81.9 139.0 151.0 157.0 162.0 171.0 182.0 188.0 210.0 184.0
90 70.0 107.0 102.0 174.0 188.0 196.0 203.0 213.0 227.0 235.0 262.0 230.0
96 76.0 115.0 109.0 186.0 201.0 209.0 216.0 228.0 242.0 250.0 280.0 246.0
108 84.0 129.0 123.0 209.0 226.0 235.0 243.0 256.0 273.0 282.0 315.0 276.0
110 88.0 131.0 125.0 214.0 231.0 241.0 249.0 262.0 279.0 288.0 322.0 283.0
120 98.0 143.0 137.0 232.0 251.0 261.0 270.0 284.0 303.0 313.0 350.0 307.0
High-Voltage Products

132 106.0 158.0 150.0 256.0 276.0 287.0 297.0 313.0 333.0 344.0 385.0 338.0
144 115.0 172.0 164.0 288.0 301.0 314.0 324.0 341.0 363.0 375.0 420.0 369.0
168 131.0 201.0 191.0 333.0 348.0 363.0 375.0 395.0 421.0 435.0 486.0 427.0
172 140.0 205.0 196.0 344.0 359.0 374.0 387.0 407.0 433.0 448.0 501.0 440.0
180 144.0 215.0 205.0 357.0 373.0 389.0 402.0 423.0 450.0 465.0 520.0 457.0
192 152.0 229.0 218.0 381.0 399.0 415.0 429.0 452.0 481.0 497.0 556.0 488.0
216 173.0 258.0 246.0 429.0 448.0 467.0 483.0 508.0 541.0 559.0 625.0 549.0
228 180.0 272.0 259.0 452.0 473.0 493.0 509.0 536.0 571.0 590.0 659.0 579.0
234 187.0 279.0 266.0 464.0 485.0 505.0 523.0 550.0 586.0 605.0 677.0 594.0
240 190.0 287.0 273.0 476.0 497.0 518.0 536.0 564.0 601.0 620.0 694.0 609.0
258 209.0 308.0 294.0 532.0 535.0 558.0 577.0 607.0 646.0 668.0 747.0 656.0
264 212.0 315.0 300.0 545.0 548.0 571.0 590.0 621.0 661.0 683.0 764.0 671.0
276 220.0 330.0 314.0 569.0 572.0 596.0 617.0 649.0 691.0 714.0 798.0 701.0
288 230.0 344.0 328.0 594.0 597.0 622.0 643.0 677.0 721.0 745.0 833.0 731.0
294 235.0 351.0 335.0 606.0 609.0 635.0 656.0 691.0 736.0 760.0 850.0 746.0
300 240.0 358.0 341.0 618.0 622.0 648.0 670.0 705.0 751.0 776.0 867.0 761.0
312 245.0 373.0 355.0 644.0 647.0 675.0 697.0 734.0 782.0 807.0 903.0 793.0
336 272.0 401.0 382.0 693.0 697.0 726.0 751.0 790.0 841.0 869.0 972.0 853.0
360 291.0 430.0 410.0 742.0 746.0 777.0 804.0 846.0 901.0 931.0 1041.0 914.0
Temporary overvoltage with no prior energy surge
Switching surge with a time to actual crest of 45 to 60 microseconds. 500 A switching surge current amplitude for ratings 3 — 132 kV. 1000 A switching surge current amplitude
for ratings 144 — 240 kV. 2000 A for ratings above 240 kV.
Equivalent front-of-wave producing a voltage wave cresting in 0.5 microseconds. Protective level is maximum discharge voltage for a 10 kA impulse current wave.

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).

Rating Dimension A Weight Figure 1 Figure 2
Style Distance
(kV-rms) Inches (mm) Lbs. (kg)
Inches (mm)
Q003MA002A 3 15.8 (401) 7.5 (191) 40 (18)
Q004MA003A 4 15.8 (401) 7.5 (191) 41 (19)
Q006MA005A 6 15.8 (401) 7.5 (191) 42 (19)
Q007MA006A 7 15.8 (401) 7.5 (191) 43 (20)
Q008MA007A 8 18.5 (470) 15.6 (396) 47 (21)
Q009MA008A 9 18.5 (470) 15.6 (396) 48 (22)
Q010MA008A 10 18.5 (470) 15.6 (396) 49 (22)
Q012MA010A 12 18.5 (470) 15.6 (396) 50 (23)
Q015MA012A 15 21.8 (554) 24.0 (610) 58 (26)
Q018MA015A 18 21.8 (554) 24.0 (610) 59 (27)
Q021MA017A 21 21.8 (554) 24.0 (610) 60 (27)
Q024MA019A 24 21.8 (554) 24.0 (610) 61 (28)
Q027MA022A 27 26.3 (668) 39.0 (991) 73 (33)
Q030MA024A 30 26.3 (668) 39.0 (991) 74 (34) Metal Top Metal Top
Q036MA029A 36 26.3 (668) 39.0 (991) 80 (36) 3 — 39 kV 45 — 132 kV
Q039MA031A 39 26.3 (668) 39.0 (991) 82 (37)
Q045XA037A 45 29.3 (744) 54.0 (1372) 112 (51) Figure 3 Figure 4
Q048XA039A 48 29.3 (744) 54.0 (1372) 113 (51)
Q054XA042A 54 29.3 (744) 54.0 (1372) 115 (52)
Q060XA048A 60 40.7 (1034) 90.0 (2286) 136 (62)
Q072XA057A 72 40.7 (1034) 90.0 (2286) 146 (66)
Q090XA070A 90 40.7 (1034) 90.0 (2286) 155 (70) B
Q096XA076A 96 45.5 (1156) 105.9 (2690) 176 (80)
Q108XA084A 108 53.0 (1346) 132.4 (3363) 220 (100)
Q110XA088A 110 53.0 (1346) 132.4 (3363) 221 (100)
Q120XA098A 120 53.0 (1346) 132.4 (3363) 228 (103)
Q132XA106A 132 53.0 (1346) 132.4 (3363) 239 (108)
Q144XA115A 144 65.7 (1669) 144.0 (3658) 270 (122)
Q168XA131A 168 77.1 (1958) 180.0 (4572) 290 (132)
Q172XA140A 172 77.1 (1958) 180.0 (4572) 300 (136)
Q180XA144A 180 81.9 (2080) 195.9 (4976) 310 (141)
Q192XA152A 192 81.9 (2080) 195.5 (4976) 320 (145)
Q228XA180A 228 94.2 (2393) 283.3 (6053) 349 (158)
144 — 258 kV 264 — 360 kV
Q240XA190A 240 101.7 (2583) 264.9 (6728) 369 (167)
Q258XA209A 258 101.7 (2583) 264.9 (6728) 378 (171)
Q264XA212A 264 119.3 (3030) 292.4 (7427) 482 (219)
Base Mounting Details
Q276XA220A 276 119.3 (3030) 292.4 (7427) 486 (220)  Ratings 39 kV and below:
Q288XA230A 288 119.3 (3030) 292.4 (7427) 496 (225) 3 slots for .5 (12.7) hardware on a
Q294XA235A 294 123.2 (3129) 301.8 (7666) 506 (230) 8.75 (222.25) or 10 (254) dia. bolt circle.
Q300XA243A 300 123.2 (3129) 301.8 (7666) 516 (234)
 Ratings 45 kV and above:
Q312XA245A 312 143.0 (3632) 370.8 (9418) 548 (249)
3 slots for .562 (14.2) dia. on
Q336XA272A 336 143.0 (3632) 370.8 (9418) 556 (252)
a 10 (254) bolt circle.
Q360XA291A 360 143.0 (3632) 370.8 (9418) 564 (256)

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Surge Arresters
Station Class



The type EXLIM-P porcelain, gapless, metal oxide arrester meets or

exceeds all station class requirements of ANSI C62.11 (IEEE Standard
for Metal Oxide Surge Arresters for ac Power Circuits) and Line
Discharge Class 4 per IEC standards. The EXLIM-P arrester is
designed to meet the following performance criteria:
 Energy capability (kJ/kV of duty cycle rating):
• Single impulse: Design performance rating (4 msec. duration)—7.0 kJ/kV
• Line discharge impulses: Per IEC 60099 within 1 min.—12 kJ/kV
 Protective level @ 10 kA:
Per unit of duty cycle rating—2.275
 Pressure-relief capability:
80 kA

Electrical Characteristics
Maximum Discharge Voltage
Voltage MCOV TOV1 (kV-rms) Switching Impulse 8 x 20 Microsecond Wave FOW3
Rating Rating
Surge2 kV -Crest
(kV-rms) (kV-rms) for 1 sec for 10 sec 1.5 kA 3 kA 5 kA 10 kA 15 kA 20 kA 40 kA
54 42 64.5 61.5 102 109 113 117 123 131 135 148 134
60 48 71.6 68.3 114 122 126 130 137 146 150 164 150
72 57 86.0 81.9 136 145 151 156 164 175 180 197 179
90 70 107.0 102.0 170 182 189 195 205 218 225 246 224
96 76 115.0 109.0 182 194 201 208 219 233 240 263 239
108 84 129.0 123.0 204 218 226 234 246 262 270 295 269
110 88 131.0 125.0 208 223 231 238 251 267 276 301 274
120 98 143.0 137.0 226 242 251 259 273 291 300 328 298
132 106 158.0 150.0 250 267 277 286 301 321 330 361 329
144 115 172.0 164.0 281 291 302 312 328 349 360 394 359
168 131 201.0 191.0 328 340 352 364 383 408 421 460 419
172 140 205.0 196.0 336 348 361 372 392 417 430 470 428
180 144 215.0 205.0 351 364 377 390 410 437 450 492 448
192 152 229.0 218.0 375 388 402 415 437 465 480 524 478
216 173 258.0 246.0 422 436 453 467 492 524 540 590 538
228 180 272.0 259.0 445 460 477 493 519 553 570 623 567
234 187 279.0 266.0 457 473 490 506 533 568 585 640 583
240 190 287.0 273.0 468 484 502 519 546 581 600 655 597
258 209 308.0 294.0 521 521 540 558 587 625 645 704 642
High-Voltage Products

264 212 315.0 300.0 533 533 553 571 601 640 660 721 657
276 220 330.0 314.0 557 557 578 597 628 669 690 754 686
288 230 344.0 328.0 582 582 604 623 656 699 720 787 717
294 235 351.0 335.0 593 593 615 636 669 712 735 803 731
300 240 358.0 341.0 606 606 628 649 683 727 750 820 747
312 245 373.0 355.0 630 630 653 675 710 756 780 852 776
336 272 401.0 382.0 679 679 704 727 765 815 840 918 836
360 291 430.0 410.0 726 726 753 778 819 872 899 983 895
396 318 473.0 451.0 799 799 829 856 901 960 989 1081 1045
420 335 501.0 478.0 848 848 880 908 956 1018 1050 1147 1109
444 353 530.0 505.0 897 897 930 960 1011 1077 1110 1213 1173
Temporary overvoltage with no prior energy surge
Switching surge with a time to actual crest of 45 to 60 microseconds. 500 A switching surge current amplitude for ratings 54 — 132 kV. 1000 A switching surge
current amplitude for ratings 144 — 240 kV. 2000 A for ratings above 240 kV.
Equivalent front-of-wave producing a voltage wave cresting in 0.5 microseconds. Protective level is maximum discharge voltage for a 10 kA impulse current wave.

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA

Standard Design Dimensions and Weight
Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).

Rating Dimension A Dimension B Dimension C Weight
Style Distance
(kV-rms) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Lbs. (kg)
Inches (mm)
P054XA042A 54 29.3 (744) — — 54.0 (1372) 121 (55)
P060XA048A 60 40.7 (1034) — — 90.0 (2286) 143 (65)
P072XA057A 72 40.7 (1034) — — 90.0 (2286) 154 (70)
P090XA070A 90 40.7 (1034) — — 90.0 (2286) 165 (75)
P096XA076A 96 45.5 (1156) — — 105.9 (2690) 187 (85)
P108XA084A 108 53.0 (1346) — — 132.4 (3363) 232 (105)
P110XA088A 110 53.0 (1346) — — 132.4 (3363) 234 (106)
P120XA098A 120 53.0 (1346) — — 132.4 (3363) 242 (110)
P132XQ106A 132 53.0 (1346) — — 132.4 (3363) 254 (115)
P144XA115A 144 65.7 (1669) 23.6 (600) 11.6 (295) 144.0 (3658) 287 (130)
P168XA131A 168 77.1 (1958) 23.6 (600) 11.6 (295) 180.0 (4572) 309 (140)
P172XA140A 172 77.1 (1958) 23.6 (600) 11.6 (295) 180.0 (4572) 320 (145)
P180XA144A 180 81.9 (2080) 31.5 (800) 15.8 (400) 199.2 (5060) 331 (150)
P192XA152A 192 81.9 (2080) 31.5 (800) 15.8 (400) 199.2 (5060) 342 (155)
P228XA180A 228 94.2 (2393) 35.5 (902) 25.6 (650) 238.3 (6053) 375 (170)
P240XA190A 240 101.7 (2583) 35.5 (902) 25.6 (650) 264.9 (3728) 397 (180)
P258XA209A 258 101.7 (2583) 35.5 (902) 25.6 (650) 264.9 (3728) 408 (185)
P264XA212A 264 119.3 (3030) 58.0 (1473) 37.4 (950) 292.4 (7427) 512 (232)
P276XA220A 276 119.3 (3030) 58.0 (1473) 37.4 (950) 292.4 (7427) 518 (235)
P288XA230A 288 119.3 (3030) 58.0 (1473) 37.4 (950) 292.4 (7427) 529 (240)
P29XA235A 294 123.2 (3129) 58.0 (1473) 37.4 (950) 301.8 (7666) 540 (245)
P300XA243A 300 123.2 (3129) 58.0 (1473) 37.4 (950) 301.8 (7666) 551 (250)
P312XA245A 312 143.0 (3632) 58.0 (1473) 37.4 (950) 370.8 (9418) 584 (265)
P336XA272A 336 143.0 (3632) 58.0 (1473) 37.4 (950) 370.8 (9418) 595 (270)
P360XA291A 360 142.0 (3616) 58.0 (1473) 37.4 (950) 367.0 (9368) 1051 (477)

144 — 258 kV 264 — 360 kV

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Surge Arresters
Station Class

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA
EXLIM-T +724-838-5204

The type EXLIM-T porcelain, gapless, metal oxide arrester meets or exceeds
all station class requirements of ANSI C62.11 (IEEE Standard for Metal Oxide
Surge Arresters for ac Power Circuits) and Line Discharge Class 5 per IEC standards.
The EXLIM-T arrester is designed to meet the following performance criteria:
 Energy capability (kJ/kV of duty cycle rating):
• Single impulse: Design performance rating (4 msec. duration)—10.0 kJ/kV
• Line discharge impulses: Per IEC 60099 within 1 min.—15.4 kJ/kV
 Protective level @ 10 kA:
Per unit of duty cycle rating—2.20
 Pressure-relief capability:
65 kA-rms symmetrical

Electrical Characteristics

Voltage MCOV TOV1 (kV-rms) Maximum Discharge Voltage

Switching FOW3
Rating Rating Impulse 8 x 20 Microsecond Wave
for for Surge2 kV-Crest
(kV-rms) (kV-rms)
1 sec 10 sec 1.5 kA 3 kA 5 kA 10 kA 15 kA 20 kA 40 kA
360 288 425 405 713 713 737 756 792 840 859 942 863
395 318 467 444 785 785 811 833 872 924 946 1038 1007
420 335 496 473 832 832 859 882 924 979 1003 1100 1067
444 353 524 500 879 879 909 933 977 1036 1060 1136 1128
468 372 552 527 927 927 958 984 1030 1092 1118 1226 1190
588 470 694 662 1165 1165 1203 1236 1294 1372 1404 1540 1553
612 485 722 689 1212 1212 1253 1286 1347 1428 1461 1603 1616
Temporary overvoltage with no prior energy surge
Switching surge characteristics based on maximum switching surge coordination current of 2000 A on 240 kV ratings and above
Equivalent front-of-wave producing a voltage wave cresting in 0.5 microseconds, Protective level is maximum discharge voltage for a 10 kA impulse current
wave on arresters 360 kV, 15 kA for ratings 396 kV.

Standard Design Dimensions and Weight

High-Voltage Products

Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).

Rating Dimension A Dimension B Weight
Style Distance
(kV-rms) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Lbs. (kg)
Inches (mm)
T360TA288A 360 165.9 (4214) 105.3 (2673) 430.0 (10,922) 1227 (557)
T396TA318A 396 173.9 (4417) 113.3 (2876) 466.0 (11,836) 1281 (581)
T420TA335A 420 181.9 (4620) 121.3 (3080) 492.0 (12,496) 1322 (604)
T444TA353A 444 195.0 (4953) 142.4 (3616) 506.9 (12,875) 1440 (653)
T468TA372A 468 210.8 (5353) 150.2 (3813) 555.4 (14,107) 1561 (708)
T588TA470A 588 For dimensions and weights, contact factory
T612TA485A 612 For dimensions and weights, contact factory

Transmission Line



PEXLINK A is designed to be used as Transmission Line Arresters, TLA,

for the protection of transmission lines against lightning related tripping
due to overvoltages. They are installed in parallel to the line insulation to
prevent flashover of the line insulators. PEXLINK A increases the reliability
of the system and is designed to be used on systems of 12 — 230 kV
with or without shield wires. However, for installations on transmission
lines without shield wires in areas with a high lightning intensity, estima-
tion of the arrester failure rate (depending on energy capability) versus
the required line availability is recommended. For more information,
please see ABB PEXLINK literature. ABB can also work directly together
with the utility to optimize the reliability of their system.
PEXLINK A is delivered with a disconnector to separate the arrester
from the line in case of an arrester overloading due to excessive light-
ning energy. Thus after a failure, the line can be re-energized without
attending to it immediately.
The arrester is a gapless, metal oxide design, which meets or exceeds
the following requirements:
• Intermediate class per ANSI C62.11
Class 10 kA, Line Discharge Class 1, per IEC
• Energy capability: 2.6 kJ/kV of duty-cycle rating (or 3.3 kJ/kV of
MCOV) for one 100 kA impulse, 4/10 microsec. duration
The PEXLINK A arrester has passed short circuit tests at 40 kA per
ANSI C62.11 and has also been tested with short circuit initiated by
overvoltage in accordance with proposed IEC 60099-4 draft, which is
more stringent for polymer-housed arresters than present standards.

 The silicone rubber housing features high-
tracking and arc-resistance, excellent
hydrophobic properties, and resistance
to weathering, UV radiation, and pollution.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Surge Arresters
Transmission-Line Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA
PEXLINK +724-838-5204

Electrical Characteristics
Nominal Maximum Discharge Voltage
MCOV Voltage TOV1 (kV-rms) Switch-
System Impulse 8 x 20 Microsecond Wave FOW3
Rating Rating ing
Voltage for for kV-Peak
(kV-rms) (kV-rms) Surge2 1.5 kA 3 kA 5 kA 10 kA 15 kA 20 kA 40 kA
(kV-rms) 1 sec. 10 sec.
12 — 14 10.2 12 13.9 13.4 27.3 29.9 31.3 32.8 35.6 38.4 39.9 45.9 40.5
14 15.3 18 20.9 20.1 40.9 44.8 46.9 49.2 53.3 57.6 59.7 68.7 60.6
20 — 26 19.5 24 27.9 26.8 54.6 59.7 62.6 65.6 71.1 76.8 79.6 91.6 80.8
26 — 36 24.4 30 34.9 33.5 68.2 74.6 78.1 81.9 88.8 95.9 99.5 115.0 101.0
36 29.0 36 41.8 40.2 82.2 89.9 94.2 98.7 107.0 116.0 120.0 138.0 122.0
46 39.0 48 55.8 53.6 110.0 121.0 126.0 132.0 143.0 155.0 161.0 185.0 163.0
46 — 69 48.0 60 69.7 67.0 137.0 150.0 157.0 165.0 178.0 193.0 200.0 230.0 203.0
69 57.0 72 83.6 80.3 165.0 180.0 184.0 198.0 214.0 232.0 240.0 276.0 244.0
115 76.0 96 111.0 107.0 219.0 240.0 251.0 263.0 285.0 308.0 320.0 368.0 324.0
115 & 138 98.0 120 139.0 133.0 274.0 299.0 314.0 329.0 356.0 385.0 399.0 459.0 405.0
138 & 161 106.0 132 153.0 147.0 301.0 328.0 345.0 361.0 391.0 423.0 438.0 504.0 445.0
161 115.0 144 167.0 160.0 342.0 359.0 376.0 394.0 427.0 462.0 479.0 550.0 485.0
230 144.0 180 209.0 200.0 427.0 448.0 469.0 492.0 533.0 576.0 597.0 687.0 606.0
230 154.0 192 223.0 214.0 455.0 478.0 501.0 525.0 569.0 615.0 637.0 733.0 647.0
230 173.0 216 250.0 241.0 512.0 538.0 564.0 591.0 640.0 692.0 717.0 825.0 728.0
Temporary overvoltage with no prior energy surge
Switching surge with a time to actual crest of 45 to 60 microseconds. 500 A switching surge current amplitude for ratings 12 — 132 kV. 1000 A switching surge
current amplitude for ratings above 132 kV.
Equivalent front-of-wave producing a voltage wave cresting in 0.5 microseconds. Protective level is maximum discharge voltage for a 10 kA impulse current wave.

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights

Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).
Nominal MCOV Creepage Grading Ring
Height Weight
System Rating Arrester Type* Distance Diameter
Inches (mm) Lbs. (kg)
Voltage (kV-rms) (kV-rms) Inches (mm) Inches (mm)
12 — 14 10.2 A014SA010ALxxx 8.5 (216) 15.0 (382) No 5 (2)
12 — 14 15.3 A014SA015ALxxx 16.1 (408) 38.0 (965) No 11 (5)
20 — 26 19.5 A026SA019ALxxx 16.1 (408) 38.0 (965) No 11 (5)
20 — 26 24.4 A026SA024ALxxx 16.1 (408) 38.0 (965) No 11 (5)
High-Voltage Products

36 24.4 A036SA024ALxxx 16.1 (408) 38.0 (965) No 11 (5)

36 29.0 A036SA029ALxxx 16.1 (408) 38.0 (965) No 11 (5)
36 — 46 39.0 A046SA039ALxxx 23.6 (600) 61.0 (1548) No 20 (9)
46 48.0 A046SA048ALxxx 23.6 (600) 61.0 (1548) No 20 (9)
69 48.0 A069SA048ALxxx 23.6 (600) 61.0 (1548) No 20 (9)
69 57.0 A069SA057ALxxx 32.1 (816) 76.0 (1930) No 22 (10)
115 76.0 A115SA076ALxxx 39.7 (1008) 99.0 (2513) No 32 (14)
115 98.0 A115SA098ALxxx 47.2 (1200) 121.9 (3097) No 40 (18)
138 98.0 A138SA098ALxxx 47.2 (1200) 121.9 (3097) No 40 (18)
138 106.0 A138SA106ALxxx 55.7 (1416) 137.0 (3479) No 42 (19)
161 106.0 A161SA106ALxxx 55.7 (1416) 137.0 (3479) 15.7 (400) 44 (20)
161 115.0 A161SA115ALxxx 63.3 (1608) 159.9 (4062) 15.7 (400) 53 (24)
230 144.0 A230SA144ALxxx 70.9 (1800) 182.9 (4645) 15.7 (400) 62 (28)
230 154.0 A230SA154ALxxx 79.4 (2016) 197.9 (5027) 15.7 (400) 64 (29)
230 173.0 A230SA173ALxxx 86.9 (2208) 220.9 (5610) 15.7 (400) 73 (33)

*The last 3 xxx in the style number identify mounting hardware. See bulletin 38-250.

Metering, Protection,
and Control

 Electricity Meters

 Water Meters

 Protective Relays

 Power Monitoring and Control

 Distributed Control Systems

 Gas Analyzers

Metering, Protection, and Control
 Electricity Meters Other Protective Relays
Ground Fault Locating System (GFLS). . . . . 388
Electronic Electromechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
ALPHA, ALPHA Plus, and A3 ALPHA . . . . . 339
Solid State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
Switchboard ALPHA, ALPHA Plus,
Protective Relay Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
and A3 ALPHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
Portable ALPHA, ALPHA Plus, Special Feature
and A3 ALPHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341 PowerRichSystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
ION Meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342 PRICOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
AIN ALPHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
A1000 ALPHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345  Distributed Control Systems
Meter Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 Turbine Control and Automation System
EnergyAxis ALPHA STARS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348 Turbine Control and Condition
EnergyAxis AMR Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349 Monitoring Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
Electromechanical Power Plant Controls and Automation System
Single-Phase-AB1 and AB1R . . . . . . . . . . . 352 Symphony DCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
Polyphase-ABS-2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
Water and Wastewater Plant Control
Polyphase-ABS-3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
and Automation System
Polyphase-ABS-5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
Industrial, Symphony, and SCADA Systems. 399
Polyphase-ABS-5U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
Symphony-Enhanced with Industrial . . . . . . . . 400
Polyphase-ABS-7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
Polyphase-ABS-8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 System Engineering Tools
Composer Series Engineering Tools . . . . . . 401
 Water Meters Human System Interface
C700 Positive Displacement Meter . . . . . . . . . 359 Conductor Series/Operate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
T3000 Turbine Meters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
Controllers, I/O Interfaces
C3000 Compound Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
Symphony/Harmony Area Management
FSM3 Fire Service Meter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
and Control Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
AquaMaster Electronic Water Meter . . . . . . . . 367
S2000 Commercial Single Jet Meter . . . . . . . . 369  Gas Analyzers
 Protective Relays Process Analytics
The Advance Optima System . . . . . . . . . . . 404
Networkir™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
GPU 2000R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
Questor IV Process Mass Spectrometers. . . 404
Transformer Questor GP Process Mass Spectrometers. . 404
TPU 2000R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374 Vista II Multiwave Process Photometers. . . . 405
Transmission Vista II Process Gas Chromatograph . . . . . . 405
REL 512 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376 Vista Model 4100 On-Line RVP Analyzer . . . 405
REL 350 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 Vista II Model 2007 Fuel Sulfur Analyzer . . . 406
REL 352 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 Advance FTIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
REL 356 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382 Model 4210 Freezing Point Analyzer . . . . . . 406
Model 4211 Cloud Point Analyzer . . . . . . . . 406
Distribution Model 4212 Pour Point Analyzer . . . . . . . . . 406
DPU 1500R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384 Model 4214 Flash Point Analyzer . . . . . . . . 406
DPU 2000R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
MSOC-Microshield O/C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386


ABB’s ALPHA® meter is an electronic meter using

the most current solid-state technology. The ALPHA
meter has a core design that can be upgraded at
any time into a variety of different types using a
feature called Alpha Keys. The ALPHA meters also
support a variety of communication options.

Each meter can perform demand, time-of-use,

reactive metering, and more. The lightweight,
low-profile design reduces storage and speeds instal-
lation. The ALPHA meter’s innovative electronic
circuit design functions over a wide, dynamic
current range and is accurate under extreme
environmental conditions.

This section provides a brief summary of some of

the available products.

Product Form V Class Accuracy Function


1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (35), ±0.2% over Demand, TOU, reactive/apparent,

20, 200,
ANSI 6 (36), 9, 96–528 VAC a wide range load profile, communications,
or 3201
10, 12, 16 of loads 4-quadrant

±0.2% over Demand, TOU, reactive/apparent,

A-base 5, 6, 10, 16 96–528 VAC 20 or 100 a wide range load profile, communications,
of loads 4-quadrant

±0.2% over Demand, TOU, reactive/apparent,

Switchboard 3WD, 4WY 96–528 VAC 20 a wide range load profile, communications,
of loads 4-quadrant

3-element with TOU with load profile, reactive/

ANSI C12.10
Portable 3 voltages and 96–528 VAC 2 apparent with load profile,
3 current inputs communications, 4-quadrant
320 is Form 2S, 240 V only (continued on next page)

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Electricity Meters


Product Form V Class Accuracy Function


1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (35), ±0.2% over Demand, TOU, reactive/apparent, load profile,

20, 200,
ANSI 6 (36), 9, 10, 96–528 VAC a wide range communications, 4-quadrant, power quality,
or 320
12, 13, 16 of loads instrumentation, diagnostic capabilities

±0.2% over Demand, TOU, reactive/apparent, load profile,

A-base 5, 6, 10, 16 96–528 VAC 20 or 100 a wide range communications, 4-quadrant, power quality,
of loads instrumentation, diagnostic capabilities

±0.2% over Demand, TOU, reactive/apparent, load profile,

Switchboard 3WD, 4WY 96–528 VAC 20 a wide range communications, 4-quadrant, power quality,
of loads instrumentation, diagnostic capabilities

3-element with TOU with load profile, reactive/apparent with

ANSI C12.10
Portable 3 voltages and 96–528 VAC 2 load profile, 4-quadrant, power quality,
3 current inputs diagnostic capabilities


Demand, TOU, reactive/apparent, load profile,

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (35), ±0.2% over
20, 200, instrumentation profiling, communications,
ANSI 6 (36), 9, 10, 96–528 VAC a wide range
or 320 advanced 4-quadrant, power quality, instrumenta-
12, 13, 16 of loads
tion, diagnostic capabilities, ANSI C12 compliant

Demand, TOU, reactive/apparent, load profile,

±0.2% over
10, 13, 16, 35, instrumentation profiling, communications,
A-base 96–528 VAC 20 or 100 a wide range
36 (6) advanced 4-quadrant, power quality, instrumenta-
of loads
tion, diagnostic capabilities, ANSI C12 compliant

±0.2% over Demand, TOU, reactive/apparent, load profile,

Switchboard 3WD, 4WY 96–528 VAC 20 a wide range communications, 4-quadrant, power quality,
of loads instrumentation, diagnostic capabilities
Metering, Protection, and Control

Demand, TOU, reactive/apparent, load profile,

3-element with
instrumentation profiling, communications,
Portable 3 voltages and 96–528 VAC 2 Class 0.5%
advanced 4-quadrant, power quality, instrumenta-
3 current inputs
tion, diagnostic capabilities, ANSI C12 compliant


96 to 332 V L-N C12.20-1998,

(9S/36 S) or class 0.2 Demand, TOU, reactive/apparent, load profile,
8300 9S, 35S, 36S
192 to 576 V IEC 687 - communications, 4-quadrant, power quality
L-L (35 S) Class 0.2S

96 to 332 V L-N C12.20-1998,

9S, 35S, 36S, (9S/36 S) or class 0.2 Demand, TOU, reactive/apparent, load profile,
39S, 76S 192 to 576 V IEC 687 - communications, 4-quadrant, power quality
L-L (35 S) Class 0.2S

IEC-Compliant Meters

Demand, TOU, reactive/apparent, load profile,
AIN ALPHA 3- and 4-wire 57-480 VAC and direct– 02.S, 0.5S, 1.0
communications, 4-quadrant, power quality

Direct- Demand, TOU, reactive/apparent,

A1000 ALPHA 3- and 4-wire 1.0, 2.0
connect 4-quadrant, anti-tampering


Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
ALPHA®, ALPHA Plus®, and A3 ALPHA® +919-212-4800

The ALPHA meter is an integral meter and register

that collects, processes, and stores energy use and
demand data.With time-of-use configurations, energy
demand data can be collected for up to four rates
per day. The time-of-use and energy and demand
information can be displayed for both watt-hours
and an additional alternate energy quantity, either
apparent energy (VAh) or reactive energy (VARh).
The ALPHA Plus meter offers power quality information
to provide a continuing check on the quality of incoming
service by flagging problems and displaying errors and
warning codes.With a communications board installed, these
features become available for remote interrogation and alarming.
The A3 ALPHA meter expands the power of the existing ALPHA meter
designs by adding features available on no other ALPHA meter, such  Fully programmable
as instrumentation profiling, history log, and self reads. The A3 ALPHA  Wide voltage range of 96 to
has more memory than any other ALPHA meter, and it is the first ABB 528 VAC
meter to support the ANSI C12 protocol and data storage standards.
 Advanced 4–quadrant
 Per-phase values:W, VAR,VA,
SPECIFICATIONS V, I, and PF angles1, 2
Standard Design Dimensions and Weights  System W, VAR,VA, PF angles,
Approximate dimensions in inches (mm) and weight lbs. (kg) and frequency1, 2
 System service and
Carton Net current tests1, 2
Type Width Depth Height
Quantity Weight
 Replaceable display
A1S 1 11 (270) 9.5 (233) 9.5 (233) 5 (2.3)  Average power factor
A1S 4 15 (368) 15 (368) 9 (221) 15 (6.8)  Easily upgradeable
A1A 1 12.5 (306) 11 (270) 11 (270) 9 (4.1)

Multiple Configurations Advanced Options Communications Options Security

 Energy: kWh, kvarh, kVAh  Load profile: up to  RS232  Event log

 Demand: kW, kvar, kVA 4 channels (or 8 channels2)  RS485  Instrumentation profiling2
 Multiple tariffs: up to  Programmable load-  Internal modem—2400 BPS  History log2
4 per day control relays with optional outage and  Self reads2
 4-quadrant metering  Form C relay pulse outputs restore call-back3  Phase outage recording
of energy quantity  External serial interface
 Advanced 4-quadrant  Power outage recording
metering2  PQ monitoring1,2  20 mA current loop  Reverse energy warning
 All standard socket and  Loss compensation1,2  ANSI C12 communications  Password protection
A-base forms available for standards2
 Nonvolatile memory
both 1 phase and 3 phase
 Multiple alarms

Outage and restore call-back option on ALPHA Plus and A3 ALPHA only

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Electricity Meters

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
Switchboard ALPHA®, ALPHA Plus®, and A3 ALPHA® +919-212-4800

Switchboard ALPHA, ALPHA Plus, and A3 ALPHA

meters provide all the standard features of their
ALPHA meter counterparts housed in an FT-21
enclosure. Switchboard ALPHA meters are ideal for
those indoor applications where the meter will be
rack-mounted. For switchboard ALPHA Plus and
A3 ALPHA meters, optional communications boards
provide remote interrogation and alarming.

 Fully programmable
 Wide voltage range of 96 to 528 VAC
 Per-phase values:W, VAR,VA,V, I, and PF angles1,2
 System W, VAR,VA, PF angles, and frequency1,2
 System service and current tests1,2
 Replaceable display
 Average power factor
 Flexitest relay enclosure (FT-21)
 Drawout mounting cage for electronics
 Easily upgradeable

Multiple Configurations Advanced Options Communications Options Security
Metering, Protection, and Control

 Energy: kWh, kvarh, kVAh  Load profile: up to  RS232  Event log

 Demand: kW, kvar, kVA 4 channels (or 8 channels2)  RS485  Instrumentation profiling2
 Multiple tariffs: up to  Programmable load-  Internal modem—2400 BPS  History log2
4 per day control relays with optional outage and  Self reads2
 3- and 4-wire  Form C relay pulse outputs restore call-back3
 Phase outage recording
of energy quantity  External serial interface  Power outage recording
 PQ monitoring1,2  20 mA current loop  Reverse energy warning
 Loss compensation1,2  ANSI C12 communications  Password protection
 4-quadrant metering standards2
 Nonvolatile memory
 Advanced 4-quadrant
 Multiple alarms

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights

Approximate dimensions in inches (mm) and weight lbs. (kg)

Carton Quantity Width Depth Height Net Weight

1 13.8 (349.3) 10.6 (269.2) 13.5 (342.9) 12 (5.6)


Outage and restore call-back option on ALPHA Plus and A3 ALPHA only

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
Portable ALPHA®, ALPHA Plus®, and A3 ALPHA® +919-212-4800

Portable energy meters are increasingly important to the energy service

industry. ABB has repackaged its ALPHA meters to supply users with these
portable, cost-effective versions.
The portable ALPHA meter eliminates problems with bulky, heavy, and
expensive equipment traditionally used in portable energy metering.
The portable ALPHA meter enables energy measurements at
individual motors, machines and other loads.

 Small size: 7.5"H x 7.25"W x 5.0"D
(190 mm x 184 mm x 127 mm)
 Lightweight: Less than 4 lbs. (1.8 kg)
 Self-powering by alligator voltage clips
 Clamp on CTs: Standard AMC1201.46
and 1000:1
 96 to 528 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz
 Current of 0.5 mA to 2.0 A
 High accuracy internal clock
 Easy access battery
 Average power factor
 Easily upgradeable Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
Approximate dimensions in inches (mm) and weight lbs. (kg)
 Meters 1-phase, 3-phase 3-wire ∆; and
3-phase 4-wire wye and ∆
Carton Net
 60" (1524 mm) voltage leads provided Quantity
Width Depth Height
with clearly marked connections
1 14 (355.6) 11 (279.4) 14 (355.6) 13 (5.9)

Multiple Configurations Advanced Options Communications Options Benefits

 Energy: kWh, kvarh, kVAh  Load profile: up to  RS232  Quick and easy installation
 Demand: kW, kvar, kVA 4 channels (or 8 channels2)  RS485  Small size—usually fits inside
 4-quadrant metering  Programmable load-  External serial interface of electrical equipment cabinet
control relays  Programmable from desktop,
 Transformer rated  Internal modem—2400 BPS
 Form C relay pulse outputs on-site or via modem
with optional outage and
of energy quantity restore call-back3  Dependable saving of program
 PQ monitoring 1,2 and data when power is off
 20 mA current loop
 Easy for one person to carry
two or three at a time
 No extension cord needed to
power the meter
 Power outages and tampering
are identified
 Easy to download data to PC
 One meter does many jobs

Outage and restore call-back option on ALPHA Plus and A3 ALPHA only

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Electricity Meters


ION® Meters

ABB has signed an agreement with Power Measurement,

Ltd. that grants ABB the exclusive rights to market the
ION revenue meters to supply-side markets. The ION
8300/8400/8500 meters are the first socket-mounted
energy meters to combine power quality analysis,
data/event recording, and multi-port communications.
These meters have sophisticated waveform recording
and sub-cycle transient detection that is usually found in
portable instruments. ION meters can be used in such
applications as utility power quality, substation metering,
distribution operations, and intertie/ISO/RTO metering.
The most economical of the ION meters is the 8300,
which combines high accuracy power, energy, demand,
and TOU measurements with power quality features to
give quick access to metering information. The 8300 has
customized rates, flexible billing, and transformer/line
loss compensation.
Power Measurement, Ltd. is responsible for all national
certification issues. To this end, the 8300/8400/8500
meters have been certified to meet/exceed the ANSI
C12.20 Class 0.2 standard for electricity watt-hour  Revolutionary object-oriented
meters by MET Labs (an independent NRTL), and have technology that easily adapts to
been certified as meeting the IEC 687 Class 0.2 accuracy future requirements
by AEP. Both the ION 8500 and 8400 revenue meters  Instantaneous measurement:
have been approved for use in Canada under voltage ( l - l & l - n), current, power,
Measurement Canada Notice of Approval A3-0924. power factor, frequency, unbalance,
In addition, ION 8400/8500 meters are now approved phase-reversal, and time-of-use
for use in California ISO for metering applications.
 Adaptable to virtually any billing
ABB will retain responsibility for state and utility
scheme, including time-of-use pricing,
certification issues.
Metering, Protection, and Control

real-time pricing, and interruptible rates

ION meters are fully supported by ION Enterprise 3.0
 Sophisticated waveform recording and
software, which is a full-featured PC-based,Web-ready
sub-cycle transient detection
software suite that provides data acquisition, control
capabilities, comprehensive power quality, and reliability  Advanced 4-quadrant metering
analysis.The software collects data through serial, modem,  Ability to support enhanced key
or Ethernet links so you can manage a single site or global account services such as customized
network of devices. For real time access to the billing rate schedules, flexible billing,
meter, ION 8400/8500 meters support WebMeter™ comprehensive cost reduction
applications. For instant email alarm notification, ION programs, web-based energy, and
8400/8500 meters use MeterM@il® messaging. power quality reporting
 4 MB on 8500 meters, 1 MB on
8400 meters, 512K on 8300 meters
 Optional expanded I/O
 Flexitest case assembly (FT–21)

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC

Multiple Configurations Advanced Options Communications Options Security

 Energy: kWh, kvarh, kVAh  Load profile:  RS232  Anti-tamper provisions for
 Demand: kW, kvar, kVA 32 channels (8300),  RS485 cover and peak demand reset
160 channels (8400),  Event logging and alarming
 Multiple tariffs—configurable  Internal modem
640 channels (8500)
to almost any tariff structure  TCP/IP  Password protection on
 Power quality monitoring revenue-related parameters
 4-quadrant metering  Ethernet
 Sub-cycle transient  Anti-tampering seal and
detection  Modbus
hardware locks
 Measure harmonics, sags,  DNP 3.0
swells, imbalances, and
symmetrical components
 Web-based energy and
power quality reporting

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights

Approximate dimensions in inches (mm) and weight lbs. (kg)

Carton Net
Width Depth Height
Quantity Weight

1 17 (431.8) 10 (254) 10 (254) 7 (3.2)

4 21 (533.4) 18 (457.2) 22 (558.8) 28.5 (12.9)

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Electricity Meters

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
AIN ALPHA® +919-212-4800

The AIN ALPHA meter is a highly functional, extremely accurate,

fully programmable, solid-state electricity meter. Available in multiple
configurations, the AIN ALPHA meter is the ideal solution for commercial
and industrial metering applications.
Using ABB’s patented ALPHA technology, the AIN ALPHA addresses major
metering issues such as reliability, accuracy, security, and adaptability.

 Fully programmable
 Three-phase power supply
 Wide voltage range: 57 to 480 VAC
 Per-phase values: W, VAR,VA,V, I, and PF angle
 IEC 61107 communication protocol
 Easy access battery
 High accuracy internal clock
 DIN-type polycarbonate case
 Average power factor
 Easily upgradeable

Multiple Configurations Advanced Options Communications Options Security

 Accuracy class: 0.2S,  Load profile:  RS232  Phase outage recording

0.5S, 1.0 up to 8 channels  RS485  Power outage recording
 Energy: kWh, kvarh, kVAh  Programmable  Reverse energy warning
Metering, Protection, and Control

 Demand: kW, kvar, kVA output relays  Password protection

 Multiple tariffs  External battery power-up  Nonvolatile memory
 4-quadrant metering
 Low battery alarm
for import/export
 Transformer and
 3- and 4-wire
 Standard and
symmetrical wiring

Voltage Current Ratings Frequency Temperature Humidity IEC Standards

1/10 A, 5/10 A, -40°C to 55°C (ambient) 0 to 100%

61036, 60687,
57 to 480 VAC 10/100 A, 15/100 A, 50 and 60 Hz -40°C to 85°C relative
and 61107
and 20/100 A (at electronics) humidity

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights

Approximate dimensions in inches (mm) and weight lbs. (kg)

Carton Quantity Width Depth Height Net Weight

1 9.17 (233) 13.98 (355) 6.5 (165) 5 (2.3)

4 15.43 (392) 15.43 (392) 8.7 (221) 20 (9.1)




A1000 ALPHA®

The A1000 ALPHA meter is an electronic 3-phase

revenue meter for direct-connected applications,
typically up to 70 kVA. It meets or exceeds all applicable
IEC 61036 standards for direct-connected, electronic
energy metering.
The flexibility of configurations, security features,
and tools to ensure proper installation help distinguish
the A1000 ALPHA from electromechanical meters and
other electronic meters in its class.
The meter is available in two basic configurations.
Type R meters are optimized for residential metering,
where 1 or 2 energy quantities are needed. Type C meters
are optimized for commercial and light industrial meter-
ing, providing 2 quantities and maximum demand
measurement for one selected quantity.

 Metering kWh with options for additional
kvarh or kVAh
 Wide voltage range, 3-phase power supply
 Extended current range
(up to 100 amp maximum)
 IEC 61036 2.0 accuracy (option for Class 1.0)
 IEC 61107 optical port
 Revenue metering
 Unified demand reset and alternate scroll
button (sealable for demand reset)
 Installation verification
 Tamper detection/provision

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Electricity Meters
Electronic Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
A1000 ALPHA® +919-212-4800

Multiple Configurations Advanced Options Communications Options Security

 Accuracy class: 1.0, 2.0  LED  IEC 61107 optical port  Total meter operation time
 Energy: kWh, kvarh, kVAh  S0 relay outputs  Phase absent time
 Demand: kW, kvar, kVA  Second S0 relay output  Negative energy flow
 Multiple tariffs for energy pulses, BO1, estimation
 4-quadrant metering for or overload indication
import/export  External battery power-up
 3- and 4-wire
 Standard and
symmetrical wiring

Voltage Current ratings Frequency Temperature Humidity IEC Standards

3x120/208 to 3x240/415 VAC
±20% 3-phase,
5/40 A, 5/60A, -40°C to 55°C 61036 (1996),
4-wire, wye service
5/80 A, 5/100 A, 50 and (ambient) 0 to 100% 61107 (1995),
120 to 240 VAC
10/40 A, 10/60 A, 60 Hz -40°C to 85°C noncondensing 61268 (1995),
±20%, L1 to L2 or L3 to L2
10/80 A, 10/100 A (at electronics) 62053-31 (1998)
3-phase, 3-wire delta
or network

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights

Approximate dimensions in inches (mm) and weight lbs. (kg)

Carton Quantity Width Depth Height Net Weight

Metering, Protection, and Control

1 9.55 (242.6) 14.55 (369.6) 6.425 (163.2) 2.4 (1.1)

4 15.05 (382.3) 7.425 (188.6) 13.55 (344.2) 9.6 (4.4)



Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
Meter Software +919-212-4800

AlphaPlus™ Software
AlphaPlus software is a comprehensive software program that
provides an interface for configuring a broad range of meter
functions, including programming a meter, reading a meter,
generating reports, and developing and maintaining meter pro-
grams. AlphaPlus software was developed for use with demand,
time-of-use (TOU), load profile, and real/reactive meters.
An analysis tool called Thresholds is also provided with AlphaPlus
software for use with ALPHA Plus® meters to enable service tests
and to set service and power quality monitoring (PQM) thresholds.
An additional package, PQ Inspector, can be installed with AlphaPlus
software to collect and graphically display near real-time electric
service and meter status information from ALPHA Plus meters.

Metercat is a meter configuration and analysis tool developed to
program and read ABB’s A3 ALPHA meter. Designed as a flexible
Windows®-based application, Metercat runs on all 32-bit Windows
operating systems. In addition to its basic functionality, Metercat
simplifies the management of users, user groups, functions, and
connections. Metercat supports both optical and remote (for
meters equipped with modems) communication. Metercat can
create HTML reports of meter readings and programs.

Requirement Description

AlphaPlus Software

DOS 3.0 or higher (IBM PS/2 requires DOS 3.3 or higher)

Operating system
PQ Inspector can run under Windows 3.0 and Windows 95/98 in full-screen mode.

At least 4 MB. The actual space needed depends on the number of graphs and reports
Hard drive space
to be stored.

Memory 400K

Hardware ABB UNICOM probe

Operating system Windows 95/98/Me/NT 4/2000

CPU Pentium-compatible CPU

Hard drive space 50 MB free

Memory 32 MB RAM (64 MB recommended)

Hardware CD drive, SVGA monitor (minimum 800 x 600 resolution), ABB UNICOM probe

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Electricity Meters

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
EnergyAxis® ALPHA STARS™ +919-212-4800

Designed as a companion product to the ALPHA

meter, EnergyAxis ALPHA STARS is a communications
platform that provides nationwide, two-way wireless
communications for meter data collection and
management, offering energy or service providers
a cost-efficient solution for their commercial and
industrial customers.
ALPHA STARS is based on public wireless networks,
giving users an instant national footprint, eliminating
the long-term capital investment or length of time
required to build a communications infrastructure.
Its design supports multiple networks and transfer of
large data packets from advanced electronic meters.
The initial configuration operates using American
Mobile’s ARDIS national wireless data network,
which covers more than 10,700 cities in the U.S.
ALPHA STARS offers users the ability to install a
meter and have it read remotely in less than one hour.
This communication works in conjunction with the
EnergyAxis family of servers that provides meter data
management and energy analysis functions.

 Microprocessor-based design for energy
management, airtime optimization, and remote
network management
 Integrated two-way, wireless radio modem
 Connects to ALPHA meter using low-voltage,
Metering, Protection, and Control

weather-resistant molded cordset

 Typical installation is less than 30 minutes
 Does not require external power wiring to the
communications module
 Enabled for outage and restoration
notification, while ensuring low drain and
burden on the meter
 Internal antenna maximizes wireless reception
 Integrated with meter display for convenient
monitoring of wireless signal strength


Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
EnergyAxis® AMR Server +919-212-4800

The EnergyAxis AMR Server is an integrated, standards-

based, certifiable meter data collection and management
system. Energy providers can capture raw meter data,
validate and process it, and deliver settlement-quality
information directly to other essential business and
operations systems.
Offering investment protection through scalable, flexible
architecture, the AMR Server is an open solution that
grows with a business, scaling from thousands to millions
of meters. The server meets the requirements of state
deregulation and changing business processes with
simple, seamless, and flexible workflow paths.
The AMR Server offers multiple communications
capabilities, including two-way telephone, cellular,
and wireless communications as well as an Internet
interface for remote users.


 Collection, storage, and publication of secure Key Application Interfaces
meter consumption and interval data
 Metering information
 Real-time and scheduled reads for billing
or data collection
 Validation, estimation, and editing
 Customer care
 Meter and account management
 Full suite of application program interfaces
 Forecasting, scheduling, and planning
 XML file exchange
 Outage management
 Event and alarm notification

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.



Metering, Protection, and Control


The ABB electromechanical meter is the most cost

effective meter for measuring kilowatt-hour energy
usage. This electromechanical meter is available as
both a single-phase and polyphase meter, and they
can be supplied with either a clock dial or cyclo-
meter type register. Advances in automated assembly
processes and in state-of-the-art calibration equip-
ment provide for an accurate and reliable meter
that has an operational product life conservatively
placed at 30 years. These meters can be shipped
The Type AB meter has many key features,
within a lead time of only a few weeks.
among them being excellent received accuracy,
The design of the Type AB and ABS electromechan- competitive potential watt loss and starting
ical watt-hour meter accommodates the addition watts due to superior voltage coil design, and
of communication modules mounted under the dependable in-service performance over the life
meter’s cover in support of automated meter of the meter. Design benefits include a reliable
reading (AMR) systems. These communication Magnethrust Bearing System® for almost fric-
modules may be mounted on the single-phase tionless disk support, fixed register mesh, corro-
and polyphase meter and shipped directly from sion protection, replaceable external lightning
the factory, or the meters can be retrofitted with and surge arrestors, filter seal, and a highly
the communication modules in the future. reliable, encapsulated voltage coil for long life.

Product Form V Class Communication Module

AB1 1, 2, 3, 4 120, 240 or 480 10, 100 or 200 None

American Innovation telephone modems

CellNet Data Systems RF module
120, 240, 10, 100,
AB1R 1, 2, 3, 4 DCSI PLC module
or 480 or 200
Hunt Technologies PLC module
Itron, Inc., RF module and telephone modem


5, 5U, 6, 7, 8,
120, 240, 20, 100,
ABS 9, 10, 12, 14, None
or 480 or 200
15, 16, 25

5, 5U, 6, 7, 8,
ABS with 120, 240, 20, 100, CellNet Data Systems RF module
9, 10, 12, 14,
AMR or 480 or 200 Itron, Inc., RF module and telephone modem
15, 16, 25

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Electricity Meters

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
Single-Phase—AB1 and AB1R +919-212-4800

The AB1 is a single-phase watt-hour meter that is

available as a self-contained device, capable of carrying
up to 200 amperes of current at the rated voltage.
It is also available as a transformer-rated device with
current transformers, voltage transformers, or both.
The AB1R is the single-phase AB1 meter equipped
with any one of the available communication modules
listed in the Electromechanical Selection Guide.

Style Numbers with Glass Covers1
Test Register Register
Form Class V Kh Standard Clock Dial Drum-Type Cyclometer
A Multi Ratio
4-Dial 5-Dial 4-Drum 5-Drum

Socket-Type, Filter-Seal, Magnethrust

AB1—Self-contained, 4-terminal, socket-type (2-wire or 3-wire)

1S 100 15 120 1.8 1 55 5⁄ 9 5570C10G01 5570C10G40 5570C10G14 5570C10G15

1S 100 15 240 3.6 1 27 7⁄ 9 5570C10G27 5570C10G43 5570C10G29 —

2S 100 15 240 3.6 1 27 7⁄ 9 5570C10G04 5570C10G11 5570C10G17 5570C10G30

2S 200 30 240 7.2 1 13 8⁄ 9 5570C10G05 5570C10G10 5570C10G18 5570C10G31

2S 200 30 240 7.2 10 138 8⁄ 9 5570C10G06 — 5570C10G19 —

AB1 2-Wire—Transformer-type, 5-terminal 2, secondary rated 3,4 (2-wire for 2-wire CT and 3-wire for 3W CT)
Metering, Protection, and Control

3S 10 2.5 120 0.3 1 x Tr 333 1⁄ 3 5570C10G51 — 5570C10G54 —

3S 10 2.5 240 0.6 1 x Tr 166 2⁄ 3 5570C10G52 5570C10G60 5570C10G55 5570C10G63

AB1 3-Wire—Transformer-type, 6-terminal 2, secondary rated 3,4 (3-wire for two 2W CTs)
4S 10 2.5 240 0.6 1 x Tr 166 2⁄ 3 5570C10G53 5570C10G70 5570C10G56 5570C10G64
Polycarbonate covers are available. Contact your local ABB representative for more information.
Meter can be used with two 2-wire current transformers on 3-wire service or one 3-wire current transformer on 3-wire service.
5-dial/drum registers are recommended on meters where the energy consumed will be 10,000 kWh or more during one billing period.
Registers supplied on these meters are 4-dial/drum and must be multiplied by CT and PT ratios.

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
Approximate dimensions in inches (mm) and weight lbs. (kg)

Carton Domestic Export

Type Shipping Dimensions
Quantity Net Shipping Net Legal Gross

15.75 x 15.75 x 7.375

AB1 4 15.5 (7) 18.25 (8.3) 15.5 (7) 18.25 (8.3) 18.25 (8.3)
(400 x 400 x 187.3)


Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
Polyphase—ABS-2 +919-212-4800

The ABS-2 meter is a two-element meter

for use on three-phase, three-wire services.
This is a transformer-rated meter with an
8-terminal base. An ABS-2 meter can be
equipped with any one of the available
communication modules listed in the
Electromechanical Selection Guide.

Style Numbers with Polycarbonate Covers
Test Register Register
Form Class V Kh Standard Clock Dial Drum-Type Cyclometer
A Multi Ratio
4-Dial 5-Dial 4-Drum 5-Drum
ABS-2—Socket-type, transformer-rated, 8-terminal

5S 20 2.5 120 1.2 Tr 83 1⁄ 3 E221CLA4AA E221CLA5AA E221CYA4AA E221CYA5AA

5S 20 2.5 240 2.4 Tr 412⁄ 3 E222CLA4AA E222CLA5AA E222CYA4AA E222CYA5AA

5S 20 2.5 480 4.8 Tr 20 5⁄ 6 E224CLA4AA E224CLA5AA E224CYA4AA E224CYA5AA

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
Approximate dimensions in inches (mm) and weight lbs. (kg)

Carton Domestic Export Shipping

Quantity Net Shipping Net Legal Gross Dimensions

9.5 x 11 x 9.5
ABS-2 1 7 (3.2) 9 (4.1) 7 (3.2) 8 (3.6) 9 (4.1)
(241.3 x 279.4 x 241.3)

16.5 x 16.5 x 10.625

ABS-2 4 27.75 (12.6) 31.5 (14.3) 27.75 (12.6) 30.25 (13.7) 31.5 (14.3)
(419.1 x 419.1 x 269.9)

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Electricity Meters

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
Polyphase—ABS-3 +919-212-4800

The ABS-3 is a three-element meter for use on a

three-phase, four-wire wye system. It is available
as a self-contained meter (7-terminal base) or a
transformer-rated meter (13-terminal base) to
match the appropriate meter socket configuration.
An ABS-3 meter can be equipped with any one
of the available communication modules listed
in the Electromechanical Selection Guide.

Style Numbers with Polycarbonate Covers
Test Register Register
Form Class V Kh Standard Clock Dial Drum-Type Cyclometer
A Multi Ratio
4-Dial 5-Dial 4-Drum 5-Drum
ABS-3—Socket-type, self-contained, 7-terminal

16S 100 15 120 10.8 1 9 7⁄ 27 E311CLA4AA E311CLA5AA E311CYA4AA E311CYA5AA

16S 100 15 240 21.6 1 417⁄ 27 E312CLA4AA E312CLA5AA E312CYA4AA E312CYA5AA

16S 100 15 240 21.6 10 46 8⁄ 27 E312CLA4A1 E312CLA5A1 E312CYA4A1 E312CYA5A1

16S 200 30 120 21.6 1 417⁄ 27 E331CLA4AA E331CLA5AA E331CYA4AA E331CYA5AA

16S 200 30 120 21.6 10 46 8⁄ 27 E331CLA4A1 E331CLA5A1 E331CYA4A1 E331CYA5A1

16S 200 30 240 43.2 1 217⁄ 54 E332CLA4AA E332CLA5AA E332CYA4AA E332CYA5AA

16S 200 30 240 43.2 10 23 4⁄ 27 E332CLA4A1 E332CLA5A1 E332CYA4A1 E332CYA5A1

ABS-3—Socket-type, transformer-rated, 13-terminal
Metering, Protection, and Control

9S 20 2.5 120 1.8 Tr 55 5⁄ 9 E321CLA4AA E321CLA5AA E321CYA4AA E321CYA5AA

9S 20 2.5 240 3.6 Tr 27 7⁄9 E322CLA4AA E322CLA5AA E322CYA4AA E322CYA5AA

10S 20 2.5 120 1.8 Tr 55 5⁄9 E421CLA4AA E421CLA5AA E421CYA4AA E421CYA5AA

10S 20 2.5 240 3.6 Tr 27 7⁄9 E422CLA4AA E422CLA5AA E422CYA4AA E422CYA5AA

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
Approximate dimensions in inches (mm) and weight lbs. (kg)

Carton Domestic Export

Quantity Net Shipping Net Legal Gross Shipping Dimensions

9.5 x 11 x 9.5
1 8 (3.6) 10 (4.5) 8 (3.6) 9 (4.1) 10 (4.5)
(241.3 x 279.4 x 241.3)
16.5 x 16.5 x 10.625
4 32 (14.5) 35.5 (16.1) 32 (14.5) 34.5 (15.6) 35.5 (16.1)
(419.1 x 419.1 x 269.9)


Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
Polyphase—ABS-5 +919-212-4800

The ABS-5 is a two-element meter for use on three-phase,

three-wire delta service or on a three-wire wye network
service. This meter is a self-contained meter and uses a
5-terminal base. An ABS-5 meter can be equipped with
any one of the available communication modules listed
in the Electromechanical Selection Guide.

Style Numbers with Polycarbonate Covers
Test Register Register
Form Class V Kh Standard Clock Dial Drum-Type Cyclometer
A Multi Ratio
4-Dial 5-Dial 4-Drum 5-Drum
ABS-5—Socket-type, self-contained, 5-terminal, moveable 5th terminal

12S 100 15 120 7.2 1 13 8⁄9 E511CLA4AA E511CLA5AA E511CYA4AA E511CYA5AA

12S 100 15 240 14.4 1 617⁄18 E512CLA4AA E512CLA5AA E512CYA4AA E512CYA5AA

12S 100 15 240 14.4 10 69 4⁄ 9 E512CLA4A1 E512CLA5A1 E512CYA4A1 E512CYA5A1

12S 100 15 480 28.8 1 317⁄ 36 E514CLA4AA E514CLA5AA E514CYA4AA E514CYA5AA

12S 100 15 480 28.8 10 3413⁄18 E514CLA4A1 E514CLA5A1 E514CYA4A1 E514CYA5A1

12S 200 30 120 14.4 1 617⁄18 E531CLA4AA E531CLA5AA E531CYA4AA E531CYA5AA

12S 200 30 120 14.4 10 69 4⁄ 9 E531CLA4A1 E531CLA5A1 E531CYA4A1 E531CYA5A1

12S 200 30 240 28.8 1 317⁄ 36 E532CLA4AA E532CLA5AA E532CYA4AA E532CYA5AA

12S 200 30 240 28.8 10 3413⁄18 E532CLA4A1 E532CLA5A1 E532CYA4A1 E532CYA5A1

12S 200 30 480 57.6 1 153⁄ 72 E534CLA4AA E534CLA5AA — —

12S 200 30 480 57.6 10 1713⁄36 E534CLA4A1 E534CLA5A1 E534CYA4A1 E534CYA4A1

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
Approximate dimensions in inches (mm) and weight lbs. (kg)

Carton Domestic Export Shipping

Quantity Net Shipping Net Legal Gross Dimensions

9.5 x 11 x 9.5
1 7 (3.2) 9 (4.1) 7 (3.2) 8 (3.6) 9 (4.1)
(241.3 x 279.4 x 241.3)
16.5 x 16.5 x 10.625
4 27.75 (12.6) 31.5 (14.3) 27.75 (12.6) 30.25 (13.7) 31.5 (14.3)
(419.1 x 419.1 x 269.9)

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Electricity Meters

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
Polyphase—ABS-5U +919-212-4800

The ABS-5U meter is similar to the ABS-5, but it is designed

for network applications in urban areas where lightning
protection on the meter is not required. This meter is used
where a 120/208 volt network is the electrical service, and
lightning protection for the service is provided at the
service entrance. This may be in large apartment complexes
or other closely grouped housing. An ABS-5U meter can be
equipped with any one of the available communication
modules listed in the Electromechanical Selection Guide.

Style Numbers with Glass Covers1
Test Register Register
Form Class V Kh Standard Clock Dial Drum-Type Cyclometer
A Multi Ratio
4-Dial 5-Dial 4-Drum 5-Drum
ABS-5U—Socket-type, self-contained, 5-terminal, moveable 5th terminal

12S 100 15 120 7.2 1 13 8⁄ 9 E611CLA4AA E611CLA5AA E611CYA4AA E611CYA5AA

12S 100 15 120 7.2 10 138 8⁄9 E611CLA4A1 E611CLA5A1 E611CYA4A1 E611CYA5A1

12S 200 30 120 14.4 1 6 17⁄18 E631CLA4AA E631CLA5AA E631CYA4AA E631CYA5AA

ABS-5U—Socket-type, self-contained, 5-terminal, fixed 5th terminal

25S 100 15 120 7.2 1 13 8⁄ 9 E911CLA4AA E911CLA5AA E911CYA4AA E911CYA5AA

25S 100 15 120 7.2 10 138 8⁄ 9 E911CLA4A1 E911CLA5A1 E911CYA4A1 E911CYA5A1

25S 200 30 120 14.4 1 6 17⁄18 E931CLA4AA E931CLA5AA E931CYA4AA E931CYA5AA

Form 25S comes with polycarbonate covers.
Metering, Protection, and Control

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
Approximate dimensions in inches (mm) and weight lbs. (kg)

Carton Domestic Export Shipping

Quantity Net Shipping Net Legal Gross Dimensions

9.5 x 11 x 9.5
1 7 (3.2) 9 (4.1) 7 (3.2) 8 (3.6) 9 (4.1)
(241.3 x 279.4 x 241.3)
16.5 x 16.5 x 10.625
4 27.75 (12.6) 31.5 (14.3) 27.75 (12.6) 30.25 (13.7) 31.5 (14.3)
(419.1 x 419.1 x 269.9)


Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
Polyphase—ABS-7 +919-212-4800

The ABS-7 is a two-element meter designed for

use on a three-phase, four-wire delta service. It is
available as a self-contained meter (7-terminal base)
or a transformer-rated meter (13-terminal base).
An ABS-7 meter can be equipped with any one of
the available communication modules listed in the
Electromechanical Selection Guide.

Style Numbers with Polycarbonate Covers
Test Register Register
Form Class V Kh Standard Clock Dial Drum-Type Cyclometer
A Multi Ratio
4-Dial 5-Dial 4-Drum 5-Drum
ABS-7—Socket-type, self-contained, 7-terminal

15S 100 15 240 14.4 1 617⁄18 E712CLA4AA E712CLA5AA E712CYA4AA E712CYA5AA

15S 100 15 240 14.4 10 69 4⁄ 9 E712CLA4A1 E712CLA5A1 E712CYA4A1 E712CYA5A1

15S 100 15 480 28.8 1 317⁄ 36 E714CLA4AA E714CLA5AA E714CYA4AA E714CYA5AA

15S 200 30 240 28.8 1 317⁄ 36 E732CLA4AA E732CLA5AA E732CYA4AA E732CYA5AA

15S 200 30 240 28.8 10 3413⁄18 E732CLA4A1 E732CLA5A1 E732CYA4A1 E732CYA5A1

15S 200 30 480 57.6 1 153⁄ 72 E734CLA4AA E734CLA5AA — —

ABS-7—Socket-type, transformer-rated, 13-terminal

8S 20 2.5 240 2.4 Tr 412⁄ 3 E722CLA4AA E722CLA5AA E722CYA4AA E722CYA5AA

8S 20 2.5 480 4.8 Tr 20 5⁄ 6 E724CLA4AA E724CLA5AA E724CYA4AA E724CYA5AA

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
Approximate dimensions in inches (mm) and weight lbs. (kg)

Carton Domestic Export Shipping

Quantity Net Shipping Net Legal Gross Dimensions

9.5 x 11 x 9.5
1 7 (3.2) 9 (4.1) 7 (3.2) 8 (3.6) 9 (4.1)
(241.3 x 279.4 x 241.3)
16.5 x 16.5 x 10.625
4 27.75 (12.6) 31.5 (14.3) 27.75 (12.6) 30.25 (13.7) 31.5 (14.3)
(419.1 x 419.1 x 269.9)

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Electricity Meters/Water Meters

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
Polyphase—ABS-8 +919-212-4800

The ABS-8 is a two and one-half element meter designed for a special
application on a three-phase, four-wire wye service. Although it
can be provided in a self-contained configuration, it offers reduced
installation cost when voltage transformers are required. This trans-
former-rated meter (with a 13-terminal base) permits the use of only
two voltage transformers instead of the usual three when metering
three-phase, four-wire wye circuits. This application provides a cost
savings due to the reduction of voltage transformers, but it must only
be used when there is a voltage balance between each of the three
phases. An unbalance in voltage magnitudes between phases will
create a possible metering error when the meter “estimates” the
missing third voltage. An ABS-8 meter can be equipped with any
one of the available communication modules listed in the
Electromechanical Selection Guide.

Style Numbers with Polycarbonate Covers
Test Register Register
Form Class V Kh Standard Clock Dial Drum-Type Cyclometer
A Multi Ratio
4-Dial 5-Dial 4-Drum 5-Drum
ABS-8—Socket-type, self-contained, 7-terminal

14S 100 15 120 10.8 1 9 7⁄ 27 E811CLA4AA E811CLA5AA E811CYA4AA E811CYA5AA

14S 100 15 240 21.6 1 417⁄ 27 E812CLA4AA E812CLA5AA E812CYA4AA E812CYA5AA

14S 100 15 240 21.6 10 46 8⁄ 27 E812CLA4A1 E812CLA5A1 E812CYA4A1 E812CYA5A1

14S 200 30 120 21.6 1 417⁄ 27 E831CLA4AA E831CLA5AA E831CYA4AA E831CYA5AA

14S 200 30 120 21.6 10 46 8⁄ 27 E831CLA4A1 E831CLA5A1 E831CYA4A1 E831CYA5A1

Metering, Protection, and Control

14S 200 30 240 43.2 1 217⁄ 54 E832CLA4AA E832CLA5AA E832CYA4AA E832CYA5AA

14S 200 30 240 43.2 10 23 4⁄ 27 E832CLA4A1 E832CLA5A1 E832CYA4A1 E832CYA5A1

ABS-8—Socket-type, transformer-rated, 13-terminal

6S 20 2.5 120 1.8 Tr 55 5⁄ 9 E821CLA4AA E821CLA5AA E821CYA4AA E821CYA5AA

6S 20 2.5 240 3.6 Tr 27 7⁄ 9 E822CLA4AA E822CLA5AA E822CYA4AA E822CYA5AA

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
Approximate dimensions in inches (mm) and weight lbs. (kg)

Carton Domestic Export Shipping

Quantity Net Shipping Net Legal Gross Dimensions

9.5 x 11 x 9.5
1 7 (3.2) 9 (4.1) 7 (3.2) 8 (3.6) 9 (4.1)
(241.3 x 279.4 x 241.3)
16.5 x 16.5 x 10.625
4 27.75 (12.6) 31.5 (14.3) 27.75 (12.6) 30.25 (13.7) 31.5 (14.3)
(419.1 x 419.1 x 269.9)


C700 Positive Displacement Meter

ABB’s C700 oscillating, piston-type water meters are

the most advanced concept in positive displacement
metering today. This complete family of top performing
meters, in sizes 5 ⁄ 8" to 2", are available with a wide
variety of accessories and trim materials.
The C700 line of water meters is so dependable and
well engineered that ABB offers the industry’s longest
and broadest warranty, assuring unparalleled perform-
ance and the highest revenue-earning potential.
All ABB direct read meters are easily converted
with Digital or Encoder registers for RMR, EMR,
and AMR applications—just one example of ABB’s
product versatility.

 Leak Detector: Detects and registers even  Eccentric Drive™: The piston drive pin is
the smallest flow due to the unique 1:1 ratio mounted off-center on the piston and captive
to the piston. to the magnetic drive bar to provide smooth
 Large Registers: Register assembly is very large operation and reduce noise levels.
(31 ⁄ 2") and includes color-coded odometers to  Extended Wear Surfaces: All wear-prone areas
eliminate reading errors. (such as thrust bearings) are strategically located
 Dual Inlet-Outlet Porting: This design offers and made of nylon to virtually eliminate wear.
a balanced flow stream to reduce wear and A sediment well is located in the chamber floor
lower pressure loss while maximizing accuracy to provide a self-cleaning cavity for debris.
at all flows. A contoured division plate helps to smooth
and quiet piston rotation.
 Advanced Piston Design: Optimized diameter-
to-height ratio provides the absolute lowest start-  Phased Porting™: Slightly offset top and
ing flow of 1 ⁄ 52 gpm. Increased torque allows for bottom inlet ports allow the water flow to
improved linear accuracy over the entire flow smoothly move the piston, thus eliminating
range, yielding the maximum legal revenue. erratic piston movement and reducing noise.
 Grooved Piston™: A technological break-
through uses shaped, vertical grooves to create
a Turbulence Seal™. This unique feature actually
uses the water flow to create turbulence to
prevent water from bypassing the piston, thus
improving performance. Debris is held in suspen-
sion within the created flow eddies to prevent
meter stoppage in sandy environments.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Water Meters

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Ocala, FL
C700 Positive Displacement Meter +352-732-4670

3 ⁄ 4" x 3 ⁄ 4" S
5 ⁄ 8" x 1 ⁄ 2"
Main Case Material Units 3 ⁄ 4" x 3 ⁄ 4" 1" 11 ⁄ 2" 2"
5 ⁄ 8" x 3⁄ 4"
3 ⁄ 4" x 1"

Low Flow gpm 1⁄ 8 1⁄ 4 1⁄ 2 11 ⁄ 2 2

Continuous Flow gpm 15 15 25 50 80

Maximum Flow gpm 20 30 50 100 160

Head Loss at AWWA Continuous Flow psi 2.1 2.4 2.5 2.9 3.6

Maximum Temperature °F 120 120 120 120 120

Maximum Pressure psi 150 150 150 150 150

Length in. 3 ⁄4" S: 71 ⁄ 2"

Threaded in. 7 1⁄ 2 9 10 3 ⁄ 4 12 5 ⁄ 8 151 ⁄ 4

Flanged in. — — — 13 17


Threaded in. 41 ⁄ 4 4 3⁄ 8 6 15 ⁄ 16 71 ⁄ 2 8 3⁄ 4

Flanged in. — — — 81 ⁄ 2 8 3⁄ 4

Height in. 51 ⁄ 4 5 13 ⁄ 16 61 ⁄ 4 81 ⁄ 2 7 3⁄ 4

Height, bottom to centerline

Threaded in. 11 ⁄ 2 21 ⁄ 16 21 ⁄ 8 21 ⁄ 8 215 ⁄ 16

Flanged in. — — — 21 ⁄ 8 13 ⁄ 4

lbs. 3 ⁄ 4" S: 4 7 ⁄ 8"

Metering, Protection, and Control


Threaded lbs. 41 ⁄ 4 51 ⁄ 8 10 1 ⁄ 2 22 36

Flanged lbs. — — — 24 39


T3000 Turbine Meters

The T3000, a high-velocity, Class II turbine meter,

performs to the highest standards of accuracy and
exceeds AWWA C701 standards. The unitized con-
struction of this meter reduces maintenance costs
and contributes to superior performance.
T3000 is available in bronze sizes 11 ⁄ 2" thru 8" or
epoxy-coated cast iron thru 12". As in all ABB meters,
direct read, remote, digital, and encoder registers are
interchangeable. ABB is so confident of this meter’s
capability to retain new meter accuracy standards
that ABB guarantees it... for a full 5 years!

 Superior Materials: Tungsten Carbide rotor  Rotor Passes Foreign Materials: Due to
shaft combined with PTFE (Teflon) radial the throated inlet design, the space between
bearing and ceramic jewel thrust bearing. the rotor and chamber wall allows passing
 Concealed Accuracy Adjustment: Accuracy of suspended solids commonly seen in large
adjustment is concealed under the register and meter applications.
is adjustable under pressure.  Stainless Steel Body Trim: Non-corrosive
 Unitized Measuring Element: Facilitates body bolts and hinge pins for longer life.
simple and complete replacement of all parts  Undergear Assembly: Reduces speed of the
without removing the meter from service and driving magnet, preventing magnetic breakaway
also includes straightening vanes to reduce the during fast start-ups.
effects of turbulence on the meter’s accuracy.
 Throated Inlet: Increases low-flow sensitivity,
assuring greater accuracy while maintaining low
pressure loss and directing flow profile over the
entire circumference of the rotor.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Water Meters

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Ocala, FL
T3000 Turbine Meters +352-732-4670

11 ⁄ 2" 2" 3" 4"
Main Case Material Units Cast Cast Cast Cast
Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze
Iron Iron Iron Iron
Low Flow gpm 3 3 3 3 4 4 7 7
Continuous Flow gpm 160 160 160 160 600 600 1000 1000
Maximum Flow gpm 200 200 200 200 750 750 1250 1250
Head Loss at AWWA
psi 1.0 1.0 1.6 1.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8
Continuous Flow
Maximum Pressure psi 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
Maximum Temperature ºF 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120
Length in. 10 121 ⁄ 4 10 121 ⁄ 4 12 16 1 ⁄ 4 14 19
Width in. 73 ⁄ 8 73 ⁄ 8 73 ⁄ 8 73 ⁄ 8 71 ⁄ 2 713 ⁄ 16 9 91 ⁄ 16
Oval Flange End in. 73 ⁄ 4 — 73 ⁄ 4 — — — — —
Round Flange End in. 73 ⁄ 4 8 9 ⁄ 16 77 ⁄ 8 811 ⁄ 16 9 3⁄ 8 915 ⁄ 16 10 3 ⁄ 4 113 ⁄ 8
Height, bottom to centerline
Oval Flange End in. 2 7 ⁄ 16 — 2 7 ⁄ 16 — — — — —
Round Flange End in. 2 7 ⁄ 16 3 5 ⁄ 16 29 ⁄ 16 33 ⁄ 8 3 5⁄ 8 4 1⁄ 8 4 1⁄ 4 4 13 ⁄ 16
Oval Flange End lbs. 191 ⁄ 2 — 211 ⁄ 2 — — — — —
Round Flange End lbs. 20 261 ⁄ 2 22 261 ⁄ 2 333 ⁄ 8 371 ⁄ 4 511 ⁄ 2 52 1⁄ 8

6" 8" 10" 12" H3200 3" FHM

Main Case Material Units Cast Cast Cast Cast
Bronze Bronze Aluminum
Iron Iron Iron Iron
Low Flow gpm 15 15 25 25 55 95 5
Metering, Protection, and Control

Continuous Flow gpm 2000 2000 2800 2800 3200 4300 300
Maximum Flow gpm 2500 2500 3500 3500 5500 7000 400/750*
Head Loss at AWWA
psi 0.6 0.6 1.3 1.3 0.7 0.8 1.4*
Continuous Flow
Maximum Pressure psi 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
Maximum Temperature ºF 120 120 120 120 120 120 120
Length in. 18 19 3 ⁄ 4 20 201 ⁄ 2 17 3 ⁄ 4 193 ⁄ 4 14 3 ⁄ 8
Width in. 11 113 ⁄ 16 13 7 ⁄ 16 13 7 ⁄ 16 161 ⁄ 8 191 ⁄ 16 73 ⁄ 8
Height 813 ⁄ 16**
Oval Flange End in. — — — — — — —
Round Flange End in. 10 3 ⁄ 8 15 16 1 ⁄ 16 16 1 ⁄ 16 1815 ⁄ 16 20 3 ⁄ 8 —
Height, bottom to centerline 3**
Oval Flange End in. — — — — — — —
Round Flange End in. 51 ⁄ 4 513 ⁄ 16 615 ⁄ 16 615 ⁄ 16 81 ⁄ 4 93 ⁄ 4 —
Weight 171 ⁄ 4**
Oval Flange End lbs. — — — — — — —
Round Flange End lbs. 90 821 ⁄ 2 168 110 246 278 —
**Without Restrictor Plate
**2 1 ⁄ 2" AST Pipe Thread End Connections


C3000 Compound Meter

The C3000 compound meter combines the T3000 turbine meter

and C700 piston meter in one high-performance compound meter.
The C3000 is designed for the highest possible metering accuracy
in installations where extremely large variations in flow are typical,
such as schools, hospitals, shopping centers, and other installations
where flow demands vary from a few drops to large peak-hour
demands. This meter is available in sizes 2" to 8".
Because the compound is lighter and less bulky, it does not require
special equipment nor additional labor to install. All C3000 parts
and subassemblies are completely interchangeable with the T3000
turbine meter and the C700 positive displacement meter, thereby
eliminating dual inventory and cutting maintenance costs.
The C3000 features a unique changeover valve. This spring-loaded
poppet-style valve functions on differential pressure. It is a positive
action valve, which means that it is fully opened or fully closed at all
times. This superior design assures the highest accuracy (100% ± 1 ⁄ 2 %)
and eliminates the loss of revenue at changeover, which is common
with weighted check valves.
ABB’s compound meter pricing, compact design, interchangeable
parts, and unparalleled accuracy, means dollars saved.

 Poppet-Style, Positive Action
Changeover Valve:
• “Poppet”-Style, Spring-Loaded Design:
This design feature assures that the cone
stays closed until the differential pressure is
sufficient to fully open the valve.
• Butterfly Vent: This adjustable vent changes
the rate of flow at which the valve opens for
special applications.
• Uniquely Designed Cone: The cone is
designed with pressure-sensitive areas that
allow concentration of differential pressure.
This ensures a positive action, fully open or
fully closed.
• Rubber Semi-Hard Seat: This feature
ensures a bubble tight seal in the closed
position, and follows the cone during valve
opening resulting in efficient operation.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Water Meters

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Ocala, FL
C3000 Compound Meter +352-732-4670

2" 3" 4" 6" 8"
Main Case Material Units
Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Cast Iron

Low Flow gpm 1⁄ 8 1⁄ 8 1⁄ 4 3⁄ 4 11⁄ 2 11⁄ 2

Continuous Flow gpm 100 325 575 1560 1875 1875

Maximum Flow gpm 160 650 1150 2500 3000 3000

Head Loss at AWWA

psi 3.1 1.8 2.0 1.3 0.7 0.7
Continuous Flow

Maximum Temperature ºF 120 120 120 120 120 120

Maximum Pressure psi 150 150 150 150 150 150

Length in. 17 17 20 24 34 341⁄ 2

Width in. 12 9 ⁄ 16 131 ⁄ 4 141 ⁄ 8 17 9 ⁄ 16 137 ⁄ 8 137 ⁄ 8

Height in. 8 9 7 ⁄ 16 10 7 ⁄ 8 13 7 ⁄ 16 16 16

Height, bottom to centerline in. 211⁄ 16 3 5⁄ 8 41 ⁄ 4 5 3⁄ 4 6 7⁄ 8 6 7⁄ 8

Weight lbs. 34 551⁄ 4 67 1 ⁄ 8 145 227 285

Metering, Protection, and Control


FSM3 Fire Service Meter

The FSM3 Compound Assembly is designed for use where
water for both fire protection and domestic needs are combined
into a single service. The FSM3 combines in one assembly an
FM-Approved Fire Service Strainer, an AWWA Class II Turbine
meter for high and deluge flows, a positive displacement meter
for low flow measurement, and a check valve to direct flows to
the appropriate measuring chamber. The FSM3 meets or exceeds
the performance and material requirements of the AWWA
Standard C703, as most recently revised for Type II devices.
A single polyester-coated, ductile iron body houses both the
FSM3 Turbine Measuring chamber and the Automatic Check Valve.
The FSM3’s Automatic Check Valve is externally spring-loaded
with a covered external spring arm. This feature allows inspec-
tion of proper valve function without interruption of service.

Features Benefits
Strainer: Polyester-coated, fabricated steel body Corrosion resistance for long life
Strainer: 304 Stainless steel screen Durable for long life
Strainer: O-ring seals Simplifies clean-out and maintenance
Strainer: Large air vent tap Increases pipe efficiency
Strainer: Removable screen and frame Easy clean-out
Strainer: Large, o-ring sealed, drain Easy flushing
Turbine: AWWA Class II Turbine High accuracy over extended flow range
Turbine: Fiberglass-reinforced, fixed-flow Eliminates water turbulence (even during
straightener and flow straightener crossover) for improved accuracy
incorporated into chamber housing
Turbine: Modular measuring element Simplifies field maintenance & repair
Turbine: Rugged magnetic drive design Extends life
Turbine: O-ring seals Simplifies field maintenance
Valve: Externally loaded springs/ Inspection and valve manipulation
external spring arm without disruption of customer service
Valve: O-ring seals Quick reassembly
Valve: Removable spring cover Quick access and field protection
Valve: Bolted cover Clapper accessible for repair
Bypass: Shut-off valves upstream Repair or replace bypass meter without
and downstream of meter service disruption
C-700 Bypass: Piston-type PD meter Increases utility revenue
C-700 Bypass: Modular replacement Labor-saving maintenance
Registers: Heat-treated lenses Reduces breakage
Register: L-shaped gasket Hermetically sealed to prevent fogging
Registers: Universal size on size No change gears or register coding simplifies
for each meter type maintenance and parts inventories while
assuring accuracy.
Assembly: Factory Mutual (FM) approved Tested and approved for accuracy plus
fire service performance

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Water Meters

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Ocala, FL
FSM3 Fire Service Meter +352-732-4670

 To measure the wide variation of flows on lines that provide
water for both daily and fire service use
 For custody transfer installations between water systems
 In compound installations with extremely wide flow variations


Main Case Material Units 4" 6" 8"

Low Flow gpm 1⁄ 2 11 ⁄ 2 2

Normal Flow gpm 3⁄ 4 — 800 5 — 2000 8 — 3500

Max/Deluge Flow gpm 1400 2600 4400

Head Loss at AWWA Continuous Flow psi 2.8 2.3 2.4

Maximum Temperature ºF 120 120 120

Maximum Pressure psi 175 175 175

Length in. 33 45 53

Width in. 231 ⁄ 10 29 364⁄ 5

Width, centerline to bypass in. 144⁄ 5 191⁄ 5 237⁄ 10

Height in. 227⁄ 10 283⁄ 5 31

Height, bottom to centerline in. 111⁄ 2 14 157⁄ 10

Weight lbs. 277 555 867

Metering, Protection, and Control


AquaMaster Electronic Water Meter

In a unique water design, AquaMaster combines
electromagnetic flow principles with digital signal
processing. Available in sizes 2" to 12", the AquaMaster
is ideal for custody transfer, commercial and industrial
revenue, and process applications that demand the
highest accuracy available for water measurement.
The rugged AquaMaster Solid-State Water Meter offers
exceptional accuracy over an extended flow range.
Depending on the application, utilities can select from
AC-powered units with a 1500:1 flow range or battery-
powered units with a 650:1 flow range, offering 98%
and 95% accuracy, respectively, at normal flows and
±2% accuracy at very low flow rates.
With an unobstructed flow tube, AquaMaster:
• Is ideal for high- and low-flow services exposed
to water-borne debris
• Meets the performance requirements of
applications that provide both normal and
fire service demand
For installation flexibility, AquaMaster can be installed  District Metering (DMA)
in any orientation and is available either AC-powered  Commercial metering/bulk revenue
with optional battery back-up or battery-powered.  Distribution system analysis of both
volume and flow
 Data logging for distribution
system analysis
FEATURES  Industrial metering for water use only
 Widest flow range with lowest night  Water supply management
flow capability  Volume and rate applications where no
 Exceptional accuracy (± .25% or ±0.5%) external power exists
 Intelligent sensor stores all factory and  Applications where both low and high
site information water flows are required
 Battery- or AC-powered  Applications where particulate matter
• 3-year battery life in the water affects mechanical style
• Optional battery back-up on AC units water meters
 Rugged construction and no moving parts  Applications where the measuring
 Buriable sensor, submersible electronic element should be buried
display unit  Applications where the pipe is neither
 Materials of construction approved horizontal nor vertical and would effect
for potable water accuracy of traditional mechanical
style meters
 Low cost of ownership
 Conventional electromagnetic flow
meter applications
 Applications where traditional magnetic
flow meters cannot be used due to
external power requirements

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Water Meters

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Ocala, FL
AquaMaster Electronic Water Meter +352-732-4670


Main Case Material Units 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12"

Low Flow, AC-powered gpm 0.17 0.44 0.7 1.7 2.8 4.4 7.0

Low Flow, battery-powered gpm 0.40 1.10 1.6 4.0 7.0 11.0 16.0

Continuous Flow gpm 177 609 1022 2287 2948 4718 6460

Maximum Flow gpm 219 756 1268 2383 3658 5855 8015

Maximum Temperature, sensor ºF 158 158 158 158 158 158 158

Maximum Temperature, display ºF 122 122 122 122 122 122 122

Maximum Pressure psi 232 232 232 232 232 232 232

Length in. 7 9 ⁄ 10 7 9 ⁄ 10 9 4⁄ 5 114⁄ 5 134⁄ 5 177⁄ 10 197⁄ 10

Width in. 7 83⁄ 5 94⁄ 5 114⁄ 5 154⁄ 5 173⁄ 10 189⁄ 10

Height, with display unit in. 123⁄ 5 141 ⁄ 5 152⁄ 5 172⁄ 5 212⁄ 5 229⁄ 10 241 ⁄ 2

Height, bottom to centerline in. 31 ⁄ 2 43⁄ 10 49⁄ 10 5 9⁄ 10 7 9⁄ 10 87⁄ 10 91 ⁄ 2

Weight, sensor lbs. 22 40 53 84 82 132 154

Metering, Protection, and Control

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Ocala, FL
S2000 Commercial Single Jet Meter +352-732-4670

The S2000 Commercial Single Jet Meter fills the gap of

traditional utility products, for broad flow range
(500:1) and higher pressure applications. Adding to
its growing acceptance in utility applications are the
meter’s compact design and ease of installation.

 Broad flow range—500:1
 High accuracy—±2%
 Higher pressure applications—up to 232 psi
 Rugged construction—only ONE moving component
 Lower life cost—lower initial cost
 Simple to install—and less space required!
 Accurate measurement of high and low flows
 Undamaged by particulate matter
 Easy to maintain
 Lower maintenance cost


Main Case Material Units 2" 3" 4"

Low Flow gpm 0.3 0.5 1.0

Normal Flow gpm 1 — 180 2 — 400 3 — 560
Max/Deluge Flow gpm 180 400 530
Head Loss at AWWA Continuous Flow psi 2.5 16.0 10.2
Maximum Temperature ºF 122 122 122
Maximum Pressure psi 232 232 232
Length in. 114⁄ 5 134⁄ 5 134⁄ 5
Width in. 71⁄ 5 99⁄ 10 122⁄ 5
Width, centerline to bypass in. — — —
Height in. 83⁄ 10 91⁄ 2 102⁄ 5
Height, bottom to centerline in. 33⁄ 10 4 41⁄ 2
Weight lbs. 32 57 95

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.



Metering, Protection, and Control

Protective Relays

ABB designs and manufactures the industry’s

broadest range of protective relays, customized
relay services, and substation automation
equipment. In addition, ABB provides on-site
turnkey installation, commissioning, mainte-
nance, technical training, and retrofitting of
its products.

The major customers for ABB protection

relays are electric utilities, petrochemical
plants, the pollution control industry, the
U.S. government, and other industrial users.

Product Features
GPU 2000R Multifunction protection for synchronous generators
TPU 2000R Differential and overcurrent protection for power transformers
REL 512 Transmission line distance protection system relay
REL 350 Transmission line segregated phase comparison protection relay
REL 352 Transmission line phase comparison protection relay
REL 356 Transmission line current differential protection relay
Multifunction overcurrent protection with optional reclosing for medium
DPU 2000R/DPU 1500R
voltage feeders
Microprocessor-based unit designed to provide three-phase and ground
Microshield O/C
overcurrent protection and optional circuit breaker auto reclosing
Locates and annunciates ground faults in ungrounded or high-resistance
GFLS (Ground Fault Locating System)
grounded plant electrical systems
Electromechanical and Solid-State
Electromechanical A complete and comprehensive line of electromechanical relays and FT-1 switches
Solid State A complete range of solid-state relays
Relay Panels
Project Engineering Group has a long history in supplying world-class,
Engineered Protection Systems
customer-specified, protection and control systems
Relay Services Engineering and technical support specializing in every aspect of system protection

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Protective Relays


GPU 2000R

The GPU 2000R is a generator protection unit in the

proven line of 2000R series relays.
The 589T series is designed to provide primary and/or
back-up protection for small- to medium-sized generators,
and the 589V/589W series is suitable for synchronous
generators of any size.
Utilizing three advanced microprocessors, the GPU 2000R
provides multifunction protection, expansive fault and
operations records, detailed metering, programmable
inputs and outputs, and advanced communications options.
This new series also provides improved performance
compared to the earlier 589R series. The sensitivity of
the reverse-power, anti-motoring element is down to 0.2%
of rated machine power. The loss-of-excitation function
is accomplished by an mho-circle impedance element.

Standard Protective Functions
 Complete multifunction protection  589T series:
 Programmable logic inputs (8) and outputs (6) • Under and overvoltage (27/59)
 A 4-line by 20-character liquid crystal display • Reverse power (32 R)
provides easy access to metering, records, • Loss-of-excitation (40)
testing, and settings.
Metering, Protection, and Control

• Phase unbalance (46)

 Electrically isolated communication ports
• Voltage—restrained or controlled
provide superior remote communications.
overcurrent (51 V)
 Simultaneous communication through front
• Back-up phase overcurrent (50/51)
and rear ports via dedicated microprocessors
• Ground overcurrent (51 G/50 G)
 Continuous self-diagnostics
• Directional phase and
 Machine-running timers and alarms
ground overcurrent (67/67 N)
 Flash memory technology provides for
• Under and overfrequency (81 U/81 O)
quick and easy updating to latest
software enhancements.  The 589V series adds:
• 100% stator ground (27 G/59 G)
• Machine differential (87)
• Volts per hertz (24)
• Synchronism check (25)
• Inadvertent energization (501 E)
 The 589W series adds:
• Distance backup (21)

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Allentown, PA
Coral Springs, FL
Standard Design Dimensions +800-523-2620
Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).

Front View
Note: Front panel illustrated here is for the 589T series units.
Dimensions are the same for all 589 series.

Top View
Note: Bezel and cover assembly available for panel mounting
applications. Refer to factory for panel cutout dimensions.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Protective Relays


TPU 2000R

The TPU 2000R is an advanced, microprocessor-based, transformer

protection unit designed for use with three-phase power transformers.
The TPU 2000R provides sensitive, high-speed, differential protection
for internal phase and ground faults as well as time and instantaneous
overcurrent protection. The user-selectable, harmonic restraint setting
prevents false tripping on magnetizing in-rush and over-excitation.
The TPU 2000R can easily be set to operate based on the restraint
curves of earlier electronic and electromechanical relay types.
This allows continuity with the user’s past protective practices.
The harmonic restraint record details the per-phase percent harmonic
in each winding at the start and stop of a harmonic restraint condi-
tion, so the restraint margin can be determined.
The 64 cycle-per-phase oscillographic record and event log provide
detailed system disturbance data. Three groups of setting tables allow
for online switching between groups for adaptive relay techniques.
Separate pickup tap ranges and time current curves are available for
phase and ground overcurrent elements.

Standard Protective Functions
 Four (4) selectable percentage restraint  Two or three winding, three-phase differential
characteristics current protection (87 T & 87 H)
 Three (3) selectable harmonic restraint modes  Three modes of harmonic restraint: 2nd, 2nd
 Ratio-matching taps, with wide range and small and 5th, and all harmonics through the 11th
 Three-phase overcurrent protection (time and
Metering, Protection, and Control

step size, decrease the percent mismatch to

levels unobtainable by conventional relays. instantaneous) per winding (51 P, 50 P, 150 P)
 Phase compensation for practically any  Ground overcurrent protection (time and
main winding and current transformer instantaneous) per winding (51 N, 50 N, 150 N)
secondary arrangement  Negative sequence overcurrent protection per
 Six (6) overcurrent protective functions winding (46)
for each winding  Three groups of setting tables:
 Programmable logic inputs and outputs Primary, Alternate 1, and Alternate 2
 Complete load current metering functions  Eight (8) programmable contact inputs and six
 Menu-driven programming of settings (6) programmable output contacts with inde-
pendently selectable delays of 0 to 60 seconds
 Isolated communication ports provide superior
remote communications.  Nine (9) user-selectable, time overcurrent
characteristic curves
 Front and rear communication ports for
simultaneous local and remote access  Five (5) instantaneous characteristic curves
 Advanced 32-bit microprocessor technology  Three (3) optional user-programmable curves
 Complete electronic drawout

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Allentown, PA
Coral Springs, FL
Standard Design Dimensions +800-523-2620
Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).

Front View

Top View
Note: Bezel and cover assembly available for panel mounting
applications. Refer to factory for panel cutout dimensions.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Protective Relays


REL 512

ABB has combined advanced technology and protection expertise to

provide a flexible and adaptive REL 500 Series platform design that
meets a broad range of requirements.
The REL 512 is a fully integrated, numerical, transmission line distance
protection system and breaker control terminal. It offers new pro-
tection concepts, developing true one-cycle tripping and the most
advanced functions and flexibility available to meet transmission line
distance protection application requirements, both pilot and non-pilot.
The protection package includes optional automatic reclosing and
breaker failure functions. The protection system is further enhanced
with programmable I/O and logic, which can be set for local user
functions or monitored and controlled by the SCADA system.
Advanced patented, self-testing techniques reduce maintenance
requirements. The REL 512 provides the complete protection package
and opens the door to more creative approaches for addressing
product protection and control needs.

Impedance measuring zones  Loss of current monitoring with blocking
 Four (4) forward, one reverse, phase and ground and/or alarm logic
zones with independent timers for step distance  Negative sequence fault detector for greater
and pilot protection schemes sensitivity to phase-to-phase faults
 Complete, comprehensive pilot protection logic  Directional or nondirectional negative sequence
for POTT, PUTT, Blocking, and Unblocking inverse time overcurrent back-up
 Separate and independent positive and zero
Voltage functions
sequence settings (impedance and angle) for
each phase and ground zone  Phase voltage element with an undervoltage
Metering, Protection, and Control

setting threshold used in various logic and

 Mho characteristics for multiphase faults
alarm functions
 Combination variable mho and/or quadrilateral
 Zero sequence voltage element (3 Vo) with
characteristics for zone 1 ground protection
an overvoltage threshold setting
(bullet characteristic)
 Loss of potential supervision with blocking
Overcurrent functions and/or alarm logic
 Inverse time overcurrent for phase and ground,
directional/nondirectional (selectable). Setting
constants emulate any curve including CO and  One-cycle operation for overcurrent operations
IEC time curve characteristics. over 125% of high-set instantaneous setting and
pilot and zone 1 operations within 80% of zone
 Selectable zone 2 controlled inverse time over-
reach setting
current function. Selectable reset time curve,
instantaneous, or time-dependent.  Accurate fault location method accounting
for prefault load, fault resistance, and
 Directional, forward, and reverse
source impedance
overcurrent supervision
 Selectable loss of load-accelerated trip for
 Overcurrent supervision of distance units
high-speed clearing of remote end zone faults
 Directional or nondirectional (selectable),
 Close into fault detection and tripping
high-set overcurrent phase, ground, and negative
sequence high-speed tripping  Inherent immunity to DC current and
CVT zone 1 transient overreaching
 Directional, medium-set, overcurrent units for

high-speed pilot operation

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Allentown, PA
Coral Springs, FL
Standard Design Dimensions +800-523-2620
Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).

Front View

Top View

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Protective Relays


REL 350

REL 350 is a numerical (fully digital), segregated, phase-comparison

transmission line protection system with optional distance back-up
protection and oscillographic capability. Metering and fault locating
functions are also included as standard features. The REL 350 func-
tionally replaces the present solid-state segregated phase comparison
SPCU-1A relay system, originally developed to solve the relaying
problems created by the use of series capacitors in transmission lines.
The REL 350 is applicable to any transmission line that requires
high-speed relaying or independent pole operation.

Standard  RS-232C Communications Port (RS-232 PONI)
 Numerical processing (fully digital)  Continuous communication channel
delay measurement
 Multiple microprocessor design
 Single 4 kHz channel operation (9600 bps audio
 Phase-comparison algorithm for each tone option)
phase and ground
 Oscillographic data storage capability
 Current change (∆I) detectors and selectable
voltage change (∆V) detector
 Four (4) low-set overcurrent detectors for
Protective Functions
open breaker  FT-14 test switches
 Four (4) high-set overcurrent units for direct trip  Zone 2 and 3 distance relay function-time
 Fault locator function delayed trip for phase faults
 Self-checking function  Zone 2 and 3 distance relay or directional
 Sampling techniques: overcurrent function-time delayed trip for
ground faults
Metering, Protection, and Control

• Seven (7) incoming analog waveforms

 Dual power supply
• Twelve (12) samples per cycle
 Single-pole trip function
 High-speed operation
 Direct transfer trip (56/84 kbps option)
 Local target data availability
 RS-232C Product Operated Interface (PONI),
 Local man-machine interface which can be replaced with an Integrated
(vacuum fluorescent display) Communications (INCOM®) PONI when
 19-inch rack mounting; 4 rack units high networking is desired. This requires an INCOM
 Loss of potential supervision Multi-Access Controller (IMAC™) to act as
 Loss of current monitoring master controller.
 Reclose into fault detection  Communications interface to:
 1 or 5 A current transformer operation • 9600 bps audio tone output (requires a 3002,
C2 conditioned telephone circuit or equivalent)
 50 or 60 Hz operation
• 56/64 kbps direct digital channel output
 Meets and/or exceeds ANSI/IEC standards
• 56/64 kbps fiber optic 850 nm, ST connector
 Contact outputs for: multimode cable
• Breaker trip general start • 56/64 kbps fiber optic 1300 nm,
• Breaker failure initiate system failure alarm ST connector, single-mode cable
• Reclose initiate channel alarm • Optional G.703 Interface
• Reclose block trip alarm

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Allentown, PA
Coral Springs, FL
Standard Design Dimensions +800-523-2620
Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).

Front View

Top View

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Protective Relays


REL 352

The REL 352 relay is a high-speed, numerical (fully digital), phase-

comparison transmission line protection system, with optional
distance back-up protection applicable to any voltage level.
The REL 352 is a dual, microprocessor-based, composite sequence
filter, phase-comparison protection system. Its principle operation
makes it ideal for short lines and tapped lines with a power
transformer where traditional distance protection fails.
The REL 352 is a communication channel-dependent system
optimized for operating with power line carrier equipment.
An optional distance-type relaying system can be included to
provide back-up for a loss of communication channel.
The phase-comparison protection is inherently immune to system
swings, and the relay will block the tripping. Trip under OST condi-
tions may be selected via a relay setting even when the channel is
sound, and the system is performing only phase-comparison.

Standard  RS-232C Communications Port PONI
 Numerical processing (fully digital)  Adaptive communication channel
delay measurement
 Multiple microprocessor design
 Oscillographic data storage
 Phase-comparison protection algorithm
 Local man-machine interface
 Current change (∆I) detectors and selectable
voltage change (∆V) detectors  19-inch rack mounting; 4 rack units high
 Four (4) high-set overcurrent units for direct trip
 Out-of-step trip and blocking
 Fault locator function  FT-14 test switches
Metering, Protection, and Control

 Self-checking function  Distance back-up function

 Sampling techniques:  Dual power supply
• Seven (7) incoming analog waveforms  Extended contact output (6 Trip, 6 BFI, 2RB)
• Twelve (12) samples per cycle  Integrated Communications (INCOM) PONI
 High-speed operation when networking is desired
 Loss of potential supervision  RS-232C PONI with IRIG input port
 Loss of current monitoring
 Reclose into fault detection
 1 or 5 A current transformer operation
 50 or 60 Hz operation
 Contact outputs for:
• Breaker trip
• General start
• Breaker failure initiate
• Reclose initiate
• Reclose block
• System failure alarm
• Channel alarm

• Trip alarm
Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Allentown, PA
Coral Springs, FL
Standard Design Dimensions +800-523-2620
Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).

Front View

Top View

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Protective Relays


REL 356

The REL 356 provides high-speed, current differential protection for

long and short lines. It is particularly suitable for lines too short to
be protected by impedance measuring systems, such as the type of
line used from generator to switchyard. The channel flexibility built
into the REL 356 allows application on lines up to 400 kilometers.
The REL 356 is suitable for any system voltage from subtransmission
through UHV.
The basic operation of the REL 356 relay system performs a true
differential comparison of line current flowing through each termi-
nal of the protected line. A pilot channel, either fiber optic or audio
tone, is used to bring in the remote terminal signal(s) for comparison
to the local signal.

Standard  RS-232C Communications Port PONI
 Numerical processing (fully digital)  Adaptive communication channel
delay measurement
 Multiple microprocessor design
 Oscillographic data storage
 Current differential protection algorithm
 Local man-machine interface
 Current change (∆I) detectors and selectable
voltage change (∆V) detectors  19-inch rack mounting; 4 rack units high
 Direct transfer trip
 Four (4) high-set overcurrent units for direct trip
 Out-of-step trip and blocking  FT-14 test switches
 Fault locator function  Distance back-up function
Metering, Protection, and Control

 Self-checking function  Dual power supply

 Sampling techniques:  ITU (CCITT) G.703 interface
• Seven (7) incoming analog waveforms  Extended contact output (6 Trip, 6 BFI, 2 RB)
• Twelve (12) samples per cycle  RS-232C PONI
 High-speed operation  Integrated Communications (INCOM) PONI
 Loss of potential supervision when networking is desired
 Loss of current monitoring  RS-232C PONI with IRIG input port
 Reclose into fault detection
 1 or 5 A current transformer operation
 50 or 60 Hz operation
 Contact outputs for:
• Breaker trip
• General start
• Breaker failure initiate
• Reclose initiate
• Reclose block
• System failure alarm
• Channel alarm
• Trip alarm

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Allentown, PA
Coral Springs, FL
Standard Design Dimensions +800-523-2620
Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).

Front View

Top View

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Protective Relays

DPU 1500R, DPU 2000R

The Distribution Protection Unit 2000R (DPU 2000R) The DPU 1500R is similar in size and appearance to
is an advanced, microprocessor-based distribution the DPU 2000R. The DPU 1500R includes all the basic
unit for protecting electrical distribution systems. requirements for feeder protection but does not
The DPU 2000R offers unique protective, monitoring, have the full-feature set of the DPU 2000R, making
metering, and programmable control features for it a more economical solution in many applications.
expanding the protective limits normally provided The DPU 2000R Version 5.0 was released in Spring
by multiple single-function devices. The accurate 2001 and includes major enhancements, including
metering on the DPU 2000R can replace separate an expanded Operator Control Interface and new
meters and reduce wiring on panels. relay functions.
The 64 cycles-per-phase oscillographic record analyzer
and event log provide detailed system disturbance data.
Three groups of setting tables allow for online switch-
ing between groups for adaptive relaying techniques.
Advanced communication features allow easy
integration into substation automation schemes.

Standard Protective Functions
 Models with ANSI or IEC nomenclature and In each setting group (Primary, Alternate 1, and
time overcurrent characteristic curves provide Alternate 2), the following protection is provided:
greater flexibility.  Phase-time overcurrent protection (51 P)
 Optional user-programmable curves accom-  Phase-instantaneous overcurrent protection
Metering, Protection, and Control

modate special coordination requirements. (50 P-1, 50 P-2, 50 P-3)

 Isolated communication ports provide superior  Ground overcurrent protection (51 N)
remote communications.  Ground-instantaneous overcurrent protection
 Multiple communication protocols support (50 N-1, 50 N-2, 50 N-3)
(DNP 3.0, MODBUS, MODBUS Plus, and UCA)  Negative sequence overcurrent protection (46)
 Two choices of Operator Control Interface  Phase- and ground-directional overcurrent
(standard and enhanced) protection (67 P, 67 N)
 Calendar clock keeps time even during  Two (2) frequency-shed and optional-restore
power-down. sequences with undervoltage block (81 S, 81 R)
 Event records and logs are not lost by  Undervoltage and overvoltage control and alarm
resetting of targets. (27/59 and new 59-3)
 Protection is user-selectable to be based on  New four-zone step distance (21)
RMS or fundamental values.
 Negative sequence voltage protection (47)
 Front and rear communication ports for
 Optional, sensitive-earth fault function for
simultaneous local and remote access
systems with all line-to-line connected loads
 Programmable logic inputs and outputs with
 Elements not needed for a particular application
time delays
are easily disabled in the settings process.
 Test mode allows logic monitoring of the
unit’s functions.
 Windows-based WinECP configuration software

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Allentown, PA
Coral Springs, FL
 New enhanced Operator Control Interface: +800-523-2620
• Six (6) user-programmable control buttons
• 22 user-programmable LEDs for targets
and alarms
• Six (6) menu push buttons
• New larger Liquid Crystal Display APPLICATIONS
• Push button controls for the circuit breaker  All medium-voltage feeder
• Recloser controls protection application
 Great for breaker and recloser control retrofit applications  Subtransmission line protection
with non-pilot step distance
 Breaker reclosing with or
without synchrocheck
 Applications requiring full metering

Standard Design Dimensions
Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).


Front View
(132.6) (57.2)



(187.3) Top View
(229.0) Note: Bezel and cover
1.00 assembly available for
(25.4) panel mounting applica-
.15 1.625 tions. Refer to factory for
(4) (42) panel cutout dimensions.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Protective Relays



The MICROSHIELD O/C (MSOC) relay is an advanced

microprocessor-based unit designed to provide high
value three-phase and ground overcurrent protection
and optional circuit breaker auto-reclosing. Applications
include distribution feeders, transformers, line protection
back-up, motor protection and others. The MSOC relay
provides monitoring, metering, and fault recording as
well as protection. The MSOC relay can be applied
with voltage transformers (VTs) connected for operation
at 69 or 120 V AC phase-to-ground (Wye) or at 120 V
or 208 V AC phase-to-phase (Open-∆). Other voltages
such as 110 V or 100 V nominal are also suitable and
easily accommodated.

Standard Protective Functions
 All DC-voltages are supported and can also  Fully featured, three-phase, and ground-time
be AC-powered (with optional module). instantaneous overcurrent protection
 ANSI or IEC time overcurrent curves  Selection of ANSI or IEC time curves
 Provides RMS response
 Programmable input and output contacts The MSOC contains the protective elements
 Optional four-shot recloser necessary for medium-voltage circuit overcurrent
protection. Its applications can include distribution
 Small size and available bezel kits easily retrofit
feeder protection, line back-up protection, motor
electromechanical and solid-state relays.
Metering, Protection, and Control

overcurrent protection, and transformer overcur-

 Optional front RS-232 and rear RS-485 rent protection. The dual-phase time overcurrent
communication ports elements allow the user to design a composite
 Resident communication protocols include curve; for example, motor protection applications
MODBUS and ASCII. provide locked-rotor and overload protection.
 Complete current, voltage, power, and A summary of the elements are as follows:
frequency metering package with kWhr,  Three-phase time overcurrent elements
kvarhr, and power factor (51 P, 51 LT)
 Demand values  Ground-time overcurrent protection (51 N)
 Fault recording  Phase-instantaneous overcurrent
 Event capture protection (50 P)
 Standard LCD display and full-function keypad  Ground-instantaneous overcurrent
protection (50 N)
 Draw-out unit and CT shorting
 ANSI trip and reset times conform to
 Meets all applicable ANSI C37.90 and
IEEE C37.112.
IEC 255 standards
 UL recognition and CE mark pending
 Configured with Windows-based WinECP
(same tool as used for DPU 1500Rs,
DPU 2000Rs, and TPU 2000Rs)

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Allentown, PA
Coral Springs, FL
Standard Design Dimensions +800-523-2620
Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).

 Three-phase and ground over-current
protection for medium-voltage feeders
 Back-up protection for transformers
 Locked rotor and overload protection
for motors
 Circuit breaker reclosure


 Voltage inputs option (to facilitate
full metering capabilities)
 AC-power option
 Reclosing option
 Mounting plates to facilitate retrofit
of older style relays

Top View

Front View Right Side View

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Protective Relays
Other Protective Relays


Ground Fault Locating System (GFLS)

Ungrounded and high-resistance grounded, low-voltage

power distribution systems are widely used in industries
where the continuous operation of a process is a
critical factor. In these systems, it is imperative to find
and repair the first ground fault prior to having a
second if interruption of the manufacturing process
is to be avoided.
The GFLS is a solution to this long-standing problem
for plant electrical engineering and maintenance per-
sonnel. On the occurrence of a ground fault the GFLS
unit will immediately identify the faulted feeder and,
when feasible, will give a distance to fault estimate.
Some processes, such as spot welding, have
multiple operations of very short duration. The GFLS
has the capability to detect and locate an intermittent
fault that is only 8 cycles in duration.


 Reduces search time from hours to minutes Identification of permanent or transient ground
 Intended for ungrounded or high-resistance faults in industrial ungrounded or high-resistance
grounded, three-phase, 480 V industrial distribu- grounded electrical systems.
tion systems with looped and/or radial feeders
 Maximizes production through-put by
supporting continuous operation of the OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES
manufacturing process
Metering, Protection, and Control

Optional Remote Ground Fault Indicators

 Maintains the quality of the manufacturing
process and end-product The RGFI device is an optional unit for installation
 Promotes safer operation of the plant at the various utilization equipment connected
electrical system to a feeder or branch circuit. It consists of a small
 Improves labor efficiency in locating and window current transformer (ct) and an indica-
repairing ground faults tor unit. The LED’s on the indicator unit will give
an eye-catching visual signal to process operating
 Generates fault records to help with the analysis personnel that a ground fault exists in the electri-
and correction of recurring electrical system cal equipment at that work station. They can
ground fault problems immediately notify the electrical maintenance
 Transmits fault data to the plant electrical group of the condition. These remote units are
engineer via a communications port self-powered from the signal injected on the
 UL recognized per industrial control equipment faulted phase by the main GFLS cabinet.
standard UL508

Manufactured at
 ABB Inc.
Allentown, PA
Coral Springs, FL
Standard Design Dimensions +800-523-2620
Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).

GFLS Panel and Remote Ground Fault Indicator


3.4 (86.3) 35.0 (889.0) 2.73 (69.44)

0.9 (22.7) 0.94 (23.88)

1.31 (33.32)
1.58 (40.01)

1 5/16 –12 THREAD



2.1 (53.3)

30.00 (762) 17.01 (432)

28.50 (724) 0.75 (19) 16.00 (406)
0.41 (10.4) DIA. MOUNTING HOLES 0.80 (20)

36.00 (914)

37.56 (954)

39.06 (992)


WEIGHT IS 175 LB., 80 KG

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Protective Relays

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Allentown, PA
Electromechanical and Solid State +610-395-7333
Electromechanical Coral Springs, FL
ABB continues to support its extensive product +800-523-2620
line of traditional electromechanical relays.

Solid State
ABB offers the industry’s broadest range of
single-function, solid-state protective relays
primarily for medium-voltage applications.


 High dependability
 Long life
 Flexitest™ drawout case construction Electromechanical

 Transmission protection
 Distribution protection
 UL listed models
 Nuclear class 1E qualified models

Solid State
Metering, Protection, and Control

 Single-phase and three-phase models

 Low burden
 Easy to set
 UL listed models
 High seismic rating
 Nuclear class 1E qualified models


Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Allentown, PA
Protective Relay Services +610-395-7333
ABB offers engineering and technical Technical Training Coral Springs, FL
support specializing in every aspect of One- or two-day technical training on +954-752-6700
system protection. Regular and proper product-specific relays and communica- +800-523-2620
maintenance provides security from false tion. The training covers application,
operation and ensures fast operation when settings, calibration, maintenance, and
required. The experience level of ABB’s test equipment setups.
electrical team assures ultimate system
performance. Four principal areas are Retrofit
supported by extensive experience in Obsolete and high-maintenance relays
construction and application. with new microprocessor relays using
existing panels. Included are interface
Installation and Commissioning relays with communications and input/
Provided for new relays and relay output devices to upgrade performance.
system communications and associated
equipment (Turnkey projects). Maintenance
Provided for existing relays and communi-
cations at substations, power plants, and
industrial sites. ABB offers maintenance
schedules and test reports on all manufac-
turers’ equipment.


Installation and Commissioning inspection team and electrical team responsibilities

New relay equipment installations require a are well-defined, and checklist forms are provided.
complete and thorough checklist, testing, and ABB personnel can follow procedures provided
calibration. ABB uses separate teams for installa- by the customer or supply procedures with
tion and commissioning jobs. The inspection team ABB instruction.
is responsible for equipment verification per the ABB performs a system ringout utilizing wiring
bill of materials, terminal block identification, wire diagrams. Errors are corrected and any changes
identification, wire gauge, and wire terminations. to the wiring are reflected on customer drawings.
ABB can supply total turnkey services for new The final job is dielectric testing of the panels, if
construction, retrofit, and upgrades of existing required, per ANSI C37.21 and C37.90. In all cases,
facilities. On-site services determine the most discrepancies are documented, and a complete
cost-effective solution for the customer’s relaying checklist is submitted.
application. ABB’s project engineers can design The electrical team performs acceptance tests
and specify the complete installation. and calibration on all relays per the instruction
book and records the information on a relay test
Test Equipment and Procedures form.They verify fuse ratings and test CTs, PTs,
and associated equipment per manufacturers’
ABB provides its own test equipment for use on
specifications. Functional testing is performed
the job site. Each piece of equipment is tested and
electrically and manually to assure proper opera-
calibrated per the National Bureau of Standards
tion of all components. Trip checks, reclose
on a regular basis to ensure accuracy. ABB utilizes
sequences, and operate relays are performed to
modern test equipment from several manufacturers
initiate annunciator and alarm circuits. After satis-
and can supply maintenance procedures and
factorily completing all tests, the relaying is ready
field test reports for use on standard forms. The
for inservice testing.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

6 Metering, Protection, and Control Power Monitoring and Control


Special Feature


Power RichSystem©

Better information enables better decisions.

The PowerRichSystem integrates power and
other utility related information online into a single
system. The distributed, scalable architecture allows
engineering and implementation of almost any size
power monitoring system. ABB is a Data Solution
Provider parsing data to the application’s and user’s
needs. We manufacture a state-of-the-art power
control and monitoring system integrated with
protection devices and switchgear apparatus.

 Distributed Scalable Architecture—The Unsolicited messaging is supported in DNP 3.0.
PowerRichSystem is a distributed Client-Server Where low bandwidths would normally cause
architecture based on a task server structure. delays, unsolicited messaging realizes high
Basic tasks are data input and output (I/O), efficiency event and alarm annunciation.
alarm handling, trend recording, report genera-  Performance—The PowerRichSystem uses
tion, and data display. This architecture allows dynamic optimization to maximize system per-
for a variety of system designs rather than lock- formance. Small or large systems have similar
ing into one method. This architecture allows high-performance statistics; usually field changes
the system to grow with expanded require- are seen at the I/O Server and Clients in seconds.
ments, preserving the initial investment.
 Ease of Use—Designed into the PowerRichSystem
Data between computers is transmitted via interface is a fixed HEADER on every page,
standard local area network (LAN) infrastruc- standardized quick meters, standardized full
ture. Display tasks are capable of accessing metered value device displays with built-in
multiple I/O Servers to compile a custom custom grouped trend buttons, and error-free
display for the user. This approach to data operator usage of the system.
acquisition and transmission allows efficient
 Unique features—Matrix security allows exact
network use, extreme scalability, and system
definitions of permissions with the option of
expansions without the need for changing
overlap of access rights between individual
existing hardware. The system uses Logical
users or user groups. This is a feature commonly
Transparent Data Access (Single Global Database)
missing in strictly hierarchical security systems.
with “unlimited” data point on any I/O Server.
 Connectivity—More than 170 protocols are
built in the system. The PowerRichSystem is
capable of communicating to multi-vendor intel-
ligent electronic device (IED) units, multi-vendor
RTU, and other computer systems through direct
protocols including OPC Server and Client.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Monitoring and Control
Special Feature Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Lake Mary, FL
Power RichSystem© +407-732-2000


System Information  PRS-ACT (Automatic Configuration Tool)
provides the user with one easy, quick step
The PowerRichSystem is Windows NT/2000,
to expand the PowerRichSystem databases
network-based with complete LAN/WAN, Internet,
and screens for supplied library objects. All
wireless, Satellite, Fiber Optic, and cable connectivity.
database tags and screens are built in seconds;
Report generators inform graphically about power
the user simply selects the desired device(s)
consumption and other system metrics. Reports filter
to be added.
data according to user requirements and can even
include cost information. A direct link to most com-  Preventive Maintenance module provides
mon databases or facilities management systems is for maintenance alarms from user-defined
optionally available. System HELP has built in view/edit calendar periods, event operations, and fault
capability from within the help, and the system comes events. This module works with transformers,
with a built-in and updatable knowledge base with breakers, and other devices that accumulate
graphical “How-to” details. operation data.
 Alarm Callout module provides for extensive
Redundancy database interaction of alarms and the desired
user assigned for the selected alarm. Multiple
Built-in redundancy is selectable to protect critical people and workday configurations are
parts of the system and can be integrated anytime into user-definable.
the system design. All five levels of redundancy are
 Turnkey Installation is available when
supported: I/O Device, Data Path, Full LAN,Task
requested by the customer to provide one-
( I/O, Alarms, Trends, Report, and Display), and full PC
stop responsibility for the Power SCADA
redundancy. The Secondary Server takes over when
system design, configuration, and installation
the Primary is absent and restores all data to the
with commissioning.
Primary upon re-activation. Full use of the Secondary
is available at all times.  Display/Manager Client software is
available anytime with or after installation.
ABB integrates power distribution products and
A Display Client provides all I/O Server func-
services to produce the best solution economically.
tionality via network connection while the
From switchgear to control system and from system
Manager Client is “READ ONLY” via the net-
Metering, Protection, and Control

planning to start-up support, ABB has the expertise

work. Either are available for use over the
of experienced engineers and technicians working
Internet as well as for Internet Browse Clients.
as a team to help build the optimum system for your
power distribution needs.

The PowerRichSystem is used in all power applica-
tions with utilities and industrial sites. In addition, the
system expands to cover other applications like water,
wastewater, steam, building automation, fire panel
annunciation, security annunciation, and other applica-
tions that start with power monitoring. The primary
market is for switchgear, outdoor breakers and reclosers,
and transformers monitor and control that is covered
in Substation Automation and Distribution Automation.


PRICOM is a Power Information, Communication, and
Control system that is primarily designed to automate
electrical substation equipment in a true multi-tasking,
multi-user, UNIX®/LINUX® environment. The system
conforms to the X Windows® Graphical User Interface
(GUI) specifications using Motif window management.
It complies with all applicable IEEE and IEC specifica-
tions for automation systems. All required networking
software is included, and applications software such as
a word processor or spreadsheet can be incorporated
into the system, if necessary.

 Connections—PRICOM systems are delivered historian database can be plotted and displayed
with a server that can be configured to commu- in multiple simultaneous plots. The plots can be
nicate on multiple communications networks expanded or compressed, and the time axis may
simultaneously, using a different communica- be shifted. A value marker can be positioned by
tions protocol on each network. In addition to the pointing device anywhere on the plot curve
Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs), such as to display the actual numerical value of the data
microprocessor-based relays, meters, and other at that point.
devices, the system is capable of communicating The PRICOM database is designed to capture
with Remote Terminal Units (RTUs), Program- and display ALL data available from the con-
mable Logic Controllers (PLCs), and Supervisory nected IED. For example, the following data
Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems. from a DPU-2000R relay is available for display,
PRICOM systems can be configured with control, and other operations:
Ethernet and RS-232/RS-485 serial ports as • Real-Time Analog Values (per phase and total
needed. Multiple users on the various ports current, voltage, real and reactive power)
can access the system simultaneously. Users can
• Real-Time Status Values (breaker status,
make a remote connection to the systems using
all targets)
X-Windows technology to access data and
displays that are resident on the local server. • Protective Settings (Primary, Alt 1,
The system can accept and respond to SQL Alt 2 settings) (read, modify, save)
queries from other DCS platforms over the • User Logical Inputs and Outputs
Ethernet connection using TCP/IP. Additional (read, modify, save)
platforms connected to the Ethernet can also • Fault and Operations Records
log into the Host Server.
• Min-Max and Load Profile Data
 Databases—Field devices report by exception
• Oscillography
to the real-time database. The system can be
configured so that each parameter in the real- Real-time parameters can be time-stamped
time database can be individually configured with a time resolution of up to 1 millisecond.
to also be written to a historian database for The actual accuracy depends on the device
long-term retention. The historian database that generates the data. PRICOM can process
can be periodically downloaded to longer-term high-speed data acquisition, such as waveform
storage devices (magnetic tape or optical disk) capture, as well as upload data from remote
as necessary. Any parameter in the real-time or terminals with time stamps.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Monitoring and Control/Distributed Control Systems

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Allentown, PA
PRICOM™ +610-395-7333
Coral Springs, FL


 Operations—The operations of the PRICOM The PRICOM system also tracks all events via a
system is intuitive to the user. All operations are message database. Events include such activities
conducted via the pointing device (mouse), and as setting changes, supervisory control activities,
the screen displays lead the user to the informa- alarm acknowledgments, user-defined parameter
tion that is desired. set points, security violation attempts, user
The user displays are clear and concise. The login and logout, and use of system configura-
“top” display provides a quick status overview tion utilities. All such events can be configured
of the entire substation via a single-line diagram. to be retained in the message database on an
Essential summary data is indicated, such as individual basis.
breaker and disconnect status, power system PRICOM can send commands to IEDs connected
variables, and miscellaneous points (recloser, to the communications networks. The commands
ground relay status, etc.) A simple “click” on a take precedence over the scan process and are
breaker position expands that portion of the immediately sent to the device. Of course, the
display to allow operations such as trip or close user attempting to send commands must be
of the breaker or disconnects, changing recloser authorized by the security level of the login.
or ground relay status, adding tags or operator Typical commands are a multi-step process:
notes and an additional expandable window (1) select the command; (2) verify the unit
into more real-time and historical data. identification (usually a password-protected
The tagging function includes the ability to step); (3) command the operation; and
assign different priority tags, indicate the name (4) verify the operation.
of the tag holder and the purpose for the tag, Each IED that is implemented in the PRICOM
and data and time. Multiple tags can be applied system may be accessed by a menu screen that
to a device; this is indicated on the device in is specific to that device. Most features and
Metering, Protection and Control

the overview display. Depending on the tag capabilities of the device are accessible from
type, an applied tag will disable control to the the menu screen in the PRICOM-UE system.
tagged device. Operator notes are completely In the PRICOM-CE and PRICOM-SE systems,
free-form and can be added and deleted at will most features and capabilities of an IED are
to convey special information regarding a supported with the exception of access to and
device. the ability to edit protective device settings.
The multi-tasking capability of the system allows  Utilities—The PRICOM systems include config-
continuous scanning of the power system para- uration utilities to allow the user to reconfigure
meters, regardless of what other operations are or modify the system displays and database
being conducted by the simultaneous users of to account for changes in the monitored and
the system.The server updates the real-time data- controlled equipment. Separate utilities are
base on an exception basis and detects, records, provided to export any selected data to
and tracks alarm conditions as they occur. The another computer for further analysis or to
alarms are tracked in a queue containing all run applications such as a word processor or
alarms in the system. In addition, a message spreadsheet, while continuing to operate the
database file keeps a chronological record of all PRICOM application.
alarm-related events each day. This database can  Security—PRICOM systems provide multiple
be viewed or printed as needed. Alarms can be levels of security. The operating system enforces
acknowledged individually or all at one time. data integrity and security access through
Four priorities of alarms can be defined. password entry protection.

Turbine Control and Automation System

                                    ABB Inc.
Natrona Heights, PA
Turbine Control and Condition Monitoring Systems +724-295-6000

ABB designs, manufactures, and installs

integrated plant specific Turbine Control
and Conditioning Monitoring Systems
for all types of turbines, including Utility
Steam, Boiler Feedpump, Heavy Frame
Combustion Turbine, and Aero-Derivative
Combustion Turbines. The systems
include control from turning gear to
full load in either manual or full
automatic mode.
The Control System is based on ABB’s
DCS Hardware Platform.

 Turbine Control
• Utility Steam Turbine
• Utility Auxiliary Steam Turbine
FEATURES • Combustion Turbine
• Industrial Steam Turbine
 Triple Redundant Overspeed Protection
 Ancillary Systems
 Completely Integrated with ABB DCS System
• Vibration Monitoring
 Control Systems available for all
• Condition Monitoring
Major Turbine Manufacturers
• Mechanical Governor to EHC Conversions
 Automatic Valve Calibration, both on-
and off-line
 Unit Master Connectivity
 Sophisticated On-line Diagnostics
 Turnkey Installation Services
 Electronic Documentation and
Training Packages
 Turbine Condition Audits
 Rotor Stress

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Plant Controls and Automation System
Distributed Control Systems

                                    ABB Inc.
Wickliffe, OH
Symphony DCS +440-585-8484

ABB designs, manufactures, and installs

integrated, plant specific control and
optimization systems for all types of
power plants, including conventional
oil, gas, or coal plants; fluidized beds;
combined cycle; and coal gasification
units. The systems include automation
from fuel handling to switchyard with
all subsystems in between.


 Boiler Control  Instrumentation/Monitors/Analyzers
• Combustion • Transmitters
• Feedwater • Carbon In Ash Monitor
• Steam Temperature • Drives
 Burner Management • Valves
• Single Burner—Oil/Gas  Flame Scanners
• Multiple Burner—Oil, Gas, or Coal  Software Packages
 Data Acquisition Systems • Optimax® Performance Monitoring
 Power Plant Simulators • Optimax® Boiler Cleanliness
 Turbine Control • Combustion Optimization
• Steam Turbine Control • Revenue and Cost Manager
• Gas Turbine Control • NOX Trol™
• High-Pressure Hydraulics
• Rotor Stress Analysis
Metering, Protection, and Control

• Vibration Analysis
 Auxiliary Controls
• Coal Handling
• Ash Handling
• Sootblowing
• Switchyard Controls
• Flue Gas Desulferization
• Bag House
• Motor

Water and Wastewater Plant Control
and Automation System

                                    ABB Inc.
Wickliffe, OH
IndustrialIT, Symphony, and SCADA Systems +440-585-6728

ABB designs, manufactures, and installs

integrated, plant specific control and mon- World Wide Web/Internet

itoring systems for all types of water and Corporate

Enterprise Network

wastewater plants, including water filtra- InformIT OperateIT

b Server/Firewall
Redundant Data
tion plants, water distribution networks, Historian
Pr al-Time
wastewater secondary and tertiary treat-
ment plants, combined sewer overflows, P

and wastewater collection networks. The T1 Line or

Ethernet Radio

systems include automation from influent to Other Plants

Plant Ethernet Network
to effluent with all subsystems in between
as well as automation and monitoring of
Operate s

collection and distribution systems. (RTDS)

Radio U


Our IndustrialIT-enhanced systems are OperateIT

800C RTUs

characterized by a modular, expandable Remote

Control RTU
d Party RTUs

Control 800 ocess

DCS/PLC architecture that is equipped ocess
Control Unit
Control Unit
Profibus, Fieldbus, HART, and serial interfaces for a variety of protocols

with a fully integrated set of decision

making tools. IndustrialIT-enhanced enter-
prise solutions provide a multi-layered
span of control, beginning with robust,
base-level regulatory and sequence APPLICATIONS
control. They continue through the full  Pressure Regulation
range of higher-level management and  Valve Positioning
advanced control functions, including
Historian, Simulation, Maintenance  Flow Measurement and Control
Management, Production Management,  Level Measurement and Control
and Network Management.  Overflow Monitoring
 Pump Control
 Leak Detection
 Alarm Reporting
 Power Consumption
FEATURES  Modeling
A comprehensive set of professional services  Filter Rate of Flow Control and
complements ABB’s delivery of integrated Backwash Control
solutions for strategic enterprise management.  Chemical Pacing and Control
These services include network design, system
integration, consulting, configuration, installation  DO Control
supervision, installation, start-up, and maintenance.  RAS and WAS Control
Additional services are available for software  And many others
integration, advanced control, process simulation,
and training.


 Field and Analog Instrumentation Systems

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Distributed Control Systems

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Wickliffe, OH
Symphony—Enhanced with IndustrialIT +440-585-8500

ABB’s IndustrialIT with SYMPHONY solutions reach

beyond the traditional boundaries of distributed
control systems to support the platform, application,
and professional service needs of total enterprise
management and control. SYMPHONY’s multi-tiered
span of control provides a secure foundation with
robust, but flexible, base-level regulatory and sequence
control. Solutions continue through the full range
of higher level management and advanced control
functions to include: Production management, mainte-
nance management, simulation, historian, and network
management. The integration of these powerful fea-
tures is achieved through SYMPHONY’s integrated
“plant-centric” architecture. Embodied in the princi-
ples of open, real-time networking, the SYMPHONY
architecture provides a scalable communications
fabric that spans and integrates loop, unit, area, plant,
and interplant controls. IndustrialIT with SYMPHONY
dramatically improves enterprise-wide productivity
through four powerful, integrated classes of products: OperateIT/Conductor Series Human
Harmony Series Area Management and Control System Interfaces—A range of console products
Products—A comprehensive set of traditional for accessing and viewing data from multiple operat-
process, regulatory, and sequence control services ing environments, from process control and I/O to
and I/O interfaces. plant and enterprise information.
Composer Series System Engineering Tools— IndustrialIT Plant Optimization and
An integrated suite of engineering and maintenance Management Solutions—A powerful suite of
tools designed to support the complete automation products and services for plant management and
project, including planning and data acquisition, control focused on increasing asset utilization and
configuration management, library management, optimizing management of plant capacity.
commissioning, and operation.
Metering, Protection, and Control

 Versatile Enterprise Spanning Architecture—  Scalability—The scalable SYMPHONY
Making real-time business decisions to prevent architecture allows for easy integration of ABB
or limit process upsets requires a consistent IndustrialIT components, such as OperateIT,
infrastructure for data, operations, configuration, ProduceIT, InformIT, and OptimizeIT. In addition,
and maintenance across the entire enterprise. non-traditional DCS functional areas, such as
SYMPHONY architecture delivers on the field device management and PLC controls,
IndustrialIT mission by employing an open, simply “plug-and-produce” in the SYMPHONY
enterprise-wide architecture that supports a architecture via other ABB IndustrialIT compo-
seamless communications fabric to every level nents, such as EngineerIT and ControlIT.
of control—from field I/O to plant-wide and
multi-plant systems. SYMPHONY’s essential
security and proven availability at the control
level are integrated with enterprise network
strategies for total enterprise communication.

System Engineering Tools

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Wickliffe, OH
Composer Series Engineering Tools +440-585-8500

To ensure that the SYMPHONY system can be efficiently

configured and maintained, ABB has designed a compre-
hensive suite of Composer Series tools. The Composer
tools provide a visual environment for easy configuration
of control system strategies, global configuration data-
bases, and HSI graphics.The tools also manage system
libraries of reusable software components. The working
environment of Composer for Harmony simplifies the
configuration and maintenance of SYMPHONY systems by
providing a standard Microsoft® Windows environment,
which enables the user to easily explore the current
system configuration and configure new elements.
The use of a common system, or project-wide database,
eliminates the duplication of data entry and automates
the configuration of many interrelated tasks. Composer
also provides complete system documentation of the
“as-installed” and “commissioned” systems. The Composer
Series tools provide two key features for system configu-
ration. By utilizing a multiuser client/server architecture,
they allow configuration information to be accessed,
created, and modified simultaneously by different users.
Composer’s integrated explorer presents a single, unified
view of the SYMPHONY system architecture and allows
the appropriate tool for each system element to be
invoked directly from that element.
Consistent with ABB’s commitment to Evolution
through Enhancement, the Composer Series was
designed to integrate with ABB’s IndustrialIT products,
while maintaining compatibility with SYMPHONY
and INFI 90 OPEN systems. Planned integration with
other components of ABB’s EngineerIT suite will
allow Composer tools to further enhance design and
maintenance efficiencies throughout the enterprise.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Human System Interface
Distributed Control Systems

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Wickliffe, OH
Conductor Series/OperateIT +440-585-8500
Conductor Series
Conductor provides an incremental series of platforms
for HSI that complement the inherent functionality
of the control system with the basic suite of opera-
tor-directed features and functions. These versatile
features and functions are ergonomically designed to
facilitate process monitoring, control, fault mitigation,
and optimization. They offer more than just a way
for operators to interact with machines.They provide
system users with expanded dynamic access to all
plant-wide or enterprise-wide information through
open system connectivity.
OperateIT Process Portal
OperateIT is a feature rich, web-enabled HSI designed
as a native Windows-based product. A managed including graphical user interface, process data col-
Windows workplace within a web browser environ- lection, storage and analysis tools, an advanced alarm
ment supports its users with intuitive navigation management system, a comprehensive historian, and
and compatible integration with other ABB and an advanced reporting package. The flexibility and
third party web-enabled applications, allowing users consistency of using a common HSI for IndustrialIT
to efficiently access and monitor information flow and other ABB systems provides a unified interface
through the control system, the process, the plant, for all users. Supported systems include Harmony,
and the entire enterprise. Providing the versatility Melody, INFI 90 OPEN, Contronic P, Freelance 2000,
needed to meet ever changing operational and AC800F with ControlIT, and Advant/MOD. As part
process needs, OperateIT supports custom navigational of an open system, OperateIT embraces OPC™ to
toolbars and user profiles for defining appropriate provide a standard interface method with third
workspace behavior. OperateIT supports the full party devices and incorporates OPC client and
spectrum of plant and enterprise personnel needs, OPC server connectivity.

Metering, Protection, and Control

Aspect Views
OperateIT provides all of the traditional human
system interface functionality, such as event and
alarm management, custom graphic displays,
faceplate and tuning displays, trending, and
reporting. Through the use of ABB’s unique
Aspect Object™ technology, OperateIT provides
integrated information access and sharing, intuitive
navigation, and efficient engineering. An Aspect
Object represents a physical or logical part of the
automation installation, such as a valve, pump, or
actual batch, but also process units or combina-
tions of hardware units. All information, or aspects,
belonging to those objects is structured in func-
tional windows called aspect views. Examples of
aspects are historical data, process signal data, or
technical specifications.

Controllers, I/O Interfaces

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Wickliffe, OH
Symphony/Harmony Area Management +440-585-8500
and Control Products
The Harmony product series consists of a family of
process controllers, communication couplers, and
I/O interfaces. 32-bit processing, coupled with modular
scalability, make the Harmony family a powerful and
versatile performer. Harmony Controllers feature an
extensive library of over 240 pre-defined, advanced
control algorithms and user-definable functions. These
functions provide the power to easily design complex
control strategies to fit any control application, including
continuous, sequential, batch, “function code” implemen-
tation, Harmony Controllers support batch language,“C”
programming, and even multi-variable control. Available
in both rack and block packaging, the multifaceted
Harmony Controllers communicate simultaneously with
numerous field communication protocols. Harmony I/O,
available in rack and remote form factor options, provide
a wide variety of input/output and signal conditioning
capability, ranging from standard analog and digital I/O
to specialty I/O, such as turbine control and fieldbus.
Modular I/O packaging options and highspeed field
communications allow for remote I/O distances in excess
of 2KM. Redundant I/O, at the channel level, redundant
power and redundant communications provide the
highest level of I/O availability in the DCS industry.
SYMPHONY’S control products support ABB’s Evolution
through Enhancement strategy by providing backward
compatibility with Bailey Network 90, INFI 90, and INFI
90 OPEN systems and can execute all multifunction pro-
cessor (MFP) operations. Also, the addition of IndustrialIT
components, when used for non-traditional DCS plant
control applications, such as AC800 for motor controls
and remote terminal unit (RTU) operations, complement
the Harmony family of products. Data exchange between
these areas of control is facilitated at both the controller
and human system interface (HSI) levels.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Gas Analyzers
Process Analytics

The Advance Optima System

The Advance Optima System is built around a single system
control unit. This single control unit may be combined with
one of several analyzer modules. All Advance Optima modules
have the same mechanical and electrical interfaces and
plug directly into the control unit’s standard housing. All
interfacing components are standard throughout the system.
Available analyzer modules are listed below:
 Infrared Analyzer Module Uras 14
 Oxygen Analyzer Module Magnos 16/17
 Thermal Conductivity Analyzer Module Caldos 15/17
 Photometer Limas 11-UV
 Flame Ionization Detector Multi-FID

The Networkir is a multi-point, multi-stream, FT-NIR analyzer.
It is designed for remote, on-line, real-time monitoring of
continuous and batch processes. The Networkir can be used
for end-point determination as well as for continuous process
optimization in refining, petrochemicals, polymers, plastics,
chemicals, pharmaceuticals, foods, and other industries. The
Networkir uses the near-infrared spectrum to analyze organic
compounds that are common to these user industries.
Metering, Protection, and Control

Questor IV™ and Questor GP Process

Mass Spectrometers
Questor IV and Questor GP Industrial Process Mass
Spectrometers are designed for real-time monitoring and
control of many petrochemical and industrial processes.
These low-maintenance mass spectrometers provide fast
and accurate gas analysis from percent levels to parts per
billion. The rugged and reliable Questor IV is designed for
use in virtually any environment. The Questor GP (General
Purpose) is designed for use in non-hazardous environments.


Vista II Multiwave™
Process Photometers
Vista II Multiwave Process Photometers are designed to
provide on-line measurement of gas or liquid components—
in simple or complex process streams—for process control,
product quality assurance, safety, catalyst protection, and area
monitoring. By adding up to eight filters to the photometer’s
filter wheel, more measurement solutions can be achieved.
The use of multiple wavelengths enables the Multiwave
to compensate for numerous interferences and perform
multiple component applications.

Vista II Process
Gas Chromatograph
With the Vista II Process GC, ABB Analytical has set a new
standard for ease of use, quality, and reliability. The Vista II
also raises process gas chromatography technical standards
with a more compact size, improved serviceability, superior
connectivity, and digital analytical control. No other company
offers the versatility and broad capability of the Vista II
Chromatograph product line.
 2000 TC/FID/FPD Standard GC
 2001 SFC Chromatograph
 2002 Process Distillation
 2003 & 2004 PNA/PINA
 2005 Temperature Program
 2007 Fuel Sulfur
 2008 Olefins

Vista Model 4100 On-Line

RVP Analyzer
The Vista Model 4100 analyzer offers accurate measurement
of Reid Vapor Pressure throughout the gasoline range of
0-20 psia. The model 4100 offers a simple, reliable, compact
design that requires minimal operator interface and
minimal maintenance.
 Requires no calibration
 Simple single-cell design—virtually maintenance-free
 Validates every analysis via self-diagnostics
 Small, compact design
 Minimal operator interface

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Gas Analyzers
Process Analytics Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Lewisburg, WV
Pittsburgh, PA
Vista II Model 2007 Quebec, Canada
Fuel Sulfur Analyzer +418-877-2944
Utilizing our field-proven Flame Photometric Detector
(FPD), the Vista II Model 2007 Fuel Sulfur Analyzer provides
a field-proven on-line method of measuring total sulfur in
fuels as low as 100 ppb.With the Model 2007, you can
meet the ever more demanding standards for reduced sulfur
in fuels, while optimizing refining processes and your
margins. The Vista II Model 2007 was named “Innovation
of the Year” for the year 2000, by the ISA Analysis Division.

Advance FTIR
With over 140 units installed in refineries and chemical
plants worldwide, the Advance FTIR is a commercially proven
process analyzer. The advance FTIR is the on-line solution for
both the chemical and hydrocarbon processing industries.
 Multiple component analysis from a single system
 Reliable operation through the use of
process-proven hardware
 Fast response time
 All components can be replaced by the user without the
need for recalibration.
 Transferable calibrations between analyzers

Model 4210 Freezing Point Analyzer

The Model 4210 Freezing Point Analyzer correlates with
the ASTM D2386 Lab Method for the measurement of the
freezing point of diesel and aviation fuels.
Metering, Protection, and Control

Model 4211 Cloud Point Analyzer

The Model 4211 Cloud Point Analyzer correlates with the
ASTM D2500 laboratory cloud point method. The Model
4211 has an optical bench that detects polarized light
when wax crystals are present in the sample.

Model 4212 Pour Point Analyzer

The Model 4212 Pour Point Analyzer correlates with
the ASTM D97 laboratory method for the pour point
determination of heavy distillates.The Model 4212 has
an optical bench that detects light when the pour point
is determined during the analysis cycle.

Model 4214 Flash Point Analyzer

The Model 4214 Flash Point Analyzer correlates with the
ASTM D56 and ASTM D93 laboratory flash point methods.
The Model 4214 provides on-line measurement of the flash
point of products such as kerosene, diesel oil, and gasoline.


Transmission and
Substation Systems

 Conventional Substations

 Modular Substations

 Power Systems

 Switchgear Integration Systems

 Power Cables and Accessories

Transmission and Substation Systems
 Conventional Substations
Plug and Switch System PASS . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
ELK-04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
EXK-01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
ELK-14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
ELK-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
SMART Gas-Insulated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413

 Modular Substations
PS-1 Substation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
MODULA Substation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420

 Power Systems
High-Voltage, Direct Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
HVDC Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
Reactive Power Compensation/FACTS
Series Capacitors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
Static Var Compensator (SVC) . . . . . . . . . . 429
SVC Light (STATCOM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
Power Systems Customer Support . . . . . . . . . 432
Switchgear Integration Systems
Primary and Secondary Unit Substations . . . . . 433
Power Distribution Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435

 Power Cables and Accessories

HV and EHV Power Cable Systems. . . . . . . . . 437
HV and EHV Cable Accessories
Outdoor Termination Porcelain,
APEC 84 - 420 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
Outdoor Termination Composite,
APEC P 145 - 170 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
GIS-termination, APEGA 84 - 420 kV . . . . . 440
Prefabricated Joint, SMPGB 123 - 362 kV. . 442
Prefabricated Joint,
SMPGB-C 123 - 170 kV. . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
HV Cable Accessories
GIS Plug-In Termination EHSVS . . . . . . . . . 444


Plug and Switch System PASS

Deregulation and tougher competition in the energy
sector present great challenges to power utilities—but
no less so to manufacturers of high-voltage equipment.
Substations must be provided with equipment ensuring
maximum reliability, minimum maintenance, and state-
of-the-art service concepts. PASS—the Plug and Switch
System from ABB—is the answer to these requirements.
PASS creates a complete high-voltage switchyard bay
by integrating circuit breaker, disconnector, and earth-
ing switch as well as current and voltage sensors in
one gas-insulated compartment. This consideration has
led to a compact system design. PASS is preassembled
in the factory and delivered to the erection site as a
complete and tested unit. It is connected up to the con-
trol unit on-site with preterminated cables, filled with
insulating gas, and put into service without any further
high-voltage testing. Simple? That’s precisely what we
mean by “Plug and Switch!”

Advantages compared with air-insulated
 Very high availability due to SF6 gas
insulated technology
 Up to 60% less space requirement
compared to AIS
 Innovative substation design
 Adaptive maintenance
 One day installation time per bay for the
primary technology
 6 months delivery time

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Conventional Substations

Sourced through
                                   ABB Inc.
North Brunswick, NJ
Plug and Switch System PASS +732-932-6233

Technical Data PASS M0

Operating voltage kV 170

Lightning impulse withstand to ground kV 650
Power-frequency withstand voltage to ground kV 275
Power-frequency withstand voltage over isolating distance kV 315
Continuous current A 2500
Peak withstand current kA 100
Short-time withstand current kA 40
Breaking current kA 40
Making current kA 100
Minimum insulating gas pressure at 20°C PSIG 87
Minimum quenching gas pressure at 20°C PSIG 87
Rated frequency Hz 50/60

Technical Data PASS M1

Operating voltage kV 245/300

Lightning impulse withstand to ground kV 1050
Power-frequency withstand voltage to ground kV 460
Power-frequency withstand voltage over isolating distance kV 530
Continuous current A 3150
Peak withstand current kA 135
Short-time withstand current kA 50
Breaking current kA 50
Transmission and Substation Systems

Making current kA 135

Minimum insulating gas pressure at 20°C PSIG 87
Minimum quenching gas pressure at 20°C PSIG 87
Rated frequency Hz 50/60

Technical Data PASS M2

Operating voltage kV 550

Lightning impulse withstand to ground kV 1550
Power-frequency withstand voltage to ground kV 740
Power-frequency withstand voltage over isolating distance kV 1000
Continuous current A 4000
Peak withstand current kA 170
Short-time withstand current kA 63
Breaking current kA 63
Making current kA 170
Minimum insulating gas pressure at 20°C PSIG 87
Minimum quenching gas pressure at 20°C PSIG 87
Rated frequency Hz 50/60


ELK-04, EXK-01, ELK-14, ELK-3

SF6 gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) occupies only a frac-

tion of the area and space required by conventional,
air-insulated switchgear.
For applications in areas of high electrical load density,
especially in towns and industrial centers, SF6 GIS is
the economic solution. The GIS Type EXK-01, ELK-04,
ELK-14, and ELK-3 are designed for rated voltages up
to 550 kV and breaking currents up to 63 kA. For tech-
nical data please see the table on the following page.
In all installations, the equipment complies with
the IEC,VDE, IEEE, and ANSI rules currently in force,
thereby meeting nearly all other national or
customer specifications.
ELK-3 Substation


 Minimum space required
 Low weight
 High reliability
 Long life
 No exposed life parts
 Equipment of consistent modular design
 Short delivery time
A turnkey systems solution allows installation and
testing in a minimum time period. Financing allows ELK-14 Substation
ABB to offer either leasing or “DBOOM”—Design,
Build, Own, Operate, and Maintain contracts.

ELK-04 Substation

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Conventional Substations

Sourced through
                                   ABB Inc.
North Brunswick, NJ
ELK-04, EXK-01, ELK-14, ELK-3 +732-932-6233

Technical Data ELK-04

Operating Voltage kV 60/72.5 110/123 132/145 150/170
Lightning impulse withstand to ground kV 350 550 650 750
Lightning impulse withstand over isolating distance kV 385 630 750 860
Power-frequency withstand voltage to ground kV 175 230 275 325
Power-frequency withstand voltage over isolating distance kV 195 265 315 375
Continuous current A — 1250 — 3150 — —
Peak withstand current kA — 100/135 — —
Short-time withstand current kA — 40/50 — —
Power-frequency withstand voltage over isolating distance kV 375 630 — —
Breaking current kA 31.5/40 — — —
Making current kA 80/100 — — —
Minimum insulating gas pressure at 20°C PSIG 47.68 — — —
Minimum quenching gas pressure at 20°C PSIG 74.5 — — —
Technical Data EXK-01
Operating voltage kV 72.5 123 — —
Lightning impulse withstand to ground kV 325 550 — —
Minimum insulating gas pressure at 20°C PSIG — 47.68 — —
Power-frequency withstand voltage to ground kV 140 230 — —
Power-frequency withstand voltage over isolating distance kV 160 265 — —
Continuous current A 800 — 2500 — — —
Peak withstand current kA 80/100 — — —
Short-time withstand current kA 31.5/40 — — —
Breaking current kA 31.5/40 — — —
Making current kA 80/100 — — —
Minimum insulating gas pressure at 20°C PSIG 47.68 — — —
Minimum quenching gas pressure at 20°C PSIG 74.5 — — —
Technical Data ELK-14
Transmission and Substation Systems

Operating voltage kV 245 300 — —

Lightning impulse withstand to ground kV 1050 1050 — —
Power-frequency withstand voltage to ground kV 460 460 — —
Power-frequency withstand voltage over isolating distance kV 530 530 — —
Continuous current A 4000 4000 — —
Peak withstand current kA 170 125 — —
Short-time withstand current kA 63 50 — —
Breaking current kA 63 50 — —
Making current kA 170 125 — —
Minimum insulating gas pressure at 20°C PSIG 65.2 65.2 — —
Minimum quenching gas pressure at 20°C PSIG 87 87 — —
Technical Data ELK-3
Operating voltage kV 420 550 — —
Lightning impulse withstand to ground kV 1425 1550 — —
Power-frequency withstand voltage to ground kV 680 740 — —
Power-frequency withstand voltage over isolating distance kV 800 1000 — —
Continuous current A 4000 4000 — —
Peak withstand current kA 170 170 — —
Short-time withstand current kA 63 63 — —
Breaking current kA 63 63 — —
Making current kA 170 170 — —
Minimum insulating gas pressure at 20°C PSIG 50.7 56.6 — —
Minimum quenching gas pressure at 20°C PSIG 87 87 — —

Sourced through
                                   ABB Inc.
North Brunswick, NJ
SMART Gas-Insulated +732-932-6233

The numerous improvements already implemented

in our primary systems have now been logically pro-
gressed in SMART GIS: Digital information processing
in secondary systems. New sensors and actuators have
superseded inductive instrument transformers and
electromechanical relays. The salient features are:
S elf-supervision
M onitoring
A daptive maintenance
R educed life-cycle costs
Trend evaluation

Advantages Advanced primary technology combined with novel
sensors and a modern digital data processing
All important information—position, operating
mechanism energy, gas density, current, and volt-
age is reliably acquired by wear-free sensors and
fed to decentralized computers. From here they
are passed via data bus to other computers with
instrumentation and control or protective func-
tions where they are evaluated and interpreted.
Redundancies and duplications in auxiliary switches
and instrument transformers have been eliminated.
The direct consequence: Less material required for
secondary systems, minimized wiring, and reduced
possibilities of errors. In addition to the target-actual
comparison, measured values are stored in a mem-
ory for defined periods. Preprogrammed trend
analyses serve as a basis for individualized mainte-
nance strategies, resulting in minimized downtimes.
Increased availability and capital investment savings
on expensive network reserves can be realized
due to an improved, more detailed knowledge
of the ongoing system status. The cost-efficiency
and dependability of operations management are
significantly enhanced. This means a higher quality
of supply for the customer.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.



Transmission and Substation Systems

Modular Substations

The energy industry is changing, and

deregulation is the catalyst. Owning and
operating substations is no longer a task
just for the traditional utilities. Today, IPPs
and other developers are executing trans-
mission and distribution projects all across
the nation. Another shift is the trend of
large industries towards building and
owning their own substation, all in search
of speed to market and lower electricity manufacturing all major components in
rates available at higher voltages. In this combination with a range of modern
new marketplace an integrated supplier substation concepts, ABB has a unique
like ABB plays a major role. With plants ability to respond to these customer needs.

Modular Substation
Technical Guide
High- Medium- Transformer
Substation High-Voltage Tech-
Voltage Voltage Ratings Features
Type Configurations nology
Range Range (MVA)
H1, H2L1, H3L, R4 Pre-engineered standardized
69 kV — 15 kV — (or other with max modular design focusing on
PS-1 10 — 40 AIS
138 kV 34.5 kV 2 lines and max project speed, cost,
2 transformers) and functionality

Customized solution using

34.5 kV — 5 kV — pre-engineered modules
MODULA 5 — 100 Any AIS/GIS
170 kV 34.5 kV focusing on project speed,
flexibility, and dependability
Conventional Customized solution providing
Any Any Any Any AIS/GIS
Design maximum design flexibility

Functional Guide
Speed of Pre-Engineered Factory Flexible
Substation Lowest Risk System
Delivery and and Designed Assembly Engineering
Type Cost Reduction Functionality
Installation Modules and Testing and Design
PS-1 +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +
MODULA ++ ++ ++ ++ +++ +++ ++
+ + + + + +++ +++

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Modular Substations


Customers expect ABB, as a provider of electrical

equipment and services, to deliver value beyond the
product. The driver is to improve the customer’s busi-
ness results with less risk and increased reliability.
The traditional processes of providing energy and
equipment are no longer viable ways to do business.
New ideas are required to ensure improved results
and profitability for our customers.
The modular substation concepts were developed to
provide customers with the competitive advantage
needed. By choosing a turnkey substation, the customer
enjoys the benefits of speed to market, full function-
ality, cost reduction, high quality, design flexibility,
and project dependability. These combine to provide
a level of risk reduction not seen before from a
substation provider.
ABB has years of proven experience in successfully Function-oriented

delivering turnkey substations for a variety of con- PS-1

figurations and voltages. The applications range from
electrification of entire cities to small unit substations.
Customized MODULA Standardized
In the modular substation concept, ABB combines this Substation
Highest cost, Lowest cost,
experience with modern design tools, thus meeting Longest time, Shortest time,
Highest risk Lowest risk
the customer’s business needs and providing assur- Conventional
ance of a trouble-free installation.
With modular substations, everything comes together,
Modular substations have clear business advantages
fits together, and works together.
Transmission and Substation Systems

Factory Assembly & Test

Pier Foundations

Deliver to Site

Final Assembly



Features Options and Accessories

 Modular Substations set the standard in:  Available in traditional Air-Insulated or
• Function compact and reliable Gas-Insulated designs
• Time  Multiple High-Voltage and Medium-
• Cost Voltage configurations
• Quality
• Flexibility
• Dependability Specifications
 Standardized designs provide total PS-1
system functionality.  Completely pre-engineered, reduces cost
 Reduced cycle times and processes and time
deliver speed.  Fully factory-assembled and tested
 Minimized civil and site work reduces costs.  Minimized construction
 Pre-assembly and testing ensures quality.
 Custom designs with standard processes
provide flexibility.  Flexible design to accommodate most
customer requirements
 Proven concept delivers results with
dependability.  Fully factory-assembled and tested, ensures
quality and speed
Modular substations deliver Conventional Substations
the results you need!
 Unlimited variety of designs
 Custom engineered
ABB modular substations have been installed for
a variety of uses, including wind farms, process
industries, large resort hotels, manufacturing
facilities, and utility applications.

Conventional Manufacturing
ABB MODULA Civil Works
Test &

0 6 12

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Modular Substations


PS-1 Substation

The markets for electrical energy are

changing all over the world…
Competition for the producers and suppliers of
electrical energy has been increasing continuously.
This development can be attributed to the growing
worldwide deregulation of the markets for electrical
energy. To achieve long term success in these
competitive markets, it is vital to be able to adapt
to new demands.
The main decisions surrounding technical systems
(such as substations) are more and more governed
by economic analysis. Therefore, when evaluating
substations, the return on investment, rapid project
execution, and operating costs become more
significant than technical characteristics.
Processes can be accelerated…
As a global supplier of turnkey substations with
many years of experience, ABB has developed a if you look at all elements
modern substation solution to suit the current With PS -1, the delivery time can be cut in half
market situation. compared to other typical turnkey substations.
To achieve this, ABB analyzed the individual stages
New demands require a new design—PS-1 of the process and clearly defined all interfaces with
suppliers and the future operator of the substation.
The development of PS -1 was centered on the needs All stages of the process, including design, engineer-
of the entire substation system. All components were ing, supply management, manufacturing, site work,
selected and optimized in view of the functionality and installation were redefined and standardized
of the whole system. with a view to optimize the entire process.
Transmission and Substation Systems

The complete process was analyzed, starting with

engineering and production up to the operation of
substations. It was on this basis that ABB developed
an optimized process that considerably reduces
the time required to set up a substation project.
PS -1 focuses on function, time, and costs. This
was achieved by consistently standardizing the
entire substation.

Sourced through
 ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC

Concentrating on functionality requires
modern technology…
 ABB high-voltage substations are available 69/115/138 kV

in both SF6 and air-insulated technology to Function

cater to all typical areas of application. By using Time
standardized equipment from the ABB product 10/16/25/40 MVA
range, ABB has been able to reduce the costs
and increase speed of delivery compared to
15/34.5 kV
traditional substations.
... specify the function, not the components
PS-1 Substation Concept
 Standardized voltages, ratings,
and configurations
 Uses ABB components that meet the


functional requirements 100%
 Minimized construction and processes 80%
 Up to 20% cost savings
 Up to 50% time savings
PS-1 PS-1 PS-1
Best combination of function, speed, and cost!

... the substation solution that meets your business needs

now and in the future ...

There are good reasons for choosing
a PS-1 substation…
ABB guarantees the same reliable functionality for the
PS-1 substations as for conventional substation solutions.
The functionality of a PS -1 substation is equal to a
typical distribution station with up to two connected
high-voltage lines, a maximum of two power trans-
formers, and up to twelve medium-voltage outputs.
Due to the complete standardization of all process steps
and equipment, a PS -1 substation project can usually
be completed in half the time required for a compar-
able traditional project.
The realization of the PS -1 concept has resulted
in a turnkey system, which sets new standards for
the future while offering a cost advantage of up to
20% compared with a conventional “overspecified”
traditional substation.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Modular Substations


MODULA Substation

Quality through factory-assembly and testing

Flexibility through modular design
Dependability through elimination of
site construction

MODULA Substation—
a flexible solution for most every problem
You need to get on-line—fast and without sacrificing
quality. You need seamless integration into your
existing systems. But qualified construction person-
nel is scarce and expensive. ABB has developed
an innovative solution to these problems—the
MODULA substation. Flexibility through modular design
The MODULA is a modular, skid-mounted substation
MODULA substations come in a variety of ratings and
that combines high quality, flexibility, and depend-
configurations. Simple substation layouts are realized
ability. The modular approach enables ABB to assem-
on a single skid, more complex substations are
ble more complex layouts using pre-assembled and
composed of standardized modules. Each module
tested modules. MODULA substations are delivered
is completely assembled, wired, and tested at the
directly to your site, providing for higher quality and
factory before it is shipped to your site. In this
simplified logistics. ABB can also offer witness testing
way, ABB can accommodate virtually any require-
and training on the entire substation at the factory.
ment without compromising the advantages of
factory assembly.
MODULA Substation—
a new way of building substations
The modular design of the MODULA substations can
Transmission and Substation Systems

be adapted to meet all of your layout and technical

requirements. As a result, operating and maintenance
procedures do not have to be modified.
Unlike conventional substation design, the MODULA
substations are completely assembled and tested in
the factory before they are shipped to your site.

Quality through pre-assembly and testing

All components of the MODULA are mounted
onto steel skids with integrated cable raceways.
This allows assembly and testing in the factory
to assure improved quality at a lower cost.

Dependability through minimized 34.5 — 170 kV

Skid-mounted MODULA substations can easily be Quality
5 — 100 MVA Flexibility
installed on drilled pier foundations. This results in
significant savings on civil work and construction. Dependability
Once the equipment arrives on site, it takes no
5 — 34.5 kV
more than one to three weeks to complete the
installation and energize.

Sourced through
 ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC


MODULA Substation—whenever
MODULA Substation Concept:
flexibility is required
 Wide range of voltages, ratings, and
common configurations The flexible design of MODULA substations opens
 Uses ABB or third-party components to a broad range of applications.With their modular
meet your needs design, MODULA substations are an ideal solution
 Minimized construction through pier for extension or replacement of existing substations.
foundations and pre-assembled modules ABB makes room for you to grow.
 Fewer “growing pains” due to modularity From inclement weather, to government permit
 Up to 20% time savings issues, to a shortage in qualified construction
personnel, the MODULA substation eliminates
Best combination of quality, virtually all the risks of conventional substation
flexibility, and dependability! construction. ABB brings you on-line, on time.
The MODULA substations are easy to install
and quick to move. MODULA substations are
MODULA Substation—everything comes skid-mounted substations that offer tailored
together, fits together, works together solutions for your varying problems.
MODULA substations offer many advantages over
conventional designs without interfering with
your established design standards.
 Quality through assembly and testing of the
complete substation in a factory environment OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES
prior to shipping Options for MODULA Substation
 Flexibility to adapt to virtually any system or
operational requirement High-Voltage Equipment— 34.5 up to 170 kV
 Dependability by eliminating almost all civil  Fused disconnect switch
works and construction at the site  Circuit switcher
• Power circuit breaker
• Gas-insulated switchgear
MODULA is the only substation where
everything comes together, fits together, works Power Transformers— 5 up to 100 MVA
together —guaranteed!  With or without load tap changer
Modular Substations division offers you the  With or without voltage regulator
expertise and convenience of a true turnkey
provider, from feasibility and interconnection Medium-Voltage Equipment—
studies through performance/risk evaluation 4.16 up to 34.5 kV
to complete design/build services. ABB offers  Fused disconnect switch
unique technical depth.With financing, operating,  Recloser
and maintenance services, ABB is also able to
 Power circuit breaker
provide complete outsourcing solutions.
 Metal-clad switchgear
The MODULA is just one example of how a
decade-long experience, combined with fresh Protection and control to match your
innovative thinking, leads to solutions for ABB’s system standards
customers’ problems. Integrated AC/DC supply system

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Systems


Transmission and Substation Systems


High-Voltage, Direct Current

HVDC technology is used to transmit electricity

over long distances by overhead transmission lines
or submarine cables. It is also used to interconnect
separate (asynchronous) power systems where
traditional alternating current (ac) connections cannot
be used. ABB pioneered the HVDC technology and is
the undisputed world leader in the HVDC field.

Most HVDC transmission systems are point-to-point A multi-terminal HVDC transmission system is
using overhead lines, submarine cables, or both one with more than two converter stations. Such a
combined. Many of the cable systems are monopolar system is more complex than an ordinary point-to-
with only one metallic conductor between the point transmission. In particular, the control system
converter stations, using the ground or sea as the is more elaborate and the telecommunication
return path for the current. requirements between the stations are larger.
Most overhead line transmission systems are bipolar; The reasons for choosing HVDC instead of AC in a
i.e., they use two conductors of opposite polarity specific case are often numerous and complex.
(one positive and one negative). A bipolar system is a Each individual project will have its own set of
double circuit, since one pole can continue to trans- reasons justifying the use of HVDC, but the most
mit power when the other pole is out of service. common arguments favoring HVDC are:
There are many back-to-back stations in operation  Lower investment cost
where both the rectifier and the inverter are located  Long distance water crossing
in the same station.The back-to-back configuration is  Lower losses
normally used for asynchronous interconnections  Asynchronous interconnection
between two separate AC networks, which could  Controllability
have the same or different frequencies.  Reduced short circuit currents



Bipolar Multiterminal

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Systems

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
High-Voltage, Direct Current +541-298-4161

APPLICATIONS (continued)
HVDC Technology
Conventional HVDC
Y v
An HVDC converter station uses thyristor valves to convert from AC
to DC and vice versa. The 12-pulse converter valve bridge is connect-
ed to the AC system by means of converter transformers. The valves
are normally placed in a building, and the converter transformers are
located just outside (see drawing).
The converter produces current harmonics (11th, 13th, 23rd, 25th,
35th, 37th, etc.) on the AC side. These harmonics are absorbed by AC
filters that also produce a part of the reactive power consumed by
the converter.
The converter also produces voltage harmonics on the DC side (12th,
24th, 36th, etc.). A large inductance (smoothing reactor) is always
installed on the DC side to reduce the ripple in the direct current.
In addition, a DC filter is also normally needed to reduce the level of
harmonic currents in the DC overhead line that may otherwise cause
interference to telephone circuits in the vicinity of the DC line.

HVDC 2000
The key feature of HVDC 2000 is the utilization of Capacitor
Commutated Converters (CCCs), a well-known circuit concept.
The CCC is now an innovative solution due to ABB’s development
of continuously tuned AC filters (ConTune). These filters can be built
to generate small quantities of reactive power but still provide good
filtering. These properties match the characteristics of the CCC,
which inherently derives part of its reactive power requirements
Transmission and Substation Systems

from its series-connected commutation capacitor in proportion to

the square of load current.
HVDC 2000 yields the following performance advantages:
 Significantly better stability; in particular, when connected to AC
networks with low short circuit capacity and in systems with long
DC cables
 Dependable performance in the event of AC system disturbances,
with reduced risk of commutation failures
 Lower load rejection overvoltages
 Improved AC and DC filtering with smaller filters
 No need to switch AC filters or shunt capacitor banks to
compensate for converter reactive power consumption

Back-to-Back CCC
Converter Station


HVDC Light
HVDC Light is an alternative to conventional AC
transmission or local generation in many situations.
Possible applications include the feeding of distant
loads and the connection of distant generation plants.
By feeding a remote load from the main grid, it is
feasible to shut down small, expensive, and possibly
polluting local generation plants, as well as eliminate
the associated fuel transport. This makes HVDC Light
a very attractive choice from an environmental
point of view.

HVDC Light Cable Advantages
For environmentally sensitive areas, the HVDC Light Voltage source converters (VSC) for HVDC trans-
transmission line can utilize either underground or mission have the inherent ability to not only con-
submarine HVDC Light cables. The cable insulation trol active power but also control reactive power,
is made of an extruded polymer that is particularly thereby permitting independent control of AC
resistant to DC voltage. Polymeric cables are the voltage. This behavior is like having a synchronous
preferred choice for HVDC, mainly because of condensor or a Static Var Compensator (SVC) at
their excellent mechanical strength, flexibility, each station.
and low weight. The VSCs, in combination with DC cables, offer
HVDC Light cables can be ploughed into the four main advantages:
ground by a tractor equipped with a cable plough,  Rapid control of both active and reactive power,
making installation fast and economical. Submarine giving a high level of power quality
HVDC Light cables can be buried below ground or
 Minimal environmental impact
laid on the bottom.
 Connection to weak networks
 Preassembled enclosures, which reduce civil
work, installation, and commissioning to an
absolute minimum.

Conventional HVDC HVDC HVDC

Submarine Cable Light Land Cable Light Submarine

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Systems

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
HVDC Light +541-298-4161

HVDC Light is a new transmission or subtransmission
technology, based on voltage source converters (VSC)
with a series connection of a modern semiconductor
device, the IGBT. This technology extends the econom-
ical power range for DC transmission downwards from
a hundred or more MW to just a few MW.
A VSC converter for HVDC Light is compact and
robust, both electrically and mechanically. The main
equipment is contained in small movable housings
and is delivered factory tested and fully assembled.
The IGBT is used because its higher switching
frequency capability permits use of pulse width
modulation (PWM).
HVDC Light converters are currently available in
ratings up to 330 MW. Further developments in semi-
conductor technology will lead to larger converter
ratings in the future.

When to Use HVDC Light

Some areas where HVDC Light technology will
be particularly useful are:
 Cable transmissions for environmentally sensitive
areas or shared rights-of-way
Transmission and Substation Systems

 Outlet transmission for small- to intermediate-scale

generation including renewables; e.g., solar or
wind power
 Power supply to islands
 Feeding power to remote locations
 When relocation is desired
 When there is a system benefit in having
independent control of active and reactive power
 For urban infeed
 For replacement of uneconomic or polluting
reliability must run generation

Reactive Power Compensation/FACTS


Series Capacitors
The benefits of reactive power compensation are well
established. By reducing the negative impact of reactive
power demand in high-voltage AC networks, the capacity
of transmission systems can be dramatically increased.
This means greater reliability and better utilization of existing
lines. One means of supplying the reactive power demand
of the transmission network is through the use of series
capacitors. Series capacitors compensate for part of the
inductive reactance of long distance lines and are an effective
and economical method of increasing stable power transfer.
The benefits of series compensation in transmission lines are:
 Increased power transfer capability
 Improved system stability
 Better voltage regulation with loading changes
 Optimized load sharing between parallel lines
 Reduced system losses

Unlike a shunt capacitor, a series capacitor can see of the spark gap or closing of the bypass breaker.
several times its voltage rating during faults on the However, for severe faults, which are usually confined
AC network due to the passage of fault current. In to those on the compensated line section, the spark
early series capacitor bank designs, this overvoltage gap is triggered followed by closure of the bypass
was limited by a parallel spark gap. In modern series breaker. During the deionization time of the line
capacitor banks, a parallel non-linear resistor (varis- fault, the gap recovers and the bypass breaker is
tor) of zinc oxide (ZnO) limits the voltage across the opened; when the line breakers reclose, the bank is
series capacitor during a fault. For locations with restored to service.
high short circuit capability, the energy absorption In the ABB series capacitor, current sensing for
duty on the varistor can be high for nearby faults. protection and monitoring is via optical CTs, and
This energy duty can be reduced by using a parallel, all control and protection equipment is located
fast-acting, triggered spark gap which operates for in the control building. There is no control and
the more severe faults. In most faults the varistor protection equipment nor power supplies on the
action reinserts the bank immediately on termination high-voltage platform.
of the fault current without necessitating the firing

MOV Protection MOV + Triggered Spark Gap Protection

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Systems
Reactive Power Compensation/FACTS Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
Series Capacitors +541-298-4161

APPLICATIONS (continued)

Controlled Series Capacitor

For transmission applications involving steam turbine
generators where the compensation level is high, there
could be a risk of subsynchronous resonance (SSR).
Thyristor controlled series capacitors (TCSC) can be
used to mitigate SSR. The TCSC is controlled in such a
way so as to appear inductive in the subsynchronous
frequency range, while still being capacitive at the
fundamental frequency; thereby not creating a subsyn-
chronous resonance with the generator—transmission
circuit. The same technology can be used to boost
compensation levels and damp system oscillations to
improve stability margins.
The thyristor valve is mounted in a valve housing located
on the platform. Trigger pulses are sent via optical fibers
TCSC Single Line Diagram
from the control system at ground potential directly
to each light-triggered thyristor. Cooling water is trans- C: Capacitor Bank
ported through a non-ceramic insulator column. Z: ZnO-Varistor
D: TCSC Reactor
G: Thyristor Valve
B: Bypass Breaker
Transmission and Substation Systems

Reactive Power Compensation/FACTS


Static Var Compensator (SVC)

The benefits of reactive power compensation

are well established. By reducing the negative
impact of reactive power demand in high-voltage
AC networks, the capacity of transmission systems
can be dramatically increased. This means greater
reliability and better utilization of existing lines.
One means of supplying the dynamic, reactive-
power reserve requirements of the transmission
network is through the use of Static Var
Compensators (SVC). SVCs are shunt-connected
devices that can rapidly supply the increased
reactive power demands of the network,
following contingencies; thereby helping
to regulate and stabilize the AC voltage.

SVCs are usually deployed for one or more of the Thyristor Controlled Reactor (TCR)
following reasons:
A reactor and a thyristor valve are incorporated
 To stabilize voltage in weak systems in each single-phase branch. The reactive power
 To reduce transmission losses is changed by controlling the current through the
 To increase the transmission capacity, thus reactor by means of the thyristor valve. The on-state
delaying the need for new lines interval is controlled by delaying the firing of the
thyristor valve in relation to the natural current zero.
 To increase the transient stability limit
A TCR is used together with a fixed-capacitor bank
 To increase damping of small disturbances when reactive power generation is required.
 To improve voltage control and stability
 To damp power swings
The characteristics of ABB’s Static Var Compensators
are flexibility, dependability, and exceptional control-
lability. ABB has an SVC solution for every situation.
The SVC can be used for symmetrical, three-phase
control or phase-by-phase control.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Systems
Reactive Power Compensation/FACTS Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
Static Var Compensator (SVC) +541-298-4161

APPLICATIONS (continued)

Thyristor Switched Capacitor (TSC) Thyristor Switched Capacitor/Thyristor

Controlled Reactor (TSC/TCR)
A shunt capacitor bank is divided into a suitable
number of branches. Each branch is individually A combination of TSC and TCR, in the majority of
switched in or out by means of a valve with anti- cases, is the optimum solution.With a combined
parallel connected thyristors. All switching takes TSC/TCR compensator, continuously variable reactive
place when the voltage across the thyristor valve is power is obtained throughout the complete control
zero, thus providing almost transient-free switching. range as well as full control of both the inductive
Disconnection is effected by suppressing the firing and the capacitive parts of the compensator. This
pulses to the thyristors, which will block when the is a beneficial feature that permits optimum perform-
current reaches zero. ance during large disturbances in the power system.
Transmission and Substation Systems

Reactive Power Compensation/FACTS

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
SVC Light (STATCOM) +541-298-4161

The static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM)

is comprised of a voltage source converter (VSC)
connected in shunt. The shunt-connected VSC
is based on converter technology with valves
comprised of solid-state switching components
with turn-off capability and anti-parallel diodes.
Performance of the STATCOM is analogous to that
of a synchronous machine, generating a balanced
three-phase set of sinusoidal voltages at the funda-
mental frequency, with controllable amplitude and
phase angle. The device, however, has no inertia and
does not contribute to the short circuit capacity.

The STATCOM consists of a voltage source Static compensator, comprising VSC,
converter operating as an inverter with a capacitor coupling transformer T, and control
as the DC energy source. It is controlled to regulate
the voltage in much the same way as an SVC.
A coupling transformer is used to connect to the VT
transmission voltage level. In this application only
the voltage magnitude is controlled, not phase Coupling
angle. By controlling the converter output voltage Transformer Ig
Supplies Q
Vi > VT
relative to the system voltage, reactive power is Ig Vi
absorbed. If the VSC AC output voltage is higher Vx
Voltage Source
than the system voltage, reactive power is produced. Converter Absorbs Q
Vi < VT

Idc = 0

+ Vdc _

Iq Converter output current

Vi Converter voltage
Vt Terminal voltage

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Systems/Switchgear Integration Systems
Power Systems Customer Support

                                    ABB Inc.
The Dalles, OR

Beyond the purchase and execution phase, ABB is committed to

support projects after they are commissioned. This commitment
includes technical, administrative, and coordination support to all
Power Systems’ projects throughout the useful equipment lifetime.
In addition, ABB has been able to extend the life of vintage SVC and
HVDC systems built by ABB and its competitors. Life extensions can
include the replacement of high-maintenance control systems with
modern controllers that are well supported by ABB and also replace-
ment of power electronics.
After sales, service and support from ABB provides comprehensive
maintenance services including:
 Engineering and maintenance support
 Spare parts
 Preventive maintenance
 Corrective maintenance
 Emergency repairs
A unique advantage of the ABB service and support organization
is that its engineers have been involved in the construction and
commissioning phases of the projects they support. As a result, the
engineers providing support have a detailed knowledge of system
operations. In addition, this experience enables a fast response when
technical and administrative assistance is needed.
ABB can also provide training programs, technical audits, and
continuous on-site services to keep systems operating at
optimum efficiency.
Transmission and Substation Systems

Switchgear Systems Integration


Primary and Secondary Unit Substations

A unit substation is a packaged substation consisting

of a power transformer that is mechanically and
electrically connected in two places: to a disconnect
device on the primary side of the transformer and
to power distribution equipment on the secondary
side of the transformer. Primary unit substations are
supplied with medium-voltage, outgoing distribution
circuits (switchgear or motor control) connected to
the secondary side. Secondary unit substations refer
to applications in which the outgoing distribution
section is rated at less than 1000 V.
ABB unit substations are supplied for the most
demanding applications of industrial energy users,
water treatment facilities, large commercial projects,
and other energy-intensive installations. ABB unit
substations are pre-engineered, close-coupled packages
available for indoor or outdoor installations. Close-
coupling reduces floor space, installation costs, and
energy losses. The customer issues only one requisi-
tion and one purchase order, works with one sales
representative and manufacturer, and receives a single
set of carefully coordinated drawings and matched
equipment for trouble-free mechanical installation and
electrical interconnection at the job site. The entire
package is delivered with one brand name and single-
point accountability for warranty and performance.
UL Listing Available for Most Sub-systems
ISO 9001 Certified
High-Voltage Systems

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Switchgear Integration Systems

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Lake Mary, FL
Primary and Secondary Unit Substations +407-732-2000

Single-ended (or radial) unit substations are arranged  Secondary section choices include: K-LINE
with a single primary device, a single step-down Plus UL - listed low-voltage power switchgear
transformer, and one outgoing section. Double-ended for secondary unit substations; and SafeGear,
unit substations provide added reliability for critical or ADVANCE metal-clad switchgear, or 5 kV
loads by using two transformers connected in a sym- motor control centers for primary unit sub-
metrical arrangement in two areas: to independent stations. Primary substations can also be supplied
power sources on the primary sides and to a com- with ABB type PKC power-switching centers
mon switchgear line-up with a main-tie-main breaker using convenient, safe, and economical load
arrangement on the secondary sides of the trans- interrupter switchgear.
formers. All loads can be independently powered  Substation monitoring and automation is available
from both transformers in open-tie operation or with the optional PowerRichSystem, which
from one transformer in a closed-tie mode while the concentrates information management and system
other transformer and primary circuit are isolated control functions for all unit substation equipment
for maintenance. into a single location. PowerRichSystem allows
 Primary section choices include SafeGear arc- information from all low- and medium-voltage
resistant, metal-clad switchgear, standard Advance switchgear devices, including protective relays,
switchgear, or UL-listed type PK primary entrance meters, circuit breaker trip units, and other
units with fused or unfused load interrupter intelligent electronic devices, to be displayed on
switches. Duplex switches are often used to a graphic user interface (GUI) in the switchgear
select from alternate power sources. control room or at various remote locations.
 Transformer choices consist of a full selection of Activities such as trend analysis, histograms,
technology-leading products from ABB. Products alarms, settings, load analysis, and programming
include VPI and VPE dry types, cast coil, liquid- can be conveniently handled at the GUI. Options
filled, and new Resibloc transformers with a full include fully redundant processor units and com-
Transmission and Substation Systems

range of primary and secondary ratings. Each of munications capabilities that coordinate with
these products are described in section two (2) common industrial communication protocols.
of this catalog.

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Lake Mary, FL
Power Distribution Centers +407-732-2000

A Power Distribution Center (PDC) is a prefabricated,

modular, skid-mounted outdoor housing for switchgear
and auxiliary equipment. All enclosed equipment is
shipped fully installed, interconnected, and tested by
the manufacturer. This approach provides the benefits
of single-point responsibility, coordination, and account-
ability for a complete unit substation or other electrical
distribution system. It greatly reduces installation
and ownership costs, while improving application
flexibility for sensitive electrical equipment for harsh
outdoor environments.
ISO 9001 Certified


 Self-contained unit is completely  Environmental control options include wall insulation, vent
coordinated, assembled, and tested fans, heating and air conditioning systems, and pressurization.
in a controlled factory environment.  Choice of station electric service, battery and charging
 Walls and ceilings are constructed systems, panelboard, interior and exterior lighting, and
from double-walled, interlocking, power outlets
galvanized steel panels on 16 - inch  Emergency equipment (eyewash fountains, fire
centers, fastened to a heavy struc- suppression systems, etc.)
tural steel base.
 Optional convenience facilities (work areas, toilets, etc.)
 Exterior and interior surfaces are
 When ABB supplies a PDC with arc-resistant, SafeGear
thoroughly cleaned, primed, and
metal-clad switchgear, a fully tested plenum is provided
coated with polyurethane enamel
across the top of the switchgear to cover all arc exhaust
or other finish coating systems as
flaps. This sealed duct allows for unobstructed opening
specified for unusual environments.
of the flaps in the event of an internal arc fault and
 Gaskets or caulking with 30-year exhausts the hot gases and other arc by-products away
life ratings are used on all exterior from the PDC while protecting the PDC ceiling, cable
seams and joints. trays, and auxiliary equipment inside the PDC.
 Epoxy mastic primer and coal
tar epoxy are used for underside
 Two pedestrian doors equipped Common PDC applications include switchgear and motor
with locks and interior panic control center enclosures, relay panel enclosures, and RTU
hardware are supplied. and SCADA enclosures.With integral transformers close-
coupled to switchgear or with bus duct connections, a PDC
can serve as a complete, enclosed primary or secondary
unit substation.
The PDC is a convenient and economical alternative to
on-site building construction (often concrete block), which
usually requires separate acquisition and installation of the
building and various electrical sub-systems. A PDC is also an
attractive alternative to purchasing, installing, and connecting
outdoor types of loose electrical sub-systems.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

7 Transmission and Substation Systems Power Cables and Accessories


HV and EHV Power Cable Systems

Sourced through
                                    ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA

ABB provides complete power cable systems

and accessories, including engineering, installation,
and commissioning.The products are aimed for
the segments AC HV and EHV land cable systems,
submarine cables, and HVDC cable systems.
Each cable system is in itself a unique complete
product—engineered, designed, and installed
accordingly to the customer’s specifications and
overall transmission conditions.

 Minimizes size of right-of-way for route
 Environmentally-friendly, low EMF
 Simplifies the permit procedure
 Increases general reliability of transmission
system, e.g. considering lightning and pollution
 For heavily populated areas and water crossings,
cables are often the only solution.
 Mass-impregnated, paper-insulated
cable for HVDC, 400 kV — 500 kV,
typically 600 MW
APPLICATIONS  Solid dielectric, cross-linked, polyeten-
(XLPE) insulated land cable for ac
 Power cable systems ranging 100 — 3000 MW up to 500 kV
 Complete AC land cable systems for transmissions  Solid dielectric, cross-linked, polyeten-
in HV and EHV (up to 500 kV) (XLPE) insulated land cable, three-phase
 All types of submarine connections from 69 kV up to 138 kV
and higher, such as for sea windmill parks  Solid dielectric, cross-linked, polyeten-
 Cable connections of new production units to (XLPE) insulated, heavy Cu- or
existing transmission grid with a short lead time Al-conductor up to 2000 mm2
 Retrofit of existing oil-paper cables with XLPE cables  Solid dielectric, cross-linked, polyeten-
lowers investments costs, reduces maintenance (XLPE) insulated land cable, HVDC
costs, and improves the environmental situation. Light, typically 150 MW
 Replacing overhead lines by cables, land of interest
for alternative use can be released. For more complete Specifications
 HVDC Classic and Light cables for long distances contact your ABB Sales Representative.
or special requirements, such as control of
reactive power

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Cables and Accessories
HV and EHV Cable Accessories


Outdoor Termination Porcelain, APEC 84 — 420 kV

Outdoor Termination Composite, APEC P 145 — 170 kV
The cable termination consists of a porcelain insulator or composite
insulator standing on a base made of an aluminum casting and
installed on a bracket.
The field-controlling component is a stress cone made of EPDM
rubber. The insulator is filled with synthetic insulating oil. The
porcelain insulator has sheds of the short-long type and is available
in a brown or gray execution. The low-weight composite insulator is
gray and consists of glass fiber reinforced epoxy with silicone sheds.
Four (4) stand-off insulators are used for an insulated execution.
For the maximum permissible diameter across the sheath of the
cable and across the prepared insulation, see the Selector Guide
(84 — 420 kV) on the next page.
The top bolt with diameters of 1.57 and 1.97" (40 and 50 mm),
respectively, for 420 kV (included in the kit) must be selected with
respect to the conductor material and cross section.
Installation: For safe and simple installation, it is possible to perform
the installation horizontally on the ground and then lift up the
termination into position.
The following cable data should be quoted when ordering: APEC 4201
 Conductor cross-section
 Conductor material Cu or Al
 Diameter across prepared insulation
 Screen, area, and type
 Cable outer diameter
Transmission and Substation Systems

Type of top bolt:

 Screw APEC 1452 P

Benefits: APEC and APEC P are suitable for installations in which
the termination must be used as a fixed connection
point and also where there is a risk of continuous, very
 Tested high creepage currents.
 Screw technique Standards: Meets the requirements in accordance with
 Can be mounted on the ground SS, IEC, and IEEE.
and then lifted up into position
 Flexible, fits big cables

Sourced through
 ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA

Voltage Creepage Distance Min Weight
(kV) Inches (mm) Lbs. (kg)/Item

APEC 841 84 106.7 (2710) 396 (180)

APEC 1452 145 152.4 (3870) 451 (205)

APEC 1452 P 145 141.7 (3600) 330 (150)

APEC 1703 170 179.9 (4570) 528 (240)

APEC 1703 P 170 177.2 (4500) 352 (160)

APEC 1704 170 216.5 (5500) 550 (250)

APEC 1705 170 285.4 (7250) 771 (350)

APEC 2456 245 326.8 (8300) 991 (450)

APEC 4201 420 578.7 (14,700) 3740 (1700)

XLPE Diameter
Voltage ø Inches (mm) Outer Sheath
(kV) ø Inches (mm)
min max

≤170 1.8 (45.5) 4.2 (107) 4.3 (110)

245 1.8 (45.5) 4.7 (120) 6.3 (160)

420 3.1 (80.0) 4.7 (120) 6.3 (160)


 GAP APEC rod gap to protect against overvoltage
 PIU APEC stand-off insulator when insulated execution
 JSA 1 Al, JSA 1 Pb, JSA 2 earthing kit for Al or Pb sheathed
cable—not needed when cable has only Cu wire screen

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Cables and Accessories
HV and EHV Cable Accessories


GIS-termination, APEGA 84 — 420 kV

The cable termination consists of an epoxy insulator standing on a

base made of an aluminum casting.
The field-controlling component is a stress cone made of EPDM
rubber. The insulator is filled with synthetic insulating oil. A flange
for insulated execution is integrated in the epoxy insulator. A pressure
ring is also included.
For the maximum permissible diameter across the sheath of the
cable and across the prepared insulation, see the Selector Guide
(84 — 420 kV) on the next page.
The top bolt, which is included in the kit, must be selected with
respect to the conductor material and cross section.
Installation: For safe and simple installation, it is possible to perform
the installation horizontally on the ground and then lift up the
termination into position.
The following cable data should be quoted when ordering:
APEGA 84 — 420 kV
 Conductor cross-section
 Conductor material Cu or Al
 Diameter across prepared insulation
 Screen, area, and type
 Cable outer diameter
Type of top bolt:
Transmission and Substation Systems

Benefits APEGA is suitable for installations in
 Reliable which the termination must be used as
a fixed connection point in gas-insulated
 Tested switchgear or transformers without a
 Time-saving screw technique separate cable box or where the cable
 Can be mounted on the ground box is filled with transformer oil.
and then lifted up into position Standards: Meets the requirements in
 Flexible, fits big cables accordance with SS, IEC, and IEEE

Sourced through
 ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA


Voltage Weight
Designation Standard
(kV) Lbs. (kg)/Item

APEGA 841 84 IEC 60859 187 (85)

APEGA 842 84 ABB* 187 (85)

APEGA 1702 170 — 198 (90)

APEGA 1703 170 IEC 60859 158 (72)

APEGA 1704 170 — 165 (75)

APEGA 2454 245 ABB* 418 (190)

APEGA 4201 420 — 440 (200)
*Fitted to ABB switchgear

XLPE Diameter
Voltage ø Inches (mm) Outer Sheath
(kV) ø Inches (mm)
min max
84 1.2 (30.0) 2.6 (66) 3.3 (85)

170 1.8 (45.5) 4.2 (107) 4.3 (110)

245 1.8 (45.5) 4.7 (120) 6.3 (160)

420 3.1 (80.0) 4.7 (120) 6.3 (160)


 JSA 1 Al, JSA 1 Pb, JSA 2 earthing kit for Al or Pb sheathed
cable—not needed when cable has only Cu wire screen.
 SPV1 panduit pliers for installation of bundle tape around stress cone.
 DMT1 disassembling kit when dismounting top fitting.
 SPT1 circlip pliers when installing top fitting.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Cables and Accessories
HV and EHV Cable Accessories


Prefabricated Joint, SMPGB 123 — 362 kV,

SMPGB-C 123 — 170 kV
The cable joint consists of a joint tube and two adapters made of EPDM rubber and a screw
cable clamp.
For the diameter across the prepared insulation, see Selector Guide (123 — 362 kV)
on the next page.
The diameter of the cable conductors must be .63 to 2.13 in. (16 to 54 mm) which is equiva-
lent to an area of 365 to 3945 kcmil (185 to 2000 mm2).
Screw technology facilitates jointing of the conductor. A torque wrench and installation tool
(RKM 170 or RKM 362) are required for installation.
Accessories are also available to reinstate most types of screen, armouring, and outer sheath.
SMPGB-C is a joint with integrated screen separation for cross-bonding of cable screens.
SMPGB-C is also available for cable with integrated optical fiber.
The following cable data should be quoted when ordering:
 Conductor cross-section
 Conductor material Cu or Al
 Diameter across prepared insulation
 Diameter over conductor
 Screen, area, and type
 Cable outer diameter
Type of cable clamp:
 Screw SMPGB 123 — 362 kV
Transmission and Substation Systems

SMPGB-C 123 — 170 kV

(also available with integrated optical fiber)

Benefits SMPGB and SMPGB-C are suitable for
the jointing of XLPE or EPR insulated
 Prefabricated for fast and easy installation
cables with Al and Cu conductors and
 Safe connection with screw technique different sheath types.
 Easy jointing of cables with different sizes Standard: Meets the requirements in
accordance with SS, IEC, and IEEE
 Integrated screen separation for
cross-bonding of cable screens
 Available for cable with integrated
optical fiber.

Sourced through
 ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA

Designation* Designation* Voltage XLPE Diameter Installation
SMPGB SMPGB-C (kV) ø Inches (mm) Cone

SMPGB 1231 SMPGB-C 1231 123 1.9 — 2 (48 — 51) 4209.2384 RKM 170

SMPGB 1232 SMPGB-C 1232 123 2 — 2.1 (50 — 53) 4209.2385 RKM 170

SMPGB 1233 SMPGB-C 1233 123 2 — 2.2 (52 — 56) 4209.2386 RKM 170

SMPGB 1234 SMPGB-C 1234 123 2.2 — 2.3 (55 — 59) 4209.2387 RKM 170

SMPGB 1235 SMPGB-C 1235 123 2.3 — 2.4 (58 — 62) 4209.2388 RKM 170

SMPGB 1701 SMPGB-C 1701 170 2.4 — 2.6 (61 — 65) 4209.2331 RKM 170

SMPGB 1702 SMPGB-C 1702 170 2.5 — 2.7 (63 — 68) 4209.2332 RKM 170

SMPGB 1703 SMPGB-C 1703 170 2.6 — 2.8 (66 — 71) 4209.2333 RKM 170

SMPGB 1704 SMPGB-C 1704 170 2.7 — 3 (69 — 76) 4209.2334 RKM 170

SMPGB 1705 SMPGB-C 1705 170 2.9 — 3.2 (74 — 82) 4209.2335 RKM 170

SMPGB 1706 SMPGB-C 1706 170 3.1 — 3.6 (80 — 91) 4209.2336 RKM 170

SMPGB 1707 SMPGB-C 1707 170 3.5 — 3.9 (89 — 100) 4209.2337 RKM 170

SMPGB 1708 SMPGB-C 1708 170 3.9 — 4.2 (98 — 107) 4209.2400 RKM 170

SMPGB 3622 — 362 3.1 — 3.5 (80 — 88) 4209.2378 RKM 362

SMPGB 3623 — 362 3.4 — 3.7 (86 — 95) 4209.2379 RKM 362

SMPGB 3624 — 362 3.7 — 4.1 (93 — 103) 4209.2380 RKM 362

SMPGB 3625 — 362 4 — 4.4 (101 — 111) 4209.2381 RKM 362

SMPGB 3626 — 362 4.3 — 4.7 (109 — 120) 4209.2382 RKM 362

* For lead and poly Al-sheathed cable, add Pb (lead) or PAL (poly Al) to the type designation (Ex. SMPGB 1701 Pb, SMPGB 1701 PAL).

XLPE Diameter
Voltage ø Inches (mm)
min max
123 1.9 (48) 2.4 (62)

170 2.4 (61) 4.2 (107)

362 3.1 (80) 4.7 (120)

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Cables and Accessories
HV Cable Accessories


GIS Plug-In Termination EHSVS

The Type EHSVS pluggable compact sealing end is suitable for connecting
XLPE-insulated, high-voltage cables to SF6 gas-insulated switchgear. This
pluggable termination, with its short overall length and a completely dry, solid
insulation, is simple and safe to install and requires absolutely no maintenance.
The socket insulator and cable plug connector are the essential elements of
the compact connection system. The socket insulator is made of high-quality
epoxy resin and forms part of the gas-insulated switchgear.
Medium-voltage cables up to 45 kV
 XLPE insulation
 XLPE insulation, halogen-free, flame-retardant (FRNC cables)
Cabled instrument tubings
For pneumatic and hydraulic measuring, control, and regulation systems
XLPE-insulated overhead conductors
 Medium-voltage up to 30 kV
Power cables with integrated optical fibers
 Medium- and high-voltage cables: Fibers for temperature measurement or
data transmission
High and extra-high voltage cable systems
 XLPE cables up to 550 kV
 Accessories for all kinds of applications: Outdoor terminations, SF6
Transmission and Substation Systems

switchgear terminations,Transformer terminations, Joints,Transition joints

 Emergency cables/Field installation cables (XLPE)
 Prefabricated cable links


 Connection piece with dimensions in The EHSVS will fit in all types
accordance with IEC 859 of gas-insulated switchgear.
 Pluggable current contact
 Socket insulator in epoxy resin
 Stress cone in silicone rubber
 Spring assembly
 Inlet with inner spring assembly
 Cable screen

Sourced through
 ABB Inc.
Greensburg, PA

Type A/B Type C
Conductor Cross-Section* 185 — 2000 mm 95 — 800 mm2
Rated Voltage 110/132/150 kV 60/110 kV

Max. Permissible Operating Voltage 123/145/170 kV 72.5/123 kV

Lightning Impulse Level 550/650/750 kV 325/550 kV

*The lower and upper limits of the conductor cross-section range depend on the rated voltage class involved.

Type A Type B Type C

72.5 kV — — 95 mm2 — 800 mm2
123 kV 185 mm2 — 1000 mm2 1200 mm2 — 2000 mm2 185 mm2 — 800 mm2
145 kV 240 mm2 — 1000 mm2 1200 mm2 — 2000 mm2 —

170 kV 300 mm2 — 800 mm2 1000 mm2 — 2000 mm2 —


 Cable accessories
• Heat shrinkable tubes
• Heat shrinkable joints for low-voltage cables
• Slip-on accessories made of silicon rubber for XLPE insulated medium-
voltage cables: indoor terminations, outdoor terminations, joints, plug-
in terminations, and accessories for connections to metal-enclosed,
and gas-insulated switchgears
• Transition joints
• Accessories for paper-insulated, medium-voltage cables: Indoor
terminations, outdoor terminations, and joints
• Prefabricated cable links
• Tools for installation of accessories

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.



Transmission and Substation Systems


Power Quality

 Power Quality Apparatus


 Specialty Capacitors

 Capacitor Fuses

Power Quality
 Power Quality Apparatus  Capacitor Fuses
Reactive Power Compensation Indoor
Harmonic Filter System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 CLN, 600 V, Current-Limiting,
MINICOMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452 Non-Indicating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
SVC-Q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454 CLC, Current -limiting, 1.2 - 3.0 kV . . . . . . . 482
SVC Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455 CIL, Current-Limiting, Expulsion
Dynamic UPS (DUPS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456 (Metal-Enclosed Equipment) . . . . . . . . . . 483
Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) . . . . . . . . . . . 457
Power Quality Customer Support . . . . . . . . . . 458
CXP, High-Voltage, Expulsion . . . . . . . . . . . 485
COL, Current-Limiting, Expulsion . . . . . . . . 487
CLXP, High-Energy, Current-Limiting,
Capacitor Units Expulsion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
Capacitor Unit Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460
Single-Phase Capacitor Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
Capacitor Banks
Open-Stack Substation Capacitor Bank . . . 465
Pole-Mounted Capacitor Bank . . . . . . . . . . 466
Metal-Enclosed Capacitor Bank
SIKAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
Harmonic Filter Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470

 Specialty Capacitors
Surge Capacitors
Type ESG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
Three-Phase Units
Type HKW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
Assembled Banks
Type HKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
Induction Heating and Melting Applications . . . 477
Spectrum Power Electronic Capacitors
Metallized Technology Range
Type ESF and ESR for DC Applications . . 478

Power Quality Apparatus

Large, rapidly varying loads such as compressor motors,

welders, and electric arc furnaces cause voltage fluctua-
tions (flickers) and harmonics on utility power systems.
The primary cause of voltage fluctuations is reactive
power drawn on a weak power system. Harmonics are
generated by non-linear loads such as solid-state motor
drives and electric arcs. The MiniComp® and SVC Light®
are an active means of mitigating flickers and harmonics
for both utilities and industrial facilities.

Faults on utility systems result in voltage sags, swells,

and momentary outages on end-user systems. These types
of events have been shown as the predominant cause
of process interruptions in automated manufacturing
facilities. ABB has several products available to alleviate
momentary voltage problems at utility distribution
voltage (4.16 — 34.5 kV). The process for choosing the
optimal system should involve consideration of the type
of power quality problem, sensitivity of the load, and
engineering economics.

Ratings Voltage Voltage Harmonic Flicker Interruption Sag & Swell
(MVA) (kV) Regulation Mitigation Suppression Protection Mitigation

Harmonic Filters 0.5 — 20 4.16 — 34.5 Yes Yes No No No

® 1 — 20 0.480 — 34.5 Yes Yes Yes No No
SVC-Q 20 and up 4.16 — 34.5 Yes Yes Yes No No
® 20 and up 4.16 — 34.5 Yes Yes Yes No No
SVC Light
Dynamic UPS (DUPS) 1 — 100 4.16 — 34.5 No No Yes Yes Yes

Dynamic Voltage
1 — 100 4.16 — 34.5 No No No No Yes
Restorer (DVR)

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Quality Apparatus
Reactive Power Compensation


Harmonic Filter Systems

Non-linear loads such as variable speed drives (VSDs),
rectifiers, or other electronic loads can cause harmonic
currents to flow in the power system. Harmonics
are often associated with overheating transformers,
capacitor bank failures, nuisance protective relay trips,
or common operational problems with sensitive loads
close to the harmonics source.
In addition to causing harmonic distortion in the system
voltage, non-linear loads often operate with a poor power
factor. This can result in utility penalties and voltage
depressions on a weak system.
To improve power factor on a non-linear load and reduce
utility surcharges, capacitor systems must include a tun-
ing reactor. Untuned power factor correction capacitors
can actually amplify a harmonic by creating a resonant
Tuned capacitors provide a low impedance path for
harmonic currents generated by non-linear loads. This
reduces distortion in the voltage waveform, alleviating
most or all of the other problems associated with
harmonic distortion.
Live-open rack design. Most economic
ABB can provide filter system services from analysis to configuration for large filter banks.
commissioning. Upon identification of a harmonics or
power factor problem, ABB can assist with expertise in
electrical and civil design, component selection, testing,
and commissioning.


ABB’s harmonic filter systems are offered with a
wide variety of options and configurations. The Optional Hardware
following features are all basic to all filter systems:  High-pass resistor
 Indoor or outdoor installation  Ground switch
 Single or double wye  Disconnect switch
 All components air-cooled  Phase imbalance protection
Power Quality

 Controls in NEMA 4 Cabinet  “SIKAP” enclosure


Sourced through
 ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC

Metal-Enclosed Design. Best suited for smaller kvar

banks, indoor installations, or space constraints.

SIKAP Design. Specially designed for harsh environ-

ments. Units are metal-enclosed and self-enclosed.
Safety Switch

Vacuum Breaker PF Power Factor

(Synchronous Closing)
Reactor  0.5 to 20+ MVAr
P Protection
System  4.16 to 34.5 kV
Switch  Tuning to 5th, 7th, 11th,
or 13th harmonic, typical

Typical single line diagram for a harmonic filter system.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Quality Apparatus
Reactive Power Compensation


A MINICOMP provides voltage compensation by offering a rapidly
variable source of reactive power. The MINICOMP delivers reactive
power close to the load, thereby reducing the reactive power
supplied by the power system. MINICOMP output is adjusted on a
cycle-by-cycle basis, which is normally faster than the demands of
an electromechanical load. The net result is a significant reduction
in voltage flicker.
Two MINICOMP configurations are available. For applications from
1 to 6 MVAr, a voltage source converter (VSC) is used as a variable
source of reactive power. Applications from 6 to 20 MVAr use a
thyristor-controlled reactor (TCR) to control reactive power output.
Both configurations can utilize fixed or switched capacitors to
achieve the required level of compensation.


VSC Hardware
 Outdoor, walk-in enclosure
 Outdoor, padmounted  ±1 MVAr VSC Modules
 Air- or water-cooled  Switched Shunt Capacitor Bank
 Flexible control system  Interfacing transformer (5 to 35 kV)
 Master control system
TCR Hardware
 Suppresses voltage flickering
 Regulates voltage continuously  6 to 20 MVAr TCR
 Mitigates harmonics  Tuned Capacitor Bank
 Improves power factor  Transformer (as needed)
 Allows large variable loads to be served  Master control system
from existing lines
 Offers alternative to installing higher
voltage lines and substations

Power Quality

 480 — 34.5 kV Direct Connect
 1 — 20 MVAr Output

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 ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC

Medium-Voltage Bus

480 V

VSC. Outdoor enclosure for controls and Fixed DC
power electronics. Capacitor
Bank VSC

Typical bus configuration for a MINICOMP using a VSC.

Medium-Voltage Bus

Optional PT


Tuned, Fixed
Capacitor Bank
Water Cooled TCR Valve. MINICOMP solutions Valve and
requiring 6 to 20 MVAr of compensation use
a thyristor-controlled reactor (TCR) and fixed
capacitor bank.

Typical one-line diagram of a MINICOMP using a TCR.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Quality Apparatus
Reactive Power Compensation

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                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
SVC-Q +919-856-2392

SVC-Q is a reactive power compensation

system primarily for electric arc furnaces
(EAF) and large rolling mills.
To achieve optimum performance, an
arc furnace requires a stable and steady
voltage supply. SVC-Q compensates for
the random variations in reactive power
demand from an EAF. The net result is an
improvement in EAF utilization.
SVC-Q uses a thyristor-controlled reactor
(TCR) and fixed capacitor banks. The
banks are split into two or more branches,
and reactors are used to achieve the
proper tuning characteristics.

Utility PCC
Furnace bus
 Higher furnace-busbar voltage:
• Shorter melt times
• Reduced energy losses
• Reduced specific electrode Tuned capacitors
consumption Valve and
• Reduced specific refractory wear EAF Ladle reactor
 Improved power factor:
Furnace SVC-Q
• Avoid utility penalties
• Use existing electrical equipment
more effectively Possible EAF-bus configuration with SVC-Q.
 Voltage stabilization and
harmonics reduction:
• Minimize disturbances in nearby
electrical equipment AC Furnace
• Reduce misoperation of
protective devices S S C / EAF SS C > 80 No compensation
• Extend motor life by reducing 80 > S S C / EAF S S C > 40 SVC-Q
negative sequence currents
S S C / EAF S S C < 40 SVC Light
Power Quality

DC Furnace
S S C / EAF SS C > 60 No compensation
60 > S S C / EAF S S C > 30 SVC-Q
Furnace Bus Voltage

Net Power Increase

With SVC-Q S S C / EAF S S C < 30 SVC Light

No Compensation The type of compensation needed for a particular

EAF site can be estimated from the table above.
Short circuit capacity (SSC ) and EAF short circuit
rating are both in MVA.

Reactive Power Compensation

Designed by
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
SVC Light® +919-856-2392

Static Var Compensators have been used

to improve electric arc furnace perform-
ance for many years. The unbalanced,
erratic nature of an electric arc furnace
causes radical swings in reactive power
demand, which can ultimately result
in irritating electric lamp flicker to
neighboring utility customers. SVC Light
improves furnace productivity similar
to a traditional SVC and offers superior
voltage flicker mitigation.
Existing mills forced to reduce production
due to utility flicker concerns can benefit
from the superior flicker suppression of
SVC Light. In addition, more green field Utility PCC
sites can be considered for arc furnaces
since SVC Light can alleviate flicker even
on weaker areas of utility systems.
The basis for SVC Light is a DC-to-AC
voltage source converter that uses pulse
width modulation (PWM). Superior flicker AC
mitigation is achieved by utilizing the fast DC
speed of response (<1 ms) of SVC Light to EAF LF
continuously compensate rapid electric SVC Light
furnace variations.
Possible EAF-bus configuration with SVC Light
converter and capacitors.

90 75%
Advantages 70 60%
 Superior flicker suppression 50
40 30%
 Stabilizes furnace bus voltages 30 20%
 Shorter melt times 20
 Reduces electrode consumption 0

 Refractory savings

 Lower energy losses 6


 Eliminates power factor 5

penalty charges 4
EAF in *) SVC Light in operation
 Small footprint
Pst (10 min)


*) *) *)
 Relocatable 2.5





















































Time/ Date

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Quality Apparatus

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                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
Dynamic UPS (DUPS) +919-856-2392

The DUPS is the premier device for

protecting a sensitive load from voltage
sags, swells, and outages. The DUPS pro-
vides protection against voltage sags and
interruptions for a specified period of
time. Operation of a DUPS is as follows:
If the utility feeder voltage falls below
a user-defined set point, the solid-state
switch disconnects the load from the
Mains Load
utility, and a power electronic converter
provides the necessary AC voltage. The Solid
disconnect and converter output opera- Switch
tions take less than 1 ⁄ 4 cycle which Converter
experience shows is fast enough to keep
Energy Storage
sensitive loads from dropping out. The
control system continuously monitors the
utility voltage and reconnects the critical
load when the utility voltage has returned
to a user-defined specification. In addition,
the DUPS can be installed in conjunction
DUPS Scheme
with back-up generators.


 Additional ride-through capability
 Battery energy storage
 Alternate energy storage
 One-minute ride-through (SMES, Flywheel, etc.)
 IGCT solid-state converter  Integrated, long-term energy supply
 Converter topology and control based on system (diesel generator, micro-turbine,
existing motor drive technology and fuel cells)

 Fewer unplanned process interruptions
 Rating: 1 — 100 MVA
 Better equipment and asset utilization
 Voltage: 4.16 — 34.5 kV
 Superior quality
Power Quality

 Detection and operation:

 Less scrapped or wasted material 3 — 4 milliseconds
 Improved productivity
 Less downtime

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                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) +919-856-2392

The DVR is a power-quality solution for voltage sags and swells. This
system is series-connected and mitigates voltage sags by injecting the
“missing” voltage during a disturbance. DVR response time is less than
1 millisecond. By compensating for only the “missing” part of a voltage
sag, a DVR converter and energy storage can be of significantly lower
rating than a DUPS protecting the same load. The actual converter
rating is determined by the voltage boost necessary to restore a
worst-case voltage sag back to an acceptable range.

 Voltage regulation within ITIC
(formerly CEBEMA)
 Individual phase regulation
 Subcycle response
 Capacitor energy storage
 Solid-state, IGCT converter OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES
 Converter topology and control based on  Alternate energy storage (SMES, flywheel, and
existing motor drive technology ultra-capacitors)
 10 to 30 cycle ride-through  Containerized, outdoor installation
 Indoor installation  Air conditioning
 Bypass and disconnect switchgear
 Rating: 1 — 100 MVA
 Voltage: 4.16 — 34.5 kV
For utilities:
 Boost capability: 20% — 100% of nominal
 Improved load factor
 Detection and operation: 1 millisecond
 Fewer customer complaints
 Additional revenue with “premium” Booster Transformer
rate structure Mains Load
 Better customer satisfaction in a
deregulated environment
For industrial users: Converter
 Fewer unplanned process interruptions Energy Storage
 Better equipment and asset utilization
 Superior quality
 Less scrapped or wasted material
 Improved productivity
DVR Scheme
 Less downtime

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Power Quality Apparatus
Power Quality Customer Support

Provided by
                                    ABB Inc.
The Dalles, Oregon
Beyond the purchase and execution phase,
ABB is committed to support projects after
they are commissioned. This commitment
includes technical, administrative, and coordi-
nation support to all Power Systems’ projects
throughout the useful equipment lifetime.
After sales, service and support from ABB
Power Systems provides comprehensive
maintenance services, including:
 Engineering and maintenance support
 Spare parts
 Preventive maintenance
 Corrective maintenance
 Emergency repairs
A unique advantage of the ABB service and
support organization is that its engineers
have been involved in the construction
and commissioning phases of the projects
they support. As a result, the engineers
providing support have a detailed knowledge
of system operation. In addition, this experi-
ence enables a fast response when technical
and administrative assistance is needed.
ABB can also provide training programs, tech-
nical audits, and continuous on-site services to
keep systems operating at optimum efficiency.
Power Quality


ABB capacitors provide power suppliers and power

purchasers with a simple and economical means for:
 increasing system capacity
 maintaining system voltage
 providing var support
 reducing system power losses
 correcting load power factor
 avoiding power factor penalties
 enhancing power quality

ABB offers high-voltage capacitors for power systems

rated 2.4 kV to 765 kV. All capacitors are manufactured
to the international quality standard of ISO 9001 and
14001 covering environmental, development, repair,
and product design.

Product kvar Features
Range (kV)

All-film capacitors for applications including shunt

2.4 — 24.9 50 — 1000 capacitors, harmonic filtering, series compensation,
Capacitor Unit

Open-Stack Substation Offers an economical way to apply large blocks of

2.4 — 765 300 and above
Capacitor Bank three-phase reactive power (kvar) to a power system

Pole-Mounted Provides an economical way to apply capacitors

2.4 — 34.5 150 — 3600
Capacitor Bank to a distribution feeder system

4.16 — 34.5 300 and above Designed for distribution substation applications
Capacitor Bank

Harmonic Filter Reduces harmonic content and generates

2.4 — 34.5 150 and above
Systems reactive power

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Capacitor Units

Manufactured at
                                   ABB Inc.
Quebec, QC, Canada
Capacitor Unit Technologies +418-650-9224

Only ABB has the experience to offer the best A capacitor bank’s protection system plays
protection technology for every application. a critical role in preventing capacitor failures
Through many years of extensive R&D efforts from causing substantial damage to other
and experience, ABB has developed reliable equipment or the capacitor bank itself. Part of
capacitor unit and bank designs utilizing all that protection is the inherent characteristics
three (3) of today’s technologies. of each of the capacitor technologies. Each
technology is described below.

 Externally Fused Concept  Internally Fused Concept
This technology has been the technology of choice When it comes to internally fused capacitors,
in North America for over 70 years due to its sim- ABB is recognized as the world leader with over
plicity. The bank design consists of many capacitor 50 years of experience. The internal fuses are
units connected in parallel. Each unit has its own current-limiting fuses in action. One fuse is con-
fuse to disconnect a failed capacitor unit from the nected in series with each element within the
bank. Once a capacitor unit is removed, an over- capacitor. They are designed and coordinated to
voltage on the remaining parallel capacitors results. isolate internal faults at the element level and
This overvoltage must be limited to a maximum allow continued operation of the remaining ele-
value of 110% voltage, or the bank must be tripped ments of that capacitor unit. This results in a very
offline. Concerns with excessive parallel energy small part of the capacitor being disconnected;
and fuse limitations require the capacitors to be therefore, the capacitor and the bank remain in
relatively small (average of 200 kvar). Although service. The fundamental concept is that by
the external fuses provide a visual indication of dividing a large system into small, individually
a failure, banks tend to occupy more substation protected elements, the overall reliability is greatly
space, are more expensive, have many live parts enhanced. Advantages include higher reliability,
subject to possible damage by animals, and have less space, lower installation and maintenance
higher installation and maintenance costs. costs, and fewer live parts. This design is particu-
larly suited to harmonic filter applications.
 Fuseless Concept
This concept was developed by ABB in the 1980s
and is a result of the high reliability of today’s all- Maintenance Tools
film dielectric where capacitor case ruptures are a ABB has developed optionally available tools to
rare event. The internal design of fuseless capaci- assist in the maintenance of fuseless, internally
tors (many elements in series) combined with the fused, and externally fused open-stack substation
method by which the banks are connected (many capacitor banks.
“strings” of capacitor units in series), account
 Capacitor Handling Device—allows safe, easy
for this design’s excellent performance. A bank
handling during removal and installation of large
containing failed elements will operate continuously
Power Quality

capacitors (for ABB Open-Stack Banks only) and

and withstand switching transients without
lightweight aluminum.
rupturing the capacitor case. This is possible due
to a strong welding of the two foil electrodes  CB10 Portable Capacitance Bridge—testing
within the failed element; therefore, diminishing device for easy measurement of capacitance
the possibility of continued arcing. Extensive field without disconnecting the capacitor leads
experience has conclusively proven that fuseless within the capacitor bank; operates on 120 V
capacitor banks are highly reliable. Compared or 240 V power supply.
to other technologies, fuseless banks are most
effectively applied at 46 kV and above. Advantages
include reduced cost, less space, fewer live parts,
vermin resistant, lower losses, and lower installation

and maintenance costs.


Single-Phase Capacitor Unit

ABB all-film capacitors provide high quality and

reliable service for a wide range of capacitor
applications including shunt capacitors, harmonic
filtering, series compensation, SVC, HVDC, and more.
Extensive dielectric research and development efforts
have resulted in a design that significantly reduces
partial discharge. ABB capacitors meet the applicable
ANSI/IEEE Standard 18 and NEMA CP1. CSA or IEC
standards can also be supplied. In addition, ABB’s
quality system is certified ISO 9001.

 Nameplate with micro-farad value (exclusive)
 Nameplate positioned for easy reading
(exclusive) ABB distinguishes between Normal Duty and
 Sand-blasting before painting for superior Heavy Duty applications of power capacitors.
paint adhesion (exclusive) Our line of Normal Duty Capacitors meet IEEE
Standard 18 and NEMA CP1 and are suited for
 Long lasting two-coat, epoxy, oven-cured externally fused shunt applications. Similarly,
paint process (exclusive) our line of Heavy Duty Capacitors meet IEEE
 Folded foil electrodes for reduced partial Standard 18 and NEMA CP1 but are also designed
discharge generation to pass a Transient Overvoltage Endurance Test
 Extended foil soldering for superior adhesion at - 40°C. Heavy Duty Capacitors are ideal for
and higher current withstand capability fuseless shunt and harmonic filter applications.
 Durable solid terminal studs that prevent leaks As capacitors for series compensation, SVC and
HVDC banks usually comply with other standards
—normal or heavy duty capacitors may not be
suitable for such applications (please consult
with your local ABB sales representative).


 Wildlife protectors for bushings
 Adapter brackets for matching
existing “C” dimension

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.



Single-Phase Capacitor Unit

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights

Bushing BIL 95 kV 150 kV 200 kV

Bushing Creep Inches (mm) 15.00 (381) 23.62 (600) 30.70 (780)

Dim. “E” Inches (mm) 8.50 (216) 11.62 (295) 14.00 (356)

Dim. “C” Inches (mm) 14.25 (362) 17.40 (442) 19.75 (502)

Case Size: S150 S175 S200 S225 S250 S275 S300 S325 S350 S375 S400 S425 S450
1 Bushing 31 35 39 43 47 51 54 58 62 66 70 74 78
Weight Lbs. (kg)* (14) (16) (18) (20) (21) (23) (25) (26) (28) (30) (32) (34) (35)
2 Bushings 35 39 43 47 51 55 58 62 66 70 74 78 82
Weight Lbs. (kg)* (16) (18) (20) (21) (23) (25) (26) (28) (30) (32) (34) (35) (37)
Dim. “A” 6.3 7.2 8.2 9.2 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0
Inches (mm) (160) (183) (208) (234) (254) (279) (305) (330) (356) (381) (406) (432) (457)
Dim. “B” 5.90 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88
Inches (mm) (150) (175) (175) (175) (175) (175) (175) (175) (175) (175) (175) (175) (175)
Dim. “F” 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50
Inches (mm) (140) (140) (140) (140) (140) (140) (140) (140) (140) (140) (140) (140) (140)

Case Size: S475 S500 S525 S550 S575 S600 S625 S650 F500 F525 F550 F575 F600
1 Bushing 81 85 89 93 97 101 105 109 109 114 119 124 129
Weight Lbs. (kg)* (37) (39) (40) (42) (44) (46) (48) (50) (50) (52) (54) (56) (59)
2 Bushings 85 89 93 97 101 105 109 113 113 118 123 128 133
Weight Lbs. (kg)* (39) (40) (42) (44) (46) (48) (50) (51) (51) (54) (56) (58) (60)
Dim. “A” 19.0 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.0 24.0 25.0 26.0 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.0 24.0
Inches (mm) (483) (508) (533) (559) (584) (610) (635) (660) (508) (533) (559) (584) (610)
Dim. “B” 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88
Inches (mm) (175) (175) (175) (175) (175) (175) (175) (175) (175) (175) (175) (175) (175)
Dim. “F” 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00
Inches (mm) (140) (140) (140) (140) (140) (140) (140) (140) (178) (178) (178) (178) (178)
*Approximate weight based on 150 kV BIL bushing ±6 lbs.

15.63" 15.63"
SLOT 0.50" (12.7) X
(397) (397)
0.69" (17.5)


8.66" 8.66" M–16

Power Quality

(220) (220) THREAD

#8 SOLID TO 2/0
C± 1.00" (25.4) C± 1.00" (25.4) STRANDED CONDUCTOR


13.50" (343) 13.50" (343) F

17.00" (432) 17.00" (432) F + 0.50"


Single Bushing, Externally Fused Design, Single-Phase, 60 Hz — 50 kvar to 600 kvar
50 kvar 100 kvar 150 kvar 200 kvar
Unit BIL Case Size Case Size Case Size Case Size
Catalog No. Catalog No. Catalog No. Catalog No.
Voltage kV Normal/Heavy Normal/Heavy Normal/Heavy Normal/Heavy
1 Bushing 1 Bushing 1 Bushing 1 Bushing
2400 E0050C0240 S150/S150 E0100C0240 S175/S175 E0150C0240 S225/S225 E0200C0240 S275/S275
2770 E0050C0277 S150/S150 E0100C0277 S200/S200 E0150C0277 S275/S275 E0200C0277 S350/S350
4160 E0050C0416 S150/S150 E0100C0416 S150/S175 E0150C0416 S200/S225 E0200C0416 S250/S275
4800 E0050C0480 S150/S150 E0100C0480 S175/S175 E0150C0480 S225/S225 E0200C0480 S275/S275
6640 E0050C0664 S150/S150 E0100C0664 S175/S175 E0150C0664 S225/S250 E0200C0664 S275/S300
7200 E0050C0720 S150/S150 E0100C0720 S175/S175 E0150C0720 S225/S225 E0200C0720 S275/S275
7620 E0050C0762 S150/S150 E0100C0762 S150/S175 E0150C0762 S200/S225 E0200C0762 S250/S275
7960 E0050C0796 S150/S150 E0100C0796 S150/S175 E0150C0796 S200/S225 E0200C0796 S250/S275
8320 95 E0050C0832 S150/S150 E0100C0832 S150/S175 E0150C0832 S200/S225 E0200C0832 S250/S275
9540 E0050C0954 S150/S150 E0100C0954 S150/S175 E0150C0954 S200/S225 E0200C0954 S250/S275
9960 E0050C0996 S150/S150 E0100C0996 S175/S175 E0150C0996 S225/S225 E0200C0996 S250/S275
11,400 E0050C1140 S150/S150 E0100C1140 S150/S175 E0150C1140 S200/S225 E0200C1140 S250/S275
12,000 E0050C1200 S150/S150 E0100C1200 S150/S175 E0150C1200 S200/S225 E0200C1200 S250/S275
12,470 E0050C1247 S150/S150 E0100C1247 S150/S175 E0150C1247 S200/S225 E0200C1247 S250/S275
13,280 E0050C1328 S150/S150 E0100C1328 S175/S175 E0150C1328 S225/S225 E0200C1328 S275/S275
13,800 E0050C1380 S150/S150 E0100C1380 S175/S175 E0150C1380 S200/S225 E0200C1380 S250/S275
14,400 E0050C1440 S150/S150 E0100C1440 S175/S175 E0150C1440 S200/S225 E0200C1440 S275/S300
13,280 E0050E1328 S150/S150 E0100E1328 S175/S175 E0150E1328 S225/S225 E0200E1328 S275/S300
13,800 E0050E1380 S150/S150 E0100E1380 S175/S175 E0150E1380 S225/S225 E0200E1380 S275/S300
14,400 E0050E1440 S150/S150 E0100E1440 S175/S175 E0150E1440 S225/S250 E0200E1440 S275/S300
15,125 E0050E1513 S150/S150 E0100E1513 S175/S175 E0150E1513 S225/S250 E0200E1513 S275/S300
17,200 E0050E1720 S175/S175 E0100E1720 S175/S175 E0150E1720 S225/S225 E0200E1720 S275/S300
19,920 150 E0050E1992 S175/S175 E0100E1992 S175/S175 E0150E1992 S225/S250 E0200E1992 S275/S300
20,800 E0050E2080 S175/S175 E0100E2080 S175/S175 E0150E2080 S225/S250 E0200E2080 S275/S300
21,600 — — — — E0150E2160 S225/S225 E0200E2160 S275/S300
22,800 — — — — E0150E2280 S225/S250 E0200E2280 S275/S300
23,800 — — — — E0150E2380 S225/S225 E0200E2380 S275/S300
24,940 — — — — E0150E2494 S225/S250 E0200E2494 S275/S300

300 kvar 400 kvar 500 kvar 600 kvar

Unit BIL Case Size Case Size Case Size Case Size
Catalog No. Catalog No. Catalog No. Catalog No.
Voltage kV Normal/Heavy Normal/Heavy Normal/Heavy Normal/Heavy
1 Bushing 1 Bushing 1 Bushing 1 Bushing
2400 — — — — — — — —
2770 — — — — — — — —
4160 — — — — — — — —
4800 E0300C0480 S375/S400 — — — — — —
6640 E0300C0664 S400/S425 E0400C0664 S500/S525 — — — —
7200 E0300C0720 S375/S400 E0400C0720 S475/S500 E0500C0720 S575/S625 — —
7620 E0300C0762 S350/S400 E0400C0762 S450/S500 E0500C0762 S550/S625 — —
7960 E0300C0796 S350/S400 E0400C0796 S450/S500 E0500C0796 S550/S600 — —
8320 95 E0300C0832 S350/S400 E0400C0832 S450/S500 E0500C0832 S500/S625 — —
9540 E0300C0954 S375/S400 E0400C0954 S450/S500 E0500C0954 S550/S625 E0600C0954 F525/F575
9960 E0300C0996 S375/S375 E0400C0996 S475/S500 E0500C0996 S550/S600 E0600C0996 F525/F550
11,400 E0300C1140 S350/S400 E0400C1140 S450/S500 E0500C1140 S550/S625 E0600C1140 F525/F550
12,000 E0300C1200 S350/S400 E0400C1200 S450/S525 E0500C1200 S550/S625 E0600C1200 F525/F575
12,470 E0300C1247 S350/S400 E0400C1247 S450/S500 E0500C1247 S550/S625 E0600C1247 F500/F575
13,280 E0300C1328 S350/S400 E0400C1328 S475/S500 E0500C1328 S550/S625 E0600C1328 F525/F575
13,800 E0300C1380 S350/S400 E0400C1380 S450/S500 E0500C1380 S550/S625 E0600C1380 F500/F575
14,400 E0300C1440 S350/S400 E0400C1440 S475/S525 E0500C1440 S550/S625 E0600C1440 F500/F575
13,280 E0300E1328 S375/S400 E0400E1328 S475/S525 E0500E1328 S575/S625 E0600E1328 F525/F575
13,800 E0300E1380 S375/S400 E0400E1380 S475/S525 E0500E1380 S575/S625 E0600E1380 F525/F575
14,400 E0300E1440 S375/S425 E0400E1440 S475/S525 E0500E1440 S575/S650 E0600E1440 F525/F600
15,125 E0300E1513 S375/S400 E0400E1513 S475/S525 E0500E1513 S575/S625 E0600E1513 F525/F575
17,200 E0300E1720 S375/S400 E0400E1720 S475/S525 E0500E1720 S575/S625 E0600E1720 F525/F575
19,920 150 E0300E1992 S375/S400 E0400E1992 S475/S500 E0500E1992 S575/S625 E0600E1992 F525/F575
20,800 E0300E2080 S375/S400 E0400E2080 S475/S525 E0500E2080 S575/S625 E0600E2080 F525/F600
21,600 E0300E2160 S375/S400 E0400E2160 S475/S525 E0500E2160 S575/S625 E0600E2160 F525/F575
22,800 E0300E2280 S375/S400 E0400E2280 S475/S525 E0500E2280 S550/S650 E0600E2280 F525/F600
23,800 E0300E2380 S375/S400 E0400E2380 S475/S525 E0500E2380 S575/S625 E0600E2380 F550/F575
24,940 E0300E2494 S375/S400 E0400E2494 S475/S525 E0500E2494 S575/S650 E0600E2494 F525/F575

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.


Manufactured at
                                   ABB Inc.
Quebec City, Canada
Single-Phase Capacitor Unit +418-650-7629

Double Bushing, Externally Fused Design, Single-Phase, 60 Hz — 50 kvar to 600 kvar

50 kvar 100 kvar 150 kvar 200 kvar

Unit BIL Case Size Case Size Case Size Case Size
Catalog No. Catalog No. Catalog No. Catalog No.
Voltage kV Normal/Heavy Normal/Heavy Normal/Heavy Normal/Heavy
2 Bushings 2 Bushings 2 Bushings 2 Bushings

2400 E0050D0240 S150/S150 E0100D0240 S175/S175 E0150D0240 S225/S225 E0200D0240 S275/S275

2770 E0050D0277 S150/S150 E0100D0277 S200/S200 E0150D0277 S275/S275 E0200D0277 S350/S350
4160 E0050D0416 S150/S150 E0100D0416 S150/S175 E0150D0416 S200/S225 E0200D0416 S250/S275
4800 E0050D0480 S150/S150 E0100D0480 S175/S175 E0150D0480 S225/S225 E0200D0480 S275/S275
6640 E0050D0664 S150/S150 E0100D0664 S175/S175 E0150D0664 S225/S250 E0200D0664 S275/S300
7200 E0050D0720 S150/S150 E0100D0720 S175/S175 E0150D0720 S225/S225 E0200D0720 S275/S275
7620 E0050D0762 S150/S150 E0100D0762 S150/S175 E0150D0762 S200/S225 E0200D0762 S250/S275
7960 E0050D0796 S150/S150 E0100D0796 S150/S175 E0150D0796 S200/S225 E0200D0796 S250/S275
8320 95 E0050D0832 S150/S150 E0100D0832 S150/S175 E0150D0832 S200/S225 E0200D0832 S250/S275
9540 E0050D0954 S150/S150 E0100D0954 S150/S175 E0150D0954 S200/S225 E0200D0954 S250/S275
9960 E0050D0996 S150/S150 E0100D0996 S175/S175 E0150D0996 S225/S225 E0200D0996 S250/S275
11,400 E0050D1140 S150/S150 E0100D1140 S150/S175 E0150D1140 S200/S225 E0200D1140 S250/S275
12,000 E0050D1200 S150/S150 E0100D1200 S150/S175 E0150D1200 S200/S225 E0200D1200 S250/S275
12,470 E0050D1247 S150/S150 E0100D1247 S150/S175 E0150D1247 S200/S225 E0200D1247 S250/S275
13,280 E0050D1328 S150/S150 E0100D1328 S175/S175 E0150D1328 S225/S225 E0200D1328 S275/S275
13,800 E0050D1380 S150/S150 E0100D1380 S175/S175 E0150D1380 S200/S225 E0200D1380 S250/S275
14,400 E0050D1440 S150/S150 E0100D1440 S175/S175 E0150D1440 S200/S225 E0200D1440 S275/S300
13,280 E0050F1328 S150/S150 E0100F1328 S175/S175 E0150F1328 S225/S225 E0200F1328 S275/S300
13,800 E0050F1380 S150/S150 E0100F1380 S175/S175 E0150F1380 S225/S225 E0200F1380 S275/S300
14,400 E0050F1440 S150/S150 E0100F1440 S175/S175 E0150F1440 S225/S250 E0200F1440 S275/S300
15,125 E0050F1513 S150/S150 E0100F1513 S175/S175 E0150F1513 S225/S250 E0200F1513 S275/S300
17,200 E0050F1720 S175/S175 E0100F1720 S175/S175 E0150F1720 S225/S225 E0200F1720 S275/S300
19,920 E0050F1992 S175/S175 E0100F1992 S175/S175 E0150F1992 S225/S250 E0200F1992 S275/S300

300 kvar 400 kvar 500 kvar 600 kvar

Unit BIL Case Size Case Size Case Size Case Size
Catalog No. Catalog No. Catalog No. Catalog No.
Voltage kV Normal/Heavy Normal/Heavy Normal/Heavy Normal/Heavy
2 Bushings 2 Bushings 2 Bushings 2 Bushings

2400 — — — — — — — —
2770 — — — — — — — —
4160 — — — — — — — —
4800 E0300D0480 S375/S400 — — — — — —
6640 E0300D0664 S400/S425 E0400D0664 S500/S525 — — — —
7200 E0300D0720 S375/S400 E0400D0720 S475/S500 E0500D0720 S575/S625 — —
7620 E0300D0762 S350/S400 E0400D0762 S450/S500 E0500D0762 S550/S625 — —
7960 E0300D0796 S350/S400 E0400D0796 S450/S500 E0500D0796 S550/S600 — —
8320 95 E0300D0832 S350/S400 E0400D0832 S450/S500 E0500D0832 S500/S625 — —
9540 E0300D0954 S375/S400 E0400D0954 S450/S500 E0500D0954 S550/S625 E0600D0954 F525/F575
9960 E0300D0996 S375/S375 E0400D0996 S475/S500 E0500D0996 S550/S600 E0600D0996 F525/F550
11,400 E0300D1140 S350/S400 E0400D1140 S450/S500 E0500D1140 S550/S625 E0600D1140 F525/F550
12,000 E0300D1200 S350/S400 E0400D1200 S450/S525 E0500D1200 S550/S625 E0600D1200 F525/F575
12,470 E0300D1247 S350/S400 E0400D1247 S450/S500 E0500D1247 S550/S625 E0600D1247 F500/F575
Power Quality

13,280 E0300D1328 S350/S400 E0400D1328 S475/S500 E0500D1328 S550/S625 E0600D1328 F525/F575

13,800 E0300D1380 S350/S400 E0400D1380 S450/S500 E0500D1380 S550/S625 E0600D1380 F500/F575
14,400 E0300D1440 S350/S400 E0400D1440 S475/S525 E0500D1440 S550/S625 E0600D1440 F500/F575
13,280 E0300F1328 S375/S400 E0400F1328 S475/S525 E0500F1328 S575/S625 E0600F1328 F525/F575
13,800 E0300F1380 S375/S400 E0400F1380 S475/S525 E0500F1380 S575/S625 E0600F1380 F525/F575
14,400 E0300F1440 S375/S425 E0400F1440 S475/S525 E0500F1440 S575/S650 E0600F1440 F525/F600
15,125 E0300F1513 S375/S400 E0400F1513 S475/S525 E0500F1513 S575/S625 E0600F1513 F525/F575
17,200 E0300F1720 S375/S400 E0400F1720 S475/S525 E0500F1720 S575/S625 E0600F1720 F525/F575
19,920 E0300F1992 S375/S400 E0400F1992 S475/S500 E0500F1992 S575/S625 E0600F1992 F525/F575

Capacitor Banks

Manufactured at
                                   ABB Inc.
Quebec, QC, Canada
Open-Stack Substation Capacitor Bank +418-650-9224

1200 kvar and above, 2.4 kV — 765 kV

60 or 50 Hz, Outdoors
ABB’s open-stack shunt capacitor banks
offer an economical way to apply large
blocks of three-phase reactive power (kvar)
to a power system. Capacitor units are single-
phase, all-film dielectric, and connected for
three-phase operation. Racks are factory-
assembled from galvanized steel or aluminum
for strong support and maximum resistance to
corrosion. A complete line of accessories is
available for customizing designs in order
to meet specific requirements. ABB offers
reliable protection utilizing externally fused,
fuseless, or internally fused technology to
suit the most demanding applications. These
banks meet the applicable ANSI/IEEE, CSA, OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES
or IEC standards. In addition, ABB’s quality  Available unit designs:
system is certified ISO 9001. • Externally Fused
• Internally Fused
• Fuseless
STANDARD FEATURES  Galvanized steel or aluminum racks
 Long life, all-film, low-loss  Edge-mounted or upright-mounted (capacitors)
capacitor units rack design
 Faradol biodegradable dielectric fluid  Elevating support structure
 Folded foil electrodes for reduced  Extra creepage on insulators and/or capacitor bushings
partial discharges  Switching—Oil or vacuum
 Designed and tested per IEEE  Circuit breaker switching for full protection capability
Standard 18 and NEMA CP1
 Soft switching with synchronous closing control
 Galvanized steel racks for superior
 In-rush, current-limiting reactors for
strength and resistance to corrosion
back-to-back switching
 Factory-assembled and wired racks
 CTs and PTs for unbalanced protection schemes
 Vertical or edge-mounted
 Complete unbalance protection package
 Ground switch, gang, or hook-stick operated type
 Disconnect switch
 Key interlock system
 Surge protection arresters
 Seismic analysis for special applications
 Capacitor lifting device for large units to
facilitate maintenance
 ABB CB -10 Portable Test Device for locating a failed
capacitor unit without disconnecting unit leads (can
be used with externally fused, internally fused, and
fuseless designs)

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.



Pole-Mounted Capacitor Bank

ABB pole-mounted capacitor banks provide an economical

way to apply capacitors to a distribution feeder system.
These banks are pre-wired, factory assembled, and shipped
ready for installation. Banks are fixed or switched-type
and utilize all-film, single-phase capacitors connected for
three-phase operation. ABB capacitors meet the applicable
ANSI/IEEE, CSA, or IEC standards. In addition, ABB’s quality
system is ISO 9001 certified.


 Insulated conductors
 PVC junction box (UV protected) OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES
 Wildlife protectors to insulate terminals  Switching—Oil or vacuum, junction box,
of capacitor, switch, arrester, and CPT and cable assembly with 5-pin connector
 Normal duty type capacitors  Control Transformer—0.5 kVA
(specify larger, if required)
 Surge Protection—MOV-type
lightning arresters
 Switching Controller—time, temp, voltage,
var, etc.
 Self-standing frame
 Anti-sway device

 Voltage Rating: 2.4 kV — 34.5 kV
 kvar Rating: 150 — 3600 kvar
 Rack Type: In-line, welded structural aluminum
 Capacitors: All-film, single-phase,
Power Quality

low-loss dielectric
 Wiring: Factory pre-wired and assembled


Recommended Group Fusing


kvar System kV (Line-to-Line)
2.4 4.16 4.8 7.2 8.32 12.47 13.2 13.8 14.4 21.6 23.0 23.9 24.9 34.5
150 40K 20K 20K 12T 10T 8T 8T 6T 6T 6T 6T 6T 6T 6T
300 100K 40K 40K 25K 20T 15T 12T 12T 12T 8T 8T 8T 8T 8T
450 — 65K 50K 40K 30K 20T 20T 20T 20T 12T 12T 10T 10T 10T
600 — — 80K 50K 40K 25K 25K 25K 25K 20T 20T 15T 15T 12T
900 — — — 80K 65K 40K 40K 40K 40K 25K 25K 25K 20T 15T
1200 — — — — — 50K 50K 50K 50K 40K 30T 30K 30K 20T
1350 — — — — — 65K 65K 65K 50K 40K 40K 40K 30K 20T
1500 — — — — — 80K 65K 65K 65K 40K 40K 40K 40K 25T
1800 — — — — — — — 100K 80K 50K 50K 50K 40K 30T
2100 — — — — — — — — — 65K 50K 50K 50K 40T
2400 — — — — — — — — — 65K 65K 65K 65K 40T
2700 — — — — — — — — — 100K 80K 65K 65K 50K
3000 — — — — — — — — — — — 100K 80K 50K
3300 — — — — — — — — — — — — 100K 50T
3600 — — — — — — — — — — — — — 65K


kvar System kV (Line-to-Line)
2.4 4.16 4.8 7.2 8.32 12.47 13.2 13.8 14.4 21.6 23.0 23.9 24.9 34.5
150 40K 20T 20T 12T 10T 8T 8T 6T 6T 6T 6T 6T 6T 6T
300 65K 40K 40K 25K 20T 12T 12T 12T 12T 10T 8T 8T 8T 6T
450 — 65K 50K 40K 30K 20T 20T 20T 20T 12T 10T 10T 10T 10T
600 — — 65K 50K 40K 25K 25K 25K 25K 20T 15T 15T 15T 10T
900 — — — 65K 65K 40K 40K 40K 40K 25K 20T 20T 20T 15T
1200 — — — — — 50K 50K 50K 50K 30K 30T 25T 25T 20T
1350 — — — — — 65K 50K 50K 50K 40K 40K 30K 30K 20T
1500 — — — — — 65K 65K 65K 65K 40K 40K 40K 30T 25T
1800 — — — — — — 80K 80K 80K 50K 50K 40K 40T 30T
2100 — — — — — — — — — 50K 50K 50K 50K 30T
2400 — — — — — — — — — 65K 65K 50K 50K 40T
2700 — — — — — — — — — 65K 65K 65K 65K 50K
3000 — — — — — — — — — — 80K 80K 65K 50K
3300 — — — — — — — — — — — — 80K 50T
3600 — — — — — — — — — — — — — 65K

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.


Manufactured at
                                   ABB Inc.
Quebec City, Canada
Pole-Mounted Capacitor Bank +418-650-7629, press 2

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights

Bushing Dimensions Inches (mm) — See Figure 4

95/110 8.5 (215) 15 (375) 35.43 (900)

125/150 11.6 (295) 16.25 (413) 36.68 (932)

170/200 14 (355) 20 (508) 40.43 (1027)

Approximate Weight
Lbs. (kg)

Rack Capacitor Alum. Oil Junction Control

Size (each) Rack Switches Box Transformer

3-Unit * 13 (5.90) 120 (54.48) 3.5 (40.41) 90 (41)

6-Unit * 17 (7.72) 120 (54.48) 3.5 (40.41) 90 (41)

9-Unit * 32 (14.53) 120 (54.48) 3.5 (40.41) 90 (41)

* Approximate capacitor unit weight:
50 kvar: 35 lbs. each 150 kvar: 50 lbs. each 300 kvar: 70 lbs. each
100 kvar: 40 lbs. each 200 kvar: 55 lbs. each 400 kvar: 85 lbs. each

Figure 1: Typical 3-unit rack, 125 kV BIL Figure 2: Typical 6-unit rack, 125 kV BIL
Oil switches and PT shown Oil switches and PT shown
Power Quality

Figure 3: Typical 9-unit rack, 125 kV BIL Figure 4: Typical side view
Oil switches and PT shown

Metal-Enclosed Capacitor Bank

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Quebec, QC, Canada
SIKAP +418-650-9224

SIKAP is a dead-front capacitor bank designed for

distribution substation applications. Available in ratings
of 5, 15, and 28 kV up to 28.8 Mvar, this unique, compact
design comes completely factory-assembled and tested
in a heavy duty, outdoor metal enclosure, ready to be
secured to its foundation. It’s almost as simple as “plug-
ging it in.” The enclosed design provides protection
against accidental contact by humans, animals, birds, etc.
No fencing or other type of external barrier is required
in the substation.
SIKAP is a self-cooled, low maintenance bank, with no
requirements for fans, heaters, or air filters, thus reducing
downtime and operation and maintenance costs. SIKAP
is often less than one-half the size of a conventional
externally fused bank, permitting its installation in
locations where space is at a premium.
SIKAP utilizes internally fused capacitors for greater
availability and reliability. Should a capacitor element
fail, that element is isolated from others within the
individual unit, resulting in a very small capacitance
change. This feature makes the SIKAP design, with its
internally fused capacitors, even more valuable for
harmonic filter applications.
A simple protection scheme, provided with the SIKAP,
will monitor element failures and provide protective
bank alarm and trip signals to the main assembly
switching device.


 Outdoor-design metal enclosure  Top bushing entry
 Compact configuration  Safety ground switch
 CT for unbalance protection  Switching—Oil or vacuum
 Bottom cable entry: 2- or 4-hole NEMA pads  Multiple step configurations
 Low-maintenance design  In-rush, current-limiting reactors for
 Cost effective back-to-back switching
 Var or current controller for power
factor correction
 Harmonic filtering designs available

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.


Manufactured at
                                   ABB Inc.
Harmonic Filter Systems Quebec, Canada
Modern industrial processes place high demands on +514-856-6266
electric power supply quality. Many of the loads on
power systems such as variable speed drives, welding
equipment, converters, rectifiers, and arc furnaces
generate harmonics. Some of the problems that may
occur due to excessive harmonic currents are:
 overheating of motors, transformers, and cables
 overloading and failure of untuned capacitors
 damage or malfunctioning electronic equipment
 voltage fluctuations and interruptions
Tuned harmonic filters eliminate these problems
by reducing the harmonic content and generating
reactive power.

Open-Stack Filter Bank
 Harmonic Filter Systems
 Externally fused or internally fused available APPLICATIONS
 Tuning reactors: air-core or iron-core available  DC arc furnace and rolling mills
 Open-stack or metal-enclosed  Rectifiers for electrochemical and
 Multiple branches electrowinning processes
 Indoor and outdoor banks  Pulp and paper mills
 Variable speed drive systems
ABB Services Provided  Electric utilities
 As part of Power Quality Solutions
 Fully guaranteed system solution
 Harmonic measurements
 Filter analysis and design OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES
 Equipment specification  Protection and control
 Supply of filter equipment  Metal-enclosed capacitor and reactor
 Filter startup and commissioning  Switched capacitor
 Turnkey installation  Synchronized switching devices

ABB Experience
Power Quality

ABB has over 50 years of experience in the area

of harmonic studies, equipment specification, and
design and manufacture of harmonic filters.
ABB has supplied harmonic filters to industries
worldwide with installations on all continents.
With leading edge, internally fused capacitor
technology, ABB can obtain sharper harmonic
frequency tuning tolerances than with conventional
externally fused technology. This is particularly
crucial for high-pulse rectifier drives and both SIKAP Dead-Front Filter Bank

AC and DC arc furnaces.

Specialty Capacitors

ABB’s Specialty Capacitors are used in a

diverse range of applications from power
quality to induction heating and melting.
Common to each Specialty Capacitor is a
design and manufacturing process that
results in the customers receiving a prod-
uct that meets their specific technical and
economic needs.

The increased reliability of modern power Specialty Capacitors are designed and
systems is paramount. As end-user expecta- manufactured to enhance the performance
tions of power quality become greater, the and safety of electrical plants.
importance of capacitors has increased.
The range of Specialty Capacitors available
The advancement of power semiconductor include surge capacitors, three-phase
technology has also required capacitors capacitors, capacitor assemblies, induction
with high energy density, low inductance heating and melting application capacitors,
and low loss characteristics. and spectrum power electronic capacitors.

Product µF/kvar/kj Features
Range (kV)

0.08 — 0.75 µF High reliability; Insulation protection

Surge Capacitors 2.4 — 24
on rotating machines and transformers

Low loss dielectric;

Three-Phase Capacitors 2.4 — 4.8 25 — 300 kvar
Power factor correction

Low loss dielectric units with dust-proof

Capacitor Assemblies 2.4 — 4.8 25 — 1200 kvar cover and stud mounted fuses; Power factor

Induction Heating and Melting Low loss dielectric;

Up to 3 Up to 400 kvar
Applications Capacitors Comprehensive range

Spectrum Power High energy density; Low inductance;

Up to 50 Up to 15 kj
Electronic Capacitors DC capacitors

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Specialty Capacitors
Surge Capacitors


Type ESG

Surge Capacitors are designed to modify the steep

fronted waves and prevent damage to the turn-to-
turn insulation of rotating machines and transformers.
It is advisable to use surge arresters together with
the surge capacitor units to form a comprehensive
protective package (please contact your ABB sales
representative for further information). Standard rat-
ings and dimensions are shown here; however, special
requirements can be accommodated on an extended
The ESG capacitors are built for the most demanding
conditions and offer:
 High transient voltage withstand
 Long life design
 Low loss dielectric
 Rugged construction


 All-film low loss dielectric  Low-loss polypropylene film and
 Faradol Non-PCB insulating fluid aluminum foil
 Indoor or outdoor mounting  Non-PCB dielectric fluid—
 Mount in any position: upright, side, or inverted
 Discharge resistors to reduce the
 Internal discharge resistors
residual voltage to less than 50 V
 Hermetically sealed unit in 5 minutes of de-energization
 Designed for indoor/outdoor use
with an ambient temperature range
of -40°C to +46°C
 Stainless steel case
 ANSI 70 light gray paint

Surge protection for:
 Large motors and generators
Power Quality

 MV Switchgear and Motor Control Centers

 Large transformers

Sourced through
 ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
+1-877-519-8800 (sales)
+1-877-511-4222 (service)
Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
All dimensions and weights are approximate. Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).

Rated No. of µ Per Figure
A B Weight
Voltage Poles Pole Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Lbs. (kg)

ESG3180A01 7200/4160 3 0.500 2 7.09 (180) — 42 (19)

ESG3180A02 7200 1 0.500 3 4.45 (113) 8.46 (215) 22 (10)

ESG3180A03 13,800 1 0.250 3 6.02 (153) 8.46 (215) 26 (12)

ESG3180A04 24,000 1 0.130 3 9.17 (233) 11.61 (295) 40 (18)

ESG3180A05 24,000 1 0.083 3 10.04 (255) 11.61 (295) 50 (23)

ESG3180A06 14,400 2 0.500 4 11.14 (283) 8.46 (215) 49 (22)

ESG3180A07 4160/2400 3 0.500 1 7.09 (180) — 22 (10)

ESG3180A09 13,800/7960 3 0.250 2 11.02 (280) — 49 (22)

ESG3180A15 13,800 1 0.750 3 10.75 (273) 8.46 (215) 46 (21)

Figure 1 Figure 2 1.54

4.5 4.5 (39.12)
(114.3) (114.3) 15.98 (405.89)

4.84 8.74 10.28
(28.45) (122.94)
(222) (261.11)


13.5 (342.9)
15.625 (396.88) 13.5 (342.9)
5.43 15.625 (396.88) 5.43
16.812 (427.02)
(137.92) (137.92)
16.812 (427.02)

Figure 3 Figure 4
8.66 8.66
(219.96) 1.54 (219.96) 1.54
(39.12) (39.12)
B B 7.72


13.5 (342.9)
13.5 (342.9)
15.825 (401.96) 5.43
15.825 (401.96) 5.43
16.812 (427.02) 16.812 (427.02) (137.92)

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Specialty Capacitors
Three-Phase Units

Sourced through
                                 ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
Type HKW +1-877-519-8800 (sales)
+1-877-511-4222 (service)
The HKW units are three-phase industrial power
capacitors with standard ratings of 25 to 300 kvar in
either 2400 V, 4160 V, or 4800 V. Other kvar outputs and
voltages are available upon request. HKW capacitor units
meet or exceed all applicable requirements of NEMA
CP1 and ANSI/IEEE 18 for high-voltage capacitors.

 Low-loss polypropylene film and aluminum foil
 Non-PCB dielectric fluid — FARADOL 600
 Discharge resistors to reduce the residual voltage
to less than 50 V in 5 minutes of de-energization
.5 (12.7) unc Thread
 Designed for indoor use with an ambient
temperature range of -40°C to +46°C 4.5 4.5
(114.3) (114.3)
 Stainless steel case 4.8
 ANSI 70 light gray paint
 Available with top cover on request or with B
top cover and 3-line fuses (Type HKE) A

13.5 (342.9)
Standard Design Dimensions and Weights 15.625 (396.88) 5.43
All dimensions and weights are approximate. 16.812 (427.02)
Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).

Output Reference Reference Reference A B Weight

(kvar) 2400 V 4160 V 4800 V Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Lbs. (kg)

25 HKW24025 HKW41025 HKW48025 6.42 (163) 12.04 (294) 35 (16)

50 HKW24050 HKW41050 HKW48050 6.42 (163) 12.04 (294) 35 (16)

75 HKW24075 HKW41075 HKW48075 8.00 (203) 12.84 (313) 37 (17)

100 HKW24100 HKW41100 HKW48100 8.78 (223) 13.62 (332) 42 (19)

112.5 HKW24112 HKW41112 HKW48112 9.57 (243) 14.41 (352) 46 (21)

125 HKW24125 HKW41125 HKW48125 10.35 (263) 15.19 (371) 49 (22)

137.5 HKW24137 HKW41137 HKW48137 11.14 (283) 15.98 (390) 53 (24)

Power Quality

150 HKW24150 HKW41150 HKW48150 11.54 (293) 16.30 (398) 55 (25)

175 HKW24175 HKW41175 HKW48175 13.10 (333) 17.94 (438) 64 (29)

200 HKW24200 HKW41200 HKW48200 14.29 (363) 19.13 (467) 68 (31)

225 — HKW41225 HKW48225 15.87 (387) 20.70 (505) 75 (34)

250 — HKW41250 HKW48250 17.44 (426) 22.27 (543) 83 (37)

275 — HKW41275 HKW48275 19.02 (464) 23.85 (582) 90 (41)

300 — HKW41300 HKW48300 19.80 (483) 24.63 (601) 94 (42)


Assembled Banks


Type HKE

All HKE assemblies include:

 1 to 4 Three-Phase Capacitor Units
type ‘HKW’, depending on the total
kvar output
 Direct stud-mounted fuses (1⁄ 2" UNC)
1 per phase 17.125 (434.98) C

 Bushing enclosure and cover 4.5 4.5

(114.3) (114.3) 8.0 (203.2)

Assemblies are dust-proof and

HKW capacitor units meet or exceed .5 (12.7)
unc Thread
all applicable requirements of NEMA
CP1 and ANSI/IEEE 18 for high-
voltage capacitors. B

Power Factor Correction for: A

 Industrial Plants
 Commercial Facilities
13.5 (342.9)
 OEM Equipment Requiring 15.625 (396.88) 5.43 5.43 5.43 5.43
(137.92) (137.92)
Power Factor Correction (137.92) (137.92)

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
All dimensions and weights are approximate. Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).

Part Part A B C Approx.

Rated No. of Unit
Number Number Inches Inches Inches Weight
(kvar) Units (kvar)
2400 V* 4160 V* (mm) (mm) (mm) Lbs. (kg)

HKE24025 HKE41025 25 1 25 6.42 (163) 23.2 (589) 9.125 (232) 51 (23)

HKE24050 HKE41050 50 1 50 6.42 (163) 23.2 (589) 9.125 (232) 51 (23)

HKE24075 HKE41075 75 1 75 8.00 (203) 24.8 (630) 9.125 (232) 53 (24)

HKE24100 HKE41100 100 1 100 8.78 (223) 25.5 (648) 9.125 (232) 58 (26)

HKE24125 HKE41125 125 1 125 10.35 (263) 27.1 (688) 9.125 (232) 65 (29)

HKE24150 HKE41150 150 1 150 11.54 (293) 27.9 (709) 9.125 (232) 71 (32)

HKE24175 HKE41175 175 1 175 13.10 (333) 29.9 (759) 9.125 (232) 80 (36)

HKE24200 HKE41200 200 1 200 14.29 (363) 31.0 (787) 9.125 (232) 84 (38)

HKE24225 — 225 2 112.5 9.57 (243) 26.3 (668) 17.125 (435) 119 (54)
— HKE41225 225 1 225 15.87 (403) 32.65 (829) 9.125 (232) 91 (41)
*Available in 4.8 kV (continued on next page)

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Specialty Capacitors
Assembled Banks Sourced through
                                 ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
Type HKE +1-877-519-8800 (sales)
+1-877-511-4222 (service)

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
All dimensions and weights are approximate. Dimensions are specified in inches (mm).

Part Part A B C Approx.

Rated No. of Unit
Number Number Inches Inches Inches Weight
kvar Units kvar
2400 V* 4160 V* (mm) (mm) (mm) Lbs. (kg)

HKE24250 — 250 2 125 10.35 (263) 27.10 (688) 17.125 (435) 125 (56)
— HKE41250 250 1 250 17.44 (443) 33.31 (846) 9.125 (232) 99 (45)

HKE24275 — 275 2 137.5 11.14 (283) 27.60 (701) 17.125 (435) 133 (60)
— HKE41275 275 1 275 19.02 (483) 34.89 (886) 9.125 (232) 106 (48)

HKE24300 — 300 2 150 11.54 (293) 27.90 (709) 17.125 (435) 137 (62)
— HKE41300 300 1 300 19.80 (503) 35.67 (906) 9.125 (232) 110 (50)

HKE24350 HKE41350 350 2 175 13.10 (333) 29.90 (759) 17.125 (435) 155 (70)

HKE24400 HKE41400 400 2 200 14.29 (363) 31.00 (787) 17.125 (435) 163 (73)

HKE24450 — 450 3 150 11.54 (293) 27.90 (709) 25.125 (638) 203 (91)
— HKE41450 450 2 225 15.87 (403) 32.65 (829) 17.125 (435) 177 (80)

HKE24500 — 500 4 125 10.35 (263) 27.10 (688) 33.125 (841) 245 (110)
— HKE41500 500 2 250 17.44 (443) 33.31 (846) 17.125 (435) 193 (87)

HKE24550 — 550 4 137.5 11.14 (283) 27.60 (701) 33.125 (841) 261 (117)
— HKE41550 550 2 275 19.02 (483) 34.89 (886) 17.125 (435) 207 (93)

HKE24600 — 600 3 200 14.29 (363) 31.00 (787) 33.125 (841) 242 (109)
— HKE41600 600 2 300 19.80 (503) 35.67 (906) 17.125 (435) 215 (97)
— HKE41675 675 3 225 15.87 (403) 32.65 (829) 25.125 (638) 263 (118)

HKE24700 — 700 4 175 13.10 (333) 29.90 (759) 33.125 (841) 305 (137)
— HKE41750 750 3 250 17.44 (443) 33.31 (846) 25.125 (638) 282 (127)

HKE24800 — 800 4 200 14.29 (363) 31.00 (787) 33.125 (841) 321 (144)
— HKE41835 835 3 275 19.02 (483) 34.89 (886) 25.125 (638) 308 (139)
Power Quality

— HKE41900 900 3 300 19.80 (503) 35.67 (906) 25.125 (638) 320 (144)
— HKE411000 1000 4 250 17.44 (443) 33.31 (846) 33.125 (841) 381 (171)
— HKE411100 1100 4 275 19.02 (483) 34.89 (886) 33.125 (841) 409 (184)
— HKE411200 1200 4 300 19.80 (503) 35.67 (906) 33.125 (841) 425 (191)
*Available in 4.8 kV

Sourced through
                                 ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
Induction Heating and Melting Applications +1-877-519-8800 (sales)
+1-877-511-4222 (service)
ABB offers a competitive product for power frequency
(50 or 60 Hz) and voltages up to 3600 V. All units are
manufactured as standard or custom designed to best
suit the installation.

 All capacitor units meet IEC 60 110 or are equipped with internal element fuses
VDE 0560 Part 9. to ensure that at the end of life only the
 FLMD capacitors are based upon the world- defective element is disconnected and the
wide established non-impregnated, metallized, remaining elements continue operating. Both
dielectric, low-voltage Advance range. Each capacitor units are provided with internally
capacitor element has an internal fuse to dis- connected discharge resistors to reduce
connect the element at the end-of-life failure. the residual voltage to less than 50 V within
This allows the remaining elements to 5 minutes of de-energization. The capacitor
continue operating while extending the unit case is stainless steel and is painted with a
life. Discharge resistors are fitted to reduce waterborne 2 - component epoxy containing
the residual voltage to less than 50 V within micaceous iron oxide and color pigment.
1 minute of de-energization. The capacitor Designed for indoor use only.
case is Zinc Electroplated Mild steel and is  All capacitor units have FKB Power frequency
painted with a waterborne, 2 - component and water-cooled capacitors with low-loss,
epoxy containing micaceous iron oxide and all-film dielectric. The units have internal
color pigment. Designed for indoor use only. element fuses as standard. The capacitor case
 FKD/FKC air-cooled capacitor units are an is aluminum plain, unpainted with dead-case,
extremely reliable low-loss range for induction and has a dead-water connection. Designed
melting and heating applications. FKD units for indoor use only.

Range of Products
Description Type Suitability

No Impregnant
Metallized air-cooled units FLMD 60 Hz, 500 V

Liquid Impregnant
Film/Foil air-cooled units with internal fuses FKD 60 Hz, 3000 V

Film/Foil air-cooled units without internal fuses FKC 60 Hz, 3600 V

Film/Foil water-cooled units with internal fuses FKB 60 Hz, 3000 V

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Specialty Capacitors
Spectrum Power Electronic Capacitors

Sourced through
                                 ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
Metallized Technology Range +1-877-519-8800 (sales)
Type ESF and ESR for DC Applications +1-877-511-4222 (service)

With the advancement of Power Semi-Conductor technology

the requirements for capacitors has changed dramatically,
and new markets are constantly emerging for these devices.
Our ongoing R&D program is focused on enhancing current
products while looking to the future for new applications
and techniques.
The benefits of choosing Spectrum are:
 High-energy density
 Low weight and volume
 Less than 30 nH inductance for necessary applications
 Oil- or resin-filled
 High ambient temperature withstand
 Suitable for mounting in any direction
 Fully vibration tested
 High ripple current ratings
 Advanced manufacturing techniques
 Manufactured above IEC standards

Technology Typical DC applications for our Spectrum
Power Electronic Capacitors are:
Our current metallized capacitor units utilize specific
self-healing, self-fusing designs to achieve a high reliability  Traction drives
device that is capable of withstanding a variety of operating  Static frequency converters
and environmental conditions. Our capacitors are manufac-  Advanced AVCs
tured in a number of formats to the customer’s requirements,
 Integrated power converters
including extremely low inductance units. Each capacitor is
conditioned to maintain its performance over the customer’s  Dynamic voltage restorers
required working life, at full-rated conditions. During their  Inverter drives
extensive life, our capacitors need minimum maintenance
and will not deteriorate electrically beyond
customer specifications.
Power Quality

Capacitor Fuses

Capacitor fuses are definite purpose fuses

specifically designed for protecting power
capacitors. ABB offers a full range of capacitor
fuses that are designed and tested to adhere to
NEMA, IEEE, and IEC standards.

The design features and manufacturing

techniques for ABB capacitor fuses are a result
of more than 50 years of experience applying
fuses for power capacitor installations.

Fuses are available for indoor/outdoor and

low-/high-voltage applications.

Voltage Rated Interrupting Capability Discharge
Type Rating Current Capability Type
(kV) (A) lind (kA) lcap (kA) Kilojoules
CLN 0.6 25 — 225 200 N/A 25 Current-Limiting

1.2 25 — 175 115 1.25 50 Current-Limiting

1.8 25 — 175 40 1.25 80 Current-Limiting

CLC 2.5 25 — 75 35 1.25 80 Current-Limiting

3.0 25 — 130 35 1.25 100 Current-Limiting

4.3/2.5 25 — 75 60 1.25 80 Current-Limiting

5.5 15 — 65 40 2.90 77 Combination

8.3 8 — 40 60 2.90 75 Combination

15.5 6 — 25 90 0.80 88 Combination

23.0 15 60 N/A 50 Combination

(continued on next page)

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Capacitor Fuses


Voltage Rated Interrupting Capability Discharge

Type Rating Current Capability Type
(kV) (A) lind (kA) lcap (kA) Kilojoules

9.7 6 — 100 10.0 1.9 30 Expulsion

CXP 16.6 6 — 50 5.0 2.1 30 Expulsion

26.2 6 — 50 2.5 0.8 30 Expulsion

2.8 25 — 80 40.0 2.9 85 Combination

5.5 15 — 65 40.0 2.9 77 Combination

COL 8.3 8 — 40 60.0 2.9 75 Combination

15.5 6 — 25 90.0 2.3 88 Combination

23.0 6 — 20 60.0 0.8 50 Combination

2.5 15 — 33 0.0 > 1.4 No Limit Combination

5.0 8 — 33 0.0 > 1.4 No Limit Combination

8.0 6 — 33 0.0 > 1.4 No Limit Combination

CLXP 10.0 15 — 33 0.0 > 1.4 No Limit Combination

15.0 10 — 33 0.0 > 1.4 No Limit Combination

20.0 8 — 33 0.0 > 1.4 No Limit Combination

25.0 8 — 33 0.0 > 1.4 No Limit Combination

Power Quality


Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Greensboro, NC
CLN, 600 V, Current-Limiting, Non-Indicating +407-732-2000

The Type CLN Fuse is a 600 Volt, full-range, current-limiting capacitor

fuse. It is designed for indoor use or in an enclosure, protected from
outdoor weather conditions. The primary application of these fuses
is individual unit fusing of low-voltage, single- and three-phase capaci-
tors in metal enclosed equipment. These fuses are current-limiting,
non-indicating, and non-disconnecting.

Fuse Style

Rating Interrupting
Style Number
(A) Capacity (A)
25 200,000 4991C27A01
50 200,000 4991C27A02
75 200,000 4991C27A03
100 200,000 4991C27A04
125 200,000 4991C27A05
150 200,000 4991C27A06
175 200,000 4991C27A07
200 200,000 4991C27A08
225 200,000 4991C27A09

Fuse Current Ratings (For typical applications) Standard Design
Dimensions and Weights
Single-Phase Units Three-Phase Units
For complete dimensions,
1-Phase 3-Phase contact your nearest ABB
240 V 480 V 600 V 240 V 480 V 600 V
(kvar) (kvar)
Sales Representative and
2.5 25 A 2.5 25 A request Technical Data
5.0 50 25 A 5.0 25 25 A Selection Guide 38-852.

7.5 50 25 25 A 7.5 50 25 25 A
10.0 75 50 50 10.0 50 50 25
15.0 125 50 50 15.0 75 50 25
20.0 150 75 75 20.0 100 50 50
25.0 175 100 75 25.0 100 50 50
30.0 100 100 30.0 75 50
35.0 125 100 35.0 75 75
40.0 150 125 40.0 100 75
45.0 175 125 45.0 100 75
50.0 175 150 50.0 100 100
60.0 200 175 60.0 125 100

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Capacitor Fuses

Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Greensboro, NC
CLC, Current-Limiting, 1.2 — 3.0 kV +407-732-2000

The Type CLC Fuse is a full-range (partial-range for 4.3/2.5 kV

ratings), current-limiting capacitor fuse. It is designed for indoor
use or in an enclosure, protected from outdoor weather con-
ditions. CLC fuses are available in 1200, 1800, 2500, 3000 V,
and 4.3/2.5 kV ratings. The primary application of these fuses
is individual unit fusing of low-voltage, single- and three-phase
capacitors in metal-enclosed equipment. The 1200, 1800,
and 3000 V ratings are current-limiting, indicating, and non-
disconnecting. The 2500 V and 4.3/2.5 kV ratings are current-
limiting, non-indicating, and non-disconnecting.

Fuse Style
Rating Interrupting Style Rating Interrupting Style
(A) Capacity (A) Number (A) Capacity (A) Number
1200 V, Indicating 2500 V, Non-Indicating
25 115,000 4989C12A21 25 35,000 4989C13A01
50 115,000 4989C12A22 50 35,000 4989C13A02
75 115,000 4989C12A23 75 35,000 4989C13A03
100 115,000 4989C12A24 3000 V, Indicating
120 115,000 4989C12A25 25 35,000 4989C12A61
135 115,000 4989C12A26 50 35,000 4989C12A62
150 115,000 4989C12A27 75 35,000 4989C12A63
165 115,000 4989C12A28 100 35,000 4989C12A64
175 115,000 4989C12A29 115 35,000 4989C12A65
1800 V, Indicating 130 35,000 4989C12A66
25 40,000 4989C12A41 4.3/2.5 kV, Non-Indicating
50 40,000 4989C12A42 25 60,000 4989C13A06
75 40,000 4989C12A43 50 60,000 4989C13A07
100 40,000 4989C12A44 75 60,000 4989C13A08
120 40,000 4989C12A45

135 40,000 4989C12A46

Power Quality

Selecting Type CLC Fuses

150 40,000 4989C12A47
Single-Phase Units: A rating 1.65 x kvar
165 40,000 4989C12A48 kV
175 40,000 4989C12A49 Three-Phase Units: A rating 1.65 x kvar
√ 3 kV

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
For complete dimensions, contact your nearest ABB Sales

Representative and request Technical Data Selection Guide 38-852.



CIL, Current-Limiting, Expulsion

(Metal-Enclosed Equipment)
The Type CIL Fuse is a full-range, current-limiting, and expulsion capacitor
fuse. It is designed for indoor use only. CIL fuses are available in voltage
classes of 5.5 kV, 8.3 kV, 15.5 kV, and 23 kV. The primary application of
these fuses is individual capacitor unit fusing for metal enclosed equip-
ment. The CIL fuse is current-limiting, indicating, and disconnecting.

Fuse Style

Maximum Continuous NEMA

Current Rating Style Number
Fuse Design Type K
(A) (with Mounting
Voltage Fuse Link
(kV) (A)*
40°C 55°C
5.5 21 18 15 279C420A08
5.5 27 23 20 279C420A09
5.5 34 29 25 279C420A10
5.5 40 34 30 279C420A11
5.5 49 42 40 279C420A12
5.5 56 48 50 279C420A13
5.5 65 55 65 279C420A14
8.3 11 9 8 279C420A16
8.3 14 12 10 279C420A17
8.3 17 14 12 279C420A18
8.3 21 18 15 279C420A19
8.3 26 22 20 279C420A20
8.3 33 28 25 279C420A21
8.3 39 33 30 279C420A22
8.3 47 40 40 279C420A23
15.5 9 8 6 279C420A26
15.5 12 10 8 279C420A27
15.5 14 12 10 279C420A28
15.5 16 14 12 279C420A29
15.5 21 18 15 279C420A30
15.5 26 22 20 279C420A31
15.5 32 27 25 279C420A32
23.0 21 18 15 279C420A40
*Fuse links are rated based on their melting characteristics. They can carry approximately 150% of their rating continuously.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Capacitor Fuses
Indoor Manufactured at
                                   ABB Inc.
Greensboro, NC
CIL, Current-Limiting, Expulsion +407-732-2000
(Metal-Enclosed Equipment)

Fuse Voltage and Current Ratings
Fuse current ratings are based on available fuse styles shown in “Fuse Style Selector Guide.”

Capacitor Voltage Fuse Voltage 50 kvar 100 kvar 150 kvar 200 kvar 300 kvar
Rating (kV) Rating (kV) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A)

2.40 5.5 34 56 — — —

2.77 5.5 27 56 — — —
4.16 5.5 21 34 49 65 —

4.80 5.5 21 34 49 56 —

6.64 8.3 11 21 33 47 —

7.20 8.3 11 21 33 39 —

7.62 8.3 11 21 33 39 —

7.96 8.3 11 17 26 39 —

8.32 15.5 9 16 26 32 —

9.96 15.5 9 14 21 32 —

12.47 15.5 9 12 16 26 32

13.28 15.5 — 12 16 21 32

13.80 15.5 — 12 16 21 32

14.40 15.5 — 9 14 21 32

19.92 23.0 — — — 21 21

21.60 23.0 — — — 21 21

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights

For complete dimensions, contact your nearest ABB Sales Representative
and request Technical Data Selection Guide 38-852.
Power Quality



CXP, High-Voltage, Expulsion

The Type CXP Fuse is an expulsion fuse. It is designed for outdoor
use only. CXP fuses exist in voltage classes of 8 kV, 15/20 kV, and
25 kV. The primary application of the CXP is to fuse individual
capacitor units in standard outdoor equipment. These fuses
have a parallel energy capability of 30,000 Joules. They are not
normally applied with more than 20,000 Joules of parallel energy,
equivalent to 6000 kvar of capacitors, because of the possibility
of capacitor case rupture. Fuse links are not included with the
CXP; they must be requested.

Fuse Link
Capacitor Unit
50 kvar 100 kvar 150 kvar 200 kvar 300 kvar 400 kvar
Voltage Rating (kV)

2.40 20 40 65 — — —

4.16 12 25 40 50 — —

4.80 10 20 30 40 65 —
6.64 8 15 25 30 50 65
7.20 8 15 20 25 40 50

7.62 6 12 20 25 40 50

7.96 6 12 20 25 40 50
8.32 6 12 20 25 40 50
9.54 6 10 15 20 30 40

9.96 6 10 15 20 30 40

11.40 6 8 12 20 25 40

12.00 6 8 12 15 25 30
12.47 6 8 12 15 25 30
13.28 6 8 12 15 25 30

13.80 6 8 10 15 20 30

14.40 6 8 10 15 20 25

17.20 6 6 8 12 20 25

19.92 6 6 8 10 15 20

20.80 6 6 8 10 15 20

21.60 6 6 8 10 15 20

22.80 6 6 6 8 12 20
23.80 6 6 6 8 12 20
24.94 6 6 6 8 12 15

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Capacitor Fuses
Outdoor Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Greensboro, NC
CXP, High-Voltage, Expulsion +407-732-2000

SELECTOR GUIDE (continued)

Fuse Style

For Aluminum
For Aluminum
Fuse Capacitor Unit Or Copper Bus
Bus Only
Rating Voltage Tin-Plated
(Aluminum End Cap)
(kV) (kV) Brass End Cap
Style Number*
Style Number*

9.7 2.4 — 8.8 IC09100A02 IC09100A01

16.6 8.3 — 15.1 IC09100A04 IC09103A03

26.2 15.1 — 23.8 IC09100A06 IC09100A05

*Styles do not include fuse link.

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
For complete dimensions, contact your nearest ABB Sales
Representative and request Technical Data Selection Guide 38-852.
Power Quality



COL, Current-Limiting, Expulsion

The Type COL Fuse is a full-range, current-limiting capacitor fuse.
It is designed for outdoor use only. COL fuses exist in voltage
classes of 2.8 kV, 5.5 kV, 8.3 kV, 15.5 kV, and 23 kV, and are applied
to individual capacitor units in outdoor stacking equipment. The
COL fuse is current-limiting, indicating, and disconnecting.
The Type COL current-limiting capacitor fuse is a two-part design:
The high-current section interrupts high 60 Hz fault currents and/or
high frequency discharge current from parallel capacitors. The low-
voltage section consists of a standard NEMA type K fuse link mounted
in a fiber tube. The low-current section interrupts fault associated
with progressive failure of the capacitor unit’s dielectric, or 60 Hz
fault current limited by the circuit impedance to low values.

Fuse Voltage and Current Ratings

Fuse Voltage
Voltage 50 kvar 100 kvar 150 kvar 200 kvar 300 kvar 400 kvar
Rating (kV)
Rating (kV)

2.40 2.8 35 65 92 — — —

2.77 2.8 35 54 80 — — —

4.16 5.5 21 34 49 65 — —

4.80 5.5 21 34 49 56 — —

6.64 8.3 11 21 33 47 — —

7.20 8.3 11 21 26 39 — —

7.62 8.3 11 21 33 39 — —

7.96 8.3 11 17 26 39 — —

8.32 8.3 11 17 26 33 — —

9.96 15.5 9 14 21 32 — —

12.47 15.5 9 12 21 26 — —

13.28 15.5 9 12 16 21 32 —

13.80 15.5 9 12 16 21 32 —

14.40 15.5 9 12 16 21 32 —

19.92 23.0 — 8 11 14 21 —

21.60 23.0 — 8 11 14 21 26

22.80 23.0 — 8 11 14 21 26

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights

For complete dimensions, contact your nearest ABB Sales
Representative and request Technical Data Selection Guide 38-852.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Capacitor Fuses
Outdoor Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Greensboro, NC
COL, Current-Limiting, Expulsion +407-732-2000

Fuse Style
Maximum Fuse Continuous NEMA Type K Style Number
Design Voltage Current Rating Fuse Link (with Mounting
(kV) (A) (A)* Hardware)

2.8 35 25 279C410A01
2.8 42 30 279C410A02
2.8 54 40 279C410A03
2.8 65 50 279C410A04
2.8 80 65 279C410A05
2.8 92 80 279C410A06
5.5 21 15 279C410A08
5.5 27 20 279C410A09
5.5 34 25 279C410A10
5.5 40 30 279C410A11
5.5 49 40 279C410A12
5.5 56 50 279C410A13
5.5 65 65 279C410A14
8.3 11 8 279C410A16
8.3 14 10 279C410A17
8.3 17 12 279C410A18
8.3 21 15 279C410A19
8.3 26 20 279C410A20
8.3 33 25 279C410A21
8.3 39 30 279C410A22
8.3 47 40 279C410A23
15.5 9 6 279C410A26
15.5 12 8 279C410A27
15.5 14 10 279C410A28
15.5 16 12 279C410A29
15.5 21 15 279C410A30
Power Quality

15.5 26 20 279C410A31
15.5 32 25 279C410A32
23.0 8 6 279C410A36
23.0 11 8 279C410A37
23.0 14 10 279C410A38
23.0 16 12 279C410A39
23.0 21 15 279C410A40
23.0 26 20 279C410A41
* Based on 35° ambient. Fuse links are rated based on their melting characteristics.

They can carry approximately 150% of their rating continuously.


Manufactured at
                                    ABB Inc.
Greensboro, NC
CLXP, High-Energy, Current-Limiting, Expulsion +407-732-2000

The Type CLXP individual capacitor fuse has a high-energy

capability. It is for application in outdoor capacitor banks
with many parallel capacitor units.
It contains a current-limiting section of the “silversand”
type of construction with an interrupting rating of
60,000 amperes asymmetrical. It can successfully dissipate
the stored energy discharge of any number of parallel
connected capacitors.
In addition, it has a separate low-current interrupting
section similar to the Type CXP fuse.

Fuse Style
Rating Maximum
Style Number
(kV) (A) Link*

174C660A30 5.5 43 65K

174C660A31 6.5 40 40T

4995C51A04 8.3 36 40K

174C660A12 9.3 22 15T

174C660A10 9.3 31 25T

174C660A49 10.5 32 40K

4995C51A07 12.2 28 25T

174C660A32 13.2 29 30T

4995C51A14 14.9 15 10T

4995C51A26 14.9 26 30K

174C660A33 17.4 21 20T

4995C51A23 18.2 20 20K

*Fuse links are rated based on their melting characteristics.
They can carry approximately 150% of their rating continuously.

Standard Design Dimensions and Weights
For complete dimensions, contact your nearest ABB Sales
Representative and request Technical Data Selection Guide 38-852.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.



Power Quality


Information Management
Software and Systems

 Distribution Information Systems

 Business Management Systems

Information Management
Software and Systems
 Distribution Information Systems
CADOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494
FORESITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495
FEEDERALL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496

 Business Management Systems

Central Markets
SABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
Gimsplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
Gatewayplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502
Webmerchantplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
Cougerplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504
Strategistplus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
PACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506
Optimize Portfolio Maintenance Planner. . . . 507
Energy Profiler Online . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
Energy Profiler for Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
Energy BOSS
(Billing Options Support System) . . . . . . . 510
(Electric Validation and Editing Engine). . . 511

Distribution Information Systems

ABB has established a world-wide reputation

in distribution operations, planning, analysis,
and reliability software. Its integrated suite of
distribution software products helps utilities
maximize the benefits of improved coordination
in distribution engineering and operations.

ABB offers real-time information management

of distribution systems, real-time monitoring
and analysis, trouble-call analysis, and outage
management solutions.

Products Description

Electrical distribution analysis and outage management software providing

real-time applications for all electrical distribution operational activities.

Long-range load forecasting for integrated strategic transmission

and distribution planning

FEEDERALL™ Optimization software for distribution engineering analysis planning

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Distribution Information Systems

Developed by
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
CADOPS™ +919-250-5482

CADOPS software gives control room operators

access to data, communications, and advanced applica-
tions needed for efficient distribution management.
CADOPS provides real-time information for all opera-
tional activities, including trouble reports, field crew
actions, and changes to the distribution network. The
system improves customer services while reducing
operations and maintenance costs.


 Provides a dynamic distribution network Interfaces
model for:
 Customer information systems
• Real-time geographic and schematic displays
• Connectivity analysis  Geographic information systems
 Reflects the as-built and as-operated network  Call center and IVRU
Information Management Software and Systems

conditions by individual phases  Work management

 Provides operators and field crews with  Automated metering
equipment attributes on demand  SCADA/EMS
 Stores detailed customer information for  Global positioning and mobile data
easy access
 Offers alternative feeder configurations and
the impact of proposed network changes
 Supports the development and analysis of
switching plans
 Archives all system operations, including:
• SCADA events
• Dispatcher and crew activities
• Trouble reports and outage work orders
 Supports distributed dispatch and call
center operations
 Reallocates work loads between dispatchers
and operations centers
 Runs on industry standard UNIX operating
systems and Windows® NT
 Uses Windows PC-based operator workstations
as well as UNIX


Developed by
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
FORESITE™ +919-250-5482

FORESITE software gives electric utilities the tools and

information needed for long-range load forecasting for
the development of integrated strategic transmission
and distribution expansion plans.
FORESITE generates small-area load forecasts by
simulating the effects and interactions of real-world
factors. Population growth, land-use development,
changes in customer classes, and electric appliance
demand profiles are taken into consideration within
the parameters of planned or existing roadways,
waterways, lakes, protected habitats, and low-lying
areas. By anticipating all of these developments,
FORESITE produces a spatial load forecast and a
least-cost T&D expansion plan that maximizes
utilization of equipment, enhances the economic
match between need and resources, and optimizes
land use.


 Imports and exports data in a variety Interfaces
of formats, including AM/FM, GIS, Census,
and others FORESITE can be installed as a
stand-alone software package or be
 Provides on-screen,“heads-up” digitizing fully integrated with CADOPS systems.
 Digitizes directly from satellite imagery The package runs on Windows NT.
and/or digital area photography
 Offers standard report-writing tools and
presentation-quality graphics
 Exports data for customized reports
 Supports “what if” cost comparisons

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Distribution Information Systems

Developed by
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
FEEDERALL™ +919-250-5482

FEEDERALL software features advanced optimization

algorithms that allow utilities to determine the ideal
system requirements for capacitor siting and sizing,
multi-feeder configuration, feeder reinforcements,
and protective device coordination.With FEEDERALL,
engineers are able to develop alternative configura-
tions and maintain multiple case-study files, which
allow them to analyze various scenarios and track
their implementation.

 Provides accurate modeling and analysis for
the electrical distribution network FEEDERALL can be installed as a
stand-alone software package or be
 Improves capacitor selection and placement
fully integrated with CADOPS systems.
 Analyzes re-conductoring and feeder The package runs on the UNIX operat-
Information Management Software and Systems

reinforcement plans to determine their ing system and Windows NT.

optimal configuration
 Studies alternative feeder reconfiguration
 Evaluates multi-scenario, right-of-way options
 Simplifies development of contingency
switching plans
 Develops and maintains multiple case-study files
 Supports centralized or decentralized planning
and engineering
 Provides proven engineering tools, refined with
20 years of field operation
 Improves coordination of protection equipment

Business Management Systems

ABB is a global leader in a variety of energy-

related fields including business management
systems and network management systems.
ABB has established a strong reputation for
on-time delivery of state-of-the-art systems,
offering IT solutions for energy service providers,
independent system operators, Power Exchanges,
transmission operators, generators, and
distribution companies.

Central Markets
New markets, new players, new rules—change is Energyplus is a comprehensive asset and information
everywhere in the electric power industry today. management solution that provides best-of-class tools
ABB has been an active participant in shaping to develop profitable decisions and to support up-
change in energy markets around the world and to-the-minute information-sharing between virtually
delivers the IT systems that make these new every component of today’s GenCo enterprise
markets work. from plant to cash. Management, Power Plants,
In the U.S., ABB has been a leader in the development Systems Operations, Fuel Supply, Planning,Trading,
and implementation of software infrastructure to Accounting—ABB delivers integrated IT solutions
Independent System Operators (ISOs) and Regional that support each of these critical business areas.
Transmission Operators (RTOs). These organizations
ensure non-discriminatory access to the transmission Retail
grid, and ABB delivers the IT solutions ISO/RTOs
need to carry out their mission. Today, more market ABB’s IT solutions for energy retailers address a
variety of business needs, but each is designed on
operators worldwide use solutions from ABB than
the same guiding principle: building better relation-
from any other vendor.
ships with customers.Whether in the form of timely
and accurate billing, convenient online energy infor-
GenCo/Trading mation services, or sophisticated load data validation
Global electricity markets are changing from a rate- and estimation, ABB software gives energy retailers
based cost environment to a highly competitive profit the means to elevate the level of service they
maximization environment. To compete and survive, provide to their major customers. ABB’s Energy
the modern GenCo needs a comprehensive resource/ Profiler Online is the industry leader in Web-based
asset management solution that enables profitable energy information services with data from over
change across the entire enterprise. ABB’s energy- 30,000 meters served to customers every day. For
plus solutions technology for generators is a proven utilities and energy service providers in competitive
industry software set that gives entrepreneurial markets, ABB delivers the tools they need to attract,
GenCos the tools they need to survive and flourish. serve, and retain their most important customers.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Business Management Systems

Product Description
Central Markets SABLE™ ISO/RTO Open Platform and Advanced Applications

gimsplus™ GenCo IT backbone/Ties together islands of information

• gatewayplus™ 1 Programmatic regional ISO communications

Programmatic OASIS communications

• webmerchantplus™ 1

cougerplus™ GenCo resource assessment—optimization/GenCo

GenCo/Trading performance analysis

• strategistplus™ 2 Market vs Resource analysis to facilitate bidding into

a competitive market

• PACE™ 2 Profit and loss performance analysis

Optimize IT Portfolio
Asset management and optimization
Maintenance Planner

Energy Profiler Online™ Online energy information service provides energy usage information
and analytic tools for commercial and industrial customers.
Information Management Software and Systems

Also facilitates curtailment and real-time pricing programs.

• Energy Profiler® Energy usage and pricing analysis for both energy suppliers
for Windows® 3 and customers
Advanced billing system; supports billing for unbundled
Energy BOSS® commodity supply, processes interval load data into billing
determinants, and supports retail settlements

Interval load data validation and editing software created

E-VEE™ specifically to handle the throughput and volume demands
of participants in competitive energy markets
To be incorporated as a module of gimsplus
To be incorporated as a module of cougerplus
A companion product to Energy Profiler Online

Central Markets



SABLE is ABB’s state-of-the-art system for their existing ones. SABLE is designed to
implementation of Energy Markets. The system use industry accepted commercial products
provides ISOs and RTOs with an e-business while minimizing dependence on any one
software system based on open technology, commercial supplier. This flexibility enhances
commercial products, and industry standards. reliability of the system and provides for
SABLE provides for all NERC requirements low maintenance and training costs. The
and is modularized to give maximum flexibility SABLE platform is designed and optimized
for system configuration, expansion, and ease to accommodate legacy (algorithmic and
of maintenance. CPU-intensive) applications, as well as modern
SABLE includes an open platform and a com- e-business applications.
plete suite of leading, field-proven applications. In summary, the SABLE system delivers
The platform is based on a modern n-tier scalability, security, extensibility, availability,
architecture that provides superb scalability reliability, interoperability, and a full set of
and processing power. It supports small leading applications. Long-term cost of owner-
and large systems without any fundamental ship is minimized through the extensive use
changes to the architectural layout, which of standards and industry leading third-party
allows our customers to grow their systems products to guarantee low maintenance and
incrementally without having to replace training costs.

STANDARD FEATURES The high volume of information flow in

a deregulated energy market requires a
SABLE is designed to make use of available secure system that protects proprietary
industry standards such as DAIS, XML, CIM, information and provides secure access for
and CSV formats. In addition to a file inter- authorized users. The SABLE platform is
face option, the interface to the SCADA designed to address the need for security in
system uses DAIS (Data Acquisition for market operations through the use of avail-
Industrial Systems), a standard supported by able technologies such as Firewalls,Virtual
leading companies such as ABB, Alstom, and Private Networks (VPN), Digital Certificates/
IBM. SABLE fully meets the NERC require- Public Key Infrastructure, and Lightweight
ment for import and export of system data Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).
in CIM/XML files. It also uses CIM/XML to
In addition to providing a backbone software
interface with any commercially available
solution, SABLE also provides an integrated
data engineering tool that supports the
environment and process for design, devel-
standard. SABLE also supports import and
opment, delivery, and maintenance of the
export of power system data in PSS/E format.
system based on commercial products.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Business Management Systems
Central Markets

Developed by
                                    ABB Inc.
Santa Clara, CA
SABLE™ +408-615-6200

SABLE applications include the Market Operations System (MOS), an
advanced set of Power Applications (PA) and Stand-alone Applications.
The MOS includes a complete suite of Market Infrastructure (MI) and
Market Applications (MA).

SABLE Applications

BMS—Business Management Systems

Market Operations System

Power Stand-Alone
Market Infrastructure Market Applications Applications Applications

 Interface to EMS  Security Constrained  Security Assessment  Outage Scheduler

 Interface to Settlement Unit Commitment  Optimal Power Flow  Interchange Scheduler
and Financial Systems  Security Constrained  State Estimation  Load Forecast
 Interface to Economic Dispatch
 Dispatcher Power Flow  Available Transfer
Metering Systems  Ancillary Service Capability System
Management  Voltage Stability
 Market Participant  Contract Management
Interface System  Congestion  Unit Commitment
Management  Dynamic Parameter
 Historical Data Manager
Archival System  Imbalance Market
Information Management Software and Systems

 Settlement Data Management

Preparation  Resource Dispatch
 Compliance Monitor

The SABLE base product uses the following could replace Talarian SmartSockets. Clients
commercially available products. However, any are browser-based using Internet Explorer or
other compatible third-party products may Netscape on Windows or UNIX. Web servers
be used. For example, any message-oriented run on NT or UNIX; Application Servers run
middleware that provides JMS functionality on UNIX.

System Component Product

Database Oracle

Client User Interface Browser-based Java Applet (NT Internet Explorer, Netscape)

Web Server and Directory Server iPlanet (Tru64 UNIX and NT)

Message-Oriented Middleware Talarian SmartSockets

Requirements Management Rational Requisite Pro

Modeling Tool Rational Rose

IDE Jbuilder

Configuration Management Rational ClearCase



Developed by
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
gimsplus™ +919-807-8300

gimsplus is an enterprise asset management system designed

to enable generation companies to operate effectively in a
competitive energy market. gimsplus integrates the islands
of automation within a generation company: fuels, operations,
trading floor, risk management, accounting, and power plants.
gimsplus is built on the premise that a winning generation
company should arm its employees with timely, consistent, and
secure information; implement effective business processes; and
provide superior tools to operate and trade in the competitive
energy market.
gimsplus offers interfaces that automate the day-to-day exchange
of information required for trading in an open competitive
market as well as managing the complexities of power
exchange markets.
gimsplus provides traders with timely and complete views of
portfolio assets, allowing gencos to effectively manage all their
assets, regardless of physical location. If information truly is
power, then gimsplus will empower your decision-makers to
formulate the most profitable strategies for your business.

 Provides a specialized IT backbone to fully  Operates on all major hardware platforms from
integrate various inter-departmental systems. its development in ORACLE . ®

 Maintains a centralized warehouse of historic  Improves the profitability of a generation

and forecast data. company by effectively coordinating operations
and trading decisions.
 Provides for security over critical information.
 Provides warehousing of power plant, trading,
 Automates repetitive operations and and operations data.
trading activities.
 Provides the information, process infrastructure,
 Provides the integration path for a generation and trading tools for conducting business
company’s legacy systems through open with ISOs.
applications integration capability.
 Maintains control over business processes.
 Offers easy access to historical and forecast
data from standard desktop applications.  Eliminates errors due to manual transfer of
data from one application to another.
 Provides advanced automated
reporting capabilities.  Provides the foundation for rapid growth of
the generation company business.

Client: PC MS Windows

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Business Management Systems

Developed by
                                    ABB Inc.
Santa Clara, CA
gatewayplus™ +408-615-6362

The gatewayplus System for Data Exchange Among ISOs & Power
Exchanges is a software application designed to programmatically
communicate with the emerging ISOs and Power Exchanges. This
software solution assists the Scheduling Coordinator, Power Trader,
Generation Company, or Load-Serving Entity—anyone who needs to
efficiently submit schedules and/or bids and retrieve confirmations,
market information, and settlement data from one or more ISOs or
Power Exchanges. gatewayplus can become a powerful tool in your
need to rapidly assess, validate, submit, and retrieve data. gatewayplus
gives you the functionality that is necessary to conduct business
efficiently by transparently encapsulating all market rules and data
formats and managing the details of communication protocols and
security interface so you can manage the business. The gatewayplus
system is designed with business in mind. It has been developed
to be intuitive to the user. A minimum of start-up training is all
that is necessary to introduce gatewayplus to the busy Trading
or Scheduling floor.

gatewayplus will soon be incorporated into the functionality of gimsplus

to create a consolidated solution for genco market communications.
Information Management Software and Systems

 Market Analysis: As the ISO or Power Exchange  User Interface: With gatewayplus you have a
publishes system information (i.e. zonal costs, single staging area for data management. You
locational prices, transmission constraints, can review, validate, edit, submit, and retrieve
associated costs, and system loads), gatewayplus your data all within one application. This appli-
can capture this intelligence and store it for cation is especially useful if you are conducting
on-the-spot or later analysis. business in multiple regions.
 Submittal/Retrieval: gatewayplus automates the  Connectivity: This program can be interfaced
data exchange process. Based upon the region through an API to other applications such as
you are conducting business in, the gatewayplus ABB’s gimsplus™, strategistplus, or your existing
activity manager can be set to automatically legacy systems to fully automate your schedul-
submit your bids/schedules and retrieve the ing process.
response and settlement data.  Modularity: gatewayplus can support various
 Auditing: Because gatewayplus is an ORACLE- activities within a region or can be configured
based application, it has been designed to to work in different regions across North
time-stamp, log, and store every interaction. America. gatewayplus currently has modules
This function is particularly useful when to support scheduling and bid activities for
verifying settlements or dispute resolution. the California, New York, and New England ISO.
More market interfaces will be added to the
gatewayplus system as these entities become
defined and established.

Microsoft Windows NT or UNIX with Personal ORACLE
as the database. A Client/Server configuration on Microsoft
Windows NT or UNIX with ORACLE Server 8.1.6. and Java 2.

User Interface: ORACLE Forms 6.i


Developed by
                                    ABB Inc.
Santa Clara, CA
webmerchantplus™ +408-615-6362

webmerchantplus is a market intelligence software

system designed to improve the operational efficiency
of power trading organizations.The system includes
an Internet search engine that periodically downloads
transmission information from selected OASIS nodes.
Webmerchantplus automates the transmission reserva-
tion process across multiple OASIS nodes to create
multi-segment paths.
webmerchantplus provides decision support capability
with a graphical up-to-date integrated view of the
availability and prices of US transmission systems. In
addition, webmerchantplus enables the power trader
to see how liquid the market is by reviewing his/her
own pending and approved reservations as well as the
competition’s reservations.

webmerchantplus will soon be incorporated into the

functionality of gimsplus to create a consolidated
solution for genco market communications.

 ABB is committed to provide software updates  “OASIS-friendly.” User can schedule when
as OASIS standards and practices change. to query any specific OASIS node at varying
 Works with all FERC-compliant OASIS applica- query rates.
tions and security configurations, including the  Multitasking with very few key strokes.
J-TSIN alliance’s Trade Wave.  Generates reports which provide a tabular
 Supports an API to export transmission informa- presentation of all transmission reservations.
tion in CSV files and also programmatically to  Fully scalable and flexible distributed
other applications. architecture solution available.
 Provides comprehensive audit trail logging of all  Supports all necessary OASIS
reservation status changes at each step from information templates.
entry through closing and records who changed
 Data integrity and redundancy features ensure
what, when, where, and why.
downloading of critical OASIS data.

Server: ORACLE 8.1.6 on Sun Solaris or
Windows NT
Client:Windows NT, 2000

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Business Management Systems

Developed by
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
cougerplus™ +919-807-8300

cougerplus for genco asset and operations scheduling

is a comprehensive asset and operations scheduling
program that develops optimal resource schedules in
order to maximize profits and minimize generation
company operating costs. cougerplus coordinates the
scheduling of all resources including thermal, hydro,
and combined cycle generating units, and coordinates
opportunities for purchase and sale of bulk power on
a generation company’s trading floor.

 Provides advanced modeling capability for • Fuel Allocation: Schedules generation
current generation company requirements: resources subject to varying fuel availability
• Emission Dispatch: Schedules generation and cost.
assets that are subject to emissions limits • Combined Cycle: Models complex combined
and constraints. cycle plant characteristics.
Information Management Software and Systems

• Auto Transaction Analysis: Provides fast and • Annual Model: Models seasonal and annual
accurate cost/value evaluation for individual planning horizons.
transactions or multiple blocks of power.  Optimizes the scheduling of a generation
• Multi Area Model: Enables a generation company’s assets to minimize costs and
company to optimize asset commitment and maximize profits.
dispatch subject transmission constraints.  Provides cost/value analysis of bulk power
• Risk Manager: Calculates costs and risk sale/purchase opportunities.
value for multiple operations (load forecasts,  Models real world operating constraints which
availability, etc.). affect a generation company’s costs.
• Post Analysis: Provides capabilities to  Provides accurate and credible results that have
calculate actual trading profit and loss been confirmed by a large community of users.
and to compare actual systems operations
against best practices.

 Operates in a stand-alone or client-server architecture.
 Interfaces with other ABB systems can be accomplished through
a high-performance Application Program Interface (API).


Developed by
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
strategistplus™ +919-807-8300

strategistplus is a risk management strategistplus contains a powerful hier-

and portfolio management program archical uncertainty model that allows
specifically designed to meet the the user to represent cause and effect
needs of a generation company. By relationships the same way traders
combining powerful Monte Carlo and operators view the market. With
simulations of operations and trading strategistplus, a gener-
with the flexible modeling of market ation company portfo-
uncertainty, strategistplus can quickly lio will be
and accurately identify your risk stress tested against
exposure. The program can also an entire spectrum of
identify strategies to help maximize physical and financial
the profit for a generation company’s variables modeled
entire portfolio while limiting and reported in an
exposure to risk. intuitive manner.
Unlike other risk management pro- The principal reports
grams, strategistplus actually simulates in strategistplus
portfolio performance under certain show the probability
conditions with ABB’s industry standard distribution of profits, allowing deter-
production costing optimization model. mination of risk for any confidence
This approach provides the user interval. Simulation results are stored
with confidence that their portfolio in an open architecture database that
performance and risk assessment is allows summary results to be analyzed
predicted in a realistic manner. by drilling down to the detailed opera-
tions results as necessary.
strategistplus will soon be incorporated into the functionality of cougerplus to
create a consolidated genco solution.

 Forecasts profits and quantifies risks for an  Financial reports include distributions of pro-
entire generation company business. duction cost, sale revenue and fuel purchases.
 Models time periods from one day to one year.  Operational reports include generating unit,
plant and system.
 Calculates profits and values at risk for various
bidding strategies.  Quickly forecasts portfolio profits and risks
associated with user-defined strategies.
 Calculates total profits and losses for a portfolio.
 Allows users to correlate “related” risk factors
 Assesses the combined effect of related risk and assesses the combined impact on a
factors (weather, loads, outages, etc.). generation company’s bottom line.
 Models cause and effect correlations between  Assesses the entire physical and financial portfo-
related risk factors. lio to maximize profits while minimizing risks.
 Uses Monte Carlo simulation to analyze  Allows users to assess the realism of risk
multiple “what-if” cases. analysis results by reviewing key system
 Supports flexible uncertainty models. operation statistics.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Business Management Systems

Developed by
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
PACE™ +919-807-8300

PACE is a comprehensive post analysis program used to reconstruct

actual bilateral trading and system operations. It calculates the actual
out-of-pocket costs for serving power sales, avoidance cost of power
purchases, the actual profits-and-losses from physical trades, and
actual production cost. PACE then compares actual system operation
to optimal scenarios. PACE delivers the flexibility to design and
implement automatic processes for analyzing and reporting on
many generation related cost, profit, and performance issues.

PACE will soon be incorporated into the functionality of

cougerplus to create a consolidated solution for genco analytics.

 Calculates actual profits for physical trades.
 Identifies out-of-pocket costs for serving
off-system sales and avoided costs for
purchase contracts.
Information Management Software and Systems

 Analyzes resources used to support

off-system sales.
 Compares actual and forecast costs for
serving sales.
 Supports billing by providing detailed cost data.
 Allows comparison of actual and optimal
dispatch using performance indexes.
 Calculates emission results.
 Identifies dispatch efficiencies.


Developed by
                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
OptimizeIT Portfolio Maintenance Planner +919-807-8300

The OptimizeIT Portfolio Maintenance Planner is ABB’s

integrated operations management and maintenance
scheduling software for generation companies doing
business in restructured markets. Drawing on
30 years of experience in modeling energy markets,
ABB has built the OptimizeIT system to take advantage
of modern computing technology and the very latest
in stochastic optimization techniques.


 Modeling of spot and forward markets in  Maximize profit from trading by
fuel and electricity. ensuring the best assets are available
 Detailed modeling of fossil, nuclear, and when most needed.
hydro systems.  Eliminate unnecessary maintenance.
 Time value of money for accurate cash  Maximize efficient use of mainte-
flow modeling. nance crews and plant personnel.
 Special nuclear refueling capability.  Increase hedging capability of
 Maintenance crew constraints. nuclear units by manipulating
refueling schedules.
 Stochastic models for unit availability, electricity
prices, electricity spot market depth, fuel  Coordinate trading, operations,
prices, and native load obligation. and asset management with
one application.
 Time value of hydro pond storage.
 Integrate with other ABB
 Fuel contracts, including volume constraints.
applications like gimsplusTM
as well as legacy IT systems.
OptimizeIT allows GenCos to select the best
overhaul plan from a group several candidates
and allows maintenance requests to be ignored
with a resulting change in reliability.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Business Management Systems

Developed by
                                    ABB Inc.
Oakland, CA
Energy Profiler Online™ +510-987-7111

Energy Profiler Online (EPO) is a Web-based service

that provides major energy customers with a variety
of tools with which to analyze their energy usage.
Users can generate load profiles and usage history
charts, view estimated bills, download usage data
for further analysis, and create aggregate groups of
multiple accounts. EPO also facilitates real-time pricing
(RTP) and load curtailment programs. By facilitating
communications with participating customers, EPO
allows energy providers to administer these programs
with a minimum of resources and also provides cus-
tomers with a convenient way to take part in them.

 Customers can use EPO’s intuitive
Web interface to:
• View interval data in graphic or tabular form.
• Generate load profiles for accounts or groups
Information Management Software and Systems

of accounts; view data by day, week, or

month; and overlay weather and hourly or  Load Curtailment—EPO acts as the
real-time price data. platform upon which load curtailment
• View usage history charts, load duration programs can be managed. With the
curves, and comparison statistics on Load Curtailment Module, EPO serves
multiple accounts. as a communications gateway to notify
• Aggregate accounts according to facility type, participating customers of an upcoming
location, or other criteria. curtailment event. Customers then
respond via the EPO Web site. EPO keeps
• Download interval data for further analysis.
a real-time record of which customers
• Take part in RTP and load have responded, which have not, and
curtailment programs. the total committed load.
 Energy providers can use EPO’s administration  Real-Time Pricing—EPO sends price
tool to: signals to participating customers who
• Manage user login ID’s and access privileges. can then make informed operational
• Manage database of interval data, accounts, decisions based on energy costs.
and devices.  Bill Estimation—Users can generate
• Monitor system usage and generate estimated bills online before the billing
usage reports. period ends.
 Security of customer data in EPO is assured
by several measures including dual firewalls,
reverse-proxy servers, SSL encryption, and file
transfer encryption.
 “Look and feel” of EPO is tailored to match the
energy provider’s existing online presence.


Developed by
                                    ABB Inc.
Oakland, CA
Energy Profiler® for Windows® +510-987-7111

Energy Profiler is a tool for load shape and pricing

analysis used by both energy suppliers and customers
alike. Users can perform rate comparisons and gener-
ate estimated bills under a variety of scenarios using
customer-specific load data. Energy Profiler offers a
wide array of functions that allow users to perform
unlimited “what-if” analysis. The software also makes
an ideal complement to Energy Profiler Online—data
can be downloaded from the Web service and opened
in the desktop software.

Energy Profiler for Windows is a companion product

to Energy Profiler OnlineTM.

 Read and write interval data in a variety
of industry formats (MV90, MDEF, CMEP,
LODESTARTM, and plain text).
 Perform rate comparisons on the basis of
estimated bills generated from interval data.
 Analyze and manipulate load profiles graphically.
 Create functions to represent “what-if” scenarios
(e.g.,“What would my bill be if I reduced my
peak demand by ten percent?”).
 Manage a database of rates. Model rates on
existing ones or create new rates using the
RateWizardTM, a highly intuitive step-by-step
guide to creating and modifying rates.
 Access RatesBaseTM database of over 1800 rates
from major North American utilities.
 Download interval data directly from the meter,
either manually or by using Energy Profiler’s
automated scheduler.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Business Management Systems

Developed by
                                    ABB Inc.
Oakland, CA
Energy BOSS® (Billing Options Support System) +510-987-7111

Energy BOSS is a three-tier advanced billing engine

designed to address the unique needs of commercial
and industrial customers. Energy BOSS supports billing
for unbundled commodity supply, processing of interval
load data into billing determinants, integrated billing for
new products and services with energy commodities,
and many other advanced options. Energy BOSS also
supports retail settlements for deregulated markets.

 Process customer interval load data into
billing determinants.
 Aggregate multiple accounts into a single
set of billing determinants (conjunctive billing).
Information Management Software and Systems

 Aggregate multiple accounts on one bill

(summary billing). SPECIFICATIONS
 Bill for new products and services on the Interfaces
same statement as commodity energy.
Energy BOSS is easily configured to
 Handle complex pricing structures including exchange information with meter reading
real-time pricing (RTP) and customer- systems (e.g., MV90), customer informa-
specific contracts. tion systems (e.g., eCIS), general ledger
 Immediately access historical billing software, and EDI systems.
interval data.
 Utilize the same powerful RateWizard™ found Platform
in Energy Profiler® to create and manage a
database of pricing structures. Energy BOSS is a three-tiered, client-server
 Create customer-specific bill formats; bill for application utilizing a Web-enabled Java
other companies. front end and supports both ORACLE and
SQL Server.


Developed by
                                    ABB Inc.
Oakland, CA
E-VEE™ (Electric Validation and Editing Engine) +510-987-7111

E -VEE was the first interval load data validation and editing software
created specifically to handle the throughput and volume demands of
participants in competitive energy markets. By automating the process,
E-VEE drastically reduces the resources required to perform validation
and estimation for interval metered customers.
E -VEE can work as a stand-alone application, or as a validation and
estimation module of Energy BOSS. It can also serve as a repository for
both interval and non-interval customer meter data that can be tapped
by other systems. The software supports complex version control of
meter data (i.e. raw, edited, or estimated data) and provides data
retrieval and export functions for easy integration with billing and
settlement systems. E -VEE is highly intuitive and presents users with
a short learning curve compared with products that require program-
ming resources to be configured to customer-specific parameters.

 The industry’s most comprehensive set
of validation tests.
 Database-driven, customer-specific
validation rules.
 Automated customer-specific data estimation.
 Trouble reports to support field service providers.
 Exception reports that allow users to manually
edit only those data points that fall outside
validation parameters for the given customer.
 Interval database acts as a repository for
other downstream applications (e.g., energy
information services).

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.



Information Management Software and Systems


Maintenance and
Lifetime Extension

 Utilities Services Overview

 Switchgear Aftermarket Products and Services

 Relay Services

Maintenance and
Lifetime Extension
Utilities Services Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
Switchgear Aftermarket Products
and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
Relay Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518


Utilities Services Overview

ABB is dedicated to serving the electrical transmission

and distribution infrastructure. In addition to the regional
service network, ABB brings focused product and system
expertise from its manufacturing centers of excellence
to solve any service-related issue with the highest
degree of quality, reliability, and economic benefit to
our customers. With a product heritage that includes
personnel and technical records from manufacturers
such as ASEA, Brown Boveri, General Electric, Gould, ITE,
Moloney, and Westinghouse, ABB controls information
and expertise on over 40% of the installed electric
equipment in the US. ABB is experienced with installa-
tions from 4.16 kV to 1100 kV and completes over 500
projects every year for customers from utility, industrial,
and independent power producer backgrounds.

We Have You Covered!

For all your service needs, call

Engineering Services Project Activities
 Power System Studies  Project Management
• Load Flow Analysis  Substation Construction and Retrofit
• Coordination Studies
 Site Construction Management
• Stability Analysis
• Short Circuit Studies  Site Commissioning Services
• Harmonic Analysis  Turnkey Equipment Installation and Retrofit
• Dynamic and Continuous Overload
• Transient Analysis
• Power Factor Studies Testing and Diagnostics
 Equipment Analysis  Transformer Testing
• Retrofit Solutions  Circuit Breaker Testing
• Uprate Studies
 Current and Instrument Transformer Testing
• Failure Analysis
• Life Assessment  Protective Relaying Testing and Calibration
 Substation Design and Consultation  Electric Meter Testing and Calibration
 Transmission and Distribution Line Design  Cable Testing
 System Optimization Studies  Battery Testing
 Protection and Control Testing and Checkout

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.


                                    ABB Inc.
Raleigh, NC
Utilities Services Overview +1-800-HELP-365

Testing and Diagnostics (continued)  Protective Relaying

• Installation and Commissioning
 Insulating Fluid and Materials Testing
• Retrofits
• General Chemistry
• Calibration
• Testing
• Dielectric Withstand
• Furanic Analysis  Switchgear
• SEM Analysis • Installation and Commissioning
• Degree of Polymerization Testing • Vacuum Conversions and Retrofit
• PCB Analysis • Trip Mechanism Retrofit
• Metals-in-Oil • Maintenance
• SF6 Gas Analysis • Testing
 Advanced Diagnostic Testing  Capacitors
• Phase Resolved Partial Discharge Analysis • Installation and Commissioning
• Frequency Response Analysis • Testing
• Dielectric Response Analysis  Reclosers
• Acoustic Analysis • Installation and Commissioning
 Thermographic Imaging • Retrofit and Conversions
• Testing
• Maintenance
ABB Electric Equipment Service  Metering
 Distribution Transformers • Installation and Commissioning
• Installation and Commissioning • Testing and Calibration
• Maintenance
• Testing
Asset Management
• Remanufacturing
• PCB Changeout and Disposal  Life Assessment Programs
 Power Transformers  Life Extension Programs
Maintenance and Lifetime Extension

• Installation and Commissioning  RCM Methodology Consultation and

• Oil Processing, Reconditioning, and Reclamation Program Development
• Maintenance
 Inventory Management
• Retrofits
• Testing  Asset Recovery
• Remanufacturing  Long-Term O&M Contracts
• Heavy Hauling and Rigging  Network Management
• Specialized Railcar Leasing
• PCB Changeout and Disposal
 HV Circuit Breakers Parts
• Installation and Commissioning  Complete Line of Replacement Parts for
• Maintenance All Electrical Equipment
• Retrofits
 Retrofit and Redesigned Components for
• Testing
Obsolete Parts
• Remanufacturing
• SF6 Handling
• Laser Leak Detection
 Generator Circuit Breakers
• Installation and Commissioning
• Maintenance
• Retrofits
• Testing

Switchgear Aftermarket Products and Services


Replacement Circuit Breakers, Parts, Training, and Service

Authentic Renewal Parts

For switchgear manufactured by ITE, Gould,
Brown Boveri, BBC, and ABB
The name has changed over the years, but ABB is the original manu-
facturer and only source for new, authentic, direct-replacement circuit
breakers and parts for switchgear types HK, HKV, HK-II, K-LINE, FBK,
and now, SafeGear and Advance. ABB specializes in long-term support
for an extensive base of installed equipment, which includes nuclear
safety related applications. Components service personnel are on-call
24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Many parts are stocked in a dedicated
warehouse and available for 24-hour shipment. For fast and accurate
service, a detailed database provides information on replacement
parts for switchgear and breakers dating back over 40 years.
ISO 9001 Certified
Class 1E Nuclear Certification Available as Applicable

VHK-X Direct-Replacement Vacuum Breakers

for Types HK and HKV Switchgear
ABB VHK-X breakers are direct replacements for air-magnetic
and vacuum breakers in older HK and HKV switchgear. Direct-
replacement breakers enable rating upgrades and life extension
without modifications to the switchgear and also provide a low-
cost alternative to continually rebuilding breakers or replacing
complete lineups.VHK-X breakers also provide the security of
factory-made, tested, and warranted direct replacements from
the original manufacturer.
ISO 9001 Certified

MPSC-2000™ Trip Unit Retrofit KITS

for Low-Voltage Breakers
The MPSC-2000 trip device (please see page 204 for details) is avail-
able as a retrofit kit for upgrading breakers with electromechanical,
solid-state, or earlier generation microprocessor trip devices. The
compact size and separate CT module allow MPSC-2000 to be used
to retrofit virtually any low-voltage power circuit breaker. Long-time,
short-time, instantaneous, and ground-current standard protection
functions with user-selectable settings provide additional flexibility.
Voltage monitoring and remote communications are also available.
Each retrofit kit also includes the MPSC-2000 instructions for opera-
tion, installation, and the following components: current sensors,
magnetic latch, barriers and supports, wiring harness, and hardware.
ISO 9001 Certified

Customer Service, Training, and Extended Warranties

A full complement of aftermarket services, including product train-
ing and extended warranties, are available from ABB. For information
on switchgear or circuit breaker replacement parts or aftermarket
services, contact ABB at 1-800-929-SWGR.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Relay Services

                                    ABB Inc.
Allentown, PA
ABB offers engineering and technical support Coral Springs, FL
specializing in every aspect of system protection. +954-752-6700
Regular and proper maintenance provides security +800-523-2620
from false operation and ensures fast operation
when required. The experience level of ABB’s
electrical team assures ultimate system performance.
Four principal areas are supported by extensive Retrofit
experience in construction and application. Obsolete and high-maintenance relays with
Installation and Commissioning new microprocessor relays using existing panels.
Provided for new relays and relay system communi- Included are interface relays with communications
cations and associated equipment. (Turnkey projects) and input/output devices to upgrade performance.
Technical Training Maintenance
One- or two-day technical training on product- Provided for existing relays and communications
specific relays and communication. The training at substations, power plants, and industrial sites.
covers application, settings, calibration, maintenance, ABB offers maintenance schedules and test reports
and test equipment setups. on all manufacturers’ equipment.

Installation and Commissioning The inspection team and electrical team responsi-
bilities are well-defined, and checklist forms are
New relay equipment installations require a provided. ABB personnel can follow procedures
complete and thorough checklist, testing, and provided by the customer or supply procedures
calibration. ABB uses separate teams for installation with ABB instruction.
and commissioning jobs. The inspection team is
Maintenance and Lifetime Extension

responsible for equipment verification per the ABB performs a system ringout utilizing wiring
bill of materials, terminal block identification, wire diagrams. Errors are corrected and any changes
identification, wire gauge, and wire terminations. to the wiring are reflected on customer drawings.
The final job is dielectric testing of the panels, if
ABB can supply total turnkey services for new required, per ANSI C37.21 and C37.90. In all cases,
construction, retrofit, and upgrades of existing discrepancies are documented, and a complete
facilities. On-site services determine the most checklist is submitted.
cost-effective solution for the customer’s relaying
application. ABB’s project engineers can design The electrical team performs acceptance tests
and specify the complete installation. and calibration on all relays per the instruction
book and records the information on a relay test
form. They verify fuse ratings and test CTs, PTs,
Test Equipment and Procedures and associated equipment per manufacturers’
ABB provides its own test equipment for use on specifications. Functional testing is performed
the job site. Each piece of equipment is tested and electrically and manually to assure proper
calibrated per the National Bureau of Standards operation of all components. Trip checks, reclose
on a regular basis to ensure accuracy. ABB utilizes sequences, and operate relays are performed
modern test equipment from several manufac- to initiate annunciator and alarm circuits. After
turers and can supply maintenance procedures satisfactorily completing all tests, the relaying is
and field test reports for use on standard forms. ready for inservice testing.



 Electric Utility Sales and Support

 Water Utility Sales and Support

 Industrial Representatives

 Public Power Distributors

 OEM, VAR, and Service Customer Sales and Support

 Service Locations

 Conditions of Sale

 International Sales Offices

 Export Sales 50-051X

Electric Utility Sales and Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
Water Utility Sales and Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
Industrial Representatives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
Public Power Distributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524
OEM, VAR, and Services Customer
Sales and Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
Service Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
Conditions of Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
International Sales Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
Export Sales 50-051X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541

Electric Utility Sales and Support

Alabama Idaho Minnesota Pennsylvania

Birmingham Boise Anoka Bethlehem
205-991-6189 208-377-1223 612-753-7537 610-758-8100
205-428-6183 Duluth Eagleville
Arizona Lisle 218-720-6397 610-630-3130
Phoenix 630-810-9381 888-330-4784
602-371-8074 Naperville Chesterfield Greensburg
800-654-6854 630-245-9100 636-519-9960 724-838-3577
800-609-7235 Harlesville
California Mississippi 610-584-8882
Carlsbad Springfield Jackson
760-720-6196 217-793-7330 Lehighton
City of Industry Indiana
North Carolina Pittsburgh
Indianapolis Charlotte 412-967-5822
Livermore 317-585-8782 704-424-1642 877-967-1844
925-233-1170 Nobelsville Raleigh Richboro
Stockton 317-770-7202 919-783-5901 215-322-7157
Kansas New Hampshire Puerto Rico
Walnut Creek Overland Park
925-295-1550 Hooksett Hato Rey
913-317-1310 603-625-5456 787-759-9992
Colorado Louisiana
Littleton New Jersey South Carolina
Metairie East Brunswick Columbia
303-797-4080 504-831-5304
800-954-1450 732-651-2198 803-787-2005
Newroads Springfield Tennessee
Connecticut 225-618-8286 973-376-8907 Chattanooga
East Granby
Massachusetts New York 423-265-6905
Southboro Syracuse
Wilton Texas
508-460-7300 315-446-2528
203-762-7952 Beaumont
Windsor 409-832-1748
860-285-3542 Maryland Akron Houston
Columbia 330-668-3663 713-821-4000
Florida 410-992-3591 800-765-0019
Coral Springs Columbus
Mt. Airy 614-263-1811 Irving
954-752-6700 301-829-8095 800-848-3538 972-401-3970
North Potomac 800-388-0126
Miami Hamilton
301-519-2200 513-779-8471 Utah
Maine Salt Lake City
Tampa Oklahoma
Norridgewock 801-363-2555
813-286-7459 Tulsa
207-634-3858 918-461-9250 Virginia
Georgia 800-309-8957 Abingdon
Alpharetta Oregon
Michigan 540-623-0328
678-297-4960 Portland
Auburn Hills Richmond
Lilburn 503-244-1050
248-391-8829 804-330-0903
770-925-7176 877-670-9119
Detroit Wisconsin
Hawaii 313-366-8535 Brookfield
Honolulu 262-783-7902

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Water Utility Sales and Support

California Minnesota Ohio

Manteca Waconia Wickliffe
208-823-4387 952-442-7058 440-585-6728
Illinois New Jersey Pennsylvania
West Lombard Sparta Warminster
630-317-6316 973-670-2120 215-674-6305
Forest Hill

Industrial Representatives

Alaska Iowa Minnesota Canton

Anchorage Sioux City Maple Grove Verhill Associates
Huntley and Associates Guggenmos & Associates Cimperman Sales 330-453-3409 (phone)
907-276-5747 (phone) 712-276-0778 (phone) 612-420-6123 (phone) 330-453-8195 (fax)
907-276-6632 (fax) 712-266-0451 (fax) 612-420-6123 (fax) Wheelersburg
Alabama Conroy Minnetonka Verhill Associates
Birmingham Innovative Electrical Primus Marketing Assoc, Inc. 740-574-1335 (phone)
Patterson Power Products Technology (IET) 612-930-9024 (phone) 740-574-9808 (fax)
205-985-7010 (phone) 319-662-9876 (phone) 612-930-9056 (fax) Oregon
205-985-2288 (fax) 319-662-9877 (fax) North Carolina Portland
Arkansas Illinois Kinston REP Associates
Maumelle Naperville Electrical Power Products, Inc. 503-788-9731 (phone)
Matthews Electrical Group T&D Products, Inc. 252-523-6167 (phone) 503-788-9742 (fax)
501-803-4515 (phone) 630-245-9130 (phone) 252-523-6436 (fax) Pennsylvania
501-803-4516 (fax) 630-245-9135 (fax) Summerfield Montgomeryville
Arizona Indiana Electrical Power Products, Inc. Sikkema Electrical Sales, Inc.
Tuscon Connersville 336-643-6722 (phone) 215-699-8882 (phone)
Armstrong Sales and Relcon Incorporated 336-643-6588 (fax) 215-699-4186 (fax)
Associates 765-825-2194 (phone) Nebraska Pittsburgh
520-882-2771 (phone) 765-825-0994 (fax) Ralston VerHill Associates
520-882-2783 (fax) Fishers PDS, Inc. 412-798-4303 (phone)
Phoenix Relcon Incorporated 402-596-1991 (phone) 412-798-4305 (fax)
SW Systems Tech A 317-842-0505 (phone) 402-596-1992 (fax) South Carolina
Division of SST, Inc. 317-842-0506 (fax) New Jersey Greer
602-437-5030 (phone) Kansas Edison Electrical Power Products, Inc.
602-437-4387 (fax) Burgoyne Sales, Inc. 864-801-0464 (phone)
California Lynn Elliott Company, Inc. 732-225-0450 (phone) 864-801-0582 (fax)
San Diego 913-722-6500 (phone) 732-225-7454 (fax) Tennessee
LGE Electrical Sales, Inc. 913-722-2479 (fax) Hamilton Township Lenoir City
619-268-1444 (phone) E.J. Spero Company Electrical Power
619-292-7996 (fax) 609-588-5315 (phone) Representatives, Inc.
Sacramento U.S.E.S. 609-588-5317 (fax) 423-988-8897 (phone)
LGE Electrical Sales, Inc. 606-623-9070 (phone) 423-988-9887 (fax)
916-369-8692 (phone) 606-623-9068 (fax) Sikkema Electrical Sales, Inc. Texas
916-369-0113 (fax) 609-428-1425 (phone) Amarillo
Fremont 609-428-7754 (fax) Harold Bryant, Inc. (HBI)
LGE Electrical Sales, Inc. 806-352-4960 (phone)
606-623-9070 (phone) New Mexico
510-657-6732 (phone) 806-353-1847 (fax)
606-623-9068 (fax) Albuquerque
510-657-8369 (fax) Louisiana Designed Power Associates Lewisville
Huntington Beach Baton Rouge 505-291-9900 (phone) TRJ Marketing Group, Inc.
LGE Electrical Sales, Inc. Electric Equipment Enterprises 505-291-9960 (fax) 972-353-8297 (phone)
714-373-3950 (phone) 504-261-6404 (phone) New York 972-353-9262 (fax)
714-373-3955 (fax) 504-261-0770 (fax) Camillus Utah
Colorado Verhill Associates Bountiful
Westminster 315-672-5041 (phone) Tri Power Associates
Electric Equipment Enterprises
McRae and Associates 315-672-5041 (fax) 801-294-0044 (phone)
504-643-4435 (phone)
303-438-5514 (phone) 801-294-0077 (fax)
504-643-4472 (fax) Buffalo
303-438-0780 (fax) Massachusetts Verhill Associates Virginia
Florida 716-913-2359 (phone) Midlothian
Orlando 716-836-3663 (fax) Blair & Associates, Inc.
Power Equipment
Shores-Klebonis, Inc. 804-897-2475 (phone)
Sales Co., Inc. Syracuse
407-291-1040 (phone) 804-897-4270 (fax)
978-774-6680 (phone) Verhill Associates
407-291-1084 (fax) 978-777-7261 (fax) 315-475-4456 (phone)
Miami Renton
Maryland 315-471-3414 (fax)
Thomas Electrical Sales Corp. Summit Electric Sales Co. Inc.
Rockville Niskayuna
(TESCO) 425-227-9991 (phone)
Bretco, Inc. Verhill Associates
305-740-0005 (phone) 425-227-9993 (fax)
301-770-1180 (phone) 518-377-9323 (phone)
305-740-0006 (fax) 301-231-0785 (fax) Valleyford
518-377-9323 (fax)
Georgia Summit Electric Sales Co. Inc.
Pasadena Ohio
Marietta 509-448-2661 (phone)
Bretco, Inc. Toledo
Levine Lectronics and Lectric Inc. 509-448-0171 (fax)
410-437-5352 (phone) VerHill Associates
770-565-1556 (phone) 410-437-6205 (fax) 419-841-8796 (phone)
770-973-9264 (fax) Michigan 419-841-7624 (fax)
Hawaii Ferndale Cleveland
Kaneohe TEPS, Inc. VerHill Associates
LGE Electrical Sales, Inc. 248-543-1141 (phone) 216-662-8410 (phone)
808-247-6197 (phone) 248-543-2513 (fax) 216-662-8412 (fax)
808-235-4206 (fax)

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Public Power Distributors

Alabama Savannah Missouri Pennsylvania

Decatur WESCO-Savannah Hattiesburg Johnstown
Hatfield & Company Inc. 912-233-9681 (phone) Garner Lumley Electric WESCO-Johnstown
256-584-9660 (phone) 912-232-7409 (fax) Supply Co. 814-536-8761 (phone)
256-584-7026 (fax) 601-544-7388 (phone) 814-535-7605 (fax)
Fairhope Hawaii 601-544-7085 (fax) Philadelphia
Hatfield Utility Supply Hilo WESCO- Hamby Young
251-990-8881 (phone) WESCO-Hilo Montana 610-695-0994 (phone)
251-990-8883 (fax) 808-935-4821 (phone) Butte 610-695-8022 (fax)
808-935-5984 (fax) WESCO-Butte
Alaska Honolulu 406-782-2374 (phone) South Carolina
Anchorage WESCO-Honolulu 406-782-2908 (fax) Columbia
WESCO-Anchorage 808-839-7261 (phone) WESCO-Columbia
907-563-3350 (phone) 808-839-9233 (fax) Nebraska 803-739-5471 (phone)
907-563-3134 (fax) Kahului Grand Island 803-739-5469 (fax)
WESCO-Kahului Maui WESCO-Grand Island
Arkansas 808-877-5528 (phone) 308-384-9700 (phone) Tennessee
N. Little Rock 808-871-9052 (fax) 308-384-8437 (fax) Nashville
WESCO Diversified Electric WESCO-Nashville
Supply Illinois New Hampshire 615-248-9712 (phone)
501-376-0391 (phone) St. Charles Manchester 615-242-1323 (fax)
501-376-6021 (fax) WESCO-St. Charles WESCO-Manchester
630-513-8135 (phone) 603-625-5456 (phone) Texas
California 630-513-8143 (fax) 603-625-4013 (fax) El Paso
El Centro Triangle Electric Supply Co.
ESD Company Iowa New Mexico 915-545-4100 (phone)
760-352-4941 (phone) Des Moines Albuquerque 915-533-5999 (fax)
760-352-1853 (fax) WESCO-Des Moines WESCO-Albuquerque Fort Worth
San Francisco 515-244-8611 (phone) 505-883-5666 (phone) WESCO-Fort Worth
WESCO-San Francisco 515-244-9727 (fax) 505-881-7140 (fax) 817-831-4526 (phone)
415-431-9300 (phone) Sioux City North Carolina 817-831-4520 (fax)
415-864-6599 (fax) WESCO-Sioux City Raleigh Austin
Santa Fe 712-255-7634 (phone) WESCO-Raleigh WESCO-Power Supply, Inc.
WESCO-Santa Fe Springs 712-255-3482 (fax) 919-839-7600 (phone) 512-834-9977 (phone)
562-903-1380 (phone) 919-839-7611 (fax) 512-832-0919 (fax)
562-903-1385 (fax) Kentucky Houston
Lexington North Dakota WESCO-Power Supply, Inc.
Colorado WESCO-Lexington Bismarck 713-674-3700 (phone)
Denver 606-293-2647 (phone) WESCO-Bismarck 713-674-9522 (fax)
WESCO-Denver 606-299-0216 (fax) 701-255-3370 (phone) San Antonio
720-859-0500 (phone) 701-224-0828 (fax) WESCO-San Antonio
720-859-3565 (fax) Louisiana
Lafayette Fargo 210-225-0492 (phone)
Connecticut WESCO-Statewide WESCO-Fargo 210-225-6758 (fax)
New Haven 337-232-9164 (phone) 701-232-4446 (phone)
701-234-0456 (fax) Utah
WESCO-New Haven 337-232-9210 (fax) Draper
203-784-7701 (phone) Ohio Royal Utility Supply
203-784-7799 (fax) Maine
Augusta Aurora 801-523-3524 (phone)
Florida WESCO-Augusta WESCO-Aurora 801-523-3530 (fax)
Fort Myers 207-623-2546 (phone) 330-995-4300 (phone)
330-995-9222 (fax) Virginia
WESCO-Fort Myers 207-623-5240 (fax) Richmond
941-482-4197 (phone) Oklahoma WESCO-Richmond
941-482-5063 (fax) Michigan
Lansing Tulsa 804-353-7353 (phone)
Orlando WESCO Diversified Electric 804-359-8397 (fax)
WESCO-Orlando WESCO-Lansing
517-887-0140 (phone) Supply
407-737-4273 (phone) 800-999-0957 (phone) Vermont
407-737-4270 (fax) 517-887-0878 (fax) South Burlington
918-251-3992 (fax)
Minnesota WESCO-Burlington
Georgia Oregon 802-864-9885 (phone)
St. Paul

Marietta Portland 802-864-0630 (fax)

HSI Georgia Utilities WESCO-St. Paul
651-487-7881 (phone) WESCO-Portland
770-426-1330 (phone) 503-221-5664 (phone) Guam
770-426-8913 (fax) 651-487-7854 (fax) Tamuning
503-221-4424 (fax)
Macon WESCO-Guam
HSI Utilities Macon 671-646-6662 (phone)
478-788-2270 (phone) 671-646-6013 (fax)
478-788-2280 (fax)

OEM, VAR, and Service Customer Sales and Support

ABB Inc. has a dedicated OEM customer sales and support team focused on those
customers that add value to our products by using them in other products or systems
as Original Equipment Manufacturers. In addition to pure OEM’s with significant
manufacturing capability, this organization also supports those customers that add
value to our products by packaging them in systems or applying them in service
projects or solutions for their clients.

OEM Customer Support Center

3716 National Drive, Suite 201
Raleigh, NC 27612 (Headquarters)
877-519-8800 (phone)
877-519-8900 (fax) or
866-635-0996 (fax)

OEM Customer Oriented Knowledge Center


Northeast Southeast Western

NJ, RI, VT 407-732-2179 (phone) ID, MT, NV, NM, OR,
610-377-5123 (phone) 407-732-2374 (fax) UT, WA, WY
610-377-7512 (fax) Midwest 858-720-1452 (phone)
Northern MN, ND, SD, WI 858-720-1453 (fax)
MI, OH, PA 920-803-9715 (phone)
412-967-5836 (phone) 920-803-9716 (fax)
412-963-0245 (fax) Mid-America
Appalachian & Piedmont AR, IA, IL, IN, KS, MO, NB, OK
KY, TN, VA, WV 636-519-7133 (phone)
540-623-0328 (phone) 636-519-9964 (fax)
540-623-0704 (fax) Gulf Coast
North Carolina LA, MS, TX
NC 713-821-4014 (phone)
919-783-5909 (phone) 713-821-3600 (fax)
919-783-5907 (fax)

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Service Locations

Arizona Kansas Pennsylvania

Phoenix Overland Park Eagleville
602-371-8074 913-317-1310 610-630-3130
800-654-6854 888-330-4784
California Southboro
Walnut Creek 508-460-7300
925-295-1550 877-460-6501
Colorado North Carolina
Littleton Charlotte
303-797-4080 704-844-6990
800-954-1450 Raleigh
Georgia 972-401-3970
Alpharetta Ohio 800-388-0126
678-297-4960 Columbus

Conditions of Sale

1. General. (c) The price does not include any federal, state
The terms and conditions contained herein, together or local property, license, privilege, sales, use,
with any additional or different terms contained excise, gross receipts, or other like taxes which
in ABB’s Proposal, if any, submitted to Purchaser may now or hereafter be applicable. Purchaser
(which Proposal shall control over any conflicting agrees to pay or reimburse any such taxes
terms), constitute the entire agreement (the “Agree- which ABB or its suppliers are required to pay
ment”) between the parties with respect to the or collect. If Purchaser is exempt from the
order and supersede all prior communications and payment of any tax or holds a direct payment
agreements regarding the order. Acceptance by permit, Purchaser shall, upon order placement,
ABB of the order, or Purchaser’s acceptance of ABB’s provide ABB a copy acceptable to the relevant
Proposal, is expressly limited to and conditioned governmental authorities of any such certificate
upon Purchaser’s acceptance of these terms and or permit.
conditions, payment for, or acceptance of any per-
(d) The price includes customs duties and other
formance by ABB being acceptance. These terms
importation or exportation fees, if any, at the
and conditions may not be changed or superseded
rates in effect on the date of ABB’s Proposal.
by any additional or different terms and conditions
proposed by Purchaser to which terms ABB hereby Any change after that date in such duties,
objects. Unless the context otherwise requires, the fees, or rates, shall increase the price by ABB’s
term “Equipment” as used herein means all of the additional cost.
equipment, parts, and accessories sold, and all soft-
ware and software documentation, if any, licensed 3. Payment.
to Purchaser by ABB (“Software”) under the order.
(a) Unless specified to the contrary in writing by
Unless the context otherwise requires, the term
ABB, payment terms are net cash, payable with-
“Services” as used herein means all labor, superviso-
ry, technical, and engineering, installation, repair, out offset, in United States Dollars, 30 days from
consulting or other services provided by ABB under date of invoice by wire transfer to the account
the order. As used herein, the term “Purchaser” shall designated by ABB in the Proposal.
include the initial end use of the Equipment and/or (b) If in the judgment of ABB the financial condi-
Services; provided, however, that Paragraph 13(a) tion of Purchaser at any time prior to delivery
shall apply exclusively to the initial end user. does not justify the terms of payment specified,
ABB may require payment in advance, payment
2. Prices. security satisfactory to ABB, or may terminate
the order, whereupon ABB shall be entitled
(a) Unless otherwise specified in writing, all
Proposals expire thirty (30) days from the to receive reasonable cancellation charges. If
date thereof. delivery is delayed by Purchaser, payment shall
be due on the date ABB is prepared to make
(b) Unless otherwise stated herein, Services prices
delivery. Delays in delivery or nonconformities
are based on normal business hours (8 a.m. to
in any installments delivered shall not relieve
5 p.m. Monday through Friday). Overtime and
Saturday hours will be billed at one and one-half Purchaser of its obligation to accept and pay
(11 ⁄ 2) times the hourly rate; Sunday hours will for remaining installments.
be billed at two (2) times the hourly rate; and (c) Purchaser shall pay, in addition to the overdue
holiday hours will be billed at three (3) times payment, a late charge equal to the lesser of
the hourly rate. If a Services rate sheet is 1 1 ⁄ 2 % per month or any part thereof, or the
attached hereto, the applicable Services rates highest applicable rate allowed by law on all
shall be those set forth in the rate sheet. such overdue amounts plus ABB’s attorneys’
Rates are subject to change without notice. fees and court costs incurred in connection
with collection.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Conditions of Sale

4. Changes. 7. Inspection, Testing, and Acceptance.

(a) Any changes requested by Purchaser affecting (a) Any inspection by Purchaser of Equipment on
the ordered scope of work must be accepted by ABB’s premises shall be scheduled in advance
ABB, and resulting adjustments to affected pro- to be performed during normal working hours.
visions, including price, schedule, and guarantees (b) If the order provides for factory acceptance
must be mutually agreed to in writing prior to testing, ABB shall notify Purchaser when ABB
implementation of the change. will conduct such testing prior to shipment.
(b) ABB may, at its expense, make such changes in Unless Purchaser states specific objections in
the Equipment or Services as it deems necessary, writing within ten (10) days after completion
in its sole discretion, to conform the Equipment of factory acceptance testing, completion of the
or Services to the applicable specifications. acceptance test constitutes Purchaser’s factory
If Purchaser objects to any such changes, ABB acceptance of the Equipment and its authoriza-
tion for shipment.
shall be relieved of its obligation to conform to
the applicable specifications to the extent that (c) If the order provides for site acceptance testing,
conformance may be affected by such objection. testing will be performed by ABB personnel to
verify that the Equipment has arrived at site
5. Delivery. complete, without physical damage, and in
good operating condition. Completion of site
(a) All Equipment manufactured, assembled, or acceptance testing constitutes full and final
warehoused in the continental United States is acceptance of the Equipment. If, through no
delivered F.O.B. point of shipment. Equipment fault of ABB, acceptance testing is not completed
shipped from outside the continental United within thirty (30) days after arrival of the Equip-
States is delivered F.O.B. United States port of ment at the site, the site acceptance test shall
entry. Purchaser shall be responsible for any be deemed completed, and the Equipment shall
and all demurrage or detention charges. be deemed accepted.
(b) If the scheduled delivery of Equipment is
delayed by Purchaser or by Force Majeure, 8. Warranties and Remedies.
ABB may move the Equipment to storage for (a) Equipment and Services Warranty. ABB warrants
the account of and at the risk of Purchaser, that Equipment [excluding Software, which is
whereupon it shall be deemed to be delivered. warranted as specified in paragraph (d) below]
(c) Shipping and delivery dates are contingent shall be delivered free of defects in material and
upon Purchaser’s timely approvals and delivery workmanship and that Services shall be free of
by Purchaser of any documentation required for defects in workmanship. The Warranty Remedy
ABB’s performance hereunder. Period for Equipment (excluding Software,
(d) Claims for shortages or other errors in delivery Spare Parts, and Refurbished or Repaired Parts)
must be made in writing to ABB within ten days shall end twelve (12) months after installation
or eighteen (18) months after date of shipment,
of delivery. Equipment may not be returned
whichever occurs first. The Warranty Remedy
except with the prior written consent of ABB
Period for new spare parts shall end twelve (12)
and will be subject to terms specified by ABB.
months after date of shipment. The Warranty
Claims for damage after delivery shall be made
Remedy Period for refurbished or repaired
directly by Purchaser with the common carrier.
parts shall end ninety (90) days after date of

shipment. The Warranty Remedy Period for

6. Title & Risk of Loss. Services shall end ninety (90) days after the
Except with respect to Software (for which title date of completion of Services.
shall not pass, use being licensed) title to Equipment (b) Equipment and Services Remedy. If a noncon-
shall remain in ABB until fully paid for. Notwith- formity to the foregoing warranty is discovered
standing any agreement with respect to delivery in the Equipment or Services during the applica-
terms or payment of transportation charges, risk of ble Warranty Remedy Period as specified above,

loss or damage shall pass to Purchaser upon delivery. under normal and proper use and provided the


Equipment has been properly stored, installed, notice of such nonconformity is provided to
operated, and maintained, and written notice of ABB promptly after such discovery and within
such nonconformity is provided to ABB promptly that period, including a description of the non-
after such discovery and within the applicable conformity and complete information about
Warranty Remedy Period, ABB shall, at its option, the manner of its discovery, ABB shall correct
either (i) repair or replace the nonconforming the nonconformity at its option, by either
portion of the Equipment or re-perform the (i) modifying or making available to the Pur-
nonconforming Services; or (ii) refund the chaser instructions for modifying the Software;
portion of the price applicable to the non- or (ii) making available at ABB’s facility neces-
conforming portion of Equipment or Services. sary corrected or replacement programs. ABB
If any portion of the Equipment or Services shall have no obligation with respect to any
so repaired, replaced, or re-performed fails to nonconformities resulting from (i) unauthorized
conform to the foregoing warranty, and written modification of the Software; or (ii) Purchaser-
notice of such nonconformity is provided to supplied software or interfacing. ABB does not
ABB promptly after discovery and within the warrant that the functions contained in the
original Warranty Remedy Period applicable software will operate in combinations which
to such Equipment or Services or 30 days may be selected for use by the Purchaser, or
from completion of such repair, replacement, that the software products are free from errors
or re-performance, whichever is later, ABB in the nature of what is commonly categorized
will repair or replace such nonconforming by the computer industry as “bugs.”
Equipment or re-perform the nonconforming
Services. The original Warranty Remedy Period
shall not otherwise be extended. AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES
(c) Exceptions. ABB shall not be responsible for WRITTEN, ORAL OR IMPLIED, AND ALL OTHER
providing working access to the nonconform- WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED
ing Equipment, including disassembly and WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR
re-assembly of non-ABB supplied equipment, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR
or for providing transportation to or from any
repair facility, all of which shall be at Purchaser’s
risk and expense. ABB shall have no obligation
hereunder with respect to any Equipment
which (i) has been improperly repaired or
altered; (ii) has been subjected to misuse,
negligence, or accident; (iii) has been used in
a manner contrary to ABB’s instructions; (iv) is 9. Patent Indemnity.
comprised of materials provided by or a design (a) ABB shall defend at its own expense any action
specified by Purchaser; or (v) has failed as a brought against Purchaser alleging that the
result of ordinary wear and tear. Equipment Equipment or the use of the Equipment to prac-
supplied by ABB but manufactured by others tice any process for which such Equipment is
is warranted only to the extent of the manufac- specified by ABB (a “Process”) directly infringes
turer’s warranty, and only the remedies, if any, any claim of a patent of the United States of
provided by the manufacturer will be allowed. America and to pay all damages and costs finally
(d) Software Warranty and Remedies. ABB warrants awarded in any such action, provided that
that, except as specified below, the Software Purchaser has given ABB prompt written notice
will, when properly installed, execute in accor- of such action, all necessary assistance in the
dance with ABB’s published specification. If a defense thereof, and the right to control all
nonconformity to the foregoing warranty is aspects of the defense thereof including the
discovered during the period ending one (1) right to settle or otherwise terminate such
year after the date of shipment and written action in behalf of Purchaser.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Conditions of Sale

(b) ABB shall have no obligation hereunder, and or services, downtime costs, delays, and claims
this provision shall not apply to: (i) any other of customers of the Purchaser or other third
equipment or processes, including Equipment parties for any damages. ABB’s liability for
or Processes which have been modified or com- any claim whether in contract, warranty, tort,
bined with other equipment or processes not negligence, strict liability, or otherwise for
supplied by ABB; (ii) any Equipment or Processes any loss or damage arising out of, connected
supplied according to a design, other than an ABB with, or resulting from this Agreement or the
design, required by Purchaser; (iii) any products performance or breach thereof, or from the
manufactured by the Equipment or Processes; design, manufacture, sale, delivery, resale, repair,
(iv) any patent issued after the date hereof; or replacement, installation, technical direction of
(v) any action settled or otherwise terminated installation, inspection, operation or use of any
without the prior written consent of ABB. equipment covered by or furnished under this
(c) If, in any such action, the Equipment is held Agreement, or from any services rendered in
to constitute an infringement, or the practice connection therewith, shall in no case (except
of any Process using the Equipment is finally as provided in the section entitled “Patent
enjoined, ABB shall, at its option and its own Indemnity”) exceed one-half (1 ⁄ 2) of the purchase
expense, procure for Purchaser the right to price allocable to the Equipment, or part thereof,
continue using said Equipment; or modify or or Services which gives rise to the claim.
replace it with non-infringing equipment, or (b) All causes of action against ABB arising out of or
with Purchaser’s assistance, modify the Process relating to this Agreement, or the performance
so that it becomes non-infringing; or remove it or breach hereof, shall expire unless brought
and refund the portion of the price allocable within one year of the time of accrual thereof.
to the infringing Equipment.THE FOREGOING (c) In no event, regardless of cause, shall ABB be
PARAGRAPHS STATE THE ENTIRE LIABILITY OF liable for penalties or penalty clauses of any
ABB AND EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER FOR description or for indemnification of Purchaser
ANY PATENT INFRINGEMENT. or others for costs, damages, or expenses
(d) To the extent that said Equipment or any part arising out of or related to the Equipment
thereof is modified by Purchaser; or combined and/Services.
by Purchaser with equipment or processes not
furnished hereunder (except to the extent that 11. Laws and Regulations.
ABB is a contributory infringer); or said Equip-
ment or any part thereof is used by Purchaser ABB does not assume any responsibility for
to perform a process not furnished hereunder compliance with federal, state, or local laws and
by ABB or to produce an article; and by reason regulations, except as expressly set forth herein,
of said modification, combination, performance and compliance with any laws and regulations
or production, an action is brought against ABB, relating to the operation or use of the Equipment
Purchaser shall defend and indemnify ABB in or Software is the sole responsibility of the
the same manner and to the same extent that Purchaser. All laws and regulations referenced here-
ABB would be obligated to indemnify Purchaser in shall be those in effect as of the Proposal date. In
under this “Patent Indemnity” provision. the event of any subsequent revisions or changes
thereto, ABB assumes no responsibility for compli-
ance therewith. If Purchaser desires a modification
10. Limitation of Liability. as a result of any such change or revision, it shall be

(a) In no event shall ABB and its suppliers or treated as a change per Article 4. Nothing contained
subcontractors be liable for special, indirect, herein shall be construed as imposing responsibili-
incidental or consequential damages, whether ty or liability upon ABB for obtaining any permits,
in contract, warranty, tort, negligence, strict licenses, or approvals from any agency required in
liability, or otherwise; including, but not limited connection with the supply, erection, or operation
to, loss of profits or revenue, loss of use of the of the Equipment. This Agreement shall be gov-
Equipment or any associated equipment, cost erned by the laws of the State of New York, but

of capital, cost of substitute equipment, facilities excluding the provisions of the United Nations


Convention on Contracts for the International Sale hereunder; and (v) the rights to use the Software
of Goods and excluding New York law with respect are non-exclusive and non-transferable, except
to conflicts of law. Purchaser agrees that all causes with ABB’s prior written consent.
of action against ABB under this Agreement shall (b) Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to
be brought in the State Courts of the State of New convey to Purchaser any title to or ownership
York or the U.S. District Court for the Southern in the Software or the intellectual property
District of New York. If any provision hereof, partly contained therein in whole or in part, nor to
or completely, shall be held invalid or unenforce- designate the Software a “work made for hire”
able, such invalidity or unenforceability, shall not under the Copyright Act, nor to confer upon
affect any other provision or portion hereof, and any person who is not a named party to this
these terms shall be construed as if such invalid Agreement any right or remedy under or by
or unenforceable provision or portion thereof had reason of this Agreement. In the event of
never existed. termination of this License, Purchaser shall
immediately cease using the Software and,
12. OSHA. without retaining any copies, notes or excerpts
thereof, return to ABB the Software and all
ABB warrants that the Equipment will comply with
copies thereof and shall remove all machine
the relevant standards of the Occupational Safety
readable Software from all of Purchaser’s
and Health Act of 1970 (“OSHA”) and the regula-
storage media.
tions promulgated thereunder as of the date of the
Proposal. Upon prompt written notice from the
Purchaser of a breach of this warranty, ABB will 14. Inventions and Information.
replace the affected part or modify it so that it Unless otherwise agreed in writing by ABB and
conforms to such standard or regulation. ABB’s Purchaser, all right, title, and interest in any inven-
obligation shall be limited to such replacement or tions, developments, improvements, or modifications
modification. In no event shall ABB be responsible of or for Equipment and Services shall remain with
for liability arising out of the violation of any OSHA ABB. Any design, manufacturing drawings, or other
standards relating to or caused by Purchaser’s information submitted to the Purchaser remains
design, location, operation, or maintenance of the exclusive property of ABB. Purchaser shall
the Equipment, its use in association with other not, without ABB’s prior written consent, copy or
equipment of Purchaser, or the alteration of the disclose such information to a third party. Such
Equipment by any party other than ABB. information shall be used solely for the operation
or maintenance of the Equipment and not for any
13. Software License. other purpose, including the duplication thereof,
in whole or in part.
(a) ABB owns all rights in or has the right to sub-
license all of the Software, if any, to be delivered
to Purchaser under this Agreement. As part of 15. Force Majeure.
the sale made hereunder Purchaser hereby ABB shall neither be liable for loss, damage, deten-
obtains a limited license to use the Software, tion, or delay nor be deemed to be in default for
subject to the following: (i) The Software may failure to perform when prevented from doing so
be used only in conjunction with equipment by causes beyond its reasonable control including,
specified by ABB; (ii) The Software shall be kept but not limited to, acts of war (declared or unde-
strictly confidential; (iii) The Software shall not clared), Acts of God, fire, strike, labor difficulties,
be copied, reverse engineered, or modified; acts or omissions of any governmental authority
(iv) The Purchaser’s right to use the Software or of Purchaser, compliance with government
shall terminate immediately when the specified regulations, insurrection or riot, embargo, delays
equipment is no longer used by the Purchaser or shortages in transportation, or inability to
or when otherwise terminated, e.g. for breach, obtain necessary labor, materials, or manufacturing

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Conditions of Sale

facilities from usual sources, or from defects or such license shall suspend performance of this
delays in the performance of its suppliers or sub- Agreement by ABB. If an export license is not
contractors due to any of the foregoing enumerated granted or, if once granted, is thereafter revoked
causes. In the event of delay due to any such cause, or modified by the appropriate authorities, this
the date of delivery shall be extended by a period Agreement may be canceled by ABB without
equal to the delay plus a reasonable time to resume liability for damages of any kind resulting from
production, and the price shall be adjusted to such cancellation. At ABB’s request, Purchaser
compensate ABB for such delay. shall provide to ABB a Letter of Assurance
and End-User Statement in a form reasonably
satisfactory to ABB.
16. Cancellation.
Any order may be cancelled by Purchaser only
upon prior written notice and payment of termina- 19. Assignment.
tion charges, including but not limited to, all costs Any assignment of this Agreement or of any rights
identified to the order incurred prior to the effec- or obligations under the Agreement without prior
tive date of notice of termination and all expenses written consent of ABB shall be void.
incurred by ABB attributable to the termination,
plus a fixed sum of ten (10) percent of the final 20. Nuclear Insurance – Indemnity.
total price to compensate for disruption in sched-
uling, planned production, and other indirect costs. For applications in nuclear projects, the Purchaser
and/or its end-user customer shall have complete
insurance protection against liability and property
17. Termination. damage resulting from a nuclear incident to and
No termination by Purchaser for default shall be shall indemnify ABB, its subcontractors, suppliers
effective unless, within fifteen (15) days after receipt and vendors against all claims resulting from a
by ABB of Purchaser’s written notice specifying nuclear incident.
such default, ABB shall have failed to initiate and
pursue with due diligence correction of such 21. Resale.
specified default.
If Purchaser resells any of the Equipment, the sale
terms shall limit ABB’s liability to the buyer to the
18. Export Control. same extent that ABB’s liability to Purchaser is
(a) Purchaser represents and warrants that the limited hereunder.
Equipment and Services provided hereunder
and the “direct product” thereof are intended 22. Entire Agreement.
for civil use only and will not be used, directly
or indirectly, for the production of chemical or This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement
biological weapons or of precursor chemicals between ABB and Purchaser. There are no agree-
for such weapons, or for any direct or indirect ments, understandings, restrictions, warranties, or
nuclear end use. Purchaser agrees not to representations between ABB and Purchaser other
disclose, use, export or re-export, directly or than those set forth herein or herein provided.
indirectly, any information provided by ABB or
the “direct product” thereof as defined in the
Export Control Regulations of the United
States Department of Commerce, except in

compliance with such Regulations.

(b) If applicable, ABB shall file for a U.S. export
license, but only after appropriate documenta-
tion for the license application has been pro-
vided by Purchaser. Purchaser shall furnish
such documentation within a reasonable time
after order acceptance. Any delay in obtaining

International Sales Office

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1501 Ardmore Blvd.
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Pittsburgh, PA 15221

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.




Export Sales 50-051X
December 7, 2001

The following Conditions of Sale shall irrevocable letter of credit. The Purchaser, at the
govern the sale of any equipment, apparatus, time of order placement, shall establish in ABB’s
process or other product, hereafter referred favor, an irrevocable letter of credit confirmed by a
to as “product.” United States bank acceptable to ABB and in a form
satisfactory to ABB, providing for payment of partial
1. Applicable Terms and Conditions shipments in an amount equal to quoted prices
Unless different or additional terms and conditions and any applicable price escalation as requested by
are stated or referred to in the ABB proposal, in ABB. The beneficiary of said letter of credit shall be
which event such different or additional terms and ABB Inc., 1501 Ardmore Blvd., Suite 401, Pittsburgh,
conditions shall be exclusive as to the particular PA 15221. All bank charges associated with the
subject covered, the terms and conditions stated establishment of the letter of credit shall be for the
below apply, and such terms and conditions super- account of the Purchaser.
sede any prior or contemporaneous agreements The conditions for payment under such letter of
or correspondence between the parties. ABB Inc. credit shall be satisfied by delivery by ABB to said
(hereafter referred to as ABB) hereby gives notice United States bank of a negotiable ocean bill of
of its objection to any different or additional terms lading, air-way bill of lading, dock receipt, or inland
and conditions. This sale is expressly conditional on (U.S.) bill of lading, together with such additional
Purchaser’s assent to the terms and conditions stated documents as ABB deems appropriate. The letter
below. If not previously given, Purchaser’s accept- of credit shall also provide for payment against
ance of product is conclusive as to this assent. presentation of an ABB Certificate of Completion
of Manufacture in the event ABB is unable to make
2. Quotations shipment because of causes provided in the clause
Each quotation is valid for 90 days from the date of entitled “Force Majeure.” If Purchaser requests ABB
the quotation unless withdrawn earlier. to arrange for transportation, marine and war risk
insurance, and forwarder services, in accordance
3. Minimum Billing with paragraph 7.B.3 under Delivery, the letter of
credit must also provide for payment of the above
The minimum billing per order shall be $500.00.
mentioned services at actual cost. In the event the
Purchaser appoints a freight forwarder other than
4. Prices
the ABB chosen freight forwarder, the letter of cred-
Unless otherwise stated in writing, prices quoted it must provide for payment upon presentation of
are firm for quoted deliveries. one of the following documents: (1) Inland Bill of
Lading, or (2) ABB Certificate of Completion of
5. Taxes Manufacture, or (3) Freight Forwarder’s Receipt.
ABB shall only assume the payment of taxes and ABB reserves the right to require progress payments.
fees assessed by any taxing authority in the United
States on the seller with respect to this order. 7. Delivery
Purchaser shall assume the payment of all taxes, 7. A. Since the shipping terms may vary depend-
duties, fees, and other charges assessed by any tax- ing upon the type of equipment purchased
ing authority in the United States on the purchaser and the purchaser’s requirements, they shall
and shall assume the payment of all taxes, duties, be as stated in the individual ABB proposal.
fees, and other charges assessed by any taxing Similarly, since the type of packing, (domestic
authority outside of the United States. or export) will vary depending upon the
quoted shipping terms, method of shipping,
6. Terms of Payment and type of equipment purchased, they shall
Unless otherwise stated in writing, payment shall be as stated in the ABB proposal. Definitions
be in United States of America currency against an will be in accordance with Incoterms 2000.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Export Sales 50-051X

In the event that no shipping or packing space, marine and war risk insurance and
terms are included in the ABB proposal, forwarder’s services. The marine insurance
the equipment will be domestic packed shall include standard warehouse-to-ware-
Ex Works at the ABB manufacturing facility. house coverage. All expenses incurred inci-
If delivery is delayed because of causes pro- dent to ocean shipment, including insurance,
vided in the clause entitled “Force Majeure,” transportation, storage, forwarding, and other
the price adjustment shall be determined on charges incurred by ABB in fulfilling the
the basis of the date of actual shipment. In Purchaser’s order shall be for the account of
the event of any change in the requirements the Purchaser and payable upon submission
of the order prior to delivery resulting in a of invoices against the letter of credit.
change in the order price, the new price 7.B.4. The Purchaser shall be responsible for
shall be considered as having been in effect any required export/import licenses. The
on the date of the original quotation. obligation of the Purchaser to pay for the
7.B.1. Delivery dates are estimated, subject to products shall not in any manner be waived
change, and predicated on the prompt by the delay or failure to secure or renew,
receipt by ABB of all information necessary or by the cancellation of, any required
to begin manufacture immediately and export/import licenses.
continue without interruption. 7.C. Method of Shipment: Shipping dates are
7.B.2. ABB shall notify Purchaser when the products approximate and are based on receipt of
or any part thereof are ready for shipment. complete information with the order. If
If the contemplated shipment cannot be drawing approval is required, drawings
made for any cause referred to under “Force must be returned on schedule to maintain
Majeure” hereof, including lack of shipping shipping date.
instructions from the Purchaser or Purchaser ABB shall determine the point of origin of
appointed independent freight forwarder, shipment, the method of transportation, and
ABB may, unless other agreement is made the routing of shipment. Purchasers requiring
with the Purchaser, store such products or shipment by a method or routing other than
parts in which event the following conditions that of ABB selection shall be billed any
shall apply: excess or premium in transportation charges.
a. Purchaser shall advise ABB of shipping For example, in the event the Purchaser
instructions within ten days from the date requests air shipment, ABB shall absorb an
of ABB notification that the products are amount equal to the charges of the normally
ready for shipment. If ABB does not receive selected common carrier. If the actual trans-
shipping instructions within such ten-day portation charges on these shipments are
period, the shipment is immediately con- less than such common carrier charges, then
sidered delayed by the purchaser and the no allowance shall be made for the differ-
expenses and procedures detailed under ence. In no event shall ABB be responsible
section “15.C. Delayed Shipment” apply. for demurrage or detention charges.
b. ABB shall, when conditions permit, and Any changes for special services, including, but
upon payment by the Purchaser of all not limited to, special train, lighterage, con-
amounts then due with respect to the struction, or repair of transportation facilities
products, ship the products. will be paid or reimbursed by the purchaser.

7.B.3. If requested by Purchaser, ABB, acting as agent 7.D. Purchaser Pick-Up: No allowance shall
for the Purchaser, shall arrange for ocean be made in lieu of transportation if the
shipment and procure for the benefit of the Purchaser accepts shipment at the factory,
Purchaser full insurance coverage. ABB shall the warehouse, or freight station.
select the method of transportation, including 7.E. Shipment Damage: ABB shall not participate in
place of storage, if necessary, in accordance any settlement of claims for concealed or other
with shipping conditions current at the time shipment damage where it is not responsible

of or during shipment; arrange ocean freight for the shipment.When shipment has been


made by ABB, the Purchaser must unpack WARRANTIES WHETHER STATUTORY, EXPRESS,
immediately and, if damage is discovered, must: OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING ALL WARRANTIES
1. Not move the product from the point OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR
2. Retain shipping container and
packing material.
3. Notify the carrier of any apparent damage
The remedies provided below are the Purchaser’s
in writing on carrier’s delivery receipt and
sole remedies for any failure of ABB to comply with
request the carrier to make an inspection.
its obligations. Correction of any non-conformity
4. Notify the ABB location from which ship- in the manner and for the period of time provided
ment originated within 72 hours of delivery. below shall constitute complete fulfillment of all
5. Send ABB a copy of the carrier’s the liabilities of ABB whether the claims of the
inspection report. Purchaser are based in contract, in tort (including
Failure to comply with the above require- negligence or strict liability), or otherwise with
ments will void ABB’s responsibility. respect to or arising out of the product or service
furnished hereunder.
7.F. Inspection and Acceptance: Purchaser has a
reasonable time after receipt of the product Standard Warranty
to inspect and reject or accept the product. In ABB warrants that the products manufactured by it
any event acceptance shall be deemed to have will be of the kind and quality described in its spec-
occurred no later than 30 days after shipment. ification and will be free of defects in workmanship
and materials.
8. Force Majeure Remedy: In the event any product supplied hereun-
ABB shall not be liable for failure to perform or der fails to comply with this warranty and ABB is so
for delay in performance resulting from any cause notified promptly, in writing, within one year from
beyond ABB’s reasonable control or due to compli- the date of first operation but in no event later than
ance with any regulations, orders, acts, instructions, 18 months from shipment, ABB shall correct such
or priority requests of any federal, state, or munici- non-conformity by repair or, at its option, by replace-
pal Government, or any department or agency ment of the defective part or parts FCA not unloaded
thereof, civil or military authority, acts of God, acts named U.S. port of shipment, provided the product
or omissions of the Purchaser, fires, floods, weather, has been stored, installed, operated, and maintained
strikes, lock-outs, factory shutdowns, faulty castings in accordance with ABB recommendations and
or forgings, embargoes, wars, hostilities, riots, delays industry standard practices. In no event shall ABB
or shortages in transportation, or inability to obtain be responsible for gaining access to the product,
labor, manufacturing facilities, or material from disassembly, reassembly, and transportation of the
ABB’s usual sources. product or parts from or to the place of installation.
Any delay resulting from any such cause shall Products supplied by ABB but manufactured by
extend delivery dates to the extent caused thereby, others are warranted only to the extent of the
and ABB shall be reimbursed its additional expenses manufacturer’s warranty.
resulting from such delay. The Purchaser’s receipt Title Warranty
of products shall constitute a waiver of any claims
ABB warrants that the product supplied hereunder
for delay.
shall be delivered free of any and all rightful claims,
demands, liens, or encumbrances. In the event of a
9. Warranty
breach of this warranty, Purchaser shall promptly
DISCLAIMER AND LIMITATION OF REMEDIES notify ABB, and ABB, at its expense, shall defend the
THE WARRANTIES SET FORTH BELOW ARE title to any affected product or part and, if unsuccess-
EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER ful, shall promptly provide to Purchaser at no cost,

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Export Sales 50-051X

replacement parts or equipment which complies tions of the Product with another product
with this warranty. not furnished by ABB, Purchaser shall indem-
nify ABB in the same manner and to the same
10. Patent Infringement extent that ABB would indemnify Purchaser
10.A. ABB shall, at its expense, defend any suit pursuant to paragraph 10.A.
brought against Purchaser based on a claim
that any Product furnished by ABB pursuant 11. Limitation of Liability
to this Agreement constitutes an infringe- ABB, its subcontractors, and suppliers of any tier
ment of any United States patent, and ABB shall not be liable in contract, in tort (including
shall pay all judgments and costs recovered negligence) or otherwise for damage or loss of
against Purchaser in any such suit and shall other property or equipment, loss of profits or
reimburse Purchaser for costs or expenses
revenue, loss of use of equipment or power system,
incurred by Purchaser in the defense of any
cost of capital, cost of purchased or replacement
such suit, provided that Purchaser gives ABB
prompt notice of such suit, reasonable assis- power or temporary equipment (including addi-
tance in the defense thereof, and full oppor- tional expenses incurred in using existing facilities),
tunity to control all aspects of the defense claims of customers of the Purchaser, or for any
thereof, including settlement. In the event special, indirect, incidental, or consequential dam-
such Product is held to constitute infringe- ages whatsoever. The remedies of the Purchaser set
ment, and the use of the Product is enjoined, forth herein are exclusive and the liability of ABB
ABB shall, at its option, procure for Purchaser with respect to any contract, or anything done in
the right to continue using the Product, connection therewith, such as the performance
replace it with non-infringing Product, modi- or breach thereof, or from the manufacture, sale,
fy it so it becomes non-infringing, or remove delivery, resale, or use of any product covered by
the Product and refund the portion of the or furnished under the order, whether in contract,
Contract Price applicable thereto, including in tort (including negligence), or otherwise, shall
the transportation and installation thereof. not exceed the price of the product or part on
10.B. ABB’s liability for patent infringement shall which such liability is based.
not apply to:
(i) Patented processes performed 12. Transfer
by the Product or another product In the event of a transfer to a third party of any
produced thereby; product or interest therein, Purchaser shall, at its
(ii) Products supplied according to a design option, either (i) obtain for ABB written assurance
other than that of ABB and which is from the transferee that ABB and its subcontractors’
required by the Purchaser; or and suppliers’ protection against liability following
(iii) Modifications of the Product or combina- the transfer is the equal of that provided by this
tions of the Product with another product contract or (ii) indemnify ABB against any liability
not furnished by ABB. ABB may incur in excess of that which ABB would
10.C. THE FOREGOING PARAGRAPHS 10.A have incurred had Purchaser obtained the above
AND 10.B STATE THE ENTIRE LIABILITY assurance from the transferee.
13. Title—Risk of Loss
TO THIS AGREEMENT. The product sold shall remain the property of ABB

10.D. If a suit is brought against ABB on account of and shall remain personal property until fully paid
(i) any patented processes performed by the for in cash, and the Purchaser agrees to perform all
Product or with respect to another product acts which may be necessary to perfect and assure
produced thereby, (ii) Products supplied retention of title to such product by ABB. Risk of
according to a design other than that of ABB loss of the product, or any part of same, shall pass
and which is required by the Purchaser, or to the Purchaser upon delivery of such product or
(iii) modifications of the Product or combina- part at the designated delivery point.


14. Drawing Approval and Changes beyond ABB’s control, ABB shall submit an
If Purchaser requires approval of drawings, such invoice for such product payable upon
review, comment, and/or approval must be received by receipt thereof, and shall, upon written notice
ABB no later than 10 working days after submittal of to the Purchaser, store such products. In such
drawings by ABB to Purchaser. Purchaser’s failure to event, the following conditions shall apply:
comply with this requirement could result in delays Risk of loss of the product shall pass to
in performance and increased costs. If at drawing the Purchaser upon moving such product
approval, ABB has failed to design the product in to storage.
accordance with the Purchaser’s specifications, ABB
All expenses incurred by ABB in connection
shall, at its own expense, make the appropriate
changes.Where Purchaser’s specifications are not with the storage of products, including
sufficiently detailed, ABB reserves the right to design demurrage, the cost of preparation for
the product in line with, in ABB’s judgment, good storage, storage charges, insurance if placed,
commercial practice. If at any time, the Purchaser and handling charges, shall be payable by
makes changes to the contract design as covered the Purchaser upon submission of invoices
in his specifications, the contract shall be subject by ABB.
to renegotiation of the price terms and delivery 15.D. Cancellation By ABB
to reasonably cover any additional costs and
ABB shall have the right to cancel at any
commitments occasioned by the change.
time by written notice for any material
15. Contract Variations breach of the contract by the Purchaser.
15.A. Termination By Purchaser 16. Packing and Tests
Any order or contract may be terminated If not included in the ABB proposal, products
by the Purchaser only by written notice and shall be packaged in accordance with standard U.S.
upon payment of reasonable and proper
domestic packaging for transportation purposes.
termination charges, including but not limited
If export packaging is requested by Purchaser,
to, all costs identified to the order or contract
ABB shall provide a quotation for such services.
which have been incurred up to the date of
Tests other than those normally made by ABB
notice of termination. A reasonable amount
shall be at the Purchaser’s expense.
for overhead and profit, any additional costs
resulting from the termination, and 10% of 17. Returning of Product
the final net price will be included in the
termination charges to compensate for dis- Product may not be returned except with the
ruptions in scheduling, planned production, written agreement of ABB and subject to terms
and other costs. Payment shall be made with- specified by ABB.
in 30 days from date of invoice.
18. Product Notices
15.B. Suspension By Purchaser
Purchaser shall provide the user (including its
Any orders held, delayed, or rescheduled employees) of the product with all ABB supplied
at the request of the Purchaser shall be product notices, warnings, instructions, recommen-
subject to the prices and conditions of sale dations, and similar materials.
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reasonable period of time shall be treated as or Owner shall have complete and proper insurance
a Purchaser termination. protection against liability and property damage
15.C. Delayed Shipment resulting from a nuclear incident and shall indemnify
When products are ready for shipment and ABB, its suppliers, subcontractors, or any tier,
shipment cannot be made because of reasons against all claims resulting from a nuclear incident.

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.

Export Sales 50-051X

20. Choice of Law

The rights and remedies of the parties hereunder
shall be governed by the law of the State of North
Carolina, United States of America.

21. Export Control

(a) Purchaser represents and warrants that the
Equipment and Services provided hereunder
and the “direct product” thereof, are intended
for civil use only and will not be used,
directly or indirectly, for the production
of chemical or biological weapons or of
precursor chemicals for such weapons,
or for any direct or indirect nuclear end
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export or re-export, directly or indirectly,
any information provided by ABB or the
“direct product” thereof, as defined in all
the US Export Control Regulations of the
United States, except in compliance with
such Regulations.
(b) If applicable, ABB shall file for a U.S.
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documentation for the license application
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Any delay in obtaining such license shall
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ABB. If an export license is not granted or,
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modified by the appropriate authorities,
this Agreement may be canceled by ABB
without liability for damages of any kind
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request, Purchaser shall provide to ABB a
Letter of Assurance and End-User Statement
in a form reasonably satisfactory to ABB.
(c) Other than as set forth in 21(b) above,
Purchaser shall be responsible for taking
all steps necessary to clear Equipment for
export and for clearing the Equipment for
import into the country of destination.


A COL, Current-Limiting, Expulsion . . . . . . 487 Refurbishment/Replacement Bushings

A1000 ALPHA, Electricity Meters . . . . . . . . . 345 CLXP, High-Energy, Current-Limiting, Special Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
ABB 300/1200, Automatic Power Expulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489 Composer Series Engineering Tools
Factor Capacitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Capacitor Units Distributed Control Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 401
ABB University. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Capacitor Unit Technology. . . . . . . . . . . . . 460 Composite Hood/Sill
Across the Line Single-Phase Capacitor Unit . . . . . . . . . . . 461 Distribution Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Contactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Capacitor Voltage, Oil Instrument Conditions of Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
Starters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Transformers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Conductor Series/Operate
ACS 100, Low-Voltage AC Drives . . . . . . . . . 148 Capacitors Distributed Control Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 402
ACS 1000, Medium-Voltage AC Drives . . . . . 233 CLMD, Power Factor Consulting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
ACS 140, Low-Voltage AC Drives . . . . . . . . . 148 Low-Voltage Network Quality . . . . . . . . . 198 Contactors
ACS 400, Low-Voltage AC Drives . . . . . . . . . 149 ABB 300/1200, Automatic Power Factor . . 199 Across the Line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
ACS 600, Low-Voltage AC Drives . . . . . . . . . 150 Capacitor Units Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
ADVAC, Switchgear OEM Components. . . . . 231 Capacitor Unit Technology . . . . . . . . . . . 460 Welding Isolation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Advance FTIR, Gas Analyzers . . . . . . . . . . . . 406 Single-Phase Capacitor Unit . . . . . . . . . . 461 Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
AIN ALPHA, Electricity Meters . . . . . . . . . . . 344 Capacitor Banks Control Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
ALPHA, ALPHA Plus, and A3 ALPHA Open-Stack Substation Capacitor Bank. . 465 Controllers, I/O Interfaces
Electricity Meters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 Pole-Mounted Capacitor Bank . . . . . . . . 466
Symphony/Harmony Area Management and
Amorphous Metal Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Metal-Enclosed Capacitor Bank, SIKAP . . . 469
Control Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
AOK, Current, Oil Instrument Transformers . . . 19 Harmonic Filter Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
Appendix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519 CBG 30 mm, Pilot Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
AquaMaster Electronic Water Meter . . . . . . . 367 CBK 22 mm, Pilot Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Industrial Controls
Arc Guard, Fault Current Limiter . . . . . . . . . . 226 Center-Bolt Cover Design Miniature Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Assembled Banks, Type HKE . . . . . . . . . . . . 475 Distribution Transformer, Special Feature . . . 84 Conventional Substations
Automatic Power Factor Capacitors Center-Break Disconnectors Plug and Switch System PASS . . . . . . . . . 409
Low-Voltage Network Quality. . . . . . . . . . . 199 Type SGF 72.5 — 550 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 ELK-04. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
AX1, Metal-Enclosed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 Central Markets, SABLE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499 EXK-01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
CIL, Current-Limiting, Expulsion ELK-14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
B (Metal-Enclosed Equipment) ELK-3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
Bar Contactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 Capacitor Fuses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483 SMART Gas-Insulated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
Bushings—Bulk Circuit Breakers cougerplus
Type A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Circuit Protective Devices Business Management Systems . . . . . . . . 504
Type LCRJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Isomax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 CPA, Capacitor Voltage Transformers . . . . . . . 22
Bushings—Condenser Emax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 CPB, Capacitor Voltage Transformers . . . . . . . 22
Type O Plus C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 ADVAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 CSP Coordinated Protection Package
Type T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 R-ADVAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 Distribution Transformer Special Feature. . . . 83
Business Management Systems Type VHK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 Current, Oil Instrument Transformers . . . . . . . . 16
Central Markets, SABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499 Circuit Protective Devices CXP, High-Voltage, Expulsion
GenCo/Trading System Pro M Capacitor Fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
gimsplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501 Miniature Circuit Breakers . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
gatewayplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502 Modular DIN Rail Components . . . . . . . . 188 D
webmerchantplus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503 Residual Current Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 DCS 400, Low-Voltage DC Drives. . . . . . . . . 151
cougerplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504 Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors . . . 190 DCS 500B, Low-Voltage DC Drives. . . . . . . . 152
strategistplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505 Circuit Breakers De-energized Switches
PACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506 Isomax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Distribution Transformer Components . . . . . 93
Optimize Portfolio Maintenance Planner. . 507 Emax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Dead-Tank Circuit Breakers
Retail Disconnect Switches Type PM/PMI 38 kV — 72 kV . . . . . . . . . . 270
Energy Profiler Online . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508 Non-Fusible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 Type PM/PMI 121 kV — 169 kV . . . . . . . . 272
Energy Profiler for Windows . . . . . . . . . . 509 Fusible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 Type PMR/PMRI 242 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Energy BOSS Enclosed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 Type PMG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
(Billing Options Support System). . . . . 510 CLC, Dry Instrument Transformers . . . . . . . . . 29 Type PMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
E-VEE (Electric Validation and CLC, Current-Limiting, 1.2 — 3.0 kV Type PM 550 kV — 800 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
Editing Engine). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511 Capacitor Fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482 Disconnect Switches
CLMD, Power Factor Capacitors . . . . . . . . . 198
Circuit Protective Devices
C CLN, 600 V, Current-Limiting, Non-Indicating
Non-Fusible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
C3000 Compound Water Meter . . . . . . . . . . 363 Capacitor Fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
Fusible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
C700 Positive Displacement Water Meter . . . 359 CLXP, High-Energy, Current-Limiting, Expulsion
Enclosed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Cable Management Systems Capacitor Fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
CMF, Dry Instrument Transformers . . . . . . . . . 26 Single Insulator Disconnect
Industrial Controls
Wire Duct, DIN Rail and Spiral Wrap . . . . 184 CMV, Dry Instrument Transformers . . . . . . . . . 28 LSID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
CADOPS CMV-H, Dry Instrument Transformers . . . . . . . 28 SID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Distribution Information Systems . . . . . . . . 494 COL, Current-Limiting, Expulsion Disconnectors
Cam Switches Capacitor Fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487 Center-Break Disconnectors
Industrial Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 Combination Starters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Type SGF 72.5 — 550 kV. . . . . . . . . . . . 291
Capacitor Banks Components & Insulation Material Double-Break Disconnectors
Open-Stack Substation Capacitor Bank . . . 465 Bushings—Condenser Type SDB 123 — 420 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
Pole-Mounted Capacitor Bank. . . . . . . . . . 466 Type O Plus C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Vertical-Break Disconnectors
Capacitor Fuses Type T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Type ONS 245 and ONS 420 . . . . . . . . . 298
Indoor Bushings—Bulk Single-Column Pantograph Disconnectors
CLN, 600 V, Current-Limiting, Type A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Type TFB 123 — 550 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
Non-Indicating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481 Type LCRJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Distributed Control Systems
CLC, Current-Limiting, 1.2 — 3.0 kV. . . . 482 Tap Changers—Load Turbine Control and Automation System
CIL, Current-Limiting, Expulsion Type UZ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Turbine Control and Condition
(Metal-Enclosed Equipment) . . . . . . . . 483 Tap Changers—De-energized Monitoring Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
Outdoor Type DTU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Power Plant Controls and Automation System
CXP, High-Voltage, Expulsion . . . . . . . . . 485 Type DTW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Symphony DCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.


Water and Wastewater Plant Control and KIR-60/75, Medium-Voltage Current . . . . . . 31 EXLIM-Q, Surge Arresters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
Automation System KOR-11, Medium-Voltage Current . . . . . . . . 32 EXLIM-R, Surge Arresters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
Industrial, Symphony, and SCADA VIY-60, Medium-Voltage Current . . . . . . . . . 33 EXLIM-T, Surge Arresters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399 VOZ-75/11, Medium-Voltage Current . . . . . . 34 Export Sales 50-051X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
Symphony—Enhanced with Industrial . . . . 400 VOZ-15, Medium-Voltage Current . . . . . . . . 35
System Engineering Tools Drywell Current-Limiting Fuse Cannister F
Composer Series Engineering Tools . . . . 401 Distribution Transformer Components . . . . . 92 Fault Current Limiter
Human System Interface Duracast IS-Limiter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Conductor Series/Operate . . . . . . . . . . . 402 Dry and Cast, Small Power Transformers . . 104 Arc Guard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Controllers, I/O Interfaces Dynamic UPS (DUPS) FEEDERALL
Symphony/Harmony Area Management Power Quality Apparatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456 Distribution Information Systems . . . . . . . . 496
and Control Products. . . . . . . . . . . . . 403 Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) . . . . . . . . . . 457 Flameproof Motors
Distribution Cutouts High-Voltage Induction Motors. . . . . . . . . . 142
Non-Loadbreak, NCX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 E FORESITE
Loadbreak, LBU II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 E-VEE (Electric Validation and Editing Engine) Distribution Information Systems . . . . . . . . 495
Interchangeable, ICX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 Business Management Systems . . . . . . . . 511 FSM3 Fire Service Water Meter. . . . . . . . . . . 365
Special Feature, Moisture-Proof Tube . . . . . 259 Earthing Switches Fusible, Disconnect Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Distribution Information Systems Type TEC 72.5 — 300 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Distribution Type TEB 170 — 550 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
CADOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494 Type TEB 170 — 550 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Gas Analyzers
FORESITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495 Electric Utility Sales and Support . . . . . . . . . 521
Process Analytics
FEEDERALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496 Electricity Meters
Electronic The Advance Optima System . . . . . . . . . 404
Distribution Reclosers Networkir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
ESVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 ALPHA, ALPHA Plus, and A3 ALPHA . . . 339
Switchboard ALPHA, ALPHA Plus, Questor IV Process Mass
VR-3S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 Spectrometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
Special Feature and A3 ALPHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
Portable ALPHA, ALPHA Plus, Questor GP Process Mass
PCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Spectrometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
Loop Control Module (LCM) . . . . . . . . . . 249 and A3 ALPHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
ION Meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342 Vista II Multiwave Process
Single-Phase Tripping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 Photometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
Distribution Transformer Components AIN ALPHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
A1000 ALPHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 Vista II Process Gas Chromatograph. . . . 405
HV Bushing Wells and LV Bushings . . . . . . . 88 Vista Model 4100 On-Line RVP
Protective Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Meter Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
EnergyAxis ALPHA STARS . . . . . . . . . . . 348 Analyzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
LBOR-II Load-Break Switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Vista II Model 2007 Fuel Sulfur
EnergyAxis AMR Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
DO-III Drawout Load-Break Analyzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
Expulsion Fuse Holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Advance FTIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
Single-Phase—AB1 and AB1R . . . . . . . . 352
Drywell Current-Limiting Fuse Cannister . . . . 92
Polyphase—ABS-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 Model 4210 Freezing Point Analyzer . . . . 406
De-energized Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Polyphase—ABS-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354 Model 4211 Cloud Point Analyzer . . . . . . 406
DO-III Expulsion Fuse Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Polyphase—ABS-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355 Model 4212 Pour Point Analyzer . . . . . . . 406
Distribution Transformer, Special Feature
Polyphase—ABS-5U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356 Model 4214 Flash Point Analyzer . . . . . . 406
CSP Coordinated Protection Package . . . . . 83 Polyphase—ABS-7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 Gas-Insulated, ZV-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Center-Bolt Cover Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Polyphase—ABS-8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 gatewayplus,
Distribution Transformers Electronic Business Management Systems . . . . . . . . 502
Padmounted, Single-Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Overload Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 GenCo/Trading
Poletype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 ALPHA, ALPHA Plus, and A3 ALPHA. . . . . 339 gimsplus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
Solid Distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Switchboard ALPHA, ALPHA Plus,
DLA, Starters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 gatewayplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502
and A3 ALPHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 webmerchantplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
DO-III, Distribution Transformer Components . . 91 Portable ALPHA, ALPHA Plus,
DO-III Expulsion Fuse Links cougerplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504
and A3 ALPHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341 strategistplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
Distribution Transformer Components . . . . . 94 ION Meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
Double-Break Disconnectors PACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506
AIN ALPHA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 Optimize Portfolio Maintenance Planner . . . 507
Type SDB 123 — 420 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 A1000 ALPHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
DPU 1500R, Protective Relays . . . . . . . . . . . 384 Generation, GPU 2000R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
Meter Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 Generators
DPU 2000R, Protective Relays . . . . . . . . . . . 384 EnergyAxis ALPHA STARS . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
Drive, Contactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 High-Voltage Synchronous Machines
EnergyAxis AMR Server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349 Synchronous Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Drives Electronic Brakes, Power, Softstarters. . . . . . 169
Low-Voltage AC gimsplus
Electronic Monitoring, Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
ACS 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Business Management Systems . . . . . . . . 501
Electronic Safety, Relays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
ACS 140 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 GIS Plug-In Termination EHSVS
Electronic Thermistor, Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
ACS 400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Electronic Timing, Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Power Cables and Accessories . . . . . . . . . 444
ACS 600 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 ELK-04, Conventional Substations . . . . . . . . 411 GIS-termination, APEGA 84 — 420 kV
Low-Voltage DC ELK-14, Conventional Substations . . . . . . . . 411 Power Cables and Accessories . . . . . . . . . 440
DCS 400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 ELK-3, Conventional Substations . . . . . . . . . 411 GPU 2000R, Protective Relays . . . . . . . . . . . 372
DCS 500B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Emax, Circuit Breakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Ground Fault Locating System (GFLS)
Dry and Cast Transformers Enclosed, Disconnect Switches . . . . . . . . . . 196 Protective Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
VPI (Vacuum Pressure Impregnated) . . . . . . 98 Energy BOSS (Billing Options Support System)
VPE (Vacuum Pressure Encapsulated) . . . . 100 Business Management Systems . . . . . . . . 510 H
RESIBLOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Hand-Operating

Energy Profiler for Windows

Duracast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Business Management Systems . . . . . . . . 509 Type HA 31 — 80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
Dry Instrument Transformers Energy Profiler Online Harmonic Filter System
CMF, Low-Voltage Current. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Business Management Systems . . . . . . . . 508 Power Quality Apparatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
CMV, Low-Voltage Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 EnergyAxis ALPHA STARS, Electricity Meters 348 Capacitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
CMV-H, Low-Voltage Current . . . . . . . . . . . 28 EnergyAxis AMR Server, Electricity Meters. . . 349 High-Voltage Induction Motors
CLC, Low-Voltage Current. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 ESVA, Distribution Reclosers . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 Standard Induction Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
PPM, Low-Voltage Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 EXK-01, Conventional Substations . . . . . . . . 411 Flameproof Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
PPW, Low-Voltage Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 EXLIM-P, Surge Arresters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 Wound Rotor Induction Motors . . . . . . . . . 143


High-Voltage Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 Low-Voltage Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Drives

Power Circuit Breakers IEC Switchgear Low-Voltage AC
Dead-Tank Medium-Voltage ACS 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Type PM/PMI 38 kV — 72 kV . . . . . . . 270 ZS-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 ACS 140 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Type PM/PMI 121 kV — 169 kV . . . . . 272 ZX-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 ACS 400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Type PMR/PMRI 242 kV . . . . . . . . . . . 274 IMB, Current ACS 600 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Type PMG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276 Oil Instrument Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 DCS 400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Type PMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 Indoor Capacitor Fuses DCS 500B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Type PM 550 kV — 800 kV . . . . . . . . . 280 CLN, 600 V, Current-Limiting, Industrial Controls
Special Feature Non-Indicating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481 Contactors
Synchronous Control Unit . . . . . . . . . . 282 CLC, Current-Limiting, 1.2 — 3.0 kV . . . . . 482 Across the Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Live-Tank CIL, Current-Limiting, Expulsion Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
LTB D1/B SF6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 (Metal Enclosed Equipment) . . . . . . . . . 483 Welding Isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
LTB E SF6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 Induction Heating and Melting Applications . . 477 Bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
HPL SF6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 Industrial, Power Transformers Overload Relays
Disconnectors Medium and Large Power Transformers . . . 123 Thermal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Center-Break Disconnectors Industrial Controls Electronic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Type SGF 72.5 — 550 kV . . . . . . . . . . 291 Contactors Starters
Double-Break Disconnectors Across the Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Across the Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Type SDB 123 — 420 kV . . . . . . . . . . 295 Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 Combination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Vertical-Break Disconnectors Welding Isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Reduced Voltage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Type ONS 245 and ONS 420. . . . . . . . 298 Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 DLA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Single-Column Pantograph Disconnectors Overload Relays WLA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Type TFB 123 — 550 kV . . . . . . . . . . . 301 Thermal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Miniature Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Earthing Switches Electronic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 Manual Motor Protectors . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Type TEC 72.5 — 300 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . 305 Starters Softstarters
Type TEB 170 — 550 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 Across the Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Type PSS, Low-Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Type TEB 170 — 550 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . 308 Combination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Type SSD, Low-Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Operating Mechanisms Reduced Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 Type SSM, Medium-Voltage. . . . . . . . . 168
Motor Operating DLA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Power Electronic Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Type MT 50 and MT 100 . . . . . . . . . . . 309 WLA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Relays
Hand-Operating Miniature Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Type HA 31 — 80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313 Manual Motor Protectors . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Electronic Timing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Surge Arresters Softstarters Electronic Monitoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Distribution Class Type PSS, Low-Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Electronic Thermistor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
POLIM-D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 Type SSD, Low-Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Electronic Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Intermediate Class Type SSM, Medium-Voltage . . . . . . . . . . 168
Pilot Devices
PEXLIM-A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322 Power Electronic Brakes. . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
CBK 22 mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Station Class Relays
CBG 30 mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
EXLIM-R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324 Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Signal Beacons and Stacklights . . . . . . 177
XPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 Electronic Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Limit Switches
EXLIM-Q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 Electronic Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Plastic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
EXLIM-P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 Electronic Thermistor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Electronic Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
EXLIM-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
Pilot Devices Sensors
Transmission Line
CBK 22 mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Proximity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
PEXLINK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
High-Voltage Synchronous Machines CBG 30 mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Photoelectric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Synchronous Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Signal Beacons and Stacklights . . . . . . . 177 Ultrasonic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Motorformer/Powerformer Light . . . . . . . . . 146 Limit Switches Cam Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
High-Voltage, Direct Current Plastic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Power Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423 Metal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 Cable Management Systems
HPL SF6, Power Circuit Breakers . . . . . . . . . 289 Sensors Wire Duct, DIN Rail and Spiral Wrap. . . 184
Human System Interface Proximity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Circuit Protective Devices
Conductor Series/Operate. . . . . . . . . . . . . 402 Photoelectric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 System Pro M
HV and EHV Cable Accessories Ultrasonic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Miniature Circuit Breakers . . . . . . . . . . 186
Outdoor Termination Porcelain, Cam Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 Modular DIN Rail Components. . . . . . . 188
APEC 84 — 420 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438 Transformers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Residual Current Devices. . . . . . . . . . . 189
Outdoor Termination Composite, Industrial Controls Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors . . 190
APEC P 145 — 170 kV. . . . . . . . . . . . . 438 Cable Management Systems Circuit Breakers
GIS-termination, APEGA 84 — 420 kV. . . . 440 Wire Duct, DIN Rail and Spiral Wrap . . . . 184 Isomax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Prefabricated Joint, Industrial Products Emax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
SMPGB 123 — 362 kV. . . . . . . . . . . . . 442 Motors, Machines, and Generators Disconnect Switches
SMPGB-C 123 — 170 kV . . . . . . . . . . . 442 Low-Voltage Motors Non-Fusible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
HV and EHV Power Cable Systems IEC Standard Motors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Fusible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Power Cables and Accessories . . . . . . . . . 437 IEC Hazardous Area Motors . . . . . . . . 138 Enclosed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
HV Bushing Wells and LV Bushings NEMA Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Low-Voltage Network Quality
Distribution Transformer Components . . . . . 88 Specialty Motors CLMD, Power Factor Capacitors . . . . . . 198
HV Cable Accessories Wind Turbine Generators . . . . . . . . . . . 140 ABB 300/1200, Automatic Power
GIS Plug-In Termination EHSVS . . . . . . . . . 444 High-Voltage Induction Motors Factor Capacitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
HVDC Light, Power Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 425 Standard Induction Motors . . . . . . . . . 141 Active Filter
Flameproof Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Power Quality Filter (PQFA) . . . . . . . . . 202
I Wound Rotor Induction Motors . . . . . . 143 Low-Voltage Distribution Equipment and
ICX, Distribution Cutouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 High-Voltage Synchronous Machines Control Systems
IEC Hazardous Area Motors Synchronous Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Metal-Enclosed
Low-Voltage Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Synchronous Generators . . . . . . . . . . . 145 K-Line Plus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
IEC Standard Motors Motorformer/Powerformer Light . . . . . . 146 MNS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.


Switchgear OEM Components Distribution Reclosers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 IEC Switchgear

Low-Voltage Circuit Breakers . . . . . . . . . 208 Low-Voltage Motors Medium-Voltage
Industrial Representatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523 IEC Standard Motors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 ZS-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Industrial, Symphony, and SCADA Systems IEC Hazardous Area Motors . . . . . . . . . . . 138 ZX-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Distributed Control Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 399 NEMA Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Switchgear Aftermarket Products and Services
Information Management Software Low-Voltage Circuit Breakers Replacement Circuit Breakers, Parts,
and Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491 Switchgear OEM Components. . . . . . . . . . 208 Training, and Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Distribution Information Systems Low-Voltage Distribution Equipment and Switchgear OEM Components
Distribution Control Systems Circuit Breakers
CADOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494 Metal-Enclosed ADVAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
FORESITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495 K-Line Plus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 R-ADVAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
FEEDERALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496 MNS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Type VHK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Business Management Systems Low-Voltage Drives Load Interrupter Switches
Central Markets AC VersaRupter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
SABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499 ACS 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Medium-Voltage AC Drives, ACS 1000. . . . 233
GenCo/Trading ACS 140 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Vacuum Circuit Breakers
gimsplus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501 ACS 400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Type R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
gatewayplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502 ACS 600 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Type V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
webmerchantplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503 DC Distribution Reclosers
cougerplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504 DCS 400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 ESVA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
strategistplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505 DCS 500B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 VR-3S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
PACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506 Low-Voltage Network Quality Special Feature
Optimize Portfolio Maintenance CLMD, Power Factor Capacitors . . . . . . . . 198 PCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Planner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507 ABB 300/1200, Automatic Power Loop Control Module (LCM). . . . . . . . . 249
Retail Factor Capacitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Single-Phase Tripping . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Energy Profiler Online . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508 Active Filter Distribution Cutouts
Energy Profiler for Windows . . . . . . . . . 509 Power Quality Filter (PQFA) . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Non-Loadbreak, NCX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Energy BOSS Low-Voltage, Softstarters Loadbreak, LBU II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
(Billing Options Support System) . . . 510 Industrial Controls Interchangeable, ICX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
E-VEE (Electric Validation Type PSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Special Feature, Moisture-Proof Tube . . . 259
and Editing Engine) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511 Type SSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Disconnect Switches
International Sales Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533 LSID, Disconnect Switches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 Single Insulator Disconnect
InvisiTran LTB D1/B SF6 LSID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Solid Distribution Transformers. . . . . . . . . . . 85 Power Circuit Breakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 SID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
ION Meters LTB E SF6 Medium-Voltage, Softstarters
Electricity Meters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342 Power Circuit Breakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 Industrial Controls
IS-Limiter, Fault Current Limiter . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Type SSM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Isomax, Circuit Breakers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 M Metal, Limit Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Machines Metal-Clad
J High-Voltage Synchronous Machines Medium-Voltage Distribution Switchgear
JUMBO, Poletype Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Synchronous Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Safegear and Advance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Synchronous Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Metal-Enclosed
K Motorformer/Powerformer Light . . . . . . . 146 Low-Voltage Distribution Equipment
K-Line Plus Magneto-Optic Current Transducer (MOCT) . . 38 and Control Systems
Metal-Enclosed Maintenance and Lifetime Extension . . . . . . . 513 K-Line Plus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Low-Voltage Distribution Equipment and Services Medium-Voltage Distribution Switchgear
Control Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 Utilities Services Overview . . . . . . . . . . . 515 AX1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
KIR-60/75, Dry Instrument Transformers . . . . . 31 Switchgear Aftermarket Products Metal-Enclosed Capacitor Bank, SIKAP . . . . 469
KOR-11, Dry Instrument Transformers. . . . . . . 32 and Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517 Metallized Technology Range Type ESF
Relay Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518 and ESR for DC Applications . . . . . . . . . . . 478
L Manual Motor Protectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Meter Software, Electricity Meters . . . . . . . . . 347
LBOR-II Load-Break Switch Maxi-Pak, Distribution Transformers . . . . . . . . 47 Metering, Protection, and Control . . . . . . . . . 335
Distribution Transformer Components . . . . . 90 Medium and Large Power Transformers Electricity Meters
LBU II, Distribution Cutouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Electronic
Limit Switches Phase-Shifting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 ALPHA, ALPHA Plus, and A3 ALPHA. . 339
Industrial Controls Industrial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Switchboard ALPHA, ALPHA Plus,
Plastic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Medium-Voltage and A3 ALPHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
Metal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 ZS-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 Portable ALPHA, ALPHA Plus,
Liquid-Filled Transformers ZX-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 and A3 ALPHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
Substation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Medium-Voltage AC Drives, ACS 1000 . . . . . 233 ION Meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
Unit Substation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Medium-Voltage Products AIN ALPHA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Medium-Voltage Distribution Switchgear A1000 ALPHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
Padmounted. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Metal-Clad Meter Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Live-Tank Safegear and Advance . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 EnergyAxis ALPHA STARS . . . . . . . . . 348
LTB D1/B SF6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 Metal-Enclosed EnergyAxis AMR Server. . . . . . . . . . . . 349
LTB E SF6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 AX1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 Electromechanical
HPL SF6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 Load Interrupter Single-Phase—AB1 and AB1R . . . . . . 352

Load Interrupter PK Primary Entrance Unit . . . . . . . . . . 218 Polyphase—ABS-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353

Medium-Voltage Distribution Switchgear PKC Power Switching Center . . . . . . . 218 Polyphase—ABS-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
PK Primary Entrance Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Motor Control Center Polyphase—ABS-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
PKC Power Switching Center . . . . . . . . . 218 Safegear and Advance . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Polyphase—ABS-5U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
Load Interrupter Switches Gas-Insulated, ZV-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 Polyphase—ABS-7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
VersaRupter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 Fault Current Limiter Polyphase—ABS-8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
Loadbreak, LBU II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 IS-Limiter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Water Meters
Loop Control Module (LCM) Arc Guard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 C700 Positive Displacement Meter . . . . . 359
T3000 Turbine Meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361


C3000 Compound Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . 363 MODULA Substation, Modular . . . . . . . . . . . 420 P

FSM3 Fire Service Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . 365 Modular DIN Rail Components PACE, Business Management Systems. . . . . 506
AquaMaster Electronic Water Meter . . . . 367 Circuit Protective Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 Padmounted
S2000 Commercial Single Jet Meter . . . . 369 Modular Substations Liquid-Filled, Small Power Transformers . . . 116
Protective Relays PS-1 Substation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418 Padmounted Transformers
Generation, GPU 2000R. . . . . . . . . . . . . 372 MODULA Substation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420 Single-Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Transformer, TPU 2000R . . . . . . . . . . . . 374 Moisture-Proof Tube, Special Feature Three-Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Transmission Distribution Cutouts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 PCD, Distribution Reclosers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
REL 512 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376 Motor Control Center PEXLIM-A, Surge Arresters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
REL 350 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 Safegear and Advance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 PEXLINK, Surge Arresters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
REL 352 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 Motor Operating, Type MT 50 and MT 100 . . 309 Phase-Shifting
REL 356 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382 Motor Protectors, Industrial Controls . . . . . . . 165 Medium and Large Power Transformers . . . 121
Distribution Motorformer/Powerformer Light Photoelectric, Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
DPU 1500R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384 High-Voltage Synchronous Machines . . . . . 146 Pilot Devices
DPU 2000R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384 Motors Industrial Controls
MSOC—Microshield O/C. . . . . . . . . . . 386 Low-Voltage CBK 22 mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Other Protective Relays IEC Standard Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 CBG 30 mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Ground Fault Locating IEC Hazardous Area Motors . . . . . . . . . . 138 Signal Beacons and Stacklights . . . . . . . 177
System (GFLS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388 NEMA Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 PK Primary Entrance Unit
Electromechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390 Specialty Motor Load Interrupter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Solid State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390 Wind Turbine Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 PKC Power Switching Center
Protective Relay Services . . . . . . . . . . . . 391 High-Voltage Induction Load Interrupter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Power Monitoring and Control Standard Induction Motors . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Plastic Limit Switches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Special Feature Flameproof Motors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Platform Mounted
Power Rich System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393 Wound Rotor Induction Motors . . . . . . . . 143 Distribution Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
PRICOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395 MSOC—Microshield O/C, Protective Relays . 386 Plug and Switch System PASS
Distributed Control Systems MTP—Mini Three Phase Conventional Substations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
Turbine Control and Automation System Distribution Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Pole-Mounted Capacitor Bank
Turbine Control and Condition Monitoring MTR, Distribution Transformers. . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Capacitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397 Poletype Transformers
Power Plant Controls and Automation System N Single-Phase, Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Symphony DCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398 NCX, Distribution Cutouts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 JUMBO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Water and Wastewater Plant Control and NEMA Motors, Low-Voltage Motors . . . . . . . 139 POW-R-Pole Transformer and Substation. . . 74
Automation System Network Micro-Pole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Industrial, Symphony, and Liquid-Filled, Small Power Transformers . . . 114 Three-Phase, T-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
SCADA Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399 Networkir, Gas Analyzers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404 Three-Phase, Triplex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Symphony—Enhanced with Industrial . . . 400 Non-Fusible Disconnect Switches . . . . . . . . . 194 POLIM-D, Surge Arresters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
System Engineering Tools Non-Loadbreak, NCX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 Polyphase—ABS-2, Electricity Meters . . . . . . 353
Composer Series Engineering Tools . . . 401 Polyphase—ABS-3, Electricity Meters . . . . . . 354
Human System Interface O Polyphase—ABS-5, Electricity Meters . . . . . . 355
Conductor Series/Operate . . . . . . . . . . 402 Oil Instrument Transformers Polyphase—ABS-5U, Electricity Meters. . . . . 356
Controllers, I/O Interfaces IMB, Current. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Polyphase—ABS-7, Electricity Meters . . . . . . 357
Symphony/Harmony Area Management AOK, Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Polyphase—ABS-8, Electricity Meters . . . . . . 358
and Control Products . . . . . . . . . . . . 403 CPA, Capacitor Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Portable ALPHA, ALPHA Plus, and A3 ALPHA
Gas Analyzers CPB, Capacitor Voltage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Electricity Meters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
Process Analytics OEM, VAR, and Service Customer Sales and POW-R-Pole Transformer and Substation
The Advance Optima System. . . . . . . . 404 Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525 Poletype Transformers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Networkir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404 Open-Stack Substation Capacitor Bank Power
Questor IV Process Mass Capacitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465 Medium and Large Power Transformers . . . 119
Spectrometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404 Operating Mechanisms Power Cables and Accessories
Questor GP Process Mass Hand-Operating, Type HA 31 — 80 . . . . . . 313 HV and EHV Power Cable Systems . . . . . . 437
Spectrometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404 Motor-Operating, Type MT 50 and MT 100. . 309 HV and EHV Cable Accessories
Vista II Multiwave Process Photometers 405 Optical Metering Unit (OMU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Outdoor Termination Porcelain,
Vista II Process Gas Chromatograph . . 405 Optical Sensors and Systems APEC 84 — 420 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
Vista Model 4100 On-Line Magneto-Optic Current Transducer Outdoor Termination Composite,
RVP Analyzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 (MOCT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 APEC P 145 — 170 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
Vista II Model 2007 Fuel Sulfur Analyzer 406 Optical Metering Unit (OMU) . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 GIS-termination, APEGA 84 — 420 kV . . 440
Advance FTIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406 Optimize Portfolio Maintenance Planner Prefabricated Joint,
Model 4210 Freezing Point Analyzer. . . 406 Business Management Systems . . . . . . . . 507 SMPGB 123 — 362 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
Model 4211 Cloud Point Analyzer . . . . 406 Other Protective Relays SMPGB-C 123 — 170 kV . . . . . . . . . . 442
Model 4212 Pour Point Analyzer . . . . . 406 Ground Fault Locating System (GFLS) . . . . 388 HV Cable Accessories
Model 4214 Flash Point Analyzer . . . . . 406 Outdoor Capacitor Fuse GIS Plug-In Termination EHSVS . . . . . . . 444
Micro-Pak, Distribution Transformers. . . . . . . . 47 CXP, High-Voltage, Expulsion. . . . . . . . . . . 485 Power Circuit Breakers
Micro-Pole, Poletype Transformers . . . . . . . . . 75 COL, Current-Limiting, Expulsion . . . . . . . . 487 Dead-Tank
Mini-Pak, Distribution Transformers . . . . . . . . . 47 CLXP, High-Energy, Current-Limiting, Type PM/PMI 38 kV — 72 kV . . . . . . . . . 270
Miniature Circuit Breakers Expulsion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489 Type PM/PMI 121 kV — 169 kV . . . . . . . 272
Circuit Protective Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 Outdoor Termination Composite, Type PMR/PMRI 242 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Miniature Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 APEC P 145 — 170 kV Type PMG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
MINICOMP, Power Quality Apparatus . . . . . . 452 Power Cables and Accessories. . . . . . . . 438 Type PMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
MNS Outdoor Termination Porcelain, Type PM 550 kV — 800 kV . . . . . . . . . . 280
Low-Voltage Distribution Equipment and APEC 84 — 420 kV Special Feature
Control Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Power Cables and Accessories. . . . . . . . 438 Synchronous Control Unit. . . . . . . . . . . . 282
Model 4210 Freezing Point Gas Analyzer . . . 406 Overload Relays Live-Tank
Model 4211 Cloud Point Gas Analyzer . . . . . 406 Industrial Controls LTB D1/B SF6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Model 4212 Pour Point Gas Analyzer . . . . . . 406 Thermal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 LTB E SF6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
Model 4214 Flash Point Gas Analyzer . . . . . . 406 Electronic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 HPL SF6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.


Power Distribution Centers PPW, Dry Instrument Transformers . . . . . . . . . 30 Replacement Circuit Breakers, Parts,
Switchgear Integration Systems . . . . . . . . . 435 Prefabricated Joint, SMPGB 123 — 362 kV Training, and Service
Power Electronic Brakes Power Cables and Accessories . . . . . . . . . 442 Switchgear Aftermarket Products and
Softstarters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Prefabricated Joint, SMPGB-C 123 — 170 kV Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Power Factor Capacitors Power Cables and Accessories . . . . . . . . . 442 RESIBLOC
Low-Voltage Network Quality. . . . . . . . . . . 198 PRICOM, Power Monitoring and Control . . . . 395 Dry and Cast, Small Power Transformers . . 102
Power Monitoring and Control Primary and Secondary Unit Substations Residual Current Devices
Power Rich System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393 Switchgear Integration Systems . . . . . . . . . 433 Circuit Protective Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
PRICOM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395 Process Analytics Retail
Power Plant Controls and Automation System The Advance Optima System . . . . . . . . . . 404 Energy Profiler Online . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
Symphony DCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398 Networkir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404 Energy Profiler for Windows. . . . . . . . . . . . 509
Power Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447 Questor IV Process Mass Spectrometers . . 404 Energy BOSS
Power Quality Apparatus Questor GP Process Mass Spectrometers . 404 (Billing Options Support System) . . . . . . . 510
Reactive Power Compensation Vista II Multiwave Process Photometers . . . 405 E-VEE (Electric Validation and
Harmonic Filter System . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 Vista II Process Gas Chromatograph . . . . . 405 Editing Engine) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511
MINICOMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452 Vista Model 4100 On-Line RVP Analyzer . . 405 RTP—Residential Transformer Padmounted
SVC-Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454 Vista II Model 2007 Fuel Sulfur Analyzer . . . 406 Distribution Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
SVC Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455 Advance FTIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
Dynamic UPS (DUPS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456 Model 4210 Freezing Point Analyzer . . . . . 406 S
Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) . . . . . . . 457 Model 4211 Cloud Point Analyzer . . . . . . . 406 S2000 Commercial Single Jet Water Meter . . 369
Power Quality Customer Support . . . . . . 458 Model 4212 Pour Point Analyzer . . . . . . . . 406 SABLE, Business Management Systems. . . . 499
Capacitors Model 4214 Flash Point Analyzer . . . . . . . . 406 Safegear and Advance
Capacitor Units Protective Links Metal-Clad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Capacitor Unit Technology . . . . . . . . . . 460 Distribution Transformer Components . . . . . 89 Motor Control Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Single-Phase Capacitor Unit . . . . . . . . . . 461 Protective Relay Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391 Sensors
Capacitor Banks Protective Relays Industrial Controls
Open-Stack Substation Generation, GPU 2000R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372 Proximity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Capacitor Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465 Transformer, TPU 2000R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374 Photoelectric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Pole-Mounted Capacitor Bank . . . . . . . . 466 Transmission Ultrasonic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Metal-Enclosed Capacitor Bank, SIKAP . 469 REL 512 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376 Series Capacitors, Power Systems . . . . . . . . 427
Harmonic Filter Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . 470 REL 350 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 Service Locations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
Specialty Capacitors REL 352 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 Services
Surge Capacitors, Type ESG . . . . . . . . . 472 REL 356 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382 Utilities Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Three-Phase Units, Type HKW . . . . . . . . 474 Distribution Consulting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Assembled Banks, Type HKE . . . . . . . . . 475 DPU 1500R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384 ABB University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Induction Heating and Melting DPU 2000R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384 Utilities Services Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477 MSOC—Microshield O/C . . . . . . . . . . . . 386 Switchgear Aftermarket Products
Spectrum Power Electronic Capacitors Other Protective Relays and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
Metallized Technology Range Type ESF Ground Fault Locating System (GFLS). . . 388 Relay Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
and ESR for DC Applications . . . . . . 478 Electromechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390 SID, Disconnect Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Capacitor Fuses Solid State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390 Signal Beacons and Stacklights
Indoor Protective Relay Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391 Pilot Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
CLN, 600 V, Current-Limiting, Protectors SIKAP, Metal-Enclosed Capacitor Bank. . . . . 469
Non-Indicating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481 Industrial Controls Single Insulator Disconnect
CLC, Current-Limiting, 1.2 — 3.0 kV . . 482 Manual Motor Protectors . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 LSID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
CIL, Current-Limiting, Expulsion Proximity Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 SID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
(Metal-Enclosed Equipment) . . . . . . . 483 Public Power Distributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524 Single-Column Pantograph Disconnectors
Outdoor PS-1 Substation, Modular Substations . . . . . 418 Type TFB 123 — 550 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
CXP, High-Voltage, Expulsion. . . . . . . . 485 Single-Phase Capacitor Unit
COL, Current-Limiting, Expulsion . . . . . 487 Q Capacitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
CLXP, High-Energy, Current-Limiting, Questor GP Process Mass Spectrometers Single-Phase Tripping
Expulsion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489 Gas Analyzers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404 Distribution Reclosers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Power Quality Apparatus Questor IV Process Mass Spectrometers Single-Phase, Overhead
Reactive Power Compensation Gas Analyzers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404 Poletype Transformers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Harmonic Filter System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 Single-Phase, Padmounted Distribution
MINICOMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452 R Composite Hood/Sill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
SVC-Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454 R-ADVAC, Switchgear OEM Components . . . 231 Micro-Pak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
SVC Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455 Reactive Power Compensation/FACTS Mini-Pak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Dynamic UPS (DUPS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456 Harmonic Filter Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 Maxi-Pak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) . . . . . . . . 457 MINICOMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452 RTP—Residential Transformer
Power Quality Customer Support. . . . . . . . 458 SVC-Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454 Padmounted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Power Quality Customer Support SVC Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455 Underground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Power Quality Apparatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458 Reduced Voltage, Starters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 Single-Phase—AB1 and AB1R
Power Quality Filter (PQFA) Refurbishment/Replacement Bushings Electricity Meters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
Active Filter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Components & Insulation Material . . . . . . . 132 Small Power Transformers
Power Systems REL 350, Protective Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 Dry and Cast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
High-Voltage, Direct Current . . . . . . . . . . . 423 REL 352, Protective Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 Liquid-Filled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
HVDC Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425 REL 356, Protective Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382 SMART Gas-Insulated

Reactive Power Compensation/FACTS REL 512, Protective Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376 Conventional Substations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
Series Capacitors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427 Relay Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518 Softstarters
Static Var Compensator (SVC) . . . . . . . . 429 Relays Industrial Controls
SVC Light (STATCOM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431 Industrial Controls Type PSS, Low-Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Power Systems Customer Support . . . . . . 432 Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Type SSD, Low-Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Power Rich System Electronic Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Type SSM, Medium-Voltage . . . . . . . . . . 168
Power Monitoring and Control . . . . . . . . . . 393 Electronic Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Power Electronic Brakes. . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
PPM, Dry Instrument Transformers . . . . . . . . . 30 Electronic Thermistor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Solid Distribution Transformer, InvisiTran . . . . . 85
Electronic Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Solid State Protective Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . 390


Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 System Engineering Tools Platform Mounted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Solutions and Knowledge-Based Services . . . . 3 Composer Series Engineering Tools . . . . . . 401 Amorphous Metal Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Specialty Capacitors System Pro M Poletype
Surge Capacitors, Type ESG . . . . . . . . . . . 472 Circuit Protective Devices Single-Phase, Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Three-Phase Units, Type HKW. . . . . . . . . . 474 Miniature Circuit Breakers . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 JUMBO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Assembled Banks, Type HKE . . . . . . . . . . 475 Modular DIN Rail Components . . . . . . . . 188 POW-R-Pole Transformer and Substation . 74
Induction Heating and Melting Residual Current Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Micro-Pole. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477 Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors . . . 190 Three-Phase, T-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Spectrum Power Electronic Capacitors Three-Phase, Triplex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Metallized Technology Range Type ESF T Special Feature
and ESR for DC Applications . . . . . . . . 478 T3000 Turbine Water Meters. . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 CSP Coordinated Protection Package. . . . 83
Specialty Motor Tap Changers—De-energized Center-Bolt Cover Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Generators, Wind Turbine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Components & Insulation Material Solid Distribution Transformer, InvisiTran . . . . 85
Spectrum Power Electronic Capacitors Type DTU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Distribution Transformer Components
Metallized Technology Range Type ESF Type DTW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 HV Bushing Wells and LV Bushings. . . . . . 88
and ESR for DC Applications . . . . . . . . . 478 Tap Changers—Load Protective Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Standard Induction Motors Components & Insulation Material LBOR-II Load-Break Switch . . . . . . . . . . . 90
High-Voltage Induction Motors. . . . . . . . . . 141 Type UZ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 DO-III Drawout Load-Break
Starters The Advance Optima System Expulsion Fuse Holder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Industrial Controls Gas Analyzers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404 Drywell Current-Limiting Fuse Cannister . . 92
Across the Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Thermal De-energized Switches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Combination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Overload Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 DO-III Expulsion Fuse Links . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Reduced Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 Three-Phase Units, Type HKW . . . . . . . . . . . 474 Small Power
DLA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Three-Phase, Padmounted Distribution Dry and Cast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
WLA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 MTP—Mini Three Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 VPI (Vacuum Pressure Impregnated). . . . 98
Static Var Compensator (SVC) MTR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 VPE (Vacuum Pressure Encapsulated) . 100
Power Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429 UCT—Underground Commercial RESIBLOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
strategistplus Transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Duracast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Business Management Systems . . . . . . . . 505 Platform Mounted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Liquid-Filled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Substation Amorphous Metal Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Substation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Liquid-Filled, Small Power Transformers . . . 110 Three-Phase, T-T Unit Substation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Surge Arresters Poletype Transformers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Distribution Class, POLIM-D . . . . . . . . . . . 320 Three-Phase, Triplex Padmounted. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Intermediate Class, PEXLIM-A . . . . . . . . . . 322 Poletype Transformers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Medium and Large Power Transformers
Station Class TPU 2000R, Protective Relays . . . . . . . . . . . 374 Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
EXLIM-R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324 Transformer, TPU 2000R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374 Phase-Shifting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
XPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Industrial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
EXLIM-Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 Oil Instrument Components & Insulation Material
EXLIM-P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 Current Bushings—Condenser
EXLIM-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332 IMB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Type O Plus C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Transmission Line, PEXLINK . . . . . . . . . . . 333 AOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Type T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Surge Capacitors, Type ESG . . . . . . . . . . . . 472 Capacitor Voltage Bushings—Bulk
SVC Light, Power Quality Apparatus . . . . . . . 455 CPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Type A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
SVC Light (STATCOM), Power Systems . . . . 431 CPB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Type LCRJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
SVC-Q, Power Quality Apparatus . . . . . . . . . 454 Dry Instrument Tap Changers—Load, Type UZ . . . . . . . . 130
Switchboard ALPHA, ALPHA Plus, Low-Voltage Current Tap Changers—De-energized
and A3 ALPHA CMF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Type DTU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Electricity Meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 CMV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Type DTW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Switchgear Aftermarket Products and Services CMV-H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Special Feature
Replacement Circuit Breakers, Parts, CLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Refurbishment/Replacement Bushings . 132
Training, and Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 PPM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors
Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517 PPW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Circuit Protective Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Switchgear Integration Systems Medium-Voltage Current Transmission
Primary and Secondary Unit Substations . . 433 KIR-60/75. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 REL 512 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
Power Distribution Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . 435 KOR-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 REL 350 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
Switchgear OEM Components VIY-60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 REL 352 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
Low-Voltage Circuit Breakers . . . . . . . . . . . 208 VOZ-75/11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 REL 356 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
Switchgear OEM Components VOZ-15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Transmission and Substation Systems . . . . . 407
Circuit Breakers Optical Sensors and Systems Conventional Substations
ADVAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 Magneto-Optic Current Transducer Plug and Switch System PASS . . . . . . . . 409
R-ADVAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 (MOCT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 ELK-04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
Type VHK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 Optical Metering Unit (OMU) . . . . . . . . . . . 40 EXK-01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
Load Interrupter Switches Single-Phase, Padmounted Distribution ELK-14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
VersaRupter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 Composite Hood/Sill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 ELK-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
Symphony DCS Micro-Pak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 SMART Gas-Insulated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
Distributed Control Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 398 Mini-Pak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Modular Substations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
Symphony/Harmony Area Management and Maxi-Pak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 PS-1 Substation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
Control Products RTP—Residential Transformer MODULA Substation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
Distributed Control Systems . . . . . . . . . . 403 Padmounted. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Power Systems
Symphony—Enhanced with Industrial Underground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 High-Voltage, Direct Current . . . . . . . . . . 423
Distributed Control Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 400 Three-Phase, Padmounted Distribution HVDC Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
Synchronous Control Unit MTP—Mini Three Phase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Reactive Power Compensation/FACTS
MTR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Series Capacitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
Power Circuit Breakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
UCT—Underground Commercial Static Var Compensator (SVC) . . . . . . . 429
Synchronous Generators
Transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 SVC Light (STATCOM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
High-Voltage Synchronous Machines . . . . . 145

For more information, contact your ABB Sales Representative or visit our website at www.abb.com.


Power Systems Customer Support . . . . . 432 U

Switchgear Integration Systems UCT—Underground Commercial
Primary and Secondary Unit Substations. 433 Transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Power Distribution Centers . . . . . . . . . . . 435 Ultrasonic Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Power Cables and Accessories Unit Substation
HV and EHV Power Cable Systems . . . . 437 Liquid-Filled, Small Power Transformers . . . 112
HV and EHV Cable Accessories Utilities Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Outdoor Termination Porcelain, Utilities Services Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
APEC 84 — 420 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438 Utilities Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Outdoor Termination Composite,
APEC P 145 — 170 kV . . . . . . . . . . 438 V
GIS-termination Vacuum Circuit Breakers
APEGA 84 — 420 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . 440 Type R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Prefabricated Joint, Type V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
SMPGB 123 — 362 kV . . . . . . . . . . 442 VersaRupter Load Interrupter Switches
SMPGB-C 123 — 170 kV . . . . . . . . 442 Switchgear OEM Components. . . . . . . . . . 232
HV Cable Accessories Vertical-Break Disconnectors
GIS Plug-In Termination EHSVS . . . . . . 444 Type ONS 245 and ONS 420 . . . . . . . . . . 298
Turbine Control and Automation System Vista II Model 2007 Fuel Sulfur
Turbine Control and Condition Gas Analyzers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
Monitoring Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397 Vista II Multiwave Process Photometers
Turbine Control and Condition Monitoring Gas Analyzers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
Systems, Control Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . 397 Vista II Process Gas Chromatograph
Type A, Components & Insulation Material Gas Analyzers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
Bushings—Bulk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Vista Model 4100 On-Line RVP
Type DTU, Components & Insulation Material Gas Analyzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
Tap Changers—De-energized . . . . . . . . . . 131 VIY-60, Dry Instrument Transformers . . . . . . . . 33
Type DTW, Components & Insulation Material VOZ-15, Dry Instrument Transformers . . . . . . . 35
Tap Changers—De-energized . . . . . . . . . . 131 VOZ-75/11, Dry Instrument Transformers . . . . 34
Type ESG, Surge Capacitors . . . . . . . . . . . . 472 VPE (Vacuum Pressure Encapsulated)
Type HA 31 — 80, Operating Mechanisms . . 313 Dry and Cast, Small Power Transformers . . 100
Type HKE, Assembled Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . 475 VPI (Vacuum Pressure Impregnated)
Type HKW, Three-Phase Units Dry and Cast, Small Power Transformers . . . 98
Specialty Capacitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474 VR-3S, Distribution Reclosers . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Type LCRJ, Components & Insulation Material
Bushings—Bulk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 W
Type MT 50 and MT 100 Water and Wastewater Plant Control and
Operating Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 Automation System
Type O Plus C Industrial, Symphony,
Components & Insulation Material and SCADA Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
Bushings—Condenser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Water Meters
Type ONS 245 and ONS 420 C700 Positive Displacement Meter. . . . . . . 359
Disconnectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298 T3000 Turbine Meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
Type PM 550 kV — 800 kV C3000 Compound Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
Power Circuit Breakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 FSM3 Fire Service Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
Type PM/PMI 121 kV — 169 kV AquaMaster Electronic Water Meter . . . . . . 367
Power Circuit Breakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 S2000 Commercial Single Jet Meter . . . . . 369
Type PM/PMI 38 kV — 72 kV Water Utility Sales and Support. . . . . . . . . . . 522
Power Circuit Breakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 webmerchantplus
Type PMG, Power Circuit Breakers . . . . . . . . 276 Business Management Systems . . . . . . . . 503
Type PMI, Power Circuit Breakers . . . . . . . . . 278 Welding Isolation, Contactors . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Type PMR/PMRI 242 kV Wind Turbine Generators, Specialty Motor. . . 140
Power Circuit Breakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 Wire Duct, DIN Rail and Spiral Wrap
Type PSS, Low-Voltage, Softstarters . . . . . . . 166 Cable Management Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Type R, Vacuum Circuit Breakers . . . . . . . . . 236 WLA, Starters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Type SDB 123 — 420 kV, Disconnectors . . . 295 Wound Rotor Induction Motors
Type SGF 72.5 — 550 kV, Disconnectors . . . 291 High-Voltage Induction Motors. . . . . . . . . . 143
Type SSD, Low-Voltage, Softstarters. . . . . . . 167
Type SSM, Medium-Voltage, Softstarters. . . . 168 X
Type T, Components & Insulation Material XPS, Surge Arresters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Bushings—Condenser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Type TEB 170 — 550 kV Z
Earthing Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 ZS-1, IEC Switchgear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Type TEB 170 — 550 kV ZV-2, Medium-Voltage Distribution
Earthing Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308 Switchgear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Type TEC 72.5 — 300 kV ZX-1, IEC Switchgear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Earthing Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305

Type TFB 123 — 550 kV, Disconnectors . . . . 301

Type UZ, Components & Insulation Material
Tap Changers—Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Type V, Vacuum Circuit Breakers. . . . . . . . . . 238
Type VHK, Switchgear OEM Components . . . 231












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