10 Attitudes of Successful Workers - Article For Discussion
10 Attitudes of Successful Workers - Article For Discussion
10 Attitudes of Successful Workers - Article For Discussion
Why do some people seem to reach the top of the corporate ladder easily,
while others remain stuck on the middle-management rung? You might
think that it is just because those people have more of what it takes to
succeed, like brains, talent and powerful people in their corner. But there is
something else that is just as important: attitude.
Anyone can adopt the right attitude. No matter where you are from or how
much innate talent you have, the right attitude can make a difference in
your career. Try adopting these 10 attitudes of successful workers:
1. I am in charge of my destiny.
If you spend your entire career waiting for something exciting to come to
you, you will be waiting a long time. Successful professionals go out and
make good things happen. So commit yourself to thinking about your
career in an entirely different way. You will make it to the top, and you are
in charge of making it happen.
2. Anything is possible.
Think that there is no way you will ever be at the vice-president level?
Then you definitely won't. Remember: If you think you can't, you probably
won't. Adopt the attitude of The Little Engine That Could -- "I think I can."
3. No task is too small to do well.
You never know when you are going to be noticed. That is one reason to
take pride in your work -- all of it. One public relations executive in Chicago
said that her first task in the PR department of a ballet company was
reorganizing the supply closet. She tackled the project with gusto and was
immediately noticed for her hard work and attention to detail. Remember
this the next time you feel like slacking because you are working on a
menial task.