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Tambourine Patterns

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This pattern can both be used in Praise and Worship dance and the only thing you need to take note of is the tempo of the
song on which you particularly dance and in accordance to the beat. To execute Acts (Stationary) is just the same with
Acts jumping, the only difference would obviously be the movements.

Foot works:

1.Start with step-close-step motion going to your left and then right. Just do this step as vice versa and follow what you
can see on the video sample.
2.When you loop tap the tambourine on the last 4 counts, just gallop as high as your ankle is reaching your behind.

Hand movements:

1.There are 16 counts in total when you do this pattern. It starts with tap and rock pattern from upper right going to your
lower left as you can see in the video sample. The next step will be tap and rock on your upper left going to your lower
right as you shift weights when you do this together with the foot works.
2. Draw a big circle in front of you twice, which makes the count as 8,7,6,5. The last four counts of the pattern will be your
4 counts of loop tap.


is the easiest pattern that I can think of without forgetting it even if you try it for the first time. You just need to do a march-
step while you perform the hand movements. Zip on the tambourine twice and make sure your tambourine is a span away
from your chest. Tap your wrist on the tambourine twice without moving your tambourine at the center position, just keep it
steady and your wrist is the one to hit the tambourine, not tambourine membrane hitting your wrist. The last hand
movement will be hitting your elbow on the membrane ending it with check down.


The only difference in executing this pattern is that you need to jump while performing the hand movements I mentioned
in Banner stationary. But when you try to end the pattern on using the four zip movements which will be drawing an
imaginary square, in Banner Jumping, you need to circle around and do the zip movement. You might get off the balance
but practice makes perfect, in due time you can master the movements of banner jumping.


This pattern has two variations which is the stationary and the jumping. In banner stationary the first movement that we
need to do is tap and rock on the left then another on the right. Followed by a swaying your both arms drawing an infinity
symbol as arms cross over, you begin to tap and rock on the upper left corner, then tap and rock on the lower left. The
ending of the pattern consists of 4 zip patterns in square locations starting from lower right, upper right, upper left and
lower left.


This pattern has 16 counts and starts at swivel tap and tap-end twice. If you would notice, the tambourine was placed on
the shoulder lever and the movement of the ribbon once you tossed it up moves up as a flipped ribbon.

The pattern ends with two loop taps, one tap on wrist and one tap on the elbow. Just don¶t give too much force when you
strike the membrane of your tambourine on your wrist and elbow.


This is a wonderful pattern which is gracefully dance during worship. Just spread wide your arms and do not clip your
armpit when doing this particular pattern. You can easily rewind or replay the video clip if you cannot get it.

"! is a tambourine pattern also included in Book 1. You can use this pattern on praise and worship, but I still suggest
you use it on solemn songs for worship. This pattern starts with two zips and then touches the back of the membrane and
loop tap twice. Do the swivels in two counts and then shake tap twice also on the left side. The next pattern would be the
fan which is also on two counts followed by fan down in a zigzag movement like your chopping off something. The way
you end this pattern is a swivel with a big drawing of a circle as you tap the tambourine in front. There are 16 counts in
total for this pattern. Just rewind and replay the video if you can¶t remember much. Practice makes perfect.

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Pardon me if you cannot hear the swivel tap of my tambourine because I forgot to remove the garter silencer of my
tambourine. It is just the same in performing this type of pattern. If you have read the Full Gospel Stationary, then you
should easily learn that this pattern is just the same thing. The only difference in doing this pattern is that you need to
position yourself from side to side. It should be done on the left side first before going to the right side and the foot work is
just point step as you shift each opposite directions

It is executed slow but gracefully done. As you can see on the video the movements are like swaying from side to side
and can easily be done without any conflict. The hand movements are gentle taps with a total of 8 counts but to be
executed twice. The last three counts are tap-end tambourine hand movements as you can see on the video sample.
Hope you are encouraged to dance gracefully and are motivated through the works of the Holy Spirit. God bless.

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This pattern called Celestial has 16 counts in total and is used mainly for praise and can also be used for worship songs.
It is a tap and rock hand movement as you start from the upper left going to the other direction drawing a laying eight or
infinity sign which the pattern is said to be unique among any other patterns. Once you finished on that movement, the
next thing you need to do is to sway from side to side as you close tap from each and ends to loop tap, loop and loop.


Combat is a tambourine pattern also included in Book I. If you notice the pattern, it is forceful and it has to be done
snappy. It is used for spiritual warfare and we as soldiers should be fully equip by putting on the armor of God.

This pattern has a total also of 16 counts. Beginning the pattern is a tap and rock movement in a shooting arrow type
which is from left, forward then right side in a zigzag or wigwam motion. Followed by a shake tap done twice starting from
right to left and ending the pattern by 4 taps in a diamond direction starting from left, forward(down) right, forward (up).


Coronation's first step is to hold the lace of the tambourine. About the foot work, you need to point your feet while you hold
the lace of the tambourine. First point your foot on the left, and then follow the same principle by pointing your right foot.
Step ahead while gently tapping the tambourine¶s membrane and then move backwards on tip toe while you twist on 4

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This wonderful pattern is obviously used for praise songs and it is called Joy. It is a fast paced dance movement and it is
one of the unique patterns that use a zigzag hand movement using taps only. Total counts are also 16 and swivel tap is
executed once you are facing left to right sides.
Zip the tambourine underneath its membrane and then tap it gently while you hit the loop tap movement 4 times with
check down and check up ending it. Just watch closely on how I execute the pattern. If you have any questions, feel free
to write us using the comment box located at the end of the article. God bless.


Grace is a tambourine pattern also included in Book 1. It can be used for both praise and worship dance and is really a
good pattern. The pattern consists of a total of 16 counts beginning at loop tap which is done twice and then spreading
your arms from upwards going down towards your tambourine as you do the tap and rock. You need to place carefully the
tambourine on the ground as to what you can see on the video. If you watch carefully, I was tossing back and forth the
tambourine facing front and back of its membrane. Just do a gentle tap on the side of the tambourine and then go
upwards using a tap and rock pattern and then spread arms again forming an inclined angle type. The pattern ends of 4
loop tap counts. Just patiently watch the video and follow the steps I have given here and hope you make it right.

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The basic thing is to watch first the Faith Stationary pattern that I have posted here. Just in case you wonder what will be
the difference of walking to jumping is at the start where you jump while you zip. The next movement would be patterned
to faith walking. Step-close-step foot works. Faith (Jumping) tambourine pattern has a total of 16 counts just like the rest
of the tambourine patterns.

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Faith tambourine pattern consists of three different types of execution although the basic taps and movements are just the
same. Stationary means the normal possible way to perform the pattern. There are other variations of it like the Faith
walking and the Faith Jumping. It is usually dance on praise songs but can also be used on worship songs but has to be
done gently.

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First three movements are zip counting 6 counts and then swivel tap on the side on two counts. Then followed by 4 taps in
swift movements and then swivel, tap end, tap end, tap end making it a total of 16 counts.


This is one of my favorite tambourine patterns. It is so easy to execute and it should be gracefully done. I wasn¶t able to
remove the silencer off my tambourine and so the clip that I have here would not let you hear the shake of the jingles of
the tambourine.

The pattern itself has 16 counts starting with loop tap as you go upwards and then crossing to the opposite direction once
you shake the tambourine, you need to do the l

You start this pattern by a shake tap on the left side then do the same on the right side then followed by tap tambourine
movement. The total count for this pattern is still 16 counts and it is good to perform this during praise songs. Obviously
Hope tambourine pattern is executed on a fast paced song. I don¶t suggest that you use it on a slow song usually sang in
worship service.


Victory B

Victory B tambourine pattern is not the same thing with Victory A. This pattern has only 6 counts but needs to be done in
repetition. The last patterns you need to take note of are the swivel and shake and then tapping of the tambourine. Just
follow the sample clip given on this tutorial and I am sure that you can learn something. Practice makes perfect so we just
need to remember how to perform it correctly by repeating the pattern again and again.

Victory A pattern is used for praise songs and is a really a great tambourine pattern that I used to like. First that you need
to do is to tap and rock in two counts starting on your right by following the sample clip that I have showed here. Just
repeat the same procedure on the right side. The pattern is composed of 16 counts from right to left and has to be
executed twice like most of the patterns in tambourine.

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This pattern can be used on both praise and worship songs and it is called Covenant. I¶m sorry if there was no counting
involved in most of my video samples. I will try my best to upgrade first my gadget in order to capture the most viewable
and clear audio. So far, I am just using a Kodak digital camera for recording my videos.

About the pattern, it has a total of 16 counts. On hand movements, you first need to do the swivel tap end on the left side
and do this vice versa on the opposite direction. The next thing you can see on the video was 4 taps on both sides
followed by swivel tap, tap and tap.

About the footwork, you can see that I draw a half circle facing on the left side when I perform the last three taps of the
pattern. Just rewind the sample clip for you to practice it and I am sure you will get it in no time.

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