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Photogrammetry is the technique of acquiring measurements from

photographic images,generally stereoscopic. The term photogrammetry was
first used by the Prussian architect Albrecht Meydenbauer in 1867 who
produced some of the earliest topographic plans and elevation drawings. The
use of photogrammetry in topographic mapping is well established but in
recent years the technique has been widely applied in the fields of
architecture, industry, engineering, forensic, underwater, medicine, geology
and many others for the production of precise 3D survey data. Data acquired
by photogrammetric methods is an integral part of the data input to both
geographical information systems (GIS) and computer aided design (CAD).
Indeed it has a role in any area where accurate spatial data is required.

Remote Sensing

Remote Sensing is a closely aligned technology to photogrammetry in that it

also collects information from imagery. The term is derived from the fact that
information about objects and features is collected without coming into
contact with them. Where remote sensing differs from photogrammetry is in
the type of information collected, which tends to be based on differences in
colour, so land use and land cover is a primary output of remote sensing
processing. Remote sensing was originally developed to exploit the large
number of colour bands in satellite imagery to create 2D data primarily for
GIS. Nowadays remote sensing
tools are used with all types of imagery to assist in 2D data collection and
derivation, such as slope. Software tools today tend to embrace a much
wider range of image technologies such as image mosaicing, 3D
visualisation, GIS, radar as well as softcopy photogrammetry.

Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Applications Topographic


Photogrammetry is most commonly associated with the production of

topographic mapping generally from conventional aerial stereo photography
although digital and satellite imagery is increasingly being used.
Photogrammetry using imagery obtained from fixed wing aircraft helicopters
and from satellites is used to produce mapping at a variety of scales. Recent
improvements in camera design and photogrammetric instrumentation have
led to increases in accuracies enabling mapping at scales as large as 1:200
to be produced from conventional aerial photography. Photogrammetrically
derived three dimensional information produced from analytical or digital
stereo plotting instruments is used to produce maps and plans and provide
the source data for ground modelling packages, orthophotos and
geographical information systems. Photogrammetry is used to provide
national mapping and map revision at small and medium scales. At larger
scales, photogrammetric data form the basis for three-dimensional modelling
in a wide variety of applications including highway design, floodplain studies
and pipeline routing.

Architectural Applications

As the term 'photogrammetry' was devised by an architect, it is not surprising

that the greatest use of the technique, outside of mapping, has been in the
arena of architectural recording. Photogrammetry is now established as a
standard technique for the survey of building elevations and is employed by
English Heritage, Cadw, and the National Trust to name but a few. The
technique is applied in the recording of historic buildings and monuments to
produce elevation drawings and sections normally at scales of 1:20, 1:50 and
1:100. Imagery can be obtained from a variety of cameras ranging from large
format metric
cameras, where high accuracy and archival value are important, to smaller
format 35mm cameras which are useful where access is restricted. Use is
often made of aerial platforms and scaffolding to obtain the most economic
coverage of a façade. Architects are becoming increasingly aware of the
benefits of accurate photogrammetric surveys particularly the advantage of
using a totally remote measurement system with superb archival qualities.
The products available range from rectified images, orthophotos or precise
3D data formatted for use in a CAD package.

Engineering Applications

Over the years photogrammetry has been used in a wide variety of

engineering situations including ship building, aircraft manufacture, chemical
plant surveys, 'as builts', tunnel profiling and many others. The non-contact
nature of photogrammetry and the relatively short time required on site are
important advantages, particularly in areas of a hazardous nature. The
accuracies attainable compare favourably with other systems that may
require longer site time and more intensive use of manpower. As equipment
and cameras develop, real and near real-time monitoring of components and
structures is becoming a reality. The phrase "if you can photograph it you
can measure it" sums this up succinctly.

Laser Scanning

A relatively new technique complementing photogrammetry and remote

sensing is that of laser scanning. The core technology utilised in terrestrial
laser scanning systems will be familiar to any engineering surveyor who has
used a total station. Terrestrial scanners for use in engineering surveying
applications generally calculate the range to a surface in one of two ways; by
measuring the time between the emission of a pulse and the detection of the
reflected energy or by measuring the phase difference of the returned signal
to the emitted signal. The laser pulse is automatically scanned (generally
horizontally and vertically) to create a fan shaped pattern over the surface.
This is performed using a rotating mirror, or servo motors fitted to the ranging
device, that physically redirects the laser. Using a known distance and a
horizontal and vertical angle, a XYZ position in the scanners arbitrary
coordinate system can be derived for the point illuminated on the surface.
The result is a 'point cloud' of data that describes the shape of the object and
can be manipulated by the user. If the location and orientation of the scanner
is known then real world coordinates can be calculated. Airborne laser
scanning systems can create a three dimensional model of the earth's
surface in a similar fashion. The aircraft's heading defines one scan direction
and the laser emitted from the ranging device onboard the aircraft is
redirected perpendicular to this. Onboard GPS and inertial measurement
instruments calculate the position and attitude of the aircraft and the range
and angle measurements are then used to determine the precise position of
the point on the ground.

Other Applications

The remote measurement aspect of photogrammetry makes it ideal for

certain applications such as body modelling, road traffic accident and scene
of crime recording where intrusion in the subject area should be kept to a
minimum. In the case of body modelling the data acquired has been used for
clothing design, the manufacturing of false limbs and for animal husbandry.
Forensic applications have been developed extensively throughout Europe
although less so here in the United Kingdom. Currently a number of UK
police forces are employing photogrammetry both from the air and the
ground to ensure that site time is kept to an absolute minimum.

Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Equipment

Since the early days of the anaglyph (red and green glasses) instruments,
the manufacturers of photogrammetric equipment have continued to develop
new systems, the latest resulting in the introduction of the 'soft copy' plotter.
The instrument most commonly used throughout the developed world is the
analytical plotter. This is a computer driven, optical instrument using hard
copy photography from which the operator extracts 3D measurements. There
are a number of manufactures of this type of instrument, first introduced in
the early 70s. Over the last few years, a number of 'soft copy' workstations
have been introduced. These systems use digital photography through a
powerful PC and glasses for the operator. These systems are far more
portable than the analytical plotters and are considerably cheaper. The ability
to use these from home or a small office offers greater working flexibility. A
number of software and camera manufactures have recently introduced ‘low
cost’ digital packages, designed for the non-photogrammetrist, to work on a
PC. These systems developed by renowned companies such as Rollei and
Kodak work on the principle of multi image, not stereoscopy, and may
provide satisfactory answers in certain situations. They should not however
be confused with the product produced by a professional photogrammetric

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