Dairy Farm Project Feasibility Report
Dairy Farm Project Feasibility Report
Dairy Farm Project Feasibility Report
Non Industrial
Conventional Technology
Medium in Scope
Normal in nature
Construction Management Supply Technical
Feasibility Study
Demand Study-
Market Potential
51.8% contribution of total agricultural sector
11.3% contribution to national GDP
Value of livestock is 6.1% more than combined
major and minor crops
Focal point of government policies
Increasing trend in livestock
White Revolution
Strategic agreements between
ZTBL & M/S Nestle Pakistan limited
ZTBL & M/S Pakistan Dairy development company
Increase milk supply,
Mitigate poverty and
Improve the living standard of the rural population.
Raw material study
Wheat straw(from land owners)
Green fodder(grow themselves on leased
Mineral mixture(available from factories or
High domestic demand
Approach to site
Approach to the dairy farm is convenient. While coming from Ravi
bridge G.T road it is 40 km and coming from Thokar Niaz baig it is 56
km approxiamately. The road is also doubled well carpeted from ravi
bridge to Sadhoke. From Sadhoke to Darajke is single road but well built.
Any vehicle from car to 24 wheeler truck could approach there easily.
Source of raw material
As raw material here mostly, consists of feed and feed will be
purchased from all over the Pakistan like magnesium, calcium,
rice straw, fodder etc. But the most consumable feed is fodder for
which the priority will be to purchase it from surrounding villages.
Total 3 (appx)
Farm machinery
Equipment Cost (Rs)
Total 9,000,000
Personnel Requirements
Description No. Annual Salary (Rs)
Technician 1 180,000
Workers 8 672,000
Total 11 1,356,000
Minerals (magnesium, calcium, potassium,
sodium, iron)
Fodder crop (wheat straw, grasses, cotton seed hull,
sugarcane grass, rice straw, oats, oat straw, maize,
millets, corn cobs etc).
Daily consumption/animal: Approximately 50kg
fodder per day.
Clinical Charges
Artificial Insemination charges: Almost 5000 Rs
per animal per year.
Total Milk Production (Liters) * Sales Price (per liters) = Total Revenue
1,460,000 * 40 = 58,400,000
Operating Cost (est.)
Fodder per Cow (Kg) * No. of Cows * Days in Year = Total Annual Consumption
20* 200* 365 = 1,460,000
Price of Fodder (per Kg) * Total Consumption = Total cost of Fodder
12* 1,460,000 = 17,520,000
Rs. In Actual
Total Revenue 58,400,000
Raw Material Cost 17,520,000
Gross Profit 40,880,000
Operating Cost 10,500,000
Net Profit30,380,000
Project Viability
Pay Back Period (PBP):
Pay Back period (PBP) = Original Investment / Annual Income = No. of Years
84,000,000 / 30,380,000 = 2.75 years
te = 7 Months
* This method is used on the based on previous industry information
Zero date – 1st Feb 2011 Ending date – 31st august 2011
Feb MarchApril May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March
15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 1 15
Purchase of land
Purchase of cattle
Housing of cattle
Milking process