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Ethical Hacking Paper

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Hacker is a person who enter in someone
The purpose of this research paper is to discuss website or in company server or someone
the Teaching Ethical Hacking. As the use of Personal computer to stole or destroy the
the internet increased the need of computer information. There are many kind of hacker
security also increase due to hackers. The who hacking like some people do it just for
knowledge of Ethical Hacking is also become fun, game or as a challenge and they really
don’t have any interest to stole or destroy the
essential for the security of the website, web-
useful information. Some people did it to stole
server, organization server, government information or delete the useful information.
companies and even individual internet user. So the need there is need for computer security
Internet should be reliable and secure. In this so that we can safe and use this technology
research paper I discuss about the teaching and don’t let it to go down due to this reason.
Ethical Hacking and its issues, some people For computer security we started to search
are against its teaching and some are in its some way to get rid of this then the Ethical
Hacking with many other methods come in
favor, I also conduct a questionnaire and try to
mind to stop hacking. Ethical Hacking is
find why people do not want that Ethical phenomena trough which we call some to hack
Hacking be taught as a course. Functionalities our computer or web site or server in order to
and responsibilities of ethical hacker and his remove those whole so that after this there
limitation while he or she doing the testing of should no threat later or at least threat in this
the system. In the end I give the conclusion, concern.
which critically analyzes the research paper.
Then question arise who will do Ethical
Hacking for us. Did we train some
1.0 Introduction professional for this purpose if not then what
should we teach to those ethical hackers. Is it
Development in computer changes whole
right to teach someone hacking for the purpose
world and bring uncountable good things for
to stop hacking, ho! Isn’t it interesting?
human like E-Commerce, collaborative
Education in Microchip millennium is really
computing, email easy access to information,
difficult art as well as very interesting too.
advertising, name of a few.
You have to teach people bad thing for good
purposes. No gentleman likes word “hacker”
But the problem is that computer also has
some dark sides as every new technology did with his or her name, but I don’t think anyone
in past. This is known as hacking. But the dislike word “ethical hacker” with his or name.
original meaning of hacking is “to do the Teaching Ethical Hacking is as important as
computer programming at depth level” the the computer itself because one day people
term hacker was used for the people who have start hating internet due to hacking and to stop
very deep knowledge of computer
hacker from hacking we should educate people
programming, but later this word started using
in different meanings. The new meaning of in this regard beside other techniques.
I divide my research paper into three main services to its customer and vendor. But these
section first section is all about the teaching Government organizations, companies and
Ethical Hacking and try to give the answer of even individual remain under threat to be
some question e.g. what is ethical hacking, hacked. Big companies use internet for
why we do Ethical Hacking, what are the different purpose but they are always remain
benefits and flaws of teaching Ethical. under threat that someone may break into their
web server, implant software that will spread
Hacking, what should be taught in this course organization top secret data to the open
and methodologies to teach Ethical Hacking? internet and read their emails. Even individual
In second section I try to explain who ethical are worried about their data like credit card
hacker is, what does he or she do, what are number etc. they are not assure of internet
their boundaries and responsibilities? And in security.
the last section I give the conclusion of this
research paper. 2.1Should Ethical Hacking Taught
As career Course
2.0 Ethical Hacking
Company has so tight security and still they
Ethical Hacking is same phenomena as are hacked and they do not know anything
hacking but it will do for the safety of you are more in this regard to stop hacking. Most of
company web server or website or a software. the company hire best security available to
It is a method or mechanism to stop hacker safe there domain, but still they were hacked.
from hacking by removing the hole from a Sometimes it happened due to company less
system or from a website or from a server so knowledge of its system. What can be the best
that no hacker can inter in a system or in a solution of this problem is that we train student
website or in a server by using those hole. and professional to save themselves and other
Ethical Hacking is done in the end product world from hackers. It is the responsibility of
development when product is developed and true computer professional to secure the
ready to use. To check the security level of the company web server, software or a
product and if they are some problem then for Government organization from hacker. For
removing those from the developed product this purpose we should have a profession
we do Ethical Hacking. So that when final which is known as ethical hacker same as
product is inter in market it should have very software engineer or network engineer. These
less question regarding to the security point of ethical hackers should be trained in
view. Ethical Hacking should be a part of universities. This problem was possible to get
every software product development like a tooth and nail response and it did when I
planning designing etc. asked some of my fellow who are doing M.Sc
software engineering and Networks System
Ethical hacker use same techniques to hack about their views on introducing a profession
software or website or server as the original in Ethical Hacking. Some of them are against
hacker do but not for destructive purposes. and arguing that if Universities trained
They try find out the hole in developed students for Ethical Hacking and if he or she
product and told to the responsible people of did not get a job then he or she might go
the organization about those holes and also against the cause. But most of them are in
suggest how to remove those holes from the favor by saying if we trained people like this
system. As computer machinery grows, the they will help a lot to get rid of hacker. I am
individual, companies, and the big giving the point of view of only two my
organization want to use it because no big friends. I am very thankful to my friends and
company can survive without offering these other who give their precious time for my
question and give the answer of my question • Should know how to handle virus and
and there important point of view regarding to worms
ethical hacking. • Should have the basic knowledge of
Sumit chowdhary, currently student of • Should have the basic knowledge of
software engineering in the University of account
Delhi. He said Ethical Hacking should not be • Should know how to perform system
taught as a career course. Teaching Ethical hacking
Hacking will produce more people who can do • Should have the knowledge of
hacking and if the trained students do not get a physical infrastructure hacking
desire able job then, they use their skill for • Should have the primary knowledge of
negative purpose and this create more social engineering
problems for computer industries. • Should know to how to do sacking of
web servers
Rahul Gupta a certified Cisco teacher and • Should have the basic knowledge of
currently doing M.Sc Network System from web application weakness
the University of Sunderland responded my • Should have the knowledge of web
question of should Ethical Hacking taught as a based password breaking procedure
course or not, in following thoughts that • Should have the basic knowledge of
Ethical Hacking should be taught as a SQL injection
profession. We can prevent hacking by simply • Should know how to hack Linux
using the hacker techniques and it is easier and • Should have the knowledge of IP
less costly then from the company useful hacking
information or individual information such as • Should have the knowledge of
credit card number. application hacking

I believe that if there are very strict criteria for As everyone knows that there isn’t any
this type of education or training then the boundary of any knowledge exist but still an
skilful Ethical Hacker will not go astray and Ethical Hacker should at least have the
definitely helps organization and individual to knowledge of above mention things. So when
safe there data from the hackers. This will someone is going to designing a course for
develop and increase the interest of people on Ethical hacking should keep the above
the computer technology. mention thing in mind for a better course
design for ethical hackers.
Teaching Material for Ethical
Hackers 2.3Teaching Methodology to Teach
Ethical Hacking
The basic knowledge that an Ethical Hacker
should have about different field, is as As I write earlier that Ethical Hacking should
following: be taught as a professional course. So we can
use common way of teaching to teach Ethical
• Should have basic knowledge of Hacking. As technologies came into existence
ethical and permissible issues new ways of teaching also came into being. As
• Should have primary level knowledge earlier there is no concept of distance teaching
of session hijacking or no one knew about teaching through
• Should know about hacking wireless internet but with the invention of internet now
networks many student started getting their lectures
• Should be good in sniff ring through internet. Ethical Hacking is also been
taught through internet as well as on campus. • Exams
Off campus (learning through distance) and on
campus both have their advantages and An exam should be conducted on the
limitations. Ethical Hacking.

Whether we are teaching Ethical Hacking on • Discussion Groups

campus or off campus the purpose goal of
teaching is same though they are quite Students should be divided into small
different way of teaching. On campus teaching groups and they should be asked to
is more suitable for regular student and gives a give there points of view in favor or
real environment of study. Students have against the Ethical Hacking.
supplementary chances to learn more during
on campus study. They also have the • Interviews
opportunity to learn the behaviour of other
students that help him a lot to gain experience Student should be asked to take
of behaviour. interviews from different organization.
A questionnaire should be developed
On the other hand off campus student get the to cover the different aspect of the
almost same teaching without any Ethical Hacking. The results should be
geographical and time zone constraints. They considered by using statistical
are part time student and cannot afford to inferences. The report should be given
complete their studies as a regular student. to the teacher of their analysis.
Whatever the situation is teaching
methodologies almost same with a very little • Multimedia
difference. Some of the methodologies to
teaching Ethical Hacking can be depicted as Student must be given the audio and
below, video visuals in them hacking issues
should be depicted. Student should be
• Use of Case Study asked to how they can counteract the
A fictitious Ethical Hacking topic
must be given to the students to • Chats
discuss. They are divided into groups,
and then they should be asked to give Students of different Universities
their understanding for that situation. should be interacted via internet that
what they think about Ethical Hacking
• Conferences issues. It can be done through
hippocampus mechanism, where
Lecturers of different Universities and MUD (multi user dimension) and
professional of different organization MOO (object oriented multi user) is
should be asked to give their point of used.
view on Ethical Hacking.

• Written Essay
• Book Reports
Students should be asked to submit an
essay or a report on the different Student should be provided with the
aspects of the Ethical Hacking. material from different book regarding
to Ethical Hacking for the critical • What he want to get from target
understanding. system
• Does anyone have the knowledge of
• Role Playing hacker’s attack on target system
• What a hacker do after getting the
Students must be asked to personify information from the target system
the different act in the CASE study.
The students that are viewing them in These three question have their important you
the class rooms will give them the cannot say that this question more important
points on the basis of there anti than the other. Hacker may spent to hack a
pacifist act. system during this he or she may attacks the
system several times so if someone have the
There many more methodologies that knowledge of this thing then hacking can be
we can use to teach effectively Ethical stopped.
Before starting the evaluation of the system he
3.0 Ethical Hacker or she may ask some question to client like
what he or she want to safe, what the factor
Ethical hacker should be an honest and trusted against he or she trying to safe, how much
person because he or she knows the secret of money and how much time she or he can
the system most of the time when they do expend for this cause. The answer of same
hacking for security purposes and it is in his or question varies from customer to customer and
her responsibility that not use the information from field to field. But the most of the answer
of the system for destructive purpose. An you found from the client may be not
ethical hacker is just like a code tester or like a sufficient for ethical hacker so it is the
developer, code tester check the code responsibility of ethical hacker to properly
standards and developer develop the software guide the customer about its security that he or
while Ethical Hacker check the security of she must do to safe his or her system. Ethical
software as a hacking point of view and then hacker may also need some more information
suggest how to remove those hole from the about the company like the employer names
system. Ethical Hacker should a part of and there designation, networks information,
software development team. Ethical Hacker is data flow information and about the
just an employer or a contracted person to organizations with whom business is run most
check the security of the system. They have of the time. Because many time attacker use
the written permission to check the network the alternative path to attack the system.
but they have some limitation to check
network. They should have a written authority Type of Test That an Ethical
letter which clearly describe that they can
perform testing as well as their boundaries Hacker Performed
within that system.
There are many kind of method or function or
test that an Ethical Hacker can be performed
3.1Main Functions of Ethical
while testing the security of the system. But
Hacker the more basic testing functions or tests are as
When an ethical hacker evaluates the security
of system seeks the three basic answers:
• Testing of local network
• Testing of remote network
• Social engineering test this tool. To teach more people about hacking
you produce more people who are eligible to
After doing all these test ethical hacker should stop hacker from hacking and they will give
produce a final report which describe what he more ideas and solution to stop hacking. Time
or she found in the system during the to time assessment, prepared interference
evaluation. Where are the holes which can be recognition, good system administration
used for attack and how those holes can be performance and computer safety knowledge
removed from the system? This final report is are all very vital part of a firm’s or company’s
very sensitive and should be handled with security system. Failure in any of above may
care. A hacker can easily use it for hacking cast to the company or to the organization in
and a competitor can use it for company the form of tangible or intangible loss. Its may
intelligence. Most of the time ethical was include revenue, top secret or any thing that is
asked this question that if the organization did very special for particular organization. Ethical
all the suggested action, is it free from these hacker can only help the user to the better
threats. But unfortunately, the answer cannot understanding of their security system, but its
be yes because people are working in up to the organization that he palace its guards
organization and they make mistakes and in right palace.
organization had to pay for their mistake in the
form of hacking. Ethical hacking is another 5.0 References
tool for security, and if you have the security it
does not mean now you’re secure. It is not a 1. E. S. Raymond, The New Hacker’s
magic potion. So what should these firms do Dictionary, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA
then? I think Time to time auditing, alert (1991).
interference recognition, good system
administration performance and computer 2. S. Garfinkel, Database Nation, O’Reilly &
security knowledge are all very important part Associates, Cambridge, MA (2000).
of a firm’s or company’s security system. A
single failure in any of the above mention 3. The first use of the term “ethical hackers”
thing may lead to a serious harm. Every new appears to have been in an interview with John
technology always has its benefit along with Patrick of IBM by Gary Anthens that appeared
some disadvantages. But these disadvantages in a June 1995 issue of ComputerWorld.
always overcome with the passage of time.
Every organization should be alert all the time 4. P. A. Karger and R. R. Schell, Multics
for these types of attack and have the second Security Evaluation:
line of defence to handle them. Vulnerability Analysis, ESD-TR-74-193, Vol.
II, Headquarters
4.0 Conclusion Electronic Systems Division, Hanscom Air
Force Base, MA (June 1974).
To test the security and the other
functionalities of product is not new. But in 5. S. M. Goheen and R. S. Fiske, OS/360
the early stages of Internet no one know about Computer Security Penetration
Ethical Hacking even about hacking, but with Exercise, WP-4467, The MITRE Corporation,
the passage of time people are more concern Bedford, MA (October 16, 1972).
about the security of their data, especially due
to hackers. Ethical Hacking is just a security 6. R. P. Abbott, J. S. Chen, J. E. Donnelly, W.
system or tool for security to safe your data it L. Konigsford, and S. T. Tokubo, Security
is not an ultimate solution of problem. You Analysis and Enhancements of Computer
can not sit relax against the hacker after using
Operating Systems, NBSIR 76-1041, National performance, he realized there was a striking
Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC (April trend. Each new chip contained roughly twice
1976). as much capacity as its predecessor, and
7. W. M. Inglis, Security Problems in the each chip was released within 18–24 months
WWMCCS GCOS System, Joint Technical of the previous chip. In subsequent years, the
Support Activity Operating System Technical pace slowed down a bit, but data density has
Bulletin 730S-12, Defense Communications doubled approximately every 18 months.
Agency (August 2, 1973).
8. D. Farmer andW.Z. Venema, “Improving
the Security of Your Site by Breaking into It,”
originally posted to Usenet (December
1993); it has since been updated and is now

9. See http://www.faqs.org/usenet/.

10. Who can really determine who said

something first on the Internet?

11.See http://www.cs.ruu.nl/cert-

12. This strategy is based on the ideal of

raising the security of the whole Internet by
giving security software away. Thus, no one
will have any excuse not to take action to
improve security.

13. S. Garfinkel and E. Spafford, Practical

Unix Security, First Edition, O’Reilly &
Associates, Cambridge, MA (1996).

14. For a collection of previously hacked Web

sites, see http://www.2600.com/hacked_pages/
or http://defaced.alldes.de. Be forewarned,
however, that some of the hacked pages may
contain pornographic images.

(Sanjay Kumar/sanjayjindal888@gmail.com)
15. In 1965, Intel cofounder Gordon Moore
was preparing a speech and made a memorable
observation. When he started to graph data
about the growth in memory chip

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