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THE SECOND IEEE WORKSHOP ON Wireless Local Area Networks

IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN

draft Standard

Keith B. Amundsen
Wireless Solutions
October 24, 1996
Worcester Polytechnic Institute

THE SECOND IEEE WORKSHOP ON Wireless Local Area Networks


• IEEE 802.11 Draft 5.0 is a draft standard for Wireless Local Area
Network (WLAN) communication.

• This tutorial is intended to describe the relationship between

802.11 and other LANs, and to describe some of the details of its

• It is assumed that the audience is familiar with serial data

communications, the use of LANs and has some knowledge of

THE SECOND IEEE WORKSHOP ON Wireless Local Area Networks


• Glossary of 802.11 Wireless Terms

• Overview
• 802.11 Media Access Control (MAC)
• Frequency Hopping and Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
• 802.11 Physical Layer (PHY)
• Security
• Performance
• Inter Access Point Protocol
• Implementation Support
• Raytheon Implementation

THE SECOND IEEE WORKSHOP ON Wireless Local Area Networks

Glossary of 802.11 Wireless Terms

• Station (STA): A computer or device with a wireless network

• Access Point (AP): Device used to bridge the wireless-wired
boundary, or to increase distance as a wireless packet repeater.
• Ad Hoc Network: A temporary one made up of stations in mutual
• Infrastructure Network: One with one or more Access Points.
• Channel: A radio frequency band, or Infrared, used for shared
• Basic Service Set (BSS): A set of stations communicating
wirelessly on the same channel in the same area, Ad Hoc or
• Extended Service Set (ESS): A set BSSs and wired LANs with
Access Points that appear as a single logical BSS.

THE SECOND IEEE WORKSHOP ON Wireless Local Area Networks

Glossary of 802.11 Wireless Terms, cont.

• BSSID & ESSID: Data fields identifying a stations BSS & ESS.
• Clear Channel Assessment (CCA): A station function used to
determine when it is OK to transmit.
• Association: A function that maps a station to an Access Point.
• MAC Service Data Unit (MSDU): Data Frame passed between user
& MAC.
• MAC Protocol Data Unit (MPDU): Data Frame passed between
• PLCP Packet (PLCP_PDU): Data Packet passed from PHY to PHY
over the Wireless Medium.

THE SECOND IEEE WORKSHOP ON Wireless Local Area Networks

Overview, IEEE 802, and 802.11 Working Group

• IEEE Project 802 charter:

– Local & Metropolitan Area Networks
– 1Mb/s to 100Mb/s and higher
– 2 lower layers of 7 Layer OSI Reference Model
• IEEE 802.11 Working Group scope:
– Wireless connectivity for fixed, portable and moving stations
within a limited area
– Appear to higher layers (LLC) the same as existing 802
• Transparent support of mobility (mobility across router
ports is being address by a higher layer committee)

THE SECOND IEEE WORKSHOP ON Wireless Local Area Networks

Overview, IEEE 802.11 Committee

• Committee formed in 1990

– Wide attendance
• Multiple Physical Layers
– Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
– Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
– Infrared
• 2.4GHz Industrial, Scientific & Medical shared unlicensed band
– 2.4 to 2.4835GHz with FCC transmitted power limits
• 2Mb/s & 1Mb/s data transfer
• 50 to 200 feet radius wireless coverage
• Draft 5.0 Letter Ballot passed and forwarded to Sponsor Ballot
– Published Standard anticipated 1997
• Next 802.11 - November 11-14, Vancouver, BC
– Chairman - Victor Hayes, v.hayes@ieee.org

THE SECOND IEEE WORKSHOP ON Wireless Local Area Networks

Overview, 802.11 Architecture


Wired LAN

Ad Hoc BSS BSS Ad Hoc
Network Network

THE SECOND IEEE WORKSHOP ON Wireless Local Area Networks

Overview, Wired vs. Wireless LANs

• 802.3 (Ethernet) uses CSMA/CD, Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with 100% Collision Detect for reliable data transfer

• 802.11 has CSMA/CA (Collision Avoidance)

– Large differences in signal strengths
– Collisions can only be inferred afterward
• Transmitters fail to get a response
• Receivers see corrupted data through a CRC error

THE SECOND IEEE WORKSHOP ON Wireless Local Area Networks

802.11 Media Access Control

• Carrier Sense: Listen before talking

• Handshaking to infer collisions
– DATA-ACK packets
• Collision Avoidance
– RTS-CTS-DATA-ACK to request the medium
– Duration information in each packet
– Random Backoff after collision is determined
– Net Allocation Vector (NAV) to reserve bandwidth
– Hidden Nodes use CTS duration information

THE SECOND IEEE WORKSHOP ON Wireless Local Area Networks

802.11 Media Access Control, cont.

• Fragmentation
– Bit Error Rate (BER) goes up with distance and decreases the
probability of successfully transmitting long frames
– MSDUs given to MAC can be broken up into smaller MPDUs
given to PHY, each with a sequence number for reassembly
• Can increase range by allowing operation at higher BER
• Lessens the impact of collisions
• Trade overhead for overhead of RTS-CTS
• Less impact from Hidden Nodes

THE SECOND IEEE WORKSHOP ON Wireless Local Area Networks

802.11 Media Access Control, cont

• Beacons used convey network parameters such as hop sequence

• Probe Requests and Responses used to join a network
• Power Savings Mode
– Frames stored at Access Point or Stations for sleeping
– Traffic Indication Map (TIM) in Frames alerts awaking Stations

THE SECOND IEEE WORKSHOP ON Wireless Local Area Networks

Frequency Hopping and Direct Sequence Spread

Spectrum Techniques
• Spread Spectrum used to avoid interference from licensed and
other non-licensed users, and from noise, e.g., microwave ovens
• Frequency Hopping (FHSS)
– Using one of 78 hop sequences, hop to a new 1MHz channel
(out of the total of 79 channels) at least every 400milliseconds
• Requires hop acquisition and synchronization
• Hops away from interference
• Direct Sequence (DSSS)
– Using one of 11 overlapping channels, multiply the data by an
11-bit number to spread the 1M-symbol/sec data over 11MHz
• Requires RF linearity over 11MHz
• Spreading yields processing gain at receiver
• Less immune to interference

THE SECOND IEEE WORKSHOP ON Wireless Local Area Networks

802.11 Physical Layer

• Preamble Sync, 16-bit Start Frame Delimiter, PLCP Header including

16-bit Header CRC, MPDU, 32-bit CRC
– 2 & 4GFSK
– Data Whitening for Bias Suppression
• 32/33 bit stuffing and block inversion
• 7-bit LFSR scrambler
– 80-bit Preamble Sync pattern
– 32-bit Header
– Data Scrambling using 8-bit LFSR
– 128-bit Preamble Sync pattern
– 48-bit Header

THE SECOND IEEE WORKSHOP ON Wireless Local Area Networks

802.11 Physical Layer, cont.

• Antenna Diversity
– Multipath fading a signal can inhibit reception
– Multiple antennas can significantly minimize
– Spacial Separation of Orthoganality
– Choose Antenna during Preamble Sync pattern
• Presence of Preamble Sync pattern
• Presence of energy
• RSSI - Received Signal Strength Indication
• Combination of both
• Clear Channel Assessment
– Require reliable indication that channel is in use to defer
– Use same mechanisms as for Antenna Diversity
– Use NAV information

THE SECOND IEEE WORKSHOP ON Wireless Local Area Networks


• Authentication: A function that determines whether a Station is

allowed to participate in network communication
– Open System (null authentication) & Shared Key
• WEP - Wired Equivalent Privacy
• Encryption of data
• ESSID offers casual separation of traffic

THE SECOND IEEE WORKSHOP ON Wireless Local Area Networks
Performance, Theoretical Maximum Throughput

• Throughput numbers in Mbits/sec:

– Assumes 100ms beacon interval, RTS, CTS used, no collision
– Slide courtesy of Matt Fischer, AMD

1 Mbit/sec 2 Mbit/sec

MSDU size DS FH (400ms DS FH (400ms

(bytes) hop time) hop time)

128 0.364 0.364 0.517 0.474

512 0.694 0.679 1.163 1.088

512 0.503 0.512 0.781 0.759

(frag size = 128)
2304 0.906 0.860 1.720 1.624

THE SECOND IEEE WORKSHOP ON Wireless Local Area Networks

Inter Access Point Protocol

• Not covered in draft standard

• Aironet & Lucent presented to 802.11 in July
– Desired for secure environments
– Desired for wireless infrastructure Distribution Systems that
have no wired backbone
• Full discussion at 802.11 in November

THE SECOND IEEE WORKSHOP ON Wireless Local Area Networks

Implementation Support

• Advanced Micro Devices Am79C930 PCnetTM-Mobile Controller

• OKI Semiconductor MSM7712 Wireless LAN Controller
• Raytheon GaAs RF MMICs

THE SECOND IEEE WORKSHOP ON Wireless Local Area Networks
AMD Am79C930 PCnetTM-Mobile
• MAC Soft -> 80188 based architecture
• IEEE 802.11 MAC Firmware provided by AMD
• PHY independent
– Programmable interface supports all PHY types
• Device Driver software available
• 144 pin TQFP package
• PCMCIA & ISA Plug & Play interfaces
• 5 & 3 volt functionality
• 1 & 2 Mbit/sec data rates, with dynamic rate switching
• Evaluation software & HW available
• Cyrus Namazi: 408 749 3415

THE SECOND IEEE WORKSHOP ON Wireless Local Area Networks

OKI MSM7712 Wireless LAN Controller

• Support for IEEE 802.11 draft standards

• Suitable for low-cost stations and access points
• PCMCIA compliant (v2.1) interface supporting 16-bit transfers
• On-chip radio modem for high-throughput data transfers
• Interface to radio providing antenna select, power control, and
synthesizer programming
• Processor interface support for 80C86, 80C186, V33 & V53A
• Multi-port memory control for local simplified shared memory
• EEPROM interface to download configuration data and provide non-
volatile card parameter storage
• Low-power mode for low power battery applications
• 5V external and 3.3V core operation
• 144-pin LQFP suitable for PCMCIA Type II cards
• Scott Gardner: 408-737-6357

THE SECOND IEEE WORKSHOP ON Wireless Local Area Networks

Raytheon GaAs RF MMICs

• RMCS2410-10
– 2.4GHz Upconverter / Downconverter
– 28-pin flat pack

• RMMS2410-10
– 2.4GHz Power Amplifier
– 2.4GHz Low Noise Amplifier
– 28-pin flat pack

THE SECOND IEEE WORKSHOP ON Wireless Local Area Networks

Raytheon Implementation

• PC Card (Station)
– Custom ASIC
• PCMCIA Interface
• Radio Modem
– Microprocessor
– Memory
– Dual Antenna
• Access Point
– Microprocessor
– Ethernet Interface
– PCMCIA Interface
– Memory


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