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Import Info

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Import Info.

Pa Dept of Agriculture:

1. All dogs (except show dogs in PA for 30 days or less) must have a CVI within
60 days of the importation, with a statement that there has been no known exposure
to rabies within the last 100 days and the dog does not originate from an area under
quarantine for rabies.
2. All imported dogs three months of age and older need proof of a current rabies
vaccination on the CVI.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has regulations on the importation of dogs and
cats into the United States. In general, they require that dogs be vaccinated against rabies at least 30
days prior to entry, except for puppies younger than 3 months and dogs originated or located for 6
months in areas considered to be free of rabies

APHIS VS requirements for all dogs imported or returning from countries affected with screwworm:

 Pet and other types of dogs (commercial, breeding, etc.) that are returning, and/or are
presented for US entry, from countries or regions where screwworm is known to exist, may
enter the US if they meet the following requirements: The certificate must state that the dog is either free from
screwworm or was found to be infested with screwworm and was held in quarantine and treated until free from screwworm prior to
leaving the region.

Countries that USDA Considers to be Affected with Screwworm:

Angola Haiti Philippines

Argentina India Qatar
Bahrain Indonesia Rwanda
Bangladesh Iraq
Isla de Pascua (Easter Island,
Benin Senegal
part of Chile)
Bolivia Ivory Coast
Botswana Jamaica Singapore
Brazil Kenya
Brunei Kuwait
Burkina Faso Laos Sri Lanka
Burundi Lesotho Surinam
Cambodia Liberia Swaziland
Cameroon Macau Taiwan
Central African
Malawi Tanzania
China Malaysia Thailand
Columbia Mali Togo
Congo Mauritania and
Dominican Republic Mozambique Uganda
Ecuador Myanmar United
Equatorial Guinea Namibia Uruguay
French Guinea Nigeria Venezuela
Gabon Oman Vietnam
Gambia Pacific Islands (Palau) Zaire
Ghana Papua New Guinea Zambia
Guinea Paraacel Islands Zimbabwe
Guinea-Bissau Paraguay  

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