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G.O Ms No. 177

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GAD – Services Welfare – Action to be taken on the
employees, who participate in the
agitation programmes like “Strikes”, “Bandhs”, “Pen Down,
Chalk Down and Tool Down”,
“Non-Cooperation” etc., by signing in the attendance
registers and not attending official
work – Orders – Issued.
G.O.Ms.No. 177. Dated:13-4-2011.
G.O.Ms..No.220, GA (SW) Department, dt.3-6-1995.

In the recent experiences, it was noticed that unconventional

and innovative
agitation programmes like “Pen Down, Chalk Down and Tool
Down” and “Non-
Cooperation” are being resorted to by the Employees’
Organizations / Associations in the
State for achieving their demands. It was also noticed that
most of the employees are
signing in the attendance registers and not attending the
official work during such agitation
pogrammes. In view of recent experiences and the difficulties
faced by the Government as
well as public and in the interest of public, a necessity has
arisen to issue certain
instructions to face such unconventional and innovative
agitation programmes in future.
2. The Government vide G.O.read above, already directed
that the “No Work – No
Pay” policy shall be strictly adopted henceforth. Further,
Government made certain rules by
name “Andhra Pradesh Civil Services (Conduct) Rules,
1964”, for regulating the conduct
of Government Employees. Government also made certain
rules by name “Andhra Pradesh
Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules,
1991”, prescribing the procedure
to be followed for initiating disciplinary action against
the Government Employees for
violation of the said Conduct Rules.

3. The Supreme Court in Buckingham Carnatic Company

Limited vs. Workers of the
Buckingham Carnatic Company Limited (AIR 1953 SC 47)
held that cessation of work by
large number of workers for few hours as a result of
consorted action will amount to strike.
The Supreme Court in B.R.Singh vs. Union of India [1989 (4)
SCC 710] held that strike in
a given situation is only a form of demonstration. There are
different modes of
demonstrations like go slow, sit in, work to rule, absenteeism
etc., and strike is one such
mode of demonstration by workers for their rights. The
Supreme Court in T.R.Rangarajan
vs. Government of Tamilnadu (AIR 2003 SC 3032) held that
Government Servant has no
right to go on strike neither fundamental nor statutory nor
moral. The Apex Court further
held that apart from statutory rights, Government
Employees cannot claim that they can
take the society at ransom by going on strike. Even if there is
injustice to some extent, as
presumed by such employees in a Democratic Welfare State,
they have to resort to the
machinery provided under different statutory provisions for
redressal of their grievances.
Strike as a weapon is mostly misused which results in chaos
and total maladministration.
Strike affects the society as a whole in society where there is
large scale unemployment and
number of qualified persons are eagerly waiting for
employment. In Government
Departments or in Public Sector Undertakings, strike cannot
be justified on any equitable
grounds. For redressing their grievances instead of going on
strike, if employees do some
more work honestly, diligently and efficiently, such gesture
would not only be appreciated
by the authority, but also by people at large.

4. Accordingly, the Government, after careful examination of

the matter, hereby order
the authorities concerned to take following actions in respect
of the unconventional and
different types of agitation programmes like “Strikes”,
“Bandhs”, “Pen Down, Chalk Down
and Tool Down”, “Non-Cooperation” etc., if any take place in
future, without waiting for
further orders from the Government:-
i) furnish day-to-day reports on agitation programme to the
Government by fax (Fax
No.040-23454810) or e-mail to secy_serv_gad@ap.gov.in of
the Secretary to
Government (Services), General Administration Department;
ii) monitor the employees, who sign in the attendance
register and do not attend the
normal work during the agitation period and maintain record
of such employees;
iii) give protection to the employees, who are attending to the
duties, without
participating in the agitation programme;
iv) take necessary action to initiate criminal action on the
employees / groups, who
disturb the employees on duty during the agitation
v) initiate suitable disciplinary action against the employees,
who participate in
activities like playing games, beating drums and other
disturbing activities in the
premises of the offices during the agitation period, which
effect the decency and
decorum of the Government;
vi) adopt the “No work – No pay” policy strictly and treat the
period of agitation
programme in respect of the employees, who participate in
the agitations, as “Not
Duty” and no pay and allowances shall be admissible for that
vii) initiate suitable disciplinary action against the
employees, who participate in the
agitation programme, as per the procedure laid down in
Andhra Pradesh Civil
Services (CCA) Rules, 1991, for violation of Andhra Pradesh
Civil Services
(Conduct) Rules, 1964;

5. These orders shall be communicated to all the employees

in the State and placed on
the notice boards of the offices concerned.
6. The Departments of Secretariat / Heads of Departments
/ District Collectors shall
take further necessary action accordingly.


All the Departments of Secretariat.
All the Heads of Departments.
All the District Collectors.
Copy to:
The Accountant General, AP, Hyderabad.
The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, AP, Hyderabad.
The Pay and Accounts Officer, AP, Hyderabad.
The JAC of Employees, Teachers, Workers and Pensioners,
AP, Hyderabad.
The JAC of Telangana Employees, Teachers and
Workers, Hyderabad.
The PS to Spl.Chief Secretary to CM.
The PS to Chief Secretary to Government.
The PS to Spl.Chief Secretary to Government, Finance
The PS to Secretary to Government (LA), Law Department.
The PS to Secretary to Government (Services & HRM), GAD.
The PA to Joint Secretary to Government (SU), GAD.

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