A Demographic Profile of The Youth Population : (2006) Montgomery County, Maryland
A Demographic Profile of The Youth Population : (2006) Montgomery County, Maryland
A Demographic Profile of The Youth Population : (2006) Montgomery County, Maryland
Pamela Zorich
Lisa Madigan Tate
M-NCPPC Research & Technology Center
October 19, 2007
7% Adults
Montgomery County is home to 230,000 children under the 7% Under 5 years
age of 18. There are 66,000 children under the age of 5, and 7% 5 to 9 years
164,000 school age children (ages 5 to 17). Young people 4%
10 to 14 years
currently make up a slightly smaller share of the total 15 to 17 years
population than in 1980, when 27 percent of County
residents were under the age of 18.
Source: 2006 American Community Survey
The youth population will grow at a slightly slower
pace than the population as a whole over the next 25
Historic and Forecast Population Growth (1980 to 2030)
Youths and Adults in Montgomery County
According to recent forecasts, the County’s youth (thousands of people)
population will grow by an estimated 4.2 percent by 2010. 270
By 2020, there will be 253,000 residents under the age of 222 230 Youth Population
18. Young people will number 270,000 by 2030. The youth
share of the population is forecast to decline slightly over 702 735 804
Adult Population
the next 25 years to around 24 percent. 579 652
425 (age 18+)
Minorities account for a higher share of youths than 1980 1990 2000 2006 2010 2020 2030
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Young foreign-language
The great majority of young people living in speakers are more likely than
Montgomery County (90 percent) were born in adults to be English-proficient.
the United States.
32 percent of school-age children
In households with a foreign-born head or spouse, the (53,000) in Montgomery County speak a
majority of children were born in the United States. language other than English at home,
Children in these households often serve as a bridge compared to 36 percent of adults.
between cultures—acting as translators of language and However, 81 percent of these children
customs. While 36 percent of adults in the County are speak English “very well,” compared to
foreign-born, only 10 percent of children were born outside 56 percent of the adults.
the United States.
English only
8% Other Indo-European
68% languages
8% Asian and Pacific Island
3% Other languages
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