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IES-CONV-Mechanical Engineering-2002

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P AP E R - I
Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 200
Candidates should attempt any FIVE questions. Assume suitable data if necessary and indicate them clearly.
For air R = 0.287 kJ/kg-k, Cp = 1.005 kJ/kg-k, v = 1.4, M = 28.966 kg/kg-mols

1. (a) An insulated tank of 1 m3 volume contains air at 0.1 MPa and 300 K. The tank is connected
to a high pressure line in which air at 1 MPa and 600 K flows. The tank is quickly filled with
air by opening the valve between the tank and high pressure line. If the final pressure of air in
the tank is 1 MPa, determine the mass of air which enters the tank and the entropy change
associated with filling process.
Take Universal Gas Constant R = 8.314 kJ/kg-mol-k. ?
(b) By using Maxwell’s relations of thermodynamics, show that Joule-Thomson coefficient,  of
gas can be expressed as,
 T  T 2   v   
      
 p  h C p  T  T   p
(c) A heat driven refrigeration system absorbs heat from low temperature TE and rejects it to
temperature TC. This is run by heat supplied from a high temperature source at temperature
TH, TH > TC > TE. Using first and second laws of thermodynamics derive the expression for
maximum COP of refrigeration system in terms of temperature.
2. (a) An automobile carburettor having its float chamber vented to the atmosphere is tested at sea
level conditions in the factory without an air cleaner. The main metering system of this
carburettor is found to yield a fuel-air ratio of 0.065. The venture throat pressure is 0.84 bar.
This carburettor is now installed in an automobile and air cleaner is placed on the inlet to
carburettor. The air flow rate with and without the air filter is 230 kg/hr. The pressure drop
through the filter is found to be 0.035 bar at sea level conditions. Assuming z = 0 and orifice
coefficient to be constant calculate
(i) the venturi throat pressure with the air cleaner
(ii) fuel-air ratio with the air cleaner.
Assume incompressible flow.
(b) Explain the working of a representative Nuclear Power plant with a suitable diagram. List the
various nuclear fuels that can be used.

(c) Explain the working principle of a Turbo-Jet engine with a suitable figure.
3. (a) A circular pipe of radius r0 is being lagged with insulation of thermal conductivity k. If
convective heat transfer coefficient is h, derive the expression for critical insulation thickness.
(b) Air with an average velocity of 10 m/s at 300 K enters a copper tube of 11.2 mm diameter
and 2.5 m length. The tube wall is maintained at 373 K by condensing steam at atmospheric
pressure. Using LMID method, determine the temperature of air at outlet of tube. Average
properties of air are
k = 0.02624 W/m-k, Cp = 1.005 kJ/kg-k
 = 1.174 kg /m3, v = 1.568 x 10 m2/s
Pr = 0.7
0.668  d / L  Re Pr
Nu = 3.66 + : Re < 2300
1  0.04  dre Pr 
Nu = 0.023 Re0.8 Pr0.4 : Re > 2300
where, d and L are diameter and length of tube respectively.
Assume heat transfer coefficient to be constant and neglect conduction thermal resistance of
(c) The cross-section of a very long black body enclosure consists of a semicircle with its
diameter D as base. The temperature of semi-circle is 1000 K and that of diameter is 500 K.
Determine the shape factors for diameter-semicircle combination and the radiation heat
transfer rate.
Per unit width (in terms of D)
Stephan-Boltzman constant 5.64 x 10–8 W/m2-K.
4. (a) If gas is used as refrigerant in Reverse Carnot refrigeration cycle. Draw T-s and p-v diagrams
with heat rejection and heat absorption temperature of TE and TC respectively.
Show that this cycle requires two compressors and two expanders. Find their work
requirement and the COP of the cycle.
(b) Dense air is used as refrigerant in Reverse-Brayton or Bell-Coleman or Joule cycle. Draw T-s
and p-v diagrams for the cycle. Derive the expression for COP in terms of pressure ratio. If
temperatures at the end of heat absorption and heat rejection are 0°C and 30°C respectively,
the pressure ratio is 4 and the pressure in the cooler is 4 bar, determine the temperatures at all
state points and volume flow rates at inlet to compressor and at exit of turbine for 1 TR
cooling capacity.
(c) In an air-conditioned space, 50 kga/s of fresh air at 45° C dry-bulb temperature and 30%
relative humidity is introduced. The room air at 25°C dry-bulb temperature and 50% relative
humidity is recirculated at 450 kga/s. The mixed air flows over a cooling coil which has
apparatus dew point of 120 C and bypass factor of 0.15. Determine the conditions at outlet of
cooling coil, RSH. RLH, the cooling load of coil and the condensate rate. The saturation
pressure of water at required temperatures are

h = 1.005 t + W (2500 + 1.88 t) kJ/kga

t is in °C and kga refers to kg of dry air.
5. (a) Describe the working principle of a Pitot-static tube with the help of a neat sketch and explain
how it can be used to measure the flow rate ?
(b) Determine the throat diameter of a venturimeter in an installation of 100 mm diameter pipe
carrying water. The maximum range available in water-Hg differential pressure gauge is 50
cm of Hg deflection. Find the maximum throat diameter which will induce full gauge
deflection when the flow rate is 20 l/s. Assume Cd = 0.984.
(c) Air at 10 bar and 500 K stagnation conditions flows through a nozzle. The area at the exit of
nozzle is 0.25 x 10–4 m2. The pressure at exit is 2 bar. Determine the velocity, specific
volume and mean flow rate through the nozzle.
6. (a) Considering isentropic flow in a nozzle show that

p *  2   1
 
po    1 

 *  2   1
 
o    1 
T*  2 
 
To    1 
where, * refers to M = 1 and subscript zero refers to stagnation condition.
(b) Derive Darcy-Weisbach equation for head loss in pipe due to friction.
(c) A reservoir, supplies 45,000 m3 of water in 8 hours. During this time, the level of water in the
reservoir drops from 125 m to 75 m. The head loss in the pipeline is 15 m. Determine the
diameter of the supply pipeline using 4f = 0.04 in Darcy Weisbach equation.
(d) Give the expressions for the following dimensionless numbers and highlight their physical
significance :
Reynolds Number (Re)
Mach Number (M)
Euler Number (E)

Weber Number
Froude Number (Fr)
7. (a) Derive the Euler’s equation for rotating machines and explain the physical significance of
each term.
(b) What is the effect of blade outlet angle on the performance of centrifugal compressors?
(c) Define the specific speed for turbines stating the approximate range for various types of
turbines. What is the physical significance of specific speed?
(d) What is meant by cavitation and what are the methods of avoiding it?
(e) What is the purpose of draft tube in turbines?
8. (a) Find the optimum intermediate pressure of a two stage reciprocating compressor if inter-
cooling is done up to a temperature T which is greater than the inlet temperature.
(b) Show the Reheat cycle and Regenerative feed water heating cycle on T-s diagram. Highlight
their significance on the performance of steam power plant.
(c) The following particulars refer to a two row velocity compounded impulse steam turbine
Steam velocity at nozzle exit = 600 m/s
Nozzle angle = 160
Mean Blade Velocity = 120 m/s
Exit angles : first row of moving blades = 18°
fixed guide blade = 220
second row of moving blades = 36°
Steam flow rate = 5 kg/s
Blade friction coefficient = 0.85
(i) the tangential thrust (ii) the axial thrust
(iii) the power developed and (iv) the diagram efficiency.


Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 200
Candidates should attempt Question 1 in Section A which is compulsory, TWO questions from Section B and
TWO questions from Section C. Question 1 is of short answer type, limiting answer of each part to 30 words.
Assuite suitable data if necessary, and indicate them clearly.

1. (a) Why are the bolts, subjected to impact, made longer?
(b) Why are antrifriction bearings not used at very high speeds?
(c) If two cantilever beams of identical dimensions but made of mild steel and gray cast iron are
subjected to same point load at the free end, within elastic limit, which one will deflect more
and why?
(d) Differentiate clearly between ‘shaft’ and ‘axle’.
(e) Which principle reduces the problem of kinetics to equivalent problem of statics ?
(f) What is the magnitude of coriolis acceleration for a slider sliding at 10 cm/sec. on a link
which is rotating at 60 r.p.m. ?
(g) Why sometimes the axis of translating roller follower in a cam-follower mechanism is offset
from the axis of cam rotation?
(h) Name the different types of cast irons and mention, which type is the hardest.
(i) Compare die casting with investment casting w.r.t. production rate, melting point of work
materials and ability of producing complex shaped products.
(j) Name three processes of manufacturing long low carbon steel tubes.
(k) What are the relative advantages of submerged arc welding over conventional open air
manual arc welding and why ?
(l) Why are the lathe-spindles made hollow?
(m) How does application of cutting fluid help in reducing cutting forces and improving tool life
and surface quality?
(n) In which machine tools, teeth of internal spur gears can be cut and which one of those
machine tools works fastest?
(o) What are meant by ‘A-60-K-8-V’ when used for a grinding wheel specification?
(p) What do you understand by the term anisotropy ? State any 3 materials where the anisotropy
is an important consideration.
(q) What is the difference in the analysis of thick tubes compared to that for thin tubes ? State the
basic equations describing stress distribution in a thick tube.
(r) State a generalized quantitate forecast model. What are the possible nature of independent
variables when using extrapolation of a time series concept ?
(s) State Johnson’s rule for scheduling of n jobs requiring two operations on two separate
facilities where the sequence cannot be altered.

(t) State Pareto’s principle. State some of its applications.

(2 x 20 = 40)

2. (a) The bearings of a shaft at A and B are 5 m apart the shaft carries three eccentric masses C, D
and E which are 160 kg, 170 kg and 85 kg respectively. The respective eccentricity of each
mass, measured from the axis of rotation is 0.5 cm, 0.3 cm and 0.6 cm, and the distance from
A is 1.3 m, 3 m and 4 m respectively. Determine the angular position of each mass with
respect to C, so that no dynamic force is exerted at B, and also find the dynamic force at A
for this arrangement when the shaft runs at 100 r.p.m.
(b) The total sleeve movement in a Hartnell governor is 3 cm. The mass of the rotating balls is
1.5 kg each. At the mid-position of the sleeve, the sleeve arm, which is 6.5 cm long, is
horizontal. The ball arm has a length of 7.5 cm. At the mid-position of the sleeve, the balls
rotate at a radius of 10.5 cm.
Due to maladjustment of the spring, the equilibrium governor speed at the topmost position
of the sleeve is 415 r.p.m. and that corresponding to the lowest position is 430 r.p.m.
Determine (i) the stiffness and initial compression of the spring and (ii) the required initial
compression of the spring to give an equilibrium speed at the topmost position which is 10
r.p.m. more than that at the lowest position. Neglect the moment due to the weight of the
(c) Two standard full depth gears of pressure angle 14½ have a module of 5 mm. The pinion has
15 teeth while the gear has 60 teeth. If the addendum of the gear is equal to the module–
(i) show that the gear will interfere with the pinion.
(ii) to what value should the pressure angle be increased in order to eliminate the
3. (a) A pair of straight teeth spur gears having 20° full depth involute teeth is to transmit 20 kW.
The pinion runs at 300 r.p.m. and the speed ratio is 3 : 1.
The following data are given :
Number of teeth on pinion = 15
Service factor Cs = 1
Velocity factor Cv  where v is the pitch line velocity mm/sec
3 v
Tooth form factor y  0.154 
where T = Number of teeth.
Face width = 14 m where m = module in mm
Allowable static stresses for pinion and gear materials are 120 MPa and 100 MPa
Check the gear for wear if the surface endurance limit is 600 MPa and modulus of elasticity
for pinion and gear materials are 200 GPa and 100 GPa respectively.
(b) A transmission shaft, rotating at 500 r.p.m., drives a milling machine which requires 3.75 kW
at 750 r.p.m. A 300 mm diameter cast iron pulley is mounted on the transmission shaft. A
preliminary design proposes using a belt 4.75 mm thick, which has a density of 970 kg/m3.
The allowable stress is 2 MPa. Two pulleys rotate in opposite directions and the centre
distance of the shafts is 750 mm. The coefficient of friction is 0.3 for both the pulleys.
Determine the width of the belt.
(c) A 5 cm diameter solid shaft is welded to a flat plate by 1 cm fillet weld. What will be the
maximum torque that the welded joint can sustain if the permissible shear stress in the weld
material is not to exceed 8 kN/cm2?
Deduce the expression for the shear stress at the throat from the basic theory.
4. (a) Derive an expression for the distortion energy per unit volume for a body subjected to a
uniform stress state, given by the principal stresses 1 and 2 with the third principal stress 3
being zero.
(b) A beam of rectangular cross-section 50 mm wide and 100 mm deep is simply supported over
a span of 1500 mm. It carries a concentrated load of 50 kN, 500 mm from the left support.
Calculate –
(i) the maximum tensile stress in the beam and indicate where it occurs;
(ii) the vertical deflection of the beam at a point 500 mm from the right support.
E for the material of the beam = 2 x 105 MPa.
(c) The magnitudes of normal stresses on two mutually perpendicular planes, at a point in an
elastic body are 60 MPa compressive and 80 MPa tensile respectively. Find the magnitudes
of shearing stresses on these planes if the magnitude of one of the principal stresses is 100
MPa tensile. Find also the magnitude of the other principal stress at this point.

5. (a) How does a cutting tool fail ?
(b) List the different methods suitable for making through holes of diameter around 4 mm in a 2
mm thick glass plate. State briefly the working principle of ultrasonic machining (USM).
(c) In a drilling operation under a given condition, the tool life was found to decrease from 20
mm to 5 mm due to increase in drill speed from 200 r.p.m. to 40 r.p.m. What will be the tool
life of that drill under the same condition if the drill speed is 300 r.p.m. ?
6. (a) What are the major constituents of high speed steel (HSS) and uncoated single carbides
which are used as cutting tool materials ? How are those carbide tool inserts manufactured?
(b) How much force will be required to pierce a circular hole of diameter 20 mm in a 2 mm thick
mild steel plate with the help of flat ended die and punch in a press tool ? The shear strength
of the work material is 350 MPa.
(c) Name the instruments by which diameter of machined circular holes can be measured and
mention their application capabilities in terms of precision and diameter range.
(d) The thickness of a rectangular brass plate of length Lw and width Bw has to be reduced by t
mm in one pass by a helical fluted plain or slab milling cutter of length Ic (> Bw), diameter Dc
and number of teeth, Zc at cutting velocity, Vc m/min and feed, S0 mm/tooth. How will you
determine the time that will be required to accomplish the aforesaid work?
All other dimensions are in mm.
7. (a) A train reservation facility has 5 counters each capable of handling 20 request per hour. The
persons coming for reservation arrive at a mean rate of 90/hour. Assume that each person
comes with one request only.
Calculate –
(i) the mean number of persons at any time at this facility
(ii) the mean time a person spends at the facility
(iii) the average length of queue at each counter
when (1) the time to serve a request is constant and (2) the time to serve a request is
exponentially distributed with the same mean rate i.e. 20/hour.
What would happen to the queue if the arrival rate was to reach 105/hour.
(b) Why do we need inventory? Explain why we need to optimise the order quantity. The
demand for a component is 10000 pieces per year. The cost per item is Rs 50 and the interest
cost is 1% per month. The cost associated with placing an order is Rs 240. What is the EOQ ?

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