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Software Requirement Specification: 1.1. Purpose

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Software Requirement Specification

1. Introduction: -
1.1. Purpose
This Software Requirements Specification provides a complete description of all the functions
and constraints of the Training and Placement System, developed for the college training and
placement cell. The expected audience of this document includes faculty members in the
Department of T.P.O., the software developer and students needing placements in campus.

1.2 Scope of Project

The Placement System is used to grade multiple-choice content examinations given to all
incoming freshmen in the college. Based on test results, the system makes recommendations for
course placement and produces a number of different reports for various campus stakeholders.
The system is designed replace a previous system created and used manually by T.P.O. staff. The
previous system has proved very valuable for its intended purpose but has an awkward user
interface, requires programming to make minor changes and relies on the academic mainframe
computer. It must also provide the information regarding which companies had visited the
campus or are going to visit, with their complete required information. It must also be used to
retrieve the information regarding students which are eligible for placements.

The revised system must have at least all the functionality of the previous system with some
noted problems corrected and an enhanced ability to easily produce new reports on demand.

1.5 Overview of Document

This document contains two descriptions. The first is designed to be understandable to faculty
members in the Department of placement cell (“the customers”). It lists all the functions
performed by the system and the constraints under which it is to operate. Included are screen
formats for the user interface. The second is a list of all the constraints on and functions
performed by the system in full detail to define the product fully for the software developer. The
two lists of functions are cross-referenced to allow easy comparison.

2. Overall Description: -

The Placement System utilizes information from the College Database and from a Test Scanner
to accomplish its goal. Communication is currently through the file system of the College
Academic Computer (Tiger). Most printing is done with the local file system but very large
reports are printed remotely on Tiger.

2.1. System Environment

The Placement System (PS) is embedded in a larger system involving several College systems.
In this section, we describe this environment. The PS Administrator requests CRN data files and
freshmen data files from the College Database when needed. These are sent in text format to the
pre-test account on Tiger (Remote File System). Student answer sheets and other information are
scanned and a text file with the test answers is sent to the pre-test account on Tiger. (This file
must then be converted into a standard text file format on Tiger.) The Administrator uses FTP to
move these files to the file system of the PC (Local File System) where the Placement System
software is located. All grading and report generation is done on this PC with reports in text files
stored in its file system. Most reports are printed on a printer networked directly with this PC.
One large file is sent via FTP to Tiger, formatted there, and printed on the printer attached to
Tiger. One file is put on disk and delivered physically to the Registrar for uploading to the
University Database.

System Environment

2.2. Functional Requirements Definition

Functional Requirements are those that refer to the functionality of the system, i.e., what services
it will provide to the user. Non-functional (supplementary) requirements pertain to other
information needed to produce the correct system and are detailed separately. For complete
management of the Placement Cell enabling the placement officer, Students
and the potential employer to seamlessly interact, this module should Cover
all activities beginning from pre-placement talks, interviews, automated CV
generation, and other placement activities.
Survey Description

• The Administrator uses the Initialize (not shown) to clear the current database for a new
semester. S/he uses Access directly to update academic majors, placement
recommendations, test versions and answer keys.
• The Administrator uses Load Data File to add/update a file of semester CRN's with
course information, instructors and companies.
• The Administrator uses Load Student to add/update a file of persistent (non-testing)
student information to the System.
• The Administrator uses Load Test File to add a file of student test data to the System.
• The Administrator uses Report Session to generate test results for all students since the
last session was reported.
• The Administrator uses Create General Reports to generate various reports on all students
in the database.
• The Administrator uses Archive (not shown) to store one year’s students before
initializing for the next year.

Overview of System

The functionalities described here refer only to the PS. Information on the Remote File System
and other external systems is contained in the User Manual.
Use Case: Initialize (System)


Brief Description
The system is prepared for use for an academic year. Usually done in June when the previous
group of freshmen has become sophomores.

Initial Step-By-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated; the Administrator has already archived any previous year’s

1. The Administrator selects New from the File menu.

2. The system reports completion.

Load Data Use Cases

Use Case: Load Data File


Brief Description
The use case Load Data File is initiated by the administrator to add/update all course and section
data to the database.
It must be done after Initialize and it must be done at least once before Load Student.

Initial Step-By-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated; the Administrator has already initialized the system.

1. The administrator selects the Load CRN Data option from the File menu.
2. The system presents the local file directory to the administrator.
3. The administrator selects the correct file.
4. The system loads the CRN (course and section) data.
(If a CRN is not in the database, it is added with the relevant information. If the CRN is in
the database, the relevant information is updated.)
Use Case: Load Student


Brief Description
The use case Load Student is initiated by the administrator to add/update all incoming students to
the database.
It must be done after Load CRN and at least once before Load Test File.
It will allow generation of a student list report (names with identification numbers).

Initial Step-By-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated; the Administrator has already loaded the CRN data.

1. The administrator selects the Load Student File option from the File menu.
2. The system presents the local file directory to the administrator.
3. The administrator selects the correct file.
4. The system loads the student data.
(If a student is not in the database, s/he is added with the relevant information. If the student is in
the database, the relevant information is updated.)
5. If a student has a CRN not known to the system, the unknown CRN is reported to the
Use Case: Load Test File


Brief Description
The use case Load Test File is initiated by the administrator to add student test data to the
It must be done after Load Student File.
It will allow generation of a session report.

Initial Step-By-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated; the Administrator has already loaded the student data.
1. The administrator selects the Load Test Data option from the File menu.
2. The system presents the local file directory to the administrator.
3. The administrator selects the correct file.
4. The system loads the test data.
5. If an identification number cannot be matched, the administrator will have to identify the
student either by providing a correct identification number or by adding the student to the
Use Case: Report Session


Brief Description
The administrator requests a list of all students tested in the current session. The format is pre-

Initial Step-By-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated; the Administrator has already added student test data since
the last session was reported.

1. The administrator selects the Report Session option from the Report menu.
2. The system selects all students added since the last session was reported, grades their tests,
decides recommendations based on stored criteria, adds this information to files and reports to
the screen any student who needs further testing.
3. The administrator directs that the list of students who need further testing be placed in a file.
4. All files created are placed in the Local File System.

Create General Report Use Cases

Use Case: Create Student List


Brief Description
The administrator creates a list of all students in alphabetical order with their identification
numbers. The test proctors use this list if a student does not remember their identification

Initial Step-By-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated; the Administrator has already loaded the student data files
from the University Database.

1. The administrator selects the Student List option from the Report menu.
2. The system creates a file containing the list and puts it into the Local File System.

Use Case: Create Master List


Brief Description
The administrator selects a report from a menu of options covering all the students in the

Initial Step-By-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated; the Administrator has already initialized the database and
added student’s data.

1. The administrator selects the Custom Report option from the Report menu.
2. The system presents a screen of options for possible.
3. The administrator selects the options desired.
4. The system creates the report and stored it in the local File System.
Use Case: Create Upload File


Brief Description
The administrator creates a file of all students in the database who have been tested to upload to
the University Database for checking prerequisites for registration for classes.

Initial Step-By-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated; the Administrator has already added all tested students to
the database.

1. The administrator selects the Upload File option from the Report menu.
2. The system creates a file containing the list and puts it into the Local File System.

Use Case: Archive


Brief Description
The administrator stores data for the academic year for future reference.

Initial Step-By-Step Description

Before this use case can be initiated, the administrator has already obtained all reports needed for
the academic year.

1. The administrator selects the Archive option from the File menu.
2. The system stores the information and removes all the students from the active database.
2.3. User Interface Specification

The anticipated users are faculty members in the Department at the College. They have accounts
on Tiger with which they are familiar. They are familiar with using FTP to move files. They are
comfortable with the concept of a database and will need minimal training to utilize the Access
features to update persistent information about courses, majors and faculty.

The system will have a standard Windows type interface with pull-down menus on a top menu
bar and buttons and text boxes for communications. The contents of the reports to be printed are
as follows:

2.4. Non-Functional Requirements

These are requirements that are not functional in nature, that is, these are constraints within
which the system must work.

The program must be self-contained so that it can easily be moved from one PC to another. It is
assumed that Access will be available on the PC on which the program resides. It is not required
that a Visual language be available on that computer.

The database must be small enough when it holds an entire class to be held on one 3.5” disk (at
most 1.4 megabytes). This is for backup purposes and for transportability. The Archive database
may be a separate database for size considerations. It will not have to hold more than four years
of student records.

The program must be efficient. We require that any operation other than report generation must
be completed with five minutes 100% of the time. Within any operation, responses to an entry
must be done within 15 seconds 100% of the time. Report printing for the session reports must
be completed with 15 minutes 100% of the time. Report printing for other reports must be
completed within 1 hour 100% of the time.
The User Manual will include all Tiger instructions as well as instructions for correct use of the

2.5. System Evolution

Only the essential requirements have been listed here other than the Archive functionality.

The next goal is to remove all usage of Tiger from the system. This would involve mailing files
directly to the Royal Mail account of the Administrator. As the scan files are currently a problem
to read directly, this would be a high risk item that should be handled first.

When this system was devised, it was assumed that most of the printing would be on the Remote
Printer. As this is no longer the case, it would be desirable to use the report generation subsystem
of Access rather than to create text print files. Currently, these files must be brought into a word
processor and reformatted, a wasted step.

Version 3.0 is planned to be available in summer 2001.

3. Requirements Specification
3.1. External Interface Requirements

Input File Formats pre-defined by past usage.

3.2. Functional Requirements


Load Data File

Load Student

Load Student State Chart

Load Test File

Figure 4 -- Load Test Data File State Chart

3.3. Detailed Non-Functional Requirements

IBM compatible Pentium-based PC with standard or better keyboard, mouse and monitor. Colour
monitor is assumed but not required. At least 2M of available disk memory.

Operating System:
Windows that can support Access version used.

Software Needed:
Access 98 needed. Visual interface provided by executable file.

No noticeable delays in performance — see section 2.4.

Software Standard:
Every function will have a cancel option if logically permissible. Cancel will restore to a
previous safe system state.

Network Interface:
Need access to Tiger for FTP and Telnet capabilities.

Code Standards:
Each code module fully documented using departmental standards.

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