Eur 23510 en
Eur 23510 en
Eur 23510 en
Joint Report
Joint Report
Prepared under the JRC – ECCS cooperation agreement for the evolution of Eurocode 3
(programme of CEN / TC 250)
Joint Report
Prepared under the JRC – ECCS cooperation agreement for the evolution of Eurocode 3
(programme of CEN / TC 250)
European Commission
Joint Research Centre
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JRC 47278
EUR 23510 EN
ISSN 1018-5593
Printed in Italy
This report with a commentary and worked examples to the design rules in
EN 1993-1-10 and other toughness oriented-rules in EN 1993 has been prepared on
the basis of numerous sources:
- working papers worked out for the project teams for the preparation of the ENV-
version and EN-version of Eurocode 3 with funding by the ECCS,
- reports from research projects funded by the European Community for Steel and
Coal (ECSC) and the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS),
- various doctoral thesis' and a habilitation thesis mentioned in the bibliography that
were prepared in particular at the Institute of Steel Construction and the Institute
of Ferrous Metallurgy at RWTH Aachen,
- numerous discussions in particular with Mr. Sanz, Mr. Wallin, Prof. Dahl, Prof.
Burdekin and with members of the project teams, in particular J. Brozzetti, J.
Raoul, J.B. Schleich and R. Pope, who helped in this interdisciplinary field to
develop rules of good practice.
The preparation of the manuscript of this report was in the hands of D. Tschickardt,
B. Kühn and C. Müller. Prof. M. Feldmann, Prof. W. Dahl, P. Langenberg and Prof.
N. Stranghöner gave useful contributions. Prof. F. Bijlaard helped in the proof-
reading of the text. Thanks to all of them for the valuable works and contributions.
Gerhard Sedlacek
This joint ECCS-JRC report is part of a series of background-documents in support to
the implementation of Eurocode 3. It provides background information on the specific
issue of design rules affected by the toughness of steel.
The interrelation between toughness properties and the safety of steel structures is
not commonly known, and therefore EN 1993-1-10 does not explicitly address this
issue. The background material to EN 1993-1-10 presented in this report provides
the necessary explanations on the underlying principles and their application rules. It
also opens the door to the application of these principles to situations not yet fully
covered by EN 1993.
Due to its rather innovative character, some of the contents of this joint ECCS-JRC
still needs to be complemented through additional research likely to be carried out in
the context of the further development of Eurocode 3.
The European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (ECCS) has initiated the
development of this commentary in the frame of the cooperation between the
Commission (JRC) and the ECCS for works on the further evolution of the
Eurocodes. It is therefore published as a Joint Commission (JRC)-ECCS-report.
Gerhard Sedlacek
Director of ECCS-research
Frans Bijlaard
Chairman of CEN/TC 250/SC3
1.1 Section 1: Objective of the guidance 1
1.2 Section 2: Commentary and background of EN 1993-1-10, section 2:
Selection of materials for fracture toughness 1
1.2.1 Designation of steels and selection to performance
requirements 1
1.2.2 The use of strength-values fy and fu from coupon tests and of
toughness values T27J of the material in EN 1993 3
1.2.3 Conclusions 5
1.3. Section 3: Commentary and background of EN 1993-1-10, section 3:
Selection of materials for through-thickness properties 6
1.4 Section 4: Complementary rules for the design to avoid brittle fracture
on the basis of the background to EN 1993-1-10 6
1.4.1 Scope 6
1.4.2 Assessment of residual safety and service life of old riveted
structures 7
1.4.3 Choice of material for welded connections in buildings 7
1.5 Section 5: Other toughness-related rules in EN 1993 8
1.6 Section 6: Finite element methods for determining fracture resistances
in the upper shelf area of toughness 8
1.6.1 The use of porous metal plasticity models 8
1.6.2 Damage curves 11
1.7 Section 7: Liquid metal embrittlement in hot dip zinc coating 11
1.8 Bibliography 12
2.1 General 13
2.1.1 Basis of the selection method 13
2.1.2 Applicability of the selection method 13
2.2 Procedure 15
2.2.1 Fracture-behaviour of steel and temperature 15
2.2.2 Principals of Fracture-Mechanics used for the brittle fracture
concept 17
2.2.3 Design situation for fracture assessment 22
2.2.4 Basis of the fracture mechanic assessment 26
2.2.5 Transformation to the temperature format 30
2.2.6 Explanation of temperature shifts ΔTi 32
2.2.7 Application of the fracture mechanic method to develop table
2.1 of EN 1993-1-10 60
2.3 Maximum permitted thickness values - Examples 80
2.3.1 Use of table 2.1 of EN 1990-1-10 80
2.3.2 Examples for the use of table 2.1 of EN 1993-1-10 82
2.4 Specific cases for using fracture mechanics 90
2.4.1 General 90
2.4.2 Example for the calculative determination of material quality 93
2.4.3 Example for the use of fracture mechanics calculations assisted
by testing 97
2.4.4 Some other typical examples 102
2.5 Bibliography 106
3.1 General 110
3.2 Procedure 113
3.2.2 Allocation of influence to the requirement ZEd 113
3.2.3 Minimum requirement ZEd 121
3.2.4 Allocation of ZEd to Z-classes in EN 10164 121
3.3 Examples of application 122
3.3.1 Connection of the hangers of a tied-arch-bridge to the arch 122
3.3.2 Welded connection of the arch of a tied arch bridge to the main
girder 122
3.3.3 Connection of troughs to cross-beams in an orthotropic steel
deck of a road bridge 123
3.3.4 More general examples 125
3.4 Bibliography 126
4.1 Assessment of the residual safety and service life of old riveted
structures 128
4.1.1 General 128
4.1.2 Hazards from stress situation and stress ranges 132
4.1.3 Material check and evaluation 139
4.1.4 Assessment of the “safe service period” 141
4.1.5 Design tables 149
4.1.6 Example for the fracture mechanics based safety
assessment 167
4.1.7 Bibliography 168
4.2 Choice of material for welded connections in buildings 170
4.2.1 Objective 170
4.2.2 Basis of fracture mechanical assessment 171
4.2.3 Tables for the choice of material to avoid brittle fracture 175
4.2.4 Example 178
4.2.5 Bibliography 180
5.1 The role of upper-shelf toughness 181
5.1.1 Resistance rules in Eurocode 3 and upper-shelf toughness 181
5.1.2 Appropriate models for calculation of upper shelf toughness
requirements 182
5.1.3 Transfer of upper shelf toughness models into practice 187
5.2 Empirical rules for minimum upper-shelf toughness 187
5.2.1 General 187
5.2.2 AUBI-quality and correlations 188
5.3 Explanations of net-section resistances in EN 1993-1-1 193
5.3.1 General 193
5.3.1 Influence of upper-shelf toughness on net-section resistance to
tension 193
5.4 Choice of material for capacity design 199
5.4.1 General requirement 199
5.4.2 Conclusions for „capacity design“ 199
5.4.3 Behaviour of components subject to capacity design in the
temperature-transition area 200
5.5 Bibliography 202
6.1 Introduction 203
6.2 Model for determining crack initiation 204
6.3 The GTN – Damage model 205
6.3.1 General 205
6.3.2 Examples for the determination of micro structures
parameters 207
6.3.3 Mesh sizes for FEM calculations 208
6.3.4 Calculation of J-integral values Ji 209
6.3.5 Conclusions for practical FEM-calculations 210
6.3.6 Example of practical application 212
6.4 The use of damage curves for crack initiation for cyclic straining 214
6.4.1 General 214
6.4.2 The combined isotropic-kinematic hardening model 214
6.4.3 Accumulation of effective equivalent strains ε p,eff 215
Section 1
(1) This commentary gives explanations and worked examples to the design rules
in Eurocode 3 that are influenced by toughness properties of the structural
steels used.
(1) The term „steel“ comprises a group of about 2500 materials with iron (ferrum)
being the main component which are tailor-made to meet the performance
requirements of various applications.
Fig. 1-1: Distinction of structural steels
behaviour in the case of fire and fracture behaviour at low temperatures
(brittle fracture).
1.2.2 The use of strength-values fy and fu from coupon tests and of toughness
values T27J of the material in EN 1993
(1) The design rules for ultimate limit states in the various parts of EN 1993 are
based on a “technical stress strain curve” as given in fig. 1-2, where fy is the
yield strength and fu is the tensile ultimate strength, determined from steel
coupons tests at room temperature.
Fig. 1-2: “Technical stress-strain-curve” from steel coupon tests for room
temperature as used for design
(2) The yield strength fy varies with the temperature T, see also section 2, fig. 2.1
and fig. 2.5, and with the strain rate ε& that can be considered together with the
temperature T according to table 1.1.
Steel fy (ε&,T ) m
S275 ⎡ ⎛ 10 8
fy ,RT + 960 ⋅ ⎢1 − 1.0767 ⋅ 10 − 4 ⋅ T ⋅ ln⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎥
S355 ⎣ ⎝ ε& ⎠⎦
S690 ⎡ ⎛ 1010 ⎞⎤
fy ,RT + 960 ⋅ ⎢1 − 7.2993 ⋅ 10 −5 ⋅ T ⋅ ln⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎥ 3.74
S890 ⎣ ⎝ ε& ⎠⎦
(3) Such variations from the conditions of the steel coupon tests are normally
neglected for structures exposed to climatic actions in Europe.
(4) The fracture strength σfracture results from the “notch situation” of the test piece
considered (e.g. effected by initial cracks) and from the toughness of the
material, that depends on the temperature as well, see also fig. 2.1, fig. 2.2
and fig. 2.5.
(5) The resistance functions for “cold design” in all parts of EN 1993 are based on
experimental tests of prefabricated components also carried out at room
temperature and hence apply to the upper shelf region of the toughness-
temperature curve, see also fig. 2.2.
(6) The behaviour at the ultimate limit state is therefore ductile, and the design
models used for the resistances are only related to the material strength fy and
fu as given in fig. 1-2, see fig. 1.3.
Ductile failure modes treated Brittle fracture prevented
by design codes based on material strength by choice of material
F σ
load- fracture
deflection- yielding
curves of fracture
components δ δε, δ
ε, δ
Mode 0 Mode 1 Mode 2
Excessive Member failure Fracture after
deformation by instability, yielding, e.g.
by yielding, e.g. buckling bolt
e.g. tension
bar Brittle fracture avoided
by background safety
failure modes
Rk (fy ) Rk (fy , λ ) Rk (fu )
assessment based on
Rd = Rd = Rd = material toughness
γ M0 γ M1 γ M2
γ M 0 = 1.00 γ M 0 = 1.10 γ M 0 = 1.25
RK = γ M ⋅ Rd
(7) The influence of toughness on the resistance functions in the upper shelf
region is taken into account only indirectly by factors applied to the tensile
strength fu, see section 5.
1.2.3 Conclusions
- the strength related checks for ultimate limit states in the various parts
of EN 1993, which as far as tension resistance is concerned indirectly
take toughness properties in the upper shelf region into account, and
- the toughness related checks hidden behind the rules for the choice of
material to avoid brittle fracture
(2) The safety assessment in the upper shelf region is based on ductile
behaviour, the consequences of which are
- nominal stresses can be used and stress concentrations and residual
stresses can be neglected,
- plastic design assumptions can be applied for members and
connections, e.g. secondary moments can be ignored,
- energy dissipation is possible by hysteretical behaviour that produces
beneficial behaviour-factors q for seismic design.
(2) The commentary explains the phenomenon, gives different routes for the
choice of through-thickness-quality and presents a numerical procedure based
on a limit state for Z-values (percentage short transverse reduction of area
(STRA) in a tensile test:
ZEd ≤ ZRd.
(3) The Z-requirements are associated with various influences, mainly the weld
configuration and weld size and the restraint to welding shrinkage.
(4) The efficiency and reliability of the procedure is proved by test results.
1.4 Section 4: Complementary rules for the design to avoid brittle fracture
on the basis of the background to EN 1993-1-10
1.4.1 Scope
1.4.2 Assessment of residual safety and service life of old riveted structures
(1) The assessment of residual safety and service life of old riveted structures is
an example for how any such assessment could be performed for any existing
steel structure, that is subjected to fatigue loads.
(2) The procedure given complements the general procedure given in the JRC-
Scientific Technical Report: “Assessment of Existing Steel Structures:
Recommendations for Estimation of Remaining Fatigue Life (EUR 23252-EN-
2008) by giving a fracture mechanics based method to prove “damage-
tolerance” of existing structures.
(3) Whereas for the selection of material for new projects the “safe service
periods” between inspections are specified such that the fatigue load for that
“safe service periods” is equivalent to 1/4 of the full fatigue damage accepted
for the full nominal service life of the structures (e.g. a safe-service period of
30 years for a full nominal service life of 120 years). Subsequently the
associated steel grade and toughness properties are the unknowns; the
assessment of existing structures however works with known values of the
steel grade and toughness properties of the existing steel and asks for the
associated value of “safe service period”
(4) The “safe service period” should be sufficiently large, so that the formation of
cracks can be detected in usual inspections by NDT-methods before they get
critical (sufficient prewarning).
(5) If the “safe service periods” are too small, the inspection intervals or the
fatigue loading can be reduced or appropriate retrofitting measures can be
(2) Section 4.2 gives for the particular case of welded connections of tension
elements with slots in gusset plates (as e.g. for bracings or tension rods)
alternative rules based on assumptions more appropriate for buildings with
predominant static loading.
(4) As a result tables for the selection of materials are given that are similar to
table 2.1 given in EN 1993-1-10.
(2) The first part 5.1 of this section explains the relationship between experimental
results for fracture loads from large wide plate tests and various fracture
mechanics approaches in the upper shelf region.
(3) Part 5.2 explains the background of a recommendation for the choice of
material for bridges given in table 3-1 of EN 1993-2 – Design of steel bridges –
that is based on a traditional empirical approach to secure a certain toughness
level at room temperature for plate thicknesses above 30 mm. It is not
performance oriented but may still be used as a requirement in addition to the
minimum requirement in EN 1993-1-10 by some bridge authorities.
(4) Part 5.3 explains the background of the ultimate resistance formula for net
sections in Part 1-1 and Part 1-12 of EN 1993 also addressing the assumption
of geometrical imperfections in the form of crack-like flaws by which toughness
aspects enter into the formula.
Also the effects of strength on the maximum strains for ductile behaviour are
(5) Part 5.4 finally deals with the conclusions from “capacity design” for the
material properties. The requirements for material toughness, structural
detailing and fabrication are the higher, the higher the material strengths are.
(1) Sections 2 to 5 of this commentary are related to the dual approach for safety
assessments to avoid failure:
Av-T-curve or J-T-curve
(2) Section 6 tackles with an alternative to this dual approach that is based on
damage theory. With this theory it is possible to determine material properties
from the microstructure of the steel and to simulate numerically with FE-
Thus the damage theory has the potential to cover both the application fields
of the strength controlled and of the fracture mechanics controlled methods in
the future.
Table 1-2: Features of GTN-model to simulate damage effects of a single
cell of material
(4) A typical example giving the the consequences of effects of different
constitutive laws (true stress-strain curves) is the plastic resistance of cold-
formed profiles, see fig. 1.4.
(5) Part 6.4 of section 6 also deals with the use of the damage theory for cyclic
straining as experienced in the response to seismic actions. It includes a
model for strain accumulation.
(1) With using a constitutive law for ductile material behaviour the results of tests
or of calculations with the damage theory may be plotted in damage-curves,
that give local ultimate equivalent plastic strains limited by the formation of
micro cracks (equivalent to Ji) in finite elements versus the relevant parameter
σ1 + σ 2 + σ 3
“stress triaxiality” h = , see 6.3.5 and 6.4.3
3σ v
(2) Whereas the “stability strength” allows to determine failure loads for load-
controlled design situations (e.g. tension rods), the use of the damage curve is
appropriate, where in deformation-controlled design situations the ultimate
strains, to avoid cracking, are looked for (e.g. for pressure vessels).
(3) For cases of failure controlled by “stability strength” it is sufficient that the
ultimate strain of material causing cracking is greater that the maximum strain
εu associated with fu.
(2) Research has been reactivated to find out the causes for these cracks and to
initiate measures to avoid them.
(3) The research revealed that cracking occurred where a limit state defined by
the balance between the crack driving plastic equivalent strains εpl,E and the
strain-capacity εpl,R of the steel influenced by dipping speed and by more or
less corrosive compositions of the liquid zinc-alloy was exceeded.
(4) Both the actions εpl,E and the resistances εpl,R follow the concept of the
damage curves in section 5; they also are time-dependant, so that the rules
for strain-accumulation for cyclic loading in section 5 apply.
(5) Section 7 gives the background of the limit state assessment for avoiding
cracking of steel components in the hot zinc bath as far as needed to
understand the process and the basis for more descriptive rules for design,
fabrication and zinc-coating that could be part of a future amendment of
Eurocode 3 and of EN 1090.
1.8 Bibliography
[1] Kühn, B., Beitrag zur Vereinheitlichung der europäischen Regelungen zur
Vermeidung von Sprödbruch, Dissertation am Lehrstuhl für Stahlbau, RWTH
Aachen, Shaker-Verlag, ISBN 3-8322-3901-4.
Section 2
2.1 General
2.1.1 Basis of the selection method
(1) The basis of the selection of materials for fracture toughness is an Ultimate
Limit State verification based on fracture mechanics for an accidental design
situation for structural members in tension or bending.
For particular applications also the influences of cold forming and large strain-
rates are included.
(3) As the material toughness for the steel-grade to be chosen is specified in the
product standards, e.g. EN 10025, as the test-temperature TKV [°C] of Charpy
impact energy tests, for which a certain minimum value KV of impact energy
shall be achieved, (e.g. for steel S355 J2: T27J = -20°C, or KVmin ≥ 27 Joule for
the testing temperature T27J = - 20°C) the fracture mechanics verification has
to be carried out in such a way that it refers to this specification of product
(4) According to EN 10025-1 KVmin is the lower limit to the mean value of 3 tests
carried out in a qualification procedure for steel as given in the Harmonised
European materials standards as EN 10025, where the minimum value
measured must exceed 70% of KVmin. There are also cases where another 3
tests are required to fulfil requirements for KVmin.
(1) The selection method for fracture toughness has been developed on the basis
of safety assumptions which include the presence of initial cracks (e.g. from
fabrication) that may have been undetected during inspections and may grow
in service from fatigue.
(2) Therefore the verification has been performed for rather large design values of
crack sizes. It is applicable to unwelded and welded structures subjected to
fatigue loading, such as bridges or crane runways.
(3) The method covers all structural details for which fatigue classes are given in
EN 1993-1-9.
(4) The method may also be used for building structures, where fatigue is less
pronounced. In this case the use of the large design values of crack sizes may
be justified by the fact that, due to less refined welding controls, the initial
cracks may be larger, so that they compensate the smaller crack growth from
(5) The selection method in EN 1993-1-10 presumes that the selection of material
shall be made in the design stage to specify the steel grade for material
delivery. It is therefore related to the numerical values of TKV specified in the
product standards (e.g. in EN 10025) and takes into account that actual values
are probably much higher than those specified.
(7) The core of the method is table 2.1 of EN 1993-1-10 which is based on the
(8) Table 2.1 of EN 1993-1-10 may also be used where the assumptions for ε&
and ε cf are not met by modifying the reference temperature TEd by ΔTε&
according to ( or ΔTε,cf according to (
(9) For other cases, there is no full guidance in EN 1993-1-10, but the principles
are given in sections 2.2 and 2.3 and the door opener for more refined
methods is established is section 2.4.
2.2 Procedure
2.2.1 Fracture-behaviour of steel and temperature
(1) For ferritic steels, the fracture behaviour of tensile loaded components, in
particular the extent, to which they exhibit a non-linear load-deformation curve
by yielding, depends strongly on the temperature.
(2) Fig. 2-1 shows in a schematic way the fracture behaviour of tensile loaded
components wich bear a crack-like flaw. The figure contains different
informations which are related to the fracture behaviour. Characteristic
temperatures are also defined which enable the distinction of fracture
behaviour into brittle and ductile:
Fig. 2-1: Fracture behaviour of components depending on
temperature (schematic view)
(3) The temperature region above Tm signifies the region with large plastic strains
which enable plastic redistribution of stress concentrations in the cross-section
and the formation of plastic hinges for plastic mechanisms. In the upper shelf
region above Ta the ultimate tension strength results from the stability criterion
A ⋅ ∂σ = ∂A ⋅ σ (2-1)
(4) In the range T ≥ Tm (room temperature) all member tests have been carried
out, from which the resistance functions and design rules for steel structures in
Eurocode 3 have been derived, see fig. 2-2.
Elasto-plastic behaviour
of steel structures with
flaws and weld discontinuities
Validity of the design rules
Temperature transition
Upper shelf behaviour
Fig. 2-2: Temperature range for validity of design rules in Eurocode 3
(5) Below Tm is the temperature transition range that leads to the lower shelf
behaviour, where the material toughness decreases with temperature and the
failure modes change from ductile to brittle.
Below Tm the macroscopic plastic deformations are smaller than those above
Tm. They suffice to reduce stress concentrations in the cross-sections so that
the nominal stress concept can be applied. They are, however, no longer
sufficient for plastic hinge rotations, so that global analysis should be made on
an elastic basis.
A limit that separates this macroscopic ductile failure mode from the brittle
failure mode is the temperature Tgy, at which net section yielding is reached
before failure. The brittle fracture avoidance concept presented here is related
to this area.
Below Tgy the plastic deformations are restricted to local crack tip zones, which
can be quantified with fracture mechanics parameters like K, CTOD or J-
(1) The principals of fracture mechanics are based on the perception that the local
stress concentration in the vicinity of a crack in any component can be
quantified by a single parameter. This single parameter can be calculated
analytically or by use of Finite Element Simulation as crack driving force
depending on the outer stress and (if necessary) of secondary stresses.
- CTOD (Crack Tip Opening Displacement, Unit: mm) which also suites
for elastic-plastic behaviour and represents the opening of the crack tip
as a measure of local plasticity ahead of the crack tip.
(3) To allow for the calculation of the critical limit condition where fracture may
occur in a structure with possible defects it is necessary to obtain the
resistance of the material against crack initiation with the same fracture
mechanics parameters, see fig. 2-3.
(4) Special small scale laboratory test specimens have been developed from
which the most widely used are the CT- (Compact Tension) and the SENB-
(Single Edge Notch Bending) specimen (fig. 2-4).
C(T)-Probe SE (B)-Probe
Wt W W
a a
L F/2 F/2
(5) The transitional behaviour of ferritic steels is also observed from the fracture
mechanics test as shown schematically in fig. 2-5.
Fig. 2-5: Transitional fracture behaviour of fracture mechanics specimen
The fig. 2-5 is similar to that shown in fig. 2-1. The major difference is the
definition of the indices related to fracture mechanics tests. The indices can be
interpreted as follows:
In view of this background it is important to know that only the fracture
mechanics values obtained for crack initiation (index i or c) are transferable
geometry independent material values.
(6) The fracture mechanics analysis can now be performed in the following way:
2. Derive the crack driving force with analytical solutions like stress
intensity factor solutions from handbooks corrected by plastic correction
factor as given by the failure assessment diagram FAD (fig. 2-6).
4. Calculate in the limit condition for fracture from three parameters free to
choose (crack geometry, toughness, stress) one when the other two are
known. This means that you can calculate critical crack length for
fitness for purpose or critical toughness for material selection or critical
stress fracture for component dimension and strength, fig. 2-3.
5. Verify results from either experience or larges scale tests and select
appropriate safety factors to cover scatter from input parameters and
model uncertainty.
(7) Another important feature is that material toughness values obtained with
elastic plastic fracture mechanics test procedure like J-Integral or CTOD can
be transferred into units of stress intensity factor K, thus not being the same
value as a valid KIc value, but a representative of the elastic plastic fracture
toughness and for use in conjunction with FAD analysis. The formula to be
used is:
KJ = [J*E/(1-υ2))0,5 (2-2)
Fig. 2-6: Schematic view of the failure assessment diagram (FAD)
Fig. 2-8: Transition temperature correlation between fracture mechanics
transition temperature T100 and charpy transition temperature T27J
Fig. 2-9: Principal of fracture mechanics analysis as being used for brittle
fracture concept in EN1993-1-10
(1) In general, ultimate limit state verifications are carried out by balancing design
values of action effects Ed and resistances Rd:
Ed ≤ Rd (2-3)
(2) The design values of resistance Rd in Eurocode 3 have been determined from:
Rd = (2-4)
(3) Fig. 2-10 gives a schematic view on how member tests to determine R-values
for Eurocode 3 have been carried out:
Requirements for quality Design standards
characteristic resistance
Product standards Execution standards Rk = Rnom χ(e0)
design resistance
- dimensions minimum Rd = Rk / γM
- tolerances execution quality:
- lower limits for - straightness safety factor
material properties - tolerances γM = 1,10
f e L
(fu, fy) - flaws
fu ,fy Rk }
e γM
(5) To secure ductile behaviour for all design situations covered by Eurocode 3,
two conditions must be met:
(1) Fig. 2-11 gives an overview on the design situations for the ultimate limit state
verifications for ductile behaviour and the ultimate limit state verification to
avoid brittle behaviour together with the temperature-toughness diagram.
Material toughness
Ji , CTODi
domain A1
σR, R
Tmin Ti Troom T
effect σE, E
R pl α R el
behaviour Rd = =
B2 E ( γG GK + γQ QK ) γM γM
curves of
equal densities Rel B3
E (GK + QK )
A2 E (GK + ψ1 QK ) fy A3 σEd = σ (GK + ψ1 QK )
E (GK + ψ2 QK ) elastic
E (GK)
Tmin Troom T εy ε
Fig. 2-11: Design situations in the upper-shelf region B and the transition
region A of the toughness-temperature diagram.
(2) The design point B1 (for ductile behaviour) in the upper shelf region
corresponds to the load level B2 of the load-temperature-diagram, which
results in the design values of action effects
that are compared with the design values of resistances Rd at point B3 on the
elasto-plastic part of the load deformation curve R-ε from the member tests.
(4) The design point A1 designates the verification to avoid brittle fracture in the
lower part of the temperature transition of the toughness temperature diagram.
This verification is necessary for structures that are not protected against low
temperatures, e.g. by facades. The verification therefore is carried out for the
lowest possible temperature of the member Tmd, for which the material
toughness takes the minimum value.
(5) In general, for structures exposed to climate actions, the temperature and
other actions are correlated in such a way, that the load-level A2 in the load
temperature diagram is relevant, which because of probability of occurrence is
below the load level B2. The design point A2 is also below the design point B2
because the verification in the temperature transition area is carried out with
accidental assumptions for the location and size of crack-like defects, so that
an accidental design situation may be applied. For such an accidental design
situation the design value of action effect is
For the load level A2 according to (2-6) the relevant loading point on the load
deformation curve is A3, which is on its linear elastic part. This means that
plastic deformations are very small (restricted to a limited local reduction of
stress concentrations in the cross-section), and the analysis is performed with
an elastic global behaviour without plastic redistribution of action effects.
(6) This explains why, depending on the design case, the loading level for the
fracture mechanical verification (EN 1993-1-10 equation (2.1)) is below the
loading level for the other ultimate limit state verifications in other parts of EN
The accidental design situation applied for the fracture mechanical verification
takes the minimum temperature TEd as the leading action A (TEd) and the other
actions as accompanying actions, so that the combination rule (EN 1993-1-10,
Equation 2.1) reads according to EN 1990, section 6:
(1) Fracture assessments in the brittle area below the temperature Ti below which
no stable crack growth may occur could be performed with fracture
mechanical parameters as J-integrals or CTOD-values that take both the
elastic and the plastic strains into account.
However for practical reasons, the stress intensity functions, initially valid for
the fully elastic range T < TIC only, can be used in a more practical way
because of their availability from handbooks where solutions can be found for
most relevant cases.
The stress intensity factor K is taken for mode I actions, see fig. 2-12 and has
been derived from a stress field around the crack tip according to fig. 2-13. Its
validity is limited to elastic behaviour where plasticity even in the vicinity of the
crack tip is limited.
a θ⎡ ⎛ θ 3θ ⎞⎤ K
σx = σ ⋅ cos ⎢1 − ⎜ sin ⋅ sin ⎟⎥ = ⋅ f x (θ )
2r 2⎣ ⎝ 2 2 ⎠⎦ 2π r
a θ⎡ ⎛ θ 3θ ⎞⎤ K
σy = σ ⋅ cos ⎢1 + ⎜ sin ⋅ sin ⎟⎥ = ⋅ f y (θ )
2r 2⎣ ⎝ 2 2 ⎠⎦ 2π r
a θ θ 3θ K
σ xy = σ ⋅ cos ⋅ sin ⋅ cos = ⋅ f xy (θ )
2r 2 2 2 2π r
(2) The error resulting from neglecting the local plasticity at the crack tip is
considered by a correction factor kR6 from the CEB6-R6-Failure Assessment
Diagram (FAD) [9] applied to the elastic value of the action effect Kappld, which
results in
K appld ,correct =
K appld
kR 6 − ρ
= Ed
πad ⋅ Y ⋅ MK
kR 6 − ρ
MPa m ] (2-9)
σEd is the design value of the stress applied to the member from external
loads [MPa =ˆ N/mm²]
ad is the design size of the crack [m]
Y is the correction function for various crack positions and shapes (see
table 2-3) taken from Raju-Newman) [-]
MK is the correction function for various attachments with semi-elliptical
crack shapes (see table2-4) [-]
kR6 is the plasticity correction factor from the R6-Failure Assessment
Diagram (FAD) (see table 2-5) [-]
ρ is a correction factor for local residual stresses (see table 2-6), that may
be taken ρ = 0 for non welded details [-].
Ed (K) ≤ Rd (K) or
1. Correlation between the resistance KIc and the standard values TKV,
K Mat = 20 + ⎜ 77 ⋅ e 52
+ 11⎟ ⎜⎜ ⎟ ⋅ ⎜⎜ ln ⎟⎟ (2-11)
⎜ ⎟ ⎝ beff ⎟⎠ ⎝ 1− pf ⎠
⎝ ⎠
2. by correlating the temperature T100 for the fracture mechanical
parameter K = 100 MPa m with the temperature T27J for the Charpy-
impact energy Kv = 27J (modified Sanz-correlation [43],[44]), which
reads in the mean:
(6) Fig. 2-14 gives the total process and the final expression for the verification in
terms of K-values.
⎛ 25 ⎞ 4
(7) The expression ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ addresses the effect of the crack front on the failure
⎝ eff ⎠
probability and has been derived from a weakest link model with beff
representing the length of the critical crack front.
beff takes the values given in table 2-7 depending on the crack shape. E.g. for
through thickness cracks the total front length is beff = 2t.
ΔTR is the safety term that effects a temperature shift according to the
reliability required.
(1) The verification formula based on K-values as presented in fig. 2-14 may be
transferred to a formula based on temperature values T by applying
logarithms, see fig. 2-15, so that the final assessment scheme reads:
⎡ 1
⎢⎜ ⎛ K ⎞ ⎛ b ⎞ 4
− 20 ⎟⎟ ⎜ ⎟ − 10 ⎥
appl,d eff
⎢ ⎜⎝ k R 6 − ρ ⎠⎝ 25 ⎠ ⎥
ΔTσ = − 52 ln⎢ ⎥ [K ] (2-17)
⎢ 70 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦
ΔTR= additive safety element, determined from large scale test evaluations
according to EN 1990 Annex D (e.g. ΔTR = +7 [K] for T27J values taken from
EN 10025)
1440 − fy (t ) ⎛ ε& ⎞
ΔTε& = − ⎜⎜ ln ⎟ [K ] (2-18)
550 ⎝ ε&0 ⎟⎠
= influence of the strain rate with ε& 0 = 0,0001 [s-1].
Assessment scheme
TEd $ TRd
Action side Resistance
TEd = Tmd + Δ Tr + Δ Tσ + Δ TR + Δ Tε& + Δ Tεpl ] TRd = TK 100 + ΔTt
" Lowest air temperature with a suitable return " Influence of material toughness
period in combination with σEd, e.g.,
T100 = T27 J − 18 [ ° C]
Tmd ,Germany = − 25° C
" Variation of material toughness in through
" Radiation loss thickness direction
Δ Tr = − 5K
ΔTt = 12,9 ⋅ tanh (1,9 ⋅ ln(t ) − 7,6) + 12,8 [ K ]
" Influence of stress, crack imperfection and
member shape and dimension
⎡ ⎛ Kappl ⎞ ⎛ beff ⎞
⎢⎜ − 20⎟ ⋅ ⎜ ⎟ − 10 ⎥
⎢ ⎝ k R6 − ρ ⎠ ⎝ 25 ⎠ ⎥ [ ]
Δ Tσ = − 52 ⋅ ln ⎢ ⎥ K
⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦
with Δ Tσ ≤ + 120 K
" Additive safety element
e. g. Δ TR = + 7 K ( with β = 3,8)
for the case that T27J-values are used from
standards EN 10025, ...
may be supplemented by
" Influence of the strain rate
1440 − f y ( t ) ⎛ ε& ⎞
Δ Tε& = − ⋅ ⎜ ln ⎟ [ K]
550 ⎝ ε&0 ⎠
with ε&0 = 0,0001 s −1
" Influence from cold forming
cf = − 3 ⋅ DCF [ K ]
with DCF = Degree of Cold Forming [ % ]
(2) Though the temperature shifts ΔTi affect the resistance side of the material,
they are listed on the action side for achieving an easy-to-use format for the
application of table 2.1.
(3) In the following, the temperature shifts ΔTi in fig. 2-15, that may be
supplemented by further shifts from other effects, are explained in detail.
(1) ΔTσ in (2-15) represents the temperature shift due to the actual stresses in the
member and may be calculated from the fracture mechanical action effect in
(2-9) using the correction factor kR6 from
1 σp
k R6 = for L r = ≤1 (2-20)
1+ 0,5 L2r σ gy
Fig. 2-16: Temperature shift ΔTt for accounting for the inhomogeneity of
thick plates
surface area
surface area
2. If the design crack depth ad of the critical surface crack reaches the
core of the plate, formula (2-22) applies.
Fig. 2-18: Formula for Temperature shift ΔTt in comparison with test results
33 Additional safety element ΔTR General
(1) The strength functions TRd and ΔTi in the formulae (2-15) and (2-16) have
been chosen such that they give about the expected values for failure (~ 50
%-fractiles). The additional safety element ΔTR shall produce the reliability of
assessment required.
(3) The application rules in EN 1990, however, apply to resistances R, for which
the relationship between Rd and RK is expressed in a multiplicative way, see
(2-4), whereas the verification format for the assessment to avoid brittle
fracture combines the variables in an additive way. Therefore the principle
presented in Annex D had to be transferred from multiplicative safety elements
to additive safety elements as presented in fig. 2-19.
Rd = mR + αR βσR (2-22)
αR = 0.8
β = 3.8
Fig. 2-19: Statistical evaluation of the safety element ΔTR by the procedure
in EN 1990, Annex D (additive form) [4, 41, 42]
(1) Two test series with large scale fracture tests at low temperatures Texp have
been used to determine the model uncertainty of the design model developed
and to determine the safety element ΔTR for achieving the required reliability of
2. test series with welded details according to fig. 2-21, that had semi-
elliptical surface cracks with the dimension (ad/2cd) at the hot spots for
(2) The test results for the DECT-tests are given in table 2-1.
(3) For the test specimens 1 to 10 in table 2-1, the yield strengths fy (t, T) had
been measured, whereas for specimens 11 to 19 the yield strengths had to be
calculated using the formula according to TWI and Wallin [3, 42].
55555 t
f y (t, T ) = f y,T =293K + − 189 − 0,25 (2-24)
T t0
Fig. 2-22: Comparison between the results of equation (2-23) and yield
strength values as measured [42]
(5) As the DECT-tests, according to fig. 2-20, see table 2-1, did not contain any
welded attachments and hence not any residual stresses from welds, a further
test series, see fig. 2-21 and table 2-2, has been used to include these effects
in the evaluation for ΔTR.
(6) In total 48 large scale tension tests were carried out with specimens that had
various welded attachments according to the fatigue classes in EN 1993-1-9.
(7) These test pieces had initial semi-elliptical surface cracks with a depth of a0 ~
2.2 mm and a width of 2 c0 ~ 11 mm, artificially cut in by electro-erosion at the
hot spots for fatigue at the weld toes, so that the a0/c0-ratio was about 0.40.
(8) These artificial initial cracks were subjected to a first high fatigue loading Δσ1
to initiate a realistic sharp crack front and then to a fatigue load with stress
ranges Δσ2 = Δσc according to fig. 2-21, with a mean stress of about 0.5 fy
Table 2-2: Properties of welded test specimens and test results
Table 2-2: Properties of welded test specimens and test results (continued)
(1) For obtaining ΔTR, the experimental test results Texp from section had
to be compared with calculative results Tcalc, which are determined for the
geometrical and mechanical data as measured for the test specimens, e.g. the
crack sizes ad and cd and the values T27J and fy.
(2) For calculating ΔTσ according to equation (2-17), the values Kappl,d, kR6, ρ and
beff needed to be determined.
(3) For the determination of Kappl,d, see equation (2-9), table 2-3 gives the
correction functions Y for various crack positions and shapes and table 2-4
gives the correction functions MK for various attachments with semi-elliptical
crack shapes.
Table 2-3: Stress intensity correction factors Y for various crack configurations
[15], [21]
Table 2-4: Stress intensity correction factors MK for welded attachments and
semi-elliptical surface cracks at the weld toe [16], [17]
(4) The input parameters of the failure assessment diagram (FAD), see fig. 2-14,
are given in table 2-5 and the correction factor ρ may be taken from table 2-6.
Table 2-5: Determination of kR6 [9], [22], [46]
Table 2-6: Definition of ρ
(6) Where T27J has to be determined from other values TKV, fig. 2-23 gives a
suitable relationship.
(1) For the DECT-tests table 2-8 gives a comparison of the values Tcalc and Texp
together with the values for the mean value corrections bi and the error terms
δI according to fig. 2-19.
Table 2-8: Comparison of calculative results Tcalc and experimental test
results Texp [42]
(2) In fig. 2-24 the values Texp/Tcalc are plotted; they are arrayed about the mean
line (diagonal: Texp = Tcalc), which needs the temperature shift ΔTR to obtain
design values related to measured input values.
Fig. 2-24: Comparison of experimental Texp-values and calculative Tcalc-
values for DECT-elements
(3) In fig. 2-25, the differences bi = Texp – Tcalc are arrayed in descending order
and plotted on Gaussian paper. According to this plot, the formula (2-17) fits to
the test results in the mean, so that for predicting expected values the safety
element ΔTR = 0 K may be used.
This corresponds fully with the prior assumption that for the various functions
in the fracture mechanics assessment, see fig. 2-14, mean value functions
should be applied.
Fig. 2-25: Determination of the safety element ΔTR for DECT-elements
(4) In applying the definition of design values according to equation (2-23), the
safety element ΔTR for ULS-verifications related to the use of measured values
T27J and fy is obtained on the level
Rd = mR + 3.03 σR (2-25)
ΔTR,measured = + 38 K (2-26)
(5) When the mean value correction values bi are referred to nominal values T27J
and fy instead of measured ones, the mean line of distribution is shifted in
parallel by
ΔΔTR = − 45 K (2-27)
(6) This value ΔΔTR represents the positive effect of the difference between actual
values of T27J and fy as measured and the nominal values T27J and fy as
specified in product standards; hence it mirrors the over-quality of the material
as delivered.
(7) The safety element ΔTR related to the use of nominal values T27J and fy is
ΔTR,nom = − 7 K (2-28)
This value has been justified also by the evaluation of test results with welded
details, see chapter, and therefore has been adopted for any fracture
mechanical assessment related to nominal material properties including the
determination of the allowable plate thicknesses in table 2.1 of EN 1993-1-10.
(1) The evaluation of tests with welded details included two steps:
(2) For the evaluation of the first step, Tcalc was determined by the hand formulae
for Y and MK-functions given in table 2-3 and table 2-4 and by FEM
(3) The results Texp and Tcalc are given in fig. 2-26 together with the results of the
evaluation of the DECT-tests.
Fig. 2-26: Evaluation of tests with welded details
(4) The comparison shows that the Y- and MK-functions from handbooks, see fig.
2-26a) are safe-sided with regard to FEM -calculations, see fig. 2-26 b), so that
only those values have been used for the further evaluations of safety factors.
(5) The plot of the results bi = Texp – Tcalc for the test group with non-welded details
and longitudinal attachments is given in fig. 2-27 and for the test group with
details with transverse welds in fig. 2-28.
Fig. 2-27: Determination of the safety Fig. 2-28: Determination of the safety
element ΔTR, meas for the test group with element ΔTR, meas for the test group with
non-welded details and details with details with transversal attachments
longitudinal attachments
(6) The results show that the safety elements ΔTR, meas for measured values T27J
and fy and the safety elements ΔTR, nom for nominal values T27J and fy are all
safe-sided with respect to the ΔTR-values derived from the DECT-tests.
(7) The results also show that the effects of local residual stresses σS from
welding of the attachments can be neglected in the calculation model for the
sake of ease of use. They have not been included in the determination of the
toughness requirement Kappl,d (no ρ-value considered) and therefore they are
covered by the mean value corrections bi and error terms δi and subsequently
by the model-uncertainty expressed by the ΔTR-values, can be neglected in
the calculation model for the sake of ease of use.
(8) The evaluation of the second step, the evaluation of the fatigue tests to derive
suitable standard assumptions for the design values of crack sizes, was
carried out in the following way:
1. On one side the crack growth was calculated using the Paris equation
= C ⋅ ΔK m (2-29)
Δ K = Δ σ c π a i Y ⋅ MK (2-30)
with a/c ratios varying from cycle step to cycle step and C and m taken
from measurements for each test specimen, see fig. 2-29,
Fig. 2-29: Crack growth curves calculated with values C and m in the Paris-
equation, determined from large scale tests
On the other hand the crack growth was calculated with a boundary
element programme (BEASY), also with C- and m-values from material
tests that fitted well to the Gurney-correlation, see fig. 2-30.
2. In fig. 2-31 and fig. 2-32 some comparisons are given for typical crack
growth histories from experiments and calculations are given, revealing:
3. The conclusions drawn are the following:
Fig. 2-33: Stages of crack growth for cracks at transverse weld toes
a0/c0 = 0.40
- for details with transverse welds (2-31)
a0/c0 = 0.15
(1) For the test-evaluations to determine ΔTR in, the following conclusions
can be made:
- For these evaluations only tests that exhibited brittle fracture and
not ductile failure have been considered and treated, as if only
brittle fracture would always happen in the cases of the testing
conditions (100%).
- There may be doubts whether the large scale tests with welded
attachments actually cover all practical cases and also the crack
sizes ad/cd used for the fracture tests may have been too large to
give the extreme values of the relative toughness requirements,
see fig. 5-16. Therefore, the ΔTR-values from DECT-tests have
been further used for all other details, also including welded
- Finally, global residual stresses have been assumed in the
preparation of table 2.1 of EN 1993-1-10 to be σS = 100 N/mm2
as a lump value for all cases considered.
Fig. 2-35: Local and global residual stresses for a fracture mechanics
model with weld attachment
6. To consider special national safety aspects or other reliability
requirements the safety element ΔTR and possibly a shift of σEd may be
given in the National Annex to EN 1993-1-10.
a0/c0 = 0.40
a0/c0 = 0.15.
For calculations with constant a0/c0-ratios the results are even more
1440 − f y (t ) ⎛ ε& ⎞
1, 5
takes the strain-rate effect for 4 ⋅10−4 < ε& < 5 ⋅103 / s into account. The upper limit
of 5 ⋅ 10 3 / s is given by the boundary for validity without “dynamic stress
concentration factors”.
(2) This term originates form test-evaluations of [1] and [20], see fig. 2-36 and
shows that the lower the strain-rate effects, the higher the yield strength of the
Fig. 2-36: Influence of strain-rate on the toughness-temperature shift,
ε& 0 = 0,0001/ s
(3) For developing table 2.1 of EN 1993-1-10, the term ΔTε& has been taken as
ΔTε& =0, so that any strain rate exceeding the limit 4 ⋅ 10 −4 should be taken into
(4) Studies made on behalf on the stress fluctuations in bridges under moving
traffic show that for that type of loading the limit is not exceeded. The limit of
4 ⋅ 10-4 is also the magnitude of strain rate used in tension coupon tests.
(1) Cold forming produces a reduction of toughness mainly from the enhancement
of yield-strength by cold-straining, see fig. 2-37.
(2) Though fig. 2-37 refers to cold forming with straining in the direction of tension
stresses σEd, it may also be applied for cold-forming in the direction transverse
to the direction of tension stresses.
ΔTcf = - 3 DCF
DCF ≥ 2 %
DCF ≥ 15 %
(4) Here the degree of cold forming DCF, e.g. for bending is defined as given in
fig. 2-38.
⎛ t ⎞
DCF = ε max − ε d = ⎜ ⋅ 100 − 2 ⎟ [%]
2ε 1
⎝ 2r ⎠
t r
Ratio between
bending radius r in TEd (without
applied plastic ΔT*DCF in K TEd in ° C
mm and material ΔTDCF) in ° C
strain DCF in %
thickness t in mm
≥ 25 ≤2 0 -5 -5
10 ≤ r/t < 25 ≤5 -8 -5 -13
3,0 ≤ r/t 10 ≤ 14 -21 -5 -26
2,0 ≤ r/t < 3,0 ≤ 20 -30 -5 -35
Fig. 2-39: Calculation of ΔTCf for cold forming for σEd = 0,75 fy
Ratio between Maximum allowable plate
Maximum applied
bending radius r in thickness t in mm
plastic strain DCF TEd in ° C
mm and material
in % EN 1993-1-10 EN 1993-1-8
thickness t in mm
≥ 25 ≤2 -5 30 all
10 ≤ r/t < 25 ≤5 -13 23 16
3,0 ≤ r/t 10 ≤ 14 -26 17 12
2,0 ≤ r/t < 3,0 ≤ 20 -35 15 10
(1) The assumptions for the application of table 2.1 of EN 1993-1-10 were the
1. The table should be developed for the most onerous case of structures
susceptible to fatigue, where the design crack ad/2cd should not only
cover the crack sizes overlooked in inspections after fabrication
(denoted as initial cracks a0/2c0), but also the crack growth that results
from fatigue from putting the structure into use until the moment the
cracks grown are detected.
2. As the crack growth does not only depend on the size of the initial
crack, but also on the fatigue class and the fatigue loading, the fatigue
resistance and the fatigue load applied for crack growth should cover all
relevant fatigue classes in EN 1993-1-9 and be defined such, that it
takes reference to the maximum possible load in fatigue assessments.
60 Description of the size of initial cracks
(1) For a structural detail, e.g. as given in fig. 2-41, the initial crack in the form of a
semi-elliptical crack is assumed to be located at the hot spot for fatigue.
Fig. 2-41: Example of a fatigue detail with the hot spot for fatigue
⎛ t ⎞
a 0 = 0.5 ln ⎜⎜1 + ⎟⎟ for t < 15 mm (2-32)
⎝ t0 ⎠
where t0 = 1 mm
⎛ t ⎞
a 0 = 0.5 ln a 0 = 0,5 ln ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ for t ≥ 15 mm ( 2-33)
⎝ t0 ⎠
Fig. 2-42: Size of the initial surface crack depending on the plate thickness
(2) The a0/c0-ratio, that gives the width 2c0 of the initial crack, if the crack depth a0
is known, is chosen as
a0/c0 = 0.4 (2-34)
taking into account rest-line evaluations from fatigue tests as given in fig. 2-43.
(3) With the crack width, a comparison was made with the detectability of cracks
with non-destructive testing (NDT) methods, demonstrating that such initial
cracks are most probably detectable with Magnetic Testing (MP) and even
with Ultra-Sonic Testing (US), see fig. 2-44.
Fig. 2-44: Minimum crack width 2c0 detectable by inspection methods after
62 Definition of fatigue loading for determining design cracks General
(1) The maximum fatigue load a structure can bear with a survival probability of
95% is defined for the fatigue detail class Δσc by the damage equation applied
for the full service life:
D 5% = 1=
Σ Δσ Ei3
⋅ ni
Δσ c ⋅ 2 ⋅ 10 6
(2) This fatigue load represents the characteristic value of the fatigue strength
according to EN 1993-1-9, see fig. 2-45, and includes any damage equivalent
loading spectrum {Δσ i , n i } during the service life that fulfils the equation (2-35).
Δσ Δσ
m=3 m=3
D = 1,0 D = 1,0
Δσc Δσc
D = 1/4 ΔσD m=5
D = 1/4
Fig. 2-45: S-N-curves for fatigue and damage curves D = 1 and D = 1/4
(3) The fatigue load for the growth of the initial crack to its design value has been
chosen as
D 5% = (2-36)
(4) In the case of ΔσEi = ΔσC this means that the fatigue load for crack growth
Δσ 3c ⋅ 500.000 (2-37)
(5) The lapse of time in which this fatigue load makes undetected initial cracks
grow to their design values, is called hereafter “safe service period”.
63 Consequences for damage tolerance
(1) The fatigue assessment in EN 1993-1-9 includes partial factors to obtain the
target reliability and is expressed by
(γ Δσ ) ⋅ nEi ∑ (γ Ff Δσ Ej ) ⋅ nEj
Dd = ∑ di = ∑ Ff 3 Ei
3 5
+ 5
= k ≤1
NRdi ⎛ Δσ c ⎞ ⎛ Δσ ⎞
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⋅ 2 ⋅ 106 ⎜⎜ D
⎟⎟ ⋅ 5 ⋅ 106
⎝ 4Mf4 γ
1 4⎠2444 3 1 ⎝ 4Mf4
4⎠2444 3
(2) The stress ranges from the use of long life structures as bridges are mainly in
the range
Δσ D Δσ L
> γ Ff Δσ j >
γ Mf γ Mf
∑ (γ Δσ j ) ⋅ n j
Dd = 5
=k ≤1 (2-39)
⎛ Δσ D ⎞
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⋅ 5 ⋅ 10 6
⎝ γ Mf ⎠
can be applied.
(3) From equation (2-39) and the load for crack growth the following conclusions ´
may be drawn:
1. For γFf = 1,0 and γMf = 1,0 the fatigue load for crack growth leads to a
“safe service period” of only ¼ of the total fatigue life (e.g. ¼ of 120
years = 30 years for bridges).
Fig. 2-46: Nominal design fatigue life of a structure and sequence of
“safe service periods” with regular inspections and main
So the “safe service period” takes the role of a period between main
inspections, the number n of which is during the total fatigue life:
n= −1= 4 −1= 3 (2-40)
3. The target reliability of 5% for the resistance as applied for the case with
γFf = 1.0 and γMf = 1.0, is sufficient for the determination of “safe service
periods”. Hence γFf-factors and γMf = factors greater than 1.0 applied in
the normal fatigue design according to EN 1993-1-9 can be used to
extend the “safe service period” by
r = (γ Ff ⋅ γ Mf )
n= −1 (2-42)
(γ Ff ⋅ γ Mf )5
This equation gives a link between the number of inspections and the
recommended partial factors in EN 1993-1-9, see table 2-9, and allows
to choose γ Ff ⋅ γ Mf = 1.0 without loosing safety, as this is ensured by
inspections. The choice of γ Ff ⋅ γ Mf = 1.35 would mean that the “safe
service period” is identical with the nominal fatigue life and an
inspection would only be necessary when the end of the nominal fatigue
life is reached.
(4) This link between the reliability of the fatigue assessment and the choice of the
toughness of the material by the inherent concept of “safe service periods”
between inspections controlled by crack growth from a quarter of the full
fatigue load during the full design life makes structures “damage tolerant”.
(6) A side effect of “damage tolerance” of structures is that their use is not limited
to the nominal fatigue life, see fig. 2-47. Damage tolerance also makes
structures robust against unforeseen developments of fatigue loads and errors
in the choice of fatigue class.
Fig. 2-47: Damage tolerance by “safe service periods” between inspections
makes fatigue life independent of calculative design fatigue life
(7) Tension elements in old riveted bridges built up from many thin plates have
been “damage tolerant”, because the poor toughness of the material then
used has been compensated by the crack arresting effect of the joints
between the lamellas and the redundancies of their number. Equivalence to
such crack arresting effects and redundancies is obtained for thick plates
without any crack arresting joint by high toughness of the material, which
provides sufficiently long “safe service periods” between inspections similar to
the ones for riveted components.
(8) The alternative to “damage tolerance” is the “safe life” concept that should only
be adopted in exceptional cases where inspections are not possible. This
concept works without any pre-warning mechanisms and requires that both the
design values for fatigue loading and the design values for fatigue resistances
are chosen such that they reliably cover the full nominal design life (e.g. for
bridges ~ 100 years) and that at the end of the nominal fatigue life the
structure still has a failure probability comparable with the one used for
ultimate limit states. It therefore works with very large partial factors and
possibly with monitoring the loads, see fig. 4-16. At the end of the nominal
fatigue life the structure is no longer useable and has to be replaced by a new
* Choice of fracture mechanics model to determine K appl,d
(1) To fulfil the requirements for a reference fracture mechanics model that gives
the numerical values for allowable plate thicknesses in table 2.1 of EN 1993-1-
10 in a reproducible way, the following pilot studies have been undertaken
(1) From studies of many design situations the structural situation in fig. 2-48 has
been chosen to be representative, which applies to the steel beam of a
composite bridge with transverse web stiffeners, for which the allowable plate
thickness of the bottom flange is questioned.
(2) The notch situation for this bottom flange may be associated with the fatigue
classes of the following structural details:
â the welded connection between the web plate and the flange
ã a longitudinal attachment to the flange
ä a transverse attachment to the flange
(3) The fracture mechanical model 2 with a longitudinal attachment and the
fatigue class Δσc = 56 N/mm2 and a semi-elliptical surface crack at the weld
toe has been finally chosen to determine the allowable plate thickness t of
flanges, see fig. 2-49.
(1) For concretizing the standard detail according to fig. 2-49, the following
geometrical parameters have been assumed:
L/t = 8.20
T/t = 0.15
B/t = 7.50
Θ = 45°
(2) Fig. 2-50 shows that the assumptions for dimensions cover a range of
parameters, and fig. 2-51 makes it clear that with respect to the values Mk (a0)
practical design situations are covered in the mean.
Fig. 2-50: Example for boundary conditions for the geometrical parameters
for t = 80 mm
Fig. 2-51: Comparison of Mk (a0) for the dimensions chosen and for
practical cases
(3) These assumptions and the safe-sidedness of a0/c0 = constant is taken into
account to obtain design values ad and hence Kappl,d-values that also cover
other structural details of EN 1993-1-9 and their variations in terms of
(1) The calculation of the design values of ad and Kappl,d follows the flow given in
fig. 2-52.
Fig. 2-52: Flow for the calculation of ad and Kappl,d
(2) Fig. 2-53 shows the results ad versus the plate thickness t, which can be
expressed by a numerical function
(3) Fig. 2-54 shows that the design values ad and cd (for a/c = 0,4) are actually
detectable by various methods.
Fig. 2-54: Design values of crack width {2cd} and detectability by NDT-
(4) Fig. 2-55 gives the Kappl,d-curve determined with ad calculated for the stress
level 100 MPa and its mathematical presentation.
Fig. 2-55: Kappl,d-curve determined with ad for a unique stress of 100 MPa
72 Justification of the simplified method chosen by more refined
(1) Fig. 2-56 gives a series of results for Kappl,d from more refined calculations of
ad and cd with Boundary Element Methods (BEM) for various details that
contain both initial cracks with a0/c0 = 0.4 and with a0/c0 = 0.15 and it
demonstrates that the results obtained in fig. 2-55 are safe-sided.
(2) The details calculated with more refined methods are given in table 2-10.
Table 2-10 Details from EN 1993-1-9 analysed with more refined calculation
Table 2-10 (continued) Details from EN 1993-1-9 analysed with more
refined calculation methods
(1) The calculation of the values for allowable plate thicknesses in table 2.1 of EN
1993-1-10 was carried out according to the flow given in fig. 2-57.
Fig. 2-57: Flow of calculation of the allowable plate thicknesses in table 2.1
of EN 1993-1-10
(2) Three levels of σEd from “frequent loads” have been chosen, the maximum
being σEd= 0.75 fy (t). This value corresponds to the maximum possible
“frequent stress”, where for the ultimate limit state verification yielding of the
extreme fibre of the elastic cross-section has been assumed:
fy (t )
σ Ed = = 0,75 fy (2-43)
(3) A basic assumption for the external loading on the fracture mechanics model
is that it contains in addition to the “frequent” stress σp from actual external
loads also residual stresses σS = 100 MPa from remote restraints.
(4) The presentation of table 2.1 of EN 1993-1-10, however, is related only to the
stresses σp from actual external loads (the residual stress σS is silently
included in the calculation).
(6) For the yield strength referred to by the stress levels σp, that are expressed as
portions of the yield strength, and for determining the FAD-correction factor kR6
the values specified in the product standards should be used that depend on
the plate thickness t in the form of a step function.
To facilitate the situation, the step function for fy (t) has been substituted by a
continuous approximation
⎛t ⎞
fy (t ) = fy ,nom − 0.25⎜⎜ ⎟⎟, t1 = 1mm (2-44)
⎝ t1 ⎠
(7) Fig. 2-58 shows the values ΔTσ calculated for table 2.1 of EN 1993-1-10 with
σ p = 0.75 f y (t ) and various plate thicknesses for S355 and the results of
studies with BEM for practical design situations to demonstrate the safe-
Fig. 2-58: ΔTσ-values for S355, σp = 0.75 fy compared with results from
BEM-calculations with practical details
(8) Where TKV-values in the standards were not expressed in terms of T27J but in
terms of T40J or T30J, the following correlations were used:
(9) Table 2-11 includes the final results from table 2.1 of EN 1993-1-10.
Table 2-11: Tabulated values from table 2.1 of EN 1993-1-10 and table 4 of
EN 1993-1-12 for the choice of material to avoid brittle fracture
(10) Table 2-11 also includes values from table 4 in EN 1993-1-12 that covers the
choice of material for high strength steels not listed in EN 1993-1-10. Summary
(1) Table 2-12 gives a summary of formulae used in the application of the fracture
mechanic method to develop table 2.1 of EN 1993-1-10
Initial cracks (a0)
Position: at hot spots for fatigue
Shape: semielliptical
Sizes: a0 = 0,5·ln(t/t0) with t0 = 1mm
2·c0 = 5·a0 for longitudinal stiffener and pure plate
3·c0 = 20·a0 for transverse stiffener and reinforced plate
Loading of structural member
σEd = σp + σs
σp = σ{Gk ”+” ψ1Qk}
σs = 100 N/mm² from remote restraints of structural member, effects of residual
stresses at hot spots from local welding are included in ΔTR (test evaluation)
Fatigue load
(2) This table 2-12 may be referred to where table 2.1 of EN 1993-1-10 shall be
bypassed by more refined methods, see section 2.4.
(1) The use of table 2.1 of EN 1990-1-10 follows the flow chart given in fig. 2-59.
σ Ed = σ G + ψ1 σ Q1....
= χ ⋅ fy (t)
Example: σEd = 0.5 fy (t)
(2) Where the conditions for ε& and εcf for the use of table 2.1 of EN 1993-1-10 are
not met, the reference temperature TEd should be adjusted by using the ΔTε& -
and ΔTε,cf -values that shift the requirements towards lower temperatures.
(3) For values TEd and σEd, which are between the tabulated values, interpolations
may be carried out.
(4) For central Europe (Germany) the values TEd may be used according to table
2 Buildings
3 Crane runways
4 Hydraulic structures
(1) The development of table 2.1 of EN 1993-1-10 has been primarily oriented to
the use for steel bridges with particular emphasis on fatigue.
(2) Particular choices of the material for bridges may be based on the following
1. For road bridges the stresses from permanent and variable loads
may be estimated as
σ(G k )
~ 1.0
σ(Q K )
γG = 1.35
γQ = 1.35
ψ1 = 0.4
γM0 = γM1 = 1.10
f y (t )
σult = 1.35 σ (Gk) + 1.35 σ (Qk) =
f y (t )
= ≈ 0.50 f y (t )
1.35 ⋅ ⋅ 1 .1
1 + 0. 4
2. For railway bridges ψ1 may be taken as 1.0, so that σEd follows from
f y (t )
= ≈ 0.66 f y (t )
1.35 ⋅ 1.1
(3) The allowable plate thicknesses for these stress levels are given in fig. 2-60
and fig. 2-61.
Fig. 2-60: Allowable plate thicknesses for road bridges
(1) For a composite road bridge with the cross-section in fig. 2-62 the choice of
material for the bottom flange of the steel girder is questioned.
Fig. 2-62: Cross-section of composite bridge at mid-span (continuous over
2 spans; location Magdeburg-Germany)
(2) The dimensions of the steel girder are given in fig. 2-63
No. Load case Reduction factor M [kNm] N [kN] σsteel, bottom
for concrete flange
(4) The reference temperature is determined in table 2-15
No Effect Value
1 Minimum air temperature Tmd - 25 °C
(5) The relevant stress σEd is calculated with ψ1 = 0.7 from the load combination:
1.0 {1 “+” 2 “+” 5 “+” 8 “+” 16} + 0.7 {12 “+” 17 “+” 19 “+” 20}:
σEd = ⋅ f y ( t ) = 0.62 f y ( t )
(6) The use of table 2.1 of EN 1993-1-10 gives the minimum toughness
requirement T27J = - 20C, or S355J2, see fig. 2-64, where
(1) For a steel frame of a steel production plant, see fig. 2-65, the choice of
material shall be made for the end plate of the beam at the bolted beam-
column connection.
(2) The static analysis gives the following values for the ULS-verification:
Gk = 8.6 kN/m²
Qk = 20 kN/m²
c) γG = γQ = 1.35
d) ψ1 = 0.70
1 .0 1. 0
σ Ed = σ G + ψ1 σQ
1.35 1.35
(4) With
GK 8 .6
= = 0.30
GK + Q K 8.6 + 20
σG = 0.30 σEd,ULS
σQ = 0.70 σEd,ULS
(5) With
fy(t) = 235 – 0.25 = 215 N/mm²
1 .0
σ Ed = f y ( t ) = 0.49 f y ( t )
(6) The reference temperature TEd is specified for the most severe action scenario
with full service loading according to table 2-16:
No Effect Value
7 TEd - 15 °C
Table 2-16: Determination of reference temperature TEd
(7) The use of table 2.1 of EN 1993-1-10 gives the minimum toughness
requirement T27J = 0 °C or S235 J0, see fig. 2-66:
Charpy-V-values Reference temperature TEd [°C]
steel sub
CVN 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50
grade grade
at T °C Jmin. σEd=0,75 x fy(t) σEd=0,50 x fy(t) σEd=0,25 x fy(t)
S235 JR 20 27 60 50 40 35 30 25 20 90 75 65 55 45 40 35 135 115 100 85 75 65 60
J0 0 27 90 75 60 50 40 35 30 125 105 90 75 65 55 45 175 155 135 115 100 85 75
J2 -20 27 125 105 90 75 60 50 40 170 145 125 105 90 75 65 200 200 175 155 135 115 100
S275 JR 20 27 55 45 35 30 25 20 15 80 70 55 50 40 35 30 125 110 95 80 70 60 55
J0 0 27 75 65 55 45 35 30 25 115 95 80 70 55 50 40 165 145 125 110 95 80 70
J2 -20 27 110 95 75 65 55 45 35 155 130 115 95 80 70 55 200 190 165 145 125 110 95
M, N -20 40 135 110 95 75 65 55 45 180 155 130 115 95 80 70 200 200 190 165 145 125 110
ML, NL -50 27 185 160 135 110 95 75 65 200 200 180 155 130 115 95 230 200 200 200 190 165 145
S355 JR 20 27 40 35 25 20 15 15 0 65 55 45 40 30 25 25 110 95 80 70 60 55 45
J0 0 27 60 50 40 35 25 20 15 95 80 65 55 45 40 30 150 130 110 95 80 70 60
J2 -20 27 90 75 60 50 40 35 25 135 110 95 80 65 55 45 200 175 150 130 110 95 80
K2, M, N -20 40 110 90 75 60 50 40 35 155 135 110 95 80 65 55 200 200 175 150 130 110 95
ML, NL -50 27 155 130 110 90 75 60 50 200 180 155 135 110 95 80 210 200 200 200 175 150 130
S420 M, N -20 40 95 80 65 55 45 35 30 140 120 100 85 70 60 50 200 185 160 140 120 100 85
ML, NL -50 27 135 115 95 80 65 55 45 190 165 140 120 100 85 70 200 200 200 185 160 140 120
S460 Q -20 30 70 60 50 40 30 25 20 110 95 75 65 55 45 35 175 155 130 115 95 80 70
M, N -20 40 90 70 60 50 40 30 25 130 110 95 75 65 55 45 200 175 155 130 115 95 80
QL -40 30 105 90 70 60 50 40 30 155 130 110 95 75 65 55 200 200 175 155 130 115 95
ML, NL -50 27 125 105 90 70 60 50 40 180 155 130 110 95 75 65 200 200 200 175 155 130 115
QL1 -60 30 150 125 105 90 70 60 50 200 180 155 130 110 95 75 215 200 200 200 175 155 130
S690 Q 0 40 40 30 25 20 0 0 0 65 55 45 35 30 20 20 120 100 85 75 60 50 45
Q -20 30 50 40 30 25 20 0 0 80 65 55 45 35 30 20 140 120 100 85 75 60 50
QL -20 40 60 50 40 30 25 20 0 95 80 65 55 45 35 30 165 140 120 100 85 75 60
QL -40 30 75 60 50 40 30 25 20 115 95 80 65 55 45 35 190 165 140 120 100 85 75
QL1 -40 40 90 75 60 50 40 30 25 135 115 95 80 65 55 45 200 190 165 140 120 100 85
QL1 -60 30 110 90 75 60 50 40 30 160 135 115 95 80 65 55 200 200 190 165 140 120 100
(1) Section 2.4 of EN 1993-1-10 opens the door for using fracture mechanics
methods for by-passing table 2-1 in section 2.3 by more refined assessments.
(2) Such more refined methods should be consistent with the way how table 2.1
of EN 1993-1-10 has been derived and hence be based on assumptions not
contradictory to EN 1993-1-10.
(3) Fig. 2-67 summarizes the procedure for the determination of numerical values
in table 2.1 of EN 1993-1-10 (left side of the chart).
Fig. 2-67: Fracture mechanics procedure
(4) The possibilities for by-passing are expressed by the following cases (right
side of the chart in fig. 2.67):
case 1: The conservative standardized K appl,d -curve is used, however,
TKV values are not taken from the standards, but from material
tests for the specific case.
case 2 a) The conservative standardized K appl,d -curve is substituted by a
more refined value K appl ,d for the specific case of a design
situation very close to the one used for developing table 2.1 of
EN 1993-1-10, so that it can be assumed to be covered by the
large scale tests described in section
Either TKV-values from standards or from material tests can be
case 3: Where the design situation to be considered differs from the one
assumed in the development of table 2.1 of EN 1993-1-10 and is
not covered by the tests described in section, a
combined calculative-experimental procedure should be used
where calculations follow the procedure mentioned in case 2 and
in addition large scale fracture tests are performed to be used to
check the predictability of crack growth and fracture resistance
by calculative means, see fig. 2-68.
In this case, the large scale test should follow a load temperature
path that includes the safety elements to be adopted in the
calculative design, see fig. 2-69.
Fig. 2-69: Load temperature path for large scale fracture tests.
(1) For a road bridge according to fig. 2-70 with a cross-section as given in fig. 2-
71, a central arch has been provided with hangers made of solid steel bars
connecting the bridge deck with the arch.
Fig. 2-71: Cross-section of the bridge with central arch
(2) The geometry of the hangers with a diameter of 220 mm and made of steel
S420, is given in fig. 2-72. Because of the lengths of some hangers that
exceeded the production length, welded splices were necessary, see fig. 2-73
Fig. 2-72: Configuration of the hangers with position of welded splices and
detailing of forged ends
(3) The ends of the hangers were forged; details of the connections of the hanger
ends to the arch and to the cross-beams of the deck may be taken from fig. 2-
74 and fig. 2-75.
Fig. 2-74: Connection of hangers Fig. 2-75: Connection of hangers
to the cross-beams of deck to the arch
(4) The purpose of the calculative assessment using section 2.4 of EN 1993-1-10
was to verify the choice of the material S420 for the hangers, which are not
included in table 2.1 of EN 1993-1-10.
(2) The fracture mechanical models for the critical cross-section are the following:
a) at the welded splice, see fig. 2-76 a) with the assumption of a surface
b) at the welded splice, see fig. 2-76 b) with the assumption of a central
c) at the transition of the round section to the forged flat ends, see fig. 2-76
a) with the assumption of a surface crack
d) for the welded end connections, see fig. 2-76 c) with the assumption of
a semi-elliptical surface crack
Fig. 2-76: Fracture mechanical models used for the choice of material
(1) The fracture mechanical requirements for the critical sections a), b), c) and d)
are given in Table 2-17
,d and ΔTσ
Table 2-17: Determination of K appl
TEd ≥ TRd
Critical section a) b) c) d)
Tmin -25 -25 -25 -25
ΔTr -5 -5 -5 -5
ΔTσ +23 +24 -17 +2
ΔTR +7 +7 +7 +7
TEd 0 °C +1 °C -40 °C -21 °C
T27J -50 °C -50 °C -50 °C -50 °C
ΔT27J 0K +50 K 0K 0K
Sanz-Correlation -18 K -18 K -18 K -18 K
TRd -68 °C -18 °C -68 °C -68 °C
Table 2-18: Safety verification
(5) According to Table 2-18 the section relevant for the choice of material is
section b) and the choice of S420 NL can be confirmed.
(1) For a building that had to be suspended to a bridge on top of two towers, see
fig. 2-77, the choice of material for that bridge was subject to discussion.
Details of the bridge structure are given in fig. 2-78.
Detail "S"
12 m
Querschnitt I-I
Detail "O"
12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m
60 m
Querschnitt I-I
100 mm Werkstoff S 460 (Diagonale)
100 mm und S 690 (Obergurt, Auflager)
600 mm
Fig. 2-77: Steel bridge on top of towers to bear suspended storeys of a building
Obergurtknoten S
Untergurtknoten O
(2) Materials were S460 and S690 with plate thicknesses up to 100 mm.
(3) The choice of material had to be justified by a unique verification that included
the following tests:
1. Material tests for getting input values for the numerical assessment
(4) Whereas the number of material test was such that the scatter could be
determined, the single large scale tests were only meant to serve for
comparison with a numerical simulation of the behaviour of the test specimens
in the context of prior knowledge. The amount of prior knowledge may be
gauged by the extent to which the simulation is based, on direct previous
experience, authoritative reference and reported results from comparable tests
if available.
(5) It is not reasonable to rely on the results of a single test if there is very little
applicable prior knowledge. In such cases, at least two results should be
established so that it is easier to detect an anomalous result. In this example it
was achieved by the safe-sided procedure of testing a symmetrical specimen
and using the test results from one of the two possible failure positions that
actually fails.
(6) If prediction from a simulation differs significantly from a single test result, even
safe-sidedly, then the following steps should be taken:
3. If these steps do not resolve the difference, at least one further test
should be performed.
(7) Below items of the example that are of general concern are addressed:
(1) Test specimens should include all features of the member as built that are
relevant for the brittle fracture at low temperature.
(2) Fig. 2-79 gives above the actual details with the “critical spots” for the initiation
of brittle fracture (upper line) and the design of the test specimens which are
symmetrical and reduced in scale such that fracture may be achieved in the
testing machine at lower level (lower line).
100 S460
40 100 S460
100 S460
300 critical spot
critical spot 100 S460
100 S460
Fig. 2-79: Examples for structural details as built (above) and design of test
specimens (below)
(3) The test specimens should be produced in the same way as the structural
parts built in using the same material and fabrication and welding techniques
as well as NDT-techniques for quality control.
(4) The equivalence of the stress-situation for the test specimen and the structural
member built in should be proved by a comparison of SCF-factors or K-factors
at the critical locations where cracks have the most severe effects. Fig. 2-80
gives a comparison of numerical values.
(1) Flaws should be introduced either during fabrication (e.g. by including ceramic
blades (e.g. 5 mm x 0.3 mm) in the welds) or after fabrication (e.g. by saw or
electric erosion). The introduced flaw shall be subjected to sufficient cyclic
loading to generate initial growth of the crack. This should be carried out at
room temperature.
(2) If the member is subject to fatigue, the test specimen should be subjected to
suitable fatigue loading, also at room temperature. If the member is subject to
predominantly static loads an additional fatigue loading is not necessary.
(3) Flaws should achieve at least the size of the design values (see fig. 2-53 and
fig. 2-54). They may be larger to reduce the fracture load for the testing
(4) Samples should be taken from the test specimens that permit the
determination of all material data necessary for the numerical simulations.
(1) Each test specimen should be loaded with the actions from fig. 2-69 in the
following order:
3. After this, the temperature is further reduced by Ttest to investigate the
influence of the scatter of the toughness properties in the temperature
transition range. A scatter of 40°C may be assumed.
4. In the last phase, the loading is increased until fracture is reached.
(1) In parallel to the large scale test numerical calculations should be performed to
check the yielding resistance and the brittle fracture resistance of the test
specimen using the material data determined from the large scale test
(2) The calculations aim at mean values and may be performed with the K-method
or the T-method. In order to obtain expected values, the safety element ΔTR in
the T-method should be taken as ΔTR = 0°C.
(3) By comparing the test results with the numerical model, the simulation model
should be checked and subsequently improved if necessary. The following
should be checked:
(i) whether yielding occurs before brittle fracture, because if not, residual
stress effects may require reconsideration.
(ii) that brittle fracture starts where expected.
(iii) that the resistance as tested corresponds to the resistance as
calculated, subject to an estimated allowance for experimental and
statistical errors.
(1) If the simulation is close to that experienced in the test, the numerical model
may be used for the safety evaluation.
(2) If the K-method is used, the KMat,d(TEd) value may be determined by using prior
knowledge from former material tests from comparable material together with
the specific material tests from the test specimen at a temperature (TEd - ΔT).
(3) If the T-method is used, the T27J-value may be determined for the temperature
TEd and the safety requirement be met by using the safety element ΔTR =
- 38°C for measured T27J-values.
2.4.4 Some other typical examples
(1) Some other typical examples for the use of section 2.4 of EN 1993-1-10 are
given in the following:
Construction at supports
Bottom plates
30 70 70 95 45 50 70 70 50 70 95 45 30 70
40 40 40 40
Fig. 2-82: Composite road bridge distribution of plate thickness for the
upper chords and the bottom plates
2. Plate thickness of 100 mm of the horizontal girder of the ∇-pylon of a
road bridge over the river Rhine, see fig. 2-83. The horizontal girder is a
tension element that links the stayed cables supporting the bridge deck.
Rheinbrücke Ilverich
+ 81,00
+ 46,71
63,00 63,00 287,50 63,00 63,00
plates in S460 TM
plates in S460 TM
3. Castor container for transporting nuclear waste. The relevant load case
results from an accidental situation during transport, for which the
material toughness of the thick shell had to be determined, see fig. 2-
4. Wind tunnel for aerodynamic design. The wind tunnel is a container that
is operated with low testing temperatures and air pressure, see fig. 2-
• Dimensions 65 x 30 m
• Volumen 5750 m3
• Air pressure
-110 kN/m2 , + 95 kN/m2
Fig. 2-86: View of the composite bridge with a cross-section made of two
separate triangle girders.
Fig. 2-87: Details of the welded connection between steel tubes and cast
steel node.
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„Stahl und Eisen“ 107 (1987), Heft 20, Seite 952-956, Verlag Stahleisen mbH,
[32] Degenkolbe, J., Müsgen, B., Arch. Eisenhüttenwes. 44 (1973), Nr. 10, S.
[33] Burdekin, F.M., Lucha, P., Hadley, I., Ogle, M.H., Notch Toughness of Steel
for Bridges, Final Report (DPU 9/3/38) for Highways Agency, UMIST, TWI,
[34] Kühn, B., Beitrag zur Vereinheitlichung der europäischen Regelungen zur
Vermeidung von Sprödbruch, Dissertation am Lehrstuhl für Stahlbau, RWTH
Aachen, Shaker-Verlag, ISBN 3-8322-3901-4.
[35] Sedlacek, G., Müller, Ch., Background document on the safety and
recommended γMf factores in prEN 1993-1-9, 1st Draft, Lehrstuhl für Stahlbau,
RWTH Aachen, May 2001
[36] Sedlacek, G., Stranghöner, N., Stötzel, G., Dahl, W., Langenberg, P., Wallin,
K., Brozzetti, J., Nussbaumer, A., Blauel, J.G., Burdekin, F.M., Background
documentation to Eurocode 3 – Design of Steel Structures – Part 2 – Bridges
– for Chapter 34 – Materials – Choice of steel material to avoid brittle fracture,
Document No.: II.3.1, Draft, Aachen, May 1997
[39] Hadley, I., Investigation of the Notch Toughness of Steel for Bridges, First
Progress Report (220570/1/95) for Highways Agency, TWI, March 1995
[40] Hadley, I., Ogle, M.H., Burdekin, F.M., Luccha, O., Investigation of the Notch
Toughness of Steel Bridges, for Highways Agency, TWI and UMIST
Progress Report No. 2 (220570/2/95) June 1995
Progress Report No. 3 (220570/3/95), October 1995
Progress Report No. 4 (220570/4/96), January 1996
Progress Report No. 5 (220570/5/96), May 1996
Progress Report No. 6 (Report on Full-Scale Testing), (220570/6/97),
June 1997
Progress Report No. 7 (220570/7/97), June 1997
[43] Marandat, B., Sanz, G.: “Étude par la mécanique de la rupture de la ténacité
d’aciers à résistance moyenne fournis en forte épaisseur”, Revue de
Métallurgie, pp. 359-383, April 1976
[44] Sanz, G.: “Essai de mise au point d’une méthode quantitive de choix des
qualités d’aciers vis-à-vis du risque de rupture fragile”, Revue de Métallurgie,
CIT, pp. 621-642, July 1980
Section 3
3.1 General
(1) Section 3 of EN 1993-1-10 gives rules for the choice of Z-qualities of steels
subject to requirements for deformation properties perpendicular to the surface
of the steel product.
(2) Such requirements arise from welding, when shrinkage of welds is restrained
locally or globally in through thickness direction, and needs compensation by
local plastic through thickness strains.
(3) Damages from such excessive strains are known as lamellar tearing, see fig.
(4) They occur almost exclusively during fabrication, where the microstructure of
steels with a certain sulphur content is segregated by tension stresses normal
to the plane of the laminations, see fig. 3-2, 3-3 and 3-4 and delaminations are
linked via shear steps.
Fig. 3.2: Damage case a plate (30 mm) Fig. 3-3: Damage case of a plate (28 mm)
Made of St 52-3 of a cruciform joint made of R St37-2
Fig. 3.4: Micrograph showing lamellar tearing
(5) Lamellar tearing is therefore a weld induced flaw in the material which
generally becomes evident during ultrasonic inspection. The main risk of
tearing is with cruciform, T- and corner joints and with full penetration welds.
(8) For the choice of quality class, EN 1993-1-10 provides two classes depending
on the consequences of lamellar tearing, see fig. 3-5.
Application of the method for the choice
of through thickness quality
Class 1 Class 2
Determination of risk
(9) Guidance on the avoidance of lamellar tearing during welding is given in EN
3.2 Procedure
(1) The limit state of lamellar tearing is expressed by the following formula
ZEd is the design value of the Z-requirement resulting from the magnitude of
strains from restrained metal shrinkage under the weld beads.
ZRd is the design value of the material capacity to avoid lamellar tearing
expressed by the Z-classes for material according to EN 10164 e.g.
Z15, Z25 or Z35. Influences
(1) The local straining which may exhaust the ductility of the material depends on
the following influences:
a effective weld depth aeff between through plate and incoming plate
b shape and position of weld, weld bead sequence
c effect of material thickness s of the through plate
d remote restraint of shrinkage from welding due to stiffness of other
portions of the structure
e influence of preheating.
(1) The requirement ZEd has been allocated to the influences a to e in the form
ZEd = Za + Zb + Zc + Zd + Ze (3-2)
(2) The allocation is given in table 3-1 on the basis of damages reported, see
table 3-2.
(3) Table 3-2 contains data from failures due to lamellar tearing which are
arranged according to minimum values of STRA (short transverse reduction of
area) in through-thickness direction determined from tests. In most failure
cases, the mean values of STRA are below 15%, only for three cases they are
between 15% and 25%. No failure case above 25% is reported. Two damage
cases have been excluded in the evaluation due to the special failure case
during the preheating due to internal rolling stress (case 20) and the specific
test configuration (designed to provoke lamellar tearing) and additionally
overstress during test (case 22). This complies with conclusions from the UK
[2] and Japan [9]. According to French data [10] lamellar tearing would not
more be expected for STRA greater than 35%.
Table 3-2: Description of damage cases [15]
(4) The evaluation of damage cases according to EN 1993-10 is given in table 3-3
and table 3-4
Table 3-3 Evaluation of test results
Table 3.4: Evaluation of damage cases given in table 3-2
(5) According to this evaluation, the procedure in EN 1993-1-10 gives safe results
if structural steels not classified as Z-grades according to EN 10164 provide a
Z-quality equivalent Z = 10.
(6) Fig. 3-6 gives a lower bound relationship between Z-values and the sulphur
content of steels S355 [14].
Fig. 3-6: Comparison between the percentage reduction of area in
transverse direction to the reduction of area in thickness direction of steel
S355 in relation to the sulphur content [14].
(1) In Fig. 3-7, the relationship between the effective weld depth aeff for straining,
defined in fig. 3-8, and the percentage short transverse reduction of area
(STRA) = Zdamage of the material, for which lamellar tearing was reported (see
table 3-2), is plotted. For fillet welds the effective weld depth corresponds to
the leg length of weld.
aeff aeff
s s
(2) In the mean, a linear relationship between effective weld depth aeff and
damage (% STRA) can be identified for aeff < 50 mm. For aeff > 50 mm the
damage effect is taken as constant (Za = 15) because of the effect of welding
sequence to shrinkage.
(3) In using the mean lines (instead of an enveloping line), also the other
influences need to be considered to be conservative in the choice.
(4) Table 3-1 shows for influence (a) the linear relationship between Za and aeff
from fig. 3-7. Influence of the shape and position of weld and weld bead sequence (b)
(1) The reference case for the shape and position of weld is the case of fillet
welds for T-, cruciform- and corner-joints for which Zb = 0 was used.
(2) The cases above this reference case in table 3-1 are more favourable and
allow to compensate unfavourable effects of other influences; the cases below
the reference case are less favourable.
(3) Weld bead sequences close to buttering, balanced welding and weld bead
sizes with aeff ≤ 7 mm for multipass welds reduce the risk of lamellar bearing.
(1) The plot of plate thickness s versus Zdamage in % STRA for the material, for
which lamellar bearing was reported (see table 3-2), is given in fig. 3-9.
(2) In the mean, a linear relationship between Zdamage and plate thickness s has
been derived for s ≤ 80 mm with a maximum value Zdamage = 15 for s > 70 mm
(3) The limitation Zc = 15 mm may be understood as effect from the limited St-
Venant-zone affected by the straining requirement from metal shrinkage.
119 Influence of remote restraint to shrinkage due to stiffness of other
portions of the structure (d)
(1) The damage evaluation does not give a clear correlation with the global
restraint effects from stiffness of the surrounding members; therefore relatively
small Zd-values have been allocated to the cases, see table 3-5:
Table 3-5: Examples for determining ZEd and allocation to the ZRd-classes in
EN 10164
(1) For preheating (> 100°C), a bonus Ze = - 8 has been adopted. This is an
advantage in particular for thick plates.
(2) It should, however, be noted that where the shrinkage of the preheated
material after completion of welding can provide additional strain to that arising
from cooling of the weld itself, the bonus from preheating should not be
(1) For defining minimum requirements tests in [11] with fillet-welded T- and
cruciform joints were evaluated, see table 3-3.
(2) The results of this evaluation correspond with the conclusions in [11], that for
fillet-welded T- and cruciform joints with aeff ≤ 7 mm no guaranteed Z-values
are necessary for s < 40 mm.
(4) The conclusions in table 3-1 also comply with the various damage cases as
referred to in fig. 3-7, fig. 3-9 and table 3-2. From 7 damage cases with ZR ≤
5%, 4 cases could be allocated to low restraint and from these 4 cases 2
cases had plate-thicknesses s < 14 mm, so that for s = 10 mm, aeff ≤ 10 mm,
Zd = 0 and Ze = 0 the minimum requirement ZEd = Za (=3) + Zc (=2) = 5 could
be estimated.
(1) The value ZEd according to expression (3-2) should be allocated to the through
thickness ductility quality classes according to EN 10164 by table 3-6.
(2) In fact the Z-classes in EN 10164 represent lower bound values which are
rarely met. Therefore, the classification according to table 3-6 is sufficiently
reliable and satisfies the condition of equation (3-1) with regard to design
(3) The allocation in table 3-6 may be modified when reliability differentiation to
various design situations is applied.
3.3 Examples of application
3.3.1 Connection of the hangers of a tied-arch-bridge to the arch
(1) Fig. 3-10 gives a typical detail of the connection of a hanger of an arch-bridge
to the arch. Fig. 3-10 a) shows the box-type cross-section of the arch with a
diaphragm to which the hanger is welded; fig. 3-10 b) gives a section in the
plane of the arch indicating the spot, where the quality of the plate of the
diaphragm shall be determined.
(2) The diaphragm has a plate thickness of t = 30 mm and is made of S235 J2.
(3) The Z-qualities are determined in table 3-7. For Ze preheating of 100°C has
been provided.
Za Zb Zc Zd Ze ZEd ZRd
20 6 5 6 5 (pre-
14 Z15
3.3.2 Welded connection of the arch of a tied arch bridge to the main girder
(1) Fig. 3-11 shows the connection of the end of the box-type arch to the open
section main girder with stiffeners for the bearings.
Fig. 3-11 a) gives a section in the plane of the arch with the bottom flange of
the main girder. Fig. 3-11 b) gives a section at the end of the arch, also with
the bottom flange of the main girder and the stiffeners for the bearings.
Fig. 3-11: Welded connection of the arch to the main girder
a) section in plane of the arch;
b) cross-section at the end of the arch
(2) The bottom flange has a plate thickness of t = 40 mm and is made of S355
NM; the plate-thickness of the stiffeners is t = 25 mm.
Za Zb Zc Zd Ze ZEd ZRd
25 8 5 8 3 -8 16 Z15
(1) Fig. 3-12 gives the view and the cross-section of the road bridge
“Kronprinzenbrücke” with an orthotropic deck plate designed by Calatrava.
(2) Due to the small construction depth of the cross-beams and cut-outs in their
webs for pipes, the deck had to be designed such that the troughs are not
continuously going through the webs of the cross-beams, but are inserted in
between and welded to the webs.
Fig. 3-12: General view and cross-section in the axis of the pier
(3) Fig. 3-13 gives details of the welded joints of the trapezoidal ribs at the cross-
beams. The Z-quality of the webs of the cross-beams was questioned.
2 2
6 2 2
(4) The thickness of the web-plate varies between t = 18 mm and t = 30 mm. The
steel is S355 NM.
(5) Table 3-9 gives the fig.s for the determination of Z-quality. The quality finally
chosen was Z35.
2 2 Zi
Za Zb Zc Zd Ze ZEd ZRd
6 2 2
(1) More general examples for details in bridges are given in table 3-5.
3.4 Bibliography
[2] Farrar, J.C. Ginn, B.J.; Dolby, R.E.: „The use of small scale destructive tests to
assess susceptibility to lamellar tearing”, IIW-Doc. IX-890-74
[5] Granström, A.: „The relevance of test methods for lamellar tearing“, IIW-Doc
[6] König, H.; Rohweder, A.: “Schadensfall und seine Auswirkungen auf die
schweißgerechte Konstruktion eines Erz-Öl-Tankers”, DVS-Bericht 31, S.
165/172, Deutscher Verlag für Schweißtechnik, Düsseldorf, 1974
[7] Kußmaul, K.; Blind, D.; „Hinweise zur werkstoff- und schweißgerechten
Konstruktion anhand von Bauspielen aus dem Behälter- und Rohrleitungsbau,
DVS-Bericht 31, S. 85-92, Deutscher Verlag für Schweißtechnik, Düsseldorf,
[8] Heuschkel, J.: „Anisotropy and Weldability“, Wdg. J. Res. Suppl. 50 (1971), H.
3, S. 110-s/26-s
[9] Inagaki, M.; Tamura, H.; Nakazima, A.; Ito, Y.; Tanaka, J.; Shimoyama, T.:
”Japanese Report on Lamellar Tearing of Sub-Commission”, IX-F, IIW-Doc.
[10] Cadiou, L; Samman, J.; Leymonie, C.; ”Acoustic emission as a method for
evaluating of susceptibility of a steel plate to lamellar tearing”, IIW-Doc. IX-
[11] Pargeter, R.J.; Davey, T.G.; Jones, R.L.; Ogle, M.H.; Billson, D.R.; Mudge,
P.J.: “Study of through thickness properties of steel for bridge construction”,
The Welding Institute, Report 34048/3/91, March 1991
[13] The cases 5, 8, 10, 15, 17, 21 and 22 result from experts-reports or research-
investigations of Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung (BAM)
[15] Sedlacek, G.; Kühn, B.; Dahl, W.; Langenberg, P.; Schönherr, W.: Background
Document 2 to Eurocode 3: design of steel structures, Part 1-10, Chapter:
through-thickness properties. Sept. 2001.
Section 4
4. Complementary rules for the design to avoid brittle facture on the basis
of the background to EN 1993-1-10
4.1 Assessment of the residual safety and service life of old riveted
4.1.1 General
(1) Section 2 of this report gives the background of the safety assessment of
structural members based on toughness that has been used to develop table
2.1 of EN 1993-1-10 for the choice of material to avoid brittle fracture.
(3) For old riveted steel bridges, this assessment procedure may be used to verify
their residual safety and residual service life by proceeding as follows:
2. The time when these cracks may occur may not be accurately predicted
by conventional fatigue calculations due to the large scatter of the
fatigue strength and also due to uncertainty of the time dependent
development of fatigue load. However, where the scatter can be limited
(e.g. for railway bridges, where the loading is documented) the start of
the period that fatigue cracks may occur may be assumed with 80% of
the nominal fatigue life with a certain probability.
3. It is assumed that the initial through crack with the size a0 has been
overlooked during a main inspection of the bridge so that it propagates
during the following “safe service period” due to fatigue until it reaches a
critical size acrit for which the ultimate limit state verification for the
accidental design situation with extremely low temperatures is just
fulfilled, see fig. 4-2.
4. In case the inspection after the “safe service period” shows such large
crack sizes, the assumption holds and the fatigue life is going to end. In
case no cracks are detected, a new “safe service period” with the same
starting conditions as the old “safe service period” can start.
Fig. 4-2: Crack growth from through crack size a0 to crack size acrit
during a “safe service period” due to the fatigue load (Δσ5 ⋅ N)
(4) In conclusion, the following safety assessments are necessary for old riveted
(γ G ⋅ G) + (γ Q ⋅ QK1 ) + (γ Q ⋅ ψ Q2 ⋅ QK 2 ) ≤ R K
The partial factors γFf ⋅ γMf in these fatigue verifications depend on the
outcome of an additional toughness check to avoid brittle fracture,
which is specified in 4.
If the toughness check according to 4. results in a sufficiently long “safe
service period”, the concept of “damage tolerance” can be applied and
the γ Ff ⋅ γ Mf -values for the fatigue verification may be taken as 1.0.
J= (4-1)
Fig. 4-3: Flow chart for the determination of “safe service periods”
of existing riveted bridges with fracture mechanical values
(5) In the following, the various steps in the flow chart given in fig. 4-3 are
4.1.2 Hazards from stress situation and stress ranges
(1) Nominal stresses and nominal stress ranges are calculated from external
normal forces and bending moments, neglecting stress concentration factors,
e.g. due to holes or other notches.
(2) Nominal stresses in the net section are used for the conventional ultimate limit
state assessments.
(3) Nominal stresses in gross sections are used for fracture mechanics
assessments, where the applied stresses are gross section stresses and net
section effects (effects of holes and cracks) are included in the fracture
mechanical model, see fig. 4-2.
(4) Nominal stresses may, however, only be used where net-section yielding
occurs before net section fracture; otherwise residual stresses and restraints
that would vanish by net-section yielding have to be taken into account by
increasing the external normal forces and bending moments.
(5) Nominal stress ranges result from external variable loads only; they are
applied in the way indicated in EN 1993-1-9, normally to the gross sections.
(1) For the conventional ultimate limit state verification of old riveted bridges,
advantage can be taken from prior knowledge of permanent and variable
loads, so that the partial factors γG and γQ can be reduced in relation to the
factors applied to the design of new bridges.
(2) The recommended values for conventional ultimate limit state assessments
(3) For the fracture mechanics assessment in view of “damage tolerance”, the
accidental load combination applies where the lowest temperature of the
member is the leading action, whereas permanent and variable traffic loads
are the accompanying actions.
Hence γG =1.00 is applied to permanent loads and frequent values ψ1 Qk1 are
used for variable loads.
(1) The fracture mechanics assessment is only necessary for those components
in tension of a bridge:
- which are failure critical,
- for which the stress ranges exceed the fatigue threshold values
- which have no cross-sectional redundancies.
(2) Failure critical components for the fracture mechanics assessment are those
tension elements, the failure of which would cause a collapse of the structure.
(3) Fig. 4-4 gives the flow chart for the determination of the failure-critical
elements by a check of the failure path.
(4) Failure critical components identified by the procedure given in fig. 4.4 should
be further checked in view of
Fig. 4-5: S-N-curve for the fatigue assessment of old riveted steel bridges
related to Δσ for net sections
(2) A comparison with test results, see fig. 4-6, which include the loss of clamping
forces in the rivets, demonstrates, however, that an endurance limit at 5 ⋅ 106
cycles is vague, so that threshold values ΔσD should preferably be determined
from fracture mechanical modelling.
(3) Fig. 4-7 shows in what way the threshold values ΔσD and ΔKth are linked and
how ΔσD can be calculated for a member with holes and cracks using ΔKth-
values from tests.
Fig. 4-7: Relationship between ΔσD and ΔKth.
(4) In determining the ΔKth-values, the advantageous effects of the R-ratio may be
considered, see fig. 4-8.
Fig. 4-8: ΔKth-values dependent on of the R-ratio.
(5) Fig. 4-9 gives a survey on various recommendations together with test results
related to old mild steel and also to puddle iron.
(6) To demonstrate some consequences of the use of these ΔKth-values, fig. 4-10
gives ΔσD-values calculated with the initial crack sizes
2 a = D + 2 ⋅ 5 mm (4-3)
where D is the diameter of the head of the rivet and ΔKth = 4 Mpa m is
assumed. Fig. 4-11 gives the ΔσD-values for single angles, calculated
according to the recommendation of BS PD-6493 for ΔKth - R.
Fig. 4-11: ΔσD-values for angles using the ΔKth-R-function from BS PD-6493
2. the stresses in all the other elements should not exceed the permissible
fy fy
σR = = (4-4)
γ M0 1.10
(2) In case the threshold check and the safety check according to (1) is not
fulfilled for failure critical components, a fracture mechanical safety check is
(3) Fig. 4-12 indicates in what way the multiple plate composition of the built up
cross-section may control the hazard of brittle failure.
(1) Sampling should be made from the failure-critical components by drilling with a
pod, see fig. 4-13. The circular specimens (RCT-specimen) have a diameter of
60 to 76 mm and may be used to determine as a minimum
(2) The relevant type of old steel according to the production method may be
taken from fig. 4-14.
Fig. 4-14: Identification scheme for old steels
(1) Strength and toughness properties may be determined for the individual case
or from statistics gained from the evaluation of many material tests from
riveted steel bridges built with S235 in about the year 1900.
(3) The 5% fractiles for Rel and JMat given in fig. 4-15 may be used for fracture
mechanics assessment, if no other information is available.
(1) The assessment of the “safe service period” for components of old riveted
steel bridges is performed with the following steps:
1. Definition of the initial crack size a0 at the failure critical section that is
2. Determination of the critical crack size acrit, for which the member has
reached the required minimum safety for the relevant combination of
actions for the lowest ambient temperature.
(2) The relevance of “damage tolerance” for the partial factors γFf ⋅ γMf used in
conventional fatigue checks may be taken from fig. 4-16, where n is the
nominal number of stress cycles during the full fatigue life Tservice of the bridge
and design values nd depend on the following cases:
Fig. 4-16: Relevance of “damage tolerance” for the partial factors for
conventional fatigue checks (right column: n = 3.927x107).
(1) The J-integral safety assessment follows the procedure given in fig. 4-17 and
is performed in various steps
Fig. 4-17: Procedure to determine acrit
1. According to fig. 4-17, a fracture mechanical model (e.g. CCT) with the
initial crack size a0 (composed of a hole with two lateral cracks) is
2. For this crack size, the Jappl-Integral curve versus the applied nominal
stresses σappl is calculated.
The value a pertaining to this curve is the critical crack size acrit.
4. For the applied stress σgy that effects net section yielding the associated
value Jappl = Jgy is determined and compared with the material
toughness JMAT, see fig. 4-18.
If JMAT ≥ Jgy (4-5)
5. From acrit and a0 the maximum value of crack growth Δa due to fatigue
should be determined. Using the fatigue load for the structure the “safe
service period” Tp possible to effect the crack growth Δa can be
calculated. Tp corresponds with a certain number np of stress cycles.
6. The “safe service period” Tp should be more than 1.5 times the time
interval Tinsp between regular inspections, see fig. 4-2.
(3) This procedure may be applied by using assessment aids given in the
following section.
(1) The following assessment aids refer to the stepwise assessment procedure
given in
Fig. 4-19: Examples for structural details represented by basic fracture
mechanics models
2. The fatigue crack growth Δa may be calculated with the same fracture
mechanics model as for acrit, see example in fig. 4-20.
Fig. 4-20: Calculation of crack growth Δa
Fig. 4-21: Jappl-σappl-curves and standardised curves for different a/w-
4. The limit values σgy and Jgy may be easily described by formulae for the
basic fracture mechanics models, see fig. 4-22.
Fig. 4-22: Definition of the limit values σgy and Jgy
5. The function Jappl-σappl below the limit values σgy and Jgy can be
described by standard functions, see fig. 4-21, so that complete sets of
calculation formulae to determine critical crack sizes acrit can be derived.
(1) Fig. 4-23 gives a comparison between the results of the formulae and more
accurate FEM-calculations.
Fig. 4-23: Comparison of results of formulae and FEM-calculations
(2) In Fig. 4-24 a comparison is given between the failure loads from experiments
with large scale cracked test pieces Fexp and the failure loads predicted by the
(3) Fig. 4-25 gives the distribution function for the ratios Fexp/Fcalc and the
justification for the partial factor γM = 1.0, that may be applied.
(1) A complete set of built up members and their allocation to fracture mechanics
models is given in tables A.1-A.9.
(2) Tabulated values and graphs for determining acrit for given values JMat and fy
and the geometrical values for the basic fracture mechanics models are
presented in tables B.1-B.5 (plate with centre crack), in tables C.1-C.5 (plate
with double edge crack) and tables D.1-D.5 (plate with single edge crack).
(3) Values to determine np for the “safe service period” for a given damage
equivalent stress range Δσe are given in tables B6-B7 (plate with centre crack),
in tables C.6-C.7 (plate with double edge crack) and tables D.6 – D.7 (plate
with single edge crack).
4.1.6 Example for the fracture mechanics based safety assessment
(1) For a tension member of a truss system, as given in fig. 4-26, the following
data are given:
fy = 250 N/mm2
JMat = 17 N/mm
permanent σG = 45 N/mm2
variable σG = Δσ = 60 N/mm2
stress cycles nSd = 1,5 n = 270000 LC
residual σs = 25 N/mm2
stress ratio d=
( )
45 N / mm 2 + 60 N / mm 2 + 25 N / mm 2
= 0,52
250 N / mm 2
(2) The equivalent fracture mechanics model is according to table A.2 (middle
acrit = 34 mm
4.1.7 Bibliography
Verfahren zur Ermittlung der Sicherheit von alten Stahlbrücken unter
Verwendung neuester Erkenntnisse der Werkstofftechnik, Bauingenieur, 1992.
[5] SEDLACEK G., HENSEN W. New assessment methods for the residual safety
of old steel bridges. Steel Research 64, No. 8/9, 1993.
[6] DAHL W., SEDLACEK G. Untersuchungen zur Ermittlung der Sicherheit und
Restnutzungsdauer der Karl-Lehr-Brücke in Duisburg. Expertise for the town
Duisburg, 1986.
[7] DAHL W., SEDLACEK G. Untersuchungen zur Ermittlung der Sicherheit und
Restnutzungsdauer der Anhalter-Bahn-Brücke in Berlin. Expertise for the
railway authority in Berlin, 1989.
[8] DAHL W., SEDLACEK G. Untersuchungen zur Ermittlung der Sicherheit und
Restnutzungsdauer der U-Bahnbrücken zwischen Gleisdreieck und Bahnhof
Möckernbrücke in Berlin. Expertise for the railway authority in Berlin, 1990.
[10] EUROCODE 3, PART 1.1 Design of steel structures: General rules and rules
for buildings – ANNEX Determination of design resistance from tests.
Document CEN/TC250/SC3/ N361E, Sept. 1993.
[11] BRÜHLWILER E. Essais de Fatigue sur des Poutres a Tripplis Double en fer
Puddle. Publication ICOM 159/1986.
[12] BILD J. Beitrag zur Anwendung der Bruchmechanik bei der Lösung von
Sicherheitsproblemen im Stahlbau. Dissertation, RWTH Aachen, 1988.
[14] RICE J.R., TRANCEY D.M.J. Mech. Phys. Solids 17 (1969), p. 201/17.
[15] LANGENBERG P., DAHL W., HAN S. Bruchverhalten alter Stähle in
genieteten Brücken – Bruchmechanische Sicherheitsanalyse und
Bauteilversuche. DVM Tagung des AK Bruchvorgänge, 2/1996.
[19] PARIS P., ERDOGAN F. A critical analysis of crack propagation laws. Journal
of Basic Engineering, Trans ASME Series D, Vol. 85, pp. 528-534 (1963)
4.2 Choice of material for welded connections in buildings
4.2.1 Objective
(1) EN 1993-1-10 gives in its table 2.1 permissible plate thicknesses depending
on the steel-grade, the lowest temperature of the member and the stress
applied from external actions covering fracture mechanical assessments for all
details specified with fatigue categories in EN 1993-1-9.
(3) Table 2-1 of EN 1992-1-10 may also be used on the safe-side for details that
are specified in EN 1993-1-9, but are not subjected to fatigue, as is the case
for buildings, assuming that the design size of crack ad may originate from
larger initial cracks a0, that may have been overlooked in inspections, and
smaller contributions from crack propagation.
(4) However, often in buildings welded connections are used that are not
classified for fatigue in EN 1993-1-9, and that have such a poor fatigue
behaviour that special consideration are necessary.
(5) Fig. 4-28 gives examples of such connections, that are frequently used
because of the possibility to accept large tolerances of length from fabrication
and erection in a residual slot, and for which in the following specific rules for
the choice of material to avoid brittle fracture are given.
Fig. 4-28: Welded connections with thick plates and slots in buildings
4.2.2 Basis of fracture mechanical assessment
(2) In Fig. 4-29 also the relevant geometrical parameters influencing the stress
state at the critical section A-A are indicated:
(4) To limit the parameter variation particular ranges of parameters that are
frequently used (common plate dimensions) and that represent limits of
favourable or unfavourable toughness requirements, are given in table 4-1.
(5) The procedure to develop tables for the choice of material is similar to the one
used to prepare table 2-1 of EN 1993-1-10, however, with the following
a0 = 0,5 ln (t)
c 0 = 0 = 1,25 ln ( t )
Fig. 4-30: Notches from fabrication and assumption for initial crack
γ Ff Δ σ ≤ 26 N / mm 2 / γ Mf .
n ≥ 20.000
D = 263 ⋅ 20,000
3. During the fatigue life, crack propagation takes place in two steps, see
fig. 4-31.
Instead of considering the two steps, only a single step is taken into
account by assuming that the initial crack is a through-thickness crack
and has the initial crack-size
For the crack growth from this initial crack, a reduced fatigue load for
determining the design crack
a d = a 0* + Δa *
D * = 26 3 ⋅ 10 .000
Fig. 4-31: Growth of the elliptical corner crack until a through thickness
crack has formed (left) and assumption for edge-crack (right).
and the geometric conditions in table 4-1 lead to functions Kappl (t) as
given in fig. 4-32. In this fig., also the standard function Kappl(t) as used
for preparing table 2-1 of EN 1993-1-10 is indicated.
Fig. 4-32: Kappl depending on the gusset plate thickness for various
5. Fig. 4-32 shows that for the welded connection with slots according to
fig. 4-28 the function Kappl is almost independent of the plate-thickness t,
but differs with the parameter w*. Therefore, the tables for the choice of
material have to be referred to the gusset-plate-width w* and not to their
thickness t.
Fig. 4-33 and fig. 4-34 give the full picture on the toughness
requirement depending on the gusset plate width w* and the weld-length
Fig. 4-34: Kappl depending on the weld length L
(1) Tables 4-2 to 4-5 give the allowable gusset plate widths w* for the different
limits of parameters according to table 4-1.
L/w* ≥ 1.3 t ≤ 120mm - safety verification not fulfilled, special examination required
H/2w* ≤ 0.55 all: all widths of gusset plates permitted
Charpy energy reference temperature TEd in °C
steel sub CVN 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50
grade grade at T J σEd=0,75*fy(t) σEd=0,50*fy(t) σEd=0,25*fy(t)
[°C] min. Maximum allowable gusset plate widths w* in mm
JR 20 27 - - - - - - - 20 - - - - - - 60 50 30 30 20 - -
S235 J0 0 27 - - - - - - - 50 30 20 - - - - 140 90 60 50 30 30 20
J2 -20 27 40 30 - - - - - 120 70 50 30 20 - - 340 220 140 90 60 50 30
JR 20 27 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50 40 30 20 - - -
J0 0 27 - - - - - - - 40 20 - - - - - 120 80 50 40 30 20 -
S275 J2 -20 27 30 20 - - - - - 90 50 40 20 - - - 280 180 120 80 50 40 30
M,N -20 40 50 30 20 - - - - 140 90 50 40 20 - - 440 280 180 120 80 50 40
ML,NL -50 27 140 80 50 30 20 - - 380 230 140 90 50 40 20 all all 440 280 180 120 80
JR 20 27 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40 30 20 - - - -
J0 0 27 - - - - - - - 20 - - - - - - 80 50 40 30 20 - -
S355 J2 -20 27 - - - - - - - 50 30 20 - - - - 190 120 80 50 40 30 20
K2,M,N -20 40 30 - - - - - - 80 50 30 20 - - - 310 190 120 80 50 40 30
ML,NL -50 27 80 40 30 - - - - 230 140 80 50 30 20 - all 480 310 190 120 80 50
M,N -20 40 - - - - - - - 50 40 20 - - - - 240 150 90 60 40 30 20
ML,NL -50 27 50 30 - - - - - 160 90 50 40 20 - - all 380 240 150 90 60 40
Q -20 30 - - - - - - - 30 20 - - - - - 130 80 50 40 30 20 -
M,N -20 40 - - - - - - - 50 30 20 - - - - 200 130 80 50 40 30 20
S460 QL -40 30 20 - - - - - - 80 50 30 20 - - - 330 200 130 80 50 40 30
ML,NL -50 27 40 20 - - - - - 130 80 50 30 20 - - 520 330 200 130 80 50 40
QL1 -60 30 70 40 20 - - - - 220 130 80 50 30 20 - all 520 330 200 130 80 50
Q 0 40 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40 30 - - - - -
Q -20 30 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 60 40 30 - - - -
QL -20 40 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 90 60 40 30 - - -
QL -40 30 - - - - - - - 30 - - - - - - 150 90 60 40 30 - -
QL1 -40 40 - - - - - - - 50 30 - - - - - 250 150 90 60 40 30 -
QL1 -60 30 20 - - - - - - 80 50 30 - - - - 420 250 150 90 60 40 30
Table 4-2: Maximum allowable gusset plate width w* for common plate
dimensions according to Table 4-1 for t ≤ 120 mm
L/w* ≥ 1.3 t ≤ 40mm - safety verification not fulfilled, special examination required
H/2w* ≤ 0.55 all: all widths of gusset plates permitted
Charpy energy reference temperature TEd in °C
steel sub CVN 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50
grade grade at T J σEd=0,75*fy(t) σEd=0,50*fy(t) σEd=0,25*fy(t)
[°C] min. Maximum allowable gusset plate widths w* in mm
JR 20 27 20 - - - - - - 60 40 30 20 - - - 190 120 80 60 40 30 30
S235 J0 0 27 50 30 20 - - - - 150 90 60 40 30 20 - 440 280 190 120 80 60 40
J2 -20 27 150 90 50 30 20 - - 380 240 150 90 60 40 30 all all 440 280 190 120 80
JR 20 27 - - - - - - - 40 30 20 - - - - 150 100 70 50 30 30 20
J0 0 27 40 20 - - - - - 110 70 40 30 20 - - 360 230 150 100 70 50 30
S275 J2 -20 27 110 60 40 20 - - - 290 180 110 70 40 30 20 all all 360 230 150 100 70
M,N -20 40 180 110 60 40 20 - - 460 290 180 110 70 40 30 all all all 360 230 150 100
ML,NL -50 27 all 300 180 110 60 40 20 all all 460 290 180 110 70 all all all all all 360 230
JR 20 27 - - - - - - - 30 20 - - - - - 110 70 50 30 30 20 -
J0 0 27 20 - - - - - - 70 40 30 20 - - - 260 160 110 70 50 30 30
S355 J2 -20 27 60 30 20 - - - - 180 110 70 40 30 20 - all 400 260 160 110 70 50
K2,M,N -20 40 100 60 30 20 - - - 290 180 110 70 40 30 20 all all 400 260 160 110 70
ML,NL -50 27 290 170 100 60 30 20 - all 480 290 180 110 70 40 all all all all 400 260 160
M,N -20 40 60 40 20 - - - - 210 120 70 40 30 20 - all all 310 200 130 80 50
ML,NL -50 27 190 110 60 40 20 - - all 340 210 120 70 40 30 all all all all 310 200 130
Q -20 30 30 20 - - - - - 100 60 40 20 - - - 440 270 170 110 70 50 30
M,N -20 40 50 30 20 - - - - 170 100 60 40 20 - - all 440 270 170 110 70 50
S460 QL -40 30 90 50 30 20 - - - 280 170 100 60 40 20 - all all 440 270 170 110 70
ML,NL -50 27 150 90 50 30 20 - - 460 280 170 100 60 40 20 all all all 440 270 170 110
QL1 -60 30 270 150 90 50 30 20 - all 460 280 170 100 60 40 all all all all 440 270 170
Q 0 40 - - - - - - - 20 - - - - - - 130 80 50 30 20 - -
Q -20 30 - - - - - - - 40 20 - - - - - 210 130 80 50 30 20 -
QL -20 40 20 - - - - - - 60 40 20 - - - - 340 210 130 80 50 30 20
QL -40 30 30 20 - - - - - 110 60 40 20 - - - all 340 210 130 80 50 30
QL1 -40 40 50 30 20 - - - - 190 110 60 40 20 - - all all 340 210 130 80 50
QL1 -60 30 90 50 30 20 - - - 320 190 110 60 40 20 - all all all 340 210 130 80
Table 4-3: Maximum allowable gusset plate width w* for common plate
dimensions according to Table 4-1 for t ≤ 40 mm
L/w* ≥ 1.6 t ≤ 40mm - safety verification not fulfilled, special examination required
H/2w* ≤ 0.4 all: all widths of gusset plates permitted
Charpy energy reference temperature TEd in °C
steel sub CVN 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50
grade grade at T J σEd=0,75*fy(t) σEd=0,50*fy(t) σEd=0,25*fy(t)
[°C] min. Maximum allowable gusset plate widths w* in mm
JR 20 27 40 30 20 - - - - 120 70 50 30 30 20 - 380 250 170 110 80 60 40
S235 J0 0 27 110 60 40 30 20 - - 300 190 120 70 50 30 30 all all 380 250 170 110 80
J2 -20 27 310 180 110 60 40 30 20 all all 300 190 120 70 50 all all all all 380 250 170
JR 20 27 30 20 - - - - - 90 50 40 30 20 - - 310 200 140 90 60 50 40
J0 0 27 70 40 30 20 - - - 220 140 90 50 40 30 20 all all 310 200 140 90 60
S275 J2 -20 27 220 130 70 40 30 20 - all 370 220 140 90 50 40 all all all all 310 200 140
M,N -20 40 370 220 130 70 40 30 20 all all 370 220 140 90 50 all all all all all 310 200
ML,NL -50 27 all all 370 220 130 70 40 all all all all 370 220 140 all all all all all all all
JR 20 27 - - - - - - - 50 30 20 - - - - 210 140 90 60 40 30 30
J0 0 27 40 20 - - - - - 130 80 50 30 20 - - all 340 210 140 90 60 40
S355 J2 -20 27 110 70 40 20 - - - 370 220 130 80 50 30 20 all all all 340 210 140 90
K2,M,N -20 40 200 110 70 40 20 - - all 370 220 130 80 50 30 all all all all 340 210 140
ML,NL -50 27 all 350 200 110 70 40 20 all all all 370 220 130 80 all all all all all all 340
M,N -20 40 130 70 40 30 - - - 420 250 150 90 50 30 20 all all all 400 250 160 100
ML,NL -50 27 400 230 130 70 40 30 - all all 420 250 150 90 50 all all all all all 400 250
Q -20 30 60 30 20 - - - - 200 120 70 40 30 20 - all all 350 220 140 90 60
M,N -20 40 100 60 30 20 - - - 350 200 120 70 40 30 20 all all all 350 220 140 90
S460 QL -40 30 180 100 60 30 20 - - all 350 200 120 70 40 30 all all all all 350 220 140
ML,NL -50 27 320 180 100 60 30 20 - all all 350 200 120 70 40 all all all all all 350 220
QL1 -60 30 all 320 180 100 60 30 20 all all all 350 200 120 70 all all all all all all 350
Q 0 40 - - - - - - - 40 30 - - - - - 260 160 100 60 40 30 20
Q -20 30 20 - - - - - - 70 40 30 - - - - 440 260 160 100 60 40 30
QL -20 40 30 20 - - - - - 130 70 40 30 - - - all 440 260 160 100 60 40
QL -40 30 50 30 20 - - - - 220 130 70 40 30 - - all all 440 260 160 100 60
QL1 -40 40 100 50 30 20 - - - 390 220 130 70 40 30 - all all all 440 260 160 100
QL1 -60 30 190 100 50 30 20 - - all 390 220 130 70 40 30 all all all all 440 260 160
Table 4-4: Maximum allowable gusset plate width w* for favourable plate
dimensions according to Table 4-1 for t ≤ 40 mm
L/w* ≥ 1.6 t ≤ 20mm - safety verification not fulfilled, special examination required
H/2w* ≤ 0.4 all: all widths of gusset plates permitted
Charpy energy reference temperature TEd in °C
steel sub CVN 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50
grade grade at T J σEd=0,75*fy(t) σEd=0,50*fy(t) σEd=0,25*fy(t)
[°C] min. Maximum allowable gusset plate widths w* in mm
JR 20 27 140 90 50 30 20 - - all 250 160 100 70 40 30 all all all 330 220 150 110
S235 J0 0 27 all 240 140 90 50 30 20 all all all 250 160 100 70 all all all all all 330 220
J2 -20 27 all all all 240 140 90 50 all all all all all 250 160 all all all all all all all
JR 20 27 100 60 30 20 - - - 300 180 120 70 50 30 20 all all all 270 180 120 90
J0 0 27 280 170 100 60 30 20 - all all 300 180 120 70 50 all all all all all 270 180
S275 J2 -20 27 all all 280 170 100 60 30 all all all all 300 180 120 all all all all all all all
M,N -20 40 all all all 280 170 100 60 all all all all all 300 180 all all all all all all all
ML,NL -50 27 all all all all all 280 170 all all all all all all all all all all all all all all
JR 20 27 50 30 20 - - - - 180 110 70 40 30 20 - all all 290 190 120 80 60
J0 0 27 150 90 50 30 20 - - all 290 180 110 70 40 30 all all all all 290 190 120
S355 J2 -20 27 all 270 150 90 50 30 20 all all all 290 180 110 70 all all all all all all 290
K2,M,N -20 40 all all 270 150 90 50 30 all all all all 290 180 110 all all all all all all all
ML,NL -50 27 all all all all 270 150 90 all all all all all all 290 all all all all all all all
M,N -20 40 all 310 170 100 60 30 20 all all all 340 200 120 70 all all all all all all 340
ML,NL -50 27 all all all 310 170 100 60 all all all all all 340 200 all all all all all all all
Q -20 30 240 140 80 40 30 20 - all all 270 160 100 60 30 all all all all all 290 190
M,N -20 40 all 240 140 80 40 30 20 all all all 270 160 100 60 all all all all all all 290
S460 QL -40 30 all all 240 140 80 40 30 all all all all 270 160 100 all all all all all all all
ML,NL -50 27 all all all 240 140 80 40 all all all all all 270 160 all all all all all all all
QL1 -60 30 all all all all 240 140 80 all all all all all all 270 all all all all all all all
Q 0 40 40 20 - - - - - 170 100 60 30 20 - - all all 350 210 130 80 50
Q -20 30 80 40 20 - - - - 300 170 100 60 30 20 - all all all 350 210 130 80
QL -20 40 140 80 40 20 - - - all 300 170 100 60 30 20 all all all all 350 210 130
QL -40 30 250 140 80 40 20 - - all all 300 170 100 60 30 all all all all all 350 210
QL1 -40 40 all 250 140 80 40 20 - all all all 300 170 100 60 all all all all all all 350
QL1 -60 30 all all 250 140 80 40 20 all all all all 300 170 100 all all all all all all all
Table 4-5: Maximum allowable gusset plate width w* for favourable plate
dimensions according to Table 4-1 for t ≤ 20 mm
(2) If the slot has no sharp corners by rounding the ends, this would enhance the
fatigue resistance and therefore also reduce the toughness requirement, see
fig. 4-35.
(3) Table 4-6 gives the allowable plate width w* for a cut out with a radius of 30
L/w* ≥ 1.3 t ≤ 40mm - safety verification not fulfilled, special examination required
H/2w* ≤ 0.55 radius R = 30 mm all: all widths of gusset plates permitted
Charpy energy reference temperature TEd in °C
steel sub CVN 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50
grade grade at T J σEd=0,75*fy(t) σEd=0,50*fy(t) σEd=0,25*fy(t)
[°C] min. Maximum allowable gusset plate widths w* in mm
JR 20 27 50 30 20 - - - - 100 70 50 40 30 20 20 240 180 130 100 80 60 50
S235 J0 0 27 100 70 50 30 20 - - 210 140 100 70 50 40 30 all 340 240 180 130 100 80
J2 -20 27 210 140 100 70 50 30 20 all 300 210 140 100 70 50 all all all 340 240 180 130
JR 20 27 30 20 - - - - - 80 60 40 30 20 20 - 210 150 120 90 70 50 40
J0 0 27 70 50 30 20 - - - 170 120 80 60 40 30 20 all 290 210 150 120 90 70
S275 J2 -20 27 160 110 70 50 30 20 - 350 240 170 120 80 60 40 all all all 290 210 150 120
M,N -20 40 240 160 110 70 50 30 20 all 350 240 170 120 80 60 all all all all 290 210 150
ML,NL -50 27 all 360 240 160 110 70 50 all all all 350 240 170 120 all all all all all all 290
JR 20 27 20 - - - - - - 50 40 30 20 - - - 160 120 90 70 50 40 30
J0 0 27 50 30 20 - - - - 110 80 50 40 30 20 - 310 220 160 120 90 70 50
S355 J2 -20 27 100 70 50 30 20 - - 240 160 110 80 50 40 30 all all 310 220 160 120 90
K2,M,N -20 40 150 100 70 50 30 20 - 350 240 160 110 80 50 40 all all all 310 220 160 120
ML,NL -50 27 350 230 150 100 70 50 30 all all 350 240 160 110 80 all all all all all 310 220
M,N -20 40 110 70 50 30 20 - - 270 180 120 80 60 40 30 all all 370 260 180 130 100
ML,NL -50 27 250 170 110 70 50 30 20 all all 270 180 120 80 60 all all all all 370 260 180
Q -20 30 60 40 30 20 - - - 150 110 70 50 30 20 20 all 330 230 160 120 80 60
M,N -20 40 90 60 40 30 20 - - 230 150 110 70 50 30 20 all all 330 230 160 120 80
S460 QL -40 30 140 90 60 40 30 20 - 340 230 150 110 70 50 30 all all all 330 230 160 120
ML,NL -50 27 210 140 90 60 40 30 20 all 340 230 150 110 70 50 all all all all 330 230 160
QL1 -60 30 330 210 140 90 60 40 30 all all 340 230 150 110 70 all all all all all 330 230
Q 0 40 - - - - - - - 50 30 20 - - - - 190 130 90 60 50 30 20
Q -20 30 20 - - - - - - 70 50 30 20 - - - 270 190 130 90 60 50 30
QL -20 40 40 20 - - - - - 110 70 50 30 20 - - all 270 190 130 90 60 50
QL -40 30 60 40 20 - - - - 160 110 70 50 30 20 - all all 270 190 130 90 60
QL1 -40 40 90 60 40 20 - - - 250 160 110 70 50 30 20 all all all 270 190 130 90
QL1 -60 30 140 90 60 40 20 - - 380 250 160 110 70 50 30 all all all all 270 190 130
Table 4-6: Maximum allowable gusset-plate width w* for a cut out with a radius
of 30 mm.
4.2.4 Example
(1) For a design situation as given in fig. 4-36, the following geometric data apply:
L / w * = 1,6
H / 2w * = 0,4
t ≤ 40 mm
Force of diagonal
bar Dd
1310 kN
L / w 1* ,L / w *2
H / 2w 1* ,H / w *2
(3) The loading situation for the ultimate limit state verification is
DEd = 1310 kN
which yields
DEdLS Dd 1310
σ ULS = = = = 144 N / mm 2
A net 2w * t 2 ⋅ 150 ⋅ 30
The reference stress σEd for the choice of material should be determined for
the “frequent” loading situation, for which (on the safe side) the characteristic
value of stress is taken:
σ ULS 144
σ ULS = = = 107 N / mm 2
γF 1,35
σ Ed 107
σ Ed = = f y (t ) = 0,31f y (t )
f y (t ) 347,5
(5) Using Table 4-4, the allowable gusset-plate width can be interpolated as
follows for steel grade S355 J2:
4.2.5 Bibliography
[1] Kühn, B.: Beitrag zur Vereinheitlichung der europäischen Regelungen zur
Vermeidung von Sprödbruch, Diss. RWTH Aachen, Heft 54, Shaker Verlag,
Aachen 2005, ISBN 3-8322-3901-4
[2] Höhler, S.: Beitrag zur Erweiterung der Regelungen der Stahlsortenwahl zur
Vermeidung von Sprödbruch auf Anschlüsse unter vorwiegend ruhender
Beanspruchung, Diss. RWTH Aachen, Heft 58, Shaker Verlag, Aachen 2006,
ISBN 3-8322-5399-8
[3] Klinkenberg, A., Peter, A., Saal, H., Volz, M.: Berechnungsmodelle für
geschweißte Anschlüsse in ausgeschnittenen Knotenblechen, Stahlbau 68
(1999), S. 173-180, und Berichtigungen/Ergänzungen S. 688-689
Section 5
(1) The strength-related design rules in the various parts of EN 1993 have been
presented in such a way that ductile behaviour of the material is assumed and
the material toughness seems to have no significant effect on the attainment of
the ultimate limit state, see fig. 1-2.
(2) Material toughness is only explicitly addressed in EN 1993-1-10 for the choice
of material to avoid brittle fracture, but not any more in other parts of Eurocode
(3) As, however, the rules in EN 1993-1-10 exclude only brittle fracture in the
temperature-transition range of the material toughness, see fig. 2-11, a basic
prerequisite of the strength related design rules in view of toughness is, that
the toughness properties in the upper-shelf region of the toughness
temperature diagram are sufficient to attain these strengths.
(4) EN 1993-1-10 does not address the toughness properties in the upper-shelf
region. Therefore toughness limits in the upper-shelf region have been
implicitly taken into account in the strength rules of the various parts of
Eurocode 3, so that they reflect the requirements from both strength and
(5) Fig. 5-1 explains the principle underlying the involvement of the upper-shelf
toughness in the strength rules in Eurocode 3.
(6) A basic safety criterion for all strength rules in Eurocode 3 is, that for any
resistance in tension, the accidental presence of crack-like flaws is assumed
independently of the execution requirement in EN 1090-2, which does not
permit any detectable cracks in inspections after execution.
(7) This assumption makes it possible to link the resistance rules in Eurocode 3
with toughness requirements and to make this link accessible to numerical
checks where appropriate numerical models for the toughness verification in
the upper-shelf region are available.
(8) The safety criteria for the toughness verification in the various parts of
Eurocode 3 are the following:
1. For any of the rules, the ductility requirement is that net section yielding
shall be reached before fracture in the net section.
2. For some of the rules (where capacity design applies) the ductility
requirement is that gross section yielding must occur before fracture in
the net section.
(1) There are two mechanical approaches for determining the ultimate resistance
of steel components in tension in the upper-shelf region of the toughness
temperature diagram:
1. fracture mechanics
2. damage mechanics
(2) In many design rules for steels structures the relation between the tensile
strength Rm and the yield strength Re is assumed to represent ductility and
resistance against fracture. This assumption can be interpreted as follows.
(3) The tensile strength fu = Rm of the material is considered to be the limit where
fracture in the net section occurs and the yield strength, fy = Rel is used to
determine the stress σgy for net section yielding.
(4) The fracture stress σfracture and the yield stress σgy applied to the gross section
could be determined for a plate with a center crack as given in fig. 5-2, if
infinite material toughness is presumed.
(5) In practice many tests have been performed on wide plates with defined
cracks of different geometry and position made from structural steels with yield
strength between 235 and 890 MPa and representing different toughness
levels (steel quality). Typical Wide Plate test components are shown in Fig. 5-
3. Such cracks have normally been introduced by sawing or sawing plus
Fig. 5-3: Typical Wide Plate test components with different position and
geometry of defined cracks. The short name is explained following:
DENT (Double Edge Notched Tension)
CNT (Centre Notched Tension)
SENT (Single Notched Tension)
DSNT (Double Surface Notched Tension)
SSNT (Single Surface Notched Tension)
(6) From such tests the influence of the material toughness in the upper-shelf
region and the strength Rm and Re together with the geometry of the test
specimens and the crack geometry on the fracture stress has been studied.
Fig. 5-4 gives some typical test results for a steels grade S355 J2 and for
different specimen types. .
A net
Fig. 5-4: Actual fracture stresses dependent on
A gross
(7) The result shows, that only for crack-free structures the theoretical fracture
stress fu = Rm (1-2a/W) may be reached. In case of cracks the real fracture
stress is lower. How low the real fracture stress is depends on the material
toughness and the geometry of the defect. Basis for the calculation of the upper shelf fracture resistance
(1) For the fracture mechanics based failure analysis in the upper-shelf region
ideally the elastic plastic J-Integral is used. However the Failue Assessment
Diagram can also be used beyond net section yielding.
(2) The toughness requirement for a structural member with cracks expressed in
terms of the J-Integral may be obtained from FEM (e.g. with ABAQUS)
calculations using the following input parameters:
• the true stress-strain curve valid for the temperature considered, including
the Lueders strain where necessary.
• the von Mises yield criterion and isotropic material considered
• elasto-plastic-calculations with deformation control
A result from such a calculation for different stress strain curves is shown in fig.
Fig. 5-5: Example for Jappl-curves as a function of applied load and
different temperatures
(3) For resistances JMat the Ji-values, which represent the start of stable crack
growth, may be used. They may be based on standard CT-tests, see fig. 2-4.
(4) Fig. 5-6 gives an example for the results of such a calculation.
(5) On the left hand side of fig. 5-6, the Jappl-curve is given versus the stresses
applied to the gross section of a test specimen (made of steel S355 N) tested at
T = -20°C, for which a Ji-value of 170 KN/m had been determined.
(6) On the right hand side of fig. 5-6, the fracture strength as calculated with Ji is
indicated; it is below the theoretical resistance curve
⎛ 2a ⎞
σult = Rm ⎜1 − ⎟ (5-1)
⎝ w⎠
⎛ 2a ⎞
σgy = Rel ⎜1 − ⎟ (5-2)
⎝ w⎠
(8) Above the temperature Ti, where failure occurs after a certain amount of stable
crack growth, the failure analysis on the basis of Ji is conservative. But it may
be based on the tearing instability concept.
(9) Herein the J-integral Jappl as a function of crack length and load F is compared
with the JR - Δa crack resistance curve, for which fig. 5-7 gives examples
(10) The tearing instability concept uses the point of instability defined by
∂ Jappl ∂ JR
≥ . (5-4)
∂a ∂a
This means that the limit state is reached, where the Jappl (a, F)-curve has a
common tangent point with the JR (Δa)-curve, see fig. 5-8.
Fig. 5-8: Determination of fracture resistance with stable crack growth
(11) The JR - Δa-curve is a material property independent on the stress-state (as the
Ji-value is), if the curve is determined from a test specimen with a stress
situation which is equal to and more severe than the stress state of the
structural component considered; this applies to CT-test specimens.
(12) This concept can also be used in conjunction with the FAD concept.
(1) In the following, results of toughness checks that are either experimental or
calculative, are presented to explain in what way toughness criteria have
influenced the design rules for resistances in the various parts of Eurocode 3.
(2) Section 5.2 explains the background of the recommendation for sufficient
upper-shelf toughness in table 3-1 of EN 1993-2 – Design of steel bridges.
(3) Section 5.3 gives explanations of net section resistances in EN 1993-1-1, 6.23
(2) b) and 6.2.5 (4).
(4) Section 5.4 addresses the choice of material for “capacity design” as used for
plastic hinges or for seismic resistant structures.
(2) Before such methods for the quantitative toughness assessment in the upper-
shelf region were developed, particular qualitative assessment methods were
used which were based on test pieces with initial cracks that were subjected to
large plastic strains.
(3) An example for such a test was the AUBI-test according to the German
specification SEP 1390 (1996), which was required for plate thicknesses larger
than 30 mm for welded structures subjected to tensile stresses for steel grades
S235, S275 and S355, see fig. 5-9.
1. On the tension side of the test piece, a weld bead is applied that is
brittle enough to act as crack starter when the test piece is bent.
2. The test piece is bent “quasi-statically” to an angle of 60°.
3. The material is accepted if the crack growth initiated from the brittle
weld bead and driven by the tensile strains from plastic bending is
stopped in the heat affected zone or in the base material without
exceeding a certain crack length at the angle of 60°.
(5) The test has the disadvantage that it cannot be correlated quantitatively with
any member loading nor with a realistic member resistance, so that no relation
can be established with the realistic member performance in the ultimate limit
state. Insofar, the test gave only empirical data, which, however, have lead to
an enhancement of the product quality of structural steels now represented by
fine grain steels according to EN 10025-3/4. Because of their production
technology, these fine grain steels have better toughness properties than
classical steels.
(6) In order to maintain this quality standard in the upper-shelf region without
applying the AUBI-test, it was necessary to correlate the results of the AUBI-
test with the methods used in Eurocode 3.
(2) Fig. 5-10 shows the results of the AUBI-tests with failure before an angle of
60° was reached and without failure at an angle of 60°, as well as some
results (non fracture) at an angle of 90°. The fig. also indicates the plate
thicknesses tested.
Fig. 5-10: Comparison of AUBI-tests and Charpy-V energy results in Joule
(3) Fig. 5-10 gives a trend relationship between Kv at TKv = -20°C and the
attainable bending angle α in the AUBI-test. But the small number of tests and
the large scatter do not allow the development of an acceptable correlation.
The Kv-values allocated to AUBI-tests with different plate thicknesses that
were accepted at an angle of 60°, do not give any correlation either.
(4) Hence it is not possible to apply any reliability evaluation to the tests; the only
conclusion is the engineering judgement that the borderline between AUBI-
tests accepted and non-accepted may be estimated at T70J ≤ - 20°C. A
dependence on thickness of the material cannot be found.
(5) The conclusion was, that it would be preferable to correlate the acceptance
and non-acceptance by the AUBI-test directly with the toughness qualities of
modern steels according to EN 10025 Parts 3 and 4 instead of developing
equivalence criteria for Charpy-energy testing that shall lead to such qualities.
(1) For the correlation between the acceptance and non-acceptance of the AUBI-
test and the steel quality according to EN 10025, the quality control data for 4
different steel producers for the production period after 1996 for steels S355
J2 G3, were evaluated. In total 1133 AUBI-tests were carried out, from which
18 tests (1,59%) failed in the production control.
(2) The analysis of those AUBI-tests that did not fail revealed that those steels
complied both in their chemical analysis and their mechanical properties with
fine-grain-steels according to EN 10025-2/4. This means that the AUBI-test
indirectly requires higher qualities of S355 according to EN 10025.
Fig. 5-11: trend analysis for the AUBI correlation
(3) Fig. 5-11 shows the trend analysis for average values and for the lowest single
values of Charpy-energies for AUBI-tests, that passed and that failed
independent of the plate-thickness: It becomes clear that the correlation
between the KV-values and the AUBI-test results suffers from a large scatter.
A certain tendency is related to the thickness influence.
(4) For further evaluation in a first step, a safe-sided equivalence criterion was
developed in assuming that the portion of AUBI-tests that failed (1.8 %) is
weighed in the same way as those that passed (98.4 %). Table 5-1 shows the
results in the column “equal weighing”.
Equivalence criterium
Range of Passed AUBI-tests AUBI- Weighting acc. to
Equal weighting
thickness Lower distribution free tests failure probability
in mm tolerance limit TU Extreme Smallest Smallest
Average Average
values TE single single
value value
value value
Proportion of
Kv,min in J at Kv in J at Kv,min in J at Kv in J at Kv,min in J at Kv in J at
T = -20 °C T = -20 °C T = -20 °C T = -20 °C T = -20 °C T = -20 °C
in %
(=30) (=29)
30 ≤ t < 50 21 98,68 49 35 50 21 30
50 ≤ t < 80 29 97,36 85 57 81 30 43
≥ 80 26 96,76 100 63 90 31 45
Table 5-1: Equivalence criteria from steel quality control data; the results of
Charpy-energy tests refer to the test temperature of -20°C
(5) If the weighing of the portion that failed is assumed to be according to the
failure probability as indicated in fig. 5-12, the equivalence values are reduced
accordingly. These results are more realistic and therefore are used for the
following conclusion.
Fig. 5-12: Failure probability of AUBI-tests in steel production control Conclusions
(1) The results in Table 5-1 show that for plate-thicknesses t < 30 mm no AUBI-
tests are necessary, as the T27J-values according to EN 10025 are sufficient to
reach the acceptance of AUBI-tests.
(2) For plate thicknesses 30 mm ≤ t ≤ 80 mm, the requirements from the column
“Weighing according to the failure-probability” of table 5-1 are close to those
specified for T = -20°C for fine-grain steels in EN 10025.
(3) In conclusion, a sufficient steel quality to stop crack growth from initial cracks
due to large straining as carried out in the AUBI-tests, can be achieved by
applying the choice of material given in table 3.1 of EN 1993 – Part 2, see
table 5-2.
Fig. 5-13: Comparison of permissible plate thicknesses for road-bridges with
σEd = 0,5 fy (t) according to EN 1993-1-10 and the AUBI-equivalence criteria
(5) The conclusions from Table 5.2 are given in detail in Table 5-3.
(6) In general, the AUBI-test is a traditional test not related to any quantified
structural performance and subsequent numerical verification. Therefore it should be
fully abandoned to give room for performance oriented test & verification methods.
5.3 Explanations of net-section resistances in EN 1993-1-1
5.3.1 General
(1) EN 1993 specifies in Part 1-1, 6.2.3 (2) b) and 6.2.5 (4) and in Part 1-12,
6.2.3, the ultimate resistance of net sections to tension:
0.9 Anet ⋅ fy
NRd = (5-4)
γ M2
where γM2 is recommended to be
(2) The reasons for the factor 0.9 in the resistance formula are the following:
(3) In this section, the reasoning from fracture mechanics safety assessments is
(1) The tensile strength fu = Rm is defined as the maximum stress related to the
initial gross section area Ao of the tension test specimen, as specified for the
determination of the conventional stress-strain curve, see fig. 5-14 b)
Fig. 5-14: Stress-strain curve:
a) true stress-strain curve
b) conventional stress-strain curve
(2) The true stress-strain curve relates to the actual stress σw related to the actual
gross-section A and the actual strain εw, see fig. 5-14 a) and is a real material
constant independent of the test specimen.
(3) The maximum fu = Rm is reached where the differential dF of the applied force
with increasing deformation attains the value
∂ F = ∂σ w ⋅ A + d A ⋅ σ w = 0 (5-7)
which leads to the stability criterion for the ultimate stress fu:
∂σ w
= σw (5-8)
∂ε w
(4) Fig. 5-14 a) demonstrates that the “stability strength” fu resulting from this
criterion leads to ultimate strains εu which automatically are the smaller, the
higher the yield strength of the material is.
(5) A consequence of this behaviour is that the yield-strength ratio
automatically depends on the magnitude of the yield strength, see fig. 5-15.
Fig. 5-15: Relationship between yield strength ratio and the yield
fy 1
(6) EN 1993-1-1 limits the yield strength ratio to ≤ = 0.90; EN 1993-1-12
fu 1.10
fy 1
recommends a limit ≤ = 0.95 to get the nominal values of higher
fu 1.05
strength steels included.
(1) In the upper-shelf region for temperatures above Tgy it can be assumed that in
any case net section yielding σgy will be reached before fracture occurs in the
net section.
Fig. 5-16: Comparison of fracture stresses from large scale mechanical
tests with σfracture from “stability strength” and net section yield
(2) Fig. 5-16 gives the results of large scale fracture tests for CNT-test specimens
for S355 J2 with two different toughness values Av = 85 J and Av = 200 J from
Charpy-V-impact tests that reveal that
1. the fracture stress σfracture is above the net section yield curve for any
value 2a/w.
High values 2a/w are not unrealistic, because for structural components
the value 2a does not signify the actual length of a crack, but the
effective length of crack, which may be far higher than the actual length
of crack through structural detailing, see fig. 5-17.
This means that the criterion applies realistically to the whole 2a/w-
range with particular importance of 2a/w ~ 1/3 for the net section of
bolted connections, where the decrease of “stability strength” by
toughness attains about the maximum.
NRK = 0.9 ⋅ fu ⋅ Anet
σfracture = 0.90 ⋅ fu
(3) Fig. 5-19 shows the role of the steel grade for the theoretical values σult
according to equation (5-1) and σgy according to equation (5-2) for S690 and
S235. It also shows the σfracture-curves, which were calculated with the
hypothesis that S690 would have the same toughness value as S235.
Fig. 5-19: Determination of σfracture using the same toughness values for
S690 as for S235
(4) From fig. 5-19 it is evident that for reaching the criteria
(5) Fig. 5-20 gives fracture stresses σfracture in relation to the net section yield
stresses, which are based on the assumption that the toughness of high
strength steels is increased in relation to the toughness of mild steels by a
factor equal to the square of the yield strengths.
σfracture ≥ 0.9 fu
see fig. 5-18, by which it shall be secured for steel grades S235 to S460 that
for the upper-shelf toughness of material adjusted to the yield strength, the
The structural detailing for high strength steels as S690, see fig. 5-20, should
be such that the effective crack sizes 2a/w are small if (2) 2. case b) applies,
so that the net section criterion can also be reached where, due to lower
toughness or a higher yield strength ratio, the σfracture-curve may have
intersections with the σgy-line.
(7) For steels according to EN 1993-12 and yield strength ratios ~ 0.95, see
fig. 5-15, the requirement to keep small values 2a/w by appropriate detailing is
even more important, see fig. 5-18. Otherwise the criterion net section yielding
before net section fracture cannot be maintained with the consequence that
residual stresses and deformation controlled secondary stresses have to be
taken into account in the design.
(2) “Capacity design” requires that gross section yielding proceeds to net section
fracture, so that plastic zones can form in the gross sections before a
structural component can fail due to insufficient resistance capacity in the net
(1) In the diagram for stability strength and yield strength, see fig 5-3, “capacity
design” requires that the intersection of the fracture curve
⎛ 2a ⎞
σ fracture = R m ⎜1 − ⎟
⎝ w⎠
Rel = const.
Fig 5-21 Permissible values 2a/w for gross section yielding for different
steel grades
(2) Fig 5-21 makes clear that independently of toughness considerations, the
possibilities for structural detailing (e. g. for choice of net sections by bolted
connections) are the greater, the smaller the yield strength and the higher the
yield strength ratio is.
That is the reason why low grade steels should be preferably used for seismic
resistant structural components according to chapter 6 of EN 1998-1, where
energy dissipation by hysteretic yielding is required.
(3) When looking at the toughness effects, the conclusions are even more
pronounced, because the possibilities for structural detailing are even more
reduced, see intersection points of fracture curves with Rel/Rm in fig 5-16, so
that the conclusion is, that the permissible values 2a/w are a function of yield
strength ratio and toughness of material.
(1) Where the formation of plastic zones (e.g. for earthquakes) is combined with
the occurrence of low temperatures, EN 1993-1-10 may be applied to protect
the structural component from brittle failure during the time period, where it is
still in the elastic range and before the yield strength fy(t) is reached.
(2) This also affects the structural detailing of energy dissipation components. The
design, production and erection should be such that
(3) In this case, table 2.1 of EN 1993-1-10 may be used for the choice of material
in conjunction with σEd = 0.75 fy, as the permissible plate thicknesses for σEd =
0.75 fy are actually related to the attainment the yield strength:
(4) Under certain conditions (adiabatic or large strain rates) the temperature of a
dissipative component may increase with yielding once during the hysteretic
deformations the yield strength is exceeded. Fig. 5-22 gives an example for a
possible temperature development that may cause a temperature shift in the
toughness temperature diagram so that the behaviour is more favourable.
5.5 Bibliography
[1] Kühn, B.: Beitrag zur Vereinheitlichung der europäischen Regelungen zur
Vermeidung von Sprödbruch, Schriftenreihe Stahlbau – RWTH Aachen, Heft
54 (2005), Shaker Verlag
[4] Sedlacek, G., Höhler, S,. Dahl, W., Kühn, B., Langenberg, P., Finger, M.,
Floßdorf, F.-J., Schröter, F. Hocké, A.,: Ersatz des Aufschweißbiegeversuchs
durch äquivalente Stahlgütewahl, Stahlbau 74 (2005), S. 539-546
[6] Dahl, W., Ehrhardt, H.: „Einfluß des Spannungszustandes auf das
Verformungs- und Bruchverhalten von Stählen in Großzugversuchen”, Stahl
und Eisen 108 (1983), Heft 6, Seite 289-292.
[7] Dahl, W.: “Application of fracture mechanics concepts to the failure of steel
constructions”, Steel research, Issue No 3/86, pages 131-134.
[8] Dahl, W., Hesse, W.: „Auswirkung der Beurteilung von Stählen auf die
Anwendung im Hoch- und Anlagenbau”, Stahl und Eisen 106 (1986), Heft 12,
Seite 695-702.
Section 6
(1) Finite element methods combined with the use of the true stress-strain curve
for steel, see fig. 5-14, and the von Mises-yield criterion, expressed by the
yield potential
⎛σ ⎞
Φ=⎜ v ⎟ −1= 0
⎜σ ⎟
⎝ y ⎠
These tools are based on fully ductile behaviour without damage and therefore
do not give any indication when cracks will occur and induce rupture,
(2) In order to be able to predict the failure of a tension element by rupture, the
damage mechanics approaches have been developed which are capable of
simulating the following behaviour more realistically:
(4) In the following some basics and first applications of damage mechanics are
demonstrated. However, it must be noted that this method requires the use of
Finite Elements together with model parameters derived from experiments.
(5) The aspects of reliability in relation to requirements, model uncertainties,
imperfections and scatter of input data as well as the relation of measured
data to data specified in product standards, which all are necessary for the use
of damage mechanics in practical safety assessments, is not addressed in this
(1) Fig. 6-1 illustrates the role of the microstructural development of microvoids at
the crack tip of a fracture mechanics model under tension in the upper-shelf
(2) The phases of the development of voids develop from void nucleation to void
growth and to void coalescence, which is identical with crack initiation, see fig.
(3) The conclusion of the use of the porous metal plasticity model, see section
6.3, is that the stress and the strain for crack initiation can be determined, see
fig. 6-3.
Fig. 6-3: Determination of the limit state of crack initiation
(4) The simulation of further development from crack initiation to failure requires
the use of an effective behaviour law for damaged elements, that regulates the
stress transfer through damaged elements, see section 6-5.
(1) The GTN – Damage model of Gurson, Tvergaard and Needleman modifies the
von Mises yield model in such a way that the effects of micro voids (micro-
structural damage) are included.
⎛σ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
Φ=⎜ v ⎟ + 2 q1 f * cosh⎜ 3 q2 σ H ⎟
⎜σ ⎟ ⎜2 σ y ⎟⎠
⎝ y ⎠ ⎝
( )
− 1 − q3 f * 2 = 0
⎧ f ; for f ≤ fc ⎫
f * (f ) = ⎨ ⎬
⎩fc + κ (f − fc ); for f > fc ⎭
fc = critical void volume fraction, at the load drop point of a tension test
depending on the stress triaxiality of the spot considered,
κ= acceleration factor (often determined directly in the range of 4 to 8) or
determined from
0.667 − fc
ff − fc
(4) The value f results from growth of existing voids and strain controlled
nucleation of new voids:
f= fgrowth + fnucleation =
fN ⎡ 1 ⎛ ε pl − ε N ⎞ 2 ⎤
= (1 − fo ) ε& pl
kk + exp ⎢− ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥ ε& pl
SN 2π ⎢⎣ 2 ⎝ SN ⎠ ⎥⎦
(5) The input parameters that need to be determined for the particular case and
cannot be put constant on the basis of sensitivity studies are then
6.3.2 Examples for the determination of micro structures parameters
(1) For the determination of the micro structure parameters, a structural steel
S355J2G3 and a pressure vessel steel P460Q are selected [7].
(2) Table 6-1 gives the chemical composition of the steels, fig. 6-4 gives the
micrographs of the micro structure and fig. 6-5 gives the SEM-fracture
surfaces [7].
Steel C Si Mn P S Cr Mo
Steel Ni Al Cu Nb Ti V Zn
Table 6-1: Chemical composition of the steels S355J2G3 and P460Q, mass
contents in %
Fig 6-5: SEM-fracture surfaces: left ductile fracture surface of steel S355J2G3;
right: ductile fracture surface of steel P460Q. Both fracture surfaces, with
different sizes of dimples, result from fracture mechanics tests with CT-
specimens carried out at room temperature
(3) Obviously the void size distribution differs a lot between the two materials:
- In steel S355J2G3 primary void nucleation at non-metallic inclusions is
the major mechanism of ductile failure behaviour. Accordingly, fo = 0.20
was chosen and the nucleation of secondary voids was neglected (fN =
εN = SN = 0).
(4) Table 6-2 gives the chemical composition of another pressure vessel steel
P690Q, which gave the same GTN-model parameters as the steel P460Q
except for εN = 0.12.
Steel C Si Mn P S Cr Mo
Ni Al Cu Nb Ti V Zn
(1) In each finite element containing a void, the mesh sizes very much depend on
the average spacing between non metallic inclusions.
(3) Fig. 6-6 gives element sizes in meshes determined from calibrations of test
results, related to the 90% quantile value of void diameter; they are in the
magnitude of grain sizes
Fig. 6.6 Relations between FE-element size at a crack tip and size
distributions of voids on ductile fracture surfaces for several pressure vessels
and structural steels [7]
(1) Fig. 6-7 shows load-CTOD-curves from fracture mechanics tests with CT-
specimens as well as the results of simulations with the GTN-damage model,
resulting in Ji-values for crack initiation obtained from the ends of the curves.
Fig. 6-7: Load crack tip opening displacement curves from experiment and
simulation for steels S355J2G3 (left side) and P460Q (right side) [7]
6.3.5 Conclusions for practical FEM-calculations
(1) From tensile tests with cylindrical tension specimens with different notches or
from calculations with the GTN damage model, the two parameters
σ1 + σ 2 + σ 3
(2) Hence a failure criterion for crack initiation could be developed as a function of
these two parameters, see fig. 6-8.
Fig. 6-8: Damage curve as ductile crack initiation criterion from void
(3) In general, such damage curves are determined by tests with variations of
notch geometry accompanied by FEM-calculations to identify the stress
triaxility and the equivalent plastic strain at the relevant spot. From a least
square fit a mean curve satisfying the formula
ε pl = c 1 ⋅ e c 2h + ε ipl
(4) Fig. 6-9 shows test specimens with different notch situations, which may lead
to equivalent plastic strains as given in fig. 6-10.
Fig. 6-9: Geometry and size of tensile specimens used to determine the
damage curve
Fig. 6-10: Limits of equivalent plastic strain for different stress triaxialities
(5) Fig. 6-10 shows the exponential decrease of equivalent plastic strain for the
smooth specimen and the notched specimens R1 and R2 on one hand and
different plastic strain limits for the notch specimens R0.1 and R0.2 which are
more or less independent of the stress triaxiality h on the other hand.
Fig. 6-11 Ductile crack initiation behaviour from specimen centre and notch
root surface under single tension
a) R2-specimen, b) R0.1 specimen
(6) As fig. 6-11 demonstrates, the different results for R0.1 and R0.2 are caused by
the fact that for those cases the relevant spot is not the centre of the cross-
section with growth of voids controlled by triaxiality (equiaxed tensile mode of
failure) but the surface, where the failure mode is controlled by the growths
and coalescence of voids along a local shear band oriented at an angle of 45°
to the tensile axes.
(7) In conclusion, the damage curve following the growth and coalescence of
voids according to the triaxial stress state has a lower limit for h controlled by
the shear type of failure at the surface, which is not covered by the GTN-
(1) For a pressure vessel as given in fig. 6-12 made of steel P460Q, a FEM-
calculation was carried out using the true stress-strain curve of the material
from unaxial tensile tests and extrapolated according to the Hollomon
approach to cover strains beyond the uniform elongation from tensile tests
500 800
(2) The inner pressure was increased until it reached the critical level where for
the first time an element in the model reached the damage curve for ductile
crack initiation.
(3) The steel P460Q-damage curve has been identified by experimental and
numerical investigations with cylindrical notched tensile samples as
(4) Fig. 6-13 shows the position of ductile crack initiation from the distributions of
plastic equivalent strain and stress triaxiality that are plotted.
(5) The nozzle has been identified as the critical spot where a ductile crack could
be initiated when the critical inner pressure is 16 MPa (expected value without
safety elements).
6.4 The use of damage curves for crack initiation for cyclic straining
6.4.1 General
(1) According to Ohata and Toyoda [6] the damage curves according to fig. 6-10
determined for monotonic loading can also be used to determine the crack
initiation with FEM for cyclic loading as relevant for seismic design.
(2) The assumptions made to obtain accurate results are the following:
(3) In the following, the assumptions made and some results are described.
Fig. 6-14: Non-linear isotropic and kinematic hardening components used for
the FE-analysis of cyclic loading
(2) The conclusions are hysteretic curves of true stress and true strain that are
close to experiments as they consider the Bauschinger effect, see fig. 6-15.
Fig. 6-15: Approximation of hysteretical true stress-strain curves by the
combined hardening model
(3) The model also allows to follow the loops of the components of stresses σ
and backstresses α in all phases of the cycles, see fig. 6-16.
(1) The basic assumption of the effective damage model [6] is that once the cyclic
loops of equivalent stresses and strains are stabilized, there is no contribution
from equivalent strains to damage.
(2) Hence contributions from equivalent plastic strains to damage are controlled
by the cyclic development of back stresses such that only those portions of the
equivalent plastic strains are damage-effective which belong to backstresses
α larger than the maximum α -values of the preceding loop, see fig. 6-17.
Fig. 6-17: Evolution of equivalent backstresses α and determination of
effective equivalent strains ( ε pl )eff.
(3) Fig. 6-18 shows on the left hand side the accumulation of the full equivalent
plastic strains that would give very conservative results and on the right hand
side the accumulation of effective equivalent plastic strains that gives accurate
(1) The GTN-model could be supplemented by a law for the stress transfer
through damaged elements.
(2) One possibility is the use of cohesive elements in addition to the other
continuum elements, which are positioned where crack initiation and growth is
expected, see fig. 6-19.
(3) The cohesive model is a traction separation law, that describes the
transmittable stress T as a function of separation δ, see fig. 6-20, in which the
maximum transmittable stress T0 and the critical separation δ0 leading to final
failure are the input parameters.
Fig. 6-20: Typical traction-separation laws for ductile and brittle behaviour in
the cohesive zone model
(4) Also damage curves can be combined with a damage evolution law to
consider the behaviour of damaged elements. Other than for cohesive zones
the crack path needs not to be defined prior to the simulation start. The easiest
way is the assumption of linear loss of strength which is final at a characteristic
deformation of the element.
6.6 Bibliography
[4] Needlman, A., Tvergaard, V.: J. Mech. Phy. Solids, 35 (1987), 151.
[5] Tvergaard, V., Needlman, A.: J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 40 (1992) No. 2, 447.
[6] Ohata, M., Toyoda, M.: Damage concept for evaluating ductile cracking of
steel structures subjected to large-scale cyclic straining, Science and
Technology of Advanced Materials 5 (2004) page 241-249.
[8] Münstermann, S., Prahl, U., Bleck, W.: Numerical modelling of toughness and
failure processes in steel, Steel Research Int. 78 (2007) No. 3 page 224-235.
[9] Münstermann, S., Bleck, W., Langenberg, P.: New approaches for safety
assessments of pressure vessels. 2nd International Seminar on Society and
Materials, SAM 2, Nantes, 24-25 April 2008.
Section 7
(1) Liquid metal embrittlement (LME) or liquid metal assisted cracking (LMAC) are
phenomena associated with the stress-corrosion attack of certain liquid metals
on the surface of solid base metals.
(2) Examples of such phenomena are the attack of Gallium (melting temperature
+ 26°C) on aluminium alloys or of certain liquid zinc alloys (melting
temperature ~ +419°C) on steel components in the zinc bath, see fig. 7-1.
Fig. 7-1: Example of cracks from zinc coating by hot dip galvanizing
(3) The corrosion mechanism is such that the liquid metal attacks the grain
boundaries of the solid metal and causes a reduction of surface tension so
that the grains loose their coherence, in particular under tensile stresses. They
separate in forming surface cracks in the zinc bath into which the liquid metal
(the alloy or eutectica with lower melting temperatures) penetrate and allow
initial cracks to grow, see fig. 7-2.
Fig. 7-2: Cracks filled with liquid metal in the zinc bath
(4) The main crack controlling parameters for the formation of such cracks in the
zinc bath are
1. Equivalent strain requirements εpl,E are derived from the steel
fabrication and dipping process and exposure time
(7) In this limit state equation, the role of strain resistance is dominant with regard
to the sensitivity of all basic variables. It needs determination by refined
methods, see section 7.2.
(8) The strain requirements are characterized by a mean level of residual stresses
and strains expected in any structural component from fabrication, depending
on the type of cross-section (see classification of column buckling curves in
EN 1993-1-1 according to cross-section) and by variations from this mean
value caused by the dipping process, depending in particular on the structural
detailing (e.g. on the structural form and the thickness ratio of the welded
plates connected). In general strain requirements can be categorized into
groups on the basis of more refined numerical analysis with typical details, see
(9) For the time being, the limit state conditions presented in this report are
assumed to give safe-sided solutions. So far, there is no possibility to define
their reliability, because there are no sufficient statistics available yet.
(10) Therefore, in addition to the numerical verification of the limit state, inspections
of the structural members after zinc coating are necessary. Inspection
methods are specified that take account of the fact that a visual control of zinc
coated surfaces is not sufficient, as cracks may be filled and covered by zinc,
see section 7.4.
(1) During the dipping process in the liquid zinc bath, the zinc alloy causes a
reduction of surface energy between the grains, which leads to a reduction of
intercrystalline cohesion and hence to “liquid metal embrittlement“. A
consequence of this embrittlement is a reduction of the equivalent strain
resistance in the zinc bath, which is recovered after the zinc coating process.
(2) In order to obtain characteristic values of the equivalent plastic strain
resistance that depends on the various process parameters, such as
(3) Such a test has been developed from the fracture mechanics CT test
specimen: the LNT-test specimen.
(1) Fig. 7-3 gives details of the LNT-test-specimen with its dimensions that can be
dipped into the liquid zinc bath and loaded horizontally by tensile forces, see
fig. 7-4. The sharp crack tip of the CT test specimen (in general obtained by
applying fatigue load cycles) is substituted by a drilled hole, the bottom of
which is locally strained by the tension forces applied at the top of the
specimen in such a way that after sufficient exposure time cracking can be
Fig. 7-4: Zinc bath, LNT-test specimen before dipping and application of
tensile forces
(2) The local equivalent plastic strain at the bottom of the hole affected by the
tensile forces can be determined by FEM-calculations:
2 2
ε pl ,c = ∫ ε&pl dt (7-2)
(3) Fig. 7-5 gives an example of such calculations with the applied finite element
mesh in fig. 7-5a) and the plot of equivalent plastic strains in fig. 7-5 b).
(1) As indicated in fig. 7-6, the load displacement characteristic can be measured
in a test. It exhibits a sudden drop when cracking starts.
(2) From FEM, the associated local equivalent strain at the bottom of the hole can
be calculated.
(3) While the load-displacement curve in fig. 7-6 applies for a test specimen
heated to 450°C without the corrosion effect of a liquid zinc bath (test
specimen exposed to the air), giving a cracking strain of 27%, fig. 7-7 gives the
values for a zinc alloy with a tin content Sn of 1.2%.
22 33
20 30
average local
14 21
12 18
load, kN
10 15
8 12
6 Plastic equivalent 9
strain FEM
4 6
2 3
0 0
0 2,5 5 7,5 10 12,5 15 17,5 20 22,5
load line displacement, mm
Fig. 7-6: Load displacement and equivalent plastic strain displacement curve
for steel exposed to the air with a temperature of 450 °C
22 33
20 load FEM 30
16 24
average local
14 load a0_04 21
load, kN
12 18
10 15
8 12
6 equivalent 9%
strain FEM
4 6
2 3
0 0
0 2,5 5 7,5 10 12,5 15 17,5 20 22,5
load line displacement, mm
Fig. 7-7: Load displacement and equivalent plastic strain displacement curve
in liquid zinc alloy with Sn 1.2%
(4) Fig. 7-8 gives a comparison of test results for zinc alloy a0, zinc alloy a1 and
with exposure to the air at 450 °C, all related to steel S460N, see table 7-1.
alloy Pb, M.-% Sn, M.-% Bi, M.-% Al, M.-% Ni, M.-% Fe, M.-%
von Mises stress, N/mm²
average local
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
average local plastic equivalent strain, %
Fig. 7-8: Comparison of equivalent plastic strain resistances for different zinc
alloys and for exposure to the air
(5) A systematic investigation of the influence of the components tin (Sn), lead
(Pb) and bismuth (Bi) in the zinc alloy for steel S355J2 has lead to the
equivalent plastic strains εpl,c [%] as given in fig. 7-9. It demonstrates that:
Fig. 7-9: Influence of interaction of Sn, Pb and Bi on equivalent plastic strain
Fig. 7-10: Equivalent plastic strain resistance of different zinc alloys depending
on exposure time
(7) A side effect of the testing procedure is that the coefficient αt for the heat
transfer from the zinc bath to the steel specimen required to calculate the
heating time from the temperature of the steel component before dipping to
the temperature of the zinc bath can also be experimentally determined.
Fig. 7-11: Comparison of the time histories of temperature of a specimen as
measured and as calculated
(2) Fig. 7-12 shows the dipping procedure versus time and fig. 7-13 gives an
example of the temperature distributions over a selected cross-section
resulting in residual strain distributions that are laid over the residual strain
distribution of the component from fabrication.
Fig. 7-12: Time history of dipping for a mass particle of the structural
Fig. 7-13: Time history of temperature for a cross-section of a structural
(3) The residual strains that arise from the temperature distribution are shown in
fig. 7-14.
Fig. 7-15: Example of a time history of equivalent plastic strain requirements
(4) Fig. 7-16 gives an example for how various zinc alloys give different equivalent
strain-time histories. This is due to the fact that the heat transition coefficient
varies with the composition of the alloy. With increasing heat transition
coefficient the maximum values of the occurring strain increases also.
Fig. 7-17: Cases a) and b) for the limit state assessment
(5) Fig. 7-17 demonstrates the principle of the limit state assessment for two zinc
alloys of different aggressiveness:
case a: For a highly aggressive zinc alloy (e.g. zinc class 3), the peak
value of the time history of strain requirement reached during the
dipping process is relevant for cracking. Cracks may occur during
the submerging of the structural component into the zinc bath
and appropriate measures to reduce the risk are related to
reducing the peak value by preheating or reducing the required
time for full submergence.
case b: For moderate or low aggressive zinc alloys (e.g. zinc class 1),
the exposure time in the zinc bath leading to a reduction of strain
resistance is relevant for cracking, and appropriate measures to
reduce the risk are related to reducing the exposure time by
reducing the thickness of plates and the differences in
thicknesses of plates.
(6) In the following paragraphs, the basic characteristic for modelling the limit
state case a) and the limit state case b) are explained.
(1) In order to obtain a simple reference model for the dipping process, a
rectangular plate with the plate thickness s and the depth h is assumed to be
dipped with the velocity v into the liquid zinc bath. The plate is supposed to be
without residual stresses or strains, fig. 7-18.
Fig. 7-18: Reference model for the dipping process
1. to calculate the time tαt of a particular plate element, see fig. 7-18, to
heat up from the preheating temperature Tv to the melting temperature
of pure zinc Ta = 419 °C.
tσ - tαt ≥ 0 (7-3)
≥1 (7-4)
t αt
4. to link the simplified limit state equation (7-4) to the actual limit state as
indicated as case a) in fig. 7-17 by adaption factors kc that are used, as
explained in section
(1) The calculation of the reference time tαt in fig. 7-18 is based on the following
1. The heat-transfer between the zinc-bath and the steel plate is constant
with time:
Cρ V = α t A (Ta − T ) (7-5)
2. The first zinc coat freezes on the plate surface and prohibits further
access of aggressive constituents of the zinc alloy to the steel surface,
thus protecting the steel from cracking. Any cracking of the first zinc
coat is not considered.
(2) Equation (7-5) leads to
CVρ dT
dt = ⋅ (7-6)
Aα t Ta − T
which gives
C ⋅ s ⋅ ρ Ta dT C⋅s⋅ρ T − TBath
t αt = ∫ = ln v (7-7)
2α t Tv Ta − T 2α t 419 − TBath
s = 0.01
TBath = 450 °C
Tv = 50 °C
αt = 6000 W/m² K
C = 600 J/kg K
ρ = 7,800 kg/m²
(4) Indicative values for effective coefficients of heat transfer are given in table 7-2
for zinc alloy classes as defined in 7.2.3(5).
233 Pseudo-limit state equation for the reference model
(1) The pseudo-limit state equation for the reference model in fig. 7-18 reads:
h C⋅s⋅ρ Tv − TBath
− ln ≤0 (7-8)
v 2α t 419°C − TBath
C⋅s⋅ρ⋅ V Tv − TBath
ln ≤1 (7-9)
2α t h 419°C − TBath
(2) For the example of a plate with h = 0.50 m, s = 0.01 m without residual
stresses and strains, the time histories of stresses during the submerging
process are given in fig. 7-20 for various dipping velocities.
Fig. 7-20: Time histories of residual stresses for various dipping velocities
(3) In fig. 7-20 the pseudo-limit state is reached for a velocity v = 3.5 m/min.
(4) The conditions for the attainment of the pseudo-limit state are presented in fig.
engineering model verification model
tσ h ⋅ 2α t 1 t h ⋅ 2α t 1
= ⋅ ≤1 k c ⋅ σ = kc ⋅ ⋅ ≤1
tαt C ⋅ s ⋅ ρ ⋅ v ln Tv − Tbath tαt C ⋅ s ⋅ ρ ⋅ v ln Tv − Tbath
419° − Tbath 419° − Tbath
(1) To adapt the limit state equation (7-9) derived for the reference model to
realistic limit state conditions, the definition of tαt is modified, see fig. 7-21:
t αt
αt =
t real (7-10)
(3) The factor kdetail has the most important effect. Fig. 7-22 demonstrates how the
time interval for reaching the realistic limit state case a) in fig. 7-17 is
correlated to the pseudo-limit state in fig. 7-21.
Fig. 7-22: Determination of t real
αt and t αt to determine kc
(4) According to fig. 7-22, the determination of kc needs to calculate the equivalent
plastic strain requirements ε E of structural components with different details
and process conditions.
(5) In fig. 7-23, examples for equivalent plastic strain requirements ε E are given
ν = 0.25 m/min
αt = 15,000 W/m²
Tv = 50 °C
TBath = 450 °C
Fig. 7-23: Examples of equivalent plastic strain requirements for various
(6) The associated equivalent plastic strain resistances for the various zinc alloy
classes are given in table 7-3.
2 0,1% < Sn ≤ 0,3% 1,5 % < 0,1% < 0,1% < 0,1% 6%
*) Pre-condition: salt content of flux ≥ 450 g/l and iron content in flux < 10g/l
(7) A comparison of fig. 7-23 with table 7-3 shows that for zinc alloy class 3, many
details frequently used in practice should not be used for zinc coating.
(1) The limit state verification for case a) is based on the formula
h ⋅ 2α t 1
kc ⋅ ≤1 (7-11)
C⋅s⋅ρ⋅v Tv − TBath
419° − TBath
(2) This formula is applicable to the following parameters:
class of structural
εE Detail kkonst
Profiles without attachment parts, constant
section, no constructive notches
All rolled sections: I, IPE, HEA, HEB. HEM
Welded sections taking into account the
thickness ratio
I ≤2% 1,0
tmax / tmin ≤ 2,0
Profiles with attachment parts, constant section,
constructive notches in terms of attachments
taking into account the thickness ratio
tmax / tmin ≤ 2,0
Profiles with attachment parts, constant section,
constructive notches in terms of attachments
taking into account the thickness ratio
II ≤6% tmax / tmin > 2,0 2,0
nodes of lattice girders
hollow sections with connection plates
Profiles with constructive notches
III ≤12% 5,0
at the free end of a beam
Adjustment coefficient k
Table 7-5: Classification of weld, surface, cold forming- & preheating effects.
7.3.3 Assessment for the limit state case b) General
(1) Case b) of limit states according to fig. 7-17 leads to the critical time ts, when
the degradation of strain resistance in the zinc bath has attained the residual
strain requirement, see fig. 7-24.
ε Es ≤ ε Rs (7-12)
(1) The main cause of equivalent plastic strain requirements εEs is fabrication, e.g.
by rolling, cold forming and welding and the liquid zinc bath.
(2) The values of these equivalent plastic strains are correlated with the thickness
s of steel products and give a function for εEs depending on plate thickness s
and the process time of the steel material in the liquid zinc bath as indicated in
fig. 7-25.
Fig. 7-25: Relationship between εEs and s and dipping time ts.
(1) For the decrease of equivalent plastic strain resistance with the time, the
function given in fig. 7-26 can be used.
Fig. 7-27: Relation of time, load-line deformation and strain at notch tip for
deformation controlled LNT-tests
(3) Fig. 7-28 shows a matrix with variation of the composition of the zinc-alloy on
the vertical axis and the applied strain rate ε& on the horizontal axis.
Fig. 7-28: Dependence of the LNT-test results on the zinc alloy and the strain
From test results it can be seen that, while holding the composition of the zinc
alloy constant, a decrease of the strain rate from test to test leads to lower
strain resistances. For constant strain rates the strain resistance decreases
with increasing content of low melting alloying elements (e.g. tin).
(4) Some results of the variation of the composition of the zinc-melt for ε& = const
and of the variation of the strain rate ε& in case of constant composition of the
zinc-melt are given in fig. 7-29.
Fig. 7-29: Decrease of strain resistance of steel in the zinc bath
1. The reference value ε Rs,ref is the value, determined with the LNT-test
according to section 7.2 with the typical strain rate
⎡ 1⎤
ε& = 5 ⋅ 10 − 4 ⎢ ⎥ (7-13)
⎡ 1⎤
2. To transfer the results of the LNT-test to the case ε& = 0 ⎢ ⎥ a
relationship between the integral
⎡ ε (t ) ⎤
ln ⎢ ∫ Rs dt ⎥ (7-14)
⎣ ε Rs,ref
where ε Rs
,ref is
ε Rs
,ref = 60 ⋅ ε R ,ref (7-15)
and the strain rate ε& according to fig. 7-30, which has been determined
from evaluations of tests, see fig. 7-6 and fig. 7-7, is used
Fig. 7-30: Correlation related to ε&
⎡ ε (t ) ⎤
ln ⎢ ∫ Rs dt ⎥ = 2,5 and ε& = 5 ⋅ 10 − 4
⎣ ε Rs,ref
⎡ ε (t ) ⎤
ln ⎢ ∫ Rs dt ⎥ = 5,0 and ε& = 0 (7-16)
ε *
⎣ Rs,ref ⎦
can be determined.
ε (t )dt
ε R ( ts )
∫ = e5 (7-17)
0 ε R ,ref
ε R* ,ref
[s ] = 5 ⋅ ε R,ref [min]
ts = 2 ⋅ 148 ⋅ (7-19)
ε R (t s ) ε R (ts )
243 Limit state assessment for case b)
(1) In the ultimate limit state of cracking the requirement εE according to fig. 7-25
and the resistance εR(ts) according to equation (7-19) are equal, and the
critical dipping time ts for various zinc alloy classes and equivalent plastic
strains can be determined, as given in fig. 7-31.
Zinc class
requirement 1 2 3
εR,ref = 12 % εR,ref = 6 % εR,ref = 2 %
0,5 % 120 min. 60 min. 20 min.
1,0 % 60 min. 30 min. 10 min.
1,5 % 40 min. 20 min. 6,7 min.
2,0 % 30 min. 15 min. 5 min.
Fig. 7-31: Critical dipping time ts for various zinc alloy classes and strain
requirements (εRef = ε*/60)
(2) It is evident from fig. 7-31 that for zinc alloy class 1 all time values for dipping
are within safe limits, whereas zinc alloy classes 2 and 3 require restrictions of
dipping time and hence of plate thicknesses.
(1) The limit state procedure to avoid cracking from liquid metal embrittlement
requires cooperation between the designer and the zinc coating expert, as
both structural detailing and the zinc coating-process influence the limit state.
(2) The flow chart giving the influence of structural detailing and of the zinc
coating process is given in fig. 7-32.
Structural assessment to avoid cracking during galvanizing
Construction Hot dip galvanizing
Weld thickness ks
Preheating temperature Tv
Parameters different
Surface roughness kO
from the standard cases Process parameters Dipping speed v
Cold forming ku
Holding time ts
tσ h ⋅ 2α t 1
kc ⋅ = kc ⋅ ⋅ ≤1 ts (min ) ⋅ ε ES
tα t C ⋅ s ⋅ ρ ⋅ v ln Tv − Tbath ≤ 1,0
5 ⋅ ε Rref
419° − Tbath
LNT- Test
αt(T,t), εR,ref(t)
Fig. 7-32: Flow chart for the structural assessment to avoid cracking from
liquid metal embrittlement
(3) As the assessment procedure so far cannot be controlled in view of its actual
reliability, structural members after zinc coating should be checked anyway in
view of cracks.
7.4 Testing of structural elements that are zinc coated for cracks
(1) Non Destructive Testing should be performed with the MT-procedure, taking
into account:
(2) Therefore, the procedure should be modified with regard to the magnetic
specific flow and magnetic field potential, the testing system and the powder
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European Commission
This commentary gives explanations and worked examples to the design rules in Eurocode 3
that are influenced by the strength and toughness properties of the structural steels used. It is
a commentary and background document to EN 1993-1-10 “Material toughness and through
thickness properties” and its extension in EN 1993-1-12 “Design rules for high-strength
steels”, where toughness properties are explicitly addressed.
It however provides also background to other parts of EN 1993, e.g. to EN 1993-1-1 “Design
of steel structures – Basic rules and rules for buildings”, where the design rules are related
only to strength properties as the yield strength and the tensile strength without explicitly
mentioning the role of toughness that is hidden behind the resistance formulae. Finally it gives
some comments to chapter 6 of EN 1998-1: “Design of structures for earthquake resistance –
Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings”.
The mission of the JRC is to provide customer-driven scientific and technical support for the
conception, development, implementation and monitoring of EU policies. As a service of the
European Commission, the JRC functions as a reference centre of science and technology for
the Union. Close to the policy-making process, it serves the common interest of the Member
States, while being independent of special interests, whether private or national.
The European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (ECCS) is the federation of the
National Associations of Steelwork industries and covers a worldwide network of Industrial
Companies, Universities and Research Institutes.