Bio Telemetry Final Report
Bio Telemetry Final Report
Bio Telemetry Final Report
A Seminar Report
Wireless Biotelemetry
Roll No. : 41
Year : 2006-2007
Department of
Electronics & Communication Engineering.
Sarvajanik College of Engineering & Technology
Dr R.K. Desai Road, Athwalines, Surat - 395001,
Sarvajanik College of
Engineering & Technology
Dr R.K. Desai Road,
Athwalines, Surat - 395001,
Electronics& Communication Engineering.
This is to certify that the Seminar report entitled _____Wireless
Biotelemetry is prepared & presented by Ms._Priyanka Dhar
Class Roll No. __41____ of final year (B.E.IV) Electronics &
Communication Engineering during year 2006-2007. Her work is
Sr. TOPIC Page
No No
1 Acknowledgement………………………………………………………… I
2 Abstract…………………………………………………………………… II
3 List of figures…………………………………………………………….. III
4 Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 History 2
1.2 Physiological Parameters 3
5 Chapter 2: Types of Biotelemetry Systems 5
2.1 Single Channel Telemetry System 5
2.1.1 ECG Telemetry System 5
2.2 Temperature Telemetry System 7
2.3 Multi-channel Telemetry System 8
2.3.1 Obstetrical Telemetry System 9
2.3.2 Telemetry In Operating Rooms 9
2.3.3 Sports Physiology Studies Through Telemetry 10
6 Chapter 3: Wireless Radio Frequency (RF) telemetry 11
3.1 Choice of Radio Carrier Frequency 11
3.2 Spread-Spectrum Technology 12
3.3 Channel-Hopping 12
3.4 Error-Correction & Re-Transmission 12
3.5 Line-Of-Sight 12
3.6 Antennas & Cable 13
7 Chapter 4: Operation 14
4.1 Components 16
4.2 Mobile Unit 16
4.3 Modulation Systems 16
4.3.1 Frequency Modulation 17
4.3.2 Pulse Width Modulation 17
4.4 Working Principle 18
8 Chapter 5: Implantable Units 20
9 Chapter 6: Applications 25
6.1 Equipments Used in Biotelemetry 25
6.2 Applications of telemetry in patient care 25
6.3 Monitoring physiological functions of mammals 28
6.4 Implantable Biotelemetry System for Preterm Labor and 29
Foetal Monitoring
10 Chapter 7: Benefits 30
11 Chapter 8: Limitations 31
12 Chapter 9: Conclusion 32
13 Chapter 10: Bibliography IV
It gives me great pleasure to thank Mr. Sarosh Dastoor, my seminar guide, who helped
me in successful completion of the report. I would also like to thank my father for having
helped me and supported me as and when required
My very special thanks to our Department In charge Prof. Mehul Raval for motivating
me in choosing a good topic and for being a constant support .
With miniaturization and technical advancements in electronics and
communications field, we are now in a position to safely monitor, diagnose and treat
various intricate ailments in patients with relative ease. This has made complex surgeries
simple, easy and efficient.
This study will focus on Wireless telemetry in general and also details of Wireless
biotelemetry specifically.
List of Figures
1. Introduction
Biotelemetry is defined as a means of transmitting biomedical or physiological
data from a remote location (e.g., astronauts in space) to a location that has the capability
to interpret the data and affect decision making (e.g. ground controllers at Mission
Control Center). Biotelemetry is a vital constituent in the field of medical sciences. It
entails remote measurement of biological parameters. Mode of transmission of
physiological data from point of generation to the point of reception can take many
forms. Use of wires to transmit data may be eliminated by wireless technology.
Biotelemetry, using wireless diagnosis, can monitor electronically the symptoms and
movements of patients.
This development has opened up avenues for medical diagnosis and treatment. It
enables monitoring of activity levels in patients suffering from heart trouble, asthma,
pain, Alzheimer’s disease, mood disorders, cardiovascular problems, accidents, etc. A
patient’s response and reaction to drugs can be investigated for treatment.
The use of telemetry methods for sending signals from a living organism over
some distance to a receiver. Usually, biotelemetry is used for gathering data about the
physiology, behavior, or location of the organism. Generally, the signals are carried by
radio, light, or sound waves. Consequently, biotelemetry implies the absence of wires
between the subject and receiver.
Biotelemetry is an important technique for biomedical research and clinical
medicine. Perhaps cardiovascular research and treatment have benefited the most from
biotelemetry. Heart rate, blood flow, and blood pressure can be measured in ambulatory
subjects and transmitted to a remote receiver-recorder. Telemetry also has been used to
obtain data about local oxygen pressure on the surface of organs (for example, liver and
myocardium) and for studies of capillary exchange (that is, oxygen supply and
discharge). Biomedical research with telemetry includes measuring cardiovascular
performance during the weightlessness of space flight and portable monitoring of
radioactive indicators as they are dispersed through the body by the blood vessels.
Telemetry has been applied widely to animal research, for example, to record
electroencephalograms, heart rates, heart muscle contractions, and respiration, even from
sleeping mammals and birds. Telemetry and video recording have been combined in
research of the relationships between neural and cardiac activity and behavior.
There are usually two concerns associated with the use of biotelemetry: the
distance over which the signal can be received, and the size of the transmitter package.
Often, both of these concerns depend on the power source for the transmitter. Integrated
circuits and surface mount technology allow production of very small electronic circuitry
in transmitters, making batteries the largest part of the transmitter package.
Distance medicine has been around for most of this century. In the early days,
doctors treated patients in remote locations via wireless radio and by sending diagnostic
samples through the mail. Today, communication is done digitally, and it's called
biotelemetry. On an extended space flight, the need to consult, diagnose and deliver
effective medical care when the doctor is far away from the patients is crucial. Scientists
are developing hardware and software to facilitate this process. Whether it's a case of
analyzing blood samples for medical diagnosis when a problem occurs during a three-
year voyage to Mars or installing a microchip inside the body to measure vital signs,
biotelemetry is revolutionizing medical care in space.
Fig: 1.1 ECG measurement using immersion electrodes. Original Cambridge electrocardiograph
(1912) built for Sir Thomas Lewis. [2]
(see above picture), were connected to a remote galvanometer directly by telephone lines.
The telephone lines in this instance were merely used as conductors for the current
produced by the biopotentials.
As the technology progressed, it became apparent that literally any quantity that
could be measured was adaptable to biotelemetry. Just as with hardwire systems,
measurements can be applied to two categories:
1. Bioelectrical variables, such as ECG, EMG, and EEG.
2. Physiological variables that require transducers, such as blood pressure,
gastrointestinal pressure, blood flow, and temperatures.
With the first category, a signal is obtained directly in electrical form, whereas the
second category requires a type of excitation, for the physiological parameters are
eventually measured as variations of resistance, inductance, or capacitance. The
differential signals obtained from these variations can be calibrated to represent pressure,
flow, temperature, and so on, since some physical relationships exist.
2. Types of Biotelemetry Systems
Transmitter RF Amplifier
Demodulator Tape
Subcarrier Modulator
ECG Amplifier Heart rate monitor Graphic
Battery Cardioscope
Some ECG telemetry systems operate in the 450—470MHz band, which is well-
suited for transmission- within a hospital and has the advantage of having a large number
of channels available.
Transmitter A block diagram of the transmitter is shown in Fig. The
ECG signal, picked up by three fluid column electrodes attached to the patient’s chest is
amplified and used to frequency modulate a 1 kHz sub-carrier that in turn frequency-
modulates the UHF carrier The resulting signal is radiated by one of the electrode leads
(RL) which serves as the antenna. The input circuitry is protected against large,
amplitude pulses that may result during defibrillation.
Fig: Block diagram of high frequency section of ECG telemetry receiver. [1]
Fig: Schematic diagram of ECG demodulation and ‘inoperate’ circuits in ECG telemetry
receiver [1]
the circuit is shown in Fig.2.2.1 The system is particularly well suited for use in medical
and biological research.
On the receiver side, a vertical dipole aerial is used which feeds an FM tuner, and whose
output, a 200Hz square wave, drives the demodulator. In the demodulator, the square
wave is amplified, positive dc restored and fed to a meter where it is integrated by the
mechanical inertia of the meter movement. Alternatively, it is filtered with simple RC
filter to eliminate high ripple content and obtain a smooth record on paper.
In multichannel telemetry, the number of subcarriers used are the same as the
number of signals to be transmitted. Each channel therefore has its own modulator. The
RF unit—the same for all channels-converts the mixed frequencies into the transmission
band. Similarly, the receiver unit contains the RF unit and one demodulator for each
Fig: 2.3.1 Schematic diagram of FM-FM modulated radio telemetry transmitter for ECG and
respiration activity simultaneously.[1]
2.3.1 Obstetrical Telemetry System
There has been a great deal of interest to provide greater freedom of movement to
patients during labour while the patient is continuously monitored through a wireless
link. Thus, from a central location, it is possible to maintain a continuous surveillance of
cardiotocogram records for several ambulatory patients. In the delivery room, telemetry
reduces the encumbering instrumentation, cables at the bedside. Moreover, when an
emergency occurs, there is no loss of monitoring in the vital minutes during patient
Fig: Telemetry receiving system for monitoring foetal heart rate and urine contractions in
use .[1]
Basically, the signal encoding is based upon frequency modulation of 4
subcarriers centred at 2.2, 3.5, 5.0 and 7.5 kHz, respectively. The system is designed to
give a bandwidth of dc to 100 Hz at the 3 dB point and the discriminator provides 1.0 V
dc output for a 10% shift.. The transmitted signals are tuned by a FM tuner whose output
is fed into a fourth-channel discriminator which separates the sub- carriers through
filtering and demodulates each using a phase-locked loop. The demodulated signals are
displayed on an oscilloscope.
Fig: 2.3.4 A three channel telemetry system to monitor the physiological data of a sprinter.[1]
3. Wireless Radio Frequency (RF) telemetry
Wireless Radio Frequency (RF) telemetry offers a great advantage over other
telemetry methods by making use of a cheap and easily accessible transmission medium -
AIR. When properly installed, wireless systems are very reliable and require little, if any
maintenance. Using a license-free RF band eliminates the need for obtaining a site license
from the FCC.
2.4GHz RF Band is License Free
Reliable Spread-Spectrum Radios
Channel-Hopping Algorithm
Error Correction Protocol
Automatic Re-Transmission on Error
Radiowaves can travel through most non-conducting materials such as air wood,
and plaster with relative ease, However, they are hindered, blocked or reflected by most
conductive materials and by concrete because of the presence of reinforced steel.
Therefore, transmission may be lost or result in poor quality when a patient with a
telemetry transmitter moves in an environment with a concrete wall or behind a structural
3.3 Channel-Hopping
Spread-spectrum radios use channel-hopping technology to make use of the many
available channels. Radios will use one channel for only ¼ of a second before jumping to
another channel. This ensures that no one channel is ever occupied by one radio
preventing another from using the channel. Each radio may use a different channel-hop-
table thus allowing many radios to share the same RF band without interfering with one
another. If two foreign radios should happen to make use of the same channel, a collision
will be detected by both radios and they will each move onto a different channel and re-
send their data.
In the ideal
system setup, both
antennas can see each
other without any
obstructions. This yields
the greatest transmission
distance and the most
reliable signal conditions.
Fig.3.5.1 [10] This is called line-of-sight
If there is a large
physical obstruction
between the two antennas,
the radio waves will be
blocked. No transmission
is possible in this case.
In many cases
where there is no direct
line-of-sight path between
antennas, the RF signal
may still get through by
‘bouncing’ off buildings
or other solid structures.
Signal strength must be
taken into consideration
here to determine if there
is enough signal available
for reliable transmission.
Fig. 3.5.3 [10]
3.6.1 Omni-Directional Antenna
Fig 3.6.4
4. Operation
Central receiving station tunes into a transmitter, whose size may range from a
bracelet to a small pocket transistor. This tracking system can be used within the hospital
premises. Each patient is equipped with a pager sized personal monitoring as well as
alarm system. When the patient wearing the transmitter device—attached to his wrist,
chest, waist, etc-—leaves a specified range, periodic RF signals are sent to the modem.
The modem sends out an alert signal to both the patient and to the central monitoring
station. When the patient’s health condition becomes worse, emergency signals are
The mobile unit attached to the patient has an output of nearly 1W. Location of
the patient is derived from time- of-arrival calculations. The system uses spread spectrum
techniques operating in the RF band of 902-928 MHz to transmit signals of the patient’s
condition along with whereabouts. A network of receivers scattered throughout the
specified area picks up the signals with health condition of patient. Location is displayed
on a map at a central facility in the hospital treatment centre.
4.1 Components
A basic biotelemetry system consists of.- besides a transmitter, simple modem,
and a central receiving station — the basic circuits like oscillators, amplifiers, power
supply, etc, usually present in a communication system. The earliest (1952) biotelemetry
transmitter was the ‘Endo radio-sonde.’ This pressure-sensing device was a ‘radio pill,’
winch had a volume less than 1 cm3 and could be swallowed by the patient. As it passed
through the gastro-intestinal tract, it measured the pressure at various points it
encountered. Such radio pills are available to measure temperature, pH, and enzyme
activity also.
If several physiological signals are to be transmitted simultaneously, each signal
is placed on a subcarrier of a different frequency and all subcarriers are combined to
simultaneously modulate the RF carrier. This process of transmitting many channels of
data on a single RF carrier, called frequency multiplexing, is more efficient. The sub-
carrier is modulated either by AM (amplitude modulation) or FM (frequency
modulation). For reducing noise interference, FM is frequently used. The method of
modulating sub-carrier, followed by modulating the RF carrier, is termed as AM/FM or
FM/FM depending sub-carriers are frequency- modulated and the 1W carrier amplitude-
modulated, the method is designated as FM / AM. If both the subcarriers and the RF
carrier are frequency-modulated, it is designated as FM / FM.
Pulses generated by astable multivibrator (symmetrical 1000Hz)
Fig. Variation of pulse width with amplitude of the input signal.[1]
The amplitude or even the frequency variation of the the P: Q ratio and
consequently on the ECG signal. The signal output from this modulator is fed to a normal
speech transmitter, usually via an attenuator, to make it suitable to the input level of the
Modulation schemes are used depending not only on the noise interference, but
also on size of the unit, its complexity, location, and other operational aspects. The
receiver circuit uses RF tuner to select the transmitted frequency of the base station. The
signal is demodulated though demodulator and sent to the processor. The processor
enables necessary action depending on the command given to it from the base station.
Both transmitter and receiver circuits function as a modem. Control feedback
incorporates a control system to enable automatic control of the stimulus, the transducers,
or any other part of the instrument system. Tins system comprises a loop in which output
from the signal conditioning equipment or signal received is used to control the operation
of the system.
Subject r
Exciter Modulator
Fig.4.4.1: Block Diagram of a Biotelemetry Transmitter [2]
Chart Recorder
Tuner Demodulator or Oscilloscope
5. Implantable units
A partial implant is a good example of a system used for the monitoring of the
electroencephalogram where the electrodes have been implanted into the brain and the
telemetry unit is implanted within and on top of the skull. This type of unit needs a
protective helmet. The use of implantable units also restricts the distance of transmission
of the signal. The body fluids and the skin greatly attenuate the signal and because the
unit must be small to be implanted, therefore has little power, the range of signal is quite
restricted, often to just a few feet. This disadvantage has been overcome by picking up
the signal with a nearby antenna and retransmitting it. However, with the plastic potting
compounds and plastic materials available today, encapsulation is easily possible. Silicon
encapsulation is commonly used.
Mercury and silver-oxide primary batteries have been used extensively and, more
recently, lithium batteries have found many applications. For field work with free-
roaming animals, the power requirements are quite different from those needed in a
closed laboratory cage. Requirements range from an electrical capacity of 20 mA-hr to
1000 mA-hr.
Fig. 5.2: Single channel implantable transmitter for blood pressure. [2]
In simple terms the complete implantable telemetry transmitter system consists of
the transducer(s), the leads from the transducer(s) to the transmitter, the transmitter unit
itself, and the power source. The transducers are implanted surgically in the position
required for a particular measurement, such as in the aorta or other artery for blood
pressure. Fig.5.3 shows a typical pressure transducer implantation in a dog. The
transmitters and power units have to be placed in a suitable body cavity close to the under
surface of the skin and situated so that they give no physical or psychological disturbance
to the animal. An antenna loop is also part of the transmitter.
transmitter. The second module contains a 200-mA-hour lithium power source and a 1.7-
MHz RF switch for turning the system on and off remotely.
Fig.5.5: Complete implantable telemetry system. [2]
For example, in an experiment concerned with the effect of the hormone,
norepinephrine, on blood pressure, a small chemical pump was placed in the other pocket
to inject norepinephrine into the blood stream at various rates. The effect on the blood
pressure of the dog was observed and recorded by the use of the telemetry system. The
system is the same as that shown in Fig.5.2 A photograph of a dog wearing a jacket with
the telemetry transmitter in the pocket is shown in Fig.5.5.
6. Applications
There are many instances in which it is necessary to monitor physiological events
from a distance. Typical applications include the following:
These applications have indicated the need for systems that can adapt existing methods of
measuring physiological ‘variables to a method of transmission of resulting data. This is
the branch of biomedical instrumentation known as
biomedical telemetry or biotelemetry.
Fig. ECG Telemetry transmitter: (a)Hewlett-Packard type 78100A in hospital use.
(b)Electrode placement for telemetered ECG [2]
The transmitter unit is fastened to a special belt worn around the patient’s waist. Fig. 6.1
shows typical units. Batteries for powering the signal- conditioning equipment and
transmitter are also included in the transmitter package. These batteries must be replaced
A telemetry receiver for each monitored patient is usually included as part of the
monitoring system. The output of each receiver is connected to one of the ECG channels
of the patient monitor. A potential problem in the use of telemetry with free-roaming
patients concerns being able to locate a patient in case his alarm should sound. Telemetry
equipment has no provision for indicating the location of a transmitter.
The portable unit carried in the ambulance or paramedic vehicle has a nominal
output of 12 W RF. It can transmit on any different channels. These are the eight
approved MED frequencies ant EMS or public safety dispatch channels. The Federal
Communication Commission (FCC) has set up rules and regulations concerning the
“Special Emergency Radio Service” (see the Bibliography) in which MED frequencies
are defined.
Fig.6.2.3: Emergency medical care system, transmitter unit in use.[2]
Fig.6.3 Block diagram representation
Sensor data are telemetered to antennae within selected rodent cages and primate
cages. A pulse interval modulated FM radio signal is received from each animal cage
being monitored. The animal ECG rate is up to 320 samples/second. Data can be stored
or down linked to Earth by radio transmission in real time or near-real time. .
7. Benefits of Biotelemetry
Computerised database systems would control communication with the transmitters and
maintain pertinent information about the patients being tracked. The transmitter would be
equipped with a broad-based tool for monitoring vital signals as pulse rate and blood
pressure. A hypothetical third-generation system, as soon as it detects even paltry
malfunction, would send to the patient an audible alarm or other warning signal.
8. Limitations
9. Conclusion
Biotelemetry will enable patients to move and perform their daily chores without
any worry or mental stress of the unpredictable attack due to their body disorders.
Patients who need continuous monitoring can wear a biotelemetry device which sends the
vita signals to the base (hospital). There is a need to create interest in this field and
initiate research activities.
This technique can open new vistas for development of new techniques and
understanding for the good of human kind. Nanotechnology is becoming increasingly
supportive in biotelemetry especially because of large strides made in nanotechnology in
recent times
1. Mr R S Khandpur- Handbook of BMI, Third edition.
2. M/S Leslie Cromwell, Weibell and Pfeiffer-Biomedical Instrumentation and
measurements, Second edition.
3. Electronics for you – March 2000
5. The national academics press
7. Biomedical Instrumentation And Measurements by Cromwell
8. M. Steyaert, S. Gogaert, T. Van Nuland, and W. Sansen, “A low-power
portable telemetry system for eight-channel EMG measurements,” in
Proc. Annu. Int. IEEE-EMBS Conf., vol. 13, 1991, pp. 1711–1712.
9. hthtetry.html
13. articles/browse.asp