Unitech Balance Sheet
Unitech Balance Sheet
Unitech Balance Sheet
in Rs. Cr.
Balance Sheet -------------------
Mar '06 Mar '07 Mar '08 Mar '09 Mar '10
Sources Of Funds
Total Share
Capital 12.49 162.34 324.68 324.68 487.76
Equity Share
Capital 12.49 162.34 324.68 324.68 487.76
Money 0 0 0 0 225.2
Share Capital 0 0 0 0 0
Reserves 0 0 0 0 0
Loans 54.2 765.39 2,611.08 1,747.98 1,016.02
Application Of Funds
Less: Accum.
Depreciation 28.44 30.24 35.96 40.79 44.03
Capital Work in
Progress 1,824.66 4,408.59 7,083.41 8,688.46 9,666.03
Total Current
Assets 183.53 258.94 989.41 873.2 1,149.18
Loans and
Advances 866.97 3,090.88 7,624.58 5,489.72 7,427.76
Total CA,
Loans &
Advances 1,136.40 4,017.01 8,749.16 6,396.35 8,650.67
Deffered Credit 0 0 0 0 0
Liabilities 2,314.33 3,798.30 6,316.27 6,580.13 6,895.87
Total CL &
Provisions 2,386.88 4,248.10 7,065.30 6,609.04 7,025.94
Net Current
Assets -1,250.48 -231.09 1,683.86 -212.69 1,624.73
Expenses 0 0 0 0 0
Liabilities 434.87 1,640.51 2,325.69 4,227.29 1,649.94
Book Value
(Rs) 179.81 14.3 13.21 17.61 32.41