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317 39 3.20 321 3.22 3.23 FIGURE 3.30 Problem 3.23 PROBLEMS «13 (2) Draw the equivalent circuit referred 10 the high-voltage side of the transformer. (b) Draw the equivalent circuit referred to the low-voltage side of the transformer. ‘Show the numerical values of impedances on the equivalent circuits. The transformer of Problem 3.16 is supplying a rated load of 50 kVA at a rated sec- ondary voltage of 240 V and at 0.8 power factor lagging. Neglecting the wransformer exciting current, (a) Determine the input terminal voltage of the transformer on the high-voltage side. (b) Sketch the corresponding phasor diagram. (c) If the transformer is used as a step-down transformer at the load end of a feeder whose impedance is 0.5 + j2.0.0, find the voltage Vs and the power factor at the sending end of the feeder. SECTION 3.3 Using the transformer ratings as base quantities, work Problem 3.13 in per-unit, Using the transformer ratings as base quantities, work Problem 3.14 in per-unit. Using base values of 20 KVA and 115 volts in zone 3, rework Example 3.4, Rework Example 3.5, using Stassg = 100 kVA and Visit = 600 volts A balanced Y-connected voltage source with Esy=277/0° volts is applied to a balanced-¥ load in parallel with a balanced-A load, where Zy = 30+ j10 and Z4 = 45 — 25 ohms. The Y load is solidly grounded. Using base values of Staseig = 5KVA and Vast = 277 volts, calculate the source current /, in per-unit and in amperes. Figure 3.30 shows the one-line diagram of a three-phase power system. By selecting a common base of 100 MVA and 22 kV on the generator side, draw an impedance dia- gram showing all impedances including the load impedance in per-unit. The data are given as follows: G 9MVA 22kV 0.18 per unit TI: SOMVA — 22/220 kY ).10 per unit 72: 40MVA 220/11 kV x = 0.06 per unit T% 40MVA 22/110 kV .064 per unit Ta: 40MVA 110/11 KV x = 0.08 per unit M: 66.5MVA JOASKV x =0.185 per unit Lines | and 2 have series reactances of 48.4 and 65.43 ©, respectively. At bus 4, the three-phase load absorbs $7 MVA at 10.45 kV and 0.6 power factor lagging. @H B= aw BRE. O.SP7A ge Zs S47A Ws 240 /Sv Ape 4 24D Neglectivg “the Series [rugedarce % — ° é, MLE, = NEV = (Babe )jayeJo°= ayoole’! ~~ > ap Res AM Ge) ele tex, > (288) (san) 0-597 A Ny 6, = per = 213 | Ggod) = 3.498 X16 8 Yo = (Gea), = 0897 />4o0 = aHens x18 1g = Ve co = [2489S «ist)~ (2.098 %158)” Bre = 2 HD x10 Ts = aeugngxio - 21.467, Ss Mos Ge Bt 3.01 xB = J ateox id? al = ~ Saree. 3 ape bs = - + * ix =+ a Ao $ LO Regy = PB] Gt) se] (oe) = ted %e, = i fz, = 60 [Ges 128862 Keays V Reg, — Rigy 7 /G-BESy~ (1tWR 168 & egy = Regy t Axegye WNSHt I2EDL = 2.8@5 183-087 (a SZ, Regqij2 inept A xegi fa. Regi fa 4 eB} se MoS Justa BeREN v; Ge Bate, - iene AJ actgoxid Is Sauivalest T cirevit reperrey to kwh Voltiye Side i 5, B42 5 ee * < + Pe FOr g, We Beoele pe Fae CH * - 24a. 24,0 USING VOLTAGE Divistom 4 = . A6eo0 Zo : 3 = 2BAA-G Vv E,+ Qavo de") SCGeoo+r) - 8 ~ . Ves Ent My €,2 23096 fev -42- A4ole (@ Fes MOOS 24D = [:<23 lp.) = $2 3 - 8 Xue” fo co?! on) = 108.3/~26.27 aH A ic 2 A qh 28-3 123687) = 20.93 [734.87 A Mins 16 (ayo 2%) = aver Jo? ~~ Ny Viz Ep (RegytiXegi)E, Fz ayoop? + (1 eda-s) (wo-gs [rSb87° ) 1408 + 56,095 /B1e327° Uwy4aNga+iaq.lee = AY4G. [0.6 ov (4 Nes E+ (Rreett UX panst Rept Xegy) =, UH JOP (ro +4 4.5) (20.83 L286:87°) UWOO+ 102.57 /27.168° 24846 4450.00 = vyqo.Lietsos® ow —S ©) 3.2 % ES = (2490 Lutsos°)(a0. eS L26-27°) = SIST5,[38,02° 4O.87 Xoo 4 B1ASxio® s = RelSc) = 4o.87 Gw delwered “toe Oy = Dun ( Se) + BleAS Avars Pp Semin enol op Peeler, AS~ (I Note + E,= 10.93 [o® wa 24oo Jo" + (tia +8) (a2, 83 10°) = lye + 64.075 168.1199 = wre.8 1152-08 2 yrs pberB2 ap Ys wee i+ (204548) (20. #3 1e*) ; > aYoot 12-89 [66-04% 2 a44L tage = 244g. (22119 y ° & = Ee = (ues facti9’) (v0.83 /e) = 50 8%. [20197 = 50,864, ae Fg = Sean 1} detverial Qgt 16462 ae, He r0.8E [eee A % = whoo po? + (irdtas) (20-85 18687") = rkoo + $6,095 L105.07° = TEsh. y+) sye7 = 2yed [tsar v Az Woo for + (2-0414.8) (20683 136-877 ) = ahooe lows? Howdl? = azn.) +) 100.0 = 274, Leetot? ~v Bet WED = Qs tor \ (regs [-3e.87) 44,5665 C2354? = Yo¢eg- i804", P= Yost delwered Qp = e805 vars celivered = +28.04 Qvars . Me te Absorbed b> SOL F Seeder Source Real ana reachwe lostes, of STW anol eAS Avars , absorbed by the Geeder eue/ transformer, gre the cane in all cases. Miqhest epperenen oeeors gor oatin tF Ceres Pour|/ Pe Kloo = Gejso.en)Kioo = 9% 29 Yo -Aa- Re = PR eroo7S = OVER xe OR, a he REFERRED To THE WV- SSPE | THE EXCITING BRANCH GConBUCTANCE AND SUSCEPTANCE ARE Gwen BY G fot) c.0082 Oficc) o-c0% = o-o3x1d> Aun Qfar) ere% 2 C/o) over > oan? s THE EQuwALemt Citeurt REFERRED Jo THE BIGH-VOLTAGE SIDE 1S Suown BeLows Ros Sys fan, Rie &, ie? ooB mies on Ree lag be Axes dt 4 “JB a -jernss a¥E 1/C4 8m) 24001 240 IDEAL TRANCORNER , (an os omiered) Ch Ry = Rif s acon Re Xfot z ovavn TUL EQUIVALENT GiRent REFARRED TO THE LoW-VOLTAGE SIDE 1S Shown BE Low: O-9071SR Sxizdorolh Ras OweTEN 3% 40-01 2400, 240 ADEAL TRANSFORMER (oem BE OMT TEDD ~AGe (A) NEGLECTING THe Excing CURRENT OF THE TRANSFORMER, THE EQuivaLEuT CARCUT OF THE TRAHSFORHER , REFERRED Te THE HIGH-VeLTAGE Cremaard ane 1S Sows BELOM . 86 E208 f-36.974 HF Reg ehSt Breede h 2400/0° TWE RATED Crute) bean CURRENT | REF Te WY SiSE 1S Given ey (Soxte® ) [aac 2 208A WIM A Lagging Pouee PRETR OF OB, FE, = 20-8 /mcaeg x 20-8 (3696 wsine KVL, Ys 2ace/ot~ (20-B/- 26-9 )(VS442) x 24580 Lo-34" Vv (b) THE CORRESPeNDING PRATER DIAGRAM 1¢ SVeMN Beton: 2 2450 fo3ae y \3 Exeg l= atev s2o8 [-264n |EReq\s B2v 20-8 [BGA A Using KVL, Vs = 2400/9" 4 (20-4 f- a6) ( 2444) = 248% .5[0%8 y BE Av mE Senna gop 18 G65 (B64 0-90) 2 OTF LAGAING ~ AG» CHAPTER 3 B:\ ~ 2 ate @ As A 2, = ey) 2, b> Yes Ee Yes G2 V, eG, Bo. = - ® Vis SES Cease fo") = 2504o'v Be pe ON a a a ‘Soa Z,= & 230 48° . _ . s 125 [20 ~ t edest is 4, = 2, Ge) = Cas Las (ass = 200 (20°. 4 Aso 2) 2 W/E, = Coos £2°9/G Joss + 200/30 4— Ba ae - eels = 1OG volts €,Q\ = z4e) toofe, 7 & (Sec) 4 -{ i = i t.4) ley, ad Fe — = e. Le a t fle $t uy af se = * og Sa tre tre =) . * e K E.s wre OV Baeo; 240 - @) Be a 2ge0 (ane) = 2300 V () 8, ©, ta (S): Bore sont Lochs". aars /-36.07° 2eo Le” Zz E, 20 Zo° Z,- Ee , Rete .. ata * a, Save fae * © 6613 J 36.87 =z oO S24ejeaqr eb a! Le _ > B+ (> Ba: wood, s Gens Zeca a (Ay Bs Pt BO(oB) 2 Gakw @ = @,_ + CA tan Gorey’): ABkvaR 35 35 —aP, —7 A — S @ + . Zev E, z &_=2se(0 Vv 2400 2 NO B=: W . (reo yoo (@\ 4 Wh Be. = (ee ) (220) = 2300,V & a.) Blac HL, e/2\) = = Cos 0.85 * = ) HOR [A ESe | yeah fee eran - Bo LO? _ ° 3: & = OLS. 6 FOF [LBNIT? @ i Yn gare [31 Zz o-4088 - Jo.1s3 Sv () 2 = ayes joo, = 48.07] -81.219° Bp... SSS (A) RP (neo-e)= 18S ew Q.2O.= NO tan (-s1ng}] 2-68.17 vars supped to primary asin ing 3G _ 3 =, x z*'§ ‘oi fy e5 fae (Q) E.s ange v Bee Bus 273 wv = - 3] ~ (\) Be & [4608 Ce) = Boge [eon = 1SO5 Jrasegi? 2 A -36- = Aso - Ee = woos [SS.84? a (camp Lss.g¥é > = ann | o @. BYE J - 26,89? os * 1BOS Las. kV? Lee a He Boe VeSBIS f-25-84° ~ a -t Z,28,= so [-wiea) = So /-28-84" Qo —=— So 4Saw-d a9 Qrvars deliwered to primary 37 ~ RentGeon + CO 1a acmak (w) i Rye bon. Me By (Nate FoR MAXIMUM PoWER TRANSEER To THE LOAD RL tO RL = Ry oR Sats \Bo on Ar Ga Mite Dt veered Division, Reaiseon UWL BB awak v tol@ stark ) RUE loon. Ow ens 2 SY . Pay = LOW dened . 28 SS Woe 13.4 wld Ve00 igeo B= Ava wok) fa = Vamiok Vv 2 Bacwwk ¥ Va CEY s = 2My 2 -Bacawk v BR Co = Nf = 2000/5002 4 2 2 Rear 2 A+ ONSCSY = 4S Nye BE GSDALA 16 Bl: ways ian THE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT REFERRED TD PAIMARY {5 Broun BELOW! AS SG * + see Zo" «5.08 L461" A . V2 44416 \eooV NARS ON, oN, = tay C508 C2467? ys ae 4 Lae v va a Le 467 - _ Vis O78 ab a Aa 4 (E> Va a 2 Me = tooo/4 = %80V Vournce REGULATION 2 ~BOT 24S Jog. 254 / Das a jot io e RATED CURRENT MAGNITUDE On THE 6G-KV SIDE Is Given BY X, = 18008 2 gata az ee > qy Rear = C224 35 Rey = looxte . Reg 2 TA ee fou 2 SSK og g zea Ten Bey Qard~ (eta 224s2n 4 -Bq- gl | Nuame Ano 2 Oe N/h, 2 66/5 = Sa WIT HIGHAVELTAGE SIDE. DESIGNATED ASL AnD L-VSIDE AS 2, 2 Gvsxie®) NOTE: To TRANSFER Stunt ADMITTANCE Fem Wav aiDe TLV SIDE, 2 2 Aa Gey = GS%O | BaseD on OC TEST. WE NERO To MourielT Or ab. GSxlo ~ “ Gat ~~; \agxie® S 4H Gus xe?)* (5-14) “2 by = Be tn Te nies Ve, Wei? (ay* Ge, 218° (Gaay~way” = 7749x168 © Sg TOTAL Less UM DER RATED ComDiness 1S APPROXIMATELY THE DUM of BboRM-Cigcury AND OfEN-CiACUIT TEST Losses 10,000 J. Re ficiency fee ew Geseey + Cloo + 65) xtoos 1838S 40+ 140 CHAPTER 3. POWER TRANSFORMERS. An animated view of this example is provided in PowerWorld Simulator case Example 3_13. In this case, the transformer and a parallel transmis- sion line are assumed to be supplying power from a 345-kV generator to a 345-KV load, with an initial phase angle of 3 degrees. First select Sirmuta- tion, Solve and Animate, then click on the arrows next to the phase angle to change the angle in one-degree steps, or by the tap field to change the LTC tap in 0.625% steps. Notice that changing the phase angle primarily changes the real power flow, whereas changing the LTC tap changes the reactive power flow, In this example, the line flow fields are showing the ‘absolute value of the real or reactive power flow; the direction of the flow is indicated with arrows. Traditional power flow programs usvally indicate power flow direction using a convention that flow into the line or other device is assumed to be positive. Using this convention with the figure, the flows on the left side of the line would be positive and those on the right would be negative. You can display results in PowerWorld Simulator using this convention by unchecking the “Use Absolute Values for MW/Mvar Line Flows” field on the Display Options page of the Oneline Display Options dialog. a Note that a voltage-magnitude-regulating transformer controls the re- ‘active’ power How in the series link in Which it is installed, whereas @ phase- angle-regulating transformer controls the real power flow (see Problem 3.59), PROBLEMS 3 32 33 SECTION 3.1 (2) An ideal single-phase two-winding transformer with turns ratio a, = Ni/Nz is con- nected with a series impedance Z, across winding 2. If one wants to replace Zp, with a series impedance Z; across winding 1 and keep the terminal behavior of the two cir- cuits to be identical, find Z; in terms of Z2. (®) Would the above result be true if instead of a series impedance there is a shunt impedance? (©), Can one refer a ladder network on the secondary (2) side to the primary (1) side simply by multiplying every impendance by a7? An ideal transformer with Nj = 2000 and Nz = 500 is connected with an impedance Zp, across winding 2, called secondary. If Vj = 1000 /0° V and h =5 /-30° A, determine V2, fh, Z2, and the impedance Z}, which is the value of Zp referred to the primary side of the transformer. Consider an ideal transformer withrN; = 3000 and Nz = $00 turns. Let winding 1 be connected to a source whose voltage is x(t) = 100(1 ~ |t)) volts for “1 <1< 1 and x(t) =0 for {tl > ! second. A 3-farad capacitor is connected across winding 2. Sketch ex(t), €2(t), (0), and ig() versus time ¢. 34 36 a7 38 + He 48 sin tory _ FIGURE 3.29 39 3.10 PROBLEMS 141. A single-phase 100-KVA, 2400/240-voll, 60-He distribution transformer is used as step-down transformer. The ioad, which is connected to the 240-volt secondary wind- ing, absorbs 80 KVA at 0.8 power factor lagging and is at 230 volts. Assumiag an ideal transformer, calculate the following: (a) primary voltage, (b) load impedance, (c) load impedance referred to the primary, and (4) the real and reactive power supplied to the primary winding. Rework Problem 3.4 if the load connected to the 240-V secondary winding absorbs 110 KVA under short-term overload conditions at 0.85 power factor leading and at 230 volts. For a conceptua? single-phase, phase-shifting transformer, the primary voltage leads the secondary voltage by 30°, A load connected to the secondary winding absorbs 50 KVA at 0.9 power factor leading and at a voltage Ey = 277/0° volts, Determine (a) the primary voltage, (b) primary and secondary currents, (€) load impedance referred to the primary winding, and (d) complex power supplied to the primary winding Consider a source of voltage »(t) = 102 sin(2¢)V, with an internal resistance of 1800 Q. A transformer that can be considered as ideal is used to couple a 50- resistive load to the source. (a) Determine the transformer primary-to-secondary turns ratio required to ensure maximum power transfer by matching the load and source resistances. (b) Find the average power delivered to the load, assuming maximum power transfer. For the circuit shown in Figure 3.29; determine vout(). AWW — 12 . : a | ze wy Ideal transformer ‘transformer. SECTION 3.2 A single-phase transformer has 2000 tums on the primary winding and 500 tums on the secondary, Winding resistances are Ri = 2 @.and Ry = 0.125 Q; Keakage re- actances are X; = 8 and ¥) = 0.5 0. The resistance load on the secondary is 12 2. (a) If the applied voltage at the terminals of the primary is 1000 V, determine V2 at the load terminals of the transformer, neglecting magnetizing current. (b) If the voltage regulation is defined as the difference between the voltage magnitude at the load terminals of the transformer at full load and at no load in percent of full- load voltage with input voltage held constant, compute the percent voltage regulation. ‘A single-phase step-down transformer is rated 15 MVA, 66 KV/11.5 KV. With the 11.5 kV winding short-circuited, rated current flows when the voltage applied to the 142 CHAPTER 3 POWER TRANSFORMERS 3. 3.12 3.13 3.14 3S 3.16 primaty is 5.5 kV. The power input is read as 100 kW. Determine Ray) and Xeq) in ohms referred to the high-voltage winding. For the transformer in Problem 3.10, the open-circuit test with 11.5 kV applied results ‘a power input of 65 kW and a current of 30 A. Compute the values for Ge and Br, in siemens referred to the high-voltage winding. Compute the efficiency of the trans- former for a load of 10 MW at 0.8 PF lagging at rated voltage. The following data are obtained when open-circuit and short-circuit tests are per- formed on a single-phase, 50-kVA, 2400/240-volt, 60-Hz distribution transformer. VOLTAGE CURRENT = POWER (volts) (amperes) (watts) Measurements on low-voltage side wit high-voltage winding open 240 597 213 Measurements on high-voltage side with low-voltage winding shorted 600 208 150 (a) Neglecting the series impedance, determine the exciting admittance referred to the high-voltage side, (b) Neglecting the exciting admittance, determine the equivalent series impedance referred to the high-voltage side. (c) Assuming equal series imped- ances for the primary and referred seconidary, obtain an equivalent T-

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