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AP European History

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AP European History, 2010-2011

AP European History is divided into two semesters: 1) Late Middle Ages through the French
Revolution and 2) The Industrial Revolution to the present. This course meets five times per
week for eighty - three minutes each day. Areas of concentration include historical,
political, economic history with an intense study of the development of cultural and
intellectual institutions. These areas are studied from a variety of perspectives with the
goal of providing an unbiased view of history.

What sets AP European History apart from traditional secondary courses is the amount of
reading required to develop VWXGHQWV·XQGHUVWDQGLQJof European history which will
ultimately help them to succeed on the AP exam. Within the framework of the AP European
curriculum, students are expected to demonstrate higher-order thinking skills and will be
asked to analyze historical evidence and evaluate primary and secondary sources in addition
to applying facts and expressing historical understanding in writing. This AP European
History course will develop the skills necessary to arrive at conclusions on the basis of an
informed judgment and to present evidence clearly and persuasively in essay format.

Students are required to respond to numerous free-response questions throughout the

course. Initially the free-response and document based questions are completed at home.
Students will transition to completing a document based question in forty-five minutes,
reaching their goal of completing a DBQ in the same amount of time allotted on the actual
AP exam, with no foreknowledge of the subject of the document based question. Students
will also complete several projects, outlined in the syllabus, that are related to the units
being covered.

C1³The course emphasizes relevant factual knowledge about European history from 1450 to the present to
highlight intellectual, cultural, political, diplomatic, social, and economic developments.
C2³The course teaches students to analyze evidence and interpretations presented in historical scholarship. The
course includes extensive instruction in analysis and interpretation of a wide variety of primary sources, such as
documentary material, maps, statistical tables, works of art, and pictorial and graphic materials.
C3³The course includes extensive instruction in analysis and interpretation of a wide variety of primary sources,
such as documentary material, maps, statistical tables, works of art, and pictorial and graphic materials.
C4³The course provides students with frequent practice in writing analytical and interpretive essays such as
document-based questions (DBQ) and thematic essays.

Texts and supplemental sources:

Spielvogel, Jackson J., Western Civilization. 7th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publish, 2009.
Perry, Marvin, Joseph R. Peden and Theodore H. Von Laue. Sources of the Western
Tradition. Vol. 4th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1999.
Sherman, Dennis, ed. Western Civilization: Sources, Images and Interpretation, from the
Renaissance to the Present, 2nd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1995
The Great Masters of European Art. SCALA Group. New York: Metro Books, 2006


Romanticism;; The Age of Revolution;; Modernism. 1996

AP European History, 2010-2011

Art History materials: The Great Masters of European Art and various secondary and online
sources: Michelangelo, Botticelli, Brunelleschi, daVinci, Raphael, Van Eyck, el Greco, Rubens,
Bernini, Rembrandt, David, Gainsborough, Revolutionary Era political cartoons, Goya

Maps, charts, graphs and images from DenniV6KHUPDQ·VWestern Civilization: Sources,

Images and Interpretation, from the Renaissance to the Present and online sources like:

Video Resources:
Age of Revolution;; Modernism. 1996 (6 VHS programs featuring Renaissance to Modern art)
Daily Life at the Court of Versailles, Film for the Humanities and Sciences
Ascent of Man: the Starry Messenger, Time Life video
The Nazis, Time Life video

Course Format
The AP European history class will be structured on a college seminar model with lecture
based elements integrated with research tasks, projects, document based and thematic
essay writing, analytical research using primary and secondary sources, digital
presentations, and test preparation. The class will engage in debates and mock trials,
analyze evidence and interpret historical scholarship including documentary material, maps,
statistical tables, works of art, pictorial and graphic materials.
Reading: Students are required to read and research a substantial amount of historic
material from the textbook, historical sources and primary document sources.

Document Based Questions: Students are responsible for completing a DBQ essay every
two weeks. They will be required to analyze the documents and bring in outside information
relevant to the question being asked.

Seminars: Students will engage in frequent guided discussions, critically analyzing people,
events and issues in European history. Students will be asked to outline or summarize
responses to discussion questions regarding primary source documents, maps, charts,
biographies and key concepts;; they will formulate and support theses and note opposing
views from various authors;; they will submit outlines, written essays and produce
presentations and simulations.

AP European History, 2010-2011

Homework: For nightly readings, students will be given the choice of completing one of five
options: 1) brief outlines, 2) concept webs, 3) fact/narrative, 4) section summary, 5)
bullets/questions. Some assignments will include a menu of relevant FRQ and DBQs.
Key Skills:
1. Analyze and interpret historical materials including: primary and secondary sources like
documents, maps, statistics, art and photographs. (C1;; C3)
2. Demonstrate critical thinking through presentations, simulations, open discussions and
written essays. (C4)
3. Analyze the political, economic, religious, social, intellectual and geographic developments
that have shaped Western Civilization. (C1)
4. Analyze the evolution of ideas in European culture including: religion, literature, art,
music and philosophical ideas. (C2)
5. Interpret, compare and contrast diverse points of view. (C3)

THE AP EXAM: In May, students will take a nationally administered exam scored by the
publisher, the College Board, on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best score. Many colleges
will award college credit for high AP Exam scores upon entry into that college. During this
course, students will master the content that the exam covers and practicing the types of
assessments students will see on the exam (multiple choice questions, free response
questions, and document based questions).

AP European History, 2010-2011

AP European History
Semester One Course Outline
x End Feudalism (Sept 8-17)
x Renaissance ² humanism, rise of monarchs (Sept 20-Oct 8)
x Reformation and Religious Wars (Oct 11-22)
x Absolutism and Constitutionalism (Oct 25-Nov 19)
x Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment (Nov 22-Dec 17)
x French Revolution and Napoleon (Dec 20-23;; Jan 3-7, 2011)
Semester Two Course Outline
x Industrial Revolution (Jan 10-Jan 21)
x Nineteenth Century (1850-1871) Politics and Society (Jan24-feb 4)
x World War I (Feb 7-Feb 18)
x Interwar and World War II (Feb 28-Mar 25)
x Postwar Politics and Changes in World Economy (Mar 27-Apr 9)
x Global Age, Terrorism, Postmodernism (Apr 11-29)
x AP Euro Review (May 2-May 20)

Semester One
DBQ Choices: Ideal v real and analysis of major political, economic, social, and intellectual
forces that contributed to a breakdown of society in the late 14c and early 15c;; How
Renaissance art was a reflection of the new humanistic learning of the period;; Causes
Protestant Reformation 16th;; Reformation was a result of Catholic animosity or reform 'too
little, too late'? Renaissance Education, Witchcraft, How did 7KLUW\<HDUV·:DU lead to
absolutism in France? Two factors that led to Eng Rev of 1642;; Dutch Wars, Compare and
Contrast absolute monarchies of Louis XIV and Charles I;; ([SODLQKRZWKH´HQOLJKWHQHG
of despotism;; Cromwell and the Cavaliers in the English Civil War ;; Assess the validity of
the following: The philosophes stood on the shoulders of the men of the Scientific
Revolution;; Women in Science;; Ways French Rev sparked debate on human rights;; Discuss
influence and views of men who pushed women to break from trad during the French
Revolution;; Napoleon was a supporter of 18th ideas or was he an enemy of individual liberty?

Simulation/Research Paper (five pp typed, 2 pp annotated bibliography, map, population,

exports, currency): 6WXGHQWVZLOO´$GRSWµRQH(XURSHDQFountry and take on the role of its
´ambassador,µ thereby becoming a ´UHVLGHQWµclassroom H[SHUWRQWKDWQDWLRQ·V(and its
AP European History, 2010-2011

colonies) political, historical, cultural and military past. Throughout the course, especially in
our discussion groups, we will call upon the ´UHVLGHQWH[SHUWVµWRSUHVHQWJHRJUDSKLFDO
intellectual, cultural, military and political milestones and explain the motives of its
diplomats, scholars and artists. This research project will act as segue into the content
European history and be used as a modus operandi in the classroom throughout the year.
Students will research three modern problems (2000-2010) of one European nation using
SPERM (social, political, economic, religious, military) as a heuristic. As we progress through
historical characters they represent and ´speakµ (in the first person) to the issues of their

Primary source readings for semester one are from Jackson Spielvogel·VWestern
Civilization 7th ed. (Wadsworth, Boston, 2009): Boccaccio, von Konigshofen, Froissart,
dePizan, Boniface VIII, Dante, Excerpts from Legal Opinions, Machiavelli, Erasmus,
Petrarch, Cellini, Luther, Calvin, Council of Trent, Charles V, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I,
Bosset, Bodin, James I, Louis XIV, Laws of Peter the Great, Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo,
Newton, Spinoza, Descartes, Pascal, Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau, Wollstonecraft, Fredrick
I, Catherine the Great, Olympe de Gouges, Robespierre, Bonaparte

Introduction and End of Feudalism Week 1-2

Homework: Read and outline Spielvogel: Chapter 11 pp. 303-334
Discussion/Lecture Topics
x Feudalism: SPERM relationship
x Causes of Hundred Years War;; French Kings;; German Monarchy;; Italian States
x Great Schism
x Cultural and Society: Medicine;; Inventions

Primary Source Analysis:

Boccaccio Discusses the Plague 1348
Jean Froissart, Chronicles

Map exercises:
1. What areas were spared from the plague and what role did geography play? Map 11.1
2. Compare English land holdings in France 1360 with those held in 1429. How did
geography and tradition play a role in English successes during the Hundred Years
War? Map 11.2

Writing Workshop ² Introduction to Writing Document Based Questions: Students will read
primary source documents, take positions on issues, develop thesis statements, identify
historical perspectives learn to make inferences, organize evidence and write conclusions.

Analysis of primary and secondary sources
AP European History, 2010-2011

Map Quiz: Medieval Europe

Response to discussion questions

Renaissance Weeks 3-5

Homework: Read and outline Spielvogel Chapter 12 pp. 338-369
Complete discussion questions and identification worksheet

Discussion/Lecture Topics:
x Economic and Social Changes during Renaissance
x Compare views of Machiavelli and Erasmus
x Individual v Humanism
x Is Church reform too little too late?
x Renaissance through art--The Three Graces, The Moneychanger and His Wife
x Humanism and its effects on education and culture
x Modern diplomacy and New Statecraft through analysis of Machiavelli, The Prince.
x Compare and contrast the Northern Renaissance with Mediterranean Renaissance

Primary sources: Spielvogel, Perry

Petrarch, The Father of Humanism. (Perry)
Bruni, Leonardo. Study of Greek Literature and a Humanist Educational Program. (Perry)
Mirandola, Pico della. Oration on the Dignity of Man.
Illustrating the perfect Courtier using excerpts from
Castiglione, Book of the Courtier

Map Exercises:
1. What role did ancient Rome play in explaining why the Renaissance began in Italy?
Would the Renaissance have evolved in the same way if Italy had been politically
united, rather than constructed as independent and competitive states? Map 12.1
2. What are the geographical and historical reasons why state building was most
successful in England, France, Spain? As opposed to Italy and the HRE? Map 12.2

Art Museum Exhibit ² Students will play role of curators in Museums of European History (3
separate museums). They are charged by their Boards of Trustees to revise a series of
during the Renaissance. Students will develop a PowerPoint presentation that demonstrates
their exhibits.

Reformation and Religious Wars Weeks 6-7

Homework: Read and outline Spielvogel Chapter 13 pp. 374-407
Major Topics:
x Political, diplomatic and social causes and consequences of Reformation
x Luther and Calvin compared to Roman Catholic Church

AP European History, 2010-2011

x Catholic Reformation and Council of Trent


Primary sources:
Johann Tetzel, The Spark for the Reformation: Indulgences (online:
Martin Luther, Selections from the Ninety-Five Theses (Spielvogel) Martin Luther, Against
the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of Peasants (Spielvogel)
Martin Luther, On Papal Power, Justification by Faith, The Interpretation of the Bible and
the Nature of the Clergy (Perry) John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion:
Predestination (available online http://www.reformed.org/calvinism/index.html)

Map Exercises
1. What were the key regions of conflict between the HRE and France and the HRE
and Ottoman Empire and why? What difficulties did Charles V face? Map 13.1
2. Was the Protestant reformation a northern phenomenon? Why? Not? What factors
might have guaranteed the success of Catholicism in the south? Map 13.2
3. Which of the Habsburg realms were lost to Philip when his father Charles V
abdicated? Why did England support the Dutch against Philip?

FRQ: What was the most important root cause of the Reformation?

Age of Absolutism and Constitutionalism Week 8-9

Homework: Read and outline Spielvogel Ch 14 pp. 411-441;; Ch 15 443-482;; Ch 18 538-570

Discussion/Lecture Topics
x Political, economic, technological causes for exploration
x Trace the development of the Commercial Revolution.
x Mercantilism, and its relationship to colonial empires
x Reasons for the decline of Spain
x Revolt of the Netherlands
x Causes and effects of Thirty Years War
x Progress and resolution of French Wars of Religion: Catherine de Medici, St %DUW·V
Day, Henry IV, Edict of Nantes
x Absolutism in Central, Eastern, Northern Europe: German States;; Italy;; Russia;;
Scandinavia;; Ottoman Empire
x The Elizabethan compromise;; failure to deal with the Puritan and Irish Catholicism.
x Why did France, Spain, and England succeed where Italians and Germans failed?
x Absolutism in France: the Fronde;; Cardinals Richelieu and Mazarin;; Louis XIV;; the
role of Versailles;; intendant system;; the importance of advisors such as Colbert;; the
wars of Louis XIV;; the failure to deal with the flaws of the French taxation system

AP European History, 2010-2011

x Crisis in England and the triumph of limited monarchy: English Civil War causes and
effect;; role of Charles I as a failed absolutist;; Parliamentary rights;; dictatorship
failed policies of James II;; the Glorious Revolution.
x Baroque Art: examination of the style;; examples of artists and great works;; the role
of church and government sponsorship (Sister Wendy)
x Russia, Prussia and Austria and the development of Eastern absolutism
x The changes of Peter the Great
x The weakness of the Polish monarchy

Project: Skit/Play ² Students will re-enact the ethical dilemmDRI0DU\'\HU·VVWDQGDJDLQVW

Puritan persecution of the Quaker religion. Each character must demonstrate (through
dialogue with other characters) the nature of the issues and ethical questions raised
concerning authority, liberty, life and loyalty. Coverage of topics such as the death penalty,
religious fundamentalism, exile and banishment, religious xenophobia, Quaker non-violence,
and more is encouraged.

Role Play: Students will research a European emperor, write his resume and then interview
for the mythical jobs of either Emperor of Europe or his advisor.

Readings/Primary Sources
Jacques Benigne Bossuet, Politics Drawn from the Very Words of the Holy Scriptures
The Duke of Saint-Simon on the Reign of Louis XIV.

Map Exercises
1. What were the geopolitical reasons Spain succeeded in the Western Hemisphere
and the Portuguese in Southeast Asia in establishing colonial possessions? Map 14.1
2. What products were bought and sold in the Atlantic triangular trade? Where were
most of the slaves taken and why? Map 14.2
3. What were the dynastic struggles during the Thirty Years War? What were the key
regions of conflict and why? Identify the Protestant and Catholic regions. Map 15.1
4. What were the geo-political ambitions of Louis XIV? Map 15.2
5. Compare the territories of Brandenburg-Prussia in 1415 and 1792. Explain Prussian
expansion. Map 15.3
6. Trace the growth of the Austrian Empire from its HRE beginning to its multi-ethnic
empire map 15.4
7. Where did the Ottoman Empire gain territory by 1481? 1521? 1556? Who were the
Ottomans a threat to? Map 15.6
8. Given the distribution of Prussian and Habsburg holdings by mid 18th in what areas
of Europe were they most likely to compete for land and power? Map 18.1

AP European History, 2010-2011

FRQ: Was Charles I or Parliament responsible for the English Civil War?
Practice AP exam multiple choice and essay

The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment Weeks 10-13

Homework: Read and outline Spielvogel, Ch 16 pp. 484-506;; Ch 17 pp. 509-536

Discussion/Lecture Topics
x Define Enlightenment/Age of Reason
x New economic theories and demographic changes in 18 th
x Descartes, Rationalism, New View of Man
x Cartesian dualism
x The role of women in the Scientific Revolution
x Philosophes;; Social Environment
x Crime and Punishment
x Religion and Deism
x Early modern views on science and the evolution of ideas challenging these theories
x The Scientific Revolution: role of the humanism, individualism, the Protestant
Reformation, and government sponsorship;; key figures such as Copernicus, Kepler,
Galileo, Bacon, Harvey, Vesalius, Newton;; major fields of astronomy, mathematics,
physics, medical theory;; resistance by the Catholic Church and others;; effect on
world view and lack of significant effect on daily life.
x Women in Early Modern Europe: marriage and family life, legal issues, work and
economics, education, and attitudes towards the place of women in society.
x Conflict over empire: The Seven Years War.
x The Age of Reason: key ideas and impact on thought, politics, and society;;
examination of the ideas of Rousseau, Locke, Beccaria, and Voltaire;; ideas about
education, child-rearing, and government and their impact on Western society today.

Primary sources on the Scientific Revolution (Spielvogel, Perry, online sources)

Nicolaus Copernicus, On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres
Rene Descartes, Discourse on Method
Galileo Galilei, Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina and Dialogue Concerning the two chief
World Systems
Francis Bacon, Attack on Authority and Advocacy of Experimental Science
William Harvey, The Motion of the Heart and blood in Animals
Isaac Newton, Principia Mathematica

AP European History, 2010-2011

Map Exercises:
1. Which countries or regions were the center of the enlightenment? Map 17.1
2. To what extent were religious majorities geographically concentrated in certain
areas? Why? Map 17.2

Simulation/Research Activity Part II

Students will construct a chart and timeline for their ´adoptedµ country identifying:
population statistics, Enlightenment thinkers, published works, inventions and favorite

Students will work in small groups to discuss the following documents. They will each
develop discussion questions and lead the discussion for one of the documents.
Kant, What is Enlightenment? Thomas Paine: The Age of Reason;; Denis Diderot:
Encyclopedia Cesare Beccaria: On Crime and Punishment;; Marquis de Condorcet: Progress
of the Human Mind;; Voltaire: A Plea for Tolerance and Reason;; John Locke: Second
Treatise on Government Jean Jacques Rousseau: The Social Contract

Chart Activity
State Building Debate on Enlightened Despots: Create a T chart or 2 column table labeled
Best Absolutist-Not Best Absolutist placing all evidence for why s/he deserves to be called
is to make both teams do both sides of the chart to ensure refutation.
Which monarch best represents the spirit of the Enlightenment: Catherine the Great or
Frederick the Great?

Research Paper/Simulation: ´7KH(QOLJKWHQHG5XOHUVRQ7ULDOµIROORZHGE\DWKUHH-day class
simulation in which the students portray historical personages from the 18th century
debating on whether Maria Theresa, Frederick the Great, and Catherine the Great deserve
to be known for posterity as truly enlightened rulers.

The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era Weeks 14-15

Homework: Read and outline Spielvogel, Ch 19 pp. 571-602 Ch 21 pp. 632-664

x The French Revolution causes: the Three Estates, weakness of Louis XVI, financial
crisis, Enlightenment thought, influence of the American Revolution, cahiers de
doleances, failure of the 1st and 2nd estates to accept change, Estates-General.
x Key figures and events in the French Revolution: moderates and radicals, sans-
culottes and the role of the mob, constitutional questions, Olympe de Gouges/women
and revolution, foreign reaction and war, the Vendee, Robespierre and the Terror,

AP European History, 2010-2011

the Thermidorean reaction, failure of the revolution to solve financial and military
seizure of power, the empire, the Continental System, invasion of Russia, the
Hundred Days, final defeat and exile.
Alliance, preserving the peace, and reaction to revolutions in the early 19 th century.
x How is Romanticism a reaction to the political and social forces of the age

Primary Sources
Grievances of the Third Estate
Emmanuel Sieyes: Bourgeois Disdain for Special Privileges of the Aristocracy
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
Olympe de Gouges, Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen
Burke: Reflections on the French Revolution
Robespierre: Republic of Virtue
Mary Wollstonecraft: Vindication of the Rights of Woman Analysis of documents (Perry)
John Stuart Mill, On Liberty
Joseph de Maistre, Essay on the Generative Principle of Political Constitutions
William Wordsworth, Tables Turned

Map Exercises:
1. Why did Austria seek cooperation from German states to wage war on France? Map
2. +RZGLG(XURSH·VPDMRUSRZHUV manipulate territory to reduce the probability of
3. Which region saw a great deal of revolutionary activity in 1848-1849 and which did
not? Map 21. 4

Video: Burke and Paine on Revolution ²how do Burke and Paine differ in their views of

Debate-- The essential cause of the French Revolution was a collision between a powerful,
rising bourgeoisie and an aristocracy defending its privileges. Role Play-Students experience
the French Revolution by playing roles of different members of French Society (King to the
peasants) and reenacting the events of the Revolution (calling of the Estates General, the
Oath of the Tennis Court, and the Reign of Terror)

Role Play-Students experience the French Revolution by playing roles of different members
of French Society (King to the peasants) and reenacting the events of the Revolution
(calling of the Estates General, the Oath of the Tennis Court, and the Reign of Terror)

AP European History, 2010-2011

FRQ: Was Napoleon the savior of the ideals of the revolution or the tyrant who betrayed
those ideals?
Practice AP multiple choice and essay exam

Semester Two
DBQ Choices: Corn Laws;; Peterloo Massacre;; European imperialism late 19 th;; Enlightenment
influence on the Romantic Era;; 1870-´JROGHQHUDµRI(XURSH6RFLDODQGHFRQRPLF
problems Russia 1917;; Treaty of Versailles created more problems that it solved;; German
nationalism;; Attitudes toward Russian peasants;; Analyze and discuss why governments and
workers in West Eur in the aftermath of WWII sought to achieve a new level of
cooperation ushering in a period of eco, pol, and soc stability as well as an improved standard
of living for the working class;; Analyze the reasons behind the collapse of the eastern Bloc
and the demise of the Soviet Union;; Attitudes toward EU


(1832), Chartist Petition, Metternich, Mill, Mazzini, Poe, Louis, Napoleon, Bismarck,
Alexander II, Marx, Darwin, Dickens, Bernstein, Hill, Sanford, H.B. Tristam, Michel, Freud,
Pankhurst, Herzl, Kipling, William II to Tsar Nicholas II, Remarque, Songs from WWI,
Letters from soldiers, peasants (1918), Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, Hesse, Churchill, German
soldier at Stalingrad, Count Witte, Hitler, Marshall Plan, Charles de Gaulle, Jean-Paul
Sartre, Simon de Beauvoir, Kennan, Krushchev, Statement of the Soviet Government (1956),
Bob Dylan, Brezhnev Doctrine, Thatcher, E.F Schumacher, Gorbachev, Havel, Filipovic:
Sarajevo (1992), J Paul II speeches, Reports on Climate Change (2007).
Art History/photography/posters: Neo-Gothic: Friedrich, Delacroix, Eaksins, Courbet,
Millet, Post-Impressionism: Morisot, Cezanne, van Gogh, Picasso, Dix, Dali, Dubuffet,
Basquiat, Viola

Historiography: essays from Sherman on the Cold War.

Maps, charts, graphs and images from Sherman and online sources

The Industrial Revolution Week 16

Homework: Read and Outline Spielvogel Chapter 20 pp. 604-630

Discussion/Lecture Topics
x Why was Great Britain the first to have an Industrial Revolution?
x Industrial Revolution causes and effects: urbanization, poverty and prosperity,
military power, growth of the middle class, cheap and standardized goods.
x Adam Smith, capitalism, the Manchester School of economics.

AP European History, 2010-2011

x Socialism and communism, including an examination of Karl Marx and dialectical

x Suffrage, Corn Laws, Chartists
x Art: Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism and Post-Impressionism: characteristics,
examples, and the reaction of society to the new styles of art. (Sister Wendy)
x Mass culture and mass politics
x Victorian morals and values: gender roles, manners, concepts of privacy and
x Science in the 19th and early 20th centuries: Darwin, Pasteur, Lister, public health,
medicinal advances, Curie, Freud, Einstein.
x Religion and atheism in the 19th and early 20th centuries, including Zionism,
Protestant revivalism, Catholic reactions to modern issues.

Primary Sources
Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nation
Thomas Malthus, On the Principle of Population

Map exercises:
1. What were the major industrial sites and how were they connected? Map 20.1
2. What natural resources were clustered around industrial centers? Map 20.2

Inner Circle Outer Circle Discussion: Solutions to the ills of Industrial society³students
LGHQWLI\ILYH´LOOQHVVHVµRILQGXVWULDOVRFLHW\DQGtake a position and debate the best method
of fixing the problems from that perspective.
Sadler Commission Report on Child Labor (Perry)
Factory Rules (Perry)
Child Labor: Discipline in the Textile Mills (Spielvogel)
Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto (Perry)
The Political Demands of the Chartist Movement (Spielvogel)


FRQ: Discuss two 19th century artistic movements and how they either rebelled against or
symbolized the culture and values of their times.

$UW+LVWRU\6HOHFWD´5RPDQWLFµpoet, artist or musician and identify the characteristics of


Economic Research
and death statistics, literacy rates, child labor statistics, GNP, major imports and exports

AP European History, 2010-2011

cite your sources! Create a graphic using your data.

Nineteenth century Politics and Society (1850-1871) Weeks 17-18

Homework: Read and outline Spielvogel Chapter 22 pp. 666-696;; Ch 23 pp. 698-728

Discussion/Lecture Topics
x National Unification: Italy: Mazzini to Garibaldi;; role of Cavour
x National Unification: Germany: Bismarck and realpolitik
x Industrialization and the Marxist Response
x Realism, Impressionism, Expressionism
x Growing anti-Semitism³the Dreyfus Affair, pogroms and Zionism
x The Ottoman Empire

Primary sources (Perry)

Cecil Rhodes, Confession of Faith
J. A. Hobson, An Early critique of Imperialism
Friedrich Fabri, Does Germany Need Colonies?
1GDEDQDQJL6LWKROH,PSHULDOLVP·V%HQHILts by an Anti-Imperialist African
Marx/Engles: The Communist Manifesto

Map Exercises:
2. Of the great powers which had the greatest overall exposure to the others in terms
of borders and sea access? Map 22.4
3. Which ethnic group was most widely dispersed throughout the Dual Monarchy? Map
4. Write a recipe (yes, like in a cookbook) for industrialization (use map 23.1 as a guide)
and one for imperialism

Video: Sister Wendy on Realism

Art History: Why did French artists feel the need to portray daily activities as they really

World War I Week 19-20

Homework: Read and outline Spielvogel 25 pp. 768-800

Discussion/Lecture Topics
x Long range and immediate causes of WWI

AP European History, 2010-2011

x How did the results differ from expectations?

x How did the aims of Wilson and Clemenceau differ?
the arms race, the role of technology, trench warfare and stalemate, rationing,
submarine warfare, and war weariness.
x Causes of Russian Rev and why the Bolsheviks prevailed;; Nicholas II³autocracy,
orthodoxy and Russification
x Lenin, soviets, civil war, Trotsky and the Red Army;; role of WWI in Russian Rev
x Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, the NEP, Stalin
x Tsarist reforms and demands for changes (socialists, anarchists and communists)
x The Russo-Japanese War and the 1905 Revolution
x The February Revolution and the provisional government
x The role of Lenin and the October Revolution

Primary sources H[FHUSWVIURP«

V, I. Lenin, What is to Be Done?
N. N. Sukhanov, Trotsky Arouses the People
V.V. Lenin, The Call to Power
Joseph Stalin, Liquidation of the Kulaks
Lev Kopelev, Terror in the Countryside
A.O. Avdienko, The Cult of Stalin

Map Exercises:
2. What was the approximate distance between the furthest advances of Russia into
Germany and the furthest advances of Germany into Russia Map 25.3
3. Compare a map before the treaty of Versailles with one of the aftermath. Speaking

Culture: Interpret songs of World War I (Spielvogel, 781)
Art: How does 20th art demonstrate uncertainty? (Sister Wendy and secondary sources)
Interpret opposing views: Contrast views of Clemenceau and Wilson

Aftermath of WWI and WWII week 21-23

Homework Read and outline Spielvogel Ch 26 pp. 803-836;; Ch 27 pp. 839-872

AP European History, 2010-2011

Discussion/Lecture Topics
x How did France, GB and US respond to the Great Depression?
x Why did European states retreat from democracy? What are the characteristics of
x What were England and France less susceptible to totalitarianism than Italy and
x How was the Nazi empire organized? Could Hitler have been stopped? HiWOHU·V
foreign policy goals³1933-1939
x Neville Chamberlain, In Defense of Appeasement
x Winston Churchill, A Disaster of the First Magnitude
x The Rise of Fascism in Italy, Germany and Spain
x Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact, invasion of Poland, blitzkrieg, Battle of Britain,
entry of the US, Stalingrad, D-Day, targeting of civilians, the Holocaust, total war,

Primary Sources:
Heinrich Hauser
George Orwell
Commandant Hoss

Map Exercises:
to come to its aid in 1938? Map 27.1
2. How did geography help make neutrality an option? Map 27.2
3. What country gained the most territory at the expense of Germany?

Inner Circle Discussion: Compare and contrast the peace settlements of WWII to WWI

Research/Simulation: As ambassador, you have been invited to speak to your citizens after
WWII. Write a brief speech stating your goals for the second half of 20 th century. How
will you recover from the devastation of WWII? What kind of economic and intellectual
future do you seek for the next generation?
Practice AP multiple choice and essay exam

Postwar Politics and Changes in World Economy weeks 24-26

Homework: Read and outline Ch 28 pp. 875-906

AP European History, 2010-2011

Discussion/Lecture Topics
x Causes and course of the Cold War: Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, United Nations,
atomic race, policy of containment
x Origins The Iron Curtain George Kennan, Containing the Soviet Union (Perry)
x From Stalin to Khrushchev³changes in the Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev, Report
to the Twentieth Party Congress (Perry)
x How and why did European colonies in Africa, Asia and the Middle East gain
independence between 1945-1965
x What were the main developments in the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and Western
Europe 1945-1965?

Visual Project for the period 1945-present

Research/Simulation: Students will use military statistics, weapons charts, death statistics,
fatality rates, population growth, birth rates, marriage rates, populations according to
occupation, union memberships, literacy rates, income rates, interest rates, rise and fall of
commodity prices, GNP, national currencies, natural resources, food production, imports,
exports, changes in national debt, maps of migrations, royal family trees to produce a visual
RIWKHLU´DGRSWHGµ(XURSHDQFRXQWU\and/or one of its colonies and present it as a final

Global Age, Terrorism, Postmodernism week 27-29

Homework: Read and outline Ch 29 pp. 909-932 and Ch 30 pp. 935-964

Discussion/Lecture Topics
glasnost and democratization
x Yeltsin, the fall of the Berlin Wall;; reunification of Germany;; Baltic republics;; the
Velvet Revolution;; Romania and Yugoslavia.
x Growth of terrorism
x Existentialism;; postmodernism
x Green Movement
x European Union

Primary sources:
Leonid Brezhnev
Margaret Thatcher

AP European History, 2010-2011

Map Exercises:
the 21st century?
2. :K\ZDV6ORYHQLD·VOLEHUDWLRQOHVVEORRG\than others in former Yugoslavia? Map

Art History: What is the Digital Age? Create a poster using examples of its products,
consumers, messages, results and imagery.

FRQ: Is nationalism a growing force, a waning force, or merely stagnant in contemporary

Review and practice for AP exam weeks 30-33

Post AP Exam weeks 34-37

Write a movie review discussing its historic accuracy

Legacy: Reproduce a work of art on a ceiling tile from any time period we have studied this
year. You will teach your classmates about the artist and the significance of the work, and
your reproduction will then go on permanent display on the classroom ceiling.

AP European History, 2010-2011

Guidelines for document analysis:

During this course, you will examine a variety of documents in order to learn content and
hone your skills as an historian. When presented with a document, the student should ask a
series of questions about the document:
What type of document is this? For example, is it a letter, a political cartoon, a magazine
illustration, a chart prepared for a classroom presentation by an instructor, a poster
advertising a movie, a selection from a textbook, etc?
When was the document produced? Is it a primary source or a secondary source?

Who was the author of the document? Do you know anything about the author, or can you
make any reasonable assumptions about the author? If the author was a Catholic priest
during the 16th century, for example, it may be reasonable to assume that he was hostile
towards Protestantism. It is probably not reasonable to assume without evidence that he
was corrupt, although this was a frequent charge leveled at Catholic priests in that time

Are you viewing the original document, or has it been altered or edited in any way? Almost
every document we will look at in this class is not an original, so ask yourself who has altered
it and when was it altered. Do you have any reason to suspect that the person who altered it
had any motive to change the meaning of the document? If so, how might the meaning of
the document have been changed? For example, if the document is a portion of a letter
from an Italian Renaissance courtier reproduced in your textbook, it has probably been
translated into English, but you can assume that your textbook authors have not
deliberately tried to change its meaning. On the other hand, if you are reading a
War, you have good reason to suspect that the confession was produced under duress and
that the transcript was heavily edited and/or altered to fit the propaganda needs of the
Soviet Union.

Who was the intended audience for the document? Might this have affected the content of
the document or the style in which it was presented? For example, a diary entry that was
never intended for public consumption might be brutally honest, whereas someone writing
his/her political memoirs for publication has an incentive to present his/her own actions in
the most positive light.

What is the content of the document (what does it say)? Is it describing something,
analyzing something, critiquing something, etc?

What, if any, is the hidden meaning or subtext of the document? Does it contain any
symbols, coded words or phrases, or images that may have an impact on the audience? For
example, a painting from a Renaissance artist may be loaded with symbolism that echoes the
ideals of the classical period of ancient Rome or Greece.

AP European History, 2010-2011

With all this in mind, ask yourself if this document is a trustworthy source of information
for the historian regarding its content, or is it more meaningful as a document that reveals
the attitudes, beliefs, and point of view of a particular person, time period, or culture?

Are there other documents that are similar to the one you are examining? If so, what do
they have in common with this one? How do they differ from each other?

Good writing skills are essential to your success in this course, in college, and in virtually any
field of employment you will enter. We will practice your essay writing skills frequently in
this class.
The heart of any good essay is a strong thesis. Your thesis is essentially a one-sentence
summary of your answer to the writing prompt. Remember that a good thesis needs to:
directly answer the question without restating the question;; contain an opinion that is
provable;; indicate in general terms the evidence the student will use to prove the thesis;; be
a single sentence;; and be located at the end of the first paragraph. A thesis that does not
meet all these requirements is insufficient.
For the purposes of this class, an essay is an argument that must be proven. Your thesis is
your argument, but you must prove it. Imagine yourself to be a prosecutor in a courtroom
attempting to prove the guilt of the accused. In order to succeed, the evidence must
convince a group of neutral observers (the jury) and must be strong enough to overcome the
attacks of your opponent (the defense attorney). In your essay, you must use historical
facts and interpretations to prove your thesis to the reader (in this case, the reader may
be both the jury and the opponent searching for weaknesses in your argument). Your
evidence must be accurate, clearly stated, relevant to your thesis, convincing, and sufficient
to make your case.

Your evidence needs to be organized in a format that is logical, clear, and effective. I will
evaluate your essay on this organization. Generally this means that you use good sentence
structure and paragraph organization, including the use of topic sentences. Your essay
should have an introductory paragraph that gives background information relevant to the
writing prompt and a concluding paragraph that sums up your key points and demonstrates
that you understand the significance of the topic (for example, by relating the topic to
other topics we have studied or to some element of contemporary life). Your evidence needs
to be organized into supporting paragraphs that are coherent and in a logical order that
enhances your argument.

Although I do not grade on penmanship, if I cannot read it, I cannot evaluate it.

Remember³an essay is always, always, always your opinion, backed up with evidence!
Anything else is DZDVWHRI\RXUWLPHDQGWKHUHDGHU·VWLPHDo not try to tell me what I
said in class, what you think I want to hear, what the textbook or encyclopedia says, or what

AP European History, 2010-2011

Guidelines for '%4·V document based questions):

On the AP exam, you will encounter a specialized type of essay known as a DBQ. Although
these are often intimidating at first, students eventually learn that the DBQ is their
the College Board throws at you in May³you can handle it!
The DBQ is essentially a short research essay where someone else has done all the research
for you and you are examining the evidence to come up with a thesis. You will be presented
with a short reading of background information, a writing prompt, and a group of about 12
short documents, usually drawn from a mixture of primary and secondary sources.

Your response to the DBQ must have all the elements of a good FRQ, with a few additional
twists. You will use the documents as your evidence, but you must group them together in
ways that support your thesis and analyze the documents for evidence of the point of view
opinions, and presentation of the facts. We will practice these elements of the DBQ early in
the year through grouping and POV exercises to prepare you for complete DBQ responses
later in the year.

students do quite poorly at first, but get the hang of it as the year goes on.

Guidelines for multiple choice quizzes and tests:

We will have multiple choice assessments once or more per week until early May. Your
grades on these are a big part of your overall grade. These are usually on the reading
assignments, and the length of the quizzes is usually 10-20 questions. About once a quarter,
you will take a lengthy exam with up to 100 multiple choice questions.
Each question will have four or five possible choices. Only one of those choices will be the
correct answer. Be sure to read all the possible choices before making your selection.

If you mark more than one choice as your answer, or if it is unclear which choice is your
answer, I will mark the question incorrect.

notify students in advance of testing or at the time of testing when I will employ this

If for some reason the question contains an inaccuracy, I will credit all students as having
answered the question correctly.

If I make an error in scoring a question, I will correct any erroneously marked papers to
give students proper credit for a correct answer.


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