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Knowledge About Breast Feeding in Accordance With The National Policy Among Doctors

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Knowledge about breastfeeding in accordance

with the national policy among doctors,

paramedics and mothers in baby-friendly
Raheela Hanif,Erum Khalil,Anum Sheikh,Amrita Harji,Sadaf Haris,Muhammad Waqas Rasheed,Sadaf
Ahmed,Erum Shaheen,Ana Younus,Madiha Mansoor,Fawad Hameed,Muzakkir Touseef,Talha Yaseen
( Final Year Medical Student, Dow Medical College, Karachi, Pakistan. )


Objective: To assess the knowledge about the National Breastfeeding Policy among paramedics, doctors and mothers in baby-friendly hospitals.
Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire based survey was conducted at the Paediatrics and Obstetrics department of Civil Hospital, Karachi, Jinnah Postgraduate Medical
Centre and Liaquat National Hospital in May 2008. A questionnaire was developed which was based on National Breastfeeding Policy by the investigators after literature search.
The respondents were mothers, doctors and paramedics. The questionnaire included demographic profile of participants and questions related to the National breastfeeding
Sampling was based on convenient method. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were defined. The investigators interviewed the participants and filled out the questionnaire after
taking verbal informed consent. SPSS version 15.0 was used for data analysis
Result: Total of 515 participants were interviewed which included 197 doctors, 99 paramedics and 218 mothers. The mean age (years) of mothers' was 27.6 ± 7.06, doctors'
29.96 ± 6.024, and paramedics 27.76 ± 9.106. A substantial majority of mothers, paramedics & doctors agreed that breast milk is better than any formula milk. More than three-
fourths of the doctors and paramedics responded that prelacteal feed should not be given in comparison to 64.7% of mothers. Nearly half of doctors and paramedics never
attended any workshop or training programme on lactation management. Similarly, 63.7% mothers were not counseled for lactation during their antenatal visits.
Conclusion: In this study doctors and paramedics are well aware of the recommendations of the National breastfeeding policy. But nearly two-thirds of the mothers were never
educated for the management of the breastfeeding. This point towards the lack of implementation of the national policy on part of healthcare providers (JPMA 60:881; 2010).


Breast feeding is a universal phenomenon common to all cultures. In the last 2 decades, there is a universal awareness of advantages of breast milk. In the western world, there
have been increased trends of breast feeding in recent years. On the other hand, there has been a decline in the breast feeding in the developing countries.1 Breast feeding
should be initiated within the first hour after birth, and it includes the feeding of colostrums which is recommended by WHO as the perfect food for the newborn.2
Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for the first six months of life for healthy term infants,2 which according to WHO refers to the practice of feeding only breast milk
(including expressed breast milk) breastmilk without any additional food or drink, not even water. Breast milk is the natural first food for babies, it provides all the energy and
nutrients that the infant needs for the first months of life. Breast milk promotes sensory and cognitive development, and protects the infant against infectious and chronic
diseases.3 Exclusive breastfeeding reduces infant mortality due to common childhood illnesses. 4 After the first six months the breastfeeding should be supplemented by weaning
food. Weaning is the process of gradually introducing a mammal infant, either human or animal, to what will be its adult diet and withdrawing the supply of its mother's milk.5
Infants should be introduced to nutrient-rich, solid foods with particular attention to iron6 at six months with continued breastfeeding for up to two years.3 These recommendations
are mostly consistent with Islamic religion.7 In first half of twentieth century the formula milk companies influenced most of western mothers which later on affected our population
as well in 1950s. To prevent the falling rate of breastfeeding Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative was launched in 1991.8
The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) is based on the Ten Steps to Successful Breast Feeding, a programme which summarizes the practices that maternity wards need to
adopt to support breastfeeding.9 The internationally defined term 'Baby-Friendly' may be used only by maternity services that have passed external assessment according to the
Global Criteria for the BFHI.8 There are around 15, 000 Baby-Friendly Hospitals throughout the world8 and of these only 35 are in Pakistan.10
So this study was designed to assess the knowledge of health workers and mothers regarding breastfeeding.

Subjects and Methods

A questionnaire based survey was conducted at the Paediatrics and Obstetrics Department of Civil Hospital, Karachi, Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre and Liaquat National
Hospital in May 2008. This study was assigned to students by the research department of Dow University of Health Sciences and was approved by it. The ethical approval was
also obtained from the hospitals included in the study.
A questionnaire was developed by the investigators after literature search. The questionnaire included certain terms which are defined as:
a. Prelacteal feed: Anything given to baby before initiating breastfeeding
b. Exclusive breastfeeding: It means giving baby no other food or drink, including no water in addition to breastfeeding
c. Colostrum: It is the breastmilk that women produce in the first few days after delivery. It is thick and yellowish or clear in colour.
d. Weaning: Giving a baby other food in addition to breastfeeding when it is appropriate usually from 6 months
The respondents were mothers, doctors and nurses selected on certain criteria. Mothers included were those who recently delivered normal healthy single or multiple babies,
breastfed their babies within past 3 years, expecting mother should have had at least 3 antenatal visits to a health facility. Mothers of recently delivered dead babies, those who
breastfed more than 3 years back and with no or less than 3 antenatal visits to health facility were excluded from sample. Houseofficers, postgraduates, resident medical
officers, consultants and faculty members with minimum of 2 months of experience in the concerned departments were included. Houseofficers, postgraduates, resident medical
officers of less than 2 months of experience in the concerned departments were excluded. Paramedics included were staff nurses, student nurses, wardboys and ayas with
minimum of 6 months of experience in concerned departments. Staff nurses, student nurses, wardboys and ayas of less than 6 months of experience in the concerned
departments were not considered for the study.
The questionnaire included the demographic profile of participants including age, gender, education, occupational status and questions according to the National Breastfeeding
policy. This policy includes the following points:
1. Formation of relevant healthcare staff team
2. Training of healthcare staff
3. Education of all expectant mothers for benefits of breastfeeding and dangers of bottle feeding and their dietary needs
4. Initiation of breast feeding within one hour of delivery followed by on demand feeding
5. Exclusive breastfeeding upto 4-6 months. No prelacteal feed
6. Weaning at 4-6 months with continued breast feeding upto 2 years
7. No use of feeding bottles and pacifiers
8. No promotional material about formula, feeding bottles and pacifiers in the facility nor shall they be given to the mother
9. No benefits for healthcare staff
10. Mothers should be educated for:
A. Initiation of breastfeeding within one hour if delivery because colostrum protects baby from infection
B. Frequent breastfeeding increases breastmilk production
C. Exclusive breastfeeding for first 6 months as it is the best food for babies and prevents infection
D. Bottle feeding can cause serious illness and death
E. Weaning should be started at 6 months
F. Pregnant and lactating mothers should eat more food and drink more liquids
Sampling was based on convenient method. The investigators interviewed the participants and filled out the questionnaire after taking verbal informed consent. Participants'
confidentiality was maintained; names were not asked and data was only available for research and publication purposes. Additionally, the data obtained were grouped before
being subjected to analysis as against analyzing individuals separately. SPSS version 15.0 was used for data analysis. Continous variable were analysed by mean and standard
deviation, and other variables by frequencies. Non-parametric (Kruskal-Wallis) test was used to evaluate the significance of difference. A p-value of <0.05 was accepted as
statistically significant.


This study was conducted during thirty days of May 2008. Total of 515 participants were interviewed which include 218 mothers, 197 doctors and 99 paramedics. The mean age
of mothers' was 27.6 ± 7.06 years, doctors' 29.96 ± 6.024 years, and paramedics' 27.76 ± 9.106 years.

Table-1 demonstrate that 215 (98.6%) mothers agreed that breast milk is beneficial for baby and this view scores 100% (p-value=0.129) among doctors and paramedics.
Regarding advantages of breastfeeding that it protects against infection scored highest that is more than 85% among mothers and doctors. And that it forms bonding between
mother and baby was supported by 86 (39.26%) mothers, 89 (45.17%) doctors and 60 (60.6%) paramedics. Breastfeeding was initiated within half hour of delivery was
supported by 151 (69.3%) mothers, 178 (90.4%) doctors & 88 (88.9%) paramedics (p-value=0.000). Practice of prelacteal feed was not supported by majority of all the three
groups (p-value=0.000). However, those who favour it, honey was mainly selected as a choice. Colostrums shall be given to the baby was positively supported by approximately
90% (p-value=0.692)of all the three groups of respondents . The knowledge of on demand feeding was reported in 171 (78.5%) mothers, which was a bit higher than what is
reported against doctors and paramedics, however, this was not statistically significant (p-value=0.086).

Table-2 shows that 95 (43.6%) mothers and 42 (42.4%) paramedics believed that weaning age was 4 months (p-value=0.232). However, 98 (49.74%) doctors viewed that it is 6
months. More than 80% of all the three groups had a knowledge (p-value=0.758) that bottle feeding causes serious illness or death of a baby and therefore breast feeding
should be continued for 24 months (p-value=0.001). Use of pacifiers or soothers was not supported by 90% of all participants.

Table-3 elaborates that a great majority of doctors were supported receiving promotional material (p-value=0.000), gifts, and donation (p-value=0.000) from the formula
milk/feeding bottles manufacturers. However paramedics mostly did not. Nearly half (p-value=0.346) of all the doctors and paramedics had not attended workshops or training
programme in their hospitals.
Out of 218 mothers, 139 (63.77 %) were not counseled for benefits and management of breastfeeding during their antenatal visits.


Pakistan being the 7th populous country is facing a high Neonatal Mortality Rate11 which can be decreased by a number of measures including breast feeding which provides
significant health benefits for infants and mothers.12 In order to identify the knowledge about breast feeding among doctors, paramedics and mothers we designed this study.
According to our study only a slight minority of mothers considered formula (0.5%) or dairy milk (1.4%) more beneficial as compared to breast milk whereas a large majority of
mothers and all doctors and paramedics agreed on breast milk being most beneficial.
More than 3/4ths of all participants believed that breast milk protects the child against infections. Views were variable and were lowest for mothers (39.26%) regarding breast
feeding forms bond between mother and child. Most doctors and 89% paramedics recommended initiation of breast feeding within half an hour after delivery. Our study revealed
that a large numberof mothers initiated breast feeding within half an hour of giving birth. Similar results are quoted about urban mothers in research done in Peshawar.13
A majority of mothers, doctors and paramedics refused to give any prelacteal feed to the new born baby. A study done in Nepal had the same results.14 Two studies of Lahore
showed that many mothers still give prelacteal feed to their newborns.11,15 The mothers, doctors and nurses who were in favour of giving pre lacteal feed to the new born babies,
preferred giving honey. This was supported by the research conducted in Lahore.11
A study from Pakistan stated that colostrums was not given to 65.4% neonates15 however our study as supported by others16,17 concluded that giving colostrums was favored by
more than 90% mothers.
Regarding knowledge about frequency of breast feeding, a great majority of doctors, paramedics as well as mothers expressed that it should be given on demand while a few
listed other options as well. Global recommendation for exclusive breastfeeding is the first six months of child's life. Thereafter, continued breastfeeding with the addition of
nutritionally adequate complementary foods is recommended until at least a child's second birthday.18 In our study, majority of doctors stated 6 months as the age of initiating
complementary foods which is also the recommended age. Most of paramedics and mothers preferred 4 months. A similar study conducted in Karachi showed that in 25% cases
weaning was started at 6 months while earlier weaning was experienced in 9% of population.19 In another study conducted at Lahore, recommended age (6 months) was noticed
in 42 (84%) of 50 breastfed infants.20 A similar study at Lahore showed the mean age for initiating supplemental feeding with semi-solid food as 4.4 ± 0.99 months.15
We have based our study on national breast feeding policy but this has some contradictions with WHO BFHI 10 steps which recommend the initiation of breast feeding within
half an hour after delivery and weaning at age of 6months. In contrast, national policy states to start breastfeeding 1 hour after delivery and weaning at age of 4-6 months. This
difference in ten steps recommended by WHO and National breastfeeding policy explain the different opinions about initiating weaning of our respondents.
Nearly 95% of mothers, doctors, paramedics agree that mothers should increase their diet during pregnancy and lactation. The study of Lahore showed that a large number of
mothers had the knowledge of increasing their diet during pregnancy and lactation.21
About 84% of doctors and 25% paramedics said that promotional material about formula milk, feeding bottles and pacifiers should be allowed in hospitals. They also believed
that health care staff could receive gifts/free samples/donations/free training from formula feed/milk manufacturers. This practice was also reviewed in a study of 3 urban
government hospitals in Pakistan that revealed no adherence to the Code of Marketing of breast milk substitutes and breaching the law. More than one-third of the health
workers interviewed confirmed that they had received gifts labeled with the names of infant formula Companies. In addition, some had received free samples of infant formula,
and 53 (12.4%) confirmed that they had received sponsorship for attending conferences or training sessions.22
Lactation management workshops or training activities are organized in hospitals but only about half of doctors and paramedics claimed to have attended such workshops. This
shows the deficit in training at these tertiary care hospitals even though they have been labeled as 'Baby-friendly'. This lack of training is also indicated in a study conducted by
National Institute of Child Health, showed that the overall correct response rate about knowledge of breastfeeding was not greater than 64.27% among house officers and
diploma students.23
Only 36.2% mothers said that they were counseled for breast feeding during ante-natal clinical visits. The role of counseling in Lactation Management is to provide information
and motivation for mothers to improve breast feeding practices and to prevent, identify and manage breast feeding problems. According to a study conducted in Civil Hospital,
Karachi in 1997 when health education to promote breast feeding was provided, 94% of intervention group mothers continued exclusive breast feeding till four months of age
against 7% in the control group.24


In this study doctors and paramedics are well aware of the recommendations of the National breastfeeding policy. But nearly two-thirds of the mothers were never educated for
the management of the breastfeeding. This points towards the lack of proper implementation of the policy on the part of healthcare providers.


We extend our gratutude for the guidance and supervision of Dr. Ammarah Jamal, Assistant Professor of Paediatrics department, Civil hospital Karachi and Dr.Rumina
Tabassum, Associate Professor of Gynaecology and Obstetrics department, Civil Hospital Karachi for this study.
Knowledge, attitiude and practice of breastfeeding
among postnatal mothers
Author(s): Maheswari Ekambaram, Vishnu Bhat B, Mohamed Asif Padiyath Ahamed

Vol. 14, No. 2 (2010-07 - 2010-12)

Maheswari Ekambaram, Vishnu Bhat B, Mohamed Asif Padiyath Ahamed

Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Puducherry, India

The current study is designed to explore the practices, knowledge and attitude towards breastfeeding among
postnatal mothers and factors that determine them. This descriptive study was carried out in the Neonatal Division,
Department of Pediatrics at a tertiary care hospital in South India during April – July 2009. The data was collected
from 100 postnatal mothers by trained interviewers using a structured proforma. In addition to demographic data,
mothers were also asked about their knowledge on and attitude towards breastfeeding and the practices they follow.
Scoring of the responses to questions was done and the data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social
Sciences. The knowledge of the mothers was inadequate in areas of time of initiation of breastfeeding (92%),
colustrum feeding (56%), duration of exclusive breastfeeding (38%), knowledge on expressed breastmilk (51%) and
continuation of breastfeeding while baby is sick. Better scores corre-lated significantly with higher maternal age,
better maternal education, higher socioeconomic status and having received antenatal care from tertiary care centers
and private practitioners. There is still a need for programmes, which support and encourage breast-feeding
particularly at a primary care level, focusing more on younger, less well-educated women and those from lower
socioeconomic class.

Key words: Breastfeeding, postnatal mothers, knowledge, attitude, practice.

Accepted January 17 2010

Breastfeeding has been accepted as the most vital inter-vention for reducing infant mortality and ensuring optimal
growth and development of children [1]. More than 15% of 24 lakh child deaths could be averted in India by optimal
breastfeeding practices [2]. Breastfeeding is the ideal method suited for the physiological and psychological needs of
an infant [3]. Poor breastfeeding practices are widespread. It is estimated that sub-optimal breastfeeding, especially
non-exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 months of life, results in 1.4 million deaths and 10% of the disease burden in
children younger than 5 years of age [4]. Reviews of studies from developing countries show that infants who are not
breastfed are 6 to 10 times more likely to die in the first months of life than infants who are breastfed [5,6]

The key to successful breastfeeding is Information, Edu-cation and Communication (IEC) strategies aimed at
behavior change. Very few women in India have access to counseling services on infant and young child feeding [7].
In such a situation, the main source of information to mothers is through family and friends, which is often inadequate
[8]. The current study is designed to explore the practices, knowledge and attitude towards breastfeeding among
postnatal mothers and factors that determine them.

Materials and Methods

This is a descriptive study, carried out in the Neonatal Division, Department of Pediatrics at a tertiary care hospital in
South India during April – July 2009. Every 40th case entered in the confinement register maintained in the labour
room was included in the study. Mothers who had lost their babies and who were sick were excluded from the study.
Data was collected by trained investigators using a standard questionnaire that was read out to the mothers.
Informed consent was obtained from all mothers. A total of 100 mothers were interviewed.
Socio demographic information such as age, level of education, occupation, place of residence, type of family, family
income etc was recorded. Influence of previous infant feeding experience was also collected. Scoring of the
responses to questions was done i.e, a score of 1 for the correct response, 0.5 for a partially correct and 0 for a
wrong response. The total score was calculated for each mother and the data was analyzed using Statistical Pack-
age for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 15.0 by appropri-ate statistical tests.

A total of 100 postnatal mothers were included in the study. Their age ranges from18 to 35 with an average of 25.18
years (±3.81 years). Among the mothers 29% had only completed primary school or less while 22% of them were
graduates. Majority of the mothers (67%) were housewives. Most of the mothers (61%) belonged to fami-lies that had
a per capita income of less than 1000.

Majority of the mothers (47%) hailed from joint families. Primiparous mothers accounted for 42% of cases.

Majority of the mothers (52%) did not receive any advice on breastfeeding during antenatal period and only 17%
received advice from health care workers. (Fig 1).

Knowledge of the mothers in various aspects of breast-feeding was analyzed as shown in Table 1.

Figure 1: Source of breastfeeding information to mothers in their antenatal period

Table 1. Knowledge of postnatal mothers on breastfeeding

Fig 2: Reasons for delay in initiation of breastfeeding
Figure 3. Reasons for giving artificial feeds in a child less than 6 months

Table 2: Comparison of breastfeeding scores with demographic profile

While 92% of the mothers knew that breastfeeding should be initiated within one hour, only 36% of the mothers had
actually done so. The reasons for delay in the rest are shown in Fig 2. Out of 57 multipara mothers, 27 (47.3%) said
that they had exclusively breastfed their previous child for 6 months. The reasons for giving artificial feeds in a child
less than 6 months by 15 out of 57 multiparous mothers are shown in Fig 3.

The various factors were scored and the maximum score that can be obtained was 25. The mean score for the group
was 15.6 with a standard deviation of 3.00 (range: 9 – 22.5). The influence of various demographic variables on the
total score was analyzed (Table 2). Out of 57 multipara mothers, 27 (47.3%) said that they had exclusively breastfed
their previous child for 6 months. The reasons for giving artificial feeds in a child less than 6 months by 15 out of 57
multiparous mothers are shown in Fig. 3.

The various factors were scored and the maximum score that can be obtained was 25. The mean score for the group
was 15.6 with a standard deviation of 3.00 (range: 9 – 22.5). The influence of various demographic variables on the
total score was analyzed (Table 2).
Adequate nutrition during infancy is essential to ensure the growth, health, and development of children to their full
potential [9]. Breastfeeding confers short-term and long-term benefits on both child and mother including helping to
protect children against a variety of acute and chronic disorders [10].

Preparation of mothers before they give birth is fundamental to the success of exclusive breastfeeding. However in
our study it was seen that only 48% of the women had received any advice on breastfeeding during antenatal period
and only 17% from a healthcare worker. Support and counseling should be available routinely during ante-natal care,
to prepare mothers; at the time of birth to help them initiate breastfeeding; and in the postnatal period to ensure that
breastfeeding is fully established.

According to a study conducted in rural Ghana, it was concluded that if all women initiated breastfeeding within 1
hour of birth, 22% of the infants would be saved from death. In the Indian context, this means that 250,000 neo-nates
can be saved from death annually by just one act – initiation of breastfeeding within 1 hour of birth [2]. In our study it
was seen that although 92% of the mothers knew the recommendation of initiating breastfeeding within one hour only
36% had actually done it. The data in various studies in India shows that initiation rates vary from 16 to 54.5%. [11].
One of the major reasons for the delay in our study was that the child was sick. This could be because that the study
was conducted in a tertiary care institute where mothers whose babies were sick were retained in the hospital for
more days and were included in the study. The second reason was that there was delay in shifting from labour room.

The other reasons (too tired to sit up and feed, baby was sleeping) only reflected that the mothers were not motivated
adequately for initiating breastfeeding within one hour of birth. Hence intensive efforts need to be put for the timely
initiation of breastfeeding preferably within the labour room itself if there is delay in shifting and the importance of
early initiation of breastfeeding needs to be stressed to the mothers in the antenatal period itself.

The unique nutritional and antibody properties of colostrum and the disadvantages to those infants not fed with
colostrum are now well recognized and documented [12].

In our study, only 56% of the mothers knew that colostrum needs to be given which is very low compared to others
studies in India where the importance of colostrum was known to 75- 90% of the mothers [3,13].

WHO recommends 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding for infants. But, in our study only 38% of the mothers knew
that exclusive breastfeeding should be given for 6 months. Studies show that the mean duration of exclusive breast-
feeding is estimated to be more than six months in many states in India, ranging from 6.7 months in Tamil Nadu to
10.8 months in Andhra Pradesh. Poverty and ignorance are the main reasons for this practice, which is one of the
major causes of malnutrition among infants [12]. Hence the importance of timely introduction of supplementary feeds
needs to be stressed.

Mothers need to know how to express their milk so that they can continue to feed their babies and keep up their milk
supply if they are separated from their baby [4]. However in our study it was seen that the knowledge about benefits
and technique of expressed breastmilk was very low. Taking into account the increasing proportion of working
mothers, this is a very essential element, which needs to be taught to expectant and postnatal mothers by health care

About 38% of the mothers said that they would not breastfeed their child if the child has diarrhea. Although the rate is
better than a study conducted in Australia (45.4%) [14], it is still a matter of concern that dietary practices during
acute diarrheal illness is not known to so many women as it has a major influence on recovery from diarrhea [10].

According to our study, higher breastfeeding scores corre-lated with higher maternal age, with the age group of 31-35
having the highest scores. Similar finding has been reported in many other studies [15-18]. In our study, 70% of the
women between age group of 31-35 years were graduates. We also found a positive association between
breastfeeding and maternal education status similar to a few other studies [14,17-20]. Hence focused counseling and
support needs to be given to younger and less edu-cated mothers.

In our study, higher socio-economic status correlated with better breastfeeding scores. But this could be because of
the educational status of the mothers from higher socio economic class. (65.2% of the mothers with per capita
income more than 1500 were graduates). Better breast-feeding scores also correlated with maternal occupation with
professionals having a better knowledge than unskilled workers/housewives, but again this could be because of the
educational status as 6 out of 7 professionals in our study were graduates.

We also found that women who had antenatal care from tertiary care centers and from private practitioners had better
breastfeeding scores than those who had availed care form primary health center or health care worker. In a study
conducted in India in 2000 showed that those mothers who had delivered in a medical facility had positive effects on
breastfeeding practices [20]. Training of health workers in primary care setting on need for appropriate and timely
counseling of antenatal mothers on breastfeeding must be stressed. Breastfeeding is of extreme importance for
safeguarding health and welfare of the growing infant and this practice must be preserved, protected and promoted
by all means. [2]. The quality of knowledge and support has a crucial role in the success of breastfeeding promotion

This study reveals that the knowledge and attitude of postnatal mothers towards breastfeeding is far from
satisfactory. There is still a need for programmes, which support and encourage breastfeeding particularly at a
primary care level, focusing more on younger, less well-educated women and those from lower socioeconomic class.

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