GP - Essay Questions Collection From Past Prelims
GP - Essay Questions Collection From Past Prelims
GP - Essay Questions Collection From Past Prelims
An Open Source Education Project
1. The arts exist for the sole purpose of keeping us entertained. Do you agree?
2. The arts are created only for our leisure; society has no real need for them.
3. Faced with a choice, would you build a museum or theatre?
4. The Arts is no longer important in a society that values economic success. Discuss
this with reference to your country.
5. Is there a place for the arts in this technological age?
6. The pursuit of the arts is not an option but an integral part of the growth of a people.
7. Modern movies have become more entertaining but less meaningful. Do you agree?
8. For the arts to flourish, there must be complete freedom of expression. Discuss.
9. Discuss the conditions in society which might enable the arts to flourish.
10. Music is the one true universal language. Discuss.
11. Fine arts is not for the masses. Is this true?
12. The artist's only responsibility is to his art. Do you agree?
13. Most modern architecture is ugly and impractical. Do you agree?
14. Assess the factors which have promoted and hindered cultural development in your
15. Can photography be considered an art form?
16. Can a country preserve its culture nowadays in the face of increasing globalisation?
17. Why are people still concerned about customs and traditions?
18. Have rituals, customs and ceremonies become less important in people's lives?
19. One language, one culture. Would you like to see this on a global scale?
20. Language serves as an essential tool in eradicating racial conflicts. Comment.
21. Art is inaccessible to the common man.’ Discuss.
22. “The arts are just a luxury for the rich.” Do you agree?
23. The sole purpose of the Arts is to entertain. Discuss.
24. Are the Arts still relevant in this age of modern technology?
25. Artistic expression should never be restricted. Discuss.
26. ‘Above all, the arts teach us to be human.’ Do you agree?
27. ‘The arts liberate; science enslaves.’ Discuss.
28. ‘The arts of not a frill… a society without the arts would no longer be what we now
recognise as human.’ Discuss the value of the arts in your society.
An Open Source Education Project
1. We are moving towards a virtually cashless society. What are the implications of this
for your country?
2. Should a nation's key public services be privatised?
3. Do multi-national companies encourage or retard progress in developing countries?
4. How important is transport to the development of a nation?
5. Aid to developing countries should be linked to their human rights record. Discuss.
6. Globalisation has little or nothing to offer developing countries. To what extent do you
agree with the statement?
7. To what extent can we eradicate poverty in the world today?
8. Why should we be concerned about the rich-poor gap in the world today?
9. It is becoming increasingly difficult for any nation to live in economic and political
isolation. Do you agree?
10. Should a movie star be paid more than a teacher?
11. Should a sports person be paid more than a teacher?
12. The most worthwhile jobs are usually those with the least financial gain. Do you
13. ‘The affluent world should be ashamed that poverty still exists.’ Discuss.
14. ‘You cannot stop globalisation, it is something that happens.’ (U.S. Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright) Should globalisation be resisted?
15. ‘Globalisation has created two worlds, not one.’ To what extent is this true?
An Open Source Education Project
18. Paper qualifications have little value in today’s world.” Do you agree?
19. “Schools teach too much that is unnecessary and too little of what is interesting.”
20. ‘Enabling the individual to cope with failure should be the main aim of education.’ Do
you agree?
21. “The most important challenge facing education is to develop a love for learning and
questioning.” Do you agree?
22. How far would an education system that is flexible and varied contribute to an
education worth having?
23. To what extent is the education system in your country churning our efficient but
mindless clones?
24. ‘Only the educated are free.’ Discuss.
By their nature, these topics are likely to be quite abstract and demanding, but they can
produce very effective responses when carefully planned and effectively illustrated
by means of pertinent examples.
An Open Source Education Project
1. Knowledge of the past can do more harm than good. Do you agree?
2. That men do not learn very much from the lessons of History is the most important of
all lessons that History has to teach. (Aldous Huxley) Discuss.
3. To what extent is it necessary for the common man to have a knowledge of history?
4. ‘History is the unfolding of miscalculations.’ Is this a fair comment?
5. ‘We learn from history that we learn nothing form history.’ (George Bernard Shaw)
Mass Media
The traditional view is that the word ‘media’ should be treated as a plural noun in all its
senses in English, and can be used as a plural rather than singular verb: The media
have not followed the reports. In practice, it behaves as a collective noun which means it
is now acceptable in standard English for it to take either a singular or a plural verb. For
the purpose of exams, consistency is the key.
An Open Source Education Project
4. The evils of the media have been grossly exaggerated. To what extent do you
5. The media deceives more than it reveals. Do you agree?
6. Are cartoons only for entertainment?
7. A country is only as free as its press. Do you agree?
8. Self-censorship is the best censorship. To what extent is this true in your country?
9. Every society has a right to prohibit the propagation of opinions which has a
dangerous tendency. Is censorship justifiable?
10. The media divides the young from the old. Do you agree?
11. Movies and television can never replace books. Discuss.
12. ‘Buyer beware!’ To what extent should we pay heed to this advice?
13. Advertisers create demand for things we do not need. Discuss.
14. ‘Popular films only serve to entertain the masses.’ Assess the validity of the
15. ‘The public has an insatiable curiosity to know everything, except what is worth
knowing.’ Is this a valid statement?
16. “You deserve the media you get.” How true is this statement?
17. “The young are victims of today’s multi-channelled and Internet-linked world”.
18. ‘Television is a necessary evil.’ Comment.
19. Does TV viewing erode a person’s ability to think about complex issues?
20. Is the television a lens of is it a mirror?
21. ‘Advertisements are merely reflections of a society’s ideals.’ How far is this true?
An Open Source Education Project
An Open Source Education Project
1. Does the concept of gender should have any relevance in today’s society?
2. Have modern women paid too high a price for equality?
3. How far do you agree that the values of the youth are in conflict with the values of
4. Affluence brings about as many problems as poverty. Discuss.
5. How far should a criminal’s age influence the nature of his punishment?
6. Today’s crimes reflect a world that is rapidly losing its values. Comment.
7. ‘Our mercy is become our crime.’ (John Dryden) Are harsher punishments the
answer to curbing crime today?
8. Do you think parents should be punished for the crimes that their teenage children
9. Society prepares the crime; the criminal commits it. Is it justified to blame the society
for its crimes?
10. How valid is the claim that, for most people, work today is less satisfying and more
time-consuming than before?
11. Do you think modern life has become unnecessarily complex?
12. Most criminals need help rather than punishment. To what extent do you agree?
13. In trying to provide the best for their children, parents have deprived them of what is
really important in life. Discuss.
14. Is the role of the family still as important as it used to be?
15. It is up to the individual whether to smoke or not; it is not the proper concern of the
government. How far would you agree with this statement?
16. To what extent should a government be responsible for the needs of the elderly and
17. To reduce divorce rates, couples should cohabit before marriage. Discuss.
18. The test of a civilised society is in the way it treats its children. To what extent do you
19. ‘How man treats animals is a reflection of how civilised he is.’ Comment.
20. Is the term ‘spoilt generation’ a fair description of today’s youth?
An Open Source Education Project
21. Do you agree that the youths of today subscribe only to values that suit them?
22. Do you think that the institution of the family may be in for a radical revision in the
23. How far would you agree that immigrants are necessary for a society to be
successful today?
24. Discrimination is not always bad. Do you agree?
25. ‘Juvenile delinquents are not criminals – they are simply misunderstood teenagers.’
How far do you agree?
26. Feminism should be as liberating to men as it is to women. Comment.
27. “Women are edging men out from their comfortable niches.” Comment.
28. Having children is increasingly seen as a chore and not a blessing. What impact
would this have on the institution of family?
29. “Women make better leaders than men.” Discuss.
30. The youths of today have an opinion on everything but a heart for none. Is this a fair
assessment of young people in your country?
31. Discrimination is not always bad. Do you agree?
32. Women now have equality and freedom in everything. Do you agree?
33. Is the growing acceptance of singlehood a blessing or a curse?
34. 'Infidelity is the greatest threat to the well-being of the family today.' Do you agree
with this claim?
35. ‘The golden years’. Is this an accurate description of old age in your society?
36. Should divorce be banned?
37. ‘A house needs a man more than it needs a woman.’ Discuss
38. ‘We have become a society of excesses.’ Discuss.
39. Singlehood is becoming increasingly attractive today. Comment.
40. Do you agree that Singaporeans are victims of trends?
Final Note: There will be about 2 – 3 Singapore-based questions based on any of the
above, though more likely to confined to social issues, culture, media and education.
Know thy country!