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Conclusion 19

Memorandum 19

References 23

Appendix 24

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|Introduction |

Today, business and management continue to be transformed by high technology. The free
competition in the enterprise is more and more violent. Therefore, business process is very
important to customer and for the company development. It makes a difference between
companies and other competitors and is one of the strengths that a business needs to promote. |

This report is performed with purpose to identify structure, culture, mission, goals of BSP.
Beside that, we will develop plans for training and development to bring benefits. That thing will
be helpful for improving the company¶s operation results.

Describe the structure and culture of BSP and evaluate the inter-relationships between the
different processes and functions.

Yn organisation¶s structure is a formal pattern. It is designed by managements. Its purpose is to

relate individuals and groups¶ tasks. Furthermore, a good structure will help to achieve the
organisation¶s goals.

BSP is a family run private limited company specialised in electronic projects development
systems. Van has agreed to continue the family¶s business, also bringing with him a team of his
µthink-tank¶ and his first task is to set out to improve its performance by giving BSP a better
image. Its core product areas includes bedside panels, safe systems and housekeeping for hotels,
nurse call systems for hospitals and smart card assess systems for integrated purposes. (Source
case study) From those things above, we can say that BSP structure is used the departmentation
structure - Functional orgaisation.

‰en Sin


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Àurse call Safe systems and |

systems| housekeeping   |
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BSP Structure is determined by influences such as its mission, activities, processes, internal and
external factors and so on.

Besides that, Culture is also important for BSP to establish and stable beliefs, attitudes and
values. BSP has 200 employees mostly highly qualified with at least one-third graduates mostly
design and project engineers and the rest of the staff with at least a diploma. BSP culture is used
task culture. Important individuals are experts with the ability to accomplish a particular aspect
of task. Ynd the principal concern is to get the job done. (Source organization and behavior
Course Book, p.108)

BSP have departments, such as, financial, human resource, production and Marketing. Those
departments will have different functions. Besides that, each department will also perform
different. From that, each department will have relationship to support together. That thing is
very important to make inter- relationship in the organization.

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The map shows inter-relationship between difference processes and functions

Processes Functions
P1: budgets and forecasting F1: financial management
P2: training and development F2: Human resource management
P3: operation F3: production and control
P4: marketing communication F4: marketing and research market

Through the map and the table of the relationship between processes and functions in the
department, we can also see that the process and function have a relationship and influence each
other. It can be inter- relationship between processes or between functions together. Furthermore,

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it is also inter-relationship between difference processes and functions in the department or
different department.

Initiate and identify the mission, mission statement, the aims and objectives of an

BSP started as a small enterprise and gradually grew. Therefore, the company must set up a
mission and objectives for itself. Those problems are important for BSP development and
activities in the future.

The mission of BSP Company

 dxpand its existing geographical coverage and product portfolios to maintain its
sustainable dominant position in the local and foreign market
 Building brand names strongly tied in with product quality
 Supply the best products and always satisfy customers¶ demand

The mission statement of BSP Company

BSP should establish a mission statement to reproduce in a number of places, such as, on
publicity material, in workshop, and are promulgated on the table annual reports at web site

BSP mission statement is given with the actions of the organization, spell out its overall goal,
provide a sense of direction, and guide decision-making. Source Wikipedia, the free

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The aims of BSP Company

Manufacture and enterprise with high products to satisfy customer needs and get profits
Maintain and promote the company culture to make relationship with customer
iden internal distribution network and establish a growth strategy to building brand
 Building a good customer service system to expansion of market share in existing and new
Maintains a creative and innovative workforce, and gives back to the communities in which
we live and work
Continuously enhancing supply chain man-agreement and development of raw material

BSP Company¶s objectives

Continue to increase product quality by 5%

Continue to develop new product lines by 8%
Improve technological by 10%
Introduce new innovative products or services by 6%
To become the best-ranking in 5 years

Define the methodology to be used to map processes on the organisation¶s objectives and

BSP should use process mapping method for picturing work processes. It is very important to
communicate a functional unit¶s core processes and key activities. Besides that, process mapping
method still provides a board overview of each activity. It is not an overly detailed description of
individual task, responsibilities.

dxample: BSP wants to maintain and promote the company culture to make relationship with
customer. BSP should use process mapping method. It provides sufficient detail to allow an
informed observer to understand the flow of work in the process.

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Human resource department will perform


Control and test from results in the process

There is a survey each staff¶s


Process step
Have learning and training {utput
Information about customer programs that will be used to
retain current employees. Develop company
Research market and customer culture
Beginning with training for
Money, tools, skills and knowledge about the Make relationship with
knowledge company culture customer

| Director (Ven Sin)

hen the company wants to expand

the new market

The time is one year

Through the process mapping method above, BSP can indentify key stakeholders who will
benefit of the process from inputs to outputs. Besides that, the company can know easily key
activities and perform for step by step of core process. The first thing, BSP must have enough
resources finance, human, information and time for input. Beside that, there is also plans,
controlling and monitoring for the process. Ynd the process step will be performed by specific
activities such as have a training programs to know and widen knowledge for employees. From
that, there will a good output and achieve the company¶s objective.

In general, in the company has much functions and departments, each function and department
can relate/unrelated together. Therefore, we must combine that thing to operate by the
unification. It is an important methodology to be used to map processes on the organisation¶s
objectives and functions

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dvaluate the output of the process and analyse quality gateways

Y process is a transformation that begins from inputs and the end outputs. It can say that outputs
are very important for the process. If the output has a good result that thing will assess the
quality of the input and the process. Therefore, BSP must build blocks of business measures are
goals, and critical success factors (CSFs) what has to be achieved for success. It is including

 Customers satisfaction

 §uantity of output

 Reliability of quality of output

 Manner of delivery of output

 Reliability of delivery of process outcome to defined program

 Delivery of process outcome within the defined timescale

 Success or failure of process (e.g. win/lose in tender process)

 §uantity of rejects, cost of rework

Source Management course book, p-256

From elements that are said above. BSP should base on them to evaluate the output of the

Beside that, BSP also needs to have a policy to control and test quality gateways. It means all
requirements had to be reviewed and approved by the quality gateway before they could be
presented to user.

dxample: when BSP buy materials to product, in the manufacturing has the processes of
production including two steps. To have a quality product, of course, BSP must have a quality
control system and solutions to check each step by quality standard. If the BSP does that the

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gateway of product will ensure the best quality. Through the outline as following we can see the
process of production with a quality gateway.

Quality control
3 |   |

Gateway of
Step 1 Step 2 product
Material Product Product §uality

The process of production

Moreover, BSP should also have comparison products together, when the company has not
quality control system. There is a comparison between qualities of new products at the present
with old products in last time. Furthermore, BSP can comparison its quality control system with
other company¶s quality control system in the business and similar process perform. By
establishing standard of quality as:


Develop plans which promote goals and objectives for the company

Yfter employees are selected, they enter an orientation program to be formally introduced to
their jobs.Training & developing is two of ways to be promoted and used performance targets.
Development is useful to help staffs can meet their own needs. Beside that, training brings
effectives for staffs, such as learning more skills. From that, they can meet the company needs.
Therefore, BSP must be interested in development and training plans.

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Úoals and objectives of training and development

 nowledge: Basic knowledge for the job. This is an important stage before employment.
It is useful to promote the BSP products
 Skill and experience: Development highly skilled staff to support BSP needs. From that,
there is a relationship to the job content
 Yttitude: employers¶ attitudes are improved. They are entrusted more responsibilities and
felt their role in the organization is rated higher

It can say that this is a training plan that BSP will apply for the year/quarter/month

Ào Subject Content
1 Training program objectives  Basic knowledge for the job
 Development highly skilled staff to support
BSP needs
 Improving employers¶ attitudes
 Building relationships between staff and
 Increasing commitment to the BSP goals
2 Training methods Using two training methods:
 Training new
Training method is in place by the support of
internal and expert staffs.
3 Training content Be associated with the job
4 Àumber of staff 20 people/time
5 Training time The time of training short-term (time/month). Total
time of training is a year from Àov, 2009 to Oct
6 Subjects training Ydministrative staffs, technicians and technical

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- Support training Support of internal processes to maintain and does
not affect general activities

State and ensure that the plans set are consistent with legal, regulatory and ethical

The first standard of ethical isn¶t illegal. e must develop plans by law and business with right
ethical as:

× Àot against the law

× Àot against policy regulation
× Àot harm stakeholder
× Àot against the society
BSP Company¶s difficult problem is poor results, and high staff turnover in the business. So the
company must dismiss labours. e must have suitable and benefit policies to insure for
compensation with each labour. dmployees are working at company. They will be retrained to
begin with new works but this work must be suitable with them. Besides that, when BSP recruits
new staffs is the recruitment advertising must ensure an equitable. Team of recruiters must
ensure that equal opportunity exists for all job applicants and current employees.

Our company should set up an access appraisal system, so the workforce felt that they were
undervalued and had no access to proper training or the opportunity to express their views except
through the trade union representative. Because, we must apply a process of the collection as job
analysis, it provides the information for a job description with description of job content,
environment and conditions of employment, and job specification, knowledge, skills and abilities
needed to do the job effectively.

Beside that, when a new employee is recruited, we must proved that this new employee works
better than the old employee. The important thing is equity and fairness involved in
rewards/salaries/ bonuses and so on.

Those problems above that are not influence to the legal, regulatory and ethical considerations to
the selection process in BSP.

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Suggest objectives which are SMART standard to align the staff and other resources in an
effective and efficient way

It can say that SMYRT method is one of important methods to check and access the validity of
objective. It is including standards as follow:


The objective must be specific with a single key result. If more than one result is to be
accomplished, more than one objective should be written. Just knowing what is to be
accomplished is a big step toward achieving it.


The objective must be measurable. Only the objective that affects behavior in a measurable way
can be optimally effective.


The objective must be attainable with the resources that are available. It must be realistic. Many
objectives are realistic. Yet, the time it takes to achieve them may be unrealistic.


The objective should be central to the goals of the personal. The successful completion of the
objective should make a difference.


The objective should be traceable. Specific objectives enable time priorities to be set and time to
be used on objectives that really matter|

Training objectives link the identification of training needs with the content, methods and
technology of training

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Goal 1: Basic knowledge for the job.
Step Àote Date
1 There is a survey each staff¶s Using method is Interview Two days
knowledge. and questionnaire.
2 Ynalysis and assess to decide training be associated with the job Three days
3 Training Direct and through course One month
4 Feedback from their Three month
Checking the training¶s result managers
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Goal 2: Development highly skilled staff to support BSP needs.

Step Àote Date
1 Organizing courses to coach Test knowledge Three months
professional competence.
2 Checking through working¶s results Feedback from their Three months
and processes. managers
3 Organizing exams to test professional Year/time Six days
4 Yssess level of each staff Set up standards to Three days
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Prepare and agree implementation plans which translate strategic targets into practical
efficient and effective actions.

Therefore, BSP must have an information system to perform the strategic planning process.
Besides that, we must establish standard for short- term, medium-term and long-term goals.
From that, there are suitably chances for the company¶s strategies and we should know that
feedback is encouraged and incorporated to determine if goals and objectives are feasible. Below
is the sample of implementation plan for BSP.

Areas {bjectives Methods Time frame

Basic knowledge for There is a survey each Two days, 23rd

the job staff¶s knowledge. and 24th Àov,

Three days, 25th

Ynalysis and assess to
,26th and 2-th
decide training
Training and One month, From

development 1st Dec, 2009 to

31st Dec, 2010

Two months,
Checking the training¶s
from 2nd Jan,
2010 to 31st Feb

Organizing courses to Three months,

Development highly coach professional from 1st Mar,

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skilled staff to competence. 2010 to 31th May,
support BSP needs 2010.

Three months,
Checking through
from 1st June,
working¶s results and
2010 to 31st Yug,
Organizing exams to
Six days. From
test professional skill.
12th to 1-th Sep,

Yssess level of each Three days from

staff 19th to 21th Sep,

From the action plan table above, we will use a critical path analysis to identify activities of
training and development into practical efficient and effective actions.

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Activity Activity¶s name Duration

A survey staff¶s knowledge 2 days
B Ynalysis and assess 3 days
C Training 1 month
D Organizing courses 3months
d Checking the training¶s result 2 months
F Checking the courses¶ results 3 months
Ú Organizing exams to test 6 days
H Yssess level of each staff 3days

Through the critical path analysis, we can see that this is an efficiency project. If BSP solves two
problems between training and development together they will have only six months and
fourteen days. However, if BSP implement each problem step by step (the first is training and the
final is development) they will lose nine months and eighteen days. Therefore, we should choose
method training and development together. It will bring efficiency for the company. Its purpose
is decrease resources as money, time, human, and so on.

Moreover, it can also say that it is also an effectiveness method. So, it can bring good results as

 The staff will be able to know about operation inspection, adjustments, a removable
(including problems replacing machinery and equipment) and renovation of machinery
and equipment as directed.
 The staff will have high skills to support their work and BSP needs
 dach staff of BSP will have different expertise; experiences, skills and backgrounds to
complete mutually as there are different opinions about things, approach to work in
different ways.

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Manage the work activities to prevent ineffective and inefficient deviations from the
operational plan through effective monitoring and control.

In the implementation plan, there are effective and efficient problems. However, there are also
ineffective and inefficient problems in the action plan. Therefore, we should have suitable
operational plan through effective monitoring and control.

Monitoring and control the process by staffs¶ results. e need regular checking. Beside that, if
staffs have any problem we will find out and help them in the limit

e should find to see that staffs have trained. They have using what they have learned to apply
for their work? From that, we will have an encouraging method by valuable comments.
Moreover, we will use questioning skills and listening skills to record their results if they
practice and apply skills for the work.

If the process of training the staffs have not improved we will have a motivation plan to resolve
their own problems and toward the independence in the work. Through those processes, they still
do not improve we will move their up other department that is accordance with their appropriate
Furthermore, we should find out the staff has any expectation? That thing is important to discuss
their development in the future. Ynd we must also explain to Human Resource and other
department about level of each staffs that have trained.

It can say that training is one of method to prevent ineffective and inefficient deviation. So, BSP
is a manufacturing company in electronic projects development systems. In the production, if
BSP has much accident in the process working. It means that the management of the work
activities is not good. Casualty level becomes more severe and operation results are poor and
high staff turnover. Therefore, BSP should apply training and development to improve and meet
BSP needs. ³*   | | |   |   || |    |*
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||0. (Source Manual on Management skill, p.44)

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Implement appropriate systems to achieve the objectives and goals of the plan

To achieve the objectives and goals of action plan in the most effective and efficient way, BSP
should have a good operating and controlling system (see appendix 1). They are important in
setting the training people and performance criteria, measuring performance and to manage the
work activities to prevent ineffective and inefficient deviations.

Training and development programs should align with organizational values, goals, and
objectives in order to be successful. Managers develop an effective training and development
program by assessing training needs and designing training programs to meet those needs.
(Source Manual on Management skill, p.44)
It can say that controlling process system is an appropriate system to implement for BSP
Company¶s training and development program. It is including steps as follow:

Controlling process system|

dstablishing performance standard

Measure performance and review

Comparing the results with the standard

Taking corrective action

Though the controlling process system, BSP can easy indentify difficult problems. Moreover,
effective controlling process system brings usefully managers to know how well implementation
is going. From that, there are action plan to solve the company¶s situation to achieve the
objectives and goals of the plan.

Furthermore, BSP must be interested in four important elements such as, finance, human
resource, time and quality. They are successful keys to implement the controlling process
system. Beside that, they will bring good results for training and develop program if BSP know
to use and promote in the most effective and efficient way especially taking time and budget into
consideration and to meet the organisational standards of quality.|

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BSP must ensure output performance objectives are necessary to set for individuals, teams.
Though quantity objective the staff can know that the objectives he carries on or the exact way
he do it. Beside that, quality objective is more and more important. It is a successful key for
training and development. So, the final purpose is to achieve good quality. If we do that best we
will achieve the objectives and goals of action plan.


Through all report, we can see that BSP have the difficult problem in the business. There are
poor results and high staff turnover. The company must dismiss labours. Therefore, we must
have suitable and benefit policies to insure for compensation with each labour. Beside that, we
must develop training and development plan and implement appropriate systems to promote
goals and objectives for the company. If BSP applies by problem that are said above the
company will achieve the successful in the future.


T{ Peter Durbin

BSP private limited company

Position: Superior

FR{M Dung Tuan Tran

The member of think- tank team

DATd Àovember 22th, 2009

Yt the present, the company has problems that affect the business process and development in
the further. Therefore, today all members in the think- tank have a meeting to discuss for subjects

 Define the resources, tools and systems required to support the business process
 Define and implement quality audit systems/practice to manage and monitor quality to
standards specified by the organisation and process operated
 dmbed a quality culture to ensure continuous monitoring and development of the process

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Yfter meetings and discussions carefully all members of think-task team had defined the
resources, tools and systems required to support the business process as follow:

No Resource Tool System

1 Case study research Human Resource system
Human resource Interview and questionnaire Information and knowledge
Training management system.
2 ork breakdown structure Yppraisal system
(BS) dxpert system
ISO standard §uality management system
Quantity and
Total quality management
Statistical Process Control

Besides deciding what we will do in future. The first thing, we will have to set the action plan.
Àext, we will implement quality audit systems/practice to manage and monitor quality to
standards specified by the organisation and process operated.

There are tools and systems that can support the business process as: BS, ISO, T§M, dxpert
system, §uality management system and so on. However, BSP should apply the quality
management system base on ISO standard (ISO 9000, 9001, 9002, 9003, and 9004) in all of its
manufacturing processes. It can say that ISO 9000 Standard Series is helpful for BSP to achieve
quality objectives as follow:

 Maintain and promote product¶s quality.

 Satisfy customer needs.
 Supply the belief for management to perform and maintain by quality standards (dnsured
internal quality)
 Proving reliability for consumers that the quality has been and will be performed in
proving products (ensured external quality)

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Moreover, to ensure that product¶s quality is best. BSP should apply checking method from input
to output for the product. e can understand that method through the map as follow:

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If BSP can apply base checking process above the company will have a good result for the
management and controlling product¶s quality.

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The final problem that BSP needs to be interested in embedding a quality culture to ensure
continuous monitoring and development of the process

The implementation of quality management system by ISO standard, they will affect profoundly
to BSP and people working in all parts. So, ISO not only a philosophy but also is the culture of
BSP committed to total customer satisfaction. To have a good result in satisfying customer, BSP
should have plans to improve resources as material, human, equipment and quality management

dxample: there is an innovation quality program to impulse the| innovation for employees. From
that, each employee will have though about quality and develop a quality culture in the company.

 Staff will have goals for their working development and have good visions.
 Yll staffs are to be feeling the meaning of your contribution and showing respect for each
 Have a belief, listening and there are ideas together to build the same development.

The other way, when BSP implement the quality management system by ISO standard,
everybody also must implement together from top to down. That thing will establish a culture
quality as:

 Develop teamwork and close teamwork.

 Managers have more responsibility in the working.
 There are decisions by common consent between leadership and staff.

In general, BSP should be interested in quality of product and apply methods above to establish a
quality culture for the business.

Y ||  |



BBP Professional dducation, (2004) © | -| '  . 1st ed., BPP Professional
dducation Yldine House, Yldine Place London 128Y, PP. 252-256-2-0-294-356-

BBP Professional dducation, (2004) © | -|   |   . 1st ed., BPP
Professional dducation Yldine House, Yldine Place London 128Y, PP. 113-262-

BBP Professional dducation, (2004) © |-|{   | |

 . 1st ed., BPP
Professional dducation Yldine House, Yldine Place London 128Y, PP. 43-68-

Ào name, ' | |'  |- (Project GTZ. Ào 2000.2208.-, Project Document
Ào: IM, pp 15-44

Ào name, ' |   , ikipedia, the free encyclopedia [online]. [quoted 24th Àov
2009] www.wikipedia.org/.../Mission_statement

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Appendix 1: operating and controlling system.

Transformation process
Customers¶ needs
Organization, staffing, leading {utputs
Operating the system Products
Organization structure Services
Management nad labour
Job design Information
Plan, machinery, ect
Material and suppliers

Planning Controlling

Product/service Information for control

Decision and design §uality control

System improvement

Tools and techniques

Operations research/linear programming

Inventory planning and control, JIT

CYD/CYM and Yutomated Guided Vehicles (YGVs)

Value engineering- quality circles

Time/ event network- work simplification

Distribution logistics, flexible manufacturing systems

Source Management course book, p-310

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