Griffin Army Book
Griffin Army Book
Griffin Army Book
he Temple is aware of how close the end of
the world is. It knows the duties it must
perform for the mortals of Aarklash.
It knows that the gods worshipped by most peoples
are bogus icons and perfidious magical creatures
who abuse the gullibility of mortals. These
soldiers are at the heart of a merciless
struggle to save the people of Aarklash
and bring them into Merin’s Light. They
have chosen a symbol that resembles
their mission: the Griffin.
w w w. r ac k h a m . f r
w w w.c on f ront at ion . f r
Jean Bey
Philippe Chartier
Sébastien Célerin
Arnaud Cuidet, Collin Kelly,
Jean-Baptiste Lullien
and Nicolas Raoult
Hélène Henry
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Matthias Haddad and Mathieu Harlaut PART I : UNIVERSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
ICONOGRAPHERS Templars of Akkylannie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 1
Gwendal Geoff roy and Pascal Petit The history of the Temple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
ILLUSTRATORS PART II : THE ORDER OF THE TEMPLE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Paul Bonner, Nicolas Fructus, Édouard Raising an army . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Guiton, Florent Maudoux, Paolo Pa- Abel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
rente, Didier Poli et Kevin Walker. Temple of the North . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
SCULPTORS Temple of the South . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Benoît Cosse, Yannick Fusier, Sébastien Temple of the West . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Labro, Nicolas N’Guyen, Stéphane Temple of the East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
N’Guyen Van Gioi, Elfried Perochon,
Fusilier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Stéphane Simon and Rafal Zelazo.
Spearman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
Demon Hunter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Valentin Boucher, Vincent Fontaine,
Templar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
Xavier Giacomin, Arnaud Gironne and
Executioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
Martin Grandbarbe.
Praetorian Guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
Redemption rider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
Jean-Baptiste Guiton
Cannon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
Griffin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
Collin Kelly
SPECIAL THANKS TO PART III : APPENDIXES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Jez Fairclough, Jon Finn, Grant Hill Travel journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
and Kenton Sheppard Cadwallon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
The miniatures have been created by RACKHAM®. They are issued from the universe of Confrontation:
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CRY HAVOC® and RACKHAM® are RACKHAM® trademarks. Copyright © 1996-2007 RACKHAM®.
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To be a templar means one needs to be truly Akkylannian: burning of books and many people being burnt at the stake.
a loyal servant of Merin and an instrument working towards But those times are now over in Akkylannie.
the rise of a new Creation. It means belonging to the most Finally, Akkylannians are proud of their State: the Empire of
civilized and organized people on Aarklash. Akkylannie is the only government on Aarklash to be so orga-
In Akkylannie children are instructed by the Church from a nized and structured. It is the only country whose existence
very young age; they go to church at least once a week to learn to and legitimacy exists beyond its leader. It is the only country
read and write. Shortly before adulthood, every male Akkylan- where the servants of the nation are appointed into office re-
nian has to serve in the army for five years as a conscript. This gardless of their social class. For the enemies of the Empire,
conscription makes the imperial army one of the most powerful there is no point trying to behead the country: the Empire ex-
armies on Aarklash. It guarantees that every Akkylannian gets to ists beyond the individuals who serve it. The country is forever
serve his god. It also allows the various layers of society to mingle indestructible. However, the downside to this is the country’s
and mix regardless of the conscripts’ background. Conscription complex hierarchy and tentacular administration. Even the
is the mortar of the Akkylannian nation and makes this people most modest craftsman will need to file heaps and heaps of
one of the most enlightened and well-read on Aarklash. paperwork before being allowed to open a stall!
Akkylannians are very proud of their craftsmen. Their ar- Among this united and fervent people, the templars con-
mor and weapons are true masterpieces, deadly efficient and stitute a military and spiritual elite. They are not only there
remarkably beautiful. Such excellence is only possible because to defend Akkylannie and to pray to Merin, they also fight at
of the quality of the ore mines of the Akhylahn Mountains. the four corners of Aarklash against the servants of Darkness.
Powerful corporate guilds make sure this precious expertise Blind obedience to the holy scriptures and to those working
is passed on correctly. for the church is not enough for them. Every day they ques-
Nonetheless, being Akkylannian also means believing in tion their own ethics to make sure they are still worthy of the
Merin. As a monotheist empire, Akkylannie shows a differ- perfection of the new Creation. It is not their mission to mas-
ent face compared to other nations of Aarklash: on holidays sacre those who don’t hear the message. However, they are
everyone stops working. And during religious celebrations the ready to defend the future Merin has in mind for them against
streets of every city, town or village are filled with shouts of joy. any threat. Having themselves the souls of pilgrims they are
The Akkylannians’ fervor is equaled only by their ambition: all very respectful, especially the templars of the West, of the
they are firmly set on converting all the mortals of Aarklash in order’s creed of hospitality. The doors of their lodges and com-
order to save them! This led to numerous excesses, such as the manderies are open to everyone with good intentions.
The templars are proud of their exper-
tise, no matter how much sacrifice is in-
volved. They are glad to bear the word of
Merin everywhere on Aarklash to serve Djaran
as an example to the peoples of the Ways
of Light. Their engagement and convic- Denda
Cartho Carthag
tion is so high that in the heat of battle
they reach a form of trance. They be- Fero
come formidable warriors, transcended
by divine anger. To the Templars, their
war fury is a godsend from Merin.
Totem: Griffin.
Country: Akkylannie.
People: The Akkylannians.
Nation: The Empire of Akkylannie.
Language: Akkylannian.
Capital: Arcavia.
Alliance: The Ways of Light.
Allies: Dragon, Lion, Boar and
Cult: Merin.
Magicians’ primary element: Fire.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m
n o p q r s t u v w x y z
in ce the m or ta
er in shal l conv
C r e a t i on X
it hf μ l of M
and m ak e
T he
e n
μlt of Mer in
h μt
μ thhoorriittyy of the ccμ
of the aμ
a μgghhtt to
he y ooμ
T ptt,, no t on ly
by fa lse gods. T
[ re at ion is co
rrμ μp
th em re je ct thei r go d and the
s, b bμμt
μt e trμ μee
e of Darkn es w er of the on
the Pr in ci pl pr ov e the po
On ce Mer in
al so be ca μ
ha d co
μssee of m or ta ls.
m pl et ed hi s Cr ea
He be st ow ed
ti on he
μ poonn
μ pl
liicciittyy of thos
y th ro
e w ho at te m pt
ne. T he y shal l
awak e the cons
μs s μr
μ rp
p His
en ce of
p μ la te d it wit h m or ta ls. es s. ev er y pe ople. μgghhtt to re m
ai n
fr ee do m an d se lf- aw ar en
fa it hf μ l of Mer in ooμ ch
of T he ess. Wit h ea
them the gi f ts fe ll fa ce of Darkn
k, H e to ok so m e re st and la nt in th e ip
μssttiinngg His wor vigi ea t, the gr
T rrμ vi ne se rvan ts h ev er y he ar tb
As he sle pt, form er di ri se of Lahn, wit ov er Aa rk la sh
. nddeedd
asle ep
ls’ de vo ti on and foμ μn
D ar k pr in ci pl e tigh te ns
di ve rt ed the
m or ta of the it h. It is
ls w ho had the fla m e of fa
c μ lt s. W he n the m or ta an d th re at en s to chok e th e ag en ts
he re ti ca l ntt dow n
st op them, to hhμμn
it hf μ l to M er in tr ied to th e Ak ky la nn ia ns’ ta sk re μssee the
re m ai ned fa
m e ri ttμ μaall and
μ it e those w ho
pe rf or m ed a grμ μeessoom
of D ar kn ess and to sm
the he re ti cs e. On e.
s in to ex is te nc m essage of the pr epar e for
μgghhtt Darkn es
br ooμ pe rf ec tl y aware Mer in shal l
r bl in d to th is, he fa it hf μ l of ti on
ve T a pe rf ec t na
Mer in was ne or k. U nf or ttμ μn
μ naatteellyy,, by form in g
fe ct in H is w ne w Cr ea ti on as on ,
of ever y la st de μcchh
μ rn ed by re
re ad ov er Crea tion so m pe op le wil l be go ve
read y sp w he re r kn ow hhμ μn
μ ng r
the Evil had al in g aboμ μtt it. μ la ti on shal l ne ve
μl d
ld do no th th e po pμ
p l
that the On e Go
d co w he re e fa it hf μl wil
er in ga ve m or ta ls on e la st e w is e, th e m ag es and th
in g, M and th good of al l.
Gr ea tl y forg iv He chose m e r the gr ea te r
fo re de st ro yi ng Cr ea ti on. w or k in ha rm on y fo the w hole
chan ce be ht and in to this ta sk, then
ta ls ba ck in to His Lig Sh o μlldd on e man fa il in wil l drag
μiiddee m or s
to ggμ μ te rr if yi ng. pse. Darkn es
S μc
μ chh a ta sk is e is doom ed to colla
the ne w Cr ea ti on . ed if ic l vo . Merin
e m or ta l ki nd.
On ly w e
in to an absollμ μttee and et er na
sa ve th Cr ea ti on kn ess
Ye t on ly w e m
ay wil l is oc ea n of Dar
ta l ki nd . T he n Aa rk la sh m se lf w il l be drowned in th
m or hi .
shal l sa ve the l be ex ti ng μ μiisshheedd forever
nt ba ck to the void. e an d hi s fla m e wil veess to be p pμμrree,,
be se
p μr
μ ngg fi re.
e to show oμ μrrsseellv
μ see of hi s if w e ar μssee
Mer in shal l m
ak e a Ye t, e able to μ
ro y H is w ork to al low an d de te rm in ed; if w e ar
st edd
is de te rm in ed
to de μn
μ niitte es of the fa lse
on to co m e to de fe at the li
se cond Cr ea ti consci en ce to
μrree an d lμ
l μm
μ m in o μs
μ s o
μ r take shape in
p μ
the pr ev ioμ μss.. de sign s wil l
th e as he s of go ds, then Mer in’s
li fe fr om an, the m aj es
ti c
ai ri es of Al ah His cr ea ti on. μlf the R ea lm
T he sw ee t pr ra bl e fo re st wil l en ggμ
th e Ak hy la hn , th e ve ne
A gi ga nt ic sa cr ed fi re Aa rk la sh .
ssμ m m it s of fore ve r, en ts and
er yt hi ng wil l be lost th e he av en s, the El em al l be
ev li ev er s sh
of Lan ev er: ngg fi re of a
μ Lig ht, the be
va ni sh in the p pμ Pr ot ec ted by nddeerr the
de st in ed to
ta ls wil l li ve
in Cr ea ti on, μ μn
he re al l m or ve d an d ta ke n to the ne w
w sa
ne w Cr ea ti on li es μ μp poonn the
es of Mer in.
T hi s gr av e re spon sibi li ty s be ne vole nt ey w he re m or tals
pe ac e. ia n, μn
μ it
ni te d
ed to hi
y sh al l then begi n
ky la nn hi st or
μllddeerrss of ev er
y Ak
μtt al so
A ne w of the On e god.
th ei r em pi re, b bμμ
ve m er ri ly μn
μ nddeerr the ga ze
it h, in wil l li
br ot he rs in fa
in this tr ia l.
Who are we?
We are the chosen people of Merin, descended from
the disciples of Arcavius.
What is good?
To destroy false gods and send their cults back to the
Merin teaches us the importance of authority, the taste
for scientific discovery and spiritual self-awareness.
To convert other peoples and guide them into the
What is evil?
To worship another god.
To refuse to fight for the sake of the new Creation or
to do so half-heartedly. What lies beyond death?
To be doubtful of one’s commander. Those who are faithful are allowed to remain by Merin’s
side until the rise of the new Creation; the souls of the heretics
Where does Creation come from? are lost forever in the Realms of Darkness.
Merin made Creation at the dawn of time. He is the origin,
He is the whole. Soon He shall destroy Creation to rebuild it What is the meaning of life?
anew, cleansed of mortals’ sins. We should be living in felicity under the benevolent gaze
of Merin. Yet, because some mortals have chosen to worship
Where do we come from? false gods, we ought to fight for the rise of a new Creation.
We are the descendants of former Barhans, who are former Only then shall we be allowed to taste eternal bliss with those
Kelts themselves. The Kelts came from a faraway island. In the who have joined us in our faith.
beginning, we were but void, and Merin gave life to us.
Why can we use magic?
Why do we die? Creation is the work of Merin. It is complex and made up of
Life is like a flame. The more vivid the light, the faster the thousands of different aspects. Those who perceive the work
candle burns. Merin calls us back to His side once we have of Merin are able to correct or alter this masterpiece to a cer-
completed our task on Aarklash. tain extent
I have heard of other powers, what about…
The mission of the Temple has always been to spread the
faith of Merin and the ideals of Light across Aarklash. The •The protectorate of the West is in fact a district of the
brothers of the Order have traversed the entire continent. Barhan city of Icquor. The templars living there shelter and
They have founded countless small commanderies, often to care for the poor of the city, as well as the wounded of the
the local populations’ surprise. In four strategic points they Ways of Light on their way back from the front.
have built great fortresses, the four cardinal temples, which The temple itself looks more like a monastery than a military
also used as rallying points for every pilgrim of Merin. barracks; and it still runs the old dispensary, a library and a print-
Recently these commanderies had to extend their military er’s workshop. It is as much a place of knowledge as it is a strong-
and political influence beyond their walls. By building forti- hold, and the presence of the templars is much appreciated in the
fications and watchtowers around the fortresses, they have barony and across the Kingdom. It is also the venue for jousting
favored the settlement of pilgrims in these areas. Terrible bat- tournaments between templar riders and knights of Alahan.
tles have taken place in the immediate surroundings of these
protectorates, but the monarchs of Aarklash were forced to • The protectorate of the South is only sand and stone.
acknowledge the sovereignty of the Temple over these lands. The templars fight there every day to keep the Syhar at bay. No
other Akkylannian lives there. The templars have built their
• The protectorate of the North is surrounded by unwel- temple there and erected fortifications around the few sur-
coming plains and constantly overcast wooded marshlands. rounding oasis, strategic points in the scorching Ivory dunes.
Many pilgrims still chose to settle there, determined to colo- Water can become so hard to find there that it is sometimes
nize these lands at the crossroads of Aarklash. Such a gamble called “blue gold”.
has proven particularly hazardous. Today, the protectorate is The temple itself bears the scars of the last Syhar offensive,
almost entirely occupied by enemy armies: those of the Hy- the Dance of the Scorpion, and templars are working day and
ena, the Wolf and the Scorpion. The many watchtowers are night to repair its white stone fortifications.
still not enough to protect the remaining villages.
• The protectorate of the
East encompasses a large part of
the area’s many canyons. Exalted
by the now confirmed presence
of Arcavius’ tomb, thousands
and thousands of pilgrims travel
there and their encampments
bloom around the temple.
The temple itself, almost
entirely destroyed during the
Dance of the Scorpion, was re-
built incredibly quickly with the
aid of all the pilgrims living in
the protectorate. So once again
the white walls of the fortress
overlook the desert, its artillery
guns and towers ready for war.
Empire of Akkylannie
(Supreme temple)
Protectorate of the
North (Temple of the
Protectorate of the
Ivory dunes (Temple of
the South)
Protectorate of the East
(Temple of the East)
Protectorate of the West
(Temple of the West)
wäll, but it was easy to produce. The fusilier corps was cre-
ated and attached to the imperial army and civilian peace
was secured. Gunpowder also became a source of revenue
for Akkylannie as it established a profitable trade with the
Kingdom of Alahan. It is only centuries later that the guild
of Architects of Cadwallon has put an end to this lucrative
The situation had stabilized in Akkylannie, but there were 679, Danakil (Syharhalna)
still two crises to deal with: the constant tension between the
of the Braziers
the Temple rushed into this fresh breach. Exalted by this first victory, Sered chal- modified to better adapt to their new mis-
lenged Eschelius to a duel. Arkhos marched on the cathedral of Arcavius and sions. And in order to avoid all power rest-
Mirà fought Saphon. All night, the power of Merin and that of the Elements were ing in the hands of one man, the Order of
unleashed on the city. Fires broke out across the city. Some claimed to have seen the Temple and the Inquisition were given
through the thick smoke the image of a bright phoenix soaring above Arcavia. reinforced autonomy so that they became
As morning broke, Eschelius was lying on the ground, mortally wounded. almost independent armies.
Saphon had been taken prisoner and Arkhos had made it into the cathedral. The allies of Akkylannie were relieved by
Proteüs revealed himself, convinced that Mirà was about to be crowned. these rearrangements. On the other hand,
But suddenly, two unknown men shrouded in fire appeared. The Battle of its enemies are growing worried. Confident
the Braziers was over. about its future, the Temple is more danger-
ous than ever.
The companies of the Order of
the Temple are probably the best
organized on Aarklash. Disciplined
and well equipped, Akkylannians
wage war like no other people on the
continent. They never step down in
the face of adversity and, thanks to
imperial conscription, they can send
large numbers of efficient soldiers to
battle. And when numbers are not
enough, the Akkylannians bring
out the big guns and call upon the
powers of Merin to accomplish the
prophecy of the One God.
During a game each player controls a company. Like a true The “Cost of a unit” table gives its value (in army points or
medieval army this company is composed of several smaller A.P.) depending on the number of fighters, its equipment op-
groups called banners. Banners are then divided again into tions and its potential special fighters.
units. During this preparatory phase, each player chooses his
units to build banners that conform to the strategies of the Unit composition
chosen people. These choices are written down on the com-
pany sheet (see Appendixes). • Category: Indicates the unit’s nature (and Rank). This in-
Once the player has chosen his units, he determines their formation is used to respect the order of the banner.
number of fighters and composition. A unit can only include • Numbers: Indicates the unit’s standard and maximum
one Incarnate. number of fighters.
24 The Incarnate with the highest Authority is the Com- • Equipment: This is included in the unit’s cost. With the
mander of the company. If there are several eligible Incarnates, exception of Incarnates, all of the unit’s fighters are equipped
the player chooses the Commander among them. A company in this manner.
must include at least one Incarnate to lead it. • Special fighters: Indicates the nature of the special fi-
ghters that the unit may include. Each special fighter replaces
one of the unit’s standard fighters at the cost indicated in the
ORDER OF THE BANNERS table. The number of special fighters allowed per unit is indi-
cated in the “Cost of a unit” table.
Each army is built according to a precise hierarchy: the or-
der of the banners. “Cost of a unit” table
The order of the banners is presented as a list of five slots.
Each slot is optional, except for the one marked with a “!”, • Standard and maximum number of fighters: For
which is a compulsory slot. Each slot indicates the unit’s Ca- each kind of unit, a table gives the A.P. value of a unit inclu-
tegory (infantry , cavalry , creatures , war machines ding the standard number of fighters and the maximum num-
or titan ), along with their Rank in parenthesis. ber of fighters. This table also indicates the number of special
A banner is complete when all five slots are filled. Each slot fighters allowed.
can only be filled once per banner. • Extra fighter: This value indicates the cost in A.P. for
A company can include an unlimited number of banners. each fighter that may be added to the standard unit.
A new banner can only be created if the previous ones have
been completed.
• Infantry unit ( )!
• Infantry unit ( / )
• Infantry unit ( / )
• Cavalry unit or War machine unit ( / /
• War machine unit or Titan unit /
In this section the Order of the Temple units are reviewed.
Each unit is described under its designation. A few paragraphs
then present its story, its tactical deployment and the techni-
cal information needed to play the unit.
The composition of a unit gives its potential number of fi-
ghters, from standard to maximum, as well as the number of
special fighters available.
THE ARMY OF THE TEMPLE half of his plan came together, yet it was enough to satisfy
him. Proteüs does not seek power; he only wants Akkylannie
Templars are gathered in companies under the totem of to be the land of virtue it was always supposed to be. Almost
the Griffin. They serve one of the most powerful nations of supernaturally good, he shines with inner light. Righteous
Aarklash. They have sent troops to the four corners of the con- and fair, he has an excellent reputation even with King Gor-
tinent and established several protectorates. Some claim that gyn of Alahan. Th is explains why he was not charged with
Lahn never sets on the Empire of Akkylannie. And everywhere treason. The new leaders left him in charge of the Temple.
Akkylannians live the templars are there to protect them! He kept his title and the symbol of his office: a shield bearing
a glowing red cross.
The Order of the Temple entertains relatively cordial rela-
Just like the imperial administration and the imperial tions with the imperial army. The trust once shared between
army, the army of the Order of the Temple is one of the best Proteüs and Octavius IX smoothes out the few issues that
organized institutions on Aarklash. Staunch faith and iron arise, and the good will of Cardinal Aerth, Prelate general of
discipline allow the units of the temple to move in complex the armies, takes care of the rest. The Temple never hesitates
combat formations and perform maneuvers impossible for to come to the rescue of imperial companies, and imperial
armies with less training. Finally, templars are all brothers, commanders never refuse to “lend” their conscripts to the
with no rank and no hierarchy – except for the comman- templars. The relations between the Order of the Temple
ders. Leadership is awarded to the most deserving, without and the Inquisition are unfortunately quite the opposite. The
any consideration of social origins. The rule of the Temple is schism that split these two institutions is as sore as ever. The
the templars’ body of laws and is based on values dear to the veiled struggle sometimes gets out of hand and ends in ar-
order: merit, honor and brotherhood. med confl ict; the commanders of both sides are only waiting
Founded by Karl, one of the fi rst companions of Arcavius, for a good excuse to take it out on their eternal rivals.
the Order of the Temple was originally called the “Chair of
Foreign Affairs”. From very early on, the Akkylannians un- The cardinal temples
dertook the task of spreading their faith beyond their territory
to save Creation. Th is is the main reason for the existence of The player can affi liate his company to one of the four fac-
this religious order of soldier pilgrims, who will travel across tions presented hereafter. He then pays the cost of the faction
Aarklash to share the holy word. The Order of the Temple is ability for each fighter in his company. The latter can include
also in charge of the protection of pilgrims on the roads of only fighters (troops and Incarnates) whose description in-
Aarklash. It is only much later that the Order of the Temple dicates that they are either part of this faction or part of no
became the keeper of the Treasure, when its knowledge of faction at all.
the routes and its martial feats made it the ideal candidate Unless mentioned otherwise, a company that is not affi lia-
for this office. However, Karl had also given the Temple a se- ted to any faction can use any profile.
cret mission, passed down from one supreme commander The description of each faction includes information descri-
to the next: keeping an eye on the Church and maintaining bing the universe of Aarklash, which also constitutes gaming
enough insight to protect Akkylannie, even against itself. indications:
Thus the Order of the Temple owes allegiance directly to
the Emperor and not the Pope. It is composed of four cardi- Master: Leader of the faction.
nal temples, one for every cardinal point, towards which it Favorite allies: Armies to which the faction may ally.
must spread the Akkylannian faith, and the fi fth Supreme
temple, which coordinates the whole. In the beginning, each Each description also includes an insert indicating the rules
temple was based in Akkylannie. However, with the expan- reserved to this faction.
sion of the Empire the temples migrated beyond the Empi- Advantage: A company of this faction benefits from the
re’s original borders. They formed protectorates all across advantage indicated here.
Aarklash. There are also many lodges, composed of smaller Disadvantage: A company of this faction suffers the di-
groups of brothers, which are outside the authority of the sadvantage indicated here.
cardinal temples and answer only to the Supreme temple. Order of the banners: A company of this faction must
According to rumors, the lodge of Hod is a secret service of respect this order of the banners.
the Temple.
Proteüs is the Supreme commander of the Order of the The gift of the griffin
Temple. Th is former Commander of the Temple of the South
was trusted by Emperor Octavius IX, which explains why The Griffin player places one of his cards in reserve before
Proteüs was reluctant to betray him to save Akkylannie from constituting the activation sequence. This reserve replaces the
the stakes. Proteüs organized the rebellion of Arkhos and one he is normally allowed.
Sered, and secretly guided Mirà, preparing her to become
the avatar of Merin and the Empress of Akkylannie. Only
Once trained to fight,
Abel was sent to battle
in the desert of the Syha-
rhalna. His company was
to meet the Scorpion for
a particularly dangerous,
but crucial, battle. Abel
had no doubts about the
fact that his superiors had
sent him there to get rid of
him once and for all. He
was boiling with anger.
All along the journey to
get there, he swore to sur-
vive to serve Merin and
avenge himself.
26 In battle Abel’s company accomplished numerous feats of
arms. The troops of the Scorpion were slowly losing ground,
raculous return were all that prevented him from being exe-
cuted. After a few weeks in a cell, he was returned to his unit Tactics
and sent back to fight.
Everything seemed to be back to the old ways, but Abel had Protected by his shield and his plate armor, Abel can stand
changed: in the fury of battle, he had become insensitive to firm against many enemy assaults. He is perfect for backing up
pain. Besides, he was regularly overwhelmed by terrifying fits a Rank 2 Commander, leading an assault or holding an objec-
of anger that rendered him able to hack even his toughest ene- tive. Abel earns the enemy very few Elixir points when he is
mies in two. Although he was no longer a leader, conscripts eliminated by an Incarnate, so he can easily be sacrificed. Af-
would follow him and obey him almost instinctively. He at- ter all, he likes to be on the frontline! Equipped with Chastise-
tributed these gifts to Merin and was reassured that the One ment, he increases the lifespan of his whole unit and makes
God approved of his conduct. From that moment on, Abel sure they will survive even the deadliest fights.
never hesitated to publicly object to his superiors’ orders whe-
never he believed them to be stupid. Each time he would end Unit formation
up in a cell, but it did not bother him since Merin was looking
over him. Abel can join any spearman unit. He doesn’t replace a
After his conscription ended, Abel chose to stay in the im- spearman, but is added to the fighters already there. His cost
perial army. His temperament and his torments drove him is added to that of the unit.
to dedicate his life to combat. He served the Empire on every Abel is not associated with any Griffin faction. Being a sol-
front, fighting at the four corners of Aarklash against almost dier of the imperial army, he may serve on any front, under
every people on the continent. Over the years, he lost some any banner. No matter who gives the orders, it is all about the
of his brothers in arms and saw others grow old and leave fighting!
the army. But curiously enough he never seemed to age. Not
trusting in officers, he decided to keep his strange gift to Recruiting the Incarnate
himself. Besides, his shaven head and his battle worn featu-
res made it difficult to appreciate how old he actually was. Abel: 160 A.P.
He used his fits of anger to get regularly transferred. No one Resurrection/Duel: 3 Elixir points.
ever spent enough time fighting with him to notice anything
unusual. Attributes
Th is supernatural power worried Abel, who sought deeper
and deeper refuge in his adoration of Merin and the fury of Abel has 1 point to purchase his artifacts.
battle. One day his company was issued orders to protect a Chastisement (1): When he is equipped with this artifact,
temple of pilgrims against hordes of orcs, Abel found a way Abel is a faithful of the cult of Merin with Fervor 4. He can
to merge both obsessions. Greatly outnumbered, the cons- call the “Divine healing” miracle just before the resolution of a
cripts and the templars were forced to fall back inside the Strength test taken against his unit: the unit gains the “Heal”
temple itself. Abel struck down an orc with such strength ability for the following test. The player can attempt to save
that his blade fi nally shattered. Disarmed, he sought a new one or more members of his unit just after they have suffered
weapon. His gaze fell upon the relic of the temple: a sword a Strength test. He must then say a short prayer, loudly and
once owned by a priest of Merin, possibly Arcavius himself. clearly, to Merin. He rolls one die for every damage point in-
Convinced he was the champion of the Igneous God, Abel flicted to the fighters in the unit. Each « 5 » or « 6 » cancels a
grabbed the sword and carried on fighting. The orcs were damage point.
about to win. The idea of seeing the temple desecrated and
the pilgrims massacred threw Abel into a state of anger he Feat: Aura of torment
had never experience before. He then began to feel divine
power flowing through him. The Akkylannians with him For 1 Elixir point, failures obtained on Abel’s Strength tests
saw in him a manifestation of the Igneous God. Their faith, can be re-rolled once more until the end of the round. This
channeled by the sword, allowed Abel to unleash the power feat can only be used once per round.
of Merin upon the orcs. After the battle, he kept the sword
and named it “Chastisement”.
Headquarters: Avagddu, south of Caer Laen. The templars who live there resemble their stronghold: dark
Master: Thurbard, templar commander. and unyielding. They fight against the demons, storming their
Common allies: the Kingdom of Alahan, the Republic of dens of evil like the wind and resisting with the resolution
Lanever and the Republic of Tir-Nâ-Bor. of stone. This does not mean they are bloodthirsty. On
the contrary, they are sincerely devoted to protecting
The mission of the Temple of the North is to the pilgrims and settlers; so much so that they are
convert and pacify the barbarian lands in the transfigured by the presence of priests and faith-
northern parts of Aarklash. The Temple is ful. However, the shadow of their ghastly
constantly fighting against the Devourers reputation hangs over them, notably be-
who have returned to regain control of cause of the commander’s black guard,
28 the cradle of their society, the forest honorable but terrifying fighters.
of Caer Laen. Life in the Temple The brothers of the North are
of the North is far from sweet: so savage they rush into battle
the Devourers show no mercy waving their swords above their
and neither does the climate. heads, ever ready to strike.
When it is not raining it is snowing; A commander of the North is not
and blasting winds blow all year round. the kind to avoid engaging the enemy, yet
Fortified watchtowers are scattered across he will need to be level headed and acknowl-
the protectorate, and frequent patrols keep edge that war can only be won at the cost of lives.
an eye on the borders. Regularly ambushed, He is bold and will not hesitate to send his units to
the templars have to fight everyday. Reassured by the strike at the heart of enemy companies. Galvanized by
presence of the Temple and emboldened by the absence faith, a unit of templars is worth two of any other and will
of indigenous inhabitants, more and more settlers move to never waver, no matter how isolated it is. Relying on the qual-
the protectorate, adding to the responsibilities weighing on ity of his men, the commander can organize daring strategies
Thurbard’s shoulders. and make sure the enemy is kept on his toes.
these first years may have shaken Akkylannie, but the worst is Thurbard has 1 point to spend on artifacts.
still to come. He simply hopes that on the day he meets Merin,
one of his “children” will carry on his work… Seal of the Temple (1): Each templar commander has his own
seal, a symbol of his authority. It is used to authenticate letters and
Strategy orders, notably when a company needs to be raised. It allows him
to request the help of another commander of the Temple.
Thurbard is an excellent commander and a skilled fighter. When Thurbard has this artifact, his company can include a unit
It would be wise to keep him a little behind the front line, in whose Rank does not correspond to the order of the banners.
order to avoid losing such a tactical advantage in an unwanted
mêlée. However, if Thurbard’s troops are in danger, do not Seal of the patriarch (1): To thank him for the attach-
hesitate to send him forth and make the most of his excellent ment their commander has for them, the templars of the
hand to hand fighting skills. Usually Thurbard’s authority is North presented him with a special insignia as a testimony to
such that the activation sequence becomes a weapon for the their gratitude. The tacit pact this seal guarantees gives him
commander. It should be used to pick the fights that need to strange magical powers.
be fought and those that should be avoided. Thurbard is not When Thurbard’s unit wants to assault a unit already engaged
just a brute, he is also a strategist! by templars of the North, its Movement increases 5 points.
10 5 7 5 5 15 5 7 7 5
2 5 5 3 5 6
- - - - - -
SEVERIAN Realizing his company was about to be torn to pieces, Seve-
rian crossed the battlefield to reach his commander and tried,
“You think you’re tough? Let me show you tough…” in vain, to help him pull himself together. Severian knocked
him out with a punch, raised the standard and took leadership
of the company.
Incarnation Following the victory, Severian was arrested and brought
Unit formation
Severian can join any templar unit. He doesn’t replace a
templar, but is added to the fighters already there. His cost is
added to that of the unit.
After a few months, the charisma and stubbornness of Se- Recruiting the Incarnate
32 verian led him to be appointed templar commander. Unfor-
tunately, his qualities were only equaled by the amount of ir- Severian: 210 A.P.
ritation he caused his superiors, and he found himself regularly Resurrection/Duel: 4 Elixir points.
transferred from one Temple to the next. This is how he found War fury: Failures on Hand to hand Attack tests have to be
himself in the Temple of the South at the beginning of the re-rolled once more.
Dance of the Scorpion. He fought in the Ivory dunes and the
gorge of Mourners. While Razheem’s troops were rushing to Attributes
the west, Sered “volunteered” Severian to pursue the Scorpion
general. Severian knew he owed this honor as much to his skill Severian has 2 points to spend on artifacts and the powers
as to the size of his mouth. He readily accepted the responsibil- of Vigilante.
ity and led his company to rescue the dwarves of Tir-Nâ-Bor.
In Ogh-Hen-Kir, Severian fought both the molochs and the Vigilante/Arm of justice (1): Failures on Severian’s Hand
clones. He refused to hand the inhabitants of the city to the to hand Attack tests may be re-rolled once more.
Syhar alchemical beasts. However, defeat was unavoidable, Vigilante/Lex Talionis (1): Severian gains the “Counter
and he was eventually forced to abandon the city to warn the attack” ability: he gets one combat die for each failure ob-
Empire of Akkylannie. He led a desperate assault toward the tained by his enemy in the Hand to hand Attack test against
harbor where he managed to embark with his men. him. If he is not eliminated, he uses these dice once the
In Akkylannie, the templar found his country and home enemy’s attacks have been resolved, as if his unit had been
city devastated by Shurat’s Devourers. Mad with fury, he en- activated.
gaged the enemy as often as possible as his company made its Vigilante/Saint anger (1): Severian may use War Fury to
way toward Arcavia. He arrived in the capital just in time to re-roll failures on bonus dice.
witness the death of Octavius IX. He delivered his message to
Proteüs and returned to battle, participating in the battle to Feat: Moment of bravery
take back Denda-Cartho and in the landing at Ogh-Hen-Kir.
However, his anger did not abate. He still hadn’t found the The player spends 1 Elixir point when Severian takes a test.
Devourer who had sacked the city of his birth. While Ak- For this test, Severian’s Courage is added to the action value.
kylannian institutions were being reorganized, Severian asked
to be transferred to the Temple of the North, standing tall in
the face of Caer Laen. Since he had taken part in every battle
of the Dance of the Scorpion, Thurbard agreed to give him a SEVERIAN
second chance, though he warned him that no breach of his
authority would be tolerated. Severian accepted. He was there
to avenge his city.
Severian and his company now stationed in the Temple of 10 3 7 6 3
the North. They stand against the wolfen and the Devourers
everyday in the marshes south of Caer Maed. Severian’s anger
has eased slightly, but the outrages suffered by Akkylannie are
still fresh in his mind. His skills are such that Thurbard keeps 3 5 5
him in his ranks, despite the excesses he has already commit-
- - -
ted. As long as the wild whelp doesn’t try to knock the old
watchdog out...
Headquarters: The Syharhalna. pride in serving the First Crusade and by the insult of the sack-
Only the order of the banners of the Temple of the South Ogh-Hen-Kir
benefits from the advantage and disadvantage below.
Temple of the South advantage: Each of the compa- Kashem Tenseth
ny’s Incarnates gains 2 extra points to purchase artifacts,
rituals and communions.
His steel-blue eyes gazing upon the sandy hori-
zon, Sered is a stranger among mortals. His faith
skills place him on the fringes of humanity. He is
the sole bearer of the burden of terrible revelations.
Custodian of the unyielding values of Akkylannie
and Light, Sered fights on the front line against
Darkness. He does’nt care about danger for he has
already foreseen his own death…
Sered was born in the desert of the Syharhalna,
34 near Kashem. He joined the brothers of the Tem-
ple of the South and undertook the harsh training
conclusion that the only place for this troublemaker was in the who had fought by his side. A possible transfer to the Lodge
Order of the Temple. of Hod was even discussed, but Kyrus’ combat style did not fit
When he met the austere and confident templars, Kyrus with the subtlety and discretion required from the brothers
was so impressed he behaved exceptionally calmly. This con- of the Lodge. Kyrus was therefore appointed messenger of the
vinced the instructor of the imperial army that he had been Temple. The young man was to operate alone on the roads of
right and insisted that the templars should take Kyrus. And so Aarklash; where there was no risk of him hurting anyone he
Kyrus entered the order and began the painstaking training of didn’t intend to. Some even felt pity for those who would at-
the templar brothers. tempt to intercept him!
He did so gladly since his anger had found a legal way of Over the following months Kyrus carried out his missions
expressing itself. Among the templars, his bursts of fury with a great amount of zeal. He understood perfectly how
were perceived as a mark of fervor, which fulfilled Kyrus merciful the Order had been towards him. Over time the
and encouraged him to get involved
in the brotherhood of the Order. Thus
he was able to hold back his anger
and unleash it only in battle where it
was authorized. His fits of anger grew
only more violent. However, in his
everyday life Kyrus learned to master
himself and spoke less and less. This
worried his brothers in arms a little, but
the Temple did have its share of former
criminals and adventurers; Kyrus even-
tually found his place.
However, the fire burning in him had
not been extinguished; the embers were
still glowing brightly. During a particu-
larly violent battle in the protectorate
of the North, the templar let loose the
anger he had been holding inside all
these years. The Drune had breached
the Temple’s positions and Kyrus’ unit
was caught off guard. Moreover if his
unit fell, the fortifications of the Temple
would be invaded by a swarm of can-
nibals. The templar had to find within
himself the strength to drive back the
aggressors. He let years and years of
restrained anger burst free, eclipsing
the war fury of his brothers in arms.
shame he felt following his incarnation eased a little. With no his brothers in arms. He knows
templar eyes to judge him, Kyrus relieved the destructive fury how lenient the Order of the
within him a few times, finding a form of mystical fulfillment Temple has already been with
in slaughtering the enemies of the Temple. And as long as he him, and that another disas-
made it back to the Temple in one piece, the commanders of ter would not be excused this
the Temple did not care about the bodies left in Kyrus’ wake. time. Tormented and lonely,
When the Dance of the Scorpion began, Kyrus was Kyrus is still a valorous warrior
During war councils, he would frighten his lieutenants with re-rolled once more.
his ability to mentally plan any possible scenario. But the deci-
sions of the “Wise” always proved to be pretty accurate. Attributes
When Acheron tightened the embrace of Darkness, Tarkhyn
took an active part in the defense of Alahan. It appeared he Tarkhyn has 1 point to spend on artifacts and rituals.
was able to anticipate more or less when and where the gates Tarkhyn is a magician of theurgy who masters the Elements
of Darkness would be opened. He even managed to take the of Fire and Light.
fighting into the magical realms several times.
When the threat of Darkness declined, Proteüs did not need Seal of the Temple (1): Each templar commander has his
to spell things out to Tarkhyn about the coup in preparation. own seal, a symbol of his authority. It is used to authenticate
Later Tarkhyn would pull a few strings with King Gorgyn to letters and orders, notably when a company needs to be raised.
make sure Alahan supported the new pope and the new em- It allows him to request the help of another commander of the
peror. Witnessing the obvious reorganization of Akkylannian Temple.
institutions, he chose to renovate the Temple of the West: When Tarkhyn has this artifact, his company can include
magic was to play a more prominent role in the coming battles a unit whose Rank does not correspond to the order of the
of the Rag’narok. banners.
He then found out that Melkion was seeking to tighten the
bonds between Alahan and Akkylannie. He asked him to Feat: Divine edict
join his temple, and the mystic moved to the commandery
of Icquor. The player spends 1 Elixir point. Until the end of the round
He is a man who almost never lived in the country for Tarkhyn’s Courage tests and Authority oppositions, and those
which he fights; the same country that is undergoing some of the fighters benefiting from his leadership, are resolved roll-
of the major changes in its history. And yet Tarkhyn remains ing another bonus die.
level headed and loyal. He knows that his presence in Icquor,
half way between Akkylannie and Lanever, has a major role
to play in the alliance of Light. The reputation of Akkylan-
nie depends on his decisions; he must prove irreproachable.
Therefore he supports the Cynwäll and the Barhans whenever TARKHYN
he can, while trying to keep in mind the larger picture of the
Rag’narok. Some great tests await him, and his mind will be
his best weapon…
10 5 7 5 3 5
To the formidable fighting skills common to every com-
mander of the Temple, Tarkhyn adds the potential to cast 2 5 5
spells. All at once warrior and magician, he must make the
- - -
most of both depending on the situation. His rituals are chiefly
used to strike the enemy from range or to change the course of
MELKION During his long years spent studying, Melkion didn’t learn
to master just Fire. Since this Element is closely linked to the
“Stray from the warmth of Light and you will burn in nature of Merin and his angels, he furthered his religious
Fire.” studies. He gained the conviction that magic and divination
were intricately connected.
Incarnation Then came the time for Melkion to serve the Church to which
he already owed so much. He joined the Inquisition, in order to use
young man to use it. Thus, they were able to locate Demetrius, rolled.
the bearer of the Fire of Merin. Surrounded by the inferno and
fighting of the Battle of the Braziers, Melkion did his best to Attributes
teach these men everything they needed to know to take up
their office. He then had them escorted to the cathedral of Ar- Melkion has 2 points to spend on artifacts and rituals.
cavius. His phoenix seemed to have recovered its strength and Melkion is a magician of theurgy who masters the Elements
the magician trusted the heroes who held the great temple. of Fire and Light.
Melkion retired to allow his phoenix to heal completely. He Sacred phoenix/mystic power (1): Melkion shares a
observed from the safety of his retirement all the changes that symbiotic relationship with his sacred phoenix. Essentially
were happening in Akkylannie and he was glad to have played magical, this elemental creature shares its mystic power with
his part. Once the phoenix had fully recovered, Melkion re- the magician. With this artifact, Melkion gains one value 3
turned once again to the capital and was allowed a hearing ritual.
with the emperor and the pope. He had a long interview with Sacred phoenix/mystic fervor (1): Just as when they first
both. Faithful to his ideals he convinced them to tighten the met, Melkion can read in the flames of the pheonix the secrets
ties with the other peoples of Light. connecting magic and divination. When equipped with this
As he left Arcavia, Melkion decided to do his part. He left for artifact, Melkion can cancel miracles with mana points.
Alahan hoping to find an official posting in direct contact with
Barhan institutions. After several weeks, he was contacted by Feat: Divine edict
Tarkhyn, who sought to increase the extent of mystic arts in
the Temple of the West’s strategies. Aware of the connections The player spends 1 Elixir point. Until the end of the round
the commander shared with the crown of Alahan, Melkion Melkion’s Courage tests and Authority oppositions, and those
accepted and took residence in the fortress of Icquor. of the fighters benefiting from his leadership, are resolved roll-
After having been through so much, Melkion is convinced ing another bonus die.
that the Akkylannians need to take their place among the al-
lies of the Ways of Light. He knows the latter are bound to
understand the teachings of Merin someday and on that day
they will all rally the One God. Proud to have participated to
the rebirth of Akkylannie, he is now more determined than MELKION
ever to fight its enemies . He still needs to find his place in the
Temple, but he has no doubt that he will be accepted some-
time, since all Akkylannians are united by their shared faith.
10 3 7 5 3 5
Melkion is an outstanding magician with solid fighting
skills thanks to his equipment. However, it would be a shame 2 5 7
to bog him down in endless mêlées. He is far more efficient
- - -
away from the fighting, somewhere he can demonstrate the
power of Fire and Light. His fighting skill should only be used
Headquarters: Bran-Ô-Kor. the hands of the enemy. Deeply shaken by the Dance of the
Master: Arkhos, templar commander. Scorpion and by the Battle of the Braziers, they find renewed
Commander Arkhos is a brave and charismatic
warlord. He is convinced that his faith in Merin
will allow him to save Creation and lead all mor-
tals into a new golden age. In order to show him-
self worthy of his god, he needs to be irreproach-
able and virtuous. He is as demanding with his
men as he is with himself.
Arkhos never knew his parents; he was raised
in a religious orphanage. As a very young boy he
44 was adopted by Commander Thurbard, who was
seeking a spiritual son. Thurbard brought him
Strategy 10 3 7 6 3
48 In battle, fusiliers weaken the enemy before he gets into
hand to hand combat and finish off those who try to flee from
Category: Infantry
(Rank 1).
Numbers: 8 to 12.
Equipment: Rifle.
Special fighters: None.
10 3 3 3
1 3 3
1 7 6
“Hold that spear straight and the only way your enemy
will be able to get to you will be to run that spear through
his own body...”
– Thurbard’s advice to a spearman.
Akkylannie after their conscription has finished. The others
are former criminals whom the Temple has offered a chance
to redeem themselves. The first receive extra training while
the latter can only rely on what they learned as outlaws. The
1 5 5
army hands these experienced fighters a new weapon, the
spear. Thanks to this weapon, spearmen cut down enemy - - -
ranks while keeping out of their reach.
Using the reach of their weapons spearmen can keep dan-
gerous enemies at bay. They accompany elite units and support
them at the heart of the most terrible battles: lined up cor-
rectly the spearmen in the second row get to strike enemies at
the same time as the front rank. When deployed at their maxi-
mum number of fighters they can threaten even elite enemy
troops. Just what you would expect of professional soldiers!
Category: Infantry (Rank 1).
Numbers: 8 to 15.
Equipment: Heavy armor, spear, shield.
Special fighters: Cleric, musician and standard bearer.
Spear: A fighter with a spear can attack enemies he is in
contact with and those within 3 cm of him. SPECIAL FIGHTERS
Cleric (Faith 4): A cleric can call the “Divine healing”
miracle before a Strength test is taken against his unit. The
COST OF A SPEARMAN UNIT unit gains the “Heal” ability for the following Strength test:
Standard Maximum
the player can try to save one or several members of his unit
Composition Extra fighter just after they have suffered a Strength test. He must then say
number (1) number (2)
a short prayer, loudly and clearly, to Merin. He rolls one die for
Standard 400 750 + 50
every damage point inflicted to the fighters in the unit. Each
1 special or cancels a damage point. This miracle costs 5 faith
425 775 + 50
2 special Musician: If the musician’s unit is in close formation, it can
450 800 + 50
use the “Tortoise formation!” tactic: the result required for At-
3 special tack tests taken against the unit is read one column to the left
475 825 + 50
on the resolution table.
(1): 8 spearmen including 0 to 1 standard bearer, 0 to 1 musician Standard bearer: All the fighters in the unit gain a 2 points
and 0 to 1 mystic fighter.
(2): 15 spearmen including 0 to 1 standard bearer, 0 to 1 musician
bonus on their Courage.
and 0 to 1 mystic fighter.
“If they fulfill their mission, I’m happy. If they get slaugh-
tered, I’m still happy...”
– An anonymous templar.
The strength of demon hunters is their ability to be deployed
anywhere on the battlefield. However, the Commander needs
to be careful not to get carried away: too far from their army to
be rescued and the demon hunters might be overwhelmed by
the enemy. This sacrifice might still be worth it as long as they
have already taken care of a remote and particularly trouble-
some foe: war machine, marksman unit, etc. Demon hunters
can also be deployed in the middle of the battlefield as bait
while they fall back shooting at their enemies.
Category: Infantry (Rank 2).
Numbers: 6.
Equipment: Sword and pistol.
Special fighters: None.
chosen to spread the word
of Merin across Aarklash.
Monks, pilgrims and sol- Chaplain (Faith 4): The chaplain can call an “Aveng-
diers, these men are aware ing arm of Merin” miracle before resolving a Hand to hand
that without justice faith is Strength test. The test benefits from the “Sacred weapon” ef-
nothing. In battle they burn fect: the result required for the unit’s Hand to hand Strength
with divine anger, leaving tests is read one column to the right on the resolution table.
no doubt about their fervor. This miracle costs 5 faith points.
Possessed with this fury and Musician: The musician’s unit can use the “Revenge!” tac-
well equipped, the templars tic: after performing an assault, the fighters still in contact
are formidable warriors. with enemies resolve a new combat. They no longer get the
bonus for charging. This ability can only be used once per
STRATEGY Standard bearer: All the fighters in the unit gain a 2 points
bonus on their Courage.
The templars are shock troops, used to break the enemy
wherever he believes he is strong. A shrewd Commander
will keep them in reserve to strike in the right place. Once TEMPLAR
engaged, templars will only stop fighting once the enemy is
eliminated. They are particularly efficient against opponents
who are able to defend themselves but who have little protec-
tion. Although heavy armor is not that tough a nut to crack 10 5 7 3
for templars either!
Category: Infantry (Rank 2). - - -
Numbers: 6 to 9.
Equipment: Heavy armor, sword, shield.
Special fighters: Chaplain, musician and standard bearer.
Standard Maximum
Composition Extra fighter
number (1) number (2)
Standard 300 450 + 50
1 special
325 475 + 50
2 special
350 500 + 50
3 special
375 525 + 50
(1): 6 templars including 0 to 1 standard bearer, 0 to 1 musician
and 0 to 1 mystic fighter.
(2): 9 templars including 0 to 1 standard bearer, 0 to 1 musician
and 0 to 1 mystic fighter.
“I am but a servant of Merin” ABILITIES
– An executioner about to fulfill his mission.
Assassin: +, and
Executioners are monks who lead a double life: scholars results are read as +
by day, assassins by night. Th is army corps, created by the for Hand to hand Strength
Empire, is the fi nal resort of Akkylannian diplomacy. All ex- tests.
ecutioners are orphans, trained from childhood by scholars
or repentant criminals connected to the Emperor. Each dig- Fierce: When the fighter
nitary of the Empire is accompanied by one of them, and loses his last health point,
when the need arises they join the templars in battle! he is not eliminated imme-
52 diately. He is only removed
from the battlefield at the end
of the phase.
Category: Infantry (Rank 3).
Numbers: 4.
Equipment: Light armor, two single handed weapons.
Special fighters: None.
10 5 4 5
2 7 5
- - -
move during its activation, the fighter adds his Attack to his
Strength on Hand to hand Strength tests.
Exorcist (Faith 6): The exorcist can call a “Mystic purge”
miracle on a unit engaged with his own: the player chooses
one of the targeted unit’s abilities, which is lost until the next
control phase. This miracle costs 5 faith points.
Musician: During company building, the unit can include
Praetorian guards are the greatest warriors of Akkylannie, se- any Incarnate. Besides it can use the “Guards!” tactic: once per
lected from every army corps. Few in number, they are assigned round the player can make one of the unit’s fighters to swap
to the protection of the Empire’s dignitaries: civil servants, places with the Incarnate.
priests or Temple commanders. Trained harder than any other, Standard bearer: All the fighters in the unit gain a 2 points
devoted body and soul to Merin and Light, they fight with al- bonus on their Courage.
most supernatural energy. Their conviction and courage are so
strong that they can manage feats of arms comparable to those
10 3 9 5
On the battlefield, praetorian guards escort the Command-
er’s unit. If the battle turns bad, they engage the most dan-
gerous of the enemy’s units. If the battle is going as planned,
the Commander might send them to finish off the enemy. 1 5 9
In any case, the target of the praetorians ought to be picked
with care: these fighters are far too precious to be wasted in - - -
mêlées where spearmen would have done the trick. So most of
the time they will engage frightening or particularly resilient
Standard Maximum
Composition Extra fighter
number (1) number (2)
UNIT COMPOSITION Standard 300 550 + 85
Category: Infantry 1 special
325 575 + 85
(Rank 3).
Numbers: 4 to 7. 2 special
350 600 + 85
Equipment: Heavy armor,
two handed sword. 3 special
375 625 + 85
Special fighters: Exorcist,
musician and standard (1): 4 praetorian guards including 0 to 1 standard bearer, 0 to 1 musician
and 0 to 1 mystic fighter.
bearer. (2): 7 praetorian guards including 0 to 1 standard bearer, 0 to 1 musician
and 0 to 1 mystic fighter.
Many Akkylannian generals send these elite riders out to
the front line after the fusiliers’ first salvo, to break enemy
morale. Their armor is so tough nothing seems to be able to
stop them. Others will keep them in reserve to strike when
the time is right. Redemption riders are the image of Merin’s
justice: glorious and merciless!
Category: Heavy cavalry (Rank 2).
Numbers: 3 to 5.
Equipment: Heavy armor, sword, cavalry lance, heater
shield. 15 5 7 5
Cannons are without doubt the best artillery pieces available 0 - 10 -
on Aarklash. Powerful, tough and accurate, they can destroy
almost anything man-made. Those in charge of such guns are
learned in arts and arithmetic: using such an engine of death
is more than science, some would say almost it is art... - - -
1 9 14
A cannon is meant to be
placed as far away as pos-
sible from the fighting, on
high ground when avail-
able. If the company has
the resources, it is better
10 3 6 3
to assign it an escort unit
since the cannon ought to
be the first target for enemy
scouts. Once the artillery is
secured, you will need to pick your targets carefully. The can- 1 3 3
non is so powerful it can hit any target on the battlefield, no 1 3 4
matter how far away it is. It is therefore wise to use it to either
eliminate fighters too far to be caught in hand to hand combat
or those too tough for the rest of the company to take care of.
SPECIAL RULES Category: War machine.
Numbers: 4.
• Movement: The cannon cannot be moved. The fighters
Standard equipment: Medium armor, cannon, pistol.
of the unit can still move around the machine – as long as
Special fighters: None.
their Movement allows them to.
• Engagement: The cannon does not represent a threat
in contact. It cannot engage enemies; but it can be en-
gaged by them. Any fighters who disengage from it are
not eliminated.
Perforating shot: Perforating shots can eliminate more
• Shooting at the unit: The cannon doesn’t suffer any
enemies than there are shooters.
damage points from a ranged attack or mystical effect tar-
Fixed artillery: When the cannon is fired, the player rolls
geted at the unit as long as there is still a crewman in its
as many dice as the value indicated on the “Cannon” card mul-
unit. Excess damage points are ignored.
tiplied by the number of crewmen.
• Shooting at the war machine: It is possible to target
the cannon specifically with a ranged attack or a mystical
effect. Excess damage points are ignored by the crew.
• Crew: The cannon’s crewmen are fighters whose pro- COST OF A CANNON UNIT
file name is “Cannon”. Only these crewmen can use it to Composition Standard number (1)
attack from range. Standard 350
• Incarnates: Incarnates cannot join a cannon unit.
(1): 1 cannon + 3 crewmen
“Disciplined, well equipped, the Akkylannians have cho-
sen a symbol to inspire them: the Griffin, the determina-
tion of the Lion and the vigilance of the bird of prey.”
– The Codex of Merin.
Category: Titan.
Numbers: 1.
Equipment: None.
Special fighters: None. 15 5 10 7
4 7 10
Flight: When he moves, the fighter ignores obstacles and
miniatures. Units with Flight are always in scattered formation. - - -
Despite its young age, the Empire of this prestige, and the warriors who are
Akkylannie has already gathered many entrusted with them would give up their
mystical treasures. Merin is generous lives rather than see them fall into enemy
with gifts and miracles and the faith hands. This is even truer for the two relics
animating the magicians allows them of the Temple: the Supreme armor of the
to formulate many spells. The artifacts, Griffin and the Codex of Arcavius.
spellbooks and litanies of Akkylannie The value of each artifact is indicated
are carefully stored in temples, churches in parentheses.
and garrisons. But when the time for Battle censer (1): The Power of the
battle comes, the Incarnates bring them Incarnate’s unit is always considered to
58 out for the glory of the One God! be greater than that of the assaulted unit
Artifacts, rituals and communions when it charges.
for the One God to destroy Creation and coming round, the player rolls bonus die
rebuild it anew. It is also the inner fire and keeps the best.
of faith that allows these men to over-
come their fear and share their courage. Wall of fl ames
The sages of the Temple also study Light,
since they are convinced that the work of Path: Theurgy. Element: Fire.
Merin has no other goal but the good for- Value: 1. Mana : 5.
tune of all mortals and, because of this, Difficulty: 5. Target: Special.
they are proud to be part of the Ways
Duration: Round. 59
of Light. No matter which element they
use, the templars rain mana down upon The player puts a spare card face
their enemies to defeat them! down on the battlefield somewhere the
However, mastery of the Elements is magician can see. It cannot be placed
not an end of its own for the scholars of on a unit. This card represents a wall of
the order. The understanding of magic flames. It cannot be crossed in any way
allows them to comprehend the esoteric and it blocks lines of sight.
reality of Creation. The magicians of the
Temple set out for the magical Realms, Will of Merin
where they meet fabulous creatures and
mighty opponents. And who knows, one Path: Theurgy. Element: Light.
day they may find Merin’s haven. Value: 1. Mana : 10.
Difficulty: 5. Target: Unit.
Burn of steel Duration: Round.
Path: Theurgy. Element: Fire. The targeted unit gains the “Bravery” Divine protection
Value: 1. Mana : 10. ability: failures on the unit’s Courage
Difficulty: 5. Target: Unit. tests are re-rolled once more. Path: Theurgy. Element: Light.
Duration: Round. Value: 2. Mana : 15.
Difficulty: 7. Target: Unit.
When a fighter in the targeted unit
Duration: Round.
rolls a Strength test, the result required
is read one column to the right on the The fighters in the targeted unit gain
resolution table. the “Sacred armor” equipment: the re-
sult required for Strength tests taken
Fireball against them is read one column to the
Cleansing fire left on the resolution table.
Path: Theurgy. Element: Fire.
Value: 1. Mana : 10. Path: Theurgy. Element: Fire. Pillar of fire
Difficulty: 5. Target: Unit. Value: 2. Mana : 15.
Duration: Instantaneous. Difficulty: 7. Target: Unit. Path: Theurgy. Element: Fire.
Duration: Instantaneous. Value: 2. Mana : 15.
The fighters in the targeted unit each Difficulty: 7. Target: Unit.
suffer a Strength test whose action value The fighters in the targeted unit suf-
Duration: Instantaneous.
is equal to 4. The fighters closest to the fer a Strength test whose action value
caster are eliminated first. is equal to 4. Any mystic effects being The fighters in the targeted unit each
applied to this unit are dispelled. The suffer a Strength test whose action value
fighters closest to the caster are elimi- is equal to 6. The fighters closest to the
nated first. caster are eliminated first.
Divine light LITANIES Avenging arm of Merin
Path: Theurgy. Element: Light. “Merin is the creator, the purifier and Cult: Merin Aspect: Destruction
Value: 3. Mana : 20. the destroyer. Neither male nor female, Value: 1. Faith: 10.
Difficulty: 9. Target: Company. since He alone knows perfection.” Difficulty: 5. Target: Unit.
– Codex de Merin.
Duration: Round. Duration: Round.
All of the targeted company’s fighters The faith of the Templars is relent- The fighters in the targeted unit gain
become valiant. Any Courage tests they lessly exalted by the pilgrimages they the “Sacred weapon” equipment: the
are required to take are automatically undertake and the relics they are en- result required on this round’s Hand
successful. trusted with. Away from their home- to hand Strength tests is read one col-
land, they cherish their faith as their umn to the right on the resolution table.
Meteors most precious treasure. It is therefore
hardly surprising to fi nd large num- Divine hospice
Path: Theurgy. Element: Fire. bers of warrior monks in the Order of
Value: 3. Mana : 20. the Temple. Th is tendency is even en- Cult: Merin Aspect: Creation
60 couraged by commanders, who need
Difficulty: 9. Target: Unit. Value: 1. Faith: 10.
Merin’s miracles to defeat the enemy as Difficulty: 5. Cible : Unit.
Duration: Round.
The losses are removed by the player
whose company called this communion.
The player may put one die aside during Obligation: The character needs to
the declaration phase, when he is sup- have access to a library to help refresh
posed to split his dice into AP and RP. his memory.
At the end of this phase, he gets to place
the remaining die in either pool. Pilgrim (Passive)
Gift of the Griffin can only be chosen Over the many years of pilgrimage or
during character creation, by human military expeditions, the character has
Griffin of Light culture characters. traveled almost everywhere on Aark-
It is always a feat. lash. He is considered as having at least
The fervor of the templars has urged one level one in the following fields of
them to travel all over Aarklash. Their Imperial craftsman (Passive) knowledge:
steps have led some of them to the Free The character has learnt his trade in • Region (all);
City. Most of the exiled of the Griffin an Akkylannian forge. He gains a bo- • Cult (all);
who live in Cadwallon work for the em- nus die on Assemble/SLE tests when • Culture (all);
bassy or are stationed in Fort Griffin. he builds one of the following inven- • Language (all).
The others are stray sheep running from tions: Obligation: The character must hold
the Inquisition or simply trying to forget • Conscript armor, templar armor or an item connected to the knowledge he
the austerity of Merin. praetorian guard armor; wants to use, probably a souvenir of his
• Sword, spear, cavalry lance, mace; journey.
• Rifle or Griffin rifle;
CREATING A FREE • Pistol or Griffin pistol. Trades
Obligation: Any manpower involved
LEAGUER must be Akkylannian. The trades presented here are repre-
sentative of the culture of the Griffin of
This chapter presents new elements GRIFFIN OF LIGHT Light. They are reserved to characters
to create a character of the Temple. It PUGnacity + 1 coming from that culture. They can
doesn’t change the rules presented in the SLEight - be gained during character creation or
Players handbook for Cadwallon, unless through experience.
STYle -
it is mentioned otherwise. Some trades can be used to represent
OPPortunism - professions or typical troops of the Grif-
The Griffin of Light SUBtlety - fin of Light:
• The soldier (see Players handbook,
DIScipline + 1
The Griffin of Light is composed of the p.145) to create a praetorian guard;
humans and dwarves who were molded Cultural ability Survive/OPP • The shooter (see Players handbook,
by the military and esoteric traditions of Slash/PUG p.145) to create a fusilier;
the Order of the Temple. The character Knowledge Cult (Merin) • The missionary (see Players hand-
was born or has lived with pilgrims or book, p.151) can also be a pilgrim
Distinctive feature Gift of the Griffi n
the Templars themselves before moving traveling across Aarklash.
to Cadwallon. Cultural contact CY, GR, LI, NA
Exploration trade: Interaction trade:
Messenger of the Temple Diplomat
To guarantee proper coordination The Temple doesn’t send just war-
and good circulation of information, riors beyond the borders of Akkylannie:
the Temple needs fast and trustworthy many well-read people bear the word of
messengers. These adventurers are fierce Merin throughout the continent. Hav-
fighters and when it comes to crossing ing mastered the art of negotiation and
borders unhurt, they are unrivalled. compromise, these diplomats sometimes
free themselves from the shackles of the
Rank 1: Analyze/DIS, Survive/OPP, Akkylannian state and move to the Free
Slash/PUG, choose one knowledge. City.
Rank 2: Ride/STY, Look out/DIS,
Crook/OPP. Rank 1: Analyze/DIS, Crook/OPP,
Rank 3: Identify/SUB, Parry/STY. Identify/SUB, choose one knowledge.
Rank 4: Hide/OPP, Feint/SLE, Rank 2: Argue/SUB, Confound/DIS,
choose one knowledge. Feint/SLE.
Rank 5: Memorization. The charac- Rank 3: Cypher/SUB, choose one
ter is able to memorize a page-long mes- knowledge.
sage. Apart from the person who the Rank 4: Search/DIS, Barter/SUB,
message is supposed to be delivered to, choose one knowledge.
no-one can force him to reveal it, except Rank 5: Immunity. Instead of a
through mystical means. reaction, the player can cancel an action
Rank 6: Disguise/STY, choose one targeting his character. He must then
knowledge. spend as many dice from his RP has his
Equipment: Templar armor, pouch, opponent has spent for this action.
sword, rations (x 5), worn close, 25 duc- Rank 6: Conceal/OPP, choose one
ats and (3) shield. Confrontation trade: Templar knowledge.
Templars are the armed forces of the Equipment : Attires (x 2), purse,
Confrontation trade: Temple. Travelers, warriors and men of calligraphy utensils, 100 ducats and (3)
Executioner faith, the flame of fervor burns within safe-conduct (see Equipment below).
The much feared executioners are them. But when the flame goes out, these
legendary assassins. However, not all failed templars have no other choice but
are killing machines. The education to run in shame. Some of them make it to
they receive gives them enough free Cadwallon, in pursuit of a quest only they
will to take the decision to desert. These understand. Even those who have strayed
free leaguers are among the greatest from Merin cannot deny their training
defenders of Cadwallon. and the way they behave.
the character attacked is reduced by sacred weapon, the worst die rolled is extra TF point to every faithful of Merin
(1 + wagers). added to the final result. on the gameboard per round.
Cost: 5
Target: 3 squares. Pilgrim’s staff GR Yes 2 2 kg 2D
Range: 10 squares. Pouch (5 kg) GR Yes 4 - 1D
Duration: 5 rounds. Duster GR Yes 6 2 kg 10 D
The armor of the characters located
Walking shoes GR Yes 3 1 kg 5D
in the area of effect becomes sacred. For
Codex of Merin GR Yes 10 1 kg 50 D
each Damage roll inflicted on the bearer
of a sacred armor, the best die rolled is ig- Battle censer GR Yes 6 1 kg 25 D
nored before determining the final result. Safe conduct GR Special 10 - Special
Griffi n rifle 6 1 10/20/30 3 3 -2 GR No 8 2 kg 100 D
Griffi n pistol 6 1 4/6/8 3 2 0 GR Yes 8 5 kg 50 D