DEMING & GOLDRATT The Decalogue: by Domenico Lepore e Oded Cohen
DEMING & GOLDRATT The Decalogue: by Domenico Lepore e Oded Cohen
DEMING & GOLDRATT The Decalogue: by Domenico Lepore e Oded Cohen
‘Deming & Goldratt’ lays out the principles that underpin THE DECALOGUE, a management
methodology developed by Lepore and Cohen.
THE DECALOGUE powerfully and rigorously combines the heart of Deming’s management
philosophy – sharing the goal, focusing on processes and variation, with the heart of Eli
Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints - focusing on the physical limiting factor (constraint) and
overcoming the cognitive limiting factor. The book shows how ‘constraint’ and ‘variation’ are
the key concepts for creating and maintaining long-term growth in an organization, and how
these concepts can be governed best through the use of Control Charts and the Thinking
Processes Tools.
‘Deming & Goldratt’ shows how the ten steps of THE DECALOGUE can be applied to lead
organizations on a sure path to dramatically improving their performance.
The Goal
by Eli Goldratt
Eli Goldratt wrote the first edition of The Goal in 1984 to present his solution for managing
operations and production.
The book analyzes the problems faced by Managing Director Alex Rogo as his plant faces
closure, and the step-by-step process of how to develop and implement a solution. It vividly
describes the whole process and the satisfying experience of transitioning into a new state of
reality created by implementing the solution.
The book clearly does not only refer to production and operations. It is applicable to all
managers committed to improving the performance of their area of responsibility.
This is the sequel to ‘The Goal’. By describing the personal and professional experience of Alex
Rogo and his team, Goldratt shows how to apply TOC to marketing, sales and distribution. He
introduces and presents the Thinking Process Tools for managing change, including the
Conflict Cloud. Goldratt illustrates the logic of the tools with several examples of problems
from daily life and business.
by Eli Goldratt
Using two cases from different sectors, Goldratt shows how to apply TOC to Project
Management. This book teaches companies how to drastically reduce the development time of
projects and to finish on time without sacrificing quality or the original specifications. This
involves examining the wrong thinking that is typical of traditional project management.
Goldratt tackles one of the most complex matters facing companies: information systems. This
book makes clear the difference between data and information, and the link between them
and the decision-making process. “The Haystack Syndrome” starts with the structure of an
organization and ends with a detailed description of the logic that must underpin the
information system of every company to maximize its effectiveness.
Dr.'s Deming and Goldratt are recognized as two of the foremost geniuses of modern
management. The integration of the Theory of Constraints and the System of Profound
Knowledge into one cohesive process brings the work of these two great thinkers to a
new level of accessibility.
The ten steps of the decalogue reflect the basic concept that in order to manage
effectively we must be able to predict the outcome of our management decisions. This
seemingly simple statement is the core of successful management.
the tools presented in this book will enable any organization to: > manage effectively >
develop focused business strategies > create an atmosphere of continuous improvement
You will not find a quick fix in these pages, but with determination and focus you will be
able to control and radically improve your organization.
The authors have devoted their professional lives to understanding and implementing the
processes presented in this book; Domenico Lepore as a Deming scholar and Oded
Cohen as Eli Goldratt’s collaborator and partner.
Dr.'s Deming and Goldratt are recognized as two of the foremost geniuses of modern management. The
integration of the Theory of Constraints and the System of Profound Knowledge into one cohesive process
brings the work of these two great thinkers to a new level of accessibility.
The ten steps of the decalogue reflect the basic concept that in order to manage effectively we must be able
to predict the outcome of our management decisions. This seemingly simple statement is the core of
successful management.
the tools presented in this book will enable any organization to: > manage effectively > develop focused
business strategies > create an atmosphere of continuous improvement
You will not find a quick fix in these pages, but with determination and focus you will be able to control and
radically improve your organization.
The authors have devoted their professional lives to understanding and implementing the processes
presented in this book; Domenico Lepore as a Deming scholar and Oded Cohen as Eli Goldratt’s
collaborator and partner.