A Horrible Presentation
A Horrible Presentation
A Horrible Presentation
Tobacco smoking is the practice where tobacco is burned and
the vapors either tasted or inhaled. The practice began as early
as 5000–3000 BC. The substance was met with frequent
criticism, but became popular.
Smoking is the most common method of consuming tobacco,
and tobacco is the most common substance smoked. The
agricultural product is often mixed with other additives and
then pyrolyzed. The resulting vapors are then inhaled and the
active substances absorbed by the lungs. The active
substances trigger chemical reactions in nerve endings which
heightens heart rate, alertness and reaction time. Dopamine
and later endorphins are released, which are often associated
with pleasure.
Why dowe
Smoking for Fun
Smoking is a Reward
Smoking for Oral Pleasure
With a Cigarette we are Not Alone
We Like to Watch the Smoke
Smoking Memories
Smoking Helps us Think
Cigarettes Help Us to Relax
We Blow our Troubles Away
Types oftobacco
Except for chewing tobacco in India and smoking of kreteks in
Indonesia, cigarettes are the most common method of consuming
tobacco throughout the world. The invention of the cigarette-rolling
machine in 1881 accelerated the mass-production of pocket sized packets
of cigarettes.
In the current era of economic globalization, some forms of tobacco,
historically localized to specific regions of the world have spread to
every continent. For instance, Indonesian kreteks—clove-flavored,
loosely packed tobacco cigarettes—are currently being marketed to
youth in many countries.
There is no safe way to use tobacco—whether inhaled, sniffed, or
chewed; whether some of the harmful ingredients are reduced; or
whether it is mixed with other ingredients.
Types of tobaccos
Smokeless tobacco
Moist snuff
Chewing tobacco
Smoking tobacco
•Roll –your-own
•Manufactured cigarettes
Tobacco pipes
Amphora pipe
Big ben pipe
Chacom pipe
Davidof pipe
Falcon pipe
Peterson pipe
Savinelli pipe
“Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a
very important part of your life”
Thank you
Marinela Çelmeta