Best of Budapest and Surroundings
Best of Budapest and Surroundings
Best of Budapest and Surroundings
and surroundings
halls, sleek bridges and state-of-the-art wellness
centres – of a forward-looking nation embracing
You could say that Budapest is the ‘bull’s eye’ national parks and numerous natural protection
of European breaks! It’s certainly true that the areas. And there are plenty of outdoor activities
capital sits in the middle of Hungary, and it plays for those with energy to burn – from cave
a central role in the life of the country too. climbing to parachuting, from a gentle riverside
This is the hub of political, artistic and social stroll to a testing jog through the hills.
energy. Most importantly, however, Budapest History, nature, great food and wine, rejuvenating
offers a plethora of attractions to rival those thermal baths, enthralling museums and galleries,
The Buda Castle and the Chain Bridge
found anywhere in the Carpathian Basin – and, top-quality music events, a vibrant nightlife – the
as such, it promises to be a real ‘hit’ with any city has so much to be experienced, visited and
holidaymaker! lived. Whether you’re here for a couple of days
Hungary’s position at the heart of Europe has or – as we would decidedly recommend – for
made its capital one of the region’s most four or five, you’ll have lots to keep you occupied.
important cities. Such elevated status There’s something happening 365 days a year –
is reflected in the grandeur of its and 366 if you happen to visit during a leap year!
buildings, bridges and boulevards.
Of course, the city has experienced a So aim for the bull’s eye, enjoy a hit holiday and
turbulent history and some castles, create memories you’ll cherish forever.
Maria Valeria Bridge in Esztergom palaces and fabulous baths have
been destroyed. Nevertheless,
Budapest, Basilica many still remain, and these
have been supplemented Hungarian National Tourist Office
When you arrive in the centre of Budapest, The area’s early history saw occupation by
you’ll be met by a stunning panorama. The River Romans, Huns and nomad Hungarians, and
Danube flows through the city’s heart, spanned periods of royal construction followed by
by elegant bridges connecting the Buda and Mongolian destruction, before the formation of
Pest banks. The views will etch themselves on the three-part city – divided between Buda on
your memory, whether you enjoy them from the Castle Hill, Pest on the flat east side, and Óbuda,
arcades of the Fishermen’s Bastion, the dome the ancient Roman outpost.
of the Basilica or leaning against the rails of
Façade on the Anrdrássy Boulevard Margaret Bridge. The Hungarian capital is abundant in superlatives;
And once you’ve surveyed the landscape, you its greatest treasure, however, is undoubtedly
can dive in and lose yourself among the buildings, its unrivalled and world-renowned location.
town squares, streets and parks, enjoying the This section of the Danube was the first in the
pulsating energy of the city’s past and present. country to be awarded UNESCO World Heritage
status, and you’ll never tire of the views or of
Castle district
the pleasing riverside strolls. There are romantic
walks to take along Andrássy Boulevard too,
which was also added to the UNESCO list in
2002. The boulevard boasts architectural gems
including the Opera House, the Old Music
Conservatory, the University of Applied Arts
and Kodaly Circus (surrounded by statues), and
culminates in the broad and imposing Heroes’
Square, with the towering Millennial Monument
at its centre.
Serious palaces
and ornate
“Hungarian language of architecture is not of the past but of the future,” said Ödön
Lechner (1845—1914), the most influential architect of the Hungarian Art Nouveau
movement. The originality of Hungarian Art Nouveau came through its attempt
to mould modern functionality into a distinct, decorative form incorporating the
motifs and colours of folk art and design. You’ll find many examples of the style
throughout the city, typically featuring colourful majolica inlays and arches. Look
out in particular for the Museum of Applied Arts (on Üllôi Road) and the Postal
Savings Bank (in Hold Street).
One of many great ways to explore Budapest is Another prime attraction is Váci Street, lined with
by tram. Tram line #2 affords the best view of designer shops and high-end retail stores, and
the World Heritage panorama along the Danube; leading to the Market Hall – an extraordinary
nevertheless, you can also travel along the Inner building stuffed with stalls selling food, drink
Ring Road encircling the downtown area and handmade gifts. The oldest metro line in
between Margaret and Petôfi bridges, Continental Europe runs beneath the entire length
while gazing through the large windows of Andrássy Boulevard, carrying passengers to
Parliament of the modern tram cars. stations at the neo-renaissance Opera House,
Pest’s most conspicuous landmark is unarguably the Octogon (an eight-sided city “square”), the
the neo-Gothic-style Parliament Building situated “House of Terror” Museum and Heroes’ Square.
on the bank of the Danube. Some 1,000 workers Adjacent to the latter is the capital’s biggest green
took 17 years to construct this impressive edifice, area, City Park, where you’ll find the curious
which measures 268 metres (879.27ft) in length, Vajdahunyad Castle, built to commemorate the
118 metres (387.14ft) in width and 96 metres 1896 Millennial Celebration and Exhibition. City
(314.96ft) in height. Parliamentary business still Park holds the protected site of the Széchenyi
takes place in this building, which also houses the Baths, as well as the Budapest Zoological and
Geological Institute Congressional Library and the Hungarian Crown Botanical Garden, the Great Circus, and the
Jewels. Amusement Park, with its 100-year-old carousel.
“There are three city pearls of Europe – Venice on President of the Republic, you will arrive at the
water, Florence on the plain and Buda on the hill,” entrance to the former Royal Palace complex.
wrote some medieval travellers whose opinion is This is also the upper station of the century-old
supported today by countless visitors. It is worth Buda Castle Funicular (worth taking the ride!),
spending a full day on the UNESCO-listed Castle which operates between here and the Chain
Hill, which is divided between a royal section Bridge in carrying passengers up and down the
and the area traditionally inhabited by the city’s steep hill. The complex was once the home of
civilians. The architectural highlights of the civilian royals and lords, but it now houses some rich
portion (to the north of Dísz Square) are Matthias museums (described later) and the nation’s
Church and the adjoining Fishermen’s Bastion. largest library. Its courtyards are strewn with
The Bastion reflected in the glass façade of the statues and fountains, and from the eastern
Castle garden Hotel Hilton offers an unusual photo opportunity terrace (in front of a realistic equestrian statue of
for those with an artistic eye. The side streets Prince Eugene of Savoy, conqueror of the Turks)
running away from Trinity Square (in front of the we can steal another magnificent view over the
church) are dotted with Baroque-style buildings entire city. Margaret Island – lying in the middle
and mansions hiding Gothic ruins. You may want of the Danube and forming one of the city’s most
to take a rest in one of the many restaurants or beautiful parks – is visible from here. You can
cafés, or treat yourself to an ice cream or pastry reach it via Margaret Bridge, designed by
at the opulent Ruszwurm Café. Sit for a spell at the Frenchman Ernest Gouin.
Kapisztrán Square and listen to the bells of the
Magdalena Tower or climb aboard one of the
cannons in front of the Museum of Military
History. Those with a taste for an eerie
underground experience can descend into
the Labyrinth – a snaking system of
caves and cellars stretching deep
into the belly of the hill.
As you enter the Hercules Villa, you can imagine the past chatter of Romans
reclining in their togas, the rustle of tunic-clad servants carrying refreshments, the
trickling of wine being poured into goblets. This Roman building – erected in the
2nd century and resurrected in 1960 – is named after the impressive mosaic laid on
its floor. Pictures of Heracles fighting the Nessos centaur, Dionysian images and a
depiction of a tiger evoke the spirit of the time 2,000 years ago.
While the centre of Budapest receives most museum. The ruins of the military baths (at
attention, the outer districts also offer countless Flórián Square) and those of the civilian and
treasures worth seeing. The remains of the military amphitheatres testify to the rich history
ancient city of Aquincum unearthed in Óbuda are of this Roman colonial seat. To the south of the
visible in the archaeological park and downtown, contemporary buildings line each
side of the Danube near the city’s youngest
bridge, reflecting the development of a new area.
The newly built National Theatre stands on
the Pest side, together with the award-winning
Palace of Arts, which is a must for lovers of
Aquincum culture. Further out, along the highway leading
to Lake Balaton, Statue Park preserves the
monuments and statues that adorned the city’s
streets and squares during the Communist era
and their
Perhaps the only stamps you won’t find at the Budapest Stamp Museum are the
“Blue and Red Mauritius” – unsurprising given that these are the world’s oldest and
most-expensive. However, there are plenty of others to excite philatelists among the
collection of 13 million. Around 500,000 beautifully crafted stamps are on display in
3,200 frames at the museum’s “World History—Stamp History” permanent
exhibition. In addition to the stamps themselves, stamp-design plans, printing
machines and special editions are also kept here.
It is difficult to choose which of Budapest’s interest in warfare, whereas pacifists might prefer
museums to visit – there are over 200 in total. If to visit the Hungarian Museum of Catering. If you
you have little time at your disposal, you should are led by the Muses even while sightseeing, visit
obviously head for the major ones. The Hungarian the Memorial Exhibitions of Franz Liszt, Zoltán
National Museum will acquaint you with the Kodály, and Béla Bartók, or the Museum of Music
country’s history, while the Ethnographic Museum History. Connoisseurs of culture may wish to
focuses upon folk art and country life. explore the Molnár C Pál Studio and Museum
If you want to learn more about Budapest itself, run by the artist’s descendants. Others could lose
try the Budapest History Museum, which themselves among the 3,000 flags displayed at the
protects and displays the medieval ruins of the Flag Museum. Something for the kids? Take them
royal palace. Lovers of fine art are welcome at by the hand and head to the interactive world on
the Hungarian National Gallery, which shows offer at the House of the Future and the Palace of
Art Hall the works of domestic artists, whereas the works Wonders.
and curious wildlife are but a short walk from even the busiest
of the city’s traffic hubs.
Few of the world’s capital cities can boast (525 metres or 1,722ft); a chairlift carries visitors
the natural treasures to be found in Budapest. to the Erzsébet look-out tower at its peak. The
Gellért Hill, towering above the city centre, has hills represent not only the “lungs” of the city
protected status; so too does Sas Hill, a haven
of dolomite flora among some wealthy residential
neighbourhoods. Two botanical gardens
(the Füvészkert and the Buda Arboretum) are
located in populated areas of the city, and urban
development has resulted in the downtown
encroaching upon the position of the Zoological
and Botanical Garden of Budapest, whose
magnificently renovated 100-year-old Palm Garden
is sure to provide a memorable experience for
plant lovers. One natural treasure is visible from
most points of the city – the range of the Buda
Hills, which embrace Buda’s districts from the
Buda hills north-east. The range’s highest point is
at János Hill
Pálvölgy Cave but, with their designated hiking paths, one of the
cornerstones of the healthy lifestyle
of its inhabitants.
Budapest Sightseeing
Let’s plan your travel to Budapest on our website!
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2/19/08 4:52:21 PM
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3. New York Café This was the most ornate of the 320 cafés
that operated in the years preceding World War
I, and it has remained so ever since. Gilded
columns, reliefs and shining mirrors evoke
the aesthetic of the early 1900s.
9. The Great Market Market halls have largely disappeared from the
Hall majority of Europe’s main cities. Fortunately, the
market-hall tradition is alive and well in Budapest.
The Great Market Hall is the biggest and most
impressive of several that survive from the
beginning of the 20th century.
10. The Holy Crown The Parliament Building is worth visiting not only
and the Coronation for the spectacular architecture, but for the Crown
Jewels Jewels on display in its sizeable and opulent Dome
Room. The Holy Crown, the sceptre, the orb and
the sword are admired by thousands of visitors
each year.
ave you ever wondered what life was like over five hundred years ago - Hungary’s
most glorious age - in the legendary court of Matthias Corvinus? Travel into the past and
see with your own eyes what made Matthias a king! Explore Renaissance Hungary - the King awaits!
for the body
for the soul
In 1541 the Turks invaded Buda and occupied it for a period of 150 years. While
they raided and destroyed, they also constructed – primarily djamis and bath
houses, some of which survive today. The Rác Baths, now a therapeutic and wellness
centre, were called kutchuk ilidjesi (“small baths”) in Turkish, whereas the Rudas
Baths, found on the Buda side of Elizabeth Bridge, was called jesil direcli
Ilidja (“green-columned baths”). Guests of the Rudas Baths still bathe under the
baths’ original dome erected in 1560 by Pasha of Buda, Sokoli Mustapha.
Water content:
Calcium-magnesium-hydrogen carbonate and
sulphate-chloride thermal water, also containing
sodium and a significant number of fluoride ions.
Recommended for:
Degenerative diseases of the joints, vertebral
diseases, acute and semi-acute inflammations
of the joints, intervertebral cartilage problems,
neurological disorders, osteomalacia.
sodium and a significant amount of fluoride and Services:
metaboric acid. Therapeutic massages, underwater jet messages,
Recommended for: rejuvenating massages, foot massages, hot-air
Degenerative diseases of the joints, acute and steam rooms, pedicure, a 2-person Finnish
and semi-acute inflammation of the joints, sauna with tub baths.
orthopaedic and post-surgical treatments.
As drinking treatment for: Acute gastritis,
stomach ulcers, enterocolitis,
“Wellness is basically a learning process other wellness services are offered at most
whereby we can acquire the ability to make swimming pools and baths. At the majority of
decisions leading to a higher quality of living. health spas, there are pools too with a controlled
Thus, it is not comprised of one treatment but water temperature suitable for swimming. During
rather of a long process.” the summer you might swim, bathe, relax
and soak up the sun at open-air pool parks. The
There is a rich range of wellness activities most popular public pool parks are the Palatinus
available in Budapest. There are various kinds on Margaret Island and the Roman Baths in
of massage on offer, such as acupuncture Óbuda, both of which are situated in scenic,
massage, cellulite massage, Shiatsu-, Thai-, wooded areas.
and Yumeiho massages;; there are complex
therapies, such as Feldankrais-, Kneipp-, Mayr-, The more athletic should head for one of two
Thalasso therapies;; and there are treatments swimming-pool complexes – the Császár-
including acupressure, seaweed treatment, Komjádi Swimming Pools or the Hajós Alfréd
body wrapping, Cleopatra bath, aromatherapy Sports Pools – where members of the Hungarian
and exfoliation. water-polo and swimming teams train.
and low
“Your feet are always at hand,” goes the saying. In Budapest, that means you can get
up into the Buda Hills in 30 minutes. If you have no time for a longer trip, take the
chairlift at Zugliget and take it to the top of János Hill (527 metres, 1,729ft). The
Erzsébet Look-out Tower, erected in 1910, is only a few minutes’ walk from the last
stop, the terraces of which offer a magnificent view of the hills and the city.
You can hike your way down or take the Children’s Railway.
If you fancy a jog, consider the specially built lighter or reduced traffic that are also available
shore-side track on Margaret Island, or one of to them. Moreover, a section of the EuroVelo
the larger or the less-steep areas of the Buda international bike route established along
Hills. If you’d prefer a plain old walk, you can the Danube also crosses Budapest. Don’t dismay
choose from countless paths ranging from easy if you didn’t bring a bicycle because there are
to difficult in the Buda Hills. Hiking trails and numerous places to rent one; you can
walking paths are marked with clear signs posted even book on a bicycle sightseeing tour.
on trees and streets. For those who’d like to take
a look beneath the surface, there are caves that Mountain bikers are well served by the routes
are open and readily accessible to the public in the Buda Hills (marked with bike signs). The
(and for which you don’t need special clothing). nicest tracks can be found in the areas of the
Alternatively, the more adventurous might Hûvösvölgy-Glider Airport and the Hármashatár
arrange for a wild cave tour within the city. Hill-Csúcs Hill.
The Budapest section of the Danube has served Many open-air and indoor skate parks are
lovers of watersports,, such as rowers, canoeists available for skateboarders in Budapest.
and kayakers, since the second half of the 19th
century. Many an Olympic medallist or world
champion has trained upon these waters. The
Jogging on the Margaret Island largest watersports camp has been established
at Római part (the “Roman Shore”) on the Buda
side; those who seek a quieter section free from
big boats would do better to choose the Soroksár
side-stream which starts at Csepel Island.
Hungarians are referred to as a horse-riding While motor racing is a popular spectator sport,
people, their nomadic ancestors having arrived in you can also have a go yourself – on a smaller
the Carpathian Basin 1,100 years ago on horse scale. Take to the track at one of several go-cart
back. Budapest offers opportunities for riders of centres, and race against yourself or a group
all abilities; for cross-country riding, however, of friends.
you’ll need to visit horse farms and traditional
terrain just beyond the city. The paintball craze has reached
great heights in the past
There are many other sports few years, and you’ll find
to enjoy too. You have a choice facilities in Budapest.
of some 50 tennis clubs,
featuring indoor and outdoor Alternatively, you might
courts in virtually every district speed down the summer
of the city. bobsledding tracks. This
is available for children
There is a nine-hole golf course and adults alike, and there
in Budapest with a training center are tracks on the edge of
and a practice course. You can also the city.
find driving ranges in Adyliget, the
10th district, and on Hajógyári (“Shipyard”) Indoor facilities allow you to indulge
Island. Indoor golfing (obviously more popular in in sport whatever the weather. There are countless
the winter) is available to devotees of the sport at places to play squash, go bowling or take part in
two places in the capital. “coffee-house sports” such as pool or darts.
Gustav Mahler, Otto Klemperer, Ferenc Erkel, Giacomo Puccini, Béla Bartók, Lam-
berto Gardelli, János Ferencsik, Beniamino Gigli, Éva Marton are names from
the history of the Budapest Opera House. They are a few among many who, at differ-
ent periods, were directors at the venue, staged many productions, conducted
the orchestra or performed on its stage. This Neo-Renaissance palace dating to 1884
has hosted all the musical greats, whether through performance of their music or
by receiving them in person (from Monteverdi to Péter Eötvös).
You will need a very large ladle indeed to scoop examples of Hungarian Art Nouveau. The Béla
from Budapest’s cultural soup. Among its Bartók National Concert Hall (which seats 1,700)
highlights are the temporary and permanent has found a home in the Palace of Arts and ranks
exhibitions of the Museum of Fine Arts and among the best concert halls in the world. The
the Hungarian National Gallery, the annual concert hall’s organ – whose quality is superb
programmes of cultural events (such as the – boasts 6,712 pipes. The Palace of Arts also
Spring Festival, the Budapest Fair, holds the National Dance Theatre and the Ludwig
the Sziget Festival and the Festival of Arts and Museum. In the first half of the 20th century,
Crafts), and the concerts and other performances Budapest was referred to as the capital of the
held at the Opera House and the Palace of Arts. operetta – a separate theatre was even built to
And when you’ve partaken of food for the soul, cater purely for plays in this genre. By the end
you can fill your stomach with hearty helpings of the century, Budapest’s stages were regularly
of the real stuff too. Don’t miss, for instance, featuring international musical productions. You
the Buda Castle Sausage and Palinka Festival can spend a very pleasant evening taking in a
or the International Festival of Wine. musical at the Madách, Víg-, Thália or Magyar
Music Conservatory
The cornerstones of classical music in Budapest
are the Opera House, the Music Conservatory and
the Palace of Arts. On the repertoire of the Opera
House, you will find elite national and international
productions of ballet and opera. The building
housing the Music Conservatory (particularly the
interior) is considered to be one of the leading
There is always something cultural going on in in Buda Castle. If you wish not only to taste wine
Budapest – not only in the concert halls, theatres but to see how it is made, you are recommended
and sports halls, but on the streets themselves. to take a trip to Budafok. Within the framework
of the Budapest Autumn Festival, the autumn
The summer months from June to August feature belongs to the contemporary arts.
a plethora of events. Summer on the Chain Bridge
(with a series of performances) takes place The year concludes with the Christmas Market
during this time, as well as the programmes of at Vörösmarty Square and New Year’s Eve
the Summer Festival on Margaret Island and at the celebrations (which open with a concert and
Városmajor Open-Air Theatre, and the productions feature a series of balls and galas, among them
of the BudaFest Summer Opera and Ballet Festival. the elegant Opera Ball).
for the city’s
residents and guests
Count István Széchenyi imagined it, William Tierny Clark designed it, Adam Clark
built it and on summer weekends the people and foreign guests of Budapest
“invade” Budapest’s most beautiful Danube crossing, the Chain Bridge. The series
of events known as Summer on the Chain Bridge opens with the Bridge Celebration
at the end of June and lasts until the end of August, offering classical, jazz and pop-
music concerts, theatre performances and market stalls selling craft works and folk
art. The bridge is closed to traffic during the events.
In addition to the main cultural events, which Hungarian choral music is popular, and choirs
attract tens of thousands of people to watch, perform in both churches and concert halls.
there are programmes throughout the year.
Among these are smaller, local festivals Other venues for music are clubs and pubs,
in the districts of Ferencváros, Óbuda and which frequently advertise live jazz, blues, rock,
Erzsébetváros. Fans of music and the performing pop and other music performed by renowned or
arts can select from the usual season’s offerings lesser-known artists. And on leaving any of the
at concert venues all over the city. places playing music on New Year’s Eve, you’ll
be treated to the noise and “music”of night
Budapest’s churches (of several denominations) in the streets as well.
also offer quality concerts, especially during
the season of church celebrations.
in Budapest
March – Utazás (Travel Expo) Visitors are offered programmes
Hungexpo Zrt. on Shipyard Island over four
X. Albertirsai út 10 days: the Celebration of Fire
Phone: +36-1-263-6523 on the 22nd, the Open Historical Day on the 23rd, and an
equestrian show on the
March – 24th and 25th.
Budapest Spring Festival
Budapest Festival Centre July –August – Space,
V. Szervita tér 5 Film and Music Festival Around August 20 –
Phone: +36-1-486-3300 Visualpower Kft. Wine Village XI. Kelenföldi út 2 VI. Városligeti fasor 44
For 27 years now the Budapest Phone: +36-1-204-1402 Phone: +36-1-321-1602
Spring Festival has been
Hungary’s biggest cultural The Space, Film and Music Guests are welcomed with wine
festival. In the last two weeks Festival will be organised for the tasting, concerts, children’s
of March, around 200 events fourth time in Budapest. Visitors programmes and
await Hungarian and foreign can watch films catering to all a grape-harvest procession.
tourists in 50–60 venues in age groups free of charge; films
Budapest. are screened every day on a Around August 20 –
daylight giant LED wall from Festival of Arts and Crafts
June – Pannon Wine Congress 4.30pm till 11.00pm. Association of Folk Art Unions
Pannon Wine Guild I. Szilágyi Dezsô tér 6
XIV. Állatkerti út 2 Beginning of August – Formula Phone: +36-1-214-3147
Phone: +36-1-468-4045 1 Hungarian Grand Prix Hungaroring Sport Rt. Many of the most prominent
This festival of top wines 2146 Mogyoród, Pf 10 craftsmen and women in
and top winemakers in City Phone: +36-28-444-444 Hungary showcase their skills
Park offers some marvels of in workshops set up throughout
Hungarian gastronomy and Buda Castle, while visitors can
a real market atmosphere. Beginning of August – also take in performances
Budapest Spring Festival
Sziget Festival of folk music and dance.
2nd part of June – Sziget Office, XIV. Orlay utca
Danube Carnival 5–7, Phone: +36-1-372-0650 End of August–beginning
BM Duna Artists Ensemble of September –
XII. Németvölgyi út 41 Shipyard Island on the Danube Jewish Summer Festival
Phone: +36-1-201-6613 becomes a town within the Jewish Touristic and Cultural city during this multicultural Centre
This gathering organised festival. Around 400,000 VII. Síp utca 12
around the city attracts top come to the Sziget (Island) Phone: +36-1-343-0420
European and overseas artists Festival each year for concerts
from the worlds of classical and featuring global names, the A wide-ranging festival that
world music, as well as brass cream of Hungarian bands focuses on Jewish culture.
bands, contemporary dancers and rising stars, as well as for It features a week of books
and the best performers of theatre performances, films, and films, exhibitions and
Hungarian folk dancing. exhibitions, classical music gastronomy events, as well as
and sports programmes. those international “languages”
2nd part of June – Budapest of culture – music and dance.
Horse-Riding June-Fest
National Equestrian Marketing Beginning of September
Association – September-Fest
Phone: +36-30-685-7812 Hotelinfo Kft
Right: Budapest Marathon 1056 Budapest, Váci út 78–80
every guest
is Royal
The name “Gundel” not only refers to one of the city’s most opulent restaurants, but
is also the moniker of its signature dessert, the Gundel Pancake. To make the pan-
cake yourself, mix raisins soaked in rum, sliced candy orange peels, finely ground
nuts, sugar and some cinnamon into warm cream and cook for a couple of minutes
until it all turns into a spreadable puree. Allow it to cool slightly, add some more
rum. Make 12 crêpes, add a line of filling to each, roll them up and keep them in a
warm place. Serve flambéed.
Guests arriving in Budapest can choose from a In the first half of the 20th century, Budapest was
vast choice of accommodation to suit any pocket, a city of cafés. The capital’s citizens – and in
from five-star state-of-the-art hotels through particular its writers, poets and Bohemians –
family-owned bed-and-breakfasts to campsites. spent much of their time in the cafés. Although
The most popular luxury hotels are situated this world has passed, many of the cafés
in a row on either side of the Danube. The family- fortunately remain, and there are even new
Café Spoon run bed-and-breakfasts, mostly found at the foot additions built in the traditional style where you
of the Buda Hills in a tranquil environment with can experience the atmosphere of bygone times.
clean air, are very popular. You’ll also find some in If you’d like some pastries with your coffee, look
central areas more convenient for those tourists out for one of the many classy patisseries.
only visiting for a few days.
Hungarian wines are at least as good as the
You can’t talk about Hungary without mentioning Hungarian food, and you do not need to travel
its masterful cuisine. Goulash, the country to taste the various products of the
paprika chicken, pike-perch and different wine regions — you can do so at the
the sweet Somlói Delight – not to House of Hungarian Wines or the House
mention countless other well-known of Historic Wines.
dishes – are all there to tempt you
during your stay. In many of the elegant When the evening falls, the traffic in the Budapest
restaurants offering traditional dishes, you streets also increases, as the pubs, bars,
will also be serenaded with live gypsy music. wineries and nightclubs come to life. The strains
You can dine on delicious, freshly cooked of jazz or blues will mingle with the noise of
Hungarian dishes (at very cheap prices) in conversation. Budapest has developed its own
smaller restaurants, eateries and diners. areas with trendy “hang-outs”: Liszt Ferenc
tér or Ráday utca. People looking to enjoy
As in any big world city, in Budapest you can find themselves or meet new people can head for the
international cuisine alongside domestic fare. many dance clubs, but it is also worth visiting
Choose from a broad selection of tastes, from the dance houses playing Hungarian folk music.
Japanese sushi to Jewish falafel, from hot-and-
Meat plate sour soup to paella.
my credit card!
In recent decades, a “book district” has developed in the heart of Budapest, in the
area of the National Museum. Half a dozen antique and used book shops stand in
a row here, among them the Central Antique Bookshop. An enormous owl over the
entrance of the building indicates that you are entering the halls of erudition and
literature, where you can browse a selection that ranges from centuries-old rarities
to the most recent bestsellers. And the books are not only in Hungarian!
A city’s shops reflect the culture of the country the Szent István körút close to the Danube; the
as a whole. In Budapest’s stores you’ll salon of the most renowned Hungarian fashion
find well-known Hungarian products, or designer, Katti Zoób, can also be found here. If
“hungarica,” such as Tokaji wine, the you wish to browse a flea market, take a trip to
porcelain of Herend, Zsolnay majolica the outskirts of Pest where you’ll find the market
and salami from Szeged. referred to as the “Ecseri” by Budapesters, or
Numerous shopping malls visit the market at Petôfi Csarnok in City Park at
can be found in Budapest; the weekend. Hungarian paprika and hot peppers
nevertheless if you are seeking (and their green versions), salami or cherry- and
a more intimate setting for your rum-filled chocolate bon-bons can be bought
shopping, head for the popular at any of the supermarkets, market halls or
shopping areas and districts – the food markets. A visit to the latter is particularly
city centre of Pest (Váci, Petôfi atmospheric; note, however, that while it is
Sándor, Kossuth Lajos streets and acceptable (and expected) to bargain at flea
others around them). Hungarian markets, it is useless to try at the food markets
products can be purchased here, or halls.
such as high-quality folk-art
items and embroidery, as well
as renowned world brands
from Nike to Estée Lauder. For
“antique hunters” we recommend
Falk Miksa utca and the section of
Market Halls
The Danube and Budapest go together like a horse and carriage. You can cross the
river in a small boat (operated by the public transportation company), but it is more
pleasant to take a sightseeing cruise. From nowhere else is the city as beautiful as
it is when seen from the river – particularly at night, when the lights of the illumi-
nated buildings are reflected on the surface of the water.
From dawn till dusk – almost 24 hours in ● 12.30 pm Take bus #15 over to Sas utca
Budapest to have lunch at Mokka Café and Restaurant,
followed by a nice cup of coffee.
● 6.30 am No lazing around! Get up early to give
yourself a long day enjoying the city. Lucky that ● 14.00 pm Time for a stroll on Andrássy út.
you went to bed early last night… Check out some global fashion and design
brands in the shop windows of the section
● 7.00 am Head to the Gellért. Swim 20 lengths between Oktogon and Deák tér.
in the bubble pool or, if the weather is conducive,
in the pool outside. Finish with a sweat in the ● 17.00 pm Back to the hotel for a breather,
sauna, a soak in the hot tub and a pampering some rejuvenation and a change of clothes.
massage. In your relaxed state, be careful not to
fall asleep! ● 19.00 pm Dinner at Lou-Lou Restaurant.
● 9.00 am Seat yourself at a window table in ● 20.30 pm Head for Ship A38 on the Danube
the Central Café and prepare to watch the city (best to take a taxi there). You’ll probably miss
pass outside. Enjoy an abundant breakfast while some of the 8:00pm programme, but you’ll
indulging in a spot of eavesdropping on the table definitely be in time to catch that starting at
next to you (if you can understand what’s being 9:00pm. Have a cocktail in the meantime.
● 22.00 pm Delve into the thick of the nightlife
● 10.00 am Since the shops are already opening, of the city. Cross over to the Pest side to Liszt
walk southwards along Váci utca. Resist the Ferenc tér, and enjoy a beer or two in one of the
tempting shop windows along the way and many café-bars.
concentrate on reaching the Great Market Hall
with its colourful stalls. ● 23.30 pm Still hanging in there? Trade the
evening laze for some exercise. Look into the
Ship A38 ● 11.00 am Take tram #2 (as a way of Holdudvar Dance Club and, if you are still with it,
Lou-Lou Restaurant sightseeing) to Jászai Mari tér, and then a guided the Cha-cha-cha.
tour of the Kieselbach Gallery and the Auction
House. Look around the antique shops of Falk ● 02.00 pm Aaaaa-ah! It is definitely way past
Miksa utca near by – they’re at least as interesting your usual bedtime. Take a cab and jump into
as a museum visit. your hotel bed.
The landscape north of Budapest along the what once was called “Magna Insula” (the Great
Danube was born of the marriage between the Island). At the time of the arrival of the Magyar
hills and the river. The attractions of the area are tribes in the 10th century AD, this area was
most easily accessible by following the winding a royal residence, and subsequently the estate
but comfortable highway along what was formerly of the queen for centuries.
the Roman Limes, or on the railroad wedged
between the river shore on the left and the rocky In the west-southwest parts of the region,
hillside, or perhaps along the partially built bike German villages were built in the 18th century
path. Nevertheless, if you wish to enjoy the best in place of the ones destroyed by the Turks.
views of the landscape, the river and the small Descendants cherishing their heritage still
towns along the shore, hop aboard a cruise ship preserve the values of the past, including the
running from Budapest on the Szentendre or the cultural heritage of the Germans here. The ranges
Vác side stream of the Danube all the way to of the Buda Hills situated outside the capital can
Esztergom. Leaving the highlands behind, you be found here, as well as the Zsámbék and
will see the plains embrace the 250—350m-tall Nagykovácsi basins where once the Via
(900–1,150ft) sand dunes of the Gödöllô Hills Imperialis ran – the road connecting the royal
with their variegated terrain dotted with limestone seat of Esztergom with the coronation city
heaps. of Székesfehérvár.
In the south-southeast corner of the region (about Medieval churches, ecclesiastical treasures,
100km from the capital), the traveller will stumble castles, museums and protected treasures of the
upon a landscape characterised by plains rich natural environment can be seen here. After that,
in fauna and flora. Besides the fields, pastures, you might like to put on a helmet and overalls for
farmlands, meadows, hills and valleys and a spot of cave exploring or take to the skies with
saline-sediment lakes, all under environmental some hang-gliding or to the water with some
protection, one can explore the ever-shrinking parasailing. You can try some motorcar racing
world of farms and manors, and the history, life here, or sit back as a spectator and watch the
and culture of the typical country towns stars of Formula 1 at the Hungarian Grand Prix.
Panorama in Visegrád of the plains. Continue the speed theme by hurtling down
Szentendre, Main square
water slides or the bobsledding track. You can
The 247-square-kilometre Csepel Island is cycle high and low through valleys and over
ensconced in the Danube at the point where the mountains, or boat along the most picturesque
river splits between two side streams, creating portions of the Danube.
Danube Bend
and its mountains
It is unlikely that when the castle was first erected at Visegrád in the early medieval
period the builders did so to take advantage of a spectacular view. Instead it was
the 19th-century Romantics who first properly admired the scene, making it the
subject of their writings and paintings. The Danube found a way for itself across
this area among the inactive volcanoes, creating the Strait of Visegrád – or, as it is
better known, the Danube Bend. The river here carves a double “S” shape and, when
looked at together with the 800m hills, forms a beautiful picture as viewed from
the terrace underneath the castle.
Szentendre, street
Visegrád, Salamon tower
The most picturesque section of River Danube 31km long and 3–4km wide. Szentendre was
as it runs through Hungary is at the Danube fashioned into a little Mediterranean-style town
Bend between Esztergom and Visegrád. It is not by the Serbs fleeing here from the Turks; the
by accident that the Hungarians occupying the Serbians have also built numerous churches
homeland set up their first principal seat here. in the three centuries since their settling here.
Esztergom was the first capital of the Hungarian Szentendre has been a religious and cultural
State and remained so for 250 years. The city has centre for the Serbs in this country since the
been the seat of the Archbishop of the Hungarian 17th century, and the most remarkable relics of
Roman Catholic Church for a millennium, and the the Serbian Orthodox Church in Hungary have
largest cathedral in Hungary is situated here with been placed in the Serbian museum here. It
its Renaissance-style Bakócz Chapel. We come is well worth spending at least a day strolling
across an invaluable collection of church relics among the small Baroque and Copf houses,
in the basilica’s treasury. The reconstructed making your way through the narrow cobbled
medieval royal palace stands on the top of the streets and along winding steps. You should also
hill, and the Christian Museum is located in the take a trip to the Open-air Ethnographic Museum
archbishop’s residence at the foot of the hill. In (or village museum), situated on the city border,
order to explore the Danube Bend properly, you that introduces Hungarian folk architecture and
may want to drive there on the highway that culture.
winds alongside the river, or take a cruise in a
leisure boat or a hydrofoil. Visegrád – one of the
prettiest historical cities on the Danube – lies at
the point where the narrow river valley opens up,
and was once also the capital. The royal palace,
famed across Europe, was built by Karoly Robert
in the 14th century and rebuilt by King Matthias
in the Renaissance style in the 15th century. It
has now been renovated. The top of this high hill
is crowned by the Fellegvár (Citadel), which was
built in the 13th century. If you can struggle up
to the terrace of this castle, you’ll be treated to a
splendid view over the Danube Bend.
South of Visegrád, our way is led to the town
of Szentendre by Szentendre Island, which is
The ancient Via Imperialis, the royal road old mansion in the town centre houses the
Buda hills connecting Esztergom with Székesfehérvár, leads Hungarian Geological Museum, where you can
across the Zsámbék Basin lying north-west of “meet” world-famous explorers such as Sándor
Budapest. The city with the same name is known Kôrösi Csoma, the Tibet traveller, Pál Teleki, after
nationally for the late Roman/early Gothic-style whom a volcano in Africa was named, or the
church ruins visible on its hilltop from miles man who was elected King of Madagascar,
around. The Lamp Museum also attracts many Móric Benyovszky. Százhalombatta, on the
visitors with its unique collection illustrating the right-hand shore of the Danube, was built on
history of illumination from the very beginning to top of burial heaps dating to the Hallstatt period.
the period of gas lighting. The nearby hilltops are A 2,700-year-old Iron-Age burial heap and
popular hiking destinations, and form part of the houses from the Palaeolithic Age can be seen in
Pilis hill range in the Buda Landscape Protection the Archeological Park, and visitors can enjoy
Area.. Their shallow sides contain the streets of handicraft demonstrations offering a taste of
small towns which were once occupied by mostly those times.
German inhabitants. Budakeszi is virtually joined
with Budapest, and the former’s
Game Park is recommended to
families with children. The Old
Village of Érd,, a town built near
the Danube, is framed by the
belts of the town centre
and a rich residential
neighbourhood. You can
enjoy a great view from
the top of the renovated
tower of the old Turkish
minaret. A 150-year-
Archeological Park
Inactive volcanoes
and the hills of today
While her full name was Elizabeth Amalie Eugenie von Wittelsbach, during her life –
and particularly following her tragic death – she came to be known as Sisi. The wife of
Austrian Emperor and Hungarian King, Franz Joseph I, the beautiful Sisi spent six years
in the castle of Gödöllô. The castle became one of her hide-outs. This part of her life is
described in Romy Shneider’s legendary Sisi films.
Serbian Orthodox Church
The 247-square-kilometre Csepel Island once Valley. His memory is preserved in a museum at
belonged to the estate of the ambitious Prince the Tápiószele mansion of Ernô Blaskovits, who
Eugene of Savoy, who also commissioned owned the horse.
famous Austrian architect, Johann Lucas von The furthest point of the southeastern area of the
Hildebrandt, to build his castle in Ráckeve. Central Danube Region is found approximately
The best-known tourist site in the town, however, 100 kilometres from Budapest. Cegléd,
is its Gothic-style Pravoslav Church. A memorial a quintessential country town on the Plains,
museum dedicated to one of the most remarkable will give you a taste of the life and culture of a
figures of 20th-century photography, André Hungarian small town. The place is also referred
Kertész, can also be found in a small village, to as the city of Lajos Kossuth, remembering the
Szigetbecse, on this island. emblematic figure of the 1848–1849 Revolution
The leading attractions of the area are the Ócsa against the Austrian monarchy.
Landscape Protection Area, which includes The statue of the statesman in New York City
Cegléd, Christian Reformed unique natural rarities and is part of the Duna- was modelled on that which stands in the town
Great Church Ipoly National Park, and the plains of the Upper square, originally made by Horvay János. The
Kiskunság on the border of Apaj. The Basilica of richest collection of Kossuth memorabilia can
Ócsa is one of the most significant monuments be found in the city’s museum. The Christian
dating to Roman times. During Ócsa Music Days, Reformed Great Church, built in Classicist style,
many a remarkable concert is organised within is the largest of this denomination in Central
the walls of the ancient ruins. The most important Europe with its 60m-high dome. Another church
habitat of the endangered great bustard – the of similar size originally built in the 15th century
heaviest bird capable of flight – can be found is situated in the other significant town of this
near Apaj. The largest herd of grey cattle on the region, Nagykôrös; you can hear the organ
Plains graze here. The most famous Hungarian played during the frequent concerts that are
race horse, Kincsem, was raised in the Tápió hosted inside.
Blagovesztenszka Church
2000 Szentendre, Fô tér
Phone: +36 26/312-399
Savoy Castle
Minaret Gödöllô Royal Castle –
2030 Érd, Mecset utca Grassalkovich Castle
2100 Gödöllô, Királyi Kastély
ESZTERGOM (B/4) Phone: +36 28/410-124
Dumtsa House
2000 Szentendre,
Péter Pál utca 6
VÁC (C/4)
Christian Museum
2500 Esztergom, Mindszenty
Hercegprímás tér 2
Phone: +36 33/413-880
Mogyoród Aquaréna
Wherever you drill in Hungary, it’s likely you’ll has been established at the Pólus Palace Thermal
find medicinal water below the land surface. The Golf Club Hotel ***** in Göd, where, as the name
therapeutic benefits of such water were already indicates, visitors can devote themselves to golfing.
recognised by the medieval period. More recently,
Aquasziget (Aqua Island) was established beside Those who wish to explore the central region can
the Danube in Esztergom, the city that has earned enjoy an extended rest at a wellness hotel in the
its fame through its monuments. The pleasure spa “capital” of Csepel Island, Ráckeve, or try the
– with pools measuring 1,500 square metres in total medicinal water and pleasure spa of Aqualand.
– also has a Wellness World and a Health Centre to Don’t miss the newest attraction in the city of
Aquasziget Esztergom guarantee guests total recreation and rejuvenation. Cegléd, the Thermal Spa and Leisure Center.
Its ten swimming pools, measuring 1,400 square
Right: Thermal Hotel Visegrád Staying in the Danube Bend, the city of Visegrád is metres (15,000ft²), provide the ideal location
next in line, boasting thermal water measuring 39°C to spend some free time and enjoy therapeutic
in temperature; the water emerges from the hillside treatments and wellness programmes. The Best
and feeds the pools built in the Lepence city district. Western Hotel Aquarell**** guarantees that
Thermal Hotel Visegrád**** has also been built visitors arriving here will have a great time.
next to the baths. Lovers of wellness and fitness can
enjoy the benefits of wellness services and clean air
not only on the Danube shore but also at the Hotel
Silvanus**** built on the mountain top in Visegrád.
10 medical and
theme pools,
complex medical
Beautifully services and
landscaped attendances,
beach area, revitalising wellness
with a 17-water
b services and packages.
slide aqua park HEALTH, healthy lifestyle not
including Hungary’s first
Spa a only for the sick.
nt „pendulum slide”. It creates
nd campin
A three-star apartment park
and a camp site in a beautiful
environment all year round.
Active relaxing on the ”island
of tranquillity” with favourable
a holiday-packages all of the
year, in the vicinity of the spa.
e nt
Two wheels,
four wheels
no wheels
Have you brought your bike with you? Or did you rent one? Jump on and head to
Szentendre Island. Cycling along the bank, you’ll first approach the city of Szenten-
dre (after which the island was named). If you would rather put off pedalling for a bit
later, you can take your bike aboard the Area Commuters’ Train (HÉV). You’ll reach
the island via a ferry, and then at Szigetmonostor you can bike over to the east side,
to Horany, then on all the way to Surány. Your only option is the highway from here
to Tahitótfalu (you will need permission to proceed further), and then you can ride to
Kisoroszi at the northern end of the island, where you can take a ferry again.
There’s no excuse for being lazy in the area test your rowing skills on the Soroksár and the
around Budapest. Although there are no Szentendre sections of the river. If you desire
enormous mountains or raging mountain rivers to something faster, you can take a motor boat or
conquer, there are countless other opportunities a jet ski, or try waterskiing. The highlight for
for recreation on water, in air or on ground. lovers of cars, motorbikes, go-carts and quads
is the Formula 1 race track in Mogyoród, and
The best opportunities are offered by the the Hungarokart Centre and Xtreme Quad Park
800–900-metre (2,800ft) mountains and the near the town.
600-metre hills, which are crossed with clearly
marked hiking trails. If you want something more Once you’ve tried water and land, take to the
adventurous still, you may want to consider skies. There is the chance to soar in gliders
amateur cave-climbing or rock climbing at and/or engine-powered planes at the airports
the Oszoly szikla near Csobánka. For mountain of Budakeszi-Farkashegy, Budaörs, Dunakeszi,
bikers, specially marked routes are indicated Gödöllô and Esztergom. The conditions in the
on maps of the Pilis, the Visegrád hills and the region are very conducive to gliding and hang-
Börzsöny. There is no shortage of opportunity gliding, or even for hot-air ballooning. If you
for cross-country biking either, primarily along wish to participate, contact the local clubs or the
the Danube or on the two major islands. On the Hungarian Aviation Association.
Danube and its two side streams, you can
Pólus Palace Golf Club (C/5)
2132 Göd, Kádár utca 49
Phone: +36 27/530-500
National Federation of
Hungarian Anglers
Rape field
Through the open gates of the church, the sounds of the organ and people’s voices
are audible, as the procession leaves the building. We are on the border of Budapest,
in Csömör – or, more accurately, we are standing around on the roadside, trying to
avoid stepping on the bed of flowers covering the way. Flowers from gardens and
meadows cover the main road of the small town, forming images of crowns,
crosses and the Virgin Mary.
One festival follows another in the Danube In the Royal Castle in Gödöllô, you can travel
Bend, particularly in the summer. Colourful 250 years back in time during the Baroque Castle
programmes welcome fans of folk, classical, Days, in the renovated Baroque theatre. The
pop and jazz music. Wine connoisseurs organ concerts in the large Romantic-style
are also welcome at the Regulus Wine church at nearby Fót are well worth catching,
Visegrád, Festival. The International Palace Games while you can see genuine folk art during the
International Palace Games – medieval-themed tournaments, jousts dynamic performances of the Galgahévízi
and archery contests – are a favourite Folk Ensemble in the Galga valley. The series
with families. Just a hop from of events called the Zsámbék Theatre and Art
Secular Celebrations Budapest, Szentendre offers Base offers a unique experience because it
theatre performances, uses an abandoned military base and early-
Right: Performance
and musical medieval-church ruins as the locations for the
at the Royal Castle
and dance performances.
of Gödöllô productions
during its
Summer series of
events. On the left
shore of the Danube,
in Vác, the Secular
Celebrations take
place, with concerts,
fairs and children’s
invigorating this
Baroque city.
Practical Information
Budapest and its surrounding area is easily Public road emergency services: 188
accessible from any part of Europe. As Hungary Traffic information, constructions, detours,
is part of the European Union – indeed, the road-toll information is available in 13 different
Schengen Agreement means its borders have languages at:
opened within the Union – EU citizens can arrive Route planning for car journeys:
here as simply as if they were arriving home.
Non-EU citizens are welcome visitors as well, Outside the capital – particularly in the suburbs
although they may have to follow different entry – heavy traffic can be expected on weekdays
requirements. during the morning and evening rush hours.
(It is best to avoid these roads between the hours
ACCOMMODATIONS of 8:00am and 10:00am and 4:00pm and
It is safest to arrange accommodation in 8:00pm.)
advance, particularly in Budapest, and during the
Spring Festival, the Formula 1 and the autumn By air
congressional season. Even the hotels in the Budapest’s airports (terminals 1, 2A and B) are
area surrounding the city may be fully booked, situated 30 minutes from the city centre and
and perhaps, with the exception of a few private are easily accessed by train (terminal 1), public
homes outside the city, only lower category buses, airport shuttles or by taxi cabs.
hotels, family-run bed-and-breakfasts and country
hotels may be available. +36-1-296-9696
Call center: 00 800 36 000 000
of the
Hungarian National Tourist Office
Free copy
and surroundings