Source Based Question (SBQ) Formats, Social Studies
Source Based Question (SBQ) Formats, Social Studies
Source Based Question (SBQ) Formats, Social Studies
Social Studies
Inference [2 Paragraphs]
I can infer from Source ________ that the cartoonist is trying to convince _____________ (who) that ____________, so
that they (the audience) will _____________ (desired reaction). The Source shows that __________________.
I can also infer from Source ___________ that the cartoonist is trying to convince _______________ (who) that
__________________, so that they (the audience will...) _______________. The Source shows that __________________.
Comparison [2 Paragraphs]
Source A and B are different on how they ______________. Source A is ___________, while Source B is ______________.
Source A states that ______________, therefore _______________. However, Source B states that _______________,
therefore __________________.
[Yes/No] Source E [does/does not] prove that ____________. Source E states that _______________. This is also
[supported/refuted] in Source D. Source D states that ________________.
Reliability [2 Sources]
*These two sources differ in view. Does it mean that one is wrong?
Possibilities: Both right, both wrong, one is more reliable than the other.
Usefulness [3 Paragraphs]
Source C is useful because it tells me that ___________. The source states, __________. [1st Inference?] It also helps
me to understand _____________ the issue that __________. The source states that ____________. [2nd Inference?] The
source is also useful as the information is accurate. It tells us that _____________. This is supported in Source
__________ which similarly states. [3rd Inference?]
However, its usefulness is limited as the source does not tell _________ which can be seen in other sources such as
___________ & ___________. In Source ____, it states _________ and in source ____, it states __________.
Assertion [Paragraphs]
Sources ____ and ___ supports but Sources ____ and _____ do not support (or whatever the question asks)
Source ____ supports (the issue). Source states ___________ (evidence). This shows that _____________ (explain).
[Repeat same step for other supporting source]
Source _______ does not agree/support (the issue). The source states that ___________. This shows that
_______________ (evidence). [Repeat for other disagreeing sources]