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0510 s08 QP 4

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UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education


ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE Paper 4 Listening (Extended)

May/June 2008 Approx. 45 minutes

Candidates answer on the Question Paper. Additional Materials: As listed in Instructions to Supervisors

READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in. Write in dark blue or black pen. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. DO NOT WRITE IN ANY BARCODES. Answer all questions. Dictionaries are not permitted. At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

For Examiner's Use Questions 1-6 Question 7 Question 8 Question 9 Question 10 Total

This document consists of 6 printed pages and 2 blank pages.

IB08 06_0510_04/5RP UCLES 2008

[Turn over

2 Questions 1-6 For questions 1-6 you will hear a series of short sentences. Answer each question on the line provided. Your answer should be as brief as possible. You will hear each item twice.
For Examiner's Use

Why is Pia worried about the arrival of her gift to her friend? [1]

Juan leaves a message on his cousins answering machine. What is the reason for the celebration? [1]

Give the title and number of the recommended coursebook. (i) (ii) [1] [1]

Where exactly might Filip find somewhere to stay? Give two details.


How can Tom afford to buy his theatre ticket? [1]

What does the guard on the train offer to do and how will this help?


[Total: 8]

UCLES 2008


3 Question 7 Listen to the following interview with the manager of a mineral water company, and then complete the details below. You will hear the interview twice.
For Examiner's Use

Water for all

Company philosophy: environmentally friendly ................................, ................................ ideas, helping to make a ................................ and greener world for all. Source of water: Black Mountains. Company aims: to sell ................................ ................................ and to ................................ people in other lands. Clean water projects: in India and Mali ................................ and sanitation systems installed. How some prots are used: one bottle of water purchased buys clean ............................. for ............................. person for a ............................. Consumption in one country in a year: 15 million bottles. Conventional bottles: made of .........................., take .......................... to decompose. Water for all bottles: made of ................................, take ................................ ................................ to biodegrade. Each rubbish muncher: can remove up to ................................ ................................ of waste on a river each year. [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1]

[Total: 7]
UCLES 2008 0510/04/M/J/08

[Turn over

4 Question 8 Listen to the following interview about tea harvesting, and then complete the details below. You will hear the interview twice.
For Examiner's Use

Tea Harvest
Location of tea plantation: Kericho, western Kenya ................................ ................................ from Nairobi, ................................ metres above Great Rift Valley. Tea harvesting machines: pose threat to traditional tea-pickers pick tea ............................ than manual workers could bring about loss of ................................ jobs will deprive hand tea-pickers of the ability to ................................ and ................................ their families. Tea farming history in Kericho: tea farming began ................................ tea became Kenyas ............................. ............................. . [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1]

Daily tea yield: by hand: ................................ by machine: ................................ [1]

Disadvantages of mechanical harvest: machine unable to .................. ................................ and tea will be of a poorer ................................ . How consumer can help: buy .............................. .............................. tea only. [1] [1]

[Total: 9]

UCLES 2008


5 Question 9 Listen to the following interview about the worlds highest railway, and then answer the questions below. You will hear the interview twice. (a) What made it difficult for engineers to build tunnels and bridges along the railway? [1] (b) When was the first stage of the railway completed and how much did the second stage cost?
For Examiner's Use


(c) How is the train adapted to the altitude for the comfort of passengers? Give two details. (i) (ii) [1] [1]

(d) What could be a disadvantage of the new railway connection for the area? [1]

(e) What does Mr. Zhang mention as two highlights of the 4,000 kilometre journey?


[Total: 6]

UCLES 2008


[Turn over

6 Question 10 Listen to the following talk about satellite navigation systems for cars, and then answer the questions below. You will hear the talk twice.
For Examiner's Use

(a) What is the purpose of a satellite navigation system for motorists? [1]

(b) Give three advantages of using the system.


(c) How does the satellite navigation system accurately locate the position of a car? [1]

(d) Apart from the location of a vehicle, what else is the system able to record? [1]

(e) What are two differences between current systems and those used five years ago?


(f) Which two pieces of advice does the speaker give to satellite navigation system owners?


[Total: 6]

UCLES 2008





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