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DiskBoss Major Features

Flexense Ltd.

File & Disk Manager

Major Features

Version 1.2
Mar 2011

Flexense Ltd. www.flexense.com info@flexense.com

DiskBoss Major Features

Flexense Ltd.

Product Overview
DiskBoss is an automated, rule-based file and disk management solution allowing one to search and classify files, perform disk space utilization analysis, detect and remove duplicate files, organize files according to user-defined rules and policies, copy large amounts of files in a fault-tolerant way, synchronize disks and directories, cleanup wasted disk space, etc.

All file management operations are integrated in a centralized and easy-to-use GUI application with a built-in file navigator allowing one to execute any required operation in a single mouse click. Frequently used file management operations may be pre-configured as user-defined commands and executed using the GUI application or direct desktop shortcuts. DiskBoss is a highly extendable and customizable data management solution allowing one to design custom file classification plugins and purpose-built file management operations using an open and easy-to-use XML-Based format. Custom disk space analysis and file management operations may be integrated into the product, executed periodically at specific time intervals, performed as conditional actions in other operations or automatically triggered by one or more changes in a disk or directory. In addition, IT administrators are provided with extensive database integration capabilities allowing one to submit disk space analysis, file classification, duplicate files detection and file search reports into an SQL database. Reports from multiple servers and desktop computers may be submitted to a centralized SQL database allowing one to display charts showing the used disk space, file categories and duplicate files per user or per host and providing an indepth visibility into how disk space is used, what types of files are stored and how much space is wasted on duplicate files across the entire enterprise. Finally, IT professionals and enterprises are provided with DiskBoss Server a server-based product version, which runs in the background as a service and is capable of executing all disk space analysis and file management operations in a fully automatic and unattended mode. DiskBoss Server can be managed and configured locally or through the network using a free network client GUI application or the DiskBoss command line utility, which provides the user with the ability to integrate DiskBoss features and capabilities into other products and solutions.

DiskBoss Major Features

Flexense Ltd.

Disk Space Utilization Analysis

DiskBoss provides advanced disk space utilization analysis capabilities allowing one to analyze one or more local disks, network shares or NAS storage devices and easily identify directories and files holding significant amounts of the disk space.

The user is provided with the ability to browse files and directories sorted by the used disk space, filter analysis results by the file extension, category, file size, last access time, user name, etc. and easily identify disk space usage hotspots. In addition, DiskBoss allows one to perform file management operations on analysis results, generate various types of disk space analysis charts and export reports into a number of standard formats such as HTML, Excel CSV and ASCII text.

Finally, power computer users and IT professionals are provided with extensive SQL database integration capabilities and the ability to define one or more conditional actions or notifications to be executed when the specified conditions are met for one or more disks or directories.

DiskBoss Major Features

Flexense Ltd.

File Classification
DiskBoss is capable of scanning disks, network shares and NAS storage devices and classifying files into a categorized file hierarchy. DiskBoss automatically recognizes more than 2500 file types and allows one to browse the categorized file hierarchy, perform various file management operations on specific files or file categories and physically reorganize files according to user-defined rules and policies.

The user is provided with the ability to apply second-level file categories and filters to file classification results allowing one to precisely focus on specific files or file groups. In addition, DiskBoss allows one to generate various types of charts and export file classification results into a number of standard formats such as HTML, text and Excel CSV.

DiskBoss provides a number of file classification plugins allowing one to classify files by the category, extension, user name, file size, last access, modification and creation times, etc. In addition, power computer users and IT professionals are provided with the ability to design custom file classification plugins using an open and easy-to-use XML-based format. Finally, DiskBoss provides the ability to submit file classification reports from multiple servers and desktop computers to a centralized SQL database allowing one to store a long term history of file classification reports and gain an in-depth visibility into disk space usage trends.

DiskBoss Major Features

Flexense Ltd.

Duplicate Files Finder

DiskBosss built-in duplicate files finder provides a large number of advanced features and capabilities allowing one to identify and cleanup duplicate files on personal computers and enterprise storage systems. The duplicate files finder shows detected duplicates and allows one to delete duplicate files, replace duplicate files with links to originals or delete duplicates.

The user is provided with the ability to categorize and filter detected duplicate files by the file extension, category, file size, user name, last access time, etc. Moreover, DiskBoss allows one to generate various types of charts and export duplicates to HTML, text and CSV reports.

Power users and IT professionals are provided with policy-based duplicate files detection and removal capabilities allowing one to define custom duplicate files detection and cleanup commands and execute them in a fully automatic mode using the DiskBoss GUI application or the command line utility. Finally, corporations and enterprises are provided with the ability to submit reports from multiple servers and desktop computers to a centralized SQL database allowing one to analyze the disk space wasted on duplicate files across the entire enterprise.

DiskBoss Major Features

Flexense Ltd.

Rule-Based File Organizing

DiskBoss provides a rich and powerful set of automated, rule-based file management capabilities allowing one to copy, move, delete, compress, link, etc. files or file categories matching user-specified rules and policies based on the file name, extension, location, category, last access date, modification date, creation date, binary and text patterns, file size, attributes, JPEG EXIF tags, etc.

The user is provided with the ability to define one or more file management actions to be executed and specify file matching rules defining files or file categories the actions should be applied to. During runtime, DiskBoss will scan input disks and directories, apply file matching rules and execute the specified file management actions on matching files.

In order to ensure proper operation of file organizing actions, DiskBoss provides easy-to-use preview capabilities allowing one to review and manually confirm each specific file management action. Once tested and validated in the preview mode, file organizing operations may be configured to run in a fully-automatic and unattended mode, executed periodically at specific time intervals, triggered by changes in a disk or directory or executed from a shell script or a batch file using the DiskBoss command line utility.

DiskBoss Major Features

Flexense Ltd.

Rule-Based File Search

DiskBoss provides powerful and flexible file search capabilities allowing one to search files using multiple search criteria including the file name, file extension, file type, file size, last access, modification and creation times, text or binary patterns, JPEG EXIF tags, etc. The user is provided with the ability to define composite search queries using multiple search rules and apply the AND/OR logical operators.

One of the most powerful capabilities of DiskBoss is the integration of the rule-based search features in almost all types of analysis and file management operations. For example, disk space analysis, duplicate files detection, file classification, file copy and file delete operations may be performed on files matching one or more user-specified rules and policies.

Users are provided with the ability to display search results, save HTML, text and Excel CSV reports and perform file management operations on search results. In addition, DiskBoss allows one to send e-mail notifications and/or execute custom actions when a search operation reaches a user-specified number of search results. Finally, corporations and enterprises are provided with advanced database integration capabilities allowing one to submit search reports into a centralized SQL database.

DiskBoss Major Features

Flexense Ltd.

Real-Time Disk Change Monitor

DiskBoss Ultimate includes a built-in disk change monitor capable of detecting file creations, modifications, attribute changes and deletions in real-time. The real-time disk monitor provides the user with the ability to monitor one or more disks, directories or network shares, detect all changes made in the monitored file systems and optionally export reports, send notifications and/or execute custom actions.

The disk change monitor allows one to send e-mail notifications, save reports and/or execute custom commands or DiskBosss user-defined commands when a disk change monitoring command reaches a user-specified number of changes. The ability to execute DiskBosss userdefined commands as actions in the disk change monitor enables highly powerful and flexible integrations between different types of file management operations. For example, a userdefined file synchronization command automatically triggered after each X changes in a disk or directory provides real-time file synchronization capabilities.

The DiskBoss disk change monitor provides second-level file categories and filters allowing one to filter detected file system changes by the file extension, file type, change type, file owner, file size, etc. Finally, power computer users and IT professionals are provided with the ability to submit disk change monitoring reports into a centralized SQL database.

DiskBoss Major Features

Flexense Ltd.

High-Speed File Synchronization

DiskBoss provides advanced file synchronization capabilities allowing one to synchronize files between directories, local disks and network shares. The DiskBoss built-in file synchronization engine offers numerous one-way and two-way file synchronization modes, the ability to sync specific file types, file compression capabilities and advanced performance tuning options.

Frequently used file synchronization operations may be pre-configured for custom hardware and storage configurations, saved as user-defined commands and executed in a single mouse click. Moreover, DiskBoss allows one to create direct desktop shortcuts for user-defined file synchronization commands and execute them directly from the Windows desktop without starting the main DiskBoss GUI application. Finally, power computer users and IT professionals are provided with a command line utility, which is capable of executing file synchronization commands from shell scripts and batch files.

By default, file synchronization commands are executed in the preview mode, which provides the user with the ability to review and manually confirm each specific file synchronization action. Once a sync command is tested and verified, the user can configure the command to run in a fully automatic, unattended stream file synchronization mode. The stream file synchronization mode performs all file synchronization actions on-the-fly, without showing the preview dialog and therefore it is much faster and uses significantly less system memory when executed on large file systems.

DiskBoss Major Features

Flexense Ltd.

Fault-Tolerant File Copy and Data Migration

DiskBoss provides a large number of advanced fault-tolerant file copy and rule-based data migration capabilities allowing one to copy vast amounts of files fast, efficiently and reliably. DiskBoss allows one to copy files including access control lists (ACLs), security attributes, ownership information, timestamps and file attributes.

The user is provided with a large number of flexible copy performance tuning options and fault tolerance capabilities allowing one to copy data at various speeds, recover failed copy operations and minimize the potential impact on running production systems. The data migration engine is especially optimized for modern hardware platforms and is capable of effectively utilizing powerful RAID controllers, multi-CPU/multi-core servers and Gigabit Ethernet networks.

One of the most powerful capabilities of the DiskBoss file copy engine is the integration with rule-based search features, which is allowing one to copy or move files matching one or more user-defined rules. For example, the user is provided with the ability to copy a category of files with the file size larger that a specific value that were modified during a specific time period or any other combination of rules specifying files that should be copied. Moreover, DiskBoss provides the user with the ability to perform file copy operations periodically at specific time intervals or trigger pre-defined file copy commands when a userspecified number of changes are detected in a disk or directory making it possible to easily implement real-time file backup solutions. Finally, power computer users and IT professionals are provided with a command line utility capable of executing user-defined file copy commands from shell scripts and batch files enabling integration of DiskBoss file copy and data migration capabilities with other products and solutions.


DiskBoss Major Features

Flexense Ltd.

User-Defined Commands
DiskBoss is a powerful and flexible product providing a large number of features, capabilities and configuration options allowing one to perform many types of different disk space analysis and file management operations. In order to simplify management and execution of frequently used operations, DiskBoss provides the user with the ability to add user-defined disk space analysis and file management commands pre-configured for user-specific hardware and storage configurations.

All types of disk analysis and file management operations such as disk space analysis, file classification, duplicate files detection, file organizing, file search, file synchronization, copy, move, delete and disk change monitoring may be saved as user-defined commands, preconfigured for user-specific needs and custom hardware configurations and executed in a single click using the main GUI application or the DiskBoss command line utility. The user is provided with the ability to create direct desktop shortcuts for user-defined file management commands and execute any command directly from the Windows desktop without starting the DiskBoss main GUI application. Moreover, DiskBoss allows one to design user-defined disk analysis and file management commands using an open and easy-to-use XML-Based format, which may be imported into the DiskBoss GUI application or executed by the command line utility. Pre-configured and tested disk analysis and file management commands may be easily and safely executed on multiple servers and desktop computers minimizing risks or potential operator-related errors. One of the most powerful capabilities of DiskBoss is the integration of different types of userdefined disk space analysis and file management commands, which provides the user with the ability to combine multiple operations in order to fully automate frequently performed and time consuming operations. For example, a disk space analysis operation configured to detect large amounts of old, unused files may automatically trigger a rule-based file management operation, which will archive, move or delete these specific files.


DiskBoss Major Features

Flexense Ltd.

SQL Database Integration

DiskBoss Ultimate and DiskBoss Server provide the ability to submit disk space analysis, file classification, duplicate files, disk change monitoring and file search results into a centralized SQL database through the ODBC interface.

In order to connect DiskBoss to an SQL database, open the options dialog, select the 'Database' tab and specify an ODBC data source, user name and password. Once finished specifying the required information, press the 'Verify' button to check the database connection.

Disk space analysis, file classification, duplicate files detection, disk change monitoring and file search results may be saved into an SQL database in a very similar way. Just press the 'Save' button on the results dialog and select the 'SQL Database' report format.


DiskBoss Major Features

Flexense Ltd.

Advanced Disk Space Analysis Capabilities

IT and storage administrators are provided with the ability to submit disk space analysis, file classification and duplicate files reports from multiple servers and desktop computers to a centralized SQL database, display charts showing the used disk space, file categories and duplicate files per user or per host and gain an in-depth visibility into what types of files are consuming the most of the disk space, who owns these files, where these files are located, how much disk space is wasted on duplicates, etc. across the entire enterprise.

The users analysis dialog provides the ability to display the used disk space, file categories and duplicate files per user. The dialog allows one to select types of operations, file categories and file system locations to analyze, customize users display names, edit the charts title and footer and finally copy the chart image to the clipboard allowing one to easily integrate DiskBoss charts into user-custom reports and presentations.

The hosts analysis dialog allows one to display charts showing the disk space usage, file categories and duplicate files per host. The user is provided with the ability to select types of disk analysis operations, file categories and file system locations to analyze, customize hosts display names, edit charts title and footer and finally copy the chart image to the clipboard.


DiskBoss Major Features

Flexense Ltd.

DiskBoss Server
DiskBoss Server is a server-based product version, which runs in the background as a service and is capable of executing all types of disk space analysis and file management operations in a fully automatic and unattended mode. DiskBoss Server may be managed and configured locally or through the network using a freeware network client GUI application, the DiskBoss command line utility or the DiskBoss Server API, which may be used to integrate DiskBoss' disk analysis and file management capabilities into other products and solutions.

Command Line Tools

DiskBoss provides a command line utility, which is capable of executing DiskBoss user-defined disk analysis and file management commands from shell scripts and batch files. In addition, all types of disk analysis and file management commands may be designed using an open, easyto-use XML-based format and executed by the DiskBoss command line utility.

The XML format provides full control over all types of disk analysis and file management operations and covers all available parameters from input disks and directories to automatic reports generation capabilities and performance tuning options. In conjunction with the XMLBased format, the DiskBoss command line utility may be used to integrate DiskBoss disk usage analysis and file management capabilities into other products and solutions.


DiskBoss Major Features

Flexense Ltd.

DiskBoss Server SDK and Programming API

DiskBoss Server provides a software development kit (SDK) and a C/C++ programming API library allowing one to control a single DiskBoss Server on the same host where the client application is running on or multiple DiskBoss servers running on a number of hosts connected to the same local network.

In a single-host setup, the DiskBoss API library connects locally to the DiskBoss server, which runs in the background as a service. The DiskBoss API library provides the user with the ability to configure the server, setup user-defined file management commands, control file management operations and save results to file reports or an SQL database.

In a multi-host configuration, the DiskBoss API library connects to one or more DiskBoss Servers through the network allowing one to configure, manage and control multiple DiskBoss servers using a single client application. For more information about the DiskBoss Server software development kit (SDK) and programming API refer to: http://www.diskboss.com/diskboss_server_api.pdf


DiskBoss Major Features

Flexense Ltd.

Product Versions
Feature Maximum Number of Files Maximum Storage Capacity Maximum Predefined Commands Maximum Number of Parallel Tasks Disk Space Analysis Operations File Classification Operations Duplicate Files Finder Support for Unicode File Names Support for Long File Names Advanced Data Migration Features Copy ACLs and Security Attributes Recoverable Copy Operations Advanced Classification Plugins Dynamic Speed Control Periodic File Management Jobs Real-Time Disk Change Monitor Continuous Data Protection Capabilities Advanced Storage Utilization Analysis Advanced Duplicate Files Detection Rule-Based File Copy and Data Migration Command Line Tools SQL Database Integration Runs in the Background as a Service Manageable Through the Network Free Network Client GUI Application License Express 250K 1 TB 3 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Freeware Pro 2.5M 10 TB 10 10 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No $25
Free Trial

Ultimate 25M 100 TB 100 100 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No $125
Free Trial

Server 250M 1000 TB 1000 1000 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes $175
Free Trial

* Product features, prices and license terms are subject to change without notice.

** A product license allows one to use the product on a single physical or virtual host computer, includes all product updates released during 36 months from the purchase date and provides E-Mail-based customer support.


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