Kasneb Exam Entry Form
Kasneb Exam Entry Form
Kasneb Exam Entry Form
Box 41362 00100 Nairobi, Kenya Telephone: 254(020) 2712640/2712828 Cellphone: 0734 600624/0722 201214 Fax: 254(020) 2712915 Email: info@kasneb.or.ke Website: www.kasneb.or.ke
(c) Identity card/Passport/Birth certificate/Identity card waiting slip No. (d) Contacts Email (e) Address C/o Town/City 2. Examination details (a) Examination sitting I wish to enter the (b) Examination entry: examination to be held in the month of Section(s)/Level year Cellphone P.O. Box Country Telephone Code
4. Payment details I enclose cash/cheque/money order/bank deposit slip No. for Sh. in respect of examination entry fee. Please note that the examination entry form shall be retained by the bank if payment is made through the bank. 5. Declaration by the applicant I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge all the information I have provided on this form is true and correct and I agree to abide by the Examination Rules and Regulations of KASNEB. Signature Date
(see note 3)
FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Receipt No. Amount (Sh.) Signature Date
NOTES 1. Complete the form in CAPITAL LETTERS (in black or blue ink). 2. (a) Print your names in full in the order on No. 1(b) of this form. (b) Change of name must be supported by a legal document (such as Marriage certificate, Affidavit or Deed poll). 3. Your Examination Centre should be chosen from the list provided in the Guide to examinations. 4. Your examination entry form will not be accepted if your annual registration renewal fee is not up to date. 5. A candidate must pass the preceding section or level before proceeding to the next. 6. KASNEB has the right to transfer candidates from a preferred examination centre to another. 7. Where credit is awarded, the candidate will be required to enter for all the remaining paper(s) in a section or level together in the same examination sitting. 8. Please ensure that your examination entry form is duly completed before payment of fees. 9. Forms which are incomplete or which are not accompanied by the correct fee will be rejected. 10. There are two examination sittings in the months of June and December every year.