Understanding Fibonacci
Understanding Fibonacci
Understanding Fibonacci
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Overview The most important mathematician of the MiddleAges was Leonardo Fibonacci da Pisa, born in Pisa, Italy around 1170. It is reported that after a sabbatical to the Middle East, Fibonacci returned from Egypt with a mysterious set of numbers, which now bear his name. Fibonacci discovered many remarkable properties of these numbers. While in Egypt, he studied the Great Pyramid of Gizeh at length and noticed that the ancient Egyptians had, consciously or not, integrated the o e R tn t go ei lr o i sf e y md G l n ao ioh em tc p pro ot pr i d i t e ra o tn h a . The Fibonacci Numbers The Fibonacci sequence of numbers begins with 1,1 and progresses to infinity with each successive number in the sequence derived by adding the two previous numbers. The Sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, etc., to infinity. Properties of the Fibonacci Numbers After the first four numbers in the sequence, examination will reveal the following relationships between these numbers: (1) The sum of any two adjacent numbers gives the next higher number in the sequence. (2)Any given number approximates 1.618 times the number preceding it. The higher the number, the closer it approaches this ratio. (3) Any given number approximates .618 of the number following. The higher the number, the closer it approaches this ratio.
(4) Between alternate numbers, the SECOND HIGHER number approximates 2.618 times the first number. (E.g., 233 versus 89). (5) Between alternate numbers, the second number down has the ratio of .382 (the inverse of 2.618) to the first number. (E.g., 55 versus 144). Further properties of the Fibonacci numbers are discussed in Peh r Elliott Wave Principle, and are reprinted below from that r t c es work: Thus the ratio of any number to the next higher, called phi, is approximately .618 to 1 and to the next lower number approximately 1.618 to 1. The higher the numbers, the closer to .618 and 1.618 are the ratios between the numbers. Between alternate numbers in the sequence, the ratio is 2.618, or its inverse, .382. Some statements of the interrelated properties of these four main ratios can be listed as follows: 1) 2.618 - 1.618 = 1. 2) 1.618 - .618 = 1. 3) 1 - .618 = .382. 4) 2.618 x .382 = 1. 5) 2.618 x .618 = 1.618. 6) 1.618 x .618 = 1. 7) .618 x .618 = .382. 8) 1.618 x 1.618 = 2.618. Besides 1 and 2, anyFibonacci number multiplied byfour, when added to a selected Fibonacci number, gives another Fibonacci number, so that: 3 x 4 = 12; + 1 = 13 5 x 4 = 20; + 1 = 21 8 x 4 = 32; + 2 = 34
13 x 4 = 52; + 3 = 55 21 x 4 = 84; + 5 = 89, and so on. As the new sequence progresses, a third sequence is begun in those numbers that are added to the 4x multiple. This relationship is possible because the ratio between second alternate Fibonacci numbers is 4.236, where .236 is both its inverse and its difference from the number 4. This continuous series-building property is reflected at other multiples for the same reasons. We offer a partial list of additional phenomena relating to the Fibonacci sequence as follows: 1) If we list the Fibonacci sequence and count forward, labeling each Fibonacci number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc., we find that each time a prime number (one divisible only by itself and 1 ) label is reached, we have a prime Fibonacci number listed in the sequence. 2) Next, we find that, except for the fourth Fibonacci number (3), all composite numbers (those divisible by at least two numbers besides themselves and 1 ) label composite Fibonacci sequence numbers, as in the table below. Fibonacci: Prime vs. Composite
P 1 1 P 2 1 P 3 2 X 4 3 P 5 5 C 6 8 P 7 13 C 8 21 C 9 34 C 10 55 P C P C C C 11 12 13 14 15 16 89 144 233 377 610 987
3) The sum of any ten numbers in the sequence is divisible by 11. 4) No two consecutive Fibonacci numbers have any common factors.
5) The sum of all Fibonacci numbers in the sequence up to any point, plus 1, equals the Fibonacci number two steps ahead of the last one added. 6) The sum of the squares of any consecutive sequence of Fibonacci numbers beginning at the first 1 will always equal the last number of the sequence chosen times the next higher number. 7) The square of a Fibonacci number minus the square of the second number below it in the sequence is always a Fibonacci number. 8) The square of a Fibonacci number is equal to the number before it in the sequence multiplied by the number after it in the sequence plus or minus 1. The plus and minus 1 alternate along the sequence. 9) One mind-stretchingphenomenon, whichto our knowledge has not previouslybeen mentioned, is that the ratios between Fibonacci numbers yield numbers which very rarely are thousandths of other Fibonacci numbers with the difference being a thousandth of a third Fibonacci number, all in sequence. (see ratio table, Figure 63). Thus, in ascending direction, identical Fibonacci numbers are related by1.00, or .987 plus .013, adjacent Fibonacci numbers are related by 1.618, or 1.597 plus .021, alternate Fibonacci numbers are related by 2.618, or 2.464 plus .034, and so on. In the descending direction, adjacent Fibonacci numbers are related by .618, or .610 plus .008; alternate Fibonacci numbers are related by .382, or .377 plus .005; second alternates are related by .236, or .233 plus .003; third alternates are related by .146, or .144 plus .002; fourth alternates are related by .090, or .089 plus .001; fifth alternates are related by .056, or .055 plus .001; sixth through twelfth alternates are related by ratios which are themselves thousandths of Fibonacci numbers beginning with .034. It is interesting that by this analysis, the ratio then between thirteenth
alternate Fibonacci numbers begins the series back at .001, one thousandth of where it began! On all counts, we have truly a creation ok f mle o p dco ia ed ss i . f i r i , f er utnn n nl see le o k r o i e rs Finally, we note that ( 5 + 1) / 2 = 1.618 and ( 5 - 1) / 2 = .618, where 5 = 2.236, and important factor in the Wave Principle and the logarithmic spiral. Some further properties of the Fibonacci sequence are found i B cm n S P R I N ,n ae 5-6F rh d -a n ek a U E TMI G o pgs 45.o t i hr s e e d m t m ti , e otxasv ad mn- glgs d ot a e ac nt m s huten i b gnt y f e h ia h e i do i u h number s I have seen is the book FIBONACCI NUMBERS, by the Russian mathematician, N. N. Vorobev. Fibonacci-Related Terms THE GOLDEN RATIO (Or Golden Mean): The ratios of 1.618 to 1 and or .618 to 1. THE GOLDEN SECTION: Any length can be divded in such a way that the ratio between the smaller part and the larger part is equivalent to the ratio between the larger part and the whole. The ratio is always .618 to 1. THE GOLDEN RECTANGLE: One whose sides are in the proportion of 1.618 to 1. The proportions of this booklet approximate those of a golden rectangle. THE GOLDEN (LOGARITHMIC) SPIRAL: A shape conforming to the Fibonacci relationships often found in nature, as in t sase adnhsila x sfu rpc.ed cso h nishl n it pagl i oot sae e ius n e l l e r ae e S s i iPeh r E LO T V P ICP Epgs 69. n r t L IT WA E RN IL ,ae8-7 c es PHI: (O ) A letter in the Greek alphabet which refers to the ratio of any number to the next higher (.618 to 1) and to the next lower (1.618 to 1).
Where are Fibonacci relationships found? We find the influence of Fibonacci relationships, and the incidence of Fibonacci numbers, throughout the fields of art, architecture, geometry, mathematics, in the financial markets and even in nature itself.As previously mentioned, the ancient Egyptians constructed the pyramids in a way that embodies the Fibonacci proportions. The Greeks, who called the .618 to 1 ratio t o e Men, aeh p pro a ier pr f e h G l n am d ts r o i nn g la ot i e d i o tn t a t h r art and architecture. Leonardo da Vinci used this proportion in his art. This ratio is an integral part in musical harmony. There is a continual occurence of Fibonacci numbers and the golden spiral in nature, e.g. in sunflowers, the shell of the snail, even the vast spiral galaxies of outer space. Of greatest interest and significance to you as a trader is that fact that Fibonacci numbers and relationships appear repeatedly and with a high degree of consistency in market price action. Fibonacci in the Financial Markets The study of how Fibonacci numbers and relationships manifest themselves in the price action of markets is inextricably interwoven with the tenets and principles of the Elliott Wave Principle. It is through a study and understanding of Elliott Wave Theory that one reaches an understanding of the interaction of Fibonacci and the financial markets. R.N. Elliott tells us that the Fibonacci sequence is the mathematical basis for the Elliott Wave Principle. There are three primary aspects of stock and commodity price behavior: PATTERN, TIMEAND RATIO. Each of these can be shown to be a predictable function of the Fibonacci progression: The PATTERN of market behavior relates to the price waves or movements. Elliott Wave analysis postulates that bull moves consist of 3 primary and 2 corrective waves, a total of 5... all Fibonacci
numbers. Bear moves have two waves down and one corrective wave, a total of 3. A complete cycle of both a bull and bear move involves 8 major waves. When these major waves are broken down and studied in greater detail, each of the 3 major upward waves in a bull move consists, in turn, of smaller intermediate waves, 3 upward and 2 corrective, and each of the major down waves sonsists of 3 intermediate waves, 2 down and 1 corrective. Elliott states in N te a rs u Lw ao p tcc ot s c m r th nm eom nr a :I cm le yl f et k a e t u brf i n e e h o k,e o waves is 144. Bull markets usually have 5 major waves, in turn consistingof 21intermediate waves, and 89 minor waves. Bear markets consist of 3 major waves, in turn subdivided into 13 intermediate and 55 minor waves. Thus in a complete cycle, the total number of waves is as follows: Major 8, intermediate 34, and minor 144. All are Fibonacci numbers and the entire series is employed. The length of w vs a vr btot nm e aem y a ,unt e u br y h . Another aspect of market behavior where the application of Fibonacci numbers can be helpful in forecasting is TIME. The duration of price movements in a given direction can be shown to bear a close relationship to Fibonacci numbers. For example, there might be 34 or 55 months between a major high and low, or 13 or 21 days between minor highs and lows. Some analysts carry this concept to the area of day-trading, as described by Angell in his HOW TO TRIPLE YOUR MONEY IN STOCK INDEX F T R STceE m t aieds i da rsxeet U U E .ukr m e rc ,e r e le ieclni t tl cb t, s l n providing examples of this phenomenon, as well as the next. The final aspect of market behavior to which the Fibonacci sequence applies is Ratio i, the proportionate relationship of one price wave to another, both in time and in amplitude. This apect of Fibonacci analysis also involves the analysis of percentage retracements of a given price move, with the observation that many retracements will correct 38.2% or 61.8% of the preceding price move. I am personally especially interested in this particular aspect of the theory, as it relates so closely to the concepts wich I deal in my own book, THE TRADING RULE THAT CAN MAKE YOU RICH.
T ce E m ti h ecln a iei nci yl ad ukr m e n i xeet rc , Fb ac C c s n t s l tl o e C m oi Pi B hv r g ea i e sn dsr t n n o m d y r e eai , i snn r t g ec p o ad t c o v te i ii summary of the three factors mentioned above: rf,ubs t s i soo s h atnom n n Bilorach i s f l . ecosf e ad ey i es a lw T i events appear to follow cyclical rhythms and patterns...all seeming to occur at specified time intervals. These time intervals seem to be accurately and adequately described by reference to the mathematical series discovered by Fibonacci... Elliott seized upon this series and applied it to variations in prices seen in the stock market, reasoning that these should follow t ta eo occclae ss a t rcosoB vr h s f m fylaptr am n o eatnd.y e a m r i tn sh i y careful application, he was able to ascertain to his own satisfaction that... there are 89 minor waves in a bull market and 55 minor waves in a bear market (both Fibonacci numbers). He also ascertained that the length of time involved in the completion of a bull move or a bear move was a Fibonacci number (13 weeks for instance, or 21 days in another case), and further propounded that the distance a bull move or a bear move carries is a Fibonacci ratio (.618, 1.618, or 2.618) in relationship to the previous bull or bear move. Sound pretty complicated? Not really. Our basic thesis is that stock prices and commodity prices follow PATTERN, TIME AND RATIO, and that each of these is a predictable function of the Fibonacci p g so. r rsn o ei Example of Fibonacci Market Analysis I am greatful to FUTURES MAGAZINE, 219 Parkade, Cedar Falls, IA 50613 for permission to reprint the following article by Robert Prechter, which appeared in theAugust, 1982 issue. This was the most effective and concise means I could find to convey an overview of the application of Fibonacci analysis to market action.
Anticipating ratios
In a nutshell, the portion of the theory which applies to anticipating the occurrence of Fibonacci ratio's in the market can be stated this way; 1.The Wave Principle describes the movement of markets. 2. The numbers of waves in each degree of trend correspond to the Fibonacci sequence. 3. The Fibonacci ratio is the governor of the Fibonacci sequence. 4. The Fibonacci ratio has reason to be evident in the market. R.N. Elliott discovered that a Fibonacci relationship between adjacent waves occurs more often within corrective patterns. A Fibonacci relationship between unconnected waves that are nevertheless part of a single pattern occurs more often within five
900 850
(Ideal: 894.37)
With division at 894.37, all calculations have 0% error. December 1980 low at 899.57 is a pommies between an Ideal 905.84 for the XYZ pattern and an ideal 894.37 for the MR pattern.
Num 2
penetrations were extremely volatile, so much so that five of them left intraday gaps in the Dow. Among the three that did not leave gaps were a 9-point "up" opening hour and a 17-point "down" opening hour. That kind of action may indicate that the market sensed the importance of the exact Fibonacci retracement level despite the overshoot. The next largest deviation occurred because of the mild overshoot at the November 1979 low, which was again due to a "massacre" type market. 1974-82 (fig. 4) A second way of looking at this period is to average the tops in 1976, producing 1,013.08, and the tops in 1980-81, producing 1,011.51. It so happens that a rounded average of the two, which gives a central peak point of 1,012, is the exact point which provides 0% error for the Fibonacci relationships involved. Similarly, the average of the tops in 1978-80 is 908 and the average of the bottoms in 1978-79 is 789. The three average price points make all the Fibonacci ratio relationships perfect except for the average of the 1978-79 bottoms, which is 15 points below the ideal low of 804. However, 789 has its own particular "raison &etre."
910.75 1,024.05
901.62 4 0.
b - , 4 0at , .....
c, .
Num 3
The Fibonacci Ratio in the Dow from 1974 The Fibonacci Ratio using average turning points
1,000 900 800
1,012 (avg.)
Figure 4
Solid support
So far this year, the 789 level has acted as solid support for the DowJones Industrial Average. It marked the exact hourly low in March and the hourly low so far in June. This same support point has stopped cold three declines since 1974. Why? The 792 level just happens to fall right at the halfway (50%) level of the entire pattern back to the 1974 low. Perhaps
Robert R. Prechter It is editor of The Elliott Wave Theorist financial letter, Gainesville, Ga,
this explains why the two bottoms in 1978 and 1979 were off a bit from their ideal Fibonacci target at 804 and gravitated to 789. 789 also happens to be the level at which the decline from the peak in December 1981 would be 1.618 times the length of the April-May decline. These two declines can be labeled as fifth and first waves respectively. To see another example of this type of relationship, see the 1980 five-wave advance in fig. 2, where wave 5 = 1.618 x wave 1. With reference to fig. 3, I've calculated that if the down wave which began in 1981 were to fal11.618 times the length of the preceding advance, it would bottom at 563.79 and create a symmetrical pattern from 1974. That
level should not be taken as a forecast at this point but would certainly become likely if 789 is broken on the downside any time this year. On the other hand, if 789 holds, another new bull market could well get underway. Does the Fibonacci ratio govern every move in every market, as some analysts suggest? Definitely not. My studies show that there are many times when one should not expect a Fibonacci relationship. Knowing when to look for one is the key to successful application, and I haven't found any exceptions to Elliott's discoveries in that regard. No, old Fibonacci doesn't rule the world. But if he were a trader, he might well own the New York Stock Exchange. 0
Fr oe h fd .r h r aa s oie sI olsge ot sw oi Mr e t nl i f te,w u ugs h n P c es y s n r t d t writting him, c/o New Classics Library, PO Box 1618, Gainesville, GA 30503 and requesting information on his excellent publication and service, THE ELLIOTT WAVE THEORIST. WHY DOES FIBONACCI ANALYSIS WORK? There are a number of highly useful technical tools, many of which relate to recurrent patterns of market behavior. It is very difficult, perhaps impossible, to explain why these patterns and phenomena recur. Nevertheless, I personally place far more faith in the recurrence of these market habits (see my book, THE TRADING RULE THAT CAN MAKEYOU RICH) than I do in the most exacting and precise fundamental analysis performed by the most knowledgeable and capable analysts in the world! And it matters not one whit that we r l cntdqa lep iWH t y ot u tr uado e l a euty xln Y h cn neoe rn t ay a e a e i c o . w r k Again to quote Elliott: vnhuh e antne t dh cue ney g prcl E e t g w m y oudra t asudri a ai a o sn e ln tu r peo eo, e a,y be ao,r i t peo eo hnm nnw cnb osr t npe c h hnm nn vi dt e s r u ec. e rne cr Comments on Fibonacci References The bibliographyofFibonacci references which follows gives a number of excellent source materials on the various aspects of Fibonacci. If you are a serious student of thr market (as I feel one MUST be, in order to survive as a successful trader in the long run), you will undoubtedly want to add some of these titles to your library. Most of these works are available through TRADERS PRESS, INC., PO Box 6206, Greenville, SC 29606. Please write for a list of the titles which are available, their cost, and a brief description of each. The comments which follow pertain to the titles which I especially recommend.
Angell: HOW TO TRIPLE YOUR MONEY IN STOCK INDEX FUTURES. Chapter 6 contains some interesting applicatnot ue fi nciu bridyr i . ne i sf e soF oacnm e n a-a n A gl o h b s td g l s o e R l s t t t.yuhu l koaeae et G l n u te h .o sol o fr rr m ni d e as a . d o tc n p csf 1 t et itl oe reo. 8i s eni m v. i 6 m h i a DN plJe iao FB N C I N YMA iao:o DN pls IO A C MO E i i N AGEMENTAND TREND ANALYSIS TRADING COURSE. For those who want to know all there is to know about the practical applications of Fibonacci technqiues and principles to trading. Written and produced by the leading expert on and proponent of Fibonacci-related trading principles.Available through Traders Press. Dobson: THE TRADING RULE THAT CAN MAKE YOU RICH.Although this book does not deal with Fibonacci directly, it does deal with a similar concept, that is, a recurrent pattern of market behavior, which when recognized by the trained eye, becomes a highly effective and easily utilized trading tool. In nearly 20 years of trading, this is the simplest, yet the most useful technique that I have encountered. Eng: TECHNICALANALYSIS OF STOCK, OPTIONS, AND FUTURES: ADVANCED TRADING SYSTEMS AND TECHNIQUES. This excellent book takes 15 major trading techniques and gives major coverage to each, including an evaluation of how well each works in varying market conditions and situations. The section on the use of Fibonacci numbers in trading is especially helpful in showing the trader how to apply Fibonacci cycles. Kaufman: COMMODITYTRADING SYSTEMS AND METHODS. Though the Fibonacci coverage in this book is brief (about 7 pages), it contains unique ideas and analysis not found elsewhere; for example, the use of Lucas numbers in conjunction with Fibonacci numbers to futher enhance their effectiveness. In many ways, this is one of the most valuable books in print for the technical analyst. EVERY technical trader should own this book.
Murphy: TECHNICALANALYSIS OF THE FUTURES MARKETS. Extremely comprehensive, well-written, superlative book. Pages 394-398 cover principles of Fibonacci numbers, the logarithmic spiral, Fibonacci ratios and retracements, Fibonacci time targets, and Fibonacci numbers in the study of cycles. Pages 408412 cover Fibonacci fan lines, arcs, and time zones. Prechter: ELLIOTT WAVE THEORY. This is one book I would consider indispensable on the subject and was the single best reference I was able to locate on Fibonacci. RJV Financial Services: TRADING WITH FIBONACCI WAVE PROJECTIONS. Practial and easy to use Fibonacci p j tnehi eTahso hwtcnt cad cn r a r e i t n u.eceyu o o osutn ofm o co c q r i F oacWae r etn y s g s p w rsetprah i nci v p j i b ui ai l okheapoc. b o co n m e BIBLIOGRAPHY: FIBONACCI REFERENCES Adler, Irving. THE GIANT GOLDEN BOOK OF MATHEMATICS. New York: Golden Press, 1960. Angell, George. TRIPLE YOUR MONEY EVERYYEAR WITH STOCK INDEX FUTURES. Asimov, Isaac. ASIMOV ON NUMBERS. New York: Doubleday & Co., 1977. Balzer, Horst. NATURALLOGARITHM. B s ,..T e i ncieune st perIN t e ai S h Fb acSqecA I pa n a r n L o A s u. FIBON-ACCI QUARTERLY 1 (February 1963): 53-64. Beckman, Robert C. SUPERTIMING: THE UNIQUE ELLIOTT WAVE SYSTEM. Beerbower, James R. A SEARCH FOR THE PAST. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1960. B n fl Jad . dm - be h G l n etn ejid . n J a s br T e o e Sco ae , , A We . d i H pt s.B IIHJ U N L F yo ei RTS O R A O h s PSYCHOLOGY 67, no. 1 (1976): 11-15.
Bxousseau, Br. U. Alfred. AN INTRODUCTION TO FIBONACCI DISCOVERY. San Jose, CA: San Jose State University, The FibonacciAssociation, 1965. Cook, Theodore Anreea. THE CURVES OF LIFE. New York: Dover Publications, 1979. Coxeter, H.S.M. INTRODUCTION TO GEOMETRY. New York: Dover Publications, 1979. D v ,. n oy n R dl lvg o e Men f e aiTA t n, d uo At ot G l n a ot s h a f e . d h H m n oy.FB N C I U R L Y1 u a B dIO A C Q A T E 7 (December 1979) : 340-44. D ine R li nci u brad t Pltn e i r o .F oacN m e n Wa rouo n g, f b s e li C n o IO A C Q A T R Y1 ( pi 92: ot l FB N C I U R E L 0A r 17) r. l 299-302. DiNapoli, Joe. FIBONACCI MONEY MANAGEMENTAND TREND ANALYSIS TRADING COURSE. Dobson, Edward. UNDERSTANDING FIBONACCI NUMBERS. Greenville, SC. Traders Press, Inc., 1984 Duffy, Joe. TIME POINTS: ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES FOR PREDICTING HIGH, LOWAND TREND CHANGE D T Si nci a d r d hne o t A E .F oacB s Te C ag pis b e n n. Emmett, Tucker J. FIBONACCI CYCLES AND COMMODITY PRICE BEHAVIOR. Eng, William. TECHNICALANALYSIS OF STOCKS, OPTIONS AND FUTURES: ADVANCED TRADING SYSTEMS AND TECHNIQUES. Chapter 15, Fibonacci Numbers: Cycles Which Build On The Past. Pages 403416. E e H w rW.T e i nci u br I ,A r vs o a , d h Fb acN m e .TME4 pi o s l 1969. Faulconbridge, Albert J. FIBONACCI SUMMATION ECONOMICS PART I. The Fibonacci Quarterly: The Official Journal of the FibonacciAssociation 2, no. 4, (December 1964): 320-22.
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