Appendix I - Pattern Making Procedures
Appendix I - Pattern Making Procedures
Appendix I - Pattern Making Procedures
Step 1: Tools and materials preparation. i) Prepare tools and materials to make a pattern. ii) Sketch the outline design on the wood plate. iii) Cut the wood (roughly) following the outline design. Equipment: Steel ruler, vernier caliper, measuring tape, band saw and pencil. Step 2: Pattern (product) preparation. i) Carve the wood following the outline design. ii) Use carving tools set, sand paper, sanding machine, wood lathe, saw and file to make a pattern.
Step 3: Match-plate pattern preparation. i) Use plywood to fabricate the matchplate. ii) Using wood bond, attach the solid pattern to the match-plate. iii) Attach the well, runner sprue and riser on the determined locations accordingly.
Step 4: Finishing. i) Use the putty filler to repair any hole or rough surface. ii) Use sand paper to finishing.
Patternmaking Procedures
Core housing
Core housing
Patternmaking Procedures
Step 1: Tools and materials preparation. i) Prepare tools and materials to make a pattern. ii) Sketch the outline design on the wood plate. iii) Cut the wood (roughly) following the outline design. Equipment: Steel ruler, vernier caliper, measuring tape, band saw and pencil. Step 2: Pattern (product) preparation. i) Make the shape following the outline design using jig saw. ii) Use file and sand paper to refine the surface finish. iii) Split the pattern into 2 using band saw at the center of the pattern. Equipment: File, jig saw, sand paper and band saw. Step 3: Pattern dowel and guide holes. i) At one side of the pattern, drill the guide holes at the determined locations. ii) At the other side, attach the dowel at the determined locations.
Step 4: Finishing. i) Use the putty filler to repair any hole or rough surface. ii) Use sand paper to finishing.
Patternmaking Procedures
Split Pattern.
Product pattern
Guide holes
Product pattern
Patternmaking Procedures
Step 1: Wood preparation. i) Select the type of wood available for patternmaking process in the laboratory or workshop.
Step 2: Tools and materials preparation. i) Prepare tools and materials to make a pattern. ii) Sketch the outline design on the wood plate. iii) Cut the wood (roughly) following the outline design. Equipment: Steel ruler, vernier caliper, measuring tape, band saw and pencil. Step 3: Match-plate and product pattern preparation. i) Carve the wood following the shape using carving tools set, files, sand paper and sanding machine. ii) If the shape is cylindrical, use wood lathe machine. iii) At the front view of the previously prepared match-plate, attach the product pattern using wood bond. Step 4: Gating system preparation. i) At the back view of the match-plate attach the gating systems (well, runner, gate and etc.) at the determined locations.
Step 4: Finishing. i) Use the putty filler to repair any hole or rough surface. ii) Use sand paper to finishing.
Patternmaking Procedures
Product pattern