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University of China, National Key Laboratory Foundation, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, and by the

China Scholarship Council (CSC).

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Rajneesh Kumar Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India; Corresponding author: rajneeshipr@gmail.com Received 10 August 2010 ABSTRACT: An attempt is made to control microwave propagation in a metallic photonic crystal (MPC) making defaults or plasma columns. Electromagnetic band gaps (EBGs) are studied with defaults or holes in different congurations of MPC. Further, a plasma column is formed in defaults to increase the controllability and tunability of MPC. Moreover, a plasma column is also formed between microwave transmitter and MPC. Findings of this study show that at and forbidden bands can be controlled in such a way that the negative and positive refractions can be achieved at particular angles. Hence, it reveals importance of plasma to enhance the controllability of microwave propagation in photonic C crystals. V 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 53:11091113, 2011; View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com. DOI 10.1002/mop.25896 Key words: photonic crystals; negative refraction; plasma column; micro-discharges; microwave propagation 1. INTRODUCTION

An increasing amount of research work has been recently focusing on negative refractive index mediums (NIMs) or Metamaterials (MMs) [18]. Currently, photonic crystals (PCs) are also being used to achieve negative refraction as well as in photonic components such as lters, polarizer, and reector. Because of these applications, numerous studies have been conducted to construct different kind of PCs. Among them, metallic photonic crystals (MPCs) have been studied intensively because they have the advantage over dielectric PCs in creating larger photonic band gaps (PBGs) for ultra-high frequencies and electromagnetic band gap (EBGs) for microwaves in a small number of lattice periods. Nevertheless negative refraction at microwave frequencies was also observed in both dielectric and metallic PCs, e.g., in a square array of alumina rods in air [9] and in an MPC of cylindrical copper rods in triangular lattice. Negative refraction has been found for both TM and TE mode propagation between 8.6 and 11 GHz (TM mode) and between 6.4 and 9.8 GHz (TE mode) [10]. However, most of the efforts have been dedicated to the engineering and extension of the functionalities of metamaterials or PCs at the terahertz frequencies [11] and in optical the optical region [12]. In the order of possible investigations for negative refraction at ultra-high frequencies, number of attempts have also been demonstrated in two-dimensional waveguide [13], three-dimensional optical metamaterials using semiconductor metamatetrials, and in a three-dimensional magnetic metamaterial in the infra red [14, 15]. Although research indicates that the MPC is suitable for negative refraction, however, to date tunability in the fabricated MPC to control the wave propagation has not been achieved. From this

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aspect, plasma can be a good candidate to replace metal or dielectrics from PCs because plasma is a frequency dependent dispersive medium and its refractive index can be determined by electromagnetic wave frequency and plasma frequency [16]. Therefore, researchers are paying great attention to use plasma for metamaterials [17, 18] or photonics. Hojo et al. [19, 20] have proposed that plasma photonic crystals (PPCs) are articially periodic arrays composed of alternating discharge plasma and other dielectric materials (including vacuum). On the bases of different approaches, two types of PPC are being studied. In the rst type of PPC, cylindrical glass rod or dielectrics forming a crystal lattice are immersed in discharge background plasma [2124] while the second type consists of cylindrical rods of discharge plasma that constitutes a crystal lattice in vacuum or air [2527]. It can also be composed of plasma with spatially periodic density variation, which can be induced naturally in plasmas. i.e., in the presence of laser pulses in underdense plasmas [2831], dust plasma crystals [32], self-organised small plasma blobs or patterns [33, 34], etc. However, theoretical and experimental studies have been going on since last few years to nd out the possible applications of PPC over the conventional PCs, although there is no strong evidence of negative refractive index or metamaterial properties of PPC. Meanwhile, difculties in the construction of PPC have been experienced during experimental realizations. Even after a long research history of MPC and PCC, a number of problems related to controllability and fabrications in both PCs are still unresolved. There is, however, plenty of scope to work on a hybrid PCs [35] of MPC and PPC in such a manner so that properties of both PCs can be utilized. Hence, the motivation of this study is to investigate the effect of a plasma column to control the microwave propagation through MPC. This article is organized as Section 2 describes experimental set-up for metallic photonic crystals with plasma columns, Section 3 deals with measurements and experimental results for different congured MPC with and without plasma columns at different places, and nally in Section 4, conclusions are drawn.

Figure 1 A schematic of experimental set-up showing MPC in triangular shape inside a glass chamber for measuring microwave transmission through MPC with and without plasma columns. [Color gure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

To accomplish the motivation of this study, an experimental setup is made. A schematic of experimental set-up for measuring the microwave transmission through metallic photonic crystal (MPCs) with and without plasma column is shown in Figure 1, where a MPC, glass chamber, horn antennas, etc., are presented. A triangular MPC is made by 33 copper rods of diameter 2 mm and length of 100 mm, which are xed with lattice constant of 10 mm in two anges or discs made by dielectrics in such a way so that different structures of MPC can be congured. Metallic photonic crystal is placed in a glass chamber to carry out experiments with and without plasma column. MPC is kept at the center of the glass chamber in such a manner that transmitter and receivers can be aliened with the MPC and plasma columns. Two suitable canonical horn antennas are used as transmitter and receiver for X-band microwave. Transmitting horn antenna is xed and receiving horn antenna can be moved around the MPC from 0 to 360 . Both antennas are used in far-eld region from the MPC. The heights of both the antennas are same from the ground. A microwave generator is used to generate X-band microwave (228 GHz). A vector network analyzer (VNA) is attached with both the antennas to measure the transmission coefcient. An angle chart is made on the ground level to measure the angle of the position of the receiver from the origin of the MPC. A microwave absorber is used to absorb the micro-

wave so that reected microwave cannot affect the measurements. To investigate the application of plasmas in MPC experiments are conducted with and without plasma column at different places; thus, experimental set-up is modied as follows. In the rst set of experiments in which plasma column is formed at the place of central rod of the front row in MPC and in the second set of experiments plasma column is formed between MPC and position of transmitter. Same discharge mechanism can be used to form the plasma column in all the experiments, so the details of discharge mechanism and formation of plasma columns are common. It is well known that micro-discharge can be used to produce large volume plasma columns up to atmospheric pressure [3638]. Therefore, microdischarge is also used to form plasma column in and out of MPC [39]. For this purpose, three electrodes are made by molybdenum foil and alumina used as a dielectric to make sandwich of electrodes with the hole of diameter 0.5 to 1 mm. High temperature glue is used to pack the electrodes and alumina. Two DC power supplies are used to produce voltage differences between electrodes. Length of the plasma column is equal to the separation between electrodes and of course, length of plasma column can be varied by changing the separation of electrodes. Typical cathode voltage is 800 V and anode voltage varies from 1 to 2 kV maintaining current up to 15 mA. Argon and helium gases are used as background gases in the glass chamber. Experiments are carried out with different cathodeanode congurations at different background pressures. Turbo pumps and needle valves are used to control the gas pressure inside the glass chamber, respectively. For transmitting microwave, a horn antenna is xed at the ange of one of the ports of glass chamber and properly aligned according to the position of plasma column and MPC. Flange of the second port of glass chamber is used to take the electrical connections between power supplies and electrodes. For receiving the transmitted microwave power, another horn antenna is xed on a stand outside the glass chamber. Such horn antenna can be moved on the angle chart from 90 to 90 . Microwave is fed to the transmitting antenna using microwave generator and receiving antenna is tted to a



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Figure 2 Variation in the transmitted power with different microwave frequencies. [Color gure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

Figure 3 Variation in the microwave transmitted power at different angles with and without metallic photonic crystal. [Color gure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

spectrum analyzer. Transmitter, MPC, and plasma column are arranged in a glass chamber in such a way that the experiments can be carried out for different positions of plasma column.

A number of experiments are carried out to study the electromagnetic bands gaps (EBGs) of X-band microwave through different congurations of triangle structure of MPC with and without plasma columns. Measurement methods, measurements, and obtained results are discussed in the following subsections. 3.1. Without and With MPC First of all, microwave is transmitted in the absence of MPC in the glass chamber, and transmitted power is measured at all angles around the MPC. Consequently, number of experiments is conducted to investigate the forbidden band gap for a particular frequency of X-band microwave propagation through MPC. In this experiment, the frequency of incident microwave is varied from 10 to 25 GHz by tuning the microwave generator, and the transmitted power is measured at the angles of 0 (CX direction) and 45 (CM direction). The variation in the transmitted power with different frequencies is shown in Figure 2. The results of theses measurements indicate that 18 GHz frequency is forbidden by MPC for every angle. It is also noticed that 20 mm periodicity of rods in triangular lattice of 13 rows and eight columns of 33 copper rods makes forbidden bands of power level 50 dBm to 52 dBm for 18 GHz frequency and at bands of 38 dBm to 52 dBm for other frequencies at the angles around the MPC. Furthermore, experiments are conducted with and without MPC in glass chamber for 18 GHz frequency and variations in the transmitted microwave power through MPC (through air) with different angles are shown in Figure 3. Findings of this experiment suggest that microwave of frequency 18 GHz is transmitted in air without MPC, maximum power (38 dBm) is received at 0 which reduces gradually with angle and it becomes minimum (52 dBm) at 90 . Forbidden and at bands are observed when microwave is transmitted through MPC. This study brings out an important property of MPC that it can make forbidden bands for 18 GHz and at bands for other microwave frequencies. 3.2. Reconguration of MPC To provide a more qualitative understanding of forbidden and at bands with different congurations of MPC for a particular microwave frequency of 18 GHz, experiments are carried out to measure the transmission power at 18 GHz with different con-

gurations of MPC. Nevertheless, in last few years, attention has been paid to make the number of lattice periods in the photonic crystals as small as possible to enhance its applications. In view of the above mentioned purpose, MPC is recongured by reducing the number of rods and lattice of MPC form 33 rods in lattice of 13 8 to 24 rods while retaining the same periodicity of 20 mm in both the congurations. The size of MPC is also reduced from 12 cm 6 cm to 6 cm 3 cm. Measurements of transmitted power of 18 GHz are taken with the latest recongured MPC and without such MPC, which are shown in Figure 4. The results of measurements indicates at bands of microwave at every angle when there is no MPC in the glass chamber while forbidden bands are made by MPC. This experiment may help to optimize the size of MPC which will be comfortable to do number of other experiments. 3.3. Holes or Defaults in MPC The studies carried out so for have been investigated that forbidden bands of 18 GHz frequency can be made by MPC. To study the positive and negative refraction, attention is focused to nd out the possibility of at band at 18 GHz at any angle around the MPC. To accomplish this study, there is however a plenty of scope in imposing the performance of defaults in the MPC structure. Thus, set of experiments is substantially conducted to measure the transmitted power of 18 GHz after making defaults or holes in the rst or front row of the MPC for the incident microwave. After a number of attempts, it has been ascertained that 18 GHz wave can pass through MPC if central rod of front row for incident wave is removed to make hole or defaults in

Figure 4 Variation in the microwave transmitted power at different angles with and without recongured metallic photonic crystal. [Color gure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

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Figure 5 Variation in the transmitted microwave power at different angles with the holes or defaults at left, right, and center of the rst row of metallic photonic crystal. [Color gure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

Figure 6 Variation in the microwave transmitted power at different angles with electrodes only and plasma column within electrodes at the center hole or default. [Color gure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

MPC. In the continuation of experiments, it is also achieved that left and right side holes or defaults from central rod of front row show transmission at 18 GHz through MPC. Initially, a default or hole at the center of front row is created by removing a rod and transmitted power is measured at different angles. In further experiments, right and left hand side rods are removed simultaneously and individually to study the microwave propagation. Above described measurements are presented in Figure 5. Results indicate that transmitted power 38 dBm (at band) is achieved at 45 and forbidden band forms at 0 and 90 when right side rod is removed. With the help of Snells law of refraction, it can be explained as negative refraction (wave propagation in CM direction) [10] at 45 . Similarly transmitted power 38 dBm is received at 45 when left side rod is removed and refraction can be referred as positive refraction [915]. Transmitted power of 34 dBm at 45 is observed when both the rods are removed simultaneously. It is also noticed that 36 dBm microwave power is received at 45 when central rod is removed from front row to make hole or default. In the view of results that emerged from the above study, it is evident that negative and positive refraction can be achieved at particular angle. 3.4. Without and With Plasma in Central Hole So far, it has been studied that at and forbidden bands at 18 GHz can be formed by MPC and defaulted MPC. Although this research work has potential to improve the tunability of PCs, it seems that enhancement in the tunability and controllability in this MPC is required because for tuning the MPC, one needs to physically remove the metallic rods by mechanical effort. For this concern, attention is paid to use a plasma column in the hole of MPC, because plasma can be created and destroyed by switching ON and OFF. With the help of this approach, tunability of MPC can be increased as rapidly as the plasma formation and destruction. Hence, experiments are carried out to measure the transmitted power at 18 GHz through MPC with and without plasma column. For this purpose, electrodes of separation 20 mm are kept at the center hole and well connected with the power-supplies. Finally, a plasma column of density of 5 1012 cm3 and electron temperature of 2 eV is formed around atmospheric pressure. Transmitted power of microwave is measured at different angles. Plasma is characterized [39] as a collisional medium, which shows cut-off for 18 GHz microwave. Measurements of transmitted power of 18 GHz with electrodes and with plasma column are presented in Figure 6. Results of this gure show that transmitted power 38 dBm at 45 for electrodes at

the separation of 20 mm are xed, and transmitted power becomes 48 dBm when plasma is formed between electrodes. Negative and positive refraction is also studied by forming the plasma in the left side and the right side hole from the center in front row. Hence by switching ON and OFF the plasma, at and forbidden bands can be achieved at 45 . Because of these strong evidences, it can be concluded that tunability and controllability of MPC over the PCs can be enhanced by using a plasma column. So far, it has been successfully demonstrated how forbidden bands and at bands can be formed by MPC, defaulted MPC, and plasma column added MPC. Although this study reveals importance and application of plasma to control the microwave propagation in PCs, some minor problems are realized during the experiment, e.g., adjustment of the electrodes, initiation of breakdown for discharge and sustaining plasma for long time because plasma column is formed inside the MPC where it is surrounded by metallic rods, which creates capacitive effects. Here it may be quite interesting to use plasma column between transmitter and MPC. Hence, the next section attention is devoted to the study of microwave propagation when plasma column is formed between transmitter and front row of MPC. 3.5. Plasma Column Between Transmitter and MPC In this experiment, a plasma column of density around 1012 cm3 is formed at 40 mm to 100 mm away from the MPC and transmitted power of microwave is measured at different angles. Measurements with and without plasma column are presented in Figure 7. Findings of this study suggest that transmitted power

Figure 7 Variations in the transmitted microwave power at different angles in the presence of plasma column at different places in between transmitter and metallic photonic crystal. [Color gure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com]



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is 50 dBm (forbidden band) at every angle around MPC when there is no plasma column within electrodes of separation 15 mm. When plasma is formed between electrodes, transmitted power 35 dBm (at band) is received at 45 . Thus, negative refraction also can be controlled using plasma column. During this experiment, it is also noticed that when the plasma column is situated between 70 mm to 100 mm away from the front row of MPC toward the transmitter, ats bands are measured, and if plasma column is situated at a distance of 10 mm to 40 mm from front row of MPC, forbidden bands are measured at same angle. With this experiment, it can also be pointed out that position of plasma column can also control the propagation of microwave. Hence, these studies point toward the applications of plasma columns in controlling the propagation of microwave.

Interesting results that have emerged from study on controlling of microwave are summarized here. A metallic photonic crystal that provides forbidden bands for microwave of 18 GHz is fabricated and used for controlling microwave propagation. By removing the copper rod to create a hole or default in MPC from the front row, at bands are measured at 45 and 45 , which show positive and negative refractions for microwave. A plasma column is formed at the center of front row and by switching ON and OFF the plasma column; at band and forbidden bands are made. It is also found that presence of a plasma column between MPC and transmitter the at and forbidden bands can be also made at a particular angle. Therefore, by switching ON and OFF the plasma column, propagation of microwave in metallic photonic crystal can be controlled.
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