ICI Dulux Paints Case Study
ICI Dulux Paints Case Study
ICI Dulux Paints Case Study
1) Industry Analysis
2) Brand Analysis
3) Brand Process
4) Brand Culture
5) Consumer Image Track
6) Brand Attributes
7) SWOT Analysis
8) Brand Attributes of Competitors
9)Competition Dashboard
10) New Strategic Branding Ideas
11) Conclusion
12) Photo Feature
mentation, this industry can be classified into the or-
ganized and unorganized sectors.
1.decorative paints
2. industrial paints
Dulux is the market leader in the luxury emul- Dulux is significantly expensive than its
sion category in most metropolitan cities where there competitors in the said category. Pricing it at a 20%
is maximum demand in the said segment. The luxury premium automatically eradicates the doubt of lack
emulsion category of ici dulux is kept to a minimum of quality; it instead gives reassurance to the con-
of options in its product varieties, which on one hand sumer. Dulux has not subsidized its prices because it
makes it easier for the customer to choose but on the commands a premium and believes in being above
other might also sidetrack the consumer from choos- the fight for price competition.
ing the brand for their use.
Co-Ordinated Marketing
In Dulux’s marketing strategies one of the
most well appreciated and well known were the in-
spiration stores Dulux had launches three years back.
The sales that year had gone up 20% for the brand and
in other market receptivity surveys Dulux has begun
to become a household brand name. The one down-
fall about the Inspiration stores was that they did not
reach the aggregate target audience they wanted to.
The strategy Dulux has opted for till today
is the low key strategy which does not have a lot of
penetration of media content in the rural areas. They
have always focused on making a mark in urban cit-
ies of India and also have hoped that their internation-
al brand standing would work wonders for them in
the Indian market as well. Their strategies have been
the basic brand launches and the basic PR activities
and a lot of television promotions along with creat-
ing more and more brand awareness. A strategy that
has worked in the Indian markets till date with most
product categories would be the distribution with and
Among the many challenges to cope with com-
the presence in every nook and corner at utility shops
petition there is one more which is the most impor-
and branding around the places as well.
tant one for the brand, it is keeping brand awareness
at optimum levels at all times. Long term and short
(The diagram below shows Velvet Touch’s Shop Pen-
term goals have to be set for the brand and strategy
etration accross India and Mumbai)
is of utmost importance here. In the later promotional
activities of Dulux there needs to be equilibrium of
creating awareness even in the areas which have never
tapped before. 20% of the premium emulsions are sold
in the rural areas and the number is increasing now.
The challenge here now is to tap the niche market in a
way which has never been before and to create a new
category inside the existing so that an automatic niche
is created. Being the first in a category gives an auto-
matic brand standing in the eyes of the consumer.
As we can see in the above tables that Asian
Paints Royale with its excellent marketing strategies
and unmatched media presence has caught up to the
25 year old strong standing brand, Velvet Touch. This
is an indication for Velvet Touch to wake up and make
some serious changes in the way things are working
in the company. The market share has dwindled and
now come to a stand still with just a few points higher
than it’s closest competitor.
Selling Tactics
only restricted to the south western regions of India
only. Because of this fact they are not able to pen-
etrate in places where the demand is growing.
Co-Ordinated Marketing
Asian Paints follow an open market policy,
they do not believe in the classical distribution pat-
Brand Benefit tern. It has a lott of loop holes according to them. The
Initially Royale positioned itself as an Elite point of interaction of the retailer and the company is
brand, it has built a sense of confidence in people’s direct which makes each dealer feel secure about the
minds. A sense of assurance that this brand ensures authenticity of the services provided to him.
optimum quality is embedded in people’s minds.
More than anything else their marketing and distribu- A distribution led company has to have a
tion has ensured that when people think of paints they strong hold on each and every nook and corner of the
think of Asian Paints. market. That is what 18000 retailers are present for in
India. In every metro there are two main warehouses
Consistency from which supply is dispatched to all the retailers
When Asian Paints Royale first launched its within the city. Asian Paints have recognized their
quality was not appreciated for cost it was being sold. end user properly and therefore pay more attention
There were problems and the brand had no takers on the local Naka Meets which happen every week
then. Later in the year 2000 when Royale was reposi- in small Paint hubs in the cities. For example South
tioned in a new and with a different outlook, the sales Mumbai has 4 paint hubs, they are CP Tank, Tardeo,
sky rocketed to the top instantly. There have been no Sewri and Dadar. Every week contractors and small
complaints ever since the product was re-launched. time painters and artisans come together for getting
With a great customer service center set up nationally, small jobs and contracts for the week. When retail-
Asian Paints has also made itself a leader in customer ers are given better schemes they promote the prod-
satisfaction and consistency. From the retailer’s point ucts better and sell them more. Asian paints has set
of view also the service is impeccable, in most parts schemes and is not flexible in making exceptions for
of India they have a three hour order settle time and retailers.
in case of any grievances the sales officers at the dis-
r i bu t e s O F
t i to r s
Kansai Nerolac paints now want to offer vari-
ous choices for a consumer’s sole needs. They want
to give so many choices under one brand that, the
consumer has no second thought to opt for any other
brand for his painting needs. Nerolac is perceived as
a need based product more than a brand sumer would
make when he opts for a particular brand of paints.
Nerolac has made itself relevant enough for the pre-
mium interior emulsion sector in the market. Co-Ordinated Marketing
When Nerolac ventured into the “Nerolac Impres-
sions”, they simultaneously launched the brand in 8
major metros of Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai,
Nerolac paints are second to the leaders in the in-
Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune & Ahmedabad.
dustry. An innovation driven company but has always
been the second mover in terms of introducing new
The role of targeting was threefold as it needed to
technology in the industry. Nerolac Impressions was
address 3 clusters:
backed by a great campaign which did increase sales
• Professional
for the brand for a while. Impressions as a brand has
• Families
not been able to establish a point of difference from
• Elite Claas
its competitors. It has not positioned itself in any new
The task of media was two-fold:
way. There is no distinctiveness in the brand as well.
• To generate awareness in the primary Target audi-
Consistency • To ensure that Nerolac Impressions launched with
In terms of supply consistency the order set- focus on engagement where we could offer on-
tle time is more than 24 hours. Its competitor and the ground experience for consumers and also give them
brand leader has less than three hours order settle time information on a platform where we could get the 3
which does not work in Nerolac’s favour. The after Target groups together.
sales services are not regularly provided by the cus- In terms of mass media selection,
tomer service department. Even with a good quality • TV was used and here the medium became the mes-
product Nerolac has not been able to reach the top. sage as we looked at presence only on the Lifestyle
It still remains half in size of the leader in the paint Channels to start with which offered huge brand rub
off in addition to the right environment. Berger acrylic brands like Luxol Silk for inte-
• Experience Centers and Exhibitions riors, is a quality leader in technology and represents
• Activities in cinema halls decor statements that redefined the premium catego-
Choosing effective ambient media led to: ry. They have still not made a mark in the market, the
• Gauging and collecting actual response to get con- trends have already been set by the market leaders
version and Berger has not been able to really steer the de-
mand towards their products. Without a strong brand
Brand Pressence strategy backing it up this brand cannot soar to the
Nerolac Impressions have made a substantial top position.
presence in the market. They have sustained their un-
aided recall place but still have a long way to go when Consistency
it comes to top of the mind recall. Nerolac Impres- Berger Silk has not kept its consistency in
sions have a turnover of almost 40% less than Royale terms of service and supply of the goods. The sys-
and they do not even enjoy first mover advantage. tem of supply is a little different from the others at
Berger paints. There are a lot of middlemen in the
Monitoring supply chain. This in turn makes it harder for the
Nerolac Impressions as a brand have a set consistency of the services Berger provides. There is
monitoring system which is followed every month by no customer service center set up for Berger which
the retailers who exchange sales data with their sup- really becomes very cumbersome for the end users to
pliers and keep track of what was sold more and what contact the right kind of grievance services
product has more demand compared to another. Nero-
lac has not kept a close record of how the distribution Co-Ordinated Marketing
is penetrated in the smaller markets and stored. Berger Paints has been mostly associated as a
Brand Benefit
When two thirds of the brand’s sales comprises
of decorative paints there has to be a substantial back
up of a good ad campaign along with brand presence
in respective areas of the market. Berger Silk, which
is now an ancillary unit of the Asian Paints family and
also standing strong at third place in the decorative
and interior emulsion sector of the Indian paints mar-
In the particular sector Berger Silk has little
or no relevance at all, the product has very less dis-
tribution and also has stopped promoting itself in the
premium emulsion category now. Berger is now con-
centrating on its distemper category makes more sales
pan India. Berger silk as a brand has not related to the
consumer and also has a very small distribution chain
compared to its top competitors.
levels of Indians going up and a lot of discerning con- not do anything for the company’s decorative paint
sumers ready to spend on home décor, they then felt sector. Because of no relevance in the name and the
the need to re-brand their product to tap the top end performance of the product the product flopped when
of the paints market. To make Galaxy widely avail- it released back in the 90’s.
able, the company is adopting a strategy of alternative
channel distribution so as to make the product widely The market share as well as awareness of the
available everywhere, says an official release. Lewis brand across India is close to nothing. There has not
Berger has been a major re-branding initiative aimed been any real distribution strategy as well for the
in giving Berger Paints a new identity under a new product.
logo. Lewis Berger encompasses a series of signifi-
cant changes aimed at overall brand upgrading. These Positioning
include upgrade in the quality of paint, pack, design, A company which has a lot of other business-
printing on the containers and cartons, the aesthet- es to look after under its umbrella has not really paid
ics of the paint outlets across the country and, most much attention in positioning its decorative paints
importantly the quality of services given to the con- range of products. With no real innovation or even
sumer. any right promotions the brand is close to dead in the
eyes of the consumer. They have not tried to involve
Brand Pressence the consumer at all. For Jenson and Nicholson and
Berger Silk has a monitoring system similar many other brands, paints are still a low involvement
to Nerolac but they monitor their supply and demand product range.
processes every fortnight instead of every weak with
area managers allotted to each particular area in a city Consistency
by the company. All the leg work and the track is kept Jenson & Nicholson Special Effects has only
by the area managers. been surviving on its existing supply chain without
innovating or even trying to reposition. They are
Monitoring consistent in other categories and the interior luxury
Berger Silk has a monitoring system similar emulsion sector at J&N suffers.
to Nerolac but they monitor their supply and demand
processes every fortnight instead of every weak with Co-Ordinated Marketing
area managers allotted to each particular area in a city Jenson & Nicholson paints have no strate-
by the company. All the leg work and the track is kept gies in place for sales of their decorative paint sector.
by the area managers. Marketing is of special effects individually has never
been a priority for J&N paints. Their target sector was
always industrial paints. The only thing they have
done in terms of marketing is the launch in which
they had a press conference along with distributing it
in 3000 retail shops.
Brand Benefit
Special Effects has been around for a long time Presence
and has positioned itself to appeal a certain type of Jenson & Nicholson paints also have been,
consumer base who believe in the brand. The national focused on industrial paints for the last few years and
reach and distribution chain of the interior emulsion do not promote their other brands at all. A larger prof-
in the premium category has not been competitive it margin as well as a better goodwill and presence in
enough to match up to the urban known brands. the industrial sector is what they want to focus on as
a company.
Jenson and Nicholson Special Effect has Monitoring
stopped manufacturing this category of paints since For Jenson & Nicholson paints, the brand itself holds
the beginning of the financial year. The product did no real importance for it to be monitored.
Shalimar Superlac has not positioned itself in
any way even in regional advertising. Shalimar paints
was once a very well known brand of paints but even
Brand Benefit the recent ad campaign they did did not really make
Backed by the sixth largest business house in any difference in the way people saw the brand on the
India (Jindal Steel) Shalimar Superlac has not been whole. The effort of repositioning itself with Shalimar
able to tap the market in the right ways. Shalimar Superlac and a new tag line “zara hat ke socho” went
paints are a brand nationally known but there has in vein once the campaign bombed with no increase in
been no marketing and promotions campaign to in- sales that following year.
crease the sales to a greater level. The Husain Col-
lection based on the best quality acrylic copolymer Consistency
based emulsion is the Company’s premium category Shalimar Superlac has not proved its quality
interior decorative paint product. It stands fifth in the consistency and has neither been able to strengthen
national market in terms of awareness. its supply chain in the years. There has been little or
no change in the process of marketing Superlac. In-
Relevance novations have not taken place, repositioning and re-
Shalimar also has trouble sustaining itself in branding has not made much difference in the way
the luxury emulsions category because of the im- people perceive the brand.
mense pressure and penetration of Asian Paints
Royale and the well known and trusted Dulux Vel- Co-Ordinated Markeeting
vet Touch. Shalimar Superlac works on a piggy back Shalimar Paints has revealed plans to penetrate
pattern of distribution. In the distribution chain when the market in southern India by increasing its dealer
Shalimar distempers are distributed some of the extra network by 50%. `The Tamil Nadu and Kerala markets
stock consists of the other products including Super- hold good scope for our products,’ said the company’s
lac which then are sold off to the customers who ask marketing and training consultant D Hariharaputhran.
for it. This pattern of distribution does very little for `By the end of this year we will have around 1500
the brand’s sales but it does a bit of fire fighting at dealers in the four states.’ Shalimar holds about 7% of
least. the market share in the south, which is dominated by
Asian Paints. The company is also training its dealers
and relocating depots to improve logistics.
Brand Pressence
Shalimar Superlac had a brand presence prior to the
famous advertising campaigns and rigorous market-
ing plans of Asian Paints and Nerolac Paints as well.
Shalimar now has very little presence now compared
to the previous decade. There haven’t been any ad-
vertising campaigns in the pas 5 years to bring the
brand back to life. It is a dormant but functioning
brand which still is in production because of a strong
foothold in the industrial sector.
Shaalimar Superlac does not have a brand monitor-
ing system in place. The company believes in keeping
simple track of how much supply is demanded in the
market and according to that the next batch of prod-
ucts are supplied and produced.
Brand Audit By: Armin Jamula
For Velvet touch, there needs to be not only Rejuvenating the brand and not making
a change in marketing strategy but also in different drastic changes in it would work in Velvet Touch’s
communication mediums. Velvet Touch needs to favour in this marketplace. Making Velvet Touch
advertise and penetrate in their existing market. more high tech and displaying features such as it
is the only environment friendly brand will give its
Transforming the supply chain to a consumer personality a significant boost. Velvet Touch has to
centric one. Velvet Touch is a favourite among the reposition itself as a brand which is not toxic and
dealers and already has their vote of loyalty. What not harmful to families.
it needs to do now is to gain its foothold on unap-
proached territories such as the end users. Providing Advertising
them with a better service and probably giving them
something more than just discounts and free gifts
will drive them to loyalty for the brand.