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MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View


Homework 3
Due: 11:59pm on Thursday, March 10, 2011
Note: You will receive no credit for late submissions. To learn more, read your instructor's Grading Policy [Switch to Standard Assignment View]

Electric Field Due to Increasing Flux

Learning Goal: To work through a straightforward application of Faraday's law to find the EMF and the electric field surrounding a region of increasing flux Faraday's law describes how electric fields and electromotive forces are generated from changing magnetic fields. This problem is a prototypical example in which an increasing magnetic flux generates a finite line integral of the electric field around a closed loop that surrounds the changing magnetic flux through a surface bounded by that loop. A cylindrical iron rod with cross-sectional area is oriented with its symmetry axis coincident with the z axis of a cylindrical coordinate system as shown. It has a uniform magnetic field inside that varies according to . In other words, the magentic field is always in the positive z direction, and it has no other components. For your convenience, we restate Faraday's law here: , where is the line integral of the electric field, and the magnetic flux is given by , where is

the angle between the magnetic field and the local normal to the surface bounded by the closed loop. Direction: The line integral and surface integral reverse their signs if the reference direction of or is reversed. The right-hand rule applies here: If the thumb of your right hand is taken along , then the fingers point along . You are free to take the loop anywhere you choose, although usually it makes sense

to choose it to lie along the path of the circuit you are considering. Part A Find , the electromotive force (EMF) around a loop that is at distance from the z axis, where is

restricted to the region outside the iron rod as shown. Take the direction shown in the figure as positive. Hint A.1 Selecting the loop Hint not displayed Hint A.2 Find the magnetic flux Hint not displayed Express in terms of , , , , and any needed constants such as , , and .

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= Correct

Part B Due to the cylindrical symmetry of this problem, the induced electric field distance Hint B.1 from the z axis, where can depend only on the

is restricted to the region outside the iron rod. Find this field.

Calculate the line integral Hint not displayed

Hint B.2

The z and r components of the electric field Hint not displayed


in terms of quantities given in the introduction (and constants), using the unit

vectors in the cylindrical coordinate system, , , and . ANSWER: = Correct

Introduction to Faraday's Law

Learning Goal: To understand the terms in Faraday's law for magnetic induction of electric fields, and contrast these fields with those produced by static charges. Faraday's law describes how electric fields and electromotive forces are generated from changing magnetic fields. It relates the line integral of the electric field around a closed loop to the change in the total magnetic field integral across a surface bounded by that loop: , where is the line integral of the electric field, and the magnetic flux is given by , where is the angle between the magnetic field and the local normal to the surface bounded by the closed

loop. Direction: The line integral and surface integral reverse their signs if the reference direction of or is reversed. The right-hand rule applies here: If the thumb of your right hand points along , then the fingers point along . You are free to take the loop

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anywhere you choose, although usually it makes sense to choose it to lie along the path of the circuit you are considering.

Part A Consider the direction of the electric field in the figure. Assume that the magnetic field points upward, as shown. Under what circumstances is the direction of the electric field shown in the figure correct? Hint A.1 How to approach the problem Hint not displayed


always if if increases with time decreases with time

depending on whether your right thumb is pointing up or down Correct

Part B Now consider the magnetic flux through a surface bounded by the loop. Which of the following statements about this surface must be true if you want to use Faraday's law to relate the magnetic flux to the line integral of the electric field around the loop? ANSWER:

The surface must be the circular disk in the middle of the loop. The surface must be perpendicular to the magnetic field at each point. The surface can be any surface whose edge is the loop. The surface can be any surface whose edge is the loop as long as no magnetic field line passes through it more than once. Correct

You are free to take any surface bounded by the loop as the surface over which to evaluate the integral. The result will always be the same, owing to the continuity of magnetic field lines (they never start or end anywhere, since there are no magnetic charges). It is important to understand the vast differences between electric fields produced by changing magnetic fields via Faraday's law and the more familiar electric fields produced by charges via Coulomb's law. Here are some short questions that illustrate these differences. Part C

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When can an electric field be measured at any point from the force on a stationary test charge at that point? Hint C.1 Force on a stationary charge Hint not displayed


only if the field is generated by the coulomb field of static charges only if the field is generated by a changing magnetic field no matter how the field is generated Correct

In fact, this operation defines an electric field. Similarly, if the test charge is moving, it will measure magnetic fields.

Part D When can an electric field that does not vary in time arise? ANSWER:

only if the field is generated by a coulomb field of static charges only if the field is generated by a changing magnetic field in either of the above two cases Electric fields never vary in time; otherwise, a charge could gain energy from the field. Correct

Part E When will the integral be zero? ANSWER: around any closed loop of the projection of the electric field along that loop

only if the field is generated by the coulomb field of static charges only if the field is generated by the coulomb field of static charges or a constant current only if the field is generated by a changing magnetic field however the field is generated The loop integral is always zero; otherwise, a charge moving around the loop would gain energy. Correct

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The electric field generated by a static charge or a constant current always has zero loop integral. A constant current is a continuous line of evenly-spaced charges moving with constant velocity. An electric field generated by any other configuration of moving charges (moving through the loop) would have a non-zero loop integral. Here is a simple quantitative problem that uses Faraday's law. Part F A cylindrical iron rod of infinite length with cross-sectional area is oriented with its axis of symmetry

coincident with the z axis of a cylindrical coordinate system as shown in the figure. It has a magnetic field inside that varies according to . Find the theta component of the electric field at distance from the z axis, where is larger than the radius of the rod.

Hint F.1

Selecting the loop Hint not displayed

Hint F.2

Find the magnetic flux Hint not displayed

Hint F.3

Finding the EMF from Faraday's law Hint not displayed

Hint F.4

Help from symmetry Hint not displayed

Hint F.5

Find the EMF in terms of Hint not displayed

Express your answer in terms of

, and any needed constants such as

, and

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ANSWER: = Correct

A Simple Way to Measure Magnetic Fields

A loop of wire is at the edge of a region of space containing a uniform magnetic field . The plane of the loop

is perpendicular to the magnetic field. Now the loop is pulled out of this region in such a way that the area of the coil inside the magnetic field region is decreasing at the constant rate . That is, , with .

Part A The induced emf in the loop is measured to be loop was in? Hint A.1 The formula for the magnetic flux through a loop Hint not displayed Hint A.2 How to take the derivative of the product of two functions Hint not displayed Hint A.3 The formula for the emf induced in a loop (Faraday's law) Hint not displayed Express your answer in terms of some or all of the variables ANSWER: = Correct , , and . . What is the magnitude of the magnetic field that the

So you see that in general, there can be contributions to the induced emf in a wire loop both from a changing magnetic field through the loop (about which you may have studied earlier) and from the change in the area of the loop (within the magnetic field region), as in this problem.

Part B For the case of a square loop of side length being pulled out of the magnetic field with constant speed ?

(see the figure), what is the rate of change of area

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Hint B.1

How to approach the problem Hint not displayed

Express your answer in terms of ANSWER: = Correct

and .

Later, you will learn, if you have not already, that the "motional emf" moving through a uniform magnetic field of magnitude , or, equivalently, . with speed

associated with a rod of length is given by

This is another way of thinking about the result derived above. If you have already studied this, can you see which sides of the square loop contribute to the motional emf and which do not, and why?

Motion-Induced Electric Fields and Motional EMF

Learning Goal: To understand that the motion of a conductor through a magnetic field generates a perpendicular electric field.

A conducting rod of length

is moved at a constant velocity

through a uniform magnetic field

. This

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field runs perpendicularly out of the page. The end of the rod at is labeled b. Part A

is labeled a, and the end of the rod at

As a result of the motion through the magnetic field, a charge in the rod will experience a force : the usual part of the Lorentz force for charges moving through magnetic fields. This force will push the charge in the rod, and hence this force will be an electromotive force (EMF). For now, we shall say that the force that moves the charges is due to an induced electric field , which will enable us to calculate the EMF. The fact that there is an induced electric field at all is rather subtle, because there is no closed loop that encloses some changing flux. Therefore, a method that does not involve Faraday's law must be used to solve this motional EMF problem. In fact, this problem is a good introduction to some of the ideas behind Faraday's law. Find the y component of the induced electric field . Hint A.1 Find the force on a charge due to motion in the magnetic field Hint not displayed Hint A.2 Find an equivalent electric field Hint not displayed Express your answer in terms of the variables given in the problem introduction. ANSWER: = Correct

Part B To describe the effect of this electric field on the rod, we need to find the EMF . We take as a reference

direction the path from end a to end b (i.e., moving along the positive y axis). The EMF is then negative if the induced electric field points in the direction (i.e., like a battery with the positive voltage end at a, where the positive charge collects due to the magnetic force on the charges). Hint B.1 What is EMF? Hint not displayed Express your answer in terms of the variables given in the problem introduction. ANSWER: = Correct

Part C There is a big complication in measuring the EMF generated by the moving rod: The wires that connect the meter to the rod also move through the magnetic field, and therefore, there is an electromotive force for them also. This is a general problem: A voltmeter can measure the EMF produced only in a closed loop around the circuit. In general, the EMF caused by the motion of a rod through a uniform magnetic field will be canceled by the opposite EMF induced by the motion of the rest of the circuit through this same uniform

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field. The only way to get a nonzero voltmeter reading is to make the field nonuniform, for example, such that the bar is moving through a region of nonzero field, but the rest of the circuit is (temporarily) moving in a region of zero field. For example, consider the arrangement shown in the figure for measuring the EMF in the moving rod using a voltmeter. In this arrangement, only for and . The hookup wires and voltmeter will have to move with the rod; they are rigid and of the dimensions and shape shown. The physical setup is that shown at the end of Part B. Which graph shown best represents the magnitude of that will be measured by the voltmeter? Take moment pictured in the diagram. to be the

Hint C.1

How to approach the problem Hint not displayed

Hint C.2

Describe the EMF when only the rod moves through the field Hint not displayed

Hint C.3

Describe the EMF when the whole circuit is moving through the field Hint not displayed


a b c d

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e Correct

Part D Is the sign of positive or negative? If current flows through the meter from positive to negative, then it

will read a positive voltage. Hint D.1 Which way is the magnetic force pushing the charge? Hint not displayed


positive negative Correct

It makes little sense to discuss only the EMF generated in the rod. How the wires connect the voltmeter to the rod is important, too, because they may move through the field (or the field lines may move across them). The crucial realization (by Michael Faraday) is that EMF is really a property of an entire closed circuit.

Induced EMF and Current in a Shrinking Loop

Shrinking Loop. A circular loop of flexible iron wire has an initial circumference of 164 circumference is decreasing at a constant rate of 14.0 in a constant uniform magnetic field of magnitude 1.00 , but its due to a tangential pull on the wire. The loop is , which is oriented perpendicular to the plane of the

loop. Assume that you are facing the loop and that the magnetic field points into the loop. Part A Find the magnitude of the emf induced in the loop after exactly time 5.00 has passed since the

circumference of the loop started to decrease. Hint A.1 How to approach the problem Hint not displayed Hint A.2 An expression for the circumference of the loop as a function of time Hint not displayed Hint A.3 An expression for the flux through the loop as a function of its circumference Hint not displayed

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Hint A.4

A formula for the induced emf in the loop (Faraday's law) Hint not displayed

Hint A.5

An expression for Hint not displayed

Express your answer numerically in volts to three significant figures. ANSWER:

2 = 2.0910 V Correct

Part B Find the direction of the induced current in the loop as viewed looking along the direction of the magnetic field. ANSWER:

clockwise counterclockwise Correct

The induced current flows in the direction that tends to prevent the flux through the coil from decreasing. That is, it adds to the magnetic field through the coil as the coil's area is decreasing. This means that the current has to flow clockwise, so that the magnetic field produced by it (right-hand rule) points away from you (you were asked to look at the loop along the direction of the original magnetic field). Alternatively, you could look at how each part of the wire moves toward the center of the loop as it gets smaller. As a result, we can use the standard equation for force on a particle and the right-hand rule to determine the direction of the current.

An Introduction to EMF and Circuits

Learning Goal: To understand the concept of electromotive force and internal resistance; to understand the processes in one-loop circuits; to become familiar with the use of the ammeter and voltmeter. In order for the current in a conductor to exist continuously, the conductor must be part of a loop, that is, a closed path through which the charged particles can move without creating a "build-up." Such build-up, if it occurs, creates its own electric field that cancels out the external electric field, ultimately causing the current to stop. However, having a loop, or a closed circuit, is not enough to maintain the current; there must also be a source of energy. Its necessity is fairly obvious: As charged particles move along the circuit, they lose potential energy. In fact, electrostatic forces always push the particles in the direction that leads to a decrease in potential energy. At some point, each charged particle would reach the location in the circuit where it has the lowest possible potential energy. How can such a particle move toward a point where it would have a higher potential energy? Such a move requires that nonelectrostatic forces act upon the charged particle, pushing it toward higher potential energy despite the presence of electrostatic forces. In circuits, such forces exist inside a device

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commonly known as a battery. In a circuit, the battery serves as the energy source that keeps the charged particles in continuous motion by increasing their potential energy through the action of some kind of nonelectrostatic force. The amount of work that the battery does on each coulomb of charge that it "pushes through" is called (inappropriately) the electromotive force (pronounced "ee-em-ef" and abbreviated emf or denoted by ). Batteries are often referred to as sources of emf (rather than sources of energy, even though they are, fundamentally, sources of energy). The emf of a battery can be calculated using the definition mentioned above: . The units of emf are joules per coulomb, that is, volts. The terminals of a battery are often labeled and for "higher potential" and "lower potential," respectively.

The potential difference between the terminals is called the terminal voltage of the battery. If no current is running through a battery, the terminal voltage is equal to the emf of the battery: . However, if there is a current in the circuit, the terminal voltage is less than the emf because the battery has its own internal resistance (usually labeled ). When charge passes through the battery, the battery does the amount of work on the charge; however, the charge also "loses" the amount of energy equal to , and the terminal ( is the current through the circuit); therefore, the increase in potential energy is voltage is . In order to answer the questions that follow, you should first review the meaning of the symbols describing various elements of the circuit, including the ammeter and the voltmeter; you should also know the way the ammeter and the voltmeter must be connected to the rest of the circuit in order to function properly. Note that the internal resistance is usually indicated as a separate resistor drawn next to the "battery" symbol. It is important to keep in mind that this resistor with resistance is actually inside the battery. In all diagrams, stands for emf, for the internal resistance of the battery, and for the resistance of the external circuit. As usual, we'll assume that the connecting wires have negligible resistance. We will also assume that both the ammeter and the voltmeter are ideal: That is, the ammeter has negligible resistance, and the voltmeter has a very large resistance. Part A For the circuit shown in the diagram , which potential difference corresponds to the terminal voltage of the battery?


between points K and L between points L and M between points K and M Correct

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Keep in mind that the "resistor" with resistance

is actually inside the battery.

The next several questions refer to the four diagrams shown here labeled A, B, C, and D.

Part B In which diagram(s) (labeled A - D) does the ammeter correctly measure the current through the battery? Hint B.1 How an ammeter works Hint not displayed Enter the letter(s) of the correct diagram(s) in alphabetical order. For example if both A and C are correct enter AC. ANSWER: CD Correct

Part C In which diagram is the current through the battery nearly zero? Hint C.1 How to approach the problem Hint not displayed


A B C D Correct

Diagram A is the only one in which the current through the battery is the same as the current through

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the voltmeter. Since the latter has a very large resistance, this current is essentially zero.

Part D In which diagram or diagrams does the ammeter correctly measure the current through the resistor with resistance ? Hint D.1 How to approach the problem

Note that current is conserved through a wire, and in order for an ammeter to measure the correct current passing through an element, it must be in series with that element. Enter the letter(s) of the correct diagram(s) in alphabetical order. For example if both A and C are correct enter AC. ANSWER: CD Correct

Part E In which diagram does the voltmeter correctly measure the terminal voltage of the battery? Choose the best answer. Hint E.1 How a voltmeter works Hint not displayed


A B C D Correct

In diagrams A and B, the voltmeter readings would actually be quite close to the terminal voltage if the ammeter has a very low resistance, and the voltmeter, a very high one. However, diagram C clearly shows the best way to connect the voltmeter in order to measure the terminal voltage.

Part F In which diagram does the voltmeter read almost zero? Enter the letter(s) of the correct diagram(s) in alphabetical order. For example if both A and C are correct enter AC. ANSWER: D Correct

The voltmeter in diagram D is connected to two points that are also connected by a wire that has,

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presumably, very low resistance. Therefore, the charge flowing through that wire will not lose an appreciable amount of potential energy, and the potential difference (voltage) is nearly zero.

Part G In which diagram or diagrams does the ammeter read almost zero? Enter the letter(s) of the correct diagram(s) in alphabetical order. For example if both A and C are correct enter AC. ANSWER: AB Correct

In diagram A, the voltmeter is connected in series with the battery. Since the voltmeter has a very large resistance there is no (or nearly zero) current in the whole circuit. Therefore, the ammeter reads no current. In diagram B, the current through the ammeter is the same as the current through the voltmeter. Since the resistance of the voltmeter is very large, the current is nearly zero. The last group of questions refers to a battery that has emf 12.0 volts and internal resistance 3.00 ohms. Part H A voltmeter is connected to the terminals of the battery; the battery is not connected to any other external circuit elements. What is the reading of the voltmeter ? Express your answer in volts. Use three significant figures. ANSWER: = 12.0 Correct

Part I The voltmeter is now removed and a 21.0-ohm resistor is connected to the terminals of the battery. What is the current through the battery? Express your answer in amperes. Use two significant figures. ANSWER: = 0.50 Correct

Part J In the situation described in Part I, what is the current through the 21.0-ohm resistor?

Express your answer in amperes. Use two significant figures. ANSWER: = 0.50 Correct

Since the battery and the external resistor form one loop, the charge that passes through one must

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pass through another; therefore, the currents must be the same.

Part K What is the potential difference Hint K.1 across the 21.0-ohm resistor from Part I?

How to approach the problem across a resistor when a current is flowing is to use

The best way to find the potential difference Ohm's law:

Express your answer in volts. Use three significant figures. ANSWER: = 10.5 Correct

Part L What is the terminal voltage Hint L.1 of the battery connected to the 21.0-ohm resistor from Part I?

Kirchhoff's voltage law

Kirchhoff's voltage law states that the voltage difference across all the elements in a circuit (in this case just one resistor) is equal to the voltage at the terminals from the source (in this case a battery). Express your answer in volts. Use three significant figures. ANSWER: = 10.5 Correct

Since the ends of the resistor with resistance

are attached to the terminals of the battery, the

voltage across the resistor is the same as that between the terminals of the battery.

Part M How much work Hint M.1 does the battery connected to the 21.0-ohm resistor perform in one minute?

How to approach the problem

Find the charge that passes through the battery, and then use the definition of emf. Hint M.2 Find the charge passes through the battery in one minute?

How much charge

Hint M.2.1 Definition of current

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Recall that current is defined as the number of units of charge that pass through a wire per second. Express your answer in coulombs. Use three significant figures. ANSWER: = 30.0 Answer Requested

Express your answer in joules. Use three significant figures. ANSWER: = 360 Answer Requested

A Few Bumps on the Road

Learning Goal: To learn to apply the microscopic theory of conduction. A gauge-12 wire has diameter centimeters and length meters. When the voltage amperes. The concentration of free volts is applied to the ends of the wire, the current is electrons in the wire is Part A Find the resistivity Hint A.1 of the wire. per cubic meter.

How to approach the problem

Find the electric field and the current density in the wire and use those to calculate the resistivity. Hint A.2 Definition of resistivity of a material is given by the ratio of the electric field that then flows through it: . applied to the material and the

The resistivity current density

Hint A.3

What is the current density? flowing through the wire.

Find the current density

Hint A.3.1 Definition of current density The current density flowing through a material is given by , where is the total current and

is the cross-sectional area in which the current flows.

Hint A.3.2 Find the cross-sectional area What is the cross-sectional area of the wire?

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Express your answer in square meters. Use three significant figures. ANSWER:
6 = 3.3010 All attempts used; correct answer displayed

Express your answer in amperes per square meter. ANSWER:

6 = 7.2710 Correct

Hint A.4

What is the electric field? along the wire.

Calculate the electric field

Hint A.4.1 Definition of electric field In a conducting wire, the electric field potential difference is constant along the wire, so the electric field is just the : .

between the ends of the wire divided by the length of the wire

Express your answer in volts per meter. ANSWER: = 0.200 Correct

Express your answer in ohm-meters. Use two significant figures. ANSWER:

8 = 2.7510 Correct

Part B Find the mean time Hint B.1 between electron collisions in the wire.

How to approach the problem between collisions, use the fact that the average velocity of an electron is given by .

In order to find the mean time

in the presence of an electric field

One can then use the definition of the current density

and the resistivity

to determine the value of .

Hint B.2

Definition of current density

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Recall that current density

can be defined as

, where

is the number of free electrons in

the material, is the electric charge on each electron, and is the drift velocity of all the electrons (average velocity at which they move as a collection of particles). Hint B.3 Definition of resistivity is defined as , where is the applied electric field and is the resulting current density. Use this definition and the between collisions.

Recall that resistivity

previous hints to determine the mean time

Express your answer in seconds. Use two significant figures. ANSWER:

14 = 2.2010 All attempts used; correct answer displayed

A Five Wire Junction

Learning Goal: To learn to apply the concept of current density and Kirchhoff's junction rule. Consider a junction of five wires, as shown in the figure. The arrows indicate the direction of current flow.

The information about the magnitudes of the current density and the diameters for wires 1, 2, 3, and 4 is given in the table. Some of the values are unknown. ) Diameter ( ) Total Current ( ) Wire Current density ( 1 2 3 4 1.6 ??? 3.0 0.8 2.0 3.0 1.1 ??? ??? 2.0 ??? 4.0

Part A

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Find the current Hint A.1

in wire 5.

How to approach the problem Hint not displayed

Hint A.2

Kirchhoff's rule Hint not displayed

Hint A.3

Current density and current Hint not displayed

Hint A.4

Area of the wire Hint not displayed

Express your answer in amperes. Use two significant figures. Assume that the current out of the junction is positive and that the current into the junction is negative. ANSWER: = -9.9 Correct

Note that you did not have to find all the unknown quantities in the table. Separating useful information from the useless (irrelevant) is an important skill that you are expected to develop in studying physics.

A Stretchable Resistor
A wire of length Part A What will be the resistance of the wire if it is stretched to twice its original length? Assume that and cross-sectional area has resistance .

the density and resistivity of the material do not change when the wire is stretched. Hint A.1 Formula for the resistance of a wire Hint not displayed Hint A.2 Find the cross-sectional area of the stretched wire Hint not displayed Express your answer in terms of the wire's original resistance ANSWER: .

= Correct

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Current and Current Density at a Junction

Consider the juncion of three wires as shown in the diagram.

The magnitudes of the current density and the diameters for wires 1 and 2 are given in the table. The current directions are indicated by the arrows. Current density Diameter Wire ( ) ( ) 1 2 Part A Find the current Hint A.1 in wire 3. 3.0 5.0 2.0 3.0

How to approach the problem Hint not displayed

Hint A.2

Kirchhoff's rule Hint not displayed

Hint A.3

Current density and current Hint not displayed

Hint A.4

Area of the wire Hint not displayed

Express your answer in amperes to two significant figures. Call current out of the junction positive and current into the junction negative. ANSWER: = -26 Correct

Part B

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Find the magnitude of the current density Hint B.1 Current density and current

in wire 3. The diameter of wire 3 is 1.5 millimeters.

Hint not displayed Hint B.2 Area of the wire Hint not displayed Express your answer in amperes per square millimeter to two significant figures. ANSWER: = 15 Correct .

Down To The Wire

A current of is flowing in a typical extension cord of length . . The resisitivity of copper is . . The . The cord is made of copper wire with diameter The charge of the electron is concentration of free electrons in copper is Part A Find the drift velocity Hint A.1 of the electrons in the wire.

Find the current density first Hint not displayed

Hint A.2

Current density and the drift speed Hint not displayed

Express your answer in meters per second, to two significant figures. ANSWER:
4 = 3.3010 Correct

Note that this wire is carrying more current density than is carried by most household wiring in everyday use. With the given amount of current flowing, the cord would be hot to the touch if it were under a rug or had otherwise restricted air flow around it. It would certainly be considered unsafe by standard electrical safety codes. Even though this wire is carrying a large amount of current for its size, the drift velocity of the electrons is tiny (less than one millimeter per second). This reflects the fact that there is a huge number of free (mobile) electrons in the wire. Let us illustrate this fact with a calculation.

Part B

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The population of the Earth is roughly six billion people. If all free electrons contained in this extension cord are evenly split among the humans, how many free electrons ( ) would each person get? Hint B.1 Find the volume first Hint not displayed Use two significant figures. ANSWER:
13 = 7.5010 Correct

These free electrons undergo frequent collisions with atoms, slowing down and generating heat. How many collisions occur in such a conductor? Let us find out.

Part C Find the total number of collisions ( Hint C.1 ) that all free electrons in this extension cord undergo in one second.

Consider a single electron Hint not displayed

Hint C.2

Find the time between collisions Hint not displayed


37 = 1.8010 Correct

Note that

does not depend on the applied electric field. The drift speed, however, does.

How a Real Voltmeter Works

Unlike the idealized voltmeter, a real voltmeter has a resistance that is not infinitely large. Part A A voltmeter with resistance is connected across the terminals of a battery of emf measured by the voltmeter. and internal

resistance . Find the potential difference Hint A.1 How to approach the problem

Hint not displayed Hint A.2 How to find the potential between points a and b Hint not displayed

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Hint A.3

An expression for Hint not displayed

Hint A.4

Using Kirchhoff's loop rule Hint not displayed

ANSWER: = Correct

With a little algebraic manipulation, the answer can also be written as . In this form it is easier to see why the voltmeter reading differs from the actual emf it is supposed to measure by only a small amount if . It is a good idea to check that the answer gives the correct result in the limit that .

Part B If = and , find the minimum value of the voltmeter resistance for which the

voltmeter reading is within 1.0% of the emf of the battery. Hint B.1 What is meant by "within 1.0%" Hint not displayed Express your answer numerically (in ohms) to at least three significant digits. ANSWER: = 44.6 Correct

Typical voltmeters have a range of possible resistances, some of which are much larger than the value you just obtained (on the order of megaohms). This allows reasonably accurate measurements of much larger resistances to be made.

Kirchhoff's Rules and Applying Them

Learning Goal: To understand the origins of both of Kirchhoff's rules and how to use them to solve a circuit problem. This problem introduces Kirchhoff's two rules for circuits: Kirchhoff's loop rule: The sum of the voltage changes across the circuit elements forming any closed loop is zero. Kirchhoff's junction rule: The algebraic sum of the currents into (or out of) any junction in the circuit is zero. The figure shows a circuit that illustrates the concept of loops, which are colored red and labeled loop 1 and

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loop 2. Loop 1 is the loop around the entire circuit, whereas loop 2 is the smaller loop on the right. To apply the loop rule you would add the voltage changes of all circuit elements around the chosen loop. The figure contains two junctions (where three or more wires meet)--they are at the ends of the resistor labeled . The battery supplies a constant voltage , and the resistors are labeled with their resistances. The ammeters are ideal meters that read and respectively. The direction of each loop and the direction of each current arrow that you draw on your own circuits are arbitrary. Just assign voltage drops consistently and sum both voltage drops and currents algebraically and you will get correct equations. If the actual current is in the opposite direction from your current arrow, your answer for that current will be negative. The direction of any loop is even less imporant: The equation obtained from a counterclockwise loop is the same as that from a clockwise loop except for a negative sign in front of every term (i.e., an inconsequential change in overall sign of the equation because it equals zero). Part A The junction rule describes the conservation of which quantity? Note that this rule applies only to circuits that are in a steady state. Hint A.1 At the junction Hint not displayed


current voltage resistance Correct

Part B Apply the junction rule to the junction labeled with the number 1 (at the bottom of the resistor of resistance ). Hint B.1 Elements in series Hint not displayed Answer in terms of given quantities, together with the meter readings ANSWER: Correct and and the current .

If you apply the juncion rule to the junction above

, you should find that the ezpression you get is

equivalent to what you just obtained for the junction labeled 1. Obviously the conservation of charge or

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current flow enforces the same relationship among the currents when they separate as when they recombine.

Part C Apply the loop rule to loop 2 (the smaller loop on the right). Sum the voltage changes across each circuit element around this loop going in the direction of the arrow. Remember that the current meter is ideal. Hint C.1 Elements in series have same current Hint not displayed Hint C.2 Sign of voltage across resistors Hint not displayed Hint C.3 Voltage drop across ammeter Hint not displayed Express the voltage drops in terms of quantities. ANSWER: Correct , , , the given resistances, and any other given

Part D Now apply the loop rule to loop 1 (the larger loop spanning the entire circuit). Sum the voltage changes across each circuit element around this loop going in the direction of the arrow. Express the voltage drops in terms of quantities. ANSWER: Correct , , , the given resistances, and any other given

There is one more loop in this circuit, the inner loop through the battery, both ammeters, and resistors and . If you apply Kirchhoff's loop rule to this additional loop, you will generate an extra equation that is redundant with the other two. In general, you can get enough equations to solve a circuit by either selecting all of the internal loops (loops with no circuit elements inside the loop) or using a number of loops (not necessarily internal) equal to the number of internal loops, with the extra proviso that at least one loop pass through each circuit element.

Batteries in Series or Parallel

You are given two circuits with two batteries of emf and internal resistance each. Circuit A has the batteries connected in series with a resistor of resistance , and circuit B has the batteries connected in

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parallel to an equivalent resistor. Note that the symbol should be entered in your answers as EMF.

Part A In which direction does the current in circuit A flow? Hint A.1 Conventions Hint not displayed


clockwise counterclockwise Correct

Part B What is the current through the resistor of resistance Hint B.1 Which formula to use Hint not displayed Hint B.2 Total resistance of the circuit Hint not displayed Express the current in terms of ANSWER: = Correct , , and . in circuit A?

Part C

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Calculate the current Hint C.1

through the resistor of resistance

for circuit B.

Which rule to use Hint not displayed

Hint C.2

What is the emf for loop 1? Hint not displayed

Hint C.3

What is the emf for loop 2? Hint not displayed

Hint C.4

Application of Kirchhoff's junction rule (current rule) Hint not displayed

Express your answer in terms of ANSWER: = Correct

, and

Part D What is the power dissipated by the resistor of resistance , and Hint D.1 What formula to use Hint not displayed Calculate the power to two significant figures. ANSWER: = 0.064 W Correct ? for circuit A, given that ,

Part E For what ratio of and would power dissipated by the resistor of resistance be the same for

circuit A and circuit B? Hint E.1 Getting started Hint not displayed Hint E.2 Finding

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Hint not displayed


= 1


Part F Under which of the following conditions would power dissipated by the resistance than that of circuit B? Hint F.1 How to think about the problem Hint not displayed Some answer choices overlap; choose the most restrictive answer. ANSWER: in circuit A be bigger


Battery, Ammeter, and Resistors

An ammeter is connected in series to a battery of voltage ammeter reads a current unknown resistance . Next, a resistor of and a resistor of unknown resistance . The

is connected in series to the . , is

ammeter, and the ammeter's reading drops to Finally, a second resistor, also of resistance

connected in series as well. Now the ammeter reads .

Part A

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If Hint A.1

, find

How to approach the problem Hint not displayed

Hint A.2

Current through each resistor Hint not displayed

Hint A.3

Voltage drop across each resistor Hint not displayed

Hint A.4

Apply Kirchhoff's loop rule: Hint not displayed

Hint A.5

Apply Kirchhoff's loop rule: Hint not displayed

Hint A.6

Apply Kirchhoff's loop rule: Hint not displayed

Hint A.7

Finding a relation between

and Hint not displayed

Express the ratio ANSWER:

numerically. = 0.667 Correct

Brightness of Light Bulbs Ranking Task

Part A Consider a circuit containing five identical light bulbs and an ideal battery. Assume that the resistance of each light bulb remains constant. Rank the bulbs (A through E) based on their brightness. Hint A.1 How to approach the problem Hint not displayed Hint A.2 Comparing bulb A to bulb B

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Hint not displayed Hint A.3 Comparing bulb D to bulb E Hint not displayed Hint A.4 Comparing bulb C to bulb D or E Hint not displayed Hint A.5 Comparing bulb C to bulb A or B Hint not displayed Rank from brightest to dimmest. To rank items as equivalent, overlap them. ANSWER:

View Correct

Now consider what happens when a switch in the circuit is opened.

Part B What happens to the brightness of bulb A? Hint B.1 How to approach this part Hint not displayed

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Hint B.2

Consider changes in resistance Hint not displayed


It gets dimmer. It gets brighter. There is no change. Correct

Part C What happens to bulb C? Hint C.1 How to approach this part Hint not displayed Hint C.2 Find the current in bulb C earlier Hint not displayed Hint C.3 Find the current in bulb C now Hint not displayed


It gets dimmer. It gets brighter. There is no change. Correct

This is why appliances in your home are always connected in parallel. Otherwise, turning some of them on or off would cause the current in others to change, which could damage them.

Kirchhoff's Loop Rule Conceptual Question

The circuit shown belowconsists of four different resistors and a battery. You don't know the strength of the battery or the value any of the four resistances.

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Part A Select the expressions that will be equal to the voltage of the battery in the circuit, where is the potential drop across resistor A. Hint A.1 Kirchhoff's voltage rule for closed circuit loops Hint not displayed Check all that apply. ANSWER: , for example,


Resistance and Wire Length

You have been given a long length of wire. You measure the resistance of the wire, and find it to be You then cut the wire into identical pieces . .

Part A

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If you connect the

pieces in parallel as shown , of the wires

what is the total resistance connected in parallel?

Hint A.1

Find the resistance of the wire segments Hint not displayed

Hint A.2

Resistors in parallel Hint not displayed

Express your answer in terms of ANSWER: = Correct


Series Resistors with Different Areas

Four wires are made of the same highly resistive material, cut to the same length, and connected in series. Wire 1 has resistance and cross-sectional area . Wire 2 has resistance Wire 3 has resistance Wire 4 has resistance A voltage and cross-sectional area and cross-sectional area and cross-sectional area . . .

is applied across the series, as shown in the figure.

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Part A Find the voltage Hint A.1 across wire 2.

Resistance of wires Hint not displayed

Hint A.2

Find the current through wire 2 Hint not displayed

Hint A.3

The voltage across wire 2 Hint not displayed

Give your answer in terms of ANSWER: = Correct

, the voltage of the battery.

Throw the Switch

In this problem Part A Bulbs A, B, and C in the figure are identical and the switch is an ideal conductor. How does closing the switch in the figure affect the potential difference? denotes the emf provided by the source, and is the resistance of each bulb.

Hint A.1

How to approach the problem Hint not displayed

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Hint A.2

Find the potential difference across bulb C when the switch is closed Hint not displayed

Hint A.3

Find the potential difference across bulb B when the switch is closed Hint not displayed

Hint A.4

Find the potential difference across bulb A when the switch is closed Hint not displayed

Hint A.5

Find the potential difference across bulb A when the switch is open Hint not displayed

Check all that apply. ANSWER: The potential difference across A is unchanged. The potential difference across B drops to zero. The potential difference across A increases by 50%. The potential difference across B drops by 50%. Correct

Every time the ends of a resistor are joined together, or connected through an ideal conductor, the voltage across the resistor drops to zero and the resistor is said to be short-circuited.

Part B One more bulb is added to the circuit and the location of the switch is changed. The new circuit is shown in the figure. Bulbs A, B, C, and D are identical and the switch is an ideal conductor. How does closing the switch in the figure affect the potential difference?

Hint B.1

How to approach the problem Hint not displayed

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Hint B.2

Find the equivalent resistance of the circuit when the switch is closed Hint not displayed

Hint B.3

Find the voltage across bulb A when the switch is closed Hint not displayed

Hint B.4

How to determine whether choice D is correct Hint not displayed

Hint B.5

Find the voltage across bulb B when the switch is closed Hint not displayed

Hint B.6

Find the voltage across bulb B when the switch is open Hint not displayed

Check all that apply. ANSWER: The potential difference across A increases. The potential difference across B doubles. The potential difference across B drops to zero. The potential difference across D is unchanged. Correct

Two Resistors
Two resistors of resistances and , with , are connected to a voltage source with voltage . When the resistors are connected in series, the current is current Part A Let be the ratio . Find . from the source is equal to . . When the resistors are connected in parallel, the

Hint A.1

Calculate the source voltage Hint not displayed

Hint A.2

Find another expresssion for the source voltage Hint not displayed

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Hint A.3

Equate the two expressions for voltage Hint not displayed

Hint A.4

Formula for the roots of a quadratic equation Hint not displayed

Hint A.5

General answer Hint not displayed

Round your answer to the nearest thousandth. ANSWER: 0.127 Correct

Finding Current by Changing Resistors

A battery provides a voltage of 8.00 and has unknown internal resistance = 7.00 . When the battery is = 1.00 . connected across a resistor of resistance , the current in the circuit is

Part A If the external resistance is then changed to Hint A.1 How to approach the problem Hint not displayed Hint A.2 Internal resistance explained Hint not displayed Hint A.3 Find the internal resistance = 5.00 , what is the value of the current in the circuit?

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Hint not displayed Express your answer numerically in amperes. ANSWER: = 1.33 Correct

Measuring the Potential of a Nonideal Battery

A battery with EMF 90.0 Part A What is the reading of a voltmeter having total resistance = 400 when it is placed across the has internal resistance = 9.93 .

terminals of the battery? Hint A.1 How to approach the problem Hint not displayed Hint A.2 Series or parallel? Hint not displayed Hint A.3 Calculate the current in the circuit Hint not displayed Express your answer with three significant figures. ANSWER: = 87.8 Correct

Part B What is the maximum value that the ratio a battery is not to exceed 2.50 Hint B.1 ? may have if the percent error in the reading of the EMF of

How to approach the problem , in

Write an expression for the fraction of error in the reading, which by definition is given as 2.50

terms of the potential of the battery and the potential measured by the voltmeter. Express the potentials in terms of the current and resistances and solve for the ratio .

Hint B.2

An expression for the error in measurement

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The fractional error in the measurement is simply the difference between the measured potential and the actual EMF of the battery divided by the actual EMF of the battery, .

Hint B.3

Resistance in the battery . For the section of the circuit

Using Kirchhoff's rules in the previous part, you found that containing only the voltmeter, .

Express your answer with three significant figures. ANSWER:

2 = 2.5610 Correct

Heating a Water Bath

In the circuit in the figure, a 20-ohm resistor sits inside 112 of pure water that is surrounded by insulating Styrofoam.

Part A If the water is initially at temperature 11.8 Hint A.1 How to approach the problem , how long will it take for its temperature to rise to 58.9 ?

First reduce the system of resistors to a single equivalent resistor; then use this simplified circuit to calculate the current flowing through the battery. Determine the current flowing through the resistor in the water and calculate its power output. Finally, use the calculated power output to calculate the time needed to heat the water bath. Hint A.2 Calculate the resistance of the circuit of the network of resistors shown in the figure.

Calculate the total resistance

Hint A.2.1 Reducing a network of resistors to an equivalent resistor

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For any network of resistors, first look at any section (between two junction points) in which all resistors are in series, and combine them appropriately to obtain the equivalent resistance through that section of the network. Next, see whether any combined sections are in parallel with each other and combine them appropriately to to obtain the equivalent resistance through those sections. Continue this process, alternating between sections in series and sections in parallel, until all the resistors have been combined to make a single equivalent resistor for the system. Hint A.2.2 Combining the resistors in the middle section After the current flows through the resistor in the water bath, it splits into three separate paths, each with two resistors. What is the equivalent resistance through this section? Hint A.2.2.1 Series or parallel? In the middle section there are six resistors. How are they combined in the circuit? ANSWER:

All six resistors are in series. All six resistors are in parallel. There are three paths in series and each path consists of two resistors in parallel. There are three paths in parallel and each path consists of two resistors in series. Correct

Hint A.2.2.2 Resistance in each path Calculate the resistance of each path, , , , from top to bottom respectively.

Express your answers, separated by commas, using three significant figures. ANSWER: , , = 20.0,20.0,10.0 Answer Requested

Hint A.2.2.3 Resistors in parallel Hint not displayed Express your answer in ohms using three significant figures. ANSWER: = 5.00 Correct

Hint A.2.3 Combining the rest of the resistors Hint not displayed

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Express your answer in ohms using three significant figures. ANSWER: = 30.0 Correct

Hint A.3

Calculate the current in the equivalent resistor that flows through the battery and the equivalent resistor.

Calculate the current

Express your answer in amperes using three significant figures. ANSWER: = 1.00 Answer Requested

Hint A.4

Calculate the current through the resistor in the water bath that flows through the resistor in the water bath.

Calculate the current

Hint A.4.1 Current in the circuit Note that the first resistor is connected in series with the battery. This means that the current flowing through the battery must flow into (and out of) the first resistor before splitting up in the middle section. Express your answer using three significant figures. ANSWER: = 1.00 Correct

It is possible to find the current that flows through each separate resistor. However, since we are only looking for the current through the first resistor, that is not necessary: Simple inspection of the circuit shows that the current through the battery must be the same as the current through the first resistor (the one in the water bath). Calculate the power output of the resistor dissipated in the resistor immersed in the water bath.

Hint A.5

Calculate the power

Express your answer in watts using three significant figures. ANSWER: = 20.0 Correct

Recall that one watt is equal to one joule per second. In other words, the power dissipated in the resistor is the same as the energy per second flowing out of the resistor in the form of heat. It is this heat energy that increases the temperature of the water bath. Heating the water

Hint A.6

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Recall that for an object of mass change of the object,

, one has the relation

, where

is the temperature

is the heat capacity of the object, and

is the heat (or energy) added to the

object to change the temperature. For our system the total heat delivered to the water bath is given by , where is the energy per unit time (power) dissipated in the resistor and is the time interval during which current flows through the circuit. Use significant figures. ANSWER: = 1110 Correct as the heat capacity of water, and express your answer in seconds using three

Comparing brightness of light bulbs

Consider five identical light bulbs (A - E) connected to a battery as shown in the circuit below. Part A Rank the brightness of all five bulbs from brightess to dimmest. Hint A.1 Brightness Hint not displayed Hint A.2 Compare the brightness of bulbs A and B Hint not displayed Hint A.3 Compare the brightness of bulbs D and E Hint not displayed Hint A.4 Compare the brightness of bulbs C and D Hint not displayed Hint A.5 Compare the brightness of bulbs C and A Hint not displayed Hint A.6 Compare the brightness of bulbs D and A Hint not displayed Rank the bulbs from brightest to dimmest. To rank items as equivalent, overlap them. ANSWER:

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View Correct

How does this change effect the circuit? Suppose bulb E is unscrewed and removed from its socket. (The empty socket remains in the circuit.) Part B Does bulb A get brighter, dimmer, or stay the same brightness? Hint B.1 How to approach the problem Hint not displayed Hint B.2 Determine how the current changes Hint not displayed


Light bulb A gets brighter. Light bulb A gets dimmer. Light bulb A stays the same brightness. Correct

Score Summary:
Your score on this assignment is 97.3%. You received 97.3 out of a possible total of 100 points.

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