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The Electromagnetic Radiation Receiver

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This document containes information on the so called: The Electromagnetic Radiation Receiver! ... By Oneminde. Part 1.

- The information presented in this part of the document concerns information found on the internet from www.overunety.com. Topic: Free energy elemental rod generator ? Note: > ... is the end of a response/post. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................
Hi folks, I did not know where to post this finding on google video. Stefan, please feel free to move it elsewhere. "Utterly amazing free energy device. This machine consists of just two rods of each slightly different elements, and provides power day and night by completely unknown means." One rod is said to be made of 73 different elements, the other one is said to be made of 74 elements. Hoax ? Part 1: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-635987818295327978 Part 2: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4298347669641896403 Quote Nutrino circuit consists of two rods about 3 inches long (see the first picture below). The device consists of the two posts, a wooden base, two terminals and a switch. One of the rods consists of 73 elements and the other rod contains 74. The earth is stuck by particles from space all the time called nutrinos. When nutrinos strike one of the rods it causes a negative charge to build up. The second picture to the shows three Christmas tree lights being illuminated by the rods. These rods put out about 18 watts of power. This device has been used to charge batteries in a cave hundreds of feet below the ground. http://www.innovativetech.us/FutureProd-sp.htm ***** Besides they claim having built a PMM ("Sundance Generator") consisting of coils on disks http://www.innovativetech.us/GenFront.htm. Pretty odd that they want to use a motor to drive the generator that is said to "produce as much as 40 times more output energy than electricity that is used to power it."

!Caution regarding business practice! Greetz, Pontifex

Hi clever guys I had collected, a couple of years ago, all the informations I could get about these mysterious "Neutrino Rods". Please see: http://freenrg.fr/JapRod/ Some of the files are in French but most are in English. Sounds like a Japanese compagny were selling this kinda stuff (though it is not the ones you can see on the vids). The file "EnergyReceiver.zip" is from this compagny. It is in Japanese language, but not the pics ). Anyway this document has been translated in English (japtrans.htm). I had tried to get in touch with this compagny but they do (did?) not speak English and my phone calls were promply shortened. Best @pontifex thankfor the link (2 roads) that i see 3 years ago in somes www.url?s also in keelynet it was described and linked. with many photos . catalogus an pricelists for the300 watt and 900 watt apparatus (device) in short time , all was delete , also in archive.org. The device was made from an japanese company, but free energy is not welcome !! . energy suppliers are interested to sell energy. the money must go round ! All have "hard" to work to pay this own needed energie bill?s This is fact Pese P.S. Jes Nerzh.. this was that , that i was looking for. (but its modified on 11.Nov2006 - and some informations and pic?s are now out .. Keelnet also deleted information ,for this jap.roads , years ago. Very interesting , i think not a rubbish, the altenery.com information , most is not to use. i folowed this over years ... This all seems very interesting. What does he mean by elements? Which elements? How were these rods made? Could anyone do it? Someone with a few hundred bucks? Few thousand? Talk about magic, this is interesting indeed. ... Hey guys, all those files, research, and english translations on http://freenrg.fr/JapRod ARE FROM MY RESEARCHES in 2003! It's funny that now people are looking at them again!, lol, all those files were written by me, tao, aka, youhavetoremember....... Anyway, here was a post I did at OVERUNITY.COM just some months ago! I promised the info on these rod devices before, and now I will deliver. Below are various messages and even the translated japanese handouts(which I had a japanese friend of mine do for me). Here is an excerpt from the below info: )

here is an update from a friend in Japan who has CALLED the company who made the rod-generator: "Then I called after a long time to ERR Co,. It seems to change from the rod shape to the film shape, because the yield of the product(baking of the rod) was bad and it does not become business. Now they try to make the film-generator of the same principle.

It has not commercialized yet. The person in the agency seems to be able to obtain it in the stage of the prototype. That's all I heard from them. The ERR Co,. is in holiday now. They seems to be opened from the 18th August."
This one from a Japanese man who gave the free energy community a heads up about the Japanese rods. Quote Hi Oriharu et al! Thanks for the heads up about the new solar battery generator in Japan! > $B%*%j%O%k(B wrote: > Dear Jerry Decker & KeelyNet. Hello. This is news in Japa. Rod-Generator has invented in Japan! It's detailed principle (but collector of electromagnetic wave) and detailed material (but it is made of ceramic) is not open yet. > The news was on "Nikkan Kohgyoh Newspapers" p27, 03/26/2002 in Japan. > Company's name : ERR Co. (They has not Home Page) > Address : 2-11-18, Tomioka, Kohtoh-ku, Tokyo, Japan > Phone : 03-3630-1901 (Japan) > Fax : 03-3630-1905 (Japan) > The appearance is two rods in parallel. One rod is 1cm diameter and 10cm long (very small). This "Solar Battery" generates 300W > (output). They claimed as it is same as Solar Battery. It collect electromagnetic wave (light) from infrared to ultraviolet. Perhaps it > collect energy until X-ray level frequency. > This Generator will sell from June (this year). The system has stabilizer > and inverter. It's price is 150,000 (300W type). About $1,250. > Near future, 900W type and 5KW type will line up. > That's all detail information. Thank you. > > from oriharu: > My page : http://www.bekkoame.ne.jp/~oriharu/ > Free Energy page is : http://www.bekkoame.ne.jp/~oriharu/efe.htm ---------------------While I was looking for this Japanese newspaper, Oriharu sent the following URL; http://www.nikkan.co.jp/hln/index_e.html It shows like the following line but they want bucks to translate to English; [9] ISHII HYOKI to begin manufacturing and sales of solar battery wafer I couldn't find anything else out about this....Thanks Oriharu! These from and about Don Smith relating to the Japanese rods AND Neutrino Videos Quote -----Original Message----From: Donald Smith [mailto:donsm1@e...] Sent: Saturday, 10 April 2004 12:07 AM To: free-energy@yahoogroups.com Subject: Re: [free-energy] Neutrino rods videos posted Robin , I have business interest in Japan . The first ones I physically had contact with were at a Dennis Lee presentation at Austin Texas 3 years ago . The source is from Patent issued and assigned to the US Government . The Rod business is a decoy to hide the real function , which is a replacement for solar cells . The difference being captures the 24 hour a day radiant energy , and each cell puts out 35 watts of useful energy which is several times that of a solar cell . It's a ceramic material and not difficult to make . An American from NASA quit his job , went to the Philippines , got a Japanese partner and took a Patent there . They opened up business there and sold a very large amount of stock . Yes it works as presented except for the NEUTRINO GIMMICK . Let Me point out that no single cell battery or

solar cell can equal this . Not only that , they do not deplete . Several of them together and You are in business . Best Regards , Don Smith AND Quote Whizard wrote: This is the same device that Don Smith said he built and is having someone in Japan or China build and market it I believe. There are not 73 and 74 elements on each of the rods - these are the numbers from the Periodic table of Elements relating to the two elements used - which are Tantalum and Tungsten - elements 73 and 74 from the Periodic table of elements. Very interesting info as I seem to recall knowing one of the rods was Tungsten but didn't know what the other one was. It seems to make sense. Messages about the rods Quote I have come across 3 diversely different things over the past month, diverse in where they come from, not how they function. Allow me to explain... I first read about the Tesla's faimed, real or not, test runs with his cosmic powered electric car in the 30s as was very intrigued as I am sure anyone who read it was. Anyway, having no other information concerning the subject no one could really do or say much about it in terms of how it functioned or how it was made. Fast forward to last week... I came across this post to KeelyNet from 2002: http://www.escribe.com/science/keelynet/m12300.html here are some excerpts: "Rod-Generator has invented in Japan! It's detailed principle (but collector of electromagnetic wave) and detailed material (but it is made of ceramic) is not open yet." "The appearance is two rods in parallel. One rod is 1cm diameter and 10cm long (very small). This "Solar Battery" generates 300W (output). They claimed as it is same as Solar Battery. It collect electromagnetic wave (light) from infrared to ultraviolet.Perhaps it collect energy until X-ray level frequency." etc..etc.. Now, I followed the article to the poster's webpage and came across a picture, although faint, of the "rod-generator": http://www.bekkoame.ne.jp/~oriharu/image/rodgene.JPG this appears to be very similar to the description of the supposed Tesla cosmic powered device used in the electric car. Fast forward to yesterday... I came across a small real video showing a "Neutrino Demo": http://www.ucsofa.com/videos/nutrino.ram Watch the video! In this demo they show a device which looks EXACTLY the same as the device in the Japanese pic except it's just the bare rods on a wood board. In the video they state/show, among other things: how he rods power two different loads, christmas lights, and a 25watt bulb. They state the device runs on neutrinos and other cosmic rays that constantly bombard the earth. They mention how one rod is composed of 73 elements whereas the other rod is made of 74 elements, the difference of elements causes one rod to be (+) and one to be (-). The small model in this video puts out 18W and is cold to the touch. Now, they reason I am posting is because I believe the devices built by all 3 peoples to be highly similar in design and operation. They all involve 2 rods, one negative, one positive, they both output steady power with heat buildup, etc... I felt this to be the best forum to post this on. I feel we can figure out exactly what is involved in these devices and that we can bring them out of the underground. ANY help or information concerning this matter is greatly appreciated! If you know anything or anyway we can reverse engineer these devices based on the knowledge presented let us know. As I write this I am continuing my search to learn more about the potential elements involved in the rods, how neutrinos and such function, etc. AND Quote The FACTS I now about this "rod" generator are: 1. I have seen 2 distinct PICTURED references to their existance. Japan and those real video vids. 2. Both devices seem to run on "neutrino power". The Device in the real video vids is said to runn off the neutrinos and other waves. The device from Japan is said to run off the infrared<->ultraviolet spectrums, which is IN the neutrino range 3. Both devices are of the SAME dimensions. 4. The device in the real video vids is said to be made of 73 elements in one rod and 74 in the other. The generator from Japan is made of a "ceramic" material that is "baked". 5. Both output continuous wattages indefinitely. 6. The "rod-generator" company in Japan's information: Company's name: ERR Co. (They don't have a website) Address: 2-11-18, Tomioka, Kohtoh-ku, Tokyo, Japan Phone: 03-3630-1901 (Japan) Fax: 03-3630-1905 (Japan)

here is an update from a friend in Japan who has CALLED the company who made the rod-generator: "Then I called after a long time to ERR Co,. It seems to change from the rod shape to the film shape, because the yield of the product(baking of the rod) was bad and it does not become business. Now they try to make the film-generator of the same principle. It has not commercialized yet. The person in the agency seems to be able to obtain it in the stage of the prototype. That's all I heard from them. The ERR Co,. is in holiday now. They seems to be opened from the 18th August." Now, if we have two distinct people who have produced these rod generators that means at least 2 people in the world know how to make them ;p. Add to that the fact that the company from Japan has made MANY prototypes and models! in their factories. So all their employees know how to make them. If we really dig and reverse engineer this phenomenon we can do it! Here are the translations of the pages below:(currently only pages 1-5, I can pull up the rest if you guys want them........just let me know) Quote Here is the translation from my Japanese friend: " OK! I try to translate from the first three. ============================== 1.jpg: There is a caracter(subject) "A DREAM GENERATOR" on "MARKET". There is a caracter(company's name) "Gabriel Market Company" under "MARKET". ================================ 2.jpg: There is not Japanese text. ================================ 3.jpg: Concept of New Photoelectromotive Force Technology Electromagnetic Radiation Receiver The electromagnetic radiation receiver operates by a similar mechanism to the solar panel. In the solar panel, it has been used all over the world as one energy source, and the mechanism is evidence. The one using a photoelectric effect. Working to which the electron the metal and in the semiconductor is liberated by optical energy and an electromagnetic radiation is called a photoelectric effect. There are three different phenomena in a photoelectric effect. The photoelectromotive force to an optical discharge and the photoconduction deflecting. Among these, the most important one is a photovoltaic effect. The photoelectromotive force cell is the one that the diode structure of solid-state was built into all aspects on the silicon wafer. The layer on the surface is a structure transparent as light reaches a sandwich silicon joint part very thinly. The photon (photon) is absorbed in the joint part, and the electron in the atomic uniting part is pulled out. As a result, the free charge of the pair of electron-hole is invented. This free charge moves to both sides in the joint part, improves the charge density, and raises the voltage of the joint part. The photovoltaic effect completely needs neither the voltage nor the current from the outside compared with the other two effects, and converts the energy of light directly into the electric power. The most general one of the photovoltaic effect is a solar cell. On the other hand, if light mutually hits two insulated silicon wafers, the area where the electron is on the other hand excessive the electron the area insufficient is invented. Differing shape basically invents the electron as for my electromagnetic radiation receiver by the same reason as the solar cell. The stem. If a basic function and the mechanism of the solar panel can be understood, it is easy to understand working of the electromagnetic radiation receiver. However, a point which is greatly different from that of solar is 24 day hours, and the points with sensitivity in which the electromagnetic radiation spectrum from a wide area to the area of infrared rays ,that is, from ultraviolet rays which pours down over the earth the set of the sun later is received. Some 1000 stars which twinkle to night sky. The all poured and earth Takashi had poured electromagnetic energy of the infrared rays area from ultraviolet rays for the past several billion years. Therefore, the electromagnetic radiation receiver has the function to invent the electron at nighttime. I had searching researched the method of collecting the energy of the electron from a wide area of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum for the past 22 years. The result is a solar energy system of a new type of electromagnetic radiation receiver. The basic mineral used in the electromagnetic radiation receiver behaves as if the charge which moves in the electrical conduction, and plays the role to produce the cloud of a free electron. The energy barrier on the surface confines the electron in the electromagnetic radiation receiver. However, when the speed toward energy or outside of the electron increases enough, the electron is discharged into the space. This electron calls necessary amount of energy for the space to discharge a work function, and is expressed by the following expression. E=W The electron is not discharged into the space, and at largeness, discharged if the energy of Hica (photon) is smaller than that of this value. The energy of the electron at this time uses the expression in Einstein's photoelectric effect.


It is shown. The amount whose energy of the photon is larger than that of E=W becomes kinetic energy (1/2mW) of the electron. The photon is given all energy and disappears. h is a constant which is basic of a physical law (quantum mechanics). ========================================== 4.jpg: No basic idea of my electromagnetic radiation receiver (ERR) is new. Nicola Tesra which invents the exchange system calls the free energy receiver in 1901, a similar technology is developed, and the patent is obtained. It has agreed exactly in the point to use the photoelectromotive force though the invention of Tesra is greatly different from today's. The most remarkable difference is a point that today's solar panel is composed of the base of the crystal silicon: Amorphous is used very recently. However, it is thought the free energy receiver that Tesra invented to was the one that the plate of a thin metal was coated with a transparent insulation thing, and spreading today's plastic. The higher, the more efficiency improves when the panel is put up in the air as well as the antenna. It is connected wires from a part of the panel to a part of the capacitor, and other terminals of the capacitor are grounded. Energy from the sun is charged to the capacitor. The load is connected from the capacitor through the switch circuit, and an electric output is obtained as the capacitor repeats the electrical charge and discharge at a constant cycle. The output obtained by of course the area of the insulation panel large is large. Tesla tries the explanation how this method to obtain energy is easy. The device of Tesra is more than the solar panel. The reason for it is that energy can be taken out at nighttime when the sun hid the face. The free energy receiver of Tesra is obtaining the patent as "Device using the radiation" in 1901. It is possible to touch about other radiations 1 like not only solar energy but also cosmic rays in that. It is described that the device can actually take out energy by cosmic rays even at nighttime. Tesra touches a huge storing warehouse of negative electricity of the earth, too. ========================================== 5.jpg: Is an electromagnetic radiation harmful? It is harmless at all. There is a thing to sometimes wake up people's uneasiness due to the lack of Shitataca to the radiation. Then, the radiation is indicated. The radiation appears while mediating the interaction between the particle and wave motion. (That is, heat is conducted by the discharge of energy, the spread, absorption, and the radiation. )The radiation changes shape, and carries out various functions in that. The radiation is discharged from the material, and absorbed to the material. As for the earth, had been done for the past several billion years by the radiation from the sun. Therefore, the skin gets burnt when is under sunshiny for a long time. Everyone is sure to have the experience of sunburning through life once and twice. Still, the radiation has poured down for 24 hours a day. On the other hand, to avoid danger and to adapt oneself, the human race has evolved. Not only the wave of the radiation but also we get corpuscle rain done. However, it is quite safe except the thing that the meteor falls to the head. However, the radiation from the high-voltage line is very dangerous as cancer and other sicknesses are caused. Model, and it is not a radiation from the sky which causes what harm. It is a radiation to be killing man that man produced. I think that it was able to understand the basis of the radiation. Then, working of the electromagnetic radiation receiver is described. First of all, let's explain from the word receiver. I want to emphasize the thing like the one receiving it to the end the receiver and no sent one, etc.The solar panel receives the light of the frequency of the visible region, and produces electricity. The energy of the frequency from the brushwood outside line on the both sides to the area of infrared rays is received if not only the area of visible light but also it says in the spectrum and electricity is produced though the electromagnetic radiation receiver works basically by the same concept as it. It is time when makes to a high voltage with a transformer and uses it in case of there is danger. It makes to high voltage and the high frequency with the transformer and electricity is transmitted to customer's place, and the electric power company drops to the low pressure of 220V and, then, is using it. A high frequency and a high voltage are harmful though 220V is not too dangerous. If an easy test is done, it is understood soon whether a harmful radiation has gone out of the high-tension wire of the electrical machinery and apparatus and the ceiling in your house and office. In the above-mentioned thing, I think that it canceled the fog of uneasiness of the electromagnetic radiation receiver. Those who invent it Noazarc research foundation Doctor of Engineering Ben Shuwalts ========================================== Peace................. tao

::)The Electrinium Battery, this is probably it. The japs, naps (napzis, chim-panzis j/k) made a UFO drive using Geminized metal (compound that resembles precious stone and metal fused into one) bricks. Sometime after WW2. The Germans had UFOs before During and After WW2 I think. So did the French. And they didn't kill them selves If they messed up. http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/free-energy/message/11489 Striking the quartz makes sense because those charcoal starters have a spring mechanism that strikes a very small piece of quartz to produce the 7000V that ignites the fuel in them. TT Brown wrote about getting electricity from common rocks by striking them or was it without even striking them, I forget. I'm very into these developments. Shang Tsung

Part 2.

(The next text comes from the link abbow>>>>>>> http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/free-energy/message/11489 )... Yahoo tech group:

free-energy free energy overunity Tesla free power Hutchison Quartz and Electrinium.
I emailed Hutchison once about working with me in a company to develope OU stuff and he responded with interest but I couldn't get financing to start. Striking the quartz makes sense because those charcoal starters have a spring mechanism that strikes a very small piece of quartz to produce the 7000V that ignites the fuel in them. TT Brown wrote about getting electricity from common rocks by striking them or was it without even striking them, I forget. I'm very into these developments. Also, there is something called "Electrinium" in papers on the internet. There are complete plans for someone who knows about silicone wafer fab techniques wherein you take the silver/iron sludge produced as a by product in a silver/iron battery, melt it in a crucible, add silicon and follow a precise method for seeding the growth of silicon conduction lines as you extract slowly while it cools. Then you reheat it while running a current through it. The end result is supposed to be a qube of matterial that continuously emits electricity the way a magnet emits magnetic fields. The device is based on trapping the silver/iron molecules, I believe in a lattice structure, at a valence below their normal valence. As the molecules try to extract the energy from the vacuum to restore their natural valence they are thwarted by the lattice structure and prevented from returning electrons to the necessary orbit therefore they give up the energy extracted from the vacuum as electrons through the silicon path which is directional. I have been holding on to this information hoping to be in a position to acquire help for experimenting with it. The quartz battery of Hutchison sounds like a lot less trouble to produce. This "electrinium" is supposed to give off something like 10,000V per cm^3 which also makes it dangerous to deal with. Also, does anyone remember the name of the experimenters or experiment where they charged quartz crystal with high voltage high frequency energy resulting in its growing to some 20 times original size and levitating? Its on the internet somewhere. Comments? Michael Couch. (The electrinium document IS the Solar radiant energy & the Electrinium battery, heres a link to the document on my account on Scribd > http://www.scribd.com/doc/7740579/solar-radiant-energy-the-electrinium-battery ) ... Any type of jarring to quartz can generate a piezo-electric effect. Combining this with the Casimer effect could be the main secret behind how the hutchinson Q-cell works. ... Quartz has piezoelectric properties. A harkening back to philosophymanous experiments with OU and piezoemectric electron duplication a la Don Smith MIGHT clear some of this up. ...

Quartz is an interesting mineral because it appears to defy conservation. These little igniters in lighters spark thousands of times from a piece of quartz that is smaller than a battery and yet they never need charging and never seem to fail until the hammer mechanism breaks. Makes you wonder where they get their charge from ? Quartz appears to be to electricity, like a magnet is to magnetism, except we don't need to convert magnetism to electricity when we use quartz. If you hit a magnet with a hammer you surely reduce the strength of the magnet every time and yet these tiny bits of quartz seem to just keep on supplying the power no matter how many times they are hit by the lighter hammer mechanism. Garry Stanley Directing any energy thruogh a crystal enhances it. This is demonstrated in using frequncies to heal - they are amplified when put through and changed so that they are many tmes more effective (brings in natural frequencies that assist). Similar to like taking a vtiamin with special nutrients. The vitamin is good but with the nutrients is much better and more effective (simialr to a catalyst that enhances). Dave ... Dear Charles, It is difficult to comment from my point of view without taking a long time in calculations and a serious experimentation. So I can promise that as soon as I have some day off from my job I'll do my best to try and report. I'm sure that there are many interesting things to be discovered yet though the probability to achieve no results is very high even for people who are properly funded by governments (not me...). About the quartz expansion over some picometer I have some doubts because coming from a country where in touristic areas every three months there are some plastic Jesus crying blood whilst - who knows why - the plastic Jesus' owner never accepts to have his blood DNA tested........ In facts in the picture that you can see in the internet shows something but there is nothing scientifically consistent or repeatible.... I would exclude quartz expansions above some electron's thickness also because the quartz under the incredible pressure needed to produce more than few electrons like in a piezo, would crack unless turning into another unknown element. Marco ... This is an interesting and easy reading with good scientifica base about quartz/piezos. Marco http://www.favonius.com/soaring/crystals/crystals.htm ... The quartz isn't really defying conservation. It's taking the mechanical energy provided by the impact and converting it into electricity. I can't say that the amount of work provided to the crystal by impact = work outputted by electric spark is equal, or unbalanced one way or another, but you're still converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. Also, some of those igniters do have a battery in them... Lonewulf What you are describing could also be looked at as the quartz is acting like a magnifying glass for the healing energies. Not increasing them, just focusing them more. Plus your auric vibration could be adding vibrational energy from a higher frequency into the crystal as a type of mechanical energy. I forget what frequency they've measured the human aura at, but it's somewhere up in the hundreds of Hz range. It also depends on what you're doing at the time. Certain phenomena cause the aura to vibrate at a higher/faster rate, I.E. meditation, etc. On another note, it could also be working as an aura oscillator, forcing the aura to function at the correct frequency. It could also be acting as an energy filter, kinda like how RF coils and Capacitors can filter A/C waves. Lonewulf ...

end of tread.

Part1 cont...

Hi all, first post to me. i'm interesting in new ways of produce energy even if i do not know much about electronics, waves, magnetism, etc... i'm just a curious person. Like other i found theses two videos on Google, You tube, etc. It's always like that: when you don't know nothing about theses technologies you say "oh, my godness, it can solve the problems of the world!" But of course is not simple at all. I read many things past days on overunity forums and other web sites. It seems that many of technos of "free energy" are still hidden from the large audience. Maybe it's because "big evils oil groups" don't want to heard about it - but maybe it's just because it's don't work, or work only with precautions operated by technicians ( like we can find here and who, as i see, try to solve some problems with courage ). So, just for information i took a few hours to find some information about this "free energy elemental rod generator". Maybe you have theses informations, maybe not, so i can share it with you. First at all thanks to TAO from freenrg.fr to put his files onto the net. Without theses files there be no information and the videos still remain like some secret thing without an author. The videos are the part of a commercial video named "A case for free electricity" of Innovative Technologies Group, LLC who is the dealer of products for UCSA (United Community Services of America) owned by Dennis Lee. The thing is that in this video Dennis Lee present the "rods demonstration" like something secret and he says that he can't give more information about (he tell that with a malicious eye) - he just have a old VHS tape he put on Tv and say nothing more. It's seems like a trick to say "look, it's incredible, i have the holy grail of energy !". If you read some things about this guy you will know that is very contreversial person. The entire video can be viewed using Real Player by streaming here: http://ucsofa.com/videos/caseram2.ram or directly donwloaded (30MB) here http://ucsofa.com/videos/case2.rm. This video is in the same folder on the net where Tao find the "nutrino demo" video. When you open the "clip info window" of the "nutrino demo" file you see that the real name of the file is "Nutrino Demonstration" and the author is J. Michael Hall. J. Michael Hall is a Texas distributor of Dennis Lee's products. You can read here: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2002793694_dennislee08m.html a paper where he talk about Dennis Lee. Well that is for the first source of the video. I read all the stuff put by Tao on the frenrg site. In the translation of the "energy receiver" document at the end you find this: "Those who invent it Noazarc research foundation Doctor of Engineering Ben Shuwalts" Of course there is a problem with japanese to english translation. If you search for "Ben Shuwalts" on the web you will find nothing. The word "Noazarc" is incomprehensible at first look and you don't find something onto the net. So i come back to the videos on Google Video ( links on the top of this topic ). By curiosity i start to read the comments. And surprise: A guy named "Bill Lucas" says that he did theses videos but do not post them. A guy named "BE" said this in one comment (incomplete): " I personally met Dr. Schwartz in 1996 and personally inspected the device. I have 30 years electronics experience. The unit was checked with volt/amp and other meters. I also know Bill Lucas. I also know why the unit hasn't been put on the market." Then another guy "GP" write: "I was there with BE. I touched and handled the device that he is holding. I saw the top, bottom, and sides. I also took measurements on it." ok, ok... Well M.Shuwalts is maybe M.Schwartz ? Take look on the web. After some researches, bingo: "Dr. James B. Schwartz" director of the "Noah's Ark Research Foundation " (Noazarc research foundation in the translation from japanese to english) web site here: http://www.freewebs.com/narfschwartz/. And then look at this link: http://video.yahoo.com/video/play?ei=UTF-8&gid=158642&vid=185051&b=1 The author is : "jbschwartz" (James B. Schwartz) If you hear his voice and look at his hand you will know that is the guy from the google video. For the rods, did the japanese put them on market ? In one comment of google video "BE" says: "I also know why the unit hasn't been put on the market " So this is it,

Bye ....Oh, and sorry for my english ! :-) ... Nice research, it looks like you found the missing person! I knew that someday, those translations would come in handy! Here is a link to the original rods video, parts 1 and 2 combined: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-562337656545887894 I looked at his recent videos again, and this is what Schwartz says about that last generator: "It?s similar to Tom Bearden?s MEG except that it doesn?t need an external power supply to switch the magnetic fields. It uses a very powerful magnet with a special circuit board that contains a new hi-tech chip to switch the magnetic fields. It also contains ultra-thin graphite sheets called graphene. Using a very sensitive technique, we were able to separate the individual sheets of carbon atoms that are layered on top of one another in graphite. These layers are electrically conducting beca..."(it is cut off from more text for some reason.) Has he found some way to alter magnetic fields with thin graphite sheets, via small inputs of energy? Or use those thin graphite sheets in some Casimir-ic way? Interesting stuff. Then again, it could be a con that has lasted over a decade..... ... Hi again, nice to be helpful. Just in case here are some still images from the original google video and the last yahoo video. This is just to show that between these two videos just two things change: no more clock and the ring on the right hand jump from one finger to another. The same things are: there is one ring for each hand (the same rings ?) and if you see, the position of the two hands in the "left google" image is almost the same that the right hand in the "right yahoo" image.

"left google" image

"left yahoo" image

"right google" image

"right yahoo" image

Another thing: who are "BE", "GP" and "Bill Lucas" ? They post commentaries on one of the google video page... Another thing more: "Electromagnetic Radiation Receiver" = ERR Co. Bye ... @ Tao, So after all your research, do you believe this could work? 73,74 are tantalum and tungsten, and he mention that another element is needed to complete it. One thing which made me disbelieve this video, is the fact he rubs his hand over both the rods..and doesn't seem to feel a thing. Good to have you here Tao, as I've read most of your posts, and you seem to want to help people and bring the free energy movement forward. ... Sorry if I'm mistaken but doesn't the man on the video talk about a rod being composed of 73 different elements, with the other rod being composed of 74 elements (supposedly the 73 from the first rod plus one more)? ... Sorry if I'm mistaken but doesn't the man on the video talk about a rod being composed of 73 different elements, with the other rod being composed of 74 elements (supposedly the 73 from the first rod plus one more)? Yes, he does, 73/74 elements, that are COMPRESSED into the rod shapes. They are CERAMIC pieces, and are BAKED. ...

@ Tao, So after all your research, do you believe this could work? 73,74 are tantalum and tungsten, and he mention that another element is needed to complete it. One thing which made me disbelieve this video, is the fact he rubs his hand over both the rods..and doesn't seem to feel a thing. Good to have you here Tao, as I've read most of your posts, and you seem to want to help people and bring the free energy movement forward.

Thanks... Although it sounds odd to have a mix of 73 to 74 elements, because that really seems like a lot, but that is what I am taking that he is saying. I have thought about the Tungsten and Tantalum also, as being the elements, but the fact that I KNOW from my Japanese contact, that the rods were indeed BAKED, it seems less likely. I know what you are saying about the rods and him rubbing them, seems very odd that he didn't get hurt, but maybe he didn't fully touch them or the output voltage was really low or something. I am reserving judgment until I hear back from him. Just so you all know, I wrote a multi page email to Dr. Schwartz, and I will post any replies... For those of you wanting to see the original scans of the Japan company Err's brochure for this rod technology, I have posted them below. Dr. Schwartz moved to the Philippines from the USA worked with some Japanese colleages and started the company: > Company's name : ERR Co. (They has not Home Page) > Address : 2-11-18, Tomioka, Kohtoh-ku, Tokyo, Japan > Phone : 03-3630-1901 (Japan) > Fax : 03-3630-1905 (Japan) Anyway, the prior post I made on the first page of the thread, those translations are from my Japanese friend and they of translations of the Err's Company's brochure. They are here http://freenrg.fr/JapRod/EnergyReceiver.zip , but I have posted some of them below so they can be SEEN without having to keep going to a zip file... Look at those lights in the second image, with the black end on them, they are EXACTLY the same as those from that video http://video.yahoo.com/video/play?ei=UTF-8&gid=158642&vid=185051&b=1

This guy REALLY likes briefcases! LOL. The thing that annoys me most is: Ok, he tried to commercialize these things in Japan, ok, and it didn't seem to work. Now what? If this is REAL, and he has had this stuff for years now, what is he doing what it? The premise of his Noah's Ark Research Foundation (http://www.freewebs.com/narfschwartz/) is "Working To Save Our World", well, if YOU were "Working To Save Our World", and you REALIZED that your WORKING (?) technology could HELP to "Save Our World", and that your COULDN'T COMMERCIALIZE IT, then WHAT is the problem with distributing the exact methods for duplicating these rods all over the internet? Do we have another Steven Mark case on our hands? Inventor being held back by the government? Or is the technology just not viable? Do the rods eventually lose power? All key questions that need answering.

Images below is from the Japan company...

Look at the left corner: Nokola Teslas Free-Energy Receiver [Patented in 1901 Patent NO:685,957]. The forum doesent mentions this... why??? Have they missed something here?... hmm

This is page 10 of the prospekt folder (Not included in prior pages.)

... I'd bet the inventor (or that company, or the investors) want (HEAPS of) money for this. ... Thx for the info Tao. If the rods are made of 73/74 different elements, that would make it next to impossible to guess what elements they are. I guess this is another SM device which will be sucked into a blackhole. Hutchison's crystal battery which he also bakes. ... Hi Tao and all, did you notice the rod looks like magnet stacks. They don't look straight up and down. If this was baked, it should have looked more straight. Hank Hi Tao, did you have some feedback from M.Schwartz ? ... i have looked at this some time ago there has to be a diffranec of negitive restance to make the current flow from 1 rod to the other he says that " they used a circuit like this to charge the ham radio batteries if i remember correctly also in my work on the tpu i came across somthing that dirrectly relates to the elemenatl rods in an old tube radio book!! if i find the time i will post the page from the book im sure it had to do with negitive resistance is ... open http://web.mit.edu/mit_energy/about/committee.html look down Co-President James Schwartz jschwartz [@sloan.mit.edu] ... That'd be right, just check the sponsors to find out what happened to this technlogy. Les. Hey guys, that isn't even the right guy... I am still awaiting a response from the RIGHT Schwartz from Noah's Ark Research, nothing yet... ... Guys, is the involvement of Dennis Lee not enough to tell you all that this is a complete scam? A bit more elaborate than his others, I have to admit.... But Come on... Dennis lee? Dennis Lee is involved. That should be enough for anyone. The guy is a known, scam artist. You have to assume anyone involved with him is too. By the way, you can light cristmas tree lights with 4 AA batteries. They draw very little current. It's just batteries, positive up on one side, and negative up on the other, in some kind of conductive shell, of graphite, or carbon, or something, perhaps even copper with conductive black paint coating, and wire between them on the bottom. Notice he touches both rods at one point simultaneously, and he doesn't get bit? Or if he does, it's nothing painful.. or even felt.. That should tell you everything you need to know. As for the suitcase thing, who knows. Also there are very low powered gas bulbs that would light very brightly with that much power, I had one connected to a piezo that lit when you shook the piezo, four of them would have easily been lit by batteries in that config. And luminosity is easily misinterpreted by cameras. Those bulbs were not that brightly lit. If you don't believe me, go read about what dave did again. He clearly says they look brighter in the video than they really were. I'm happy to be proven wrong, but I would bet dollars to donuts there's nothing here. I wonder if this works on the same priciple of

I fully support the above. Now, assume that I have a fe device (I don?t). What would be the first thing to do? Let it run. Second? Let it run. And again, and again. Forever! It?s free energy, remember? It?s our dream! Wouldn?t you let the device continuously run, up to its final wearing? Any show in which the device is quickly shut off is just not natural. It is simply something that no one would do, imho, with a real free energy device. On these grounds, I?m sorry to say but I dismiss most of the claims seen during the last years. A natural movie on a real device would show the device at full power and energizing a load, most of the time. The emphasis has to be on power out and, if not an independent setup, on power in also. Any other emphasis given is not fitting the picture. Tinu Yes, I think this is a fake device. Probably hidden batteries inside these rods... ... 1? Definitively not the same guy, look at http://web.mit.edu/sloaneef/aboutus.htm and you can see his photo.http://web.mit.edu/sloaneef/img/image018.jpg 2? About the connection with Dennis Lee i agree. Even if Dennis Lee have no real connection with theses Rods (remember that on his website he just have a still images capture of video, so he might have only the video and use it for his own publicity). 3? I show this video to some people here in France who are involved in new way of use energies, they want to know more about. But, as we know, we don't have informations and confirmation about the real existence of theses rods and M.Schwartz don't talk about. I wait that he show his device for really, some people here in France too. If he don't, so that is a scam. I most definitely don't believe in the rods either, really. There is so much evidence that it is just a COMPLETE fake. But, I still had to send that letter to Schwartz to see if the WOULD reply. Always the benefit of the doubt. ... "Hey guys, that isn't even the right guy... I am still awaiting a response from the RIGHT Schwartz from Noah's Ark Research, nothing yet..." Ooops. Sorry for letting my cynicism get the better of me. Sometimes I forget that the lack of evidence both for and against overunity, and suppression of overunity, makes following the subject nothing more, or less, than a form of entertainment. That is to say, sometimes I take it all a bit too seriously and allow myself to be led astray. But damn, that brochure looks so convincing Les. It still COULD BE OU, if Schwartz would just contact me and let me know the REAL details of it all. ... Yes, I think this is a fake device. Probably hidden batteries inside these rods... -------------@harti Not in the rods the are 2 irons. can be switched on / of (in short circuits. In the "milkglas buls , ca be inside 1 battery and one pcs 5-10 watt Halogen-lamp. If the socket (2 poles) of bulb will be shorted (as an switch) so that devive will iluminated from inside. i can make you an sample (80 Euros). Only for fun! One piece Gustav Pese

Hi Over_Unity addicts, I'm refering to this document (in Japanese but with pictures http://freenrg.fr/JapRod/EnergyReceiver.zip ) about the mysterious rods:

A couple of years ago I phoned this compagny (GMARKET). Unfortunately they did not speak English and my conversation was promtly shorted. Now, fortuitously, a friend of mine is in communication with a Japanese guy who is spending some months in france for a period of instruction . This guy is ok to phone the compagny. It is a good way to find out if there is somethning or what. Is is not? When I get the informations I post them here. BTW: Do you have any question to ask this compagny? Best The phone number of this compagny:

... A couple of other places Schwartz may be contacted: http://profiles.yahoo.com/jbschwartz2002 http://profile.myspace.com/149405807 his myspace hasnt been accessed in over a year. another technology the "investors" need to protect. ... So, what's the news? Did you get any info? Is that company still in business? I do have some questions, if you are able to get in touch with that company; my questions: 1) How much power does the rod device produce (in Watt-hours), and/or what is the maximum output? 2) Does the rod device have a limited "lifespan", in other words does it "run out" or "stop" at any time? 3) Is the rod device effected by temperature, electromagnetic radiation or fields, shocks, etc? 4) Does the rod device work when sealed in a Faraday cage? 5) What is the price of the rod devices? 6) Are the devices still available for sale, and can you ship them to Europe? Since I haven't heard anything about the rod devices for years now I don't really expect any positive feedback, but I would certainly be very happy if I did.

... Sounds like I missed your March 06, 2008 message. Sorry. I usually try to answer any message should it be perceived as perfidiously mocking. Here 'were' the news: http://freenrg.fr/JapRod/October_2007_Update.html I do my best. Sometimes I'm mislead. You have the phone number of this Japanese company. Why not give them a f' buzz? Have you some Japanese friend? I have not. I live in an 'average' country in west of France. BTW: Any Japanese guy over there? Best. -This is from the link abow: A couple of months ago (during this 2007 summertime) a friend of mine was in touch with a Japanese guy who attended a cooking course in France. This guy was OK to phone the GMARKET compagny in Japan. Things were going on... And I was very thrilled. Infortunately, this friend of mine was told (?) (and told me back) that this very Japanese compagny was now developing another kinda layer/sliced device and that it was no use to phone it??? So, nothing was done. Now, the Japanese student is back to his country and the game is over... Do not ask me more, I have not still understood what had been going on... Yet another hindrance and yet another free NRG device which remains mysterious. Skeptics will said : of course because this is nothing but a load of baloney (or a bunch of hogwash crap) or anything similar you could imagine :)). Sometimes, I whish I were a skeptic.... Anyway, this Japanese compagny did exist. I phoned it a couple of years ago. Infortunately (N2!) they do not speak English and are very fast ringing you up and pissing you off (should I can said that again :))). The phone number of this compagny (GMARKET) is in the file (in Japanese language, but not the numbers :))) http://freenrg.fr/JapRod/EnergyReceiver.zip (page n 9 named 9.jpg). I have extracted this very page. ......................

Reply #35 on: May 30, 2008, 11:36:32 PM

End of part on...

-The patent by Tesla is only mentioned in the translation part and the forum didnt discused it much further which i weard? The Tesla patent is the first clue and are of much importans.. this is how i see it. They are to quick to turn down the realy good parts. Some people just whant it to be fake perriod! So this tread is 50/50. You can litterly trow away 50% of the lower half and keep 50% of the beginning, but i do like the Japanese word choice: - The Electromagnetic Radiation Receiver (ERR)... And why do people always believe that every thing that have something to do whit electricety needs to run on batterys. If that is true than i guess the entire univers runs by a single 3,5v AAA! .. LOL But this is not the end of this, another tread was created in the same site (overunety.com) and is called: -Steven Mark?s TPU devices > elemental rod this is Part 3. Lets see what they are saying! Link> http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=4570.0

Part 3.
Any one see anything like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NV_H-62akVo Very cool if its real. .... @slayer007, Very cool hoaks! Look very closely at the lightbulb. It has an small on/off button in the end. You can clearly see that the light bulb starts to light up AT THE BOTTOM OF THE BULB. This is normal for fake light bulbs with a battery and small light bulb inside. Groundloop.

... Right... Same thing with the Christmas tree lights? ...

This Japan rod are since years know (also here in OU.) This Vid is in very poor quality.- i seen the originally ) The Originally Videos are clear. This Japan Company was not an fake. That devices was offered as 300 watt and 900 wat devices officially. . But , any Free Energy , will not selled, Energy Suppliers will buy anyway the "rights".. The best business is ... NOT to sell any "free" devices. You must LONGER buy your energy, Day for Day -... @Nali2001, Look at the size of the xmas bulbs compared to the tape and battery. Groundloop.

... @Pese, There may be a Japanese company selling products. All I can say is that THIS video in THIS thread is a fake! Groundloop. ... You think so. Do it longer, You can also surge all the papers what was since 5 years to see, also discussed . Possibly you read nothing, know nothing, See an bay qualuty video, and are now "The man" he can esplain us ... (You will better think, for your own, and not theach others. I will never theach you. I see not sense in it. Pese Use the SEARCH funcion in OU (very easy!) You find directly Infos from 2006 like this. (I have more , from 2004 ) http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=1723.0;topicseen

@Pese, You can attack the issue all you like but I will ask you NOT to attack me as person. You have absolutely NO reason to do that. You do NOT know me or my capability to determine if I think a device is fake or not. And for your information, I have read about this rod story here in OU and also elsewhere. So in this case, there is nothing you can "teach" me. The only think you should do is to teach yourself some politeness and learn to attack the issue and not the person. Groundloop. ... @Pese, I'm not the person teaching here. Again you state something about me personally and not the issue. Stop that and say WHY you think I'm wrong about this fake rods. Say something about WHY the bulb in the video behave as a fake bulb or not. Use your brain and figure out things instead of telling me that I'm in the wrong forum. I will enlighten you (and others reading this) a bit. I think this rod video is fake because: - The light bulb does NOT look and behave like any real 110VAC or 230VAC bulb. - The xmas bulbs tape and wires is BIG enough to conceal hidden batteries. - The rods can't possible hold 110V (or even worse 230V) because the person in the video is touching the rods without any ill effects. Now analyze my statements and tell me where I*m wrong (or maybe right) on these issues. Groundloop. Aha "you think" , so it is now better. You cant say: "that is "made with fraud". If they will shit you that unproffesional way, you will see the shadow of batteries inside , also the light of different christmas lamps (inside) because different distance from the bulb glass. (each cristmas lamp have only 1 to 3 watts !!) If i will shit you , and others . I have the knownledge that you see nothing ! that it work also with 110v (US Opal-Glaslamps (G.E. dual filament 40+60 Watt example, aswell wit clear filament bulbs m so you can see inside includig the busmut- filament working. Also "japanese" are not so stupid, and can do this. BUT if they think so, they will look to better ways to do that (and not use "miklycolored glass", Als if there will shit you theay cant earn money with this invention) Nobody can find any WRONG on this device , only "think" - Since 2003!They (also myself) can also find better way to produce an device and video shat shown correctly, and you (and others) find not the way.. This is not my idea, but i have also this technical knowledges,! You? (I will never explain, to feel me "good". Mot necessary The invention here is , to find an way, to collect meutrinos/and positrons to use the energy ! Only , because FRAUD are "anytime" possibel , nobody can say THAD WAS AN fraud YOU CANT EXPERTISE THIS; NEVER THAT OR TESLAS CAR WAS AN FRAUD, and 3 other cars,from others Inventionss (that you never "heard from it" !) 2 from them on nearly the sam way constructed) Never say Coler have produced Frauds, On you have not the knowledge that he hade up 1943 running one with 7KW to this Home and Laboraty. Also ONE that produced 75KW to use for power-engines in an "air plain" !!. ONLY , offcause this "papers" and knowledges ore not open (for anybody) You will never have the Knowledges, that was FRAUDS You can only "think" , and have some "ideoas" that blocking your mind, You thinking is "destructiv" on this "board" You can look, here , google, learn, try to understand, this will help better thas your "NO" Pese ... @Pese, For the third time, DO NOT ASSUME THAT YOU KNOW anything about me! Throughout this thread you have only demonstrated an astounding ability to talk shit about me as a person and absolutely NO talk about the issue. Is this your way of finding the truth about free energy? Just step on people that do not agree with you? I have stated that I personally think that the device in the video linked in this thread is a fake. I will stand on that. You on the other hand has just made a complete fool of youself by attacking the person behind the statement and not the issue! Groundloop. .. @Pese, You have demonstrated several times that you do not know anything about me. To spare you the trouble of talking more shit about me I will fill in some blanks. Today I work as an engineer in electronic and computer software. I have many years of education. I started to play with electronic at the age of 9, I'm 50 now. I have been researching free energy for 8 years now. I have researched and built many free energy systems. Here is a short list:

The Muller motor/generator. Been testing this motor for many years now. The Bedini SG and SSG motor/chargers. I have built at least 100 setups of different Bedini systems. I have also build and tested some solid state designs. I have built and tested at least 100 different pulse motors. I have built and tested 3 different "Wankel" motors (Sprain motors). I have built and tested Tom Beardens MEG. I have experimented with Tesla coils and other high voltage systems. I have made at least 10 different battery chargers that works. (I have also worked together with other researchers on projects.) I have also studied most PDF's and other information about free energy found on the net. I have read a lot of books and essays about free energy. So you can see by the above that I'm NOT an average "shit head" in the free energy world. You must never make the mistake of thinking that I'm a "NO" person or literate. So if I state something in this forum then it is based on solid research and knowledge about the various systems. Hope this help you to understand. Groundloop. Than is ok. Than you cant expressly NEVER see, that this Japam rod ist FRAUD. You have never seen the papers and catalugus or the thread about is im USA Web and mail discussing over that. To ANY Invention , we find folks, that have "eaten all knowledges" and say the OTHERS are frauds. Is not good and destructive . Will never help. If you know the Bedini circuits , amd all around it. inkl. Naudin CTL and others you will see that that cant work, without any tests. You can senn that most have "also designs problems in the "choosen" components semiconductrors and components. In this waym that on device can work, and any replikation from them with "shown" components and parts will (and can) not work. Caused: No knowledge in design an circuit. No knowledge in "reading" datasheets, even from an 2N3055, that will not work im somme applikation if the min , max value of semiconductor go to the limits of datasheet. I will not exlain and teach that fully m because i have study this , worked and tested semiconductor over 40 years, and also design circuits for industry applications. In any way, IF some devices (possibly also Bedini) - i will never say THAT IS FRAUD . (or ED Gray or Newmann, BUT its possibly the chosen way, and unknow work, that delivered Energy, and noone can duplicate this again (often not the inventor himself) like Hendershot ... EVEN If you constructing hundreds Bedinis, you must not be frustraded , to fin not FREE energy You nust NOT say that ALL Others (as japan rod) martin clem coler hubbard morey tesls are FRAUD, because you (an me) WE dont know the exact working , AND nobody "teach" them , ALSO NOT IF SOME PEOPLE KNOW the exactly way to use this. Belive it : It have an Lot of this people that will live longer... http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=tesla+murdered+1943&btnG=Google-Suche&meta= @Pese, You can NOT say that I have read or not read any papers because you don't know that. Let us clear up some issue, I have stated that I think the video shown in this thread is a hoaks. I have based that observation on what I see in the video. It is my fully right to say anything I want about anything I choose. I do not need your (or others) permission to do that. I now see that you are not capable to be polite because I disagree with you. I also see that you are blinded by some believes that those rods are real and works as claimed. Fine for me, you can believe what you want. I support free speech. But that does NOT give you the right to "assume" stuff about me in any ways! There is no f...ing way that you can second guess what papers I have studied or what experiments I have done on free energy (besides what I have told you). So please refrain from assuming anything about my ability to determine if a system works or not. This is a free energy discussion forum. In a forum like this people have different views. I now see that we have different views on if the rods work or not. Let us just leave it with that. Groundloop. yes this is free. not free , unecessary to stalking others FRAUDS. If you have christmas-lights in your head. Pese it is free, that you understand this ALSO in the wrong way. -closed now nothing to help here ... ***** A new presentaiton of the Japanees magazine! ... its a shame our energy suppresors are not jailed, f***king wankers. ... Nice... 900W power-source for roughly $450. Buy 5 and forget about power bills till the end of your life... Well, I've mistaken it's $4500 per 900W. Not that tempting.

... ill try to keep this simple for you Zorg, the people who stop and suppress free energy are assholes and should be in prison for a very long time., thats all i was saying. ... For b0rg13 With you it completely agree in your statements in occasion of free energy. Itself noticed as soon as will appear new about free energy on the Internet leaves in current of day. This all intrigues of uranium and oil "mafia". ts the wrong way to talk with me. Now , the company catalogus its shown here. I have this knowledge since 4 years and some addotional informations thas "was" in an US URL It is shure , i have some lights rhat you are searching.. Pese ... Hi Pese Grin I have seen this long ago but was not studying the TPU at the time, Kind of makes me think of the Leedsskalin's potential motion holder. Hope things are good for you at home. I'm still playing with the coils. have a good day . who cares what they think LOL Mike ... I too am played with coils. But this device too has interested me. I suspect, that the principle of work is based on a resonance and these cores represent similarity of the puff test from metal and ceramics. These are my guesses by a principle of the device. Probably cores have different layers 73 and 74 layers but as they it is a riddle. ... @ Zorg , Nice to see you here. It's good to meet people from around the world , I'm In the USA. good luck in your reasearch. ... @all First, I want to state that I have no clue about this tech, or whether it has any basis at all for believability. I am sorry, but from reading this post from front to back, I have a rant that needs posted here...... Groundloop........ come on. I have seen better quality pictures of items in puffy clouds. You cannot make out enough detail to prove ANYTHING from those photo's posted. I saw the work of a famous debunker, and laughed my butt off. Not at what he was "debunking", but the evident "logic" behind his work. He never once went and inspected for himself any of the phenomena, he worked only from his laboratory with pictures, movies, and his mental blackboard. He thought it a waste of time to investigate such things. The problem with this, is every real phenomena can be faked. Because he did not personally investigate anything, all his "logic" was sheer speculation, and had no more basis and solidity as proof of fakery than a proverbial fart in the wind. Speculation is never proof, it is speculation. This man, doing what he was doing in trying to state others as liers or fakers without any real proof, was the true lier himself. EVEN IF occasionally he was right. Now I will be the first to state that there ARE MANY scammers out there, trying to pass of garbage as "new O.U. tech". I however will NOT state that all O.U. techs are a joke. I do not have the proof. The only way to GET the proof, is to examine the tech honestly. Unfortunately there are as many scammers trying to debunk. Saying that this or that "blob", or this or that "fuzzy outline" truly IS this or that.... Why if that were true, then everybody jump in amazement, as I have seen giant rabbits and alligators sitting in clouds at 25,000 feet. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES. EEEEK! Watching a video, and examining fuzzy blown up pics from the video, are ANYTHING BUT proof, of any kind. Somewhat harsh? It may well be. I just know it is true. Don't try to make something up, just to prove a preconceived notion. If you do OR don't believe a thing, fine, get some real proof either for or against. Paul Andrulis @paul possibly you have right. possibly its "omly" surpressed or buy from industry (as SEIKO (?) ) The inventio is priciply to "catch" positrons and neutrinos with 2 different rods. (so it was sayd, years ago. some guy send me this papers, that shown very professional. se here http://www.stormloader.com/members/pese/rod

@pese It may, it may not, I do not know, and cannot state either way. My questions would rise around charge. Protons have charge, but does a neutrino? (If not, then you would still have a charge imbalance of some kind possibly, which could account for charge flow. I can speculate. Grin ) What I have found in most of the items I have researched, is someone quite like Hutchison. Namely someone tinkering whom has found something, but has no real clue how it works, or why it does the weird things it does, and therefore rarely can reproduce the exact same effect twice, as it was accidental to begin with, or an attempt to recreate what another accomplished without full understanding of the device. This is twice bad if the original inventor had little clue. These are generally spotted by people whom make B.S. (Bull Manure, not the degree Grin ) up, to explain their device's method of operation. They would be better off stating "I don't have a clue, but it works". Techno-babble loses one's credibility quite quickly. (Speaking as one quite knowledgeable but using technical words in a nonsense manner.) Paul Andrulis ... @Paul, we all speculate over "unknow" science. Science that we have half or nothing understand, because nothing , aor als "part" of the designs are published. I thin specially an Cooler (Kola) from them is the most mystery, and nothing heraed afte 1943, (when he is died. Was he and his knowlges "stolen" from GB- USA or RU- How is he died? But ist was an 700 Wat Maschine, Another from 7,5 KW that workes nearly one year. Another from 75HP !! For Electric Notor to driv an airpalin (Storch-Fogger). We know "nothing". The knowledges are "SAVE" covered and it ss not as sense , for Industry, Working folks, Goverment, Financial buisiness to make or to have "Free Energy" solong we can "press" out the world to give oil and other energies that can "selled". (so -possibly- the knowledges over the RODs- are "lost" now Pese All is possible, we can ony speculate. I will never say. Tesla car, Clem car, Mazenaue, Coller, Seike, Rods are not working, from the "at time published physics" its true- it cant work. But we know all "lows" the will found and develped in future? The Laws that work on the above inventions? Its to weak that WE know ... If we do not know as it works, does not mean, that it cannot work. At this forum people which unknown energy sources have gathered try to study. I do not doubt, that at each of them at home in which people hours spend time above studying of alternative energy. Let's state ideas on a principle of work of the device, instead of to find out attitudes. There is such concept as brain storm. I think that everyone know about this concept. I do not doubt that this device as well as many other things. Not it keeps a secret, is simple people created them are afraid. Me as the engineer disturbs the growing prices for oil both other energy sources more. And a problem of global warming. Having refused burning oil we though shall a little slow down process of destruction of mankind. My opinion: it is necessary to search for ways of recycling of dirty energy. Warm it is dirty energy as any energy, any device or the mechanism allocate heat. ... Assuming that it (the device) did work, and the inventor understood what was actually happening, what could be the basic underlying reason? 1. Captured Energy: The device gained charge with the capturing of the particles, from the particles themselves. 2. Stimulated Energy: The impact of the particles released stored energy in the materials of the rods, similar to electricity impacting a material and giving off x-rays or light for example. These are the only two I can think of under this assumption. Assuming the inventor did NOT understand the principle. 1. The rods were electrostatic in nature, drawing ions and/or free electrons from the surrounding air, separating charge due to electric field. 2. The rods managed to separate charge from the ambient background electric field. 3. The rods made in effect a new type of battery, with air as the electrolyte. (These all may be fantastic or "out there", but we are just speculating aren't we.) What ideas can you guys come up with? Paul Andrulis ... Possibly the inventor have understand. the device (othe way he cant find the metallurgy og 73 elements. i read some sources above that years ago, (2004) its sonds ok, but "stranger" from the actual physics ... So i am shure its NOT an ekevtrostaic chargeing the nergy (that cant work. It mus be another direction (way) that is not conforme with the "know" laws of physics. If its so, than i can also belive, that any information over this will be stopped. Also ather invention and patents are stopped if the energy come "free" form "ether" .

Evebn german and french invertors from them i followed most of informations. If the guys will not mor talk about that , the cause is NOT ,tahat its work not! Because this work , they have the problems to stop any ptogress in this devices G.Pese ... 1. Captured Energy 2. Stimulated Energy These are the only two I can think of under this assumption. Third one is to assume that law of conservation of energy is flawed, or at least does not apply to aether dynamics. @aleks True. Even the "laws" are simply rules which are defined by man to explain situations which to our best knowledge do not change. However, man has gotten quite egotistical about what he thinks he absolutely knows. Paul Andrulis Reading the posts in this thread has been a real kick. I personally know the inventor of the rods, and the person who took the videos. I have 30+ years of electronic experience, and I have tested the rods and can confirm that they are exactly what the inventor claims they are. Why doesn?t the inventor get ?shocked? when he puts his fingers on both rods at the same time? That information and the rod technology, along with the inventor will be buried in the same grave. The videos were taken over 10 years ago and were not for the purpose of public viewing. How they became public is unknown. The inventor has no interest in producing the rods, one reason being the negative public attitude as displayed by some in this thread, resulting in various threats. I agree with him. I use to have an attitude that society was basically looking for a better way of life and standard of living. Getting older, I have come to realize that is a myth. Society (and government, business, and etc.) is the way it is because society likes it that way. If they didn?t, they would change it. It?s not a matter that they don?t have the knowledge, it?s been available for over a hundred years. Remember, it was society that persecuted Galileo, harassed Tesla, and the first doctor that performed a heart transplant, and list goes on and on. As is known, years ago, Stanley Meyers invented and constructed a totally water powered car. A person in the Philippines currently has converted at least a hundred vehicles to run on water only. Has society praised these men for doing this? Has society demanded that their vehicles be converted? Has society held theses people up as environmental heroes? Has the environmental groups picketed and demanded more production of this technology? NO, of course not. They have been harassed and vilified. And the list goes on. Therefore, I refuse to spend the rest of my life trying to re-invent the wheel as I have previously. Yes, in my younger years I really thought that society and companies wanted the best. As I said earlier, I have learned that is a myth. My resources are now focused on immediate family and friends. Free energy resources are focused solely on my family. I realize that it is a sad commentary, but the truth is the truth, and I can?t change it. I just wish I had this knowledge about society when I was younger. It would have saved me countless resources and disappointment. I grieve over the waste. Over the decades, hundreds, if not thousands of inventors have tried in vain to help society. It just isn?t going to happen on a mass scale. So much for my rambling on??. I truly wish struggling inventors the best! @JustRite...........sure, most of what you say is true. Many inventions have been suppressed, many inventors intimidated. But I think Spock said it best when he said "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one". Tell you what I will do........I will put my life on the line for you and your friend! I have several successful businesses, and have the resources and strategies to distribute a million of these devices before the governments or oil companies even knew what was happening! (Which by the way is the ONLY way to distribute free energy quickly) Send me privately the instructions to build the device, and I promise you that I will have a thousand units in homes by the end of the month! Ten thousand the next month, A hundred thousand the month after that, and a million units the month after that!!!!!!!!! Hell, if I can produce them cheaply enough, I'll even give them away FREE!!! The problem with the free energy devices I've seen is that they're all one offs, meaning just one or two working units for show. You gotta admit, it would be kinda tough to suppress a technology with one million working units! I may be killed, I may be sued, I may be jailed.........but I WILL distribute one million units, this I can PROMISE! Bobo ...

hello Justrite and Bobo i do agree with Bobo this info needs to be put out to the people. i my self dont have the money to do any good but i could use the info to make my owne and family and freinds. this is not about money this ia about fe to the people of the planet all can benifit from it the poor and the rich. so if you know or can get the info please do for the people of the world. GOD Bless to all ... "Society (and government, business, and etc.) is the way it is because society likes it that way. If they didn?t, they would change it. It?s not a matter that they don?t have the knowledge, it?s been available for over a hundred years. Remember, it was society that persecuted Galileo, harassed Tesla, and the first doctor that performed a heart transplant, and list goes on and on." I am fully agree with that. We are still animals, of course we think we are not, because we live in different level, we build and use machines,we speak etc..., but we all forget who we really are. Instincts are what control us,we are working in really same way as animals. We want to stay alive! That is our basic instincts, it is coded to our dna. That's why all of things happened in history in that way, because we are who wrote historys, and we are controlled by instincts . That's why we fight, that's why we can kill,we love to own, we love to be more than others, we can hate, we can love, etc... I am always laugh, when peoples talking here about, they are not here because of money, and they dont want earn money on that, they want help to peoples, etc.... Bullshit. I had many hard time in my life,I learned alot in situations, where i saw what peoples capable do if they life in danger, i know myself, and i know how we are working, and what peoples want. ... @bobo The inventor has no interest in releasing any info. If you were to begin producing the rods, you WILL be killed, sued and/or jailed. All units produced would be confiscated. This I can PROMISE. You apparently don?t know who you are ?up against? when you begin to change the world?s energy paradigm. @Chef You said, ?I am always laugh, when peoples talking here about, they are not here because of money, and they dont want earn money on that, they want help to peoples, etc.... Bullshit. I had many hard time in my life,I learned alot in situations, where i saw what peoples capable do if they life in danger, i know myself, and i know how we are working, and what peoples want.? I couldn?t have said it better myself. @all "Free" or "un-metered" energy will never be allowed to the people in mass. Whether you believe it or not, there ARE people who control this world, and energy is the current means they are using to do it. Start producing "free" or "un-metered" energy to the masses and you will die (and all those associated with it) before it gets "off the ground." GUARANTEED!! Just develop it for yourself only, and keep quiet about it if you want to live long enough to enjoy it. Sad situation, but true. ...and there is the cold hard truth - keep quiet or become a martyr. Has the inventor ever mentioned anything to the effect that one rod is oriented one way and the other rod the other way or that the rods are opposite in any way? Perhaps identical materials but produced in different ways such as curring in fields of opposite polarity? Has the inventor stated anything concerning the way the rods are connected or not conencted to form a circuit? or differences along this line of thought? Reading the Peswiki blurb on it now....hmmm Not neutrinos.... 18 watts for two rods. Hmm - doesn't seem too far fetched. ... Translation of the brochure text to English is here: http://freenrg.fr/JapRod/japtrans.htm Yep, photons - not neutrinos (not the photons that you see) ...

The only "sad" thing is: 1. People think they can make a profit selling Free Energy Technologies.. How many have tried and failed? 1000+? 2. People who may have developed a free energy technology, are too paranoid to release any information to the public. 3. Some free energy technologies are most likely too dangerous for the public. 4. People think MIBs will come and get them for releasing any information to the public (how hard is it to anonymously release information over the internet? come on now..) 5. Some people just think everything they see/read on the internet is real. ... reading the translation - a couple of statements are interesting: Quote Differing shape basically invents the electron as for my electromagnetic radiation receiver by the same reason as the solar cell. and Quote The basic mineral used in the electromagnetic radiation receiver behaves as if the charge which moves in the electrical conduction, and plays the role to produce the cloud of a free electron. The energy barrier on the surface confines the electron in the electromagnetic radiation receiver. ... Based on my own knowledge, I do believe the device is real. The rods are probably doped differently - just slightly - and the 73 and 74 elements are not a reference to different elements on the periodic table but to different amounts of whatever other element is mixed with the main element. He used the term "element" rather than a reference to a compound, so I am guessing carbon (graphite) is the "element". He may have mixed this with quartz powder or just an insulative binder. Basically, he created two different propagation velocities for the energy in the same circuit. He does not get shocked because the electrical output is DC. ... I'm sure it could be published in numbers and built in large quantities. but just post it as an experimental device and you have to figure a few things out. The hunt is half the fun, but give a starting place and post from different public computers with a flash chip. LOL moneys not everything, even if your that hard up - so what things are bad , Do something about it. AAAHHH gezzz I don't have a big car like the Jone's next door , screw that. YOU are what You are about. I agree some people don't need the technology there harts are sour and the greed factor is to much for them to handel. find your self first and the energy will come. thank you for posting Justrite ... Hey Motorcoach1 I'm thinking he used a rigid binder (like an electrical grade epoxy) and some powders - nothing mysterious - except for what those powders are Huh On the other hand, the rods could be solid graphite or something else and one may have a coating material. The rate of propagation of this energy would have to be different in each rod - by whatever means. Hard to say really, but looks like a came up with a good RE collector - hence my interest. ... Notice that the rods are the same distance apart and that he just uses more rod sets for more power? So, for rods of this material and dimensions (size, mass, etc.) this is probably the optimum spacing. So, why not make larger rods for more power rather than more rods? ... mmm Rf collector , what bites my A..sss is people calling it Free energy now thats BS . You can't get someting for nothing there is always a trade off. Sounds like my powdered quarzt exp. and carbon pile rods and a few aluninum cubes throwen in and of corse sodium silicate to hold things together. ... he only had one mold that could take 200.000 psi ......bigger Egor Bigger lol ... What was cool was the equipment in the back ground ........ ... I am guilty of being one of "those" who laughed at the thought of MIB contacting an everyday person just because of an invention. I don't laugh about that anymore. It's not funny anymore!! (for me, at least) Therefore, I have tolerance for those who think that MIB are a myth. ...

I'm not laughing at MIBs, I know a couple . the real bad ones are the Gooberment contractors that hire them and I know a few of them too. ... @Justrite The only way to spread the information is quite literally "planned" and "all at once". Namely to be dumped en-masse in a book (pdf or similar COMMON format), with an injunction included to spread the info by the down-loaders, as it may not be easily found later. Spread in every forum, group, outlet, etc.. available. Simply stated, get the information on tens of thousands of computers at once. "Charges", "MIB", and about anything else is totally worthless at this point. No one can be "shut up", unless they get greedy, and want to sell it, as it is a waste of time if the book is completely clear on the replication. If they get greedy, want to patent, etc..., then they are an open target. Don't announce whatever as working, until the book hits the net. Paul Andrulis I am guilty of being one of "those" who laughed at the thought of MIB contacting an everyday person just because of an invention. I don't laugh about that anymore. It's not funny anymore!! (for me, at least) Therefore, I have tolerance for those who think that MIB are a myth. JustRite, sounds like you're full of BS. Why did you post here? Just to make up stories and rouse interest in something that is most likely a hoax? Or just to say you know something to draw some attention to yourself?

The easiest way for "MIBs" to keep a technology from spreading, is by coming onto the internet and making up stories about MIBs killing inventors, threatening people,,,, ... @JustRite.......chances I am willing to take for the sake of humanity :-) Also......I can sneak this through production and into a million homes before MIB's are any the wiser! I have money, I have friends with much more money. I have thought long and hard about implementation, and I can assure you none of my ideas include permission, patents, or permits from any government, agency, or local authority. I know how the system works, and asking permission from ANYBODY is the quickest way to kill any free energy device. If your friend need a million bucks to "disappear", I can also arrange that! What more do you need? Bobo ... The way I see it is that those who create things in the current world climate are not willing to go all the way. When I say all the way I mean see it through even at the cost of their life. Most people have families they are taking care of and would rather spend a few more days on the Earth "with the loved ones" than dying at the hands of some corporate fascist assassin, paid to do the dirty job for some unscrupulous corporation that exists above the law. But, not willing to see it through and go all the way only shows how selfish, petty and small minded these people really are, aside from their "genious" for inventing or discovering something that could and would help billions of people in a way. Ego is a powerful enemy and one not to be underestimated. Selfless acts are far and a few in today's world and no one should hold their breath for a saviour of any kind - whether it is some magical being that walks on water, or in this case an inventor of some free energy device coming through. Therefore, we should not tuck our head between our legs and wait for someone else to do something, no one will help us but ourselves. What this world needs is a cold reboot. Earthlings need a huge kick in the butt for they have had it easy for many many moons now and have forgotten how they got here, or where they are going even. ... @JustRite.........one more thing.......each of the million units produced would also include step by step instructions on how to duplicate, in terms so simple even a first grader could understand! @Amigo.......I hear you brother! Seems like everybody has an excuse for everything these days :-) ... Are you actually for real? ?

To post a "how to" pdf would be a waste of time. Half of the people that ever see it would find a reason to discredit it before they ever build it. All but one of the other half wouldn't even try and just file it away in case their insatiable urge for drama needs another episode. So, one in a million would actually benefit from you putting your ass on the line, and you become a martyr. People like Bedini have a much better approach. You slowly, release the info to a few and the info stays quiet. Eventually the measly "one in a million" is using the technology, and no one gives a rat's ass. Energy Mongers still get rich - techies get the goods - and the cattle stay in the pasture. If you build 100's of devices that are purported to generate more out than in and none of them work, then look in the mirror for the 'common problem'. Hmm - carbon rod with a polarized coating might do the trick... ... @grumpy You wouldn't become a martyr. It would be a waste of time for the MIB's in question if you are right, as they would also know that you are going no farther. Most, like you say, would either laugh and discredit (general science). Some would build though (avid researchers). For instance, look how many have built otto's rig from a pdf...... The trick is posting where it will be desired. Who cares about the scoffers anyway? ( For instance, I dont care if I am laughed at. It demonstrates their lack of understanding. I do not have a "reputation" to lose.... Who here really does? ) Paul Andrulis Great. The story is a bit dodgy... after all, the "elemental rod" device was advertised for sale by a Japanese company a few years ago, which does not seem to accord with your suppression story... Ok, in the mean time it has vanished from the market again, but still it seems odd that a tech suppressed by the MIB in the US, where it was invented according to your story, yet still found its way all the way to Japan before it was apparently suppressed once again... Does it not? So the MIB allowed the invention to slip to Japan and even reach the stage of advertising for direct marketing by a commecial enterprise, while at the same time keeping it under wraps in the US? Either really inefficient MIB or some really sneaky spy-game inventor? And the inventor must have spent quite some time researching and constructing the rods, which needs specialised equipment... He must have known when he started it that it would revolutionise the energy market, and he must have known of govt agencies that try to keep too revolutionary developments under wraps for their own benefit? You can't be such a brilliant inventor and yet be so terribly naive not to have considered those... Yet he chose to spend years working on the subject. Seems to me that after all that work and having finally achieved the holy grail of free energy, and having been aware of such agencies, he would have attempted to get the info and prototypes out there in such a way that it would not be suppressed by the MIB so easily... After all, his goal was to make such a device. Not for the MIB to lock it in a safe, nor I presume solely for his own financial gain (for in that case he could have invented something more commercially attractive and less problematic in regard to the MIBs), but presumably also largely to help humanity take anoher step in the development of a sustained and civilised future. To, after all those years of work and final success, decide to just leave it be and take it to your grave seems extremely contradictory... Of course it is possible the MIB gave him "an offer he can't refuse" with the choice between a nice shiny piece of high velocity plumbum or a bunch of million bucks and never having to work ever again, as long as you keep your mouth shut... But then still I would like to know how the tech got leaked to Japan, if it was invented and suppressed in the USA? ... @Koen1 Did I miss something? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but after seeing information on different websites and the videos on YouTube about the "rods," I don't recall anything specifically saying that the inventor of the "rods" ever lived in the U.S. I would assume that MIB could appear anywhere in the world. ... Well if you look at the top of this page, you'll see a post by JustRite in which he says he knows the inventor... ... and he doesn't sound very Japanese to me. Wink But indeed it could be a Japanese inventor... Although it seems unlikely to me that the MIB would allow Justrite to meet with the inventor and test the rods before they went and suppressed it in Japan even... I would think that the Japanese branch of the MIB would have picked up on it long before news ever reaching the US... ...but maybe that's just me... ... ello All,

Grumpy said it well. Someone has already posted how something works and no one believes it, and everyone ignores it and goes on their merry old experimenting ways. It is downright sad. And then the moans come.... It is a Greek tragedy. Funny if not so sad. @ Grumpy I definatly agree, that both rods could be carbon. There is a thread here at OU about some interesting experiments with carbon rods. I'm sure you also have seen it. (Those reading can look it up. Search "carbon".) Interesting stuff. Cheers, Bruce I totally agree that posting a how-to document to a bunch of orthodox scientists or alternative energy researchers would be an utter waste of time. These are the people who do not wish to believe, know, or see it happen because they live for the thrill. The first ones for the skepticism and debunking, and the later ones for the urban legend stories. With the orthodox scientists, they obviously do not want anything changed because they will lose cushy positions of tenure and millions (billions) of dollars in grants for the research that leads nowhere. Meanwhile, the alt. energy researchers mere existence is based on the search, never ending continuous quest, where goal is always at a hand's reach away but never graspable. They do not want the quest to end for that would be the end of them and the end of the thrill. So, the plans need to be disseminated to normal people, the iPod carrying, SMS texting teens and all of the minions of the corporate world using laptops. When they do not need to recharge their devices EVER again *they* will let everyone know, and this kind of viral marketing cannot be stopped. You will see it on Facebook, YouTube, and elsewhere and the "damage" will be done regardless of MiBs coming to get you or not...it would be irrelevant at that point. ... The inventor of the rods said 73 elements in one and 74 in the other. There are not 73 or 74 metallic elements...only 40+ and only 100+ elements total. I suggested carbon with some additive and quartz and some unknown polarizing coating - why? Radiant energy is much like light. More like light than electricity. Smoke on that for a while... ... @grumpy You know, this just reminded me of that Huchtison dude, and his batteries. You may be familiar, I do not know. What gets me is his descriptions. You could tell that anything he actually came across, was sheer accident, as he had less than a clue about pretty much everything he worked with. (I have watched and seen much from him.) However, his technique is BOUND to get some results..... You mess around carelessly enough, long enough, with enough power, with no knowledge of what to do right OR wrong, and you will stumble over something. (Or it will stumble over you.)

Anyway, I remember a video of him making an "earth battery", or some such. If I remember correctly, his approach was to look for various rocks, smash them with a hammer, cram them in a can with a rod in the center, bake them in an oven, then charge them with high voltage. I remember the rocks he picked up were quartzine from the look of them in the video. (I used to be a rockhound as a kid.) If the rod were carbon, you would have a carbon rod coated (surrounded by) with pseudo quartz (quartz, with other various minerals). I wonder. Paul Andrulis ... @Grumpy: sounds like you're headed for my Crystal Cell thread dude But I think we must keep in mind that the rod device showed AC characteristics: or at least, the Japanese advert claimed AC output... And in most videos of the thing one can see a bulb lit by touching it to the rods directly. This seems to show that whatever current is produced, is not simply collected from the rods and then inverted by a circuit to turn it into AC output at the socket, but rather the energy can be tapped directly off the rods, which seems to suggest that the 2 rods themselves already produce some form of AC... Now you can stack different elements all you want, and you may very well be able to get some nice diode and/or rectifier effects, but that is not anywhere near an output comparable to that of a wall socket, which is what the Japanese ads seemed to claim (according to translations made at the time). I have been experimenting with "Crystal energy cells" for quite some time now, along parallel lines to the related research done by Hutchison and Reid, of which the goal is to make a cell of chemically inactive material that does produce output. So a non-

galvanicbattery kind of idea. In quite a number of my cells I use quartz and several other elements. So far none of the cells made by Hutchison, Reid, and myself, seems to produce more than a couple of Volts of tension, at a couple of milliAmps. No AC, nowhere near a wallsocket. But at least they're not galvanic batteries. @pauldude000: Lol funny that you bring up Hutchisons cells just before I post my message about my own experiments in that field. We've got an active thread on the subject right here on the forum: http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,972.0.html If you're interested, see you there. Both rods are black on the outside, and silver/metal color on the inside. Why is this? Could the rods be tungsten and tantalum with some sort of coating (dielectric, maybe)? Also, he stats the elements are compressed, maybe the black outside layer is compressing the elements inside. What do you guys think? Maybe uranium dioxide? That could explain the jar on the outside to keep moisture off the rods. ... I haven't seen a real clear video of it , but what I did see was the carbon on the outside so i guess murcury laced rod and maybe lithum film witha special secret candy coating mmmm popcicle. ... FWIF, I don't know if this has been already mentioned, but it seems that carbon-coated stainless steel is a negative resistor. Check out this video on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qm4uP-twgoA Could it be the rods are perhaps 2 different metals inside a carbon sleeve? B Well anything is possible, but it seems to me that that would add up to 3 different elements, and that's not even close to 73/74. Besides that, I do not see the guy in that Youtube video prove that he's got a negative resistor at all... He does repeat several times, not just in that specific vid but also in some others, that "all batteries are negative resistors" and that is just not true. Seems to me he just has a flawed idea of what a negative resistor really is. A normal resistor is an elecronic component that transduces electrical current into heat, adding resistance to an electrical circuit, and causing the electrical output to be lower than the input, whereas the thermal output is higher than the input. A negative resistor would have these qualities in the negative, meaning that it should transduce heat into elecrical current directly, lowering the resistance of the circuit, and causing the electrical output to be higher than the input, whereas the thermal output of the component should be lower than the input. Which basically means it absorbs energy from the environment in the form of heat, thereby cooling the direct environment, and adding this energy to the electrical energy in the system, increasing the output. In a chemical battery, the galvanic reaction between the components is temperature dependant up to a degree, but inputting energy into the battery does not cool down the surroundings, and the thermal input is not tranduced into electricity, it simply allows the chamical reaction to occur. In resistor components, no chemical reactions take place, it is all electrodynamics. In a battery, it is all galvanics, all chemical reactions. And they stop when the components have all reacted. So a battery is not a negative resistor. It is a temporary current source, yes. But not a negative resistor. If it were, you could input some energy into the battery and always get out more than you put in, plus the battry would actively cool the environment. With a negative resistor, you could make a current-producing refrigerator. A negative resistor is an over-unity device. A battery is not. In the follow-up video where the guy "tests" his "negative resistor" he doesn't make any sense at all... First he points out he's got some acidic solution in which he's put his "cell", which consists of the carbon coated steel rod inside a stainless steel tube. Then he shows a voltage reading on the rod and the tube at 0.85V and dropping. That's not surprising, he's got carbon and steel in acid, he's getting galvanic voltage output. Then he hooks up a 10V battery and shows the voltage go up to 10V. Then he disconnects the battery and shows the voltage reading drop to 1.6V and dropping. and then he concludes that he's got a negative resistor. But what does he base that on? On the simple fact that the voltage reading appears to double after he's just charged both electrodes with 10V? After a 10V charge applied to two pieces of steel seperated by a layer of carbon, is it really that surprising that a remnant of about 0.8V is not immediately dissipated? I don't think so. Besides, he does not measure amperage at all. You can't really say much about the actual energy input vs output if you only look at the volts. All in all I do not see any negative resistor behaviour in his videos. I do not see his carbon coated rod produce energy from nowhere, nor do I see him for example inputting 1V at 1mA and getting output of 2V at 1mA, which would indeed be a negative resistor style energy increase. I do see him perform a very simple galvanic reaction and getting overexcited at a voltage reading. ... @Koen1 I agree that the device in the video is not a negative resistor. However, I would like to clarify that, in the follow-up video, the liquid was water, not acid. It is a water capacitor used in a water fuel cell for HHO gas production. ...

@Koen1 Thanks for the detailed analysis on my post. Do you or anyone else think the elemental rod generator has something to do with resonance? B To be honest, too little clear info is available on the rod device to make any educated guesses as to how it works... Interpretations along different lines of reasoning have been put forth, such as an "electrinium" interpretation which in its own way does involve resonance and harmonic frequencies, but the "theory" of electrinium has some "impurities" of its own and, in my opinion, omits certain aspects of material electrodynamics making it flawed. ("close but no cigar" type idea )

I suspect an intricate electrodynamic coherence is produced in the atomic "crystal" lettice/matrix of the rods, micro- or nanolayering various different elements to produce a form of diode-like rectification both on the atomic level and between the rods themselves, which allows the rods to absorb several wavelengths of incoming photons (probably in the microwave and infrared regions, possibly all over the spectrum) as well as ion charges from the surrounding air, while the accumulated charge is shuttled back and forth between the rods. This shuttling could aid conversion into AC output, and it could assist the absorption function of the rods (as rectification tends to work best when there are oscillations to rectify, and oscillations can be used in a sort of "pump" action to "suck" charges up and "pump" them out of a capacitor)... But that's just an educated guess. I can imagine someone designing such a device so that the frequency in which the charges are shuttled/oscillated are in harmony with the wavelengths of photons intended to be absorbed as well as the exact size, distance and elemental composition of the entire 2-rod setup. As the Japanese ads from a few years ago showed the device inside a seemingly specially made transparent cover, and the only other videos I've seen them on also showed them in use in air, I suspect the air plays a role in its function. After all, if not, they could have shown that it also works under water, but nobody ever did so as far as I know... So that means that either it doesn't work under water because the rods need the interaction with air, or the device contains electronic circuitry which cannot stand water. I suspect a bit of both. I think circuitry was used to maintain oscillations and transform output to a usefull format, and the rods use some interaction with the surrounding air as part of their energy absorption "mechanism". Oh, and it is of course possible that the rods themselves contain crystalline lettice zones with oscillator characteristics. A so-called "piezo" component is nothing more than a piece of crystalline quartz shaped and sized so that it has a very specific oscillation frequency, and when some current is applied such components are commonly used as oscillators. It is possible that one of the microlayers or -zones in the rods consists of such an oscillator 'crystal' material in the form of a compound of several elements. And it is even possible that the circuitry "picks up" on this oscillation and "links up" with it by harmononeous resonant oscillation, thereby enhancing the coupling between the energy movement in the rods and that in the output circuit. And then there's a few other possible interpretations... So there's all kinds of speculative explanations but without any additional info I'm afraid we'll get stuck at guessing what's going on with the rods. ...

jee jee quick google search http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/usa-tesla/message/24028 http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/usa-tesla/message/23885

The info in these to links can be found in part 4 of this document!!! and more for same man " I've been looking for a dedicated Tesla group and unfortunately it's not easy to find. I joined one group called the teslainformationexchange@yahoogroups.com started by a guy named Neal from The International Tesla Institute. It turned out to be nothing but a and Spam group that was disgracing the name of Tesla. Our Atty. Is trying to find out who this Neal guy is. It's good to know that I finally found a group of real Tesla fans here at USA-Tesla. I'll start by answering Bert and JB's questions. I am quite interested in the research you describe. In particular, can you provide more information about the actual theory and operation of your magnetic generator? Any closeup photos of the unit? I posted a drawing of the flat electromagnetic panel in the group files. I used four special Aluminum alloy plates that are 1/16th of an inch thick by 11 ? inches wide by 7 ? inch high and placed three 1/16th inch Bismuth sheets between the Aluminum plates. Then I used two very powerful flat permanent magnets (3''X3/4''X1/8'') attached in the center of the plates. A special gold plated wire that is coated with clear insulation is used to create a coil to flex the

magnetic field of the magnets. A special frequency generator is used to induce a series of alternating frequencies to create a flow of electrons when activating the magnetic field. We are presently experimenting with replacing the Aluminum and bismuth with different material such as Magnesium, Beryllium and graphite which has been showing better output than the Aluminum and Bismuth. I put some good photos of our prototype #8 in the group photos. Question This device appears to be related to the "elemental rod generator" that was previously marketed in Japan by the ERR Company. In a translation of the Japanese marketing documents, the inventor is appears to also be a Dr. Schwartz from the Noah's Ark Research Foundation. Are these units being offered for sale today? Answer Yes, this is related to the Rod Generator. That video was taken in 1988 by a friend of mine who came to visit me in the Philippines. His video cam was stolen from his bag on his way back to the US so who ever posted that video is still a mystery. Because he was planning on showing the video to some people in the US we decided to say that one rod contained 73 elements and the other 74. That was only to confuse people so that they wouldn't know how really simple the rods were. I considered my first Rod Generator a toy that needed a lot of research and testing. Back in 2002 my board of directors talked me into marketing small Rod Generators to help poor countries. We pooled our money to set up a small manufacturing plant to build our Rod Generators. We were planning on selling them at cost to help do our part to save the world form the Oil Companies. A week later we got a notice from the Dept. Of Energy in Japan that required the Rod Generator to be safety checked by their laboratory before it could be sold in Japan. It took them almost six months to test it before we received notice that it was unsafe for public use. All the units that we had already manufactured plus our jigs and dies had to be destroyed. That really hurt me and my partners because we put a lot of money into that project. Since our wife's told us not to put money into the Rod Generator we now have to live with the old "I told you so". At least we learned a very important lesson, I will never try to market one of my ERR generators. When I have finished my ERR research and I fully understand how it works, we plan on posting it on the internet. My board of directs and myself are the ones that fund all of our Noah's Ark Research facilities so we have no investors to account to. Since I do a lot of lectures at different Universities we decided to keep the big business interest and the people from the oil companies from trying to figure out my new ERR. They like to send their people to take close-up pictures so they can study my prototype but it won't do them any good because we only use a small portion of the circuit board that you see in the photos, the rest is just for show. We're making sure that OPEC and the powerful companies don't patent my ERR technology to keep it from the people. Question An earlier prototype version is apparently being demonstrated here? are you the demonstrator in these videos? http://video.Google.com/ videoplay? Docid=-635987818 295327978 http://video.Google.com/ videoplay? Docid=-429834766 9641896403 Answer Yes, this was prototype #7 that I used in my lectures at the University of the Philippines. One of the students that attended my lectures more than likely posted it to Google Video since many like to take videos and still shots. As you can see in the video I used a special flat panel alloy instead of the rods. The big problem with prototype #7 was too much fluctuation in output plus burned out components in the controller that stabilized the electromagnetic field. Our latest prototype #8 is the one that I posted in the group photos. Even though this one seems to work very well it still needs a lot of testing. Question Do you have much trouble getting that "electromagnetic briefcase" shown in the video at the above link onto airplanes when travelling? Answer Yes, the first time that I tried to take prototype #7 on one of my lectures outside the country I got stopped by the airport security because the electromagnetic field interfered with the x-ray machine. It caused static on their screen. The inspectors were afraid because they didn't understand how it worked. Because the unit was capable of putting out a great deal of power without any batteries they were afraid that it might be radiative. After x-raying it several times and using a Geiger counter to check for radiation they finally allowed it to be checked in only but not in my carry-on bag. I don't have any problem with my latest ERR because it doesn't interfere with their x-ray; it just looks like a metal plate with a circuit board when they see it on their screen so they don't bother to ask me to open my bag. Question Re: The "left hand rule" anomalies you mentioned, I have noticed variations or odd things about written about it by people in the Northern Hemisphere vs the Southern Hemisphere in the assortment of Electrician' s text books Answer The left hand rule is a very interesting research. We have noticed many variations in our experimental coils at our facility in India compared to the coils in Japan and the Philippines. It's best that I don't go any farther on this subject because this could take hours and twenty pages of text to explain. And the truth is that after all that explaining you would be very confused. I'm even confused myself because we are sometimes having difficulty replicating some of our experiments. As we learn more about this theory I will post it. This

is much better because then I won't look like a fool trying to explain parts of our theory that is still not fully understood. Thanks for the information about photobucket, I'll check it out. Our Foundation is planning on building a world class Tesla Museum, we could really use any good ideas or thoughts that you might have. We are presently setting up a planning committee. And thanks again for the warm welcome; I look forward to a long and lasting relationship with the group. Dr. Schwartz (or just Ben will do fine)" http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/usa-tesla/ mhhh maybe invate Dr. Schwartz to come here? ...

... I remember the rocks he picked up were quartzine from the look of them in the video. (I used to be a rockhound as a kid.) If the rod were carbon, you would have a carbon rod coated (surrounded by) with pseudo quartz (quartz, with other various minerals). I wonder. If you've read my comments in JD thread, "crystal" batteries correlate much with the understanding I offered there. The "holy grail" of overunity must be a non-equilibrium of atomic forces which produces transient potential MUCH higher than the potential used to create this non-equilibrium. And most importantly this transient potential is NOT reactive in pusher-pushed relationship. Otherwise it simply would not deliver overunity. The proof of absense of any overunity in this world is based on Newton's law of action and counteraction (you can't beat it by logic). If you can create action that does not result in counteraction (at least in this space), you have overunity. The counteraction may happen in some "subspace" (e.g. past or future time, or even some more strange space). So, if you are rising transient potential indirectly, via some "tweak" (maybe 3-6-9 harmonics), the counteraction happens not with the energy input, but with that other subspace, and so output can exceed input. In fact, this understanding leads to extending Newton's law of action and counteraction in limiting it to DIRECT potential relationships. Anything INDIRECT is not covered by it. E.g. what's the problem with opening a very small hole in a balloon full of highly pressurized gas? You at least do not need much energy to open this hole. Now imagine you do not need much energy to close it. The balloon is that "subspace", which exists basically to supply energy to THIS world that is governed by what Newton found to be a law. The question that's still not answered by physicists is from where the energy for the Big Bang appeared. So, this understanding has its place here...

I myself tend to favor past/future relationship as it allows (at least for me) to create "time looped" potentials that resemble particles. (it all, however, becomes very virtual as this way question about the "birth of the very first particle" becomes definitively unanswerable, as it transcends this reality). ... @Aleks That is one view to examine. Another is the idea I have been discussing elsewhere, in that small forces can quite easily control much larger forces in the right situations. Consider this. The Earth has a natural background electric field, which if I remember correctly is to the tune of 50v/meter. If a circuit could isolate the imbalance in the electrical field, quite a large amount of electricity could be generated merely from the electric field alone. Quite a number of different forms of supposedly ambient energies exist, and if controlled and guided by a small amount of extraneous energy, OU would also exist in this scenario. (Personally, I do not believe in OU, as I think all demonstrations are but an example of the fallacy of the "Closed System" logical construct, which I have yet to see one example of in reality. OU is then merely using ambient forms of energy. One simply demonstrated and common example being a solar cell. NO power is input by the user to extract power out. COP>1 exists there. The only difference is the workings of the unit is understood, that is it. Therefore it is not termed as OU or COP>1.) Paul Andrulis EDIT: I also just thought of this common example of COP>1. How about comparing the power generated in a nuclear explosion in comparison to the energy used to initiate said reaction........ Grin COP>10000 Paul ... Hehe, the Tesla Radiant energy Shield eh? Well, flippin interesting that someone claims to be able to replicate a working version of it! It's a pity I can't check out his files on it immediately...But it's in the right direction. Ian and I have also looked into the same subject in our research related to the crystal cells. thanks for posting that link zapnic! ... http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/usa-tesla/ mhhh maybe invate Dr. Schwartz to come here? Zapnic (or anyone else), that sounds like a great idea! I can't access my old Yahoo account at the moment (since I forgot the password and am trying to find it, otherwise will need to make new account which I don't really want to do, etc) so I can't contact dr. Schwartz through the yahoo group... Can you or anyone else on here perhaps invite dr. Schwartz to join this thread? The info he gives in the non-members section of the yahoo group (the stuff you quoted in your posts) is quite interesting but still very vague. From my 'research' into Tesla's work with his "Radiant Energy Shield", his "purple plates" experiments, and (seemingly) related work I know Tesla did many experiments with all kinds of metal wires and/or plates of various metals, often "treated" and/or coated with one or more other metals, which can cause all kinds of subtle effects (weak photovoltaic surface effects, diode-like voltage bias/asymmetrical resistance effects, lowering of the emission thershold, even increasing/decreasing/otherwise altering the magnetic field 'geometry'/'strength' when used in a coil, etc) in the right circumstances. And he also experimented with many different types of discharge and many different frequencies. A lot of his devices involve various harmonic oscillations, and he seemed to be convinced of the existence of longtitudional em waves (which of course established physics does not agree with but hey). Some of the stuff I was personally interested in was his use of aluminium plates which (as far s I could figure out) treated with various chemicals during his experiments, in order to obtain a thin layer of a different element (metal) on the surface of the aluminium plate. Or on its surface and integrated into the surface layers of the aluminium crystal lettice, more likely. Anyway, this is an old method I know from old 1930s electrophysics books where it is (sometimes) mentioned in respect to its value in decreasing the emission threshold of certain metals, but I believe Tesla figured out some other usefull effects he could achieve by surface treating various metals. Of course aluminium was only one of many metals Tesla tried, and from the papers I read I got the impression it was not as good as some others... (oh sorry, I'm ranting again )

Well, in any case, I am very interested in dr. Schwartz's work and would certainly like to hear what he is prepared to divulge about his Tesla radiant energy plate device and its underlying principles. ... http://freenrg.fr/JapRod/ ...

I'm excited to see what comes out of this interesting situation..... Shocked A little note about the MIB and stuff like that..... I won't usually say much on the internet or even discuss what I am doing. Mainly because of the people that would want to stop it. Although I am not afraid of them and will post and produce anything I able to create that actually works. Rods producing AC??..... looks a like a tuning fork battery. The TFB! ... Member: Power Technology Hi, Im new to the group. The reason that I joined is because someone told me that this is the best alternative and free-energy group on the net. My partner and I are always on the lookout for the elusive Free-Energy Device that really works. I was really surprised to see Dr. Schwartzs ERR Technology being discussed in the group. My company is very familiar with his research. I first met Dr. Schwartz back in Jan. of 1998 when my wife and I went to the Philippines to visit her parents. While we were there her father asked if I would like to go with him to a lecture at the University of the Philippines. The lecture was about alternative energy given by Dr. J. B. Schwartz from the Noahs Ark Research Foundation. The lecture started at 8 am and ended at 12 noon. During the whole four hour lecture Dr. Schwartz powered his public address system, an old 17 in. black and white television and two 100-watt light bulbs. He spoke about many different kinds of alternative energy but the one that I was most impressed with was has Electromagnetic Radiation Receiver that he was powering all his equipment with. At first I was skeptical about his ERR as he called it because it looked too small and light to be used to run all his equipment. His ERR device consisted of two rods which I believed to be nano-tubes, two copper coils on two very strong magnets about an inch or more apart, a complicated looking circuit board, a small DC volt meter and some three prong electrical outlets all mounted on a thin piece of plywood. At the beginning of his lecture I noticed that the reading on the voltmeter was reading 15.4 to 16.6 DC volts and after four hours later it was still reading the same. I asked him if the ERR could be moved from the table to another part of the room and still produce power. He agreed and unplugged his pa system and allowed three people from the audience to carry the ERR, the television and the inverter to different parts of the room and it didnt seem to affect its power output at all. We were also allowed to examine the table and it proved to be a lightfolding table. I found no source of power other than the ERR itself. The only thing that I found to be strange was when I used his metal ruler to test the magnets; I accidentally put the ruler across both magnets and the power shut down. Dr. Schwartz seemed to be a little upset because of the difficulty pulling the metal ruler off the magnets. After the ruler was removed the power came back on. When I asked him why the power went off he said that I shouldnt short the magnets because it could damage the unit. He seemed irritated with me so I didnt persist any farther. After his lecture I asked him if he could meet with my company to talk about possible investment in his ERR technology but he didn t seem too interested in taking to investors. Soon after returning to the US I was able to convince my partner that it would be worth it if we donated $100,000 to the Noah s Ark Research Foundation. About a month later the money was returned to our bank. After many emails Dr. Schwartz replied, I dont except money from investors. I figured that he was pissed at me because I shorted his unit. I later found out from a source in Arizona that hes financially well off plus hes a save the world freak and a very difficult person to work with. My partner thinks that he must have been transmitting the power from outside the room and picking it up with his ERR but I don t think so. He also thought that he made bank interest on our money before he sent it back so I checked with Dr. Schwartz s bank and they said that no interest was made on our money. They said that they had instructions from Dr. Schwartz to return the money to the sender and that he didnt give any reason. For several years I hadnt heard much about Dr. Schwartzs ERR until 2003 when I went to Japan to see a device at the University of Tokushima. After seeing both Dr. Schwartzs ERR back in 1998 and the one at the University of Tokushima in 2003 Im now convinced that both are using the same basic technology. The professor was not much help as far as answering my questions. It seems that the university is keeping most of their research a secret. When I asked him about Dr. Schwartzs ERR he acknowledged knowing about it from a demonstration given by Dr. Schwartz to a group of Japanese scientist in Tokyo. After he learned that I had met with Dr. Schwartz and seen the ERR he quickly cut off our meeting. I could tell by his voice that he dont like Dr. Schwartz, in fact he spoke for at least a minute or more but all my translator said was I no think he like Dr. Schwartz . One of the students that I met there told me that professor Akamatsu had tried to get Dr. Schwartz to join their research project but he turned him down.

Everyone that I talked to said that Dr. Schwartz is a real strange person and he doesnt trust anyone; its not easy to gain his trust. While I was in Japan I also checked on a group of Japanese that had setup a research facility in the mountains because I found out that Dr. Schwartz worked there back in 2005. When I tried to find out more about the facility it seems that Dr. Schwartz had quit because the Japanese investors wanted to sell has ERR technology to the government and not for public use. After a little more investigation I was able to find out more about his ERR Company that was closed down apparently by the Japanese Government. It seems that the government pad locked his factory and warehouse because they claimed the 300 and 900 watt ERR units were not safety tested by any agency such as UL and they considered them dangerous. Over sixty thousand of the ERR units were destroyed and the case against Dr. Schwartzs Company was dismissed. I think I understand why he doesnt trust anyone. I had the Japanese newspaper article about the University of Tokushimas research translated into English so that I could include it in this post. Japan Economic Newspaper June 3, 2002 Carbon nano meter tube utilization Solar cell generator developed by the university of Tokushima Professor Akamatsu of the University of Tokushima and JGS Co. a venture enterprise (Tokyo, Bungkyou and President is Mr. Jin Kitamura) have jointly developed a new type of the Solar Cell generator using carbon nano tube. They confirmed basic capacity with 8 percent conversion efficient to electricity as early stage. They say there are rooms to improve the efficient to overcome that of the existing solar battery. Carbon nano tube has a capability to emit electrons out of its tip when energy is given from outside. They made a system consist of two rods faced on each other a nano tube array on the carbon wafer and a stainless receiver rod. They tested 3cm by 3cm tow rods placed in the 5cm diameter, 10cm height glass bottle Distance between two rods is 0.5mm. They succeeded to extract 7.5percent of solar energy as electric energy. The conversion efficient can improve to make a uniform of nano tube array in a direction and distance between two rods short. The existing solar battery using silicon semiconductor is mainly used blue part of the light spectrum to convert to electricity. But this one can use the broad band of the spectrum from UV to far infrared. JGS Co. estimated they could get 4-5 times more efficient than that silicon type solar battery. Tim ... Thank you for your story, Tim! This is quite interesting stuff. I dislike using Yahoo and no longer have an account there so I cannot join the Yahoo group, but I would like to attempt replication... Or at least, I would like to know more about the setup, how it works, and how we can make a version (or a device to similar effect). Could you perhaps suggest to Dr Schwartz that he visit this forum if and when he has a chance, so he can share his knowledge first-hand? In any case, welcome to the forum, and I look forward to reading more on this interesting subject. ... jep theres some stuff http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/noahsarkenergyresearch/ http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/therealteslainfoexchange/ http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/OneSmallStepForMan/ http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/usa-tesla/ mmh carbon that weird material http://pubs.acs.org/cen/topstory/7943/7943notw1.html

@ Power Technology thanks for good story bye ...

I would like to inform any members that have tried to email me at powertechnology@live.com or powertechnology1933@live.com that these email addresses was hacked and they changed our password which locked us out. I was unable to get any assistance from Windows live.com so I had to setup a new email address which is newpowertechnology@yahoo.com Who ever hacked into our old email accounts was really good, they were able to completely lock us out. They even changed my secret question and answer so I couldnt change it back. Were pretty sure that it was one of our employees at our Asian office. Anyone that has sent mail to my old live.com address please resend it to my new yahoo.com at newpowertechnology@yahoo.com Please resend all the email that you sent to our old address. Tim

Part 4. (This is it, i found it)

(The next text comes from the link abbow>>>>>>> http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/usa-tesla/message/23885 )... Yahoo tech group:

New member.
Since I'm new to the group I would like to introduce myself. My name is Dr. James Ben Schwartz; I'm the founder and chairman of the Noah's Ark Research Foundation. We have three research facilities; Japan, India and the Philippines. We have many different research projects but one of my favorite is our Tesla research. The propose of our research is to prove or disprove different kinds of alternative energy technology. Practical alternative energy options, home-made power systems, solar energy, wind power, fuel cells and new type batteries. Group focus is on working prototypes, energy efficiency improvements, schematics, research details etc. Our official creed is to question, doubt, research and to avoid absolute conclusions on any one aspect of the whole; To attempt to see a total picture emerge from the individual cohesiveness of the parts; To understand that the truth is that which is always to be questioned, always in need of more exploration and discovery; To dedicate ourselves to gathering more and more information about the totality and sharing with others around the world what we discover. One of our Tesla projects is called the "Electromagnet Radiation Receiver". For many years we at the Noah's Ark Research Foundation have been experimenting with new materials that support electromagnetic wave propagation in ways that are not observed in nature. Other research teams around the world are doing similar experiments that also backup this theory. We have been able to create materials that support this type of effect for light and other electromagnetic waves. Even some physicists are starting to challenge what was thought to be the basic laws of nature. Many of the hard-nosed skeptics are finding it increasingly more difficult to disprove the left-hand rule. We have been able to achieve some fantastic results by studying Tesla's electromagnetic research. I will post a picture of our latest ERR prototype in the photo file. In nature, all materials seem to obey the right-hand rule. The fingers of the right hand represent the waves of the electric field, and when you curl the fingers around to the base of the hand, this represents the magnetic field; the outstretched thumb indicates the direction of the flow of power Back in 1968 a Russian theorist; V.G. Veselago had predicted that new materials could be engineered to interact with our environment, which is just the opposite of how natural materials react. In 2000, researchers at the University of California-San Diego (UCSD) confirmed this, creating what's known as the first "left-handed" material. A special team at UCSD created material that caused fields to move to the left even though the electromagnetic energy moved to the right. The light waves produced in this material also produced an inverted Doppler effect. Researchers at MIT and the University of Delaware, is also exploring left -handed media. We are now discovering that the things we held to be inviolable can in fact, be violated under certain conditions. Many research teams are already able to build structures that support this theory. Much of our research over the past few years has proved that these new kinds of materials can cause different affects when it comes to magnetic fields. I'm already using left-handed material in my ERR (Electromagnetic Radiation Receiver) experiments. I've proven this theory with my ERR prototype. Lawrence Rayburn has also proved this theory with his left-hand wound coils. Even though some of us have proven the left-hand theory, no one seems to want to admit that we have disproved one of the sacred laws of nature. Two very powerful permanent magnets attached to a newly created material with coils on each magnet made of a special alloy. A special frequency generator is used to induce a series of alternating frequencies to create a flow of electrons when activating the magnetic field. Since it is still in the experimental stages, no additional information can be released at this time. I'm releasing the drawing in hopes that it might encourage some people to do their own experiments in fluxing a magnetic field to get a flow of electrons without moving the magnets. Trust me, it can be done. Some additional information that will be helpful is to attach the magnets to the material you're using so that you have a strong attraction between the two magnets but without them being able to touch. It's best to use four inch long powerful bar magnets with a

1-inch space between the north and south poles of the magnets. (The distance between the two magnets will depend on how powerful they are). You will have to experiment to get the maximum flow of electrons. Attach the first magnet to your board and before attaching the second magnet, place a piece of wood 1-inchs thick so that the two magnets don't attract each other. If the magnets you are using are very powerful you could easily injure your fingers if they get in the way. Some more helpful information would be for you to join Lawrence Rayburn's yahoo group (onesmallstepforman@yahoogroups.com) and study his TREC research. The secret is in the material used, the size of the wire and the number of turns plus the frequency and how you alternate that frequency. There are many combinations that will allow you to get small amounts of electrons to flow. As my research progresses I will be releasing more information. The amount of information that can be released will depend on our board of directors at our Japan research facility. The knowledge that you will get from studying and experimenting with magnetic flux fields will help you later as we release more information. Don't be afraid to discuss your experiments with the other members of the group, but most of all, don't get discouraged. If you keep a happy attitude you'll enjoy your experiments and you'll be more likely to succeed. Just remember that solutions don't come from the traditional way of thinking, because then it would be impossible. You'll find the drawing of my special experimental magnetic flux field in the file section. ... I am so glad you joined our list. I would be happy to provide information on my projects for your information. If you are interested I am working on one of the Tesla inventions. (Which is already proven to work) The Tesla turbine and disk generator. Concerning your research on electromagnetic wave research you may wish to look at the Tesla patent for a bifilar coil, which actually is a strong electromagnet. I personally cannot provide much information as my education in this area is limited, but I have made several small ones and noted some interesting properties. Paul ... Welcome aboard! I am quite interested in the research you describe. In particular, can you provide more information about the actual theory and operation of your magnetic generator? Any closeup photos of the unit? http://video.yahoo.com/people/58611 This device appears to be related to the "elemental rod generator" that was previously marketed in Japan by the ERR Company. In a translation of the Japanese marketing documents, the inventor is appears to also be a Dr. Schwartz from the Noah's Ark Research Foundation. Are these units being offered for sale today? See discussion and more info here: http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,1723.msg18528.html#msg18528 http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Elemental_Rod_Generator An earlier prototype version is apparently being demonstrated here are you the demonstrator in these videos? http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-635987818295327978 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4298347669641896403 Any more information that you can shed on the above would be appreciated... Bert ... I'll second that welcome. Even more when I figure out how to open up the .docx file/photo , may I suggest loading any photo's you would like to show this group into a site like www.photobucket.com , it is a better place (imho) to upload & access pictures for everyone , yahoo is often a b!**h to enter , navigate & will greatly downsize photo's you load into it. I am quite interested in the research you describe. In particular, can you provide more information about the actual theory and operation of your magnetic generator? Any closeup photos of the unit? >http://video.yahoo.com/people/58611 Do you have much trouble getting that "electromagnetic briefcase" shown in the video at the above link onto airplanes when travelling ?? Re: The "left hand rule" anomalies you mentioned , I have noticed variations or odd things about written about it by people in the Northern Hemisphere vs the Southern Hemisphere in the assortment of Electrician's text books I have in my library here in Australia , but have never gotten around to actually testing the anomalies I have seen. There _should_ be more differences in the way things spin or turn between the North & South other than the Coriolis effect. I'll have a dig thru my books & take a few scans if I can find something of interest. I'll also have a read thru my Ed Leedskalnin files again , some things you said in your introductory post triggered a few flags regarding his work or ramblings, pending on how you view him. So many ideas , too little brain capacity.......... JB

BTW Very nice work on gathering , collecting & posting the intel in your post Bert. ...

-The ERRThanks to Paul, Bert and JB for the welcome, I've been looking for a dedicated Tesla group and unfortunately it's not easy to find. I joined one group called the teslainformationexchange@yahoogroups.com started by a guy named Neal from The International Tesla Institute. It turned out to be nothing but a Porn and Spam group that was disgracing the name of Tesla. Our Atty. Is trying to find out who this Neal guy is. It's good to know that I finally found a group of real Tesla fans here at USA-Tesla. I'll start by answering Bert and JB's questions. I am quite interested in the research you describe. In particular, can you provide more information about the actual theory and operation of your magnetic generator? Any closeup photos of the unit? I posted a drawing of the flat electromagnetic panel in the group files. I used four special Aluminum alloy plates that are 1/16th of an inch thick by 11 inches wide by 7 inch high and placed three 1/16th inch Bismuth sheets between the Aluminum plates. Then I used two very powerful flat permanent magnets (3''X3/4''X1/8'') attached in the center of the plates. A special gold plated wire that is coated with clear insulation is used to create a coil to flex the magnetic field of the magnets. A special frequency generator is used to induce a series of alternating frequencies to create a flow of electrons when activating the magnetic field. We are presently experimenting with replacing the Aluminum and bismuth with different material such as Magnesium, Beryllium and graphite which has been showing better output than the Aluminum and Bismuth. I put some good photos of our prototype #8 in the group photos. Question This device appears to be related to the "elemental rod generator" that was previously marketed in Japan by the ERR Company. In a translation of the Japanese marketing documents, the inventor is appears to also be a Dr. Schwartz from the Noah's Ark Research Foundation. Are these units being offered for sale today? Answer Yes, this is related to the Rod Generator. That video was taken in 1988 by a friend of mine who came to visit me in the Philippines. His video cam was stolen from his bag on his way back to the US so who ever posted that video is still a mystery. Because he was planning on showing the video to some people in the US we decided to say that one rod contained 73 elements and the other 74. That was only to confuse people so that they wouldn't know how really simple the rods were. I considered my first Rod Generator a toy that needed a lot of research and testing. Back in 2002 my board of directors talked me into marketing small Rod Generators to help poor countries. We pooled our money to set up a small manufacturing plant to build our Rod Generators. We were planning on selling them at cost to help do our part to save the world form the Oil Companies. A week later we got a notice from the Dept. Of Energy in Japan that required the Rod Generator to be safety checked by their laboratory before it could be sold in Japan. It took them almost six months to test it before we received notice that it was unsafe for public use. All the units that we had already manufactured plus our jigs and dies had to be destroyed. That really hurt me and my partners because we put a lot of money into that project. Since our wife's told us not to put money into the Rod Generator we now have to live with the old "I told you so". At least we learned a very important lesson, I will never try to market one of my ERR generators. When I have finished my ERR research and I fully understand how it works, we plan on posting it on the internet. My board of directs and myself are the ones that fund all of our Noah's Ark Research facilities so we have no investors to account to. Since I do a lot of lectures at different Universities we decided to keep the big business interest and the people from the oil companies from trying to figure out my new ERR. They like to send their people to take close-up pictures so they can study my prototype but it won't do them any good because we only use a small portion of the circuit board that you see in the photos, the rest is just for show. We're making sure that OPEC and the powerful companies don't patent my ERR technology to keep it from the people. Question An earlier prototype version is apparently being demonstrated here are you the demonstrator in these videos? http://video. Google.com/ videoplay? Docid=-635987818 295327978 http://video. Google.com/ videoplay? Docid=-429834766 9641896403 Answer Yes, this was prototype #7 that I used in my lectures at the University of the Philippines. One of the students that attended my lectures more than likely posted it to Google Video since many like to take videos and still shots. As you can see in the video I used a special flat panel alloy instead of the rods. The big problem with prototype #7 was too much fluctuation in output plus burned out components in the controller that stabilized the electromagnetic field. Our latest prototype #8 is the one that I posted in the group photos. Even though this one seems to work very well it still needs a lot of testing. Question

Do you have much trouble getting that "electromagnetic briefcase" shown in the video at the above link onto airplanes when travelling? Answer Yes, the first time that I tried to take prototype #7 on one of my lectures outside the country I got stopped by the airport security because the electromagnetic field interfered with the x-ray machine. It caused static on their screen. The inspectors were afraid because they didn't understand how it worked. Because the unit was capable of putting out a great deal of power without any batteries they were afraid that it might be radiative. After x-raying it several times and using a Geiger counter to check for radiation they finally allowed it to be checked in only but not in my carry-on bag. I don't have any problem with my latest ERR because it doesn't interfere with their x-ray; it just looks like a metal plate with a circuit board when they see it on their screen so they don't bother to ask me to open my bag. Question Re: The "left hand rule" anomalies you mentioned, I have noticed variations or odd things about written about it by people in the Northern Hemisphere vs the Southern Hemisphere in the assortment of Electrician' s text books Answer The left hand rule is a very interesting research. We have noticed many variations in our experimental coils at our facility in India compared to the coils in Japan and the Philippines. It's best that I don't go any farther on this subject because this could take hours and twenty pages of text to explain. And the truth is that after all that explaining you would be very confused. I'm even confused myself because we are sometimes having difficulty replicating some of our experiments. As we learn more about this theory I will post it. This is much better because then I won't look like a fool trying to explain parts of our theory that is still not fully understood. Thanks for the information about photobucket, I'll check it out. Our Foundation is planning on building a world class Tesla Museum, we could really use any good ideas or thoughts that you might have. We are presently setting up a planning committee. And thanks again for the warm welcome; I look forward to a long and lasting relationship with the group. Dr. Schwartz (or just Ben will do fine) ...

From www.energeticforum.com Tread: http://www.energeticforum.com/renewable-energy/1240-free-energy-elemental-rodvideo.html

Just finished to read the following book: http://www.nuenergy.org/pdf/electrinium.pdf The link for this book was taken form another post by future_pather. This is really a great paper and explains many things that were talked about in this topic. I strongly suggest to read it. Basically all we need is some silicon crystals, iron and silver to make a compound that will give off electricity just like a magnet radiates out a magnetic field (or should we say it swirls and rotates the aether arond it) In fact I have access to a big and powerfull ceramic kiln, maybe I should give it a try? ... Resonace in different elements: http://www.eclipse.net/~numare/nsinmrpt.htm ... Damien, this is a great source of info: Free energy units using zero point energy, magnetic energy, cold fusion And it matches exactly with the info on that pdf that future_pather posted earlier about that the gravity is a combination of two currents (one from our sun as DC and the other from our galactic center as high frequency AC). These two currents make two different magnetic fields whose interaction creates gravity. Also there is a lot of info about atoms, how to combine them, about the purpose of the moon, about what is time and many many other interesting things. I am starting to understand now how everything works. Harmonic Resonance by Randall Cole ROFFE http://www.rexresearch.com/articles/roffe.htm ...

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