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1 Flowchart

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A chart that contains symbols referring to computer operations, describing how the program performs. A graphic map of the path of control or data through the operations in a program or an information-handling system. Symbols such as squares, diamonds, and ovals represent various operations. These symbols are connected by lines and arrows to indicate the flow of data or control from one point to another.



indicated by straight lines with optional arrows to show the direction of data flow the arrowhead is necessary when the flow direction might be in doubt used to connect blocks by exiting from one and entering another

Terminal box

flattened ellipses indicate the start and the end of a module an ellipse uses the name of the module at the start the end is indicated by the word end or stop for the top or Control Module a start has no flowlines entering it and only one exiting it; an end or exit has one flowline entering it but none exiting it

Initialization Box

Initialization box - is used for declaring / initializing variables needed to solve a certain process. Take note: You can only use variables that are placed inside the Initialization box.

Declaration relates to it

- binding of an identifier to the information that stating a variable name to be used to prepare (a computer or a printer) for use; boot to format (a storage medium, such as a disk)

Initialization - to set (a starting value of a variable) -


A symbol representing such a quantity. For example, in the expression a2 + b2 = c2, a, b, and c are variables which may represent any value.

Naming Convention

Do not use reserved words as your variable names. Name your variables close to its functionality. Always start with a letter. Names Good Variable Names Age First_Name Salary

Bad Variable High+Low 1st_Name print

Process box

the rectangle indicates a processing block, for such things as calculations, opening and closing files, and so forth

a processing block has one entrance and one exit

Input/Output box

the parallelogram indicates input to and output from the computer memory an I/O block has one entrance and only one exit

Decision box

the diamond indicates a decision it has one entrance and two and only two exits from the block

one exit is the action when the resultant is TRUE and the other exit is the action when resultant is FALSE


the connector block is used as a connection between two sections of a flowchart that is not adjacent or closely located to each other Note: These connectors should be used as little as possible. They should be used to enhance readability. Overuse decreases readability and produces a cluttered effect.

Flowchart Case Study:

Create a flowchart having a variable that is initialized to your current age. Your flowchart should be able to show your age 5 years from now.

Create a flowchart having 3 variables. Two of the variables is used to initialize the Birth Year and the Current Year. The third variable is used to compute for the current age. Your flowchart should display the age value.

Flowchart Case Study:

1. Create a flowchart that computes for the circumference of a circle.

Assume that the value for radius is 7.23. Your flowchart should be able to show the value of the circumference.

Create a flowchart that computes for the area of a circle. Assume that the user only knows the value for diameter. Your flowchart must be able to accept a value for the diameter and should be able to show the value of the Area.

Additional facts: The pie value is 3.1416 which is constant and should never be changed. You can compute the circumference by using this formula 2R. And area is R2

Flowchart Case Study:

Create a flowchart that lets the user enter a name, address, Birthday, Age, Sex, and Phone Number. Your flowchart should display the variables with the following format:

Create a flowchart that will compute for the Average score of a student based on three quizzes. The quizzes are entered by the user, the value may range from 0 to 100. However, the Average may have a value having decimal places. Example: Q1: 98 Q2: 79 Q3: 88 Ave is 83.33

Conditional Statements
What is a Condition?

Conditions are statements that result to a Boolean value. The Boolean value may either be a TRUE or FALSE, 0 or 1 value. Conditions are categorized into two:


In programming, there are three basic logic operators that you could use for conditional statements. They are the following:




The NOT operator reverses the logic or result of a certain condition

AND/OR truth table

Try this!

Relational Operators

Relational Operators are used in order to get the Boolean result of a certain condition.

Boolean Result

The result may be a TRUE or FALSE value, depending on the condition that is being evaluated. The Relational Operator may be the following:

Exercise: Assume that you have variables called X and Y. What would be the results of the conditions if we were to compare them with different values and different relational operators.

More on Decision Box

It should be noted that what you place inside the diamond box are conditions that either results to TRUE or FALSE. Note: You dont place conditions that are in essay form, you must be able to represent it in a mathematical form.

Flowchart Case Study:

Draw a flowchart that will let theuser enter a number, increase the value of the number by 5 if it is greater than 10, and display the result. Otherwise do nothing.

Draw a flowchart that will let the user enter a number, increase the value of the number by 5 if it is greater than 10, and display the result. Otherwise multiply the value by 5 and display the result.

Draw a flowchart for a colleges admissions office. Create variables to store the students numeric high school grade point average and the admission test score. Print the message Accept if the student has a grade point average of 3.0 or above and an admission test score of at least 60. If the student does not meet neither of the qualification criteria, print Reject.

Flowchart Quiz
1. Draw a flowchart that will let the user enter a character to determine the users gender (Male or Female). Display Male if the user enters the value of M and Female for the value of F. (Assume all inputs are correct) 2. Draw a flowchart to print TRUE if A is greater than B, and C is less than D or if A is greater than B and D is less than 1. Print False if otherwise. (All values are entered by the user).

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