Symptoms of Hirschsprung's Disease
Symptoms of Hirschsprung's Disease
Symptoms of Hirschsprung's Disease
Hirschsprung's disease is a birth defect in which part of the large intestine lacks nerve cells. Without nerve cells, the muscles in
that part of the intestine can't work properly. The symptoms of Hirschsprung's disease usually begin when a child is very young.
Hirschsprung's disease may occur by itself or as part of a syndrome or disorder that affects other parts of the body, such as Down
syndrome (Trisomy 21). It is four times more common in males than in females, and occurs in about 1 in 5,000 births.
Symptoms of Hirschsprung's Disease
swelling of the abdomen
difficulty growing and developing
ribbon-like, foul-smelling bowel movements
swelling of the abdomen
anemia, if there is blood in the bowel movements
Rectal biopsy
A small sample of the intestine is removed and examined under a microscope to see if the nerve cells are present.
The biopsy is the most accurate test for Hirschsprung's disease and confirms the diagnosis.
Treatment of Hirschsprung's Disease
Since part of the intestine is lacking nerve cells and will never work properly, that part of the intestine is surgically removed. The
remaining healthy intestine on either side is then connected. This is called a pull-through operation.
Some individuals, especially those who have been sick, may first have an operation called an ostomy. The diseased part of the
intestine is removed, but the top part of the intestine is connected to the outside of the abdomen through an opening (called a
stoma). The ostomy lets the intestine work normally and allows the individual to become healthy prior to the pull-through
operation. When the pull-through is done, the ostomy is closed up because it is no longer needed.
With an incidence of 1/5000 births, the most cited feature is absence of ganglion cells: notably in males,
75% have none in the recto-sigmoid and 8% with none in the entire colon. The enlarged section of the
bowel is found proximally, while the narrowed, aganglionic section is found distally. The absence of
ganglion cells results in a persistent over-stimulation of nerves in the affected region, resulting in
1. Delayed passage of meconium
2. Abdominal distension
3. Constipation
Hirschsprung's disease is suspected in a baby who has not passed meconium within 48 hours of delivery.
Normally, 90% of babies pass their first meconium within 24 hours, and 99% within 48 hours. Other
symptoms include, green or brown vomit, explosive stools after a doctor inserts a finger into the rectum,
swelling of the abdomen, lots of gas and bloody diarrhea. Definitive diagnosis is made by suction biopsy
of the distally narrowed segment.
Treatment of Hirschsprung's disease consists of surgical removal (resection) of the abnormal section of
the colon, followed by reanastomosis. There used to be two steps typically used to achieve this goal.
The first stage used to be a colostomy. When a colostomy is performed, the large intestine is cut and
an opening is made through the abdomen. This allows bowel contents to be discharged into a bag.
Later, when the childs weight, age, and condition is right, a pull-through procedure is performed.
Orvar Swenson, who discovered the cause of Hirschsprungs, first performed it in 1948.
The pull-
through procedure repairs the colon by connecting the functioning portion of the bowel to the anus. The
pull-through procedure is the typical method for treating Hirschsprungs in younger patients. Swenson
devised the original procedure, and the pull-through surgery has been modified many times.
The Swenson, Soave, Duhamel, and Boley procedures all vary slightly from each other:
The Soave procedure leaves the outer wall of the colon unaltered. The Boley procedure is a small
modification of the Soave procedure. The term "Soave-Boley" procedure is sometimes used.
The Duhamel procedure uses a surgical stapler to connect the good and bad bowel.
Of those 15% of children who do not obtain full control, other treatments are available. If constipation is
the problem then usually laxatives or a high fiber diet will overcome the problem. If lack of control is the
problem then a stoma may be necessary. The Malone ACE is also an answer. This is where a tube goes
through the abdominal wall to the appendix or, if available, to the colon. Then once a day the bowel is
flushed. Children as young as 6 do fine with administering this on their own. Details of ostomical sugery
and its results can be found in the book Unwanted Baggage by P. and E. Prosser.
If the affected portion of the lower intestine is restricted to the lower portion of the rectum, other surgical
procedures, such as the posterior rectal myectomy, can be performed.
College of Nursing
Legarda, Manila
Manifestations: _____________________________________________________
Management done: __________________________________________________
( ) None
( ) Yes
When: ____________________________________________________________
Reasons: __________________________________________________________
Childhood Illness: ________________________________________________________
Immunization Received: ___________________________________________________
Description of Health: _____________________________________________________
( ) Excellent
( ) Good
( ) Fair
( ) Poor
( ) Fair
( ) Poor
( ) Cancer
( ) Hypertension
( ) Arthritis
( ) Cardiac Diseases
( ) CVA / Stroke
( ) Respiratory Disease
( ) Hemophilia
( ) Kidney Disease
( ) Allergy
( ) thrice
( ) never
( ) never
( ) none ( ) Yes
Location: _____________________________________________
( ) Loose teeth: _________________________________________
( ) Malpositions: ________________________________________
Do you have prosthesis? ( ) none
Use of Cigarette:
( ) no
( ) yes
( ) yes
Type: ______
Brand: __________________
Use of Alcohol: ( ) no
( ) yes
Brand: __________________
( ) prescribed drugs
Specify: ______________________________________________
What are the health practices to prevent occurrence of illness?
( ) adequate nutrition
( ) physical examination
( ) weight control
( ) immunization
( ) exercise
( ) self-examination
( ) adequate rest/sleep
Home Health Management: _________________________________________________
Usual Foods Taken: _________________________________________________
Frequency Preferences: ______________________________________________
Food Dislikes: _____________________________________________________
Ability to Eat:
Swallow solid foods
( ) Yes
( ) No
( ) No
Reason: ___________
Reason: ___________
( ) Yes
( ) No
Reason: ___________
( ) Yes
( ) No
Reason: ___________
Previous Weight: __________________
Reason: _______________________
Height: __________________________
Usual number of hours in sleeping: ________________
Naps: ( ) No
( ) Yes
Sleeping Aids:
( ) Yes
( ) No
Medications: _________________________________________________
Foods: ______________________________________________________
Others: _____________________________________________________
( ) Yellow amber
( ) cloudy
( ) Bloody
other: ______
Odor: _______________________
Consistency: ______________
Pattern: ______________________
Self-Care Ability:
( ) Grooming
( ) Cooking
( ) Bathing
( ) Home maintenance
( ) Toileting
( ) Exercise
( ) Dressing
( ) Leisure activity
( ) Bed mobility
( ) General mobility
( ) Occupational Activities
Reason of inability to perform above activities: _____________________
0 Full self care
1 Requires use of devices
( ) Smelling
( ) Taste
( ) Touch
( ) Eyeglasses
( ) Vertigo
( ) insensitivity to superficial pain
( ) sensitivity to cold and heat
( ) Yes
( ) No
( ) Yes
( ) No
Speech: ( ) clear
( ) slurred
( ) relevant
( ) Oral
( ) Written
( ) Gesture
Family life:
Do you live alone?
( ) Yes
( ) No
( ) marital
( ) parenting
( ) relatives
( ) abuse specify
Describe: _________________________________________________________
( ) erection
( ) fertility
Describe: ___________________________________________________
Do you use contraceptives?
( ) No
( ) Yes
( ) Job