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The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy

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Global Conspiracy
(and how to end it)

The David Icke Guide to the

First published in October 2007.

David Icke Books Ltd 185a High Street Ryde Isle of Wight P033 2PN UK Tel/fax: +44 (0) 1983 566002 email: info@davidickebooks.co.uk

Copyright 2007 David Icke

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the Publisher, except for the quotation of brief passages in criticism

Cover illustration by Neil Hague

British Library Cataloguing-in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 978-0-9538810-8-6

Global Conspiracy
(and how to end it)

The David Icke Guide to the

David Icke

To my unforgettable mother, Barbara, and my great friend, Roger Hill, who have left us for frequencies new. To all those who have tried to stop me communicating this information and those who continue to try to undermine me and what I do for their own malevolent reasons. When, at some point, you wake up, you will be horrified at what you've done. To all those who have supported me through difficult ti mes and ensured that this book could be published. Above all, thank you to Linda: my rock through all the challenges. A greater and more steadfast friend I cannot i magine.

Other books and DVDs by David Icke

Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Else is Illusion Tales from the Time Loop Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster Children Of The Matrix The Biggest Secret I Am Me I Am Free ... And The Truth Shall Set You Free 21st century edition Lifting The Veil The Robots' Rebellion Heal the World Truth Vibrations It Doesn't Have To Be Like This

Freedom or Fascism: the Time to Choose Secrets of the Matrix From Prisonto Paradise Turning Of The Tide The Freedom Road Revelations Of A Mother Goddess Speaking Out The Reptilian Agenda

Details of availability at the back of this book and through the website www.davidicke.com

So who are we?

2 So where are we? ..................................................................................


Forbidden knowledge ........ 59 3 4 Kingdom of shadows ........ 93 114 The Serpent and the Sun ...................................................................... 5 142 'The Cruellest Hoax' .............................................................................. 6 169 Hand in glove .......................................................................................... 7 193 8 The Round Table nexus ......................................................................... Modus operandi ...................................................................................... 208 9 10 Symbolic interlude .................................................................................. 243 11 Now that's prophecy ............................................................................. 255 12 Neo-Nazicons ........................................................................................... 264 13 9/11: the big lie ....................................................................................... 280 14 Lying for a living ...................................................................................... 303 15 The miracle factory ................................................................................. 320 16 The seamless web .................................................................................. 346 17 The 'no conspiracy' alliance ................................................................. 364 382 18 Free to do as we tell you 19 Fake 'democracy' ................................................................................... 401 20 The superstate agenda ......................................................................... 409 21 Mirror, mirror on the wall ... who is the most corrupt of all? .... 436 22 The sycophant vibration ....................................................................... 466 23 Made in Manchuria ............................................................................... 472 24 Whose world in your head? ................................................................. 500 25 The hive mind ......................................................................................... 519 532 26 Computer access .................................................................................... 27 The carbon con ....................................................................................... 559 28 The shift .................................................................................................... 575

Bibliography ............................................................................................. Index ..........................................................................................................

604 607

Working Class Hero

As soon as you're born they make you feel small By giving you no time instead of it all Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all They hurt you at home and they hit you at school They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool Till you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules When they've tortured and scared you for twenty-odd years Then they expect you to pick a career When you can't really function you're so full of fear Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV And you think you're so clever and classless and free But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see There's room at the top they are telling you still But first you must learn how to smile as you kill If you want to be like the folks on the hill John Lennon

Little Boxes
Little boxes on the hillside, little boxes made of tickytacky Little boxes on the hillside, little boxes all the same There's a green one and a pink one and a blue one and a yellow one And they're all made out of tickytacky and they all look just the same. And the people in the houses all went to the university Where they were put in boxes and they came out all the same And there's doctors and there's lawyers, and business executives And they're all made out of tickytacky and they all look just the same. And they all play on the golf course and drink their Martinis dry And they all have pretty children and the children go to school And the children go to summer camp and then to the university Where they are put in boxes and they come out all the same. And the boys go into business and marry and raise a family In boxes made of tickytacky and they all look just the same. Malvina Reynolds

The Question ...

Trinity: I know why you're here, Neo. I know what you've been doing ... why you hardly sleep, why you live alone and why night after night you sit by your computer. You're looking for him. I know because I was once looking for the same thing. And, when he found me, he told me I wasn't really looking for him. I was looking for an answer. It's the question that drives us, Neo. It's the question that brought you here. You know the question, just as I did. Neo: What is the Matrix? Trinity: The answer is out there, Neo, and it's looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to.

'I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?'
John Lennon

Stop seeking and you will find ...

In a Native American parable, the Creator gathers all the animals and says: 'I want to hide something from humans until they are ready for it - the realisation that they create their own reality'. 'Give it to me. I'll fly it to the Moon,' says the eagle. 'No, one day soon they will go there and find it.' 'How about the bottom of the ocean?' asks the salmon. 'No, they will find it there too.' 'I will bury it in the great plains,' says the buffalo. 'They will soon dig and find it there.' 'Put it inside them,' says the wise grandmother mole. 'Done,' says the Creator. 'It is the last place they will look.' Native American Legend

Before we start ...

We live in extraordinary times and amid incredible change - far greater than most can begin to imagine. There is a vibrational transformation, a quickening, in the unseen realms beyond human sight that is teasing open the closed and concrete minds of the human population. It is awakening those who are ready to emerge from the trance that holds them in servitude to the Hidden Hand that manipulates from the shadows through those who only appear to be 'in power'. The goal of the Shadow People is an Orwellian global state of total control and compliance to their draconian dictatorship; a place where freedom is lost in all its forms to the microchipped surveillance of every action, word and even thought. I have been warning about this for so long and faced much ridicule for my trouble, but laughter is a rare reaction these days as the evidence speaks in the language of daily experience. The vibrational quickening, and the ever-gathering extremes of government control and imposition, have combined to open the eyes of an enormous number of people to the reality that 'something's not right'. But what is it? In the first of the Matrix movie trilogy, the Morpheus character says to the bewildered seeker, Neo:
What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.

I know exactly how that feels and so do you, or you would not be reading this with the intent to answer the questions that are 'driving you mad' - Who am I? Where am I? Why is the world as it is? It was in the 1980s that I began my conscious journey in search of answers. It has taken me to more than forty countries and led me to knowledge, 'ancient' and 'modern', which has shown me how many of the puzzle pieces fit. Only when the dots are connected can the picture be seen, and in this book I have pulled together two decades of research and experience to explain why 'something's not right'. As always, it is a work in progress, but it makes a giant leap along the road to understanding the human condition and how we can change it. The writer Michael Ellner rightly said:
Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality.

This is not by accident, but by design ... as I will now explain as the dots are connected.

So who are we?

The true value of a human being can be found in the degree to which he has attained liberation from the self. Albert Einstein

Humour me a little while I state the obvious ... we get lost because we don't know where we are. Of course, simple. We get lost because we don't have the information to tell us where we are and, without that, we can't find the way home. Equally obvious. How can we get somewhere if we don't know where we are to start with? All this may be a no-brainer, but what is in your face is not always in your mind. As the saying goes: If you want to hide something, put it on public display. What I have just described is precisely the plight of the 'human race'. We are lost because (a) we don't know where we are and (b) we don't have access to the necessary information to tell us where we are. In fact, in our case, it goes even further. We don't even know who we are, let alone where. As John Lennon wrote: 'How can I go forward when I don't know which way I'm facing? How can I go forward when I don't know which way to turn?' Without those coordinates who we are and where we are how can we possibly make sense of what we see and experience? We can't. So we guess (often wildly) and these guesses are called religions and scientific theories. We talk about making 'educated guesses' based on the best information available, but what if that information expressed through religion and science was fundamentally flawed and, even more significantly, was meant to be so? We would be faced with a situation even more confusing than simply not knowing which direction to head. We would be sent off in the wrong direction believing that the passer-by with the mitre or the microscope knew what they were talking about. Today, there is a growing understanding that our maps are out of date and we have been reading them the wrong way up. Or, rather, we've had this done for us by agents, often unknowingly so, of a system that can only exist by keeping us in ignorance of the compass and coordinates that will lead us home. Someone's been messing with road signs to confuse and control, and this book is designed to be a guide to who we are, where we are and how the few are manipulating our daily lives on a scale, and to an end, that beggars belief. From this, everything else will come, and what has appeared until now to be a crazy, bewildering, inexplicable 'world' will suddenly morph into focus. The world seems crazy because we have been looking from the wrong angle. Look at it another way and ... 'WOW, so that's what's going on!'

The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Firstly, key coordinate number one: Who are we? Ask most people who they are and they would say something like: 'I am Joe Bloggs. I'm an office worker from Tooting in London, and I am married with three children. I like football and gardening and I would like to visit my brother in Australia'. You hear that sort of thing all the time when people appear on TV game-shows and are invited to 'Tell us about yourself'. People identify who they are with their job, income, their likes and dislikes, and what we would call their 'personality' 'I love to have a laugh and party'; 'I like to stay at home and live a quiet life', or whatever. But another 'What if?' What if what you call 'you', your 'personality', even your sex, is not you at all? What if these are all expressions of a computer program that you have been kidded is you? We'd think it was insane if an astronaut was asked who he was and he began to detail the features of his spacesuit: 'I am a NASA Mark III, born in the 1990s. I have a hard upper torso, brief and hip transition elements, and rolling convolute shoulder, waist and hip abduction/ adduction joints. I am capable of being pressurised at 0.56 atmospheres, and would like to visit my brother at the International Space Station'. We would likely think that the guy had already been pressurised too much. What is he doing identifying himself with his spacesuit, the silly sod? He needs help, big time, quick. Yes, he does, but then, he's not alone, is he? 'Human beings' do exactly the same. We believe we are our spacesuit, and once we fall for that one we have lost the entire plot. How could a spaceman operate if he thought he was his spacesuit? There would be chaos and confusion on a gigantic scale, right? Well, look around at this 'world' of spacesuit believers and what do you see? Chaos and confusion on a gigantic scale. How could it be any other way? So the first revelation on the road to freedom: your body is not 'you' it is a fantastic biological computer that 'you' are using to experience this reality. It is a vehicle, a means, not a 'you' or an 'I'. The spacesuit is the means by which an astronaut can experience other 'worlds'. So is your 'body'. We are not our bodies, we are Infinite Consciousness, the All That Is, a seamless energy field within which all 'worlds' and no 'worlds' exist. The only difference between everything is the level of awareness that we are All That Is. The deeper this awareness, the more you will access that level of 'knowing' and perception; the more you think you are an 'individual' and apart from everything else, the more you will disconnect from the Infinite One that you really are. We live in a realm of division and 'apartness' because we have forgotten, and been manipulated to forget, our true and infinite nature. Albert Einstein described reality as 'an illusion, albeit a persistent one', and he said:
A human being is a part of the whole, called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.

Even more than that, to embrace that we are Infinite Consciousness, or what I will call Infinite Awareness. This is a level of consciousness that knows it is everything. It is the

So who are we?

self-aware ALL. Think of the difference between a droplet of water and the ocean; the droplet symbolises the sense of division, of being an individual 'me', unconnected to anything else. This is like identifying with being 'Bill Bloggs' or 'Ethel Jones'. But, put that droplet back in the ocean, and where does the ocean end and the droplet begin? There is no beginning and no end, no Alpha and Omega, because all is One. At that level there is no 'we' only an Infinite 'I'. Part of that ocean may be calm and peaceful and another may be angry and rough, but it is still the same ocean, the same Oneness. We are always the ocean, always Infinite Awareness, and we cannot literally become disconnected from that. However, when we forget who we are, we can be confused into a sense of division, of being the droplet, and we perceive reality through the tiny lens that this creates in our minds. This lens perceives what it believes and brings into manifestation an experience that matches the belief. Think small and you'll be small, even though you are Infinite Possibility. This is the plight of what we call humanity. We are the ocean, Infinite Awareness, but we believe we are just a little powerless, insignificant droplet. We identify with division and 'parts', not unity. This has happened because of the massive manipulation of our sense of reality that has led us to identify the 'I' with the biological computer we call the body. Look at how many religions claim it is blasphemous to say you are the All, or what they call 'God'. We can't say we are 'God'; we must be humble and accept that we are subordinate sinners who must cower in the face of the Almighty them. You are an insignificant piece of shit, get used to it, and only if the men in frocks put in a good word have you any chance of avoiding the guy with the pitch fork. This nonsense is designed by those who control the religions (not the programmed underlings in the funny hats) to lock us into the computer level of perception, the level at which we are easy to shepherd and pen. Listen to the language of religion 'The Lord is your shepherd and you are part of the flock'. I will refer to those imprisoned in the body-computer reality as 'unconscious', and those with an awareness of the greater whole as 'conscious'. In fact, everything is conscious; only the level of awareness is different, but I will use the terms 'conscious' and 'unconscious' to keep it as simple as possible. By this definition, almost the entire human population is unconscious, because people identify who they are with their body-computers (Figure 1, overleaf). Fortunately, we are now in an era when this is beginning to change.

Computer reality
A biological computer is often described as a 'living' computer; 'biological' is defined as 'pertaining to life and living things'. It is a computer that can work out solutions without being told exactly how to do it. These are now being developed around the world although, naturally, they are little more than counting-beads compared with the biological computer that is the human body. Still, the principle is the same. Professor Bill Ditto is leading the biological-computer research at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He says: 'Ordinary computers need absolutely correct information every time to come to the right answer. We hope a biological computer will come to the correct answer based on partial information, by filling in the gaps itself'. Put most simply, biological computers have the ability, up to a point, to think for themselves. This is true of the body, on a far more advanced scale, and the problem is that we are allowing it to think for us, too. We have become entrapped by the illusion that our body is who we are and therefore we believe that all the thoughts and emotions of the body-computer are

The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

ours. Not necessarily so. In fact, if we are talking about higher levels of our Infinite Awareness, never so. I would update the Albert Einstein quote at the top of this chapter and say: 'The true value of a human being can be found in the degree to which he has attained liberation from the computer-self'. The various parts of a computer mirror the workings of the body because in theme they are the same. The body-computer system is based upon the DNA/genetic network that communicates information between the cells, among many other things. When the communication is working well we are 'healthy', because the right information is reaching the right cells at the right time. It is this communication network that responds to disease, or heals cuts and bruises, and releases chemicals or absorbs toxins as necessary to maintain balance and react to challenge and change. When this system breaks down, Figure 1: Humans on the merry-go-round. Most the instructions become scrambled, like people are operating at the computer level of a mobile phone breaking up, and the reality; others are more conscious, but still trapped in body malfunctions. We call this 'illness', the illusion; and some are consciously connected to be it physical, mental or emotional. Infinite Awareness Look at what happens when the instructions passing around a desktop computer become muddled because of a 'virus', or whatever. The computer starts to show signs of 'dis-ease' or disharmony. At first, only its speed of reaction may be affected and we say 'the computer is slow'. It is slow because the information is not being communicated through the circuitry at optimum speed and efficiency. The 'virus' can go on to distort communications to the extent that the computer won't even turn on anymore. What do we say at that point? 'My computer is dead'. This is what happens when 'we' die. In truth, 'we' don't die because 'we' can't. We are Infinite Awareness not a body. It is our computer that dies when either its communication system has broken down and is no longer able to function, or consciousness chooses to withdraw from this reality and end the experience. Consciousness provides the power source to animate the computer, to 'plug it in the mains', if you like, and so when it goes the plug is pulled. What happens when you drop a computer from a great height? It doesn't work anymore it dies. What happens when a person is dropped from a great height? The same. What happens when a computer virus destroys the operating system of a computer? It doesn't work anymore it dies. What happens when a virus, cancer or other malfunction destroys the operating system of the body? The same. What happens when the memory

So who are we?

of a computer fails? It becomes confused and unable to respond to instructions and information as it could before. What happens when this happens in a 'human being'? We call it Alzheimer's, or mental illness. A computer goes into 'sleep mode' when it is inactive and resting. So does the body. The analogies go on and on as they must when we are talking about the same basic phenomena and operating principles. The point to emphasise again, however, is that we don't die and we don't get Alzheimer's or mental illness the body-computer does. In the same way, a computer operator at the keyboard does not get the computer virus. What we refer to as 'mental handicap' is not a problem with our Infinite Awareness; it is a damaged computer. You can be the best computer operator on the planet, but if your machine can't process your input you cannot make it work to full potential. We say we can't make a computer do what it could do before, especially as it gets old and worn out. What do we say about our bodies as they age? 'I can't do what I used to do.' Note that we use the term 'I' for the body when we say such things. The body-computer is not who we are. We are consciousness awareness all that has always been, is, and ever shall be. We are Infinite Awareness, not a finite computer, and once we confuse the two our SatNav can think a prison is an open road. Our world is structured to make us confuse the two because then we are controllable and suppressible, as this book will show. A computer is programmed to respond to a set of instructions, or 'software'. It has a circuit board, or 'motherboard', to communicate electrical signals to its various parts, and the key processor of information through the network is called a microprocessor, or CPU the central processing unit. A computer has a memory called the 'hard drive' and a 'virtual memory' or 'RAM' that holds information while the computer is in use. What you want to keep within this virtual memory is then transferred to the hard drive when you press 'save'. Computers also have software to protect them from being destabilised by viruses and other external attacks. These are called firewalls and anti-virus programs like Norton Anti-Virus. The bodycomputer operates in basically the same way. It has a hard drive, virtual memory, circuit board and anti-virus 'software'.

Genetic hard drive

The body's hard drive is comprised of deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, and cells. As we shall see, the cells are like computer chips. The two spiralling strands of DNA in the cells are recognised to be the body's genetic library that carry, and 'download' through procreation, the codes of our physical characteristics (Figure 2). But that is only part of the role of DNA. We have some 120 billion miles of the stuff, and it can store more than a hundred trillion times more information than any device that human science can construct. The principles are the same between the body and a desktop computer, but they are light years apart when it comes to scale, potential and sophistication. Another point to emphasise about DNA is how little established science knows

Figure 2: DNA, the bodycomputer 'hard drive'

The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

about it; some 95 to 97 per cent of DNA is referred to as 'junk DNA' because scientists have no idea what it does. Think about that. We each have 120 billion miles of DNA and yet up to (and probably more than) 97 per cent is a mystery to scientists who then have the nerve to tell us how we should, and should not, treat our bodies the bodies they are thoroughly ignorant about. We should remember that scientists and intellectuals don't have to be conscious in terms of Infinite Awareness, and the trouble is that the overwhelming majority of them are not. Their intellect mostly comes from the computer level of thought. How often is it that the greatest breakthroughs have come not through the intellect, primarily, but through intuitive hunch? The hunch is then followed up by the intellect and found to be valid. Our hunches, our intuition, inspiration or what I call 'knowing', come from Infinite Awareness not intellect. The 'scientific' and 'intellectual' professions, like teachers, university lecturers, and those in the media, are awash with unconscious people (along with some very frustrated conscious ones). This is why science has found itself at so many dead ends when it comes to explaining reality. They are programmed thinkers rather than inspired, All-Knowing Awareness, and as bodybelievers they come from the perspective of body reality the five senses. A true scientific genius, Nikola Tesla, who died in 1943, said: 'The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all previous centuries of its existence'. To so many, if it can't be seen, heard, touched, smelled or tasted it can't exist. The inference of the term 'junk DNA' is that it is surplus to requirements and has no purpose the very idea of which is mind-bogglingly ridiculous. One of the major roles of this so-called 'junk DNA' is to connect with other realms of reality and to receive, communicate and amplify information, much like a broadcast transmitter / receiver. The DNA's shape and crystalline structure make it perfect for this, as I'll come to in the next chapter. It is also vital to realise that DNA in all forms of life, from a human, to a mouse, to a flower, to a fish, to a virus, is basically the same. All DNA is comprised of the same four codes known as adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine, or A, G, C and T. The only difference between a flower and a human is the order in which these four codes are put together, and very small differences in the coding can produce massive differences in physical characteristics. The DNA distinction between a human body and a mouse is marginal compared with the fundamental differences in physical form. If you have seen the Matrix movie trilogy you will appreciate how the DNA code sequence in Figure 3 looks like the computer codes featured in those films. It is not only the human body that is a biological computer system; so, of course, are all forms of 'life' in this reality that we call the 'world'. Everything you see that has apparent physical form is a computer program, Figure 3: The A, G, C and T computer codes that decide 'physical' and A, G, C and T are like and other characteristics look like the computer screens in the computer codes. Matrix movies

So who are we?

Meridian motherboard
The body's circuit board is the meridian system that forms the basis of the ancient healing art of acupuncture. Thousands of years ago, the Chinese knew about the network of energy lines passing around and through the body that are now called meridians. Along these lines are many points, known as acupuncture points, where the flow of energy through the meridians can be regulated by using hair-like needles and other techniques. You can see in Figure 4 how the meridian system even looks like a circuit board. This is a computer-enhanced version of an image produced at the Necker Hospital in Paris in a joint study with the Cytology Laboratory at the Military Hospital. They injected a radioactive tracer into acupuncture points and then took the photograph with a gamma camera to see where it would go. It followed the pattern of the acupuncture meridian system. Not only does this confirm the existence of the meridian network, which 'modern medicine' has long dismissed and ridiculed, but the study also established another crucial Figure 4: The body's circuit board, fact. It found that the slower the energy (or chi to the or 'motherboard, is clearly seen Chinese) passed through the meridians, the less healthy in this image produced at the was the person involved. When the energy was flowing Necker Hospital in Paris at optimum speed and balance the subject was in good health. How can this be? Because the energy, the chi, is information that includes details about a problem or imbalance, and the instructions on how to respond. If people were taking too long to tell you that a problem existed and too long to pass your response to those at the scene, what would happen? The problem would not get fixed and would probably worsen as a result. This is one reason why people who are ill are more vulnerable to other illnesses. The chi also carries instructions to maintain balance and harmony and, again, when this communication is affected, so is the balance and harmony, and the body becomes diseased. As we have discussed, the first thing you notice when a computer begins to malfunction is that it is slower than normal to respond to your instructions. Once that happens, it can go on to become far worse unless action is taken to clear the system of whatever is slowing the communications traffic. So it is with the chi in the body circuit board. Those who have no understanding of how the body works, or even what it is, have long laughed at acupuncture and other 'alternative' methods of healing. Their ignorance cannot grasp how putting a needle in the foot or leg could cure a headache, for instance. This is because they associate the pain with the location of the pain rather than seeing the body as a whole. The meridians form circuits around the body, and a line that passes through the head also passes through the leg and foot. A blockage in these areas can cause disharmony elsewhere on the circuit, and so restoring the flow at a corresponding point on the foot or leg can remove the pressure, or other problem that is causing the headache. Computer technicians do something similar when they 'clean up' a computer to make the electrical circuits flow at optimum speed. These technicians are often referred to as 'computer doctors'. How very apt.

The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

The meridian system also links with a series of vortices that connect the human computer to our Infinite Awareness, or they're supposed to do anyway. There are many such vortices and they are known as 'chakras', a word that comes from the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit and means 'wheels of light'. There are seven main vortices, the base, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown chakras (Figure 5), and they connect to the body-computer through the glands of the endocrine system. The heart chakra is the balance point in the centre of the chest, and this is the real origin of feeling love 'in the heart'. As the knowledge was lost, the symbol of love became the 'physical' heart. The third-eye chakra, in the centre of the forehead, is our connection to psychic sight and communication, and it interacts with the pineal gland in the centre of the brain. The pineal gland is light-sensitive and produces melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep, and serotonin, a vitally important transmitter of electrical impulse in the brain. It is what is known as a 'neurotransmitter'. Rene Descartes, the 17th century French philosopher and mathematician, concluded that the pineal gland was the 'seat of the soul'. But it's really a receivertransmitter that connects the 'soul' Awareness to the computer. The crown chakra, on the top of the head, is the master connection with Infinite Awareness and its gland is the pituitary gland, the 'master gland', which is also located in the brain and secretes the hormones that control the whole endocrine system. Some say the pituitary is the gland of the third eye, and the pineal is the gland of the crown, but it doesn't matter either way for the purposes of this book. Both chakras connect us to 'out there', and if there is a problem with either of these glands it makes that connection far more difficult. They work with the hypothalamus in the brain, which is a key regulator of our emotional state and it organises and controls feelings and moods, as well as hunger, appetite and food intake, and everything to do with the concept of pleasure and creative activity. The hypothalamus is vital to the balance of body, mind and emotions and, along with the endocrine glands, it is targeted by chemicals used in mass-market food and drink, and by electromagnetic means. I once had a vivid dream as I was beginning to wake up to the Figure 5: The chakra vortices that connect the body bigger picture in the 1980s: I was to other levels of reality reading a Bible and the only words I

So who are we?

could see was the name 'John Pineal'. It was so vivid that I thought at first I had definitely read it in a Bible. I had never heard of the pineal gland at the time, but it is highly significant to connecting with the greater 'I', and I'll pick up on this theme later. The chakra vortices, by the way, are part of what we know as the 'aura', the energy field that surrounds the body and can be measured electrically, and even seen by some psychics. They see the aura as different colours that change with changing emotional and mental states. Different thoughts and emotions are different frequencies and vibrations, and every frequency represents a colour, or shade of colour.

What is the brain and where is memory?

Okay, we have identified the foundation of the body-computer system: the DNA and cells, and its circuit board, the meridian network. Next, we have the central processing unit, or CPU, which we call the brain. A CPU is actually known as 'the brain of the computer' because, like the human brain, it reads, controls and processes all communications traffic. Within the body-computer, the brain decides what to make of the information what to do with it and where it should go. We should remember it is the brain that receives the information from the five senses and decides how to decode it. If you can manipulate and program the brain to read these messages in a different way, you can get someone to eat an apple and yet taste banana. Skilled hypnotists do this sort of thing in their stage shows. We don't feel pain at the location of a blow; we feel it when the information about the blow has reached the brain to be decoded into 'ouch!'. All this is key to answering the questions in the next chapter: ' Where are we? And, what is reality?' I mentioned that computers have two forms of memory the hard drive that holds information long-term, and the 'virtual memory', or RAM, that allows you to use many different applications at one time while you are working at the keyboard. Anything you want to retain permanently from your work in virtual-memory mode can be transferred to the hard drive via the 'save' button. The body has a similar system known as shortterm and long-term memory. One article I saw on this subject said: 'Short-term memory, sometimes referred to as "primary" or "active" memory, is that part of memory which stores a limited amount of information for a limited amount of time ... This can be contrasted to long-term memory in which a seemingly unlimited amount of information is stored indefinitely'. Another explanation at www.psychtests.com put it this way:
Basically anything you see, hear, touch, or experience enters almost instantly (in a quarter of a second) into your short-term memory. We have short-term memories so we can use something immediately and then forget it if we no longer need to know it. We use it to recognize or understand something right at the moment that we're faced with it. Everything, essentially, starts with short-term memory ... ... Your long-term memory is where you keep all the memories and facts that you use to define who you are. Your first memory as a child, the first love letter you ever wrote or received, the time you broke your arm it's all in there. While we can't explain for sure why we recall certain things and not others, we do know some things about longterm memory. Information passes through short-term to get to long term.


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In fact, there is another level of memory the true 'I' (Infinite Awareness) where everything is remembered. The above tallies very well with the way that we use virtual memory to work at a computer and gather information, and then save what we want to keep on the hard drive.

Software immunity
The body's version of the firewalls and anti-virus programs that we have on computers is called the 'immune system'. As with Norton Anti-Virus and all the rest, the immune system is there to protect the body-computer from attacks on its operating system. The makers of Norton say:
One of the biggest slowdowns of a PC is caused by viruses, adware or spyware as it's often called ... A virus is a piece of malicious software code written to cause some kind of damage to a computer system, or network, or even the Internet itself. Viruses spread, similar to their biological namesake, from one machine to another and can spread havoc wherever they go.

The system protecting computers from such invasion works like this:
It runs unobtrusively in the background, checking all vulnerable files for possible infection by mischievous, sometimes malevolent, programs called viruses and worms. [It] ... does this by looking for the identifying signatures of these worms and viruses and comparing them to known viruses for which it has files. In its own way, the human immune system does the same; it seeks out 'foreign

invaders' 'identifying their signatures and comparing them to known viruses' and threats. It then attempts to destroy them, quarantine them in various ways, and maintain the harmony of the biological computer that is the body. If the immune system is undermined or overwhelmed by the scale or number of attacks, it can no longer protect the body from the consequences. It is the same with computer antivirus software. If the immune system is faced with new forms of viruses, or other attacks, it can also fail to deal with them the same with anti-virus software. A famous example of this was when smallpox ravaged the Native American population after the Europeans arrived. The indigenous people had never encountered smallpox before, and so neither had their immune systems. The Europeans had experienced smallpox and were much less prone to its effects. Their 'Nortons' had been 'updated', you might say. Wherever you look, the computer analogy is applicable to the workings of the body, and it is the similar principles and structure of both that makes it possible to develop computers today that respond to human thought the so-called 'human-computer interface'. In truth, it is a computer-computer interface. The difference is only in scale and advancement and the fact that the body is a biological computer it has the ability to think for itself to a significant extent without input from the keyboard operator ... consciousness, awareness. This explains so much about the 'world', as we shall see.

So who are we?


The rat brain pilot

Research into developing biological computers is well underway, including a study at the University of Florida which took 25,000 neural cells from a single rat embryo and taught it to fly a plane! Well, an F-22 jet simulator, anyway. It sounds fantastic, and on one level it is, but the logic is very straightforward once you realise what we are dealing with. The neural cells were suspended in a specialised liquid to keep them alive and then laid across a grid of 60 electrodes in a small glass dish. Under a microscope they looked like grains of sand at first, but quickly connected to form what scientists call a 'live computation device'. We'd call it a brain. The researchers attached electrodes to monitor and stimulate neural activity so that they could study how the brain processes and transfers information. The rat brain cells were then connected through a desktop computer to the jet simulator and they were taught to fly the plane. They were eventually able to control the aircraft even in hurricane-force winds. One of the Florida team, Dr Thomas DeMarse, explained:
When we first hooked them up, the plane "crashed" all the time, but ... the neural network slowly adapts as the brain learns to control the pitch and roll of the aircraft. After a while, it produces a nice straight and level trajectory. The network receives the information about the aircraft's pitch and roll in the form of stimulation pulses, and its responses change over time. We are its external teachers as it learns. Once it learns the technique, the 'rat brain can do it without help, and the biological nature

of the cells mean they can also work things out for themselves, to an extent. The team hopes that this research will help to develop 'sophisticated hybrid computers, with a thinking biological component'. One aim is to install 'living computers' in unmanned aircraft that can be deployed on missions considered too dangerous for pilots. They could be used in remote bomb-clearance machines, it is suggested. A reality check here: Biological computers could also potentially be used to take control of humans as with the machines in the Matrix trilogy. Once they can think without external input, such outcomes become seriously possible. Robots that can think for themselves are now being developed and at the end of this trail will be the ability to create a human-like body-computer (in fact, in the most secret and advanced projects they already can). There is a research programme called Reverb (short for 'Reverse Engineering the Vertebrate Brain) and Henrik Christiansen, director of the Center of Robotics and Intelligent Machines at the Georgia Institute of Technology, believes that we will have to consider human rights legislation for 'conscious' robots over the next 50 years. Human rights for humans would be a start.

The penny drops ... for some

Increasingly, the technology we are using mirrors the human body-computer and this includes digital computers that operate with the binary system of numbers. Experiments have shown that when the correct electrical current is used on the cell membrane its gates and channels open and when there is no current they close. This is an expression of the same binary system you find in computers. I found this explanation on the Internet:
A digital computer is designed to process data in numerical form; its circuits perform directly the mathematical operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

division. The numbers operated on by a digital computer are expressed in the binary system; binary digits, or bits, are 0 and 1 ... Binary digits are easily expressed in the computer circuitry by the presence (1) or absence (0) of a current or voltage.

Not surprisingly, a key part of the human brain also operates on the binary system, according to psychology professor Randall O'Reilly of the University of Colorado at Boulder. He says that a region of the brain that scientists believe is critical to human intellectual abilities functions much like a digital computer. 'Many researchers who create these models shun the computer metaphor', O'Reilly said. 'My work comes out of a tradition that says people's brains are nothing like computers and now all of a sudden as we look at them, in fact, in a certain respect they are like computers.' The brain, as with the body itself, is a highly sophisticated biological computer that is light years ahead of computer science, and it is because of this sophistication that there will appear to be differences when we are not comparing like with like. But in theme and principle they are the same. As we've seen, digital computers operate by turning electrical signals into binary 'on and off states' and Professor O'Reilly found the same operating principles in the brain. 'The neurons in the prefrontal cortex are binary they have two states, either active or inactive and the basal ganglia is essentially a big switch that allows you to dynamically turn on and off different parts of the prefrontal cortex', O'Reilly said. The prefrontal cortex was the 'executive centre' of the brain and supported 'higher level' cognition, including decision making and problem solving. He said researchers believed that the prefrontal cortex is critical to human intellectual ability and understanding more about human intelligence. I have thought for some time that the transfer from analogue to digital television will allow greater manipulation of the human brain because of the closer operational connection between digital TV and the digital brain, and the more I understand the more certain I am. If you are new to this information you will see why this is not so far-fetched when I detail how this world is controlled, by whom and to what end. So part of the brain operates on the binary system, while much of it works on the 'trinary' system of three numbers. Guosong Liu, a neuroscientist at the Picower Center for Learning and Memory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said in the publication Nature Neuroscience that understanding this could have major implications for the development of new computers. He says the brain's trinary code uses the numbers nought, one and minus one which has far greater potential than the binary system and allows the brain to ignore information when necessary like ignoring your surroundings while you are concentrating on something. 'Computers don't ignore information', Liu said. 'This is an evolutionary advantage that's unique to the brain.' It is believed that future computers and software will function on trinary systems and make everything we see today obsolete within the next ten years. I repeat, the brain/body and computers operate on the same principle it is just the level of advancement that is different. DNA is also a digital phenomenon on one level.

Downloading 'evolution'
What I am saying here about the body-computer explains the great mystery of 'evolution' when 'physical' forms change in response to changing environments. We see all the time in nature how species have adapted and readapted to their environments.

So who are we?


This happens in incredible detail and if it did not, the animal, bird or insect would not survive. The term 'mutation' is defined as 'a change of the DNA sequence within a gene or chromosome of an organism resulting in the creation of a new character or trait not found in the parental type'. These changes are generated by the body-computer system which receives information from its environment and constantly assesses the consequences for its comfort and survival. One example is the process of thermoregulation that maintains body temperature within certain levels even when it is faced with very different external conditions of hot and cold. The body is constantly making large and small adjustments in response to inner and outer change and challenges, physical, mental and emotional. It is the same principle as the rat brain cells making decisions in the face of information received to make the jet simulator cope with changing weather conditions. These adjustments by the body-computer lead eventually to permanent changes if there are permanent modifications to its environment. This is what we call 'evolution'. It is the evolution of the body-computer, not Infinite Awareness. Survival is the major program running through the system and this is why we have such a survival instinct. This 'instinctive response' is generated from the computer program and the more we focus on survival for its own sake, the more we will sync with the computer level of reality. Infinite Awareness doesn't need to survive because it cannot 'die'. The examples of the computer reacting to survive are endless and include the 'fight or flight' response where we either run or become violent when faced with potential danger. As I was writing this chapter, I came across a news story about insects that were no longer being killed by pesticides that once wiped them out. This is another expression of the body-computer responding to danger in order to survive. Sometimes, the environmental changes are so fast and so great that the computer's 'living mind' cannot make the fundamental adjustments quickly enough and it leads to a species becoming 'extinct'.

Welcome to the 'Earth Channel'

So 'we' are Infinite Awareness and not our bodies. We use the biological computer to experience this 'world' or reality, that's all. If we didn't, we could not interact with our environment. What we call 'Creation' is made up of a vast web of interconnecting frequencies, or 'dimensions', of life and experience. The analogy of television and radio broadcasts is very appropriate. In the space that you are occupying now are all the radio and television frequencies broadcasting to your area. You can't see them and they are not aware of each other because you and they are on different frequencies, or wavelengths. Only when the frequencies are really close do they experience 'interference'. It is the same with our reality. Our 'physical world' is just one of countless wavelengths, frequencies or dimensions, and to experience and interact with this realm we need an outer shell that is vibrating within this frequency range. Our consciousness is vibrating too fast to interact efficiently with this frequency. Think of it this way: could you pick up a cup if you were vibrating to the frequency broadcasts of BBC radio or CBS television? No. Such frequencies would pass through the cup and it would not move, just as radio and television broadcasts pass through walls without any effect on the wall. This is where the body-computer comes in; it is vibrating to this 'physical world' frequency range and thus can interact with everything else on the same wavelength be it a cup, comb or car key. The body is the means through which our


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Figure 6: The electromagnetic spectrum is currently

estimated to be only 0.005 per cent of what is said to exist in the universe ...

Figure 7: ... and human sight can see only a

fraction even of that 0.005 per cent. Humans are basically blind and perceive a tiny fraction of multi-dimensional infinite reality

Infinite Awareness can directly experience this range of frequencies that I will call, to keep it simple, the five-sense realm, world or dimension. This is why the five senses of sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste are so limited. They are confined to perceiving only this range of frequencies this dimension. For instance, the frequency range of human sight is bordering on the infinitesimal compared with what exists in the space we think we can see. Our eyes can perceive only so-called 'luminous matter' that which reflects light within a certain frequency range. Even within what we experience as the physical world we can only see objects when there is light reflecting from them. In a pitch-black room with no light source we see nothing. This principle applies on the bigger scale, too. Scientists currently suggest that at least 95 per cent of the mass in the universe is 'dark matter/ energy' that we cannot see because it is not reflecting light in a way that human sight can perceive. The electromagnetic spectrum is just 0.005 per cent of the matter/mass said to exist in this universe, yet human sight can see only a fraction even of that 0.005 per cent (Figures 6 and 7). This fraction is known as 'visible light' and if we saw any less we would be blind. What we think is an infinite universe is really a tiny, tiny frequency range that our five senses can access. Those senses are part of the body computer-program that tunes our awareness into this 'television station' the five-sense 'world' and allows us to interact with it. But the body is not who we are. The we is actually an 'I' Infinite Awareness, All That Is. What has happened, however, thanks to the suppression of this knowledge by the powers I shall expose, is that we have been manipulated to identify who we are with the body-computer. This has led us to follow the computer programs and software in our thoughts, emotions, reactions and perceptions while believing them to be 'us'. When we do this we become what I call 'unconscious', in that we disconnect our point of observation, perception and decision-making from our infinite true self to follow the programmed thought and reaction running in the software of the illusory self the body-computer. At that point we are in this world and of it. We take on the same fivesense point of reference as the body-computer, instead of knowing that the body is a vehicle for our Infinite Awareness to experience this realm. When we are in the latter mode of understanding, we are in this world in terms of five-sense experience, but we are not of it in terms of the awareness from which we observe and perceive. When people can't communicate with each other and there is no mutual understanding, we talk of them being on 'different wavelengths'. Yes, that's precisely what they are.

So who are we?


Because of this, those who speak of the world and life from the perspective of Infinite Awareness are seen as crazy and / or dangerous by those who are in computer mode. If you tried telling a computer it was being controlled by a guy at a keyboard, and its reality was just one magnetic hard drive among hundreds of millions, it would symbolically dismiss you as a joke. We have lost this understanding and so instead of identifying who we are with multi-dimensional Infinite Awareness, we identify with being Charlie Jones or Mary Smith. This has locked us into a prison of illusion in which we see ourselves as small instead of All. We believe we are powerless when, in fact, we are All-powerful, All-possibility. What's more, we have been systematically indoctrinated to forget who we really are. Only by suppressing this basic understanding can we be controlled on the scale that we daily experience. Most humans are operating on a fraction of their infinite potential as they are accessing only a fraction of who they are. It is like having the most sophisticated computer on the planet, with a hard drive full of files and gadgets, but only ever using Microsoft Word. Rene Descartes, the 17th century French philosopher, scientist and mathematician, said that the definition of life could be encapsulated in the phrase: I think, therefore I am. I can understand his theory when, on the face of it, thought is the foundation of behaviour and what we call 'personality'. But, after years of research into the nature of reality, and following my own intuitive instincts, I would offer an update to Descartes: I compute, therefore I am. The term 'compute' is defined by Cambridge Dictionaries Online as 'to calculate an answer or amount by using a machine'. Our 'machine' is the bodycomputer. But are we using the 'machine' or is it using us? For billions, yes billions, of unconscious people it's definitely the latter. We identify who we are with our 'personality', which is made up, we believe, of our thoughts, emotions and actions. It is correct that our true self Infinite Awareness can dictate behaviour and perception through the body-computer when people become conscious, but that is not the only means through which we think, perceive and feel. In fact, for the majority of people Infinite Awareness is a distant onlooker providing the power source, but little more, while the body computer-program controls events. This program is inherited when two hard drives combine in procreation to create an 'offspring' copy that includes all the programs that the parents inherited. Sometimes a child will inherit mental, emotional and physical traits from its parents, and sometimes it will come from further 'back' in the program a great grandparent for instance. This is decided by which part of the genetic program the computer chooses to read. These programs can have a fundamental effect on character traits and behaviour in people who are not conscious, and what we see as their obsessions, or focus, are just the vehicles through which the programming can express itself. Take the example of an extreme religious fanatic 'personality'. He might be a Christian fanatic, but if his computer was born in an Islamic or Jewish society he would be an extreme Muslim or Jew. You see this with addictive personalities, also. The addiction is in the computer program and it might mean addiction to drink, drugs, gambling, sex, shopping or a combination of them. Unless Infinite Awareness intervenes, or the program is wiped or rewritten, it will find an outlet for its addiction software in one way or another. The religious extremists are addicted to dogma and imposing it upon others. The religion through which they choose to do this is the means not the end. We have a short-term and long-term memory, like a desktop computer, and we subconsciously press 'save' all the time as


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it

information that we want to keep goes permanently into the 'hard drive', or DNA. As it does so, it is subtly changing the program of the body as a whole. When we have really powerful experiences, traumatic or otherwise, these have an especially significant impact on the program; they can rewrite the software and with it the way we react, think, feel and see the world. For example, we may not have racist thoughts until either we or someone we care for is attacked by someone of a certain race. This experience can download as a deep hatred for anyone of that race, as the one experience becomes a generalisation. I once met a man who hated all black people after a black guy had raped his wife. It could just as easily have been a white man, but it wasn't and so the 'I hate black people' program was downloaded. Someone inheriting that genetics may have an 'instinctive' dislike of black people, while having no known experiences to explain it.

Software 'personalities'
I have heard it said by psychologists that there are only a small number of what they call archetypal 'personalities'. Some say there are no more than twelve basic ones. The Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung, sought to connect these archetypes to genetic inheritance and believed them to be instinctive. He said we are born with these patterns that structure our imagination and make it distinctly human, and he suggested that archetypes are very closely linked to our bodies. Jung identified the 70 archetypal patterns in every culture and period of human history, and found that they mirrored the same archetypal 'laws' in all cases. He suggested that a 'Universal Unconscious' was behind all this. Humans did not have separate, or personal, unconscious minds and instead shared a single Universal Unconscious, Jung said. What we call the conscious mind was rooted in this, he believed, and to him the mind was shaped according to universal patterns. I'd say that these archetypal patterns are the software programs. Jung said personality traits are inherited and closely linked with the body. Yes, they are, through the DNA. These are the patterns that, in his terms, make us 'distinctly human' the human software program. Like everything in this reality, 'human' is a computer construct and not who we really are. Psychiatrists and mainstream therapists who work with the 'human mind' are like computer tech-support and hypnotists are reprogrammers. They are not dealing with Infinite Awareness, but the computer 'mind'. Infinite Awareness is All Possibility and yet humans overwhelmingly fall into a few basic archetypal personalities. How can this be? It would seem to be a contradiction until we realise that we are looking at two distinctly different states of being. One is pure Awareness and the other is a computer program. While these programs are passed on through DNA, subsequent generations don't have to develop such traits and responses. As with an inherited disease that some children get and others don't, the 'personality' programs are sitting there waiting to be triggered. A conscious person can overcome an inherited tendency through the enlightenment of Infinite Awareness, but a non-conscious person, following the program and thinking it is them, may fall into the inherited response. This goes for all forms of fears, phobias and character traits that don't appear to have any explanation in what has been experienced since birth. This can be a fear of dogs, when a dog has never harmed you; a fear of flying, when you have never been on a plane; a fear of water when you have never had a bad experience with water. We can all list an endless number of examples in ourselves and others reactions that seem to have no logical explanation. They are inherited programs

So who are we?


held in the DNA, and every time we have something powerful happen to us we are downloading data that the next generation may have to cope with or may benefit from. I would suggest that many of the reincarnation 'I was this or that in another life' memories come from data held in the DNA hard drive. This inherited programming is one explanation for why many people who have been regressed into 'past lives' have realised that the experiences of a previous 'incarnation' are symbolised by traits in their body. Someone who had his throat cut (or has a body-program holding such a memory) in 'another life' might have an unexplainable scar-like line on the throat; or a person who had her hand smashed through torture might have a deformed hand in this 'life'. These are mind and body memories held in the program, and at least many 'past-life regressions' are opening up files holding that genetic memory.

Transplant downloads
It is taken as read, now, that we can inherit disease through our DNA, but it is far more than that. We also inherit thought processes, attitudes, aptitudes, abilities and emotional traits in the body computer-program, and then take these to be our 'personality' and who we are. What I am saying here explains some of the 'mysterious' changes that happen to people who have organ transplants. William Sheridan, a retired American catering manager, was in a New York hospital awaiting a heart transplant when he began an art therapy course to relieve the boredom of lying in bed. His artwork was almost childlike and every bit as limited as my own. To put it mildly, William was not an artist. But, days after he was given his new heart he began to produce intricate drawings and paintings. His art therapist, Beth DeFuria, said: 'It was quite amazing how his talent blossomed'. William was flabbergasted. He had no idea where the talent had suddenly come from, and neither had anyone else. He agreed to waive the usual anonymity between recipient and donor as part of a campaign to encourage more people to donate organs and, as a result, he met the donor's mother and had the chance to ask about her 24-year-old son, Keith Neville, a Wall Street stockbroker who had died in a car crash. William asked if Keith had been artistic in any way and she replied: 'He was very artistic. He showed an interest in art when he was just 18 months old. He always preferred to be given art supplies rather than toys'. Somehow, William had inherited Keith's artistic ability through the transplantation of his heart. And this is no one-off. There have been many cases of organ recipients taking on the personality traits and abilities of the donor. William said his own personality had changed and he had become more 'caring and loving'. Other cases that doctors cannot explain include: A woman terrified of heights who became a mountaineer after receiving the lungs of ... a mountaineer. A seven-year-old girl who had nightmares about being killed after she was given the heart of a child who had been murdered. A man who had no interest in music, but then cried every time he heard the singer, Sade, since receiving the heart of a Sade fan. A lawyer who had a sudden craving for Snicker chocolate bars after he was given the heart of a fourteen-year-old with a craving for Snickers. A gay woman who became heterosexual after she was transplanted with the heart of a teenage girl.


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

These are just a few of so many examples, yet still medical opinion is generally sceptical about character and ability traits being transplanted with the organs. But then medical opinion is sceptical about anything that doesn't fit with the version of reality it has been programmed to believe in. The scepticism comes from lack of understanding and the need to defend the status quo not from knowledge of the subject. 'Modern' medicine is still in the Stone Age compared with what there is to know. What happens in these transplant examples is so simple. The more I know the simpler it gets. All genius is simple at its core when the veil of complexity is removed. Put aside for a moment the apparent complexity of organs, blood vessels, brain stems, stomach linings and lung tissue (all of which are actually energy constructs with their own unique frequencies) and look at the simple truth behind it all. The body is a biological computer that is constantly storing and processing information. From this perspective, what happens to transplant patients is obvious: the incoming organ contains the mental and emotional programs of the donor in its cells /DNA. It contains their electrochemical make-up their 'personality' and it contains the information (inherited, experienced and developed) that we call 'aptitude' and 'attitude'. With the transplantation, this information is downloaded, like software, into the recipient's biological computer system. Therefore, the personality and ability programs become available to the recipient and, as in the example of William Sheridan, they can suddenly draw and paint in ways that they could not before. My great friend, Credo Mutwa, the famous Zulu sanusi or shaman in South Africa, tells me that at the time of cannibalism in southern and central Africa they had a strict rule that the unfortunate victim had to be boiled over a very hot fire. They had seen from experience and heard from folklore that if the body was not properly cooked, the people who ate the victim 'became him', took on his 'personality'. Boiling destroys the cells, or 'hard drive', and prevents the 'download' during consumption much like heating a microchip until its circuits are buckled. Does eating raw animal flesh make people more animal-like? Must do, I guess. Even some in the medical field, those few with more open minds who have bothered to do research, are seeing the connections here. Gary Schwartz, a professor of neurology, psychiatry and surgery at the University of Arizona, has led a team researching this transplant phenomenon. They studied 70 cases in which the professor believes abilities and character traits were transferred. He says:
When the organ is placed in the recipient, the information and energy stored in the organ is passed on to the recipient. The theory applies to any organ that has cells that are interconnected. They could be kidneys, liver and even muscles. The stories we have uncovered are very compelling and are completely consistent.

Your body is not 'you'

All this supplies the critical key that unlocks the door to true understanding, both of who we are and our collective plight. What we call the human race has been living under the most fundamental misunderstanding. It doesn't know who it is and, without that prime coordinate, everything else is out of kilter. We have been identifying who we are with a biological computer and the electrochemical processes we call 'thought' and 'emotion'. That is not who we are, it is a computer program. When 'we' think or feel emotions it triggers an electrochemical process in brain and body as a result of the

So who are we?


electrical signals and chemicals it causes the body to transmit and release. In the same way, the reverse is true: chemicals and electrical fields can cause 'us' to feel emotions. This is why many people who live near to mobile phone masts and overhead power cables, or who absorb certain chemicals, can feel depressed. It is the same with so many children consuming chemical-infested food and drink who become subject to hyperactivity and other behaviour modification. It imbalances the electrochemical system and manifests as imbalanced behaviour. A British woman suffered from clinical depression for forty years after she had many mercury-based dental fillings and she only emerged from it when the fillings were replaced and she went on a mercurydetoxification programme. In all that time she had no idea that her deep and dark depression, which involved periods in mental institutions, was not 'her', but the result of the mercury's effect on her body-computer system. If 'we' are our emotions, how can all this be? Chemicals should not affect the way we feel and think if the 'I' Infinite Awareness is the only source of them. But it isn't. Those who have had near-death experiences when they have 'died' and been revived have talked of going to a place of bliss and love in which they had no emotion, as they perceived emotion while in the 'physical' body. I know what they are describing after experiencing that place through other means. It is not that you are cold and callous in this non-emotional state; quite the opposite in fact. You feel indescribable love. It is human-type emotion that is no longer there. Emotions are part of the computer software that manifest as programmed responses which are nothing more than electrochemical reactions. And I mean reactions. Look at the way we live our lives all over the world. We do it through emotional reactions reacting according to program in the face of stimuli that we call 'experience' and 'information'. It is like typing in a code, pressing 'enter', and the software held in the DNA and cellular network just follows its program. There is so often no consciousness involved, as in Infinite Awareness. The thoughts and responses come from the biological-computer level of perception. I have even observed how many people suffer from what I call 'emotional addiction' in that they become addicted to the chemicals that are released by different mental and emotional states. This can be an addiction to the chemicals produced by depression, or worry or the adrenalin rush that comes from competition or danger. Such people constantly manifest experiences, mostly subconsciously, that give them a 'fix' of their emotional drug of choice. The cell receptors that absorb emotional chemicals are the same ones that absorb heroin or cocaine. When we experience something, or see or hear something, we 'react' to it, most often in the way that most others would react. People say: 'What is your reaction to this or that?', 'Why did you react that way?' This is exactly what it is: a reaction, a chemical reaction. Almost every time, we react according to the DNA program, which we inherit and then add to by the way we experience what we call 'reality'. Trauma downloaded during childhood is especially powerful in programming a lifetime of reaction and perception. These reactions are stored in the cells that act like computer chips. They store both the inherited program and the daily downloads that come from our experiences. It is the information stored in the cells /DNA that 'reacts' to daily life on the basis of how the body-computer has been programmed to react. Most of what people call their 'demons' are inherited or downloaded software programs running in the body-computer. Only by becoming truly conscious can we break this cycle and begin to take control of our lives. At that point, the body-computer serves


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

consciousness as a vehicle to experience this reality as it chooses. The computer is no longer the master and we start to live life instead of life living us. There is a 'hypnotist and personal-development trainer' in the UK called Paul McKenna, who is outstanding at what he does. I met him on a television programme and he appeared to be a really nice guy. His big claim to fame is his ability to help people overcome their fears and phobias. He will meet people at the start of a TV show who are frightened of heights, spiders, flying, or whatever, and then he brings them back at the end either far better or 'cured'. What he is doing is downloading alternative realities onto the computer and deleting the program that is causing the problem fear of heights, spiders, flying, and so on. Implanting a donor organ (as with the lady who was frightened of heights, but then became a mountaineer) can have the same effect. It's just a different way of downloading the new information/reality into the brain/DNA.

'Man' and 'woman' programs

It is not only our 'personality' that is a program; so is our gender and sexuality. At the level of Infinite Awareness we are neither male nor female, but the balance of both. We most closely identify who we think we are with our gender (I am a man, I am a woman) when these, too, are electrochemical phenomena or software programs. In 2006, British newspapers ran the story of Freaky the chicken who had begun life as a hen and for eight months had been happily laying eggs. Then 'she' began to sprout a scarlet comb, crow at dawn and tried to mate with other hens. Freaky had changed sex mentally, emotionally and physically and become a cockerel! This happened simply because, for some reason, 'she' began to produce large amounts of testosterone and turned into a 'he'. The whole incredible transformation of sex and sexuality was caused by a chemical change. How can 'we' be a man or woman when chemistry decides if 'we' are one or the other? Once again, to identify with being a man or a woman is to identify with a computer program. It is not that we need to deny we are a man or a woman or, indeed, the fact that we are an office worker, bus driver or airline pilot. It is to understand that they are not who we are, but what we are experiencing. What we are is Infinite Awareness. Note, also, the programmed nature of behaviour when chemical changes caused Freaky the hen to start crowing at dawn. She/he may have thought 'I'll crow when the Sun comes up', but, in truth, the electrochemical program was deciding that. I get up early most mornings, and as the Sun appears the birds begin to sing. Does anyone believe that they all have the same instant thought at the same time that they'll start to chirp? No, it's the collective computer-program being triggered. This is what so often happens with humans when they think 'they' are having thoughts and emotions that lead to actions and behaviour. It's not 'them', it's the program. It is the same with sexuality and sexual preference. Just as the hen-turned-cockerel wanted to mate with the hens after a chemical change, so, too, is our sexuality dictated by our computer programs and the chemical state that comes from them. Heterosexuality is an electrochemical software program, so is homosexuality, and, if the program changes, as with the gay lady earlier who had the transplant, so can the form of sexuality. The principle sex hormones are oestrogen (female) and testosterone (male). People who want to change their gender will sometimes take hormone therapy in order to grow breasts or lower their voice, etc. It is similar to what happened to Freaky the chicken. The period we call puberty, when

So who are we?


teenagers go through the chemical changes that lead to sexual maturity and adulthood, is also the result of the body-computer releasing hormones into the system. It is part of the unfolding computer-program that takes us from birth to old age. Infinite Awareness can intervene in this process, but non-conscious people (the overwhelming majority) simply follow the software.

Life after life

What we call death is, ironically, 'life's' greatest mystery. Is there life after death? Where do we go? How can there be life after the body has died? All these questions can be answered once we understand the difference between the body-computer and Infinite Awareness. As I have already outlined, Infinite Awareness experiences this reality through the body-computer akin to wearing a genetic spacesuit. Our lower levels of Awareness can, and mostly do, become confused and identify with the computer. When the computer ceases to function or 'dies' our Awareness is released from the illusion and starts the process of remembering who it really is. This can be instant for those who were aware of their true identity before 'computer death', while for others it can take longer if their incarnate Awareness has become utterly dominated by its computer identity. It is for this reason that there are so many stories of 'ghosts' that 'haunt' locations where they once lived. What we call ghosts are often discarnate entities, aspects of Awareness, who are still identifying self with the computer they once occupied and they live in a limbo-land dimension very close to this one. It is the closeness of these frequency states that allows us to 'see ghosts'. It is a bit like having interference between two radio stations close to each other on the dial. In the same way, people known as 'psychics' genuine ones have the ability to tune in to other frequencies and dimensions and communicate with Awareness there. This is how they can connect with the 'departed' and pass messages to loved ones. Instead of understanding what is happening at 'death' when Infinite Awareness is released from the computer reality 'ghosts' go on believing that the 'earthly' self is who they are. Some people call them 'earthbound souls' or 'lost souls'. Such is the identification with the former computer 'self' that they manifest as a mental projection of what they once looked like in physical form. It is what they called in the Matrix movies 'residual selfimage'. When people see ghosts, they might see a little child or an old man and later find that someone of that same description once lived there. Violent and traumatic deaths seem to produce this phenomenon most often, although it can happen to anyone confused about their identity. There are other reasons for ghostly phenomena, but that's one of them. My mother, Barbara, died in 2006 after a long and painful deterioration of her mental and physical health over nearly twenty years. In fact, it wasn't 'her' that was deteriorating, it was her body-computer. She struggled through it all with great fortitude until so many compounding problems meant her computer could no longer function. It was the point we call 'death', the most feared of all experiences throughout human existence. It is the most extreme of the fears that enslave us fear of the unknown. It is the fear of death that keeps people quiet when they could reveal great secrets that would unveil the conspiracy I am exposing, and it makes people slaves of the medical profession and the priesthood as they desperately try to stay alive or avoid some eternal 'Hell'. Any form of fear is limiting, but fear of death is a spiritual and


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emotional Alcatraz. I was frightened of dying when I was a child and even more frightened that my mother or father would die. My mother's ill health would leave me sick with worry when she was having one of her coughing fits that had to be seen to be believed. My father was certainly frightened of death through fear of the unknown. He had been in the Army Medical Corps with the troops that moved up through Italy in the Second World War. In Naples, especially, he saw the abject poverty of the people amid the fantastic wealth of the Roman Church. It made him fiercely anti-religion for the rest of his days. Unfortunately, he equated any idea of life after death with the religions he so despised, and he missed the point that life after death is not connected to any religion. It just is, whether you wave a cross, pledge your life to 'Jesus' or think that religion is a load of old bollocks. We have no need to seek eternal life we already have it. It's a given. What kind of eternal life is the question, and the answer is down to us, not some angry, vindictive, judgemental 'God'. There was a time when my mother's death would have been devastating to me and the same with my father. But as I awakened to the reality of 'life', and this illusory reality, I began to change my perception of this vibrational passing, or transition, that we call dying. The true nature of 'death' in fact a seamless transition from life to life was portrayed so well in the 1998 Robin Williams film, What Dreams May Come. It is simply a withdrawing from the biological computer, and, therefore, the frequency range or dimension in which the computer operates. Our Awareness then continues its eternal existence in other realms of reality. Naturally, our attachments to people and memories cause us to grieve when loved ones leave us and that's understandable. My mind was full of re-emerging memories of my mother when it was her time to go. I remembered when I was small how she used to sing a song called 'The Little Boy that Santa Claus Forgot' while polishing the stone floor. I would always cry and tell her that he could have my presents. I remembered when I was small how my mother would sometimes usher me to hide with her behind the sofa when there was a knock on the door. She would tell me to be still and quiet 'Shhhhhhhhh!' . After a while, for a reason I didn't understand at the time, she would say it was okay to move. I later found out that those knocks were made by the rent man who, some weeks, we didn't have the money to pay. When he didn't get a reply he would look in the front window hence the need to hide. I remembered smacking the school dentist in the chest and making a run for it when he was about to apply the gas mask, and how I was a hundred yards down the street with my mother in pursuit, shopping bag soldered to her arm as always, shouting for me to stop. I remembered the way she would step from the bus, her legs apparently already moving before they touched the ground, to rush off through the town from shop to shop as if someone had just shouted 'Fire'. Whenever you went shopping with my mother you spent the entire time in her slipstream. I remembered when I phoned, she would announce to the room that it was 'our Dave' and how she never really mastered the art of leaving answerphone messages. Three times I pressed the button at home to find the message go beep, beep, 'Yar'. What? Yar? What was 'Yar'? It was later that I realised she had started to speak before the recording began and what she actually said was `I'm just ringing up to see how y'are'. There were so many memories as I said goodbye to my mother in the physical form that I knew, but it was not the long goodbye, it was the no goodbye. For I know she is there, only a vibration away, and we will meet again Awareness to Awareness when my work is done here. I know she is reunited with my

So who are we?


father and he has told her that life is not like she thought it was. I bet they had a right old giggle. As she would say in her unforgettable Leicester accent ... 'Yuh what? Yuh mean it wont real?' When a loved one goes, they can seem to take something of us with them because of the energetic connection. There's a hole in your life that they once filled just by the knowledge that they were there. So I grieved for the loss of the mother I had known for almost exactly 54 years, but what was I grieving for? What do we all grieve for in these circumstances? If we understand the nature of eternal life, or eternal Awareness as I prefer to call it, we grieve for ourselves that the person is no longer with us. We may know that they live on, but they are no longer in the same vibrational field their computer no longer sitting in the chair next to you or waiting at the end of the phone. It is only when we misunderstand the nature of life that we grieve for those who have left us. For they have been released from the limitation of bodily illusion and they are 'reborn' into other realms of reality. In truth, they never left those realms because we are the Infinite All, and the sense of division is part of the illusion in this bewildered world. My mother suffered from severe arthritic pain for decades and I know myself what that is like. She suffered from many serious health problems, especially after she was struck by a speeding driver some years ago. In latter times, her body was constantly failing and her conscious mind flipped between clarity and confusion. Why should anyone grieve for her when she had left that suffering to re-emerge in a paradise? I was relieved that her battle was over and that she suffered no more, much as I miss her presence. I have never met or read of anyone who has had a near-death experience and wanted to come back. There are now fantastic numbers of documented accounts of people who have left their bodies at 'death' and witnessed reality beyond this realm, only for their body to be revived. Dutch cardiologist Pim van Lommel produced a massive study of near-death experiences that supported the whole concept of life after death, as well as raising questions about DNA, the collective unconscious and the idea of 'karma'. His findings were published in the British medical journal, The Lancet. Van Lommel's interest was sparked 35 years ago when a patient told him about her near-death experience, but his serious study only began after he later read a book called Return from Tomorrow in which the American doctor, George Ritchie, detailed his own experience of 'near-death'. Van Lommel began to ask all his patients if they remembered anything during their cardiac arrests. These are just some of the accounts he recorded:
I became 'detached' from the body and hovered within and around it. It was possible to see the surrounding bedroom and my body even though my eyes were closed. I was suddenly able to 'think' hundreds or thousands of times faster, and with greater clarity, than is humanly normal or possible. At this point I realized and accepted that I had died. It was time to move on. It was a feeling of total peace completely without fear or pain, and didn't involve any emotions at all.

[Note what I said earlier about emotions being body-computer phenomena.]

I was looking down at my own body from up above and saw doctors and nurses fighting for my life. I could hear what they were saying. Then I got a warm feeling and I was in a tunnel. At the end of that tunnel was a bright, warm, white, vibrating light. It


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

was beautiful. It gave me a feeling of peace and confidence. I floated towards it. The warm feeling became stronger and stronger. I felt at home, loved, nearly ecstatic. I saw my life flash before me. Suddenly I felt the pain of the accident once again and shot back into my body. I was furious that the doctors had brought me back. This experience is a blessing for me, for now I know for sure that body and soul are separated, and that there is life after death. It has convinced me that consciousness lives on beyond the grave. Death is not death, but another form of life. I saw a man who looked at me lovingly, but whom I did not know. [Later] ... At my mother's deathbed, she confessed to me that I had been born out of an extramarital relationship, my father being a Jewish man who had been deported and killed during the Second World War, and my mother showed me his picture. The unknown man that I had seen years before during my near-death experience turned out to be my biological father.

The tunnel, the bliss, being met by long-passed loved ones, and the disappointment at having to come back are constant themes of near-death experiences. Van Lommel said that when some people return they often have a sense of being imprisoned, compared with the freedom they had briefly experienced. Others say it transformed their lives and they all lose their fear of death. This understanding would free everyone from this ultimate fear and that is why this knowledge has been systematically suppressed for reasons I will come to later. The Hidden Hand I am going to expose wants the population in fear of death, in fear of everything. When people are in a state of fear they are most easily controlled and manipulated. Van Lommel says:
The most important thing people are left with is that they are no longer afraid of death. This is because they have experienced that their consciousness lives on, that there is continuity. Their life and their identity don't end when the body dies. They si mply have the feeling they're taking off their coat.

Exactly, exactly. What passes through that 'tunnel', what makes the transition, is our consciousness our Awareness. The computer is buried or cremated, not the Awareness that provided its power source. Van Lommel says of 'death':
At that moment these people are not only conscious; their consciousness is even more expansive than ever. They can think extremely clearly, have memories going back to their earliest childhoods and experience an intense connection with everything and everyone around them. And yet the brain shows no activity at all! What is consciousness and where is it located? What is my identity? Who is doing the observing when I see my body down there on the operating table? What is life? What is death?

The answers come in one short sentence: They are different states of Awareness and that Awareness is located everywhere. You can have body Awareness or Infinite Awareness or something between the two. Van Lommel points out that the brain does not produce consciousness or store memories. He says that American computer-science expert, Simon Berkovich, and Dutch brain researcher, Herms Romijn, both working

So who are we?


independently of each other, found it was impossible for the brain to store even a fraction of our thoughts and experiences. Van Lommel's conclusions from his research are the same as I have been outlining here. The body /brain is a receiver/transmitter of information like a computer or television. He says:
You could compare the brain to a television set that tunes into specific electromagnetic waves and converts them into image and sound. Our waking consciousness, the consciousness we have during our daily activities reduces all the information there is to a single truth that we experience as 'reality'. During near-death experiences, however, people are not limited to their bodies or their waking consciousness, which means they experience many more realities.

All of which is precisely what I have written in previous books and continue in this one. He even says that DNA, not least the 95 per cent of so-called 'junk DNA' that 'science' knows nothing about, is a receiver / transmitter of information. The truth is coming out at last. We are not our bodies; we are consciousness, Awareness. It is this which is released at what we call 'death' to potentially experience the limitless freedom that awaits us all beyond the 'laws' of this manipulated illusion. Van Lommel's view of life was transformed by what he discovered and this knowledge has been systematically suppressed to stop everyone having the same transformation:
I now see that everything stems from consciousness. I better understand that you create your own reality based on the consciousness you have and the intention from which you live. I understand that consciousness is the basis of life, and that life is principally about compassion, empathy and love.

Yes it is. Infinite love, Infinite Awareness, is the only truth everything else is illusion. My mother did not die. My mother cannot die. Her biological computer ceased to operate and her eternal Awareness departed to whence it came. When her family's computers do the same we will be reunited in mutual Awareness and have a bloody good laugh at what we all did, thought and said while caught in this web of illusory disconnection.

The life force sparkles

On the morning of my mother's funeral, I was asked if I wanted to see her body in the coffin at the undertakers. I would normally have said 'no, I will remember her as she was', but something urged me to go. I am glad I did because I saw the difference so clearly between a dead computer and eternal life. My mother's body was lying there as lifeless as a switched-off computer. The body was cold, just as a computer cools when its electric life force is withdrawn. Next to the coffin was a blown-up picture of my mother that my brother, Paul, had organised for the funeral. The body may have been dead, but that picture was alive. It had captured her smile, the sparkle in the eyes, the energy and Awareness that was the real 'her'(Figure 8, overleaf). Her presence permeated the room from this image because photographs can capture the energy signature, as well as the physical form, and can provide the vibrational connection that allows departed Awareness to express itself in this reality as an energy, a feeling that


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

'my mother is here'. I stood there looking at a dead computer and a picture full of life, and the essence of who we really are had never been clearer or more profound for me. The sparkle in the eyes that says 'life' is one of the biggest signs of consciousness. You see it most clearly when people are laughing and happy. Infinite Awareness is love, bliss, joy, and expresses itself most obviously through laughter. When people are operating in computer mode alone, they have what we actually call 'dead eyes'. There is no life there no spark. This is to be expected when the computer program is running the show and Awareness is standing in the wings. What pain and suffering has been caused by the religions which talk of judgement days and some 'God' choosing who does and doesn't have eternal life. They tell us Figure 8: My mum. Looking at this picture next to that only if we believe in the nonher open coffin I could clearly see the life force that existent 'Jesus' can we qualify for had left her body at what we call 'death' eternity, or if we believe in Allah and his prophet, Mohammed, and all that stuff. How about those who have lived in parts of the world where they had never heard of Jesus or Mohammed or Allah? What is this, then eternity by zip code? What bollocks it all is, this merciless manipulation of the fear of death in pursuit of religious compliance which, in the end as we shall see, is controlled by the same few interbreeding families no matter if it be Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, or whatever. My brother, Paul, arranged for a vicar to conduct our mother's funeral on the advice of the crematorium staff who said the vicar knew the format and would make sure everything ran to the allotted time. It was a very different funeral apart from that, but the vicar had to bring in his religion in his opening remarks. He talked about everyone being 'sinners' and asked 'God' to accept this 'sinner' my mother into eternal life. What a disgrace that religion has caused so much grief and trauma for people over thousands of years as they worry if their loved ones have gone to Heaven or Hell or some lights-out oblivion. God save us from religion. What ignorance it has visited upon the world and not by accident either. As the Chinese philosopher, Chang Tzu, put it:
The birth of a man is the birth of his sorrow. The longer he lives, the more stupid he becomes, because his anxiety to avoid unavoidable death becomes more and more acute. What bitterness! He lives for what is always out of reach! His thirst for survival in the future makes him incapable of living in the present.

So who are we?


The fear of death, and the fear of the death of those we love, ensures that we cease to live life, and instead consciously and subconsciously fear the inevitable death. But it's not inevitable, for it does not exist, except in our deluded perception. There is only life, only Awareness. We thirst to survive when we should thirst to live, to be joyous. In truth, there is only love. It is in untruth that all the other crap appears to exist. My mother and Paul were incredibly close, and the way he looked after her was simply magnificent. Often, a departed loved one will try to manifest signs to show that they have not ceased to be, and in the days after she left, right up to the funeral and beyond, Paul had a series of strange experiences relating to electrical equipment, watches, mobile phones and the time of 11.30am. This was the time the funeral was going to begin, and Paul's experiences included his phone turning itself off and on at 11.30am and the emergency services calling him to ask why he had rung them at 11.30am when he had made no such call. When we are operating on other dimensions the easiest way to have an influence in this world is via electrical equipment through a vibrational connection that affects electrical circuitry. People can stop watches by projecting their thoughts because thoughts are electrical and vibrational phenomena hence 'brainwaves' and they can be used to block the watch's electrical circuits. Such thought waves can also be projected from other dimensions into this one and have a similar effect. When this happens people will often say that a place is 'haunted'. In 2003, I had an experience in a Brazilian rainforest where an incredible otherdimensional energy was passing through me. While it was happening, the music player turned itself off and on and three striplights burst into life without anyone going near a switch. Paul also experienced an energy pass through him when he walked into our mother's bedroom. He said it felt like a powerful tingling sensation throughout his body, and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up in response to what was an electrical field. At the same time, his mobile phone switched off as its circuits were temporarily broken. The same night, he was listening to our mother's favourite music to compile a tape for the funeral. As he did so, he said all the heat went out of the room and it became extremely cold. He turned on the fire, but it made no difference and I know the kind of fierce heat that this fire generates. There are endless stories of rooms going cold when ghosts are seen, or other strange things are happening. I have experienced it many times myself. It is caused by the discarnate entity, or Awareness, sucking energy out of the room to make the energetic connection between dimensions. As this heat and energy is absorbed so the temperature falls. What we call 'global warming' is the opposite of that more energy is coming into this dimension via the Sun and so the temperature must rise. More of that later. The fact that Paul was playing our mother's favourite music at the time is also highly significant. Music is a most obvious expression of vibration and it can act as a conduit to connect two people in different realms who have an association with the music. As they both resonate to the music through the memories they share, it can create a mutual point of connection. When psychics are trying to communicate with the departed they will often ask for something that the person wore close to them, like a watch or a ring, which carries their unique vibrational signature and makes tuning in far easier. It's like knowing the frequency of the radio station you are looking for instead of running up and down the dial until you find it.


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

'Primitive' genius
Understanding that everything is the same Infinite Awareness starts to unravel the 'mysteries' that modern 'scientists' dismiss as mumbo-jumbo to hide the fact that they are simply beyond the comprehension of their programmed minds. One example is the technique of 'divination' or 'reading the future', like Tarot cards, rune stones and, as with my friend Credo Mutwa (Figure 9), 'throwing the bones'. Credo and his wife Virginia, like all African 'sangomas' or shamans, 'throw the bones' to find answers to questions or predict the 'future'. They have done it for me on a couple of occasions with impressive accuracy. They work with sets of animal bones carved with or as different symbols (Figure 10). The people being 'read' put their hands over the basket of bones to make an energetic connection and then the bones are thrown across the floor. Where they land and the relationship they have with each other allows a skilled 'reader' like Credo to answer your question or predict the likely 'future'. When this was first done for me it was obvious that it was the African version of the rune stones or Tarot cards. It was the same knowledge, once widely known, that is expressed in different ways in different cultures. To those who are programmed to believe the official propaganda, such things are the work of primitive 'witch doctors', 'crazies', and the like. Personally, I have rarely come across anything as primitive as mainstream 'science' or as crazy as mainstream 'society'. In fact, the principle on which these methods of divination work are far more advanced than anything our Stone Age 'science' can offer or explain. People lose the plot when they see only the 'physical' level of everything the tiny frequency range that our eyes can access. Only when you realise that the true nature of everything is energy does the world come into focus. When you look at the bones you are actually looking at energy fields, and the symbols dictate the vibrational nature of that energy. The symbols are 'physical' expressions of thought and they carry the vibrational code or signature of the thought or concept they represent. I once had a powerful experience of this process when I was walking up the steps inside a massive obelisk, which is the ancient symbol of the male phallus. After a minute or so, while day-dreaming away thinking of nothing, things began, shall we say, to stir down below. 'What the hell is all that about?' was my immediate thought, until I remembered where I was inside a symbolic penis. The phallic symbolism vibrated the energy to the frequency field of male sexual energy. This is the reason that certain constantlyrepeating symbols are placed all around us, as we shall see Figure 9: Credo Mutwa, one of the most amazing people I later in the book. The energy have had the privilege to know fields in which we live are

So who are we?


being manipulated. As the bones are carved to represent different symbols (thoughts, concepts) they are imprinted with the energy field they symbolise and they then vibrate to that frequency matrix. When you put your hands over the bones at the start of the reading, you are imprinting your own energy field which is an energetic representation of your mental, Figure 10: Throwing the bones: Where they land in relationship emotional and subconscious to each other can be 'read' by a skilled sangoma, or shaman self. The subconscious self, the deeper self, is aware of far more than the conscious, to say the very least, and it knows the projected 'future' that the conscious level cannot see. All this is imprinted on the bones and, while they are still in the basket, they make an energetic or electromagnetic connection through what I call vibrational magnetism. The vibrational fields of the different symbols form a vibrational 'web' while still in the basket by connecting with those parts of the person's energy field that the symbols represent. One of the bones that Credo and Virginia threw for me on one occasion was carved as a car, and so anything in my energy field that relates to something to do with a car will connect with that particular bone because they operate on the same wavelength. So even before the bones are thrown, the place where they will fall and the relationship they have with each other on the floor has already been decided by the energetic and magnetic connections made between the person and the bones. It is the same principle as throwing magnets tuned to different 'attraction' frequencies. Some will be magnetically drawn to each other and some will repel and be pushed apart. This is the profound understanding of reality that mainstream 'science' doesn't understand, but the true carriers of the knowledge do. The same principle applies to the Tarot cards and rune stones, and other forms of divination. When you select certain cards, apparently at random, during a Tarot reading, the same energy connection is taking place between your energy field and those of the symbolic cards. This is why you pick one card rather than another. It is all happening on an energetic level and the connection is instant and requires no thought. Indeed, thought can get in the way of the process. I asked Credo what happens to him when he is reading the bones as they lie on the floor. Part of his ability to read comes from assessing the relationship of the symbols to each other, but there is another level to this also. He said that when he reads the bones he goes to the 'silent place', or 'silent cave', where 'past, present and future all meet and everything is one'. I have been there and I know exactly what he means. It is in this 'place', this state of unified 'Oneness', that Credo says he can 'talk with the bones'. How is this possible? Because all is energy, and all energy is consciousness. When you enter that state of unity, where all is One, you can communicate with the consciousness that is the bones and symbols, or the consciousness that is the animals and plants. At that level they are all are on the same 'wavelength'. Again, the problem is that people get stuck in


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

the 'physical' perception of everything and the manipulators of society encourage them to do so through the 'education' system, 'science' and the media. When they hear about those who say they talk to the plants or animals the immediate response is laughter and ridicule. Both reactions are the offspring of ignorance; stupidity always sees humour in genius. They think that talking to animals means that a cow or a crocodile must have to understand human language. To think that such people have the nerve to laugh at others. Language is only a physical expression of thought and it is by thought - telepathy - that such communication takes place. Telepathy has no language, or, put another way, it is all language. Thought communication between an Englishman and an Italian will be decoded into English and Italian when the thought fields are processed through the brain Figure 11: Credo's wife, Virginia, talking to the into a language it understands. So it is plants. They can communicate, because everything with animals and plants. Telepathy is not is One a language of words; it is a 'language' of awareness. The Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert region of South Africa, also known as the Basarwa or San people, are among many native communities who communicate telepathically as a matter of course. Their mutual DNA frequency code can be sent and received between them, and this, together with a connection through Infinite Awareness, is the origin of the term 'bush telegraph'.

One mind, many faces

Credo's wife, Virginia, talks every day to the plants that she grows for the traditional medicines she uses to treat patients for AIDS and other problems (Figure 11). She tells the plants about the patient and asks them to help. She takes only as much of the plant as the patient needs and the plants don't die as a result. They are involved in the process of healing through this telepathic communication, and respected for what they are consciousness. When a piece of the plant is taken, she will place money next to the plant in thanks. I can hear the sceptics now ... 'What is the plant going to do with it - buy a beer?' Of course it is symbolic, but actually more than that. It is an energy exchange in line with the principles I have been discussing here. The coin is the physical level of energy and it is the energy of thanks and respect that the plant is able to absorb as a result of having the money placed close by. It doesn't put the money in its pocket, it absorbs the energy that the money represents. This is the knowledge that has been carried by the few at often great danger and much consequence, but lost to society as a whole.

So who are we?


It is the same with the mountains, hills and other places that have been believed to be special or 'sacred' since ancient times. It is the energy they are talking about, not just the physical location. Take Mount Shasta, an enormous volcano, 14,161 feet high and the second highest of the Cascade Range through Northern California. The mountain dominates the skyline over an enormous area and for mere physical beauty alone it staggers the senses, like a god surveying its kingdom. But, awesome as it is to the eye, it is in the unseen realms that I most connect with what I call 'Magic Mountain'. It is sheer, raw, energetic power and, in the words of my friend, Shalomar, who lives on its slopes, the mountain 'strips you naked'. In other words, those who go there with intent to transform their awareness from 'Bill Jones' to All Possibility will find the intent is granted in ways they don't always appreciate. All that is detrimental to achieving the intent crumbles and falls within the 'outer' life of things like relationships, jobs and daily experience. This happens because the energetic baggage and software programs are 'stripped away' by the mountain's incredible vibrational field, and when the 'inner' transforms its state and awareness, so the 'outer' must express that because one is merely a reflection of the other. The mountain does not choose to change you you choose to change yourself by going there, and the mountain goes to work on those with the intent to beat to a different drum. It is the same with many of these 'sacred' places all over the world. People talk of 'the mountain' and, of course, within five-sense reality, that's what it is. But it is also an energy field an Awareness and this is the true significance of Mount Shasta and other such places. Mountains have always been at the heart of so many legends in every culture, as with Olympus (Greece), Kailash (Tibet) and Fuji, or Fujiyama (Japan). The sacred mountains are often said to be the home of the supreme Creator and you can understand that with the symbolism of high mountain = omnipotent God. Within the myths and legends of every expression are so many sparkling truths disguised amid the symbolic and the metaphor. We may be able to talk about energy fields, electromagnetism and computers, for instance, but the ancients had to describe their beliefs through the culture of their day. Although we can explain how the vibrational field of a mountain interacts with the human energy-field to bring about 'spiritual transformation', how could the ancients, or those even a hundred years ago, use such terms? They might speak of the Mountain God or the Great Spirit or the legend of the Mountain Eagle that flies into your heart. When we fail to understand the parable nature of many myths, we can see them as the strange beliefs of a primitive people. Sometimes, yes, that is true, but far from always. These sacred mountains, including Shasta, are often said to be interdimensional doorways or gateways through which 'spiritual entities', commonly perceived in legend as 'the gods', can move in and out of this reality. Once again, this can be understood through the emergence of quantum physics and the understanding that this is but one reality, one frequency range of perception, and the apparently 'solid' landscape is actually an energy grid or matrix decoded in our heads, as I will explain in the next chapter. I mentioned earlier about the human meridian-system, or 'circuit board', through which the chi energy flows, and the picture of the experiment with the injected tracer dye. The Earth has a similar meridian or 'ley line' network that criss-crosses the planet in basically the same way, carrying its chi energy which is information like that passing around a computer. The Earth is no different to the human body in the sense that the


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

slower or faster this energy information flows below or above optimum, the less healthy the planet becomes. Like humans, the Earth has acupuncture points along these ley lines where the flow can be adjusted and there are vortices or 'chakras', where lines cross. Where two lines cross they combine to create a small vortex of energy, and where lots of them meet the vortex is massive. These are the 'power centres' of ancient and modern folklore, and it is where those with the knowledge located the great temples, stone circles like Stonehenge and Avebury, the pyramids and other extraordinary creations. It has been noted that these wonder structures of the ancient world are geometrically aligned with each other all over the planet and this has been a mystery to the academic community. How did they do it, these 'primitive' people? Well, it is not a mystery at all. The Earth's energy grid is a geometrical network and, therefore, if you place your temples or stone circles on this grid they will be, by definition, geometrically aligned also. Which brings me back to mountains. The 'sacred' mountains of legend, like Mount Shasta, are located at major vortex points on the grid where the energy is so powerful and focused that it can, indeed, connect through like wormholes into other dimensions and allow other-dimensional entities to move between them. It is said that Mount Shasta is the place 'where Heaven and Earth meet'. You can see the origin of such beliefs when the wider picture unfolds and they are not related only to the mountain's great height. Given this background, it is no surprise that all the Native American tribes in Northern California had their most important legends about Mount Shasta, and today it is a focus for New Agers, Buddhists, and those, like myself, who wonder at its beauty and spirit. People who see the world only in physical terms what you 'see' is what you get will not understand such a concept. To them it is crazy that a mountain can have a spirit. When you realise that the 'mountain' is, like everything else, an energy, a consciousness, then a 'mountain' can not only be a centre of power, but a centre of wisdom, too especially with so many lines of information meeting at that point. This is the emerging awareness that I am seeing among those who are ready to remember that 'human', 'wolf', 'tree' or 'mountain', are all ONE. One consciousness, one cosmos, one infinity.

Time to remember
How do we become who we really are Infinite Awareness, Infinite Love whilst in this computerised madhouse? We stop thinking and we start to 'know'. Knowing doesn't come through thought, or the processes of brain and body-computer. It is felt known through intuition, which is the manifestation of Infinite Awareness. It is a distinctive resonance, a feeling of yes, yes, yes, that I feel in the centre of my chest and solar plexus when knowing begins to flow. The centre of the chest and solar plexus are both chakra points, the vortices that interpenetrate multi-dimensions and can be opened to access higher levels of perception and understanding. Knowing does not need to explain itself or source its material. It just knows, nothing more necessary. And knowing can be unique to the knower. What I know is right for me, may not be right for anyone else. I will explore the theme at more length later, but, as I wrote in my last book, Infinite

Love is the Only Truth Everything Else is Illusion:

We don't need to learn, we need to unlearn what the program has manipulated us to believe. Mind is not the road to enlightenment; it is the barrier to it. Knowledge and

So who are we?


knowing are not the same thing one is mind, the other consciousness [Infinite Awareness]. We don't need to learn, but to awaken from the hypnotic trance and remember who we are. When we do, we cease to think and start to know. Some call this intuition or 'following the heart' and it comes from a far more aware level of consciousness than is usually at large in this reality ... ... The program seeks to suppress this by using mind and emotion to pressure us to consider the consequences of intuitive decisions, feel guilty for doing things that knowing urges us to do and question how 'little me' could possibly know anyway. This reluctance to accept the magnitude and infinity of who we are is the biggest block to reaching a state of knowing. We have intuitive knowing and then immediately begin to doubt it. That is the program kicking in to protect its control.

We don't need to learn; we need to remember remember who we are. Once we open ourselves to intuitive knowing rather than just intellectual thinking, everything changes. We begin to expand our perception to encompass Infinite Awareness and, as we do so, the biological computer-program ceases to enjoy the same monopoly on our sense of reality. As we change, so the world we manifest changes and we are never the same again. So often I have known what is happening with regard to a world event only for the five-sense confirmation to come later in the realm of thought and research. We really are All-Knowing, but we let mind and emotion programs block us from that infinite source. When we identify with the computer, we think small; when we identify with Infinite Awareness we can know All. The computer thinks in division and polarity, while Awareness knows there is only One. Put simply: For unconscious people it is: 'I compute, therefore I am'. For conscious people it is: 'I am, therefore I am'.

So where are we?

Conditioned Awareness is where we live our lives in guilt over the past and anxiety over the future and never get to experience the present. Russell Targ

Reality seems so simple at first. We live in a world of physical objects like buildings, trees, trains and mountains. We have physical bodies, and when we look through our eyes we see a 'solid' landscape all 'around' us. I grant you, it definitely seems that way and we are encouraged to believe in this reality by those in authority, mainstream 'science' and 'education'. In fact, the 'world' is not like that at all, it just appears to be. For a start, what we perceive to be 'physical' and 'solid' is anything but. Science says that what we see as 'form' people, buildings, landscape etc. are made of atoms. Okay, but the trouble with the 'solid world' theory is that atoms are not solid. More than that, they are basically empty. How can something that is not solid create a solid environment? It can't. Atoms consist of electrons orbiting a nucleus (protons and neutrons), but it is the proportions that tell the story. Atoms are more than 99 per cent empty space to our human reality, yet they are described as the fundamental buildingblocks of matter yes, 'solid' matter. The proportions between the nucleus, electrons and 'empty space' shown in Figure 12 are nothing like they really are because the size of the page makes it impossible to show the true dimensions, so vast is the 'empty' bit. One writer said that if you take an atom to be the size of a cathedral the nucleus would be the size of a ten-cent piece. An atom is an electrical-vibrational field and not a solid object. First clue to 'Where are we?': atoms do not make up our solid world because the world isn't solid. They are, however, part of the process of constructing the illusion of solidity. Figure 12: The atoms that Another revelation for spacesuit-believers and solidform 'physical' matter are world theorists: when you look around a room, or anything, but 'physical'. So landscape, it appears to be outside of you, and you seem how come everything looks to be 'in' your environment. But, in terms of apparently so 'solid'? It's all an illusion constructed in our minds three-dimensional* reality, your environment is in you. It
* I am using the term three-dimensional, or 3D, to keep it simple and to describe what a 'solid' world looks like. I know there are more than three dimensions to this reality.


So where are we?


only appears to be 'around' you because of the illusion you are decoding. And what you decode are frequency fields. There is no 'solid' world 'outside' of you. All those people, streets, cars and buildings only exist, in that 'solid' 3D state, in your mind. Everywhere else, they are frequency fields, thought fields, energy matrices, call them what you will. Television and the Internet are perfect illustrations of what I am talking about here. When we think of television we think of pictures and programmes, but the only place television exists in that form is on the TV screen. Everywhere else television consists of frequency broadcasts and electrical circuitry. When we think of the Internet we think of websites, pictures and graphics, but the only place the Internet exists in that form is on your computer screen. Everywhere else it consists of mathematical codes and electrical circuitry. Television was developed thanks to the discoveries of the Frenchman, Jean B. J. Fourier in the early 19th century. He identified a mathematical system of converting patterns into simple waveforms and back again that became know as Fourier transform. From this, came the means for a television camera to convert pictures into electromagnetic frequencies and for the television set to convert them back again. When I post items to my website I put in mathematical computer codes and when I press 'enter' they appear on the screen in the form of graphics and pictures. Once again, the same principle applies to our 'physical' reality as our brain decodes frequency fields into an apparently 'solid' world. The brain is like the TV or computer screen the only place where the 'world' exists in the form we recognise.

Decoding reality
The brain, the central processing unit of the body-computer, is the processor and decoder of information that decides what we see, hear, touch, taste and smell, among so much else. The five senses manifest in our conscious reality only when electrical signals have been sent from the eyes, ears, skin, tongue and nose for the brain to decode. If the brain can be tricked into decoding them in a different way, as with a stage hypnotist for example, you can be eating one thing and tasting another. This is vitally important to understanding how our sense of reality is constantly being manipulated, as we shall see. The five senses are frequency decoders that transform frequency fields into electrical signals. The brain then decodes these signals into an apparently 'solid' world of street scenes and landscapes that only exist in that form in our heads (Figure 13). Even the

Figure 13: We think the world we see is outside of

us when it is actually constructed in the brain, or more accurately, the energy matrix that is the brain


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Figure 14: How a hologram is made. One part of the laser light (the 'working beam) is deflected onto the subject and then onto a photographic plate. The other part (the 'reference beam) is directed straight at the photographic plate. When the two parts collide they form an interference pattern that is a waveform version of the subject being photographed

Figure 15: The interference pattern looks like a fingerprint and appears to be random wavy lines, but when a laser is directed at this pattern an apparently 'solid' three-dimensional image appears

term 'our heads' is another level of the illusion. The body and brain are also frequency matrices that only exist in the form that we seen them when they pass through the same decoding system. While I will use the term 'brain' to keep it simple, I am actually talking about the energy matrix that is the brain in its frequency-field form. It is the energy matrix that is doing the decoding and the brain is only its physical expression. When someone has a near-death experience and leaves the body, they can still see because in the end everything is energy-consciousness (Awareness) and the body is an illusion. It is the same with the five senses. Our eyes, ears, noses, tongues and skin, are only the 'physical' (decoded) expressions of energy fields. The ears are obvious frequency decoders in that the eardrum transforms the vibration of sound into electrical signals that are sent to the brain. It is the brain that decides what we actually 'hear'. The eyes transform 'light' (energy, frequency fields) into electrical signals which the brain then interprets into apparently three-dimensional reality via its visual cortex. We actually 'see' the 'physical' world with our brain not our eyes. In fact, the whole DNA computer system network is involved in decoding our reality, not just the brain. This frequency-decoding process by the body-computer operates only within the frequency range of this dimension, or 'television station', and if we experience and perceive purely through the five senses, we disconnect (consciously, not literally) from our multi-dimensional Infinite Awareness. We become trapped within a tiny range of perception, while often believing it to be all that there is. This is the reality-state of spacesuit-believers who ridicule those who speak of other dimensions and other realities. To these people there are no other realms. They are so encased in the computer-level of perception that they cannot even begin to conceive of the possibility, let alone sense them. To summarise: the 'physical' world is a tiny frequency range or dimension within Infinite Awareness the 'ocean'. The body-computer tunes us into this strictly limited sense of perception, this television channel, and acts as our vehicle to interact with this 'world'. We have been manipulated into believing that 'we' are the computer and its mental, emotional and physical software programs. This dimension, like all the others, is a mass of frequency fields that the body-computer decodes into apparently 3D scenes, but in that form they only exist in the brain or, more accurately, the energy matrix we


where are we?


Figure 16: All of these images are holograms. They look 'solid, but you could put you hand through them
because they are illusions. Our 'physical' reality is just the same. It is our belief in its solidity that means we experience 'solidity'
(The pictures 'Little Birch, 'Old Soldier' and 'Rose2' are courtesy of Holography Studio, All-Russian Exhibition Center, Moscow For more, see www.holography.ru . The picture 'Running Tap' is courtesy of 3-D Hologrammen, Amsterdam. For more, see www.3-Dhologrammen.com )

call the brain. There is no 'physical' world unless it is observed into form decoded into form. The writer Carlos Castaneda quotes his shaman source, Don Juan, as saying:
We are perceivers. We are awareness; we are not objects; we have no solidity. We are boundless ... We, or rather our reason, forget [this] and thus we entrap the totality of ourselves in a vicious circle from which we rarely emerge in our lifetime.

Holographic illusions
Next question: why does everything look so 'real', solid and three-dimensional if it's all an illusion? To answer this we need to understand holograms. Most people will have seen the holographic pictures in the shops where a flat image suddenly transforms into 3D when light strikes it at the appropriate angle. Holograms are not really 3D or 'solid', they just appear that way. So it is with our whole reality. The holograms we can buy are made by directing two parts of the same laser onto photographic film (Figure 14). One part (the 'reference beam') is directed at the film through a semi-transparent mirror, while the other half (the 'working beam') is deflected away to strike the object to be holographically photographed. The working beam is then directed back onto the photographic film where it collides with the reference beam. This creates on the film what is called an 'interference pattern', and it is similar to throwing two pebbles into a pond and having their two wave patterns collide, causing a web of interference. The pattern in the water is like a vibrational, or waveform, representation of the stones and their point and speed of entry and it is the same with the laser patterns on the film. They are a vibrational or wave portrayal of the object being photographed. The wave patterns look like a series of random lines, a bit like fingerprints (Figure 15), but when a laser is directed at the film, a three-dimensional image suddenly comes into view. What's more, these holograms can look as solid as our world seems to be when, in fact, you can put your hand through them. Their solidity is an illusion (Figure 16). The body-computer is doing something similar when it decodes the sea of frequency fields in this dimension into holographic images in our brain (Figures 17 and 18, overleaf). The cutting-edge of science, in the realms of quantum physics, has long understood that the physical world is illusory after exploring reality at levels deeper


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Figure 17: 'Outside' of us there is only energy and vibrational thought fields. The subconscious creates and interacts with wave or thought patterns, and the conscious mind reads or observes them into holographic illusions that we take to be the 'real, 'solid' world. This is why 'physical' reality needs an observer to make it manifest

Figure 18: If we could see the 'world' before the decoding process, it would be a mass of wave patterns - thought fields and frequencies. The physical' world only 'exists' in our heads/minds when the frequency fields have been decoded into holographic reality, much like a television transforms frequencies into pictures on the screen

than the atom hence the term 'subatomic'. What they discovered in these realms caused them to rewrite the old theories about the reality we thought we lived in. They found that subatomic particles, like electrons, could manifest as either a particle ('physical') or a wave (non-'physical') and move back and forth between the two. Light, gamma rays, radio waves and X-rays etc., can also 'change' form or 'shapeshift' in this way. Scientists use the term quantum (plural quanta) to describe this state of neither one nor the other. They are both waves and particles at the same time. Think of the ocean and the white crest of the waves as they crash on the shore. The ocean and the crest may look very different, but they are the same water. The difference between a particle and waveform is only the way the same frequency field is being decoded by the observer. Scientists, remember, are observing their experiments through the body-computer 'lens' like everyone else. The waveform of energy is the frequency field, and the particle form is the brain decoding the wave or frequency field into a holographic image that looks three-dimensional. Quite simply, what we call atoms and particles only exist when the brain has decoded frequency fields into holograms. Atoms are actually electrical fields vortices and in response to thought and imagination they form energy patterns or matrices that we decode into apparently 'physical' objects. These 'physical' objects are actually illusory holograms. Karl Pribram, a neurophysiologist at Stanford University, is one of the pre-eminent proponents of the holographic view of 'physical reality' and author Michael Talbot presents his view very clearly in

The Holographic Universe:

So where are we?


... [Karl] Pribram [realised] that the objective world does not exist, at least not in the way we are accustomed to believing. What is 'out there' is a vast ocean of waves and frequencies, and reality looks concrete to us only because our brains are able to take this holographic blur and convert it into sticks and stones and other familiar objects that make up our world ... ... In other words, the smoothness of a piece of fine china and the feel of beach sand beneath our feet are really just elaborate versions of the phantom limb syndrome [when amputees 'feel' a limb long after it has been removed]. According to Pribram, this does not mean there aren't china cups and grains of beach sand out there. It simply means that a china cup has two very different aspects to its reality. When it is filtered through the lens of our brains it manifests as a cup. But if we could get rid of our lenses, we'd experience it as an interference pattern. Which is real and which is illusion? 'Both are real to me,' says Pribram, 'or, if you want to say, neither of them are real'.

It doesn't matter how 'solid' something appears to be, such as a wall, it is still vibrating energy that has the illusion of solidity. The slower the energy is vibrating, the denser it appears in the decoding process; the faster it vibrates the less solid it seems to be in 3D reality. There's a point where the energy is vibrating so quickly that it goes beyond the frequency range of human sight and 'disappears'. All it has done is vibrate to a speed that human sight cannot decode, and this is what happens when people claim to have seen a 'UFO' or 'alien' appear and disappear. They came into the frequency range of human sight and then left. To the observer that means: now you see it, now you don't. Michael Talbot gives a wonderful example of what I am saying about illusory reality when he tells the story in The Holographic Universe of a stage hypnotist at a party that his father had organised. The hypnotist was putting people into a trance-state as part of the entertainment, and he told a guest, called Tom, that when he returned to a waking state he would not be able to see his own daughter. The hypnotist then stood the girl right in front of her father and clicked his fingers, or whatever they do. Tom ' woke up' and was asked if he could see his daughter who was standing inches from his eyes. No, he said, she wasn't there. The hypnotist put his hand in the small of the girl's back and asked Tom if he could see what he was holding, even though the girl was in the way. Yes, said Tom, he was holding a watch. Could he read the inscription on it? Tom peered forward and did so while his daughter was standing 'solidly' between him and the watch. To the reality pedalled by mainstream 'science', that is impossible, but it isn't. The hypnotist had implanted the deep subconscious belief into Tom's brain/mind that his daughter was not in the room, and that had tricked the brain's decoding system into ignoring the energy field that was his daughter's body and not 'reading' it. The 'physical' scene in the room only existed in Tom's brain, and if his daughter's energy field was not 'read', she would not appear in the holographic ' movie' his brain was constructing. There are so many energy fields that our brains do not decode and, even within 'physical' reality, there are so many things that we don't see because our brains choose not to 'read' them. The reason for this comes down to belief. If the brain is programmed with a certain sense of reality (your daughter is not


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Figure 19: All the lines in this image are straight,

but the way it is structured means the brain cannot accurately decode what it sees. As a result we see wavy lines because that is all that the brain can construct

Figure 20: Most people will read this as 'a bird in the bush'. If you have, look again and you'll see the word 'the' is written twice. The brain usually ignores one 'the, because it knows what this phrase is supposed to say. The same principle applies when the brain is programmed to believe something. It will see only what supports the belief in what is 'real'

.planet rplx.com

in the room) it will decode reality to fit the belief. This is how those who know how we create reality can manipulate what we see and don't see, and this is also why they have fought so hard and ruthlessly to suppress this information throughout what we call 'history'. In Figures 19, 20, and 21 are two simple examples of the way our brain does not decode what is actually there. Incidentally, one of the amazing characteristics of a hologram is that every part of the hologram is a smaller version of the whole. If you cut the interference patterns on the holographic print into four pieces and point the laser at each one you will not get four parts of the whole picture projected holographically, you will get quarter-sized versions of the whole picture. This happens no matter how small you go and it is the reason why alternative healing methods like reflexology, acupuncture and others have identified how parts of the body, such as feet, hands, eyes and ears have points that represent the organs, and others parts of the body, which can be used to treat problems in those areas (Figures 22 and 23). Each cell is a smaller version of the whole body, which is why a body can be grown from a single cell; and cells are said to have their own version of the brain. All this has to be the case when the body is a hologram. It is the same principle with things like palm reading with the hand being a smaller representation of the whole body. 'Modern' medicine Figure 21: This is clearly a still image. It's just that your brain does not understand what the doesn't think so! Just look at it for a minute

So where are we?


body is, let alone how it works, and the medical industry therefore creates mayhem in human health, as I will explore. I came across this Internet description of the every-partis-a-smaller-whole principle of holograms:
This is possible because during holographic recording, each point on the hologram's surface is affected by light waves reflected from all points in the scene, rather than from just one point. It's as if, during recording, each point on the hologram's surface were an eye that could record everything it sees in any direction. After the hologram has been recorded, looking at a point in that hologram is like looking 'through' one of those eyes. To demonstrate this concept, you could cut out and look at a small section of a recorded hologram; from the same distance you see less than before, but you can still see the entire scene by shifting your viewpoint laterally or by going very near to the hologram, the same way you could look outside in any direction from a small window in your house. What you lose is the ability to see the objects from many directions, as you are forced to stay behind the small window.

That is exactly what we do through the body-computer. We see reality through a 'small window' while Infinite Awareness can see from all directions. Therefore, the two perspectives are fundamentally different. The leading manipulators that I am exposing in this book, the 'Shadow People', have advanced knowledge of holographic principles and the body-computer and can thus deceive us by implanting a manufactured holographic reality.

Figure 22: The hologram at work: Every part of

the eye represents a different part of the body because its a hologram and every part is a smaller version of the whole

Figure 23: The same can be found in the colon and

every other organ and region of the body


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

The Holographic Internet

Another obvious question comes from all this: If we are creating our own holographic reality in our brains how come we all see the same basic landscape? Surely we would all create very different scenes to each other. Yes, we would, but there are two main levels to this: what we see as the backdrop to our lives (street scenes, forests, oceans, stars, planets) and how we perceive and influence that backdrop. We may all see the same car passing by (backdrop), but we have different views about what we think of the car and whether we would like to drive it (how we perceive and influence the backdrop). The basic landscape backdrop, 'movie set', collective reality is produced by what I call the Holographic Internet. It doesn't matter if you access the World Wide Web from a computer in China, America, Europe or South Africa you are connecting with the same collective reality: the Internet. You can choose to go to different websites and come to different conclusions about what you think of them, but the collective reality is the same. Our body-computers are tuned to a far more sophisticated frequency network, or a 'Cosmos' Wide Web, which I refer to as the 'Matrix'. It is this that gives us our collective reality. It is just like the wireless Internet connections that are becoming more and more common today. I have a laptop computer and when I am at a location that has a wireless connection I can access the Internet without any wires or plug-ins. The computer picks up the Internet from unseen frequency fields in the atmosphere and our brain/DNA computer system is doing the same. The 95 per cent of 'junk DNA' and the 95 per cent or so of our brains that we are told we don't use, are involved in this process. Our body-computers are decoding the 'Matrix' web into illusory holographic '3D' reality in the same way that my laptop accesses the wireless Internet from an unseen frequency in the atmosphere and decodes it into mathematical codes that appear as websites, pictures and graphics (Figure 24 and 25).

Figure 24: Our DNA and genetic structure is a computer terminal and receiver/transmitter that connects us to the 'Holographic Internet' our collective reality. The wires between the computer-people here are symbolic, because it is a wireless Internet accessed by being tuned to its frequency range

Figure 25: The body/brain is encoded to access the frequency of the wireless Internet the 'Matrix' for this reality. Once we leave the body-computer at 'death, we cease to be tuned to this frequency range and, therefore, we 'leave' this 'world'

So where are we?


Crystal antenna
DNA is a crystalline substance with a shape that makes it a perfect receiver-transmitter. As one Internet article pointed out, the wound double helix makes it an excellent electromagnetic antenna; the elongated shape makes it a blade antenna for electrical signals; and the ring form ensures it is a highly efficient magnetic antenna. DNA is also crystalline and that makes it an even more powerful receiver, transmitter and amplifier of the frequencies or 'light' that connect to the Cosmic Internet the Matrix. Crystal is a fundamental part of 'physical' form. The membrane of every human cell is a liquid crystal and, depending on who you ask, we have between 50 and 75 trillion of them. Bruce Lipton, a research scientist and former medical school professor, produced a detailed study of the cell membrane in his book, Biology of Belief. He concluded that 'the membrane is a liquid crystal semiconductor with gates and channels'. Semiconductors are excellent conductors of electricity and can also be used as insulators. They are found in electrical devices from computers, digital audio players and cell phones, and they are at the heart of microprocessor chips and transistors. Anything that is computerised or uses radio waves depends on semiconductors and here we have a semiconductor liquidcrystal membrane encasing every cell! The principle component of semiconductors used in our electronics and chips is the silicon crystal, hence the term 'Silicon Valley' in California and the 'silicon economy'. Shortly after Lipton realised that the cell membrane is a 'liquid crystal semiconductor with gates and channels', he picked up a book to see computer chips defined as ' ... a crystal semiconductor with gates and channels'. He writes:
I spent several more intense seconds comparing and contrasting biomembranes with silicon semiconductors. I was momentarily stunned when I realised that the identical nature of their definitions was not a coincidence. The cell membrane was indeed a structural and functional equivalent ... of a silicon chip.

Precisely. The cells are, in part, the hard drive of the body-computer with the crystalline DNA holding the genetic memory. The cell membrane's 'gates and channels' are used to allow into the cell what is needed and block what would be detrimental, and this is done by electrical impulses. If this process is short-circuited by electrical and chemical disturbance from the environment and what we eat and drink, the gates and channels can malfunction and open up to intruders with all that means for our health and wellbeing (Figure 26). Our own thoughts, emotions and stress can also cause the process to become flawed because they manifest electrically, and these are major reasons why what we eat, drink, think, feel and experience electromagnetically can cause disease like cancer. Which is what? Cellular malfunction. Our bodies are basically crystals and the Earth is also awash with them. The Figure 26: The crystalline cell membrane has gates and channels that planet, too, operates in open and close in line with electrical impulses. If this process gets basically the same way as out of sync they open and close at the wrong time and the cells can be polluted by poisons and other substances that lead to disease the human body


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

everything does because it's the same holographic computer program. The Matrix itself, the 'Super Hologram' as I call it, also operates on the same principles, as it has to. Holograms are always made up of smaller of versions of themselves. Quartz crystals are one of the most abundant of all minerals and appear in every grain of sand, in quartzite and granite, and they are found in nearly every type of rock. Quartz is used in radios, televisions, watches, sonar, radar and other electrical devices Figure 27: This is symbolically the way we experience and it has the ability to generate a fixed physical' reality. It is a gigantic virtual reality game frequency and convert vibration into an that we have been manipulated to believe is 'real' electrical signal just like the five senses do. We are walking, talking crystalline transmitter-receivers of monumental advancement and proportions right down to the heart of every cell. The body hologram is decoding frequencies on a staggering scale every fraction of a second, as we perceive 'time', and most of this is happening on a non-conscious level. The brain is estimated to receive 400 billion items of information every second, but we are conscious of just 2,000 or so. Imagine what the rest of the DNA/cellular computer network is processing. We take the conscious mind to be 'who we are' when it is an almost infinitesmial fraction of who we are even at the level of the body alone. Incidentally, the body is a processor of electrical information and what is a first class conductor of electricity? Water. What does some 70 per cent of the body consist of? Water. Ask me who or what created this Holographic Internet 'the world in our heads' and I will say that I don't know, at least not yet, but anyone tuned to the Matrix has the potential to change and influence it. When I connect my laptop to the Internet, I can influence its reality by posting information and it can influence me when I read the information that others have posted. This is happening constantly with the Matrix as we add our perceptions to the 'wireless web' and it feeds us the collective reality. We can choose to be prisoners of this body-computerMatrix interaction, a passive onlooker and programmed pawn, or we can express our uniqueness through the influence of Infinite Awareness and 'post' another version of reality on this cosmic computer-game. For that is what we are experiencing in this 'world' a version of a computer game, virtual reality (Figure 27). The key to controlling the game is the control of belief, as I have already indicated. What we choose to believe, or are manipulated to believe, decides the way the body-computer decodes what we call 'reality'. Preconceived ideas and rigid belief are the guards at the gates to Infinite Awareness, because it is not only the 'gates and channels' in the cells that open and close; so do our gates and channels to Infinite Awareness through the chakra system and even to greater parts of the Matrix. If too many of those chakra channels are closed or diminished by what we rightly call a closed mind closed awareness we will live in a prison of perception (Figure 28). This is what the manipulators have done to humanity, as I shall expose in detail.

So where are we?


I mprisoned by belief
What you can't believe, you can't conceive. Belief is a reality filter that allows into perceived experience only that which confirms the belief ... the preconceived idea. You can observe this clearly in daily life. I have seen television documentaries in which people with fixed preconceived ideas about each other have been filmed in conversation. They were then questioned individually about what the other person said, and how they said it, before the original conversation was played to them both. Invariably they were shocked to see that what they thought the person said, and how they said it, was not what actually happened. There is a simple explanation for this. Experiments and research have shown that the brain edits reality according to its belief. Up to and Figure 28: The brain has the potential to connect us sometimes more than 50 per cent of the with many other realities through the 95 per cent information the brain receives, even on of DNA that is called 'junk' because scientists don't the conscious level, is edited to fit the know what it does. If we have closed minds we preconceived idea. It takes out create barriers - fire walls - to block this potential and we become isolated in five-sense reality information that is there, and adds things that aren't there, to construct a reality/experience to fit the belief. In the example of that television programme, the two people in conversation had rigid beliefs about each other, and so, when one of them spoke, the other did not hear what they actually said and how they said it. They heard what their programmed belief had constructed. We are doing this all the time as we interact with the Matrix and each other. Preconceived ideas and beliefs are mind programmes nothing less. A skilled hypnotist can implant the belief that someone standing in front of you isn't there, as we have seen, and there is no limit to how we can be manipulated if we don't know how it all works while others do. You can activate 'parental controls' on your computer to stop children accessing certain websites. In countries like China they have a similar system for everyone to prevent the population seeing information which is at odds with the government's imposed dogma and lies. What the authorities in China are doing is blocking access codes to limit what those computers can perceive on the Internet, and our access to the 'Matrix' Internet is being blocked in the same way. We are being manipulated to close our gates and channels to that which the Hidden Hand does not want us to know. We are only being allowed to see what the manipulators want us to see; but we can become conscious and override that. I have no doubt that large parts of our brains have been locked off so that we can only perceive a limited range of what there is to see and know, even within 'five-sense' reality. I will come to this in more


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

detail later, but the manipulation of belief is at the heart of it and so is the manipulation of fear which is like a computer virus that closes down communication channels faster than anything. We talk about people being 'frozen with fear' and that happens on many levels, not just the physical. It closes down chakra channels to 'out there' and increases the density of our energy fields. This obviously disconnects us from the higher vibrational energies of higher perception. Belief and fear (the most powerful form of belief) creates the energetic 'eggshells' I have talked about for years that hold us in five-sense 'awareness' (Figure 29). This is why those in the shadows who seek to control world events are after your mind your belief. They pretty much don't care what rigid belief you have religious, political, whatever so long as you have one. Any of them will Figure 29: The energetic eggshells of fear and rigid limit your ability to see the big picture, belief that disconnect the droplet from the ocean and they can also play belief against - Infinite Awareness belief to divide and rule. Open minds that can open the gates and channels and expand to consciously connect with Infinite Awareness are their worst nightmare, and they structure society to do all they can to suppress such an awakening, such an opening. Rigid belief can even be seen in the way the neurons connect in the brain. They form an electrical web that represents the rigidity of perception, and the neurons fire in accordance with the sequence that represents the belief. David Shainberg, an American psychiatrist from the William Alanson White Institute of Psychiatry in New York, says that thoughts are vortices of energy that can become fixed and rigid. These vortices are another level of the process that connect with the neuron networks and create the rigid, repeating sequence in how they fire. Shainberg suggests that these fixed, dense vortices reveal themselves as fixed opinions, a rigid sense of reality and unchanging views. It also goes the other way with fixed opinions and beliefs creating the dense vortices and fixed neuron networks. It is these networks and low-vibrational energy fields (different expressions of the same beliefs) that close the channels, hold us in five-sense reality and block the conscious connection to Infinite Awareness. They are the electrical and vibrational levels of the filtering process where information is constructed by the brain to fit belief. It means that some people see the glass half full and others see it half empty; some see the positive in everything and others the negative. When we break out of such rigid thought, the neuron web snaps and another is formed to match the new reality. With that, the filtering process changes and other fields of possibility are decoded that were not being

So where a re we?


Figure 30: The staggering effect of thought and words on water crystals. The crystal on the left formed after water was exposed to words of 'love and appreciation'. With the crystal on the right, the words were 'You make me sick - I will kill you It is devastating confirmation of the effect on the world and our bodies of thought, emotion and words
(For more examples see the books, Messages from the Water, volumes one and two, by Masaru Emoto.)

accessed before. We experience this as 'life-changing' events or a sudden surge of new opportunity in our lives that never happened before. That 'opportunity' was always there in the mass of energy within All Possibility; it was just that the person's belief was causing their brain not to 'read' it and bring it into holographic reality as a 'physical' experience. Rigid thought and low-vibrational states, especially fear, cause our energy fields to fall into slow-vibrational density and this creates a 'firewall' to Infinite Awareness. What do we call people who aren't very 'bright'? We call them 'dense'. If you want confirmation of how thought affects energy look no further than Figure 30. Japanese researcher, Masaru Emoto, of the I.H.M.-Institute in Tokyo, has revealed how water is fundamentally affected by words, thoughts and emotions all of which are waveforms. He and his team exposed water to various music and different words and expressions, and then froze it to produce water crystals. When these were examined under a microscope the response of the water was amazing. Look at the way it reacted to the words and thoughts (vibrations) of 'Love and appreciation', and, 'You make me sick I will kill you'. Imagine the effect on the body hologram of our words and deeds when it is some 70 per cent water (this figure varies by age and weight). This is how thoughts and words affect us energetically. I should stress that it is not the words that have the effect, but the intent behind them. If you said 'I will kill you' in a light-hearted fashion, as a bit of fun, it would not have the same effect as it would if you meant it, or said it with malevolence. I have described Infinite Awareness as All Possibility and that's exactly what it is. There is nothing that cannot manifest within the infinite consciousness field that is the Infinite All. The limitations of the Matrix 'Internet' (and our brains connected to the Matrix) are simply the limitations of what we choose to decode into holographic


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

experience, or what we are blocked from doing by manipulation of the Matrix and our own perceptions. We are now sitting or standing within All Possibility, and we are All Possibility. However, we are decoding only a fraction of it, and, therefore, we can perceive life in terms of limitation and 'I can't'. Notice how those who 'go for it', who say 'I can', tend to achieve what they want, while the 'I can't' and 'It happens to others' mentality does not. The only difference between the two is the level of All Possibility that each one is choosing to decode - to 'let in'. The mentality of 'I can't' will decode the fields within All Possibility that manifest as 'I don't'; and the mentality of 'I can' will decode the fields that manifest as 'I do'. In fact, many who speak about how to consciously create our own reality tell people to perceive only in the 'present' and instead of saying 'I will' do this or that, say 'I am' doing it. This may sound strange, but I can see the sense of it when what we decode from All Possibility literally matches the belief. So 'I will' can decode fields that represent what we see as 'the future' and what you want to achieve can therefore always be just out of reach 'in the future'. It is like sitting on a carousel and no matter how fast you go you never get closer to the horse in front. It's much more powerful to perceive your ambition as happening in the NOW because time is an illusion anyway, as I will come to shortly. To perceive in the NOW allows it to manifest in the NOW.

Computer 'cultures'
When people talk of themselves as being British, American, Chinese, Arab or Jew they are identifying with their computer - not Infinite Awareness. These labels of race, nationality and religious identity are computer programs inherited from others in the genetic (software/hard drive) 'bloodline', and growing up among the same believers further downloads the agreed belief. People can, and do, introduce Infinite Awareness to reject this programming and go their own way of perception, but even then you find some still feel guilty at taking another path. One explanation for this is that the program they have resisted continues to run in the background. What we call 'races' are different computer software, and so is being 'human'. We are not human, we are Infinite Awareness and All Possibility. It is the computer program that makes us think we are 'human' or 'alien' or whatever label we use. For 'human' read 'Packard Bell' and for an 'alien race', read 'Mac' or 'Dell' and so on. What we know as 'cultures' are actually cultural 'programs' inherited and perpetuated by being born into that program. Experience of other cultures starts to rewrite the program and so societies change with the generations the more they have access to other information 'software'. Closed societies change the slowest for that reason. We are seeing increasing conflict between the parents and children of families that have come to Britain from the Islamic and Hindu cultures because the parents want them to follow the original cultural program, like arranged marriages, while the children are being attracted to the western 'culture'. The more 'western' information and interaction is downloaded - the more the cultural software will be rewritten in succeeding generations. I stress again that British, American, Muslim, Jew or Hindu is not what we are; it is what our Infinite Awareness is experiencing. There is nothing wrong with living a program and enjoying 'being' someone or other, so long as we don't confuse this with who we are. That's when the trouble starts and the cell door slams ... literally the cell door or gate.

So where are we?


The Matrix, the 'Super Hologram', is information that's decoded into the illusory 'world' we think we are experiencing, just as a computer reads software and the wireless Internet. The information we are decoding from the Matrix is a ready-to-wear world and belief-system broadcast to the DNA / cellular network as frequencies, and decoded into holographic 3D collective reality. Unless we become conscious, the Matrix acts like a voice telling us what to believe is real much like the way the queen in ant and termite colonies broadcasts a frequency that the workers pick up and respond to in their behaviour. Extraordinary numbers of ants can work as one unit amid apparent chaos and complexity, because they are picking up their orders or instructions from the queen in the form of a Figure 31: The 'Hundredth Monkey Syndrome' is a vibrational blueprint. You can hide the manifestation of the 'species Internet' in which those with the same DNA frequency codes can queen from the workers and nothing will unconsciously communicate information. When we change. Only when the queen dies does learn something 'new, we post it on this 'Internet' everything stop, because the frequency and it becomes available for anyone else who tunes broadcast has stopped. It has also been into it. When they do, they 'know' something found that colonies quite close to each instinctively that another has had to 'learn' other will accept ants moving between them, unless they travel a certain distance from the colony. Then other ants will attack them, because they have travelled beyond the range of their queen's frequency. Ants can distinguish between those encoded with different frequencies or, to them, 'friends or foes'. This can also apply to much human behaviour between different 'races' or vibrational codes. Each 'race' or animal species is broadcasting a specific wavelength in line with their DNA codes and they can communicate with each other with great efficiency this way. It has been discovered that when a number of animals are taught something new, those of the same species begin to do the same without being shown how or seeing it done. They have picked up this information from the 'species Internet' and this process has become known as the Hundredth Monkey Syndrome after the observation of monkeys doing this very thing. Humans do the same, although the manipulation of society and the collective mind have made people less sensitive to this communication system (Figure 31). The mathematical Matrix On one level, the Matrix is a digital/mathematical construct. In the Matrix movies they look at computer screens full of moving green codes, but they see street scenes and people, and our Matrix works in the same way. You can see the mathematical codes of


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

the Matrix 'Internet' in the recurring numbers and maths in nature. Galileo Galilei, the 16th/ 17th century Italian physicist, astronomer, astrologer and philosopher, said:
[The universe] cannot be read until we have learnt the language and become familiar with the characters in which it is written. It is written in mathematical language, and the letters are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, without which means it is humanly impossible to comprehend a single word.

Well, on its mathematical level, anyway. Scientists and researchers have identified recurring mathematical codes like the Fibonacci number sequence which involves adding the last two numbers to get the next one, as in 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 and so on. The sequence can be found throughout nature in everything from the proportions of the human body to the way plants grow (Figures 32 and 33). Other mathematical and geometrical codes and recurring sequences include those known as Pi, Phi, 'sacred geometry', numerology, the Chinese I Ching, astrology and many others. The discovery of the Fibonacci number sequence is often attributed to the 12th/13th century Italian mathematician, Leonardo Fibonacci, or Leonardo of Pisa, but it was known in India and almost certainly other ancient cultures at least hundreds of years earlier. The ancients knew about so much that has since been 'discovered', in truth re-discovered. These recurring number sequences and proportions connect with each other as the Fibonacci numbers connect with the Phi 'golden number' of 1.618 (plus many more, but let's keep it simple). This is also known as the 'golden ratio' and 'divine proportion' and is found throughout the human body in the proportions of hands, face, even teeth. Some say it can be identified in body temperature and the resting human heartbeat and it can certainly be seen in the proportions of animals, sea life, insects and ... DNA. The ancients knew about these mathematical constants and you find the same numbers and proportions in the pyramids of Egypt, the Greek Parthenon and endless other structures. The ancient Greek philosopher, Plato, believed the golden ratio to be the most binding of all mathematical relationships and a key to the physics of the cosmos.

Figure 32: The way flowers grow reflects the Fibonacci number system ...

Figure 33: ... so does the way shells form

So where are we?


Many artists used it in their paintings and sculptures, including Leonardo da Vinci in works like The Last Supper. Researcher William Neil identifies other recurring numbers in his book, How We Were Made. He found that the ancient Sumerian system based on the number 60 and its derivatives constantly recurs with regard to humans, planets, ancient structures like Stonehenge, the measurement of 'time', snowflakes and much more. He also found that his repeating number sequences included 360, 3600 and 6 x 6 x 6 (216). The biblical Book of Revelation says: 'Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six'. Neil found that the precession of the equinoxes also fitted with these sequences. This 'precession' is caused by the fact that the Earth not only rotates on its axis, but also wobbles. This wobbling motion creates a circular movement that takes just under 26,000 years to complete the 360 degree circuit. The 'heavens' through which it 'moves' have been divided into twelve sections which correspond to a sign of the Zodiac, hence we talk about moving from the Age of Taurus into the Age of Aries or the 'new' Age of Aquarius. All these recurring numbers, proportions and sequences are the mathematics of the digital Matrix, the virtual-reality computer 'game'. What we call 'astrology' is part of the vibrational/mathematical construct and in skilled hands can read future trends, but it is still the trends of the Matrix, the computer program. Infinite Awareness doesn't have a star sign; the bodycomputer does. Everything can be expressed as numbers within the Matrix, and Stephen Marquardt, an American doctor who has studied Fibonacci and phi sequences with regard to the human face, correctly concluded: 'All life is biology. All biology is physiology. All physiology is chemistry. All chemistry is physics. All physics is math[s]'. He could have added that all maths is energy and all energy is consciousness. It is through the manipulation of numbers, language and symbols that the human body-computer is encoded with the false reality, the false or 'dark' Matrix. The fake digital construct is held together by number systems and codes, and human bodycomputers are constantly programmed to tune into that manufactured 'world' very much like the reality depicted in the Matrix movies. All 'physical' life forms, and 'systems' like politics, finance, commerce and religion, are digital software programs that we are encoded to sync with. Computers are programmed by what they call 'computer language' and the same applies to Matrix reality. It is constructed from the computer language of numbers, symbols and words, all of which represent vibrational codes. Put your hand near your mouth when you speak and you can feel the vibrations of the words, and our language has been vibrationally constructed to hold us in fake reality. For this reason, the sound of a word is more important to the manipulators than its exact spelling, although the shape (symbols) of the letters are also highly significant in this. Satanists, who have among their number some of the world's most famous people, use chants, numbers and colours in their rituals to manipulate reality in the same way. The force behind the fake Matrix has taken energy, or 'light', and broken it up into constituent parts male and female, positive and negative etc. to construct the false reality that we daily experience. In short, there is the Matrix and there is the even more limited 'substitute Matrix' that has been constructed to control us. You might think of the Matrix as the Internet and the 'subsitute Matrix' as the Internet the Chinese are allowed to use with all its limits, firewalls and encoded no-go areas. By opening ourselves to Infinite Awareness we change the frequency at which we are broadcasting


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

on all levels and the power and limitations of the fake construct start to diminish as its vibrational field unravels.

The time illusion

One of the limiting principles of the Matrix is 'time' because there actually is no 'time' it's an illusion. When people go into deep meditation, and other states of consciousness where they tap into Infinite Awareness, they talk of having a sense of `no time'. There is no past or future, only the Infinite NOW, although there are many tricks that lead us to believe that time exists like the apparent passing of events and the aging of the body. They are not expressions of 'time'; they are computer software passing through their cycles. When we tap into our intuition or 'knowing', we 'know' in the instant we know. There is no sequence of thinking and working it out that eventually leads to intuitive inspiration. Working something out is an expression of the illusory 'time' construct while intuition comes in the moment the NOW when we need it, because it comes from the realms of no-time. How can we age when there is no time? We can't. We can only experience the illusion of aging when that is written into the Matrix software and our consciousness falls for it. A hologram projected by a laser from an interference pattern never ages, yet our bodies also holograms go through a predictable cycle of young to old, birth to death. The difference is that one hologram is programmed to age and the other is not. I have met many recovering mind-slaves from government mindcontrol operations who were denied watches, and any awareness of 'time', as part of their programming. While this was going on, they only aged fractionally compared with people of similar years. Their DNA / cellular system was not so connected to the illusion of time, which leads to a belief in aging and an experience to match. I read an interesting article in the magazine, New Scientist, about the development of what are called quantum gravity computers that operate on energetic levels deeper than the 'physical' atom. The limitless potential of such computers would be that they are beyond the 'laws' of five-sense reality and outside our perception of 'time'. As the article said of such computers: It is evitable that we are going to have trouble with notions of cause and effect: the logic of tock following tick or output following input just won't apply in the quantum-gravity universe'. Time is part of the perceptionconstruct of five-sense reality, and so is cause and effect, also known as 'karma'. I have made the point in previous books that 'karma' the idea that what you give out you get back applies only in the vibrational/mathematical construct of five-sense reality. Once you consciously operate in the realms of All Possibility, there are no 'laws'. The law of karma' that you get back what you give out is only one possibility; so it cannot exist as a rigid 'law' within All Possibility. I know some people will ask how we can 'learn' unless we face the consequences of our actions, but All Possibility Infinite Awareness is not a 'we', or an 'our'. It is an 'I'. At these levels of Awareness everything is One, and how can Everything That Is face karma for actions it has taken that affected itself? Take a simple example. You hit someone with baseball bat and the perfect 'karma' would be for someone to hit you with a baseball bat. But, all that's really happening is that Oneness is getting hit twice, because it is both the giver and receiver. This is why the idea of karma is a constructed, not 'natural' law. I had to smile reading the New Scientist article as it pondered on reality possibilities that have been in my books, and others, for years. These were learned scientists at famous universities, while I left school at 15 to

So where are we?


play professional football. You don't need to pass endless exams to understand the nature of reality. You only have to open your mind to connect with a greater level of Awareness, or knowing, and anyone can do it, because anyone, and everyone, is that Awareness.

Your life on DVD

People talk about the power of mind over matter, but to rewrite the aging 'time' software we need to have the power of consciousness over mind higher awareness over DNA program. Figure 34: 'Past', 'present' and 'future' on DVD. All That's the way to change all the are happening at the same 'time' in (symbolically) programs. The Matrix is symbolically different parts of the same 'disk' and what like a DVD movie, which is, happens in one 'scene' can affect all the rest. Thus, the 'past' can change the 'future' and the 'future' appropriately, read by a laser just like a can change the 'past' hologram. The movie is already complete when you put it in the DVD player. Past, present and future are all there from the start and operate in the same 'NOW'. As the laser runs across the disc the scenes in the movie that you have watched become the 'past' to your reality; the 'present' is the scene you are consciously watching; and the 'future' is the scenes that you have yet to see. But the whole movie exists at the same 'time' (Figure 34).Your perception of 'past', 'present' and 'future' come only from the part of the movie you choose to give your attention to. Spin it back a few scenes and you can give your attention to the 'past' and experience the equivalent of 'time' travel; or you can spin forward and see the 'future'. You are not 'going' anywhere; it is only that your focus of attention has changed. So it is with the Matrix. As you move your attention, you appear to be moving through 'time' but you are not. 'Past', 'present' and 'future' are different parts of the same program and they are all happening in the same NOW. What we call 'history' has not disappeared; it is still happening at the same 'time' that you are reading this, and 'history' can be changed just as software can be rewritten. A holographic 'photograph' can have many different interference patterns on the same print and each can be picked out by changing the angle at which the laser strikes. The illusion of moving through 'time' is a bit like that, as you change the angle at which you 'see' your reality. I have also read, and been told, of many experiences where people have seen something, such as a building, and yet when they return, even hours or sometimes minutes later, it has disappeared. They had somehow accessed a different part of the program. A sense of 'time' is based merely on the observer's perspective. As Einstein pointed out, when you are enjoying something 'time flies', and when you are in the dentist's chair it appears to 'pass' slowly. When you panic, time seems to pass very quickly, but not so when you stay calm. The very fact that time is relative to the observer means there is no time. It is a perception and not 'real'. Our manufactured official 'time' is linked to the Earth's rotation and when that changes so does our 'time'. In America, you can drive across a state border and be in a different hour and when you


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

fly across the International Date Line you are instantly in a different day. Time is an illusion, and if we get attached to it at a deep level of reality it can make it harder to connect consciously with Infinite Awareness, which is a state of no time. Once again, we can work with human 'time' so long as we know it's an illusion. Believing it to be real is what attaches us to it and we are now in a period when gathering numbers are awakening from the illusion that 'time' represents. As Eckhart Tolle, author of The Power of Now, wrote:
The time-bound mode of consciousness is deeply embedded in the human psyche. But what we are doing here is part of a profound transformation that is taking place in the collective consciousness of the planet and beyond: the awakening of consciousness from the dream of matter, form and separation. The ending of time.

The sense of moving is another illusion, because it's all going on in our brain. If you play one of those virtual-reality car-racing games you are just sitting there while the track is moving. The Matrix is like that, also. Sometimes I go into states of consciousness where I see the world moving in my mind while my body goes nowhere, and during these experiences the virtual-reality game is so clear. There is a story of two monks debating about the movement of a flag in the wind. 'The flag is moving', said one. 'No, the wind is moving', said the other. A third, passing by and hearing the conversation, said: 'The flag is not moving. The wind is not moving. Your mind is moving'. In movies like The Matrix and The Thirteenth Floor, people are 'plugged in' to illusory realities through their brains while they are sitting in a chair or lying on a table without moving. It's the same principle with our reality. Here's another cracker ... there is no 'space' either. Scientists can't understand why subatomic particles can communicate instantly with each other over staggering 'distances'. They are thinking in terms of space when there is no space involved. It is like the droplet of water and the ocean. There are no particles, plural, except in the way we perceive them in the illusion. All particles are the same One. They don't have to communicate between each other when there is no 'each other'; and they don't move from one place to another because there is no space and so there can be no 'places'. Appropriately, the word 'Utopia' means 'no place' beyond the illusion of time and space. As the old song goes: 'You're everywhere and nowhere, baby, that's where you're at'. The Super Hologram appears to occupy space, and we talk of the vastness of space, but it's a hologram and so that cannot be. If there's no space how come we seem to travel through it? Once again, that is the illusion our body-computer decodes for us and we 'travel through space' only as electrical signals interpreted by the brain. Infinity and a pinhead are actually the same because all is One the ocean. The poet William Blake captured this truth about time and space magnificently when he wrote:
To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour

When all this becomes your reality there are no more 'absolutes', limitations or dogma, only ... all possibility. Your attention can be experiencing one possibility, but at the same

So where are we?


'no-time', in the same NOW, you are All Possibility. You are 'here' and 'there'. You are everything and nothing. You are everywhere and nowhere. You are and you're not. You will and you won't. You can and you can't. It is and it isn't. And you are every possibility in between. One near-death experiencer described what he saw once the filter of human perception was lifted. He talked of seeing the 'panoramic view of life':
... everything from the beginning, my birth, my ancestors, my children, my wife, everything comes together simultaneously. I saw everything about me, and about everyone who was around me. I saw everything they were thinking now, what they thought then, what was happening before, what was happening now. There is no time, there is no sequence of events, no such thing as limitation, of distance, of period, of ti me, of place. I could be anywhere I wanted to be simultaneously.

These are all the things I have been emphasising in my books over the years. The manipulation of this 'world' has encoded us with a sense of limitation and time ('limited' time, as we perceive it). These are illusions designed to ensnare us and hypnotise us into the amnesia of limited perception. Those who have 'died' and then returned to tell the tale make a highly significant contribution to breaching the walls of suppression. They have seen what we are not supposed to know exists. When people say 'it can't be done' they are really saying 'I don't believe it can be done'. Everything can be done, but to unleash that limitless potential we have to clear our minds from a sense of limitation. It is the sense of 'I can't' that becomes the experience of 'I don't'.

Multiple Internets
In the same space that our wireless Matrix 'Internet' is broadcasting, there are endless other Internets or 'television channels' on different wavelengths. More enlightened scientists call them 'parallel universes' and these are all potential 'homes' when our Awareness withdraws from the body-computer at what we call 'death'. As the connection with the computer is broken, so is the connection with this frequency level of the wireless Internet or Matrix because we experience it, and attune with it, through the DNA receiver / transmitter. This frees us from this energetic density and much more of our potential is released. Remember how the Dutch cardiologist, Pim van Lommel, who conducted a considerable study on near-death experiences, said that at the moment of illusory death '... these people are not only conscious; their consciousness is even more expansive than ever'. These other Internets where our Awareness can 'go' after 'death' in this reality are other frequency levels of the same Matrix that we are experiencing other computer programs. The Matrix has become a trap for so much Awareness, a vibrational flypaper in which it 'moves' between different levels of the Matrix thinking it is 'free'. Maybe the Matrix is designed to be a trap or maybe some force is just manipulating a benign construct. These other 'Internets' are some of the wavelengths that psychics tune into when they are contacting the departed, and many of these communicating 'souls' still appear to believe in their earthly religions and heroes. Their consciousness is so imprinted with their experience 'here', that they go on believing the same old stuff. As I have said many times: death is no cure for ignorance. Also, these other wireless Internets are often so close to this one on the 'dial' that they are not much different, except that they are aware that there are multiple worlds. Many of these are


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

still a form of 'physicality', albeit of a different density. There are Christian 'after death' realities and Muslim, Jewish and Hindu realities in which the departed manifest the heavens and hells of their beliefs. It is not only here that belief manifests reality, it is everywhere. When that Awareness limited Awareness in its perception of possibility returns to this reality it is called 'reincarnation'. I would suggest that the idea that we have to live many different lives to learn and evolve to 'perfection' is nonsense of extreme proportions. We are already All Possibility All-Knowing so what is there to 'learn'? Instead, we need to remember what we have always known, but have simply forgotten and been encouraged to forget by those manipulating the Matrix.

Holding our attention

It is all about attention and focus in the end. Imagine an infinite energy field. We can see everything as a single unified 'One', in which case we connect with Infinite Awareness, at least intellectually. To access the full magnitude of its limitless potential and knowing you have to become Infinite Awareness in every wave and particle of being, and the Matrix construct in all its forms makes that a real challenge. But even intellectual awareness of Infinite Possibility is certainly a start. From that point of observation you can see the 'bigger picture' and not get caught in rigid, myopic belief-systems. However, if your attention is entrapped by rigid belief you create a subworld within Infinite Awareness in which you see everything through the lens of your belief. All other possibility is shut out by the energy shield, or firewall, that your belief creates. This is the 'eggshell'. Energy flows where attention goes, as they say, and attention-created subworlds of belief and limitation control all but a few in this reality. This also happens on other levels of the Matrix. The beliefs may be different, often only slightly different, but if they are rigid and unyielding they will close perception to Infinite Awareness. When I watch television psychics at work communicating with departed loved ones, some can be impressive in that the information they produce could not be known through other means. However, these communications consist of messages about whether someone should take the job they have been offered, or how the cat is being looked after or how someone should go and visit Uncle Fred. I have never heard anyone come through to say: 'Hey, it's all an illusion, all a manipulated game, don't take it seriously'. I have never heard a departed Christian, Jew, Muslim or Hindu come through and say to their relatives: 'Don't waste your lives following the religion it's all nonsense'. They mostly relate to this world as if it is 'real', because they are still stuck in the Matrix box. They are just on a different vibrational level of it, that's all. The Matrix movie trilogy was brilliant in the way it portrayed an illusory computer-generated reality, but it depicted life outside the Matrix as the 'real world'. It's not like that and I would recommend the movie, The Thirteenth Floor, to get a visual feel for what I mean about illusory realities within illusory realities. Those who leave here with their conscious connection to Infinite Awareness still intact can transport their point of observation into higher realms of consciousness, well beyond the illusory matrices and density that sees everything in terms of division and parts. Your attention dictates your vibrational state and whether you make the transition to higher Awarenesss or stay within the densities of the Matrix 'Internets'. In ancient Egypt, they had a belief that the dead were taken to a 'hall of judgement' where their heart would be weighed against a single feather. Only if it weighed less than the feather would the 'deceased' be taken to

So where are we?


Osiris, god of the afterlife. If it weighed more, they believed, they would remain in 'Duct' or what I would call 'duality', the realm of polarity the Matrix. This Egyptian myth is symbolic of the lighter or denser state of the departed one's energy field and that is governed by their belief and where their attention is focused. Either way, we all have eternal life and we are in control of it. We just have to wake up and remember. It is only when a psychic or 'channel' can connect with realms of Awareness beyond the computer construct, or Matrix, that information can be accessed about what is really going on. It is the level of Infinite Awareness that is beyond the illusions of vibration, polarity and 'form'. This is where everything is experienced as One and there is no vibration, only stillness. Oneness is what it says Oneness. It has no parts or polarities and therefore does not vibrate. I have experienced this state, as so many others have. They call it the stillness of the heart or a state of indescribable peace and bliss. That's who we really are once the veil of division is lifted peace, bliss, love. As the title of my last book said: Infinite Love is the only truth everything else is illusion. The stillness of Infinite Awareness is experienced as silence because it has nothing to say. It doesn't need the nagging chatterbox of thought and emotion to 'work things out'. It already knows. We will never connect with Infinite Awareness through words or even thought. We will know it only through silence, which encompasses everything, free from singular attention. Words and thought are a focus for attention, and only silence can see all and know all. We live in a world which finds endless ways to fill the silence with irrelevant noise, talk and magnets for attention. This is not by accident, but calculated design. The Matrix is a vibrational construct and for something to vibrate it needs two points between which to oscillate. The Matrix needs polarity to exist. We live in a world of polarity that operates on every level and is expressed through division and conflict in areas like religion and politics. Both are vibrational constructs in which the extremes are the polarities between which the creation religion, politics, whatever can oscillate into form. The reason you find, for example, that religions and political systems and parties behave and operate in basically the same way is because they are polarities and expressions of the same vibration. Take the example of Communism (left polarity) and Fascism (right polarity). They call themselves different names, but both involve the same centralised control, military dictatorship and concentration camps. Between those two polarity extremes you get things like 'democracy' and 'liberalism' on the same political vibration and they, too, are about central control and dictatorship, with the military, ultimately, available to enforce it. They just hide the dictatorship better because they are further from the polarities where everything is more stark and obvious. I was in the UK Green Party, which is supposed to be 'different', but their political personnel behaved just like the other parties because they are plugged in to the same political/vibrational construct.

Flytrap reality
In the end, everything is an expression of Infinite Awareness even that which does not believe in Infinite Awareness. All is consciousness that creates reality through imagination. Belief is a form of imagination at the lowest end of possibility. If you imagine something now in your mind's eye you will have created that in the vibrational realm in which your mind operates. We do this in our dreams when our imagination is free to fly beyond the confines of the body-computer. Our dreams involve an apparently


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

3D 'solid' reality and when unpleasant things happen to us in this dreamstate we just wake up. We can fall over a cliff and still not 'die'. Awareness cannot `die'; it can only imagine that it does. Charles Tart, a professor of psychology at the Davis Campus of the University of California, asked two skilled hypnotists called Anne and Bill to hypnotise each other. He was trying to synchronise their two hypnotic realities, and he managed to do so. The two, both graduate students, found themselves experiencing the same 'place' a beautiful beach and ocean. They swam together, studied the same crystalline rocks, and 'talked' to each other, even though they were not speaking in this reality, from where Tart was observing them. They later recalled that this hypnotic dream was every bit as 'real' as their experience in their 'awakened state', and included five-sensetype sensations, although their hypnotic world was more pliable and less dense than this one. During their experience they often forgot to manifest bodies for themselves and floated around only as faces and heads. On one occasion when Bill asked Anne to take his hand she had to 'think' her own 'hand' into 'existence'. Interestingly, the nearest psychological state to the hypnotic state is the waking state and, in truth, there is no difference between a dream we have in sleep and this dream we have when we are 'awake', except that we take this one seriously; and what we believe in, we experience. As the writer Edgar Allan Poe put it: 'All we see and seem is but a dream within a dream' ... a hologram within a hologram. We have been caught in a mind-prison and the jailer is belief What we believe, we create and experience. All the laws of physics and 'science' are based on limitation and they are illusions. We are subject to them because we are programmed to believe in them, and those in programmed authority constantly tell us to believe in them. What we call 'miracles' are simply the ability to disconnect our realities from a belief in these illusory 'laws'. When they are not your reality they cannot be your experience. If you walk across hot coals believing you will get burned then you will; but if you remove that belief from your reality you can do it and not get burned, as we see with firewalkers. There are no miracles; only the suspension of limited belief the curse that holds us in servitude. I go into greater detail about who we are and the nature of reality in Tales from the Time Loop and Infinite Love is the Only Truth Everything Else is Illusion. The knowledge is still circulating outside the mainstream and it could not be destroyed despite the best efforts of the force I will now begin to uncover. But it has been comprehensively and often viciously suppressed for thousands of years in our concept of 'time' to keep the people in ignorance of who and where they are. Even today, most people have to go in search of it, or stumble across it when it should be there for all to see. Why isn't it taught in the schools and universities, or broadcast on television and radio as a matter of course? Why isn't this understanding, which would set us free from the illusions and limitations of matter, at the forefront of 'education', 'science', 'medicine' and the media? The answers to these questions we shall now address. Hold on and strap in.

Forbidden knowledge
If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. George Orwell

Every reality is a dream, but there is a fundamental difference between having the freedom to dream whatever we choose, and being manipulated to dream a reality that someone else has constructed to control us. The dream can then become a nightmare. What I am going to expose from this point on is how the 'five-sense' dream has been hijacked, and how we can free ourselves from its fakery. Once again, to keep it simple and easy to follow, I will use the language of 'time' and the concepts we are familiar with, but what I will describe is just one reality that human minds have been locked into. Sharing the same 'space' as this reality is All Possibility and this is one 'television channel' within that infinite whole. It should also be remembered that time is an illusion of this 'channel', and 'history', or our perception of it, can be changed by those manipulating the 'Matrix' if they choose to rewrite the program. A few taps on the symbolic keyboard, a click of the mouse and, hey, we've just made an incredible discovery that tells us more about our history! That's the nature of illusions what is 'real' and what is not? The answer is that nothing is 'real', except in our perception of experience. So this is the story of our experienced reality, but, because of its illusory nature, there is always so much more to know. Humans are controlled by their history, or rather by their perception of it. As George Orwell said in his incredibly prophetic book, 1984: 'He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future'. Control the writing of history and you control the perception of where we have come from.That, in turn, becomes the coordinate for where we are and, when projected forward, it is the perceived starting point for where we need to go. One of the major foundations of the global conspiracy has been to sell people a false version of history and life, because, from this, all other forms of control can follow. For instance, only if you accept the official version of 9 /11 will you accept the fundamental destruction of basic freedoms to 'fight the terrorists' that are alleged to have been responsible. When you know that the official 'history' of September 11th 2001 is a lie, your view of the present and future is transformed in an instant. If you believe that we are at the cutting-edge of human 'evolution' and knowledge, and that we are ruled by random people who come to power through their own efforts, you will see the world today and the direction we need to go in a certain light. If you know that


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

humanity is controlled and manipulated by inter-breeding bloodlines (computers with particular codes) going back at least thousands of years, and that this genetic tribe places its own people, and its dummies, into the positions of power, then your view of the present and what needs to be done will be very different. If you control history, you also control what people believe was known in history. This is crucial. To control and confuse the population you need to suppress their understanding of who they are and where they are the knowledge known thousands of years ago and more. By rewriting history you can erase the advanced knowledge that the ancients had the understandings I have discussed in the first two chapters and replace them with a manipulated reality through those twin tools of mind programming: 'science' and religion. You do this by portraying the ancient world as entirely primitive, and presenting a false story about the 'evolution' of knowledge to the present day. This instils the lie that modern society is at the cutting-edge of understanding, far in advance of the primitive 'past', when, in fact, the most fundamental knowledge about the nature of life and reality has been systematically suppressed and written out of history to keep the people in ignorance and servitude. I have challenged official history in great detail in my other books and I am not going to repeat it all here, but it is necessary to outline and summarise the hidden history if the events of today are to be put into their sharpest and most relevant focus. I'll cut straight to the chase, as they say. On one level, at least, humanity is ruled by bloodlines produced from the interbreeding between human and extraterrestrial, or inter-dimensional, races. Some of these take a reptilian form, though there are others. Yes, I know this will sound crazy to most people, but if you are prepared to stay with me, and read the detailed background in my other books, the apparently ridiculous will soon become less so. In the end, as the layers of information unfold, what I am suggesting provides a logical explanation for both the contradictions and 'mysteries' of the past, and for the crazy and apparently inexplicable world we live in today. The vast and ever-increasing numbers who are now opening their minds to this material are testament to that. So, after researching the conspiracy since the early 1990s and travelling to more than forty countries in search of the truth, this is the history I suggest has been systematically suppressed. For more sources and detail see The Biggest Secret, Children of the Matrix and Tales from the Time Loop.

Hidden history
Before 13,000 years ago maybe less there was a global society with one language that was founded on advanced knowledge way beyond where we are in the public arena today. The language was originally telepathy, not words, because minds could communicate directly without need for the 'middleman' we call language. Later, a spoken language was developed from which today's multiple languages derive. Virtually every ancient society has its version of the 'Tower of Babel' (Babylon) story when 'God', or in truth 'the gods', insisted that people spoke many different languages to confuse their communication. The introduction of language to replace telepathy anchored people far more in five-sense reality, given that words are five-sense phenomena and the multiple languages made it impossible to communicate as before. Those who study words from this perspective can see clear evidence of the original language from which all others came. My great friend, Credo Mutwa, the Zulu shaman, is one such person. He has a love of words and their origins and he can reel off different words in different languages with

Forbidden knowledge


Figure 35: The idea that a 'primitive' people built these incredible wonders of the ancient world is utterly ludicrous

the most extraordinary ease. He told me that as he travelled the world meeting the native descendants of the ancient peoples it became so clear that our diversity of language had a single source. Even though he is a Zulu from South Africa, he said he could understand about three of every five words of the Hopi people when he spent time with them in Arizona. It was the same almost wherever he went because of the single origin. However, this theme goes further. There are the 'mystery' structures built thousands of years ago all over the world that 'primitive' people could never have constructed (Figure 35). Some are beyond the capability even of modern technology. At Baalbek, north-east of Beirut in the Lebanon, three massive chunks of stone, each weighing 800 tons, were moved at least a third of a mile and positioned high up in a wall. This was done thousands of years BC. Another block nearby weighs 1000 tons the weight of several jumbo jets. How was this possible? Official history does not wish to address such questions for fear of where it might lead. In Peru, you have ancient temples and other sites built with stones weighing 440 tons, and just across the border at Tiahuanaco in Bolivia, blocks weighing 100 tons are connected by metal clamps. The site is dated at some 11,000 years ago. Also in Peru are the mysterious Nazca Lines formed when the ancients scored away the top surface of the land to reveal the white subsurface. By this method were created incredible depictions of animals, fish, insects and birds. The images are made with one continuous line, and some were only seen in their entirety after 1939 when people began to fly over the region, because they can only be seen in full at heights of one to two thousand feet. Rock carvings dating back more than 10,000 years were found during an expedition to the Marcahuasi plateau north-east of Lima, Peru, and these included sculptures representing people and animals, most of which are not native to Peru. They included a polar bear, walrus, African lion, penguin and a stegosaurus. Dinosaurs were unknown to science until the 1880s and the stegosaurus was not identified until 1901. The knowledge which allowed wonders like Nazca, Baalbek, the Great Pyramid at Giza and other amazing creations to be built with such precision and scale, came from an advanced extraterrestrial/inter-dimensional race, or races, that, in ancient times, lived among a more primitive general population. As books and television documentaries in recent years have shown, these amazing ancient structures, temples, stone circles and standing stones, were not only lined up precisely with the Sun, Moon and certain star systems they were aligned just as precisely in relationship to each other all over the planet. The building techniques and designs were often the same on different sides of the world, and they used in their geometry and scale the hidden number systems of Phi, pi, Fibonacci, and the sexagesimal system based on 60 which is detailed in the book, How We Were Made by


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

William Neil. They also used granite or sandstone both full of quartz crystal for their fantastic structures like pyramids, Baalbek, Stonehenge and such like. Enormous granite statues have been found that modern chisels, even those especially hardened and sharpened, cannot cut. How did the 'primitive' ancients carve them? A precisely machined and shaped cube of metal was found in the centre of a block of coal in Austria in 1885 and, based on the age of that coal seam, it must have been made some 300,000 years ago. A piece of gold thread was found embedded in eight feet of rock in Rutherford Mills, England, in 1844, and that rock was estimated to go back 60 million years. Electric batteries have been found in ancient Egyptian tombs, and prehistoric animal bones have been discovered with bullets in them. The official version of history is baloney. If you go back far enough, societies were not isolated and disconnected. There was a global society controlled by the 'gods' and representatives of the 'gods' beings that were extremely technologically advanced compared with the mass of humanity, and well ahead of our society today; or, at least, ahead of the technology we are allowed to see in the public arena. As the author and researcher of far ancient
history, Colonel James Churchward, wrote: Civilisations have been born and completed and then forgotten again and again. There is nothing new under the Sun. What is, has been. All that we learn and discover has existed before; our inventions and discoveries are but reinventions, re-discoveries.

I would say that this is, at least in part, the Time Loop, the DVD, constantly repeating. There are endless legends and accounts all over the world that refer to a 'Golden Age', which was destroyed by cataclysm and the 'Fall of Man'. The ancient Greek poet, Hesiod, described the world before this 'fall':
Man lived like Gods, without vices or passions, vexation or toil. In happy companionship with divine beings, they passed their days in tranquillity and joy, living together in perfect equality, united by mutual confidence and love. The Earth was more beautiful than now and spontaneously yielded an abundant variety of fruits. Human beings and animals spoke the same language and conversed with each other [telepathy]. Men were considered mere boys at a hundred years old. They had none of the infirmities of age to trouble them and when they passed to regions of superior life, it was in a gentle slumber.

That is the world we could be living in today, if it were not for the manipulation I am going to expose, and we will return to such a paradise once this reality has been purged of its ignorance.

The 'gods'
The advanced knowledge on which this global society was founded came from what we would call extraterrestrials or what I prefer to term inter-dimensionals. They were peoples from the stars (Hesiod's 'divine beings' in that last quote) and at least some were able to move between dimensions, appearing and disappearing from human sight. Every ancient society has its myths and stories about them under different names, and their appearance and abilities ensured they were perceived as 'gods' by Earth people. In the 1930s, American and Australian servicemen landed their planes in remote parts of

Forbidden knowledge


New Guinea to drop supplies for their troops. The locals, who had never seen a plane, believed the servicemen were gods and they became a focus of religious beliefs. This would have been even more extreme in the ancient world with advanced beings from other planets, stars or dimensions, and their flying craft, which were more advanced than anything flown (at least officially) by today's military. These 'gods' in their various forms some looking very much like us, some very different interbred with Earth people to produce the diversity of races that we see today and implanted their own genetic codes that connected them to human bloodlines. I am describing events in five-sense reality, and so the language will reflect this, but it is important not to lose sight of the first two chapters because five-sense reality is an illusion that only exists in 3D-form in the brain. When I talk about bloodlines I am actually talking about computers and computer programs carrying the vibrational and mathematical codes of humans and the various 'gods'. 'Interbreeding' is another way of saying 'downloading information from two DNA hard drives onto another'. There are many 'human' computer programs that have long been forgotten and many versions of 'Planet Earth' on different frequencies, but I will pick up the story with the interbreeding between the 'gods' and those known as Homo erectus to create Homo sapiens. This has been followed by further 'upgrades' to produce today's Homo sapiens sapiens. The reptilian race among these 'gods', some say from the Draco star-system (hence `draconian'), was a central player in this interbreeding and it would seem that a tall, blond-haired, blue-eyed race of extraterrestrial original, often known by UFO researchers as the 'Nordics', were involved as well, with their genetics (computer software) added to the mix. The Nordics also occasionally had red hair and green eyes and, not coincidentally, the ruling bloodlines of today are obsessed with blond-haired, blue-eyed genetics and, to a lesser extent, red-haired people. The Zulu shaman, Credo Mutwa, told me that in Africa the 'Nordics' are called the Mzungu and were known to the ancients of that continent. He said that when the white Europeans first arrived in South Africa the tribal people thought they were the returning Mzungu, and they called them by that name. The first appearance of Homo sapiens, or 'Knowing man', is currently estimated to be more than 200,000 years ago, and this fits the period suggested in ancient accounts of the extraterrestrial breeding programmes, as I will come to shortly. Rebecca Cann, Assistant Professor of Genetics at the University of Hawaii, coauthored a study in 1987 in the journal Nature suggesting that all modern humans are descended from a single mother who lived in Africa about 200,000 BC. The connection, she said, was through the mitochondrial DNA, which passes down through the female. This naturally led people to ask if this single mother could have been the biblical Eve, who was in the Garden of Eden with Adam and the serpent symbolic of the reptilian race. Genesis is a rewrite of the far earlier accounts of the Sumerians who lived in what we now call Iraq from around 4000 to 2000 BC. The biblical references to 'God', singular, have been mistranslated from words meaning 'gods', plural, and these 'gods' and 'sons of the gods' were the extraterrestrial interbreeders. Here are some examples from the Book of Genesis and the emphasis is mine:
And God said, Let us make man in our i mage, after our li keness; ... So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Genesis 1:26-27z


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever. Genesis 3:22 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose ... There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of god came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. Genesis 6:1 4

The offspring of these unions between humans and the reptilian race are known in the biblical texts as the Nefilim, or Nephilim, and these are the bloodlines in power all over the world today. The modern human race, or Homo sapiens, emerged far quicker than conventional 'evolution' would allow because there was a genetic intervention by these advanced reptilian geneticists. The famed cosmologist, Dr Carl Sagan, discussed humanity's reptilian origins in his book, The Dragons of Eden, and pointed out how the fossil record reveals a sudden and inexplicable leap in human brain-function that cannot be explained by the claims of Charles Darwin and his advocates that humans evolved from reptiles, but very slowly. Under the Darwinist timescale it should have taken 200 million years for mammals to first appear, and another five to ten million for them to evolve into humans, Sagan says. Instead, it happened very quickly in what Sagan describes as 'a major burst of brain evolution'. Stone tools, for example, did not develop slowly, but appeared 'in enormous abundance all at once'. The ancient Book of Enoch describes how the 'fallen angels', especially one it calls 'Azzl ', introduced this knowledge:
And Azzl taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colouring tinctures. And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semjz taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, Armrs the resolving of enchantments, Barqjl , taught astrology, Mabel the constellations, Ezql the knowledge of the clouds, Araqiel the signs of the earth, Shamsil the signs of the sun, and Saril the course of the moon.

As the human foetus is forming into a baby, it goes through many stages which connect with the major evolutionary points in the development of the present physical form. These include connections with non-primate mammals, reptiles and fish. There is a point in which the embryo develops gills. It is very much like those of birds, sheep and pigs until the eighth week when it goes its own evolutionary way reads a different software program. Occasionally, the genetic instructions fail to read the latest script and some babies are born with tails. These are called 'caudal appendages' and form in the lower lumbar region. Most are immediately removed by doctors, but in some poorer countries where such medical support is not available there are people who live their

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whole lives with tails. Pheromone is the substance secreted and released by animals so they can be detected by members of the same species. The pheromones in human women and iguanas are a chemical match. The tale of Adam and Eve is symbolic of what happened. An ancient Jewish text known as the Haggadah does not describe the reptile in the Garden of Eden as a snake, but as a two-footed serpent that stood upright and was as tall as a camel. In Jewish lore, Eve is seen as the ancestral mother of the Nefilim and is associated with the Hebrew words meaning 'life' and 'snake'. Ancient accounts found at Nag Hammadi in Egypt in 1945 also say that Adam and Eve had horny, luminous skin. Some of the 'star' races may well have been benevolent, including some that took reptilian form, but many were not and wars erupted for control of the planet. One race of reptilian entities was especially malevolent and it was the bloodlines that they created in their breeding programmes that became the 'elite' families that have systematically increased their power and influence to the point where they control most of the major positions of political, economic, media and military power today. The 'elite' royal, aristocratic and 'money' families are not obsessed with breeding amongst themselves for no reason; they are seeking to protect their genetic (computer code) connection to the reptilian 'gods' to keep it 'pure'. The open-minded end of mainstream science now has to address the obvious. A group of researchers at the Human Genome Project say they believe that the 97 per cent of non-coding DNA what is termed 'junk DNA' is the genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms. Professor Sam Chang, the group leader, maintains that the overwhelming majority of human DNA is of 'off-world' origin and the apparently 'extraterrestrial junk genes' merely 'enjoy the ride' with hard-working active genes passed from generation to generation. After comprehensive analysis with the assistance of other scientists, computer programmers, mathematicians and other scholars, Professor Chang began to consider if junk DNA was created by some kind of 'extraterrestrial programmer'. The alien chunks within human DNA, Professor Chang says, 'have their own veins, arteries, and immune system that vigorously resists all our anti-cancer drugs'. He continues:
Our hypothesis is that a higher extraterrestrial life form was engaged in creating new life and planting it on various planets. Earth is just one of them. Perhaps, after programming, our creators grow us the same way we grow bacteria in Petri dishes. We can't know their motives whether it was a scientific experiment, or a way of preparing new planets for colonization, or the long-time ongoing business of seeding life in the universe.

Professor Chang speculates that the apparent 'extraterrestrial programmers' were probably working with 'one big code' consisting of 'several projects' that have produced life forms on various planets. He suggests that perhaps they 'wrote the big code, executed it, did not like some function, changed it or added a new one, executed again, made more improvements, tried again and again'. Professor Chang, who is one of many scientists and researchers to point to humanity's extraterrestrial origins, says:
What we see in our DNA is a program consisting of two versions, a big code and basic code. First fact is, the complete 'program' was positively not written on Earth; that is


The David 'cite Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

now a verified fact. The second fact is that genes, by themselves, are not enough to explain evolution; there must be something more in 'the game' ... Sooner or later we have to come to grips with the unbelievable notion that every life on Earth carries genetic code for his extraterrestrial cousin and that evolution is not what we think it is. This is what I have been saying since 1991, and what Dr Chang's DNA research

suggests can also be found in ancient records and accounts all over the world. It is another elephant in the living room that the authorities and concrete minds desperately seek to ignore and dismiss. These extraterrestrial 'geneticists' were are computer programmers who know how at least many levels of the Matrix operate as vibrational/mathematical constructs. This allows them to infuse their computer codes into others and manipulate them through that vibrational/mathematical connection, as I shall be discussing in more depth a little later.

The 'Golden Age' and the Great Flood

The ancients across the world described a high-tech 'Golden Age' that was brought to an end by enormous cataclysmic events, including a fantastic tidal wave. In its latter period, the age became anything but golden as other forces moved in seeking to take over. The various extraterrestrial/inter-dimensional 'gods' fought their high-tech wars, often in the sky, and these were some of the so-called 'wars of the gods' in ancient mythology. Whether these were connected to the incredible geological upheavals is open for debate, but the fact that the Earth was struck by astonishing events is described by both global folklore and scientific research. A series of geological catastrophes caused colossal earth changes through earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tidal waves on a scale we could not begin to imagine today. From the biological and geological record there appear to have been several enormous upheavals from around 13,000BC. This is why every ancient society had its own version of the Great Flood story extraordinary geological cataclysms did happen thousands of years ago and they destroyed this 'Golden Age' that so many ancient accounts acknowledge. These stories continue today in research about pre-Flood, or 'pre-deluvian', civilisations known as Atlantis, which is most often said to be located in the Atlantic, and Lemuria, or Mu, in the Pacific (Figure 36). Atlantis and Mu (known by other names in different cultures) were the two major centres of the once-global society. The Nordic-type extraterrestrials were based in Atlantis before the Flood, and the reptilian race was primarily in Mu or Lemuria. The biblical tale of Noah is a later version of the Flood story told thousands of years earlier in Sumer, the land we now call Iraq. The Sumerian Figure 36: The approximate locations given for Atlantis and version tells how some of the Mu, or Lemuria

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gods, known as the Anunna or Anunnaki, decided to destroy humanity and one 'god', called Enki, warned the priest-king Ziusudra of the coming flood. He was told to build a great ship and take aboard 'beasts and birds'. After the rains and flood, Ziusudra bowed in thanks before the Sun-god, Utu. The same story was told in the later Babylon, also now Iraq, with the 'Noah' figure given the name, Utnapishtim or Atrahasis. You can also find the Flood story in Egypt, Assyria, Chaldea, Greece, Arcadia, Rome, Scandinavia, Germany, Lithuania, Transylvania, Turkey, Persia, China, New Zealand, Siberia, Burma, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Sumatra, Islam, in Celtic lore and among native peoples throughout North, South and Central America, Africa, Asia, Australia and the Pacific. Each society or tribal people may have used different names and added their own spin here and there, but they all tell the same basic story. Some speak of a great heat that boiled the sea; of mountains breathing fire; the disappearance of the Sun and Moon and the darkness that followed; the raining down of blood, ice and rock; the Earth flipping over; the sky falling; the rising and sinking of land; the loss of great continents; the coming of the ice; and virtually all of them describe a wall of water which swept across the planet. As you can see in The Biggest Secret, and the excellent book, The Day the Earth Nearly Died, by D.S. Allen and J.B. Delair, the ancient accounts are supported by the geological and biological evidence with the most incredible synchronicity. The Azores, which some believe were part of the sunken Atlantis, lie on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge which is connected to a fracture line that continues for a distance of 40,000 miles. The MidAtlantic Ridge is one of the foremost areas for earthquakes and volcanoes. Four vast tectonic plates: the Eurasian, African, North American and Caribbean, all meet and collide in this region making it very unstable geologically. The Azores and the Canary Islands (named after dogs 'canine', and not canaries) were subject to widespread volcanic activity in the time period that the ancient Greek philosopher, Plato (427-347 BC), suggested for the end of Atlantis. In his writings, Timaeus and Critias, Plato appears to date the end of Atlantis at about 11,000 years ago. Tachylite lava disintegrates in seawater within 15,000 years, yet it is still found on the seabed around the Azores, confirming geologically-recent upheavals. Other evidence, including beach sand gathered from depths of 10,500 to 18,440 feet, reveals that the seabed in this region must have been, again geologically-recently, above sea level. The oceanographer, Maurice Ewing, wrote in National Geographic: 'Either the land must have sunk two or three miles, or the sea must once have been two or three miles lower than now. Either conclusion is startling'. The geological and biological evidence also suggests that the widespread volcanic activity which caused the sinking of the land in the region of the Azores, happened at the same time as the break up and sinking of the land mass known as Appalachia, which connected what we now call Europe, North America, Iceland and Greenland. Even their degree of submergence appears closely related. Similar evidence can be produced to support the view that the continent known as Mu or Lemuria now rests on the bed of the Pacific and that the islands of the Pacific are its remnants. The so-called Bermuda Triangle between Bermuda, southern Florida, and a point near the Antilles has long been associated with Atlantis. It is also an area steeped in legends of disappearing ships and aircraft. Submerged buildings, walls, roads and stone circles like Stonehenge, even what appear to be pyramids, have been located near Bimini, under the waters of the Bahama Banks and within the 'triangle'. Some other


The David lcke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

facts that most people don't know: the Himalayas, Alps and Andes mountain ranges only reached anything like their present height around 11,000 to 13,000 years ago. Lake Titicaca, on the Peru-Bolivia border, is today said to be the highest navigable lake in the world, at some 12,500 feet. Around 13,000 years ago much of that region was at sea level. Why are so many fish and other ocean fossils found high up in mountain ranges? Simple: those mountains were once at sea level and recently so in geological terms, too. There were also mass extinctions in this same period. Today, there is increasing acceptance that the Earth has suffered some colossal geological upheavals, and what happened could have affected the solar system as a whole. Every planet shows evidence of cataclysmic events which have affected either its surface, atmosphere, speed and angle of orbit, or rotation. Plato wrote in his work, Laws, that agriculture began at high elevations after a gigantic flood covered the lowlands. The botanist, Nikolai Ivanovitch Vavilov, studied more than 50,000 wild plants collected from around the world and found that they originated in only eight different areas all of them mountain terrain. A tidal wave of the magnitude described in ancient accounts would have produced pressures on the Earth's surface of two tons per square inch, creating mountain ranges and fossilising everything within hours. Artificial stone today is formed by pressures of this magnitude. Intact trees have been found fossilised, and that would be impossible unless it had happened in an instant. The tree would normally have disintegrated before it could be fossilised over a long period. The cataclysms caused an instant freezing in some parts of the Earth, hence mammoths have been found embedded in ice still standing up and in the process of eating. The upheavals of the ancient world destroyed the advanced global society or 'Golden Age' that existed before, and humanity had to start all over again. If you believe that is far-fetched, think about today's society. It may be 'advanced' on one level, with power grids, computer systems and all the rest. Such technology can perform apparently miraculous feats like typing an email and having it read by someone on the other side of the world seconds later. But what would happen to this technological society if we experienced a global catastrophe that devastated the planet? Within minutes, we would be living in the technological Stone Age. It would be a primitive, everyone-for-themselves, find-your-own-food, shelter and warmth, free-for-all (look what happened after the Asian tsunami and the New Orleans flood). As 'time' and generations passed, the memory of the technological world we have today would fade, ever more rapidly, and only be preserved in stories and myths which would, more and more, be seen as crazy tales and figments of the imagination. Most people would deny such a world ever existed when it would be so at odds with their daily experience. We would have the same we-can't-do-it-so-it-can't-be-done mentality that once laughed at the very idea that we could fly into space. The official history in that post-cataclysmic society would only begin with the records left by humanity once they had re-advanced to a certain level. Only then would they write or symbolise accounts of their history, and this would be based on stories passed verbally through the earlier generations. Such a point could take hundreds, even thousands, of years after the global geological destruction. I am convinced that there was another consequence of these enormous upheavals, maybe even the cause of them, and that was a fall down the frequencies into a denser reality the 'Fall of Man' that is talked about. You have to be very careful with

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information that comes through psychics and 'channels' who claim to access other dimensions. It can be exceptionally accurate or utter tosh depending on the quality of the channel, but I had some explanations channelled for me in 1990 about what happened at the end of Atlantis that have become increasingly profound the more that I have learned and understood. I will let you read all of what was said near the end of the book because it is so relevant to what is happening today. But, in the context of where we are now in this story, it said this about the closing days of Atlantis:
... there were many energies being used, and information and knowledge being used, which were for particular reasons of safety withdrawn, shall we say, to prevent complete catastrophe, to prevent total destruction of your planet. One could say these were sort of emergency measures, if you like, to prevent the inhabitants of this planet from an untimely destruction.

The more powerful the energies (information) available, the greater potential for creation and destruction. It would seem that certain energies that made the advanced global society possible were withdrawn to stop them being used to destroy everything, and this changed the frequency levels that the human computer was able to access. These energies are now returning, which is why so many people are beginning to wake up, but the effect at the end of Atlantis was to plunge the world into greater density and comparative ignorance.

After the Flood ...

As the Earth began to recover from the catastrophe, peoples who had survived in the higher elevations began to return to the lowlands. Survivors from Atlantis ('Nordic' or 'Aryan' bloodlines) and Mu /Lemuria (Reptilian bloodlines) headed for other lands, as portrayed in Figure 37, and they used their advanced knowledge to found other cultures. It is basically here that conventional history picks up the story of 'modern' humanity. Accounts by the Inca people, compiled by Fernando Montesinos, one of the earliest Spanish chroniclers in South America, maintain that there were two distinct Inca empires one before and one after devastating land upheavals. Survivors who had sheltered in a mountain-top sanctuary, possibly the famous 'lost city' of Machu Picchu, returned to Cusco in the Andes to start again, say the accounts. At least some of the survivors who headed for the high lands may have been warned by the 'gods', as symbolised in the Sumerian/biblical tale of Noah Figure 37: The directions that the people of Atlantis and and his ark. This return after the Mu headed as a result of the cataclysmic events that literally changed the face of the earth Flood is a common theme and the


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

most significant of these startagain societies was Sumer in Mesopotamia, 'The Land Between Two Rivers', which we know as Iraq. The Sumerian period is estimated to have spanned the millennia between 4000 and 2000BC and is called by mainstream 'historians' the 'Cradle of Civilisation'. They also say that other independent civilisations of great advancement also suddenly appeared in the Figure 38: Three advanced civilisation that 'suddenly' same period in Egypt, and the emerged after 'The Flood' Indus Valley in what is now the Indian continent (Figure 38), and there were others even earlier. Sumer was not the start of what is called 'civilised society'. It was one of the most significant to emerge after the catastrophe that destroyed the 'Golden Age'. Sumer was not the beginning; it was the start-over-again which was to become the centre of another vast empire. After the cataclysms, cultures in Egypt and Figure 39: Sumer, the 'Land of the Gods' the Indus Valley also 'suddenly' and unexplainably manifested at a very high level of development compared with most other areas of the world. Historians portray them to be independent of Sumer, but, again, they were not. They were part of the same Sumer Empire see my other books like Tales from the Time Loop and The Biggest Secret for the detailed background. Some of the 'gods' returned, especially the reptilian ones, and advanced knowledge was given to the chosen few in these societies, especially Sumer (Figure 39). The knowledge was passed on through initiation in the Mystery schools the forerunners of today's secret-society network. This influx of knowledge right at the start explains the mystery of why early civilisations like Egypt and Sumer (the land of 'Shinar' in the Bible) began at the peak of their development and then fell into decay, when the normal course of events is to start at a lower level and slowly advance through learning and experience. There was clearly an infusion of highly advanced knowledge that was later lost to most people. For this reason, the earlier pyramids in Egypt were far more advanced than later ones. In every culture throughout the world are ancient stories and texts which describe the 'gods' who brought advanced knowledge, and this would again explain the mystery of how the ancients had a phenomenal understanding of astronomy and many other sciences. The Sumerians were the first known people to

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study the stars, develop the written word and enforce a legal code. They were the first people known to use the sexagesimal system of numbers based on 60, and to divide 'time' into 60 seconds and 60 minutes. They also introduced the twelve month calendar. The Sumerians were the first known civilisation to have codified legal and administrative systems with courts, prisons and written records for government, history, mathematics and astronomy. They established the first schools and intensive farming with wheat, barley and animals. Basically, all the foundations of what we call 'modern society' started in Sumer and this was the society and structure given to them by the reptilian 'gods'. It was the artefacts, texts and records from Sumer and its successors, like the Assyrians and Babylonians, that were so professionally and systematically looted or destroyed after the invasion of Iraq in 2003. These advanced, ancient, post-deluge societies appeared with tremendous speed after a massive influx of knowledge from the 'gods'. Professor W.B. Emery writes in Archaic Egypt:
At a period approximately 3400 years (BC), a great change took place in Egypt, and the country passed rapidly from a state of advanced Neolithic culture with a complex tribal character to two well-organised monarchies, one comprising the Delta area and the other the Nile Valley proper. At the same time the art of writing appears. Monumental architecture and the arts and crafts developed to an astonishing degree and all the evidence points to the existence of a well-organised, even luxurious civilisation. All this was achieved within a comparatively short period of time, for there appears to be little or no background to these fundamental developments in writing and architecture.

The Reptilian 'gods' The Sumerians left us clear explanations for the source of their knowledge and culture. Their records were discovered thousands of years later, starting in the mid-1800s when tens of thousands of clay tablets were found in the former land of Sumer on the site of the Assyrian capital city of Nineveh, near what is today Mosul in Iraq. An Englishman, Sir Austen Henry Layard, made the first discovery and others followed. The astonishing accounts the tablets contain originated in Sumer not with the later Assyrian culture and I therefore refer to them as the Sumerian Tablets. It is estimated that they were buried around 2000 BC, but they tell a story that goes back some 240,000 years to the lost civilisations of the 'Golden Age'. The Tablets describe planets of the solar system, in both number and environment, in ways that were only confirmed in the 20th century, and they show how advanced some of the ancients really were. In more recent times, many books have been written translating the content of the Tablets and you don't have to delve into the translations for long to see that much of the biblical Old Testament is a steal from these Sumerian stories. They tell how King Sargon was found as a child floating in a basket on the river and was brought up by the royal princess who found him the tale later attributed to Moses. They describe the Great Flood and a place called E.DIN (`The Abode of the Righteous Ones'). The much later Bible speaks of Eden, the garden of 'God'. The story of Genesis is a summary of the accounts told in the Sumerian Tablets in far more detail. As I mentioned earlier, many of the terms translated into the English version of the Old Testament as 'God' come from words that actually mean 'gods', plural, and the Sumerians said the founders of their civilisation were a race of beings that came to this planet from elsewhere bringing great knowledge and


The David lcke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

technology. They called these beings the 'Anunna'. Their later Semitic name was AN.UNNAK.KI ('Those who from Heaven to Earth came') and DIN.GIR ('The Righteous Ones of the Blazing Rockets'). Anunna means 'Sons of An' (later written as Anu), the 'king' of the Anunna/Anunnaki. The Tablets describe how the Anunnaki, later called 'gods', created a culture of great advancement and technology that was destroyed by planetary catastrophes and flood. They also reveal that the Anunnaki were a reptilian race as widely confirmed when you read other ancient accounts. A Tablet dating to around 3500 BC leaves us in no doubt as it describes the arrival of the Anunnaki: 'The reptiles verily descend'. The symbol of the Hyksos kings in Egypt, who originated in Sumer, was the snake, and Egyptian royalty in general was very much associated with reptilian imagery. Even academics like Figure 40: Reptilian mother and child figurines Dr Arthur David Horn, former Professor were found in graves of the Ubaid people who of Biological Anthropology at Colorado preceded the Sumerians in the same land State University at Fort Collins, have concluded that humanity was seeded by an extraterrestrial race, or races, and that the Anunnaki were reptilian. He, too, believes that these same reptilian entities have sought to control the world for thousands of years, as he explains in his book, Humanity's Extraterrestrial Origins. Today's ruling families also use reptilian and Anunnaki symbolism all the time because they are the Nefilim bloodlines the result of the interbreeding between humans and the reptilian Anunnaki. The Sumerian Tablets include detailed descriptions of how the Anunnaki interbred with humans to create a hybrid race, a fusion of the genes (computer programs) of humans and themselves. The Tablets tell of how the original breeding programme was headed by the chief scientist of the Anunnaki, called Enki, or 'Lord of the Earth' (Ki = Earth), and their expert in medicine, Ninkharsag, also known as Ninti ('Lady Life'). Mesopotamian depictions portray her holding a horseshoe-shaped tool, used at that time to cut the umbilical cord. Another name later given to her was Mammi, from which came mama and mother. Figure 41: The caduceus doubleMama or Ma as a term for mother can be found in various snake image that symbolises languages all over the world. Ninkharsag would later be DNA. It is the logo for today's symbolised by the stream of mother goddess deities with medical profession

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names like Queen Semiramis, Isis, Barati, Artemis, Diana and the biblical Mary. This is where the virgin mother and child myths originate from and portayals of the Reptilian mother and child have been found in graves of the Ubaid people, who preceded the Sumerians in Mesopotamia (Figure 40). These goddess figures also symbolise much deeper esoteric concepts for those at that level of understanding. The virgin-birth myths of religion come from the creation and seeding of children by the Anunnaki without sexual contact. There are even Sumerian depictions of the 'gods' holding test tubes. After many failures, and some horrendous creations, the Tablets indicate, Enki and Ninkharsag produced a human hybrid that the Sumerians Figure 42: A bronze depiction of the caduceus by called a LULU ('One Who Has Been James Muir. Whether meant or not it includes all the Mixed'), and this would appear to be the elements of the Mesopotamian goddess symbolism the egg, the intertwining snakes of DNA, wings to biblical 'Adam'. This was the splicing psychically 'fly, and the points around the head that together of the DNA of the Anunnaki would later inspire the Statue of Liberty with that of the human form known as Homo erectus. Some of these hybrids were designed to rule as the 'middlemen' or 'demigods' between the Anunnaki and the people. It is evident that the gods of Sumer knew about DNA, both from the accounts and the symbol they used of the intertwining snakes or serpents. It has been passed down through people like the Greeks and Romans with names like the Caduceus of Mercury, or Hermes, and is used today as a symbol by the medical profession (Figures 41 and 42). The wings at the top represent what happens when the energy known as the 'kundalini shoots up the spine and out through the crown chakra to connect with Infinite Awareness. Kundalini is a Sanskrit word that means 'coiled up' or 'coiling like a snake' and in unconscious people it pretty much stays like that in the base chakra at the bottom of the spine. Once the mind opens, the kundalini 'uncoils' and you can 'fly', hence the wings. I had a massive kundalini experience in 1991, and when it happens on that magnitude very heavy boots are recommended. DNA also looks like a snake when massively magnified (Figure 43, overleaf). What the Bible calls 'Adam', the 'first man', is likely to be symbolic of 'the Adam', a genetic type not an individual. The biblical 'Eve' was supposed to have been created from a rib of Adam, but the word from which 'rib' derived was the Sumerian, TI, which means both 'rib' and 'life' according to the translations of author Zecharia Sitchin. To be created from the 'life', or life essence, of the Adamic race makes rather more sense than a rib. In the same way, the 'dust from the ground', from which the Bible claims that Adam was created, really translates as 'that which is life' from the Sumerian term, TI.IT.


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Appropriately, the Sumerian name for humans was LU, which has the root meaning of 'worker' or 'servant' and also implies a domesticated animal like a sheep. Does that not describe the nature of human life today and for a long time past? The reptilian Anunnaki, who I will also refer to as the Reptilians, wanted to create a slave race to serve their interests by, among many other things, mining gold and other minerals, especially in Africa, the Sumerian Tablets indicate. Credo Mutwa told me that many words in Africa with a Sumer origin relate to mining and going underground. He said the Bapedi people have the word Figure 43: The reptilian feel about DNA when 'shuma', which means to go massively magnified underground and mushumo means 'job'. The Tablets describe how the Anunnaki set out to create slaves, later called Homo sapiens, to serve their agenda. They tell of how the sperm of Anunnaki males was used to fertilise human eggs before they were transplanted to Anunnaki females to be birthed. All this appears to have first happened hundreds of thousands of years ago, but has continued ever since on various scales. Many of the stories told in the Tablets refer to events in Lemuria and Atlantis. All this makes more understandable the countless stories told today by people claiming to have been abducted by non-human entities, many described in reptilian terms, which forced them to have sex or took their eggs or sperm. The babies that result often disappear in early pregnancy with no medical explanation. There are many 'abduction' experiences that are simply invented or have other, more earthly, explanations; but to dismiss them all, given their number and often consistency of detail around the world, would be just as ridiculous as believing every word of every one. Abductees report experiences with a variety of non-human entities, tall blond people, the classic 'Greys', reptilian types and crossbreeds. The Reptilians are described as very tall seven feet and more with scaly, green-brown and sometimes almost albino-white skin, with webbed, clawed hands, and Figure 44: The Reptilian brain, or golden eyes with split pupils. Some are reported to have R-complex, is the oldest part of tails and there are clearly many different types, as with the human brain. It represents the base instincts of survival and humans. These entities are said to have the ability to produces the character traits of control the minds of their victims while various cold-blooded behaviour, a desire procedures, often painful and distressing, are performed to control, an obsession with on them. hierarchical structures of power Most people don't realise that we all have and the idea that might is right considerable reptilian genetics or computer programs. winner takes all

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The oldest part of the human brain is known by scientists as the R-complex or 'reptilian brain' (Figure 44). It is the most obvious remnant of our reptilian genetic history and has a massive influence over our behaviour. Scientists say that the reptilian brain represents a core of the nervous system, and from this come character traits like aggressive and ritualistic behaviour, territoriality, and a desire for social hierarchies all traits of the 'elite' families who manipulate world events to this day. Researcher Skip Largent wrote this in an Internet article about the R-complex:
At least five human behaviours originate in the reptilian brain. Without defining them, I shall simply say that in human activities they find expression in: obsessive compulsive behaviour; personal day-to-day rituals and superstitious acts; slavish conformance to old ways of doing things; ceremonial re-enactments; obeisance to precedent, as in legal, religious, cultural, and other matters and all manner of deceptions.

This perfectly describes the behaviour of the ruling families which own or control politics, banking, business, the military and the media today; and so it should because they are humanReptilian hybrids ... the Nefilim. The reptilian brain is the source of: cold-blooded behaviour which has no empathy with the victims of your actions; 'territoriality' controlling the world around you; an obsession with hierarchical structures of rule and control; aggression; and the idea that might is right, winner takes all. What you have in those character traits of the reptilian brain are the very characteristics displayed by the Reptilian hybrids for thousands of years. You could not describe them better. Racism comes from the reptilian brain and the aggressive, violent sex that today's 'elite' families indulge in big time see Father Bush, Dick Cheney, the late President Gerald Ford and other famous names I expose in my books. The Anunnaki Reptilians have a fiercely hierarchical power-structure and they have imposed the same on humans. All the pomp, ceremony and ritual that you see with royal families, religion and the political establishment comes from the Reptilians that seeded the 'royal' bloodlines and created the political structure and religion to install their methods of rule and control. Can it really be a coincidence that the ruling bloodlines today manifest the classic traits of the reptilian brain while, at the same time, the evidence points to them being Reptilian hybrid bloodlines? The Cosmologist, Carl Sagan, who knew far more than he was telling, wrote in his book, The Dragons of Eden:
It does no good whatsoever to ignore the reptilian component of human nature, particularly our ritualistic and hierarchical behaviour. On the contrary, the model may help us understand what human beings are really about.

The common story

The interbreeding between the 'gods' and humans is a constantly repeated theme in every part of the world and can be seen in the Old Testament narrative, taken from the Sumerian, of the sons of God (properly translated, the sons of the gods) who interbred with humanity and created a hybrid bloodline called the Nefilim. The term Nefilim, or Nephilim, can be translated as 'Those Who Descended' or 'Those Who Fell From The Heavens'. In Hebrew myth, the Nefilim, the 'sons of the gods', are called 'Awwim',


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

which means devastators or serpents. The American researcher, David Sielaff, emphasises that the Nefilim are not the sons of the gods (beni ha-Elohim), but the offspring of the interbreeding between the 'daughters of men' and the non-humans the Bible calls the Elohim. The Nefilim were also known in ancient times as the Rephaim, Emim, Zazummim and Anakim, and they were all described as very tall or 'giant' people. The biblical Goliath was a Rephaim and giant in Hebrew is 'repha'. This theme of giants is a constant one. Cave paintings found in places like Japan, South America and the Sahara Desert, depict giant people with round heads towering over human hunters. Bones of giant people between eight and twelve feet tall have been found in mounds in Minnesota and other locations. Scores of giant red-haired mummies were discovered in a cave near Lovelock in Nevada and some were seven feet tall. The Delaware Indians speak of a race of giants who once lived east of the Mississippi in enormous cities, and the same descriptions of giants in ancient legends and accounts can be found everywhere. Credo Mutwa, expert in ancient African lore, tells the same stories from his culture. The Piute Indian legends about these giants say they were cannibals. They would even dig up the Piute dead from their graves and eat them, the accounts claim. Stories of Atlantis include tales of red-haired giants who acted like vampires, and the giant Nefilim were associated with cannibalism and blood drinking just like the ruling bloodlines are today, as I shall be detailing. Of course this must be the case: the ancient Nefilim and the families who control the 'modern' world are the same genetic tribe or computer program. Most accounts say that the giants were unfriendly, even hostile, to the rest of the population and they were often associated with strange craft that sound very much like the 'flying saucers' of modern UFO accounts. Genesis tells us that the sons of the gods married the daughters of men before the Flood, as well as afterwards, and Numbers calls the Nefilim, the sons of Anak, or descendants of the Anakim (Anunnaki). According to scholar and author, Zecharia Sitchin, who has written many books on the Sumerian Tablets, the term 'men of renown' in the Genesis passage referring to the Nefilim should read, from its Sumerian origin: 'men of the sky vehicles'. This puts rather a different complexion on the whole story and makes a great deal more sense of it. The Genesis reference to 'heroes of old' is also relevant. The word 'hero' comes from the Egyptian term, 'hem', which, according to researcher, Wallis Budge, was 'applied to the king as a representative of the Sun god on Earth'. The precise meaning was 'a human being who was neither a god nor a daemon' and the term clearly has the inference of a crossbreed race. The writer Homer (8th-9th century BC) wrote that 'the heroes were exalted above the race of common men'. The poet, Pindar (518-438 BC), used the term, 'hero / hem', to describe a race 'between gods and men'. Flavius Josephus, the first century writer and historian, said this of the Genesis reference to the interbreeding between 'gods' and human women:
... for many angels of God accompanied with women and begat sons that proved unjust, and despisers of all that was good, on account of the confidence they had in their own strength; for the tradition is, that these men did what resembled the acts of those whom the Grecians call giants.

The term 'angel', which means messenger, became associated with these non-human entities, Reptilian and otherwise. In the Septuagint, the Greek version of the Old

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Testament, the phrase 'sons of the gods' is translated as 'angelos' angels. The name for Sumer in the Tablets is KI.EN.GIR, which has been translated as 'The Land of the Lord of the Blazing Rockets' and also 'The Land of the Watchers'. The term 'Watchers' is often used to describe ancient 'gods', and, today, some people who claim to have been abducted by Reptilians and other non-human entities say that they have described themselves as 'watchers' or 'custodians'. The Egyptian name for their gods, the Neteru, translates literally as 'Watchers'. There were said to be good and bad ' Watchers' and many were described in reptilian terms. In a Dead Sea Scroll fragment translated by the Hebrew scholar, Robert Eisenman, there is a description of a Watcher called Belial, who is described as the Prince of Darkness and the King of Evil. He is said to be terrifying in his appearance like a serpent with 'a visage like a viper'. One of the main angelic groups in Hebrew lore is the Seraphim or 'fiery serpents' and the Watchers are very much connected to the description of serpents. In the Persian teachings they also talk of a being they describe as 'the old serpent having two feet', just as the ancient Book of Enoch features walking serpents. Many scholars have suggested that the Book of Enoch in its present form was written around the second century BC, but it comes from much older accounts. The Scottish explorer, James Bruce, located three copies of the book in 1773, and fragments of ten Enoch manuscripts were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls discovered between 1947 and 1956 at Qumran in Israel, where the Essene community are said to have lived 2000 years ago. The text describes Enoch as the 'seventh from Adam' and recounts events before the Flood. Most interestingly, the Book of Enoch describes the fall of the Watchers, the 'angels' who fathered the Nefilim, and it says that the fallen angels asked Enoch to intercede on their behalf with 'God'. One of the sections is called the Book of the Watchers. It tells of the interaction between the fallen angels and humans and how they started to 'beget' children':
And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: 'Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children'. And Semjz, who was their leader, said unto them: 'I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin'. And they all answered him and said: 'Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual i mprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing'. Then sware they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it.

'The plan' they would 'not abandon' is still unfolding today, and the interbreeding is almost certainly the source of the belief in 'original sin which says everyone is 'born a sinner'. The interbreeding produced the Nefilim or Nephilim of Genesis, or what the Book of Enoch calls the Anakim or Anak (giants) the Anunnaki/human crossbreeds:

And they became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand elk. Who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another's flesh, and drink the blood.

In the ancient Hebrew text, the Book of Noah, and its derivative, the Book of Enoch, a strange birth is described of a non-human child, who turns out to be Noah of 'Great Flood' fame. References to this also appear in the Dead Sea Scrolls which included material from the Book of Enoch. The strange child the texts describe is the son of Lamech. He is said to be unlike a human being and more like 'the children of the angels in heaven'. Lamech's child, Noah, is described as white-skinned and blond-haired, with eyes that made the whole house 'shine like the Sun'. Reptilian beings with shining eyes and glowing bodies are described by Credo Mutwa in his African accounts, ancient and modern. This description of the Reptilians having eyes and bodies that 'shine like the Sun' is one possible origin of the Sun god worship performed by the Reptilian hybrid bloodlines since ancient times and continued today by the elite families, although there are multi-levels to Sun worship depending on how high you are in the hierarchy of knowledge. Blond-haired, blue-eyed beings with laser-like eyes is a description of mysterious people or 'gods' which spans thousands of years to the present day and appears in cultures across the world. Lamech questions his wife about the father of the child, Noah:
Behold, I thought then within my heart that conception was [due] to the Watchers and the Holy Ones ... and to the Nephilim ... and my heart was troubled within me because of this child.

The bloodlines of 'Noah' are reptilianhuman hybrids. Many peoples claim they are descendants from Noah descendants from the reptilian Watchers and Anunnaki. In the Dead Sea Scrolls, Noah is described as looking like 'the children of the [fallen] angels of heaven' whose 'conception was [due] to the Watchers ... and to the Nefilim'. The Book of Enoch says that Noah was warned about the coming deluge, and instructed by an 'angel' (the Anunnaki genetics expert Enki according to Mesopotamian accounts) that he must escape and his 'seed preserved for all the generations of the world'. It makes sense that Noah, and his many other aliases in different accounts of the Flood, would be warned by a Reptilian 'god' if he was a Reptilian hybrid. We can also see why the bloodline of 'Noah' is considered so important by so many groups, though the masses will have no idea of the real significance. The Book of Enoch was banned by the Roman Church which sought to deny the earlier Christian belief in the existence of flesh and blood angels, fallen angels occupying physical bodies and interbreeding with humans. This was to stop the people understanding the true situation. Freemasons have always looked upon Enoch as one of their legendary founders and the very name 'Enoch' means 'initiated'. The Ethiopian text, the Kebra Nagast, is thousands of years old and it refers to the enormous size of the babies produced from the sexual or genetic unions between humans and the 'gods'. It tells how: '...the daughters of Cain [son of Noah] with whom the angels had conceived ... were unable to bring forth their children, and

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they died'. It describes how some of these giant babies were delivered by caesarean section: '... having split open the bellies of their mothers they came forth by their navels'. In the Shahnemeh, or Book of Kings, the legendary history of Iran completed in AD 1,010 by the Arab poet, Firdowsi, he describes the birth of a baby called Zal, the son of a king called Sam. The king is horrified by the unearthly appearance of his child who has a very large body 'as clean as silver', hair as white as an old man's and 'like snow', and a face compared with the Sun. Sam calls his son a demon child, a child of the daevas the Watchers. Familiar themes across the world ... The Egyptians said that the Watchers came in their 'heavenly boats', and in ancient cultures across the world you have this constantly recurring theme of 'gods' arriving in some kind of flying machine to found civilisations and bring knowledge and techniques that were light-years ahead of what existed before. In the Indian culture they called the flying craft 'Vimanas' and there were several designs. Some were cigarshaped while others were described as double-decked, with a dome and porthole windows. Both types are regularly described in UFO sightings today. The ancient Indian texts describe anti-gravity technology of the type used in 'flying saucers'. So much so that when the Chinese discovered Sanskrit documents in Tibet and sent them to the University of Chandigarh for translation, they were found to contain the knowledge to build interstellar spaceships, according to the University's Dr Ruth Reyna. The documents are thousands of years old. Dr Reyna revealed that these ships were known as 'Astras' and it was claimed they could fly to any planet. Some texts talk about them flying to the Moon. Details of building, flying, and operating the craft are all included. The Chinese, apparently, even used part of the contents in their space programme. The accounts in the Sumerian Tablets are supported by Credo Mutwa, the Zulu sanusi the highest level of South African shamanism and the official historian and storyteller of the Zulu nation. The very name 'Zulu' means 'People from the Stars' and they believe they were seeded by an extraterrestrial 'royal' race. With no one for Credo to pass on his knowledge, and the urgent need for everyone to know the astonishing information he has received in a lifetime of initiations, I produced DVDs with him called The Reptilian Agenda. They run for more than six hours and that is still only a fraction of the knowledge he carries. He reveals what he once pledged in his initiations never to reveal, but, he says, the situation for humanity is so perilous that it is far more important for them to know what is going on than for him to keep such vows of silence. The information went underground when the Europeans invaded Africa, and their Reptilian hybrid colonial leaders, in Credo's words, 'milked the minds of the shamans and then killed them'. It was suicide to talk openly of such things, and secret networks of initiation were formed to keep it alive. Credo tells the same familiar story of the interbreeding between the extraterrestrial Anunnaki and humans to produce a hybrid race. He has artefacts like the 'Necklace of the Mysteries', which supports this account. It is an extremely heavy copper 'necklace' that actually rests on the shoulders and it has been mentioned in records 500 years old. Credo says it goes back at least a thousand years, and the large symbols that hang from the necklace tell the story of humanity. In pride of place at the front are an extraterrestrial


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Figure 45: Credo Mutwa's 'Necklace of the Mysteries' with an earth woman alongside a symbolic 'extraterrestrial' with a big willy. This portrays the interbreeding of the Reptilians and human women a constant theme throughout the ancient world. The image of the 'ET' is symbolic because the legends say the Reptilians forbade the people to portray them as they really are

Figure 46: The hand of symbols attached to a classic flying saucer. Credo Mutwa says that according to ancient legend, the Reptilians arrived in these craft from much bigger 'motherships' that orbited the earth

with a big copper willy, and an Earth woman into whom the ET 'fits' (Figure 45). This is symbolic, Credo explains, of the union between the people from the stars and the people of the planet. You find the same theme recorded in virtually every ancient culture. Significantly, he says, the copper willy was once made of gold before it was stolen and replaced with copper. This mirrors the ancient Egyptian story about the golden penis of their god, Osiris, which is symbolised by the secret societies today especially the Freemasons as an obelisk. The way the extraterrestrial is portrayed on the necklace, Credo says, is merely symbolic because these 'gods' were of a very distinct and nonhuman form (reptilian) and they warned the people of instant death if they ever depicted them as they really looked. How often we can observe in religious texts the theme that God (the gods) must not be seen or revealed, nor his (their) name ever spoken. Thus the 'gods' were portrayed as obviously not human, but not as they really looked, although you do find some more literal representations here and there as with the Ubaid example earlier. Hanging from the Necklace of the Mysteries is a large hand, full of symbols. Among these is the All-Seeing-Eye, which symbolises, Credo says, the 'Watchers'; there is also the constellation of Orion, which modern researchers have constantly connected with extraterrestrial activity on Earth; and there is a 'Star of David', so associated with 'King David' and Judaism, but really a symbol used all over the ancient world. As some Jewish historians have stated, it is a symbol found everywhere and only became associated with the Jewish faith when the Rothschilds the Reptilian banking dynasty began to use it in the 18th century. The Necklace of the Mysteries includes a very clear 'flying saucer' which, the legend says, the extraterrestrials used to fly from their giant `Mothership' to land on the Earth (Figure 46). They say the Mothership continued to orbit and it was to here that the leaders sheltered during the upheavals of the Great Flood. This is exactly what the Sumerian Tablets say. In France, cave paintings dated to

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between 10,000 and 30,000 years ago include oval and disc-shaped objects standing on tripod legs with ladders coming down from them. A drawing carved in a cliff at Fergana in central Asia depicted a man who appeared to be wearing an 'airtight helmet' with some mechanical device on his back. It was dated to 7000 BC. Whatever the origin and nature of 'flying saucers', and other such craft, they have been seen and recorded for thousands of years. Credo has painted pictures from ancient and modern descriptions of these Reptilian entities (Figure 47), and he describes the various levels of the fiercely imposed genetic hierarchy. The lower levels are the 'warriors', the hive-mind guys. They operate very much like ants picking up instructions broadcast by the 'Queen' and act accordingly. The Reptilians and their hybrid bloodlines are seeking to do the same with humans, and with so many they have succeeded. Other Reptilian entities, as typically described, can be seen in Figures 48 and 49 (overleaf). They are ruled by the 'royal' leaders, which have horns and tails, Credo says, and at the very top are beings with a white, albino-like skin and not the greenish or brownish colour of the others. These are often referred to by researchers as the 'Draco'. Witnesses and abductees have reported seeing Reptilian beings with albino-like skin and these descriptions can also be found in ancient texts. While I was writing this book, I saw an Internet documentary in which former US Navy Yeoman, Thomas Colman Sheppard, told of seeing photographs of a non-human entity in a top-secret file in a classified vault at White Beach Naval Facility in Okinawa, Japan. He described its skin as like that of a white snake, and I have heard similar descriptions many times. You can see his interview in the UFO activity archive at www.davidicke.com. The reptilianhuman

Figure 47: A 'worker' Reptilian' painted by

Credo Mutwa

Figure 48: Another Reptilian type described by

many people who claim they have been abducted by reptilian entities. Painting by Hilary Reed


connection is also symbolised in statues and other artwork around the world (Figure 50). In Credo Mutwa's part of Africa, the Reptilians (or Anunnaki) and their hybrid bloodlines are known as the Chitauri the 'Children of the Serpent' or 'Children of the Python'. This is so Figure 49: An artist's impression of other Reptilians close to the Central American term for seen by witnesses them: 'People of the Serpent'. Africa, like every other continent, is full of legends about the serpent race. In 2006, archaeologist Sheila Coulson of the University of Oslo in Norway published evidence of python worship 70,000 years ago, and it is the earliest human ritual yet discovered. She found the evidence in the Tsodilo Hills in South Africa's Kalahari Desert, an isolated cluster of small peaks with the world's largest concentration of rock paintings. The ancient San people, also known as Bushmen, hold these hills to be sacred and they are known as the 'Mountains of the Gods' and the 'Rock that Whispers'. San mythology says that Figure 50: The Reptilian-human connection can be humans descended from the python. seen portrayed in statues like these around the world Credo Mutwa told me the legend about the 'Great Serpent' and the giant god, Matsieng, which means 'Lord of the Locusts', who, it is said, came to the Earth in the Tsodilo Hills to create human beings. He said that the Venda people in the Northern Transvaal worship serpents who they believe brought 'enlightenment' to their people and taught them to have sex. Still today, they have snake dances to represent the python. They and other Africa tribes symbolised the Milky Way as a snake with the stars as its scales and Credo says that all over Africa the legends of the serpent gods abound. The ancient African word, 'Seme', which relates to greeting a superior, also means great snake or reptile. Credo talks for hours on the DVDs, The Reptilian Agenda, about the background and history of the Chitauri. He describes how the Earth was once encircled by a canopy of water vapour (the 'firmament') that was destroyed in a cataclysm. This water vapour protected the planet from the harsh effects of the Sun, and the whole planet was moist and humid and had a constant temperature. It was a place of enormous abundance and enormous forests. This is a common description of the pre-cataclysmic 'Golden Age' or the 'Garden of Eden'. But Credo says that when the Chitauri destroyed this canopy (symbolised by the biblical forty days and forty nights of rain) the whole climate changed as the Sun's rays baked once-green and abundant lands, like Egypt, and began to form the deserts. Scientists agree that Egypt, now part of the Sahara Desert, was once a green and pleasant land.

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The knowledge monopoly

The Reptilian hybrid bloodlines, or computer programs, expanded out of Sumer and began the process of monopolising advanced knowledge about the nature of reality and withdrawing it from wider circulation. They established 'Mystery schools' to pass it on only to the chosen few, and infiltrated others which had a more benevolent purpose. Eventually, most of these were taken over by the Reptilian hybrids who used this knowledge to manipulate human perception and impose upon the world their hierarchical form of government and control. They sought and continue to seek nothing less than a global dictatorship. An organisation called the Royal Court of the Dragon (also known as The Brotherhood of the Snake) was formed in Egypt to infiltrate the royal and religious centres of power there, especially the Mystery schools. Manly P. Hall, the Freemasonic historian, describes what happened in Egypt, and what he calls the 'black magicians of Atlantis' are the Reptilian bloodlines who also targeted and infiltrated Atlantis in the same way before the Flood, and caused the most powerful energies to be withdrawn to prevent destruction of the planet. The Reptilians were based largely in Mu or Lemuria, but there were many attempts to infiltrate the Atlantean society of the Nordic race using their black magicians. Hall writes:
While the elaborate ceremonial magic of antiquity was not necessarily evil, there arose from its perversion several false schools of sorcery, or black magic, [in Egypt] ... the black magicians of Atlantis continued to exercise their superhuman powers until they had completely undermined and corrupted the morals of the primitive Mysteries ... they usurped the position formerly occupied by the initiates, and seized the reigns of spiritual government. Thus black magic dictated the state religion and paralysed the intellectual and spiritual activities of the individual by demanding his complete and unhesitating acquiescence in the dogma formulated by the priest craft. The Pharaoh became a puppet in the hands of the Scarlet Council a committee of arch-sorcerers elevated to power by the priesthood.

This is what happened wherever the Reptilian hybrids were located and they imposed the political, economic and religious structures that still rule the world today. The structure of administration, the foundation of law, building techniques, and so many other features of what we call modern society, can be traced back to this ancient race that founded Sumer and expanded their empire to Egypt, India, Greece, Crete and much further afield where their knowledge was behind the great monoliths, temples and other legendary structures. Professor W.B. Emery said in his book Archaic Egypt that the country had passed rapidly from a state of advanced Neolithic culture with a complex tribal character, to two well-organised monarchies. The whole concept of royalty and aristocracy is the creation of the Reptilian bloodlines, which are obsessed with ritual and hierarchy in line with their genetic computer program. The hybrids became the 'royal' bloodlines that were placed in positions of power to rule on behalf of their creators and masters. The Reptilians repeated this pattern all over the world before and after the Flood, and thus Reptilian gods have been worshipped and feared in places like Central and South America, India, China, Japan, South Africa and many other regions.

The serpent kings and queens

In the late 19th century, Colonel James Churchward, an ardent researcher into the existence of Mu or Lemuria, says he was shown some ancient tablets in the secret vault of a monastery in northern India. They told the story of how the Naacals or Naga Mayas ('serpents') from the continent of Lemuria-Mu had travelled to India via Burma to establish a colony there. Churchward put the texts together in years of painstaking work and revealed how they described the destruction of Mu, the 'Motherland', and how the Naga Mayas or Nagas had travelled to India. The Vedic scholar, David Frawley, explains how the ancient Hindu holy books, the Vedas, reveal that the earliest royal bloodlines of India, the priest-kings, descend from the Bhrigus, who arrived from a place across the sea. The Bhrigus were an order of adepts initiated into the ancient knowledge. Frawley says in his book, Gods, Sages, and Kings: Vedic Secrets of Ancient Civilization, that the monarchs of these bloodlines included the 'Serpent King' Nahusha. They expanded into the five tribes that populated a large part of the Indian population. James Churchward wrote a number of books on the civilisation of Mu and he says the Nagas also populated China, Tibet and parts of Asia. In India, the Buddhist text, the Mahauyutpatti, lists eighty kings who descended from the Nagas or 'Serpent Kings'. Hindu legend says that the Nagas can move between human or reptilian form at will. This is what we call shapeshifting. The serpent 'sea' or 'fish' gods of Sumer and Babylon were said to be able to change shape and look human whenever they chose. These 'fish gods' were another description of the Anunnaki Reptilians. Shapeshifting is a common theme which I am going to discuss in more detail later. Across India, the rulers claimed power because they descended from the Nagas, who were described as offspring from the interbreeding of humans with the serpent gods. Accounts in the Indian epics also refer to how the reptilian Nagas intermingled with white peoples (the Sumerians) and although their relationship was often one of conflict and distrust, the two interbred, the epics report, to produce a reptilianmammal hybrid that became ... the Aryan kings (Sum-arian kings). The Naga Maya people, with their mother goddess religion (the Reptilian religion), were also the origin of the Maya people of Mexico. Researcher Michael Mott writes in Caverns, Cauldrons, and Concealed Creatures:

The Nagas are described as a very advanced race or species, with a highly-developed technology. They also harbor a disdain for human beings, whom they are said to abduct, torture, interbreed with, and even to eat. The interbreeding has supposedly led to a wide variety of forms, ranging from completely reptilian to nearly-human in appearance. Among their many devices are 'death rays' and 'vimana', or flying, disc-shaped aerial craft. These craft are described at length in many ancient Vedic texts, including the Bhagavad-Gita and the Ramayana. The Naga race is related to another underworld race, the Hindu demons, or Rakshasas. They also possess, as individuals, 'magical stones', or a 'third eye' in the middle of their brows, known to many students of eastern mysticism today as a focal point for one of the higher chakras, or energy channelpoints, of the human(oid) nervous system the chakra associated with 'inner visions', intuition, and other esoteric concepts.
The Chinese emperors were the same and they claimed that their descendence from the 'serpent gods' gave them a right to rule. They were known as Lung or Dragons and

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many of the earliest emperors were depicted with reptilian features, very much like the Nagas. They were described as part human, part serpent. One of them, called Huang Ti, was said to have been born with a 'dragon-like countenance'. It was claimed that he was conceived by a ray of golden light that entered his mother's womb from the Big Dipper constellation (the usual 'virgin birth' story so associated with Reptilian interbreeding). The Big Dipper includes the star Alpha Draconis, the star of the Egyptian god, Set. Alpha Draconis is an alleged home of Reptilian 'royalty', the elite leadership, known as the 'Draco'. One Chinese legend says that when he died, Huang Ti transformed into a non-physical etheric dragon and flew to the realm of the immortals. Once again the dragon is symbolic of the reptilian race and, while most prevalent in China and the East, it is a feature of cultures throughout the world. The kings of the succession in the Reptilian bloodlines were known as 'Dragons'. When many kingdoms joined together in battle, or as a group of kingdoms, they appointed a 'king of kings'. These were known as the Great Dragon or ... Draco. I found direct references to this theme in the Indian (formerly Indus Valley) works, like the Book of Dzyan, one of the oldest of Sanskrit accounts, and the epics, Mahabharata and the Ramayana. The Book of Dzyan tells of how a reptilian race it calls the 'Sarpa' or 'Great Dragons' came from the skies to bring civilisation to the world. A deluge, the biblical Great Flood, ended the Golden Age, it says, but the serpent gods survived and returned to rule. They are described symbolically as having the face of a human and the tail of a dragon. Their leader was called the Great Dragon and the Illuminati's Ku Klux Klan still uses the term 'Grand Dragon' today. The Celtic title of Pendragon, as in Uther Pendragon, the father of 'King Arthur' in the Grail stories, was also a version of this. Pendragon = 'Great Dragon. In the legends, the symbolic Arthur was a descendant of the dragons, and his helmet carried a dragon motif. Merlin, Arthur's 'magician', was described as only half human as he was the child of an underground being and a human woman. The Arthurian stories include all the classic elements of the theme, including the creation of royal bloodlines through the interbreeding between humans and non-human entities, shapeshifting, the use of holographic images to hide a being's true form and battles between competing dragons. There is also the theme of the 'Lady of the Lake' and this connects with the stories of goddess-worshipping serpent peoples like the Nagas living in underground centres located under lakes and lochs. Like the Celtic myth and folklore, the ancient Greek culture was inspired by the Sumerians and Egyptians, and the earlier Atlanteans and Lemurians, and was based almost entirely on their stories and myths under different names. The influence of the Sumerians can hardly be overstated and they appear to be the centre of the Reptilian hybrid network that spanned the world. They travelled in all directions and even the earliest Chinese writing was derived from the same cuneiform system of the Sumerians, although this can also be explained by the Reptilian 'gods' communicating the same information in different parts of the world. Whatever the detail, it is clear that throughout the Sumer Empire - which included Egypt, and the Indus Valley - the people worshipped serpent gods. The Reverend John Bathhurst Deane wrote in his book, The Worship of the Serpent:
... One of [the] five builders of Thebes [in Egypt] was named after the serpent-god of the Phoenicians, Ofhion ... The first altar erected to Cyclops at Athens was to 'Ops', the

serpent deity ... The symbolic worship of the serpent was so common in Greece that Justin Martyr accuses the Greeks of introducing it into the mysteries of all their gods.

Dragons, Nagas, Chitauri, Nefilim, Anunnaki. Different names, same bloodlines. The theme of ruling 'royal' families and emperors who claim descent and their right to rule from the 'serpent gods', can be found everywhere. These bloodlines and connections were symbolised by royal emblems in the form of a dragon, snake, sphinx, plumed serpent and the tree-cross, or Ankh. The dragon or serpent continues to be a symbol of royal and 'divine' heritage in places like Asia. In Egypt, they had an order called the Djedhi (Jedi?) and the `Dj' meant 'serpent'. Thus we have pharaohs of the serpent line called Djer, Djoser and Djederfra. The Royal Court of the Dragon was established in Egypt in 2170 BC under Ankhfnkhonsu, and more formally by Queen Sobeknefru in 1783 BC, to provide an institution to pursue the work of the 'Dragon'. The oil still used in the British Coronation ritual is symbolic of the 'Messeh' fat of the Nile crocodile, used in the Coronation ceremonies for the pharaohs in ancient Egypt. The Egyptian ceremonial title of Moche means 'He who is anointed with crocodile fat from the Nile River'. From Messeh we get 'messiah' the Jewish legend of the coming 'messiah' the one anointed with the fat of the crocodile: the new pharaoh. This can be found in Celtic mythology, too, and the image of the Messeh became a Dragon the emblem of kingship. In Media (now Turkey), the Iranians knew their kings as Mar, which means 'snake' in Persian. They were called the 'Dragon Dynasty of Media', or 'descendants of the dragon'. The earliest of the royal bloodlines of Central America claimed genetic descent from the serpent gods, Quetzalcoatl and Itzamna. The priest kings of the Peruvian Incas were symbolised by the snake and they wore bracelets and anklets in the image of a snake. In the Mycenaean age in Greece, the kings were, in the words of author Jane Harrison, 'regarded as being in some sense a snake'. Cecrops, the first Mycenaean king of Athens, was depicted as a human with a serpent's tail. Another, Erectheus, who founded the Eleusinian Mystery School, was worshipped as a live snake after his death and, according to legend, King Kadmus shapeshifted into a live snake when he died. The Sumerian accounts tell of flying serpents and dragons breathing fire (symbolic of their aerial craft?) and how the 'kings of Sumer', going back long before the deluge to some 240,000 BC, were 'changelings', seeded by the union of the gods and humans. Sargon the Great, that famous ruler of the Sumer/Akkadian Empire, claimed this same genetic origin. The very existence of 'kingship' is reported in the Sumerian Tablets to have been a gift of these gods. Equally clear is that they were reptilian gods.

Stewart's story


The same theme, though from a very different source, is described by the American author, Stewart Swerdlow, who discovered the truth during his years in the infamous mind-control and genetics programmes at Montauk on Long Island, New York. As a youngster, Stewart was kidnapped at night (with his mother's knowledge) by what he thought were extraterrestrials and taken to Montauk. He later learned that his kidnappers were military officials posing as ETs this is a common ruse to hide the truth of who is doing the abducting. He was forced into the Montauk genetic and mindcontrol programme and he says he found out much later that he was among only one per cent who got out alive. During his years under government-military control,

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Stewart says that he learned about the agenda for global domination and the nonhuman entities behind it all. These entities, he writes, are reptilian. He says he saw reptilian beings at Montauk and they 'seemed to pop in and out of physical reality'. Stewart tells the story in his book, Blue Blood, True Blood. He says that many and various extraterrestrial groups have come to this planet and seeded the different races. Atlantis was dominated by a white or Caucasian people called the Atlans, he says, who were from the star system known as Lyrae or Lyra while a reptilian race was located on Mu or Lemuria in the Pacific. The original Lyrians were not physical as we understand that word, but they became trapped in this dimension and their vibrations became ever denser. The Reptilians, Stewart says, were created by those he calls the 'transparent people' who 'cannot really enter into the physical dimensions because their energy vibratory rate is so high that it cannot sustain a physical body'. When they appear, he says, 'it looks like a transparent glass shell'. At first, the Reptilians were 'borderline physical' and to function here they needed a physical form. This was achieved by mixing Reptilian genes with those of the Lyrians. This is why the Reptilians are so obsessed with blond-haired and blue-eyed people they need their genetics to operate in this reality. There you have the reason why the deeply reptilian Windsors targeted the genes of blond-haired, blue-eyed Princess Diana and discarded her once they had them. The Windsor line had become so reptilian with its interbreeding that it needed a massive infusion of 'Diana' genes to maintain an apparently human form. The Reptilians were located in the Draco star system, Stewart writes, and they began to expand across the galaxy by conquests of the kind we are experiencing on this planet. I should stress here that claims about coming from this or that planet or star system does not necessarily mean the ones we know in this dimension, or reality. Planets and stars have multiple realities and, while they may look lifeless within this frequency range, they could be teeming with life in others beyond human sight. Stewart says the Reptilians have been assisted in their conquests by a race from Sirius, the brightest star seen from Earth. There appear to be many extraterrestrial/ other-dimensional visitors with benevolent or malevolent ambitions for this planet. Among them are the Reptilians and those from Sirius; groups from the Orion system that include some of those known as the 'Greys' with the big black eyes; another race of Greys from Zeta Reticuli, a binary star system located around forty light years away from Earth in the constellation of Reticulum; a group from the Andromeda constellation; and there are apparently others from the Pleiades star system, known as the Seven Sisters, in the constellation of Taurus. The most malevolent, however, are the Draconian Reptilians. Stewart Swerdlow says they are programmed to believe they are the superior form and believe themselves more 'Godlike' because they are androgynous. They have a programmed mentality that wants to conquer everything and the British and Roman Empires the work of the Reptilian hybrid bloodlines are examples of this at work. Stewart says that the fusing of Reptilian genes with those of the Lyrians, and others, is why humans have so much reptilian DNA and why foetuses go through reptilian-type development in the womb on their way to becoming 'human'. He also explains that royal and aristocratic families have long been called 'blue bloods' because the increased Reptilian DNA means their blood contains more copper. This copper-based blood turns blue-green when oxidizing, he says, hence the term 'blue bloods'.

When Mu / Lemuria was destroyed, the survivors relocated to northern India and built a massive underground civilisation (which is described in endless legends and accounts). They also re-launched their genetic takeover and the location they chose, Stewart says, was ... Sumer. He says the Sumerians became known as the 'Sum-Aryans', or simply Aryans, and they expanded into northern Africa, central Asia, northern India and the steppes of Russia. 'The Aryan leaders, all bluebloods, became the Sultans and Rajas of legend', Stewart writes. He says that when the Aryans mixed with the Dravidians (formerly from Lemuria) in India, they created the Hindu religion 'The caste system of India is a direct copy of the Reptilian division of function'. The SumerAryans infiltrated Egyptian society and implanted their Reptilian bloodline into the royal families of the pharaohs, not least through the Hyksos kings. The Hyksos symbol was the snake and their colour was red highly significant in Reptilian ritual and their kings wore the Red Crown. Stewart says, quite rightly, that the Egyptians also became known as the Phoenicians and were descendants of Atlantis. As 'Lyrians', they were blond-haired and blue-eyed with some who were green-eyed and red-haired. The Phoenician/Egyptians sailed to the British Isles and the Americas, as archaeological evidence and other finds have shown (see The Biggest Secret). The Sumerians also travelled throughout Africa taking their hybrid bloodline with them. Credo Mutwa said the 'Chitauri interbred directly, or through their hybrids, with all races to create the bloodline-computer network through which they rule in all continents. He said the 'royal' bloodlines of black African kings and queens claimed descent from the same 'gods' as the white 'royalty' across the world.

The Reptilian underground

India was not the only place where the Reptilians and their bloodlines relocated underground after the end of Mu /Lemuria. They established underground cities all over the planet, and today many of these interconnect with the tunnel systems and underground bases built in more recent times by the secret military projects orchestrated by the Reptilian hybrids. The stories of Reptilians, and other non-human races, living within the Earth in what we would today call 'bases', cities or tunnel networks, can be found widely described in ancient accounts. The Nagas, or serpent people, in India and throughout Asia and the Far East, were said to live in two main underground centres called Patala and Bhogavati. From there, according to Hindu legend, they battle for power with a 'white' race known to UFO researchers as the 'Nordics' (Stewart Swerdlow's 'Lyrians') and located in the underground kingdoms of Agharta and Shambala. Hindus believe that Patala can be entered at the Well of Sheshna in Benares, while Bhogavati is believed to be in the Himalayas. Similar stories of underground caverns and tunnel systems can be found in Tibet and China. In the Gilgamesh stories of Mesopotamia we are told of underground cities. Gilgamesh was a 'demigod' and 'semi-divine' (Reptilian hybrid) who sought the immortality of the 'gods'. The stories speak of KI-GAL, or 'the Great Below', which was ruled by the goddess, Ereshkigal, and the god, Mergal. In the KI-GAL were violent guardians called 'scorpion men', reanimated human bodies, spirits and the 'undead', and robotic beings known as Galatur or Gala, which were used to abduct humans from the surface. There were 'eagle-headed' Reptilians, which were often said to have wings. The accounts describe a race called the Pazazu, a dog-faced 'human' with reptilian scales and a tail.

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All this sounds remarkably like the grotesque scenes described by some workers at underground military bases today like Dulce in New Mexico (see The Biggest Secret for the detail). Chinese legend claims there is an underground world entered from the Eastern Mountain of Taishan, and guarded by vicious demons called Men Shen with animal-like faces or masks. This was the Chinese 'Hell' and it is said that the Lords of Hell interacted with the Dragon Kings on the surface. The Japanese 'Hell', or underground network, was similar, and among the non-human entities were the Kappa, semi-aquatic reptilian humanoids and other shapeshifters who lived in mountains under the ground or under the sea. Stewart Swerdlow says that the Reptilians also developed hybrid bloodlines with a race from Rigel in the Orion system, now called the 'Greys', with their distinctive black eyes. These bloodlines, he says, became the royal bloodlines of China and Japan. Credo Mutwa says there are many legends throughout Africa about courageous people going underground to be with the gods. In VikingNorse legend they have the giant serpent, Nidhoggr or Jormungand, that lived underground and this was similar to the giant serpent, Apophis, in Egyptian myth. The Scandinavians and Germans had their Huldre, or 'Hidden Folk', who were also known as the elves. One of the name-codes for the bloodline is 'elven' and the beings of folklore like trolls, etins, fairies, elves, troglodytes, Nefilim, Brownies (or Braunies) and the 'little people' of Ireland are all different names for the subterranean entities described in the modern accounts of 'ET bases', including the 'Greys', who would appear to be subordinate to the Reptilians. All the same stories are associated with these underground 'people', including interbreeding with humans. They even mention the 'missing time' experience of people abducted by the 'fairies' (like modern 'UFO' abductees) and include many stories of these 'underground folk', killing and mutilating cattle and taking the blood, just as reported today all over the world. Researcher Michael Mott has produced an excellent collection of stories on these underground dwellers in folklore and myth in his book, Caverns, Cauldrons, and Concealed Creatures. He writes that England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland all have endless traditions of underground peoples with many similarities and common origins between them. It seems to be that Scotland, Ireland and the British Isles in general are a major centre for the Reptilian bloodlines, not least because of the number of entrances to the underground world. It is the same in France, Germany and the highly significant Caucasus Mountains between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea, which I will come to later. What is really under the Windsors' Balmoral Castle or the late Queen Mother's Glamis Castle in Scotland? There is a legendary 'secret room' at Glamis. According to one guest, the writer Sir Walter Scott, and others, it is the family's law or custom that the secret is known only to three people at any one time. They take a 'terrible oath' not to reveal the secret. Another guest, Lord Halifax, said that in 1875 a workman at the castle came across a door leading to a long passageway. The man investigated, but then he saw something that made him run back in terror. When the 13th Earl of Strathmore was told what the workman had seen, he persuaded him to accept money to emigrate and give his word never to reveal what he saw. Lord Halifax said that after the incident the Earl was a changed man, who became silent and moody, with an 'anxious, scared face'. The Norse / Germanic fairies, goblins, trows, knockers, brownies, leprechauns, sidhe (shee), tylwyth teg (terlooeth teig) and so on, were either malevolent or indifferent to humanity,

Michael Mott says. They lived, virtually without exception, under the ground. Hills, mounds, ruins, hill-forts, mountains, cliffs and ancient cities were said to be the 'rooftops' of their palaces. Beings that mirror modern reports of the Sasquatch (Big Foot) and the Yeti (Abominable Snowman) can be found in ancient stories of underground creatures that come to the surface. Like the Nagas, the serpent people of Asia, European folklore often claimed that these 'fairy' people entered their underground homes through lakes. Michael Mott continues:
To remove all doubt as to their relationship with Norse hidden-folk and Indian Nagas alike, they shunned the sunlight [like the symbolic Dracula], and often seemed interested in crossbreeding their own bloodlines with those of human beings, or even in crossbreeding their 'livestock' or fairy cattle, horses, hounds and so forth with the surface species which were most compatible. The goblin-dwarf, Rumplestiltskin, in his lust to have the human baby and its genetic bounty, is just one example of this in folklore. The elves took a regular interest in human affairs weddings, births and deaths, [bloodlines], the success of crops and livestock, and so forth but only for their own selfish interests. They seemed to be overly-concerned with genetic and biological diversity, and they pilfered livestock, crops and human genes via theft or cross-species liaison whenever they saw fit to do so. The elves are generally depicted as extremely fair-haired and fair-skinned. The accounts even include the idea of being imprisoned underground waiting for the

day of judgement. Michael Mott summarises the common attributes of the inner-earth peoples of global folklore:
They are mostly reptilian or reptilian humanoids or 'fair' and Nordic; they are telepathic with superior mental powers; they can shapeshift and create illusions; they want to interbreed with humans and need human blood, flesh and reproductive materials; they have advanced technology; they have the secret of immortality; they can fly, either by themselves or with their technology; they mostly have a malevolent agenda for humans; they cannot survive for long in direct sunlight; they have been banished from the surface world or are in hiding from surface people and/or the Sun; they want to keep their treasures, knowledge and true identity a secret; they covertly manipulate events on the surface world; they have surface humans working for them through the priesthoods, cults and secret societies; they have a putrid smell like 'sulphur and brimstone'.

The accounts are incredibly consistent over thousands of years and the 'sulphur smell' is constantly reported by people today who claim to have been abducted by reptilian entities. Mott writes:
The reptilian aspect of some underworlders permeates folklore. One universal theme that recurs in the folktales of many, many cultures is that of the snake-husband or snake-wife, who can transform into a 'human' or humanoid form and is invariably [of

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course] of royal blood among his or her own kind ... Often the snake or serpent-man exacts a promise of marriage, or the hand of an unborn human child in betrothal, consistent with the theme of the subterranean's interest in maintaining their own genetic diversity. A variant of this should be familiar to most readers of fairy tales, in the form of 'The Frog Prince'. The frog-prince is a Handsome Prince, but like the Japanese seducing dragon, he has a reptilian or amphibian form. The underworld link is complete, for frequently the frog lives in a deep well, from which he is discovered or rescued by the female protagonist. A possible connection is evident in the Scandinavian belief that some dwarves would 'turn into toads', if caught by the Sun, much like Mimoto's lover turned from a man into a 'dragon' when the same thing happened. Slovenia has its legends of fairies and 'little people', but Slovenian fairy tales are also permeated by the presence of the 'Snake Queen', a great, white, cave-dwelling creature who is part woman and part serpent. The serpentine-yet-human Nagas are still believed by devout Hindus and some Buddhists to dwell beneath India, Nepal and Tibet.

This, again, all sounds so like the reports of underground bases and cities across the world today, not least in the United States. Researcher Alan Walton has written extensively about the Reptilian connection under the pseudonym, 'Branton'. He says:
Underneath most major cities, especially in the USA in fact, there exist subterranean counterpart 'cities' controlled by the Masonic/hybrid/alien 'elite'. Often surface/subsurface terminals exist beneath Masonic Lodges, police stations, airports and federal buildings of major cities ... and even not so 'major' cities. The population ratio is probably close to 10 per cent of the population (the hybrid military-industrial fraternity 'elite' living below ground as opposed to the 90 per cent living above). This does not include the fullblood reptilian species who live in even deeper recesses of the Earth. Some of the major population centers were deliberately established by the Masonic/hybrid elite of the Old and New 'worlds' to afford easy access to already existing underground levels, some of which are thousands of years old. Considering that the Los Alamos Labs [in New Mexico] had a working prototype nuclear powered thermolbore drill that could literally melt tunnels through the Earth at a rate of 8 mph forty years ago, you can imagine how extensive these underground systems have become. These sub-cities also offer close access to organised criminal syndicates, which operate on the surface. They have developed a whole science of 'borg-onomics' through which they literally nickle-and-dime us into slavery via multi-levelled taxation, inflation, sublimation, manipulation, regulation, fines, fees, licenses ... and the entire debt-credit scam which is run by the Federal Reserve and Wall Street. New York City, I can confirm, is one of the largest draconian nests in the world. Or rather the ancient underground 'Atlantean' systems that network beneath that area. They literally control the entire Wall Street pyramid from below ... with more than a

little help from reptilian bloodlines like the Rockefellers, etc. In fact, these reptilian genetic lines operate in a parasitic manner, the underground society acting as the 'parasite' society and the surface society operating as the 'host' society ...

I know that the content of this chapter will be very challenging to most people because it is so far from the official history imposed by the Reptilian system. But then that's the idea: to divert us from the truth so they can continue to gather ever more control, while we have no idea what's going on. The human body-computer has been bred, or rather encoded, to be a slave to the will of its makers, and so far we have played our parts brilliantly. We have allowed the program to dictate our perception and behaviour, rather than our Infinite Awareness, and we have had our attention diverted from seeing who the controllers are. While humans have been focused on survival or irrelevant diversions like game shows and 'celebrity' gossip, a few interbreeding bloodlines or computer programs have seized ever more power and influence. Today, after thousands of years of scheming, they are on the brink of global dictatorship. However, it is also the case that a mass awakening is underway and I am seeing a dramatic increase in the number of people opening their minds to the suppressed history and the nature of human control. I have been ridiculed, condemned and abused in many and various ways for making this information public, and it still goes on to an extent among the concrete minds and the agents of those who wish me to be silenced. But so many more are now listening and it's increasing by the day. People are freeing themselves from a lifetime of programming and, as they do so, they are seeing that the apparently fantastic is actually true.

Kingdom of shadows
Condemnation without investigation is the highest form of ignorance. Albert Einstein

Accounts of the Reptilians and their bloodlines are not confined to the ancient world. I have compiled a mass of information in other books from the experiences of people today that mirror those described in global folklore and native histories. Particularly since around 1998, I have met hundreds of people in many countries and cultures who have told me the same basic story of seeing someone `shapeshift' from a 'human' into a reptilian form and back again. Other non-reptilian entities are also reported in many accounts, but Reptilians constantly recur. Often the shapeshifters are people in power and authority, but far from always. Royal and aristocratic families, especially the British Windsors, are a major theme in the reports of those who have seen a reptilian shapeshift, as are the Bush family in America and the big banking families like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Books like The Biggest Secret, Children of the Matrix and Tales from the Time Loop include these detailed accounts and so there is no need to repeat them all here. The 'dot' I want to deal with in this section is how shapeshifting is possible because at first hearing, and second come to that, it sounds impossible to the perception of reality that we are pedalled by the system. There are 'physical' Reptilians living underground that are operating within the frequency range of human sight, but the most powerful ones are beyond this dimension. To understand the world we need to remember at all times that it is an illusion, and the 'physical' reality we think is 'outside' of us actually only exists in that form in our heads. Even the term 'our heads' is an illusion, as we've seen. The '3D' world is a series of thought fields information fields which our brain decodes into apparently threedimensional forms. The 'human body', like the reptilian form, is not 'physical' at all. They are both energetic fields of consciousness that the brain 'reads' into illusory reality, much like the television decodes frequency broadcasts into pictures on the screen. Shapeshifting is not a shift between two physical bodies, it is a shift in the decoding system of the brain. Stewart Swerdlow says that the Reptilian geneticists wanted a 50-50 mix of genetics to produce a body that looked human while being able to shapeshift into reptilian form. 'Shapeshifting was accomplished simply by concentrating on the genetics the hybrid wished to open, or lock up, whatever the case may be', he writes. These genetic codes are, like everything, vibrational codes and energetic fields and, on one level, mathematical computer codes. The shapeshift is the movement between two

fields, or sets of genetic codes, which the brain reads into holographic 'physical' reality. When the codes fields are switched on and off the experience of the observer is to see someone transform from a human form to a Reptilian and then back again. But only in their brain does this happen 'physically'. It is a bit like switching channels on the TV. People have a major problem understanding the shapeshift phenomena because, understandably, they are thinking in terms of a dense physical body changing into another. It doesn't work like that and couldn't.

The Holographic veil

The Reptilians created their hybrid bloodlines as a sort of genetic spacesuit (actually a vibrational field) to hide their true form from the human masses they seek to control. For those in 'physical' reptilian form, the Reptilian 'fullbloods' as researchers call them, the human 'cover' is a holographic projection that tricks the brain of the observer into reading that instead of the reptilian field 'behind' it. You can be looking at a Reptilian, but 'see' a human. Ancient tales and folklore are full of stories about the 'Hidden Folk' who could 'shapeshift' and appear in different forms. I stress that they are working with a far more advanced understanding of reality while keeping that knowledge from the human population. Christine Fitzgerald, an alternative healer in London and a close confidant of Princess Diana for nine years, is just one source who told me that the Windsors are a Reptilian bloodline. She explained how this human veil or hologram is created:
To be honest, the royal family hasn't died for a long time, they have just metamorphosised. It's sort of cloning, but in a different way. They take pieces of flesh and rebuild the body from one little bit. Because it's lizard, because it's cold-blooded, it's much easier to do this Frankenstein shit than it is for us. The different bodies are just different electrical vibrations and they have got that secret; they've got the secret of the micro-currents; it's so micro, so specific, these radio waves that actually create the bodies. They know the vibration of life and because they're cold-blooded, they are reptiles, they have no wish to make the Earth the perfect harmony it could be, or to heal the Earth from the damage that's been done. The Earth's been attacked for zeons by different extraterrestrials. It's been like a football for so long. This place is a bus stop for many different aliens. All these aliens, they could cope with anything, including the noxious gases. They're landing all the time and coming up from the bowels of the Earth. They looked like reptiles originally, but they look like us when they get out now through the electrical vibration, that key to life I talked about. They can manifest how they want to. All the real knowledge has been taken out and shredded and put back in another way ... Most people, the hangers on, don't know, you know, about the reptiles. They are just in awe of these people because they are so powerful.

The bodies or computers of the hybrid bloodlines are also used by Reptilians outside this dimension to covertly manipulate us. When these other-dimensional Reptilians and

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other entities enter the frequency range of human sight they can obviously be seen, but most of the time they operate just beyond the normal range of visible light and we cannot see them. Nor can they physically interact with this world unless they have an outer shell that is vibrating within this frequency range. Radio and television frequencies can pass through 'solid' walls because they are on different wavelengths. In the same way, these Reptilians on their 'wavelength' cannot directly interact with ours unless they have an outer 'body' through which to do so. This is where the hybrid bloodlines come in. The genetic manipulation created an outer shell that looks human to our five-sense vision, but also carries a vibrational code sympathetic to that of the Reptilians. This allows the other-dimensional Reptilians to 'possess' these hybrid 'bodycomputers' and take over their mental and emotional processes therefore their behaviour much more effectively than they can with the mass of the people who have far less reptilian genetics (vibrational / computer code compatibility). The aim is to manipulate these hybrid bloodlines into the positions of power and, in doing so, put themselves in those positions while the people perceive only their human level. Have you ever seen scientists in a laboratory put their hands and arms into long 'gloves' inside a tank when it is too dangerous to touch the materials directly? Well, the principle is the same. The other-dimensional Reptilians manipulate this dimension from their dimension by using the hybrid 'spacesuits' that the genetic manipulation by the 'physical' Reptilians or 'fullbloods' has created. It is also possible to manipulate genetics vibrationally and mathematically from another dimension. Women who have been raped in satanic rituals designed to impregnate them with the 'Devil's seed' have told me how they saw ethereal non-human entities overshadowing the 'human' rapist. They appear to be 'ethereal' when viewed from this reality, but they're still a form of physicality, albeit of a different density. There are so many stories among native and ancient peoples which relate the consumption of hallucinogenic potions with 'seeing the gods'. The potion takes them into other levels of consciousness where they can perceive beyond the veil of the five senses. I was invited to an event in the Brazilian rainforest in 2003 where people were taking the hallucinogenic plant called ayahuasca after so many previous participants had reported seeing reptilian entities and imagery. The Olmec people of Central America, whose whole culture was based on serpent worship, used to take hallucinogenic psilocybin mushrooms that they called 'the flesh of the Plumed Serpent', and this took them into other-dimensional awareness the serpent frequency. In their rituals to the 'serpent son', Dionysus, the Greek initiates would drink strong wine and take mind-altering drugs and mushrooms to 'unite with their Son of God'. Advanced psychics can also do the same because they have the ability to tune their minds to other frequencies. When I was speaking at an event in the United States, a gifted psychic lady told me how she sees people in power, like Henry Kissinger, Father George Bush and Hillary Clinton, transform into Reptilians all the time. Once again she is accessing their frequency levels beyond the five senses and beyond the 'cover' of an apparently 'human' form. You see the recurring theme in virtually all cultures. In Islam, they have the 'Jinn' who are said to be invisible to humans, while they can see us. A higher frequency can see a denser frequency, but not the other way round. Muslims believe that the Jinn can come into view to humans and they are said to have societies not unlike ours where they eat, marry and die, although live much longer lives. The belief is

that the Jinn can possess humans and most Islamic scholars say the Koran states that the 'Devil' was a Jinn. The 'evil' ones among them are looked upon like the demons in Christianity and Judaism, and you can see that what is believed about the Jinn relates to what I am saying about Reptilian possession and their other-dimensional nature. A point to make here: I am asked why people throughout history would give their lives to advancing the conspiracy when they knew they would not be here when the global dictatorship was finally installed. It's an understandable question and there are two main answers: the lower levels of gofers and bag men are programmed to serve the agenda, and those with the real power don't have the same relationship to 'time' that we do in this reality. From their 'dimension', they can track along our 'timeline' or DVD and come in and out at any point they choose. So the Reptilian hybrid bloodlines, and operatives throughout what we call 'history', have been the same Reptilian entities all along. Only their human 'cover' has changed.

The Iguana race

Cathy O'Brien was a long-time victim of the US government mind-control operation called MKULTRA that has now been exposed, up to a point, by even the mainstream media. So much more goes unreported, however, including an elite offshoot of MKULTRA known as Project Monarch, in which mind-controlled slaves like Cathy were forced to serve the will and desires of US presidents and others in those echelons of power and higher. Project Monarch predominently uses blond-haired, blue-eyed people, which by now will be no surprise. When Cathy escaped from their clutches and began her deprogramming she remembered her extraordinary and horrific experiences as the blocks on her memory were removed. She wrote an amazing book called TranceFormation of America with her deprogrammer, Mark Phillips, in which she describes her unspeakable experiences with people like Dick Cheney, Father George Bush and Bill and Hillary Clinton. Some of these experiences involved reptilian themes, including seeing Father George transform facially into a reptile form. She and Mark believe these experiences to be part of her mind control using holographic imagery. I understand that, but everything in this reality is a hologram anyway. When I put together what she describes with all the other accounts I have compiled from around the world ancient and modern they correspond exactly. I have been told by hundreds of people from every walk of life you can imagine about their experiences of seeing well-known and less well-known people transform into a reptilian form before their eyes, and then go back again. Father George Bush is a name that recurs often in these accounts. Cathy relates an experience she had with Miguel de la Madrid, the President of Mexico during Father Bush's tenure at the White House. She writes in Trance-Formation of America:
De La Madrid had relayed the 'legend of the Iguana' to me, explaining that lizard-like aliens had descended upon the Mayans. The Mayan pyramids, their advanced astronomical technology, including sacrifice of virgins, was supposedly inspired by the li zard aliens. He told me that when the aliens interbred with the Mayans to produce a form of life they could inhabit, they fluctuated between a human and Iguana appearance through chameleon-like abilities 'a perfect vehicle for transforming into world leaders'. De la Madrid claimed to have Mayan/alien ancestry in his blood, whereby he transformed 'back into an Iguana at will'.

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This is exactly the same story told in Central America that you find in Africa, Asia and around the world. The ancient Mayans left behind evidence of their highly advanced knowledge of mathematics, astronomy and cosmic cycles of 'time'. They also constructed amazing cities and pyramids. The Reptilians built pyramids in many places including Sumer, Egypt, Central America and China. Pyramid building is one of their 'cultural' signatures. They could move stones weighing hundreds of tons because they knew how to manipulate illusory reality using magnetic fields to make the stones hover in weightlessness. It is the same principle as the new 'maglev' or magnetic levitation trains that are now being introduced. Despite their enormous weight the magnetic field makes them float above the 'track' and this is how all those fantastic ancient structures were built by 'primitive' people. Researcher James Churchward told in books like The Children of Mu how he established that the Mayans of Central America and the Nagas of Asia were the same former Lemurian (Reptilian) peoples. The Mayans say the first settlers of the Yucatan in Mexico were the Chanes or 'People of the Serpent'. They were led by the god Itzamna, a name that apparently comes from the word 'itzem', which translates as lizard or reptile. The sacred city of Itzamna means 'the place of the lizard' or 'Iguana House'. Cathy O'Brien also recalls in Trance-Formation of America, an experience with Bill and Bob Bennett, two well-known figures in US politics. Bill Bennett controlled American 'education' during the Reagan-Bush administration and is closely connected to the 'Neocons' behind the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. Cathy says the Bennetts gave her mind-altering drugs at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center mind-control laboratory, and they told her they were 'alien to this dimension - two beings from another plane'. Cathy continues:
The high-tech light display around me convinced me I was transforming dimensions with them. A laser of light hit the black wall in front of me, which seemed to explode into a panoramic view of a White House cocktail party - as though I had transformed dimensions and stood amongst them. Not recognising anyone, I frantically asked: 'Who are these people?' 'They're not people and this isn't a spaceship', [Bill] Bennett said. As he spoke, the holographic scene changed ever so slightly until the people appeared to be lizard-like aliens. 'Welcome to the second level of the underground. This is a mere mirror reflection of the first, an alien dimension. We are from a trans-dimensional plane that spans and encompasses all dimensions ... I have taken you through my dimension as a means of establishing stronger holds on your mind than the Earth plane permits', Bill Bennett was saying. 'Being alien, I simply make my thoughts your thoughts by projecting them into your mind. My thoughts are your thoughts ...'

This is what the Reptilians want to do with the entire human race. One of their major vehicles has been religion and, more recently, television and the 'mass media'. As I've indicated, the Reptilian 'lower classes' or 'workers' would seem to have a 'hive' mind rather than think individually, and they operate very much like ants picking up the instructions from the 'Queen' and acting accordingly. The Reptilians and their

bloodlines are seeking to do this with humans and clearly, when you look around, they have made great progress already. The plan to microchip people is all part of this, and so is the minute-by-minute programming and conditioning by television and media, which is targeting the reptilian brain. Researcher Skip Largent explains:
All movies and television are a projection of the reptilian brain. How so? Movies and television (video games etc.) are all undeniably dreamlike, not only in their presentation of symbolic-reality, but also in that humans experiencing movies, etc., have the same brain wave patterns as when they are dreaming. And guess where dreaming originates in your head? In the reptilian brain (although other parts of our brain are involved). The 'language' of the reptilian brain is visual imagery. All communications transferred by reptiles are done so by visual symbolic representations, each having specific meaning.

Stewart Swerdlow says that from his knowledge gleaned from the 'inside', the ReptilianNordic /'Lyrian ' hybrids were designed to be 'tuned' to the Reptilian frequencies and could, therefore, be controlled by them. This is the key to understanding our current plight. The non'physical' Reptilians operate from a dimension close to this one, but just outside of human sight. In fact, it is not so much a 'dimension' as a 'world' between dimensions. One scientist I know, the Italian physicist and writer Giuliana Conforto, calls these in-between realms the 'interspace planes'. In the African tradition of Credo Mutwa, they are called 'the heaven between heavens'. It is like a 'crevice', a neutral zone, between dimensions and it is from here, a vibrational fraction beyond human sight, that the Reptilians 'possess' their hybrid Nefilim bloodlines and, through them, manipulate our reality. Long before I became aware of any of this, I had an experience with the former British Prime Minister, Ted Heath, a Reptilian shapeshifter and child abuser (see The Biggest Secret). Reptilian hybrids and child abuse so often go together. I met Heath in a television studio make-up room in 1989 while we were waiting for the make-up lady to arrive. When I said 'hello', he didn't reply, but just stared at me. His gaze started at the top of my head and then went slowly down to my feet and back again, like he was scanning me. As he did so, both his eyes turned jet black, including the whites, and I can only say that it was like looking into two black holes with no point where my eyes could make contact with his. I was shocked and bewildered by what I experienced, but not anymore. I now know I was looking through his eyes into the frequency range, the interspace plane, where his possessing entity was located. Over the years I have met others who have had this 'black eyes' experience around the world.

The Emerald Tablets

As I have said, I am not going to repeat all the information I have gathered about the Reptilians from ancient and modern experience when it can be found in my other books. The focus of this one is to connect the dots, not include every detail, but there is something in previous books that I want to include here because it is so important to comprehending what has happened and is happening. I am talking about the Emerald Tablets, which are said to have been discovered beneath a Mayan temple in Mexico. They describe the Reptilians, their ability to shapeshift and how they possess people in power. The accounts correlate remarkably with modern experience and reports. They

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are known in full as the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, who was a deity of the Egyptians. It is claimed that they date back 36,000 years and were written by Thoth, an 'Atlantean Priest-King' who, it is said, founded a colony in Egypt. His tablets, the story goes, were taken to South America by Egyptian 'pyramid priests' and eventually placed under a Mayan temple to the Sun god in the Yucatan, Mexico. The translator of these tablets, Maurice Doreal, claims to have recovered them and completed the translations in 1925. Only much later was he given 'permission' for part of them to be published, he says. You can read the whole tale and the content of the Tablets on this website: crystalinks.com /emerald.html. There is also a book. You don't have to accept all the details of that story to appreciate the synchronicity between what these tablets say and what is now being uncovered. The Tablets tell of the 'children of shadows' manipulating this reality:
Speak I of ancient Atlantis, speak of the days of the Kingdom of Shadows, speak of the coming of the children of shadows. Out of the great deep were they called by the wisdom of Earth-man, called for the purpose of gaining great power. Far in the past before Atlantis existed, men there were who delved into darkness, using dark magic, calling up beings from the great deep below us. Forth came they into this cycle, formless were they, of another vibration, existing unseen by the children of Earthmen. Only through blood could they form being, only through man could they live in the world. In ages past were they conquered by the Masters, driven below to the place whence they came. But some there were who remained, hidden in spaces and planes unknown to man. Live they in Atlantis as shadows, but at times they appeared among men. Aye, when the blood was offered, forth came they to dwell among men. In the form of man moved they amongst us, but only to sight, were they as are men. Serpent-headed when the glamour was lifted, but appearing to man as men among men. Crept they into the councils, taking form that were like unto men. Slaying by their arts the chiefs of the kingdoms, taking their form and ruling o'er man. Only by magic could they be discovered, only by sound could their faces be seen. Sought they from the kingdom of shadows, to destroy man and rule in his place. But, know ye, the Masters were mighty in magic, able to lift the veil from the face of the serpent, able to send him back to his place. Came they to man and taught him the secret, the Word that only a man can pronounce; swift then they lifted the veil from the serpent and cast him forth from place among men. Yet, beware, the serpent still liveth in a place that is open, at times, to the world. Unseen they walk among thee in places where the rites have been said; again as time passes onward, shall they take the semblance of men. Called, may they be, by the master who knows the white or the black, but only the white master may control and bind them while in the flesh.

Seek not the kingdom of shadows, for evil will surely appear, for only the master of brightness shall conquer the shadow of fear. Know ye, 0 my brother, that fear is an obstacle great; be master of all in the brightness, the shadow will soon disappear. Hear ye, and heed my wisdom, the voice of LIGHT is clear, seek the valley of shadow and light only will appear.

Whatever the origins of this information, it tells the story of the Reptilian manipulation and how it is done. Kings and queens, leading politicians, banking and business leaders, major media owners and heads of the military are the 'serpent-headed beings' hidden behind human form (or their puppets and stooges). These are the Reptilian hybrids and they have duped humanity by appearing to be human and coming from diverse backgrounds. They are not and do not: they are the same Reptilian tribe. The Emerald Tablets tell of how the Reptilians seek 'from the kingdom of shadows', to destroy 'man' and rule in his place. The Kingdom of Shadows, the 'hidden spaces and planes unknown to man', are the interspace planes, a fraction beyond human vision. The phrase 'only by sound could their faces be seen' refers to the fact that a certain sound frequency will break the energy construct of their projected 'human' holograms and what lurks behind can then be decoded into form Reptilian form. Interestingly, the Tablets say that 'in ages past were they conquered by the Masters, driven below to the place whence they came'. This is mirrored in the biblical passage in the Book of Revelation where the 'Devil' is described in reptilian terms:
And the great dragon was cast down, the old serpent, he that is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world; he was cast down to Earth and his angels were cast down with him. ... And he laid hold on the dragon, the old serpent, which is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and cast him into the abyss, and shut it, and sealed it over him, that he should deceive the nations no more.

The ancient Book of Enoch also describes how 'God' demanded action against the 'fallen angels', especially one called Azzl:
... the Lord said to Raphael: 'Bind Azzl hand and foot, and cast him into the darkness: and make an opening in the desert, which is in Ddl , and cast him therein. And place upon him rough and jagged rocks, and cover him with darkness, and let him abide there for ever, and cover his face that he may not see light. And on the day of the great judgement he shall be cast into the fire. And heal the earth which the angels have corrupted, and proclaim the healing of the earth, that they may heal the plague, and that all the children of men may not perish through all the secret things that the Watchers have disclosed and have taught their sons. And the whole earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Azzl: to him ascribe all sin ...' ... The Lord commands Michael to bind the fallen angels. And the Lord said unto Michael: 'Go, bind Semjz and his associates who have united themselves with women

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so as to have defiled themselves with them in all their uncleanness. And when their sons have slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgement and of their consummation, till the judgement that is for ever and ever is consummated.'

The nature of the 'Lord' that is being talked about here and similar texts isn't clear, but it must be said that there are Reptilian races that do not act like the Nefilim and their masters and there are many other extraterrestrial sources that are seeking to remove their control of this reality and allow humanity to experience in freedom. Wherever the Nefilim have gone they have performed blood drinking and human sacrifice rituals when they interact with their other-dimensional masters 'Unseen they walk among thee in places where the rites have been said', as the Emerald Tablets put it. They also identify the reason why Satanism and the Reptilian hybrids are so connected:
Forth came they into this cycle, formless were they, of another vibration, existing unseen by the children of earth-men ... Only through blood could they form being, only through man could they live in the world.

This is describing how the Reptilians operate in another frequency range beyond human sight and to manipulate this reality they must have a 'body' through which to do it 'only through man could they live in this world'. The point about 'only through blood could they form into being' explains why the Reptilian hybrids in power today are obsessed with blood drinking and human sacrifice rituals, just as they have been since they arrived aeons ago in our version of 'time'. The bloodlines of the 'Watchers' or 'fallen angels' are behind the wars and dictatorships in all their forms throughout history and right up to the present day. They glory in the pain and slaughter of their victims and to them a war is just a massive blood sacrifice ritual. What is now happening every day in Iraq would be orgasmic to them.

Reptilian vampires
They have always taken part in human sacrifice to 'the gods', their other-dimensional Reptilian masters, and drunk the blood of humans to give vibrational sustenance to their holographic human energy field, their 'veil'. Stewart Swerdlow says the Reptilians need mammalian hormonal levels to hold the mammalian DNA (computer) codes open and maintain human form. Their 'base-line' state is reptilian and the mammalian codes would close if they did not consume frequent supplies of human blood. They also want an adrenaline that enters the bloodstream in large quantities at times of extreme terror. They tell their victims they are going to be sacrificed and they use the ritual to build their terror to the point of death. This allows them to drink blood full of that adrenaline. Another survivor of the Illuminati mind-control programme, Arizona Wilder, formerly Jennifer Greene, supplies the same information from her own horrific experience in the sacrifice rituals. She says that the blood-type the Reptilians most desire is that of blondhaired, blue-eyed people. The original interbreeding involved the human-like 'Nordic' or 'Lyrian' genetics and so that blood is the most effective for the purpose of holding human form. Arizona, like almost every 'elite' mind controlled slave I have

encountered, is blond-haired and blue-eyed and she dyed her hair when she escaped in an effort to break the programming. Blond-haired, blue-eyed people are also the ones chosen most often to be sacrificed by the Illuminati. Red-haired people also seem very important to them for the same reason and, most of all, they want the blood of prepubescent children and young women who have not had sex. This is to do with the purity of the blood and energy of children, and the changes that take place within the energy field once a person has experienced sex or puberty. They sacrifice children and young women more than anyone and this is the origin of the stories throughout history of sacrificing 'young virgins' to the gods the Reptilians 'gods'. The relationship of Reptilians and their hybrids to humans is that of a farmer to cattle and they use us in the same way. The ancient Egyptians even called themselves the 'Cattle of Ra' their Sun god Ra. The full bloods and hybrids eat humans as humans eat cattle, and they conduct their sacrifice rituals to produce the hormones and chemicals they desire. The fear-induced adrenaline rush in the sacrificial victim produces a hormone called adrenochrome which has been likened to an hallucinogenic drug like a mild form of LSD. They are seeking to stimulate the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin that can activate interdimensional communication through the pineal gland in the centre of the brain, which connects with the 'third-eye'chakra that governs psychic 'sight'. Another way they trigger cosmic communication, it would appear, is through a substance known as monatomic gold. This is a white powder produced from a process that starts out as gold and ends up as a fine powder. It also occurs naturally in some parts of the world and can be absorbed by plants. Monatomic gold is apparently a superductor of electrical energy and this, along with other properties, can open up the channels to multidimensional reality. It 'lights up' the body, if you like, and makes it superconductive. The ancient traditions of alchemy that were once widespread all over the world believed that metals like copper, silver and gold could be transformed into a fine white powder that could be swallowed to produce miraculous spiritual and healing properties. The word 'elixir' comes from the Arabic 'Al-Iksir', meaning powder. It was said that this alchemical knowledge went back to the foundations of human civilization the 'gods'. You can buy monatomic gold today, but it's good to be very selective because most of the stuff on the market is not the best. When I have exposed the human sacrifice and blood drinking rituals involving some of the world's most famous people, it has been hard for many to take. However, when you identify the origin of these bloodlines and follow them through history, it would be a shock if they were not taking part in such horrors, given that they always have and, for their genetic purposes, need to. Today, these include the Bushes, Clinton, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, the British Royal Family, prime ministers like Tony Blair and professional manipulators such as Henry Kissinger. The rituals happen according to ancient lore on the same 'satanic' days that the rituals took place in Sumer, its successor Babylon, and all the other Reptilian strongholds. Many take place at secret ritual centres, others at royal and aristocratic castles and palaces like Balmoral and Glamis Castle in Scotland. Glamis is the home of the late Queen Mother, a serious Satanist. Stewart Swerdlow names some other major locations for the rituals as Land's End and Loch Ness in the United Kingdom; Rennes-Le-Chateau and Brittany in France; Bavaria in Germany; Phoenix, Arizona; Montauk Point, New York; the Mojave Desert and Russian River in California; the east coast of Florida; and the Channel Islands. He also

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cites the Great Pyramid at Giza and the castles of Europe, located over underground entrances to the innerearth. These, he says, are most commonly found in Scotland, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany and Austria, but basically they are all over the world, and a mild version of what goes on can be seen in Stanley Kubrick's final movie,

Eyes Wide Shut.

One place I have been highlighting for years is Bohemian Grove, 2,700 acres of Figure 51: The opening ritual at Bohemian Grove in secluded and guarded redwood forest in front of the 40-foot stone owl - symbolic of the Sonoma County, some 75 miles north of Babylonian goddess and the ancient god called San Francisco, California. It is referred to Molech, another name for Nimrod/Baal. You can buy the DVD exposing Bohemian Grove and filmed in Stewart Swerdlow's list as 'Russian on a hidden camera at www.prisonplanetcom River'. Cathy O'Brien tells in her book, Trance-Formation of America, of how she and her fellow mind-slaves were forced to serve the perversions of their abusers at Bohemian Grove. These include satanic rituals, child sacrifices, torture, rape and blood drinking. Cathy says: 'Slaves of advancing age or with failed programming were ritually murdered at random in the wooded grounds of the Grove and I felt it was only a matter of time before it would be me'. She says that Bohemian Grove has a number of rooms for different perversions, Figure 52: Another image of the 'Cremation of including a Dark Room, Leather Room, Care' ritual attended by some of the most rich and Necrophilia Room and one known as the powerful men in America and the wider world Underground Lounge, spelt as U.N.derground on the sign. In Figures 51 and 52, robed and hooded men at the Grove stand alongside a large fire while worshipping a forty-foot stone owl - an ancient symbol associated with the 'mother goddess' worship of the Reptilians - and the same image appears on the 'club' logo (Figure 53) with the 'club' motto: 'Weaving Spiders Come Not Here'. The mother goddess in question, under endless different names, is possibly Ninkharsag, also known as Ninti ('Lady Life'), whom the Sumerian Tablets say produced the first 'modern' human with chief scientist Enid, but, as I keep stressing, these symbols mean different things to different levels of initiation. The owl also represents the god called Molech, another name for Nimrod/Baal, to whom the Figure 53: Bohemian Grove logo

ancients sacrificed their children in fire rituals. Most people who attend the Grove have no idea what they are part of, but every year around July there is a 'summer camp' when the rich and famous of America and beyond arrive to 'play' while hidden from the public eye. The most elite of them take part in human sacrifice rituals and mindcontrolled women and children are provided for their 'pleasure' (Figure 54). This has been Nefilim behaviour in every age. Among attendees at Bohemian Grove past and present are Boy George Bush; Father George Bush; Bill Clinton; Al Gore; Ronald Reagan; Richard Nixon; Jimmy Carter; Gerald Ford; Dwight D. Eisenhower; Lyndon Johnson; Herbert Hoover; Teddy Roosevelt; Dan Quayle; Robert Kennedy (JFK's brother); Joseph Kennedy (JFK's father); Earl Warren (head of the Warren Commission, which 'investigated' JFK's murder); David Rockefeller; Laurance Rockefeller; Nelson Rockefeller; Henry Kissinger; Arnold Schwarzenegger, the place-man Governor of California; Mikhail Gorbachev (the Soviet Union countries and the 'West' were always controlled by the same Reptilian tribe and still are); William F. Buckley, an American publisher and major manipulator; George Shultz, the former Secretary of State to ReaganBush, advisor to the 'election' campaign of Boy Bush, and leading light in Bechtel, the company given massive contracts to 'rebuild' Iraq; Walter Cronkite, America's most famous news reader; William Randolph Hearst, the American newspaper tycoon; Andrew Knight, a British media executive who has been closely connected to the Rupert Murdoch Empire; Edward Teller ('Father of the H bomb'); Glenn Seaborg, who developed plutonium; Burt Bacharach, the composer; singer Bing Crosby; comedian Bob Hope (a CIA and British MI6 operative and 'owner' of mind-controlled women); Ray Kroc, the man behind the McDonald's fast-food empire; and John Muir, founder of the environmental operation, the Sierra Club. I am not saying they have all taken part in the sacrifice rituals or abused women and children because Bohemian Grove operates on different levels, but most of the major political names, the Nefilim, most certainly have or do. In Figure 55 (overleaf), you can see Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon at Bohemian Grove during a speech by Glenn Seaborg. The picture was taken in 1957 while Reagan was a B movie actor and Nixon was already a career politician. Both would become President of the United States.

An insider speaks out

I have spoken with countless people in different countries who have described sacrifice rituals they have attended with people in positions of national and global power. They have described the British Royal Family shapeshifting and sacrificing their victims see The Biggest Secret and Children of the Matrix. One source was a man called Phillip Eugene de Rothschild, now living under another name in the United States, who says he is the unofficial son of the late Baron Philippe de Rothschild of the Mouton-Rothschild wine estates in France (Figure 56, overleaf). The baron died in 1988 at the age of 86. The Rothschilds are one of the major Reptilian bloodlines on the planet and Phillip Eugene says he is one of hundreds of thousands of unofficial Rothschild offspring, most of them produced in sperm bank breeding programmes to ensure that the genetic (vibrational / computer code) 'purity' is both maintained and expanded. Phillip Eugene told me: 'My father was a decadent dilettante as well as a master Satanist and hater of God, but how he loved the fields and the wines. He used to say it brought out "the primitive in him". The estates are now run by Baron

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Figure 54: A portrayal of Bohemian Grove by artist David Dees

Philippe's daughter, Baroness Philippine, who, Phillip Eugene says, is his half sister. He was, he writes, conceived by 'occult incest' which the Reptilian hybrids use to keep the bloodline 'in house'. The main Reptilian families conceive countless children to perpetuate the bloodline and only a few are given the 'official' family name. The others are hidden behind other names and brought up by other 'parents'. Later they


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Figure 55: Bohemian Grove, 1957. Glenn Seaborg, the man who gave the world plutonium, is flanked by Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon. Despite their very different backgrounds, both would go on to be presidents of the United States because of their connections to the Reptilian hybrid control-system

Figure 56: Baron Philippe de Rothschild of the MoutonRothschild wine-producing estates in France, who died in 1988 at the age of 86

find themselves in significant positions, often not knowing at first why they got so 'lucky'. The 1968 film, Rosemary's Baby, directed by insider Roman Polanski, accurately portayed what happens. The main character, played by Mia Farrow, is mindcontrolled by Satanists with the support of her husband who is given fame and fortune for allowing his wife to be used as a vessel for a reptilian baby to be born. Polanski, who is now a fugitive from the United States for having sex with a thirteenyear-old girl, was the husband of actress Sharon Tate, who was murdered while eight months pregnant in 1969 by members of the 'Manson Family', the cult of mindcontrolled Satanist, Charles Manson. Phillip Eugene was placed within the 'Christian' Church to work on behalf of the agenda while appearing to be a perfect 'Christian'. He says that for most of his childhood and adolescence he lived with his Rothschild father on his estate in France. They had a physical relationship, he says, and he was 'held fast in the emotional power of incest, which, in this culture, was normal and to be admired' (something confirmed to me many times from many sources). Bloodline sons like Boy Bush would have been sexually 'initiated' by his father because that's the way these strange people operate. Phillip Eugene said he observed his Rothschild father's 'lust for power' and began to desire the same. He also confirmed the way the 'occult' bloodlines are controlled by demonic entities. 'Being a Rothschild descendant', he said, 'I was maximally demonised'. He continues:
I was present at my father's death in 1988, receiving his power and the commission to carry out my destiny in the grand conspiracy of my family. Like their other children, I played a key role in my family's revolt from God. When I watch CNN, it startles me to see so many familiar faces now on the world stage in politics, art, finance, fashion and

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business. I grew up with these people, meeting them at ritual worship sites and in the centers of power. Financiers, artists, royalty, and even presidents ...

He stresses that often the most significant members of the global power hierarchy hide behind apparently 'ordinary' lives while dictating the agenda and attending human sacrifice rituals. This is what I have found to be true in my own research. However, some public figures are high in the satanic hierarchy, as Phillip Eugene found when he attended their ceremonies:
I can recall the Rockefellers and the Bushes attending rituals, but never having the supremacy to lead them. I still regard them as lackeys and not real brokers of occult power. Except for Alan Greenspan [long-time head of the US Federal Reserve Bank], most of these fellows were camp followers in the occult, primarily for the economic power and prestige. Greenspan, I recall, was a person of tremendous spiritual, occult power and could make the Bushes and the younger Rockefellers cower with just a glance. Ex-CIA Director Casey (as were most of the CIA leadership for the past forty years), Kissinger, and [former US Secretary of State] Warren Christopher were in attendance at non-ritual gatherings and some occult rituals as well, but well back in the gallery.

There is an important point to make here. In the 'movie' version of the world sold to us by system and media, Alan Greenspan was appointed by the ReaganBush White House to head the Federal Reserve 'central bank' in 1987, and was reconfirmed by presidents Father George Bush, Bill Clinton and Boy George Bush until he chose to retire in 2006. We are led to believe that the presidents were the masters deciding to employ Greenspan, but that's only in the fake hierarchy for public consumption and diversion. The Reptilian-satanic hierarchy is what decides the real power structure and Greenspan (and his masters) were telling the presidents that they were going to appoint and confirm him, not the other way round. Phillip Eugene added:
At the forefront of the rituals were [the royal families of Europe], Prince Philip at the pinnacle. He stands, like most of the contemporary European monarchy, in the Charlemagne, Merovingian, Aenean bloodline. But he is its current head. I am certain that his maternal chromosomes are in the current 'antichrist' Nephilim. Prince Philip ... is the leading biological descendant of the 'Reptilians', as you call them. Immediately below him are the males of my family line [Rothschilds] like a court of ministers in charge of logistics and operations. The current monarchs of The Netherlands, Spain and some of the old Austrian nobility [Habsburgs] are next in occult power and in the conspiracy.

I will explain the expansion of the bloodline through history in the next chapter and it does involve the Charlemagne, Merovingian and Aenean lines among many others. The hierarchy is decided by purity of genetics, from the Reptilian point of view, and the power of the possessing entities. The 'human' hierarchy is really the Reptilian hierarchy in disguise. Stewart Swerdlow describes in his book Blue Blood, True Blood, how he witnessed rituals at Montauk on Long Island:

... Many well-known personalities came to participate. Some of these were political figures, while others were in the media or literary world. I remember seeing personages that looked like [Holy Grail author] Sir Laurence Gardner, William F. Buckley, Sean Connery, Spiro Agnew, Henry Kissinger, John F. Kennedy, Jr., the Shah of Iran, and numerous other actors, military personnel and Middle Eastern figures, whose names I did not know. All, but Kennedy and Connery shapeshifted into Reptilian form during the ceremonies. On most occasions they gorge on fetuses harvested from abortion clinics. They also had live babies that they held up by the back of the neck. Then, they slashed its throat from left to right, ear to ear, biting down on the gaping opening to drink the blood. This was an amazing delicacy to them.

Stewart tells how a human sacrifice is terrorised before 'a final thrust of a blade disembowels the victim, resulting in rivers of blood flowing over the crowd's bodies'. He says that the frenzy is so high at this point that many begin to shapeshift into Reptilians and even attack each other mindlessly. I have heard the same descriptions from others who have experienced the rituals. If you have seen the 1998 film, Blade, with Wesley Snipes, you'll get the picture. Stewart Swerdlow tells how the sacrifices are ripped apart as the internal organs and genitalia are consumed:
... The God and Goddess then chant ceremonial invocation to the [other-dimensional] astral planes. I have heard this chant in Latin, Hebrew, Ancient Egyptian, Sumerian, German, English and a guttural, hissing language which I was told is the original Draco language.

The ancient Book of Enoch says that those born of Nefilim blood are, because of their 'ancestral spirit' (Reptilian possession), destined to 'afflict, oppress, destroy, attack, do battle and work destruction on the Earth'. And they have. I know its horrible to think about, but unless we face what is going on it will continue. The Reptilian bloodlines with their shapeshifting, blood drinking and human sacrifice, are the inspiration for the stories of vampires like Dracula Draco-ula written by the Irish author Bram Stoker in 1897. Every part of the world and every era of history has myths and legends about vampires who feed off other people's blood. Dracula contains all the familiar themes. His name is Dracula (the Draco are claimed to be the 'royal' Reptilian bloodlines); he is called 'Count' Dracula (symbolic of the way these Draco bloodlines have been carried by 'human' royalty and aristocracy); he 'shapeshifts' (like the Reptilian hybrids) and he is a vampire (symbolic of the need of the Reptilians to drink human blood). Remember, also, the common theme of the underground people of folklore being unable to come out in the sunshine just like Dracula. Many famous writers and artists were initiates or dogged researchers who told elements of the story through art and 'fiction'. Stoker's character was largely based on a man called Dracula or Vlad the Impaler, the fifteenth century ruler of a country called Wallachia, not far from the Black Sea in what is now Romania. This region was once called Transylvania, the home of the most famous vampire legends. The Danube River valley, which runs from Germany to Romania and into the Black Sea, comes up very

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often in the history of the bloodlines. Vlad the Impaler, or Dracula, slaughtered tens of thousands of people and impaled many of them on stakes. He would sit down to eat amid this forest of dead bodies, dipping his bread in their blood. The decaying corpses were often left there for months. It was once reported that an invading Turkish army turned back in fright when it encountered thousands of rotting corpses impaled on the banks of the Danube. In 1461, Mohammed II (Mehmed II), the conqueror of Constantinople, a man not noted for his squeamishness, was so sickened by the sight of 20,000 impaled corpses rotting outside of Dracula's capital of Tirgoviste that the warrior sultan turned over command of the campaign against Dracula to subordinates and returned to Constantinople. Vlad the Impaler was the son of Vlad Dracul, who was initiated into the ancient Order of the Dragon by the Holy Roman Emperor in 1431. Its emblem was a dragon, wings extended, hanging on a cross. Father Vlad wore this emblem and his coinage bore the dragon symbol. All members of the order had a dragon on their coat of arms and he was nicknamed Dracul (the Devil or the Dragon). Son Vlad signed his name Draculea, or Draculya 'Devil's Son'. This later became Dracula, a name that translates as something like 'Son of Him who had the Order of the Dragon'. The ancient Order of the Dragon began in Egypt and expanded through the period of the Sumerian Hyksos kings whose symbol was the snake. This is the same Dragon Order that is today promoted by the British 'Holy Grail' author, Sir Laurence Gardner. By the way, Queen Mary, or Mary of Teck, the mother of King George VI and grandmother to the present Elizabeth II, was descended from a sister of Vlad the Impaler 'Dracula'.

Energy vampires
Human blood is not the only target of these vampires. The Reptilians also feed off human energy. Italian physicist and writer Giuliana Conforto says that interspace planes, the heaven between heavens that Credo Mutwa talks about, do not have a natural energy source like a dimension. They are like neutral zones and any entities operating in these interspace planes would need to create an energy source for themselves. And they have human fear in all its forms. When we feel fear we generate a vibration, an energy field. Every time we think and feel, no matter what our state of being may be, we are sending out 'broadcast' waves that vibrate to the frequency of the particular thought or emotion. We feel these frequencies coming from people in what we call 'vibes'. The low vibration of fear and its associated emotions like anger, aggression, stress and guilt produce frequencies that pour into the interspace plane and this has become the energy source of these Reptilian and other entities. The more humanity feels fear in all its forms the more energy power the Reptilians and other interspace entities have to sustain them and use back against us. The entire global system has been designed to generate the energy of fear, stress and suffering and turn the human population into an energy source. In the first of the Matrix movies, the character called Morpheus holds up a battery and says: 'The Matrix is a computer-generated dream world built to keep us under control in order to change the human being into this'. The major children's movie called Monsters Inc., released by the Reptilian Disney organisation, has the same theme. The 'monster' world did not have an energy source and so they walked through 'doors' (symbolic of the interdimensional gateways) into children's bedrooms in the human world. There they would frighten children and, when the kids screamed with fear, the

monsters would capture that energy in a tube and take it back through the door to power their world. The hero of the movie was, appropriately, a single eye, a major Reptilian hybrid symbol as we shall see. This fear-generated energy source is one major aspect of September 11th 2001 and its aftermath that is not acknowledged, because it is so far from conditioned reality. Look at the fear generated as a result of 9 /11, the 'war on terror', the two world wars, and a political, financial, business, military and media system that is specifically designed to maintain humanity in a constant state of fear, worry, stress and anger. Sumer ('Land of the Guardians') and Babylon ('Gate of the Gods') were prime centres for the 'gods', and this land 'Between Two Rivers' is connected to an interdimensional portal or gateway where it is easier to move between dimensions and absorb the energy from this reality. What is that land called today? Iraq. Imagine then how much fear energy and that of stress and hatred has been triggered by the Reptilian hybrid's invasion of Iraq and the mass killing that now goes on there every day. From the perspective of life presented to us by the politicians and media, what is happening in Iraq is a disaster; but for the Reptilians and their agenda it is perfect. The Reptilian hybrids have created a system designed to generate maximum conflict, fear and stress and they then trawl that energy for their own sustenance and purposes. The last thing they want us to have is peace, love and harmony. As Alan Walton, a long-time researcher and writer on the Reptilians, said:
These vampirical types [of Reptilian] ... actually seek to feed off human emotional energies and life force/essence in order to acquire the energy that they apparently need not only to infiltrate our world but also our dimension. Having genetically engineered themselves along more 'warrior instinct' lines, what little connection they might have had to a 'spiritual' side has been all but eliminated, and they are motivated only by the predatory instinct of their collective which apparently knows only one agenda: conquer, assimilate, consume! All this has been confirmed by many abductees, especially in more recent years.

The biblical Nefilim were described in just these terms. Paedophilia is another expression of these energy vampires who especially seek the energy and essence of children. Paedophiles are possessed by Reptilians, and other demonic entities, and while they are having sex with children the possessing demon is absorbing the child's energy from the base chakra at the bottom of the spine location of the kundalini. So much extreme and horrific behaviour comes from the fact that the perpetrators are possessed in this way.

Empathy deleted It is so important for people not to judge what the Reptilians and their hybrid cohorts
will do based on the behaviour of the general population. The Reptilian hybrids and their masters have no limits because they have no empathy. A world of harmony is impossible without empathy, which is defined as 'understanding and entering into another's feelings'. It is this ability to empathise that provides for self-regulation of human behaviour and allows us to connect emotionally with the consequences for others of our actions. Think what would happen if there was no empathy between us. There would be no limits, for no matter how much I made you suffer there would be no

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Figure 57: Millions of Iraqi civilians have been killed or maimed by invasion, civil war and 'sanctions' since the 1990s. These include babies born with horrific birth defects caused by the depleted uranium used in the bombs and shells that pepper the country and pollute the atmosphere with radiation. But the Reptilian hybrids will have no problem with this because of their lack of empathy with the victims of their actions

emotional consequences for me. Your suffering simply wouldn't matter. That's the major difference between the Reptilians and humans, and it's why they can engage in the most sickening behaviour and just laugh at their victims. I have heard people say that the attacks of 9/ 11 could not have been an inside job because Americans would not do that to other Americans. Well, firstly the Reptilian hybrids are not 'Americans', except for their illusory outer form. They are Reptilians pursuing their agenda for global conquest in the same way that their associates in other 'nations' are doing. Yes, they might fight among themselves, and they do, viciously - that's the nature of the beast. In the end, however, they are seeking the same outcome of global conquest. Secondly, these entities have no empathy and so three thousand dead people on September 11th, the trauma and misery of their families, and the well over a million people killed or maimed in the subsequent 'war on terror', is irrelevant to them (Figure 57). They just sit back and smile and absorb the energy of fear and suffering thus produced. The satanic rituals are not only employed for human sacrifice and blood drinking. They are also designed to create the energy environment that allows the Reptilians to make the transition from their plane into this one. Everything in this reality is a vibrating energy field and every colour is a unique frequency code that the brain reads into red, blue, green, whatever. The colours used in these rituals, the chanting (vibrational projection), the terror of the victim and the blood, the prime conduit of human energy, are all vibrations combined to generate the energy field that allows the Reptilians and other demonic entities to transmute into this reality. The Emerald Tablets say: '... when the blood was offered, forth came they to dwell among men'. They need

enormous amounts of energy to make the transition between frequency fields to manifest here and we are also unknowingly providing that energy by our mental and, especially, emotional states. I have talked with people who have seen these entities manifest at rituals and the participants are terrified of them. The Reptilian hybrids first took over the ancient Mystery schools and these expanded into the now vast global secret society network that is used to covertly manipulate events and put the hybrids and their agents into the positions of power all over the world. Those initiated into the highest controlling and coordinating levels of this network are called the 'Illuminati', or Illuminated Ones, which refers to the advanced knowledge given only to the chosen few. Access to the upper levels of the Illuminati is by bloodline only and the terms 'Reptilian bloodlines' and 'Illuminati bloodlines', or families, are interchangeable. Among the major groups coodinated by the Illuminati are the Jesuits, Opus Dei, Knights of Malta, Knights Templar and the Freemasons; but there are countless others that connect the elite initiates of all the religions, as well as governments, corporations and media owners, etc. The upper echelons of this network, and many lower levels come to that, also connect into the network that we know as Satanism. Indeed, the Illuminati and Satanism are indivisible, two expressions of the same force. This is why I name so many famous people in my other books for being Satanists and engaging in human sacrifice and blood drinking rituals. Those in major positions of royal, political, banking, commercial, media and military power are invariably the Reptilian hybrids and they have always performed these rituals. Power and Satanism, therefore, go together. The prime Reptilian families know who and what they are and they bring up their children to enter the 'family business'. The Reptilian genetic codes have to be activated or they stay dormant and have no affect on behaviour. You might have a program on the hard drive of your PC, but if it is never accessed it won't affect the computer's reality. You have to click it open first. I have met many offspring from Reptilian bloodline families who are lovely people with open hearts, and they betray none of the traits so prevalent in others of their lineage. Some are actively rebelling against the manipulation and showing great courage in doing so. If the Reptilian file is not opened there is no effect, and, even if it is opened, it can be overridden by someone who is truly conscious. The Reptilian families who know who they are bring up their children with the specific aim of 'opening the file'. They are also constantly targeting those who have the hybrid codes, but have no idea that this is the case. They have their techniques to establish who has the codes and now they are seeking to make it far easier by creating a global DNA data base under the guise of 'fighting crime and terrorism'. In Britain, we now have a law, thanks to Reptilian hybrid lackey, Tony Blair, that allows police to take a DNA sample of everyone arrested. This is kept on file even if they are found to be innocent and this will be extended across Europe. Laws like this seem ridiculous and outrageous unless you know why they are really being introduced and, of course, the police officers actually imposing them have no clue of what it's all about. They just follow orders and 'the law' - Draconian law. The Reptilian hybrids are particularly interested in 'encoded' people with skills that could be useful to them, and their targets might be pursuing a career in politics, banking, business, law, entertainment, anything that can be used to manipulate the population. Suddenly, the targets find that powerful people come into their lives and

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support and sponsor their careers. To them, at first, it will appear that the sponsors believe in their abilities, but eventually the fishing line is reeled in. The targets are pulled deeper into the lair and they join the secret societies essential to career progress in so many professions. They take part in the initiation ceremonies that seem to be just mumo-jumbo when, in fact, they are designed to activate the Reptilian codes. Slowly at first, and then rapidly, they are switched from their human to reptilian genetics and go through personality changes that they don't recognise, but others who knew them before will see. As these codes are activated, the interspace Reptilians are able to influence more and more of their behaviour until they are taken over completely. This has been happening throughout the post-Flood period as the Reptilians have seized ever greater power, and they now have a global reach But, ironically, the Reptilians and their hybrid clones are terrified of humans; terrified of being exposed and losing their energy source. Behind their arrogant facade, they are constantly in a blind panic, because their domination is 100 per cent dependent on humanity remaining in a comatose state and not seeing the prison that entraps them. I am understandably asked why, if they are all-powerful, they don't just openly take over. The answer is that they can't or they would. There are few of them compared with the human population and once humans know of their existence, and their means of sustenance, their restaurant order will be in danger of being cancelled. Not being able to live in the Sun, which many of them can't, doesn't help, either. Their only means of seizing control is to do it covertly, in the way I am describing. There's another thing, too. The Reptilians are themselves controlled by another force, which Stewart Swerdlow mentioned when he said they were created by 'transparent people' who 'cannot really enter into the physical dimensions because their energy vibratory rate is so high that it cannot sustain a physical body'. When they appear, he says, 'it looks like a transparent glass shell'. Boy George Bush to a tee. The Reptilians themselves are computer programs encoded to do what they are doing, and the ultimate power over their behaviour and human manipulation is beyond them. In the end, he who controls the Matrix controls human and Reptilian reality unless we become conscious and stop playing its silly games. When I first started talking and writing about the Reptilian connection I faced much ridicule and abuse, but minds are opening ever faster. I put 'Reptilian extraterrestrials' into Netfind before the publication of The Biggest Secret in 1998 and only a handful of pages came up. I did the same today and there were more than 33,000 and this is a fraction of what it will become as the veil continues to lift.

5 Serpent and the Sun

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.

Blaise Pascal

The Reptilian hybrid bloodlines were seeded throughout the world, but those that emerged out of the Sumer Empire and Babylon (now Iraq) have been most visible in their quest for global domination. It is they who are largely in power today. The British writer and anthropologist, L.A. Waddell, produced a series of brilliant books about Sumer and other ancient cultures. He was an expert in Sumerian and Egyptian hieroglyphics and the Sanskrit language of the Indus Valley in India. This was a rare gift indeed and it allowed him to travel these regions, reading the ancient accounts on the temples and monuments, and see that Sumer, Egypt and the Indus Valley were parts of one empire based on Sumer. Waddell also shows in his work, Makers of Civilisation, that the Sumer-centred Empire extended not only to the Indus Valley in the east, but to the British Isles in the west and encompassed much in between. It was larger than that of Alexander the Great or the Romans. It could be that the advanced knowledge went into Sumer via the Indus Valley with the Reptilians fleeing from the sunken Mu/Lemuria, but once there, it seems, Sumer was the centre. Waddell discovered from the timelines and descriptions of the leaders and their genealogy, that the rulers of these three great cultures, Sumer, Egypt and the Indus Valley were, at least in one period, the same people under different names. It is the different names that have obscured the truth. Historians have taken different names to mean different people, but this is not correct. The endless 'gods' in the various cultures also turn out to be different names for the same deities. Once you understand this, wading through the 'past' becomes a lot less complicated. The advantage that Waddell had over conventional Egyptologists and 'historians' (apart from an open mind) was that he could read Sumerian and could decipher inscriptions in Egypt which they could not understand. He could see that early Egyptian hieroglyphics were those used by their ruling culture in Sumer. It was only later that they evolved into an Egyptian system developed more locally. It is the latter that Egyptologists have been decoding. Here is one example of how Waddell proved his point. The Sumerians recorded that King Sargon had a son called Manis, who later became emperor. At the same time, Waddell shows, the son of the king in the Indus Valley was known as Manja, while in Egypt he was called Manj (abbreviated to Man) the guy known to the Greeks as Menes and to English Egyptologists as Mena. We have the ruler's son, and later ruler, during the

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same period in Sumer, Egypt and the Indus Valley called variously, Manis, Manj and Manja. The reason becomes obvious: it was the same bloke. Even the title given to him was the same, or very similar, in all three places. In Egypt, he was known as Manj-the-Warrior; in Sumer he was Manis-the-Warrior; and in the Indus Valley he was called Manja-the-Shooter. His father, Sargon the Great, is a Semitic name for the Sumerian-Mesopotamian emperor, King Gin, Gani, or Guni. The Sumer Empire was so large that in the later Babylonian texts he is called the 'King of the Four Quarters of the World'. The Incas of South America also used this term 'Four Quarters'. In the ancient Indian epics, Sargon's son, Manja, was called 'The Figure 58: The ancient Reptilian Royal Eye of Gopta and of the Four Ends of the Earth' hybrid symbol of the Pyramid and All-Seeing-Eye on the dollar when he became emperor. The symbolism of the 'Eye of bill of the Reptilian-controlled Gopta' may relate to the widely used Reptilian hybrid United States symbol of the All-Seeing-Eye, or Eye of Horus, which you will find at the top of the pyramid on the US dollar Bill and on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States (Figure 58), and in the portrayal of that 'eye' character in Monsters Inc. In the Indus Valley clay seal records, Sargon and Manja, or Menes, called themselves and their dynasty Gut or Got ('Goth' to the Romans). In the Indus Valley, they also used the titles Bar or Par, which means 'pharaoh', according to Waddell. Gut or Got became 'God', a term used by the later Goths. All non-Latin languages in Europe are derived from the Gothic, including English, and the ancient Swedish language is still called 'Sueo-Gothic'. The former name for Denmark was `Gothland' and a derivative was Jut-land. Gothic architecture, so beloved of the Reptilian hybrid bloodlines, comes from the same source and so does the horned headgear worn by the kings and leaders of European tribes and kingdoms. These symbols, styles and customs go back much further to the technologically advanced global civilisations known as Atlantis, Lemuria or Mu. The Knights Templar, a major Reptilian hybrid secret society, employed the 'Gothic' style of architecture when they built the great 'Christian' cathedrals of Europe, which are full of Sumerian/ Babylonian symbolism and located on ancient Pagan sacred sites. The symbols used by the ancient Sumerian, Babylonian and Egyptian dynasties are still used today by the Reptilian hybrid secret societies, because they are the same bloodlines and they are working with the same knowledge, hidden away since ancient times within the Mystery school and secret society networks.

The Sumer 'exodus'

Thanks to their empire, the Sumerians travelled and located in near and far-away lands in many parts of the world, taking their bloodline, religion and knowledge with them. Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa told me of the accounts of the people of 'Sumaru', the biblical Shinar, or Sumer, who arrived in South Africa and interbred with the native population. The descriptions of them are the same as those of Sumerians. When the Sumer Empire ended in the period up to 2000 BC, Egypt and the Indus Valley went their own way, but with the same knowledge base and belief systems. Other peoples and empires followed in Mesopotamia, the Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian and Chaldean among them. These

also inherited the knowledge-base, history, bloodlines and ways of the Sumerians. The Babylonian Empire from 2000 BC to around 1600 BC became a heart centre of the Reptilian hybrids in that region and so much of the modern world came out of Babylon and other Mesopotamian societies. The hybrid bloodlines that emerged from these lands established themselves in ancient Troy, Greece, Rome and elsewhere, often reconnecting with the bloodlines of Sumer that had travelled before them, and interbred with native peoples far and wide to expand the reach of the hybrid DNA. The Reptilian political, financial and religious structure was imposed wherever the bloodlines located. One of the major Reptilian hybrid bloodlines came down through the Merovingian kings in what is now France and Germany. Books like The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, and the Dan Brown novel, The Da Vinci Code, have brought the Merovingian dynasty into public consciousness, along with secret societies like Opus Dei and the Knights Templar, and linked them to the 'secret' of the 'bloodline of Jesus'. The tale goes that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and they had a child. It is claimed that mother and daughter fled Palestine after the crucifixion and travelled to what became France. Here, it is said, the bloodline resurfaced as the Merovingian kings. The story has made a lot of money for a lot of people, but a story is all it is, not least because there was no literal Jesus or Mary Magdalene. The Merovingians are, however, a Reptilian bloodline of serious significance. They ruled lands that became France and Germany from the 5th to the 8th century AD. They were known as the 'sorcerer kings' or 'priest kings', as were the pharaohs in Egypt and indeed other Reptilian hybrid royal families. The term 'priest kings' refers to those who are both of the Reptilian bloodline and carry the advanced knowledge. The Merovingians were the royal line of a people known as the Sicambrian Franks, later the

Figure 59: The migration of people in the thousands of years after the break up of the Sumer Empire

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Franks, hence 'France'. Their alleged founder, Francio, who died in 11BC, claimed to be a descendant of Noah (the Reptilian hybrid Flood-hero recorded by the Sumerians under another name). The Franks called themselves 'Newmage', or 'the People of the Covenant'. The Egyptians also believed they were the chosen people and had a covenant with God (the gods), and the theme continued with the Jewish faith that also came out of Sumer and Babylon. This theme of the 'chosen people' can be found all over the world and it relates to the DNA connection with the Reptilian 'gods' although few are aware of this. Figure 60: The beehive symbol of the Merovingian The peoples of the Sumer and Babylon bloodline on the state seal of Utah, home to the Empires migrated in all directions, Mormon religion created by the Merovingian particularly north into Europe, with bloodline history recording them under different names at different times (Figure 59). The Merovingian/Franks migration came out of Sumer and located in ancient Troy (in today's Turkey), scene of the Trojan Wars, which are normally dated at between 1300 BC and 1200 BC. The Franks traced their bloodline from here, up through the Caucasus Mountains between the Black and Caspian seas, and eventually into what is now France. Prince Paris from the Trojan War stories inspired the name of the French capital city. At one time, the Sicambrian Franks settled in an area west of the Danube and were known as the Scythians, whom the Romans called 'the genuine ones'. Legend says that Merovee, the founder of the Merovingian, who died in 458 AD, was seeded by a reptile and this bloodline is apparently related to every royal family in Europe and a long list of others in positions of influence and control. The founding names of the Reptilian hybrid Mormon Church, Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, were both Merovingian bloodline, and that's why the Mormon-controlled state of Utah has a beehive at the centre of its seal (Figure 60). The bee, or beehive, is an ancient symbol of the Merovingian bloodline, as is the fleur-de-lis, so beloved of British Merovingian royalty (Figure 61). The hive is the symbol of the queen bee and it also relates to the 'hive' mentality of the Reptilians. The papal 'triple tiara' is the same symbolism (Figure 62, overleaf). The Fleur-de-lis is a version of Babylonian Trinity that became the 'Christian' Trinity. The works of the Greek poet, Homer, who lived around the 9th or 8th century BC, are the main source of information about ancient Troy and the conflicts that led to its demise. The two epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey, are ascribed to him and modern archaeological discoveries have confirmed the accuracy of Homer's work. According to the Figure 61: The Merovingian trinity symbol, the Fleur-de-lis Iliad, the founder of Troy was named Dardanus. He was


said to be the son of the god Zeus, whose symbols were the serpent, eagle and bees. Dardanus had a son named Erichthonius, and his son was called Tros, who gave his name to the Trojans and their capital city, Troy, from whom the bee-symboled Merovingians claim descent. Trois is the French word for 'three' and this is an extremely important number to the Reptilian hybrids, as in the Trinity. Tros had a son called Assaracus, and a prince of the royal house of Assaracus is credited with founding the Roman Empire. His name was Aeneas and this guy seems to be extremely important to the bloodline, as Phillip Eugene de Rothschild indicated earlier. The Merovingians are associated with Arcadia in Greece, home of the Spartans, Figure 62: A Vatican statue with the Papal one of the protagonists in the Trojan 'beehive' Tiara and the rising Sun symbol of the Wars. (The Akkadian Empire, slightly Reptilian hybrids different spelling, but virtually the same sound, was another of the Mesopotamian civilisations and the name originated from the Sumerian language). Some Spartans migrated to Troy and up into France, settling in the province of Lorraine, a long time major centre for the Reptilian hybrid elite right to the present day, especially through the Habsburg dynasty. In the apocryphal book 1 Maccabees, a letter from Areus, King of Sparta, tells a Jewish High Priest that the Spartans are '... of the race of Abraham' the race of Sumer. The biblical 'Abraham' is said to have come from the land of Shinar, the Bible's name for Sumer. The Merovingians were supposed to have died out long ago, but in reality only the name disappeared, until recently, and not the bloodline. After the Merovingian period, the Reptilian-hybrid genetics continued to rule in the lands that became France and Germany thanks to the King of the Franks called Charles, more famously known as Charlemagne, to whom a host of US presidents and many other key figures are related. He extended the Frankish domains and ruled as Emperor of the West in the papal empire created and controlled by the bloodlines descending from Rome. These, in turn, descended from the royal lines of the Sumer Empire, Babylon and Egypt, who descended from the Lemurians, Atlanteans and the hybrid interbreeding programmes. Another of the major figures in Reptilian hybrid genealogy is Alexander the Great, an ancestor of Charlemagne and all the major bloodline families today. Alexander descended from the Viking peoples who settled the Mediterranean and the Aegean region after the Great Flood. Alexander ruled Troy at one stage and, before he died in Babylon in 323 BC at the age of 33, his army had seized control of an enormous region once ruled from Sumer. This included Egypt, Mesopotamia and into India. Alexander was called the 'Serpent's Son' and when he founded the city of Alexandria in Egypt it became known as the 'City of the Serpent's Son'. Once again we see the recurring theme. The legend goes that Alexander's real

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father was the serpent god, Ammon, and this mirrors the story of Merovee, founder of the Merovingian dynasty, of whom a similar origin is given. Phillip Eugene de Rothschild says of these prime Reptilian bloodlines:
Apparently Aeneas [Troy] embodies all the various bloodlines that must trace their lineage back through Charlemagne because in him is embodied the confluence of the lineage of both David (Jewish) and Alexander the Great (Aryan). It is the modern day representatives of these Roman 'Gens', or European monarchs, that make up the ruling 'aristocracy' of the revived Roman Empire. These 'royal' families maintain their pedigree through endogamy [inter-family marriages]. The first prototype of the Antichrist [the purest bloodline] was Nimrod, founder of Babylon. The historical and seminal nexus of this last Roman Empire is Charlemagne and his descendants, people like [Prince] Philip Mountbatten (Rex Julius Alexander Battenberg) who is one of the ruling heads of the Julian Gens.

Reptilian Rome
Mention of Nimrod and Rome brings us to a very important part of Reptilian hybrid history that will lead us to the present day. According to ancient texts and legend, Nimrod was the founder of Babylon, which followed Sumer in what is now Iraq, and he is said to have reigned with his wife, Queen Semiramis. She is another version of the Indian deity, Sami-Rama-isi or Semi-Ramas. Nimrod (which means 'We Shall Rebel') was described as a 'mighty tyrant', a 'great hunter' and one of the 'giants'. The race of 'giants' or 'Titans' was said to have been descendants of Noah, the baby described in the Book of Enoch as being a Watcher-human hybrid with extremely white skin. The father of Nimrod in the text of Genesis was Cush, also known as Bel or Belus, who was the grandson of Noah and son of Ham. Cush became known as the deity, Hermes, which means Son of Ham. I featured the 'Caduceus of Hermes' earlier, and symbols for Nimrod in Babylon included the snake and serpent, or dragon. The Arabs believed that after the Flood it was Nimrod who built, or rebuilt, the amazing structure at Baalbek in the Lebanon with its three stones, each weighing 800 tons. It was said that he ruled the region that is now Lebanon and, according to Genesis, the first centres of Nimrod's kingdom were Babylon, Akkad and others in the land of Shinar (Sumer). He is also said to have ruled Assyria and built cities like Nineveh, where many of the Sumerian Tablets were found. Even a brief look at how Nimrod and company were worshipped in Babylon should become immediately familiar. The Babylonians worshipped the trinity of Nimrod, the father god, symbolised as a fish; Tammuz or Ninus, the virgin-born son, who was said to be a reincarnation of Nimrod, so 'father and son were one'; and Queen Semiramis or Ishtar, the virgin mother, who was symbolised as a dove. I have definitely heard that somewhere before. Give me a minute, I'm sure it will come. After the demise of Sumer and Babylon and the decline of Egypt, the Reptilian hybrid headquarters eventually relocated to the seven hills of Rome, which became the centre of an enormous empire that founded the 'Christian' Church. Legend says that the city was named by a guy called Romulus who was abandoned on the banks of the River Tiber with his twin brother Remus. They were described as 'sons of the god Mars' this was the god known as Marduk in Sumer and Nimrod in Babylon. The Sumerian Tablets say that Marduk was the son of Enki, the chief scientist of the Anunnaki, so connecting Enki with the Babylonian Nimrod. The legend goes that Romulus and Remus had an

argument over who should be ruler and, after Romulus killed Remus, he named the city, Rome. Other accounts say that the royal line of Troy, which produced the Merovingian, was also seeded into what became the rulers of the Roman Empire. It is said that after Troy was sacked, the Trojan War hero, Aeneas, the 'son of prince Anchises and the goddess Aphrodite (the Babylonian Semiramis/Ishtar), travelled to present day Italy and founded the culture that would become Rome. This is described in The Aeneid, a work by the Roman known to history as 'Virgil', and compiled from around 27 BC. The mythology detailed by Virgil says Romulus and Remus were both descendants of Aeneas through their mother Aphrodite the same mother symbolically accorded to Aeneas, who is an important figure in both Greek and Roman history. We are talking the bloodlines of Sumer and Babylon again when it comes to the founders of Rome. It is said that Aeneas went to Italy, via Carthage (today's Tunis in North Africa) with his son Ascanius. They were received by King Latinus and eventually Aeneas became King of Italy, then called Latium. His son, Ascanius, married Lavinia, the daughter of King Latinus, and their son, Sylvius, married Lavinia's niece. They, in turn, had a son named Brutus who became the great grandson of Aeneas. It was Brutus, some accounts claim, who landed in the British Isles in 1,103 BC, renaming it 'Britain' and the people 'Britons'. He built a city called 'New Troy', today's London, the accounts suggest, but these reports are widely dismissed. Whatever, here we have the bloodline coming out of Troy to seed into what became the Roman royal and elite bloodlines, and also the Trojan origins of the Merovingian kings and Charlemagne in what is now France and Germany. Remember what Phillip Eugene de Rothschild said:
At the forefront of the rituals were [the royal families of Europe], Prince Philip at the pinnacle. He stands, like most of the contemporary European monarchy, in the Charlemagne, Merovingian, Aenean bloodline. But he is its current head. I am certain that his maternal chromosomes are in the current 'antichrist' Nephilim. Prince Philip ... is the leading biological descendant of the 'Reptilians', as you call them.

Whatever the truth among the myth in the founding of Rome, and much of it will be symbolic, this culture and its subsequent empire were Babylon relocated. It was another Reptilian society with its attitude of see-want-conquer, and was typified by the Coliseum where millions of people and animals were slaughtered for the 'entertainment' of the spectators. The Roman Empire would further expand the influence of the Reptilian hybrids, while allowing interbreeding with those from the Sumer Empire who had gone before them.

The Reptilian religions

The Romans also created Christianity as we know it today, and the endless Reptilian religions, each based on the Church of Babylon, have been one of the greatest weapons of global mind control and spiritual repression. The major religions have all come from the lands of the Sumer Empire. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and others, like Zoroasterism, all emerged from the Middle and Near East and the region ruled at one time from Sumer. They have continued to be dominated by that knowledge base and belief system in the thousands of years that have followed Sumer's demise. As I said a little earlier, a story about King Sargon, the Akkadian king who conquered

Serpent and the Sun


Sumer, said that his mother bore him in secret and floated him in a basket on the River Euphrates where he was found and brought up by the royal family. The Israelite / Hebrews, or rather their manipulating priests, later took this ancient story from the Mesopotamian accounts and used it in the make-believe story of Moses. The Old Testament is founded on Sumerian, Babylonian and Egyptian accounts, edited and rewritten as required, to create a manufactured history and religion called Judaism. The New Testament is based on symbolic stories repeated over and over in the thousands of years before it was compiled, and these relate to a large extent to the Sumerian, Babylonian and Egyptian religion of Sun worship and Mystery school rituals. The New Testament texts, in turn, created a manufactured religion and history called Christianity. King Sargon was a major Sun worshipper and these rulers of the Sumer Empire were given the title, 'Son of the Sun'. Stewart Swerdlow confirms my own research from his insider experience that Sun god worship (and goddess worship) is the Reptilian religion. To the Sumerians, the Sun was a symbol of 'God' and, from this, came the title Son of the Sun or Son of God. This may have something to do with the Reptilians in ancient texts being said to 'shine like the Sun', although the same deities and rituals can be used to symbolise many different things, depending on the knowledge the person has access to. You can worship the Sun because it provides warmth and makes your crops grow, or you can use it to symbolise very advanced energetic and geometrical 'laws'. It may be the same symbol, but the two knowledge levels are vastly different.. Sumerian emperors were also often known as 'The One Lord', and you find the same theme in Egypt, because the two cultures were essentially as one. Christianity is the Babylonian religion of Sun worship and goddess worship in disguise, or disguise for those who choose not to research and see the obvious. The Babylonian Trinity of Nimrod, the father; Tammuz, the virgin-born son (the 'reincarnated Nimrod'); and Semiramis, the virgin mother, was transposed into Roman belief. It eventually became Christianity and the 'Christian' Trinity thanks to Emperor Constantine in the fourth century. The Babylonian Trinity continued as the 'Christian' Father (Nimrod), Son (Tammuz, renamed Jesus) and Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit, which, like Semiramis in Babylon, is symbolised as a dove. All the attributes that the Babylonians gave to Semiramis 'Virgin Mother', 'Queen of Heaven, 'Our Lady' (which translates as Madonna and Notre Dame) were transferred by the 'Christian' creators to Mother Mary. In short, the 'Pagan' religion of Babylon and the ancient world moved to Rome to be renamed 'Christianity'. 'Mother Mary' and 'Jesus' in the Nativity scene in St Peter's Square in Rome in Figure 63 is really Queen Semiramis and Tammuz from Babylon and throughout the pre-Christian world under many and various names (Figure 64, overleaf). Figure 63: The Nativity scene in St Peter's Square in The Ubaid culture, which preceded Rome, starring Queen Semiramis as 'Mother Mary' and Tammuz as 'Jesus' Sumer in Mesopotamia, worshipped


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Figure 64: Mother goddesses everywhere all of them different versions of Semiramis in Babylon, who is depicted on the left

serpent people as we have seen, and reptilian mother and child figures were found in their graves. There was no Jesus and Mary, or any 'Christian' story as told in the Gospels and the pulpits. They are symbolic of the Babylonian deities Nimrod/Tammuz and Semiramis and the ancient religion of the Reptilian hybrids. As Phillip Eugene de Rothschild said earlier: 'The first prototype of the Antichrist [the purest bloodline] was Nimrod, founder of Babylon'. Nimrod was described as a 'giant', like the Nefilim, and both he and Semiramis were depicted as half-human, half-reptile. Unravelling the story is much simpler once you realise that all the different names for gods and goddesses around the world are basically the same deities. Among the aliases of Semiramis are Isis, Aphrodite, Venus, Artemis, Diana, Athena, Minerva, Demeter, Ceres, Gaea, Terra, Hera, Juno, Hestia, Vesta, Cybele, Europa, Fortuna, and Rhea or Ops, the wife and sister of the Greek horned-god Kronos (Nimrod). Other names for Nimrod/Tammuz include Osiris /Horus, Baal, Bel, Molech (worshipped at Bohemian Grove), Marduk, Saturn, Jupiter, Janus, Merodach, and Pan. Nimrod was 'the god of the Sun and father of creation'. Semiramis became the goddess of the Moon, fertility and much else. The ancient Greek historian, Herodotus, told how he saw the Mystery religion and its rites practiced in many countries and he said that Babylon was the source from which all 'idolatry' came. Sir Austen Henry Layard, one of the leading British archaeologists of the 19th century, who unearthed the Sumerian Tablets, said: 'We have the united testimony of sacred and profane history that idolatry originated in the area of Babylonia the most ancient of religious systems'. The Babylonian Mystery religion became Christianity through the establishment of the Roman Church. Not only does the whole foundation of the 'Christian' story come from Babylon and Sumer thousands of years earlier, so do the 'Christian' holy days and 'Christian' festivals like Christmas, Easter and Lent. Christians even worship on Sunday

Serpent and the Sun


because 'Christianity' is the worship of the Sun god Nimrod / Tammuz in the form of Jesus. The Jews have their Sabbath on Saturday, or Saturn-day, in another form of Nimrod worship (Figure 65). In the Babylonian/Chaldean mysteries, Nimrod was deified as Saturn. His birthday was celebrated during the festival of Saturnalia in the period up to our Christmas, and Rome was even called at one time 'The City of Saturn'. The inner elite of the Christian and Jewish religions know this, but the lower men in frocks and the wider congregation are sold a cover story. What the elite know to be symbolic in terms of Jesus and so much else, the followers and lower ranking priesthood are told to take literally under threat of damnation. The Roman Church was created as a front for the Babylonian religion behind which could be hidden the real agenda for global control, not least Figure 65: A depiction of the the control of the minds of the masses through religious god, 'Saturn' (Nimrod). Nice. indoctrination based on the fear of not believing. The symbols of Babylon and its Sun/goddess worship are everywhere in 'Christianity'. The circle of St Peter's Square in Rome, with its eight rays, represents the goddess, Semiramis, or Ishtar, and the obelisk in the centre is Nimrod (Figure 66). The original Egyptian obelisk and the Babylonian-inspired Christmas tree towered above the Nativity scene when I was in Rome in 2007 (Figure 67). Emperor Caligula transported the obelisk from Egypt in the first century and erected it in the Caligula Circus (later the 'Nero Circus', or the brilliantly appropriate 'Vatican Circus'), and it was moved to its present site in 1586. The ancient Greek historian, Diodorus, reports that Queen Semiramis erected a 130-foot obelisk in Babylon and it was associated with Sun worship and represented the phallus of the Sun god Baal/Nimrod. Some Masonic researchers say that the word 'obelisk' literally means 'Baal's shaft' or 'Baal's organ of reproduction'. It is for this reason that the obelisk also

Figure 67: The original Egyptian obelisk, the Figure 66: St Peter's Square and the Vatican are
full of Babylonian and esoteric symbolism Christmas Tree and the Nativity scene. A montage from the ancient world long before 'Christianity'


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Figure 68: The original Egyptian obelisk called Cleopatra's Needle in London ... the original obelisk in New
York's Central Park, also known as Cleopatra's Needle ... the original obelisk from Luxor in the Place de la Concorde in Paris ... and the Washington Monument in Washington DC

represents the Reptilian hybrid bloodlines which are, let's be honest, a bunch of dicks. The Egyptian stories about the Sun god, Osiris, say that he was cut into 14 pieces which were scattered around the kingdom. His wife, the virgin mother, Isis, found them all except for his penis, and so she made a false one symbolised by the obelisk. The same story was told of Nimrod and Semiramis in Babylon and this is why you find the secret societies, especially Freemasonry, erecting obelisks all over the place. It is no accident that the major Reptilian hybrid centres of Rome, London, Paris and New York all have original Egyptian obelisks, nor that Washington DC has the biggest obelisk in the world, the Freemasonic Washington Monument (Figure 68).

The Suns of God

The 'Christian Christmas was the Babylonian 'Pagan' mid-winter festival and commemorated the death of Nimrod / Tammuz, representing the Sun which 'dies' at the winter solstice when it reaches the lowest point of its power in the northern hemisphere. Three days later, on what became our December 25th, they celebrated the 'birth' of the Sun (Nimrod / Tammuz), hence that was the 'birthday' given to 'Jesus', another Sun symbol. Our December 25th was Rome's Natalis Solis Invicti the Birth of the Unconquered Sun and there were a stream of 'Jesus' figures in the thousands of years before Christianity. These include Osiris and Horus (Egypt); Mithra/Mithras (Persia and Rome); Dionysus or Bacchus (known as the 'Serpent Son' in Greece / Rome); Attis of Phrygia (now Turkey); Krishna (India) and of course Tammuz, or Ninus, in Babylon. Among others are Buddha Sakia of India; Salivahana of Bermuda; Odin of Scandinavia; Crite of Chaldea; Zoroaster of Persia; Baal and Taut of Phoenicia; Indra of Tibet; Bali of Afghanistan; Jao of Nepal; Wittoba of Bilingonese; Xamolxis of Thrace; Zoar of the Bonzes; Adad of Assyria; Deva Tat and Sammonocadam of Siam; Alcides of Thebes; Mikado of the Sintoos; Beddru of Japan; Hesus or Eros, and Bremrillahm, of the Druids; Thor, son of Odin, of the Gauls; Cadmus of Greece; Hil and Feta of Mandaites; Gentaut and Quetzalcoatl of Mexico; Universal Monarch of the Sibyls; Ischy of Formosa; Holy

Serpent and the Sun


One of Xaca; Fohi and Tien of China; Adonis, son of virgin Io, of Greece; Ixion and Quirinus of Rome; and Prometheus of the Caucasus. Here are just two examples of what was said about the Sun deities long before 'Jesus':
Attis of Phrygia
He was born on our December 25th of the Virgin Nana. He was considered the saviour who was slain for the salvation of mankind. His body was symbolised as bread and was eaten by worshippers. His priests were 'eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven'. He was both the Divine Son and Father. On 'Black Friday', he was crucified on a tree, from which his holy blood ran down to redeem the Earth. He descended into the underworld and, after three days, he was resurrected on March 25th as the 'Most High God'.

Dionysus, Bacchus
Dionysus was born of a virgin on our December 25th and, as the Holy Child, was placed in a manger. He was a travelling teacher who performed miracles. He 'rode in a triumphal procession on an ass'. He was a sacred king killed and eaten in an eucharistic ritual for fecundity and purification. Dionysus rose from the dead on March 25th - Easter. He was the God of the Vine and turned water into wine. He was called 'King of Kings' and 'God of Gods'. He was considered the 'Only Begotten Son', 'Saviour', 'Redeemer', 'Sin Bearer', Anointed One', and the 'Alpha and Omega'. He was identified with the ram or Iamb. His sacrificial title of 'Dendrites' or 'Young Man of the Tree' intimates he was hung on a tree or crucified.

Most of these 'sons of God', or 'prophets', and the mind-prison religions founded in their names, come from the lands of the Sumer Empire and they are the 'outer' and literal expression of rituals performed covertly in the secret societies, where the high initiates know how to read the same 'religious' stories symbolically. Mithra, the Sun god of Persia and Rome, was an example of the way the inner and outer religions worship the same deity from a different level of knowledge. Mithra was said to have been born to a virgin on our December 25th, crucified to save the peoples' sins, and raised from the dead on March 25th - Easter. Mithran Mystery school initiations took place in caves adorned with the signs of Capricorn and Cancer, symbolic of the winter and summer solstices, the high and low points of the Sun. Mithra was often portrayed as a winged lion, a symbol for the Sun still used by the secret societies today and a major symbol of the Reptilian hybrids like the British Royal Family. References to the lion and the 'grip of the lion's paw' in the Master Mason Degree of Freemasonry originate with this same stream of Mystery school symbolism. Initiates into the rites of Mithra were called lions and were marked on their foreheads with the Egyptian cross. The first degree initiates

had a golden crown placed on their heads, representing their spiritual self. This crown of the Mysteries symbolised the rays of the Sun and enlightenment, and 'illumination' is one of the origins of the 'royal' crown. Mithra was said to be the son (Sun) of god who died to save humanity and give them eternal life. He was called the good shepherd and the vine. One classic symbol of Mithra was as a lion with a snake curled around his body while he holds the key to heaven. This is more Babylonian symbolism and the origin of the story of St Peter, one of the '12 disciples' of 'Jesus', who is supposed to hold the keys to heaven. 'Peter' was the name of the High Priest in the Babylon Mystery School. After an initiate of the Mithran cult had completed the ritual, the members had a meal of bread and wine in which they believed they were eating the flesh of Mithra and drinking his blood. Mithra, like a long list of pre-Christian gods, was said to have been visited by wise men at his birth who brought him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. The same was said by Plato of his teacher Socrates in ancient Greece. The Egyptian deity, Horns, is also worshipped by Christianity as 'Jesus' and followed by the secret societies under the original name. Horns was the 'son' of God in Egypt and the connections are devastating for the credibility of the Christian Church: Jesus was the Light of the World, Horns was the Light of the World. Jesus said he was the way, the truth and the life, Horns said he was the truth, the life. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the 'house of bread', Horns was born in Annu, the 'place of bread'. Jesus was the Good Shepherd, Horns was the Good Shepherd. Seven fishers board a boat with Jesus, seven people board a boat with Horns. Jesus was the lamb, Horus was the lamb. Jesus is identified with a cross, Horns is identified with a cross. Jesus was baptised at 30, Horus was baptised at 30. Jesus was the child of a virgin, Mary, Horns was the child of a virgin, Isis. The birth of Jesus was marked by a star, the birth of Horus was marked by a star. Jesus was the child teacher in the temple, Horns was the child teacher in the temple. Jesus had 12 disciples, Horns had 12 followers. Jesus was the Morning Star, Horns was the Morning Star. Jesus was the Christ, Horns was the Krst. Jesus was tempted on a mountain by Satan, Horns was tempted on a mountain by Set. Christianity, founded by the Reptilian-controlled Roman Empire, is a Pagan Sun religion, the worship of which is condemned by Christianity. It is also an astrology religion, the 'evil' of which is condemned by Christianity, not least by the Pope. Pinch me, I'm dreaming. Ouch, no I'm Figure 69: The Sun symbol of not. The symbolism of Christianity and other Nimrod/Tammuz/Baal above the Chair of St religions is like an open book if you know Peter at the Vatican. In the middle is the what you are looking for. In St Peter's Basilica symbol of a dove - the Babylonian symbol for in Rome, they have placed 'St Peter's Chair' the goddess, Semiramis

Serpent and the Sun


under a massive depiction of the Sun (Nimrod / Tammuz) and in the centre is the dove (Semiramis). See Figure 69. The inner elite of the church know what all this symbolism really means, but the rest are told to believe the fairytale or they will go to hell. St Peter's Basilica is built in an east-west direction in accordance with the movement of the Sun across the Earth. The inside of the great Dome of St Peter's features another sunburst design associated with ancient Sun worship (Figure 70). Figure 70: The sunburst symbolism inside the dome In Babylon, they celebrated the of St Peter's Basilica 'birthday' of Nimrod in the way we do at Christmas today. The pine tree, or Christmas tree, represented Nimrod and a log the 'Yule Log' was thrown on the fire to symbolise his death. On what became our Christmas Day, his rebirth was celebrated with a tree, decorations and presents. The representation of Nimrod as a pine tree is symbolised in the major courtyard of the 'Christian' Vatican by the biggest sculpture of a pine cone anywhere in the world (Figure 71). Interestingly, the pineal gland, which connects us to our psychic, or 'sixth sense', levels of perception, is also shaped like a pine cone. There are Egyptian depictions of Osiris (Nimrod) in the form of a pine cone, and the Greek version of Nimrod / Tammuz, known as Dionysus, was also depicted carrying the pine cone staff, just like the popes do still to this day. The Vatican seal is the two cross keys 'St Peter's Keys to Heaven' (Figure 72, overleaf) which are actually the keys to the pagan mysteries said to have been held by the god, Janus (Nimrod), and the goddess, Cybele (Semiramis). The symbol is also associated with another Nimrod in disguise, Mithra, as we've seen. The mitre headgear worn by the Pope and the big-wigs of the Christian Church are the fish-head symbols of Nimrod, who was also known as Dagon, the fish god (Figure 73, overleaf). The most important of 'Christian' symbols, the cross, is not 'Christian' either. It Figure 71: The biggest pine cone in the world was the symbol of Nimrod/Tammuz and was in the major courtyard at the Vatican. The pine and pine tree are symbols for Nimrod widely used throughout the world thousands


of years before the mythical 'birth of Christ'. Worshippers of Nimrod and Semiramis also believed they would be regenerated and purged of 'sin' by being baptised. The 'Christian' holy days, festivals and symbols are the same as those in Babylon because the Church of Rome is simply the Church of Babylon relocated. Semiramis under her name Ishtar (pronounced Eastar or Ester) gave us 'Easter', and the Easter egg comes from the fact that she claimed to have come to the Earth from the Moon in an egg. In Rome, the 'mystic egg' was used to honour the mother goddess and in Europe, China and Japan coloured eggs were part of their sacred festivals. Lent originates from the Babylonian period of forty days to commemorate Nimrod / Tammuz, and the Easter ham comes from Figure 72: The cross-keys of the Vatican seal are the myth that Tammuz was killed by a supposed to be 'St Peter's Keys to Heaven, but wild pig. The Babylonians even had their they said the same about ancient gods like Nimrod version of hot cross buns. The symbol of under many different names the Easter bunny is an ancient symbol of the Moon goddess Semiramis, the goddess of fertility. The spring Easter was closely associated with worship of the mother goddess and the reincarnated Nimrod, in the form of Tammuz. The main man behind the global emergence of Christianity was Emperor Constantine who made it the state religion of Rome and oversaw the Council of Nicaea in AD 325 that decided what Christians should believe to this day. The doctrine is still called the ' Nicene Creed'. Constantine worshipped a deity called Sol Invictus the Unconquered or Invincible Sun so the 'new' Christianity was all very familiar to him. Constantine converted Rome's pagan Pantheon ('Temple to all the gods') Figure 73: The fish god, Oannes (Nimrod) as symbolised in Babylon ... into a Christian church, and the fish-head mitre worn by the Pope and others in the Christian and changed the names of hierarchy. This is no coincidence because the Church of Rome is the Church of Babylon under another name statues of gods, demigods

Serpent and the Sun


and goddesses to those of 'Christian' saints. One statue of Jupiter (Nimrod) apparently became 'St Peter', and certainly the fast and feast days of the Babylonian gods became 'Saints' Days of 'Christianity'. Note, by the way, the Sun wheel over the head of old 'Pete' in the Vatican statue in Figure 74 this is the real meaning of the halo. It is a symbol of the Sun.

Different names same religion

Babylon and the Sun god connection are not only confined to the Roman Church and Christianity in general. On the other side of the world in ancient Mesoamerica, the god Quetzalcoatl, the 'Feathered Serpent', was said to have been born of a virgin, raised the dead and promised to return. I said that the Jewish Sabbath originates from Saturnday Nimrod and in India Saturday is called Shanivar from the Vedic god, Shani, who was said to manifest in ... the planet Saturn. Semiramis was a version of the Indian deity, Sami-Rama-isi or Semi-Ramas, and Krishna, the virginborn son of India, was called `Christos', Figure 74: The statue of 'St Peter' in Rome with the the same as the Greek 'Christ', or Sun wheel halo above his head 'anointed one'. The soldiers of Alexander the Great called Christos 'Krishna' when they invaded India. Krishna's father was said to have been a carpenter; his birth was marked by a star in the east and attended by angels and shepherds; he was persecuted by a tyrant who ordered the slaughter of thousands of infants; he worked miracles and wonders, raising the dead and healing lepers, the deaf and the blind; in some traditions, he died on a tree or was crucified between two thieves; he was called the 'Shepherd of God' and considered the 'Redeemer', 'Firstborn', 'Sin-Bearer', 'Liberator' and 'Universal Word'; he rose from the dead and ascended to heaven 'in the sight of all men'; he was depicted on a cross with nail-holes in his feet, as well as having a heart emblem on his clothing; he was deemed the 'Son of God' and 'our Lord and Saviour', who came to Earth to die for human salvation; he was the second person of the Trinity; his disciples purportedly bestowed upon him the title 'Jezeus,' or 'Jeseus', meaning 'pure essence'; he is to return to judge the dead, riding on a white horse, to do battle with the 'Prince of Evil', who will desolate the Earth. 'Jesus' was everywhere long before 'Jesus', and Christianity is just one of the later versions of the religion of Babylon and elsewhere the Sun and goddess religion of the Reptilians.

They have created many religions to confuse and control the people and they have a clearly identifiable blueprint they work to. The first stage is to create a new religion that can be played off against their other religions to bring conflict and divide and rule. Then, they fracture the original religion into opposing groups so they fight among themselves, as well as with their rival religions. We saw this with the Protestant breakaway from the Church of Rome through the Martin Luther rebellion in the early 16th century, and the Protestant faith now appears itself in endless, often warring, forms. But, they are all the religion of Babylon, which is the religion of Sumer and the Reptilians. The same process happened with Islam as a new religion emerged in the seventh century that went to war with Christianity. It, too, broke into its own warring groups, the Sunnis and the Shiites, who have been slaughtering each other for centuries. Witness what is happening in Iraq today. The Judaic religion has also been brought into conflict with both Christianity and Islam, and Judaism has its own factions. Could it really be that the same manipulating force has been behind the creation and expansion of all of these 'different' religions? Oh yes. Christianity is the Mystery religion of Babylon and Nimrod under another name, and the texts on which Judaism is based were put together after the Judean's 70-year captivity after 587 BC in ... Babylon. Out of this came the Kabbalah or Cabala, which is straight out of the Babylon Mystery tradition, and this was passed down orally long before it appeared in written form. There is also the Babylonian Talmud, a deeply racist tome, that was also inspired by the Babylonian 'exile' and plays a major part in Jewish belief. Judaism is yet another inner and outer religion, in which the insiders knowingly follow the religion of Babylon and understand what the symbolism really means, while the masses are told to take it all literally. Look at the symbolism in two famous Old Testament stories. There is the tale of Noah who realised the flood waters were receding when a dove returned to the ark bearing an olive branch. Semiramis was symbolised as a dove in Babylon and her name literally means 'branch-bearer'. Another good example is the story of Samson. In the ancient world they used to symbolise the movement of the Sun, or the Earth in relation to the Sun, as the life of a mythical man. He would be born after the winter solstice when he the Sun was portrayed as a baby. The child would then grow up into a strapping, powerful man with long golden hair by the time of the summer solstice when the Sun is at its strongest in the northern hemisphere. The long golden hair represented the power of the Sun's rays at that time. The story told how Samson's hair became shorter and he lost his strength as the year entered the autumn, or fall. This was represented by the House of Virgo the Virgin ... the House of Delilah. There we have the symbolic story of Samson, Samsun, which both Jews and Christians are told to believe really existed. Christianity and the Judaic/ cabalistic religions are not different faiths once you scrape away the facade. They come from the same source and so does much of Islam. It, too, includes mythical, symbolic stories from Christianity and Judaism and accepts them to be literally true. It believes in the 'Christian' Jesus, Mother Mary and the Angel Gabriel, and in the 'Jewish' Abraham, Noah and Moses. The Koran says of Islam: [It is] ... The same religion has He established for you as that which He enjoined on Noah ... and that which We enjoined on Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. (42:13 AYA).

Serpent and the Sun


But say, 'We [Muslims] believe in the Revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you [Christians and Jews] our Allah and your Allah is One.' (29:46 AYA). For to them [Christians and Jews] was entrusted the protection of Allah's Book. (5:47 AYA/44 MP).
Figure 75: The way the Sun god and Moon goddess were depicted in the land of Ur (Sumer/Babylon) from about 2000 BC ... and the international symbol of Islam today. Islam is yet another Babylonian religion

The Koran considers Jesus, or 'Isa' in Arabic, to be one of Islam's most significant prophets and gives considerable attention to Mother Mary, or 'Maryam' in Arabic. It agrees that Jesus was born through a virgin birth and depicts Mary in glowing terms. The 19th chapter of the Koran is even named after her, one of only eight 'people' to enjoy such an honour in the entire book. But Jesus is really the Babylonian Sun

god Tammuz/Ninus and Mother Mary is Queen Semiramis, the virgin mother and Moon goddess of Babylon. You can see in Figure 75 an ancient depiction of the Sun god, Shamash, and the Moon goddess, Nanna, from the land of Ur (Sumer/Babylon/Iraq) from around 2000 BC. Alongside is the international symbol of Islam. Do you think by any chance they could be related?? Christianity, Judaism and Islam all consider Jerusalem to be a sacred place and the obsession with this city and Temple Mount, location today of Islam's 'Dome of the Rock', has led to the terrible events in Jerusalem through the centuries. Jewish people are famous for wearing the skullcap as part of their religion, but Muslims wear skull caps, too, and so do the Pope and others in the Roman Catholic hierarchy. Where did the skullcap come from? The priesthood of Babylon. The shaving of the head common to so many faiths has the same familiar origin as Alexander Hislop writes in The Two Babylons:
Over all the world, where the traces of the Chaldean [Sumerian/Babylonian] system are found, this tonsure or shaving of the head is always found along with it. The priests of Osiris, the Egyptian Bacchus, were always distinguished by the shaving of their heads. In Pagan Rome, in India, and even in China, the distinguishing mark of the Babylonian priesthood was the shaven head. Thus Gautama Buddha, who lived at least 540 years before Christ, when setting up the sect of Buddhism in India which spread to the remotest regions of the East, first shaved his own head, in obedience, as he pretended, to a Divine command, and then set to work to get others to imitate his example. One of the very titles by which he was called was that of the 'Shaved-head'. 'The shaved-head,' says one of the Purans, 'that he might perform the orders of Vishnu, formed a number of disciples, and of shaved-heads li ke himself'.

The high antiquity of this tonsure may be seen from the enactment in the Mosaic law against it. The Jewish priests were expressly forbidden to make any baldness upon their heads (Lev 21:5), which sufficiently shows that, even so early as the time of Moses, the 'shaved-head' had been already introduced. In the Church of Rome the heads of the ordinary priests are only clipped, the heads of the monks or regular clergy are shaven, but both alike, at their consecration, receive the circular tonsure, thereby identifying them, beyond all possibility of doubt, with Bacchus, 'the mutilated Prince'.

Catholics and Muslims both have their rosary beads and both Jewish and Muslim women have laws about men touching them, even in the most innocent way. The term ' Amen' used by Christianity, Judaism and Islam comes from the Egyptian Sun god, Amon, or Amen Ra. These religions, along with Hinduism and so many more, are all the same Reptilian religion manipulating people to worship the Reptilian 'gods', and what you worship you give your energy to. We are looking at the same origins wherever you turn, yet these 'faiths' are portrayed and followed by the ignorant as if they are different. Only in outward appearance are they at odds. At their core, they are the same, and so it is with the religions across the world. The god-mother-child religion was a global phenomenon before the Flood and was retained in its many and various expressions in the fragmented societies that emerged from the deluge. It has been used in its many forms to divide and rule the masses, implant a false history and version of life, and suppress the circulation of the knowledge I detailed in the first two chapters. This knowledge was known in the ancient Mystery religions before and after the Flood and was largely passed on through initiates chosen by the Mystery priesthood, but it was still far more widely available among the general population than the manipulators wanted. Their power is in knowing what the people don't know, like how we create and influence our reality. They wanted to control the peoples' reality and to do this they had to make them see the world and themselves in the way that suited the Reptilian plan. Essential to that, was taking out of circulation as much of the advanced knowledge as possible in relation to who we are and the nature of life. Ironically, but typically, they did this by keeping the knowledge strictly hidden within the inner core of their churches and secret societies while using the literal version of those same religions to demonise the knowledge where it did circulate among the population. This was the motivation behind the Christian Inquisitions that slaughtered multimillions throughout the world in the name of 'fighting the Devil' in 'God's' holy war against the Heathens. For Heathens read Infidels or Goyim, depending on your mind prison of choice. The Inquisition terrorised Europe with 'witches' and other carriers of the knowledge tortured and killed in staggering numbers as the Christian fantasy was mercilessly imposed on once-Celtic lands. The same happened wherever the Christian crackpots and their manipulating masters came ashore. The shamans, seers and knowledge carriers were targeted and killed by the Roman Church and the Protestant extremists when the British and other European empires emerged. The ancient communities and knowledge of the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Australia were all but destroyed, and the people were forced, or manipulated, to follow Christianity's manufactured beliefs. Where Christianity could not go, the Islamic crazies were doing the same in the name of Allah. This story of human ignorance and control is not purely about religion, however. It is a major and highly effective weapon for the manipulators

Serpent and the Sun


Figure 76: The 'British' goddess,

Britannia, is also another name for Queen Semiramis ...

Figure 77: ... and can also be seen at the Vatican in Rome

to unleash upon the human mind, but the web of deceit is about more than that. The secret society network weaves its manipulation into all areas of human life, especially politics, ownership of the means of production, communication and finance, the supply of essentials like food, water and power, and the military.

Global Babylon
The Reptilian bloodlines expanded out of Rome with the Roman Empire, and interbred with the hybrids that had gone thousands of years before within the royal and 'elite' lines of the Phoenicians, Egyptians and Sumerians, as I detail in books like The Biggest Secret, Children of the Matrix and Tales from the Time Loop. Britain was a target for them and 'British' symbols like Britannia, St George, and even 'Scottish' bagpipes, originate in the Middle and Near East. The 'British' goddess, Britannia, is Queen Semiramis (Figures 76 and 77); St George is George of Cappadocia in what is now Turkey; and bagpipes came from Mesopotamia and were carried by the travelling musicians, or troubadours, to Rome and on to Britain. The bloodlines that resulted from the breeding between 'good stock' became the royal and aristocratic families of Europe, and they remained overtly in power for centuries. One of the bloodline groupings is known as the 'Black Nobility', which came out of Rome and Italy, especially centres like Venice, and this is featured at some length in The Biggest Secret. When the people eventually rebelled against these royal and aristocratic dictatorships, the bloodline families moved into politics and all the other institutions of power, to continue and expand their control behind the cloak of 'elected' parliaments, government administration, banking and commerce. The bloodlines, in effect, went largely undercover to deceive the people into believing they had a free choice about who would rule them. The global expansion of the European powers, most notably the British Empire, exported the Sumerian/Reptilian bloodline across the world and they ruled as colonial masters, working in tandem with the Reptilian hybrid religions and secret societies, like

the Freemasons, to mentally and physically control the people. When the colonial powers apparently withdrew and gave those lands 'independence', this was only on the surface. They left behind in those countries the bloodlines, and the secret society network that manipulates them into power, and they have continued to control those former 'colonies' ever since. This covert control is much more effective than an open dictatorship and they use terms like 'democracy' to hide the real power structure. Overt control, a dictatorship you can see, always has a finite life because in the end there will be a challenge and rebellion against it. The people know they are being controlled and who is doing it. Covert control, which you cannot see, identify or target, can go on forever until it's exposed because you don't rebel against something you don't know exists. This is the prison without the bars, or bars you are aware of. People who think they are free will not complain that they're not. Throughout Africa, Central and South America, Asia, the Far East, Australia, New Zealand, the United States and Canada, open control from Britain and Europe has been replaced by covert control by bloodline and secret society with their headquarters overwhelmingly in Europe especially Rome and London.

New Rome in the 'New World'

The takeover of the Americas is a perfect example of the way the game has been played. The Americas were officially discovered by the explorer, Christopher Columbus, in 1492, but those lands were actually visited many times in the thousands of years before by peoples like the Phoenicians, Norse, Irish, Welsh, Bretons, Basques and Portuguese. The fable that Columbus was looking for India and found the Americas by accident is a ludicrous lie. He was an agent of the Reptilian hybrid secret society network and knew the Americas were there. Only some twenty years after the first Columbus voyage, Piri Reis, an Ottoman Turkish Admiral, produced a map of what the land mass of Antarctica looked like three hundred years before that continent was officially discovered. The accuracy of his map has been confirmed by modern techniques. He said he drew the map from earlier ones, the same sources available to Columbus and other Reptilian hybrid insiders. As the Freemasonic historian, Manly P. Hall, has explained, Columbus was connected to the secret society network in Genoa and northern Italy. He was also employed at one time by Rene d'Anjou of the Reptilian hybrid House of Lorraine. Crucial support for Columbus came from two high initiates of the bloodline cabal, Lorenzo de Medici, one of the most powerful Venetian Reptilian hybrid families of the Black Nobility, and the artist, Leonardo da Vinci. Columbus was also supported by King Ferdinand of Spain and his wife, Queen Isabella of Castile, who also instigated the horrific Spanish Inquisition that began in 1478 and was not abolished until 1834. Five years after Columbus landed in the Caribbean, an Italian called John Cabot set sail from Bristol in the west of England to officially discover Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and North America. The name 'Bristol' evolved from `Barati, the later 'Britannia' (Semiramis), and was once called Caer Brito. Bristol was a centre for the Knights Templar, a major Reptilian hybrid secret society, and an area of the city today is still called Temple Meads in recognition of that. Cabot's son, Sebastian, who was born in Venice, also sailed to the Hudson Bay in Canada and led an expedition for the Spanish to South America. The Cabots said they were looking for Asia! All these expeditions of 'discovery' were coordinated by the Reptilian hybrid secret society network. John

Serpent and the Sun


Cabot's real name was Giovanni Caboto and he was a naturalised Venetian who came from Genoa the very city where Columbus operated from at the same time that Cabot was there. Manly P. Hall, a high degree Freemason himself, said that both were connected to the same secret societies and the 'Wise Men of the East'. He adds in his book, America's Assignment With Destiny:
The explorers who opened the New World operated from a master plan and were agents of re-discovery rather than discoverers. Very little is known about the origin, li ves, characters, and policies of these intrepid adventurers. Although they lived in a century amply provided with historians and biographers, these saw fit either to remain silent or to invent plausible accounts without substance.

Given what I am revealing, there is no need to speculate over why it was all done so secretly. Over the next four centuries the Reptilian hybrid elite of Europe, particularly Britain, but also including the Dutch, French, Belgians, Spanish, Portuguese, Germans and others, plundered the planet, massively expanding the control of the bloodlines. Hernando Cortes, who led the Spanish takeover of Central America after Columbus, typified their behaviour. The native peoples had their own system of measuring time and they had a date on which they expected the return of their god, Quetzalcoatl, their version of Nimrod/Tammuz /Jesus. The date of the expected second coming of the white god, Quetzalcoatl, was, in European time, 1519. They believed he would be wearing attire in keeping with his title of the Plumed Serpent. Cortes went ashore in Mexico in 1519 wearing plumed feathers, and he even landed close to the spot where Quetzalcoatl was expected. He was also carrying a cross, again in keeping with the Quetzalcoatl legend. Because of this, the Aztec king, Montezuma, believed, like his people, that Cortes was the long awaited return of their god. This allowed Cortes, with only 598 men, to gain control and by the time they realised that Cortes was no second coming, it was too late. Mass slaughter of the native peoples followed. One Spanish historian estimated at least 12 million natives of South America alone were killed after the Europeans arrived and an even greater number became slaves. Among the Spanish conquests, were the lands of the Incas and the Maya, and much of their knowledge was lost, or systematically destroyed. The same happened in North America where the Europeans killed untold numbers of Native Americans and virtually wiped away that culture. The native peoples of Africa, Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere suffered a similar fate. Credo Mutwa tells in the video, The Reptilian Agenda, how strange tall beings, known as 'The Beasts of the Terrible Blanket', appeared in Africa in the years before the white Europeans arrived, and these beings carried the same symbols later used by Christian missionaries, especially the Jesuits. The first permanent English settlement in what became the United States was at Jamestown, Virginia, in the early 17th century. Virginia, it is said, was named after Elizabeth I, the completely misnamed 'virgin queen', but, in truth, it was inspired by Semiramis, the virgin queen of Babylon. It was the Virginia Company, owned by the British Crown and aristocratic bloodlines, which controlled the American colonies. Freemasons were at the forefront of the change from overt to covert rule by Britain of the North American continent. This transition is known by history as the American War of Independence. The Reptilian agenda for America was encapsulated in Sir Francis


Bacon's work, The New Atlantis, published in 1607, in which an 'Invisible College' of elite intellectuals dictated events. Bacon was a high initiate of the secret society cabal in Britain. One of the leading Freemasons of the British colonies in America was Benjamin Franklin, who is still revered as a man who believed in freedom for the people despite owning black slaves like many other founders of the 'Land of the Free'. Franklin was actually a master manipulator, the Henry Kissinger of his day. He officially became a Freemason in February 1731 and was made Provincial Grand Master of Pennsylvania in 1734. In the same year, Franklin printed the first Masonic book in America and the first recorded American lodge was founded in his province in Philadelphia. It was Figure 78: The 'Mother Lodge' of Freemasonry in from here that the American War of Great Queen Street London. The 'Great Queen' was a Babylonian name for Queen Semiramis 'Independence' was orchestrated on that side of the Atlantic, but the centre of manipulation was the 'Mother Lodge' of Freemasonry, founded in London in 1717, and located, as it still is today, in Great Queen Street a Babylonian title for Semiramis (Figure 78). The Freemasons are Sun god worshippers, although most of them will not realise that, so confused are they by the true meaning of their rituals. Benjamin Franklin was a member of Freemasonic networks in France, like the Nine Sisters and the San Juan Lodges, which helped to manipulate the French Revolution in 1789, and he was an initiate of the highly exclusive Royal Lodge of Commanders of the Temple West of Carcassonne. In Britain, he became a member of the satanic Hellfire Club with his close friend, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Francis Dashwood, who was linked to many esoteric groups, including the Druid Universal Bond. Dashwood had a huge cave dug at his West Wycombe estate, north of London, for their satanic rituals and sexual 'magic' ceremonies. These two Satanists, Franklin and Dashwood, produced a prayer book which became the basis for the Christian Book of Common Prayer, but maybe this is not so ironic when you know Christianity's origins. Benjamin Franklin, who was extremely close to the British Royal Family and aristocracy, is supposed to be the man who genuinely led a 'rebellion' against the same British Crown. What nonsense. In truth, he was agent for British Intelligence and the 'War of Independence' was engineered and purposely lost as part of the transition from overt to covert control. Official history to this day says that the flash-point for the war came when a group of Mohawk Indians boarded a ship called the Dartmouth in Boston Harbour and threw its cargo of tea into the water. This was dubbed the Boston Tea Party. The 'rebels' were not Mohawk Indians, but members of the St Andrew's Freemason Lodge in Boston dressed up as Indians and led by their junior warden, Paul

Serpent and the Sun


Revere. This event could not have happened without support from the Britishcontrolled Colonial Militia, who had been detailed to guard the Dartmouth. The captain of one detachment, Edward Proctor, was a member of ... the St Andrew's Lodge. This lodge was the first in the world to confer a new Freemasonic degree called the Knights Templar Degree. The Grand Master, Figure 79: The rising Sun sign of Nimrod/Tammuz/Horus on the Sun Joseph Warren, was Chair of the first US President George Washington ... and the appointed Grand Master of same symbol is located over the famous front door of 10 Downing the whole of North America Street home of the British Prime Minister-even down to the rays around the inner circle. The rising Sun symbolises the returning the by the Grand Lodge of Sun god and strongly features at Freemasonic temples Scotland. Other members of the St Andrew's Lodge included John Hancock, who would be a leader of the Continental Congress and the first to sign the Declaration of Independence. At least three members of the St Andrew's Lodge, including Paul Revere, were members of the 'loyal nine', the inner elite of an important revolutionary group called the Sons of Liberty. It was this group which organised the Boston Tea Party. Much of this information is documented by the Freemasonic historian, Manly P. Hall, who also points out that of the fifty-six signatories of the American Declaration of Independence, almost fifty were known Freemasons and only one was definitely known not to be. And get this. All those who signed the declaration were apparently cousins and from a royal bloodline. On September 3rd 1783, the colonies were recognised as an independent republic and the first President was George Washington, a British aristocratic bloodline and high Freemason, who sat in a chair with a rising Sun carved into the back the ancient symbol of Nimrod / Tammuz / Horus. The same Sun symbol can be seen today over the door of 10 Downing Street, home to the British Prime Minister and another Reptilian hybrid stronghold, and at Freemasonic temples (Figure 79). The rituals and symbolism carried through the ages by the bloodlines and secret societies can also be seen in the way George Washington was depicted in an official statue. Compare it with the statute of the ancient Greek god, Zeus, on which it was based, and the image of Baphomet, the goat-headed satanic 'god' (Figure 80, overleaf). Countries may have different names, but they are owned by the same force. George Washington was Grand Master of the Freemason Lodge at Alexandria (named after the 'City of the Serpent's Son' in Egypt), near Washington DC. When he was inaugurated as President on April 30th 1789, the day before the major Brotherhood ritual day, May Ist or May Day, the oath was taken by Robert Livingstone, the Grand Master of the New York Grand Lodge. The ceremony was an entirely Freemasonic ritual carried out by


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Figure 80: The statue of George Washington, now at the National Museum of American History, the statue of Zeus on which the Washington version was based ... and the image of Baphomet, the Satanic compilation god

Freemasons and the same Freemasonic 'Bible' used in the inauguration of George Washington was still being used when Bill Clinton and Boy George Bush became president. Look at the genealogy of American presidents, leading politicians, banking and business tycoons, military leaders, media owners, government officials, intelligence agency chiefs, etc., and you will find they invariably come from the same bloodlines, which can be charted back to the British and European royal and aristocratic (Reptilian hybrid) families who came out of the Middle and Near East at the time of Sumer, Babylon and Egypt.
Figure 81: Capitoline Hill in Rome today- location of the temple to the 'Capitoline [Babylonian] Triad' and inspiration for the name of the centre of government in the United States, which is controlled by the same 'elite' bloodlines that ruled ancient Rome

Architectural signatures

The Freemason founders of the United States built their new capital 'Washington DC' on land known at the time as 'New Troy' and one 400-acre section was even known as 'Rome' with a stream running through it called the Tiber. Washington is indeed the New Troy or New Rome, just look at the architecture for a start. Its symbolic centre is Capitol Hill, not Capital Hill, but Capitol. This comes from Capitoline Hill, the highest of the Seven Hills of Rome (Figure 81). It was here that a Temple once stood to the 'Capitoline Triad', including Jupiter, or Nimrod. Capitol comes from the Latin word 'caput', which means 'human skull'. A skull was found on the hill when the foundations of the temple were being dug, it is said, and so came the name 'Capitoline' or 'Human Skull' Hill, and the use today of the

Serpent and the Sun


Figure 82: The Roman Pantheon, the Temple of all

the gods, which was 'Christianised' by Emperor Constantine ...

Figure 83: ... the Pantheon inspired the Dome of

St Peter's and the Vatican ...

word 'caput' to mean 'finished' or 'dead'. In the symbolic Gospel stories, the location of the 'crucifixion' of Jesus is a place called Golgotha, which means the Place of the Skull. You can see the inspirational and symbolic progression through the ages as the Reptilian/Illuminati bloodlines have expanded their influence and power. There is the ancient Roman Pantheon, the Temple of all the gods, which inspired the dome of St Peter's and the Vatican when the religion of Babylon and Rome became the religion of Christianity. The 'Protestant' cathedral of St Paul's in the heart of the Reptilian hybrid financial district known as the City of London continued the blueprint, and when the bloodlines built Washington DC, their new Rome /new Troy, the architectural style was the same as ever (Figures 82 to 85). Washington is a mass of esoteric and Babylonian/Roman symbolism in its street plan and architecture, as I will come to later, and it is the same with other major cities. The United States capital is in the District of Columbia, the 'District of the Semiramis' the 'dove' of Babylon. The Roman Reptilian hybrids worshipped Semiramis as Venus Columba, or 'Venus the Dove', and Columbe is still the word for dove in French. We also have British Columbia in Canada, Columbia Pictures, Columbia University and Columbia Broadcasting, the US network better known as CBS. One of the most horrific events in America in recent times was the shootings at Columbine High School, and when you begin to appreciate the unbelievable obsession these people have with symbolism, down to the finest of detail, that location is not a co-incidence. The Statue of

Figure 84: ... which inspired St Paul's Cathedral in the Illuminati stronghold, the City of London

Figure 85: ... and the same

theme can be seen in 'New Rome, Washington DC, with its own Capitol Hill


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Figure 86: Queen Semiramis, as depicted on an

ancient coin ... have you seen her somewhere before?

Figure 87: The Statue of Liberty in New York

Harbour is Queen Semiramis from Babylon, goddess of the Reptilian hybrids

Figure 88: The Statue of

Semiramis is also holding the torch or flame of Nimrod, the Sun god ...

Figure 89: ... and she's standing on a symbol of the sun

Figure 90: In Paris, on an island in

the River Seine, is another Statue of Liberty. It was French Freemasons in Paris who gave the American version to New York because they knew exactly what she really symbolised

'Liberty' is also Queen Semiramis. Look at an ancient depiction of Semiramis (note she is holding a cross) and compare it with the Statue of Liberty holding the lighted torch, the Babylonian symbol for Nimrod (Figures 86 , 87 and 88). The statue is also standing on an image of the Sun (Figure 89). The Statue of Liberty was given to New York by French Freemasons in Paris who knew exactly what it really portrayed - and it is anything but liberty. There is another Statue of Liberty, another Semiramis, in Paris on an island in the River Seine (Figure 90) and a massive version of the Liberty Flame, Nimrod again, on top of the Pont d'Alma Tunnel in Paris where Diana, another name for the Moon goddess Semiramis, was assassinated in 1997 (Figure 91). Pont d'Alma means Bridge or Passage of

Serpent and the Sun


the Moon Goddess and apparently the Merovingian had their main ritual site where that tunnel is today. For the detailed background to the symbolism in Washington, Paris, other Illuminati centres and by the bloodlines in general, see The Biggest Secret and Children of the Matrix. To summarise so far. There was a global society of great advancement, but there were factions that wished to control and conquer and it all ended in war and a massive Flood and other cataclysmic events. An inter-dimensional race of reptilian entities began interbreeding with humans aeons ago and this has continued ever since. They created hybrid bloodlines that became the 'royal' Figure 91: On the Pont d'Alma Tunnel where Princess Diana died is a massive depiction of the bloodlines around the world and claimed flame of Nimrod held by the Statue of Liberty the right to rule through their genetic connection to the 'serpent gods'. A major centre for the Reptilian bloodlines after the Flood was ancient Sumer in Mesopotamia, 'The Land Between Two Rivers', which official history calls 'the cradle of civilisation'. It was later known as Babylon. The Reptilian hybrid 'royal' bloodlines were seeded throughout the planet, not least in China where the dragon is still the national cultural symbol, but the bloodlines out of Sumer and the later Babylon, now Iraq, hold the key to understanding the way events have unfolded to the present day. As the Reptilianpossessed hybrids expanded their influence and control to Egypt, Greece, Rome and elsewhere, they created a network of secret societies to manipulate their people into power and remove those who were getting in the way. The rulers of this network became known as the 'Illuminati'. They also founded religions based on the Sumerian and Babylonian Mysteries. The hierarchical, compartmentalised structure, mirrored in secret societies, ensured that only the chosen few were told the truth behind these religious control systems, while the followers were sold a cover story to believe, on pain of death, torture and threats of eternal Hell. The religions condemned the very esoteric knowledge on which they were themselves covertly based, and they have been used through inquisition and imposition to remove as much of the ancient knowledge from public circulation to keep humanity in ignorance of itself and its reality. The plan has always been to centralise power in every area of life, because the more you centralise decision making the fewer people can dictate to the rest. The goal is to have a world government that would dictate to every country; a world army that would impose the will of the world government; a world central bank to control global finance; a world currency that would be electronic, not cash; and a microchipped population linked to a global computer. Look around and you'll see how close they already are.

'The Cruellest Hoax'

I can hire half of the working class to kill the other half. Jay Gould, 1886

The major religions are the ancient Sun and mother-goddess religion in different disguises, and it is a similar story with the Reptilian hybrid bloodlines. They may appear to have different 'races', 'cultures' or 'religions', but they are all blood-brothers and sisters controlled by the same computer program, and work to a common aim while often appearing to be on different 'sides'. When it comes to the elite families all over the world they are invariably Reptilian hybrids who are manipulating their masses in line with the same agenda and any public divisions between them are either fakery or different factions falling out and fighting for supremacy within the overall plan. The Roman Church would seem to be at odds with the Judaic religion and the Christians with the Jews when, in fact, the elite families behind all of them are the Reptilian hybrid bloodlines of Sumer. The followers on both 'sides' are pawns instilled with a make-believe religion while their leaders answer to the same Reptilian 'gods'. Once people understand that there are no 'sides' when it comes to religion and politics, because the same force is covertly controlling all of them, world events can morph into crystal clarity (Figure 92). There is no greater example of this 'allsides' technique than the Rothschild dynasty, one of the major Reptilian bloodlines on the planet. It is not possible to understand the nature and personnel of the conspiracy without knowing the background to the Rothschilds. They are Figure 92: There may appear to be different 'sides, famous for being 'Jewish', but they are but so often they are controlled and manipulated by the same force - the Reptilian hybrids and their not Jewish at all. They are Sumerian with other-dimensional masters other Reptilian bloodlines added in, too,

The Cruellest Hoax'


and their story reveals another route that the bloodline took from Sumer to the modern world. The Rothschilds were known as 'Bauer' until 1760, when the banker Mayer Amschel Bauer changed the family name to Rothschild. Many 'Jewish' families changed their name, often to hide their background, and these include the Rockefellers, formerly Rockenfelder, and the Roosevelts, formerly Rosenfelt. The name Rothschild comes from the Figure 93: The symbol that inspired German words for red (Rot) and sign (Schild), and the name Rothschild, or 'Red Shield' refers to the red sign or symbol above the entrance was a six-pointed star that appears on to their house in Frankfurt. The symbol was a the flag of Rothschild-controlled Israel hexagram, also known as the Seal of Solomon or Star of David, and would become the symbol on the flag of the Rothschild-created Israel (Figure 93). This was not considered to be a Jewish symbol until it was adopted by the Rothschilds and can be found in many other cultures and settings. It was used by Arab magicians, Druids and Satanists, among other groups and peoples. One was found on the floor of a 1,200 year old Moslem Mosque where Tel Aviv is today. The Rothschild 'sign' is on the flag of Israel because that is their fiefdom. It was their creation and they have controlled it from the start. I have seen 'Israel' translated as 'One Who Fights Victoriously With God' and 'Prevailing Prince with God', but others suggest it is an amalgamation of Is (the Egyptian/Babylonian virgin mother Isis / Semiramis); Ra (the Egyptian Sun god symbolised by the snake and sun disc); and El (an ancient name for 'god' and equated with the Babylonian water god, 'Ea', who was the Sumerian 'Enki', the chief Anunnaki scientist in the cross-breeding programme). El was said to have fathered many gods. Most of the fallen angels in the Book of Enoch had names ending in 'el', as in Rdml, Kkabl, ram", Rm', Drrl, zql , Asl , Batrl, Annl, Zaql, Samspl, Satarl, Turl, Jmjl and Saril. The Bible also includes angels called Michael, Uriel, Raphael and Gabriel. The Rothschilds, and the Bauers before them, have long been associated with the 'occult'. This is a word meaning 'hidden' and refers to the hidden knowledge that can be used for good or ill. Some former Satanists have talked of the Rothschilds' involvement in the black arts and I know from the many insiders and victims I have spoken with that 'involvement' in an understatement of cosmic proportions. Satanism is at the heart of everything the leaders of the family do and one of their sources of esoteric influence and 'magic' is the Kabbalah, or Kabala/Cabala. Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the dynasty founder, made his fortune thanks to his close association with German royalty and aristocracy, especially Prince William of Hesse-Hanau, who loved to loan money at high interest rates. No wonder he and Rothschild got on so well that he would become the prince's financial agent. The Hesse dynasty made massive amounts of money from loaning troops to fight other country's wars, and for 'peacekeeping', as they called it even then. Hessian troops fought on the English side during the American Revolution. Prince William was famous for producing many dozens of children with a variety of different women, including a mistress who bore him eight offspring. This is another source of the Reptilian hybrid bloodline that can come to prominence without obvious connections to the elite. 'Activated' Reptilian hybrids are obsessed with sex and can never get enough of it. The Hesse dynasty

connects into the British Royal Family, and appears to have had close ties with a mysterious figure of myth and legend called 'Count Saint Germain', who has become a hero and focus of worship for some New Age groups today. He is a central figure in the beliefs in a 'Great White Brotherhood' of 'Ascended Masters' guiding humanity. This belief is promoted by the Theosophical Society of Helena Blavatsky, but 'bollocks' is the word that comes to mind. The New Age 'I Am' movement is also based on a belief in this guy as a 'spiritual master' and he is said to have been highly influential in the development of the Rosicrucian Order. It is claimed that he was an alchemist (remember the monatomic gold story), but pinning down the truth from the false tales is a life's work. Some say he was a Portuguese Jew, but other researchers have suggested that Germain was really Leopold-George, the son of Francis II of Transylvania, the land of the Reptilian vampires. Prince Karl of Hesse, Masonic leader of Germany, apparently believed that Germain had been brought up in Italy by the Reptilian Medici dynasty. When Germain reappeared to work among the elite families of Europe, Napoleon III had a dossier compiled about him that was destroyed when the building mysteriously burned down. Germain visited William and Karl of Hesse in 1774, and he is claimed to have later lived with them at a time that Mayer Amschel Rothschild was becoming a key part of Hesse operations. Whatever the truth of all this, it is clear that the Hesse family and the Rothschilds shared a love of the occult as well as money. Rothschild and his five sons established banking houses in Frankfurt, London, Paris, Vienna and Naples. Mayer Amschel selected the wives of his sons for the business connections they would bring to the family, and, as with all the leading Reptilian dynasties, he wanted his offspring to marry cousins wherever possible to keep the bloodline 'pure'. He had eighteen grandchildren and sixteen of them married first cousins. You find a similar story with other prime Reptilian bloodlines, like those Rothschild associates, the Habsburgs, and 'royal' families going back to the ancient world. Rothschild's daughters all married bankers Worms, Sichel and Beyfus and the family became immensely rich, and infamous, for funding all sides in wars that they had often covertly created. This includes the two world wars of the 20th century. In 1790, Mayer Amschel Rothschild encapsulated the family's manipulation technique when he said: 'Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws'. The game was, and is, to get companies and governments in enormous debt and then take them over. The Rothschilds seized control of the United States economy from the start through their aristocratic front man in George Washington's first government, Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton. It was Hamilton who established the country's first central bank, the Bank of the United States, chartered in 1791, and closed in 1811 when Congress refused to support it any longer. Another version came and went before, in 1913, the Rothschilds used their agents, the Schiff and Warburg families, to create the privately-owned (Rothschild-controlled) 'American' central bank called the Federal Reserve. The Schiff and Rothschild families were as one and shared the same house in Frankfurt in the days of dynasty founder Mayer Amschel. Jacob Schiff ran the Rothschild-controlled banking operation of Kuhn, Loeb & Company in the United States, while the Warburgs would later become bankers to Hitler. It was the Rothschilds who financed and controlled John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company, Edward R. Harriman's railroad empire, Andrew Carnegie's steel empire, and bankers and industrialists like J.P Morgan. All were considered to be great

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'American' entrepreneurs, or mega crooks, depending on your viewpoint. In truth, they were all answerable to the Rothschilds and 'American' elite families, like the Rockefellers and Bushes, still are.The Rothschilds funded the Russian Revolution in 1917 through people like Jacob Schiff at Kuhn, Loeb and Company, and the Harriman operation. The Illuminati agent, Averill Harriman, was a director of a company called the Guaranty Trust when it was financing Lenin and Trotsky to trigger the revolution, and this was later used to bring about the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the 'West'. The fear the Cold War created about a possible nuclear holocaust was increased enormously by seeing the consequences of the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945 on the order of President Harry S. Truman, the high Freemason and Rockefeller cousin. Even though he was American President, Truman said in 1950 that 'the greatest honour that has come to me, and that can ever come to me in my life, is to be Grand Master of Masons in Missouri'. It is the same with all these people the secret society comes first. Japan surrendered after the atomic bombs on the same terms it had agreed before they were dropped. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed for reasons of manipulation, not necessity, to plunge the world into fear of a nuclear holocaust with all the manipulation opportunities that would bring. See And The Truth Shall Set You Free for a detailed history of the Rothschilds and their catalogue of grotesque manipulation that led to wars, the deaths of hundreds of millions, centralisation of global power and the installation of tyrants and dictators to do their bidding including Hitler. Today, the Rothschilds officially have offices in some forty countries and they have been involved in the privatisation policies (selling off the peoples' assets to private interests, often controlled by themselves) in more than thirty countries. Since the early years of the 20th century, however, when the influence of the Rothschilds on world affairs was obvious, they have worked successfully to hide the extent of their holdings and control by using front companies and directors. The current head of the dynasty is Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild, the son of Lord Victor Rothschild, ace manipulator of British intelligence during and after the Second World War (see And The Truth Shall Set You Free). Jacob married Mary Serena Dunn of the St Clair / Sinclair bloodline of Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland. The chapel was made famous by the book, The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, and even more so by The Da Vinci Code. The Reptilian hybrid St Clair family of France were behind the creation of the Knights Templar secret society and became known as Sinclair when they relocated to Scotland. The mother of Jacob Rothschild's wife was Lady Mary Sybil St. Clair-Erskine, the daughter of James Francis Harry St. Clair-Erskine, 5th Earl of Rosslyn. Jacob Rothschild has close connections with Henry Kissinger and media tycoon Rupert Murdoch, a friend since the 1960s. He is chairman of the Rothschild foundation, Yad Hanadiv, which financed the building of the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, and the Israel Supreme Court. Masonic/Babylonian symbolism abounds in the building, as you would expect, and there's a pyramid and all-seeing eye, the Reptilian hybrid symbol you can find on the dollar Bill. Other prominent Rothschilds include Sir Evelyn de Rothschild in England and, until his death in 2007, the French banker, Baron Guy de Rothschild. But, hell, there's so many of them.

Zionism (Rothschild-ism): the fake 'history'

The movement created by the Rothschilds to lay false claim to the land we call Israel or Palestine is known as Zionism. This term is often used as a synonym for Jewish people

when it is actually a political movement devised, funded and promoted through the House of Rothschild and opposed by many Jews. The most visible Zionist front in the United States today are the so-called 'Neoconservatives' or 'Neocons', who were behind 9 /11 and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Zionists claim quite simply that the Old Testament says that 'God' made the Jews his 'Chosen People' and gave them the 'Promised Land' of Israel. Therefore, it belongs to them, no debate necessary. As Golda Meir, the former Israeli Prime Minister, said in the French newspaper, Le Monde, in 1971: 'This country exists as the fulfilment of a promise made by God Himself. It would be ridiculous to ask it to account for its legitimacy'. The invasion and subversion of an entire Arab nation in Palestine has been based on texts in the Bible written by who knows who, who knows when, thousands of years ago after the Jewish captivity in Babylon. It gets even more bizarre when you realise that the overwhelming majority of Jewish people have no historical or genetic connection to Israel, and the claim that there is such a connection is a gigantic hoax on both Jewish people and the wider world. The whole thing was orchestrated by the Rothschild dynasty to advance the goals of the Reptilians. Brave Jewish writers like Arthur Koestler have confirmed from their research that Jewish people have no historical claim to the land of Israel. They are not the biblical Hebrews and they are certainly not 'Semites'. They don't originate from biblical Israel, but from a Sumerian people who became known as the 'Khazars' in what became southern Russia and the Caucasus Mountains. Today, their lands are largely occupied by Georgia. This is why the so-called 'Jewish nose' is not a genetic trait of Israel, but the Caucasus. Alfred M. Lilienthal, a Jewish former American State Department official, called these facts 'Israel's Achilles heel', because it destroys Zionist claims to the land of the biblical Hebrews. Historians believe the Khazars to be descendants of the Turkic tribe, known as the Huns or Hun, that invaded and savaged Europe from Asia around AD 450. The Huns' territories stretched at one time from central Asia to central Europe, from Siberia and China to North India. They were a grouping of tribes and bloodlines from the interbreeding with many peoples, including the Chinese and Sumerians. The Huns are best remembered for their leader, Attila the Hun, who seized power by killing his brother, Buda, after whom the Hungarian city of Budapest was named. Like the Huns, the Khazars spoke a Turkic language and are believed to be the same people. The Khazars controlled a large and powerful 'Pagan' empire across most of Russia, to the Ural Mountains in the East and the Caucasus Mountains in the south. They made their living as traders and 'middlemen', levying taxes on the goods carried on the trade routes through their lands. Their influence in Eastern Europe extended well into the countries we now know as Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria (Figure 94). The Khazars were phallic worshippers and engaged in human sacrifice rituals. In about AD 740, the King of Khazaria, King Bulan, adopted the religion of Judaism and the whole nation did the same. Legend says that King Bulan was told to do this in dreams or visions, but it was clearly a political move to avoid being absorbed by the Christian or Islamic world on either side. What is certain, is that the Khazars, the ancestors of at least 90 per cent of those calling themselves 'Jewish' today, had no connection with the land called Israel. Their home was not the Dead Sea, but the Caspian Sea, which became known as the `Khazar Sea'. This is the area targeted by the Reptilian

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hybrids today for its immense oil and gas reserves. Arthur Koestler writes that 'a warrior nation of Turkish Jews must have seemed to the rabbis as strange as a circumcised unicorn'. An Arab Chronicler, Ibn-Said al-Maghribi, wrote:
As to the Khazars, they are to the north of the inhabited Earth towards the 7th clime, having over their heads the constellation of the Plough. Their land is cold and wet. Accordingly their complexions are white, their eyes blue, their hair flowing and predominantly reddish, their bodies large and their natures cold. Their general aspect is wild.

Certainly, the Caucasus region is so associated with the white race that in North America white people are still referred to as 'Caucasian'. The Khazars fought, made alliances and interbred with peoples like the Viking Rus (who became the Russians) and the Magyars with whom they had extremely close relations. The Khazars converted to Judaism (another religion of Babylon) in around AD 740, and they are the ancestors to Reptilian hybrid manipulators like the Rothschilds, Henry Kissinger, many of the 'Neocons' behind the Bush administration in the United States, and those who have controlled Israel since it was formed in 1948. Khazars were instrumental in the creation of the Magyar homeland of Hungary. Names like the Russian Cossack and the Hungarian Hussar came from 'Khazar', as did the German for heretic, Ketzer. The Khazars also had close links with the Byzantine Empire, which was part of the Roman Empire centred on Constantinople, and there was interbreeding between them. I'm sure the Rothschilds have Roman Empire 'royal' blood connections. A Khazar princess married Byzantine Emperor Constantine V, and their son became Emperor Leo IV, known as Leo the Khazar, who ruled the Byzantine Empire from 775 to 800. The deposed emperor, Justinian II, fled to Khazaria in 705, where the king (the 'Khagan' or 'Kagan') gave him shelter and allowed him to marry his sister. She took the name Theodora and became empress when Justinian was restored to the Byzantine throne. 'Kagan', of course, is a common 'Jewish' name today. According to 'Holy Grail' author, Sir Laurence Gardner, the archives of the Royal Court of the Dragon reveal that the origin of 'kingship' is 'kinship' or 'blood relative'. Gardner contends that this came from 'Kainship' after 'the first King of the "Messianic Dragon Figure 94: The Khazar Empire. It was here that the vast succession", the biblical Cain majority of today's 'Jewish' people originated after a mass (Kain), head of the Sumerian conversion to Judaism in the eighth century. Those who House of Kish'. The term control Israel are not the Biblical 'Jews, as they claim. They are the bloodlines of the Khazars and Sumerians 'Kagan' may have developed

from this origin and certainly the stories of 'Jewish' history are really the history of Sumer, Mu and Atlantis.

Sumerian 'Jews'
The Khazars and their close associates and subordinates, the Magyars, were related to the Sumerians. It was believed that the Magyars were a nomadic people from the north with a language of Finnish-Ugrian origin, but Dr Sandor Nagy writes in The Forgotten Cradle of the Hungarian Culture, that the people who later became known as Magyars were Sumerians from the 'Fertile Crescent' that became the less-than-fertile, Iraq. Dr Nagy uses extensive examples to confirm the linguistic similarities between the Sumerian, Old Magyar and current Magyar language. He also refers to several works written during the first millennium, including the Arpad Codices and the De Administrando Imperio, and completed fifty years of his own research. He says that while there are only 200 Magyar words related to the Finno-Ugric language, there are over 2000 related to the Sumerian. It was the same story with British, French and German archaeologists and linguists, who concluded that the language of ancient Sumerian inscriptions was not Indo-European nor Semitic, but a language which demonstrated significant similarities with the group of languages known at the time as the Turanian ethnolinguistic group. These included Hungarian, Turkic, Mongolian and Finnic (later referred to as the Ural-Altaic group). Research has indicated that the Sumerian-Hungarian languages have over a thousand common word roots and a very similar grammatical structure. Kalman Gosztony, professor of Sumerian philology at the Sorbonne in Paris, demonstrated in Sumerian Etymological Dictionary and Comparative Grammar that the structure of the Hungarian language is the closest to that of the Sumerian. Of the fifty-three characteristics of Sumerian grammar, fifty-one matched in the Hungarian, compared with twenty-nine in the Turkic languages, twenty-four in the Caucasian, twenty-one in the Uralic languages, five in the Semitic languages and four in the Indo-European. The linguistic similarities between Sumerian, Hungarian and other languages are confirmed by the archaeological and anthropological evidence. So let's get this clear. What we call 'Jewish' people originally came out of Sumer, and the Sumerians were not Semitic, which refers to people of a particular language group (Figure 95). Therefore, to refer to 'anti-Semitism', with regard to Jewish people, is thoroughly inaccurate and their hierarchy, like the Rothschilds, know this. Dr Sandor Nagy says there were two separate migrations of the Sumerian people out of Mesopotamia. One was through Turkey to the Carpathian Basin and the other went east, and then north, across the Caucasus Mountains into the area between the Caspian and Black Seas. This was the land occupied by the Khazar Empire to such an extent that the Caspian became known as the Khazar Sea. The Khazars were descended from the Huns and the Huns are said to be descended, like the Magyars, from the Sumerians. An ancient traditional pre-Christian account of Hungarian origins says they are the descendants of the Babylonian Nimrod. The legend claims that Nimrod had two sons, Magor and Hunor. It is said that Magor was the ancestor of the Magyars and Hunor was the ancestor of the Huns, so providing the common origin of the Magyars and the Huns (Khazars). Ancient Byzantine sources say the Magyars were also called the Sabirs and originated from Mesopotamia, the land of Sumer. Numerous other ancient and

'The Cruellest Hoax'


Figure 95: These are some of the countries of the language group known as 'Semites'. The former Khazars and Sumerians that became the basis of today's 'Jewish' people were not Semitic and so the term 'antiSemitic' does not apply

medieval sources refer to the Scythians, Huns (Khazars), Avars and Magyars as the same peoples, even though the Hungarian authorities appear desperate to deny this. In other books, I have highlighted the movement of the former Sumerians through the Caucasus Mountains under different names, like the Scythians, one of the names by which the Franks / Merovingians were known as they made their journey through the Caucasus. Now, we have further confirmation of the importance of the Caucasus region where some highly significant interbreeding occurred between bloodlines from Sumer and those from the Far East and China. This CaucasianChineseTurkish combination produced very important 'royal' bloodlines from the Reptilian point of view. A writer on a Jewish website, using the name Im nin'alu, says:
The Huns' origin is directly connected with two well-known peoples of the ancient Middle East: the Sumerians and the Scythians, namely, in the kingdom founded by Nimrod. Even though they belong to the Japhetic stock and their most creditable ancestor is Magog, the Sumerian heritage has been kept by them more than by any other people, which implies that they are in fact the result of a mixed background. According to their own legendary accounts (legends that are anyway founded on true facts), it is very feasible that ... they kept close ties with Sumerians even for a long time after the Sumerians disappeared from Mesopotamia as a national entity. Their particular link with ancient Sumerians was found through the comparison of modern Hungarian (Magyar) and other related languages with documents of the ancient Middle East that revealed a possible common origin.

The ancient Sumerians, that in the dawn of history settled in Southern Mesopotamia, in the land commonly known as Shin'ar or Chaldea, arrived there from the north, precisely from the Ararat region [now Turkey], that they called 'Subar-Ki' or 'Subar-Tu'. This area was also named after one of the peoples that inhabited there, the Hurri, whose language was agglutinative like Sumerian and had many words in common, even being a totally different tongue. Modern Hungarian shares many terms with both Sumerian and Hurrian, as well as with Elamite.

You might recall from earlier that Sumer was known in southern Africa as 'Sumaru'. The Ararat region is also the biblical location for where 'Noah's ark' came to rest after the Flood. It was located, like the Khazars, near the Black and Caspian seas.

The real exodus

The Khazar Empire, the first feudal state in Eastern Europe, broke up in a series of wars and invasions culminating in the arrival of the Mongol 'Golden Horde', best remembered for their inspiration, Genghis Khan. Over the centuries of waning power and influence, the Khazar peoples began to emigrate in many directions. S.W. Baron said of Khazaria in A Social and Religious History of the Jews:
Its population was largely absorbed by the Golden Horde which had established the centre of its empire in Khazar territory. But before and after the Mongol upheaval the Khazars sent many offshoots into the unsubdued Slavonic lands, helping ultimately to build up the great Jewish centres of Eastern Europe.

Khazars took their Judaic and Talmudic (Babylonian/ Sumerian) faith and settled in East European and Alpine lands, especially PolandLithuania. There are many ancient place names in Poland and the Ukraine inspired by the name 'Khazar' or 'Zhid', a term meaning Jew. These include Kozarzewek, Kozara, Kozarzow and Zydowo. As the Khazar Empire collapsed in the period after 960, a number of Slavonic tribes, led by the Polans, formed an alliance that became the state called Poland. 'Jews' (Khazars) played an important role in the Polish legends about the formation of the country. One says that a 'Jew' called Abraham Prokownik was elected by the tribes to rule them. Certainly Khazar 'Jews' became prominent in many countries of Eastern Europe. Jewish writer Arthur Koestler writes in The Thirteenth Tribe:
Both the Hungarian and Polish sources refer to Jews employed as mintmasters, administrators of the royal revenue, controllers of the salt monopoly, tax-collectors and ' money-lenders' i.e., bankers. This parallel suggests a common origin of those two i mmigrant communities; and, as we can trace the origins of the bulk of Hungarian Jewry to the Magyar-Khazar nexus, the conclusion seems self-evident.

Koestler points out that the traditional garb of Polish Jewry is of unmistakably Eastern origin 'The skull-cap (yarmulka) is worn to this day by orthodox Jews and by the Uzbeks and other Turkish people in the Soviet Union' (and by Muslims and the Roman Catholic hierarchy, because the skull cap comes from Babylon). In this period, the people formerly known for centuries as the Khazars became known as 'Jews' and their

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true origin was lost, but not to their elite families who sold a false history to the Jewish masses and the rest of the world. This was the belief that they were the biblical Jews and the fallacy continues to this day with devastating consequences for peace in the Middle East. The Khazar 'Jews' were confined to ghettos as a result of papal dictat in the mid16th century, and this, together with the 17th-century Cossack massacres in the Ukraine, led to another mass exodus into Hungary, Bohemia, Rumania and Germany. There were hardly any Jews in Germany until this time. 'Thus the great trek to the West was resumed', says Koestler. 'It was to continue through nearly three centuries until the Second World War and became the principle source of the existing Jewish communities in Europe, the United States and Israel.' Koestler, who was himself born in Budapest, says of 'Jews' and the Khazar revelation: ... [It] would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan, but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely connected to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Should this turn out to be the case, then the term 'anti-Semitism' would be void of meaning, based on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated. Benjamin H. Freedman was a one-time Jewish businessman in New York and a longtime 'insider' before speaking out vociferously against Zionism after World War Two. He was personally acquainted with leading American political figures like Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, John F. Kennedy and Bernard Baruch. Freedman went much further in his assessment of the Khazar revelation:
What are the facts about the Jews? (I call them Jews to you, because they are known as Jews. I don't call them Jews myself. I refer to them as so-called Jews, because I know what they are) ... There wasn't one of them [the Khazars] who had an ancestor who ever put a toe in the Holy Land. Not only in Old Testament history, but back to the beginning of time. Not one of them! And yet they come to the Christians and ask us to support their armed insurrections in Palestine by saying, 'You want to help repatriate God's Chosen People to their Promised Land, their ancestral home, don't you? It's your Christian duty. We gave you one of our boys as your Lord and Saviour ... It is as ridiculous to call them 'people of the Holy Land', as it would be to call the 54 million Chinese Moslems 'Arabs' ...

Stewart Swerdlow, who is himself Jewish, comes from a completely different research background to Freedman and Koestler. He gleaned much of his knowledge by being on the inside of the government-military mind control programme at Montauk on New York's Long Island. This is what he says in Blue Blood, True Blood:
... [the Sum-Aryans] mostly established themselves in the Caucasus Mountains and [later] became the Khazars. From here, they spread west towards Europe, seeding the national identities for the Vikings, the Franks, the Teutonic [German] peoples and the

Russians. Keep in mind that when Atlantis sank, some of those refugees went to Western Europe and developed into the Celts. Some went to Greece and others to the Italian Peninsula. These peoples were here before the hybrids moved in ... These Blueblood leaders also infiltrated the Middle Eastern peoples, such as the biblical Canaanites, Malachites and Kittites. Babylon was the civilization that Sumer developed into as it expanded into Central Asia to become the Khazars. In fact, many of the Blueblood organisations that developed through the millennia called themselves Babylon Brotherhoods. [They] later combined with the secret Atlantean-Egyptian schools in Europe to become the Freemasons. Some of these immigrants went by the name of Bauer, now known as the Rothschilds. The family quickly took control of the financial and trade foundations of Europe.

This makes sense of why Phillip Eugene de Rothschild said that the importance of Charlemagne was that he embodied the mixture of the 'royal' bloodlines of 'King David' (Sum-Aryan/Reptilian) and Alexander the Great (Sum-Aryan/Reptilian). Together they produced a combination which, to them, was a perfect genetic mix, or computer program. Stewart Swerdlow also says that the Reptilians developed hybrid bloodlines with a race now known as 'the Greys' from Rigel in the Orion system, and these became the royal bloodlines of China and Japan. This is another reason why the Caucasus and Eastern Europe are so significant. It was into this region that the 'Golden Horde', and others, came from the Far East to interbreed with Sumerian Reptilian 'royal' bloodlines to create a very important genetic combination from the Reptilian perspective. The former Khazar people are known today as the Ashkenazi Jews (plural Ashkenazim) and some writers estimate that perhaps 90 to 95 per cent of those calling themselves 'Jewish' worldwide are Ashkenazi, or former Khazars. Others are known as Sephardic Jews and they do have an historical connection to the Middle East, although, even then, the idea of a 'chosen race' going back to biblical Israel still doesn't stand up. The Ashkenazim ('Khazars') hold the reins of power in Israel and have done so since the country was created in 1948. Every Israeli prime minister has been an Ashkenazi Khazar. The name 'Ashkenazi is said by some to originate from Ashkenaz, the Hebrew word for Germany, but the Bible refers to the Ashkenaz as a people living in the region of Mount Ararat (now Turkey) and Armenia 'Noah's Ark' country. That would certainly fit the basic location of the Khazars. There is also a biblical reference to Ashkenaz, brother of Togarma and nephew of Magog. Joseph, the Khazar king in the second half of the 10th century, wrote in correspondence that they were ancestors of Togarma, who, he said, had ten sons that seeded all the Turkish tribes, including the Huns, Khazars and Bulgars. In the centuries after the demise of Khazaria, the Ashkenazi did not speak the Semitic language of Hebrew, which is no surprise at all because they were not Hebrews. They developed their own tongue called Yiddish. This began as a Germanic language from south eastern dialects of Middle High German and expanded into central and eastern Europe, starting in the 12th century. Later, it evolved to include elements of Hebrew, Aramaic, Slavic languages and other influences. Once again, Yiddish, the language of the Ashkenazi, did not come from Israel, but from Germany and Eastern Europe. The multiple linguistic influences in their language were also

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mirrored in the genes of the former Khazars. By this time, they had interbred with so many other races that they were a genetic cocktail which included Sumerian, Turkish, Far Eastern and northern and western European. However, their 'royal' bloodlines, like the Rothschilds, then the Bauers, remained 'pure' through interbreeding, and are a race apart from the rest of their fellow 'Jews' just like the Reptilian hybrids in other nations and races. I am not saying for a second that there is a 'Jewish' plot to control the world. I am saying that their leading families, who could not care less about Jewish people in general, are serious players in the Reptilian bloodlines that have infiltrated all peoples and nations with the aim of manipulating themselves into power.

The Creation of Israel

The 'Jewish homeland' in the former Palestine was, from the start, a Rothschild fiefdom engineered through the global secret society network controlled by interbreeding families and known as the Illuminati. In 2006, during the Israel-Lebanon war, the Israeli writer, Barry Chamish, told of a meeting he had with Evelyn Rothschild's grandson who abandoned the family to be a Mormon. Actually, I say 'abandoned', but the Mormon Church and the Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witnesses) were funded into existence by the Rothschilds. Their founders, like the Mormons, Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, and the Watchtower Society's Charles Taze Russell, were Merovingian bloodline. At the highest levels these religions are, as you would expect, Reptiliansatanic operations, as I detail in books like The Biggest Secret and Children of the Matrix. Anyway, Barry Chamish said he learned from this Rothschild grandson that just seven families were enjoying the 'fruits of the war' in the Lebanon at the time. The grandson said of the Rothschilds: 'They created Israel as their personal toy. It makes them richer and gives them more control. It's not going to be destroyed'. The Rothschilds funded the early European settlers in Israel, manipulated events in Germany that led to the horrific treatment of Jewish people, and others, and then used that as the excuse to reach their long-term goal a Rothschild-Reptilian stronghold in Palestine with the Jewish population treated like fodder to be used and abused as necessary. They called their plan 'Zionism', and the planning and manipulation began in the 19th and early 20th centuries through the Rothschilds and their gofers such as Chaim Weizmann. The British Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary, Viscount Palmerston, was a close Rothschild family associate and patriarch of European Freemasonry. He mixed with all the major Illuminati names of his era, and waged the Opium Wars against China on their behalf. As early as 1840, Palmerston wrote:
There exists at the present time among the Jews dispersed over Europe a strong notion that the time is approaching when their nation is to return to Palestine. It would be of manifest importance to the Sultan to encourage the Jews to return and settle in Palestine because the wealth that they would bring with them would increase the resources of the Sultan's dominions, and the Jewish people, if returning under the sanction and protection at the invitation of the Sultan, would be a check upon any future evil designs of Egypt or its neighbours. I wish to instruct your Excellency strongly to recommend to the Turkish government to hold out every just encouragement to the Jews of Europe to return to Palestine.

All bullshit. Palmerston was pushing the secret agenda and he knew it. The Rothschild/Illuminati manipulated the First World War (see And The Truth Shall Set You Free) and this led to the 'Balfour Declaration' in 1917 when the British Foreign Secretary, Lord Balfour, declared his government's support for a Jewish homeland in Israel. This announcement was connected to a deal to bring the United States into the war, a plan arranged through President Woodrow Wilson's closest 'advisors', Edward Mandel House and Bernard Baruch both Rothschild agents in America. The 'Balfour Declaration' sounds like some kind of public announcement, but it was a letter from Balfour to Lionel Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild, and almost certainly written by Rothschild banker, Alfred Milner. It said:
H is Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

In the latter years of the 19th century, an elite and Rothschild-funded secret society was formed in Britain called the Round Table. It was headed by the Reptilian hybrid, Cecil Rhodes, who led the conquest of southern Africa for the Illuminati-controlled 'British' Empire. He had Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe and Zambia, named after him. When he died in 1902, Rhodes was replaced as head of the Round Table by Rothschild front man, Alfred Milner, and among the Table's inner circle was ... Lord Balfour. So, the 'Balfour Declaration' was a letter, probably written by the head of the Round Table, and officially sent by a government minister and elite member of the Round Table to Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild, the 2nd Baron Rothschild, who was funding the Round Table. The Declaration promised Palestine to both the Jews and Arabs at this time, because they wanted to keep the Arabs on their side for a while. They needed them to revolt against the Turks as part of their First World War strategy and the British government would use the man known as 'Lawrence of Arabia' to lead this campaign. Like the government, Lawrence knew it was all a lie and that the people of Palestine were being set up. The Balfour Declaration said that 'nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of the existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine'. But, the Rothschild sidekick, Chaim Weizmann, would say: 'With regard to the Arab question the British told us that there are several hundred thousand Negroes there, but this is a matter of no consequence'. Nor have they been ever since.

Enter the Nazis

After Europe had been devastated by the Rothschild-Illuminati First World War, there came the Versailles 'Peace' Conference, near Paris, in 1919. Here, the reparations were imposed on the post-war German government, the Weimar Republic, that were so crippling and unsustainable that they prepared the ground on purpose for Hitler and the Nazis to come to power on a platform of restoring German pride and the nation's economy. Every major government 'advisor' at Versailles, from Britain, France and the United States, was either a Rothschild bloodline or controlled by them. As I show in And The Truth Shall Set You Free, the American President Woodrow Wilson was

'The Cruellest Hoax'


'advised' by Colonel House and Bernard Baruch, both Rothschild clones and leaders of the Round Table in the United States; British Prime Minister Lloyd George was 'advised' by Alfred Milner, a Rothschild employee and Round Table leader, and Sir Phillip Sassoon, a direct descendant of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the founder of the dynasty; French leader, Georges Clemenceau, was 'advised' by his Minister for the Interior, Georges Mandel, whose real name was Jeroboam Rothschild. Surprise, surprise, the Versailles 'Peace' Conference also gave its official support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The Rothschilds and their associates wrote the Treaty of Versailles that awarded the Rothschilds the German-owned railway rights in Palestine. The Rothschilds had also loaned nearly 100 million to the Turkish government, and when it collapsed after losing Figure 96: The Nazis were the the Arab revolt led by Lawrence of Arabia, the creation of the Reptilian hybrids Rothschilds claimed rights to Palestine in compensation and so they used all the same for the debt. They were now perfectly placed for the symbols. Here we see the Maltese Cross of the Illuminati final push to create the new Is-Ra-El. The Hitler regime Knights of Malta, the skull and was funded by Reptilian hybrid Rothschild agents in the crossbones, and the eagle, United States, including the Rockefellers, Harriman which represents the phoenix, and Prescott Bush, grandfather of the idiot president. the ancient 'sun-bird' This allowed the German war machine to emerge in just a few years from the ashes of fantastic economic collapse. The secret societies directly behind the Nazis, like the Thule and Vril Societies, interconnected with the secret societies of the Roman (Babylonian) Church and so employed all the ancient Reptilian symbols (Figure 96). This network brought Hitler to power and what followed were the Second World War, the concentration camps, and the IlluminatiRothschild use of these horrors to secure their long-held goal: a foothold in the Middle East to advance their plans far into the future. In And The Truth Shall Set You Free and The Biggest Secret, I have detailed the Illuminati connection to the Nazi concentration camps, and the Zionist, Rothschild, Bush family and House of Windsor links to the Third Reich. The Biggest Secret also looks at the evidence that Hitler was a Rothschild bloodline. He was certainly a skilled occultist, although far from the most advanced among the occult-dominated Nazi regime. The writer and researcher, Alan Bullock, said that Hitler's power to bewitch an audience has been likened to the occult art of the African medicine man, or the Asiatic shaman. Others have compared it to the psychic-sensitivity of a medium and the magnetism of a hypnotist. Hermann Rauschning, an aide to Hitler, said in his book,

Hitler Speaks:
One cannot help thinking of him as a medium. For most of the time, mediums are ordinary, insignificant people. Suddenly, they are endowed with what seems to be supernatural powers, which set them apart from the rest of humanity. The medium is possessed. Once the crisis is passed, they fall back into mediocrity. It was in this way,

beyond any doubt, that Hitler was possessed by forces outside of himself almost demoniacal forces of which the individual man, Hitler, was only the temporary vehicle. The mixture of the banal and the supernatural created that insupportable duality of which one was conscious in his presence ... it was like looking at a bizarre face whose expression seemed to reflect an unbalanced state of mind coupled with a disquieting i mpression of hidden powers.

Hitler was another possessed vehicle for the other-dimensional Reptilians and appeared to live in perpetual fear of the 'supermen'. Hermann Rauschning told how Hitler suffered from terrible nightmares and he would wake in terror, screaming about entities that were invisible to all but himself. Hitler once said to his aide:
What will the social order of the future be like? Comrade I will tell you. There will be a class of overlords, after them the rank and file of the party members in hierarchical order, and then the great mass of anonymous followers, servants and workers in perpetuity, and beneath them again all the conquered foreign races, the modern slaves. And over and above all these, will reign a new and exalted nobility of whom I cannot speak ... but of all these plans the militant members will know nothing. The new man is living amongst us now! He is here. Isn't that enough for you? I will tell you a secret. I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him.

This is the society planned by the Reptilians and their hybrid 'master race', and we are seeing it unfold by the day. Hitler's behaviour was extremely indicative of demonic possession, including his strange epileptic-like fits. Many people close to Hitler said that he woke up in the night screaming and having convulsions. He would call for help and appeared to be half paralysed. He would gasp to the point of suffocation and, often when fully conscious, he would point to apparently empty space and scream: 'He is here. There! In the corner'. Hitler was also obsessed with the Reptilian bloodline hero, Charlemagne, and spent a lot of time, as did other top Nazis, at Berchtesgaden in Bavaria, where legends say that the spirit of Charlemagne resides in the Obersalzberg Mountain waiting for the time to return and restore Germany to greatness. Hitler and the Nazis were tools of the Reptilians and their leading embodied agents like the Rothschilds. They were used to create global conflict and provide the excuse for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

Bankrolling the Nazis

Those calling themselves Jewish have suffered terribly over the years from the manipulations and agenda of those who rule them. In Nazi Germany, the mass of the Ashkenazi people were treated grotesquely while their leaders collaborated with their fascist persecutors, who were funded by Ashkenazi bankers and the British and American elite, including the Bush family. President Boy Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, was involved with the (Rothschild-controlled) Harriman Empire in funding the Nazis through a company called the Union Banking Corporation (UBC). Virtually all Nazi trade with the United States was under the control of Harriman (Rothschild) interests and the stewardship of people like Prescott Bush. The Union Bank interfaced with the steel and banking empire of Hitler funder, Fritz Thyssen, whose factories built

The Cruellest Hoax'


the Nazi war machinery. The UBC was closed down for trading with the enemy and one might ask why professional 'Nazi hunters' like Simon Wiesenthal, and others, have never pursued the Bush family? The hypocrisy is unbelievable, or it would be if you didn't know that 'Nazi-hunters' and the Bush family are expressions of the same force. The BushNazi connection has been highlighted by John Loftus, president of the Florida Holocaust Museum, who pointed out that Prescott Bush derived a portion of his personal fortune from his affiliation with the UBC. Loftus, a former prosecutor in the Justice Department's Nazi War Crimes Unit, said that leading Nazi industrialists secretly owned the ' Harriman/Bush' bank (controlled by the Figure 97: Says it all ... Rothschilds), and they were moving money into the UBC through a second bank in Holland even after the United States declared war on Germany. The bank was liquidated in 1951, Loftus said, and President Boy Bush's grandfather, and great grandfather, Herbert Walker, received $1.5 million as part of that dissolution. Herbert Walker is where the 'H.W.' comes from in Father Bush's name. Loftus said he had a file of paperwork linking the bank and Prescott Bush to Nazi money. 'That's where the Bush family fortune came from: it came from the Third Reich', Loftus said in a speech during the Sarasota Reading Festival in 2001 (Figure 97). Loftus also said that the Rockefeller family had Nazi ties, something I have documented in detail in other books. The Rothschild-controlled Rockfeller family funded the work of Ernst Rudin, Hitler's foremost 'racial hygienist', at Germany's Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Eugenics, Anthropology and Human Heredity. Other Nazi doctors, including 'Angel of Death' Josef Mengele, conducted incredibly cruel and vicious experiments on live, captive human subjects. Writer and researcher, Anton Chaitkin, says that body parts from victims 'were delivered to [Josef] Mengele, [Otmar] Verschuer and the other Rockefeller-linked contingent at the Wilhelm Institute'. The Reptilian hybrid families, primarily the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Harriman were behind the race purity eugenics movement. They see themselves as the master race, the bloodline of the Reptilian 'gods', while everyone else is merely cattle. See And The Truth Shall Set You Free for the background.

The Khazar-Sumerian Nazis

At first hearing, it would seem crazy that elite American families would fund Hitler and his race purity sickness even more so 'Jewish' families like the Rothschilds and others. When you realise that we are looking at Reptilian hybrid 'royal' bloodlines within the every race and nation, and that they are working together to the common goal, it starts to make sense. It would explain why Alfred Rosenberg, the 'intellectual leader' of the Nazi Party, is reported to have had 'Jewish' [that is Ashkenazi / Khazar / Sumerian] ancestry. It was Rosenberg who gave the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to Hitler. These were purported to reveal plans for world domination and are alleged to have been presented at the Jewish World Congress held in Basel, Switzerland, in 1897. The

Protocols were used to 'justify' the horrific persecution of Jews in Germany (although not the Ashkenazi / Sumerian leaders involved with the Nazi Party). Rosenberg, who was born in Estonia, became editor of the Voelkischer Beobachter, the official Nazi Party newspaper, and he wrote The Myth of the Twentieth Century which claimed that the Aryan race was the creator of all values and culture, while the Jews were agents of cultural corruption. Now we can see the real reason for the Nazi obsession with the blond-haired, blue-eyed Aryan 'master race'. It was the Sum-Aryan race that interbred with the Reptilian 'gods', the Anunnaki. Under Rosenberg's command, Jewish libraries throughout Europe were ransacked and the spoils delivered to him in Frankfurt. He also headed a special unit, Einsatzstab Rosenberg, which plundered art and furniture belonging to Jews in occupied Western Europe. Why? Because there are the 'Jewish' people as a whole, and then there are the Sumerian-Reptilian hybrid bloodlines within the 'Jewish' people. The two are not the same, and that's why these families supported the Nazis and didn't give a damn what they did to the rest of the 'Jewish' people. In fact, they wanted them to be treated horrifically to justify a 'homeland' (Rothschild fiefdom) in Israel after the war. Ernst Hanfstaengl, a close friend of US President Franklin Roosevelt, was also an associate of Hitler before the war. He says he was warned by the Austrian writer, Rudolf Kommer, that 'if any political party emerges with an anti-Semitic programme directed by Jewish, or half-Jewish, fanatics we shall have to watch out'. Hanfstaengl wrote that later, after experiencing the influence that Alfred Rosenberg had over Hitler, he began to realise what that remark really meant:
I thought back to Rudolf Kommer's remark about an anti-Semitic programme directed by Jewish or half Jewish fanatics - Rosenberg was distinctly Jewish [Khazar] in appearance, although he would have been the first to protest furiously if anyone had questioned his ancestry. Yet I used to see him most mornings sitting in a dingy caf at the corner of Briennerstrasse and Augustenstrasse with a Hungarian Jew named Holoschi, who was one of his principle assistants. The man called himself Hollander in Germany and was another of these Jewish anti-Semites ... I suspected the Aryan background of many of the others. Strasser and Streicher looked Jewish to me as well as figures like Ley, Frank and even Goebbels, who would have had difficulty in proving their pedigree.

They were 'Aryan' - Sum-Aryan - but Hanfstaengl would not have understood the game. Never mind Rosenberg's own ancestry, what was he doing with a 'principle assistant' that was Jewish when Rosenberg was one of the major architects of the master race madness and the persecution of Jews? This is one of endless 'anomalies' that can only be explained when you realise that the Jewish masses and their elite 'leadership' are working to very different agendas. The German Ashkenazi banker, the Rothschildcontrolled Max Warburg, was a director of I. G. Farben, the chemical and pharmaceutical giant that funded the Nazis, ran the concentration camp at Auschwitz and was at the heart of Hitler's war machine. His Rothschild-controlled brother, Paul Warburg, who was behind the creation of the Federal Reserve banking system that controls the American economy, was a director of Farben's US arm. Moshe Gottlieb reveals in his book, American Anti-Nazi Resistance '33 - '41, that Max Warburg's son, Erich, cabled his cousin, Frederick Warburg, a director of the Union Pacific Railroad,

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telling him to use all his influence to stop anti-Nazi propaganda and activity in America, including 'atrocity news and unfriendly propaganda in foreign press, mass meetings, etc.'. Frederick cabled back to Erich: 'No responsible groups here [are] urging [a] boycott [of] German goods, merely excited individuals'. Two days later, on March 31st 1933, the Warburg-controlled American Jewish Committee and the Rothschild's B'nai B'rith, heavily influenced by the Sultzbergers of The New York Times, issued an official joint statement saying 'no American boycott against Germany be encouraged'. It advised 'no further mass meetings be held or similar forms of agitation be employed'. Journalist John L. Spivak exposed the Warburg connections to the Nazis in an article in 1934, headed 'Wall Street's Fascist Conspiracy'. He revealed that the Warburgs controlled the American Jewish Committee that opposed the anti-Nazi boycott, while the Rothschild bank, Kuhn Loeb and Co., run by Russian Revolution funder, Jacob Schiff, had underwritten Nazi shipping. Spivak further exposed the Warburgs for financing pro-fascist political activities through their partners and allies, many of whom were major figures in the American Jewish Committee and B'nai B'rith, or 'Sons of the Covenant'. Support for the Nazis by the Ashkenazi (Khazar) leadership was fundamental to Hitler's war machine, and this led directly to the unimaginable suffering of the Ashkenazi masses in Germany. It was this very suffering that the Ashkenazi 'leaders', most notably the Rothschilds, exploited to campaign for a homeland in Israel a land to which the Ashkenazi had no blood or historical connection whatsoever. After the war, leading Zionist fronts continued to support rightwing groups or ignore their actions when it suited them. Canadian writer, Greg Felton, said this of the Zionist support for the Nazis:
Israel would not be possible today if the World Zionist Congress and other Zionist agencies hadn't formed common cause with Hitler's exterminators to rid Europe of Jews. In exchange for helping round up non-Zionist Jews, sabotage Jewish resistance movements and betray the trust of Jews, Zionists secured for themselves safe passage to Palestine. This arrangement was formalized in a number of emigration agreements signed in 1938. The most notorious case of Zionist collusion concerned Dr Rudolf Kastner, Chairman of the Zionist Organization in [Khazar] Hungary from 1943-45. To secure the safe passage of 600 Zionists to Palestine, he helped the Nazis send 800,000 Hungarian Jews to their deaths. The Israeli Supreme Court virtually whitewashed Kastner's crimes because to admit them would have denied Israel the moral right to exist.

Or, as David Ben-Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel, said in a letter to the Zionist executive on December 17th, 1938:
The saving of Jewish lives from Hitler is considered here as a potential threat to Zionism, unless they are brought to Palestine. When Zionism had to choose between the Jewish people and the Jewish state, it unhesitatingly preferred the latter.

The lands that the Rothschilds and their agents wished to occupy were populated at the time by the Arabs or Palestinians, but there was always going to be only one fate for them. Former Israel Prime Minster, Yitzhak Rabin, said in an uncensored version of his memoirs, published in The New York Times on October 23rd 1979:


We walked outside, Ben-Gurion accompanying us. Alton repeated his question 'What is to be done with the Palestinian population?' Ben-Gurion waved his hand in a gesture which said 'Drive them out!'

And that's what they did. The Arabs were driven out of power or consequence in their own land by Zionist terrorist groups like Hagana, Irgun and the Stern Gang (also known as Lehi), who bombed and assassinated Arabs, fellow Jews and the British administrators who governed Palestine under a mandate from the League of Nations and the Versailles Peace Conference. 'Palestine' was then the region we now call Israel, Jordan, the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the lands formerly belonging to the Turkish Ottoman Empire. Zionist terrorism led to the Figure 98: An lrgun poster imposition of the Jewish state in 1948 when at least 750,000 Arab people were expelled from their own land. Among the leaders of the Zionist terror groups were Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir and Ariel Sharon. These Ashkenazi (Khazar / Sumerian) terrorists and butchers would become Israeli prime ministers and have the nerve to condemn Arab terrorism. The Stern Gang was named by the British after its first commander, Avraham Stern, who later formed his own group, Irgun Zvai Leumi be-Yisrael (National Military Organization in Israel). An Internet article describes his motivation:
... Stern believed that the Jewish population should focus its efforts on fighting the British rather than supporting them in World War II; and that forceful methods were an effective means to achieve those goals. He differentiated between 'enemies of the Jewish people' (e.g., the British) and 'Jew haters', (e.g., the Nazis), believing that the former needed to be defeated, and the latter neutralized. To this end, he initiated contact with Nazi authorities offering an alliance with Germany in return for transferring Europe's Jews to Palestine and the establishment of a Jewish state therein.

This had always been the true motivation of these manipulators, and they have treated Jewish people as a whole as cattle to be exploited at will to this end. Irgun, led by later Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, was responsible for the bombing of the British headquarters at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946. It killed 91 Britons, Arabs and Jews, injuring many more, and this was only one of a stream of terrorist outrages and assassinations that ended in the creation of Israel (Figure 98). As an article on the World Socialist Website pointed out during the reign of Prime Minister Sharon:
It is not simply that Ariel Sharon and company are a bunch of hypocrites or political amnesiacs about the past. More importantly, the Irgun, led by Menachem Begin, the Stern Group and Lehi, its successor, went on to form the Herut party, forerunner of the Likud party, and the ultra right-wing Moledet party, which form the main coalition partners of Sharon's government.

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The gang of former generals, ultra-nationalists and religious bigots that run Israel today are the political heirs of terrorists who furthermore had close connections with the fascists. In this, they mirrored some of the Arab nationalists in Palestine, Egypt and Iraq who allied themselves with Germany in order to rid themselves of British i mperialism. These alliances led to a virtual civil war between the various wings of the Zionist movement during World War II.

Greg Felton, the Canadian writer and specialist on Middle East affairs, wrote:
... What we know as the 'Jewish State' of Israel is really an ethnocentric garrison state established by a non-Semitic people for the declared purpose of dispossessing and terrorizing a civilian Semitic people. In fact from Nov. 27, 1947, to May 15, 1948, more than 300,000 Arabs were forced from their homes and villages. By the end of the year, the number was close to 800,000 by Israeli estimates. Today, Palestinian refugees number in the millions.

Apartheid Israel
Like all societies controlled by the Reptilian hybrids, Israel is extremely hierarchical and racist. The Reptilians are obsessed with hierarchical structures, in line with the traits of the reptilian brain, or computer program. As Stewart Swerdlow says, the caste system of India, which dictates your place in society for life by your genetics, was based on the Reptilians' own genetic hierarchy. Caste comes from the word casta, meaning race or lineage, and, to the Reptilian hybrids, everything is about lineage. The Israeli leadership is stunningly racist about Arab people (except those with the bloodline). I saw a former Israel military commander saying during the IsraelLebanon conflict of 2006 that it was terrible how Israeli children had to be sitting in bomb shelters in Haifa. As she spoke those words, children were being killed by Israeli bombs in Lebanon, but they didn't matter. The Israeli Prime Minister and terrorist, Menachem Begin, told the Israeli parliament that Palestinians 'are beasts walking on two legs', and another Prime Minister and terrorist, Yitzhak Shamir, said in a speech to Jewish settlers that the Palestinians 'would be crushed like grasshoppers ... heads smashed against the boulders and walls'. That is what they really think. Have no illusions here, Arabs and the rest of the world's peoples are seen as inferior beings little more than vermin. In June 2006, the Israeli Navy shelled a beach in Gaza killing eight Palestinians and injuring thirty-two civilians, including thirteen children. The dead included seven members of one family (Figures 99 and 100, overleaf). The Israeli government offered its 'deep regret', but this outrage was no accident. To them, dead Palestinians are the only kind they want. What can you say when Israeli children are encouraged to sign and write messages on bombs destined for Arab children (Figures 101 and 102, overleaf). The Israeli army captures children as young as twelve for the 'crime' of throwing stones at tanks destroying their communities. These children are kept in adult military prisons and they are 'tried' in military courts all against international law. But, then, Israel is a law unto itself. The Israeli authorities have no empathy with the victims of their callousness, not least because, to them, Palestinians are genetically inferior to the 'Chosen Race'. But Israel's apartheid goes much deeper than that. Even the 'Jewish' population is divided into levels of privilege decided by genetic origin. The white Ashkenazim from


Europe and America are, by law, at the top of the pyramid of privilege. Below them in Israel's genetic caste system are the Sephardic Jews, or Mizrahim (the 'Eastern Ones'), who came from Arab countries and do have an historical connection to the Middle East. Sephardic people are descended from 'Jews' who were expelled from Spain in 1492. They lived in peace with the Arabs for hundreds, sometimes thousands, of Figure 99: A photograph released by the years before the Ashkenazi arrived in numbers Israeli army shows an Israeli Navy vessel from Europe in the mid-20th century under the shelling a beach in the northern Gaza Strip banner of the Rothschild political movement on June 9th 2006 ... called Zionism. Rabbi Ahron Cohen said in a statement for the anti-Zionist Neturei Karta group that the connection between Muslims and Jews goes right back into ancient history. 'Mostly the relationship was friendly and mutually beneficial', he said. 'Historically, the situation frequently was that when Jews were being persecuted in Europe they found refuge in the various Muslim countries. Our attitude to Muslims and Arabs can only be one of friendliness and respect.' Sephardic Jews were Figure 100: ... Huda Ghalya screaming kept in corrugated iron transit camps where alongside the body of her father after the Ashkenazi officials tried to strip them of their Israeli attack. Huda lost seven members of 'Arabness' by replacing their 'unpronounceable' her family across three generations on Arab names with good 'Jewish' ones. Most had that Gaza beach. Yet, Israel still has the nerve to condemn the terrorism of others to work ten to twelve hours a day in disease and squalor. Their high death rate was explained by one Zionist official as a 'common and natural thing'. Yemeni Jews, in particular, faced extraordinary discrimination as they were transported, often against their wishes, from Yemen to Israel and held in primitive camps. Yemeni babies were stolen from their mothers and given for adoption to Ashkenazi families. Doctors, social workers and nurses worked together to kidnap 600 Yemeni-Jewish babies. They told their parents the children had died and then gave them to childless Ashkenazi couples. In the early 1990s, a high-profile campaign began to reunite some of those shattered families. Professor Ella Habiba Shohat, an Iraqi-Jewish Israeli who teaches at City University of New York in Manhattan, has highlighted the suppression of Sephardic Jews in Israel. Her 1992 book, Israeli Cinema: East/West and the Politics of Representation, shook the Israeli establishment with its exposure of racism. She said of her upbringing in Israel:

It was taboo to speak Arabic in school and whenever teachers wanted to chastise us, they would refer to us as 'you Moroccan' or 'you Iraqi' or 'you Yemeni' ... Jews from the Middle East were expected to abandon their Middle Eastern traits, so we grew up without studying our history or culture. It was all the more tragic for Palestinian Israelis, who couldn't even read about Arab history in textbooks.

'The Cruellest Hoax'


Figure 101: What a way to bring up your children ... Israeli kids writing messages on the bombs waiting to be fired at Lebanese civilians and children just like them ...

Figure 102: ... Message received ...

At the bottom of the 'Jewish' genetic pile in the apartheid of 'free, democratic' Israel, come the black Jews from Ethiopia, who are treated appallingly, but even they are placed by law above the Palestinians. Israel is a fundamentally racist state in which the Ashkenazim dominate and dictate to the Sephardic / Arab majority on the basis of genetic origin. A report by the US organisation, Human Rights Watch, said:
There is no general prohibition of discrimination or guarantee of equality in any of Israel's Basic Laws. Indeed, equality was explicitly excluded from the Basic Law: Human Freedom and Dignity when it was drafted.

One man's experience ...

Jack Bernstein, an American Ashkenazi, moved to Israel from the United States, lured by the propaganda about the Jewish homeland. What he experienced sickened him and he detailed what he witnessed in an article entitled 'The Life of an American Jew in Racist-Marxist Israel'. He said that Zionist propaganda has led the American people to believe that Zionism and Judaism are one and the same and that they are religious in nature. This, he said, was a blatant lie. 'Judaism is a religion; but Zionism is a political movement started mainly by East European (Ashkenazi) Jews, who for centuries have been the main force behind communism and socialism', he writes. The ultimate goal of the Zionists, said Bernstein, is a one-world government under the control of the Zionists and the Zionist-oriented international bankers. He said that after the 1967 Arab-Israeli war Jews in America were filled with pride that 'our homeland' had become so powerful and successful. They had also been manipulated by false propaganda that Jews in America were being persecuted, he said. 'So, between 1967 and 1970, approximately 50,000 American Jews fell for this Zionist propaganda and migrated to Israel. I was one of those suckers'. Bernstein had no emotional conflict with leaving the United States, because those calling themselves Jews are allowed to have citizenship of both Israel and America. Soon after arriving in Israel, Bernstein fell in love with Ziva 'She was a Sephardic Jewess from Iraq who, like myself, had fallen for the Zionist propaganda and had migrated to Israel'. Jack and Ziva were married and that's when he realised he was living in a racist state. He said that for the first three years of their

marriage they had to live with Ziva's aunt 'because of the critical housing shortage in Israel and because of racism'. He said this was the genetic system used to allot housing: 1) First choice goes to Ashkenazim who have lived in Israel for many years. 2) Second in line are Ashkenazim from Europe, especially if they marry an Israelborn Ashkenazi. 3) Third, are Ashkenazim from the United States, even better if they marry an Israelborn Ashkenazi. 4) Only after all of the above are housed do Sephardic Jews, with an historical connection to this region, have a choice of whatever is left. 5) At the bottom of the list come the Muslims, Druze and Christians. Jack Bernstein writes that even though he was an Ashkenazi from the United States, he was placed lower on the list for housing for being married to a Sephardic Jewess. He said that employment opportunities were allocated in the same way: the Ashkenazim get the best jobs; Sephardic Jews are next; while Muslims, Druze and Christians filled the menial jobs with a great many left unemployed. The Shas Party in Israel was specifically formed to address the discrimination against Sephardic people by the Ashkenazi elite. Israel is founded on outrageous racism of the most appalling and sinister nature. It is no less than apartheid, yet Ashkenazi organisations like the Rothschild-controlled Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and B'nai B'rith go around hurling the label 'racist' and 'anti-Semite' at everyone else to stop legitimate investigation into the activities of people like the Rothschilds and Henry Kissinger. Jack Bernstein dismissed the very idea that Israel is either free or democratic. It is, he said, a racist state:
The Ashkenazi Jews, who migrated to Israel from Germany, while sympathetic to communism and support it, tend to favor the practices of Nazi-style fascism. During World War II in Germany these elite Zionist Ashkenazi Jews worked closely with Hitler's Gestapo in persecuting the lower class German Jews and delivering them to concentration camps. Now living in Israel, these elite Zionist Jews, who were well trained in Nazi-style fascism and favor it, have imposed many facets of fascism on Israel. To give the impression that Israel is a democracy, members of the Knesset [Israel's parliament built by the Rothschilds] are elected but it's an odd kind of election. This is where Israel's so-called democracy stops. It doesn't make any difference which party wins an election, the Likud or the Labor party [or now the Kadima], the elite Zionist Jews rule in a dictatorial manner giving favors to the elite clique and brutally suppressing any dissent. Concerning Nazism/fascism, please let me clear a point. Germans are an admirable people I dare say even great. But in Germany, the general population were victims of the Nazis who through cunning and brutality gained power. In Germany, the average Jews were

'The Cruellest Hoax'


victims of the Zionist elite who worked hand in hand with the Nazis. Many of those same Zionist Jews, who, in Germany, had worked with the Nazis, came to Israel and joined hands with the Zionist/communist Jews from Poland and Russia. It is the two faces of communism and Nazi-style fascism that rule Israel. Democracy is merely an illusion. Regarding the tie between the elite Ashkenazi Jews and the Nazis, take a look at the word 'Ashkenazi' look again 'AshkeNAZI'. Interesting isn't it?

The Ashkenazi leadership used people who are not Jewish by blood, and not historicallyconnected to the lands of Israel, to take over Palestine through an historical fabrication. They have controlled the country ever since as a fascist dictatorship masquerading as 'freedom and democracy'. Ask former nuclear technician, Mordechai Vanunu, who was illegally abducted in Rome by Mossad agents, smuggled back into Israel, 'tried' in secret and jailed for 18 years. His crime was to tell the truth about Israel's nuclear weapons programme which the government had denied existed. Vanunu, the son of a rabbi, was released in 2004, but remains subject to a long list of restrictions on what he can say, who he can speak to and where he can go. He has been re-arrested a number of times for violation of the restrictions and talking to foreign journalists. The British and American governments, those 'protectors of freedom', look the other way.

'Jewish' means 'faith', not race

There is no such thing as a Jewish 'race', just as there is no Aryan 'race' in the way it is portrayed by the white supremacists. These are more fabrications of history. There are people who follow the Jewish faith all over the world, but that's different to a race. There are white 'Jews', brown 'Jews', black 'Jews', Spanish 'Jews', Chinese 'Jews' etc., etc, that follow that belief system and good luck to them so long as they don't force it on anyone else. If they want to call themselves 'Jewish' on the basis of their faith then please feel free, it's none of my business. But there is not a Jewish 'race', let alone a 'chosen people'. Arthur Koestler points out that people calling themselves 'Jewish' across the globe have far more in common genetically with the 'host' population than they do with each other. This was highlighted by Professor Juan Comas in his work, The Race Question in Modern Science, published by UNESCO, and here by Raphael Patai in the Encyclopaedia Britannica:
The findings of physical anthropology show that, contrary to popular view, there is no Jewish race. Anthropometric measurements of Jewish groups in many parts of the world indicate that they differ greatly from one another with respect to all the i mportant physical characteristics stature, weight, skin colour, cephalic index, facial index, blood groups, etc.

Harry Shapiro produced the same assessment in his UNESCO work, The Jewish People: A

Biological History:
The wide range of variation between Jewish populations in their physical characteristics and the diversity of the gene frequencies of their blood groups render any unified classification for them a contradiction in terms. For although modern racial theory admits some degree of polymorphism or variation within a racial group, it does not

permit distinctly different groups, measured by its own criteria of race, to be identified as one. To do so would make the biological purposes of racial classification futile and the whole procedure arbitrary and meaningless. Unfortunately, this subject is rarely wholly divorced from non-biological considerations, and despite the evidence efforts continue to be made to somehow segregate Jews as a distinct racial entity.

These efforts are designed to maintain the lie and continue to sell a false history and biology, both to the mass of those who consider themselves 'Jewish', and to the rest of humanity. How can you claim to be a special race, a 'chosen people' considered by 'God' to be above all others, and with special rights given by 'God' to own a certain piece of land, when there is no such thing as a 'Jewish race'? During the Babylonian exile, the 'Israelites', including members of the priestly families, married with other peoples. As Koestler says in The Thirteenth Tribe, even before the Diaspora (the 'Scattering'), the Israelites were a 'thoroughly hybridized race'. Such 'hybridization' applies to most historic nations, writes Koestler, `and the point would not need stressing if it were not for the persistent myth of the biblical ['Jewish'] tribe having preserved its racial purity throughout the ages'. (The mass of the people haven't, but their elite have). Koestler concludes his excellent book:
To sum up, the Jews of our day have no cultural tradition in common, merely certain habits and behaviour-patterns, derived by social inheritance from the traumatic experience of the ghetto, and from a religion which the majority does not practice or believe in, but nevertheless confers on them a pseudo-national status ... the lingering influence of Judaism's racial and historical message, though based on illusion, acts as a powerful emotional break by appealing to tribal loyalty.

This continues to be done because Reptilian hybrids like the Rothschilds need the myth of a 'Jewish' race, and a false 'Jewish' history, to hide their true agenda.

World War Ill

The creation of Israel was never an end in itself. It has always been a means to an end. All along, the plan has been to target the Islamic world to trigger a global war that would set the world ablaze and lead to the 'solution' of centralised control of the planet and all of its peoples. To do that they needed to create a point of conflict, a power keg, among the Arab countries that could be exploded to start another global war. This is the real reason for the creation of Israel and the real reason why the Reptilian hybridcontrolled United States has spent its billions building up Israel's might and military. Albert Pike (Figure 103), a Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and Illuminati to the core, is

Figure 103: Freemasonic hero, Albert Pike, predicted three world wars and one is still to come

'The Cruellest Hoax'


alleged to have written a letter in 1871 to an infamous Illuminati operative, Giuseppe Mazzini, in which he outlined the three world wars that would lead to global domination. The first war, he is supposed to have written, would overthrow the Czars in Russia through a conflict between the British and Germanic empires; and the second would lead to political Zionism being strong enough to install a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. Now, there are many who say the letter never existed, but what is interesting, in the light of current events, is what he is supposed to have said about World War Three:
The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentu' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism [the State of Israel] mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile, the other nations, once more divided on this issue, will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion ... We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view [the Reptilians]. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time. Source: Commander William Guy Carr, former Intelligence Officer in the Royal Canadian Navy, quoted in Satan: Prince of This World.

If Pike did not write that, then the guy who did was some prophet. This is the historical background that has led to what is happening today.

Silencing the truth

The Rothschilds, through their front organisations like B'nai B'rith and the World Jewish Congress, and front families like the Canadian Bronfmans, have sought to defend the lie and destroy researchers who get too close. Their vehicle for this is the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), officially founded by B'nai B'rith in 1913, but the key man behind it was the Rothschild agent, Jacob Schiff, of Kuhn Loeb and Co, who funded the Russian Revolution. The ADL viciously targets anyone uncovering the conspiracy and brands them 'anti-Semitic'. They have done this to me, which I take as a compliment. The ADL is an arm of the Israeli intelligence agency, Mossad, which is the modern version of the private intelligence network that the Rothschilds established centuries ago. They have succeeded in discrediting many researchers and writers, even getting some jailed for

simply promoting another version of history. It is the Rothschilds and their lackeys who are behind the laws in more and more countries that make any questioning of the official story of the Holocaust a criminal offence. The United Nations is now seeking to make these laws global. The reason they are so terrified of independent Holocaust investigation is that it has the potential, as the dominoes fall, to expose the whole Rothschild involvement with the Nazis and demolish the official Jewish history on which the Rothschild conspiracy to a large degree depends. We have now reached the point where even a teachers union debate in Canada about the treatment of the Palestinians by Israel is attacked and condemned by the Rothschild-controlled B'nai B'rith who sought to have it stopped. The desperation by these mind-fascists to keep the lid on the truth is becoming almost laughable. The Rothschild cabal have to keep inventing new enemies for the 'Jews' to keep them controlled and demanding 'protection' from those who imprison them. The Jew, Albert Einstein, quoted in Collier's Magazine in 1938, said:
Anti-Semitism is nothing but the antagonistic attitude produced in the non-Jew by the Jewish group. The Jewish group has thrived on oppression and on the antagonism it has forever met in the world ... the root cause is their use of enemies they create in order to keep solidarity.

Unfortunately, the 'left' and 'liberals' have bought the lie and the extreme right Rothschilds, and their ADL, use what I call the Robot Radicals to do their dirty work by destroying legitimate researchers who are asking questions that the 'RRs' are too stupid and blind to ask. When an alleged 'racist' is identified, the lynch mob grabs the rope. He or she must be destroyed, must lay prostrate on the ground begging for forgiveness, for they have sinned against the God of Political Correctness even if they weren't being racist at all. It never seems to occur to the mob that in condemning the alleged 'racist bully' in the terms that they do, they are engaging in the mass bullying of their target. But, they are too full of their own self-purity, too far up their own anal passages, to see their hypocrisy and contradiction. We now hear this cry of 'racism' at every turn a label guaranteed to attract hatred and condemnation from everyone who wants to posture their self-purity and show they are 'not racist'. I am not a violent man, but if they had a rocket up their backside I could well be tempted to ask for a match. Their contribution to human freedom and the exposure of those behind the slaughter, suffering and war, has been utterly catastrophic and how the Rothschilds love 'em. Okay, we have followed the Reptilian hybrid 'royals' through to the present day by their various routes, and seen how they created their religions of mass control. Now, we can look at the secret society network, through which they have imposed their will on an unsuspecting people.

Hand in glove
Secrecy is the freedom tyrants dream of. Bill Moyers

As the bloodlines travelled and expanded their power, so did the secret society network that emerged from the Mystery schools of Sumer, Babylon, Egypt and elsewhere. Its role is to covertly manipulate events to advance the Reptilian hybrid agenda and to install the bloodlines, or their stooges, into the positions of political, economic and military power. The network is structured like Russian dolls, or pyramids within pyramids, smaller ones inside bigger ones, inside even bigger ones. The secret societies are divided into levels or 'degrees' and each higher degree knows more than the one below (Figure 104, overleaf).You only progress to a higher level when you are chosen to do so, and the knowledge is strictly compartmentalised and restricted. It is for this reason that most Freemasons know little or nothing about the real goals of the organisation of which they are members. The general membership believes that the highest official degrees, like the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, are truly as high as they can attain. This is not so. The 'individual' secret societies feed bloodline initiates through the peaks of their own pyramids and into the Illuminati degrees (Figure 105, overleaf). These, too, are compartmentalised and access to the highest levels is by Reptilian hybrid bloodline only. It is here that the real action is knowledge of the game as it is truly played and to what end. There are also Reptilian hybrid place-people throughout the lower secret societies, it should be said, but they will have limited understanding compared with those deep in the shadows. Albert Pike, who died in 1891, was among the most pre-eminent figures in world Freemasonry and he was the guy who wrote the letter about the three world wars. Pike described the structure of secret society compartmentalisation in his book, Morals and Dogma, written for higher-degree Masons. He was the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the 33rd degree and Supreme Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, and he reveals in Morals and Dogma how the lower degrees are purposely misled. He writes here about the 'Blue Degrees', the bottom three levels of the Freemasonic structure, and the highest level that most Freemasons attain:
The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them, but it is intended that he shall imagine that he understands them. Their true implication is reserved for Adepts, the Princes of Masonry. 169


The David lcke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Figure 104: The levels of 'Degree' within Freemasonry mean that knowledge can be 'compartmentalised' and what the higher levels know the lower levels don't. Most Freemasons never progress higher than the bottom three Degrees, the 'Blue Degrees'

The Orwellian global state is being manipulated into place through the Illuminati secret society network, which ensures that its operatives or stooges are appointed to the positions of power and influence. These are not just politicians, but crucially their 'advisors' and administrators, and those who control banking, business, military and media. Their actions are coordinated through the Illuminati web and the centrallydictated decisions of the hidden Reptilian elite are implemented across the world by their agents in government and commerce. The compartmentalisation means that most secret society members know little, or mostly nothing, of the Reptilian agenda, and nor would they support it if they did. They have children, too, and they would be outraged if they knew how their society or group had been formed or infiltrated with the aim of creating a global fascist nightmare. Most secret society initiates use the secrecy and exclusivity to plot and scheme to their benefit, be it influencing decisions of the local council or securing a good business deal. When it comes to the big picture the overwhelming majority are clueless about the forces that ultimately control

Hand in glove


Figure 105: The chosen few progress through the pyramids of the 'individual' secret societies into the secret Illuminati degrees, which are also fiercely hierarchical. Entry to the upper levels is by Reptilian bloodline only

Freemasonry and other secret societies. Indeed, they are so clueless that they vehemently and genuinely from their perspective deny that any such forces exist. This is how they keep most secret society initiates in ignorance of what is happening around them. The pyramid structure of secret societies and the institutions of state ensure that only a few at the top know what is really going on. The rest serve the pyramids from their isolated compartment with no idea how they are contributing to the imprisonment of themselves and their families. When I say 'the top', I don't even mean those who appear to be at the peaks of power, like presidents, prime ministers, CEOs, media owners and those with the most stars on their uniforms. Such people are the place men and women of the Illuminati and they are there to do as they're told. As long as they do so, they will be supported, but when they start to believe they really have power, or their demise suits the agenda, they will be removed by whatever means. These include scandals about corruption or their private life, which are covered up until it is time to remove them; or it could mean undermining their government or business, so they are ejected by the public or shareholders. When you control the media and finance, anything is possible.

Reptilian Knights
Naturally, some secret societies are most important and powerful than others because some are closer to the top of the pyramid, or the 'spider' in the centre of the web the Reptilian Shadow People. Among these exclusive groups are the Knights Templar and the Knights of Malta, both tools of the Roman Church, the Church of Babylon. The official head of the Knights of Malta is the Pope, and it also has a Protestant version called the Knights Hospitaller of St John of Jerusalem or the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem. Its official leader is the British monarch. The Knights Templar became well known after the publication of the book, The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, in the 1980s, and then world famous with the success of The Da Vinci Code, the 'Holy Blood' novel by Dan Brown. Both works are based on the idea that the 'Jesus' bloodline became the Merovingian kings. The Knights Templar, together with an alleged associated secret society called The Priory of Sion, and the Roman Catholic group, Opus Dei, are said to know this secret and have worked to keep it hidden to protect the official story of Christianity. Some of the claims in the books are correct, but swathes of them, and the main thrust about 'Jesus', are a diversion. These secret societies and others are keeping a secret about bloodlines, but they are nothing to do with a literal 'Jesus' because there wasn't one. 'Jesus' is symbolic of Nimrod/Tammuz in Babylon and, in that sense, 'Jesus' is symbolic of that bloodline the Reptilian hybrids. Another ' Grail' writer, Sir Laurence Gardner, also promotes the Jesus bloodline story and actually calls it the 'Dragon' lineage. Sir Laurence has been closely associated with the modern version of the Royal Court of the Dragon, which was established and expanded by the pharaohs in Egypt and has had Vlad Dracul 'Dracula' among its number. Given that background, I find it impossible to believe that Sir Laurence Gardner doesn't know what the 'Grail' bloodline really refers to. These are the secrets held and perpetuated by the Church of Rome, the Jesuits, Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, the upper echelons of the Freemasons, and other even more exclusive groups. The Knights Templar and the Knights Hospitaller of St John of Jerusalem (later the Knights of Rhodes and now The Knights of Malta) were established in the 11th/12th centuries, along with the Teutonic Knights, whose network would later produce, with the Rothschilds, the Nazi regime in Germany. These elite secret societies, which answer to the Church of Rome, involve leading names in global politics, banking, business, military and media. The Knights Templar were formed in France and were first known as the Soldiers of Christ. They are surrounded in mystery and contradiction, but it is known that they dedicated the order to the 'Mother of God' Queen Semiramis of Babylon, the Anunnaki goddess under endless names. As with all such organisations, the Templars promoted a Christian image as a cover and 'Mother of God' was taken to be Mother Mary, the mother of Jesus. The Templars adopted the symbol of the red cross on the white background, the fire or sun cross, and this became the 'St George's Cross' of England. The symbol had already been in use for hundreds of years in Georgia in the Caucasus Mountains, the land of Khazars, and its significance to the Reptilian hybrids goes back way before the Templars. The flag was used during the Templar-led Crusades and was flown by John and Sebastian Cabot when they 'discovered' North America on behalf of the Templars and the Reptilian hybrids. Among other Templar symbols were a flag with black and white squares; the skull and crossbones; and the

Hand in glove


Figure 106: The symbol of black and white squares has been used in the Mystery schools and secrets societies for aeons and it can be found on the floor of Masonic temples, in 'Christian' churches and cathedrals, and on police uniforms

watchtower. All of these symbols have spanned the centuries with the Reptilian hybrids. Black and white squares can be found on the floor of many churches and cathedrals and on the uniforms of many police forces, including those in the UK and the USA (Figure 106). The symbol of the skull and crossbones has been used in Knights Templar rituals for nine hundred years and it inspired the name and symbol of the elite Skull and Bones Society in the United States that is closely Figure 107: The ancient connected to the Bush family (Figure 107). The Reptilian hybrid symbol of the Watchtower is the symbol of the Watchtower Society skull and bones. This one is the symbol of the Skull and Bones the Jehovah's Witnesses. Society in the United States From the start of the official Templar story there were which includes many of the blatant untruths. They claimed to have been formed to 'elite' within the political protect pilgrims in the Holy Land, but for the first nine establishment, including Boy years, it seems, there were only nine of them. Among and Father Bush from the their most important sponsors and supporters was St Republicans and John Kerry from the Democrats Bernard, founder of the Cistercian Order, and the French St Clair family. This became the Scottish Sinclair family after some of them settled in Scotland following the Norman invasion of Britain by William the Conqueror in 1066. The St Clair / Sinclairs are a Reptilian hybrid bloodline who based themselves at Rosslyn Castle and Chapel, near Edinburgh in Scotland, and later interbred with the Rothschilds. In 1099, Christian crusaders invaded Jerusalem and slaughtered the Saracen Muslim Turks and the Judeans living there. This reopened the 'Holy City' to Christian pilgrims and they began to arrive in large numbers through the ports of Jaffa, Tyre and Acre. Tyre was one of the major centres for a Sumerian people known as the Phoenicians, who also flew the red cross on the white background as they sailed far and wide, including to Britain around 3000 BC. The original nine Knights Templar arrived in Jerusalem in 1118 to 'guard' the pilgrims, and were given quarters adjoining Temple Mount, the alleged site of Solomon's Temple. Some researchers believe the Templars found something of great value, possibly manuscripts, while excavating under Temple Mount, but, whatever happened, events


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Figure 108: The Temple Church in London. It was originally built by the Knights Templar and consecrated in 1185

Figure 109: The flying reptile at the point where two great Reptilian hybrid strongholds meet: the City of London financial district, or 'the City, and the Temple district, headquarters of the legal profession

Figure 110: Two winged reptiles and the red cross of the Knights Templar adorn the crest of the City of London, the 'Square Mile, which controls much of global finance and is awash with interconnecting secret societies

began to move rapidly after 1126. It was then that the Grand Master, the French nobleman Hugues de Payens, left Jerusalem for France to gather recruits and expand the order. The word 'nobleman', incidentally, means 'Aryan man' or 'Sum-aryan man'. The Templars were formally established on January 31st 1128 at the Council of Troyes named by the Sicambrian Franks after Troy, the former home of the Merovingian and Roman royal bloodlines. Within a year, incredible expansion had taken place. The Templars had a papal constitution, wealth, land and three hundred recruits from noble families who had to give all their wealth to the Templars when they joined. As a result, the Templars owned land in France, England, Scotland, Spain and Portugal, and within ten years this was extended to Italy, Austria, Germany, Hungary and Constantinople. There were Templar preceptories and villages, hamlets and farms galore all over England. Whenever you see the name Temple in a British place name (for instance, Templecombe), it is a former Templar location. Their national headquarters was in London on land that is now High Holborn, and in 1161 they moved a short distance to a new London Temple, which is still there today in the district called 'The Temple' and 'Temple Bar'. Here can be found parts of the original church, in the classic round design of the Templars, that was featured in The Da Vinci Code (Figure 108). It was close to this church in The Temple, which is still a Knights Templar stronghold, that British Prime Minister Tony Blair and his wife, Cherie, trained to be barristers. In the main thoroughfare at Temple Bar is a statue of a flying reptile as you pass from the Temple district, the centre of the legal system, into the area of London known as the City of London, or 'the City', the globallyimportant banking and financial district (Figure 109). The crest of 'the City' is two flying reptiles holding the shield of the Knights Templar (Figure 110). Despite their wealth, the Templars were exempt from taxes. They had their own courts, and they controlled monarchs, people of influence, businesses and countries (just as they do today). Their method, as with the later Rothschilds, was to manipulate their targets into a position of dependency, usually through blackmail or debt. In this way, the Templars could dictate events. England's Edward Ist borrowed substantial sums from

Hand in glove


the Templars, while King John and Henry III were up to their necks in debt to them. At one point, Henry pawned the Crown Jewels to the Templars to pay for military exploits. This is another ancient technique of the Reptilian hybrids still constantly in use today. They manipulate wars, lend all sides the money to fight them, and pick up massive profits from the horrors they have secretly engineered. They also lend the same countries money to rebuild their shattered societies, and this makes them even more in their debt and further under their control. They also use war to remove leaders, take over lands, and redraw the boundaries in line with their agenda. The English Crown Jewels at the time of King John were kept at the Templar's London Temple and under John, Henry II, Henry III and Edward I, it was also one of four royal treasuries. The Templars collected the taxes for the Pope and the Crown, plus the taxation known as tithes. In France, the Templar centre in Paris was the leading royal treasury and the French monarchy was in serious debt to them. The French king, Philippe IV, or Philippe the Fair, decided, it seems, that he'd had enough and took steps to destroy the Templars in a purge on Friday, October 13th 1307. Friday the 13th has been deemed unlucky ever since. Some Templars were seized, including their Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, and they were subjected to the unimaginable torture of the Inquisition, which accused them of taking part in skull and bones rituals. But there is clear evidence that many Templars knew of the plan and escaped. Documents detailing their rules and rituals were removed or destroyed before the raids, and, when the vaults were opened at the Templar headquarters in Paris, the fortune Philippe so coveted was gone. The Templar fleet escaped from France, particularly from their main port at La Rochelle, and took their wealth with them. They headed for Scotland, Portugal, and most likely, the Americas. In Portugal, they hid behind an organisation known as the Knights of Christ and one of their Grand Masters was the explorer Prince Henry the Navigator (13941460). The term 'navigator' or 'nautonnier' is used by the Knights Templar to denote a Grand Master. Significantly, Prince Henry had a sea captain of noble birth called Bartolomeo Perestrello, whom he appointed governor of Porto Santo, an island thirty miles northeast of Madeira. Perestrello's daughter became the wife of Christopher Columbus and through these connections, and others, Columbus had access to maps of the world that the public knew nothing about. The Templars also fled from France to Scotland, aided by the Sinclair family at Rosslyn Castle, and they would later re-emerge, in part, as the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Some researchers say that another secret society called the Priory of Sion was once closely connected with the Knights Templar, but later broke away. Division and conflict between secret societies is a constant theme and sometimes it may be true, although often it is a cover story to hide the connections that form the web. The Priory of Sion is said to have been founded in the 12th century to serve the interests of the Merovingian bloodline or 'Le Serpent Rouge' (the serpent blood), and has been heavily linked with the mysteries surrounding the village of Rennes le Chateau in southern France. It was this that first inspired the book, The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail. Others claim the Priory of Sion is a hoax, but within the many diversions I suspect some basis of truth. While much has been written in recent years about the Knights Templar and Opus Dei, the influence of the Knights of Malta and the Society of Jesus, or the Jesuits, has been seriously underplayed. The Knights of Malta are one of the most powerful and

elite groups within the Illuminati web and very close to the spider. The Jesuit hierarchy is even closer. The Knights of Malta control the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and much of global finance, and have Permanent Observer status at the United Nations. All this for a secret Figure 112: The Sun symbol of Figure 111: The Maltese cross, society. They began as the symbol of the Knights of Malta the Jesuit Order Knights Hospitaler of St. John of Jerusalem, a group of religious merchants who set up a hospital in Jerusalem in the eleventh century. Pope Pascal II acknowledged the Hospitalers as a religious order in 1113 and their leading initiates had to be of 'noble birth' bloodline. They later added a military wing and fought with the Templars in the Crusades. The Hospitalers were exempt of all outside authority, except for the Pope, and, like the Templars, paid no taxes. After they were forced out of Jerusalem by Islamic forces, they relocated in many places in the hundreds of years that followed. Most notable were the island of Rhodes, where they were known as the Knights of Rhodes, and Malta, where once again they took the name as their own. These two places were also important locations for another former Sumerian people called the Danaans, who have been connected with the biblical 'Tribe of Dan'. The name 'Danaan' derived from their serpent Moon goddess, Dana, or Diana. They came out of Atlantis to settle in Asia Minor (now Turkey) and Greece, and also travelled to the British Isles, where they were known as 'Tuatha de Danaan', or 'People of the Sea'. At one time, they had a major headquarters on the Island of Rhodes, a name that originates from a Syrian word for serpent. The Greek historian, Diodorus, said Danaan Mystery school initiates had the ability to heal, change the weather and 'shapeshift' into any form. They also located in Malta, another major Mystery school centre, and its original name was 'Lato', after 'Mother Lato', the serpent goddess. It is no accident that the Knights of Malta settled in the same locations. When Napoleon conquered Malta in 1798, the now Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) was without a home again until they moved to Rome, where they still reside, in 1834. The Knights of Malta operate under the absolute rule of the Grand Master who is elected for life. The symbol of the Order is an eight-pointed cross, known as the Maltese Cross (Figure 111), and a symbol of the mother goddess.

Loyola's legacy
The Society of Jesus, or the Jesuits, with their Sun worship logo (Figure 112), operate in the highest echelons of the Reptilian hybrid Illuminati, or rather their leaders do. It is the Jesuit leadership that controls the Knights of Malta, Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus in the USA, and works closely with another secret order of the Roman Church, Opus Dei, which was created by Jesuits. The alleged rivalry between the two is a diversion. The Society of Jesus was the creation of Ignatius Loyola, who was born at the Castle of Loyola in the Basque province of Guipiacoa in Spain on Christmas Eve

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1491. He and a group of associates founded the Jesuit Order in 1537 and it was given papal approval in 1540. From there it expanded its influence until it reached its present status as one of the most powerful secret societies on earth. Loyola became the first Jesuit Superior General, also known as the 'Father General', and he sent his agents far and wide to set up schools, colleges, and seminaries. It's interesting that theological colleges are called 'seminaries' and their students 'seminarians'. The term comes from the Latin 'seminarium', or 'seed-bed'. Semiramis was known in similar terms as the mother, or 'seed-bed', of the gods. The word 'seminary' is also used in reference to Jewish and Muslim religious centres of higher 'education', and by the Mormons, too. The Jesuits now have some 25,000 members in 112 countries and the worldwide structure consists of regions known as assistances, which are themselves made up of provinces. It is the usual top-down, Russian-doll system that allows the leaders to keep the big agenda from the lower ranks. The Superior General has absolute authority and is again chosen for life, or until he decides to resign. The Jesuit Constitutions were written by Loyola and created a dictatorship that demanded absolute obedience to the Pope and 'superiors' within the Order. He said that Jesuits should be 'well-disciplined like a corpse'. Loyola produced a book called Spiritual Exercises in 1548 and it is still at the heart of Jesuit 'education'. It tells Jesuits to suspend their own judgement and the thirteenth rule says it is a virtue to believe only what the Catholic Church tells them even if it's not true. The example is given of seeing something that is obviously white, but believing it is really black if the Catholic hierarchy says it is. This is what the Illuminati and Reptilian hybrids always demand absolute obedience. In the Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction, or Blood Oath ceremony, recorded in the Journals of the 62nd Congress, 3rd Session of the USA, the real aims of the Society of Jesus are made crystal clear. Former Jesuit priests, including the late Father Alberto Rivera, have confirmed the Blood Oath's existence and it fits the blueprint of Reptilian hybrid rituals and oaths. Malachi Martin, another former Jesuit priest, worked in the inner circles of the Vatican for more than twenty years and spoke seventeen languages. In his final book before he died in 1999, he said there was an 'occult conspiracy' in the Vatican and that satanic rituals were conducted within a Secret Church dedicated to 'Lucifer'. This is the true agenda behind the Jesuit operation which controls the Vatican and the Pope, and I know from unwilling participants that exactly the same happens within the secret levels of the Mormon Church and the others of Reptilian hybrid origin. The Blood Oath ceremony is conducted alongside an altar as the initiate, or postulant, stands between two monks. One is holding a banner with the papal colours of yellow and white, and the other holds a black banner bearing a knife with a red cross above the skull and crossbones. It also includes the letters INRI, which is said to mean IUSTUM, NECAR, REGES, IMPIOUS 'It is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical Kings, Governments, or Rulers'. The initiate kneels and the Superior gives him a black crucifix to hold against his heart and a dagger which he holds pointing to his heart. The Superior confirms during the ceremony that the initiate has been taught to infiltrate and spy on behalf of the Order:
My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to be a spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man ... and obtaining their confidence, to seek even to preach from

their pulpits and to denounce with all vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and even to descend so low as to become a Jew among Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for the benefit of your Order ... ... You have been taught to plant insidiously the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and to incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous ... ... to take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side. You have been taught your duty as a spy, to gather all statistics, facts and information in your power from every source; to integrate yourself into the confidence of the family circle of protestants and heretics of every class and character, as well as that of the merchant, the banker, the lawyer, among the schools and universities, in parliaments and legislatures, and the judiciaries and councils of state, and to be all things to all men.

The initiate then pledges to wage war against the 'enemies' of both the Order and the Pope:
I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honour, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.

The Order's current head, or Superior General, is a Dutch guy called Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, also known by Jesuit-watchers as the 'Black Pope'. He is far more powerful than the real one and works closely in America with New York Archbishop Edward Cardinal Egan. The fundamental involvement of the Jesuit Order in world-changing events like the two global wars have rarely been told. Often blame is handed only to a 'Jewish' cabal, which certainly does exist as a Sumerian cabal in a nexus around the Rothschilds, and goes under the name of Zionism, Neoconservatism and other labels. This is an important tool of the Illuminati, but it is only part of the web and we should not let it hide the fundamental involvement of the Jesuit hierarchy and the Church of Babylon, now known as the Roman Catholic Church. In truth, they are all different faces of the same organisation.

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The Jesuit blueprint

The same Jesuit structure was employed by the Jesuit-educated, Adam Weishaupt, when the Bavarian Illuminati was officially launched on May 1st, 1776, and by many other secret groupings. The Bavarian Illuminati is a strand in the bigger web, which also calls itself the Illuminati and goes back in various forms to Atlantis and Mu. Weishaupt taught Roman Catholic Canon Law at the Jesuit University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria, Germany, which is the birthplace of many Reptilian hybrid front men, including Henry Kissinger and the current Pope, and beloved by the Nazis. Germany, together with countries like Britain, France, Italy and the United States are major Illuminati and Reptilian bloodline centres to this day. The themes of the Jesuit Oath were adopted by Weishaupt, as he and his conspirators set about causing mayhem in Europe, and elsewhere, to establish Illuminati political control. This was achieved by planting agents in all areas of society, who then engineered the conflict that brought about the required change. The French Revolution was one of their covert operations disguised as giving freedom to the people, and behind all these activities was the Jesuit leadership and its associates, the Rothschilds. Mayer Amschel Rothschild was the real leader of the Bavarian Illuminati, and the Rothschilds and the Jesuits have long been connected. Adam Weishaupt came from a family of Orthodox Ashkenazi Jews who had converted to Roman Catholicism, but, in reality, both religions are two wings of the same organisation. Rothschild, Weishaupt and the Jesuit leadership were dedicated to dividing and ruling the masses through conflict and war by manipulating politics, finance and religion, and getting people to fight each other while they were controlling and arming all sides. Weishaupt, or 'Brother Spartacus' within the Illuminati, infiltrated the Freemasons, especially Grand Orient Freemasonry. He once said:
The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation. None is fitter than the three lower degrees of Freemasonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it.

In 1785, a courier for the Bavarian Illuminati was struck by lightning, thrown from his horse and killed. He was carrying papers that detailed the plans to control Freemasonry and governments and it will be familiar to observers of the world today: 1) They planned to use financial and sexual bribery to control those in positions of power and blackmail them into following orders. If this didn't work, the targets and their families would be threatened with violence and, when necessary, murdered. 2) Education establishments, especially universities, would be used to indoctrinate students from influential families into a belief in the need for a world government and what has become known today as 'globalisation'. One method was to give scholarships to those 'scouted' by the Illuminati as potential agents of the future.

3) Those controlled by the Illuminati through bribery, blackmail or indoctrination, were to be placed throughout governments, the military hierarchy, religion, banking, commerce and academia to serve the Illuminati conspiracy to impose a centralised global dictatorship. 4) They would own or control all forms of mass communication to ensure that news and information would portray the world as the Illuminati wanted the people to see it. In 1798, John Robinson, a Freemason professor of natural philosophy at Edinburgh University in Scotland, wrote a book called Proofs of a Conspiracy that exposed the Bavarian Illuminati. The professor said that he had been asked to join them, but refused. He said 'an association has been formed for the express purposes of rooting out all the religious establishments and overturning all existing governments ... the leaders would rule the world with uncontrollable power, while all the rest would be employed as tools of the ambition of their unknown superiors'. A copy was sent to US President George Washington, who acknowledged that the Illuminati were operating in the United States and had 'diabolical tenets'. My own view is that he had good reason to know he was one of their people. Weishaupt said that his followers, or 'pupils', should not be concerned about using violence and breaking the law to achieve their ends (see 9 /11). 'Sin is only that which is hurtful, and if the profit is greater than the damage, it becomes a virtue' (see 9 / 11). He was confident of 'victory' for his bunch of crazies:
The pupils are convinced that the Order will rule the world. Every member therefore becomes a ruler. We all think of ourselves as qualified to rule. It is therefore an alluring thought both to good and bad men. Therefore the Order will spread.

And it has. Weishaupt worked with the 'Law of Fives', because he believed that everything happened in cycles of five. The inner council of the Bavarian Illuminati was arranged in line with the five points of the pentagram, the most obvious symbol of Satanism. It was made up of five men, Meyer Amschel Rothschild, Adam Weishaupt, his friend Franz Kolmer, Alphonse Donatin de Sade (de Sadist) and Sir Francis Dashwood, the British government minister and friend of Benjamin Franklin, who established the satanic Hellfire Club on the Dashwood estate near West Wycombe in Buckinghamshire. There were three main classes within the Bavarian Illuminati, the novices or 'minervals'; a middle section of 'ordinary knights'; and the mystery grade, which was divided into two sections for the 'priest and regent' and the 'magus and king', also known as Illuminatus Rex. Lesser members made a pledge of obedience to those above them. Each had to agree in writing to keep the secrets, even though the lower levels were not told the truth anyway the same with Freemasons and all such societies. Every month the initiate had to produce a report to his superior who, thanks to compartmentalisation, he didn't even know. It is sobering to think that those in positions of political, economic, military, business, media, scientific and academic power today are members of organisations in which the demands of the secret society come first, last and always.

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Jesuit Nazis
Not only was Adam Weishaupt Jesuit-educated and controlled, so was Joseph Stalin and many of the key Nazis. Hermann Rauschning, former Nazi head of the Danzig government, revealed in 1939 that Hitler had told him:
I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits. Until now there has never been anything more grandiose on the Earth, than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic Church. I transferred much of this organization into my own [Nazi] party. In my Burgs of the Order, we will raise up a youth that will make the world tremble ...

Walter Schellenberg, former chief of German counter-espionage, also quoted Hitler as saying:
The S.S. organization has been constituted by Himmler according to the principles of the Jesuit Order. Their regulations and the spiritual exercises prescribed by Ignatius of Loyola were the model Himmler tried to copy exactly. Himmler's title as supreme chief of the S.S. was to be the equivalent to the Jesuit General and the whole structure and direction was a close imitation of the Catholic Church's hierarchical order.

Hitler, Himmler, the Jesuit-trained Goebbels, and most of the major Nazis were Catholics and this is why there was so much cooperation and collaboration between Nazi Germany and the Vatican, as endlessly revealed in the decades since. The Knights of Malta coordinated the escape of the most vicious Nazis, scientists and mind manipulators, and many were issued with Knights of Malta passports. They ran the 'Ratlines', with other connected groups, that allowed some 30,000 Nazis to relocate to the United States, Canada, Britain, South America and Australia/New Zealand. Also involved were the Rockefeller family, James Jesus Angleton, the major US intelligence operative and Knight of Malta, and Herbert Walker, the grandfather of President George H.W. Bush and great grandfather to President George W. They all profited handsomely, it seems. The people they helped to escape included Martin Bormann, the Deputy Fuhrer; Joseph Mengele, the 'Angel of Death' at Auschwitz, who was taken to the Americas to continue his genetic and mind-control horrors; Adolf Eichmann, who oversaw the mass deportation to the concentration camps; Franz Stangl, Commandant of the Treblinka camp; Klaus Barbie, the Gestapo officer known as the 'Butcher of Lyons'; and 8,000 members of the Waffen SS who were allowed to go free in Britain. Hitler's one-time ally, Benito Mussolini, was also Vatican (in other words Jesuit)controlled, as you would expect. All these connections are possible when you have an interconnecting network involving the Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Knights Templar and the Germany-based Teutonic Knights, which span borders and nations. International finance appears to be controlled by 'Jewish' families, but alongside them are the Knights of Malta, an arm of the Jesuit Superior General, and I know from my own research over many years that the Knights of Malta are a power behind the global banking system. It is they who administrate the International Monetary Fund (IMF), as I mentioned. An acquaintance of mine called me to say he had been offered a job with the IMF by the Knights of Malta at a meeting in Las Vegas. When he asked how they could possibly make such an offer, he was told that they ran the whole thing and to

get the job he would have to join them. He turned them down and ended up in jail. The Rothschilds were given the title 'Guardians of the Vatican Treasury' and they ensure the financial wealth and secrets of the Roman Church stay well hidden, because they and the leadership of the Roman Church are the same Reptilian/Anunnaki hybrids from Sumer. F. Tupper Saussy, author of the book, Rulers of Evil, wrote:
Aware that the Rothschilds are an important Jewish family, I looked them up in [the] Encyclopedia Judaica and discovered that they bear the title 'Guardians of the Vatican Treasury'... The appointment of Rothschild gave the Black Papacy [the hierarchy of the Jesuit Order] absolute financial privacy and secrecy. Who would ever search a family of orthodox Jews for the key to the wealth of the Roman Catholic Church?

Bill Hughes writes in The Secret Terrorists and The Enemy Unmasked:
The Rothschilds were Jesuits who used their Jewish background as a facade to cover their sinister activities. The Jesuits, working through Rothschild and [financier Nicholas] Biddle, sought to gain control of the banking system of the United States.

There are Jesuit plants throughout politics, finance, commerce, media and military. Among them are Bill Clinton, who attended the Jesuit Georgetown University; Cuban dictator, Fidel Castro; mass murderer Robert Mugabe, President of Zimbabwe; and the horrific Simon Peres, former leader of Israel. Members of the Knights of Malta have included Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, former Secretary of State Alexander Haig, and Prescott Bush Jr., brother of Father George Bush. The Hitler-funding Herbert Walker, grandfather of Father Bush, attended an elite Jesuit school called Stonyhurst College in Lancashire, England 'a school with more than 400 years of Jesuit tradition', as it says on its website. The global intelligence community is full of agents working for the Church of Rome with the Knights of Malta once again a prime coordinator. During the Second World War, while Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini were being controlled by the JesuitVatican network, so were the intelligence agencies of the United States, Germany and the Soviet Union. Their operatives included William Donovan, head of the CIA predecessor, the Office of Strategic Services, or OSS; General Reinhard Gehlen of German Intelligence, who joined the CIA after the war; and Prince Anton Turkul with Soviet Intelligence. Turkul used Jesuits as couriers. Nazi General and war criminal, Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler's head of intelligence for the Eastern Front, was given the highest honour of the Knights of Malta, the 'Grand Cross of Merit', for services rendered. Many heads of the CIA have been Knights of Malta, among them the first director, Allen Dulles, and George Tenet, CIA director before and during 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq. The infamous James Jesus Angleton, a major CIA operative involved in the Kennedy assassination, was a Knight of Malta and controlled by the Jesuits. He largely grew up in Rome and became the head of both the Israel and Vatican 'desks' at the CIA, chief of counterintelligence, and its 'liaison' with the Warren Commission that covered up the Kennedy assassination. FBI chief, J. Edgar Hoover, and Clay Shaw, a CIA agent and the only man to be brought to trial for the murder of Kennedy, were Knights of Malta. So was Kim Philby, the British Intelligence agent turned Soviet spy, a man close to the Rothschilds and a friend of James Jesus Angleton. The son of Nazi

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supporter, John Foster Dulles, US Secretary of State after the Second World War and brother of the CIA Director, Allen Dulles, became a Jesuit priest and went on to be a cardinal.

Tantrums from the 'Tomb'

Every country has its own secret society network and this connects with the global web. In the United States, there is the appropriately-named Skull and Figure 113: The headquarters of the Skull and Bones Society based in a bleak Bones Society, a windowless mausoleum known as windowless building known as 'The 'the Tomb, across the street from Yale University Tomb', across the road from the campus of Yale University at New Haven in Connecticut (Figure 113). Every year fifteen bloodline students are initiated into this satanic, blood drinking 'Order', and the ratio of initiates who end up in positions of power in politics, banking, business, media and intelligence agencies in the United States is far, far higher than the general student population. President Boy Bush, who was born in New Haven, is a Skull and Bones initiate, code-named 'Temporary', which might refer to his brain cell activity. Father Bush is also a member, as was his father, Prescott Bush, one of the funders of Adolf Hitler. Prescott Bush is most famous within the Skull and Bones Order for raiding the grave of the Native American Apache leader, Geronimo. In May 1918, Prescott Bush and five other Skull and Bones men ransacked the grave at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. They took turns to stand guard while others robbed the grave and took away artefacts and Geronimo's skull. This was taken to the Skull and Bones headquarters at Yale, where it was used in their sick rituals and ceremonies. This horrible story is told in an internal history of the Skull and Bones Society and was quoted to Ned Anderson, the Tribal Chairman of the San Carlos Apache tribe, when he was negotiating to have Geronimo's remains returned to the tribe's custody. A 1989 article in The New Yorker said: 'One Bonesman ... recalled during the early 70s seeing perhaps thirty skulls, not all of them human, scattered about the Tomb'. This is the mentality of the people running our world. The Bushes are related to the Tafts, who provided President William Howard Taft, and it was his father, Alphonso Taft, and another Reptilian hybrid bloodline, William Harrison Russell, who established the Skull and Bones Society. Initiates pledge allegiance to the society above all else for the rest of their lives. When they become President of the United States, or enter other positions of power, their first allegiance is to the agenda of the secret society, not what is best for the people or country they are claiming to serve. There are only a few hundred Skull and Bones members alive at any one time, yet, in a country of some 300 million people, they managed to produce both candidates, George Bush and John Kerry, at the presidential 'election of 2004. One was supposed to be a 'Republican' and another a 'Democrat', but they are masks on the same face answerable to the same masters. This is how 'democracy' works. When Bush and Kerry appeared on the show, Meet the Press, they ducked questions about their membership of a secret society to which these would-be presidents had pledged total allegiance. Bush said: 'It's so secret we can't talk about it'. Kerry responded: 'There are

all kinds of secrets ... but one thing is not a secret. I disagree with this president's direction that he's taking the country'. That was it, no further interrogation to ask how two members of the same secret society, taking the same oath of loyalty, could run for President of the United States while refusing to discuss the implications. The interviewer knew better than to delve any further because it would have been a fatal career move. In late 2000, Ron Rosenbaum of the New York Observer was in a team using high-tech night vision equipment to record a Skull and Bones initiation ceremony in the inner courtyard of 'The Tomb'. They witnessed a robed Bonesman posing as George W. Bush haranguing initiates in an 'eerily accurate Texas drawl' saying: 'I'm gonna ream you like I reamed Al Gore' and 'I'm gonna kill you like I killed Al Gore'. Rosenbaum reported that the Bush sound-alike appeared a bit disgruntled with his role and he complained: 'I got the power to bomb the crap out of China and they give me this station?' He also said: 'I'm the President of the motha-fuckin' USA', sounding more and more like Bush, said Rosenbaum. Others were heard to shout 'Take that plunger out of my ass!', and initiates hurled sexual insults at each other like 'lick my bumhole neophyte [new initiate]' as they were forced to kneel and kiss a skull at the feet of the initiators. 'Lick my ass, neophyte!' and 'Do you like my bum, neophyte?', were also heard. Remember George W. Bush and his father have been through these rituals. Initiates were witnessed by the New York Observer team acting out 'the tableau of a throat-cutting ritual murder'. One of the Patriarchs of The Order said: 'We ought to get better blood than this fuckin' syrup, man'. Rosenbaum writes:
[The initiates] were forced face-to-face with a shocking tableau: a guy holding what seemed like a butcher's knife, wearing a kind of animal-skin 'barbarian' look, stood over what seemed to be a woman covered in fake blood and not much else. The neophyte then approached a skull a few feet away from the knife-wielder-and-victim tableau. The neophyte knelt and kissed the skull, at which point the guy with the knife knelt and cut the throat of the prone figure. [Well, pretended to cut the throat].

The rituals are full of death imagery and the initiates are told they must 'die to the barbarian world' and be reborn in the company of the elect of what they call 'The Order'. The ceremony of 're-birth' includes lying naked in a coffin (of course) and revealing all your sexual secrets to your fellow initiates. One witness said he had seen a figure dressed like the devil, another in a hooded-skeleton costume and others in robes. The ritual also included the death mantra: 'The Hangman equals death! The Devil equals death! Death equals death!' It involved orders for the initiates to fetch bones, including a thigh bone, and this is just one of the black magic secret societies that provide the personnel that control global events. As Rosenbaum said:
It's an initiation ceremony that has bonded diplomats, media moguls, bankers and spies into a lifelong, multi-generational fellowship far more influential than any fraternity. It was and still remains the heart of the heart of the American establishment. But the relationships are first forged by the rituals and the fact that the founders of Time Inc. and the CIA, as well as several Secretaries of State and National Security

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Advisors - the men who made the decision to drop the H iroshima bomb, invade the Bay of Pigs and plunge us into Vietnam, the Tafts, the Bundys, the Buckleys, the Harrimans, the Lovetts - all took part in this initiation ritual may have something to do with the real world power of those bonds. The unspoken understanding, the comfort level with the clandestine, the nods and winks with which power is exercised.

All true, but it's more than that. The way power is exercised is coldly and strictly controlled by those you never see.

Different masks, same face

The secret society web allows the actions of people in different organisations, positions and countries to be coordinated in the 'movie' version of events that is presented in the mainstream media to mislead the public. Most 'journalists' don't know they are presenting a false story because they just tell the people what those in power tell them. The secret society network operates throughout the world, not only in the West. The Middle East is teeming with them and this allows Western and Arabic initiates of the Reptilian hybrid underground to coordinate their activities to the common goal. Saddam Hussein, who was installed as dictator in Iraq and supplied with chemical weapons by the CIA and the US government, was a member of the elite Safari Club. This began as a consortium involving SAVAK, the CIA-connected secret police of the Shah of Iran; Anwar Sadat, the later-assassinated President of Egypt; and Saudi Arabian Intelligence. It has been implicated in countless coups in Africa to further its goals and is heavily involved in arms trading and supply. Out of the Safari Club came the Pinay Circle, or Le Cercle, named after the French Prime Minister, Antoine Pinay. He was a major Reptilian hybrid asset who attended the first official meeting of the Illuminati's Bilderberg Group at Oosterbeek, Holland, in May 1954. This is an organisation I will come to in the next chapter. Others involved with Le Cercle included the 'Austrian' Habsburg family, a major Reptilian hybrid bloodline that controlled much of Europe for centuries. I am convinced that the Rothschild-supported Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Austrian bloodline Governor of California, is an unofficial Habsburg. It turns out that his family were Nazi supporters. My god, blow me down with a puff of wind. The membership range of Le Cercle will give you an idea of the reach of these secret societies. It has included Nicholas Elliot, a department head at Britain's MI6; William Colby, a former director of the CIA; Colonel Botta of Swiss Military Intelligence; Stefano Della Chiaie, a leading member of the Italian Secret Service; Giulio Andreotti, Henry Kissinger's friend, former Italian Prime Minister from the notorious P-2 Freemasonry lodge; Silva Munoz, a former minister for the fascist Franco in Spain and a member of Opus Dei; Franz Josef Strauss, the German Defence Minister; and Monsignore Brunello, an agent to the Vatican. It has been suggested that Le Cercle was behind the murder of Princess Diana and it was certainly perfectly placed to both arrange it and cover it up. In America, one of the Le Cercle fronts is alleged to be the CIA-backed Heritage Foundation in Washington. This is how apparently unconnected people and organisations can be coordinated to work to the same end across the world. This structure has been used by Reptilian hybrid organisations throughout history and continues today on a massive scale through global vehicles like the Freemasons.

A glimpse in the cesspit

Freemasonry is the biggest secret society in the world and has many expressions. The main ones are the Scottish Rite and the York rite, although there are other elite groupings and offshoots, many of which 'mainstream' Freemasons have no idea about. People say 'it's the Freemasons' when most of them are clueless about the real agenda being played out around them. It is often claimed that Freemasonry only began in the 16th and 17th centuries when other professions were allowed into the guilds and societies of the stonemasons, but Freemasonry is another strand that goes back, in its rituals, goals and ruling bloodlines, to Babylon and the ancient world. As Stewart Swerdlow said:
Babylon was the civilization that Sumer developed into as it expanded into Central Asia to become the Khazars. In fact, many of the Blueblood organisations that developed through the millennia called themselves Babylon Brotherhoods. [They] later combined with the secret Atlantean-Egyptian schools in Europe to become the Freemasons.

There is run-of-the-mill Freemasonry and then there is the inner core that hides behind the ignorant majority. A very public example of Illuminati Freemasonry was the Propaganda Due Lodge in Italy, better known as P-2. There have been rare occasions when the web controlling those 'in power' has come to public attention and one such case involved P-2 in 1981. The scandal revealed the structure through which the few control the many and how the Illuminati network in one country connects with others to form the spider's web I am talking about. The 'strand' that was P-2 gave us a glimpse of the web itself. The head of P-2 when exposure came was Licio Gelli, the Mussolini fascist and friend of Father George Bush, Ronald Reagan and Argentine fascist, Juan Peron. Gelli attended the presidential inauguration of Knight of Malta Ronald Reagan in 1981, and spent the entire week with Father Bush. Gelli served in a Black Shirts Battalion in the Spanish civil war and was a liaison officer in Hermann Goering's SS. He also worked for British and Russian intelligence and became an associate of Illuminati operatives, Henry Kissinger, the Sumerian-Khazar former US Secretary of State, and Michael Ledeen, one of the predominant 'Neoconservatives' or 'Neocons' behind the Bush administration and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Kissinger, together with Edmond de Rothschild and David Rockefeller, were prominent in P-2, and for anyone researching the background to the global conspiracy the names Kissinger, Rockefeller and, especially, Rothschild are constant companions. Gelli and P-2 also had close links with Mossad, the Rothschild-controlled Israeli intelligence arm, as confirmed by former Mossad agent, Victor Ostrovsky, in his 1994 book, The Other Side of Deception. P-2 was founded in 1877, but it was only after Licio Gelli, a Knight of Malta, took over in the 1960s that its power and influence began to soar. He was known by P-2 initiates as the 'Naja Hannah', or 'King Cobra', and nothing could be more apt. P-2 was what they call a 'covered lodge' in that it was secret even to mainstream Freemasonry and operated outside its control. As was later proved, it was structured in the classic compartmentalised pyramid-within-pyramid style that I have long described. It was the same as that of the Bavarian Illuminati, which was based on the Jesuits. There were different groups within P-2 and the heads of those groups only knew their own members. They had no idea who was in the other groups and only Gelli and his closest associates knew that. This meant that within the government, military, intelligence

Hand in glove


agencies and media were P-2 members who didn't know that they were all initiates of the same secret society. In turn, Gelli's level of P-2 connected into the Mafia, as well as other major Freemasonic lodges around the world like the Grand Alpine Lodge in Switzerland, which was closely associated with Gelli's friend, Henry Kissinger. A former member of P-2, Mino Pecorelli, said it was ultimately controlled by the CIA and the Knights of Malta therefore the Jesuit Order. Not surprisingly, Pecorelli was then found dead. Blackmailing politicians and others into compliance was made easier when the former head of the Italian Secret Service joined P-2 in 1967 and provided 150,000 sensitive dossiers on Italy's rich and famous. It was the Vatican connection that eventually unravelled P-2, although it recovered and continues in secret today. One of its most prominent initiates, Roberto Calvi, was chairman of the Banco Ambrosiano, Italy's biggest private bank, when it collapsed spectacularly. Banco Ambrosiano (main shareholder, the Vatican Bank) had been laundering money for P-2 and other Illuminati operations, among many other illegal activities. Italian investigators uncovered $1.4 billion in loans to Latin American front companies through a Luxembourg-based subsidiary with close links to the Vatican. Calvi, who became known as 'God's Banker', was arrested in 1981 and jailed for four years, but he was freed pending appeal and headed for Venice and then London, where he apparently tried to negotiate a loan with Opus Dei. After being officially missing for nine days, and 24 hours after his secretary apparently killed herself in Italy, he was found hanged under Blackfriars Bridge on the River Thames dose to the City of London financial district and the area known as 'The Temple' named after the Knights Templar and its ancient church. Roberto Calvi was hanging from a scaffold with masonry in his pockets and some $15,000 in his wallet. It was an obvious ritual murder, even down to the choice of Blackfriars Bridge. 'Blackfriar' was a P-2 code. The Blackfriars were the Roman Catholic Dominican Order, so named because of their black cappa or cloak, which inspired the black hoods worn by P-2 initiates. Blackfriars Bridge has pulpits in its design in recognition of the Blackfriars Monastery that once stood nearby. Calvi's death was 'investigated' by the Knights Templar / Freemason-controlled City of London Police who predictably decided it was suicide, but pressure from Calvi's family and information from 'Mafia Supergrasses' led to the case being reopened. His body was exhumed and forensic tests confirmed that he was murdered. Five people were charged for his murder, but they were acquitted by a Rome court in 2007 because there was 'insufficient proof'. The people who ultimately ordered his death will not be officially identified and even the actual killers won't know who they were. The Italian publication, Panorama, reported that one of the Rothschild clan, Ellie de Rothschild, financed the murder to ensure Calvi's silence. The Rothschilds were made the 'Guardians of the Vatican Treasury' and control the Vatican finances. It was the CalviVatican Bank fraud that led to investigations into the P-2 connection and when Licio Gelli's villa was searched in 1981 police found a membership list that included 953 high-level officials. They included judges, bankers, heads of police, members of government and other politicians, along with generals and religious leaders connected to the Vatican secret society Opus Dei, which connects with the Jesuit Order. The police also found membership lists for the Knights Templar because these secret societies fuse together at the highest level, as I have long been pointing out. There were many South American members, too. An Italian parliamentary commission said that

Gelli and P-2 were operating as 'a state within the Italian state'. That is exactly what they were doing and it is still happening today in countries across the world. The 'revelation' in 2006 by journalist Bob Woodward that Bush was being 'advised' on foreign policy and Iraq by Henry Kissinger made perfect sense once you know how it all fits together. Kissinger represents the Illuminati and the Rothschilds, and he delivers their orders to Bush or whoever is president. It was the P-2 and its connected secret societies that were behind the terrorist group known as the Red Brigades, which murdered both a judge investigating Calvi's bank and the prominent Italian politician, Aldo Moro, after he had been threatened with 'consequences' by Kissinger via US government officials. Moro's wife said that he was told by Kissinger: 'You must abandon your policy of bringing all the political forces in your country into direct collaboration. Either you give this up or you will pay dearly for it'. The Red Brigades were also accused of the Bologna railway station bombing that killed 85 and injured 200 in 1980. This was no surprise given the way that major terrorist outrages today like 9 /11 are engineered by the same Reptilian hybrid Illuminati networks. The golden rule when you are in danger of exposure is to hold an 'independent inquiry'. This allows you avoid difficult questions by saying you don't wish to 'prejudge the outcome of the inquiry' when all along you know what it's going to be because you picked the 'inquiry's' personnel. Tony Blair did this is in text-book fashion when he established the 'inquiry' by Lord Hutton into the circumstances surrounding the blatant murder of weapons inspector, David Kelly, who had said, accurately as it turned out, that Blair's claims about the dangers from Saddam Hussein had been 'sexed up'. The Vatican did the same in the wake of the P-2 / Calvi scandal. Among those appointed to the 'independent' inquiry was Dr Herman Abs, the war-time head of Deutsche Bank and one of Hitler's prime sources of funding. He was known as 'Hitler's Paymaster'. Abs, a Knight of Malta, was also on the board of I.G. Farben, the Nazi pharmaceutical giant that used concentration camp prisoners as slave labour. He was arrested after the war, but the Rothschild-controlled Bank of England intervened to free him. Abs and the Roman Catholic Church were made for each other. Licio Gelli and P-2 had close connections to another Illuminati strand known as 'Gladio', which consisted largely of former Nazis who were protected from prosecution and execution after the war by, among others, British and American Intelligence and the Vatican. Gladio was established in 1956 by British and American intelligence and especially CIA chief Allen Dulles. 'Gladio' was named after a short sword used by Roman legionaires and another of its code names was 'Stay Behind', because many of its agents were 'stay behinds' who did not return to their own countries after the war. Gladio emerged from the Stay Behind network, recruiting 15,000 agents and operating in countries all over Europe, not least Italy. It was Gelli who coordinated the contributions of P-2 and Gladio to the Red Brigades terrorists, the murders of Aldo Moro and Roberto Calvi, and other outrages that terrorised Italian society. When Moro was told by US officials that if he didn't do as he was told the 'groups on the fringes of the official secret services might be brought into operation', they were talking about P-2 and Gladio. All this happened with the support and funding of Henry Kissinger, then US National Security Advisor, and Knight of Malta Alexander Haig, the former NATO Supreme Commander and future US Secretary of State under ReaganBush. In the shadows, as always, were the Rothschilds.

Hand in glove


The murdered Pope

P-2 was also behind the murder in 1978 of Pope John Paul I after thirty-three days in office. The number thirty-three is of great esoteric / Matrix significance to the network, hence the thirty-three degrees of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, and it comes up again and again. Pope John Paul I, birth-name Albino Luciani, had begun to see the influence of P-2 within the Church and wanted it stopped. David Yallop tells the story in his excellent book, In God's Name. The Pope was initiating changes that appalled the controlling cabal of the satanic 'inner-Vatican', and he handed a list of decisions to one of these people, the Vatican secretary of state Cardinal Jean Villot, to be implemented the following day. It included appointments, resignations and transfers, and although Villot argued against them, it was to no avail. Yallop writes:
There was one common denominator, one fact that linked each of the men about to be replaced. Villot was aware of it. More important, so was the Pope. It had been one of the factors that had caused him to act, to strip these men of real power ... it was Freemasonry. The evidence the Pope had acquired indicated that within the Vatican City State there were over one hundred Masons, ranging from cardinals to priests. Luciani was further preoccupied with an illegal Masonic lodge that had penetrated far beyond Italy in its search for wealth and power. It called itself P-2. The fact that it had penetrated the Vatican walls and formed links with priests, bishops, and even cardinals made P-2 anathema to Albino Luciani. That evening, September 28, 1978, thirty-three days after his election, Pope John Paul I, 'the smiling Pope', was declared dead. No official death certificate has ever been issued. No autopsy ever performed. His body was hastily embalmed. Cause of death: Unknown. And Vatican business continues ... The facts are here in meticulous detail, documenting widespread corruption within the Vatican and presenting a compelling case that six powerful men, to protect their vast financial and political operations, decided on a shocking course of action Pope John Paul I must die.

Within the P-2 story we have a glimpse of how the Reptilian hybrids control global events. When someone joins a secret society they pledge their loyalty to that cause above all else, and they give an oath to never reveal the secrets. Many of these people are placed in leading roles in politics, finance, media, and so on, or recruited because they are already in an influential position. Even as a president or prime minister their first loyalty is pledged to their secret order, and not to the population they claim to serve and represent. People have no idea what the rich and famous get up to away from the soundbite interviews and pompous decrees on the television news channels, but if you are prepared to dig you can unearth some of the inner workings of the Hidden Hand in the white glove. Two former initiates of P-2 told of their experience in the initiation rituals performed by these strange people in the presence of the 'Naja Hannah' or 'King Cobra', Licio Gelli. They were taken to a compound, a villa hidden in the Apennines in the region of Tuscany, a favourite holiday venue for Tony Blair. The property was surrounded by a 12-foot wall and in the centre of the courtyard was a cobra-like

sculpture, with its inflated hood, twice the size of a human skull. Its single eye was a closed-circuit camera that followed all visitors, welcome or not. It was controlled from a room inside the villa where eight monitors, each with five stations, cover eight guest rooms, patio, pool, dining room, sitting room, and party room. On the walls inside were portraits of Mussolini, Hitler, and Peron. The former P-2 initiates described how visiting the place was akin to 'breathing the odor of danger and power that penetrates the soul and cell by cell contaminates the mind with fear'. The account went on:
... In the meeting room, twelve members of P-2, dressed in satin ceremonial robes and wearing black hoods reminiscent of those worn by members of the Ku Klux Klan, sit in leather chairs at a red marble conference table. They are the elite members of the Wolf Pack, Gelli's disciples ... None of the black-clad disciples knows the identity of any of his eleven brothers. Grand Master Licio Gelli is the only one who bares his face. Two Masons stand post at the entrance to the meeting room. Their faces are also covered. They are Naja Hannah's [King Cobra's] personal bodyguards, some say his death squad former Mussolini Fascists whose job is to protect the Grand Master and kill any of the twelve disciples who betray the cause Momento di Passare all' (The Time for Real Action). Like Naja Hannah and his disciples, each bodyguard carries an axe; they also bear automatic weapons. The ceremony begins. There is an uneven series of knocks at the door. 'Your Worshipful', a disciple announces, 'a Pagan wishes to enter'. The Grand Master strikes the table with one blow with his axe. Immediately the oversized door swings open and slams against the inner wall. Two guards escort the initiate to the centre of the room where he faces the twelve Masons with his back to the Grand Master's throne. The Pagan, as he is called, is wearing a plain black hood and a blindfold. 'His identity is known to Grand Master Licio Gelli but to no one else. He is asked one question by each of the disciples, but the Pagan does not answer. Instead, one of the guards speaks for him. Once all the ritual questions about purpose and belief and reason for wanting to become a member of Propaganda Due are answered, the Pagan is turned to face the Grand Master, who asks, 'Pagan, are you prepared to die in order to preserve the secrets of Propaganda Due' The initiate now answers for himself: 'I am'. 'Do you have the necessary quality of contempt for danger?' 'I do'. 'Do you have the necessary quality of courage?' 'I am courageous.' 'Do you proclaim yourself an Anti-Communist?'

Hand in glove


'I do'. 'And Pagan, are you prepared to fight and perhaps face shame, even death, so that we who may become your Brothers may destroy this Government and form a Presidency?' 'I am'. That description encapsulates how the hidden network of the Reptilian hybrids operates throughout the world. It recruits those it believes can benefit its agenda; it rules them with fear of terrifying consequences if they refuse to do what is demanded of them, or if they reveal any secrets; and it compartmentalises everyone so only the few right at the top know who is who and what is really going on. When the P-2 membership list was seized in 1981, among the names was Silvio Berlesconi, the Illuminati operative and close friend of Tony Blair. Berlesconi has a massive depiction in his garden of a reptile eating a human (Figures 114 and 115), the same image that Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa has painted on his ceremonial hut in keeping with the legends of the Chitauri (Figure 116). By serving his masters, Berlesconi went on to become Prime Minister of Italy, a media baron and one of the richest men on the planet. He is incredibly corrupt, but then that's what the Illuminati are looking for. They want agents for the cause who have no conscience, no sense of right or justice, and, preferably, with enormous amounts of dirt waiting to be made public if the puppet seeks to snap his strings. Berlesconi owns Fininvest, Italy's second biggest corporation behind Fiat, and, crucially, Fininvest owns three major television channels that account for half the Italian TV market. Quite an asset if you're a politician and a front man for the agenda, but when you serve the Illuminati as slavishly as he has the rewards are bound to follow. Berlesconi is an excellent example of how political leaders across the world are chosen long before they come to office, but if it suits their masters they can just as quickly be dumped on the scrap heap.

Figure 114: The reptileeating-a-human logo of the car maker, Alfa Romeo, and with Knights Templar red cross

Figure 115: The image can

also be found in the garden of P2 member, Silvio Berlusconi

Figure 116: Credo Mutwa has painted

the same theme to reflect ancient African legends about the 'Chitauri, the 'Children of the Serpent'

The Real Rulers of the World

Figure 117: The leaders in different countries may appear to be from different 'races' with an allegiance to their 'nation'; but they are mostly Reptilian hybrids possessed by Reptilian entities working to the same goal of global domination. There is disagreement between them over power and detail, but they are united by the same overall agenda

In summary, the Reptilian hybrids and their other-dimensional masters have created a global satanic 'cult' of interconnecting secret societies and groups that operate in every country and answer to a central command. In this way, they coordinate action between different countries, religions, races, political parties and corporations, through their Reptilian hybrid agents and place people (Figure 117). Former CIA operative Victor Marchetti experienced this himself and tried to expose it in his 1973 book, The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, which was heavily censored by the agency. But, he did manage to say:
There exists in our world today a powerful and dangerous secret cult. This cult is patronized and protected by the highest level government officials in the world. Its membership is composed of those in the power centers of government, industry, commerce, finance, and labor. It manipulates individuals in areas of important public influence including the academic world and the mass media. The Secret Cult is a global fraternity of a political aristocracy whose purpose is to further the political policies of persons or agencies unknown. It acts covertly and illegally. And it wants to control the world.

The Round Table nexus

The best weapon of a dictatorship is secrecy, but the best weapon of a democracy should be the weapon of openness.

Niels Bohr

Further out from the spider is a network of organisations which answers to the Round Table secret society that I mentioned earlier. The Round Table was the manipulating force behind the Balfour Declaration about a Jewish homeland in Israel, and has been involved in so many other world-changing events, including the two global wars, the Versailles 'Peace' Conference and the creation of the League of Nations, United Nations and European Union. The Round Table network operates as the bridge between the inner and outer levels of the Illuminati structure. Most of its associated organisations even present a public face and, once again, the majority of their members will have a limited understanding of what is really going on. The Round Table groups include the Royal Institute of International Affairs (UK), the Bilderberg Group (mainly Europe/USA), the Council on Foreign Relations (USA), the Trilateral Commission (USA-Europeworldwide), and a number of others, including the Club of Rome, which operates globally (Figure 118). Their cover story is to claim they are merely 'think tanks' that allow leading figures in politics, business, banking, military, royalty and media to meet and discuss world affairs. In fact, they are vehicles for coordinating the Reptilian hybrid plan for a world government, world central bank, world army, world currency and a microchipped Figure 118: The Round Table network population linked to a global 193

computer. The Round Table network, with others in the Illuminati web, established the League of Nations, United Nations, European Union, International Monetary Fund and World Trade Organisation to further advance what is called `globalisation' - world dictatorship under another name. Carroll Quigley, a professor at the Jesuit-controlled Georgetown University, was an 'insider' who was given access to secret papers on the Round Table conspiracy. Quigley, who taught Bill Clinton at Georgetown, broke ranks and revealed in great detail what was happening behind the scenes in the first fifty years of the 20th century. He said the Round Table dictated British policy in Ireland, Palestine and India from 1917 to 1945 and controlled to an overwhelming extent 'the sources and writing of the history of British imperial and foreign policy since the Boer War', which started in 1880. The rewriting of history is a vital part of the Reptilian hybrid strategy because the way we perceive history fundamentally affects the way we see the world and each other today. Quigley said this about the Round Table, or the 'Milner group' as he calls it, in his book, The Anglo-American Establishment:
The picture is terrifying because such power, whatever the goals at which it may be directed, is too much to be entrusted safely to any group ... No country that values its safety should allow what the Milner group accomplished - that is, that a small number of men would be able to wield such power in administration and politics, should be given almost complete control over the publication of documents relating to their actions, should be able to exercise such influence over the avenues of information that create public opinion, and should be able to monopolise so completely the writing and teaching of the history of their own period.

It is equally sobering to think that even though the Round Table was directing the policies of the then most powerful country and empire in the world, the people didn't know such an organisation existed, never mind what it was doing. The official architect of the Round Table in the late 19th century was Cecil John Rhodes. He was a Rothschild agent who devastated southern Africa with war and poverty and turned the region into a slave state under British Empire (Rothschild) control. He also set out to destroy the carriers of the ancient knowledge, to 'milk the minds of the shamans and then kill them', as Credo Mutwa puts it. In its place, Rhodes and his fellow Reptilian hybrids then imposed the tyranny of 'Christianity', the literal version of their Babylonian religion, on the native people. It still controls enormous numbers of them to this day. Rhodes exploited the diamond and gold resources of South Africa at enormous cost for the indigenous people and founded the diamond giant, De Beers, for the Rothschilds. His mental state was captured when he looked at the night sky and said: 'All of these stars ... these vast worlds that remain out of reach. If I could, I would annex other planets'. This is archetypal Reptilian. Their computer program is based on the desire to control everyone and everything. The memorial to Rhodes at Cape Town, South Africa, is dominated by the Illuminati symbol of the lion and is located on the slopes of a place called Devil's Peak. Isn't synchronicity wonderful? Rhodes and others agreed to form the secret society that became the Round Table at a meeting in 1891. Among them was Lord Esher, a friend, confidant and advisor to Queen Victoria, King Edward VII and King George V. The group consisted, like all similar organisations, of at least two levels. One was the inner circle, the 'Society of the

The Round Table nexus


Elect' (in the know), and the outer circle was called the 'Association of Helpers' (not in anything like the same know). This is the familiar technique of using a group of largely innocent people to hide and defend, through lack of knowledge, the organisation they think they understand, but don't. Rhodes left a series of wills when he died in 1902 to fund the creation of a secret society, based yet again on the Jesuit Order, to put the world under British rule. The wills also funded Rhodes Scholarships through which carefully selected men, and later women, would be sent to Oxford University to be indoctrinated with the 'philosophy' of 'British' (Illuminati) domination. Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar and remember how one of the methods of Adam Weishaupt's Bavarian Illuminati was to give scholarships to those 'scouted' by the Illuminati as potential agents of the future. The Rothschild banker, Alfred Milner, took over as leader of the Rhodes group and, in time, it became known as the Round Table. It created an offshoot in the United States with leading members of the American Reptilian hybrid bloodlines. It was in the US that the power blocs that would control political and economic policy, and the communications industry, were being assembled in the early years of the 20th century. These were the organisations and the businesses of the 'Eastern Establishment', which work in concert with British and European Round Table members to a common global policy. The Round Table network expanded to include London's Royal Institute of International Affairs, or 'Chatham House' (1920); Council on Foreign Relations (1921); Bilderberg Group (1954); Trilateral Commission (1973); and so on. These groups involve leading names in politics, media, business, banking and military who can be coordinated in their thinking and actions by the central core, the Round Table. Most of the members don't realise how they are being moulded to support the plan.

The Bilderberg Group

The creation of the Bilderberg Group and the European Union are linked by one man in particular, the Polish 'socialist' Joseph Retinger, a founder of the European Movement. It was Retinger and the Reptilian Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands who suggested regular meetings of European foreign ministers. Out of these meetings came the customs union known as the Benelux Countries (Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxemburg), a forerunner to the European Union, which I will discuss in more detail in the later chapter. Appropriately, it was in a speech at Chatham House to the Royal Institute of International Affairs that Retinger set out his vision of a Europe in which countries would 'relinquish part of their sovereignty'. He should have said all of it because that's the idea. In London, he met Averell Harriman, the US Ambassador to England, a master manipulator and initiate of the Skull and Bones Society. He came from the same Harriman family so closely connected to the Bush clan and, as well as funding Hitler, they were one of the most prominent forces behind the eugenics or 'master race' movement. Averell Harriman arranged for Retinger to visit the United States where, in his own words, he enjoyed widespread approval for his plans from Russel C. Leffingwell, senior partner in the J.P. Morgan (Rothschild) bank and official of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR); David Rockefeller, CFR chairman from 1946 to 1953; Nelson Rockefeller (CFR); and Sir William Wiseman, partner in the Rothschild bank, Kuhn, Loeb and company, headed by Jacob Schiff. It was Schiff who funded the Russian Revolution, created the US Federal Reserve with Rothschild agent, Paul Warburg, and established the Anti-Defamation League. Other American supporters of

Retinger's plans included George Franklin, the Council on Foreign Relations executive director from 1953 to 1971 and an 'in law' to the Rockefeller family, and John Foster Dulles, the US Secretary of State after the Second World War when his brother, Allen Dulles, was the first civilian head of the CIA. The Dulles brothers, like the Rockefellers, Harriman and Bushes, had been keen supporters of Hitler. Retinger formed the American Committee on a United Europe with Allen Dulles and William Donovan, the Knight of Malta head of the CIA's predecessor, the Office of Strategic Services, or OSS. From these and other discussions, came a grouping of leading politicians, political advisors, media owners and executives, multinational company and banking executives, military leaders and educationalists, who would meet to decide global political and economic policy. It would become known as the Bilderberg Group, named after the Bilderberg Hotel at Oosterbeek in the Netherlands, where the first meeting took place between May 29th and 31st, 1954. At the heart of the Bilderberg Group's formation were the Rothschilds and people like Retinger, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, Paul Rykens (chairman of the soap and food giant, Unilever), and Averell Harriman. Prince Bernhard, a close of friend of fellow Reptilian hybrid, Prince Philip, was a former Nazi SS officer and spy who worked for the chemical giant, I.G. Farben, one of the pillars of the Nazi regime that ran the concentration camp at Auschwitz. Bernhard was born in 1911 as the German Prince of Lupp-Biesterfeld, and married Princess Juliana of the Netherlands in 1937. The man who persuaded Bernhard to front the Bilderbergers was the arch manipulator Lord Victor Rothschild. Bernhard remained chairman of the Bilderberg Group from 1954 until he resigned in 1976 after being implicated in the Lockheed bribery scandal, but Dutch royalty have continued to attend every meeting. Other Bilderberg chairmen have included Sir Alec Douglas Home, or Lord Home, the former British Prime Minister who was Foreign Secretary to Bilderberger Ted Heath when they signed Britain into what became the European Union. One of the most significant chairmen has been Lord Carrington, the British Foreign Secretary to Margaret Thatcher, Secretary General of NATO, and President of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Peter Rupert Carrington, a Knight of St John of Jerusalem (the protestant Knights of Malta), came from a banking family that was close to the Rothschilds. In his book, The English Rothschilds, Richard Davis reports that Lionel Rothschild was a frequent visitor to the Carrington's home in Whitehall. The two families are related by the marriage in 1878 between the fifth Earl Rosebery and Hannah Rothschild, daughter of Baron Mayer de Rothschild. Carrington was on the board of Hambros Bank which has been linked with the P-2 scandal in Italy. The current Bilderberg chairman is the Belgian, Viscount Etienne Davignon, former Vice-President of the European Commission. David Rockefeller, former head of Chase Manhattan Bank, has been among the most prominent figures behind the Bilderbergers and the Round Table network in the last four decades, along with manipulator-in-chief, Henry Kissinger. They have been the movers while the Rothschilds are the shakers in the background. Kissinger and Rockefeller still attend every Bilderberg meeting, but the emphasis is shifting to others as the agenda moves on. The Neoconservatives behind the Bush Administration and the 'war on terror' have become more influential, people like Richard Pearle, Michael Ledeen and former US Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, who replaced the Bilderberger and Rothschild partner, James Wolfensohn, as

The Round Table nexus


head of the World Bank in 2005. He was later forced to resign in a financial scandal. Wolfowitz was replaced as World Bank chief by fellow Khazar/Sumerian, Robert Zoellick, another Bilderberg attendee. Major global posts, such as President of the World Bank, head of the World Trade Organisation, Secretary General of NATO, as well as major political, business and banking positions, are invariably held by Bilderbergers or members of other groups in the Round Table network. The Bilderberg cabal meets in strict secrecy once a year, usually in May, at some exclusive location in Europe or North America, but its Steering Committee meets regularly and this is where the real power lies. Bilderberg meetings bring together current and potential manipulators and puppets to discuss matters that the Illuminati want to influence or pursue. What follows are policy changes within the major governments and agencies in line with the discussions or decisions made at Bilderberg conferences. Global business and banking leaders rub shoulders, and scratch backs, with royalty, politicians, military chiefs and media owners and controllers. Leaders of other groups in the Round Table nexus, including Richard N. Haas, President of the Council on Foreign Relations and former Director of Policy and Planning staff at the US State Department, also attend. It is the political version of the Reptile House. All of them agree, even the 'journalists' who attend, not to divulge what was discussed. Bilderbergers and members of other Round Table organisations invariably turn up in the major positions of power. Rhodes Scholar Bill Clinton attended the Bilderberg meeting in 1991 and became US President the following year. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Tony Blair was invited in 1993 and, thanks to the sudden and convenient death of John Smith a year later, he became leader of the Labour Party and Prime Minister for a decade. Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Colin Powell are all attendees of the Bilderberg Group and so is Hillary Clinton. You can find the names of the Bilderberg attendees, and those of associated groups, in the secret society archive at www.davidicke.com .

The kingmakers
The Bilderberg Group also has inner and outer circles of knowledge in the mould of their master blueprint, the Round Table. The inner circle knows, at least to a larger extent, what the agenda really is the centralisation of global power in the hands of the few. Others who are invited here and there remain 'outer' members with a limited understanding of the game. The 'outers' are manipulated and flattered into supporting an agenda they don't even know exists. They are sold a policy idea without realising how this fits with hundreds of others to create a picture these political babes-in-arms can't see. But, because they were invited to the prestigious Bilderberg Group, they think themselves important and intelligent and they are encouraged to do so. Blair's buffoon of a number two, John Prescott, was invited to attend and I'm sure he had no problem believing it was due to his immense importance and razer-sharp intellect. He would not have been an 'inner', it is safe to say. The same can be said of Bilderberg attendee, Margaret Thatcher, who was installed as British Prime Minister in 1979 and then removed by Bilderberger intervention when her distaste for the further centralisation of the European Union was getting in the way of the agenda. Thatcher was manipulated into power because her economic beliefs suited the Illuminati in the 1980s when they wanted to give away state-owned industries and assets to private

(their) interests. The Rothschilds were at the forefront of these 'privatisation' policies worldwide and they had many 'friends' in government to help them. One of Margaret Thatcher's closest allies in the privatisation of state assets, her head of the civil service and cabinet secretary, Lord Armstrong, later became a director of N.M. Rothschild. It was no coincidence whatsoever that the economics that became known as `Thatcherism' in the UK was exactly the same as Ronald Reagan's 'Reaganomics' in the same period. Both 'leaders' were Illuminati stooges. Reagan was controlled by Vice-President Father George Bush and Thatcher was manipulated by Bilderbergers, especially her Foreign Secretary, the Reptilian hybrid Lord Carrington, who would later be a long-time chairman of the Bilderberg Group. Once Margaret Thatcher began to challenge the further centralisation of the European Union, a large boot and her backside made perfect contact. In May 1989, the American journalist, Jim Tucker, who has done more than anyone to expose and infiltrate Bilderberg meetings, reported in the Washington-based Spotlight newspaper that the meeting that same month on Spain's La Toja Island had decided that Margaret Thatcher had to go in the light of her opposition to the centralisation of Europe. It seemed crazy at the time that the 'Iron Lady', with her apparently impregnable position in both Britain and her own Conservative Party, could be ousted without a vote from the people. But it happened. 'Impregnable positions' are illusions and in the gift of those who really control events. Through 1990 and early the following year, Margaret Thatcher's power withered away with the overwhelmingly supportive media now turning against her. By November 1990, she had been challenged for the leadership of her own party and after losing the first ballot she resigned. The most significant contribution to her downfall came from her former Deputy Prime Minister, Sir Geoffrey Howe, another Bilderberger. The Reptilian hybrids love irony and symbolism and Thatcher was forced to announce her decision to resign while attending a heads of government meeting of the European Union the opposition to which had caused her downfall. This is how political and other world events are manipulated to suit the Reptilian hybrid agenda. It happens all over the world every day to introduce or change policies and put the reigns of power in the hands of Illuminati-controlled politicians and administrators. Another example is the mass killer and Jesuit, Robert Mugabe, who seized power in Southern Rhodesia when it became Zimbabwe in 1979. He was the puppet of Henry Kissinger and Lord Carrington, the British Foreign Secretary responsible for Rhodesian 'independence'. Kissinger and Carrington were not only extremely prominent Bilderbergers, but also business partners. Carrington was a founding director of the notorious front for global manipulation called Kissinger Associates, and they worked together to install Mugabe as, in effect, the dictator of Zimbabwe. At the time of writing he is still there and he has turned an abundant country into a starving, fascist wasteland while he has become mega rich at the peoples' expense. It is a familiar tale of the Reptilian hybrids and Mugabe is most certainly one of the 'Children of the Serpent' that Credo Mutwa talks about in Africa.

Royal Institute of International Affairs

The London-based Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), also known as Chatham House, has its own network around the world and it provided the blueprint for the Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission in the United States. They all

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present themselves as 'think tanks', talking shops and vehicles for 'debate'. What they really do is manipulate people, policy and events in line with the goal of world domination and control. The Round Table elite met at the Versailles Peace Conference in Paris in 1919 and agreed to form the RIIA the following year. Today, the Royal Institute, with the Queen as its patron, has an enormous effect on British and global policy, although it would probably laugh at the very suggestion. All these organisations have a 'Who, me?' response to such statements. The Institute is highly secretive and will not release details of its membership in high places. When I rang in the 1990s to ask for a list of members in the British Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet, I was told by the membership secretary that the names of individual members are never released. To join, you have to be nominated by two members who know you well and even then you might not pass the selection procedure. This is, of course, how the Freemasons do it, too. The Institute is funded by major global companies and banks and has received taxpayer funding from the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the Ministry of Defence, Cabinet Office, Treasury, Department of the Environment, the Department of Trade and Industry, Customs and Excise and the United States Embassy. It is used as a private forum for the elite to sell their globalist agenda to invited audiences and those with influence in the media, politics, education and commerce. It is both a lobbying organisation, and a means outside the official government machine, through which deals can be done and events arranged without the knowledge of either public or elected parliaments. It is more than that, however. It is a powerful pivot in the secret government network, with very close links to the British Royal Family and British Intelligence. Again, most of the people involved with the RIIA do not realise how it is being used.

Council on Foreign Relations

Since the formation of the Council on Foreign Relations in 1921, nearly every President of the United States has been a member and every government of whatever party is packed with members of the CFR and its blood-brother, the Trilateral Commission, which was launched in 1973. Their membership extends not only throughout government, but to banks and corporations, media, intelligence agencies like the CIA, and the military. It was the Council on Foreign Relations, in coordination with the Round Table network, which created the United Nations, the Reptilian Trojan Horse for world government. They had tried before with the League of Nations after the First World War, but it hadn't worked for them. So, they gave the people another war to make the unwilling surrender to their demands. By 1945, the world was understandably sick and tired of war and the public mind was open to anything that might prevent more human slaughter as planned. The UN Charter was officially accepted by representatives of fifty countries at a meeting in San Francisco on June 26th, 1945, but that was only the public culmination of years of behind-the-scenes manoeuvring by the Council on Foreign Relations, which controlled the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The writer, James Perloff, revealed the background to the UN in his 1988 book, The Shadows Of Power: The

Council On Foreign Relations And The American Decline:

In January 1943, the Secretary of State, Cordell Hull, formed a steering committee composed of himself, Leo Pasvolsky, Isaiah Bowman, Sumner Welles, Norman Davis, and Morton Taylor. All these men - with the exception of Hull - were in the CFR. Later

known as the Informal Agenda Group, they drafted the original proposal for the United Nations. It was Bowman a founder of the CFR ... who first put forward the concept. They called in three attorneys, all CFR men, who ruled that it was constitutional. Then they discussed it with Franklin D. Roosevelt on June 15th, 1944. The President approved the plan, and announced it to the public the same day.

The US delegation at the founding meeting of the UN in San Francisco was like a roll call of the CFR. It included Isaiah Bowman, Hamilton Fish Armstrong, Sumner Welles, Norman H. Davis, James T. Shotwell, and Russian-born Leo Pasvolsky. They were all CFR members who served during the war on Roosevelt's Advisory Committee on PostWar Foreign Policies. The US delegation also included: John J. McCloy (CFR chairman from 1953-70, chairman of the Illuminati Ford Foundation and the Rockefellers' Chase Manhattan Bank, and friend and advisor to nine presidents from Roosevelt to Reagan); John Foster Dulles (Hitler supporter, CFR founder and soon to be Secretary of State); and Nelson Rockefeller (arch manipulator, four times Governor of New York, and VicePresident to President Gerald Ford after Kissinger engineered the Watergate scandal to remove Richard Nixon). In all, 74 CFR members were in the delegation and this was the vehicle through which the United Nations was manipulated into being. John J. McCloy typified the manipulators who created the UN. He was a financial advisor to the Italian fascist government of Benito Mussolini and he played a significant role in Nazi Germany for the Harriman/Bush bank which was financing Hitler. McCloy sat in Hitler's private box at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin at the invitation of Rudolf Hess and Hermann Goring. McCloy was also a member of the Bilderberg Group Steering Committee. These are the sort of people behind the Council on Foreign Relations, which directs the United States policy, whatever 'party' is officially in power. As John J. McCloy once said: 'Whenever we needed a man [for a government position], we thumbed through the roll of the council members and put through a call to New York [The CFR headquarters at Harold Pratt House, 58 East 68th Street]'. The granddaughter of former President Theodore Roosevelt, the newspaper columnist Edith Kermit Roosevelt, summed up the grip of the so-called 'Eastern Establishment' working through the CFR:
What is the Establishment's view-point? Through the Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations its ideology is constant: that the best way to fight Communism is by a One World Socialist State governed by 'experts' like themselves. The result has been policies which favour the growth of the superstate, gradual surrender of United States sovereignty ...

That's precisely what the game plan has been all along, but the claim that it was done to 'fight communism' is nonsense. To the Reptilian hybrids in power around the world there are no countries or states. These are just units of manipulation and their bloodlines in Russia are working to the same end as those in the United States, Britain and elsewhere. Yes, they fight among themselves because they are power crazy, but their ruling elite bang their heads together if this starts to threaten the outcome. Putin in Russia and Bush or Hillary Clinton in the United States are different expressions of the same bloodline and the official interactions between these 'world leaders' are just a

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scene in a movie purely for public consumption. Russia and China are Reptilian hybrid fiefdoms, just like Europe or the United States. This is one explanation for why ' Americans' would fund the Russian Revolution that brought the 'communists' to power and the Nazis that brought the 'fascists' to power. Terms like 'communism' and 'fascism' are once again two wings on the same plane controlled by the same people. The secretary general of the founding UN conference in San Francisco was State Department official and CFR member, Alger Hiss, who was later exposed as a secret agent employed by the Soviet Union. Hiss was executive secretary of the 1944 Dumbarton Oaks Conference, where he worked with Stalin's man, Vyacheslav Molotov, on the details of the UN Charter. He was described as President Roosevelt's 'top international organisation specialist' at the Yalta Conference in the Crimea in February 1945, which was also attended by Churchill and Stalin. After guiding the UN into existence, Hiss was made president of the Illuminati's Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, an appointment made by the CFR's John Foster Dulles, who ignored information about Hiss's espionage when he was told in 1946. Later Hiss was exposed and spent forty-four months in prison, but such people are not really 'Soviet' agents or 'American' agents; they are Illuminati agents.

Trilateral Commission
The latest major addition to the Round Table circuitry was the Trilateral Commission, created by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1973, with contributions from the Brookings Institution (another 'think tank') and the Council on Foreign Relations. At first, it was restricted to the United States, Europe and Japan, but now operates worldwide. The Polish-born Brzezinski, President Carter's National Security Advisor in the 1970s, is still on its executive committee and his books and public statements have confirmed its ambitions and methods of achieving them. He wrote a book called Between Two Ages: America's Role In The Technetronic Era, in which he described a new society '... that is shaped culturally, psychologically, socially, and economically by the impact of technology and electronics particularly in the area of computers and communication'. He said that 'national sovereignty is no longer a viable concept' and suggested the movement, in stages, 'toward a larger community of the developed nations [world government] ... through a variety of indirect ties and already developing limitations on national sovereignty'. In 1990, he wrote in The New York Times that Europe should follow a policy 'founded upon the grand concept of a trans-European commonwealth with the European Community at its core, but embracing Central Europe and being open also to eventual association with the Soviet Union'. While he was National Security Advisor in the Carter administration, Brzezinski pursued the policy of supporting the mujaheddin fighters in Pakistan and Afghanistan in their guerrilla war against Soviet occupation that began in 1979. The mujaheddin were coordinated and funded by the CIA and Britain's MI6 via Pakistan intelligence. The US later arranged for the arrival of Osama bin Laden from Saudi Arabia and the mujaheddin names on the CIA database became known as 'Al-Qaeda', or 'The Base'. In a 1998 interview with the French newspaper, Nouvel Observateur, Brzezinski revealed that CIA support for the mujaheddin started before the Soviet invasion, and was actually designed to goad them into invading. Brzezinski wanted to entrap the Soviets in a Vietnam-type war with all the slaughter and suffering that followed, but that's not

something that would bother him or his like. As he said: 'What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?' Actually, it was all part of the agenda that led to 9 /11 and the 'war on terror' which are now being used to justify the Orwellian global state. Brzezinski wrote many of the speeches for Jimmy Carter in the campaign that made him the Trilateral Commission's first President of the United States, although not the last. It became a standing joke among insiders that whenever Carter was faced with a decision or document involving foreign policy, he would say 'Clear it with Brzezinski' or 'Has Brzezinski seen this?' Carter repaid his sponsors by appointing a long list of Trilateral Commission names to his government. They included: Walter Mondale, the Vice-President; Cyrus Vance, the Secretary of State; Warren Christopher, the Deputy Secretary of State; Harold Brown (also CFR), Secretary for Defense; W. Michael Blumenthal (also CFR), Secretary of the Treasury; C. Fred Bergsten (also CFR and Bilderberg Group), Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs; Henry Owen (also CFR), the ambassador-at-large and the President's special representative for economic summits; Paul C. Warnke (also CFR), chief disarmament negotiator; Andrew Young (also CFR), Ambassador to the United Nations; Paul A. Volcker (also CFR and Bilderberg Group), Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board; and ... Zbigniew Brzezinski (also CFR and Bilderberg Group), the National Security Advisor. So it is with all American governments, Republican or Democrat. It doesn't matter who you vote for because the secret government still gets in. Another example is the US 'central bank', the Federal Reserve, which is actually controlled by the Rothschild cabal. Paul Volcker (Trilateral Commission, CFR and Bilderberg Group) was made head of the 'Fed' by ' Democrat' Carter on the instructions of David Rockefeller. Volcker was reappointed by the 'Republican' ReaganFather Bush administration, and he was followed by Alan Greenspan (Trilateral Commission, CFR and Bilderberg Group). Greenspan was appointed by the 'Republicans' ReaganBush, and reappointed by 'Republican' president Father Bush, 'Democrat' Bill Clinton and 'Republican' Boy George Bush. The current North American chairman of the Trilateral Commission is Tom Foley (also CFR and Bilderberg Group), former Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the European chairman is Peter D. Sutherland (also Bilderberg Group), the chairman of BP and Goldman Sachs. Sutherland has been a long-time manipulator of the global agenda and he was the Director General of GATT, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, the forerunner of the WTO the World Trade Organisation. The WTO is a Reptilian hybrid creation designed to dictate world 'trade' and stop any country defending its own economy from the centralised dictatorship.

Club of Rome
The Club of Rome, launched in 1968, is a Round Table strand with an archetypal CV. It describes itself as 'a global think tank and centre of innovation and initiative', and a nonprofit, non-govermental organisation, or 'NGO'. The Club of Rome website says the organisation 'brings together scientists, economists, businessmen, international high civil servants, heads of state and former heads of state from all five continents who are convinced that the future of humankind is not determined once and for all, and that each human being can contribute to the improvement of our societies'. It's a club alright, and

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it's connected to Rome, but the improvement of societies bit is laughable. The Club of Rome has been one of the major manipulators of the environmental movement. That is a summary of the main Round Table network and it will come up again as we proceed. It is an extremely significant grouping where the Illuminati can interface with the wider world of political decision making. There are some researchers into the global conspiracy who appear to believe that the Bilderberg Group and its associated organisations are the conspiracy, though this is not the case. They are part of it, but subordinate to much more powerful secret societies like the Jesuit Order, Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, the inner sanctum of Freemasonry and the Illuminati leadership, among other exclusive groups.

The tax-break bully boys

Another network that connects with the Round Table cabal are called 'tax-exempt foundations' and you may have noted some of them in this chapter who fund Round Table organisations. In the United States they include the Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, Carnegie Endowment for International 'Peace' and so on. These have an interlocking leadership to advance the plan for global domination by donating tax-free money from the elite families and corporations to causes that serve their ambitions. These have their equivalent in other countries. The early funding for the Trilateral Commission came from David Rockefeller, the Ford Foundation, Kettering Foundation, Lilly Endowment, Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Thyssen Foundation. It is a similar story with all of the Round Table organisations. Among the attendees of the first Bilderberg meeting in 1954 were David Rockefeller from the Council on Foreign Relations and Rockefeller Foundation; Dean Rusk, a Council on Foreign Relations member, Rhodes Scholar and head of the Rockefeller Foundation; and Joseph E. Johnson of the Council on Foreign Relations, who was head of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. While the people pay taxes to fund the Orwellian nightmare through government, these foundations provide tax breaks for the elite families and corporations to fund the fascist state from their extraordinary annual profits. They are portrayed as vehicles for philanthropy when they are another channel to support the global conspiracy. They were exposed (but nothing done about it) by the Reece Committee investigation in the United States in the 1950s, headed by Congressman Carroll B. Reece. One of its findings was that when the mega rich families 'gave' money to these foundations they did not lose control of how it was spent. It also established that: The major foundations are interconnected and work to a common policy. They took over social science in the US and suppress social scientists who disagree with their plans. 'Research' sponsored by the foundations is often slanted to conform to the conclusions that the funders demand. Those educational institutions which refuse to conform are denied a grant. The writing of history is being funded by these foundations to keep the truth from the people. There are thousands of tax-exempt foundations (known as charities or charity foundations in Britain) and not all of them are there to manipulate or knowingly

manipulate. However, major ones are doing just that and we are talking extraordinary amounts of money. The biggest today is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which alone has an endowment of some $27 billion and has invested heavily in vaccination programmes, of which more later. The second-largest is the Howard Hughes Medical Institute ($11 billion). In the UK, there is the British Wellcome Trust, which was connected to the pharmaceutical corporation, Burroughs Wellcome, now absorbed into the appalling GlaxoSmithKline. Some foundations are set up with the best of intentions, but the most significant ones are using the tax exemption to funnel money from the corporations into 'research', grants and programmes that support Reptilian hybrid goals. The Reece Committee investigation found that the Ford Foundation gave a million dollars to the Council on Foreign Relations, one of the major groups in the United States behind manipulation of the centralised global state. The chief Reece investigator, Norman Dodd, reported that the then President of the Ford Foundation, H. Rowan Gaither, told him that it operated under directives from the White House. Or, to quote him directly:
Mr. Dodd, we are here to operate in response to similar directives, the substance of which is that we shall use our grant-making power to so alter life in the United States, that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.

This policy has continued ever since and Norman Dodd also established that the Carnegie Endowment for International 'Peace' was dedicated to engineering war. Illuminati organisations are invariably given names that describe the very opposite of what they are really there to do. Dodd said that at one meeting of the Carnegie trustees, the question was asked: 'Is there any means known to man more effective than war if you want to alter the lives of an entire people?' It was decided there was not, and so the next question they asked was: 'How do we involve the United States in a war?' the First World War in this case. Norman Dodd's report went on:
And then they raised the question: 'How do we control the diplomatic machinery of the United States?' And the answer came out: 'We must control the State Department'. At this point we catch up with what we had already found out ... that through an agency set up by the Carnegie Endowment; every high appointment in the State Department was cleared. Finally we were in a war. These trustees in a meeting about 1917 had the brashness to congratulate themselves on the wisdom of their original decision because already the i mpact of the war had indicated it would alter life and can alter life in this country. This was the date of our entry in the war; we were involved. They even had the brashness to word and to dispatch a telegram to [US President] Mr. Wilson; cautioning him to see that the war did not end too quickly.

Dodd said that his colleague, Kathryn Casey, found other minutes dealing with the work of the Carnegie Endowment to prevent American life returning to its pre-war state. Changing the way people lived and thought was, after all, a main point of the war. Dodd reported:

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... they came to the conclusion that, to prevent a reversion, they must control education. And then they approached the Rockefeller Foundation and they said: 'Will you take on the acquisition of control of education as it involves subjects that are domestic in their significance'. And it was agreed. Then together they decided that the key to it was the teaching of American history and they must change that. So, they then approached the most prominent of what we might call American historians at that time with the idea of getting them to alter the manner in which they presented the subject.

Dodd said the Carnegie group approached four of the most prominent teachers of American history in the country, but their offers were rejected. Instead, they decided to 'build our own stable of historians'. They went to the Guggenheim Foundation, which specialised in fellowships, and came to an agreement that fellowships would be granted to people chosen by the Endowment who were studying for doctorates in American history. They got together twenty such people and they were taken to London to be briefed on what was expected of them. Note, not even to Washington, but to London, the major Illuminati operational centre. This group became the core of the American Historical Association. Towards the end of the 1920's, the Endowment granted $400,000 to the American Historical Association for a study of history which pointed to where the country should go in the future. A seven-volume study was produced and concluded that the future of America belonged to collectivism centralisation of power. These foundations like the Carnegie Endowment, once headed by Soviet spy Alger Hiss, seamlessly connect with the Round Table network and others in the Illuminati web. Norman Dodd's assistant Kathryn Casey had begun her research reluctantly, saying the foundations were doing a good job; but she was so shocked by what she found that she was never able to return to her law practice. Dodd said she eventually lost her mind because of it. Naturally, these findings and proofs were so devastating that they had to be crushed by the web they were exposing. Secrecy is always its most essential ingredient. Pressure was applied from every angle to close down the hearings, including, as usual, claims that the investigation was guilty of 'anti-Semitism'. Samuel Johnson said that patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel, but I think that hurling the abuse of anti-Semitism at those engaged in legitimate investigation has got to be one step further down the sewer even than that. What I am describing is not a summary of some historical period now passed. It is what is happening on a massive scale today all over the world. What Dodd uncovered has never stopped just expanded. When you see 'experts' wheeled out in the media it is worth asking: Where are they from? Who is funding them? Are they trying to sell the agenda of control and centralisation? If they are funded by these foundations the answer will invariably be 'yes'.

A man you can trust

One of the most high-profile foundations today is headed by former US President, Bill Clinton. He says that he launched the Clinton Foundation because he wanted to help good people make a difference and he didn't want anyone to die before their time. Well, that's certainly new territory for him and his wife-of-convenience given the body count in their wake over the years in both Arkansas and Washington. Clinton is obsessed with many things sex, cocaine, anything corrupt that brings him a dollar. But wanting

people not to die before their time, or allowing good people to make a difference? Excuse me if I pass on that one, Bill, or my sides are destined to split. It was announced that the Clinton Foundation had struck a deal to provide cheaper Aids testing and treatment in developing countries. On the face of it people would think that was a worthy achievement good ol' Bill. There is, however, a little more to know. Clinton is a willing and life-long puppet of the Illuminati which is behind the plague of Aids in places like Africa. It is part of their plan to depopulate the 'lower races' as long outlined in my books. Why the hell would this same Illuminati support Bill Clinton to apparently seek to do the opposite? It is a scam, because with Clinton there's always a scam. Whatever this is all about you can be sure that it is not designed to help people with Aids. The guy has spent his entire political career trying to stop good people making a difference and millions have left this world as a consequence of his actions. The ClintonBlair sanctions against Iraq in the 1990s alone caused the deaths of more than half a million children (low-side estimate), according to UN organisations. Why the sudden transformation in the man who would be my first choice, together with Bush and Blair, to represent the Earth in any inter-planetary lying championship? There has been, it hardly needs to be said, no transformation. His 'philanthropic', William J. Clinton Foundation, is just the latest deceit in a career built on fake compassion. Clinton and former British Prime Minister, Tony 'fake emotion' Blair, emerged from the same mould, or Reptilian egg, and no wonder they get on so well and led the sanctionsslaughter on Iraq with such gusto. Clinton is not a leader in the Illuminati hierarchy, he's a follower. He does what he's told to do and reaps the benefits of compliance. Clinton is taking on the mantle of Mikhail Gorbachev, the man who oversaw the break up of the Soviet Union in line with the Illuminati timescale for absorbing those Russian colonies into NATO and the European Union. When he had served his masters, they set him up with the Mikhail Gorbachev Foundation, also called The International NonGovernmental Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Studies. This is forkedtongue speak for 'The Campaigning For a World Government Foundation'. The Clinton Foundation is basically Gorbachev Mark II. With the former Soviet Union leader falling from the 'A' list, step forward Bill 'where's the camera?' Clinton to grasp the baton. Same game, different name. They say you can tell a man by the company he keeps and Clinton (Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group and many more elite secret societies) certainly keeps some seriously unpleasant company. He is a subordinate in the hierarchy to his predecessor as president, Father George Bush. Readers of my books will recall the fun these two have had abusing mind-controlled slaves women in Clinton's case, children in Bush's. Now, they turn up at the scenes of disasters like the Asian tsunami representing the need for compassion and support. The Clinton Foundation's global gatherings to 'help the poor and needy' are attended by the very people who are pursuing policies that have caused devastation throughout the very 'developing countries' that Clinton claims to be seeking to support. People such as Tony Blair; Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice; Paul Wolfowitz, an architect of the Iraq invasion; Madeleine Albright, Clinton's Secretary of State and Iraq sanctions-enforcer; Al Gore, his former deputy; and Bill's cover-story-on-the-arm, Hillary 'what do I have to say to win?' Rodham-Clinton. Alongside them are a long list of leading industrialists and

The Round Table nexus


financiers, including George 'I am so compassionate and make so much money by playing the markets that kill millions of the people I am so compassionate about' Soros. For goodness sake, even Rupert Murdoch has been trotted out, not a man who could ever be in danger of compassion fatigue, given that he has none to start with. What a joke it all is. Finance is never a problem when you serve the Dragon and among Clinton's underwriters are the Rockefeller Foundation, Hewlett-Packard, Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, together with support from Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, and Starbucks. Do what we say, Bill, and money's no object. One of Clinton's great assets is selling the lie and 'nice guy' Bill is real Hollywood friendly. The so-called 'Tinsel Town Lefties' like Leonardo DiCaprio, Barbra Streisand, Mick Jagger, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and Oprah Winfrey gleefully turn out to support their king, Clinton the Crooked, and their queen, Hillary the Vicious. These people mean well, I'm sure, but they have been suckered. So have sycophants like Tina Brown at The Washington Post who somehow see substance in the shameful. She wrote of Clinton at one of his Foundation jollies:
On Clinton's face these days is a look of wry, judicious knowingness. It's the look of political wisdom, and it imparted to his conference's departing crowd something like serenity.

It's the look of a crook, Tina. It's the only one he has.

Modus operandi
When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.

Sinclair Lewis

The Reptilian hybrids have a 'modus operandi' 'a method of operating or functioning' which they have been using for thousands of years. As you chart their despicable path through 'history', you see its fingerprints wherever they go; and 'modus' number one is always the constant centralisation of power. When there are only a few of you compared with the target population, you have to centralise decision-making if you are to have dominion over them. The more diversity of decision-making there is, the less control the few can have over the many. And, the more you centralise, the more power you have to centralise even quicker. This is why the process of centralisation has got faster and faster through the 20th century to present day in all areas of our lives. It is part of a war on diversity in all its forms, including thought. At first, humans lived in small communities and tribes that made decisions for themselves. Then, these tribes were brought together into what we call nations and countries, and now the next stage of the plan is unfolding, the amalgamation of nations into superstates like the European Union. This is but one step from their ultimate goal of world government world dictatorship. With each phase of the plan, decision-making has moved further and further away from the people affected by those decisions. From tribal leaders, the power went to kings, queens, presidents and prime ministers, and today we have the superstate bureaucrats who don't even go through the sleight of hand we call 'elections'. All the time, the influence and control of the Reptilian hybrids has increased as they have centralised power, and manipulated themselves, or their agents, into the ever-more powerful positions created by that centralisation. Today, the global political and banking system, transnational corporations and media are all controlled by the Reptilian hybrids, and they continue to pursue even greater centralisation through merger and take-over. Even now, the power of the transnationals is incredible with their income and profits greater than most countries, and their hierarchies connect with the secret society network to pursue the common goal. Most of the political 'leaders' in places like Africa since 'independence' have been installed by the transnationals to rule the countries for their benefit. At the highest levels, these corporations interlock so they are, in effect, one corporation, and it's the same with the banks. They may go under different names, and most of their employees may think they are competing with other banks or corporations, but if you go high enough the control is in the same hands.

Modus operandi


All the major institutions and groups that affect our daily lives connect with the Illuminati, which decides the coordinated policy throughout the pyramid. People in the lower compartments will have no idea what they are part of.

Figure 119: The Reptilian hybrid pyramids of control. Smaller pyramids are encompassed by bigger ones and a global pyramid overlays them all. At the top are the elite Reptilian bloodlines who dictate policy down all the other, apparently unconnected, pyramids that control society

This is possible because of the 'Russian doll' structure the Reptilian hybrids have developed of pyramids within pyramids (Figure 119). The same compartmentalisation of knowledge used by secret societies is repeated in the structure of government, banking, business and every other organisation and institution. Only the few at the top of the 'individual' pyramids know the real agenda and what the organisation is trying to achieve. The further you go down the pyramid, the more people are involved in the organisation, but the less they know about its real agenda. They are only aware of the job they do every day. They don't know how their contribution (apparently innocent in isolation) connects with those of other employees in other areas of the company, government or whatever. They are 'compartmentalised' and the only people who know how it all fits together are the very few at the top - the Reptilian hybrid families. The smaller pyramids, like the local branch of a bank, fit into bigger and bigger pyramids, until eventually you have the pyramid that encompasses all of the banks. The same applies everywhere and this allows the transnational corporations, major (and many smaller) political parties, secret societies, media empires and the military (via NATO, for instance), to be controlled by the same families who sit atop the biggest pyramids. In the end, there is a global pyramid, the biggest 'doll', which envelops all the others. At the capstone of this you will find the most elite of the Reptilian hybrid bloodlines, believed to be no more than thirteen, and even these have their hierarchy. The number thirteen is highly significant to the Reptilians and must, therefore, relate in some way to the codes of the Matrix reality construct that they are manipulating. Jesus, Horus and all these aliases for Tammuz / Nimrod had twelve followers, together making thirteen. Stewart Swerdlow names the thirteen families in Blue Blood, True Blood as: Rothschild (Bauer), Bruce, Cavendish (Kennedy), de Medici, Hanover, Hapsburg [Habsburg], Krupps, Plantagenet, Rockefeller, Romanov, Sinclair/St Clair, Warburg (del Banco) and Windsor (the German


house of Saxe-Coburg-Gothe). Other researchers give slightly different names, but the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Windsors are always named. I should stress that these are bloodlines, actually computer programmes, and they will often go under different names as they use other families to bring up children or impregnate women through their sperm banks. Arizona Wilder, a recovering mind-slave of the US government, conducted rituals with the Illuminati. She told me that the highest-ranked person she had been aware of was known, at least to Figure 120: The motto of the 33rd insiders, as the 'Marquis de Libeaux'. He lived in the degree of the Scottish Rite of Reptilian bloodline centre of Alsace-Lorraine in Freemasonry: Ordo Ab Chao - Order France, a region that has also been in German hands. Out Of Chaos, or Problem-ReactionSolution Arizona said that he was also known as 'Pindar', or 'Penis of the Dragon'. Stewart Swerdlow says that Pindar, or 'Pinnacle of the Draco' in his interpretation, is the head of the Rothschild family who 'reports to the pure-bred Reptilian leader in the inner-earth'. Through the pyramid within pyramid structure, the elite families can coordinate the same policies through apparently unconnected, even 'opposing', areas of society. All roads lead eventually to them everything from the food we eat; the water we drink; the 'medical care' we receive, including vaccines; the 'news' we watch, hear and read; the 'entertainment' we are given; the governments that dictate to us; the military that enforces the will of the governments; and the drug-running network aimed at destroying young people. The same families and their pathetic yes-men control all of these areas and much more, because from the top of the global pyramid the bloodline families can dictate the same policies, like centralisation, through all the other pyramids. It is worth emphasising that this structure means that comparatively few 'in-the-know' people are required to control the whole system. If you control the President or Prime Minister, for example, you control who they 'choose' to head the government departments, like Secretary of State, Secretary of Defence and so on. These, in turn, select their staff and pursue policies in line with the guidelines that come from 'the top'. Everyone else just does as they're told and serve the desires of those 'on high'. You don't need to control every police officer to control law enforcement. You just need your people at those levels of the police where decisions are made about prosecuting someone or looking the other way. It is the same with all the institutions, corporations, banks, media, etc. Control the few prime positions of power and you dictate the actions of everyone else in the structure, those who are 'just doing their job'. The secret society network ensures that those critical positions go to the 'right people'.

Many years ago I coined the term 'Problem-Reaction-Solution' to describe the most effective of all Illuminati manipulation techniques, especially for centralising power. The motto of the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is 'Ordo Ab Chao', which means 'Order out of chaos', and this encapsutates the Problem-Reaction-Solution technique (Figure 120). Understanding how this works is to immediately become

Modus operandi


seriously more street-wise about daily events and their real background. The Reptilian hybrids use Problem-Reaction-Solution (P-R-S) whenever they know that changes they want to make in society will attract considerable public resistance. It works like this: Firstly they secretly create a problem while blaming someone else; next they tell the population through an unquestioning media a false version of the problem that they want them to believe; through this, they manipulate a public reaction of fear, outrage, and demands that 'something must be done'; this allows those who have covertly engineered the 'problem' to then openly offer the solution changes in society that they wanted all along. This works so well that people who would have opposed those changes before the 'problem', will either accept them without protest, or even campaign for them as a 'solution' to the 'problem'. Look how often we hear people say in these situations: 'We don't want to see freedoms restricted, but after what has happened we have no choice'. Problem-Reaction-Solution. I have just described the real reason for the horrific events of September 11th 2001 when the Reptilian hybrids created the problem of those attacks while blaming the CIA asset Osama bin Laden, who in no way was the orchestrator. They told the global public a tapestry of lies about happened, who did it and why, and there was mass fear and outrage. This allowed them to introduce legislation, like the US Patriot Act, to destroy basic human rights and freedoms and launch the bogus 'war on terror'. This is nothing more than a war of conquest and acquisition designed to explode into an even bigger problem which, they will say, only a world government and army would have the power to solve. I will discuss 9 /11 in greater detail later. The reason that freedombusting legislation went through so easily after September 11th was the manipulated perception that people had to be protected from the 'terrorists' when the terrorists were actually the very leaders and their masters who were proposing the legislation. That's how Problem-Reaction-Solution works and the 'problem' can be anything from a war, 'terrorist attack', government or stock market collapse, political 'scandal' anything that will lead to the desired 'solution'. There is also another version that I call No Problem-Reaction-Solution. This was most famously played out with the claims of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq that turned out to be pure invention. You don't even need a real problem, just the perception of one, to lay waste an entire country. Problem-Reaction-Solution is being played out in the Middle East by the day. In September 2005, two British soldiers from SAS special forces dressed as Arabs and wearing wigs were arrested by Iraqi police after failing to stop at a roadblock in Basra. The men opened fire, killing one Iraqi policeman and wounding another, before they were captured. In their unmarked vehicle, these British elite soldiers, in their Arab disguise, had weapons, explosives and a remote-control detonator. The car was boobytrapped and ready to explode. It was clear what the intention was to set up a manufactured 'terrorist attack' to be blamed on 'insurgents'. Such things have happened many times in Israel over the years. The British authorities were so desperate to spring their men before the full truth could come out that they used tanks to storm the Iraqi police station where they were being held. They 'rescued' the two agent provocateurs (Figure 121, overleaf) and took away their vehicle. Phew, that was close. Problem-Reaction-Solution would be impossible if we had a media that in any way related to the term 'journalism'. When the make-believe official story was being pedalled real journalists would question it, investigate it, and find it to be the nonsense


it invariably is. They would then report their findings to the people and the public 'reaction' would be very different to the one desired by the manipulators. Instead, the mainstream media across the world is so breathtakingly pathetic that Problem-Reaction-Solution works perfectly almost every time. What's even worse about the arrogant, gutless and mendacious media is that not only do they refuse to investigate these official Figure 121: The two British SAS soldiers who were fairytales themselves - they ridicule and arrested by Iraqi police in Basra while dressed as condemn those who do. One brainless Arabs, complete with wigs. In their unmarked BBC interviewer suggested that I was vehicle, they had weapons, explosives and a causing terrible suffering to the families remote-control detonator, and the car was who lost loved ones on 9 / 11 by booby-trapped and ready to explode investigating and exposing those who were truly responsible. I worked in the media for a long time, including the national news and current affairs operation of the BBC, and when you see the arrogance and ignorance that stands between what happens in the world and what people are told is happening it could turn you to drink. You can see Problem-Reaction-Solution played out day after day in the media worldwide and the most effective antidote is to ask this question: 'Who benefits from me believing this version of events, or accepting the solutions and changes being suggested?' The answer will be, as with all P-R-S scenarios, anyone who wishes to centralise power and suppress more of our freedoms.

The Totalitarian Tiptoe

This is the name I give to the other major manipulation technique that runs alongside Problem-Reaction-Solution. The Totalitarian Tiptoe is the use of mini steps to hide from the people where you are actually taking them. Each step is presented in isolation and portrayed as unconnected to all the others. This technique was used most obviously with the superstate now known as the European Union and is being employed again to impose similar superstates in the Americas, Africa and the Asia /Pacific region. After the Second World War, if the politicians had suggested a centralised Europe with common laws and currency there would have been an outcry. People would have said they had been fighting Hitler to stop just such a European dictatorship and there was no way they were accepting another. To overcome this, the Reptilian hybrids offered a 'free trade area' ('good for jobs') and they have used the Totalitarian Tiptoe's drip, drip, drip method to constantly centralise power until now they have the European dictatorship they wanted all along - with more to come. The daily demolition of human freedom has become a tidal wave since 9 / 11 and this is also the Totalitarian Tiptoe at work, although it is now more like a Totalitarian sprint. Once people get used to one imposition or new control the next one is introduced. This method has been likened to a frog placed in a saucepan of water that is warmed up slowly so the frog gets used to each rise in temperature until it finally boils. If the frog was given the boiling water to start with, it would react immediately. To use the same analogy, people

Modus operandi


who support the 'war on terrorism' are saying that the water needs to be made even hotter to protect them from getting boiled! Running alongside P-R-S and the Totalitarian Tiptoe is what I call the diversion technique. This is aimed at getting people to focus on the irrelevant so they don't see what they are not meant to see. It is the same principle as a stage magician or illusionist who manipulates the audience to focus their attention on something while the 'trick' happens elsewhere. The Reptilian hybrids are always manufacturing diversionary events to attract public attention while they do some dastardly deed or quietly slip through legislation that would otherwise face serious challenge. It is summed up by the Blair government advisor who sent an email to colleagues on September 11th saying that this was a good day to 'bury bad news'. The media and public focus on sport, television, the movie industry and the cult of celebrity (the latest religion). All are expressions of the diversion technique to keep the public mind occupied while the global fascist state is introduced by the day. There is a video going around the Internet in which the viewer is told to concentrate on the number of times two balls are thrown by a group of people. At the end the viewer is asked: 'Did you see the gorilla?' Most, it seems, do not, and yet when the video is played back someone in a gorilla costume clearly walks across the screen. Most people don't see it because their attention, their focus, is on the two balls, as the instructions have told them. We are constantly told to focus on this or that so we don't see the gorilla or the reptile. Whenever a major story or event, be it 'natural' disaster or a celebrity scandal, is dominating the headlines, that's the time to be even more vigilant. Invariably the attention-taker has either been created, or is being used, as cover for something they don't want us to see.

Money out of nothing

Another foundation of the modus operandi is the control and creation of what we call 'money'. This involves 'creating' money that doesn't exist and lending it to people and businesses in return for interest. They call this system 'credit' and it accumulates enormous debt for governments, business and the general population. And debt = control. Vital to this has been to allow bankers to lend money they do not have, a contrick that is today called fractional reserve lending. The principle has been used since at least Sumer and Babylon to entrap the people in non-existent 'debt' to the Reptilian hybrids. There are records of loans made by the priests of the temple in Babylon at the time of King Hammurabi in the 18th century BC, and by around 1000 BC the transfer of bank deposits to a third party in Babylon was common. This is the Reptilian hybrid system of financial control and they have now expanded it worldwide. Among the first bankers in the western world were the Knights Templar. They were given fantastic riches by Christians supporting the Crusades and by legacies from people who were hoping to buy a place in heaven. Their temples in Paris and London became major financial centres. The Christian world had a ban on usury (from the Medieval Latin usuria meaning 'interest' or 'excessive interest'), but, as the centuries passed, this was forgotten and the banking system as we know it began to expand and develop. The Islamic religion still has a ban on usury, at least officially, and these Christian and Islamic restrictions allowed Jewish, that is 'Khazar / Sumerian', people to dominate money lending for interest. Highly significant in the creation of today's banking system were the bloodlines of the Reptilian hybrid 'Black Nobility' in Venice and northern Italy,

like the de Medici family. The Black Nobility set up great financial centres in the Lombardy region through the 'Lombards', northern Italian merchants who formed merchant guilds, accepted deposits, granted advances and made payments. They particularly targeted areas where they were not required to pay taxes their version of offshore banking. Lombard became the name given to all Italian bankers in Florence, Genoa, Venice and Milan and the very word 'bank' comes from the Italian 'banco', the bench on which money changers sat to conduct their business. Eventually, they expanded their influence northwards to Hamburg, Amsterdam and London, hence Lombard Street in the City of London financial district. The 'banking' currency had at first been precious metals like gold and silver, and for safety reasons the owners began to deposit their wealth with the goldsmiths, who had suitable strong rooms. Former Khazars, the Ashkenazi people, were the prime force behind the gold trade, as seen in the German 'Jewish' name Goldschmidt. The goldsmiths would issue paper receipts for gold and silver deposited with them and the owners would pay their debts by withdrawing portions of their 'deposits' as necessary. It was obviously an unwieldy process to move all those metals around and the paper receipts slowly became accepted as currency. The gold and silver were rarely moved, but the ownership changed with the issuing of receipts ('money') to pay off debts. In the same way today, vast fortunes are made by simply moving numbers between one computer file and another. The goldsmiths and other owners of the strong rooms began to realise that, at any one time, only a fraction of the gold and silver was being withdrawn by the owners and they began to issue notes (money) to others who didn't own the gold and silver. They charged interest for doing this interest for lending other people's wealth. This is what banking is. The only way the ruse could fail was if they issued too many notes and too many people came along at the same time to cash them in for gold and silver. They began to issue notes for the ownership of the precious metals greatly in excess of the amount of gold and silver they had deposited in their vaults. In the end, most of the notes they lent (and earned interest on) were related to gold and silver which the 'banks' did not even have, but since only a small amount of the metals was being withdrawn at any one time, they were in the clear. They could issue lots of bits of paper for gold and silver that didn't exist and charge interest for doing so. There, in one sentence, you have a description of today's banking system, which pretty much controls the world. People and governments are submerged in debt and desperately trying to pay interest on money that has never, does not, and will never exist. It is reckoned that on average, for every 1,000 a bank receives from customers, it lends (and charges interest upon) at least 10,000. It is able to do this through the fractional reserve system, which means they only have to keep a fraction (about one-tenth) of their total deposits in the bank, or in 'reserve'. Once again, it only works if too many customers don't demand their money back at the same time, but that is rare and only happens if rumours circulate about a bank's stability. In most countries where banks are regulated there are rules or laws which allow a bank to shut its doors if too many people want their money out at once. Notice how banks have restrictions on how much of your own money you can withdraw in cash each day. Once you make a deposit the banks basically treat your wealth as their own. Money in the bank is a myth, anyway, another confidence trick, although even most bank employees don't realise this, nor highly paid

Modus operandi


accountants and economics correspondents. A man attended a weekend event I presented many years ago who had spent most of his working life in the banking system. He became a bank manager agreeing endless times to make loans to people and businesses and yet it was only in his final year before retirement, when the bank moved him into a research project, that he realised how 'money' is created or rather isn't. 'There is no money, is there?', I remember him saying to me, a bewildered look on his face. Most of the 'money' in circulation is not physical money, cash and coins. It is represented by figures passing from one computer account to another electronically via money transfers, credit cards and chequebooks the modern-day version of the certificates issued by the goldsmiths. The Reptilian hybrids are withdrawing 'physical' cash from circulation all the time and they want to replace all currencies with a single global electronic currency because that would mean they could deny anyone access to money by coding the system to refuse their cards or, in the end, their microchip.

Manufactured 'boom' and 'bust'

If you or I have a million pounds we can only lend a million pounds; but if a bank has a million pounds it can lend ten times that (much more in truth) and charge interest on it. When you go into a bank and ask for a loan, the bank does not print a single new note, or mint a single new coin. It merely types the amount of the loan into your account. From that moment, you are paying interest to the bank on what is no more than figures typed on a screen. But, if you fail to pay back that non-existent loan, the bank can come along and quite legally take your wealth that does exist ... your home, land, car and possessions, to the estimated value of whatever figure was typed on to that screen plus interest. Money is overwhelmingly brought into circulation by private banks making loans to customers and not by governments. This means that the banks control how much money is in circulation. The more loans they choose to make, the more money is in circulation and vice-versa. What is the difference between an economic boom and an economic depression? One thing only the amount of money in circulation. Through this system, the private banks, controlled by the same Reptilian hybrid families, decide how much money will be issued and circulated. This allows them to create booms and busts at will. It is the same with the stock markets through which these families are moving trillions of dollars a day around the financial and banking system and deciding if they go up or down, soar or crash. Stock market crashes don't just happen, they are made to happen. Why would they do this when they have so much money invested in these markets? Well, if you know the crash is coming because you are going to cause it, you know to sell stocks at the highest point and buy them back once the crash has happened. In this way, you can increase your holdings massively by acquiring companies at a fraction of the cost before your manipulated collapse. Perhaps the most blatant example of this was Nathan Rothschild during the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. The situation was simple: if England's Duke of Wellington won the battle the London Stock Exchange would soar, and if Napoleon, the French leader, prevailed it would collapse. The Rothschilds ran an information and espionage operation renowned as the fastest in Europe with an extensive network of contacts that used codes and carrier pigeons to communicate secretly and quickly. As I have indicated, this intelligence network would eventually develop into Mossad, the 'Israeli

intelligence arm today, as well as the CIA and the modern version of British intelligence. At the highest level, they are all the same organisation. In 1815, investors at the London Stock Exchange knew the Rothschild intelligence system was better than the British government's, and with the battle raging all eyes were on Nathan Rothschild, the head of the family's London operation, for any sign of what was happening. Had Wellington or Napoleon won? Rothschild gave the signal for his agents to start selling his stocks and everyone else followed believing that Rothschild must know that Wellington had lost. The market collapsed in the panic and people lost fortunes, but not Rothschild. He gave another coded signal to his agents and they began buying the stocks at the knockdown prices before the official news reached London that Wellington had won the battle, a fact that Rothschild had known all along thanks to his communication network. Stock prices soared and it is estimated that the Rothschilds increased their wealth some twenty times on that one day alone. This is how the manipulation works and it is happening every day all over the world, especially through Wall Street, the City of London and the Far East. The more money that's in circulation, the more economic activity can take place. This means that people have more income, more job opportunities and more products are bought and sold. But, a constant theme of this Reptilian hybrid financial coup has been to create a boom by making lots of loans, and then pulling the plug, causing a depression or crash. Overpaid economists and economic correspondents, most of whom have no idea what is going on, will tell you that boom and bust is part of some natural 'economic cycle'. It is not. It is systematic manipulation to steal the wealth of the world. During a boom many people get themselves into more debt. The vibrant economic activity means that businesses borrow more for new technology to increase production to meet demand. People borrow more to buy a bigger house and a more expensive car, because they are so confident of their economic prospects, and businesses borrow money (fresh air in truth) to invest in new plant and machinery to meet demand. Then, at the most opportune moment, the major banks, coordinated by the Illuminati pyramid network, raise interest rates to suppress the demand for loans and begin to call in loans already outstanding. They also ensure they make far fewer loans than before. All this has the effect of taking units of exchange (money in its various forms) out of circulation. When there is not enough money in circulation to generate the necessary economic activity, demand for products is suppressed and this leads to fewer jobs. People and businesses, through no fault of their own, can no longer earn enough to repay their loans and they go bankrupt. The banks then take over their real wealth, their business, home, land, car and other possessions in return for non-repayment of a loan that was never more than figures typed on a screen. This has been going on in cycles over thousands of years, especially the last few centuries, and the wealth of the world has been sucked out of the population and into the hands of those who control the banking system the major Reptilian hybrid families like the Rothschilds. The same applies to countries. Instead of creating their own interest-free money, as they so easily could, governments borrow it from the private banking cartel and pay the interest and the capital (sometimes) by taxation of the people. An enormous amount of the money that you pay in taxes goes straight to the private banks to pay back interest on 'money' that governments could create themselves interest-free. They don't do that because the Illuminati control the governments as much

Modus operandi


as they control the banks. What we call 'privatisation' is the selling of state assets in response to bank-created debt. The world's poorest countries are handing over control of their land and resources to the bankers when they can't pay back the loans made, on purpose, to ensnare them in this very situation. 'Third World Debt' was manufactured to replace the physical occupation of resource-rich or strategically situated countries under colonialism with today's financial occupation. The way they created this situation is told in detail in And The Truth Shall Set You Free. Once an African country is indebted to foreign banks, even though the money is non-existent credit, they are forced to hand over control of their affairs to the bankers, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, which then dictate economic and social policy at every level. They force them to cut spending on social programmes, education and humanitarian projects so they can pay the banks the 'debt' they owe. The world does not have to be in poverty and conflict. It is manipulated to be that way because it serves the Reptilian agenda.

Coordinated corruption
Today, the global financial nexus is coordinated by 'central banks' in almost every country. These appear to be working independently, but are in fact working together to a common end. The Rothschild-controlled Bank of England, chartered by the Black Nobility's William of Orange in 1694, has been a central manipulator in this web, and now the Rothschild-controlled, privately-owned Federal Reserve in the United States is a highly significant player. Ironically, the Federal Reserve is neither federal, nor has any reserve. The Reptilian hybrid bankers and politicians met at a place called Jekyll Island in Georgia in 1910 to plot their strategy to impose the Federal Reserve, and among them was Senator Nelson Aldrich, the grandfather of Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller (the four times Mayor of New York and the Vice-President of the United States under President Ford). Aldrich's daughter, Abby, was married to John D. Rockefeller Jr. For years after the meeting on Jekyll Island, the 'educators', commentators and 'historians' denied that it even took place. In 1902, the Rothschilds sent one of their agents, Paul Warburg, to America with his brother Felix to 'rearrange' US banking to suit Rothschild and Reptilian hybrid interests. Another brother, Max Warburg, stayed at home in Frankfurt, Germany, to run the family banking business there. Max was a director of the chemical giant I.G. Farben that funded Hitler and ran the Auschwitz concentration camp, and Paul was a director of Farben's American operation. Like the Rothschilds, both were Khazar / Sumerians, or 'Jewish', so what were they doing working so closely with Nazi corporations? After arriving in the US, Paul Warburg married Nina Loeb (of the Rothschild-controlled, Kuhn, Loeb, and Company) while Felix married Frieda Schiff, the daughter of Jacob Schiff, the head of Kuhn, Loeb, and Co, and the guy who helped to fund the Russian Revolution. Some good old Reptilian interbreeding followed and this is typical of the way the bloodlines operate, marrying for genetic and financial reasons. When Jacob Schiff arrived in America to join Kuhn, Loeb, and Co, he married the daughter of Solomon Loeb. It is well known that the official 'royal' families have arranged marriages, but so do the Reptilian hybrid 'royal' lines that run the government, finance, media and military pyramids. The Federal Reserve Bill, known as the 'Aldrich Bill', was passed in 1913 and American debt has soared ever since, just as it was meant to. The Federal Reserve System is a cartel of private banks, of which the Bank of New York is the most powerful.


The 'Fed' is not owned by the US government as the public are led to believe. As I have explained, the President is told by the cartel who to appoint as chairman of the Federal Reserve, like Paul Volcker (Trilateral Commission, CFR and Bilderberg Group) and Alan Greenspan (Trilateral Commission, CFR and Bilderberg Group). The United States government borrows money, or rather 'credit', from the 'Fed' and taxpayers pay the interest that swells the profits of the private banks Figure 122: What we call 'money' is only an IOU promising to pay at some time in the 'future' that make up the Federal Reserve System. If you look at an 'American' banknote it will say: 'Federal Reserve Note This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private'. The Federal Reserve is a private cartel of banks and yet the American paper currency is called a 'Federal Reserve note'. The Rothschild cabal owns the dollar as it owns sterling and all the rest. Indeed, this paper 'money' is worth nothing, backed by nothing, and it means nothing more than an IOU. British banknotes 'promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of whatever the note is said to be worth (Figure 122). If the money was actually worth anything, the note we hand over would pay the debt, and would not be just a 'promise to pay'. That would make it an IOU which is what it is. Our money only buys things because we think it is worth something. It's like a counterfeit note that has purchasing power only until someone holds it to the light and sees it's a fake. The policies of the central banks are coordinated by the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), formed in 1930, and its associated network. The bank's charter was drafted at the International Bankers Conference (a Reptilian hybrid cartel) and the BIS is based in Switzerland, one of the most important centres for the Illuminati financial web. That's why Switzerland is never attacked in the Illuminati-engineered wars. The Bank of International Settlements interlocks with the European Central Bank (established in the Rothschild city of Frankfurt in 1998), World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organisation and others, to form the iron grip that controls global finance and trade and, therefore, the choices and opportunities of people and countries. Governments are at the mercy of the financial system and, because of this, the bankers control the governments. The Reptilian hybrids want to centralise the system even more with a world central bank controlling the superstate central banks, which would, in turn, dictate to the national central banks. That would be orgasmic to the hierarchy-obsessed Reptilians. As Mayer Amschel Rothschild said: 'Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws'. Senator Thomas Hart Benton, a fierce opponent of the Bank of the United States, a predecessor of the Federal Reserve, said the following about the consequences for freedom of the central banking system, and it is as true today as it ever was. What he describes is exactly what the Reptilian hybrids have been scheming for:
The government itself ceases to be independent, it ceases to be safe when the national currency is at the will of a company. The government can undertake no great

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enterprise, neither war nor peace, without the consent and co-operation of that company; it cannot count its revenues six months ahead without referring to the action of that company its friendship or its enmity, its concurrence or opposition to see how far that company will permit money to be scarce or to be plentiful; how far it will let the money system go on regularly or throw it into disorder; how far it will suit their interest or policy. People are not safe when such a company has such power. The temptation is too great, the opportunity too easy, to put up or put down prices, to make and break fortunes, to bring the whole community upon its knees to the Neptunes who preside over the flux and reflux of paper. All property is at their mercy, the price of real estate, of every growing crop, of every staple article in the market, is at their command. Stocks are their playthingstheir gambling theatre on which they gamble daily ...

For these very reasons, the agenda is to force every country to have a central bank and now only a few are left to pick off. The banks interconnect through the Illuminati web with the corporations that control resources, food, water, oil, drugs, manufacturing and so on (Figure 123). The people are sold the lie about the need for 'free trade' and

Figure 123: Artist David Dees symbolises the global control of the International bankers that are dominated by Reptilian hybrids

'competition' when the Reptilian hybrid modus operandi has always been to destroy both. Another financial con trick is what they call 'economic growth'. This must be pursued at all costs, apparently, be it in the richest or poorest countries. Economic growth is good: it's official. But what is it? Economic growth is merely the amount of money changing hands every year. That's it. All the money spent clearing an oil slick, responding to a car crash or manufacturing more weaponry to replace the bombs dropped on innocent people, is all counted by economic growth to be a good thing. The system of accountancy and financial measurement is so ludicrous that it turns an oil slick, car crash or mass bombing into an economic success story. Societies should be judging success, economic and otherwise, by the 'fews', not the 'mores'. How few people are homeless; how few are hungry; how few are unhappy and unfulfilled; how few are ill? But, the financial and social statistics are geared to measuring what the Reptilians view as success more catastrophe, mayhem, destruction and war.

Rigging the system

The Reptilian hybrids don't want 'capitalism', they want cartelism. They achieve this by rigging the markets and working together to bring everyone under central control, while conspiring to target those who refuse to play ball. There is no more blatant example of this than the manipulation of the diamond market to suppress supply and raise the price, and I will use this to highlight how all the Reptilian hybrid cartels operate, whether in oil, pharmaceuticals, banking or whatever. Diamonds are actually not rare, but they can appear to be if you strictly control the numbers allowed to be sold. The family that controls and callously manipulates the diamond trade is called Oppenheimer and the family that controls them is called Rothschild. Their vehicle is the name synonymous with diamonds ... De Beers. It all began in Kimberley, South Africa, in 1871 when a huge quantity of diamonds was found. Before that they had indeed been rare in the sense that comparatively few had been mined and brought to market, mostly from India and Brazil. According to the records of the British East India Company, Jewish (Khazar / Sumerian) traders controlled virtually the entire world diamond traffic by the end of the eighteenth century, but the Brazilian fields were almost depleted of diamonds and no more were coming out of India. The find at Kimberley changed all that and the infamous and utterly ruthless Rothschild agent, Cecil Rhodes, seized the opportunity. Rhodes was a Reptilian hybrid aristocrat, a confidant of Queen Victoria and Germany's Kaiser Wilhelm, and a colleague of bloodline British prime ministers, Lord Salisbury and Lord Rosebery, who was related to the Rothschilds. Rhodes was also the first head of the Round Table and deeply involved in other secret societies. Shortly after arriving at Oxford University in the early 1870s, Rhodes was initiated into Freemasonry at the Apollo [Sun god] University lodge No. 357 and at Oxford he also joined a Scottish Rite Lodge called Prince Rose Croix Lodge No. 30. The Rose Cross is connected with the Rosicrucian Order, another Illuminati secret society. Rhodes was a big-time insider. After the diamond find at Kimberley, Rhodes paid 6,000 (secured from Nathaniel Rothschild) to a farmer called De Beer for his diamond-rich land and he set about bringing together all claim holders in the area into his company, which he called De Beers Consolidated Mines, formed in 1888. It was nothing short of a diamond cartel and to protect and expand its power, and secure control of gold mining, Rhodes and

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the British Empire went to war with the Dutch-descended settlers in South Africa known as the Boers, a word meaning farmers. They are known today as Afrikaners and they controlled the South African government in the apartheid era in league with the Oppenheimer family. The farmer called De Beer who sold his land to Rhodes was a Boer. The British had already forced them out of the Cape and other settlements, and forced them into a long and devastating trek northwards where the Boers established the Orange Free State and the Transvaal in the lands of the native peoples. Cecil Rhodes became premier of the British Cape Colony, and his later successor as head of the Round Table, the Rothschild banker, Alfred Milner, became High Commissioner for South Africa in 1897. Same names everywhere you look. They wanted to gain control of the Boer states, not least because of gold reserves, and the two 'Boer Wars' were fought and won between 1880 and 1902. The latter was the year that Rhodes died, aged 48, from a 'heart problem', probably connected to the fact that he didn't have one. The assault on the Boers was typical of the barbarism employed by the Reptilian hybrids as farmsteads and villages were burned, all crops destroyed and livestock slaughtered to batter them into submission. The Zulu War was also fought in 1879 to bring an end to the Zulus as an independent nation, and Rhodes was at the forefront of causing intertribal conflicts that led to both sides being absorbed into the British Empire. What followed was the Union of South Africa under British control and the diamond and gold industries were in the hands of the Rothschilds and their associates. Historian Mark Weber wrote: Rhodes waged war against any and all who got in his way of consolidating the diamond mines. Supported by the British government, which agreed to his AngloAmerican vision, Rhodes waged a financial war against competitors Barney Barnato and the Standard Company, and Baring Gould and the Central Company. Rhodes said of the Central Company, 'We must have the four mines and I will allow no foreign vulture to step in at the end and form a separate mine on the Stock Exchange apart from us to get a flotation on our name'. His method was to swallow up poorer ones and buy out richer ones. This is text-book modus-operandi of the Reptilian hybrids. In 1914, some twelve years after Rhodes died, along came a German-born diamond dealer called Ernest Oppenheimer, who discovered enormous quantities of diamonds in what was then called German South West Africa, now Namibia. It was the biggest diamond mine in history at that time and so abundant that black people were deployed with a tin can around their necks to go around on hands and knees and pick them up. Oppenheimer secured control of the land, but his report on the find was kept hidden from the public to keep secret the number of diamonds available. He called his company the Anglo American Corporation to acknowledge his investors in England (primarily the Rothschilds) and in America (the J.P. Morgan operation controlled by the Rothschilds). The Oppenheimers and the Rothschilds are both German Khazar / Sumerian banking families and closely connected. In the 1920s, Ernest Oppenheimer, supported by the Rothschilds, made his move on De Beers. He told them that if they did not make him chairman of the company he would flood the market with diamonds and crash the price. He became chairman in 1929 and the takeover of the global diamond trade was

complete. It wasn't even truly a cartel given that it was controlled by one family, the Oppenheimers, fronting for another, the Rothschilds. De Beers was owned by Anglo American and, through creative bookkeeping and management, Anglo American was owned by De Beers in the mould of Reptilian hybrid control worldwide. It was no surprise when I received this from a reader with reference to my book, The Biggest

I was born in South Africa and years ago got to know an old lady in Johannesburg who had for many years been the lover of Sir Ernest Oppenheimer. She told me that Ernest used to visit her in the afternoons at her flat in Parktown. On one occasion when they were about to make love, his body took on the form and proportions of a giant lizard with scales and she said the experience had been one of the sexual highlights of her life. The story, which was so strange at the time, has been in the back of mind for years and came back to me when I recently read your book.

Pure evil
With the discovery of diamonds and gold in South Africa, the RhodesOppenheimerRothschild operation needed miners to work for a pittance. With the potential workforce living off the land and not interested in mining, they needed to force them into working for them. One way was to introduce taxes for anything they could think of a poll tax, hut tax, even a dog tax and because they lived a cashless life of selfsufficiency, the people could not pay these taxes. This forced the men to leave their families to walk hundreds of miles to work in the mines in horrendous conditions and sign contracts that could not be broken. A former De Beers employee called Gordon Brown described the scene:
When I arrived in the mine in 1968, I was quite appalled by the conditions for the migrant labourers. The working hours were long. It was a 60-hour week. The conditions under which they worked they were out in the open, very little protection against the cold and the wind. They weren't given much to eat. They were given half a loaf of brown bread and a flask of cold tea to last them throughout that 10-hour shift. Conditions in the hostels were not much better. There were no decent dining facilities. They had to eat in their rooms out of aluminium buckets. There was no real privacy. The hostels themselves were not very nice places to be in single-sex hostels, 20 people to a room, in some instances.

The Reptilian hybrids see humans in the way that most humans see cattle. They are only low-caste slaves to be exploited and serve their interests. The Oppenheimers and Rothschilds still had one major problem to overcome with their diamonds, however. Diamonds by this time were certainly not rare, and so De Beers had to persuade the public that they were to justify the prices being charged. Massive marketing campaigns over many decades have sold the myth that diamonds are rare, but this is a lie. Diamonds are crystals of carbon and they can be found in great quantities all over the world. They are produced by heat and pressure some 1,200 miles below ground and they have been brought to the surface by volcanoes to be mined, most famously in

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Africa. But, they are found in extinct volcanoes throughout Asia, America, Russia and Australia, and along riverbeds and shorelines can be found the 'alluvial diamonds', as they are called. Everywhere there is carbon there are diamonds. The number one fact to know about them is that they are not rare and should be a fraction of the cost that people and industry pay for them. They are expensive, not because they are rare, but because one family, controlled by another family, manipulates the market on a scale, and through methods, that beggar belief. Well, unless you understand the mentality of those involved, that is. Then it's not even a surprise. As Edward Epstein, author of The Rise and Fall of Diamonds, said:
What I learned was that the diamond business wasn't a business of extracting, as I originally expected, something of enormous value and then simply seeing how much of this object you could get out of the ground and selling it. That was what the business appeared to be when I started my venture. But their real business was restricting what came out of the ground, restricting what was discovered, restricting what got cut, restricting what actually found its way into the retail market and, at the same time, through movies, through advertising, through Hollywood, through the manipulation of perceptions, creating the idea that there was this enormous demand for these shiny little objects that they seemed to have in abundant supply. So I wound up on this voyage of discovery starting off with the idea that there was this object of great value, and it was just a question of how many could you get out, and I wound up discovering it was just the opposite.

With diamonds so common throughout the world, the entire trade is based on convincing people they are not common. To do this has involved indoctrination of the public, especially through television and Hollywood, and ensuring that the number of diamonds cut and available for sale is strictly limited. Marketing consultant Herbert Chao Gunther said:
Nobody's aware that diamonds and all the associations we have with diamonds is a product of a marketing strategy. It's completely invisible, transparent. If you measure it in terms of how all the myths associated with this advertising campaign have been deeply inculcated in people - it's reached deeply into the popular imagination - this is probably the most successful campaign in history.

The Oppenheimers opened a Hollywood office that gave diamonds to film producers who would promote them in their movies. The aim was to associate diamonds as a token of true love and something that is given by the man as a surprise (so the woman is not in on the decision and can't choose something else). Movie stars Claudette Colbert and Merle Oberon were given special scenes to show off their De Beers diamonds, and the film Diamonds Are Dangerous was retitled Adventure in Diamonds to suit the De Beers campaign. The song Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend, performed by Marilyn Monroe in the 1953 film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, has been listed as the

twelfth most important movie song of all time. Jane Russell sang it in the same film and it has been endlessly performed by others since, including Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge in 2001. The Oppenheimers came to an arrangement with the British Royal Family to wear their diamonds at the expense of other gems, and the whole marketing campaign peddled the blatant untruth that diamonds were rare, exclusive and thus had to be expensive. Gifts to the already filthy-rich Windsors included caskets embossed with coronets that contained a six-carat stone for Princess Elizabeth, now Queen Elizabeth II, and a four-and-a-half-carat diamond for Princess Margaret. All that wealth and they're still on the take. Another De Beers marketing strategy was to say 'a diamond is forever' and should not be resold. This was designed to suppress the market in second hand diamonds to protect the price of the new ones. These guys don't miss a trick.

Corporate terrorism
Selling the lie to the public is only one part of the Oppenheimer /De Beers strategy. They also have to stop the market being flooded with all the diamonds that really exist, in fact and potentially. They have achieved this, as usual, coldly and ruthlessly. Fewer than 200 merchants are allowed to buy from De Beers. These are the so-called 'sightholders' who can hold and see the rough diamonds that De Beers is prepared to market from its headquarters at 17 Charterhouse Street in East London. Everyone else must buy from the sightholders. Through this system, De Beers controls how many diamonds are released for sale and this is vital to stop their scam collapsing. They distribute to the cutters what is in short supply on the market and horde what is abundant, a technique that fixes the price through supply and demand and keeps it artificially high. 'Capitalism' is supposed to live by the law of supply and demand, but, once you artificially control those two forces, it becomes cartelism which is what the world economic system really is. The sightholders can make requests for what they want, but De Beers decides if they get it. One sightholder, William Goldberg, said: 'I've been very angry and cussed a lot and been very upset, but that's how the cookie crumbles. I have no options ...' The Oppenheimers are constantly targeting new supplies of diamonds that they don't control and, big or small, their owners are bought out or threatened with consequences. Fouad Kamil, a former 'diamond detective' with the Anglo American Corporation/De Beers, said that competition did not suit his former employers. 'They wanted the whole plate for themselves', he said, and this involved violence and intimidation against those operating outside the cartel:
Diamonds going out of Sierra Leone and other African diamond markets were going to what Anglo American described as black markets, that is, Antwerp, Amsterdam, Germany, some parts of the United States and Israel. Now, these people were labelled black markets by Anglo American, but in their own countries they were respectable diamond dealers. ... those that had diamonds, I took them as prisoners. I interrogated them, got the information from them. I kept them as long as I wanted, week to week, some of them months, and released them when I wanted. There was beatings. There was

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punishments without food. We did everything we could to extort the information from them. There was a stage when no one dared to pass from there, diamonds or no diamonds. So to put it bluntly, we were a terrorist group. That's what it amounts to.

That's what the Illuminati are a global terrorist group. Where 'alluvial diamonds' were being found washed up on riverbanks, De Beers sent out Oxford graduates into the jungle to buy them in the local currency, anything to stop them getting on the market. The Oppenheimers also secured their monopoly by doing deals with the colonial powers in Africa and, after 'independence', with the corrupt black leaders installed by the colonial powers. Those who were critical of the foreign-owned mining system, like the Congo's first democratically elected leader, Patrice Lumumba, ended up dead in a coup backed by the CIA. The intelligence agency network connects with the transnational corporations like Anglo American and De Beers through the bloodline secret society web. Other African leaders, such as Mobutu Sese Seko, the dictator when the Congo became Zaire, accrued immense riches after selling out his people to De Beers. A deal was struck by a De Beers middleman, an American called Maurice Tempelsman, as revealed in declassified documents from the US State Department. Tempelsman met with the State Department, the US Embassy in Kinshasa, Mobutu and De Beers and what emerged was an exclusive contract for all Zaire's diamonds to be shipped to De Beers in London. At least most of the coups, wars and slaughter in Africa have been manipulated by the Reptilian hybrid cartels to direct power and events for their own benefit and there is an endless supply of `Mobutus' to help them in return for a substantial commission. On one occasion the secretary of Mobutu's wife was found at an airport to be carrying diamonds worth $6 million. Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe is blatant confirmation today of the depth of sickness available for exploitation by these global corporations. Edward Epstein, author of The Rise and Fall of Diamonds, said of De Beers:
Each time diamonds are found in an inconvenient place, they begin, the diamond cartel, through intermediaries, through law firms they hire, ways to think, how can we prevent these diamonds from reaching the market? And declaring something a national park, tying things up in litigation these are just the methods and there's an infinite number of different methods you could use, once you understand what the objective is. The objective is to prevent mines from being developed that are outside their control.

All the elements of what you have just read about the creation and manipulation of the diamond cartel can be found with all the cartels controlling oil, finance, food, gold and other metals and resources, industrial production, drugs, construction, media, weapons manufacturing and all the rest, which, at the highest level, become one cartel controlled by the elite Reptilian hybrid families. The same people involved with diamonds, Rhodes, the Oppenheimers and Rothschilds, did the same with gold and the daily price of gold was decided at the London offices of N.M. Rothschild from 1919 until 2004. Even then, only the location of gold price fixing changed, not the source.

They are what you eat - and drink

Today, the Reptilian hybrids are working to control the supply and cost of water and food on a global scale. People talk about controlling oil to control the people, but nothing, apart from air, is more fundamental to human survival, let alone health and prosperity, than food and water. If anything should be exempt from the profit motive it should be water, which is a most basic requirement for life in this reality; but our water supplies are in the hands of the same force that now controls food production and sale across the world. This was all planned a long time ago and to achieve this control they had to eliminate diversity by making life impossible for small and independent farmers. The number going bankrupt, or selling up and leaving the land, has soared since the Illuminati war on the small farmer began worldwide. The Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini, is alleged to have said: 'Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power'. Whether he said it or not, the statement remains true in 'democracies' as much as in fascist Italy, or Hitler's Germany. We can see the gathering global fascism in the merger of state and corporate power with the corporate far more powerful than the political. This interconnecting web has allowed the corporations to integrate their ambitions and manipulations into political policy and never more powerfully than in the hijacking of the food chain. A prime example was the sting played on European farmers in the 1980s under the European Community's Common Agricultural Policy, or CAP. At first, this appeared to be the equivalent of winning the lottery for farmers of all kinds. Basically, they were paid for whatever they produced whether they sold it or not. Imagine that. Whatever you produce you are guaranteed the market rate courtesy of the European taxpayer. I remember as a Green Party spokesman arguing against the infamous CAP and facing the wrath of the farming community who were lighting cigars and raising a glass to the genie and his magic lamp. Still, why wouldn't they, given the short-term thinking that infests the human psyche? All their dreams had come true. The policy of we'll-buywhatever-you-sow led to massive surpluses and the 'food mountains' and 'wine lakes', as the unsold production was stored in giant warehouses across the continent. This was one of the grotesque examples of the richpoor divide highlighted by Bob Geldof at the time of Live Aid in 1985. While extraordinary amounts of food were being stored in Europe, millions were dying from starvation, but the Reptilian hybrids are nothing if not inhuman, figuratively and literally. They have no empathy, so they don't care. The CAP also devastated the countryside, and the land and soil in general, as farmers cleared all impediments to opening every square inch they could for more production. Every sow was guaranteed dough, and this was without the need even to find a buyer or a belly. They were also taking out big bank loans to buy more land at the everincreasing prices, fuelled by what was happening. Trees and hedgerows were uprooted and wildlife plummeted with the loss of habitat and through the poisons provided by the pharmaceutical cartel to increase yields in the short term, while destroying fertility in the long. Talking to farmers about the insanity of this as a Green Party spokesman was, appropriately, the story of the seeds and the stony ground. Then came the sting. Opposition to the Common Agricultural Policy increased until it was the major issue of the day with the European taxpayer footing the astonishing bill. What's more, the

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Reptilian hybrid network behind the policy was supporting and giving publicity to this public outrage 'something must be done'. Stage two was underway. The European Economic Community, now called the European Union, announced that it would have to change the CAP in the face of public demand and the 'mountains' of food left unconsumed. This policy revision was to stop paying farmers for everything they produced. The gravy train had collided with the combine harvester. Farmers across Europe were now faced with actually finding buyers for their produce, but once the subsidies evaporated prices slumped with so much food and drink available, both in production and storage. Small and independent farmers went bankrupt on a massive scale when they couldn't pay their debts to the banks that they increased dramatically through land-buying and other investment in the manufactured boom. Who was waiting to buy the farms at a few cents on the dollar? The corporations who were behind the whole sting, via the Reptilian hybrid network in government. In the United States, something similar has happened since the 1950s with a series of decisions by the Rothschild-controlled Federal Reserve leading farm debt to explode. By the end of 2005, it was well in excess of $200 billion, and today in the United States, once a nation of small farmers, only two per cent of the population are involved. Illuminati corporations, not least Monsanto in Missouri and the price-fixing Archer Daniels Midland in Illinois, have been major beneficiaries of other people's misery. This has happened on every continent as the market has been artificially suppressed in readiness for the 'buy outs'. Where this has not yet happened, the corporations control the food chain by owning the seeds, setting the prices and imposing 'free trade'.

We own you - literally

Patenting seeds was unthinkable before the 20th century and indeed Article One of the US Constitution specifically excluded, for moral reasons, the patenting of 'life'. In the 1930s, plant breeders were allowed to patent seed varieties, but not to have rights to subsequent seeds that were produced from them by the growers. Then in 1980, the Illuminati challenged these restrictions through the General Electric Corporation and specifically one of its employees, an Indian-born scientist called Dr Ananda Chakrabarty. He developed a genetically-engineered microbe to 'eat' oil slicks, which in the end proved unusable. It was refused a patent by the US Patent Office, but Chakrabarty made history when the US Supreme Court awarded him, by just one vote, the first patent for a life form. With that judgement, the floodgates did swing. During the ReaganBush years patents followed for animals, human genes and body parts. The corporations contend that if they own the gene in the animal or plant, they own the animal and plant. So what about the genetic engineering of the human body? Yep, according to this contention they would say that they therefore own the body. As Andrew Kimbrell, Executive Director of the Center for Food Safety, said: 'It actually means giving corporations, incredibly, the power to own and control species of the Earth'. But look at who is behind all this the Reptilian hybrids on behalf of the Reptilian Anunnaki genetic engineers and it makes perfect sense. These laws mean that if you own animals or seeds that have been patented by the corporations you have to pay a royalty for every new one produced. This includes the poorest farmers of the 'developing world'. From the mid-1990s, the Reptilian hybrid pesticide and chemical producers, notably Monsanto and Dow, began to buy the seed producers. Monsanto spent some

$8 billion alone and Dr Charles M. Benbrook, former Board of Agriculture Director at the Academy of Sciences, said: 'Basically, the US pesticide industry bought the seed industry for all intents and purposes'. The intent and purpose was to control food production. The law was changed still further to, wait for this, allow the corporations to patent seed varieties that they have not genetically engineered. The only criteria were that no one else had got there first. This led to the corporations taking the seeds from the seed banks designed to protect genetic diversity, and going to the patent office to register ownership. It is reckoned that Monsanto alone owns more than 11,000 seeds and rising. It has reached such ludicrous and outrageous levels that when non-GM farms are contaminated by genetically-modified seeds blown from elsewhere, even a passing truck, the corporations are taking the farmers to court for illegal use of their patented seed without a license. This is happening to increasing numbers of farmers, including Percy Schmeiser in Canada, who was well-known for developing his own seeds. Monsanto went onto his land without his knowledge or permission and then issued a lawsuit for his use of its patented and genetically-modified canola seeds that had blown onto his land. It didn't matter how unjust and crazy it was, the court gave judgement in favour of Monsanto. Why? Because the corporations, through the Illuminati secret society network, control the courts, as they control the politicians who allowed all this to happen in the first place. Percy Schmeiser was forced to destroy a thousand pounds of seeds that he and his wife had developed over decades, because they had been contaminated by the unwanted Monsanto variety. Percy's wife, Louise, said:
Monsanto comes along when we have worked for all these years and they just want to take it away just like that ... they can just come and do anything to the farmers, just like they own them, and it really is upsetting. And I feel they have taken our rights away and our privacy. And we are not the only ones they have done it to, there are many others. Why are they prosecuting so many of these little farmers when they are only worth a couple a hundred thousand, when they are such a multi-national company why? Is it greed or is it that they just want to control all the seeds?

The answer is both. It is another front in the war against the independent producer and seed diversity all diversity. The Schmeisers lost all their retirement money in legal costs fighting the case and thousands of innocent farmers just pay up when Monsanto come calling to avoid crippling lawsuits. Rodney Nelson, a farmer in North Dakota, was another Monsanto victim. He said that every farmer he had spoken to who had been targeted by Monsanto had told the same story. Monsanto had arrived to test their crop and those with nothing to hide thought little of it until a year later when, to their astonishment, Monsanto said they had found their patented seed variety on their land. The delay of a year meant the plants were not available for them to challenge the claims. Monsanto told Nelson that they had tested all 1,350 acres of his Soya bean crop; but when it was pointed out in the subsequent legal case that to do this would have meant gathering one sample continuously every 20 seconds, they changed their story. They had, they said, only taken a handful. In short, they were making it up, but, again,

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the Reptilian hybrids control the courts and Rodney Nelson describes the judge's 'view' of this incredible injustice:
It didn't matter how Monsanto's genetic-altered canola got into [the] field. Whether it cross-pollinated or blew in by the wind, or by birds, insects or animals or falling off a farmer's truck, or carbine and so on, it didn't matter, if there were some plants there I had violated Monsanto's patent, even though I didn't want it in my field. He ruled that any farmer that has a conventional plant, it doesn't matter what kind of plant, if it's a seed, a tree, if it gets cross-pollinated with Monsanto's gene against your wishes and against your property, my plant becomes Monsanto's property. Now stop and think what that means for farmers all over the world, farmers, gardeners, anything to do with a life-giving form. That shows you the power of patent law over farmers' rights.

One farmer suggested there was not a single field in western Canada that has not been contaminated by Monsanto's genetically-modified (GM) canola and that's the whole idea. That was the reason for the 'trials' in the UK ordered by Tony Blair, the biotech industry's man in Downing Street throughout his ten years as Prime Minister. Once these 'trials' are established, the contamination begins, followed by the lawsuit. One of the most active funders of GM research has been the Rockefeller Foundation, which will surprise no one who has read this far.

Food control
The most sinister development of all are the 'terminator seeds' that die after a single use and cannot be re-used to produce seeds for the next year's crops. The United States government has been funding the research since the ReaganBush administration in 1983, and, if you didn't know the true motivation, it would seem inexplicable that a government would seek to develop a technology that threatened to turn farmers and whole nations into slaves of the seed corporations. Willard Phelps, a spokesman for the US Department of Agriculture, said the aim was to establish the widest possible use of terminator seeds `to increase the value of proprietary seed owned by US seed companies, and to open up new markets in Second and Third World countries'. Henry Kissinger's words in the 1970s capture the motivation: 'Control the oil and you can control entire continents. Control food and you control people ...' The 'suicide seeds' were developed with taxpayer money in a joint operation between the United States government and a company called Delta and Pine Land, which was reported to have had a rather famous investor Queen Elizabeth II. The largest shareholder has been the Stephens Group in Arkansas, controlled by Jackson Stephens, the major bankroller of Bill Clinton's deeply corrupt political career. Now the punch line: In August 2006, it was announced that Delta and Pine had agreed a $1.5 billion deal to sell its operation and terminator seed patents (developed with taxpayer money) to ... Monsanto. Running parallel with the creation of copyrighted seeds, has been the systematic destruction of the alternatives. Ninety-seven per cent of the vegetables grown at the start of the 20th century are now extinct. There were once five thousand potato varieties grown worldwide, now only four are grown on any scale. This is extremely important,

because it opens the way for those varieties that remain to be destroyed by disease or genetic manipulation. In Ireland in the 19th century, only a few varieties of potato were grown and the consequences of potato blight attacking those species were a million people starving to death. The fewer varieties we use, the greater the danger from disease and insects. This had led to the dependence on chemical spraying provided by Monsanto and co. which has created the 'super bugs' and weeds that have developed, through mutation, an immunity to the poisons that killed them before. In my book, It Doesn't Have To Be Like This, published in 1989, I wrote that the chemicals were ... 'creating super-pests that have become resistant to the chemicals, so more and more pesticides are needed to kill them. Where will it all end?' Today, we are seeing the answer to that question. A report by the California Policy Seminar, a joint program of the university and state government, said: As a result of these practices worldwide, the number of resistant pests is growing
exponentially, the authors point out. According to recent biological research, the number of insects and mites that have become resistant to chemicals since 1950 is up 10-fold, from less than 50 species to more than 450.

All these things are part of the Reptilian hybrid plan to control the global food chain and, through that, the people. Their ownership of the land and, by lawsuit, the independent farmers, means they control what, and how much, is produced; by control of the supermarkets and the commodity markets, they dictate the price it is sold for; and by enforcing 'free trade' laws through the Illuminati World Trade Organisation, they prevent any country from blocking imported produce to protect homes markets. All this has created: Dependency on Illuminati corporations for seeds. Dependency on Illuminati corporations for the pesticides, herbicides and fertilisers to make the seeds survive and grow. Dependency on Illuminati supermarkets, which have destroyed independent stores and dictate the price they pay to farmers. Dependency on Illuminati corporations for virtually everything that we eat or drink. And dependency = control, which is what this whole story is about. To give you some idea of the 'revolving door' between government and corporations, just look at the influence of Monsanto on the Boy Bush administration, although you will find it with all US governments. As a Monsanto in-house newsletter said in 2000: 'Agricultural biotechnology will find a supporter occupying the White House next year, regardless of which candidate wins the election in November'. Members of the Working Group on Bio-Safety make recommendations on the use of genetically-modified food produced by Monsanto. The members have included: Linda J. Fisher, Vice-president of Government and Public Affairs for Monsanto and formerly with the US Environmental Protection Agency; Dr Michael A. Friedman, Senior Vice-President for Clinical Affairs at G.D. Searle and Co., a pharmaceutical division of Monsanto, formerly with the US Food and Drug Administration; Marcia Hale, Director of International Government Affairs

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for Monsanto, formerly assistant to the President of the United States; Michael (Mickey) Kantor, director of Monsanto, former Secretary of the US Department of Commerce; Josh King, director of global communication in the Washington DC office of Monsanto, former director of production for White House events; William D. Ruckelshaus, director of Monsanto, former chief administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency; Michael Taylor, head of the Washington DC office of Monsanto, former legal advisor to the Food and Drug Administration; Lidia Watrud, former microbial biotechnology researcher at Monsanto, who joined the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental Effects Laboratory; Jack Watson, staff lawyer with Monsanto in Washington, former chief of staff to the President of the United States, Jimmy Carter. Others include representatives from Dupont (Illuminati bloodline) and Dow Chemicals (Illuminati). Among them is Clayton K. Yeutter, former Secretary of the US Department of Agriculture and former US Trade Representative, who led the US team negotiating the US-Canada 'free trade' Agreement and helped to launch the Uruguay Round of the GATT 'Free Trade' negotiations. He became a director of Mycogen Corporation, whose majority owner is Dow Agro-Sciences, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Dow Chemical Company. I am sure the recommendations of all these people has been devoid of any bias whatsoever towards Monsanto, Dow or DuPont, or my name isn't Donald Duck.

Corporation of the people, by the people, for the people

Another Reptilian hybrid 'modus' is to present governments as freely-elected and answerable to the people, when they are really privately-owned corporations. The United States 'government' is actually the United States Corporation. It was created behind the screen of a 'Federal Government' when, after the manufactured 'victory' in the American War of 'Independence', the British colonies exchanged overt dictatorship from London for the far more effective covert dictatorship that has been in place ever since. In effect, the Virginia Company, the corporation headed by the British Crown that controlled the 'former' colonies, simply changed its name to the United States and other related pseudonyms. These include the US, USA, United States of America, Washington DC, District of Columbia, Federal Government and `Feds'. The United States Corporation is based in the District of Columbia (Semiramis) and the President of the Corporation is known as the President of the United States. This is an accurate title given that one of the names for the Corporation is the 'United States'. He or she is not the President of the people or the country as they are led to believe that's just the smokescreen. This means that Bush launched a 'war on terrorism' on behalf of a private Corporation to further the goals of that Corporation. It had nothing to do with ' America' or 'Americans', because these are very different legal entities. It is the United States Corporation, not the 'government', that owns the United States military and everything else that comes under the term 'federal'. The privately-owned Corporation known as the United States is the holding company, if you like, and the fifty states are its subsidiaries. You may notice that the national flag of the United States always has a gold fringe when displayed in a court or federal building, and you see this also in federally-funded schools and on the uniforms of US troops. Under the International Law of the Flags, a gold fringe indicates the jurisdiction of commercial law, also known as British Maritime

Law, and, in the US, as the Uniform Commercial Code, or UCC. The gold fringe is not part of the American flag known as the Stars and Stripes, but it is a legal symbol indicating that the court, government building, school or soldier is operating under British Maritime Law and the Uniform Commercial Code military and merchant law, not common or constitutional law. Look at the flag behind US Presidents whenever they make a statement and you will see the gold fringe every time. Under the Admiralty Law of Flags, the flag displayed gives notice of the law under which the ship (or a building or court) is regulated. Anyone entering that ship (building/court) accepts that by doing so they are submitting to the law indicated by that flag. Judges refuse to replace the flag with one without a fringe when asked by defendants who know the score because that changes the law under which the court is sitting. If you appear in a court with a goldfringed flag your constitutional rights are suspended, and you are being tried under British Maritime (military / merchant) Law. If it seems strange that a court or building on dry land could be administered under Maritime or Admiralty Law, look at US Code, Title 18 B 7. It says that Admiralty Jurisdiction is applicable in the following locations: (1) the high seas; (2) any American ship; (3) any lands reserved or acquired for the use of the United States, and under the exclusive or concurrent jurisdiction thereof, or any place purchased or otherwise acquired by the United States by consent of the legislature of the state. In other words, mainland America. All this is founded on Roman law, which goes back to Babylonian and Sumerian law, because the Illuminati have been playing this same game throughout the centuries wherever they have gone. The major politicians know that this is how things are and so do the top government administrators, judges, lawyers and insider 'journalists'. Americans think that their government and legal system is pegged in some way to the Constitution, but it is not. The United States, like Britain and elsewhere, is ruled by commercial law to overcome the checks and balances of common law. It's another monumental fraud. The US court system does not operate under the American Constitution, but under corporate law. It is the law of contracts and you have to make a contract with the Corporation for that law to legally apply to you. The scam has been set up so that when you register with the 'Federal Government' in any way, by accepting a Social Security number, driver's licence, or any of the other official federal documents, you are, unknowingly, contracting to become an asset-employee of the United States Corporation. The Reptilian hybrids are extremely skilled in legalise and every word, or use of lower/upper case, is making a legal statement. Have you noticed that when you receive correspondence relating to government, law and anything to do with finance, including taxation, your name is always spelt in all upper case, as in BILL JONES? But your upper case name is not you. It is a corporation /trust set up by the 'government' Corporation through the treasury department at your birth. Every time a child is born a corporation/ trust is created using his or her name in all upper case. So BILL JONES is what they call a 'straw man', a corporate, not human, entity. They do it this way because governments are corporations and they operate under commercial law, the law of contracts. The laws passed by governments only apply to corporations and not to living, breathing, flesh and blood, sovereign, free men and women spelt in upper and lower case, or all lower case, as with Bill Jones, or bill jones. The living, breathing sovereign man and woman is subject to common law, not the commercial law introduced by governments through legislation.

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Using commercial law makes it much easier to install an 'elected' dictatorship. Unlike common law, you are not subject to precedents built up over centuries. You simply have to get a majority to vote for a bill in Parliament or Congress, or have the US President sign a document, and the law is imposed. What you also have to do clearly not difficult is to keep from the people the knowledge that their name in all upper case is not them. They will then pay you taxes and be subject to your jurisdiction and control in all areas of their lives, by unknowingly standing surety for the corporation 'BILL JONES' that they don't even know exists. All court documents have the person's name in all upper case because under the law of contracts the living, breathing being cannot be tried under corporate law, only a corporate entity can. It is so crazy that Americans pay personal income tax to the government (corporation) via the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) when the law to introduce personal income tax was never passed. Ask anyone from the US government or IRS to produce the law that says Americans must pay income tax on their wages and they will not be able to do it. Many have tried and the law has never been revealed because it doesn't exist. It's all a confidence trick and I explain more about this in some of my other books. Award-winning film producer, Aaron Russo, went in search of the income tax law in his documentary, America: Freedom to Fascism, and interviewed IRS spokespeople and special agents, FBI officers, and tax attorneys. None of them could produce the legislation and how could they when there isn't any? A $50,000 reward was offered by the We The People organisation to anyone who could produce the law and IRS agent, Sherry Jackson, thought it would be easy money. She then found out that there was no law and resigned to become a campaigner against this fantastic hoax. She is not the only IRS agent to have done so. Yet, when people don't pay taxes, which they do not legally have to pay, the IRS takes their property, puts them in jail, and ever more often sends in the armed goons in the black masks. It's fascism, nothing less, but the Reptilian hybrids invented fascism so they're good at it. If anyone thinks that without personal income tax there would be no education and other public services it's not true. They are paid for by state and property taxes, business taxes, sales taxes, fuel tax, booze tax and all the other endless taxation that we pay besides income tax. In fact, personal income tax in the US is roughly

the same as the money paid by government to the banks in interest on loans.

The Crown Temple

It is the same story in the United Kingdom. When the authorities talk of 'The Crown', they are not referring to the King or Queen, but the symbolic Crown Temple of the Knights Templar in London's Temple district that was featured in The Da Vinci Code. The Temple grounds are also home to the Crown Offices at Crown Office Row. The Crown Temple controls the global 'legal' system, including those in the United States and Canada, through a network centred on the Inns of Court of the Crown Temple, based at Chancery Lane in London. The four Inns of Court are the Inner Temple, Middle Temple, Lincoln's Inn and Gray's Inn, and they are nothing less than exclusive secret societies without charters or statutes. They are a law unto themselves. The Inner Temple controls the legal system franchise for Canada and Britain while the Middle Temple does the same for the United States. Queen Elizabeth II is a member of both Temples. All Bar Associations are franchises of the Crown and all Bar Attorneys throughout the world pledge a solemn oath to the Temple, even though many may not be aware that this is

what they are doing. Bar Association 'licensed' attorneys must swear their oath, pledge and terms of allegiance to the Crown Temple if they are to be 'called to the Bar' and work in the 'legal' profession. The Crown Temple controls not only law, but also 'The City', a privately-owned Corporation (sovereign state) consisting of 677 acres in the urban sprawl known as 'Greater London. This is why there is a Lord Mayor of 'the City' and another mayor for the rest of London. 'The City' has a resident population of 5,000, while Greater London is home to eight million, but in that small area massive global power is wielded. More than 300,000 people are employed in financial services in, or connected to, 'the City'. London has nearly 500 foreign banks - more than any other city in the world - and more funds are invested in the City of London than in the ten leading European cities combined. 'The Crown' is actually a committee of a dozen or so men representing the banks who rule the independent sovereign state known as 'The City'. The most powerful force, once again, is the Rothschilds. The City is not a part of England, not subject to the sovereign, nor the rule of Parliament, and has its own police force. The sovereign state is run from the Mansion House across the road from the Rothschild-controlled Bank of England by a Lord Mayor, a post that goes back to 1189. The Mayor is elected for one year and is always a high Freemason. The City and the Temple are manipulated by a maze of secret societies, including, naturally, the Knights Templar. The sitting monarch has to request permission from the Lord Mayor when she or he wishes to enter the City and the mayor meets the monarch at Temple Bar where the 'City' meets the Temple district. Today, that spot is marked by a flying reptile and the emblem of the City is two flying reptiles holding the red cross on the white background, the emblem of the Knights Templar and other Reptilian hybrids going even further back. The British Prime Minister and his or her government are subordinate to the 'City'and they are all subordinate to the Roman Church, the Church of Babylon, which is based in the Vatican City, another sovereign entity not subject to the parliamentary rule. London is, in fact, Babylon-don. The blueprint of the sovereign state within a state was designed by the Roman Church with the Vatican City and has been repeated with its subordinate fiefdoms, the City of London and Washington DC. Look at the American Constitution and you will find mention of the Federal and the State levels of government, but not the 'District', which is the legal status of Washington DC in the District of Columbia. The 'ruling' British monarch is subordinate to the Crown Temple, and, therefore, the Roman Church which controls it. The United States is still owned by the 'Crown' and its 'independence' is a sham. What irony that a Roman Catholic is barred from being the British monarch while all along the monarch and the 'kingdom' have been owned by the Church of Rome, but the ban is a great way to hide the truth. How many Americans would begin to believe that their 'free' country is controlled from London and Rome? At least seven signatories to the American Declaration of Independence were Temple Attorneys who had pledged allegiance to the Crown. One Middle Temple agent during the formation of the United States was Alexander Hamilton, who structured the American banking system in line with the Rothschild / Crown Temple agenda for control of the new United 'States'. A 'State' is a legal entity of the Crown - a Crown Colony. As Michael Edward points out in an excellent Internet study:

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Americans were fooled into believing that the legal Crown Colonies comprising New England were independent nation states, but they never were, nor are today. They were and still are Colonies of the Crown Temple, through letters patent and charters, who have no legal authority to be independent from the Rule and Order of the Crown Temple. A legal State is a Crown Temple Colony. Neither the American people nor the Queen of Britain own America. The Crown Temple owns America through the deception of those who have sworn their allegiance by oath to the Middle Templar Bar. The Crown Bankers and their Middle Templar Attorneys rule America through unlawful contracts, unlawful taxes, and contract documents of false equity through debt deceit, all strictly enforced by their completely unlawful, but 'legal', Orders, Rules and Codes of the Crown Temple Courts, our socalled 'judiciary' in America. This is because the Crown Temple holds the land titles and estate deeds to all of North America.

How symbolic it is that copies of the American Constitution and the Declaration of Independence hang on the wall of the library of the Middle Temple in London. After all, they were the force behind both of them. While Middle Bar Templars were orchestrating the illusion of freedom from the perceived rule by King George III, the king, too, was a sworn member of the same Middle Temple. Michael Edward continues:
1776 is the year that will truly live in infamy for all Americans. It is the year that the Crown Colonies became legal Crown States. The Declaration of Independence was a legal, not lawful, document. It was signed on both sides by representatives of the Crown Temple. Legally, it announced the status quo of the Crown Colonies to that of the new legal name called 'States' as direct possessive estates of the Crown. The American people were hoodwinked into thinking they were declaring lawful independence from the Crown. Proof that the Colonies are still in Crown possession is the use of the word 'State' to signify a 'legal estate of possession'. Had this been a document of and by the people, both the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution would have been written using the word 'states' [lower case 's']. By the use of 'State', the significance of a government of estate possession was legally established. All of the North American States are Crown Templar possessions through their legal document, signed by their representation of both parties to the contract, known as the Constitution of the United States of America.

And Crown Templar possessions are the possessions of the Church of Rome, the Church of Babylon, with its 'Guardians of the Vatican Treasury' the Rothschilds. It is worth noting that while the British monarch is not 'the Crown', she or he is a symbolic representative of its power, and British members of parliament, judges, armed forces, intelligence agents, police officers and bishops all have to swear an oath, or make an affirmation, of allegiance to the Queen or they cannot be appointed even Members of Parliament who have just been elected by the people. It is the same in many countries of the British Commonwealth, including Canada. British judges must say 'I do swear by Almighty God that I will well and truly serve our sovereign lady, Queen Elizabeth II, in

the office of Her Majesty's court ... ' Note that it is not the peoples' court, but 'Her Majesty's court'. Even Bishops of the Church of England must say before they can be appointed: 'I accept Your Majesty as the sole source of ecclesiastical, spiritual and temporal power'. Look at the language. They are actually telling us what the situation is. The Crown, symbolised here by the monarch to avoid the game being exposed, is ultimately in control of everything. The definition of sovereign is: 'One that exercises supreme, permanent authority, especially in a nation or other governmental unit'. What do they call the Queen in the oaths? Sovereign Lady. The people of Britain and the countries of the Commonwealth are described in law as 'subjects', the definition of which is ... 'Being in a position, or in circumstances, that place one under the power or authority of another or others'. The Queen talks of 'my subjects' and 'my government', and she is head of the Church of England 'Defender of the Faith' and Commander-inChief of the armed forces who swear allegiance to her. We are given the impression today that the monarch (Crown) has little power, but that's nonsense. The Queen can by law: Choose the Prime Minister. Dismiss ministers and governments. Dissolve Parliament. Refuse to agree to legislation passed by Parliament. Dismiss the governments of other countries of which she is monarch. Pardon convicted criminals. Declare a state of emergency. Issue proclamations. Command the army and raise a personal militia.

Those powers are, in truth, the powers of the Crown Temple, controlled by the Roman Church, because the British monarch is its vassal.

Removing the problem


A common 'modus' of the Reptilian hybrids is to assassinate, discredit or cause to develop 'bad health', anyone getting in the way of their plans. This could be a president or other politician; a real journalist getting too close to the truth; or whistleblowers in their various fields who can expose a lie or conspiracy. In short, anyone who they term a 'problem'. The list of such people throughout history could fill a library. Those removed by the Clinton and Bush families alone would occupy a shelf or two. President Kennedy is the most famous of these targets, but there are so many more, including his brother Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X in the 1960s (see And The Truth Shall Set You Free for the background to what really happened). There was also the plane 'crash' arranged for JFK junior in 1999 as he apparently planned either to run for a senate seat in New York, later won by Hillary Clinton, or against Boy Bush for President. In an interview with American researcher Tom Flocco, a former member of the CIA's 'Division 4' said he had been part of a CIA team investigating the death of JFK Jr. The operative used the fictitious name, 'Delbert', and he said:
One of my family members was related to JFK Jr's grandmother, and although it was not a blood relationship, I had at least a half dozen lengthy conversations with John

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during the years before he died. We liked each other and hit it off; so this was why John opened up to me and seemed to trust me regarding his future plans to run against either Hillary Clinton for the Senate [in New York], or George W. Bush for the Presidency in 2000. John had many conversations with my relative; and he gave her permission to discuss his political aspirations with friends so this was not a closely held secret. But what was interesting was that John told me he was pretty sure he could win either of those races.

'Delbert' said he had thoroughly investigated the 'crash', which happened when Kennedy's small plane fell into the Atlantic on July 16th 1999. It was on a flight from Essex County Airport in Fairfield, New Jersey, to Martha's Vineyard, off the southern coast of Cape Cod in Massachusetts, where the Kennedy family has a holiday house. His wife and sister-in-law also died. Delbert said they had interviewed ten witnesses who said they saw the plane explode in flight. Two witnesses said that two days before the 'crash' they had seen Father George Bush and his soon-to-be president son at Essex County Airport in New Jersey, where JFK Jr. kept his plane. They were with two Mossad agents, one of whom was called Michael Harari, the witnesses claimed. Delbert said that around the end of July 1999, during the final phase of the investigation, his team talked to several sources inside the White House. 'We included their testimony in the final draft of the report, which was classified until 2025 and not currently available to any living individual', the former CIA operative revealed. He said that because the report found concrete evidence of a plot involving three presidents and a current senator in the assassination of JFK Jr., it would probably never be seen by the American people, unless there were grand jury indictments and a public trial. He went on:
The White House sources we interviewed overheard conversations involving individuals who made the decision to murder JFK Jr.... The meeting to discuss the murder occurred in the White House Oval Office. The subjects named in the report who participated in ordering the murder of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. were President Clinton and his wife Hillary both in the room; former Attorney General Janet Reno also in the room and who JFK Jr. had publicly called to task for her role in Waco and Ruby Ridge [state murder] operation; FBI Director Louis Freeh in the room; and former President George H. W. Bush, Laurance Rockefeller [now dead], and three Inner Circle Council of Thirteen members who were all teleconferenced into the Oval Office discussion via secure White House phone lines. [The Council of Thirteen is an elite Reptilian hybrid grouping and note the number yet again thirteen.] We were told by the same White House sources we interviewed that FBI Director Freeh left the Oval Office after the murder plot was discussed and met with Israeli Mossad agent Michael Harari who then met with his supervisor, General Rafael Eitan, considered to be one of the most dangerous Israeli agents who ever lived. [Eitan died in 2004]

Delbert explained that testimony by White House and airport witnesses provided evidence that three United States presidents have their own private Mossad assassins, together with others from American federal government agencies, and would use them

to commit treason and murder against anyone who poses a political threat to their power. We are talking here about the two Bushes and Bill Clinton, but it will be the same with others. 'I had heard that even our own FBI agents literally trembled at the fear of being assigned to watch General Eitan's movements, since collaborating congressional oversight allowed him to freely enter the United States at any time, using passports under a different name,' Delbert said. Mossad agent Michael Harari also comes up with regard to other terrorism in the United States see Alice in Wonderland

and the World Trade Center Disaster.

Delbert said that his investigation established that JFK Jr.'s plane broke in two 'just aft of the cabin' when a plastic shape-charge device exploded. It had been positioned along the bottom of the fuselage and up along both sides of the walls and set off by a large spark from a barometric switch device triggered to go off at a certain altitude. 'In other words, the assassins chose the altitude for the explosion of the plane a standard procedure to make the target's murder look like an accident', Delbert said. Those new to this sort of information will be shocked to think this could be happening, but behind the scenes it is commonplace. All major governments, and most of the others, operate in the same way, and we will see later that what Delbert said is supported by endless other evidence, especially with regard to the Bushes and Clintons. Delbert admitted that he had been a member of the US Army Special Forces, attached to something called Project Phoenix, with orders to 'destabilize targeted governments by murdering government officials, elites, professionals, bankers, military leaders, teachers, professors and medical professionals'. This had started in Vietnam and moved to Central America:
I was part of what we called the BushClinton New World Order takeover to place in power selected individuals who received their marching orders directly from the US government. Plain and simple, Project Phoenix required Americans to kill off innocent people to place in power those selected by the US ruling elite; but I left, finding it very objectionable. These activities are still going on today. America now uses FBI Division 5, CIA Division 4, and elements from within the Department of Defense and Defense Intelligence Agency, for its dirty work. Five-man Delta teams made up of nationals from Mexico and Ecuador are being trained for house-to-house extraction and murder of American citizens when the day comes that Martial Law is declared and what little is left of our Constitution is scrapped.

Plane crashes, especially of small aircraft, are a regular technique to remove those getting in the way, and they always have the National Transportation 'Safety' Board to produce an official investigation that comes to the 'right' conclusion. Another example is that of Senator Paul Wellston, the Democrat from Minnesota, in 2002. He was about to be re-elected to continue his campaign against the planned invasion of Iraq and other major BushCheney plans. They wanted him gone real bad and tried so hard to unseat him at the polls, but he was just too popular. Shortly before the 'crash' Cheney had warned Wellston that bucking the Bush administration could result in severe consequences for both him and the state of Minnesota. Wellston bucked it anyway and soon he was dead.

Modus operandi


Death in the woods

In Britain, we have had many convenient deaths, including that of the weapons expert, Dr David Kelly, who had the knowledge to demolish the claims of Bush and Blair about the dangers from 'weapons of mass destruction' in Iraq, which Kelly had visited as a weapons inspector. He was a renowned expert on these subjects with long experience in other countries and this expertise had the potential to scupper the manufactured excuse used to justify the invasion of Iraq. Kelly had already told the London Observer off-the-record that what people like US Secretary of State and 33rd degree Freemason, Colin Powell, had claimed to be Iraqi 'mobile germ warfare laboratories' were nothing of the kind. Kelly knew this because he had inspected them as a member of the UN inspection team. He then met with Andrew Gilligan, a BBC defence correspondent, for another off-the-record briefing on May 22nd 2003. As a result of their conversation, Gilligan reported that an informed source had told him that the Blair government 'dossier' on the alleged danger from Iraq had been 'sexed up' to make Saddam Hussein appear to be a bigger threat than the evidence warranted. This included adding in a claim that Iraq could deploy battlefield chemical and biological weapons within forty-five minutes, even though they knew that was extremely dubious. Kelly had named the author of that claim to be Tony Blair's chief spinner, a vicious piece of work called Alastair Campbell. Blair and Campbell did not need laxatives at this point and their response was their usual one attack and discredit the source. They targeted Andrew Gilligan and then 'outed' David Kelly, who faced a public grilling before two House of Commons committees. On July 17th, less than a month after meeting Gilligan, David Kelly went for a walk from his home in Oxfordshire and never returned. He was found in a secluded wood with his wrist cut and the official story was that he committed suicide and bled to death. The inference was that the pressure had made him do it. This is the same David Kelly who faced the wrath of the Saddam regime as a weapons inspector after the 1991 Gulf War, and coped with something similar from Russian officials during an investigation there. This guy could stand his ground. Before he left on his 'suicide walk', he emailed associates with 'combative' comments about the pressure he was under from 'many dark actors playing games'. He said he hoped it would all blow over and he could get back to Baghdad and get on with the work that really mattered. When he left his home, his wife Janice was unconcerned. Although she knew her fifty-nine-year-old husband was deeply upset, his mental state did not seem to be too down. Walking was a hobby and he often disappeared for up to two or three hours. Paul Weaver, a local farmer, greeted Kelly as he strode through the fields close to his home and there was nothing to suggest a suicidal man. 'He smiled and said hello', Weaver recalled. Kelly had family matters to look forward to, including the marriage of one of his daughters. He was devoted to his wife and family and he did not show signs of someone who was about to kill himself. He was found dead in an isolated wood with his wrist slashed with a pen knife. There was no goodbye to his wife and family and there was a reason for that: He was murdered. The verdict of 'suicide' would insult the intelligence of a baked bean. As always with these staged suicides (a common technique to cover up murder), the official story does not begin to stand up to even mild scrutiny. He was supposed to have died through loss of blood after cutting his wrist, but two paramedics who attended said there was only a small amount of blood on plants near Kelly's body, and a patch of

blood the size of a coin on his trousers. Dave Bartlett and Vanessa Hunt said they would have expected to see several pints if he had died from cutting an artery. Medical specialists wrote to a national newspaper to say that the official story of Kelly's death made no medical sense and others have since followed. They said that a transected ulnar artery could not have caused a degree of blood loss that would kill someone, particularly when outside in the cold a fact supported by the paramedics. David Broucher, a British ambassador, told of a conversation he had with Dr Kelly at a meeting in Geneva in February 2003, shortly before the invasion of Iraq. Broucher had asked Kelly what would happen if the invasion went ahead and he had replied: 'I will probably be found dead in the woods'.

Covering their tracks

After an assassination in the Reptilian modus operandi, comes the official 'inquiry' or 'investigation'. These are conducted by personnel appointed by the very people responsible for what is being investigated. David Kelly's death, and the claims that the dossier about the threat from Saddam Hussein had been 'sexed up' by Blair and company, were the subject of an 'inquiry' by Lord Hutton, or 'Lord Whitewash' as he became known. He was appointed by ... Tony Blair. Now, what did Hutton decide? Oh, yes: Kelly's death was suicide; Blair and Campbell did nothing wrong; and it was all the fault of the BBC. Wave that feather and I shall fall. In the wake of Hutton's ludicrous 'findings', BBC reporter Andrew Gilligan lost his job, along with the BBC chairman and director-general. Those telling the truth took the rap for the professional liars, thanks to an inquiry controlled by the professional liars. The guy who headed the intelligence committee that drew up the 'dodgy dossier' and told outrageous lies to justify the war in Iraq, was John Scarlett. This is a man I know far more about than he would like, including his connection to a well-known BBC news and political presenter who was trained by British Intelligence. Scarlett was rewarded for his mendacity with the Saddam dossier by being made head of MI6. Lying can give you a great career. Other government-appointed 'inquiries' to cover up Illuminati assassinations and terrorism have included the Warren Commission on the assassination of President Kennedy; the 9 /11 Commission that covered up government complicity in those attacks; and 'Operation Paget', which decided that Princess Diana's death was an accident and there was no cover-up. The British Royal Family was undoubtedly involved in Diana's death and I go into this in detail in The Biggest Secret. In the late 1980s, with her marriage nothing more than a public show, Diana was having a relationship with her personal detective, Barry Mannakee, but he died in a motorcycle 'accident' in 1988 another state murder. By 1990, Diana was having a relationship with Captain James Hewitt. One day she went rushing into the healing centre in London of her friend, Christine Fitzgerald. Diana was in a terrible state and Christine told me what happened next:
She was crying hysterically and I said 'What's a matter?' You know it was dog's died stuff, bottom lip out, full sob. She came galloping through the door. I gave her Rescue Remedy, clutched her, hugged her, calmed her down, and said now tell me what's going on. 'I can't believe it, I can't believe it, they killed him', she sobbed. I said: 'Who did they kill?' She told me about her affair with the detective [Barry Mannakee] and

Modus operandi


how he was decapitated on a motorbike and how she thought it was a terrible accident. But now she knows the royal family killed him because Prince Charles' senior detective had just told her that if she didn't cool it with Hewitt, the same would happen to him. He told her she should not think that she was indispensable, either. In 1998, in the Independent Television documentary, Diana Secrets of the Crash, James

Hewitt says that he, too, had been warned to stop seeing Diana or the consequences would not be pleasant. He said:
The telephone calls were anonymous, but left me in no doubt that they knew what the situation was. They were threatening. They said it was not conducive to my health to continue the relationship.

He said that other warnings came from Diana's personal police protection officers, the Royal Household, and a member of the Royal family, whom he would not name:
The [member of the royal family] said your relationship is known about. It is not supported. We cannot be responsible for your safety and security and suggest that you curtail it forthwith.

James Hewitt was further quoted in The Times of London about these threats and his comments supported completely the story Diana had told Christine Fitzgerald. Hewitt said that the clearest warning came when he was told that he would suffer the same fate as Barry Mannakee. The Royal Family are figureheads for the established order that includes those controlling the government, 'law enforcement' and the intelligence networks. This is the cabal which, with others in France, killed Diana. Yet Lord Stevens tells us in his official 'inquiry' that there is no evidence that the royal family or intelligence agencies were involved in her death. Of course they were, the Steven's report is a farce and comes from a long line of farces collectively known as 'official inquiries'. It is worth remembering when official investigations are announced that people do not instigate inquiries that could destroy them unless they know from the start that they won't. A couple of other things to mention with regard to tell-tale Reptilian behaviour and methods of operation. One is the obsession with ritual and limitless acquisition. The daily rituals of state, religion and royalty are archetypal reptilian, and so, in daily life, is doing things in the same way, at the same time, week after week. This comes from the reptilian brain, which doesn't like anything off-the-cuff, unpredictable or 'maverick'. It wants predictable order, everything in its place. You can also see the reptilian traits in those who desire wealth and power for its own sake. They might acquire more money than they could spend in a dozen lifetimes, but every day they are up before dawn insatiably pursuing more. According to a BBC report, the American businessmen Bill Gates and Warren Buffet have more money than the poorest 30 per cent of Americans combined. Far more than enough is never enough to the Reptilian mind and the corporate world is full of such people. There is also the manipulation method that I call 'defending the first domino'. You will see the Reptilian hybrids trying to crush people who are apparently little or no threat to them, because they know that if the first

domino falls the others will follow. For example, if you allow vibrational healing to gain a foothold in the mainstream (first domino), the next question that comes is 'why does it work?' (second domino). This has the potential to open the door to the true nature of reality and so they defend the first domino to stop this sequence unfolding. They do it with everything that they are desperate to suppress and this is why they appear to overreact to the most minor challenge to their secrecy and agenda. They know where it could lead. There you have some of the major modus operandi of the Reptilian hybrids and being aware of them makes us so much harder to manipulate. If you are new to this information, you'll see these techniques clearly being used all the time from now on.

Symbolic interlude
[The universe] cannot be read until we have learnt the language and become familiar with the characters in which it is written. It is written in mathematical language, and the letters are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, without which means it is humanly impossible to comprehend a single word. Galileo

I have referred a number of times so far to the obsession the Reptilian bloodlines and their Illuminati secret society network have with symbolism. This should not be surprising when the reptilian brain communicates far more powerfully through imagery than words. Throughout the ages, and still today, they have placed their symbols before us, but without the background knowledge they appear to have no meaning. Oh, but they do. These symbols are a secret language, a signature, or calling card. I have already shown how the Statue of Liberty is really an ancient depiction of Queen Semiramis holding the flame of Nimrod / Tammuz and how Sun god and goddess symbolism can be seen in the Roman Church, Islam and religion in general. But there are so many other examples. One of the symbols of Semiramis is the owl, as can be seen from an original Babylon depiction of their goddess (Figure 124). What are the statistical chances, therefore, of having the road system around Capitol Hill (Figure 125, overleaf) constructed as an owl sitting on a pyramid? The owl is also the symbol of Bohemian Grove in northern California, where the Reptilian hybrids go to 'play' every summer, worship the goddess of Babylon and take part in their bizarre rituals. Semiramis Figure 124: An original Babylonian terracotta relief also stands on top of the dome of the depicting Ishtar (Queen Semiramis), the goddess of Capitol Building in the form of the Babylon alongside her owls. This is one reason why the owl is a Reptilian hybrid symbol goddess 'Freedom' (Figure 126, overleaf).


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Figure 125: The street plan around Capitol Hill portrays the Congress building in the belly of an owl sitting at the capstone of a pyramid

Figure 126: The goddess of 'Freedom' (Semiramis) tops the dome of the Capitol Building in Washington DC

Figure 127: The obelisk, or 'Shaft of Baal, with the flame of Nimrod. It was erected by the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in Dealey Plaza after President Kennedy's assassination

Figure 128: The 'Eternal Flame' of Nimrod on President Kennedy's grave at Arlington Cemetery in Washington DC

Figure 129: The Sun symbol on the side of the Freemasonic headquarters in the major Freemasonic city of Boston, Massachusetts

Symbolic interlude


Figure 131: Twelve streets connect into the Sun circle at the Arc de Triomphe ... Figure 130: The Sun symbol on the road around the Arc de
Triomphe. In the centre is a cross and under the arch is the eternal flame of Nimrod

The flame of Nimrod can be seen in the Olympic torch and on the massive depiction of the Statue of Liberty flame on the Pont de l' Alma tunnel in Paris, as we saw in Figure 91 on page 141. It stands on a black pentagram above the tunnel where Diana, an ancient name for the Moon goddess Semiramis, was assassinated. Pont de l'Alma means Bridge or Passage of the Moon Goddess, and people leave Figure 132: ... and all this mirrors the their tributes to Diana there next to the flame of ancient depictions of the Sun on the cross Nimrod. The flame is also at the top of the within the circle divided into the astrological calendar obelisk placed in Dealey Plaza in Dallas by the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry after President Kennedy was assassinated a few yards away (Figure 127), and the 'eternal flame' was placed on Kennedy's grave in Washington's Arlington Cemetery (Figure 128). Dealey means 'Goddess Line', as in Dea (goddess) and ley (ley line). The suffix 'ley' can be found in place names all over Britain for the same reason. Sun god symbolism is everywhere. The Sun symbol can be seen on the wall of the elite Freemasons lodge in Boston, Massachusetts (Figure 129). It's also on the road that encircles the Arc de Triomphe in the Illuminati stronghold of Paris (Figure 130). In the centre of the circle there is a cross and under the arch is an 'eternal flame' Nimrod. If you look at the wide shot, you will see that the 'Sun circle' connects into twelve roads (Figure 131). This is the way the ancients portrayed the annual Sun cycle with the Zodiac circle and the Sun on the cross (Figure 132). On a financial building in the City of London we can see the symbol again with the black Sun in the centre (Figure 133, overleaf). This is part of the Illuminati language of reverse symbolism when they turn everything around to symbolise the negative and satanic (which includes reversing the American flag on US military uniforms). More Sun and circle symbols are used in the logos of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, or NATO, and the CIA (Figures 134 and 135, overleaf). The same theme can be seen on the cover of the magazine of the De Molay


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Figure 133: The same Sun and Zodiac symbol can

also be seen in the City of London across from St Paul's Cathedral

Figure 134: The Sun

and circle symbol of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, or NATO

Figure 136: Walt Disney encircled by twelve cartoon characters on the cover of the DeMolay
magazine, named after the martyred Grand Master of the Knights Templar. This is on display at the Freemasonry headquarters in Boston

Figure 135: The Sun

on the cross appears yet again in the logo of the Central Intelligence Agency, or CIA

Figure 137: The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci symbolising the Sun (Jesus), the signs of the Zodiac and seasons of the year

Symbolic interlude


Figure 138: The Supreme Headquarters in Washington DC of the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Behind the pillars is the ever-present Sun appearing over the horizon - Horus, the Egyptian version of the Babylonian, Tammuz/Nimrod

organisation named after Jacques de Molay, the martyred leader of the Knights Templar, which is displayed at the Freemasons lodge in Boston, Massachusetts. In the centre is Walt Disney, founder of the Reptilian hybrid front corporation, and around him are twelve cartoon characters (Figure 136). The famous painting of the last supper by secret society initiate, Leonardo da Vinci, includes the same theme with 'Jesus' depicted as the Sun and the twelve disciples arranged in groups of four (Figure 137). Down the road from the White House in Washington is a large building that looks like something straight out of ancient Egypt with the Sphinx-type symbols outside. This is the 'House of the Temple', the supreme headquarters of the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (Figure 138). Behind the pillars is the rising Sun being 'born again' as Tammuz or Horus, and it can be found on Freemasonic buildings all over the world. The same image is depicted on George Washington's Sun chair and above the door of 10 Downing Street in London (Figure 139), as we saw in a Figure 139: The same Figure 140: The logo of image appears over the previous chapter. It is repeated in the the American television door of image of the American television network, NBC, reflects the 10 Downing Street network, NBC (Figure 140), and by the same rising run image


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Figure 142: More inverted Pentagrams at the satanic Mormon Church

Figure 141: The rising Sun with the inverted pentagram displayed by the Mormon Church in Salt Lake City

Figure 143: The centre of a pentagram is a pentagon the name and shape of the headquarters of the United States military

symbol-ridden Mormon Church, together with reverse pentagrams the classic symbol of Satanism (Figures 141 and 142). The centre of a pentagram is a pentagon, hence the shape and name of the headquarters of the US military (Figure 143). The street plans of major Illuminati cities like Washington DC are designed accordance with ancient Illuminati symbolism, and there is an excellent book called The Talisman of the United States by Charles L. Westbrook Jr that goes into this in detail. Westbrook picks out two reverse pentagrams in the street plan, one pointing into Capitol Hill and the other into the White House (Figures 144 and 145). The headquarters of the 33rd degree of Freemasonry is on 16th Street that goes from the White House and through the centre of the pentagram. Distorting geometrical symbols, as with these two, is another way that Satanists portray the negative, or disharmony. A hexagram, the symbol of the Rothschilds from which their very name originates, is also in the Washington street design and connects into Capitol Hill (Figure146). Other streets are aligned with where the Sun rises and sets at the winter and summer solstice. This is

Symbolic interlude


Figure 144: The inverted and distorted pentagrams in the Washington streets. One points into Congress ...

Figure 146: A hexagram, or 'Star of David, in the street plan of Washington DC

Figure 145: ... the other into the White House Figure 147: The Freemasonic memorial to

how ancient stone circles and other structures, George Washington like Newgrange in Ireland, were aligned. The Washington Monument, the biggest stone obelisk in the world, represents 'Baal's shaft' or 'Baal's organ of reproduction' (Nimrod's dick), and the Oval Office in the White House symbolises the womb of the goddess, as do the domes of churches and other buildings. The President works in the womb of the goddess and those on Capitol Hill also operate in the womb, or belly, of the goddess as we've seen with the owl in the street plan picture. Another version of 'Baal's shaft' can be seen in Freemasonry's monument to George Washington (Figure 147). Major buildings and structures in Washington DC, including the Capitol building, White House and the Washington Monument have all had their 'cornerstone' laid in a


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Figure 148: George Washington in Freemasonic regalia performs the cornerstone ritual for the Capitol Building in 1793. It was re-enacted in 1992

Figure 149: Baal/Nimrod returns from the Underworld at Haim Point, Washington DC. The sculpture is due to be moved to the National Harbor in Prince George's County, Maryland, just outside the District of Columbia

Figure 150: The ancient Reptilian hybrid symbol of the Pyramid and All Seeing Eye

Figure 151: The pyramid and eye symbol on the logo of the British domestic intelligence service, MI5

Figure 152: The overseas intelligence service, MI6, has a building alongside the River Thames that has the feel of a pyramid with the capstone missing

Figure 153: The street plan of Dealey Plaza, alongside the Trinity River, has a pyramid with the capstone missing in its road layout

Figure 154: The All Seeing Eye in the logo of CBS Columbia (Semiramis) Broadcasting System

Symbolic interlude


ceremony conducted by Freemasons (Figure 148). The cornerstone ritual involves corn, wine and oil and goes back to ancient sacrifices to appease the 'gods'. It turns out that cornerstone is really 'corn-erstone', which relates to the symbolism of Baal/Nimrod as the 'corn Figure 155: The god'. The Hebrew word for corn is All-Seeing Eye in Figure 156: The Reptilian 'dagan', which later became the the logo of AOL hybrid US Defense Phoenician 'dagon'. This is the same Advanced Research name given to the fish god of Babylon Projects Agency (DARPA) Baal/Nimrod. In the Old Testament we used this logo when it are told: 'For she did not know that it launched its propaganda was I that gave her the corn, and the front the 'Information Awareness Office' wine, and the oil ... which they used for Baal' (Hosea 2:8). The 'Children of Israel' are also reported to have offered corn, wine and oil to their god, Yahweh. Baal was depicted as a bearded man with strong features and this is an image you find all over Washington DC and other cities. The same face is portayed in a sculpture called 'The Awakening' at Haim Point in Washington emerging from the Underworld in line with the myths about Baal (Figure 149). Jesus is also referred to as the 'cornerstone'. The Pyramid and the All-Seeing-Eye, or pyramid with the capstone missing, is another major Illuminati symbol which is used on the dollar bill (Figure 150). The pyramid is the pyramid of control and the eye represents 'the Watchers', or at least that's the symbolism on one level. The same symbol appears on Credo Mutwa's Necklace of the Mysteries which is believed to be a thousand years old and goes back 500 for sure. The All-Seeing-Eye is displayed on the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City and in the symbol of the MI5 wing of British Intelligence (Figure 151). The very building of MI6 on the banks of the Thames in London has the same feel of the pyramid with the capstone missing (Figure 152). The name 'Thames', by the way, comes from Thamesis, the Celtic goddess of water, who was Semiramis, the Babylonian goddess of water. When the river gets to Oxford, the Illuminati's global 'education' centre, the name of the Thames changes to Isis the Egyptian version of Semiramis. The street layout of Dealey Plaza, scene of the Kennedy assassination and site of the first Freemasonic temple in Dallas, looks like a pyramid with the capstone missing (Figure 153). It is alongside the 'Trinity' River ... NimrodTammuzSemiramis. The All-Seeing-Eye is the symbol of the American television network, Columbia (the dove/Semiramis) Broadcasting System, better known as CBS, and America Online (Figures 154 and 155). In 2002, the deeply sinister US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the research and development arm of the Department of Defense, launched the 'Information Awareness Office', a propaganda operation with the potential for mass surveillance. It chose a familiar symbol the Pyramid and All-Seeing Eye (Figure 156). There are so many I could point out, but if you are new to this you'll be able to see them all over the place now they have been brought from the subliminal ('below threshold') into conscious awareness. Transnational corporation logos are a rich source


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Figure 157: The logo of the Exxon oil corporation is the double cross ...

Figure 158: which is the symbol of the deeply Reptilian House of Lorraine

Figure 159: The symbol of the United Nations in Freemasonry blue with thirty-three sections within the circle in line with the official degrees of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. The branches framing the image also clearly come from Freemasonry

Figure 160: The Fasces symbol, the origin of the term 'fascism, comes from the Roman Empire and symbolises individuality (people, countries) tied together and ruled by the axe head - dictatorship. The European Union is an obvious example of such fascism

Figure 161: Why is the fascist symbol found on symbols relating to 'liberty' in the United States?

Figure 162: Why is it on the Lincoln Memorial?

Symbolic interlude


Figure 163: Why is it on the state seal of Colorado?

Figure 164: Why is it on the logo of the Roman Catholic and Jesuit-controlled Knights of Columbus?

for the symbolism-watcher, as with the double cross of the oil giant Exxon (Figure 157). It is the double cross, appropriately, of the Reptilian hybrid House of Lorraine (Figure 158).The Freemason symbol with the olive branches can be seen in the United Nations symbol, which also includes thirty-three sections to mirror the degrees of the Scottish Rite (Figures 159). One other to mention is the very symbol from which the word `fascism' derived. It comes from the fasces, a bundle of roads tied together with an axe head, which was used by emperors and other high officials and dictators in the Roman Empire (Figure 160). It symbolises individuality tied together (extinguished) and ruled by a dictatorship the axe head. It would seem strange in the extreme to see this very symbol of fascism on Capitol Hill, including the debating chamber, on the Lincoln Memorial, on the state seal of Colorado and on the logo of the Jesuit-controlled secret society, the Knights of Columbus (Figures 161 to 164). But it is far from strange when you know what the game is.

'Bigger than you think ...'

We also have the symbolism of Nimrod aircraft and helicopters, etc., and when the veil lifts you realise just how much symbolism there is relating to reptiles (including reptilian gargoyles on churches, castles and stately homes), and the Sun god and goddess. All this is not only there for show. These symbols vibrate the energy of what they symbolise, because they are 'physical' representations of thought forms and they affect the energy field around them. They also `speak' to the subconscious mind. If they are placed on vortex points in the energy grid their effect is magnified. This ancient and secret society symbolism operates on many levels and has different interpretations according to how far you have advanced in the secret society hierarchy. While at one level, Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz are worshipped as literal people, at higher levels they are symbols of energetic states and geometrical principles. The 'Trinity' then becomes male and female, god and goddess, combining to create a third force, the 'son'. The so-called 'Federal Triangle' in Washington DC, made up of the Capitol Building,


Washington Monument and White House is claimed to have been aligned with three stars, Arcurtus, Spica and Regulus, which form a triangle that encompasses the constellation of Virgo ... the virgin (Figure 165). Author and researcher, David Ovason, produces detailed background to this in his book,

The Secret Architecture of our Nation's Capital. He writes that the Freemasonic laying of the cornerstones at the Capitol Building, White House and Washington Figure 165: The 'Federal Triangle' that connects the Monument were all timed to coincide Capitol Building with the Washington Monument with the appearance of this 'Virgo' and the White House. The longest side is triangle. As the Sun sets over Pennsylvania Avenue where you find the White Pennsylvania Avenue from the 10th to House, FBI headquarters and the infamous Carlyle the 15th of August, the Virgo Group so closely connected to Father George Bush. constellation appears in the sky above The angle of 19.5 comes up often in my research and this has also been found in alignments the White House and the Federal between locations on Mars. Remember, angle is of Triangle, and the setting Sun appears great significance in this holographic Matrix precisely above the apex of a stone pyramid in the Old Post Office tower. They are manipulating energy and the geometrical-mathematical Matrix in general, and it is happening on a much wider scale than most can imagine. Charles L. Westbrook Jr, author of The Talisman of the United States, received some anonymous correspondence after his book was published. It consisted of a map of the USA and a piece of paper on which were written the words: 'It's bigger than you think'. Lines drawn on the map revealed similar geometry to that in Washington, but over a far larger area across the United States.
It certainly is 'bigger than you think'. In every sense.

Now that's prophecy

The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words. Philip K. Dick

It is some sixty years since George Orwell published his prophetic novel, 1984, and in the light of current events it is a perfect time to remind ourselves that we are indeed rapidly heading for the Orwellian nightmare described so brilliantly in his book. If anyone wants to see the world the Reptilian hybrids want to impose, then just read 1984. The more people that realise this, the greater will be the challenge to the gathering control I have been exposing and warning about since the early 1990s. As Orwell wrote: 'If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever'. This does not have to come to pass, but it will unless arses and seats part company. It is already doing so by the day. 1984, written in 1948, is described as a political satire, but it's not. It is a political prophecy and there is no way that Orwell (Figure 166) could have been so accurate without a deep understanding of the way the world was going, even possibly inside knowledge of what was planned. Orwell had many contacts in political circles and mixed with the elite from his days at the exclusive Eton College, where royalty is educated. It is far from impossible that he picked up the threads of what was intended to be. Orwell also worked for the BBC when it was under the control of the Ministry of Information, a wonderful Orwellian title in itself for an organisation created to communicate disinformation. Orwell (real name Eric Blair) described a global society of total control in which the people were not even allowed to have thoughts that disagreed with the authorities. They were subject to the Thought Police who dealt with anyone guilty of thought crime. In the Orwellian world, the people were not allowed a personal life and everything they did, or thought, was controlled. The government, or 'Party', was headed by 'BB', or Big Brother, who appeared on posters everywhere with the words: 'Big Brother is watching you'. In the smoke and mirrors society that Orwell describes, Big Brother himself could have been a myth to hide the real controllers (see Figure 166: George Orwell saw it George Bush, Tony Blair and their successors, who are coming


controlled by forces that the public have no idea exist). Orwell's Big Brother may not even have existed, either, but the people were sold the story of his battle to save them from the terrorist, Emmanuel Goldstein, the alleged prime threat to the 'free' world. Goldstein had been in league with Big Brother during the revolution, the story goes, but he was said to have become a major part of the resistance Brotherhood (see al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden and whoever the authorities blame next for their own terrorism). Orwell implies that Goldstein, too, either does not exist, or was eliminated, but as long as the people believed in his existence and his complicity in terrorism they would support the actions taken by the government to protect them from his terror. Heard that somewhere before? Orwell describes the sequence of events that led to the creation of the Big Brother state. A revolution in the United Kingdom turned to civil war and, at the same time, the Soviet Union embarked on a mass invasion of mainland Europe, overrunning the entire continent, apart from the British Isles and Iceland. A Third World War then broke out between the three emerging powers of Oceania (including Britain and led by what had previously been the United States); Eastasia (controlled by a revitalised China); and Eurasia (the expanded Soviet Union). During this struggle for total power hundreds of atomic bombs were dropped on Europe, western Russia and North America. I have been writing since the mid-1990s about a planned conflict with China to trigger the imposition of a world government. This information has come to me from many sources over the years, and look at the way the media is now full of stories about a 'revitalised' China and its massive military and economic capability. The way the world was separated into giant superstates is happening today with the European Union, African Union, and the planned American Union and Pacific Union, as you will see later. The three superstates in 1984 eventually realised that a continuous stalemate war (see 'war on terrorism') was far more effective than victory. The constant war kept the people focused and busy manufacturing weapons and goods for the conflict. The standard of living was appalling because it was understood that a poor and needy population was easier to control than a rich and abundant one. The three superpowers take over most of the world, but leave one region officially 'free' so they have something to fight over. This 'disputed zone' includes the northern half of Africa, the Middle East, southern India and down towards Indonesia and northern Australia. The warring factions rarely fight in their own territory. Airstrip One (the official name for Britain) is apparently the target of Eurasian 'rocket bombs', but it is hinted that the Oceania government is launching these attacks on its own land to convince Airstrip One's urban populations that they are under constant attack (once again see 'war on terrorism', 9/11 and the London bombings, etc.). By the year 1984, Airstrip One becomes a police state and a mere province of the enormous Oceania (see European Union). The people are segregated into three classes the Inner Party, Outer Party and Proles who are controlled by four ministries housed in massive pyramid structures. The ministries are named in line with Orwell's law of language manipulation, which he called Newspeak. This demands that you call everything the opposite of what it actually does. You can see this technique used throughout society today remember the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace that was manipulating war? The Orwellian ministries are:

Now that's prophecy


The Ministry of Peace: its job is to ensure continuous wars. The Ministry of Plenty: this is responsible for controlling food and goods through rationing. The Ministry of Truth: this is in charge of propaganda to stop the people knowing the truth. The Ministry of Love: its role is surveillance, identification of 'dissidents', and their arrest and torture in the infamous Room 101. This is designed to make them love the government that controls them.

Orwell's novel features a character called Winston Smith, a member of the Outer Party, who lives in the ruins of London, the major city of Airstrip One (Britain). His parents died during the civil war and he is recruited by the 'Ingsoc' (English socialism) movement. He is given a job with the Ministry of Truth, which controls all media in the Oceania superstate. One of his roles is to rewrite historical records to comply with the Party's version of what happened. The idea was to make the 'past' conform to the political expediency necessary to justify current actions. Winston wants to know real history and tries to uncover the forbidden truth. He also keeps an illegal diary of events. While at the Ministry of Truth, he meets Julia, a mechanic who maintains the 'novelwriting machines', and they begin an illegal relationship. There was no personal freedom and that included relationships. Sex for pleasure was discouraged and employed only for the procreation of new members of the Party. Artificial insemination was the preferred method. Sexual life was entirely regulated by the two Newspeak words, sexcrime (sexual immorality) and goodsex (chastity). Sexcrime covered all sexual ' misdeeds', including fornication, adultery, homosexuality and heterosexual intercourse practised for its own sake. They were all punishable by death. The term, 'sex crime', is now in every day use, of course. Winston and Julia are forced to meet in the countryside away from the surveillance cameras, and in a room above an antique shop. Winston begins to question the lies of Ingsoc and the Party structure, and the couple are targeted by the Thought Police and a member of the Inner Party called O'Brien, who poses as a contact from the Resistance. O'Brien gives him a copy of 'the book', allegedly written by 'terrorist' Emanuel Goldstein, with its exposure of Ingsoc. Winston and Julia are arrested by the Thought Police and taken for interrogation to the Ministry of Love, where dissidents are tortured and executed. During the torture, O'Brien tells Winston that they are not interested in securing a false confession. Instead, the idea is to use torture and electroshock 'therapy' to change the way he thinks and to 'cure' his hatred of the Party. This reprogramming is revealed to be successful in the final sentence of the Orwell's book with the words: 'He loved Big Brother'. Winston also writes that 2 + 2 = 5 as confirmation that he has lost control of his own mind. Interestingly, they use Winston's fear of rats to destroy his feelings for Julia, and this is a major technique used on children and adults in the government mind control projects that turn out millions of mind-slaves to serve the global agenda. They find out what most terrifies the victim, often a small child, and make them experience it. This could be a fear of spiders, snakes

or, in Winston's case, rats. This state of sheer terror is manipulated to rewire the mind and its perceptions of reality.

Programming the language

The theme of 1984 is mass and individual mind control through fear and trauma and the manipulation of language. The latter is most obviously expressed today through what is called 'political correctness' and 'hate speech', or 'hate crime'. These terms alone could have been invented by Orwell, who explained how vital language is to perception. Orwell coined the term, 'Newspeak', for the official language of Oceania and the number of words available was reduced every year see political correctness, 'hate speech', and the mobile phone text 'language', which are fulfilling precisely this role today. Newspeak was based on the premise that the fewer words that are available, the less efficiently you can articulate your views. But it went even further. In this reality, we also think in words and limiting the language available diminishes your ability to even think freely. As one Internet article put it: '... Can we communicate the need for freedom, or organise an uprising, if we do not have the words for either?' Newspeak was designed to eliminate all meaning from language, leaving only blandness that says nothing (see most political speeches), and it replaced the previous vibrant language known as 'Oldspeak' . This is what is happening today. The word free still existed in Newspeak, but could only be used in statements like 'the dog is free from lice' or 'this field is free from weeds'. It could not be used in its old sense of 'politically free' or 'intellectually free', since political and intellectual freedom no longer existed, even as concepts, and were, therefore, nameless. All words relating to concepts of liberty and equality were contained in the single word, Crimethink, while all words relating to objectivity and rationalism were contained in the single word, Oldthink. When Tony Blair came to power in the British Labour Party he denounced 'old Labour' and renamed the party 'New' Labour. With that, all 'old Labour' thinking and language were expunged from debate. Words that powerfully express the opposite meaning to those promoted in the propaganda are eliminated in the world of 1984. The opposite of 'good' was 'bad', so bad is replaced by 'ungood' . Instead of meaningful words like 'best' comes the term ' doubleplusgood' . Very bad becomes ' doubleplusungood' . We are seeing the ever-increasing introduction of such meaningless words into our language all the time to hide the reality of what is happening. One example of how words are used to obscure the truth is the way that 'civilian casualties' or 'dead people' have become 'collateral damage'. Labels are also applied to discredit opponents by the implication behind the terms used to describe them. If you challenge the impositions of the authorities you are an 'antigovernment group'; If you suggest, indeed prove, that the government is lying you are a 'conspiracy theorist'. Here are some other examples of language manipulation based on the Politically Incorrect Dictionary see www.newspeakdictionary.com:
Affirmative Action Implied: Action which is correct ('Affirmative' means correct, and 'Action' is normally good as well). Actual: Preferential treatment for a particular minority group. [Apartheid was 'affirmative action' for the white minority.]

Now that's prophecy


American interest Implied: The interest of Americans. Actual: The interest of American corporations. This term is used by politicians who wish to start a war, without explaining the specific reasons why they are doing it. Department of Defense Implied: Department concerned with the defence of America's borders. Actual: Department concerned with maintaining of American 'principles' [see 'American interests'] around the world through acts of large-scale terrorism. Free elections Implied: The masses are free to choose any person they wish to run their government. Actual: The masses are free to choose between the two candidates chosen for them. National security Implied: The security of the nation. Actual: The security of those in power to do what they like. Progressive Implied: One who wishes to move his country forward. Actual: One who wishes to move his country toward state-socialism or fascism (same thing, anyway). Terrorist attack Implied: When an evil group ruthlessly attacks peaceful people for no reason whatsoever. Actual: When we upset a group so much that they fight back as best they can against our superior forces. America is a 'good' country, because it bombs the hell out of a 'terrorist' nation. ['Terrorist attack' also implies an attack from 'outside' when the most significant ones are attacks orchestrated by internal forces who then condemn 'the terrorists' and blame those they wish to target.] World community Implied: A league of equal states. Communities are quaint little places where everybody gets along and wouldn't it be nice if the world was like that? Actual: Governments that don't stand in the way of US interest. A desire to turn the world into one community which can be centrally controlled.

'Change' is another word spun by the Orwellians. This is generally used to suggest that a particular idea is good because it is newer; but newer is not always better. Nazism and communism were 'change'. Tony Blair's buzz words were always 'change' and 'reform' and they are used in the context that 'change' and 'reform' are, by definition, good, and what they replace is 'bad'. Then there are the new words, or Newspeak, and the redefinition of words to make people sound 'bad' for having legitimate, often caring,

views. Those who oppose 'globalisation' the centralisation of global power and the criminal abuse of poor people and countries are dubbed 'anarchists', or 'anti-capitalist demonstrators', when what they are actually opposing is 'cartelism'. Someone who thinks differently, or questions the fundamental nonsense of the way the world is run, is called an 'extremist'. If you resist injustice you are a 'militant'. A 'peacekeeper' is someone who occupies another country, and the 'peace process' is the means of placating an oppressed people in an effort to stop them opposing their oppression. It is a 'road map' with no destination, because where you want to get is where you already are. 'Western values' are the values that must be imposed on the rest of the world when those 'values' are not even applied in the 'West' (see 'freedom' and 'democracy'). 1984 is here. The Orwellian Big Brother state is with us now with an agenda to impose ever greater suppression and control until the most extreme of the techniques Orwell described are in place. In the world of 1984, three Party slogans were displayed to indoctrinate the people. These were: War is peace
Freedom is slavery Ignorance is strength

By no coincidence whatsoever, this is what we are being told endlessly today. These are expressions of Orwell's doublethink when two apparently contradictory thoughts are both considered to be true. There are so many modern examples. Bush and Blair talked about 'fighting for peace' and going to war because they 'want peace'. Any statement that includes support for 'fighting' or 'war' cannot be about peace. It is about fighting and war. Boy Bush's speechwriters had him say after 9 /11:
See, we love we love freedom. That's what they didn't understand. They hate things; we love things. They act out of hatred; we don't seek revenge, we seek justice out of love. You need to tell your loved ones, the little ones in particular, that when they hear the President talking about al-Qaeda, Iraq and other places, I do so because I long for peace. I want to send the signal to our enemy that you have aroused a compassionate and decent and mighty nation, and we're going to hunt you down.

When it comes to Orwellian doublespeak or doublethink it doesn't get much better than that. There is also no debate in Orwell's nightmare society on the grounds that the Party is never wrong just as Bush and Blair have never been wrong, no matter what the scale of evidence. As Orwell put it: Since in reality Big Brother is not omnipotent and the Party is not infallible, there is
need for an unwearying, moment-to-moment flexibility in the treatment of facts. The keyword here is blackwhite. Like so many Newspeak words, this word has two mutually contradictory meanings. Applied to an opponent, it means the habit of impudently claiming that black is white, in contradiction of the plain facts. Applied to a Party member, it means a loyal willingness to say that black is white when Party discipline demands this. But it means also the ability to believe that black is white, and more, to know that black is white, and to forget that one has ever believed the contrary.

Now that's prophecy


This is what the Jesuits, and other groups and secret societies based on the Jesuits, demand of their initiates. They must believe what their superiors tell them to believe, no matter what the evidence to the contrary. Orwell adds:
Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth.

By employing doublethink, the Party was able not only to bomb its own people and tell them it was an attack by the enemy, the Party members (including those firing the weapons) were indoctrinated to believe that the bombs were launched by the enemy. Orwell's Big Brother society had another Newspeak word called facecrime, which was the indication that a person was guilty of thoughtcrime, based on their facial expression. We now have technology and surveillance being introduced to do just that to study body language and facial expressions to spot would-be 'terrorists'. There was also Orwell's crimestop, which meant to rid oneself of unwanted thoughts and thus prevent a thoughtcrime or crimethink. Orwell wrote:
The mind should develop a blind spot whenever a dangerous thought presented itself. The process should be automatic, instinctive. Crimestop, they called it in Newspeak. He set to work to exercise himself in crimestop. He presented himself with propositions 'the Party says the Earth is flat', 'the Party says that ice is heavier than water' and trained himself in not seeing or not understanding the arguments that contradicted them.

This applies to anyone who voted for Bush or Blair or supported the invasion of Iraq. Orwell says that in the last part of the 20th century technology is driven by two things 'war and the desire to determine against his will what another human being is thinking'. This is where we are today with technological innovation that is also motivated by ever more sophisticated methods of control and surveillance. Orwell writes about the telescreens, an obligatory item in every home which both transmits constant propaganda and has the means to film and record all activity and conversation. This is the Orwellian vision of telescreen surveillance and indoctrination:
The telescreen received and transmitted simultaneously. Any sound that Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by it, moreover, so long as he remained within the field of vision which the metal plaque commanded, he could be seen as well as heard. There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. You had to live did live, from habit that became instinct in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized.

The propaganda part of the telescreen is already well established. We call it television and it bombards the collective mind with the official version of life, all day, every day. Fox News, CNN and the BBC are some of the most blatant examples, but the entire mainstream media is pretty much the same. We may have endless channels, but they are basically the same one, churning out the same unquestioned official line. Nonsensical 'explanations' for events like 9 /11 become accepted 'history' purely through repetition on the telescreens and in the newspapers (propaganda sheets), and by the suppression of investigation to establish if the official version of events stands up to scrutiny. I have been saying in my books all these years that the technology we are allowed to see is light years behind that which actually exists, and the scale of surveillance is already far, far closer to that of Orwell's telescreens than most people begin to realise. Even with the technology we know about, the reach of surveillance is now incredible. Walk through a town or city in Britain today and you pass from camera to camera with pretty much your whole journey recorded. Go into most shops and it's the same, as it is when you take your own money from an ATM. Virtually everything you do in a town or city outside of your home is watched and recorded. Next it will be inside your home, as Orwell envisaged. Indeed is it even 'next'? They are now introducing vehicle technology that logs your every journey in detail, and microchips that can immobilise your engine at will via satellite. In Britain, 'speaking' surveillance cameras are being introduced that allow their operators to give orders to people in the street just as Orwell's telescreens could. Everything you do on your computer, where you surf, or what you communicate, is logged. It is the same with your phone calls. The laws that allow this to be done legally increase by the month, all justified by the bogus 'war on terrorism', which resulted from the bogus version of what happened on September 11th. Orwell could hardly have described it all better and I will be detailing just how far we have already come in a later chapter. Orwell talked of the 'proles', or 'proletarians', which made up around 85 per cent of the population. They were the unthinking masses and the authorities looked upon them as cattle, just as they do today. They didn't suffer the level of surveillance of those considered intellectually dangerous, because they didn't question anything. They were given prolefeed, the brain-numbing 'entertainment' and made-up 'news' for the masses that kept them dumbed down and incapable of free thought. Spot on again, it turns out. There was the unperson, someone removed from circulation and all files until he or she officially ceased to exist (see Guantanamo Bay and those who have simply disappeared never to be seen again). To talk about an unperson was a thoughtcrime, just as to highlight the suffering, indignity and injustice imposed upon the inmates of Guantanamo Bay has been considered to be 'supporting the terrorists'. Anything in any publication that put the Orwellian government in a bad light was described in Newspeak as malreported or malquoted. Once again, the authorities were never wrong. We are now seeing the Orwellian 'anti-terrorism' programmes being introduced to encourage and reward the public to spy on each other, and report their neighbours, workmates, clients and fellow students to the authorities. All this is straight out of 1984. How Orwell could be so prophetic and accurate is less important than the fact that he was. If you want to see the future, unless we wake up fast, read the book and there

Now that's prophecy


it is laid out before you. If that's a world we don't wish to experience, then the time has come to ask ourselves: 'What am I doing about it?' If the answer is 'nothing' there can be no complaints when you hear the door to freedom slam behind you, and slam it will unless outrage becomes action very soon.

All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting. George Orwell

The Reptilians and their hybrid computer programs have been working since their return after the 'Great Flood' to give themselves dominion over the Earth and the slave race they genetically manipulated. They have not had it all their own way by any means, but their plans for the centralisation of global power have now reached the point where they can make their final push to the Orwellian state. Once you understand the background and goals of the global conspiracy, daily events take on a very different perspective and make far more sense. I was watching a television news report at the time of the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 2006 that talked of the 'foreign policy crisis' faced by the Bush administration. They listed all the 'trouble-spots' Israel-Gaza, Israel-Lebanon, North Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, etc. and claimed that rarely had a US government faced so many major problems around the world. But it depends on what you mean by 'problems'. We are back to my point about 'coordinates' here. If you don't have the right coordinates you can't possibly 'read' what is happening. If you believe that the aim of American 'foreign policy' is to bring peace and freedom to the world (if that is your coordinate) then it does, indeed, seem like the United States is faced with enormous challenges. If you know that the US government is merely a tool of the Illuminati, and the idea is to create as much war and suffering as possible to destroy peace and freedom, you will understand that chaos and conflict are anything but a 'problem'. Quite the opposite, it's all going according to plan. These are some of the key coordinates that people need to understand: 1) The Illuminati use the technique I have dubbed Problem-Reaction-Solution to 'justify' actions that would otherwise be widely opposed. Without the lie about 'weapons of mass destruction' (an invented problem), they would never have been able to sell the 'solution' the invasion of Iraq. 2) The Reptilians want to seize control of the planet and vital to that is to control the Middle and Near Eastern oil fields in Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and so on, plus the massive oil and gas reserves around the Caspian Sea.



3) To do all this, they need excuses to invade those countries if they will not, like Libya, come quietly with their hands up. 4) Israel is an Illuminati-created and controlled state through its manufactured political movement called 'Zionism', and it is being used to generate constant unrest and conflict in the target area the Middle East. 5) The State of Israel was bombed and terrorised into existence by invaders coordinated and manipulated by the Reptilian House of Rothschild. The incumbent population, the Palestinians, were removed from power in their own country and forced into little more than slavery by their invaders. 6) The Illuminati want to bring the United States and its allies into a war with China to create a massive global problem in need of a global solution the creation of a world government and world army to 'stop it ever happening again'. (The focus on China's associate state, North Korea, is part of this.) 7) Chaos = control, while harmony = freedom. 8) The plan is for a planet controlled by a world government and army that would impose its will on a microchipped, constantly watched and controlled population. In the light of this, we can look again at current events and see foreign policy 'problems' from a rather different perspective. What is happening today is the same Reptilian hybrid plan for world domination that they embarked upon before and after the Great Flood and the cataclysmic geological upheavals that destroyed their 'homeland' of Mu/ Lemuria, and the one they were infiltrating Atlantis. Those manipulating world events today are, to use their biblical name, the Nefilim, and in this chapter, or 'dot', I am going to show how the Nefilim in the dark suits connect in common purpose through the Illuminati web.

Blueprint for conquest In Tales from the Time Loop, I detailed the background to a 'Neocon' organization in the
United States called the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) and the plan for global conquest that it produced in September 2000, entitled Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategies, Forces, And Resources For A New Century. The term 'Neocon' is shorthand for 'Neoconservatives', the shadowy network of far-right crazies and organisations that came to power with George W. Bush in 2001. To understand current events, especially since 9 /11, people need to know about the Neocons and how they have manipulated the bogus 'war on terror'. They are a Reptilian hybrid strand-in-theweb, and their control of the American government, military and media, has advanced the agenda in enormous leaps via their puppet president. The PNAC policy document was published a year to the month before 9 /11, and two months before Bush officially won the rigged 2000 election that brought the very people behind the document to power in the White House, Pentagon and other departments of state. These were the document's main demands:

US military control of the Gulf region whether or not Saddam Hussein was in power: ' While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein' (my emphasis). The US to 'fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theatre wars' as a 'core mission'. US forces to be 'the cavalry on the new American frontier'. Action to discourage advanced industrial nations from challenging US leadership or aspiring to a larger regional or global role. Exploitation of allies like the UK as 'the most effective and efficient means of exercising American global leadership'. Ensuring that 'peacekeeping' missions have 'American political leadership, rather than that of the United Nations'. Permanent US bases in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Increased military pressure on China: 'It is time to increase the presence of American forces in South East Asia', which will lead to 'American and allied power providing the spur to the process of democratisation in China'. The 'creation of "US Space Forces" to dominate space, and the total control of cyberspace to prevent "enemies" [opponents of the agenda] using the Internet against the US [Illuminati]'. Development of new methods of attack electronic, 'non-lethal' and biological. These, it said, would be more widely available and 'combat is likely to take place in new dimensions, in space, cyberspace and perhaps the world of microbes ... advanced forms of biological warfare that can "target" specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool' (my emphasis). The development of a 'worldwide command-and-control system' [world army] to contain the 'dangerous' regimes of North Korea, Libya, Syria and Iran. This 'American grand strategy' to be advanced 'as far into the future as possible'. The PNAC document said that this 'process of transformation' was likely to be a long one 'absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor'. What happened at precisely the right time to advance these plans dramatically? 9111. The American Free Press asked Christopher Maletz, assistant director of the Project for the New American Century, what was meant by the need for 'a new Pearl Harbor'. He said they needed more money to increase the defence budget for new armaments and future capabilities. 'Without some disaster or catastrophic event the politicians and the military would have not have approved this', Maletz said. September 11th came one year to the month after the Project for the New American Century document was published, and nine months after those who produced it came to power with Bush. Since then, 9 / 11 has been used to justify the imposition of the very agenda detailed in the document. Bush even called September 11th 'our Pearl Harbor', and once you understand the background it is no longer a 'mystery' why the official story of 9 /11 is a lie from start to finish see Alice in Wonderland and The World Trade Center Disaster. The reason the official version makes no sense is simple: it's not true. The attacks were an inside job engineered by the very same forces that have used them to 'justify' the fast-emerging



Orwellian state. Problem-Reaction-Solution. George Bush's State of the Union speech in January 2002, in which he dubbed Iraq, Iran and North Korea 'the Axis of Evil', was written by David Frum, one of the Neocons closely connected with the Project for the New American Century and its interlocking organisations like the American Enterprise Institute. All of these groups are ultimately arms of the Reptilian hybrid Illuminati. The Neocon godfather is the late Leo Strauss, a German-born Khazar/Sumerian 'philosopher', who believed that people must be governed by a 'pious elite'. He must have missed the fact that they already are. This Internet article describes the world according to Strauss and, therefore, the Neocons:
Strauss thought that the best way for ordinary human beings to raise themselves above the beasts is to be utterly devoted to their nation and willing to sacrifice their lives for it. He recommended a rabid nationalism and a militant society modelled on Sparta. He thought that this was the best hope for a nation to be secure against her external enemies as well as the internal threat of decadence, sloth, and pleasure. A policy of perpetual war against a threatening enemy is the best way to ward off political decay. And if the enemy cannot be found, then it must be invented.

This is precisely what the Neocons behind the Bush administration have done. They call their enemy 'Islamic terrorists'.

The Personnel
The Project for the New American Century personnel are highly significant to past and current events. The organisation was established in 1997 by William Kristol and Robert Kagan and has been 'wound down' after its exposure by conspiracy researchers began to threaten the secrecy of the Illuminati agenda. PNAC operatives now work through other related organisations and groups. William Kristol appears to have been the main instigator of the PNAC on behalf of the Bradley Foundation, yet another link in the 'foundation' network I mentioned earlier. Kristol is a former chief of staff to Father Bush's vice-president Dan Quayle and was known as 'Quayle's brain'. I always wondered where it was. Kristol is now editor of the Rupert Murdoch-owned Weekly Standard in Washington that campaigns for Neocon policies. He is a regular contributor to the Murdoch-owned Fox News, the most blatantly-biased television channel I have seen anywhere in the 'Western' world. Kristol told the BBC: 'American power should not just be used in defence of American interests, but for the promotion of American principles ... we are going to have to bring down a series of regimes who are sponsors of a network of various terrorist organisations'. He named them as Iran, Syria, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and North Korea. Robert Kagan (the name of the Khazar king) is an American Neoconservative 'scholar' and 'political commentator'. He graduated from Yale University in 1980, where he joined the Illuminati Skull and Bones Society, and he is a member of the Illuminati Council on Foreign Relations. Both of these PNAC founders are Khazar / Sumerians with close ties to Israel, and they are pushing an agenda for 'American' control of the Middle and Near East (and further), which is precisely what Israel wants to happen. These are some of the other members of the Project for the New American Century:


Donald Rumsfeld (PNAC founding member) Defense Secretary during 9 /11, the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and the launch of the ' war on terrorism'. He ensured that the blueprint produced by the PNAC was slavishly followed on his watch in the Pentagon. Rumsfeld said Saddam Hussein was so dangerous they had to remove him, but this was the same Rumsfeld who visited Baghdad in 1983 to meet Saddam on behalf of the ReaganBush administration to arrange Figure 167: 'Hello my friend' - Donald for the shipment of chemical and biological Rumsfeld greets Saddam in 1983. weapons from US corporations. This He was in Baghdad for the Reagan-Bush administration to arrange for chemical and information is contained in declassified US biological weapons to be shipped to Iraq State Department documents that came to light in late 2002. Rumsfeld's meeting with Saddam, preceded by a warm handshake caught on camera, was part of the ReaganBush (in other words Bush) policy of close cooperation with the Iraqi dictator (Figure 167). The documents reveal that the United States increased arms supplies to Saddam even after he had used US-supplied poison gas against the Kurds in 1987 and 1988. Boy George Bush and Tony Blair constantly repeated in 'justifying' the 2003 invasion of Iraq that Saddam had used chemical weapons 'against his own people' while failing to mention that the US and Britain had supplied the means to do it. What's more, Rumsfeld was on the board of the European engineering company, ABB, when it supplied nuclear technology to North Korea in 2000. This is yet another example of the secret agenda and the public 'movie' running side by side. Rumsfeld was involved in supplying the 'problems' that the movie could later claim made action necessary against Iraq and North Korea. This is happening all the time. Rumsfeld is a member of the Bilderberg Group and the Council on Foreign Relations. Dick Cheney (PNAC founding member): US Vice-President and on the 'board of advisors' to the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) a 'think-tank that puts Israel and its security at the heart of US foreign policy'. He was Defense Secretary to Father George Bush during the 1991 Gulf War and he has been the real power in the White House behind the village idiot. Cheney was head of the oil services giant, Halliburton, from 1995 to 2000, when the company enjoyed contracts with Saddam Hussein's Iraq and worked with other terrorist dictatorships to line its pockets. Since Cheney came to power and helped to engineer the invasion of Iraq, Halliburton has received billions in Iraq contracts not tendered to other companies. Cheney was behind the appointments of Neocons Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton and Elliot Abrams to government. All are PNAC members. His wife, Lynne, is a senior fellow with the Neocon American Enterprise Institute and his daughter, Elizabeth, became Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs. Cheney is a very sick and disturbed entity indeed, as we shall see. He's a member of the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations.



Paul Wolfowitz:

Khazar /Sumerian Deputy Defense Secretary, whom Bush calls 'Wolfie', and a far right supporter of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA). Wolfowitz, who has relatives in Israel, has also served as the Bush administration's liaison to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, one of the leading lobby groups in Washington, which campaigns for policies favourable to Israel. To say the least, he has extremely close ties to the Israeli government and was even investigated for providing a classified document to Israel on the proposed sale of US weapons to an Arab government. This is just the background you need to be accepted as an impartial voice on Middle East policy. Wolfowitz was the dominant power at the Pentagon, more so than Rumsfeld. Rarely is the person officially in charge the one truly in control. Wolfowitz was a major orchestrator of the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq before leaving to continue his Illuminati service as head of the World Bank. He lost the job in 2007 after manipulating promotion and a big salary increase for his girlfriend who also worked for the World Bank. These people are so genetically corrupt they can't help themselves. Give them the world and they want two. Wolfowitz is a member of the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission.
Lewis Libby (PNAC founding member):

Chief of Staff to Cheney and close friend, confidant and protg of Wolfowitz. He served in Father George Bush's Defense Department and is closely connected with the Illuminati Rand Corporation (another tax-exempt foundation), oil companies and the defence contractor, Northrop Grumman, which, like the Rand Corporation, enjoys massive contracts with the Pentagon. Libby was a lawyer for convicted felon and Israeli spy Mark Rich who was pardoned by Illuminati front man and crook, Bill Clinton, in his last days as president. In 2005, Libby resigned after being indicted by a grand jury for the obstruction of justice, perjury and making false statements. He was convicted in March 2007, but his jail sentence was commuted by Boy Bush with the probability that a full pardon will follow. Months after he was charged he joined the Hudson Institute (still another taxexempt foundation) as a senior advisor on 'issues relating to the war on terror and the future of Asia', among other things. Libby is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and according to Washington investigative journalist, Wayne Madsen, he is a long-serving agent for the Israeli (Rothschild) Mossad.
John Bolton:

Served with the State Department, Justice Department and the government's international 'aid' agency USAID, under Father George Bush. He became under-secretary for arms control and international security in the State Department, and was at the heart of the conspiracy to invade Iraq in league with his PNAC associates. He was also one of Bush's vote counters during the rigged election in Florida. Bolton is a member of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) and a vice-president at the far-right American Enterprise Institute, as well as being involved with the Project for the New American Century. Bolton is reported to think the 'war on terrorism is World War Four and could take forty years to finish. No surprise then, that Bush selected him to be the US Ambassador to the United Nations where he pursued the Illuminati agenda with his usual gusto and brutality. In December 2006, he was forced to resign when it became clear that,

despite every effort from the White House, the Senate would not confirm his nomination. Bolton is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group.
Elliott Abrams:

A Khazar / Sumerian who pleaded guilty on two counts of lying to Congress about the Iran-Contra arms-for-drugs scandal, but was pardoned by Father George Bush. Abrams tried to cover up the murder of hundreds of civilians at El Mozote by an elite US-trained military unit in El Salvador. In 1993, a UN truth commission, which investigated 22,000 atrocities during the twelve-year El Salvador civil war, found that 85 per cent of the abuses were the work of the ReaganBushAbrams-supported right-wing military. Condoleezza Rice appointed Abrams, as, get this, Senior Director for Democracy, Human Rights and International Operations at the National Security Council in 2001. A year later, she made him Senior Director for Near East and North African Affairs, including Arab-Israel relations and American efforts to promote 'peace and security' in the region. Abrams is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and on the advisory council of the American Jewish Committee.
Dov Zakheim:

An ordained Orthodox Khazar/Sumerian rabbi who carries an Israeli passport. His grandfather, Julius Zakheim (Zhabinka), was a Russian rabbi who married a relative of Karl Marx, and his father, Rabbi Jacob I. Zakheim, was a rabid Zionist who numbered terrorist and former Israeli Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, among his friends. Father Zakheim was a member of Betar, a 'youth movement'. This was part of the Jewish terrorist network that included the Haganah, Irgun and Stern gangs, which bombed Israel into existence in 1947. Betar was founded by Ze'ev Jabotinsky, an admirer of Mussolini, and its members wore dark brown uniforms with military slogans based on fascist movements. It was part of the network that spawned the Likud Party in Israel. Dov Zakheim, who studied at Oxford University and exclusive Zionist colleges and schools, was Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Planning and Resources in the ReaganBush administration and served in several other defence posts. He became a policy 'advisor' (always watch the 'advisors') to George W. Bush in a group that included Neocons Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Richard Perle and Condoleezza Rice, and called itself 'The Vulcan'. Zakheim was the CEO of SPC International, a subsidiary of System Planning Corporation, which specialised in electronic warfare technologies, including remote-controlled aircraft systems. I have no doubt that the planes involved in 9 /11 were remotely controlled from the ground, the technology for which is now well advanced see Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster. Four months before 9 /11, Zakheim became the Comptroller in charge of expenditure at the Pentagon and he was in that job when it was discovered that three trillion dollars was missing from the Pentagon accounts. He was one of the authors of the PNAC document in September 2000 that called for a massive increase in defence spending and talked of the need for 'a new Pearl Harbor'. While Pentagon Comptroller, he arranged for US F-16 and F-15 fighters to be classified as military surplus and sold to Israel at a knock-down price. It is thanks to him that Israel has one of the biggest air forces in the world. Zakeim, who was described by one writer as a 'bionic Zionist', is on the board of advisers of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA). You would think



that, after overseeing the loss of three trillion dollars at the Pentagon, he might struggle to find future employment, but not so. He left the Pentagon in 2004 to join Booz Allen Hamilton, one of the world's most prestigious consulting firms, which works closely with the super secret Illuminati front called DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. This is the research arm of the Department of Defense. Among Booz Allen Hamilton's clients has been Blessed Relief, a charity linked to Osama bin Laden. As one writer said of Zakeim's career move: the dark card was shifted to another part of the deck'. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Douglas Feith: Khazar / Sumerian under-secretary for policy at the Pentagon at the time of 9/11, who selected the members of the Defense Policy Board. He was educated at the Jesuit Georgetown University where he is now on the faculty of the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service. Feith has served Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and another Neocon 'godfather', Richard Perle. As with Dov Zakheim, his father, Dalck Feith, was a member of the Israeli terrorist 'youth movement', Betar. Boy Feith founded the law firm Feith and Zell, based initially in Israel, and their clients have included Northrop Grumman, the major military contractor and Illuminati to its screw washers. It won many contracts from the Pentagon during his stewardship. Feith and Zell joined with the Israel-based Zell, Goldberg and Co to create the Fandz International Law Group. When the initial 'shock and awe' invasion was completed in Iraq, the Fandz website said the group had ...: 'recently established a task force dealing with issues and opportunities relating to the recently ended war with Iraq, and is assisting regional construction and logistics firms to collaborate with contractors from the United States, and other coalition countries, in implementing infrastructure and other reconstruction projects in Iraq'. Let me put it another way: It was making a killing from a war supported and engineered by one of its own, Douglas Feith. He was also involved in producing false intelligence reports to justify the war and, according to journalist Bob Woodward's book, Plan of Attack, military commander General Tommy Franks described Feith as 'the fucking stupidest guy on the face of the earth'. Was it stupidity or calculated deceit? Mostly the latter for sure, although having seem him interviewed I can understand the sentiment he does come across as someone with a serious neuron deficiency. Feith is a vehement and slavish supporter of Israel, like all the Neocons, and he was given an award by the Zionist Organisation of America that cited him as a 'pro-Israel activist'. He's Dov Zakeim's gofer and, like Wolfowitz, Feith was investigated about providing classified material to Israel. He is a member of the Bilderberg Group and Council on Foreign Relations. Richard Perle: Khazar / Sumerian former Assistant Defense Secretary to ReaganBush, a leading member of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) and the chairman of the far-right American Enterprise Institute (AEI) on 17th Street in Washington, which has Cheney's wife, Lynne, among its number. Fourteen members of the AEI organisation were appointed to the Bush cabinet and others are elsewhere in the administration. Bush told an AEI conference on February 26th, 2003: 'At the American Enterprise Institute some of the finest minds in our nation are at work in some of the greatest challenges to our nation. You do such good work that my administration has

borrowed twenty such minds' (which is twenty more than he has). Perle has so many of his associates in the Bush government that they are known as the 'String of Perles', and he is referred to as the 'Neocons political godfather'. At the Pentagon, he was nicknamed the 'Prince of Darkness' for his hard-line beliefs, and he introduced a number of staunchly pro-Israel activists who dramatically increased weapons sales to Israel. He is a former employee of Israeli weapons manufacturer, Soltam, and a member of several other right-wing groups like the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (along with James Woolsey, the former CIA chief and member of the Project for the New American Century). Perle is a former aide to one-time Israeli premier, Benjamin Netanyahu, and in 1996 he simultaneously advised both the Bob Dole campaign in the United States and the Netanyahu campaign in Israel. When Netanyahu was asked what the attacks of 9 /11 would mean for Israel, he replied: 'It's very good ... Well, it's not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy [for Israel]'. Oh, that's okay then. Perle was also advisor to the lobbying firm run by Douglas J. Feith, the Pentagon's Under-Secretary of Defense. Before the invasion of Iraq, Perle advised clients of the investment house, Goldman Sachs, about investment opportunities in Iraq when the US was in control. He is a director of the software company Autonomy Corp, which includes the Pentagon among its clients. Autonomy said it expected its profits to increase dramatically after the Iraq invasion that Perle helped to orchestrate. Perle is a member of the Defense Policy Board that advises the Pentagon and another member is Henry Kissinger, a major Illuminati operative of the last forty years. Perle had to resign as chairman of the Board when conflicts of interest were exposed. He stood down after it was reported that he had worked as a consultant to the bankrupt telecommunications company, Global Crossing Ltd, which was trying to get Pentagon approval to be sold to Asian investors. The Los Angeles Times revealed that Perle briefed an investment seminar on ways to profit from the conflict in Iraq and North Korea just weeks after he received a top-secret government briefing on the two countries. Perle is a member of the Bilderberg Group. Michael Ledeen: Another member of the American Enterprise Institute and involved in the 1970s in the 'shadowy world of right-wing Italian politics', according to a BBC documentary. Ledeen has close ties to Henry Kissinger, the Illuminati 'Roman Catholic' front Opus Dei, and the Italian P-2 Masonic Lodge once headed by his associate, Licio Gelli, the Mussolini fascist and Knight of Malta. Francesco Pazienza, who is also reported to be close to Michael Ledeen, was suspected of setting up the murder of P-2 operative and 'God's banker', Roberto Calvi. Both Gelli and Pazienza, associates of Ledeen, ended up in jail. Ledeen also had secret meetings with the Israeli government in the 1980s that led, 'inadvertently' he says, to the IranContra arms-for-drugs affair coordinated through the ReaganBush White House. He says: 'All the great scholars who have studied the American character have come to the conclusion that we are a war-like people. We love war'. He talks of the need to 'free' Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Libya and North Korea after the invasion of Iraq. Ledeen, who has a model of Darth Vader on his desk, naturally says he is a student of the infamous manipulator Machiavelli, and his attitude was encapsulated by this remark: 'Richard [Perle] says he doesn't think Americans are vindictive. Well, I hope he's wrong'. Ledeen told the UK Daily Telegraph: 'Undermining the governments of other countries? No big deal'. He is a member of the Bilderberg Group.



John Negroponte:

This is a guy with an horrific CV. He was a major aide to the US embassy in Vietnam from 1964, an advisor to the war criminal Henry Kissinger, and in charge of Vietnam policy on the US National Security Council. In the 1980s, he carried out the covert policy of ReaganBush to destroy the elected Sandinista government in Nicaragua and, as ambassador to Honduras, he administered a massive increase in US military support for the right wing government. It soared from $4m to $77m and the country became known as 'USS Honduras'. Negroponte was also fundamentally involved with the infamous Battalion 3-16 in Honduras, which ran a terror campaign of murder and torture against the people. He was US ambassador to the United Nations at the time of 9 /11, arguing the case for war, and was then sent by Boy Bush to take charge of operations in Iraq after the invasion. Negroponte became the first Director of National Intelligence, a post created to centralise power over all US intelligence agencies in the hands of one man the PNAC Illuminati man. In 2007, he left to become Deputy Secretary of State. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Zalmay Khalilzad:

The Afghanistan-born American who was made special envoy to Afghanistan before the war that installed his friend, Hamid Karsai, as leader. Khalilzad authored a book on Saddam with Paul Wolfowitz called Overthrow Him and encouraged his close friend, George Shultz, the former ReaganBush Secretary of State, to use Iran to bring down Saddam. Like Cheney's crooked aide Lewis Libby, Khalilzad has worked for the Illuminati Rand Corporation, and he also served under Secretary of State and National Security Advisor, Condoleezza Rice (Council on Foreign Relations), when she was a director of Chevron. Once his job was done in Afghanistan, Khalilzad was appointed to be Bush's 'special envoy' to Iraq to play a similar role by installing a US puppetgovernment. He became a special advisor to the State Department under ReaganBush when he was very much involved in the arming of the Mujahadeen fighting the Russian occupation. This included Osama bin Laden and what became known as 'al-Qaeda'. Khalilzad is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Jeb Bush:

Brother of the brain cell and Governor of Florida during the State's election fraud in 2000 that stopped Al Gore becoming president. The Bush family is corrupt to its core and fundamentally connected into the Illuminati web, as my other books have extensively detailed. Another man to mention is the ReaganBush Secretary of State, George Shultz. He was not an official member of the Project for the New American Century, but associated with all its ruling members. Shultz played a central role in 'vetting' Boy George Bush for the presidency, according to James Mann in his book, Rise of the Vulcans. He reports that Shultz met with Bush in his room at Stanford University in the Spring of 1998. Also at the meeting was his protge, Condoleezza Rice. Later, Shultz, Bush, Rice, Cheney, Wolfowitz and others met again in Austin, Texas, where Bush was governor. Out of this meeting came the 'Vulcans', the grouping that backed Bush for the presidency to govern on its behalf. Shultz was also co-chairman of the economic taskforce for California

governor and Illuminati front man, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and he's a highly significant manipulator who prefers to operate behind the scenes where the real power lies. His main base has been the Reptilian hybrid Bechtel Corporation, which was paid immense sums of money for 'reconstruction work' in Iraq after the invasion.

The Sumerian-Khazar Mafia

These are some of the people behind the Project for the New American Century and associated groups which, before 9 /11, planned the wars of global conquest known as the 'war on terrorism' that has targeted, above all else, the countries of Islam. At the same time, Neocon groups like the Project for the New American Century and the American Enterprise Institute are utterly dominated by supporters of Israel, and they have engineered a US government policy of invasion and threats to countries in the Middle and Near East that suits the desires of Israel. Can you imagine what would be said (and done) if it was found that a US administration controlled by fundamentalist supporters of Islamic countries had orchestrated an American invasion of Israel? But it is Israel doing the manipulating so silence. To highlight these crucial facts is to be called 'antiSemitic' the constant slur used by Reptilian hybrid fronts like the Rothschild's AntiDefamation League (ADL) to discredit those who point out the obvious unfairness and bias of this situation. Well, bollocks to the ADL and anyone else in the same category. It is a fact and it needs saying to get some perspective on what is happening here. They can call me what they like, I don't give a shit. The situation is the same with the Democrats. On September 2nd 1994, Avonoam Bar-Yosef, writing in the prominent Israeli daily, Ma'Ariv, said that seven of the leading members of Bill Clinton's National Security Council were Jewish (Sumerian-Khazar). The article, headlined 'The Jews who run Clinton's Court', quoted the rabbi of the Adath Yisrael Synagogue, as saying: '... for the first time in American history ... the US has no longer a government of Goyim [Gentiles], but an administration in which the Jews are full partners in decision making at all levels'. There will be no criticism of Israel or Zionism, either, from Nicolas Sarkozy, who became President of France in 2007. Australian Jewish News reported that his mother is from the Mallah ('messenger' or 'angel') family, one of the oldest Jewish families of Salonika, Greece. The Mallah's have long been active Zionists and in 1898 a Sarkozy relative published and edited El Avenir, the leading paper of the Zionist national movement in Greece at the time. Sarkozy's father was a descendent of aristocracy in Sumerian-Khazar Hungary. Sarkozy is there to do a job for the Reptilian hybrids by fundamentally changing France and pushing the agenda on every front. Australian Jewish News said that as Minister of Interior, Sarkozy 'shared much common policy ground with former Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu', and they have developed a 'close friendship'. Really? You do surprise me. The head of US Homeland Security, the organisation taking advantage of 9 /11 to impose fascism on the people, is Michael Chertoff, the son of a Rabbi. His mother, Liva, was reportedly involved in Operation Magic Carpet, the top-secret airlifting of 45,000 Yemenite Jews to Israel in 1949 and 1950, and she later worked with the Israeli airline, El AL. Chertoff's wife was a co-chair of a 'civil rights committee' for the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the RothschildMossad front in America that works to destroy civil rights, not least freedom of expression. This is the background to the head of an organisation targeting 'Islamic terrorism'. Any chance of bias, do you think? How come



there are so many Khazar / Sumerians in positions of political, banking, business, military, academic and media power when they represent only two per cent of the US population, and the same in many other countries? How does this happen? By magic? These questions need asking, because if the same were true of Muslims or Hindus there would be an outcry from the Khazar / Sumerians. Now perhaps we can understand why, when an atrocity is committed against Israel, the media calls it 'Islamic terrorism'; but when staggering numbers of Palestinian or other Arab civilians are killed, it is reported as Israel 'defending itself', or 'retaliating' against terrorism. The mainstream media is largely controlled by the same force through people like the Sumerian-Khazar Rupert Murdoch, and so it pushes the Illuminati line. What chance do the Palestinian people have of fairness and justice when the major governments and media sources of the world are manipulated by the very force that is dropping bombs on them and killing their children? What chance have they ever had since their country was invaded and their nation turned into slaves? None.
And it is about time someone said so without fearing the consequences in slurs and attacks from purveyors of hate like the Illuminati Anti-Defamation League.

I ask people to put themselves in the position of the Palestinians for a moment. They had their country stolen from them by force and terrorism soon after the Second World War, and they have been subjected ever since to grotesque and horrific suppression, constant violence and domination. The Israeli government and military can do virtually whatever they like to them while the pathetic 'World Community' looks the other way. The first Prime Minister of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, summed up their aims in 1937 when he said: 'We must expel Arabs and take their places'. What if another people invaded your land and did this to you, refusing even to acknowledge the injustice? What would we do? The Palestinians believe they are without hope and they feel understandable fury at what is happening to their land, their homes, their families and themselves. Why wouldn't they? Given the scale of provocation, it is a wonder that their violent response comes only from a small minority, and not the great majority of decent and intelligent Palestinian and Arabic people who just want peace and justice. It is an old, old truth. Ignore injustice for long enough and violence will surely follow. The way to stop violence is to remove the injustice that is fuelling it, not respond with even more violence. Those, like the Neocons, who are control the American and British administrations, and many others, have no desire for peace and justice. They want war and conquest and so that's what we have. Israel and the United States and British governments of all parties are one and the same, controlled by the Reptilian hybrid network. This is why Israel can basically do what it wants while the Palestinians are condemned at every turn.

Targeting Iran
As I write, there is apparently a new psychological illness going around called 'Deja Flu' that is affecting billions of people all over the world. It is also being dubbed 'Word Flu' because the victims get the feeling that they have heard something all before. The clinical name, apparently, is 'Groundhog Syndrome'. The symptoms are most virulent, it seems, whenever people hear anyone from the American government mention the word 'Iran'. This triggers powerful memories, known as 'flashbacks', and the patient suffers

from a form of confusion and bewilderment that has been given the name 'Annum Uncertainty Disorder'. They can't distinguish between present time and the propaganda against Iraq in 2003. I have told sufferers not to worry because what they are experiencing is perfectly natural. It is the psychological consequence of observing people with the chronic condition long suffered by the British and American governments and all the others and known as 'Whopper's Disease'. This is an extreme version of Tarradiddle Disorder. Tarradiddle is defined in the dictionary as 'silly pretentious speech or writing; twaddle'. The synonyms offered include fib; lie; prevarication a statement that deviates from or perverts the truth; cock-and-bull story; fairy story; fairytale; song and dance an interesting but highly implausible story, often told as an excuse; silly talk or writing; baloney; bilgewater; bosh; drool; humbug; tommyrot; tosh; hokum; nonsense; bunk; and cant a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves). All the above apply as I observe the truly toecurling sight of the Neocon-controlled American government desperately seeking an excuse to tick off the next country in its campaign of global tyranny Iran. This is right in line with the Project for the New American Century document in September 2000. The Neocon propaganda war against Iran really picked up after the election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as President of the Islamic Republic in 2005. After he took office in the August, he was soon making speeches that the American manipulators and spinners must have dreamed of. I cannot believe this was a fortuitous coincidence. He defeated the one-time favourite, the former President, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, whose reputation and record would have made it almost impossible to demonise Iran as a threat to America or anyone else. Mehdi Karroubi, a Reformist candidate seeking to open Iranian society and oppose the extremes of hardline Islam, finished third in the first round of voting. He then alleged that a network of mosques, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and Basij militia forces had illegally generated support for Ahmadinejad, and specifically named Mojtaba Khamenei, a son of the Supreme Leader Ayatolla Khamenei, as being involved in this election fraud. The Ayatollah told Karroubi that the allegations were below his dignity and he would not allow the crisis in Iran that they could cause. Karroubi wrote back to resign from all his political posts and some Reformist newspapers were stopped from publication for publishing Karroubi's letter. I am not saying that Ahmadinejad was manipulated into power because I don't know, but I suspect that is what happened, not least with the long history of covert involvement in Iran by British and American military intelligence. Prime Minister Dr Mohammed Mossadegh was ousted in 1953 in a CIA-planned coup called Operation Ajax and British and American manipulation replaced him with the vicious dictator, the Shah of Iran. The same combination removed the Shah for Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979. Why would the same forces not continue to be involved in election manipulation in Iran when they so badly needed Ahmadinejad to defeat Rafsanjani for their 'Axis of Evil' plan to work? It doesn't even need Ahmadinejad to be aware of what has happened behind the scenes, in the same way that Margaret Thatcher wasn't aware when she was manipulated into power in Britain. They knew how she saw the world and what she believed in, and so they knew basically what she would do and say. Either Ahmadinejad is knowingly involved, or he's an idiot, because all he needed to do was to quietly get on with his job and leave the nuclear development alone for a while, and he would have left the Neocon-Nazis with nowhere to go. He



must have known that Iran was on the hit-list, but he still opened his mouth and the propagandists walked right in. After Iraq, however, it is far harder to justify another invasion and the desperation betrayed in the daily excuse-making with regard to Iran has me squirming in the chair. They are so bereft of ideas, and a genuine reason, that the Iraq file, now utterly discredited, has been retrieved from the bin. We are told that Ahmadinejad could be 'another Hitler', which is what they said about Saddam Hussein, and they have simply dusted off the old song sheet. They said that Iraq was dangerous because of (nonexistent) weapons of mass destruction that could be used against the West; they say that Iran's nuclear program is designed to produce nuclear weapons that could be used against the West. They said that Iraq had (non-existent) connections with 'al-Qaeda'; they say that Iran is supplying weapons to terrorist 'insurgents' in Iraq. This is making no impact whatsoever on anyone who can still claim ownership of their neuron activity, and it is highly likely they are planning events to 'up the ante', a gambling term for increasing the stakes. We have seen a military build up going on within shooting distance of the Iranian border precisely what happened with Iraq as the preparations became ever more detailed while Bush and Blair were saying that 'no decision to invade had been taken'. Of course it had been made and many years before. The same is true with Iran, as outlined in the September 2000 document produced by the Project for the New American Century.

Manufactured mayhem
The respected New Yorker journalist, Seymour Hersh, is rightly acknowledged for his exposure over the years of government secrets and mendacity; but without the coordinates of what the game is, how it is played and what it seeks to achieve, you can get seriously lost in the maze and mirrors. In an article in early 2007, he talked of a 'redirection' in the US Middle East strategy. He said the key players behind the 'redirection' were Vice-President Dick Cheney; Deputy National Security Adviser Elliott Abrams; Zalmay Khalilzad, the departing Ambassador to Iraq and nominee for United Nations Ambassador; and Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi national security adviser and deeply corrupt vassal of the Bush and Rockefeller families. All these people have been exposed so often in my books, going back to the mid-1990s, that their ears must be ablaze. Cheney, Abrams and Khalilzad are all members of the Project for the New American Century. The 'new' plan and 'redirection', we are told, is to use the divisions between the Islamic 'Sunni and 'Shiite' factions that have deepened into outright civil war in Iraq. The Sunnis and Shiites argue over who has the right to be their caliph or leader. Here is one explanation at History News Networks:
The Sunni branch believes that the first four caliph Mohammed's successors rightfully took his place as the leaders of Muslims. They recognize the heirs of the four caliphs as legitimate religious leaders. These heirs ruled continuously in the Arab world until the break-up of the Ottoman Empire following the end of the First World War. Shiites, in contrast, believe that only the heirs of the fourth caliph, Ali, are the legitimate successors of Mohammed.

What's the Arabic for grow up?

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said in January 2007 that there was 'a new strategic alignment in the Middle East', separating 'reformers' and 'extremists' (all Newspeak). She said the Sunni states were the 'centres of moderation' (they do as they're told), while Shiite-controlled Iran, Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon were 'on the other side of that divide'. Iran and Syria, she said, 'have made their choice and their choice is to destabilise'. Who were two of the main target states in the Project for the New American Century document of September 2000? Iran and Syria. This is why the speeches that Bush is told to read contain the same ever-present mantra:
These two regimes are allowing terrorists and insurgents to use their territory to move in and out of Iraq ... Iran is providing material support for attacks on American troops. We will disrupt the attacks on our forces. We'll interrupt the flow of support from Iran and Syria. And we will seek out and destroy the networks providing advanced weaponry and training to our enemies in Iraq.

Translated from the Orwellian it means: 'We're going to have yet another war as soon as we can get away with it'. Let's get one thing crystal clear. What is happening in the Middle East is not a 'new' policy, nor is it a 'redirection'. It is the continuation of a policy that was decided long before the first missile scorched the Iraqi skyline. I have been saying through all the condemnations of US government 'incompetence' in Iraq that it is not incompetence. The numbskull president has not been orchestrating the plan, minds of great intellect have been doing it. Sick they may be, but they are master manipulators. The plan all along has been to play Sunni against Shiite to divide and rule the Middle East just as they are doing with Palestine factions in Gaza. Now we are seeing the stage where they seek to isolate their targets, Iran and Syria, from the rest of the Arab world led by Saudi Arabia, or Saudi America, as it should rightly be called. The policy 'shift', we are told, has brought Saudi Arabia and Israel into a 'new strategic embrace', largely because 'both countries see Iran as an existential threat'. Oh, I think they've been having a covert cuddle for a long time, you know, given that they are both controlled by the same force. If Iran and Syria were to fall, the plan is to pick off the rest, who will, by then, come quietly. US Central Command, or 'CentCom', has advanced plans in place for a 'Shock and Awe' attack on Iran's military infrastructure and nuclear facilities, and aircraft carriers have been deployed to the Persian Gulf. This represents the biggest concentration of naval capability since the Iraq invasion kicked off in 2003. The US military has arrested and interrogated hundreds of Iranians in Iraq, according to the sources of Seymour Hersh. 'The word went out last August for the military to snatch as many Iranians in Iraq as they can', a former senior intelligence official told him:
They had five hundred locked up at one time. We're working these guys and getting information from them. The White House goal is to build a case that the Iranians have been fomenting the insurgency and they've been doing it all along that Iran is, in fact, supporting the killing of Americans.

Hersh said the Pentagon consultant confirmed that hundreds of Iranians have been captured by American forces, including many Iranian humanitarian and aid workers, who 'get scooped up and released in a short time', after they have been interrogated.



This is what happened in Afghanistan and to others in Iraq who ended up in Guantanamo Bay and prisons like Abu Ghraib, or simply disappeared. The 'Iran is killing our troops in Iraq' strategy is the latest desperate effort to justify action against Iran. Cheney said that 'every option is on the table' to 'deal' with Iran and that is always Newspeak for 'we want to invade'. I have seen so many articles saying what a disaster that would be and one of them said:
Taken together, the Bush administration's strategy for the Middle East - stretching from Lebanon and Syria to Iran and the Gulf states - can only produce a catastrophe for working people throughout the region, in the United States and internationally. Any US attack on Iran has the potential to plunge the entire Middle East into conflict, drawing in America's European and Asia rivals, whose vital economic and strategic interests are at stake. Having gambled and lost with their criminal invasion of Iraq, the gangsters in the White House are doubling their bets across the board and dicing with the future of humanity.

The point is missed again. It is meant to be 'a catastrophe for working people throughout the region, in the United States and internationally'. It is meant to 'plunge the entire Middle East into conflict, drawing in America's European and Asia rivals, whose vital economic and strategic interests are at stake'. It is meant to dice 'with the future of humanity'. We are dealing with a force behind these thugs-in-government who care nothing for the consequences of anyone or anything. Their quest for global domination is all that matters and to achieve that, anything goes. Ask the victims of 9 /11 and the people of Afghanistan, Lebanon and Iraq. When we look at the events in the Middle East in the light of the manipulators behind American governments, they seem less like foreign policy 'problems' and more like foreign policy goals. The Project for the New American Century, just one of the propaganda arms for the agenda of racist hatred, called in 2000 for the conquest of Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Syria and others. This would not have been possible without 9 /11 and at the time of those attacks the Illuminati Neocons, under the command of the Rothschilds and others, controlled the White House through Bush and Cheney. They also held all the major positions at the Pentagon, including Defence Secretary, Deputy Defence Secretary and Comptroller. In their own words a year earlier, they wanted to launch wars of conquest in the Middle and Near East and dramatically increase military spending, and they admitted that this could only happen in the wake of a 'new Pearl Harbor'. September 11th gave them exactly what they needed and they were in positions both to organise the attacks, cover up what really happened and take advantage of them in pursuit of their agenda. Coincidence? Not a chance.


9/11: The Big Lie

I'll call myself a conspiracy theorist if you call yourself a coincidence theorist. John Judge

I was walking around some ancient earthworks in Dorset, England, when I heard from an American couple about the attacks that have become known as 9 /11. It was the afternoon English time of September 11th, 2001. As I heard the brief details recounted, there was no doubt in my mind or, most importantly, in my intuition. This was a massive Problem-Reaction-Solution to advance the global agenda that I had spent the previous decade warning about. I kept an appointment a few miles away with an alternative healer and saw some of the television pictures from New York. The more I heard, the more obvious it became. Those who would condemn the attacks as the work of 'Islamic terrorists' were actually the ones responsible for them. Or, at least, they knew that their masters were. As I drove home, listening to the coverage on the radio, the next stage was painfully clear. Actions and responses to advance human control and suppression would now be justified by what had happened in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania. Such thoughts and views were not shared by many in these early days, weeks and months and they certainly weren't popular. I was asked to appear on a Los Angeles radio station days after the attacks when they saw on the Internet that I was saying it was an inside job by elements within the US government and related agencies and overseas connections. You can imagine the response. I was 'interviewed' by two 'DJs' and I never did work out which one had the brain cell that day. 'What are you on?' was a pretty good summary of their reaction. I pointed out that this was precisely the reaction I expected, yawn, yawn, and I made them an offer have me back in a few weeks and if A, B, and C had not happened I would hold my hand up and accept I was wrong. They agreed, but the phone was not to ring because A, B and C did happen. They were called the Patriot Act, the 'war on terror' and other fundamental assaults on freedom that now issue almost by the day, justified by 9 /11 and its aftermath. Once you identify a Problem-Reaction-Solution event, and you know the basic agenda it is seeking to advance, predicting the future, in theme, if not every detail, becomes pretty straightforward. The overwhelming majority of shocked and bewildered humanity bought the official story. Nineteen Islamic extremists had hijacked four commercial aircraft using box cutters and plastic knives (no, I'm not kidding). They had flown three of the planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, while the other came down in Pennsylvania

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after the passengers charged the cockpit. The story was nonsense and has since been demolished by independent researchers and experts in the fields of aviation, explosives, physics, engineering and building design. The Big Lie is taken apart in my book Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster and you can go to the 9 /11 archive at www.davidicke.com to see reports and video documentaries that make the following very clear: The planes were not flown by Islamic pilots, most of whom could not competently fly a one-engine Cessna at puddle-jumping flying schools. The twin towers did not collapse because of the heat from the fire. They were brought down by controlled demolition. There are many questions to answer about whether Flight 77 really did hit the Pentagon. Flight 93 did not crash in Pennsylvania because passengers attacked terrorists in the cockpit. I am not going into all the fine detail about 9 /11 here, because I have done so elsewhere, but I will present a summary as part of the dot-connecting process. Tony Blair told us the real reason for the engineered attacks when he said in their wake:
This is a moment to seize. The kaleidoscope has been shaken, the pieces are in flux, soon they will settle again. Before they do, let us reorder this world around us.

The whole idea was to create a massive problem a state of fear, horror, confusion and 'flux' for which the Illuminati could supply the 'solution', the Orwellian state. Once you realise this simple fact, the 'mysteries' and 'anomalies' surrounding 9 / 11, and before and after, begin rapidly to dissolve. From that point of perception, what happened that day makes perfect sense. Leroy Fletcher Prouty was a man with enormous experience in covert operations by the US security apparatus. He worked with the Office of Strategic Services, the forerunner for the Central Intelligence Agency, and established Air Defense Command in 1950. He went on to work with the CIA, and for nine years he served at the Pentagon as Briefing Officer for the Secretary of Defense, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Chief of Special Operations. In 1973, he revealed in his book, The Secret Team, that the CIA was a tool of a 'high cabal' of industrialists and bankers the Reptilian hybrids in other words. Prouty revealed the existence of the CIA Executive Action programme, which specialised in removing foreign leaders 'unfriendly' to American (Illuminati) interests. He said that this group was behind the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963 under the direction of its head, Edward Lansdale, who was in Dallas acting '... like the orchestra leader, coordinating these things'. Prouty, who died of organ failure just three months before 9 /11, clearly had a detailed knowledge of how covert operations work. This is what he said about assassinations and it applies just as much to what happened on September 11th:

No one has to direct an assassination it happens. The active role is played secretly by permitting it to happen. This is the greatest single clue. Who has the power to call off or reduce the usual security precautions? (My emphasis)

We see this with virtually every assassination, John and Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Princess Diana included. At the crucial time, the usual level of security evaporates to ensure that the 'hit' can go ahead without challenge. Who had the power to call off the normal level of security and response on 9 /11? The very same people and forces that have used those attacks to impose the 'war on terror' and the Orwellian global state. Four airliners were hijacked in a period of some two hours over what is supposed to be some of the most protected airspace on the planet and nothing nothing was done that made any difference to the outcome.

Where was 'SNORAD'?

The procedure that operates on every other day involves the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the government or 'civilian' organisation responsible for air traffic control, and NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command, which defends the United States and Canada from air attack except on September 11th. NORAD is located at the Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado and its operations centre is 2000 feet inside the nearby Cheyenne Mountain, which came up in my research long before 9/11. NORAD's responsibilities, to quote its own website, include:
... the monitoring of man-made objects in space, and the detection, validation, and warning of attack against North America whether by aircraft, missiles, or space craft, utilizing mutual support arrangements with other commands. Aerospace control includes ensuring air sovereignty and air defense of the airspace of Canada and the United States.

NORAD has an agreement with the civilian Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to respond when commercial aircraft are hijacked, lose contact with air traffic controllers, or stray off-course. What happened on 9 /11, therefore, was exactly what NORAD is there to deal with and it certainly has the means to do so. Its operational centre inside Cheyenne Mountain is a colossal super-secret facility mounted on more than 1,300 halfton springs that allow it to sway up to a foot in any direction should it be struck by an earthquake or nuclear attack (Figures 168 and 169). NORAD and associated organisations based at the mountain employ some of the most brilliant technological minds in the world using and developing technology that is light years ahead of anything you will see in the public arena. It is a big mistake to judge what is possible only on the basis of technology we know about. These guys aren't working with that. The following information comes from the official Cheyenne Mountain website and represents only a fraction of what really goes on there. Other 'early warning and response' organisations at the complex include Air Force Space Command, which is supposed to provide protection from space and missile attack. Space Command operates the Space Defense Operations Center which, with its 'worldwide sensors, under the direction of Air Defense Command', supported the first flight of the space shuttle in April 1981. This has continued with every shuttle mission since. What I am saying here is that NORAD, and associated response organisations, were working with

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Figure 168: Cheyenne Mountain, the super-secret communications facility in Colorado and home to NORAD operations on 9/11

Figure 169: Inside Cheyenne Mountain is state of the art communications and tracking technology ...

state of the art tracking technology, including the US satellite network that can read your number plate from space. The Cheyenne Mountain website tells us:
The Command Center is the heart of operations in Cheyenne Mountain. In this center, the Command Director and his crew serve as the NORAD and US Space Command Commander-in-chief's direct representatives for monitoring, processing, and interpreting missile, space or air events which could have operational impacts on our forces or capabilities, or could be potential threats to North America or US and allied forces overseas. The Command Center is linked directly to the National Command Authorities of both the US and Canada as well as to regional command centers overseas. When required, the Command Director must consult directly with the NORAD and US Space Command Commander-in-chief for time-critical assessments of missile, air, and space events; he takes action to ensure the Commander-in-chief's response and direction are properly conveyed and executed ... ... The Air Defense Operations Center provides command and control for the air surveillance and air defense network for North America. In 1994, they monitored over 700 'unknown' radar tracks entering North American airspace. Many of these were


The David lcke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

subsequently identified as friendly aircraft that had erred from flight plans or used i mproper procedures.

They boast that if a missile is fired anywhere in the world they know about it, and it is they who operate the tracking and surveillance technology that guides American troops on battlefields thousands of miles away in Afghanistan, Iraq and wherever next. But, hijacked planes in American airspace? Er, which button do you press again? The NORAD commander at the time of September 11th was General Ralph E. Eberhart, who was also head of Space Command. He took over on February 18th 2000 from General Richard B. Myers, who became Deputy Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon, and Chairman immediately after 9 /11. Myers was the top uniform in command at the Pentagon when the attacks were happening and much more about his strange behaviour shortly. Eberhart and Myers also both served at the 'CIA' Air Force Base at Langley, Virginia, from where, it is claimed, jets were scrambled (far too late) to intercept Flight 77 as it headed for Washington. What should have happened that day can be seen in the regulations available on the Internet. When air traffic control loses contact with an aircraft through direct communication, or the plane's transponder tracking system being switched off, the FAA immediately alerts NORAD and it scrambles jets to investigate. In the previous year of 2000, this happened 125 times in response to aircraft losing contact with air traffic control. An example of this FAANORAD reaction procedure can be seen in the case of the private Learjet carrying the golfer Payne Stewart and his friends on October 25th 1999. Air traffic controllers lost contact with Stewart's plane after it took off from Orlando in Florida heading for Dallas. When air traffic controllers realised all was not well, the FAA contacted NORAD and fighter jets were scrambled to check out what was happening. The Learjet had suffered a pressurisation failure and was flying on autopilot while the real pilot and passengers were unconscious. An ABC News report, quoting the Air Force but differing slightly from the findings of the official investigation, said that after contact was initially lost two F-15s from Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida were sent to track the Learjet. The F15s pulled back and two F-16s already in the air from Florida's Eglin Air Force Base took over. When the Learjet reached the Midwest, the Eglin F-16s withdrew and four F-16s and a mid-air refuelling tanker from the Tulsa National Guard replaced them. Finally, two F-16s from Fargo, North Dakota, moved in. 'Officials hoped that the F-16s could provide assistance to anyone on board who might have helped land the plane safely', said ABC. When the Learjet ran out of fuel, the F-16 pilots said they saw the plane fall to the ground. White House spokesman Joe Lockhart said the National Security Council monitored the doomed flight, fearing the jet might crash in a populated area. That is what happens when Air Traffic Control loses contact with a Learjet, but with four hijacked commercial airliners nothing was done that made any difference to events.

What should have happened

The official regulations and procedures of the FAA detail the response system. Chapter Seven of the procedures deals with the 'escort of hijacked aircraft'. It says that an FAA 'hijack coordinator' on duty at the Washington DC headquarters will request the military to provide an escort for a confirmed hijacked plane to (a) assure positive flight

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following (that's staying on the authorised course to you and me); (b) report unusual observances; and (c) aid search and rescue in the event of an emergency. The escort service, say the regulations, will be requested by the FAA hijack coordinator by direct contact with the National Military Command Center (NMCC) at the Pentagon. Normally NORAD escort aircraft will take the required action, it says. 'The center / control tower shall coordinate with the designated NORAD ... military unit advising of the hijack aircraft's location, direction of flight, altitude, type of aircraft and recommended flight plan to intercept the hijack aircraft', the document instructs. Escort aircraft are told to position themselves five miles directly behind the hijacked plane and to approach it from the rear to avoid being seen. The escort plane should take the same altitude, speed and heading as the hijacked aircraft. When a hijacking happens over the continental United States, say the procedures, the 'appropriate NORAD senior Director' is forwarded reports of the aircraft's call sign of position of latitude, heading, speed and altitude. An escort mission can be terminated by FAA headquarters, the National Command Center at the Pentagon, or major military command authority which includes NORAD. When a problem with an aircraft is considered a possible hijack by the air traffic controller, a much higher level of command is activated. FAA spokeswoman, Alison Duquette, explained: 'The air traffic controller would notify the supervisor on the floor, who would then immediately notify the FAA's regional operation center, who would notify NORAD, as well as others'. In these cases, according to the regulations: 'The escort service will be requested by the FAA hijack coordinator by direct contact with the National Military Command Center (NMCC) [based at the Pentagon]'. The Defense Department (DOD) manual covering plane hijackings says: 'In the event of a hijacking, the NMCC will be notified by the most expeditious means by the FAA. The NMCC will, with the exception of immediate responses ... forward requests for DOD assistance to the Secretary of Defense for approval'. It was because of this procedure that, according to CNN '... officers on [sic] the Joint Chiefs were monitoring the [Payne Stewart] Learjet on radar screens inside the Pentagon's National Military Command Center'. Federal Aviation Administration regulations leave air traffic controllers in no doubt that they must never take chances. They are told that if there is an unexpected loss of radar or radio communication they must consider that 'an aircraft emergency exists'... and ... 'If ... you are in doubt that a situation constitutes an emergency or potential emergency, handle it as though it were an emergency'. Within Cheyenne Mountain is the Air Defense Liaison Officer, a top FAA official, who is there to coordinate between the FAA and NORAD in these situations. All these personnel and procedures were in place on September 11th and yet nothing was done that affected events. Why? An important point to note. If you were 'highly trained' Arab terrorists from this 'brilliantly organised' network of Osama bin Laden - a network we are told was capable of hijacking four commercial aircraft at the same time in American airspace - one of your obvious and fundamental calculations would be the possible NORAD reaction time once it was known that the planes had been seized. So, why did they choose to hijack the planes that hit the World Trade Center in Boston with a flight time to New York well in excess of possible NORAD reaction time and, even more so, why would they have Flight 77 and 93 fly way out towards the Midwest before turning around and heading all the way back towards Washington? In the case of Flight 77 it meant that

they had to fly for forty-five minutes from the time the plane was known to be hijacked to the moment it is alleged to have struck the Pentagon. Lest we forget, the plane, we are told, took off from Washington, flew forty-five minutes into mid-America and then flew all the way back to attack its target in ... Washington. All this when a surf of the Internet would locate the NORAD reaction procedure and the would-be terrorists would realise that, in normal circumstances, they would have been intercepted long before they got back to where they started. The official story of why the response was so slow and ineffective is full of the most blatant lies and contradictions, because it has to be. It is a cover story and not the truth.

When one lie falls, another one follows

Most people don't realise that the official account claiming that jets were launched in response to the hijackings only emerged a week after the attacks. Up to that point they were saying there was no response before the Pentagon was hit. On September 13th, General Richard Myers, the former head of NORAD and acting head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 9/11, was asked at a hearing on Capitol Hill when the order was given to scramble jets in response. This was his reply: 'That order, to the best of my knowledge, was after the Pentagon was struck'. I know it's a shocker to think that two days after the biggest terrorist attack on American soil the uniformed head of the military could be replying to the most basic of questions 'to the best of my knowledge', but that's what he said. The official position was that no Air Force jets were launched until after the Twin Towers and the Pentagon had been hit. This was a staggering admission given what normally happens more than a hundred times a year in similar circumstances. Why, on this day of all days, was there no reaction? On September 14th, twenty-four hours after Myers spoke on Capitol Hill, Dan Rather and CBS News ran a story claiming that NORAD jets were scrambled to New York from the Otis Air National Guard Base at Cape Cod, Massachusetts, in response to Flight 11; and from the (CIA) Air Force Base at Langley, Virginia, to intercept Flight 77 heading for Washington. But both arrived too late. On September 14 / 15th, a Boston Globe reporter, noting the contradicting accounts, asked NORAD if the CBS report was true. Once again, they denied that jets had been scrambled before the Pentagon was hit. Then, out of nowhere late on September 18th a week after the attacks NORAD issued a press release saying that jets were indeed launched in line with the CBS report. What? All this is clearly crazy, but there was a mad panic going on to head off questions about the lack of response and why. This September 18th version became the official story, unquestioned by the pathetic mainstream media, who just repeat it like the performing parrots that most of them are. I researched the background to 9/11 full-time for a year, from immediately after the attacks until Alice in Wonderland was published, and I have continued to follow and update my knowledge ever since as new revelations come to light. What is absolutely clear is that there was an inexplicable delay by the government-controlled Federal Aviation Administration in alerting NORAD and asking for support once contact with the planes was lost.

The official timeline

When you look at the official timeline given to me by NORAD, and confirmed to me by the FAA, the delays were extraordinary and against all regulations. The summary I will

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outline here is based on this NORAD timeline. The aircraft involved were American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767 due to leave Boston Logan Airport for Los Angeles at 7.45 am, but which actually took off at around 8 am; United Airlines Flight 175, a 767 that left Boston for Los Angeles at 8.14 am; American Airlines Flight 77, a 757 that departed Washington Dulles, also for Los Angeles, at 8.20 am; and United Airlines Flight 93, a 757 that took off from Newark, New Jersey, at 8.42 am, after a forty-one minute delay. It was heading for San Francisco. All had remarkably light passenger loads. They had a total capacity of 762 passengers, yet the number officially on board on those planes was less than 270, including all the crews. They were 70 per cent empty. More than that, the official list of those who died included only 229 people. What happened to the others? None of the names on the released passenger lists was Arabic and so they did not include those named by the FBI as hijackers.

Flight 11

At 8.14 am, air traffic control at Boston lost contact with the pilot of Flight 11, and at 8.20 the plane's transponder was turned off. The transponder transmits information that makes it easy to identify on the radar screens, but it can still be tracked by conventional radar technology, albeit with less information. The most critical effect of a transponder going down is the loss of the plane's altitude reading, which is potentially catastrophic in the skies of the northeast United States, the busiest airspace in the world. At 8.21 and 8.22, according to the official story, fight attendants called American Airlines employees on the ground to say that the plane was hijacked. At 8.24, it is claimed that controllers in Boston heard a voice from the cockpit saying: 'We have some planes. Just stay quiet and you will be OK. We are returning to the airport. Nobody move'. By this time, 8.24, the hijack regulations I have detailed should have been implemented when it would have been clear there was big trouble on Flight 11. But despite losing communication with the plane ten minutes earlier, NORAD was not alerted by the FAA. Other air traffic centres were told, it seems, but not the Air Force. If fighters from the Otis Air National Guard Base at Cape Cod, had been scrambled at 8.25 while other air traffic centres were being told but not NORAD they would have been able to reach the plane before it threatened the World Trade Center. Fighters at Otis are on twenty-four-hour readiness and a spokesman said they can reach New York in as little as ten minutes. At 8.26, Flight 11 turned sharply and headed south for New York, passing over the prime target for any

serious terrorist with a plane, the three nuclear power stations at Indian Point with its massive stockpiles of nuclear waste. Only at 8.38 did Boston air traffic decide to officially tell NORAD that Flight 11 had been hijacked, a fact communicated by the FAA to NORAD at 8.40. This was twenty-four and twenty-six minutes after contact was lost with the plane. The regulations say: 'If ... you are in doubt that a situation constitutes an emergency or potential emergency, handle it as though it were an emergency'. Clearly that did not happen here, according to the official timeline of events. At 8.40, two fighter pilots at the Otis base at Cape Cod are put on alert, but it was six minutes before they were scrambled. Why? As they were preparing for take off, the North Tower of the World Center was hit. The FAA informed NORAD what had happened, but it was ten minutes before they told the Otis pilots on their way to New York. The NORAD centre handling the response was its Northeast Air Defense Sector, known as 'NERDS', located at what used to be Griffiss Air Force Base in Rome, New York. It reports to the Continental US NORAD Region headquarters at the Tyndall Air Force Base near Panama City, Florida, which, in turn, reports to NORAD's Cheyenne Mountain operational headquarters.

Flight 175

Boston air traffic had earlier asked the pilot of Flight 175 if he could see Flight 11. He replied that he could and, at 8.41, he reported to New York controllers that he heard a strange transmission from the plane as they left Boston, which said 'everyone stay in your seats'. But, only thirty seconds later, Flight 175 turned from its scheduled route and headed south with no transponder or communication. Thirty seconds after talking to air traffic with no problems? How could the cockpit be hijacked, the pilots overpowered and the route changed in half a minute? However, this could be explained if that was the moment that remote control from the ground kicked in through accessing the plane's computer system. The 'hack' would have immediately closed down the communications network with air traffic controllers. 'Flight 175' smashed into the South Tower at 9.03, amid a fireball captured by live television activated by the crash of Flight 11. NORAD said that the Otis fighters were still seventy-one miles away when the second plane hit, which means they must have been flying at less than a quarter of their potential speed. An Otis spokesman has said they could get to New York in as little as ten minutes, but it was now seventeen minutes since they left and they were still seventyone miles out.

9/11: The Big Lie


Flight 77

At 8:51 am, American Airlines Flight 77 was in communication with air traffic controllers for the last time 285 miles west of Washington. Four minutes later Barbara Olson, a lawyer and writer well-known for her appearances on CNN, is claimed to have called her husband, the Bush administration's Solicitor General, Theodore Olson, at his office in the Justice Department. Theodore Olsen says she told him the plane had been hijacked by men with box cutters and knives. He said she was cut off, but rang back to say they had rounded up passengers at the back of the plane. She asked: 'What should I tell the pilot to do?' Once again, all that Barbara Olsen is supposed to have described in that first call must have happened in the just four minutes since the last no-problem communication from the cockpit to air traffic. In this time, Olsen would have had to understand what was going on, make the call, and get through. At 8.56, the transponder was turned off and, some forty minutes after leaving Washington, it swung around to head back there. I ask again: Why would terrorists, who knew the normal NORAD response time and system, board a plane at an airport down the road from their intended target, then let it fly for forty minutes and hundreds of miles before launching the hijack and flying it all the way back again? Unless those truly behind these attacks knew the normal response would not be happening that day. The two fighters from Otis were closing in on New York after arriving too late for the World Trade Center attacks and they could have been over Washington in little more than ten minutes certainly well within the, by then, thirty-four minutes it would take for Flight 77 to get there. The plane was known to have been hijacked and two others had already crashed into the World Trade Center. The urgency of reacting to Flight 77 was obvious, but the Otis jets were not directed to Washington. Again, why? West Virginia flight control identified a plane flying east with no transponder or radio contact, yet, according to the official story, it was another nineteen minutes before NORAD were told, when the FAA at last thought to give them a call at 9.24. This was twenty-nine minutes after FAA air traffic lost contact with the plane and the transponder was switched off. Remember the regulations this is against all normal procedures. At 9.24, NORAD scrambled fighters from Langley Air Force Base in Virginia, 130 miles south of Washington, the official version goes, and they took off at 9.30. It seems that, at first, they were inexplicably flying to New York when one of them had a call from a member of the Secret Service who said: 'I want you to protect the White House at

all costs'. They then changed course for Washington. Ugh? At 9.26, it is said that Barbara Olson again called Solicitor General, Theodore Olson, and said the passengers and pilots were being held at the back of the plane. The US air traffic system, and the fantastic tracking and satellite technology controlled by NORAD from Cheyenne Mountain, is claimed to have 'lost' Flight 77 for nearly forty minutes while it was still trackable by conventional radar. This is simply not credible given the technological potential within Cheyenne Mountain. At 9.33, Washington air traffic control saw a blip moving very fast on the radar and warned Dulles Airport. We are given the impression that this was the first sighting of Flight 77 since contact was lost, but at 9.25 the FAA had told NORAD that the plane was heading for Washington. The whole story is a maze of contradictions. The plane, or whatever it turns out to be, was lost to radar screens at 9.37 when it smashed into the side of the Pentagon 'coincidentally' at the very point where it had recently been strengthened to cope with a terrorist attack. It was on the opposite side of the enormous building from where Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and the military top brass were located. As for the fighters despatched from Langley, it was dj vu with what had happened in New York. According to NORAD and its timeline, they were still 105 miles or twelve minutes flying time from Washington at the moment of impact. Taking this back to their time of departure, it means the Langley jets must have flown at less than 15 per cent of top speed or 215 miles an hour. So what kept them? The alleged diversion from the original New York route would not even begin to account for the time taken to get there. Why, in the light of unfolding events in New York, weren't fighters scrambled to defend the capital immediately as a matter of course? After all, those involved have constantly said: 'We didn't know how many other hijacked planes we were dealing with'. By the time the Langley F-16s arrived over Washington, their average speed for the 130 miles was around 410 miles an hour 27 per cent of top speed. What the hell was that all about? As a Newsday report put it: 'The record suggests that teenagers on instant-message networks communicate faster than some federal officials did during the crisis'. And The New York Times said '... despite elaborate plans that link civilian and military efforts to control the nation's airspace in defense of the country, and despite two other jetliners' having already hit the World Trade Center in New York, the fighter planes that scrambled into protective orbits around Washington did not arrive until 15 minutes after Flight 77 hit the Pentagon'.

Flight 93

9/11: The Big Lie


At 9 am, United Airlines had warned all its pilots in the air about the danger of 'cockpit intrusion' and United Airlines Flight 93 had acknowledged receipt of this information while flying over Pennsylvania. But, some time between 9.10 and 9.20, the plane was hijacked. The FAA is reported to have informed NORAD at around 9.20, although, for whatever reason, NORAD has never confirmed that it was told. No fighter response was ordered, despite what had already happened, the official story tells us. At 9.28, it is claimed that a voice in the cockpit was heard to say: 'Get out of here!' Such a remark must have come from the pilot or crew, but this was eight minutes, possibly eighteen if you go back to 9.10, after the plane is claimed to have been hijacked. Once again, this makes no sense. Arabic voices are said to have been heard talking, yet, as with all the flights, no Arab names appeared on the passenger list issued by the airlines. A minute after 'Get out of here', passenger Jeremy Glick is reported to have called his wife and described the hijackers. At 9.35, with the plane 375 miles from its departure point at Newark, New Jersey, it made a 135 degree turn near Cleveland, Ohio, and flew in the direction of Washington DC. Five minutes later transponder contact was lost. It was reported by ABC News just before the plane changed course that 'someone' radioed the FAA from the cockpit and asked for a flight plan to Washington. Why would anyone do this, so alerting the authorities to their target when none of the other planes did so? If the pilot made the call, perhaps as a warning, why was he still flying the plane when hijackers were supposed to have taken over the controls? Other passengers on the plane began to make phone calls from about 9.45, the official story tells us. Mark Bingham rang his mother. 'Mom, this is Mark Bingham', he is claimed to have said, a strange opening line to your own mum. 'I want to let you know that I love you. I'm calling from the plane. We've been taken over. There are three men that say they have a bomb'. Tom Burnett is said to have called his wife three times and heard about the World Trade Center. He told her the hijackers claimed to have a bomb, but he didn't think it was true. Todd Beamer got through to a Verizon phone company supervisor, the official version claims, and said the pilot and co-pilot appeared to be dead. There were two hijackers in the cockpit, he said, while another two were guarding first class and twenty-seven passengers at the back of the plane. He said that they had voted to storm the hijackers and the supervisor said she heard him say 'Are you guys ready? Let's roll'. Another passenger is said to have called 911, the American number for emergencies (no coincidence with the symbolism-obsessed Reptilian hybrids), and talked with operator Glen Cramer. He is claimed to have said he had locked himself in the toilet and he shouted 'We're being hijacked, we're being hijacked'. He spoke of hearing an explosion and saw white smoke coming from the plane, we are told. All this is very strange. If hijackers were guarding passengers in first class and at the back of the plane, as 'Beamer' said, how come this guy could lock himself in the toilet? And would his cell phone really work in such circumstances tens of thousands of feet above ground in a tiny toilet? According to the FBI, Flight 93 'crashed' at about 10.03 am near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, some eighty miles southeast of Pittsburgh, although other reports say it was a few minutes later. A small white plane, said to look like a fighter jet, was seen circling the area at the same time. Five residents near the crash site reported seeing this second white plane flying erratically minutes after it is claimed that Flight 93 went down. Susan Mcelwain from Stonycreek Township said a small unmarked white jet

with rear engines came in low over her vehicle before disappearing over the top of a hill, almost clipping trees. This is hardly an experience she could have imagined. Less than a minute later, she said, the ground shook. Dennis Decker and Rick Chaney heard the explosion and ran outside to see a mushroom cloud. 'As soon as we looked up, we saw a midsized jet flying low and fast', said Decker. 'It appeared to make a loop or part of a circle and then it turned fast and headed out.' Both men said it looked like a white Learjet-type plane with the engines at the rear. 'If you were here to see it, you'd have no doubt', Decker said. 'It was a jet plane and it had to be flying real close when that 757 went down. If I was the FBI, I'd find out who was driving that plane.' FBI Special Agent William Crowley at first said they could not rule out that a second plane had been nearby, but later retracted the statement. The Cleveland Air Traffic Control Center in Overland, Ohio, tracked Flight 93 and an official was asked if there was any record of a second plane. His only reply was 'no comment'. If there was no second plane, what was wrong with 'no'? A seismologist has said there was a sonic boom in Western Pennsylvania at 9.22, which might have been a fighter tracking Flight 93. The F-16s from Langley could have been re-directed to intercept the plane, but we are told this didn't happen. Instead, at 10.01 am in the official timeline, F-16s were scrambled from Toledo, Ohio, in pursuit of Flight 93. Even though the base was not on twenty-four-hour stand-by, the fighters were airborne in sixteen minutes, but, here we go again, they arrived ten minutes after Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania or so we are told. However, a New Hampshire air traffic controller ignored the ban on controllers speaking publicly, and said that 'an F-16 fighter closely pursued Flight 93 ... the F-16 made 360-degree turns to remain close to the commercial jet', the controller said. 'He must've seen the whole thing.' Ernie Stuhl, the Mayor of Shanksville, said he knew of two people who said they heard a missile. 'They both live very close, within a couple of hundred yards', he said. 'This one fellow's served in Vietnam and he says he's heard them, and he heard one that day'. From what he had gathered, the F-16s were 'very, very close'. Several witnesses report hearing a bang before Flight 93 began to fly erratically, but General Richard Myers, the acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 9 /11, has, like all the official story tellers, insisted that Flight 93 was not shot down. The official story is that it crashed after passengers stormed the cockpit in the 'let's roll' scenario.

All our planes are missing ...

Now here are a few questions. There are air bases right across the United States. Why weren't they all put on alert when Flight 11 and, shortly afterwards, Flight 175 hit the World Trade Center? Why were planes scrambled from locations further away when there were bases much closer to events? Why weren't military jets sent up from these closer bases to tail the hijacked planes and provide information to ground control as per regulations and what happens every other day as a matter of course? While fighters were activated so belatedly from Langley, Virginia, in response to Flight 77, there were fighter planes on the tarmac just ten miles from the Pentagon at the Andrews Air Force Base in Camp Springs, Maryland, the home of the presidential jumbo, Air Force One (Figure 170). Why weren't planes airborne immediately from Andrews to protect the skies over Washington especially when it was known that Flight 77 had been hijacked and was heading there? NORAD said that it only used bases in its own

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network, which numbered just seven in the whole country. This is nonsense. If fighters from the non-NORAD base at Toledo could be sent in pursuit of Flight 93, as claimed, then why couldn't the same happen with Andrews Air Force Base? Are we really supposed to believe that the airbase that protects Washington does not have fighters on standby when it is home to the presidential plane, has top foreign dignitaries passing Figure 170: Andrews Air Force Base is only ten miles from through all the time, and when the Pentagon and it is from here that the no-fly zone over there is a no-fly zone over Washington DC is policed. So why no response from Washington that has to be Andrews on 9/11 until the Pentagon was hit? policed? Even though the Toledo fighters were not on twenty-fourhour stand-by, they were still in the air within sixteen minutes. But from Andrews ... nothing. Apparently, three F-16s from Andrews were on an exercise mission in North Carolina 207 miles away, and it was only when they were half way back that they were told to return as fast as they could fly. But there are more than three fighters at Andrews and there is no way they would not have had some ready to scramble. I was in correspondence with NORAD and the FAA in my research for Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster and I asked them both who policed the Washington no-fly zone and from where. Neither would answer me in any detail. NORAD said this was done by the 'civilian authority' the FAA and the FAA said the zone was policed 'as appropriate'. Well, let me give their memories a nudge here. You police the Washington no-fly zone from Andrews Air Force Base, remember? As the Associated Press reported on November 11th, 2003:
It happens all the time. When a small private plane recently entered the 23-mile restricted ring around the US Capitol, two F-16 interceptors were immediately launched from Andrews Air Force Base, just 10 miles away. In a similar episode, a pair of F-16 'Fighting Falcons' on 15-minute strip alert was airborne from Andrews just 11 minutes after being notified by the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) of a Cessna straying towards the White House.

This was also the case before 9 /11, of course it was. Does anyone really believe that the Washington no-fly zone was defended from Langley 130 miles away, or from Otis in Cape Cod, Massachusetts? That's insane. What would be the point of having such a zone if that were the case? The media actually reported that once the Pentagon was hit on 9/11 fighters from Andrews were ordered to protect the skies over the capital! After it was hit. The Washington DC Air National Guard is located at Andrews and this is what it said on its own website before 9/11, when the website went down for days:

We are home to the 113th wing: the 121st fighter squadron (including F-15 Fighting Falcons) ... The DC Air National Guard ... stand ready to respond to the needs of the District of Columbia and the nation should the need arise.

Except on September 11th. A former Pentagon air traffic controller said:

All those years ago when I was at the Pentagon, this wouldn't have happened. [Air Traffic Control] Radar images were (and are) available in the understructures of the Pentagon, and any commercial flight within 300 miles of DC that made an abrupt course change toward Washington, or turned off their transponder and refused to communicate with [Air Traffic Control], would have been intercepted at supersonic speeds within minutes by fighters out of Andrews AFB. Why there were no fighters from Andrews AFB baffles me. If we could get fighters notified, scrambled, and airborne within about 6 minutes from Andrews AFB then, we could now.

They could have been, indeed were after the Pentagon was hit. It didn't happen earlier because it wasn't meant to.

Another extraordinary 'coincidence'

What are the chances on this of all days that a series of 'training exercises' were happening in the same airspace at the same time as the 9 /11 hijackings? And that some of these 'exercises' involved hijacked planes flown into a building? This meant that the radar screens were peppered with 'hijacked planes', some real and many simulated, which confused the system that morning as planned. As a NORAD operative was heard to say when told of Flight 11: 'Is this real world or exercise?' There were many exercises happening that day and one included the scenario of a hijacked aircraft being flown into a building in Washington DC. The exercises we now know about were called Global Guardian, Vigilant Guardian, Operation Northern Vigilance, Operation Northern Guardian, Operation Vigilant Warrior and Tripod II and there could have been others. These also had the effect of relocating fighter planes to Alaska and Canada that would normally be defending the east coast. Two F-16s from the Air National Guard's 177th Fighter Wing at Atlantic City International Airport would otherwise have been scramble-ready just eight minutes flying time to New York, and would have comfortably intercepted the World Trade Center aircraft. Instead, they were taking part in an exercise. General Eberhart, the commander of NORAD, said: 'It took about thirty seconds to make the adjustment to the real-world situation', but this was clearly a ridiculous statement. Operation Vigilant Guardian involved the simulation of hijacked planes in the 9 /11 airspace and was supervised by NORAD's Lieutenant Colonel Dawne Deskins, the airborne and warning officer. When she was called by Boston air traffic control about the hijacking of Flight 11, the Newhouse News Service reported her as saying: 'It must be part of the exercise'. FAA and military officials had difficulty discerning the war game operations from the actual attacks as they were meant to. These included NORAD's General Larry Arnold and NEADS Commander, Colonel Robert K. Marr Jr. Lieutenant Colonel Deskins said 'everybody' at NEADS, the Northeast Air Defense Sector of NORAD, thought at first that the attacks were part of Vigilant

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Guardian. Who was in charge of these wargame exercises that confused the response system on 9 /11? Well, well, well: Dick Cheney.

Dick's fairytale
Cheney was given control of all such operations just four months before the attacks in a presidential executive order in May 2001. An executive order is a system by which the President decrees law without the complication of a vote or debate. Vice-President Cheney is a brutal and deeply imbalanced man. His computer program must have been written by a sadist. Cheney, who has been the real power in the White House, told the media on September 12th, 2001 that he only heard of the 9 /11 attacks from a clerical secretary who was watching television in his Washington office. Liar, liar, liar. He said the secret service took him to the Presidential Emergency Operations Center, an underground bunker at the White House, and he began to direct the response or lack of it to what was happening. It was no accident that it was arranged for Bush to be out of the way at a school in Florida and then to be flown to military bases until the evening. He is only a figurehead president and he would have got in the way. Go fetch the tea, George Dick is thirsty. It was in that White House operations 'bunker' that the Secretary of Transportation, Norman Mineta, witnessed a highly significant exchange. He described what happened before the Pentagon was hit in evidence to the 9 /11 Commission that 'investigated' the attacks:
During the time that the airplane was coming in to the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice-President, 'The plane is 50 miles out, the plane is 30 miles out'. And when it got down to 'the plane is 10 miles out', the young man also said to the Vice-President, 'Do the orders still stand?' And the Vice-President turned and whipped his neck around and said, 'Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?'

Here is devastating evidence from a member of the BushCheney administration confirming that they were tracking Flight 77, or whatever hit the Pentagon, all the way into Washington, while the official story claims that air traffic controllers and NORAD had 'lost' the aircraft until just before impact. There were two levels of tracking going on all the time. One was the day-to-day operational staff at NORAD's NEADS operation in New York and the FAA, who were thwarted and confused at every turn, not least by the exercises; and the other was the one Cheney, NORAD chiefs at Cheyenne Mountain and the Pentagon top brass were operating. They were tracking all the planes all the time and directing events. The evidence presented by Norman Mineta also has the 'young man' asking Cheney if 'the orders still stand', as the plane hurtles towards Washington with Cheney replying: 'Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?' So, what orders were these then? Mineta indicated that he didn't know what the orders referred to, but appeared to take this to mean they were to shoot down the plane. This makes no sense at all, because, despite the obviously detailed tracking that was going on, the plane or projectile was not shot down before it struck the Pentagon. The only explanation that makes sense, not only of this, but other events that day, is that the orders were not to shoot down the plane. No wonder the 'young man' sounded so anxious and wanted more confirmation.

Where were the ground-to-air defences?

The White House and the Pentagon are defended by ground-to-air missile systems of course they are. Even at the G-8 Summit in Genoa, Italy, in July 2001 airspace was closed over the city and defended with ground-to-air missiles, yet Washington would not be? I was shown around the parliament building in Canberra, Australia, by a man who worked with the nation's air-defence computer system. He showed me the hidden positions around the building where the ground-to-air missiles are located. He said that when a plane enters the restricted airspace over the Australian capital the computer system demands that the pilot tap in a four-digit code that gives him permission to be there. If this is not done quickly missiles automatically launch, I was told. This is what happens in Canberra, but the same or better technology is not in place at the Pentagon and White House? Why was it not activated on 9/11? My Australian contact said he knew for a fact that the Pentagon, and Washington in general, are defended by an even more sophisticated missile system than Canberra, but it works in basically the same way. It is obvious that this would be the case and it has been openly accepted that a groundto-air system is in place to defend the White House. The Globe and Mail newspaper in Canada provided one of the rare mentions of the Pentagon system. It reported:
Meanwhile, there was no explanation of how four airliners could be hijacked and flown in at least two cases hundreds of kilometres and for nearly an hour without being successfully intercepted. That one ploughed into the Pentagon, supposedly protected by surface-to-air missiles, dramatically demonstrated US vulnerability.

Why weren't those missiles launched to stop the Pentagon crash? The same reason that the FAA, NORAD and the Defense Department did not scramble fighter jets, or at least not in time. They weren't meant to.

The NORAD tapes

The official 9 /11 Commission 'investigation' was established to hide the truth of what happened, as I will outline later, but it did subpoena what are claimed to be audiotapes of exchanges between the control room of NORAD's Northeast Air Defense Sector, or 'NEADS', and the FAA air traffic control system. If they are accurate they expose more fantastic lies to those who have studied the background to 9 /11, and many of those involved should be in court for gross negligence. Are they really an accurate reflection of events? With the 9 /11 cover-up, nothing should be taken for granted, though they do make sense within the overall story of what happened that day. The tapes came from the NEADS end of the conversations, but had apparently been simultaneously recorded by the FAA. What they claim to record, destroys the official NORAD version that was first issued on September 18th 2001 and even repeated to the Commission before the tapes came to light in 2004. They suggest that NEADS was not told of the hijacking of Flight 77 (Pentagon) until just before impact and Flight 93 (Pennsylvania) until after it crashed. They reveal that the fighters had been scrambled from Langley, Virginia, not in response to Flight 77, but to a false report that Flight 11 had passed over New York and was heading for Washington. The official story had claimed that Air Force jets were tracking Flight 93 and could have shot it down if the order had come, but the version on the tapes is very different.

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It is claimed that American Airlines refused to confirm for several hours that its plane, Flight 11, had hit the World Trade Center which, according to Colin Scoggins the manager at Boston air traffic control, caused confusion as the attacks continued. At 8.57 am, Flight 175 veered off course near Allentown, Pennsylvania, and headed for New York. On the tapes, air traffic controllers at the New York Center speculated on its target maybe the Statue of Liberty and one calls out the plane's rate of descent every twelve seconds as the radar refreshes. But, they didn't alert the NEADS centre of NORAD until seconds from impact. Flight 175, or at least a large plane, struck the South Tower at 9.03. The NEADS operations centre was told by Colin Scoggins at Boston air traffic control of another hijacked plane heading for Washington at 9.21 am, according to the tapes, but this alert is not mentioned in the official version of events. Even more bizarre, Scroggins was not talking about Flight 77, which took off from Washington Dulles an hour earlier. He said that American Airlines Flight 11 had not hit the World Trade Center and was now heading for Washington. Scroggins told Vanity Fair magazine: 'When we phoned United [after the second tower was hit], they confirmed that United 175 was down, and I think they confirmed that within two or three minutes. With American Airlines, we could never confirm if it was down or not, so that left doubt in our minds.' The report of the 'Phantom Flight 11' turned out to be nonsense and they weren't even tracking a plane heading for Washington at the time; it was all supposition. The tapes reveal that NEADS wanted to direct more jets to protect New York airspace to join the two from Otis that had arrived too late, but the FAA, which has the final say when civilian airspace is involved, refused. The excuse was that it would put civilian aircraft in danger in crowded airspace, but clearly they already were. Sometime shortly after 9.21, fighters were directed to Washington from Langley, Virginia, but in the Commission version, they didn't head for the capital at all. They flew east into the Atlantic, because as one pilot said: 'No one told us why we were being scrambled'! The 9 /11 Commission heard that the Langley pilots were not told what was happening, and assumed they were scrambled to protect the American mainland from attack from the east in line with the procedure since the Cold War with the Soviet Union. 'I reverted to the Russian threat I'm thinking cruise-missile threat from the sea', a pilot told the Commission. The Otis pilots said that they were similarly kept in the dark about much of what was happening, including the crash of Flight 175. Back at NEADS, Staff Sergeant William Huckabone saw that the Langley jets were going the wrong way, the tapes claim, and at 9.34 am this exchange took place involving him, Master Sergeant Steve Citino, and Naval air traffic control, or 'ATC':
9:34:12 NAVY ATC: You've got [the fighters] moving east in airspace. Now you want 'em to go to Baltimore [Washington]? HUCKABONE: Yes, sir. We're not gonna take 'em in Whiskey 386 [military training airspace over the ocean]. NAVY ATC: Okay, once he goes to Baltimore, what are we supposed to do? HUCKABONE: Have him contact us on auxiliary frequency 2-3-4 decimal 6. Instead of taking handoffs to us and us handing 'em back, just tell Center they've got to go to Baltimore. NAVY ATC: All right, man. Stand by. We'll get back to you.

CITING: What do you mean, 'We'll get back to you'? Just do it! HUCKABONE: I'm gonna choke that guy!

Meanwhile, Tech Sergeant Shelley Watson was frantically ringing all possible sources to establish the position of the long-crashed Flight 11, the tapes suggest, and when she contacted Washington Center air traffic at 9.34, the operations manager told her that Flight 11 was lost. Why had no one told NEADS? At this same time, Cheney was in his White House bunker getting a constant countdown of Flight 77 closing in on Washington. On one section of the NORAD tapes this exchange can be heard with Washington Air Traffic Control:
9:34:01 WASHINGTON CENTER: Now, let me tell you this. I I'll we've been looking. We've also lost American 77. WATSON: American 77? DOOLEY: American 77's lost. WATSON: Where was it proposed to head, sir? WASHINGTON CENTER: Okay, he was going to LA also. WATSON: From where, sir? WASHINGTON CENTER: I think he was from Boston also [it was actually Washington Dulles]. Now let me tell you this story here. Indianapolis Center was working this guy. WATSON: What guy? WASHINGTON CENTER: American 77, at flight level 3-5-0 [35,000 feet]. However, they lost radar with him. They lost contact with him. They lost everything. And they don't have any idea where he is or what happened. It was forty minutes before this conversation, at 8.54 am, that Indianapolis controllers

had lost radar contact with American 77 and, in line with regulations, told their superiors at the FAA that the plane was probably hijacked. But, if these tapes are true, no one at the FAA told the military and only by chance did Tech Sergeant Shelley Watson find out from Washington Air Traffic Control. At 9.35, Colin Scoggins at the FAA's Boston Center told NEADS that they had a report of a low-flying aircraft six miles southeast of the White House, but 'moving away'. This was the alleged Flight 77. The following exchange involves Major Kevin Nasypany, the NEADS mission crew commander, and keep in mind that Cheney in his White House command bunker was hearing Flight 77 counted in from fifty miles, thirty miles, etc.:
9:36:23 NASYPANY: Okay, Foxy [Major Fox, the Weapons Team head]. I got an aircraft six miles east of the White House! Get your fighters there as soon as possible! MALE VOICE: That came from Boston? HUCKABONE: We're gonna turn and burn it crank it up. MALE TECH: Six miles! HUCKABONE: All right, here we go. This is what we're gonna do ... NASYPANY: We've got an aircraft deviating eight miles east of the White House right now.

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FOX: Do you want us to declare A.F.I.O. [emergency military control of the fighters] and run 'em straight in there? NASYPANY: Take 'em and run 'em to the White House. FOX: Go directly to Washington. CITING: We're going direct DC with my guys [Langley fighters]? Okay. Okay. HUCKABONE: Ma'am, we are going A.F.I.O. right now with Quit 2-5 [the Langley fighters]. They are going direct Washington. NAVY A.T.C.: Quit 2-5, we're handing 'em off to Center right now. HUCKABONE: Ma'am, we need to expedite that right now. We've gotta contact them on 2-3-4-6.

They thought the White House was under threat, but it turned out to be the Pentagon. One of the NEADS staff spotted the plane, or whatever it was, on radar:
9:37:56 MALE TECH: Right here, right here, right here. I got him. I got him. NASYPANY: We just lost track. Get a Z-point [coordinate] on that ... Okay, we got guys lookin' at 'em. Hold on ... Where's Langley at? Where are the fighters?

The answer was that they were 150 miles away after being allowed, through lack of information, to fly in the opposite direction out into the ocean, according to these tapes. This would explain why they took so long and why their average speed from take off to arrival in Washington appeared to be so pedestrian. At 9.38 the Pentagon was struck, twenty minutes before the Langley planes arrived. Immediately after the Pentagon crash, Colin Scroggins at Boston air traffic called with yet another false alarm, a Boston plane heading for Las Vegas. Then, at 10.07 am, came a call from Cleveland air traffic control in Ohio:
10:07:16 CLEVELAND CENTER: We got a United 93 out here. Are you aware of that? WATSON: United 93? CLEVELAND CENTER: That has a bomb on board. WATSON: A bomb on board?! And this is confirmed? You have a [beacon code], sir? CLEVELAND CENTER: No, we lost his transponder.

Four minutes before this conversation took place, the tapes suggest, the plane had already crashed in Pennsylvania at 10.03. It was thirty-five minutes earlier that John Werth, a Cleveland air traffic controller of long experience, had heard suspicious noises from the cockpit and believed it had been hijacked. It was, by now, a familiar tale. Werth had reported his suspicions through the FAA chain of command, as per regulations, but they did not pass this information to the NEADS centre until the plane and its passengers and crew were already no more, if the tapes are accurate. This happened despite the fact that two planes had hit the World Trade Center before John Werth's report, and the Pentagon was also hit some twenty-five minutes before Cleveland air traffic informed NEADS about Flight 93. The head of FAA security on 9/11 was Major General Michael Canavan. His title was Director of Civil Aviation Security for the FAA and, according to

the 9 /11 Commission report, the hijack coordinator on September 11th was the 'Director of the FAA Office of Civil Aviation Security, or his or her designate'. That was Major General Canavan or whoever he designated. I asked the FAA who the hijack coordinator was that day, but they didn't reply. Canavan is reported to have been in San Juan, Puerto Rico, that morning and headed for Washington by military jet. So who was his designate as FAA hijack coordinator and why are we not being told given the importance of this position that day? Look again at the official hijack regulations with regard to the FAA alerting the military:
The escort service will be requested by the FAA hijack coordinator by direct contact with the National Military Command Center (NMCC) [based at the Pentagon].

The Defense Department (DOD) manual covering plane hijackings says:

In the event of a hijacking, the NMCC will be notified by the most expeditious means by the FAA. The NMCC will, with the exception of immediate responses ... forward requests for DOD assistance to the Secretary of Defense for approval.

Why didn't this happen? Where was the 'hijack coordinator', who was the 'hijack coordinator', when air traffic controllers were reporting suspicious planes and passing this information up the FAA chain of command, while NORAD operatives at the NEADS response centre were not being told until it was too late? Why wasn't Canavan publicly questioned on this obvious issue by the 9 /11 Commission? Canavan has a considerable background in US Special Operations, which, according to the Department of Defense's Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, are defined as: 'Operations conducted by specially organized, trained, and equipped military and paramilitary forces to achieve military, political, economic or psychological objectives by unconventional means in hostile, denied or politically sensitive areas'. In short: operations that are above the law and off the record. Canavan was Commanding General, Special Operations Command, Europe, and Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command, at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. He had also been involved with the plan by the elite Delta Forces to capture Osama bin Laden. Canavan, a one-time Chief of Staff of the US European Command in Stuttgart, Germany, became FAA Director of Security in January 2000, the month Bush was sworn in as president, and announced his departure less than a month after September 11th. I am not pointing the finger at Canavan and saying he was involved because I don't know that, but I am saying that there are questions he needs to answer about (a) who was the FAA hijack coordinator that day, and (b) why was the FAA response such a shambles. The 'NORAD tapes' subpoenaed by the 9/11 Commission provide far more questions than answers. Why would NORAD issue a false timeline in September 2001 that posed so many questions about its lack of response and competence when the tapes' timeline heaps the blame on the FAA? Why would NORAD officers repeat the same story to the Commission right up to the tapes coming to light and open themselves to accusations of deliberately misleading the inquiry? One NORAD officer, General Larry Arnold, confused matters even more when he told the Commission: 'We launched the aircraft out of Langley to put them over top of Washington DC, not in

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response to American Airlines 77, but really to put them in position in case United 93 were to head that way'. Where the heck did that come from? The official story is a mass of contradiction and confusion, added to by the 'NORAD tapes' played to the 9/11 Commission. Ah, yes, confusion. This is one of the greatest weapons of the manipulator. Apparent chaos is wonderful camouflage for calculation. As I've said, there were two communication networks operating on 9/11. One involved the 'people on the ground', the operatives at the air traffic centers and those at NEADS. These communications were systematically disrupted and sabotaged by those working for the other communications network that day. This was the one involving the Joint Chiefs of Staff Command Center in the Pentagon, the highest level of NORAD and associated agencies at Cheyenne Mountain, and involved Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz. Indeed, something similar was planned in the 1960s by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as I will show. This second network, operating to its pre-arranged plan, had access to the state-of-theart technology in Cheyenne Mountain while NEADS were kept in the dark about what was going on and were trying to make sense of what was happening amid, among other things, Pentagon wargames that also involved simulated hijackings. These wargames were under the ultimate authority of Dick Cheney. It was this CheneyPentagonNORAD network that was orchestrating the attacks, by the methods I will come to shortly, and sabotaging the normal speed and efficiency of response. Some researchers have confused the more basic NEADS operation in New York with NORAD's operational headquarters in Cheyenne Mountain, where incredible tracking technology exists, much of it not known to the public arena. Its official website says of the Command Center there:
Redundant and survivable communications hotlines connect the Command Center to the Pentagon, White House, US Strategic Command, Canadian Forces Headquarters in Ottawa, other aerospace defense system command posts, and major military centers around the world.

This was the communication system used to control events on 9/11. I saw one investigative website that claimed to have conducted a phone interview, on December 9th 2001, with a member of the US Air Force based in New York. It was said that this source was ordered to the crash sites in New York, Pennsylvania and the Pentagon within days of 9/11 as part of an Air Force investigation. What he and others discovered, the website claims he told them, was that the standard response procedures were fully in effect that morning and were followed to the letter as usual by air traffic control. Air National Guard and Air Force units were alerted immediately it was clear that something was amiss with the four aircraft, but he said that after these alerts and requests for action were received from air traffic control and the FAA, orders from the 'highest level of the executive branch of the federal government were received, demanding that the Air Force stand down and not follow through with established scramble-intercept procedures that morning until further notice'. This would make sense of Cheney and his statement that the 'orders still stand'. The Air Force contact was unnamed, but then, to be fair, how could he have been? People will just have to decide for themselves if what he is claimed to have said rings true. This scenario certainly fits what happened that morning and explains the apparently nonsensical lack of response.

No planes were scrambled in time to intercept the hijacked planes and no ground-to-air defences were activated to save the lives of those who died inside the Pentagon. Some would call this incompetence, but, staggering as that alone would be, what happened on September 11th is far more than that. It was calculated mass murder. The first position taken by the authorities was that there was nothing they could have done. That is what they really want you to believe. The second, when that didn't work, was to let you think they were incompetent. Both positions are designed to hide the truth that what we are looking at here, amid the explosion of lies and diversions, is not incompetence at all. It was orchestrated and calculated by forces working through the highest levels of the United States government and military to prevent the system from responding as it normally would. It was coldly calculated by the Reptilian hybrids to stop thousands of people going home to their families that September day, because it suited their sick agenda for the world to watch them die on live television.

14 Lying for a living

He who is not very strong in memory should not meddle with lying
Michel de Montaigne

The three top commanders of the United States military on 9 /11 were Commander-inChief (God help us) George W. Bush; Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld; and acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Richard Myers, the highest ranked uniform that day. He would be confirmed as the fully-fledged chairman two days later to replace General Hugh Shelton, who was flying abroad on September 11th. Their movements that day, and their ludicrous cover stories, are devastating confirmation that the attacks were orchestrated from inside the United States by the very people who have used them to justify the 'war on terror' and their Orwellian controls and surveillance. Richard Myers (Figure 171) was a former head of NORAD and would have known the response procedures as well as anyone. So where was Myers while all hell was breaking loose? He claims that Figure 171: General Richard Myers, acting head of he was having a meeting on Capitol Hill the Joint Chiefs of Staff on September 1 1 th with Senator Max Cleland of Georgia, and he didn't know about the attacks because nobody told him! We will see shortly that this is a blatant lie. Here is Myers' account of his movements that morning, as described in an interview with the Armed Forces Radio and Television Service:
I remember it was like watching a bad movie. I was on Capitol Hill. I was about ready to meet with Senator Cleland. I was meeting with him in preparation for my hearing, my confirmation hearing to be the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. And I remember before we walked in there was a TV that was playing and somebody has said, 'An airplane has hit one of the World Trade Center towers'. They thought it was an airplane, and they thought it was a small airplane or something like that. So we walked in and we did the office call with Senator Cleland.

The highest-ranking uniformed officer in the US military on American soil that day hears that a plane has hit the World Trade Center and instead of checking it out he goes into a routine meeting with a senator about confirmation hearings? Come again? He added:
Sometime during that office call the second tower was hit. Nobody informed us of that. But when we came out, that was obvious. Then right at that time somebody said the Pentagon has been hit. Hold on, let me sit down here, I'm feeling light-headed. No one informed the acting

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the top military man in America that day, when a second airliner hit the World Trade Center while, down in Florida, the White House Chief of Staff, Andrew Card, was telling President Bush, according to the official story, that 'America is under attack'? Do they really think we are all so stupid that we would believe that the acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is not contactable at all times and that he would not have been told of the second plane indeed the first also as a matter of course by the Pentagon? If he wasn't, why the hell not? Myers then says that 'right at the time' he and Cleland came out of their meeting 'somebody said the Pentagon has been hit'. We can, therefore, add a timeline to his story. Myers' account puts him in the meeting with Cleland at no later than around 9 am, before the second plane crashed, and he didn't come out until the Pentagon was hit that's no earlier than 9.38. How amazing that this meeting is supposed to have taken place across precisely the time that the attacks were happening. The New York Times tells us that 'during the hour or so that American Airlines Flight 77 was under the control of hijackers, up to the moment it struck the west side of the Pentagon, military officials in a command center on the east side of the building were urgently talking to law enforcement and air traffic control officials about what to do'. All this was happening and they didn't inform their ultimate boss that day who was in a meeting down the street on Capitol Hill? General Myers says that when he emerged from the meeting to be told what most of the world already knew, he launched into action:

Immediately, somebody handed me a cell phone, and it was General Eberhart [the NORAD commander] out at NORAD in Colorado Springs talking about what was happening and the actions he was going to take. We immediately, after talking to him, jumped in the car, ran back to the Pentagon.
I have detailed the state-of-the-art technology and communications network at the disposal of NORAD and the Pentagon, yet NORAD contacted the acting military head of US armed forces only after three planes had crashed over nearly an hour, and when somebody handed him a cell phone? NORAD commander General Eberhart the man who replaced Myers at Cheyenne Mountain then told him the actions he was going to take after three airliners (or whatever hit the Pentagon) were embedded in three of America's biggest buildings and 3,000 people were dead? What in God's name had Eberhart and his NORAD operation been doing all this time? General Myers also told Armed Forces Radio and Television:

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The Chairman [General Shelton] had left that morning to go to Europe, so he was somewhere over the Atlantic. As I got to the Pentagon, I noticed a lot of people were coming out ... Of course they'd been told to evacuate. My concern was where can you best discharge your duties? ... [My] battle station was in the National Military Command Center. I asked if it was still running, they said it sure is, so I went back in the building to the Command Center and was joined shortly thereafter by the Secretary of Defense. The Deputy Secretary [Paul Wolfowitz] actually went to another location at that point. We did what had to be done in terms of the command and control of the day ...

The interviewer asked Myers if he could believe that it was actually a terrorist attack:
I didn't know what to believe at the time. That was the problem. We had these events, and then subsequently the airplane went down in Pennsylvania. We were trying to tie this together, what does this mean? General Eberhart was working with the Federal aviation agency trying to figure out the logical steps at this point. We had some fighters airborne at that time in case we had some hijacked airplanes that were possibly a threat to other institutions or structures, but it was initially pretty confusing. You hate to admit it, but we hadn't thought about this.

Hadn't thought about it? They were having exercises that very morning about this very thing! On October 24th 2000, a mass casualty emergency drill was also conducted to test the Pentagon's response to an airliner crashing into its building. But then, Myers is the man who said he didn't know if the FAA, FBI or any other agency had contacted the Pentagon after the World Trade Center attacks and before the Pentagon was hit. In fact, there were open lines between the front-line agencies and the Pentagon, including the FAA, as Myers well knew. He also knew that the Defense Department, NORAD and the FAA work closely in hijack situations and that the Pentagon should have been notified before the first plane crashed, never mind after the first two had done so. He knew that fighters are deployed all the time to seek out rogue aircraft. Myers is a bloody liar and what do people lie for? To cover up the truth. The official story claims that hijackers' voices were heard on cockpit radios and that passengers and attendants called from the planes on cell phones and airphones. Yet, here was Myers saying they didn't know if this was a 'terrorist attack'. What an unbelievable misrepresentation of events. He says that only with three planes down, thousands dead and a fourth soon to crash in Pennsylvania, did the top military officer on duty that day walk into the command centre at the Pentagon which, as we have seen, has clear and set procedures for reacting to hijackings or aircraft anomalies, and would have had open lines to the FAA and NORAD throughout. Only then, he said, did Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld appear and he had been in the building close to the command centre from about the time that Flight 11, the first hijacked plane, was leaving its gate at Boston Logan! General Myers really is something else. You may have seen him giving news conferences at the Pentagon while his forces bombed innocent civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq. We will see shortly that his 9 /11 story is at fundamental odds with the facts and other people's experience of where he was that morning.

Rumsfeld rumbled
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld (Project for the New American Century) said he was working on the east side of the Pentagon from about 8 am. He told the CNN talk show Larry King Live on December 5th 2001 that he was in his office and was given no warning whatsoever that Flight 77 was heading for Washington. The first he knew about it, he claims, was when the building was hit. Rumsfeld related to King that earlier that morning he had told a congressional delegation in his office at the Pentagon:
Sometime in the next two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve months, there would be an event that would occur in the world that would be sufficiently shocking that it would remind people, again, how important it is to have a strong, healthy Defense Department that contributes - that underpins peace and stability in our world. And that is what underpins peace and stability.

How prophetic. He must be psychic or ... something. Then came an outrageous statement that Rumsfeld made to Larry King. He said that during the meeting in his office:
... someone walked in and handed me a note that said that a plane had just hit the World Trade Center. And we adjourned the meeting. And I went in to get my CIA briefing right next door here, and the whole building shook within fifteen minutes. And it was a jarring thing.

Can the official story get any more insane? Unfortunately it can. This is the headquarters of the US military with open lines to NORAD at Cheyenne Mountain to all its satellites, AWAC surveillance aircraft and ACS ground-based surveillance, and with open lines with the FAA. Two planes had already crashed into the World Trade Center, Dick Cheney was in the White House command bunker having 'Flight 77's' arrival counted down and the US Defence Secretary says he was given no warning that an aircraft was heading for Washington or about to crash into the building that he was in, albeit a long, long, way from impact? This is an extraordinary statement and more blatant nonsense. Larry King failed to ask a single question about the Defense Secretary's ridiculous story, but that will surprise no one. We can put a timeline on the Rumsfeld fantasy. The first plane hit the World Trade Center at about 8.46 and the Pentagon wasn't hit until around 9.38. Yet Rumsfeld tells King he was handed a note saying a plane had 'just' hit the World Trade Center and within fifteen minutes the Pentagon was struck. We being asked to believe that the Defense Secretary in his office at the heart of the Pentagon top brass, and just two hundred feet from the hijack reaction command centre, wasn't told about the first plane hitting the World Trade Center until some forty minutes after it happened. This is the only way that the 'within fifteen minutes' can be explained. Most of America and hundreds of millions across the world were watching events unfold live on television before 9 am, but the Defense Secretary, number two only to the President in US military command, didn't know until about 9.20 to 9.25? Where does that leave the 'just' hit the World Trade Center in the Rumsfeld story and why was he not told about the second hit at 9.03? Rumsfeld's own Department of Defense manual says: 'In the

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event of a hijacking, the [National Military Command Center at the Pentagon] will be notified by the most expeditious means by the FAA. The NMCC will, with the exception of immediate responses ... forward requests for DOD assistance to the Secretary of Defense for approval'. Given this procedure alone, the Secretary of Defense would surely have been told immediately the first plane crashed into the North Tower fifty to fifty-five minutes before the Pentagon was hit, not fifteen. He would have had to have been told, under the Pentagon's own procedures, immediately it was known that the first plane had been hijacked. That would have been after around 8.20 an hour and twenty minutes before the Pentagon was hit. The lies are just so breathtaking. In his 'evidence' to the 9/11 Commission, Rumsfeld confirmed his version of events when he said that he was told of what had happened in New York and 'shortly thereafter' the Pentagon was hit. He changes his Larry King story in the Commission version, however, in that he says he was in his office 'with a CIA briefer' (not 'right next door' as he said to King) and he was told of the second attack in New York before 'shortly thereafter' the Pentagon was hit at 9.38. This version is equally devoid of credibility. The second crash was shown on live television at 9.03 and this is the Defense Secretary sitting two hundred feet from the National Military Command Center from where hijack responses are coordinated. If you only believe the pathetic official version that Pentagon officials were given twelve minutes' warning of the plane heading their way (unlike Cheney), why would no one tell the Defense Secretary before he felt his 'jarring thing'? According to the official story from Rumsfeld's own military, jets were dispatched from Langley at 9.30 to intercept the plane and still Rumsfeld, sitting in the Pentagon, had no warning that the building was likely to be hit? Nowhere, but nowhere, do their pieces fit and there is a very good reason for that. It's a pack of lies. I contacted the Pentagon with the following list of questions, but officials chose not to answer them.
1) With the capability of United States air defence, how can a hijacked airliner, Flight 77, be allowed to fly for forty-five minutes towards Washington, with communication lost with air traffic control and the transponder turned off, approach a No Fly Zone and hit your headquarters without any challenge whatsoever? Refused to answer. 2) Why was the Defense Secretary Mr Rumsfeld unaware that the plane was approaching until the Pentagon was actually struck? Refused to answer. 3) Why was Secretary Rumsfeld not told of the first plane striking the WTC until around fifteen minutes before Flight 77 struck the Pentagon (thus about 9.20 am to 9.25 am)? Why was he not told at this time that a second plane had struck the World Trade Center? Refused to answer.

4) Why was Richard Myers, the acting chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, not informed that two planes had struck the WTC and that another was heading for Washington while he was in a scheduled meeting on Capitol Hill and available throughout? Why did he only learn of what was happening when he emerged from the meeting to be told that the Pentagon had been hit? Is there not a constant communication link between the Chairman and the Pentagon?

Refused to answer.
5) Why were the ground to air defences at the Pentagon and the White House not activated when Flight 77 approached?

Refused to answer.

Clarke's bombshell
In 2004, Richard Clarke, Bush's counterterrorism advisor at the time of September 11th, published a book, Against All Enemies, that demolished the accounts of both Myers and Rumsfeld. Clarke was at a conference when he heard about Flight 11, and, in the five minutes or so it took him to get to the White House, he ordered a secure teleconference to be organised with the Counterterrorism Security Group. This includes key personnel in government counterterrorism and security agencies. When he heard that the second tower had been hit, he said: 'I want the highest level person in Washington from each agency on-screen now, especially the FAA.' Clarke immediately made contact with VicePresident Cheney and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, who were in Cheney's White House office. Cheney told him: 'It's an al-Qaeda attack and they like simultaneous attacks. This may not be over'. It was just a few minutes after the second tower was hit at 9.03. How on earth could Cheney make such a statement when, according to the official story, everyone else was running around in confusion wondering what the hell was happening? As with all Problem-Reaction-Solution events, the false villain story is prepared and waiting when the 'problem' occurs. Hence, minutes after the first attacks, Cheney was already selling his manufactured culprits Osama bin Laden and 'al-Qaeda'. Remember, too, that Cheney was the man with ultimate responsibility for the wargame exercises going on in the skies at this same time. Richard Clarke told Cheney and Rice that he was instigating 'a secure teleconference to manage the crisis'. As he left, Clarke saw them both gathering papers and preparing to leave for the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC) in the East Wing of the White House. This was about 9.10, and David Bohrer, a White House photographer, says that he saw Cheney head for the bunker just after 9 am, which supports Clarke's version. However, Cheney and the official account says he didn't leave until 9.30. He told NBC's Meet the Press that Flight 77 was being tracked and 'when it entered the danger zone and looked like it was headed for the White House they grabbed me and evacuated me to the basement [the White House 'bunker'] ...' Yeah, sure Dick, and there were fairies there to help them, right? The whole story was a lie, because by the time this was supposed to have happened, Cheney was already in the White House bunker and not his office, as confirmed by both Richard Clarke and Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta. Cheney's false account was parroted to help him claim

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ignorance about events in the sky, especially Flight 77. His wife, Lynne Cheney, a member of the American Enterprise Institute, a stable mate of the Project for the New American Century, was to join him and Rice in the White House operations bunker. Also there were Cheney's Chief of Staff Lewis 'Scooter' Libby (Project for the New American Century) and Deputy White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten (Council on Foreign Relations). Richard Clarke described Cheney's East Wing command operation as 'decidedly more political' than the one he was running, and Cheney was constantly hanging up the line to Clarke's teleconference. Clarke says it was about 9.10-ish when he arrived at the Secure Video Conferencing Center, next to the Situation Room in the West Wing, and began to direct and discuss a response to the attacks with leading military and FAA officials. Note the time about 9.10, or just after. Clarke says that others taking part in this teleconference were CIA Director George Tenet, FBI Director Robert Mueller, FAA Administrator Jane Garvey, Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson, Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage and ... here we go ... Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Richard Myers. Both men, says Clarke, were 'surrounded by generals and colonels' the whole time. Well, well. So what happened to Rumsfeld's account on Larry King Live that he was handed a note in his office about 9.25 telling him that the first plane had hit the World Trade Center, but not the second, and that he felt a 'jarring thing' when the Pentagon was hit, an attack for which he was given no warning? Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta told the 9 /11 Commission that he was in Cheney's East Wing bunker as the 'young man' was giving Cheney regular reports of the progress of 'Flight 77' heading for Washington, but the Defense Secretary in a teleconference with open voice lines to Cheney's operation didn't know? If Cheney knew, the military knew, so why didn't Rumsfeld? What nonsense. Richard Clarke says that Rumsfeld joined the teleconference minutes after the second plane crashed in New York and remained throughout. Clarke had said when the Pentagon was struck: 'I can still see Rumsfeld on the screen, so the whole building didn't get hit'. Rumsfeld is a liar. What happened to Myers' story that he was on Capitol Hill having a meeting with Senator Max Cleland while all this was going on? He said he had seen that a plane had hit the first tower (8.46), but had still gone into the meeting with Cleland and did not come out until the Pentagon was hit (9.38). In the interim, he said that no one had told the top uniformed commander in the US military on duty that day that a second plane had crashed at 9.03. Yet here he was all along, according to Richard Clarke, taking part in a teleconference with Rumsfeld and company at the Pentagon. Clarke even recounts one exchange he had with Myers at 9.28. He told Myers that he assumed that NORAD had already scrambled fighters and AWAC recognisance aircraft. 'How many? Where?', he asked. Myers had replied:
Not a pretty picture, Dick. We are in the middle of Vigilant Warrior, a NORAD exercise, but ... Otis has launched two birds toward New York. Langley is trying to get two up now. The AWACS are at Tinker and not on alert.

Clarke asked: 'Okay, how long to CAP [combat air patrol] over DC?' Myers replied: 'Fast as we can. Fifteen minutes'. It was actually thirty minutes and, as always, too late.

This is the same General Myers who told a hearing on Capitol Hill two days later that 'to the best of my knowledge' no fighters were scrambled before the Pentagon was hit. Both Rumsfeld and Myers lied about where they were and what they were doing, and their lies were meant to hide what really happened that morning. The idea was to sell the public a story of apparent confusion to hide coldly-calculated design. Look at the other implications in what Clarke describes. He was on the line with NORAD and he confirmed that FAA Administrator Jane Garvey was also there. This teleconference alone, starting around 9.10, connected NORAD, the FAA and the Pentagon via Rumsfeld and Myers and their 'generals and colonels'. What is all this stuff from NORAD and the military about the FAA not telling them in time to react? We are told in one diversion that air traffic was not sure if Flight 11 had crashed into the North Tower, because American Airlines would not confirm it. How can this claim stand up when Clarke opened his teleconference, not long after 9 am, by asking FAA Administrator Jane Garvey what she knew? Clarke says she replied: 'The two aircraft that went [into the WTC] were American Flight 11, a 767, and United 175, also a 767 hijacked'. Where is the confusion in that? The NEARS operatives were not told about Flight 93 until after it crashed, according to the tapes subpoenaed by the 9 /11 Commission, but Flight 93 was being mentioned in the Richard Clarke teleconference at 9.35 when the FAA's Jane Garvey reported it among possible hijacked flights. This was twenty-eight minutes before it crashed. The ludicrous '9/11 Commission', which was set up not to find the truth, says of this teleconference: 'It is not clear to us that the teleconference was fully under way before 9:37, when the Pentagon was struck'. This false time is in the Commission report to obscure the outrageous contradictions in the official story. It goes on: 'We do not know who from Defense participated, but we know that in the first hour none of the personnel involved in managing the crisis did'. Excuse me. A Commission that held months of hearings could not establish 'who from Defense' participated in this crucial teleconference? Didn't they ask? Or are the Pentagon, and everyone else who took part with Clarke, suffering from mass amnesia? No, the Commission is laying a diversion. To tell the truth and list the people from the Pentagon who participated and the time they were there, including Rumsfeld and Myers, would destroy the official story. When you see shortly who was involved in the compilation of the Commission's 'report' you'll appreciate why it cannot be taken seriously. The report also says that none of the information conveyed in the White House teleconference, at least in the first hour, was being passed to the NMCC [National Military Command Center]'. The Command Center is located in the Joint Chiefs of Staff department of the Pentagon and, in its own words, is responsible for 'generating Emergency Action Messages to launch control centers, nuclear submarines, recognisance aircraft and battlefield commanders worldwide'. It is essentially the control centre for the entire military and described as a central clearinghouse. It provides continuous monitoring and coordination of worldwide military operations, and supports commanders, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Secretary of Defense and the President, in the command and control of US armed forces in peacetime, contingencies and war. Well, if you believe the 9/11 Commission, and no one with a brain will do so, all this is happening twenty-four hours of every day except on September 11th. The Commission report says that Richard Clarke's teleconference was not connected into the area of the NMCC from where the crisis was being managed, and 'the director of the

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operations team who was on the phone with NORAD did not have the benefit of information being shared on the teleconference'. Nonsense. Clarke confirms that the Secretary of State for Defense and the acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the second and third in command of the entire US military, were surrounded by generals and colonels during the conference. But still the Pentagon Command Center didn't know what was going on?? Lies, lies, lies (Figure 172).

Boy Bush - pocket man

The puppet president was kept out of harm's way in Florida that morning. By 'harm's way', I don't mean as in 'safe', but as in unable to mess up the orchestration of Figure 172: The official version 9 /11 by a network involving Cheney, the Pentagon, and of 9/11 has just left the building Illuminati agents throughout the system. Missing people was quite a theme. Secretary of State Colin Powell was travelling, so allowing Illuminati gofer Richard Armitage (Project for the New American Century) to stand in; Attorney General John Ashcroft was away and replaced by Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Henry Shelton was in flight to Europe and replaced by General Myers; and Michael Canavan, the head of FAA security and hijack coordinator, was in Puerto Rico and, in his words, missed out on 'everything that transpired that day'. Or did he? President Bush was in brother Jeb's state of Florida for a pre-publicised photo opportunity at the Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota and left his hotel for the venue about 8.35 am. What he did that morning, and when and how he heard of Flight 11 striking the World Trade Center, depends very much on which official account you want to believe if any. There are several versions from people like Bush, Cheney and Ari Fleischer, the President's then press secretary. Sonya Ross, an Associated Press reporter, said she knew of the Flight 11 crash even before Bush had reached the school that morning:
My cell phone rang as President Bush's motorcade coursed toward Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida. A colleague reported that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center in New York. No further information. I called the AP desk in Washington, seeking details. But I knew it had to be grim. I searched for a White House official to question, but none was on hand until 9.05 am.

If her office knew, and had time to call her on a cell phone, Bush must have known well before he arrived at the school that the aircraft had struck the World Trade Center. He must have also known even earlier that there was a hijack in progress on Flight 11. Contact was lost with the aircraft at 8.13 am and the President travels with staff who are in instant contact with the National Military Command Center (NMCC) at the Pentagon, which coordinates with NORAD, the FAA and the government intelligence network during hijackings. John Cochran, an ABC journalist, was reporting Bush's visit to Florida that day. He told Peter Jennings on ABC:

Peter, as you know, the President's down in Florida talking about education. He got out of his hotel suite this morning, was about to leave, reporters saw the White House Chief of Staff, Andy Card, whisper into his ear. The reporter said to the President, 'Do you know what's going on in New York?' He said he did, and he said he will have something about it later. His first event is about half an hour at an elementary school in Sarasota, Florida.

At the very least from about 8.46 am when Flight 11 crashed, the Secret Service, which looks after the safety of the President, had 'open lines' with the FAA. This was confirmed by Vice-President Dick Cheney on NBC's Meet the Press. He said: 'The Secret Service has an arrangement with the FAA. They had open lines after the World Trade Center was ...' At this point he stopped mid-sentence, realising no doubt that he was shooting a massive hole in the official story, which is based on selling a belief in confusion and lack of information. The open lines would surely have been activated earlier than that when Flight 11 began to act very strangely and dramatically change course. The Bush team in Florida knew precisely what the FAA knew by that time indeed suspected from about 8.20 that Flight 11 had been hijacked. It would have been the most basic security response to keep the President away from a pre-arranged, publicised, event at a school. Especially after Flight 11 struck the World Trade Center, the thought that the President could be a target of a similar attack must have occurred to them, but there appears to have been no discussion about the President's security and off he went to the school as planned. Did they know something we didn't? The 9/11 Commission claims that no one in the White House or travelling with the President knew that Flight 11 had been hijacked, and only after it crashed did duty officers at the White House and Pentagon tell senior officials what had happened. Even with secure phone lines in the President's car for just such emergencies, it is claimed that he didn't know about the World Trade Center being hit until his motorcade arrived at the school. We are being asked to accept that the President wasn't told when others in the motorcade were told before it reached the school? According to the Christian Science Monitor, press secretary Ari Fleischer was called while riding in a different car to the President. He is reported to have said: 'Oh, my God, I don't believe it. A plane just hit the World Trade Center'. Congressman Dan Miller said he was told about the crash just before meeting Bush at the Booker school at 8.55 am. Sarasota Magazine reports that Bush was on Highway 301, just north of Main Street, when he was told that the plane had crashed in New York. This would be quite credible given that the crash happened at 8.46 and Bush didn't arrive at the school until 8.55. The official story is that he didn't know until he got to the school. As investigative author, James Bamford, said:
Despite having a secure STU-III phone next to [Bush] in the presidential limousine and an entire national security staff at the White House, it appears that the President of the United States knew less than tens of millions of other people in every part of the country who were watching the attack as it unfolded.

Bush completely contradicted the eyewitness and other reports about his knowledge and actions and earlier accounts of his own officials in an extraordinary performance on December 4th at a 'town meeting' at the Orange County Convention Center in

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Orlando, Florida, where he was answering non-challenging questions from a sycophantic audience. I actually watched this happen live on CNN in a hotel bar. As I sipped my beer and despaired at the hero worship being enjoyed by such a moronic man, Bush made a startling statement about September 11th. For the next two days I scanned the newspapers, the Internet 'news' sites, including CNN, but there was no mention of the amazing statement he had made. Weeks later, a Figure 173: White House Chief of Staff, Andrew Belgian visitor to my website sent me the Card, tells George Bush that 'America is under words that Bush had said. They were attack'. Well, that's Bush's version, anyway posted on the White House website, hidden away in the full and long transcript of the meeting. Bush was talking about what happened on September 11th and how he heard of the atrocities in New York, in answer to a question from a young boy called Jordan:
Well, Jordan, you're not going to believe what state I was in when I heard about the terrorist attack [well it didn't show]. I was in Florida. And my Chief of Staff, Andy Card actually, I was in a classroom talking about a reading program that works. I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower the TV was obviously on. And I used to fly, myself, and I said, well, there's one terrible pilot. I said it must have been a horrible accident. But I was whisked off there; I didn't have much ti me to think about it. And I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy Card, my Chief of Staff, who is sitting over here, walked in and said, 'A second plane has hit the tower, America is under attack'.

When you look at the video footage of Card talking to Bush there is no way he had time to say that. Anyway, a few facts. There was no live television coverage of the first plane hitting the tower - how could there be? The recorded footage of the first crash did not air until long after Bush went into the classroom where he was told of the second crash by Card (Figure 173). The live pictures were of the second plane when the television networks were already broadcasting shots of the burning North Tower. How could Bush, therefore, claim to have seen the first plane strike on television? This is simply not possible, so what on earth is he talking about? What about his reaction of 'there's one terrible pilot'? A passenger jet crashes into a 110-storey building full of people and all the President of the United States can say is 'there's one terrible pilot'! We have already seen that Bush must have known about the first crash before he even arrived at the school and he wants us to believe that the President of the United States, the Commander-in-Chief of US forces and 'homeland' defence, would not be told before that time how contact with Flight 11 had been lost, its transponder turned off, and how it had veered sharply off-course? Bush, remember, said before leaving his hotel for the school that he would 'have something later' about what was happening in New York

and the Associated Press reporter said she knew of the first crash before Bush had even arrived at the school. His story is also in direct contradiction to the earlier official version that he was told about Flight 11 in a call from his National Security Adviser, Condoleezza Rice, before he went into the classroom. This, in turn, contradicts the accounts of reporters who make it clear that Bush must have known what was happening before he arrived at the school. Why wouldn't he when anyone watching television did? Another question here, too. If Bush says that Andrew Card told him that 'America is under attack' at 9.05, how come there was no fighter response from the military to protect American cities and airspace? Knowing what had happened and knowing the plane had been hijacked, how did the President of the United States react to these monumental events? He walked into a classroom to read to children from the second grade and hear them read him a story about a pet goat! As the children read to him, he said: 'Really good readers - whew!' Bush interrupted at one point, saying, 'This must be sixth grade'. God help us. There has just been a catastrophe in New York, Mr President, involving thousands of people, and you know the cause is a hijacked airliner. Hell000? When Andrew Card came into the classroom and whispered in his ear that a second plane had hit the World Trade Center, and that 'America is under attack', what did the President do then? He continued to sit there listening to a story about a pet goat. The Associated Press reported on September 12th: In Sarasota, Florida, Bush was reading to children in a classroom at 9.05 am when his chief of staff Andrew Card whispered into his ear. The President briefly turned somber before he resumed reading. He addressed the tragedy about a half-hour later. He 'briefly' turned somber, or sombre, as we spell it in Britain? He's just been told that a second commercial airliner has struck the World Trade Center and, according to him, that 'America is under attack'. Death and destruction on a massive scale was already obvious and the President knew the first plane had been hijacked. But, he turned 'briefly somber' before continuing to focus on the adventures of a pet goat. Jenna Heath of Cox Newspapers' Washington Bureau reported that Bush 'did not appear preoccupied' as he introduced Education Secretary Rod Paige inside the classroom and shook hands with teacher Sandra Kay Daniels. 'There was no sign that [Condoleezza] Rice had just told Bush about the first attack on New York's World Trade Center during a telephone call', Heath wrote. Look at his reaction when Card 'whispered in his ear' before he left his hotel. 'He did not respond', said witnesses. Is this really a natural response from a man who has just been told of such events in the country he is supposed to be leading? Or, is it the response of someone who knew full well what was going on and why? Bush told the Florida town meeting on December 4th: But I knew I needed to act. I knew that if the nation's under attack, the role of the Commander-in-Chief is to respond forcefully to prevent other attacks from happening. And so, I've talked to the Secretary of Defense; one of the first acts I did was to put our military on alert.

Lying for a living


Bush says he knew he needed to act, but the indisputable truth is that he didn't. The guy I met who worked on the computer air defence system for Australia told me that they were put on high alert on 9/11 before the American military was. And what's all that about calling Defense Secretary Rumsfeld? When did he do that? Rumsfeld told Larry King that even though he was in his office in the Pentagon, he didn't know anything until fifteen minutes before the Pentagon was struck at about 9.38. We are being told here that although the President knew well before 9 am, the Defense Secretary was not told until at least half an hour later, when he was in his office at the Pentagon. Why didn't Rumsfeld tell King he had spoken with the President and where is any mention in the teleconference version of Rumsfeld's movements of him talking with Bush? Wherever you look, there is a deluge of lies and contradictions. Bush says that he put the military on alert, but he could not have done this until he was finished with the goat story and left the classroom shortly before 9.30 more than forty minutes after the first plane hit. The official tale is that Bush was taken to a private room before he went into the classroom and spoke on the phone with his National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, who told him about Flight 11. If Bush talked to his National Security Adviser before 9 am, how come Defense Secretary Rumsfeld says he didn't know anything for another twenty-five minutes? Why was Rice not in immediate contact with Rumsfeld? Why wasn't the President? Why wasn't anyone? Why didn't Bush talk with Cheney when, at this time, Rice was in Cheney's office? It was 9.30 twenty-five minutes after hearing of the second crash before Bush went into the school library to announce:
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a difficult moment for America. Two airplanes have crashed into the World Trade Center, in an apparent terrorist attack on our country. I am going to conduct a full-scale investigation and hunt down and find those folks who committed this act. Terrorism against our nation will not stand.

No, Mr Bush, you were about to name the false villain and the target that suited the agenda of those who control you. The 'folks' are much closer to home, as you well know. Bush was taken to Air Force One, the presidential plane, and even the official story says that he did not call Cheney and put the US military on high alert status until at least 10 am, by which time the Pentagon had been hit. Bush headed for Barksdale Air Force base, Louisiana, and the US Strategic Command at Offutt Air Force base in Nebraska, and did not arrive at the White House, via the Andrews Air Force Base, until shortly before 7 pm. This was more than ten hours after the first strike on the World Trade Center. When understandable questions were being asked about why Bush did not head straight for Washington to lead his country at such a terrible time, the White House said that they had received a phone call giving a secret code to say that Air Force One was the next target. No, they didn't, that was yet another lie. John Ashcroft, the Attorney General and the man who delivered 'justice' to others after 9/11, also said the 'government has credible evidence that the White House and Air Force One were targets'. Lie again. Reports were circulated through the news agencies on September 12th that quoted a White House spokesman as saying: 'There was real and credible information that the White House and Air Force One were targets of terrorist attacks and that the plane which hit the Pentagon was headed for the White House'. Afi Fleischer, the White House Press

Secretary, confirmed this the same afternoon. The Secret Service had 'specific and credible information' that the White House and Air Force One were potential targets, he said. Bush's chief 'political strategist' (spinner of lies), the Enron shareholder Karl Rove, was quoted the following day as confirming that the threat came in language that proved the terrorists had knowledge of the President's 'procedures and whereabouts'. If they are so concerned with his protection why did they allow him to attend a publicised appearance at a school in the circumstances of that morning and why, if there was a specific threat to Air Force One, was Bush taken straight to the airport to take off in that plane after he had finished with the pet goat story and without fighter protection? Why would terrorists warn the authorities about their next target when there was no warning for any of the others? Maureen Dowd wrote in The New York Times that Karl Rove had 'called around town, trying to sell reporters the story'. Two weeks later the White House was forced to back down on the whole fantasy and on September 25th the CBS Evening News reported that the call 'simply never happened'. Most newspapers did not even report this fantastic exposure of the lies spewed out daily by the Bush administration, and The Washington Post only ran the story on an inside page. Once again I sent a list of questions to the White House media office relating to these events. They were faxed in May 2002, but they chose not to answer.
1) When did the President know that Flight 11 was in trouble or there could be a problem? When did the FAA, NORAD and the Pentagon communicate this information to the President's support team in Florida that morning? Would not respond. 2) Why, when he was told of the first plane striking the WTC, did the President continue with his engagement and go into a reading class at the Emma Booker School? Would not respond. 3) Why, when told by Andrew Card in the classroom that a second plane had struck the WTC and that 'America is under attack', did he continue to stay in the classroom for some time? Would not respond. 4) When did the President put the United States military on high alert? Would not respond. 5) Why did the President not go back to Washington immediately when we now know that the story of the telephone warning that Air Force One was the next target never happened? Would not respond.

Lying for a living


6) Why did the President tell a public meeting that he saw the first plane strike the WTC and said 'there's one terrible pilot', when he could not possibly have seen that happen before he entered the classroom? That footage was not aired until much later. Would not respond. 7) Why was the President not considered to be in danger when the attacks began, and thus removed from the school and a pre-announced visit when the school was only a short distance from an airport? Would not respond.

Omission by Commission
All these lies and contradictions were there to be exposed from the start by what pass for 'journalists', and later by the 9 /11 Commission, or, to give it its full title, the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. The media ignored this mountain of evidence and has chosen ever since to slavishly repeat the nonsensical official story. The same empty-vessel 'journalists' ridicule those in the alternative media who have the vision to see the elephant. The 9/11 Commission's final report was an utter disgrace in what it failed to highlight, or even mention. Evidence as significant as Norman Mineta's description of Cheney in his bunker, and his statement that 'the orders still stand', was left out of the published report, along with anything else that put the government's basic story in doubt. Bush, Cheney and Rice did everything they could to stop any investigation at all, as did Blair after the London bombings of 2005. Why would they want a proper investigation into these events when they knew that the official version was a lie? When they could not resist demands for an inquiry any longer, Bush announced in late 2002 that it would be headed by ... Henry Kissinger. I have already explained that Kissinger is one of the most active and manipulative Illuminati operatives of the last forty years and, as insider-writer Bob Woodward revealed in 2006, he is still 'advising' Bush on foreign policy. Kissinger was a Neocon before the word had even been coined, and he is close to all the main players in the Project for the New American Century (Figure 174). Anyone who names Kissinger to 'investigate' anything is desperate for a cover up. Even The New York Times suggested the White House chose him 'to contain an investigation it has long opposed'. The appointment was so outrageous that Kissinger had to resign in the face of fundamental conflicts of interest involving his infamous Figure 174: Henry Kissinger takes a break Illuminati front company, Kissinger Associates, for lunch

which is exposed in my other books like ... And The Truth Shall Set You Free. Kissinger would have had to disclose the clients of Kissinger Associates and there was no way he was going to do that. If he had, it would not so much have opened a can of worms as launched the lid into orbit. Kissinger was replaced by the Republican Thomas Kean, the former governor for New Jersey, as chairman of the 9 /11 Commission. Kean was just another insider. He had been a director of the National Endowment for Democracy, a long-time front for CIA covert operations overseas, and has investment connections to the same Saudi sources that have funded both President Bush and Osama bin Laden. Among them are Khalid bin Mahfouz, who was named by the Clinton State Department as a financer of terrorism. Commission vice-chairman Lee Hamilton sat on advisory boards to the CIA, the President's Homeland Security Advisory Council and the US Army. Another member of the Commission was Richard Ben-Veniste who was the Senate-appointed lawyer for the Clinton during the Whitewater corruption 'investigation', and also attorney for Barry Seal, who flew cocaine into the Mena airstrip in Arkansas for the Clinton and Bush families. More about this later. Where's the Commission's independence? Kean and his fellow 'investigators' didn't even write the final report. This was supervised by the Commission's executive staff director, Philip Zelikow, who was appointed by Bush to the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, and was for three years on the National Security Council of Father Bush. Zelikow has worked closely with Condoleezza Rice and even co-wrote a book with her, Germany Unified and Europe Transformed: A Study in Statecraft. She appointed him to be the main writer of the Bush National Security Strategy in 2002 that used 9 / 11 to justify the policy of attacking countries that posed no imminent threat. This was the same guy who was executive director of the Commission 'investigating', among other things, the actions of Bush and Rice on September 11th. Zelikow also directed the Aspen Strategy Group, a foreign-policy strategy body co-chaired by Rice's mentor, Brent Scowcroft (Kissinger Associates, Council on Foreign Relations). Rice, Cheney and Wolfowitz, were also members. The 9 /11 Family Steering Committee and 9 /11 Citizens Watch called for his resignation to no avail. It was Zelikow who decided what would be pursued or ignored, and what would appear in the final 'report'. He led a staff of some seventy-five people and more than half of them were formerly with the CIA, FBI, Department of [In]Justice and other agencies of government. One staff member said: 'Zelikow is calling the shots. He's skewing the investigation and running it his own way'.' This is why crucial information and contradictions in evidence were ignored. One of the commissioners, the, by then, former Senator, Max Cleland, resigned from the inquiry, saying 'Bush is scamming America'. He said that Commission members had agreed a deal that allowed them only very limited access to CIA reports presented to Bush and the White House that could have indicated prior knowledge of the attacks. He said:
This is a scam. It's disgusting. America is being cheated. As each day goes by we learn that this government knew a whole lot more about these terrorists before September 11 than it has ever admitted ... Let's chase this rabbit into the ground. They had a plan to go to war and when 9/11 happened that's what they did; they went to war.

Lying for a living


After the attacks were over, Dick Cheney left the White House bunker and relocated to Site R, or the 'underground Pentagon' as it is known, a top-secret complex of buildings inside Raven Rock Mountain, near Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania, about seven miles north of the presidential 'retreat' at Camp David. Site R is also known as the Alternate Joint Communications Center. Journalist James Bamford, a former ABC investigative producer and an intelligence specialist, said that hours after the attacks five helicopters arrived at Site R, together with a convoy of vehicles with black-tinted windows. One of the first people to arrive was the Deputy Secretary of Defense, and the real power at the Pentagon, Paul Wolfowitz, who went on to head World Bank before corruption finished him. Wolfowitz, like Cheney, is a founding member of the Project for the New American Century and closely associated with the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA). He was also the Bush administration's liaison to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, one of Washington's biggest lobby groups, which campaigns for policies favourable to Israel. Cheney would disappear for long periods in the wake of 9 /11 to top secret locations preparing for the next stage of the attack on human freedom. What a coincidence that the Project for the New American Century said there had to be a 'new Pearl Harbor' as an excuse to impose their agenda for conquest in the Middle East and, a year to the month after this report was published, it comes to pass. What's more, the Bush administration that came to power in January 2001 was dominated by members of the same organisation. As the 'new Pearl Harbor' was unfolding, there at the top of the political and military hierarchy in the key command centers were Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld, all founding members of the Project for the New American Century. The massive increases in military spending they said they would get in the wake a 'new Pearl Harbor', were channelled through the Project for the New American Century's Dov Zackheim, the Pentagon Comptroller in charge of finances. Under his watch, more than three trillion dollars was found to be missing in the Pentagon accounts. It is clear now that enormous and growing numbers of people do not accept the official story of 9 /11, but many of these believe that the government took advantage of the attacks and allowed them to happen. I know it's a big leap, but it needs to be made. The 9 /11 attacks were not just allowed to happen, they were made to happen, as we shall now see.


The miracle factory

Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what it is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?

Alice in Wonderland

I know that many will find it hard to believe that controlling elements within the United

States government and military would orchestrate attacks on their 'own people', but there are some things to understand here. American citizens are not considered by Americanbased Reptilian hybrids to be their 'own people', any more than Jewish or British hybrids see the Jewish and British masses as 'their own'. No matter what race or country they may appear to represent, they have an allegiance to a very different 'nation' the Reptilian hybrids and their Reptilian masters or 'gods'. Anyone else is expendable and deletable if it advances the 'cause' and, in fact, they see each other as expendable if the agenda demands it. They know this world is an illusion and they just move between dimensions when they 'die'. Indeed, the possessing Reptilian entities don't 'die', they just switch to another bodycomputer when theirs can no longer function. While it may seem astonishing that governments and their military could plan and execute attacks on their fellow citizens, the proof exists that exactly this was being prepared more than forty years before September 11th 2001. The plan was the work of the very Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Pentagon that I would say were involved in 9/11. Not only would they attack their 'own people' on such a scale, they had clearly planned to do so in the 1960s. In April 2001, four months before 9 /11, a book was published by James Bamford, a former Washington Investigative Producer for World News Tonight on ABC Television. It was called Body of Secrets and revealed a plan hatched by America's top military leaders to commit acts of terrorism in US cities, kill civilians and blame it on the Cuban president, Fidel Castro. The plan was devised by the Joint Chiefs of Staff under their chairman, Army General Lyman L. Lemnitzer, and it was called Operation Northwoods. Forty years on, the latter-day Joint Chiefs were in the Pentagon Command Center orchestrating events on 9 /11. Operation Northwoods was designed to win public and international support for an invasion of Cuba that would remove Castro, while the September 11th attacks were engineered to justify the Orwellian state and the 'war on terror'. James Bamford was researching the National Security Agency (NSA) when he came across official documents detailing the Northwoods operation. They revealed plans to blow up an American ship and blame Cuba, and they say: '...

The miracle factory


Casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation'. The Joint Chiefs also proposed to kill the astronaut John Glenn during the first attempt to put an American into orbit and blame that on Cuba, the documents reveal. If Glenn's rocket exploded, 'the objective is to provide irrevocable proof ... that the fault lies with ... Communist ... Cuba', say the Northwood documents. Bamford writes:
... the plan, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington DC, Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phoney evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and international backing, they needed to launch their war.

The plan was to stir up so much hatred for Cuba in the United States that the people would support an invasion and even demand that it was done. They intended to explode plastic bombs, arrest Cuban agents and release previously prepared documents falsely substantiating Cuban involvement. The plan included attacks on the now infamous US base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba where, since the invasion of Afghanistan, the 'Land of Freedom' has kept untried and uncharged 'terrorists' in disgraceful, inhuman, conditions. These attacks on the base would be blamed, once again, on Castro. The documents speak of 'a series of well co-ordinated incidents ... in and around Guantanamo to give the genuine appearance of being done by hostile Cuban forces'. A Memorandum of July 27th 1962 says that the operation would mean an enormous increase in Cuban and American casualties. The techniques to be used included: starting rumours; using clandestine radio; landing friendly Cubans in uniform 'over the fence' to stage 'attacks' on the base; capturing (friendly) Cuban 'saboteurs' inside the base; starting riots near the base main gate using friendly Cubans; blowing up ammunition inside the base and starting fires; burning aircraft on the base and blaming Cuba; throwing mortar shells into the base; capturing assault teams approaching from the sea or Guantanamo City; capturing a militia group which storms the base to sabotage a ship in harbour; sinking a ship near the harbour entrance; blowing up an unmanned vessel in Cuban water and blaming it on Cuban aircraft that would naturally come and investigate what had happened; issue false casualty lists to the US media to whip up public opinion against Cuba; and, look at this ... 'conduct funerals for mock victims'. The Northwoods documents also call for the use of Soviet Union MIG-type lookalike aircraft flown by US pilots to harass civil aircraft, attack surface shipping and destroy US military 'drone' (remotely-controlled) aircraft to give the impression it was all done by Cuba. 'An F-86 properly painted would convince air passengers that they saw a Cuban MIG ...' one document says. It was further planned to stage the mock shooting-down of a US Air Force plane in international waters by simply getting the pilot, using a made-up name, to report that he was under attack and stop transmitting. He would then fly back to his base where the plane would be repainted with a new tail number and the pilot would resume his real name. A US submarine would send aircraft to search for wreckage in the sea and this would be found to confirm the 'Cuban' attack. Bamford says the plans for these terrorist acts against American targets had the written approval of all the Joint

Chiefs of Staff and were presented to President Kennedy in March 1962 by Defense Secretary Robert McNamara. Eventually, the 'civilian leadership' rejected them and three days later Kennedy told Lemnitzer there was virtually no chance of ever using overt force to take Cuba. Operation Northwoods remained secret for four decades until these documents came to light, but they mirror what really happened on 9 /11 and since. James Bamford told his former employers at ABC News:
These were Joint Chiefs of Staff documents. The reason these were held secret for so long is the Joint Chiefs never wanted to give these up because they were so embarrassing. The whole point of a democracy is to have leaders responding to the public will, and here this is the complete reverse, the military trying to trick the American people into a war that they want, but that nobody else wants.

Bamford writes that even after the original plans were rejected, others continued to be developed, such as creating a war between Cuba and another Latin American country that would allow the US to intervene. In the end, it's the highest levels of the military and military intelligence that plan these Problem-Reaction-Solution operations and they connect into organisations like the National Security Agency and the CIA. It is no good people claiming their leaders could not have been behind the horrors of 9 /11 when the documents exist to show that the Pentagon had planned in detail something very similar in the 1960s. Operation Northwoods even involved the hijacking of civilian aircraft. The documents say it was possible to create an incident that would convince the public that a Cuban aircraft had shot down a chartered civil airliner on a flight from the United States to Jamaica, Guatemala, Venezuela or Panama. The destination would be chosen so the route would cross Cuba. The 'real' plane (actually a CIA aircraft) would carry 'selected' passengers boarded under 'carefully prepared aliases' and take off from a civilian airport. It would be replaced in the sky over Florida with a remotely-controlled replacement and this would then be flown over Cuba, send out a distress signal, and be destroyed by radio signal. The original plane would be landed at an Air Force base where the make-believe 'passengers' would be taken off. All this was planned forty years before 9 /11. Imagine what the remote-control technology is like today by comparison? James Bamford quotes from the Northwoods documents in Body of Secrets:
An aircraft at Elgin AFB would be painted and numbered as an exact duplicate for a civil registered aircraft belonging to a CIA proprietary organization in the Miami area. At a designated time the duplicate would be substituted for the actual civil aircraft and would be loaded with the selected passengers, all boarded under carefully prepared aliases. The actual registered aircraft would be converted into a drone [a remotelycontrolled unmanned aircraft]. Take off times of the drone aircraft and the actual aircraft will be scheduled to allow a rendezvous south of Florida. From the rendezvous point the passenger-carrying aircraft will descend to minimum altitude and go directly into an auxiliary field at Elgin AFB where arrangements will have been made to evacuate the passengers and return the aircraft to its original status. The drone aircraft meanwhile will continue to fly the filed flight plan. When over Cuba the drone will be transmitting on the international distress frequency a 'May Day' message

The miracle factory


stating he is under attack by Cuban MiG aircraft. The transmission will be interrupted by destruction of the aircraft, which will be triggered by radio signal. This will allow ICAO [International Civil Aviation Organisation] radio stations in the Western Hemisphere to tell the US what has happened to the aircraft instead of the US trying to 'sell' the incident.

Forty years later, on September 11th 2001, something remarkably similar happened, and, for Fidel Castro, read Osama bin Laden. It was clearly possible four decades earlier for transmissions to be made from an aircraft in which there were no pilots or passengers on board. You can see from these examples, and I could quote many more, that the Problem-Reaction-Solution techniques employed on September 11th are nothing new. But then, if it keeps working, why change it?

Hijacked from the ground

The 'hijacked' aircraft on 9 /11 were remotely-controlled and with that knowledge many of the 'mysteries' begin to dissolve. After the attacks, George W. Bush called for a system to be developed that would allow controllers on the ground to assume remote control of a hijacked aircraft and direct it to a safe landing at the nearest airport. The New York Times quoted him as saying that the new technology, 'probably far in the future', would allow air traffic controllers to land distressed planes by remote control. How can Bush say that such technology is 'probably far in the future' when the existence of remotely-controlled aircraft is publicly known and has been in existence for at least forty years? Commercial aircraft are all flown by computer and to take control of a plane from the ground all you need to do is hack into its flight management system. This is even simpler if the computers on your target aircraft have been pre-programmed to 'network' with yours. A few weeks after 9 /11, remotely-controlled aircraft were being flown over Afghanistan under the term 'surveillance drones'. A US Air Force fact sheet available to anyone on the Internet details the capabilities and background of a remotely-controlled aircraft called the Global Hawk that flies all over the world (Figure 175). It says that once the 'mission parameters' are programmed into Global Hawk the aircraft can 'autonomously taxi, take off, fly, remain on station capturing imagery, return and land'. Operators on the ground can alter flying instructions during flight as necessary. Airman magazine summarised the control systems of the Global Hawk:
The bird's 'pilots' stay on the ground. Its flight control, navigation and vehicle management are independent and based on a mission plan. That means the airplane flies itself there's no pilot on the ground with a joystick manoeuvring it around. However, it does get instructions from airmen at ground stations. The launch and recovery element provides precision guidance for take-off and landing, using a differential global positioning system. That team works from the plane's operating base.

Figure 175: The Global Hawk remotelycontrolled aircraft that flies all over the world without a pilot

Global Hawk, which has a wingspan of a 737, was developed through the 1990s and the principle contractor is the Illuminati-controlled Northrop Grumman at its Ryan Aeronautical Center in San Diego, California. Communications systems are provided by L3 Corn in Salt Lake City, Utah. In June 1999, Global Hawk began tests and exercises sponsored by US Joint Forces Command. James Roche, the Bush-appointed US Secretary of the Air Force, held many executive posts with Northrop Grumman, including corporate vice-president and president, Electronic Sensors and Systems Sector, before leaving to join the Bush gang in 2001. Roche, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and Centre for Strategic Studies, became responsible for the Air Force's 'functioning and efficiency, the formulation of its policies and programmes'. This included NORAD. Dov Zakheim from the Project for the New American Century, the Pentagon Comptroller at the time of 9 /11, was also involved with remote-control technology. He moved to the Pentagon in May 2001, the same month that Cheney was given control of US 'wargame' exercises. Zakheim was CEO of SPC International, a subsidiary of System Planning Corporation. This specialises in the development and manufacture of 'defence equipment', including aircraft remote control technology and something called the Flight Termination System (FTS). This destroys remotely-controlled aircraft used as target practice by the military when the 'drone' malfunctions or becomes a danger for other reasons. The technology can be used on all types of planes, including big passenger jets, and allows the remote control of many aircraft at the same time from one location over a range of hundreds of miles. Press a button on the ground and the plane is no more Flight 93? Among the System Planning Corporation's clients is Eglin Air Force Base in Florida, which is mentioned in the Operation Northwoods documents as a base for the use of a remotely-controlled aircraft to simulate a commercial airliner being shot down over Cuba. As Pentagon Comptroller, Dov Zakheim sent more than thirty Boeing 767s to the nearby Florida-MacDill Air Force Base before 9/11, where they were refitted with refuelling equipment and other technology. The Flight Termination System and remote-control technology developed by Zakheim's company would have been perfect for directing the planes to their targets. A subsidiary of Zackheim's System Planning Corporation, a company called Tridata, was also appointed to investigate the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 and gained an intimate knowledge of the building and security system. The Illuminati world is very small indeed.

The Dumb and Dumber 'pilots'

For sure, those planes on 9 /11 were not piloted by 'Arab terrorists' who couldn't competently fly a one-engine Cessna. Retired Colonel Donn de Grand Pr says he gathered together a group of experienced civilian and military pilots, including combat fighter pilots and commercial airline captains, to discuss what could have happened during what he described as a 'so-called terrorist attack [that] was in fact a superbly executed military operation against the United States, requiring the utmost professional military skill in command, communications and control'. The group concluded, he said, that 'the enemy is within the gates, that he has infiltrated into the highest policymaking positions at the Federal level, and has absolute control, not only of the purse strings, but of the troop build-up and deployment of our military forces, including active, reserve and National Guard units'. The colonel reported that the group of highly experienced pilots was not impressed by claims that the four aircraft were flown by hijackers who

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had trained in one-engine planes. He said one officer remarked: 'I seriously question whether these novices could have located a target dead-on two hundred miles removed from take-off point much less controlled the flight and mastered the intricacies of 11FR [instrument flight rules] and all accomplished in 45 minutes'. The pilots said that the way the planes were flown ruled out the level of experience and competence reported for the 'hijackers'. An Air Force officer, who flew more than a hundred sorties over North Vietnam, is quoted by the colonel as saying: 'Those birds either had a crack fighter pilot in the left seat, or they were being manoeuvred by remote control'. The latter would explain why massive aircraft could make such fantastic manoeuvres when 'flown' by 'Arab pilots', described as next to useless by their instructors at 'one-engine' flight schools. Rick Garza, a flight instructor at Sorbi's Flying Club in San Diego, said of two '9 /11 hijackers': 'It was like Dumb and Dumber. I mean, they were clueless. It was clear to me they weren't going to make it as pilots'. There is no contradiction, no mystery, in how incompetent pilots could fly wide-bodied jets so brilliantly once you realise that they were not flying them. Remote controllers on the ground were. Former Special Forces sergeant turned conspiracy investigator, Stan Goff, put it like this in the case of Flight 77:

Now, the real kicker. A pilot they want us to believe was trained at a Florida puddlejumper school for Piper Cubs and Cessnas, conducts a well-controlled downward spiral, descending the last 7,000 feet in two-and-a-half minutes, brings the plane in so low and flat that it clips the electrical wires across the street from the Pentagon, and flies it with pinpoint accuracy into the side of this building at 460 nauts. When the theory about learning to fly this well at the puddle-jumper school began to lose ground, it was added that they received further training on a flight simulator. This is like saying you prepared your teenager for her first drive on 1-40 at rush hour by buying her a video driving game. It's horse shit! There is a story being constructed about these events.
An article by Alan Staats, first published in Quill magazine in February 1998 and posted on the Internet after 9 /11, details the history and development of remote control technology. Staats writes:

Controlling the aircraft from the ground is nothing new. The military has been flying obsolete high performance fighter aircraft as target drones since the 1950s. In fact, NORAD (the North American Air Defense Command) had at its disposal a number of US Air Force General Dynamics F-106 Delta Dart fighter aircraft configured to be remotely flown into combat as early as 1959 under the auspices of a program known as SAGE. These aircraft could be started, taxied, taken off, flown into combat, fight, and return to a landing entirely by remote control, with the only human intervention needed being to fuel and re-arm them. To this day, drone aircraft are remotely flown from Air Force and Naval bases all over the country to provide targets for both airborne and ground based weapons platforms.
Staats goes on to say that the technology exists (writing in 1998) that would allow a ground crew to override and direct the flight path of a hijacked plane and that the military has employed this capability since the 1950s. From the engineering point of

view, he says, modifying and implementing the technology for use on passengercarrying aircraft in the United States to fly them and land them by remote control 'is a relatively simple matter'. In fact, says Staats, 'autoland' systems have been in wide commercial use in different parts of the world since the 1980s. Auto landings are routinely performed thousands of times a day throughout the world. Staats continues:
It is technically possible to create a system to perform remotely commanded return flights of a hijacked airliner. Onboard digital command, control and display equipment can easily share data with, and accept commands from, ground control stations. Little input beyond the initial command to enter safe return flight and the ultimate destination are needed.

Commercial aircraft are largely flown by computers today and the pilot can have very little to do with flying the plane once it's off the ground. In the Boeing 747-400, the computers are capable not only of landing the aircraft, but also applying the brakes and bringing it to a halt. A flight plan agreed with the Federal Aviation Administration, or its equivalent around the world, is loaded into the aircraft computer system or Flight Management System (FMS). This can be done through direct programming or a disk. The flight programme includes the planned height and speed of the plane throughout the flight, as it makes its way between points in the sky known as `waypoints'. When the plane has taken off, it aims for the first waypoint and then the computer will execute changes to aim for the next point and so on to its destination. Therefore, as Staats points out:
Because all the components of controlling the aircraft communicate with each other digitally through a central unit, the FMS, activating such a 'safe return' system would be a matter of uploading commands to the FMS to fly the aircraft to the nearest airport. Controlling the aircraft's speed, altitude and course, the FMS would guide it back to land.

After intensely researching and following the story of 9/11 since the day of the attacks, I suggest that the following is very close to what happened that morning and all the technology exists to do this. The times when the four aircraft were lost to air traffic control and the transponders went off, or in one case 'switched' to another frequency, was not the moment they were hijacked by 'Arab terrorists'. It was the time the remotecontrol technology kicked in and overrode control from the cockpit. From this moment the planes were being flown from the ground, not by a pilot. More than that, the remote controllers had access to all the aircrafts' systems and could simulate the sound of activity on the plane, including 'cell phone conversations' and words apparently heard from the cockpit. What appeared to be coming from the planes was actually coming from the location from where the planes were being controlled. This is why, in the case of Flight 175, there was less than a minute between the last communication with air traffic control, when everything was fine, and the sudden change of direction and loss of transponder contact. The remote controllers had taken the plane over, and no doubt the pilots were frantically struggling with the flight computer wondering what the hell was happening. When they tried to tell air traffic they would have heard only silence

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because all the plane's systems were being controlled and directed from the ground. It is also possible that the planes were landed and replaced by others, in the manner described in Operation Northwoods. Look at all the confusion that ensued when transponder contact went down and air traffic controllers say they 'lost' the planes. How easy the radar blip-switch would have been as aircraft were replaced in flight, as Northwoods planned to do. Mark Burnback, an employee of Fox Television, was close to the World Trade Center when 'Flight 175' crashed into the South Tower. He told WCBS in a live interview from the scene that it definitely did not look like a commercial plane. 'There was a blue logo on the front of the plane,' he said. 'I did not see any windows on the side. It was Figure 176: Part of an aircraft engine found near not a normal plane that I've seen at the the Twin Towers. Airline pilots and aviation experts airport.' This interview was never say this is not from a 767, but a 737 repeated. In support of this scenario, experts have said that part of an engine from 'Flight 175' that was found in the street at the junction of Church and Murray was not from a 767, but a 737. It apparently fell on a police car and it was photographed (Figure 176). Nila Sagadevin, an airline pilot for more than twenty years, said of the pictures: 'The engine found at the Trade Center is a CFM-56, which is not utilized on a Boeing 767'. Another twenty-year pilot, Glen Standish, said the plane could not have been Flight 175 because of all the extra equipment attached to the bottom of the fuselage, and retired US Air Force colonel, George Nelson, with thirty years of experience identifying aircraft and their technology, said: 'The plane that hit the South Tower on 9 /11 was not United Airlines flight 175. That was not a commercial airliner. The planes were substituted'. The next question that comes from this is what happened to the passengers and crew? No one except those involved can know for sure, but they will no longer be with us, apart from any governmentmilitary plants among them. It was for this reason that there were strangely small passenger numbers on the four flights. This was by design, not coincidence, because it meant there were fewer people to control or dispose of. Operation Northwoods planned to put passengers on 'hijacked' planes with 'carefully prepared aliases'. Control of all the flight and communication systems from the ground would explain how cell phones could be used 'from the planes' when it is highly unlikely, some say impossible, that they could have worked at those altitudes and speeds. Were the people who answered those phone calls actually talking to their loved ones on the planes? It is certainly possible that they were not. These guys have voicerecognition technology that would make you think you were talking with someone you

talk to every day when it was really someone you had never met. It would explain why Flight 93 passenger Mark Bingham started the conversation with his mother with the bizarre words: 'Mom, this is Mark Bingham'. It is important to keep in mind that these people are using technology that is light-years ahead of anything we see in the public domain. Once you move everything that is alleged to have happened on the planes in the air to a command centre on the ground using state-of-the-art technology, the anomalies, contradictions and impossibilities start to make sense. In April 2002, after months of stalling by the FBI, the families of the passengers on Flight 93 were allowed to hear the cockpit voice recording (or what was claimed to be the recording). Tom Burnett, the father of Tom Burnett Jr, said the tape was difficult to follow. 'A lot was unintelligible, and a lot of it we couldn't follow very easily, so I don't think it gives us resolution,' he said, but he felt he had 'learned something, another piece of the puzzle'. The FBI has only said that the voice recorder includes screaming and sounds of a struggle. Newsweek claimed to have been given a transcript of the cockpit recorder from FBI sources:
Beginning at 9.57, the cockpit voice recorder began to pick up the sounds of a death struggle. There is the crash of galley dishes and trays being hurled, a man's voice screaming loudly. The hijackers can be heard calling on each other to hold the door. One of the passengers cries out, 'Let's get them!' More crashing and screaming. In a desperate measure to control the rebellion, a hijacker suggests cutting off the oxygen. Another one tells his confederates to 'take it easy'. The end is near. The hijackers can be heard talking about finishing off the plane, which has begun to dive. The hijackers cry out, 'God is great!' The cockpit voice recorder picks up shouting by one of the male passengers. It is unclear whether the passengers have breached the cockpit or are just outside the door. The hijackers apparently begin to fight among themselves for the controls, demanding, 'Give it to me'.

All that could have been put together in any sound studio and I suggest that it was. I love the 'God is Great' bit pure B-movie Hollywood. This clich classic was supposed to come from 'Islamic fanatics' who loved alcohol and strip-joints. Their pork-loving 'leader', Mohamed Atta, was once heard to exclaim: 'Fuck God'.

Where are the 'black boxes'?

There were eight 'black boxes' on the four aircraft, a Flight Data Recorder and Cockpit Voice Recorder on each one, and yet the alleged Flight 93 tape is the only one that has been made public. Even though there were two in each plane, we are told that most of them did not survive the crashes in a condition to provide the data, and that others did not reveal information that would prove what happened. This many fatally-damaged black boxes is rather strange to say the least and it's simply not credible. They are designed precisely to survive intact in the most extreme conditions, as we have seen so many times in other air crashes all over the world year after year. The voice recorders were recovered from Egypt Air Flight 990, which crashed into the ocean, and TWA Flight 800, which exploded in mid air after leaving New York. A few facts to ponder from a report by ABC News:

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Although investigators look for an entire black box, sometimes the only parts of the device that survive are the recorder's crash-survivable memory units (CSMU). The CSMU is almost indestructible. It is housed within a stainless-steel shell that contains titanium or aluminium and a high-temperature insulation of dry silica material. It is designed to withstand heat of up to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit for one hour, salt water for at least 30 days, immersion in a variety of liquids such as jet fuel and lubricants, and an impact of 3,400 Gs. By comparison, astronauts are typically exposed to up to six Gs during a shuttle takeoff. With their beacon transmitter, black boxes have been located deep under the ocean and

under piles of rubble when buildings have been struck. The ABC News information is confirmed by the United States National Transportation Safety Board on its official website. It also says that 'both the Flight Data Recorder and the Cockpit Voice Recorder have proven to be valuable tools in the accident investigation process. They can provide information that may be difficult to obtain by other means'. What a pity, then, that so many black boxes were destroyed or rather went missing from four aircraft in four separate crashes. FBI spokesman, Bill Crowley, said the cockpit voice recorder of Flight 93 found at the Pennsylvania crash site was in 'fairly good condition', but that officials with the National Transportation Safety Board could not get sound from the device. As we've seen, the FBI later claimed to have played this cockpit recording to relatives of those who died on Flight 93, but was it the real one? What was heard certainly appeared to be inconclusive and unclear. The FBI said that the cockpit recorder on Flight 77 that was recovered, we are told, from the rubble of the Pentagon, could yield no information because it was too severely burned. A black box can survive heat of 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit for an hour! I asked the FBI for details of the black boxes and their condition, but I was told that this information could not be given because of the 'ongoing investigation'. Every other question about the official story was met with the same response.

Did Flight 77 hit the Pentagon?

The possible switching of the 9 /11 aircraft and their replacement by military-controlled planes brings into the perspective the claims that Flight 77 did not hit the Pentagon. I stress that the conspiracy explanation of 9/11 does not depend on whether or not it was Flight 77, although that is the impression that many no-conspiracy theorists try to give. I don't know for sure whether Flight 77 hit the Pentagon or whether it didn't. My view is that a plane of some kind did crash into the building, but it wasn't Flight 77. Either way, there is so much more fundamental evidence to demolish the official story without the Pentagon plane angle. It is, however, an area of legitimate investigation and I will briefly present some points and questions made and posed by researchers. People remember the aftermath of the 'crash' with the collapsed Pentagon wall, but this happened some twenty to thirty minutes after impact (Figure 177, overleaf). Before that, there was a much smaller hole which ripped through three of the five rings of the building and came out the other side with another hole about nine feet wide (Figure 178, overleaf). The distance between the two points is 310 feet of a seriously reinforced building. I saw an interview about the Pentagon's 'mystery plane' with Major General Albert Stubblebine,


The David lcke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Figure 177: The scene that people remember, the collapsed wall at the Pentagon. But, this happened some twenty minutes or so after impact and, before then, the hole was much smaller

who was once in charge of the Army's imagery interpretation for scientific and technical intelligence during the Cold War. He said:
I measured pieces of Soviet equipment from photographs. It was my job. I look at the hole in the Pentagon, and I look at the size of the airplane that was supposed to have hit the Pentagon, and I say the plane does not fit in that hole. So what did hit the Pentagon? What hit it? Where is it? What's going on?

Figure 178: ... This hole, some nine feet across, is 310 feet and three rings of heavily reinforced walls away from the impact point

The authorities says that the lack of major pieces of wreckage can be explained by the aircraft disintegrating and melting in the impact explosion, but at the same time they say it was the nose cone that tore through three reinforced

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rings of the building and caused the exit hole. How can both statements be true? Nose cones of commercial airliners are not strong enough to have been responsible for that penetration of a building recently reinforced to defend the Pentagon from such attacks. As one researcher put it:
The problem here is that the nose cone of a Boeing 757 is made of carbon-fibre (like fibreglass); there is no metal nose cone on a 757. An average strength man (or strong woman) could make mincemeat of a 757 nose cone in about 15 minutes with nothing more than a light axe or a sledgehammer the same cannot be said of the outer wall of the Pentagon. Punching through stone facade and two exterior concrete and brick walls, four or more interior poured concrete walls, and a poured concrete floor, to conveniently land front-and-center on a piece of board for photographers, is out of the question.

The lawn right in front of the impact point (Figure 179) remained as pristine as ever, researchers point out, and they ask why, if the fireball was so hot that it made a plane virtually disappear, that you see rooms in that section of the building (Figure 180) with intact wooden chairs, books and computers? The question I have about the Flight 77 controversy is this: why don't the authorities show us video footage, which they must have, of the plane crashing into the building? If they can prove with non-doctored footage that Flight 77 did hit the Pentagon then fine. As I say, this is not at all crucial to showing that 9 /11 was an inside job. But all these years after the event they have still not produced the pictures. Why? There are apparently more than eighty surveillance cameras around the Pentagon, as you would expect at the headquarters of the US military, and several of them must have got a clear picture of what hit the building. Yet, we have only been shown a lamentable excuse for a 'video' of the impact and this has been dismissed by researchers and analysts as a blatant fake. Other surveillance videos, released from a gas station across the road from Figure 179: The unscathed lawn at the Pentagon the impact and a nearby hotel, do not show a 757 hitting the building and even these had to be squeezed out of the authorities through the Freedom of Information Act. If Flight 77 did crash into the Pentagon then put an end to the speculation and show us the pictures. To say they don't exist given the massive and constant surveillance of the Pentagon from every angle is simply not credible. An airline pilot has stated publicly that a jet flying so fast and low would Figure 180: Computers and a wooden chair were left undamaged when the Pentagon was hit have 'tossed people and cars around like

rag dolls if the official story was true'. The pilot said that claims by retired Army officer Frank Probst that he was only six feet away when the plane passed him are a 'ridiculous impossibility'. Probst would have been 'sucked into the engine like a bird in a vacuum' and the pilot said he had seen this happen to birds a hundred feet away. Cars alleged to have been twenty feet under the plane, as some witnesses have claimed, would have been devastated, he said, but they were not. Those witnesses who said they were so close that they saw passengers in the plane, could never have done so because the speed would have made it a blur. Such claims were 'fantasy land', he said. The pilot, who had considerable experience flying at low altitudes, said he and other commercial airline pilots agreed that it would not have been possible to fly so far while just twenty feet off the ground. The pilot concluded that all the evidence suggests that a remotelycontrolled Global Hawk was used, not the 757 of Flight 77. He also suggested that one day the Pentagon could release a perfect image of Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon because the technology exists to fake anything to a level that would fool most people. If they did, my question would be: what kept you so long? Why have you withheld this information from the public for all these years? I mentioned earlier that no Arab names appeared on the passenger lists issued by the airlines, and Dr Thomas R. Olmsted, M.D, a former naval line officer and a psychiatrist in private practice in New Orleans, revealed that there were no Arabs on the autopsy list of Flight 77 either. Olmsted obtained the list through the Freedom of Information Act that claims to contain the names of those given autopsies by the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP), which says it identified nearly all the bodies on November 16th 2001. Olmsted said:
The AFIP suggest these numbers: 189 killed, 125 worked at the Pentagon and 64 were 'passengers' on the plane. The American Airlines list only had 56 and the list just obtained has 58. They did not explain how they were able to tell 'victims' bodies from 'hijacker' bodies. In fact, from the beginning NO explanation has been given for the extra five suggested in news reports except that the FBI showed us the pictures to make up the difference, and that makes it so. It seemed simple to me ... produce the names of all the bodies identified by the AFIP and compare it with the publicized list of passengers. So, I sent a Freedom of Information Act request to the AFIP and asked for an expedited response, because we were getting ready to send our boys to war on the pretext that Osama/Saddam had done the deed. Fourteen months later, a few US soldiers dead, many Iraqi civilians pushing up daisies, and I finally get the list. Believe me that they weren't a bit happy to give it up, and I really have no idea why they choose now to release it.

What he found was that no Arabs ended up in the mortuary, but three additional people, not listed by American Airlines, appeared with no explanation. The new names were Robert Ploger, Zandra Ploger and Sandra Teague. Nowhere are there any Arab names, let alone the specific ones named by the FBI as 'hijackers'. This is true of all four planes, not just Flight 77. All this only makes sense when you begin to see what really happened on September 11th. This is the knowledge which offers explanations to these apparent mysteries. Those who question the Flight 77 story suggest that the Pentagon could have been hit by either a cruise missile or a remote-controlled plane smaller than

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a 757, possibly a Global Hawk. The account of Danielle O'Brien, an air traffic controller at Washington Dulles Airport, described what appeared to be anything but a 757 commercial airliner on her radar screen, as it sped towards Washington: 'I noticed the aircraft. It was an unidentified plane to the southwest of Dulles, moving at a very high rate of speed ... I had literally a blip and nothing more'. She asked her colleague, Tom Howell, if he had seen it. 'I said: "Oh my God, it looks like he's headed to the White House". I was yelling ... "We've got a target headed right for the White Houser' At a speed of about 500 miles an hour, the plane was headed straight for what is known as P56, protected air space, which covers the White House and the Capitol:
The speed, the manoeuvrability, the way that he turned, we all thought in the radar room, all of us experienced air traffic controllers, that that was a military plane. You don't fly a 757 in that manner. It's unsafe. The plane was between 12 and 14 miles away and it was just a countdown. Ten miles west. Nine miles west ... Our supervisor picked up our line to the White House and started relaying to them the information, [that] we have an unidentified very fast-moving aircraft inbound toward your vicinity, 8 miles west. And it went six, five, four, and I had it in my mouth to say, three, and all of a sudden the plane turned away. In the room, it was almost a sense of relief. This must be a fighter. This must be one of our guys sent in, scrambled to patrol our capital, and to protect our president, and we sat back in our chairs and breathed for just a second.

Then came the fantastic 360-degree turn at high speed as it headed for the Pentagon:
We lost radar contact with that aircraft. And we waited. And we waited. And your heart is just beating out of your chest waiting to hear what's happened. And then the Washington National [Airport] controllers came over our speakers in our room and said: 'Dulles, hold all of our inbound traffic. The Pentagon's been hit'. It is certainly possible that Flight 77 was switched when contact was initially lost and,

whatever replaced it and struck the Pentagon, was not the plane that left Washington Dulles that morning. But I say again: if Flight 77 did hit the Pentagon, as they claim, why don't they release those conclusive tapes? By the way, Tony Snow, who became White House Press Secretary, told Fox News on September 11th that the offices in the section of the Pentagon that was hit were for the 'new office of Homeland Defense' and another that dealt with fighting limited wars against terrorism. So the Homeland Defence operation was already in place before 9/11 and only officially introduced afterwards using the attacks as the excuse.

Where is Flight 93?

There are also some mysterious features of the Flight 93 story, the one that is supposed to have been hijacked by Islamic terrorists and crashed after the 'Let's roll' storming of the cockpit by passengers. The Pittsburgh Post Gazette reported on September 13th 2001 that human remains were found miles from the point of impact and that debris was scattered over a wide area up to eight miles from the crash crater. Some have claimed


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Figure 181: The scene at Lockerbie in Scotland after a 747 was brought down from high altitude by a bomb

Figure 182: What a different scene at what is claimed to be the location of Flight 93's demise

this was caused by the wind, but the winds were light and there were mountains between the crater and some of the far flung debris. It is clear that the military were in a position to shoot down Flight 93. They could have brought it down, but did they? There was an extraordinary lack of wreckage at the crash site in Pennsylvania. So much so that some researchers have concluded that the plane could not have crashed there at all. Emergency services were not rushed to the scene and when volunteers and officials turned up they were taken aback by what they found. We have all seen the aftermath of plane crashes on the TV news and even aircraft that have fallen from tens of thousands of feet still have large pieces of the plane fairly intact on the ground. Look at the scene at Lockerbie in Scotland in 1988 where a 747 was brought down from high altitude by a bomb (Figure 181), and there was even significant wreckage when two planes collided in mid-air at 36,000 feet near the German-Swiss border in 2002. But, in the case of Flight 93, police investigators reported finding hardly a single piece of wreckage bigger than a phone book. Indeed, the wreckage of an enormous aircraft was mostly taken away in buckets. How can this be? The plane was not at high altitude when it is supposed to have fallen to the ground, yet there was no substantial wreckage?? All we are left with is a crater, and even then grass was still growing and was not burned. There is some burn damage to trees, but nothing even coming close to what would have happened with a plane heavily laden with around 6,000 gallons of jet fuel after completing so little of its journey to San Francisco. One witness who was the first on the scene said he was stunned at how small the crater looked (Figure 182). The Washington Post quoted him as saying that the scene 'looked as if ... someone took a scrap truck, dug a 10-foot ditch and dumped all this trash into it'. Maybe he was very close to the truth. As the fictional detective, Sherlock Holmes, said: 'When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever is left however improbable must be the truth'. Some researchers suggest that the explosion which people saw (but not the actual impact) came from the ground. For sure, it could not have come from the plane or it would have been far more powerful and the crash scene would have reflected that, but it clearly didn't. The BBC produced an hilarious 'documentary' about 9/11 in 2007 that supported the official line and dismissed these questions about Flight 93. They even showed a picture of the red head scarf, or 'bandana', found at the scene to prove that the official story stood up. This bandana was worn by one of the 'hijackers', the

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government version claims. Ridiculously little wreckage and no hijackers were recovered from the site, but one of their bandanas survived! It was in remarkably pristine condition for something that was around someone's head when the plane fell from the sky (Figure 183). What a joke it all is. This is almost as insane as the paper passport of one of the 'hijackers' that the FBI claimed to have 'found' a few streets from the World Trade Center. It was never explained how a paper passport could have survived the fireball that destroyed the plane it was travelling in and, once again, there is a good reason for this. The story is nonsense.

Controlled demolition
The defining moment of 9 /11 was the collapse of the Twin Towers in New York. It produced a level of revulsion and horror that even eclipsed everything else that happened that day. It was pointed out by many at the time that both collapses looked remarkably like the controlled demolitions that you see on television. These happen after days, often weeks of preparation, to carefully position charges that bring down vast skyscrapers and stadiums, so they collapse onto the land on which they stood. The Twin Towers looked like controlled demolitions because they were (Figure 184). The official explanation that intense fire caused the steel girders to soften is an insult to the most basic of intelligence (Figure 185, overleaf). In the case of the South Tower, we saw where most of the fire and aircraft fuel went it exploded into the air outside the building in a fireball as the plane struck. It has been claimed that the buildings were undermined by the impact of the aircraft, but Hyman Brown, the construction manager of the towers, said: 'They were over-designed to withstand almost anything, including hurricanes ... bombings and an airplane ...' Other construction engineers have made the same point. As Thomas Eagar, a professor of materials engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said: '... the number of columns lost on the initial impact was not large and the

Figure 183: A pristine bandana 'used by one of the

hijackers' that is claimed to have been found at the scene. Oh, please

Figure 184: The Twin Towers were brought down

by controlled demolition


loads were shifted to remaining columns in this highly redundant structure'. All official fingers point to the effect of the fire, but the temperature where steel begins to melt is around 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit while jet fuel can reach a maximum of about 1,700 degrees. The fires were not even hot enough to credibly buckle the steel, and the evidence from the colour of the smoke and communications from firefighters very close to the seat of the fire indicate that the heat was nowhere near what it needed to be for the official story to have any credence whatsoever. The South Tower was struck between the 78th and 84th floors and fire department audio recordings reveal that a fire officer called the ground from the 78th floor and said there were only 'two isolated pockets of fire'. Brian Clark, a survivor from the Figure 185: 'Earthlings will believe anything' South Tower, passed through the 80th floor, right in the impact zone, but he said: 'You could see through the wall and the cracks and see flames . . . just licking up, not a roaring inferno, just quiet flames licking up and smoke sort of eking through the wall'. Yet the official story says it was the heat from this fire that caused the South Tower to collapse on itself in just fifty-six minutes when steel doesn't melt until it reaches a staggering 2,800 degrees. This is why no other major steel-framed building had ever collapsed because of fire not ever. If the official version is true, why did the South Tower collapse well before the North Tower, which took an hour and forty-two minutes to come down despite having bigger fires burning for longer? In 2005, the Windsor Building in Madrid was a raging inferno and took twenty-four hours to extinguish, but it did not collapse (Figure 186). The official lie is that when the steel girders failed on one floor, it collapsed and started a 'pancake' sequence in which that floor collapsed the floor below, and so on. The claim is that the heat caused horizontal columns, which held up the actual floors, to break away from the forty-seven massive vertical columns that ran through the core of the building from ground to roof. If the horizontal columns had broken away from the vertical central core, that core would have been left standing. But it wasn't. That came down too. When a floor hits another floor and another floor in the way they described, there is resistance before each new floor gives way, especially near the start. On 9/11, however, the speed that the two buildings collapsed was free-fall speed the speed of dropping something from mid-air with nothing in the way until it hit the ground. This only happens with ... controlled demolitions when explosive charges remove all resistence. We all remember those fantastic clouds of dust when the towers fell and this is yet another classic feature of a controlled demolition. Buildings that collapse 'naturally' do not produce the power from gravity alone to pulverise everything into

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small pieces and vast clouds of dust. With controlled demolitions, the multiple explosions do exactly that, as you'll see in any documentary about these orchestrated collapses, or any shots of them on the Internet. It's a good idea to search the Internet for videos of controlled demolitions and you'll see all the elements that were there when the Twin Towers collapsed. When they are expertly charged, the buildings come straight down without falling to one side, Figure 186: The Windsor Building skyscraper in Madrid burned with extraordinary intensity in 2005 and took 24 hours to put because that's the way out, but the building did not fall controlled demolitions are planned to protect other property in the area. There is also the momentary delay after the charges go off before the buildings start to fall another tell-tale confirmation of a controlled demolition. For goodness sake, when you look at slow-motion video of the collapse of the towers and World Trade Center Building 7, which came down hours later, you can see the classic puffs of smoke project outward from the building just before the collapse precisely what you see with buildings brought down by controlled demolition (Figures 187 and 188, overleaf). If you go to the 9/11 research archive at www.davidicke.com , you will be able to see this and much more in video reports and analysis. There is an excellent documentary in the archive headed '9/11 Mysteries' that I highly recommend. It utterly destroys the official story of the building collapses. Jerry Russell PhD, who has a Master's Degree in Engineering at Stanford University, points out that steel frame towers are built very strongly and are almost impossible to destroy. He says that aircraft strikes do not destroy skyscrapers and neither does fire. No skyscraper had ever been brought down by a fire, he points out, and if a big enough impact by a plane ever destabilised a building the structural failure would happen '... at the point of highest levered stress, near the base of the tower, and the tower would have fallen over like a giant tree in a forest windstorm'. Like many with his background who have gone public since 9 /11, Jerry Russell says that the most effective way to make a skyscraper collapse is by controlled demolition:
As your eyes will tell you, the World Trade Center collapses looked like controlled demolitions. Here's the proof. According to the law of gravity, it is possible to calculate the time it takes for an object to fall a given distance. The equation is H=(1/2)at2 , where H is the height, a is the acceleration of gravity (10 meters per second squared) and t is ti me in seconds. Plug in the height of the building at 1350 feet (411 meters) and we get 9 seconds. That is just about the length of time it took for the very top of the World


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Trade Center to fall to the street below. According to all reports, the whole thing was over in just about ten seconds. It is as if the entire building were falling straight down through thin air. As if the entire solid structure below, the strong part which had not been burned or sliced or harmed in any significant way, just disappeared into nothingness. Yet this (within a small tolerance) is what we would expect to find if there had been a controlled demolition, because the explosions below really do leave the upper stories completely unsupported. Like the Road Runner after he runs off the edge of the cliff, the entire building pauses a moment, then goes straight down. Any kind of viscous process or friction process should have slowed the whole thing down. Like dropping a lead ball into a vat of molasses, or dropping a feather into the air, gravitational acceleration cannot achieve its full effect if it is fighting any opposing force. In the case of the World Trade Center, the intact building below should have at least braked the fall of the upper stories. This did not happen. There was no measurable friction at all. This proves controlled demolition.

Figure 187: Explosive charges going off in World Trade Center Building 7 before it collapsed in a classic controlled demolition

The 'pancake collapse' theory is just another smokescreen to hide what really happened pre-planned demolition by those who would use this horror to unleash their agenda of human control and wars of conquest. Firefighters talked of hearing explosions in the building, and so did William Rodriguez, a janitor for twenty years at the World Trade Center, who was in the basement of the North Tower on 9/11 when the first plane struck. He helped many people to safety and was honoured five times at the White House until he began to speak publicly about hearing bombs go off in the building. He gave evidence to the 9 /11 Commission, which was ignored in the final report, and he has become a well-known advocate for a truly independent inquiry into what happened. He tells his story in the documentary headed '9/11 Mysteries' in my website archive. There were so many
Figure 188: An explosive charge projects from the wall as a controlled demolition brings down the South Tower

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eyewitness reports of explosions before the towers came down. These are just a few from firefighters and paramedics:
Battalion Chief John Sudnik: 'We heard ... what sounded like a loud explosion and looked up and I saw tower two start coming down'. Paramedic Kevin Darnowski: 'I heard three explosions, and then ... tower two started to come down'. Firefighter Thomas Turilli: '... it almost sounded like bombs going off, like boom, boom, boom, like seven or eight'. Firefighter Craig Carlsen: '[We] heard explosions coming from ... the South Tower.... There were about ten explosions.... We then realised the building started to come down'. Firefighter Joseph Meola: '... it looked like the building was blowing out on all four sides. We actually heard the pops'. Paramedic Daniel Rivera: 'It was a frigging noise. At first I thought it was do you ever see professional demolition where they set the charges on certain floors and then you hear "Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop?" ... I thought it was that.'

It was. The 'pop, pop, pop' sounds are the multiple charges going off that are planted around buildings prepared for a controlled demolition. The pops are followed by a brief moment before the entire building falls with all resistance removed. Hence, it comes down at free-fall speed. The preparation and the planting of the charges would have meant significant access to the building in the weeks before, but that was no problem with the World Trade Center. President Boy Bush's brother, Marvin Bush, and his cousin, Wirt Walker III, were on the board of a company called Stratesec (formerly Securacom) in Sterling, Virginia, which has been backed by another company associated with the Bush family, the investment firm Kuwait-American Corp. Stratesec provided security for the World Trade Center, Washington Dulles Airport and American Airlines in the period up to, and including, September 11th.

Building 7: 'Pull it'.

The other World Trade Center building to collapse that day was the forty-seven-storey Building 7, also known as the Salomon Brothers Building. Once again, we were led to believe that another miracle of physics occurred when heat caused this building to collapse, even though no aircraft came near it. This was another blatant controlled demolition that was confirmed by KhazarSumerian, Larry Silverstein, who bought the World Trade Center lease and massively increased the insurance just six months before 9/11. The collapse of Building 7 alone led to a payout of $861 million from Industrial Risk Insurers, based on the official story of what happened. But, in September 2002, Silverstein told a PBS television documentary that he had been told the building was so badly damaged they wanted to 'pull it'. This term is used by the demolition industry

and emergency services, as short hand for 'pull it down' - demolish it. Silverstein made a major mistake here. He has tried to deny the implications by saying that 'pull it' meant something else, but what that 'something else' was, old Larry ain't saying. Of course, there is no 'something else', it's just that he's been caught with his pants down. A bewildered Senator John Kerry, fending off questions about 9/11 at a public event in Texas in 2007, said that his information was that Building 7 had been brought down by a controlled demolition. When Building 7 collapsed, even the CBS News anchor, Dan Rather, said that it was ...'reminiscent of ... when a building was deliberately destroyed by well-placed dynamite to knock it down'. That's what happened, confirmed by Silverstein and the video shots of the explosive charges going off that you can find in the 9/11 archive at www.davidicke.com . There is some excellent footage in an Italian television documentary which includes the sounds of the explosions going off as the building falls. You can see this in the 9/11 archive by clicking the headline: 'Major Italian TV network: conclusive evidence that WTC Building 7 was demolished with explosives'. A number of emergency personnel and volunteers have said they were told long before the building fell at 5.20 pm that it was going to be 'pulled' or that it was 'coming down'. One was Indira Singh, a volunteer civilian Emergency Medical Technician, and Senior Consultant for JP Morgan Chase. She was setting up sites for the injured on September 11th and she said on American radio that the fire department had said of Building 7: 'We're gonna have to bring it down'. Kevin McPadden, a search and rescue volunteer formerly with Air Force Special Operations, was stationed at a Red Cross operations center on the afternoon of 9 /11. He also said he was told that Building 7 was going to be brought down:
They said you know you've got to stay behind this line because they're thinking about taking this building down, they're not sure if it's stable or not, so they were holding a li ne off because they had knowledge that something was gonna happen. Well, they pushed us back a little bit ... a couple of minutes later they started coming down ... people started coming back out to the street, I watched five New York City buses jam packed with people wanting to do search and rescue, head down there towards Building 7 - people walk out into the middle of the street to see these people off, like bon voyage and right then Building 7 came down.

Building 7 was in the news again, on the Internet at least, when it emerged in February 2007 that the BBC and CNN reported that the building had collapsed before it actually did. BBC correspondent, Jane Standley, announced that Building 7 had collapsed some twenty-six minutes before it came down and the building can even be seen still standing behind her while she reported its demise. When questioned about this, the BBC made the bizarre and ridiculous statement that all recordings of its live coverage on 9 /11 had been 'lost'. The BBC typically said that to accuse it of being part of a conspiracy over Building 7 was ludicrous, but that was not what was being suggested. The question was not about a BBC 'conspiracy', but who told them, and CNN, at least half an hour before Building 7 came down that it had already done so? On this, the BBC was silent. Now, here's the killer point in all this. It can take weeks to place explosive charges into large buildings to make them fall in the controlled way that they do, yet Building 7

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came down just hours after the attacks in a perfect controlled-demolition collapse. There is no way it could have been prepared and all the charges placed in the short time they had. The building must have been charged before the attacks, just like the Twin Towers. Former German Defence Minister and intelligence expert, Andreas Von Billow, believes that Building 7 was a command bunker during the attacks and that it was 'pulled' to destroy the evidence. Certainly, two years before the attacks Rudolph Giuliani, the deeply unpleasant and untrustworthy Mayor of New York, had opened a $13 million Command Center on the 23rd floor of the building. It was designed to respond to emergencies like terrorism. Von Billow called the location the 'optimal place' to orchestrate the attacks: 'There were two procedures, one was flying in the aircraft, the second was the explosions', he said. Giuliani, or 'Illuminati Man', announced in early 2007 that he was running for President. He cultivates an image as the 'hero' mayor of 9 /11, but New York firefighters tell a very different story about this vicious man. He sent in the firefighters and other rescue and clean up workers after the attacks when the Environmental Protection Agency knew that it was lethal to breathe the toxic air at Ground Zero, which included large quantities of asbestos, the infamous agent of lung disease and cancer. Giuliani sent them in because he demanded: 'The stock market must re-open'. Yeah, let's get our priorities right. Firefighters and their colleagues are suffering appallingly and dying from the consequences while Giuliani milks 9 /11 to advance his political status and line his pockets. One other point with regard to the collapse of the Twin Towers and Building 7 has been highlighted by physicist, Dr Stephen Jones, at Brigham Young University. He says there is unmistakable evidence of the use of thermite and a derivative, thermate, to cut through pillars. These substances are used to slice through hardened steel 'like a knife through butter'. Jones says that hot yellow molten metal with white ash or dust floating away, all of which were clearly seen in the burning buildings, is the 'signature' of thermite. 'Thermite had to be planted in the building, which of course implies directly an inside job', he said. 'Someone had to have had access'. Every aspect of the official fairytale falls in the face of the most basic questions, because 9 /11 is nothing but a tapestry of lies, inconsistencies and impossibilities. It is a cover story and, therefore, a lie from start to finish. When one lie is exposed, another is drafted in to man the barricades.

Manufacturing miracles
No Arab names appear on the passenger lists issued by the airlines, but, within days of the attacks, the FBI was able to name 'nineteen hijackers' and produce their photographs. Seven of these 'hijackers' have since been found to be still alive and yet the FBI has not changed its list of those it claims were responsible. It talks simply of 'stolen identities', as one lie is produced to cover up another. Incidentally, I remember saying on one of those 'shock jock' talk radio shows in America that seven of the alleged hijackers had been located alive, and I asked how that could be if the official story was true. What did these 'hijackers' do parachute? 'Are you saying they survived the crashes', the shock jock asked, shockingly. 'No mate',' I replied after catching my breath, 'they weren't on the planes'. Ain't the media just great? To shore up the official baloney, we were treated to some incredible fairy stories. One cracker that I've already mentioned was the claim that the passport of one of the hijackers had been 'found' near Ground Zero shortly after 9 /11. A BBC newsreader earnestly told us this story

without even the hint of a smile, let alone the belly laugh it deserved. To the unquestioning minds at the BBC, the news had come from the FBI and so must be true. They held a press conference to announce this momentous find of a paper passport that had survived the fireball, and wafted down amid rubble and dust to be found by a passer-by. I mean, was it even singed? It was a lie, of course it was, and part of the web of deceit being constructed to underpin the movie called 'The Muslims Did It'. A year after calling a press conference to reveal the 'find' the FBI told a UK television team that the hijacker's passport '... was a rumour that might be true'. Or, rather, it was a calculated lie from the start. Official cover stories often require miracles to stand up and the September 11th fable is full of them. Of all the passengers in all the world, it had to be the 'baggage' of Mohamed Atta, the alleged 'lead hijacker', that didn't make it onto Flight 11. What a stroke of unbelievable luck. It allowed the authorities to find a handheld electronic flight computer; a simulator procedures manual for Boeing 757 and 767 aircraft; two videotapes relating to 'air tours' of the Boeing 757 and 747 aircraft; a slide-rule flight calculator; a copy of the Koran; Atta's passport; his will; his international driver's license; a religious cassette tape; airline uniforms; a letter of recommendation and 'education related documentation'. Talk about a B-movie script. It's pathetic. Some questions: Why was his passport in a bag due to be in the hold when he would have needed that to get through security onto the aircraft; and, without his passport, how did he get through security onto the Flight 11? Why would he need any baggage at all when he was apparently about to kill himself? A five-page document detailing the plot and how his fellow 'hijackers' should prepare for the attacks was also alleged to have been found in 'Atta's bag'. Copies were found in the alleged hire car of another 'hijacker' and in the 'nothing-bigger-than-aphone-book' wreckage of Flight 93, we are told. What the Atta document says was clearly not written by an Islamic fanatic and I take this fantasy apart in Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster. One newspaper said the note suggested 'an almost Christian view of what the hijackers might have felt', and it added that if the note is genuine then [they] believed in a very exclusive version of Islam or were surprisingly unfamiliar with their religion'. Maybe document creators at the FBI or CIA don't tend to be Islamic fanatics. The silly fakers. Another newspaper reported that the Atta note was 'certainly very fortunate, though some might think them a little too fortunate'. Yeah, just a bit, but the cover story conveyor never stops at the Miracle Factory. The 'certainly very fortunate' Atta 'finds' were produced by the same people who would later uncover evidence in wrecked buildings in Baghdad to connect Osama bin Laden to Saddam Hussein, and a financial scam to British Member of Parliament, George Galloway, who just happened to be one of the loudest and most vociferous critics of the invasion of Iraq. Some other convenient miracles to ponder:

A 'hijacker's' rental car was found at Boston's Logan Airport with an Arabic
language flight manual, a pass giving access to restricted areas, and paperwork naming 'other suspects'. It also named a flight school in Florida called Huffman Aviation, of which more later.

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A car registered to another 'hijacker' was discovered at Washington Dulles Airport with a copy of Atta's letter to the other hijackers, a cheque made out to a flight school in Phoenix, drawings of the cockpit of a 757, a box cutter or knife, and maps of Washington and New York. A rental car was found in an airport car park in Portland, Maine, where Atta, and another alleged hijacker, are said to have spent the night before the attacks. This gave the authorities access to finger prints and DNA samples. A FedEx bill is alleged to have been found in the rubbish bin at Atta's Portland hotel, which links him to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. A hotel owner in Florida found a box cutter in a room and when he checked the rubbish bin he discovered a bag with 'Boeing 757 manuals, three illustrated martial arts books, an 8-inch stack of East Coast flight maps, a three-ring binder full of handwritten notes, an English-German dictionary, an airplane fuel tester, and a protractor'. The night before the attacks some of these 'Islamic extremists' attended a stripper bar and loudly predicted what would happen the next day. They left a business card and a copy of the Koran, which bans drinking alcohol and watching women taking their clothes off in strip clubs. The FBI claims to have found credit card receipts for their alcohol and lap dancers. Just hours after the attacks, suicide notes that some of the hijackers are alleged to have written to their parents were found in New York. Credit card receipts linking the 'hijackers' to flight training schools were also located, we are told. All this and more was part of the pre-arranged set up in which the targets were framed. Once the attacks happened, the 'finds' were activated to support the official story. I lost count of the number of Korans that were found they seemed to leave them everywhere. Who were these people, the Islamic equivalent of the Gideons? It is all so transparent and ridiculous, and what does that say about the overwhelming majority of 'journalists' and the global public who bought this blatant nonsense and still do? The New Yorker magazine said of these remarkable 'finds': 'Whatever trail was left was left deliberately for the FBI to chase'. No, let's go further ... the FBI and other agencies were chasing the 'trail' they left for themselves. This extraordinary catalogue of contradictions and impossibilities were ignored by the Cheney-controlled '9 /11 Commission', which was designed to suppress the truth while appearing to seek it. Even the red-flag stock market activity immediately before the attacks, which revealed obvious pre-knowledge, was left uninvestigated for fear of what they knew would be found. These were the so-called 'put options' that involved highly unusual transactions that would make the investor a fortune if airline stocks went down in the period after 9 /11. As a result of the attacks, that's precisely what happened. It was an obvious lead, but was left to wither to avoid a collapse of the dominoes. There were three main elements to the Reptilian hybrid 9 /11 conspiracy: (1) To engineer the attacks; (2) To prevent the normal response from NORAD and the FAA that could have stopped the attacks; (3) To block any investigations by the lower and genuine levels of intelligence and investigative agencies that could have uncovered the plot, or aspects of it. The first two were the responsibility of the CheneyJoint ChiefsNORAD axis of evil, supported by the National Security Agency, or NSA, the godfather of the CIA. Number three, was orchestrated through the same network, but

also involved the top levels of the CIA, headed by George Tenent, and the FBI, led by Robert Mueller who became agency director just two weeks before September 11th. As Leroy Fletcher Prouty said:
No one has to direct an assassination it happens. The active role is played secretly by permitting it to happen. This is the greatest single clue. Who has the power to call off or reduce the usual security precautions?

One man the conspirators had to eliminate was John O'Neill, the FBI's former Deputy Director and head of the Joint Terrorism Task Force in New York. The problem with him was that he was genuine and not one of the Crazy Gang. He had shown his refusal to capitulate to manipulation from above in his investigations into the funding of 'alQaeda', the terrorist attack on the USS Cole in 2000, and the case of Israeli 'art students' who were considered to be acting suspiciously in the months before 9 /11 in locations later connected to the 'hijackers'. O'Neill ignored official interference in all these investigations and his pursuit of Osama bin Laden, but he was extremely upset by it. Two weeks before September 11th, O'Neil resigned from the FBI because he believed the Bush Administration was blocking FBI investigations into terrorism. He told the authors of the book, Hidden Truth (or Forbidden Truth in the US version): 'The main obstacles to investigate Islamic terrorism were US oil corporate interests and the role played by Saudi Arabia in it.' One of the authors, Charles Brisard, said that O'Neill had complained bitterly that the US State Department and the Bush oil lobby had undermined attempts to prove Bin Laden's involvement in terrorist activity. Even after leaving the FBI, O'Neill's insider knowledge as Bin Laden's chief pursuer would have been devastating to the 9 /11 conspiracy. However, the orchestrators had another stroke of 'luck'. John O'Neil left the FBI when he was offered a job as head of security at ... the World Trade Center. He was at his desk on the 34th floor of the North Tower when the plane stuck. He called his son and a friend to say he was fine, but then he is alleged to have called the FBI and gone back into the building to help others. We have only the FBI's word that this is what happened and that's not worth a dime. Either way, a very dangerous man to the conspirators was dead. Funny how those with knowledge that could expose the lies so often end up dead at the most convenient times. People like John O'Neill, who could have revealed how investigations into Bin Laden and terrorism had been systematically blocked before 9 / 11; David Kelly, the British weapons inspector who knew that the Blair government was lying and 'sexing up' claims about 'weapons of mass destruction' in Iraq; and Robin Cook, the former British Foreign Secretary, who resigned over the Iraq war and was starting to speak out over the lies and deceptions of the official story. John O'Neil was not alone at the FBI or CIA in facing official opposition to terrorist investigations. American journalist, Greg Palast, produced a report on the subject for the BBC current affairs programme, Newsnight, in which he said he had received a phone call from a high-placed member of a US intelligence agency:
He tells me that while there's always been constraints on investigating Saudis, under George Bush it's gotten much worse. After the [2000] elections, the agencies were told to 'back off' investigating the Bin Ladens and Saudi royals, and that angered agents.

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Other FBI operatives have gone public since 9 /11 to say the same. Robert Wright, an FBI agent in Chicago, said his investigation into a terrorist cell was closed by FBI headquarters in the run up to September 11th. Lawyer David Schippers, who has represented FBI whistleblowers like Robert Wright, said he tried for six weeks before 9/ 11 to tell Attorney General John Ashcroft about information provided by FBI agents of 'upcoming attacks in lower Manhattan'. As I document in Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster, there are major connections between the Bush family, the Bin Ladens, and their construction operation out of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and the Saudi 'royal' fascist elite, the House of Saud, who are claimed by some researchers to be descendants of a Jewish (i.e. Sumerian) merchant who lived in what is now Iraq in the 9th century before settling in Diriyah (near the present-day capital, Riyadh) from where the House of Saud officially emerged. See ethnikoi.org/saudi.htm. Saudi Arabia is one of many 51st states of America. The Bin Ladens and the Saudi 'royal' family have been clients of the Carlyle Group of Father George Bush, his former Secretary of State, James Baker, and the Neocon former Defense Secretary and number two at the CIA, Frank Carlucci. The Carlyle Group, which specialises in 'defence' contracts, has benefited massively from the policies of Boy Bush and the Neocons. Apparently, Father Bush was meeting with Osama bin Laden's brother, Shafig bin Laden, at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Washington DC on the morning of 9 /11 just a coincidence, nothing to worry about. Days after September 11th, a private chartered jet was allowed to leave Boston Logan Airport with at least eleven members of the Bin Laden family heading for Saudi Arabia at a time when Bush was telling the world: 'We must get Bin Laden'. Thousands of Muslims, and even people who looked like Muslims, were being arrested without charge all over the United States and held at secret locations that not even their lawyers were allowed to know, but the Bin Laden family were given free passage back to the safety of Saudi Arabia. The Reptilian hybrids were looking after their own. The connection between those blamed for terrorism, like Bin Laden, and those claiming to 'fight terrorism', like the Bushes, is a constant theme. To understand 9 /11, and the global conspiracy in general, we need to lose this perception of different 'sides' and realise that we are dealing with one side working to one end. The Reptilian-hybrid Illuminati had all bases covered that tragic September day. They controlled those elements of the military and the Joint Chiefs of Staff that ran the technology to electronically hijack the planes and quite possibly replace them with remotely-guided aircraft in line with Operation Northwoods. They controlled, through Cheney, the Joint Chiefs and elements within NORAD, the `wargames' that mirrored real events and confused and delayed the normal response procedures. They controlled the upper levels of the intelligence and investigative agencies to stop genuine agents uncovering the plot. They must have thought they had got away with it, but they haven't. The clock is ticking and its hands are moving ever quicker.

16 The seamless web

Never do anything against conscience, even if the state demands it.

Albert Einstein

From the moment the story broke of a 'terror plot' to explode passenger planes in midAtlantic in August 2006, I was waiting for the first mention of the 'Pakistan connection'. Even more so, I was waiting for the letters 'ISI'. Neither took long to arrive. The 'ISI' is Inter-Services Intelligence, which, in reality, is the Pakistan branch of the CIA and runs a state within a state on behalf of the Reptilian hybrid agenda. If the ISI is involved in any way, in any situation or event, then all is not as it seems. There is, for example, a fundamental link between the ISI, September 11th and 'lead hijacker' Mohamed Atta, as I shall detail. The connections between apparently unconnected 'intelligence agencies' is another network that serves the web. At the highest levels of control, higher than those who are officially in charge, the major intelligence agencies are the same organisation. These agencies connect into the secret societies, which often act, like P-2, as the coordinating channels through which multiple agencies operate to the same end. This includes apparently deeply opposed organisations like the Israeli Mossad and those agencies officially representing Arab countries. Intelligence agencies are satanic cults at their core and their leaders are invariably occultists worshipping the Reptilian 'gods' through the Sun godgoddess 'religion' of Babylon. Within this structure, there is always rivalry and competition that's the nature of the personalities attracted to such covert operations. But, when you reach the very top, they act in unison. The lower ranks will not know of this unity, because of the compartmentalisation of the pyramid. The transatlantic 'terror plot' and 9 /11 are good examples of this system at work. We were told that the 'plot' which allegedly involved blowing up aircraft with 'liquid explosives' put together on the plane was 'uncovered' after two British brothers of Pakistani descent were arrested by the ISI in Karachi and Lahore. Already the credibility of a genuine, rather than manufactured, 'plot' was in tatters especially when we were told that these ISI arrests were made in 'a coordinated operation with British and American intelligence agencies'. All three 'agencies' are terrorist organisations, who create and fund the very 'terrorist groups' they later claim to have 'uncovered'. The News in Islamabad reported on August 12th, 2006:
The plot to blow up passenger planes bound for the US from Britain by making bombs on board was revealed for the first time by Pakistan's prime intelligence agency, which 346

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then brought it into the notice of its counterpart agencies in the US and the UK ... The agencies of all the three countries then launched a successful operation in unison to foil the plot. Well-placed sources revealed to The News on condition of anonymity that the operation was coordinated at the highest level by all the three agencies. The heads of governments of all three countries were also kept abreast with the efforts in this regards. Pakistan's top intelligence agency's chief, Lt-Gen Ashfaq Pervez Kiyani, personally supervised the coordination of the three agencies. Gen Kiyani, who is director-general of the Inter-Services Intelligence (151), returned from London only last week. The ISI chief and senior aides travelled regularly to the West and even across the Atlantic in this endeavour, and not only unearthed the plot but also rendered tangible assistance with precision in nabbing the suspects.

Yes, he returned from London a few days before where the final details of the scam were agreed. First of all, the ISI's methods of 'interrogation' make anything you have seen in pictures from American prisons in Iraq look like tea with your granny. Nothing that a 'suspect' says when 'questioned' by these mind-sick morons has a shred of believability on this basis alone. But it goes further. The ISI is a notorious sponsor of the very terror groups it was claiming to be exposing in this 'liquid bomb plot' and it is one of the prime vehicles through which manufactured terror organisations are created and funded on behalf of its masters in the US and Britain. I have been exposing its activities for years. The ISI is a military operation and its director general has to be a serving Lieutenant General in the Pakistan Army. It controls the government headed by Pervez Musharraf, the Pakistan President and chief of the army who took power in a coup in 1999. Pakistan, dubbed the 'Land of the Pure' by the inventor of its name, is, in truth, a blatant military dictatorship with close ties to a stream of engineered terrorist groups and the intelligence agencies of the US, UK and elsewhere.

Training the terrorists

The ISI was a primary source of funding for Osama bin Laden on behalf of the United States and was massively involved in the manipulation of 9/11. After the US covertly provoked the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, as later admitted by President Carter's National Security Advisor, the Trilateral Commission's Zbigniew Brzezinski, tens of millions of dollars were funnelled to Afghanistan resistance groups called the Mujahideen. These would later become the Taliban and 'al-Qaeda'. The money came from the United States and Saudi Arabia and was largely managed and distributed to the Mujahideen by the ISI across the border in Pakistan. The front man for the resistance to the Soviet occupation was Osama bin Laden, the stooge of the CIA and the Saudi 'royal' family, and the CIA database of Mujahideen personnel is the origin of the name 'al-Qaeda'. It literally means 'the base or database', as former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook revealed a month before he died from a heart attack. Cook wrote in the UK Guardian on July 8th, 2005:
Throughout the 80s [Bin Laden] was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan. Al-Qaida, literally 'the

database', was originally the computer file of the thousands of Mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians. Inexplicably, and with disastrous consequences, it never appears to have occurred to Washington that once Russia was out of the way, Bin Laden's organisation would turn its attention to the West.

The only point I would challenge is that the US authorities 'inexplicably' didn't see the 'disastrous consequences' coming. Oh, but they did because that was the plan, and the ISI would continue to be a major bag carrier and conduit for funds and training to manufacture the subsequent 'war on terror'. You can't have a war on terror unless you have the 'terror' in the first place and that was, and is, a major role of the ISI. In 1984, Bin Laden located himself in Peshawar, just across the Afghan border in Pakistan. Even the mainstream MSNBC in America reported in 1998 that his organisation, Maktab alKhidamar (MAK), was 'nurtured by Pakistan's state security services, the Inter-Services Intelligence agency, or ISI, the CIA's primary conduit for conducting the covert war against Moscow's occupation'. One of the main financial vehicles for funding this and other terrorist networks was the BCCI, the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, or, more accurately, the Bank of Crooks and Criminals International as it was known after its crash amid enormous scandal in 1991. It was a front for drug money laundering and for intelligence agencies financing terrorist operations. The full enormity of its activities was covered up by the then President of the United States, Father George Bush, and British Prime Minister John Major, who would later be European head of the Bushconnected Carlyle Group, advisors to the Bin Laden family. The bank was based in Pakistan, where it opened in 1972, and it had extremely close ties with ... the ISI. A great deal of the funding for Bin Laden's operation came from heroin after opium production in Mujahideen-controlled Afghan territories soared from 250 tons in 1982 to 2,000 tons in 1991. Bin Laden and the ISI were reaping a reported $100 million a year in a deal that had Mujahideen 'warlords' paying an opium tax, and these drugs were sold on the world market with the full knowledge and cooperation of the CIA. In fact, the CIA / Illuminati control the main drug-running operation on the planet. The United Nations Drug Control Program said in 1999 that the ISI was making around $2.5 billion annually from the sale of illegal drugs. As Time magazine reported on April 29th 2002:
Even by the shadowy standards of spy agencies, the ISI is notorious. It is commonly branded 'a state within the state', or Pakistan's 'invisible government'. It has sponsored Muslim rebels in Indian-held Kashmir, and propped up the Taliban and by extension its malevolent Arab guests in Afghanistan though it denies these charges. Its tentacles stretch into Pakistani politics, courts and everyday life. It is much feared; a venal whisper from an ISI informer can destroy a career or lead to arrest or worse.

This is the organisation, lest we forget, that 'uncovered' the 'plot' to bomb multiple airliners over the Atlantic that led to the arrest of twenty-four people who had no bombs, no plane tickets and many not even passports. It also triggered the insane airport 'security' measures that caused enormous disruption, chaos and fear, and included a ban on hand luggage and even baby milk unless it was 'tested' in front of security staff. These measures were introduced via UK Home Secretary John Reid, the

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'political bully' who was really a manipulated babe-in-arms and, like the overwhelming majority of politicians worldwide, probably clueless about the forces involved. The CIA, Britain's MI6 and the ISI created and oversaw 'training camps' in Pakistan that coached more than 100,000 Muslims in the art of terrorism and bomb-making between 1986 and 1992, according to real journalist John Pilger. The Soviet Union left Afghanistan in 1989 and only 43,000 of this 100,000 actually took part in the war! The 'elite' British special forces unit, the SAS, was involved in the training in Pakistan, while those Muslims selected for leadership roles went to a camp in Virginia under a project called Operation Cyclone. Richard Murphy, an Assistant Secretary of State for Near East and South Asian Relations during the Reagan-Bush administration, later said: 'We did spawn a monster in Afghanistan'. Pakistan President, Benazir Bhutto, told the US President, Father George Bush, that he was 'creating a Frankenstein', but that's exactly what Bush wanted to do. He was creating the potential terrorists across the world that his son, or some other place man, was scheduled to 'fight' at a later stage. As I have been stressing all these years, the Reptilian agenda is projected forward decades and more often much more. In late 2001, the training of terrorists by the United States government was confirmed in an investigation by the excellent American journalist Greg Palast for the BBC Newsnight current affairs programme. Michael Springman, the US Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, during the Father Bush presidency, told Palast:
In Saudi Arabia I was repeatedly ordered by high level State Department officials to issue visas to unqualified applicants. These were, essentially, people who had no ties either to Saudi Arabia or to their own country. I complained bitterly at the time there. I returned to the US, I complained to the State Department here, to the General Accounting Office, to the Bureau of Diplomatic Security and to the Inspector General's office. I was met with silence. What I was protesting was, in reality, an effort to bring recruits, rounded up by Osama Bin Laden, to the US for terrorist training by the CIA. They would then be returned to Afghanistan to fight against the then-Soviets.

This may stagger the believers in John Wayne-America, but the force controlling the US government and the military-intelligence network has been training terrorists for decades to ply their trade in target countries across the world. The British establishment do the same, as do Israel and others who claim to oppose terrorism. For sixty years the United States government has operated the notorious 'School of the Americas', which now goes under the Orwellian title of the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation. It is based at Fort Benning, Georgia, and since 1946 it has trained more than 60,000 soldiers and police officers from Central and South America. Its 'graduates' have gone on to be the continent's most appalling dictators, terrorists, mass killers and torturers after gleaning their expertise courtesy of the American taxpayer. It was School of the Americas 'graduates' who ran Guatemala's D-2 death squad that destroyed 448 Mayan villages and killed tens of thousands of people. 'Forty per cent of the cabinet ministers who served the genocidal regimes of Lucas Garcia, Rios Montt and Mejia Victores studied at the School of the Americas', reported the UK Guardian in October 2001. Augusto Pinochet's secret police and his three principal concentration camps in Chile were run by psychopaths trained at the School of the Americas, and the same applies to death squads and dictators in Argentina, Peru, Colombia and elsewhere.

The roots of 9/11

After the Soviet Union left Afghanistan in 1989 and the remains of the communist Afghan government was removed from the capital Kabul, control of the country was entirely in the hands of the Mujahideen warlords and the Pakistan ISI. Out of this came rule by the Taliban and the emergence of the manufactured terrorist group given the name, 'al-Qaeda', which began to be blamed for striking 'Western' targets. The BBC documentary series, The Power of Nightmares, produced by Adam Curtis in 2004, said of 'al-Qaeda':
The reality was that bin Laden and Ayman Zawahiri had become the focus of a loose association of disillusioned Islamist militants who were attracted by the new strategy. But there was no organisation. These were militants who mostly planned their own operations and looked to bin Laden for funding and assistance. He was not their commander. There is also no evidence that bin Laden used the term 'al Qaeda' to refer to the name of a group until after September the 11th, when he realised that this was the term the Americans have given it.

Ironically, most Muslims have also accepted the existence of a 'terror network' called 'alQaeda', and its role in 9 /11, simply because the American government has told them so. It is accepted fact born merely of repeating a lie. You now have Muslims claiming to be ' members of al-Qaeda' when there is no al-Qaeda in the way it is portrayed. Such is the power of propaganda. Osama bin Laden and 'al-Qaeda' are simply Emmanuel Goldstein and the resistance Brotherhood in Orwell's 1984. They have been created to generate fear in the population that leads them to accept loss of freedom for their own 'protection'. In 1999, President Pervez Musharraf seized power in Pakistan in a coup and appointed his ally, Lieutenant General Mahmoud Ahmad, as head of the ISI. A year later, the ISI gave a house in Pakistan to an alleged funder of the 9 /11 attacks, Ahmad Omar Saeed Sheikh, or Omar Sheikh. This was a man who had been jailed for kidnapping British and American citizens. The following year, Omar Sheikh made many phone calls to ISI chief, Ahmad. Agence France Presse and the Times of India both quoted an official Indian intelligence report saying that the 9 /11 attacks were, in part, funded by money wired from Pakistan by the same Omar Sheikh to 'lead hijacker' Mohamed Atta on the order of the ISI's Mahmoud Ahmad. One money transfer from the ISI to Atta via Omar Sheikh totalled some $100,000. Of course, there is much more to 9 /11 than that, but the connections are obvious between the ISI, terrorist groups, the US and British governments, the CIA, British Intelligence, and some of those officially named as complicit in the attacks. America's sleaze-ball Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, who has close ties to the ISI, visited Pakistan publicly in May 2001, five months before September 11th, while CIA director George Tenet met President Musharraf in an unpublicised meeting later described as 'unusually long'. ISI Director Mahmoud Ahmad was in town at the same time. Just two months after these meetings, the American organisation, Human Rights Watch, reported that the ISI was:
... bankrolling Taliban military operations ... arranging training for its fighters, planning and directing offensives, providing and facilitating shipments of ammunition and fuel, and on several occasions apparently directly providing combat support.

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Yet, within months of the Human Rights Watch report, and the visit to Pakistan by Tenet and Armitage, the US and Britain would be bombing the Taliban for their alleged involvement with 9 /11 and 'al-Qaeda' while, at the same time, the Pakistan government and the ISI were being touted as 'allies' in the 'war on terror'! A week before September 11th, ISI chief Mahmoud Ahmad arrived in Washington to meet Armitage and other government and intelligence officials. While the 9 /11 attacks were unfolding, he would be having breakfast with Florida senator, Bob Graham, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, along with Pakistan's Ambassador to the US, Maleeha Lodhi, and other US members of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees, including CIA operative, Representative Porter Goss. It was Graham and Goss who later co-chaired the joint House-Senate 'investigation' into the 9 /11 attacks which supported the official story. Goss would become head of the CIA after Tenet. The Pakistan journalist, Amir Mateen, wrote the following on September 10th, 2001:
ISI Chief Lt-Gen. Mahmoud's week-long presence in Washington has triggered speculation about the agenda of his mysterious meetings at the Pentagon and National Security Council. Officially, he is on a routine visit in return to CIA Director George Tenet's earlier visit to Islamabad. Official sources confirm that he met Tenet this week. He also held long parleys with unspecified officials at the White House and the Pentagon. But the most important meeting was with Marc Grossman, US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs. One can safely guess that the discussions must have centred around Afghanistan ... and Osama bin Laden. What added interest to his visit is the history of such visits. Last time Ziauddin Butt, Mahmoud's predecessor, was here, during Nawaz Sharif's government, the domestic politics turned topsy-turvy within days.

It would take just one day to transform American and global politics. Mahmoud Ahmad was replaced as ISI chief when the links were made public between him and Omar Sheikh in the transfer of money to Mohamed Atta; but Pakistan still joined the US in the 'war on terror' and was rewarded by a major American aid package. In 2006, President Musharraf said the Bush administration had threatened to bomb his country 'into the Stone Age' if he did not cooperate. He said the threat was conveyed by Richard Armitage, the thug and CIA drug-runner, who was number two to Colin Powell at the State Department. It was arranged for Powell to be travelling on September 11th, leaving Armitage at the helm. ISI operative Omar Sheikh would later be given the death sentence for killing the Wall Street Journal reporter, Daniel Pearl, who was kidnapped and beheaded in 2002. Pearl was in Pakistan to investigate the connections between alQaeda, the 'shoe bomber' Richard Reid, Pakistan's ISI and the $100,000 wired to Mohamed Atta's account in the US by Omar Sheikh on the orders of Mahmoud Ahmad. In fact, it is highly unlikely that Omar Sheikh killed Daniel Pearl. As the former British government minister, Michael Meacher, wrote:
Omar Sheikh, a British-born Islamist militant, is waiting to be hanged in Pakistan for a murder he almost certainly didn't commit of the Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in 2002. Both the US government and Pearl's wife have since acknowledged that

Sheikh was not responsible. Yet the Pakistani government is refusing to try other suspects newly implicated in Pearl's kidnap and murder for fear the evidence they produce in court might acquit Sheikh and reveal too much. Significantly, Sheikh is also the man who, on the instructions of General Mahmoud Ahmad, the then head of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (151), wired $100,000 before the 9/11 attacks to Mohamed Atta, the lead hijacker. It is extraordinary that neither Ahmad nor Sheikh have been charged and brought to trial on this count. Why not?

The answer is by now self evident. To bring them to justice would mean the danger of exposing the nexus behind 9 /11 and the bogus 'war on terror', orchestrated by the cult that controls the US and UK governments, and involving the Pakistan government and its terrorist wing, the ISI. Whenever we hear the names Pakistan and ISE, the alarm bells should be deafening.

'Anti terrorism' terrorists


The manufactured terrorist attacks since, and including, September 11th 2001, have many common themes. This is as you would expect given that the same force was behind them. One theme is the connection between the intelligence agencies 'protecting people' and the 'terrorists' those same agencies blame for killing people. This is nothing new in the sick and shady world of the 'intelligence community', where often 'recruitment' is just another way of saying 'find us a psychopath'. It has long been publicly established that British 'Intelligence' (their word, not mine) planted its agents in the Irish terror groups and then fed them 'information' about people in Northern Ireland that they wanted dead. They would say that this or that person was a government informer and the target would be killed by the terrorists. In effect, the intelligence hierarchy turned the terrorists they were supposed to be targeting into their own assassination squad. Martin Ingram (a pseudonym), a former British Army Intelligence Officer and co-author of the book, Stakeknife, has confirmed his involvement in this operation and names Martin McGuinness, now a member of the UK parliament, as a British agent working under the code, 'J118'. This is a staggering claim to those who see the world in terms of distinct 'sides', because McGuinness represents Sinn Fein, the political wing of the IRA terrorist group that was supposed to be at war with the British government at the time. British Irish Rights Watch has presented a confidential report to the authorities on IRA terrorist attacks in Northern Ireland involving at least two 'security force agents'. These include 'human bomb' attacks in which people drove vehicles carrying explosives into army checkpoints. Yes, British military checkpoints in attacks engineered by British military intelligence. Alice in Wonderland had nothing on these guys, but it makes total sense once you have the coordinates of what they are trying to achieve and the methods they use to get there. British Irish Rights Watch has highlighted other attacks and murders in which the IRA and British intelligence colluded, among them the murder of lawyer, Pat Finucane. Victor Ostrovsky, a former Mossad agent, is another insider who has confirmed the way the web operates. He points out that Mossad's motto is 'By way of deception, thou shalt do war'. In his books, including By Way of Deception, he says that Mossad is expert

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in 'false flag' terrorist attacks which can be blamed on targets they wish to discredit and destroy. Andreas von Buelow, the former German Defence Minister, told me that Abu Nadal, the one-time Arab terrorist 'Mr. Big', was an asset of Mossad. Ostrovsky reveals that among Mossad's other operations were: provoking the American attack on Libya in 1986 with a transmission that appeared to be broadcasting terrorist orders from Libya to its embassies around the world, but actually originated in Israel; manipulating war with Iraq by instigating an enormous propaganda campaign against Saddam Hussein and his 'weapons of mass destruction'; and training both sides in the Sri Lankan civil war. In Figure 189: Mohamed 'Lee Harvey' Atta May 2007, an 'al-Qaeda' video was 'released' containing threats of terrorism against the United States. The message was delivered by 'Adam Yehiye Gadahn', who turns out to be Adam Pearlman, a Jewish Mossad agent who had previously condemned Muslims as 'bloodthirsty, barbaric terrorists'. His grandfather was Carl K. Pearlman, a member of the board of directors of the Anti-Defamation League, a Mossad front. Victor Ostrovsky also confirmed that Mossad has a massive network in the United States targeting opponents and politicians, and that one of its vehicles is the Anti-Defamation League, or ADL. Its main role is to brand any opposition as 'anti-Semitic'. These agencies are fiercely compartmentalised so that each person or section only knows so much. A friend worked at the British intelligence 'listening station', or GCHQ in Cheltenham, England, where communications traffic from across the world is monitored. He said that each employee had an electronic card that allowed them to access only those parts of the building where they worked. They could not go anywhere else. Only the few at the top had cards that could take them everywhere, and this is the way the system operates at every level.

The pork-eating patsy

All this is highly relevant with regard to Mohamed Atta (Figure 189) and company, and the attacks of September 11th. He and others were set up to be in the wrong place at the wrong time thinking they were there to do something else. The official story of Atta falls down at first base. The 9/11 attacks, we are told, were carried out by Islamic fanatics as part of a Jihad, or Holy War, against the United States. Two of the very basic tenets of the Muslim religion are that you never drink alcohol and never eat the meat of a pig. Atta, it turns out, was a heavy drinker, regularly snorted cocaine and his favourite food was pork chops. An Islamic fanatic he wasn't. So why would he be the 'lead hijacker' in a suicide attack on behalf of an Islamic 'holy war'? Answer, he wasn't. Amanda Keller, a stripper and lingerie model (how very Islamic), was Atta's former girlfriend and she tells a very different story about this 'Islamic extremist' to the one the authorities want us to believe. Keller was tracked down by journalist Daniel Hopsicker for his book, Welcome to Terrorland: Mohamed Atta and the 9-11 Cover-Up in Florida. Daniel has been the vociferous investigator of the Florida connection to 9/11, the state governed by the President's brother and Project for the New American Century stalwart, Jeb Bush. Fourteen of the

alleged 'hijackers' are said to have made Florida their base of operation. In particular, the focus was on the two flight schools in Venice, Florida, attended by Atta and eight other '9/11 terrorists'. The schools were Huffman Aviation and the Florida Flight Training Center, both at Venice Airport, a notorious location for drug flights to and from South America. In an amazing coincidence, well beyond the bounds of my believability, we are told that two Dutchmen, Rudi Dekkers and Arne Kruithof, bought the two schools within months of each other purely by chance and that, again purely by chance, Arab would-be pilots began to arrive at both schools in unprecedented numbers. Daniel Hopsicker calls this the 'Magic Dutch Boy Theory'. Mohamed Atta attended the Dekkers school, Huffman Aviation, after leaving Germany where he was part of an elite international 'exchange' programme, a 'joint venture' between the US and German governments, and run by a little-known private organisation which, says Hopsicker, has dose ties to Illuminati figures like David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger. The FBI has systematically covered up the Florida connection. It claimed instead that it had no idea where Atta was located between leaving the flying school (according to Dekkers about Christmas 2000) and when they officially pick him up again in May 2001. This is nonsense, as Hopsicker reveals. Numerous witnesses told them where Atta was in that time in Venice, Florida. He lived in nearby North Port from January 2001 until early March and then moved in with Amanda Keller in the Sandpiper Apartments. All this was happening four months after the FBI tells us that Atta left Venice and they lost track of him. Rudi Dekkers claims he never saw Atta again after he left in late 2000 and yet several witnesses saw them together in Venice two weeks before 9 /11, and another said Atta bought a sandwich from her in Venice one week before the attacks. Why is the FBI covering up what happened in Venice and why has Rudi Dekkers not been held to account for his false testimony? The answer, says Hopsicker, is that Dekkers was a CIA asset and the CIA was running the whole operation. He said in a radio interview:
I discovered that we were dealing with flight school owners who are CIA assets ... Mohamed Atta was in this country as a result of a program being run through the Central Intelligence Agency.

Hopsicker says the FBI lied to protect Dekkers and, in turn, Dekkers lied to Congress about his relationship with Atta. The 9 /11 Commission, set up to whitewash the whole story, basically ignores the flight schools in Venice, along with anything that is relevant to the truth. Whenever you are dealing with a CIA connection you'll almost always find drug trafficking operations. This is one of the main ways that their 'black ops' are financed without using official funds that can be traced, and people like the Bushes and Clinton are heavily involved in this, as I shall detail. The joint owner of Huffman Aviation, along with Dekkers, was a guy called Wally Hilliard, and on July 25th, 2000, while Atta was attending the flight school, Hilliard's Learjet was found to have fortythree pounds of heroin on board when searched by the Drug Enforcement Agency in Orlando. The Orlando Sentinel called it 'the biggest drug seizure in central Florida history'. Hopsicker says it is no coincidence that Atta was, allegedly with Hilliard's help, selling Afghanistan opium and heroin that was financing the Taliban in league with the CIA and Pakistan military intelligence, the ISI. As I said earlier, the CIA and ISI were running the opium/heroin operation in Afghanistan and creaming off profits for

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Bin Laden and the training and arming of Islamic terrorism. Atta's girlfriend, Amanda Keller, says he had a constant supply of cash and drugs:
These guys had money flowing out their ass. They never seemed to run out of money. They had massive supplies of cocaine. Whenever they'd run out, they'd go over to the flight school. I followed them one day with Sabrina [a German friend of Atta's] to see where they were going, and saw them go into Florida Flight Training.

Dekkers and Hilliard were also flush with money despite losing a fortune on the flying school. One observer said of Dekkers: 'He didn't even have the money to buy gas for an airplane ... and yet a year later he shows up and plops a million seven, a million eight or two million dollars on the table as if it were paper money'. Atta was involved in the CIAISI drug running operation and it is highly likely, in fact almost certain, that the $100,000 wired to him by the ISI was related to the drug operation and not money to finance 9/11, as portrayed by the authorities. Atta was simply set up. Years earlier he is reported to have enrolled as a student at the International Officer's School at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama and witnesses recall him being introduced at an officers' club party. The New York Times reported on September 15th 2001:
Three of the men identified as the hijackers in the attacks on Tuesday have the same names as alumni of American military schools, the authorities said today. The men were identified as Mohamed Atta, Abdulaziz al-Omari and Saeed al-Ghamdi. The Defense Department said Mr. Atta had gone to the International Officers School at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama; Mr. al-Omari to the Aerospace Medical School at Brooks Air Force Base in Texas; and Mr. al-Ghamdi to the Defense Language Institute at the Presidio in Monterey, Calif.

Atta's email list included people working for defence contractors like the Canadian firm, Virtual Prototypes, which helped to develop the avionics for the F-15, F-22 and B-2. He was fluent in at least Arabic, English, German, French and Hebrew, and his demeanour and flash clothes led many to believe he was connected to the mob. This was no Islamic extremist willing to give his life for the cause. This was a man who was heard to say in one of his countless drunken states: 'Fuck God'. What we are looking at here is a sting on Atta and others, who were part of the CIA's drug operation in Florida, to set them up to be blamed for 9 /11. They thought they were doing one thing, but they were being manipulated to another end. Mohamed Atta was not a nice man to say the very least, but on one level he was just another victim, another expendable, in the Reptilian hybrid plan for global control. This is why the movements and official story of Mohamed Atta make no sense, as I expose in detail in Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster. It is a cover story and they are always full of holes.

More official drivel

The FBI tale is that after arriving in Boston on September 10th, Atta and another 'hijacker', Abdulaziz Alomari, rented a Nissan Altima from the Alamo company at Boston Logan Airport and drove just over 100 miles to Portland, Maine. They are said

to have stayed overnight at a Comfort Inn before heading the next morning for Portland Airport and a plane back to Boston to pick up Flight 11. In Maine, investigators claim that Atta and Alomari met up with other hijackers who came into the United States from across the Canadian border. These other men are said to have driven back from Maine to Boston Airport while Atta and Alomari flew to Boston the next morning. On September 10th, we are told that five Arab men 'believed' to be the 'hijackers', and including Atta, tried to buy or rent cell phones from a store in Portland, 'investigators' say. They were refused at first, because they did not have the proper identification, but that all changed when the men paid $3,000 in cash. If they did not have proper identification to buy cell phones, how did Atta manage to hire a car that same day? How did they manage to buy air tickets, as we are told they now tried to do? You have got to hear this next bit. The men are reported to have used their new phones to call the airport at Bangor, Maine, to get a flight to Boston, but they couldn't get one with the right times. They then allegedly called the Portland International Jetport where two made reservations clearly this is supposed to be Atta and Alomari. The other three men are believed, according to some reports, to have returned to Boston in Atta's rented Nissan, but police say they found this car at Portland Airport. If they did, how did these other 'hijackers' get to Boston Logan to connect with Flights 11 and 175? If they didn't use Atta's rental car, they must have hired another, or gone by plane. Where is the documentation? No one seems to ask these questions. Let's just take a breath here. 'Highly trained terrorists', along with their 'leader', Mohamed Atta, were planning to hijack four commercial airliners, take over the controls and direct them to their target, but they wait until the day before to book seats on planes to connect with the flights they have planned meticulously to hijack? And they only buy cell phones at that time also? What? But hold on, there's more. Atta and Alomari are said to have been caught on video at Portland as they boarded a USAir flight for Boston on that morning of September 11th. Well, for a start, that wasn't Alomari on the videotape, because he is still alive and still more questions arise here. Why would the leader of the biggest plane hijack in history, an attack years in the planning according to the FBI, risk flying into Boston that morning and giving himself so little time between landing in Boston from Portland and taking off on Flight 11 a flight scheduled to leave at 7.45 am? If the Portland flight had been delayed the whole operation was scuppered. On the videotape released by the FBI of 'Atta' and 'Alomari' getting on the plane at Portland is the time code 05-53-41 (Figure 190). That's just nineteen seconds short of six minutes to six, but the flight they took from Figure 190: The 'Atta' security camera footage with two Portland to Boston that morning, time codes. One was accurate, the other added to make the USAir Flight 5930, was scheduled fake version more credible

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to depart at ... 6 am. This is only six minutes after 'Atta' and 'Alomari' were 'captured' on videotape passing through security. No wonder they were described as 'rushing' for the plane. The FBI timeline says that Atta and Alomari checked out of their hotel in Portland at 5.33 am, just twenty-seven minutes before their plane was due to depart, and they had to park their rental car, deal with the paperwork, check in and get to the gate. Anyone who travels by air knows that if you leave it that late you are highly likely to miss the flight. Not only did the leader of the biggest plane hijacking in history take the chance of flying into Boston from a connecting flight that morning, he arrived so late that the Portland plane left only minutes after he got to the gate. All that planning and he took those risks of not even getting to Boston? It's a fairy story. The Washington Post talked about the '... astonishing degree of organization and planning undertaken by the terrorists'. Hilarious. I asked the FBI about all these anomalies and contradictions, but officials refused to answer my questions. Another thing. Michael Tuohey, the US Airways ticket agent who checked in 'Atta' and 'Alomari', remembers that they were running late when they approached his desk wearing suits and ties and Alomari also wore a white shawl. A hundred yards and minutes later they are said to be pictured passing through security without suits, ties or shawl. 'They left my workstation in suits and ties. I didn't see them take their coats off', Tuohey recalls. 'Atta left carrying a small duffel bag and the other had a very small bag. I guess they could have placed the jackets, ties and shawl in Atta's bag. I just don't know'. A friend of Tuohey's who was on the flight to Boston said he recalled the two leaving the plane in suits and ties. Tuohey said that Alomari was 'happy-go-lucky' and 'not like you'd expect from someone knowing he is going to die'. There seemed nothing unusual about the pair. Tuohey said that the Atta he checked in spoke perfect English, but the attendant at a Jetport Gas station who had met 'Atta and Alomari the day before said 'they spoke such poor English that I had to give them directions to Wal-Mart three times'. He said the 'Alomari' in the picture released by the FBI could not have been the one he met because he was too tall. Still, no problem, we can sort this out. There was a surveillance camera at Michael Tuohey's check-in desk that would have caught both men clearly on video. Ahhh, a little problem there (as usual). Tuohey said he was told by the FBI on 9/11 that his video camera had been out of order for several weeks and no pictures were available. 'I had worked there a long time and never knew the cameras were broken until I was told by the agents', Tuohey said. The FBI knew that the camera at his desk had not been working for weeks, but no one had told the guy working there every day? Again and again cameras are 'not working' when their pictures would demolish the official story. On the Portland airport security video a second time code appears in the centre of the screen the last place you would put a time code on a surveillance video. This code reads 05.45 and appears to only be there to hide the ridiculous contradiction of a 'highly professional' leader of the hijackers running to his plane at six minutes to departure. The way the shot is framed by most of the media, only the second time code in the middle of the screen is included, not the true one at the bottom of the frame. If this second, centre-of-the-screen, time code was correct, it means that Atta and friend must have checked out of their hotel, taken their car to the airport car park, checked in and passed through security to the gate all in twelve minutes! I rang Ruth Dudley, a very nice lady, who was Head of Security at Portland Airport on September 11th. I

asked her why there were two time codes one of them slap bang in the middle of the screen. She said she didn't know and would have to see it to give me an opinion. Unfortunately, she said, they didn't have those tapes anymore because they were confiscated on 9 /11 by the FBI. I asked the Bureau why there were two time codes on the video and why one was in the middle of the screen, but officials refused to answer. Mohamed Atta, and other 'hijackers', were CIA assets involved in drug trafficking and other covert operations, and they were following instructions to be in the wrong place at the wrong time to be framed for 9/11. This has happened so many times in the sick and disgraceful history of Illuminati / Intelligence agency manipulation. Lee Harvey Oswald, the falsely-accused assassin of President Kennedy, was another CIA operative who was set up to take the rap. There is no evidence that Mohamed Atta boarded Flight 11. I am not saying for sure that he didn't, but no evidence has been presented. He was not on the passenger list released by the airline and he disappeared after the flight from Portland to Boston. It would have been easy to confirm that he boarded by showing the footage from security cameras at Boston Logan, but this international airport did not have cameras in its departure lounge. An essential point in choosing that airport, no doubt.

The London bombings and other insider-terrorism

When you look at other 'Islamic terrorism' you find similar connections to the intelligence network. The man accused of supplying the dynamite used in the 'alQaeda' train bombings in Madrid was in possession of the private telephone number of the head of Spain's Civil Guard bomb squad, the London Times reported. It said 'the revelation has raised fresh concerns in Madrid about links between those held responsible for the March bombings, which killed 190 people, and Spain's security services ...' John Loftus, an American intelligence specialist and former prosecutor for the Justice Department, told US television that the alleged 'mastermind' of the London bombings in July 2005 was a double agent for British intelligence. Loftus said of Haroon Rashid Aswat:
Back in 1999 he came to America. The Justice Department wanted to indict him in Seattle because him and his buddy were trying to ... set up a terrorist training school in Oregon ... We've just learned that the headquarters of the US Justice Department ordered the Seattle prosecutors not to touch Aswat, apparently Aswat was working for British intelligence ... ... what's really embarrassing is that the entire British police are out chasing him, and one wing of the British government, MI6 or the British Secret Service, has been hiding him.

Nothing new there, then. Those London bombings, which killed more than fifty people, involved other 'coincidences'. At precisely the same time that the bombings were happening on three underground trains and a London bus there was a training exercise going on in the same area based on the scenario that mirrored what actually occurred same time, same stations. This is a repeat of the technique used on 9 /11 with the 'training exercises' involving planes hijacked over the northeast United States. Peter Power, Managing Director of 'crisis management' company, Visor Consultants, is a

The seamless web


former London Metropolitan Police official and worked at one time with the AntiTerrorist Branch. He told BBC radio just hours after the London attacks:
At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now ... we planned this for a company and for obvious reasons I don't want to reveal their name but they're listening and they'll know it. And we had a room full of crisis managers for the first time they'd met and so within five minutes we made a pretty rapid decision that this is the real one and so we went through the correct drills of activating crisis management procedures to jump from slow time to quick time thinking and so on.

When Power gave his interview, police were saying that the bombs went off over a period of around an hour, but later it was confirmed that the tube bombings went off simultaneously exactly the same as the exercise scenario. This staggering 'coincidence' doesn't mean that Power and his company had to be 'in on it'. We need to keep thinking compartmentalisation. They only needed to be hired to stage the exercise, not to know what it was really for. Training exercises are a great cover for such engineered 'terrorism'. It can confuse the reaction system and mean that if one of your operatives is picked up with evidence to connect them to the attacks you can say: 'No, he's okay, he was part of the exercise'. It also allows you to hire people to carry fake or even real bombs thinking they were part of the exercise when all along others are manipulating them into locations where they can to take the blame. I am not saying this happened with the London bombings, but it does happen, as does the manipulation of real terrorists to be blamed for atrocities they did not commit. The official story alleges that three British nationals from West Yorkshire, all of Pakistani descent, and a Jamaicanborn British national from Buckinghamshire were responsible for the bombings. It was claimed that the three from Yorkshire drove to Luton railway station north of London that morning, where they met the other and boarded the 7.40 train to London. The problem is that the 7.40 train was cancelled and that is just one of a list of anomalies and questions surrounding the bombings. The 'bombers' left their car in the station car park at Luton and paid in advance to park there for seven days. They bought return railway tickets to London. Why would they do that if they were going to kill themselves in little more than an hour? We are told that the four split up when they arrived at London's Kings Cross station, but they could not have been there in time to carry out the bombings if they caught a train later than the 7.40. When this fact began to be publicised, the official story changed and we were told they took an earlier train, a claim that also does not stand up to scrutiny. Despite the hundreds of surveillance cameras at the railway stations and throughout the London tube network, very few images of the alleged bombers have been released. They include the one claimed to be the four men arriving at Luton station (Figure 191, overleaf), led by 'bus bomber' Hasib Hussain, but none of the surveillance images prove they were involved in the bombings. Three bombs went off on tube trains at 8.50 am and Hasib Hussain is said to have exploded the fourth fifty-seven minutes later on a number 30 London bus in Tavistock


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Figure 191: The security camera photograph of the four 'London bombers' arriving at Luton railway station

Square, appropriately the same name as one of the Illuminati's major mindcontrol operations, London's Tavistock Institute (Figure 192). It is claimed that Hussain bought some batteries and went to a McDonalds for a burger before boarding the bus. Yeah, that sounds feasible ... before I meet Allah I must have a Big Mac. The No 30 bus was apparently one of only two to be diverted from its normal route after the train bombings and ... here we go again ... its surveillance camera wasn't working to prove what happened as with the assassination of Princess Diana, the Portland airport check-in camera, and the murder by police of a Brazilian electrician in a London tube station, shot seven times in the head after they 'mistook' him for a suicide bomber. One senior police official said of the 'faulty' bus camera:
It's a big blow and a disappointment. If the cameras had been running we would have had pin-sharp close-up pictures of the person who carried out this atrocity. We don't know if the driver forgot to switch them on or if there was a technical problem but there are no images.

Figure 192: The aftermath of the bus bombing in London's Tavistock Square

How convenient, and how often this happens. London bus drivers contacted me to say they were highly suspicious about the official story and another told a conspiracy website that the CCTV cameras were regularly checked and maintained. Descriptions of the 'bus bomber' by a man claiming to be a passenger did not match the clothing of Hasib Hussain caught on camera that day. Another calling card by the symbolism-obsessed Illuminati was the advertisement splashed across the side of the bus for a horror movie called The Descent, which featured a bloodied actress, Shauna Macdonald, staring out of darkness. The ad said: 'Outright Terror ... Bold and Brilliant' (Figure 193). As with the hijacker's passport on 9 / 11 and Atta's bag that 'failed to make Figure 193: Calling card on the Flight 11', the police could identify all the London side of the bus from the 'bombers' almost immediately from their documents symbolism-obsessed Reptilian found at the scene. Nothing was left of their bodies, but hybrids

The seamless web


their documents, no problem. Documentation of one 'bomber' was found at three of the four bomb sites, which is quite a trick. The London Times reported that police had no need of DNA evidence to identify the bombers because they were all carrying personal documents. 'It is as if they wanted their identities to be known', a police source told the paper. As BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner put it:
I do think it very strange that they were able to find these documents belonging to these bombers. Maybe they thought they were going to paradise so it didn't really matter but it allowed the police to trace where they came from very quickly. It was a strange thing to do.
But it's not so strange when you understand the game. The bombs were supposed to be

in backpacks carried by the four, and so any explosion would have been from the inside outwards. However, this was not the experience of some survivors of the tube train bombs who spoke to the media. Bruce Lait, from Cambridge, and his dance-partner, Crystal Main, were nearest to the blast on their train, but were the only ones in their carriage to escape serious injury. Lait told the Cambridge Evening News:
The policeman said 'mind that hole, that's where the bomb was'. The metal was pushed upwards as if the bomb was underneath the train. They seem to think the bomb was left in a bag, but I don't remember anybody being where the bomb was, or any bag.

The Cambridge Evening News said: 'This suggests at least one of the bombs may have been planted either on the track, or on the undercarriage'. Yes they were, but how do 'suicide bombers' with backpacks who'd just arrived by train from Luton put them there? Christophe Chaboud, head of the French Anti-Terrorism Co-ordination Unit, told the Le Monde newspaper that the explosives used in the bombings were of military origin. He said the injuries to the passengers indicated that they had been placed on the ground or perhaps under seats. Try under the trains. The London bombings borrowed their script from 9/11 fake confessions, speculation on the fall of sterling before the bombings, and no video footage released from the hundreds of cameras that must have caught the bombers over and over in London had the story been true. Clear confirmation of prior knowledge of the attacks comes with the warning to Israeli Finance Minister and rabid Neocon, Benjamin Netanyahu. Associated Press reported that he was told by police to stay at his hotel and not attend an event close to where one of the blasts would go off that morning. Israeli officials later denied this, but hours after the bombings this article by the former head of Mossad, Efraim Halevi, was published in the Jerusalem Post:
The multiple, simultaneous explosions that took place today on the London transportation system were the work of perpetrators who had an operational capacity of considerable scope. They have come a long way since the two attacks of the year 1998 against the American embassies in Nairobi and Dar-Es-Salaam, and the aircraft actions of September 11, 2001. There was careful planning, intelligence gathering, and a sophisticated choice of ti ming as well as near-perfect execution. We are faced with a deadly and determined

adversary who will stop at nothing and will persevere as long as he exists as a fighting terrorist force.

There is one problem with this, however. He says that they were 'multiple, simultaneous explosions' when the London police were saying at the time that they happened at intervals over some sixty minutes. It was only days later that they announced that the tube Figure 194: We must protect Figure 195: Nazi German poster bombs were simultaneous. you from the terrorists by circa 1934 with the same theme How did Halevi know watching you all the time: Problem-Reaction-Solution before they did? The 'bombers' were set up and I stress again that often the ultimate power behind 'terror cells' is the intelligence agencies and the secret society network. The recruited stooges who think they are serving 'Allah' have no idea who their hidden controllers are. Of course, there are 'terror groups', but who really controls them? Also, any 'Pakistan connection' the 'bombers' were alleged to have brings us back to the Pakistan ISI, a terrorist wing of the CIA and British Intelligence. The British authorities have an appalling record of blaming the wrong people for terrorist outrages by withholding or tampering with evidence and by forced confessions ... the Birmingham Six, Guildford Four, Maguire Seven, on and on it goes. The London bombings have been used to justify more control, surveillance and loss of human rights because, as Tony Blair put it: 'We know we need strict controls in a changing world'. London Transport posters that appeared after the attacks said it all (Figures 194 and 195) and so does artist David Dees (Figure 196). All these themes are a constant in the bogus 'war on terror'. Those who wish to justify the Orwellian global state need the 'problem' of Islamic terrorism so they can offer the 'solution'. We have already heard so many lies and been sold so many 'terror plots' that turned out not to be so; but they still implant the repetition of 'danger from terrorists' into the public conscious and subconscious mind. In the wake of this, the law 'enforcement' authorities have become a law unto themselves. We have had an innocent Brazilian electrician shot seven times in the head while held down by London police, and no one has been charged with his murder; we have had a 'terrorist' shot by police in Forest Gate, London, when they raided his home on an 'intelligence tip off' that turned out to be false; we have had the 'terrorists' planning to use the deadly poison, Ricin, except that they weren't; and there was the 'plot' to 'attack' a British football stadium which, it turned out, was never planned at all. Seven people were arrested in Florida for an alleged plan to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago on such non-existent evidence that they were dubbed 'seven dipshits in a

The seamless web


warehouse' by John Stewart on the Comedy Channel's The Daily Show. Attorney General Alberto 'Seedy' Gonzales had to admit at a news conference that the seven had no links with 'alQaeda' members, no weapons and no explosives. We had the 'terror plot' to bomb transatlantic flights that was 'foiled' by the 'intervention' of Pakistan's Inter Services Figure 196: Who benefits from 9/11, the London bombings and other Intelligence, or ISI, which terrorist attacks? has trained, armed and funded terrorists on a massive scale. The ISI was at the heart of the conspiracy, with US, British and Israeli military intelligence, to attack the United States on September 11th 2001. We can expect many more lies about 'plots' and 'threats', and no doubt there will be other terrorist outrages engineered by the very people who use them to introduce still more controls and surveillance. Problem-Reaction-Solution is indeed a most powerful weapon for mass deception, but it can only work with a compliant mainstream media that repeats the official story without question or investigation. Unfortunately, with a few honourable exceptions, that is what we have.

The 'no conspiracy' alliance

The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and the guilty innocent, and that's power because they control the minds of the masses.

Malcolm X

The desperation to suppress the truth about September 11th and other engineered events, as well as the conspiracy in general, has brought together some strange bedfellows indeed. They include most of establishment academia, the political and journalistic 'left' and 'Greens', and the political and journalistic 'right'. No, make that 'far-right'. These apparently 'opposing' groups have come together in mutual service to the system and their own world-view programming. Fundamental to any tyranny is control of information and today's global tyranny has all but achieved that. The mainstream media is owned by the corporations who ensure that what people are told in the daily 'news' leads them to see the world in a way that suits the corporations and the shadowy bloodline networks that control them. This is why the only investigation into the official version of 9 / 11 has come from researchers and real journalists working outside the corporate-controlled mainstream. Reptilian hybrid corporations like General Electric, AOL Time Warner, Disney, News Corporation, Viacom and Bertelsmann own enormous tracts of the global media and, with mergers and takeovers continuing, that control is falling into ever-fewer hands. This is encouraged by Reptilian hybrid governments which are relaxing restrictions on media monopolies. This is often done by trading political support in return for changes in the law, a technique used to great effect by moguls like Rupert Murdoch. This is a vicious circle, because the more of the media the corporations can own, the more significant their political support becomes, and so the greater the influence over governments. To be fair, even genuine journalists find it almost impossible to tell the truth while operating within the imposed bias and restriction on what can be reported, and these are now being sifted out and removed, anyway. The policy is to employ only those who will not challenge the system. The corporate media masters want the stupid and ignorant and those to whom career and 'fame' are more important than telling the truth.

The 'news' fixers

We are led to believe that there is a right wing and left wing media, as there is supposed to be a right wing and left wing in politics, but these are merely different expressions of 364


the same system worship, as I shall now explore. The most blatant example of 'right wing' media manipulation is Fox News, the propaganda ministry owned by Rupert Murdoch and his vast media empire that includes Sky TV, Asian Star Television, the New York Post and the British newspapers, the Sun and the Times. Murdoch also bought MySpace.com in 2005 and given that line up and so much more - it is sobering to see what goes on behind the scenes in the Murdoch fiefdom to dictate and manipulate what Figure 197: A typical 'Fix' News viewer passes for 'news'. I will use Fox News to explain how systematic is the suppression of information, but the 'left wing' media operates in the same way and both attack anyone who suggests that 9/11 was an inside job, or that there is an Orwellian conspiracy (Figure 197). For those who are new to how the media works, it is worth remembering that these are the people that stand between what is happening in the world and what the public are told is happening. People say that if there was really a conspiracy the media would tell them about it, but what you are about to read will explain why they don't. Most 'journalists' are ignorant of who is really controlling events. To them, investigative journalism is reading the morning papers and watching the newsroom television. Even if they did know, they would not be allowed to report their information by the Reptilian hybrid corporations that control the mainstream presses and airwaves. In this climate of suppression, any genuine mainstream investigation of 9/11 has never stood a chance. Fox News, or more accurately Fix News, is the most biased television station I have seen, certainly in North America and Europe, and yet its slogan is 'Fair and Balanced' (Figure 198). This is Orwellian Newspeak akin to the Ministry of Truth in 1984 where history and information were falsified. Outside the Ministry was the notice: 'War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Figure 198: Fox News brain-washes whiter

Strength.' That's the same as saying Fox News is 'fair and balanced'. To Fox News, anyone questioning the official version of September 11th is a 'nut' who should be silenced. They have been particularly vitriolic about people like actor Charlie Sheen and talk show host Rosie O'Donnell after they said they didn't believe what we have been told about the attacks. Fox News presenters are employed to take a slant on the day's stories decreed by producers who answer to Murdoch and his henchmen. Watching souls being sold for the Murdoch shilling would make any proper journalist puke, and it's not even necessary to watch for long to see how stunningly unfair and unbalanced it really is. Switch on any time and there it is, 24/7. King of the Claptrap is a guy called Bill O'Reilly on The O'Reilly Factor, who settled a sexual harassment suit out of court in 2004 brought by his former producer, Andrea Mackris. The suit claimed that O'Reilly talked to Mackris about sexual fantasies, masturbation and vibrators while 'sometimes seeming to pleasure himself'. Facts and O'Reilly, as with Fox News in general, are not close friends. Peter Hart, Media Analyst for Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, said:
The O'Reilly Factor is probably the perfect example of everything that's wrong with Fox
News channel. They have stories that are selected primarily to upset liberals and Democrats and prop up the Republican Party. You have a hostility towards guests that disagree with the host and you have a host who in service of his conservative politics will distort facts, will misrepresent things, and will in some cases, just fabricate. I saw one example of this when O'Reilly harangued and misrepresented Sunsara Taylor

of the anti-war organisation, The World Can't Wait. She pointed out that Bush attorney John Yoo, who co-authored the freedom-busting Patriot Act, had said in a debate in Chicago that there was no law to stop the President ordering torture, including by 'crushing the testicles of the person's child'. O'Reilly accused her of slander and being unpatriotic. He called her 'hysterical' and 'simply a woman who doesn't know what she's talking about'. The guy's a nasty piece of work, a playground bully, and so how Murdoch must love him. They say likes attract. O'Reilly's treatment of Jeremy Glick, the son of a Port Authority worker who died on 9/11, was even more disgraceful. Glick's 'crime' was to sign an anti-war petition and, while the 'interview' itself was appalling, what happened afterwards gave an insight into the mentality that Murdoch employs. O'Reilly said to Glick words to the effect of 'Get out of my studio before I fucking tear you to pieces'. Glick went to a room to get a cup of coffee and he said that 'the executive producer and the assistant encouraged me to leave the building because they were concerned that if O'Reilly ran into me in the hallway that he would end up in jail'. On another occasion when a caller named 'Mike' simply mentioned a rival show hosted by the superb Keith Olbermann on MSNBC, O'Reilly had him cut off and said: if you're listening, Mike, we have your phone number, and we're going to turn it over to Fox security, and you'll be getting a little visit ...' A documentary called Outfoxed, Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism (www.outfoxed.org ) interviewed former Fox News employees and other media commentators and revealed the systematic bias and manipulation of information presented as 'news'. Frank O'Donnell, a former Fox News reporter, said that Murdoch began to blatantly dictate the content:

The 'no conspiracy alliance


We received an order from one of Murdoch's apparachniks ... that we should cut away from our newscast and start carrying a fawning tribute to Ronald Reagan that was airing at the Republican Party Convention. We were stunned because up until that point we were allowed to do legitimate news and suddenly we were ordered from the top to carry propaganda, to carry Republican right wing propaganda.

O'Donnell said that they were told to run a long uncut report essentially attacking Ted Kennedy, a long-time opponent of Murdoch. 'It had zero news value', he said. 'We were told, "You have to run this thing uncut". You could not even edit it down and just run a snippet of it.' Jon Du Pre, former Fox News presenter with the West Coast Bureau, said the stated practice was also to embarrass, humiliate, challenge or disrupt whatever black Democrat, Jesse Jackson, did:
We were told on many occasions that he was one of our targets. Anything we could do or say that would embarrass him, discredit him, we were encouraged to find the information and we were encouraged to report the information.

Fox News executives issue a 'message of the day' and other orders to staff which former Fox contributor and CIA intelligence analyst, Larry Johnson, described as 'a detailed list of subjects to talk about and not talk about'. He said they 'were actually issuing edicts to the reporters to control what they could say and how they could say it'. Presenter Jon Du Pre said a memo would arrive every morning from headquarters saying 'we want to touch on the following issues, we want to cover the following stories, we want to do them in this particular way'. Du Pre was even suspended for not being enthusiastic enough in his all-day reporting on the birthday of Ronald Reagan. In response to angry Fox News executives, he reported that Reagan admirers had 'been streaming in from all over the country and even parts of Canada and Mexico ...' It wasn't true, but he was watching his back and his job. Fox News uses fear to manipulate its viewers through sensationalised 'reporting' and to control its own staff. Contributor Larry Johnson told how correspondents and those who book guests are frightened of stepping out of line because it is like they are 'being monitored by a Stalinist system, afraid to be seen talking to the wrong person or having the wrong kind of email exchange'. Former Fox producer, Frank O'Donnell, said it was made very clear that they were being monitored and if someone wasn't watching what they did live, they were at least recording it for review. The 'expert' guests are booked for their political views and they are dominated by the Neocons that have controlled the Bush administration and orchestrated the post 9/11 invasions. A regular contributor is William Kristol, founder of the Neocon's Project for the New American Century and editor of Murdoch's Neocon rag, The Weekly Standard. Former Fox News producer, Clara Frenk, said she saw a list of contributors and all the 'Conservatives' were well known and 'very, very strong people', while the 'Liberal' representatives listed only one person she had heard of. She said that a lot of the time they used 'faux-liberals', someone who essentially agreed with the right-wing guest 'or they would just bring on people who were very weak, you know, people who were not well-known'. Steve Rendall, Senior Analyst at Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, said they studied Fox News one-to-one interviews for twenty-five weeks in 2003 after the Iraq invasion:

Republicans appeared five times as often as Democrats on one-on-one newsmakers interviews. That means that Republicans made up 83 per cent of the partisan guests while Democrats made up just 17 per cent. In addition, the few Democrats that were interviewed for the show tended to be centrists and conservative Democrats often brought on to affirm Bush Administration policies. ... if Fox were the bastion of fairness and balance that it claims to be we'd see a lot more balance in this prominent interview segment on the network's most prestigious show. Instead the numbers indicate that Brit Hume and Special Report choose their guests based on political considerations rather than news judgment.

Contributor Larry Johnson was dropped after he gave the wrong answer to a question from presenter Sean Hannity in the run up to the invasion of Iraq. He was asked if the Bush government could fight two wars at the same time and he said a war with Iraq would divert resources needed elsewhere:
And Sean Hannity, being the right-wing cheerleader that he is, was just, you know, incensed that I ... had the temerity to suggest that we couldn't. Facts don't seem to have any effect upon him. What was unusual is it was after that appearance that, even though I was under contract to Fox for another eight weeks roughly, they stopped using me.

There was actually nothing unusual about that. Johnson didn't repeat the Murdoch/Illuminati line, so he had to go. That's the Fox News mode of operation. It screamed its support for the Iraq war, while its executives and presenters never went near so much as a popgun, and anyone who challenged the invasion was either ignored or brought on for a ritual demolition. The Fox technique for this is not to employ facts and rational argument, but to shout people down and hurl abuse. Telling people to 'shut up' is the way these intellectual giants respond to facts they cannot counter. Fox News targets anyone who could expose the lies and deceit of the system, as Bush's counter-terrorism advisor Richard Clarke found out. Clarke's book, Against All Enemies, criticised the Bush administration for its actions before 9/11 and for the decision to invade Iraq. It also contradicted the official stories of people like Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Richard Myers about what they were doing on the morning of September 11th. Jeff Cohen, a former Fox News contributor, said:
When Richard Clarke emerged it was obvious this was a danger to the Administration because he had worked at the highest echelons of the Bush Administration and it was almost like Fox News was working off the playbook coming out of the White House that he had to be torn down, that he had to be turned into a Democrat, a Liberal, a Kerry-guy.

The Bush White House and Fox News have the same theme in their 'messages of the day' because they are working together. On the night of Boy Bush's rigged election 'victory' in 2000, the first one to announce that he had been elected president was John

The 'no conspiracy' alliance


Ellis, the man in charge of Fox News' election analysis' division. Ellis is a first cousin of George W. Bush. He made his announcement when the data from Florida clearly made the vote too close to call, but, instead, this Bush cousin announced a clear Bush victory. It prompted ABC, NBC and CBS to follow suit. John Nichols, Washington correspondent of The Nation and author of the Cheney book, Dick: The Man Who Is President, said:
When Fox made the call that Bush had won and the other networks followed on, that created the perception that Bush was the winner, when in fact he wasn't. But that perception was what really held for the next 37 days and I would suggest to you that call on election night had more to do with making George Bush president than any recount or ballot design issue. Once Bush was not elected, but still entered the White House, the manipulation at Fox

continued. Former Fox News freelance writer, Dave Korb, told how they were ordered to slant the coverage in Iraq while American troops and Iraqis were dying by the day.
The Senior Producer told the two or three writers for her news hour: 'Now just keep in mind, it's all good. This is such a fair and balanced issue. Don't write about the number of dead or troops being under fire or under attack. Not that somebody might have died, you know, keep it positive. We've got to emphasise all the good that we're doing'. She, at that point, made a reference to rebuilding schools, bringing democracy to Iraq, and then she said, 'See big progress. Yoo hoo for us'.

Fox News reporters, like others throughout the media, know that they can't cross a certain line and, if they do, they will either not get their report on air, or they will face the wrath of their bosses. Self-censorship is in many ways the worse type of news bias, because it doesn't even get as far as an editor's spike. There is not even a discussion about the validity of content; the story is simply never brought to the table. As a former Fox News reporter, who remained anonymous for career reasons, said:
When you have this Executive Vice-president and those around him, who are consistently saying, 'no we're not gonna do that story, no this story's bad, this story's good', and it becomes very clear to all the Bureau Chiefs, to everybody involved who have been there over a period of years, there are certain kinds of stories, it's not even worth bringing up, there are other kinds of stories that you know management's gonna love.

One American editor is reported to have called journalists 'intellectual prostitutes' and there is no better example than Fox News where Murdoch's penis is an object of worship. However, they are not alone and with corporate control of the global media now almost complete the old saying that you should never believe what you read in the newspapers has never been more accurate. It applies to all of the media because what we are given as 'news' is just a biased version of events, either through what has been included or left out. It is blatant in most national newspapers around the world, while at

Figure 199: The mind-control machine

organisations like the BBC, it is more subtle and self-censorship abounds. None of what has followed 9/11 would have been possible if we had a news media that was more than just the public relations office for the official version of events. Their lack of investigation into the London bombings and 9/11 is a disgrace to their profession, and even more so is their ridicule and condemnation of those researchers outside the mainstream who are doing what they should be doing. In their dismissal of any suggestion of a conspiracy, the 'right wing' and 'left wing' media are at one (Figure 199).

The 'no conspiracy' software program

In 2007, we had a 9 /11 'documentary' in the BBC Conspiracy Files series that claimed to investigate the evidence presented by those questioning the official story. The programme has rightly been called 'biased' and a 'hit piece', but more than anything it was pathetic and classic BBC indeed the media in general. I worked at the BBC for twelve years, mainly through the entire 1980s, in current affairs, news and sport. The 9 /11 'documentary' was bound to emerge from a Corporation dominated by what I call the 'Robot Radicals' of the 'centre-left'. This has two distinct 'wings', the 'intellectuals' with their posh voices (private school / elite university), and those 'from the street' (state school/normally non-elite university or none at all). Both groups sit in the strings section of the orchestra conducted by the system. It is the 'intellectual' wing that invariably ends up in the positions of power, because they have been to the 'good' schools and colleges within the indoctrination machine. This is a major source of BBC news and current affairs producers, reporters and presenters, who often come from private schools and universities like Oxford and Cambridge the 'Oxbridge Set', with Oxford the dominant partner. These are the two oldest universities in the Englishspeaking world and they have been turning out system servers and leaders for centuries. Oxford is said to go back to at least the 12th century and Cambridge to the 13th. These are the prime Illuminati centres of learning and indoctrination on the planet, especially Oxford. The current BBC Director General, Mark Thompson, went to the elite Jesuit college called Stonyhurst in Lancashire and then on to Oxford University. Another recent 'DC', as they call them, was John, now 'Baron Birt, who was educated at the private Roman Catholic St Mary's College in Liverpool and Oxford University. Squeezed between them was Greg Dyke who did not go to private school and attended the University of York. He was sacked when Tony Blair's rigged 'Hutton Inquiry' condemned the BBC for revealing the truth about Blair 'sexing up' claims about the threat from Iraq. Dyke was not a typical BBC man, but even he came from the perspective of the cosy left-of-centre and made donations to Blair's Labour Party before realising that he was funding a

The 'no conspiracy alliance


monster. That's the dominating force in the BBC the 'intellectual' wing of the Robot Radicals who mostly speak in the same slightly posh 'Oxbridge accent' (like Oxford graduate and actor Hugh Grant) and see the world through the same myopia. I am not criticising the accent, just the prevalence of it within the BBC which betrays the common background. By the time they arrive at the BBC, they are already largely programmed by the system to see the system the way that suits the system. The global media mogul Rupert Murdoch went to Oxford University and Michael Grade, the head of the ITV network in the UK and former chairman of the BBC, attended the elite Stowe School, which also produced Virgin boss Richard Branson, and the London private school, St Dunstan's College. The state school system is there to indoctrinate the masses and the private school system is there to indoctrinate those who will be the 'leaders' and 'guiders' of the masses in various fields. Private schools program the offspring of 'good families' to be the leaders while the state schools program the rest to follow them. It is the left wing of the Oxbridge Set that largely ends up in significant positions at the BBC. Robin Aitken, who spent twenty-five years as a BBC journalist, has written a book called Taking Sides: Bias at the BBC in which he says there is a centre-left consensus that undermines its impartiality. Elsewhere, as with Murdoch's appalling Fox News, there is a right wing consensus and the crucial point is not bias towards left or right, but bias towards the system supported by both left and right. The private schoolOxbridge machine implants a view of life and the system of 'how things are' that programs the perception of virtually all its victims. There are exceptions, but comparatively few in my experience and if you come through this programming with your unique perspective still intact you must have a serious indoctrination filter. The way the mainstream media views any suggestion of a conspiracy is precisely the same as you find in mainstream politics, especially, I find, with those who call themselves 'green' or of the 'left'. The private schoolOxbridge indoctrination machine turns out its mind-fodder with their 'left wing' and 'right wing' views, and some go into politics in the 'left-wing' (I love it) Labour Party, while others join the 'right wing' Conservative Party. Long-time Labour leader, Tony Blair, went to the private Fettes College in Edinburgh and Oxford University. The leader of the Conservative Party, David Cameron, went to the elite private school at Eton (which has produced nineteen British prime ministers) before moving on to Oxford University. Oxford has produced twenty-five British prime ministers, twenty-eight foreign presidents and prime ministers, eighty-six archbishops, eighteen cardinals and even a pope. Seven of the eleven British prime ministers up to Tony Blair have been Oxford graduates. The Scottish version of Oxford is Edinburgh University that goes back to the 16th century. Tony Blair's successor, Gordon Brown, is one of its productions. The United States has its own version with the private school-Ivy League university network that produces most of the major political figures, including Boy and Father Bush and the Clintons, who all went to Yale. Bill Clinton even went to Oxford University through an Illuminati 'Rhodes Scholarship', and why not when Oxford offers the best indoctrination in the world? Oxford and Cambridge provided the blueprint for the Ivy League. The media is dominated in the same way by the private schoolOxbridge cabal and so you have the leading politicians and political 'thinkers' trained by the same mind-machine as those who run the media.

The system worshippers

It doesn't matter if they take on views of the 'left' or 'right' they are still serving the same master. They may want to tinker with the system here and there to suit their only slightly different perspectives, but they never talk of dismantling the system and transforming the mentality that holds it together. The state schools do the same with their designer-programming aimed at the 'lower classes'. They, too, turn out 'left' and 'right' believers who have worship of the system in common. They are like Catholics and Protestants who worship the same deity, the same 'God', in a slightly different way using slightly different rituals. Just as Catholics and Protestants argue over how to worship the same God, so 'left and 'right' argue over how to worship the same system. And here's the key: both jump on anyone who genuinely challenges the system itself like those exposing the truth about 9 / 11. A Catholic and Protestant may be having an argument over Christianity, but as soon as a Jew or Muslim starts challenging Christianity itself, the Catholic and Protestant will immediately forget their disagreements and join forces to defend it. That is what happens with 'left' and 'right' when an outsider seeks to expose the system on which they both rely for their sense of who they are. A 'left-winger' will call for the rich to be taxed even more while a 'rightwinger' will say they should be taxed less. What they are both agreed upon is the income taxation of the people when, if the system was operated efficiently and fairly, there would be no need for a tax on income at least most of which goes straight to the banks anyway. Taxation is a foundation of the system, so it is never questioned. 'Left' and 'right' may argue over whether interest rates should go up or down, but both agree that interest should be charged on fresh air, figures-on-a-screen 'money'. Interest on money is a foundation of the system, so it is never questioned. The list of examples is endless. They disagree about the detail of how the system works, but not the system itself 'Left' and 'right' may argue over the rights and wrongs of Bush, but neither will contemplate that 9 / 11 could have been orchestrated through an administration that lied about weapons of mass destruction and has caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan civilians. For either 'wing' to accept that 9 / 11 was an inside job engineered to justify the Orwellian state, is to accept that the indoctrinated view of the world that was daily implanted in their schools and universities (and by their parents) is fundamentally flawed. A superb example of what I am talking about is a guy called George Monbiot, a raving Robot Radical 'journalist' and 'activist' on the Robot Radical bible of the 'intellectual left', the London Guardian. This is the paper that threatens to make navel contemplating an Olympic sport. The Guardian editor is Alan Rusbridger who was indoctrinated at the private Cranleigh School and Cambridge University. His 'star' columnist, George Monbiot, was programmed at the private Stowe School (see Michael Grade and Richard Branson) and Oxford University, before, oh so appropriately, joining the BBC. Monbiot has become a sort of British version of the American, Noam Chomsky, the demigod of the 'intellectual' left and a product of the Ivy League universities of Pennsylvania and Harvard. Chomsky and Monbiot have many things in common, including the dismissal of any idea that the official story of September 11th might not be true. This was one of Monbiot's considered and thoughtful responses to the 9 / 11 truth movement:

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Why do I bother with these morons? Because they are destroying the movements some of us have spent a long time trying to build. Those of us who believe that the crucial global issues ... are insufficiently debated in parliament or congress, that corporate power stands too heavily on democracy, that war criminals, cheats and liars are not being held to account, have invested our efforts in movements outside the mainstream political process. These, we are now discovering, are peculiarly susceptible to this epidemic of gibberish.

How ironic that on his own website Monbiot uses this quote: 'Tell people something they know already and they will thank you for it. Tell them something new and they will hate you for it'. What has rattled his cage is that people are starting to listen to those questioning 9 /11 and less to his concrete-minded view of the world delivered courtesy of Stowe School and Oxford University. What most scrambles the perceptions of such people is that they are taught to see everything in terms of 'sides', 'us and them', 'left and right', and this is the mentality that dominates the media and stops them seeing that the apparent 'sides' are controlled by the same force. This is also true of most people who go through the state school system, but the private-schoolOxbridgeIvy League 'alumni are the ones who occupy the positions of most power and influence. People like Monbiot complain about the power of the corporations over 'democracy', but his programming prevents him seeing that these corporations are being coordinated in their actions to a common goal. There have to be political 'sides' for the Monbiot mentality or it loses its sense of identity. He says that to believe 9 / 11 was an inside job you must believe that 'Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and their pals are all-knowing, allseeing and all-powerful ...' Such nonsense is confirmation that, like his fellow systembelievers, he can't see the forest for the twigs. Those who understand how the game is played do not say that Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld engineered 9 / 11 Bush for one is an idiot. They were merely the public face through which it was orchestrated. They were pawns, in Cheney's case a knight, who were moved around the board by the Hidden Hand. Monbiot says of those who challenge 9 /11:
The obvious corollary to the belief that the Bush administration is all-powerful is that the rest of us are completely powerless. In fact it seems to me that the purpose of the '9/11 truth movement' is to be powerless. The omnipotence of the Bush regime is the coward's fantasy, an excuse for inaction used by those who don't have the stomach to engage in real political fights.

Oh yes, we must have 'real political fights' so the Hidden Hand can impose its Orwellian state through 'left' and 'right' while the advocates of both tear into each other. Grow up, George, or your intellectual blindness will be a life sentence and not only for you. Noam Chomsky rightly said (and Monbiot should take note): 'The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum'. That is how the system works and never more obviously than at places like Oxford, Cambridge and the Ivy League universities. Chomsky also said that if we don't believe in freedom for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all. Quite right again. But, when it comes to 9 /11,

Noam will not roam. Chomsky says about government involvement in the September 11th attacks: 'That's an Internet theory and it's hopelessly implausible. Hopelessly implausible. So hopelessly implausible I don't see any point in talking about it'. The idea that a hidden force could be manipulating world events through different 'sides' to the same end, or that governments could attack their own people, is just too much for their minds to handle, so attached are they to their world view programming. Instead, they go into denial and, in Monbiot's case, viciously attack those who are trying to expose the truth about 9 /11 that will bring down the whole 'us and them' belief system that he had been indoctrinated to pedal. Attack the messenger if you don't like the message. It is because of this system-serving mindset of both 'left' and 'right', that the apparently bizarre alliance has emerged between the Robot Radicals, including the leadership of the Greens, and the right-wing governments and media they claim to despise. They are all agreed that there is no Orwellian conspiracy manipulating through all 'sides' and the official story of 9 /11 is what really happened. To the doublethinkers of the Robot Radicals, Bush is a liar about everything except what happened on September 11th, because protecting their world view is far more important to them than the truth. They are system-servers, the lot of them. When a motion was put before a UK Green Party conference in 2007 calling for an investigation into 9 /11, an amendment was proposed that said:
The Green Party does not, however, believe that there is evidence that any organisation other than Al Qaida was responsible for the attacks. Nor will it support or associate with fringe elements that espouse 'conspiracy theories' that attempt to suggest that the events of 9 September 2001 in New York were devised and perpetrated in secret by US security forces, finding these suggestions in poor taste. Rather, it supports the need for an inquiry into both the handling of intelligence prior to the terrorist attacks, and the political response, with its devastating long term effects on international security.

No words suffice and note the '9 September'. The Green Party has made itself irrelevant by joining the very club it pledged to challenge. These 'Greens' say they don't believe there is any evidence that anyone but 'al-Qaeda' was responsible for 9 / 11 when they haven't even bothered to look, and the only 'evidence' that it was responsible has come from the Bush administration that the Greens condemn, not least for lying! You couldn't make it up. Given that the BBC is controlled by advocates of the 'intellectual' left, which also infests the Greens, how could there be any other outcome to a BBC 'documentary' about 9 / 11 than having the system's view presented with most prominence and credibility? The BBC Conspiracy Files programme betrayed the sloppiest of unresearched, superficial 'journalism' that misrepresented so much of what those who challenge the official story are saying. In the final minutes, having dismissed government involvement, it suggested that any conspiracy was really in the way that government 'mistakes' were covered up by the Bush administration. I had to smile. This is what the intellectual 'left' has been saying in the form of the Democrats (the 'left' to Robot Radicals, bless 'em). So, the circle could be squared, while the belief system of the 'intellectual' left survived. It was the work of a bunch of Arab pilots who couldn't fly, but there was a cover up of mistakes by those terrible people in the 'right-wing' Bush

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administration. Drinks all round. It is no accident that this conclusion was the same as that UK Green Party amendment, because the same programmed mentality was behind both. It was never going to be any other way. For the BBC to have presented a true investigation into the official story and found it to be a Big Lie, would have been to change an entire world view of 'left' and 'right' and political 'sides'. It would also have revealed an agenda to manipulate into place a global fascist dictatorship and all belief systems would have to concede their power to a blank sheet of paper, as people took a whole new look at the world they thought they lived in. The BBC is going to do that? Not a chance. I listened to a radio interview with the programme's producer, and as soon as he began to speak I started to chuckle. He was like a tape recording of so many BBC producers I have met and worked with over the years in news and current affairs on programmes like the BBC's Newsnight, now presented by Jeremy Paxman (private Malvern College and Cambridge University). The producer was uninformed, unresearched and spoke with the omnipotent 'Hugh Grant' voice of someone with a 'proper education'. The man will surely go far.

Concrete on their minds

What you find in politics and the media, you find with most academics who have also qualified for their places of educational influence by going through the same mindmachine. I was asked to appear in a television documentary for Britain's Channel 4 that asked the question: 'Who is ruling the world?' The programme was made for young people by the channel's education department to be broadcast to schools and colleges. The decision to make the documentary came after a survey found that large numbers of young people now mistrust government, authority in general and even Channel 4. What great news this is, given that those in power have constantly shown that they lie to us on a daily basis. My part in the programme led me to meet a psychology academic called Chris French from Goldsmith's College at the University of London. He's a BA PhD CPsychol FBPsS FRSA. Must be intelligent then. French had produced some astonishing research. Mind, I use the term 'astonishing', as in 'astonishing that he bothered'. He and his colleagues questioned people about 'conspiracy theories' and this is what they found: Those who trust authority are less likely to believe in conspiracies. Those who distrust authority are more likely to believe in conspiracies. Ain't academia great? How would we survive without these guys? Anyone with a brain could have told them that before they even started. If you don't trust authority you are going to be more open to claims that they are lying than if you think authority is benign and only there to serve the best interests of the people. Er, and? As I said to French in our interchange on the programme, the point is not who will, or will not, believe in the conspiracy view of world events. The question is this: are the conspiracy claims true and supportable by the evidence? In short, is the conspiracy happening or isn't it? This, however, is too simple and direct for the concrete end of academia which, in my experience, is a very long end indeed. Never mind the evidence, it must be something in people's psyche that gets them to believe in conspiracies. After all, the conspiracies can't be true, because we don't believe them. So, let's have a survey and disappear up our

own backsides poring over the obvious, and let's forget little irrelevant details like whether the conspiracy is happening or not. Chris French told me the survey had found that those who believed in 'conspiracy theories' were more likely to be 'delusional' than those who didn't believe them. The psychiatric definition of 'delusional' is: 'A false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence, especially as a symptom of mental illness: delusions of persecution'. Okay, then how come no-conspiracy theorists are not considered 'delusional' when they believed there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq just because those in authority told them this was the case? Ah, but, you see, not to believe in conspiracies is more credible to academia because it supports the establishment version of events. It is like believing in extraterrestrial life. The idea that life as we know it has only evolved on this tiny little planet and nowhere else in the perceived vastness of space is considered credible, because that's the establishment's view that people like Chris French are there to serve. As a result, to believe that there has to be other life 'out there' is considered 'delusional' 'He believes in little green men', and all that crap. There is no better example of this phenomenon that I call 'reverse-credibility', than the Islamic hijackers theory about 9 / 11. It is credible to believe that nineteen hijackers who failed or struggled to fly one-engined Cessnas could suddenly manifest the ability to fly massive airliners with the most extraordinary skill. But, to say that this claim is clearly nonsense is a 'conspiracy theory' that attracts dismissal from people like French. He was trying to defend the official 9 / 11 story during our chat, including the hijacker-pilotswho-couldn't-fly-still-flew-767s-theory. I asked him for his definition of delusional with regard to his survey and he said it was those who answered 'yes' to questions like: Do you think that everyone is being tracked by their mobile phone? Once again, whether they are or not is never addressed by French and company. Only his interpretation of the answer matters. The fact is that everyone can be tracked by their cell phone and many are when they are being particularly targeted. I don't believe that everyone is, because most people are no problem to authority and so there is no point. However, to believe that it might be happening when surveillance is increasing by the day is now considered 'delusional'. French doesn't know if the statement is true or false, but he believes it to be false and so anyone who thinks it might be going on must be delusional. After all, he can't be wrong. French told me there was no evidence for what I was saying in my books about a global conspiracy to impose an Orwellian state. I asked him the obvious question: Have you read any of them? His answer ... 'No'. This is absolutely typical of his breed and I have met so many of these academic clones who parrot their song sheet 'science' and song sheet 'psychology'. They are not interested in evidence, only their own theories. Indeed, they are no-conspiracy theorists who never bother to check out the validity of what is being claimed by actually researching the evidence. I said I couldn't take him seriously when he was saying on one hand that there was no evidence and yet not even bothering to read even one of my books to see what evidence was being presented. 'I knew you would take that line', he said. Well, what other 'line' is there to take in the circumstances? If someone had rigid views on what it is like to travel by train when they had never been near a railway station, people like French would say they had a psychological flaw. Yet, that's exactly what he and his colleagues do. They have concrete opinions without even a cursory look at the evidence, and then accuse people

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of being delusional for believing in something when, in the unresearched opinion of people like Chris French, there is no evidence! They are looking themselves in the mirror and they are too full of their own self-importance to see it. When I challenged French about dismissing evidence that he hadn't even bothered to read, he said he knew what I was saying from articles he had read in the media. Given that we are talking about one of the most misrepresented people of recent times, I had to laugh at the idea that anyone could find out what I was really saying, and with what evidence, from the news media. But, then, from the moment I began talking with the guy, I knew I was in Fairyland. He told me that my work was based on a document called The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which he claimed was a 'proven fake'. I asked him how he knew that my books were based on that. He had seen it in the papers. The fact that this was provable nonsense, as a read of my books would immediately confirm, was once again irrelevant to him. What I found most fascinating was to see this noconspiracy theorist act in precisely the same way he claims for those 'conspiracy theorists' that he so dismisses. He says that people believe in conspiracies without any evidence. Yet he believes there is no conspiracy without looking at the evidence. He says that 'conspiracy theorists' make everything fit their theory. Yet he was constantly trying to find ways to make everything fit his no-conspiracy theory.

Chris French was everything he was accusing others of being. I asked him what he thought of the FBI claim to have found a paper passport from one of the '9/11 hijackers' near the Twin Towers, despite the planes crashing in fireballs, the towers turning to dust and thousands of bodies never being recovered. He told me that he had seen a story once of a gas explosion in a house that had caused lots of damage, but the person inside got out unscathed. I said that the FBI had never produced the passport and, a year after they called a news conference to announce they had found it, the Bureau had told a British television documentary team that the find of a hijacker's passport was 'a rumour that might be true'. Now French theory one, that the paper passport did actually survive, was in deep trouble, and another had to be conjured immediately. Maybe, he said, there had been a mix-up in communication and the people who held the news conference had been told it had been found when it wasn't. Had he ever checked that out? No. Would he ever check it out? No. As long as it could give his no-conspiracy theory an escape route, that's all that concerned him. The common thread of our conversation was that French had to find a way of explaining everything to fit his theory. Any possibility that events could be orchestrated to achieve an outcome had no chance of breaching his firewall. He accuses others of constructing 'conspiracy theories' to make sense of a complex world when he is constructing no-conspiracy theories in precisely the same way. French is not alone either. He's a blueprint, a program, which you find in the same positions all over the world. I was on a Canadian television news show a few years ago with a university psychologist straight off the production line that produced Chris French. He said that people believed in conspiracy theories because they had to find a way of making sense of a complex world. That is exactly what French said to me, almost

word-for-word, because they share the same computer reality. I asked this Canadian guy to tell me about the Bilderberg Group. He wouldn't answer and banged on with his no-conspiracy theory. He then said that if what I was saying was true, why were the authorities allowing me to speak in Vancouver? I pointed out that we had spent the last month changing venues as each one pulled out under pressure not to let me speak, and that a book signing at a major bookstore had been banned that very week for the same reason. Again, he had done no background research; it was just academic-repeating from the land of the textbook mind. The guy made a right prat of himself, but walked away oblivious of this fact. After the television filming, Chris French asked me if I would give a talk to the 'Skeptics Society' in a London pub. I said no, because there was no point. The Skeptics Society is a forum for concrete psyches 'devoted to promoting scientific skepticism and resisting the spread of pseudoscience, superstition, and irrational beliefs'. It would be like talking to a wall and I have one in front of me that I can use without any need to travel. People say it's good to be skeptical, or sceptical as we spell the word in Britain, but it isn't. It is good to question and research, but that's not the same as being sceptical. A sceptic is someone who comes from a fixed position and then filters all evidence to the contrary, and the main method is by always finding another explanation for something, no matter how far-fetched and ludicrous. By finding another means of explaining away something that challenges their fixed position, they can maintain the fixed position; and that's the whole idea of the exercise: defending their beliefs. It is irrelevant if the explanations they come with up are not valid they never bother to research that. So long as they can find something, anything, that's all they need to preserve the perception. Look at that line again about the Skeptics Society: '... devoted to promoting scientific skepticism and resisting the spread of pseudoscience, superstition, and irrational beliefs'. Who decides what is pseudoscience, superstition, and irrational belief? They do, from their fixed belief in how things are. I have met a number of these people and many of them are utterly desperate to find ways of dismissing anything that is different to the norms that they slavishly worship. This slavery to 'scientific' and society 'norms' means the sceptics that dismiss conspiracy research, like that related to 9/11, are the same people who attack and ridicule any suggestion of the so-called 'paranormal'. I have found this again and again with these characters. So, it was a head-shaker when I went to Chris French's webpage after our meeting to check out some more background about what he did. This is what I found:
My current research focuses on two main areas. The first is the psychology of paranormal beliefs and of ostensibly paranormal experiences. Although a large proportion of the population believes in the paranormal, the evidence presented to support paranormal claims is generally not very convincing in scientific terms. It would appear that on most (and perhaps all) occasions when individuals claim to have directly experienced the paranormal, plausible non-paranormal alternative explanations can be found. These alternative accounts often rely on the imperfections in human informationprocessing studied by cognitive psychologists, such as those related to memory, perception, and judgement. The psychology of deception and self-deception is also of relevance in this area. I often appear on the television and radio offering a sceptical

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perspective on a variety of paranormal claims. I have recently set up the Anomalistic Psychology Research Unit within the Department to act as a focus for research in this area.

That's what a closed mind does for you. You don't research to discover anew; you 'research' to confirm your current beliefs. Most of academia is another religion, another belief system repelling all borders. Academia often condemns and ridicules religion when it is one and operates in the same way. What unites all religions? Concrete minds.

Politicians and media won't do it that leaves us ...

Fortunately, the world is waking up to the truth about September 11th despite the poodle politicians and the moron media. The attacks, 'hit pieces' and condemnation of 9 /11 investigators prove that point. A familiar sequence is unfolding once again: (1) Ignore them and they will go away; (2) If they don't go away and people start to listen then attack them in every way possible; (3) If that doesn't work ... double the toilet roll order. Stage three is now within our sights if we are not deflected by ridicule and hostility. It was a lonely road to tread in the aftermath of 9 /11 when I was saying that it was an inside job, a Problem-Reaction-Solution designed to advance the Orwellian global state. To the mainstream of public perception I was from the twilight zone, one of the lunatic fringe of 'conspiracy theorists' to be lumped together with flat earth believers and those who talked of fairies in the garden. Amazingly, even many of those who have come into the 9 /11 truth movement years after the event still see me in those terms, because I suggest a bigger conspiracy than they do. One 9 /11 'truther' even told a television documentary team that he would not be interviewed for the programme if I was. Rigid belief systems are everywhere, even among those who think they have seen the light. I have a simple philosophy that has kept me going through the 'wilderness years' in relation to 9 /11 and much else. If what you are saying is true it will eventually be proved to be so. Keep walking and talking, no matter what the reaction, and if the information stands up the struggle and abuse will be worth it in the end. Too often people shut up and walk away when others are not listening, or reacting with ridicule and contempt. What the hell use is that? It just leaves the field to the liars, cheats and serial killers. Interest in my own work increased substantially after the publication of Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster in 2002 when the dots could be connected and the picture seen. However, it was in the wake of the Iraq invasion that I noticed a transformation in attitude and the opening of minds to, at least the possibility, that there was more to know about 9 /11. This happened for two main reasons. Firstly, the early pioneers of the conspiracy version of those attacks had been followed by many others, and by 2003 the Internet was becoming a library of information and questions that undermined (not difficult) the original credibility of the official explanation. The fact that this 'credibility' depended only on repetition of the lie and the suppression in the mainstream of alternative views, meant that the house of cards was vulnerable to the slightest nudge. Even the most simple of questions was met with the most implausible, often impossible, of answers. The second turning point in the emerging acceptance of a 9 /11 conspiracy were the lies about Iraq and 'weapons of mass destruction'. It's a strange human trait that people

constantly dismiss politicians and journalists as untrustworthy liars and then believe them over something like 9 /11. Opinion polls all over the world list politicians and journalists as the top professions not to be trusted, together with people like lawyers and bankers. We hear all the time that 'you can't believe what you read in the newspapers', but often the very people who say that do believe it. The invasion of Iraq gave the public a symbolic smack around the face to awaken them to this comical contradiction. It was like: 'Oh yeah, they do lie don't they, sorry I forgot'. After Figure 200: The dyke is breaking weapons of mass destruction were not found in Iraq, when they were supposed to be the very reason for the war, I felt a real shift in public attitudes. When this was followed by leaked documents proving that the war was planned and agreed long before Bush and Blair claimed see Tales From The Time Loop for the detailed background to Iraq the shift strengthened and spilled over into the conspiracy version of 9/11. It still amazes me that there can be anyone who still believes the official history of those attacks when it is parroted by the same people, never mind even the same agencies, who provably lied to us over Iraq and WMD. Are we really so naive as to believe that those who lie so comprehensively about one will tell us the truth about the other? Ever-increasing numbers are not falling for it anymore, and the official story and its mendacious advocates are coming under more and more scrutiny. All these years later, even many academics, at first accepting, are now at the forefront of the exposure movement that has exploded since around 2004. So, too, are professional demolition and aviation experts, pilots, building engineers, and even some former Bush officials (Figure 200). There are so many levels to the conspiracy, but in the 'five-sense"world' that we perceive as our daily reality, what happened on September 11th 2001 is the key to so much. To use other analogies, it is the card that holds the house together or the banana beneath the juggler's feet. The fascist agenda depends for its very survival on the continued credibility of September 11th. Without it, there was no excuse to invade Afghanistan; no excuse to take our freedoms away; no excuse for all that goes with the

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'war on terror'. If the official story isn't true, which it clearly isn't, why did Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Blair and the rest of them tell us such lies and do such deadly deeds in its name? If 9/11 goes, it all goes, no demolition charges necessary, no dynamite required. And it is going. That is why it is so vital that we go on with still renewed vigour posing the questions and presenting the evidence that will complete the process of demolishing the deceit. It is the people who must do that because the media won't and the politicians won't. We have come so far against all the odds now let's finish the job.

18 Free to do as we tell you

Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men. Martin Luther King

You would really need a mind of solid steel, encased in concrete and dropped in the ocean deeps not to see that the Orwellian society is with us today. Sadly, and in testament to the scale of programming absorbed by the human psyche, many still don't see the painfully obvious. Maybe only jackboots on the front step will crack their code. The blatant reality is that Big Brother is not coming, he's here. The only question left is how deeply we are going to allow his fascist tendencies to control our lives and we don't have long to decide. The Reptilian hybrids and their interlocking networks that link government with transnational corporations, media and military have used their engineered horrors, especially 9 /11, to introduce the Orwellian society on a scale, and at a speed, never seen in known human history. Problem-Reaction-Solution, the Totalitarian Tiptoe, and an unquestioning, subservient, media, have taken us to the brink of the fully-blown global fascist state that I have been warning about all these years. Most people laughed at first and thought it was crazy, but the sniggers have subsided with the passage of events, especially since September 11th. The goal all along has been to manipulate the population into accepting the loss of more and more freedom until there is so much control that the fly is caught in the web and can no longer resist. The plan has been to divert attention from what they are doing so that as many as possible can be kidded for as long as possible that nothing sinister is happening. The longer they can delay a mass awakening to what is going on, the better chance they have of locking the cell door before most people even realise they are in jail. This is why diversion is so important to the Reptilian hybrid strategy, and the biggest one is the bogus 'war on terror' that emerged, as planned, from the Reptilian hybrid attack on America on September 11th. While the invasion and daily horrors in Iraq have focused public and political attention, all the elements of an Orwellian world have been speeding into law.

Off we go


By October 26th 2001, just weeks after the attacks, Boy Bush had signed the Patriot Act, or to use its full and ridiculous title: The Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001. Talk about

Free to do as we tell you


Orwellian-speak and the short name 'Patriot Act' was designed to equate patriotism with allowing freedoms to be curtailed for the good of the country. Anyone who opposed its extremism was being 'unpatriotic'. It passed through the House of Representatives by 357 votes to 66 and the Senate by 98 to 1, and almost none of those who voted had read the Bill at any length most not at all. It was also clear that the legislation had been drafted before the attacks of 9/11. The Patriot Act, which was renewed in March 2006, changed immigration laws, banking laws and money laundering laws. It used the excuse of 'fighting terrorism' to massively increase the government's ability to watch, track and spy on the population, and hold people without charge or trial. Most of the powers are not confined to 'terrorism' investigations, which was just the manufactured excuse to get it into law. They apply to any criminal investigations and decisions about what and who should be investigated by the Reptilian hybrid-controlled agencies of government and 'law-enforcement'. The idea is to so widen the legal definition of 'terrorist' that peaceful protest is included, and they are already well on their way with the streams of new laws that have followed 9/11. The key label is 'terrorist', as The Washington Post reported:
The Bush administration is developing a parallel legal system in which terrorism suspects US citizens and noncitizens alike may be investigated, jailed, interrogated, tried and punished without legal protections guaranteed by the ordinary system, lawyers inside and outside the government say.

The Patriot Act created a new crime called 'domestic terrorism' which is defined as: (1) acts deemed dangerous to human life in violation of the criminal laws of the US, or of any state; (2) acts that appear intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion, or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping within the territorial jurisdiction of the US government. The wording gives the authorities, as intended, enormous scope for interpretation, for instance ... 'acts that appear intended to ... influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion'. That could easily be a mass demonstration against government policy. As I said earlier, the Reptilian hybrids are highly skilled in the use of words in their drafting of laws to give them powers well beyond what appears to be the scope of the legislation. When later someone challenges what they are doing as unlawful, they come back with ... 'No, look, it's in the Act, clause 153, sub clause four it's the phrase in Latin that says we can do anything we like'. Professor Susan Herman of the Brooklyn Law School highlighted this approach in an Internet commentary on the Patriot Act:
It is less obvious how the balance of power has been shifted in the domestic war against terrorism because the provisions of the enormous USA Patriot Act are only the tip of an iceberg of amended legislation. Most of its provisions amend previous law by adding or deleting words, paragraphs, or sections, forcing people reading the legislation to embark on an elaborate treasure hunt, tracking each amendment back to try to determine its impact on the previous law. In addition, it is difficult to comprehend the new changes if one is not already conversant with labyrinthine webs of law in many different areas.

All this was done between September 11th and when the Act was introduced to the House of Representatives on October 23rd? What we can say for sure is that basic rights and freedoms have been slaughtered by the Patriot Act and its connected legislation. It gives a virtual free hand to government agencies (under the control of the same masters) to target anyone they choose with every means of surveillance at their disposal. Checks and balances are all but Figure 201: 'Terrorist' laws are not only, or even primarily, aimed at removed, and the Act is 'terrorists'. They are there to entrap the entire population aimed not only at foreign nationals, but the American people. The same is happening in Britain and elsewhere (Figure 201). Even then, the Bush administration was caught wiretapping the population beyond the bounds of this virtual free-for-all. The laws are for public consumption only. What they do is what they choose to do, and their aim is not to stay within the law, but not to get caught breaking it. That's the only crime from their point of view. Look at the surveillance they can now 'lawfully' carry out and then at least double it. Wherever we go, what we say on the phone or the Internet, what we purchase and where, can now all be recorded and monitored and there is so much more to come if we just sit back and allow it. The surveillance and control laws enacted in the United States can be seen all over the world even in countries where there is absolutely no 'terrorist threat', because this is nothing to do with protecting people from terrorists. How could it be when the terrorists are in government making these laws? The whole reason for the Patriot Act and similar legislation is to impose the controls necessary to imprison the population by the time enough of them see what is going on. The Reptilian hybrid networks in each country connect with the global web and through this system the same laws are being passed everywhere.

'Endemic surveillance'
The United Kingdom is leading the way in surveillance of its people, and if what is happening here is not yet introduced in your country, then be sure that this is what they have in store for you also. Figures published by the human rights group, Privacy International, suggest Britain is the worst Western 'democracy' at protecting individual privacy. The two worst countries in the thirty-six-nation survey were Malaysia and China, and Britain was in the bottom five with what was called 'endemic surveillance'. Even

Free to do as we tell you


Richard Thomas, the British government's information commissioner, has warned that we could 'sleep walk into a surveillance society'. The only thing I disagree with is the use of the future tense. It is happening now. Thomas was commenting on a report by the Surveillance Studies Network, a group of academics, presented to the International Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners' Conference in London in 2006. The report said there were 4.2 million Figure 202: 'Every move you make, every step you CCTV cameras in the UK alone, that's take, we'll be watching you ...' around one for every fourteen people. The UK Home Office spent an astonishing 78 per cent of its crime prevention budget in the 1990s on installing the cameras and when you walk through towns and cities you are constantly monitored and recorded as you pass from camera to camera (Figure 202). On average, British people are caught on some three hundred surveillance cameras every day and at one street junction alone in the London borough of Hammersmith there are twentynine cameras run by police, government, private companies and transport agencies. At the London police headquarters at Scotland Yard, a giant bank of television screens monitors the capital and officers can switch to any area and zoom in on the face of anyone they choose. Police even want cameras mounted on their heads. There are six thousand speed cameras in the UK, eight thousand number plate recognition devices, with technology on the way to photograph anyone using their mobile phone at the wheel, or not wearing a seat belt. In March 2006, the London Metropolitan Police took possession of 'eye in the sky' cameras that can read number plates from helicopters thousands of feet above the ground, while remotely-controlled 'drone' aircraft are to be used in Scotland to spy on people. Meanwhile, the British Parliament has called for even more speed cameras when a government report found that 85 per cent of road accidents are not connected to drivers breaking the speed limit. But then it's not about speed, it's about control. 'The level of surveillance in this country should shock people,' said David Murakami Wood, a lecturer at the University of Newcastle who headed the Surveillance Studies Network investigation. 'It is infiltrating everything we do'. Yes, and it's meant to. It's not just happening in the UK, it is planned to happen everywhere. Mayor Daley has said there will a surveillance camera 'on almost every block' in Chicago by 2016, and the idiot chief of Houston Police, Harold Hurtt, said he wants surveillance cameras in apartment complexes, downtown streets, shopping malls and even private homes. Remember Orwell's telescreens? The Surveillance Network researchers highlighted what they called 'dataveillance', the combination of different sources of surveillance to invade privacy in every aspect of our lives. These include CCTV cameras, registration plate recognition cameras, shop RFID microchip tags on products that we buy, mobile phones and mobile phone cameras, credit card transactions, store loyalty cards, satellite surveillance; electoral roll, medical records, phone-tapping, hidden cameras and bugs, monitoring at work, Internet cookies and keystroke programmes, which allows the keys that you hit on your

computer to be recorded and used to obtain passwords or encryption keys. This can also be employed to monitor work rates for computer operators and the whole package is designed to record our every movement twenty-four hours a day. The so-called Oyster card used on the London Underground requires people to register their personal details so their every journey can be logged down to the minute. There are plans to expand this around the country. As a result of Blair's Regulation of Investigatory Powers Bill, passed in 2000, Internet providers have to record our surfing activity and provide this information to MI5. Phone calls, emails and faxes are being monitored by the Echelon spy network that searches for key words and voice recognition patterns. Some of the ground stations for the US-controlled Echelon system are at Menwith Hill (Yorkshire, UK); Morwenstow (Cornwall, UK); the Australian Defence Satellite Communications Station (Geraldton, Western Australia); Misawa Air Base (Japan); Pine Gap (Northern Territory, near Alice Springs, Australia); Sabana Seca (Puerto Rico, US); Sugar Grove (West Virginia, US); Yakima (Washington, US); and Waihopai (New Zealand).

Genetic data gathering

The UK plan is to link all these sources of surveillance and control, including the confidential medical records of fifty million patients, with a central computer system to allow every aspect of a person's life, views, even thoughts, to be revealed on a single screen. This is one reason why the British government and others are proposing a 'national data base'. They say, yawn, yawn, that they need it to 'fight crime' and 'fight terrorism'. The real aim is to monitor the general population. The national data base would include the emerging DNA data base which is designed to identify who has the Reptilian hybrid DNA and who doesn't, and to keep on file the unique DNA broadcast or vibrational code of everyone that I talked about in chapter two. With this information, people can be accurately targeted with vibrational technology to disrupt their mental, emotional and 'physical' energy fields. In Britain, the police now take a DNA sample from everyone they arrest and it is kept on the database even if they are subsequently not charged or found to be innocent. This includes, as of 2007, more than a million children and young people aged between ten and seventeen, who have never been cautioned or charged with any offence. Their aim is to have every child and adult on the database. Three twelve-year-olds in the English West Midlands had their DNA taken after being arrested for ... breaking branches while building a den. The British government has also passed legislation to make every offence arrestable, no matter how small, so that everyone can be added to what is already the world's biggest DNA database. The United States is planning a similar system and Michael Bloomberg, the Mayor of New York, has already called for a US national DNA and fingerprint database. The European Union is planning to introduce this across Europe and it would be added to a European DNA and fingerprint database that is being made available to Homeland Security in the United States. Oh, but we must 'fight terrorism', though, eh? In fact, immigration court records obtained under the Freedom of Information Act in 2007 revealed that only 0.0015 per cent of cases filed by the Department of Homeland Security were related to terrorism. The British Home Office has also announced that the whole of the European Union would now have access to its DNA, fingerprint and car registration databases. The pawns in uniform that take the DNA samples have no clue what it is really for. They

Free to do as we tell you


just do what they're told, no questions asked, and the money is good. Only with the rarest of exceptions, like Ian Readhead, the Deputy Chief Constable of Hampshire in England, does anyone in uniform speak out. Readhead questioned the unlimited right to take DNA and he said in May 2007: '... Are we really moving towards an Orwellian situation where cameras are at every street corner? ... I really don't think that's the kind of country that I want to live in'. We need far more police officers like him with the guts to challenge the agenda and we need them quick. Helen Wallace, deputy director of GeneWatch UK, which campaigns against the abuse of genetic science, said: 'Britain's DNA database is spiralling out of control. It could allow an unprecedented level of government surveillance'. DNA testing is promoted as a foolproof way of catching criminals, but there have been some laughable mistakes, including a man with Parkinson's disease who could barely dress himself, yet was charged with committing a burglary two hundred miles away. It had to be him, because there was a thirty-seven million to one DNA match. But it wasn't him, and the silly sods had to let him go.

I know your face ...

The technologies now being introduced have long been developed in the secret research projects, mostly in the underground bases and facilities, many of which, on the deepest and most secure levels, interact with Reptilian entities. The technology is held back until the time is opportune to 'invent' it, and cover stories are hatched for how this or that 'new invention' was developed in a garage or by some transnational research project. Often people are rewarded for their services to the agenda by being given these technologies to produce and market. The ever-more sophisticated means of surveillance and control haven't just happened at random. They are part of a long-planned strategy to do exactly what Orwell's novel foresaw. In Germany, railway authorities are running a 'trial' with biometric facial recognition software that enables computers to pick out faces in a crowd. 'We're a couple of weeks into a pilot project that is testing technology designed to automatically detect terrorists or other criminals entering trains and alert security personnel,' said Jens Puls, director of corporate security at Deutsche Bahn. The real aim of those in the shadows is not primarily 'terrorists' and 'criminals', but dissidents who challenge the fascist state once it is further installed. We are now moving way beyond simple cameras. The British government has begun to introduce street cameras with speakers that allow the 'security' guards to give orders to people. Mike Clark, a spokesman for Middlesbrough Council in the north east of England, said: 'People are shocked when they hear the cameras talk, but when they see everyone else looking at them, they feel a twinge of conscience and comply'. That's a wonderful Orwellian word ... 'comply'. Everyone must 'comply'. There must be 'compliance'. Middlesbrough has installed the speaker cameras so that operators can 'chastise miscreants' who drop coffee cups or ride bicycles too fast.

I hear your voice ...

The aim is not only to give orders to the public through the surveillance system, but also hear what the public is saying. There are plans to introduce microphones, already being used in the Netherlands, which filter out background noise and allow street conversations to be heard. The former British Home Secretary, David Blunkett, Big Brother's best friend in government, now has the nerve to say that these microphones

'smacked of the surveillance state'. If he was back in government he would be supporting them. The same is happening in America where detection microphones allegedly to detect gunshots are being used to monitor conversations. The makers say they can listen to someone two hundred yards away. What you say can be monitored through cell phones that can also give your location to within a few feet. There are plans for microphones in computers, while cable and satellite TV technology already has microphones. Google, a company alleged to be connected with the CIA, has said it will use microphones to listen to 'background noise', like television, music and radio, and use those choices to target advertising. All these major, and not so major, Internet companies are assets of the surveillance networks and now we are seeing the inevitable attack on Internet freedom of speech as they seek to remove the downside of the Web from their perspective (the free flow of information) while keeping the upside (the ability to track, spy and profile people). The corporations are hijacking the peoples' Internet, which is itself made possible by military technology. Once you reach this scale of surveillance, and therefore dictatorship, we are in serious schtuck. But there's still more. One of the latest proposals is for concealed X-ray cameras in public places, like the ones used in airports, that can see through clothes and photograph you naked. A sane society would ban this on health grounds alone, but what happens to humans is irrelevant to these people. They just want control at any price.

I know what you're thinking ...

Lie detectors are being used ever more widely and the aim is to remove even freedom of thought by using mind-reading technology. The Chicago Tribune reported the development of one such magnetic resonance imaging machine at the University of Illinois, which tracks the firing of neurons to reveal how real-time thoughts are formed. Dr Keith Thulborn, director of UIC's Center for MR Research, where the machine is located, said the main goal is to find out what people are thinking. 'We'd like to get to the stage of reading thoughts', he said. But why unless it is to remove the last frontier of freedom? Martha Farah, director of the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, said she has worries over how people may use such technology. 'People may be thrown in jail for being suspected terrorists on the basis of a brain scan.' They've already been jailed for less. Orwell's mind-reading technology is also far more advanced than people believe. There is the 'penile plethysmograph' which has been used to try to detect 'homosexual or paedophile thoughts'. A stretchable band with mercury inside is fitted around the subject's penis and the band is connected to a machine with a video screen and data recorder. Any changes in penis size, even those not felt by the subject, are recorded while the subject views sexually suggestive or pornographic pictures, slides, or movies, or listens to audiotapes with descriptions of such things as children being molested. Computer software is used to develop graphs showing 'the degree of arousal to each stimulus'. Magnetic resonance imaging is used to detect brain chemical activity allegedly corresponding to memory or thoughts. These and other technologies have been proposed as a way of detecting 'bad thoughts' and these are just the start of what they have planned. All this is leading, as I have been saying for so long, to microchipped people (Figure 203). In 1994, when I was writing the first edition of And The Truth Shall Set You Free, I said that this was one of the agenda's main goals and now we are seeing it happen. The

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pressure to introduce ID cards is only a Totalitarian Tiptoe to microchips. The British government told us that ID cards would be voluntary and then announced that you basically won't be able to do anything, including get a passport, unless you agree to have one. The idea is to do the same with microchips, introduce them 'voluntarily' and then make them compulsory first through making it difficult to live in the system without one, and then by law. The chips in credit and other cards are one step Figure 203: Bye, bye freedom from chips under the skin. Even now, you don't have to take those London Underground Oyster Cards out of your pocket because they are read automatically by radio waves and it's the same with the new microchipped passports. It is only one step to embed this technology permanently under the skin. In December 2005, the Giove A satellite was sent into orbit as part of the Galileo European navigation system. This will allow 'Galileo chips' to be embedded in devices of every kind to be read by the satellite, but the real target is humanity. The United States appears to lead the world in the use of human microchips, thanks to the vociferous work of a deeply sinister company that I identified in my books many years ago. This is the VeriChip Corporation and it is part of an operation called Applied Digital. These 'VeriChips' are being marketed as a way of keeping us safe or, as the company says on its website 'Safeguarding what's important to you'. Yes, so long as freedom is not important to you. The VeriChip Corporation is now aggressively marketing human microchips to hospitals (the 'VeriMed Physician Network'), for Alzheimer's patients and as security devices. The company claims it is the first operational human chip that can be linked to the global positioning satellite tracking systems. It will allow your every move anywhere on the planet to be tracked from satellite, and is also designed to connect with the Internet and become a user-identity device for the Web. It is described as a 'dime-sized' implant, inserted just under the skin and the chip will be powered 'electromechanically' through the movement of muscles. It can be activated by the wearer or the monitoring technology (Figure 204). It has, according to the official statements, been developed by Dr Peter Zhou and his research team, and has progressed 'ahead of schedule'. As I have said, the Reptilian hybrid agenda is not dependent on the necessary technology becoming available by accident. It is developed well in advance and introduced in line with the planned timescale. The tax-exempt foundations, like the Rockefeller Foundation, give Figure 204: The VeriChip

massive sums to scientific research, but, as a US Congressional Committee established as far back as the 1950s, they don't lose control of how the money is spent and insist that the research serves the needs of the global agenda. The Illuminati-controlled Princeton University was involved in the development of the VeriChip along with the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Dr Peter Zhou was the chief scientist at DigitalAngel.net Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Applied Digital. He stresses the benefits for people becoming human robots connected to a satellite, and he said he was excited about his chip's ability to save lives by monitoring medical conditions and giving an exact location to rescue services. I predicted many years ago that this would be one of the ways they would sell the chip to people when the time came for its introduction. I also said that another marketing ruse would be to stress that if you microchip your children you would always know where they were. This is indeed being used now after the success of the 'chip your dog and you'll never lose him' campaign that was part of the Totalitarian Tiptoe to microchip people. The more children that go missing or are murdered, and the more they promote the danger of paedophiles in the community, the more likely parents are to be frightened into microchipping their kids. A guy called David Adair, who says he has worked on hightech projects with NASA, was on the New Age lecture circuit in America for years extolling the benefits of microchipping our children. I cannot believe that someone with his insider knowledge of secret technology would be unaware of what that would really mean in terms of tagging and control. Applied Digital's Dr Zhou said that the implant would become as popular as cell phones and vaccines (one of which fries your brain and the other suppresses your intellect and undermines your immune system). Dr Zhou then delivered these chilling words:
Digital Angel will be a connection from yourself to the electronic world. It will be your guardian, protector. It will bring good things to you. We will be a hybrid of electronic intelligence and our own soul.

Now we get to the real reason for the microchip agenda. The Reptilian hybrids are terrified that too many people will wake up and bring an end to their control, and a multi-levelled assault has been launched against us mentally, emotionally and physically to keep us closed down and in the box their box. This includes chemical additives to food and water, electromagnetic pollution, manipulation of the DNA and, the most important of all, the microchip. All these invasions of the human body are to re-wire and destabilise our energy fields so they don't connect with the great beyond, the Infinite All, and hold us in the body computer level of reality. Today's children and young people are being especially targeted, because they will be adults when the change is at its height. The Reptilian hybrids can't tell the truth about why they are pressing for human microchipping and so they make up excuses. This is one reason why leading politicians lie so much. They are giving us cover stories lies to hide the real reason for what they do and this means they must lie at least most of the time. Preventing credit card fraud is one excuse for the chip, and the aim is to bring in the cashless society, the one-world currency. This would mean that if the computer system said no to your credit card, or eventually your microchip, you have no means, other than barter, to buy anything, including food. At the moment, you can still overcome this

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by using cash and this is why they want to phase out physical money. Readers of my other books will know that I have been predicting the microchipped cashless society since the early 1990s, and in 2007 Peter Ayliffe, chief executive of Visa Europe, predicted the end of cash within a few years. Professor Kevin Warwick of Reading University in England has been very publicly used to promote the use of the human microchip. He was implanted with a chip amid great publicity and has introduced us all to the benefits of controlling electronic devices at a distance. Wow. The latest I heard was that he and his wife, Irena, were going to be implanted with another chip which would connect their nervous systems to data processors, batteries and radio transmitters. Apparently, their teenage daughter, Madeleine, was asked to join the exercise, but said 'No way'. There is at least one thinking member of the family, then. 'This is the next step of merging man and machine,' said Professor Warwick. 'We will be able to have communications between two nervous systems across the Net.' He is being funded, according to the London Daily Mail, to the tune of some half a million pounds by major US Internet firms. Professor Warwick admits that he and his wife could suffer permanent physical damage to their arms, but added that he hoped 'there will be no mental damage'. One wonders how they would tell. Warwick has been a vociferous supporter of microchipping and it was he who suggested the microchipping of children after the murders of ten-year-old Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman in 2002. Warwick was chipped so that he could interact with technology through a connection to his central nervous system. His website says:
Kevin Warwick has taken the first steps ... using himself as a guinea pig test-subject receiving, by surgical operation, technological implants connected to his central nervous system ... Overriding everything, at the expense of a normal life, is Kevin's all encompassing scientific quest and desire to be a Cyborg ... part human, part machine.

Electronic thought control

Warwick's level of knowledge is not in the same universe as that available to the secret projects that are waiting to foist the real deal upon us. Opponents of microchipping normally focus on their use in tracking people, but there is much more to this, including the control of thought, emotion and thus behaviour. Thought patterns can be transmitted through the chips that the target takes to be their own and this can go as far as generating apparent 'voices in the head' and hallucinations. Forget about the fixing of 'elections' through dodgy electronic voting machines. If we are stupid enough to succumb to the chip, there will be no need. Dr Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, former provincial medical officer of the Finnish Lapland Province, has been a tireless campaigner against human chipping. She says:
Every thought, reaction, hearing, and visual observation causes a certain neurological potential, spikes, and patterns in the brain and its electromagnetic fields, which can now be decoded into thoughts, pictures, and voices. Electromagnetic stimulation can therefore change a person's brainwaves and affect muscular activity, causing painful muscular cramps experienced as torture ...

... The [United States National Security Agency's] ... electronic surveillance system can si multaneously follow and handle millions of people. Each of us has a unique bioelectrical resonance frequency in the brain, just as we have unique fingerprints. With electromagnetic frequency (EMF) brain stimulation fully coded, pulsating electromagnetic signals can be sent to the brain causing the desired voice and visual effects to be experienced by the target. This is a form of electronic warfare. US astronauts were implanted before they were sent into space so their thoughts could be followed and all their emotions could be registered 24 hours a day. I was told all this in 1997 by a CIA scientist who was desperate to alert people to what was planned. He had asked to meet me because he was a scientist working against his will on CIA secret projects orchestrated by the Reptilian hybrid networks that the fodder politicians have no idea are going on. When I asked him why he used his genius to advance the agenda, he opened his shirt and on his chest was a see-through 'sachet', similar to those used for shampoo. The CIA calls them 'patches' and inside I could see an orangey-golden liquid. He said that he joined the CIA in the belief that he was serving his country, but he soon realised that they did not want his knowledge to help humanity. The idea was to control them. When he began to rebel against the misuse of his work, he left home one morning and remembers nothing else until he woke up on a medical-type table. When he began to focus, he noticed the 'patch' on his chest. They had manipulated his body to need the drug the patch contains and it has to be replaced every seventy-two hours. If he doesn't do what he's told, they don't replace the patch and he begins to die a long and painful death. He knows they're not kidding he's already tried it. Large numbers of brilliant scientists, who could be setting the world free from poverty and hunger, are in the same situation. This CIA scientist told me about the microchipping agenda and much else besides. He arranged to meet me to expose what was being planned, not least because he had no idea how long they would allow him to live. When these scientists have served their purpose, the patch is no longer replaced and they die painfully, taking with them the knowledge of what is going on. Before he talked about the microchip agenda, he told me many other secrets kept from the public. He said that the cure for cancer has been known for decades, but they didn't want people to be cured so they would not release this information. They were making far more money drugging the dying and treating the symptoms than they ever would curing the disease. This is archetypal Reptilian hybrid behaviour. They have also been alarmed by the explosion in the human population, hence their plan for a mass 'cull' of the 'lower races'. The scientist said the technology existed to create abundant growth in deserts without water by stimulating the energy fields of the plants. At its optimum, it was like watching a time-lapse photograph, so fast did they grow, he said. This would eliminate hunger by itself if it were made available. Instead, this same technology was used to kill thousands of people in a mass murder that he witnessed. The CIA had gathered a multitude together in Ethiopia during a famine by the promise of food, and he was in a plane that he thought was flying over the area to cast a vibrational field across the land to stimulate plant growth. When he came to the front of the plane to see what was happening, he saw thousands of people lying dead. They had been killed by the power of the magnetic field. The CIA was testing his technology as a weapon that could kill people, but not damage property. Anyone still think that these

Free to do as we tell you


lunatics would not have coldly murdered 3,000 people on September 11th? The scientist also said that the technology to give us all the power and warmth we need without pollution or utility bills free energy has been known for decades. I am aware of this from people I have met who are producing these systems, but they can't get them into production. The Reptilian hybrids control the patent offices, the money, and the major companies required to mass-produce them. Imagine a piece of kit in your home giving you warmth and power every day forever without cost. Again, this technology uses the pool of unseen vibrating energy all around us and turns it into usable power. All this technology would be ours today if it were not suppressed by the Illuminati cabal. However, it was when he turned to microchips that the CIA scientist became most animated. He confirmed that the plan was to microchip the entire global population, including babies at birth. Once babies are chipped the moment they are born it means that no consciousness could enter this reality without being subject to the consciousness-suppressing microchip. It is the Reptilian hybrid plan to have life-long control of anyone entering this reality and hold them in the vibrational box. Dr RauniLeena Luukanen-Kilde writes:
I mplanted human beings can be followed anywhere. Their brain functions can be remotely monitored by supercomputers and even altered through the changing of frequencies. Guinea pigs in secret experiments have included prisoners, soldiers, mental patients, handicapped children, deaf and blind people, homosexuals, single women, the elderly, schoolchildren, and any group of people considered 'marginal' by the elite experimenters. The published experiences of prisoners in Utah State Prison, for example, are shocking to the conscience. Today's microchips operate by means of low-frequency radio waves that target them. With the help of satellites, the implanted person can be tracked anywhere on the globe. Such a technique was among a number tested in the Iraq war ... (Earlier during the Vietnam War, soldiers were injected with the Rambo chip, designed to increase adrenaline flow into the bloodstream). When a 5-micromillimeter microchip (the diameter of a strand of hair is 50 micromillimeters) is placed into the optical nerve of the eye, it draws neuro-impulses from the brain that embody the experiences, smells, sights, and voice of the implanted person. Once transferred and stored in a computer, these neuro-impulses can be projected back to the person's brain via the microchip to be re-experienced. Using a RMS, a land-based computer operator can send electromagnetic messages (encoded as signals) to the nervous system, affecting the target's performance. With RMS, healthy persons can be induced to see hallucinations and to hear voices in their heads.

The CIA scientist who talked to me said the same. On one level the chips were there to keep a constant track of where we are and what we are doing, but the main reason was to manipulate at will our mental and emotional processes. He said that people should not only think about the messages going from the chip to the computer far more important were the messages from the computer to the embodied chip. He said people had no comprehension of the level of technology in the Illuminati secret projects. Once

people were chipped, he said, the computer could make them docile or aggressive, sexually aroused or sexually suppressed, and close down their minds to a point where they were like zombies. He asked me to urge people to resist the microchip at all costs. Once we concede to that we would be nothing more than machines controlled by the 'aliens' that he confirmed were behind the whole thing. He told me how small the microchips were outside the public arena and this has since proved to be true. Thanks to what is called 'nano technology', they are invisible to the human eye and can easily be implanted through vaccination programmes and other means. By comparison even the VeriChip is the technological stone age. In January 2007, the chip makers, Intel, announced that it would now be producing processors using transistors with features just forty-five nanometres (a billionth of a metre) wide. IBM, Toshiba, Sony and AMD are going the same way.
Remember, the human body is a holographic biological computer and can be hijacked electronically. Human microchipping is designed to hack into the body-computer and manipulate its electrochemical systems thoughts, emotions and 'physical' health. The central processing unit or CPU (the 'brain' of a personal computer) is a microchip. Human microchipping is the implantation of a device that can override the brain. They say they can 'interface' body and computers and this is possible because they are connecting two computers. For goodness sake, say NO to the microchip.

From the dragon's mouth ...

The award-winning American film producer, Aaron Russo, who produced Trading Places with Eddie Murphy, said publicly in 2007 that he was told by one of the Rockefeller family that the plan was to create a microchipped population. He said that Nick Rockefeller also predicted an 'event' that would lead to invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq eleven months before 9 /11, and said that the Rockefeller Foundation had created and funded the women's liberation movement to destroy the family. Rockefeller further confirmed that reducing the population was another of their targets. Russo said Rockefeller was trying to recruit him into the elite and he was asked if he would like to join the Council on Foreign Relations. When Russo said that he was not interested in enslaving people, Rockefeller asked why he cared about the 'serfs'. 'I used to say to him what's the point of all this?', Russo said. 'You have all the money in the world you need, you have all the power you need, what's the point, what's the end goal?' Rockefeller replied that the goal was to get everybody chipped, to control the whole of society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world. Russo was told that if he joined them his chip would be specially coded to avoid unnecessary inspection by the authorities. Rockefeller revealed to him almost a year before 9 /11 that there was going to be an event that would lead to the invasion of Afghanistan to run pipelines through to the Caspian Sea. They were going to invade Iraq to take over the oil fields and establish a base in the Middle East and `go after Chavez in Venezuela'. Russo said that Rockfeller told him that he would see soldiers looking in caves in Afghanistan and Pakistan for Osama bin Laden and that there would be an 'endless war on terror where there's no real enemy' and the whole thing is a 'giant hoax'. This would allow the government to take over the American people, Rockefeller had said, cynically laughing and joking as

Free to do as we tell you


he spoke. Rockefeller told Russo about the two main reasons they bankrolled 'women's lib'. One was that before women's lib the bankers couldn't tax half the population, and the second was to allow them to get children into school at an earlier age and indoctrinate them into accepting the state as their primary family. Russo told how Rockefeller constantly stressed that 'the people have to be ruled' and the population reduced by at least half. The conspiracy I am exposing here, and have been warning about since 1992, is no 'theory'. In early 2007, policy review documents published by the Cabinet Office of the British Government revealed the extraordinary plans by Blair and his successors to 'tackle crime'. These included microchipping the mentally ill and chemically castrating sex offenders. There had to be 'trade-offs' between liberty and security, the documents said.

Microchipping the trash

The microchip is in almost every piece of technology and embedded in newer cars. This can externally immobilise the engine from satellite, as well as tracking every journey. Even the rubbish or trash bins known as 'wheelie bins' in Britain are being chipped. I have said over and over that it is in the apparently trivial and insignificant that the true extent of control and surveillance can be recognised. What can a simple rubbish bin on wheels have to do with the agenda for global control? What could be more innocent than putting out the trash? Answer one: plenty, it seems. Answer two: the age of innocence is over until we have removed the soulless ones who are leading us, pipes-aplaying, into the Orwellian nightmare. It has emerged that half a million British wheelie bins have been microchipped, mostly by German-based companies, with the rest of the country destined to follow. Similar systems are at work throughout Europe. Yep, microchipping has now reached the trash can and it is being dubbed 'chip and bin' after the credit card 'chip and pin' system in the UK. The microchips transmit information from the bin to a central database with the potential to keep a record of what rubbish each householder throws out. Even the garbage is no longer private. None of this was stated publicly to allow some kind of debate to ensue. It was done without telling anyone and only found its way into the media when a council official mentioned the chips at a Rotary Club dinner. If they are even secretly bugging your bin, what the hell else is the Hidden Hand doing without our knowledge? The London Mail on Sunday described how bin-bugging works:
With the bugging technology, the electronic chips are carefully hidden under the moulded front 'lip' of wheelie bins used by householders for non-recyclable waste. As the bin is raised by the mechanical hoister at the back of the truck, the chip passes across an antenna fitted to the lifting mechanism. That enables the antenna to 'read' a serial number assigned to each property in the street. A computer inside the truck weighs the bin as it is raised, subtracts the weight of the bin itself and records the weight of the contents on an electronic data card. When the truck returns to the depot, all the information collected on the round is transmitted to a hand-held device and downloaded on to the council's centralised computer. Each household can be billed for the amount of waste collected even though they have already paid for the services through their council tax.

The official justification for bin-bugging is to 'improve efficiency' and, get this, to settle disputes between neighbours about the ownership of wheelie bins. Martin Smith, head of Environmental Services at Kennet District Council, said:
These are simply chips that will enable us to sort out disputes between householders about whose wheelie bin is whose. If there are any arguments we can just send out an officer to scan the chip and settle the argument. There is a debate in Government over the possibility of introducing charges, but that's not what we had in mind when we ordered the chips.

Garbage. They are planning to spend 2 to bug every wheelie bin in Britain, and 15,000 to fit the technology to every waste truck, just to decide arguments on who owns a wheelie bin?? Oh please. They also talk about the need to recycle waste more efficiently, but this, too, is, well, rubbish. The real reason is control. Some waste disposal specialists say the idea is to gather the information to fine people for not putting the right waste in the right bin and, stands back in amazement, the British government is preparing to give councils new powers in this regard. Steve Foster, sales director of PM OnBoard, which fits weighing equipment to waste disposal trucks, said his company already had a full database of names and addresses and they were ready to introduce new fees for rubbish collection as soon as the law allows. But still the true reason is beyond even that.

Programmed acquiescence
The mass of surveillance in all areas of our lives needs to be seen as a whole, not just as individual parts. The bin-bugging is significant in the way it highlights how Big Brother is infiltrating the fine detail of our lives, but it is even more important when viewed with all the other gathering intrusions. Walk across towns and cities today and you pass from camera to camera recording your every movement. Go into a store or an ATM and the same happens. When your children go to school they are increasingly watched by cameras, preparing the next generation to accept this intrusion as a normal part of life. Traffic cameras check your speed and a few miles an hour over the limit, no matter what the circumstances (unless you are a police officer) means an instant fine in the UK. The satellite network can already photograph your licence plate from space and all new cars will have to carry chips that connect them to satellites to track the details of your every journey. They are also preparing for the satellite system to connect with the human microchips planned to be introduced as soon as the public has been programmed enough by the 'war on terror'. When you work at the computer or use the phone you are being recorded by a system searching for key words or, if you are on their watch-list, every word. A glimpse at the scale of phone tapping in the United States has more recently come to light, but the true and enormous extent of Internet tracking, email surveillance and web surfing is not publicly known. Add to the technological surveillance the ever-increasing schemes, even laws in some cases, encouraging and pressuring people to snoop on their neighbours or clients and report their findings to the authorities. These include percentages being offered to snoopers of any assets seized in a subsequent prosecution. The sum total of all this, and so much more, is to turn people into a bar-coded 'commodity', tracked and recorded every day of their lives and even watched by neighbours and work colleagues. What you say, where you go, what

Free to do as we tell you


you buy, what you eat, what you drink, even what you throw in the rubbish bin, are all being downloaded into vast data bases. Privacy? How do you spell that again, it's one of those old words my mother talked about, isn't it? The idea is to make surveillance and control so much a feature of life that we acquiesce to its dictates even without being forced to by a uniform or dark suit. The real goal of all this is to make people so servile and robotic that the cattle prods in their now endless forms become unnecessary. Unquestioning compliance alone will keep the sheep in the pen. The principle they are using is the same as that used on laboratory mice or rats. You keep shocking them when they take a route in the maze you don't want, and, in the end, they avoid those routes even without being shocked. This is where the true significance of the wheelie bin bugging can be appreciated. Think of all the times every day you are told what to do, either directly or by a sign of some kind. Think of all the times you are aware of the consequences of not complying with authority, like always watching for traffic cameras in case you go slightly over the limit. Imagine how driving will be when your speed and location is constantly tracked from space wherever you are. Think of how many times you watch what you say because it might upset some authority or breach the ludicrous limits set by Political Correctness. Now, they want us to be aware of the consequences from authority if you don't throw out the rubbish in the 'right' way. What all this does, and there are endless more examples in daily experience, is to make people consciously and subconsciously aware of authority and fear not doing as they are told. As this happens more and more often in ever greater areas of our lives, there comes a point, different for each person, where they reach the stage of unquestioning, unthinking, acquiescence. They no longer need a 'shock', in other words. What they are doing here is programming the computer. That's the goal - to close down our conscious connection with Infinite Awareness, and download to the computer level of reality the programs that suit their agenda for mass control. In 1932, Aldous Huxley wrote in the way-ahead-of-its-time, Brave New World, that the infiltration of the mind by the state would continue through suggestion until ...
... at last the child's mind is these suggestions, and the sum of the suggestions is the child's mind. And not the child's mind only. The adult's mind too - all his life long. The mind that judges and desires and decides - made up of these suggestions. But all these suggestions are our suggestions ... Suggestions from the State (my emphasis).

The game is to subjugate the human mind to follow a pattern of response every bit as extreme as the laboratory rat walking round the maze without needing external intervention about which way to go. Unthinking acquiescence sums up this state of 'mind' - the comfort zone where conformity = comfort. An Internet article I saw put it all very well:
The reconstruction of your consciousness into this automaton thing is being executed in such a manner that it goes virtually undetected; in fact you are doing it to yourself and don't even know it. Why with the proper incentive, you're doing it to yourself and just love it - look at all the 'stuff' you have. You're so comfortable you have become passive, submissive, and you don't even have to think. You just go with the flow. It feels good and quite natural running on automatic.

However, disrupt your automatic mental state with even the simplest of problems li ke misplacing your keys or wallet and life becomes a living hell in your mind until you find those keys or wallet to re-establish your habitual routine. This becomes true of any little problem in life. You want it resolved as fast as possible, to stop the mental frustration, torment and confusion. You have become so addicted to living life under the control of others that even small annoyances become stressful events in your life.

The Orwell generation

Children and young people are being targeted as a priority. To this end, the British Home Office is even fingerprinting under-fives, and may include babies, in its biometrics ID scheme 'trial'. A spokesrobot said that fingerprinting was an established biometric technology and there was no minimum age for its use. We are seeing surveillance cameras in schools across the world. Some have fifty and more all over the school, even in toilets, and the big sell as usual is protecting the children after violent events in schools and colleges in Arkansas, Colorado, California, Kentucky, Virginia, Mississippi and other states, and in places like Dunblane in Scotland. Problem-Reaction-Solution. One media report about a school in Michigan said:
At the far ends of the new Whitmore Lake High School, stairwells stretching three stories high are normally outside of staff members' view. Their wide open spaces are inviting targets for kids wanting to be kids. But, thanks to three security cameras mounted high on the wall, Principal Tom DeKeyser doesn't worry about shenanigans going on outside of his sight.

I think it would be more appropriate to worry about Principal Tom DeKeyser and his kind across the world. What a step forward for humanity three security cameras to stop 'kids being kids'. But, that's the whole point of it for those operating way beyond DeKeyser's powers of comprehension. It is sobering to think that those of us born before the mass surveillance began are the last generations who have the experience to compare what it was like with what it is becoming. Today's children will not be able to make that comparison and that's crucial to the manipulators. When we come into this world we see the way it looks and works to be 'the way life is'. We've never known anything else so this is how things must be. As the world changes through our lives, we have a coordinate how it used to be to observe the change and if we don't like it we can make our feelings known. The pandemic of freedom-busting today is a great example of this. However, when the schools and streets are peppered with cameras, children have their fingerprints taken to access school meals and surveillance is everywhere, the new-borns are coming into the world 'as it is'. To them, it will be 'normal' all they have known. That makes those with a few decades behind us, the ones with their eyes open anyway, the last generations who will be able to see what is happening so blatantly, and it presents us with enormous responsibility. We are seeing ever-younger children targeted by the boneheads in uniform to instil fear of authority from an early age. An Associated Press report revealed that a five-year-old boy had been charged in America with sexual harassment:

Free to do as we tell you


Washington County school officials told Charles Vallance that his son pinched a girl's buttocks earlier this month in a hallway at Lincolnshire Elementary School. The school says that meets the state's definition of sexual harassment.

It doesn't meet my definition of intelligence, however. The 'offence' will remain on the child's file and there are endless more examples, gathering pace by the week, of this brain-numbing nonsense but nonsense with a calculated motive. Twenty-eight kindergarten students were suspended for sex offences in one school year fifteen for sexual harassment. Another student was handcuffed for writing on her desk and here are some other relevant headlines listed at Prisonplanet.com: Handcuffing Of 5-Year-Old:

A Picture Postcard Of America's Decline; School Suspends Kindergartner For Bringing Pocket Knife To Lunch; Skateboarding Children Arrested in Massachusetts; Child arrested for bringing a toy to school; Officer's Taser [electronic gun] is used on girl, 9; Student's refusal to adjust cap leads to arrest; 9-year-old arrested for stealing bunny; Boy investigated by FBI for researching paper on Chesapeake Bay Bridge; Secret Service Questions Students. These are just a few examples of the war on our children to produce the chipped conformers of the Orwellian world. One fifth-grader said he had been sent home for visiting websites questioning the official story of 9/11 and at other schools, like Lee Middle in Wyoming, Michigan, they have 'drills' in which armed police officers burst into the room pointing their guns at the students' heads. The students are given no warning. 'Some kids were so scared', one mother said, that they wet their pants'. Only sick minds would even contemplate such an outrage. The Reptilian hybrids want control of all children, what they are taught, what they think, how they live and where they live. It was revealed in Britain in 2007 that babies were being removed from their parents by councils to meet their targets for adoptions and the children were taken into 'care' unnecessarily so they could be given adoptive parents. Talk about sheer evil, but the Reptilian hybrids have no empathy, no emotional connection to the children or their distraught parents. The British Liberal Democrat MP John Hemming said it was a 'national scandal' and it is, but one coldly created by the government demanding a 50 per cent increase in the numbers of children adopted. The aim is to destroy the family unit to make everyone a child of the global state. Parental rights are being eroded for the same reason and one idiot Republican in Texas even wants parents to be fined $500 and have a criminal record for not attending a scheduled meeting with a teacher. Already the choice to have your child vaccinated in the United States has all but been taken from the parents and they want the same everywhere. What children and students think and believe is being ever more closely monitored and their teachers targeted if they allow free debate in the classroom that doesn't suit the system. Class debates about Israel are condemned by the B'nai B'rith/ADL crowd as 'forums for hatred', just as they try to stop even Jewish people having a public platform to criticise Israel, and blocked the stage production in New York of a play about Rachel Corrie, a campaigner for Palestinian justice, killed by an Israeli bulldozer. A social work student at Missouri State University filed a lawsuit alleging the school insisted she supported homosexual adoption as a precondition to getting her degree. Her attorney, David French, described it as 'really an amazing case'. He says his client was 'punished, forced to undergo close monitoring for the rest of her career at the university, and forced to write things that she disagreed with, in order to graduate'. He adds that many public

universities are demanding that students adopt 'leftist' positions to get a social work degree. In other subjects they are pressured to take 'rightish' positions, like support for the war on terrorism and not questioning the official version of 9 /11. As I have outlined in other books, there is an increasing use of drugs such as Ritalin on schoolchildren who don't conform, and they are said to have 'psychiatric problems' - just as they said about dissidents in the Soviet Union to justify their detention in the mental institutions. The Boy Bush administration introduced mental assessments of all children and the British government is trying to introduce the enforced detention of those deemed to be mentally ill even when they have not committed a crime. These are all being put in place to remove opponents of the fascist state together with the concentration camps, or 'holding centres', that are already in place and waiting. What I have outlined in this chapter is just a fraction of what is happening every day to install the fully-fledged Orwellian state, and who, in their right mind, or any mind, can now doubt that the world he described is now here? How long it stays, and how much more extreme it becomes, is down to us.

19 Fake 'democracy'
Tyranny is always better organised than freedom.

Charles Peguy

We don't have Congressional or Parliamentary government any longer. The much-

lauded system called 'democracy' has always been the imposition of the many over the few, and has never been the 'freedom' it is claimed to be. But, now, we have gone even further. 'Free societies' have become dictatorships by the very few over all the rest. If you were asked to sign a document without reading it you would be immediately suspicious of the guy with the pen in his hand. You would insist on reading the content before you put your name to it and make a commitment to support what it said. You would, therefore, from the system's point of view, make a really bad Congressman or Member of Parliament. Their job is to vote for reams and reams of legislation that fundamentally affects the lives of everyone without even reading it. Not here and there, now and then, but every day. It's called 'democracy', apparently. Congressman Ron Paul from Texas told The Washington Times that no member of Congress was allowed to read the first Patriot Act passed on October 27th 2001 in the wake of 9/11. Yet, this Act dramatically increased the power of the Executive and removed a host of basic freedoms from people. No matter. The voting fodder on Capitol Hill still agreed to support it without even knowing what it said. These are your representatives, ladies and gentlemen. Brains and backbones do not a politician make. The Maastricht Treaty that handed over massive powers from Britain to Brussels and the European Union in 1992 was another major Bill not read by most of the people who voted it into law. A government minister at the time, Kenneth Clarke (Bilderberg Group), even admitted in a BBC interview that he hadn't read the Bill while going around supporting it. This is happening in a period of human history when it is vital to study every word and nuance of proposed legislation, because what we are seeing is no less than the covert introduction of the fascist state in country after country. Indeed, to anyone who does bother to track such matters, it is now often not even covert much of the time. The British government's 'Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill' is an outstanding example of the way the Big Brother state is moving. Behind its boring title lay the power for the government to make a vast array of laws without any vote in Parliament. Cambridge Law Professor, John Spencer, called it the 'Abolition of Parliament Bill'. It proposed to give the government the power to detain people for years, impose house arrest, and give the police expanded powers of arrest and

interrogation, all without a parliamentary debate. The Bill allowed for new courts and changes in the law on immigration, nationality, divorce, inheritance and the appointment of judges, once again without any decision of an elected parliament. Even for those who do bother to read this covert dynamite will find themselves in a maze of civil servant-speak calculated to confuse and mislead. This is one of the ways they hide what it all really means. This is an example of the technique taken from this 'reform' Bill: Subsections (4) and (5) are transitional provisions. They deal with consultation which
has taken place before the date on which these clauses come into force. If any consultation is undertaken before subsection (4) comes into force, and that consultation would to any extent satisfy any of the requirements of clause 11 (if the consultation had taken place after it comes into force), those requirements are, to that extent, taken to have been satisfied. It is not necessary therefore to repeat the consultation. Subsection (5) applies specifically where the power in the 2001 Act has been repealed at the time an order is to be made. In those circumstances, where proposals for an order under clause 1 of this Bill are the same as proposals for an order under section 1 of the 2001 Act and those proposals have been consulted upon under that Act, then consultation will be taken to have been satisfied for the purposes of this clause (even where the proposals have been varied following consultation under the 2001 Act and it was appropriate that no further consultation be undertaken). This means that such proposals do not need to be consulted on again where an order was going to be made under the 2001 Act but is now going to be made under clause 1 of this Bill. This is straight from the Reptilian mind. The trick is to hide major legislative changes

within mind-numbing gobbledegook like this, and it's a method of manipulation used all over the world by the Reptilian hybrids. A report in the London Times by Daniel Finkelstein, headed 'How I woke up to a nightmare plot to steal centuries of law and liberty', captures the true meaning of this fascist Bill:
Now I know what I am about to tell you is difficult to believe (Why isn't this on the front pages? Where's the big political row?), but I promise you that it is true. The extraordinary Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill, currently before the House, gives ministers power to amend, repeal or replace any legislation simply by making an order and without having to bring a Bill before Parliament. The House of Lords Constitution Committee says the Bill is 'of first-class constitutional significance' and fears that it could ' markedly alter the respective and long standing roles of minister and Parliament in the legislative process'.

Put simply, it is the end of Parliament, just as, in the United States, we have effectively had the end of Congress since 9/11. When there is no elected body that represents the peoples' freedoms and interests, you are left with a dictatorship. And we have been if we allow it. The 'Reform' Bill says things like the government can only impose a burden 'proportionate to the benefit expected to be gained', but who decides what is 'proportionate'? The government. What they are saying is 'trust us' with ultimate

Fake 'democracy'


power, because we will never use it against the wrong people. This is the same government that passed laws to 'stop terrorists' while ensuring in the wording that it could apply to anyone they choose to target, including little old ladies with a banner protesting against mass slaughter. This is the same government that introduced 'anti terror' laws and then used them against peaceful protestors such as Maya Evans who was arrested under Section 132 of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act for simply standing at the Cenotaph war memorial in London and reading out the names of British soldiers killed in Iraq. One opposition Member of Parliament said of the law used in the case: '[It] was sold to us on the basis that it was to prevent terrorist acts against this House and has now been used to convict a young lady, Maya Evans, for reading out a list of British soldiers killed in action in Iraq by the Cenotaph'. Wake up, mate, that's how it was always meant to be used. The Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill, which gives the government sweeping powers to make law outside of the parliamentary process, was sold as just a means of improving administrative efficiency. The government claimed that the Bill was needed to speed up the passage of legislation into law. If ministers can just decide to change the law whenever they like, think of all the debating time that would be saved, the 'argument' goes. As Daniel Finkelstein wrote in his Times article:
What does this argument, used often by the minister during last week's debate, amount to? An admission that we are now passing so many new laws, so quickly, and so many of them are sloppy, that we don't have time to debate them properly or reform them when they go wrong. Parliament is drowning in a sea of legislation. Instead of calling a halt to this, the Government is seeking a way of moving ever faster, adding yet more laws, this time with even less debate.

Law by dictate
This tidal wave of law is the global dictatorship being constructed and so it is happening everywhere. They are voting away checks, balances and freedoms until only centralised dictatorship remains. The Reptilian hybrids are in a frenzy to impose their global prison by stealth before enough people realise what is going on. Stifling real debate on the issues by cutting or removing such debating time is crucial to introducing fascist legislation with a speed that makes it law before most people have even heard it has been proposed. Another major route for these impositions is what is known in Britain as 'secondary legislation'. Again, it's a tedious title with a fuse fitted and a timing device going tick, tick, tick. Beware the boring and banal, it's often a nuclear weapon disguised as a carrot cake. As I have been saying for years, most people don't have opinions based on detailed knowledge or understanding; they have an 'image' of what the situation is. This image comes from hearing, mostly half-hearing, mantras chanted incessantly by politicians, 'journalists' and academics. They get the 'impression' that for something to become law it has to be subject to debate by elected people in national parliaments or local councils. Not so. Thousands of new laws are passed every year without any such debate. This is secondary legislation, also known as subordinate or delegated legislation and, in the case of government ministers, 'Statutory Instruments'. This is a definition from www.answers.com:

Statutory Instruments (SIs) are parts of United Kingdom law separate from Acts of Parliament which do not require full Parliamentary approval before becoming law. These are usually brought to Parliament by a Government minister, exercising legislative powers delegated to them by an Act of Parliament.

The Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill, which was passed in 2006 in only a slightly watered-down version, is designed to bring virtually all law making and law changing under the heading of secondary or delegated legislation delegated to the government. It will be the no-debate dictatorship. You won't be surprised to know that the powers to make laws through secondary legislation without open and democratic debate soared after the Reptilian hybrid, Tony Blair, came to power. They are imposed, often even without public knowledge, through what are called ministerial regulations, orders in council, and codes of practice, as well as Statutory Instruments. Several thousand of these laws are passed each year, compared to only a few dozen Acts of Parliament. In 2007, it was revealed that in the ten years of Tony Blair alone thirty thousand new laws were introduced. That's an average of a new law every three hours. What's more, 98 per cent of them were introduced without proper debate through Statutory Instruments. In the United States, the system known as `rulemaking' is similar in many ways. Laws passed, at least in theory, on Capitol Hill are given further added detail by the rulemaking agencies often packed with, or advised by, unelected and unknown scientific, economic and corporate 'experts'. It is another way of introducing legislative changes without political debate. Then, there are the Presidential Executive Orders that bypass Congress and have been used to build a mountain of laws and laws-in-waiting that are nothing less than a fascist state sitting in the shadows until they are activated by a 'state of emergency'. As former Bill Clinton advisor, Paul Begala, said in The New York Times in 1998: 'Stroke of the pen. Law of the Land. Kinda cool'. Executive Orders are legally binding orders issued by the President without public debate. They don't require Congressional approval, yet have the same legal weight as laws passed by Congress. There is nothing in the United States Constitution or statute that permits this, except for the vague 'executive power' given in Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution, and the statement 'take care that the laws be faithfully executed' in Article II, Section 3. If Congress passes a Bill to challenge laws made by Executive Order the President has the power of veto. To override this veto takes a two-thirds majority highly unlikely to say the least. The way the United States form of government was set up gives fantastic power to one man and, more to the point, to those who control him. It was through Executive Order 9066 that President Franklin Roosevelt gave power to the military to remove people to a military zone. This was used to imprison Japanese and German-Americans in 'internment camps', which takes on particular relevance when you think that such camps are being located across America today with the involvement of Cheney's Halliburton Corporation. Bush has used Executive Orders to restrict civil liberties, intellectual freedom and freedom of information. One of his first acts was to introduce Executive order 13233 to restrict access to the official records of presidents thus protecting his father from public exposure for his horrific behaviour during his presidency and that of Ronald Reagan. A document made public by the American Civil Liberties Union claims that Boy Bush issued an Executive Order authorising the inhumane interrogation of detainees in Iraq. A two-page FBI email

Fake 'democracy'


references an Executive Order in which the President directly authorised interrogation techniques like 'sleep deprivation, stress positions, use of military dogs and sensory deprivation through the use of hoods, etc'. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is a 100 per cent-controlled Reptilian hybrid operation. It was created by an Executive Order and only six per cent of its budget is spent on preparing for emergencies. All this happened without any public debate or agreement by the supposedly elected representatives of the people. You can see that most law is introduced without public debate. Multi-millions of laws are imposed around the world through 'secondary legislation' in all its forms, and other scams that bypass debate. Look at the powers that these undebated Executive Orders have given to the government and its agencies: Executive Order 10990 allows the government to take over all transportation and control of roads and ports. Executive Order 10995 allows the government to take over all media and forms of communication. Executive Order 10997 allows the government to control all forms of power, fuel and minerals. Executive Order 10998 allows the seizure of all farms and food production. Executive Order 10999 allows the government to take over all transportation, private as well as public, including your car. Executive Order 11000 gives the government power to control all citizens and force them to work where and when instructed. This includes the right to split families. Executive Order 11001 allows all health, education and welfare services to come under government control. Executive Order 11002 gives the postmaster the right to register all men, women and children in the United States. Executive Order 11003 gives the government control of all airports and aircraft. Executive Order 11004 allows the government to seize all housing and finance and force people to leave what are declared to be 'Forced Relocation Designated Areas'. Executive Order 11005 gives the government control of all railways, waterways and storage facilities. Executive Order 11051 outlines the role of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives the right to activate all Executive Orders into effect in times of 'increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis'. Executive Order 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in US financial institutions in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months. Executive Order 12919 was signed by President Clinton on June 3rd, 1994, to bring all of the above under one order. There they sit, just waiting for a 'crisis' to activate them, and the 'crisis' will be caused by the same force that manipulated them into law. In May 2007, further legislation was

imposed to allow the President to take complete control of the country in the wake of a 'catastrophic event'. It would make him a fully-fledged dictator. The National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive apparently overrides the National Emergency Act and removes the authority of Congress to 'modify, rescind, or render dormant' the President's emergency powers. Here we are on the brink of the world that Orwell foresaw. A world in which the right to habeas corpus to challenge unlawful imprisonment by the state is being eroded and, for many, destroyed; where people can be kept for years at the grotesque Guantanamo Bay without charge or trial and under house arrest in the UK without any evidence being produced against them; where a judge tells an army officer that he cannot refuse to serve in an illegal war; where you can have your car confiscated for using a mobile phone or not wearing a seatbelt; where a teenager can be fined 50 for throwing a chip for a seagull, and people can be fined for feeding the birds while out on a walk; where elections are rigged by electronic voting machines with no paper trail and the workings of the technology cannot be seen because it is protected by copyright; where we have Orwellian 'Free Speech Zones' that impound peaceful protestors away from the source of their protest. We are told that we need all this surveillance and control to 'fight crime' and 'fight terrorism'. Reptilian hybrids want to 'fight' everything and they create the circumstances that cause the crime that they can then 'fight'. Apart from the few who are criminal by programmed nature, these are some of the major causes of the crime we are told we must 'fight':
1) Violence and theft to feed a drug addiction. Who controls the drug trafficking networks? The very people who say we need more surveillance and control to 'fight crime'. 2) Violence and theft by those with no job and, they believe, no hope the people who attack the system by, irony of ironies, and stupidity of stupidities, violence and theft against other victims of the system in their neighbourhood. Who has made the system so soulless, divisive and unjust? The very people who say we need more surveillance and control to 'fight crime'. 3) Violence and theft due to greed, and to steal the latest clothes, car or gadget that they don't have the money to buy. Who sells the myth that success can be judged by possessions and who has encouraged human greed? The very people who say we need more surveillance and control to 'fight crime'. 4) Who are the planet's biggest criminals? The very people who say we need more surveillance and control to 'fight crime'.

Look at all the causes of crime and you will find that the overwhelming majority will be linked to upbringing and experience connected to the structure of society and manipulation of the Reptilian hybrids. Who is the main force behind global terrorism, indeed the people who orchestrate the vast majority of it? The very people who say we need more surveillance and control to 'fight terrorism'. It's all one gigantic ProblemReaction-Solution.

Fake 'democracy'


'Law-enforcement' elitism
Those who control the police and other law enforcement agencies are delighted with the way the world is going. It gives them more power, and you get idiotic statements like this one from Graham Gerrard from the Association of Chief Police Officers: '... Any police surveillance that is unseen is, in fact, controlled and has to be proportionate otherwise it would never get authorised'. What utter drivel. The law enforcement agencies are virtually a law unto themselves, and whenever you have a situation in which those in uniform and authority are not subject to the same laws as the rest of the population you are looking at fascism. When I went to see the war protestor, Brian Haw, outside the Houses of Parliament in London I had a policeman with a camera inches from my face for some ten minutes. When I went back to the same spot two weeks later with a television crew and started filming the police, they were putting their hands over the lens and ordering us to stop which, of course, we didn't. One law for us, one for them fascism. British drivers who are caught on traffic cameras going a few miles an hour over the limit are being fined and prosecuted, while a police officer caught doing 128 miles an hour on a public road was let off because he was 'testing the car'. It is no coincidence that the arrogance of law enforcement officers has increased at the same rate as their powers, but they should understand that they have no power at all. It is their uniform that has the power. The uniform is the representative of the power structure the people inside are merely the 'heavy' for hire. Without the uniform, they have no power. What they seem to miss is that their children and grandchildren are going to have to live in the Orwellian world that they are helping to impose. You still find decent, sensible police officers who don't like what is happening, but they are getting rarer. The system doesn't want its enforcers to be like that, it wants people like the 'community police officer' in my town who struts around like a John Wayne wannabe. Despite all the evidence that the Orwellian state is here, programmed people can still be numbered in billions. A news story in 2007 reported that a huge majority of British people said in a poll that curbs on civil liberty were a 'price worth paying' to 'fight terror'. Seven out of every ten people thought that compulsory identity cards for all adults would be justified to reduce the threat of terrorism, and eight in ten said the authorities should be able to tap the phones of suspected terrorists, open their mail and impose electronic tagging or home curfews. The Internet response of a guy called Mark Jones to one of the attacks on freedom was typical of what you hear: 'If it prevents criminal behaviour or improves its detection I'm all for it.' You have to be careful with opinion polls because they are often rigged to get the required result, and it is a fact that many people are influenced in their own 'opinions' by the views that dominate the polls. What is not in doubt is that large numbers are still fast asleep and can't see what is going on around them. As Oscar Wilde so brilliantly said: 'To disagree with threefourths of the British public is one of the first requisites of sanity'. It's a theme that seems to work anywhere. Even 'civil liberties' groups have understated the situation we face and certainly have not understood the force behind it all. We can't rely on the media to help us to secure our freedoms or civil liberties groups and certainly not the authorities who are controlled by the mentality articulated by the so aptly-named American politician, 'Newt' Gingrinch. He said: 'The threat of biological or nuclear attack requires America to consider curbs to speech to fight terrorists, if it is

to protect the society that makes the First Amendment [free speech] possible'. I know, and he still remembers to breathe. Amazing. We need to give away our freedoms to protect our freedoms an extraordinary Free Speech Zone piece of doublethink even by his 5 0E0 fT standards (Figure 205). If anything is going to change it is down to us. I will talk later about this, but how do we avoid such programmed conformity? Simple: we don't conform and Figure 205: Let no-one say you can't speak your mind we don't pressure others to do so our children, friends or workmates. We celebrate diversity of thought and lifestyle instead of condemning it. Nor, do we accept the impositions of the State, like microchipped people or wheelie bins, or whatever. Tom Seaman, a Wiltshire farmer, urged residents to protest at the wheelie bin scam by unscrewing the bugs from the bins and sending them back to the council. He said:
This is a disgraceful backdoor policy. Monitoring devices have been secretly installed without a word of consultation or information. People should not damage council property but send these things back to their rightful owners and demand an explanation.

5tfflion by Da

What would happen if everyone, or significant numbers, did that? The policy would be unenforceable and it would have to stop. When enough people refused to pay Margaret Thatcher's deeply unfair 'Poll Tax' in the late 1980s, the government had to throw it out. WE have the power, but only if we choose to use it. The creeping, step-by-step suffocation of our freedom through the Totalitarian Tiptoe will only be stopped when we decide to stop it when we stand for what is right instead of jeering from across the street while not actually getting involved in action. It really is choice time. We can sit and moan or we can stand and deliver. We can take our freedom back from the fascists or we can follow the piper with scales and a tail. Hardly a choice is it? What we need to remember is that Big Brother is actually a little wimp. He depends for his power on our acquiescence and the way we allow our collective power to be divided and diluted by religion, race, income bracket and other irrelevant squabbles and fault lines. We don't have to be controlled, we can choose not to be, and it's now choice-time ... big time.

The superstate agenda
Man is free at the moment he wishes to be.

The centralisation of global decision-making is vital for control by the Reptilian few over the human population and the creation of Orwell's 'Oceania'- type superstates is well underway. The plan is to create a political structure with a world government dictating to the superstates of the European Union, American Union, African Union and Asia / Pacific Union. What we now call 'countries' would be broken up into powerless 'regions' under the strict control of the superstates, and they would all answer to the world government (Figure 206). There would be a world army to impose the will of the world government, a world central bank and world currency (electronic not cash), and this structure would control a microchipped population. All this is happening before our eyes and it has been

Figure 206: The structure of the global tyranny. Look around, it's being installed by the day



Figure 207: The Babylonian symbolism on the flag of the European Union

planned a very long time. The idea is not only for direct control, but also control through dependency. When you bring down 'trade barriers', it means that a country can no longer defend its own economy and becomes dependent on the global economic and trade system that the Reptilian hybrids control. I am going to reveal the background to the creation and manipulation of the European Union with regard to all of this, because that will show those in other parts of the world how their particular superstate is being covertly introduced today while no one tells them. The European Union was the blueprint and if a technique works, why change it?

Europa's Empire
The European superstate was started by something called the Treaty of Rome, and this not a coincidence. The European Union is another version of the Roman Empire and the EU flag is symbolic of the mother goddess of Babylon yet again Semiramis in all her many names and guises (Figure 207). The twelve stars, or pentagrams, of the Babylonian Zodiac represent the goddess, and the Roman Church thus claims that Mother Mary, as the 'Queen of Heaven', has a 'crown of twelve stars'. The Book of Revelation 12:1, says: 'Then a great pageant appeared in heaven, portraying things to come. I saw a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon beneath her feet, and a crown of Figure 208: The twelve stars around the head of twelve stars on her head' (Figure 208). the goddess, Isis (Semiramis), that inspired the flag The circle is also a Mystery School of the European Union symbol for the Babylonian virgin-born son, Tammuz. The symbol for the EU flag is attributed to a Belgian Jew (Khazar /Sumerian) called Paul Levi, a converted Roman Catholic who was director of the 'cultural section of the European Council, established in London in 1949. During discussions about the European flag, it is claimed, Levi was passing a statue of 'Mother Maria', which had a 'star coronet' shining under a blue sky. Levi is said to have immediately called the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Earl Benvenuti, a Venice count, and told him that twelve golden stars in a chain against a dark blue

The superstate agenda


background should be the European flag. They love their cover stories don't they? It represents Queen Semiramis in other words. The very name 'Europe' comes from the goddess Europa, another Semiramis alias. The European Union is the Europa Union, the union of the Babylonian goddess. The European flag was introduced on December 8th 1955, which was the feast of The Immaculate Conception of Mary, and, on September 2nd 1958, the Archbishop of Milan, the future Pope Pius XII, unveiled a twenty metre-high statue of Mary and Figure 209: The goddess Europa (Semiramis) was called it 'Our beloved Lady, Ruler of depicted by the ancients with the bull (Nimrod) Europe'. In 1984, two stamps were issued for the European elections in Britain and one depicted a woman riding a beast or bull led by a winged boy over seven hills or waves in the sea. This was the legend of the goddess Europa (Semiramis), whom Jupiter (Nimrod) led away in the form of a bull (Figure 209). The bull is one of the Mystery school symbols for Nimrod. The god Jupiter was also symbolized by the winged boy and is associated with Bacchus, another name for Tammuz / Nimrod /Jesus. The other stamp design included a bridge with the word 'Europa'. The Latin word Tontifex, meaning 'Pontiff' or 'High Priest', comes from the Latin words 'pons', meaning Figure 210: Europa and the bull appear on this bridge, and 'facio', meaning make, and so commemorative coin issued by the European Union Pontifex means 'Bridge-Maker'. The Roman Church and its Pontifex are often symbolised as a bridge in occult imagery, as with the Pont de l'Alma bridge and tunnel in Paris where Diana was killed. As I mentioned earlier, Pont de l'Alma translates as Bridge or Passage of the Moon Goddess. The Europa and bull, Semiramis and Nimrod, image can be seen on a European Union commemorative coin issued in 2005 (Figure 210). Further confirmation of the Church of Rome connection comes from Otto von Habsburg, the head of the dynasty, who is the current leader of the Pan European Movement (Figure 211, overleaf). The Habsburgs are a thoroughbred Reptilian hybrid bloodline who have dominated the Reptilian stronghold of Alsace-Lorraine and basically ruled much of Europe for centuries. They held the title of Holy Roman Emperor and produced Emperors of Austria, Dukes of Austria, Kings of Germany, Kings of Hungary, Kings of Spain, Kings of Portugal, Kings of Bohemia, Grand Dukes of


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Tuscany and even an Emperor of Mexico. Otto von Habsburg was born in 1912 with the title Archduke Franz Joseph Otto Robert Maria Anton Karl Max Heinrich Sixtus Xaver Felix Renatus Ludwig Gaetan Pius Ignatius of Austria. He was the eldest son of Karl of Austria, the last Emperor of Austria and last King of Hungary. Habsburg lives in Bavaria in Germany, and like so many of the Reptilian hybrids he has lived well into Figure 211: The flag of the Pan European (Europa) his 90s. He has made it clear that he Movement - the Babylonian stars, the Sun god and wants a Roman Catholic Europe and a the red cross of the Knights Templar European head of state elected for life just like the leader of the Jesuits. Habsburg said of the European star circle logo in his book, The Social Order of Tomorrow: Now we do possess a European symbol which belongs to all nations equally. This is the crown of the Holy Roman Empire, which embodies the tradition of Charlemagne, the ruler of the united occident [countries of Europe and the western hemisphere]. That is what this is all about the bloodline of Charlemagne and the Reptilian hybrid agenda for global control. A Charlemagne prize was established for those who work hardest for 'European unity' and one recipient was the Jesuit-trained President Bill Clinton, who called for the European Union to encompass Russia.

'Just a free trade area'

The plan for a United States of Europe under centralised control goes back centuries and it was one of the goals of the Knights Templar, among others. Three of the men behind the European Economic Community (or 'Common Market'), now the European Union, were: Jean Monnet, the son of a French brandy merchant and known as the 'Father of Europe'; Count Richard N. Coudenhove-Kalergi from Austria; and Joseph Retinger, a Polish 'socialist' who formed an organisation called the European Movement to press for central control of Europe. Retinger was also extremely influential in the creation of the Bilderberg Group, and George McGhee, a US ambassador to West Germany and Bilderberg attendee, later said: 'The Treaty of Rome, which brought the Common Market into being, was nurtured at Bilderberg meetings'. It was Retinger and long-time Bilderberg Group chairman, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who suggested regular meetings of European foreign ministers. Out of these meetings came the customs union known as the Benelux Countries (Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxemburg), a forerunner to the European Community. Retinger was supported by Illuminati manipulator Averell Harriman, then US Ambassador to Britain, who introduced him to all the classic names connected to the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and the Council on Foreign Relations, that go on recurring through this story. Jean Monnet was working in tandem with Retinger. Monnet left France for Canada in 1910, at the age of just twenty, to seek new markets for the family brandy business. There,

The superstate agenda


he linked up with the Hudson Bay Company and the Lazard Brothers banking operation and became part of the Anglo-American scene, even though he was French. He became a confidant to presidents and prime ministers and this won him a highly-lucrative contract to ship materials from Canada to France during the First World War. When the war ended, he was appointed to the Allied Supreme Economic Council and he became advisor to the group around Lord Milner and Colonel House of the Round Table as they prepared for the Treaty of Versailles and the creation of the League of Nations. By 1919, his influence and reputation among the Round Table manipulators was such that he was named Deputy Secretary General of the League of Nations. Six years later, he moved to America and became vice-president of a company owned by the Bank of America called Transamerica. Monnet was now in the perfect position to coordinate the conspiracy, on both sides of the Atlantic, to create the European Community. The other influential player was the Reptilian hybrid, Count Richard N. Coudenhove-Kalergi, who wrote a book in 1923 calling for a United States of Europe. A close friend of the Count's father was Theodore Herzl, a founder of Zionism and Rothschild puppet. The Count's book was called Pan Europa and he went on to form the Pan European Union with branches right across the continent, supported by leading European politicians, the Anglo-American cabal, including Colonel House and Herbert Hoover, and the usual crowd that come up everywhere. The word 'Pan' can mean 'including everything', but the god 'Pan' is also another name for Nimrod and Europa is Semiramis. The Count said in his autobiography:
At the beginning of 1924, we received a call from Baron Louis de Rothschild; one of his friends, Max Warburg, from Hamburg, had read my book and wanted to get to know us. To my great surprise [sure!], Warburg spontaneously [sure!] offered us 60,000 gold marks to tide the movement over for its first three years ... Max Warburg, who was one of the most distinguished and wisest men that I have ever come into contact with, had a principle of financing these movements. He remained sincerely interested in PanEurope for his entire life. Max Warburg arranged his 1925 trip to the United States to introduce me to Paul Warburg and Bernard Baruch.

Here we have the people I have been exposing so far, who manipulated other parts of the conspiracy, including the rise of Hitler and the creation of the Federal Reserve, all involved in the manipulation of a centralised Europe. The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, Baruch, House and Milner were all in there from the start and many other familiar names were with them. Among the Count's supporters was Winston Churchill, who wrote an article in 1930 for the American publication, the Saturday Evening Post, entitled 'The United States of Europe'. Count Coudenhove-Kalergi was given enthusiastic backing from such 'unbiased' sources as John Foster Dulles, Nicholas Murray Butler, the President of Columbia University and the Carnegie Endowment for International War (sorry, 'Peace'), and Dr Stephen Duggan, the founder and first president of the Institute of Education, which was 100 per cent-controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations. Those who funded the Bolshevik Revolution and both sides in the two World Wars, including Adolf Hitler, were plotting to introduce the European Community as well as the United Nations. Jean Monnet was close to Franklin D. Roosevelt, thanks to his relationship with the President's influential aide Harry Hopkins, who was to Roosevelt what Colonel House had been to President Wilson

his controller. Hopkins was recruited by Nelson Rockefeller to work on the 'Roosevelt' New Deal economic strategy that actually prolonged the United States depression. Organisations like the Federal Union Movement later the Atlantic Union Committee and the Atlantic Council of the United States were formed to press for the union of America and Britain. These bodies were dominated by Council on Foreign Relations members, and among the directors of the Atlantic Council in the 1970s were Father George Bush and Henry Kissinger.

Familiar faces ...

The pressure and propaganda for a union of European nations reached new heights in May 1948 when the United European Movement held its Congress of Europe. The leading advocates of the movement were Winston Churchill and his son-in-law, the British politician Duncan Sandys, and working behind the scenes to great effect were Jean Monnet and Joseph Retinger. The US Congress adopted seven resolutions on the political union of Europe. One of them stated: 'The creation of a United Europe must be regarded as an essential step towards the creation of a United World' [world government]. Monnet also headed the Committee for the United States of Europe, which had the same goal. The post-war American loans to Europe, known as the Marshall Plan or European Recovery Programme (ERP), were used both to provide funds for the European movement, and to undermine the independence of sovereign states to increase the pressure for the central control of Europe. This aid plan was supposed to be the work of General George C. Marshall, President Truman's Secretary of State, but it is now known that the architects were Jean Monnet and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). In 1946-47, a CFR study group was formed to report on the Reconstruction of Europe. The group was chaired by the lawyer, Charles M. Spofford, and the secretary was David Rockefeller, chairman of the CFR, a leading influence in the Bilderberg Group and founder of the Trilateral Commission. Within little more than a year, this CFR 'study group' changed its name to the Marshall Plan and was sold as government policy. The Illuminati's Averell Harriman was chosen to head the Marshall Plan in Europe and made his headquarters at the Rothschild's Paris Mansion, Hotel Talleyrand. The proposal was not given an easy ride and there were many Congressmen who could see through the smokescreen, but the Council on Foreign Relations launched a propaganda offensive to ensure that the policy was accepted. They used CFR-controlled business and trade union bodies and the CFR-controlled media. The policy for a United States of Europe was given sterling support by The New York Times and Washington Post. The Reptilian hybrid-contrived 'Cold War' would also be very useful, as indeed it would be on so many occasions in the decades that followed. The need to make loans to Europe to overcome the 'threat of communism' (which the hybrids had funded and created) was effectively used to win Congressional approval for the Marshall Plan. John J. McCloy, the chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations for nearly twenty years, said that his period as US High Commissioner to Germany after the war had shown him how the use of the communist threat could get things done. 'People sat up and listened when the Soviet threat was mentioned', he said. (See also 'threat from terrorism', 'threat from global warming', etc, etc.) When the proposals secured approval, the Marshall Plan executive board included CIA chief Allen W. Dulles, then president of the CFR; Philip Reed, chairman of General Electric; Henry L. Stimson and Robert P. Patterson, former

The superstate agenda


secretaries of war; and Dean Acheson, former undersecretary of state and member of the CFR, who was in the US delegation at the formation of the United Nations. The first step in the creation of the European Community was the introduction of the European Coal and Steel Community, which started in July 1952, and merged the coal and steel industries of West Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg under one central control. It had the powers to decide prices, investment, raise money and make decisions by majority voting. It was introduced under the Schuman Plan (named after the French socialist foreign minister and later prime minister, Robert Schuman), but once again the man behind it was Jean Monnet, the head of the French General Planning Commission. The idea won gushing praise from Council on Foreign Relations stalwarts like US Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and Dean Acheson. Monnet was awarded the Wateler Peace Prize of two million francs to recognise the 'international spirit which he had shown in conceiving the Coal and Steel Community'. The award came from ... the Carnegie Foundation. Merry and Serge Bromberger, two admirers of Monnet, set out the plan in their book, Jean Monnet and the United States of Europe:
Gradually, it was thought, the supranational authorities, supervised by the European Council of Ministers at Brussels and the Assembly in Strasbourg, would administer all the activities of the Continent. A day would come when governments would be forced to admit that an integrated Europe was an accomplished fact, without their having had a say in the establishment of its underlying principles. All they would have to do was to merge all these autonomous institutions into a single federal administration and then proclaim a United States of Europe.

The 'Tiptoes'
On March 25th 1957, the six members of the Coal and Steel Community signed the two 'Treaties of Rome' to create the European Economic Community, or 'Common Market', and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom). It was sold as a 'free trade zone' which would be 'good for jobs' and there was no mention of a centralised superstate and loss of national sovereignty which was the plan from the start. The negotiations for the Treaties of Rome were controlled by Monnet with constant help from the Council on Foreign Relations network in the United States. This was confirmed by Harvard lecturer, Ernst H. van der Beugel, an honorary secretary-general of the Bilderberg Group and a member of the Trilateral Commission. In his book, From Marshall Aid To Atlantic Partnership (foreword by his friend, Henry Kissinger), he says:
Monnet and his action committee were unofficially supervising the negotiations and as soon as obstacles appeared, the United States diplomatic machinery was alerted, mostly through Ambassador Bruce ... who had immediate access to the top echelon of the State Department ... At that time, it was usual that if Monnet thought that a particular country made difficulties in the negotiations, the American diplomatic representative in that country approached the Foreign Ministry in order to communicate the opinion of the American Government which, in practically all cases, coincided with Monnet's point of view.

Monnet's 'point of view' was that of the Reptilian hybrid elite who controlled him. The Single European Act, which brought down trade barriers across Europe from 1992, and the Maastricht Accords for European Union, were just more Totalitarian Tiptoes along the road to the European dictatorship. Once the peoples of Europe had been frightened into believing that if they didn't join they would all face disaster, the word 'Economic' was dropped from the title and it became the European Community (tiptoe). Later, there was another name change to the European Union (tiptoe). We have had the incessant move towards the centralisation of political power in the community and the erosion of national decision-making (tiptoe). This was followed by the creation of a European Central Bank and single European currency (tiptoe). The concept of Europe with centralised control administered by a European central bank, one currency, regional administration and common labour, transport, industrial and foreign policies, is exactly what Hitler and the Nazis planned for Europe. They even called their plan the European Economic Community (Europaische Wirtschaft = gemeinschaft). In his 1966 book, Tragedy And Hope, Illuminati insider, Carroll Quigley, explained how the process of European integration on all levels was to be achieved in stages; and Richard N. Gardner of the Council on Foreign Relations was later to say how the plan was to 'erode it [sovereignty] piece by piece'. On November 9th 1988, the European leaders gathered at the Pantheon in Paris to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Jean Monnet, the man called the 'Father of Europe'. But what was there to celebrate about Monnet's creation? It has kept the peace in Western Europe since 1945? No, no. The Reptilian hybrids have allowed this to happen so that European integration could take place. Without the manipulators there would have been no pan-European wars anyway. Monnet created a monster which is in the process of devouring freedom and he knew it.

Bogus referendums
The Reptilian hybrids want no less than a centrally-controlled dictatorship for the whole of Europe and they are already very close to it as the non-elected bureaucrats in Brussels dictate to national governments. Even now the laws imposed by the European Union override anything decided by national parliaments, and the planned European Constitution includes the appointment of a President of Europe and a foreign affairs minister. The Constitution was signed on October 29th 2004 and only needed to be ratified by member states. France and the Netherlands voted against it in referendums, but the manipulators have since reintroduced most of the Constitution by calling it a 'Treaty' which, they say, does not require a public vote. Their technique with referendums is simple and constantly repeated, as we have seen with Denmark and Ireland. They both voted 'no' in referendums about Europe only for the decision to be later overturned when the vote was repeated. The manipulators' first choice is to do whatever they want no matter what the people think. If they can't get away with that when the change they desire is so fundamental, they offer a 'referendum' to 'let the people decide'. The campaign in favour of what they want is then heavily funded, money no object, while the opposition has to beg and borrow what it can to compete for public attention. If, despite all of this, the referendum still goes against them, they simply wait a while to give themselves time to target the opposition and then have another referendum. If they still think they can't win, as with the Constitution, they enforce the change by other means, hence the 2007 'Treaty'. The agenda is not allowed

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to fall because of something so irrelevant to them as the will of the people. In typical Orwellian fashion, the 'motto' of this superstate is 'United in diversity' - United in enslavement if you translate from the Newspeak. The European Union has now ensnared twenty-seven member states with more to follow, and, as I said in my earlier books, the plan was to bring down the Soviet Union once it had been exploited for the Cold War and absorb those countries into NATO (world army) and the European Union.

The Soviet Union of Europe

In 1984, the Soviet KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn warned that there would be a 'false liberalisation' in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. This would be welcomed by the West, he said, and it would lead to a merger of the European Community and the countries of the former Soviet Union. It has turned out exactly as planned. On a visit to the European Parliament in 2006, another former Soviet dissident, Vladimir Bukovksy, referred to secret Politburo and Central Committee documents about the European Union that he was allowed to read in 1992. He said they confirmed the existence of a 'conspiracy' to turn Europe into a 'totalitarian state'. He called the EU a 'monster' and confirmed what Anatoliy Golitsyn had said. The documents reveal that a Trilateral Commission delegation went to meet Soviet President Mikkal Gorbachev in January 1989. It was headed by David Rockefeller (Bilderberg Group) and Henry Kissinger (Bilderberg Group) and included former French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing (Bilderberg Group). They were talking about the need for Gorbachev to integrate the Soviet Union into the GATT 'free trade' agreement, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, when Giscard d'Estaing intervened. He said:
Mr President, I cannot tell you exactly when it will happen - probably within fifteen years - but Europe is going to be a federal state and you have to prepare yourself for that. You have to work out with us, and the European leaders, how you would react to that, how would you allow the other East European countries to interact with it or how to become a part of it, you have to be prepared.

He was speaking three years before the Maastricht Treaty that turned the European Community into the European Union and guess who has drafted the planned European Constitution ... Giscard d'Estaing. Had it not been for the 'no' votes by France and the Netherlands that constitution would have made Europe a 'federal state' some seventeen years after he predicted 'probably within fifteen' to Gorbachev. And there is no conspiracy? Anatoliy Golitsyn says the European Parliament, which has no power worth the name, reminded him of the Supreme Soviet that was designed to look 'supreme' when the control was really in the hands of the bureaucrats at the Politburo, which Golitsyn said was exactly like the European Commission today. 'When you look at the type of EU corruption, it is exactly the Soviet type of corruption, going from top to bottom rather than going from bottom to top,' he said.
If you go through all the structures and features of this emerging European monster you will notice that it more and more resembles the Soviet Union ... It has no KGB not yet - but I am very carefully watching such structures as Europol for example. That really worries me a lot because this organisation will probably have powers

bigger than those of the KGB. They will have diplomatic immunity. Can you imagine a KGB with diplomatic immunity? They will have to police us on thirty-two kinds of crimes two of which are particularly worrying, one is called racism, another is called xenophobia ... So it is a new crime, and we have already been warned. Someone from the British government told us that those who object to uncontrolled immigration from the Third World will be regarded as racist and those who oppose further European integration will be regarded as xenophobes.

The European Union wants to control all courts in every country of its ever-expanding empire and it is using the law to make outrageous attacks on basic freedoms like freedom of expression and thought. A draft EU directive proposed by Germany includes plans to outlaw Holocaust denial and create an offence that does not exist in British law. The plans would also make it a criminal offence to deny the official version of conflicts in Africa and the Balkans. Such thought-crime (crimethink) and questioning of official history would carry a jail sentence of up to three years for 'genocide denial'. Unelected European Commission officials insisted that the legislation was necessary because 'racism and xenophobia can manifest themselves in the form of genocide denial, so that it is very important to take strong action'. What an Orwellian phrase that is 'genocide denial'. They are now seeking to introduce legislation as fast as possible to stop the truth coming out because they know the dyke is about to break on public awareness of what is going on.

Training the 'useful idiots'

The 'middle management' of the planned EU dictatorship is being 'trained' by a number of groups, including one launched in the UK in 1988 called Common Purpose. It has some forty-five British offices and has now taken its Sun symbol logo into many countries as Common Purpose International. These include France, Germany, Ghana, Hungary, India, Ireland, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey. I understand it is also moving in on the United States. This is its stated goal:
Common Purpose aims to improve the way society works by expanding the vision, decision making ability and influence of all kinds of leaders. The organisation runs a variety of educational programmes for leaders of all ages, backgrounds and sectors, in order to provide them with the inspiration, information and opportunities they need to change the world.

From such bland descriptions come two questions immediately: A common purpose (uniformity) to what end? And 'change the world' in what way exactly? We need answers here because Common Purpose is sweeping through the UK, 'training' leaders in all areas of society, and if they have a 'common purpose' we ought to know about it. Those who complete the courses are called Common Purpose 'graduates' and throughout British society such 'graduates' are at work in government, law enforcement, health and many other areas that affect daily life. I keep seeing a picture of George Orwell in my mind. He is shaking his head and smiling. The official founder and Chief

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Executive of Common Purpose is Julia Middleton who, in her profile at the Common Purpose UK Website (www.common purpose.org.uk ), failed to mention a rather relevant fact: she was also Head of Personnel Selection in the office of John Prescott, the Deputy Prime Minister to Tony Blair. Prescott was the man with responsibility for creating 'regional assemblies' around the United Kingdom which are part of the plan to abolish nations and bring their powerless 'regions' under the jackboot of the European Union. He has, of course, sought to sell this policy as 'devolving power to the people'. The European superstate is designed to be centrally-controlled and managed at lower levels by bland and brain dead 'leaders' who are all programmed to think the same. This is where Common Purpose comes in. You can always tell an Illuminati front by its desire to centralise everything and that includes the centralisation of thought, as diversity is scorned, ridiculed and dismissed in favour of a manufactured 'consensus'. You will also see the Orwellian Newspeak technique in which the organisation claims to stand for what it is seeking to destroy Common Purpose says its aim is to develop 'diverse' leaders. Illuminati fronts always tend to use language that actually says nothing when describing what they do. The propaganda for Common Purpose is bland and without specifics, just as you would expect. What does this organisation teach its 'leaders'? You wouldn't know by reading its blurb and with its courses costing thousands of pounds it would be expensive to find out. For sure, it will manufacture consensus among its 'diverse' clientele. This is a fundamental technique of the Reptilian hybrids throughout society to manipulate agreement on a range of issues that then become the norm to be defended from all challenge and true diversity. It has been developed by organisations like the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London, which was funded into existence in 1946 with a grant from the Rockfeller Foundation. It is one of the Illuminati's global centres for developing the 'hive mind' mentality, or 'group and organisational behaviour'. Tavistock works closely with 'public sector' (state-controlled) organisations, including the UK government and the European Union, and the Orwell-speak on its website could have come straight from the pages of Common Purpose. Or the other way round. Jargon is always the language of the junta:
Multi-organisational working, cross-boundary working and the global-national-local interface each raise their own set of organisational dynamics which must be surfaced and worked with if collaboration is to be effective. They also raise particular challenges for leadership (and followership). The Institute's approaches to organisational consultancy and leadership development, based on organisational theory and systems psychodynamics are particularly appropriate for helping organisations to address these complex issues.

What, like working out what the hell all that is supposed to mean? We can see that Tavistock and Common Purpose share the same pod. Both want to develop 'leaders' and they do it in the same way by manufactured consensus that stamps out diversity by using those who have conceded their right to free thought to the group psyche to pressure others to conform. Mind manipulation techniques like Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP are also employed in the language to engineer consensus. NLP is a technique of using words to re-program the body-computer to accept another perception of reality in this case the consensus agreed by the manipulators before their

victims even register for the 'course'. NLP can be used to re-programme in a positive way, it depends how it is used. Apparently, the CIA refers to these pre-agreed 'opinions' as 'slides'. As one Internet writer said:

A 'slide' is a prefabricated, 'politically correct' blanket 'pop' 'opinion ', 'view' or 'take' upon a particular issue of general interest which is designed to preclude further consideration, analysis or investigation of the issue in question. In other words, it is a 'collectivised' mental position which is never to be questioned. This is precisely the 'product' of the Deputy Prime Minister's insidious neurological linguistic control programme 'Common Purpose'.
Anyone who resists the programming is isolated and the group turned against them until they either conform or lose credibility to be a 'leader'. Look at global society in any country and you will see this happening in the workplace, among friends down the bar and in television discussions. The consensus on global warming has been manipulated to be that carbon emissions are the cause, and anyone who says otherwise is uncaring, selfish, racist and quite happy to see the planet and humanity face catastrophe. The fact that carbon emissions are not the cause of global warming is irrelevant. The 'truth' is whatever the consensus has agreed it to be. In short, if you don't agree with the extreme consensus you are an extremist. The Tavistock Institute has been working this flanker for decades and Common Purpose seems to me to have the Curriculum Vitae of a Tavistock front. One of the Tavistock founders, Dr John Rawlings Rees, who also became co-founder of the World Federation for Mental Health, talked of infiltrating all professions and areas of society 'Public life, politics and industry should all ... be within our sphere of influence ... If we are to infiltrate the professional and social activities of other people I think we must imitate the Totalitarians and organize some kind of fifth column activity!' He said that the 'salesmen' of their perception reprogramming (mass mind-control) must lose their identity and operate secretly. He went on:

We must aim to make it permeate every educational activity in our national life ... We have made a useful attack upon a number of professions. The two easiest of them naturally are the teaching profession and the Church: the two most difficult are law and medicine.
The common purpose of the Tavistock /Illuminati guerrilla war on the human psyche is to wipe clean any sense of the individual and unique. Only that way can they impose the global dictatorship and have the masses accept it. Brock Chisholm, former Director of the UN World Health Organisation, was right when he said: 'To achieve One-World Government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism'. Enter Common Purpose and its training of 'leaders'. If you can get the leaders to think the same it makes it much easier to transfer that to the general population. Julia Middleton's organisation, and whoever and whatever else is really behind it, has been making dramatic inroads into British society while it has flown below the radar. It is time we gave it a much higher profile as it goes ever-more international. Brian Gerrish at www.eutruth.org.uk discovered Common Purpose when he was involved with a

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group in Plymouth in the west of England helping people find jobs, and one of their projects was repairing wooden boats. He said they had lots of public support and backing from the local authorities and everything was going fine. But then it suddenly changed and the council support was withdrawn. When they tried to continue alone, he said that within a short time people were being threatened: When we started to explore why we were being threatened we were absolutely
staggered to find a very strange organisation called Common Purpose operating in the city. And we were absolutely amazed that there were so many people involved, but they were not declaring themselves ... [Common Purpose] was operating throughout the structure of the city, in the city council, in the government offices, in the police, in the judiciary. Essentially, we discovered what is effectively, at best, a quasi secret society which doesn't declare itself to ordinary people.

Further research has led Gerrish to establish that Common Purpose is recruiting and training leaders to be loyal to the objectives of the organisation and the European Union, and preparing the governing structure for what it calls the 'post-democratic society' after nations are replaced by regions in the European Union. 'They are learning to rule without regard to democracy, and will bring the EU police state home to every one of us', Gerrish says. Common Purpose graduate, Cressida Dick, issued the 'shootto-kill' order to police officers that led to an innocent Brazilian electrician, Jean Charles de Menezes, being held down by police and shot eight times at point blank range, seven of them in the head. Cressida Dick has since been outrageously promoted from Commander to Deputy Assistant Commissioner in the Metropolitan Police. Janet Paraskeva, the Law Society's Chief Executive Officer, is also a Common Purpose graduate and there are many, and increasing, numbers in the law and enforcement professions. Common Purpose meetings are held under the 'Chatham House rule' in which participants are free to use the information received but not to reveal the identity or affiliation of the source, nor anyone else participating. Chatham House is the headquarters of the Illuminati's Royal Institute of International Affairs, which is part of the Round Table web that includes the Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission in the United States. It introduced the 'Chatham House rule' to keep its meetings secret while still having its policy promoted on a non-attributable basis. From the efforts of the Tavistock Institute and related organisations has come a common network with a common purpose that is leading to the rapid and coordinated introduction of Newspeak, political correctness and 'management initiatives' that lead us ever further down the road to tyranny.

Mr Dark Eyes and the EU sell-out

The story of how Britain became involved in the European fly-trap serves as a warning to every nation. The techniques I am describing are being used now to manipulate your country into compliance with the superstate agenda. The major politicians of all major parties say one thing in public while pursuing a very different path behind the scenes. The most important public face of Britain's entry into the European Community /Union

was our old fiend (no spelling error), the shapeshifting child abuser and Conservative Party Prime Minister, Edward Heath (Bilderberg Group). This was the guy whose eyes turned black when I was with him in the television studio make-up room. He was the lackey of Lord Victor Rothschild, who also controlled Heath's 'opponent', the Labour Party leader Harold Wilson (Bilderberg Group) in the 1960s and early 1970s. Heath was agreeing to British political union with Europe as far back as April 1962 when he was Lord Privy Seal in the Conservative government of Harold Macmillan. He told the Ministerial Council of the Western European Union that you have decided that those who join the Economic Communities as full members must also join the Political Union. I am sure that this was the right decision (Command Paper 1720). At the same time, the people were being told that the Common Market was only a free trade zone, even though a Foreign Office memo in 1971 warned: '... the Community is a process of fundamental political importance implying progressive development towards a political union'. This memo was suppressed for thirty years. Before Heath signed Britain into Europe, he attended a meeting in Paris in October 1972 to negotiate the conditions with French President Georges Pompidou (Bilderberg Group), a former employee of Guy Rothschild. Heath's Secretary of State for Industry John Davies, was at the meeting and told the Conservative Party's 'Monday Club' group that it had been agreed that Britain would run down its manufacturing industry and London would become the money market of Europe. Heath also conceded British sovereignty of its territorial fishing waters and the EU Common Fisheries Policy has devastated the British fishing industry in a land surrounded by sea. Heath Cabinet papers released in 2001 reveal that the government and civil servants conspired to hide what had been agreed '[Ministers believed]... it vital not to get drawn into an explanation of what was going on or to admit what a disaster was in store for Britain's fishermen [who] in the wider context must be regarded as expendable'. Heath wrote that 'the government is determined to secure proper safeguards for the British fishing industry' and Geoffrey Rippon, who was part of Heath's negotiating team, told the House of Commons: 'We retain full jurisdiction over our coastal waters'. Both knew that was a lie. Heath was asked in 1990 in a BBC interview if he had known all along that Britain was signing up to a federal European state. He replied: 'Of course, yes'. By then it didn't matter, the deed was long done. Sir Crispin Tickle, one of Heath's negotiators, has admitted that the government covered up the full implications of membership and said the rule was 'don't talk about this in public'. The idea from the start has been to structure the union so that different countries have their own specialisation and lose the ability to be self-reliant. This is why Heath and subsequent prime ministers have agreed to let Britain's manufacturing industry decline so dramatically and the fishing and farming industries to be run down. They are designated for other 'sectors' of the union with manufacturing, for example, being moved to the countries of the former Soviet Union where labour costs are cheaper. Britain's specialisation decreed by the manipulators is banking and 'service industries' and that, it is clear to see, is what has happened to the UK economy. Daily events only make sense when you understand the game being played and to what end. Prime Minister Heath signed the Treaty of Accession to the Treaty of Rome and Britain was in the European spider's web from January 1st 1973. Heath accepted at the time of Britain's entry that Britain would renounce her national sovereignty and become

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part of a federal Europe as did the Labour Party's Harold Wilson (Bilderberg Group) and James Callaghan (Bilderberg Group) during the 'renegotiation' of British membership in 1974-75. The same is happening today behind the scenes in the United States with the Republicans and Democrats (Republicrats), as I will come to shortly. British local government was reorganised to reshape the country in preparation for the European superstate, and 'devolution' of power to the countries of the UK, as with the Scottish and Welsh Assemblies, have been introduced to prepare for the plan for a Europe of 'regions'. These regions would be given limited powers, akin to the county councils of today, and they would be administered by those who control the superstate. The Figure 212: The Europe the Reptilian hybrids are Maastricht Treaty on European manipulating into place. A centralised superstate Union even uses the word dictating to administrative regions after countries and 'municipal' elections when it talks nations are destroyed of national elections within Europe. In 1980, the European Commission published a map of regions. When the absence of 'England' on the map was questioned by a researcher called Dr Kitty Little, and her colleagues, they were told that the national government would no longer be an 'administrative unit'. This was confirmed in 2006 when a new map of Europe was produced for the European Union by German cartographers for a project with the classic Orwellian title of 'Interreg' (Figure 212). It is straight from the pages of 1984 and the map has shocked those who have bothered to consider its enormous implications. It 'sectors' Europe into a series of administrative regions under the control of the Union bureaucracy and purposely puts different parts of the same country into different regions. The 'Trans-Manche region' includes parts of England and France, while the west of England and part of Scotland, plus Northern Ireland, are lumped together with the Atlantic coasts of France, Spain and Portugal. The countries of Wales and the Irish Republic become one administrative entity and the north of Scotland joins with Iceland. Most of England and Scotland come under the sector including Denmark and southern Scandinavia. This Europe of regions will be controlled by unelected European Commissioners at the Politburo and the six members of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank, who have control of the single currency and reserves of each member 'State'. These six people, who will control the whole of the European Union

through control of finance, shall 'be appointed from among persons of recognised standing and professional experience in monetary or banking matters' - (Maastricht Treaty, Article 109a, page UP-UEM / eu41). This is Orwellian-speak for six international bankers controlled by the Rothschilds. In their eight years of guaranteed security of tenure, these super six from the Reptilian hybrid banking system 'may not seek or take instructions from Community Institutions ... or any other body'.

The other 'unions'

What I have just described with regard to Britain and Europe is planned for everyone, as I have been warning since the early 1990s. It has been a long-term plan to centralise power in Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia-Australia via groupings promoted initially as free trade areas, or for 'cooperation' and 'coordination', but later evolving into the European Union, American Union, African Union and the Asia / Pacific Union. The European Economic Community 'free trade area' was the first and this has been followed by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which involves the US, Canada, and Mexico; and Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, or APEC. Asian political leaders at the International Conference for Asian Political Parties have adopted the 'Seoul Declaration' for the establishment of an Asian Union and a 'joint campaign to fight terrorism, poverty and weapons of mass destruction'. In 2001, the African Economic Community and Organisation of African Unity became the African Union with its own flag and a commitment to a single African currency and single integrated defence force, as well as other institutions, including a cabinet for the African Union head of state. It's the same blueprint all over the world and, by now, you will see how it can all be coordinated across the planet. The American Union is due to include the whole of the American continent and bring an end to the sovereignty of every country. The North American 'Free Trade' Agreement, or NAFTA, was just the first 'tiptoe'. They want to break up the United States into regions, as in Europe, and these were officially created as long ago as 1972 by Executive Order 11647, signed by Richard Nixon (Figure 213).The insider news anchorman and Bohemian Grover, Walter Cronkite, was describing this agenda when he said that a system of world government was mandatory:
I think we are realizing that we are going to have to have an international rule of law. We need not only an executive to make international law, but we need the military

Figure 213: The American regions designated by President Nixon's Executive Order

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forces to enforce that law. American people are going to begin to realize that perhaps they are going to have to yield some sovereignty to an international body to enforce the law.

Better have a world government and army then, eh, Walt? That's another thing to watch for the Newspeak term, 'international law'. We keep hearing questions like: 'Is it within international law?' Was it against international law?' Would it breach international law?' It's like everything is okay, so long as it's in line with 'international law'. However, it is worth remembering that the Reptilian hybrids are building their global Orwellian state through 'international law' the law that everyone on earth is supposed to obey. It is not whether the law is 'international' or applies only to your neighbourhood. The question is whether it is fair, just, or even necessary. To hear some people, you would think that slaughtering hundreds of thousands in Iraq is wrong if it breaches international law, but fine if it complies. Crazy. Slaughtering people is evil and no law can stop it being so.

Bye, bye America

The North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, was signed by President Father George Bush in 1992 in league with Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, his fellow Illuminati initiate and abuser of mind-controlled women and children. President Carlos Salinas, another Father Bush-controlled 'leader', signed for Mexico. It doesn't matter which 'party' is in power the agenda rolls on because all are controlled by the same coordinating force. Father George Bush, a 'Republican', said when NAFTA was launched that he wished to see a free trade area stretching from the top of North America to the tip of South America. Bill Clinton, a 'Democrat', said at a gathering of leaders from throughout the American continent on December 10th 1994:
History has given the people of the Americas the chance to build a community of nations, committed to liberty and the promise of prosperity ... early in the next century [I want to see] ... a huge free trade zone from Alaska to Argentina.

NAFTA has been a disaster for American industry and so much else besides, as the corporations have moved their factories to Mexico where they can pay their workers far less and ship their products back to the United States and Canada without having to pay the import duties they would have done before the 'free trade' area was created. This is what 'free trade' really is. It gives the Reptilian hybrid corporations the freedom to manufacture in the poorest countries at the lowest possible price and sell them in the rich countries at the highest possible price with no added costs as they cross a border. This allows people in both the poorest and richest nations to be exploited for maximum profit. 'Free trade' is merely the freedom to exploit at will, and they have so manipulated the language and perception through their Orwellian term 'free trade' that it is now politically incorrect to be against it. 'Oh yes, everyone knows that free trade is good, how can anyone be against that?' The World Trade Organisation (WTO) was created in 1995 to manipulate dependency on the world economic system by forcing countries to drop their barriers to imports. This concept of 'free trade' was advocated in the 19th century by the Scottish economist, Adam Smith, and it was designed, at least in

part, to justify Britain's refusal to stop the exports of opium to China. Pressure for Adam Smith's view led to the repeal of the Corn Laws in May 1846, which removed protection for British agriculture from overseas imports. It was a disastrous policy, but 'free' trade has come a long way since then and the World Trade Organisation now has the power to impose colossal fines on countries that refuse to open their markets as the WTO demands.

Another stepping stone


The next stage in the tiptoe to the American Union is now well advanced as they prepare to turn NAFTA, the 'free trade zone', into the North American Union with a new single currency to replace the dollar and the peso. Once again, the RothschildRockefeller Council on Foreign Relations, which was seriously involved in the establishment of the European Union and the United Nations, is at the heart of what is happening. One of the CFR's projects is the 'Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America' (SPP), which is a front for the merger of the United States, Canada, Mexico and the rest of the Americas. It promises a 'safer and more prosperous North America' when the real reason is control. The SPP agreement was signed by Boy Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin in Waco, Texas on March 23rd 2005. It has been described as 'NAFTA on steroids'. The Council on Foreign Relations is now openly calling for the union of Mexico, Canada and the United States and a new single currency called the 'Amero', a name used by Robert Pastor, a vice-chairman of the CFR 'task force' that produced the report called 'Building a North American Union . This is one reason why the once almighty dollar is being undermined at home and abroad. They want to dilute resistance to its passing. This CFR guy, Robert Pastor, is director of the Center for North American Studies at American University and advisor to 'Democratic' presidents like Clinton. He was stating the official policy of the Reptilian hybrids when he told the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee of his support for conceding power over the United States to what advocates call a 'superregional governance board' (see European Union). Pastor, who wears a lapel badge bearing the flags of the US, Canada and Mexico, attended a conference in 2007 about a common legal system for all three countries under the title of the North American Court of Justice. But, like Ted Heath, he tries not to use the term 'union'. He refers to it as the 'emerging entity called North America'. The Ministry of Truth should recruit him immediately. Other plans for the North American Union include: Congress conceding its power to a North American Parliamentary Group. A North America Tribunal on Trade and Investment having precedence over the US Supreme Court. A North American Customs and Immigration Service controlling American immigration policy and trade. Naturally it would be the same for Canada, Mexico and any other countries later involved, because they want the whole of North, Central and South America in the end. The countries would lose control of their own lands and decision-making, just as the countries of Europe are now satellites of the European Union. The most obvious confirmation of what is planned is the 'North American Super Corridor', a road four

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football fields wide to connect Mexico with the US and Canada, and encompassing Interstate Highways 35, 29 and 94 (Figure 214). It will allow goods from China and the Far East to be shipped to Mexican ports and driven into the heartland of America and up into Canada without even stopping at the border. They would be 'checked' electronically and while I was writing this book there was another 'tiptoe' when Mexican trucks were given full access to US highways. Figure 214: The planned 'North American Super Corridor' Mexican-registered trucks were only allowed to make deliveries in the United States within special commercial zones along the border, but a new agreement allowed up to 100 Mexican trucking companies to operate beyond the commercial zones with no limit to the number of trucks they can have in the United States. The central processing point of the 'North American Super Corridor' would be Kansas City, where an organization called Kansas City SmartPort Inc., an 'investorbased organization supported by the public and private sector', would transfer goods to other trucks to be transported across North America. The impact is sure to be devastating to the west coast ports of the United States as shipping heads for Mexico instead. Work on the first section of the highway through Texas is in preparation, and quietly, without public debate or comment, the whole project has been in the planning for years. It involves dozens of agencies, organisations and government departments. The project is being coordinated by the North America SuperCorridor Coalition Inc. (NASCO), which describes itself as 'a non-profit organization dedicated to developing the world's first international, integrated and secure, multi-modal transportation system along the International Mid-Continent Trade and Transportation Corridor to improve both the trade competitiveness and quality of life in North America'. It's the same old crap we heard in Europe when they were selling the superstate it will bring prosperity, jobs and a better way of life'. Behind the Newspeak, however, it is about centralisation of power, transferring American and Canadian jobs to Mexico and eventually the rest of Central and South America, and exploiting workers in those countries in the same way that those in the Far East and elsewhere are living in servitude to the transnationals today (Figure 215, overleaf).

Under the radar

We have seen how people like Ted Heath lied about Europe and the same is happening in North America where the political policy is once again: 'Don't talk about this in public'. Secret meetings take place that are reported only by the alternative media when information leaks out. One took place at Fairmont Springs Hotel at Banff in Alberta, Canada in 2006, when politicians, military top brass and corporate executives came together. Among them were Canada's Minister of Defense, Gordon O'Connor, Minister

of Public Security, Stockwell Day, Chief of Defense Staff, General Rick Hellier, and the commander of US 'defence' organisations, NorthCom and NORAD, Admiral Tim Keating. Leading policy advisors to the then US Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, were also in attendance, along with top executives of major corporations like Lockheed Martin, Chevron, Mexico's PEMEX and Suncor Energy. The meeting was co-chaired by George Shultz, former Figure 215: So long America, Canada and Mexico. Thanks for the memories Secretary of State to Reagan/Bush and president and director of Bechtel Corporation. Bohemian-Grover Shultz is extremely active in the Reptilian hybrid network and comes up all over the place. He has been described as the 'political godfather' of Boy Bush and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, another Reptilian hybrid place man. The meeting discussed North American defence, national security, borders, immigration, military production and North America's energy reserves. They also discussed a plan called 'Deep Integration' developed by the 'Independent Task Force for North America' and led by American, Canadian and Mexican officials, including former Canadian Deputy Prime Minister, John Manley, and Tom Aquino, President of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives. As its Orwellian title would suggest, the 'task force' is anything but 'independent' and is sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations. In 2006, I flew to Canada at the invitation of an independent television company in St John's, Newfoundland, and soon realised that the TV station had booked me into a hotel where a meeting was being held of all the premiers of Canada. The place was crawling with politicians and media and I found myself in the elevator / lift with British Columbia Premier, Gordon Campbell, plus minders. I took the chance to ask him if they were discussing the North American Union:

by David pees

'Not much', replied Campbell. 'Do the Canadian people know about the North American Union?', I asked. 'No.' 'Well, don't you think it is about time they did?' No reply. 'Are you talking about the Amero?', I persisted. 'I would tell you if I knew what it was', came Campbell's staggering response. 'It's the currency to replace the Canadian dollar, the American dollar and the peso', I said. No reply.

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At this point the door opened at a floor and a very large man, Campbell's apparent minder, stepped forward, grabbed my arm and told me I was leaving at this floor. I told him, shall we say in no uncertain terms, that he should take his hands off me immediately, because I was getting out at my floor and not when he dictated. He backed off at once, apparently shocked that I was unimpressed either by him or his body size. When I reached my floor, he stepped forward again to stand between me and Campbell. I said that he shouldn't worry. It was not me who was violent, it was governments, and he really would be better employed protecting me from them. What I experienced from this little cameo is that Campbell certainly knew what I was talking about. The idea he has never heard of the single currency is ludicrous and all the 'leading' politicians of Canada and the United States know full well that the North American Union is fast approaching to bring an end to national sovereignty. But they would rather the people don't know until it's a done deal. Ask most Americans if they think their country would ever be absorbed into a superstate that could override the decisions of Washington and they would probably laugh. 'We're America, the most powerful country in the world we'll always be America.' The irony is that, even as they speak those words, their national sovereignty and right to self-governance are being stripped away. It is being done as quietly as possible so not to alert a slumbering population to their imminent plight, but it has reached the point where even former sceptics have begun to see the obvious. I was sent an article on the Conservative Voice website, headed 'Canada, the United States, and Mexico ... a possible merger?'. The writer says:
If someone would have told me last year that some of our leaders in our government and those of the powerful elite in this country were plotting to merge Canada, the United States and Mexico, I would have brushed it aside as a conspiracy theory. Yes, it seems wild, however as we face the huge illegal immigration issue, many conservatives are now starting to put the pieces together.

In April 2007, they had another piece to deal with when the United States and the European Union signed a 'transatlantic economic partnership' at a summit in Washington. We were told that this was laying the ground for a US-EU single market and was designed to introduce 'regulatory convergence' in nearly forty areas, including intellectual property, financial services, business takeovers and the motor industry. What do you need for a world government? The global convergence of 'regulatory standards'. The plans for the North American Union are now so far advanced behind the scenes that we can expect the familiar names to publicly propose it before much longer.

War on the nation state

As I have said many times over the years, the sense of national identity is a potentially fatal block on the plan for the world government tyranny, so we have had the decadesold campaign to discredit and destroy the idea of sovereign nations. I am not a nationalist and I don't identify who I am with a country or a race, but that's not the point. Many do and while this continues they will resist any attempts to absorb their beloved lands into a manufactured cultural cocktail designed to consume diversity. The reason the US government is doing so little to stem the tide of illegal immigration across the Mexican border is (a) to advance the plan I have just described and (b) what is the

point of increasing patrols and security when you intend to bring down the border altogether once you think you can get away with it? Across the world, the immigration controversy is now a familiar theme. In the United States, there are protests about the scale of immigration, especially from Mexico, and throughout Europe immigration is seen as one of the major issues of the time with millions condemning the influx of people from Eastern Europe and elsewhere. So many Eastern Europeans have flooded into the UK since their countries joined the European Union and borders came down that some banks have opened Polish branches and telephone services, and there has been at least one case of road signs being written in Polish. It is estimated that 265,000 Poles have come to Britain quite legally in two years and they will go on coming. What's going on here with the 'immigration crisis', ultimately created by the Reptilian hybrids? One major way of destroying a sense of nationhood over the generations and opening the way for world government is to have an influx of people from other cultures. The idea is that the native one loses its unchallenged status as the prime blueprint for what constitutes being 'British', 'German' or wherever. Gradually, what being 'British' actually means becomes blurred in the melting pot of competing cultures until they pretty much merge into a cocktail that defies definition. Such an indefinable perception of 'nation' is far more willing to concede power to the world government structure than someone who wants to protect the sovereignty of his or her nation state. Trouble is, when you start to point out the hidden agenda behind 'multiculturalism', you are immediately tagged with the 'r' word racist. That's the level at which the Illuminati want this 'debate' to be played out. On one side you have the 'white supremacists' wanting their race to control their country, and on the other you have the Robot Radical 'anti-fascist' fascists, with their unblemished hearts-on-their-sleeves, branding everyone with another opinion a 'racist'. This polarisation and name-calling obscures, on purpose, the deeper meaning behind immigration policies. It is not about this race or that race, this culture or that culture. It is about creating one culture, a global uniformity that disconnects people from an association with nation and uniqueness, so they accept the loss of nationhood to the global Orwellian State. The current assault on Islam is part of this. I am not a Muslim and I don't agree with much of what it says, but that is irrelevant to the point just as 'racism' is irrelevant to the real agenda behind immigration policies. We need to raise ourselves above these juvenile levels of 'debate' and look at the big picture. They want to undermine Islam because it represents a vast grouping of people, united by basic belief, who would resist being absorbed into the One World global culture of centralised dictatorship, known by some researchers as the 'New World Order'. This is why they want Muslims fighting each other, the same with the rest of us. All races, all cultures and all religions need to appreciate that we are in this together. The freedom of everyone is at stake here. The Reptilian hybrid governmentcorporate nexus doesn't want an independent populous that has choice. They want a dependent people at the mercy of those who will give them a job at whatever wage the bosses decide. This has been happening in Africa and other parts of the world since the British and others moved in. The corporations, again in league with their governments, first destroyed the native peoples' ability to be self-sufficient, and then, once dependency was secured, they employed them at starvation pay. Look what happened to the Native Americans when the Europeans

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arrived precisely the same. Their independence was destroyed, not least by killing the buffalo, and they were at the mercy of the US government. Now, the so-called middle and working class whites and other races are the target for these techniques and a major vehicle for bringing this about is mass immigration and 'outsourcing' or 'offshoring'. Whether the corporations take the jobs to poorer countries where they can pay far lower wages, or they bring people into the rich nations to do the jobs for lower pay there, the outcome is the same. A loss of jobs and lower pay for the resident population. 'You don't want to do the job for that money? Okay, next! Plenty where you came from.' The expansion of the European Union into Eastern Europe has allowed workers from low wage economies like Poland and the Czech Republic to move without immigration controls to Western Europe to undercut the wages of the indigenous population. I am not blaming them for that, nor those who take the jobs outsourced from Britain to India, and so on. Most are as much victims in this game as those who lose their livelihood as a result. I was on an English ferry boat the other day and every single member of the catering staff was from Eastern Europe with not a clue about what they were doing. I dread to think the pittance they were being paid. Both groups are being exploited, those who are paid disgracefully low wages and those whose jobs they take. The Illuminati want to bring these groups into conflict because it fuels still further their policy of divide and rule. They are highly skilled at bringing two or more mutually-exploited groups into confrontation as the groups blame each other for their plight instead of realising that they are all being manipulated by the same force to the same end. Immigration and outsourcing have another crucial effect, too. By bringing enormous numbers of people from other cultures into a country you dilute the dominant culture; and by outsourcing western industry to other nations you dilute their dominant culture and way of life. Add to that the massive influence of Hollywood and American TV in selling the Illuminati 'culture' to the world, and no wonder country after country is starting to live and look increasingly the same. We had a glimpse of the future if the plan comes to fruition with the poverty and misery of the manufactured Great Depression in the 1930s. The idea is to trigger another one, globally, and maintain it indefinitely. Hungry people with families to feed will do whatever you tell them and they will be open to support aggression against anyone they can be falsely persuaded is responsible. Either we unite behind an understanding of what is really going on, or we fall into global imprisonment by fighting among ourselves.

Partners in crime
Underpinning these policies are other global fronts for the Reptilian hybrid agenda such as the World Trade Organisation (WTO), Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), World Bank and the Knights of Malta-controlled International Monetary Fund (IMF). After the Second World War, with the nations of Europe devastated by conflict and debt to the Illuminati bankers, the global domination of money and credit was further advanced when the creation of the World Bank, IMF and the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT) were all agreed by British and American negotiators at a conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire in 1944. Most influential in these agreements were the British economist, Lord Keynes, and the US Treasury Secretary, Harry Dexter White (Council on Foreign Relations). White and Alger Hiss, the secretary general at the launch of the United Nations, would later be exposed

as communist spies. The technical secretary at Bretton Woods was Virginius Frank Coe, an official of the US Treasury and he was appointed secretary of the new IMF until it was revealed in 1952 during congressional testimony that he was also a member of Dexter White's communist ring! These were the guys who created the IMF, World Bank, and GATT, the forerunner to the World Trade Organisation. The role of the World Bank (not to be confused with the planned world central bank) is to make loans to governments for large capital projects. These have been used to finance infrastructure in poor countries designed to meet the needs of the multinationals. These include policies forcing people from the land, destroying selfsufficient lifestyles and creating dependency on the Reptilian hybrid global economy. Much of the destruction of the rainforests has been done with loans from the World Bank, which is always headed by appointees from the CFR, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group establishment, and has eugenics as a pillar of its policy. The subsidised environmental destruction has another plus for the elite. It helps them justify world control by the need to 'save the planet'. A role of the World Bank and other global economic 'agencies' is to make a fortune for the multinational construction companies like the Bechtel Group, headed for a long time by Bush 'political godfather', George Shultz. The scam is played by the World Bank and IMF making loans to Third World countries for mega construction projects which are irrelevant, even disastrous, for the needs of the local people. In April 1995, President Bill Clinton successfully nominated James Wolfensohn to be the new President of the World Bank. Wolfensohn, an Australian-born naturalised American, had the perfect background for the post. He worked for the Rockefellers' 'population control' organisation, the Population Council, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Institute of Advanced Studies at Princeton and Brookings Institute. He was also on the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission, and, in 1992, he joined forces with the Rothschilds to form J. Rothschild, Wolfensohn, a 'business advice consultancy'. Its chairman was Paul Volcker, former head of the Federal Reserve Board and leading member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group. Volcker was the man who launched the devastating economic policies in the United States and UK in the 1980s, which were fronted by Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher under the names 'Reaganomics' and `Thatcherism'. SumerianKhazar Wolfensohn was replaced as President of the World Bank in 2005 by SumerianKhazar Paul Wolfowitz, the Neocon Deputy US Defence Secretary, stalwart of the Project for the New American Century, and one of the main architects of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. When a corruption scandal led to the departure of Wolfowitz, President Bush immediately nominated Sumerian-Khazar Robert Zoellick as his replacement. Zoellick is a Neocon insider connected to the Project for the New American Century and was another major architect of the Iraq invasion. He is also a member of the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission. The faces change, but nothing else. The International Monetary Fund is there to intervene when poor countries in Africa, Asia and the rest of the developing world get into Illuminati-engineered financial trouble. The idea has been to encourage and bribe politicians in these countries into relinquishing self-sufficiency in food and opening their lands to the transnational giants. These countries then export 'cash crops' like cocoa to the rich nations and use that

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money to pay for imported food from those same rich countries. They have also exported natural resources to the rich nations at knock-down prices and then bought back (at inflated prices) the products the industrialised countries make with those resources. These products go to the tiny, corrupt, political and economic clique in these developing nations, while the majority of the population go hungry because the foodgrowing land is occupied by the transnational corporations. The Reptilian hybrid policy has been to submerge poor countries in debt and take them over in the same way they did with the industrialised nations. When these governments find themselves in financial trouble and unable to meet their debt repayments, the IMF goes in to 'restructure' the payments or offer more loans to pay the interest on the previous ones. In return for imposing more debt, the IMF insists that its economic policies are followed. These involve, as I said earlier, cutting food, health and education subsidies and the exporting of more resources and cash crops. When the IMF has told many countries to do this at the same time, it has created a glut on the world market for the commodities and the price has collapsed. More is exported at the expense of food-growing land for the poor, but no more is earned. The winners are the transnational elite in the rich nations who get their resources and commodities cheaper. As a result, you have the sight of hundreds of thousands of Brazilian children dying through hunger-related disease when Brazil is one of the biggest food exporters in the world. A third of the Brazilian population lives below the poverty line and seven million abandoned children beg, steal, and sniff glue on the streets. This in a country that should be among the most prosperous in the world with no problem of feeding itself. Its problems are not natural. They are, like those throughout the 'Third World', manufactured for the benefit of the Reptilian hybrids. Abundance and justice = freedom and choice; scarcity and injustice = dependency and control. Every year, massively more wealth is transferred from poor countries to rich than goes the other way, and 'overseas aid' is not primarily aimed at helping developing countries. It is used to bribe corrupt politicians, build the infrastructure needed by the multinationals, or to subsidise industries in the rich countries, like Bechtel, who carry out the work as part of the aid deal. 'Aid' is a great way to transfer taxpayers' money in a rich country to transnational corporations in the same country. The money 'given' by the donor nation is often tied to projects that use the corporations in the donor country. The money goes out from say the United States to an African country in 'aid', and then most of it is paid back to United States corporations. There is no need for starvation and horrific suffering in Africa, Asia and Latin America. It is not the result of 'natural disasters', but calculated design. The centralisation frenzy can be seen in the military with NATO and UN forces taking over military command in regions of war and conflict, notably NATO in Afghanistan, which is way outside its original mandate for the defence of Europe and North America. I have been predicting this for years in my books, because it is where the agenda wants to go. UN military operations are involved in Lebanon, Sudan, Burundi, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Congo, Ethiopia, Western Sahara, Haiti, Timor-Leste, Georgia, Kosovo, Cyprus and elsewhere. This is part of the 'tiptoe' to a world army to impose the policies of the world government. I have been writing for nearly twenty years that the plan was to merge the UN and NATO militaries into a global police force, and we are now seeing that day getting closer and closer. From this perspective, the

more conflicts there are to 'peace-keep', the quicker this process will be. I have heard it said that the process of centralisation in all areas of our lives is a 'natural trend', but how can such blatant and constant manipulation by the same people and groups be termed 'natural'.

Centralised uniformity
Wherever you look, diversity of culture is being swamped by the 'Western' model. We may see this as the 'American culture' being imposed on the world, but Figure 216: A typical political scene - darks suits everywhere. This is the Blair 'Cabinet' waiting to 'America' is just the vehicle. It is the find out what was happening on the day that Bush Illuminati uniformity we are looking at, and Blair invaded Iraq. No-one told them hidden behind the guise of 'America'. Dictatorships demand the centralisation of decision making because the few cannot control the many when there is diversity and devolution of power. The more people that are involved in making choices, the less control there can be by the few over what is decided. Priority number one for any dictatorship is to crush diversity and impose centralised uniformity. Look around the world today and you will see how individuality and diversity are being targeted at every turn. Be it government structure, the global 'culture' imposed through the transnational corporations, Hollywood and television, the off-the-peg building 'design' or clothing everything is starting to look and act the same. I was sad to see a documentary about South African school children in which they wore the shirt and tie uniforms of the American and European model. It's a small thing, you might think, but it was profoundly indicative of galloping uniformity. Africa has a magnificent cultural diversity in clothing and lifestyle, and yet it is being consumed by the boring banality of the universal blueprint. It is a clear and often devastatingly simple process of cultural homicide. The idea is to get people to aspire to their oppressors' culture. You sell your bland uniformity as the symbol of 'making it' proof that your targets have thrown off the shackles of their primitive cultural 'past' and pulled up a chair at the table that once oppressed them. 'I'm one of you now, I got Nike trainers.' Political leaders and other western wannabes have conceded their diversity to their own version of the school uniform the dark suit (Figure 216). The world is governed by men in dark suits, be they politicians, bankers, businessmen, even the autocue readers who deliver the 'news'.
Good evening, this is Hugh Dark Suit with the Ten O'Clock News. At the White House today President Dark Suit declared war on sanity, accompanied by another man in a dark suit from the Pentagon. The British Prime Minister, Tony Dark Suit, gave them his full support. Now we go over to our political correspondents, John and Bill Dark Suit for the latest from Washington and Westminster ...

Why do politicians in Africa, Central and South America, the Middle East, China and so on, almost always wear the dark suit and tie the 'noose' around their necks from

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Freemasonic ritual? It is not their historical culture and nor can it be comfortable, especially for those in seriously hot countries. They do it because that is the way of the ' West' that they so crave to emulate. It means they have joined the big league, access by uniform and uniformity only. They use their media propaganda to sell the symbols of success and all those who want to be seen as successful will aspire to those symbols, whether it's the big house, big car, Nike trainers or dark suit. This is how the uniform agenda works and with staggering efficiency. All of this is leading to a world government to replace the United Nations, which itself is gathering more power all the time and scheming for funding through global taxation. I have no problem with global 'umbrella bodies' to coordinate between countries and encourage cooperation, but that is not where this is heading. They don't want cooperation, they want control and we are going to deeply regret it if we continue to buy the propaganda about coming together as ' One World' when this is only Newspeak for global tyranny. Josef Stalin, the dictator of the Soviet Union, described what is happening today in his 1942 book, Marxism and the National Question, and he should know because he was a Reptilian hybrid serving his masters. He wrote:
Divide the world into regional groups as a transitional stage to world government. Populations will more readily abandon their national loyalties to a vague regional loyalty than they will for a world authority. Later, the regionals can be brought all the way into a single world dictatorship.

That's the plan in forty-seven words, and it is unfolding with an ever-quickening speed.

Mirror, mirror on the wall ... who is the most corrupt of all?
Be certain that he who has betrayed thee once will betray thee again.

Johann Kaspar Lavater

One of the most important things to understand about the global conspiracy is that it

manipulates through all 'sides'. If you control one side you influence the game, but if you control both sides you control the game. The Reptilian hybrids are not interested in mere influence. This infiltration of all sides has been happening since ancient times to engineer wars, upheaval and Problem-Reaction-Solution scenarios. In the illusory 'free' world of rigged 'democracies', the secret society network has placed its initiates and stooges into the positions of control in the major political parties, and many of the smaller ones, and this technique has been used to dupe the people into believing they are freely choosing their leaders. The 'multi-party' states are illusions. There may appear to be different parties under different names, but they are the same one party state controlled from the shadows by the same elite. They change the party in government from time to time to confirm that the public can choose who rules them, but, as I have stressed, no matter who you vote for the secret government still gets in. Among their most obvious techniques to fix elections is to infiltrate one main party with internal dissent and conflict and cause so much infighting and strife that it is considered unelectable. This means, in our 'free' societies, that whoever leads the other major party is certain to become president or prime minister. They did this in Britain when the Illuminati wanted Margaret Thatcher in power during the 1980s. Mrs. Thatcher as a person was not an easy 'sell' to the British people, but Illuminati agents within the Trade Union movement engineered massive industrial conflict, strikes and chaos in the so-called 'Winter of Discontent' in 1978-79. Uncollected rubbish piled up in the streets and in one area funerals were suspended when gravediggers refused to work. The Labour Prime Minister, Jim Callaghan, was forced to call an election in March 1979, and he and his party were by now so unpopular that Margaret Thatcher swept to victory pledging to curtail the power of the unions. Problem-Reaction-Solution. Despite her widespread unpopularity, she won three General Elections because the Labour Party was a seething mass of internal conflict throughout the decade and beyond. The 436

two Labour leaders in that period were a nice, but by then aged and bewildered man called Michael Foot; and the buffoon Neil Kinnock. For Thatcher, it was a breeze. She no doubt believed that it was down to her own brilliance and personality, but, all around her, the unseen hand was at work creating the circumstances that would ensure the introduction of the economic insanity called 'Thatcherism' which, just a coincidence, was the same as the 'Reaganomics' of the Illuminati's Stateside pawn, Ronald Reagan, and his Vice-President and minder, Father George Bush. The 'Iron Lady' was actually the naked empress manipulated by the 'force', while having her ego constantly fed and massaged so she believed that the decisions of others were hers. One of her most significant 'handlers' was Lord Carrington, her first Foreign Secretary and long-time chairman of the Bilderberg Group. Once Thatcher's strident opposition to further European centralisation became a potential problem to the agenda, she was removed while still in office by her own Conservative Party in 1990. The decision that she must go was taken at a meeting of the Bilderberg Group in 1989, as reported at the time by Bilderberg watcher, Jim Tucker. When he published his report in the Spotlight newspaper, Thatcher seemed impregnable, but she was only administering power it was not in her gift to keep if the Reptilian hybrids decreed otherwise. From that moment, her fate was sealed and the process of undermining her authority and credibility began until she was forced to go. The same technique was used to cause conflict in the Conservative Party that allowed Tony Blair's Labour Party to have three terms in office. Presidents and prime ministers are only the pawns, not the kings and queens that they appear to be. I have been saying for many years that Hillary Clinton would be a future Illuminati candidate to run for President of the United States and, while I was writing this book, she announced that she's seeking the Democratic nomination for the 2008 'election'. Any 'Democrat' should be in a wonderful position to win because the deep unpopularity of Bush over the Iraq war and other issues is going to be passed on to the Republican candidate. From the Illuminati point of view it suits them for Bush to be unpopular ahead of the next election if they want 'Democrat' Hillary to win, and it will become clear by the manipulation of people and events if Hillary is their choice, or someone just as appalling like former New York Mayor, Rudolf Giuliani, who has said he is running for the Republican nomination. Funnily enough, when I first typed the word 'Republican' there it came out as 'Reptilican'. My subconscious obviously knows the score. Most Americans would believe they were making a major change in political power by choosing the first woman President of the United States, but (a) she answers to the same masters as the Bush family and (b) Hillary Clinton may be many things but female in the energetic sense she is certainly not. She is cold, vicious and heartless, an archetypal Reptilian hybrid program. If she does win the presidency, the highest office in the 'Land of the Free' will have been held officially and unofficially by a Bush or a Clinton from 1979 to at least 2012, potentially 2016, and by then if we don't act as a united people the Orwellian state will be well installed. Father George Bush was really the US President in the Reagan years. 'Uncle Ron' was simply used to overcome Bush's unpopularity at the polls and to exploit his 'acting' skills to sell the policies, especially Reaganomics and the invasions of Panama and Grenada. Father Bush then rode the wave of Reagan popularity to win his own term in 1988 and this was followed by two terms of Bill Clinton and two for Boy George Bush.

Now we have another Clinton, the most powerful of the two in Illuminatisatanic terms, manoeuvring to continue the BushClinton dynasty in a country which claims to be so free and open that 'anyone can become president'. This is fantasy, because the presidents of the United States since George 'Sun chair' Washington in 1789 are largely from the same Reptilian hybrid bloodlines as the royal and aristocratic families of Europe. They are not elected by ballot, but selected by blood, and manipulated into power by the Reptilian hybrid secret society network. The first President, George Washington, the Grand Master of the Freemasons Lodge at Alexandria, was from an aristocratic bloodline. One of his ancestors was an English knight of the 12th century, the time the Templars were formed, and another was a relative of the Duke of Buckingham who had fought for King Charles Ist in the English Civil War. The Reptilian hybrid presidential dynasty has continued ever since right up to the Bushes and Clintons who are extremely close associates. More recently, Father Bush and Bill Clinton have become public bosom buddies with Bush even speculating that he had become the father that Clinton never had (Figure 217). We are told that Jeb Bush, the Neocon governor for Florida, now calls Clinton 'Bro', and it's all being portrayed as a 'new' closeness between the families when they have been peas in the same pod all along just like the 'Republican' and 'Democratic' parties they claim to represent. The reason for the sudden public words of affection is likely to be aimed at getting Hillary Clinton in the White House, and the same with the heightened profile of Pinocchio Bill as he prepared for his role in selling his cover story wife-of-convenience to the American electorate. In this chapter, I am going to present just some of the background to the Bush and Clinton families so you can see the kind of people who are manipulated into high office and the connections between apparent 'opponents'.

The Bush crime family

The Bushes have been one of the most active Illuminati families, at a 'gofer' level, for at least the last hundred years, or so. They have produced two US presidents and, compared with most, Father George is quite high in the Illuminati, although still small fry to the real brokers of power that you never see. Father George and wife Barbara are both descendants of Godfroi de Bouillon (also known as Godfrey of Bouillon), the King of France and Duke of Lower Lorraine, a major region for the Reptilian hybrid bloodline to this day, and dominated for centuries by the Reptilian hybrid Habsburg dynasty. The de Bouillon bloodline is highly significant to the Illuminati. The Canada-based historian, David Livingstone, author of The Dying God:

The Hidden History of Western Civilization,

says that the bloodlines forming the core of the ruling families today descend from Guillaume de Gellone of the eighth century AD, the son of Rabbi Makhir, who was one of the 'Exilarchs' that ruled the Jews in Baghdad. Livingstone writes that Makhir went to France and changed

Figure 217: Bosom buddies - and always were

his name to Theodoric before marrying an aunt of Charlemagne and being appointed 'King of the Jews' in the Languedoc region in southern France, where the 'mysterious village' of Rennes-le-Chateau is located. The Languedoc capital, Narbonne, became the 'heartland of the Medieval Kabbalah', he says. It was from here that the Crusades appear to have been instigated, Livingtone contends, to retrieve sacred texts buried there that were not accessible under Roman and Muslim rule of Jerusalem. The Knights Templar led the excavations when they settled in Jerusalem soon after they were formed, and discovered the text of the Sepher ha Bahir (the Book of Clear Light), he says. This 'set off the cultural revolution in the Medieval Kabbalah'. David Livingstone continues:
Part of this Kabbalistic revolution was the legends of the Holy Grail, which included Cathar and Templar themes ... The Holy Grail, or San Greal, should have been translated as Sang Real, or Royal Blood, because it referred to the sacred bloodline that supposedly issued from Guillaume de Gellone, and ultimately King David, but which in reality, was understood to represent the descendants of the Fallen Angels, and their leader, Lucifer.

Livingstone says that the Sinclairs / St Clairs, founders of the Knights Templar, are descendants of Guillaume de Gellone through his great-great-granddaughter, Poppa of Bavaria, who married the Viking leader, Rollo Ragnvaldsson, an ancestor of William the Conqueror of Normandy. William invaded Britain in the Battle of Hastings in 1066, after which a branch of the St Clairs located at Rosslyn in Scotland to be known as the Sinclairs. They were later made Hereditary Grand Masters of the Masons of Scotland. The Scottish 'royal' bloodlines became closely associated with the Knights Templar, many of whom fled there after the Templar purge in France. The bloodline came down through people like King David I of Scotland who married the grand-daughter of Lambert II, brother of Godefroi de Bouillon, leader of the first crusade, and David's sister, Mary Queen of Scots, married Godefroi's younger brother. The Bush family also descends from Godefroi de Bouillon who, in 1099, led European noblemen (' Aryanmen') in the successful first Crusade to recapture Jerusalem from the Muslims. He then moved into the King's palace at Temple Mount. De Bouillon was a direct descendant of the Merovingian kings and he was served by Hugh de Payens, the first Grand Master of the Knights Templar. When Boy Bush, a descendant of de Bouillon through both his mother and father, talked of a 'Crusade' against Islamic terrorism after September 11th, he knew exactly what he was saying and why. Interestingly, one of the elite locations for Reptilian hybrid satanic rituals is the Chteau des Amerois, known to researchers as the Mothers of Darkness Castle, and it is located in an area of Belgium called Bouillon, named after that family. Father George and Barbara Bush are from the Pierce bloodline that changed its name from Percy after fleeing England in the wake of the Gunpowder Plot, which was officially led by Guy Fawkes to blow up the English Parliament and kill King James I in 1605. This event is still celebrated in the UK every November 5th when effigies of Guy Fawkes are burned on ritual bonfires all over the country. The Bush ancestor, Thomas Percy, was one of the main plotters. George and Barbara Pierce Bush (of Merrill, Lynch, Fenner and Smith) are from the same bloodline as the US President, Franklin Pierce,

who was in the White House from 1853 to 1857. Other Bush relatives include the Grosvenor families of England and America, the Tafts of Ohio, who produced William Howard Taft, president from 1909 to 1913, and the Delano-Roosevelts, who provided President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1933-45) and President Theodore Roosevelt (1901-19). The English Grosvenors are the Dukes of Westminster who own prime properties in the City of London, one of the main financial and secret society centres for the Illuminati globally. The Grosvenors of America founded the National Geographic which is notorious for removing the archaeological treasures of the world, especially those with religious significance, and relocating them at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC. The Institute is controlled by the Grosvenor cousins, the Smithsons, who in turn are descended from the Percys the Pierce bloodline that produced the Bushes. The Bush ancestry can be traced to England's Alfred the Great and to Charlemagne, from whom thirty-four of the forty-three US presidents are apparently descended. Boy Bush is related to every European monarch on and off the throne, and has 'kinship' with every member of Britain's royal family. He is a 13th cousin of Britain's Queen Mother, who died in 2002 at the age of 101, and her daughter Queen Elizabeth. Bush is a 13th cousin, once removed, of the heir to the throne Prince Charles, and has a direct descent from Henry III and from Henry VIII's sister, Mary Tudor, who was also the wife of Louis XI of France. Bush is further descended from Charles II of England. Gary Boyd Roberts is a genealogist at the New England Historic Genealogical Society in Boston and one of the foremost authorities on the royal ancestry of American presidents. He has confirmed that George W. Bush is descended from British royalty going as far back as the 12th century to King Henry I, the son of William the Conqueror. William invaded Britain from France and won the Battle of Hastings in 1066, supported by the St Clair family that later located to Roslyn Castle and Chapel, near Edinburgh. It is worth mentioning, too, that Hitler's former bodyguard, Otto Skorenzy, apparently claimed in a deathbed 'confession' in 1999, supported by a box of photographs going back 60 years, that the whole Bush family story is a sham. He said that Boy Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, was actually a German associate of people like Martin Borman, Hitler's second in command; Reinhardt Gehlen, a chief SS officer recruited by the CIA after the war; and Josef Mengele, the concentration camp 'Angel of Death'. Skorenzy said that Prescott Bush's real name was George H. Scherff Sr, who went to the United States with the specific job of representing Nazi interests. It is further claimed that Scherff targeted the scientific genius, Nikola Tesla, became his 'trusted assistant', and stole his research and inventions. Skorenzy said that Father George Bush was really George H. Scherff Jr, the teenage boy who Tesla dubbed 'Curious George' after finding him stealing items from his laboratory. Some things are provable fact: George Scherff Sr was connected to the Rockefellers and Nikola Tesla; Prescott Bush, his alleged alias, was a major source of funding for the Nazis from the United States; the Bush and Scherff family records detailing their history are either missing or blatantly contradictory; the records in the National Archives relating to Samuel Prescott Bush, the alleged father of Prescott Bush, were destroyed 'to save space'; and large numbers of German nationals were sent to the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries to manipulate and control American society, not least through the creation of the Federal Reserve and hijacking the American intelligence

network that culminated in the formation of the CIA. Tens of thousands of former Nazis also came to the United States after the Second World War, including Otto Skorenzy, Hitler's bodyguard. Skorenzy claimed in his deathbed story that he and Reinhardt Gehlen murdered Tesla so the Nazis on both sides of the Atlantic could get access to highly advanced technology. You can read the detailed research and make up your own mind on all this by going to the coverups archive at www.davidicke.com and clicking the headline: 'Deathbed "confessions" about the German origins of the Bush family'. Interestingly, for someone so closely connected to Hitler and the Nazis, the name Scherf, with one 'f', is Ashkenazi Jewish, the same as Paul Warburg who was behind the Federal Reserve, and the Rothschild associate Jacob Schiff, who ran the German Ashkenazi Kuhn, Loeb and Company that funded the Russian Revolution and other Illuminati operations. The Skull and Bones Society, so beloved of the Bush family, is also of German origin.

The Bush family drug network

The Bush family behave like typical Reptilian hybrids, obsessed with power and wealth, and enough is never enough no matter how much they have. They are heavily involved in the drug trade that has put heroin and cocaine on the streets of America and around the world. Drug running is one of the many connections the Bushes have with the Clintons. It was very wealthy aristocratic and other Reptilian hybrid families in Britain and the United States that launched the global drug trade and still control it. They use their government agencies to 'bust' any opposition and leave the field clear for themselves. This is what is happening when you hear news reports of a 'big drug find' or some villain or network being jailed for trafficking. The real players never get caught because they also control law 'enforcement'. The Illuminati drug-running network not only makes vast sums to fund its covert projects, it also destroys lives on a massive scale, and creates fear and divide and rule through the division and crime generated by those who steal, rob and mug in a desperate attempt to get the money to feed their addiction. The Skull and Bones Society, alongside Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, is also involved. It is owned by the Russell Trust, an organisation controlled by the drug-running Russell family, which has been genetically-connected to Bill Clinton by researcher Fritz Springmeier in his book, Bloodlines of the Illuminati. Springmeier says the Russells are a German Jewish (Khazar / Sumerian) family, originally spelt 'Roessel', who migrated to Scotland. The Russells flew the skull and bones flag on their ships as they transported drugs for the British Empire from Turkey to China and elsewhere during the Opium Wars of the 19th century. These were engineered by Lord Palmerston, the British Prime Minister, Foreign Secretary and Rothschild agent. Samuel Russell launched Russell and Company in 1823 and within seven years it had absorbed the Perkins opium syndicate based in Boston. Russell's head of operations in Canton, China, was Warren Delano Jr, the grandfather of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the US President during the Second World War, who was related to the Bush family. Roosevelt was also a cousin of his fellow wartime leader, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Other famous families (Reptilian hybrid bloodlines) were partners in the Russell drug network names like Coolidge, Forbes, Perkins, Low and Sturgis.

The horrific world of Father George

Bush the elder was groomed from birth to serve the Illuminati in a long list of roles, including US Ambassador to the United Nations, chairman of the Republican Party at the time of the Watergate hearings, Director of the CIA and Vice-President and President of the United States. The Herbert Walker in his name comes from his grandfather, George Herbert Walker (Skull and Bones Society), another man involved with Prescott Bush in the manipulation of the Russian Revolution, the expansion of the eugenics movement and the funding of Hitler. The golf trophy called the Walker Cup is named after him. Wherever you look in Father Bush's life you find Illuminati operatives, human sacrificers, child abusers and orchestrators of genocide. Bush, himself, is all of these, as my books and others have well detailed see The Biggest Secret and Children of the Matrix. Bush served the Illuminati in China while Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and the Chinese were supporting Pol Pot in the genocidal war on Cambodia that led to the systematic extermination of millions of Cambodians. He returned home in 1975 when he received a telegram from Kissinger saying that he was being nominated by President Ford (Kissinger) to be Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Bush held the post in 1976 and 1977, and he is so fundamentally involved in CIA activities that in 1999 its headquarters compound at Langley, Virginia, was named the George Bush Center for Intelligence. The legislation authorising this was signed by Bush associate, Bill Clinton. The CIA is part of what is called the 'Inner Fed' of the secret government that consists of the CIA, the National Security Agency (NSA), FBI, NASA and the Federal Reserve, the 'central bank of America'. It is through 'umbrella' structures like the 'Inner Fed' the pyramids that a coordinated policy and response can be conducted between apparently unconnected agencies and organisations. Much of the funding of this cartel of manipulation comes from its involvement in the drug trade, which the CIA and bloodline families like the Bushes control, together with British and other 'intelligence' networks. The Clintons are right in there with them, too. Father Bush was not new to the intelligence game when he became head of the CIA, and his connections with the agency would appear to go back to the 1950s, or even much earlier given the Skull and Bones Society connection to the US intelligence community. In his book, The Immaculate Deception, Russell S. Bowen names Bush as a top CIA agent since before the agency's failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in 1961, which turned President Kennedy's attention to reforming the agency. Bowen, a retired brigadier general who did some of the Bush family's dirty work, says that Bush worked with a man called Felix Rodriguez and other anti-Castro Cubans. Rodriguez would turn up again in the IranContra arms-for-drugs scandal during the ReaganBush administration, which made enormous quantities of hard drugs available in the United States. Intriguingly, the top secret code name of the Bay of Pigs invasion was 'Operation Zapata' and Father Bush's oil company was called Zapata Oil. CIA documents have since come to light to confirm that it was Bush and CIA agent, Thomas J. Devine, who established the Zapata Oil company in the 1950s. This exposed the lie constantly repeated by Bush that he had no connection to the agency before 1976. Devine operated under cover in commercial projects in the United States and Europe that were fronts for the CIA and part of a project code-named WUBRINY. He was employed at the time by the Wall Street firm, Train, Cabot and Associates, which was described in CIA memos as

an 'investment banking firm which houses and manages the [CIA] proprietary corporation WUSALINE'. Devine accompanied Father Bush, then recently elected to Congress, on a two-week trip to Vietnam where the CIA ran a drug-running operation that covered the whole of South East Asia. When you look at the personnel in the 'Plumbers Group' involved in the Watergate break-in in 1972, a remarkable number of them were also involved in the Bay of Pigs debacle. William Buckley, a CIA coordinator, said that if he told what he knew about the Bay of Pigs and the Kennedy assassination 'it would be the biggest scandal ever to rock the nation'. Buckley would later be assassinated in the Middle East. Father George Bush has been a long-time CIA asset since before the Kennedy assassination when family friend and Hitler supporter, Allen Dulles, was head of the CIA. The Dulles family are a Reptilian hybrid bloodline and cousins to the Rockefellers. President Kennedy sacked Dulles in a purge in which he threatened to break up the CIA into a thousand pieces, but before he could do that he was assassinated in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, in 1963. The same Allen Dulles was appointed to the Warren Commission to decide who killed him! There is evidence to suggest that Father Bush was far closer to the Kennedy assassination than people have believed. Released FBI files include a memo from the diabolical Bureau director, J. Edgar Hoover, saying that they had given a briefing to two men in the intelligence community on November 23rd 1963, the day after the assassination. The memo refers to one as 'Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency', and the other as 'Captain William Edwards of the Defense Intelligence Agency'. When this was exposed, we were told to believe that `Mr. George Bush' referred to a low-ranked coast and landing-beach analyst. Yeah, sure it did. After his appointment to head the CIA in 1976, Father Bush ran a global drugrunning operation from his office in Langley, Virginia. Among his chosen operatives was Theodore Shackley, whom Bush named as the CIA's associate deputy director for covert operations. Shackley had been the head of the CIA station in Miami during the early 1960s, from where E. Howard Hunt and his fellow Watergate burglars would emerge. Shackley went on to head the CIA station in Saigon during the Vietnam War where he masterminded Operation Phoenix. This involved the death of tens of thousands of Vietnamese civilians who were 'suspected' of working for the Viet-Cong. Oliver North, the 'star' of the IranContra arms-for-drugs scandal during the ReaganBush administration, worked with Shackley on Operation Phoenix, which is reputed to have murdered 40,000 Vietnamese villagers. Shackley ran a huge assassination and drug operation in South East Asia in the 1970s in which two other Bush men, Donald Gregg and Felix Rodriguez, were involved. So was Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State to Colin Powell at the time of 9/11. Powell described Armitage in his book, My American Journey, as 'my brother and my bodyguard'. The drug operation in South East Asia was threatened when President Kennedy sought to withdraw from Vietnam, the Illuminati war that cost the lives of 50,000 Americans and two million Vietnamese. After Kennedy's assassination, the war was expanded, along with the drug trafficking. Bush appointed the same Theodore Shackley to an important position in his CIA in 1976 and Shackley would later be recruited as Bush's speechwriter during the 1979-80 election campaign. The idea that someone like Shackley would be hired to write Bush's speeches defies the imagination and no doubt his other 'talents' were the real reason for his presence. Shackley later


The David lcke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

lived in Medellin, Colombia, home of the drug cartel that interlocks with the CIA operation. Thomas Clines, a former second in command at the CIA station in Miami, was another Bush appointee at the CIA who would be involved in IranContra, a scandal Bush was to say he knew nothing about. During Bush's tenure at the CIA, the operatives knew they could do virtually as they liked, because their director had a gift for looking the other way. The power over US intelligence operations was concentrated in Bush's hands as a result of a series of measures introduced by President Ford, a front man for the mob, and his Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller. Both were installed without an election by the Kissingermanipulated Watergate affair that forced Richard Nixon to resign. In the words of The New York Times, Ford: '...centralized more power in the hands of the Director of Central Intelligence than any had had since the creation of the CIA'. Among Bush's CIA operatives in South America was the Nazi 'Butcher of Lyon', Klaus Barbie, who had escaped from Europe thanks to British and US intelligence and the networks of the Church of Rome. It was Barbie who masterminded the 'cocaine-coup' in Bolivia in 1980, and he used the profits from CIAsupported drug networks to finance the neoNazi overthrow of the government in Argentina. According to former US Drug Enforcement agent, Mike Levine, this coup was achieved by troops wearing Nazi armbands. Another Illuminati front operation closely connected to Father Bush is Sun Myung Moon's 'Moonie Church', which was funded into existence by the Korean Central Intelligence Agency. Bo Hi Pak, Moon's right-hand man, was among the first to arrive in La Paz after the BarbieBush 'cocaine-coup' in Bolivia. Moon, it is claimed, invested $4 million in the coup and was to help finance Bush's run for the presidency in 1988. The Washington Times newspaper, so supportive of the Bush family, is owned by Moon, and the Secretary General of the United Nations is the South Korean Ban KiMoon who has been linked to the Moonies by some researchers.

ReaganBush (BushReagan)
The contacts Father Bush made at the CIA would be invaluable when he became VicePresident to Ronald Reagan on January 2Ist 1981. Reagan's personal fortune dated from a time, shortly after becoming Governor of California, when he bought some land cheaply and sold it at an enormous profit to a group of benefactors who have never been publicly identified. Reagan, a former B-movie actor, was a long-time member of Bohemian Grove and an initiate of the Knights of Malta. He was seventy, the oldest man to be inaugurated as President. His mind was failing, he needed long afternoon naps each day, and almost everything he said, even in relatively off-the-cuff situations when greeting foreign leaders, was written for him on cue cards by his aides. Father George Bush was president in all, but name. Reagan's mind further deteriorated after the assassination attempt in 1981 by John Hinckley, who had connections to the Bush family. This gave Bush almost complete control of affairs and in the background was the power behind the throne, his mentor, Henry Kissinger, who has been controlling events even since he officially left public office. The CIA scientist with the 'patch' on his chest told me that he was summoned to the White House during the Father Bush presidency and when he walked into the Oval Office there was Kissinger even though officially he had no role in that administration. The scientist said that Kissinger sat in the President's chair and ran the whole meeting while Bush just nodded. This is what

Mirror, mirror on the wall

who is the most corrupt of all?


happens with virtually all major governments. Those who seem to have the power are controlled by 'advisors' and manipulators the public never hears about. Boy Bush and Tony Blair are perfect examples. Father George built a network of organisations within the government with himself at the head (on behalf of others). These were the Standing Crisis, Pre-Planning Group, the Crisis Management Center, the Terrorist Incident Working Group, the Task Force on Combating Terrorism and the Operations Sub-Group. These were subordinate to, and controlled by, the Special Situation Group chaired by Bush. If ever there was a line-up of Problem-Reaction-Solution organisations, this was it. Through this network would come the arms-for-drugs operation known as IranContra in which the ReaganBush administration illegally sold arms to the hostile regime in Iran (hostile in public anyway), and used the money they received to illegally fund and arm the Contra terrorists in Nicaragua. The Contras were fighting to overthrow the elected Sandinista government that the Illuminati wanted removed. In return for this vital support, the Contras supplied US government agencies, controlled by Father Bush, with drugs for distribution on the streets of America and elsewhere. IranContra was about more than selling arms to fund a bloody rebellion in Nicaragua. It was also designed to flood the streets with addictive drugs to target young people, divide society and raise fantastic amounts of money to fund other covert projects.

Running drugs from the White House

The now Vice-President Bush, and President in fact, hired his former CIA associate and drug-runner Donald P. Gregg as his main adviser on 'national security'. Gregg brought with him a 'former' CIA assassinations manager, the drug-runner Felix Rodriguez, whom Bush had known back to the time of the Bay of Pigs invasion and his period as head of the CIA. Gregg and Rodriguez were involved with Theodore Shackley in the assassination and drug-running operation in South East Asia during the Vietnam War, and the two now worked out of George Bush's White House office. It was strictly illegal under US law for the government to supply arms to Iran, or to fund and arm the Nicaraguan 'freedom fighters' (terrorists) called the Contras in their war with the Sandinista government. It was certainly illegal to accept payment with drugs in return. The ReaganBush administration would do all of these things. One of the ways the Bush-controlled 'Reagan' government secretly undermined the Sandinistas was by mining harbours in Nicaragua. Again, Father Bush's close friend Shackley is involved. The bombs planted in the harbours of Nicaragua caused a major row in the US and the laws forbidding such actions, the Boland Laws as they were called, were further strengthened. But, at a secret meeting of the National Planning Group on June 25th 1984, Bush, Reagan and their top officials decided to ignore the law. They would fund the Contras through Honduras, just as they had used El Salvador against the Sandinistas. Bush and Oliver North, an official of the National Security Council, travelled together to El Salvador. On January 18th 1985, the Bush-appointed Felix Rodriguez is known to have met his namesake (but not thought to be a relative), Ramon Milian Rodriguez, an accountant and money launderer who worked for the Medellin drug cartel. This meeting was confirmed by Ramon Rodriguez and reported in the Miami Herald on June 30th 1987. From his prison cell in Butner, North Carolina, Ramon told investigative journalist, Martha Honey:

... [Felix offered] ... in exchange for money for the Contra cause he would use his influence in high places to get the [cocaine] cartel US goodwill ... Frankly, one of the selling points was that he could talk directly to Bush. The issue of goodwill wasn't something that was going to go through twenty-seven bureaucratic hands. It was something that was directly between him and Bush.

This could easily be done given that Felix Rodriguez was working from Bush's office. A memo in early September 1986 sent to Oliver North by retired Army Major General John K. Singlaub, said that Felix Rodriguez was talking of having 'daily contact' with Bush's office and this, said the memo, could damage President Reagan and the Republican Party. Oliver North would also write in his notebook: 'Felix has been talking too much about the VP [Vice-President]'. In her 1987 book, Out Of Control, former CBS News producer, Leslie Cockburn, presents devastating evidence of Bush's involvement in IranContra and drug trafficking operations. She says that planes chartered by the CIA and packed with cocaine flew directly into the Homestead Air Force Base in Florida using a CIA code signal. Colonel Albert Carone, who was later murdered, said in a sworn statement that he remembered seeing Oliver North make more than twenty entries in his diary detailing how drug profits were being used to buy weapons for the Contras. He said that an entry for July 5th 1985 noted that '$14 million to buy arms came from drugs'. In 1986, the ReaganBush administration admitted that Adolfo 'Popo' Chamorro's Nicaraguan Contras, the terrorists supported by the CIA, were helping a Colombian drug-trafficker to transport drugs into the United States. The testimony of John Stockwell, a former high-ranking CIA official, revealed that drug smuggling was an essential component of the CIA operation with the Contras. George Morales, one of South America's biggest traffickers, testified that he was approached in 1984 to fly weapons to the Contras. In return, he says, the CIA helped him to smuggle thousands of kilos of cocaine into the United States via an airstrip on the ranch of John Hull, a self-confessed CIA agent and associate of Oliver North. As Michael Ruppert, a former drugs specialist with the Los Angeles Police Department, said:
The CIA and Ronald Reagan and [CIA Director] Bill Casey and Vice-President George Bush were running the whole operation, we know that now. They circumvented the will of Congress and there was an explosion of drug trafficking all throughout Central America, coordinated by the CIA.

Another man at the very heart of the drug operation and the murderous attacks on Nicaragua was the Reptilian hybrid, John Negroponte, the US Ambassador to Honduras and member of the Project for the New American Century. It became known in his time there as 'USS Honduras' with American 'aid' increasing from $4 million a year to $77 million. Negroponte had been appointed to the American Embassy in Vietnam from 1964, just as the Vietnam War and the CIA's South East Asia drug operation escalated. He was an advisor to the war criminal Henry Kissinger and in charge of Vietnam policy on the US National Security Council. In the 1980s Negroponte carried out the covert ReaganBush policy to destroy the elected Sandinista government in Nicaragua from his base in Honduras. He was fundamentally involved with the infamous Battalion 3-16 that ran a terror campaign of murder and torture against civilians. He later became US

Ambassador to the United Nations at the time of 9 /11, arguing for the invasion of Afghanistan; head of government operations in Iraq after the invasion; the first Director of National Intelligence, a post created through Boy Bush to centralise power over all US intelligence agencies; he then became Deputy Secretary of State. The other aspect of IranContra was to illegally trade arms for American hostages held in Iran. Oliver North was again involved in the supply of arms to Iran, via Israel, in return for hostages. The release of the hostages was explained in part by the efforts of Terry Waite, the representative of Britain's Archbishop of Canterbury, who was negotiating the release of hostages, or thought he was. Waite was being used without his knowledge by North who was quite happy for him to take the credit for the release of hostages when, in fact, they were the result of illegal arms sales. As a consequence, Waite would eventually be taken hostage himself. Throughout this whole period George Bush was telling the American people: 'We will make no concessions to terrorists' just as his son has said.

The Cover-up
In late 1986, the IranContra scandal blew and Ronald Reagan had to admit some, but only some, of what was happening. He said: 'A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that is true but the facts and evidence tell me it is not'. (I lied.) On October 5th, a plane had left the Ilopango Air Base in El Salvador with arms and ammunition for the Contra terrorists in Nicaragua. The flight had been coordinated by officials within George Bush's office. As the plane came low to make the drop, it was grounded by a Sandinista missile. Three people died in the crash, but cargo handler Eugene Hasenfus parachuted into the hands of the Sandinistas. Bush was alerted in a call to his office by drug-runner and assassin, Felix Rodriguez. The truth was out, or some of it was. The power of the Illuminati network can be the only explanation for how, despite the overwhelming evidence against him, Bush evaded prosecution even though Buz Sawyer, the pilot of the crashed plane, was found to have the private phone number of George Bush's office in his pocket! Hasenfus also stated that George Bush knew about the whole thing, but Bush denied any involvement or knowledge of what happened, and subordinates like Donald Regan, Admiral John Poindexter, Oliver North, Robert McFarlane and Major General Richard Secord were sacrificed and scapegoated. They were very much involved, of that there is no doubt, but Bush got away with it, as did Reagan and his Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger, who was pardoned by Bush to ensure he would not face trial. The pardon came on Christmas Eve 1992 in the dying days of his presidency, after he had lost the November election to Bill Clinton and a matter of weeks before Weinberger and company were due to face a trial that would have implicated Bush. Oliver North, who was up to his eyes in the intrigue, faced hearings with other scapegoats and staggeringly emerged in the eyes of many as an American hero. Former government mind-slave, Cathy O'Brien, tells in her book, Trance-Formation of America, how she observed one drug party attended by Oliver North, Air Force officials and their wives and drug barons like the Puerto Rican, Jose Busto. Large amounts of cocaine were laid out for their use. Upstairs was Manuel Noriega, the then president of Panama, who was on the CIA payroll under Father Bush's direction to run drugs through Panama on

their way from South America to the United States. It was only when Noriega stopped taking orders from Bush that American troops invaded Panama in 1989 to remove him and install new leaders connected to the Colombian drug cartel. Bush told the American people that the invasion, which killed a large number of civilians, was necessary to stop Noriega's drug activities. These people have no shame. One reporter, the late Gary Webb on the San Jose Mercury News, did have the guts to expose how the CIA and the Bush-controlled White House had poured crack cocaine into black areas to raise money for the Contras and destroy black communities. When he did so, Webb and his newspaper were not only attacked by the authorities, but by their fellow 'journalists' and major papers like the Reptilian hybrid-controlled Washington Post, New York Times, and Los Angeles Times. You can see that, if you control all sides, it is actually possible to coordinate a drug-running and arms-running operation from the White House and get away with it. When you have your people in government carrying out these operations; your people controlling law 'enforcement' and heading any 'inquiries' should you get caught; and your people owning the media, it is not as difficult as it may at first appear. There is so much more to tell about the Bush family, their murders, wars, Satanism, and corruption beyond belief, and you find the details in my other books like The Biggest Secret. I have highlighted the drug connection here to give you a feel for how the network operates and the links between apparently unconnected countries and people.

The Clinton Crime Family

In January 1993, Father George Bush (Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Skull and Bones Society, 33rd degree Freemason, and 'Republican'), was replaced in the White House by Bill Clinton (Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Rhodes Scholar, 33rd degree Freemason, Order of DeMolay and 'Democrat'). The One Party State rolled on, as it always does when governments 'change'. The Bush and Clinton families answer to the same masters and they worked together on the drug trafficking operation through the Mena airstrip in Arkansas when Bill Clinton was governor. Cathy O'Brien describes in Trance Formation of America how she met the Clintons a number of times in Arkansas, and on one occasion Bill was trying to persuade a supporter called Bill Hall to get involved in his drug operation. Clinton said Hall didn't have to worry because it was 'Reagan's operation' and Cathy quotes him as saying:

Bottom line is, we've got control of the [drug] industry, therefore we've got control of them [suppliers and buyers]. You control the guy underneath you and Uncle [Uncle Sam, the United States Government] has you covered. What have you got to lose? No risk. No one's going to hang you out to dry. And whatever spills off the truck as it passes through [Clinton laughed here and snorted another nose-full of cocaine] you get to clean up.

It was, indeed, business as usual when the 'Democrat' replaced the 'Republican', and it will be so when it happens again in this bloodline version of musical chairs. Cathy O'Brien says she met Father Bush and Clinton together in the 1980s, years before Clinton was even considered a presidential possible. She once observed them at an

Illuminati base called Swiss Villa at Lampe, Missouri, where there was a CIA 'neardeath trauma centre' known as 'the infirmary'. This was used to torture mind-slaves as part of their programming. Cathy, under her mind-control, had delivered a large amount of cocaine in a motorhome when she saw Bush and Clinton together: ... I noticed then Governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton, at a corner table with Hillary talking to the then Vice-President George Bush, and their two special forces 'toy soldiers' [mind-controlled soldiers] who had transferred the cocaine to the infirmary building. My mind-control owner, US Senator, Robert Byrd, told me that Bush and others had been grooming Bill Clinton for the presidency 'in the event that the American public becomes disillusioned with Republicans and believe that electing a Democrat would make a difference'. Clinton obediently followed Bush's orders. Since the implementation of what Hitler termed New World Order knew no party lines, the question should be raised as to the agenda of Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign manager, James Carville, and his wife Mary Matalin, who was Bush's campaign manager. You will find the same story all over the world. Clinton may have been a 'Democrat', but he answered to the 'Republican' Father George Bush and was another bloodline representative of the Reptilian hybrids. I have seen researchers connect Clinton's bloodline to Baldwin of Bouillon, the brother of the Bush ancestor and Crusade leader, Godfroi de Bouillon. Christian author and researcher J. R. Church writes:
Bill Clinton's family goes back to William Henry Harrison and Benjamin Harrison, making him related to Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter. His kinship to Ford makes him 'near kin' to Richard Nixon and George Bush. Small world, isn't it?

Church says that he met with a man in the summer of 1996 who claimed to be a descendant of the Rothschilds. He told Church that Bill Clinton attended their family functions as a boy:
This man grew up in the same town with Clinton. They attended the same schools. He would see Bill at family get-togethers wearing a Jewish skullcap. According to him, Bill Clinton is a descendant of the Rothschild family. He said the rabbis would kiss his hand and refer to him as the Segulah Yeled Eklatosh the 'royal-boy-chosen'.

The covert 'king'

Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe III in Hope, Arkansas, and was brought up in Hot Springs. His official father died in a car accident before he was born and his mother married a guy called Roger Clinton, the name Slick Will adopted at the age of 14. The records of his official father appear to have been 'lost', as were those of Adolf Hitler, another possible Rothschild bloodline - see Children of the Matrix - and so many documents rating to Bush family history. There have also been reports that Clinton is actually the son of Winthrop Rockefeller, a Governor of Arkansas, and he has certainly enjoyed the support of the Rockefeller manipulation machine. David Rockefeller,

America's 'Kingmaker', had met with Clinton in the mid-1980s at Winrock, the farm built by Winthrop Rockefeller. It is common practice for major Reptilian hybrid families to seed children who are then brought up by another family under another name. They have sperm banks that allow them to produce literally thousands of children. If every president or prime minister was a Rothschild or Rockefeller the plot would hardly be difficult to expose and this is the way they get around that. It means that there are many Reptilian hybrid 'royals' out there who do not appear to be so from their official genealogy. It is important to understand that it is not the name that matters, but the

Bill Clinton had to be bloodline to be given the Rhodes scholarship to Oxford University and the political support he enjoyed from an early age. He became Governor of Arkansas at just thirty-two and, at forty-six, the third youngest President of the United States. He knew from the start what was required for political advancement and he said in an interview in 1994 that he knew from the books of Carroll Quigley, his tutor at the Jesuit Georgetown University, that a permanent shadow government of bankers and government officials existed which controlled the political agenda from behind the scenes. He said that, while still a young man, he realised that it was necessary for him to gain access to this inner circle if he was to become part of the decision-making process that shapes the world. In fact, he would already have known he had been chosen to do just that. He was another product of the Reptilian hybrid production line of presidents easily manipulated, knows how to take orders and with a mountain of unpleasant information about him waiting to be revealed if he steps out of line. 'We'll give them a Democrat president this time, just to let them think they still have a choice.' Arkansas is a big centre for the Reptilian operation. The Scottish Rite of US Freemasonry has a major presence there and it was from this organisation that the Ku Klux Klan emerged. The Klan's emblem is similar to a Maltese Cross, the same as the Knights of Malta and the Knights of the Golden Circle, which played a major role in the Rothschild manipulation of the American Civil War. The Ku Klux Klan is the old Knights of the Golden Circle under another name, controlled by the same force. According to the German magazine Neue Solidaritat, the guru and foster-father of Bill Clinton was Parson Wo Vaught, a 32nd degree initiate in the Scottish Rite. Clinton is a member of many secret societies, including the Freemason-controlled Order of DeMolay (also DeMolay International) which claims allegiance to the martyred Knights Templar leader, Jacques de Molay, who was arrested and later burned in the Templar purge in France in the early 14th century.

Staggering corruption
Clinton was supported in his life of breathtaking corruption in Arkansas by his wife Hillary at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock. They had met while law students at Yale and their sham marriage has served both extremely well in their gluttonous pursuit of power. Bill Clinton sat in the middle of a complex network of drug running, money laundering and general corruption when he became Arkansas governor. A close associate, and his biggest financial backer when he ran for President, was Jackson Stephens, one of the founders of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, or 'BCCI'. This was the global money laundering, drug running and terrorist-funding operation involving the CIA, which collapsed amid enormous controversy and loss of

customers' money in 1991. The Citizens for Honest Government organisation produced an investigative video into Bill Clinton's background and they interviewed a former friend of Clinton in the Arkansas days, Larry Nichols. It would appear that Clinton thought Nichols could be trusted to keep quiet and take the perks. He gave him the job of Marketing Director of the Arkansas Development Finance Authority (ADFA). It was a state-run operation created by Clinton to, he said publicly, invest tax money in low interest bond loans to local businesses, colleges, schools and churches. He said it would 'stimulate jobs', one of the excuses you hear all the time to justify the latest Illuminati fast-one. When Larry Nichols took up his post, he saw the truth. He said:
... I'd been there about a month and I realised that I was at the epicentre of what I'd always heard about all my life ... I was literally working, sitting, in the middle of Bill Clinton's political machine. It was where he made his pay offs, where he repaid favours to people for campaign support. I was in an interesting seat and I knew it. If you needed a million dollars, you had to get your application handled by the [Hillary Clinton] Rose Law Firm and pay them $50,000. There were five other companies in the state of Arkansas that were actually more qualified in bond structuring and applications, but the Rose Law Firm got 'em all. I started checking around, and I kept asking ... the comptroller, Bill Wilson ... how did people make payments on these loans? He looked at me and said: 'They don't'. He thought I knew. Well, that blew my mind. And this is about two months in. It was getting tough then. So I started gathering documents. After everybody left I would stick around as if I was working on the annual report. That would give me access to the documents and I made copies of them all.

Nichols established that Bill Clinton's Arkansas Development Finance Authority was laundering drug money. ADFA was also a front for giving loans to his business friends, who would then fund his election expenses. Jackson Stephens had advanced the Clinton presidential campaign $2.8 million and less than two years earlier his bank had earned a profit on a transaction involving student loans controlled by Bill Clinton. The size of the profit? $2.8 million. Nichols went on:
There was a hundred million a month in cocaine coming in and out of Mena [airstrip] in Arkansas. They had a problem ... you create a problem in a little state like Arkansas. How do you clean one hundred million dollars a month? ADFA until 1989 never banked in Arkansas. What they would do is ... ship the money down to ... a bank in Florida which would later be connected to BCCI. They would ship money to a bank in Georgia, which was ... later connected to the BCCI. They'd ship to Citicorp in New York, which would send the money overseas.

At the centre of this operation was Clinton's closest friend, Dan Lasater, who would be jailed with his brother, Roger Clinton, for cocaine offences. Doc Delaughter, the police investigator in charge of the Lasater case, said he gathered detailed statements from people connected with Clinton's friend and his use of drugs to get young girls hooked and under his control for sexual favours. The police officer revealed how he suffered

harassment from his own police department during his investigation and, he said, he knew that was because of the connection between the state police and Governor Clinton's office. Like I say, the Reptilian hybrids control the system by controlling all 'sides'. Lasater spent less than a year in a minimum security prison for his drug offences and when he was released Clinton granted him a full pardon. Legislation enacted by Governor Clinton helped Tyson Foods to become the biggest company in the state. The owner, Don Tyson, was given $10 million by ADFA and never paid a cent of it back. He did, however, put $700,000 into Clinton's election campaign. Police officer Doc Delaughter said he had enough evidence on Tyson to launch an investigation into a possible drug distribution racket. The interconnected corruption was astonishing. Larry Nichols said:
The first loan made at ADFA was to Park-O-Meter ... As I started looking, I found that the secretary-treasurer [of Park-O-Meter] was Webb Hubbell [of the Rose Law Firm] ... Guess who drafted the legislation ... which created ADFA? Webb Hubbell. Guess who introduced the legislation to our legislators and got it passed through our house? Webb Hubbell. Imagine this. Guess who did the audit and the evaluation on the [Park0-Meter] application. Rose Law Firm, you guessed it. Who signed it? Webb Hubbell, Hillary Clinton.

Nichols said that when reporters made inquiries about the Park-O-Meter loans, they found that instead of making parking meters, the company was actually building retrofit nose cone compartments that were being shipped to the Mena airstrip. The nose cones were being used to smuggle drugs back into the country and onto the streets of America. Nichols went on:
Webb Hubbell, the Rose Law Firm, are guilty, I say to you, of conspiring to defraud the state of Arkansas, the Federal Government, and conspiring to solicit the sales and the laundering of money for illegal drugs. This is your president. This is his circle of power. These are the people when he got elected president ... he took them straight to Washington with him.

Webster 'Webb' Hubbell was named as acting US Attorney General by Bill Clinton when he was elected to the White House in 1992, a year after accepting an invitation from David Rockefeller to attend the Bilderberg meeting in Baden Baden, Germany. Hubbell was soon back in Arkansas, however, to plead guilty to charges of defrauding clients at Hillary Clinton's Rose Law Firm of an estimated half a million dollars. This was the man who was responsible for the Ethics in Government Act, which required Arkansas legislators to report conflicts of interest. Astonishingly, this act specifically exempted Governor Bill Clinton, his appointees and relatives. Before Hubbell left Washington, he was responsible for finding a permanent Attorney General for Bill Clinton. This was Janet Reno, who became head of the hilariously-named US 'Justice' Department (which decides who, when, where and whether to prosecute). Webb Hubbell is not the only government-appointed crook that Janet Reno came into contact with in her career. She was District Attorney for Dade County, including downtown Miami, which was exposed as perhaps the most corrupt judicial system in the country. The decisions and judgements during Janet Reno's term at the Justice Department

served perfectly the aims of the Reptilian hybrids. These included the mass murder at Waco and the suppression of information about drug running operations, like those out of Mexico involving the leaders of the Mexican government and connected to the Bush/Clinton network. Researchers believe that Reno was a front for Webster Hubbell to be the real Attorney General.

The Bush-Clinton drug ring

One of America's biggest drug trafficking operations was set up at the Mena airstrip in Arkansas in 1982 and involved Barry Seal, a pilot for the Drug Enforcement Administration, or DEA. No, you didn't misread that. The Reptilian hybrids use Orwellian Newspeak to give their front organisations names that describe exactly the opposite of what they are there to do. Most people are not going to suspect the Drug Enforcement Agency of running drugs and that's the idea. Once again, it is about controlling all sides. There are many genuine agents in the DEA, as there are in the FBI, CIA, British Intelligence, and so on, but they are confined to their compartments within the pyramid and they don't make the decisions. Seal moved his trade to Arkansas because of the hassle he was having from the authorities in his home state, Louisiana. He had no such hassle in Arkansas under Clinton. Russell Welch, the police officer in charge of the Seal investigation, revealed:
He said 1983 was his most profitable cocaine smuggling period ever. He said that the airplanes he had placed at the Mena Airport, there were four of them, a couple of Cessnas, a couple of Panthers, and one or two stragglers here and there, different airplanes. He said they were purchased solely for the purpose of cocaine smuggling.

Welch added that the planes had special illegal cargo doors which could be opened in flight to drop the drugs and money at other sites in Clinton-governed Arkansas. But where were the prosecutions? In the ten years during which the Mena drug operation was common local knowledge, there was not one major prosecution. Yet, when Clinton became President, he announced ... guess what? Yes, a war on drugs just like Father Bush did. At the same time, Clinton revoked random drug testing for White House staff (because there were so many cocaine addicts like him) and dropped 121 posts at the Office of National Drug Control. Drugs pilot Barry Seal is also part of the link between Bill Clinton, Oliver North, the ReaganBush administration and IranContra. According to court records, eyewitness reports and press accounts, Oliver North held a series of meetings at Little Rock in the early 1980s to set up the illegal Contra weapons pipeline. One of the main operatives was Barry Seal and another was Terry Reed, a former combat pilot in Laos, who became a successful businessman. He revealed the involvement in drug trafficking of Bill Clinton, Father George Bush and the CIA in his 1994 book, Compromised: Clinton, Bush, And The CIA, written with co author, John Cummings. Reed was a former US Air Force Intelligence Officer who was recruited by the CIA to create a front company in Mexico selling high technology and consultancy. When Reed realised it was being used to ship drugs, he tried to get out of the operation and returned to Arkansas, then governed by Clinton. As usual, Clinton and the CIA sought to silence and discredit Reed by accusing him of what they were doing. He was charged by Clinton and the Arkansas authorities for drug trafficking. Reed reveals in his

book how Time magazine and other publications and newspapers were involved in disinformation and cover-ups to keep the truth about drugs from the public. Reed had helped to set up a training base for Contra terrorism at Nella, eleven miles north of Mena. He said at his trial in 1989 that at least one of the early meetings to plan the Nella operation was attended by Bill Clinton's brother, Roger, and he said other meetings were attended by Clinton's close associate and drug-runner, Dan Lasater. Yet again, we see the One Party State in action. While the 'Republican' Reagan-Bush presidency was involved in Iran-Contra, the 'opposition', in the form of 'Democrat' governor Bill Clinton, was covertly supporting it in Arkansas. The power of the Reptilian hybrids to control the major newspapers and broadcast media was seen again in January 1995 when a 4,000 word article exposing the Barry Seal drug operation at Mena and its connections to Iran-Contra and the CIA was withdrawn by The Washington Post. It was immediately dubbed 'The Greatest Story Never Told'. The article was due to appear in the Sunday Outlook section after eleven weeks of debate and argument among the staff. Lawyers had been through every line and approved it legally, the type had been set, and the illustrations completed. The contracts with the authors had been signed and Leonard Downie, the executive editor, had given his consent. Then, suddenly, it was pulled and the Post's managing editor, Robert Kaiser (Council on Foreign Relations), said it was a 'non-existent story' and a 'reprise of rumours and allegations'. The owner of The Washington Post was the Bilderberger, Trilateralist and Council on Foreign Relations member, Katherine Graham, a close friend of Henry Kissinger. The authors of the article were Dr Roger Morris, formerly of the National Security Council under Johnson and Nixon, and Sally Denton, the former head of the Special Investigations Unit at the news agency, UPI. Both have long records of this type of investigation. Their expos was compiled from detailed research that included access to Barry Seal's bank and telephone records, invoices, appointment books, handwritten notes, personal diaries and recorded conversations, plus police records and surveillance reports. The article said that Seal was flying planes out of Mena to export weapons to Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil and the Contras in Nicaragua, and they returned full of cocaine for sale in New York, Chicago, Detroit, St Louis and other cities. Morris and Denton said that Seal had such close ties with the CIA that he believed he could smuggle what he wanted, whenever he wanted, and they point out that nine separate attempts by state and federal authorities to stop him were blocked. All this took place during the Reagan-Bush 'war on drugs'. The article spiked by The Washington Post had said: 'Over the entire episode looms the unmistakable dark shape of US government complicity in vast drug trafficking and gun running'. It asked the questions that the Reptilian-controlled mainstream media have failed to ask:
For three presidents of both parties - Messrs Reagan, Bush, and Clinton - the old enduring questions of political scandal are once again apt: What did they know about Mena? When did they know it? Why didn't they do anything to stop it?

Answers: What did they know? Everything. When did they know? From the start. Why didn't they do anything to stop it? Because they were doing it. Barry Seal was not convicted for his drug crimes. Instead he was murdered. This happened as he was beginning to speak openly about what he knew. He told how he

was ordered by the CIA and the Drug Enforcement Administration to photograph Sandinista officials in Nicaragua loading drugs onto a plane for shipment to the United States. Seal later admitted to reporters that the Sandinistas in his photograph were not loading drugs at all, but the fake photo was used by President Reagan in a televised speech in March 1986 as propaganda against the Nicaragua regime. This led to Congress voting another $100 million in aid to the Contra terrorists in Nicaragua who were trafficking drugs for the CIA with the full knowledge and involvement of the then VicePresident Bush. In February 1987, soon after Barry Seal began to talk about the Contra drug smuggling network and its connection with the Colombian cartels, he was removed. How could all these things be covered up, glossed over, and the Clintons and Bushes not face criminal investigation? Former friend Larry Nichols has the answer: A lot of people wonder how Bill Clinton could control a state the size of Arkansas with
the absolute authority that he did. It's not hard. You see, after twelve years, after kissing the people that have the money, Bill Clinton controlled the legal system, he controlled the judges, he controlled the attorneys, he controlled the banks.

Which is what the Reptilian hybrids do on a national and global scale. It is also worth remembering, given the fundamental involvement of the Clintons and Bushes in the CIA drug trade, that Mohamed Atta, the 'chief hijacker' on 9 /11 according to the official story, was running drugs for the CIA through the flying school at Venice Airport in Florida, where the governor was Jeb Bush, brother of the Brainless One. With their closest of ties to CIA drug trafficking, there is no way that the Bushes and Clintons didn't know what was going on in Venice and how it involved Atta. In fact, Arkansas 'businessman' Jackson Stephens, a major financial backer of both Clinton and the Bushes, had a presence in Venice a block away from the airport where Atta took 'flying lessons' and accessed unlimited supplies of drugs. Stephens has already made a number of appearances in this book, you may recall. His Stephens Group in Arkansas sold Delta and Pine to Monsanto to produce the 'suicide seeds' I detailed earlier, and he was a founder of the drug-running, terrorist-funding BCCI. Stephens was also a major investor in Boy Bush's oil company, Harken Energy.

The Clintons' body count

The Bill Clinton years were littered with murders and suspicious deaths in Arkansas and Washington. On August 23rd 1987, two boys, Kevin Ives and his friend Don Henry, were out walking in the early hours near the Mena airstrip (Figure 218). Later they were found dead on a railway line. The State Medical Examiner, Fahmy Malak, a man appointed by Clinton, ruled that the deaths were an accident. The parents disagreed and asked for a second opinion, a request that was met with resistance from the authorities on all fronts. They won a court order

Figure 218: Don Henry 17, and Kevin Ives, 16 ... two more victims of the Clinton' killing spree

requesting samples for the second opinion of everything the crime laboratory had, but Malak still refused to hand them over. Eventually, other opinion showed that Don Henry had been stabbed in the back and Kevin Ives' skull had been crushed before they were placed on the railway line. Malak still said it was an accident. The boys had both fallen asleep on the tracks, he said. Six people who talked to the police about the boys' murders were themselves killed. Keith McKaskie knew what was planned for him. He said goodbye to his family and friends in 1988 and days later he was murdered. The following year, Jeff Rhodes, a young guy from Benton, Arkansas, rang his father to say he had to get out of town because he knew too much about the deaths of the boys and McKaskie. Two weeks later Rhodes was found shot dead. Keith Coney was fleeing for his life on his motorcycle when he collided with a truck; Gregory Collins was shot; Richard Winters and Jordan Ketelson were both killed by shotgun blasts. The head of the Saline County Drug Task Force, who had uncovered evidence of the Arkansas Police Department's involvement with drug smuggling and the cover-up of the boys' murder, was forced into hiding. This was all going on while the future President Clinton was governor for Arkansas. What was it again that Tina Brown said of Clinton in The

Washington Post?
On Clinton's face these days is a look of wry, judicious knowingness. It's the look of political wisdom, and it imparted to his conference's departing crowd something like serenity.

Investigating Bill Clinton or making allegations against him would appear, from endless evidence, to be a very dangerous occupation. Danny Casolaro, a reporter investigating Clinton and an alleged bonds racket, was found dead in a West Virginia hotel. Paul Wilcher, a Washington lawyer, was investigating Clinton and was due to meet Danny Casolaro's former attorney. Wilcher was found dead sitting on the toilet in his apartment. Prosecuting attorney, Charles Black, asked Governor Clinton for funds to continue the Mena drugs investigation. The money never came, but Black's mother was brutally murdered. Police said there was no connection. Ed Willey, the manager of Clinton's campaign finance committee, died from gunshot wounds. Verdict: 'suicide'. John Wilson, a city councillor in Washington who was reported to be planning to expose Clinton's dirty tricks, was found hanged in 1993. Verdict: 'suicide'. Kathy Ferguson, the wife of Danny, an Arkansas police patrolman and Clinton bodyguard, talked about a number of sexual incidents involving Clinton, and said her husband had taken state employee, Paula Jones, to Clinton's hotel room where he dropped his trousers and propositioned her. Kathy Ferguson was found dead with a gun in her hand. Verdict: 'suicide'. Her husband Danny then claimed that what his wife said wasn't true, when it clearly was, and Clinton settled out of court with Paula Jones. Attorney Gary Johnson lived next door to Gennifer Flowers, one of the women Clinton denied having a sexual relationship with. Johnson had a security camera at his front door and this captured Clinton entering Flowers' apartment with his own key. Johnson had this recorded on tape and could prove that Clinton was lying, but he was attacked at his home and suffered the most terrible injuries. The thugs stole his Clinton tape. Jon Parnell Walker, a senior investigator for the Resolution Trust Corporation, was pressing for an investigation into the collapsed Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan

Company, which was linked to Clinton and his wife, and this became known as the 'Whitewater Affair'. Walker fell from the balcony of an apartment in Arlington, Virginia. Verdict: 'suicide'. C. Victor Raider II was co-chairman of Clinton's presidential campaign, but they fell out. Raider and his son Montgomery died when their small plane crashed. Herschel Friday was a member of Raider's committee and an expert pilot. He died when his plane exploded. Dentist Ronald Rogers was on his way to talk to a journalist about Clinton when his plane crashed in clear weather. Luther 'Jerry' Parks from Little Rock had compiled a study of Clinton's sexual activities. Clinton owed him $81,000 for providing guards during the presidential campaign and his wife said he had threatened to reveal the information he had unless he was paid. Parks was shot dead. His son, Gary Parks, said his father had names, dates, places everything about Clinton's liaisons. He said he also had details of Clinton's drug taking and that of his brother, Roger. Shortly before his father's murder, the phone lines at his home were cut, the security system turned off and the files on Clinton were stolen. In Arkansas, no autopsy has to be performed on anyone ruled to have committed suicide even if the evidence points to murder. This law was introduced by Bill Clinton in one of his last acts as governor. Through all of this, Hillary Clinton was right at the heart of everything her husband was doing and supported, even instigated, what happened.

The man who knew too much

The death most publicised in connection with Bill and Hillary Clinton is that of Vincent Foster, a senior partner at Hillary Clinton's Rose Law Firm and White House deputy counsel when Bill became President. His death by 'suicide' came during investigations into the Whitewater Affair. The Clintons said their investment in the Madison Savings and Loans Company was a loss-maker. Others say it was a scam to skim off federal money, which is the Clinton technique par excellence. What is beyond question is that it cost taxpayers $60 million. Robert Fiske was named as special prosecutor to lead the 'investigation into Whitewater and that same week the Rose Law Firm began to shred documents. One of the shredders, Jeremy Hedges, said: 'They had his [Foster's] initials pretty much all over ... everything from the box to the manila files to I even saw his signature on one of the Rose Firm letterheads'. A demonstration was held outside the Rose offices when people heard what was going on. There was a fire the same week at the Worthen Bank Building that destroyed documents related to the Whitewater investigation. The bank was owned by ... Jackson Stephens, Clinton's main financial backer. Vincent Foster was found shot dead on July 20th 1993. His body was officially discovered at Fort Marcy Park off the George Washington Parkway on the west bank of the Potomac River across from the capital. The verdict was, of course: suicide. This verdict was made before there had been either an autopsy or a ballistics test. The Arkansas whistleblower, Larry Nichols, said he had a police memo proving that Foster was found in his car, not the park. The first witness to find the body insisted that there had been no gun nearby, despite the official story claiming it was still in his hand. As always in these fake suicides, vital evidence disappeared, including the memory of Foster's pager being wiped. Three experts, Vincent J. Scalise, a former New York detective; Fred Santucci, a former New York forensic photographer; and Richard Saferstein, former head of the New Jersey State Crime Laboratory, investigated the case for the Western Journalism Center of Fair Oaks, California. They reported:

The position of Foster's arms and legs were drastically inconsistent with suicide. Neither of Foster's hands was on the handgrip when the gun was fired. In fifty years of combined experience they had 'never seen a weapon or gun positioned in a suicide's hand in such an orderly fashion'. Foster's body was probably in contact with one or more carpets before his death. The team was amazed that the carpet in the trunk of Foster's car had not been studied to see if he had been carried to the park in the trunk of his own car. The force of the gun's discharge probably sent Foster's glasses flying, but it was 'inconceivable' that they could have travelled thirteen feet through foliage to the site where they were found. The lack of blood and brain tissue at the site suggests Foster was carried to the scene. The peculiar tracking pattern of the blood on his right cheek also suggests that he was moved. Foster's fingerprints weren't on the gun in his hand. The fatal bullet could not be located. His appointments diary that day has never been found. His personal phone log has never been revealed. Foster's sister, Sharon, was arriving from Little Rock that day with her daughter, and in his last conversation with the younger of his two sons he had discussed plans to buy a boat. Foster turned up for work that day even though he was supposed to be planning to kill himself. Miguel Rodriguez was the assistant US attorney appointed to investigate Foster's death, but he resigned after just four months saying the 'investigation' was rigged. He said the suicide verdict was predetermined by a 'higher authority' at the start of the investigation and that the White House was notified about the death even before paramedics reached the scene. In March 1994, when the speculation would not go away, the White House issued a photograph of Foster's body at the scene, which was said to prove that it was suicide. The gun was in his right hand, but Foster was left-handed. The photo shows the body surrounded by brown leaves, but he had died in the summer and reporters at the scene soon after he died said there were no leaves on the ground. The White House also admitted (five months after Foster's death) that four members of Bill Clinton's staff had ransacked Foster's office the night he died. They included Patsy Thomasson, Hillary Clinton's personal assistant. It was done, they said, for reasons of 'national security'. No, the Clintons' security. Patsy Thomasson was a leading assistant to Clinton's pal Dan Lasater when he was, as shown in court, dealing drugs. Thomasson was also named in law enforcement files for drug trafficking and it was she who stopped drug testing for White House employees. This is a President of the United States we are talking about here. This is the White House, the supposed centre of power in the most powerful country in the world. Despite all of this, Clinton was actually reelected in 1996 and now his equally corrupt and homicidal wife is being considered as the first 'woman' president. The facts that could destroy the political ambitions of the Bush and Clinton families are never exposed by their opponents because they are all in it together, all riding the same horse in the same direction. Their hidden masters say what will, and will not, be

revealed by both them and by the mainstream media. The cover-ups and lack of investigation into the real background of those who seek high office has led to two terms of Boy Bush, son of the drug-running, child-molesting, serial killer. Boy Bush is a monumental idiot and deeply arrogant in the sense of a kid whose dad is bigger than anyone else's in the playground. He's a big-talking coward who lets others do the killing and bullying on his behalf. His minder in the White House is his bloodline VicePresident, the truly brutal Dick Cheney, who has orchestrated, with the hidden masters, the introduction of the Orwellian state on a now colossal and ever-increasing scale. Whoever takes over in the White House will have the job of expanding still further the national and global fascist dictatorship and whoever it is will be from the Reptilian hybrid bloodline. Hillary Rodham Clinton is scheming, manipulating and dirty-tricking to make sure it is her. She would appear at the time of writing to be gaining the support of Illuminati media tycoon, Rupert Murdoch, the Khazar/Sumerian owner of the Fox / Fix News channel just as Tony Blair did in Britain before he became Prime Minister. Hillary Clinton has been the power behind Bill all along, through all the drugrunning, corruption and killing, as highlighted by Barbara Olson, the Chief Investigative Counsel for a congressional committee that investigated the Clintons. In her book, Hell to Pay, she said that 'in scandal after scandal all roads lead to Hillary'. Olson wrote of Rodham Clinton's despicable methods when she was controlling events in the White House:
Hillary is not merely an aide and abettor to this secret police operation. She has been its prime instigator and organizer. In the political life of the Clintons, it was she who pioneered the use of private detectives. It was she who brought in and cultivated the professional dirt diggers and smear artists. It was she whose obsession with secrecy was so intense that when White House Counsel and former judge, Abner Mikva, finally bowed to the law and delivered subpoenaed documents, she and her White House scandal team lashed at him with such a vicious streak of humiliating profanity that he resigned. And then there is the public Hillary of It Takes a Village gentle, motherearth, and caring-sweet-talking the American people into socialism for their children. Hillary Clinton is a determined, focused leader who rapidly rose to the top ranks of the radical left, and who now seeks to foment revolutionary changes from the uniform of a pink suit. She used Arkansas as a laboratory for her ideas. As first lady, she tried to wield direct power on the national level and failed. Now she is inventing a career beyond her husband's, to make her own place in history to find a path to ultimate power. But serving as the junior senator from New York will not provide a stage big enough for such ambitions. Like Eleanor Roosevelt before her, Hillary Clinton seeks nothing less than an office that will give her a platform from which to exercise real power and real world leadership.

Hillary Clinton will be very relieved that Barbara Olson is no longer around to expose her during her election campaign. Olson was apparently a passenger on Flight 77, the plane that is alleged to have hit the Pentagon on September 11th. Some eight years after Olson wrote those words, Hillary Rodham Clinton announced she was running for president. For sure, anyone planning to stand in her way had better increase security.

New York's 9 /11 'hero' mayor, the Roman bloodline and mega-fraud, Rudi Giuliani, has announced that he is running for the Republicans and he will be helped by any Problem-Reaction-Solution attacks that persuade Americans they need 'strong leadership'. Clinton, Giuliani or whoever the next president may be, will be a bag man or woman for the Reptilian hybrid hierarchy because they all are.

The British One-Party State

This theme of one force controlling all sides can be found everywhere, including the one-party state they call the United Kingdom. There are some in politics who challenge the system, though only up to a point, but, when it comes to those making the crucial decisions, a one-party state is what it is. Dr Kitty Little was a long-time researcher into the corruption and infiltration within the British intelligence agencies (which are also deeply involved in the drug trade) and had access to sources at some very high levels for more than fifty years. Her career as a scientist included research for the Ministry of Aircraft Production during the Second World War, followed by nine years at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell. In her submission to the 1995 Nolan Committee on Standards in Public Life, she told the story of an attempt to recruit her to the Communist Party at Oxford University in 1940. What she said is even more significant given what has happened since. What Kitty calls the 'Communist Party', I would call the Reptilian hybrid conspiracy that works through the political 'left', 'right' and 'centre'. Oxford University was a bastion of the Rhodes and Milner circles and the Round Table secret society, particularly All Souls, New Chapel and Balliol. The 'communists', Kitty Little said, had gone 'underground' by joining the university Labour Party and she attended a meeting of a Labour Party 'study group' in a room at University College. The main speaker at the meeting, who clearly believed he was among 'friends', began to reveal the plot to 'destabilise the United Kingdom and Commonwealth, ready for a Marxist takeover'. Dr Little later realised that this was part of the plan to introduce the centralised global control that many call the New World Order. The plot was outlined by the speaker at that Oxford meeting to destroy United Kingdom defences, engineer a Marxist takeover of Rhodesia and South Africa, and to use what is now the European Union as a smokescreen to hide the changeover to a centralised, Marxist, rule of Europe. The plan was also to destroy British manufacturing industry. He went on to describe how members of the political section of this subversive organisation were going to infiltrate the British parliament and civil service, some entering each of the political parties. Many would go into the right wing of the Labour Party, others to the left wing of the Conservatives. Eventually, there would be a fusion into a new 'centre' party. He said that the British distrusted extremists and so posing as 'moderates' occupying the centre ground would allow them to dismiss their opponents as 'right wing extremists'. This is precisely what has happened. In 1981, we had the creation of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) by the 'Gang of Four' who jumped ship from the Labour Party. They were Lord (Roy) Jenkins (Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission); Lord (David) Owen (Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission); Bill Rogers (Bilderberg Group); and Shirley Williams. All supported the European Community/Union and Jenkins went on to be President of the European Commission. Their party later fused with the Liberals to become today's official 'centre party', the Liberal Democrats. Tony Blair and his

heavies then turned the Labour Party into the 'centre-ground' (extremist) 'New' Labour, and another political fraud called David Cameron, or Blair Mark II, has done the same with the Conservative Party. I heard Blair and Cameron brilliantly described as 'two cheeks on the same arse'. It has turned out just as the Oxford speaker said it would. The UK has one major political party going under three names Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat. The subversive organisation itself did not have a name, the speaker said, because that would make it harder for people to prove it existed. He said that he had been chosen to head the political section of this organisation and he expected himself one day to become the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. All this was said in 1940 and that man did indeed become Prime Minister. His name was ... Harold Wilson. Wilson was the British Prime Minister throughout the period between 1964 and 1976, except for the four years between 1970 and '74 when the Conservative Party leader, the shapeshifting child molester, Edward Heath, was in office and signing the UK into the European spider's web. Wilson and Heath were both Bilderbergers and close associates of Lord Victor Rothschild, who controlled British Intelligence. Wilson took over the Labour Party leadership with the death of Bilderberger, Hugh Gaitskell, in 1963. Significantly, Gaitskell was not in favour of a federal Europe and his death was very convenient. It allowed Wilson to become leader at an opportune time. Conservative Prime Minister Harold Macmillan was driven from office by the Profumo spy scandal in the same year that Gaitskell died, opening the way for the Bilderberger Sir Alec Douglas Home (Lord Home) to take over the premiership. Home would later be a chairman of the Bilderberg Group. The following year Home faced and was defeated by Harold Wilson in the 1964 election. The political upheavals in Britain happened at the same time as those in the United States, where Lyndon Johnson became President in 1963 after the Kennedy assassination in which, in my view, Lord Victor Rothschild was involved. Dr Kitty Little told me that when she made her story public, the Daily Express journalist and writer of intelligence 'exposs', Chapman Pincher, showed a copy of her allegations to Harold Wilson. He was issuing libel writs like confetti at the time, but his only reaction to Dr Little was to say she had mistaken him for a Tom Wilson. She knew she had done nothing of the kind, but she checked the entire university records and there was not even one 'T' Wilson enrolled there in the 20th century. She knew Wilson as an Economics Fellow at Oxford, because it was he who researched and compiled most of the Beveridge Report that created the welfare state and the social security system after the war. Sir William Beveridge, she says, was little more than a figurehead who put his name to it. On the surface, the report was admirable in many ways, but from the perspective of today it can perhaps be seen to have wider implications. It created dependency and control while destroying opportunities for self-reliance and independence outside the elite-controlled system. Now that this dependency has been created, the welfare state is being dismantled and what is left is being handed over to 'privatisation' the Reptilian hybrid bankers in other words. This is leaving people at the mercy of some very unpleasant people and organisations. Dr Little said in her submission to the Nolan Inquiry that the intentions set out by the young Harold Wilson at Oxford were transmitted to Moscow, and by the end of 1941 a double agent in the Kremlin had given the details to Britain's MI5. This was circulated to senior MI5

officers, but no action was taken. During this period, Kitty Little said, the 'senior subversive infiltrator' within British Intelligence was Lord Victor Rothschild. The nameless subversive organisation revealed by Harold Wilson has three sections, the political, economic, and 'biological'. The head of the biological section was the overall controller and, until his death, Dr Little says, that was Lord Victor Rothschild. It will be another Rothschild today. In a letter to the Speaker of the House of Commons on May 1st 1987, Dr Little says:
Early in the [Second World] war Wing Commander Arnold, then head of a section in MI5, had reason to think that Rothschild was not to be trusted. He took steps to have the most sensitive material kept from him, but found Rothschild's backers too powerful to do more than that. Later, when Sir Roger Hollis was Director-General, he asked Wing Commander Arnold for a detailed report of events from that era. When Wilson became leader of the Labour Party a very serious problem arose, since it was the head of the political section of the subversive organisation who was in line to become the next Prime Minister. Shortly before his death, the late Sir Theobald Matthew, the then Director of Public Prosecutions, told me that he considered that he and the Director General of MI5 had almost sufficient legally admissible evidence to prosecute. Sir Theobald said that in his opinion when a Minister used his official position to take action to promote objectives of a criminal organisation ... in a manner that would be criminal if he were acting as a private citizen, then those actions are still criminal. This is only logical, since Ministers are better placed than private citizens to do irreparable harm to the nation. Sir Theobald died while [a smear campaign was organised] against Sir Roger Hollis and the Deputy Director-General, that was launched with the aid of Lord Rothschild ... and so Wilson escaped prosecution.

Lord Victor Rothschild covertly collaborated with 'socialist' Harold Wilson (Bilderberg Group) and worked openly with 'Conservative' Edward Heath (Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission), who occupied Downing Street between them for some twelve years. Heath invited Rothschild to head his government's policy unit, the Central Policy Review Staff, and to select its personnel. From this time the run down of Britain's aircraft, shipbuilding, car, steel and machine tool industries began to quicken exactly as Wilson had predicted in 1940 and Heath agreed to secretly when he signed Britain into the European Community/Union. It was also Rothschild's influence that brought about the widespread use of intensive chemical farming methods. Another of Rothschild's roles was to supervise British Intelligence and reorganise the Foreign Office, and through both 'left-wing' Wilson and 'right wing' Heath he schemed for a European superstate and the end of national sovereignty. During their periods in office, Heath and Wilson both made organisational changes to MI5. Wilson limited the techniques of investigation that were allowed and demanded to be told if any MPs were under investigation. Heath went further and placed many other decision makers 'out of bounds' for the security services and the police. These two 'opponents' had a number of things in common, including their enthusiasm for the European Community. Dr Little

Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the most corrupt of all?


said she was told that Heath and Wilson were friends when they first arrived at Oxford University in the 1930s and they were certainly working to the same end as prime ministers. As I said earlier, political leaders invariably come through the public school and Oxford and Cambridge University system in Britain and its equivalent in other countries, such as the elite 'Ivy League' universities in the United States, which include Yale, Harvard, Princeton and Columbia. The term 'public school' is a misnomer because they are private fee-paying schools that the public cannot afford. The most elite families send their children to boarding schools, or 'prep schools', from the age of eight. Their parents deliver them to these often foreboding places at this young age and see them only at school holidays or school events. Most people could never do this to their children, but, when I say the Reptilian hybrids have no empathy, this also applies to relationships with their own offspring. Look at the emotionless relationships that the Queen and Prince Philip have with their children. This is archetypal Reptilian. The prep schools, or preparation schools, are well named for once. The children are prepared through the prep school, public school and university perception-machine for a life of system-serving and many never recover from the prep school/public school regimes based on fear, brutality and indoctrination. The bullies go on to run the system and the broken spirits go on to serve them in the lower ranks. One public school alone, Eton, where the royal children go, has produced nineteen British Prime Ministers.

Tony the phoney

Tony Blair was another public schoolboy to become Prime Minister when he was manipulated into office in 1997 to serve the Reptilian hybrids. He was selected long before he came to public attention, just like Clinton and Boy Bush, the American Presidents through the Blair years. Together, they have fronted the imposition of the Orwellian state. It was clear that Blair was a chosen one soon after he became leader of the then opposition Labour Party in 1994 with the sudden and convenient death of John Smith. A year earlier, Blair had attended his first meeting of the Bilderberg Group, and Rupert Murdoch and his media empire switched their support for the first time from the Conservative Party to Labour when Blair became leader. To get this far, Blair must already have proved his ability to follow orders without dissent and been fully aware of the consequences of saying 'no'. He had certainly been in the right place to be 'trained' the Temple in London where the secret society network, most notably the Knights Templar, is all-powerful. It was there that Blair and his future wife, Cherie, became barristers. He joined one of the barrister secret societies, or 'Inns of Court', called Lincoln's Inn, located at Holborn, an area owned by the Knights Templar many centuries ago. Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, born 1953, was the perfect front man for the Shadow People. He is vain and self-obsessed and wide open to ego massage. 'Oh emperor, you are so wise to see that we must take this course, you are such a great statesman and this will write your place in history.' Blair's apparent concern for how history will see him is confirmation that the man is ego-led, and such people are babesin-arms to the mind manipulators that surround them. He would also understand that you never refuse the masters or else. Blair's tenure in Downing Street, together with the Illuminati's American branch, advanced their goals dramatically. He served the agenda with distinction and he was a brilliant liar for those who didn't know the

background until the passage of events found him out. Reptilian hybrid leaders go through 'lie training' in which they are coached and mind-programmed to believe what they say when they say it. As the former leader of the Liberal Democrats, Paddy Ashdown, said of Blair: 'He always means it at the time'. Geoffrey Wheatcroft, author of the book, Yo Blair!, makes a similar point:
He is something far more dangerous: he is not a liar but a man with no grasp at all of the distinction between objective truth and falsehood. The more sincere and intense his expression, the more likely he is to be saying something that is not the case. It is the same with Bill Clinton. He has been through extensive programming to make him a 'safe' puppet to place upon the throne who can lie while keeping a straight face without a hint of shame. Blair's approach from the start was to present one of the most corrupt regimes in British history as the guardians of the moral high ground. They used to joke in the Whitehall offices that the Downing Street answering machine asked people to 'leave a message after the high moral tone'. He sound-bit his way from country to country, camera to camera, delivering his fake words with fake emotion, like the political messiah he believed himself to be. He was indeed a British version of Bill Clinton, complete with mega corruption. At the Labour Party conference in 2001, he declared: The starving, the wretched, the dispossessed, the ignorant, those living in want and squalor, from the deserts of northern Africa to the slums of Gaza, to the mountain ranges of Afghanistan: they, too, are our cause.

The Labour Party sycophants, who for so long cheered his every lie, were ecstatic at this declaration. There is nothing more powerful than telling people what they want to hear. Naturally, Blair would never deliver on his promises and empty words he was never meant to. While he talked about 'Labour values', he set about dismantling everything the Labour Party had previously claimed to stand for. He did this in concert with his diabolical duo, Peter Mandelson (Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission), the slithering Svengali fixer from the Reptile House, and his vicious spinner-in-chief, Alastair Campbell. The best way to decode the words of the Blairs, Clinton, Bushes or any of those in power, is to reverse their every statement. It really is that simple most of the time. 'I never had sexual relations with that woman', means 'We had oral sex in the Oval Office'. Blair's support for 'Labour Party values' means 'I am going to destroy them', and his extraordinary claim to be 'a pretty straight sort of guy' came from one of the most corrupt prime ministers in British history (an amazing feat given the competition). And remember these are the people, liars for a living, who told us the official story of September 11th. When Blair started going on and on about 'peace' it was bound to be the precursor to war. He appears to love wars. They became commonplace on his watch as he followed the orders of those who put him in 'power' and kept him there while it suited them. The invasion of Afghanistan was planned before 9/11 and the war with Iraq was agreed before Bush was even president. The cover story, as usual, was to say the opposite. While the preparations were underway for the slaughter of the innocent in their hundreds of thousands, Blair talked about the need for peace and justice, and lied


about threats to the world from Saddam Hussein with all the certainty of a man trained and programmed to believe it when he says it. However, such mendacity has a sell-by date and for Blair that is long past. With no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, let alone the ability to deploy them against British targets within the infamous forty-five minutes that he claimed, the Blair facade began to crack in the public mind and the crack became a chasm. Through this, have since flooded revelations about the depth of corruption that has been running Britain for a decade and there is far worse to come. Blair is the first sitting Prime Minister to be questioned by police for Figure 219: Tony Blair - a 'pretty a criminal investigation (though many others should straight sort of guy'. Anyone home? have been) and he stands accused of selling peerages to rich donors. Is he guilty? Of course he is, it's done with a nod and a wink that makes it difficult to prove. That's the way they work, these 'pretty straight sort of guys' (Figure 219). When he looks back, should he ever regain a grasp on reality, he may ask what it has all been for. A place in history? Yes, he has that, but not in the way his ego so yearned for. With what has come out already, and future revelations, the Blair years will be filed by history under 'Contemptuous'. It has been said that every political career ends in failure and that is overwhelmingly true. Even those who come into politics with the best of intent find themselves blocked or absorbed by a system that is still there when they take their pension. Blair's career is a failure in that he is an utterly discredited man suffering from a heart condition that is far worse than publicly acknowledged. But, from the Illuminati's perspective, Blair, like Bush, has been a towering success in achieving what they desire. Now he is no more use to them as Prime Minister, he will be rewarded with money and he has been given another 'prestigious position' as, outrageously, a 'peace envoy' to the very Middle East that he has helped to set ablaze with anger, indignation, death and suffering. If it suits the agenda, they may also eventually hang him out to dry. Either way, it is not his choice to make, but those who have made him and can destroy him at will. So it is with all of these 'powerful' leaders of the one-party state.

The sycophant vibration
A servile self-seeker who attempts to win favour by flattering influential people. Dictionary definition of 'sycophant'

Presidents, prime ministers and all the other 'leaders' in the system come and go to serve the Reptilian hybrid agenda. Some know exactly what they are doing and why, but most are manipulated or intimidated to follow the desired path. Sometimes money changes hands, sometimes secrets they don't want made public are blocked from investigation and publication, so long as they do as they're told. Cathy O'Brien and other recovering mind-controlled slaves have explained how politicians and others are targeted to provide them with men, women and children for sex. This is then secretly recorded and they either play the game without question, or the tape is publicly exposed. They've got tons of stuff on Bush, Clinton and Blair for a start, although with them it's not really necessary. There is another reason why the political system, indeed the system in general, thwarts even most of those who want to make a positive difference. Everything in this reality is a vibrational construct and unless you are really strong and unmovable in your principles the construct can vibrate you into line. When you put two violins together and pluck a string on one of them, the same string on the other violin begins to vibrate in what is called 'sympathetic resonance'. Itzhak Bentov gives another example in his book, Stalking the Wild Pendulum:
Suppose we get several old-fashioned pendulum-type grandfather clocks. Let us hang them on a wall and arrange the pendulums so that they will start beating each other at a different angle, that is out of phase with each other. If we disturb one of the clocks it will get locked [back] into rhythm quite fast. The larger the number of oscillators within such a system, the more stable the system, and the more difficult to disturb. It will force a wayward oscillator back into line very quickly.

This is what happens to so many people who want to change the system, especially those who go into politics. The system's vibrational construct is now so dense and rigid that it vibrates most challengers back into line. I have seen this so clearly with the UK Green Party which began with the best of intention, or at least many of its advocates did. It has become just another system-party stuck in rigid thought, refusing to even investigate the real cause of 9/11, or the global conspiracy in general. Its MEPs in the European Parliament now dress, think and talk like the classic construct-politician and they

The sycophant vibration


support a 'Europe of regions', which is exactly what the Illuminati are manoeuvring for the break up of countries into regions ruled by a centralised European hierarchy in a United States of Europe. The Green Party has been vibrated into line and now serves the construct because it is part of the construct. As a result, it is an irrelevance. Politics is full of 'radical' politicians who became system-servers and two who always come to mind are the British Labour Party's Neil Kinnock and Peter Hain. Windbag Kinnock was the 'firebrand' anti-establishment orator who argued against British membership of the European Community/Union. He and his wife went on to make an absolute fortune by serving the European Union as bureaucrat and politician, and Kinnock is now a member of the very House of Lords that he once claimed to despise. The system got him because he was always wind rather than substance, and the construct has those people for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Peter Hain made his name as a campaigner for human rights and then became a pillar of the establishment in a Blair government demolishing human rights. The examples are endless of vibrational turncoats whose principles are negotiable in return for wealth and power. Their own energetic construct is not strong enough to resist the system's construct, and it falls to sympathetic resonance. The system is always seeking to force 'a wayward oscillator back into line' in all areas of society, not just politics. This manifests itself in five-sense reality with people being ridiculed, condemned, fired, marginalised, attacked financially, jailed or even killed for refusing to shut up and conform. Some, however, and the numbers are gathering, will not concede at any price and they are the ones who will make the change.

Rule by sycophant
There is another energetic construct that goes under the name of 'sycophant'. It is the crucial support system to the power elite. Sycophant is defined as 'someone who flatters in a servile way; a crawler,' and you find them in every area of life, particularly around royalty and those in high political office. The 'Syc-oes' are, in truth, the very foundation of the system that seeks to enslave us and their vital contribution to world affairs, war and injustice is mostly ignored and seriously underplayed. I have always had an aversion to the sycophant, the arse-licking hero worshippers who concede their right to free thought and individuality to the perceived 'greatness' of another or in the belief that it will help them scale the social peaks. The establishment structure is fiercely hierarchical and sycophancy is the sticky stuff, or sicky stuff, that holds it all together. The rule is that you must be sycophantic to those 'above' you and demand sycophancy from those below. That way, everyone knows their place and which arse to keep clean. These hierarchical structures are classically Reptilian and right in line with the traits of the Reptilian Brain, or 'R-complex'. There is no better example than the British Royal Family. People bow, kneel and back out of the room in the presence of these deeply imbalanced symbols of injustice and control simply because of their manufactured titles like king, queen, prince, princess, lord or whatever. Ambitious clergy must know that 'God' is one step down from the monarch. They might not say this, but that's how most of them act, especially those in the finest robes and prettiest frocks. The Christian hierarchy may talk about the need for justice, fairness and equality (well, now and then), but they know their place. The Mother Goddess on the throne must not be criticised for her staggering wealth, most of it plundered through theft, slaughter and conquest across the centuries. That would

upset the Goddess, the Defender of the Faith, and she is there to be obeyed, not challenged. The climbing clergy don't become a voice of the downtrodden and abused. No, no, they are in service to the system. The Holy Grail of sycophancy is the monarch's Coronation when the 'servants of God' tell the people which false idol they should pay homage to. The fact that the would-be monarch sitting on the throne before them is only there because their bloodline has been manipulated, often through violence, into the succession is of no interest or relevance to the men in the Nimrod hats. You want to speak out against the system and be a Christian priest? Well, I know this little village church on an island in the far north of Scotland. When can you leave? The Coronation script captures the mood:
The Archbishop, together with the Lord Chancellor, Lord Great Chamberlain, Lord High Constable, and Earl Marshal (Garter King of Arms preceding them), shall then go to the East side of the Theatre, and after shall go to the other three sides in this order, South, West, and North, and at every of the four sides the Archbishop shall with a loud voice speak to the People: and the Queen in the meanwhile, standing up by King Edward's Chair, shall turn and show herself unto the People at every of the four sides of the Theatre as the Archbishop is at every of them, the Archbishop saying: Sirs, I here present unto you Queen Elizabeth, your undoubted Queen: Wherefore all you who are come this day to do your homage and service ...

Can I have the sickbag after you, please? Strict ritual is utterly Reptilian they just love it, and sycophancy is an essential ingredient. Power can be an immense magnetic force and those who seek it, or its prestige, are bound to be sucked in. There is an antidote, though: don't seek power over others and keep your tongue in your mouth. Trevor Phillips is Britain's best-known 'defender of racial equality'. He claims to believe that everyone should be treated the same and given equal opportunity, no matter what their race, creed or colour. If this were the case that would be great, but it isn't because the establishment hierarchy takes precedence over everything, including racism. Sycophancy is all-powerful. I wrote to Mr Phillips when he was head of the Commission for Racial Equality, a government operation designed, it says, to investigate and prosecute cases of racial discrimination reported by the public. I made an official complaint about the fundamentally racist system of selecting the reigning monarch. Not only does the king or queen have to be white and from the same genetic line, they even have to follow, at least officially, a particular branch of a particular faith Protestant Christianity. The monarchy is the most racist and elitist of institutions and I asked Phillips and the Commission to (a) investigate and prosecute those involved, and (b) why the head of the 'anti-racist' Commission (i.e. him) had accepted an honour from a racial elitist the Queen. I received in return a bullshit letter from the Commission lawyer that studiously avoided the points about royal racism and the gross hypocrisy of Phillips' honour. It was the establishment speaking on behalf of itself. Of course it was. The demands of the system overrule everything, especially logic and justice. The power

The sycophant vibration


structure has to be defended at all costs. Phillips was rewarded for his loyalty to the established order by being appointed to head a 'Commission for Equality and Human Rights', where he can serve the system in a bigger chair.

Re-wired 'Rockers'
Maybe it's just me, but the sight of 'Prince of Darkness', Ozzy Osbourn, talking about the 'honour' of performing before the Queen makes my belly churn as do the bevy of showbiz `celebs' and others who line up each year to be 'honoured' by monarchy and state for 'services' to whatever. Invariably, it means service to the system, the very system that is screwing the people who made them 'celebs' in the first place. One notable example is the former 'anti-establishment' rock singer, the money-obsessed Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones. He completed his seamless transformation to system sycophant when he accepted a knighthood at Buckingham Palace in 2003. The Stones' Keith Richards said it was 'ludicrous' for Jagger to take a 'gong' from the establishment, because it was not what the band was all about. He must have surely noticed that Jagger had long succumbed to the attractions of system-worship and kneeling to royalty was merely history repeating and taking its course. It is a well-trodden path. 'I don't really think the establishment as we knew it exists any more', said the new 'Sir Michael' Jagger. In fact, it is more powerful than ever because the lines are no longer clearly drawn. It has not diminished, it has further infiltrated. Only its faces have changed, not its power-base. A profound expression of the establishment suction machine is the case of 'Sir' Bob Geldof, another royal honour-bearer and unofficial 'sir', and Bono of the band, U2. For me, Bono has always been more lightweight in his presentation of global injustice, but at the time of Live Aid in 1985 Geldof was magnificently outspoken about the system's built-in bias that blights the lands and lives of billions. What has happened to him since the surly became a 'sir'? The construct appears to have vibrated him into line. We now have the sight of Geldof praising Boy Bush for what he has 'done' for Africa, and the same with Blair and his successor as Prime Minister, Gordon Brown. Bono called them 'the John and Paul of the global development stage' in his bid to be Sycophant of the Year. Yet, Blair and Brown are front men for the very rape of Africa and elsewhere that Geldof once so memorably articulated. They both supported and instigated finance and action that has led to the death or maiming of more than a million civilians in the former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq. They supported and campaigned for sanctions against Iraq in the 1990s that, even according to United Nations figures, cost the lives of more than half a million children. As with all 'Western' governments, their trade and finance policies are devastating countries in Africa. Even so, Geldof told the Labour Party Conference that Blair and Brown had helped to change the political landscape by putting Africa at the top of the agenda at the 2005 G-8 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland. 'It really altered the parameters of what's doable in politics', he said. 'They saved an awful lot of people from going down the tube. That was achieved last year. It must be continued.' Claptrap Bob. For God's sake, wake-the-hell-up. In reality, Gleneagles was all a show, a sleight-of-hand to which Geldof, Bono and their 'Live-8' concert gave essential cover. It wasn't that they meant to, but they became so close to the manipulators they fell for the manipulation. Geldof and Bono have both been invited to speak at the Labour Party Conference and, on a stage that is the very epitome of spin, this does not happen unless it serves the spinner's purpose.

Geldof is not a sycophant of power in its most extreme sense, though Bono shows all the symptoms, but he has allowed the intoxication of political position to cloud his judgement. If you are a potential problem to the system it either seeks to destroy you or draw you into its lair. Once again, Keith Richards saw through the contradictions, refusing to take part in Live-8 because the line between establishment and campaigner was much too thin: 'I just thought the connection between Geldof and the Labour Party was ... just too tight ... Who is this gratifying and where were the Africans? Where was their say?' African musicians were only introduced to Live-8 when their absence was highlighted and condemned, and even then they were given their own stage hundreds of miles away from the main event in London. It was musical apartheid, not on the basis of race, but of fame. 'Music' has an establishment also. 'Sir' Bob Geldof and Sir Mick Jagger had tried to make Richards change his mind ... 'Oh yeah, all the Sirs had a bash every one of them', he said. Richards may well have been seen as not supporting the suffering children of Africa, but, in his assessment of what he saw, he was right. Surely we should be pursuing real change, not the sycophantic illusion of it. As the aid charities have confirmed, even the limited promises at Gleneagles in 2005, so praised by Geldof, have not been delivered. They were never meant to be. By the time of the G-8 summit in 2007 even Geldof and Bono appeared to realise that they had been had.

The fawning faithful

I watched with a gathering dismay the trail of British 'celebs' supporting the 'New' Labour Party under Blair as, like Bush's Republicans, it goose-stepped its way to an Orwellian tyranny. The Labour Party was founded in 1893 as a defender of the masses from the fascism of the established order, but, under successive leaders, especially Blair, it has become the established order and so many of its sycophants have made the same journey. In 2006, the lie-machine that is Anthony Blair made his last speech as leader to the Labour Party Conference. It was the usual catalogue of lies, exaggerations and avoidance of reality. If you ever find a half-truth in a Blair speech it is a typing error. One newspaper put it like this: 'Almost every word Blair spoke would have been perjury had he been on oath'. As the last lie left his lips, the Labour faithful were on their feet their symbolic knees for nine minutes cheering and clapping to the dictates of those conducting this sickening spectacle. Hundreds of thousands of dead people were forgotten, the lies that led to wars of conquest and mass murder no longer conscious. Sycophancy is truly an amnesic condition. As if the soul had not suffered enough, the next day brought Bill Clinton to the Labour stage for his fix of hero-worship. This is the man who joined with Blair to bomb the former Yugoslavia and impose the devastating sanctions on Iraq; who gets his kicks abusing mind-controlled slaves like Cathy O'Brien; who ran cocaine through the Mena airstrip in Arkansas with the Bush family; and whose life is littered with the dead bodies of those who could have brought him down. Tony Blair said of Clinton: 'When I see him speak, I thank the Lord he is on my side'. As character references go, it doesn't get much worse. Where were the members of the Labour Party (the 'party of the people') when Clinton's last lie had faded into the ether? Back on their sycophantic feet cheering the very personification of the system their party was supposed to have been founded to challenge. Even Ken Livingstone, the longreformed 'left wing radical' Mayor of London, was up there smiling his approval and slapping palms with the rest of them. The 'radical' Guardian newspaper put it this way:

The sycophant vibration


... this was the speech of a truly serious political leader, and if it went on five minutes longer than it needed to do, it was still a performance of the highest possible class. If one were reviewing it, five stars would not be enough. What a speech. What a pro. And what a loss to the leadership of America and the world.

That was said by a 'serious' newspaper of a drug-running serial liar and serial killer. In America, the rich and famous 'Democrats' of Hollywood, the very home of sycophancy, treat the Clinton like royalty when, in reality, their lives are like a script from a horror movie. Where establishment power goes, sycophancy follows, for without it there would be no establishment power in the first place. It is not only that power creates sycophancy, but that sycophancy creates power. Political power is the ability to make others do things. If we don't do them where is the power? It is the sycophants and the acquiescence of the general population that allows the Reptilian hybrids to prosper. What we are looking at here is like a mathematical equation: Desire for control + sycophancy = power. Desire for control + sycophancy + acquiescence of the general population = absolute power. It is in the latter equation that the answer lies. Real change for the better is not triggered from within 'the club', the 'establishment' in all its forms, where elites rule and sycophants follow and lick. It happens when the club is forced to acknowledge the will of the people or fall. Great reforms have come when the people have said enough is enough and the establishment has had to respond to protect itself. There is a belief that you have to be inside the club to affect decisions, but it's not true. If you encircle the building with demands for change and cover all the exits (don't take no for an answer), the establishment has to act. Far from covering the exits, Live-8 and Gleneagles in 2005 provided one. It allowed the appearance of action on world poverty to hide the fact that nothing of substance was happening. When the pathetic 'help' for Africa was announced, Bob Geldof and co should have been screaming 'no, no, disgraceful the campaign will be stepped up and we will hound you and expose you until you do the decent thing'. Instead, he talked up the 'help' and gave the dark suits their getaway car. The real sign of change at the Labour Party conference, when Blair made his last appearance as leader, was outside the hall in the tens of thousands of people who came from all over Britain to protest at the wars of conquest and control. It is in such demands for change and, even more importantly, in mass peaceful refusal to cooperate with the system, that the powers of imposition will lose their grip on the lives of people. Only then will establishment power be exposed as the illusion that it is power that is nothing more than the abdication of power by sycophant and population. Even this is only a stage on the road to a new and truly free 'world'. Changing the established order is one thing, but without a massive consciousness shift to a higher level of awareness, an old establishment falls only for a new one to replace it. Indeed, old and new are the same establishment under different names, be it a democracy, a republic, or a fascist state. Only with an enormous shift, way beyond the Reptilian consciousness of hierarchy, can we move into the realm of universal freedom. We'll know when we get there, because the desire for power over others will be confined to history, bloodline will be irrelevant and the world will be sycophant-free.

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Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds. Bob Marley

Mind control is not some fantasy story that you see in the movies. It has been happening to you all your life. To control the population you need to control the way they think, feel and perceive reality, and every minute of every day most people are repeating as their 'opinion' what someone else has implanted consciously, or subconsciously. Mind control is not only the creation of 'Manchurian Candidates' to carry out assassinations and do the will of their programmers. It is also manipulating the population to believe the official story of 9 /11 and that there really is a need to destroy freedom so that freedom can be protected. Control of the mind is to get someone to think what you want them to think and thus dictate their behaviour. Under that definition, who isn't mind controlled to a larger or lesser extent? 'Journalists' and other media people are mind controllers, and most of them don't even know it. By reporting a false version of events they are getting people to think in a way which suits the power structure. That is mind control, nothing less. Every Problem-Reaction-Solution and Totalitarian Tiptoe scenario is mind control at work, and so is manipulative advertising that makes you buy this car, or that tin of beans. We are entering deeply significant territory here. When you are the few and you wish to control the many, you must program the minds of the many to see the world as you wish them to see it. If you can't do that, you've got no chance. You don't have the numbers to control the masses physically and you have to manipulate them to police themselves and hand their power to you. I have done an enormous amount of research into mind control over the years and met a long line of people subjected to government mind control projects in many countries, especially North America and the United Kingdom. They tell compellingly consistent stories of what happened to them and the famous names involved the Bushes, Clinton, Windsors, and other names that have already appeared in this book. I am going to explore many facets of mind control, including the targeting of children and the population in general, but I'll start by describing what happens in the beyondtop-secret mind control programmes. These are run and financed by the Reptilian hybrid network through the agencies of politics, military and 'intelligence'. They are designed to produce assassins, sex slaves for the sex-obsessed Reptilian hybrids, and fully-controlled people who can serve the agenda in many and various ways.

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One mind, many 'people'

One method of creating human robots is called Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), also known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). This involves using trauma to fracture the mind into a series of self-contained compartments, or 'alters'. When we experience extreme trauma, like a serious road accident, the mind creates an amnesic barrier around the memory so we don't have to keep reliving it. The memory is retained in vivid detail, because we are so focused at times of trauma and danger, but it is prevented from entering the conscious mind. How many times do people injured in car crashes say they cannot remember the immediate lead up to the accident, or the impact? The reason is this mental 'firewall' and on that level it's a good thing. As they knew thousands of years ago in ancient Egypt and Babylon, and developed further in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany, this process can be used to create mindcontrolled zombies. They honeycomb the mind into endless compartments 'alters' by using constant torture and other forms of extreme trauma to create the amnesic barriers that block out the memory of the horrors they have experienced. Each of these alters thinks it is the whole mind when it is a mere fragment. The mind magicians create what is called a 'front alter' that is programmed with personality traits that appear to be the victim's 'personality'. People they meet think the front alter is who they are, just as the victim does. The 'back alters' in the subconscious are programmed with various other 'personalities', or tasks, and when the trigger words, sound or action are given the alters 'switch'. A back alter comes forward to take over their physical behaviour and perception of reality and the front alter is 'parked' in the subconscious. Once the task is completed, the alters are reversed and the front later comes back. It has no idea what has been experienced by the other alter in its absence. In this way, children can be sexually abused by people like Father George Bush and have no memory of it, or messages can be passed between famous people in complete secrecy. Mind-slaves are used to assassinate Reptilian hybrid targets, such as John Lennon and JFK's brother, Bobby Kennedy (see And The Truth Shall Set You Free and The Biggest Secret for the details). This is why so many assassinations are performed by people with the same mental profile the so-called 'lone nutter'. They are not alone, and their apparent insanity is their programming. Two 'dead eyes', as they are called, were Thomas Hamilton, who killed sixteen children at a school in Dunblane, Scotland in 1996 and Martin Bryant, who was jailed for the shooting spree at Port Arthur in Tasmania that killed thirty-five people weeks later. Such things are Problem-Reaction-Solutions coordinated to traumatise the population and cause the fear that seeks protection from the authorities. September 11th was an extreme example of this technique. These people are often programmed, like Hamilton, to kill themselves, so the evidence dies with them. At least most of the suicide bombers are mind-controlled 'dead eyes' used to instil collective trauma and fear. These mind-control techniques are not confined to the 'West', they are used everywhere. Mossad, the Rothschild intelligence agency based in Israel, is expert in these matters, and it has used programmed suicide bombers to divide and rule and stop any peace negotiations that the Reptilian hybrids want to scupper. I was not in the least surprised when the former German Defence Minister, Andreas von Buelow, told me that the 'Arab' terrorist, Abu Nidal, the Osama bin Laden of his day, was an asset of Mossad.


One we made earlier ...

Cho Seung-Hui, the 23-year-old student who killed more than thirty people in a shooting spree in April 2007, was an obvious case of mind-control (Figure 220). The mass murder took place at the Viginia Tech in the apparently insignificant town of Blacksburg, but a nearby mountain is home to one of the most secret and advanced centres for governmentmilitary mind control programmes in the United States. The profiles of these 'lone nutters' and strange people who carry out these mass and targeted assassinations (and some who are wrongly accused of doing so), are remarkably similar because they are products of the same programming Figure 220: Cho Seung-Hui techniques. Here are some common themes in these mind-controlled assassinations and massacres: psychiatric treatment and drugs that cause suicidal behaviour, mania, psychosis, hallucinations and hostility; an obsession with something, often guns; the person being 'a loner' with a personality considered 'strange' or 'weird' by those who knew them; killing themselves after they kill others; unaccountable incompetence by the police before, during or after the event; the absence of normal security arrangements or reactions. Almost all programmed killers and killings have combinations of these characteristics, and again and again psychiatric drugs are involved. This was the case with: 'Unabomber' Ted Kaczinski; Charles Carl Roberts IV, the Amish school assassin; John Hinckley Jr, who tried to assassinate President Reagan (an act that would have made Father Bush president); Michael McDermott, who killed seven co-workers in 2000; and Byran Uyesugi, who did the same in 1999. These drugs were also used by most of the other people I have already mentioned and many more. Now look at what the London Daily Mail said about Cho Seung-Hui, under the headline: Murder threats, stalking, sick plays: why was he free to kill?
No-one doubted that Cho Seung-Hui was weird. He seldom spoke, rarely made eye contact and never socialised with fellow students at Virginia Tech. In the bustling atmosphere of this 26,000-strong community he was always the loner a sullen, solitary face among some of the brightest, and most outgoing graduates on the university campus. Now in the wake of America's worst gun atrocity the full, disturbing picture of Cho's sinister, twisted mind is gradually emerging. He had spent time in a mental facility after threatening to kill himself and was on medication for depression. At college he had become a stalker with a simmering dislike of women, so incapable of forming relationships that he invented an imaginary girlfriend. The plays and poetry he wrote featured descriptions of murder and sexual abuse. Chillingly, he posted a message on a college web forum that warned: 'I'm going to kill people at Va. Tech'.

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Yet incredibly, these and other warning signs were repeatedly ignored even after police were called to investigate claims 15 months ago he had been stalking two teenage girls after one of his lecturers complained about his behaviour.

One student said that Cho 'walked like an apparition ... like a ghost'. As with Thomas

Hamilton in Dunblane, he was able to buy guns, despite his unstable behaviour. The medical report that he had been sectioned in a psychiatric hospital did not show up when gun checks on him were carried out. In December 2005, a district court in Montgomery County Virginia, ruled that Cho was 'an imminent danger to self or others' after stalking the two female students. Once again, nothing was done. One of his lecturers, the British-born Lucinda Roy, filed a report to the university more than a year before the shooting saying he was in need of urgent psychological help. She had been concerned by his macabre writings and plays (probably 'inspired' by his trauma programming). The authorities said Lucinda was denying his 'freedom of speech' and nothing was done, except for a suggestion that he change classes. She said of Cho: 'It felt like I was talking to a big dark hole, sometimes, as if the person wasn't really there'. 'He' wasn't; his programming was. There was a nearly two-hour gap between the shootings of the first two people at 7.15 am and when Cho began his main killing spree. In that time, there was no mass warning of students, even though loudspeakers are located throughout the campus. Instead, the university sent emails. The police did not seal off the campus after the first killings, a fact that former university police officer, George French, said was 'beyond belief'. 'Setting up a series of roadblocks, controlling access to very large pieces of property, is very much routine on any university campus in Canada and the United States', he said.

After a double homicide, when you're looking for a dangerous fellow with a firearm, I find it unfathomable that a series of roadblocks weren't set up ... to prevent the felon from escaping. If you had a snowstorm, the whole education system can be shut down with a few phone calls.
French said that all universities have 'very serious plans' to respond to such attacks using 'all county, state, and local law enforcement ... in Blacksburg, we saw police cowering and hiding'. French said he could find no logical conclusion except deliberate inaction on the part of officials: 'We have another coordinated, allowed event ... the parallels are so common in each case, you can write the script in advance'. The late Lawrence Teeter was a lawyer for the mind-controlled patsy, Sirhan Sirhan, who is still in jail after being wrongly convicted for the assassination of Bobby Kennedy in 1968. Teeter said of the extraordinary lack of investigation by Los Angeles police in the Sirhan case: 'I don't believe in the Keystone Cops hypothesis for these assassinations. There is too much stupidity for this to be stupidity'. That's the way it is in all these staged killings. Police and emergency medical staff have said there was an order from the federal authorities not to pursue Cho while the killing was going on. An eyewitness, Matt Kazee, said that police and medical people told him the same. They were ordered to wait until the Feds arrived. The Virginia Tech massacre was a textbook psychological


warfare attack on the American psyche by the nexus of mind-control and special operations personnel. The headquarters for the US military's psychological warfare chiefs is Fort Bragg, North Carolina, where Michael Canavan, the head of security for the Federal Aviation Administration on 9 /11, was Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command. The plan is to bombard the collective psyche with so many shocks, such as 'terrorist attacks' Figure 221: A mind-controlled Richard Hammond and 'lone nutter gunmen', that the public thinks the pedal car is his own Porsche. Paul McKenna is in the background look to their government to protect them. In doing so, people will accept fundamental breaches of their civil and human rights in the cause of 'keeping us safe'. It is simple and devastatingly effective until the targets know what the game is.

So easy ...
Most people don't realise how completely the mind can be controlled, but a skilled hypnotist can work apparent miracles, even without the long-term trauma that the big boys deal in. I saw the British hypnosis expert, Paul McKenna, program the television presenter, Richard Hammond, in an edition of the BBC motoring show, Top Gear. Obviously, the preparations had been done before the filmed sequences, but Hammond would not have remembered that. He sat behind the wheel of a car on a test track and McKenna gave the trigger signal that immediately caused him to lose consciousness. He was given the instruction that he would not remember how to drive a car and when he was 'clicked' back to a wakened state that's exactly what happened. He couldn't remember even how to insert the ignition key. All this happened on film and when they came back live to the studio they had a good laugh about it. For Hammond, though, it wasn't over. McKenna triggered him again and told him that the toy pedal car on the studio floor was actually his brand new Porsche 911Turbo. He got into the pedal vehicle as if it was his own full-sized Porsche and another presenter, Jeremy Clarkson, ran his pedal car into the side (Figure 221). Hammond reacted as if his Porsche had been hit. When you see that, imagine what is possible in mind control projects that have hundreds of millions of dollars to spend on research and development, and endless victims on which to experiment. The 'physical' body is a computer and can be programmed with 'software' instructions when you know how it works and these guys do.

Cathy's Story ...

The major problem the manipulators face is that as a person gets older their mind can become strong enough to break down compartments. At this point, the memories of what happened come flooding back. Not only that, they are graphically relived because, as I said, the mind is so focused at times of trauma that memories recorded in those states can be recalled with photographic detail. I have met so many people who are

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going through this unimaginable process, including one woman who thought she had been a virgin when she married only to realise she had been in countless sexual encounters while in other alters. One thing they are all agreed upon, however, is that while the sick and depraved can program the computer level of reality they cannot get to their core spirit, the eternal, infinite 'I', and it is that which gets them through the most unspeakable experiences. In 1996, it was my great privilege to meet the incredible Cathy O'Brien (Figure 222), who has become a close and valued friend. She is the co-author, with Mark Phillips, of Trance-Formation of America and Access Denied, which tell her story and expose the stunningly evil mind control programmes in the United States. I have heard the same basic story, and Figure 222: Cathy O'Brien an extraordinary woman many of the same names, from a host of recovering mind-slaves. It is clear that what is happening in North America is happening in Britain and throughout the world. What Cathy says has been supported so many times in my research and, challenging as it is for those who are new to this information, it is, unfortunately, true. Cathleen Ann O'Brien was born in 1957 in Muskegon, Michigan. Her father Earl O'Brien was a paedophile and one of her first memories was being unable to breathe because his penis was in her mouth. Such trauma automatically triggers Multiple Personality Disorder as the child's mind blocks out the memory behind an amnesic barrier. Her father's friends were also allowed to abuse and rape the young Cathy and her brothers, just as her father and mother had been abused as children. Her mother was sexually abused by Cathy's grandfather, the leader of a Masonic Blue Lodge. Her mother's brother, 'Uncle Bob' to Cathy, was a pilot in Air Force Intelligence who claimed that he worked for the Vatican. That will certainly make sense to readers of this book. 'Uncle Bob' was a commercial pornographer and Cathy's father forced her and her older brother Bill to take part in pornographic films made for the local Michigan Mafia. They were connected to the 'Porn King' Gerald Ford, who then represented Michigan in Congress. He would later be the Vice-President of the United States under Richard Nixon and President when Nixon was ousted by Watergate. Cathy says she was raped by Ford while a little child in the office of Michigan State Senator, Guy VanderJagt. When Ford died aged 93 at the end of 2006, President Boy Bush called him 'a great American who gave many years of dedicated service to our country' with his 'quiet integrity, common sense and kind instincts'. Senator VanderJagt, who also raped little Cathy, would become the chairman of the Republican Party National Congressional Committee which supported the presidential campaign of Father George Bush, another child rapist named in Cathy's book who has turned up over and over in my research into child abuse. Gerald Ford, a Yale man yet again, served the Illuminati nearly all his life and he was appointed to the Warren Commission which covered up the truth about the Kennedy assassination. Documents released in 1997 revealed that it was Ford who changed the evidence of where Kennedy was hit to make it conform to the ludicrous 'magic bullet' theory the claim that a single bullet had struck Kennedy

from the rear, passed through his body to hit Texas Governor John Connally in the back, before exiting through his chest, passing through his wrist and ending up in his thigh. As Cyril Wecht, president of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, said: 'In order to accept the single-bullet theory, it is necessary to have the bullet move at different vertical and horizontal angles, a path of flight that has never been experienced or suggested for any bullet known to mankind.' But have no fear, Gerry's here. Father Bush said in the eulogy at Ford's funeral:
After a deluded gunman assassinated President Kennedy, our nation turned to Gerald Ford and a select handful of others to make sense of that madness. And the conspiracy theorists can say what they will, but the Warren Commission report will always have the final definitive say on this tragic matter. Why? Because Gerry Ford put his name on it and Gerry Ford's word was always good.

What can you do but laugh in the face of such barefaced nonsense?

Project Monarch
Cathy's father was caught sending child pornography through the post a film of young Cathy having sex with a boxer dog. To avoid prosecution, Cathy was handed over by her father to the United States government and the Defense Intelligence Agency. He was delighted with the deal, because he was now immune from prosecution and could continue his pornography and paedophile activities while the authorities looked the other way. The agency was searching for sexually abused children with Multiple Personality Disorder who came from families with a history of intergenerational child abuse. The 'aptitude' for mind compartmentation and the creation of alters is passed on through the generations in the computer downloads we call procreation. They want the children before the age of five or six while the neuron pathways are still forming and, in Cathy's case, she was used for 'studies' into genetic mind control, operating under the title of Project Monarch. They were particularly keen to find children with blond hair and blue eyes (the genetics that Reptilians most want to interbreed with), so Cathy was perfect for them in every way. Project Monarch was an offshoot of the notorious MKULTRA programme (later also known as MKSEARCH) that was started by the Reptilian hybrid CIA Director, Allen Dulles, in 1953. The MKULTRA records were destroyed in 1973 on the orders of CIA Director, Richard Helms, when news of what was going on began to come to light. The government was forced into announcing an inquiry into the CIA's activities. Guess what it was called? The Rockefeller Commission, headed by Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller. Guess who officially ordered it? President

Gerald Ford.
MK stands for Mind Kontrolle the German spelling of 'K' replacing the 'C' in deference to the Nazis formerly serving Hitler who inspired the project. They included Josef Mengele, the 'Angel of Death' in the concentration camps. He performed mind and genetic experiments on the inmates that produced many of the techniques that were employed in MKULTRA. Mengele's experiments with twins in the concentration camps gave him the ability to compare how his experiments had changed the mind of one compared with the other. I have met many people who were sickeningly tortured and abused by Mengele in North America where he used the name 'Dr Green'. Mengele and

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his fellow Nazis in MKULTRA escaped from Germany at the end of the war thanks to British intelligence (the Rothschilds), the Office of Strategic Services and CIA (headed by Allen Dulles, who started MKULTRA), the Knights of Malta and the Church of Rome. The man who arrived at Cathy's house to give her father the ultimatum of 'hand over your daughter or be prosecuted' was Gerald Ford, who ordered the 'inquiry' into MKULTRA and the CIA when the brown stuff hit the fan. See how it all works? Cathy's father was sent to Harvard University, near Boston, to be instructed in how to prepare his daughter for the mad professors of the government agencies. Cathy says in her book, Trance-Formation of America: ... in keeping with his government-provided instructions, my father began working me li ke the legendary Cinderella. I shovelled fireplace ashes, hauled and stacked firewood, raked leaves, shovelled snow, chopped ice, and swept 'because', my father said, 'your little hands fit so nicely around the rake, mop, shovel, and broom handles ...' By this ti me my father's exploitation of me included prostitution to his friends, local mobsters and Masons, relatives, Satanists, strangers, and police officers ...
... Government researchers involved in MKULTRA Project Monarch knew about the photographic memory aspect of MPD/DID, of course, as well as other resultant 'super human' characteristics. Visual acuity of an MPD/DID is 44 times greater than that of the average person. My developed unusually high pain threshold, plus compartmentalisation of memory, were 'necessary' for military and covert operations applications. Additionally, my sexuality was primitively twisted from infancy. This programming was appealing and useful to perverse politicians who believed they could hide their actions deep within my memory compartments, which clinicians refer to as personalities.

The Church of Rome and Jesuit connection comes up again in Cathy's story. Given its fundamental involvement in the global conspiracy, how could it not? Cathy says she was abused by Father James Thaylen when she sought comfort at a Roman Catholic Church called St. Francis de Sales in Muskegon. Another priest, a Father Don, was a paedophile who helped Gerald Ford's friend, Guy VanderJagt, to confuse and abuse her in line with the 'requirements' of Project Monarch. Later, she was sent to a Roman Catholic School, one of many used to safely house mind-controlled children under a strict regime designed to increase the depth of their Dissociative Identity Disorder. Her school was Muskegon Catholic Central High School where she was raped by Father Vesbit many times, on one occasion during a satanic ritual involving other mindcontrolled boys and girls in his private chapel. The Reptilians and their hybrids are the force behind Satanism. The Jesuits, Knights of Malta and the Roman Church hierarchy are all involved in mind-control outrages like Project Monarch and MKULTRA. Cathy was pressured and manipulated by the Catholic 'priests' into keeping secrets from a young age through a technique known as the 'Rite to Remain Silent', and there were so many secrets to keep locked away in her compartmentalised mind. Religions are widely used to manipulate people and as a 'respectable' cover for torture and mind manipulation.

Mind-controlled 'leaders'
Cathy says she was placed under the control of the US 'Democrat' Senator for West Virginia, Robert C. Byrd, and her abuse by him and government agencies expanded. She said that Byrd controlled a network of mind-controlled slaves and loved nothing more than to whip them mercilessly until they were close to death. One of Byrd's associates, Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont, would later torture Cathy by putting a needle in her eye while her daughter, Kelly, was forced to watch. Leahy was ViceChairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee and served on Byrd's Senate Appropriations Committee. He went on to be Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee for State, Foreign Operations and related programmes. Byrd, a cocaine addict, often bragged to 'safe' people of how he mind-controlled President Jimmy Carter while he was Carter's 'confidant and advisor'. The hypnotic voice of Byrd became the 'voice of God' to a praying and meditating Carter, who faithfully followed the 'guidance' he believed was divine. Many 'world leaders' are under forms to mind control because the Reptilians and their hybrids are terrified of 'mavericks' and people they can't control. Boy Bush, Clinton and Blair have all been through forms of programming. It helps them to sell a lie because they 'mean it when they say it' and it can help people become very good actors. Hollywood is full of actors and actresses with Dissociative Identity Disorder. Phillip Eugene de Rothschild, the unofficial son of Baron Philippe de Rothschild of the Mouton-Rothschild wine estates in France, told me:
The last non-dissociative President of the United States was Dwight Eisenhower; except for him, every one since Teddy Roosevelt has had some level of dissociative disorder and some level of involvement in the occult. President Clinton has 'full blown' multiple personality disorder and is an active sorcerer in the satanic mystery religions. This is true of Al Gore, as well; I have known Misters Clinton and Gore from our childhood as active and effective Satanists.

Cathy's torture and mind-control was inflicted at many government establishments around America, including the NASA Space and Rocket Centre at Huntsville, Alabama, where she, and later her daughter Kelly, were used for pornographic films. Another establishment for mind-controlling slaves was known as the 'Charm School' at Youngstown, Ohio. This is a 'sex slave' training 'school' where Cathy, her daughter Kelly and countless other women and children were tortured and abused with electric shocks, sleep deprivation and sexual trauma. Cathy says an unnamed member of the Reptilian hybrid Mellon banking family (architects of fluoride in drinking water) was the 'governor' of the Charm School, and other well known people involved were US Representative Jim Traficant, a Catholic who was born in Youngstown, and Dick Thornburgh, then Governor for Pennsylvania, who would become US Attorney General and an under-secretary general at the United Nations. Traficant was jailed for alleged corruption and tax evasion in 2002 after he began to speak publicly against elements of the conspiracy. While still a child and later, Cathy was raped, abused and tortured by some very famous people. She says that she was raped by the Jesuit Pierre Trudeau, the long-time Prime Minister of Canada, who worked closely with the Church of Rome; she was raped again by Gerald Ford when he was actually President; raped by Ronald

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Reagan while he was President; and raped many times in the most brutal fashion by Dick Cheney, the White House Chief of Staff under Ford, Defense Secretary under Father Bush at the time of the 1991 Gulf War, and Vice-President and handler to his son. Cathy is able to describe Cheney's office in the Pentagon in great detail. Cheney, like the Bush family, is an immensely imbalanced mind capable of unspeakable violence and murder. Cathy says that Cheney told her on one occasion: 'I could kill you kill you with my bare hands. You're not the first and you won't be the last.'

'The Most Dangerous Game'

These are the people who tell us we must fight terrorism and ask us to believe their version of 9/11. Cheney, Father Bush and Clinton get their kicks from a gruesome torture called 'The Most Dangerous Game'. It involves threatening mind-controlled children and adults with appalling consequences if they are caught in the hunt. They are then allowed to 'escape' into a forest, usually in some top secret military base or 'retreat compound' like Lampe, Missouri, and Mount Shasta, California, which are surrounded by a high fence to prevent any real escape. Father George Bush, the man who called for a 'kinder, gentler, America', Dick Cheney and Bill Clinton often go hunting slaves with guns, Cathy writes in her book, and no doubt Boy Bush has done the same. When the slaves are caught, they are brutally raped and sometimes killed. The Mount Shasta/Lake Shasta compound, where Father Bush and Cheney shared an office, is, according to Cathy, 'The largest, covert mind-control slave camp of which I am aware'. Mount Shasta is an enormously powerful energy centre and these are often targeted by the Reptilian hybrids for their Satanism and other appalling activities. It was at the Mount Shasta compound that she saw an enormous fleet of unmarked black helicopters, which, as researchers have revealed, are part of the Illuminati private army that is being installed to instigate a coup d'tat on the people. These helicopters have often been reported near the scenes of 'alien abductions' and cattle mutilations. Cathy O'Brien describes her own experience of 'The Most Dangerous Game' at the compound called Swiss Villa at Lampe, Missouri. Bill Clinton and Father Bush went 'hunting' with dogs for her, daughter Kelly and two mind-controlled soldiers, one of whom had Italianlooking features:
Swiss Villa appeared deserted, except for Bill Clinton and George Bush, who stood at the edge of the woods with their hunting dogs at the ready to embark on 'The Most Dangerous Game' of human hunting ... Bush and Clinton were dressed alike in camouflage pants, army boots and wind breakers. The two also shared the trademark of wearing a cap of cryptic meaning. This time, Bush's camouflage cap had an orange insignia that said 'Dear Hunter'. Clinton's blue cap read 'Aim High' and had a picture of a rifle on it. Clinton appeared awkward with his hunting rifle, while Bush looked like an expert marksman with his black rifle with elaborate scope. 'The rules of the game are simple', Bush began, triggering me by using the same words that always preceded a Most Dangerous Game. Clinton interrupted 'You run. We hunt'. Bush continued: 'This will be called Hunt for a virgin' (Clinton chuckled) 'and she's it'. Bush pointed to Kelly who was still in my arms. 'I catch you, she's mine.'

Clinton spoke up: 'You'll have plenty of time to play with the dogs because they'll have you pinned down while we ...' (he slid a bullet in the chamber for emphasis) '... hunt down the bigger game'. Clinton glared at the 'toy soldier' with the waxy face. (Toy soldier was a term I often heard referring to the mind-controlled robotic special forces young men who operated under the New World Order.) The two guys ran for the woods. Carrying Kelly, I began running too. Judging from the close proximity of the dog barks, I had not gone far when they were turned loose. The five barking dogs caught me right away and surrounded me. Kelly screamed as one snapped at her leg and I automatically slapped at its face. I was convinced the dogs were going to tear us up by the time Bush and Clinton walked into the clearing. They seemed to be engaged in a serious conversation until Bush looked up and smiled. 'She's mine', he claimed (referring to Kelly). 'But then, she always has been. Let go.' As I walked past Clinton, who was still deep in thought, he mumbled: 'I thought you'd be fucking a dog or something'. We walked the short way back in silence with Clinton veering off to the right as Bush directed me toward the two helicopters. The door next to me slid open and Clinton pushed the Italian into the helicopter. 'I caught this one. He's going to ride jumpseat.' Bush motioned for him to sit in the leather chair marked for death by the black rose, while I rode in the actual jumpseat. Come here, little one, Bush coaxed Kelly. 'You can sit on Uncle George's lap.' He lifted her onto his lap as Clinton got in front with the pilot, who was starting the engines. 'Over the lake, Jake', Bush told the pilot. Flying over Swiss Villa's deep, remote lake, Bush set Kelly aside, stood up as far as he was able in the helicopter, and slid the door open. The powerful wind blew Bush's greasy strands from his face as he gestured for the man (the Italian) to stand up. 'Free fall', Bush instructed. 'That's an order.' 'Yes, sir', he replied as he stepped out of the door fully clad in his camouflage uniform and military boots with no parachute. I watched in horror as he fell to his death in the water below, splatter and submerge ...

This is just one incident, one murder, in the lives of Bill Clinton and George Bush, the men the people of the United States voted to be their president; but their Reptilian minds have no capacity for empathy and the suffering of others means nothing to them. Cathy also tells of meeting Boy Bush on some of these occasions and his relationship with his father and Cheney was clear long before he became president. She says that he was mind-controlled and also hunted in 'The Most Dangerous Game'. 'It was my experience that Junior stood by his father and covered his backside whenever Bush would become incapacitated by drugs or required criminal backup. It appeared that Junior was there to serve both purposes while his father and Cheney enjoyed their work-vacation'. Boy Bush a thug, criminal, and gofer to his father and Cheney would be given two terms as president and nothing changed when he moved into the White House some twenty years after Cathy's experience of him. He remained a puppet of his father and Cheney and he has been just a figurehead, doing and saying whatever he's told while others control events. It is incredible

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to think that the Bushes and Clinton, who have been involved in such abuse and murder, have officially controlled the White House for a total of seven terms, one after the other since 1979, if you include the Reagan years when Father Bush was really the president. Now, Hillary Clinton is seeking to extend the BushClinton presidential dynasty.

Mind Control and Satanism

Cathy was forced to marry a mind-controlled Satanist called Wayne Cox, a member of the Jack Greene country music band. Greene, a CIA operative, was also a Satanist. Cox's job was to further traumatise her to create more compartments that could be used to program new 'personalities'. One night, Cox took Cathy with him to the ruins of the Union Railway Station in Nashville and, using a flashlight, found a homeless man asleep. He ordered Cathy to 'Kiss the railroad bum goodbye' and proceeded to shoot him in the head. That was horrific enough, but he then produced a machete and chopped off the man's hands before putting them into a zipper bag. As Cathy has stated at public meetings many times, Wayne Cox is a serial killer who invariably chops off the hands of his prey. Cathy said:
By 1978, Wayne Cox, my first designated controller, was actively ritually murdering and dismembering bums, children, and those who 'wouldn't be missed' and blatantly distributing body parts from his Chatham, Louisiana home base to key satanic capitals of several states which included the Little Rock/Missouri route.

Government agencies know this, but he is immune from prosecution because he works for them. Cox led Cathy to another spot on the Union Station site, a tower at the old railroad depot, and waiting in a room for them was Jack Greene, members of his band and others dressed in black robes. They were standing around a black leather altar. The room was draped in red velvet and lit by candles. Cathy was laid on the altar and subjected to rape and torture while the Satanists performed a black magic ritual that involved sex, blood and cannibalism. Years later when 'married' to another CIA asset, Alex Houston, she would be made pregnant and artificially aborted many times so the foetus could be used for satanic rituals. I have exposed at length the Satanism of the bloodline families in my other books, like The Biggest Secret, and what Cathy says I know to be true from endless sources all over the world who have seen it for themselves. One of Cathy O'Brien's controllers was the late Lt Colonel Michael Aquino, a top man in the Defense Intelligence Agency's Psychological Warfare Division. He was the head of a satanic 'church' known as the Temple of Set, an organisation inspired, apparently, by the leader of Hitler's SS, Heinrich Himmler, who based his organisation on the Jesuit Order. The Temple of Set was a breakaway from Anton LaVey's Church of Satan that attracted many of Hollywood's rich and famous. When it was exposed that America's Psychological Warfare was being headed by a Neo-Nazi from a satanic church, the official response was that a man's religion was his own business. All the famous Reptilian hybrids that I am naming are involved in Satanism. Remember what Phillip Eugene de Rothschild said:
When I watch CNN, it startles me to see so many familiar faces now on the world stage in politics, art, finance, fashion and business. I grew up with these people meeting them

at ritual worship sites and in the centers of power. Financiers, artists, royalty, and even Presidents ... I can recall the Rockefellers and the Bushes attending rituals ...

The Reptilian hybrids have always taken part in these sacrifice rituals right back to Babylon and beyond. People who are new to this will be understandably aghast at what is being said here. However, not only is it true, it is happening on a fantastic scale across the world. The 'sacrifices to the gods' have been with us throughout known history and they are still going on. Sacrificial killing is designed to release the energy of terror from the victim which can be absorbed by the Reptilian entities the 'gods' on the interspace planes. The rituals also create the energetic 'stepping-stone', or vibrational connection, that allows the entities to possess the participants even more powerfully. They want this because we are looking at the demonic hierarchy beyond this reality being reflected in the hierarchy of the Reptilian hybrid bloodlines here. In other words, the more powerful the demons that possess you, the higher you will be in the Illuminati power structure. There are rituals where fathers impregnate their daughters and the child is later 'sacrificed to Satan/Lucifer' the leader of the Reptilians and there is another ritual where parents must sacrifice their first born. This does not always have to be on an altar, it can sometimes be in another way, even an engineered road accident at an important ritual location to the Illuminati that appears to the public to be just an 'ordinary' road, or street. Satanism and the mind control programmes such as Project Monarch are intertwined and two expressions of the same force. Many victims of mindcontrol and multiple personality disorder say they experienced reptilian entities and remember the 'lizard eyes' (Figure 223). One centre for Cathy O'Brien's mind programming was Salt Lake City, Utah, headquarters of the Mormon 'Church', which I have exposed at length in other books. Victims of its abuse and mind control techniques have told me of being forced to take part in human sacrifice rituals at various locations, including underneath the main temple in Salt Lake City, where participants shapeshifted into reptilian and other forms. This figures when you think that the Mormon movement was started by the Merovingian bloodline, based on Freemasonry, and funded by the Rothschilds' Kuhn Loeb and Company. The Jehovah's Witness 'Church' is another Reptilian hybrid front

Figure 223: I have been sent many drawings over the years by recovering mind-slaves and their therapists that portray the reptilian eyes and nature of the mind-controllers

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and mind control operation, and they are all connected as different strands in the same web. Salt Lake City is a Reptilian 'nest'. Researcher Alan Walton described Utah in general as 'one of the major underground nesting areas for both reptilians and hybrids'. Among the many testimonies I have had from the victims of Mormon Satanism and mind control was one from a woman I will call 'Jane'. She said the first Mormon ritual she attended was in Bountiful, Utah, wearing the dress her mother had made for her fourth birthday. She was beaten and battered with branches from a tree and she was told: 'See, Jesus doesn't love you and he is not going to save you'. This is straight from the manual of trauma-based mind control. She recalled vividly being placed in a cedar chest and the lid secured. She was left in there until she lost consciousness and when she was revived she was told that Jesus didn't love her and that Satan had come to save her. She also has memories of nearly drowning many times and she says she was belittled, beaten, and starved. Her father would eat in front of her and her brother while they went hungry. Her mother was treated the same. Once again, all these are classic mind control techniques. 'Jane' says she was taken to the most secret Mormon rites at the Salt Lake Temple at the age of twenty. Instead of entering through the front door, she was taken through a tunnel under the street to a place called the 'Pink Room'. I was sent some material after a visit to Salt Lake City that was claimed to come from a military source. It described how the Mormon temple is on top of a Reptilian underground base that could be accessed from the temple itself. Many ancient pyramids, temples, mounds, and other earthworks also have entrances to underground Reptilian cities. In the 'Pink Room', Jane said she saw several of the Mormon leaders dressed in black worshipping Lucifer in a ritual called the 'True Order of Prayer'. This is a ritual form of the ceremony the regular Mormons go through with all its signs, tokens and penalties. She said she saw one Mormon leader, President Ezra Taft Benson, tied to a chair and gagged when he refused to watch the sacrifice. When he still refused to participate, she says he was put in a white bag, like a laundry bag, and they all beat him. Jane also experienced the unexplainable disappearance of foetuses she was carrying:
I would be fine and three or five months pregnant with not a sign of anything wrong and then I would not be able to feel my baby by feeling my abdomen or feel it move and I would not be pregnant. One time I was very far-gone, but I don't know how far, maybe seven months, and the baby disappeared and I was kept drugged for six weeks. When I came out of being drugged I felt my stomach and there was no baby. A couple of years ago I remembered delivering that baby in a room ... I was attended by two men that I don't know and one said he was the father of the baby. After he was born, they held him up for me to see and I never saw him again and have never known what happened to him. I also remember having four babies removed from my body and them being sacrificed while I was tied to a cross-shaped stone alter. Everyone had on black robes and hoods and we were underground in a cave or something. I also remember seeing two monsters fighting furiously dripping blood and fighting about what they were eating. They were reptilian and looked something like the dinosaurs that a teacher at school used to show us. I don't know what they were

eating. I keep thinking that my mind wants to heal and I have to face that they ate my baby, but for now I can't handle it so I think of it as just a nightmare. I can't get the furiousness of them eating out of my mind. It is so horrific.

Eating the baby is exactly what they were doing. The scene that Jane describes under the Salt Lake City Temple is the same as that recounted by mind-control victim, Arizona Wilder, at the rituals conducted for the British royal family at places like Balmoral Castle. Jane said: 'The blood that they crave is like a homeopathic formula for our feelings and thoughts to be transmitted to them'. This is what really goes on at the top of the Mormon Church and I have had similar stories told to me many times. The church hierarchy uses the nave, innocent and mind-controlled to cover the truth of what Mormonism really is Reptilian hybrid Satanism. The rank-and-file Mormons who knock on your door or stop you in the street with their scrubbed faces present the image that hides the lie while genuinely believing they are serving 'the Lord'. A prime location for the Monarch programming/Satanism connection in Europe is alleged to be the Chteau des Amerois (sometimes known as the 'Castle of Kings') in Bouillon, near the village of Muno in Belgium. This area was owned by Godefroi de Bouillon, leader of the First Crusade and Bush family ancestor. The chteau is known by researchers as the 'Mothers of Darkness Castle'. This is where the Mothers of Darkness, a high position in Satanism, are mind-controlled and trained. It once belonged to Prince Philippe of Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha, the Windsor bloodline, and it was believed to be connected with the child murder, abuse and Satanism network involving Marc Dutroux, which shocked Belgium in 1996. He was jailed, but the big names had their backs covered by the Reptilian hybrid control of the system. There were many testimonies during the Dutroux affair about orgies in castles. Dutroux's accomplice, Michel Nihou, organised them in his Faulx-les-Tombes castle and children's corpses were found buried at the Chteau du Sautou, near to the Belgium border, which was the property of the serial killer, Michel Fourniret. Reptilians love their castles and stately homes where they can worship and connect with their 'gods' away from public view. Satanism has its origins with the Reptilians. The 'Watcher' called Azazel in the Book of Enoch is the source of the goat head in satanic ritual and the term 'scapegoat'. According to the Book of Leviticus, the Israelites would sacrifice two male goats at Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. One was offered to God and the other to Azazel. The priest placed both hands on the head of the Azazel goat and confessed the sins of the people. The goat would then be taken into the wilderness and plunged over a cliff, symbolising the fallen angel Azazel, who was seen as bound and chained in the (vibrational) wilderness the 'abyss' in the language of the Book of Revelation. The goat head of Azazel, a 'fallen angel' Reptilian, is symbolised by the inverted pentagram of Satanism (Figures 224 to 226). The goat-horn hand-sign is used by Satanists as a form of communication and identification to other initiates. Some refer to this as the 'Sign of the Horned God' (Figure 227). It is no surprise at all, given the background I am describing, that you see it used so often by those in power (Figure 228). The major religions and most of the smaller ones have also duped their followers into worshipping the Reptilian 'gods' without knowing it and what you worship, in awareness or otherwise, you give your energy to. The Reptilian hybrids have no problem attending Christian services, because they know who 'God', 'Jesus' and 'Mary' really represent Nimrod, Tammuz and Semiramis.

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How did Zack know?

The satanic ritual network connects into children's homes, runaway hostels and toddlers' nurseries to ensure a constant supply of children. I was asked by the grandmother of a five-year-old boy called Zack to investigate his claims to have been abused at a branch of the KinderCare preschool nursery operation in North Carolina. Zack said that he was taken from the preschool in Cary to a house where he was tied up and made to watch people sacrifice a little boy. He said that he and other children were made to drink the blood and eat the flesh of

Figure 224: The inverted pentagram, the 'goat head' symbol of Satanism

Figure 225: The pentagram at the entrance to the 'Mother Lodge' of Freemasonry in Great Queen Street, London

Figure 226: Baphoment, the goat-headed, symbol of Satanism

Figure 227: The hand-sign for the horned god - or Devil - of Satanism

Figure 228: The horned-god hand-sign is often use by those in political power

the dead child. He also claimed that they took his own blood. Zack had a small circular puncture on his arm, which looked like a mole was growing there. He said this is where they put the 'needle-knife' into him. He has also talked of seeing 'bad movies' all the time. The mother of another boy at the centre, a four-year-old called Tyler, said her son had asked her if it was all right for people `to eat each other', and I have heard directly from other parents whose children have talked about being forced to drink blood. In one case, a ten-year-old was talking about her grandparents in these terms and they turned out to be big-time Satanists. When Zack heard his mother on the phone talking about tunnels, he said he didn't like the tunnels at school. He said that one of the people involved was called 'Camelot' and he 'turned into a dragon'. His parents told me that Zack began to talk about the Anunnaki. When he was asked what they were, he said they were 'gods'. He said that he learned about the Anunnaki at the 'bad school'. His grandmother, Suzen, asked him if he had ever heard the word 'Dingir' (she pronounced it Ding-gear), a Mesopotamian name for the Anunnaki that translates as 'The Righteous Ones of the Blazing Rockets'. Pronouncing it Ding-er, he said it was a bad word because the Ding-er 'eat people skin, people blood, and people bones'. He added: 'Their love goes away and they turn into vampires'. She asked about the name 'Enid' and he said: 'That's a bad word'. Then Enlil 'that's a fish word'. This five year old then said: 'They're brothers, aliens, and they're from Mars'. Zack said he saw movies about it at school and they were going to destroy the world. The lizards looked like Darth Maul (in Star Wars) and also the 'masks' they had at school, he told his grandmother. Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa told me how he had been shocked the first time he saw the Darth Maul character, because it was so like many 'Chitauri' entities that he had seen and had described to him. One day Zack saw a picture of France. He pointed to a place near the Alps and said: 'That's where the armies are saving people for the reptiles'. Suzen asked him where he heard about reptiles and he said the people at the 'mean school' told him they were reptiles. He said: 'Aliens like to come here at Halloween and Easter. They like Easter'. I tell Zack's story in more detail in Children of the Matrix. The police and social services were utterly useless in response to what Zack said and the new director at the KinderCare centre put the phone down on me. I also contacted the corporate headquarters of KinderCare in Portland, Oregon, and they issued a short statement to me through a very nervous PR person saying that the claims were 'unsubstantiated'. As if she would know. KinderCare would not answer any of my questions and I received a letter threatening legal action against me if I did not remove all the information about Zack from my website. This just made me investigate more and I found out that KinderCare, the leading childcare organisation in the United States, was owned by the empire of Henry Kravis, a very close friend of Father George Bush, the Reptilian shapeshifter, who is one of the world's most famous paedophiles and serial killers. Anyone that close to Bush must know of his paedophile activities, surely? Kravis was a member of the inner circle of the Republican Party around the Bush family and he is also closely connected with Henry Kissinger and the Rockefellers. Kravis' company, Kohlberg, Kravis and Roberts (KKR), the owners of KinderCare at the time, made massive contributions to the Republican Party and the George Bush campaign for the presidency. In all, their combined contributions to Bush's election fund totalled millions. Kravis has also given considerable donations to the cause of Zionism and, like his second wife, is a member of both the Council on Foreign Relations and the

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Bilderberg Group. Kravis and KKR sold the KinderCare business to the Knowledge Learning Corporation in 2004. I also read an article which said that the man who lives at the 'Mothers of Darkness Castle' in Belgium, Patrick Solvay, shareholder of the Solvay pharmaceutical, chemical and plastics group, had a holding company called Itaca International that owned the European arm of the infant and child franchise network called 'The Little Gym', which operates in fifteen countries and provides children with 'summer and holiday camps'. Is all this just coincidence?

Uncle Ronnie's Bedtime Stories

Cathy O'Brien conceived a daughter called Kelly with her 'husband' Wayne Cox and soon Kelly was being used in the same way as her mother. Kelly appears to be a significant name to these people for some reason. I have met other recovering mindslaves with daughters of that name. Cathy says that Kelly was raped many times by George Bush and Dick Cheney and both mother and daughter were forced to have sex with animals for videos made on the orders of President Ronald Reagan. 'Uncle Ron' liked nothing more than to watch these videos and they were known as 'Uncle Ronnie's bedtime stories'. They were recorded and produced, Cathy says, by his pornographer, Michael Dant (also known as Michael Viti). Dant had connections with the Mafia and CIA (same thing, mostly), and was a close associate of politicians like Guy VanderJagt, Gerald Ford, Dick Thornburgh, then Governor of Pennsylvania, Jim Traficant and Gary Ackerman. It was Dant who installed the tiny hidden cameras that recorded the sexual activities of US and foreign politicians, Cathy says, so they could be blackmailed into supporting the Orwellian agenda. How many 'leaders' today are following certain policies against the interests of the people because, if they didn't, the evidence of their sexual exploits would be revealed? Large numbers, for sure. Bill Clinton was compromised in this way on one occasion by Father George Bush. It happened at the Lampe, Missouri, mind-control facility known as Swiss Villa. Bush ordered Kelly to perform oral sex on Clinton while Clinton was doing the same with Cathy. She recalls:
Clinton pushed his way out from under me and told Bush while he glanced around for the camera: 'You didn't need to do that. I'm with you anyway. My position does not need to be compromised'.

Clinton was referring to the blackmail techniques and Cathy says:

World leaders were always compromised through covertly filmed bizarre sexual activity as was my experience at the Bohemian Grove. After this encounter, Bush and Clinton discussed introducing Clinton's daughter, Chelsea, to the child abuse scene. Bush offered to 'open her up'. Clinton said he would have to discuss it with Hillary.

Cathy writes that she and Kelly were also raped by Canadian Prime Minister, Brian Mulroney, who is addicted to sex with mind-controlled slaves. Mulroney was extremely close to the ReaganBush cabal and he presented a eulogy at Reagan's funeral in June 2004. Mind-controlled mothers and young daughters were regularly transported to Niagara Falls, just across the Canadian border, for Mulroney to rape them. It was Mulroney in his period as Prime Minister who forced the North American Free Trade

Agreement (NAFTA) on the people of Canada, a major step in the Totalitarian Tiptoe to the American Union. The Agreement was manipulated into place by his friend and fellow child rapist, Father George Bush, and later by Clinton. The people of Canada didn't want it, but it was what the Reptilian hybrids decided was going to be so too bad. Cathy says that Mulroney talked about the plan for the Orwellian state while he was with her and Reagan at a White House cocktail party, where she first met Clinton's Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright. She was once described by Father Bush to Cathy as '...the reverend mother of all sisters (slaves)'. Albright said while in office that she was shocked to find she had Jewish ancestry (Khazar / Sumerian). I bet she was. John Kerry had the same 'surprise' when he was running for president in 2004. The name 'Kerry' was really 'Kohn'. After this White House party, Cathy was taken to a bedroom with other slaves, including one controlled by the US Senator Arlen Spector, the Khazar / Sumerian who came up with the insane 'magic bullet' theory to explain away the assassination of President Kennedy. Brian Mulroney then arrived to rape them after activating their sex slave programming. Cathy noticed that one of the slaves had a red rose tattooed on her left wrist and other people she met over the years, including Mulroney, wore the symbol of the red rose. Cathy became aware of an elite secret society called the 'Order of the Rose' whose initiates included Mulroney, Father Bush, Clinton, Byrd and Trudeau, among many others. The ancient Greeks and Romans identified the rose with their goddesses Aphrodite and Venus (Semiramis) and it is often associated with the Virgin Mary (Semiramis again). In Rome, a wild rose would be placed on the door of a room where confidential matters were discussed. The phrase sub rosa, or 'under the rose', means to keep a secret and comes from this ancient Roman practice. How appropriate that when the British Labour Party began its transformation into 'New Labour' under the manipulation of Blair minder Peter Mandelson, or Mr. Slither, its logo was changed from a red flag to a red rose. Under the orders of President Reagan's personal attach, Philip Habib, Cathy says she was forced to have sex on several occasions with King Fand of Saudi Arabia. The Saudi 'royal family' are puppets of the Reptilian conspiracy while suppressing their people with a brutal religion that they themselves do not even begin to observe. Cathy says that Father George Bush referred to the conspiracy as his 'neighbourhood' and talked of how he simply told many other world 'leaders', including King Fand, what to do and say. American mind-controlled slaves are 'sold' to Saudi Arabia, Mexico and other countries to help fund covert operations and reward people for services provided. The long-time Saudi Ambassador to America, the quite appalling and desperately corrupt Prince Bandar bin Sultan, was closely involved with Bush. He went on to become SecretaryGeneral of the Saudi National Security Council where he continues to serve the Illuminati agenda's best interests.

Vote Hillary?
Cathy was so powerfully mind-controlled that she was 'promoted' to become what is known as a 'Presidential Model', a mind-controlled slave who is detailed to operate with the top people in the White House. She was used to pass messages between Reagan, Bush and their foreign associates, such as the dictators, Baby Doc Duvalier of Haiti, President Miguel de la Madrid of Mexico (who told her the story of the 'Iguana race') and Manuel Noriega of Panama, the paid CIA operative working for the US government's illegal drug trade. She also met Hillary Clinton, the would-be first woman president, who performed

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oral sex on her. Hillary is another cocaine user (of course) and a lesbian. I have no problem whatsoever with her sexuality everyone to their own so long as they don't force it on others but please spare us the cover story of 'my husband Bill'. It is a marriage of political convenience, that's all (Figure 229). Cathy, who has a vaginal mutilation from her torture, met Hillary at a guest villa close to the CIA Near Death Trauma Center in Lampe. The villa was owned by Bill Hall, the man Bill Clinton was persuading to join the drugrunning operation in the exchange that I described earlier. Cathy says she was taken to Hillary by Hall's wife after Clinton had ordered her to leave his drugs meeting:
Hillary knew I was a mind-controlled slave, and, like Bill as aenuine as a five cent note Clinton, just took it in stride as a 'normal' part of life in politics. [She] was fully clothed and stretched out on the bed sleeping when Hall's wife and I arrived. 'Hillary, I brought you something you'll really enjoy. Kind of an unexpected surprise. Bill ordered her out of the meeting and I took her to my bedroom and made an interesting discovery. She is literally a two-faced (referring to my vaginal mutilation carving) bitch'. 'Hmm?' Hillary opened her eyes and sleepily roused herself. 'Show me'. Hall's wife ordered me to take my clothes off while Hillary watched. 'Is she clean?' Hillary asked, meaning disease free. 'Of course, she's Byrd's', [Hall's wife] responded, continuing the conversation as though I were not there. 'Plus, I heard Houston say something about her being a Presidential Model, whatever the hell that's supposed to mean'. 'It means she's clean', Hillary said matter-of-factly as she stood up. I was not capable of giving thought to such things back then, but I am aware in retrospect that all Presidential Model slaves I knew seemed to have an immunity to social diseases. It was a well known fact in the circles I was sexually passed around in that government level mind-controlled sex slaves were 'clean' to the degree that none of my abusers took precautions such as wearing condoms. Hall's wife patted the bed and instructed me to display the mutilation. Hillary exclaimed, 'God!' and immediately began performing oral sex on me. Apparently aroused by the carving in my vagina, Hillary stood up and quickly peeled out of her matronly nylon panties and pantyhose. Uninhibited despite a long day in the hot Sun, she gasped, 'Eat me, oh, god, eat me now'. I had no choice but to comply with her orders, and Bill Hall's wife made no move to join me in my distasteful task. Hillary had resumed examining my hideous mutilation and performing oral sex on me when Bill Clinton walked in. Hillary lifted her head to ask, 'How'd it go?'
Figure 229: The Clinton -

Clinton appeared totally unaffected by what he walked into, tossed his jacket on a chair and said, 'It's official. I'm exhausted. I'm going to bed'.

Think about what we are dealing with here, a two-term president and a would-be president.

Country Boys ...

Cathy's second designated 'husband', Alex Houston, was a rapist, paedophile and drug-runner. He was also an 'entertainer', a ventriloquist and stage hypnotist, who himself had his mind and mouth worked by someone else the US government's mindcontrol network. It was his job to maintain Cathy and daughter Kelly in their programmed mode by following the instructions he was given. This included food and water deprivation and constant trauma. Houston used his travelling to venues as a cover to transport Cathy and Kelly to their 'assignments'. It introduced Cathy to the truth about the United States country music industry and the 'entertainment' industry in general. Country music, she discovered, was used by government agencies to distribute massive amounts of drugs into American society and as a cover for its mind control projects. It was these agencies, she says, which paid for the promotion and hype that turned a singer called Boxcar Willie into a country music 'star'. Some of this promotion, Cathy says, took the form of high-tech television commercials designed to have a hypnotic effect on the viewer. He became the leader of the country music segment of the 'Freedom Train' the internationally recognised code name for the slave operations of Project Monarch. Cathy names Boxcar Willie as a paedophile rapist of mind-controlled women and children, including Kelly, whom he raped regularly in three different mental institutions. He was also heavily involved in the cocaine operations controlled by the government and he was the man Bill Clinton's friend, Bill Hall, began to work with after Clinton persuaded him to become involved. It was Boxcar Willie who inspired the moving of the country music 'capital' to Branson, Missouri, to be close to the CIA mind control and drugs operation based at Lampe, Missouri. Many people in the entertainment industry are either connected with the conspiracy, or mind-controlled by it. One of the latter was Marilyn Monroe, a 'lover' of President John F. Kennedy. Both were to be murdered by the same force. Princess Diana was the same and their personalities can begin to come apart when the programming begins to break down. When I see the singer, Britney Spears, she seems to me to show many signs of a programmed mind unravelling. The actor and singer, Kris Kristopherson, a drug-addicted alcoholic born into a CIA family, was also involved as a seriously imbalanced controller and mind-manipulator of slaves, according to Cathy's book and public statements. She writes that she was tortured by him and the Temple of Set's Michael Aquino, using high voltage electric shocks. Kristopherson, yet another Jesuit, was an associate of Senator Robert C. Byrd, Cathy's controller. Cathy says of him in her book: '... Kristopherson nearly strangled me to death with his penis, which had further sexually excited him, late in the summer of 1987 during another incident related to Byrd.' The rock and roll 'legend', Jerry Lee Lewis, was a drug-runner and killer for the government and Cathy says she was threatened on many occasions with the words: 'We'll sell you to Jerry Lee'.

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Escape and exposure (which the media ignored)

When the slaves outlive their usefulness, or their programming begins to break down, they are murdered. Presidential Models like Cathy O'Brien are normally not allowed to live beyond their thirtieth year and when that came for Cathy in 1987/88, she was told it was her last year of life. Fortunately, she and the then eight-year-old Kelly would be rescued from death by a businessman called Mark Phillips. He had a considerable knowledge of advanced mind-control techniques from his time working for the Ampex Corporation and the US Department of Defense as a civilian subcontractor. This allowed him contact with leading research scientists in this field and gave him access to knowledge that is denied to the mainstream psychiatric profession. Psychiatrists, like doctors and scientists, are also mind-manipulated by the suppression of information, which gives them a distorted picture of what is possible. Mark Phillips was thought to be 'safe' with his background and security clearance, and he was approached by Alex Houston for support with a business opportunity. Houston was now the 'handler' of Cathy and Kelly and he married Cathy at the instruction of her controller, Senator Byrd. Phillips says he worked with Houston on the business deal, involving Hong Kong and China, but he was told by a representative of the Chinese Ministry of Defence about Houston's background and his involvement with the CIA, drugs, money laundering, child prostitution and ... slavery. Phillips's informant, who produced documentary proof, said Houston was a 'very bad man' and that his crimes were 'of the White House'. Mark Phillips writes in Trance-Formation Of America:
My first response to this 'officer' was that Houston was too stupid and crooked to be connected with US 'intelligence'. This comment was quickly countered with a gut wrenching photograph of Houston. He was smiling a demonic grin while apparently having anal sex with a small, very young, frightened black boy. Later he was identified to me as being Haitian.

Phillips made contact with an old friend, now dead, who had been an Air Force general in the intelligence division and maintained close connections with the upper levels of US and foreign intelligence. The general told him about the CIA slave trade worldwide and that Cathy and Kelly had been subjected to trauma-based mind-control. Mark Phillips recalls:
I was growing numb. The first words out of my dry mouth were: 'How would you spring these people out of it?' He smiled and said: 'I wouldn't! What are you going to do with them if you get them out?' Before I could answer, he interrupted and said: 'Look. You're still the same, but nothing else is with Uncle [the USA]. Now most of the CIA, FBI, and the MOB [Mafia] are the same, and they're making moves on the military'.

Phillips was insistent that he wanted to attempt a rescue and his friend gave him the mind-controlling codes that would activate Cathy to go with him. The full and detailed

story is told in Trance-Formation of America. Phillips took them to Alaska while leaving messages for the authorities that he had no intention of exposing the truth. He said he would '... take them to Alaska and play like a voiceless chameleon'. This, as he hoped, probably spared their lives at this stage. They have also been helped by many good people in intelligence who want to root out the evil. There is an internal 'war' unfolding within the intelligence community between the Reptilian hybrids and those who can see what is happening. In Alaska, Mark Phillips used his knowledge, with covert support from his contacts, to deprogramme Cathy's compartmentalised mind. This immense task absorbed almost every spare waking moment month after month after month. Attempts were made by CIA mind controller, Dr Louis Jolyon West at the University of California, and his associates, to take Kelly from Cathy and Mark, but, all these years later, she is now back with them. Jolyon West was the man who gave a 'mental assessment' to Timothy McVeigh when he was arrested for the bombing in Oklahoma in 1995 (see Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster for the story of Oklahoma, another Reptilian hybrid Problem-Reaction-Solution). Cathy and Mark have had their lives threatened many times, but they have refused to keep quiet and have sent their information, with documented and sometimes audio tape support, to a long list of US politicians, government agencies and pressure groups. The reaction has been mostly silence. They have also produced the books Trance-Formation of America and Access Denied, and have spoken extensively at public meetings all over North America. This has probably kept them alive because to remove them would merely confirm that what they say is true. If Cathy's claims are not true, where is the legal action against her and the book? Most of the names involved are so enormously wealthy that the cost of such an action would be no trouble. Why the silence in the face of allegations as grave and extreme as these?

Georgie's friend
Some of what really goes on at the White House and other famous locations (though a very mild version of it) threatened to break publicly in 2005 with the case of 'Jeff Gannon'. Soon, however, the lid was desperately screwed down again. 'Jeff Gannon' was a member of the White House press corps working for a website called Talon News. When he began to ask Boy Bush biased, soft and easy questions, some reporters looked into his background. They discovered that his name was not 'Jeff Gannon, but James Dale Guckert, a gay escort and prostitute who used naked pictures of himself to sell his wares at websites like Hotmilitarystud.com and Militaryescorts4m.com (Figure 230). Some politicians demanded to see the records of how Gannon /Guckert secured his White House media pass and Representative Sheila Jackson Lee said memorably that Gannon had engaged in a possible 'penetration of the White House'. More than the White House, I would wager. Secret Service records show that Gannon/Guckert slept at the White Figure 230: 'James Dale House on some twelve occasions and visited the building Guckert, alias 'Jeff Gannon, advertising for clients at least thirty-two times when there was no press

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conference or press event. No explanation for this has been given, but it is clear from the way Bush greeted Gannon that they knew each other very well (Figure 231). Reports have also suggested that Tony Blair was 'entertained' by Gannon on July 17th 2003 while the British Prime Minister was on a visit to Washington. I have no problem Figure 231: Bush and Gannon: close friends whatsoever with consenting adults engaging in gay relationships, but just cut the crap with the cover-story wives. One reason why there are so many homosexuals among the Reptilian hybrid bloodlines is that fathers have sex with sons when they are children and this locks them into that expression of sexuality, as well as creating an energetic and emotional bond of domination by the father that can last a lifetime. Phillip Eugene de Rothschild said that he was 'held fast in the emotional power of incest, which, in this culture, was normal and to be admired'. There is no way in the world that Boy Bush was not sexually abused by his father, or 'opened up' as he likes to put it.

How the military is mind-controlled

The themes that Cathy O'Brien and so many others describe are supported by Kay Griggs, the wife of US Marine Corps Colonel, George Griggs, who was head of NATO's Psychological Operations. She was astounded to learn from her husband, his diary, her own observations and others she met, the astonishing secret background to US military leadership training, drugs and arms running, mind-control and the worldwide network of camps where they train professional assassins. She was even more shocked to find out that sex with children and homosexual rape was the 'norm' at the highest levels of the military, and also involved top politicians like Henry Kissinger. He is named by Kay Griggs as a paedophile rapist of young boys and young men. She says that she met one contact she calls 'Bob', who described how he was raped by Kissinger in a tent in Cambodia. 'Bob' was told: 'If you ever tell anyone, it's the end of you'. I have heard about paedophile Kissinger from many sources and here is yet another prominent Reptilian hybrid with a cover-story marriage. After finding her husband's diary, she began to ask questions of her friends at the Military Wives Club and many told her that they also knew what went on. In hours of interviews recorded in 1998, Kay Griggs reveals that this 'culture' is rife among senior military figures. Kay says there are homosexual initiation rites for Marines and others in the military that include oral and anal sex while the initiate lies in a coffin. This is similar to the initiation ceremonies for the Skull and Bones Society because they're all connected. She said that her husband described what happened as 'like a zoo'. They get the men and boys steaming drunk for the homosexual initiation rituals that are referred to by names such as 'Dining in'. 'Not everybody does it, but those who do, they get right up to the top', she says, 'If they are in special operations, in the Marines, they've all done it it's like the fast road to the top'. They use these homosexual escapades to blackmail their top military people into compliance with the Reptilian hybrid agenda, and they recruit 'emotionally weak boys' for top jobs, Kay Griggs said, mostly from leading families. Her husband told her: 'They nurture they cultivate the sons of prominent families.

They're called "rising stars". They rope them in. Then they turn them'. Kay said they have 'little boys that they pick out' and they call them 'special'. They look for boys who are suffering from low self-esteem and mental disorders to be 'trained' to become the military 'elite'. They can then be controlled (including mind-controlled) by the Illuminati operatives. Kay Griggs said her husband was deeply mind-controlled and, once again, this was the 'norm' throughout the military:
What my husband does for a living is train mercenaries - young boys from countries li ke Romania, Dominican Republic, Haiti. They're training them to be murderers, and the taxpayers' dollars are paying for this. They psychologically profile them. The profile is si milar to my husband's and Lee Harvey Oswald's and [Timothy] McVeigh's, and others who were all part of this program. [Serial killer] Jeffrey Dahmer was part of this program. They're all Army. They were all picked out because they were perverted or twisted. [The military profiles for] strong mother, weak father, no father, poor. Because these guys are looking for security, they will stay in the military and do anything for that security. When you work in the White House, you work under the Army. The Marines have no overlord, as such. They can float. They're run out of New Orleans, just like Oswald was. Oswald was homosexually recruited by Jack Rubinstein, who was Jack Ruby [the man who shot him after his arrest for assassinating Kennedy]. All of the funding for these operations goes through the 'joint' - the Mob. Oswald was a loner, brilliant - and a perfect candidate. His [profile] and my husband's profile almost look alike.

Kay Griggs says that the United States military was taken over by the hundreds of Nazis who arrived after World War Two. They were relocated to America through the networks of the Zionists and the Roman Church (same thing). 'They took with them the most perverted aspects of Nazi Germany and brought them over to the United States', she said. The Mafia, or 'the Mob', is another Church of Rome operation and Kay said that any genuine people are prevented from progressing in the military, leaving only those who will serve the Mob. As she put it:
They get rid of the good guys. The Marine Corps are the assassins for the Mob. The military is run by the Mob. The military is the Mob. It's very German, it has Masonic leanings. They're all Masons. This Brotherhood - Opus Dei - they're the Mob. The Marine Corps are the hit men. They're mercenaries. They'll work for anybody. They'll switch hats. My husband said it's no big deal.

Kay Griggs said she learned that the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and US Special Operations were controlling much of the Contra terrorism against Nicaragua from Honduras under Reagan-Bush in the 1980s, as I outlined earlier. She said they were working with CIA and National Security Council teams and a US military group called the ISA (Intelligence Special Activity) to ship hundreds of millions in drug money to Mafia-controlled ports such as New Orleans and Miami. This also connected into the Bush-Clinton operation at Mena and enormous amounts of money were laundered through Fort Meade, Maryland, headquarters for the National Security Agency. She said

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the operatives for these operations are trained at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, which was headed by Army General Carl Stiner, whom Kay Griggs describes as an 'evil man'. She says that he, and Marine General Jim Joy, trained 'the men in black who killed those people at Waco'. Michael Canavan, the head of security for the Federal Aviation Administration on September 11th, was Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command, at the same Fort Bragg. Kay Griggs said:
The Marine Corps is just a smoke-and-mirrors thing. On [my husband's] level, he said we've never been an enemy to the Soviet Union. They work with these Communists. The man who started this whole intelligence operation - OSS [Office of Strategic Services] - he was recruiting known Communists who were involved in subverting Spain. They're not Americans. They're not Christians ... Now what are they doing running our nation? They have more affinity for the State of Israel than they do our nation. They don't care about American citizens. The judges now in the courts are all military officers following chain-of-command orders. They're not independent judges.

Again and again the same themes emerge whenever the stone is lifted. You can see eight hours of interviews with Kay Griggs at www.kaygriggstalks.com .

A global sickness
What I am describing here is not just happening in the United States and Canada. It's going on all over the world and nowhere more so than in Britain and Europe, where leading politicians and the pillars of banking, business, law and entertainment take part in their satanic, black magic rituals and mind-control programmes. British Intelligence is massively involved in mind control and Satanism and I know from contacts that the last two heads of MI5, Stella Rimington and Eliza Manningham-Buller, were both products of the mind control programmes and later perpetrators of them. The same with John Scarlett, the man involved in the Blair 'dodgy dossier' on the threat from Iraq, who was rewarded for his complicity by being made head of MI6 in 2003. Famous television political presenters, actors, writers, theatre producers and others were involved in the same British Intelligence 'training' and mind control programmes, some of which were centred at one time in the old Powergen building at Solihull in the English West Midlands. Other locations include the Ministry of Defence's Fort Monkton, near Gosport in Hampshire. MI6 were forced to pay compensation to victims of its mind manipulation programme involving the drug LSD, but that is an infinitesimal fraction of what it is involved in. I also see a mass of mind control symbolism in the Harry Potter books and films. All the elements I am highlighting - mind-control, bloodline, shapeshifting, Reptilian symbolism and imagery, can be found in abundance in the Harry Potter stories of British writer, J.K. Rowling. These have now been read, or seen in movie-form, by hundreds of millions of people worldwide, mostly children. I have talked and corresponded with so many people across the world who have experienced these horrors of mind control and Satanism and their stories, and other accounts I have read, tell of events that are beyond comprehension. Or, at least they would be if they were not actually happening. Drinking blood, eating the flesh of dead bodies, thousands of adults and children buried in deep graves, the murder of people on camera for the so called 'snuff' videos, the evil is incredible. One mother told a

television documentary in the Dispatches series on Channel 4 in Britain of how she was forced to place her new born baby on a satanic altar and push a knife through its heart. A Satanist then had sex with the baby's dead body. This is happening in your country now and some of the most famous and powerful are doing it because they are of the Nefilim bloodline who have been doing this for thousands of years. Father George Bush encapsulates the levels of evil and lack of empathy that are necessary to cause such suffering and not give a damn. Cathy describes what Bush did to her little daughter, Kelly, again and again: Kel ly became violently physically ill after her induction into George Bush's 'Neighbourhood' and from every sexual encounter she had with him thereafter. She ran 104-6 degree temperatures, vomited and endured immobilising headaches for an average of three days (as is consistent with high voltage trauma). These were the only tell-tale evidences aside from the scarring burns left on her skin. Houston forbade me to call a doctor, and Kelly forbade me to comfort her, pitifully complaining that her head 'hurt too bad even to move'. And she did not move for hours on end. Kelly often complained of severe kidney pain, and her rectum usually bled for a day or two after Bush sexually abused her. My own mind control victimisation rendered me unable to help or protect her. Seeing my child in such horrible condition drove my own wedge of insanity in deeper, perpetuating my total inability to affect her needs until our rescue by Mark Phillips in 1988.
Kelly's bleeding rectum was but one of many physical indicators of George Bush's paedophile perversions. I have overheard him speak blatantly of his sexual abuse of her on many occasions. He used this and threats to her life to 'pull my strings' and control me. The psychological ramifications of being raped by a paedophile president are shattering enough, but reportedly Bush further reinforced his traumas to Kelly's mind with sophisticated NASA electronic and drug mind-control devices. Bush also instilled the 'Who ya gonna call?' and 'I'll be watching you' binds on Kelly, further reinforcing her sense of helplessness. The systematic tortures and traumas I endured as a child now seem trite in comparison to the brutal physical and psychological devastation that George Bush inflicted on my daughter. I have outlined just a fraction of what there is to tell about the mind control operations

and satanic network and, as I have already indicated, mind control is not confined to individuals at secret locations. The idea is to control the minds and emotions of the entire population through 'education', microchipping, the media and other means. Cathy says that she heard Reagan and Bush insist that the only way to 'world peace' is the 'mind control of the masses'. She was able to observe the planning of the Reptilian hybrid project called 'Education 2000' while under the control of another sexual abuser who programmed herself and Kelly. This was Bill Bennett, a Jesuit-trained mindcontroller, who became US Education Secretary under ReaganBush. He was replaced by his associate, Lamar Alexander, the former Governor of Tennessee, with whom Cathy says she was forced to take part in a satanic ritual in an affluent area of Nashville. Bill Bennett's brother, Bob, is also alleged to have raped Kelly at the Bohemian Grove in 1986 and later became 'legal counsel' to Bill Clinton. Cathy was used to compromise

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and provide 'favours' for key politicians to ensure support for Education 2000 and she learned that this project, also known as America 2000 and Global 2000, was designed to increase children's 'learning' capacity while destroying their ability to critically think for themselves. These programmes, and others, are being introduced everywhere in this coordinated global conspiracy to control the human mind.

24 Whose world in your head?

It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education. Albert Einstein

Most people have no idea how they are bombarded with mind control programming and triggers throughout their waking day, and even during sleep. Nor, do they understand the level of potential and sophistication that such techniques and technology have now reached. But why would they? They are programmed not to know, just as people like Cathy O'Brien had no idea she was mind controlled even when it was happening to her every day. Mind control is putting the thoughts and beliefs of others into your head and it operates on multi-levels. If I tell you something knowing it to be untrue and that affects your perception and behaviour, I have subjected you to mind control. I have manipulated your thoughts. Every time you watch television or read a paper or magazine this is happening, and every advertisement is designed to control your thought and emotional patterns to the point where you buy whatever is being peddled. I have seen advertising copywriters and producers dubbed the 'persuaders', but that's a bit like calling an axe murderer 'a man who works with tools'. It doesn't tell the full story. The 'persuaders' is Newspeak for mind manipulators. Subliminal messages that speak to the subconscious, calculated emotional triggers and using certain words to glean a specific reaction is not persuasion, it is invasion an invasion of our sense of perception. Such techniques have been with us for thousands of years (at least) in the sense of manipulating thoughts and emotions to dictate behaviour, but we are now in a new and far more advanced era of thought dictatorship. A London-based company called Strategic Communication Laboratories (SCL) is clear about the benefits that it offers its customers, which include transnational corporations, the military, police, governments and the United Nations. The SCL, funded by what it calls British-based 'private high net worth individuals', is in the business of selling mind control. One of its projects is the Behavioural Dynamics Institute, which is claimed to be 'the world's leading authority on persuasion, communication psychology and public diplomacy'. The SCL website says:
The last 5 years have seen a flurry of Homeland Security scenarios enacted and re-enacted on the streets of our cities. What if there is a biological attack, or the 500

Whose world in your head?


detonation of multiple explosive devices? However, a major flaw has emerged in many of the scenarios the unmanageability of civilians. They do not behave as they are supposed to. When a virus hits a city, civilians do not line up for vaccination: they run for the hills. When terrorists are looking for a target, it is the predictability of civilian behaviour that makes the terrorists' job easier. What if there was a way to control civilian behaviour when it counts? Imagine the benefits of having civilians as cooperating partners. Strategic Communication makes the people part of the solution, not part of the problem.

The company proposes to overcome this 'problem' of people not acting as desired by creating an 'OpCentre' to put the 'influence, control and power back into the hands of the government and military, giving them greater power to influence the enemy in time of conflict and enhanced access to their citizens during a crisis'. An Opcentre, it tells us, can be designed to override all national radio and TV broadcasts, allowing the government and military to communicate with the public as the need arises. It can take control of financial markets, health agencies and foreign affairs, engender support by the masses for military action and 'develop national resilience and behavioural compliance for homeland security issues'. The Orwellian language is straight from the pages of 1984 and includes OpCentre 'modules' called 'Word-of-Mouth Units' and 'Cultural Alignment Units'. The company says it can deliver a strategic and operational 'psyop' (mind control) campaign and a Homeland Security Centre for any country or culture. The OpCenter can suppress public unrest and stop insurgency and other such 'public affairs crises', under a 'counter-terrorism programme':
Almost every country suffers from some problematic faction within its citizens. These disaffected groups may be driven by religious fervour, self-importance or just greed. In all cases, their ability to operate and recruit new members depends on the perceptual environment and the levels of tolerance of the state and its citizens. SCL specialises in producing solutions for governments so that they can significantly increase their control and management of disaffected groups as part of a wider counter-terrorism programme.

For control and management of disaffected groups, read control and management of those challenging the imposition of the global fascist state. Former KGB officer, General Boris Ratnikov, who served in the KGB department for Moscow and the Moscow region, told the newspaper Rossiiskaya Gazeta that people in power had resorted to various methods of manipulating the thoughts of the population since ancient times. He said the secret services had acquired the 'scientific foundation' for this in the 20th century. 'You can hardly imagine the warfare that broke out in this area in the first half of the last century. It would hardly be an exaggeration to say that sometimes real "astral battles" took place,' Ratnikov told the paper. He said that by the mid-1980s around fifty research institutes in the Soviet Union studied remote mind control techniques backed by substantial government funding. He even said that when he was deputy head and senior consultant at the Federal Guard Service from 1991 to 1997, his department was in

charge of safeguarding top officials in post-Soviet Russia, including President Boris Yeltsin, against any external influence on their subconscious minds. The general claimed to have used mind-reading technology on foreign officials.

Thought tracking
Even some newspapers have begun to spasmodically question what is happening, although depressingly few. One, ironically, has been the London Observer. I say 'ironically', because in around 1996-971 told a 'journalist' from the Observer about government mind control programmes and the experiences of Cathy O'Brien. He called it 'the story of the century'. I offered to put him in contact with victims who could confirm what I said and gave him my phone number. He didn't call. Instead, he wrote an article the following week attacking me and what I do with all the usual bollocks such people come up with. Years later the same paper ran a story under the headline: 'We are moving ever closer to the era of mind control'. I challenge the word 'moving', however, because we have long been there. Dr George Estabrooks, Chairman of the Colgate University Department of Psychology and advisor to the military on hypnosis, said back in the 1940s: 'I can hypnotise a man - without his knowledge or consent - into committing treason against the United States'. So they can and do. At least the Observer article showed that some eyes are beginning to open to the obvious. It was written by Steven Rose, Professor of Biology at the Open University, and highlighted the sinister nature of the new mind technologies. Once you realise that the human body is a biological computer and the brain is the central processing unit of the computer, mind control can be simply understood. It is a biological version of computer programming. You download instructions onto the hard drive and the computer (via the brain/CPU) responds accordingly. That is, unless your higher levels of consciousness kick in and wrest the keyboard from the hacker. Professor Rose writes:
Brain scientists are on a roll. Concern about rising levels of mental distress have resulted in unprecedented levels of funding in the US and Europe. And a range of new technologies, from genetics to brain imaging, are offering extraordinary insights into the molecular and cellular processes underlying how we see, how we remember, why we become emotional. Brain imaging has become familiar. Scanners, known by their initials - CAT, PET, MRI began as clinical tools, enabling surgeons to identify potential tumours, the damage following a stroke or the diagnostic signs of incipient dementia. But neuroscientists quickly seized on their wider potential. The images of regions of the brain 'lighting up' when a person is thinking of their lover, imagining travelling from home to the shops, or solving a mathematical problem, have captured the imagination of researchers and public alike. What if they could do more?

Oh, but they can. The 'unprecedented levels of funding in the US and Europe' are nothing to do with 'rising levels of mental distress'. The Reptilians are manipulating the mental distress to produce their energy source and they want more, not less. The funding is there to speed the introduction of technologies to control the minds of the people. If you followed the electrical signals in a computer you would see different

Whose world in your head?


parts 'light up' become active when different instructions are keyed in. The brain is the same, albeit infinitely more sophisticated. Rose says that he published the results of an experiment that looked at the regions of the brain that became active when people chose between competing products in supermarkets. Major companies, he said, ranging from Coca-Cola to BMW, are starting to image the brains of potential customers to study how they respond to new designs or brands. They are beginning to speak of 'neuromarketing' and 'neuroeconomics', Rose points out. What we are looking at here is the commercial use of technology also designed to identify people guilty of what George Orwell calls crimethink in 1984. Crimethink was a 'thought crime' having thoughts that were at odds with the government line. To state the obvious, Crimethink requires the ability to read the thoughts of the 'perpetrator' and, while it may not have been available at the time Orwell wrote of the Big Brother society it is now. Professor Rose says of brain imaging technology:
Such trends may be relatively innocuous, but the increasing state interest in what the i mages might reveal is less so. Specifically, what if brain imaging could predict future behaviour, or indicate guilt or innocence of a crime? There are claims, for example, that it could reveal potential 'psychopathy', that the brains of men convicted of brutal murders show significantly abnormal patterns [get the Bushes, Clintons and Blair wired up immediately]. In the current legislative climate, where there have been attempts to introduce preemptive detention for 'psychopaths' who have not yet been convicted of any crime, such claims need to be addressed critically. They are and will be resisted by the judiciary, but recent developments suggest that this may be a frail defence against an increasingly authoritarian state.

Thinking your thoughts

An American company has developed what it calls 'brain-fingerprinting'. It claims it can 'determine the truth regarding a crime, terrorist activities or terrorist training by detecting information stored in the brain'. This is done by measuring the electrical signals in the brain and the company says that its methods have been accepted as evidence in US courts. The aim is not just to read minds for thought crime, but to change and manipulate the way people think. For decades the US military has been funding the development of techniques and technologies that can both 'read the minds' of enemy troops (the population) and change their perception of events. Much of the funding of research and development contracts with transnational corporations has been channelled through the sinister Defence Advanced Projects Agency, or DARPA, and this programme has become rampant since the dawn of the bogus 'war on terror'. Professor Rose goes on:
The step beyond reading thoughts is to attempt to control them directly. A new technique transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has begun to generate interest. This focuses an intense magnetic field on specific brain regions, and has been shown to affect thoughts, perceptions and behaviour. There are suggestions it could be used to

control obsessive-compulsive behaviour, while some even take seriously the scenario envisaged in the film, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, in which TMS was used to erase unwanted memories of a love affair gone wrong. Currently only possible if a subject's head is put inside the relevant machine, TMS at a distance is now under active military investigation. So is chip technology, which might provide implanted prostheses to overcome sensory deficits or control behaviour, and whose potential bioethics committees around Europe have been scrutinising. (My emphasis) It is tempting to dismiss all these as technological fantasies and their proponents as sellers of snake oil, but the fact that a technology is faulty doesn't mean it won't be used. One only has to think of the tens of thousands of lobotomies carried out on schizophrenic patients in the past century. Britain is one of the world's leading examples of a surveillance society, observing its citizens through CCTV cameras and controlling their behaviour with Asbos [Anti-social behaviour orders introduced by Blair] and Ritalin. The potential for surveillance of citizen's thoughts has moved far beyond the visions of 1984.

At the top of the global pyramid, the military and transnational corporations are all the same network singing from the same song sheet and while it may seem that 'individual' companies and corporations are bringing these technologies to the 'marketplace', it is a calculated and long-planned assault on the human psyche, orchestrated by the Reptilian hierarchy and coordinated through the highest and hidden levels of the military. Our entire society is based on mind control at its various levels of expression. Planet Earth is the land of the zombie but it doesn't have to be. Professor Rose says that neuroscientists have a responsibility to make their subject and its potential as transparent as possible and the voices of concerned citizens should not be heard 'downstream' when the technologies are already fully formed, but 'upstream' while the science is still in progress. We have to find ways of ensuring that such voices are listened to through the cacophony of slogans about 'better brains', he says, and 'the power of the military and the market'. In an open and just society he would be right, but in this one he is wasting his voice and his ink. What he rightly demands is not going to happen unless we act together, because those controlling the system want the opposite.

Are you receiving me?

I saw a film called Control Factor, released in 2003, which tells the story of Lance Bishop, a thirty-three-year-old American insurance salesman. He begins to hear voices in his head telling him to perform violent acts. He eventually learns that he is part of a mind control experiment which, once perfected, would be used to control the masses through broadcasts from a network of masts positioned all over the towns and cities. It would tell the population what to think, how to feel and how to vote. From my research over the years it is clear that, as with so many movies, this is basically fact presented as sci-fi. In the small town of Ryde on the Isle of Wight where I live, one of these masts is already in place a few hundred yards from my home, and they are


appearing all over the country with the goal of doing the same across Europe and the wider world. It is a system known as TETRA, or 'Terrestrial Trunked Radio' (Figure 232). The cover story is that TETRA is just a new communications system for police and other emergency services, but that is only one level of this system and, to the Reptilian hybrids, by far the least important. The real reason for TETRA is mass mind control and the technology is similar to the PCS/Digital, or Personal Communication Systems, used in the United States. What I am going to say here about TETRA applies to Figure 232: A TETRA mast systems at work in other parts of the world and TETRA itself is planned to expand globally. It was used for communications at the Athens Olympics in 2004, for instance. The British Home Office awarded the contract for TETRA, known as the 'Airwave contract', to a consortium headed by British Telecom, and it was sold on to 02 and their subsidiary mm02. The American giant, Motorola, is also involved in making an important component of the TETRA system and this is a company with close links to the National Security Agency, or NSA, which is a fundamental cog in the US mindcontrol network and boss to the CIA. A contact tells me that the technology was actually given to Motorola by the NSA and that would certainly fit the picture of how it's done. What we call the military / industrial complex is just that the fusion of the military and the corporate through which technology developed in the secret projects to advance human control is brought into the public arena by the military supplying a connected corporation with the know-how. This is then sold to the public as a 'breakthrough' discovered by the company itself. An internal European Union document warns of a 'major risk that could result from the omnipresence of US companies that supply radio communication equipment to the European police forces'. The document came from the Scientific and Technological Options Assessment, which answers to the European Parliament, and it stressed its serious concerns at the domination by American companies of emergency communications networks in Europe. The document reveals that Motorola played a crucial role in defining the TETRA European standard (in collaboration with the National Security Agency) in order to guarantee for the US government the possibility that TETRA networks could be eavesdropped. It also says that Poland has been offered a Motorola network for its police force and the document warns: 'It is urgent that the future members of the Union carefully evaluate the risks of a too large reliance on a technology for which they have no guarantee'. Especially, they might have added, when the system is not even efficient. Such is the frequency pulsing of TETRA that the radios need to be turned off near life support equipment, and even near breathalysers or vehicle speed check equipment, because of the interference they cause. There was also the example of a bus with an electronically-controlled gearbox that changed gear when passengers in certain seats used a cell phone. These technologies interfere with others and, most importantly, they disrupt human brain and DNA function. Ultimately, it is not even about eavesdropping, though that is part of it, of course. The main reason is mass mind control and the health effects have the potential to make

people seriously ill and scramble our physical, mental and emotional energy fields. The TETRA system is untested for health effects (publicly tested that is) and the corporations involved with these technologies use the mantra that we have heard so often when challenged about its dangers. They say there is no proven evidence or 'conclusive evidence' that it is harmful. Three points to make here: 1) How can there be 'proven evidence' when these conniving companies and governments refuse to publicly test for health effects before imposing it on the people, and when they ignore or dismiss independent studies that expose the flaws and dangers? 2) When a TETRA system is switched on and people living or working nearby become ill (when they don't know about the switch-on), how can this not be considered evidence of a link? 3) Why is something allowed to be introduced on the grounds that there is 'no proven evidence' that it is not safe when surely the onus should be on the company to first show that it is safe? Research scientist, Barrie Trower, wrote a major report exposing TETRA and, in this section, he addressed the subject of 'conclusive proof' and the nonsense that it is:
The Government's scientists will often ask for conclusive proof when they are challenged. It is a word often used when you wish to win your side of the argument. Scientifically conclusive proof is impossible to obtain - let me explain. I was at a legal hearing in Torquay representing a community and the barrister representing the communications industry said 'there is no conclusive proof that these microwaves will cause damage'. I argued: if somebody stood up and shot me in this courtroom there would be three levels of proof. You would have everybody as a witness and that would be accepted in a Court of Law. A pathologist could perform a post mortem, decide that the bullet killed me and that would be a second level of proof. If, however, you wanted conclusive proof that the bullet killed me, you would have to argue that at the split second the bullet went into my body every system in my body was working perfectly because there are thousands of reasons why I could drop dead on the spot before the bullet went in and you would have to prove conclusively that all of these systems were working perfectly before the bullet went in. Clearly, this is scientifically impossible; there is no such thing as conclusive proof, yet it is what is demanded by government scientists when challenging their decisions.

Hacking the computer

In 'journalism' there is a saying that goes 'don't let too many phone calls spoil a good story' - don't check its validity too keenly or you might find that the story is not true. The corporate-government conspiracy has something similar when it comes to checking

Whose world in your head?


the effects of its technology: 'Don't do too much public research or you'll show people that it's dangerous'. Instead, let people suffer and die, it's much better for business and the agenda, so long as you suppress the cause of their suffering and death. The ludicrously-named National Radiation 'Protection' Board is supposed to ensure that the population is protected from damaging radiation. But it admits: 'No epidemiological study as yet has explored the risks associated with telecommunications systems such as TETRA which use RF radiation modulated at frequencies around 16Hz'. It says that 'Human volunteer studies should be carried out'. All this after the technology is already active. The Home Office has commissioned a study by the Imperial College, London, to record the effects on police officers over a period of ten years turning police officers into laboratory rats. Even this study, involving vested interests, will only look at the effect of police handsets and not the broadcasts from the TETRA masts themselves. The National Radiation 'Protection' Board subcontracted its 'research' into the effects of microwave radiation to Dr Camelia Gabriel and her Microwave Consultants Limited. Dr Gabriel was also a senior consultant for mobile phone giant, Orange plc, and she jointly wrote the Orange Base Stations Health and Safety Manual. Her son, also of Microwave Consultants Limited, says the transmitters for Orange plc in school playgrounds are 'safe'. This is the militaryindustrialgovernmental complex at work with each element watching the back of the others. The Stewart Committee, chaired by Sir William Stewart, reported to the UK government in May 2000 that there was compelling evidence that mobile phones have biological effects on humans, even where the radio frequency or microwave radiation is emitted at very low levels. Children, the report said, were most at risk because their skulls are thinner, which allows their brains to absorb more radiation while their cell growth and brain wave activity are still developing. The Stewart Committee advised against using any communication instruments that pulsed above sixteen waves per second. TETRA pulses at 17.6 waves per second. To confirm the real agenda of the National Radiation 'Protection' Board, it was later revealed that it had suppressed information requested by the Stewart Committee about the effect on child health of mobile phone frequencies. Meanwhile, major insurance companies who are watching the bottom line, including two of the world's biggest, Lloyds and Swiss Re, have advised that there be exclusion clauses against paying compensation for illnesses caused by continuous longterm low level radiation. This was on the advice of Dr Theodore Litivitz, Professor Emeritus of Physics at the Catholic University of America. In the United States, such 'safety' matters are 'regulated' by the government-controlled Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that has been deregulating away the media to fewer and fewer corporations. The 'standards' it follows were developed by private organisations, the American National Standards Institute and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The FCC was headed until 2005 by Michael Powell, son of former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who was appointed by Boy Bush or, more to the point, by those controlling him. Powell was replaced by Kevin Martin, former deputy general counsel for Bush's 2000 presidential campaign. The FCC is clearly an organisation you can trust to protect the public. The people closest to the TETRA technology are the police officers and other emergency services that use it every day. Already, they are experiencing physical, mental and emotional consequences, including cancer of the oesophagus in numbers


way above the national average. The TETRA handset is located on the chest in the area of the oesophagus and this takes the full impact of the electromagnetic radiation that the makers and government agree is emitted (Figure 233). People in the street or shopping centre when a police officer uses TETRA are given a serious dose of radiation, so imagine what emergency service professionals are getting every day. Dr Ian Dring is a scientist who is convinced of the dangers of TETRA after his brother, Neil, died of oesophagus cancer. Neil was a thirty-eight-year-old police officer in Leicester, my home town in the English East Midlands, and Dr Dring said there were no signs of the cancer until Neil began to use TETRA. Figure 233: The TETRA handset He didn't smoke, drank very little and was a super fit triathlete. that puts A colleague of Neil with the Leicester force, again under forty, died emergency service around the same time of exactly the same condition. As Dr Dring personnel at points out, the chances of that, according to the US Cancer Society, serious risk would be millions to one. A third Leicester officer, aged twenty-six, was later diagnosed with the same condition, the chances of which enter the billions. But, of course, there's no evidence of a link because 02 and the government say so. In Lancashire, 177 police officers out of 246 who responded to a questionnaire said they had experienced effects like migraine, nausea, sleeplessness and lack of concentration since the TETRA system had been introduced. Six people, including a chief inspector, suffered dizziness and headaches after a mast was activated on the roof of their police station in North Walsham, Norfolk, and twenty-five people living nearby reported the same symptoms. When a TETRA mast was switched on at Dursley in Gloucestershire, England, people reported an outbreak of migraines, sleeplessness, nose bleeds and being 'shocked awake' up to fifteen times a night. Eleven children at a school in Littlehampton, Sussex, were sent home with headaches, nosebleeds and dizziness on the day a nearby TETRA mast was switched on when the local people were not aware it had been activated. Protestors said they were amazed by the high level of indifference by other parents and locals and their unwillingness to research what effects this could have on their children and themselves. When they handed out information leaflets at the school gate they were soon asked to move, because they were 'upsetting the parents'. For many people, being a complete idiot clearly requires no help from TETRA masts. The Police Federation, which represents British police officers, was so concerned about the level of reported health effects that it commissioned a report by research scientist Barrie Trower into the potential risks of TETRA. In September 2001, he concluded that: the government, government scientists and this industry will be responsible for more civilian deaths in peacetime than all the terrorist organisations put together.' Trower also wrote:
Not in dispute is Professor Szmigielski's study where he spent many years researching military personnel using pulse modulated microwave radiation up to and beyond the TETRA range. He compared these results with personnel who were not exposed. His conclusion (in part) was: a double incidence of all neoplasms (tumours) with a three fold increase of cancers of the alimentary tract (inc. Oesophagus and stomach) and a six

Whose world in your head?


fold increase of malignancies of the haemopietic (blood/cells/circulation). I would like the reader to keep in mind the 'threefold increase of cancers'.

The health effects that he and other scientists predicted are now being seen among police and public. These include cancer, depression, difficulty in concentration, illnesses of the brain, headaches, tiredness, infertility and a reduction in melatonin, a naturally occurring hormone associated with sleep. This is at least one reason why inability to sleep is often associated with people living close to TETRA masts. Melatonin also kills cancer cells during the night and its depletion increases the risk of cancer taking hold. As I discussed earlier, the pineal glandmelatonin system is vital to interdimentional connection and communication, and the Reptilian hybrids drink menstrual blood, eat human flesh full of melatonin and serotonin as a result of terrifying rituals, and consume the white powder known as 'monatomic gold' to stimulate pineal gland function and access other-dimensional abilities like 'seeing the future'. They don't want the population to have these connections and suppressing the pineal gland is a key to this. What a coincidence that a consequence of TETRA (and many such technologies) is a reduction in the levels of melatonin. The pineal gland has a crucial effect on health, the immune system, mental stability and the aging process. The pineal is suppressed, along with its production of melatonin, by not only TETRA but all electromagnetic fields. With female breast tissue so sensitive to radiation I am not at all surprised to see mammogram technology that detects breast cancer being linked with causing it. I would ask people to consider if they really need that microwave oven which zaps you with radiation and encourages you to eat utter crap (Figure 234). Then, there is Motor Neurone Disease, a rare condition caused by the breakdown of the nerve cells in the brain that control the muscles. A TETRA transmitter has been located at Drumcarrow Hill in Fife, Scotland, since the late 1990s and, although only around 200 people live close by, the consequences have been disastrous. Or, it could all just be a coincidence for those connected to government and manufacturers or with a mental age of three. Out of that tiny population there were at least seven cases of cancer and Motor Neurone Disease diagnosed over five years when the average national figure for Motor Neurone Disease is one in between 50,000 and 100,000. The TETRA pulse radiation affects calcium levels, a factor linked to the onset of Motor Neurone Disease. Dr Gerard Hyland, a biophysicist from the International Institute of Biophysics, an expert in low level radiation, says of TETRA: 'We could be seeing a pandemic of brain Figure 234: What happened to plants after nine tumours in ten years'. In an article on days of microwaved water for one and purified the dangers of TETRA he exposes the water for the other. The microwaves were out of smokescreen mantra that the system sync with the plant's energetic field and the complies with current safety limits for purified water waves were in harmony. The same applies to the human body radiation 'protection':

These limits are, however, purely thermally based i.e. they simply limit the intensity of the radiation to ensure that the amount of tissue heating by absorption of microwave radiation is not in excess of what the body can cope with. If heating were the only effect of the radiation, existing guidelines would afford the public adequate protection against the emissions of Base-stations; unfortunately, however, this is not the case. For microwaves are waves, and, as such, have properties other than solely intensity. In particular, the pulsed microwave radiation used in the GSM [Global System for Mobile Communications or cell phones] and TETRA systems of telecommunication has a number of rather well defined frequencies that facilitate its discernment by the alive human organism, and via which the organism can, in turn, be affected in a purely nonthermal way. This is so because the alive human organism (and only the alive one) itself supports a variety of oscillatory electrical biological/ biochemical activities, each characterised by a specific frequency, some of which happen to be close to those found in the GSM / TETRA signals; this coincidence makes these bioactivities potentially vulnerable to interference. [It is not a coincidence.] It comes about because these oscillatory electrical activities play a role akin to the tuned circuits in a radio, making the living organism an electromagnetic instrument of great and exquisite sensitivity that is able to 'recognise' and discern the presence of the radiation 'informationally' by decoding ... its various frequency characteristics, including those of any amplitude modulations. Since these activities are involved in biocommunication and in the control and regulation of bio-processes essential to wellbeing, it is reasonable to anticipate that it is the functionality of the alive organism that is i mpaired by exposure to radiation of sub-thermal intensity containing bioactive frequencies ...

Put simply, this means that the human body/brain is like an antennae that can pick up these frequencies and have its own mental, emotional and physical frequencies disrupted and dismantled. It can also change the nature of DNA and the consequences for that would be catastrophic. TETRA and mobile phone frequencies have the potential to shortcircuit the body-computer and Dr Gerard Hyland says that TETRA signals are close to those of human brain frequencies. Once again this is NOT a coincidence. The whole thing is coldly calculated to cause maximum disruption to human function. It is like having interference on your radio or television it stops working properly. When this happens to the body/brain the consequence is mental, emotional and physical problems, because the body is an electrochemical computer that is highly sensitive to disruption by other electrochemical sources. It is the same for those living near or under power lines, which have been rightly linked with cancers, especially leukaemia. The electromagnetic field of the power lines disrupts the electromagnetic communication within the brain/body and mental, emotional and physical illness ensues. I have been saying and writing this about power lines since the late 1980s, but claims of a connection with physical and mental illness were dismissed and ridiculed by the authorities. However, the evidence is now so strong that even the National Radiological Protection Board has concluded that children living close to the lines are more likely to get leukaemia and that's only one consequence. The electromagnetic fields from the power lines and other technology interfere with the

Whose world in your head?


Figure 236: The County Hall council headquarters is not a place to work

Figure 235: This abomination is on the roof of Cowes High School on the Isle of Wight with children anc staff sitting under it day after day

Figure 237: This little lot is right next to a public swimming pool and sports centre

electrical system involved in cell replacement and this causes 'rogue cells' to be formed that we call cancer. Every time I see those cell phone masts on schools I cringe at what is happening to the children and teachers inside and they are located on, or close to, many public buildings (Figures 235 to 237). When a friend went to work at County Hall, the council headquarters on the Isle of Wight, she was located on the fifth floor, just below a group of masts on the roof. She immediately suffered from headaches, behaviour changes and had a blackout. It soon became clear that others had also noticed health effects. This is what one worker said in an email:
I have had serious health concerns since starting work in Property Services at the end of 1999 which were not a problem before that. The most obvious being cancer in 2001 for which I am still being monitored until 2011. A pre-existing heart problem, electrical in nature, was controlled by medication but kicked off in a big way causing many admissions to the cardiac unit and eventually two trips to Brighton to get the problem sorted. Prior to working on the top floor of County Hall this condition had never caused me to have time off work or warranted admission to the cardiac unit. I am currently experiencing severe difficulty with my eyesight and killer headaches which appear to have something to do with my immune system. After several months with the Eye Clinic here I'm now having to go to Southampton as the condition is unusual and difficult to diagnose.

Another said:
I suffer from headaches more now than I can remember in the past. I have also suffered bouts of unexplained nose bleeds over recent weeks, which my girlfriend said I should get checked out, but as a member of the male gender I have resisted so far. A representative

of a contractor who I use for schedule works asked me earlier this year if I was worried about the masts on the roof, particularly as there had been a number of illnesses/deaths within the department. I disregarded these comments because, as a relatively new member of staff, I am not aware of the historical data relating to staff health.

How an individual interacts with these frequencies will be different, because our own frequency make-up will differ. Some will contract cancer, others depression or Motor Neurone Disease, and still others might have no discernible effects for many years. Thus, you get the response of 'it's done nothing to me' ... until you get the phone call some way down the road saying: 'Hey, I think you were right.' The point is the Reptilian hybrids want humans disrupted in this way. It makes them easier to control.

Manufactured reality
Doubters and protestors understandably speak of the TETRA technology not being tested properly before it was made operational. Oh, but it was. That's why I said earlier that there had been no public research. The health effects are known at the highest levels and they don't give a damn. The main point of it all is control of the human mind and emotions. To broadcast at frequencies necessary to influence mental and emotional activity there will be consequences for health, but this is still not the main motivation behind the technology. It is thought control. Biophysicist, Dr Gerald Hyland, writes:
The frequency of the radiation that is used to carry the voice information [communications] in both GSM and TETRA lies in the microwave band a frequency range in which processes as fundamental as cell division can be interfered with the somewhat lower carrier frequencies characterising the TETRA radiation facilitating its deeper penetration into tissue. On the other hand, the rates at which the microwaves are emitted in distinct groups of flashes (or pulses) happen to be close to the frequencies of some of the brain's own electrical and electrochemical rhythms; accordingly, these can be amplified, interfered with, and even entrained [switched to the TETRA frequency] by the radiation.

TETRA-type technology operates at a pulsing frequency in the range of 17.6Hz. This is close to the wavelengths of brain activity and so it interferes with the electrical (and therefore every other) system of the brain (Figure 238). This accounts not only for physical and immune system effects, as the communication from brain to body is short-circuited, it also explains mental and emotional consequences like depression and inability to concentrate. Dr Hyland makes this vital point:
Furthermore, the possibility of deliberately provoking epileptic seizures in certain animals by exposing them to pulsed microwave radiation is consistent with reports of an increased incidence of seizures in some epileptic

Figure 238: TETRA waves being


Whose world in your head?


children when exposed to the emissions of GSM Base-stations. The latter finding is not at all unreasonable, given the known ability of a visible light (such as a stroboscope) flashing at a rate somewhere between 15-20 times per second to provoke seizures in the 5 per cent minority of epileptics who are photosensitive. For visible light and microwaves are both simply different realisations of electromagnetic radiation, and the microwave radiation used in GSM and TETRA si milarly 'flashes' (pulses) at rates that the brain is able to recognise; unlike visible light, however, pulsed microwaves are not reliant on the eye and optic nerve to access the brain, since they can penetrate the skull directly.

All of which brings me to mass mind control. Our thoughts and emotions express themselves electrically on one level and they can be implanted electrically. Dr Jose Delgado, a leading US government mind manipulator, said on the Congressional Record back in 1974:
Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain.

He could have said nations because that is what they are now scheming for. Barrie Trower said in his report for the UK Police Federation:
Pulse radiation from TETRA at 17.6 Hz (waves per second) is known to interfere with our natural brain's rhythm. Our brains generate their own waves within our head. One of these waves, called beta waves, is on a very similar frequency to the TETRA handsets. What happens is: If you could imagine yourself jumping on a trampoline and somebody larger and heavier jumps on and dances at a slightly different speed you will bounce at their pace rather than yours. When they jump off you will still bounce at their speed. The jumping on of the person onto the trampoline is known as entrainment and this occurs when the TETRA is used in close proximity to an officer's brain. Because TETRA affects the beta rhythm of the brain it will affect what the beta rhythm is responsible for; namely sound judgement in emergency situations. Entrainment is always followed by phenomena called long-term potentiation. This is analogous to the person getting off the trampoline leaving you dancing. Long-term potentiation has been known to last several weeks after the initial source has died down. The implications for this are that the officers' brain waves would continue to suffer entrainment even after the sets have been switched off, which would be reinforced every time the sets are switched on again.

Another term for 'entrainment' is the sympathetic resonance I described in an earlier chapter with regard to a violin placed among other violins. Its strings will start vibrating to the note the others are playing because of this 'entrainment'. That's the idea behind these microwave technologies like TETRA and cell phones. They are designed to disconnect the brain from its natural rhythm. Barrie Trower writes about the effect on


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Figure 239: The many and various places where microwave masts are hidden to keep their location secret of the public

'sound judgement in emergency situations'. Put another way, the ability to think straight, and it is not only police officers who can potentially have their thought processes disrupted. So can anyone who comes into contact with the TETRA frequencies. Thousands of TETRA masts are planned to be located throughout Britain alone, never mind the rest of Europe, their equivalent in North America and elsewhere. Many of these masts are already hidden inside petrol station signs, flag poles, advertisements, churches and located near schools (Figure 239). People have been going to church for thousands of years to be mind controlled and now it can be done with a mast hidden in the spire. In November 2004, a report by the BBC revealed how Britain already had forty thousand mobile-phone masts and one in ten schools had a mast located within 200 metres of the classrooms. A Central London school has twenty-seven masts within this distance, many of them hidden inside road and petrol station signs. Look at the effect the vibrations of a single cell phone had on water crystals in the experiments of Japanese researcher, Dr Masaru Emoto (Figure 240). Now imagine what a cell phone mast would do. The entire plan is coordinated to install a network of mobile phone, TETRA and other systems of

Figure 240: What cell phone frequencies do to water crystals. On the left, is the crystal was formed from water exposed to words of 'love and appreciation, and, on the right, the crystal was formed from water exposed to a cell phone
(For more examples see the books, Messages from the Water, volumes one and two, by Masaru Emoto.)

Whose world in your head?


electromagnetic communications, that operate as one unit to create an electromagnetic mini-matrix to scramble normal brain and DNA function, while dictating mental and emotional responses. It will also have potential for the mass culling of the population, which is also planned by the Reptilian hybrids.

Lies in my soup
All this is not happening at this time by accident. There is a vibrational change going on that I will explain in some detail later, but, most relevantly to what we are discussing here, this change is having the effect of waking people up on an ever-greater scale from their induced amnesia. The aim of the electromagnetic technology in all its many and various forms (plus those we don't even know about) is to create an electromagnetic 'soup' to suppress the effect on human awareness of the vibrational change we are experiencing. In May 2006, the London Observer reported the growing concern about what it called the 'invisible smog' that has been created by the 'electricity that powers our civilisation'. It said that new scientific evidence showed that this was 'giving children cancer, causing miscarriages and suicides and making some people allergic to modern life'. But of course that must be the case. At the body/brain level we are electromagnetic fields and when these are exposed to other fields, especially a sea of them, we are bound to be affected by disharmony dis-ease in all its potential forms. The World Heath Organisation says that the electromagnetic smog could interfere with natural electrical currents that help to 'drive the human body', and calls it 'one of the most common and fastest growing environmental influences'. The Observer article quoted Denis Henshaw, professor of human radiation effects at England's Bristol University, as saying that 'a huge and substantive body of evidence indicates a range of adverse health effects' from this 'smog'. He estimated that it caused some nine thousand cases of depression and that is understandable when our emotions are electrochemical phenomena. If you are a fish in the sea you are fundamentally affected by the state of the water, and it is the same with us and the vibrational 'sea'. There are now so many electrical influences, as the Observer article said:
Wiring creates electrical fields, one component of the smog, even when nothing is turned on. And all electrical equipment from TVs to toasters give off another one, magnetic fields. The fields rapidly decrease with distance but appliances such as hair dryers and electric shavers, used close to the head, can give high exposures. Electric blankets and clock radios near to beds produce even higher doses because people are exposed to them for many hours while sleeping. Radio frequency fields yet another component are emitted by microwave ovens, TV and radio transmitters, mobile phone masts and phones themselves, also used close to the head.

The World Health Organisation has said that the problem will increase as technology 'advances', but it is not advancing, that is the point. How can technology that is causing so much physical, mental and emotional dis-ease be described as being an advance? At the highest strata within the conspiracy, the electromagnetic 'soup' is being created to produce an ever-thickening sea of frequency fields to hold the 'human' level in disconnection from its multi-dimensional self. In other words, to keep us in the fivesense prison of 'physical' perception where we can be so easily controlled and


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Figure 241: Chemtrails criss-cross the sky

manipulated. The vibrational change I will describe in more detail later is threatening that control and this electromagnetic assault is part of their reaction.

Poisoning the skies

For me, the chemical clouds sprayed into the atmosphere by military aircraft, and commercial planes contracted by the military, are fundamentally connected to this 'soup' agenda. These clouds have become known as 'chemtrails', as opposed to the 'contrails' that are naturally produced by aircraft through condensation. Contrails quickly disperse, chemtrails do not, and they are often sprayed by planes flying in crisscross patterns across the same area (Figure 241). Author and researcher, William Thomas, became the most vocal exposer of chemtrails soon after they began in the United States and Canada in about 1998, before appearing in Europe. Now, they are reported all over the world and Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa has told me of his constant experiences of these high-altitude sprayings in South Africa. Disney even added chemtrails to sky scenes in the children's animation movie, Cars. Yeah, get them used to seeing the sky like that and they won't ask questions. Many people in the United States report that their locations are sprayed so often that they no longer have the clear blue skies they once enjoyed and you can find detailed articles and background to chemtrails in the coverups research archive at www.davidicke.com. The chemtrails have many components. William Thomas says that analysis of the trails has found highly toxic pathogens, among them Mycoplasma fermentans incognitus. This was discovered by Dr Garth Nicholson in some 45 per cent of former soldiers suffering from the debilitating illness known as Gulf War Syndrome. Symptoms reported in sprayed areas have included respiratory and flu-like conditions and sometimes mental confusion and depression. We should not be surprised at biological warfare against the population when such things have been exposed many times since the 1940s. Unsuspecting communities have often been used as laboratory animals to test germ warfare agents. Remember how the Project for the New American Century report called for ... 'advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes ...' and the fact that they would test these on the population is a given. By the way, when they say something should be developed, it means it already has been. Chemtrails have been linked by some researchers to the outbreak of 'Morgellons disease', which was first identified in 2001. The symptoms include crawling, stinging and biting sensations, skin lesions that won't heal, extreme fatigue, severe mental confusion, short term memory


loss, joint pain, a sharp decline in vision, and serious neurological disorders. Its cause is officially 'a mystery', but look at how the symptoms mirror many of those associated with electromagnetic sensitivity. Significantly, in terms of the 'soup' I am talking about, analysis has revealed the presence of aluminium, barium, calcium, magnesium and Figure 242: Some of the technology at the HAARP project in Alaska titanium in the air and rain in areas subjected to chemtrail spraying. One study over three months collected rainwater and snow samples from Chapel Hill in North Carolina and submitted them for formal 'double-blind' laboratory tests. All the substances I have listed were found, especially the heavy metal, barium, which a good heat and electricity conductor. Barium sulphate is also an excellent X-ray absorber. A barium alloy is used in sparkplug wire and Barium oxide is employed in a coating for the electrodes of fluorescent lamps that allows the release of electrons. Aluminium conducts electricity and heat almost as well as copper. Although much more research is needed with open-minded experts in the field (where are they?), I am sure we are going to find that at least one major reason for the chemtrails is to add to the electromagnetic 'soup' that is getting ever-thicker around the Earth. Specifically, I think it likely that these metals released by the spraying are to create a highly efficient conduit for electromagnetic waves and broadcasts, so encasing the planet in an electromagnetic field-prison designed to block 'unwanted' wavelengths coming in. At the same time, this 'soup' is designed to act as a conductor for thought wave frequencies broadcast to the population. I suggest that the chemtrail agenda is connected to HAARP, the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, based in Alaska and run by the US Department of 'Defense' through the Air Force and Navy (Figure 242). Other HAARP-like and HAARP-connected operations are being introduced in other countries, including Sweden. The target is the electrically-charged ionosphere surrounding the planet at between forty to sixty miles above the surface. We won't know the full significance of what the chemtrail clouds contain until we know how they interact with the signals broadcast by HAARP. Behind the cover stories and the bullshit, HAARP is all about control on multi-levels, including weather control. Prime among them is to fill their artificially-created electromagnetic 'matrix', 'membrane' or 'soup' around the Earth with instructions and thought/emotional patterns broadcasting on the brainDNA wavelengths to turn the human population into little more than computer terminals for their instructions. As long-time HAARP researchers, Dr Nick Begich and Jeane Manning, write:

Put simply, the apparatus for HAARP is a reversal of a radio telescope; antenna send out signals instead of receiving. HAARP is the test run for a super-powerful radiowavebeaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere by focusing a beam and heating those areas. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything living and dead. HAARP publicity gives the impression that the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program is mainly an academic project with the goal of changing the ionosphere to i mprove communications for our own good. However, other US military documents put it more clearly HAARP aims to learn how to 'exploit the ionosphere for Department of Defense purposes'.

soup I am describing: 'Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything living and dead.' HAARP, TETRA, mobile phone networks, chemtrails, the Global Positioning Satellite System or GPS, and so much more, are all aspects of the plan and it is unfolding very rapidly. This is also the system designed to communicate with the planned human microchips that will be connected to the Global Positioning satellites. If you think you live in zombie land now, give it a few more years unless we bring this insanity to an end. An Internet article on TETRA points out:

There you have the real motivation for HAARP and it fits perfectly the electromagnetic

Low frequency electromagnetic and microwave radiation were identified in the 1960s as a potential anti-personnel weapon and the Pentagon has confirmed that it has developed microwave crowd control weapons. Can a system which is developed as weaponry be considered safe for the police and public?

No, of course not, but I repeat: it's not meant to be. The electromagnetic 'soup' is part of a process of creating an alternative communication system to, and between, human minds. It is designed to create the 'hive mind' so beloved of the Reptilians in which diversity of thought and perception is destroyed. You would get your instructions electromagnetically and then act upon them, believing them to be your own thoughts and decisions. As Professor Steven Rose said in his Observer article: '[Focusing] ... an intense magnetic field on specific brain regions ... has been shown to affect thoughts, perceptions and behaviour'. If they get the frequency right they can even lock humanity into the very same hive mind that the Reptilians use. We would become them in thought and response. To a large extent that is already happening purely through indoctrination. But, as I keep stressing, this does not have to be if we just stop saying 'baaaaa' and decide that we truly wish to be free.


The hive mind

Those who manipulate the organized habits and opinions of the masses constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. Edward Bernays, assistant to William Paley, founder of CBS

It is no surprise to see so many mind-control masts situated at or near schools. One of

the themes of my books over the years has been the agenda to mind-control children. This has many facets, including indoctrination through 'education', but it goes far deeper than that. They want to own the children, mentally, emotionally and physically. Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, written in the early 1930s, described a society of total control in which children were brought up in communal nurseries, conditioned from birth to accept what the state told them to do. Like laboratory rats, children were electro-shocked if they did anything unacceptable to the programming. One scene has babies crawling towards pictures of flowers and birds only to be shocked because the State didn't want them to like nature. A form of this is going on right across society today as people are punished through various means for not acting in ways acceptable to the state, and rewarded when they do as demanded. One form of 'electro-shock' is to attack and ridicule people who challenge conventional 'thinking'. Huxley was George Orwell's French teacher at Eton for a short time and if you fuse their two books, 1984 and Brave New World, you will get very close to the truth of what is happening today. The children in Brave New World are brainwashed even when they sleep as subliminal messages turn them into insatiable consumers to drive the engine of industrial production as indeed they are today. At the heart of this child-control was to remove children from the influence of their parents. Huxley describes how the 'Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning' explains the origin of the term 'parent' to his students:
In brief, parents were the father and mother ... These are unpleasant facts, I know it. But then most historical facts are unpleasant ... In those days ... children were brought up by their parents and not in State Conditioning Centres.

Still, that was just a novel, a fantasy, the equivalent of a sci-fi movie, right? If only. The very world described by Huxley is installed all around us, as piece by piece the tapestry of control is constructed. Journalist Bel Mooney, writing in the UK Daily Mail, put it well when she said:

Make no mistake, totalitarianism creeps up on you. One minute you think you live in a free society and then you turn your back and, hey presto, another little rule, a fresh directive, a sneaky law, an insidious diktat all of them putting up prison bars through which we have to view the world.

This is the Totalitarian Tiptoe. What prompted Bel Mooney into print on this was a highly significant piece in the puzzle being proposed by the British government and increasingly seen elsewhere. It is the plan by the UK Department of Education to impose rules on the teaching of 'communication, language and literacy' to toddlers. No, I'm not making this up. It comes with the Orwellian/Huxleyan title of 'The Early Years Foundation Stage', and includes teaching these kids, barely-out-of-nappies, 'personal and social development' and 'knowledge and understanding of the world'. To quote Mooney: 'The system will have to be used by all nurseries and childminders, and will cover a child's development from birth, including structured maths and language training at three'. Beverley Hughes, the bewildered 'Children's Minister', said it was a 'radical Bill' that 'will address the needs of parents in the modern world with the offer of childcare'. They were 'bringing childcare into the mainstream of services parents can expect to be available as part of the modern welfare state'. Ms. Hughes is not the brightest candle in the box and she probably, like most of Blair's poodles and puppets, had no idea of the significance of what those behind the scenes were using her to introduce. When you put her words through an Orwellian Translation Unit, you get this: 'We want control of your child's mind'. As Pink Floyd so memorably sang about 'education': 'All in all, it's just another brick in the wall'. Parents are not perfect and they make mistakes either because they are trying to do what they wrongly think is best or they just couldn't care less. The crucial word here is diversity. When children develop with parental influence it creates a much greater diversity of upbringing and diversity is like garlic to a vampire to those with our world in their sights. Diversity = different, and they don't do different. You can't control the different and diverse on anything like the scale of the uniform and universal. They want to centralise everything, in this case the indoctrination of children, and submerge diversity under a tidal wave of uniformity. He who thinks the same can be controlled the same. They want one blueprint, one mind, one reality, so that humans operate with the same 'hive mind' of the Reptilians. Bel Mooney was right when she wrote:
Is the real goal of this control-freakery to raise a new generation of hapless production li ne children who will not have enough independence of mind to say boo to a goose, still less to challenge those in authority?

Too right it is.

The left-brain prison

A major aspect of this targeting of toddlers is to turn children into what I call 'left brain prisoners'. The brain has two hemispheres connected by a 'bridge' called the corpus callosum. The left side of the brain involves our 'this world' reality of language, what passes for 'logic', and the 'physical' world perspective; the right side is the creative, the

The hive mind


artistic, the 'out there' connection to levels of consciousness beyond this five-sense reality. In our balanced 'whole brain' state, the two sides are in harmony, neither dominating the other, with the bridge passing information and insight between the two. What the system has done, in full awareness at Illuminati level, is to structure society, 'education', chemicals in food and drink, etc., to close down vast tracts of Figure 243: Children watch the resident hypnotist the corpus callosum to suppress the scale of communication between the hemispheres. They then program the population, especially children, to see life overwhelmingly through the left brain. This is one major reason why 'science' has not understood the nature of life and reality. It is populated by left-brainers who can't get 'out there' to perceive beyond 'physical' reality. Therefore, they are obsessed with, and blinkered by, the realm of 'matter'. So it is with doctors, teachers, politicians and other pillars of the system. They go through the 'education' machine and take their places in positions of power and influence with their right brain under lock and key. Now, and this is the point with regard to the 'education' of children, the earlier this process starts the more effective and life-long it is going to be. Hence, 'The Early Years Foundation Stage' and its teaching of 'communication, language and literacy' to toddlers, together with 'knowledge and understanding of the world'. The 'play' years of toddlers are vital to their balanced development. Play 'ad-libs' and awakens their right brain, the creative, the imaginative, the 'out there' connections. The right brain ad-libs and flows with the moment, while the left brain wants rigid structure. What do the Reptilian hybrids want for the global population? rigid structure. The idea, way above the heads of people like 'Children's Minister' Beverley Hughes and the other clones-in-government, is to bombard toddlers at the earliest possible time with left-brain information to stimulate that and close down the influence of the right. This will disconnect them from multidimensional awareness and make them prisoners of the 'physical reality' that the Illuminati seek to control. The way art, music and other forms of right-brain creativity are being downgraded in schools and colleges is part of this, too, and so is the indoctrination through television (Figure 243). I have been trying to get across to people for so long that such changes are not done ad hoc on the whim of the government of the time. That's just what they want you to believe. You cannot look at what is happening without also including the creation of

universal 'education' in the first place; the brain-changing chemicals in soft drinks and food, and the financial pressures on mothers to work fulltime and hand over the development of their children to outsiders and the state. All these facets, and more, are part of a long-organised plan to take over our children in both mind and body. This is where people like Bel Mooney and the 'left' lose the plot. She says these plans for our children were part of Tony Blair's 'New Labour ideology'. Well, yes they are on one level, but if it wasn't Blair and his party doing it then it would be someone else, because this is where the conspiracy has planned all along to take us. What is happening in Britain is happening in the United States and country after country is being picked off and ticked off in the same way. Are Blair and his 'New Labour ideology' responsible for all that, too? It is a global plan by a global force. It's so obvious I could scream. The introduction of state-controlled education was not, at the highest level, to educate at all. The last thing a dictator wants is a truly educated and intelligent population. It was, and is, the means to universally indoctrinate a life-long sense of reality. One protestor against state education in America said as long ago as 1926: 'If you give the bureaucrats the children, you might as well give them everything else as well'. He was right on the button and an Internet writer put it like this:
The answer to our education holocaust is not smaller classes, more computers, more after-school programmes or 'No Child Left Behind' by the State's mandatory child enslavement. The only answer is the denouncement of government education as evil, and its subsequent elimination.

The education that will follow the fall of the Illuminati state will see all children as unique expressions of the Infinite One. It will help them to connect, or hold connection, with their multi-dimensional self, always focusing on the unique at the expense of the uniform. It will be a world in which society responds to people, not the other way round. But sitting on the arse is not going to make it happen. Arse sitting is like arse licking - it always hands power to the few.
'Hey, dad, hey mom, when they were turning children into robots and building the system that controls my life, what were you doing?' 'We were sitting on our arses, dear.' 'Gee, thanks, mom, thanks, dad ... I'll see you next year then when I get leave from the State Conditioning Centre - if I still recognise you.' 'Okay dear, be good - love you.'

War on the young

I feel for young people today. They are bombarded from every angle with programming, indoctrination and chemical suppression of brain activity through additives in their food and drink - plus all the electromagnetic influences, like cell phones. The idea is to slam down the lid on their potential and perception, so they slip

The hive mind


off the production line as mindless adults. We are seeing the gathering process of testing how much young people have absorbed this programming and how many can still see the truth, despite the intellectual and spiritual blindfolds they are pressured to wear. I saw an account from a 15-year-old in Britain about her experience of this undercover mind-search. She posted her account on the Internet after she had taken a general studies exam. She thought she would be tested on the content of her school work, which she had been revising for some six months, but no. The questions bore no connection to what she had been learning. Instead, she was asked about her knowledge of 'conspiracy theories' with the emphasis on 9/11. She wrote:
I will lay down the outline of the main question on the paper, bearing in mind this is not word for word as I could not write down the question and take it away, and I failed to remember the question exactly: 'Using Source 1 and your own knowledge, discuss the possibility of governments misleading citizens into believing facts which are not entirely true, and what the purpose of this would be'. Source 1 happens to be a short excerpt from someone in America whose name I fail to remember, talking about the Trade Center attacks, quoting missiles. And obviously since I've been watching ... videos ... I know that with the exception of this one quote, there has been no other mention of missiles being involved in the attacks, so this strikes me immediately.

There were three other questions relating to how far she would trust the government and Prime Minister Tony Blair, and how far she would trust other leaders such as Bush. She sat the exam on her own 'in a more than normally secure room' with the head of the exam board 'at my toes' the whole hour and a quarter. Afterwards, she told a friend at the college who was supposed to take the same general studies exam that the girl thought she was going to take. The friend said he had taken the usual exam that was nothing like the one she had sat. A few minutes later, the girl said, she was taken aside by the head of the exam board and told that she had been selected for a test that most people would not know existed. He asked if she had spoken to anyone about what happened. She said no and he told her to keep it to herself, to tell her friends she took the same exam as them, and the exam board would 'look kindly on my cooperation'. She assumed this meant that if she kept her mouth shut she would get a good grade. But, in her words: 'I'd much rather piss on his shoes and tell you this whole thing'. Good on you, girl, and what a coincidence that a student who clearly has a mind of her own should be the one 'selected' to take this test. I have written much about the Thought Police who seek to sift the thinkers from the sheep and it is clear that this is now starting at a very early age. Some American children are given 'patriotism tests', which, as with the UK example, have nothing to do with the curriculum they have been studying. A girl in the tenth grade was given a questionnaire out of the blue in her English class in which she had to agree or disagree with these statements:
It is never right to kill another person; Political leaders usually act in the best interest of their countries; If a political leader has done something wrong, it is all right to get rid

of him by whatever means necessary; Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely; In certain situations it maybe justified for a political leader to bend or break the law for the good of the country; People should never compromise their ideals or beliefs; 'My country right or wrong' is not just a slogan, it is every citizen's patriotic duty; No cause, political or otherwise, is worth dying for; Cowards die many times before their deaths, the valiant taste death, but once; The evil that men do lives after them, the good is [often buried] with their bones.

We have seen similar tests come to light in the military, including the question of would they serve a United Nations leadership and would they shoot American citizens. This is all part of the process of gathering information about the thoughts and attitudes of people to see (a) how far the indoctrination has taken hold, and (b) how effective the conspiracy-exposure movement has been in getting people, especially the young, to see through the global manipulation. In Orwell's book, 1984, it wasn't the masses that the Big Brother state was targeting because they already had them sorted. The majority were so indoctrinated that they were not considered worth keeping under the closest surveillance. They never challenged state imposition, so there was no point. It was the dissidents that were really targeted and so it is today. Find out who is a thinker and then watch them like a hawk. The 'tests' for students who think out of the box, and the Internet profiling of people based on the websites they choose to read, are all involved in this process. The authorities are now demanding that search engine companies keep and release as instructed the web addresses on their databases, plus records of all searches. The Bush cabal said it needed the information to prepare its effort to revive the 1998 Child Online Protection Act, which was blocked the first time by the Supreme Court. The idea that the Bush crowd want to protect children is utterly laughable. If you want to see websites featuring paedophiles, child killers, Satanists and mass murderers who prey on children go no further than these: www.firstgov.gov and www.whitehouse.gov. The demand for search data has nothing to do with protecting children. It is about tracking and profiling potential dissidents.

Nailing the 'norms'

We are further conditioned to see what we are told to see by the very 'norms' of society I have been emphasising in book after book. Hypnosis has many facets. It does not have to stand on a stage or hold a swinging pocket watch. Hypnosis of the type I am talking about is the programming of the conscious and subconscious mind to believe a falsehood to such an extent that this is what it 'sees'. The hypnotist is implanting a false reality into your mind. Those ten words encapsulate the real motive behind the 'education' system, official 'science', the media, government pronouncements and all the other sources of official 'information' with which the human brain and mind is deluged every day 'the hypnotist is implanting a false reality into your mind'. I have exposed this process in detail in other books and this is what these institutions are: hypnotists. This is especially true of 'education' and the media, and, most particularly, television. These constant influences program our sense of 'reason' to such an extent that we believe the illusion and the lies to be real. As I mentioned earlier, Don Juan, the shaman source of author Carlos Castaneda, is quoted as saying:

The hive mind


We are perceivers. We are awareness; we are not objects; we have no solidity. We are boundless ... We, or rather our reason, forget [this] and thus we entrap the totality of ourselves in a vicious circle from which we rarely emerge in our lifetime.

From the moment we become five-sense conscious, the programming of our reality begins. In fact, it begins in the womb through the mother. We already start with a 'body' that carries its inherited reality programming through the DNA, and this often includes genetic subservience to authority and a sense of 'I am small and insignificant'. The minds of most people are prisoners of their body's genetic programming and responses. The body-computer program is in control of their actions and reactions, not the incarnate consciousness. In such people, an inherited genetic trait like alcoholism will be repeated in their own experience. Those with consciousness more powerful than the programming will be able to override it and avoid the repetition. The Reptilian conspiracy is aimed at suppressing consciousness so we are controlled by the programming, both inherited and downloaded during our 'physical' lives. Most people expend so much energy coping with the inherited responses, reactions, desires and demands of their body-computer that they have little left to look up and see beyond the illusion. In childhood, we are subjected to the programming of our parents who instil their own conditioned reality upon us. From the age of four or five, this is compounded massively by school and 'education', which is often little more than legalised child abuse. The abuse, that is, of the child's mind and sense of reality. What does the 'education' system actually do? It indoctrinates a false reality day after day throughout the most critical period of a child's development by (a) pounding out the official version of science, history, possibility and impossibility, and all the rest; and (b) by insisting that only by repeating this in exams will you progress within the Illuminati system that controls 'education'. For many, this indoctrination at school is followed by college or university 'education' in which the same process is repeated at a higher level. Education is not involved in developing self-awareness; it merely prepares young people to do the jobs that will serve the system. As Albert Einstein put it: 'The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education'. Real 'education' is actually unlearning the indoctrination of official 'education'. Constantly underpinning these false realities throughout our lives, is the conditioning of the same 'norms' and 'truths' by the media, most powerfully via the resident hypnotist in the corner of the room the television. Add to this the fact that almost everyone around you will have been through the same programming, and accept the same realities, plus the peer pressure throughout your life to conform to the norms even if you don't want to. This produces a network of interconnected imposition of reality that causes all but a few to submit to this collective mind-control. When they accept this hypnotic state, and most do from a very early age, their brains and minds are programmed to 'see' the reality it has been programmed to believe in. It 'sees' what it is indoctrinated to see, and edits out anything that doesn't fit, as I described in the first two chapters. This 'seeing what they believe' confirms to people most powerfully of all that what they believe is true. The bigger the lie and the more it is repeated, the more will believe it. This process of indoctrinating reality has convinced six billion people that 'seeing is believing' and that the 'world' around' them is 'real'. They can see, hear, touch, smell and taste it so it must be.

Force whispering
The most important target for the mass reality manipulators is the subconscious where instructions and perceptions can be implanted beyond the awareness of the conscious mind. This is what a hypnotist is doing and the system, especially television, is the hypnotist for the global population. How appropriate that we call television output television programmes. Even the brainwave state we go into while watching TV is the same as that of a hypnotic trace. So much is being implanted that we are not aware of that later filters into the conscious mind as thought, perceptions and decisions that we think are our own. It is the targeting of the subconscious that is behind the bombardment of subliminal messages coming at us from all angles and their aim is to manipulate behaviour. This is done mostly through human 'drives' like survival (hunger, thirst, danger of all kinds) and sex, greed, social acceptance, security and territoriality. All of these 'drives' are phenomena of the R-complex or reptilian brain, which also works with images more than words. Subliminal means 'below threshold' because the messages are communicated at a level that the conscious mind doesn't register, but the subconscious does. The subconscious sees all while the conscious notes only a fraction of what passes through the eyes and even changes much of that. Subliminal advertising was exposed in the 1950s when some television and movie theatre ads were found to be transmitting split-second images that the conscious mind couldn't see to stimulate a desire for a product. This included a subliminal 'I'm thirsty' during drinks commercials. The knowledge of subliminal programming goes back to ancient times with scholars like Plato and Aristotle mentioning the technique, and more than five hundred scientific papers have been published confirming the effectiveness of subliminals. Producers of movies like The Exorcist and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre publicly admitted that they contained violent and frightening subliminals. If you want to see an example of how subliminal messages can dictate behaviour go to the mind control archive at www.davidicke.com and watch the item headlined: 'Video Proof that Subliminal Suggestion Works'. The use of subliminals is supposed to be illegal in some countries and the Illuminaticontrolled Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) in the United States says that subliminals are inherently deceptive. It says the viewer does not perceive them at a normal level of awareness and is given no choice whether to accept or reject the message. So why is nothing done about the subliminals that abound in advertising, let alone in political manipulation? The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has no regulation barring subliminal advertising, but generally considers it deceptive, it says. If you put 'subliminal' or 'subliminal advertising' into web search you'll see many examples and the picture on this page carries a very clear subliminal message once it is pointed out (Figure 244). Readers of Tales from the Time Figure 244: There's massive subliminal message in this picture. Can you see it? Loop and those who have seen my public

The hive mind


talks will know what it is. I am repeating it here for new readers because it provides an excellent example of how subliminal manipulation works. Apparently, about five per cent see the subliminal message at first sight and the rest are amazed when it is made clear to them. If you haven't seen Figure 245: What was found when a pro-Bush, it, look at the white areas and not the anti-Gore commercial was slowed down plants. Your eyes go to the plants, but it is most often in the background that subliminals are posted. We consciously see the apparent focus of the ad while the background passes us by. Look at the lower level of the two plants on the left and you will see that they combine to make the letter S in the white background. Move your eyes right and you'll see an E and an X. It is so clear once it is pointed out because the subliminal is no longer 'below threshold' your conscious mind is aware of it. Every time you look at the picture now you will see the subliminal clearer than the plants. This is why it is so important to communicate the information in books like this one as widely as possible. So much of the conspiracy succeeds only so long as it operates 'below threshold', and once people understand even the basics of the game we become so much harder to manipulate. Also, the very awareness that we are being bombarded by subliminals advances their effect by creating an energetic barrier that filters them out. I have often said that the Illuminati manipulate the people by manipulating the basic image they have of something, rather than the detail. They know that people don't retain detail from the television, or even newspapers. They go away with a feeling, an image, about a person or event. Tell the people something over and over and at the level of the image the feeling they will overwhelmingly accept this to be a true picture of events even though there is no detail to back it up. The authorities keep repeating the same mantra, like 'weapons of mass destruction', 'al-Qaeda was responsible', and 'it was Bin Laden'. This is simple hypnosis. All the subliminal techniques used by advertisers to sell products are used by the government spinners who are, after all, just selling a president, prime minister or policy in the same way that Coca-Cola sells canned drinks. One of the more crass and incompetent attempts at subliminal manipulation came in the Bush presidential campaign in 2000 when a political ad placed by the Republican National Committee flashed the word 'RATS' over a Gore prescription drug proposal (Figure 245). It was left up too long in the same way that a subliminal flash of former French President Francois Mitterrand was spotted in the opening titles of a French news programme when he was seeking election. The Bush 'RATS' tape only had to be slowed down slightly to be clearly visible. Let no one kid themselves that subliminal messages (or 'subliminable' as George Bush called them) are not pouring from political advertisements. Note how the background behind Bush is always full of pictures of his family when he is announcing the certain death of families in countries his masters want to conquer. It is all aimed at the subconscious. Operation Iraqi Freedom, the title the Pentagon spinners gave to their human slaughter in Iraq, was devised for the same reason. The names for these military invasions are designed solely to depict what the spinners want the public to believe the war is all about. See Tales from the Time Loop for more detailed information about subliminal trickery and more illustrated examples.

'We're revolting!' I agree ...

You can see mass mind control and the hive mind at work in the news every day as the masses are manipulated to produce the desired reaction to people and events. It is little more than downloading the data, pressing 'Enter' and activating the software. Take fifty kittens and fifty balls of wool. Put them all in a small room for a week and then come back and unravel the mess. That is the challenge we face today with mind-game events like the protests in 2006 over the cartoon depiction of the Prophet Mohammed as a terrorist. There was a protest in London with banners calling for the cartoonist and publishers to be beheaded and one protestor a convicted drug dealer called Omar Khayam was dressed as a suicide bomber. This guy later publicly and 'wholeheartedly' apologised for his 'insensitive behaviour' to the victims and families of the London bombings in July 2005, which were blamed on Muslim suicide bombers. Already the wool is in a terrible tangle and most of it is covering the eyes. Firstly, there is the monumental doublethink necessary to believe that a cartoonist who depicted the Islamic religion as violent should attract protests against that depiction which call for him and his publishers to be executed. Second, they oppose the freedom that allows the cartoonist to draw such a cartoon, yet claim the right to their freedom to call for him and others to be murdered. Ugh? Thirdly, the fake 'suicide bomber' apologised to the victims of the London 'suicide bombings' when the attacks were orchestrated by the same non-Muslim force behind 9 /11. Some of the banners in the protests in London and around the world said 'remember 9 / 11' as a warning to those who attack Islam when Islamic terrorists were not the cause of those attacks. It was another inside job engineered by those who wanted an excuse for massive surveillance and control and a war on Islam. The Illuminati must be in hysterics. Cue kittens ... The depiction in the cartoon of Mohammed as a terrorist with a bomb on his head was an outrageous misrepresentation and I understand the dismay in the Islamic world. The majority of Muslims are peaceful people. I have been to many Islamic countries, including Saudi Arabia, and found most Muslims to be some of the nicest, kindest people I have met anywhere. The stereotype of Muslim means terrorist and Islam means terrorism is a disgraceful and calculated distortion of the truth. It is also the case that the reaction of a small minority of Muslims to the cartoon with their calls for bans and beheading had the real feel of a set-up job (Figure 246). Many people are so easy to manipulate into extreme or violent protest. What these uninformed silly sods don't realise (though the agent provocateurs among them do) is that their actions further confirm in the public mind what the Illuminati want them to believe and fear about the Islamic peoples they are now targeting with a vengeance. In short, these mindless protestors are walking blindfold into the trap that has Figure 246: Orchestrated mind-control

The hive mind


been set for them. Peaceful Muslims at home with their children do not attract television cameras small groups of violent or banner-toting idiots do. And they have. Day after day at the height of the cartoon controversy we saw them across the global media amid the burning flags, burning embassies and waving banners calling for violent reprisals. The Reptilian hybrids loved it oh what publicity for their hate-the-Muslims-they'reall-terrorists campaign. Merete Eldrup, managing director of the Danish newspaper that published the cartoons, is the wife of regular Bilderberg Group attendee, Anders Eldrup. The Danish Prime Minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, is another Bilderberger. The man who commissioned cartoonists to produce the offending images, and then published them in Denmark's leading morning paper, is the 'cultural editor', Flemming Rose. He said he was doing it in support of free speech, but this is the same man who refuses to challenge the bans on questioning any aspect of the Holocaust or take up the disgraceful cases of historians and writers jailed in Europe for challenging official history. The International Herald Tribune noted that Rose, the 'liberal' supporter of free speech, refused to criticise Zionist leaders and their crimes. Rose told the paper that he would not publish a cartoon of Israel's then Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, strangling a Palestinian baby, since that could be construed as 'racist'. Oh, but anything goes with anyone else it seems. Rose could easily be construed as a hypocrite and should be. Once again we find a Neocon connection. According to the American Free Press:
Rose travelled to Philadelphia in October 2004 to visit Daniel Pipes, the Neo-Con ideologue who says the only path to Middle East peace will come through a total Israeli military victory. Rose then penned a positive article about Pipes, who compares 'militant Islam' with fascism and communism. In April 2003, President George W. Bush nominated the rabid anti-Muslim Pipes to the board of the United States Institute of Peace, a congressionally sponsored think tank dedicated to 'the peaceful resolution of international conflicts'.

The cartoon controversy was a well-orchestrated mind-control sting operation and the relative handful of Muslims with their burnings and threats of violence walked and squawked right in. An extreme mentality will manifest anywhere. It may don a different uniform, but the mentality is just the same. This mentality born into a Muslim community will be the Islamic extremist imposing his will on everyone else according to the strict often contradictory demands of the Koranic texts. The same mentality born in Tel Aviv would be a Jewish extremist imposing his will on everyone else according to the strict often contradictory demands of the Judaic texts. The same mentality born in Louisiana would be a Christian extremist imposing his will on everyone else according to the strict often contradictory demands of the biblical texts. Same face, different mask, same program, different obsession. I saw a television 'debate' which featured an obnoxious, arrogant, self-styled 'Muslim leader' who shouted down every other guest who had a different view. One of them said that he was no different to Nick Griffin, the leader of the far-right British National Party, which wants people like the big-mouth Muslim to be jailed or thrown out of the country. On the surface they seem to be on polarised 'sides', but they are of the same mentality, one in a robe, the other in a suit. Same people, different uniform. The Reptilian hybrids are

very skilled and experienced in playing off different expressions of this extreme mentality against each other to create the conflict, fear and thus the essential divide and rule. The protestors involved in violence or threats of violence are doing precisely what they have been manipulated to do portray Islam as the religion of violence, fear, dictatorship and darkness. Yet it doesn't have to be like that. We have a choice when faced with unfair portrayals of ourselves and our beliefs. We can choose to be offended or we can choose not to be. Yes, it's that simple. Had there been peaceful, thoughtful, intelligent protests about the biased depiction of Islam in that cartoon, there would have been great sympathy from many people and the chance to make the point that Islam is demonised by the acts of the very few at the expense of the majority who are peaceful. Instead, because the mob has chosen to be offended, or manipulated to be, the behaviour we saw hardened the image that people have of Islam and its advocates. Hardly great thinking is it? The villain this time was a cartoonist and Muslims could have chosen to be offended, kidnap people, threaten violence, and torch flags and buildings, or they could have said 'what a prat' and gone about their lives. They could have said the cartoon was an outrageous misrepresentation of their religion, but they agree with freedom of expression and their faith is far too strong to be undermined by such nonsense. What a different reaction this would have gleaned from the non-Muslim population. Personally, I am getting just a little sick of people being 'offended' and seeking to deny everyone the right to express any view they choose to be offended by. You're offended? I think I see a way out of this: choose not to be. There you go, sorted. I am not offended by how Muslims or Christians or Jews see the world because, much as I fundamentally disagree with their religious beliefs, they have every right to express them. My challenge only comes when they try to impose their beliefs on others or suppress beliefs they don't like. Freedom of expression, however, would appear to be a one-way liberty. I saw a television discussion in which a Christian, who campaigned vociferously to ban a BBC programme mocking his religion, said that it was fine to publish that Mohammed cartoon. Hypocrite. If a religion or other belief system is not strong enough to survive and prosper without imposition or the suppression of other views then its advocates don't seem too confident in its ability to influence people through the power of its message. I am not just talking Islam here, but all religion and beliefs. If anyone is offended by what I've said, I'm sorry that I don't have a flag for you to burn I don't believe in nationalism either. I do have a Leicester City Football Club woolly hat if that's any good to you. I've thought about burning it myself, to be honest, the way they've played recently. You can laugh at the mocking and spoofing of religion or you can think it's really silly. That's not the point here. It is that the people involved have a right to mock and question and you have a right to see and hear them if you choose to. If the day comes when you don't have that right (and it's close), freedom will be history for all of us, no matter what your faith. When will the mist clear long enough for all to see that the freedom to promote Christianity is the freedom to promote Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and all the rest? The freedom to promote what one supports is only a freedom if others have the freedom to mock, question, even misrepresent. All of these freedoms are the same freedom and without any of them the only 'freedom' left is the freedom to agree and conform.

The hive mind


Religion is simply mind-control manipulating people to believe what the manipulators want them to believe. How can it not be when you see the extremes to which the belief must be worshipped and obeyed? I saw a television documentary series in which one Islamic fanatic measured everything she did every day against whether 'the Prophet' had done it. In 2002, fifteen schoolgirls died in a blazing building in Mecca after the Saudi Arabia 'religious police' blocked their escape when they weren't wearing the correct female Islamic dress. One witness said he saw three policemen beating young girls to prevent them from leaving the school because they were not wearing the abaya [black clothing that covers the whole body]'. The religious police are widely feared in Saudi Arabia, as they roam the streets enforcing dress codes and sex segregation, and ensuring prayers are performed on time. Those who refuse to obey their orders are often beaten and sometimes jailed. These guys are nothing less than mind-controlled zombies and you find mind-controlled extremists in all religions because they are all expressions of the same basic program. When you add the technological potential for mind and emotional manipulation, never in known human history has the population been under so much pressure to believe what it is told to believe. The Orwellian 'Strategic Communication Laboratories' that I featured in the previous chapter tells its clients:
We live in a world of communication, where perception is very often the reality. Those

individuals that control the perceptions are the ones that control virtually everything. Most modern conflicts are based on misaligned perceptions, ideologies, opinions about religion, etc. If a government does not have the tools to manage the perceptions which effect security, defence, finance, tourism, health and foreign relations, then it may well find itself at the mercy of those that do.

But this agenda to control can operate only at the computer level of reality. Infinite Awareness is far more powerful than any manipulation, TETRA mast, HAARP project or propaganda, and that's why the whole of society is structured to hold us in the computer level of perception the five-senses. When we open our minds and our hearts to the infinite genius that we are, the programming goes in one ear and out the other because Infinite Awareness has no 'ears', only knowing. That's our way out of all this that's the way home.

Access codes
My doctor gave me six months to live, but when I couldn't pay the bill he gave me six months more.

Walter Matthau

The Reptilian hybrids are at war with the human body and psyche because they are terrified that enough people will awaken from their trance state and see the world for what it is: a global prison. Even more frightening to their reptilian brain is that we will realise who the prison warders are. It is testament to human potential that the manipulators have to work so hard to maintain the collective amnesia. They have to use mind control, subliminal messages, electromagnetic pollution, food and drink additives, medical drugs and vaccines. They also have to lie by the minute through the media and 'education', and suppress the information that would expose the plot and allow 'humans' to know who and where they really are. Our natural state is one of multidimensional, infinite consciousness. To control us, the Reptilians have had to manipulate the people into an unnatural state of disconnection, a sense of division and separateness, that perceives the world only through the tiny lens of the five senses. We have seen throughout the book the many ways that this is done, and another is by poisoning mind and body through what we eat, drink and get from the doctor. The body is a biological computer and there are many access codes vibrational, electrical and chemical. They're all vibrational fields in the end, but they take different forms. Everything is an expression of everything else, so a chemical will affect the body vibrationally and a vibrational/electrical field can affect the body's chemical balance. This means that when the body is destabilised chemically it disrupts the electrical systems which, in this reality, affect thought and emotion. That's a given when you see how people are constantly imbalanced mentally and emotionally by medical and other drugs. I gave the example early in the book of the woman who suffered from untreatable clinical depression for forty years until she realised it was caused by mercury fillings in her teeth. The body itself has the ability to think and express emotion and our Infinite Awareness communicates with this reality through the body's electrical systems. If the body is chemically imbalanced the electrical communication shortcircuits with the endless consequences that we see in medical and psychiatric hospitals. The conspiracy wants to access our body-computers in every way possible to undermine our ability to think straight, have balanced emotions and bring higher levels

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of perception through the computer into this five-sense 'world'. This is what the Reptilian hybrids are doing through their food and drink corporations and their pharmaceutical cartel. There was a time, not that long ago really, when food was mostly grown locally for the community on land uncontaminated by the poisons and potions of 'modern' farming. The food would contain nutrients from the soil. They hadn't yet been all but eliminated by the sickness and stupidity of the intensive farming system developed and controlled by the Reptilian hybrid corporations like Monsanto. The produce would mostly be sold close to where it was grown, certainly nothing like as far away as it is today, and this meant there was no need for chemical preservatives or to have massive trucks transporting it long distances to a supermarket. Especially from the late 1940s, what we eat and drink became a prime target for the Illuminati networks and now food production is run their way for their benefit. The Problem-Reaction-Solution that was World War Two led to such a centralisation of power that they could push on to the next stage of global control. This included destabilising the population mentally, emotionally and physically through what is consumed, absorbed or injected. A common theme in chemical food and drink additives, the poisons used in the crop growing and animal production processes, medical drugs and vaccines is their effect on genetics and brain activity. This is what you would expect when suppressing body and brain function is what this is all about. They hide this agenda by announcing false causes for diseases and complaints that their poisons are really responsible for. An example is suntan lotion. We are told that skin cancer is caused by too much exposure to the Sun when the true cause is the chemicals in sunblock.

One poison, or two?

The Reptilian hybrids are clever, but stupid. Another way of putting it is clever, but not wise. When it comes to wisdom they're real dumb, because if they weren't so wisdomdeficient they wouldn't be doing what they are. Cleverness without wisdom is the most destructive force on earth and that's why the Reptilian hybrids are so destructive. However, they are very clever in the intellectual sense and this can be seen in how they play with the human psyche to get what they want. For instance, if they wish to create a market for a sugar substitute that undermines brain activity they arrange for widespread attacks on the dangers of sugar and obesity. They don't mention that they control the sugar corporations and that people are getting fatter and fatter by consuming their chemical food, which includes the growth hormones that they feed to their tragic farm animals. It was through this technique that they gave us an horrendous chemical concoction, sorry 'sugar substitute', or 'artificial sweetener', called aspartame. It is known under trade names like NutraSweet, Equal and Spoonful and is two hundred times sweeter than sugar. But then so am I. Almost everything that says 'no sugar', 'no added sugar', or 'diet drink' will be polluted by aspartame. It was manipulated onto the market by Bush Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, in the early 1980s when he was CEO of the pharmaceutical company, G.D. Searle, before it sold out to ... Monsanto. Rumsfeld did this between trips to meet people like Saddam Hussein to arrange for shipments of chemical and biological weapons. I can understand the connection because for me aspartame is a chemical weapon for use against the human brain and it is widely used in soft drinks consumed in great quantities by children while their brains are still forming.

Aspartame is reported to have been the subject of 75 per cent of the complaints reported to the Adverse Reaction Monitoring system of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These complaints have included headaches, dizziness, attention difficulties, memory loss, slurred speech and vision problems. These symptoms are now known as 'aspartame disease', just as the effects of the flavour-enhancer monosodium glutamate are called monosodium glutamate symptom complex. A Neuroscientist, John W. Olney of the Washington University Medical School in St Louis, believes there may be a link between aspartame and brain tumours. In an article published in the Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, he says that animal studies reveal high levels of brain tumours in aspartame-fed rats and he also discovered that aspartic acid (one of the ingredients of aspartame) caused holes in the brains of infant mice. The Bressler Report, compiled by Food and Drug Administration investigators, found that 98 out of 196 animals died during one of Searle's studies, but autopsies were delayed, in some cases for more than a year. The report found many other 'mistakes' and contradictions in the way Searle was testing aspartame. Dr Olney said that aspartame had mutagenic (cancer-causing) potential according to studies and a sharp rise in malignant brain tumours coincided with increased use of aspartame. Even the US Navy and Air Force published articles in Navy Physiology and Flying Safety warning about the effect of 'diet' drinks. They were then the main use for aspartame, but now it's everywhere. One article said:
Several researchers have found aspartame can increase the frequency of seizures, or lower the stimulation necessary to induce them. This means a pilot who drinks diet sodas is more susceptible to flicker vertigo, or to flicker-induced epileptic activity. It also means that all pilots are potential victims of sudden memory loss, dizziness during instrument flight, and gradual loss of vision.

Dr Ralph G. Walton, Professor of Psychiatry at North Eastern Ohio University College of Medicine, reviewed all the studies on aspartame and found 166 with relevance for human safety. All of the seventy-four studies funded by the aspartame industry gave it the all clear, but 92 per cent of those independently funded revealed safety problems. Aspartame changes brain chemistry and lowers the threshold for seizures, causes mood disorders and other problems of the nervous system. It is also addictive and people often find it difficult to stop consuming soft drinks that contain aspartame. A television producer I spent some time with filming a documentary was drinking something like eight cans of diet coke a day. Symptoms of multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis, depression and other mood disorders have vanished in many patients after they stopped aspartame consumption. Ten per cent of this legalised poison breaks down after ingestion into methanol, a nervous system toxin also known as free methyl alcohol, or wood alcohol. This is extremely harmful to the optic nerve and was the main ingredient of 'moonshine' liquor made during the years of prohibition in America and this was notorious for causing blindness. Methanol is rapidly released into the bloodstream where it can become the neurotoxin and cancercausing formaldehyde and formic acid, the poison in ant stings. A study by the Institute of Public Health in Hungary showed that aspartame alters genes in various organs and bonemarrow in rats. These include the lymphoreticular organs of the immune system.

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When a gene is altered by any source, chemical, radiation or food allergies, it can cause disease. Aspartame is really lovely stuff and people are poisoning their children and themselves by buying anything that contains this abomination.

Money talks ...

How, it is fair to ask, did aspartame ever get through the government 'testing' process? We are dealing with a force that works through all 'sides', producer and 'protector', and making things happen is far easier than it would be for anyone else. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in America, like its equivalent in other countries, is a manipulated front to block products that are good for people, and to push through, without proper testing, those that suit the agenda. This blatantly happened with aspartame. Searle was getting little joy with the FDA until after Donald Rumsfeld was appointed CEO in 1977 and began to use his insider contacts. By January 1981, with his close associates Ronald Reagan and Father George Bush about to enter the White House, Rumsfeld was telling a sales meeting that he was going to use his political clout in Washington to get aspartame approved rather than continuing with the scientific route. Rumsfeld was appointed to Reagan's transition team and arranged for a new FDA Commissioner to be appointed called Dr Arthur Hull Hayes Jr. He immediately overruled the findings of a Public Board of Inquiry in which three of the six FDA scientists had recommended that approval should be delayed. Aspartame was on its way to the mass consumption it enjoys today. Two years later Dr Hayes Jr. resigned after accepting trips in a jet owned by General Foods, a major user of aspartame. Hayes was okay, though. He was hired as senior scientific consultant by Searle's public relations firm, which also represented several users of aspartame. Hayes was not the only one to benefit from companies they were supposed to be regulating. An acting FDA commissioner, six other operatives and two attorneys assigned to prosecute NutraSweet for submitting fraudulent tests, left the organisation to work for ... NutraSweet, a trade name for aspartame. The reason this poison was approved against all the evidence is simple corruption. One genuine scientist working for the FDA wrote to a US senator:
It's like a script for Abbott and Costello. It works like this: 'Approve our poison, and when you stop being a bureaucrat we'll make you a plutocrat!' After it's licensed we'll pay off the American Dietetics, the American Diabetes Association, the American Medical Association and anyone we need who's for sale.

Coca-Cola knew of the dangers of aspartame. As a member of the National Soft Drink Association, it opposed the approval by the FDA for its use in carbonated beverages. These objections were published in the Congressional Record of July 5th 1985. The Association said that aspartame was inherently unstable and breaks down in the can, decomposing into formaldehyde, methyl alcohol, formic acid, diketopiperazine and other toxins. So what is aspartame now doing in Diet Coke, the sales of which soared when it was added because it is so addictive? It is also in other Coca-Cola drinks, including the latest shite called Coca-Cola Zero and the 'sports drink' called Powerade, which is nothing more than a luminous chemical cocktail. By the way, 'Diet' Coke is not 'diet' at all. Aspartame increases the craving for carbohydrates by suppressing the production of serotonin. Here we go again ... suppresses the production of serotonin

a vital part of the body's electrical transmission system. Low levels of serotonin lead to anger, anxiety, apathy, fear, feelings of worthlessness, insomnia and fatigue. Aspartame is also what is called an 'exitotoxin' which causes overactive brain cell activity and damages or kills neurons. This can cause strokes, neurodegenerative diseases of the central nervous system, such as autism, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and Huntington's disease, among many others. The 'flavour enhancer' monosodium glutamate (European Union additive code E621) is another excitotoxin that tricks the brain into decoding more taste than there really is. Most of the alleged taste in manufactured food is brain trickery. When it says something is cheese 'flavour' or beef 'flavour' it means there is absolutely no cheese or beef involved. It's all chemically created. High levels of glutamic acid have been shown in animal studies to cause brain damage in areas unprotected by the blood-brain barrier that protects the brain from toxicity. Many of these chemicals in food and drink have potential to break down that barrier and the result can be lethal.

Bone-rotting, brain-dumbing ... fluoride

Mobile phones are another form of excitotoxicity and so is fluoride, the intellect suppressant added to drinking water supplies and toothpaste. Sodium fluoride is a common ingredient in rat and cockroach poisons, anaesthetics, hypnotics, psychiatric drugs and military nerve gas. It is one of the basic ingredients in the drug, Prozac, and the Sarin nerve gas used in the attack in the Japanese subway system in 1995. Independent scientific evidence has said that fluoride causes various mental disturbances and makes people stupid, docile, and subservient. This is besides shortening life spans and damaging bone structure. The first use of fluoridated drinking water was in the Nazi prison camps in Germany, thanks to the Reptilian hybrids' pharmaceutical giant, I.G. Farben. This was the company that ran camps like Auschwitz and it still exists as its constituent parts, like Bayer. Does anyone think the Nazis did this because they were concerned for the teeth of the inmates? This mass medication of water supplies with sodium fluoride was to sterilise the prisoners and force them into quiet submission. Charles Perkins, a chemist, wrote the following to the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on October 2nd 1954: ... In the 1930s, Hitler and the German Nazis envisioned a world to be dominated and
controlled by a Nazi philosophy of pan-Germanism. The German chemists worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching plan of mass-control, which was submitted to and adopted by the German General Staff. This plan was to control the population in any given area through mass medication of drinking water supplies. By this method they could control the population in whole areas, reduce population by water medication that would produce sterility in women, and so on. In this scheme of mass control, sodium fluoride occupied a prominent place.

Charles Perkins said that repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual's power to resist domination, by slowly poisoning and 'narcotising' a certain area of the brain, thus making people submissive to the will of those who wish to govern them. He called it a 'convenient light lobotomy'. The real reason behind water fluoridation is not to benefit children's teeth, he said. If this was

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the true motivation there were many ways in which it could be done that were much easier, cheaper, and far more effective, he points out. The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination, control and loss of liberty. Perkins said that when the Nazis under Hitler decided to go into Poland, both the German General Staff and the Russian General Staff exchanged scientific and military ideas, plans and personnel, and the scheme of mass control through water medication was seized upon by the Russian communists because it fitted ideally into their plan to 'communise' the world. Perkins said:
I was told of this entire scheme by a German chemist who was an official of the great I. G. Farben chemical industries and was also prominent in the Nazi movement at the ti me. I say this with all the earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent nearly twenty years' research into the chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology of fluorine - any person who drinks artificially-fluorinated water for a period of one year or more will never again be the same person mentally or physically.

That is the very reason the Illuminati has been expanding the consumption of fluoride. What better way to suppress the minds of the population than through the public drinking water supplies, or the toothpaste they use every day? When we drink anything made from fluoridated water, including beer and soft drinks, we are being slowly and consistently drugged and the effects, both physical and mental, are cumulative. The more you drink, the more the stuff builds up in your system year after year. Fluoride is a by-product of the aluminium industry and the manipulation to add it to public drinking water was engineered by the Reptilian hybrid Mellon family in the United States, which controls the aluminium cartel called ALCOA. The Mellons are close friends of the British Royal Family. Industrial fluorines are major polluters of rivers and streams, poisoning land, fish and animals. It was costing the aluminium industry a fortune to deal with them. The Mellon family manipulated a situation in which this poisonous waste product became an enormous source of income and human control. In 1944, Oscar Ewing was employed by ALCOA at an annual salary of $750,000. Imagine the equivalent figure today. Yet, within months, he left to become head of the US government's Federal Security Agency and began a campaign to add sodium fluoride to public drinking water on the false premise that it helps to stop tooth decay. The Mellons now sell it for use in drinking water and toothpaste at a 20,000 per cent mark-up, but, as always, the main reason for fluoride is not money, it's control. A former mind controller told me of the Mellons' deep involvement with the Illuminati and Satanism. She said that to her knowledge the Mellon National Bank in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is an Illuminati operation that launders money for them. Would you trust such a family to put chemicals in drinking water and toothpaste because they want to keep your teeth healthy? Not that fluoride does.

The cavity con

Dr Hardy Limeback, head of the Department of Preventive Dentistry for the University of Toronto, and President of the Canadian Association for Dental Research, was once Canada's leading promoter of fluoride in water supplies. Then suddenly he announced he had changed his mind. He said: 'Children under three should never use fluoridated

toothpaste or drink fluoridated water, and baby formula must never be made up using Toronto tap water Never.' A study at the University of Toronto revealed that people in cities which fluoridate their water have double the fluoride in their hip bones compared with non-fluoridated areas, and they discovered that fluoride was changing the 'basic architecture of human bones'. There is a debilitating condition called skeletal fluorosis caused by the accumulation of fluoride in the bones, making them weak and brittle. The earliest symptoms are mottled and brittle teeth and Dr Limeback said that in Canada they were spending more money treating dental fluorosis than treating cavities. But hold on. At least putting this poison in the water and toothpaste is keeping teeth healthy and preventing cavities, yes? Er ... no. As Limeback pointed out, they had been putting fluoride in the Toronto drinking water for more than forty years while Vancouver had never been fluoridated, but the population of Vancouver has lower cavity rates than Toronto. He said that cavity rates are low all across the industrialised world including Europe, which is still largely fluoride free. This was due, he said, to improved standards of living, less refined sugar, regular dental check-ups, flossing and frequent brushing. There were now fewer than two cavities per child in Canada. He said that those who continue to promote fluoride are working with data that is fifty years old and questionable at best. 'The dentists have absolutely no training in toxicity', he said. 'Your well intentioned dentist is simply following fifty years of misinformation from public health and the dental association. Me, too. Unfortunately, we were wrong.' It's not only that we are drinking sodium fluoride, we are getting all the other crap from the aluminium industry, too. Limeback said:
... certainly the crowning blow was the realization that we have been dumping contaminated fluoride into water reservoirs for half a century. The vast majority of all fluoride additives come from Tampa Bay, Florida, smokestack scrubbers. The additives are a toxic by-product of the super-phosphate fertilizer industry. Tragically, that means we're not just dumping toxic fluoride into our drinking water. We're also exposing innocent, unsuspecting people to deadly elements of lead, arsenic and radium, all of them carcinogenic. Because of the cumulative properties of toxins, the detrimental effects on human health are catastrophic.

In an address to students at the University of Toronto Department of Dentistry, Dr Limeback told them that he had unintentionally misled his colleagues and students. For the past fifteen years, he had refused to study the toxicology information that is readily available to anyone. 'Poisoning our children was the furthest thing from my mind,' he said. 'The truth was a bitter pill to swallow, but swallow it I did.' Even though the biggest supporter of fluoride has now condemned its use, the Illuminati-controlled Canadian and American Dental Associations and public 'health' agencies, together with those in the UK and worldwide, continue to tell the people that fluoridation is good for them. European Union legislation on food supplements lists fluoride as an essential element to be offered to people. This is just one example of 'the bigger the lie, the more will believe it'. Reptilian hybrid placemen in the positions of medical administration and 'scientific research' tell the doctors and dentists what the 'truth' is and what they should believe. They, in turn, tell this to their patients and the media who simply take the official

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Figure 247: The genetically-modified human

line and repeat it like parrots. Hardly anyone does any research of their own - dentists, doctors, 'journalists', or public - and so it becomes an accepted 'fact' that fluoride in drinking water and toothpaste is good for teeth and not harmful. That same scenario is repeated in relation to every subject and, as a result, the human population lives in its own little Fairyland (Figure 247). This manufactured illusion is so entrenched in the human psyche that when the truth does come out, most people often laugh in its face. Once again the pineal gland, vital to our 'out there' connection and so much more, is a target for fluoride. One study found that melatonin levels were lower in animals with high fluoride consentrations and it suggested a link between fluoride's affect on the pineal gland and the earlier onset of puberty. Certainly young girls in the United States are reaching puberty earlier and earlier. In November 2006, even the American Dental Association, which ludicrously and outrageously supports fluoride in water, issued an

alert advising parents to avoid fluoridated water in food formula for infants. Yet, a product called 'Nursery Water', with added fluoride, continues to be sold for young children. '... When your child is drinking Nursery Water, you can be confident that your child is getting the right level of fluoride', says the sales pitch. No words suffice.

Big Pharma
The other front in the war on mind and body comes from the Reptilian hybrid pharmaceutical cartel, or 'Big Pharma'. The pharmaceutical and biotech industries are nothing less than legalised evil. Once again, the 'modus' is the same. These corporations (corporation singular in truth) are controlled by the same force that controls the governments and they basically get whatever they want (or at least the very limits of what the public will stand for) when it comes to laws, or lack of them. They also have their people in the drug and medical 'regulatory' agencies like the FDA in the United States which allows them to get drugs onto the market without proper testing, or against the advice of those who have done proper testing. They control the medical insurance companies and they control doctors when it comes to how they treat their patients and what drugs they prescribe. With that little lot, they have pretty much stitched up the whole system. Oh yes, and when a real doctor or other health professional challenges their manipulations and misrepresentations, they and their glove puppets in governing bodies like the British and American Medical Associations hunt their prey until they are eliminated. This happened to my friend, Guylaine Lanctot, the Canadian doctor who was targeted by Big Pharma and the Canadian Medical Association after she wrote her brilliant book called The Medical Mafia. Guylaine practiced medicine in more than twenty countries and many parts of Canada, and she began to question why the treatments and drugs were getting more and more expensive while people were getting sicker. The answer was soon clear:
I realised that different systems are totally alike. They have different names but, whether they are a capitalist system, like we have in the US, or socialised, like in France, or in between, like in Canada, the bottom line is that the medical systems are all alike. They all serve financiers and not the people. That's the basic thing. The bottom line is that the medical systems are controlled by financiers in order to serve financiers. Since you cannot serve people unless they get sick, the whole medical system is designed to make people sicker and sicker.

Guylaine also began to investigate alternative ways of treating patients and travelled all over the world in the quest for knowledge. She saw that healers she met were 'not quacks' and the results were better and cheaper than 'normal' medicine. 'These types of alternative treatments were denied by medicine, and these innovative health professionals were harassed and persecuted, while doing something that helped to bring treatment costs down', she said. 'There was something definitely wrong here; something didn't make sense for me, so my search was an eye-widening experience'. When The Medical Mafia was published in 1995, the medical authorities demanded she resign. 'Their law says that a doctor speaking in public can only say what mainstream medicine recognises', she said. What it recognises is decided by government regulation controlled by Big Pharma. This is how they suppress, intimidate and often jail those

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using healing methods that don't require a scalpel or a drug. Big Pharma is behind the attack on alternative methods of healing for two main reasons: to protect its monopoly on mainstream medicine; and to suppress the alternative vibration-based treatments that can not only make people well, but also wake them up mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Guylaine was taken to court when she refused to resign and the case went on for more than a year as the 'medical' (Big Pharma) establishment sought to destroy her. In the end, she said, 'I resigned as a submitted physician and I declared myself a free physician'. As Voltaire rightly observed: 'It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong'. It's much better to close your mind and mindlessly repeat what you have been told to think, even though it is blatant nonsense. The system uses the carrot for the parrot and the stick for those who resist. Therefore resistance, let alone persistence, is low.

Bully boys
Another example of this medical fascism was the case of Dr Andrew Wakefield, the man who first suggested a link between the combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, or 'MMR', and both autism and bowel problems. He caused an international medical storm in 1998 when he and eleven other doctors produced a research study which reported bowel symptoms in twelve autistic children and claimed a possible link with MMR. What followed was a tidal wave of condemnation to discredit his claims by discrediting him the age-old method used by the establishment against information it wants to suppress. It has been used on me many times. Wakefield had been hired by lawyers to investigate the link with autism with a view to parents suing the drug companies involved, and he didn't mention this in the published paper. This was jumped upon to discredit the research and ten of the other eleven authors of the report withdrew their backing. But, the question remained and remains: are the findings true? This is of little importance to the establishment, which behaves like a hanging posse or inquisition when anyone challenges its dogma and those who fund its gravy train Big Pharma. Andrew Wakefield, a Canadian-trained gastroenterologist, left the Royal Free Hospital in London by 'mutual consent' in the aftermath of his report and has since worked mostly in the United States, continuing his research at Thoughtful House, a centre for autistic children in Texas. The Reptilian hybrid establishment is always motivated by revenge for those who dare to challenge its agenda. It may have to wait some time to strike, but it never forgives, nor forgets. The General Medical Council (GMC) in Britain charged Dr Wakefield with professional misconduct with a view to striking him off and destroying his medical career and livelihood. He is accused of 'inadequately founded research, failing to obtain ethical committee approval, obtaining funding improperly and subjecting children to unnecessary and invasive investigations'. Given the extraordinary numbers of people killed or permanently damaged by doctors and drug company products every year, the charge of 'inadequately founded research' would be hilarious if it were not so serious for Wakefield and medical freedom. It is the same with 'unnecessary investigations' when you consider the number of unnecessary drugs and 'tests' that doctors prescribe. In the United States, doctors and medical 'care' are the third biggest cause of death behind heart disease and cancer. Dr Barbara Starfield of the John Hopkins School of Hygiene

and Public Health produced a report estimating that some 225,000 people die every year from such things as: unnecessary surgery (12,000); medication errors in hospitals (7,000); other errors in hospitals (20,000); infections in hospitals (80,000); and wait for this one, the 'non-error and negative effects of drugs' ... 106,000. The medical establishment then has the nerve to point the finger at Dr Andrew Wakefield. An editorial in Britain's Daily Mail newspaper, headed 'MMR and a doctor only doing his duty', highlighted the real reason for the attempt to destroy Wakefield. It pointed out that no one had complained to the General Medical Council about him; nor had anybody suggested that he said or wrote anything dishonest when he believed he had discovered a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. Why, it asked, was the GMC now throwing the book at him? The editorial went on:
The case has the whiff about it of a medieval inquisition, called to defend the orthodoxy of the establishment against the heresy of an independent mind. Dr Wakefield's 'crime' was to open an important debate that remains unresolved. Eight years on, he is by no means alone among doctors in believing that he may have been on to something. The trouble is we just don't know. Even Tony Blair, though publicly committed to the triple vaccine, seems to have private doubts. What else would explain why he has refused to tell MPs if his son Leo has been given it? After all, he has never been above dragging his family into the spotlight, when it suits his political purposes ... ... Think what an uproar there would be today if it was discovered that Dr Wakefield had kept his suspicions to himself and a link had subsequently been proven. He had a duty to speak out and now he is being made to suffer for it. His treatment by the GMC is utterly unjust. If this preposterous body had existed 200 years ago, defending the prevailing wisdom against new ideas, doctors would still be treating illnesses by slitting their patients' veins.

Snouts in the trough

The primary motivation for targeting Wakefield is that his findings led to a significant fall in the number of parents allowing their children to have the combined MMR vaccine and undermined the confidence the public have in vaccinations in general. The whole thing is about money, protecting the power of Big Pharma and maintaining the chemical attack on the minds and bodies of children. The entire structure of global 'medicine' is a web of corruption, lies and deceit and we are talking incredible amounts of money. The top ten drug companies make more in profits than the rest of the Fortune 500

list combined and the world's top five drug companies have a combined worth that is twice the gross domestic product of sub-Saharan Africa. Andrew Wakefield has been accused of a conflict of interest over his research on behalf of families with autistic children when the bribery of doctors by drug companies is common practice. Doctors-on-the-take is the norm, not the rarity. And I mean bribe, like on a monumental scale. As this Internet article says:

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Big Pharma spends nearly $19 billion a year bribing and influencing physicians, by the way. That's billion with a 'B'. How much money is $19 billion? It's more money than NASA wastes smashing satellites into Mars and exploding space shuttles in Earth's upper atmosphere. It's more money than the entire junk food industry spends hypnotizing obese children into nagging their parents for another box of sugar-bomb breakfast cereal at the quickie mart. Heck, it's more money than the entire United States spends on genuine disease prevention and health education.

Here we have Dr Wakefield accused of a 'conflict of interest' for representing the families of autistic children while publishing research on the connection with MMR when the entire 'medical' system is founded on the most astonishing corruption. The Journal of the American Medical Association has proposed changes to current practice that would: Prohibit doctors from accepting free drug samples. Exclude doctors who have financial ties to drug companies from serving on the hospital panels that determine which medicines should be on the preferred prescribing lists. Prohibit drug companies from providing direct financing for educational programming. Prohibit medical faculty from belonging to pharmaceutical companies' speakers' bureaus, or publishing drug company articles as their own. Require faculty members that receive financial support from pharmaceutical companies to post them on public Internet sites. The suggestion is that the above practices should be stopped, which means, of course, they are all happening now as a matter of course. Jeeez. Take one of these examples alone doctors on the payroll of drug companies deciding through the hospital panels which medicines go on the prescribing lists. Do you think they have their patients' well being on their minds when they do this or the companies who fund their big-car, bighouse lifestyle? What about 'medical faculty' publishing drug company articles as their own? Bribery and corruption of doctors by drug companies is endemic. Doctors are routinely offered top-of-the range, all-expenses-paid trips to exotic locations by drug companies on the pretext of 'conferences'. The 'conference' takes a few hours a day, if indeed they bother turning up, and the rest of the time is a holiday on Big Pharma. Doctors are also funded by the drug giants to conduct 'research' that leads them to travel the world. Then there are the incentives to prescribe more drugs than necessary or send people for hospital tests they don't need. Professor Ann Blake Tracy writes in Prozac: Panacea or Pandora: 'Did you know that some hospitals offer special incentive deals that give doctors valuable gifts like fax machines and car phones if they schedule surgeries when the hospitals are hurting for business?' Incentives to play with peoples' lives and they claim that doctors represent 'ethics'? Some do, as with decent police officers, but the system doesn't want them. It wants the corruptible, because they are better for business. The bribery and corruption of doctors is a finely-tuned operation by Big Pharma. Kathleen Slattery-Moschkau, a former drug company representative and independent filmmaker, has detailed how the companies and the reps monitor doctors in the United

States, down to the last pill, through a system known as 'prescriber reports' or 'prescriber profiles'. These are compiled from various data bases. One set of data for the Drug Enforcement Administration has an ID number coding system for doctors, along with the drugs they prescribe; another database, the 'physicians master file' (which is sold for millions every year by the American Medical Association) matches the doctor ID numbers with their names. Put the two together, add in some other information sources, and you can establish who prescribed what and how much. Prescriber reports are issued every week by the drug companies for internal use. These reports are not to help patient health, but to give Big Pharma reps the information they need to see how successful they've been in influencing a doctor's prescribing policy. The reps also use personality profiling of the doctors to help with the best way to approach them. Are they people who respond to 'scientific' information, or do they like to be flattered? In an article called 'Spin Doctored', Shannon Brownlee and Jeanne Lenzer write:
If Doctor A increased her prescriptions after being treated to a facial and full-body massage, more expense-paid spa excursions are in order for her. If Doctor B didn't respond to a courtesy 5-course meal, then maybe it's time to try football tickets, or up the free drug samples, or plug clinical research that touts the proffered drug's benefits.

Prescriber reports rank doctors in four tiers, based on the amount of drugs they prescribe. This allows the reps to target the big prescribers the easy pickings to prescribe even more, while low prescribers can have their manipulation increased. This is the true background to drug companies. They are deeply corrupt cesspit operations structured purely to make as much money as possible from the sickness, distress and misfortune of others. Like all Reptilian hybrid cartels, they have no empathy with those who suffer from their daily exploitation.

Souls for sale

Big Pharma's other major target is, naturally, the politicians and government agencies that decide and enforce (supposedly) medical and drug policy. Figures from the Center for Responsive Politics, Campaign Finance Institute and Center for Public Integrity reveal that $158 million was spent by drug companies to lobby the US federal government alone in 2004; $17 million was given in campaign donations (67 per cent to Republicans), and $7.3 million was spent on political party conventions (64 per cent going to the Republicans). A million dollars was given to the presidential campaign of George Bush and half a million to John Kerry. Big Pharma has around 1,300 lobbyists in Washington that's more than two for every member of Congress. 'They are powerful', said Senator Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee. 'You can hardly swing a cat by the tail in that town without hitting a pharmaceutical lobbyist.' Is it any surprise that legislation favourable to the drug industry, including immunity from prosecution, is constantly passed by the Poodles on the Hill? I saw a picture of Boy Bush signing a Big Pharma-sponsored Medicare Bill, and around him at the desk were ten other grinning politicians as Bush took the pen and tried to remember his name. The Bill helped to increase Big Pharma profits by around $8 billion in the six months after it became law. Bush and the 'Big Pharma ten' had received a total of $17 million in contributions from the 'health' and drug industry, and Bush alone received $8.5 million. Two of them were

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Republican Senator and Senate majority leader, Bill Frist ($675,000), and the then House Speaker, Dennis Hastert ($740,000). Frist has made a fortune from the family business, the Hospital Corporation of America, the largest private operator of health care facilities in the world, and he's an archetypal Big Pharma manipulator. He was at the forefront, with Hastert, of scheming into law immunity for the drug cartel for the health effects of vaccines administered during a declared state of emergency. It was called the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREPA) and as one commentator put it:
The PREPA is unconstitutional. It removes the right to due process and judicial review for persons injured by vaccines, thus granting a virtual license to kill. Under the new law, companies making vaccines can be grossly negligent and act with wanton recklessness and still escape liability as long as they can show that their misconduct wasn't 'wilful'. It is impossible to conceive of a lower standard for the drug companies or a higher burden of proof for injured parties.

Democrat Representative David Obey said the legislation was 'unilaterally and arrogantly inserted into the Bill after the conference committee was over'. It was 'a blatant power play by the two most powerful men in Congress' two men hand in hand with Big Pharma. Frist comes from a medical background and while he was at medical school he arranged for a regular supply of animals from care shelters by saying he wanted to give them a good home. What he was actually doing was killing and dissecting them in his experiments. He now enjoys campaign donations from the drug cartel and drugmaker Schering-Plough has made its Gulfstream corporate jet available to him.

Mercury madness
This is the web of deceit that connects doctors, politicians, government officials and the drug giants, and yet claims the right to judge and destroy the career of Dr Andrew Wakefield because he suggested that their vaccines could be involved in autism. In fact, vaccines are responsible for far more than that and they are still another source of exitotoxins attacking brain activity and stability. Why wouldn't they be when you see what's in them? This is from my book, Infinite Love Is The Only Truth Everything Else

Is Illusion:
Even the process of making the vaccine includes using monkeys, chick embryos and surgically aborted human foetuses, along with disinfectants and stabilizers that include streptomycin, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, aluminium, hydrochloride, sorbitol, hydrolyzed gelatin, formaldehyde and a mercury derivative called thimerosal. The Diphtheria, Pertussis (whooping cough) and Tetanus vaccine contains the following:

Sodium Hydroxide: among other things, this can burn internal organs, cause blindness,
lung and tissue damage, and be fatal if swallowed. It is found in oven, bathroom and toilet cleaners.

Formaldehyde: a neurotoxin known to cause cancer. It may also cause insomnia, coughing, headaches, nausea, nosebleeds and skin rashes. It is, appropriately, used to embalm corpses.

Hydrochloric acid: this can destroy tissue on direct contact and is found in aluminium cleaners and rust removers. Aluminium: toxic cancer causer. Thimerosal: a mercury derivative and extremely dangerous preservative. It is made from
a combination of ethylene glycol (antifreeze) and ethanol, thiosalicylic acid, sodium hydroxide and ethyl mercuric chloride. These chemicals are deadly and can cause cancer together with brain and liver damage.

Phosphates: these suffocate all forms of aquatic life and are found in laundry and
dishwasher detergent and cleaners.

This poisonous trash is attacking the very immune system it is supposed to be supporting and yet in fascist-controlled America parents are being taken to court for not allowing such potential killers to be given to their children. The public is frightened into accepting this tyranny by being told of the potential effects on their children of coming into contact with non-immunised kids. But if they've been vaccinated, there shouldn't be a problem should there? Oh, but there is. It's just that they don't want you to know. For a start, mercury is the prime suspect when it comes to autism in children (Figure 248). As the number of mercury-contaminated vaccines increased between 1989 and the late 1990s, so did the number of children becoming autistic. Figures from the US government's own data bases, published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, reveals that since mercury was removed from most childhood vaccines (not others) after 1999, the reported rates of autism and other neurological disorders in children have plummeted by as much as 35 per cent. An article at WorldNetDaily.com notes:
Up until about 1989, pre-school children got only three vaccines polio, DPT and MMR. By 1999, the CDC [Centers for Disease Control] recommended a total of 22 vaccines to be given before children reach the first grade, including Hepatitis B, which is given to newborns within the first 24 hours of birth. Many of these vaccines contained mercury. In the 1990s, approximately 40 million children were injected with mercury-containing vaccines.

Figure 248: The vaccine horror movie

How amazing, then, that rates of autism soared between 1989 and 2003 with now more than half a million autistic children in the United States. Dr Rashid Buttar

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told the Congressional Reform and Oversight Hearing Subcommittee on Wellness and Human Rights about his remarkable success in treating autism simply by removing mercury from the children's bodies. His own son, Abi, made a full recovery from autism after mercury detoxification. As Dr Bob Nash, chairman of the American Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology, said: 'When thirty-one children recover from a devastating disease by a simple transdermal treatment that detoxifies metals, then common sense dictates that perhaps metals are involved'. The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREPA), signed by President Bush after massive lobbying and manipulation by the drug cartel, means that mercury can now be reintroduced to vaccines when used in immunity from prosecution situations, and they can continue to send these mercury potions to the developing world. The authors of a report on autism, David A. Geier B.A., and Mark R. Geier, M.D., Ph.D., warn that people should not be complacent because they are told that mercury-based thimerosal has been removed from many childhood vaccines. We are talking childhood vaccines and, even then, not all of them. The report says:
Despite its removal from many childhood vaccines, thimerosal is still routinely added to some formulations of influenza vaccine administered to US infants, as well as to several other vaccines (e.g. tetanus-diphtheria and monovalent tetanus) administered to older children and adults. In 2004, the Institute of Medicine of the US National Academy of Sciences retreated from the stated 1999 goal of the AAP and the PHS to remove thimerosal from US vaccines as soon as possible ... As a result, assessing the safety of [thimerosal-containing vaccines] is a matter of significant importance.

Vaccines are not the only source of mercury poison. That's what they use to fill teeth! The reason the authorities in every area of society don't act with 'common sense' is because they are following an agenda of their own, and what is common sense to us is lethal to the agenda. This is why apparently inexplicable decisions are taken. When you know what they are trying to achieve there is nothing 'inexplicable' about them. Big Pharma and its payrolled puppy dogs in government have told us all along that there is no link between autism and vaccinations when they know there is. They are following the plan for human suppression and control in which vaccinations play a major role. Vaccines are one of the Reptilian hybrid's most significant 'victories' in their development of access keys to the body-computer. They have so manipulated medical and parental minds with false information, that almost from birth children are handed to the Frankenstein industry to be injected with poison designed to suppress their immune system and short-circuit their brains. It is the immune system, our anti-virus software, which removes potential threats to the computer before they can take hold. Without an immune system we would not last a few minutes and the stronger and more efficient it is the healthier we are. Cancer cells are forming all the time, but the immune system seeks them out and removes them. It is only when the immune system is overwhelmed or not functioning properly that we become ill. Dr Russell L. Blaylock said in an Internet article:
Because more and more reports are appearing citing vaccine failure, their manufacturers' answer is to make the vaccines more potent. They do this by making the

i mmune adjuvants [metals and poisons] more powerful or adding more of them. The problem with this approach is that in the very young, the nutritionally deficient and the aged, over-stimulating the immune system can have an opposite effect it can paralyze the immune system.

Even on the financial level alone, healthy people are not good for Big Pharma business and anything that can suppress the immune system is guaranteed to get the tills a ticking. It is also far easier to control a sick population, operating on far less than their physical and mental potential than it is if they are fit and sharp in body and mind. Vaccines serve these twin ambitions perfectly. This is why: 1) They attack the immune system with their chemical and metallic poisons, like mercury. 2) This undermines the strength and effectiveness of the immune system and the chemical/electrical balance of the brain/body. 3) The victims become open to all sorts of medical and mental consequences because of overwhelmed immune systems and chemical/electrical imbalances. It is simple and devastatingly effective so long as you can frighten people into being stupid enough to allow these cocktails of chemical excrement to be injected into themselves and their children. Clearly that is not a problem. One of the causes of vaccine damage would appear to be inflammation at the base of the brain that dissolves the nerve insulator called myelin. When this happens, the brain short-circuits, the body receives flawed information and this causes disharmony or disease. The website, multsclerosis.org, puts it like this:
Myelin is an electrically insulating fatty layer that surrounds the axons of many neurons, especially those in the peripheral nervous system. Myelin facilitates the smooth, highspeed transmission of electrochemical messages between the central nervous system and the rest of the body. When myelin is lost, these signals become distorted or blocked, causing symptoms experienced by people with such diseases as multiple sclerosis and transverse myelitis.

Once you imbalance the 'electrochemical' system anything can happen and, for reasons I have explained, this is what the Reptilian hybrids are seeking to do with vaccines, drugs, food additives and electromagnetic pollution that includes mobile phones and TETRA masts. The UK government, via its staggeringly inept 'Chief Medical Officer', Sir Liam Donaldson, announced that children will have twenty-five vaccinations before they reach the age of two. He says with absolutely no evidence worth the name that additional vaccinations will save fifty lives a year. He has nothing to say about how many more lives they will cost or ruin. The situation is much the same in the United States. I suggest that it is no coincidence that cases of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) have increased in the same period that mass vaccination has been with us. In one area, Olmstead County, Minnesota, the number of cases grew from .55 per 1000 births in

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1953 to 12.8 per 1000 in 1992. The national average in the same period rose from 2.5 to 17.9. Most of these unexplained child deaths, also known as 'cot deaths', happen between two and four months and the overwhelming majority in the first six months. This is when they are being pummelled with vaccines. Dr William Torch of the University of Nevada School of Medicine at Reno reported that twelve infant deaths that he investigated came within three and a half and nineteen hours after having the triple DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus) vaccine. He said that another eleven deaths from SIDS that he studied occurred within twenty-four hours of the vaccination, and in another study he found that two-thirds of the seventy child deaths he investigated came between half a day and three weeks of immunisation. Yet, vaccination as the possible cause was never considered by the authorities, because that is the god that none dare question. As I keep stressing, the focus of the Reptilian hybrids is to disrupt brain function and the sooner they can start after a child is born the more effective this can be. They are rearranging the electrochemical systems while the brain is still forming. Excitotoxicity keeps coming up with all these drugs and additives, and vaccines are no different. They reduce the strength of the immune system in general by keeping it constantly active and it does the same to the critical immune system that protects the brain. Dr Russell L. Blaylock wrote an Internet article headed 'What They Don't Tell You About Vaccination Dangers Can Kill You or Ruin Your Life'. He highlighted the effects of vaccines on brain function:
It seems the brain is always neglected when pharmacologists consider side effects of various drugs. The same is true for vaccinations. For a long time no one considered the effect of repeated vaccinations on the brain. This was based on a mistaken conclusion that the brain was protected from immune activation by its special protective gateway called the blood-brain barrier. More recent studies have shown that immune cells can enter the brain directly, and more importantly, the brain's own special immune system can be activated by vaccination ... ... Numerous studies have shown that when the body's immune system is activated, the brain's immune cells are likewise activated. This occurs by several pathways, not i mportant to this discussion. The more powerfully the body's immune system is stimulated the more intense is the brain's reaction. Prolonged activation of the body's i mmune system likewise produces prolonged activation of the brain's immune system.

Once the brain's immune cells are activated, they move through the nervous system spreading immune chemicals and some of them, such as glutamate and quinolinic acid, are once again excitotoxins that can cause serious damage to brain activity. This process also releases powerful chemical by-products, called free radicals, which, says Dr Blaylock, 'are very reactive particles that bounce all around the cell damaging everything they touch'. Free radicals can be triggered by exposure to toxins, radiation and toxic metals and what do they put in vaccines? Toxic metals like mercury. Dr Blaylock says that with so many vaccines administered so close together over such a long period, the brain's immune system is constantly activated and this ensures that it will be exposed to large amounts of excitotoxins. The effects are compounded, Dr Blaylock says, in children:

In the child, brain immune over-activation has been shown to be particularly damaging to the amygdala and other limbic structures of the brain. This can lead to unusual syndromes such as the loss of 'theory of mind' and 'Alice in Wonderland syndrome'. It has also been shown to damage the executive functions of the frontal lobes. In essence, what is lost is that which makes us social human beings, able to function in a complex world of ideas and interactions.

The power that controls Big Pharma and orchestrates its horrors is being concentrated in ever-fewer hands. In 1995, twenty-five companies controlled more than half the global drugs market; by 2000, it was just fifteen and the mergers have continued since then. This Big Pharma merger-mania is, as with every other aspect of society, centralising power over vaccines, drugs and the medical system in general. Even now, only real doctors with balls to match are prepared to take them on. Whenever I hear the term, 'family doctor', my heart sinks and I have visions of 'repeaters' in suits parroting the party line so essential to keeping their job and maintaining the support of the authorities. It is so lucrative for doctors who play the game and pressure their patients to have their immune defences, and those of their children, consumed by the cocktail concoctions that issue from corporations like Merck, GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi-Aventis. The ten largest pharma giants made profits of $40 billion in the first six months of 2006 alone, so there is plenty of swill in the trough to oil the wheels within wheels and make sure that vaccinations are good for the medical profession, if not for the people it treats. The British government offers financial incentives to doctors, known as the Target Payments System, to meet their vaccination quotas and the goal of the governmentBig Pharma cartel is compulsory vaccinations. In America, they are almost there with all fifty states demanding a large number of vaccinations before children are allowed to attend public schools or day care centres. There are some exceptions, but not many, and the pressure on parents to poison their kids is enormous. Indeed, refusing to poison your children is presented as a form of child abuse. Such is the Alice in Wonderland world that we live in. With a name like familydoctor.org, you'd expect the official view to be blindly presented and there's no disappointment here. It tells me that 'vaccines not only help keep your child healthy, they help all children by stamping out serious childhood diseases'. Well, that's really strange because my son, Jaymie, aged fourteen at the time of writing, has never had a vaccination of any kind in his life and he's never had a 'childhood disease', unlike his vaccinated friends. Also, when his health was checked physically and energetically, the practitioner said that Jay was the healthiest person he had ever tested. Jaymie's speed of recovery, both from illness and sporting injury, is stunning. Why? Because his immune system is on fire. It only has to fight disease, not open endless other battlefronts to deal with the attacks from vaccinations.

Rewriting history
Although there may be dangers, I have heard people say, at least vaccines prevent diseases and have eradicated so many that children used to get. This is still more repeating. There is nothing more effective in programming perceptions than repetition, especially if it comes from a guy in a suit with letters after his name, or a bloke in a white coat. But repetition does not mean fact. They tell you that cases of childhood diseases fell rapidly after vaccines were introduced, but in truth this was happening

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before anyone was vaccinated (Figure 249). It was brought about by better nutrition, sanitation, living conditions and cleaner water. Figures from Vital Statistics of the United States show that deaths from typhoid fell by 91 per cent from 1910 to 1937 and death from diphtheria declined by 90.5 per cent in the same period. All this was well before vaccination was introduced. The Journal of Pediatrics could not be clearer:
... The largest historical decrease in morbidity and mortality caused by infectious disease was experienced not with the modern antibiotic and vaccine era, but after the introduction of clean water and effective sewer systems.

Think about it. Why are poor countries today ravaged by killer childhood disease epidemics long gone from the 'developed world'? Is it because they are not being vaccinated as Big Pharma wants us to believe? No. It's because of the conditions the children have to live in, their general health, or lack of it, and immune system depletion. A paper published in the Journal of Infection Control in 2001 states:
Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine arrived on the scene only after disease mortality rates already had been reduced significantly; measles, rubella, and polio vaccines did not become available until the middle of the 20th century, when most infant deaths were the result of other causes. The same holds true for sulfa drugs and antibiotics.

Figure 249: How disease rates were plummeting before vaccines arrived and the falls even began to slow or plateau when immunisation began

A Department of Community Medicine paper published in the UK medical journal The Lancet in 1977 confirms the same theme. It says this about deaths from whooping cough:
There was a continuous decline equal in each sex, from 1937 onward. Vaccination, beginning on a small scale in some places around 1948 and on a national scale in 1957, did not affect the rate of decline if it be assumed that one attack usually confers i mmunity, as in most major communicable diseases of childhood ... ... The steady decline of whooping cough between 1930 and 1957 is predictive of a li near exponential decay characteristic of a general and progressive lessening in the volume and spread of infection among the susceptible population. With this pattern

well established before 1957, there is no evidence that vaccination played a major role in the decline in incidence and mortality in the trend of events.

The story that vaccines are essential to immunity is just that, a story, repeated until it became accepted 'fact'. One of America's most celebrated paediatricians, the late Robert Mendelsohn, said:
There has never been a single vaccine in this country that has ever been submitted to a controlled scientific study. They never took a group of 100 people who were candidates for a vaccine, gave fifty of them a vaccine and left the other fifty alone to measure the outcome. And since that hasn't been done, that means if you want to be kind, you will call vaccines an unproven remedy. If you want to be accurate, you'll call people who give vaccines 'quacks'.

Since 1975 when Germany stopped insisting on whooping cough vaccination, less than ten per cent of children are vaccinated. The result ... the number of cases of whooping cough has fallen. It remains endemic in the Netherlands where, for twenty years, 96 per cent of children have received three whooping cough vaccinations by age twelve months. In American schools with 98 per cent to 100 per cent immunisation rates for measles, the disease still breaks out. This applies even in areas where there have been no reported cases for years. Deaths from measles in Britain had already dropped 97 per cent before the vaccine was introduced. Millions of children in poor countries are still dying from measles, tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus, polio etc., despite being fully vaccinated. A tuberculosis vaccine trial in India involving more than 260,000 Indians resulted in more cases of TB among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. This vaccine is still being given to Australian children and others around the world. On and on it goes. Still people dutifully line up their children for the Dr Deaths to poke them in the arm with toxic garbage, and we are asked to contribute to charity campaigns to vaccinate children en masse in the developing world, or applaud when the Bill Gates Foundation gave $1.5 billion to the cause of immune system destruction and brain function suppression. The Gates Foundation website says:
Vaccines save lives. Too often, though, they are unavailable to the world's poorest children. Through its support of the GAVI Alliance, the foundation has invested more than $1.5 billion to increase the number of children in developing countries who receive recommended immunizations, encourage the adoption of vaccines that are underused, speed up the introduction of new vaccines, and secure funding for childhood immunization.

No wonder Bill Gates and Bill Clinton get along so well as they both strive to drug and vaccinate Africa. When you have your people manipulating all sides, the Reptilian hybrid-controlled World Health Organization can announce there is going to be an epidemic of something or other, and the Reptilian hybrid agents in government can start a mass vaccination against this alleged 'danger', via the medical profession. The Reptilian hybrid drug companies can then sell them the vaccines. As well as the contribution of the Gates Foundation, mass vaccination programmes in the 'Third World'

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are funded and administered through the Reptilian hybrid's World Bank, World Heath Organization, and other UN agencies. This allows them to target certain groups or races in their campaign of genocide. Guylaine Lanctot says in her book, The Medical Mafia:
Vaccination decimates populations. Drastically in Third World countries. Chronically in industrialized countries. In this regard, Robert McNamara [Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, CFR], the former President of the World Bank, former Secretary of State in the United States, who ordered massive bombing of Vietnam, and a member of the Expanded Program on Immunization, made some very interesting remarks. As reported by a French publication, J'ai tout compris, he was quoted as stating: 'One must take draconian measures of demographic reduction against the will of the populations. Reducing the birth rate has proved to be impossible or insufficient. One must therefore increase the mortality rate. How? By natural means. Famine and sickness'.

Guylaine says that vaccination enables the selected populations to be decimated. It allows 'targeted genocide' and permits the killing of people from a certain race, group, or country, while leaving others untouched. That's just what the Project for the New American Century called for ... 'advanced forms of biological warfare that can 'target' specific genotypes ...' All can be done in the name of health and well being. In early 2007, the US-controlled Iraqi government and United Nations agencies announced their intention to immunise nearly four million Iraqi children aged between one and five with the MMR vaccine. As if those kids have not suffered enough. Diseases have been dispersed among 'Third World' populations through vaccination and water supplies, including AIDS. Dr Sidney Gottlieb, one of the major players in the MKULTRA mind control operation, told a hearing investigating the CIA that he dispersed a large quantity of viruses into the Congo River in Zaire in 1960 to contaminate the water used for drinking by local people. Dr Gotlieb went on to become head of the National Cancer Institute to further his campaign to 'fight disease'. Cancer research organisations, to which people give millions of pounds through charity fundraising worldwide, are more fronts to stop the discovery of a cure that those on the inside know exists. If you give money to them, you are giving it to the Reptilian hybrid conspiracy, although the genuine people shaking their collection tins in the street are not aware of this.

Scientists on the take Ah, yes, scientists. There are genuine ones as there are in all these professions, but most
are the tools of those who fund them and guess who that is? It is crucial that the Reptilian hybrids control science and not only to produce the pills, potions and technology necessary for their plan to succeed. Equally, they need to use 'science' to suppress, dismiss and block those who have developed ways and means in health and technology to bring about positive change that could scupper the plan. They also desperately need to keep the truth about the nature of reality from the people and their 'science' is used to do that by promoting the lie that it's all an accident of 'evolution'. The major funding is awarded to research those areas that suit the system with often the outcome decided before the work begins and, like doctors, there are many scientists with souls for sale who will say what their paymasters demand. A good example of how the 'science' web is spun is the case of Sir Richard Doll, a world-renowned cancer

specialist, who, it turns out, was being paid for twenty years as a consultant by the Reptilian hybrid operation, Monsanto, while not revealing this fact in his 'independent' reports. Sir Richard is noted for making the connection between smoking and lung cancer, but he also spent two decades investigating potential cancer causes in the chemical industry while being paid $1,500 a day by one of the biggest chemical corporations which is now promoting aspartame and genetically-modified food. Monsanto was a producer of Agent Orange, the lethal herbicide and defoliant used by American forces in the Vietnam War for ten years up to 1971. It contained dioxins that have caused great damage to health among the civilians and troops exposed to it. As a result, lawsuits were filed against producers like Monsanto and Dow Chemical, with American veterans winning $180 million in compensation in 1984. Australian, New Zealand and Korean victims also won compensation, though not the Vietnamese. Studies indicate the increased risks of cancer and genetic defects from exposure to dioxin, but Sir Richard Doll wrote to a Royal Australian Commission investigating Agent Orange to say there was no evidence that this was the case. He did not mention that every day he was pocketing $1,500 from Monsanto. Documents revealed in late 2006 also show that Sir Richard Doll was paid $15,000 by the Chemical Manufacturers Association, Dow Chemical (another Agent Orange producer) and the British chemical giant, ICI. For this money, he produced an 'independent' review that largely dismissed claims that the vinyl chloride used in plastics could be linked to cancers, except for those of the liver. The World Health Organisation challenges that assertion, but it suited his paymasters and they used his report to defend the chemical's safety for a decade. Sir Richard died in 2005, but his contract with Monsanto is filed at the Wellcome Trust library archive. It began on May 10th 1979 and was extended with improved terms on April 29th 1986. 'During the one-year period of this extension your consulting fee shall be $1,500 per day', it says. As late as 2000, Sir Richard was a witness for Solutia, a spinoff from Monsanto. What we have here is one small glimpse at the corruption and conflicts of interest that consume much of what is bravely called 'science'. Wherever dollar signs appear, ethics have a fight on their hands. The obsession with money is at the heart of all corruption and the Reptilian hybrid corporations know that. They are well aware that they will not have to look far to find a 'scientist' to say what suits their stance so long as the cheque is in the post. The more 'renowned' the scientist, the bigger the cheque and the more effective the contribution to misleading public perception. The idea most of the time is not even to 'win' the argument over the effect of a drug, chemical, GM food or whatever, because they know that on facts and commonsense the odds are stacked against them. The arguments are often complex and full of science-speak and neither position is able to land the deciding punch until the effects have become clear in the consequences for public health. Their primary goal is to throw confusion and conflict into the 'debate' to muddy the waters and prevent any clear presentation of the facts. This is done by finding 'scientists' who are willing to put the argument that suits the corporations and, although this may have no validity, it dilutes the clarity there would otherwise be. In this way, warnings about the potential dangers of a food additive, sugar substitute and all these other drug and chemical concoctions, are ignored for years, even decades, before unmistakable health effects become obvious. By then, it's too late for those who have suffered or died. The corporations use their on-the-take

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'scientists' to counter the warnings and persuade government agencies that there is no 'proof' that a substance will be harmful. In any sane society a company would have to provide proof that the chemical was not harmful before entering public use and this would clip the power of the chemical giants overnight. The corporate-political nexus destroyed the integrity of what we call 'science' long, long ago. We know that 'scientists' officially employed by the corporations will say whatever suits their puppeteers, but clearly many 'independent' scientists are also on the pay roll and this is far more significant because 'independent' research carries more weight in the public mind. Corruption is the fundamental absence of integrity and this plague is an epidemic throughout the system 'science' included. The exposure of Sir Richard Doll is a warning to everyone who believes in the credibility of 'scientists' when they make their pronouncements about what is good for us. This is especially true when the system's 'experts' are dismissing and condemning other forms of healing, or telling us there is no life after 'death'. They are defending the dogma on which the system and the conspiracy depend, and if they don't do so their careers and the buffer stops will get well acquainted.

Global fascism
Big Pharma doesn't want people to reject the scalpel and the drug for other treatments and where they can't destroy something, such as health food stores and food and vitamin supplements, they buy them up and turn them into corporate chains that no longer sell the quality of what was there before. One of Big Pharma's main attacks on personal choice and health freedom is something called the Codex Alimentarius, which is Latin for 'food code' or 'food book'. It is the work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. This is controlled by the pharmaceutical cartel, the World Health Organisation (itself controlled by the pharmaceutical cartel) and the United Nations, the creation of the Reptilian hybrid bloodlines. It claims, using the usual Orwellian language, to be seeking international 'harmonisation' in health and food supplements. The real deal is to criminalise health products and information about them that are not under their control and to severely limit dosages to the point where taking them will almost be a waste of time and money. The laws decided by this Big Pharma cartel would replace those in your country and they are enforceable through the Reptilian hybrid World Trade Organisation that can impose massive fines and trade sanctions on nations that don't comply. The legislation and agreements for this were being quietly put into place while the world was watching Friends, The Price is Right, football or baseball, or being diverted by the latest celebrity 'news'. Anything that talks about 'harmonisation' is Newspeak for global laws that every country must obey and it is happening everywhere. The full introduction of the Codex Alimentarius agenda would mean: Dietary supplements could not be sold for preventive or therapeutic use. Potencies would be limited to extremely low dosages. Only Big Pharma would have the right to produce and sell the higher potency products and dictate the price. Prescriptions would be required for anything above extremely low doses. Some common foods would be classified as drugs, or a third category (neither food nor drugs) that only Big Pharma could regulate and sell. Any food with any therapeutic effect could be considered a drug.

Codex regulations for dietary supplements would become binding with all escape clauses eliminated. All new dietary supplements would be banned unless they go through Codex testing and approval. Nearly all food would have to be irradiated. Genetically altered food would be sold worldwide without labelling. The Codex laws would define dietary supplements as drugs and toxins and not as foods, as they are now. This means they would go through toxicology testing which is designed to ensure that a substance has no discernible effect on the body. Taking those supplements that remain available would, therefore, be next to useless. All dairy cows worldwide would have to be treated with Monsanto's recombinant bovine growth hormone and all animals produced for food would have to be given antibiotics even those from organic producers. Seven out of nine cancer-causing organic chemicals known as 'Pops', or Persistent Organic Pollutants, which are banned in nearly a hundred-and-eighty countries, including the United States, would be allowed again by Codex Alimentarius because it would override all national laws. It is nothing less than global fascism and so how appropriate that Codex Alimentarius was instigated by those who controlled I.G. Farben, the pharmaceutical cartel at the heart of the Nazi war machine. It ran the concentration camp at Auschwitz. The cartel was made up of corporations like BASF, Bayer and Hoechst, which, of course, still exist today. I.G. Farben was the biggest single funder of Hitler's election and made fantastic profits from the Second World War. A US government investigation in 1946 concluded that, without I.G. Farben, the war in which more than fifty million died would not have been possible. It also used concentration camp inmates to test unsafe pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines that killed many. The Nuremberg War Crime Tribunal prosecuted twenty-four Farben executives and board members for crimes against humanity, including mass murder and slavery. Telford Taylor, the US lead prosecutor at Nuremberg, said of the Farben executives:
Not the Nazi lunatics but these accused are responsible for this war. And if they are not punished for these crimes the harm they will do to future generations is much greater than Hitler could ever have done if he were alive.

That is precisely what they have done. Those that Telford Taylor condemned and warned about were allowed to resume their posts with Hoechst, Bayer and BASF, the 'Farben Three', thanks to ... Nelson Rockefeller, US Undersecretary of State and former Farben business partner. One of them, Fritz ter Meer, the highest-ranked 'scientist' on the Farben board, had said of human experiments in the concentration camps: 'Forced labour did not inflict any remarkable injury, pain, or suffering on the detainees, particularly since the alternative for these workers would have been death'. It was ter Meer who devised the slogan at the entrance to Auschwitz: 'Arbeit mach frei' ('Work makes you free'). This same Fritz ter Meer was released after serving four years of a seven-year sentence and was reinstated to the supervisory board at Bayer in 1955 before becoming chairman a year later. It was ter Meer and other executives of BASF, Bayer and Hoechst who were behind the creation of Codex Alimentarius that was officially launched in 1963. They set out to

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control food because that means control of the people and their creation is now closing in on that goal. Canadian politician, Paul Hellyer, says in his book, The Evil Empire:
Codex Alimentarius is supported by international banks and multinational corporations including some in Canada, and is in reality a Bill of rights for these banks and the corporations they control. It will hand over our sovereign rights concerning who may or may not invest in our countries to an unelected world organization run by big business. The treaty would make it impossible for Canadian legislators either federal or provincial to alter or improve environmental standards for fear of being sued by multinational corporations whether operating in Canada or not. This will create a world without borders ruled by a virtual dictatorship of the world's most powerful central banks and multinational companies. This world is an absolute certainty if we all sit on our hands and do nothing.

What greater definition of fascism can there be than to have what we can and cannot do with our own bodies, and in pursuit of our own health, dictated to us in such depth and detail? What is happening is so blatant when you connect the dots. As I have been stressing for so many years now, the Reptilian hybrids have launched a multi-level assault on the human immune system and the electrochemical communication networks of the brain and body. This is the key to understanding the connection between Big Pharma drugs and vaccinations, food and drink additives, cell phones and cell phone communication masts, TETRA masts and technology, genetically-modified food, microwave ovens and irradiated food, the soaps and lotions that we put on our hair and skin, and all the other manufactured sources of excitotoxins and electrochemical poisons. In turn, these connect with the attacks on clean food and water sources, supplements, herbal remedies and alternative ways of healing that are being regulated into centralised dictatorships. When you know what is going on it is no longer a mystery why patents are refused, or hijacked by military intervention, when new forms of healing technology are developed outside the Big Pharma cartel, or why people healing those dubbed 'terminally ill' are not feted as heroes, but arrested and jailed. True healers identify, treat and remove the energy imbalances that are causing the physical effect and the Reptilian hybrids, the Nefilim, don't want that. They seek to destabilise us mentally, emotionally and physically, because a population suppressed in these ways, and one that doesn't know it is happening, can be controlled far easier than people who are mentally alert, emotionally stable and physically healthy. The consequences involve our multi-dimensional connections, too. My great friend, Credo Mutwa, the Zulu high shaman in South Africa, tells me that they will only accept non-vaccinated people to be trained as 'sangomas' (diviners and healers) because of the effect vaccines have on the ability to get 'out there'. This comes from the way brain chemistry and electrical communication is destabilised. Personally, I am sure this can be overcome when consciousness is open enough and strong enough to override the biological computer we call the brain/body. But the point is taken. Vaccines make it a far greater challenge, and so do all the sources suppression that I have outlined in the last few chapters. Everything leads eventually to the Reptilian hybrid

networks after thousands of years of manipulation and developing control everything from our food, water, 'medical care', 'news and information', 'entertainment', transport, government and military. Add to that little lot the mind-control programmes, drug trafficking and wars. The same families and their bag men and women control all of these and much more. The writer Michael Ellner said:
Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality.

If you have read this far you will now see why all this is so. It is designed to be like that. These things are not happening because the authorities are stupid, not at the controlling level, anyway. When you have the coordinates for what the game is, how it is played and to what end, you can see that it is a work of genius, not incompetence. To summarise our plight as succinctly as I can: We're in the shit, basically but we don't have to stay there.

The carbon con
Anyone who challenges the prevailing orthodoxy finds himself silenced with surprising effectiveness. A genuinely unfashionable opinion is almost never given a fair hearing. George Orwell

The latest swindle on the road to tyranny is 'global warming', or 'climate change'. It is being used to introduce a whole new strata of taxation, regulation and control in the name of 'saving the planet' and it's all a gigantic fraud. I am not saying that temperatures are not rising, but what I challenge is the cause. The lie is in the why. The self-appointed High Priest of this new religion is His Holiness Al Gore, spiritual leader of the Global Warmers, and the climate change evangelist in the gas-guzzling limo. Gore has become the face of global warming after his 2006 Paramount film, An Inconvenient Truth. It became the third most successful documentary in American box office history and predictably won the Oscar for best documentary feature. I say predictably, because global warming is now 'in', the latest intellectual fashion accessory, and has replaced fur coats and Africa as the new concern of choice among the Hollywood luvees. Gore's book, also called An Inconvenient Truth, reached number one in The New York Times' bestseller list and he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. This corrupt and deceitful man has become the darling of the Greens and many more besides 'good old Al, we love ya baby'. Cue alarm bells, cue flashing lights, cue anything that says 'conman at work'. I have been unconvinced by the official story of global warming for a long time and I was not in the least surprised when an Illuminati operative like Al Gore became centrally involved. If this man tells you something, it's not true. He is being promoted and feted by the Reptilian hybrid PR machine because he is fronting up another Big Lie on the road to global tyranny. His documentary has been sent to every secondary school in Britain as part of the campaign to indoctrinate young people with the false perception that global warming is caused by human activity with all the potential that has for control, taxation, suppression, international law and centralisation of power. The alleged villain, the 'Satan' of the new religion, is the 'greenhouse gas' carbon dioxide belching from exhaust pipes and the industrial system in general. It is claimed that this is collecting in the atmosphere and forming a barrier to stop solar heat from escaping. We are urged to become 'carbon neutral' and to wash away our sins with 'carbon offsets', the cult's version of baptism. It is still okay for the rich like Gore to pollute as much as they choose so long as they invest in green technologies or pay someone to plant a tree. We even have plans for 'emissions trading' in which companies

that want to pollute beyond their government-imposed allowance can buy 'carbon credits' from those who produce less than their carbon limit. If it all sounds complex to you, don't worry. Al has thought of everything. Not only is he the voice of the carboncon, he has set up a company to help you buy your carbon neutrality. It's the Londonbased Generation Investment Management, which he set up in 2004 with the former chief executive of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, David Blood. The company is appropriately nicknamed 'Blood and Gore'. As an Internet writer put it:
So Al can buy his carbon offsets from himself. Better yet, he can buy them with the money he gets from his long-time relationship with Occidental Petroleum. See how easy it is to be carbon-neutral? All you have to do is own a gazillion stocks in Big Oil, start an eco-stockbroking firm to make eco-friendly investments, use a small portion of your oil company's profits to buy some tax-deductible carbon offsets from your own investment firm, and you too can save the planet while making money and leaving a carbon footprint roughly the size of Godzilla's at the start of the movie when they're all standing around in the little toe wondering what the strange depression in the landscape is.

Al Gore, what a man, what a god. He creates a company and then produces a promotional video for it that wins him an Oscar and a Nobel Prize nomination. Now that's style, and there's more. We now have Gore and his team of 'climate change scientists' training other 'little Als' to present his version of global warming to groups all over the United States; Gore and Richard 'where's the camera?' Branson have announced the 'Virgin Earth Challenge' with a $25 million first prize for technology '... which results in the removal of anthropogenic, atmospheric greenhouse gases so as to contribute materially to the stability of Earth's climate'; and there's the Live Earth concerts, part of 'Save Our Selves ['SOS', see] The Campaign for a Climate in Crisis', held in China, Australia, South Africa, England, Brazil, Japan, United States and Antarctica. The official companion publication to the Live Earth charade was the Live

Earth Global Warming Survival Handbook ... written by David Mayer de Rothschild, son of the notorious Sir Evelyn de Rothschild. Gore told his Oscar audience that the 'climate crisis'
was not a political issue, but a moral one. Bullshit, Mr Gore, it's an enormous con and you know it. Gore has been exposed many times as having a very large 'carbon footprint' and he arrived in London in March 2007 with a fleet of limousines to lecture the world on climate change. According to the London Mail on Sunday, he used this cavalcade of carbon to travel between two meetings 400 yards apart. He's a fraud, the whole carbon nonsense is a fraud, and it is being employed to fleece the people with more taxation, impose more Orwellian controls and stop the poorest people on the planet from developing through technologies that the rich world enjoys. For the Reptilian hybrids of the Illuminati networks, global warming is perfect for justifying everything they want and it is challenging 9/11 as the main justification for the fascist agenda. Aurelio Peccei, a founder of the Reptilian hybrid Club of Rome, part of the Round Table network, said in the organisation's 1991 publication, The First Global Revolution:
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine, and the like would fit the bill ... All of these are caused by human intervention ... The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.

The carbon con


A Satanist who 'cares'

Deep breath and reality check. We are dealing with the same Al Gore who was US VicePresident in the Clinton administration, one of the most corrupt in American history. The Clinton' body count is staggering with anyone who threatened to expose their drug-running and financial scandals taken out. Vince Foster was the most famous Clinton-connected murder, but there have been so many others as we've seen and Gore was in the White House at the time. If Gore was the honest and decent man that he portrays himself to be, the Clintons would not have let him past the guards on the gate, let alone into their satanic lair. The Clintons chose Gore, or had him chosen for them, because he was corrupt and a loyal member of the bloodline cabal. Gore is a cousin of former President Richard Nixon and a descendant of England's Edward I with direct links to the Holy Roman Empire through Emperors Louis II, Charles II and Louis I. These connections make him a descendant of Charlemagne and a cousin of George W. Bush. He attends the rituals at Bohemian Grove and Phillip Eugene de Rothschild, the unofficial son of Baron Philippe de Rothschild, said of him:
President Clinton has 'full blown' multiple personality disorder and is an active sorcerer in the satanic mystery religions. This is true of Al Gore, as well; I have known Misters Clinton and Gore from our childhood as active and effective Satanists.

This is the guy who wants to protect us all from global warming? Gore conceded with hardly a fuss when he was denied the presidency of the United States in a blatantly fixed election in 2000. Not only was the vote rigged, so was the aftermath. Gore walked because that's what he was told to do. His masters had other things in mind for him, like selling the official version of global warming. It is often stressed that Gore was concerned about climate change from the 1970s, but these things are not ad-libbed by the year or month. They are planned decades in advance and more. Gore was selected to be the front man for global warming long ago.

Song sheet 'science'

Everything came together when his 2006 documentary was followed by the report of a United Nations group called the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which told us that global warming is caused by human carbon emissions and we should not entertain any other possibility. Since the day it was published in February 2007, amid massive media hype, it has become the accepted truth that the official story of pollutioncaused global warming is undeniable. Achim Steiner, executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme, said the findings marked an 'historical landmark' in the debate over whether humans were affecting the state of the atmosphere. 'It is an unequivocal series of evidence [showing that] fossil fuel burning and land use changes are affecting the climate on our planet', he said. Despite the big-sell about the 'world's top scientists', the IPCC is not a scientific organisation that does its own research into climate change. It is a political body that 'assesses' the evidence in published reports and has its own political agenda. The United Nations was created by the Reptilian hybrids as a stepping stone to world government and anything that comes out of there has to be looked at very closely. The UN was manipulated into being by groups like the Council on Foreign Relations and even the land on which its headquarters stands today was

donated by the Rockefellers. Add Al Gore to the UN and you have a combustible mixture when it comes to the truth. The President of Czechoslovakia, Vaclav Klaus, was a rare voice of sanity in the wake of the IPCC 'report'. He said: IPCC is not a scientific institution: it's a political body, a sort of non-government organization of green flavour. It's neither a forum of neutral scientists nor a balanced group of scientists. These people are politicised scientists who arrive there with a onesided opinion and a one-sided assignment. Christopher Landsea, Science and Operations Officer at the US National Hurricane Center, resigned from the IPCC in protest at the very bias and imbalance that Klaus describes. Landsea said: 'I personally cannot in good faith continue to contribute to a process that I view as both being motivated by preconceived agendas and being scientifically unsound'. Professor Paul Reiter of the Department of Entomology at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, who served on the IPCC and also resigned, said the claim that it consists of the world's top 2,500 scientists does not stand up to scrutiny: '... You look at the bibliographies of those people and it's simply not true. There are quite a number of non-scientists'. Professor Richard Lindzen*, from the IPCC and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), said that to get the number up to 2,500 they had to include reviewers and government people and 'anyone who came close to them'. Significantly, he adds that none of the scientists were asked to agree with the conclusions of the report and many of them actually disagreed. 'People have decided you have to convince other people that, as no scientist disagrees, that you shouldn't disagree either', he said. This is the 'science' on which fantastic changes are being planned to reduce carbon emissions to 'save the planet' when carbon emissions are not the cause of global warming. Professor Paul Reiter, one of the world's most renowned authorities on tropical diseases, gave an example of the bias and inaccuracies in the IPCC report. It said that tropical diseases, such as malaria, were likely to spread to colder regions with even a mild increase in temperature because of the movement of insects. 'Mosquito species that transmit malaria do not normally survive where the mean winter temperature drops below 16-18 degrees Centigrade', the 'unquestionable' report said. Professor Reiter points out that mosquitoes thrive in very cold temperatures and are extremely abundant in the arctic. There are thirteen million cases a year of malaria in Russia and up to the Arctic Circle. He said he was 'horrified to read the second and third assessment reports because there was so much misinformation ... virtually without mention of the scientific literature, the truly scientific literature ... by specialists in those fields'. When he resigned and demanded that his name be removed from the list of contributors, he had to threaten legal action before they would do so:
I think this happens a lot, those people who are specialists, but don't agree with the polemic and resign, and there have been a number that I know of, they are simply put on the author list and become part of this 2,500 of the world's top scientists.
* Professor Richard Lindzen has been linked to oil interests and it is claimed that this discredits what he says. But he is only confirming what a long list of other scientists with no connections to the oil and power industry are saying about the cause of global warming. And, of course, Al Gore has massive connections to 'Big Oil'.

The carbon con


Professor Frederick Seitz, former president of America's National Academy of Sciences, revealed in a letter to The Wall Street Journal that the IPCC had censored the comments of scientists with fifteen key sections of the science chapter deleted because it didn't support the political agenda to equate climate change with carbon emissions. Professor Seitz said: '... this report is not what it appears to be it is not the version that was approved by contributing scientists listed on the title page'. Two of the deleted sections said:
None of the studies cited above has shown clear evidence that we can attribute the observed [climate] changes to the specific cause of increases in greenhouse gases. No study to date has positively attributed all or part of the [climate changes observed to date] to anthropogenic [man-made] causes.

Professor Seitz said he had 'never witnessed a more disturbing corruption of the peer review process than the events that led to this IPCC report'. The Panel authors admitted that the deletions had been made and said it had been done in response to 'comments from governments, individual scientists and non-governmental organisations'. In other words, it is a political, not scientific, document from what is a political, not scientific organisation. The IPCC report is simply a document compiled to support a pre-agreed outcome and hyped by the spinners to emphasise what they want the people to believe. Professor John Christy, who is named as a lead author of the report, said it wasn't true that there was consensus among thousands of scientists that humans are causing a catastrophic change to the climate system. 'I am one scientist and there are many who think that is not true', he said. Professor Philip Scott from the Department of Biogeography at the University of London continued the theme: 'The IPCC like any UN body is political. The final conclusions are politically driven'.

Spurning the heretics

Another tell-tale sign of an Illuminati fast one is when those challenging the lie are targeted for character assassination and hostility merely for having a different view. We now have the latest Orwellian label for those who don't believe in the climate change fairytale: 'Global warming denier'. This is becoming akin to the other catch-all condemnation of people who question official history, or even 9/11: 'Holocaust denier'. Those who publicly doubt the evidence of carbon-caused climate change are shouted down by the brain-dead who have bought the official story without a second's thought, and media interviewers belligerently attack anyone who wants a more open-minded debate on the subject 'He is questioning the orthodoxy, questioning the existence of the "god" we have been programmed to believe in. Seize him! Condemn him!' What we have here is another Problem-Reaction-Solution. They are winding up the fear factor to terrify people into accepting 'carbon taxation' and other taxes and freedom-busting change to 'fight global warming' (see also fighting terrorism, fighting for peace, ad infinitum). We are told to continually check our 'carbon footprint' and the chattering classes appear to speak of little else as I write. Richard Lindzen, Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was bang on when he said:

We are shifting away from science and into the realm of religious fanaticism, where the followers of the creed, brimming with self-righteous fury, believe that they are in possession of a higher truth ... And just as in many religions, the route to personal salvation lies in the performance of superstitious rituals such as changing a lightbulb or arranging for a tree to be planted after every plane journey.

Of course, pollution from cars, planes and factories is not a good thing and it would be great if there was less of it to breathe, but that is not the point here. We need to ask if it is affecting global temperature, because that's the excuse being used to take more of our income and impose draconian curbs on freedom. I hear it said by the terminally naive that the oil and power corporations are also saying there is not enough evidence, and so anyone who says the same must by definition be supporting them. The force behind the governments and Al Gore also controls the transnational corporations and, in the end, all the money goes into the same pot, whether it be reaped from manipulating governments or manipulating corporations. It's all a game, a movie that portrays different 'sides' when, at the top of the pyramid, there is only one. Global warming is their latest mega scam after the 'Cold War', the 'war on terror', and all the rest. So what's really going on with rising temperatures?

Some scientific sanity

We are told that the Earth is now warmer than at any time since records began. That may be true, but when did the records start? A BBC report in early 2007 said the year was predicted to be the 'warmest since records began' ... in 1914. Other global records apparently go back to ... 1860. What the hell does that tell us when the planetary cycles can be measured in hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, even millions of years? A study by a team at Harvard University of some 240 scientific reports showed that today's temperatures are far from the highest in the last thousand years and nor are we experiencing the most extreme weather patterns. The team studied data on what are called 'temperature proxies', like tree rings, ice cores and historical accounts, and their findings were published in the journal, Energy and Environment. They found there had been a Medieval Warm Period between the 9th and 14th centuries when global temperatures were significantly higher than today. Did they ever tell you about those medieval power stations and motor cars? Maybe it was the turbo-charged hand carts that caused it, or flatulent horses. There was also the Bronze Age period 9,000 years ago, known as the Holocene Maximum, when temperatures were some three degrees warmer than today for millennia. How was that 'man-made'? Forests flourished in North America and elsewhere and there was no global catastrophe, just as there wasn't with the Medieval Warm Period. The Harvard study also confirms that there was a 'Little Ice Age' about 700 years ago when there was a dramatic Figure 250: The Medieval Warm Period when it was cooling before temperatures rose warmer than today and the Little Ice Age from which the again (Figure 250). Maybe a Medieval significance of today's temperatures is often measured

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Al Gore stepped in for a while, closed down the factories and got everyone to use public transport. During the Little Ice Age that started in the 15th century, the River Thames would freeze over to such an extent that 'Ice Fairs' were held on the surface and we still see depictions of this period on some Christmas cards. The Earth's climate is always changing and there are times when it is warmer or cooler. To compare today's temperatures with the time of the Little Ice Age, as many reports do, also exaggerates the significance of what is happening now. The Harvard team said their evidence shows that the belief in the 'unprecedented' temperatures of today is merely the result of studying temperature fluctuations over too short a time. Professor Philip Scott of the Department of Biogeography at the University of London points out:
It's i mportant people know that climate enabled a quite different lifestyle in the medieval period. We have this view today that warming is going to have apocalyptic outcomes. In fact, wherever you describe this warm period it appears to be associated with riches ... ... What has been forgotten in all the discussion about global warming is a proper sense of history. During the Medieval Warm Period, the world was warmer even than today, and history shows that it was a wonderful period of plenty for everyone. When the temperature started to drop [in the Little Ice Age], harvests failed and England's vine industry died. It makes one wonder why there is so much fear of warmth.

Because it's a con, professor. The Earth is subject to endless energy cycles that affect the temperature and weather and the easiest ones to see are winter, spring, summer and autumn, or fall, as the tilt in the Earth's axis causes the two hemispheres to receive either more or less solar energy through the year. What happens as we pass through the seasons? The temperature changes. In places like the frozen lands of Canada, they have what they call the 'meltdown' when the rising temperatures of spring and summer melt the ice before the fall and winter comes to create it again. These seasons are only smaller cycles within bigger and bigger cycles, and these bigger cycles ebb and flow the mean temperature by increasing, or reducing, the power of the Sun's energy. We see this in the warming and cooling periods of history. The bigger cycles are like longer versions of our seasons, that's all, and we are now in a warming period that will bring weather changes. The computer models of the Carbon Cult can't predict what will happen, because they are based on carbon emissions being the cause. As they say about computers - garbage in, garbage out.

It's the Sun, stupid

I have written in some of my books about changes happening in the Sun and a study by Swiss and German scientists is just one of many that point to climate change being caused by increasing solar radiation. Dr Sami Solanki, director of the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Gottingen, Germany, said:
The Sun has been at its strongest over the past sixty years and may now be affecting global temperatures. The Sun is in a changed state. It is brighter than it was a few hundred years ago and this brightening started relatively recently - in the last 100 to 150 years.


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Figure 251: The fantastic projections of energy from the Sun known as 'sunspots'. When solar energy increases, measured by sunspot activity, the Earth's temperature rises. That is exactly what is happening with global warming

Ahh, so the temperature is getting warmer because the Sun is getting stronger? Mmmm, do you think that might be possible the Sun affecting global temperature? I have noticed throughout my life that the Sun definitely makes a difference when it comes to making things warmer, so I think they could be on to something. But how will they convince the carbon cultists that a stronger Sun means the temperature goes up? Will it be too complex for them to grasp? Or not complex enough for them to believe the answer is so simple? Dr Solanki said they found that when there were fewer explosive emissions from the Sun, what are known as sunspots, there was a cooler period on Earth and vice-versa. Over the last century, the number of sunspots has been increasing and so, therefore, has the temperature. Sunspots are phenomena of the Sun's magnetic field and they are enormous (Figure 251). They can be the size of the Earth and sometimes even Jupiter and their number confirms higher or lower solar activity. This is delivered into our atmosphere by what is called the solar wind. Dr Solanki's research into sunspots and temperature was reported in the London Daily Telegraph:
They found that a dearth of sunspots signalled a cold period which could last up to fifty years but that over the past century their numbers had increased as the Earth's cli mate grew steadily warmer. The scientists also compared data from ice samples collected during an expedition to Greenland in 1991. The most recent samples contained the lowest recorded levels of beryllium 10 for more than 1,000 years. Beryllium 10 is a particle created by cosmic rays that decrease in the Earth's atmosphere as the magnetic energy from the Sun increases. Scientists can currently trace beryllium 10 levels back 1,150 years.

When the Sun is stimulated vibrationally to produce more intense radiation, we enter a warm cycle and that's what global warming is a changing solar energy cycle. My own

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feeling is that suns are actually interdimensional gateways through which energies can be channelled from another dimension into this one. When they are, we are affected not only in terms of rising or falling temperature, but also by the consciousness they infuse into fivesense reality. This could well be one origin for the worship of the Sun by those high initiates who understood what the Sun really is. National Geographic News reported shortly after the IPCC's propaganda document was published in 2007 that Mars was also experiencing warmer temperatures, just like the Earth. The same has been found with other planets. What could possibly cause warming on Mars and other planets at the same time? What is common to all of them? Er ... how about the Sun? Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of space research at St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, stated the obvious when he said the Mars data is evidence that the current global warming on Earth is being caused by changes in the Sun. 'The long-term increase in solar irradiance is heating both the Earth and Mars', he said. The scientific establishment can't see the obvious, because it is heresy against the new religion. Colin Wilson, a planetary physicist at Oxford University, said that Abdussamatov's explanations '... contradict the extensive evidence presented in the most recent IPCC report'. This is the same reaction you would get from a committed religious fanatic who cannot accept anything, no matter how clear, if it contradicts what is in the Bible or Koran. The IPCC report is the Holy Book of the new religion and it must not be contradicted. Wilson added that Abdussamatov's views were 'completely at odds with the mainstream scientific opinion'. We have seen already that this is not true and, even if it was, 'mainstream scientific opinion' has a lamentable history of turning out to be wrong. What is really at odds with Abdussamatov's views is the version of scientific opinion included in the IPCC report, as brilliantly exposed in 2007 by a UK Channel 4 television documentary called The Great Global Warming Swindle. It was a rare example of journalistic excellence and showed what a different world we would live in if at least 90 per cent of 'journalists' were not unworthy of the title. The programme gave a platform to scientists, many of them involved with the IPCC, who know that the belief in human-caused climate change does not stand up. In 1893, the British astronomer, Edward Maunder, observed that there were barely any sunspots visible on the Sun and this became known as the Maunder Minimum. It corresponded with a very cold period and the graphs are blatant confirmation of the direct link between sunspot activity to Earth temperature (Figure 252, overleaf). The Danish Meteorological Institute began a study in 1991 to investigate the connection between sunspots and temperature and they found an incredibly close correlation. Professor Eigil Fri is-Christensen at the Danish National Space Centre said they went back through 400 years of astronomical records and found the same story. It was the Sun, not carbon dioxide, or CO2, that was driving changes in climate. The solar physicist, Piers Corbyn, invented (or reinvented) a technique of long-range weather forecasting after studying sunspots and seeing the effect on weather patterns. He made money month after month by betting his forecasts, based on sunspots, against those of the official London Meteorological Office. 'The Sun is driving climate change, CO2 is irrelevant', he said. It is not just greater heat from the Sun that causes all the subsequent warming; it is also the effect of solar radiation on other weather systems. The Earth is bombarded by particles called cosmic rays and they combine with water vapour to form water droplets and clouds. The stronger the solar radiation, visible as sunspots, the fewer particles get through to the Earth and so the fewer clouds are created. With fewer clouds, more solar

heat gets through. Geological studies of cosmic ray and temperature records going back six million years have shown that when solar radiation diminished, allowing more cloud-forming cosmic rays to reach the Earth, the temperature dropped. When solar radiation increased, the opposite Figure 252: The graph of sunspot activity to Earth temperature happened, not here and there over hundreds of years. The two go up and down together or now and then every time (Figure 253). Professor Ian Clark of the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa, said he had 'never seen such vastly different records coming together so beautifully to show really what was happening over that long period of time'. The Sun governs the Earth's climate by direct solar radiation and by affecting the cosmic rays that form clouds. Professor Nir Shaviv from the Institute of Physics at the Figure 253: The connection between cosmic rays and cloud cover University of Jerusalem went is blatantly obvious from this chart. When cosmic rays decrease, so does cloud cover. What makes cosmic rays decrease? Increased along with the global sunspot activity and solar radiation warming orthodoxy until he began to do his own research. Then he saw that there were periods in Earth history when we had three times, even ten times, as much carbon dioxide as there is today, and if that did have a big effect on climate then we should see the impact in the temperature reconstruction. However, that's not the case. As Professor Ian Clark said: 'If we look at climate from the geological timeframe we would never suspect CO2 as a major climate driver. You can't say that CO2 will drive climate, it certainly never did in the past'. Dr Piers Corbyn, the 'sunspot' weather forecaster with Weather Action, said that none of the major climate changes in the last thousand years can be explained by CO2, and Professor Patrick Michaels of the Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, was adamant: 'Anyone who goes around and says that carbon dioxide is responsible for most of the warming of the 20th century hasn't looked at the basic numbers'. The present warming trend began at least two hundred years ago as the planet began to emerge from the Little Ice Age and this was long before cars and aircraft were invented. Since the mid-19th century the Earth's temperature has risen by just over half a degree Celsius, but most of that rise happened


before 1940 when industrial production was a fraction of what it became after the war. Indeed, when production exploded after 1940 the global temperature fell for forty years and did not begin to increase until 1975 ironically at a time of industrial recession (Figure 254). Professor Tim Ball from the Department of Climatology, University of Winnipeg, said:
The temperature went up significantly up to 1940 Figure 254: The Earth temperature-sunspot chart over more than when industrial production 100 years. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence can see that increased solar activity is the cause of global warming not was relatively low, and carbon dioxide then in the post war years when industry and the economies of the world really got going, and human production of CO2 just soared, global temperature was going down. In other words, the facts did not fit the theory.

In that cooling period after 1940, there were suggestions from scientists that the planet was going to face catastrophe because of global cooling and there were television documentaries predicting nightmare scenarios, just as they do today about warming. One documentary, little more than thirty years ago, asked: 'Will a new ice age cover our lands and bury our cities?' Carbon dioxide emissions are not causing climate change, that's abundantly clear. It is one of the 'greenhouse gases' that trap solar heat and prevent it from leaving the Earth's atmosphere and it's a good thing this happens because without the greenhouse effect the planet would be too cold to inhabit. But Professor Tim Ball points out that CO2 forms only a very small part of the Earth's atmosphere. In terms of changes, it is measured in tens of parts per million. Ball told The Great Global Warming Swindle documentary that if you take CO2 as a percentage of all the gases in the atmosphere, oxygen, nitrogen ... and so on, it's .054 per cent. 'It's an incredibly small portion and then you've got to take that portion that humans are adding, which is the focus of all the concern, and it gets even smaller'. CO2 is a pretty minor greenhouse gas with 95 per cent of the greenhouse effect caused by water vapour. Carbon dioxide is a natural gas produced by all life forms and it is what makes living things grow. Humans produce a small fraction of the CO2 in the atmosphere and this is massively exceeded by volcanoes, animals, bacteria, dying vegetation like falling leaves, and by far the biggest source of carbon dioxide the sea.

Gore's folly
Al Gore's major selling point for the official version of global warming comes from ice core surveys which drill deep into the ice to establish what Earth temperatures were

over hundreds of thousands of years. Gore says that for 650,000 years the ice cores show the correlation between CO2 and temperature. 'When there is more carbon dioxide, the temperature gets warmer', says Gore. It is true that the ice cores have shown that warming and CO2 go together, but the question is why? Professor Ian Clark, a leading arctic paleoclimatologist, who looks back into the Earth's temperature record over tens of millions of years, says that there is a link between warming and CO2, but they've got it the wrong way round. CO2 does not cause the warming, the warming causes the CO2. His studies of ice cores show that the temperature increases lead the emergence of more CO2 by some 800 years. 'So obviously carbon dioxide is not the cause of that warming', he points out, 'In fact, we can say that the warming increased the carbon dioxide'. Clark said that clearly CO2 is a product of temperature and thus the most fundamental assumption of the official story of global warming is shown to be wrong. It appears that the 800 year time lag between rising temperatures and carbon dioxide is because of the way the oceans work. Carl Wunsch is one of the world's leading experts in this field. He is Professor of Oceanography at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and visiting professor in Oceanography at Harvard and University College, London. He's also senior visiting fellow in physics and mathematics at Cambridge University and has written four major text books on oceanography. He said:
The ocean is the major reservoir into which carbon goes when it comes out of the atmosphere or through which it is readmitted to the atmosphere. If you heat the surface of the ocean it tends to emit carbon dioxide, similarly if you cool the ocean surface the ocean can dissolve more carbon dioxide.

The time lag is caused by the sheer size and depths of the oceans which take hundreds of years to transfer heat into the release of CO2. Wunsch continues:
The ocean has a memory of past events running out as far as 10,000 years. So, for example, if someone says I am seeing changes in the North Atlantic this must mean the cli mate system is changing, it might only mean that something happened in a remote part of the ocean decades or hundreds of years ago whose affects are now beginning to show up in the North Atlantic.

Around 800 years ago was the Medieval Warm Period and so you would expect a release of carbon dioxide from the oceans about now according to past experience. One other thing: if carbon dioxide is the culprit for climate change there should be more warming in that part of the atmosphere known as the Troposphere than there is on the surface. The maximum warming should be about 10 kilometres from the surface, but this is not what is happening. The bulk of the atmosphere is not warming as much as the surface and as one scientist put it: 'That's a real head scratcher for us'.

A lie is born
The transformation from fears of a new Ice Age to fears of catastrophe caused by rising temperatures happened in a ridiculously short time in the 1970s and '80s. It was fuelled, as with most 'scientific research', by he who pays the piper calling the tune. Mainstream

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'science' is overwhelmingly driven by money and not an open-minded search for truth. If someone is willing to throw enormous sums at research to prove that temperature rises are caused by carbon dioxide emissions, they'll find plenty of 'scientists' willing to stick out their hands and give the customers what they want. Government money was rewarded with the findings it demanded about CO2 and this spawned a whole industry of scientists, university departments, 'environmental journalists' and administrators who now owe their living to a larger extent, often completely, to the dyke holding on carbon dioxide = global warming. It seems that when Margaret Thatcher was British Prime Minister in the 1980s she pushed global warming as a way of undermining the coal mining industry she so despised, and to justify her desire for more nuclear power. Her Chancellor of the Exchequer, Nigel Lawson, was the first politician to fund global warming research, but later after serving on a House of Lords inquiry into climate change he became one of the most outspoken political critics of the official story. 'It simply doesn't add up', he said. Thatcher apparently told the Royal Society, the Freemason-created bastion of mainstream science, that the money was available for them to prove the global warming theory with regard to CO2. The floodgates did open. While Margaret Thatcher may have been one of the vehicles to get things moving, the real orchestration was coming, as usual, behind the scenes where the agenda is dictated that the puppet politicians introduce as 'government policy'. Thatcher asked Britain's Meteorological Office to create a climate modelling unit and this would provide the foundations for the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC. Professor Philip Scott said:
They came out with the first big report that predicted climatic disaster as a result of global warming. I remember going to the press conference and being amazed at the total disregard of all climate science up to that time, including the role of the Sun, which had been the subject of a major meeting at the Royal Society just a few months earlier.

As Professor Scott said, the moment politicians put their weight behind something and attach their name to it, money will flow. Research and development institutions began to 'bubble up', he recalled. '[They were] ... going to be researching climate, but with a particular emphasis on the relationship between carbon dioxide and temperature'. Nigel Calder, former editor of New Scientist magazine, said that, after 1990, if he wanted to apply for a research grant for the study of squirrels, for example, he would say that he wished to investigate the nut gathering behaviour of squirrels with special reference to the effects of global warming. That way he would get his money, but if he forgot to mention global warming he likely would not. Professor Richard Lindzen at the MIT said that funding for climate and climate-related sciences was around $170 million a year, 'which was reasonable for the size of the field'. But, from the presidency of Father Bush, it leaped to $2 billion and people who were not otherwise interested in climate research moved in to follow the dosh. Are these people who depend for their funding on carbon dioxide causing global warming going to find that, in fact, it is a solar cycle? No way. Neither are the environmentalists or the media who can sell subscriptions, political ideologies, newspapers and documentaries by more and more sensational statements and 'reporting'.

Computer crazies
The whole hysteria is generated from computer models of climate change which are predicting future outcomes based on thoroughly inaccurate data. Dr Roy Spencer, Weather Satellite Team Leader at NASA, said that climate models are only as good as the assumptions that go into them and they have hundreds of assumptions. All it took, he said, was for one assumption to be wrong for the forecast to be way off. The most important assumption in all of them is that carbon dioxide causes global warming. Professor Tim Ball put it this way:
The analogy I use is that my car is not running very well, so I'm going to ignore the engine, which is the Sun, and I am going to ignore the transmission, which is water vapour, and I am going to look at one nut on the right rear wheel, which is the humanproduced CO2. The science is that bad. If you haven't understood the climate system, all the components, the cosmic rays, the solar, the CO2, the water vapour, the clouds and put it all together, then your model isn't worth anything.

You can make the models predict whatever you like if you type in appropriate data and we are having models assessing the effect of a one per cent a year increase in CO2 when it has been .49 per cent for ten years and .42 and .43 for the two ten year periods before that. Professor Patrick Michaels at the University of Virginia says that with twice as much greenhouse radiation going into the computer than is known to be happening, 'It shouldn't shock you that they are predicting more warming than is occurring'. The models tell us that sea levels will rise as the ice shelves melt at the poles, but Professor John Christy, climatologist at the University of Alabama and director of the Earth System Science Center, says they have temperature records for Greenland that go back thousands of years, and when it was much warmer than today there was no dramatic melting of ice. In the summer of 2007, the oldest plant DNA yet recovered was found more than a mile inside a Greenland glacier. It showed that hundreds of thousands of years ago the planet was far warmer than previously believed, but even when the average temperature was five degrees celcius higher than today the Greenland glaciers did not completely melt away. Professor Syun-Ichi Akasofu, Director of International Arctic Research Centre, says that over time the ice caps are always expanding and contracting. 'I see all the TV programmes that ... show big chunks of ice falling from the edge of the glaciers, but people forget that ice is always moving', he said. 'They ask me, "did you see ice falling from the edge of glaciers?" [I say] ...Yes, that's the spring break up, happens every year'. He said the media came to him all the time looking for something from the 'greenhouse disaster', but he tells them 'There is none'. Professor Philip Scott said that the permafrost in Russia melted to a far greater extent seven or eight thousand years ago, 'but the world didn't come to a crunching halt because of it'. He also says that global sea level changes are governed by thermal expansion of the oceans, nothing to do with melting of ice, and this is 'an enormously slow and long process'.

The carbon con


The Carbon Inquisition

Common sense has no say in the global warming 'debate' and anyone who refuses to accept the ludicrous religious orthodoxy is attacked, dismissed or vilified. Professor Tim Ball said : 'It gets very difficult and very nasty and very personal there have been death threats and all sorts of things, so I'm not doing it for my health'. Roy Spencer at NASA says that it is generally harder to get research proposals funded when you question the cause of global warming and 'you'll find very few of us willing to take a public stand because it does cut into research funding'. In so many ways the whole climate change scenario is a master class in how the Reptilian hybrid manipulation works. You decide on what you want the people to believe; you fund those who will support your official story; and you make life extremely uncomfortable and financially challenging for anyone who exposes the lie. They have done this across a vast range of subjects, as we have seen in this book. Now we have the Global Warming Cult in full cry, the new religion, new inquisition, in pursuit of the heretics. It is an alliance of far right politicians, who have been responsible for mass slaughter all over the world, the Robot Radical left and their allies in the Robot Radical Greens, most of academia and the mainstream media. This is the same grouping that opposes any idea that the official story of 9/11 is a fairytale. All agree on more regulation, more controls and more taxation to 'save the world' from something that does not even begin to threaten its existence. The night after The Great Global Warming Swindle had demolished the lie of carbon-caused climate change on national television, I saw Caroline Lucas, one of the UK's Green MEPs in the irrelevant European Parliament, interviewed on the BBC current affairs show, Newsnight. Had she watched the documentary? Had it even registered in her programmed reality? It seemed not. Off she went, all carbon-neutral guns-a-blazing. Draconian and insanely extreme anti-0O2 policies unveiled that day by Tony Blair were 'not enough', Ms Lucas informed us. (The term 'It's not enough' is the catch-phrase of everyone in political opposition when a government does something they agree with.) There was no doubt in Ms Lucas's fevered mind. Global warming was a 'national emergency' and a 'national security issue', she insisted. More recycled garbage. There's nothing you can do about increased solar energy, so sensible people would look at what we need to do to mitigate the downside of that and take advantage of the many good things it will bring. Instead, all focus and energy is going into chasing Al Gore in his white rabbit costume. A few nights after I saw Ms Lucas, someone questioned the official story on a television debate programme. The former Blair government minister, Claire Short, responded that the 'world-leading scientists' on the IPCC had agreed that it was true and that was, therefore, what she believed. David Adam, Environment Correspondent of the Robot Radical London Guardian, ridiculed The Great Global Warming Swindle while telling us that he had not even watched it. As his Guardian colleague, George 'I believe the 9/ 11 fantasy' Monbiot, posts on his website: 'Tell people something they know already and they will thank you for it. Tell them something new and they will hate you for it'. None of these people want to hear the truth because the lie suits them better. Professor Frederick Singer, former Director of the US National Weather Satellite Service, says that no matter what evidence is produced to expose the nonsense of carbon-caused global warming, the myths would continue to influence public perception:

There will still be people who believe that this is the end of the world, particularly when you have, for example, the chief scientist of the UK telling people that by the end of the century the only habitable place on the Earth will be the Antarctic. And humanity may survive thanks to some breeding couples who move to Antarctic. It's hilarious. It would be hilarious, actually, if it weren't so sad.

The shrill voices of the global warmers of the Carbon Cult are bound to become ever more hysterical and extreme in a bid to attract more converts, and the repeaters in government, industry, 'education' and science will flow with the dough and perpetuate the lie. One conference on climate change in Nairobi was attended by six thousand expenses-paid delegates and among the topics for discussion was 'global warming and sexism'. I think I will apply for a research grant to explore the connection between global warming and pains in the arse. The sad thing is that I would probably get it. Meanwhile, the poorest people on the planet are told they cannot have the basic services of the rich nations, or exploit their natural resources because of the dangers from carbon dioxide. Sorry guys, we're pulling the ladder up now, but don't worry we're planning another concert for you next year and Madonna's promised to play. Great, eh? How arrogant and stupid it all is, but then I guess that people living on less than a dollar a day can always buy their carbon offsets from Al Gore. The world is bloody crazy.

28 The Shift
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world that is the myth of the atomic age as in being able to remake ourselves.

Mahatma Gandhi

What I have exposed and the 'world' I have described is only one reality, one 'time-line', within Infinite Possibility, and I have used the language of this 'world' and its perceptions and emotions to detail the daily manipulation that enslaves our five-sense reality. The most important chapters in this book, however, are the first two and this one. Crucial to the collective enslavement has been the mass hypnosis that has led humanity to see itself as 'little me' when we are all that has ever, does and will ever exist. Indeed, 'has', 'does' and 'will' are all unfolding in the same NOW and we are that NOW. As a near-death experiencer said:
... everything from the beginning, my birth, my ancestors, my children, my wife, everything comes together simultaneously. I saw everything about me, and about everyone who was around me. I saw everything they were thinking now, what they thought then, what was happening before, what was happening now. There is no time, there is no sequence of events, no such thing as limitation, of distance, of period, of ti me, of place. I could be anywhere I wanted to be simultaneously.

From that perspective everything is possible yes, even sorting out the mess we have allowed to be created in this reality. Indeed, the mess is being sorted, although it may not seem so. When I first began to consciously 'wake up' amid some extraordinary experiences in 1990 and '91 (see Tales from the Time Loop), a major theme in my life was of a coming transformation of human perception. There didn't appear to be any sign of this at the time, but, as I travelled and met people we would call 'psychics', I was told on many occasions that I was destined to play a role in the coming global awakening when humanity would break free from the amnesia that has held us in servitude. I put all this aside to simmer while I got on with my life and I figured that if it was true the evidence would eventually be there to support it. Deep down, though, I just knew it was true, despite all the indications to the contrary. Today, it is clear that something is a stirring. When I began my journey to uncover and communicate the hidden truths there was mass ridicule and condemnation from mainstream society and only the few already switching on showed any interest. This continued pretty much until the last years of the

1990s when I saw minds and hearts beginning to open at a gathering speed. The transformation, the awakening, whatever name you wish to use, is upon us. It may not seem like that with all the conflict, control and the still closed-minded majority; but it is happening all over the world.

Message from beyond

It is right to be careful about psychic or 'channelled' communications because much of it is tosh for many reasons. Some of the 'channels' are getting 'information' from their own psyche, not other dimensions, or higher consciousness, and what they say is constructed to fit their own beliefs. Some may be connecting with awareness beyond this reality, but there are many entities in other realms that use 'channels' to manipulate and mislead. You can often have a psychic or channel who is excellent one day and poor the next. Even the same 'channelling' can go through periods of strong connection and weak, a bit like using a mobile phone. When your phone is 'breaking up' you get garbled information and it is the same with channelling. Every now and then, however, comes something that feels profoundly right and stands the test of what we call 'time'. So it was with a communication given to me through a 'channel', or 'sensitive', in 1990. The main difference between a psychic and a channel is that the psychic is picking up communications through the mind in a way that's like having a conversation with other realms. You'll hear them say 'Can you give me that again?' and 'He's saying this or that ...' A channel is taken over by another-dimensional awareness that speaks directly through his or her body-computer. The channel's role is not to communicate, but to withdraw from the conscious state to allow another awareness free access. The same principle is used malevolently by the other-dimensional Reptilians to dictate the behaviour of their Reptilian hybrids. When the 'take-over' is powerful enough, a channel's facial features and voice can change and that happened with this communication in 1990 about the transformation of human perception. The communicator gave the name 'Magnu', but, as with Chuck Jones or Ethel Bloggs, the name is not important. It is the message that matters. 'Magnu' said through the channel that he had a connection with this reality in the 'Atlantean period' when, as I outlined earlier, fantastic upheavals appear to have taken place. This is the 'channelling' in full:
I feel you are sensing now the energies coming in, the energies surrounding your planet. This is causing many of you to ask questions. It is causing many of you to reevaluate completely your way of life, where you feel you wish to go, what you want to do. It is causing tremendous upheavals. Some of these upheavals are very confusing, very distressing, very disturbing. Some people in partnerships are finding they can no longer continue in those partnerships because their partners cannot tune into what they are tuning into. It is causing a great deal of disturbance. And I have said to this sensitive on more than one occasion that you must organise yourselves into groups to support each other. Now then. My own allegiance with your planet goes back to an Atlantean period ... [when] ... there were many energies being used and information and knowledge being used which were for particular reasons of safety withdrawn, shall we say, to prevent complete catastrophe, to prevent total destruction of your planet. One could say these

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were sort of emergency measures if you like, to prevent the inhabitants of this planet from an untimely destruction. Now at that time, shall we say, this knowledge was distributed only to the few; it was taught in what one could call a temple setting, though I am very careful about using this word. It has connotations, maybe. So, let me use that word in the broadest possible sense. There were those initiated into this knowledge. There were grades of initiation and those who passed the full initiation, these were known as the Guardians of the Light and Keepers of the Secret Knowledge. This is the context from which I am coming. There came a time when this knowledge and the energies were withdrawn. It is very difficult for me to explain to you precisely what I mean by that, so I will let you mull these things over. As the energies around your planet quicken, so these latent energies, these energies which have been withdrawn, will now be phased back in. They will gradually be awakened. As the consciousness level of your planet raises itself, those of you Light Workers who are working together to raise your consciousness, you will be able to hold more and more refined vibrations, and so we will be able to use you as a catalyst to be able to feed in more and more energies. As more of you raise yourselves to meet the challenge, so we can awaken more of these energies. Now, energy is consciousness and the energies themselves contain the knowledge and the information which is beginning to surface again in your consciousness, so that many of you will remember the Atlantean times. You will remember that you communicated with say, dolphins and whales. You understood these other sentient creatures. You could levitate. You could manifest things. You could cause spontaneous combustion by not miraculous means at all. Once you know what you are doing, these things follow. It is a matter of order. Now I am looking at a time on your planet when these energies, this knowledge is reawakened and re-integrated into your consciousness. I am not looking to a time when this knowledge will be for a few, but when your whole planet will be awakened to this understanding which you have simply forgotten. It is not a matter of new information; it is a matter of remembering who you are and where you come from. So you are being asked to change. You are being asked to change in a total way. It is not a matter of small changes, of a little thing here, a little thing there. You are really being asked to turn yourselves inside out. There is a massive shadow which must be cleared and it is up to Light Workers such as yourselves to focus yourselves on that challenge. Those of you who are in the forefront of this, you are rather like a snow plough. You are the thin end of the wedge. You really have, how shall I put this? To a certain extent, I suppose, you have the shitty end of the job. You have got to do an awful lot, but nevertheless you are capable of doing an awful lot. That is why you have chosen to come, that is what you are here for, to really shovel some shit, and therefore make some space behind you to make it easier for the others.

As in your human body, there are energy lines around your planet, through your planet, which correspond, I suppose, very much to the acupuncture lines and meridians in your body. Where two lines cross, you create a vortex, a tiny vortex if it's two. The more lines that intersect, the bigger the vortex. Therefore, when you have a chakra you have a large vortex of intersecting energy. It is the same with your planet. Where the most lines cross there is the biggest vortex. Now you could say the plexus in and around the islands you call the British Isles is the hub of the wheel of plexuses and energies which surround your planet. It has acted in other times like a fail-safe device. In order to activate these chakric points upon your planet, the energies must all pass through the central point. They must pass through the heart of the pattern.

This is why the British Isles has always been so important to the Reptilian hybrids and it is also the reason there are more standing stones and circles per square mile in Britain than anywhere else in the world. They are quartz crystal transmitter-receivers placed at the heart of the planet's energy grid, or 'motherboard'. What 'Magnu' said in 1990 is what is happening today with the 'awakening', or the 'Shift', as some people call it. Knowledge is dangerous in the wrong mind in the sense that cleverness without wisdom is a most destructive combination, and so when the Reptilian challenge came the energies containing that higher knowledge were withdrawn, as 'Magnu' said. It was not only that the vibrational field became denser as the frequencies fell; the power of the frequencies themselves also became weaker. It was like having a strong reception on the radio one minute and then hearing only a faint voice that comes and goes. This is what happened to end the 'Golden Age' and plunge this reality into ignorance the 'Fall of Man'. It was the knowledge and potential, the awareness, contained in those withdrawn energies that allowed the astonishing ancient structures to be built that are unexplainable by conventional history. The colossal energetic change was possibly connected to the fantastic geological catastrophe that we know as the 'Great Flood', and afterwards life became a shadow of what it had been like before. This reality became a vibrational prison with its inhabitants trapped in the illusion of density while the Reptilian hybrids had access to a higher intellectual (not spiritual) knowledge through their connection to their Reptilian masters in another vibrational realm. Those who carried the knowledge, or were able to raise their consciousness to access it beyond this reality, have been targeted ever since by the Reptilian hybrids and the 'Holy' Inquisitions are only one example. They wanted to have a monopoly on the higher knowledge of how to manipulate the illusion and its energetic/mathematical construct while keeping the human population in ignorance of it. The Reptilians and their leading hybrids have been aware that the energies and the knowledge were going to return and would bring with them the awakening from the collective amnesia that has made humanity so easy to control. With these energies would follow the awareness, the recovering memory, of what is really going on and who and what we really are Infinite Love, Infinite Genius. The desperate race to impose total control with the microchips, electromagnetic 'soup', HAARP project and TETRA systems, genetically modified food, the chemical assault through vaccines and additives, and the undermining of food supplements and alternative methods of

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healing, are all part of the attempt to so disrupt and control human body-computers that they will be unable to connect with, and process, the vibrational return of the Golden Age. Quite simply, you can have a radio in a sea of frequencies, but it will only pick up the one it is tuned to. The idea is to ensure that human body-computers only connect with the lower densities and not the higher knowledge that is becoming available once again. The microchip is central to this along with the 'micro-reality' they are attempting to create with the 'soup', HAARP and similar technologies, and the satellite system. The Orwellian levels of surveillance are primarily to identify and target those who are emerging from the amnesia, while political correctness and 'hate laws' are to prevent them communicating what they know. The DNA data bases are in place to allow access to everyone's unique broadcast-receiver code so they can be vibrationally targeted and disrupted if they show signs of tuning to higher awareness. The plan is for every child to be microchipped at birth to hold them in five-sense servitude from womb to cemetery. Children and young people are in the eye of this storm because they will be here at the height of the 'Shift'. The Reptilian hybrids may seem confident and in control, but they're actually terrified that humans will wake up and see the truth which we will if we make that choice.

The 'Armageddon' diversion

There are many reality-traps being laid to divert people from the Shift and herd them into the densities of fear and conflict. For example, the fear of climatic catastrophe, together with the manipulated wars and other disasters that they have in the pipeline, are being used to sell the lie about the 'End Times'. Stewart Swerdlow learned about the End Times scenario while he was in the Montauk mind control operation on Long Island, New York, and there have been many other sources for what is called 'Project Blue Beam'. This is essentially the manipulated 'fulfilment' of biblical and other religious 'prophecy' to con the population into accepting a 'One World Religion'. The multiple religions have served the Reptilians well in that they have provided a wonderful opportunity to divide and rule at will; but, to complete their goal of a centralised global dictatorship with a world government, army, central bank and currency, and the end to individuality, they need to establish a one world religion, too. It is part of the hive mind that they want to impose. Fundamental to this is conflict involving the biblical land of so much 'prophecy' Israel. This includes, it is claimed, the destruction of the mosque at Temple Mount in Jerusalem through either a 'terrorist bombing' or manipulated 'earthquake'. The bomb is the most likely, given the horrors that would follow in terms of the Islamic response and I have heard this predicted by my own sources several times over the years. Whatever the means, the aim is to artificially complete the Old Testament prophecy about the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem. This 'completing the prophecy' deal has been used through the ages and includes the portrayal of the New Testament as a fulfilment of the Old. One of the most vocal researchers of Project Blue Beam was the French-Canadian journalist and Christian, Serge Monast. He came to the fore with his information in the early 1990s, but in 1995 apparently died of a 'heart attack', aged 46. Monast claimed, and Swerdlow agrees, that Project Blue Beam is a massive global plan to mislead the people into following the Illuminati 'religion' in fact the religion of Babylon currently being played out most notably through the Roman Catholic Church. Instead of the

series of deities in circulation in the various religions up to this point, they want to fuse them all into one. It is claimed that Blue Beam Project, orchestrated through NASA, will go through several sequences to create the One World Religion and put what they term 'the Antichrist' at its head. These include: Fake archaeological 'discoveries' to discredit the beliefs of the major religions and show they are in error. A massive 3D global holographic show in the sky with sound and lasers that projects specific images to different parts of the world to fit with the major religious beliefs of each region. Their version of 'God', or the 'messiah', would speak to them and tell them 'the truth'. Monast, Swerdlow and others say this will include projections of Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna and other leading religious heroes. They will eventually be seen to merge into one the fusion or 'Antichrist' deity that will be the focus of the One World Religion. All this, it is said, will happen amid great upheaval in the world caused by war and 'natural' disaster and include a staged holographic extraterrestrial 'invasion', from which the 'Antichrist' will be seen to 'save us'. According to some, the system has already been tested with holographic projections of 'Christ' seen in remote areas and how many 'UFO' sightings could actually be holographic projections? Holographic technology can project anything as a 3D optical illusion spacecraft, wars in the sky, angels, 'Mother Mary' or 'Jesus' and there is no doubt that such potential exists. The same goes for technology that can tap into brain function to make it sound like 'God' or 'Jesus' or 'Krishna' is talking to you. This will be even easier if people are microchipped. Such technology is extremely advanced and even more sophisticated methods are still hidden in the underground bases and development projects. It is important not to judge possibility by what we know and see; the secret stuff is decades ahead of that. I am not saying the predictions about Project Blue Beam are true, because I don't know, but they are most certainly technologically possible. The theme, if not the detail, I'm sure is correct. They want to manipulate religious beliefs to fuse into one after enormous upheaval and conflict between them. If what is claimed about Project Blue Beam is correct we will now be aware of what is happening when it happens, and the more who know the less effective will be its impact. (By the way, we can also expect more genuine UFO activity that will nail the ludicrous idea that we are 'alone' in this reality. Such activity is already happening amid a massive cover up by the authorities.) The plan to manipulate biblical and other religious prophecy is already unfolding with the Christian Zionist movement increasing its influence all the time. Christian Zionists have an unshakable belief in the 'End Times'. Most of these evangelical Christians are just being duped by their leaders into supporting Israel because it plays such a central part in the Bible and the life of 'Jesus', but those running this stage-show are well aware of what it is really designed to do con Christians into believing that the time of the 'Second Coming' has arrived. This fits with the alleged Project Blue Beam. They want Christians to believe that the End Times predicted in the Book of Revelation have at last arrived, and that we are in the midst of what it calls 'Armageddon', the place of the 'final battle' between 'good and evil'. No one knows for sure where this 'Armageddon' is supposed to be, but the line being sold is that it comes from the

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Hebrew words Har Megido or Megiddo, which mean 'Mountain of Megiddo'. The Book of Revelation says:
And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, one saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, 'Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates [now Iraq]'. And the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released, so that they might kill a third of mankind. And the number of the armies of the horsemen was two hundred million; I heard the number of them. (9:13-21) And the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river, the Euphrates; and its water was dried up, that the way might be prepared for the kings of the east. And I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs; for they were spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them together for war on the great day of God, the Almighty ... And they gathered them together to the place which in Hebrew is called Har-magedon. (16:12-16)

Har Megiddo is located in northern Israel, south of Nazareth and Haifa in the area targeted by Hezbollah rocket attacks from Lebanon in 2006. When you read and see the material being put out in the United States by the Christian-Zionist alliance, it is clear that the idea of the End Times battle between 'good' and 'evil', or 'Armageddon', is being pedalled ever more obviously. This is not, however, the fulfilment of ancient biblical prophecy, it is the completion of a plan to mirror biblical prophecy and scam the Christian and Jewish world into believing that the 'Lord' or 'God' is doing what 'He' promised He would do. This is a theme of Blue Beam for sure and it is designed to divert and hide what is really going on. Yes, there are massive upheavals, conflict and control happening and they are gathering pace by the day; but while it may appear to many like the End Times of Revelation, we are actually experiencing the Change Times that will sweep away this nonsense. Under the radar of the Illuminati game-plan amazing things are happening from deep within 'human' consciousness. It is the time of the Great Shift, the Great Awakening, and an incredible transformation of perception awaits those who are ready to grasp it.

Another theme to be aware of is the gathering obsession with the year 2012. This is destined to become near-hysteria as that date approaches. Those who have studied the 'calendar' left by the ancient Maya people in central America say that it charts cycles of energy and the 'evolution' of consciousness. The Maya appear to have originated in the Yucatan, Mexico, about 2600 BC and they reached their peak around AD 250 in what has now become southern Mexico, Guatemala, northern Belize and western Honduras. They studied astronomy, developed hieroglyphic writing and had the same beliefs and knowledge in many ways as the Sumerians. The Maya, too, closely interacted with the Reptilian 'gods'. They are best known today for their magnificent temple-pyramids and their measurement of 'time' and energy cycles in the 'Mayan Calendar'. Many believe that the culmination of major energy cycles identified by the Maya will happen on

December 21st 2012. Others, like Dr Carl Johan Calleman, the author of books such as The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness, say this date is actually October 28th 2011. Still other estimates I have seen say the date is February 10th 2011. Whatever it may be, it's soon, and interestingly I have seen reports that the current sunspot cycle is due to peak in late 2011 or mid-2012 with warnings that this could affect communications networks and satellites. The year of 2012 is considered significant by many ancient cultures, including the shamans of South Africa like Credo Mutwa, and it has come up many times with regard to the timescale of the Reptilian hybrid agenda. The Maya appear to have believed that the Earth has been going through nine cycles, made up of 'days' and 'nights' (good times and challenging times) and that each cycle contains twenty times more 'creation' than the last. Some believe that these nine cycles are represented by the nine levels of Mayan pyramids (Figure 255). Dr Calleman says that 'time' does not pass quicker with Figure 255: A Mayan pyramid with its nine levels each cycle; it only appears to because more and more 'creation' activity is taking place. When you look back over the last few centuries alone you can certainly see this pattern very clearly with the pace of change and activity accelerating at an ever faster speed. What would have been considered 'miracles' and impossibilities not so long ago are now commonplace and we have seen nothing yet. Ian Xel Lungold, who has worked with Calleman on decoding the Mayan information, has come to similar conclusions. He says:
A very brief example; the beginning of the 5th [cycle] of Creation's pattern was 102,000 years ago. This is when our ancestors learned to speak. Advancements in technology took approximately 7,900 years each. The 6th began in 3115 BC and this is when we learned to write. Changes in technology took place about every 396 years. The 7th started AD 1755. Here was the invention of the mail service, the printing press, newspapers and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Major tech advances were achieved every 19.7 years. The beginning of the 8th [cycle] was Jan 5th 1999. Now we have the Internet and instant communications world wide. The same amounts of technical advancements now occur every 360 days.

These are the Mayan cycles, according to researchers:

Cellular cycle: beginning 16.4 billion years ago; developed the consciousness of Action/Reaction. Mammalian cycle: beginning 820 million years ago; developed the consciousness of Stimulus/Response. Familial cycle: beginning 41 million years ago; developed the consciousness of Stimulus/Individual Response.

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Tribal cycle: beginning two million years ago; developed the consciousness of Similarities/Differences. Cultural cycle: beginning 102,000 years ago; developed the consciousness of Reason. National cycle: beginning in the year 3115 BC; developed the consciousness of Law. Planetary cycle: beginning in the year AD 1755; developed the consciousness of Power. Galactic cycle: beginning January 5th, 1999; developing the consciousness of Ethics. Universal cycle: beginning February 10th, 2011 [or in that period of 2011/2012]; will develop the unlimited ability of 'Conscious Co-Creation'.

For me, what we are looking at here is the Matrix computer program, the Time Loop as I call it, which goes through its programmed cycle and returns to the start, symbolically like a DVD. I do not think, as many Maya researchers seem to, that these cycles chart the evolution of consciousness in terms of Infinite Consciousness or Infinite Awareness. This does not need to 'evolve' by experiencing the virtual reality game. I would suggest it is far more related to the potential of consciousness to manifest itself in this realm and so influence the program. Nor, is it all pre-ordained or dependent on some moment in 2011 or 2012. I don't buy that at all. It is a process of transformation that is getting evermore powerful and by 2012 the Shift will be far ahead of where it is today; but I say 2012 is a 'window' of change, not a year, day or hour when everything suddenly flips. These 'Mayan' cycles may provide a backdrop, a 'road map' as some may call it, but the way we choose to go is up to us. We can be dominated by the program and be pawns of it, or we can use consciousness to change it. We are now in an amazing period when the program and Infinite Awareness are coming into sync and what a ride it is going to be for those who choose to go with it. I was saying many years ago in my books that there were two main ways to react to the energy flows that are now cascading through this reality. Taking the analogy of a rushing river, we can enjoy the ride by relaxing and lying back on the airbed, at one with the flow. Or, we can stand up in the water, refuse to budge, and use more and more of our energy just to stand up and stand still. Even then, at some point the waves will be so large and powerful we will be smacked from our feet and into the energetic white-water ride.

Cracking the concrete

Anyone who is awakening from the program will know what happens when concrete reality starts to crack. Your life changes, often 'falls apart', and you wonder why you are going through such challenges when you just want to 'be spiritual'. All this happens for a very good reason. We are projecting a vibrational field that reflects our current mental, emotional and spiritual state and this belief system dictates which energy fields within All Possibility that our computer decides to 'read' or ignore. The process is the same as when the man called 'Tom' didn't read his daughter's energy field (and so could not see her) after the hypnotist implanted the belief that she wasn't in the room. Low density belief systems that dominate human perception fear, depression, division, race,

religion, politics, 'us and them' lead people to read only a tiny fraction of All Possibility. Fear is the most limiting of all beliefs and states of being because it causes people to 'freeze' vibrationally and withdraw into a dense vibrational shell. From there we 'read' only those fields within All Possibility that vibrate within the density that represents fear. In this way, we attract to us what we fear and fulfil our states of depression by reading those fields that manifest as experiences that further depress us. If you believe the glass is half empty, it will be. This is another reason why the Reptilians and their hybrids work to keep people in a state of fear. We create our own reality on the basis of what we believe, consciously and subconsciously. We may appear to believe something on a conscious level, but often this is a front to hide what is going on subconsciously. We can see this with apparently confident people who are actually consumed by severe self-doubt just below the conscious threshold. This reading or decoding of possibility fields can also be expressed as what I call 'vibrational magnetism' in which energy attracts that of similar vibration. We call these energies people, places, jobs, relationships, experiences and so on. As we awaken to another level of Awareness, so the energy matrix creating what we call our 'lives' begins to break down and change. This must, and clearly does, reflect itself in the 'outer' (decoded) world of people, places, jobs, relationships and experiences. As the inner transforms, so the 'outer' must follow because one is a reflection of the other. We experience this as the life we knew 'breaking down', but what we are actually doing is breaking through to a new reality and therefore a new life experience. If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. We have to change what we do, or change what we are, to change what we get. It can seem unpleasant and scary at the time, but it's just the old matrix coming apart so the new one can form. Something very similar is happening in the collective world now as we watch, often in horror, the breaking down of the old construct. What awaits us on the other side, however, is a world that reflects the awakened understanding that Infinite Love is the only truth everything else is illusion. We are witnessing the collapse of the old matrix to make way for the birth, or re-birth, of another collective reality. The 'Magnu' channelling said:
So you are being asked to change. You are being asked to change in a total way. It is not a matter of small changes, of a little thing here, a little thing there. You are really being asked to turn yourselves inside out. It is a time of choice for everyone. One choice is to hold on to illusory beliefs in an effort

to find security in the familiar. If we do that, we will be standing in the rushing river trying to stay upright while the water flows faster and faster and we get more weary, anxious and fearful. Another choice is to open our hearts and minds, get on that airbed, relax and flow where the energy takes us; or, rather, where we take ourselves by manifesting another reality. The difference between these two states is the choice between following computer-mind or Infinite Awareness. Put another way, the difference between thinking and knowing. The thinking mind is the governor of perception and behaviour for most people. As Ren Descartes put it: 'I think, therefore I am'. Well, yes you are, at the computer level of reality, if you choose to think rather than know. Knowing, also called 'intuition', is our connection to Infinite Awareness, while thought is an electrochemical phenomenon like its fellow prison warder, emotion. The mental state is

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affected by emotion and vice-versa because they change the electrochemical balance of each other. When we get emotional we stop thinking straight and when we get into certain patterns of thought we are affected emotionally. Think of your worst fear or your most pleasurable experience and you will feel your emotions change. They are electrochemically and vibrationally connected through the body-computer system and, in the same way, they can both be fundamentally changed by electrochemical and vibrational influences like mercury, electricity power lines, TETRA masts, food additives and so on. Knowing or intuition is a very different source of Awareness and decisionmaking which bypasses thought and emotion, or at least can override it if we make the choice to follow intuition rather than computer-generated thought.

Don't think it - know it

How often in your life have you found that what you feel to do and what you think to do are at odds with each other? You want to do something and your heart (chakra) sings at the prospect; but then your head kicks in to think you into submission. The bodycomputer is brilliant at thwarting intuition and usually opens its offensive with: 'You can't do that because ...' It wins nearly all of the time once it has pinned you into its reality zone. Why wouldn't it? The program has been nagging you since you were born and repetition is the most effective form of perception control. You understand bodycomputer reality and 'logic' because you have lived it for so long. When it says that if you follow your intuition then A, B, and C will be the consequences, the subsequent anxiety, guilt and fear is normally enough to suppress your intuitive urges. 'I would love to do it, but ...' is the classic payoff line before you return to the 'real' world of material 'responsibility'. Oh yes, we must always be 'responsible', which usually means toeing the line. Your body-computer is supported in its quest to silence your intuition by other computers uniting to protect their pre-eminence. We call these other laptops our friends, parents and people at work, and their robotic programs spew out software data like: 'You can't do that, what about your job?'; 'You can't do that, what about your family?'; 'You can't do that, what will the neighbours think?'; and 'You can't do that for all the reasons I can't think of now, but give me a few days and I will'. You hear this from mother computers, dad computers, brother and sister computers, far-right computers, far-left computers, green computers, teacher computers, doctor computers, media computers, Christian computers, Jewish computers, Muslim computers, Hindu computers and New Age computers. Life can be like living in a branch of PC World. The computer level of reality doesn't want your perceptions to change when it has almost total control the way things are. The body-computer wants you to serve the system because it is the system. It has been programmed to serve the construct. If you think about what your intuition is telling you, the conclusion will invariably be that the computer knows best. A famous British football club manager called Brian Clough was once asked what happened if a player disagreed with him. 'Well', he said, 'we get together, talk about it and agree that I was right'. The analogy is very appropriate. That is usually the outcome when mind is at odds with intuition. Infinite Awareness speaks to us through intuition and knowing because it is AllKnowing. It doesn't have to think and work things out because it already knows. To think is to accept that you are not All-Knowing and this alone locks you into computer reality. I don't mean that you know every detail of everything; although that is certainly possible

in the highest levels of Awareness. In this density we can work with other levels of knowing. To know you have to take a certain action does not require you to understand every last detail of why. Intuitive knowing is that feeling that we just know something, but we don't know why or where it has come from. You might know that you need to take a certain course of action or go somewhere and I would say it's important to trust what you feel without letting computer-thought talk you out of it. It is not for me to tell anyone what to do. How people live their lives is none of my business so long as they don't impose their will on others. I am just sharing my own experience of intuition for you to decide, or better still know, what to take and leave. I could not possibly have compiled all the information I have and written all the books had I just sat down and tried to think it all out. The information has come from following intuition that has led me with incredible synchronicity to people, books, accounts and experiences which have shown me what is going on. When people start to go with their intuition they suddenly find their lives are full of 'coincidences'. The flow of Infinite Awareness is guiding them to whatever is necessary to fulfil their 'destiny' or 'dream'. This doesn't happen on anything like the same scale at the computer level of reality where the perception of possibility is so limited. Its program wants to close down intuition, not go with it. Another reason for limited synchronicity is that dense energy does not have the same power of attraction as free-flowing Awareness and you could use the symbolism of a little magnet that attracts a few iron filings and a colossal electromagnet that could pull a bus cross the street. In energetic terms, opening up to Infinite Awareness massively increases your power to attract what you want and the potential to 'read' a far greater spectrum of possibility and bring it into 'physical' experience.

Daydream believers
The body-computer is actually designed to open the intuitive channels to higher consciousness, but systematic manipulation of our thoughts and perceptions often prevent us taking advantage of this. There is a body cycle called the ultradian rest response, or what you might call 'Intuition Time'. More accurately, it is Intuition NoTime, because time is an illusion of five-sense reality and does not exist in the realms that intuition taps into. The ultradian rest response is described like this by Dr Laurie Nadel in his book, Sixth Sense: Unlocking Your Ultimate Mind Power:
Do you find yourself losing concentration during certain times of the day? Perhaps it comes as a sudden touch of fatigue, or a subtle mental fuzziness. All of a sudden, you feel droopy. Your eyes may tear. You can't stop yawning, or you sigh. Maybe you find yourself staring out the window, your mind faraway from the tasks at hand. If somebody speaks to you, you find yourself startled by the sound of his voice. Or you don't understand what was said the first time and ask the speaker to repeat himself.

These are all signs that the body is entering an ultradian rest response, says Dr Nadel, and the pattern is repeated about every 90 minutes. He says that these are times when the body's physiology is most attuned to intuition as four main regulatory systems align to link the body to our higher Awareness. During these periods, the right hemisphere of the neocortex becomes dominant. This is the creative, intuitive, 'out there' region of the

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brain that is so suppressed by the education system which concentrates on the absorption of 'facts' at the expense of inspirational creativity. Dr Nadel explains that the drowsiness and loss of attention during ultradian rest response reflect the changes taking place. He says these are the times when you are more likely to say 'Aha!' and gain sudden insights. Ernest Rossi, author of The Psychobiology of Mind/Body Healing, agrees. He says that during the ultradian rest response the body goes into an intuitive mode, and we are more receptive to the unconscious realms:
This is the time when it's easiest to access our own intuition, your own internal imagery. Thoughts are most likely to be closer to the unconscious. This is a time when the unconscious wants all the energy it can get. If you train yourself to just watch and observe and not intrude, you're going to fall into what is called reverie or hypnagogic state, what I call its more naturally intuitive state.

Ignoring these ultradian rest response signals, or trying to suppress them, can cause people to become irritable, uncomfortable and depressed, says Dr. Nadel. But, if we go with them, they can be moments of great inspiration. He offers this advice:
This is the best time to take a break rather than forcing yourself to push through the fatigue. You can think of it as your intuition break, time to take a deep breath, close your eyes, and allow impressions from your intuitive right hemisphere to flow through your mind. If you are working on a project and would like help from your intuition, this is the time to ask for it. It is also a good time to meditate ... ... As you become more aware of the physiology of intuition, you will find that your body's natural rhythms can help you ease into an intuitive state. You can meditate productively at any time during the day, but by recognizing the onset of your ultradian rest response, you can enhance your results by spending time in silence while your body does its neurophysiological work.

I don't meditate in the sense of formally sitting down to do it, but I am daydreaming all the time in the way described by Dr Nadel. These are moments when my mind goes quiet and stops gossiping away. It is even more effective if you can find a place of silence. Noise holds us in five-sense reality by attracting the attention of the hearing senses and the mind, while silence allows you to go anywhere because within the silence is everywhere. Mahatma Gandhi quite rightly said: 'It has often occurred to me that a seeker after truth has to be silent'. All That Is can be 'heard' in the silence and this is a reason why truly silent space is so rare these days, especially in the urban areas where most people live. Daydreaming in silence, or daydreaming in any situation, allows insight to come through. What a statement it is about the stupidity and ignorance of 'modern' society that when schoolchildren go into an ultradian rest response they are told to 'stop daydreaming and get on with your work'. When I was at school, I always tried to sit next to a window so I could look outside and daydream while they were talking about logarithms or algebra. The only thing I learned about algebra was that x = find me a window. The 'Intuition Time' is when the body can most effectively self-heal. Ernest

Rossi points out that 'most forms of healing, including shamanism and the holistic forms of healing, are rituals for helping you to get into this ultradian response because it's so easy to entrain [synchronize]'. By observing the times when the ultradian response kicks in, we can make the most effective use of our intuitive channels of 'knowing'. The doing, doing, doing, society does not allow for such things and makes people feel guilty for taking a break. The amount that we work - or 'do' - is seen as a positive statement about our character. But, if we are always doing rather than being, we are servants of the lower mind, the intellect, rather than expressions of Infinite Awareness. By allowing ourselves to 'be', we will actually be inspired to 'do' things far more effectively because of the insights it will bring. How often have the greatest breakthroughs come not through the intellect, primarily, but through intuitive hunch? The hunch is then followed up by the intellect and found to be valid. Our hunches, our intuition, inspiration, or what I call 'knowing', come from Infinite Awareness - not intellect. I have heard people say so many times that they were having a shower or sitting in the bath when this inspired 'thought' came to them out of nowhere. Others say that they get their most profound understandings when they are driving a car. In all these situations we go into the daydream state and that's why the channels open to intuition. You'll notice that intuitive knowing just appears apparently out of 'nowhere'. There is no intellectual thought sequence being followed that leads to an outcome. Bang! It's just there. 'Wow, I get it, now.' This happens for two reasons. Firstly, Infinite Awareness is All-Knowing, so it just knows; it doesn't have to work things out like the intellect. Secondly, time is an illusion of the five-sense-Matrix program, so awareness beyond the Matrix communicates instantly in the only moment that really exists - the NOW. When we tap into our intuition, we 'know' in the instant we know. A sequence of thoughts is an expression of the illusory 'time' construct while intuition, and wisdom, arrives in the moment - the NOW - just when we need it, because it comes from the realms of no-time.

Standing your ground

If people asked me the single most important step in the transformation to Infinite Awareness, I would say follow your intuition or knowing. When the computer mind launches its offensive, as it will, stick with your intuition and see where it goes. What you do and experience will often be seriously at odds with mainstream thought and society. Your intuition is not following computer reality and all its dos and don'ts, musts and mustn'ts, right and wrongs, morals and immorals. If your intuition was not leading you on another path and into another sense of reality it would not be Infinite Awareness, it would be another expression of the program. People in computer reality will think you are crazy, weird or dangerous, but who gives a shit? I don't. I am me, I am free and if others don't like that, well too bad. This reaction to people who break the mould comes from computers responding to a potential challenge and, at a deeper level, those who ad-lib their lives with freedom say something about those who don't. Subconsciously, the sight of someone expressing freedom reminds the computer slaves of their own conformity. `So shut the fuck up and conform because you're upsetting me - if I have to be a robot, so should you.' I appreciate the offer, but no thanks. The transition can be extremely challenging as you are pressured to stay in the box. Those around you, especially parents, can be ruthless in their use of emotional blackmail to stop you expressing your infinite self. People tend to operate on the 'how

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does this affect me?' principle and so often what they do and say for 'your own good' or because 'I am only thinking of you', is really manipulating events to suit what they want. It is another version of psychological fascism. To be free of the program, we need not to succumb to this and let our intuition be our guide. Awakening people may lose their job and see their friends, relationships and acquaintances change. But then how can we free ourselves from the program without changing the lifestyle that the program has created? It is a matter of vibrational connection and when you transform your vibrational state so your 'magnetism' ceases to attract the old circle and starts to attract the new. People who change with you can stay with you for the same reason. The trick is to trust in your intuition and you will eventually begin to see where it is all leading for you. If you get caught in the fear of the transition because of how your life is changing you will start creating a reality to match what you fear. Remember, there is no scarcity only infinite abundance. We create scarcity by believing in it and it will only disappear when we stop doing so. Everything in this 'physical' world is energy made manifest and energy is infinite. How can there be scarcity? Only if we decode reality to create the illusion of it. Your computer mind is like the guy paddling the canoe who can only see as far as the next turn in the river. If the wind and waves blow him to the shore he will paddle like crazy to resist and keep going. When he's forced onto the bank he is fuming and frustrated at the 'turn' his life has taken. 'Why me?' Why am I so unlucky?' He will blame the wind, the maker of the boat, the cut of the paddles and the fact that 'God' has forsaken him. When anything goes wrong there has to be someone to blame because bizarrely that makes us feel better. But then our stranded boatman meets a local while cursing on the riverside and he's told how lucky he is. Just round the next bend is a massive waterfall and had he gone any further he would have been in great danger. `Ah', we say in those moments, 'I can now see that I was being protected'. Yes, protected by those forces that had 'forsaken' you. I can't stress enough, and I am speaking to myself as much as anyone, that we must trust the process of transformation because while computer reality can only see to the next bend in the river, Infinite Awareness can see it all from source to sea. What appears to be a 'problem' can be a wonderful opportunity waiting to be discovered. Life so often brilliantly disguises our greatest gifts as our worst nightmare. Another channelled message given to me in 1990 said:
True love does not always give the receiver what it would like to receive, but it will always give that which is best for it. So welcome everything you receive whether you li ke it or not. Ponder on anything you do not like and see if you can see why it was necessary. Acceptance will then be very much easier.

What we call the transformation is actually a process of deprogramming. It is not so much learning as unlearning. We have always been Infinite Awareness, but the manipulation and programming have disconnected us from that understanding. If you are buried in a hole vibrationally in our case the way out is to remove the dirt that lies between you and daylight. Once you do that you are free and it is the same with our current situation. We have encased ourselves in beliefs and these manifest energetically as dense electromagnetic fields, the eggshells as I call them, which stop us from seeing the daylight connecting with the Infinite Awareness that we are, always have been and

ever will be. The experiences that we attract once we decide that we want to break out of the box are tailored to break down the belief-densities so we can see the light. As this happens, more and more of our higher Awareness can flow through to the computer reality and the body-computer itself begins to change as its programmed perceptions are rewritten. The body has been programmed to largely be the enemy of freedom and Infinite Awareness, but it doesn't have to be. The two can be in harmony. If you stick with your intuition through all the challenges this might bring, your computer reality will be symbolically standing there with its arms folded saying 'I told you so' whenever a new challenge arises. After a while as your life changes for the better because of the experiences you have had, nice and not-so-nice, the computer begins to download this information and change its own program. It sees that if you follow intuition it may present some challenges in this bewildered reality, but in the end it all works out not despite what you have experienced, but because of it. The more you connect with higher levels of Awareness, the more that energy will reprogram the computer with a higher level of perception. Body, mind and spirit become the 'One' they should be and the war between our intuition and computer mind is ended.

Energy flows where attention goes ...

Understanding the power of attention is vital to regaining control of experience. When we give our attention to something our energy flows there. If we are focused on what frightens us that attention will connect us energetically with whatever it is we fear and the same with everything else, pleasant and unpleasant. The story goes that a Cherokee Native American was teaching his grandchildren about life and he said:
A fight is going on inside me ... It is a terrible fight, and it is between two wolves. One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, pride and superiority. The other wolf stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith. This same fight is going on inside of you and every other person too.

The grandchildren thought about it for a minute and one child asked: 'Which wolf will win?' The old Cherokee replied: 'The one I feed'. Or, the one I give my attention to. When we react to a situation or make a choice it is worth asking ourselves what level of Awareness our reaction or decision has come from. If what we do or decide represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, pride and superiority it will be the computer program. If it is a manifestation of joy, peace, love, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity and truth it will be Infinite Awareness. By rejecting those actions and reactions generated from the computer program and accepting only those from Infinite Awareness, we rewrite the program and bring 'heart' and 'head' into harmony. As this happens, the body-computer stops reacting to original type and becomes a willing vehicle for Infinite Awareness. We need to be kind to ourselves when we react to program and not get caught in self-loathing or frustration. Just laugh, recognise it as a 'Matrix Moment', and change the reaction or decision. This conscious recognition alone will rewrite the program by pressing the delete button.

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Another way to approach this is to always do what you know to be right, rather than what you think is right for you at the time. Infinite Awareness always does what it knows to be right, but the computer is programmed to think only of itself and its survival. There are legions of people around the world who have worked on the inside of the conspiracy or have experienced parts of it and they could do so much to end the tyranny if they spoke out and told what they know. That would be to do what is right by everyone. Most don't do this because they fear the consequences for themselves and their loved ones. I understand that, but so often what we think is right for us is nothing of the kind, either in 'spiritual' or 'physical' terms. Our loved ones are going to have to live in a fascist global dictatorship unless we unravel its vibrational construct through information and awareness. When we withdraw from this illusory reality at the moment we call 'death', what are we going to perceive was truly right for us? To have served the fears, desires and illusions of the computer program, or to have acted in a way that served the interests of all? It is no good people trying to kid themselves that they are doing what they know to be right when they are following self-interest. We know when we're doing that, just as a parent knows that behind all the attempts at self-delusion they are manipulating their children to suit their own self-interest while claiming to be doing it for the children's 'own good'. Doing what you know to be right instead of what we think is right for us in the moment would transform life on Earth on a scale that most would find unimaginable today. Simple truths are devastating in their effect if they are followed with a passion like the biblical 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you'. Or, as Gandhi said: 'You must be the change you wish to see in the world'.

Stand up and don't fight

It may appear that what I am saying here is a rather 'weak' way to overcome the 'might' of the Reptilian hybrid conspiracy, but it isn't. It is the only way it can be done effectively. Everything comes from changing ourselves and overriding the program that controls us and dictates our behaviour. I could say that we must organise protest marches and have meetings with a minute-taker and propositions for discussion; or that we must organise armed resistance, as some are suggesting. If we are going to challenge the conspiracy while in the same program as the conspiracy what the hell good will that do? We will just create Matrix Moments on a global scale. 'We must meet might with might and fire with fire.' Really? What do you get in those situations? Twice the might and twice the fire. 'We must stand up and fight.' Oh, good thinking; now we have two sides fighting and I think they call that a war. 'We must have a war to stop wars.' Hey, why don't you fight for peace as well and then we can do two equally useless things at the same time? To fight for peace, to have a war to stop wars, is brainless doublethink and, much as the computer's testosterone levels may ache for a battle, it is a battle that those in authority have all the weapons to win. Another thing: since when did a battle to overcome a dictatorship ever produce anything more than another dictatorship under another name? Fascism, communism and democracy are all dictatorships in different forms because they're all manifestations of the same force. 'Outer' peace can only come through 'inner peace'. Black Elk, spiritual leader of the Oglala Sioux, said:
The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all its

powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells Wakan-Taka [the Great Spirit], and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us. This is the real peace, and the others are but reflections of this. The second peace is that which is made between two individuals, and the third is that which is made between two nations. But above all you should understand that there can never be peace between nations until there is known that true peace, which, as I have often said, is within the souls of men.

There needs to be a consciousness shift or nothing is going to change. How can it when the level of consciousness Awareness that has co-created this vibrational prison cell will just go on adding the bars. Albert Einstein said that 'problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them'. He was spot on and yet many are trying to do just that. I see researchers exposing some levels of the conspiracy, and good luck to them, but they are still imprisoned by religious beliefs that are part of the conspiracy. I was on an American radio show when a Christian who was against the conspiracy called me 'Satan' on the grounds that I didn't believe in his 'Jesus'. Never mind that I have given much of my life to exposing what is going on, I didn't follow his religion so I was to be condemned and rejected. Such people are 'fighting' the conspiracy while being stitched up by it. They are never going to bring about freedom, not least because they don't actually want it. It is not freedom for all that they seek, but freedom for themselves and their beliefs. If they were in power they would impose their beliefs on the population just as fiercely as the Illuminati today. We saw this when those who fled 'religious persecution' in Europe imposed their strict Puritan religion in America when they had the opportunity to do so. Of course they did; they were following the same program as those in other versions of the Christian religion who made them take flight to America. Once again, different name, same program. As I mentioned earlier, a television producer told me that a member of the 9 /11 truth movement had said he would not appear in a documentary if I did and this movement never asks me to its events even though I was talking and writing about the 9 / 11 conspiracy long before the possibility had even occurred to most of them. They don't want to be associated with me because I am going beyond their limits of perception. They can handle the fact that evil human beings could carry out the September 11th attacks to justify control and an invasion for oil, but once you get into the illusory nature of reality and otherdimensional entities their minds close as fast as those of other people close in relation to them and their beliefs about 9 /11. How often people act in the same way to others that they condemn when it is applied to them. It matters not that these 'conspiracy' organisations reject me. I have always worked alone, always will, and have no interest in organisations. I make the point as an excellent example of trying to change something with the same level of awareness that created it. Never has this worked for one simple reason: it can't. Only by accessing higher levels of Awareness can we transform that which denser levels have created. This means opening our minds and our hearts so higher Awareness can connect. When we talk of closed minds, we are describing the situation perfectly. The human energy field becomes a low-vibrational bubble that repels all boarders. As I said earlier, David Shainberg, an American psychiatrist from the William Alanson White

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Institute of Psychiatry in New York, suggests that thoughts are vortices of energy that can become fixed and rigid. These vortices are another level of the process that connects with the neuron networks and creates the rigid, repeating sequence in how they fire and thus 'read' reality. Shainberg says that these fixed, dense vortices reveal themselves as fixed opinions, a rigid sense of reality and unchanging views. It also goes the other way with fixed opinions and beliefs creating the dense vortices and fixed neuron networks. It is these networks and low-vibrational energy fields (different expressions of the same beliefs) that close the chakra channels, hold us in five-sense reality and block the conscious connection to Infinite Awareness. Like I say, even most of the conspiracy research movement will only go so far before their rigid beliefs block the way and stop their neurons from firing them into a higher orbit where a much bigger picture can be seen. Such people also want to maintain their 'credibility' with the public and they allow the perception limits of most of the population to become theirs. Be 'credible', be a mind-slave, you know it makes sense. The first step to breaking these concrete energy fields that hold us in ignorance and servitude is to stop judging everything by reflex action. Open your mind to All Possibility. This doesn't mean to accept everything you hear, of course not. It means to stop rejecting something simply because it is at odds with your current perception of reality and possibility. Remember that All Possibility means anything is possible. That may sound obvious, but it is usually forgotten. This doesn't mean that because something is possible it must be happening; it only means that it is possible, so let it in and allow it to assimilate without instant dismissal. Already the energy will be flowing far more smoothly and powerfully as your mind opens and the energetic eggshell starts to crack (Figure 256, overleaf). Now open your heart and feel the information you are considering. What does your intuition, your knowing tell you about it? Never mind what your thoughts are saying; what is your intuition telling you about its validity? Is it a 'yes', 'no', 'maybe' or 'some truth in it, but more to understand'? By opening your heart, I mean opening your heart vortex in the centre of the chest which, I find, is the most powerful connection to intuitive knowing. Visualise it opening ever wider and it will open because energy responds to consciousness. How could it not when energy is consciousness? These simple principles of opening your mind to All Possibility, filtering information and experience through your intuitive knowing and being the change you wish to see in the world will transform your life and take you onto a much higher level of Awareness. Your vibrational state will quicken and become more powerfully magnetic and you will be able to make the conscious connection with Infinite Awareness the still and silent, self-aware All.

Notice of intent
When it comes to what you want to do with your life, intuition is governor again. It will guide you along the paths you planned to take before you entered this reality. If you follow only mind, the programs and manipulation can cause you to become lost in the maze and not experience what you have chosen to do. If you are five-feet two and thin as a rake, it is safe to say your destiny is not to be world heavyweight boxing champion. If that had been your goal your Awareness would not have chosen that type of bodycomputer. What is your passion? What is your dream? What makes you feel happy and fulfilled? What does your intuition tell you? These are guiding lights to the paths we

need to take. Life is not supposed to be hard, that's one of the greatest controlling myths of all. It seems hard because of the way we perceive experience. It's like the guy paddling down the river. If he perceives everything to be happening for a reason he will happily park his boat on the shore and know there will be a positive explanation for why he cannot continue his journey. The alternative is to get angry and frustrated and then life appears 'hard' when it is only a different perception of the same experience. The same applies when I talk about the challenges we face as we go through the transformation, the 'Shift'. It doesn't have to be 'hard'. We can welcome the challenges and our old lives falling apart in the knowledge that this is confirmation that the changes that we seek are underway. Or, we can treat every challenge as a disaster and 'something going wrong', in which case it can appear to be a nightmare. Once again, it is neither one nor the other, it is our perception and we control that. When you make the choice the intent of where you wish to go and what you wish to do, you are projecting the frequency, the magnetism, which relates to that intent. The deeper you know it will happen, and the less you merely hope, the more powerful will be the magnetic field, or magnetic feelers, that your intent transmits. Everything is energy people, places, information and experiences and you will start to see how your magnetic projections carrying the frequency of your intent will attract to you through apparent 'coincidence' the people, places, information and experiences that help you achieve your desire. If you are on your chosen path everything will synchronise and flow and the journey can appear almost effortless. The coincidences are not inexplicable or 'magic'; they are compatible magnetic fields being drawn to each other. 'Fancy seeing you here' and 'what a small world' are expressions of this. Many times people have told me how they went into a bookshop and one of my books, or others, dropped off the shelf in front of them. It seems incredible, but it is so simple. They were seeking knowledge and they were magnetically projecting that intent, often subconsciously. As a result, their energy field connected magnetically with the energy field of the book and literally pulled it off the shelf. Life is so wonderful if only we would allow it to be. It is 'rational' thought and emotion that get in the way of this flow and when that happens the synchronicity can't work effectively. Intuition says go this way and computer-thought says no. If we follow the computer we stay in the program and ignore our intuition as it sits there revving up the getaway car. If you find that things are not happening smoothly there is something disrupting the energy flow. It could be your computer-mind leading you down the wrong road and you start to fight the intuitive flow instead of going with it. This is like pushing against a padlocked door. You can push all you like, curse all you like and get as frustrated as you like, but it's not going to open because you don't have the energetic combination. You've got the key to 303 and this is 101. In these times consult your intuition, not your mind, and see where it takes you. When you find the flow again, and it may well not lead you where your computer-mind wants to go, you will find the synchronicity is back and the right doors fling open. Another reason why a door may not open is that it's not meant to do so yet. There is a sequence, or appears to be in this reality, and when you are trying to do something out of sequence it doesn't happen. When you try the same door in the right sequence it opens, again like a combination lock. In many ways, that is what we're doing in these circumstances. We are unravelling the combination codes to the Matrix so that it starts working with us and not against.

The Shift


Figure 256: Open your mind, crack the eggshell, and let infinity come in. This is a good image to use as a focus for visualising your own eggshell cracking

Candles in the darkness

Once we begin to awaken, break out from our vibrational prisons and connect with higher levels of Awareness, we start to attract into our lives other people who are on the same wavelength. There are two ways that we connect in this reality: through the infinite field of Awareness and our DNA transmitter-receivers. Both explain what we call 'telepathy'. As we allow a higher level of Awareness into the computer level of reality, so our DNA transmissions start to reflect that and we become ever more powerful transmitters of these higher frequencies. This not only increases our potential for creativity and manifestation of 'coincidence', it makes these frequencies accessible to other DNA receivers to pick up. Instead of minds having to open to crack the concrete themselves and access Infinite Awareness, these DNA transmissions from awakening people can break it up at the computer level. It is like the violin example of sympathetic resonance in which the most powerful frequency resonates others onto its wavelength. We can see an example of this with the 'mystery' known as the hundredth monkey syndrome in which a few members of an animal species are taught something new and suddenly all or large numbers of the species, even far distances away, begin to do the same thing without being shown. Every species has its unique genetic DNA code or broadcast signal and when the few have been taught a new understanding this transmits on that wavelength, the 'species Internet', and is picked up by the DNA of others. The knowledge is downloaded and others do instinctively what the pioneer few have had to learn. Animals are very sensitive to this because they haven't been desensitised by the education system or the media all their lives, but human DNA has the potential to work in exactly the same way. The more people who awaken to connect with Infinite Awareness, the more they will transmit those frequencies on the DNA 'bush telegraph' for others to pick up and the awakening becomes an exponential curve. The 'Magnu channelling said: As the consciousness level of your planet raises itself, those of you Light Workers who
are working together to raise your consciousness, you will be able to hold more and more refined vibrations, and so we will be able to use you as a catalyst to be able to feed in more and more energies.

For these higher energies to affect this 'world' they have to be 'grounded' in this dimension and this is done by people becoming conduits who can access these high frequencies and bring them down into five-sense reality. This is one reason why awakening people seem to have great challenges in their lives. Their five-sense experiences ground them, and stop their 'human' level from getting vibrationally detached from those they are seeking to help. While they are connecting with high frequencies, their 'human' feet have to stay firmly rooted here to ground that energy. When people ask 'what can little me do?' the answer is that you can change the world by changing yourself. Of course, there are 'physical' actions we need to take as well, but we will know what these are when we access higher levels of Awareness. From that perspective we will no longer be trying to change something with the same level of awareness that created it. We will be able to see new ways of living and perceiving that will lead us to take action that will achieve the desire for universal freedom. In such an energetic environment, the Reptilian hybrid conspiracy construct will collapse like a glass explodes when exposed to a high enough note. That 'note' will sound when:

The Shift


We have so freed ourselves of indoctrinated belief that we stop fighting along the fault lines of irrelevant division like race, religion, politics and income bracket. When we truly want freedom and justice for all and not only for ourselves and those we agree with. When we celebrate diversity of perception and lifestyle and realise that right and wrong, good and bad, moral and immoral are often just ways of saying different. When we stop seeking to impose our views on others and allow people to be themselves so long as they don't impose their will on others. When we do what we know to be right and not what we think is right for us in the moment. When we stop conforming to the herd mentality because we fear expressing our uniqueness. When we live our lives as Infinite Awareness and not computer software. Once we stop fearing for our survival in all its forms, physical, financial, social, sexual and all the other multitude of fears that have survival at their core, we stop being controlled by the reptilian brain through which, not surprisingly, much of the Reptilian hybrid control is routed. Fear is the prime weapon of control and when we stop being frightened the manipulators are disarmed. Fear is the densest of all mental and emotional states and as it dissolves so does its energetic expression the eggshell. What is there to fear when we are Infinite Awareness that can never die and when this 'physical' world which we take so seriously is only an illusion we construct in our minds?

Cry freedom
There are practical steps we can take simply by changing our attitudes and this can be done in an instant. We need to be passionate about freedom and justice, which apply to everyone or to no one. If a single person is not free there is no freedom because freedom cannot be divided into haves and have nots. You can't be a little bit free, individually and collectively, any more than you can be a little bit pregnant. We either have freedom or we don't, and at the moment we don't because we refuse to express what is ours. Freedom is not the gift of the dark suits or the military uniforms; it is our natural state, our infinite and eternal right. The manipulators have sought to take it from us, but we don't have to 'fight' for its return because it has never gone away. We are still free and, as Infinite Awareness, always will be. The problem is that we have ceased to express that freedom and allow others to do so. Those who are knowingly behind the conspiracy cannot control six billion people by themselves and they have to manipulate the population to control each other. They do this through their uniformed puppets who daily impose the very Orwellian society that their own children will have to live in; they do it through their Propaganda Ministry, the mainstream media, staffed by so many 'intellectual' prostitutes who are selling the system that, once again, has them and their children in its sights; and they do it through their armed forces who kill people they have never met, and know nothing about, on the say-so of some tosser in a dark suit who would shite his pants at the very thought of going where he is sending others. As a result of this pawn-ography, these puppets advance the day when their own families and children will be microchipped zombies of the state. When the uniforms, soldiers

and 'journalists' have the insight and foresight to rebel and refuse to be tools of their fascist masters we will see how little power the Reptilian hybrids really have. Their power is merely the power that humans give to them every day 'Yes sir, no sir, anything you say sir'. If those journalists at Fox News and elsewhere stopped complaining about censorship and bias and just walked out the door or collectively went on strike until the bias ended, the news fixers would be exposed and, if enough people did it, the mainstream media would be unable to function. The media hacks don't do this because of a mixture of ignorance of how they are being used and the recurring question that always sounds the death knell for freedom: 'How would it affect me?' If police officers refused to enforce laws designed only to construct a dictatorship, the politicians and Shadow People would have no means to impose their will on the population. It is pathetic to watch police officers acting as bagmen for dictators who want to make the lives of their children and grandchildren a microchipped misery. The police don't rebel because of a mixture of ignorance of how they are being used and the question: 'How would it affect me?' The military are the same. Politicians don't invade countries and directly bomb, kill and maim the innocent. They tell their soldiers to do that while treating them with utter contempt, or as 'dumb, stupid animals', as Kissinger put it. If the troops refused to slaughter and be slaughtered there could be no more wars of conquest and control. They don't rebel because of a mixture of ignorance of how they are being used and the question: 'How would it affect me?' If these three groups alone refused to be pawns of the Orwellian state the conspiracy would collapse and, as I have said to some of them, the point is fast approaching when many will desperately wish they had. 'What were you doing when the fascist state came in mummy and daddy?' I was enforcing it, dear; now don't play with that telescreen.' These propaganda and enforcement professions need to get informed about what is really going on and develop the balls to do something about it. Don't hold your breath, though. We need a peaceful mass refusal to cooperate with the system that seeks to control us, for it has no power without our cooperation. There are billions of people and a relative handful of those in positions of real power. When we say 'no' en masse to their orders and dictates there is nothing they can do. Instead of complaining, but then complying, we need to refuse to obey laws that have no basis in fairness and sanity and are only there to control and suppress. There is no need for violent rebellion, just peaceful non-cooperation. The Orwellian world can only be introduced if we allow it and this is where divide and rule comes in again. The Reptilian hybrid networks manipulate those not subject to a new law to oppose and condemn the actions of those protesting against it. Then, when another law comes along that affects the condemning faction, they protest while being condemned by those who were protesting themselves over something else. It is vital that we unite behind freedom for all and support everyone in their pursuit of fairness and justice. While people are arguing among themselves they are preparing the way for their own enslavement and that of their children. The fascist global state will not just apply to one party, race or religion, but to all of them. The technique is to demonise one religion or group by turning other religions, groups and people against it. When that has been destroyed, they do the same with another until all of them have been picked off. As the saying goes:

The Shift


First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.

We need to care about the freedom of others as much as we do about our own. Injustice is injustice no matter what form it takes or who it affects.

United they fall

The real force for change has to be the 'ordinary' people, as they are patronisingly called. In fact, there are no 'ordinary' people only extraordinary Infinite Awareness trapped in the illusion of being 'ordinary'. There are millions in positions of authority and billions of 'ordinary' people. I think I see a way out of this. The millions control the billions through fear and divide and rule and they will go on doing so until we change our perception of both. We need to make our commitment to doing what we know to be right more powerful than our fear of the consequences. If we do this in large enough numbers, and refuse to be divided and ruled, the conspiracy is no more. You can see divide and rule everywhere in religions, race, politics, income bracket, pressure groups and every aspect of society. Each group battles for supremacy and seeks to prosper at the expense of others. The middle class is played off against the working class, Christianity and Judaism against Islam, right against left, white against black and black against not-so-black. I shake my head in daily despair at the kindergarten mentality that holds this conflict construct together. Only a consciousness shift to higher Awareness can sort out the mess and without that nothing will or even can change. We are trapped in the illusion by identifying who we are with the computer level of reality Joe Bloggs, Mary Smith. When we start identifying with Infinite Awareness the divisions between us start to dissolve as we see that there is no 'us', only the Infinite 'I' in all its unique expressions. We are fighting ourselves while believing we are fighting others and all the global conflict is simply self-abuse. Divide and rule is dividing and ruling the whole by setting it at war with itself. The biggest step of all in the revival of freedom is to understand that we are Infinite Awareness having a 'physical' experience and stop believing the experience is who we are. Everything comes from this. Even before that level of understanding is fully integrated we can make the choice to no longer seek power over others. The desire for power 'over' rather than power to create is an extremely reptilian trait and expressed through the reptilian brain. It is also a classic confirmation of insecurity. Those who are secure in themselves have no desire to have power over others. Why would they? They have no need to prove how powerful or successful they are through external symbols like uniforms, titles or position. They don't need confirmation from others that they have 'made it' when they are already at peace with themselves. Such people act on the basis of justice not the desire to show how powerful they are by abusing their position to impose their will over others. I see this all the time at all levels of society, even down to some of the little dictators that administer children's sport. 'I'm in charge and it will be done my way even though what I am imposing is ludicrous, childish and arrogant beyond belief.' In many ways the lower ranks of power can be more obsessed with control than some

higher ups, probably because they have more insecurity to camouflage. I have had many amusing moments watching the 'community policeman' in my town marching through the streets giving out his orders and reaching orgasm when he spots a car that's five minutes over the parking limit. He thinks he's so powerful when he's just a tool of a system that will eventually spit him out like pips from a grape.

Setting each other free

If we really want to play a role in the restoration of freedom we need to stop seeking power over others and find peace in people being different and enjoying the right to free choice and free expression even if we don't agree with what they do or say. I have a simple philosophy: do what you like so long as you don't impose it on others. The first part of that sentence may seem like a free-for-all, but the second part ensures that it's not. 'Oh, so you're saying people should have the freedom to murder and abuse children then?' Er, no, actually. That would hardly meet the criteria of not imposing your will on another. This one simple sentence, 'Do what you like so long as you don't impose it on others', contains both the freedom to do and the freedom not to have done to. That's the society I would like to live in. I am sick of people telling others what they can and can't do. I hear Christians complaining about Orwellian controls that affect them while telling other people what they can and cannot do on the basis of some reference they have found in the Bible written by who knows who knows when. 'Homosexuality is the devil's work', I hear some say. Well, don't do it then, mate, just don't tell others what they can or cannot do. I challenge any imposition of homosexuality as much as I challenge anyone who seeks to outlaw it and the same with everything. If you don't like it, or don't approve of it, then don't do it. I am only interested when it is being forced upon people against their will. Parents need to respect their children's right to go their own way and pursue their own passion without seeking to use guilt and other manipulation techniques to 'guide' them in the direction that suits the parents. We bring children into this reality so they can freely experience, not to be their life-long dictators. We can advise them, of course, but they have to make the choice of what they do and where they go when they have reached the age where they can make those decisions. A loving parent respects that and even if they don't agree with them they are always there to support no matter what. Any parent who seeks to impose a religion, belief system or lifestyle on their offspring is a psychological fascist and they need to be told diplomatically, or otherwise if necessary, where to stick it. Young people need to rebel against such impositions and refuse to yield their uniqueness to them. Only then can the cycle be broken. If this upsets their parents, well too bad. The parent-child connection should be a partnership, not a dictatorship. I don't agree with religious schools of any kind because they are places of belief indoctrination on a scale even more extreme than the 'education' system in general. If young people want to follow a religion good luck to them, but it should be a free choice when other choices have been explored and not the result of a mind-control operation almost from birth called a 'religious school'. Parents who send their children to religious schools have no respect for their free-right to choose. In the same way, children should not be telling their parents what they can and cannot do with their lives. Freedom always goes both ways or it does not exist. Your freedom is my freedom.

The Shift


It's just a ride

What I have outlined in this chapter will, if instigated, bring an end to the conspiracy and its Orwellian world by ending the belief and behaviour traits that allow it to happen. The walls of suppression will come down when we stop suppressing ourselves and each other, and when we stop allowing differing beliefs and perceptions to become the fault lines through which we are divided and ruled. When we are at peace with someone else looking, acting and believing differently to us, we will no longer be divided. Without division, there can be no rule by the few. The greatest transformation of life in this reality will come, however, as the eggshells crack and we remember who and where we are. We are everything (and nothing); we are everywhere (and nowhere); we are all that is, has been and ever will be, all existing in the eternal and infinite NOW. We have just been manipulated to forget that. There is no 'little me' unless we allow our belief to create the illusion of it, and there is not even a 'we', only an infinite 'I'. As this book has been almost a compendium of my work from some twenty years of experience and research, I am going to finish with my two favourite quotes from previous books. They come from a brilliant American comedian called Bill Hicks, who left us in 1994, aged just thirty-two. People can quote all the mystics and crossed-legged people they like, but this guy understood as much, if not more, than most of them. He once described reality magnificently in one of his jokes: '... All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration; we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively; there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves'. What an encapsulation of the truth that has been denied us for so long. At the end of his act, Bill would don his coat and cowboy hat and leave the audience with this thought:
The world is like a ride at an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it, you think it's real, because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down, and round and round, it has thrills and chills, and it's very brightly coloured and it's very loud. And it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long ti me, and they begin to question: 'Is this real? Or is this just a ride?' And other people have remembered, and they come back to us and they say 'Hey! Don't worry, don't be afraid ever because this is just a ride'. And we kill those people. 'Shut him up! We have a lot invested in this ride! Shut him up! Look at my furrows of worry; look at my big bank account and my family. This has to be real.' It's just a ride. But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that and we let the demons run amok. But it doesn't matter, because ... it's just a ride, and we can change it any time we want. It's only a choice. No effort. No worry. No job. No savings and money. Just a choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your door, buy bigger guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love, instead, see all of us as one. Here's what we can do to change the world, right now, into a better ride. Take all that money we spend on weapons and defence each year and, instead, spend it feeding, clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would do many times

over - not one human being excluded - and we can explore space together, both inner and outer, forever ... in peace.

It's our ride and our choice of where we want it to go. This is what the manipulators have worked so hard to keep from us. But the truth is out and the genie is free and what we do with this knowledge is now our own responsibility. We can 'change the world' or we can run and hide. As always, like Bill said, it's just a choice between fear and love. Thanks for listening and enjoy the ride.

Dream Within A Dream

by Edgar Allen Poe

Take this kiss upon the brow! And, in parting from you now, Thus much let me avow You are not wrong, who deem That my days have been a dream; Yet if hope has flown away In a night, or in a day, In a vision, or in none, Is it therefore the less gone? All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream.


Aitken, Robin: Can We Trust the BBC? (Continuum International, 2007) Allen D S and Delair J B: The Day the Earth Nearly Died by (Gateway Books, Bath, 1995) Bamford, James: Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency (Doubleday, 2001) Baron, S W: A Social and Religious History of the Jews (New York, 1957) Bentov, Itzhak: Stalking the Wild Pendulum: On the Mechanics of Consciousness (Destiny Books, 1988) Beugel, Ernst H. van der: From Marshall Aid To Atlantic Partnership (Elsevier, 1966) Bromberger, Merry and Serge: Jean Monnet and the United States of Europe (CowardMcCann, New York, 1969) Brzezinski, Zbigniew: Between Two Ages: America's Role In The Technetronic Era (Penguin, 1976) Calleman, Dr. Carl Johan: The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness (see www.calleman.com ) Clarke, Richard: Against All Enemies (Free Press; New Ed edition, 2004) Cockburn, Leslie: Out of Control: The Story of the Reagan Administration's Secret War in Nicaragua, the Illegal Arms Pipeline, and the Contra Drug Con (Bloomsbury Publishing, 1988) Davis, Richard: The English Rothschilds (University of North Carolina, 1984) Deane, Reverend John Bathhurst: The Worship of the Serpent (1 G and F Rivington, London, 1833) Emery, Professor W B: Archaic Egypt (Penguin Books, England, 1961) Emoto, Masaru: Messages from Water: The First Pictures of Frozen Water Crystals (Hado Publishing, 2003) Epstein, Edward: The Rise and Fall of Diamonds (Simon & Schuster, 1982) Hall, Manly P: America's Assignment With Destiny (Philosophical Research Society, Los Angeles, California, 1979) Habsburg, Otto von: The Social Order of Tomorrow (Newman Press, 1959) Hellyer, Paul: The Evil Empire: Globalization's Darker Side (Chimo (1997) Hislop, Alexander: The Two Babylons (Chick, Reprint edition (1998) Hopsicker, Daniel: Welcome to Terrorland: Mohamed Atta and the 9-11 Cover-Up in Florida (Trine Day, 2004) Horn, Dr Arthur David: Humanity's Extraterrestrial Origins (A and L Horn, PO Box 1632, Mount Shasta, California, 96067, 1994) Hughes, Bill: The Secret Terrorists and the Enemy Unmasked (Truth Triumphant, 2002) Huxley, Aldous: Brave New World and Brave New World Revisited (HarperCollins, 2004. Brave New World first published in 1932) 604



Koestler, Arthur: The Thirteeenth Tribe the Khazar Empire and its Heritage (Hutchinson, London, 1976) Lanctot, Guylaine: The Medical Mafia (Here's the Key, PO Box 309, Waterloo, QCJOE 2NO, Canada) Lipton, Bruce: Biology of Belief ( Mountain of Love/Elite Books, Santa Rosa, California, 2005) Livingstone, David: The Dying God: The Hidden History of Western Civilization (Writers Club Press, 2002) Mann, James: Rise of the Vulcan (Penguin, 2004) Marchetti, Victor: The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence (Dell; Reissue edition 1989) McChesney, Bob: The Problem of the Media: US Communication Politics in the TwentyFirst Century ( Monthly Review Press, 2004) Mott, Michael: Caverns, Cauldrons and Concealed Creatures (Hidden Mysteries, Texas, 2000) Nadal, Dr. Laurie: Sixth Sense: Unlocking Your Ultimate Mind Power (i Universe.com, 2006) Nagy, Dr Sandor: The Forgotten Cradle of the Hungarian Culture (Patria Publishing, Toronto, 1973) Neil, William: How We Were Made (Oracle Books, 2003) Nichols, John: Dick: The Man Who Is President (New Press, 2004) O'Brien, Cathy and Phillips, Mark: Access Denied (Reality Marketing Inc., Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2004) O'Brien, Cathy and Phillips, Mark: Trance-Formation of America (Reality Marketing Inc., Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 1995) Olson, Barbara: Hell to Pay (Regnery Publishing, 1999) Ostrovsky, Victor: The Other Side of Deception (Harpercollins, 1994) Ovason, David: The Secret Architecture of our Nation's Capital (Century Books, London, 1999) Perloff, James: The Shadows Of Power: The Council On Foreign Relations And The American Decline (Western Islands, 1988) Powell, Colin: My American Journey (Random House, 1995) Prouty, Leroy Fletcher: The Secret Team (The Secret Team, Prentice-Hall, 1973, paperback by Ballantine, 1974) Quigley, Carroll: The Anglo-American Establishment (Books in Focus, 1981) Reed, Terry, and Cummings, John: Compromised: Clinton, Bush, and the CIA (SPI Books, 1994) Rossi, Ernest: The Psychobiology of Mind-body Healing: New Concepts of Therapeutic Hypnosis (W W Norton; Rev Ed edition, 1993) Sagan, Carl: The Dragons of Eden (Ballantine Books, New York, 1977) Saussy F Tupper: Rulers of Evil (HarperCollins, 2001) Shohat, Professor Ella Habiba: Israeli Cinema: East/West and the Politics of Representation (University of Texas Press, 1989) Springmeier, Fritz: Bloodlines of the Illuminati (Springmeier, SE Clackamas Road, Clackamas, Oregon 97015, 1995) Stalin, Josef: Marxism and the National Question (Kanishka, 1991, first published 1942) Swerdlow, Stewart: Blue Blood, True Blood (Expansions Publishing Inc., USA, 2002) Talbot, Michael: The Holographic Universe (HarperPerennial, New York, 1992)


The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)

Tracy, Professor Ann Blake: Prozac: Panacea or Pandora (Cassia Publications, 1994) Tolle, Eckhart: The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment (Hodder & Stoughton, New Ed edition, 2005) Wheatcroft, Geoffrey: Yo, Blair!: Tony Blair's Disastrous Premiership (Politico's Publishing, 2007) Westbrook Jr, Charles L: Talisman of the United States (Westcom, 1990) Yallop, David: In God's Name (Bantam Books, 1984)

Our thanks to the following hologram producers and suppliers for the use of their images
Holography Studio All-Russian Exhibition Center C/o Sergey Zharkiy Tallinskaja Str. 26 130 123458 Moscow Russian Federation website: www.holography.ru 3-D Hologrammen Grimburgwal 2 1012 GA Amsterdam Tel/fax +31-20-6247225 website: www.3-Dhologrammen.corn Jason Sapan

Our thanks to the following chart producer and supplier for the use of their image
Colon and Eye charts courtesy of: Bernard Jensen International 1914 W. Mission Road, Ste. F Escondido, CA 92029 (888) 743-1790 (from USA) (760) 743-1790 website: www.bemardjensen.org

Unlocking the Imagination

Journeying in the Dreamtime through Art and Meditation. Workshops with Neil Hague

Everyone is an artist and all have imagination!

Through talking, drawing and painting we will explore primeval imagery, symbols (archetypes), left and right brain activity, colour and the spirit within each of us. Unlocking our mind and opening our hearts enables us to experience multidimensional aspects of ourselves, heal our lives and shape our reality. Visit

About the artist

Neil is an artist, author and teacher. Originally trained in publishing, he now writes and lectures on the metaphysics and ancient symbolism found in art. He has had numerous exhibitions of his visionary art and his imagery is inspired by mythology, science, spirituality and a love of nature. Often combining these sources Neil illustrates through his books and imagery a personal and fascinating approach to art and self-awareness brought about through creativity.


for more information,

or telephone Quester on 01637 881613.

Limited edition prints and cards of cover

ill ustrations and other paintings found in this book can be ordered through www.neilhague.com

Other work by David Icke

Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Else is Illusion $24.95 12.95 Why the 'world' is a virtual-reality game that only exists because we believe it does. Icke explains how we 'live' in a 'holographic internet' in that our brains are connected to a central 'computer' that feeds us the same collective reality that we decode from waveforms and electrical signals into the holographic 3D 'world' that we all think we see. Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster Why the Official Story of 9/11 is a Monumental Lie $29.95 16 A stunning expos of the Ministries of Mendacity that have told the world the Big Lie about what happened on September 11th, who did it, how and why. This 500 page book reveals the real agenda behind the 9/11 attacks and how they were orchestrated from within the borders of the United States and not from a cave in Afghanistan. Tales from the Time Loop $29.95 16 In this 500-page, profusely-illustrated book, David Icke explores in detail the multi-levels of the global conspiracy. He exposes the five-sense level and demolishes the official story of the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan; he explains the inter-dimensional manipulation; and he shows that what we think is the 'physical world' is all an illusion that only exists in our mind. Without this knowledge, the true nature of the conspiracy cannot be understood. The Biggest Secret $29.95 16 A stunning expose of how the same interbreeding bloodlines have controlled the planet for thousands of years. It includes the horrific background to the British royal family, the murder of Princess Diana, and the true origins of major religions. A blockbuster. Children of the Matrix $29.95 16 The companion book of The Biggest Secret that investigates the reptilian and other dimensional connections to the global conspiracy and reveals the world of illusion the "Matrix" that holds the human race in daily slavery. ... And The Truth Shall Set You Free ( 21st century edition) $29.95 16 Icke exposes in more than 500 pages the interconnecting web that controls the world today. This book focuses on the last 200 years and particularly on what is happening around us today. Another highly acclaimed book, which has been constantly updated. A classic in its field. I Am Me, I Am Free $21.95 10.50 Icke's book of solutions. With humour and powerful insight, he shines a light on the mental and emotional prisons we build for ourselves ... prisons that disconnect us from our true and infinite potential to control our own destiny. A getaway car for the human psyche.

Earlier books by David Icke include The Robots' Rebellion (Gill & Macmillan), Truth Vibrations (Gill & Macmillan), Heal the World (Gill & Macmillan), Days of Decision (Jon Carpenter) and It Doesn't Have To Be Like This (Green Print). The last two books are out of print and no longer available.

Freedom or Fascism: the time to choose 3xDVD set $65 34.95 More than 2,000 people from all over Britain and across the world gather at London's famous Brixton Academy to witness an extraordinary event. David Icke weaves together more than 16 years of painstaking research and determined investigation into the Global Conspiracy and the extraordinary 'sting' being perpetrated on an amnesic human race. Icke is the Dot Connector and he uses hundreds of illustrations to reveal the hidden story behind apparently unconnected world events. Revelations of a Mother Goddess DVD $39.95 15 Arizona Wilder was mind-programmed from birth by Josef Mengele, the notorious, 'Angel of Death' in the Nazi concentration camps. In this interview with David Icke, she describes human sacrifice rituals at Glamis Castle and Balmoral in England, in which the Queen, the Queen Mother and other members of the Royal Family sacrificed children in Satanic ceremonies. The Reptilian Agenda DVD $59.95 32 In this memorable, almost six hours of interview, contained in parts one and two, Zulu shaman, Credo Mutwa, reveals his incredible wealth of knowledge about the black magicians of the Illuminati and how they use their knowledge of the occult to control the world. Sit back and savour this wonderful man. You are in the presence of a genius and a giant.

Other books available

The Medical Mafia The superb expose of the medical system by Canadian doctor, Guylaine Lanctot, who also shows how and why 'alternative' methods are far more effective. Highly recommended. What The Hell Am I Doing Here Anyway? A second book by Guylaine Lanctot. We thirst for freedom, yet all the while we are imprisoned by conditioned beliefs. Trance-Formation Of America The staggering story of Cathy O'Brien, the mindcontrolled slave of the US Government for some 25 years. Read this one sitting down. A stream of the world's most famous political names are revealed as they really are. Written by Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips. Access Denied For Reasons Of National Security From the authors of Trance-Formation of America, this is the documented journey from CIA mind-control. What If Everything You Knew About AIDS Was Wrong? HIV does NOT cause Aids, as Christine Maggiore's outstanding book confirms. Concisely written and devastating to the Aids scam and the Aids industry.

All books, DVDs and videos are available from David Icke Books (contact details on the back page) or through the website:


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