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Form 16116, Revised (937) Printed in U.S. A. PRICE LIST OF PARTS FOR FAMILY SHOPS MACHINE No. 99-13 THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY Acceaaortes: Aveaohnant Sets. ++ Bias OaUgO. eee ees Bobbin Mnder (Automttc) B.R.Motora.. i BLRMotor Parte... Darning Foot (Spring).s.cers+ ige Stitens; Sgbroldery Attachment (For On Tread). eprotdery Attachment (For Two Tareads)..+...- Feed Cover Flats Finger Guard Womatitehor...... Henatitening and Picoting Attachment. Yeas Control (Bakelite). Machine No, 99-13. Noodle Thresder (Universal)... Wumerieal List of Parts,.... Prosser Foot....... gutiter, Replacenant Parto..s.scssss augfier... futfler Shirring Plate (Universal). Singertigne Lamp. Singer Liane No, 195296... 00.6 Stiletto. ‘Tubular Triming Attachnent. Under Bra der BRRVSRRORPSRAREERE INSTRUCTIONS FOR OPDERING tn ordering fron thie List, ase GY the part MIMBER tn the inst clue. tho number of the olagie part only Trach nuntar alvaye indlostes the SHE PART On Vaatever 219t tt appoare, or for wmtever aon Foliardonod ana Potted Fdstardenes, Polished and Nickel Plated ‘-artent Rumlec and Rieke Plated wets witeanins, out. Socaentum Piecing iarianed, FoLLoned, Copper ant Veativer Plates Iiokor Painted anu Butree 2.Atarcened, Pollen Moke Fiatas, Barred and carontun Pinto’ Dis-Povtened, Micka Plata, butted and Chronlin ated 2.e-tarcened ana Careatin Fiatec ‘Tusae ieviere MOT BE USED van they appear tn th 1'to 1600, $9001 te 61500 and 140001 to 145000 Ts01 to 1600 ana 1 to 61600 are Not Numbers G01 to 000 and 61601 t2 58000 are Roller Nite 2001 te 60000 and $4001 to 140000 and 142001 to Ton008 are Sowing Machine Parts, 190001 and upward re utbora cf Electrical Parts ‘me figures in the setchd tclum refer only to the plate sniumtrating the parte, anc are 107 70 Be USED in ordering. arts mired witn an astariak (+) are furnianed only when repairs tre made nt fR0tery Wo. 33052 poce. ‘se00e 30961 9088 088 sas so047e 1586 33808 LIST OF PARTS COMPLETE FOR MACHINE No. 99-13 FOR FAMILY USE Name ach arm vith 448A, 15404, 32503 ant to 1805. .0e $5.80 4976 Arm Dowel Pinieseeceesee oe 1 Rock Shagt with S05. ai . + gssoe with 12160 and se03. 4997 Arm Rock Shart Adjusting * Berew Center (lover) 10 so0s6c with 1512. 20 4207 ara Rook Shaft Serew Conter (lower) Wot. pees 10 4507 A Pook share erew cantar (upper) 20 wort + 0 esr 150 PARTS FOR MACHINE No. 99:13, PARTS FOR MACHINE No, 99.13, 7 No. Plate Nano ach No, Pate Rane Each saeee Arn Shatt $3603 with $2508 and 510454398 Maching Hinge Connection Set Serew.$ 08 BOLD. sevecseseesecssenen eee e$® 8B 86554208 Noodle Bar With 32519...-seeeeesse. 80 Arm Shatt Bushing. sere 8 06134398 "Connect ing’ Link. 3 : 7 Be S05 sore a2 “sabi with + spoot Pin. sessesecscens OB emraeresee es 0 Ue * Washer (c10tn) a asers 4298 -Neodle Bar Comecting Stud with Balance Wopo3, $1/4 tn. pulley... 2 $0 LEGS. sosevee sere 35 Bods ssvsscesecenee i820 smst $57) Noodle Bar Connecting Stud set Clan Stop Motion Clamp Serev...... 80 SerOVesseceeeeeesesettessereees 08 "Stop Screw. 02 38015 4909 Needie Dar Crank with 10S6¢ and nn ec fiir 0 + flanged Busting. 55 aise 4299 Noodle Bar Crank Poettion Serew.... 20 sone Bot see? 4399 "Wola Plugeeesseeeeeeeee 02 Serge. eessseee OF 2se 4399 «Clamp vith 652¢.... 2 ss wa19 ctanp Stap Motion complete,Nos. 240A sea 43990 Mummb Sere. eeeeees 20 2508, ABC, 2020 nnd $2819... 1 15 oe oat SIE ANB Face Platoseceeseeccesceseeerceees 8D 2520 22878 Ose LIating Hook. eee. 5800 8558 8688 with 2827.00. 80 32008 : ve pall Cranks scseee 1:60 ong 439 + Sereies os 0s . ‘e057 . 7 eee sou 4398, Sum Sere. 2 With SOS8IK.scsseeeeeseseseeees 2 80 zez7 gare "7 Thresd Guard with 8505.. 02 S0S61K 22676 OsetlIating Hook Boll Crank Hinge esos 4378 5 NS huset.Per 100 20 Sorew. ig er) 828074876 Feed Bar WAH IME eee seeee 80 sesee 22078 OselLTALiNg WOK BOEDIMcceeeceesey 10 yo 4560" Roller and Stud.. 0 2590 22078 ramicasaicatl usc ag97 |" Serew Center. seers 08 LIVER, 17D and $2667..eseeee 11S wisy aso7 wat ios. 0081 20876 © Oaet ating Hook Boubin Case 26004509" DORs eseesesseeeesesecseseeseee 88 Cushion Springesssesscssesseree OS ysie 4399 "BoTOW sere ee esceaeeeess | 08 e820 22878 Oscillating Hook Bobbin Case 009 22577 Forked Connection with 1753... 1 10 Cushion Spring Serev.-..++-+.+ 02 Besta oe : ~ 33009 witn 1632 1 40 $2659 22678 Ose Llating Hook Bobbin Case Posi- ys 49971 * Aaquoting Sorew 02 Clon Bracketessssssesssseseseee 90 aie aa * “Wings serew 2880 vet}ating Hook Bobbin Case Posi- (eccentric) esses aa ‘tion Bracket complete, Nos.632) 18203 4397 Food Forked Connection Hinge Screw 32828, 82598, 32599, B2669, Wesevee 05, ‘82861 to 2864, 505700 and 1882 430 Fond Forkod Connection Roller with ‘505808... sereeseees B10 20S8E oo teens 90 e582 22678 Oset ating Hook Bobbin Case Poot YO8SE 4398 Feed Forkod Connection Roller Screw ‘ton Bracket Hingo Stud...2.+-. 32 ietaassese erence) 0 506113 22678 act isting Hook Bobbin Case Posi e2s10 4376 Foad Ralaing BAF WIEN 1946s.ccssee 60 ‘tion Bracket Hinge Stud Set wso1e 4397 T itings Sereu. sows. 20 Screws seeveseves sess 05 I 458 7 "8 Roller and Stud... 20 ‘2063 22078 Ouetilating Nook Bobbin Case Posi- 500198 4397 "Regulating Thunb Serew....-.0- 35 ‘ion Bracket Lateheeesesseeee.s 25 821845767 RORUIAUTseeeeeseeeeeeececeess 58 505790 22678 OgesIlating Hook Bobbin Case Posi- ee? ag 0 tS Pretion Washer..... 02 ‘ton Bracket Latch Serew....... 02 e497 + 20 30590 22678 OsetLlating Hook Bobbin Case Poot sso. zes77 8 ‘tion Bracket O11 Pad (felt) we ae Screw Centers cscs. 30 sresseessPOR 100 35 iss) eo ce cee or) 32599 22878 Oaetiiating Hook Bobbin Case Powt- ‘tion Bracket 011 Pad Hold 0s io. aner 867 iva soon SHE 2529 nisee ses04 eas 3018 1789 ae renee ene seo 32569 2570 228s sso19 3820 ‘sssel ‘33087 3889 sen so0ses, aoe 2672 2688 ‘sizeaa PARTS FOR MACHINE No. 99:3 Plate 22878 pera eee e207 eer peers 2078 eaere e670. 22078 peer a07 22878 22878 e678 4307 22679 2880 22678 22870 e879 22879 22679 3599 309 Oseiiiating Hook Bobbin Case Ton- sion Regulating Screw. Osetiiating Hook Bobbin Cese Ten sion Spring Osetlisting Hook Bobbin Case Tan- sion Spring Scray. Osetilating Hook Bobbin Ejector. $ ve hinge Serey Stid..s..-+- Osestiating Hook Bobbin EJector Springessseseeeeeeeeeeseeeeee Osefiiating Hook Connecting Link. Mingo Serev..e.seseeseeeeeeee ating Hook Crank with 14854. “clamping osetiiating Hook Pitman wien te fraser eee osetaiating Hook Preman AG justine Osettiating Hook Pitman Screw Stud Oatt)eceeceecrereeee Oseitiating Hook Pitman Screw Stud (FLERE) ce eeeeeveceeeeecneenee Oseitiating Hock Pitman Serow Stud (right) cep Serew, : Osettieting Hook Pitman Serew Stud (right) Mute seveeeeeeeeeeeeee oeettating Hook Side... Friction SUPINE. sssssessseseseesssases osetiiating Hook Slide Friction SDPINg SCPOW. -essssseeeeeseee jer Bar (holI0¥) «20. e0e OT Litters nga in Lirting Bracket with 0082 Prosger Bar Lifting Bracket 8 Proscor Bar Lifting Bracket 33669 with 240, $8674 and $8578... Presser Bar Lifting Brackot Clamp- Ing Serev.. Presser Bar Spring. cececeeeveee wanes itn see Foote sessecvsestereseterees * ohm Serees Bach oz RR os or 38 10 08 6s BaBsR 8 e238 2054 26075 see 2878 eae, so0ser soos? 3888 ‘500870 e575 2576 520 ‘sen02 91h 3674 2408, 3075 PARTS FOR MACHINE No. 99-13 Pinte eee e879 22800 22881 eee eee e801 ecen ea 4309 vaca Name Prosaure Regulating Thusb Screw. tension Pin.-se+.++ Slack Throad Regulator. ‘Tenaton Dise.. Regulating Twumb Mute. s.ese + Releasing Disc... : oe Lover: : 7 Pim. "Screw stua. Springs... ‘Tension complete, Noa. 274d, 15808 0258, 82572, O54 to 32576 and two 2102... ‘tread Cutter and Holderss..ccesoee "guard (tront of ara)... : wt "set Serev St yead of arm)ees esses + take-up Crank... c= " wh get Serevs esse See torent . ‘Taread Taxe-up Lover complete, Nos. 32685, SUAS? and 6B... ‘Tread Take-up Lever 33638 with ‘338s, 53678, SO0S0E and 500570 ‘Thread Take-up Lover Cap Scrov..... C Hinge stud-.+ ee as a + Sings Serew TF Sprtngeseseeeesesee 2 + "Regulator. cS : tyne Berevecsssecsssessesseeseseesee ‘Troat Plate tor #2600, nS Bet sesesserences ‘Timing Oauge,for setting the height of tte Needle Bar and timing the Osefllating Hook ..++e+e+e+ ‘Timing, Gouge Ser0W.sesesceeesereee or Washer ‘Trade Mark. ve Riot SSRRRESSSER FS BSSBSs8 RF SRELRLSS 288

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