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ROCIC Moorish Nation

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ROCIC Special Research Report

Moorish Nation: Sovereign Citizen Movement

Table of Contents: Introduction: Moorish Nation ..................................Page 2 Background of the MSTA .......................................Page 2 The Sovereign Citizen Movement .............................Page 3 Paper Terrorism .................................................Page 3 Recent MSTA Cases ..............................................Page 4 MSTA Prison Structure ..........................................Page 5 Gang Associations ...............................................Page 6 MSTA Nationality Cards .........................................Page 8 Prophet Noble Drew Ali ........................................Page 8 MSTA Constitution ...............................................Page 9 MSTA Establishment and Documents .........................Page 9 Moorish Republic Trust .........................................Page 9 MSTA Republic Trust Protection Tools ...................... Page 10 Vehicle Conveyance Registration ........................... Page 11 Moorish Nationality Card and Symbols ..................... Page 11 Travel Documents ............................................. Page 12 Diplomatic Immunity Documents ........................... Page 14 MSTA Factions.................................................. Page 16 Terrorist Ties................................................... Page 17 MSTA Locations ................................................ Page 18 Sources of Information ....................................... Page 19 ROCIC Special Research Reports ............................ Page 20

LEOs should use an anonymizer to view MSTA-related and Moorish Nation Web sites. During research, computer viruses were encountered at these sites.

By ROCIC Publications Department

ROCIC 2009


Special Research Report Moorish Nation: Sovereign Citizen Movement

Regional Organized Crime Information Center

This report is intended for informational purposes only, and not as a basis for law enforcement action.

The Ancient Moors

The Moors

he Moorish Nation is a collection of sovereign citizen organizations, espousing the Islam religion, which emerged from the Moorish Science Temple of America (MSTA), founded in 1913 in the U.S. Adherents believe that African-Americans were descended from the Moors and have an inherited birthright to the land. These organizations make up what members refer to as the Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World. Members consider themselves a free people under English common law. By claiming a Moorish Nationality, members allegedly claim immunity from federal and state laws. Members of the Moorish Nation use this perceived immunity to justify their refusal to pay taxes, buy auto insurance, and defraud banks. Officers conducting traffic stops may have encountered drivers with Moorish documentation, such as drivers licenses, car registration, passports, and Social Security cards. Moors attempt to pass these documents as legal U.S. forms of identification [See Moorish Republic Trust, page 9].

auretania, the Roman name for northwestern Africa, encompassed Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, the Western Sahara, and modern Mauretania. The Moors currently living there are descendents from the ancient Mauretania. They converted to Islam in the eighth century and spread throughout Africa and North Spain. The Moors were gradually expelled from Spain during the 16th century.

can gain possession of Moorish documentation, including weapons permits, upon release. Selling false legal documents and committing large-scale financial fraud is the principal source of income for the Moorish Nation, according to the Anti-Defamation League, an organization dedicated in part to fighting extremism. Members do not often engage in violent confrontation with law enforcement, preferring to work through paper terrorism, a term referring to the act of filing bogus legal actions against government officials.

Moorish Nationality ID and Right to Travel

Moors use many of the same tactics as traditional sovereign citizen groups, from fake automobile documents to filing false liens against public officials, especially law enforcement. The Moorish Nation also has a wide prison ministry and is connected to prison and street gangs such as Black P Stone Nation, aka El Rukn, Nation of Islam, Five-Percenters, and the New Black Panther Party. Many MSTA members, converted in prison,

Background of the MSTA

The Moorish Science Temple of America is a religious organization founded in 1913 in New Jersey by Islamic Prophet Noble Drew Ali. Drew Ali proclaimed that ex-slaves are descendents of the ancient Moors and need to reclaim a Moorish nationality. He pushed for his followers to return to their Islamic background as a means of delivering themselves from racial oppression. However, after the death of Drew Ali, the group


Special Research Report Moorish Nation: Sovereign Citizen Movement

split into separate factions during the 1930s and 1940s through numerous power struggles. The sovereign citizen ideology and tactics were adopted by the Moors with an African-American spin-off during the resurgence of the sovereign citizen movement in the 1990s, according to the Anti-Defamation League. Several Moorish civic organizations have petitioned for recognition as a member nation of the United Nations. They base their claim for nationality on two treaties: the Moroccan/American Friendship Treaty of 1408, which protected Moors as citizens of Morocco, and the Louisana Purchase Treaty13 states supposedly given to the Moors at the conclusion of the Spanish-American war. The MSTA also still exists as the original religious organization in several states, including Virginia, North Carolina, Louisiana, Washington, D.C., and Georgia. It has also experienced growth through its prison ministries and, by extension, gang activity. This caused self-expressed sovereign citizens to resist every form of governmental authority, including law enforcement.

Regional Organized Crime Information Center

Paper Terrorism

The concept of paper terrorism was invented during the anti-government movement by selfproclaimed watchdog groups as a tactic to evade a law or regulation and to intimidate or retaliate against public officials. The term refers to the act of filing phony legal actions against law enforcement officers, local governments, members of the judiciary, and other citizens. Members of the Moorish Nation use anti-government interpretations of the Constitution to claim they have no legal obligation to pay taxes and therefore refuse to do so. Inevitably, this has led to conflicts and even lawsuits against IRS agents. To express their dissatisfaction, the Moors may file false liens against any and all levels of government, according to a special report by the Militia Watchdog, a Web site presenting research on right-wing extremism. They claim that the purposes of these liens are to protect their person and property, as well as to repair damages and establish peace in the U.S. Although most liens will be found invalid, the people they are filed against will have to attend court and pay fees. This strategy of filing false liens is intended to: Intimidate, harass, and coerce public officials, particularly law enforcement Serve as revenge against public officials Work to slow down the judicial system in order to make it less effective More than half the states in the U.S. have no effective legislation to criminalize the filing of common law liens, and they are difficult to remove. Strategies to deal with false liens include court orders, civil suits, and criminal prosecution. However, creating legislation that criminalizes the filing of false liens is difficult as the sovereign citizens who developed the idea were extremely adept at finding loopholes in laws and the legal system itself.

The Sovereign Citizen Movement

The sovereign citizen movement evolved from the ideology that at one point America was governed by English common law, in which every citizen was sovereign and independent from the authority of federal and state governments. The anti-government movement holds that no level of government, including law enforcement, has jurisdiction over sovereign citizens. Sovereign citizens are notorious for engaging in a variety of schemes involving money, false identification documents and the courts - scams that land them in criminal trouble with remarkable regularity. - Southern Poverty Law Center (splcenter.org) These sovereign citizens believe that before the enactment of the 14th Amendment, which guaranteed citizenship to ex-slaves, no one was considered a citizen of the U.S., except residents of federal territories. According to the ISIS AboriginalMoors, the government tricked people into becoming citizens through contracts, i.e. Social Security cards, drivers licenses, car registrations, birth certificates, and zip codes, among others.


Special Research Report Moorish Nation: Sovereign Citizen Movement

Regional Organized Crime Information Center

Recent Cases Involving the Moors

Washington, D.C.
On Feb. 13, 2009, Edna Gorham-Bey, aka the Sultana of the United States Moorish-American Nation, was sentenced to 15 months in prison for conspiracy to defraud the government. Gorham-Bey was previously convicted to 96 months for obtaining $400,000 from depositing, withdrawing, and cashing counterfeit money orders. Gorham-Bey committed similar crimes in Alexandria, Va., District of Columbia, and Prince George Co., Md., among others.

Winston-Salem, N.C.

On March 5, 2008, Deneen Knuckles El-Bey filed a $3 million lawsuit against the IRS, accusing the IRS of theft, fraud, and extortion. Previously, the IRS had filed a federal tax lien against her after she did not pay her income taxes. Knuckles described herself in court as part of the Washitaw Naga Moors of the North Carolina Republic, descendants from pre-Columbian blacks, and as such, she was not liable for income tax. Her claim was dismissed.

Putnam County, Ga.

In 2004, Dwight York, Nubian-Moor and black supremacist leader, was sentenced to 135 years in prison on four counts of racketeering and six child molestation charges. At his pre-trial hearing he told authorities that it would cost them $500,000 to use his name during the proceedings. York had converted to Islam while he was in a New York prison for rape and resisting arrest. He took ideas from the Moorish Nation to start the Nubian-Moor group upon his release. York moved to Putnam County, where he spent $1 million to acquire a 473-acre farm he claimed as a sovereign nation and made into an Egyptian theme park. The group was continually investigated by authorities for arson, harboring criminal fugitives, welfare fraud, and possessing illegal weapons.

Edna Gorham-Bey, self-appointed Sultana of the United States Moorish-American Nation, was convicted on 15 counts related to bank fraud, possession of false identification documents, and creating and cashing fake money orders. Gorham-Bey used more than six false identities.

Syracuse, N.Y.

On May 28, 2009, Ramost I. Bey was operating a Jaguar automobile without using a seatbelt. An officer tried to issue Bey a ticket but he refused to give the officer his license. Authorities quoted Bey as saying, I am a Moorish National. Your laws do not apply to me and your courts are nothing. Bey said he would not go to court for the tickets. Because of the unlikelihood of Bey attending court, officers placed him under arrest.

Asbury Park, N.J.

In 2005, Lee S. Crodup, aka Nature El-Bey, filed a federal lawsuit with the Moorish Nation, accusing the Asbury Park, N.J. P.D. of kidnapping him and depriving him of his property after he was arrested for not registering or insuring his car. His legal arguments included the claim that Moorish-Americans constitute a separate nationality and are not subject to U.S. law.

Dwight York, self-appointed Master Teacher of the United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors, received a 135-year prison term for racketeering and transporting minors in interstate commerce for unlawful sexual activity. York used his position as a religious leader in Georgia to con politicians, law enforcement authorities, and civil rights organizations.


Special Research Report Moorish Nation: Sovereign Citizen Movement

Regional Organized Crime Information Center

MSTA Prison Structure

Islam is a rapidly growing religion within the United States and more so within federal and state prisons. The MSTA, the largest faction of the Moorish Nation in the U.S., began to operate a prison ministry in the late 1950s. Growth of the Moorish Nation during the 1950s and 1960s was largely attributed to inmates converting to Islam. While the largest population of Moors in the U.S. remains in the Northeast, they maintain a high profile in the federal prison system, where some have served or are serving time for draft dodging and income tax evasion (Black Pilgramage to Islam). It must be noted that Moorish-Americans will most likely challenge their court convictions on the sole grounds that they have diplomatic immunity from U.S. law because of their Moorish nationality. Because the U.S. does not recognize the sovereignty of the Moorish Nation, immunity claims will be dismissed. Name-Change Policies All Moors, including inmates, are allowed under the First Amendment and Religious Freedom Restoration Act to add the suffix El or Bey to their names without their name being legally changed. The Moorish religion forbids members to go to court to obtain a legal name change. Any prison policy restricting Moorish name changes is considered a substantial burden, referring to governmental actions that coerce inmates into violating a religious belief. To justify the refusal to allow a Moorish inmate to change his name (based on the religious belief), prison officials would have to prove security and administrative violations attributed to the name change. However, nationality cards, which recognizes the recipient as a Moor [see page 10], are not authorized in Bureau of Prisons institutions due to security reasons. Inmates may only have one ID card, their commissary card. Dietary Standards Moorish diet and segregation claims may challenge conditions of confinement. Although lawful incarceration withdraws or limits many privileges and

Moorish Islamic Prison Ministry Outreach Program members

Despite claiming that the MSTA is exempt from U.S. law, members of the group are still subject to the rights afforded all U.S. citizens by the Constitution. rights of citizens, prison authorities must accommodate the right of MSTA members to receive diets, consistent with the rights of other religious groups. For example, Moorish-Americans are prohibited from eating pork products. Moorish Prayer Meetings It is the responsibility of the Acting Mufti, an inmate who protects the property of the MSTA in prison, to recite the Moorish Prayer during meetings. It is a rule during these meetings that no door is to be locked unless designated by prison policy. Meetings are held once a month. It is prohibited for radical or criminal issues to be taught. All solutions to conflicts must come from the teachings of Prophet Noble Drew Ali, and no member of the prisons Moorish group can hold court to resolve conflicts individually. If a solution can not be reached, a written request of intervention for decision is sent to the Minister of Institutional Branches in Hyattsville, Md.


Special Research Report Moorish Nation: Sovereign Citizen Movement

Regional Organized Crime Information Center

Gang Associations

Several gang leaders converted to Islam while in prison and associated themselves with the Moorish Nation, the most popular being Jeff Fort of the Black P Stone Nation and Lonnie Dawson of the Nation of Islam. While not all members of these gangs proclaim themselves Moorish, their beliefs are nevertheless mingled with the Nation; likewise, not all Moorish Nation members are associated with gangs.

El Rukn is also allied with the Almighty Latin Kings Nation, the most organized Hispanic street gang in the U.S., known for murder, drug trafficking, and robberies.

Five-Percent Nation of Islam

The Five-Percent Nation of Islam, also known as the Nation of Gods and Earths and the Five-Percenters, was founded in Harlem, N.Y. as a faction of the Nation of Islam. Originally part of the civil rights movement, the group later became seen as a group of black teenage thugs (The Five Percenters: Islam, Hip Hop, and the Gods of New York.) It is now considered in South Carolina to be a dangerous prison gang. The Five-Percenters are allied with the Bloods and rivals with the Crips, UBN, and Insane Gangster Disciples. Criminal activity includes assault, drug use and distribution, homicide, robbery, and weapons violations. The South Carolina Department of Corrections has rated all Five-Percenter prisoners as security threats due to the gangs military structure and young members. Georgias Department of Corrections classifies the Nation of Gods and Earths as an extremist group, whose members should be watched closely.

Black P Stone Nation

The Black P Stone Nation (BPSN) gang became associated with the Moorish Nation when their leader Jeff Fort was paroled from prison in 1976 and announced he had converted to Islam. He changed the name of his gang to El Rukn in hopes that the affiliation with a religious organization would deter law enforcement investigations. El Rukn is also known as BPS Bloods, Black Peace Stones, Black Stone Bloods, Blood Stones, and Black Stone West. As an associative of the Bloods, their rivals are most Crip sets, Mara Salvatrucha 13, and 18th Street gang. Criminal activity includes assault, burglary, drug use and distribution, homicide, and robbery.

The Black P Stone Nation gang converted to Islam after their leader Jeff Fort converted. They changed their name to El Rukn.

The Five Percenters split from the Nation of Islam. Because of the groups lack of structure and young members, the S.C. Department of Corrections labeled the group a security threat.


Special Research Report Moorish Nation: Sovereign Citizen Movement Nation of Islam

Regional Organized Crime Information Center

The original Nation of Islam was created as a faction of the Moorish Nation in Detroit, Mich. When the Carpenter street gang and the Black Mafia joined the Nation of Islam in the 1960s to 1970s, it became considered a dangerous street gang. However, it must be noted that the Nation of Islam is still an active religious group in Michigan and Illinois and not all members of the group are associated with the Nation of Islam gang. In the early 1970s, the Nation of Islam gang killed four people and wounded 26 others in Atlantic City after they opened fire on members of a rival black heroin trafficking ring from Philadelphia. The Nation of Islam gang began to traffic drugs in the 1980s. When the gangs leader Lonnie Dawson was sent to prison in Illinois, the gang began to experience an increase in growth and development within prison settings. The Nation of Islam is now a powerful gang in numerous Pennsylvania prisons. The gang is also known as the Muslim Mob.

Excerpt from The Black P Stone: Incorporation of Religion into Gang Identity - National Gang Intelligence Center

Congregating Under the Guise

ncarcerated BPSN members manipulate their right to attend religious services to continue their gang activities while in prison. Religious services provide opportunities for levels of inmate congregation and communication that would otherwise not be possible within the facilities. BPSN members and their allies attend the same services and use these meetings to discuss gang-related business and criminal activity.

New Black Panther Party

Founded in Dallas, Texas, the New Black Panther Party is a black supremacist organization, consisting partly of breakaway members of the Nation of Islam. Because not all of its members came from the Nation of Islam, the group acknowledges a universal spirituality within their organization. They identify with the original Black Panther Party which allegedly fought oppression of black people. The Southern Poverty Law Center categorizes the New Black Panther Party as a black racist hate group due to some of its members advocacy of the racial genocide of whites.

BOP and several state DOCs report that large numbers of BPSN members congregate at MSTA services within their facilities. MSTA remains a controversial group within correctional facilities. Several state DOCs report that MSTA is their most organized Islamic group, whose services garner the highest average attendance among inmates. Although normally considered an official religion within the prisons, MSTA often more closely resembles a Security Threat Group, with member inmates reportedy engaged in various criminal activities. MSTA does not operate within the Mississippi DOC system. However, in Mississippi prisons, BPSN members and members of the Vice Lords, BPSNs traditional allies within the People Nation, frequently attend Muslim services called Tyleen Services. BPSN members and Vice Lords use these services to pass information and discuss gang business.

BPSN members outside of correctional settings attempt to avoid law enforcement scrutiny by congregating under the guise of religious gatherings. These gatherings are used as opportunities to discuss gang business and criminal activity.


Special Research Report Moorish Nation: Sovereign Citizen Movement

Regional Organized Crime Information Center

MSTA Identity Cards

According to A Noble Drew Ali Foundation: Seven Seals Publication, Drew Ali declared that nationality is free, not only here but all over the world. This law declared by Ali is applied to the Moorish-American National Identification Card. MSTA members declare their MoorishAmerican nationality and free national name through these cards [See page 11]. All Moors must register their free national name, status, and descendent identity with their organization to be recognized by the Moorish-American Free National Government. With the identification card, Moors consider themselves to have diplomatic immunity through the sovereign powers of their government. Only with their national identification card can Moors gain international passports, visas, and birth certificates, as well as other federal and state identifications, according to Dr. Elihu Pleasant Bey, the Grand National Chairman of the Moorish American Free National Government (sevensealpublications.com). These documents are gained through their organization. Anyone who carries legitimate U.S. identification should be considered improperly identified 14th Amendment persons. However, Pleasant Bey also warned his followers that Moorish IDs do not authorize the carrier to violate written or assumed laws of any country, nation or land. Diplomatic immunity and rights to travel are issued only when treaties have been made between recognized governments. The U.S. has not recognized the Moorish-American Free National Government.

Prophet Noble Drew Ali

Islamic Prophet Noble Drew Ali was the founder of the Moorish Science Temple of America. Born Timothy Drew in North Carolina, he began the national Moorish religious movement on the streets of Chicago, Ill. and Newark, N.J., working to uplift the black American. He asked how a black person could be strong after being someones property and being placed in a life of servitude, and he pointed to Islam for redemption of racial oppression. Ali said all people black in color are Moorish-American and were the forefathers of the world. It is suspected that Ali was of African and Cherokee-Indian descent. Drew Ali authored the Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America, aka Circle Seven Koran, to his members, which is made up of Muslim and Christian lessons he used to lead the Moorish Nation. Drew Ali warned his followers to stop their harassment of the government. However, in 1929, he was arrested after being accused of the murder of one of his contestants for Grand Sheik of the Moorish Nation. He died in 1929 soon after his release from prison. The group soon split under conflicting leadership.


Special Research Report Moorish Nation: Sovereign Citizen Movement

Regional Organized Crime Information Center

MSTA Constitution

Members of MSTA, the original society set up by Prophet Noble Drew Ali, reject the U.S. Constitution and pledge their allegiance to the Free Moorish Zodiac Constitution. Moorish Nation members cite the Dred Scott U.S. Supreme Court decision, which denied citizenship to slaves and their descendants, to support their claim that the U.S. Constitution represents only white people. If the lawmakers of the 50 Union States Society of North America, should attempt to ignore the Moorish Americans Zodiac Law and birthrights of this constitution, it would be an act of supreme violation of their own Magna Charta Code. On the cover of the Zodiac Constitution Moorish-Americans pledge their allegiance to the Zodiac Constitution to claim immunity from military draft and federal income tax laws, among others. Under the Zodiac Constitution, members also express their right to make their own documentation, including license plates (Black Pilgramage).

Moors are also known to produce documentation that bears allegiance to MSTA, including drivers licenses and passports, which are passed as supposedly legal forms of U.S. documentation. MSTA members even conduct training seminars and produce videotapes that teach how to commit financial fraud. According to Georgia Weekly, an online Moorish publication of information, entertainment and investments, MSTA members are even trying to secure funds for a training academy in Georgia. (LEOs should use an anonymizer proxy to view any Moor-related Web site.)

Common phrases on ID cards:

Moorish National Moorish American Sovereign Free National Citizen International Road Travel Right to Road Travel World Service Authority Passport Conch Republic Passport International Driving Permit Private police and military task forces are also being developed by MSTA members, alongside private security companies. Narseal Batiste of the Liberty Seven, who was convicted of plotting to bomb the Sears Tower in Chicago, carried a private security license. The Nation of Islam Security Agency was formed in 1990, based in Washington, D.C. The NOI Security Agency supplied guards for the Potomac Gardens housing complex in Washington, D.C. in the mid-1990s.

Establishments and Documentation

Drew Ali said every Moor must carry an identification card bearing his Moorish credentials and name. The Moorish name is accomplished by the addition of El or Bey to the original slave name, signifying Moorish descent. The MSTA sustains itself by selling false legal documents and committing large-scale financial fraud, according to the Anti-Defamation League. There have been numerous incidents of Moors issuing concealed weapons permits to convicted felons and issuing false identification documents to criminals (www.adl.org). In December 1997, federal prosecutors arrested 100 municipal employees in New York City on charges of income tax evasion. Many of those convicted had received tax kits distributed by the Moorish Nation detailing how to claim multiple exemptions based on claims of national sovereignty.

Moorish Republic Trust

The official Web site of the Moorish Republic Trust offers its members protection packages designed to protect sovereign citizens rights, including traveling documents, debt elimination tools, mortgage solutions, and instructions to file counterclaims. It also provides members forms to proclaim their Moorish nationality and sovereignty [See page 10].


Special Research Report Moorish Nation: Sovereign Citizen Movement

Regional Organized Crime Information Center

Moorish Republic Trust Protection Tools

Protection Package
Writ to Travel International Roadway Identification Travel Protecion Package: Affidavit of Travel Notice of Rights to your Secretary of State Notice of Rights to the US Department of Transportation Foreign Automobile Trust Nationality/Political Documents (National Filing) UCC Financing Statement Security Agreement/Pledge Agreement Notice of Copyright Power of Attorney (Exclusive) Secured Party Notice (Secured Party Perfection Filing) Protection Package 1: Individuals Revocation of Trust (National Filing) Standby Trust Fund Setup Certificate of Trustee Form Employer Identification Setup Protection Package : Families Assignment of Interest to Trust (UCC 3 Filing) Surety Bond/Letter of Credit Placement Beneficiary Setup Form Schedule K 1 Setup Discharging Bond (Revised under USC Title 12 Section 1813) (Security Pledge) GSA Forms 90,91 and Form 4094 E Affidavit of Individual Surety Weekly Conference Calls One on One Consultation Writ to Travel Declaration Declaration of Nationality Nobility and Diplomat Declaration Declaration of Expatriation Application for Moorish Nationality Documents Declaration of Foreign Minister Affidavit and Denial Moorish Republic Official Seal Certificate of Moorish Citizenship Complete Mailing Instructions Consul Contact Information Weekly Conference Calls
Source: www.moorishrepublic.com Note: LEOs should use an anonymizer proxy to view this Web site




Package 1: $1,00

Package : $,00

Preparation and Processing Fee: $0



Special Research Report Moorish Nation: Sovereign Citizen Movement

Regional Organized Crime Information Center

Seal of Sulaiyman (Soloman): Symbol off the Moroccan flag. The star is green to honor Islam and refers to the five pillars of Islam.

Circle Seven: red seven in blue circle; Refers to salvation and return to Allah. Also is portrayed on the Holy Koran of the MSTA. Moorish-American Nationality and Identification Card Empress Verdiacee Tiara Washitaw-Turner Gosten El-Bey (left) founded the Washitaw Nation of the Empire Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah. The organization sells Moorish birth certificates, passports, international motorist certificates, and motor conveyances to its members with the intention of protecting members from U.S. law. For example, a Washitaw Motorized Conveyance Registration (right) will supposedly protect its members from insurance laws, licensing and registration requirements, emissions testing, and safety inspection. DISSEMINATION RESTRICTED TO LAW ENFORCEMENT


Special Research Report Moorish Nation: Sovereign Citizen Movement

Regional Organized Crime Information Center

Right-to travel ID card; Yamassee Territory, GA

Right-to-travel ID; Tsenocomoco Territory, VA

Moorish writ of travel: any citation or ticket is thus null and void. (The Autonomous Autochthon International Muurish Gansul)


Special Research Report Moorish Nation: Sovereign Citizen Movement

Writ of Travel Continued

Regional Organized Crime Information Center



Special Research Report Moorish Nation: Sovereign Citizen Movement

Regional Organized Crime Information Center

Declaration of immunity from U.S. laws as a Moorish sovereign citizen (The Autonomous Autochthon International Muurish Gansul)



Special Research Report Moorish Nation: Sovereign Citizen Movement

Declaration of Immunity Continued

Regional Organized Crime Information Center

ISIS Aboriginal-Moor tax exemption ID



Special Research Report Moorish Nation: Sovereign Citizen Movement

Regional Organized Crime Information Center

MSTA Factions

The Moorish Science Temple was founded in New Jersey in 1913 as a religious organization that claimed African-Americans descended from the Moors and were originally Islamic. When the MSTA split in the 1930s after Drew Alis death, several Moorish organizations were established that were more critical and confrontational with public authorities. Some of these organizations became merged with prisoners and gangs. Others remained steadfast in the original Moorish sovereign ideology.

Washitaw Nation

The Washitaw Nation is a Louisiana-based group founded in the early 1990s. The Washitaw Nation uses the legal language of common law to create Moorish drivers licenses and registrations that have turned up in AZ, CA, CO, KS, LA, NE, NJ, NM, NY, and PA. A Washitaw Motorized Conveyance Registration will supposedly protect its members from insurance laws, licensing and registration requirements, emissions testing, and safety inspection, among others. They also file false property liens against the government. In 1997, Washitaw citizen Ima Deana Conklin was sentenced to two years in a Missouri prison for filing a $10.8 million lien against a judge who refused to throw out a speeding ticket. In 1996, the Washitaw Nations Minister of Finance was arrested for creating $1.5 billion in forged cashiers checks. Cost of Washitaw-Moor Documents:

Example of a Moorish ID and License Plate

became popular in Baltimore and became the second largest Moorish faction after the Moorish Science Temples of America. Breakaway members of the Reincarnated Temples later joined the Nation of Islam gang.

Grand Sheiks

Washitaw-Moor Birth Certificate: $65 + two color photos Washitaw-Moor Passport: $250 + two color photos International Motorist Certificate: $100 ($150 for commercial model) Motorized Conveyance Registration: $250

The Grand Sheiks are the smallest faction of the Moorish Nation that follows the original teachings of the MSTA. Grand Sheik leader Edward MealyEl was chosen by Drew Ali as his successor. The Grand Sheiks are associated with their prison ministries.


Reincarnated Temples

This group was founded by Prophet Noble Drew Alis former chauffeur, who proclaimed he was Drew Ali reincarnated. The Reincarnated Temples

The Kirkman-Bey faction was targeted in the FBI investigations against MSTA during World War II under suspicion of collaborating with the Japanese, which later proved false. The FBI was alarmed at the profession that they would put all Moors back in charge as was the original order of things. The FBI created a file on MSTA that grew to 3,117 pages but produced no evidence that connected MSTA with Japan.



Special Research Report Moorish Nation: Sovereign Citizen Movement

Regional Organized Crime Information Center

Terrorist Ties

There are only two prominent connections to terrorism within the Moorish Nation and they are indirect and not well established. The leaders of the Liberty Seven case and the original World Trade Center bombing claimed to be members of the Moorish Science Temple of America. It must be noted that Muslim-Americans denounced both men immediately after the terrorist accusations.

2009 Virginia Terrorism Threat Assessment

- Virginia Fusion Center

Black Separatist Extremists: Projections

he threat of a large-scale attack by Black Separatist Groups in Virginia is assessed as low. The following projections are specific for Virginia, but include regional, national, and international data. Attack Capability: Low - Recent events, including the Jamestown festivities, suggest that members of these groups appear to be more likely to antagonize than attack. Membership/Influence: Possible Increase - The election of an African-American President, the potential reemergence of right-wing groups in the U.S., and/or the emboldened nature of Black Separatist groups may lead to an increase in membership. Fundraising Activities: Unknown - Current intelligence gaps make it impossible to assess the level of fundraising activities, if any, by Black Separatist groups in Virginia. Other Criminal Activities: Possible Increase - Any increase in membership or publicity may lead to an actual increase in criminal activities or increased recognition of crimes by members of such groups.

Liberty City Seven case

The most well-known case of terrorism linked to the Moorish Nation involved Narseal Batiste, leader of a Miami, Fla. chapter of the MSTA. Batiste was one of seven suspected Miami terrorists indicted on charges of plotting to bomb Chicagos Sears Tower and multiple federal buildings. Batiste was convicted on four terrorism-related conspiracy counts in May 2009. A key piece of evidence in the trial was an FBI video of Batiste pledging an oath of allegiance to al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden. Batiste said he was only trying to obtain $50,000 for his construction business and emerging community outreach program. He said he was trying to uplift impoverished areas of the U.S.

Sovereign Citizen Groups (including the MSTA): Projections

he threat posed for sovereign citizen groups is assessed as low; however, they are of concern as they have attempted to gain entry to sensitive areas, including airports and government facilities using their false documents. The following projections are specific for Virginia, but include regional, national, and international data. Attack Capability: Low - No current intelligence suggests the intent or capacity for attack. Membership/Influence: Remain Constant - No current intelligence supports efforts to recruit by these groups in VA. Fundraising Activities: Remain Constant - Adherents to this philosophy manufacture identification documents, however this does not currently appear to be a large-scale industry for this movement. Other Criminal Activities: Remain Constant - Virginias sovereign citizens primary criminal activity appears to be a failure to obey identifications, licensing, and vehicle safety inspection requirements rather than violence or criminal enterprise.

First World Trade Center Conspiracy

Clement Rodney Hampton-El, former member of the Moorish Science Temple and jihad fighter, was convicted in the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993. Hampton-El was convicted of seditious conspiracy, bombing conspiracy, and attempted bombing.



Special Research Report Moorish Nation: Sovereign Citizen Movement

Regional Organized Crime Information Center

Moorish Locations in the ROCIC Region: (Excluding Moorish Temple Locations)

Headquartered in Baltimore, Md. Supposedly established an area office in each state to conduct business for Moorish-Americans

Moorish National Republic

Designed to educate MSTA members on Islam, Nationality, and law.

University of the Moorish Science Temple of America P.O. Box 161968, Atlanta, GA 30321

Developed by the Moorish National Republic. Allegedly has full authority to work through and with the federal government to fulfill the mission of the Moorish National Republic.

Bureau of Moorish Affairs

Washington, D.C.

Office of the National Secretary: Grand Sheikess Yumnah El Moorish Affairs Office - Fla. Branch 8523 NW 58th Place, Tamarac, FL

Upholds the Declaration of Nationality and Constitutional Protection of Rights and Immunities of the Indigenous Moorish-Americans.

The U.S. Great Seal National Association of Moorish Affairs/ The U.S. Great Seal National Continental Congress

Miami-Dade Co., FL

Note: While some members of the MSTA and other Moorish organizations (i.e. Nation of Islam, Nation of Gods and Earths, the Clock of Destiny Moors, the Great Seal National Association of Moorish Affairs, the Nuwaubian Nation of Moors, the International Society of Indigenous Sovereigns, the Zulu Kemetic Muurs, the Seven Seal Moors, International Ab-Original Union, etc.) may take part in illegal acts, the religious organizations themselves do not authorize criminal activities, instant individual sovereignty, or right-to travel (sevensealspublications.com).



Special Research Report Moorish Nation: Sovereign Citizen Movement

LEOs should use an anonymizer to view MSTA-related and Moorish Nation Web sites.
Anderson, Curt. Five Miami men convicted of terrorist attack plot. AP Legal Affairs. 12 May 2009. <http://www.reporternews. com/news/2009/may/12/bc-us--terrorism-investigation-7th-ld-5-miami-of/>. Anti-Defamation League. The Militia Watchdog. Anti-Government Extremist Convicted on Paper Terrorism Charges. Sovereign Citizen Movement. 2005. <www. adl.org.> Autonomous Autochthon International Muurish Gansul. www.muurishgansul.com Baker, Robert A. Issued tickets, man tells police your courts are nothing. 28 May 2009. The Post-Standard. www.syracuse. com. Barry, Dan In Tax Scheme, Greed is Linked to Separatism. 8 Dec. 1997. New York Times. Sect. A, p. 1. Bey, C.M. Heritage, History, and Culture of the Mothers and Fathers of Civilization. R.V. Bey Publications. Sept. 7, 2009. <http:// rvbeypublications.com/index.html>. Black P Stones: Incorporation of Religion into Gang Identity. National Gang Intelligence Center Report. Castaneda, Ruben. Woman Convicted in Fake Money Order Scheme. 31 Aug. 2007. Washington Post. www.washingtonpost.com. Clark, Yvonne. Moors and Arabs <http:// www.africawithin.com/moors/moors_and_arabs.htm>. ---. Clock of Destiny. Clock of Destiny Moorish International Order of the Great Seal of 360. <http://clockofdestiny.com/>. Dannin, Robert. Black Pilgramage to Islam. Oxford University Press. 2002. p. 32 www. books.google.com. Greene, Jack R. Encyclopedia of Police Science: Terrorist Groups or Organizations. 3rd edition. Vol. 1. p. 1264 <http://books. google.com>. Hawk-El, King S. Azizan Moorish Constitution and Declaration of Independence. The Azizan Moorish Nation of North Amexem. 2000. <http://azizan_moors.tripod.com/docs/ Constitution.html>. Holmes, Steven A. As Farrakhan Groups Land Jobs From Government, Debate Grows. New York Times. 04 Mar. 1994. Sect. A., p. 1. ---. Incident List: Sovereigns and the Law. Southern Poverty Law Center. www. splcenter.org. Indigenous Moors of North America. Moorish Republic Nation. Michigan Republic. 2008. <http://www.moorishrepublic.com>. McCloud, Aminah B. African American Islam. Routledge. 1995. p.56. <www.books. google.com> ---. Moorish American Society of Comprehensive Science. <http://moorishsociety. org/>. ---. Moorish Constitution and Declaration. Georgia Weekly. <http://www.georgiaweekly. com/moorish.htm>. ---. Moorish Information Package.p. 1-49. <http://www.ciphertheory.net/moorish.pdf> Moorish Nation (Moors). U.S. Department of Homeland Security. 14 Jan. 2009. Moorish National Republic. What is the Moorish National Republic? and Application for Moorish Citizenship. 2006. <http://www. moorishnationalrepublic.com>. ---. Moorish Science in the News 21 Sept 2005. World War 4 Report. < http://www. ww4report.com/node/1094>. Moorish Science Temple of America. Wikipedia. Moorish Science Temple of America AbsoluteAstronomy.com. 2009. <http://www. absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Moorish_Science_Temple_of_America>. ---. Moorish Science Temple of America: Constitution and By-Laws. Sept. 2009. Catholic Conference of Kentucky. <http://www. ccky.org/PDF%20Files/prison/Moorish%20S cience%20Temple%20of%20America.pdf>. Moorish Science Temple of America (MSTA) - NPD Threat Assessment. Naperville, IL P.D.-CIU Special Intelligence Bulletin. 10 July 2009. Moorish Science Temple of America v. Benson. United States Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit. No. 95-2549. 29 May 1996. < http://openjurist.org/86/f3d/1159/moorish-science-temple-america-v-benson>. Muslim Historical Society of Chicago. Early Studies in Black Nationalism, Cults, and Churches in Chcago by the WPA: Study of the Moorish Science Temple. Sept. 1994. < http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/ Woods/4623/moors.htm>. Noble Drew Ali Foundation. Noble Drew Ali. Seven Seals Publications. 2009. <www. sevensealspublications.com/1364128.html>. Osiris v. Brown. United States District Court of New Jersey. No. 05-3300. 25 July 2005. p.1-7. < http://www.websupp.org/data/ DNJ/1:05-cv-03300-8-DNJ.pdf>. Palmer, Susan. Cult Fighting in Middle Georgia. Religion in the News. Summer 2006, Vol. 9, No. 1. <http://www.trincoll. edu/depts/csrpl/RINVol9No1/Cult%20Fightin g%20in%20Middle%20Georgia.htm>. Pitcavage, Mark. Paper Terrorisms Forgotten Victims: The Use of Bogus Liens against Private Individuals and Businesses. 29 June 1998. < http://www.adl.org/MWD/privlien. asp>. ---. The Prophet. National Historical Society of Islamism. Lockport, IL. < http://nationalhistoricalsocietyofislamism.com/TheProphet. html>. Security Threat Groups (Gangs) in Prisons. PoliceLink. 2009. <http://www.policelink. com/training/articles/56552-security-threatgroups-gangs-in-prisons>. ---. Starting Small. Southern Poverty Law Center Intelligence Report on the Washitaw Nation. Spring 1999. <http://www.splcenter. org/intel/intelreport/article.jsp?sid=225l>. Subordinate Temples within the United States. <http://www.moorishsciencetempleofamerica.com>. Aug. 2008. USDOJ. Counterfeiting Team Indicted. 13 June 2006. <http://www.usdoj.com> ---. Where does the term Moors come from? WordPress.com Valentine, Phil. Prophet Noble Drew Ali and the Moorish Science Temple of America - 1913- Present. < http://moorishhistoryafricanhistoryondvd.com/MOORISH-HISTORY Virginia Fusion Center. 2009 Virginia Terrorism Threat Assessment. March 2009.

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