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Jared Zeringue

Experiment 2 Fluid Properties: Viscosity

Date Performed: September 19, 2011 Lab Partners: Chris Heuer Caleb McMillen Nathaniel Mosher Rickey Jones

Table of Contents:
Object ...... p. 3

Theory ..pp. 4-5

Procedure .....p. 6

Results .....pp. 7-8

Discussion and Conclusion ......pp. 9-10

Appendix ......pp. 11

The object of Experiment 2 was to measure the viscosity of a particular liquid, which in our case was Ocean Breeze shampoo, using the falling sphere viscometer method.

Viscosity is a fluid property that provides an indication of the resistance to shear within a fluid. In other words, it is the tendency of the fluid to resist motion, or a measure of the frictional force between adjacent layers of fluid as they slide past each other. A fluid column used as a viscometer will allow the determination of viscosity. To obtain the viscometer readings, the rate of drop of various spears within the fluid must be determined. When an object falls through a fluid medium, it will reach a terminal velocity which is defined as V=d/t (Equation 1) Where: V = terminal velocity d = distance traveled by the object t = time it takes the object to travel the distance d Terminal velocity occurs when the buoyancy force (Fb) and viscous or drag force (Fd) are equal to the weight of the ball (mg). At this point the velocity of the ball is maximum, or terminal. We can show this as: Fb + Fd = mg (Equation 2) Stokes Law is a mathematical description of the force required to move a sphere through a quiescent, viscous fluid at specific velocity. Stokes Law is written as: Fd = 6VR (Equation 3) Where: Fd = drag force of the fluid on a sphere = the fluid viscosity V = velocity of the sphere relative to the fluid R = radius of the sphere The buoyancy force is just the weight of the displaced fluid and can be written as: Fb = g(4/3)R3 (Equation 4) Where: = density of the liquid g = gravity

The term mg is the same as the force due to gravity or Fg. This force can be written as: Fg = 'g(4/3)R3 (Equation 5) Where: ' = density of the sphere

From Equation 2 we see that there are three forces acting on the sphere; Fb, Fd, and Fg. The first two forces, buoyant and drag, act upwards. Buoyancy trying to float the sphere and the drag force resisting the acceleration of gravity. The gravitational force acts downward. In order to validate Stokes Law for drag, the Reynolds Number must have a value less than 1.0. The Reynolds Number is used to distinguish between flow conditions. In this case we have a viscous and incompressible fluid flowing around a sphere. The Reynolds Number equation for this particular condition is written as: Re=(VD) / < 1 (Equation 6)

Re = Reynolds Number D = sphere diameter

Equipment: Large, transparent cylinder with affixed scale Suave Ocean Breeze shampoo Digital Calipers Stainless Steel ball bearings Digital stopwatch Experiment: 1. Record the air temperature. This will be used as the temperature of the fluid. 2. Measure the diameter of the stainless steel ball bearings using the digital calipers. Record this measurement onto your data sheet. Also, take note of the density of the material out of which the ball bearings are made. 3. Fill the large, transparent cylinder with shampoo. There should be an attached ruler so that velocity measurements can be taken. 4. Drop the ball bearing into the cylinder. Observe the bearing until it reaches terminal velocity and take note of its position with respect to the ruler at that point; start the time measuring device at this point. Assign a second point a fixed distance from the first point; this will be the stopping point for the time measurement. Record the time taken to travel between the two points. Repeat this step three times for each bearing size used, recording the time value each time. 5. Divide each time measurement by the length between the two points to determine the velocity for each trial. These velocities will be used to determine the drag force. 6. Plug all known information into Equation 2 to solve for the dynamic viscosity of the fluid for each trial. Average these values to determine the dynamic viscosity of the fluid.

Table 1. Initial Measurements Temperature Density of the shampoo Density of the sphere Displacement 25oC P = 1021.6 (kg/m3) p = 8000 (kg/m3) D = 0.3048 (m)

Table 2. Properties of the spheres Sphere A B C Diameter (m) 7.92 x 10-3 9.52 x 10-3 4.76 x 10-3 Mass (kg) 2.03 x 10-3 3.58 x 10-3 0.49 x 10-3

Table 3. Experimental Measurements Trial 1 Sphere A B C 2 A B C 3 A B C Time (s) 16.78 10.84 39.81 17 10.88 38.53 16.72 10.72 39.37 Velocity (m/s) 0.0182 0.0281 0.0077 0.0179 0.0280 0.0079 0.0182 0.0284 0.0077

The initial measurements were taken at the beginning of the lab. The only values that we assumed were the temperature which we assumed to be room temperature, and the density of the stainless steel bearings. We obtained the value for the bearings from a text which

is noted in the appendix. The density of the shampoo was measured by another group using the hydrometer.

Table 4. Calculated average time, velocity, and viscosity of each sphere Sphere A B C Average Time (s) 16.83 10.81 39.24 Average Velocity (m/s) Average Viscosity (Ns/m2) 0.0181 0.0282 0.0078 13.195 12.239 11.123

Once the average viscosity was calculated for each sphere, the Reynolds number of the average of the spheres must be calculated in order to determine the validity of the calculations. Equation 2 above is only valid for Reynolds numbers less than 1. Table 5. Reynolds Number for the average of the spheres Sphere A B C Reynolds Number .01111 .02242 .00340

From Table 5 we see that the Reynolds numbers for the spheres are all below 1; thus, the equation and resulting calculations are valid. With this, the average of all the viscosity values from the spheres was taken to find the actual dynamic viscosity of the shampoo. AVG = 12.186 Ns/m2

Discussion and Conclusion:

The terminal velocity of two different size spheres would not be the same. In this experiment we took the diameters of three different spheres and their terminal velocities were all different. This was because their geometries were different due to the different diameters. The sphere with the larger diameter would have a higher terminal velocity than that of the smaller sphere. This is due to the fact that buoyancy force is directly related to the mass of the fluid being displaced. The change in size would also cause a change in drag force from the increase in surface area of the sphere. Due to this, the terminal velocity of the larger sphere would be significantly higher than that of the smaller sphere. (1 and 2) The viscosity should be the same for two different size spheres because the viscosity is an intrinsic property of the fluid and not of the sphere. The viscosity of a fluid is affected by temperature and pressure but not the sphere. (3) There are shortcomings in this experiment just like any other experiment performed. The most obvious is human error. The distance which the ball is measured is calculated by the human eye. There is uncertainty to where the sphere actually crosses the line which we are supposed to start the watch and the line where the stopwatch is stopped. A solution to this would be an automated system where when the sphere crosses the line it triggers a laser to start and stop the time. Another form of error that could be present is that we were given the density of the fluid by another groups calculations. So if they arent accurate in their predictions it could throw our groups calculations off. (4) The temperature of the fluid is the significant measurement because the density of the fluid is directly related to its temperature. If the temperature were greater, the fluid would be less dense and vice versa. (5) This method can be used for gasses but would be much harder to calculate the time it takes the object to fall a determined distance without the use of an automated system. This is because gases have much smaller viscosities than liquids. (6) This method can be used for opaque liquids but not with the equipment provided. We would have to have specialized instruments which would allow us to keep track of the sphere as it passes through the liquid. One idea could be to use an object that when submerged in the opaque liquid is still able to be seen with special glasses or something along those lines. (7)

An experiment performed using this method with fluids such as peanut butter or flour dough is not possible. This is because these are plastic fluids which exhibit a yield value where a certain shear stress must be applied before flow occurs. * (8) Error is the difference in a true value and a measured value. We are not given a true value so we are unable to determine the accuracy or uncertainty. Using the calculated mean, we can find the precision of the viscosity of the liquid. (9) X = ( 13.195 + 12.239 + 11.123 ) / 3 = 12.186 Precision = | (X-Xi) | = | (12.186 13.195) = 1.009


Data Usage: The following is the calculation used to obtain the terminal velocity of the falling sphere: V = d/t V = 0.3048 m / 16.78 s V = .0182 m/s

The following calculation is used to obtain the dynamic viscosity of the shampoo: = *g(4/3)R3 - sg(4/3)R3+ / 6VR = ,*(1021 kg/m3)(9.81m/s2)(4/3) (0.00476 m)3] [(8000 kg/m3)(9.81m/s2)(4/3) (0.00476 m)3+-/*6(0.0181 m/s)(0.00476 m)+ = 12.239 Ns/m2

The following calculation is used to obtain the Reynolds number for the average of sphere A: Re = VD/ Re = (1021 kg/m3)(0.0181 m/s)(0.00793 m)/(13.195 Ns/m2) Re = 0.01111

Bibliography: Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 3rd Edition William S. Janna (1993)

Fundamentals of Material Science and Engineering: An Integrated Approach W.D. Callister, Jr. and D.G. Rethwish (2008)

* http://www.research-equipment.com/viscosity%20chart.html


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