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Lab Manual

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The document provides a manual for various chemical engineering experiments with descriptions of safety procedures and data analysis principles to follow. It also discusses updating the undergraduate lab course structure.

Experiments related to determination of porosity, residence time distribution, continuous reactive distillation, verification of Debye-Huckel theory, ion exchange columns, gas-liquid reactions, chromatography, electrochemical recovery of metals, and more are described.

Tips provided include using fewer operations to reduce error, finding alternate series forms, storing intermediate values in extended precision, and more.

Chemical Engineering Laboratory Manual

v 0.08, last updated March 17, 2006

This document is a collection of manuals of Chemical Engineering-related experiments that have been oered at various times in the past few years. The Undergraduate Laboratory course structure has been modied, and as a result, students will now perform 40 experiments over 4 semesters. In the interim period before the new course structure is ratied, these experiments will run under the existing course/credit structure. Several new experiments are due to be phased in, to better integrate concepts from dierent courses. In addition to descriptions of the various experiments, this manual contains (i) discussion of relevant aspects of Safety that students are expected to observe during their experimentation, and (ii) basic principles of data analysis that are expected to be followed in presenting their results. Course-specic details (including the evaluation procedure followed and the rotation schedule) may be obtained on the UG lab webpage http://www.che.iitb.ac.in/courses/uglab/uglabs.html UG Lab Coordinators

1 MS207: Determination of Apparent Porosity 2 MS401: Residence Time Distribution 3 MS402: Continuous Reactive Distillation 4 MS403: Verication of Debye-Huckel Theory 5 MS404: Ion Exchange Columns 6 MS405: Gas-Liquid and Liquid-Liquid Reaction 7 MS406: High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography 4 9 14 20 27 32 37

8 MS407: Metal Recovery from a Dilute Solution by an Electrochemical Method 40 9 MS408: Electrosynthesis of Manganese (III) Acetate in a Packed Bed Reactor 45 10 MT301: Hydrodynamics of packed columns 11 MT302: Dierential Distillation 12 MT303: Distillation with Total Reux 13 MT304: Gas-Liquid Absorption 14 HT301: Thermal Conductivity of Insulating Powder 15 HT302: Heat Transfer by Combined Natural Convection and Radiation 16 HT303: Boiling and Condensation Studies 48 52 56 59 62 64 66

17 HT304: Heat Transfer Through a Submerged Helical Coil in an Agitated Vessel (Under Unsteady-State Conditions) 71 18 HT305: Heat Transfer Through Coiled Tubes in an Agitated Vessel (Under Steady-State Conditions) 78 19 HT306: Heat Transfer in a Packed Bed 20 HT307: Finned Tube Heat Exchanger 21 HT208: Heat Transfer in Laminar Flow 22 HT209: Heat Transfer in Turbulent Flow 80 84 88 93

23 FM201: Flow Through Piping Networks 24 FM202: Nature of Flow 25 FM303: Frictional Losses in Pipe Fittings and Valves 26 FM204: Viscosity Measurement 27 FM305: Agitation and Mixing 28 FM406: Two Phase Flow in Vertical Tubes

97 99 101 102 103 104

29 TH201: Determination of Partial Molar Enthalpies by Adiabatic Calorimetry 108 30 TH202: Ebulliometric Determination of Vapour Pressures 111

31 TH203: Ebulliometric Determination of the `Innite Dilution Activity Coecient' (IDAC) 113 32 TH204: Determination of the Dynamic Surface Tension of a surfactant by using Bubble Pressure Tensiometer 115 33 TH206: Vapour Liquid Equilibrium 34 BL301: Total Protein Estimation by Lowry's Method 35 BL302: Determination of pKa by pH Titration Method 36 BL303: Aseptic Culture Techniques 37 BL304: Kinetics of Alkaline Phosphatase 38 RE301: Kinetics of a (Solid-Liquid) Esterication Reaction 39 RE302: Batch Reactive Distillation 40 RE303: Micellar Catalysis 41 RE304: Homogeneous Reactions 42 RE305: Interfacial (Liquid-Liquid) Nitration A Data Analysis 118 122 124 126 128 131 136 142 146 148 151

1 Determination of Apparent Porosity

The Evacuation Method
General:- The evacuation method of the determination of apparent porosity is applicable to all types of refractories. Evacuating Apparatus:- An apparatus capable of reducing the pressure to a value not greater than 25 mm of mercury, shall be used. Immersion Liquid:- Water may be used, unless the test material is unstable in contact with it. Liquid paran may be used with all types of refractory material but it shall be fractionated before use and the fraction boiling below 200 C shall be rejected. Test specimen - Test specimen measuring 656540 mm shall be cut form the brick or shape as to remove the original surface of the refractory under test. For this purpose a cut-o grinding wheel is recommended. Any loosely adhering grog or dust shall be removed from the test piece before use.

Dry the test specimen at 110 C and weigh after cooling to room temperature in a desiccator.

This weighing and all subsequent weighings shall be made to an accuracy of 0.1 g.

Place the test specimen after weighing in an empty vaccum desiccator. Reduce the pressure

in the desiccator to a value not greater than 25 mm of mercury. Admit the immersion liquid slowly till the specimen is covered. Allow the specimen to stand under reduced pressure for at least 5 to 6 hours. Air shall then be allowed to enter the vessel and the test specimen held in a sling of ne thread, shall be weighed (S) while suspended in the immersion liquid of the same density as that in the desiccator.

Lift the test piece slowly from the immersion liquid by means of a sling. The sides of a test

piece will drain during this operation and the globules of liquid that form on the under-sided and between the sling and the top surface shall be removed by brief contact with the edge of a piece of lter paper. Care should be taken that the lter paper does not come into contact with the surface of the test piece since the removal of too much liquid will lead to large errors than the removal of insucient liquid. Then weigh the soaked test piece suspended in air (W). suspended weight (S) from the saturated weight (W) and the actual volume of open pores (V1) in cubic centimeters by subtracting the dry weight (D) from the saturated weight (W).

Obtain the exterior volume (V) in cubic centimeters of the test specimen by subtracting the

Obtain the apparent porosity (P) in percent from either of the following formulae
P = V1 100 V P = W D 100 W S


The Boiling Water Method

General - The boiling water method of the determination of apparent porosity is applicable to burnt bricks only. Test Specimen - Test specimen as given under 9.1.4 shall be used. 4


1. Dry the test specimen at 110 C and weigh after cooling to room temperature in a desiccator. This weighing and all subsequent weighings shall be made to an accuracy of 0.1 g. 2. Place the test specimen in distilled water and boil for two hours, and then allow to cool to room temperature while still immersed in water. During boiling, ensure that the test specimen is not in contact with the heated bottom of the container. 3. Heat the specimen in a container which does not give o scale. After boiling and cooling, weigh the test specimen (S) while suspended in water. 4. Immediately after obtaining the suspended weight remove the test specimen from water, blot lightly with a moistened towel and weigh in air (W). 5. the exterior volume of the test specimen (V) and true volume of open pores (V1) as in and calculate the apparent porosity as given in 9.1.6.

Determination of true specic gravity and true density


This test determines the true specic gravity and true density of refractory materials under prescribed conditions. It is not applicable to materials attacked by water.

Analytical Balance and Weights 50-ml Pycnometer Bottle with Capillary Tube Stopper Thermometer Drying Oven Weighing Bottle Desicator A suitable apparatus to produce a vaccum of 12 to 25 mm mercury pressure.
Preparation of Sample

1. Take two pieces of the size of a walnut from dierent positions of a solid specimen in such a way as to exclue any part of the original exterior surface (skin). 2. Crush the pieces between hardened steel surfaces to a maximum particle size of 3 mm thoroughly mix the crushed material and reduce by quartering to a test sample of 50 g. 3. If the material submitted for testing is already crushed or ground thoroughly mix a representative portion of at least 500 g and reduce by quartering to a test sample of 50 g. 4. Grind the entire 50-g sample in an agate mortar to such a neness that it will pass through IS Sieve 15. Do the grinding either by hand or by mechanical sample grinder so constructed as to prevent the introduction of any impurity 5. Remove by a magnet any magnetic material introduced in crushing or grinding 5

6. Take care in all stages of preparation of the test sample not to exclude any portions that are dicult to grind, and avoid any selective sampling.

1. Dry the 50 g sample to constant weight at 105 C to 110 C and place in a glass stoppered weighing bottle. Make duplicate tests on material from the 50-g sample. Record all weights to the nearest 0.001 g. 2. Dry the pycnometer and stopper at 105 C, cool in a desiccator, weigh (p) on an analytical balance. Then ll the pycnometer with distilled water at room temperature (t C), and again weigh (W1) with the stopper in place. Then empty the pycnometer and again dry. 3. Place approximately 8 to 12 g of the sample in the dry pycnometer; weigh the pycnometer, stopper and sample (W). Fill the pycnometer to one-fourth to one half of its capacity with distilled water, and boil the water (See Note 1) at atmospheric or under reduced pressure for approximately 10 to 15 minutes. Afte boiling, ll the pycnometer with distilled water (See Note 2), cool to room temperature (t C) in a water-bath, insert the stopper, wipe o excess water from the stopper and the pycnometer thoroughly with a lintless towel. Then weigh the pycnometer and contents (W2).
Note 1: Exercise caution during boiling so that it is not suciently vigorous to cause loss of the sample due to popping. If the boiling is done at atmospheric pressure, it is advisable to insert with the stopper a thin strip of paper before the boiling operation. Note 2: Fill the pycnometer so that there is an overow of water through the capillary tube when the stopper is inserted. When wiping the excess water from the tip of the stopper, do it in such a way as not to withdraw any water from the capillary tube. any variation in room temperature (t) when obtaining weights (W1) and (W2) will introduce an appreciable error. Therefore, obtain them at the same temperature within the limits of 0.3 C. Use a constant temperature bath controlled to 0.1 C.

Calculate the true specic gravity in accordance with the following formula: Specic gravity =
W P (W P ) (W1 W2 )


where t = temperature of the material and the water in C, W = weight in g of the stoppered pycnometer and sample, P = weight in g of the stoppered pycnometer, W2 = weight in g of the stoppered pycnometer, sample, and water, and W1 = weight in g of the stoppered pycnometer lled with water. The true density of the sample may be determined without additional measurement in accordance with the following formula : True Density = Specic gravity (dw da ) (1.3)

where dw = density of water at the temperature at which the test was carried out, and da = density of air at the temperature at which the test was made. Report the determinations to the nearest 0.001. Calculate also the following from the obtained results. Note: These are however, not included in the said I.S.Specication i) Bulk density ii) Water absorption
Porosity Porosity Eects: Density (Bulk), Thermal Conductivity Thermal resistance of the body Strength at room temperature as well as at high temperature Permeability Corrosion or Chemical attack Surface properties (smoothness etc.), Absorption TYPES OF PORES Open or apparent, Closed or sealed Continuous or isolated Size of pore : big, medium, small Distribution : Well distributed or appearing as defects such as holes, cracks, etc. Porosity is always expressed in percentage. Apparent porosity (Open)% : (Open pore volume/Bulk volume)100 Sealed porosity % : 100 (Sealed pore volume/B Volume) True porosity %: 100 (Total pore volume/B Volume) Open Porosity

Open porosity is found out from: Wt. of the body in air: W Wt. of the body in water: D Saturated wt. of the body with water: S Sealed porosity is known by nding out the density of the body (True density). Total Bulk volume = Open pore volume + closed pore volume + Volume of the material If water aects the material than other liquid is to be used, and then the density of the liquid has to be taken into account.
Porosity is aected by
The nature of the material. Certain materials have micro porosity and cannot be easily

reduced. Hence porosity of the body prepared from the material is higher, e.g. DIATOMACEOUS EARTH. 7

Particle size, shape, arrangement of the particles from which the body is prepared. Method of preparation, Hand Moulding, machine or hydraulic moulding, slip-casting, extru-

sion and fusion etc.

Amount of water used during fabrication Physical and chemical reactions that occur when materials is red in the furnace to get the nal

shape such as phase change accompanied by expansion and contraction, bloating, moulding, frothing, decomposition of carbonates, sulphated etc., burning of carbon and organic materials, loss of water of crystallization etc. one or more of the following reasons:

Temperature of ring and time. At higher temperatures the body reduces its porosity due to

 Melt formation  Crystallisation or recrystallisation  Diusion : Solid-solid, solid-liquid

Fusion and cast or well sintered refractories may have very low porosities, even less than 1 per


Normal refractories which have been red in the furnace to get the nal shape have 10 to 30

per cent porosity

Insulating refractories porosity may vary between 50 and 80 per cent.

2 Residence Time Distribution

To determine the residence time distribution in the given conguration for pulse and step inputs.

The main objective of this experiment is to introduce the concept and measurement of residence time distribution and to emphasize its use in the reactor design. The three basic reactor models viz., batch, back mix (CSTR) and PFR are based on ideal concepts. We often apply these models to determine the conversion and other parameters. However, owing to non-ideality prevalent in the `real' systems, the conversion obtained may not be the true conversion. How do we account for this non-ideality? The residence time distribution (RTD) or more precisely the E(t) function may be looked upon as a correction factor to account for the non-ideality. The causes of non-ideality could be channeling and back mixing in the case of a PFR and dead zones and non-uniform mixing in the case of a CSTR.

Imagine that 10 atoms are injected in a PFR in a short time. Since, there is no axial mixing in the PFR, ideally all these atoms should come out of the reactor at the same time. However, this is not the case with the real system. Dierent atoms take dierent time to come out of the reactor. The time the atoms have spent in the reactor is called the residence time and the distribution of the various atoms coming out the reactor with respect to time is called the residence time distribution. RTD can be determined experimentally by injecting an inert chemical, molecule, or atom, called tracer, into the reactor at some time t=0 and then measuring the tracer concentration `C' in the exit stream as a function of time. Pulse and step inputs are the two commonly used methods of injection.
Pulse Input

In a pulse input, an amount of tracer No is suddenly injected in one shot into the feed stream entering the reactor in as short time as possible. The outlet concentration is then measured as a function of time. The euent concentration-time curve is referred to as the C curve in the RTD analysis. If we select an increment of time t suciently small that the concentration of tracer, C(t), exiting between time t and t + t is essentially constant, then the amount of tracer material, N , leaving the reactor between time t and t + t is
N = C(t)vt


where, v is the euent volumetric ow rate. In other words, N is the amount of material that has spent an amount of time between t and t + t in the reactor. If we now divide by the total amount of material that was injected into the reactor, N0 , we obtain
vC(t) N = t N0 N0


which, represents the fraction of the material that has a residence time in the reactor between time t and t + t. 9

For a pulse injection we dene

E(t) =

vC(t) N0

(2.3) (2.4)

so that

N = E(t)T N0

This quantity E(t) is called the residence time distribution function. It describes in a quantitative manner how much time dierent uid elements have spent in the reactor. Re-writing the above equations in the dierential form,
dN = vC(t)dt

(2.5) (2.6)

and integrating, we obtain

N0 =


The volumetric ow rate v is constant, and so we can dene E(t) as:
E(t) = C(t)
0 C(t)dt


The integral in the denominator is the area under the C curve.

Step Input

Consider a constant rate of tracer addition to a feed that is initiated at time t = 0. Before this time no tracer was added to the feed. Thus, we have
C0 (t) = 0 C0 (t) = C0 t<0 t0


The concentration of the tracer in the feed to the reactor is kept at this level until the concentration in the euent is indistinguishable from that in the feed; the test may then be discontinued. The output concentration from a vessel is related to the input concentration by the convolution integral:

Cout (t) =

Cin (t t )E(t )dt


Because the inlet concentration is a constant with time, C0 , we can take it outside the integral sign. Thus,

Cout (t) = C0

E(t )dt

(2.10) (2.11)

Dividing by C0 yields
Cout C0 =
step 0

E(t )dt = F (t)

Thus, the normalized concentration vs. time prole gives the F curve. The relation between E(t) and F (t) is:
dF (t) = E(t) dt



For a laminar ow reactor, the velocity prole is parabolic with the uid in the center of the tube spending the shortest time. By using a similar analysis as shown above, we obtain the complete RTD function for a laminar ow reactor as:
E(t) = 0 E(t) = 2 /2t3
0 tCdt 0 Cdt

t < /2 t /2

(2.13) (2.14) (2.15) (2.16)

We can also determine the dispersion number in the following manner:

Tm = = ti Ci ti Ci ti

The variance is dened as:

2 =

t2 Ci ti i t2 m Ci ti
2 =

2 t2 m

The Dispersion number is dened as D/uL and is given by:

2 =

2 D =2 2 2 t uL

D uL

1 expu/L/D



Figure 2.1: Experimental setup The set-up consists of three CSTRs and 2 PFRs (LFRs) which can be connected in series of parallel. Two reservoirs are provided for the continuous phase (water) and tracer (dilute NaOH solution) respectively. Peristaltic pumps are used to pump the water and tracer to the reactor/s. The dispensing mode available with the pumps can be used to give a pulse input. The concentrations at the exit of the reactor/s is/are monitored by conductivity probes. 11

1. Check whether both the reservoirs (water and tracer) are full. 2. Measure the volume of the reactors in the given conguration. 3. Adjust the owrates of both the uids so that they are in the given range of residence time. 4. Start the ow of water through the reactors and allow the system to attain steady state (w.r.t. owrate). 5. Prepare about 100 ml of 5 M NaOH solution for pulse input study. 6. Purge the pump tubing (to be used for dispensing) with the prepared solution. 7. Activate the dispensing mode on the pump and set the quantity to dispensed. Set the ow at the maximum value so that the set quantity will be dispensed at the maximum owrate, thus, acting as a pulse input. 8. At a particular time instant press the `start' button on the pump and simultaneously start the `stop watch'. Prior to dispensing, ensure that the valve on the feed line is open. 9. Note down the conductivity w.r.t. time at every half residence time intervals. Initially (till two residence times) note down the values at every 10 sec time interval. The time span can be eventually increased when the change in conductivity is not rapid. 10. Continue till the conductivity values attain or approach the initial values. 11. For step input study, start the ow of water through the reactors and allow steady state to be attained. 12. Purge the tracer pump tubing with the solution from the reservoir. Ensure that the owrate is the same as that adjusted at the start. 13. At a particular time instant, stop the ow of water and simultaneously start the ow of tracer. 14. Note down the conductivity values w.r.t. time at every 10 sec time interval initially followed by 30 sec later when the change in the conductivity values is not rapid. 15. Continue till the conductivity values become steady.

Pulse Input

1. Plot concentration (conductivity) C vs. t 2. Calculate E(t) using equation 2.7 3. Calculate E theo (t)
2 2t3 1 Etheo (t) = expt/ Etheo (t) = (P F R) (CST R)


4. Plot Eexp (t) and Etheo (t) vs. t. 5. Calculate the mean residence time (tm ).
2 6. Calculate variance ( 2 ), and D/uL using equations 2.15-2.17 [only in the case of LFR]

7. Calculate and plot Eexp (t) and Etheo (t) for given conguration.
Step Input

1. Plot concentration (conductivity) vs. t. 2. Evaluate Ftheo (t) using equation 2.12. 3. Plot Fexp (t) i.e. C/C0 and Ftheo (t) vs. t. 4. Obtain the equation for the F-plot by curve tting. 5. Dierentiate this with respect to t to obtain Eexp(t) . 6. Plot Eexp (t) vs. t. 7. Evaluate Ftheo (t) for given conguration and plot Ftheo (t) and Fexp (t) vs. t.

Single reactor
tm D/uL




3 Continuous Reactive Distillation

Reactive Distillation
Reactive Distillation (RD) is a combination of reaction and distillation in a single vessel owing to which it enjoys a number of specic advantages over conventional sequential approach of reaction followed by distillation or other separation techniques. Improved selectivity, increased conversion, better heat control, eective utilization of reaction heat, scope for dicult separations and the avoidance of azeotropes are a few of the advantages that are oered by RD. The introduction of an in situ separation process in the reaction zone or vice versa leads to complex interactions between vapor-liquid equilibrium, mass transfer rates, diusion and chemical kinetics, which poses a great challenge for design and synthesis of these systems. RD being a relatively new eld, research on various aspects such as modeling and simulation, process synthesis, column hardware design, nonlinear dynamics and control is in progress. The suitability of RD for a particular reaction depends on various factors such as volatilities of reactants and products along with the feasible reaction and distillation temperature. Hence, the use of RD for every reaction may not be feasible. Exploring the candidate reactions for RD, itself is an area that needs considerable attention to expand the domain of RD processes. Although invented in 1921, the industrial application of reactive distillation did not take place before the 1980's. The esterication of acetic acid with alcohols like n-butanol, ethanol, isobutyl alcohol and amyl alcohol fall in a typical class of reacting systems. Butyl acetate is an industrially important chemical with wide applications as a versatile solvent. n-Butyl acetate is manufactured by the esterication of acetic acid with n-butanol in the presence of suitable acid catalyst. The alcohol is sparingly soluble in water and the ester is almost insoluble. Another interesting feature of this system is that it is associated with the formation a minimum boiling ternary azeotrope of ester, alcohol and water, which is heterogeneous in nature. Hence, in a typical reactive distillation column that consists of both reactive and non-reactive zones, the heterogeneous azeotrope or a composition close to the azeotrope can be obtained as the distillate product. Moreover, the aqueous phase that forms after the condensation of the vapor is almost pure water. Depending on the requirement either of the phases can be withdrawn as a product and the other phase can be recycled back as reux. The pure ester i.e. butyl acetate is the least volatile component in the system is realized as a bottom product. In reactive distillation scheme, the option of using a conventional reactor for partial reaction followed by a reactive distillation column has been reported to have oered better economics. The simulation studies on the butyl acetate synthesis have also indicated that this option can be better than conducting the entire reaction in a reactive distillation column. The present work is aimed at performing a detailed experimental investigation on a reactive distillation column operated in such a mode.

Material and Catalysts

The packing used in the reactive distillation column were KATAPAK-S embedded with Amberlyst15 catalyst and non-catalytic HYFLUX high eciency low pressure drop wire mesh distillation packing.


KATAPAK-S: KATAPAK-S (S implies Sandwich) is a structured catalyst support for use in gas-liquid reaction systems such as trickle bed reactors, bubble columns or reactive distillation processes, in which catalyst granules can be embedded (Fig. 3.1 ). It is suitable for many catalytic applications, such as esterications, etherication, and hydrogenations reaction. KATAPAK-S is immobilized between two sheets of metal wire gauze, forming "sandwiches". Each of these sheets is corrugated, resulting in a structure with ow channels of a dened angle and hydraulic diameter. The sandwiches are assembled with the ow channels in opposed orientation, so that the resulting unit is characterized by an open cross-ow structure pattern. The sandwich exists of 16 triangular channels, with a total of 32 cross-overs. A single triangular channel has a base of 36 mm, and a height of 18 mm. There is a 2 mm gap between the bases of adjoining triangular channels (Fig. 3.2). Inside such a sandwich, catalyst particles are present; the liquid ows inside these packed channels. When taking two of these sandwiches and placing them together, the space in between the two sandwiches is geometrically nearly equal to the inside of a packed channel. The channels that will be formed by this space are referred to as the open channels; no catalyst particles are present in the open channels. The gas ows through these open channels.

Figure 3.1: KATAPAK-S Structure

HYFLUX: HYFLUX is structured tower packings made of stainless steel 304 and 316, are particularly useful when a moderate to large number of theoretical stages have to be accomodated in a limited height of the tower. HYFLUX is manufactured from a multitude of ne metallic wires which are knitted into a tube which is attened, crimped, plied and custom formed to meet exacting specications Fig. 3.3. The open structure formed due to the proprietary lay of the laments, the unique stitches employed and the special crimping and plying form tortuous channels for liquids which can continuously combine, divide and recombine for optimum mixing and contact with vapour. This results in


Figure 3.2: Reconstruction of KATAPAK-S, a set of intersecting triangular tubes

Figure 3.3: HYFLUX noncatalytic Packing 16

intimate mixing between vapour passing upward through the controlled interconnecting passageways and the thin lm of liquid owing down the capillary wire network of the packing. The unique interaction results in high mass transfer rates (maximum separation eciency) while maintaining low resistance to ow (low AP / theoretical stage).


100 to 200 mm in production columns 75 mm in pilot/laboratory stills 10 in production columns 13 in pilot/laboratory stills 0.05 - 0.75 mm Hg 0.2 - 2.75 F factor (m/s <0.7 m 3 /m 2 h 3 to 8 (w/w)
kg /M3 )


P / theoretical plate

: : : :

Vapour load Liquid load Liquid holdup

Apparatus and Procedure

The experimental setup of a laboratory scale reactive distillation plant is as shown in Figure 3.4. A 3m tall distillation column of inside diameter 54 mm that operates at atmospheric pressure was used. The reboiler (3 lit) was externally heated with the help of a heating mantle. The non-reactive rectifying and stripping sections were packed with Evergreen HYFLUX packing made out of ne metallic wires. The middle reactive zone was packed with Sulzer KATAPAK-S packing embedded with ion exchange resins Amberlyst-15 as a catalyst. All the sections are 1m tall in height. A proper insulation with external wall heating arrangement was provided to minimize the heat losses to the surrounding. The reaction mixture consisting of acetic acid, butanol, butyl acetate and water or an equilibrium mixture from the batch reactor is fed continuously to the column through a rotameter. An electronically driven metering pump is used to transfer the liquid from the feed tank to the column. In the condenser, two immiscible phases are formed, an aqueous phase i.e. almost pure water and an organic phase containing water, butanol and butyl acetate. The feed is preheated before introducing it to the column. Phase separator with the condenser is used to provide reux to the column and to continuously withdraw water formed during the reaction. Temperature sensors Pt 100 are provided at dierent locations in the column to measure these temperatures (Position 1- Position 8).

The samples were analyzed using Gas Chromatograph (GC, C-911, Mak Analytica India Ltd.) equipped with thermal conductivity detector (TCD). The column used for the analysis was porapack-Q with hydrogen as carrier gas at the ow rate of 20 ml/min. Injector and detector 17

Figure 3.4: Experimental setup 18

were maintained at 220 C and 150 C respectively. The oven temperature was maintained isothermally at 240 C to get best resolution in less time. The results obtained by GC were conrmed by independent titrations using standard sodium hydroxide solution. The samples were also analyzed by titrating them against NaOH using phenolphthalein as indicator.

S.N. Measurements 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Feed Flow Rate Top Flow Rate Bottom Flow Rate Feed Composition Conversion Purity Reboiler Duty Strength of NaOH solution Values Units

Steady State Column Prole

Stage Wall temp Column temp Titer Value Acetic acid conc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Top


4 Verication of Debye-Huckel Theory

To determine experimentally the activity coecient of cupric ions in aqueous solutions and compare them with those estimated using Debye Huckel theory.

Ion meter provided with cupric electrode, automatic temperature compensator, copper sulphate (CuSO4 .5H2 0), other copper salts, pipette, volumetric ask, beakers.

Thermodynamic state of the solution can be characterized by the chemical potential, i of the constituent species. The gradient of the chemical potential provides the driving force for the diusion of the species. For the equilibrium of the phases in contact, the chemical potential of each of the species should be equal in all phases. It is therefore necessary to measure and predict the chemical potential of species in the solutions. It is convenient to express chemical potential i in terms of its activity ai dened as
i = 0 + RT ln ai i


where 0 is the chemical potential of species i in the standard state (arbitrarily chosen), R is the i Universal gas constant and T is the temperature. For an electrolyte species ai can be expressed in terms of the molality of the ion:
ai = i mi m0 i


where mi is the molality of i, mol/kg of solvent; m0 is the molality in the solution at standard state, i and i is the activity coecient of i. The activity coecient is the measure of the interaction of species i with the other species in the solution. The standard state is chosen as a ctitious state where i = 1 (corresponding to the ideal solution where all the interactions are extinguished). m0 is (but not always) actually chosen as 1 i molal. In the solution, an electrolyte dissociate into cations and anions
Mp Xq pM Z+ + qX Z pZ+ + qZ = 0


Due to electrostatic interactions, cations are surrounded by anions and vice versa, it is not possible to determine chemical potential of the individual ions. We can determine the chemical potential of the salt as
= p+ + q = p0 + q0 + pRT ln a+ + qRT ln a + m+ = p0 + q0 + pRT ln + qRT ln + m0 + m m0

+ pRT ln + + pRT ln



We dene as the mean activity coecient. Thus

p q = + +

1 p+q

m m0

= p0 + q0 + pRT ln + = p+ + q

m+ m0 +

+ qRT ln

+ (p + q)RT ln


+ = 0 + RT ln + = 0 + RT ln m+ m0 + m m0


The above equation allows us to express the chemical potential of individual ions in terms of the mean activity coecient. However, it is to be understood that does not correspond to the individual ion but to the pair of ions ( cation and anion)

Debye-Huckel Law
Debye-Huckel theory has been developed for very dilute ionic solution in which electrostatic interactions dominate. The theory neglects all other interactions. The following equation has been derived based on the mean eld and point charge assumptions
log = |z+ z |A I m0


Where I represents the ionic strength of the solution and is given by

I= 1 2 2 m + z + + m z 2


It is generally agreed to use m0 = 1, and

A= 0.509 (T /298)3/2


At 25 C, the value of A is 0.509. The test of the theory is to plot log versus I/m0 . The plot should be the straight line . This is indeed true up to m/m0 = 0.04. Beyond this point the following equation holds,
log = |z+ z |A 1+B
I 1/2 m0 I 1/2 m0


However, B is not a universal constant but depends on the nature of the cations and anions. Hence B needs to be regressed from the experiments.


Measurement of Activity and Mean Activity Coecient

One of the technique for the measurement of the activity coecient is to use a specic ion electrode. This electrode adsorbs specic ion. As a result of this adsorption , the potential of the electrode changes in proportion to the chemical potential of the ion in the solution . The Nernst equation governs the electrode potential.
2.303 103 RT (4.12) log(ai ) zi F Where zi is the valency of the ion and F = Faraday constant. E is the potential of the electrode (mV) and E0 is the reference potential. Writing mi (4.13) ai = m0 i E = E0 +

we get

E = E0 +

At very low concentrations,

E = E0 +

2.303 103 RT mi log zi F m0 i I m0



2.303 103 RT 2.303 103 RT mi log + |z+ z |A zi F zi F m0 i


At very low concentration the activity coecient term can be neglected. In this case the plot of E versus log mi /m0 is the straight line with slope i
S= 2.303 103 RT zi F


and the intercept is E0 . The slope of the plot deviates somewhat from the above equation. One reason is the dynamics of the electrode. It takes a long time for the electrode to reach equilibrium . The other reason is the error due to the omission of the correction. To correct for the second contribution we plot
E = Ei 2.303 103 RT |z+ z |A zi F mi m0 i I m0


We obtain the slope and the intercept of the modied plot

E = E0 + S log

(4.18) (4.19)

At higher concentrations

where E is the value extrapolated from the above equation . This allows us to compute log .

E E = log S

Vericationof Debye-Huckel Theory

1. Plot log versus
I for the entire range of the concentration.

2. Find the region where it is a straight line. 3. Find the slope and check whether it matches with the theory 4. At high concentration nd B so that the modied D-H theory yields the best t to the experimental data. 22

1. Preparation the solution of 10000 ppm (0.16M) Cu++ from CuSO4 .5 H2 O. From that solution prepare the solution of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 100, 1000, 3000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000 by serial dilution. 2. Plug the Cupric electrode (lled with lling solution) to the ion meter. 3. Rinse the electrode with distilled water and wipe with a tissue paper. 4. Immerse the electrode in 1 ppm solution. One should wait for at least 3 minutes or till the meter shows ready whichever is longer. Then note down the potential reading as shown in the meter. 5. Then take out the electrode, rinse it with distilled water, blot dry with tissue paper and immerse in the next solution (2ppm), note down the reading shown by the meter. 6. Follow the same procedure as above and measure the potential of all solutions. It is advisable to start with the solution of lower concentration and move onto the higher concentrations in the ascending order. 7. Plot the potential at lower concentration (1- 10 ppm) on a E versus log C . This results in an approximate straight line given by the Nernst equation
E = E0 + 2.303 RT log C zF

The intercept of the line with the Y axis gives E0 . At higher concentrations, the potential is given by
E = E0 + 2.303 RT log a zF

In this equation a is the only unknown and can be calculated. The activity coecient is then calculated a = (4.20)

Compare the experimental value of activity coecient with those calculated using Debye Huckel theory.


Data Sheet for D-H Theory

Observation Table for experimental method S.N. Concentration (ppm) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 100 1000 3000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
log C E (mV)s log a a (expt) = a/C

Observations: 1. Value of E0 = 2. Value of slope =


Observation Table for theoretical method S.N. Conc. (ppm) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 100 1000 3000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Molar conc (m)
I (ionic strength) I log (D-H limiting)

Observation: 1. B =


S. N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
(expt) (theo)


5 Ion Exchange Columns

To plot the breakthrough curve of strong acid cation exchange Amberlyst resins, and determine their capacity by batch and continuous ow processes.

Ion Exchangers

Of all dierent natural and synthetic products which show ion exchange properties, the most important are ion-exchange resins, ion-exchange coals, mineral ion exchangers, and synthetic inorganic exchangers. Ion exchangers owe their characteristic properties to a peculiar feature of their structure. They consist of a framework held together by chemical bonds or lattice energy which carries a positive or negative surplus charge. Counter ions of opposite charge move throughout the framework and can be replaced by other ions of same sign. For example, the framework of a cation exchanger can be regarded as a macromolecular or crystalline polyanion, while the framework of an anion exchanger can be regarded as a polycation.
Ion Exchange Resins

These constitute the most important class of ion exchangers. Their frame-work called the matrix, consists of an irregular, macromolecular, 3-D network of hydrocarbon chains. The matrix carries ionic groups such as SO , COO in cation exchangers and NH+ , NH+ in anion exchangers. 3 3 2 Ion exchange resins are thus cross linked polyelectrolytes. The matrix of the resins is hydrophobic. However, hydrophilic components are introduced by the incorporation of ionic groups such as SO3 H. Linear hydrocarbon macromolecules with such molecules are soluble in water. So ion exchange resins are made insoluble by introduction of cross-links which Interconnect the various hydrocarbon chains. An ion-exchange resin is practically one single macromolecule . Its dissolution would require rupture of C-C bonds. Thus resins are insoluble in all solvents by which they are not destroyed. The matrix is elastic and can swell by taking up solvent , a fact referred to as "heteroporosity" or "heterodictality". The chemical, physical, and mechanical stability and the ion-exchange behavior of the resins depend primarily on the structure and the degree of cross-linking of the matrix and on the nature and number of xed ionic groups. The degree of cross-linking determines the mesh width of the matrix and thus the swelling ability of the resin and the mobility of the counter ions in the resin, which in turn determine the rates of ion-exchange in the resin. Highly cross linked resins are harder and more resistant to mechanical breakdown. Amberlyst-15 with sulphonic acid functionality is our resin of interest. It is a highly porous, macro reticular ion-exchanger prepared by a variation of the conventional pearl-polymerization technique. In pearl polymerization, monomers are mixed, and a polymerization catalyst such as benzoyl peroxide is added. The mixture is then added to an agitated aqueous solution kept at the temperature required for poymerization. The mixture forms small droplets, which remain suspended. A suspension stabilizer is added to prevent agglomeration of droplets. In the case of Amberlyst, an organic solvent which is a good solvent for the monomer, but a poor solvent for the polymer is added to the polymerization mixture. 27

As polymerization progresses, the solvent molecules are squeezed out by the growing copolymer regions. In this way, spherical beads with wide pores are obtained.

Ion exchangers prefer one species over another due to several causes : 1. The electrostatic interaction between the charged framework and the counter ions depend on the size and valence of the counter ion. 2. In addition to electrostatic forces, other interactions between ions and their environment are eective. 3. Large counter ions may be sterically excluded from the narrow pores of the ion exchanger All these eects depend on the nature of the counter ion and thus may lead to preferential uptake of a species by the ion exchanger. The ability of the ion-exchanger to distinguish between the various counter ion species is called selectivity.
Separation Factor

The preference of the ion exchanger for one of the two counter ions is often expressed by the separation factor, dened by
= ma mb C Cb x xb = a = a ma mb Ca Cb xa xb |Z | |Z | MA B MB A |Z | |Z | M AM B


The molal selectivity coecient , which is used for theoretical studies, is dened as
A KB =


The selectivity of the ion exchange process depends on the properties of the ion exchanger used and the composition of the aqueous phase . In the case of two ions having the same charge and very similar radii, the selectivity due to the properties of the ion exchanger (such as acidity, basicity, and the degree of cross linking ) is not sucient for ensuring eective separation. In such a case, an appropriate complexing agent has to be added to the aqueous phase: the selectivity attained is then either due to the dierence in the stability constants or to the dierent charges or structures of the complexes formed. Increased selectivity can be brought about in many ways. For eg., one can exploit the preference of an exchanger for highly charged ions in dilute solutions, or one can choose a chelating resin.

Capacity is dened as the number of counter-ion equivalents in a specied amount of material. Capacity and related data are primarily used for two reasons:- for characterizing ion-exchange materials, and for use in the numerical calculation of ion-exchange operations. Capacity can be dened in numerous ways: 1. Capacity (Maximum capacity, ion-exchange capacity) Denition : Number of inorganic groups per specied amount of ion-exchanger 28

2. Scientic Weight Capacity Units : meq/g dry H+ or Cl form 3. Technical Volume Capacity Units: eq/liter packed bed in H+ or Cl form and fully waterswollen 4. Apparent Capacity (Eective Capacity) Denition : Number of exchangeable counter ions per specied amount of ion exchanger. Units : meq/g dry H+ or Cl form (apparent weight capacity). Apparent capacity is lower than maximum capacity when inorganic groups are incompletely ionized ; depends on experimental conditions (pH, conc. ,etc) 5. Sorption Capacity. Denition : Amount of solute , taken up by sorption rather than by exchange, per specied amount of ion exchanger 6. Useful Capacity Denition : Capacity utilized when equilibrium is not attained Used at low ion-exchange rates Depends on experimental conditions (ion-exchange rate, etc.) 7. Breakthrough Capacity ( Dynamic Capacity) Denition : Capacity utilized in column operation, Depends on operating conditions 8. Concentration of xed ionic groups Denition : Number of xed ionic groups in meq/cm3 swollen resin (molarity) or per gram solvent in resin (molality) Depends on experimental conditions(swelling, etc.) Used in theoretical treatment of ion-exchange phenomena A
Qv = (1 b) d (100 W ) 100 Qw

Qv = volume cpacity in equivalents per liter packed bed. Qw = Scientic weight capacity in milliequivalents per gram. b = fractional void volume of packing W = water content of the resin in weight percent d = density of the swollen resin in grams per ml

B The molality of xed groups in meq/g is

m= (100 W ) Qw W (1 + Qi M Qw 103 )

The molarity of xed groups in meq/ml is

X= d (100 W ) Qw 100 (1 + Qi M Qw 103 )

Batch Process

Stirred tank reactor with stirrer, belt, stand, pipette, resins, copper sulphate solution, test tubes ( 15), ion meter, cupric electrode, Ionic Strength Adjustor (ISA), volumetric asks



1. Calibrate the ion meter using cupric nitrate standards of concentrations 0.6355 ppm , 6.355 ppm , 63.55 ppm , and 127.1 ppm. 2. Take known weight of resins in the stirred tank reactor. Fit the reactor on the stand and attach the belt to the stirrer which is adjusted on the pulleys. Switch on the stirrer . 3. Pour quickly calculated volume of 800 ppm cupric sulphate solution into the tank and start the timer . 4. Withdraw 1 ml samples from the tank using a pipette at every 40 seconds for about 10 minutes. 5. Dilute the samples to 50 ml in volumetric asks and measure their concentrations using ion meter. 6. Plot a graph of concentration vs. time. 7. The amount of cupric ions consumed is calculated from the initial and nal concentrations.

Initial concentration - C0 ppm Final concentration - Cf ppm Qty. of cupric ions used
Q= (Cf C0 ) 250 1000000

Capacity of resins = (Q/63.55) eq/g of resin

Observation Table

S.N. Time (min) Cu ion concentration (ppm)


Plot a graph of concentration versus time.

Continuous Process

1. Take 10 g resins and prepare a slurry with distilled water. Charge the column with the slurry such that there are no air bubbles trapped. 2. Keep adding cupric sulphate solution to the resin, and let it ow out at approximately 1 ml/min. 30

3. After every 20 ml, measure out 1 ml of euent, dilute it to 50 ml in the volumetric ask and measure its concentration in the ion meter. 4. A graph of concentration versus volume is plotted .
Observation Table

S.N. Time (min) Cu ion concentration (ppm)


Plot a graph of concentration versus time.

Results and Comments


6 Gas-Liquid and Liquid-Liquid Reaction

To synthesize styrene chlorohydrin from styrene, water and chlorine, To study chlorination in bubble column and stirred contactor, and To study heterogeneous reaction between styrene and hypochlorous acid in stirred contactor

and stirred disc contactor.

H2 O + Cl2 HOCl + HCl C8 H8 + HOCl C8 H9 ClO

(gas-liquid reaction) (liquid-liquid reaction)

This is a typical traditional process of converting olen to its epoxide (or oxide) (Figure 6.1). Most of the Propylene/Ethylene oxide in earlier days was being produced by this process. The chlorohydrin produced in this process is further hydrolysed by sodium/calcium hydroxide to the oxide. Styrene oxide, which is ne chemical, may also be manufactured by this route. It is used to synthesize phenyl ethyl alcohol by hydrogenation process. Phenyl ethyl alcohol is used as an ingredient in perfumes, deodorants etc. There are two steps in the process of synthesis of styrene chlorohydrin. In the rst step chlorination of water takes place and hypochlorous acid forms whereas in second step heterogeneous reaction between styrene and hypochlorous acid takes place to form styrene chlorohydrin. The alternate way to produce hypochlorous acid is through reaction between hydrogen peroxide and hydrochloric acid. But in this reaction chances of unreacted HCl remaining are more and that will aect second step. So the chlorination of water in controlled conditions favors the reaction to form hypochlorous acid. One must note the limitation of this process that large amount wastes such as sodium/calcium chloride is generated; chlorine is a loss as it does not appear in the nal product. Hence, in spite of being a popular route in old days, people are shifting towards more environmentally friendly catalytic oxidations with either oxygen or hydrogen peroxide. However, ne chemical industry still prefers this route for olen oxides like styrene oxide.

The laboratory experimental set-up for synthesis of styrene chlorohydrin consists of following reactors: 1. Bubble column and Mechanically agitated reactor with chlorine gas supply 2. Stirred contactor and Stirred disc contactor.


Figure 6.1: The ow sheet for production of olen oxide. The process within double dotted line is to be studied in laboratory.


Gas-Liquid reaction: Formation of HOCl

1. Prepare 2.5 wt% NaOH solution (about 10 L). 2. Start both the cryostats for chilling system (set temperature at -1 C). 3. In the rst step of the process, pass chlorine gas through the sparger at the bottom of column (measure ow rate). 4. Measure pH and analyze for HOCl concentration at various time intervals till HOCl concentration reaches 30 g/L).
Liquid-Liquid reaction: Chlorohydrination

1. Make an emulsion of styrene (50 mL) and water (500 mL) using high speed agitator in mechanically agitated reactor and lower down the temperature to 1 C by passing chilled water through jacket . 2. Add HOCl solution in such a way that the temperature remains 1-4 C till completion of reaction. The reaction is instantaneous and exothermic. Keep the record of HOCl added. 3. There will be two distinct phases (lower organic and upper aqueous one). Separate the aqueous and organic phases. Analyze aqueous phase for unreacted HOCl by titration method and organic phase for products by using gas chromatography (GC) with FID detector.

Analysis of HOCl (Titration Method)
Chemicals: Reagents:

Potassium iodide (KI crystals), Sodium thiosulphate (Na2 S2 O3 .5H2 O), Starch, Acetic acid 1. Sodium thiosulphate titrant: Make 0.5 N sodium thiosulphate solution by adding 125 gm of Na2 S2 O3 .5H2 O in 1 L of distilled water. 2. Starch: Boil 2 gm of starch in 100 mL of distilled water.


1. Make 10 mL of HOCl sample and measure pH (make sure it is above 4). 2. Make 25 mL of HOCl sample in conical ask with ice chips to maintain low temperature. Add acetic acid if pH is higher than 5 in such way that pH drops in the range of 3.5 to 5. 3. Add 1 gm of KI crystals and 1 mL of starch indicator and brown colour appears. 4. Titrate it with sodium thiosulphate solution till the brown colour disappears. This is end point of titration. Note down the burette reading. 5. Calculate the conc. of HOCl (g/L) = 1.05 B.R. (mL) 34

Analysis of organic phase for styrene chlorohydrine

Gas Chromatography Theory and background Gas chromatography is the technique of analysis of the components in liquid or gaseous mixture. The method exploits the dierence in the anity toward a given solid (usually an adsorbent) of the various components present in the mixture. Based on this dierence the components are separated and analyzed with the help of various detectors, such as ame ionized detector, thermal conductivity detector, atomic absorption detector, since the analysis is based on gas-liquid interactions it works only for the components, that are either are in gaseous phase or that can be converted in the gaseous state (or vapor state) under the given conditions. The instrument The schematic diagram of the GC instrument is shown in Figure 6.2. The sample to be analyzed is injected in the injector port of the column through which a carrier inert gas ows at the desired ow rate. The injection volume is decided based on whether it is gas or liquid sample and on the sensitivity of the detector. The column contains a stationary phase; the injector temperature is maintained in such a way that the sample, if in a liquid form is vaporized at the injector port. The vaporized sample ows through the column over the stationery phase when the sample comes in contact of the stationary phase some components which have stronger anity lag behind while some with less anity ow with the carrier. Hence at the detector port the component appears at dierent time interval. These times correspond to residence times of the respective components. Apart from the nature from a stationary phase, temperature of the column and carrier ow rate also strongly inuence the separation (or resolution) of the component. Hence one has to choose the right combination of these parameters while separating a given sample mixture. At the detector, component is detected and a voltage signal is generated that is proportional to the amount of component present in the sample. Flame ionization detector (FID) The component is burnt and the voltage signal is proportional to the concentration of ion generated. The continuous air (or oxygen) and hydrogen supply to this detector is essential for ame generation. This detector can only detect the component that burn (e.g. hydrocarbon). Hence non-burnable components such as water can not be analyzed using FID.

Figure 6.2: Schematic diagram of a Gas Chromatograph


Analysis of Samples

1. Take 2 mL of organic phase and lter it through a bed of sodium sulphate to remove the water from organic phase. 2. Inject (0.05 mL) sample of ltered organic phase 3. Prepare the calibration chart using authentic sample of styrene chlorohydrin.

Table 1: The variation of HOCl concentration with time Time (min) Temp ( C) pH Burette reading (ml) HOCl conc. (g/L)

Time (min) Temperature ( C) Start End Styrene: Rxn time Param. HOCl (vol) (min) studied Styrene Area % (from GC analysis) 2 SCH (3) 4 5 RPM Remarks


Yield of Styrene chlorohydrin is area of SCH in chromatogram 100% total area in chromatogram - area of SCH in chomratogram

1. Calculate the chlorine and NaOH requirements in the process? 2. What is the necessity of NaOH in the chlorine absorber? 3. List dierent parameters involved in the process that you would like to investigate to possibly obtain the better performance? 4. Can you think of any other gas - liquid or liquid ? liquid contactor that can be used for the reactions involved? Give the relative merits and demerits? 36

7 High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography

The objective of this experiment is to train you with the HPTLC instrument and measurement of concentrations of the components in the liquid mixtures.

Sample bottles, TLC plate, syringe, HPTLC applicator and scanner, etc.

Benzophenone, Benzhydrol, methanol, toluene, hexane, etc.

High performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) is an important technique for identication and separation of mixtures of organic compounds. It is used for following dierent situations: 1. Identication of components of a mixture (using appropriate standards) 2. Following the course of a reaction, 3. Analyzing fractions collected during purication, 4. Analyzing the purity of a compound. In TLC, components of the mixture are partitioned between an adsorbent (the stationary phase, usually silica gel) and a solvent (the mobile phase) which ows through the adsorbent. In TLC, a plastic, glass or aluminum sheet is coated with a thin layer of silica gel. A very small amount of a solution of the substance to be analyzed is applied in a small spot with a capillary tube, 1cm from the bottom of the TLC plate as shown in Figure 7.1-A. The TLC is developed in a chamber, which contains the developing solvent (the mobile phase). A truncated lter paper placed in the chamber serves to saturate the chamber with mobile phase. As the mobile phase rises up the TLC plate by capillary action, the components dissolve in the solvent and move up the TLC plate. Individual components move up at dierent rates, depending on intermolecular forces between the component and the silica gel stationary phase and the component and the mobile phase as shown in Figure 7.1-B. The stationary phase is hydrated SiO2 and is very "polar". It is capable of strong dipole-dipole and H-bond donating and accepting interactions with the "analytes" (the components being analyzed). More polar analytes interact more strongly with the stationary phase in move very slowly up the TLC plate. By comparison, the mobile phase is relatively nonpolar and is capable of interacting with analytes by stronger London forces, as well as by dipole-dipole and H-bonding. More nonpolar analytes interact less strongly with the polar silica gel and more strongly with the less polar mobile phase and move higher up the TLC plate. Once the solvent is within 1-2 cm of the top of the TLC sheet, the TLC is removed from the developing chamber and the farthest extent of the solvent (the solvent front) is marked with a pencil. 37

The solvent is allowed to evaporate from the TLC sheet in the hood. The spots are visualized using a UV lamp. (The TLC plates we will use contain a uorescent indicator, which "glows" green under 254 nm UV light. If a compound on the TLC absorbs that light, it will appear as a dark spot). These spots are shown in Figure 3. The center of the spots are located and marked with a pencil and the distances between the origin and the center of the spots are measured. The Rf is dened as the distance the center of the spot moved divided by the distance the solvent front moved (both measured from the origin). Rf values can be used to aid in the identication of a substance by comparison to standards. The Rf value is not a physical constant, and comparison should be made only between spots on the same sheet, run at the same time. Two substances that have the same Rf value may be identical; those with dierent Rf values are not identical.

Figure 7.1: Schematic diagram of HPTLC

1. Prepare the ve dierent concentrations of the benzophenone and benzhydrol in 2 mL of methanol or acetone. 38

2. Prepare the four dierent mixtures of both components (unknown compositions) in 2 mL methanol or acetone. 3. Prepare a TLC developing Chamber. Place a truncated lter paper in the jar so that when solvent is added the solvent will wick up the lter paper and saturate the chamber with solvent. 4. Add solvent to the jar to a depth of 1/2 cm. 5. Apply the spots of prepared solutions on the TLC plate (1 cm from the bottom of the plate) by using applicator. 6. In the rst ve lanes, spot pure benzophenone solution, middle ve lanes, spot your pure benzhydrol solution, and last four lanes, spot your unknown concentrations of liquid mixtures. (You may want to visualize your spots using the UV lamp to make sure you can see the spots before developing the TLC). 7. Develop your TLC in toluene and hexane (50:50) solvent system. When the solvent has migrated within 1-2 cm from the top of the plate, remove the TLC. Allow the solvent to evaporate from the TLC in the hood. 8. When your TLC is complete, empty the developing solvent into the waste jar in the hood. Remove the lter paper from the jar and place the open jar and the lter paper in your hood and allow the solvent to evaporate. DO NOT wash the jars with water or acetone. Simply allow the solvent to evaporate completely before reusing the jar for the next analysis. 9. Visualize your TLC under a UV lamp. 10. Analyze the TLC plate by using the scanner.

1. Present calibration curves of two components and concentrations of the two components in the given liquid mixtures. 2. What are the dierent chromatography methods? Explain each method in briey. 3. What are the advantages of the HPTLC method? 4. What are the dierent manual errors encounters in the analysis using the HPTLC method?


8 Metal Recovery from a Dilute Solution by an Electrochemical Method

Toxic heavy metal ions in wastewater can be reduced by electro deposition of metals at a cathode (Graphite) 1. Evaluate the current and energy consumption of the process. 2. Determine the reaction rate constant of the electro deposition reaction, its activation energy, and the eect of mass transfer on the rate constant. Perform the electrolysis experiment to reduce toxic metal ions (Cu++ ) from an initial concentration of 500 -1000 ppm to a low level acceptable for discharge as required by Pollution Control Board regulations. By measuring the concentration changes of the metal ion at various controlled anode-tocathode cell voltages, and water circulation rates, determine the reaction rate constant, its activation energy, and the eect of mass transport of metal ions on rate of electrodeposition reaction. By measuring the amount of metal recovered and the total electric charges used in the electrolysis, also calculate the current eciency ( ) and energy requirement of the process.

Electrolytic System and Data Analysis

In this experiment, a ow-through electrochemical cell is operated iin a recirculation mode.
Composition of Electrolyte

Copper sulphate (CuSO4 .5H2 O)- Cu++ = 500-1000 ppm Sodium sulphate (Na2 SO4 ) = 0.05M The cathodic and anodic reactions in the cells are
Cu++ + 2e Cu H2 O (1/2)O2 + 2H + 2e

(cathode) (anode)

The copper electro deposition is a rst-order reaction with respect to cupric ion concentration in the waste water. By assuming a uniform concentration throughout the solution tank and electrolytic cell, the concentration change of cupric ion at a given set of controlled anode-to-cathode cell voltage, wastewater circulation rate can be described by
C = exp(kat) C0


where C = concentration of cupric ion in waste water at time t, C0 = initial concentration of cupric ion, k = First order reaction rate constant for deposition of Cu2+ at cathode. a = A/Vsol , where A = total area of cathode (2 dm2 ), Vsol = volume of wastewater in the solution tank According to equation 8.1, a plot of ln C vs t yields a straight line, and the value of ka can be evaluated from the slope. The values of ka depend on ow rate of electrolyte, temperature and cathode potential. The cathode potential can be changed by varying the cell voltage. 40

The instantaneous current eciency (i ) of copper deposition reaction at a given electrolysis time can be evaluated by calculating the rate of change of cupric ion concentration, dC/dt, from experimental curve C vs t (sec) curve and by comparing the value to the current (I ), at the same electrolysis time, according to Faraday's law. Current eciency(i )% =
Vsol (dC/dt) 100 I/nF


Where F = 96500C/equiv, and n = number of electrons (2 equiv/mol). The average current eciency is obtained by comparing the mass of Cu recovered at the end of the experiment, Average Current eciency(av )% =
W (M/nF )

100 Idt


Where = Total electrolysis time in seconds and W = mass of copper deposited at the cathode.
W = Vsol (C0 Cf inal ) M = Atomic weight of copper (63.5g/mol).

The energy consumption per kg of copper recovered is calculated by integrating the current I and voltage curve with respect to the time according to, Energy (kWh/kg-metal) =
IEcell dt 3600 1000W


Where Ecell = cell voltage and W = weight of copper deposited (kg).

Experimental Method
The experimental setup is shown in Figure 8.1. Electrolyte containing 500-1000 ppm Cu2+ and 0.05M Na2 SO4 prepared in tap water is circulated through electrolytic cell at various ow rates. Electrolysis started by applying a constant anode-to-cathode cell voltage (2-6V) from DC power supply. Measure (1) cell current (I) in amperes,(2) Cell voltage (Volts), (3) cupric ion concentration either by spectrophotometer or simple titration with EDTA, and (4) solution pH by pH meter, at specic time intervals.

Results and Calculations

Experiment 1

Plot semi log plot of cupric ion concentration versus electrolysis time (sec) for controlled cell voltage and ow rate of electrolyte. Show that the concentration of cupric ion decreases logarithmically with the time as in equation 8.1. Calculate the eective volumetric reaction rate constant ka (sec1 ) from slope of the graph.


Cell voltage= (V), Flow rate = Cupric ion conc. (ppm) Time (sec)


Experiment 2 Reaction rate constant (ka): Plot ka versus cell voltage for series of runs at xed ow rate of electrolyte. Show that value of ka varied linearly with cell voltage as described by Ohm's law. This indicates ohmic resistance of the electrolyte played an important role in the copper deposition reaction. Change the cell voltage after 1800 sec intervals and measure ka.

Flow rate = l/sec Cell voltage (V) ka (sec1 ) 3 3.5 4 4.5

Experiment 3 Current eciency and Energy requirement: The main side reaction at the cathode is reduction of H2 O molecules to H2 gas and OH ions.
2H2 O + 2e = H2 + 2OH


The OH ions generated from the above reaction neutralizes the H ions and thus pH changes with time. Find instantaneous cathode current eciency (i ) and at end experiment nd the average current eciency (av ) by using equations 8.2 & 8.3 respectively. Also calculate the energy requirement by using formula 8.4. Flow rate = l/sec, Controlled cell voltage = V, Average Current = Amp, Average current eciency (a ) = Time (sec) inst. current eciency (i ) 1800 3600 5400 7200 42

Plot instantaneous cathode current eciency (i %) versus time, for a controlled cell voltage. The average current eciency (av ) can be calculated by integrating the i with respect to time and dividing the result with the total electrolysis time of an experimental run.
Experiment 4 Mass Transfer Aspects of Electrodeposition Reaction: For electrodeposition of metal from a dilute solution, the rate-controlling step is generally the transport of metal ions from the bulk solution to the cathode surface. Increasing the solution velocity near cathode enhances the mass transfer rate. Log-log plot of the eective volumetric reaction rate ka (sec1 ) versus ow rate of electrolyte should give a straight line. This linear relationship shows a strong mass transfer inuence on the rate of the copper deposition in the present system. But if the copper deposition reaction is controlled by mass transfer, the reaction rate constant would be expected to be independent of the cell voltage. The fact that ka increases with increase in both cell voltage and ow rate, this suggests that the copper deposition from dilute solution is under a mixed control of mass transfer and ohmic resistance of the electrolyte. Cell voltage = Volts, Average Current (I) = Amps

log ka (sec1 ) log ow rate

Estimation of Cu By Spectrophotometer

1. Switch on the Spectrophotometer DR/2010, Press I/O. Wait for the self-test to nish 2. Enter the program no. 984, Press "Enter" key. 3. Adjust the wave length as displayed (810nm) by rotating the knob on right hand side of instrument. 4. Place Zero or Blank sample vial in cell compartment put the vial cover. 5. Press "Zero" key. 6. Now replace the blank solution vial with the vial containing unknown Cu2+ solution, 7. Place the vial cover, and press "Read" key. 8. Spectrophotometer will display the concentration of Cu2+ in ppm.


By EDTA titration method

1. Pipette out 20 ml of electrolyte from cell outlet in 250ml conical ask. 2. Add few drops of ammonia (1 - 1.5 ml) till solution turns deep blue. 3. Add 20 ml of distilled water. 4. Add 4-5 drops of aqueous solution of Fast Sulphon Black-F indicator. 5. Titrate against 0.01M/0.05M EDTA solution. 6. End point of titration is when colour changes from blue to green. 7. 1ml of 0.01mol EDTA = 0.6354mg of Cu. 8. If EDTA is 0.05M,then 1 ml of 0.05M EDTA = 3.177mg of Cu Reference: Chemical Engineering Education, 2002, Page 144-155

Figure 8.1: Electrolytic Cell for Copper Recovery from a Dilute Solution


9 Electrosynthesis of Manganese (III) Acetate in a Packed Bed Reactor

The use of metal ion catalysts for oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons is well established. Manganese (III) ion, which is one of the metal ion catalysts, has a special signicance because of its use as oxidizing agent for the synthesis of organic compounds. The manganese (III) ion is generally used in the form of acetate. The manganic acetate [(CH3 CO2 )3 Mn.2H2 O] can be regenerated from, manganous acetate [(CH3 CO2 )2 Mn.4H2 O] by common oxidizing agents such as, Potassium permanganate, peracid, and lead (IV) oxide. More attractively, however, it can be generated electrolytically, there by, obviating the use of additional chemicals.

To study Eect of, 1) ow rate of electrolyte, 2) Current density, and 3) bath composition in electrolytic preparation of Mn(III) acetate in laboratory.

The packed-bed reactor as shown in Figure-9.1 is for electro-synthesis of Mn (III) acetate. A known composition of electrolyte is introduced into the reactor from the bottom, by peristaltic pump. When required ow rate adjusted and current is supplied to the cell.

Figure 9.1: 1) Electrolytic cell, 2 & 3) Inlet & Outlet for electrolyte 4) Perforated Graphite anode, 5) Carbon Particulates, 6) Perforated Ti, cathode, 7) DC Source At a particular intervals the out is collected and Mn (III) is routinely determined either by UV spectrophotometry at 456nm, a wave length where only Mn(III) is absorbed, or by treating with measured excess of ferrous ammonium sulphate solution and back titration with standard potassium dichromate solution. 45

Electrolytic Reaction

The regenerative oxidation occurs at the anode according to the reaction:

M n(II) M n(III) + e


As a competing reaction oxygen is evolved,

2OH (1/2)O2 + H2 O + 2e


The reaction occurring at the cathode is,

H + + e (1/2)H2


Experimental Procedure
Prepare the following solution of known composition, about 100-200ml 1. 2. 3. 4. Mn(II) acetate.4H2O Sodium Acetate Acetic acid (Conc.) Water 80-100mM 400-470mM 90-95% 10-5%

1. Take 15-20 carbon particulates. Find the surface area of about 5-6 particulates. Find average area. (dl + 2r2 ) 2. Introduce carbon particles in electrolytic reactor. These particles will rest on perforated graphite anode. Introduce perforated Titanium Cathode from the top of reactor, so that it should not touch carbon particles. 3. Start the peristaltic pump. Allow to ow the solution. (usually ow rate is 1 ml/min to 5 ml/min) 4. Pass the current. Collect the outlet solution; nd the concentration of Mn (III) acetate either by titration method or by spectrophotometer.

Observations and Calculations

Experiment 1: Eect of current density on current eciency

Given: 1) Bath Composition: 2) Flow rate = 2 ) Time (sec) Current density (mA cm Current eciency % 1800 3600 5400 7200


Experiment 2: Eect of ow rate on current eciency

Given: 1) Bath Composition: 2) Current density (mA/cm2 ) = Time (sec) Flow rate (ml/min) Current eciency % 1800 3600 5400 7200
Calculation of current eciency

Current eciency Ce () = 100cF/It t, where c is the amount of Mn (III) acetate (mol), It is the total current in ampere, F is Faraday constant (Amp./mol/e), E is applied voltage, M is Molar mass of Mn (III) acetate (kg/mol), t is the electrolysis period in seconds, n is the number of electrons involved in electrode reaction The Energy consumption Ec can be calculated as
Ec = nF E/M Ce

Estimation of Mn(III) by back titration

1. Pipette out known volume of electrolyte. 2. Add known volume of (in excess) 0.1N Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate 3. Add 1-2 ml of conc. sulphric acid & 1-5drops of N-phenyl anthranalic acid as indicator. 4. Titrate against 0.1N Potassium dichromate. 5. Colour change is from green to violet red.
UV Spectrophotometric method

At wavelength 456 nm only Mn (III) absorbs. Prepare a calibration chart for various known concentrations of Mn (III) solution. Find the unknown Concentration.


10 Hydrodynamics of packed columns

To study the pressure drop and ooding characteristics in a packed column.

Chemical engineering operations commonly involve the use of packed and uidized beds. These are devices in which a large surface area for contact between a liquid and a gas (absorption, distillation) or a solid and a gas or liquid (adsorption, catalysis) is obtained for achieving rapid mass and heat transfer, and particularly in the case of uidized beds, catalytic chemical reactions. You will nd a good deal of information about ow through packed and uidized beds in the book by McCabe and Smith and Perry's Handbook (1997). Here, we can discuss the experimental analysis to nd out pressure drop and ooding characteristics in a packed column. A typical packed bed is a cylindrical column that is lled with a suitable packing material. The liquid is distributed as uniformly as possible at the top of the column and ows downward, wetting the packing material. A gas is admitted at the bottom, and ows upward, contacting the liquid in a countercurrent fashion. An example of a packed bed is an absorber. Here, the gas contains some carrier species that is insoluble in the liquid (such as air) and a soluble species such as carbon dioxide or ammonia. The soluble species is absorbed in the liquid, and the lean gas leaves the column at the top. The liquid rich in the soluble species is taken out at the bottom. From a uid mechanical perspective, the most important issue is that of the pressure drop required for the liquid or the gas to ow through the column at a specied ow rate. To calculate this quantity we rely on a friction factor correlation attributed to Ergun. Other uid mechanical issues involve the proper distribution of the liquid across the cross-section, and developing models of the velocity prole in the liquid lm around a piece of packing material so that heat/mass transfer calculations can be made. Design of packing materials to achieve uniform distribution of the uid across the cross-section throughout the column is an important subject as well. Here, we only focus on the pressure drop issue. Pressure drop for the dry packing is calculated by
P gc 3 dp g A(1 ) = +B 2 Re Z(1 )G


where P = pressure drop, lb./in.2 , or psi; Z = depth of the packed bed, ft.; G = V = gas velocity, lb./hr.-ft.2 g = uid density, lb/ft3 . ( = uid viscosity, lb./hr.-ft.(centipoise 2.42 = lb./hr.-ft.) (centistokes 0.3876 density, lb./ft.3 = lb./hr.-ft.)). dp = eective particle diameter, ft. = interparticle void fraction, dimensionless gc = acceleration of gravity (32.2 ft/s2 . Pressure drops are correlated in terms of (P/L), the pressure drop per unit length of packing. The term, (P/L), is usually expressed as "psi per foot of packing". Pressure drop in the irrigated packing as continuous range:
G2 P = m 108 10(nL /l ) Z g dp = 6(1 ) ap

(10.2) (10.3)

where packing surface ap is in (m2 /m3 ). 48

Experimental procedure
1. Check that the liquid in all the manometers is at the equal levels. 2. Dry Packing Pressure Drop: (a) Introduce the air into the column at a low ow rate without the liquid ow. Allow the gas to run for 5 to 10 minutes till the liquid columns in the manometers are stabilized. Record the pressure drop across the packing P in the manometer C and air ow rate in the manometer A. (b) Increase the air ow rate and again record P vs. gas ow rate. Take minimum six reading by increasing the gas ow rate, covering the whole range in the manometer C. 3. Pressure Drop in the Irrigated Packing: (a) Stop the gas ow and ll the water in the column to be completely submerged and wet the packing. Allow the air bubbles to escape. When the packing is completely wet drain o the water. (b) Adjust a small water ow rate and allow it to run for a few minutes. Introduce the air at a small ow rate. Allow the system to come to steady state and take the readings, in the manometer. (c) Increase the gas rate while keeping the liquid rate same and record the manometer readings. A minimum six gas rates covering the whole gas ow range have to be taken for each liquid rate. (d) Cut o the air ow and again repeat the procedure 3a, 3b and 3c for an increased liquid rate. This procedure has to be repeated for at least ve liquid ow rates covering the whole range of the manometer. 4. Measurement of the packing properties: (a) Measure the height of the packing (Z ) by a scale. (b) Column diameter: Fill the water in the column and rain a measured empty height in a measuring cylinder. The column in diameter D can be calculated. (c) Void fraction: Fill the column with the water so as to completely submerge the packing. Drain the water and collect the water volume drained as the water level falls from the top to bottom of the packing. Calculate the void fraction ( ) from this. (d) Measure the geometrical dimensions of the packing and calculate ap and other important packing properties. 5. Observation and data presentation: (a) Data from the literature: (For the packing:)
(1) (2) = ap / (wet packed) =

(b) Calibration data of ow rate vs. P to be provided. (c) P/Z vs. G, with L parameter. 49

Liquid ow (kg/hr.m2 ) Gas ow (kg/hr.m2 P/Z L0 min gas rate kg/cm2 /m L1 (min 5 ow rates) 6. Calculate and report the following: Height of the packing Z (m): Calculate column diameter D (cm): Void fraction : Types of the packing: Nominal packing diameter Height of other geometrical dimensions: Packing surface = ap : Packing factor (from literature and calculated):

Conclusions and Comments

1. Plot (P/Z ) vs. G on a log-log plot with L including L = 0 as parameter. Report the slope of (P/Z ) vs. G and compare with that in equations 10.1 and 10.2. 2. From (P/Z ) vs. G plots identify and report (a) The ooding and loading points (b) Critical liquid ow rate. 3. With the L and G values at the ooding point found in 10.2 with the help of generalized correlation: a
log L G g l

vs log

p G 2 3 0.2 l gc g l

Here L is the liquid mass ux (lbm/ft2 s) based on the area of the empty column, G is the gas mass ux (lbm/ft2 s), g is the gas density (lbm/ft3 ), l is the liquid mass density (lbm/ft3 ), l is the liquid viscosity (centipoises), and gc is the acceleration of gravity (32.2 ft/s2 ). Note that Y is not dimensionless ap is a packing surface factor found in Perry Table 18-5 (ft1 ), Calculate the dynamic (ap / 3 ), and compare with the values calculatedand reported in the literature. 4. Give your comments on the results and possible sources of errors and precautions.

Sample calculation of Pressure drop

We have a plot in which the abscissa X is X = (L /G )(g /l )0.5 and the ordinate Y is = [G 2 (ap / 3 )0.2 ]/(g l gc ) (see Perry's Handbook (Fifth Edition, Figure 18-39)). As an example, consider an air ow rate of 6.0 ft3 /min at STP, a water ow rate of 1200 g/s, and a column ID of 4 inches (corresponding to a column area of 0.0872 ft2 ),
G = ((6 29)/(359 60))(1/0.0872) = 0.0926lbm/ft2 s


L = 1200/(453.6 60 0.0872) = 0.506lbm/ft2 s = 1.0 centipoise, Fp = 1000 (1/ft), = 1, l = 62.3 lbm/ft3 , g = (29/359)(273.2/298.2) = 0.0740

lbm/ft3 and X = (0.506/0.0926)(0.0740/62.3)0.5 = 0.188, Y = (0.09262 1000 10.2)/(0.074 62.3 32.2) = 0.0578 Based on Figure 18-39 in Perry, the gas phase pressure drop per foot of packing is about 1.40 inches of water. If the packing height is 30 inches the predicted pressure drop is 3.5 inches of water.

1. Perry, J. H., Editor. Chemical Engineers Handbook, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill Book Company, pp. 21-19 (1973). 2. McCabe and Smith. Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 3rd Edition, pp. 709- 715 (1976).


11 Dierential Distillation
To verify the Rayleigh's equation for a dierential distillation in a binary system

In the case of a dierential distillation, the vapour at any time is in equilibrium with the liquid from which it rises but changes continuously in the composition. Thus, the mathematical approach used must be dierential. Assume that L mol of liquid in the still of composition x mol fraction A and that an amount dD mol of distillate is vaporized, of mol fraction y in equilibrium with the liquid.
Material Balance

The rate of depletion of liquid is equal to the rate of distillate output. The instantaneous rate of depletion of a component in the liquid is therefore, In - out = accumulation
0 dD = dL


Taking balance on more volatile component,

0 y dD = d(Lx) 0 y dD = xdL + Ldx y dL = xdL + Ldx

(11.2) (11.3) (11.4) (11.5)

Therefore rearrangement gives,


dL = L

xF xW

dx x

This equation can be integrated to get the following form which is called the Rayleigh's Equation,
ln F = W
xF xW

dx x


where, F = moles of feed of composition xF , W = moles of residual liquid of composition xW , W and xw can be obtained by material balance,
F =D+W F xF = DxD + W xW

(11.7) (11.8)

The integral in eqn. 11.5 can be solved analytically (provided the relationship between y and x is available) or graphically (calculating the area under the curve for the plot of 1/(y x) vs x.



Figure 11.1: Schematic of the setup

1. Prepare a calibration plot of mole fraction (x) vs. refractive index (h) of pure components A and B . 2. Weigh 8 nos. of tagged stoppered conical asks. 3. Start the ow of water through the condenser. 4. Fill 3/4th (approx. 300 ml) volume of the distillation ask with a mixture of A and B of known composition (xF ). The mixture is weighed (w) before charging in the distillation ask. 5. Start heating at a slow rate. When the mixture starts boiling, collect the distillate in a weighed 50 ml ask. After approximately 30 ml of the distillate has been collected, remove the ask and collect next 8 to 10 drops of the distillate in tagged test-tube and then put another ask for the collection of the distillate. This procedure should be repeated for collecting 8 distillate samples. 6. Measure the refractive indices (RI) of the samples collected in the test-tubes (1t , 2t ,...,12t ). Weigh the samples collected in the conical asks (w1 , w2 ... w12 ). Measure the RI of the bulk from each of the asks (eta1b , eta2b , ..., 12b ).

Observations and Calculations

Data from the literature

1. Moelcular weights of A and B . 2. Refractive indices of A and B . 3. Densities of A and B . 4. Vapour liquid equilibrium data for A and B at atmospheric pressure. 53

Calibration data for mole fraction vs. RI

S.N. Mole fraction of A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

1. Calculate D (amount of distillate) (from weighed 30 ml sample) and xD (distillate composition) (from refractive index of 30 ml sample) for each sample. 2. Calculate W (amount of residue still left in the ask) and xW (composition of residue) using Eqn. 11.7 and 11.8 for each fraction. 3. Calculate y (vapor phase composition) for each sample (from Refractive index of 8 drops collected.) 4. Calculate x (liquid phase composition in equilibrium with y ) using Raoult's law. 5. Complete the following Table. S.N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6. Calculate ln(F/W ) = ln(F/W )1 + ln(F/W )2 + ... + ln(F/W )8 54
F xF D xD W xW y x ln(F/W )i 1/(y x)

7. Plot 1/(y x) vs x and measure the area under the curve. 8. Now verify Eqn. 11.6. 9. Calculate % Error =
ln(F/W )
xF xw

dx/(y x)

ln(F/W )



12 Distillation with Total Reux

To determine the overall eciency of the plate column, operating under total reux for a binary system and number of transfer units for a packed column.

Overall eciency = Fenske's equation is
log NM + 1 = av =

Number of theoretical stages Number of actual stages


log av top bottom

(12.2) (12.3)

NM = number of theoretical stages at total reux, and av = average relative volatility.

1. Prepare a calibration chart of refractive index (RI) vs. mole fractions of components A and B. 2. Fill approximately 2/3rd volume of the distillation ask with a mixture of A and B . 3. Start water circulation through the condenser. 4. Close the bottom sample "draw out" cock to prevent the overow of liquid through the sample line during the experiment. Open the top sample "draw out" cock to allow the air to escape when the heating is started. Switch on the heating mantle and allow the ask temperature to rise. 5. When the vapours rise to the top of the column, close the top "draw out" cock and increase the heating rate if necessary. After about 30 min, note the top and the bottom temperatures. If some milky liquid appears near the top "draw out" or the sample line, drain it in a small conical ask and discard. This could be due to the formation of emulsion of the organic liquid with moisture. 6. When the top and the bottom temperatures become steady (based on two successive readings taken at 10 min time interval) it indicates that the system has attained steady state and the samples may be withdrawn. 7. 2 to 4 ml of top sample is collected in a test-tube after purging o some quantity. The test-tube should be immediately closed to avoid losses. Determine the RI of the sample. 8. Count the number of actual plates in the column.


Figure 12.1: Schematic of the setup


Apparatus Observations
Data from the literature

1. Moelcular weights of A and B . 2. Refractive indices of A and B at ambient temperature. 3. Densities of A and B at ambient temperature.
Calibration data for mole fraction vs. RI

S.N. Mole fraction of A



1. Number of actual stages in the column. 2. Top temperature( C) 3. Bottom temperature ( C) 4. RI of top and bottom samples 5. Mole fraction of top sample (XD ) 6. Mole fraction of residue (XB )

1. Calculate the number of stages (theoretical) by McCabe Thiele method and calculate the overall eciency by equation 12.1. 2. Calculate the number of stages by Enthalpy-Composition method and calculate the eciency by equation 12.1. 3. Calculate the number of stages by Fenske's equation (equations 12.2 and 12.3 and calculate the eciency by equation 12.1. 4. Calculate number of transfer units (NTU) for a packed column.


dy y

5. Comment on the precaution and the sources of error.


13 Gas-Liquid Absorption
1. Study hydrodynamic characteristics of packed columns. 2. Determine ooding characteristics of columns with three dierent packing. 3. Estimate mass transfer coecient for absorption of ammonia into water.

Packed columns are used in chemical industry to absorb a gas from a mixture of gases or strip a volatile substance from a liquid. The columns are, usually, countercurrent gas-liquid contactors in which gas ows upward and liquid downward. To provide large interfacial area for mass transfer between gas and liquid, the columns are lled with packing. Design of the column involves estimation of diameter of the column and height of the packing required for specied separation. The diameter is determined from ooding characteristics of the column and, the height is found from mass transfer characteristics of the packing and the gas-liquid system. Flooding depends on pressure drop across the column, it being higher at the bottom and lower at the top to allow the gas to ow upward. The gas ow is usually turbulent and in a dry column, the pressure drop rises with gas ow with an exponent of 1.8 to 2.0 - a typical feature of turbulent ow. The pressure drop rises with an increasing ow of liquid because liquid lls up the column and the space for gas ow is reduced. Up to the loading point, the pressure drop follows the same relation as in dry run. Beyond the loading point, the pressure drop rises rapidly with gas ow and the liquid hold up in the column also rises. Eventually, at the ooding point, the pressure drop rises drastically and the liquid may splash back from the column. The gas velocity corresponding to the ooding point is called ooding velocity and the column is operated at some fraction of this velocity, say 60%. Tower height is determined by packing characteristics, namely, interfacial area, mass transfer coefcient of the gas-liquid system and extent of separation. Refer to Cussler (1984) for derivation of governing equation for tower height.

Experimental Set-up
Figure 13.1 shows the experimental apparatus. It consists of three glass columns, each of 5 cm internal diameter and one meter packed height. Each column is packed with a dierent packing (Raschig Rings, Pall rings and Intalox saddles). Examine the gas and liquid connections made to the columns. Gas and liquid should ow through only one column at a time. The pressure drop across the column is recorded with a dierential pressure transmitter, which is connected to the computer (note that there is no read out for the transmitter). Air and ammonia ows are adjusted with rotameters; the two streams are mixed to produce a mixture of specied concentration (work with dilute concentrations, less than 5% ammonia). Liquid ow is manipulated with a peristaltic pump, which can be controlled by a computer. The temperature of the column is obtained with an RTD connected to the computer. The dissolved ammonia gas concentration is measured by Ion Selective Electrode instrument for ammonia. 59

Figure 13.1: Experimental Apparatus for studying hydrodynamics of a packed column and ammonia absorption



First, study dry-run pressure drop by owing only air through one of the columns. Set air ow at 10 LPM and work your way up by raising it in increments of 10 LPM. Record the pressure drop for all air ows. Then, allow liquid to ow into the column and measure the pressure drop for increasing ow rates of gas. Use ve dierent liquid ows starting from about 1.5 - 5 LPM. For each liquid ow, raise the gas ow slowly in increments of 10 LPM and record pressure drops. Repeat the above procedure for the other two packings.
Mass transfer

The packed height of the columns is one meter. From the equation given below, nd HTU and then mass transfer coecient for air/ammonia mixture and water system. Use mass balance to estimate gas phase concentration of ammonia in the outlet.

It should include objectives, description of experimental apparatus, raw data and analysis of ooding and mass transfer.


14 Thermal Conductivity of Insulating Powder

Thermal conductivity is one of the important properties of the materials and its knowledge is required for analyzing heat conduction problems. Physical meaning of the thermal conductivity is how quickly heat passes through a given material. Thus the determination of this property is of considerable engineering importance. There are various methods of determination of thermal conductivity suitable for dierent materials. The present apparatus is suitable for nding out thermal conductivity of materials in the powdered form.

Consider the transfer of heat by conduction through the wall of a hollow sphere formed by insulating powdered layer packed between two thin copper spheres. Let ri = radius of inner sphere in meters. ro = radius of outer sphere in meters. Ti = surface temperature of the inner sphere, C To = surface temperature of the outer sphere, C Being a thin surface and copper, which is highly conductive, the thermal resistance of both the surfaces is neglected. Applying Fourier Law of heat conduction for thin spherical layer of radius r and thickness dr with temperature dierence dT , the heat transfer rate,
Q = K 4r2 dT dr


where K = thermal conductivity (W/m C), and Q = heat transfer rate (W). Separating variables,
q dr = dT 4K r2

Integrating from ri to ro and Ti and To

q= 4kri ro (Ti To ) ri ro


From the experimental values of q , Ti and To the unknown thermal conductivity K , can be determined as, q(ro ri ) K= (14.3)
4ri ro (Ti To )

Apparatus and Specications

The apparatus consists of two thin walled concentric copper spheres. The inner surface houses the heating coil. The insulating powder is packed between the two shells. The power supply to heating coil is adjusted by using a dimmerstat and is measured by voltmeter and ammeter. Thermocouples are used to measure the temperatures (Ti and To ). Under steady state conditions the temperatures are noted and also the Voltmeter, Ammeter readings are recorded. These reading in turn enable to nd out the thermal conductivity of the insulating powder packed between two shells. We assume the insulating powder as an isotropic material and the value of the thermal conductivity to be constant. One dimensional heat conduction in the radial is assumed across the powder layer and thermal conductivity can be determined as above under steady state conditions. 62


Radius of the inner copper sphere, ri = 50 mm Radius of the outer copper sphere, ro = 100 mm Voltmeter - 0 to 200 volts Ammeter - 0 to 2 Amps. Temperature Indicator - 0 to 300 C Dimmerstat 0 to 2 A , 0 to 230 V Heater Coil- strip heating element Sandwiched between mica sheets.

Experimental Procedure
1. Make the necessary electrical connections and give AC input to supply mains. 2. Keep the heat input constant through out the experiment at various values by adjusting the dimmerstat, from 20 to 200 volts. 3. Wait till a satisfactory steady state condition is reached. 4. Note down the readings in the observation table as given below. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Voltmeter reading (V ) = Volts Ammeter reading (I ) = Amps. Heater Input (V I ) = Watts Temperature of Inner sphere Ti = C Temperature of outer sphere To = C

5. Heat transfer rate, q = V I Watts The observations and results are tabulated and repeated for dierent wattages.


15 Heat Transfer by Combined Natural Convection and Radiation

In many engineering problems a surface losses or receives thermal energy simultaneously by convection and radiation. For example, when a hot body is exposed to its surroundings at a lower temperature, it loses heat both by convection and radiation and the two mechanisms of heat transfer act in parallel. The total rate of heat transfer is the same of the heat transfer rates by convection and radiation as given by
4 4 q = qc + qr = hc A(Ts Ta ) + A(Ts Ta )


= heat transfer rates by convection and radiation A = heat transfer area of the body. = average convection heat transfer coecient either natural convection hc or forced convection or both depending on the prevailing conditions = Surface temperature of the body Ts Ta = Ambient temperature = emissivity of the surface s = Stefan-Boltzman constant of radiation Equation 15.1 can also be written as
q = (hc + hr )(Ts Ta ) A

where qc , qr


where hr = radiation heat transfer coecient

hr = qr = A(Ts Ta )
4 s (Ts 4 Ta ) Ts Ta


Heat Transfer COecient for Natural Convection

The heat transfer coecient for natural convection on vertical planes and cylinders is given by
Nu = hc L = c[Gr P r]n = C(Ra)n K


where N u = hc L/K = Nusselt number, Gr = (L3 2 gT )/2 = Grasho number, P r = Cp /L = Prandtl number, Ra = GrP r = Raleigh number. Notation: L = length, = density, = viscosity, = coecient of thermal expansion, = 1/T for gases (T is in K), cp = specic heat, K = conductivity. For Rayleigh Number between 104 and 109 , equation 15.4 is given by
Nu = hc L = 0.59[Gr.P r]0.25 K



The physical properties of the uid to be used in eq. 15.5, should be evaluated at the lm temperature. The lm temperature is dened as
Tf = Ts + Ta 2


where Ts = Surface temperature, Ta = Free stream temperature (i.e. the temperature outside the boundary layer ), Ambient Temperature.

Total Heat Transfer

When a body is heated to a certain temperature and allowed to cool, then the rate of heat transfer (or loss) to the surroundings at any time can be written as
q = mcp dT d


where m = mass of the body in kg, cp = specic heat of the body, T = temperature in K, t = time in s. Under the condition of Natural Convection and radiation, the total rate of heat loss as given by eq. 15.7 is equal to eqs. 15.1 & 15.2.

Experiemtnal Procedure
Determine the mass of the cylinder and its surface area of for heat transfer. Heat the metallic cylinder to about 350 C. Support the heated cylinder on a wooden stand with the help of three glass rods. As soon as the temperature falls to 300 C, start recording the temperature at intervals of 5 minutes till the surface temperature reaches about 100 C.

Plot temperature versus time graph, nd out the slope at the required temperature, and calculate total heat loss from equation 15.7. Knowing natural convective heat transfer coecient from Eq. 15.5 the rate of heat transfer due to radiation and radiation heat transfer coecient hr can be calculated from Eq. 15.2. From knowledge of hr , the emissivity of the surface s can be calculated from eq. 15.3. Perform the calculation as a function of temperature between 100 to 300 C.

Physical properties of Air at 1 atm pressure T (K) (kg/m3 cp (kJ/kg C 105 (kg/m s) 300 1.1774 1.0057 1.8462 350 0.9980 1.0090 2.075 400 0.8826 1.0140 2.286 450 0.7833 1.0207 2.484 Metal brass cylinder, D = 5.1 cm, H =7.65 cm, W = 1.28 kg Specic Heat (Brass) 0.091 kcal /kg C Ambient Air temperature Ta = Room Temperature 65 K 0.02624 0.03003 0.03365 0.03787

0.708 0.697 0.689 0.683

16 Boiling and Condensation Studies

Boiling and condensation are vital links in the transfer of heat from hot to cold regions in countless applications, e.g. thermal and nuclear power generation in steam plants, refrigeration, rening, heat transmission, etc.

1. BOILING: When a liquid at saturation temperature is in contact with the surface of a solid (usually metal) at a higher temperature, heat is transferred to the liquid and a phase change (evaporation) of some of the liquid occurs. The nature and the rate of this heat transfer changes considerably as the temperature dierence between the metal surface and the liquid is increased. Although "boiling" is a common process, the production of vapor bubbles is a very interesting and complex process. Due to surface tension, the vapor inside a bubble must be at a higher pressure than the surrounding liquid. The pressure dierence increases as the diameter of the bubble decreases, and is insignicant when the bubble is large. However, when the bubble is minute, an appreciable pressure dierence exists. The pressure inside the bubble is the vapor pressure corresponding with the saturation temperature. Thus when no bubbles exist (or are very small) it is possible for the liquid temperature in the region of the heat transfer surface to be well above the temperature of the bulk of the liquid. (This will be close to the saturation temperature corresponding with the pressure at the free liquid vapor interface). The formation of bubbles normally associated with boiling is inuenced by the foregoing. 2. CONVECTIVE BOILING: When the heating surface temperature is slightly hotter than the saturation temperature of the liquid, the excess vapor pressure is unlikely to produce bubbles. The locally warmed liquid expands and convection currents carry it to the liquid vapor interface where evaporation takes place, and thermal equilibrium is restored. Thus in this mode, evaporation takes place at small temperature dierences and with no bubble formation. 3. NUCLEATE BOILING: As the surface becomes hotter, the excess of vapor pressure over local liquid pressure increases and eventually bubbles are formed. These occur at nucleating points or cavities in the surface, which form the nucleus for the formation of a bubble. As soon as a bubble is formed, it expands rapidly as the warmed liquid evaporates into it. The buoyancy detaches the bubble from the surface and another starts to form. Nucleate boiling is characterized by vigorous bubble formation and turbulence. Exceptionally high heat transfer rates and heat transfer coecients with moderate temperature dierences occur in nucleate boiling, and in practical applications the boiling is nearly always in this mode. 4. FILM BOILING: Above the critical surface -liquid temperature dierence it is found that the heating surface becomes "Vapor locked" and the liquid is unable to wet the surface. When this happens there is considerable reduction in heat transfer rate and if the heat input to the metal is not immediately reduced to match the lower ability of the surface to transfer heat, the metal temperature will rise until radiation from the surface plus the limited lm boiling heat transfer, is equal to energy input. 66

If the energy input is in the form of work (including electrical energy) there is no limit to the temperature which can rise until a failure or a "burnt out" occurs. If the source is radiant energy from, for example, a combustion process, a similar failure can occur, and many tube failures in the radiant action of advanced boilers are attributed to this cause. Immersion heaters must obviously design with sucient area so that the heat ux never exceeds the critical value. The consequence of a "burn out" in a nuclear power plant will be readily appreciated. 5. CONDENSING HEAT TRANSFER: Condensing of a vapor onto a cold surface may be "lmwise" or "dropwise". When lmwise condensation occurs, the surface is completely wetted by the condensate and condensation is onto the outer layer of the liquid lm the heat passing through the lm and into the surface largely by conduction. By treating a surface with a suitable compound, it may be possible to promote "dropwise" condensation. When this occurs the surface is not wetted by the liquid and the surface becomes covered with the beads of liquid which coalesce to form drops which then fall away leaving the surface bare for a repetition of the action. Heat transfer coecients with dropwise condensation are higher than with lmwise owing to the absence of the liquid lm.


Dimensions of the heating surface Eective length = 29.5 mm Diameter = 12.7 mm Surface area = 0.0013 m2 (including area of end) Condenser surface area = 0.032 m2 Maximum permitted surface Temperature = 220 C Heater Cut-out Temperature = 170 C Fluid: RII Trichloro-uoromethane CCl3 F (NO OTHER FLUID SHOULD BE USED) Quantity of uid: (Liquid level to be not less than 50 mm above heating element) Approximately 0.55 L Heat Transfer to surroundings from the chamber = 0.8 WK1 Dimensions of glass chamber: Nominal diameter = 80 mm Length = 300 mm Volume = 0.0015 m3 Specic Heat capacity of water = 4.18 KJ kg1 K1 1 bar = 105 Nm2 = 100 KNm2

The panel consists the chamber with thick walled glass cylinder (80 mm bore 300 mm long), with nickel plated brass end plates. The chamber houses the heating element and the condenser. The heating element with 300 Watt "High watt density cartridge heater swaged into a thick walled copper sleeve to give a uniform surface temperature. Eective heating surface area is approximately 13 cm2 . The condenser with 9 coils nickel plated copper tube if mean surface area approximately 0.032 m2 . Besides the chamber, Voltmeter and Ammeter to measure electrical input to the heating element, ranges 0 to 250 volts and 0 to 3 A respectively and Variable Transformer to give innitely variable heat input to the heating element. Charging and Drain valve tted to lower end plate-to charge or discharge R11. Single Point Digital temperature indicator with 10 C resolution indicates the 67

temperature of the surface of the heating element. There is a long glass thermometer (0 to 50 C and 150 mm) to measure (i) Water inlet and outlet temperatures (ii) R11 liquid temperature and (iii) R11 vapor temperature. On the left corner of the panel, pressure Gauge ranging from -100 to +250 KN m2 gauge to indicate pressure in chamber. On the right side of the panel, Water ow meter, tapered glass tube with stainless steel oat and control valves, range 0 to 50.


A high "Watt density" electric heating element in a copper sleeve submerged in Rll liquid is mounted horizontally in a vertical glass cylinder. The temperature of the copper sleeve is measured by a thermocouple and digital indicator. The electric input to the heater may be varied from 0 to approximately 300 watts by a variable transformer, the actual heat transfer rate being obtained from the product of the Voltmeter and Ammeter readings. A controller incorporated in the temperature indicator switches o electric input if the temperature of the heating surface exceeds a pre-set value. At the upper end of the cylinder is nickel plated coil of a copper tube through which cooling water ows. This coil condenses the Rll vapor produced by the heat input and the liquid formed returns to the bottom of the cylinder for re-evaporation. A cooling water ow meter used in conjunction with glass thermometers measuring the cooling water temperature, enables the rate of heat transfer at the condenser to be measured. Glass thermometers are also mounted inside the glass cylinder to indicate the temperature of Rll liquid and vapor.


Visual Demonstration of Convective, Nucleate and Film Boiling (Three Modes of Boiling) Turn on the electrical and water supplies and adjust both to low settings. Allow the digital thermometer to stabilize. Observe this and the liquid temperature at frequent intervals. Carefully watch the liquid surroundings the heater. Convection currents will be observed, and at the same time liquid will be seen to collect and drip on the condenser coils, indicating that evaporation is proceeding although at a low rate. Increase the wattage in increments, keeping the vapor pressure at any desired constant value by adjusting the cooling water ow rate. Nucleate Boiling will soon start and will increase until vigorous boiling is seen, the temperature dierences between the liquid and the metal being still quite moderate (200K). Increase the power input and at between 200 and 300 watts the nature of the boiling will be seen to change dramatically and at the same time the metal and liquid temperature dierence rise quickly. The rate of evaporation falls to a low level and the water ow rate must be reduced to maintain a steady pressure. The electrical input should be now reduced to about 60 watts. Careful examination of the heater surface will show that it is now enveloped in an almost unbroken lm of vapor and this is the cause of the reduced heat transfer rate. The electrical power input should be now reduced to zero. It will be found that as the metal-liquid temperature dierence falls to about 40 K the boiling suddenly becomes vigorous as lm boiling reverts to nucleate boiling.


The lmwise condensation which occurs with Rll can be clearly seen, and the resistance oered by the liquid is readily appreciated. The overall heat transfer coecient between the condensing vapor 68

and water may be found as follows: Adjust the voltage and the water ow rate until the desired pressure and condensing rate is established. When conditions are stable, note the water ow rate (mw), water inlet and outlet temperatures (Ti , To ) and the saturation temperature of Rll (Ts ), Voltage (E ) and Current (I ).

Heat transfer rate of cooling coil,
Qw = Mw Cp (Ti To )

(16.1) (16.2)

Heat transfer rate from heater

Qe = E I

Heat transfer to surroundings (by dierence) = Qe Qw Log mean temperature dierence,

m = 1 2 ln 1 2

(16.3) (16.4) (16.5) (16.6)

1 = Ts Ti 2 = Ts To

Overall heat transfer coecient


Qw Am

Where A = surface area of the condenser.


For the horizontal tube, condensation coecients is given by
Co = h( 2 1/3 ) = 1.51Re1/3 k 3 2 g


Co = Condensation number Re = Film Reynolds number k = Condensate loading per unit length of tube, m/L m = total condensate ow rate, Kg/s L = length of the tube, m

The physical properties should be evaluated at lm temperature, Tf = (Ts + Tw )/2 Where Ts = Saturation temperature, Tw = wall temperature The condensation coecient for a horizontal tube can also be estimated by,
h = 0.725( Do = tube diameter, m = latent heat of condensation, J/Kg t = Ts Tw k 3 2 g 1/4 ) Do


The condenser coil may be approximated as a stack of horizontal tubes, and the length of tube in 69

each horizontal row may be estimated as De, where De = Coil diameter. There are, say, n turns, i.e., n, rows of tubes, then, m = (16.9)
nDe Qw m= = latent heat of condensation.


Average condensation coecient for a stack of tubes is shown as

hw = h1


h1 = condensate coecient for the top tube in stack; N = No. of tubes in a stack.

For a coil, the inside lm coecient can be obtained as

hi e = (1 + 3.5 hi = lm coecient for a straight pipe die = tube diameter De = Coil diameter die )hi De


Overall coecient for a coil can be estimated from eq. (9) and (10) and taking into account the thermal resistance of the tube. The estimated and the experimental coecients can be compared. This may be repeated at other water owrates, other saturation temperatures and other condensation heat uxes. The observations and results can be tabulated.


17 Heat Transfer Through a Submerged Helical Coil in an Agitated Vessel (Under Unsteady-State Conditions)
To evaluate overall and individual lm heat transfer coecients for cooling hot liquids in a stirred vessel, by means of cooling water, owing through the helical coil submerged in the vessel.

An insulated cylindrical vessel, helical coil, propeller type impeller, driven by fractional horse power motor, immersion heater, a variac to control the speed of the motor, thermometers, stop watch, bucket and a balance.

1. Clean the tank and the copper helical coil with ne emery paper and place the helical coil inside the tank on a wooden support. 2. Charge the tank with appropriate amount of given liquid so as to make the depth of the liquid equal to the diameter of the vessel. 3. Fix up the shaft of the propeller to the shaft of the fractional horse power motor and adjust the depth of the impeller from the bottom of the tank, such that the depth is equal to 1/3rd of the tank diameter. 4. Start the agitator and set its speed to a fairly high value, say 1000 r.p.m. , So as to give complete mixing and hence uniform temperature inside the tank. 5. Heat the vessel liquid by means of an immersion heater to about 800 C and then keep the heater on, admit cold water through the helical coil and adjust its ow rate to a desired value such that the Reynolds number is greater than 104 (say 5Kg per minute). 6. Stop heating the liquid and let the temperature of the hot vessel liquid fall gradually. As the temperature of the tank liquid reaches to 700 C, start recording the temperature of the tank liquid and outgoing liquid as a function of time. Continue recording till the temperature dierence between the vessel liquid and the outgoing coil liquid drops down to 450 C. 7. Follow the same procedure for at least three more dierent ow rates of the coil liquid in turbulent ow (say 7Kg/min, 10Kg/min)


Time ( min) Th C Tc C Tca C 0 70

Th = temperature of vessel liquid at any time, Tc = temperature of outgoing coil liquid at any time, Tca = temperature of incoming coil liquid at zero time. N = speed of the agitation, rph. Mh = mass of hot liquid in the vessel, Kg. W = ow rate of cold water in the coil, Kg/hr.

Heat lost by the vessel liquid during small interval of time d, due to temperature drop dTh is given by Mh Cp,h dth , Kcal. Heat carried away by the coil liquid during the small interval, d is equal to (Wc dq)Cp,c (Tc ?Tca ) Kcal. Heat transfer through the wall of the helical coil during the interval d = U0 A0 Tlm .d. Heat lost from the vessel liquid to the surrounding during the interval d is dqs . Accumulation of heat inside the coil during the interval (d) = MC Cpc dtc /2, where MC is the mass of the liquid inside the coil. Therefore,
Mh Cp,h dth = U0 A0 Tlm .d + dqs

dtc 2

U0 A0 Tlm .d = WC Cpc (Tc Tca )d + MC Cpc


If the vessel is properly insulated, the heat loss to the surroundings is negligible and consequently equation 17.1 reduces to Mh Cph dth = U0 A0 Tlm .d (17.3) Since during the small interval , the accumulation or depletion of heat inside the coil is inappreciable compared to the amount of the heat carried away by the coil liquid, the term MC Cpc dtc /2 can be dropped from the equation 17.2. The equation 17.2 becomes
U0 A0 Tlm .d = WC Cpc (Tc Tca )d


From the equation 17.4

U0 A0 Tc Tca = WC Cpc (Tc Tca )d ln(Th Tca )/(Th Tc )



U0 A0 (Th Tca ) = (Th Tc ) Wc Cpc

(17.5) (17.6)

or or (Th Tca )/K = Th Tc .

U 0 A0 (Th Tca ) = e Wc Cpc = K(say) (Th Tc )

Tc = Th

1 Th Tca + = Th 1 K K K

Tca K


Method of Calculation
Method 1

Make a plot of Tc against Th and calculate the slope of the graph by the method of least squares. From the calculated slope, nd out the value of K . Knowing the value of K , calculate U0 from equation 17.6. This method of calculating U0 is valid only when Tca (incoming coil liquid temperature at zero time) is constant.
Method 2

When Tca is also a variable, nd the average value of K for all readings by using equation 17.6 and then calculate U0 from the same equation using the average value of K .
Method 3

From equation 17.3 and 17.4

Mh Cph dth = WC Cpc (Tc Tca )d Mh Cph dth = WC Cpc Th 1 1 K + Tca 1 Tca d = WC Cpc 1 K K 1 1 K

(Th Tca )d


Th Thi

WC Cpc dTh = Th Tca Mh Cph


Assuming Tca to be constant,

ln WC Cpc Thi Tca = Th Tca Mh Cph 1 1 K


where Thi = temperature of vessel liquid at =0 If we plot ln(Thi Tca )/(Th Tca ) against , we will get a straight line passing through the origin. Calculate the slope by the method of least squares and from the slope nd out the value of K . Use this value of K to evaluate U0 from equation 17.6


Method 4

From equation 17.3



U0 A0 Mh Cph


U0 A0 Mh Cph


Plot 1/?Tlm against Th and evaluate the area under the curve for dierent values of (or Th ). From the area calculate U0 by equation 17.10 for dierent values of . Calculate the mean value of U0 for the duration of run.
Calculation of HIC

Inside lm heat transfer coecient hi , for turbulent ow inside straight circular tube is given by the Sieder and Tate equation:
1/3 Straight tubehi = 0.023 Re0.8 P rb b

K di

b w



Inside coil lm heat transfer coecient hic , for turbulent ow inside the helical coil is given by the following equation: d Straight tube: hic = 1 + 3.5 i hi (17.12)

Where, di = inside tube diameter, Dc = Helix diameter

Calculation of Hoc

Coil outside lm heat transfer coecient, hoc , can be calculated by subtracting metal wall resistance as well as inside coil lm resistance from the overall resistance, neglecting the dirt lm resistance.
1 1 1 X = + + U0 A0 hoc A0 hic Ai Km Am 1 d0 1 d0 X 1 = + + U0 hoc di hic dm Km 1 d0 1 d0 X 1 = hoc U0 di hic dm Km 1 hoc = 1 d0 1 d0 X U0 di hic dm Km

(17.13) (17.14) (17.15) (17.16)

where Km = thermal conductivity of the tube wall, dm = mean diameter of the coil tube.

Observations and Specications

Data:n = 11, d0 = 1.27102 m; Dc = 24 cm; H = Dt = 30102 m; Cpc = 0.998 Kcal/(kg C) 74

Cph = 0.466 Kcal/(kg C) A0 = d0 Dc n = 1.27102 30102 11 = 0.3480 m2 . mass of oil = Mh = D2 /4 H oil = = (30)2 /4 30 0.86 = 18.25 Kg.

Oil Used: - SERVOTHERM medium oil (Essotherm 500 or hytherm 500 oil) Flow rate of water = 4.0 Kg/min = 240 Kg/hr Th = temperature of oil in vessel in C Tca = inlet temperature of cold water in C Tc = outlet temperature of cold water in C

Specimen Calculations
Method I
Tca 1 )+ {from y = mx + c} K K

Tc = Th (1


Th = temperature of vessel liquid at any time, Tc = temperature of outgoing cooling uid, Tca = temperature of incoming cooling uid. K is determined as follows: Calculate slope using least square method. If Tc is plotted against Th then

Slope = m =

XY 2 Si

1 1 1 1 Now, Si2 = n1 [ n Xi2 n ( 1,n Xi )2 ]SX Y = n1 [ n Xi Yi n ( n Xi )( n Yi )] where n is number 1 1 1 1 of readings Calculation for ow rate of 4.0 kg/min i.e. 240 kg/hr Th2 = Xi = 1054; Tc = Yi = 684; X( i2 ) = 54510 1 1 1 Therefore S = 20 [54510 20 (1054)2 ] = 80.46 Xi Yi = 34599.75; therefore SX Y = 20 [34599.75 1 21 (1054)(684)] = 13.47

Slope m =
U0 =

XY 2 Si

13.47 80.46

1 = 0.167 = (1 K ) therefore K = 1.2

Wc Cp clnK A0

= 3.388

kcal C min.m2 .

= 203

kcal hr.m2 . C

Method II

Not applicable, because Tca is not a variable in our experiment.

Method III


Wc Cpc 1 Thi Tca = (1 ) Th Tca Mh Cph K




Tca = constant = 28.5 C

Tca The graph of ln( ThiTca Vs , is a straight line passing through origin. Slope is calculated by the Th method of least squares.

Slope =

Wc Cpc 1 (1 ) Mh Cph K


Therefore K =

slopeMh Cph 1 Wc Cpc

a therefore let X = ln( tth itcca h t

slope for ow rate = 4 kg/min = 240 kg/hr

Xi = 210

Xi2 = 2870

2 Si =

(210)2 1 [2870 ] = 32 19 20


Yi =


th i tc a ) = 15.25 th tc a

Xi Yi = 201.86



1 1 SXY 2.197 [201.86 (210)(15.25)] = 2.197Slope = 2 = = 0.06728 19 20 35 Si 1 1

slopeMh Cph Wc Cpc



1 1
0.672818.250.446 4.998

= 1.083


U0 =

Wc Cpc kcal = 88.65 A0 hr.m2 . C


Method IV
Tc Tca ln Th Tca Th Tc

Tlm =


Th Thi

dTh U0 A0 = Tlm Mh Cph

d =

U0 A0 Mh Cph


A graph of 1/Tlm vs Th is plotted and area under the curve is determined for dierent intervals of Th , then U0 is calculated. Flow rate 4 kg/min (240 kg/hr). It may be noted that Ath = indicated area under the curve from Thi to Th . Mh = 18.25 kg; Cph = 0.47 kcal/ (kg C); A0 = 0.3480 m2 76

Calculation of Heat Transfer Coecient For turbulent ow in a straight tube The following equation was given by Sieder & Tate;
hi straight tube = 0.023 K di Re0.8 P rb b

b w



where Ki = conductivity of the uid. For Helical Coil

hic = 1 + 3.5

di Dc

hi straight tube

(17.28) (17.29) (17.30) (17.31)

Ki = 0.527 Re =

kcal hr.m2 C

4Wc d i v = > 104 (Turbulent ow) di b

1 Cp 1 W Pr3 = ( ) 3 = 1.796 A K

To Calculate hOC
1 1 d0 1 d0 X do di = ( ) ; dm = hO C U0 di hic dm Km ln d0 di
kcal Km = mean thermal conductivity of the coil material (copper) = 333.72 hr.m. C


x = thickness of the tube =

Tabulate the calculated results and comment about the results.

do di 2

1.270.95 2


18 Heat Transfer Through Coiled Tubes in an Agitated Vessel (Under Steady-State Conditions)
Determination of coil side heat transfer coecient while transferring heat from an agitated liquid in a vessel to cold water owing through the coil, submerged in the vessel under steady state conditions.

Studies on heat transfer in stirred vessels, equipped with a helical coil, are helpful in the design of units like isothermal batch or continuous ow stirred tank reactors. A stirred vessel with a helical coil can also be used a heat exchanger for heating or cooling of process liquors. The outside coil lm heat transfer coecient, hoc , is in general, a function of the physical properties of the vessel liquid, the design, dimensions, speed and location of the stirrer, the geometry of the coil (di and Dc ) and details of construction (at bottom, hemispherical bottom etc.) , size and condition (baed or unbaed) of vessel. hoc is correlated in terms of dimensionless groups, incorporating all the variables under consideration. For dimensionally similar systems,
hoc Dt =C K
2 Da N d

Cp K

where Dt = vessel diameter, Da = agitator diameter, N = agitator speed r.p.h. The inside coil lm heat transfer coecient, hic is a function of the physical properties of the coil liquid, its ow rate and the curvature ration (di /Dc ).

The apparatus consists of 1. A lagged, at bottom cylindrical vessel with a helical coil, 2. A turbine type agitator, connected to a fractional horse power motor, and auto transformer to control the speed of agitator, 3. Precision thermometer to measure the temperature of hot vessel liquid (Th ), coil liquid (Tc1 , Tc2 ) and jacket side hot water (Tj1 , Tj2 ), 4. Stop watch, tachometer etc.

1. Clean the copper helical coil with ne emery paper. 2. Change the measured quantity of the, given liquid into the vessel so as to make the depth of the liquid equal to the diameter of the vessel. 3. Fix the stirrer in the vessel in such a way that the depth of the agitator measured from the bottom of the tank is equal to 1/3rd the tank diameter. 78

4. Keep the stirrer speed at 600 r.p.m. by measuring it with the tachometer. 5. Admit the hot water into the jacket side and constant ow rate (6 to 7 kg/min) and temperature of 600 C. 6. When vessel liquid is heated up to about 400 C admit the cold water through coil at the rate which will give Re = 104 (5Kg/min, 10Kg/min). 7. At the steady state, note down, inlet and outlet temperatures of coil liquid, temperature of vessel liquid, ow rate of cold liquid and speed of agitator. 8. Repeat the above procedure by changing the cold water ow rate for the range of 104 < Re < 105 .

1. Heat gained by coil liquid, qc = Wc Cp,c (Tc2 Tc1 ) = Uo Ao Tlm Kcal/hr, where Ao = (do )(dc n) m2 do = outer diameter of the coil tube dc = mean helix diameter n = number of turns of the coil
Tlm = (Th Tc1 ) (Th Tc2 ) ln Th Tc1 Th Tc2

Calculate Uo . 2. Calculation of hi and ho by Wilson's plot: plot the graph of 1/Uo vs 1/Vi0.8 and nd out the intercept and slope of this graph.


19 Heat Transfer in a Packed Bed

To determine the wall heat transfer coecients in a packed bed and establish the relationship between Nusselt number and Reynolds number, further to compare the packed bed heat transfer coecients, hip , to those obtained by empty tube for the same ow rates.

The presence of solid packing increase the wall heat transfer coecients in a packed bed several times over that in an empty tube at the same uid ow rate. It is found that the ratio of the coecients in the packed bed to that in the empty pipe varies in the ratio of diameter of the packing to that of the tube. An enhancement in the wall heat transfer coecient in a packed bed is due to the turbulence caused by higher local uid velocity inside the voids of the solid packing. This turbulence tends to prevent the build up of a slow moving layer of uid next to the wall and also increases the radial heat transfer within the uid to the tube. Leva has correlated xed bed heat transfer coecients over a wide range of variables. Leva's correlation is given as follows,
hiP Dt = 0.813 k Dp G


6dp Dt

For dp/dt < 0.35 For 0.35 < dp/dt < 0.60

(19.1) (19.2)

hiP Dt = 0.125 k

Dp G

Hot water with constant inlet temperature as heating medium, Platform scale balance, Stop watch, Weighing container and, Auxiliary piping and pumping equipment, Experimental setup as specied.

Experiemtal Setup
A 5.0 cm i.d. copper tube is tted with an external jacket. The packing is 3/8" 3/8" raschig rings, lled inside the tube up to 45.7 cm length and rest on a perforated plate, (with 3 mm holes) having 45% hole area. The packed bed exchanger is equipped with thermometers to measure the inlet and outlet temperatures of cold water and hot water owing respectively on the tube side and jacket side.

Inner diameter of packed tube (Di ) = 50 mm. Outer diameter of packed tube (Do ) = 60.6 mm. Inner diameter of jacket (Di ) jacket = 86 mm. Length of packed test section = 457.2mm. Raschig Ring Dimensions: Length = 13.6 mm, Inner diameter = 7.6 mm, Outer diameter = 13.6 mm.


1. Admit the cold water through the packed tube and set its ow rate to the desired value as indicated by the calibrated Rota meter. 2. Admit hot water through the jacket at 60 C and at constant ow rate of about 10 kg/min. 3. When the steady state is reached, record the inlet and outlet temperatures of cold water and hot water. 4. Determine the exact ow rates of cold water and hot uid by weighing the liquids collected in a known interval of time (the weight of the liquid collected in a container or bucket should be above 5 kg. 5. Repeat the above procedure for several ow rates. Flow rate of cold water in the packed bed should be in the range of 2 to 7 kg/min for constant operating conditions of heating medium.

Run Flow Rate of Inlet Temp of Outlet temp of Flow Rate of Inlet temp of Outlet temp of No. cold Water cold water cold Water hot water hot water hot water Wc , kg/hr tc1 , C tC2 , C Wh , kg/hr th1 , C th2 , C
1 2 3 4

If Steam is used as Heating Medium: Steam Pressure ; Steam Temperature ts C; Steam Condensate Rate, Ws kg/hr.

Method of Calculation
Heat gained by cold water, qc = wc cpc (Tc2 Tc1 ) kcal/hr Heat lost by hot water, qh = wh cph (Th2 Th1 ) kcal/hr. qh = qc (within 5 % error); qavg = Ui Ai Tlm where
Tlm = (Th2 Tc1 ) (Th1 Tc2 ) ln Th2 Tc1 Th1 Tc2


Ai = inside heat transfer area = di L m2 , di = inner diameter of the tube, m L = length of test section, m

Calculate values of Ui for the several runs taken.


Method - I

Calculation of ho : For laminar ow

ho De = 1.86Re1/3 P r1/3 k D L



When hot water is used as heating medium in the concentric annulus, h0 can be estimated from the following equations: For laminar ow:
W Cp ho De = 1.75 k KL



Or, for turbulent ow

ho De = 0.023 k Dp

Cp k


De =

equivalent diameter
D1 D2


2 2 The hydraulic radius = 4 cross sectional area/wetted perimeter = (D1 D2 )/(D1 + D2 ) = D1


Where D1 = inner diameter of inner packed tube, D2 = outer diameter of inner packed tube, and if the ow is intermediate between laminar and turbulent ow regions, use Colburn's Jh factor charts.
Calculation of hi

1. For clean surfaces

1 1 X 1 = + + Ui Ai hO AO Km Am hi Ai

Knowing h0 , Ui and metal wall resistance, we can calculate hi from the above equation. 2. Calculate hi in a packed bed by Leva's correlations given in equations (1) and (2) and compare them with the experimental value obtained above by equation (8)
Film Coecients for an Empty Tube

If water ow inside the tube is fully developed turbulent ow, then using Wilson's plot, viz, 1/U0 vs 1/Vi0.8 to obtain h0 and hi . Vi = supercial uid velocity inside the packed bed, (m/hr).
Estimation of hi for an Empty Tube

Calculate the inside lm heat transfer coecient for the empty tube for each of the mass ow rates used. Here Ai = d2 /4 where di = inside diameter of the tube. i Calculate NRe = Di u/ and use the appropriate equation to calculate the inside lm heat transfer coecients in circular tubes, from equation given below, depending upon the type of ow. Use Colburn's Jh factor for the intermediate ow regimes, viz, 2100 < NRe < 104 . Compute the ratio of hip /hi i.e. wall lm heat transfer coecient of a packed bed relative to that of an empty tube. Tabulate the values of this ratio and plot them against NRep hip /hi vs dp e/u Useful data Cpc = 0.9986 kcal/kg C, Cph = 0.9978 kcal/kg C, Kwater = 0.539 kcal/hr.m. C, |35 C = 7.49 104 kg/m.s 82

Results Conclusions


20 Finned Tube Heat Exchanger

To determine the eciency of given longitudinal/pin n and compare it with the theoretical value for the given n.

1. Longitudinal n heat exchanger. 2. Pin n heat exchanger. 3. Bare pipe without ns. 4. Steam generator to generate steam at constant pressure. The steam generator is also provided with temperature indicator and a dead weight safety valve.

1. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: Follow instructions 1 and 2 without fail, otherwise electrical heater will burn out. 2. Open the drain valve provided at the bottom of steam generator and drain out the water from steam generator completely. 3. Close the drain valve and charge 4 lit. of water through charging valve provided at the top of the steam generator and close it. Ensure that the dead weight safety valve is free. 4. Start the electrical heater of steam generator. Initially supply full voltage to the electrical heater. Steam will start forming within about 15-20 min. of switching on the heater. During this period, keep open the valve to one of the test sections (either longitudinal n heat exchanger or pin n heat exchanger). Also keep the needle valve at the end of test section open. Once the steam generation starts, the nned tube heat exchanger will start getting heated up and condensate will start coming out of the needle valve provided at the bottom of condensate collector. When the test section (nned tube heat exchanger) is fully heated up, steam will start coming out of the needle valve. Now regulate the needle valve in such a way that only condensate comes out of it. At this point of time also regulate the voltage supplied to the electrical heater so as to keep the pressure in the steam generator constant. The pressure can be regulated between 0-1 atm. gauge as per the requirement. 5. Once the test section (nned tube heat exchanger along with bare pipe without ns) is fully heated, drain out completely the condensate it any. Close the needle valve on condensate drain line simultaneously starting the stop-watch. Collect the condensate accumulated at an interval of 15 min. for nned tube heat exchanger and 30 min. for bare pipe. If the quantity of condensate collected is same for 2 to 3 consecutive readings (within experimental accuracy), note down the volume of condensate collected and time interval. 6. Repeat the procedure given in 4 for pin n heat exchanger as well as bare pipe.


In a heat exchanger, the two uids namely; hot and cold, are separated by a metal wall. Under this condition the rate of heat transfer will depend on the overall resistance to heat transfer given by the equation:
1 1 x 1 = + + Ui Ai hi Ai KAlm ho Ao



= Overall heat transfer coecient based on inner area [Kcal/hr m2 C ] Uo = Overall heat transfer coecient based on outer area [Kcal/hr m2 C ] hi ,ho = Inside and outside lm heat transfer coecients [Kcal/hr m2 C ] Ai ,Ao =Inside and outside surface area [m2 ] When viscous liquids are heated in a double pipe heat exchanger or any standard tubular heat exchanger by condensing steam or hot uid of low viscosity, the lm heat transfer coecient of the viscous liquid will be much smaller than that on the hot uid side and will therefore, become controlling resistance for heat transfer. This condition is also present in case of air or gas heaters where the gas side lm heat transfer coecient will be very low (typically of the order of 0.01 to 0.005 times) compared to that for the liquid or condensing vapour on the other side. Since, the heat transfer coecient of viscous uid or gas cannot be improved much, the only alternative is to increase the area available for heat transfer on that side so that its resistance to heat transfer can be reduced. To conserve space and to reduce the cost of equipment in these cases, certain type of heat exchange surfaces, called extended surfaces, have been developed in which outside area of tube is increased many fold by ns and other appendages. Two types of ns, are in common use viz; longitudinal ns and transverse ns. Longitudinal ns are used when the direction of ow of the uid is parallel to the axis of tube and transverse ns are used when the direction of the ow of the uid is across the tube. Spikes, pins, studs or spines are also used for either direction of ow. The outside are of a nned tube consists of two parts: the area of ns and the area of bare tube not covered by the bases of ns. A unit area of n surface is not as ecient as a unit area of bare tube surface because of the added resistance to the heat ow by conduction through the n at its base. The expression for n eciencies can be derived by solving the general dierential equation of heat conduction with suitable boundary conditions. Generally three boundary conditions are used; 1. Fin of innite length so that there is no heat dissipation from its tip, or in other words temperature at the tip of n is same as that of the surrounding uid. 2. Insulated tip. This condition even though cannot be realized in practice, but considering that the tip area is negligible as compared to the total n area, heat dissipated from tip can be neglected and hence, dt/dx is assumed to be zero at the tip. 3. Finite heat dissipation from the tip. Even though the assumption of insulated tip is invalid, most of the ns are treated under this category, and longitudinal n eciency for this case is given by the expression:
f in = tanh(mL) mL



= (hC/KA) h = lm heat transfer coecient from the n surface [Kcal/hrm2 C ] C = circumference of the n [m] K = thermal conductivity of n material [Kcal/hr m C ] A = cross-sectional area of n [m2 ] From the above equation, it can be seen that the n eciency is a function of mL, and as the value of mL increases, the n eciency decreases. A reasonable value of n eciency will be around 50 to 75% for which mL should have a value between 1 and 2. If the n height L should be sucient (of the order of 5 to 8 cm), then it can be seen that the value of h should be around 10 to 20 which can be given by air in natural convection. The value of lm heat transfer coecient for any other liquid in natural convection, or any gas in forced convection will be much higher than 20. Thus, the given set-up is used for heat transfer to air in natural convection region.


1. Finned Tube: 1. Height of n (L) 2. Width of n (W) 3. Thickness of n (b) 4. Number of ns (N) 5. O.D. of n tube 6. Thermal conductivity of n material (K) 2. Bare Tube: 1. Length of tube (l) : 2. O.D. of tube : 3. T :

: : : : : :

cm. cm. cm. 4 cm. Kcal/hr m C

cm. cm. C

1. Circumference of n (C):
C = 2(w + b) = m.

(20.3) (20.4) (20.5) (20.6)

2. Cross-sectional area of n (A):

A = wxb = m2

3. Fin area available for heat transfer:

AF = CxLxN = m2

4. Tube area available for heat transfer in nned tube heat exchanger:
AB = (D N b)xw = m2


5. Total area of nned tube heat exchanger:

At = AF + AB = m2


6. Heat given out by steam through nned tube heat exchanger (Q1 ):
Q1 = (m1 x)x = Kcal/hr


7. Heat given out by steam through bare tube (Q2 ):

Q2 = (m2 x)x = Kcal/hr


where = latent heat of vaporization of water at steam pressure (Kcal/Kg) 8. Film heat transfer coecient from bare tube (h):
h = Q2 /(AxT ) = A = DL = T = (Tsteam Tambient ) = Kcal/hrm2 C; m2 ;

9. m = 10. mL =

(hC/KA) =

11. f in (Theoretical) = tanh mL/mL 12. Amount of heat actually dissipated by n:
Qf in = Q1 (AB h T ) = Kcal/hr


13. Amount of heat that can be dissipated by ideal n:

Qideal = AF h T = Kcal/hr


14. Observed value of n eciency:

(Observed) = Qf in = Qideal




21 Heat Transfer in Laminar Flow

To determine the overall heat transfer coecient making use of logarithmic mean temperature difference. From overall heat transfer coecient, determine the individual lm heat transfer coecient and verify the Seider-Tate equation for laminar ow heat transfer.

1. Stainless steel double pipe heat exchanger with facility to measure inlet and outlet temperature of hot uid with accuracy of 0.1 C. The inlet and outlet temperatures of cold uid is measured with liquid in glass thermometer of 1 C accuracy. 2. A stainless steel insulated tank with a heater. Pin n heat exchanger. 3. Hot uid circulation pump with speed variation mechanism. Bare pipe without ns. 4. Cold uid circulation pump with speed variation mechanism. Steam generator to generate steam at constant pressure. The steam generator is also provided with temperature indicator and a dead weight safety valve. 5. An insulated stainless steel tank with bottom discharge to measure the ow rate of hot uid.

1. Connect 15 amp. and 5 amp. plug pins to stable 230 V A.C. electric supply. Care should be taken to connect these two pins in dierent phases of the power supply. 2. Switch on the dual temperature indicator cum controller. Check the set point of the controller. The set point should be set around 65 to 70 C. 3. Ensure that the valve at the bottom of measuring tank is open. Open the valve on the outlet line of the hot uid tank. Switch on the power supply to hot uid circulation pump and slowly increase the speed of the pump by regulating the voltage supplied to it by adjusting the regulator knob. Initially run the pump at slow speed. Check the inlet and outlet temperatures of the uid indicated by digital themometer. Note down the temperature dierence between inlet and outlet temperatures, which gives zero error. (Digital thermometers can give errors upto 1 C which is generally very dicult to bring down). After noting down the zero error in the digital thermometers, switch on the heater of the hot uid tank by switching on the D.P. switch (main switches). 4. Connect the suction line of cold uid circulation pump to cold water supply line. (It is preferable to have 15 - 30 lit. capacity container with bottom outlet connected to pump suction line and cold water supply falling freely in the container to keep water level in it at a constant height. This will ensure constant ow rate of cooling water through the heat exchanger). Adjust the cooling water ow rate through the heat exchanger such that its temperature rise is restricted to about 2 - 3 C. Keep this ow rate constant throughout the experiment.


5. Adjust the ow rate of hot uid through the heat exchanger by adjusting the speed of hot uid circulation pump. Measure the ow rate of hot uid by closing the valve at the bottom of measuring tank and noting down the time required for liquid level to rise between two marks. (The minimum ow rate of hot uid should at least be 70 c.c./sec. in order to have laminar ow through the heat exchanger). As soon as the liquid level in measuring tank reaches the top mark, open the ball valve at the bottom of the measuring tank in order to avoid the over ow of uid from the tank. 6. Note down the inlet and outlet temperatures indicated by digital thermometer on the control panel after steady state is reached. Also note down the inlet and outlet temperatures of cooling water. 7. Repeat step 5 & 6 for at least 6 dierent ow rates of hot uid.

In a heat exchanger, heat is transferred from hot uid to cold uid through metal wall, which generally separates these two uids. Heat transfer through metal wall is always by conduction while on both sides of metal wall it is generally by convection. Generally resistance oered to heat transfer by the metal wall is negligible as compared to resistance oered by convection. The wall temperature is always between local temperatures of the two uids. The actual value depends upon individual lm heat transfer coecient on either sides. At low Reynold's number (Re < 2100), the ow pattern is laminar and the uid ows in an ordered manner along generally parallel "Filament like" streams which do not mix. It follows that in this type of ow, that the heat transferred to and through the uid is essentially by conduction. When heat is transferred through resistances in series, the total resistance to heat transfer is the sum of individual resistances in series. Thus, for heat exchanger, one can write,
1 x 1 1 = + + Ui Ai hi Ai KAlm ho Ao

Ai 1 1 xAi = + + Ui hi KAlm ho Ao

Once the heat exchanger material and its geometry is xed, then the metal wall resistance x/KAlm becomes constant. Similarly, if the ow rate of cold uid is xed and its mean temperature does not dier much for dierent ow rates of hot uid, then the resistance by the outside lm will remain almost constant. Thus, the overall heat transfer coecient will depend upon the value of inside lm heat transfer coecient alone. If ow through inner tube is in the turbulent ow regime, then Sieder-Tate equation can be used to predict the inside lm heat transfer coecient.
N u = 1.86(Re)1/3 (P r)1/3

If the bulk mean temperature does not dier much for dierent ow rates, then all the physical properties will remain nearly the same and equation (3) can be re-written as:
N u = constant (velocity)1/3


Substituting equation (4) in equation (2), one can write it as:

1 1 = constant1 1/3 + constant2 Ui u

Thus, the graph of 1/Ui vs 1/u1/3 (which is known as Wilson plot) should be a straight line with a slope equal to constant1 and intercept equal to constant2 . From this graph, inside lm heat transfer coecient can be calculated which can be used to verify Sieder-Tate equation.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Inside diameter of inner tube (d1 ) Outside diameter of inner tube (d2 ) Inside diameter of outer tube (D1 ) Length of heat exchanger (L) Inner heat transfer area of heat exchanger (A) Zero error of hot uid digital thermometers Volume of measuring tank between bottom and middle mark (V1) Volume of measuring tank between bottom and upper mark (V2) = = = = = = = = 1.0 cm. 1.27 cm. 2.20cms. 85cms. m2 C c.c. c.c.

Observation Table
Obs.No. Hot uid temp. C Cold uid temp. C Time reqd for hot uid level to rise inlet (T1 ) outlet (T2 ) inlet (t1 ) outlet (t2 ) between two marks (t) sec. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


A: Table of Calculated Results

Obs. Volumetric ow rate Amount of heat Velocity of LMTD Overall heat transfer No. of hot uid transferred hot uid Tlm C coecient (c.c./sec) Q (Kcal/hr) u (cm/sec) U (Kcal/hr m2 C) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

B: Table of Calculated Results

Obs. 1/(V 1/3 ) 1/U No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Inside lm heat transfer Nusselt No. N u Reynold's No. 2 C) coecient hi (Kcal/hr m Nu Re

1. Cross-sectional area of inner tube:
S= 2 d1 = 4


2. Inside heat transfer area of heat exchanger:

A = d1 L =


3. Prandtl number of hot uid at mean temperature:

Pr = Cp = K


Sample Calculation for Reading No.

1. Volumetric ow rate of hot uid:
V =


V1 ( or V2 ) = t

2. Velocity of hot uid through heat exchanger:

u= V =


3. Amount of heat transferred:

Q= (V 3600) Cp (T1 T2 ) = 1000


4. Logarithmic mean temperature dierence (LMTD):

LM T D = (T1 t1 ) (T2 t2 ) ln
(T1 t1 ) (T2 t2 )

5. Overall heat transfer coecient:

U= Q = ATlm

Kcal/hr m2 C or ho = 1/Intercept = Kcal/hr

6. Value of intercept or graph of f vs [1/(u1/3 )](1/ho ) = m2 C 7. Inside lm heat transfer coecient:
hi =
1 [( Ui )

1 = 1 ( ho )] hi d i = K d1 u =

Kcal/hr m2 C

8. Nusselt's number:
Nu =

9. Reynold's number:
Re =

1. Plot the graph of 1/Ui vs 1/(u1/3 ) on linear scale. (This should be a straight line) 2. Plot the graph of Nusselt number vs Graetz number on log - log scale. Pass a straight line through this and nd its slope.

Results Conclusions

22 Heat Transfer in Turbulent Flow

To determine the overall heat transfer coecient making use of logarithmic mean temperature dierence. From overall heat transfer coecient, determine the individual lm heat transfer coecients and verify the Dittus-Boelter equation for turbulent ow heat transfer.

1. Stainless steel double pipe heat exchanger with facility to measure inlet and outlet temperature of hot uid with accuracy of 0.1 C. The inlet and outlet temperatures of cold uid is measured with liquid in glass thermometer of 1 C accuracy. 2. A stainless steel insulated tank with a heater. 3. Hot uid circulation pump with speed variation mechanism. 4. Cold uid circulation pump with speed variation mechanism. 5. An insulated stainless steel tank with bottom discharge to measure the ow rate of hot uid.

In a heat exchanger, heat is transferred from hot uid to cold uid through metal wall which generally separates these two uids. Heat transfer through metal wall is always by conduction while on both sides of metal wall it is generally by convection. Generally resistance oered to heat transfer by the metal wall is negligible as compared to resistance oered by convection. The wall temperature is always between local temperatures of the two uids. The actual value depends upon individual lm heat transfer coecient on either sides. At higher Reynold's number (Re > 10, 000), the ordered ow pattern of laminar ow regime is replaced by randomly moving eddies thoroughly mixing the uid and greatly assisting heat transfer. However, this enhancement of lm heat transfer coecient is accompanied by much higher pressure drop which demands higher pumping power. Thus, although desirable, turbulent ow is usually restricted to uids of low viscosity. When heat is transferred through resistances in series, the total resistance to heat transfer is the sum of individual resistances in series. Thus, for heat exchanger, one can write,
1 1 x 1 + = + Ui Ai hi Ai KAlm h0 A0

(22.1) (22.2)


1 1 xAi Ai + = + Ui hi KAlm h0 A0

Once the heat exchanger material and its geometry is xed, then the metal wall resistance (x/KAlm ) becomes constant. Similarly, if the ow rate of cold uid is xed and its mean temperature does not dier much for dierent ow rates of hot uid, then the resistance by the outside lm will remain almost constant. Thus, the overall heat transfer coecient will depend upon the value of inside lm heat transfer coecient alone. If ow through inner tube is in the turbulent ow regime, then Ditturs-Boelter equation can be used to nd out inside lm heat transfer coecient.
N u = 0.023(Re)0.8 (P r)n



If the bulk mean temperature does not dier much for dierent ow rates, then all the physical properties will remain nearly the same and equation (3) can be re-written as:
N u = constant (velocity)0.8

(22.4) (22.5)

Substituting the above equation in equation (2), we get:

1 1 = constant1 0.8 + constant2 Ui u

Thus, the graph of 1/Ui vs 1/u0.8 (which is known as Wilson plot) should be a straight line with a slope equal to constant1 and intercept equal to constant2 . From this graph, inside lm heat transfer coecient can be calculated which can be used to verify Dittus-Boelter equation.

1. Connect 15 amp and 5 amp plug pins to a stable 230 V A.C. electric supply. Care should be taken to connect these two pins in dierent phases of the power supply. 2. Switch on the dual temperature indicator - controller. Check the set point of the controller. The set point should be set around 65 to 70 C. 3. Ensure that the valve at the bottom of measuring tank is open. Open the valve on the outlet line of the hot uid tank. Switch on the power supply to hot uid circulation pump and slowly increase the speed of the pump by regulating the voltage supplied to it. Initially run the pump at slow speed. Check the inlet and outlet temperatures of the uid indicated by digital thermometer. Note down the temperature dierence between inlet and outlet temperatures, which gives zero error (Digital thermometers can give errors upto 1 C which is generally very dicult to bring down). After noting down the zero error in the digital thermometer, switch on all the (three) heaters of the hot uid tank by switching on their respective main switches. 4. Connect the suction line of cold uid circulation pump to cold water supply line. (It is preferable to have 15 - 30 lit. capacity container with bottom outlet connected to pump suction line and cold water supply falling freely in the container to keep water level in it at a constant height. This will ensure constant ow rate of cooling water through the heat exchanger). Adjust the cooling water ow rate through the heat exchanger such that its temperature rise is restricted to about 3-4 C. Keep this ow rate constant throughout the experiment. 5. Adjust the ow rate of hot uid through the heat exchanger by adjusting the speed of hot uid circulation pump. Measure the ow rate of hot uid by closing the valve at the bottom of measuring tank and noting down the time required for liquid level to rise between two marks. (The minimum ow rate of hot uid should at least be 40 cc/s. to maintain Reynold's number above 10,000 in the heat exchanger). As soon as the liquid level in measuring tank reaches the top mark, open the ball valve at the bottom of the measuring tank in order to avoid the over ow of uid from the tank. 6. Note down the inlet and outlet temperatures indicated by digital thermometer on the control panel after steady state is reached. Also note down the inlet and outlet temperatures of cooling water. 7. Repeat step 5 & 6 for at least 6 dierent ow rates of hot uid. 94

1. Inside diameter of inner tube (d1 ) = 2. Outside diameter of inner tube (d2 ) = 3. Inside diameter of outer tube (D1 ) = 4. Length of heat exchanger (L) = cm. m2 .

cm. cm. cm.

5. Inner heat transfer area of heat exchanger (A) = 6. Zero error of hot uid digital thermometers =

7. Volume of measuring tank between bottom and middle mark (V1 ) = 8. Volume of measuring tank between bottom and upper mark (V2 ) =
Observation Table

cm3 . cm3 .

Obs.No. Hot uid temp. C Cold uid temp. C Time reqd for hot uid level to rise inlet (T1 ) outlet (T2 ) inlet (t1 ) outlet (t2 ) between two marks (t) sec. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

1. Cross-sectional area of inner tube:
S= 2 d1 = 4


2. Inside heat transfer area of heat exchanger:

A = d1 L =


3. Prandtl number of hot uid at mean temperature:

Pr = Cp = K

1. Volumetric ow rate of hot uid:

V = V1 ( or V2 ) = t



2. Velocity of hot uid through heat exchanger:

u= V =


3. Amount of heat transferred:

Q= (V 3600) Cp (T1 T2 ) = 1000


4. Logarithmic mean temperature dierence (LMTD):

LM T D = (T1 t2 ) (T2 t1 ) ln
(T1 t2 ) (T2 t1 )

5. Overall heat transfer coecient:

U= Q = ATlm

Kcal/hr m2 C or ho = 1/Intercept = Kcal/hr

6. Value of intercept or graph of f vs [1/(u1/3 )](1/ho ) = m2 C 7. Inside lm heat transfer coecient:
hi =
1 [( Ui )

1 = 1 ( ho )] hi d i = K d1 u =

Kcal/hr m2 C

8. Nusselt's number:
Nu =

9. Reynold's number:
Re =

Plot the graph of 1/Ui vs 1/u0.8 on linear scale. (This should be a straight line).



23 Flow Through Piping Networks

1. To identify the dierent types of pipes, ttings, valves and pumps 2. To visualize the ow through valves and pumps and make sketches of the same 3. To build a network using some of the above components 4. To measure the water ow rate through various sections of the piping network

The distribution of ow rates of a uid in piping network is related to the resistance oered by dierent segments of the network.


Figure 23.1: Schematic diagram of the piping network 1. Observe the display of pipes, ttings, valves and pumps in the laboratory. For example note if the threads are on the outside/inside, clockwise/anti-clockwise; how the anged ends are tted together (do you need a gasket? why?), the uid path through the dierent valves (how are globe and gate valves dierent? What are they used for? etc.) 2. Observe the partially open centrifugal pump. For example what are the types of impellers used? How are the open type and closed type impellers dierent? Where are the dierent impellers used and why? Which is the suction line and which is the discharge line? Is there a need to prime the pump? why? 97

3. Observe the partially open reciprocating pump and try to answer some of the questions above for this pump. 4. Build a piping network shown in the diagram using some of the available parts. 5. Find the ow rate through a water tap using a large measuring cylinder and a stop watch (what is the error involved in measuring ow rate?) 6. Connect the piping network to the tap and measure the ow rate at A,B and C of the piping network. How ever make sure that the ow rate out of the source tap is the same as in the earlier step (How would you do that?) 7. Relate the ow rates A,B and C of the piping network to the total inlet ow rate 8. In the hostel/ home try to predict the ow rate distribution through the network and see whether your experimental results match your predictions.


24 Nature of Flow
To visually observe laminar and turbulent ow patterns. To determine the critical Reynolds number for transition from laminar to turbulent ow. To determine the friction-factor and to verify the relationship between f and NRe .

When a uid ows in a pipe, tube or other conduit, the ow may be laminar or turbulent depending upon the conditions of ow. At low uid velocities, the uid moves without lateral mixing, as though a series of concentric conduits are sliding over one another. In such a ow, the streamlines remain distinct from one another over the entire length. This type of ow is called laminar ow. At high uid velocities, eddies form in the uids under motion causing lateral mixing and superimposition of turbulence on the primary motion of translation, thus disrupting the entire ow pattern. Thsi type of ow is called turbulent ow. The type of ow and the magnitude of turbulence is given by Reynolds number which is a dimensionless parameter given by NRe = V D/. When the velocity of a uid owing in a conduit is gradually increased, the Reynolds number increases and at a particular value of NRe , the ow changes from laminar to turbulent; this value of NRe is called upper critical Reynolds number. Similarly, when the velocity of a uid owing at a high velocity in a conduit is gradually decreased, NRe decreases and at a particular value of NRe , the ow changes from turbulent to laminar; this value of NRe is called the lower critical Reynolds number. For a pipe ow, NRe = V D/ where is the uid density, V is the linear velocity, D is the inner diameter of the pipe, and is the uid viscosity. This may be rewritten as NRe = QD/A = mD/A where Q is the volumetric ow rate, m is the mass ow rate, and A is the cross-sectional area. Another signicant factor which is useful in the study of ow is the friction factor (f ) dened as the ratio of wall shear stress to the product of the density and velocity head.
f= P gc D 2LV 2

where P is the pressure drop and L is the length of the pipe. For laminar ow, f = 16/NRe . For turbulent ow,
0.2 0.046NRe

(50000 < NRe < 106 ) (3000 < NRe < 3 106 )

0.32 f = 0.0014 + 0.125/NRe

1. Allow the water to ll the equipment and adjust the ow rate to the lowest possible value. 2. Adjust the ow rate of the dye solution so that its ow rate is the same as the velocity of water. 99

3. Note the two tank heights for every ow rate and observe the ow for dierent ow rates indicated by the dye solution. 4. Measure the volumetric ow rate using a measuring vessel and a stop watch. 5. Increase the ow rate of water in small increments and repeat the above steps. 6. From the highest ow rate decrease the ow rate in small decrements, and repeat the above steps.

1. For each run comment on the observed characteristics of the dye ow. 2. Calculate the volumetric ow rate, linear velocity, friction factor and Reynolds number. 3. Determine the critical Reynolds number for the transition from laminar to turbulent ow, when the ow rate is increased in small steps. Is it the same for the transition of turbulent to laminar ow when ow is decreased in small steps? 4. Plot the graph of f versus NRe and comment on the graph. McCabe, W.L., Smith, J.C. and Harriott, P., "Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering", 5th Edition, McGraw Hill International, 1993.


25 Frictional Losses in Pipe Fittings and Valves

1. To determine the frictional losses across pipe ttings in a piping network 2. To determine the frictional losses across valves in a piping network

The resistance oered by a tting is expressed as equivalent to the resistance oered by a length of a straight pipe of the same diameter as that of the tting. This length is called the equivalent length of the tting and length is expressed as the number of diameters of the pipe. Another method of expressing the resistance or frictional losses (FL) in ttings is by the number of velocity heads in a pipe of the same diameter
F Lf itting = Kv 2 2g


where K is the frictional loss constant, v the velocity and g the acceleration due to gravity. The pressure dierence across tting can be measured by a manometer or a pressure transducer

1. Start the pump and wait until water ows in all sections of the piping network of interest in a steady state. 2. When steady is achieved measure the readings in the manometers across the ttings of interest. 3. Find ow rate of water. Find the frictional loss across each ttings and express the losses in terms of equivalent length and velocity heads.


26 Viscosity Measurement Objectives

1. To measure the viscosity of a polymer solution using a Brookeld viscometer 2. To nd the viscosity at various concentrations of the polymer

The resistance oered to ow is related to the viscosity of the liquid. A Brookeld viscometer uses this principle to determine the viscosity of a liquid.

1. Familiarize yourself with the various adjustments on the Brookeld viscometer (rpm, spindle, start/stop etc?) 2. Prepare a solution of the given polymer in water 3. Determine the dial reading for that solution. 4. Convert the dial reading into viscosity using the monogram for the viscometer.


27 Agitation and Mixing

1. To measure the power number for a agitated system 2. To relate the power number and Reynolds number in an agitated system

The Power number , Np , is given as:
Np = P N 3 d5


where P is the power utilized for agitation , the uid density, N , the impeller speed and d, the impeller diameter. The Reynolds number NRe , for an agitated system is given by :
NRe = N d2


where is the uid viscosity.

1. Place the given viscous liquid in a mixer system and agitate it by setting the impeller speed to a particular value. 2. The torque developed can be measured by the dynamometer arrangement 3. Also, measure the impeller speed, impeller diameter and the temperature. 4. Vary the agitation speed using the variac. 5. Find the Power number and the Reynolds number for each run 6. Represent the relationship between Power number and Reynolds number, graphically.


28 Two Phase Flow in Vertical Tubes

1. To visually observe the motion of a single slug and investigate experimentally the relation between the slug velocity and slug dimension. 2. To investigate experimentally the relation between gas ow raye and the gas volume fraction (void fraction) for the slug ow regime in two phase gas/liquid ow in a vertical tube.

Two phase gas / liquid ow is important in a variety of chemical engineering applications such as the simultaneous transport of the gas and oil in horizontal pipelines or a vertical wells several ow regimes can occur, depending on many factors, including the orientation of the pipe the individual magnitudes of the liquid and gas ow rates and physical properties such as density, surface tension and viscosity.

Figure 28.1: Two-phase ow regimes in a vertical tube: (a) bubble, (b) slug, (c) annular, and (d) mist ow. In each case, the gas is shown in white and the liquid is shaded or black For vertical pipes (the situation here), there are four principal ow regimes shown in Fig. 28.1 and which occur successively at ever increasing gas ow rates. 104

1. Bubble ow in which the gas is dispersed as small bubbles through out the liquid which is the continuous phase. 2. Slug ow in which the individual small bubbles have started to coalesce together in the form of slugs. The liquid phase is still continuous. 3. Annular ow in which the fast moving gas stream is now a continuous phase that encompasses central portion of the tube with the liquid forming a relatively thin lm on the tube well. 4. Mist ow in which the velocity of the continuous gas phase is so high that it reaches as far as the tube wall and entrains the liquid in the form of droplets. In the experiment, you will be investigating the slug ow regime for the ow of air and water in the tube. In this regime, surface tension and viscosity are possibly relatively unimportant, especially in the tube of larger diameter: also, the liquid density plays only a small role in determining the shape of the slugs, but is important if pressure-drop calculations are needed.

Principles and Theory

The general situation is shown in the Fig. 28(a), in which the gas (air) and liquid (water) are traveling upwards together at individual volumetric ow rates G and L respectively, in a tube of internal diameter D. In general, there will be an upward liquid velocity ULm across a plane A-A just ahead of gas slug. By applying continuity and considering the gas to be incompressible over short distances, the total upward volumetric ow rate of liquid across A-A must be the combined gas and liquid ow rates entering at the bottom, namely G=L. The mean liquid velocity at A-A is therefore ULm = (G + L)/A, where A is the cross-sectional area of the tube. Next, consider Fig. 28(b) which shows a slightly dierent situation: that of a single bubble, which is moving steadily upwards with a rise of velocity Ub in an otherwise stagnant liquid. For liquid such as water and light oils that are not very viscous, the situation is one of the potential ow in the liquid. Under circumstances, Davies and Taylor[2] used on approximate analytical solution that gave (28.1) Ub = 0.35 gD in which g is the gravitational acceleration. As part of this project, you will also be attempting to test equation 28.1 against both experiment and theory and possibly to determine a more appropriate value of the constant than 0.35 The situation of Fig. 28(a) is now shown enlarged in Fig. 28(c). The slug is no longer rising in a stagnant liquid as in Fig. 28(b) but in a liquid whose mean velocity just ahead of it is ULm . Further, near the "nose" O of the slug-at the center of the tube, where the velocity is the highest-the liquid velocity will be somewhat larger, namely about 1.2ULm , as shown by Nickin, Wilkes, and Davidson [1] provided that the Reynolds number between slugs exceeds 8,000. Therefore, the actual rise velocity of the slug will be
Us = 1.2 G+L G+L + Ub = 1.2 + 0.35 L L gD


Now, by conservation of the gas we must have

G = Us A



Figure 28.2: Two-phase ow in a vertical tube: (a) gas and liquid ascending, (b) bubble rising in stagnant liquid, (c) bubble


in which is the void fraction (the fraction of the total volume that is occupied by the gas). Hence, eliminating Us between Equations 28.2 and 28.3 we obtain
G+L G = 1.2 + 0.35 gD A A


If G and L are known, Equation 28.4 gives the void fraction, which is very important in determining the pressure drop in a tube of height H . Also note that the weight of the liquid , which occupies fraction (1 ) of the total volume, is much greater than that of gas. Therefore, the Pressure drop is given to the rst approximation by
P1 P2 = L gH(1 )


A secondary correction to Equation 28.5 would include the wall friction on the liquid "pistons" between successive gas slugs.

A 12.5 mm diameter plastic tube of length 1.5 m is connected to air and water supply systems. Two ow meters for measuring ow rates of air and water (0-20 Ls1 and 0-2 Ls1 ) are connected to respective supply line. A one HP motor pump is used in this experiment Values are for controlling the air and water supply.

1. By turning the air ow on and of suddenly, form isolated single slugs. By measuring time taken to move up a known distance, determine the rise velocity. Use wide spectrum of slug lengths as possible and note down the slug length as accurately as you can in each case. Take plenty of measurements (at least 30). 2. Operate with a steady continuous steady continuous stream of air so there is no net water ow rate: that is, with L = 0, Measure the volumetric owrate of air G, m3 s1 , the slug rise velocity, Us , ms1 , and (by quickly closing the valves in the tube) the void fraction, . Repeat for the variety of ow rates.

Data Analysis
1. For single slugs of air in stagnant water, Plot the rise velocity, Ub against the slug length to see if they are correlated. Compare with theory and discuss. 2. For steady slug ow ,plot gas volume fraction with the gas ow rate. Compare with theory and discuss.


29 Determination of Partial Molar Enthalpies by Adiabatic Calorimetry

To determine the heat of mixing of binary system by adiabatic calorimetry and the partial molar enthalpies of two components.

Calorimetry involves measurements of enthalpy changes in various processes like mixing, dilution, dissolution, crystallization, adsorption or in a chemical reaction. In addition, it is used for the determination of heat capacities. Calorimetry can be of two types: adiabatic or isothermal. In an adiabatic calorimeter no heat is exchanged with surroundings and hence temperature change is to be monitored during the process occurring in the calorimeter. In such a case the accuracy of measurement of any physical property using a calorimeter depends on the accuracy of temperature measurement and how good the adiabatic shield is. A vacuum ask/Dewar ask is used as an adiabatic calorimeter. However, minute "heat leaks" are not uncommon. In order to reduce heat ow to or from the surroundings, the Dewar ask itself should be placed in a constant temperature container such as a large thermostat or insulated box whose temperature should be regulated as close to the contents of the Dewar ask as possible. Care should be taken so that "heat leak" does not occur through either the lid of the Dewar ask or openings in the lid. If the instrument is sensitive enough, stirring of the contents would also be controlled and its eect should be monitored in a blank experiment. Figure 29.1.

Figure 29.1: A schematic diagram of a Calorimeter. D = Glass Dewar Flask of capacity 100 ml, S = Polypropylene Stopper, H = Resistance Heater, ST= Stirrer, T = Temperature Sensor


To nd water-equivalent of calorimeter

Since the various parts such as stirrer, heater, temperature sensor, stopper and walls of the ask absorb some heat it is necessary to know the calorimeter water-equivalent, K . For this purpose a known amount of heat, Q (Joules) is supplied to the calorimeter containing (say) m gm of water of heat capacity (Cp (J/g K)).If T is the observed temperature change, then:
Q = mCp T + KT


Hence K can be calculated from Equation 29.1, the other quantities being known experimentally.
To nd heat capacity of a pure liquid or a solution

As shown in Figure 29.1 the calorimeter is provided with a heating coil (in the form of a resistor). If a known current I (amp) is passed for time t (sec) through the heating coil. "Joule heating" will cause the temperature of the system to increase by (say) Th ( C). The amount of energy supplied (Q) is Q = IV t in Joules (29.2) where V is the voltage drop across the heater resistance. Combining Equations 29.2 and 29.1
IV t = mCp T + KT


Using this equation, Cp of a pure liquid of a solution may be determined (the other quantities being known experimentally).

Experimental Measurements
1. Find calorimeter constant K by the procedure outlined above. 2. Heat of mixing determination. 3. Add a certain volume of (but take weight) rst liquid (1) to the calorimeter. 4. Allow thermal equilibrium to be attained and note the initial temperature T1 . 5. Add a known volume (take weight) of the second liquid (2). Stir and note the nal and steady mixture temperature T2 . The resultant temperature change due to mixing is Tm = (T2 T1 ); this will be negative or positive depending on the sign of heat of mixing of the system. Note this Tm against the mole fraction x1 of liquid 1 in the nal mixture. During this part of the experiment, the heating coil is kept "o". The total volume of the mixture should be about 85-90 ml. 6. Next the heating coil is switched on and the specic heat (Cpm ) of the mixture is measured as outlined above in section "B". Again Th should be at least 3-4 C. Repeat the two previous steps (nding the heat capacity of a pure liquid, and generating experimental measurements) so that you obtained a range of Tm and Cpm corresponding to mole fraction x1 ranging from 0 to 1. 109

Note that mixing occurs under non-isothermal conditions. It follows, therefore, if isothermal conditions of mixing were to be maintained, an amount of energy Qm would have to be added (or withdrawn), where Qm = (mCpm + K)(Tm ) (29.4) where m = total mass of the mixture.

1. Estimate the quantity Qm for each composition of the mixture. Take at least 4-5 compositions, 2. Heat of mixing hm per mole solution, at mole fraction x1 is given as hm = Qm /(n1 + n2 ) Joules/mole, (n1 , n2 = moles of components 1 and 2 in the mixture). Plot hm vs. x1 .
3. Calculate the partial molar enthalpies at the composition x1 = 0.5 and H1 & H2 .

4. Comment on the nature of the hm vs. x1 curve with reference to the molecular properties of the components forming the mixture.


30 Ebulliometric Determination of Vapour Pressures

1. To determine the vapour pressure at various temperatures for a pure substance and to calculate the correlation constants in the vapour pressure equation. 2. Estimation of the latent heat of vaporization for the substance from the vapour pressure data.

When the vapor phase of a pure uid is in equilibrium with its liquid phase, the equality of chemical potential, temperature, pressure in both phases leads to the Clausius-Clapeyron equation:
d ln P H = d(1/T ) RZv


Most vapour pressure estimations and correlation equations stem from integration of Equation 30.1. When this is done, an assumption must be made regarding the dependence of the group (Hv /Zv ) on temperature. The simplest approach is to assume that the Hv /Zv is constant and then Equation 30.1 on integration becomes (A being the integration constant:
ln P = A B T


(where T in in K, and Zv = Zvap Zliq , Z being the compressibility factor). The above equation is called Clausius-Clapeyron equation where, B is given as Hv /RZv (Hv = enthalpy of vaporization). A simple modication of the equation which has been widely used is known as Antoine equation: B ln P = A (30.3)
T +C

As an approximation at low pressures (< 1 atm), if Zv is taken as 1.0, the latent heat of vaporization can be directly obtained from the slope of the plot of ln P vs. 1/T .

C = Constant, T =


Experimental Procedure
1. Accurate data on equilibrium vapor pressures can be determined over a range 100 to 760 mm Hg using a specially designed glass ebulliometer connected to a manifold and pressure control system. The sample of the liquid, or solution whose vapour pressure is to be measured is, charged to ll the bulb of the ebullometer. When the bulb is electrically heated, slugs of vapor bubbles with entrapped liquid rise in the tube (Cottrell Pump) to the ask chamber and are poured on the inner surface of the thermowell where vapour bubbles get disengaged from the liquid. The liquid stream along with the condensed vapor is recirculated till equilibrium is attained. The equilibrium state is indicated by the constancy of both the thermowell temperature and of the vapour condensation drop-rate through the drop-counter. The pressure of the ebulliometer is regulated via a stop-cock, the pressure being recorded by means of an absolute manometer. Electrical heating is regulated in order to minimize superheating and the ebulliometer is adequately insulated in order to minimize heat loss resulting in any subcooling of the liquid. 111

2. Once the pressure in the manifold is xed at any value, the system will on its own adjust to the corresponding equilibrium temperature. Allow at least 20-25 minutes for this, but note the change of temperature with time (not needed to be reported in journal) so that you know when a steady temperature is reached. 3. Once temperature steadies, count the drop rate (per minute) of condensed vapour. 4. This drop rate is proportional to the steady state amount of the substance in the vapor phase (which is, of course, being condensed back into liquid). For vapour-liquid equilibrium the system T remains constant as quality (x) going from 0 to 1. Experimentally low drop rate (< 30/min) correspond to low values of x, while very high droop rates (> 110/min) indicate high value of x. Experimentally both these extremes need to be avoided as these may make the system exist either in the supercooled or superheated region, which will yield an inaccurate equilibrium temperature measurement for a given pressure. At an intermediate drop rate the system is likely to be in the two-phase region with a medium quality. The temperature measured under such a condition will provide a relatively accurate equilibrium value of temperature. 5. Adjust the heat input to the ebulliometer bulb using the rheostat so that you obtain a drop rate in the intermediate range ( 40-90/min). The rheostat is very sensitive; no more than a change by a graduation is recommended at a time. After any such change, wait for system temperature to stabilize and then measure the drop rate. 6. Once you obtain a stable drop-rate in the intermediate range (and a corresponding temperature), change the rheostat reading by half a graduation (either increase or decrease as needed; note that increase in rheostat reading would increase heat input, and hence also the drop rate of condensed vapor), keeping the same pressure, and obtain another drop rate preferably within the same range, and note the stable temperature. Report the average of the two temperatures as the equilibrium temperature corresponding to the pressure of the manifold. 7. Obtain P vs. T data for at least 8 pressures in the range 100-760 mm Hg.

1. Plot ln P vs. 1/T . 2. Determine the correlation constants in the vapour pressure equation. 3. If the units of P are changed from mm Hg to atm or Kgf/cm2 , how does the behavior of the curve change? 4. Estimate latent heat of vaporization from the plot in (1). 5. How does the latent heat change with increasing temperature and pressure over a wide range? Under what condition is Hv zero? Why ? 6. The latent heat of vaporization is generally seen to be dependent on properties such as molecular weight and polarity. Explain why these properties are determinant to the enthalpy of vaporization.


31 Ebulliometric Determination of the `Innite Dilution Activity Coecient' (IDAC)

1. To determine the value of the "Innite Dilution Activity Coecients" (IDAC) of a binary at 1 atm pressure using dierential ebullometry and the limiting slope method. 2. To estimate the parameters in the activity coecients correlations such as Van Laar/Wilson.

The greatest deviation from ideal solution behaviour occurs at innite dilution. The innite dilution activity coecients are, therefore, appropriate indices to the degree of non-ideality of a solution. Further, the knowledge of innite dilution activity coecients allows phase equilibrium calculation to be performed as they may be used to determine the parameters of the activity coecient model suitable for the binary mixture. Experimental determination of IDACs is based upon the following theoretical consideration. If the vapour phase is assumed to be ideal and the Poynting correction is negligible then the total system pressure at vapour-liquid equilibrium is given by:
P = 1 P1 x1 + 2 P2 x2


at constant temperature to give:

Pi = sat vapour pressure of the ith species at the given temperature. This equation is dierentiated dx2 d1 d2 dP = P1 x1 + 1 + P2 x2 + 2 dx1 dx1 dx2 dx1


If we let x1 approach zero and use the following relations:

dx2 = 1; dx1 d1 is nite at x1 = 0 dx1
i =

2 1

x2 1

d2 /dx2 0

0 P P2

Hence we get:

0 P2 + (dP/dx1 ) 0 P1


The following general relationship of the partial derivatives exists for the variables T , P and x1 :
P = x1 P T

T x1


Evaluated at x1 = 0, this becomes

P x1


P2 T

T x1


Substituting 31.5 in 31.3 the value of 1 can be obtained from isobaric data using the relation, 1 = 0 0 P2 (dP2 /dT )(dT /dx1 ) P 0 P1



If the Antoine's equation for vapour pressures is used then,

0 0 P2 B dP2 = dT (T + C)2


where B and C are the Antoine constants for the component 2. Further dT /dx1 | can be obtained from the limiting slope of the T vs x1 curve as x1 0 by P plotting the solution boiling temperature (T ) versus mole fraction (x1 )

Accurate data on innite dilution activity coecients can be obtained using ebulliometers. Three or four ebulliometers are connected to a manifold and a common pressure control system. The pure solvent (2) is charged to one of the ebulliometes and very dilute solutions of known concentrations of solute (1) (typically, in the range 0 5 mol percent) are charged to the remaining ebulliometes, each charge having a dierent concentration of the species (solute 1) present in dilute amounts. Since extremely small boiling temperature dierences can be detected between that of the pure solvent and that of solutions, very dilute solutions may be used, thus increasing the accuracy of determination of the slope dT /dx1 | . P 1. Set the pressure of the entire manifold at the xed value (typically it may be atmospheric) and switch on the heating supply to each ebulliometer. After the temperature has steadied for each ebulliometer, count the average drop rate of condensation of vapor per minute and record it against the temperature. 2. Alter the heat input to each ebulliometer by a very small amount (typically by about half a graduation on the rheostate controlling the heat input) and record any ensuing change of temperature. Ideally, the temperature should alter by a very small amount (if at all) and at its altered steady value measure the average drop rate as before. 3. For each ebulliometer obtain at least 3 4 sets of temperature and drop rate (which should not exceed 100/min) measurement.

1. Plot temperature vs. Drop rate for each dilute solution separately. Extrapolate to zero drop rate to get the bubble point temperature of solution (why?) 2. Plot bubble point temperature vs. concentration (i.e. T vs. x1 ) to nd the slope of the best straight line. Calculate 1 using this slope and correlations developed in the preceding section. 3. Repeat the above for the other dilute and (with species 2 in dilute solution in species 1) to calculate 1 (This data may be taken from the complementary experiment carried out by other groups).
4. At what temperature have 1 and 2 have been calculated? Does your system exhibit positive or negative deviation from Raoult's law?

5. Determine the Van Laar or Wilson's parameters and compare with literature data, if available. 114

32 Determination of the Dynamic Surface Tension of a surfactant by using Bubble Pressure Tensiometer
To determine the dynamic surface tension of given surfactant solution using maximum bubble pressure tensiometer.

Apparatus and Instruments

Volumetric asks, conical asks, beakers, pipette, bubble pressure tensiometer, etc.

Sodium dodecyl sulphate solution, acetone, distilled water.

1. Dynamic surface tension

With conventional surface tension measuring methods, such as the Wilhelmy plate method, the static surface tension is obtained, i.e. a statement is made about a completely formed surface which is in dynamic equilibrium. Surfactant solutions require a much longer time than water and other liquids to achieve this dynamic equilibrium. This is because of the molecular construction of the surfactants: they consist of a hydrophilic (water-attracting) "head" and a hydrophobic (waterrepelling) "tail". As a result of this construction the surfactant molecules accumulate at the surface; the "tail" projects from the surface and causes a reduction in the surface tension.

Figure 32.1: Orientation of surfactant molecules Interfaces are produced extremely quickly in processes such as foaming, cleaning, printing or coating. In such processes it is not just the equilibrium value of the interfacial tension that is the decisive inuence, but also the kinetics of the interface formation. The molecular mobility of the surfactants used assumes a considerable inuencing factor on the formation of the surface tension. The following illustration is a schematic representation of the surface tensions of two surfactant solutions as a function of the surface age. As can be seen, at the start the surface tension falls rapidly and only approaches an equilibrium value after some time has passed.

Figure 32.2: Time dependence of dynamic surface tension

2. Dependency of the surface tension on the concentration

In addition to the chemical structure, the concentration also has a decisive inuence on the surface tension. The equilibrium value of the surface tension decreases as the number of surfactant molecules 115

accumulating at the surface increases. It achieves its nal value when the surface is completely occupied and oers no place for further molecules. If the concentration is further increased from this point then the surfactant molecules will accumulate within the solution and form aggregates, the so-called "micelles". The concentration at which this eect occurs is known as the "critical micelle formation concentration" (CMC). It is an important characteristic for surfactants. This means that methods for measuring the dynamic surface tensions should only be used above the CMC. In such a case the concentration only inuences the chronological function of the surface tension and no longer has any inuence on its static value. The following illustration shows the measuring ranges of static and dynamic methods (e.g. the bubble pressure method):

Figure 32.3: Schematic image of a micelle

Figure 32.4: Ranges of static and dynamic measuring methods

3. The bubble pressure method

An easy-to-use method for determining the dynamic surface tension is the method of measuring the maximum bubble pressure. In a bubble pressure tensiometer gas bubbles are produced in the sample liquid at an exactly dened bubble generation rate. The gas bubbles enter the liquid through a capillary whose radius is known. During this process the pressure passes through a maximum whose value is recorded by the instrument. The following illustration shows the pressure curve during bubble formation plotted as a function of time:

Figure 32.5: Bubble formation with time 1. The bubble is formed. Initially the pressure is below the maximum pressure; the radius of curvature of the air bubble is larger than the radius of the capillary. 2. The pressure curve passes through a maximum. At this point the air bubble radius is the same as that of the capillary; the air bubble forms an exact hemisphere. The following relationship exists between the maximum pressure max , the hydro-static pressure in the capillary p0 , the inner radius r of the capillary and the surface tension:
= (max 0 )r 2

3. After the maximum the "dead time" of the measurement starts. The pressure decreases again, the radius of the air bubble becomes larger. 4. The bubble nally escapes from the capillary and rises. The cycle begins again with the formation of the next bubble. 116

4. Variation of surface tension with the bubble frequency

For pure solvents the dynamic surface tension does not change with the bubble rate. In case of multi component solution, the surface tension increase with the increasing bubbling frequency. At higher frequency the surfactant molecule does not have adequate time to diuse to and orient them at the gas/liquid interface. Hence the surface tension increases.

Figure 32.6: Surface tension versus bubble frequency

Experimental Procedure
1. Measure the dynamic surface tension of pure acetone and pure water. 2. Make a 50 mM Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) solution and measure its surface tension at a bubble frequency of 1 Hz. 3. Increase the bubble frequency to 2 Hz and note the surface tension. 4. Repeat the third step by increasing the bubble frequency by one unit, till the bubble frequency is 10 Hz. 5. Record the observations in a tabular form and plot a graph of dynamic surface tension of SDS solution v/s bubble frequency.

1. What are the dierent methods used for measurement of surface tension? Explain in brief. 2. What are the dierent types of surfactants? Explain each type with examples.


33 Vapour Liquid Equilibrium

To determine the vapour-liquid equilibrium data for the given binary system. (A = more volatile component. B = less volatile component). 1. To check the thermodynamic consistency of the data. 2. To present the thermodynamic characteristics and constants of Margules equation for the given system.

Vapour-liquid equilibrium data are the basic information of the system required for the design of equilibrium stages of a vapour-liquid separation equipment like distillation. Equilibrium data represent the composition of the mixture in the vapour phase (Y ) and that in the corresponding equilibrium liquid phase (X) at equilibrium. The compositions are presented in mole fractions of the more volatile component (A). Equilibrium compositions are functions of temperature and pressure. Therefore the data are reported under isothermal or isobaric conditions. However, isobaric data are required more often because industrial separations are carried out at constant pressure. 1. The vapour-liquid equilibrium data are presented as equilibrium compositions:
YA = PA A XA = KA XA A YA /(1 YA ) XA /(1 XA )


2. Relative Volatility:
AB =


3. The Gibb's-Duhem equation for the binary system for checking thermodynamic consistency of the data by the integral test:


1 dXA = 0 2


4. The Van Laar equations are

log A = 1+ a
aXA bXB 2;

log B = 1+

bXB aXA 2


Many systems form an azeotrope where the equilibrium vapour and liquid compositions are the same i.e. YA = XA

Experimental setup
The apparatus shown in Figure 33.1 is known as a vapour-liquid equilibrium still and has two essential parts: (1) Vaporizer, (2) Flash chamber or Equilibrium chamber. The binary liquid mixture is vapourized by an electrical heating coil in the vaporizer at a slow rate. The vapour from this rises to the equilibrium chamber. Vapour and liquid equilibrium at the temperature and pressure 118

Figure 33.1: Schematic diagram of VLE setup


of the chamber is established. The temperature or the chamber is recorded by the thermometer which extends well inside the equilibrium chamber. The pressure of the chamber may be regulated by connecting the vapour line to vacuum or pressure header. The vapour and liquid phases separate from each other in the ash chamber. The liquid ows down the liquid line through a water cooled joint to the feeder line, through which the mixture again goes back to the vaporizer. The still may be drained through the feeder line and may be charged through either the vapour or the liquid line.

1. Prepare a calibration chart of composition vs. refractive index (R.I.) or density, for the two pure components A and B and their mixtures with XA varying from 0 to 1. Prepare the mixture of various compositions and determine the R.I. or density. 2. Prepare about 200 ml of mixture of A and B. The experiment should be started with the mixture richer in more volatile component (say 160 ml of A and 40 ml of B) so that in subsequent readings temperature increases. This mixture should be lled in the still through either of the limbs. 3. Check carefully that the electrical coil is completely submerged in the liquid (to avoid ignition) and the mixture is more than 2/3rd level in the vaporizer. Switch on the power and slowly increase the power input in slow steps. Heating should be regulated so that there is no entrainment or foaming of the mixture from vaporizer to the ash chamber. 4. The circulation of the vapour and liquid will soon get established. Allow the system to approach equilibrium. This will be indicated by constant temperature of the thermometer at least for ve minutes. 5. Take the liquid and vapour samples and determine the refractive index (or density). Also record the temperature and from R.I. (or density), determine XA and YA . 6. Drain out about 40 ml of mixture from the still and add about 40 ml of less volatile component. Repeat steps (1) to (5) and record the composition and temperature readings. Take at least six samples, covering whole range of compositions.

Observations & Results

1. More Volatile Component (A): 2. Less Volatile Component (B): 3. Properties of components (from literature/experimental) Component Density at 30 C Molecular Weight Boiling Point R.I at 30 C A B 4. Report XA and R.I for the whole range as follows:



5. Report t X Y as follows:
t, C XA Y

6. Calculate KA , A and B . Report in a data table the following: t, X , Y , A , B , ln(A /B ), KA . 7. Plot ln A , ln B (on the same graph) and ln(A /B ) vs XA (as another graph) and check for thermodynamic consistency. Find the dierence in the positive and negative areas of ln(A /B ) vs. XA (should be less than 20% due to experimental error). 8. Calculate the Van Laar constants a and b from
a = log A 1 + b = log B 1 + XB log B XA log A XA log A XB log B



34 Total Protein Estimation by Lowry's Method

To determine the concentration of proteins by Lowry's method.

Reagents Required
1. BSA stock solution (1mg/ml), 2. Analytical reagents: (a) 50 ml of 2% sodium carbonate mixed with 50 ml of 0.1 N NaOH solution (0.4 gm in 100 ml distilled water.) (b) 10 ml of 1.56% copper sulphate solution mixed with 10 ml of 2.37% sodium potassium tartarate solution. Prepare analytical reagents by mixing 2 ml of (b) with 100 ml of (a) 3. Folin - Ciocalteau reagent solution (1N) Dilute commercial reagent (2N) with an equal volume of water on the day of use (2 ml of commercial reagent + 2 ml distilled water)

The phenolic group of tyrosine and trytophan residues ( amino acid) in a protein will produce a blue purple color complex , with maximum absorption in the region of 660 nm wavelength, with Folin- Ciocalteau reagent which consists of sodium tungstate molybdate and phosphate. Thus the intensity of color depends on the amount of these aromatic amino acids present and will thus vary for dierent proteins. Most proteins estimation techniques use Bovin Serum Albumin (BSA) universally as a standard protein, because of its low cost, high purity and ready availability. The method is sensitive down to about 10 g/ml and is probably the most widely used protein assay despite its being only a relative method , subject to interference from Tris buer, EDTA, nonionic and cationic detergents, carbohydrate, lipids and some salts. The incubation time is very critical for a reproducible assay. The reaction is also dependent on pH and a working range of pH 9 to 10.5 is essential.

1. Dierent dilutions of BSA solutions are prepared by mixing stock BSA solution (1 mg/ ml) and water in the test tube as given in the table. The nal volume in each of the test tubes is 5 ml. The BSA range is 0.05 to 1 mg/ ml. 2. From these dierent dilutions, pipette out 0.2 ml protein solution to dierent test tubes and add 2 ml of alkaline copper sulphate reagent (analytical reagent). Mix the solutions well. 3. This solution is incubated at room temperature for 10 mins. 4. Then add 0.2 ml of reagent Folin Ciocalteau solution (reagent solutions) to each tube and incubate for 30 min. Zero the colorimeter with blank and take the optical density (measure the absorbance) at 660 nm. 5. Plot the absorbance against protein concentration to get a standard calibration curve. 122

6. Check the absorbance of unknown sample and determine the concentration of the unknown sample using the standard curve plotted above. BSA Water Sample conc. Sample vol Alk. CuSO4 Lowry reagent O.D. (ml) (ml) (mg/ml) (ml) (ml) (ml) 600 nm 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 4.75 4.5 4 3 2 1 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

Write short notes on the following points in the report: 1. Beer-Lamberts law 2. Compare Folin-Lowry method with other methods of protein estimation.

1. Lowry, O.H., Rosebrough, N.J., Farr, A.L., and Randall, R.J. (1951) J.Biol.Chem 193: 265 (The original method). 2. Hartree E.E. (1972). Anal. Biochem. 48:422 (This modication makes the assay linear over a larger range than the original assay) 3. Wilson, K. and Walker, J. (2000) "Practical Biochemistry: Principles and Techniques", Cambridge University Press.


35 Determination of pKa by pH Titration Method

To determine the pK values and buering capacity of buer solutions.

Buer stock solution (concentrated), pH meter, distilled water, wash bottle, volumetric asks, measuring cylinders, beakers, and pipettes. Glycine-NaOH buer system: 1. 20 mM glycine 2. 200 mM NaOH Glycine-HCl buer system 1. 20 mM glycine 2. 200 mM HCl

The observation that partially neutralized solutions of weak acids or weak bases are resistant to pH changes on addition of small amounts of strong acid or strong base leads to the concept of "buering". Buers consist of an acid and its conjugate base, such as carbonate and bicarbonate, or acetate and acetic acid. The quality of a buer is dependent on its buering capacity (resistance to change in pH by addition of strong acid or base) and ability to maintain a stable pH upon dilution or addition of neutral salts. Because of the following equilibria, addition of small amounts of strong acid and strong base result in removal of only small amounts of the weakly acidic or basic species, there fore there is little change in the pH:
HA(acid) H + + A (conjugate base) B (base) + H + BH + (conjugate acid)

The pH of a solution of a weak acid or base may be calculated from the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation:
pH = pKa + log

[basic species] [acidic species]


The pK of a buer is that pH where the concentrations of basic and acidic species are equal, and this basic form of equation is accurate between the pH ranges of 3 to 11. Below pH 3 and above pH 11 the concentration of the ionic species of water must be included in the equation. Since the pH range of interest to the biochemical engineer is 3 - 11 ranges, this can be ignored. From the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation an expression for buer capacity ( = d[A ]/d[pH]) may be deduced. 124

1. pH Measurement: Mix all solutions thoroughly. The pH measurement may be made in original beakers. Do not change any control on the pH meter except as directed. With the meter on stand by, rinse the electrode with deionized water, gently shake o the excess water, and immerse the electrode in the sample solution. Switch the meter to the pH mode, allow the reading to stabilize, and record the pH. Switch the meter back to the standby mode, rinse the electrode again, and leave the electrode immersed in deionized water. Repeat this procedure for all samples. 2. Glycine-NaOH buer system: Prepare 50 ml 20 mM glycine solution and 100 ml of 200mM NaOH solution. Calibrate the pH meter with standard buer solution at room temperature. Take 50 ml of glycine solution in a beaker and add 0.5 ml of NaOH solution and shake well to mix. Note the change in pH. Add subsequent quantities of NaOH with an increment of 0.5 ml each time and note observed pH at regular intervals. Take about 30-35 readings and generate the following observation table: Volume of NaOH added (ml) Observed pH 0.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 .

Results and Discussion

1. Plot the titration curve for the given buer system. 2. Estimate the pK for the dierent ionic species.

3. Derive Equation 35.1. Derive an equation for the buering capacity in terms of Ka and [H + ]. 4. When is maximum and what is its value at that condition? 5. List a few biological buers and their range of operation. How do biological systems (cells tissues etc.) maintain pH?

Further Reading
1. Read up the theory on buering of blood. 2. How does the pH meter work? 3. Buers: Principles and Practice, in Methods in Enzymology Vol. 182, Academic press, 1990. 4. L. Styrer, Biochemistry, W.H. Freeman, 1995. 5. D.Freifelder, Physical Biochemistry, W.H.Freeman, 1976 125

36 Aseptic Culture Techniques

To demonstrate the presence of microorganisms everywhere in the environment.

In microbiological and biochemical engineering studies, one almost always deals with a pure culture or a mixture of known cultures, except perhaps in waste water treatment studies. Unless aseptic culture techniques are followed strictly, an originally pure culture will denitely become contaminated with other unwanted species. The use of a contaminated culture with unknown microorganisms will only lead to incredible results that are of little value. Thus, isolation and maintenance of a pure culture is of utmost importance in many microbiological studies. It is especially important to work with a well-characterized strain if the microorganism is used for a food preparation, as well as in antibiotic production where the product is to be taken internally. The need for a clean working environment in biological engineering studies is a must and cleanliness is the prerequisite for any meaningful work. The environment we live in is full of microorganisms capable of surviving in any condition. This experiment is aimed at introducing you to the presence of microorganisms in the environment with the use of a simple microbiological technique.

Nutrient agar plates, and incubator (at 37 C)

Obtain the prepared petri dishes containing nutrient agar medium from the instructor and expose them to the following: 1. Exposure the plate to air for 30 minutes 2. Touch with unwashed ngers. 3. Touch with ngers washed with water and soap 4. Touch with ngers dipped in ethanol. 5. Kiss with moist lips 6. Press against the lab door knob. 7. Press against the bathroom doorknob. 8. Smear a little yogurt or milk. 9. Press coins. 10. Press against a tap handle. 11. Cough vigorously from 4-6 inches away. 126

12. The plates should be labeled appropriately and incubated upside down at 37 C 13. Come back to the lab after 12 to 24 hours and note down what you nd on the plates.

There are actually many more numbers and varieties of microorganisms in our immediate environment than those appearing on the incubated plates. Some of these will not grow in aerobic conditions or on glucose, but will ourish in dierent media. When working with microorganism, it is important that the working environment stays as clean as possible. For example, a minuscule pu of mold spores can drift in air for an extended period of time and contaminate many subsequent experiments. Some of the spores can withstand even the temperature existing inside an autoclave and emerge from the sterilization process in dormant but viable forms. In general, the chance of contamination is proportional to the number of microorganisms in the environment when the aseptic procedures are undertaken. It is important in a shared laboratory setting to practice good aseptic techniques and keep the working environment clean. Although microorganisms can't be totally eliminated in our lab, their numbers can certainly be reduced drastically.

1. Describe the morphology of the colonies growing on the plates (color, texture, size, shape, elevation, number of colonies, etc.). 2. What is the role of agar in microbiological media? 3. Write a note on dierent types of microorganisms and their characteristics. 4. What are the methods available for the identication of microorganisms?

1. Ananthanarayan, R. Panikar, C.K.Jayaram, Textbook of Microbiology 5th Edn, Orient Longman, 2000. 2. Collins, Microbiological methods. - 5th Edn Butterworths, 1984


37 Kinetics of Alkaline Phosphatase

To study the kinetics of alkaline phosphatase.

1. Sodium carbonate - sodium bicarbonate buer: Dissolve 20 ml of 0.2 M solution of sodium carbonate (2.12 gm in 100 ml distilled water) and 230 ml of 0.2 M sodium bicarbonate (4.12 gm in 250 ml distilled water) to make up the volume 250 ml with pH 9 -9.2 2. 5 N sodium hydroxide solution (10 gm in 50 ml distilled water) 3. Substrate stock solution: Dissolve 0.1 gm of p-nitrophynyl phosphate in 25 ml of carbonate -bicarbonate buer (prepared as above). 4. Enzyme solution: Dissolve 10 mg of alkaline phosphatase enzyme in 10 ml carbonate bicarbonate buer to get 1 mg/ml stock solution. Pipette out 0.1 ml of stock A and make-up the volume to 10 ml with buer to obtain 0.01-mg/ml solution, which is used for further dilution.

Chemical reactions in biological systems occur in the presence of highly specic protein catalysts called enzymes. Enzymes catalyse the reaction rapidly under mild conditions in contrast to inorganic catalysts. The rate of enzyme-catalyzed reaction is inuenced by dierent environmental conditions like concentration of substrate, pH, temperature. Presence of inhibitors and concentration of the enzyme itself. The rate of an enzyme-catalysed reaction can be measured by: 1. The disappearance of substrate, or 2. The appearance of the product. In a typical experiment the enzyme and substrate are mixed and allowed to react for specic period of time; then amount of substrate disappeared or product formed is measured and this information will give the rate of activity of the enzyme per unit time. To study an enzyme, an assay is necessary. The assay is a measurement of a chemical reaction, which might involve measuring the formation of the product. The enzymes phosphatases catalyze hydrolysis of phosphate esters to free inorganic phosphate in biological systems. There are two types of phosphatases depending on the pH environment in which they are active. We are going to study the alkaline phosphatase, which requires a pH of 9-9.2 for its activity. In order to measure the activity of enzyme the rate of formation of product can be followed. Here we make use of following reaction which results in the formation of yellow coloured product.p-nitrophenol the concentration of which can be measured using a simple colorimeter using appropriate lter (420 nm)
p-nitro phenyl phosphate p-nitro phenol + phosphate

Alkaline Phosphatase is an important enzyme in recycling phosphate within living cells. This enzyme catalyses the cleavage of phosphate group from a variety of compounds, including articial 128

colourless substrate used in the present analysis p-nitro phenyl phosphate. One of the formed products p-nitro phenol, is yellow in basic solutions. The appearance and intensity of yellow colour in the reaction solution thus indicates the degree to which enzyme has acted upon substrate. Using the mathematical relationship between initial rate and substrate concentration (Michaelis-Mentin equation), reaction parameters like maximal reaction rate (Vmax ) and the Michaelis constant (Km ) can be determined from a hyperbolic graph. Linear graph methods like the Lineweaver-Burk plot can be used for easy determination of reaction parameters.

1. Make the substrate dilutions as in the given table. 2. Prepare the 0.1 mg/ml enzyme solution (stock b) from the stock solution. 3. Mix substrate and enzyme solutions in given proportion and keep for 15 minutes. 4. Add 0.5 ml of 5N NaOH in each reaction solutions to stop the reaction. 5. Read the absorbance at 420 nm. 6. Prepare a serious of standard concentrations of p-nitro phenol in distilled water and measure theabsorbance values at 420 nm against blank. 7. From the standard curve of p-nitro phenol, calculate the rate of the reaction and calculate amount of p-nitro phenol formed per second. 8. Plot reaction rate (v ) against substrate concentration. 9. Data used for a Lineweaver-Burk double reciprocal plot to calculate kinetic parameters. Std (ml) Buer (ml) Sub conc. (mg/ml) Sub vol(ml) Enz.vol(ml) NaOH(ml) Absorbance 0.5 1.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 Stock 4.5 4.0 3.0 2.5 2.0 0.4 0.8 1.6 2.0 2.4 4.0 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

1. Run a series of reactions with constant enzyme concentration at various substrate concentrations and measure the rate of reaction. 2. Plot graph of rate vs substrate concentration 3. Estimate Vmax from asymptote. 4. Estimate Km and Vmax using Lineweaver-Burk plot. 129

5. Describe the signicance of of parameters: Michaelis-Menten constant (Km ) and Vmax . 6. Write brief notes on the eect of pH, temperature, enzyme concentration and presence of inhibitors on the activity of the enzymes. 7. Write about various types of enzyme inhibition.

1. Lubert stryer, Bio chemistry (1995) W.H. Freeman, New York 2. Wilson, K.and Walker, J (2000) Practical Biochemistry, Principles and Techniques.


38 Kinetics of a (Solid-Liquid) Esterication Reaction

To determine the reaction rate constants for the forward and backward reactions for esterication of acetic acid with butanol at dierent temperatures.

CH3 COOH + C4 H9 OH C4 H9 COOCH3 + H2 O

Acetic Acid + Butanol Butyl Acetate + Water

The synthesis of butyl acetate is done through esterication of acetic acid with n-butanol. The ester has wide application as a versatile solvent in chemical industry. It is a reversible reaction that takes place in the presence of acid catalyst. The catalyst used in the present experiment is a solid heterogeneous catalyst. Hence, reaction takes place on the surface of the catalyst. If the reaction is performed in a batch reactor, the conversion will increase and the reaction rate will drop with respect to time. Eventually it will attain equilibrium.

Kinetic Model
Among all the models the simplest model is the pseudohomogeneous model given by the following rate equation:


where K is the reaction equilibrium constant (i.e. k1 /k2 ) that can be independently calculated using the following relation:
ln HR K 1 1 = [ ] K0 R T0 T


where, K 0 = exp[ GR ] RT0

0(l) Data: HR = - 3.887 kJ/mol,


GR = - 8.889 kJ/mol

The set-up consists of ve heating chambers whose temperature can be set independently thus, enabling conducting ve runs at dierent temperatures simultaneously. The reaction is performed in a 300 ml glass reactors equipped with stirrer and condenser and placed in respective heating chambers for the attainment of the required temperature. The stirrer is driven by a motor with a control over the speed of agitation. The speed can be measured using a non-contact type tachometer. Digital temperature indicators are provided to measure the temperature of the reaction mixture in all the reactors. 131

1. Set the temperatures of the heating chambers (atleast four) at the desired levels and start heating. 2. Take measured quantities of acetic acid and n-butanol in the two reactors. 3. Place the reactors in the oil baths, start slow stirring and observe the reactor temperature. 4. Once the desired temperature of the reaction mixture is attained, add the measured quantity of cation exchange resin (Amberlyst-15) in the reactor. Consider this time as the zero reaction time. Increase the speed of agitation to 1200 rpm. 5. Remove samples from all the reactors. Keep removing the samples as per the time intervals indicated in the tables. 6. Titrate weighed quantity of the sample against 0.5 M NaOH. Record the titration readings and calculate conversions at every time interval.

Outline of the Process


Mole ratio of reactants: Amount of catalyst:


Figure 38.1: Schematic diagram of the Esterication setup


Observation and Results Table

Chamber 1 Temperature = ____ Chamber 2 Temperature = ____ Time Weight of Titer Val. Conversion Time Weight of Titer Val. Conversion (min) sample (g) (ml) (Xobserved ) (min) sample (g) (ml) (Xobserved ) 0 5 10 15 20 30 45 60
k1 k2

0 5 10 15 20 30 45 60
k1 k2

Chamber 3 Temperature = _____

Chamber 4 Temperature = _____

Time Weight of Titer Val. Conversion Time Weight of Titer Val. Conversion (min) sample (g) (ml) (Xobserved ) (min) sample (g) (ml) (Xobserved ) 0 5 10 15 20 30 45 60
k1 k2 k0 for forward reaction

0 5 10 15 20 30 45 60
k1 k2

= k0 for backward reaction = E for forward reaction = E for backward reaction =


1. Calculate the conversion at all times for each temperature and plot the kinetic data (X vs t) for comparison, where X is conversion. 2. Calculate the reaction rate constant by Integration and Dierential method
Integral Analysis

1. The rate equation can be integrated to give k1 t = f1 (X) 2. Find f1 (X) 3. Plot f1 vs t to get k1 and k2
Dierential Analysis

1. The rate equation can be written as dX/dt = k1 f2 (X) 2. Find f2 (X) 3. Calculate dX/dt at each time interval for X vs t plot. 4. Plot dX/dt vs f2 (X). 5. Calculate k1 and k2 from the above plot.
Integral Analysis

1. Plot ln k1 and ln k2 vs 1/T . 2. Evaluate Arrhenius parameters k0 and E for both backward and forward reactions from the graph.

Conclusion and Comments Questions

1. Suggest the algorithm to evaluate k1 by regression analysis. 2. If K is not known, how will you evaluate k1 and K from the kinetic data you have generated?


39 Batch Reactive Distillation

To examine the potential of batch reactive distillation in enhancing the reaction conversion.

Denition of Batch Reactive Distillation

Batch Reactive Distillation (BRD) is dened as a batch distillation system wherein reaction takes place in either reboiler or condenser or in the column or at more than one of these locations. It has a potential to lower the capital and energy cost of the process.

Consider the following reversible reaction.
A + B C + D

(39.1) (39.2)

The law of mass action for this reacting system is given by

K= [C][D] [A][B]

If C is the desired product Le Chatelier's principle says that if D can be removed simultaneously during the course of the reaction, the reaction can be shifted in the forward direction and conversion of C can be enhanced. Reactive distillation makes use of this concept and improves the yield of a reversible reaction.
Reaction of Interest

The reaction considered in the present experiment is esterication of acetic acid with butanol to give butyl acetate and water.


Butyl acetate is an industrially important chemical and nds application as a useful solvent in many processes. The important limitation of reactive distillation is that the volatilities of the components involved should be favorable. For example, in the above system if one wants to remove D, it should either have the highest volatility or it should form a minimum boiling azeotrope with one or more than one component in the system. Table 1 gives the boiling points of the components involved in the reacting system.
Table 1: Boiling Points of Components

Components Acetic Acid n-Butanol n-Butyl Acetate Water

Boiling Points C 118 117.7 126.3 100 136

If we want to increase the conversion towards butyl acetate, we have to remove water eciently during the course of reaction. The boiling points in the table may indicate that water and other components have close boiling points and the ecient removal of water may not be possible, as water will possibly carry other components along with it in the overhead product. However, in reality, it does not happen. Water forms ternary azeotrope with butanol and butyl acetate that boils at 87-90 C. Since this azeotrope has minimum boiling point, instead of pure water one gets distillate composition close to the ternary azeotrope (i.e. ternary mixture water, butanol and butyl acetate).
Nature of Azeotrope

The azeotrope can be either homogeneous or heterogeneous. If on condensation of vapour, the liquid form two phases, then the azeotrope is called as heterogeneous azeotrope. In the present case, the azeotrope is heterogeneous and form two phases. The aqueous phase is almost pure water and can be removed easily. Organic phase that consist of mainly butyl acetate and butanol can be recycled back to the column through reux. Hence, ideally if one starts with stoichiometric mole ratio of butanol and acetic acid in the reactor, at end of the run, the system should contain only butyl acetate in the reactor if losses of butanol and other components with overhead aqueous phase are negligible. This conclusion is to be validated with the help of the present experiment.

The set up consists of two identical reactors (R1 and R2 ) of about 1 lit capacity. Both the reactors are externally heated with the help of a heating mantle. The reactors are also equipped with temperature sensors, turbine type impellers, baes and drain valve for sample removal. The impellers are driven with the help of a common motor (M ). The reactors are R1 is connected to a distillation column (D) packed with ceramic raschig rings. The column is insulated using asbestos ropes. The overhead vapors are collected in the vertical condenser (C1 ). A Dean Stark type arrangement has been used to provide reux to the column. A cock is proved to withdraw the water formed in the reaction. The condenser (C2 ) serves as a reux condenser to reactor R2 .

The two reactors namely R1 and R2 are each charged with 440 gms acetic acid and 550 gms of n-butanol and 100 gms of strong cation exchange (acidic) resin as catalyst. 1. Remove samples from reactors R1 and R2 and perform the titration analysis 2. Start the water supply to the condensers and switch on the power supply to heating mantles for both reactors R1 and R2 and Put the stirrer on and start slow stirring and wait for the reaction mixture to boil. Note down the temperatures. 3. Once the reaction mixture starts boiling, remove the sample (5 ml) from the bottom valves of both the reactors. 4. Increase the speed of agitation to the mark on the speed control device (it corresponds to 1000 rpm). The speed is such that the resin particles suspend well in the reaction mixture and the mass transfer resistance across the solid liquid interface becomes negligible. Remove the samples from both reactors. 137

5. From the reactor R1 , vapors move to the distillation column and eventually reach the condenser and get condensed. The condensate is collected in the Dean and Stark apparatus. You will observe that the condensate is a two phase mixture. Wait till the arm of this apparatus gets lled with liquid and the reux begins. 6. Start removing water so as to maintain its level at the mark shown on the arm of the Dean and Stark apparatus. 7. Keep removing samples from the reactors R1 and R2 after every 10/15 mins from the respective bottom valves and note down various temperatures (top and bottom for reactor R1 and only bottom for reactor R2 ). Note the total amount of water removed (P). Make the correction for the hold up of water (5 ml) in Dean and Stark apparatus. 8. Collect samples of aqueous layer after every 10/15 min. 9. Remove samples of the organic layer after every 10/15 min. 10. Perform the analysis of all the samples by titration against standard NaOH. The analysis will give the indication of acid content in the mixture. When the acid content does not change with time, the saturation point is obtained. Stop the run at this stage. Put the stirrer and heating mantle o. Another indication for the saturation point is the constancy of reactor and top temperature with respect to time.
Procedure for Sample Removal

The sample from the reactor bottom may be collected by opening the drain valve. About 4- 5 ml of the sample is collected in the sample bottle and the valve is closed. This liquid is disposed to the waste bottle and again a fresh sample is taken by following the above procedure. The initial quantity is rejected in order to purge the sampling line.

Outline of the Process Analysis by Titration

1. Remove 2 ml sample in a conical ask by a pipette. The sample should be free from the resin particles. 2. Dilute the sample with water (about 25 -30 ml). 3. Titrate with standard NaOH (0.1 N) solution and phenolphthalein as indicator.
Some important practical problems

During the experiment following things can go wrong. The students should take necessary action mentioned below or report to the instructor/demonstrator: 1. Because of the voltage uctuations the speed of agitation may rise or fall suddenly. The regulator position may be adjusted accordingly in such case. 2. The drain valves may leak during the course of the run. The empty beaker (marked as "safety beaker") provided to you should be immediately placed below this valve and the instructor/demonstrator should be informed. 138

Figure 39.1: Schematic diagram of Batch Reactive Distillation


3. The stirrer of the reactor may stop suddenly. Inform the instructor/demonstrator immediately.

Titration reading of the reaction mixture: Readings when reaction mixtures from R1 and R2 start boiling: Time: R1: R2: Temperatures: R1 (Top): R1 (Bottom): R2: Titration reading: R1: R2:

Observation Table
Reactor R1 (batch reactive distillation)

Sample Time(min) 1 2 3 4 5
Reactor R2

Temperature Titration Reading Cumulative Amount of Top Reactor Top (org) Top (aq) Reactor Water removed (P gms)

10 20 30 40 50

Sample Time (min) Temperature Titration Reading (mL) 1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50




Time Titration Reading Acidity of Sample Conversion (%) Conversion (%) based (min) (mL) V1 (A) (V1 0.1)/2.0 (A0 A)/A0 on water removed

Enhancement obtained in batch reactive distillation system = Conversion in reactor R1 Conversion in reactor R2 Conversion in reactor R2

Conclusions and Comments Questions

1. What is Le-Chatelier's principle and how it is applied in the present experiment? 2. Why the reaction temperature changes with time? 3. What is azeotrope? Explain its relevance in the present experiment. 4. What if the azeotrope is not heterogeneous? 5. What is the eect of speed of agitation and particle size in this experiment? 6. Is batch reactive distillation an economically attractive option to the conventional approach (i.e. reaction followed by distillation)? Why? 7. Plot proles of temperature, rate of water removal (only for R1 ) and conversion with respect to reaction time for both R1 and R2 . 8. How much acetic acid is lost through distillate? Does that make a signicant impact on the conversions calculated?


40 Micellar Catalysis
Study of instantaneous reaction by micellar catalysis.

Reaction kettle, stirrer with motor assembly, thistle funnel, pipette, syringe, standard asks, etc.

Diethyl aniline (DEA), HCl, cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB)


Figure 40.1: Conversion of Diethyl Aniline to Diethylaniline hydrochloride

When the concentration of a surfactant in a solution exceeds certain limit known as critical micelle concentration (CC), surfactant molecules form micelles. Hydrophobic groups of surfactant molecules form the core of micelles while the hydrophilic head groups are located at the interface with water and the relatively small counter ions of the ionic micelle are located in stern layer. Most of the counter ions are however located in the electrical double layer where they are completely dissociated to form charged aggregates and are able to exchange with ions in the bulk of the solution. Typically micelles have average radii of 12-30 . The size of the micelles is comparable to the molecular size. Due to this small size, micelles provide high interfacial area. Micelles can solubilize the sparingly soluble organic reactant. The counter ions located in the double layer can exchange ions with the bulk. However, due to small size, number density of micelles is quite high. All these properties make micelles to catalyze a reaction. The reaction can be studied using dierent surfactant; anionic as well as cationic and enhancement factor can be found. The above reaction is studied in presence of cationic surfactant certied (CTAB), cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide at concentration above CC.


Rate Equation
R = kL [DEA ](1 + q)

Where, R = specic rate of extract of DEA into HCl, mol m2 ms1 , [DEA ] = solubility of DEA in aqueous phase, mol m3 .
q= [HCl] DDEA 1/2 [DEA ] DHCl

(40.1) s1 , kL = mass transfer coecient, (40.2)

Where, DDEA and DHCl are diusivity of DEA and HCl respectively in the aqueous phase. If q is large, 1 + q q = Hence, R = kL [DEA ]q Therefore,
R = kL [HCl] DDEA 1/2 DHCl


Material balance for HCl in the aqueous phase yields,

V d[HCl] =RA dt


where, V is volume of aqueous phase. From the above equations

V d[HCl] DDEA 1/2 = kL [HCl] A dt DHCl


The initial condition is [HCl] = [HCl]i at t = 0. The solution of the above equation is therefore,
ln [HCl]i kL A DDEA 1/2 = t HCl V DHCl

(40.6) line with Slope =


plot of ln [HCl]i /HCl vs t will give a straight (kL A/V )(DDEA /DHCl )1/2 . The enhancement factor is dened as:

slope in presence of surfactant slope in absence of surfactant

1. In a model stirred cell reactor, add 250 ml of water. 2. Slowly add 85 ml of DEA by means of a funnel so that it spreads on the surface of water. 3. Position the impeller in the aqueous phase and set at a speed of 45-50 RPM so as to maintain a at interface. 4. Add concentrated HCl through the thistle funnel into the aqueous phase to obtain a strength of 0.1 N. This is zero reaction time. 5. Aqueous phase sample (1 ml) is withdrawn by means of a syringe at a time interval of every 3 min. and diluted 300 times before analysis. 6. The reaction is monitored for 30 min. 7. The above procedure is repeated in presence of CTAB to observe the eect of micelles. 143

The salt DEA-HCl formed in the aqueous phase shows an absorbance maxima at wavelength of 253 nm. All the aqueous phase samples are therefore analyzed on UV-VIS spectrophotometer at the wavelength of 253 nm.

A standard plot is made of DEA-HCl of the following concentration: 1. 2 103 M 2. 3 103 M 3. 4 103 M 4. 5 103 M

HCl = DEA = mol m3 mol m3

Observation Table I (without CTAB)

S.N. Time (min) Concentration 1 2 . 10

Observation Table II (with CTAB)

S.N. Time (min) Concentration 1 2 . 10


1. Calculate q
1 2

2. Slope in absence of CTAB = 3. Slope in presence of CTAB = 4. kL (without CTAB) = mol s1 5. kL (with CTAB) = mol s1
Result Table

S.N Time (min) Concentration (without CTAB) Concentration (with CTAB) 1 2 . 10

Conclusions and Comments


41 Homogeneous Reactions
To study kinetics of homogeneous reaction of quinoline (Q) with 1-bromobutane (BuBr).


The most common and useful method for preparation of quaternary ammonium salts is by alkylation of tertiary amines with an alkyl halide. It can be represented as follows:
R3 N + R X R3 N + R X


These reactions are usually conducted by warming for a few hours, stoichiometric amounts of amine with the appropriate alkyl bromide/iodide. A typical example of this, is alkylation of quinoline with 1-bromobutane. This reaction can be carried out at 80 C. Appreciable conversion can be obtained by mixing suitable amount of quinoline and 1-bromobutane in a reaction vessel and shaking for two hours. Since quaternary salt is insoluble in the organic phase, it separates out from the reaction mixture. Formation of solid makes it dicult to accurately sample the reaction mass from analysis. This diculty is solved by adding the second phase viz; water which extracts quaternary salt from the organic phase. Aqueous phase can be sampled for Br analysis. Reaction is rst order with respect to quinoline and 1-bromobutane. The rate expression can therefore be written as:
Vaq d [Br ] = k2 [n-BuBr][C9 H7 N ]Vorg dt


Where, [Br ] is the concentration of bromide ions in the aqueous phase, mol m3 s1 ; Vaq is the volume of aqueous phase, cm3 ; [n-BuBr] is the concentration of 1-bromobutane in organic phase, mol m3 ; [C9 H7 N ] is concentration of quinoline in the organic phase, mol m3 ; Vorg is the volume of organic phase, cm3 ; k2 is the reaction rate constant, m3 mol1 s1 . Since conversion of n-BuBr during the experiment is small (< 10%), the concentration of both n-BuBr and quinoline can be assumed as constant. Therefore, a plot of [Br ] vs time is a straight line. The slope for this line is: S = k2 [n-BuBr]i [C9 H7 N ]i (Vorg /Vaq ) where [n-BuBr]i and [C9 H7 N ]i represent the initial concentration of 1-bromobutane and quinoline respectively. The rate constant k2 can be estimated from the slope. 146

1. Take 50 ml of Quinoline, 50 ml of 1-bromobutane and 100 ml of water in a reactor, set in water bath maintained at 80 C. 2. Withdraw sample from the aqueous phase. This corresponds to zero hour sample. 3. Stir the reaction mixture at 200-250 rpm so as to form a completely dispersed system. 4. Take samples from the aqueous phase at an interval of 20 min. after allowing the two phases to separate. 5. Continue the reaction for 2 hours. 6. The reaction is monitored, by analyzing for Br in the aqueous phase using a specic ion electrode meter.

Selective ion electrode is provided along with the reference electrode and the Br electrode. The halide electrode consists of silver halide/silver sulde membranes bonded into the tip of an epoxy electrode body. When the membrane is in contact with a halide solution, silver ions dissolve from the membrane surface and electrode develops a potential due to the silver ion concentration. This concentration is in turn, determined by the sample halide ion concentration. The meter is calibrated with standard bromide solution. Aqueous phase sample (1 ml) which is withdrawn at every 20 min interval is quenched with a drop of concentrated HNO3 and then diluted to 100 ml in a standard volumetric ask. 50 ml of this is taken for analysis. Add 1 ml ionic adjuster (ISA) to this solution and read concentration in ppm on the meter.
Observation Table

S.N. Time (min) Concentration (ppm)

k2 =

slope Vaq [n-BuBr]i [C9 H7 N ]i Vorg


Conclusions and Comments


42 Interfacial (Liquid-Liquid) Nitration

To study the kinetics of nitration of nitrobenzene (NB) in a stirred cell reactor at a liquid-liquid interface.


Figure 42.1: Nitrobenzene to Di-nitrobenzene

1. Nitrobenzene (A.R.), = 1.2 g/ml. 2. Nitrating mixture, = 1.735 g/ml.

Reaction Kettle, Impeller, Geared motor, Thistle funnel, Syringe, Standard ask, NaOH solution, Spectrophotometer.

The reaction involves electrophilic substitution of substrate i.e. nitrobenzene in presence of the nitrating mixture.
HN O3 + 2H2 SO4 N O2
H SO (+)

+ H3 O(+) + 2H2 SO4




HO N O2 2 HSO4 4

+ HO(+) H

N O2 2 H3 O(+) + HSO4 4

+ N O2


(+) The controlling step is the attack of N O2 on nitrobenzene.

Rate = k2 [RN O2 ][N O2 ]+ = k2 [RN O2 ][HN O3 ]


where k2 = Kk2 , and K is the extent of dissociation of HNO3 to yield NO(+) ion. The reaction 2 exhibits second order kinetics. 148

Industrial nitration involves two phase system; aqueous phase containing ions such as H(+) , HSO() , 4 NO(+) and NO() and organic phase containing polar aromatic molecules. The charged species 2 3 present in the bulk aqueous phase will tend to concentrate at the interface depending on the surface charge. Therefore, the reaction can occur in the interfacial mono-layer in addition to the reaction in the bulk. Thus, the overall rate of reaction may be written as:
R = Ri + Rb


where R = total rate of reaction, mol/h, and Ri and Rb = rate of reaction at interface and bulk respectively, mol/h. Ri and Rb can be expressed as:
Ri = k2 [RN O2 ] [N O2 ] A Rb = k2 [RN O2 ][HN O3 ]V


where, [RNO2 ] , [NO2 ] = concentration of nitrobenzene and nitronium ion per unit area of monolayer, mol/m2 , and k2 = interfacial reaction rate constant, m2 /mol h, and A = interfacial area, m2 . The rate of bulk reaction depends upon volume of the aqueous phase while it is independent of the interfacial area. Exactly opposite behaviour is exhibited by the interfacial reaction. The eect of the degree of agitation on the overall rate can therefore be studied in order to check whether one or the other mechanisms are dominant.

1. Charge 100 ml of nitrating mixture to the Stirred Cell reactor. 2. Set the impeller at the interface. 3. With the help of thistle funnel, slowly add nitrobenzene (100 ml) so that it is evenly spread on the surface of the nitrating mixture. 4. Withdraw sample (1 ml) from the organic phase. This sample corresponds to zero reaction time. 5. Start the motor and set the impeller speed. face/dispersed system. The reaction is conducted at at inter-

6. The reaction is monitored for the presence of m-dinitrobenzene (m-DNB) by withdrawing samples (0.5-1.0 ml) from the organic phase at an interval of every 15 min for 1.5 hrs. The sample is quenched with distilled water and the organic phase after separation is analyzed for m-DNB content by Janovsky test. 149

The organic phase sample ( 0.1 g) is taken in a volumetric ask (25 ml) and diluted with acetone. 10 ml of this sample is taken in a beaker to which is added 0.6 ml of NaOH solution (0.25% by wt.). Violet colour starts developing. The sample is analyzed after 10 min on a UV-spectrometer. Note the absorbance at 573 nm wavelength ().

Equation of the calibrating curve
y = 0.123x + 0.01719

where, x = concentration of m-DNB in acetone (mg/l) 1. Concentration of m-DNB per weight of sample =
x 106

weight of sample per ml of acetone 2. % conversion based on HNO3 taken

moles of DNB formed


wt. of sample

total weight of organic phase

moles of HNO3 in nitrating mixture

Determine % conversion for each sample. Draw a graph of % conversion vs time. Slope obtained from the plot corresponds to the rate of reaction.

Observations and Results

Time (min) Wt. of sample taken Absorbance Concentration of DNB for analysis per weight of sample

Conclusions and Comments


A Data Analysis
There are two common mistakes associated with most computations as observed in student reports: (1) lack of signicance in computed answers, and (2) lack of understanding of the use of regression analysis. The lack of signicance in most computations is the result of three causes: unnecessary use of all reported digits as displayed by calculators/computers, lack of knowledge of the least count associated with devices/measurements, and lack of understanding of how errors propagate during successive calculations. The main problem associated with regression analysis is the lack of thought which goes into verifying whether a linear model is appropriate. It is expected that you familiarize yourself with the discussion below, and analyze your data accordingly.

Number representation
Data may be represented by xed-point or oating-point representations.
Fixed-point: xed number of decimal places: 1.000, 12.836, 36823.128 Floating point: 0.1234 105 or 0.1234E05, 0.1386 106 etc.

A signicant aspect of data representation is the concept of signicant digits. The numbers 1360, 1.360, 0.001360 all have 4 signicant digits. It is important to appreciate that 1.360 is dierent from 1.36. In the context of measured values, this last digit of signicance is a function of the least count of the measuring device. Any number a may be represented as m.10e where m is the mantissa (0.1 m < 1) and e is an integer. Usually m is limited to 8 digits and hence a is now stored as a = m.10e where m = 0.d1 d2 ...dt and d1 > 0, t is usually 8 and |e| < M (M is the largest exponent that is allowed). For single precision calculations, 38 < e < 38 (125 < exp2 < 125) where exp2 is the exponent in base 2 (M =38). Double precision uses 308 < e < 308 (1020 < exp2 < 1020). Numbers smaller than 1038 would give underow errors (which are handled by treating the value as 0) and values larger than 1038 cause overow errors (problematic, because we cannot represent innity on a computer).

Truncation and Round-o errors

Obviously, there could be loss of signicance in the storage of numbers at lower precision. Decimal places are discarded by chopping them o (truncation) or by rounding them o. In both cases, there is a loss of signicant digits. Rounding o involves discarding digits from (k + 1)th place onwards.
If the number discarded is less than half the unit in the k th place, then the k th value is left

unchanged (rounding down). value (rounding up).

even decimal.

If the number discarded is more than half the unit in the k th place, then add 1 to the k th If the number discarded is half the unit in the k th place (i.e. = 5), round o to the nearest


Therefore 3.45 and 3.55 when rounded o to one decimal place become 3.4 and 3.6. Rounding o 1.2535 to 3, 2 and 1 places gives 1.254, 1.25 and 1.3. Note that rounding o 1.25 to one place gives 1.2! When a = m.10e is approximated by a = m.10e , the relative rounding o error is (noting that t /2, and that |m| 0.1) |m m| 10
mm 101t aa a m 2

Chopping o is obviously simpler, but errors would be larger. When a = m.10e is approximated by a = m.10e , the relative truncation error is
mm aa 101t a m

The absolute error when the true value a is measured as a is = a a. Example: a = 10.2 and a = 10.5 gives = 0.3. The relative error of a is r = (a)/a = /a. But a is usually unknown, and so this is approximated a with r = (a a)/ = /. Usually is unknown, and so we use bounds such as where | | and a a | r | r . While errors in the representation of individual numbers may look small, successive manipulation of such numbers would cause the total error to blow up.

Error propagation
Let x = x + Addition:

and y = y +

where | 1 | 1 and | 2 | 2

| | = |x + y ( + y )| = |(x x) + (y y )| = | x


1 + 2

| | = |x y ( y )| = |(x x) (y y )| = | x


1 + 2

For both addition and subtraction, the error of the result is the sum of absolute errors. Multiplication: The relative error r of xy is
| r| = xy xy xy (x 1 )(y = xy xy | r,1 | + | r,2 | r,1 + r,2



1 2



+ 2x 1 2 + xy x y

where we have assumed | 1 2 | | 1 | and | 2 |. Division: The real ratio may be written as
x y = x+ y+
1 2

x+ 1 x+ = y (1 + 2 /) y y

2 2 y2


x 1 2x + y y y y


1 2

and higher terms are neglected, and hence

x/y x/ y x/y

r,1 |


r,2 |

r,1 + r,2

For both multiplication and division, the relative error of the result is the sum of relative errors. 152

Loss of accuracy
The causes of loss of accuracy usually are Floating point errors and Experimental errors.
Floating point errors These are usually of 4 types:

1. Creeping roundo/truncation: Using the denition of relative errors, x = x(1 + r,1 ) and y = y (1 + r,2 ) where x and y are the oating point representations of x and y . Then the oating point representation of their sum would itself be stored as a oating point value ( + y ). x If the relative error in this representation itself is r,3 , then
( + y ) = ( + y )(1 + x x
r,3 )

= (x(1 +

r,1 ) r,1

+ y(1 +
r,2 )

r,2 ))(1 r,1

r,3 ) r,2 ) r,3

= (x + y) + (x + y)

+ (x


+ (x


2. Negligible addition: adding a small number to a larger one with roundo could result in the smaller number being drowned out. To 4 signicant places (4S), (0.0004 + 0.0004) + 1.000 = 1.001 but (1.000 + 0.0004) + 0.0004 = 1.000. Add the smallest numbers rst, for better accuracy. This can be an issue for example, when computing the mean: for n values, the mean is computed by summing all the numbers using a loop, and then dividing by n. It may be more reliable to sort the numbers and to then add them up. 3. Magnication: Errors get magnied usually on multiplication/division as explained before. 4. Loss of signicant digits by subtraction cancellation Example: Subtraction cancellation of two numbers of same size: 0.1439 0.1426 = 0.0013 = 0.13 102 with the loss of two signicant digits. Example: Computing the ratio a/(b c) can be problematic if b and c are of almost equal value. Calculation 0.81534/(35.724-35.596)=6.3698437...
0.8153/(35.72 35.60)

signif. digits 5 4 3 2 1

a/(b c)

a(b + c)/(b2 c2 )

0.815/(35.7-35.6) 0.82/(36-36)

6.3698 6.794 8.15 division by 0 -

6.3698 6.370 6.37 6.4 6

Example: Quadratic roots: Find roots of x2 40x + 2 = 0 to 4 signicant digits.

Method 1: For ax2 + bx + c = 0, b + b2 4ac b b2 4ac , x2 = x1 = 2a 2a gives x = 20.00 398.0 = 20.00 19.95 which gives x1 = 39.95 and x2 = 0.05.


Method 2: x1 =

b +

b2 4ac , 2a

x2 =

c ax1

using the observation that x1 + x2 = b/a and x1 x2 = c/a. This gives x1 = 39.95 and x2 = 2.000/39.95 = 0.05006. Method 3: Use
b1 = b , 2a c1 = c , a d = b2 c1 , 1 r1 = |b1 | + d

If b1 < 0, use x1 = r1 and if r1 = 0, use r2 = c1 /x1 . What roots does this method give?
Other tips
Use fewer operations to reduce error: For example, use nested multiplication if possible. For y = a0 xn + a1 xn1 + ... + an x + an+1 , use a loop:

y=0; For i=1 to n+1, y=y*x+a_{i}; end

This results in 2n operations only, with one addition and one multiplication per iteration. Instead of computing x4 as x x x x, use u = x x and then use x4 = u u.
Find alternate series forms. For example 1 + cos(x) is dicult to measure at x since cos() = 1 (subtractive cancellation). Instead use the identity 1 + cos(x) = 2(sin(x/2))2 . Store intermediate values in extended precision.

Regression analysis
Given a model where we believe that y = + x, we wish to estimate the `best-t' regression line y = a + bx. First note that the values a and b represent the best possible estimates of and given available experimental measurements (xi , yi ). ( and are population parameters, and a and b represent sample estimates of those parameters). We need a line such that (xi , yi ) = (xi , a + bxi ). The deviations of the actual experimental points from the line are yi yi = di = yi a bxi . The best t line tries to minimize S = sum of squared distances of points from the line (hence called the method of least squares)
n n


d2 = i

(yi a bxi )2

It can be shown that the best estimates of and are

b= Lxy ; Lxx ; a = y bx
n i=1 yi

n n

n i=1 xi




Lxx =

(xi x) =

x2 i

n(x) ;

Lxy =

(xi x)(yi y) =

xi yi nx y


The sample correlation coecient is a measure of association between the two continuous variables 2 x and y . r = Lxy / Lxx Lyy where Lyy is = n (yi y)2 = n yi n(y)2 . r ranges from -1 i=1 i=1 to +1, and r = 0 indicates that x and y are not correlated. Clearly, r is related to the slope of the best-t line b. Note that r is unchanged if the units of x and y are changed, or if the variables are themselves swapped (x is called y and vice-versa). b however would be aected by swapping of variables or a change in units. r indicates a linear relationship between the variables, whereas b describes the precise linear relationship between them.
The least-squares linear regression method assumes that the data ts a linear model. It is

possible (and common) to get excellent regression values (close to 1), yet the data might instead be better described by a higher polynomial. Nonlinear regression approaches exist, but clearly even then, blind application of this statistical approach can be dangerous. for the parameters involved. Belief in the estimates is increased on increasing the sample size (To increase your belief that a coin is fair, toss it more times). It is common to perform replicates to identify an average value. It is also important to compute from these replicates, the standard deviation associated with these measurements. These standard deviations are representations of the errors that we have already discussed. The propagation of errors reects the situation that typically arises when the mean values of various variables are manipulated using various arithmetic operations, but propagation of standard deviations are ignored.

A necessary aspect of accurate parameter estimation is identication of condence intervals

A typical trick used in parameter evaluation of a nonlinear model is to rst convert it to a linear form and then apply linear regression. For example, y = ax/(b + x) may be inverted to yield the linear relationship 1/y = (1/a) + (b/a)(1/x). However while small values of x (and therefore small errors in the measurement of x) may not signicantly inuence the shape of

the hyperbolic curve (and estimation of parameters from that curve), they have a huge impact on the calculation of the slope and intercept of the inverted (linear) form.


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