Garden City
Garden City
Garden City
- 20 )
Name of Father/Guardian : Occupation of Father/Guardian : Country/State of Domicile : Permanent Address: Correspondence Address:
1. I S/o / D/o agree to abide by the rules and regulations of GCC in force and amended/altered from time to time. 2. I assure that I will not indulge in any activity that would tarnish the image of the Institution. 3. I am aware that the management of GCC has every right to suspend/dismiss me from the College or even debar from the University in case I breach the code of conduct. 4. I am aware that the fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. 5. I am aware that my admission is subject to the approval of Bangalore University.
I hereby certify that the declaration made above has been duly signed by my ward in my presence.
Place : Date :
Office Use
Admission Officer
DD Date : Branch : /Cheque (Please Tick the mode of payment ), Amount : , Bank : , ,