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Star Gazette Oct 10 1978

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John starts

i ADS. 5l5l



Tommy John geb the nod as storting L4 pitcher in Vorld

Series opener


Page 21.

m ]!AJ
ffi rE

ffi hIII









L,wwsw,i$ tharew,tened, ow eY {&&,e'ese pdorras se,otrg'e

$hq& dd to bld vtuR of goelB6 oiricirb 0i :t i: BvmssNN tu pEj&nl ol Tom eqer:Mobr hn hs b @lc.- & bkntoE b fishl he kldnd pmwl *p! U, &e ry dd trdon b tup bptu Ctre & h HnRhcrds $ek bioe he dle ]M aplmid a bne drnge Irom bNdry br $qe lGd hdld bt Sc smry s eudl! by kptuo b kgi rudaddB.nIs kcs kmnt olel adilNnr b 3 Tom$E.r m@1. The, h 3 Spl ts le(er to Se ledrl Endmnmntrl d. Jaid P. Se, Fideni ol Se nodda.lM PmHon AIrnry (EPA,. bs&std: mfmbM, Sd hr *il sk il hlucuoD todrddDa h"a td s *!'E enend, appmvnl ot Se che* .@d *hSe f,ow b Sc phL il CheMg Gsry pbnl dl h U lrs! shs bdoe ve sk UE sd [0r m ks ffid No. l.appmr* bptuo's w4e'&Fd bjhdon b b. Se dw pht omeuod ild all o$er ph. omdoN Mdl I .es (sqnEe Mmnr) plul d Nm' Sharia $d d06 lmm te pht dreldy have hud Dlddd be hie SL plut ledMld ee m{l'i b6h6. Tbe injudoD *odd !reven! doE her DMd A1h. h* J. ]lsiie dd-&e djstlicl G c?itiB lo!,opinios lmm he sbte ftpadronl ol Enrihm b6nIq wH, h dd. In l97l, i sbte $leru Nud jdie awardud Ton rcnmld CoNrauon (DEC) trd tP F-{ More ffig gsfer itur lm bc. $m,m h a drys $i! fld td aeon m btrlot NUd. nU sffi<, DEC rEioml snhr qu.Ity mFb{rr, @6 tumug Ciltrty. The sud nld Uat do6 hm dd nci&r !b otrre ilr 6e'EPA is dBt nulhodly b Se @mi ![il dud he mte] prcFrtJ's vdu'e.
pEwnt lhc HoNlhclds .hesc l.ctory i.om erins ftc L$mtYl swar rystrn ht he qonde cu $thlold fdcd tsnds tor lmll $\er projlrb f :r dehmub lhil rho dslricr L .3nrn{

Fsl mJ lnril t-r.d


shole LnFh ni

bke sL !, thr


&ldcl's sFtem. snsulhnb to U! disrricl, rftnm. mn& Sd kpdno M dlo(d s drily di$hftsc ni 2m,m gallofi of sb$e timu8h dbtilcl lins nd g,m sall06 ot sludgq b h hckd 10 the lreilmcnt llant, ''The day he cha plant 0Fns. an th@ \est B) blo !F system and sm b nv blck yard lor treilhenr,'i
fte bJ

siimnmnbut Nund pucis. khdd sid. Th. futnd E Ns ncid! $l milIon u t&arul tunds t"r ' str$ Nccions. ktuid $jd n$ sbll rt So Aloni N.\'. officr s n,t Rdn il $nl mdoM i ph L0 DLmD wr:r6 Jrunr lhc

DIanl." Meanwhik', kprin0 olticials hivc r0ntirmd rhJL tk comprnr has sFnt hundrcds ol thousrndr ot dolha r{urniiig lhe $u$ Ave. buildins l0rduFnsrhlse Dtslrht Chaimn nhcr Nlldin h6 sdd Llirr M6!dr


chffi plst hugl Thc plil. M1d

hinl:lhc dstict 16! hce l.Frl rrnblenr f it tirbids kprino tmm dbcha*ins Lhqrddililnal sx{cs. '}10dat. NIN!.o RIM to sEiuhte on kprinos pssiblc lcg.l drnr, rle truldnl sFcrlar.. sbLl rcuil ! rror lt( {'o thc c0mBni tro[kfoEnle thf H0rarhcads Dhrr elen ti lrsdistrict foibai]! additjonrl sc$isc. "$t d mntnuc !, oEmrc dlsharcinc *har$d kud srs Edttd U$re." Ho{lo s!idTho plant rus Dr$ioslr o*mtd hrDriilt.{,

Iiilplh E llofh. LpriT rdmnsE i c f.ft p^.

Shlatu sid.


ily dsl

thafs lcit

Ei, ,,lJi='W *i::ffi,



a 1ruckd

$od staum*F bhanges


]'."-*ffi#1 :iiiia-$iiiffii,i]* ;,ms",mffir*r ffiffiffilpF ''',$ +:* %m;*++ffim+i*$'r:-rt

i rffiffiW
I tui wd, FF, BE;. Di


oir*it Wdkrut,diltrmilof
6dmordi$ Lqtw lsadi sto'; dEtd llski

trtr#$ffir{ ffiffi+'t g*-;:1*

' ,,fr5:"+.nsi$1rui+ru,-** ;;ri
cnmplirs b\

ri- ait *ftd 6



CAIi. - P$ident Carhr E shosn tobbyiry Cbngr ior pmsee o[ Lho energy biu. uilkiE lry phone Monday fnim Cmp David to cerler also elled aboilt 20 conssmcn witi tle


'h' d"r]fm.nr'






orrrd. .hur tb.i

h,julJ. he


nrpnr mmrh


ffiffiF.$di'kry"\i N.,ffi,$:tffi"U"nrfr',Fi{,trsp,saffi l'*..##fii",*1*".1'y,itq' Eit*i*:i,,ilj:':T 4H*f,1,* . +ftffi#:;,T*,,ff"tq:T"#F*=rym s.".m"s',':"f,#i; L+:+ffi$s"**rurffiil fiH;.ilil$.*Hdlfi# #"-*" ,f" T",fl: p6" r$".*i"1"q*d g, t*$# ?y; "ffi;m; fll"lg: ffil !?ti"c rl;'ih"i #T#ff;f1f"".:".t [t [$1_#-.fr$:

Etrergy pact nears fireale r+t $*i**g ,l*,fi.'i*1311,,,;a




rh. Farber orderetl

ffitru',1"* H[.$1hl;;;'"i1;lf; d@oro,,,r.epo*edr.r'fffiff#;:sY*pg':i:l jjh:""f _\":oku*1*

oa ue ooer-eieuc uury se oni*e


*a .ndd *

pa:id u)omar& CIA

a Mk.'ht her aqusbe dftM.MNMhsryd. ' JudgtuvesidDilhbnis Judy:tuvs sid b ie hbnis' ld*isd Mdry by M Necs 'At il lhe FBI dd m ar hoG. w lft FhL frd wH il Em@ry ffiiE sh.mbB-b&dn!fficuybos d twd I qs Ritrg m* .hGrd:fubmbqldon m. "kt h! bld ,"kthybtdmffie! m ps e!






w*Gror (rl - eder dF fr.- B._ch@.-sid:_Il .- - - I --ln{lex l;-';, Fdy &10 I *#S,*"J;ff lor hr Br n( Abby u 'ri",h l2 i;;; ''{ I bl;:;;ili., bd! b Hoc" tuHv sh*.l* aDo*nu ov* sE m*y-b &dj'. i.lT | *w E t Hbbry "', addg { "r" Bsh6 "' gotrw trT#SSyilkil"?,#""",1 '"T;*IjlT"1?I*:""-". lg$n -21 .t6Atu U l'-fft;'il"^";*ilft1 jli;# oammumotsmelmsri ei mamnL,sr*cre&.aroms lA"iiA ti y";fu-'l :rr:.lTv,i""-j:l--1r" qsfid ru,ffi"" --' qnb
ffii bdeffi;mnd u. u.r* "t N;;;. ;"" ib. chve a s.m Na!06, Fve rc. thve dRA Hb wtue sne bqht a sp6 dffkMbqhdshebqntaspro tr. ud sbe rcmpild M on a Jdv, hp b ue vryh tb& in Jdv sc

r*'l","nkrn:*pa": # "**_']*" sl1";l*,t",tH'*:Sffiil: ;rys#TlfP:i;Ti"; tndex -----.1 hd. * iTi:i fll{ 51ffi)T 1..-*, ,,."
r i.s dr!(

!vHoEqseb.F."lblry*,fl1 Dmror (N) - u.s. ep. nomt rcFcibiru* ed bb ,'dF d- oe md*e cni.]*'i'ics ;;"oo o-rl.firud rus.'


d hq\q n. re


eredFbaHioscidhbe bdwNssd

rb Hc hs kn Uriq D a lmry r-;it"-=u-w*ils"i "-Ltr uUatutt]!tr.adnr" dc&@ affiM! b be S.mroEr hftrbMffiala*bhntun hftrh1sMffiala*bhntun

rGAnEbn u | *i" min *i*'iiior | "o " I i-*r- - ii SFft ,n.fi I i,il',.u,' trnlick ol d cmr ."" U SFA !14 | mmhr *,.i#"ii.;-"-":" cturr sd 2l.X ftmbr mnlictr a md I Cods u .-". given rl l6t J Mta CINld nEE 16 IClNld6 tr ft@F 16 lsivenil16rJMyasnr.rr snr.rr hh?4np shald rclron hm tsrticiFfinE rn 2 b6hs trd !todd nor rnc. Edbd* 3 lvBbs ,IhremdpU,nKNrDe I _, ,. | Today'ss cxurkle rooay . chuckle ransemcil. | I mnsurcn or Ior lhp ord.rl.r 6rmil{ rd cub I ApFtuE m Use ridr I aoeu* d6e tiue b&s drnry rtu, IUlnd,oukeosunpudl!;;Iomtk UilF _ioo kep dng ud you rou I un,i. rn*u" I rd,_ DIS dd h he h(rr E l6eyoaapFdle. l&dtanlsmderenc. l,-. I l_,.. 11'sdra*smderenc. -".
TUs ls a 2-sectlon DcqsDaper Ir'6Ea"ffi00DcBsDaFr

. ,^.,",,-" .um,mruil.r on .Vrca of le and he l&.!nd dn suh)mrir[y nl Jn,r nr . b0 UlH lnlerniurnJl RdJm,- ce bc uLs lnrcrniurnJt Rclruo,- .t69 RrlJro,- SP IILH :,:ii C0milre epi1r4 ro I i*jP oF so ]hndr] n0 mndd hir hcr trAr (!n,Nr rnutdhrtMNn* th ft(Hfl'. s6. iys $e UrM shr ursshrd d -schilceol ol - sd chilce :THT,il.*,"ru"drto'Eerou,sd
dFrerrbstup"bJcan,pF{"nrDrro Pikcrr sho lsr sd hrd d hil

*''+ .."-irir.u."",.,i.rrli: .1 .- * ;Ti}'?""ii';lTi,i';#ii'. " e,-' Hms D6h(r or cLrumbr,


;;i;;:- ;,, ;,.j..;,




b i : A


| ,i"*?j"t'YJTffJ",llHtff;

vATic,l.Ilfffy (AP) - The sildetr derft 0f Pots Job Pd 1 rhtlrtln BiBing bo qu6t6n of eheter Se paDd

go{ ors,e ?"i*iry


ablsdhlj]Mriabbbvaousosbs it6 pn{!a\$rtr. plul \I ,fr$ qorkd fmnr 6 a.m. Q!6ti0N drcntly dd bclude whethcr lh! Fpsr\ shoddh$rkhdtmms(dmhonLd_abmlukmil until:nL.{.r1 rnhLLr..lrti"mmnrqlurnrdmpt 'brM*dhcFF-adonGshuloeEsildft b md lor me ro. Om b @dd mmnhoon or pow$ nnd cFsibil . miir" stem b one $ib clsmt dirision srd delcsrtion It hhN tiirr n" u* o V*"n,' t*"*n rtil a tnng iir !tuEn oI pqr sd EFNbdlLy, and NhrL hat chanae \buld adtulhble detail, to lhe u\rent oI chil@ pMdua. , 8d tu.llE tu biry, totrg w*d$ sm b b h, iV," tu-lb ne*WFr k Sbmp! 6t1mnH. 'turetd,ft lw&@ &Uotcpnutk lll ffi iffi dh tuIw GUo[s th b hm. Hc b held ms lo dn aubonlyil a FF. rion tMk h addgod 10 Se odhab 8nd ohs prelM,sho tuld Frve yca6 !Eo. $nh pauls ril ffi.Rti* loi m tud*d a tuts @hH bi trE lm 6untns. He b &e ad, "he:&iia't 6Ir nd'b4MiEF,.bot !b : Mdhg tuhhdauiltutkldwlrtoFdos." 6r M d.pd;sq ps mruult ohu $rdnds ild ,,-j"::.,i.;,i.ri.";r l:.d;jii.i id hrilh \Rnjng, bce i '- |r@,riIoiir-Pld b @dAl b bve bld dd6 dui4 i,*i,,"-ry, ox *roi.i" y[1,g, :"**i',::i,#'[ ',i"";"1T:"$; trT J:*:';fi:fr$"]l -ni i'"u* c-,ili ti"*oi"i';" "iirilT bbbe. Blr'sucr **uimor tr kyEibL :n!9.p-T::ry!_j-$.Iil!-.ql. 1".TTl md-fte.rffi,mdsdrde oef debro*nthceri il,i;:;,ii;.H;:';;.Hd;.cdurand SftprebbskMbd&eok@ture dht&FF'sMNodmtkudby&ebdeorfrcirdrie':i::..:;;::', -*'_ 5 """r hrie b !-&rp d tu hd FhF tui dld de G Holy b E lqi ddF Sooul E sl8nar. The he b mtr b dum Ue hcary bdiil.n or Fn- DsDiia riii hpdh. PoF Fd y@{ld "!@bc FF;tu ahd @e ldr .but Muludli4 VrUd droffiB ddy l3tu mE wo* Ud c!rk. dd@ti4 sm Npd fncdoffi $ tur $o.\ am.!d U r Fp{ $0rk, *dl roL mnd hyonilium &lem!on.' ftdbal FFp red lor 15 vpJB ahd dd !l &. sc Ftiruft;r ffi h adffidklM torderoM. XdnG.tVleffiddilerdeddolJohnPldl rudctututoryrorSeNottbcchumhrbLho6:aui ''NddWGhwAbn&loroh;tstunbt[\ '' 'nb JM dd b E H *pL !. tu w6 holdhs j]. Joh PDul s$f h l4d muil0 p.G.h!l,hc cd!p:.ne-dd mLd\cnd bn mutrryt@!4",Lb;;U;"*: ''jtudy @iru* E stug ono;u d0 lbour lM. h.hc ldvorldry, he @H eeuja m;q.ud h Nud{.anrt0r!Mryroruh.aryatushor' ure$squoldsqinq sA sudd Shttushg@ffil 0IfrFBd, saisoneoI KrnSnaurcto.FB 'A rudigEs, .Hd sii:,ioni!-il@d srkdry k levor trtldprH hcnrdd f.m. mnnor. eps: gr . te .(BidsFh lshlbs h kbm! md mddvadd d# r:. .: : : .. t.

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