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1.how Do U Count No of Rows in A Table?

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1.How do u count no of rows in a table? A.

) select count (*) from table will give the number of rows in The table including null values. 2. Re: what is the different between unique+not null & primary key, Answer A)In a relation, we can create only one primary key where as we can create multiple unique+not null constrains. Primary key uses clustered index where are unique +Not null uses non clustered index

3.i have a table as follows empid empname mgrid deptid 1 a 3 4 2 b 1 5 3 c 2 3 4 d 3 6 5 e 4 7 i want the output as empname mgrname a c b a c b d c e d A.)select a.empname empname,b.empname mgrname from emp a,emp b where a.mgrid=b.empid

4.If the base table structure is changed what will happen to join index? Answer Join index will not affected until we change the column name or data type of the column which we have used in join condition.

5.What is the Diff b/w Constraints and Trigeer?

Answer :1 Constraints 1.are used to limit the type 2.it can be specified when a created. 3.Direct validation like the values then you can choose 4.Constraints will check for 5.constraines provide stoned of data that can go into a table. table is created or after the table is column should not contain null Constraints. exiting rows. error message.

Trigger :is a fragment of code that you tell Oracle to run before or after table is modified. Answer:2 Direct validation like the column should not contain null values then you can choose Constraints. Constraints : NOT NULL,UNIQUE,PRIMARY KEY,CHECK,REFERENCE Trigger effected only those row after which trigger applied but constraint effected all row of table .

7.Can i possible to see Table Details ? Ex : Table Name Date Time Emp May/18/2010 12:59pm Answer

User Scott

SELECT OWNER,OBJECT_NAME,To_char(CREATED,'MON/DD/YYYY'), to_char(CREATED,'HH:MM PM') from ALL_OBJECTS WHERE OBJECT_TYPE ='TABLE' AND OBJECT_NAME ='EMP_TEST'; 8.What is a mutating table Mutating means that some one is trying to access the table currently being held by some other non-committing transaction IF you have a trigger on table emp_test. Inside that trigger, your are trying to update/insert in the same table emp_test. Then mutating table error will occur.

9.What is pl/sql tables? Answer It is a composite datatype used in PLSQL programming. 10.Can I use Commit inside the Trigger? Suppose I use commit what will be happen (it's complied /executed/work)? You can not use Commit Inside Trigger. It will not get complied. commit,rollback and savepoint cannot be used in a trigger directly, but it can be called in a stored procedure present in the trigger. however it is usually avoided as it might have sideeffects in transactions. Trigger will be compiled. while execution r error will occur. To avoid this you can use PRAGMA autonomus_transaction example : create or replace trigger emp_test_trig after update on emp_test for each row declare PRAGMA autonomus_transaction; begin insert into dep_test values(100,:new.emp_id); commit; end; 11. How do you retrieve the last N records from a table? This Will give you last 10 records from a table SELECT EMPNAME,SALARY FROM (SELECT EMPNAME, SALARY, RANK() OVER(ORDER BY SALARY) SAL_RANK FROM EMP) WHERE SAL_RANK < = 10

12.List the differences between plsql - function & procedures


functions: 1.The parameters are input values and output values 2.The functions will return a value 3.The functions will be called with in sql Procedures: 1.The parameters are input values and output values 2.The procedures will not return any value 3.The procedures will not be called with in sql 13. how to Update table Sales_summary with max(sales) data from table sales_data. Table 1. sales_data table Table 2. Sales_summary 1: Region sales N 500 N 800 N 600 W 899 W 458 W 900 2: Region N W sales 0 0

I want the Sales_summary After Update like this Region Sales N 800 W 900 SQL> desc a; Name Null? ------------------------------- -------A B SQL> select * from a; A B -- --------N 500 N 800 N 600 W 899 W 458 W 900 6 rows selected. SQL> desc b; Name Null? Type ------------------------------- -------- ----

Type ---VARCHAR2(2) NUMBER(3)

A B SQL> select * from b; no rows selected


SQL> insert into b (select a, max(b) from a group by a); 2 rows created. O SQL> select * from b; A B -- --------N 800 W 900 update Sales_summary set Sales=(select max(Sales)from Sales_data where Region=&region) where Region=&region;

14.suppose we have values like 1 5 7 in a colum.Now we want numbers like(2 3 4 6) that exists between 1 5 7.How can we do this using sql query?? A: 15.what is the difference between implicit and explicit cursor

However,queries that return more than one row you must declare an explicit cursor or use a cursor FOR loop. Explicit cursor is a cursor in which the cursor name is explicitly assigned to a SELECT statement via the CURSOR...IS statement. An implicit cursor is used for all SQL statements Declare, Open, Fetch, Close. An explicit cursors are used to process multirow SELECT statements An implicit cursor is used to process INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and single row SELECT. .INTO statements.


when we fire any DML operation a memory is alocated. this memory area is called context area or cursor. data is retieved and stored in this area implicit cursors are automatically created by the Oracle. when you perform any DML operation a memory has been automatically created, and when the operation is finished it automatically release the memory space, here every thing is controlled by the oracle itself. explicit cursors are the cursors, where the user defined for which select statement the cursor is being created, when to fetch the data, and release the memory space. on other words the control is over the programmer.

16)Difference between DBMS and RDBMS...CODDs rules Answer DBMS-Database management system. =>In dbms no relationship concept =>It cant Dmplement constraints in table and no security of data. =>It supports Single User only =>It treats Data as Files internally =>It supports 3 rules of E.F.CODD out off 12 rules =>It requires low Software and Hardware Requirements. =>Examples: FoxPro RDBMS-Relational management system =>It is used to establish the relationship concept between two database objects, i.e, tables =>It implement constraints in table and no security of data. =>It supports multiple users =>It treats data as Tables internally =>It supports minimum 6 rules of E.F.CODD =>It requires High software and hardware requirements. =>examples:Oracle,mysql,DB2. Answer :2 DBMS-Database management system. 1> consider as file says field,attributes,record and file. 2> table relationship mentained by programmaticaly. 3> high network trafic. 4> distributed datable not supported. 5> no security

RDBMS-Relational management system 1> says column, row and table. 2>table relationship mentained at the time of table creations. 3>low network trafic. 4>distributed database supported. 5>login level security.

17.Difference between IN and EXISTS IN: Inner query executes first and drives the outer query. EXISTS: Outer query executes first and compares tge rows retrived with the inner query. Consider table tab1 has 1000 rows and table tab2 has 1000 rows. IN: select t1.empid from tab1 t1 where t1.code in (select t2.code from tab2 t2) -- All rows in t1 will read with t2 and the effect is 1000 X 1000 rows. EXISTS: select t1.empid from tab1 t1 where exists (select 1 from tab2 t2 where t1.code=t2.code) -- Max of 1 row will be read for each row of t1 and thus reduces the processing overhead. Thumb rule: 1) If the majority of the filtering are in the sub query then use IN. 1) If the majority of the filtering are in the outer query then use EXISTS.

18.I have 2 Databases. How can create a table in particular database? How can i know the list of tables presented each database?( in oracle 10g) Answer suppose you have two databases: db1 and db2 you have to select one of them as sql>use db1; then use sql>select * from tab; it will show you the listing required.!

Answer :2 Suppose your 2 databases are name as PROD1 and PROD2 1) How can create a table in particular database? => First you have to connect to the database where you want to create table with given login and password. and then if you have create permission than you can use following sql CREATE TABLE "table_name" ("column 1" "data_type_for_column_1", "column 2" "data_type_for_column_2", ... ) 19)suppose we have a table in which 200 rows. i want to find 101 row ? what the query.... and how we find 4th and 5th highest salary and 1 to 10 highest salary? Answer Let Table name : Employee Let the columns: Employee_name, Salary To find 101st row: select * from (select * from Employee order by emplayee_name) where rownum = 101 To find 4th highest salary select * from (select * from Employee order by salary desc) where rownum = 4 To find 5th highest salary select * from (select * from Employee order by salary desc) where rownum = 4 To find 1 to 10 highest salary select * from (select * from Employee order by salary desc) where rownum < 11 20. How would you go about increasing the buffer cache hit ratio? A. If Buffer cache hit ratio is less then 85%.

0. Explain the difference between a hot backup and a cold backup and the benefits associated with each A.Hot backup is online backup(means we can take backup when database is up and running.ie Alter database begin backup mode; Cold backup is offline backup(means taking backup when database is shutdown gracefully.ie at O/S level using copy command.) 1. You have just had to restore from backup and do not have any control files. How would you go about bringing up this database? A. Create controlfile dynamicaly. 2. How do you switch from an init.ora file to a spfile? A. create spfile from pfile; startup force;

3. Explain the difference between a data block, an extent and a segment. A. oracle stores data interms of data blocks group of data blocks is known as extent. group of extents make a segment.

4. Give two examples of how you might determine the structure of the table DEPT. 5. Where would you look for errors from the database engine? 6. Compare and contrast TRUNCATE and DELETE for a table. A. Truncate=delete+ commit(as it is a DDL command) Delete= as it is a DML command we can rollback the transaction

7. Give the reasoning behind using an index. A. reason behind using index is to increase query performance.

8. Give the two types of tables involved in producing a star schema and the type of data they hold. 9. What type of index should you use on a fact table? 10. Give two examples of referential integrity constraints. 11. A table is classified as a parent table and you want to drop and re-create it. How would you do this without affecting the children tables? 12. Explain the difference between ARCHIVELOG mode and NOARCHIVELOG mode and the benefits and disadvantages to each.? 13. What command would you use to create a backup control file? 14. Give the stages of instance startup to a usable state where normal users may access it. 15. What column differentiates the V$ views to the GV$ views and how? 16. How would you go about generating an EXPLAIN plan? Answer

21)What are the new features in Oracle 10g. Compared to Oracle 9i? Answer # Flashback Enhancements -Flashback Version Query, Flashback Transaction Query, LOB Handling with Flashback, Setting up for Flashback, Flashback Table, Flashback Drop Table and Recycle Bin management. # Backup and Recovery Enhancements: - Flash Recovery Area, Flashback Database (setup, flashback logs and use), Restore Points, Simplified Recovery through RESETLOGS, Compressed Backups, Change Tracking, Incrementally Updated Image Copies, SWITCH DATABASE, New V$ Views, Encrypted Backups,

DROP DATABASE, CATALOG, Oracle Secure Backup and more. # Automatic Storage Management:- An introduction to Oracle's new integrated file system and volume manager. Examples illustrate the basic use of ASM, including creating disk groups, fail groups, and using ASMCMD. # Job Scheduler - Use the new DBMS_SCHEDULER package to schedule jobs, including OS scripts. Examples illustrate creating and scheduling jobs in both a Linux and a Windows environment. # SQL Enhancements - Regular expressions, DML error logging, case-insensitive sort and search, MERGE enhancements, MODEL queries, XQUERY and much more. # PL/SQL Enhancements -The new optimizing compiler, compiler warning messages, debugging improvements, native compilation enhancements, UTL_MAIL and more. # Performance and Tuning Features - Automatic SGA Management, Automatic Workload Repository (AWR), Advisors (ADDM, SQL Tuning Advisor, etc), Active Session History data, new performance statistics (e.g. metrics and database time), Thresholds and Server-Generated Alerts, CBO Enhancements and much more. # Security and Auditing Enhancements - Changes to the CONNECT Role, FGAC Review, FGAC / VPD Enhancements, FGA Review, Fine Grained Auditing Enhancements, Encryption Enhancements, DBMS_CRYPTO Package (R1) and Transparent Data Encryption (R2). # Tablespace, Table and Segment Management - SYSAUX tablespace, BIGFILE and SMALLFILE tablespaces, database-level default tablespace, database-level default temp tablespace, temp tablespace groups, multi-platform transportable tablespace, renaming tablespaces, predicting object growth, online table redefinition enhancements and online segment shrink. # Utilities (Data Pump) - An example-based introduction to Data Pump, the next generation export / import utility. Also covered: External Table and Logminer enhancements. # SQL*Plus Enhancements - New predefined variables, SPOOL command enhancements, AUTOTRACE enhancements and more. # Miscellaneous Enhancements - Guaranteed UNDO retention, ROLLBACK monitoring, Easy Connect (EZCONNECT) connections, database high watermark recording, database feature usage tracking and new and deprecated initialization parameters.

22 .refers to the disk mirroring Answer creating a copy of the disk at some separate place and keep on updating corresponding to the original disk is called disk mirroring or disk shadowing. 23.What are the different types of joins and explain them briefly.? Answer equi non-equi self outer cross

join , join, join, join, join.

There are 2 main type of joins : Equijoin : Join N number of tables for equality =.

Non-Equijoin : Join N number of tables for other than equality such as <>,<,>,IN,BETWEEN etc. Technically there are total 3 different types of joins: Cross Join: When join condition is missing then all rows from one table gets joined with all rows from other table.. Inner Join: If a row has a NULL value in any one of the columna of join conditin then that row will not fetched. Outer Join: Even if the NULL values are present in any columns of join condition that record will get fetched. There are again 3 types of outer joins: Left, Right, Full. Self Join : A table is joined with self. Joins in Oracle 10g: --------------------A join is a query that combines rows from two or more Tables, views, or materialized views ("snapshots"). Oracle Performs a join whenever multiple tables appear in the Querys FROM clause. The query's select list can select any Columns from any of these tables. If any two of these tables have a column name in common, you must qualify all

references to these columns throughout the query with table names to avoid ambiguity. Join Conditions --------------Most join queries contain WHERE clause conditions that compare two columns, each from a different table. Such a condition is called a join condition. To execute a join, Oracle combines pairs of rows, each containing one row from each table, for which the join condition evaluates to TRUE. The columns in the join conditions need not also appear in the select list. To execute a join of three or more tables, Oracle first joins two of the tables based on the join conditions comparing their columns and then joins the result to another table based on join conditions containing columns of the joined tables and the new table. Oracle continues this process until all tables are joined into the result. The optimizer determines the order in which Oracle joins tables based on the join conditions, indexes on the tables, and, in the case of the cost-based optimization approach, statistics for the tables. In addition to join conditions, the WHERE clause of a join query can also contain other conditions that refer to columns of only one table. These conditions can further restrict the rows returned by the join query. Equijoin / Inner Join --------------------An equijoin is a join with a join condition containing an equality operator. An equijoin combines rows that have equivalent values for the specified columns. Cartesian Product ----------------If two tables in a join query have no join condition, Oracle returns their Cartesian product. Oracle combines each row of one table with each row of the other. A Cartesian product always generates many rows and is rarely useful. For example, the Cartesian product of two tables, each with 100 rows, has 10,000 rows. Always include a join condition unless you specifically need a Cartesian product. If a query joins three or more tables and you do not specify a join condition for a specific pair, the optimizer may choose a join order that avoids producing an intermediate Cartesian product.

Outer Join ---------An outer join extends the result of a simple join. An outer join returns all rows that satisfy the join condition and those rows from one table for which no rows from the other satisfy the join condition. Such rows are not returned by a simple join. To write a query that performs an outer join of tables A and B and returns all rows from A, apply the outer join operator (+) to all columns of B in the join condition. For all rows in A that have no matching rows in B, Oracle returns NULL for any select list expressions containing columns of B. Outet join has Two types : -------------------------1. Left Outer Join 2. Right Outer Join Self Join --------A self join is a join of a table to itself. This table appears twice in the FROM clause and is followed by table aliases that qualify column names in the join condition. To perform a self join, Oracle combines and returns rows of the table that satisfy the join condition. 24.define primary key & secondary key? Answer primary key is a key which always accept unique value. secondary key is a key which when you are making primary key for more than one column as primary key for retrieving of reords. eg. create table tnam (ano number, bno number, bname char(12), primary key(ano,bno)) In this bno is secondary key.

25.what is autonomous transaction? Answer Autonomous transactions are started by a parent, or main, transaction but operate independently of the parent for transaction control. If a commit or rollback is used in the autonomous or main transaction, or if a failure occurs for any reason, it does not impact the other transaction. Our favorite use of this feature is for logging application events. If the need is to log activity, regardless of the outcome, but the logging success or failure should not impact the application, autonomous transactions are the perfect solution. To create an autonomous transaction, use a pragma called AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION. The pragma is placed in the declaration section of the block. 26.How can I insert data into a table with 3 columns using FORALL? Answer you can use 3 different collections for it... suppose the table is emp have the following columns 1. empname varchar 2. empid number 3. sal number declare type name_typ is table of emp.empname%type; type id_typ is table of emp.empid%type; type sal_typ is table of emp.sal%type; name_tab name_typ; id_tab id_typ; sal_tab sal_typ; begin name_tab := name_typ('ramit','rohan'); id_tab := id_typ(10,20); sal_tab := sal_typ(21000,22000); for all i in name_tab.first .. name_tab.last insert into emp values(name_tab(i),id_tab(i),sal_tab(i)); end;

27.What is the different between Stored Procedure and Procedure? Answer In Layman tounge --------------Whenever any named block in PL/SQL is created using CREATE OR REPLACE clause, and as we compile it will get stored in database, henceforth other code snippets can call/use this block which ulimately resides in database after creation i.e. "stored in database". And thus will move along database if ever we move the database. In oracle way --------------A stored procedure is created and stored in the database as a schema object. Once created and compiled, it is a named object that can be run without recompiling. Additionally, dependency information is stored in the data dictionary to guarantee the validity of each stored procedure. Answer Two are same.Once the procedure is created and compiled ,it is stored in database permanently.That's why it is called as stored procedure. Answer Yes, Store Procedure/Procedure are one and the same.We have to Create Procedure and Compile it in Data base,once compiled it will be stored and we can use the same when ever required in various other Procedures. Procedure Usually used to perform set of actions based on conditions.

28)How to write a procedure for displying the data in a TREE or (PARENT and CHILD ) relationship? for ex: A is the main project id, for this project B,C,D are sub tasks(sub project id's) for B the sub tasks are e,f,g and for c is h ,i ,j and for d is k,l,m now i need to display the o/p in a TREE fashion Answer You can use Select..ConnectBY.. PRIOR clause in Oracle to generate the data in tree structure. Google for the apt syntax and usage. select lpad('',level*4)||projectid,subtask from xyz start with projectid ='&a' connect by prior projectid=subproid

29.how to saw triggers output in pl/sql database? Answer Running block of code or the querry having opposite condition placed in the trigger.When the condition gets false then the trigger gets called avoiding particular action such as Update,Delete,Insert depending on the trigger type.The trigger output is in form of Error massage used in trigger itself. 30.What is the difference between CHAR and VARCHAR2? If VARCHAR2 serves the uses of CHAR why CHAR is still used and not been discarded yet? Answer in char it allocates the memory space as static where as in varchar2 it allocates the memory space as dynamic OR char is a space mapping function where as in varchar2 it is not mapping the space it occupies the exact size of the string Have more diff between char and varchar2 char size only 2000 bytes in sql, default size is 1 byte. it will occupying the trailing spaces. so much of memory wasted. varchar2 size 4000 bytes in sql and no default size. it will not occupying the trailing spaces.

Another difference is accessing a variable declared as char is faster than, accessing a varchar2. Char is the datatype whether used or not. (10) then this field 10 bytes whether the byte. that occupies complete space declared ie:- If any field is declared as char for all records will occupy complete value stored in it is 1 byte or 10

Whereas Varchar2, as the first 3 characters explains VarVariable, will occupy only the bytes for the value entered in the field. 1. Char is fundamental data type. VARCHAR2 is derived one. 2. Char allocates static memory space while VARCHAR2 allocates dynamic memory. 3. Char is required to maintain compatibility with other tools (Reporting, DWH, Data related). 4. Char is faster than VARCHAR2 (for large text). Answer Technically CHAR has better performance than VARCHAR2. For CHAR(10) database already knows the length of value in each record and therefore displays the entire string up till 10 characters. In case of VARCHAR2 the end of string has to be reached('\0'-NULL) before the database stops displaying the characters ahead. Each character is compared to NULL character before it can be determined that end of string has arrived. Comparing each string character with NULL character consumes some CPU cycles and hence VARCHAR2 is slower in performance as compared to CHAR. 31. When the mutating error will comes? and how it will be resolved? when we try to dml operation on orginal table in trigger. then the trigger was excuted but while perfoming any action on original table it will show mutating.. to overcome the above problem we need to create a autonamous trasaction trigger Mutating error in Trigger:When programmer create trigger and give table name abc and in body if programmer is using same table abc for selecting,updating,deleting,inserting then mutation occur. EX.:-

create or replace trigger xyz after update on abc for each row referencing :OLD as OLD :NEW as NEW begin select max(salary) from abc; update abc set location_id=:NEW.location_id where dept_id=105; end; -----------------------------------------------------------In the above example you are updating same table which is under transaction so mutation problem occur here. Solution on this is You can use Temporary table or Materialize view which can solve above problem 32. Can we use SQL%ISOPEN in implicit cursors? Does this attribute works properly in Implicit Curosors? Implicit cursors: SQL%ISOPEN always returns FALSE, indicating that the implicit cursor has been closed. I hope below example gives you very fair idea. SQL> BEGIN 2 UPDATE employee 3 SET salary = salary *2 4 WHERE id = '01'; 5 6 IF not SQL%ISOPEN THEN 7 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('closed'); 8 END IF; 9 END; 10 / closed PL/SQL procedure successfully completed

33. what is Complex index. how to create it?

Do you mean Composite Index? Composite index is the index created on multiple columns of a table. A maximum of 16 columns can be used as a composite index. It can be created at table level only. Unique, Primary Key and Foreign Key can be composite keys. Ex: Create table emp (eno number, ename varchar(5), dob date, sal number, dno number, Primary Key(eno, ename) -- Composite Index ); 34. how to select alphabets in a one column , for this the table name is PA_TASKS and column name is TASK_NUMBER, In TASK_NUMBER the data like this 1.1.3NN,1.1.4NN,1.5.1NN,1.3.2NE,1.5NN,1NN,1.2NE,1CE , For this i need to disply output as NN,NN,NN,NE,NN,NN,NE,CE, Its some urgent requirement ,thanks in advance A>you can use this select statement:select trim(translate(TASK_NUMBER,'.0123456789',' ')) from PA_TASKS; For example:select trim(translate('1.1.3NN','.0123456789',' ')) from dual; it will give NN as output if value format same like this then you can use substr function also for it like this:select substr(TASK_NUMBER,-2) from PA_TASKS ;For example:select substr('1.1.3NN',-2) from dual; it will give NN as answer.

35. how to connect oracle in UNIX prompt?

This is not a big job $ su orcale10g $sql plus username/password-scott/tiger If not connected just mail me on my mail id omkarp.joshi@yahoo.co.uk You have to set the following: ORACLE_HOME ORACLE_SID PATH $sqlplus $scott/tiger 36. Hello All, Could any well write a query for the following scenario? Account(table name) No Name Amount 1 ABCD 2000.00 2 DEFG -2000.00 3 GHIJ 3000.50 4 JKLM 4000.00 5 MNOP 6000.00 O/p No 1 2 3 4 5 Should be in this format Name Credit Debit ABCD 2000.00 0 DEFG 0 -2000.00 GHIJ 3000.50 0 JKLM 0 -4000.00 MNOP 6000.00 o

could any one give appropriate query for this select no, name, case amount/abs(amount) when 1 then amount else 0 end credit, case amount/abs(amount) when -1 then amount else 0 end Debit from account select sno,name,decode(sign(amount),1,0,amount)debit,decode (sign(amount),-1,0,amount)credit from account /

Select no,name, 0 Debit,

amount Credit

from temp where amount >0 union Select no,name, amount Debit, from temp where amount < 0

0 Credit

37. what is oracle sql,pl/sql with interfaces sql * plus, iSQL * Plus 38. why use cursors? Cursor is used to process multiple rows using pl/sql. Cursors allow row-by-row processing of the result sets. Retrieve more than one rows from table or database to use Cursors Cursor : It's a private SQL worksheet area where we can execute SQL commands and processing information. The purpose of the Cursor is, PL/SQL execution block will process only one records means it will return only one records. If we want to retrieve or process more number of records we use the "Cursors". These are of two types. 1. Implicit Cursor 2. Explicit cursors. 38. how to delete duplicate rows from a specified table(only single table) how do you know which join is need to be used? delete <table_name> where rowid not in (select min(rowid) from <table_name> group by <dup_rec_col>) max(rowid) can also be used provided you have to retain the latest value other wise min(rowid) is fine. delete from emp p where rowid<(select max(rowid) from emp s where p.ename=s.ename) 39. why should required for Indexed by table in pl/sql? A. For good performance Index is required. Consider the case of a very large table (20,000,000 rows) to which new records are added daily (usually about 1,000 of them). Every night, you need to report these additions on an audit trail. Rather than scan the whole table looking for changes, you will want to use an index over the TRANSACTION_DATE column. But the index would need to be huge. This is a case in which your index is over the entire table, although you are actually interested only in the

1,000 or so records that were added today. The actual index is physically many times larger than it needs to be, and it uses many more disk I/Os to traverse the binary tree to the leaf data. 40. why should required nested tables, Object types, partition tables and varying arrays. what is the difference between these are all. give me example with explanation? V-Array is an Ordered set of elements. Its having Maximum size and you can't delete individual elements. V-Arrays are dense. Nested Table is an un-orderes set of elements. It doesn't have maximum size and you can delete individual elements from Nested Tables . Nested Table can be Parse. 41. With out using count() function. How to the find total number of rows in a table? select max(rownum) from table-name; Here rownum is a keyword which can gives unique number for individual rows select sum(1) from table-name

42. Please let me know if UNION ALL and Natural Join does the same operation and are same? no,union all and natural join is not same. for example tave two tame emp and dept emp table empid ename salary 1 a 1000 2 b 2000 dept table deptid deptno 1 10 2 20 if i join this two tables (empid = deptid) empid ename salary deptno 1 a 1000 10 2 b 2000 20 if i union a11 this two tables

empid ename 1 a 2 b 1 null 2 null

salary deptno 1000 null 2000 null null 10 null 20

so join and unionall is not same union all: Joins the 2 selected results based on different conditions. Example: select a.emp_id, b.dept_id from emp a, dept b where a.dept_id=b.dept_id and a.sal < 3000 union all select a.emp_id, b.dept_id from emp a, dept b where a.dept_id=b.dept_id and a.sal > 6000 Natural Join: Establish the condition between 2 or more tables. Example: select a.emp_id, b.dept_id from emp a, dept b where a.dept_id=b.dept_id 43. can use the following like overloading concept in a single package: procedure p1(a varchar), procedure p1(a varchar2), procedure p1(a char) Yes. you can create package where overloading will be identified by using type of arguments. Following code will work fine, --WORK's FINE create or replace package PK_TEST AS procedure p1(a IN varchar); procedure p1(a IN varchar2); procedure p1(a IN char); end PK_TEST;

But, following code will not work as p1( v1 IN varchar) and p1(v3 IN varchar) has the same type of arguments. --NOT WORK create or replace package PK_TEST AS procedure p1(v1 IN varchar); procedure p1(v2 IN varchar2); procedure p1(v3 IN varchar); end PK_TEST; I created a test package and executed. create or procedure Procedure procedure end; / replace package test is p1(v1 in Varchar); p2(v2 in varchar2); p3(v3 in char);

create or replace package body test is procedure p1(v1 in Varchar) is begin dbms_output.put_line(' The input data for v1 is: '||v1); end; Procedure p2(v2 in varchar2) is begin dbms_output.put_line(' The input data for v2 is: '||v2); end; procedure p3(v3 in char) is begin dbms_output.put_line(' The input data for v3 is: '||v3); end; end; / I called each procedure in sql by setting the serveroutput on: begin test.P3('Testing Procedure P3'); end; I got the below output: The input data for v1 is: Testing Procedure P1 The input data for v2 is: Testing Procedure P2

The input data for v3 is: Testing Procedure P3 44. how can we find the select statement is indexed or not? To check the statement is indexed or not via AUTO Trace - Trace only command Check for "EXPLAIN PLAN". SELECT * FROM ALL_INDEXES WHERE OWNER = 'MYUSERNAME' AND TABLE_NAME ='MYTABNAME' AND INDEX_NAME = 'MY_IND_NAME' 45. how to debugs a procedure or package using dbms_output.put_line in plsql? dbms_output.put_line can be used in Packages, Procedures or triggers to display message or variable values which can be used as debugging tool 46. i want to display 1 to 10 numbers using one select statement. 1.select level from dual connect by level<=10

2. select rownum from user objects where rownum <= 10 47. i have one table with accounts and amounts as colums. accounts with columns c and d. and amounts with values 1000,2000,3000 for c and 4000,5000,8000 for d. i need to find the sum of these accounts c and d individually and find the differences between their sum using one select statement. question simply ask for the total of both the columns and their difference, all in one 'select' statement. select sum(c)"Sum of C",sum(d)"Sum Of D",abs(sum(c)-sum(d))"Difference" from accountA 48. I have doubt that any one tell ref cursor comes in sql pl/sql? pls clarify? Ref cursor comes in PL/SQL. You can return a ref cursor in a function. A ref cursor is useful while returning more values. It will use in PL/SQL. Reusability of Cursor is nothing but "REF CURSOR. These are of 2 types. 1.Weak Ref cursor 2. Strong ref Cursor.

49. If I have a table T with 4 rows & 2 columns A & B. A has values 1,2,3,4. and B has 10,20,30,40. Write an Update SQL query which can Swap the values of A & B for all records. (Do not use a sub-query) UPDATE T SET A = B, ENVDOR_NUMBERB = A

UPDATE T SET A = B,B=A; select A as "B",B AS "A" from T; update T set A:=A+B, B:=A-B, A:=A-B; 50. In a package if we have 10 procedures or functions,How to know which will execute first? 1.Inner\Sub Group statements are Executed 2.Procedures\Functions having normal fetching stmt is executed first 51. how to create a database in oracle? 1.Align the Table space for the Database 2.Create db with name and then user privileges for creating the Table 52. write a query for finding the length of the sting? select length('abc') from dual; out put:3 select length(<columname>) from <table>; 53. I have one Excel file with 1,50,000 Records. Now I need to load that whole file into Oracle Database with same columns in Excel sheet . I need PLSQL Procedure or used by SQL PLUS 1.I NEED PL/SQL PROCEDURE we can't use sqlplus,why because we can't upload the data in single statement,So we need pl/sql procedure or else dump the data using with sql loader

by using command prompt in SQL LOADER 2.Probably, u have to save the file in ur hard disk(namely in ur D drive) first eg. sourav.txt Then open pl/sql developer and open a command window. And then type in: @ D:\sourav.txt All the rows will be updated.. finally "commit" it 3.If you are using SQL Developer one option is there for importing data from excel/CSV or any other files. first u need to create table which contains all columns in excel. then right click on that table it will give option for import excel data to the table 54. What is a REF CURSOR? Compare strong and week ref cursor types. Ref cursor is a cursor variable which acts as a pointer to the sql memory area. Ref cursor can be associated with multiple sql statements where as a cursor can be associated with only one sql statement. Refcursor is dynamic where as cursor is static. Ref cursors are of two types: 1)strong ref cursor: which retuns value. 2)week ref cursor: which doesn't return value. For the strong ref cursor the returning columns with datatype and length need to be known at compile time. For the weak ref cursor the structure does not need to be known at compile time. TYPE WEAK_REF_CURSOR IS REF CURSOR; TYPE STRONG_ REF_CURSOR IS REF CURSOR RETURN TABLE_NAME%ROWTYPE; 55. What is oracle ? why we should go for oracle database instead of different databases available in the industry? IT WILL SATISFY 11 OUT OF 12 CODDS LAW / RDBMS FULLY SATISFIED Basically Oracle refers company name. Oracle used to store and receive the data in the database in a structured manner using RDMS concept. oracle name took from oracle company. thats right. i heard

that we store unlimed of date permanently. we can retrive data when ever we want. it has safe secure than other datbase. but only one dis adv is that we have write long statement and difficult in code. not easy to write like sql server. and much more is there . important one only i refered. for eg: ms-access we cannot store large data in it. it has limited space also not that much secure as oracle as. Oracle stands for "Oak Ridge Automated Computing language Engine" 56. How One can easily select all even, odd, or Nth rows from a table using SQL queries? Odd number of records: select * from emp where (rowid,1) in (select rowid, mod(rownum,2) from emp); Output:1 3 5 Even number of records: select * from emp where (rowid,0) in (select rowid, mod(rownum,2) from emp) Output:2 4 6 For nth number, Example we r considering number n=10 select * from emp where (rowid,0) in (select rowid, mod(rownum,10) from emp) 57. what are the differences among these table level lock modes - IN SHARE MODE, IN SHARE UPDATE MODE, IN EXCLUSIVE MODE ? in share mode : this mode is for read only on entire table. we can not make changes to table. any user can have a lock in share mode at same time. in share update mode : this mode is used to lock the selected rows for update. this mode acquires lock on selected rows only,not entire table. other user can have lock on other rows on the same table but not on the rows you have locked. in exclusive mode :

this acquires lock on entire table. another user can not have any lock on that table. 58. what eliminate duplicate without using rownum and not Use Group clause and having count < 2 Mr. Kondla is almost right, but forgotten to use keyword DISTINCT. It should be like -> create table T2 as select DISTINT(*) from T1; -> drop table T1; -> rename T2 to T1; 59. how to create user in sql and how to set password for that? create user <username> IDENTIFIED BY password; 60. How can we overcome recursive triggers in SQL? using semaphore 61. what is the difference between the query and corelated query? 1.corelated query is refered by each an every value by sub query. 2.normal query is referd by sub query one bulk amount to get a main query A query is nothing but if we want to evaluate one thing we will write query. like select * from emp; --->> query A Query is evaluated once for each and every row from the parent statement is called correlated Query. like select * from emp outer where sal= ( select avg(sal) from emp e where dept.e=dept.outer) --> corelated query When 1st main query is executed then the result of the main query is used in teh where clause of sub query then this type of sub query is called as co-related sub query. Correlated Query: If a sub query has a Reference with the value or values of Main Query , It is called as Correlated Sub query.

62. What is RAC in oracle?

RAC stands for REAL APPLICATION CLUSTER, it is and advance future from Oracle 10g Oracle RAC allows multiple computers to run the Oracle RDBMS software simultaneously while accessing a single database, thus providing a clustered database. Since Oracle RAC allows multiple computers to access a single database simultaneously, it addresses several areas of database management. These areas include: fault tolerance load balancing scalability In a non-RAC Oracle database, a single instance accesses a single database. Where the "database" consists of a collection of data files, control files, and redo logs located on disk; the "instance" comprises the collection of Oracle-related memory and operating system processes that run on a computer system. In an Oracle RAC environment, two or more computers (each with an instance) concurrently access a single database. This allows an application or user to connect to either computer and have access to a single coordinated set of data. RAC stands for Real Application Clusters. It allows multiple nodes in a clustered system to mount and open a single database that resides on shared disk storage. Should a single system fail (node), the database service will still be available on the remaining nodes. A non-RAC database is only available on a single system. If that system fails, the database service will be down (single point of failure). RAC is Cluster software available from Oracle. This is available 10g onwards. In this Cluster environment we can have multiple instances running with a single database. Users are connected to different instances. Availability and load balancing is the main purpose behind Oracle RAC. VD (Voting Disk) and OCR (Oracle Cluster Registry) are the components of RAC. VD is similar to control file and OCR has all the registered services to start the cluster.

The connection of user could be established on any node but later depending on the number of users connections established and the number of instances(nodes) available the load of all the established connections is balanced across the Cluster. The first node created in the Cluster is the Master Node and all other nodes in the Cluster nbehaves like Slaves. If any slave node fails to communicate with Master node, internally the failed node is rebooted by the Master node by writing a kill block into VD. If the Master node fails, then any of the existing node responding first will become the Master node and reboots the failed node. Daemons checks for the availability of VD,nodes and OCR and cluster is started. We can add nodes to the existing cluster from any exiting node which is already a part of the cluster. We can also delete a node from the cluster by stopping all the services of that node from the CRS inventory and home. We can have multiplexed copies of VD and OCR. VD (Min 1 and Max 310....OCR(Min 1, Max 2). We can take backup of VD and OCR with the help of dd (disk dump). For OCR we can also perform logical backup using export utility. Note: Use ASM (logical location for physical disk groups) for the best performance). Create ASM instance for each node 63. how to create object in plsql 1.create type type_name as object() create type type_name as object ( No NUMBER, Name Varchar2(15), City VARCHAR2(30, POSTALCODE CHAR() );

64. What is the difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE?

DELETE: DML, Manual Commit, Till not committed can be rollback, can be applied for both row level as well as table level, can be used in trigger, doesn't release memory. TRUNCATE: DDL, auto commit, cann't rollback, applied table level, cann't be used in trigger, releases memory. -> In DELETE Command you can give the conditions in WHERE Clause & In TRUNCATE you cannot give conditions 65. Store procedure will return a value? Stored procedure will return the values based on the OUT parameters stored procedure can not return a value using the return statement. though a stored procedure can contain a return statement but should not return a value.simply "return". in a manner,stored procedure can return values to the calling block through the OUT,INOUT parameter modes. 66. use of IN/ANY/ALL IN,ANY,ALL ARE MULTIPLE OPERATORS THESE ARE USED IN MULTIPLE ROW SUBQUERIES IN - used to select multiple rows based on any of the key provided SQL - select distinct employeeid from orders where orderid in ( select orderid from orderdetails where discount >= 10) ANY - used in case of relational queries to compare result with any of the key. SQL - select custID from orders where regionID != "E" and discount > any (select discount from orders where regionID = "E" and discount > 3) ALL - used in case of relational queries to compare result with all of the keys. SQL - select custID from orders where regionID != "E" and discount > all (select discount from orders where regionID = "E" and discount > 3) -> -> -> -> -> in------------ Looks to all values returned in sub-query <any---------- looks to highest value in sub-query >any---------- looks to smallest value in sub-query <all---------- looks to smallest value in sub-query >all---------- looks to highest value in sub-query

67. What is integrity constraints? which prevents the user from entering the duplicating into tables or views is called integrity constraint Ex: primary key constraint,foreign key constraint,unique constraint,check constraint. An integrity constraint is a declarative way to define a business rule for a column of a table. 68. select 1,col1,col2 from table1. output? In the above Select statement 1 is constant so it will display with respect to the other columns information Result for ur query: column_heading no_col 1 1 69. Do view contain data? No, View is a logical table associated with a query. It will not store any data in it. Only the query with which the view is created is stored in the database. 70. oracle is compiler or interpretter,can any one tell me the answer? hey priyadharsini u cant call oracle as a data base because oracle is language which is used to perform some action on data's on database...... so u can call oracle as both compiler and interpretter 71. mail-id table contains two columns(email_id,userid) it contains different types of mail-ids,and no of users. here username length is differ na,(extamil@yahoo.com,joshua@hotmail.com like) now i want to fetch the email-ids only starting from '@' (ex-@gmail.com,@yahoo.com,@hotmail.com 1.select email_id,user_id,substr(email_id,instr (email_id,'@'),length(email_id)) from mail_id; 2.select substr(mail_id,1,instr(mail_id,'@')-1) from test_rk_mail just tel me is that wat u exactly want col2_2 name1 name2 col3_3 3000 2000

table -Email email_id joy@yahoo.com waine@gmail.com @gmail.com @yahoo.com user_id joySmith WaineR tr222 huip

if m not wrong in understanding ur question that is u required the 2 records with emailid as @gmail.com and @yahoo.com then u can use the sql statment -with like... select * from email where email_id like '@%'; email_id user_id @gmail.com tr222 @yahoo.com huip 72. What is Highwatermark? High Watermark : It's an indicator or Porinter upto which a Table or Index has ever contained data

High-water mark is an indicator or pointer up to which table or index has ever contain data. Let us illustrate this statement as Suppose we create an empty table , the high-water mark would be at the beginning of the table segment. After inserting data in the table segment , the HWM moves and point the position up to which the data is in the segment. By inserting more data in the table segment, HWM moves further to point the position up to which the data is in the segment. &#61663;------- DATA-----------------&#61664; Un-Used Blocks

Now let us delete the data and see the pointer of HWM DATA &#61663;-------&#61664; Empty Blocks Un-Used Blocks

Full Table Scan

As you seen above by deleting the data , HWM does not move. The main disadvantage of this is that oracle always read the blocks up to high water mark in case of full table scan . You may have ever notice that doing a count(*) on empty table , takes time to show you 0 rows. The reason for delay is setting of HWM at higher position. Now the question arises in front of us , how we set the high-water mark at lower position ? The only way to set the HWM is to truncate a table. Let us see how truncate set the HWM. No data in the segment

HWM is reset now , after truncating data. Table where lots of deletion or insertion takes place , probably has High HWM. If the HWM is high , it is better to rebuild table segment for performance sake. 73. I want to know the difference between A Record Type and a Table? table contains data record type provides data type table is a object where as a recordtype is a user defined datatype . A table can store data from one table at a time where as different variable or column declared with sametype can stores data from multiple table 74. what is julian date in oracle Julian date is the number of days from 01-Jan-4712 BC

75. Write one update command to update seqno field of a table on the basis of row number? You can update the seqno which is having the rownum=1 only. for eg: If you have a table dept in scott user, you can try the following command:update dept set deptno=90

where rownum=1; the above will update the record of the table which having the rownum=1. and if you want to update some other record then you have to make query to make the required record as the first record of the table. 76. What is rule base and cost base optimizer? one is supported in 8i and another in 9i/10g cost base optimizer display the cost attributes of query and it is easier Rule based optimiser will optimise the query based on the rules. Cost based optimiser will optimise the query based on the statistics available for the table. 77. How can analyze query after generating explain plan ? After generating explain plan the out put of the query stored in plan_table.from this table if you finding any table access (full) in output, the query having performance problem. according you can create the index or primary key or unique in proper table.

78.Can anybody please explain me the flow of the below query. This query is for finding the Nth highest salary.. SELECT DISTINCT (a.sal) FROM EMP A WHERE &N = (SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT (b.sal)) FROM EMP B WHERE a.sal<=b.sal); If N = 2 then second highest salary will be the o/p. If N = 3 then third highest salary will be the o/p. and so on.. Detailed answer available on following weblinks ----------------------------------------------1) How does this query work? <http://www.sqlteam.com/article/find-nth-maximum-value-insql-server>

2) How this query works? <http://www.dbapool.com/forumthread/topic_4361.html> The Query above gives the nth highest distinct salary. For explanation let a table emp with sal column like below sal 1200 1300 1500 1200 1250 1700 1250 2000 See DISTINCT word is there in the query So, you have to find the distinct sal first. sal 1200 1300 1500 1250 1700 2000 Now see the condition a.sal<= b.sal This condition compares a.sal and b.sal. The COUNT counts how many times the a.sal is less than or equal to b.sal, and gives this value as the output of sub query. (N.B. comparing to same value means EQUAL SO count is 1). This count is the value of N. So after comparision the value of N for different salaries are like sal N 1200 6 1300 4 1500 3 1250 5 1700 2 2000 1 Now on querying when you give a value of N the corresponding value of salary is selected. Like if you are giving N=2 , then 1700 is displayed.

79.How to find secnd higest salary from table?

select max(sal) from emp where sal not in (select max(sal) from emp ) select max(sal) from emp where sal < (select max(sal) from emp 80. scope of exception handling in plsql? Scope of exception in plsql is handled by Exception Block.. this is depends on the code you had written. suppose u have created one more plsql block inside a plssql block, if the inner block is not handled any exception then the outer block will handle the exception by defining the situation/even like "when others then / when value_error then... etc " Note.. when u r using "when Others then" all the exceptions will handle by this exception.. Even there is no error the plsql will return 0 for this exception that is executed by default in a plsql block. So. be carefull while writting this kind of exception ("When others then") Raising an error in PL/SQL execution block is nothing but "Execption". These are of 2 types. 1.Predefined Exception 2. User defined Exception 81. What is the usage of NVL? NVL function is used to replace the null value by another value The syntax for the NVL function is: NVL( value_in, replace_with ) replace_with is the value that is returned if value_in has a null value.

82. What is pragma exception and how, when, where us Rank Answer Posted By? 1.Pragma Exception is a pre-compiled exception which is particularly used to raise the user defined exceptions along with the ORACLE error code. PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(exception_name, -Oracle_error_number); 2.pragma is compiler directive and pragma exception_init is used to associate user deifined name to error number(within range of 20000-20999). Example

declare salary number; FOUND_NOTHING exception; Pragma exception_init(FOUND_NOTHING ,100); begin select sal in to salaryfrom emp where ename ='ANURAG'; dbms_output.put_line(salary); exception WHEN FOUND_NOTHING THEN dbms_output.put_line(SQLERRM); end;
Q.select to_char(4.40453E+15) from dual; To converting to exponational to number.

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