Who You Are
Who You Are
Who You Are
Read the Attachment first and then Who yuo are. This is information for your discernment and should not be considered conclusionary with one exception. I AM Victor-Robert and I am not born with money. It was shared with us that the words I AM is a key that indicates one is God. I do not know that to be true or not but what I can say is almost every spiritual teacher says the greatest command to the Universe starts with I AM. Those words are said to be very powerful and so it may be identifying yourself starting with I AM is as suggested. I am told that an indivudual contacted a certain aspect of government and was asked 3 times if there was a Miss or Mrs in front of that and the response was the same each time, I AM followed by given names. Twas after she replied that way the third time the call went through.We are told this. The government needs to know that we know who we are before anyone will be allowed to enter the Kingdom, access to the Treasury. It is said as I have shared before that Her Majesty protects the treasury.This is why I say you have to stop acting like children complaining. As Gods you have nothing to complain about I guess is the point and so until one gets it who he is, I mean really gets it, there may not be a way out. I read on a web site that the Executor does not seek peace. That is a load of crap because God is peace. Anyhow you will read in the first attachment that we have begun a process by which we will have our dominion over the earth accepted along with we are not born with money and the trustees, the public servants, are to take care of the payment of money but the focus is not the money but who we are and we are not saying I am this and i am that like many of you do. God set forth in the bible who we are and we do have dominion over the earth because as you should know, only God, the grantor, can take away what was granted just like the Crown may. Enjoy